It's pretty computer geeky, but amusing.
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In a message dated 5/30/2002 11:51:59 PM Central Daylight Time,
> I think I should be
> looking only at Pentax brand for the TTL feature?
Probably not -- I used the Sunpak 30DX on a Super Program in TTL mode
successfully. I no longer have a Super Program, but stil
I have a Super Program & think this would be the best
flash for my camera. I currently have the 200T, but
would like something with a lilttle more power &
bounce capability.
Anyone out there have one for sale? Or, is there
another flash I should consider? I think I should be
looking only at Pe
- Original Message -
From: TM
Subject: RE: Motor Drive problems
> Thanks. If it is just gears, do you know if anyone can
fabricate the
> gears if they
> are not available? If they are made of plastic, I also wonder
if it
> would be wise to
> see if they can be fabbed in brass or stainles
In a message dated 5/30/2002 11:17:24 PM Central Daylight Time,
> From your description of your problem, though, I'd suspect something
> electrical or electronic. You said you've cleaned the T/C's contacts
> ... you should do the same thing to the camera body's contac
On Thu, 30 May 2002 18:28:06 -0700, Bill D. Casselberry wrote:
> TM wrote:
> > [...] the shutter or the fence that caused this. [...]
> Could you see the fence in the viewfinder, all out of focus?
> If so - it makes some sense that its "shadow" lessened exposure
> [...]
On Wed, 29 May 2002 23:19:37 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> However. Just trying the combination out, first it would focus on the
> semi-far subject and a much closer one, and it would shift between the two
> nicely; then it stopped being able to get to the further one without help, so
> I he
I'm another Bill, but what I've done with good success (also on a Super Program that
had the same problem) is just use a little dry graphite powder on the rewind
shaftno disassembly required. Haven't had any further problems in a year or two.
Just be sure to be careful with the graphite,
Sometimes a residual coloured stain can be due to undissolved anti-halation
backing. This is usually washed away by the developer and is the reason
some developers pour out of the tank with a strong bluish colouring. If
you're using a very dilute developer or are pulling the film the back
The rewind crank? Are you saying that I pull hard on the U shaped
bit and the crank comes out from the top? Should I use anything to
lube the shaft before reassembly, like a Teflon dry lube?
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Bil
The lens is very good. Sharp, little falloff. My only complaint is that it's
closest focus distance is really pretty far. Can't remember exactly what it
is... By the way, both I and Mick have one of these lenses for sale. Let us
know if you're interested.
Nick Wright
Bill- Thanks much.
Short of purchasing my own developing and printing setup (which I
can't and won't do), how do I get proper color balance?
This was Ritz Camera, I don't really have a bunch of options for
developing and printing around here and I thought I'd do better w/
them than the supermark
Thanks. If it is just gears, do you know if anyone can fabricate the
gears if they
are not available? If they are made of plastic, I also wonder if it
would be wise to
see if they can be fabbed in brass or stainless steel.
Your description sounds exactly like the problem- the motor drive works
I just paid $4.79 for a roll of 24 exp. at my local
store. It seems that Adorama & B&H sell 35mm Reala in
a 36 exposure roll for $2.39 each. I know I will pay
more for shipping, but if I buy 10 rolls I will save
some money.
Just curious-does anyone know of a better price on the
yeah, and my dad can beat up your dad!
you guys are s much fun...
> From: Paul Stenquist
> Subject: Re: World Cup
> Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 19:03:35 -0700
> It was a joke. But I didn't say anything about taking him on in a
> game, I said, "taking him on."
Yahoo! - Offi
I don't know if you should let your wife wander, at least not on the
Aaron Reynolds wrote:
> if you see a
> tall fellow with a ... wife wandering around, that's probably me. ;)
> -Aaron
> -
> This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List. To unsubscribe,
> go to http://www
It was a joke. But I didn't say anything about taking him on in a game,
I said, "taking him on."
> In a message dated 5/30/2002 5:48:05 PM Central Daylight Time,
> > < > shorts. I'd like to see one of those little guys who bounces the bal
> > You stole the name of a great sport called football (in wich you REALLY hit
> > a BALL with your FOOT).
I had thought the name football was applied originally to seperate the games between
like hockey, that were traditionally played on horse back. Soccer(fo
TM wrote:
> Does this sound like my Super A needs a CLA, or does it still
> point to the Motor Drive causing problems?
The Super Series can gett friction hang-up in the shaft/sleeve
of the rewind crank. Mine has, but its easy fix. You just take
out the rewind crank and
TM wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out if it is the shutter or the fence that
> caused this. The lighter and darker portions moved around in
> different frames and different rolls of film, is this still
> indicative of a shutter problem?
Could you see the fence in the viewfinder, all out
TM wrote:
> Is Portra the "new" RG?
Don't think so. Seems that the Supra emulsions are the
next ones in the RG lineage, perhaps w/ a blending of
that other line, - drawing a blank on the name - but
the "press oriented" one of a few years back. EktaPress??
The only time you are just looking at film, is when you
are just looking at film (slides). When you look at
prints you are looking at a combination of the film, the
paper, the print machine settings and the operator.
You prpbably could have taken your film to another place
and seen just the op
Possibly an artifact of the light rays being blocked and not making
it to the lens?
Il Bill
TM wrote:
> Stupid question- can shooting through a chain-link fence
> make it appear as though there are differing exposure times
> throughout the frame? I ask because I had no choice and ha
My MZ-S and BG-10 Auctions end shortly.
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visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at h
Thanks bill, i'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.
- Original Message -
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2002 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: Pink Negs?
> - Original Message -
> From: Paul Jones
> Subject:
I did just this last weekend:
1. I bought pre-cut wood in a construction outlet (35cmX10cmX0.5cm
2. Small nails were good enough to put them together in less than half
an hour
with some glue to make it stronger.
3. The bottom was made of a very thin (less than 0.5 cm) piece of wood.
Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Walking Shadow (pavement reflection)
> Gianfranco Irlanda
> Superlatives would be fruitless here. Join me in expressing
> admiration for this awesome image and its creator. Gianfranco
has taken
> photography and stood it on its head - quite literally.
- Original Message -
From: Paul Jones
Subject: Pink Negs?
> HI,
> I developed some negs last night and they came out slightly
pinkish, so i
> assumed i hadnt fixed them properly, so i mixed up some new
fixer and
> refixed them and they are still pink.
> The first time there were fixe
- Original Message -
From: TM <
Subject: RE: Motor Drive problems
I just checked Pentax USA, they no longer support the Motor
Drive Eh! either.
If the camera does what you describe without the drive, then
likely the film advance is weak, and should be adjusted while it
still works.
I am r
- Original Message -
From: TM
Subject: More newbie questions- contrast, lens obstruction,
> Stupid question- can shooting through a chain-link fence
> make it appear as though there are differing exposure times
> throughout the frame? I ask because I had no choice and had
> to s
- Original Message -
From: TM
Subject: RE: Motor Drive A problems
Taka, Here is what my repair guy sez:
There is a gear set in the motordrive that starts to wear out.
The symptom is that as more film is advanced onto the take up
spool, and more torque is required to drive the film, the g
Hi James,
Would you recommend a battery brand?
I have seen Vinic 250mah batteries for $2.00 each at
Is this a good buy?
These batteries are 14.5mm X 17.0mm. I understand from previous
discussion that we have to be sure they are not longer than 17.0mm
On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 08:29 AM, Paul Stenquist wrote:
> Cheerleaders? You gotta go to a hockey game at the Joe. Everyone's a
> cheerleader, and we have octopi to boot. That's why they call it
> Hockeytown.
> Go Wings!
No, we're talkin' about pom-pom shaking, skimpy outfit wearing
TM wrote:
> Anyone try to reach KEH today? Their phones seem to not be working.
> Have they gone out of business? I just talked to them yesterday
I talked to them just at closing time yesterday (Wednesday).
One of their sales staff called me about noon today.
Stephen Moore
Shel wrote:
Calm down, Albano
Yes, Shel I heat up a bit. The photo of little hooligan is great!
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Anyone try to reach KEH today? Their phones seem to not be working.
Have they gone out of business? I just talked to them yesterday
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go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the Pentax
I believe the quality problem with 110 film lies in the photolab. I noticed
that I consistently get better results from Minox (8*11mm) than from Pentax
110 and pocket film.
The difference between in negative size between 'Minox' and '110' is at
least as large as 35mm vs MF -why does this not s
Don't even tempt me! I'm just getting used to calling the MZ-S the
"little camera". I can't quite imagine calling the 67II the "little
camera" :)
Thursday, May 30, 2002, 10:59:01 AM, you wrote:
ME> Wow! You've really been bitten by the medium format bug! I can't wait for
Can we assume a member of some royal Euro family?
From: Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
- --
Shel Belinkoff
Collin Brendemuehl, KC
Wow! You've really been bitten by the medium format bug! I can't wait for
you to try out a Linhof Technica 4x5 so I can buy some really nice Pentax
67II gear from you! :-)
---Bruce wrote---
> [MZ-S + BG-10 for sale]
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List. To unsu
In a message dated 30/05/02 18:40:30 GMT Daylight Time, Albano writes:
<< Applied the name to a sport where some guys in
tights try to play rugby >>
This message is from the Pentax-Discuss Mail List. To unsubscribe,
go to and follow the directions. Don't forg
Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel about us "americans".
-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: OT World Cup Offer
Please, you "americans"!!
You stole the name
On Thu, 30 May 2002 14:21:25 -0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Please, FOOOTBALL is FOOTBALL. What you call football is not football.
Sorry to burst your bubble. But it =is= football here. Since we don't =live= where you
do, we can call it anything we like.
This message is from
These are the conditions:
1 - You must answer off-list exclusively. On-list votes will not be
2 - You must choose Your Favorite Pentax Lens. ONLY ONE. Yes, ONLY ONE.
3 - It must be original, no third-party allowed.
4 - Primes and zooms.
5 - You must specifiy: Tak, Super Tak, SMC Tak, K,
These are the conditions:
1 - You must answer off-list, right to me.
2 - You must choose your favorite emulsion (35 and 120/220 allowed. Color
and b
and w)
3 - You must choose ONLY ONE (color print OR slide OR b and w, etc).
4 - You must have personal experience with it.
WINNER by now: Tri-X with
1- You must choose JUST ONE Pentax brand body of any era and format.
2- You must have personal experience with it, no matter if you own it,
owned it, borrowed it, rented it. You must have used it (it's not a wish
3- Again, you must choose JUST ONE.
4- Send the answers OFF-LIST, TO ME, to do
Please send the messages to me directly, to not disturb other
Also, I've not included 110 and digital cameras, just because I started
this way, and I didn't want to change in the middle of the way.
Also, if you already submited and want to add new items, please put clearly
in your
1- You must choose JUST ONE Pentax brand body of any era and format.
2- It must be the body you use most (time, quantity of shots, whatever...)
3- Again, you must choose JUST ONE.
4- Send the answers OFF-LIST, TO ME, to don't disturb list members. I'll
not count votes sent to list.
> The lure of the world cup
> seems to be each that nation
> gets to cheer blindly for their
> national team and hate the
> other countries' teams.
Shel Belinkoff
Calm down, Albano
> Please, you "americans"!!
> You stole the name of a great sport called football (in wich you REALLY hit
> a BALL with your FOOT). Applied the name to a sport where some guys in
> tights try to play rugby but being not macho enough as to face th
Please, you "americans"!!
You stole the name of a great sport called football (in wich you REALLY hit
a BALL with your FOOT). Applied the name to a sport where some guys in
tights try to play rugby but being not macho enough as to face the possible
damage. Called real football "soccer". Put ri
<< Subject: Re: Vivitar Series 1
Hi Peter,
The front cap for the VS1 200/3 is a metal push on.
Steve Larson & Wiiliam Wiseman >>
Great - I knew I'd regret punting out the last one of those on 'bay.
Anyone got one? $5 here with your name on it
This message is from the Penta
In a message dated 30/05/02 13:40:39 GMT Daylight Time,
<< know what football (soccer) is; my son played on a team for several
years, and I attended allo the games, like a good father. He no longer
watches it either. I tried to watch swome of the televised games,
That's not grain, my friend, that is KWALITY. Oh yes.
BTW, we have an Agfa 110 projector here. Daresay it's multivoltage, too.
Kind regards
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go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
visit the
In an effort to offset some of the cost of my 67 gear (keep picking up
a lens here and there - most recent was a leaf shutter 90), I am
reluctantly going to part with one of my MZ-S's. It is in beautiful
condition - lightly used, no frame overlap problem. Comes with
original box, manual, all acc
If only that were true :/
Perhaps the other regions get 4 - 6 teams into the finals, but poor Oceana
not only got only one qualifier, but that side ~then~ had to play off
against South America's highest non-qualifier which was Argentina. So
Argentina whips Maradona into shape, he boosts the side
Thanks, hope to hear back from you. I'm going to send the Drive back to
KEH today and see if I can get another one in the meantime.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of William Robb
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 8:59 PM
To: [EMA
"Peifer, William [OCDUS]" wrote:
> Another posting from yesterday which hasn't shown up yet
(1) Do any of you have comments on the practice of presoaking roll film
> in water (or perhaps dilute Photo-flo??) prior to the developer? That is,
> load the roll on the reel, then immerse into a
Cheerleaders? You gotta go to a hockey game at the Joe. Everyone's a
cheerleader, and we have octopi to boot. That's why they call it Hockeytown.
Go Wings!
Aaron Reynolds wrote:
> On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 01:00 AM, Chris Brogden wrote:
> > Please... the hockey season officially e
Appologies to the list. Obviously meant for private email . . .
Il Bill
William Kane wrote:
> Nick,
>Do you still have the 280T? I may be interested.
> IL Bill
> Nick Wright wrote:
> >
> > I have for sale the following.
> >
> > 1) "Duo-Sync" TTL Cord. Will maintain TTL connecti
Ended up crossing the street and finding an Albinar bellows unit, in much
better shape, for $60 euro's...
Thanks to all for the information, I'm off to go play with the new toy...
- Original Message -
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May
- Original Message -
From: Daniel J. Matyola
Subject: Re: OT World Cup Offer
...The lure of the world cup
> seems to be each that nation gets to cheer blindly for their
national team
> and hate the other countries' teams..
Sort of like when American hockey fans boo the Canadian
Daring sacriledge here, unless you are doing your own
pre-press analysis for 4-color litho reproduction any
diffused light source will do just fine for viewing
slides. Face it - we are mostly interested in checking
for sharpness and magnifying the tiny 35mm
Do you still have the 280T? I may be interested.
IL Bill
Nick Wright wrote:
> I have for sale the following.
> 1) "Duo-Sync" TTL Cord. Will maintain TTL connection between your Pentax
> camera and older style (ie- 280T) flashes. Works fine. Looks okay; marks
> where the flash's
On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 10:43 AM, David Brooks wrote:
> Will someone be minding the store wilst away??
Yeah, but don't expect to get anything back fast.
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On Wed, 29 May 2002, Scott Nelson wrote:
> I'm thinking of buying some colour corrected light bulbs and making my own
> light box out of wood ~11"x14". Has anyone done this. I'd appreciate any
> tips. Please share your experiences / triumphs / disasters with me. I
> would guess that the critca
Will someone be minding the store wilst away??
Begin Original Message
From: Aaron Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
-stirring it up right before he unsubscribes for 10 days
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go to and follo
Doh.Thanks Jeff.I'm still thinking 35mm style
here.I best look at the pictures again.
Begin Original Message
From: "Jeff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 30 May 2002 08:34:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Re: 645 direction
Hi Dave,
The 6 cm portion is the width of t
On Wednesday, May 29, 2002, at 11:33 PM, Stan Halpin wrote:
> Tom - does this settle the on-again off-again discussion of what it
> means to
> be a professional? One who bleeds for their art?
Bleeding for one's art makes one an artist, silly. And a professional
artist is also known as a sell
On Thursday, May 30, 2002, at 01:00 AM, Chris Brogden wrote:
> Please... the hockey season officially ended on Tuesday night when the
> Leafs lost.
...and as much as we're bitter about losing to the 'Canes, we'd like to
see them whup the Red Wings or the Avs. Having attended a Leafs game in
70 matches
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