[osg-users] Terrain geometry

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi all, I've created terrain using osgTerrain::Terrain, way simialr to that: osgTerrain::Terrain* Terrain = new osgTerrain::Terrain; osg::Image* high_map = osgDB::readImageFile( "height.bmp" ); osg::HeightField* heightmap1 = new osg::HeightField; heightmap1->allocate( RES_X, RES_Y ); heightmap1

Re: [osg-users] Terrain geometry

2010-10-11 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Problem is solved now :) and i think my way was quite right (as i presented above). Problem was in wrong scalling of objects and manipulators. I know that VPB is great for terrain, but i need tool to edit terrain geometry - is it VPB able to provide features for that? I'm not familiar with

Re: [osg-users] Terrain geometry

2010-10-18 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, > VPB isn't really intended for editing terrain, but it generates heightfields > that can be dynamically altered at runtime just fine. You just have to be > aware that there are multiple LODs of each terrain tile. Could you explain it with more detail? How i can alter heightfield in runti

[osg-users] Render to AVI

2010-10-19 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I'm looking for some plugin (or other feature), which renders osg scene to avi file (i need to prepare some kind of avi demo). Is there any mechanism in osg to do that? Or i have to use some screen graber, render to texture or similar tool? Thank you! Cheers, Robert -- R

[osg-users] Terrain + picking tiles + optimalization

2010-10-19 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I have again basic question which is related to my previous one about terrain editing. I can create terrain with lot of tiles, so now i want to have posibility to choose particular tile by picking it. The way i tried to implement is something like that: 1. create osgTerrain object 2. add

Re: [osg-users] Terrain + picking tiles + optimalization

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi Robert :), Yes, i was investigation this sample. But there is used intersect visitor for camera (view->getCamera()->accept(iv);), what means for me visiting all visible nodes on scene. And if i have terrain with lot of trees, buildings etc. and i just want to edit terrain geometry? Isn't a

Re: [osg-users] Terrain + picking tiles + optimalization

2010-10-20 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Thanks for advices. But i have still one question to clarify. Let's assume, that i have simple node visitor, which traverses my terrain nodes - something like terrain->accept( myvisitor ). It calls myvisitor::apply( osg::Geode& geode ) method. Inside i want to create intersection visitor, w

Re: [osg-users] Terrain geometry

2010-10-21 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I'm back again with my terrain editing question :). I was serching forum for some solution, but i didn't find any. If i have found at least terraintile geometry and drawable associated with that how i could change this geometry? I've tried to use dirtyDisplayList() method, but it doesn't wo

[osg-users] osg::DrawElements - i missed something?

2010-10-27 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Small piece of code: Code: osg::ref_ptr < osg::Vec3Array > verts = new osg::Vec3Array(); verts->push_back(osg::Vec3(-100.0f, 200.0f,-100.0f ) ); verts->push_back(osg::Vec3( 100.0f, 200.0f,-100.0f ) ); verts->push_back(osg::Vec3( 100.0f, 200.0f, 100.0f ) ); verts->push_back(osg::Vec3(-100.0f

Re: [osg-users] osg::DrawElements - i missed something?

2010-10-27 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Hmm, the same effect, doesn't work (why should?). There is something wrong with elements->addElement() method? Thank you! Cheers, Robert -- Read this topic online here: http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=33151#33151

Re: [osg-users] osg::DrawElements - i missed something?

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I have no errors, just version using draw elements is not displayed. I'm using VC2008 Express under Vista64 on GF9800GT. Are there any limitations using draw elements i should know about? Thank you! Cheers, Robert -- Read this topic online here: http://forum.openscenegraph

Re: [osg-users] osg::DrawElements - i missed something?

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I have found one interesting behaviour yet: osg::ref_ptr < osg::UIntArray >array = new osg::UIntArray(); array->push_back( 0 ); array->push_back( 1 ); array->push_back( 2 ); array->push_back( 3 ); p_geometry->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawElementsUInt( osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES, array

Re: [osg-users] Terrain geometry

2010-10-28 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, After deep analyze of osgTerrain code i found solution fine for me. In original code all geometry are generated and keeped in GeometryTechnique class , so one solution could be changes in geometry techniuqe object or creating own class deriving from terrain technique. I've made second solut

[osg-users] How to show all objects

2010-11-03 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I have i think a simple question. If i'm adding new objects on scene and they are invisible (culled) or partialy invisible, how to force view or camera to show all objects (whole scene). Is there any simple method? Thank you! Cheers, Robert -- Read this topic online here:

Re: [osg-users] How to show all objects

2010-11-04 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, > ...that you want to change the viewers master Camera to look > at the newly expanded scene?... I want to do this. Regarding home position probably i could use home() method, right? I have a case that i'm expanding my terrain with new tiles (i'm building it) and after adding new tile i w

[osg-users] Disable GUIEventHandler

2014-07-01 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I have in my project few pickers (for models, triangles, points) based on osgGA::GUIEventHandler. All of them are added to viewer... but i would like to have them selectable to work somehow (i mean one active in current time). All i found is method removeEventHandler(), but it seems to dest

[osg-users] osgAnimation strategy

2014-07-11 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I've created new import/export plugin for models stored in particular format. There are animations included, which are imported also without any problem. However i would like to have possibility to edit such animations in my editor or add new ones. In fact, my models are collected from diff

[osg-users] [osgPlugins] osg store user values

2014-07-18 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Is it possible to force osg plugin to store user values for nodes (set by setUserValue() method from osg::Node) somehow? Maybe using osgDB::Options, but haven't found any solution. Or only solution to store nodes with user values is writting separate plugin? Thank you! Cheers, Robert ---

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] osg store user values

2014-07-18 Thread Robert Gosztyla
robertosfield wrote: > Hi Robert. > The new serializers allow you to implement your own serializers for your own > osg::Object subclasses... > This means that i need to subclass all osg classes to have such possibility? What about osg::Group, osg::Transform and osg::Geode? Is it possible to j

[osg-users] [osgPlugins] Using plugins inside plugins

2014-07-21 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi I have written custom plugin to save/load my scene with custom user data. My solution stores scene tree, but geodes are stored as paths to separate model files (not geometry data). When scene is loaded, geodes are created using such piece of code: Code: osgDB::ReaderWriter* plyReader

Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Using plugins inside plugins

2014-07-21 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Will answer by myself. This wasn't problem with plugins, just forget to set checking z-buffer for loaded node in my plugin, so quite obvious error :/. So, probably this thread could be deleted (if possible) as not very interesting problem. Thank you! Cheers, Robert -- Rea

[osg-users] Manual deleting nodes again...

2014-07-22 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Searching forum i've found such topic http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=5758, which is quite similar to my problem, however does not solved my issue. I'm trying to write functionality to remove node with all subnodes, but cannot get it to work. Assign NULL to shared pointer (

Re: [osg-users] Manual deleting nodes again...

2014-07-22 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Ok, i was mislead by previous thread and setting NULL to ref_ptr. So, i'm using removeChild, as it should be and got crash. I'm doing this in such way: Code: osg::ref_ptr < osg::Geode > geode = new osg::Geode; // on start osg::Geode* g = geode.get(); // store pointer to my geode somewhere

[osg-users] "Step" animation

2014-07-23 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, Me again ;). This time i would like to ask about animations, particular kind of it. I've made animation using channels and Vec3LinearChannel type. It works fine, without any problems, e.g. i've used three Vec3Keyframes to animate sample translation (or rotation), object position is nice cal

[osg-users] osg vs openvg

2014-08-11 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I'm trying to integrate shivavg library (version of openvg specification) with my osg application. I've created new class derrived from osg::Drawable for some openvg primitive. But trying to create this drawable causing crash. After digging in sources, there is getting extensions list using

[osg-users] [build] osg + qt + android = linker problem

2015-04-29 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I'm using 3.2.2-rc2, building it for Android and trying to use in Qt (5.4.1) application. OSG is configured with this: cmake -DOSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_ANDROID=ON -DANDROID_NDK=/home/some/android/android-ndk-r10d -DDYNAMIC_OPENTHREADS=OFF -DDYNAMIC_OPENSCENEGRAPH=OFF -DOSG_GL1_AVAILABLE=OFF -DOS

[osg-users] Android + multiple views

2015-05-25 Thread Robert Gosztyla
Hi, I'm developing simple Android app, with two separate views using osg. Got problem with simultaneously running these two. Whole code is based on existing examples in osg distribution (osgAndroidExampleGLES1 and osgAndroidExampleGLES2). Ii'm putting on layout two views (like ELGView class fr