Re: [313] (even more spam) RE: Discussion

2000-11-22 Thread Mxyzptlk
I say we let Kelley back in.
313 or IDM ?

 long winded and trivial arguments

  This list was set up by myself to be a forum for the ***discussion*** of
  techno artists

 If you cared to **discuss** the inner workings of your tracks and how they
 are 313 related,

If the tracks are 313 related then what's the problem?



 ICQ904008 (but I'm never on)

Re: [313] (even more spam)

2000-11-22 Thread Hugh G. Blaze
I think 99% of the degredation of this list is because we've ruled 
ourselves into a corner. And a boring, humorless corner at that.  Poeple are 
so afraid of not kowtowing to every 313 standard (expressed and implied) 
that the creativity of posts has steadily decreased to a handful of 
cookie-cutter topics that get recycled every two months. I can't remember a 
a day when I DIDN'T see three posts begging forgiveness for being off 
topic or not relevant enough. It's not good to have the list spiraling out 
of control with off-topic conversation, but maybe we need to take the 
blinders off sometimes.

Simply put, this list has a stick up its ass.
flame on...

Perhaps you don't understand my rigidity because you haven't seen the 
degradation of this list. There used to be quite informative discussions 
and thoroughly enlightening posts. Now the list is compromised of 
playlists, track spams for, and top ten lists. I now have to sort 
through 100's of posts just to receive the content I wish to read.

So you see the 'no spam' rule was put in place to ensure content, and not 

Sorry to have missed a good spam discussion, if I could have said this all 
earlier I would have.


 i have read the 313 statement plenty of times and it seems quite 
flexible  and open to interpretation to me. so i am surprised that anyone 
would be so  rigid about it and preach that rigidity to fellow 313 
members.  in fact the general feeling i get from the list is that there 
are more who  approve of Mr Blochs (and others) ghastly sins then there 
are who  disapprove.  you may disagree Todd, but if Mr Atkins, Mills or 
May posted a link to free  mp3s i do not think you would be so quick to 
complain.   if you missed the discussion recently about this spam topic 
you should go  thru the archives and if you were not so trigger-happy with 
the delete key  you may not have sore fingers and you wouldn't have missed 
last weeks  ***discussion*** in the first place.   i wonder if the 
people complaining make music themselves?   also while we are on topic, i 
found some great music online which i  definitely think pushes techno 
forward. has some brilliant music which may be 
difficult to  ***discuss*** if we never got to hear it.- 
Original Message -  From: Todd Smith  To:  Sent: 
Tuesday, November 21, 2000 2:36 PM  Subject: Re: [313] (even more spam)  
   Trust me there is no lack of passion to hear new music, if only I 
could  cut   down on hitting that delete key on off topic posts I could 
do a little  more   listening and a lot less deleting. The off topic 
hysteria as you like to   dramaticize it as is caused by multiple 
subscriptions to different lists  (at   least in my case). Older list 
members may have different reasons. I have  4   jobs (including Dj'ing) 
and work a tremendous amount. I joined 313 for  313   content not spam. 
I could post a million record reviews (I work for a  local   paper), and 
could tell you what I got on vinyl this week (I work at a  record   
store as well), but I don't because for the most part it is not 313  
related.   Please read the 313 statement at 
todd   - Original Message -   From: Kao Jyan   To: 313   Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 8:28 AM   
Subject: Re: [313] (even more spam)i'm sure someone has 
mentioned this already, but the general consensus a   fewweeks ago 
was that directing others to good FREE music on the web (even  ifit 
is your own) is not that terrible a crime.i don't know if you are 
just feeling grumpy today or if you have a   personalgrudge 
against Christian but even if you hate his music i hope you are  not
saying it is not 313 related cause you may cause a riot.i always 
want to hear new music, your post gives me the impression you  may
not share this passion.   there are plenty of 313 posts that i am 
not interested in although i  like   toread them all but i am 
surprised at the lack of tolerance some 313  membersare displaying 
with their off topic hysteria.   (also i know this is not a 
Drum  Bass list, a Garth Brooks list or even   theShopping 
Network in case anyone thinks i don't, i understand there are   other   
 lists elsewhere i would just like to see a little more patience) 
  anyway, back on topic ; ) what Jay Denham stuff would anyone recommend 
 to   aBC/CR/Ratio/Hood/Pacou fan?   kao jyan 
- Original Message -From: Todd Smith
To: 313@hyperreal.orgSent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 12:44 PM   
 Subject: Re: [313] (even more spam)   Last I checked 
313 had a policy about spam, and need of 313 content.  I didn't 
join this list for a bunch of artists to throw tracks up online   and   
  advertise in my inbox. It was fine for the plus8 contest because that 
  was at least 313 related, however this is just a bit 

Re: [313] No Luv?

2000-11-22 Thread Gerald

dj Horsepower wrote:
  I am not familiar with these DJ's will these be Techno, House?
 Karri and Machine will definitely be techno, but not the kind of techno
 you're used to hearing around here..  Get ready for a lesson in crazy
 experimental hijinks with flair.

Also watch out for Machine, who likes to breakout some electro booty
Whatever you do guys, just please don't give him a mic. ;)


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Mills' liquidroom 2000...

2000-11-22 Thread darw_n
I have Jeff Mills' complete liquid room set from september up on napster if
you are interested, all the fades are taken out, so its the complete set,
and I ran it through waves ultramaximizer to enhance the sound...

strange the things you can do with computers now...

and if you hot list me, I have some other mixes too, including mine...


create, demonstrate, toneshift...

DBX ?'s

2000-11-22 Thread Minto George

yah I'd like to know what happened to all those
Accelerate release that were suppose to come out but
never a Todd Sines ep called don't stop
I've heard it before from some Columbus cronies ;)
even Dan had something that suppose to come
Accelerate album? ACC rare and unreleased was cool and
I'm glad he released that cause those tracks smoke!

even Titonton had something that was suppose come out
on ACC...whatever happened with that? 

also what's new with elevate? anythng new coming soon?

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Off-topic spam rant (OT)

2000-11-22 Thread Nik Stoltzman
It is a rare occurrence for me to post, as I am usually content to observe. 
However, a lot of the petty arguments that have been flying around have 
started to get me mad, in an 'Incredible Hulk' kind of way. Right about now, 
I have gone green and ripped my denims...

If Mills, Atkins or May posted a link to MP3's I wouldn't as quick to 
complain because they are 313 related.

Damn! It seems to me (correct me if I'm wrong) it is 'OK' to accept such 
information from 'established' 313 producers, but not from new producers? 
I'm sure we would all agree that a lot of the change and development in 
techno is due to new producers and ideas. This does NOT mean that I don't 
like or respect the work of Mills/Atkins/... (on the contrary) or would feel 
annoyed if I got a link to their music. Similarly, if anyone known or 
unknown has something to offer, I want the oppurtunity to check it out. 
No-one can INSIST a post is off topic through *their* views, arguments, or 
presentation the '313 bible' - different people have different opinions and 
tastes. Or did we forget that? I can decide what is off-topic for myself 
alone. I feel many will want to skip this message, as it doesn not talk 
about music. Note the (OT) in the subject. See how it works?

What DOES make me mad...When a message grows to epic length due to repeated 
replies. Sure, this is useful for tracing the histroy of a message, but 
usecommon sense. I don't need to trace the origins of a message back to the 
stone age, especially when a response is one line, and the tail is a 
hundred. Come on. My finger hurts from hitting 'Page Down' ;^)

Hulk...must kill...BANNER! (all done)


P.S: Sorry if I offended anyone. This is not aimed at any individual.
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2000-11-22 Thread TekHitsHarder
 I have a Fumiya Tanaka live set from napster. At some point he drops a 
track, which sounds like he is saying, I BE BIG SHOT, I BE BIG SHOT, I BE 
BIG SHOT over and over again.  Anyone know what this is??  

Mike D.

Mike Banks

2000-11-22 Thread Gwendal Cobert
Hope I won't be considered as an off-topic spammer with the following,
I'm currently listening a lot to Mike Banks' Soulshine, the last track of
his Red Planet comp - and immensely enjoying it ; did RP RIP after RP10 ?
any Banks releases outside RP you would point me to ?

RE: [313] Mike Banks

2000-11-22 Thread Jongsma, K.J.

 Hope I won't be considered as an off-topic spammer with the following,
 I'm currently listening a lot to Mike Banks' Soulshine, the 
 last track of
 his Red Planet comp - and immensely enjoying it ; did RP RIP 
 after RP10 ?
 any Banks releases outside RP you would point me to ?

First of all, The Martian is guy behind Red Planet and not Mike Banks. Mike
always denies he is the Martian. But there is a Red Planet EP released on
UR. It's the double pack with Suburban Knight, i think it was UR36 but i'm
not 100 % sure about this.



2000-11-22 Thread Jason
could [EMAIL PROTECTED] please get in contact with me.

Good bit of news for the both of us!


What's up with RS?

2000-11-22 Thread Tosh Cooey
I haven't heard much noise from the RS camp in a while.  Am I listening
in the wrong places?  Whatever happened to RS after the Sony deal?


Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread Jonny McIntosh
As well as those already mentioned I'd suggest Varese, he basically wanted
new instruments, so was very interested in electronics, and at times his
earlier stuff is a precursor to Sun Ra's 60s output (I hate that kind of
classical composer X did it before jazz fella Y argument too - that's not
what I'm trying to say, just stick Heliocentric Worlds 2 on after Varese and
see what I mean) Try for starters his Offrandes, Integrales and
Octandre stuff. I don't know about on CD (I don't have one) but there's an
LP on Nonesuch which contains some (if not all, I don't have it to hand) of
the above works. Also look out for Desertes - the first stereo broadcast
over French airways - and Poeme Electronique, his most well known work.

Other folk such as Stockhausen (try for Mixtur, Mikrophonie I  II,
Kontakte, Momente  Originale)  Reich (Sonatas and Interludes just begs to
be sampled) have already been mentioned. As for first entry into the realm
of 20th century Classical, go for the likes of Satie and Debussy (starting
with their piano music) - especially the latter, who, if I may be so bold
as to say so, is the father of 20th century music, full stop. It's worth
picking up different recordings of the same pieces, there can be a massive
(and interesting) difference of interpretation.

So's to keep the purists happy: I mentioned Sun Ra who worked with Francisco
Mora who worked with CARL CRAIG. I also said the word electronics. ;)


NP: Arthur Russell World Of Echo - seems appropriate to the matter in
hand. (Who wanted to make music without drums, which is what DERRICK MAY
said he does first when making music.)

RE: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread D . J . Butler
I remember that quote of May's, about music should be as 
good without drums as it is with - i.e. it should be able to 
stand on it's own without the rhythm section.
Which is funny considering his pseudonym don't you think, 
and how many of his tracks are rhythm based?
Also, what about the lp he was going to be producing of 
drummers (were they African?)... whatever has happened 
to that?

And please tell me, is it any day now until the new Black 
Flag? (massive!)


Dan (trying to keep as on topic as possible!)


 -Original Message-
 From: Jonny McIntosh [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 22 November 2000 11:44
 To:   313
 Subject:  Re: [313] musical question ...  minimal classical
 As well as those already mentioned I'd suggest Varese, he basically wanted
 new instruments, so was very interested in electronics, and at times his
 earlier stuff is a precursor to Sun Ra's 60s output (I hate that kind of
 classical composer X did it before jazz fella Y argument too - that's
 what I'm trying to say, just stick Heliocentric Worlds 2 on after Varese
 see what I mean) Try for starters his Offrandes, Integrales and
 Octandre stuff. I don't know about on CD (I don't have one) but there's
 LP on Nonesuch which contains some (if not all, I don't have it to hand)
 the above works. Also look out for Desertes - the first stereo broadcast
 over French airways - and Poeme Electronique, his most well known work.
 Other folk such as Stockhausen (try for Mixtur, Mikrophonie I  II,
 Kontakte, Momente  Originale)  Reich (Sonatas and Interludes just begs
 be sampled) have already been mentioned. As for first entry into the realm
 of 20th century Classical, go for the likes of Satie and Debussy (starting
 with their piano music) - especially the latter, who, if I may be so bold
 as to say so, is the father of 20th century music, full stop. It's worth
 picking up different recordings of the same pieces, there can be a massive
 (and interesting) difference of interpretation.
 So's to keep the purists happy: I mentioned Sun Ra who worked with
 Mora who worked with CARL CRAIG. I also said the word electronics. ;)
 NP: Arthur Russell World Of Echo - seems appropriate to the matter in
 hand. (Who wanted to make music without drums, which is what DERRICK MAY
 said he does first when making music.)
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Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread [tan]
From: debonair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 the obvious are works by philip glass,
 steve reich, gavin bryars, arvo part.

bryars is a fool. jesus blood never failed me is perhaps the lamest tune
ever done!


La Mont Young - his high tension wire pieces sound like pullover by speedy j
John Cage - any man that amplifies a cactus is fine by me ;-)

more interesting(!) stuff: Nam June Paik, Ben Patterson

Reich is the man though... his phase pieces, music for 18 muscians, tellihem
(sp?!?!)  *swoon* i've heard a lot of remixes of come out ... ken ishii
played one last year on NYE...

graham [tan] wilson - i do because i couldn't care less

Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread Jonny McIntosh
 Also, what about the lp he was going to be producing of
 drummers (were they African?)... whatever has happened
 to that?

I thought it was Sundiata Ohm (sp?) who did some stuff on Prescription. At
the time he said it p***ed all over the NuYorican Soul LP. I'm still waiting
to see...

 And please tell me, is it any day now until the new Black
 Flag? (massive!)

I hope I don't have to wait as long for this :) And I STILL haven't seen a
copy of The Stand.


Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread Scott Vallance
 Reich is the man though... his phase pieces, music for 18 muscians, tellihem
 (sp?!?!)  *swoon* i've heard a lot of remixes of come out ... ken ishii
 played one last year on NYE...

Reich's drumming is fantastic. Its impossible to listen to it and not
see the similarities to some techno - some of Rob Hood's stuff
(particuarly some of Internal Empire like Minus) springs to mind.


[Fwd: (amb) As One - Celestial Soul fs/ft]

2000-11-22 Thread Mxyzptlk
Forwarding this to more appropos lists for a friend. Reply to Rowland,
not me. Thx.

 Original Message 
Subject: (amb) As One - Celestial Soul fs/ft
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 15:00:17 +
From: Rowland Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As One : Celestial Soul

One mint copy of the above for sale or trade. Let me know if you are
interested. (New Electronica 26cd)



Re: [313] (even more spam)!!!

2000-11-22 Thread dj revolver
I got so busy at work last night I almost missed out on continuing this 

believe it or not, different people get different information that appeals 
to them out of 313.  Some 313ers got a good discussion and arguement going 
about the Ford focus thing - which I'll admit I deleted 98% of the emails. 
However, I'm not concerned about the fact that my poor finger hurts from 
clicking delete so much.  If that set of postings interested people than 
good for them.
Why should we be so narrow minded as to limit ourselves by talking about 
Jeff Mills, Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, Claude Young, Juan Atkins, TP, 
Carl Craig everyday?  Everyone is aware of these guys already and can easily 
find many of their releases as Recordtime.  It's the obscure gems out there 
that people aren't aware of that are impressive too.
There really is a new generation of producers and DJs developing in the area 
right now and it's unfortunate that you don't see it.  Many are on this list 
such as Christian Bloch, Bill Van Loo, Chaircrusher, Nate De Yonker, 
Phonopsia, Darw_n, Scott Valliance (from Australia I know but you have a 
Detroit sound) and there are many more out there who are djs.  Why not 
support these guys and they're music instead of spending all of your energy 
discouraging them from posting their new tracks on 313?  Who knows - these 
guys may be the next Jeff Mills, Kevin Saunderson, Carl Craig, etc that 
everyone begins to talk about.  Don't you want to be aware of a fresh, new 
sense of creativity?  If the members on this list are making some good music 
don't you think it is 313 related?  If they are aware of Detroit Techno 
enough to be on 313 don't you think they're educated in electronic music 
enough to make their own decision as to what is appropriate for posting in 
they're music community?  Everyone one on this list and in the world has a 
different thought process, has different interests, different skills, 
everyone looks different, everyone talks different etc.  Why are you trying 
to make the assumption that we all want to hear about only the information 
that interests you?  Don't you think that's a bit greedy and self rightious?
Maybe you should take a step back and listen to yourself throw your rules 
around the mailing list.  Too many rules spark resistance and rebellion in 
any society.  Please don't try to apply your rules to me.

thanks for listening,

From: Todd Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [313] (even more spam)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:36:58 -0800

Trust me there is no lack of passion to hear new music, if only I could cut
down on hitting that delete key on off topic posts I could do a little more
listening and a lot less deleting.  The off topic hysteria as you like to
dramaticize it as is caused by multiple subscriptions to different lists 
least in my case).  Older list members may have different reasons.  I have 

jobs (including Dj'ing) and work a tremendous amount.  I joined 313 for 313
content not spam.  I could post a million record reviews (I work for a 
paper), and could tell you what I got on vinyl this week (I work at a 
store as well), but I don't because for the most part it is not 313 

Please read the 313 statement at

- Original Message -
To: 313
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [313] (even more spam)

 i'm sure someone has mentioned this already, but the general consensus a
 weeks ago was that directing others to good FREE music on the web (even 

 it is your own) is not that terrible a crime.
 i don't know if you are just feeling grumpy today or if you have a
 grudge against Christian but even if you hate his music i hope you are 

 saying it is not 313 related cause you may cause a riot.
 i always want to hear new music, your post gives me the impression you 

 not share this passion.

 there are plenty of 313 posts that i am not interested in although i 

 read them all but i am surprised at the lack of tolerance some 313 

 are displaying with their off topic hysteria.

 (also i know this is not a Drum  Bass list, a Garth Brooks list or even
 Shopping Network in case anyone thinks i don't, i understand there are
 lists elsewhere i would just like to see a little more patience)

 anyway, back on topic ; )  what Jay Denham stuff would anyone recommend 

 BC/CR/Ratio/Hood/Pacou fan?

 kao jyan

 - Original Message -
 From: Todd Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 12:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [313] (even more spam)

  Last I checked 313 had a policy about spam, and need of 313 content.  

  didn't join this list for a bunch of artists to throw tracks up online
  advertise in my inbox.  It was fine for the plus8 contest because that
  at least 313 related, however this is 

Detroit Techno-Whats new?!

2000-11-22 Thread Fahd Al Noor

I have been out of circulation for a while and just felt that urge to return
to techno and music all together
I would like to know what has happened since then in terms of new
techno..Detroit and non-Detroit, I remember
when I finally decided to give it a break, DJ Rolando had just released
Knights of the Jaguar and Swedish techno
was getting pretty big..Whats has happened for the last year in terms of
music? Any new faces?What has become
of Tresor and alll the new Swedish labels.. Please reply privately cuz I
dont want to make it a large, boring thread..

Thanks a lot..

Fahd Al Noor
Minneapolis, MN

Tired of slow Internet? Get @Home Broadband Internet

RE: [313] Mike Banks / martian

2000-11-22 Thread electric seth

U.R. 29 Dark Energy, Pennington's finest IMHO
I'm not sure it can really be called a 'red planet' EP, as it's only mixed 
by the Martian, all tracks are produced by James Pennington or UR.

I was always inclined to believe that the Martian was Mike Banks and this 
record kind of suggests that;
but then perhaps not, I mean if mike wanted his martian persona to remain 
anonymous, then why put the record out on his label?
although maybe that's just a really good cover story and he really is the 
but then the martian could be trying to throw suspicion onto Mike Banks 

if a man who lies all the time says I am lying


First of all, The Martian is guy behind Red Planet and not Mike Banks. Mike
always denies he is the Martian. But there is a Red Planet EP released on
UR. It's the double pack with Suburban Knight, i think it was UR36 but i'm
not 100 % sure about this.

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Re: [313] What's up with RS?

2000-11-22 Thread Gerald
I know they just released something from Boom Boom Satelites, about 1-2
months ago. It sounded pretty good, and I noticed a couple DJ's playing
it recently.

That's all..


Tosh Cooey wrote:
 I haven't heard much noise from the RS camp in a while.  Am I listening
 in the wrong places?  Whatever happened to RS after the Sony deal?
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Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread Gerald

Nik Stoltzman wrote:
 A 'safe' place to start is with the compositions of Steve Reich and Philip
 Glass. My recommendations are:
 Steve Reich  - Electric Counterpoint
  - Music For 18 Musicians
 Philip Glass - Solo Piano
  - Koyaanisqatsi (he seems to do a lot of film scores)

Has anyone ever heard of 'Music for Woods' by Philip Glass. I've never
been able to find it on CD or vinyl. Has it ever been released?



RE: [313] Mike Banks / martian

2000-11-22 Thread Sakari Karipuro
On Wed, 22 Nov 2000, electric seth wrote:

i've wondered this couple of times but if one listens carefully the red
planet series and mad mike records, they do sound quite different. the red
planet sound is a bit hollow then again mike has a bit 
fatter sound. of course different studios are enough for this but i
don't think that mad mike is martian. but who knows. final frontier ep on
UR has one track that has identical drum patterns to base station 303 on
Red Planet 5.  so who knows... 


 U.R. 29 Dark Energy, Pennington's finest IMHO
 I'm not sure it can really be called a 'red planet' EP, as it's only mixed 
 by the Martian, all tracks are produced by James Pennington or UR.
 I was always inclined to believe that the Martian was Mike Banks and this 
 record kind of suggests that;
 but then perhaps not, I mean if mike wanted his martian persona to remain 
 anonymous, then why put the record out on his label?
 although maybe that's just a really good cover story and he really is the 
 but then the martian could be trying to throw suspicion onto Mike Banks 
 if a man who lies all the time says I am lying
 First of all, The Martian is guy behind Red Planet and not Mike Banks. Mike
 always denies he is the Martian. But there is a Red Planet EP released on
 UR. It's the double pack with Suburban Knight, i think it was UR36 but i'm
 not 100 % sure about this.
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Betr.: RE: [313] Mike Banks / martian

2000-11-22 Thread Wibo Lammerts
Isn't this the doublepack that was rejected for Red Planet and released
on UR in stead?


 electric seth [EMAIL PROTECTED] 22-11-2000 15:08:51

U.R. 29 Dark Energy, Pennington's finest IMHO
I'm not sure it can really be called a 'red planet' EP, as it's only
by the Martian, all tracks are produced by James Pennington or UR.

I was always inclined to believe that the Martian was Mike Banks and
record kind of suggests that;
but then perhaps not, I mean if mike wanted his martian persona to
anonymous, then why put the record out on his label?
although maybe that's just a really good cover story and he really is
but then the martian could be trying to throw suspicion onto Mike Banks


if a man who lies all the time says I am lying


First of all, The Martian is guy behind Red Planet and not Mike Banks.
always denies he is the Martian. But there is a Red Planet EP released
UR. It's the double pack with Suburban Knight, i think it was UR36 but
not 100 % sure about this.
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Betr.: RE: [313] recell/stasis '93 comp

2000-11-22 Thread Wibo Lammerts
I absolutely love B12. Why not try hunt down their albums?
Electro-Soma and Time Tourist? Boith on Warp.

Timeless techno IMO.


 Gwendal Cobert [EMAIL PROTECTED] 21-11-2000 13:12:49 
BTW : I'm agreat fan of Warp, and only recently noticed how many 313
releases they had made, Drexciya, Wild Planet etc... As for B12, I
some of their rtacks would not have seemed out of place on some Craig
or UR

  I'm afraid it is off 313 topic, but cannot resist : Redcell =
  B12, right ?
  is this comp comparable to their B12 work ?

 Off topic, why? B12/Redcell (yess same group of people) are
 defnitly 313.
 They aint comming from the 313 area but their sound is
 defintly 313. The B12
 albums on Warp have some tracks on them who are previously
 released on B12
 records as Redcell.

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2000-11-22 Thread Danny Wolfers

Howdy Folks,

Some updates @ bunker:

-New audio clips by Legowelt, 8-Bit Rockers and some unreleased Nukubus
-Some events
-Some general maintenance

See ya - TLR

drop us a line to be taken off the list

Welcome to the void

London weekend?

2000-11-22 Thread fab137
Hi list,
anything going on in london this weekend?

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in the tall grass with the apes.

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Via C.A. Racchia, 4 - 00195 Roma - ITALY
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Does Anyone Know When Redux Contest Results Will Be Released?

2000-11-22 Thread tristan watkins
 The website still says Nov. 13, but that's also
the final date to submit entries... 

Curious and confused. 


--- [tan] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: debonair [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  the obvious are works by philip glass,
  steve reich, gavin bryars, arvo part.
 bryars is a fool. jesus blood never failed me is
 perhaps the lamest tune
 ever done!
 La Mont Young - his high tension wire pieces sound
 like pullover by speedy j
 John Cage - any man that amplifies a cactus is fine
 by me ;-)
 more interesting(!) stuff: Nam June Paik, Ben
 Reich is the man though... his phase pieces, music
 for 18 muscians, tellihem
 (sp?!?!)  *swoon* i've heard a lot of remixes of
 come out ... ken ishii
 played one last year on NYE...
 graham [tan] wilson - i do because i couldn't care

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Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
on 11/22/2000 8:42 PM, [tan] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 bryars is a fool. jesus blood never failed me is perhaps the lamest tune
 ever done!

Possibly you're allergic to Tom Waits?   I challenge anyone to listen
closely to Sinking of the Titanic in a cold, dark room and tell me Bryars
is a fool.

 Reich is the man though...

Agreed.  For newbies out there, Reich's Electric Counterpoint was the
source for the guitar loop made famous in the Orb's Little Fluffy Clouds.

Reich's Drumming, Different Trains, and any of his marimba pieces are

Re: [313] Mike Banks / Martian

2000-11-22 Thread Tom Robbins
The Red Planet compilation CD, 'LBH-6251876', names one Will Thomas as The
Martian on the insert. Of course, this *could* be another MM identity...

Great CD, of course, a must-have unless you already have all the twelves.

- Tom Magic Feet

RE: [313] What's up with RS?

2000-11-22 Thread Ross, Jurri
The website is also under construction for ages.

-Original Message-
From: Gerald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: woensdag 22 november 2000 15:27
Cc: Tosh Cooey
Subject: Re: [313] What's up with RS?

I know they just released something from Boom Boom Satelites, about 1-2
months ago. It sounded pretty good, and I noticed a couple DJ's playing
it recently.

That's all..


Tosh Cooey wrote:
 I haven't heard much noise from the RS camp in a while.  Am I listening
 in the wrong places?  Whatever happened to RS after the Sony deal?
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2000-11-22 Thread Lester Kenyatta Spence's times like this where i REALLY wish i was back home.  derrick
may, kevin saunderson, and carl craig will be at the motor tonight.  i
don't think there will be a simulcast of any sort...


Mike Banks / Martian

2000-11-22 Thread Nick Craddock

Hi guys and gals,

Hate to go bursting bubbles, but I actually asked James Pennington last year 
as to who was behind the Red Plane series. He said that it was Mike Banks, 
Rolando, Chaos, and himself.

He added that he was solely responsible for Red Planet 6.


Nick Craddock (Overload Media)

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Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, and carl Craig at Motor...

2000-11-22 Thread Stefan Hratz


 I am awfully excited about tonight, and I figured I would write 
 Two men, who just happen to be a couple of the fathers of techno as we 
know it, on 4 turntables for 4 hours?  Carl Craig, one of the most talented 
producers ever (wellin my opinion...), doing a five hour set?  
Mm...A Jedi craves much these things..
 Well anyways.I am coming with a whole crew of peepz, and I just hope 
to experience a good night with other 313'ers that might happen to be there.
 Thank God (or whatever it is that you thank for things like this..) that 
these guys still spin around the D!

 Gotta runmy 12:40 class calls.

 Waiting for tonight,

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Re: [313] Mike Banks / Martian

2000-11-22 Thread Jonny McIntosh
 He added that he was solely responsible for Red Planet 6.

The best one! James has just gone up in my estimation from, umm, 10 jeu to
11 jeu (Jonny's Estimation Units). :)


Re: [313] Does Anyone Know When Redux Contest Results Will Be Released?

2000-11-22 Thread Craig Stodolenak
The website still says Nov. 13, but that's also the final date to submit 

We've received all the CD-Rs from Sonic Foundry and have been going through the 
submissions last week.  I've narrowed the list considerably and now Rich has 
the remaining files on his laptop's HD in Japan.  I expect him to select 
something within another week or so.

- Craig


2000-11-22 Thread Diana Potts

Escape the family or be glad you don't have one to escape:

Out of the Box presents...

Keith Kemp
Boomer omegaman Reynolds

doors at 9

i forget if its 5 or free...

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Waldorf Microwave

2000-11-22 Thread David Bitterman
From what I've understood through some recent interactions w/ some German
friends the waldorf and Nord stuff sits around over in Germany like crazy. A
bunch of these cats have nords and microwaves sitting by the wayside while
they rock out on there MC-303 groove boxes??!!!?? Pretty entertaining info
eh? I always opted for the prior more powerful sound design tools. Although
some of Rolands more SERIOUS peices sound real good I've always found them
somewhat of a Crayola palette. I guess in the end it's just what you're
into. Anyways, they had a few used microwaves for sale for around $250-$300
US and said you can find them all over the place in the $200-$500 range. So
If you have any connections at all (including an internet one) maybe it's
worth it to search around Germany awhile.
   And if anyones wondering what this has to do with Detroit Techno, we all
write techno all over the 248, 313, and 519 area codes, we just hosted some
Germans in to perform a little and to witness Detroit and its techno, and
its a discussion of the instrumentation used to make techno music. Nuff


Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread J. Landau

 Reich is the man though... his phase pieces, music for 18 muscians, tellihem
 (sp?!?!)  *swoon* i've heard a lot of remixes of come out ... ken ishii

How about Alvin Lucier?  It's process music, not classical, but it's 
related to all the other artists that have been mentioned.  Try I Am 
Sitting In A Room and Music On A Long Thin Wire.


Subversion is a waveform process.

expo remixes

2000-11-22 Thread Tom Churchill
What's up with this list?

A new set of Kraftwerk remixes by UR gets released and no-one mentions it
(apologies if it has been mentioned, but I'm on the digest version)...

Stop the circular arguments about spam and talk about this (from Juno this

KRAFTWERK: Expo Remix (EMI Germany) double 12: Expo Remix (DJ Rolando
remix, Underground Resistance remix, UR Thought 3, UR Infiltrated mixes,
Francois  K/Rob Rives mix, Orbital mix) (8896126)

Anyone bought it yet? I heard one of the UR mixes at the weekend and I
though it was pretty cool. Any more thoughts?



Re: [313] expo remixes

2000-11-22 Thread _Caltrop _

Sony bad, EMI good ;)

From: Tom Churchill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [313] expo remixes
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 17:35:36 +

What's up with this list?

A new set of Kraftwerk remixes by UR gets released and no-one mentions it
(apologies if it has been mentioned, but I'm on the digest version)...

Stop the circular arguments about spam and talk about this (from Juno this

KRAFTWERK: Expo Remix (EMI Germany) double 12: Expo Remix (DJ Rolando
remix, Underground Resistance remix, UR Thought 3, UR Infiltrated 

Francois  K/Rob Rives mix, Orbital mix) (8896126)

Anyone bought it yet? I heard one of the UR mixes at the weekend and I
though it was pretty cool. Any more thoughts?



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Re: [313] expo remixes

2000-11-22 Thread Michael Kim

please tell me that it was released on CD  does Recordtime have it?


From: Tom Churchill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [313] expo remixes
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 17:35:36 +

What's up with this list?

A new set of Kraftwerk remixes by UR gets released and no-one mentions it
(apologies if it has been mentioned, but I'm on the digest version)...

Stop the circular arguments about spam and talk about this (from Juno this

KRAFTWERK: Expo Remix (EMI Germany) double 12: Expo Remix (DJ Rolando
remix, Underground Resistance remix, UR Thought 3, UR Infiltrated 

Francois  K/Rob Rives mix, Orbital mix) (8896126)

Anyone bought it yet? I heard one of the UR mixes at the weekend and I
though it was pretty cool. Any more thoughts?



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Re: [313] musical question ... minimal classical

2000-11-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apologies for drawing this out...

on 11/22/2000 6:01 PM, Sam Karmel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You should check out Reich's electric counterpoint
 Its 12 tracks of steve vie playing guitar.  Reich
 mixes them in a truly beautiful and creative way.

Not Steve Vie.  Not even Steve Vai (ugh).  It's Pat Metheny.

 would be cool to do a remix of this except the time
 signatures are to complex.

Too complex for who?  Who needs a straight 4/4 for a remix?