Re: [android-developers] ListView items

2012-05-10 Thread Narendra Singh Rathore
On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 11:59 AM, Narendra Singh Rathore <> wrote:

>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:49 PM, nageswara rao rajana <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> How to generate xml file form list view items.
>>> Please help me...
> Did you want this or something else?

sry for this incomplete thread.
Well, I was suggesting this.

 lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {

public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long
arg3) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub




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[android-developers] Re: Couldn't get connection factory client in android

2012-05-10 Thread Colin Cachia
This issue popped up for me aswell, recently.

The things I tried were:

* Generate new API key - Be sure that it is generated from the correct
Keystore that you sign your application with.
* Be sure that your project is based on Google APIs (Project >
Properties > Android)
* Also had a problem with incorrect GeoPoints which made my map gray
as you said. Debug correctly to ensure that Longitude and Latitude
values are being passed correctly.

On May 10, 2:18 am, Yogeshkumar Tiwari 
> Hi Android Champs,
>            *  *                     * I got this error: 
> ERROR/MapActivity(258):
> Couldn't get connection factory client
> *                                i'm not able to see map only it shows gray
> square.
> i have tried so many things like generated a new api key and tri to run but
> problems remains the same.
> if any body have any idea so pls share.
> --
> With Regards:
> Yogesh Tiwari
> (Android Developer)

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Couldn't get connection factory client in android

2012-05-10 Thread krishna kumar
hi how to crack APK any ideaplease help me

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[android-developers] could you make black theme for AMOLED device?

2012-05-10 Thread android gogle
normal theme has too much white color so it takes battery a lot.
AMOLED need black theme.

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[android-developers] Going from one view to another

2012-05-10 Thread Dan Uff
Hi all:
This may seem like a basic question, but I am brand new to Android
development and can't find this answer, and I am coming from being an
iOS developer.

How do you go from one view to another?  I need the user to select a
button and then go to another screen.

Dan Uff
Connecting People Software

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[android-developers] Add and re-size pictures with processing Android

2012-05-10 Thread ianas andu
I am using processing in order to develop  mobile application for
Android.I am trying to build an application "like paint" for android
with processing.i managed to do all the drawing changing color  etc
but i don't know how to write a function that allows the user to load
a picture from his mobile

Thank you

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[android-developers] Sms application mod

2012-05-10 Thread Francesco Venica
hi at all, there is a way for change SMS app adding a mod for load only the 
last 20/30 SMS and add a line for load the other SMS? this for not overload 
the app if someone have a lot of SMS, anything like iPhone sms app.
I think this is a big problem of sms app, whit a lot of sms the phone is so 

thank you

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[android-developers] Re: Tethering two android phones

2012-05-10 Thread Devin

I'm trying to do the same thing and I'm running into the same problem, any 


On Thursday, February 2, 2012 1:45:04 PM UTC-5, John-Marc Desmarais wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know of a method to tether two phones via USB so that one
> phone can communicate with the other using an intermediate PC?
> Or, a method to change the default gateway given when tethering on one
> of the phones from to something else.
> It seems that if I connect two android phones to the PC both are given
> the same gateway address, it is possible to send/receive data from one
> phone to the other? is there an address on the other side of the
> gateway address that can be used? Can I configure the address on one
> of the phones so that the gateway addresses are unique?
> Thanks,
> John-Marc Desmarais

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[android-developers] Options missing in Android SDK Manager when started from Eclipse

2012-05-10 Thread Sebastian Krysmanski

is there a special reason why the "Tools" menu in the Android SDK Manager 
is missing most of its menu items (including "Options...") when started 
from Eclipse.

I've verified this behavior on Windows 7 and Linux (Ubuntu) with the newest 
tools installed.


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[android-developers] talkback crashes on my tablet

2012-05-10 Thread chadbaker2
hi not sure where to post this
i'm visually impaired running a arc hose 101g9 tablet with 4.0.5
talkback keeps freezing i loose speech i have to reboot all the time
i tried all voices it just freezes
it happens all the time
i'm using version 3.0.2 of talkback from the play store
when it freezes i had a sighted person check the screen everything was
still there

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[android-developers] App not deploying to AVD in Eclipse?

2012-05-10 Thread HorsemanUK
Hi all,

Firstly, thanks for any help anyone can offer me with my foray into Android 
app development. I've been a Java developer for many years although I've 
been in management circles in recent years so a little rusty.

I've got Eclipse (Indigo) installed and I've used Eclipse extensively in 
the past so nothing too new to me there. I've installed the Android SDK and 
all the associated packages via the SDK Manager. All the icons have 
appeared in Eclipse and I can start an Android Project so it all looks 
good. I've created two AVDs - one 4.0 and another 2.1.

The trouble I'm having is getting my app (ANY app) to run in the AVD. I've 
followed a number of tutorials on how to do this and they are all very 
similar. I create a Run Configuration naming my Project and the default 
activity (created at the same time I created the Project) and associated it 
with one of the AVD (appropriate to the Project version.)

The AVD starts and eventually I get the full Android home screen, as 
expected, but that's it. Nothing else. I've watched a video on YouTube 
showing what should happen and my console output isn't the same. I don't 
get the bit about installing the apk.

This is the console output:
[2012-05-08 11:05:49 - MyFirstDroid] --
[2012-05-08 11:05:49 - MyFirstDroid] Android Launch!
[2012-05-08 11:05:49 - MyFirstDroid] adb is running normally.
[2012-05-08 11:05:49 - MyFirstDroid] Performing 
com.burmania.MyFirstDroidActivity activity launch
[2012-05-08 11:05:50 - MyFirstDroid] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 
'API7_AVD' is not available. Launching new emulator.
[2012-05-08 11:05:50 - MyFirstDroid] Launching a new emulator with Virtual 
Device 'API7_AVD'

I've left the AVD for a number of HOURS as I've read that it can sometimes 
take a fair while to launch but after five hours nothing has changed.

Can anyone help me with this or point me in the right direction?

Thanks for your help!! 

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[android-developers] How to attach an image to an html email using the intent object which is shown in the message body

2012-05-10 Thread Mourad
Hi  Forum,

im trying to send an email programaticly. Sending an email which has
an attached image is not the problem. But I need to have an HTML email
which shows the
attached picture in the body itself.
I tried several things but without success... When I compare a email
sourcecode, I can see, that in the HTML body I need to reference the
Content-ID , which is given in the attached file.
In theory  I think if I create an intent object typ html , attaching a
file I need to get the CID number to set it in the body text. I tried
all the intent functions like getdata() or getextradata() etc. but I
didn't find the CID. The next problem is , that the toHTML function is
overwriting my IMG tag , maybe b/c it is unknown ??

did anyone handle this task , can anyone help out here with an
idea ??

here is my source code:

Intent emailIntent = new

String aEmailList[] =
{ getResources().getString(R.string.email_address) };

ArrayList uris = new ArrayList();

String file = "test.jpg";

File filePath = new
Uri u = Uri.fromFile(filePath);

emailIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uris);

StringBuilder() .append("Some Content").append("") .toString()));


thanks to all

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[android-developers] Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{...}: java.lang.NullPointerException

2012-05-10 Thread Andre Wiget

I have a problem with Android 3.2. The following line causes the
NullPointer exception under Android 3.2:


In the debugger I can see that aboutSelected is NOT null. The same
code runs without problems under Android 4.0.3 and 2.3.3.

Does anybody knows how to solve that problem ?


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

GridView gridView = (GridView) findViewById(;
gridView.setAdapter(new ImageAdapter(this));


Button btnSuchen = (Button) findViewById(;

Button btnAbout = (Button) findViewById(;

//Button btnKonfiguration = (Button)


dbAdapter myDbAdapter = new dbAdapter(this);
boolean dbExist = myDbAdapter.checkDatabase();
if (!dbExist) try {
catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error ("Datenbank kann nicht kopiert werden");

SharedPreferences einstellungen =
String land = einstellungen.getString("ListLand", "");
if (land.equals("")) {
land = getString(R.string.Deutschland);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = einstellungen.edit();
editor.putString("ListLand", land);

if (isOnline()) {
} else {
// Keine Internetverbindung => Warnmeldung anzeigen !
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);

builder.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.Ok), new
DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int 
which) {
AlertDialog alert = builder.create();;

05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572): java.lang.RuntimeException:
Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.wiget.autokatalog/
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at$500(
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at$H.handleMessage(
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572): Caused by:
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  at
05-08 06:35:47.770: E/AndroidRuntime(572):  ... 11 more

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[android-developers] talkback crashes with my tablet under 4.0.5

2012-05-10 Thread chad baker
hi wasn't sure where to post this
i'm visually impaired using a arc hose 101g9 tablet running 4.0.5 with talkback 
version 3.0.2
i have been having bad luck lot of freezes 
when it freezes i loose speech
i had a sighted person check the screen all the contents were still there
i have to reboot all the time
it happens on all voices even the default google voice
i e mailed archose support they said they don't support third party apps

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[android-developers] Will SurfaceView ever support hardware acceleration?

2012-05-10 Thread Simon Edström
Will SurfaceView ever support hardware acceleration? If yes, when?
Since hardware acceleration was introduced in 3.0 you would think that
the SurfaceView should be supported in ICS.

I'm currently working on an application that involves a SurfaceView
that runs very slow on big screens (ex. HTC One X) and would really
need some hardware acceleration.


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[android-developers] Android coding in Objective-c coding style

2012-05-10 Thread Mufazzal Hussain

I am reviewing code of android application that was built in Objective-c 

App contains only one activity but more than 10 screen so code is too 
complex to work upon. we are suppose to develop remaining part of 

*plz suggest me, should i re-develop the code or work on same?.*

I have already post this question but unfortunately lost its link plz 
re-comment on it.

Many many thanks..

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[android-developers] CalledFromWrongThreadException in onPostExecute of AsyncTaks

2012-05-10 Thread MiNoS

I had a problem with a CalledFromWrongThreadException in thrown in a
onPostExecute part of an AsyncTaks. From the documentation the
onPostExecute part is always executed in UI thread, therefore I'm
wondering how this exception could happen.

Code looks like:

protected void onPostExecute(String result) {

private void onNext() {
 // here the exception is thrown


Does also tried it with runOnUIThread() and handler - all the same.

The funny thing is, that this exception is only thrown sometime, in 8
of 10 runs everything works fine but in 2 the exception is thrown.

Maybe someone had a similar problem?



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[android-developers] talkback freezes on my arc hose 101g9 tablet

2012-05-10 Thread chad baker
hi i'm not sure where to post this
i'm visually impaired got a tablet its a arc hose 101g9
i'm running 4.0.5 and talkback version 3.0.2
it freezes all the time
when it freezes i loose speech all i'm doing is reading items on the screen
i had a sighted person check the screen everything was still there
it happens with all the voices even default google tts

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[android-developers] How to know the request is from Android 4.0 phone or Android 4.0 Tablet?

2012-05-10 Thread Kevin Chang
I woudl like to develop a Web Application. It has different UI design for 
Phone and Tablet because they have different screen size. I always Take 
user agent of browser to know what device access my application. Then I can 
know to give appropriate size of UI. 

User Angent of Android 4.0 Table and Android 4.0 Phone are similiar. There 
is no way to distinguish them like (iPhone and iPad did). 

Can any one shed a light to know the access is from Tablet or Phone of 
Android 4.0?


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Re: [android-developers] Re: Holding call programmatically

2012-05-10 Thread Satish Kumar
Then how some people done that in there application .. like voice play and 
holding call  and some more.. 

On Tuesday, November 15, 2011 8:13:39 PM UTC+5:30, Kristopher Micinski 
> Not in the SDK, official or unofficial ...
> kris
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Kamil  wrote:
> > So maybe some unofficial ways?
> >
> > On 14 Lis, 22:18, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> >> AFAIK, there are no APIs for this in the Android SDK, sorry.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Kamil  wrote:
> >> > Hi all,
> >> > I'm developing VoIP application. I'd like to ask if there is some way
> >> > to hold active GSM call programmatically? It's very important case in
> >> > my app to hold gsm call when VoIP call is comming. Is it possible?
> >>
> >> > Thanks
> >>
> >> > --
> >> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> >> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
> >> > To post to this group, send email to 
> >> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> >> >
> >> > For more options, visit this group at
> >> >
> >>
> >> --
> >> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)|
> >>
> >> _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 2.1
> >> Available!
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
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> >

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[android-developers] ActionBar title disappears

2012-05-10 Thread

ActionBar title disappears in following simple program. Am I doing
something wrong? Or it's a bug in Android? Anybody knows how to
circumvent this problem?

What I did was...
  1. launch ActivityA
  2. press button to show chooser
  3. choose video
  4. Activity B launches and finishes soon
  5. ActionBar title disappears


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
startActivityForResult(Intent.createChooser(intent, "choose"), 

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
final Intent data) {
if (resultCode != RESULT_OK) {

Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityB.class);


public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


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[android-developers] Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object - Object serializable with array of another serializable

2012-05-10 Thread Brian Collo Gonçalves
I have 2 serializable classes as follow:

public class Musicas implements Serializable {
private String musica;
private String link;
public Musicas(String musica, String link) {
this.musica = musica; = link;
public String getMusica() {
return musica;
public void setMusica(String musica) {
this.musica = musica;
public String getLink() {
return link;
public void setLink(String link) { = link;

public class CDs implements Serializable {
private Drawable Picture;
private String Descricao;
private int idCD;
private ArrayList musicas;
public ArrayList getMusicas() {
return musicas;
public void setMusicas(ArrayList musicas) {
this.musicas = musicas;
public int getIdCD() {
return idCD;
public void setIdCD(int idCD) {
this.idCD = idCD;
public Drawable getPicture() {
return Picture;
public void setPicture(Drawable picture) {
Picture = picture;
public String getDescricao() {
return Descricao;
public void setDescricao(String descricao) {
Descricao = descricao;
public CDs(Drawable drawable, String descricao, int idcd) {
Picture = drawable;
Descricao = descricao;
idCD = idcd;
public CDs(Drawable picture, String descricao, int idCD,
ArrayList musicas) {
this(picture, descricao, idCD);

Where my CD Class have an ArrayList of Musics.
In my activity, I load the data from a Json to make a gallery of CDs
and selecting the CD i have the following code to pass the CD->Musics
to a new activity.

ArrayList cds = new ArrayList();
ArrayList musicas = new ArrayList();
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(sb.toString());
for (int i=1; i <= 
json.getJSONObject("cds").length()-1; i++) {
JSONArray jarrayfilho =
ArrayList musicas1 = new 
for(int j = 0; j < 
jarrayfilho.length(); j++)
musicas1.add(new Musicas(


musicas = musicas1;
cds.add(new CDs(

jarrayfilho.getJSONObject(0).getString("CD").toString(), i,
gallery.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View arg1, 
int arg2,
long arg3) {
Intent musicas = new Intent(arg1.getContext(),
musicas.putExtra("cd", cds.get(arg2));

But when I call the click event, I get the error: Parcelable
encountered IOException writing serializable object

Can anyone guide me through this? I have tried everything I found on
internet but no clues. What I found that may solve is create a static
class/properties, but I don't want to reach this aproach since it's
not recomended for memory issues and all.

Best Regards.

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[android-developers] How to know the request is from Android 4.0 phone or Android 4.0 Tablet?

2012-05-10 Thread Kevin Chang
I woudl like to develop a Web Application. It has different UI design for 
Phone and Tablet because they have different screen size. I always Take 
user agent of browser to know what device access my application. Then I can 
know to give appropriate size of UI. 

User Angent of Android 4.0 Table and Android 4.0 Phone are similiar. There 
is no way to distinguish them like (iPhone and iPad did). 

Can any one shed a light is to know the access is from Tablet or Phone of 
Android 4.0?


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[android-developers] Re: Playing an audio file during a call

2012-05-10 Thread Satish Kumar
Hi I am also searching for this type of functionality .. I have tried by 
Speaker on and playing a song but the other side caller is unable 
to lie-sen that song . He can able liesen my voice but he is anable to 
liesen the song. i dont know whats happening can any one please help me 
it is very urgent for my project. 

On Friday, February 4, 2011 10:40:17 AM UTC+5:30, Nagesh wrote:
> Hello Experts, 
> I am new to android development, i am developing one application which 
> needs to play an audio song to callee when call is lifted by callee, 
> and automatically call has to be disconnected automatically when audio 
> song playing completed . i tried to find in android API for any 
> classes or methods to do this, but failed to find... please help me 
> how to do this.. 
> your answer could be helpful to me...please do reply 
>Thank you in advance..

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[android-developers] Raw Touchscreen Data

2012-05-10 Thread Lewis
Hello all -

I've been tasked with determining if the capacitance touchscreen on a
android device is sensitive enough to provide even a partial
fingerprint. During my research I'm coming to the conclusion that no,
most devices does not have enough electrodes to determine the
variation between the ridge/valleys of a print but I'm also suspecting
the hardware doesn't do much more than provide X,Y coordinates to the

My question is, when you develop for android is there a way to get
access to the touchscreen raw data?

An alternate, semi-related question, by chance does anyone here know
how the hardware on a capacitance fingerprint scanner works
differently than a capacitance touchscreen? It seems they utilize
similar technology but perhaps the density of electrodes on a
touchscreen is much less? I'm at a loss here.

Thanks for your time. If I have missed any threads about this, please
either give me some search terms so I can locate the thread or a link
to the thread will be appreciated.

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[android-developers] Goople Place API

2012-05-10 Thread huynh huấn
Dear all,

I have started with Google Places API, I try to use demo from
Google, but when I add all libraries to make project stop alert error
and run project. When start project, it confirm  VerifyError for some
class from google api.

plz help me solve this problem, or share me another demo is


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[android-developers] Android coding in Objective-c coding style

2012-05-10 Thread Mufazzal Hussain

I am reviewing code of android application that was built in Objective-c 
style. App contains only one activity but more than 10 screen so code is 
too complex to work upon. we are suppose to develop remaining part of 

plz suggest me, should i re-develop the code or work on same.

Many many thanks..

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Holding call programmatically

2012-05-10 Thread Satish Kumar
Hi i am new to android .. if it is not possible then how some people are 
doing this functionality in there apps. 

On Tuesday, November 15, 2011 8:13:39 PM UTC+5:30, Kristopher Micinski 
> Not in the SDK, official or unofficial ...
> kris
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 7:01 AM, Kamil  wrote:
> > So maybe some unofficial ways?
> >
> > On 14 Lis, 22:18, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> >> AFAIK, there are no APIs for this in the Android SDK, sorry.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Kamil  wrote:
> >> > Hi all,
> >> > I'm developing VoIP application. I'd like to ask if there is some way
> >> > to hold active GSM call programmatically? It's very important case in
> >> > my app to hold gsm call when VoIP call is comming. Is it possible?
> >>
> >> > Thanks
> >>
> >> > --
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> >> >
> >>
> >> --
> >> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)|
> >>
> >> _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_ Version 2.1
> >> Available!
> >
> > --
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[android-developers] use jni

2012-05-10 Thread arkut tony
use jni to access function in .so

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Re: [android-developers] AudioRecord

2012-05-10 Thread Sandeep Ramankutty
Hi ,

Try to do recorder.stopRecording() at the end of record.

On 5/8/12, ron simon  wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to create an recorder and take the buffer to play the sound but it
> doesn't work. I have no idea for my misstake and hope for your help ;)
> public class input {
> private static final String TAG = "Aufnahme";
> private AudioRecord recorder = null;
> private boolean isRecording = false;
> private int SAMPLERATE = 8000;
> private int AUDIO_FORMAT = AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT;
> private int bufferSize = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(SAMPLERATE, CHANNELS,
> private Thread recordingThread = null;
> public void startRecording() {
> recorder = new AudioRecord(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC, SAMPLERATE,
> recorder.startRecording();
> isRecording = true;
> recordingThread = new Thread(new Runnable()
> {
> public void run() {
> writeAudioData();
> }
> });
> recordingThread.start();
> }
> public void stopRecording() {
> isRecording = false;
> recorder.stop();
> recorder.release();
> recorder = null;
> recordingThread = null;
> }
> private void writeAudioData() {
> byte data[] = new byte[bufferSize];
> while (isRecording) {
>, 0, bufferSize);
> send(data);
> }
> }
> private void send(byte[] data) {
> int minBufferSize = AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(8000,
> AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT);
> AudioTrack at = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 8000,
> AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, minBufferSize,
> AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM);
> at.write(data, 0, bufferSize);
> at.stop();
> at.release();
> }
> }
> --
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[android-developers] Does Download Statistics is Retained for Republished Application once unpublished.

2012-05-10 Thread AmodK
I uploaded one FREE App.
For some reason, I unpublished it after some downloads (Statistics
Showed Fairly Good Numbers)
If again I publish it after some days,
Will the download statistics number continue from the previous
number ?

Does Download Statistics is Retained for Republished Application once

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[android-developers] HELP

2012-05-10 Thread RAJA Revanth
[2012-05-09 19:35:57 - Testing] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { 
act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] 
cmp=com.drunk/.DrunkDriveManager }

This is the entry on console after running
what has to be done to rectify this

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[android-developers] How to know the request is from Android 4.0 phone or Android 4.0 Tablet?

2012-05-10 Thread Kevin Chang
I woudl like to develop a Web Application. It has different UI design for 
Phone and Tablet because they have different screen size. I always Take 
user agent of browser to know what device access my application. Then I can 
know to give appropriate size of UI. 

User Angent of Android 4.0 Table and Android 4.0 Phone are similiar. There 
is no way to distinguish them like (iPhone and iPad did). 

Can any one shed a light to know that the access is from Tablet or Phone of 
Android 4.0?


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[android-developers] Hindi font issue

2012-05-10 Thread Vikas
Hi Yogesh,

 i have also developed the application in that i used hindi font for
display hindi language.
i read your comment on Android Developers Group Discussion,
I'm also facing issue in rendering Hindi font. I'm using Mangal font.
and as your suggestion i used kiran.ttf font for hindi text but it
shows diamond type Characters,
i also used shruti.ttf  bt also it didn't work.
so please suggest me any other solution for proper hindi language
rendering for textViews.
i hope you give me the right way to the solution.

Vikas Goyal

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[android-developers] Help

2012-05-10 Thread RAJA Revanth
In the console this what i have received
[2012-05-09 19:59:28 - Testing] Uploading Testing.apk onto device 
[2012-05-09 19:59:30 - Testing] Installing Testing.apk...
[2012-05-09 19:59:34 - Testing] Success!
[2012-05-09 19:59:34 - Testing] Starting activity 
com.drunk.DrunkDriveManager on device emulator-5554
[2012-05-09 19:59:35 - Testing] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { 
act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] 
cmp=com.drunk/.DrunkDriveManager }

n the error message on the emulator says The application *(process 
com.***.) has stopped unexpectedly. Please Try Again.

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[android-developers] Android coding in Objective-c coding style

2012-05-10 Thread Mufazzal Hussain

I am reviewing code of android application that was built in Objective-c 
style. App contains only one activity but more than 10 screen so code is 
too complex to work upon. we are suppose to develop remaining part of 

*plz suggest me, should i re-develop the code or work on same.*

I have already post this question but unfortunately lost its link plz 
re-comment on it.

Many many thanks..

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[android-developers] Hidden App in the Play Store ?

2012-05-10 Thread Eric
I manually installed my app on a few various devices before
distributing these devices to my clients.

Now I would like to offer an updated version of this app that only
those with these specific devices could download it.
(The updated App has the same package name and higher version number)

I don’t want the updated app to be visible while searching the play
store and I would like that these devices will receive an notification
regarding the available update

Is there a way to achieve this?
Will unpublishing an app will still allow it to be updated?

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[android-developers] Re: Regarding WIFIInfo bssid & ssid

2012-05-10 Thread howard he

This will be a enterprise app scenario. All the devices need to
connect to the same wifi network with same ssid.
Also need to consider the roaming problem.

On May 9, 9:32 pm, Raunaque Quaiser  wrote:
> mac address is of the hardware
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Bunty syed  wrote:
> > But is it device wifi mac address or active wifi network mac address...
> > On 9 May 2012 18:27, Jason Teagle  wrote:
> >>  So just want to know is any there any unique identifier for  wifi
> >>> network which will be unique & constant on all devices..
> >> The MAC address? This can be obtained from a WifiInfo object...
> >> --
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[android-developers] Unable to create local.prop

2012-05-10 Thread PradeepChandar.R
When I create the local.prop file using the java code I am getting
permission denied exception. I have set the necessary permissions like
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE etc.,

Here is the code snippet.
String baseDir = Environment.getDataDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
File f = new File(baseDir + File.separator + debugPropFile);

on calling f.createNewFile() it throws IO Exception permission denied.
Any help will much appreciated.

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[android-developers] Building an App with adjustable GUI

2012-05-10 Thread Andre Schmidt

i want to develop an App with an flexible User Interface. The User choose 
an Element from a given list and place it on the Screen.  Did anyone an 
example for this or do i have to start from the ground?
The GUI should work like the Widget-Placement on the launchers. I'm thankful
 for every tip

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[android-developers] light sensor

2012-05-10 Thread DIWA PRIME
as light sensor is useful in controlling the device display in
accordance with light exposure...light sensor of my mobile mini pro
too does the same...but am not satisfied with its brightness in the
sensor reduces its i need to stay in touch with same how to control ma light sensor ..please

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[android-developers] Re: Disable call, SMS, email programmatically.

2012-05-10 Thread Ali Chousein
I doubt that you can do these unless you build your own firmware.

Ali Chousein | |

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Re: [android-developers] HELP

2012-05-10 Thread Raghav Sood
Absolutely nothing. This is perfectly normal when testing your app. I guess
you'd want to test your app after this.


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:52 PM, RAJA Revanth  wrote:

> [2012-05-09 19:35:57 - Testing] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent {
> act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
> cmp=com.drunk/.DrunkDriveManager }
> This is the entry on console after running
> what has to be done to rectify this
> --
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Raghav Sood

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Re: [android-developers] Help

2012-05-10 Thread Raghav Sood
Post the LogCat, and the relevant code.


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 9:16 AM, RAJA Revanth wrote:

> In the console this what i have received
> [2012-05-09 19:59:28 - Testing] Uploading Testing.apk onto device
> 'emulator-5554'
> [2012-05-09 19:59:30 - Testing] Installing Testing.apk...
> [2012-05-09 19:59:34 - Testing] Success!
> [2012-05-09 19:59:34 - Testing] Starting activity
> com.drunk.DrunkDriveManager on device emulator-5554
> [2012-05-09 19:59:35 - Testing] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent {
> act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER]
> cmp=com.drunk/.DrunkDriveManager }
> n the error message on the emulator says The application *(process
> com.***.) has stopped unexpectedly. Please Try Again.
> --
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Raghav Sood

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Re: [android-developers] Going from one view to another

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle

How do you go from one view to another?  I need the user to select a
button and then go to another screen.

Each screen in Android is an Activity. The way to achieve what you are 
asking is to create an Intent [object], quoting your target Activity's 
class, and then start that intent.

This link shows how, but also demonstrates that you must remember to have 
the target activity listed in your manifest:

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Re: [android-developers] could you make black theme for AMOLED device?

2012-05-10 Thread Raghav Sood
This list is for developing applications with the Android SDK, not for
requesting features.


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 9:37 PM, android gogle  wrote:

> normal theme has too much white color so it takes battery a lot.
> AMOLED need black theme.
> --
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Raghav Sood

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[android-developers] Re: In-App purchase with Google map

2012-05-10 Thread Ali Chousein
People in this list cannot give you a definite answer on this subject.
You may try contacting Google Maps support but don't be surprised if
you don't get back an answer.

> ... enable user to view current location.
Just out of curiosity, Google Maps App (which happens to be free)
already provides this functionality and it's working great. Why should
anybody pay you for this feature?

Ali Chousein | |

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Re: [android-developers] Going from one view to another

2012-05-10 Thread Raghav Sood


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 6:00 PM, Dan Uff  wrote:

> Hi all:
> This may seem like a basic question, but I am brand new to Android
> development and can't find this answer, and I am coming from being an
> iOS developer.
> How do you go from one view to another?  I need the user to select a
> button and then go to another screen.
> Thanks,
> Dan Uff
> Connecting People Software
> --
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Raghav Sood

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Re: [android-developers] How to know the request is from Android 4.0 phone or Android 4.0 Tablet?

2012-05-10 Thread Kostya Vasilyev
What is a tablet vs. phone? Is the Samsung Galaxy Note a phone or a 
tablet? What about a 5", 800x480 tablet?

Perhaps you could use css media queries to implement elastic design.

-- K

10.05.2012 8:35, Kevin Chang написал:

I woudl like to develop a Web Application. It has different UI design 
for Phone and Tablet because they have different screen size. I always 
Take user agent of browser to know what device access my application. 
Then I can know to give appropriate size of UI.

User Angent of Android 4.0 Table and Android 4.0 Phone are similiar. 
There is no way to distinguish them like (iPhone and iPad did).

Can any one shed a light to know the access is from Tablet or Phone of 
Android 4.0?

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Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: [android-developers] Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread Johan Appelgren

On Thursday, May 10, 2012 1:30:02 AM UTC+2, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
> Yes well there is this meme spread by certain perhaps not unbiased 
> entities that having multitasking at all, I mean doing multitasking like 
> Android, is bad because it is intrinsically battery consuming.  This is of 
> course not true -- if you create a process and it sits there doing nothing, 
> it ain't going to drain your battery.
> The difference between Android and some other platforms is that it does 
> give background code a lot more freedom to do what they want and run when 
> they want, so they have more freedom to do stuff that will drain your 
> battery.  Android does have some safe-guards for this -- it looks for some 
> fairly clear signals like background processes using wake locks or CPU 
> excessively and kills them if this happens, and a UI to help the user 
> understand how applications are using their battery.  It doesn't have such 
> rigid control where there are only X specific types of things that can be 
> done in the background.  It's a different set of trade-offs, but background 
> processes being intrinsically more battery draining is not one of those 
> trade-offs.

Perhaps the Processes and Threads section in the Dev Guide could make it 
more clear that it is up to each app to stop its background threads and 
otherwise ensure they don't do anything when they're not in the foreground 
then? Seems like a fairly common mistake that is difficult for most users 
to understand, they just notice that their phone gets slower over time. 

Which is why, I guess, some games recommend that you force stop all cached 
processes before playing. Not very user friendly.  

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Re: [android-developers] List Item Click is not working

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle

We don't need to see your picture, thanks. This isn't Facebook.

I created a list view and given the codes for list item click like

but the list item click is not working..why anybody pls help me

How are you determining that it isn't working - are you assuming your 
activity should show? The problem might be that the activity itself is 
causing a problem, so the click fires but the activity won't show. I see you 
are trying to log information... is that how you know it isn't working? 
Personally I would use Toast for testing... you can't miss it then.

Have you checked your LogCat for exceptions? For example, have you made sure 
you aren't getting a NullPointerException even trying to add the handler 
(because, perhaps, your getListView() method is returning null)?

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[android-developers] Re: Android usb network

2012-05-10 Thread Eric Wong (
On May 10, 2:28 pm, Harishk  wrote:
> Thanks Robert,
> - I'm developing a application on Android 4.0 ideally this will work
> on any android supported device, as of now we do not wants to put any
> hardware restriction but if require we can have hardware dependancy.
> I mean we thought of running application on any android device but if
> require we put restriction saying this can work on device with this
> configurations.
> The application is a very simple user registration application
> The requirement what we have is, our users do not wants a wifi network
> they wants a physicial connection to device for network (for security
> reason) we will put tablet at multiple location in my clients network
> with physical connection. If we really need then we can put multiple
> PC as well for connecting device to network, just need network in my
> Tablet without wifi and Tablet should be able to charge at same time.

Interesting, someone don't want to use WIFI and want a wired tablet :O
Doesn't it just defeat the purpose of having a tablet? while it is
still tethered to a computer USB port for network?
I certainly don't see its merit in terms of power consumption and

Why don't you just use the computer then?

My suggestion is to use a tablet that have a physical Ethernet
Some tablet have ethernet port when you use the dock. Isn't this a
better solution than a tablet tethered to a computer USB port?

Otherwise, I wonder how it is possible for USB client (tablet) to
access the computer's network... via USB..
Even if it is feasible, sounds like it needs complicated/customized
applications on both PC and tablet to do it.

> The device we are going to use will be latest one.
> where can i found EthernetStateTracker class ?
> On May 9, 10:46 pm, Robert Greenwalt  wrote:
> > Are you developing this device or using an existing device?
> > You should look at the EthernetStateTracker class.  You need to modify the
> > networkattributes config.xml property to instantiate type 9 and add type 9
> > to the radioattributes config entry.  You'll need to add an ethernet dhcp
> > agent to init.rc.  You'll need to add a usb-ethernet driver to your kernel
> > image.
> > These things I think are available in the TOT of AOSP, but may not be
> > available on older devices.
> > It may be simpler to have an internet-visible gateway into your intranet
> > app, then you could access it worldwide and wouldn't need to do this
> > busywork of usb-ethernet.  Alternatively add a wifi access point to your
> > lan and connect your tablet that way.  Wires are passe.
> > R
> > On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Harishk  wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> > > I'm looking a good way to bring Android device in intranet using USB,
> > > what I want is to connect my Android tablet to a PC in network and
> > > then work on Tablet as a PC.
> > >  In that way I can take print from a network printer also take
> > > adventage of better network connection within my network.
> > > Just to give a idea, I'm developing a application which runs in
> > > Intranet and few user will have Tablet as interface and few user will
> > > have deskstop as interface. Tablet user should be able to work just
> > > like a desktop user but with rich user interface so that user can just
> > > work with there fingers insted of keyboard/mouce.
> > > please point me to right direction,links. as long as possible  I do
> > > not wants to create any dependancy to third party application for this
> > > purpose.
> > > --
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[android-developers] Re: Android usb network

2012-05-10 Thread Eric Wong (
On May 10, 2:28 pm, Harishk  wrote:
> Thanks Robert,
> - I'm developing a application on Android 4.0 ideally this will work
> on any android supported device, as of now we do not wants to put any
> hardware restriction but if require we can have hardware dependancy.
> I mean we thought of running application on any android device but if
> require we put restriction saying this can work on device with this
> configurations.
> The application is a very simple user registration application
> The requirement what we have is, our users do not wants a wifi network
> they wants a physicial connection to device for network (for security
> reason) we will put tablet at multiple location in my clients network
> with physical connection. If we really need then we can put multiple
> PC as well for connecting device to network, just need network in my
> Tablet without wifi and Tablet should be able to charge at same time.

Interesting, someone don't want to use WIFI and want a wired tablet :O
Doesn't it just defeat the purpose of having a tablet? while it is
still tethered to a computer USB port for network?
I certainly don't see its merit in terms of power consumption and

Why don't you just use the computer then?

My suggestion is to use a tablet that have a physical Ethernet
Some tablet have ethernet port when you use the dock. Isn't this a
better solution than a tablet tethered to a computer USB port?

Otherwise, I wonder how it is possible for USB client (tablet) to
access the computer's network... via USB..
Even if it is feasible, sounds like it needs complicated/customized
applications on both PC and tablet to do it.

> The device we are going to use will be latest one.
> where can i found EthernetStateTracker class ?
> On May 9, 10:46 pm, Robert Greenwalt  wrote:
> > Are you developing this device or using an existing device?
> > You should look at the EthernetStateTracker class.  You need to modify the
> > networkattributes config.xml property to instantiate type 9 and add type 9
> > to the radioattributes config entry.  You'll need to add an ethernet dhcp
> > agent to init.rc.  You'll need to add a usb-ethernet driver to your kernel
> > image.
> > These things I think are available in the TOT of AOSP, but may not be
> > available on older devices.
> > It may be simpler to have an internet-visible gateway into your intranet
> > app, then you could access it worldwide and wouldn't need to do this
> > busywork of usb-ethernet.  Alternatively add a wifi access point to your
> > lan and connect your tablet that way.  Wires are passe.
> > R
> > On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Harishk  wrote:
> > > Hi All,
> > > I'm looking a good way to bring Android device in intranet using USB,
> > > what I want is to connect my Android tablet to a PC in network and
> > > then work on Tablet as a PC.
> > >  In that way I can take print from a network printer also take
> > > adventage of better network connection within my network.
> > > Just to give a idea, I'm developing a application which runs in
> > > Intranet and few user will have Tablet as interface and few user will
> > > have deskstop as interface. Tablet user should be able to work just
> > > like a desktop user but with rich user interface so that user can just
> > > work with there fingers insted of keyboard/mouce.
> > > please point me to right direction,links. as long as possible  I do
> > > not wants to create any dependancy to third party application for this
> > > purpose.
> > > --
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> > >
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> > >

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Re: [android-developers] light sensor

2012-05-10 Thread Raghav Sood
Manually setting the brightness of your display should suffice.

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 2:15 PM, DIWA PRIME  wrote:

> as light sensor is useful in controlling the device display in
> accordance with light exposure...light sensor of my mobile mini pro
> too does the same...but am not satisfied with its brightness in
> the
> sensor reduces its i need to stay in touch with same
> how to control ma light sensor ..please
> --
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Raghav Sood

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Re: [android-developers] Building an App with adjustable GUI

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle
i want to develop an App with an flexible User Interface. The User choose 
an Element from
a given list and place it on the Screen.  Did anyone an example for this or 
do i have to start

from the ground?
The GUI should work like the Widget-Placement on the launchers. I'm 
thankful for every tip

I don't know of any examples without searching (which I'm sure you can do 
just as easily), but thinking about the view [that you will place the 
widgets on] for starters, you're going to need to create your own class to 
support placement at any point the user chooses - unless you plan to 'snap' 
the dragged components in to a known layout such as LinearLayout or 
RelativeLayout - but that would probably be very annoying for the user 
unless they're expecting it.

In the old days you could use AbsoluteLayout but that is deprecated since 
fixed layouts are not orientation / resolution / DPI-friendly.

Your next problem is going to be dragging the widget from the palette to the 
target view - which effectively means either somehow letting the widget have 
no parent while it is dragged, or perhaps creating some sort of 
representative drag image.

This is no small task!

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[android-developers] Re: Android usb network

2012-05-10 Thread Harishk
sounds better needs to find tablet with physical Ethernet connection.

About wired tablet, The merit what we see is a user can work offline,
tablet will be handy and environment we are trying to build is a
single portable solution without having complexity of data
synchronization process for user (offcource as application developer
complexity remain with us)
An user work in offline mode, collect data from market wherever, come
to office connect his device to Lan and visualize his data with server
application, and process his data. isn't simple ? instead of working
with computer when he is in office and with tablet when outside. also
it take just half an hour to learn mobile functionality and may take
much time to learn computer (and users of our application will not
need computer background)

An WiFi do the job but it's not secure, (imagine if someone shared
network key) I mean our client does not want a WiFi and that's reason
we are looking alternative.

On May 10, 1:31 pm, "Eric Wong (" 
> On May 10, 2:28 pm, Harishk  wrote:
> > Thanks Robert,
> > - I'm developing a application on Android 4.0 ideally this will work
> > on any android supported device, as of now we do not wants to put any
> > hardware restriction but if require we can have hardware dependancy.
> > I mean we thought of running application on any android device but if
> > require we put restriction saying this can work on device with this
> > configurations.
> > The application is a very simple user registration application
> > The requirement what we have is, our users do not wants a wifi network
> > they wants a physicial connection to device for network (for security
> > reason) we will put tablet at multiple location in my clients network
> > with physical connection. If we really need then we can put multiple
> > PC as well for connecting device to network, just need network in my
> > Tablet without wifi and Tablet should be able to charge at same time.
> Interesting, someone don't want to use WIFI and want a wired tablet :O
> Doesn't it just defeat the purpose of having a tablet? while it is
> still tethered to a computer USB port for network?
> I certainly don't see its merit in terms of power consumption and
> complexity.
> Why don't you just use the computer then?
> My suggestion is to use a tablet that have a physical Ethernet
> connection.
> Some tablet have ethernet port when you use the dock. Isn't this a
> better solution than a tablet tethered to a computer USB port?
> Otherwise, I wonder how it is possible for USB client (tablet) to
> access the computer's network... via USB..
> Even if it is feasible, sounds like it needs complicated/customized
> applications on both PC and tablet to do it.
> > The device we are going to use will be latest one.
> > where can i found EthernetStateTracker class ?
> > On May 9, 10:46 pm, Robert Greenwalt  wrote:
> > > Are you developing this device or using an existing device?
> > > You should look at the EthernetStateTracker class.  You need to modify the
> > > networkattributes config.xml property to instantiate type 9 and add type 9
> > > to the radioattributes config entry.  You'll need to add an ethernet dhcp
> > > agent to init.rc.  You'll need to add a usb-ethernet driver to your kernel
> > > image.
> > > These things I think are available in the TOT of AOSP, but may not be
> > > available on older devices.
> > > It may be simpler to have an internet-visible gateway into your intranet
> > > app, then you could access it worldwide and wouldn't need to do this
> > > busywork of usb-ethernet.  Alternatively add a wifi access point to your
> > > lan and connect your tablet that way.  Wires are passe.
> > > R
> > > On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Harishk  wrote:
> > > > Hi All,
> > > > I'm looking a good way to bring Android device in intranet using USB,
> > > > what I want is to connect my Android tablet to a PC in network and
> > > > then work on Tablet as a PC.
> > > >  In that way I can take print from a network printer also take
> > > > adventage of better network connection within my network.
> > > > Just to give a idea, I'm developing a application which runs in
> > > > Intranet and few user will have Tablet as interface and few user will
> > > > have deskstop as interface. Tablet user should be able to work just
> > > > like a desktop user but with rich user interface so that user can just
> > > > work with there fingers insted of keyboard/mouce.
> > > > please point me to right direction,links. as long as possible  I do
> > > > not wants to create any dependancy to third party application for this
> > > > purpose.
> > > > --
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> > > > android

Re: [android-developers] Re: Playing an audio file during a call

2012-05-10 Thread asheesh arya

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Re: [android-developers] AudioRecord

2012-05-10 Thread asheesh arya
just go through this link

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Re: [android-developers] Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object - Object serializable with array of another serializable

2012-05-10 Thread Daniel Drozdzewski
Please note that Drawable class in not Serializeable.

On 9 May 2012 14:26, Brian Collo Gonçalves  wrote:
> I have 2 serializable classes as follow:
> @SuppressWarnings("serial")
> public class Musicas implements Serializable {
>        private String musica;
>        private String link;
>        public Musicas(String musica, String link) {
>                super();
>                this.musica = musica;
>       = link;
>        }
>        public String getMusica() {
>                return musica;
>        }
>        public void setMusica(String musica) {
>                this.musica = musica;
>        }
>        public String getLink() {
>                return link;
>        }
>        public void setLink(String link) {
>       = link;
>        }
> }
> @SuppressWarnings("serial")
> public class CDs implements Serializable {
>        private Drawable Picture;
>        private String Descricao;
>        private int idCD;
>        private ArrayList musicas;
>        public ArrayList getMusicas() {
>                return musicas;
>        }
>        public void setMusicas(ArrayList musicas) {
>                this.musicas = musicas;
>        }
>        public int getIdCD() {
>                return idCD;
>        }
>        public void setIdCD(int idCD) {
>                this.idCD = idCD;
>        }
>        public Drawable getPicture() {
>                return Picture;
>        }
>        public void setPicture(Drawable picture) {
>                Picture = picture;
>        }
>        public String getDescricao() {
>                return Descricao;
>        }
>        public void setDescricao(String descricao) {
>                Descricao = descricao;
>        }
>        public CDs(Drawable drawable, String descricao, int idcd) {
>                super();
>                Picture = drawable;
>                Descricao = descricao;
>                idCD = idcd;
>        }
>        public CDs(Drawable picture, String descricao, int idCD,
>                        ArrayList musicas) {
>                this(picture, descricao, idCD);
>                setMusicas(musicas);
>        }
> }
> Where my CD Class have an ArrayList of Musics.
> In my activity, I load the data from a Json to make a gallery of CDs
> and selecting the CD i have the following code to pass the CD->Musics
> to a new activity.
> ArrayList cds = new ArrayList();
> ArrayList musicas = new ArrayList();
> JSONObject json = new JSONObject(sb.toString());
>                                for (int i=1; i <= 
> json.getJSONObject("cds").length()-1; i++) {
>                                        JSONArray jarrayfilho =
> json.getJSONObject("cds").getJSONArray(String.valueOf(i));
>                                        ArrayList musicas1 = new 
> ArrayList();
>                                        for(int j = 0; j < 
> jarrayfilho.length(); j++)
>                                        {
>                                                musicas1.add(new Musicas(
> jarrayfilho.getJSONObject(j).getString("NOME").toString(),
> jarrayfilho.getJSONObject(j).getString("LINK").toString()));
>                                        }
>                                        musicas = musicas1;
>                                        cds.add(new CDs(
>                                                        ImageOperations(this,
> jarrayfilho.getJSONObject(0).getString("IMG").toString()),
> jarrayfilho.getJSONObject(0).getString("CD").toString(), i,
>                                                        musicas
>                                                        )
>                                        );
> gallery.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
>                        @Override
>                        public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View 
> arg1, int arg2,
> long arg3) {
>                                Intent musicas = new Intent(arg1.getContext(),
> MusicasActivity.class);
>                                musicas.putExtra("cd", cds.get(arg2));
>                                startActivity(musicas);
>                        }
>                });
> But when I call the click event, I get the error: Parcelable
> encountered IOException writing serializable object
> Can anyone guide me through this? I have tried everything I found on
> internet but no clues. What I found that may solve is create a static
> class/properties, but I don't want to reach this aproach since it's
> not recomended for memory issues and all.
> Best Regards.
> --
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Re: [android-developers] Re: Playing an audio file during a call

2012-05-10 Thread asheesh arya
this is not possible during call!! Android platform doesn't provide this

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[android-developers] Re: Confirmation with pressing back button

2012-05-10 Thread Fran
Hi again, Justin

Thanks for that GREAT link. There is no case for spending time
breaking my head to solve problems that only occurs on 1.6 and below.

Thanks a million,

On May 10, 6:20 am, Justin Anderson  wrote:
> > May be I will nd up using API level 5... is there any place with stats
> > about SDK usage to know how many market I will lost in that case?
> According to this link, you will hit 99% of the devices out there if you
> target Android 2.1 or 
> newer...
> Thanks,
> Justin Anderson
> MagouyaWare Developer
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Fran  wrote:
> > Hi Justin,
> > Nice to read you again. I think you have miss understood me, probably
> > cause I did not explain myself right neither: my English is not the
> > best one exactly...
> > The method linked by Jason uses onBackPressed() ONLY, so what I meant
> > is that I cannot use that method if I want to kept backward
> > compatibility, so I need to use the other one proposed by you that
> > relies on onKeyDown. Yes, it also uses onBackPressed, but I though it
> > was clear what i wanted to say just pasting the first lines of code of
> > each proposed solution.
> > Anyway It works fine in my Samsung GS2, and also in a 2.1 emulator,
> > but it does not on a 1.6 emulator. At least not with my code.
> > Both versions calls to onBackPressed as expected, but while on 2.1+
> > Android does not close the application after that call, in 1.6 it does
> > it.
> > I have also additional problems with this: when I try to get back from
> > pause on 1.6, the application crashes, but it still works fine in
> > 2.1+.
> > May be I will nd up using API level 5... is there any place with stats
> > about SDK usage to know how many market I will lost in that case?
> > Best regards and thanks again by your help,
> > On May 8, 5:12 pm, Justin Anderson  wrote:
> > > > Thanks a lot Jason and Justin. My game works fine on 1.6+, at least on
> > > > simulator. AFAIK that's API level 4, so I cannot use this method if I
> > > > wan to keep that compatibility:
> > > > @Override
> > > > public void onBackPressed() {
> > > >   return;
> > > > }
> > > That's not true... Set your target API level to something high enough
> > that
> > > you can use the onBackPressed.  Did you read the link I gave you?  It
> > > specifically addresses this and tells you how to use both depending on
> > the
> > > API level.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Justin Anderson
> > > MagouyaWare Developer
> > > On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:01 AM, Fran  wrote:
> > > > Thanks a lot Jason and Justin. My game works fine on 1.6+, at least on
> > > > simulator. AFAIK that's API level 4, so I cannot use this method if I
> > > > wan to keep that compatibility:
> > > > @Override
> > > > public void onBackPressed() {
> > > >   return;
> > > > }
> > --
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Re: [android-developers] Customizing Android's default contacts app

2012-05-10 Thread saran vonteddu
Yes it is possible, Suppose if u want to add a new field in ur contact
information, u can add the new field in or wat so
ever and update the approprite db table and once if you click on save
button, you can update the value in the contacts DB. Its as simple as ur
working on any third party app.

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 8:48 PM, Justin Anderson wrote:

> yes
> Sorry, no...
> Thanks,
> Justin Anderson
> MagouyaWare Developer
> On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 11:03 PM, asheesh arya wrote:
>> yes
>  --
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[android-developers] Re: Renderscript variable argument list possible?

2012-05-10 Thread Nicolas Embleton
You mean an array? ( va_list ) Or you mean that sometimes you have 2 
arguments and sometimes 3 arguments?

I believe it's not possible to have to many things being "variable" in the 
meaning "using an unplanned memory". RenderScript doesn't affect memory, it 
just uses the one that have been declared. 

So if your var arg list doesn't need to "add" more memory to the stack then 
you should find a trick around to do it. 
On the other hand, If your var arg list does need to address more memory, 
then I am pretty sure you can't do that.

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 10:36:07 PM UTC+7, Harald Gustafsson wrote:
> Hi,
> Is it possible to use variable argument list (...) in Renderscript, i.e. 
> va_list, va_start, va_end, etc. Want to use it for internal static defined 
> functions.
> /Harald

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Re: [android-developers] Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread Kostya Vasilyev

10.05.2012 12:25, Johan Appelgren написал:

Perhaps the Processes and Threads section in the Dev Guide could make 
it more clear that it is up to each app to stop its background threads

Just to add some perspective:

Every Android application has a bunch of Binder threads that are created 
by "the system", and stay around when the app goes into foreground or 
gets paused.

They are not locked/suspended/prevented from running in some way, but, 
in absence of things to do, these threads just sit on a wait primitive, 
and do not consume the CPU or battery.

The UI thread is the same way, its processing loop stays around ready 
for when/if the app is resumed or a service / receiver event.

WebView also has a worker thread that stays around but is supposed to be 
doing nothing (which is actually not always the case, but that's a 
bug... very unfortunate, but a bug).

So, just like "process being in memory" is not necessarily the same as 
"process consuming the CPU"...

.. "a thread that exists within the app's process" is not necessarily 
the same as "a thread that's computing Pi to a million digit precision, 
loading all CPU cores as much as it can".

and otherwise ensure they don't do anything when they're not in the 
foreground then? Seems like a fairly common mistake that is difficult 
for most users to understand, they just notice that their phone gets 
slower over time.

Which is why, I guess, some games recommend that you force stop all 
cached processes before playing. Not very user friendly.
It might have something to do with potential GC events in background 
processes, and these games trying to achieve very high frame rates, and 
having next to no spare cycles in their input/game/render loops.

Kostya Vasilyev

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Re: [android-developers] Does Download Statistics is Retained for Republished Application once unpublished.

2012-05-10 Thread TreKing
On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:46 AM, AmodK  wrote:

> If again I publish it after some days, Will the download statistics number
> continue from the previous number ?

Republish it. See what happens.

TreKing  - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Re: How to access and write to an Allocation in Renderscript

2012-05-10 Thread Nicolas Embleton
I believe that you can use: 

  float4 f4 = rsUnpackColor(*v_in);

( taken from android dev 

And then access a specific pixel information using the width or your image, 
x and y of your image. 

On Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:42:12 PM UTC+7, Booker wrote:
> Hi, all. 
> I am now developing a renderscript based application and I want to use 
> it to do filter on images. 
> I would like to ask if I can have a function to access a specific 
> pixel of an allocation which is a bitmap? 
> I can use rsGetElementAt() to read but any set function?

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Re: [android-developers] Goople Place API

2012-05-10 Thread TreKing
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 4:24 AM, huynh huấn  wrote:

> I have started with Google Places API, I try to use demo from
> Google, but when I add all libraries to make project stop alert error
> and run project. When start project, it confirm  VerifyError for some
> class from google api.

Explaining the error you're getting would be a good first start.

TreKing  - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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Re: [android-developers] Does Download Statistics is Retained for Republished Application once unpublished.

2012-05-10 Thread Raghav Sood
They do.


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 3:09 PM, TreKing  wrote:

> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 2:46 AM, AmodK  wrote:
>> If again I publish it after some days, Will the download statistics
>> number continue from the previous number ?
> Republish it. See what happens.
> -
> TreKing  - Chicago
> transit tracking app for Android-powered devices
>  --
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Raghav Sood

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Re: [android-developers] Hidden App in the Play Store ?

2012-05-10 Thread TreKing
On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 9:11 AM, Eric  wrote:

> Is there a way to achieve this?


> Will unpublishing an app will still allow it to be updated?

You can try this very easily to find out.

TreKing  - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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[android-developers] Read NWC (NoteWorthly Composer) File

2012-05-10 Thread Paulsen J Siahaan
Hi guys,

I just want to ask you, is there any ways how can i read and play NWC
(NoteWorthly Composer) file by using android programmatically ?
any responses will be appreciated.


Warm Regards,

*Paulsen J Siahaan**
*GTalk : paulsenjs5
YM : siahaan_piter
Phone : 70293135

-don't just be a dreamer, be an actor !!-

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread William Kelley

On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 9:40:20 PM UTC-7, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
> What you're doing isn't draining the battery only because of the 
> service, but also because of the location updates you'll be getting.. 
GPS fixing is definitely the main battery killer here, but there are smart 
ways to handle it.

> 30-40 seconds, do you really need that kind of accuracy?  I would say 
> that I'd only want something like 5 minutes, which an AlarmManger 
> certainly could do (I believe, at least..) 

Actually, I like to get accuracy of about 5-10 seconds when driving, less 
when walking. But 5 minutes would be basically useless. At 70 miles an 
hour, that's 6 miles between points. Even when hiking, I can make quite a 
few switchbacks and directional changes in 5 minutes. It all really depends 
on what you want out of a GPS tracker. I want a detailed log with great 
accuracy. I know battery life suffers, but when you're in a car, you can be 
plugged in, so that helps. And even when hiking, 10 seconds between fixes 
allows my phone to go for 8 hour hikes, so it's completely reasonable.

I changed my app to run as a foreground service and so far that has made 
all the difference. It hasn't once been restarted in 3 hours. For some 
reason, I thought a background process would be less likely to be killed, 
but now I see that services that let the user know exactly what is going on 
by being in the foreground and being required to show a notification icon 
are more transparent and thereby more "trusted" by the OS. The one thing 
that I don't understand is WakeLock. I am running my service without a 
wakelock, the phone has been off for a few hours, and it is still logging 
GPS points. Should I assume that some other app (I am running Tasker and 
some other automation apps as well as CatLog) are keeping the CPU awake?

Thanks for everyone's help. Little by little, I am getting a better grasp 
of what I am doing.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread Kostya Vasilyev
2012/5/10 William Kelley 

> I changed my app to run as a foreground service and so far that has made
> all the difference. It hasn't once been restarted in 3 hours. For some
> reason, I thought a background process would be less likely to be killed,
> but now I see that services that let the user know exactly what is going on
> by being in the foreground and being required to show a notification icon
> are more transparent and thereby more "trusted" by the OS.

You might want to read this too:

under "Process lifecycle" is a discussion of Android's five levels in the
process importance hierarchy.

> The one thing that I don't understand is WakeLock. I am running my service
> without a wakelock, the phone has been off for a few hours, and it is still
> logging GPS points. Should I assume that some other app (I am running
> Tasker and some other automation apps as well as CatLog) are keeping the
> CPU awake?

It's possible. Incoming data packets on the mobile data connections, if
any, will wake the device too (Gtalk/ Gmail / IMAP IDLE mail, etc.)

Not holding a wake lock does not guarantee that the device will not wake up
(regardless of running apps, bludgeoning the user would be the only
guarantee, anyway... :) ).

-- K

> Thanks for everyone's help. Little by little, I am getting a better grasp
> of what I am doing.
> --
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Re: [android-developers] How to make Items inside ListView clickable??

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle

this is my adapter


I need to make the three views inside this listview clickable

This code is not working for me
lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {

(For reference in the future, please state what *actually* happened - even 
if the answer is 'nothing happened' - and if it isn't obvious, state what 
you expected to happen).

I would suggest temporarily removing your custom binder to see if that is 
interfering somehow. I know nothing about what binders are supposed to do 
(for now), but the following complete sample (based on your layouts and 
almost the exact same code you provided) worked just fine for me:

package net.testing;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.SimpleAdapter;
import android.widget.Toast;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class ListItemClickActivity extends Activity
private Activity m_thisActivity = null ;

   /** Called when the activity is first created. */
   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

   m_thisActivity = this ;

   // Dummy data for a single list item.
   ArrayList > mylist = new 
ArrayList >();

   HashMap entry = new HashMap();
   entry.put("image","An image!");

   ListView lv = ( (ListView)findViewById( );

   SimpleAdapter adapter=null;

 adapter = new SimpleAdapter(ListItemClickActivity.this, mylist , 

new String[] { "name", "time","image"},
new int[] {,,});

 //adapter.setViewBinder(new MyViewBinder());

 lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
  public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View arg1, int arg2, long 

   Log.i("LOGCAT", "View " +arg1.getId());
   Toast.makeText(m_thisActivity,"View " +arg1.getId(), 

   //Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),NewClass.class);
   //   startActivity(i);


 } );


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Re: [android-developers] How to make Items inside ListView clickable??

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle

My class is this:

Yikes... not quite what we needed.

1. Can we confirm that you *do* see items appearing in your list - in other 
words, can we confirm that onPostExecute() *does* get called?

2. Can we confirm that - at the risk of insulting your intelligence - you 
*are* stabbing a finger on a piece of text or image in the list, and not in 
a blank space that might not actually be part of any view? {:v)

3. As I tried to get you to understand before, 'is not working for me' is 
too vague. What *does* happen when you click an item? Do you get *anything* 
recorded in the LogCat as per your Log.i() calls, or do you get absolutely 
nothing? How *exactly* are you determining that it is not working?

Having seen your ViewBinder and understanding a little bit more about what 
it does, I don't see any reason for it to be interfering. Please answer the 
above and let's see what we can figure out.

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[android-developers] Re: which android phone has Environment sensors hardware?

2012-05-10 Thread Jxn

On 10 Maj, 07:56, Rajender  wrote:
> Hello,
> which android phone in market has Environment sensors hardware?

That's the wrong question, unless you want to buy some devices to test
your app.

To check devices that work would give you a loong list in your program
to update. If you need a list, have a list with exceptions, devices
with bugs. That would also be easier to administrate, just add device
when a bug report arrives.

> I want to use these senors to measure Room Temperature.
> Regards,
> Rajender K Goud

Good luck, Anders.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread lbendlin
We have such a program that supports GPS logging every second. We use a 
foreground service (and a notification icon) and the service very rarely 
gets killed (and most of the time it gets restarted quickly by the OS) . 
Our users are fully aware of and fully ok with the battery impact. Most of 
them use the app in the car with the device in a powered cradle. You 
wouldn't believe how many requests we get for subsecond GPS logging. 
Thankfully the consumer GPS devices don't go that low. 
We actually see the opposite problem. When the user exits the application 
this sends the stop signal to the service. However, the service then 
sometimes restarts on its own. We had to add logic to the service to check 
if the app is still there or if the service is orphaned (in which case we 
stop it from the inside). Hmm, maybe that's the idea. Not bother stopping 
the service from the app, let the service stop itself?

On Thursday, May 10, 2012 6:17:30 AM UTC-4, William Kelley wrote:

> On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 9:40:20 PM UTC-7, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
>> What you're doing isn't draining the battery only because of the 
>> service, but also because of the location updates you'll be getting.. 
> GPS fixing is definitely the main battery killer here, but there are smart 
> ways to handle it.
>> 30-40 seconds, do you really need that kind of accuracy?  I would say 
>> that I'd only want something like 5 minutes, which an AlarmManger 
>> certainly could do (I believe, at least..) 
> Actually, I like to get accuracy of about 5-10 seconds when driving, less 
> when walking. But 5 minutes would be basically useless. At 70 miles an 
> hour, that's 6 miles between points. Even when hiking, I can make quite a 
> few switchbacks and directional changes in 5 minutes. It all really depends 
> on what you want out of a GPS tracker. I want a detailed log with great 
> accuracy. I know battery life suffers, but when you're in a car, you can be 
> plugged in, so that helps. And even when hiking, 10 seconds between fixes 
> allows my phone to go for 8 hour hikes, so it's completely reasonable.
> I changed my app to run as a foreground service and so far that has made 
> all the difference. It hasn't once been restarted in 3 hours. For some 
> reason, I thought a background process would be less likely to be killed, 
> but now I see that services that let the user know exactly what is going on 
> by being in the foreground and being required to show a notification icon 
> are more transparent and thereby more "trusted" by the OS. The one thing 
> that I don't understand is WakeLock. I am running my service without a 
> wakelock, the phone has been off for a few hours, and it is still logging 
> GPS points. Should I assume that some other app (I am running Tasker and 
> some other automation apps as well as CatLog) are keeping the CPU awake?
> Thanks for everyone's help. Little by little, I am getting a better grasp 
> of what I am doing.

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[android-developers] Re: How to make Items inside ListView clickable??

2012-05-10 Thread Febi.M.Felix Maliakkal

While executing this code, list is appearing.and while i click on 
listitems, the called activity is not appearingdat means,,nothing 
inside OnItemClick is printing or displaying..

Also...from the result i am getting,,it is clear that onPostExecute() 
method is invioking and only the item click portion is not working

No force close or logcat errors are displaying...while clicking on the 
listview, nothing is happeningthe view remains the same

My LogCat print inside onClick method outputs nothing..

I think now u undrstood my problem???

On Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:57:32 PM UTC+5:30, Febi.M.Felix Maliakkal wrote:
> Hi,
> this is my adapter 
>  SimpleAdapter adapter=null;
> adapter = new 
> SimpleAdapter(ListItemClickActivity.this, mylist , R.layout.newslist, 
>new String[] { "name", 
> "time","image"}, 
>new int[] { 
> adapter.setViewBinder(new MyViewBinder());   
>   setListAdapter(adapter);
> I need to make the three views inside this listview clickable
> This code is not working for me
> lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
> @Override
> public void onItemClick(
> AdapterView arg0,
> View arg1, int arg2,
> long arg3) {
> // TODO Auto-generated method stub
> Log.i("LOGCAT", "View " +arg1.getId());
> Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),NewClass.class);
> }
> });

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Cannot answer the incoming call during checking gmail account when user forgot PIN code.

2012-05-10 Thread saran vonteddu
Hi Shruthi,

 when you click on "Sign in" btn check the telephony state, and if
it is in call state, try to hide progressDialog. May b below code is
if (mTelephonyManager.getCallState() != TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE)

let me know if it is not working... :-)


On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Shruthi Varma wrote:

> PFA screenshot.
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Shruthi Varma 
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I encountered a problem in Google Nexus phone having Android 4.0 (*Ice
>> Cream Sandwich*).
>> [Steps]
>> 1. Set up a Gmail account in an Android device.
>> 2. Set up a Security lock, may be a Pin/ pattern Screen Lock in
>> Setting - Security and lock the phone (by pressing power button).
>>  3. Phone screen is locked with PIN/ Pattern. Enter wrong  PIN/
>> Pattern 5 times and phone displays "Forgot PIN?".
>> 4. Press "Forgot PIN", enter correct gmail account and password, then
>> press "Sign in", phone is checking i.e a ProgressDialog box appears
>> displaying "checking" on the screen.
>>  5. Give a call to this device from any other device during this time
>> when the deice is checking the Gmail credentials. We can see the incoming
>> call Screen in the background of the ProgressDialog as seen in the
>> screenshot attached. Hence the user cannot answer the call till it finishes
>> checking and dismiss the dialog box.
>> The code to this dialog box is in android base ICS -
>> (frameworks/base/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
>> )
>> Please help me fixing this issue.
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Shruthi.
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Re: [android-developers] Re: Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread Kostya Vasilyev
2012/5/10 lbendlin 

> We have such a program that supports GPS logging every second. We use a
> foreground service (and a notification icon) and the service very rarely
> gets killed (and most of the time it gets restarted quickly by the OS) .
> Our users are fully aware of and fully ok with the battery impact. Most of
> them use the app in the car with the device in a powered cradle. You
> wouldn't believe how many requests we get for subsecond GPS logging.
> Thankfully the consumer GPS devices don't go that low.
> We actually see the opposite problem. When the user exits the application
> this sends the stop signal to the service. However, the service then
> sometimes restarts on its own.

Just curious: what does your service return from onStartCommand?

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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to make Items inside ListView clickable??

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle

I think now u undrstood my problem???

That's pretty much what I guessed, but it was best to check.

In your onPostExecute(), which you say is getting called (which we know is 
true, since you see list items), you have:

OnItemClickListener li=lv.getOnItemClickListener();
Log.i("LOGCAT", "View " +li);

Can you confirm that *that* gets recorded in the LogCat? Since this is 
before you try to set a new click handler, it *should* be recorded. Can you 
confirm that you only see it *once* during execution? I can't see why it 
might happen more than once, but given a recent thread about views being 
recycled, I would like to check that we're not dealing with some weird thing 
like that here.

Please show us the code for setListAdapter() and getListView().

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[android-developers] Re: How to make Items inside ListView clickable??

2012-05-10 Thread Febi.M.Felix Maliakkal
yes...this is the log output of that statement

05-10 17:21:11.230: I/LOGCAT(1387): View$2@43e3c530

On Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:57:32 PM UTC+5:30, Febi.M.Felix Maliakkal wrote:
> Hi,
> this is my adapter 
>  SimpleAdapter adapter=null;
> adapter = new 
> SimpleAdapter(ListItemClickActivity.this, mylist , R.layout.newslist, 
>new String[] { "name", 
> "time","image"}, 
>new int[] { 
> adapter.setViewBinder(new MyViewBinder());   
>   setListAdapter(adapter);
> I need to make the three views inside this listview clickable
> This code is not working for me
> lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
> @Override
> public void onItemClick(
> AdapterView arg0,
> View arg1, int arg2,
> long arg3) {
> // TODO Auto-generated method stub
> Log.i("LOGCAT", "View " +arg1.getId());
> Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),NewClass.class);
> }
> });

On Thursday, May 10, 2012 2:57:32 PM UTC+5:30, Febi.M.Felix Maliakkal wrote:
> Hi,
> this is my adapter 
>  SimpleAdapter adapter=null;
> adapter = new 
> SimpleAdapter(ListItemClickActivity.this, mylist , R.layout.newslist, 
>new String[] { "name", 
> "time","image"}, 
>new int[] { 
> adapter.setViewBinder(new MyViewBinder());   
>   setListAdapter(adapter);
> I need to make the three views inside this listview clickable
> This code is not working for me
> lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
> @Override
> public void onItemClick(
> AdapterView arg0,
> View arg1, int arg2,
> long arg3) {
> // TODO Auto-generated method stub
> Log.i("LOGCAT", "View " +arg1.getId());
> Intent i=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),NewClass.class);
> }
> });

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[android-developers] dynamic spinner

2012-05-10 Thread surabhi jain
I have created 3 spinner dynamically
and adding listener with them but listener is single for all spinner.

I want to get selected value of particular spinner.
How can I get ?

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Re: [android-developers] dynamic spinner

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle

I have created 3 spinner dynamically
and adding listener with them but listener is single for all spinner.

I want to get selected value of particular spinner.
How can I get ?

How can we tell if you don't show us your code for the click listener you 
are adding?

If you are using onSetOnClickListener(), for example, then onClick() passes 
you the view (spinner) that was clicked.

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Re: [android-developers] dynamic spinner

2012-05-10 Thread surabhi jain
LinearLayout hlayout=createHLayout();
LinearLayout.LayoutParams wcfp = new
TextView label = new TextView(this);

Spinner dynamicSpinner = new Spinner(this);
Log.v("","spinnerId "+spinnerId);

ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this,
LinearLayout.LayoutParams wsfp = new


above code will generate spinners dynamically,
when we will click on any spinner then that method will call.

OnItemSelectedListener listener=new OnItemSelectedListener(){
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView arg0, View view, int
position,long arg3) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub



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Re: [android-developers] Re: How to make Items inside ListView clickable??

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle
Now that I'm awake and read up on ListActivity, which I did not know 
existed, I have a new suggestion:

Try having your class override onListItemClicked() instead of using 
setOnItemClickedListener() directly on the list view itself. That appears to 
be the correct way to handle item clicks for ListActivity. My case worked 
because I derived from Activity and shoved a ListView in there - I'm 
guessing ListActivity bypasses click listeners in favour of its own 
protected method.

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Re: [android-developers] dynamic spinner

2012-05-10 Thread Jason Teagle

above code will generate spinners dynamically,
when we will click on any spinner then that method will call.

OnItemSelectedListener listener=new OnItemSelectedListener(){
public void onItemSelected(AdapterView arg0, View view, int 
position,long arg3) {

Notice the AdapterView argument (arg0)? That is your spinner (and 'view' 
is the sub-view of the spinner that was clicked - one of the arrows, 

Please try and read the documentation for the classes you are using - even 
for listeners. It may not be perfect but in a lot of cases it does give the 
information you need.

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Re: [android-developers] dynamic spinner

2012-05-10 Thread surabhi jain
Thank you...

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[android-developers] Re: why am I receiving location updates without WakeLock if the device is put to sleep?

2012-05-10 Thread ste1024

Am Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012 16:11:56 UTC+2 schrieb Nadeem Hasan:
> Your phone is using wifi as the location source. If wifi is set to stay up 
> during phone sleep, LocationManager will continue to provide updates unless 
> you remove your location update subscription in onSuspend().

How is WiFi configured to always stay up during sleep? Is the mere fact of 
someone listening for location updates enough or is there some device 
setting for this?
And how would the situation be if WiFi was turned off and GPS or network 
provider via cell network would be used?

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Re: [android-developers] Options missing in Android SDK Manager when started from Eclipse

2012-05-10 Thread Marcin Orlowski
Try asking there: (i.e. on adt-dev

Marcin Orlowski

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On 9 May 2012 17:06, Sebastian Krysmanski  wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a special reason why the "Tools" menu in the Android SDK Manager
> is missing most of its menu items (including "Options...") when started
> from Eclipse.
> I've verified this behavior on Windows 7 and Linux (Ubuntu) with the
> newest tools installed.
> Regards
> Sebastian
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[android-developers] Re: Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread gjs
And so do we, I've only had to add start foreground since ICS, before
that the service ran OK for days or weeks without being killed.
That GPS uses a lot of battery is a total myth IMHO. With screen off
can log for over 8 hours & more on some devices.
I also support sub seconds GPS logging from external Bluetooth
devices, buffering the data & writing periodically significantly
reduces battery drain.

On May 10, 8:56 pm, lbendlin  wrote:
> We have such a program that supports GPS logging every second. We use a
> foreground service (and a notification icon) and the service very rarely
> gets killed (and most of the time it gets restarted quickly by the OS) .
> Our users are fully aware of and fully ok with the battery impact. Most of
> them use the app in the car with the device in a powered cradle. You
> wouldn't believe how many requests we get for subsecond GPS logging.
> Thankfully the consumer GPS devices don't go that low.
> We actually see the opposite problem. When the user exits the application
> this sends the stop signal to the service. However, the service then
> sometimes restarts on its own. We had to add logic to the service to check
> if the app is still there or if the service is orphaned (in which case we
> stop it from the inside). Hmm, maybe that's the idea. Not bother stopping
> the service from the app, let the service stop itself?
> On Thursday, May 10, 2012 6:17:30 AM UTC-4, William Kelley wrote:
> > On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 9:40:20 PM UTC-7, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
> >> What you're doing isn't draining the battery only because of the
> >> service, but also because of the location updates you'll be getting..
> > GPS fixing is definitely the main battery killer here, but there are smart
> > ways to handle it.
> >> 30-40 seconds, do you really need that kind of accuracy?  I would say
> >> that I'd only want something like 5 minutes, which an AlarmManger
> >> certainly could do (I believe, at least..)
> > Actually, I like to get accuracy of about 5-10 seconds when driving, less
> > when walking. But 5 minutes would be basically useless. At 70 miles an
> > hour, that's 6 miles between points. Even when hiking, I can make quite a
> > few switchbacks and directional changes in 5 minutes. It all really depends
> > on what you want out of a GPS tracker. I want a detailed log with great
> > accuracy. I know battery life suffers, but when you're in a car, you can be
> > plugged in, so that helps. And even when hiking, 10 seconds between fixes
> > allows my phone to go for 8 hour hikes, so it's completely reasonable.
> > I changed my app to run as a foreground service and so far that has made
> > all the difference. It hasn't once been restarted in 3 hours. For some
> > reason, I thought a background process would be less likely to be killed,
> > but now I see that services that let the user know exactly what is going on
> > by being in the foreground and being required to show a notification icon
> > are more transparent and thereby more "trusted" by the OS. The one thing
> > that I don't understand is WakeLock. I am running my service without a
> > wakelock, the phone has been off for a few hours, and it is still logging
> > GPS points. Should I assume that some other app (I am running Tasker and
> > some other automation apps as well as CatLog) are keeping the CPU awake?
> > Thanks for everyone's help. Little by little, I am getting a better grasp
> > of what I am doing.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Cannot answer the incoming call during checking gmail account when user forgot PIN code.

2012-05-10 Thread ramesh mandare
give me code...

On 5/10/12, saran vonteddu  wrote:
> Hi Shruthi,
>  when you click on "Sign in" btn check the telephony state, and if
> it is in call state, try to hide progressDialog. May b below code is
> useful.
> if (mTelephonyManager.getCallState() != TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE)
>  getProgressDialog().hide();
> let me know if it is not working... :-)
> regards,
> Saran
> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 7:19 PM, Shruthi Varma
> wrote:
>> PFA screenshot.
>> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 7:18 PM, Shruthi Varma
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I encountered a problem in Google Nexus phone having Android 4.0 (*Ice
>>> Cream Sandwich*).
>>> [Steps]
>>> 1. Set up a Gmail account in an Android device.
>>> 2. Set up a Security lock, may be a Pin/ pattern Screen Lock in
>>> Setting - Security and lock the phone (by pressing power button).
>>>  3. Phone screen is locked with PIN/ Pattern. Enter wrong  PIN/
>>> Pattern 5 times and phone displays "Forgot PIN?".
>>> 4. Press "Forgot PIN", enter correct gmail account and password, then
>>> press "Sign in", phone is checking i.e a ProgressDialog box appears
>>> displaying "checking" on the screen.
>>>  5. Give a call to this device from any other device during this time
>>> when the deice is checking the Gmail credentials. We can see the incoming
>>> call Screen in the background of the ProgressDialog as seen in the
>>> screenshot attached. Hence the user cannot answer the call till it
>>> finishes
>>> checking and dismiss the dialog box.
>>> The code to this dialog box is in android base ICS -
>>> (frameworks/base/policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/
>>> )
>>> Please help me fixing this issue.
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Shruthi.
>>  --
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Re: [android-developers] Customizing Android's default contacts app

2012-05-10 Thread Justin Anderson
> Yes it is possible, Suppose if u want to add a new field in ur contact
> information, u can add the new field in or wat so
> ever and update the approprite db table and once if you click on save
> button, you can update the value in the contacts DB. Its as simple as ur
> working on any third party app.
This is not possible without building your own firmware...

Justin Anderson
MagouyaWare Developer

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 3:31 AM, saran vonteddu wrote:

> Yes it is possible, Suppose if u want to add a new field in ur contact
> information, u can add the new field in or wat so
> ever and update the approprite db table and once if you click on save
> button, you can update the value in the contacts DB. Its as simple as ur
> working on any third party app.

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Android usb network

2012-05-10 Thread Robert Greenwalt
How about use a secure connection (https)?  If it's good enough for banks
and e-commerce, perhaps it's good enough for your use?


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:53 AM, Harishk  wrote:

> sounds better needs to find tablet with physical Ethernet connection.
> About wired tablet, The merit what we see is a user can work offline,
> tablet will be handy and environment we are trying to build is a
> single portable solution without having complexity of data
> synchronization process for user (offcource as application developer
> complexity remain with us)
> An user work in offline mode, collect data from market wherever, come
> to office connect his device to Lan and visualize his data with server
> application, and process his data. isn't simple ? instead of working
> with computer when he is in office and with tablet when outside. also
> it take just half an hour to learn mobile functionality and may take
> much time to learn computer (and users of our application will not
> need computer background)
> An WiFi do the job but it's not secure, (imagine if someone shared
> network key) I mean our client does not want a WiFi and that's reason
> we are looking alternative.
> On May 10, 1:31 pm, "Eric Wong (" 
> wrote:
> > On May 10, 2:28 pm, Harishk  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > Thanks Robert,
> > > - I'm developing a application on Android 4.0 ideally this will work
> > > on any android supported device, as of now we do not wants to put any
> > > hardware restriction but if require we can have hardware dependancy.
> > > I mean we thought of running application on any android device but if
> > > require we put restriction saying this can work on device with this
> > > configurations.
> >
> > > The application is a very simple user registration application
> >
> > > The requirement what we have is, our users do not wants a wifi network
> > > they wants a physicial connection to device for network (for security
> > > reason) we will put tablet at multiple location in my clients network
> > > with physical connection. If we really need then we can put multiple
> > > PC as well for connecting device to network, just need network in my
> > > Tablet without wifi and Tablet should be able to charge at same time.
> >
> > Interesting, someone don't want to use WIFI and want a wired tablet :O
> > Doesn't it just defeat the purpose of having a tablet? while it is
> > still tethered to a computer USB port for network?
> > I certainly don't see its merit in terms of power consumption and
> > complexity.
> >
> > Why don't you just use the computer then?
> >
> > My suggestion is to use a tablet that have a physical Ethernet
> > connection.
> > Some tablet have ethernet port when you use the dock. Isn't this a
> > better solution than a tablet tethered to a computer USB port?
> >
> > Otherwise, I wonder how it is possible for USB client (tablet) to
> > access the computer's network... via USB..
> > Even if it is feasible, sounds like it needs complicated/customized
> > applications on both PC and tablet to do it.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > > The device we are going to use will be latest one.
> >
> > > where can i found EthernetStateTracker class ?
> >
> > > On May 9, 10:46 pm, Robert Greenwalt  wrote:
> >
> > > > Are you developing this device or using an existing device?
> >
> > > > You should look at the EthernetStateTracker class.  You need to
> modify the
> > > > networkattributes config.xml property to instantiate type 9 and add
> type 9
> > > > to the radioattributes config entry.  You'll need to add an ethernet
> dhcp
> > > > agent to init.rc.  You'll need to add a usb-ethernet driver to your
> kernel
> > > > image.
> >
> > > > These things I think are available in the TOT of AOSP, but may not be
> > > > available on older devices.
> >
> > > > It may be simpler to have an internet-visible gateway into your
> intranet
> > > > app, then you could access it worldwide and wouldn't need to do this
> > > > busywork of usb-ethernet.  Alternatively add a wifi access point to
> your
> > > > lan and connect your tablet that way.  Wires are passe.
> >
> > > > R
> >
> > > > On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 10:16 PM, Harishk 
> wrote:
> > > > > Hi All,
> >
> > > > > I'm looking a good way to bring Android device in intranet using
> USB,
> > > > > what I want is to connect my Android tablet to a PC in network and
> > > > > then work on Tablet as a PC.
> >
> > > > >  In that way I can take print from a network printer also take
> > > > > adventage of better network connection within my network.
> >
> > > > > Just to give a idea, I'm developing a application which runs in
> > > > > Intranet and few user will have Tablet as interface and few user
> will
> > > > > have deskstop as interface. Tablet user should be able to work just
> > > > > like a desktop user but with rich user interface so that user can
> just
> > > > > work with there fingers insted of keyboard/mouce.
> >
> > > > > please poin

Re: [android-developers] Re: Tethering two android phones

2012-05-10 Thread Robert Greenwalt
Could you use wifi?  They will both be given addresses via dhcp and will be
able to see each other.  Finding the other guy is a problem, but you're
going to have that in any situation.

I think usb tether uses unroutable addresses and considers the two links as
separate networks.  wifi treats them as on the same network.

Most users also appreciate the convenience of wireless when using phones
also..  don't tie them down!


On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:57 AM, Devin  wrote:

> John-Marc,
> I'm trying to do the same thing and I'm running into the same problem, any
> updates?
> Thanks,
> Devin
> On Thursday, February 2, 2012 1:45:04 PM UTC-5, John-Marc Desmarais wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Does anyone know of a method to tether two phones via USB so that one
>> phone can communicate with the other using an intermediate PC?
>> Or, a method to change the default gateway given when tethering on one
>> of the phones from to something else.
>> It seems that if I connect two android phones to the PC both are given
>> the same gateway address, it is possible to send/receive data from one
>> phone to the other? is there an address on the other side of the
>> gateway address that can be used? Can I configure the address on one
>> of the phones so that the gateway addresses are unique?
>> Thanks,
>> John-Marc Desmarais
>>  --
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[android-developers] CameraPreview Invisible does not work

2012-05-10 Thread Alberto Seco

I'm developing an AR application, that need the camera preview, but I draw 
the content of the camera in a texture. In this way, I set invisible the 
view that contains the camera preview, and it works well in Galaxy SII 
(2.3.4), and Nexus S(4.0.4), but in Galaxy Nexus (4.0.4), it does not work, 
because after starting the preview I set invisible the view.

Here is the code of my function to start the preview camera, that belongs 
to a SurfaceView:
public void startPreviewCamera(){
if (camera != null)
try {
catch(Exception e){
Log.d("viewer", "[startPreviewCamera. Exception: " + 

post(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
bPreviewRunning = true;
Log.d("vrviewer", "startPreviewCamera. camera == null");


Anyone knows the reason of the different behaviour?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Android usb network

2012-05-10 Thread Nikolay Elenkov
On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 12:01 AM, Robert Greenwalt
> How about use a secure connection (https)?  If it's good enough for banks
> and e-commerce, perhaps it's good enough for your use?

WPA2 EAP might also work -- no shared passwords, and tablets with pre-installed
keys and certificates should take care of security issues at the cost of some
infrastructure complexity.

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[android-developers] msword file to save and open

2012-05-10 Thread Jagadeesh
Hi All,

 iam trying save msword file saved in raw folder and trying open that
file its not happening .
any suggestion..

Thanks& Regards

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Re: [android-developers] Re: Long running Android service is getting recreated over and over

2012-05-10 Thread Kristopher Micinski
On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 6:17 AM, William Kelley
> On Wednesday, May 9, 2012 9:40:20 PM UTC-7, Kristopher Micinski wrote:
>> What you're doing isn't draining the battery only because of the
>> service, but also because of the location updates you'll be getting..
> GPS fixing is definitely the main battery killer here, but there are smart
> ways to handle it.

What are your smart ways?  No matter what, the GPS has to be on, and
even that sees like a fairly large drain.

To be honest if you're doing this where the user actively knows it and
intends on logging at these intervals, then they probably know they
are killing their battery and that there's nothing they can do about


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Re: [android-developers] msword file to save and open

2012-05-10 Thread Mark Murphy
On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 11:39 AM, Jagadeesh  wrote:
>  iam trying save msword file saved in raw folder and trying open that
> file its not happening .
> any suggestion..

There is nothing in Android that will "open" an "msword file". You
will need a third-party app for that. And, you will need to copy the
"msword file" out of your raw resource and put it someplace that the
third-party app can reach it (e.g., external storage).

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) | |

Android Training in DC:

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[android-developers] cache design of Gallery 3D

2012-05-10 Thread wang
does anybody know the cache design of Gallery 3D? Or are there any
articles I can refer to? Thanks!

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