Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread Chipp Walters


Not necessary to get all worked up. I was just responding to Stephen's
comment about not working with Safari.

And yes, here at Altuit we do have LOTS OF EXPERIENCE WITH SAFARI and Macs.
In fact, too much. Turns out every darn dot release, Apple changes WebKit
another bit and throws poor Chris back into 'fix' mode. Whereas our IE
version of altBrowser hardly ever needed updating.

So, I guess you can say my particular view of Safari isn't all that great.


On 12/1/06, Brian Yennie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What's with the Apple bashing, really? ...saying that you'd expect Apple
to produce
something that nobody else has sounds like sour grapes.

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Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread chris bohnert


JavascriptCore and DOM support in general are slow and unreliable.  Its
gotten better in the last 10 months but Apples Javascript implementation  is
still not up to snuff when compared to Firefox or even IE.

This is clearly evident on the webkit list and amongst a myriad of AJAX
toolkits that support Firefox and IE out of the shoot and don't add safari
support till months later.  ACID2 compliance is certainly a measure of
achievement but its definetely not the only yard stick worth looking at when
we're discussing AJAX application performance.


On 12/1/06, Brian Yennie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What's with the Apple bashing, really? Mozilla is NOT the standard,
the standard is the standard. Konqueror (on which Safari is based) is
open source also, and no less compliant. Opera is probably the most
compliant browser out there, and Safari was the first to pass the
Acid2 test.

There are no compliant browsers, period. Opera, FireFox and Safari
all have high levels of compatibility but they aren't all the same.
As a result, it still matters what browsers you test against. About
the only certain thing is that you'll spend at least half of your
time dealing with IE if you hope to be browser independent.

Compliancy definitely has a lot of gray area because it's hideously
complex to achieve, but saying that you'd expect Apple to produce
something that nobody else has sounds like sour grapes. Even though
it's a tired subject, it's also pretty hard to ignore the impact of
IE pretty much destroying the efficiency of web developers seeking
browser independence.

> Or...
> putting it another way...
> You'd think in this day and age, Apple would make Safari a compliant
> browser, especially since Mozilla Firefox is open source, works on
> Macs and
> complies to the latest standards (perhaps it may even be considered
> the
> standard at this point).
> Guess it depends upon one's viewpoint. ;-)

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Yennie

That could be, but as the discussion you pointed out mentioned, GWT
didn't come out until six months after the Google guys were at
Morfik's demo at the Web 2.0 conference last year.  I believe that is
admissible as evidence at trial if Morfik is indeed granted the patent
they applied for.

Yeah - who knows. I'm not partial to either side, but of course it  
all depends on whether Morfik actually tries to use a patent against  

As a person who has owned several, that's exactly what I'm saying.
The fact that both play music, and both have either flash or mini hard
drives does not make them similar.  The market seems to agree.

I love an iPod as much as the next guy (and have owned two), but they  
are still similar products to other MP3 players. Sure I agree they  
are better, but yes - two products with the same hardware, same  
features, and competing for the same customer are as similar as it  
gets. How much similar can you be? But we digress...

Are you in the Pioneers program?  If you were then you would already
have access to all of this.  By the way, I didn't mean to spring this
on anyone, but I checked earlier this evening on the cross-platform
issues, so a) Safari is listed as a bug, and is in the to-do list b)
OSX binary is listed as a bug and is in the to-do list, and the Linux
compatibility issue listed as "lab test", whatever that means.  I
can't tell you more since I'm not on the inside.

No, because I don't want to join the pioneer's program in order to  
decide whether I'm interested in the product. They should really put  
up some more documentation on their website for all to see, IMO. This  
is probably mute for a lot of people because they have a free trial  
of the software, but it's Windows-only so I'm out of luck.

I also found this nugget:

"Employees and affiliates of Morfik Technology's competitors are not  
eligible to access information or obtain materials pertaining to  
Morfik's WebOS AppsBuilder software, its testing, or applying for its  
testing, and disclosing and/or using such information in any way that  
compromises the confidentiality of Morfik's publicly announced  
information or compromises Morfik's competitive position. Violations  
of these conditions will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible  
under the law."

Yikes. Sounds like if I joined the program and then wrote a  
Revolution-based AJAX / RAD add-on, there is a good chance Morfik  
would take me to court. No way I'm going to agree to a non-compete in  
order to join their pioneer program. Guess I have to pay $5k after  
all =).

I agree that the vocabulary is difficult.  Both they and Google throw
around the word "Compiler" in a way that is completely unfamiliar to
me, and I've written a couple (for example).

Yep. I know Morfik isn't any worse than anyone else with the buzz  
words, I just universally hate them =).

Bringing all of this back to the original discussion, I would really
like to see RR establish some sort of AJAX functionality, and not with
a bunch of strap-on external puppies either.  However I'm afraid that
will be a couple of years down the road first.

I would too. I actually think it's a quite doable project. Not small,  
but doable. It doesn't hurt that we could live on top of the existing  
Rev IDE and object properties.

So I guess we probably aren't going to agree on a lot of the Morfik  
points, but that's ok. Unfortunately if I work on a Revolution  
solution, it looks like we could end up in court if you help =P...

- Brian

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Re: USB/Serial issue

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, December 1, 2006, 4:35:30 PM, you wrote:

> Did you try "put the driverNames"

The "drivernames" is documented as being OSX-only.

-Mark Wieder

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

but maybe the distinction is that GWT is in fact
more of a low-level tool then Morfik which is more RAD-oriented. I
can buy that.

That's the point I'm trying to make.  It isn't that it's a bad thing.
I use text editors to work on HTML, CSS etc. files, and I use RAD
tools to build pages.  It doesn't make one any better than the other,
but they aren't similar.

I'm just commenting on the speculation that Google actually either a)
stole their IP, or actually b) licensed the technology directly. Hey
it's all speculation. All that is for sure is that Morfik is trying
to patent their JWT technology, and much of the tech community sees
it as frivolous and possibly desperate to keep Google out of the game.

That could be, but as the discussion you pointed out mentioned, GWT
didn't come out until six months after the Google guys were at
Morfik's demo at the Web 2.0 conference last year.  I believe that is
admissible as evidence at trial if Morfik is indeed granted the patent
they applied for.

Neither of use know if there actually will be any lawsuits, or what
relation exactly the technology has. But obviously a lot of people DO
see them as competitors with similar technology. Are you telling me
now that iPods and other MP3 players aren't actually similar products?

As a person who has owned several, that's exactly what I'm saying.
The fact that both play music, and both have either flash or mini hard
drives does not make them similar.  The market seems to agree.

Sounds good. After much digging, you can find some vague references
on the site to Linux and MacOS options in the future. Looks to me
like Morfik really needs to improve the information on their site.
It's nearly impossible to find any clear information, or else I'm
just blind. And I'm not the only one- there are references all over
the net to people turned off by the Windows-only appearance.

Are you in the Pioneers program?  If you were then you would already
have access to all of this.  By the way, I didn't mean to spring this
on anyone, but I checked earlier this evening on the cross-platform
issues, so a) Safari is listed as a bug, and is in the to-do list b)
OSX binary is listed as a bug and is in the to-do list, and the Linux
compatibility issue listed as "lab test", whatever that means.  I
can't tell you more since I'm not on the inside.

So, the truth does sound much better to me. Totally improves my view
of the product. If you're in their program, you might mention that
people are having trouble figuring this stuff out from their website.
Too many buzz words and no straight information!

I agree that the vocabulary is difficult.  Both they and Google throw
around the word "Compiler" in a way that is completely unfamiliar to
me, and I've written a couple (for example).

Bringing all of this back to the original discussion, I would really
like to see RR establish some sort of AJAX functionality, and not with
a bunch of strap-on external puppies either.  However I'm afraid that
will be a couple of years down the road first.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Yennie
I think what makes the GUID spec so bewildering is the fact that GUID  
needs are highly application-specific.

Your point is actually right on target. GUID generation is non- 
perfect and probabilistic. Just generating random data isn't really  
conceptually any worse, it just gives a much higher probability of  
conflicts, since random number generators aren't pure and can be  
influenced by things like the random seed, different machines, system  
shutdowns, etc.

What the GUID spec does is create a system in which it's practically  
impossible (as opposed to theoretically impossible) to generate the  
same GUID twice. In order to do this it basically calls on a handful  
of different unique data and mashes it all together. It also strives  
for variation (since checking the IP address has nothing to do with  
generating a random number, for example) so that there is no one  
point of failure. But in the end, it's just the difference between  
"unlikely" and "super super super super super unlikely", and really  
it's the application that is going to define how many "super"s you  
need =).

For the vast majority of applications, an incrementing counter or  
timestamp with a little app logic is all you need to get unique IDs  
for your uses.

 From what I can dimly understand of the various versions of the
spec, there are time-based, name-based and random-based versions.

All of them are built from 1 x 60 bit value, 1 x 14 bit value and 1 x
48 bit value, plus 4 bits for the version id, and 2 bits for the
'variant' (I haven't worked out exactly what that is, but apparently
it should be 1 0.)

In the random version, each of these values (apart from the version
and variant) is generated randomly, or pseudo-randomly.

So my naive question is, for the random version, what would be wrong
with simply generating a random sequence of 128 1s and 0s, sticking
the version and variant bits in the right places, and then
baseConverting the whole thing in groups of 4 to Hex digits. Add the
formatting dashes, and it's done.

This is probably very naive indeed, perhaps someone here understands
the issues well enough to comment.

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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Jim Ault
Agreed, Mark
your email encouraged me to revisit an old issue

On 12/1/06 11:31 AM, "Mark Schonewille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dave, Ken,
> Apologies. Here is the correct solution, all AppleScript:
> tell application "Revolution"
>do script "put \"Some Value\""
> end tell
> You could run a script to send a message to a progress bar, for example.
> it is not necessary to split up a script, because you can send
> transcript commands from within AppleScript to Revolution, as I
> showed in an earlier mail
-- (working scripts appear below )---

I have not tried this in a long time since 'do script' sent to Rev used to
work in 2.2.1, 
then got broken for 2.5 and 2.6.
I used other ways to workaround DO SCRIPT not functioning.

Just tried it in 2.7.2 and got it to work.
Bugzilla shows that DO SCRIPT was FIXED , very good news  :-)
[however an old bug still remains >>>
After editing a script and clicking Apply, you need to go to the tool bar
and change the mode (browse>pointer>browse) to get the appleEvent handler to
listen properly.  Very odd, but I found this 2 years ago in 2.2.1

Now make a change in the [ on appleEvent ] script container, apply, and it
no longer works.  Even if all you add to the script container is one space,
then apply, it does not listen (silent failure,  no error).  This does not
happen 100% of the time, but most always.

Another bug ? > get the scripts below running OK, then click in the lower
message box, select all, backspace to clear it, then click on your stack to
make it the frontmost, then run Script Editor => does not work (silence).

[1a] clear the msg box, stops working
[1b]Click pointer mode, browse mode, and it works again
[2] clear the msg box, stops working
[2b] Cmd-S to save the stack (although you made no changes), and it works

In my production work I have avoided any dependence on Rev's DO SCRIPT.  Too
much money at risk. [PS - I am submitting to Bugzilla tonight ]

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

Script Editor --simple script
tell application "Revolution"
do script "testHandlerA"
end tell
--- Script Editor --repeat loop
--watch word wrap
tell application "Finder" to set the source_folder to (folder of the
front window) as alias
on error -- no open folder windows
set the source_folder to path to desktop folder as alias
end try
set the item_list to list folder source_folder without invisibles
set source_folder to source_folder as string
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the item_list
set this_item to item i of the item_list
set this_item to (source_folder & this_item) as alias
set this_info to info for this_item
set the current_name to the name of this_info
set dataToSend to the current_name
tell application "Revolution" to do script (dataToSend)
end repeat
beep 2
source_folder & dataToSend

Revolution 2.7.2   OSX 10.4.7
--New Mainstack,  stack script, no other stacks open
--[2] handlers

on appleEvent p1, p2, p3
  put cr& "APPLE EVENT RECEIVED  " after msg
  request AppleEvent data
  put cr & p1&& p2 && p3 && it after msg
  if p1&p2 is "miscdosc" then
request AppleEvent data
put it into tData
  --do tData
  send tData to me in 500 milliseconds
catch errorMsg
  answer error "Unable to execute handler '"&tData&"'..."
  exit appleEvent
end try
exit appleEvent
  end if
  pass appleEvent
end appleEvent

on testHandlerA
  put cr& "You got here via AS  !!!another fine functionality" after msg
end testHandlerA

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Yennie

3) It.  Doesn't.  Cost.  $5,000.  When you buy something on rebate,
and you take it back later, do they give you the list price?  No?  Why
was that?  Oh, right.  BECAUSE YOU PAID THE SALE PRICE.  Rant about
the price when and if the price goes up.

$5k is the list price. Yes, they are running a promotion. We get  
that. However, when evaluating technology I can't just weigh it  
against the best promo price ever available. What happens if I don't  
end up buying before the end of the promotion? What about down the  
road when I need upgrades, or new licenses? You can bet that if you  
form a long term relationship with the tool, you are going to end up  
spending $5 on a seat at some point.

We can rant about the price going up, because it's extremely likely  
that it will. They've already published the intended price - you  
really think they don't intend on using it? The promo is great, but I  
see absolutely nothing wrong with factoring the $5k price into your  
own evaluation of the product.

Hey, if you personally have a project where you know you're just  
going to pay the $1,700 that's great - but it doesn't necessarily  
apply to everyone else.

If you want another analogy, should I evaluate a Compaq computer  
system on the Walmart blowout prices after Thanksgiving? Since they  
were selling for $400 instead of the normal $700, would it have been  
wrong for me to compare the system to others based on the $700 price  
tag? Or should I have just pretended for 24 hours that it was a "$400  
product", even if I wasn't necessarily going to buy one that day?

- Brian

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Jerry Muelver

Chipp Walters wrote:

Mikey, and other lurkers.

Here's a quick history on the whole MC vs RR thing. MetaCard originally
owned all the technology. It basically breaks into 2 parts: the engine and
the IDE. Unlike HyperCard and SuperEdit (not SuperCard), the MC IDE was
completely written in Transcript (or at that time MetaTalk).

Scott Raney (the original programmer and owner of MetaCard) decided to let
users create their own add-ons to the brute simple MC IDE. 

1997, I think, I was doing MetaCard heavily. 3000 cards covering 
operator help and training support, 4 product lines, everything 
translated into 6 languages. I remember everything being clickety-bop 
fast and solid, lots of scripts going to HTML and off to Workbench 
(computer-aided translation) and back again, global reformatting to add 
a text panel to every card to replace the (bad idea) audio track with 
auto-extracted text from the narration script -- in each language. I got 
away from it in 2000, and came back in 2005 to find the Revolution 
version had taken hold, when back in my day Revolution was just an 
upstart extra-cost IDE I never really thought I'd need. It's all kind of 
 like doing serious work in Turbo Pascal 1.0, and coming back to find 
JBuilder in its place. Gives me mixed emotions, like seeing your 
mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new Cadillac

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Yennie

I'll say it again as far as them being "similar".  1) Graphical form
editor - Morfik only.  2) PDF report output - Morfik only (this is a
bit unfair since you can't draw the forms in GWT anyway, but it's a
very neat trick for me).  3) Languages - GWT is Java only, Morfik is
Java, C#, Basic, and Pascal, and if I have my way some xTalk
variation, but who am I? 4) Tightly integrated database design,
interaction, and output - Morfik only.  5) Tightly integrated web
server - Morfik only. 6) Cost - GWT - free as in beer, Morfik - Free
for non-commercial use, $17xx until sometime (next March?), then
$5,000 (at least that's what they're saying right now)

No doubt they have different features. I'm just saying they are  
targeting the same market. I'm sure GWT has some features that Morfik  
doesn't as well, but maybe the distinction is that GWT is in fact  
more of a low-level tool then Morfik which is more RAD-oriented. I  
can buy that.

As far as threatening suit, I'm relatively sure that Linux isn't very
similar to Windoze, regardless of what you think of KDE or Gnome, yet
M$ is claiming that Linux incorporates Windoze IP.  How many suits
have there been over iPods and other music players?  Do you really
think those competitors are the same thing?

I'm just commenting on the speculation that Google actually either a)  
stole their IP, or actually b) licensed the technology directly. Hey  
it's all speculation. All that is for sure is that Morfik is trying  
to patent their JWT technology, and much of the tech community sees  
it as frivolous and possibly desperate to keep Google out of the game.

Neither of use know if there actually will be any lawsuits, or what  
relation exactly the technology has. But obviously a lot of people DO  
see them as competitors with similar technology. Are you telling me  
now that iPods and other MP3 players aren't actually similar products?

The sales pitch is simpler than the reality.  You CAN tie it all
together.  However, you also have the option of using external data
sources (that's discussed in the Professional literature, I believe),
or cranking a server farm.  The last one was detailed on somebody's
web site recently.  Salesforce?  I don't remember whose.

Sounds good. After much digging, you can find some vague references  
on the site to Linux and MacOS options in the future. Looks to me  
like Morfik really needs to improve the information on their site.  
It's nearly impossible to find any clear information, or else I'm  
just blind. And I'm not the only one- there are references all over  
the net to people turned off by the Windows-only appearance.

So, the truth does sound much better to me. Totally improves my view  
of the product. If you're in their program, you might mention that  
people are having trouble figuring this stuff out from their website.  
Too many buzz words and no straight information!

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Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Yennie
What's with the Apple bashing, really? Mozilla is NOT the standard,  
the standard is the standard. Konqueror (on which Safari is based) is  
open source also, and no less compliant. Opera is probably the most  
compliant browser out there, and Safari was the first to pass the  
Acid2 test.

There are no compliant browsers, period. Opera, FireFox and Safari  
all have high levels of compatibility but they aren't all the same.  
As a result, it still matters what browsers you test against. About  
the only certain thing is that you'll spend at least half of your  
time dealing with IE if you hope to be browser independent.

Compliancy definitely has a lot of gray area because it's hideously  
complex to achieve, but saying that you'd expect Apple to produce  
something that nobody else has sounds like sour grapes. Even though  
it's a tired subject, it's also pretty hard to ignore the impact of  
IE pretty much destroying the efficiency of web developers seeking  
browser independence.

putting it another way...

You'd think in this day and age, Apple would make Safari a compliant
browser, especially since Mozilla Firefox is open source, works on  
Macs and
complies to the latest standards (perhaps it may even be considered  

standard at this point).

Guess it depends upon one's viewpoint. ;-)

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Uh oh, I think I Broke Something

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

Continuing on my tour of adventure, I'm trying to use Galaxy.  The
only way that Galaxy seems to start is if I open the "Galaxy Studio
Startup" stack manually.  However, then it appears that clicking on
the edit cursor icon or the box causes me to be in some sort of weird
mode where I'm also editing the Galaxy stacks.  I do not seem to be
able to overcome this obstacle at this time.

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Re: Galaxy Install

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

OK, I think I figured out how to get it to open (I had to manually
open it, which is weird, but whatever).

Anyway, what's the difference between the "free" and the "paid" versions?

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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Re: Galaxy Value Proposition

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Talluto

On Dec 1, 2006, at 12:10 PM, Mikey wrote:

Along with the attempt to toy with Galaxy, I sent a message to the
group a week ago asking why Galaxy is worthwhile.  Jerry responded
with a trial username and password so I could mess with it, but I
don't recall anywhere seeing the "this is why you HAVE to use Galaxy",
so I was hoping that a couple of Galaxy Fanbois would talk about it.

If nothing else I was hoping that Galaxy's script editor would make me
stop wanting to hack RR's.

Here is what I like about the Galaxy:   Finally we have a script  
editor that is functional and clean.   It just works!

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: Galaxy Install

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

Yes, I have that.  However, when I fire up Media or Studio, and open
the script editor, nothing looks any different to me.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

You'd think in this day and age, Apple would make Safari a compliant
browser, especially since Mozilla Firefox is open source, works on Macs and
complies to the latest standards (perhaps it may even be considered the
standard at this point).

Hey, Chipp,

I don't know why Morfik doesn't work on Safari.  They (Morfik) says
it's a bug, but I don't know enough about it to comment one way or the

Granted Safari is in a teeny-ish minority (I believe somewhere around
10% at last count, if I recall correctly), and Opera, FF, and IE (and
I believe that BumperCar, Camino and iCab do, too, although I think
BumperCar and Camino are both based on FF's codebase) all seem to
work, but I guess without knowing why there is a problem I don't know
if we can say one way or another that it's Apple's fault.  You would
think they would go out of their way to behave in a similar way to the
others, but I'm not sure why they don't.  There may be a really good
design reason.

Regardless, Morfik claims they're going to fix the Safari issue shortly.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Schonewille
it is not necessary to split up a script, because you can send  
transcript commands from within AppleScript to Revolution, as I  
showed in an earlier mail



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Op 1-dec-2006, om 20:44 heeft Ian Wood het volgende geschreven:

On 1 Dec 2006, at 17:35, Ken Ray wrote:

Just curious: What are you having AppleScript do that you want to get
results back in the middle the executing AppleScript?

Seconded. Is there a reason why you can't split it up into more  
than one script?

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Re: USB/Serial issue

2006-12-01 Thread Sarah Reichelt

Did you try "put the driverNames"
Note the "the" in there to tell Rev you are looking for a property,
not a variable.

If that doesn't work (and I haven't tried it on Windows), then I think
you can just try "COM1:", "COM2:" etc.




Working on windows.
The function "put driverNames" is not usable on windows.
=> Where to get the driverName usable in runrev with the directive "open driver 

Perhaps there is a solution for runrev on windows with the open driver syntax, 
but where can I get the driver name from?

Regards, Franz
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch

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Re: Galaxy Value Proposition

2006-12-01 Thread Sarah Reichelt

On 12/2/06, Mikey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Along with the attempt to toy with Galaxy, I sent a message to the
group a week ago asking why Galaxy is worthwhile.  Jerry responded
with a trial username and password so I could mess with it, but I
don't recall anywhere seeing the "this is why you HAVE to use Galaxy",
so I was hoping that a couple of Galaxy Fanbois would talk about it.

If nothing else I was hoping that Galaxy's script editor would make me
stop wanting to hack RR's.

There is so much in Galaxy that not everyone will agree with my
estimation of what is most valuable, but here goes:

Tabbed editing (scripts & properties)
Editing everything in a single window
Hypertext linking to Rev terms and to your own handlers
Being able to alter the common properties from a contextual menu (you
can set what appears in this menu)

I think you really have to try it. It will change the way you work in Rev.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/1/06 3:08 PM, "Todd Geist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I know the point is to build one with xTalk, but you can doit with
> Shell on the mac and this VBS on the PC
> set x = createobject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")
> CreateGUID=left(x.GUID,38)
> Can you run a VBScript from Revolution?

Absolutely! See:

About the middle of the page...

The downside is that certain virus software (like Norton) will stop a VBS
file from running if it thinks it's potentially going to do some damage.
Anything that touches Scripting.FileSystemObject will trigger it, and it
turns out that this triggers it as well.

However, it can easily be wrapped in a VB DLL to bypass the trigger...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: revQueryDatabase / revCurrentRecord

2006-12-01 Thread Jan Schenkel
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Holá everybody
> As a new member of the RunRev users I try to learn
> for buildng up a running Aplication. I´m using the
> actual Studio-version
> Since 3 weeks now I try to find out, how to get a
> field from a MySQL-Database into a variable without
> any success. Now I ask anybody of you to give me a
> helpfull hand.
> What I do is:
> Put rev_dbconnect ("mySQL", "localhost",
> "mytest_DB", "root",) into DB_ID
> put revQueryDatabase (DB_ID, "SELECT * from Table_1
> where Number = 2") into var_1 ## Number is the first
> Field in the Table Table_1 which is ok
> Put revCurrentRecord (var_1) into var_2 ## Var_2 is
> always 0 (Zero) doesn´t matter which Number I
> select. Why???
> Now I think next would be:
> put field_2 into Variable_1 ## field_2 is a field in
> the DB
> But that does not work.
> Please, for you it´s just a moment for me sonce now
> hours and days to solve this problem
> Thank you in advanced
> Horst Peters

Hi Horst,

You're on the right track but seem to make a few
assumptions that make me think you're coming from a
Filemaker or FoxPro background ;-)

When you connect to the database, you receive a
connection ID (good) that you can use to read data
from the database or manipulate the data stored

There are two functions for getting information out of
the database:

1) The first function is 'revDataFromQuery', which
returns a single variable, with the selected fields of
the records that fit the criteria in your SQL query.

  put "SELECT cust_id,cust_name FROM Customers" into
revDataFromQuery(return,tab,tConnectionID,tQuery) into
  put tData into field "Table Field"
You would have a return-and-tab-delimited list like
01Jane Doe
02Jeff Doe
03John Doe

This function is great if you're looking to display
some data easily and quickly. But it would be hard to
parse out individual fields, and that's where the next
function comes to play.

2) The second function is 'revQueryDatabase', which
executes the query and returns a cursor ID - this
doesn't contain the data itself, but rather an
identifier for a result set - a collection of records.

To determine how many records there are and which is
the current one
- revNumberOfRecords()
- revCurrentRecord()

To navigate the records in the result set, you use the
- revMoveToFirstRecord 
- revMoveToPreviousRecord 
- revMoveToNextRecord 
- revMoveToLastRecord 

To determine what fields are in those records, you
- revDatabaseColumnCount()
- revDatabaseColumnNames()

To fetch the individual fields of the current record,
you use:
- revDatabaseColumnNumbered(,)
- revDatabaseColumnNamed(,)

To release the result set from memory, you use:
- revCloseCursor 

It is important to understand that Revolution is
blissfully unaware of the data in record sets, and
doesn't automatically map field names onto variable

So you'll have to use the last two functions to get
the data from the current record and put it into a
variable for further processing.
So going back to the previous example:
  put "SELECT cust_id,cust_name FROM Customers" into
  put revQueryDatabase(tConnectionID,tQuery) into
  put revDatabaseColumnNamed(tCursorID,"cust_id") into
  put revDatabaseColumnNamed(tCursorID,"cust_name") \
into tCustName
  answer "Customer ID:" && tCustID & return & \
"Customer Name:" && tCustName
  -- do various other things with the data in the
  -- ...
  -- release the used resources
  revCloseCursor tCursorID

After reading the two fields from the current record
in the result set, you display an answer dialog box,
which would display something like:
Customer ID: 01
Customer Name: Jane Doe


Another important thing to note is that you cannot
modify the records that are in the result set - you'll
need to use separate INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE queries
to modify what's in the database.

To do that, you'll use the 'revExecuteSQL' command.

For more information, the Revolution User Guide
describes the intricacies of database interaction -
starting on page 218.
You can access the User Guide from the Revolution
Documentation - it's a long PDF document well worth
the time to read.

The latest version of the guide can be downloaded from
this URL:

Of course, if anything is unclear, don't hesitate to
ask your question on this mailing list or the forum.
We're all here to help.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports for Revolution

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La 


Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mikey wrote:

MetaCard was the original product until Runtime took over. Now it is
just another alternate IDE, though as you mention, the GUI is less
elaborate. But everything that can be done in Rev can also be done in MC
because the engine is the same, and in some cases, the GUI is similar as
well. They are more alike than different. I use both, all the time, for
different things.

Since I clearly know zero about MC, give me an example of why I would
use MC instead of RR.

Well, I'm guessing most people wouldn't use the MC IDE, since Rev is 
more polished and has more features to help newcomers, but I can give a 
few of my own reasons.

Because the IDE is much simpler, it responds much faster. Appearance of 
palettes, help text, and dialogs is intantaneous. I use MC almost 
exclusively when laying out the objects in a new stack because I don't 
like waiting for Rev's property inspector to change panes and do its 
little resizing dance. I can click and set object properties in an 
instant in the MC IDE, and they seem better organized to me (but that's 
probably just what I'm used to.) The down side: only a few of the most 
commonly-used properties are in the MC property palettes. If you want 
the less common ones, you need to already know what those are and type 
the setting into the message box (or write your own inspector.) MC 
assumes a certain degree of familiarity with the language, so it isn't 
ideal for newcomers.

When I need to edit or inspect every control on a card, I prefer MC's 
control browser, which is very simple and only displays the controls on 
the current card of the selected stack. It lets me change the layering 
of objects directly without accessing the property inspector (very 
handy.) Again, speed is a part of my preference here because accessing 
properties via the MC control browser is instant. The down side: there 
is no overall view of the stack's objects and hierarchy. You have to 
already know it. Sometimes I need one view, sometimes the other. I flip 
back and forth between MC and Rev for that. (See dangerous disclaimer 

I use the MC IDE when I want to avoid all the front- and backscripts 
that Rev inserts. When I'm debugging, it is sometimes easier to just 
remove all the extra stuff and deal exclusively with my own scripts. Rev 
sends a constant stream of specialized messages in the background, and 
sometimes I don't want those. MC keeps the messaging to a minimum. Also, 
the debuggers respond slightly differently to some errors. Sometimes I 
can get more info debugging in MC than I can in Rev (or vice versa.) So 
if a particular bug hangs up the debugger in one, I switch to the other.

The MC script editor is faster to type into and doesn't use any HTML at 
all. (On the other hand, it doesn't auto-complete for you.) It doesn't 
store a duplicate copy of my script as htmlText, but rather colorizes 
scripts on the fly when they open. I don't like how pasting into the Rev 
editor inserts styled text, which requires me to make a special trip to 
the font menu to remove the styling. The MC editor converts all my text 
to plain, unstyled text without me doing anything, which duplicates the 
HC experience for me and is what I'm used to. Some people prefer 
htmlText, so they wouldn't like this. One thing I miss in the MC editor 
is the ability to see the list of handlers in a convenient column. In 
MC, the handler list is in a menu, which is difficult to navigate in 
long scripts. I'd say the trade-off in the script editors is about 50/50 
for me; Rev's feature set is more advanced, but MC's plain text and 
speed are better.

The MC standalone builder is extremely minimal. I like Rev's much 
better, so I move to Rev to build standalones. To build a standalone in 
MC, you need to be responsible for all the details and it is a much more 
manual process. So points to Rev on this one.

Basically, you'd like the MC IDE if you understand the language 
thoroughly, like being in complete control of how it behaves, and enjoy 
being a down in the dirt geek who likes speed and minimalism. After all, 
it was originally written by a unix geek, and that's sort of what they 
were all about. ;)

I'm also assuming that the file formats are different, right?

No, they are identical. They use the same engine and read/write the same 
files. I sometimes have the same stack open in both IDEs simultaneously 
(dangerous, don't try this at home.) I only mention my schizophrenia to 
show that the files are identical and can be used interchangeably in 
either app.

Also, isn't MC freeware now?

The MC IDE is open source and free, but you must have a licensed version 
of Revolution to use it. What you do is download the IDE (which is just 
a couple of stacks) and move a copy of your licensed Revolution engine 
into the IDE. In the past, you could not use the MC IDE without an 
Enterprise license. I don't know if this has changed, but I suspect 
that's still the case, which may make 

Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, December 1, 2006, 12:17:01 PM, you wrote:

> Right... and the RFC I linked to specifically covers the issue of generating
> GUIDs when the resolution of the system clock is not as high. I just was
> countering the "standards" swipe someone made at Microsoft ;)

That would be me. And yes, as long a you can generate a long unique
pseudorandom number, the algorithm doesn't much matter. Except in the
case where it can be traced back to the originator, as in the case
with the unsecure Microsoft guid generator.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Galaxy Value Proposition

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Friday, December 1, 2006, 12:10:48 PM, you wrote:

> If nothing else I was hoping that Galaxy's script editor would make me
> stop wanting to hack RR's.

Well, it got *me* to stop hacking the script editor... and the
variable window... and the debugger... and the property editor...

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Smith

On 1 Dec 2006, at 20:17, Bill Marriott wrote:

Now, several posts later we still don't have an xTalk GUID  
generator! -LOL-
Is anyone up to the task? Or at least able to translate all the  
language in

that RFC?

This my type 4 generator, based on the idea that 122 random bits is  
no different to 60 + 14 + 48 random bits.

function getRandomUUID
  repeat 128
put random(2) - 1 after tBits
  end repeat

  put "0100" into char 49 to 51 of tBits
  put "10" into char 79 to 80 of tBits

   repeat with n = 1 to 125 step 4
put baseConvert(char n to n+3 of tBits,2,16) after tHexString
  end repeat

  put "-" after char 20 of tHexString
  put "-" after char 16 of tHexString
  put "-" after char 12 of tHexString
  put "-" after char 8 of tHexString

  return tHexString
end getRandomUUID

I suspect it's not really bona-fide :)

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Re: Galaxy Install

2006-12-01 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Dec 1, 2006, at 12:08 PM, Mikey wrote:

However, it appears that the only change in my setup is
the addition of a "My Revolution Studio" folder in the "My Documents"
folder.  Did I miss something that I have to do to make this work?

Hi Mikey,

Does the "My Revolution Studio" folder have anything in it after  
running the Galaxy installer?  What you should get after running the  
installer is something like "./My Revolution Studio/plugins/Galaxy  
Studio Startup.rev".  The actual path and Galaxy filename depend on  
what version of Rev you are running and what version of Galaxy you  

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -

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Re: Problem creating set of variables

2006-12-01 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Jim Ault wrote:

> I think you are correlating
> put empty into fld ("myName" & x)
> --to--
> put empty into ("myVar" & x)
> In both cases, Rev resolves the parens to a string, thus the second one does
> not make sense.

Just FYI... Jim's right: the latter doesn't work as written, but you can
*make* it work using the do construct:

  do "put empty into myVar" & x


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Mikey wrote:

>> MetaCard was the original product until Runtime took over. Now it is
>> just another alternate IDE, though as you mention, the GUI is less
>> elaborate. But everything that can be done in Rev can also be done in MC
>> because the engine is the same, and in some cases, the GUI is similar as
>> well. They are more alike than different. I use both, all the time, for
>> different things.

> Since I clearly know zero about MC, give me an example of why I would
> use MC instead of RR.

The best reasons are those written about in the past: the simple, minimal
interface, while perhaps not the most attractive, is functional, fast, and
pretty much stays out of your way.  It's a bare bones approach.  Some have
argued this allows you to focus more on stack development.

> I'm also assuming that the file formats are different, right?

No.  Again, it's just an IDE, a means to edit stacks, that runs using the
same engine as Revolution, just without the bells and whistles of
Revolution's IDE.  You can edit stacks in both environments, but
Revolution's IDE employs some custom stack properties that MC ignores.

Personally, the only reason I don't use MC now is because I develop stacks
that need to coexist with Rev's IDE, so I need to deal.  But as someone who
started in "what-was-Revolution-before-there-ever-was-a-Revolution", I would
say MC is a very useful front end for development.



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Eric Chatonet


For all who don't have Galaxy, I have uploaded last year a stack on  

User: sosmartsoftware
Stack: Smart Script Search
Description: This utility parses all scripts in any open stack  
searching for lines of code where any string is present AND any  
another one is absent.

Its main purpose, but it's configurable, is to find orphan puts...

Best Regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet

Le 1 déc. 06 à 20:28, Stephen Barncard a écrit :

just for the record, Jerry Daniel's Galaxy has a feature where you put


into the search field and it will find all the 'dangling puts'. Use  
it all the time.

Hi Jim and all,

IMHO, you guys are making it too hard.

I've intentionally developed a habit of always putting test info  
'& cr after msg'. Then when I'm done, I can easily find all  
occurrences of 'after msg' and delete'em.


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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Todd Geist

On Dec 1, 2006, at 12:17 PM, Bill Marriott wrote:

Now, several posts later we still don't have an xTalk GUID  
generator! -LOL-
Is anyone up to the task? Or at least able to translate all the  
language in

that RFC?

I know the point is to build one with xTalk, but you can doit with  
Shell on the mac and this VBS on the PC

set x = createobject("Scriptlet.TypeLib")

Can you run a VBScript from Revolution?



Todd Geist
g e i s t   i n t e r a c t i v e

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Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread Chipp Walters

putting it another way...

You'd think in this day and age, Apple would make Safari a compliant
browser, especially since Mozilla Firefox is open source, works on Macs and
complies to the latest standards (perhaps it may even be considered the
standard at this point).

Guess it depends upon one's viewpoint. ;-)

On 12/1/06, Stephen Barncard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In this day and age it's silly for a company to pretend the mac user
base doesn't exist.. I mean their product should at least create
SITES that Safari can render!

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Richard Gaskin

Regarding MetaCard, Mikey wrote:

I'm also assuming that the file formats are different, right?

MetaCard was one the name used for the whole product, engine and IDE. 
Since RunRev Ltd. acquired the engine, the name "MetaCard" now only 
applies to the MetaCard IDE, which was donated to the community for 
continued maintenance under and open source license (X11).

Any IDE us just a collection of stacks, and as such can have no control 
over the file format used by the engine.

Also, isn't MC freeware now?

The MetaCard IDE stack files are indeed open source.  MC's home is at:

Like any other stack files, the MC IDE's license in no way affects the 
license of the Revolution engine needed to run it.  So while the IDE is 
open source, the engine remains the proprietary property of RunRev Ltd., 
and is subject to the terms and conditions of their license.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Chipp Walters

Mikey, and other lurkers.

Here's a quick history on the whole MC vs RR thing. MetaCard originally
owned all the technology. It basically breaks into 2 parts: the engine and
the IDE. Unlike HyperCard and SuperEdit (not SuperCard), the MC IDE was
completely written in Transcript (or at that time MetaTalk).

Scott Raney (the original programmer and owner of MetaCard) decided to let
users create their own add-ons to the brute simple MC IDE. He did this for a
couple of reasons:

1) He knew he wasn't an interface designer and didn't really like to spend
time working on GUI for the IDE when he could be adding functionality to the

2) He wanted the IDE to be as simple as possible-- and therefore as bug-free
as possible. In fact, Scott claimed he never would ship even a dot upgrade
for MetaCard (engine and IDE) with ANY known bugs. To my knowledge, he
accomplished this.

To this day, the open source version of the MC IDE is still maintained, and
very much alive. Many of the old-timers still use it, including Richard
Gaskin, Ken Ray, Jaque Landman Gay, Klaus Major and Scott Rossi-- to name a
few. Virtually all of them have crafted their own interfaces for it,
inclucding Richard's own devolution:

Along came CrossWorlds from Scotland. Kevin Miller, an ace MetaCard
programmer, created a stunning IDE for it and secured some marketing rights
for the MetaCard engine, bundled it all and called it Revolution. At the
time, many of us owned both MetaCard and Rev. Kevin priced his version
considerably less than MetaCard: $299 vs $999. He sold quite a few and also
did a great job marketing it. He formed Runtime Revolution the company which
sold Revolution the product.

In the years since, RR purchased the IP for the engine from Scott, kept him
on as a consultant and the rest is pretty much history.

If any of this is incorrect, please- anyone- correct me.

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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Richard Gaskin

Stephen Barncard wrote:

just for the record, Jerry Daniel's Galaxy has a feature where you put


into the search field and it will find all the 'dangling puts'. Use 
it all the time.

And then there's always "Bang! What? Hmmm...":

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
 Rev tips, tutorials and more:
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

MetaCard was the original product until Runtime took over. Now it is
just another alternate IDE, though as you mention, the GUI is less
elaborate. But everything that can be done in Rev can also be done in MC
because the engine is the same, and in some cases, the GUI is similar as
well. They are more alike than different. I use both, all the time, for
different things.

Since I clearly know zero about MC, give me an example of why I would
use MC instead of RR.

I'm also assuming that the file formats are different, right?

Also, isn't MC freeware now?

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Bill Marriott
Right... and the RFC I linked to specifically covers the issue of generating 
GUIDs when the resolution of the system clock is not as high. I just was 
countering the "standards" swipe someone made at Microsoft ;)

Now, several posts later we still don't have an xTalk GUID generator! -LOL- 
Is anyone up to the task? Or at least able to translate all the language in 
that RFC?

Dick Kriesel wrote
> Since no one will be converting GUIDs back to seconds, accuracy doesn't
> matter for this purpose, right?

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Galaxy Value Proposition

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

Along with the attempt to toy with Galaxy, I sent a message to the
group a week ago asking why Galaxy is worthwhile.  Jerry responded
with a trial username and password so I could mess with it, but I
don't recall anywhere seeing the "this is why you HAVE to use Galaxy",
so I was hoping that a couple of Galaxy Fanbois would talk about it.

If nothing else I was hoping that Galaxy's script editor would make me
stop wanting to hack RR's.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-revolution mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Galaxy Install

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

So I managed to pull a complete brain-fart here and apparently Jerry
is busy, as he hasn't responded to my request for some help yet.

I was sent a username and password to download and install Galaxy,
which I did.  However, it appears that the only change in my setup is
the addition of a "My Revolution Studio" folder in the "My Documents"
folder.  Did I miss something that I have to do to make this work?


On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Matchtext script results

2006-12-01 Thread J. Landman Gay

John Craig wrote:
Jeez!  Did the office lights dim and flicker when you ran the regex 

No, but I was testing during the daytime so it was hard to tell. :) I am 
pretty sure it was slower because of the complex structure of the 
pattern, but it was still cool that you could write it. That's more than 
I can say for my regex capabilities.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread J. Landman Gay

Mikey wrote:


I'll agree with the first comparison, but have to disagree with the
second. MetaCard and Revolution are identical in every respect except
for the stacks that represent how the user interacts with the engine.

Now I'm confused.  I thought MetaCard didn't have all the gui niceties
that RR does,

That's right.

and was more of a text engine.  So since I apparently
have no idea how we got where we are, can you expand a bit more on
what MetaCard was?  Was this just a simple case of RR saying "Hey,
this is great, but we can make it better"?

Pretty much, I think.

Do you mean "test" engine? MC has sort of become that in a way. Since 
its IDE is so much simpler than Rev's, most bugs that are reproducible 
in MC are usually engine bugs, though not all.

MetaCard was the original product until Runtime took over. Now it is 
just another alternate IDE, though as you mention, the GUI is less 
elaborate. But everything that can be done in Rev can also be done in MC 
because the engine is the same, and in some cases, the GUI is similar as 
well. They are more alike than different. I use both, all the time, for 
different things.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Smith
From what I can dimly understand of the various versions of the  
spec, there are time-based, name-based and random-based versions.

All of them are built from 1 x 60 bit value, 1 x 14 bit value and 1 x  
48 bit value, plus 4 bits for the version id, and 2 bits for the  
'variant' (I haven't worked out exactly what that is, but apparently  
it should be 1 0.)

In the random version, each of these values (apart from the version  
and variant) is generated randomly, or pseudo-randomly.

So my naive question is, for the random version, what would be wrong  
with simply generating a random sequence of 128 1s and 0s, sticking  
the version and variant bits in the right places, and then  
baseConverting the whole thing in groups of 4 to Hex digits. Add the  
formatting dashes, and it's done.

This is probably very naive indeed, perhaps someone here understands  
the issues well enough to comment.


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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Jim Ault
On 12/1/06 9:03 AM, "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know how I could pass a value back to RunRev from an
> AppleScript that is being run via the do myAppleScript as
> "AppleScript" command?
> I can pass back a return value, but this stops the script from
> running, I would like to pass something back but have the script
> continue to run. 

I am not an expert in this area, but here are ideas and the last one I use
in my daily operations on Win and Mac.
One way that should work is to compile the Applescript and run it as an app
that stays open.  Rev would trigger it to operate, the app would send a
message to the System to trigger it again in 1 second,  it then finishes a
cycle, returning a value to Rev.
Another way, from the Rev side, you could repeatedly trigger the Applescript
everytime a new value was received by Rev.
You could use shell and the environment variables to move data between apps.
Perhaps simpler to implement is that the Applescript would write text files
to a folder that Rev would scan and read.  I use this everyday-all-day to
move data from Rev to FoxPro, then back to Rev asynchronously.

Rev -- (not the exact syntax)
put "u/a/b/c/incomingAS/" into folderpath
if there is a file (folderpath"dataForMe.txt") then
   put url ("file:"& folderpath&"dataForMe.txt") into incoming
   delete file ( folderpath&"dataForMe.txt")
end if
Not recommended -- using the clipboard between Rev and other apps.

Hope this gives you some options

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

XCode and Visual Studio ARE similar. And MetaCard and RR are as close
as it gets! Back to the original comparison, Google Web Toolkit and
Morfik both provide frameworks to write AJAX apps in Java and export
to HTML/Javascript. They are competing products... it has even been
rumored that Google secretly stole Morfik's technology and will get
sued. How can you possibly say they are not similar? How much more
similar can you get when there is speculation that they are the same

The second comparison was bad (MC and RR).  I was under the impression
that MC was pretty junky, but I've never used it.  However, in my
experience XCode is significantly harder to use to build forms than VS
is.  So, how about this, because this is more like it:  GWT is more
like using a text editor to build web pages, and Morfik is more like
using a RAD tool to build web pages.  How's that?  Google isn't as
tied to the OS (one would assume that's deliberate), but it isn't as
easy to use, either.

I'll say it again as far as them being "similar".  1) Graphical form
editor - Morfik only.  2) PDF report output - Morfik only (this is a
bit unfair since you can't draw the forms in GWT anyway, but it's a
very neat trick for me).  3) Languages - GWT is Java only, Morfik is
Java, C#, Basic, and Pascal, and if I have my way some xTalk
variation, but who am I? 4) Tightly integrated database design,
interaction, and output - Morfik only.  5) Tightly integrated web
server - Morfik only. 6) Cost - GWT - free as in beer, Morfik - Free
for non-commercial use, $17xx until sometime (next March?), then
$5,000 (at least that's what they're saying right now)

As far as threatening suit, I'm relatively sure that Linux isn't very
similar to Windoze, regardless of what you think of KDE or Gnome, yet
M$ is claiming that Linux incorporates Windoze IP.  How many suits
have there been over iPods and other music players?  Do you really
think those competitors are the same thing?

Or are you arguing that web hosts DO typically allow you to run huge
custom EXEs with embedded databases and web servers?
Or that custom EXEs that merge web app, database, and web server in
one file are scalable and/or upgradeable?

The sales pitch is simpler than the reality.  You CAN tie it all
together.  However, you also have the option of using external data
sources (that's discussed in the Professional literature, I believe),
or cranking a server farm.  The last one was detailed on somebody's
web site recently.  Salesforce?  I don't remember whose.

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Ian Wood

On 1 Dec 2006, at 17:35, Ken Ray wrote:

Just curious: What are you having AppleScript do that you want to get
results back in the middle the executing AppleScript?

Seconded. Is there a reason why you can't split it up into more than  
one script?

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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Dick Kriesel
On 12/1/06 10:46 AM, "Ken Ray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 12/1/06 11:35 AM, "Bill Marriott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> And Rev's "the milliseconds" returns the total number of milliseconds since
>> the "start of the eon" -- which is midnight GMT, January 1, 1970. Ticks is
>> the same, but returns 1/60th of a second. I don't think we have a way of
>> accessing nanoseconds (billionth of a second).
> No, the closest we have is microseconds (a millionth of a second), by using
> the "long seconds" function. But keep in mind the note attached to it: "this
> value is not normally accurate past the third decimal place because of
> processor delays".

Since no one will be converting GUIDs back to seconds, accuracy doesn't
matter for this purpose, right?

So functions "long seconds" and "random" can be used to fake nanoseconds.

-- Dick

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Yennie

As far as Morfik being a startup, and you aren't comfortable with
that, and you don't like the license, fine.  I understand where you're
at.  I just don't think your position is typical.  Maybe I'm wrong.
It wouldn't be the first time.

Just to clarify: I've been speaking specifically as an owner of my  
*own* startup. Meaning I'm not comfortable pinning the hopes of my  
startup on another startup, which is much different from saying that  
nobody should. I do think my position is typical in that particular  
case - maybe not the general one.


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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Schonewille

Dave, Ken,

Apologies. Here is the correct solution, all AppleScript:

tell application "Revolution"
  do script "put \"Some Value\""
end tell

You could run a script to send a message to a progress bar, for example.




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Op 1-dec-2006, om 19:47 heeft Ken Ray het volgende geschreven:

On 12/1/06 11:59 AM, "Mark Schonewille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Yes, but the problem is, Mark, the Dave wanted a result back *in  
the middle*

of running an AppleScript, not at the end... a bit more problematic...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Stephen Barncard

just for the record, Jerry Daniel's Galaxy has a feature where you put


into the search field and it will find all the 'dangling puts'. Use 
it all the time.

Hi Jim and all,

IMHO, you guys are making it too hard.

I've intentionally developed a habit of always putting test info '& 
cr after msg'. Then when I'm done, I can easily find all occurrences 
of 'after msg' and delete'em.

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Stephen Barncard

Nice! Google Web Toolkit shows up in Safari, has mac support, and is free.

Google Web Toolkit is also free, no wonder the Morfik guys are 
panicking. Either Google stole from them, or just stole the market 
from them.

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -
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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Phil Davis

Hi Jim and all,

IMHO, you guys are making it too hard.

I've intentionally developed a habit of always putting test info '& cr after 
msg'. Then when I'm done, I can easily find all occurrences of 'after msg' and 

No, it's not infallible. And sometimes I cheat (like to clear msg at the start 
of a 'put after' sequence). But I make my living writing software with 
Revolution, and I don't have any self-inflicted misery from rogue 'puts'. To me 
that says something about the effectiveness of the approach.

I admit that the 'habit thing' may not be sufficient for every situation. Most 
of the time I'm the only programmer on my projects, so I generally don't have to 
collaborate with others at the code level. Your mileage may vary. Ask your 
doctor if the Habit Way is right for you...  :o)

My $0.02...

Thanks -
Phil Davis

Jim Ault wrote:

On 12/1/06 3:36 AM, "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Has got me before now! They can be so hard to find when you are
writing lots of stuff to the message box for debugging, and then
forget to delete just one of them! This is especially true in a
library stack, I had a rouge "put xxx" in a library that took me ages
to track down, I eventually found it in a in function a few levels
away from the main API Call!

I think an option that turned off the "put xxx" shortcut would be a
good idea!

Chipp Walters used to have something on his site that would do this.  Took a
quick look and did not find it.  Check the archives, but I think the Altuit
site has changed so much that old info will be obsolete.

Perhaps Chipp may know where it is hiding.

PS  I always use 'into msg' or 'after msg' so I can find them later.
For a short time I always added "!!" like

put fld output & "!!"
but got out of the habbit.

Of course another way is to make your own lib handler

putMsg "flag upperTier is "& fUpperTier

on putMsg txtStr
 put txtStr
end putMsg 

then turn off the 'put txtStr' line
or find the putMsg lines

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re-2: USB in REV

2006-12-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thank you very much - but this only works on Mac.
I use Windows (and the most companies in the measurement business do therefore 
the hardware manufacturers mostly offer dlls and visual basic tools ...)

Regards, Franz
Original Messageprocessed by David InfoCenter 
Subject: Re: USB in REV (01-Dez-2006 19:11)
From:Stephen Barncard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

These guys were, at one time, 'Rev Partners' or something.

They specialize in USB hardware interfaces.
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Re: External Writing on win - external.h

2006-12-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

just checked the two Articles of Mark Waddingham concerning externals

Just checked the external SDK and found the include library external.h

In VisualBasic 6.0 and VisualBasic.Net you can create dlls.
Is it possible to simulate the integrated wrapper functions of the external.h 
XClipsEval(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, Bool *error);
in a visual basic application to design a dll for usage in runrev on windows?

What conventions must the dll use for this task?
Any further suggestions?

Regards, Franz
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch

GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
D-94136 Thyrnau
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
Fax +49 (0)8501-8537

The layer between Revolution and CLIPS (external.h, external.c) is
Copyright 2003 Alex Rice. All Rights reserved. No warranty of fitness
or correctness or stability. Use at your own risk.

Please be aware CLIPS and Revolution each have their respective
licenses as well.

#defines and prototypes for MetaCard/Runtime Revolution template external

#include "clips.h"

* DOToRev
* converts a CLIPS data object into a revolution string object
extern void RevMessageBox(char *msg1, char *msg2);

* I/O Routers Glue. Does this obviate the need for the rest of these functions 
and handlers?
extern int RevRouterFind(char *logicalName);
extern int RevRouterPrint(char *logicalName, char *str);
extern int RevRouterExit(int unused);
extern void XClipsPrintRouter(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool 
*pass, Bool *error);
extern int RevRouterStdinGetc(char *logicalName);
extern int RevRouterStdinUngetc(int ch, char *logicalName);

* Transcript Handlers
extern void XClipsInit(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsClear(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsBuild(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsLoad(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsLoadFacts(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool 
*pass, Bool *error);
extern void XClipsAssertString(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool 
*pass, Bool *error);
extern void XClipsLoadFactsFromString(char *args[], int nargs, char 
**retstring, Bool *pass, Bool *error);
extern void XClipsReset(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsFacts(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsSaveFacts(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool 
*pass, Bool *error);
extern void XClipsGetFactList(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool 
*pass, Bool *error);
extern void XClipsRun(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsEval(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);

* Transcript Functions
extern void XClipsFunctionCall(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool 
*pass, Bool *error);
extern void XClipsEval(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool *pass, 
Bool *error);
extern void XClipsAssertString(char *args[], int nargs, char **retstring, Bool 
*pass, Bool *error);

* I/O

extern void XCabort();
extern Xternal Xtable[];
extern char Xname[];
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Brian Yennie

This is very much like trying to compare XCode to Visual Studio, or
MetaCard and RR.  They are nowhere near being similar.

XCode and Visual Studio ARE similar. And MetaCard and RR are as close  
as it gets! Back to the original comparison, Google Web Toolkit and  
Morfik both provide frameworks to write AJAX apps in Java and export  
to HTML/Javascript. They are competing products... it has even been  
rumored that Google secretly stole Morfik's technology and will get  
sued. How can you possibly say they are not similar? How much more  
similar can you get when there is speculation that they are the same  

Speculation that they might be even closer than we think:

Google Web Toolkit is also free, no wonder the Morfik guys are  
panicking. Either Google stole from them, or just stole the market  
from them.

As far as Morfik being a startup, and you aren't comfortable with
that, and you don't like the license, fine.  I understand where you're
at.  I just don't think your position is typical.  Maybe I'm wrong.
It wouldn't be the first time.

OK, fair enough. I certainly can't certify my normalcy, but I have  
known many other startup owners and they tend to be risk adverse with  
their platform choices. Maybe it's just my circle.

There's no guarantee that next year will yield 1.5. In fact, anyone
who's dealt with startup vendors over the years knows there is a good
chance that there won't be any new versions if they don't start
selling licenses ASAP. The fact that they are offering heavily
discounted licenses tells me that they aren't out of the woods yet.

So you'd be more comfortable if they didn't have an introductory
offer?  I don't get this.  Stores and restaurants that have just
opened offer big discounts to get you in the door.  Automakers offer
big rebates to sell you the financing.  Every service company on the
planet from Comcast to Time Warner to Verizon to Vonage to SunRocket
to NetFlix have introductory offers to get you to try their service
out.  You think that's a bad thing?

I never said that an intro offer is a bad thing by itself. You are  
twisting my words (which are quoted above). I was just saying that  
it's another indicator that they aren't established yet - which  
implies risk. It tells me they might not be producing enough revenue  
yet to stay in business, which directly affects the chances of  
version 1.5 not happening. Nothing is for sure, I'm just estimating  

The fact that Morfik apparently outputs a custom .exe file with the
database and web server embedded sounds truly awful to me. So you're
saying I can only run this on Windows, it won't scale, it won't
conform to any normal Apache or Firebird documentation, I can't
upgrade the web server or database without rebuilding my app, and I
can't run this on 99% of the web hosts out there?

Three words:  Flat.  Out.  False.

I quote, from their website:

"The output of the WebOS AppsBuilder - the WebOS application or XApp  
- refers to the tight integration of an embedded Web Server, Database  
Server, and the business logic of your application, all compiled into  
a single executable."

Or are you arguing that web hosts DO typically allow you to run huge  
custom EXEs with embedded databases and web servers?
Or that custom EXEs that merge web app, database, and web server in  
one file are scalable and/or upgradeable?

What part do you object to and why?

Sorry you are bored with this thread - I find it interesting. You  
seem to know something about Morfik, and so I'm happy to be corrected  
if I don't have some of my facts straight.

- Brian
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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/1/06 11:59 AM, "Mark Schonewille" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Dave,
> This is very easy:
> tell application "Whatever"
>-- do stuff here
>set myRslt to "A Value"
> end tell
> return myRslt
> If you keep this script in a variable myScript, you retrieve the
> variable result from the AppleScript script in the following way:
> do myScript as AppleScript
> put the result
> Above script puts "A Value" into the message box.

Yes, but the problem is, Mark, the Dave wanted a result back *in the middle*
of running an AppleScript, not at the end... a bit more problematic...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/1/06 11:35 AM, "Bill Marriott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And Rev's "the milliseconds" returns the total number of milliseconds since
> the "start of the eon" -- which is midnight GMT, January 1, 1970. Ticks is
> the same, but returns 1/60th of a second. I don't think we have a way of
> accessing nanoseconds (billionth of a second).

No, the closest we have is microseconds (a millionth of a second), by using
the "long seconds" function. But keep in mind the note attached to it: "this
value is not normally accurate past the third decimal place because of
processor delays".


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Smith


Generally a programmer does not get the current time in 100  
nanosecond intervals since 15 October 1582, but for instance in  
millisecond precision since 1 January 1970. In this case, to come  
from milliseconds to nanoseconds precision multiply the time returned  
from the system by 1 and to correct the start date add an offset  
of 1221929280.



On 1 Dec 2006, at 17:35, Bill Marriott wrote:

And Rev's "the milliseconds" returns the total number of  
milliseconds since
the "start of the eon" -- which is midnight GMT, January 1, 1970.  
Ticks is
the same, but returns 1/60th of a second. I don't think we have a  
way of

accessing nanoseconds (billionth of a second).

"Mark Wieder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thursday, November 30, 2006, 1:18:01 PM, you wrote:

I love this comment from the rfc:

   /* NT keeps time in FILETIME format which is 100ns ticks since
  Jan 1, 1601. UUIDs use time in 100ns ticks since Oct 15, 1582.
  The difference is 17 Days in Oct + 30 (Nov) + 31 (Dec)
  + 18 years and 5 leap days. */

Gotta love those Microsoft "standards", dontcha?

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2006-12-01 Thread Mark Talluto

On Dec 1, 2006, at 7:28 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

What's the final word on addressing USB devices in Rev?

Searching the archives I found that some posts say it's possible to  
use open driver to address USB devices, others say only if the  
device is going through a hardware serial converter.

Can we access USB devices in Rev?  If not, anyone heard an ETA for  
when we might?

I have had great success accessing USB devices using the serial  
converter by Keyspan.  Dar Scott is a genius at working the details  
out.  Does quality work if anyone needs it done.  Works on both Mac  
and Win.

Mark Talluto
CANELA Software

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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Jim Ault
On 12/1/06 9:03 AM, "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know how I could pass a value back to RunRev from an
> AppleScript that is being run via the do myAppleScript as
> "AppleScript" command?
> I can pass back a return value, but this stops the script from
> running, I would like to pass something back but have the script
> continue to run. 

I am not an expert in this area, but here are ideas and the last one I use
in my daily operations on Win and Mac.
One way that should work is to compile the Applescript and run it as an app
that stays open.  Rev would trigger it to operate, the app would send a
message to the System to trigger it again in 1 second,  it then finishes a
cycle, returning a value to Rev.
Another way, from the Rev side, you could repeatedly trigger the Applescript
everytime a new value was received by Rev.
You could use shell and the environment variables to move data between apps.
Perhaps simpler to implement is that the Applescript would write text files
to a folder that Rev would scan and read.  I use this everyday-all-day to
move data from Rev to FoxPro, then back to Rev asynchronously.

Rev -- (not the exact syntax)
put "u/a/b/c/incomingAS/" into folderpath
if there is a file (folderpath"dataForMe.txt") then
   put url ("file:"& folderpath&"dataForMe.txt") into incoming
   delete file ( folderpath&"dataForMe.txt")
end if
Not recommended -- using the clipboard between Rev and other apps.

Hope this gives you some options

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: USB in REV

2006-12-01 Thread Stephen Barncard

These guys were, at one time, 'Rev Partners' or something.

They specialize in USB hardware interfaces.

Although the software offerings might be partial to their products, 
they DO offer the C++ and other code on their site which might give 
some clues to how to do it, at least on the mac side...

Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

 > What's the final word on addressing USB devices in Rev?

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -

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2006-12-01 Thread Chipp Walters

Hi Richard,

Scott's right. Chris tells me it is too difficult to create an easy to use
USB driver. The reason is the data you receive is binary and there is huge
amounts of it. So, for each device, you would need to write your own bit
parser and figure out the data stream, effectively doing a lot of the work.
Someone like Chris could do it, but for us to put a 'USB driver' out there
would certainly overwhelm us with support requests.



On 12/1/06, Scott Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> What's the final word on addressing USB devices in Rev?

Not sure there is one.

Last I saw, Chipp and Company stated it wouldn't be happening on their end
as it was too difficult a project to undertake, and I haven't seen anyone
else step up.  Maybe this is a job for the Scots...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Re: Default App for Rev Files on MacOS X Tiger

2006-12-01 Thread Jim Ault
Click the button 'Change all...' in the get info window

On 12/1/06 8:46 AM, "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I installed 2.7.x and tested it for 30 days, then got rid of it and
> went back to Now all the .rev files won't open in
> I just get an error message whenever I double-click them.
> If I change the default app on the file using the Finder Get Info
> command the start to open correctly again.
> Any ideas on how to fix it on ALL my .rev files?

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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Jim Ault
On 12/1/06 3:36 AM, "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Has got me before now! They can be so hard to find when you are
> writing lots of stuff to the message box for debugging, and then
> forget to delete just one of them! This is especially true in a
> library stack, I had a rouge "put xxx" in a library that took me ages
> to track down, I eventually found it in a in function a few levels
> away from the main API Call!
> I think an option that turned off the "put xxx" shortcut would be a
> good idea!

Chipp Walters used to have something on his site that would do this.  Took a
quick look and did not find it.  Check the archives, but I think the Altuit
site has changed so much that old info will be obsolete.

Perhaps Chipp may know where it is hiding.

PS  I always use 'into msg' or 'after msg' so I can find them later.
For a short time I always added "!!" like

put fld output & "!!"
but got out of the habbit.

Of course another way is to make your own lib handler

putMsg "flag upperTier is "& fUpperTier

on putMsg txtStr
 put txtStr
end putMsg 

then turn off the 'put txtStr' line
or find the putMsg lines

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: USB/Serial issue

2006-12-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Working on windows.
The function "put driverNames" is not usable on windows.
=> Where to get the driverName usable in runrev with the directive "open driver 

Perhaps there is a solution for runrev on windows with the open driver syntax, 
but where can I get the driver name from?

Regards, Franz
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Franz Böhmisch

GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
D-94136 Thyrnau
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
Fax +49 (0)8501-8537

Original Messageprocessed by David InfoCenter 
Subject: USB/Serial issue (19-Nov-2006 3:15)
From:J. Landman Gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jean-Jacques Wagner can't seem to post to some of the lists he 
subscribes to, so has asked me to post this for him. He can read your 
answers, he just can't generate posts right now. I've told him Rev 
doesn't natively support USB access but it isn't clear to me what he is 
using as an interface, so maybe someone has comments about the post below.

I use to write/read string through the USB Port using a FTDI device. It 
seems to me that the serial port write/read commands does not work as it 

a) write to USB
open driver name for binary update
write var to driver name
(read from driver name until empty)
close driver name
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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Dave,

This is very easy:

tell application "Whatever"
  -- do stuff here
  set myRslt to "A Value"
end tell
return myRslt

If you keep this script in a variable myScript, you retrieve the  
variable result from the AppleScript script in the following way:

do myScript as AppleScript
put the result

Above script puts "A Value" into the message box.




Consultancy and Software Engineering

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Op 1-dec-2006, om 18:03 heeft Dave het volgende geschreven:

Hi All,

Does anyone know how I could pass a value back to RunRev from an  
AppleScript that is being run via the do myAppleScript as  
"AppleScript" command?

I can pass back a return value, but this stops the script from  
running, I would like to pass something back but have the script  
continue to run.

Thanks in Advance
All the Best

use-revolution mailing list
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2006-12-01 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> What's the final word on addressing USB devices in Rev?

Not sure there is one.

Last I saw, Chipp and Company stated it wouldn't be happening on their end
as it was too difficult a project to undertake, and I haven't seen anyone
else step up.  Maybe this is a job for the Scots...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

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Tablet PC becoming second monitor

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Talluto

Hello Everyone,

Anyone know if it possible to force the tablet pc monitor to be  
monitor #2 when connected to a second monitor.  I would like the  
second monitor to be monitor #1 for the time being.  I have a  
customer that is stating that the tablet pc reverts back to it being  
#1 on its own.

Any input on this would be helpful.  Thanks!


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Re: Problem creating set of variables

2006-12-01 Thread Jim Ault
On 12/1/06 6:16 AM, "Thierry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I submit you a strange problem I'm encountering. I want to create
> local variables with the following script:
> repeat with x = 1 to 3
>  put empty into ("Myvar" & x)
> end repeat 
> Surprisingly, this does not work. In fact it opens the Error window
> which indicates:
> Type Chunck: bad destination
> Object button
> line  put empty into ("Myvar" & x)
> hint  (
> Has someone an idea of what is happening?

I think you are correlating

put empty into fld ("myName" & x)
put empty into ("myVar" & x)

In both cases, Rev resolves the parens to a string, thus the second one does
not make sense.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Bill Marriott
And Rev's "the milliseconds" returns the total number of milliseconds since 
the "start of the eon" -- which is midnight GMT, January 1, 1970. Ticks is 
the same, but returns 1/60th of a second. I don't think we have a way of 
accessing nanoseconds (billionth of a second).

"Mark Wieder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Bill-
> Thursday, November 30, 2006, 1:18:01 PM, you wrote:
> I love this comment from the rfc:
>/* NT keeps time in FILETIME format which is 100ns ticks since
>   Jan 1, 1601. UUIDs use time in 100ns ticks since Oct 15, 1582.
>   The difference is 17 Days in Oct + 30 (Nov) + 31 (Dec)
>   + 18 years and 5 leap days. */
> Gotta love those Microsoft "standards", dontcha?

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Re: Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/1/06 11:03 AM, "Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Does anyone know how I could pass a value back to RunRev from an
> AppleScript that is being run via the do myAppleScript as
> "AppleScript" command?
> I can pass back a return value, but this stops the script from
> running, I would like to pass something back but have the script
> continue to run.

The only way I could think of would be to have AppleScript "tell" your
application something in the middle of its processing using the "do script"
command, but this would execute a handler in your code instead of just
passing back a value...

Just curious: What are you having AppleScript do that you want to get
results back in the middle the executing AppleScript?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Smith
I think the spec has a 'type 4' which uses a pseudo-random number  
instead of the MAC address, and the UUIDs generated here (mac OS  
10.4.7) by uuidgen seem to be of this type :


where the first digit of the 3rd group indicates the type.



On 1 Dec 2006, at 16:56, Mark Wieder wrote:

but I second Dar's concern over the "bona-fide" qualifier. Microsoft's
implementation has been criticized as being unsecure - the MAC id can
still be identified from the guid, and therefore documents can be
trace to their owners - that's how the writer of the Melissa virus was
found. The "standard" way of generating a guid involves the MAC id and
a time string - are you looking for something more secure than that?

-Mark Wieder

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subscription preferences:

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Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey

Its not working with Safari at all and the $5000 price tag was all I
had to see this wasn't for me. Also, as expected, the standalones are

1) Apparently you haven't been following this thread but that's ok,
it's getting long.  Safari problem is a bug, it's on the bug list as
you will see if you look at the bug list (I might have been the one
who submitted it).  I think that fix is scheduled for the next beta
release, but I don't remember exactly.  However, it works fine in FF
on the Mac, unless they broke something in the last release (I haven't
checked it against my Mac in a bit).

2) I think your statement about standalones is out of date.  Do you
have the latest release?  Do you have the release schedule?  I'm
pretty sure the current release supports Linux builds.  Maybe I'm
wrong and it's the next release.

3) It.  Doesn't.  Cost.  $5,000.  When you buy something on rebate,
and you take it back later, do they give you the list price?  No?  Why
was that?  Oh, right.  BECAUSE YOU PAID THE SALE PRICE.  Rant about
the price when and if the price goes up.
On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 1:18:01 PM, you wrote:

I love this comment from the rfc:

/* NT keeps time in FILETIME format which is 100ns ticks since
   Jan 1, 1601. UUIDs use time in 100ns ticks since Oct 15, 1582.
   The difference is 17 Days in Oct + 30 (Nov) + 31 (Dec)
   + 18 years and 5 leap days. */

Gotta love those Microsoft "standards", dontcha?

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Dave

On 1 Dec 2006, at 16:37, Ken Ray wrote:

Even if there were such a tool, I'd really like to see how this  
would be

done in xTalk.

Me too... generating the hex codes is easy; I get lost in the "low
bit"/"high bit" stuff of the time stamp. Not sure what that means/ 
how to get

it from our current "time" function...

I'm sure the base function Built into RunRev would help here??

All the Best

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Passing Values to RunRev from an AppleScript

2006-12-01 Thread Dave

Hi All,

Does anyone know how I could pass a value back to RunRev from an  
AppleScript that is being run via the do myAppleScript as  
"AppleScript" command?

I can pass back a return value, but this stops the script from  
running, I would like to pass something back but have the script  
continue to run.

Thanks in Advance
All the Best

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 1:18:01 PM, you wrote:

> Does any have handy, or would be interested in writing, a bona-fide GUID
> generator?



> It's probably simpler than I can comprehend from all the programmer-talk in
> those pages. 

I doubt the Transcript code would be much simpler than the C# :

System.Guid desiredGuid = System.Guid.NewGuid();

but I second Dar's concern over the "bona-fide" qualifier. Microsoft's
implementation has been criticized as being unsecure - the MAC id can
still be identified from the guid, and therefore documents can be
trace to their owners - that's how the writer of the Melissa virus was
found. The "standard" way of generating a guid involves the MAC id and
a time string - are you looking for something more secure than that?

-Mark Wieder

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Default App for Rev Files on MacOS X Tiger

2006-12-01 Thread Dave


I installed 2.7.x and tested it for 30 days, then got rid of it and  
went back to Now all the .rev files won't open in I just get an error message whenever I double-click them.  
If I change the default app on the file using the Finder Get Info  
command the start to open correctly again.

Any ideas on how to fix it on ALL my .rev files?

Thanks a lot
All the Best

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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Dave


I've did some thinking too! It looks like (not sure if it can be  
relied on though) you can read back the last value written to the  
message box, as in:

put msg into myMsgText

Given that this is true, you could maybe have a utility that first  
write some "unlikely value" to the message box (maybe "!@ 

Then scan the script(s) "executing" each statement and checking the  
contents of the message box for the "unlikely value", if it has  
changed then the last statement wrote to the message box!

Probably too hard to implement and maybe I don't have enough to think  
about today!!!

All the Best and Have a GREAT Weekend!

On 1 Dec 2006, at 12:52, Mark Smith wrote:

Me too...

Thinking aloud, as it were, would a handler like this work?

on checkScript pScript
  repeat for each line L in pScript
add 1 to lineCount
if "put" is in L AND "into" is not in L  then put lineCount &  
comma after possibleProblems

  end repeat
 put possibleProblems
end checkScript

I guess we'd need to consider "into msg" and "into message" etc...  
as well as "before", "after" and so on...

If we had a completely reliable version, we could even have it  
comment out those lines.

Or has anyone already done this?


On 1 Dec 2006, at 11:36, Dave wrote:

put the scaledScore["memoryforstories"] of field "data1" into msg

Has got me before now! They can be so hard to find when you  
are writing lots of stuff to the message box for debugging, and  
then forget to delete just one of them! This is especially true in  
a library stack, I had a rouge "put xxx" in a library that took me  
ages to track down, I eventually found it in a in function a few  
levels away from the main API Call!

I think an option that turned off the "put xxx" shortcut would be  
a good idea!

All the Best

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Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread Stephen Barncard
Its not working with Safari at all and the $5000 price tag was all I 
had to see this wasn't for me. Also, as expected, the standalones are 

In this day and age it's silly for a company to pretend the mac user 
base doesn't exist.. I mean their product should at least create 
SITES that Safari can render!


Talking with Chris today, he mentioned he checked a Morfik a bit, and wants
to look at it further. He compared it to a web-based version of FileMaker or
Access. He said it creates standalone .exe's and ALSO uploads files to
existing web servers as well.

He thought it was pretty interesting and he's not very easily impressed. I
imagine he'll take the free version for a spin and I'll hear more about it.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
- - -  - - - - - - - - -
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Ken Ray
On 12/1/06 2:41 AM, "Bill Marriott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>> get shell("uuidgen")
>> This works also with Windows XP (it's not in Win98)- but note that in OS
>> X,
>> the letters in the hexadecimals are uppercase, whereas in Windows they're
>> lowercase.
> I think you picked up this tool from installing Visual Studio; it's not
> included in the "stock" Windows XP, at least it does not seem available in
> my copy.

Ah - makes sense. I did some research, and it looks like the UUIDGEN tool is
part of the Microsoft Win32 SDK, which is part of the VS install. However it
seems to run on all platforms, and unless there is a licensing issue with
including it with your app to run, you can always dump it out to disk and
run it...
> Even if there were such a tool, I'd really like to see how this would be
> done in xTalk.

Me too... generating the hex codes is easy; I get lost in the "low
bit"/"high bit" stuff of the time stamp. Not sure what that means/how to get
it from our current "time" function...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Morfik

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Wieder

Thursday, November 30, 2006, 1:04:13 PM, you wrote:

> Mark,
> You'll second what - my comment or the one I'm responding to (oh crap
> - am I wrong again?)

 Er... I was agreeing with your comment. Morfik's quite an
impressive tool.

-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Ken Ray
>> Now I'm confused.  I thought MetaCard didn't have all the gui niceties
>> that RR does, and was more of a text engine.  So since I apparently
>> have no idea how we got where we are, can you expand a bit more on
>> what MetaCard was?  Was this just a simple case of RR saying "Hey,
>> this is great, but we can make it better"?
> The Revolution engine is the Metacard engine...Revolution was
> originally just an alternative IDE, but along the way RunRev actually
> aquired the engine itself. I don't know the exact status of Metacard
> as a product now.

MetaCard is no longer a product. The IDE from the original MetaCard (i.e.
pre-acquisition by RunRev) plus some minor enhancements/bug fixes is being
maintained as open-source at:

So basically the "Metacard engine" stopped being the "MetaCard engine" when
the transfer to RunRev took place and became the "Revolution Engine".
However, the Revolution engine now powers several IDEs - the Revolution IDE
(plain), the Revolution IDE with Galaxy enhancements, and the MetaCard IDE.

Clear as mud?


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Web site:

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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Dave


Well, I was thinking leave the explicit forms as they are as at least  
you can do a global find on "msg" or "messagebox", but you can't  
search for the shorthand version without hitting every put in the  
whole stack(s).

All the Best

On 1 Dec 2006, at 12:52, Mark Smith wrote:

Me too...

Thinking aloud, as it were, would a handler like this work?

on checkScript pScript
  repeat for each line L in pScript
add 1 to lineCount
if "put" is in L AND "into" is not in L  then put lineCount &  
comma after possibleProblems

  end repeat
 put possibleProblems
end checkScript

I guess we'd need to consider "into msg" and "into message" etc...  
as well as "before", "after" and so on...

If we had a completely reliable version, we could even have it  
comment out those lines.

Or has anyone already done this?


On 1 Dec 2006, at 11:36, Dave wrote:

put the scaledScore["memoryforstories"] of field "data1" into msg

Has got me before now! They can be so hard to find when you  
are writing lots of stuff to the message box for debugging, and  
then forget to delete just one of them! This is especially true in  
a library stack, I had a rouge "put xxx" in a library that took me  
ages to track down, I eventually found it in a in function a few  
levels away from the main API Call!

I think an option that turned off the "put xxx" shortcut would be  
a good idea!

All the Best

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2006-12-01 Thread Bill Vlahos
I just got an Asante router (24 port all gigabit layer 2, 3, 4 switch!) 
which has an interesting new feature. In addition to the regular DB9 
serial port they have a USB port that they say can be used as the 
console port. When i tried using it with ZTerm on the Mac (or 
HyperTerminal in Windows)  it didn't recognize the port so I asked them 
to tell me how to make it work.

They sent me what looks like a generic USB driver and instructions on 
how to make it work on the Mac. I installed it but the port still 
didn't come up but I think something else was going on on my Mac that 
made it not work. I have not had time to work on it further. What was 
supposed to happen was ZTerm would simply recognize the port and be 
able to select it. If that is the case then this might be very good 
solution for us as we could use USB without having any additional 
hardware other than a USB cable (i.e. no USB to Serial adapter).

I don't have the instructions for Windows yet but I don't believe 
Asante created the driver so perhaps someone has come up with a generic 
driver that we could use.

I'll follow up when I get more information.

Bill Vlahos

On Dec 1, 2006, at 7:28 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

What's the final word on addressing USB devices in Rev?

Searching the archives I found that some posts say it's possible to 
use open driver to address USB devices, others say only if the device 
is going through a hardware serial converter.

Can we access USB devices in Rev?  If not, anyone heard an ETA for 
when we might?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Trevor DeVore

On Dec 1, 2006, at 12:41 AM, Bill Marriott wrote:

Even if there were such a tool, I'd really like to see how this  
would be

done in xTalk.

I would love to see this in Transcript too.  I wasn't aware of it  
until you posted the link but this would be very useful.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems -

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2006-12-01 Thread Richard Gaskin

What's the final word on addressing USB devices in Rev?

Searching the archives I found that some posts say it's possible to use 
open driver to address USB devices, others say only if the device is 
going through a hardware serial converter.

Can we access USB devices in Rev?  If not, anyone heard an ETA for when 
we might?

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
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Re: Problem creating set of variables

2006-12-01 Thread Malte Brill

Hi Thierry,

I also would expect that to work, and it has bitten me sometimes  
already. However, to code around it use a do statement:

repeat with x=1 to 3
  do "put empty into myvar"&x
end repeat

Hope that helps,

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Problem creating set of variables

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Schonewille

Hi Thierry,

You cannot put one literal into another literal. In your case, you  
might want to use arrays:

put empty into myVar[x]

or a do statement:

do "put empty into myVar" & x




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Op 1-dec-2006, om 15:16 heeft Thierry het volgende geschreven:

hi all,

I submit you a strange problem I'm encountering. I want to create  
local variables with the following script:

repeat with x = 1 to 3
put empty into ("Myvar" & x)
end repeat  

Surprisingly, this does not work. In fact it opens the Error window  
which indicates:

TypeChunck: bad destination
Object  button
lineput empty into ("Myvar" & x)

Has someone an idea of what is happening?


use-revolution mailing list
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Problem creating set of variables

2006-12-01 Thread Thierry

hi all,

I submit you a strange problem I'm encountering. I want to create  
local variables with the following script:

repeat with x = 1 to 3
put empty into ("Myvar" & x)
end repeat  

Surprisingly, this does not work. In fact it opens the Error window  
which indicates:

TypeChunck: bad destination
Object  button
lineput empty into ("Myvar" & x)

Has someone an idea of what is happening?


use-revolution mailing list
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[ANN] Errorlib 1.0.1

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Schonewille

Dear Revolution users,

An ErrorLib user reported a problem with ErrorLib, which we have  
fixed. We have also added a new feature.

ErrorLib is a shareware library which gives you control of execution  
errors. With ErrorLib, you decide whether errors are reported and how  
they are reported. Password protected stacks no longer hamper bug  
reports from your clients and you will get all error information  
Revolution can possibly provide.

With errorLib, you have a simple light-weight set of scripts that you  
can include with your standalones and use in your IDE. The execution  
error dialog will no longer lock up your IDE if you use errorLib  
instead. You can easily parse error information and display the  
error, using either the built-in routines of errorLib or your own  
custom error dialog.

New in this version:
- a problem causing the error log files to be useless has been fixed
- the log file now also includes information about platform and machine
- errors were sometimes parsed as “theParsedData” but are now parsed  

You can download ErrorLib from the Developers section of the Economy- 
x-Talk homepage.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Consultancy and Software Engineering

Get your store on-line within minutes with Salery Web Store software.  
Download at

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Re: [ANN] PingPop - made with 3rd party tools

2006-12-01 Thread Malte Brill

And if you need to waste a few minutes, check out the game.

Way cool Scott!

Well done. I´m glad AE could assist a bit.

All the best,

use-revolution mailing list
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[ANN] PingPop - made with 3rd party tools

2006-12-01 Thread Scott Morrow
I just posted a freeware game called PingPop.  (A proof-of-concept  
that got out of hand.)  What just struck me was the number of 3rd  
party Made-With-Rev tools that I used while creating it.  The  
scripting makes heavy use of Malte Brill's  ArcadeEngine2. It was  
edited using Jerry Daniels' Galaxy with assistance from several Chipp  
Walters plug-ins. The audio comes from Scott Rossi's tm|audio  
collection.  And the Windows installer is created with InstallGadget  
by Monte Goulding.  Without this list I would probably have been  
unaware of these great tools.

And if you need to waste a few minutes, check out the game.  < http:// >

-Scott Morrow

Elementary Software
(Now with 20% less chalk dust !)


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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Smith

On 1 Dec 2006, at 12:29, Mikey wrote:

Now I'm confused.  I thought MetaCard didn't have all the gui niceties
that RR does, and was more of a text engine.  So since I apparently
have no idea how we got where we are, can you expand a bit more on
what MetaCard was?  Was this just a simple case of RR saying "Hey,
this is great, but we can make it better"?

The Revolution engine is the Metacard engine...Revolution was  
originally just an alternative IDE, but along the way RunRev actually  
aquired the engine itself. I don't know the exact status of Metacard  
as a product now.


use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Mark Smith

Me too...

Thinking aloud, as it were, would a handler like this work?

on checkScript pScript
  repeat for each line L in pScript
add 1 to lineCount
if "put" is in L AND "into" is not in L  then put lineCount &  
comma after possibleProblems

  end repeat
 put possibleProblems
end checkScript

I guess we'd need to consider "into msg" and "into message" etc... as  
well as "before", "after" and so on...

If we had a completely reliable version, we could even have it  
comment out those lines.

Or has anyone already done this?


On 1 Dec 2006, at 11:36, Dave wrote:

put the scaledScore["memoryforstories"] of field "data1" into msg

Has got me before now! They can be so hard to find when you are  
writing lots of stuff to the message box for debugging, and then  
forget to delete just one of them! This is especially true in a  
library stack, I had a rouge "put xxx" in a library that took me  
ages to track down, I eventually found it in a in function a few  
levels away from the main API Call!

I think an option that turned off the "put xxx" shortcut would be a  
good idea!

All the Best

use-revolution mailing list
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subscription preferences:

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revQueryDatabase / revCurrentRecord

2006-12-01 Thread baleareninsel
Holá everybody

As a new member of the RunRev users I try to learn for buildng up a running 
Aplication. I´m using the actual Studio-version

Since 3 weeks now I try to find out, how to get a field from a MySQL-Database 
into a variable without any success. Now I ask anybody of you to give me a 
helpfull hand.

What I do is:
Put rev_dbconnect ("mySQL", "localhost", "mytest_DB", "root",) into DB_ID
put revQueryDatabase (DB_ID, "SELECT * from Table_1 where Number = 2") into 
var_1 ## Number is the first Field in the Table Table_1 which is ok
Put revCurrentRecord (var_1) into var_2 ## Var_2 is always 0 (Zero) doesn´t 
matter which Number I select. Why???

Now I think next would be:
put field_2 into Variable_1 ## field_2 is a field in the DB

But that does not work.

Please, for you it´s just a moment for me sonce now hours and days to solve 
this problem

Thank you in advanced

Horst Peters

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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Mikey


I'll agree with the first comparison, but have to disagree with the
second. MetaCard and Revolution are identical in every respect except
for the stacks that represent how the user interacts with the engine.

Now I'm confused.  I thought MetaCard didn't have all the gui niceties
that RR does, and was more of a text engine.  So since I apparently
have no idea how we got where we are, can you expand a bit more on
what MetaCard was?  Was this just a simple case of RR saying "Hey,
this is great, but we can make it better"?

On the first day, God created the heavens and the Earth
On the second day, God created the oceans.
On the third day, God put the animals on hold for a few hours,
  and did a little diving.
And God said, "This is good."
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Re: Message Box appears

2006-12-01 Thread Dave

put the scaledScore["memoryforstories"] of field "data1" into msg

Has got me before now! They can be so hard to find when you are  
writing lots of stuff to the message box for debugging, and then  
forget to delete just one of them! This is especially true in a  
library stack, I had a rouge "put xxx" in a library that took me ages  
to track down, I eventually found it in a in function a few levels  
away from the main API Call!

I think an option that turned off the "put xxx" shortcut would be a  
good idea!

All the Best

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Re: Matchtext script results

2006-12-01 Thread John Craig

Jeez!  Did the office lights dim and flicker when you ran the regex version?


Mark Smith  -- native syntax: 18 ticks. Found 2 matches
Mark Smith -- filter: 18 ticks. Found 2 matches
Mark Smith -- array: 15 ticks. Found 2 matches
Dick Kriesel -- array: 8 ticks. Found 1 match
John Craig -- regex: 242 ticks. Found 2 matches
Dick Kriesel -- array: 8 ticks. Found 2 matches
Brian Yennie -- arrays: 7 ticks; found 2 matches
Jim Ault -- filter: 5 ticks; found 5 matches (strings, not words)
Ken Ray -- regex: 15 ticks (first run),8 ticks (subsequent runs); 
found 2 matches

Jacque Gay -- original Rev script: 4 ticks. Found 2 matches

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Re: Fun Project: xTalk GUID Generator

2006-12-01 Thread Bill Marriott
>> get shell("uuidgen")
> This works also with Windows XP (it's not in Win98)- but note that in OS 
> X,
> the letters in the hexadecimals are uppercase, whereas in Windows they're
> lowercase.

I think you picked up this tool from installing Visual Studio; it's not 
included in the "stock" Windows XP, at least it does not seem available in 
my copy.

Even if there were such a tool, I'd really like to see how this would be 
done in xTalk.

> What does the word "bona-fide" mean in this context?  I know what the 
> dictionary meaning is.

Bona-fide in this context means strictly following the RFC guidelines for 
generating a GUID. 

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Re: Matchtext script results

2006-12-01 Thread Dick Kriesel
On 11/30/06 3:07 PM, "J. Landman Gay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And that is what surprised me -- that no tinkering with arrays, or
> matchtext, or anything else is faster than the most straightforward
> Revolution syntax.

At least that's true for your sample data.  If the word list were very long,
for example, some other technique(s) would win the contest.

Thanks for publishing your findings.

-- Dick

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