Re: I begin working some A11y related little modifications for GNOME Control Center application, please review my first patch before I attaching a future bugreport the fix

2011-10-21 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear syr,

Very well done, ammazing programmers work, You are ammazing Python 
programmer and You are deeply understanding The GTK library procedures, 
methods and objects for drawing GUI of GTK compatible applications.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Would somebody try to find The specific Linux kernel device driver for Me?

2011-10-21 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear syr,
You are ammazing human beeing and excellent programmer. Many users and 
Ubuntu developers can be and will be prought on You also on future.
I Am suggesting some of users and developers, if somebody would give ME 
a right direction, who would be able to develope such complex 
programmers think like CPU fan control for Toshiba satellite notebook 
and who would develope new kernel driver for The Atheros AR8152/8158 
PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS integrated network cart.
If there is better way to find more exact hardware specifications for 
this integrated network chip to help You during searching, if some 
kernel driver is allready developed? Or if there is some other 
procedure, which i would use to help some Linux kernel driver programmer 
to develope this driver from scratch if it will be necessary?
I think, that if this kernel driver is not existing, there is big 
probability, that Atheros corporation did not allow Linux kernel 
developers to develope this driver, because company did not want to give 
kernel driver developers some pathented parts of their driver source code.

If somebody of us will be able to find atleast non compiled source code 
of The Linux kernel driver for Atheros AR8152/8158 PCI-E Fast Ethernet 
Controller (NDIS network integrated chip, please let Me know about it, i 
will try to fight with The compilation and incorporation to The 
installed Ubuntu.

I AM using Toshiba Satellite L650D
Thank You very much for Yours answer.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

How to access Adobe flash player setting panel like a totally blind user in Linux?

2011-10-17 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear advanced users and developers,
I Am helpless during access The function in The following Adobe 
interactive WEB page.
Thank's to it, i can not enable Adobe flash player to use my microphone 
or camera on The special Flash player based WEB sites.
I would like to valuably plese somebdy of You, how complex would be to 
find, on which data file Flash player stores The settings? Would 
somebody of Zou try to analyse gconf database or file system structure 
to find The Flash player settings?
Orca is able to automatically announce ARIA live regions messages and 
many video WEB cam based sites are also containing chat messages and 
Flash player is needed to use those sites.
It would be ammazing programmers project, write GTK accessible Adobe 
flash player control panel.
I will contact Adobe company because of this big issue. Because this 
module is awailable for Windows but not for Linux and i Am very sad 
because of it.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu 11.10 Accessibility related questions

2011-10-07 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear users and developers,
Would some body try to answer me the following accessibility related 
In The future official Ubuntu 11.10 release, how will be solved The 
navigation in side The installed applications menu?
In The Ubuntu 11.04 and in The earlyer releases, user could press ALT+F1 
and special applications menu have been recalled.
Will be The similar keyboardshortcut awailable also in The official 
Ubuntu 11.10? Or it will be awailable in Vinux?
I would like to thank MR Yelavich for his exhaustic, very complex and 
intensive programmers work. I would like to thank him very much, that he 
want to develope Vinux build scripts, so Vinux will be officially 
builded so no utilities such as Remastersys will be necessary to use.
Very well done. I would like to thank MR Yelavich and Canonical LTD for 
bringing newest software and kernel drivers to every Ubuntu release.
I know, that some of visually impaired users may be sad, that new 
features are causing accessibility issues. But i think, that it is very 
positive, that visually impaired users can be engaged to The development 
of new user interfaces such as Unity. And new display managers such as 
Very important positive fact is, that there is even ammazing 
proggrammer, who is bringing QT support for us by developing The bridge 
between At-spi and QT libraryes.

My question is:
How i can simply access The run application dialog window in The latest 
Ubuntu daily build to run terminal and to try some QT based applications 
atleast by using live CD mode?

I can not very probably run The terminal by typing
If there is no chance to run terminal like in earlyer Gnome releases, 
and if run applications dialog is not accessible by using keyboard 
shortcut, i AM suggesting to atleast support this hodkey.
Or next idea is adding all applications links to The desktop, because 
desktop is accessible by Orca.
So If applications menu is not accessible, I AM suggesting You to add 
applications linksto The desktop.
Because it will be very probably much more easyer than to modifi Unity 
or Gnome-shell.

What do You think about my idea?
New accessibility algorithms can be awailable by Ubuntu updates.
Fortunately, Orca and At-spi is stable and also speech-dispatcher and 
Pulseaudio are working excellently, so there is nothink annoing for 
visually impaired users.
I think, that it will be good idea to solve some complex accessibility 
related issues to make Vinux distro, which will combine new and older 
modules to provide best awailable accessibility.
So i AM recommending YOu to add applications shortcuts list to The 
desktop in The live CD mode, when user is activating Orca profile. So 
sighted users will not be surprised by The new Canonical LTD approach.

What do You think about it?
Also Run application link could be awailable in The desktop.
If there is no choice to make The keyboard shortcut for this task

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Unity is relatively goodlyaccessible

2011-10-07 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear users and developers,
Thank's to works of developers and advanced users throught out The 
world, The unity interface is much more accessible, than i have thinked 
before i have tried todays Ubuntu 11.10 daily build. By pressing ALT+F1, 
user can hear The names of buttons representing installed applications, 
running applications with administration privileges is also supported 
ammazingly and Orca can be used with those applications. Unfortunately, 
i AM not able to locate The Update manager and run application dialog 
So please, will be Ubuntu updater included or this tool will not be 
awailable and users will have to perform Ubuntu updates by using apt-get 
dist upgrade?
There is Ubuntu One, Ubuntu software center, but i can not locate 
Synaptics package manager.

But Unity is working and attention.
Orca is able to cooperate with included version of Mozilla Firefox, but 
now, user must use The Orca configuration for Firefox and user must 
check The button grab focus on objects when navigating. This button is 
awailable in The Firefox specific Orca settings in The firefox TAB.
So for now, my biggest issue is, that i can not activate The run 
application dialog box and i can not locate The terminal atleast inside 
The list of installed applications.
The name of module is very probably Application launcher, which is 
displaing The applications list after pressing ALT+F1.

My last question for all Orca users is.
Do You think, that it is sad, that Orca is not supporting The live 
regions announcement mechanishm presented in The older Orca releases? in 
Orca 2.32.0? So users could hear The messages of ARIA live regions not 
only when Orca automatically have detected those messages, but user 
could hear one of The checked ARIA live regions messages by pressing 
ORCA+F2, F3. So Orca +F2 have announced The message presented by The 
second ARIA live region, ORCA+F3 have announced The previously spoken 
message from The thirt ARIa live region, ETC.
Now, ORCA is able to automatically speak The ARIA live region, but user 
can not repeat The previously spoken messages, which have been assigned 
to one of The ARIA live regions.
According to my opinion, it is sad, because ARIA live regions are very 
often used even in The modern chat related WEB sites, some WEB pages are 
using ARIA live regions for displaiing The ADS, state television WEB 
pages can use those regions for displaiing tips for one of The important 
news, ETC.
But Orca is very stable, Pulseaudio is not causing issues, at-spi is 
working excellently. So i think, that everybody of us can lookingforward 
to official, stable Ubuntu release. I think, that there is time to 
release RC version of Ubuntu 11.10. I think, that this will be done in 
The end of next week.

BUt it is only my personal analysis, it will depend on Canonical LTD.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: What happened with Orca in Oneiric

2011-09-24 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

I have not been patient and i have tried to install Yesterdays daily 
build and i did not able to hear Orca after installation and when triing 
to run Orca from one of The virtual consoles, ihave got error message 
related to The fact, that some environment variable not set.
But in live mode everythink worked fine, installer also, there was only 
complex issue for solving, that even when installation have been 
finished and installer did not do nothink complex, tasks which are 
comsuming extra of system resources, Espeak have spoken to me very 
cutterefed, it looks to me, that some threads of installers are blocking 
Pulseaudio or other subprocess of speech-dispatcher.
Because of complexity of programmers relation ships between Python 
application Ubiquity and Orca, which is also written in Python, It seems 
to me, that The best would be to add new simple code to The Python 
Ubiquity installer, which will be able to generate some beep when every 
1 procento will be increase in The installers proggress bar, and that it 
will be very safe to block at-spi calls by Orca while installing The system.
Because manipulation with Orca flat rewieving algorithms while 
installing have been caused me The crash of installer even in previous 
official release of Ubuntu, i did not used Vinux remaster.
Because it is very complex to create other modiffication of Espeak, 
which would be compatible with Gnomespeech library, so Ubuntu would 
contain Two Espeak.
One would be nonvisible, compatible with Gnomespeech services, i mean by 
The word invisible, that this release of Espeak would be totally 
invisible by The debian packaging management system and second Espeak 
would be The version specially modified to be compatible with 
speech-dispatcher and Pulseaudio.
I will experiment with Installer of previous release when Gnomespeech 
services will be used instead of speech-dispatcher.

But bšefore constructing may be nonsenses, i will try The Beta2 build, 
which is now awailable.
I will also Try to play with The Gnopernicus source code while using 
older Ubuntu release, it would be interesting to repair The bug which is 
causing Gnopernicus crash while Espeak is speaking and user is pressing 
next key, which is causing Gnopernicus to send other string to The 
Gnomespeech services.
I AM afraid, that The future of The solution, which will prevent screen 
readers from randomly crashing while using complex Python applications 
will be The new Screen reader written completely in C language.
This is only my phylosophical thinkink, i love Orca and i do not have 
nothink apposite it's ammazing algorithms, but i AM only triing to find 
The solution.
Thank You very much, MR Yelavich for Yours complex programmers work 
related to The accessibility with Orca.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca admin tasks in 11.04

2011-09-23 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear syr,
It is necessary to install Ubuntu 11.04 by starting The live CD by using 
BLindness profile, press Enter twice, press F5 and press number three.

Alternatively, place The
Bootparamether to The text.cfg located in The isolinux subfolder.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubunt build from 22.9.2011 is working officially with Orca support

2011-09-23 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear users,
I would liketo inform You, that You can run Ubuntu live CD, 
Uuntu11.10 with Orca support.

You must download one ofThe daily buids from here

You can burn it to A CD or You can alternatively use The Universal USB 
installer for Windows with ammazingly accessible GUI downloadable from here.

You must run The .exe program and accept The licence conditions
Select The choice
Try The unlisted Linux (new syslinux). To simply activate this choice, 
press The end key in The supported distributions list.
Choose The free USB flashdrive letter, check The format button if 
necessary and activate The next button. Confirm The dialog box, that You 
want to install to this drive and patiently wait.
When installation will be finished, You will The USB boot live flash 
drive and You will have The chance to use boot menu like booting from 
The CD.
So press Enter key twice, press F5 and press three number, not on The 
numeric keypad but on The uppest keyboard row.

Press Enter may be once or twice and wait patiently.
After Ubuntu login welcome sound, You will hear The welcome to Orca message.
You will have access only to The icons on The desktop, i can not 
determine how to access The applications list menu, but it will be 
probably ready later.
Also ALT+F2 dialog is now inaccessible, but may be, that BETA2 release 
will support it better or RC release.
So i would like to thank all engaged developer for official 
accessibility support.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca admin tasks in 11.04

2011-09-23 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

So does administrative applications work for You atleast from live CD?
I will install 11.04 too The official release to determine, if there is 
some issue related to running administration tasks after installation.

By The way, what about try to run This ammazing project?
It is ammazing Vinux project with Speakup integrated, Android text to 
speech engine compatible with Orca and optimized for The needs of 
visually impaired users.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Thanks letter for all Accessibility engaged developers from Canonical LTD

2011-09-21 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel

Dear developers,

I would like to use this opportunity and i would like to deeply 
appreciate Yours long term work related to Ubuntu accessibility. You are 
The good example, that new user interfaces and new software technology 
can be developed for handicapped and also for non handicapped users.
I would like to thank MR Yelavich for his outstanding programmers work, 
because i know, that working on accessibility is not his only one 
working activity for Canonical.
His role is very complex, because he must make a balance, so 
accessibility for visually impaired users can not be in The conflicts 
with user interface plans of Canonical LTD.
I Am patient and eventhough i AM helpless to try latest Ubuntu builds 
myself, i have tried The build from Monday and also Beta1, i know, that 
MR Yelavich is doing his best to bring The accessible Ubuntu for 
visually impaired users as soon as possible.

CTRL+S is not running Orca at all.
I have tried it with build from Monday for The several time, even boot 
option access=v3 is not helping me.
Even triing to stop light display manager service by using earlier post 
from very kind and intelligent MR Attia is not working, it worked 
probably for Alpha 1

sudo service lightdm stop
SO i AM looking forward to BETA2 release, i believe, that this release 
will be awailable in The first week of next month.

There are very probably some complex steps which are necessary to 
complete to use Orca successfully.
But from Console, Orca is working, So ammazing fact is, That 
speech-dispatcher and Pulseaudio are working ammazingly and smoothly 
without issues.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Which accessibility features have been added to The latest version of Kubuntu 10.10 BETA?

2010-09-21 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers of accessibility features in Ubuntu,
Please, would You tell me, if some on screen keyboard or other
accessibility based features have been added to The latest BETA version of
KUbuntu 10.10 Maverick?
I do not assume, that Orca will work with KDE, but i would like to know, if
there is other accessibility based features, such as on screen magnifier or
on screen keyboard.
Thank You very much for Yours answer.
With kindness regards.
Janusz Chmiel
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

What about to try to read article about Pulseaudio?

2009-11-04 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear users and developers,

What about to try to solve problems caused by The Pulseaudio integration 
related to volume control by read The following article?

If all packages mentioned in this Wiki article are properly installed and 
configured in Ubuntu Karmic, then it is onlyone possibility to solve some 
problems related to Volume.

Wait for some updates, as i tried, Canonical releases some updates very 
fast, so lets patiently wait.

Some occasional crashes of speech dispatcher while using Espeak are really 
caused by The installation of Ubuntu Karmic to a Harddrive, i noticed this 
crash while using gnome-terminal

and when i was used

sudo su

I typed my right root password

I tried to install some package by using

apt-get install

But when Espeak talked The progress of package installation, Speech 
dispatcher dummi module started to talk to me.

But i think, that those crashes can be very remarkably decreased by perform 
all awailable updates by using update feature in The administrative 
applications menu.

If some crashes will occur, i will send speech dispatcher debug log to some 
developer, who could repair speech dispatcher source code.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 Koala positive feetback related to accessibility and speech responsiveness

2009-11-02 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear users,

When i read Yours several E-mails related to crashes of speech 
dispatcher while using it with Orca, i was wondering what would cause those 
behaviour. I tested Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 Koala in live mode for more than one 
hour and i did not experienced random crashes related to speech while using 
Espeak with Orca.
I tested accessibility of administrative tasks, installation program and i 
do not know about issues related to those applications.

So if somebody of us is having problems related to speech, try to test The 
Ubuntu Karmic while using it in live mode. Work with The same computer on 
which You are experiencing random crashes of speech support with Orca. If 
You are experiencing difficulty after performing installation of ubuntu 
Karmic to A hard drive, my opinion is, that random crashes are caused by The 
fact, that Ubuntu is installed on A harddrive.

My opinion is, that if this is The case, there is complex software conflicts 
between algorithms, which are used for allocating swap file and 
speechdispatcher. May be, that those algorithms are causing this problem.

MR Klaus Knopper is also experiencing problems while using speechdispatcher 
with his Adriane Knoppis, when console applications are used and 
speechdispatcher is being used with SBL Suseblinux screen reader. 
Speechdispatcher is crashing, if Adriane Knoppix is installed on A 
harddrive, but never crashes if Adriane Knoppix is used in live mode and 
very probably, those crashes will not occur, if Adriane knoppix is being 
used in live mode started from USB flash disk.

Speechdispatcher will never crash in Adriane Knoppix, if user will only use 
Orca and LXDE related applications.

So i think, that this conclusion would help core developers of 
Speechdispatcher to debug memory allocation related tasks, if it would be 

MR Knoper really sended me The E-mail, on which he confirmed my conclusion, 
that consoled applications in Adriane Knoppix, which are used with SBL are 
not usable with speech dispatcher if Adriane Knoppix has been installed to A 
hard drive.

Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 is very good accessible distribution, ACPI services are 
very well optimized and motherboard is not having high tempherature.

Orca responsiveness is The fastest while using Pulseaudio sound server with 
Espeak and Orca. I think, that many of us would send MR Yelavich thank's 
E-mail, because he had to spend many hours of complex programmers work while 
debugging Pulseaudio sound server to reach The best awailable compatibility 
and speech responsiveness while using this sound server with 
Speech-dispatcher and Orca.

Mr Yelavich, thank You very, very much for Your intensive and complex 
programmers work while analysing, debugging and modifiing source code of 
Pulseaudio sound server, which is written in C programming language.

Pulseaudio will be very probably The standart for many Linux distributions, 
Mandriva One 2009.1 is using it, Opensuse is using it from version 11.0, 
earlyer versions used ESD sound daemon. And i really think, that Ubuntu is 
now The best Linux distribution, which is accessible with Orca while 
Pulseaudio sound server is incorporated. And, what is very, very important, 
also users of braille displays can be very happy, because Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 
is using The latest awailable and stable version of Brltty.

I will install Ubuntu Karmic To a Harddrive and if i will find some issues, 
i will provide valuable and constructive feetback about it, so some issues 
would be solved by making some update for ubuntu Karmic.

So please, do not be afraid and You can safely try Ubuntu Karmic. If You 
want to use Brltty, Brltty daemon must be started with The root privileges, 
i tested it in Live CD mode.

So i would like to thank all core developers of Ubuntu Karmic, who made 
their best to support a handicapped computer users.

Last remark.

There are many various computers, with various models of CPU, with various 
CPU frequency, with various chipsets, and with various sound carts. Some 
sound carts were  manufactured after year 2002. So those sound carts are 
using slover chips and also algorithms incorporated in to The sound drivers 
for controlling those sound devices are not able to provide so fast 
responsiveness while using those sound carts with Pulseaudio sound server. 
So please, i would like to kindly please all users, if they would think 
about those technical problems before providing negative feetback related to 
speech responsiveness in Ubuntu Karmic.

Every developer is A Human being with emotions and try to look to The source 
code of Pulseaudio sound server. Try to imagine, that every body of us would 
have to analyse, modifi, recompile and debug this source code ro make 
reliable support of Pulseaudio sound server. Lets be more emphatical to core 
developers of Ubuntu, who are really very overloaded because of other 
programmers activity, not only because of developing accessibility support 
for Ubuntu 

Re: Ubuntu Karmic 9.10 Koala positive feetback related toaccessibility and speech responsiveness

2009-11-02 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear syr,

Some sound drivers are using different values for volume paramethers, so 
there will be probably a onlyone solution, somebody very experienced would 
tell You the name of configuration file and would tell You a command for 
increasing The volume. But because You provided excellent description of 
Yours used integrated sound device, core developers who are responsible for 
those tasks will be very probably prepare update for solving this issue.

I also experienced very fast responsiveness while using Orca with Mozilla 
Firefox included in Karmic.

So i wisch You many positive experiences while working with this Ubuntu 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: the sbl screen reader

2009-08-20 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear users,

As i know, SBl (suseblinux screen reader) is included in some Opensuse 
repository, and Adriane Knoppix is also having this screen reader included 
and it's configuration files has been modified, so this screen reader is not 
communicating with external synthesizer or with supported braille device, 
but with Speechdispatcher directly. Thank's to MR Klaus Knopper and his 
colleagues, who are professional developers.
I did not find computer, which would be incompatible with Ubuntu Jaunty, 
some very old computers, dated to year before year 2000 will have troubles 
not with plaing greeting sound when Gnome has been started, but with 
cooperation with Espeak and other synthesizers.

I Am recommending all professional programmerrswho are now in this mailing 
list, if they would start professional academic discussion with competent 
programmers, who are responsible for developing The Linux kernel. Also 
developers of Sepakup could be invited to this programmers discussion. Why 
core developers of Linux kernel do notwant to officially include Speakup 
patch to The kernel?

Debian distro and also Ubuntu can use this package made special packages to 
include Speakup with Espeak, i do not know The names of all packages, which 
are necessary to install Speakup support with Espeak. Even NTFS3G support is 
awailable in The Debian repository, so Debian users do not have to recompile 
whole kernel to include support for NTFS access. And in Ubuntu, this driver 
is officially included for more than 2 years.


Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: the sbl screen reader

2009-08-20 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear syr,

I know, that SBL can support those devices, i told about configuration 
files, which has been modified in The Adriane Knoppix distribution, to 
enable support of Speechdispatcher. I know, that those devices can be 

I constructed bad sentences.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

please try to focus on solving errors related to at-spi registry module while using Ubuntu Karmic development releases

2009-08-04 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear syr,

I would like to valuably please YOu, if You would intensively focus on 
errors related to at-spi registry finished unexpectedly error message, while 
using Ubuntu Karmic with Orca. This error is appearing very often, if user 
is using Ubuntu update from Gnome-terminal, unfortunately, i think, that 
Ubuntu updates are in conflict with some at-spi modules, because after 
finishing updates by using this feature from Gnome menu, orca very often 
stop to talk.

I used apparmor to send bug report, but i do not know, if The error report 
has been recorded to The server if i did not completed The questions in The 

Please, try to very intensively cooperate with core developers of AT-Spi 
components, how to enable users to watch update progress while using at-spi 
compatible screen reader.

Fortunately,i successfully solved The issue related to language updates not 
only in Ubuntu Jaunty. The best way from preventing to install rest of those 
components after finishing Ubuntu installation is to connected to The 
Internet when user starts installation program, so before first reboot of 
installation program, Ubiquity is able to automatically download all 
necessary language updates.

So, please, be very careful on At-spiregistry module not only while using 
ubuntu updates, this error is also caused by The algorithms, which Orca is 
using while user is pressing ALT+F4 for terminating applications.

I also occurred this error and because at-spi-registry module terminated 
unexpectedly, Orca stopped to speak. It is possible to rerun Orca, but 
please, try to debug The cause of those random crashes of at-spi-registry 

I will send The error reports to Canonica while testing The newest Ubuntu 
Karmic builds.

Please, all visually impaired users must use orca flat rewiev keys and key 
for simulating left mouse click for activating The button for sending bug 
report from The Apparmor, but fortunately, The Orca algorithms are able to 
reliably perform this task.

So thank You very, very much for programmers analysys.

I will intensively test, if those crashes are not only caused by Espeak and 
Orca cooperation, so i will disable speech or much more better, i will 
remove Espeak from The system. Thank's for ammazing Initframs, so i can 
perform those tasks even from live CD.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: problems after installing karmic

2009-07-25 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear users,

I have tried The procedure, which can guarantee You, that YOu will be 
able to boot to Windows Xp if YOu will remove Linux operating system 
according to my directions.

If You will not be able to boot to Windows XP, You are having two 
1. Remove partitions, which are used by Ubuntu Karmic, I Am strongly 
recommending You to rather use stable live CD for removing and modifiing The 
partitions, because kernel of development releases can be unstable. Use 
gparted only in Live CD mode while YOu will boot from this live CD.

Or You would try to manually edit Grub configuration file and specifi to 
boot WIndows XP. try to please a sighted person, if there is item for 
starting Windows XP. If no, installation program for Karmic did not add The 
Grub configuration for starting Windows XP. Try to look at The partitions, 
if You did not removed NTFS partition.

So how to remove Linux safely and how to recover Windows SXP to be bootable 

Boot from a stable Ubuntu live CD, I Am strongly recommending You to boot 
from Ubuntu Jaunty official release.

Use gparted to remove Linux based partitions. Before removing Linux svap, 
disable it by using F10 function key and right arrow key to get to The 
partition sub menu. And press down arrow key until YOu will hear svap off.

This will disable svap file. Because Linux kernel will probably use Your 
svap file eventhough You will boot from A live CD. Linux kernel is loving 
The svap file very much, and if it will see this partition, kernel will 
start to use it.

When You will have svap file off, You can remove Linux svap, and extended 
partition. You can also remove EXT4 partition if You will experiment with 
Ubuntu Karmic, EXT3 file system will be used while using older Ubuntu 

When you will have removed all Linux partitions, restart Your computer with 
Ubuntu live CD on YOur CD boot drive. Start gparted again and when cursor 
will be on a NTFS partition, explore The Gparted menus to find The flags sub 
menu. Enable The boot flag in The dialog box. Your NTFS partition must be 
bootable, so The boot flag must be turned on.

Apply the changes and restart Your computer without Ubuntu live CD. I found 
out, that by using boot flag, The boot sector will be working fine and Your 
WIndows XP will very probably start fine without problems.

There is also other procedure, so user have to use The console and before 
triing to install other operating system, user can backup several sectors of 
his hard drive to The floppy drive or to The USB disk. I can explain both 
procedures for this. I Am not author of those procedures. One professional 
from GRML E-mail conference described this procedure for backing up sectors 
to USE or to A floppy drive. I will try to send A direct link to his 
article, eventhough The whole article is focused on installing GRML, The 
procedure for backing up and restoring from this backup is included.

I tried The procedure for recovering Windows XP to The boot state after 
removing Linux distro. I tried this procedure for Opensuse, but i think, 
that boot flags will be working fine, because i used Gparted from Ubuntu to 
set The NTFS boot flag TO The on state.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

problems with Language update in Ubuntu Jaunty

2009-07-04 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers of Ubuntu Jaunty,

Please, would you try to find The cause of The problems while performing 
recommendet language updates when update notifier is giving this possibility 
automatically? I AM using Ubuntu Jaunty with Czech language support. 
ALgorithms even installed The braille table  for Czech language. But when 
Orca is being used The process is not finished successfully. Now, update 
notifier is always display The dialog window, that i should install update 
related to my language but after activating button perform The action, The 
updater can not finish The installation and dialog box for selecting The 
language is appear.

So please, could You try to modifi those algorithms so The process will be 
finished correctly?

Thank YOu very much for YOur answers.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

security question related to running administrative tasks from The gnome-terminal

2009-07-04 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers of Ubuntu Jaunty,

I would like to thank You very, very much that You improved 
accessibility support on this Ubuntu version, user do not have to create 
orbit.rc file to run aplications with The root privileges from The 
gnome-terminal. My security question is related toThe situation, when i will 
run some administrative tasks from The gnome-terminal.

Can i run all those task securely, or there can be random crashes while 
triing to run them from The Gnome terminal? What is better approach. Run 
those tasks by using gnome-terminal and a command line, or To use run 
application command and The button run in The terminal? In GNome 2.23, i 
received GTK related error message while using TAB and SHIFT+TAB in The 
Synaptic package manager, which i executed from The Gnome-terminal. So 
please, would YYou gime me a advice? Because i think, that some interfaces 
of applications are not intennded to be run from The gnome-terminal.

Thank You for Your professional answer.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: karmic problem is fixed but here is another one

2009-06-16 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear users,

Yes, The restart keyboard short cut for restarting Gnome has been 
removed also from Ubuntu Jaunty. But please, keep in mynd, that You are 
allowed to use CTRL+ALT+F1 to activate console while Gnome is being used, 
You can type Your user name and password, then You will be able to use 
special command for manipulating with Gnome, including exit of this desktop 
environment. Please, try to study documentation for command gnome-session.

You are even able to install yasr while You will be used console for those 
commands for exitting Gnome, You will have a Feetback.

I occurred software problems while restart of Xserver has been presented in 
Ubuntu intrepid and in older releases of Ubuntu. The less dangerous effect 
has, that every next restart of Gnome caused higher temperature of my 
motherboard and that sped of CPU fan has increased.
There were even problems with Orca.

For now, i do not know about better Linux distro, which is being so good 
supported by The core developers to be usable by visually impaired 
community. Kernel has been specially optimized to reduce The CPU fan speed 
while running Ubuntu Jaunty, even special complex programmers modiffications 
has been made to whole Ubuntu architecture. Pulse Audio audio server is not 
more used while installing from A boot menu with accessibility features 

The sound preferences function is really switching correctly between various 
audio servers, such as between Alsa and OSS.

Espeak is now reallay using The correspondent Audio server according to The 
server, which has been chosen from The preferences menu.

Debian leny Gnome-live CD from january of this year can not offer You 
installation of this CD to A hard drive, user must install Orca manually, 
The problems with root applications are also presented.

The update manager and Gnome menu in general is being very simple in Ubuntu 
Jaunty and in other Ubuntu distro.

Do not forget, that core developers of Ubuntu are constantly monitoring, if 
A new version of At-spi is awailable and if The significant changes has been 
made to At-spi infrastructure, users can use automatic updates feature.
Core developers of Ubuntu are doing their bbest to bring users The latest 
changes related to various audio servers, including alsa, OSS, Pulse audio.

Ubuntu Jaunty is even able to automatically install support for A 
corresponding language for braille devices, this has never been possible in 
The previous versions, and other LInux distros are not using this technique.

The random crashes of Espeak are reallly gone forever, even while using live 
CD, so You can safely use Gnome partition editor for manipulating with The 
disk partitions.
Many device drivers are included, including various models of scanners and 
multifunctioning devices, this is even possible in A .iso image of 
Gnome-live CD.

Ubuntu can be safely and stably installed, without random crashes of Espeak 
while installing.

Ubuntu can be installed while using braille support even in The live mode, 
if sound cart has not been correctly autodetected during booting up.

Ubuntu is including safety warnings related to The most modern Lion 
batteries in laptop, system will be turned of if a minimum safe stored power 
in The battery is awailable.

Safety warnings are also included in The power manager, if YOur Lion battery 
is too excharget, this can prevent from The fire on YOur flet.

So, really, everybody upgrade to Ubuntu Jaunty. Next future updates of 
included packages can be installed automatically.

Scim devices can be configured.
So, I Am wisching You much positive experiences while using Ubuntu Jaunty, 
and advanced users are welcomed during testing of Ubuntu Kalmic. But please 
be aware, that even complex changes can be made to vmlinus and other kernel 
related modules, so do not store important data to The experimental 
installation of this distro, which is being developed.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: does anyone know of a small live cd with software speech

2009-06-13 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear syr,

You can try The Linuxspeaks live CD, this .iso image will have less than400 
MB, The Speakup is included. Thank's to The Joe Kamphaus.

This distribution is onlyone, which I Am knowing about, it can be even 
installed like a standalone distro, no complex algorithms for installing 
multiple operating systems are included.

Give this distro a chance. And tell me, if Your sound cart has been 

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Installing ubuntu 9.04 with braille support

2009-05-18 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear syr,

It is possible to install latest official release of Ubuntu Jaunty by using 
braille device. The condition is, that Your model of braille display is 
supported by The Brltty application. The braille devices connected throught The 
serial port will require special command line parameters. For important 
information about those situations, study The Brltty home page and The brltty 

Brltty will be able to automatically display correctly characters on Your 
braille display according to The installed language. But may be, that You will 
have to install special language updates. I experienced crashes of Ubuntu, 
white screen displaied after performing those language updates. So i had to do 
it for more than six times to have success. 

For visually impaired, it will be necessary to perform some administrative 
tasks outside running Gnome, on A console, i will try to find safe way for 
terminating Gnome environment and to work with a console. Console screen 
reader, Yasr and Brltty is awaylable for those situations.

And now The procedure.

I did not tested alternate installation Cd, but i tested this procedure with 
official release of Ubuntu Jaunty, not with latest daily live build.

So follow my instructions.

Insert Your burned CD with Ubuntu Jaunty official release.

Boot this CD, when Cd will stop working, press Enter key.

Then press F5 function key
Then press number 3, not on Your numeric keypad.

Press Enter key.
Press down arrow key for once.
Press enter again and patiently wait, until You will hear install frame 
message, not press keys when welcome to Orca message will be speaked to You.

Then press
sudo su
Press Enter

Press enter

Or brltty with command line options, which are specific for Your model of 
braille display. And press Enter again.
If Your braille device is USB compatible, Brltty should recognize it 
automatically. When you will be able to read characters on Your braille device, 
press CTRL+ALT+F7

You will be back in to installation program for Ubuntu Jaunty.

Press insert+space
For recalling orca preferences dialog box.

Navigate to The OK button. Orca should after several seconds start to 
communicate with YOur braille device. If You will not want to have speech 
support, simply disable it by pressing INsert+S.

This procedure is i think very safe and would not cause any crashes during 
installation process.

Please let me know, if this procedure will be usable for YOu.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

useful hodkeys for solving crashes of Gnome modules in Ubuntu Jaunty

2009-05-17 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear users,

I would like to give You some useful hod keys for The situation, when You 
will lose speech support and if Gnome will stop to operate. Please remember, 
that CTRL+ALT+F1 and other key combinations with some of function keys are 
awailable for You. So if You will not be able to even shut down computer by 
pressing power button, Gnome shutdown process will not recall, do not panic. 
Instead of force shutdown,which may corrupt Your harddrive if You will do it 
very often, press CTRL+ALT+F1. The user name login screen wil appear. Type Your 
user name followed by pressing Enter key, then type Your password and You will 
press Enter key again. You will be at The console.

You can start brltty or even install Yasr, Yasr is able to work in Ubuntu 

apt-get install yasr

You will be able for example to shutdown your computer from The console. But 
Gnome data will probably will not be saved correctly, but You will not be 
forced to shutdown Your computer by forcing shutdown it.

YOu are able to switch between console and login prompt and Your Gnome session 
by pressing CTRL+ALT+F7 for recalling Gnome session or by pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 
to recall login prompt and after login, YOu will use standard Linux console.

So i think, that this information would interest somebody of us.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Gnomespeech or other speech support is stopping to work after first Jaunty update

2009-05-16 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers of Ubuntu Jaunty,

After successfully installing Ubuntu Jaunty official release, and after i 
tried to perform automatic update, The process has been probably completed 
successfully, but i have lost speech support. I tried to quit Orca without 
speech support, i tried to reactivate Orca, Gnome did not crashed, ALT+F2 hod 
key has been usable. Orca tried to reload to RAM, but without speech. To reduce 
The chance, that system will totally crash, i rather pressed The power button 
on my notebook and i pressed The space key to confirm shutdown action. This 
problem has been occurred, when i successfully installed official build of 
Ubuntu Jaunty, after completing installation, after successfully login and 
after triing to use automatic update feature from administration sub menu.

Please, would Yu try to deeply analyse this issue? Or it would be better for 
visually impaired to rather use those tools from The gnome-terminal?

So for completing upgrade of Ubuntu always type

apt-get update

apt-get dist-upgrade

Or aptitude safe-upgrade

The synaptic package manager can not be also used with Orca while using it from 
The menu, so synaptic can be fortunately used from The Gnome-terminal, when 
user is logged in as a root.

Unfortunately, also other tools are not accessible, such as create USB startup 
disk, but if this algorithm in this program will not put accessibility support 
to flash disk, it is not problem.

Please do not ignore my pleasment.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

tips for working with more at-spi compatible screen readers in Ubuntu Jaunty

2009-05-14 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear users,

I would like to familiar You with ammazing possibility. This possibility 
is, that You can use more than one screen reader in Ubuntu Jaunty in The 
cases, when Orca will not read some specific list or other part of user 
interface of a specific application. Eventhough Orca is now onlyone and The 
best awailable Gnome screen reader, and i do not know about better solution, 
i would like to write You some procedures, which You would find useful in 
The case, if You accidentally break Your current Orca installation, or if 
AYou would try to analyze user interface of some application which Orca can 
not access. No everybody of us is advanced Python and C programming language 
developer, so it would be good approach.

Firstly, i would like to inform You, that You can always install The fully 
functioning and stable release of Orca by using gnome-orca package. This 
package can be uninstalled or reinstalled by using

apt-get install gnome-orca

apt-get remove gnome-orca

So if You would for example accidentally download non functioning Orca 
development snapshot, You would install it and You would lose Orca support, 
You can always solve this issue by changing to The directory, where You 
installed Orca snapshot from.

And as  A root user in The gnome-terminal
make uninstall

Thank's to The ammazing feature of Linux architecture, You can even be 
running Your Orca if it will atleast provide You basic feetback and You can 
type those commands with speech support. Then, please terminate Orca by 
using quit function.

Then, You can reinstall Orca from official Ubuntu repository by using

apt-get install gnome-orca

Before You will install Orca from source, please correctly install all 
components before trying to use


make install

So for building Orca from source, You will need to execute The following 
commands as A root user.

apt-get install libglib2.0-dev python-dev

apt-get install git-core gnome-common automake1.9

Then type
make install

If You will follow my instructions, You will be able to successfully install 
LSR and Sue screen readers too.

And You can use those three screen readers without causing software 
conflicts be each others.

Where You can find LSR and SUE screen readers? Those screen readers can be 
downloaded by using provided direct links and those screen readers are also 
written by using Python programming language and C programming language. 
Please be aware, that LSR or Sue can not replace Orca and there can be some 
stability or other bugs, but You can use those products for The situations, 
while Orca has been accidentally broken, or if YOu would try to use those 
screen readers for accessing some applications, which Orca is not able to 
read. Those applications must be at-spi compatible, in other cases, also 
those screen readers will not provide You access to those applications.

So You can download source code of LSR by using one of The following two 
direct links.
After decompressing those archives, You can install them like installing 

Where You can download SUE screen reader?

The best  solution will be to use last development snapshot of this product, 
so use svn to get this program by using The following hyperlink for 
downloading source from SVN repository for SUE.

Or You can download The branch of this source by using

SUE is based on LSR but core developers modified The source code and if 
somebody want's to help developers during developing this product, everyone 
is granted to do this.

Ubuntu Jaunty is now really stable and speech friendly distro, so do not 
thesitate to try this distro, core developers are constantly updating this 
distro, even complex parts of it like kernel image, at-spi.

I would strongly warn all users before building at-spi from source, it is 
much more better to wait, if official build will be awailable by automatic 
updates feature.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Orca keeps requesting setup!

2009-05-08 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear syr,

I Am not sure, if You read my E-mail, which i posted yesterday to The Ubuntu
Accessibility mailing list. Did You installed Ubuntu Jaunty by using install
choice from The boot screen? So: did You pressed enter after CD stopped
whirring, then did YOu pressed F5, did YOu pressed number 3 followed by
pressing Enter? And did You pressed down arrow key to set The cursor to The
install choice, and did YOu pressed enter?

If You installed Ubuntu Jaunty by using install desktop link, The algorithm
will not prepare Ubuntu for use with Orca. The only one solution, which i
was able to use was to install Ubuntu from The boot screen. By The other
words, The algorithm is The same like while installing Ubuntu Hardy Heron.

Also Wubi.exe is not able to configure The Orca. And if You can, install
Ubuntu by using install choice from The boot screen, but please, do not
forget to use F5 and The procedure, which i described.

So, when CD stops to whirring, press Enter
Then Press F5, type number 3, not number 3 at The numeric keypat.

Then press Enter, then press down arrow for once, and press enter again. Be
patient, and wait for Orca speech.

You can use The choice use entire harddisk to reinstall previously installed

I tested this solution from A dayli live CD build, but i think, that this
procedure should work also  for The official build.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

How to use Orca after completing installation of Ubuntu Jaunty official version to A hard drive?

2009-05-07 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers of accessibility support in Ubuntu Jaunty.

I would like to ask You, how to use Orca after completing The installation of 
this distro to A hard drive. I used installation program, which i activated 
from A live CD.

Unfortunately, after installation program reboot my computer, when i hear The 
login audio prompt, i typed my user name, password. The Ubuntu welcome sound 
has been plaied.

But i have probably made a mistake. I pressed ALT+F2 and i executed The Orca 

Orca has been started, but Espeak started to speak abnormally fast, and Orca is 
not usable. This is also happening, if I booted a live CD and if i did not 
activated The accessibility feature by pressing F5 and 3 number at The ubuntu 
boot screen. The core developers of installation routines probably has forgot 
to enable support of Orca. This is working fine, when activating accessibility 
feature at The boot screen. But not after finishing installation of Ubuntu 
Jaunty. I performed The installation when booting from A live Cd with 
accessibility features enabled.

Please, does somebody know, how to solve this issue? 

ANd i would like to openheardly congratulate Your development team, because 
Ubuntu is now really usable and stable with Orca and Espeak. This distro, 
Ubuntu Jaunty is very probably The solution for visually impaired users. You 
had to probably rewrite some portion of Espeak, may be, that You modified 
portaudio.h and audio server, which is now being used by Gnomespeech and 
Espeak, may be, that Alsa, Pulse audio?

If it is Pulseaudio, i would like to apologize Mr LUke Yelavich, that i 
constantly pleased him to not use this audio server.

You are making ammazing work. I think, that The system is so stable with Espeak 
because of complex changes, also Gnome developers rewritten GNomespeech and 
many Gnome components, core developers of Ubuntu may be also changed some parts 
of Gnome, source codes of audio server, which is being used, may be that also 
parts of Espeak source code,  portaudio.h.

I executed The installer from A desktop icon.

Or had i execute this installation routine from a boot screen, by first 
enabling accessibility support, and then to choose The install item?

I AM helpless. I think, that i will be forced to reinstall Ubuntu again.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Ubuntu Jaunty and Orca

2009-05-07 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
There is very strange aspect of this situation. When user is activating 
accessibility features at The boot screen, Orca is speaking normally and 
fluently with Espeak. But when user is triing to activate Orca without enabling 
those features, Espeak is speaking very fast and is making strange noice. My 
opinion is, that experts from development team solved issues with Pulse audio, 
because why Orca is able to speak while booting to A live Cd with accessibility 
support enabled? And why orca is able to speak even while activating 
accessibility features at The boot screen and when user is activating install 
option from a boot screen?

My opinion is, that core developers of installation program did not included 
enabling assistive technology support, so may be, that sighted person would 
help me to enable this support from a Gnome menu, may be that from preferences 

If assistive technology support is enabled, The problem is in The HAL and used 
audio playback. I had experience, that while booting a Ubuntu intrepid live CD, 
the used default sound output has been different, than The sound output, which 
is being used when Intrepid is being installed.

It is somethink related to HAL. So The solution would be to configure The 
Jaunty future installation to use The same sound access algorithms, which are 
used when booting Ubuntu Jaunty live CD by activating accessibility features at 
The boot screen.

But now, Ubuntu live Cd is working better than with Speech dispatcher, without 
crashes and latencyes while pressing ALT+F2. Core developers also solved issues 
related to synaptic and other administrative tasks, so visually impaired users 
or other users of At-spi compatible assistive technology can use those tasks 
without using gnome-terminal.

Even Wubi is using very strange names for themes, so user is confusing, which 
theme is related to Orca. Braille theme is also causing problems, atleast in 
The older Jaunty live build.

It is very sad and i would like to please core developers to make a update to 
The Ubuntu repository. Because now, Orca, Espeak and root applications and 
installation program issues are gone forever, Espeak is working very stable, so 
why this new shadow effect? 

Or this effect is only presented on new live CDS?

I did not known, that Ubuntu Jaunty has been officially released, so i 
downloaded Live CD which could be downloaded yesterday from

Sorry mr Yellavich, that i AM intruding You again, but i AM so close The highly 
stable Linux distribution, and new complex programmers issue is blocking me.

So thank You for any help.

With kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: Speech-dispatcher as a service?

2008-12-04 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Blindubuntu even contained yasr screen reader connected to a Speech 
dispatcher and festival Czech database, so users can use yasr for reading 
texts displaied in console.

Speakup can be added to The installed system too. And braille displays are 
automatically detected like Ubuntu feisty and Gutsi Gibbon.

I would like to thank MR Hanke, that he published this message, because MR 
Sukany is very clever linux administrator, his knowledge of Linux operating 
system is ammazing, he is even publishing articles in The Czech magazine 
Linux Express. I think, that this man could cooperate with core developers 
of Ubuntu to make accessibility features in The box.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

is Abiword compatible with At-spi architecture and could be made fully accessible with Orca?

2008-11-07 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers of Orca and other users,

Do You think, that Abiword could be made accessible with Orca, now, I 
found out, that many dialogs are accessible without problems, including all 
menus, but navigation inside opened or newly created document is not 
available with Orca. Orca can not read and intereact when User is pressing 
arrow keys or Del and Backspace. Could be possible to also access this edit 
area in Abiword, or this is not possible, because there are no possibility 
to get text from this document area, because it is not compatible with 
At-spi? I AM aware, that openoffice package is fully accessible, but when 
Abiword is also presented, may be, that it could be possible to make some 
scripts for accessing document content in Abiword too.

If no, please try to tell Me, why is not possible from programmers wiev.

Thank You for Your answer.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: workaround for installing ubuntu 8.10?

2008-10-30 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Oh Yes,

Only Ubuntu 8.04 hardy Heron was able to automatically launch installation 
program from A boot menu, when user pressed F5, choosed accessibility choice 
for running orca, pressed enter again and thenn user choosed install by 
pressing down arrow for once. But because probably At-spi architecture is 
working differently for Intrepid, todays live CD version of Ubuntu, it will 
be necessary to launch installation program as A root user. In earlyer 
versions, users had reverse problem, Orca runned as a Ubuntu user, and 
installation program run like a Root. Now, is probably all working 
viceversa, but problem is similar, Orca and installation program are working 
as A different user accounts. There is may be one possibility.

Please, try to normally boot to A gnome without trying to access 
accessibility options by pressing F5. After Gnome will be completely loaded 
in The RAM, press Alt+F2, run Orca, complete setup questions, do not answer 
yes when Orca will ask You to logout, press Enter key instead and then press 
CTRL+ALT+Backspace to restart our popular Xserver, Gnome.

After Gnome will be loaded, run Orca again, YOu should hear The Speech.

Then try to type exactly A following command to The edit field inside run 
application dialog box accessed by pressing ALT+F2.

sudo ubiquity --desktop %kgtk_ui

Will Orca provide speech support inside installation program? If no, try to 
create The desktop icon in Gnome and save this link to a USB flash drive, 
and try to use command line which I wrought previously for creating this 
desktop icon.

If You will not be able to use installation program, try The last think, run 
The command from A terminal window,

Activate this Window by activating run application dialog box and type


And when terminal window will appear, type A command, which I described 

Please if someone will receive error, describe this here, please provide Me 
a Feetback.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

intrepid live CD dated to 11.10 caused too many crashes

2008-10-14 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers,

I would like to inform You, that You very probably solved problems 
related to sound audio subsystem, so speech is now working correctly without 
random crashes related to audio subsystem.

I tried to use Ubuntu live CD dated to 11.10 and not only, that Orca did 
not automatically start while using F5 key and used down arrow key for three 
times and than pressed Enter, but while using Orca, Whole operating system 
started to be very unstable. Some software servers has been terminated 
unexpectedly. For example, bomobo or Bonobo server or similar name 
terminated unexpectedly. Oh, it will be probably very complex to determine 
The cause. Please, how can I check The Iso integrity to determine, that I AM 
not downloading corrupted .iso file?

Even one subprocess, which is response for displaying desktop items in Gnome 
crashed. I sended You one error report, but I did not registered 
successfully in The Launchpad server, because even Firefox crashed while 
working with WEB content.

My question is, if I will send The error reports, if I must register in The 
Launchpad, or if The error reports can be also send only without registering 
and could be awailable for development team.

I would like to please other users for patient testing, because I think, 
that official release will be released very soon. And if somethink can be 
repair, it would be done as soon as possible. Eventhough Ubuntu distribution 
is very often updated, update manager can update some crucial parts of this 
operating system without need to reinstall allready installed system, I 
think, that similar stability related issues could be repaired when official 
release will be awailable.

I can debug similar errors, I used Espeak CS voice, and I did not have many 
other applications active. Only Mozilla firefox or no other application.

Please do not think about Me, that I Am only writing error reports, but I 
think, that because Ubuntu operating system is very stable without using 
ATspi and Orca and Espeak driver for Gnome, it is time to do our best to 
bring as stable Ubuntu distribution usable with Orca as possible. The Ubuntu 
and Gnome is containing many condition blocks for detecting errors, so lets 
use it for debug.

The problems are very probably not caused by wmlinus or similar Linux kernel 
components. My opinion is, that those errors are strongly depend on The used 
sound cart, on The AT-spi and Gnome and Orca and Orca components 

Thank You for Your answer.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: braille doesn't work at all under Ubuntu 8.04.1

2008-09-03 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear master and all users and developers,

I would like to suggest You constructive approach to solve all 
accessibility issues related to support for Orca and braille display.

Firstly, I think, that core developers of Ubuntu could make new desktop 
link for starting Orca with brltty. I Am unfortunately not experienced Gnome 
user, but may be, that adding sudo brltty and followed with line orca could 
solve problems with automatic braille displays detection.

I tried to type

gnome-terminal followed by Enter

I typed sudo brltty, and my USB connected Tieman braille voyager has been 
successfully detected, initialized, and Brltty displayed correctly its 
message screen is not in A text mode.

So if Your model will not be automatically detected, may be, that You 
could try to study command line parameters for Brltty to enable Your 
specific model of braille display.
And please, do not forget to type sudo brltty followed by A specific 

You also mentioned about issue, that Orca can not automatically use A 
correct braille table for selected language. If You meaned by this, that 
Orca should automatically select right braille table according to The 
language, which user selected in The boot menu, there is difficulty related 
to Brltty, not to The Orca Screen reader.

Eventhough Programmers fortunately are having procedure for detecting, which 
language has been selected and they can automatically select specific Espeak 
person for A specific language, automatically select braille table is not so 
simply, as some users could think.

If user want to use A specific braille table for A specific language, user 
must modifi The file brltty.conf, which is located in The
So open
And try to analyze this file for Your wanted language. The language can 
begin with
Character. To enable support for A specific language, remove The # character 
at The beginning of A line, which is assigning The specific language.

Please, try to study manual for Brltty or try to directly communicate with 
developer of Brltty latest version about those changes or if Your language 
is not awailable.

I Am aware, that modifiing this file is only possible, when Ubuntu Hardy 
Heron or newest Ubuntu live CD version is allready installed on A hard 
drive. My opinion is, that every think depends on The fact, how many 
languages are predefined and are awailable in The /etc/brltty.conf

Please, I would like to please all users of Ubuntu to be more patient, core 
developers of Ubuntu are doing their best and during next week, problems 
related to accessibility will be solved. Even problem with Brltty could be I 
think solved without many problems. If is it possible to type sudo brltty
Orca to The Gnome desktop link for starting Orca.

In The Ubuntu Feisty and gutsi, Brltty has been started during booting up, 
much sooner than Gnome has been started. So I think, that brltty has been 
started with Linux kernel probably.

So I Am very sorry, that I can not help You more.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

Re: method for accessing the installer doesn't work in intreped

2008-08-23 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear master,

After pressing F5 and number 3 and pressing Enter, try to press down arrow 
key. This should move a cursor pointer to install choice and then press 
Enter. If Rapid version of Ubuntu will not reliably launch The Orca while 
normally booting from A live CD with accessibility options activated by 
pressing F5 and number 3 followed by pressing Enter and pressing Enter 
again, there are probably some issue.

I tested older release of live CD from August and I had to use normal Orca 
activation by pressing ALT+F2 after booting to Gnome. I had to answer to 
several Orca setup questions and than I restarted Gnome desktop by pressing 

If some of developers of accessibility architecture for Ubuntu could try The 
reliability of automatic launching of Orca, it would be good. I did not have 
problem with automatic launching of installation of Ubuntu Hardy heron 
released in April, except random crashes of Espeak with Orca, this issue is 
now with very high probability solved successfully.

May be, that every accessibility options will work perfectly in The official 
release of Repid distribution of ubuntu, because there are many complex 
programmers tasks which must be solved in The cooperation of Ubuntu 
development team.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

I have made a mistake

2008-08-23 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
I Am very sorry,

The restarting keyboard shortcut for Gnome is


I Am very sorry for this mistake from my previous E-mail. The name of live 
CDS of distributions of Ubuntu is not Rapid but Repid, I Am sorry too.

Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

could You try to think about making language selection menu more accessible?

2008-08-22 Thread Mgr. Janusz Chmiel
Dear core developers of Ubuntu accessibility subsystems,

I would like to please You, if your development team would be so kind and 
if You would try to think about making language accessibility menu during 
booting from A live CD more accessible. 

Could be very complex to make algorithm, which could enable visually impaired 
users to choose A specific language by pressing two first letter of a word, 
which describes A specific language? Visually impaired user can not determine, 
how many times he or she must press down arrow key to choose language. This 
choice is very remarkable aspecially when visually impaired user is using Orca 
and choice to perform A installation of Ubuntu from A boot menu. I Am aware, 
that if A boot image is written in Assembler language, You do not like to 
modifi this source code and You are also limited by a syze of boot image file. 
But if it would be possible, atleast try to think about my suggestion.

Thank You very much for Your answer.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list