[tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Guido B

Great plugin and it would fit perfectly into my workflow. Using it on my 
Mac with Safari or Firefox works fine. However, using it on a Windows10 
machine running the Edge browser, I get the following error message: 
"Undefined widget 'commandpalettewidget'". Being not a JS-person, I have no 
idea where this error comes from. 

Another remark: I had to increase the z-index in the css-File to not having 
the palette appear behind the open tiddlers. Maybe you could do this by 


Am Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2020 19:31:24 UTC+2 schrieb Souk21:
> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for 
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t 
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with 
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is 
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full 
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s 
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
> Let me know :)

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Re: [tw5] Re: New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread Florian Kohrt
Thank you!

Yeah, you're right, I added some demos:

Am 10.06.20 um 20:45 schrieb TiddlyTweeter:
> This is seriously interesting ... Most elegant.
> I think you need add some examples in normal tiddlers to show it off
> like like ...
> |
> Thisissome < "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ee/Beet5mov1bars1to5.ogg""Beethoven;>>just
> to //dud-ahhh-da-dahhh//.
> |
> |
> [[GeeshieWiley's|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geeshie_Wiley]]
> < "https://ia801007.us.archive.org/7/items/cd_country-blues-the-essential-disc-1_various-artists-buddy-moss-california-dese/disc2/02.15.%20Geeshie%20Wiley%20-%20Last%20Kind%20Words%20Blues%20-%20Geeshie%20Wiley_sample.mp3;
> "THE LAST KIND WORDS">> is a superb song from the South. Recorded around
> 1930
> |
> Looks like ...
> Annotation 2020-06-10 204237.jpg
> Good stuff!
> Best wishes
> TT
> On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:37:45 UTC+2, fkohrt wrote:
> I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio
> behind text.
> Demo:
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite
> Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite
> It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more
> advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/
> The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and
> inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki
> Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you
> build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it!
> Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not
> that
> much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as
> it's
> my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe...

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[tw5] Re: Automatically applying tags to imported tiddlers

2020-06-10 Thread Michael Wiktowy
Hi Tony,

The ImportHere tiddler here: http://mwiktowy.tiddlyspot.com/#ImportHere 
gives an idea of what I would like to do but I am not sure of the sequence 
of actions that I would need to put in the droppable-import-actions macro 
or in the messages parameter of the $browse button.

The only thing that it works for is internal resources dragged over from 
within the wiki (from the Open or Recent tab or a Title list in a tag 
pill). The idea is to put one of these mechanisms into tiddlers (that might 
be buried in tabs) that would allow me to attach notes and resources to it 
while I import them. A $dropzone nested in a $droppable widget does not do 
it ... although I am not sure that the tiddler-specific $dropzone is even 
working due to the global $dropzone covering the entire wiki.

Any pointer in the right direction would be appreciated.


On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 9:03:52 PM UTC-3, TW Tones wrote:
> Michael,
> I have being playing with the import mechanism of late and may be able to 
> help. Can you share your dropzone tagging so I can test some ideas for you, 
> but the way I would like to develop custom drop zones myself.
> Regards
> Tony
> On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 5:08:37 AM UTC+10, Michael Wiktowy wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I am looking for some guidance. I have figured out how to apply tags to 
>> tiddlers already imported by dragging and dropping them into a <$droppable> 
>> zone. I am not sure how to tie into the Import system to apply these tags 
>> while a file is being imported and made into a tiddler.
>> I am interested in adding a tm-add-tag message into the flow in both a 
>> drag-and-drop import into a specific <$droppable> zone as well as an import 
>> initiated by the <$browse> widget.
>> Can someone point me to an example as I don't know how to get the tiddler 
>> titles from a resulting import or trigger an action while they are being 
>> processed?
>> /Mike

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[tw5] Re: TiddlyWiki toolmap in the welcome tiddler

2020-06-10 Thread TonyM
I second, or third the addition of a link to the toolmap in the welcome 


On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 12:08:43 AM UTC+10, David Gifford wrote:
> I like the new top post welcoming new people. 
> I wonder if the toolmap should be there so people can see the wide variety 
> of plugins that this community has developed. 
> https://dynalist.io/d/zUP-nIWu2FFoXH-oM7L7d9DM

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[tw5] Re: Shiraz Plugin 2.0.15: Dynamic Tables with Task Manager Example and Numerical Summary

2020-06-10 Thread Damon Pritchett
Hello Mohammad,

I have a dynamic tables question. I have my dynamic tables call from within 
a list widget so that only tiddlers with a certain tag will populate the 
table. One of my columns is tags because I want to see what other tags are 
being used for each of the tiddlers. Is it possible to remove the tag I'm 
filtering on from the dynamic table? I suspect that it's not without 
modifying the macro, but wanted to ask the question just in case I'm 
missing something.



On Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 2:28:31 PM UTC-7, Mohammad wrote:
> *Announcement:Shiraz plugin*
> *Date: Feb 7th, 2020*
> *Release: 2.0.15 beta*
> *Status: beta under development*
> A new beta update is available.
> This update contains tons of new features and improved documentation. The 
> focus is now on dynamics tables.
> Dynamic tables in Shiraz is a subset lite version of Revolutionary plugin 
> TiddlyTables by Alaan Aldrich. So all kudos goes to Alaan.
> This version has an example of creating task manager using table-fd which 
> demonstrate how powerful are dynamic tables in Shiraz!
> All of these are based the wonderful transclusion in Tiddlywiki.
> As always I welcome all your feedback and comments and hope your 
> evaluation help improving the Shiraz plugin!
>  Those who update from Shiraz 2 beta note that, the table-fd, table-id 
> parameters are renamed for better compatibility with other part of Shiraz 
> plugin.
> A tutorial of latest changes has been attached!
> Demo: https://kookma.github.io/Shiraz/
> Code: https://github.com/kookma/Shiraz
> Star it if you like it and send your feedback!
> Documentation proof reading for English is welcome!
> A permview 
> to
> see the latest changes (like tutorial)
> Best wishes
> Mohammad
> Revision 2.0.15
>- Date: [6th Feb 2020]
>- [NEW] the table-fd supports special column template tbl-checkbox
>- [NEW] the table-fd supports column templates priority, status, 
>- [NEW] task manager example using table-fd
>- [NEW] documentation for numerical summary in dynamic tables
>- [FIXED] dynamic tables parameters are simplified like tblCaption to 
>caption, tblClass to class, tblFooter to footerRows
>- Warning: New update is not compatible with dynamic tables from older 
>release. Use tiddler commander to resolve the issue after update.
> Revision 2.0.14
>- Date: [31st Jan 2020]
>- [NEW] table footer to be used for any type of summary
>- [NEW] mathematics macros to claculate the below values for a column
>   - count
>   - minall
>   - maxall
>   - sum
>   - product
>   - mean (arithematic average)
>   - median

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[tw5] Re: Static tiddler build: use dashes in filenames

2020-06-10 Thread TonyM

There may be a hack already but be aware the next release has a slugify 
operator and more for this very kind of example. The trick is making sure 
this process does not give rise to duplicates.


On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 6:42:27 AM UTC+10, Brandon Philips wrote:
> The default `tiddlywiki build --static` outputs filenames with title 
> spaces url encoded to %20. Is there anyway to change the behavior to 
> replace spaces with dashes instead of %20?
> Thanks!
> Brandon

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[tw5] Re: Monowikis vs. Microwikis

2020-06-10 Thread TonyM

Whilst combining wikis has its value, and it takes some time to reach 
limits, if you do so carefully they can be easy to pull apart later.  

If you have a way to logically keep two wikis separate make use of this 
fact and keep it separate, there are plenty of integration options while 
keeping them separate. Tiddlywikis work well as smart documents as well.

I have a large consolidated personal organiser but I am now starting to 
move projects or clients out to their own wiki because I can customise and 
grow them further without overlapping the functionality of the key wiki, 
however I keep project metadata in the key wkii to drive regular reviews 
and project level time frames, but the project wiki has all the detail. 
Having a wiki edition for say project makes creating a new project easier.

In my tiddlywiki development suite I have dozens if not hundreds of wikis, 
usually created to some "end" in particular, or subject, once the activity 
comes to a close the essence is extracted and packaged and the original 
wiki archived. I then place the result in a consolidated wiki.


   - Jeds bob wiki has a number of integrations will all its child wikis, 
   whilst I place dev wikis under it, one consolidates resources which I drag 
   to the wiki in use, eg images, icons. 
   - another has all the plugins I come across, another my business plan, 
   another social media content in writing
   - Mohammad's indexing solution .https://kookma.github.io/TW-Searchwikis/ 
   is a great advance for integration, even fo0r single file wikis, you can 
   include locally searchable content that comes from another wiki, with links 
   to that content.
   - TiddlyWikis versatility allows numerous integrations and interactions 
   at a designer and user perspective you can make almost anything as an 
  - Eg you can drag and drop between one wiki and another in an iframe 
  in the current wiki.

On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 6:18:39 AM UTC+10, Michael McDermott wrote:
> I'm sure this has come up before, but what are the downsides to keeping 
> one large wiki vs. several smaller ones? I mostly use mine as a sort of 
> commonplace book and have two wikis, one that is related to work (technical 
> stuff + project notes) and the other that is everything else of interest. 
> I've been considering merging them together and the couldn't really think 
> of a reason not to. 

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[tw5] Re: Monowikis vs. Microwikis

2020-06-10 Thread Damon Pritchett
I use what you call a monowiki that is approximately 10MB in size with 
thousands of tiddlers. As TiddlyTweeter mentioned, extensive use of tags 
can slow things down. I use tags only as little as possible. I use fields 
for everything else. I also don't embed any images (or very, very few) in 
my wiki. I use external links instead.

Hope this helps.


On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 1:18:39 PM UTC-7, Michael McDermott wrote:
> I'm sure this has come up before, but what are the downsides to keeping 
> one large wiki vs. several smaller ones? I mostly use mine as a sort of 
> commonplace book and have two wikis, one that is related to work (technical 
> stuff + project notes) and the other that is everything else of interest. 
> I've been considering merging them together and the couldn't really think 
> of a reason not to. 

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[tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread TonyM

Thanks so much for sharing this. I think it is superb, the more hack-able 
you can keep it the better as I can see many potential applications, why 
build them all yourself when others will do it for you?

The idea is to permit extensibility while keeping it as close to standard 
tiddlywiki features as possible, the tool could then make substantial 
contributions to many existing and future solutions.

A Wonderful discovery I just made, is any drag-able link can be dropped 
into your, and the standard search field, saving typing when the content is 
available. Copy paste is the same (of course) emphasising the value of 
being able to copy results to the clipboard.

Some ideas, please don't be overwhelmed, just inspired,

   - Done the right way the community can build a library of "commands" 
   that are practical for any user, and or designer and we can share them 
   saving development time. Can we make it respond to existing methods?
   - I see value in more than one operating mode, a limited set of commands 
   for one user/wiki mode, more for another, just to keep it simple and 
   controlled, and not too big a list when not needed.
   - It would be nice to find alternatives for most node js tiddlywiki 
   commands (where relevant)
   - It would be nice, on generating a list from a search, or filter, to be 
   able to copy the title, the list of tiddlers or the content of a tiddler to 
   the clipboard so we can rapidly acquire content from elsewhere in the wiki. 
   Helping users, authors, coders, designers.
   - Being able to write commands that interact with the server such as bob 
   would be nice. Using a server message.
   - How can we deal with passing other parameters?
   - Could we get this to past the resulting "command" into edited text 
   fields for quick coding from stored patterns. Perhaps even a separate but 
   similar tool
   - On TiddlyDesktop the actions and links can actually open file 
   explorers, apps and run batches, interacting with the local OS, so there is 
   great potential for desktop management tools or text based search and 
   execute. Work flow tools that help actually do the work.
   - The problem with actions in tiddlywiki is they always need a trigger, 
   if the act of searching for that action in the first place, also provides 
   the trigger to its execution you have really improved the interface, big 
   - Perhaps it is already possible but I would love to be able to type say 
   showcode and clicking the result would set a tag, field or config tiddler 
   to yes for a given tiddler (currentTiddler) we have methods to identify the 
   current tiddler navigated from. 

In a related project of mine, I have created a tool called "search 
indicators", which monitors the standard temp search field and presents a 
set of icons depending on the content, specifically the prefix, a little 
like your tool, I mention this because they could exchange features. I am 
yet to fully understand your features, but here is a list of the current 
methods under development. You can see how it is quite similar. Think the 
idea of the appearance of buttons and or keystrokes according to conditions 
may help keep your solution from looking too complex. I think you have some 
of these covered.

   - Detect filters with a leading [
   - Detect system tiddlers with a leading $
   - Detect macros or variables with a leading << optionally show its value.
   - Detect html with a leading < only
   - Detect and search for hash tags in text with a leading #
   - Detect if the string is the prefix for other tiddlers
   - Detect if the string is the suffix for other tiddlers
   - Detect if the string is the title of an existing tiddler, eg system 
   tiddler even if the standard results exclude system tiddlers
   - If the tiddler title exists, offer open, edit, open in new window 
   - Detect if the string is found in a keywords field
   - Search a specific field in system tiddlers eg system-caption so system 
   tiddlers otherwise not included in non system tiddlers can be found eg tag 
   manager mat link to 

In each of these cases action buttons appear, for example if the string 
provided is a prefix for more than one tiddler then a button allowing you 
to search again with the string as the prefix is made available.

I really appreciate you sharing this with us all.

Great work.

On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 3:31:24 AM UTC+10, Souk21 wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for 
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t 
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with 
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any 

[tw5] Re: How to import .xlsx file on my hosting when Tiddlywiki start?

2020-06-10 Thread TonyM

There are built in startup actions, and a plugin from someone else (for 
more functional startup actions), that can trigger any process but I think 
the dialogue will still appear.

What I am curious about is do you plan to load this for every user who 
loads the wiki, or only you responsible for publishing/saving? THis seems 
like a performance impact.

A Quick workaround could be to make a virtue of it and have a startup modal 
as if you want to refresh the data or not. You could also ties this to user 
ID, so when you load it and you were the last user I will only display the 
modal then.

I would think there may be occasions on which you would like to load the 
wiki and not import.


On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 4:29:22 AM UTC+10, Siniy-Kit wrote:
> Hi! I use .xlsx plugin to import Excel tables, and it works very well.  I 
> want to serve my dataBase.xlsx file on my hosting. And when my Tiddlywiki  
> page opens, it must automatically import all data from this table without 
> clicking buttons and import dialog.
> Is it possible to write macros for automatic file import on start? 

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[tw5] Re: Automatically applying tags to imported tiddlers

2020-06-10 Thread TonyM

I have being playing with the import mechanism of late and may be able to 
help. Can you share your dropzone tagging so I can test some ideas for you, 
but the way I would like to develop custom drop zones myself.


On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 5:08:37 AM UTC+10, Michael Wiktowy wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am looking for some guidance. I have figured out how to apply tags to 
> tiddlers already imported by dragging and dropping them into a <$droppable> 
> zone. I am not sure how to tie into the Import system to apply these tags 
> while a file is being imported and made into a tiddler.
> I am interested in adding a tm-add-tag message into the flow in both a 
> drag-and-drop import into a specific <$droppable> zone as well as an import 
> initiated by the <$browse> widget.
> Can someone point me to an example as I don't know how to get the tiddler 
> titles from a resulting import or trigger an action while they are being 
> processed?
> /Mike

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[tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread David Gifford
Yeah I got all excited about it being something for color palettes. I agree 
the name needs changing.

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:53:43 PM UTC-5, TiddlyTweeter wrote:
> Looks very interesting!
> TBH, I don't think the name is right as "Palette" in TW has been used so 
> far for COLOR. 
> TW has a sophisticated system for color palette manipulation.
> TBH, on First look I thought that was what it was about! :-) and got 
> confused.
> Now I better see what it is! Very interesting indeed.
> *Could you name it a different way?*
> TT
> On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:31:24 UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it 
>> for note taking.
>> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
>> software.
>> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
>> only.
>> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you 
>> can’t navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the 
>> dropdown with escape.
>> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
>> for me.
>> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
>> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
>> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
>> the tw settings
>> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
>> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
>> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
>> search) from a list of commands.
>> You can access help if you type '?'
>> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
>> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
>> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code 
>> is a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
>> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
>> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
>> expects plugins to.
>> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
>> storing state inside of it in the way.
>> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
>> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
>> So yeah, really not the tw way.
>> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
>> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
>> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
>> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler 
>> full of ideas)
>> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if 
>> there’s any interest in such a plugin.
>> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
>> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
>> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
>> doc yet.
>> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
>> Let me know :)

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[tw5] Re: New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread David Gifford
Added to the Toolmap under the media section!

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 12:37:45 PM UTC-5, fkohrt wrote:
> I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio behind 
> text. 
> Demo: 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite 
> Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite 
> It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more 
> advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/ 
> The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and 
> inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki 
> Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you 
> build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it! 
> Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not that 
> much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as it's 
> my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe... 

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[tw5] Re: New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread TonyM


Thanks for sharing this to the community. It does take audio closer to the 
way tiddlywiki works and makes me wonder how we may make tiddlers that 
represent audio similarly to images, even external images. 
The idea of audio to illustrate the text is also great adding a further 

Quite timely for me as a friend is producing audio for sales to pod casters

Thank you
On Thursday, June 11, 2020 at 3:37:45 AM UTC+10, fkohrt wrote:
> I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio behind 
> text. 
> Demo: 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite 
> Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite 
> It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more 
> advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/ 
> The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and 
> inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki 
> Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you 
> build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it! 
> Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not that 
> much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as it's 
> my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe... 

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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Hi Saq, 

Finally I found the time to try this promising tool, thanks for making this!


   - Roadmap: Do you intend to move keyboard shortcuts to the existing tab 
   "Keyboard Shortcuts" in the Control Panel? That’s where I would like to 
   find them and where multiple shortcuts per command are configurable.
   - HTML structure: As the result looks like a list, I would have expected 
   a nested  structure – that would have the advantage that you can 
   copy paste to e.g. Word and keep the structure.

Just a first impression, I might try again later.

Cheers and good night,

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Re: [tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread TiddlyTweeter

> @TiddlyTweeter I'm not too attached to this name. If it's confusing and 
> there's better ideas I'm definitely up to change it.

*Command Picker?* That seems to fit okay? Stress on activity of picking a 
command to *do *something. 

Its a neat tool, bringing together common actions in a simple interface.

Best wishes


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Re: [tw5] Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Mohammad Rahmani
Thanks Souk21!

I confirm the issue has been resolved now!

I am sure this plugin will get alot of attention! So hackability,
customization are recommended!
Keep it simple for use! I love it!


On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 1:04 AM Souk21  wrote:

> @Mohammad Woops! Thank you for the bug report, it's fixed now! You can try
> it on the demo page :)
> Le mercredi 10 juin 2020 21:41:19 UTC+2, Mohammad a écrit :
>> A small Bug
>> 1. ctrl+p
>> 2. type Nella  (or anything you are sure does not exist in the wiki)
>> 3. press enter
>> The red error window appears
>> Best wishes
>> Mohammad
>> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 10:01 PM Souk21  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it
>>> for note taking.
>>> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of
>>> software.
>>> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the
>>> keyboard only.
>>> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you
>>> can’t navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the
>>> dropdown with escape.
>>> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked
>>> for me.
>>> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
>>> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
>>> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from
>>> the tw settings
>>> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search
>>> tags, list all tiddlers with a tag,...
>>> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or
>>> search) from a list of commands.
>>> You can access help if you type '?'
>>> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but
>>> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
>>> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code
>>> is a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you
>>> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
>>> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw
>>> expects plugins to.
>>> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM
>>> itself, storing state inside of it in the way.
>>> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using
>>> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
>>> So yeah, really not the tw way.
>>> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter
>>> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
>>> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
>>> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler
>>> full of ideas)
>>> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if
>>> there’s any interest in such a plugin.
>>> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are
>>> supposed to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
>>> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write
>>> any doc yet.
>>> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
>>> Let me know :)
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "TiddlyWiki" group.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
>>> an email to tiddl...@googlegroups.com.
>>> To view this discussion on the web visit
>>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/558ff87a-a6f6-47a9-b0e5-4d0b2714569bo%40googlegroups.com
>>> .
>> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/98ff8a7e-1602-486a-b1ba-038df8521f05o%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[tw5] Static tiddler build: use dashes in filenames

2020-06-10 Thread Brandon Philips
The default `tiddlywiki build --static` outputs filenames with title spaces
url encoded to %20. Is there anyway to change the behavior to replace
spaces with dashes instead of %20?



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Re: [tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Souk21
@Mohammad Didn't think about filter history, thanks! Added to the list :)

@TiddlyTweeter I'm not too attached to this name. If it's confusing and 
there's better ideas I'm definitely up to change it.

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Re: [tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread TiddlyTweeter
I agree, its actually a neat term in context of Visual Studio.

But it will cause confusion in TW because of our use of color palettes. 
It sounds like its a Commander FOR color palettes; rather than a palette OF 

Best wishes

On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 22:23:19 UTC+2, Mohammad wrote:
> TT, Command Palette was taken from Visual Studio Code!
> See it here: 
> https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/userinterface#:~:text=Command%20Palette,brings%20up%20the%20Command%20Palette.
> Best wishes
> Mohammad
> On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 12:23 AM TiddlyTweeter  > wrote:
>> Looks very interesting!
>> TBH, I don't think the name is right as "Palette" in TW has been used so 
>> far for COLOR. 
>> TW has a sophisticated system for color palette manipulation.
>> TBH, on First look I thought that was what it was about! :-) and got 
>> confused.
>> Now I better see what it is! Very interesting indeed.
>> *Could you name it a different way?*
>> TT
>> On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:31:24 UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it 
>>> for note taking.
>>> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
>>> software.
>>> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the 
>>> keyboard only.
>>> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you 
>>> can’t navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the 
>>> dropdown with escape.
>>> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
>>> for me.
>>> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
>>> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
>>> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
>>> the tw settings
>>> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search 
>>> tags, list all tiddlers with a tag,...
>>> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
>>> search) from a list of commands.
>>> You can access help if you type '?'
>>> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
>>> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
>>> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code 
>>> is a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
>>> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
>>> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
>>> expects plugins to.
>>> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM 
>>> itself, storing state inside of it in the way.
>>> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
>>> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
>>> So yeah, really not the tw way.
>>> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
>>> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
>>> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
>>> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler 
>>> full of ideas)
>>> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if 
>>> there’s any interest in such a plugin.
>>> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are 
>>> supposed to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
>>> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write 
>>> any doc yet.
>>> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
>>> Let me know :)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "TiddlyWiki" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to tiddl...@googlegroups.com .
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/dbcbe315-adf0-45b8-9db7-1bb660f7bc38o%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [tw5] Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Souk21
@Mohammad Woops! Thank you for the bug report, it's fixed now! You can try 
it on the demo page :)

Le mercredi 10 juin 2020 21:41:19 UTC+2, Mohammad a écrit :
> A small Bug
> 1. ctrl+p
> 2. type Nella  (or anything you are sure does not exist in the wiki)
> 3. press enter
> The red error window appears
> Best wishes
> Mohammad
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 10:01 PM Souk21 > 
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it 
>> for note taking.
>> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
>> software.
>> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
>> only.
>> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you 
>> can’t navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the 
>> dropdown with escape.
>> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
>> for me.
>> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
>> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
>> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
>> the tw settings
>> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
>> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
>> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
>> search) from a list of commands.
>> You can access help if you type '?'
>> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
>> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
>> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code 
>> is a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
>> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
>> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
>> expects plugins to.
>> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
>> storing state inside of it in the way.
>> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
>> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
>> So yeah, really not the tw way.
>> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
>> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
>> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
>> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler 
>> full of ideas)
>> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if 
>> there’s any interest in such a plugin.
>> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
>> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
>> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
>> doc yet.
>> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
>> Let me know :)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "TiddlyWiki" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to tiddl...@googlegroups.com .
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/558ff87a-a6f6-47a9-b0e5-4d0b2714569bo%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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[tw5] Re: Monowikis vs. Microwikis

2020-06-10 Thread TiddlyTweeter
Try it and see. If you know what you imported you can always delete it.

TW scales pretty well. A known issue on performance hit is if you use tags 
extensively (like tagging hundreds upon hundreds) and use tag tiddlers that 
have populated list fields to order those tagged Tiddlers.

FWIW  I often combine wiki, just make share I use a consistent Tiddler 
naming system so I can easily identify what to export if things got slow. 
Rarely happened to me.


On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 22:18:39 UTC+2, Michael McDermott wrote:
> I'm sure this has come up before, but what are the downsides to keeping 
> one large wiki vs. several smaller ones? I mostly use mine as a sort of 
> commonplace book and have two wikis, one that is related to work (technical 
> stuff + project notes) and the other that is everything else of interest. 
> I've been considering merging them together and the couldn't really think 
> of a reason not to. 

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Re: [tw5] Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Mohammad Rahmani
One more comment
The history only shows tiddlers not searched filter like [tag[HelloThere]]

Best wishes

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 10:01 PM Souk21  wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags,
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself,
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
> Let me know :)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/558ff87a-a6f6-47a9-b0e5-4d0b2714569bo%40googlegroups.com
> .

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To view this discussion on the web visit 

Re: [tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Mohammad Rahmani
TT, Command Palette was taken from Visual Studio Code!
See it here:

Best wishes

On Thu, Jun 11, 2020 at 12:23 AM TiddlyTweeter 

> Looks very interesting!
> TBH, I don't think the name is right as "Palette" in TW has been used so
> far for COLOR.
> TW has a sophisticated system for color palette manipulation.
> TBH, on First look I thought that was what it was about! :-) and got
> confused.
> Now I better see what it is! Very interesting indeed.
> *Could you name it a different way?*
> TT
> On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:31:24 UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it
>> for note taking.
>> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of
>> software.
>> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard
>> only.
>> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you
>> can’t navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the
>> dropdown with escape.
>> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked
>> for me.
>> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
>> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
>> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from
>> the tw settings
>> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags,
>> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
>> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or
>> search) from a list of commands.
>> You can access help if you type '?'
>> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but
>> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
>> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code
>> is a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you
>> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
>> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw
>> expects plugins to.
>> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself,
>> storing state inside of it in the way.
>> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using
>> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
>> So yeah, really not the tw way.
>> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter
>> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
>> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
>> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler
>> full of ideas)
>> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if
>> there’s any interest in such a plugin.
>> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed
>> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
>> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any
>> doc yet.
>> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
>> Let me know :)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/dbcbe315-adf0-45b8-9db7-1bb660f7bc38o%40googlegroups.com
> .

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"TiddlyWiki" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[tw5] Monowikis vs. Microwikis

2020-06-10 Thread Michael McDermott
I'm sure this has come up before, but what are the downsides to keeping one 
large wiki vs. several smaller ones? I mostly use mine as a sort of 
commonplace book and have two wikis, one that is related to work (technical 
stuff + project notes) and the other that is everything else of interest. 
I've been considering merging them together and the couldn't really think 
of a reason not to. 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"TiddlyWiki" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email 
to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread TiddlyTweeter
Looks very interesting!

TBH, I don't think the name is right as "Palette" in TW has been used so 
far for COLOR. 
TW has a sophisticated system for color palette manipulation.

TBH, on First look I thought that was what it was about! :-) and got 

Now I better see what it is! Very interesting indeed.

*Could you name it a different way?*


On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:31:24 UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for 
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t 
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with 
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is 
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full 
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s 
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
> Let me know :)

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Re: [tw5] Re: New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread Florian
What happens is that inside the JavaScript code [1] the terms
`PopcornClip` and `SoundCloudClip` are turned into HTML links:

`new soundcite.PopcornClip(el);` becomes `new soundcite.PopcornClip(el);`


`new soundcite.SoundCloudClip(el);` becomes `new soundcite.SoundCloudClip(el);`


Am 10.06.20 um 21:34 schrieb TiddlyTweeter:
> Regarding CamelCase, is it blocking it? What is the issue?
> On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:37:45 UTC+2, fkohrt wrote:
> I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio
> behind text.
> Demo:
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite
> Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite
> It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more
> advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/
> The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and
> inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki
> Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you
> build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it!
> Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not
> that
> much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as
> it's
> my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe...

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"TiddlyWiki" group.
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to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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Re: [tw5] Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Mohammad Rahmani
A small Bug

1. ctrl+p
2. type Nella  (or anything you are sure does not exist in the wiki)
3. press enter

The red error window appears

Best wishes

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 10:01 PM Souk21  wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags,
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself,
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
> Let me know :)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/558ff87a-a6f6-47a9-b0e5-4d0b2714569bo%40googlegroups.com
> .

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to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[tw5] Re: New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread TiddlyTweeter
Regarding CamelCase, is it blocking it? What is the issue?

On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:37:45 UTC+2, fkohrt wrote:
> I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio behind 
> text. 
> Demo: 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite 
> Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite 
> It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more 
> advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/ 
> The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and 
> inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki 
> Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you 
> build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it! 
> Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not that 
> much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as it's 
> my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe... 

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"TiddlyWiki" group.
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to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit 

[tw5] Re: New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread TiddlyTweeter
I did some testing with larger MP3s at archive.org 


Tx, TT

On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:37:45 UTC+2, fkohrt wrote:
> I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio behind 
> text. 
> Demo: 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite 
> Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite 
> It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more 
> advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/ 
> The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and 
> inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki 
> Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you 
> build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it! 
> Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not that 
> much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as it's 
> my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe... 

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"TiddlyWiki" group.
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to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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[tw5] Re: right-align edit-text

2020-06-10 Thread Sjaak Adriaanse
Many thanks Eric! You taught me three TW tricks in one post!


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[tw5] Automatically applying tags to imported tiddlers

2020-06-10 Thread Michael Wiktowy
I am looking for some guidance. I have figured out how to apply tags to 
tiddlers already imported by dragging and dropping them into a <$droppable> 
zone. I am not sure how to tie into the Import system to apply these tags 
while a file is being imported and made into a tiddler.

I am interested in adding a tm-add-tag message into the flow in both a 
drag-and-drop import into a specific <$droppable> zone as well as an import 
initiated by the <$browse> widget.

Can someone point me to an example as I don't know how to get the tiddler 
titles from a resulting import or trigger an action while they are being 


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Re: [tw5] Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Mohammad Rahmani
Hi souk21,
This is really interesting! Thank you for sharing!
I just tried and found it very powerful!

Best wishes

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 10:01 PM Souk21  wrote:

> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags,
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself,
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
> Let me know :)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
> email to tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/558ff87a-a6f6-47a9-b0e5-4d0b2714569bo%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[tw5] Re: New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread TiddlyTweeter
This is seriously interesting ... Most elegant.

I think you need add some examples in normal tiddlers to show it off like 
like ...

This is some > just to //dud-ahhh-da-dahhh//.

[[Geeshie Wiley's|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geeshie_Wiley]] > is a superb song from the South. Recorded around 

Looks like ...

[image: Annotation 2020-06-10 204237.jpg]

Good stuff!

Best wishes

On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 19:37:45 UTC+2, fkohrt wrote:
> I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio behind 
> text. 
> Demo: 
> https://fkohrt.gitlab.io/tw5-soundcite/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffk%2Fsoundcite 
> Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite 
> It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more 
> advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/ 
> The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and 
> inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki 
> Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you 
> build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it! 
> Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not that 
> much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as it's 
> my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe... 

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[tw5] How to import .xlsx file on my hosting when Tiddlywiki start?

2020-06-10 Thread Siniy-Kit
Hi! I use .xlsx plugin to import Excel tables, and it works very well.  I 
want to serve my dataBase.xlsx file on my hosting. And when my Tiddlywiki  
page opens, it must automatically import all data from this table without 
clicking buttons and import dialog.
Is it possible to write macros for automatic file import on start? 

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[tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Souk21
Thank you!
For custom commands you can have a look at tiddlers tagged 
$:/tags/CommandPaletteCommand (you can type 
'@$:/tags/CommandPaletteCommand' in the command palette to list them)
There's five types:
- prompt: use tiddler's text as a command in the command palette
- prompt-basic: same but doesn't show the text of the command
- actionString: execute the text of the tiddler as tiddlywiki/text
- message: used for 'tm-' messages
- history: chose a tiddler and use it as a parameter for a 'tm-' message

I'd really like to extend that to allow more flexibility in customization.
What kind of commands would you like to add?

BTW, if you create one, you can refresh the palette with '>Refresh command 

About showing and hiding commands, it's a nice idea, I'm gonna add it to 
the list :)

Thanks again

Le mercredi 10 juin 2020 19:52:49 UTC+2, Saq Imtiaz a écrit :
> OK played with it for a few minutes and so far I love it. 
> It is a souped up version of a search solution I use in one of my wikis.
> Would love to be able to:
> - add custom commands
> - choose which commands to show and which to hide
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 7:31:24 PM UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
>> Hello everyone!
>> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it 
>> for note taking.
>> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
>> software.
>> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
>> only.
>> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you 
>> can’t navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the 
>> dropdown with escape.
>> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
>> for me.
>> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
>> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
>> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
>> the tw settings
>> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
>> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
>> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
>> search) from a list of commands.
>> You can access help if you type '?'
>> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
>> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
>> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code 
>> is a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
>> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
>> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
>> expects plugins to.
>> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
>> storing state inside of it in the way.
>> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
>> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
>> So yeah, really not the tw way.
>> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
>> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
>> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
>> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler 
>> full of ideas)
>> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if 
>> there’s any interest in such a plugin.
>> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
>> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
>> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
>> doc yet.
>> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
>> Let me know :)

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Re: [tw5] Re: TiddlyWiki toolmap in the welcome tiddler

2020-06-10 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Yes. If you have the toolmap, you can reach most everything else. It should 
be on the list, since it's more up-to-date than much of the info at 

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 7:38:27 AM UTC-7, David Gifford wrote:
> Plugins from all of those sites are in the toolmap. So adding those other 
> sites would be duplication somewhat.
> On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 9:31 AM Ste Wilson  wrote:
>> I think that, Mohamed's, Matt's, Marios, Marks and Beer's, Yours, TT and 
>> Tony...The Book  (haven't heard from them here for a while...) 
>> though...that is getting a little cluttered (once I got started the names 
>> just kept arriving!).  Perhaps they could be the top of your list Dave to 
>> keep things more streamlined here? 
>> On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 15:08:43 UTC+1, David Gifford wrote:
>>> I like the new top post welcoming new people. 
>>> I wonder if the toolmap should be there so people can see the wide 
>>> variety of plugins that this community has developed. 
>>> https://dynalist.io/d/zUP-nIWu2FFoXH-oM7L7d9DM
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the 
>> Google Groups "TiddlyWiki" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/CxPOoJNO7ys/unsubscribe.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to 
>> tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> To view this discussion on the web visit 
>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/e35d1fa3-5085-445a-93d8-2696c759e4bfo%40googlegroups.com
>> .

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Re: [tw5] TiddlyWiki github repo has 4913 stars but it should show 5000+ stars!!

2020-06-10 Thread PMario

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 7:01:09 PM UTC+2, Mohammad wrote:
> TW stars now is: 4959  

Because of the nice number and the half way through ;) ... Started ... 

have fun!

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Re: [tw5] Re: Stroll thread, June-July 2020

2020-06-10 Thread David Gifford
Hi Ludwa6

You have three options:

1. Stop wikiwords from being links. In the control panel (open it with the
gear icon button in the sidebar, not the gear tab), go to the settings tab,
and uncheck the first checkbox. That is not a Stroll thing. tiddlywiki.com
has it set that way, too. I left as many things like that as they are with
an out of the box TiddlyWiki, even though I myself don't like feature.

2. Stop links from automatically being created. Delete the tiddler
$:/.giffmex/ui/EditTemplate. It is a tweak I made so that when closing a
tiddler, all missing links get converted to tiddlers. I did this because
Roam automatically creates new pages from links, and Stroll is trying to
approximate what Roam does.

3. Use the whitelist plugin; http://skplugins.tiddlyspot.com/. I think I
had that in TiddlyBlink and left it out of Stroll. It does the behavior you

Have fun!

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 11:21 AM ludwa6  wrote:

> 3 days into my experience with Stroll, and i am *loving* the enhancements
> to TW5 experience -Backlinks and Renaming automation (to maintain
> integrity) especially- but there is one little aspect of my pre-Stroll
> experience that i'm really missing, and that is the ability to write a
> WikiWord without having that automatically create a new tiddler.
> For me, the WikiWord has been for me in BS (Before Stroll :-) time my
> quick shorthand for a term that deserves its own tiddler, whenever i get
> around to writing it;  in the meantime, it shows up in blue (like a regular
> link) only with italic formatting added.
> Now since adopting Stroll, i have quickly ended up with a bunch of
> tiddlers that have no content.  The advantage of this is that these
> wannabe-tiddlers are not just a link buried on some tiddler somewhere; they
> show up in the "Recent' tag, so i can easily retrieve them, IF i'm diligent
> before close of each session to retrieve & write something on them (big IF
> there :-).  What can easily happen -especially if i dash off a fair crop of
> new tiddlers- these TBD tiddlers are effectively buried, until i stumble
> across them while Strolling somewhere else.
> What i'd *really* like is if at the first invocation of a particular
> WikiWord that has no corresponding tiddler, that would trigger the adding
> of it to a list that resides someplace reserved for this particular
> purpose.  If it is to be a new tiddler, then perhaps that could be tagged
> as a "Draft" or a "Stub" or some such... Something that would get
> filtered-out of the "Recent" list, but rather add it to a special list
> reserved for this special case.
> Dunno if that's a UseCase of relevance to anyone else;  wish i had the
> scripting savvy to be sharing a patch instead of an idea, but alas...
> That's all i got, for now.
> Anyhoo Dave: thanks again for the super upgrade!
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
> Google Groups "TiddlyWiki" group.
> To unsubscribe from this topic, visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/gTxb029Sd1w/unsubscribe.
> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
> tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/440b6ec5-761f-426b-8684-301e3f2ecfd3o%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Saq Imtiaz
OK played with it for a few minutes and so far I love it. 

It is a souped up version of a search solution I use in one of my wikis.

Would love to be able to:
- add custom commands
- choose which commands to show and which to hide

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 7:31:24 PM UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for 
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t 
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with 
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is 
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full 
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s 
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
> Let me know :)

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[tw5] Re: Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Saq Imtiaz
@Souk21 welcome to the group and thank you for sharing!

I will take a detailed look later and will provide feedback, I too prefer 
keyboard based solutions later.
On the technical side if you have specific questions, feel free to post a 
State in TW plugins is managed via tiddlers, usually $:/state/* tiddlers

Note that there is a pull request that will hopefully be merged for the 
next version of TW, that adds keyboard support to the search field and the 
tag picker. Might be some useful code and patterns to look at and learn 
from there.


Demo: http://tag-picker-kb.tiddlyspot.com/


On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 7:31:24 PM UTC+2, Souk21 wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for 
> note taking.
> I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
> software.
> The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 
> only.
> There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t 
> navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with 
> escape.
> I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked 
> for me.
> So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
> I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
> By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
> the tw settings
> You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
> list all tiddlers with a tag,...
> If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or 
> search) from a list of commands.
> You can access help if you type '?'
> I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
> it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
> It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is 
> a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
> shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!
> I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
> expects plugins to.
> The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
> storing state inside of it in the way.
> I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
> $:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
> So yeah, really not the tw way.
> There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
> operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors
> Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.
> I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full 
> of ideas)
> I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s 
> any interest in such a plugin.
> If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
> to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.
> Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
> doc yet.
> You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/
> Let me know :)

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[tw5] New SoundCite plugin created

2020-06-10 Thread Florian Kohrt
I've assembled a small plugin that allows to embed inline audio behind text.

Code: https://gitlab.com/fkohrt/tw5-soundcite

It uses the SoundCite library, the official website has a few more
advanced examples: http://soundcite.knightlab.com/

The implementation is rather dirty, making use of RawMarkup tags and
inline JavaScript and also doesn't work together with Camel Case Wiki
Links enabled. Still, there might be some nice use cases, so if you
build something cool with it, I'd be happy to see it!

Feel free to use, share and contribute, the "code" (it's really not that
much) is MIT licensed. And helpful feedback is also appreciated, as it's
my first contribution to the TiddlyWiki universe...

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[tw5] Plugin prototype: Command Palette

2020-06-10 Thread Souk21

Hello everyone!

I discovered TiddlyWiki a couple weeks ago, and I set myself to use it for 
note taking.
I really enjoy the trip so far, it really is a interesting piece of 
The only thing missing for me is a proper way to search with the keyboard 

There’s a shortcut to focus the search field, but unfortunately, you can’t 
navigate the results with the arrows, and you can’t close the dropdown with 

I looked around for a plugin, but I wasn’t able to find any that worked for 
So, in a tiddlywiki mindset, I decided to try and make my own.
I took a lot of inspiration from VSCode command palette.
By default you open it with Ctrl+P, but you can change the shortcut from 
the tw settings
You can search tiddlers by text or with a filter expression, search tags, 
list all tiddlers with a tag,...
If you type ‘>’ you enter the ‘command’ mode and you can select (or search) 
from a list of commands.
You can access help if you type '?'

I tried to make it the more customizable I could, there’s still work but 
it’s already quite customizable. Most of the commands are only tiddlers!
It’s a prototype, and my first tw plugin as well, so obviously the code is 
a mess! It could have unexpected behavior (most probably does) and you 
shouldn’t use it in your own wikis yet!

I tried my best, but for now, the plugin is not really working as tw 
expects plugins to.
The plugin always returns ‘refresh=false’ and manages his own DOM itself, 
storing state inside of it in the way.
I was not sure where to ‘instantiate’ the view, so for now I’m using 
$:/View/AboveStory which I believe is not ideal.
So yeah, really not the tw way.

There are still some other problems, I’m not sure how to escape a filter 
operation parameter for example so the search sometimes returns errors

Obviously it’s not really optimized yet either.

I do plan to fix it and include more features (I still have a tiddler full 
of ideas)

I’m posting here to see what people think of this prototype and if there’s 
any interest in such a plugin.

If so, I’m probably gonna need some guidance into how things are supposed 
to work so I can make it work more nicely with tw.

Considering the state of the project, I didn’t take the time to write any 
doc yet.

You can demo it here : https://souk21.github.io/TW-commandpalette/

Let me know :)

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Re: [tw5] TiddlyWiki github repo has 4913 stars but it should show 5000+ stars!!

2020-06-10 Thread Mohammad Rahmani
TW stars now is: 4959

Please start it!

Best wishes

On Sun, Jun 7, 2020 at 12:46 AM PMario  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> At the moment TiddlyWiki repository has 4913 stars.
> I do want to have it at 5000++ ...
> *If we can reach it, I do promise to update the CodeMirror library*.
> CodeMirror plugin is 5.37.1 from April 2018 ... The actual version is:
> 5.54.0 from May 2020.
> So have fun starring 
> -mario
> --
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> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/bd38071c-a432-45cb-820b-01dd9ff761a4o%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[tw5] Re: Stroll thread, June-July 2020

2020-06-10 Thread ludwa6
3 days into my experience with Stroll, and i am *loving* the enhancements 
to TW5 experience -Backlinks and Renaming automation (to maintain 
integrity) especially- but there is one little aspect of my pre-Stroll 
experience that i'm really missing, and that is the ability to write a 
WikiWord without having that automatically create a new tiddler.  

For me, the WikiWord has been for me in BS (Before Stroll :-) time my quick 
shorthand for a term that deserves its own tiddler, whenever i get around 
to writing it;  in the meantime, it shows up in blue (like a regular link) 
only with italic formatting added.

Now since adopting Stroll, i have quickly ended up with a bunch of tiddlers 
that have no content.  The advantage of this is that these wannabe-tiddlers 
are not just a link buried on some tiddler somewhere; they show up in the 
"Recent' tag, so i can easily retrieve them, IF i'm diligent before close 
of each session to retrieve & write something on them (big IF there :-).  
What can easily happen -especially if i dash off a fair crop of new 
tiddlers- these TBD tiddlers are effectively buried, until i stumble across 
them while Strolling somewhere else.

What i'd *really* like is if at the first invocation of a particular 
WikiWord that has no corresponding tiddler, that would trigger the adding 
of it to a list that resides someplace reserved for this particular 
purpose.  If it is to be a new tiddler, then perhaps that could be tagged 
as a "Draft" or a "Stub" or some such... Something that would get 
filtered-out of the "Recent" list, but rather add it to a special list 
reserved for this special case. 

Dunno if that's a UseCase of relevance to anyone else;  wish i had the 
scripting savvy to be sharing a patch instead of an idea, but alas... 
That's all i got, for now.

Anyhoo Dave: thanks again for the super upgrade!

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Re: [tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Pit.W.

Saq, great stuff.

This is what I call a "milestone-plugin", because I think it opens up a 
completely new field of productivity.

Good for hi-speed brainstorming, outlining, initial drafting, bookwriting,

An it works with tidgraph and probably with the tocP macros. should be 
easy to use it in tiddlymap as well.

Thanks a lot!


Am 10.06.2020 um 11:49 schrieb Saq Imtiaz:
@Raghu try grabbing the latest copy of the plugin, I just pushed a 
small update that should resolve this.


On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 11:30:07 AM UTC+2, Raghu Veer S wrote:

Hi Saq,

Really useful plugin. Thanks a lot.

I ran into a issue while using the plugin with a theme that I am
using. I am using a theme called Krystal with TiddlyBlink, the
problem is the bullets are showing up after the backlink/reference
sections instead of showing up inside the tiddler body. I know
this is probably a issue on the side of the theme, but how do I
position the bullets inside the tiddler body?

*See the attached image for reference:

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:


Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a
fair bit and the *field names are now stable*. Which means
that if you starting using it now, you should be able to
upgrade to newer versions without much trouble. So I have
removed the warning about not using this.

One step closer to a beta release.

Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've
added the TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look
like here:

Please let me know:

  * if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code
changes so something may have crept in
  * if there is more documentation that you think is needed
before a beta release. (Any help with documentation would
be most appreciated)


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Re: [tw5] Re: TiddlyWiki toolmap in the welcome tiddler

2020-06-10 Thread David Gifford
Plugins from all of those sites are in the toolmap. So adding those other
sites would be duplication somewhat.

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 9:31 AM Ste Wilson  wrote:

> I think that, Mohamed's, Matt's, Marios, Marks and Beer's, Yours, TT and
> Tony...The Book  (haven't heard from them here for a while...)
> though...that is getting a little cluttered (once I got started the names
> just kept arriving!).  Perhaps they could be the top of your list Dave to
> keep things more streamlined here?
> On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 15:08:43 UTC+1, David Gifford wrote:
>> I like the new top post welcoming new people.
>> I wonder if the toolmap should be there so people can see the wide
>> variety of plugins that this community has developed.
>> https://dynalist.io/d/zUP-nIWu2FFoXH-oM7L7d9DM
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to a topic in the
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> To unsubscribe from this group and all its topics, send an email to
> tiddlywiki+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> To view this discussion on the web visit
> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/tiddlywiki/e35d1fa3-5085-445a-93d8-2696c759e4bfo%40googlegroups.com
> .

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[tw5] Re: TiddlyWiki toolmap in the welcome tiddler

2020-06-10 Thread Ste Wilson
I think that, Mohamed's, Matt's, Marios, Marks and Beer's, Yours, TT and 
Tony...The Book  (haven't heard from them here for a while...) 
though...that is getting a little cluttered (once I got started the names 
just kept arriving!).  Perhaps they could be the top of your list Dave to 
keep things more streamlined here? 

On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 15:08:43 UTC+1, David Gifford wrote:
> I like the new top post welcoming new people. 
> I wonder if the toolmap should be there so people can see the wide variety 
> of plugins that this community has developed. 
> https://dynalist.io/d/zUP-nIWu2FFoXH-oM7L7d9DM

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[tw5] TiddlyWiki toolmap in the welcome tiddler

2020-06-10 Thread David Gifford
I like the new top post welcoming new people. 

I wonder if the toolmap should be there so people can see the wide variety 
of plugins that this community has developed. 

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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Reet Pandher
Thanks for the quick response Saq. No worries please take your time.
Also a request regarding the css.. please try to make it like this 
I was able to customize codemirror without any css knowledge because of how 
easy it was to read. I'm not sure if it is even possible to do it for your 
plugin but i'll throw it out there.

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 6:25:51 PM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
> @Reet thanks for the feedback. 
> Good news is that this is on the roadmap to attend to before a version 1.0 
> release. See the entry "Update css to respect color palette" on the 
> Roadmap. https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap
> Though even then, with custom themes it will probably require some 
> tweaking of CSS to get things working to your liking.
> Bad news is that you are going to have to wait a bit for that to be 
> implemented. 
> Until then, your best bet will be to use the lighter color palette in that 
> theme.
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:40:10 PM UTC+2, Reet Pandher wrote:
>> Hi Saq,
>> Started using it in my test wiki just now and i encountered 2 visual 
>> bugs(?). I have customized my wiki color palette so i have changed 
>> background to black and foreground to white. 
>>1. The moment i start typing in the new bullet tiddler the text box 
>>background turns from black to white. Attached images(1-5) for reference. 
>>2. Link to the source tiddler has black color so not very visible on 
>>my background (image 6)
>>3. Bullet point color is also black colored so not very visible on my 
>> Also, any chance i can hide the *link to the source tiddler* i mentioned 
>> in point 2 or at least move it to the bottom?
>> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
>>> Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a fair bit 
>>> and the *field names are now stable*. Which means that if you starting 
>>> using it now, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions without much 
>>> trouble. So I have removed the warning about not using this. 
>>> One step closer to a beta release.
>>> Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've added the 
>>> TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look like here:
>>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap%20-%20graph
>>> Please let me know:
>>>- if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code changes so 
>>>something may have crept in
>>>- if there is more documentation that you think is needed before a 
>>>beta release. (Any help with documentation would be most appreciated)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Saq

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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Saq Imtiaz
@Reet thanks for the feedback. 

Good news is that this is on the roadmap to attend to before a version 1.0 
release. See the entry "Update css to respect color palette" on the 
Roadmap. https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap
Though even then, with custom themes it will probably require some tweaking 
of CSS to get things working to your liking.

Bad news is that you are going to have to wait a bit for that to be 
Until then, your best bet will be to use the lighter color palette in that 

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:40:10 PM UTC+2, Reet Pandher wrote:
> Hi Saq,
> Started using it in my test wiki just now and i encountered 2 visual 
> bugs(?). I have customized my wiki color palette so i have changed 
> background to black and foreground to white. 
>1. The moment i start typing in the new bullet tiddler the text box 
>background turns from black to white. Attached images(1-5) for reference. 
>2. Link to the source tiddler has black color so not very visible on 
>my background (image 6)
>3. Bullet point color is also black colored so not very visible on my 
> Also, any chance i can hide the *link to the source tiddler* i mentioned 
> in point 2 or at least move it to the bottom?
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
>> Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a fair bit and 
>> the *field names are now stable*. Which means that if you starting using 
>> it now, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions without much 
>> trouble. So I have removed the warning about not using this. 
>> One step closer to a beta release.
>> Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've added the 
>> TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look like here:
>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap%20-%20graph
>> Please let me know:
>>- if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code changes so 
>>something may have crept in
>>- if there is more documentation that you think is needed before a 
>>beta release. (Any help with documentation would be most appreciated)
>> Cheers,
>> Saq

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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Reet Pandher

> Yay, It worked. It worked when I followed the steps you mentioned, but not 
> when I had dragged just the plugin and had refreshed the wiki.

FYI plugin won't update via drag and drop if the version is either same or 
lower than the current one. You'll need to delete the existing one and then 
drag and drop the new one.

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[tw5] Page control button colours: Imported SVGs not recognized as page control buttons to apply stylesheets? Unsuitable SVGs?

2020-06-10 Thread Neve F
New to HTML/CSS/TiddlyWiki etc so possibly a stupid question, but can 
anyone tell me why my newly imported icons to replace the default page 
control button icons in the sidebar might not be following colour rules 
like the original icons?

I have had no trouble getting the right icon to appear in the right place 
by changing the correct {{ }} field in the button tiddlers, but imported 
icons invariably show up as black, while the original icons are all 
grey-but-black-on-hover (and of course the save icon has its indicator 

I can get a stylesheet to affect the original icons but not the new ones. 
(I'm not using my own Stylesheet - although some plugins I have came with a 
few and I haven't checked in detail what they all do - but making a new 
stylesheet and trying some of the options from this discussion 
in it affects only the included icons, and no imported ones currently set 
as page control buttons.)

SVGs are from flaticon.com, as recommended on the TiddlyWiki site, just 
downloaded and imported straight.

I don't need to do anything fancy with colours, just get any new icons to 
obey the same rules the others are already following! Any assistance much 

(P.S. For anyone who recalls my previous post, the replies were 
appreciated, sorry I didn't get back to many as life got away from me. Will 
write something informational about my setup in the future when more of it 
is ironed out!)

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[tw5] Re: auto embed images from local folder into tiddler

2020-06-10 Thread scot
Hi Mark S.
thanks for your quick reply and examples, I'll give them a try.
Just after I posted my question, I realised that it was added to TW Scripts.
The script had been modified slightly to read from a path and directory but 
saved the images silently.

On Tuesday, 9 June 2020 16:46:57 UTC+1, Mark S. wrote:
> Here's a version if you want to try it where you don't need to format as a 
> data dictionary and you can enter your path and the name of your listing 
> tiddler on the fly. BE SURE TO MAKE BACKUPS before attempting!
> Only lightly tested. Needs 5.1.20 or higher.
> This version will write over existing tiddlers of the same name, so be 
> mindful of that.
> Have fun!
> On Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 12:20:56 PM UTC-8, Péricles Correia wrote:
>> Hi, 
>> Thanks for this amazing tool, Tiddlywiki is helping me a lot organizing 
>> information!
>> I'm an absolute beginner in Tiddlywiki, I've been adding images manually 
>> and now I would like to automatize this task.
>> After lot's of research, I couldn't point myself in the right direction..
>> Using a standalone installation, my projects look like this:
>> ./mainTiddlywiki.html
>> ./project_1*/project_1_Tiddlywiki.html*
>> ./project_1/*subject_1/images/*image_1.jpg image_2.jpg image_3.jpg 
>> image_4.jpg  ... (and so on) ...
>> ./project_1/*subject_2/images/*image_1.jpg image_2.jpg image_3.jpg 
>> image_4.jpg  ... (and so on) ...
>> ...
>> My goal is to create one tiddler (in *project_1_Tiddlywiki.html*), 
>> called *subject_1 images * 
>> and thru an algorithm would go to the folder */subject_1/images/ * 
>> displaying all the images that are currently in that folder (and later do 
>> the same to *subject_2*).
>> Not having to do this manually:
>> [img[my image_1|./subject_1/images/image_1]]
>> [img[my image_2|./subject_1/images/image_2]] 
>> [img[my image_3|./subject_1/images/image_3]]
>> I don't wan't to import the images to TW, it would be very fattening.
>> Thanks!
>> Péricles Correia

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[tw5] Re: right-align edit-text

2020-06-10 Thread Eric Shulman
On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:53:34 AM UTC-7, Sjaak Adriaanse wrote:
> Small question. How can I right-align the input in an edit-text widget ? I 
> use it in a table and I want to input a number so it right-aligns with the 
> numbers above and below. The other numbers are partly calculated from the 
> input in that row and I can right-align those with a space right after the 
> pipe symbol in the Wikitext.

Some widgets support direct use of a style="..." parameter for specifying 
CSS attributes to be applied to individual instances of the widget.

Unfortunately, $edit-text does not support use of style="...".  It *does*, 
however, support use of a class="..." parameter.

To get the contents of an $edit-text widget to be right aligned:

1) Define a CSS class (e.g., "right"), by creating a tiddler, tagged with 
$:/tags/Stylesheet, containing
.right { text-align:right; }

2) Then, in the desired $edit-text widget, add a "class" parameter, like 
<$edit-text tag="input" class="right" tiddler="$:/temp/test" 
placeholder="this is a test" default="" />

Note that the ".right" CSS class is also generally useful in other places.
For example, if you simply want some text to be displayed right aligned,
you can enter this in any tiddler:
This text is right aligned

and, if you want *all* cells in a table to be right aligned, you can enter 
The initial table row, ending with the "k" suffix, applies the specified 
class(es) to the contents of the entire table


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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Raghu Veer S
It worked when I followed the steps you mentioned, but not when I had 
dragged just the plugin and had refreshed the wiki.
If you don't mind, may I know what exactly caused it to behave that way, so 
that I can fix things on my own in future if needed

Btw, thanks a lot for the quick response. Really appreciate it :)

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 3:49:30 PM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
> @Raghu are you sure you saved the new plugin and refreshed the wiki?
> If that still doesn't work:
> - place the following in a new tiddler: <>
> - save it and view that tiddler, click the tag pill.
> - drag *$:/plugins/sq/streams/stream-view-template* to make sure it is 
> immediately after *$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body*
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 12:00:27 PM UTC+2, Raghu Veer S wrote:
>> Saq, It still shows up at the bottom of the tiddler. (just like in the 
>> previous image)
>> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 3:19:56 PM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>>> @Raghu try grabbing the latest copy of the plugin, I just pushed a small 
>>> update that should resolve this.
>>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
>>> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 11:30:07 AM UTC+2, Raghu Veer S wrote:

 Hi Saq,

 Really useful plugin. Thanks a lot.

 I ran into a issue while using the plugin with a theme that I am using. 
 I am using a theme called Krystal with TiddlyBlink, the problem is the 
 bullets are showing up after the backlink/reference sections instead of 
 showing up inside the tiddler body. I know this is probably a issue on the 
 side of the theme, but how do I position the bullets inside the tiddler 

 *See the attached image for reference: *

 On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
> Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a fair bit 
> and the *field names are now stable*. Which means that if you 
> starting using it now, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions 
> without much trouble. So I have removed the warning about not using this. 
> One step closer to a beta release.
> Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've added 
> the TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look like here:
> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap%20-%20graph
> Please let me know:
>- if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code changes so 
>something may have crept in
>- if there is more documentation that you think is needed before a 
>beta release. (Any help with documentation would be most appreciated)
> Cheers,
> Saq

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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Saq Imtiaz
@Raghu are you sure you saved the new plugin and refreshed the wiki?

If that still doesn't work:
- place the following in a new tiddler: <>
- save it and view that tiddler, click the tag pill.
- drag *$:/plugins/sq/streams/stream-view-template* to make sure it is 
immediately after *$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body*

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 12:00:27 PM UTC+2, Raghu Veer S wrote:
> Saq, It still shows up at the bottom of the tiddler. (just like in the 
> previous image)
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 3:19:56 PM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>> @Raghu try grabbing the latest copy of the plugin, I just pushed a small 
>> update that should resolve this.
>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
>> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 11:30:07 AM UTC+2, Raghu Veer S wrote:
>>> Hi Saq,
>>> Really useful plugin. Thanks a lot.
>>> I ran into a issue while using the plugin with a theme that I am using. 
>>> I am using a theme called Krystal with TiddlyBlink, the problem is the 
>>> bullets are showing up after the backlink/reference sections instead of 
>>> showing up inside the tiddler body. I know this is probably a issue on the 
>>> side of the theme, but how do I position the bullets inside the tiddler 
>>> body? 
>>> *See the attached image for reference: *
>>> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:


 Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a fair bit 
 and the *field names are now stable*. Which means that if you starting 
 using it now, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions without much 
 trouble. So I have removed the warning about not using this. 

 One step closer to a beta release.

 Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've added 
 the TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look like here:

 Please let me know:

- if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code changes so 
something may have crept in
- if there is more documentation that you think is needed before a 
beta release. (Any help with documentation would be most appreciated)



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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Raghu Veer S
Saq, It still shows up at the bottom of the tiddler. (just like in the 
previous image)

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 3:19:56 PM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
> @Raghu try grabbing the latest copy of the plugin, I just pushed a small 
> update that should resolve this.
> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 11:30:07 AM UTC+2, Raghu Veer S wrote:
>> Hi Saq,
>> Really useful plugin. Thanks a lot.
>> I ran into a issue while using the plugin with a theme that I am using. I 
>> am using a theme called Krystal with TiddlyBlink, the problem is the 
>> bullets are showing up after the backlink/reference sections instead of 
>> showing up inside the tiddler body. I know this is probably a issue on the 
>> side of the theme, but how do I position the bullets inside the tiddler 
>> body? 
>> *See the attached image for reference: *
>> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
>>> Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a fair bit 
>>> and the *field names are now stable*. Which means that if you starting 
>>> using it now, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions without much 
>>> trouble. So I have removed the warning about not using this. 
>>> One step closer to a beta release.
>>> Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've added the 
>>> TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look like here:
>>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap%20-%20graph
>>> Please let me know:
>>>- if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code changes so 
>>>something may have crept in
>>>- if there is more documentation that you think is needed before a 
>>>beta release. (Any help with documentation would be most appreciated)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Saq

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[tw5] right-align edit-text

2020-06-10 Thread Sjaak Adriaanse
Hi all,

Small question. How can I right-align the input in an edit-text widget ? I 
use it in a table and I want to input a number so it right-aligns with the 
numbers above and below. The other numbers are partly calculated from the 
input in that row and I can right-align those with a space right after the 
pipe symbol in the Wikitext.


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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Saq Imtiaz
@Raghu try grabbing the latest copy of the plugin, I just pushed a small 
update that should resolve this.


On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 11:30:07 AM UTC+2, Raghu Veer S wrote:
> Hi Saq,
> Really useful plugin. Thanks a lot.
> I ran into a issue while using the plugin with a theme that I am using. I 
> am using a theme called Krystal with TiddlyBlink, the problem is the 
> bullets are showing up after the backlink/reference sections instead of 
> showing up inside the tiddler body. I know this is probably a issue on the 
> side of the theme, but how do I position the bullets inside the tiddler 
> body? 
> *See the attached image for reference: *
> On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
>> Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a fair bit and 
>> the *field names are now stable*. Which means that if you starting using 
>> it now, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions without much 
>> trouble. So I have removed the warning about not using this. 
>> One step closer to a beta release.
>> Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've added the 
>> TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look like here:
>> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap%20-%20graph
>> Please let me know:
>>- if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code changes so 
>>something may have crept in
>>- if there is more documentation that you think is needed before a 
>>beta release. (Any help with documentation would be most appreciated)
>> Cheers,
>> Saq

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[tw5] Re: how to know who transclude a tiddler?

2020-06-10 Thread Lin Onetwo
Thanks for recommendation Springer,

I can see it use Freelink to detect usage of img, that is not elegant 

I'm going to play with wikitext parser to detect usage of img and 
transclusion, as long as there is not a wheel exist.

在2020年6月8日星期一 UTC+8 下午11:39:30 写道:

> Lin,
> Tony's TWCrosslinks is great to track how a given tiddler is (or isn't) 
> used by others. At the bottom of each tiddler, it adds an expandable panel 
> with info about where the current tiddler gets used (transcluded, 
> referenced, even freelinked) by other tiddlers. See this thread:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/9ra0s9AEKl4
> -Springer
> On Monday, June 8, 2020 at 9:26:36 AM UTC-4, Lin Onetwo wrote:
>> And how to know who is using an img using `[img[xxx.png]]`?
>> Without these backlinks, how to know which img is unused?
>> 在2020年6月8日星期一 UTC+8 下午9:17:03 写道:
>>> I want to implement a template to show who transclude a tiddler, so 
>>> there can be a "Bi-directional links" for transclusion.
>>> Is there a plugin or filter to do so?

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[tw5] Re: [META/OT] Google Groups has a new look

2020-06-10 Thread Eric Shulman
On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 1:59:14 AM UTC-7, Hubert wrote:
> Definitely, it's not ready for prime time. In addition to that, many 
> features have been removed or have been broken, which I've already reported 
> to Google:

Although Google refers to this as a "beta"... .it's really an "alpha"... 
i.e., not "code complete" or "feature complete", but sufficient to try for 
feedback purposes only.  Fortunately, this new version... if you are 
offered a chance to try it at all can be easily reverted back to the 
current "classic" view.  This gives Google Dev plenty of time to work on 
getting it right (or mostly right!) before they force it on everybody.


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[tw5] Re: Preview: keyboard driven draggable bullets

2020-06-10 Thread Raghu Veer S
Hi Saq,

Really useful plugin. Thanks a lot.

I ran into a issue while using the plugin with a theme that I am using. I 
am using a theme called Krystal with TiddlyBlink, the problem is the 
bullets are showing up after the backlink/reference sections instead of 
showing up inside the tiddler body. I know this is probably a issue on the 
side of the theme, but how do I position the bullets inside the tiddler 

*See the attached image for reference: *

On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 at 2:14:47 AM UTC+5:30, Saq Imtiaz wrote:
> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html
> Not many outward differences, but I've cleaned up the code a fair bit and 
> the *field names are now stable*. Which means that if you starting using 
> it now, you should be able to upgrade to newer versions without much 
> trouble. So I have removed the warning about not using this. 
> One step closer to a beta release.
> Prompted by @pmario mention of *mindmaps* etc, on a whim I've added the 
> TidGraph plugin and you can see what that would look like here:
> https://saqimtiaz.github.io/sq-tw/streams.html#Roadmap%20-%20graph
> Please let me know:
>- if you find any bugs, there have been a lot of code changes so 
>something may have crept in
>- if there is more documentation that you think is needed before a 
>beta release. (Any help with documentation would be most appreciated)
> Cheers,
> Saq

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[tw5] Re: [META/OT] Google Groups has a new look

2020-06-10 Thread Hubert
Definitely, it's not ready for prime time. In addition to that, many 
features have been removed or have been broken, which I've already reported 
to Google:

   - Code formatting is gone 
   - Posts cannot be edited
   - The number of views is not displayed
   - Images cannot be dragged and dropped to display inline
   - Unnecessary scroll bars are showing in the top section on the first 
   - The overall UI is generally too busy; Google says the new Groups is 
   supposed to be consistent with their other products, but there's no display 
   density setting (Default/Comfortable/Compact) like in Gmail
There are many other issues. Usability definitely took a hit. 

Like Tony, I would like the GG dev team to iterate quickly and fix all of 
the points above, but I'm doubtful to be honest.

Just my two cents.


On Wednesday, 10 June 2020 at 03:25:47 UTC+1 TonyM wrote:

> Folks,
> I reviewed this myself, and it is still under development. There are 
> sufficient gaps that it will handicap the current flexibility while in my 
> view offering little in return.
> Lets hope it matures quickly and adds more.
> Tony
> On Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 11:32:35 PM UTC+10, Hubert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When I opened up GG this morning (while logged in) I saw this:
>> [image: gg.png]
>> I think it's being rolled out on a phased basis, as has been the case 
>> with most Google redesigns over the years.
>> It looks fresher but not necessarily better in terms of UX/functionality 
>> in my opinion.
>> Thanks,
>> Hubert
>> On Tuesday, 9 June 2020 at 14:11:53 UTC+1 PMario wrote:
>>> Hi, 
>>> How did you activate this view?
>>> -m

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[tw5] Re: [TW5] How to Transclude all tiddlers with a tag

2020-06-10 Thread Geoff Tothill

Thanks for taking the time to answer this in so much detail, again, it's 
given me not only a solution but something to learn too.

I'm going to make those changes and I'll report back.  I wonder why this 
workaround isn't in the core?  There is probably a consequence that I wont 
see until I start playing with it though.

What I love about Tiddlywiki is that there always seems to be several ways 
of achieving a functional result in a creative way.

Thanks again, I'll let you know how I get on.



On Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 9:48:35 PM UTC+1, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 1:01:07 PM UTC-7, Geoff Tothill wrote:
>> It works perfectly, but I have discovered a problem with my grand plan, 
>> which I should have predicted.
>> Many of the tags are repeated in the new tiddler, as they are 
>> transcluded, and when one is clicked, all the others also produce drop 
>> downs of their associated tiddler titles.
>> Is there any way of stopping that behaviour on a per tiddler basis so 
>> that the tags displayed by your filter code are not clickable.  Or even, at 
>> a push, all tags globally are rendered non clickable?
> There *is* a workaround that allows the tag popups to be displayed 
> individually... but it's a subtle bit of a trick.  First... a little 
> technical background info:
> The tag pill popup is defined in the *$:/core/ui/TagTemplate* shadow 
> tiddler, and uses this line to control when it is displayed
> <$reveal state=<> type="popup" 
> position="below" animate="yes" class="tc-drop-down">
> Note the use of <> in the $reveal state parameter.  The 
> qualify macro (see https://tiddlywiki.com/#qualify%20Macro) *"returns a 
> unique string that encodes its position within the widget tree, as 
> identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that 
> position."*  Thus, the result of the <> macro returns the same 
> value for all items shown in the same tiddler.  To force each tag pill 
> occurrence gets a uniquely qualified state value, we need that value to be 
> calculated from a different position on the "stack of transcluded 
> tiddlers".  We can achieve this by splitting the tiddler content into two 
> tiddlers so that we render the tag pill from a different tiddler.
> Here's what you need to do:
> 1) Rewrite the previous version of the code like this:
> <$list filter="[tag[... your tag here ...]]">
>__<$link />__
><$list filter="[tags[]]" variable="currentTag">
>   {{||ShowTagPill}}
><$transclude mode="block"/>
> Note how
> <$macrocall $name="tag" tag=<> />
> has been replaced with a transclusion of a separate "ShowTagPill" tiddler
> {{||ShowTagPill}}
> 2) Define the "ShowTagPill" tiddler, containing just the previous 
> $macrocall
> <$macrocall $name="tag" tag=<> />
> That's it.  Now, when the "tag" $macrocall is invoked, it will be from a 
> different position in the transclusion stack, resulting in a different -- 
> and unique <> value for that tag pill.
> The effect is that clicking on one tag pill will only open the popup for 
> that instance of the tag pill, and will no longer open the popup for ALL 
> occurrences of the same tag pill.
> Hopefully, this explanation wasn't too confusing!...Give it a try and let 
> me know how it goes.
> enjoy,
> -e

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