Good, that info should narrow the search down a bit.
> The info on the top is "61L23 RCA 8715 (which I assume 8715 is the
> date code) and on the bottom are "4ZLRC on one line and below that
> > is P6502" in the standard 8 pin DIP.
> wa9zzu
Says the FCC via 97.205(c):
(c) Where the transmissions of a repeater cause harmful
interference to another repeater, the two station licensees are
equally and fully responsible for resolving the interference unless
the operation of one station is recom
I've had good luck finding old ic's, not just Moto but all different types
through [EMAIL PROTECTED], Scott is very helpful, so is his boss.
Anyway, I've also used [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Good Luck
Original Message Follows
From: "wa9zzu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Repeater-Builder@
I agree with Jeff.
I am the Coordinator for Louisiana. I have all the information in my data
base for each repeater. So I should be able to check it. I also have Hams in
different parts of the state that check on repeaters for me. We give a year
before de-coordination. In that time someone s
You know, that's a common complaint I hear. The repeater council meeting
is not always in my back yard. Many organizations are required by their
bylaws to make it convenient for the membership. When you are dealing
with a state, that means it has to be moved around and may well be
several hundred m
I would recommend that you NOT use the Tantalum caps. They have a very nasty
habit of shorting when they overheat in the summer. When this happens
depending on where the cap is, you may cause a fire in the radio.
Not a pretty when this happens.
Charles Miller
- Original Message -
Hi,anybody has the calculated length of coaxes needed for going from the T
jonctions to the helical Resonnator of a DB-4032
6 resonnator Unit...for high and low notch displacement for 1 mhz
separation ... Original has 500khz ... Thank's Luc VE3JGL.
No obligation to co-ordinate your repeater. However, and this I have
seen this personally,(fortunately in my favor) in an interference issue
or complaint the first question the FCC asks is this repeater
coordinated? Even if you have been on that pair for centuries and the
coordinators ha
Per §97.205 Repeater station.
(c) Where the transmissions of a repeater cause harmful interference to
another repeater, the two station licensees are equally and fully
responsible for resolving the interference unless the operation of one
station is recommended by a frequency coordinator and
I'll respond to all replys through 68209.
If they wanted a aural or off the air check, and if they were so
savvy why didn't they ask for just that? All the requests for info
about the repeater being on the air was by email and I responded to
each and every one and stating that the repeater is c
In a message dated 1/19/2007 7:23:19 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL
You ARE aware that if someone else gets coordination there and the FCC
gets involved, you *will lose*, right? You are better off taking the
issue to their meetings to get it resolved. If you feel the
After the excuses from these people, of course certified mail.
Everything now is sent to WAR via certified mail. Since they want to play
games, I'm going to make sure there is a paper trail, not just their
excuses and stories.
Yeah, if it goes to court, I'll probably loose the coordination
Hello and thanks to all for reply, I will put that into my binder
I have one unit with range (36-42Mhz.) and somebody tell me put new Xtal and
retune only, maybe its true??? I never change any caps. into VHF or UHF and
radio operate very well, maybe its the same for low band, I never use it
I believe the cap you speak of is to delay the transmitter
on/keyed for an additional time, which the mfgr specs at
200mS (milli seconds). Removing or lowering the cap value
would reduce the delayed ptt time.
The focus of my post is to ask people how their true reverse
burst decoders respond
Did you send your reply back certified? After their claim of not
receiving it, I sure would have.
But, things DO get lost in the mail. I've seen cases where someone says
"This is my forth reply in two yeas", yet the complaint was the first
letter received from him in over 10 years. (not that much
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one with coordnator issues. Here, My
444.275machine has been on the air for years. The good ol boy coffiee
club - the
Wisconsin Association of Repeaters - WAR - , they send
renewal requests on a yearly basis - not e-mails. Everytime I have recei
Actually, the electronic CTCSS decoders react about the same as the old
reeds. The physics of the matter causes the filters that can discern
for instance - 100 Hz from 97 Hz or 103 Hz to be very narrow, and they
ring - even when the driving tone is removed. By reversing the tone
phase for a sho
Does your coordinator have the access info to try it for themselves?
What are they basing the decoordination on? Not on the air?
Joe M.
Coy Hilton wrote:
> HI Gang
> I have had one of my 2 meter repeaters coordinated as a closed
> repeater for at least two years. Three times last year I was
Coordinators are a savvy lot (well, some of them are), and they know
that sometimes a fellow will repeatedly claim that his gear is on the
air when in fact it is not. So, they want to be able to kerchunk the
thing for themselves. Even if it's closed, the PL tone should be in
their files and they
In congested areas this is going to be a fact of life.
All your coordinator wants probably is a quick on air demo.
Is the guy local? He should already know the PL tones etc.
Coy Hilton wrote:
> HI Gang
> I have had one of my 2 meter repeaters coordinated as a closed
> repeater for at leas
HI Gang
I have had one of my 2 meter repeaters coordinated as a closed
repeater for at least two years. Three times last year I was sent a
email asking if the repeater was on the air and three times I
answered "yes" each time. I had even had a on going discussion about
having multiple transmi
I played around with using the RB-1 board on my repeater transmitters using
motorola and several other receivers in tone squelch. Eventually I found it
was better to remove the capacitor which causes the RB-1 to send NO tone for
the last 100ms (or what ever the timing is).
--- In Repeater-Builde
Eric Vincent wrote:
Hello group, I need radio modification for GE Mastr ExecII Low Band.
The link on the web site Repeater-Builder doesn’t work.
Anybody have other link to convert Low Band to 52Mhz.
Thanks and good week end.
My RB site pointed to an off-site li
These are the small TLN8381A reeds with the larger
case that go into SpectraTAC receivers and Micor
mobile PL decoders.
Let me know via direct mail.
Bob M.
Want to start your own business?
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Hello group, I need radio modification for GE Mastr ExecII Low Band.
The link on the web site Repeater-Builder doesn’t work.
Anybody have other link to convert Low Band to 52Mhz.
Thanks and good week end.
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Día luminoso
Greetings to all, somebody can say to me to the configuration of the
connector rj45 to program the motorola CM200. thanks will.
> Skipp,
> I find your comments interesting in that the purpose that Motorola
> had in using "reverse burst" of the PL tone was to quickly damp the
> mechanical reed in the PL decoder to close the squelch and eliminate
> the user from hearing the noise burst. But of course you knew that.
> Howe
wa9zzu wrote:
> --- In, "skipp025" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Re: Reverse Burst Comments (Com Spec RB-1)
>> If you add a circuit like the Com Spec RB-1 board to the typical
>> repeater system using a ts-32/ts-54 board... the tx ctcss is not
>> disabled o
--- In, "skipp025" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Re: Reverse Burst Comments (Com Spec RB-1)
> If you add a circuit like the Com Spec RB-1 board to the typical
> repeater system using a ts-32/ts-54 board... the tx ctcss is not
> disabled or removed before the
Start at; you may recognize
that as the name of this Yahoo! Group; it's no
Go to the Motorola section, then the Spectra Mobile
area. Check out all the nifty articles near the
bottom. One of them addresses the capacitors issue.
You may even find useful inform
I haven't used one of those, but I'd ask, what is it doing differently?
If you invert the phase of the tone 180 degrees (or 120 for some older
motorolas), it should mute correctly. The only issues I've ever run into
is either the transmit delay is too short (ie, TK-x05D series), and the
rx squel
Día luminoso Greetings to all, somebody can say to me to the
configuration of the connector rj45 to program the motorola EM200. thanks will.
Re: Reverse Burst Comments (Com Spec RB-1)
If you add a circuit like the Com Spec RB-1 board to the typical
repeater system using a ts-32/ts-54 board... the tx ctcss is not
disabled or removed before the RB-1 delayed ptt line drops.
So you have the phase inverted ctcss present for at most up
I noticed the same thing in a Spectra I purchased used late last year. This
particular radio looks to have not be cap modified, but I noticed the missing
cap easily.
Roger W5RD
>Another thing worth noting is that in the three 900 MHz Spectras >that I've
>recapped, the 47uF cap on the RF board
Is there a link to this article?
I had a copy of instructions on re capping once but misplaced it when I
upgraded my hard drive.
Steve Murphy wrote:
Hello everyone,
A couple of weeks ago, I sent Bob, WA1MIK a message thanking him for
his fine article on recapping the Spectra radios.
Hello everyone,
A couple of weeks ago, I sent Bob, WA1MIK a message thanking him for
his fine article on recapping the Spectra radios.
At work, we have a fleet with several hundred 800 MHz Spectra C5 and
C7 mobiles. Over the past year or so, they've been dropping like
flies. I've now gone thr
I have had good luck using an opto isolator to interface a radio that I
don't have the internal schematic for. The radio usually has a LED
indicator for receive, and is easy to find. Place the diode section of
a 4N36 isolator in series with the receive indicator LED and the
transistor portion o
--- In, "sgreact47" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> What are the other numbers and letters on these IC's?
> That mite help narrow it down to an age range. Then we can check
> our older parts books.---
The info on the top is "61L23 RCA 8715 (which I assume 8715 i
Jeff - If you have a TSU6/KQT8 CTCSS decoder installed you can get an
active high from the foil side pin 4 marked as "SDO" in the service
manual(assuming you have one).dan n2aym
--- In, "jkstrsn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a TM-431A which I want to u
39 matches
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