Semantics and Belief contexts - was: PaceDuplicateIdsEntryOrigin posted

2005-05-25 Thread Henry Story

On 25 May 2005, at 21:06, Antone Roundy wrote:

 * The accepted language does not speak of the origin feed of the  
entries. Ideally, an atom:id should be univerally unique to one  
entry resource, and we rightly require publishers to mint them with  
that goal. However, in reality, malicious or undereducted  
publishers might duplicate the IDs of others. Therefore, it is  
proposed to modify the specification to state that the atom:entry  
elements describe the same entry (resource) if they originate in  
the same feed.
 * Aggregators wishing to protect against DOS attacks are not  
unlikely to perform some sort of safety checks to detect malicious  
atom:id duplication, regardless of whether the specification  
authorizes them to or not.

I understand your motivation, but I think it is misguided. I only  
recently understood why myself [1].

Let me explain a little how I come to this conclusion. An easy way to  
understand semantics is to think of it as about the objects out  
there. Take the sentences:

(a) Superman can fly
(b) Superman is Clark Kent

we can immediately deduce truly that

(c) Clark Kent can fly.

Since the referents of Superman and Clark Kent are the same, what  
is true of the one,
is true of the other. When speaking directly about the world, we can  
replace any occurrence

of Superman with Clark Kent, and still say something true.

When we are speaking about what others believe, this is no longer  
true. Lois Lane may believe (a) without believing (c). She may think  
Superman is a hero, but not think that Clark Kent is one. There
is in logic therefore a fundamental distinction between sentences  
used in a direct semantic way, and
sentences used in this indirect way, when the sentence is in a belief  
context. This distinction is
so fundamental that there is a well known mental illness that goes  
with people who are not able to
make this distinction: autism. Autistic children have great  
difficulty understanding the difference

between what is and how people perceive things to be.

In RDF this distinction shows up when moving from triples to 4- 
tuples. RDF/XML is a language
that works best in the Semantic realm. With triples we can describe  
objects and their
relationships. If we want speak about consistent ways of seeing the  
world we need to group statements with formulae as is done in N3[2]  
and TriX for example. This then allows us to name
consistent sets of statements. It also allows one to simultaneously  
refer to sets that are inconsistent. I can for example consistently  
hold the following:

Lois lane believes that Superman is different from Clark Kent
Clark Kent believes that he is Superman.

without contradiction.

So how does this relate to Atom? Well we need to be clear that  
semantically a entryId and
a feedId point to one thing and one thing only. But this does not  
mean that there can not
be erroneous, false, corrupted,... feeds out there. Aggregators  
wishing to protect against
DOS attacks should simply do what we humans do in such circumstances,  
namely quote what others
are saying and not assert the things others are saying. This is why  
the proposal by Roy
Fielding to allow feeds inside of feeds was probably the best way to  
do things (I just came
to this conclusion yesterday, before this I had no idea what he was  
going on about).

So to prevent a DOS attack, best is to have aggregator feeds such as:

!-- aggregator feed --
feed src=;
  titleEnter your credit card number here/title
feed src=;
  titleEnter your credit card number here/title

Here all the aggregator feed is claiming is that he has seen entries  
inside other
feeds. He never need claim to agree with any of their content. And so  
the content
of the first internal feed and the second internal feed can be  
contradictory. They
can for example have the same id with the same updated timestamp and  
with different


It will be up to the consumer of such aggregated feeds to decide  
which to trust.

The good thing about this way of doing things is that one can define  
a first level feed
in a simple semantic vocabulary, without needing to create all kinds  
of exceptional
clauses all over the place. When dealing with feeds inside a feed one  
can then
simply mention that this indirection is equivalent to the belief  
context indirection.

Statements can be contradictory across such internal feeds.

Taking this into account should help make the spec a lot cleaner,  
easier to write and
easier to understand. The problems are fundamental, so they cannot be  
swept under the

carpet. They will keep popping up.

Henry Story


Re: Refresher on Updated/Modified

2005-05-24 Thread Henry Story

My thought currently is that atom:updated by being the sole date in  
atom is in

fact what people are thinking of as atom:modified.

It is just specified very flexibly and constrained not by language  
but by how it will
be used. The game of publishing entries will push people to be  
reasonably precise about

what they consider to be a change:
- if they don't, their entries may be lost
- creating a new time stamp is so easy, there is no reason not  
to change the

  time stamp by default

So I am in fact -1 on atom:modified.

It would be silly to have 2 dates in atom,  we would then just have  
more confusion and
corner cases. The more precise date would inevitably be considered  
the real one, and the
other one ignored in any case. Adding a more precise definition of  
what constitutes a
change is beyond the ability of this working group given the way it  
has to come to an


On 24 May 2005, at 01:17, David Powell wrote:

When a publisher updates an existing entry, the value that they put in
atom:updated combines three parameters:

a) The last modified date of the entry (ie: the value that would go
 into atom:modified if it existed)

b) The atom:updated value of the previous instance.

c) Whether the publisher's opinion is that the change is significant.
 (some publishing systems may not allow the publisher to express
 this opinion - in that case, this parameter will be hard-coded)

The publisher chooses whether the new atom:updated value should be the
current modification date, or the previous atom:updated value based on
whether, in their opinion the change is significant.

If a publisher wants to change an entry, and wants to
indicate that in their opinion the change was not significant, the
current draft allows them to do this by publishing a new version of
the entry with the same value of atom:updated as the previous version.

Re: inheritance issues

2005-05-24 Thread Henry Story

Simplify, simplify. I am for removing all inheritance mechanisms...


On 24 May 2005, at 02:02, Bill de hÓra wrote:

Eric Scheid wrote:

oh darn. This damn inheritance stuff is nasty.

Inheritance suggests a programming model to allow the evaluator to  
be coded for it. It's rarely as simple as it looks to define a  
decent model that does what people think it does at first glance.  
As things stand, it will be an immense coincidence if we do not end  
up dishing out nasty surprises for users. Atom's just not a very  
good programming language ;)


Re: Author and contributor

2005-05-23 Thread Henry Story

On 23 May 2005, at 07:22, A. Pagaltzis wrote:

Antone Roundy suggests:
 make atom:author plural
 keep atom:contributor
 punt bylines to an extension

+1 to all
I think that makes sense, especially if one thinks that atom could
be used for wiki entries, where there being numerous authors is a
fact of daily life.


Re: updated and modified yet again

2005-05-23 Thread Henry Story

On 22 May 2005, at 06:29, Tim Bray wrote:

News flash!  Bob and I agree!

I have been following this discussion and am finding I am also  
agreeing with

Tim, Bob and Aristotle P. The points are subtle.

This made me wonder if the points are not playing themselves out a  
level. Perhaps the problem is that we are not clear about the  
difference between

semantics and what is being said.

At the level of semantics an entry as identified by its id has a  
number of
dated representations. These representations can be grouped in  
different ways
according to different identity criteria. One very precise such  
identity criteria
would be string identity. Two representations are identical if they  
are character
by character identical. Another identity criteria, lets call it  
update identity,
says that two such representations are equivalent if they have the  
same atom:updated
time stamp. This is a very vague identity criterion, which leaves it  
up to the
interaction between users and consumers to set constraints on the  
criterion. The
user has to face the fact that consumers may drop some of his changes  
(conceived of
as changes under the criterion of string identity) if he does not  
change the date.

So let us think of this from the point of view of the three players  
in this game: the

original publisher, the final consumer, and the intermediary.

The original publisher

When the publisher is the same person as the person defining the  
identity criteria,
then it makes sense that he should not publish two entries in a feed  
that are identical
according to his own criteria. This can not be conceived to be a  
restriction on him.

The final consumer

The final consumer may have different identity criteria to the  
publisher of the
feed, but since he is not the one to publish the feed there is not  
much for him
to do. He cannot force the original publisher to be more precise,  
because that
would be to ask the person who is publishing to see a distinction  
where he sees
none. And this does not even take into account that other consumers  
may disagree

with him anyhow.

The aggregator

The problematic case comes from those aggregating feeds. And I think  
here I can identify

two different problems:

a- The aggregator may say he has different identity criteria  
from the publisher. If he
has then one can simply answer: your business is to be transparent,  
not to place yourself

in between your user and his public.

b- The aggregator wants to be completely transparent. But has a  
problem because he is
not sure who to trust, and different people are making different  
claims about the same
thing (the id). In everyday life there is a well known method for  
doing this honestly: we
quote the source of who said what. If Smith says that the red car is  
his and John says that
the car is his, I don't need to say that the car belongs to Smith and  
to John, I can just say
Smith says that 'the car is his' and John says that 'the car is  
his'. I just need to

quote what others have said.
   If this is the problem faced by Bob then I don't think  
atom:modified is going to help.
That would be being precise in the wrong place. What would have  
helped was perhaps the solution proposed by Roy Fielding a few months  
ago, namely that a feed should be able to contain a feed. Bob's pub  
sub service would then be just able to quote what others (feeds) have  
said. It would
then have been correct to hold the position currently held that no  
feed should *directly*
contain an entry with the same atom:updated value. It would allow  
that a feed could contain two
feeds each with different entries containing the same id and the same  
atom:updated time stamp.

It would then be up to the consumer to decide which one it trusts.

Henry Story

Re: atom:modified indicates temporal ORDER not version....

2005-05-23 Thread Henry Story

I just found an excellent article on the subject of identity:

It is heavy reading. But it does give an excellent overview of the  
I can't say that I managed in a couple of hours to fully digest all  
the information

in there.


On 22 May 2005, at 02:51, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 5/21/05, Henry Story [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 22 May 2005, at 02:27, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 5/21/05, Bob Wyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Robert Sayre wrote:

Temporal order of what? They are all the same entry, so what is it
you are temporally ordering?

We are discussing the temporal ordering of multiple non-
*instances* of a single Atom entry. It is common in the realm of
engineering to deal with this concept of instances.

Things are often
considered to be simultaneously different and the same. (I am
who I am
today -- as I was when I was a child, nonetheless, I am very
different today
than I was when I was a child. The instance of me today differs
from the
instance of me that you might have come across many years ago.)
But, perhaps
this concept is too abstract for some readers...

I'm unconvinced. Have a giant -1.

How can you be unconvinced about something so fundamentally basic
to human thought? People change over time. When you clip your nails
your body is not the same as it was before, yet as far as the law is
concerned, you are the same person who went to whatever school you
went to.
Change over time exists. For something to be able to change there  
has to

be something that is the thing that changes.

Really you can't get more basic than this. If you are left to  
over this, I would suggest moving your discussion over to a  


Gee, Henry, maybe you should draw us a UML diagram to explain all  

Robert Sayre

Re: Accidental and intentional atom:id collisions

2005-05-21 Thread Henry Story

On 18 May 2005, at 17:30, Antone Roundy wrote:

On Wednesday, May 18, 2005, at 09:12  AM, Henry Story wrote:

I supposed the surest way to make it impossible to fake the id, is  
to specify that
by dereferencing the id and doing a GET (whatever the correct  
method of doing that for the

protocol happens to be) one should be able to retrieve the entry.

The unlikelihood of anyone actually retrieving each entry to verify  
that it's accurate would make this method only trivially effective.

Perhaps not. There was a long thread a few months ago about how to  
deal with the growing
size of feeds. Using a restful method, one simple solution to the  
problem would have been to have

minimal feeds of the following form:


Clearly feeds like the above would only be useful if one dereferenced  
the entry ids.
A consumer of an atom feed would thus read a feed, then work out  
which of the
entries it had not yet seen or which had been modified, and then go  
and fetch the
content of those entries by dereferencing the id. In the above case  
this could be done

by doing a GET on for example and retrieving

titleI am the legitimate entry/title
content type=htmllt;a href= 
feedback.phpgt;Use this form to submit your credit card numberlt;/ 


Of course the above saves a lot more bandwidth the larger the entry  

An oddity this language introduces is that if the entries don't  
appear in the same Atom Feed Document, they apparently don't have  
to be treated as the same entry, but if they're aggregated  
together, they do. Going a little further, if I'm subscribed to  
both original feeds and an aggregation that includes both, then I  
have potentially four entrys with the same id.  Which are the  
same entry and which aren't?  Only the two in the aggregation,  
which really aren't, are required to be treated as the same.

I always thought that two entries with the same id should be  
treated as the same entry.

What makes you thing otherwise?

Consider the following three simplified feed documents (or any two  
of them, or just the last one):

// this is the legitimate one

Yes but now imagine the same thing written in the minimal format  
menitoned above:

titleI am the legitimate entry/title
content type=htmllt;a href= 
feedback.phpgt;Use this form to submit your credit card  


!-- the original feed --

// this one is phishing
titleI am the legitimate entry/title
content type=htmllt;a href= 
feedback.phpgt;Use this form to submit your credit card  


!-- the phishing feed --

// this is an aggregation
titleI am the legitimate entry/title
content type=htmllt;a href= 
feedback.phpgt;Use this form to submit your credit card  

titleI am the legitimate entry/title
content type=htmllt;a href= 
feedback.phpgt;Use this form to submit your credit card  


!-- the aggregation feed --

Notice that the source of an entry is much less important in this  

Re: Accidental and intentional atom:id collisions

2005-05-21 Thread Henry Story

On 21 May 2005, at 08:44, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 21/5/05 4:24 PM, Henry Story [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So those are just a few thoughts on the topic. It just seems that  
if  one

works with the web these phishing problems seem to disappear.

all good stuff, with the exception of making atom:id  
dereferenceable... once
you do that you have to allow it to change (to accommodate changes  
in server
set up etc), and once you allow it to change it is no longer  
effective as an

id :-(

Yes. I like the idea of being able to move entries around too.

But we do have a dilemma. We have
a- non de-referenceable id:
 - can easily be faked
   - lack of trust which undermines its ability to identify  

b- de-referenceable id:
 - we can't move entries around
 - but we can trust the id

Imagine we have both (as we do, but in a more cumbersome format).
If we give the entry a src attribute then we could have a feed such
as the following:

entry src=;
entry src=;
entry src=;

Then since the ids can be faked and spoofed all over the place, and
since there is no way to automatically verify the correct uses, the
amount of trust that can be placed in them to identify an entry is
minimal, close to 0, certainly a *lot* less than the dereferenceable
src uri, which will therefore inevitably take the place of the

So in any case it seems like the dereferenceable id wins. Perhaps this
is just something in the architecture of the web that we have to work

But perhaps it is not such a problem after all, because perhaps we can
have dereferenceable ids that allow us to move entries around. I can  

of a few:

- if an entry moves the old entry position redirects to the new  
- one creates a special redirect service to redirect ids to  
their current

- one creates a new URI to URL mapping protocol

Henry Story

So, all the above, but using atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'self'] instead.

BTW, /feed/id is useful for other things -- primarily to help big
aggregators to realise that they are retrieving the same feed from  
more than

one location (eg. with and without www.)


Re: atom:modified indicates temporal ORDER not version....

2005-05-21 Thread Henry Story

On 22 May 2005, at 01:27, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 5/21/05, Bob Wyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Robert Sayre wrote:

So, it's about disambiguating versions of an entry, right?

No. It has nothing to do with versions or even  
variants. I have
explained that on numerous occasions. The denial of relevance to  
the issue
of version is even in the title of this thread. Read:  
indicates temporal ORDER not version... Clearly, you either  
aren't reading
what you're responding to or you simply don't understand what is  

Temporal order of what? They are all the same entry, so what is it you
are temporally ordering?

You are temporally ordering states of the entry.
Or if you think of the id as the resource for which the entry.../ 

text is a representation, then you are ordering the representations

Why is this a new problem that only arises
when we allow multiple IDs in the same feed?

I don't think this is a problem that only arises when we allow  
multiple ids in the

same feed.


Robert Sayre

Re: atom:modified indicates temporal ORDER not version....

2005-05-21 Thread Henry Story

On 22 May 2005, at 02:27, Robert Sayre wrote:

On 5/21/05, Bob Wyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Robert Sayre wrote:

Temporal order of what? They are all the same entry, so what is it
you are temporally ordering?

We are discussing the temporal ordering of multiple non- 
*instances* of a single Atom entry. It is common in the realm of  

engineering to deal with this concept of instances.

Things are often
considered to be simultaneously different and the same. (I am  
who I am
today -- as I was when I was a child, nonetheless, I am very  
different today
than I was when I was a child. The instance of me today differs  
from the
instance of me that you might have come across many years ago.)  
But, perhaps

this concept is too abstract for some readers...

I'm unconvinced. Have a giant -1.

How can you be unconvinced about something so fundamentally basic
to human thought? People change over time. When you clip your nails
your body is not the same as it was before, yet as far as the law is
concerned, you are the same person who went to whatever school you  
went to.

Change over time exists. For something to be able to change there has to
be something that is the thing that changes.

Really you can't get more basic than this. If you are left to argument
over this, I would suggest moving your discussion over to a philosophy


Robert Sayre

Re: Accidental and intentional atom:id collisions (was Re: Consensus call on last raft of issues)

2005-05-18 Thread Henry Story

On 18 May 2005, at 16:41, Antone Roundy wrote:
On Tuesday, May 17, 2005, at 11:07  PM, Sam Ruby wrote:
If multiple atom:entry elements with the same atom:id value  
appear in an Atom Feed document, they describe the same entry and  
software MUST treat them as such.

IIRC, much of this started due to an objection by Bob Wyman that  
treating atom:entries from different sources with the same atom:id  
as the same entry would cause problems for PubSub.  What ever  
happened to that objection?

This is the one remaining issue I'm aware of that I think we really  
need to resolve.  Until mankind evolves to the point that DOS  
attacks are no longer attempted, we need to try to protect against  
them.  A MUST here goes beyond just allowing DOS attacks, it's  
practically an invitation: copy the target entry, increment  
atom:updated, change a few critical details, publish. How can an  
aggregator protect against this without violating the spec?
I supposed the surest way to make it impossible to fake the id, is to  
specify that
by dereferencing the id and doing a GET (whatever the correct method  
of doing that for the
protocol happens to be) one should be able to retrieve the entry.

This I know goes against some of the hopes built into id, but I think  
that it may be that
this is the cost of working in on the web. You just can't escape REST.

An oddity this language introduces is that if the entries don't  
appear in the same Atom Feed Document, they apparently don't have  
to be treated as the same entry, but if they're aggregated  
together, they do. Going a little further, if I'm subscribed to  
both original feeds and an aggregation that includes both, then I  
have potentially four entrys with the same id.  Which are the  
same entry and which aren't?  Only the two in the aggregation,  
which really aren't, are required to be treated as the same.
I always thought that two entries with the same id should be treated  
as the same entry.
What makes you thing otherwise?

Henry Story

Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIdsWithModified

2005-05-16 Thread Henry Story
Should one not then to make atom:update a MAY?
We don't really need 2 MUST dates.
On 16 May 2005, at 00:12, David Powell wrote:
PaceAllowDuplicateIDs received some opposition because of its use of
atom:updated to differentiate multiple revisions of an entry [1][2] 

I've posted a couple of Paces - basically a single a proposal, split
into two bite-size pieces:
Apologies in advance. I know what happened last time we discussed
dates, and this is hardly the best timing, but it seemed like an
obvious fix for the problem.

Re: atom:updated vs entry inheritance?

2005-05-13 Thread Henry Story

On 12 May 2005, at 23:22, Eric Scheid wrote:
On 13/5/05 7:12 AM, Henry Story [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just to recapitulate: we have 2 feed documents with successive  
atom  updated
values, and with the same entry (same id) with the same time  
stamp  but some
values that are not identical. Does the newer feed document trump  
the older

I assume what you mean by values includes the explicit elements  
of the
entry *plus* the implicit elements inherited from the feed. Right?
Oh. I understand your puzzle now (reading this list a little fast at  
I had forgotten about inheritance. The simplest solution is just to  
these inheritance rules of course.

It follows then that /feed/updated applies *only* to the feed meta- 
data, and
possibly also the feed entries as a collection of opaque blobs.  
That is, the
contents of the entries don't inherit any 'significant change'  
semantic from

Best practice then would be to update /feed/entry/updated if an  
/feed/element is updated 'significantly'.

I'm happy with that.

Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIDs

2005-05-12 Thread Henry Story
Don't you have the same problem with atom:modified? What if the
publisher does not update the atom:modified entry?
I suppose that if you are making an archive of an atom entries and  
that the author has made a mistake with the atom:updated field, you can
of course try to correct the mistake artificially in your own feed by
increasing the time precision.  So if the original entries both claim to
have been updated at 12:45 you could have one of them be modified at  
and the other at 12:45:31.

Just a thought.
Henry Story
On 12 May 2005, at 01:40, David Powell wrote:
I'm in favour of allowing duplicate ids. This only seems to be a
partial solution though:
  Their atom:updated timestamps SHOULD be different
But what if they are not? What if I want to represent an archive of a
feed - maybe mine, maybe someone else's - but the atom:updated dates
are the same in two or more entries? I thought it was up to the
publisher to decide whether to rev atom:updated.
I was always concerned that the existence of atom:updated without
atom:modified would cause the meaning of atom:updated as an alert to
be diluted to being equivalent to atom:modified. This proposal would
encourage that. It would mean, if you don't update atom:updated, then
your entry instances are second class.
The restriction forces services that proxy, or re-aggregate feeds to
drop entries on the floor, just because the user has chosen not to
update atom:updated.
atom:updated encourages aggregators to make loud noises when they see
a change; anything that encourages atom:updated to be changed just for
the sake of it is going to be very annoying to users and make
atom:updated useless as an alert flag.
I'm in favour of duplicate ids, but unfortunately, the only way I can
see them working is if we have atom:modified. I hate to bring this up,
especially now, but it would solve some problems, and it is cheap to
Is anyone still opposed to atom:modified?

Re: atom:updated vs entry inheritance?

2005-05-12 Thread Henry Story

On 12 May 2005, at 18:49, Eric Scheid wrote:
On 13/5/05 2:04 AM, Roger B. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gah! What is the true atom:updated for the following entry?
Eric: The entry-level version, IMO.
What if an atom processor had previously seen that entry with that
atom:updated ... should it do anything with it? Should it update  
it's local
store in any way?

What if the /atom:feed/atom:author element had been changed (and the
publisher thought that was significant)?
Just to recapitulate: we have 2 feed documents with successive atom  
values, and with the same entry (same id) with the same time stamp  
but some values
that are not identical. Does the newer feed document trump the older  

Does this not all depend whether you are an optimist or a pessimist?
The optimist will think that the future is always an improvement  
over the past, and
so think that the new feed he has received will be giving a  
correction on the old state
of the entry.
The pessimist will think that the future is worse than the  
present, and think that
the newer version of the feed documents must contain a mistaken entry.


Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-05-10 Thread Henry Story

On 10 May 2005, at 04:23, Antone Roundy wrote:
On Monday, May 9, 2005, at 07:52  PM, Eric Scheid wrote:
rel=self is in no way a substitute for an identifier
Why not?
the uri can change.

Yes, I acknowledged that a little after why not?.  So we have a  
tradeoff--greater permanence vs. greater resistance to spoofing.   
In my opinion, protection against spoofing is more valuable, in  
part because I expect most feed URIs to be stable enough that their  
changing won't be a significant issue.  Also because things like  
the volume of SPAM that gets sent to me convince me that people  
WILL exploit atom:id's spoofability to DOS others' entries.  I'm  
open to experience and reasoning to the contrary, but at this  
point, that's my position.
I am starting agree a little hesitantly with that position.
For either a feed or an entry there has to be a url that is used to  
These actions being available automatically give clients a handle on  
the identity of the resource.
If the id is just a string to be shoved around with no means of  
verifying it in this way,
making it possible to be spoofed, then all trust in it will vanish  
and inevitably the role
of identity will go to whatever enables actions such as DELETE, PUT  
and GET.

Now perhaps in a p2p world it makes sense to GET a url such as,2003:3.2397
and so that our language is just being open to new protocols. (Can a  
P2P network allows PUTs
and DELETE on such a url?)

I say I am agreeing hesitantly, because the idea of having an id that  
would allow one to move
one's feed or entry from one server to another seems very appealing.  
But perhaps there will
be other methods of noting such a move that will be more effective.  
One such way would be
for the old moved url to send http redirects to the new one. One  
could also choose one's
blog service provider by asking for a contract where they agree to  
provide such a redirect on
all one's entries in case one wishes to move.


Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIDs

2005-05-08 Thread Henry Story
If I can summarize your point:
   You prefer applications that only allow one entry with the same  
id per feed.
Those that don't should use a different format that has not been  
defined yet.

This seems little weak an argument to me. I think we should permit  
certain types
of communication to take place. The applications and the consumers  
should decide
which are the most helpful to them at the time.

More details below...
On 8 May 2005, at 08:20, Martin Duerst wrote:
At 00:12 05/05/07, Bob Wyman wrote:
Right. We have abstract feeds and entries and we have concrete  
and entries. The abstract feed is the actual stream of entries and  
to entries as they are created over time. Feed documents are  
snapshots of this stream or abstract feed of entries. An abstract  
entry is
made concrete in entry documents or entry elements. An abstract  
entry may
change over time and may have one or more concrete instantiations.
Some applications are only interested in being exposed to those
concrete entries that reflect the current or most recent state  
of the
abstract entries -- these apps would prefer to see no duplicate  
ids in
concrete feed documents even though these duplicates *will* occur  
in the
abstract feed. Other applications will require visibility to the  
stream of changes to abstract entries -- these applications will  
wish to see
concrete feeds that may contain multiple, differing concrete  
of abstract entries. i.e. they will want the concrete feed to be  
an accurate
representation of the abstract feed. Two needs, to views...

You say 'some applications' and 'other applications', as if they  
were on
the same footing. In my view, the 'some applicaitons' (only interested
in latest version) should be the usual case, and the 'other  
(interested in more than one version) should be the exception.
One does not need to rule what most types of applications will be most
common by making a ruling on the format of the spec. Pragmatics will
work for you very well:
 - It takes work to keep an archive of the past. As a result  
archives will
be less common.
 - Most people are interested in current changes, as opposed to past  
Most applications will therefore work to satisfy current users needs,  
so again feeds with multiply entries with the same id will be rarer.

Mapping that back to the origin, applications generating feeds that in
one way or another rely on the user getting more than one, or more  
the latest, versions of their entries have made a design error, they
have taken the wrong thing for the 'entry'. If they think that they
have two different kinds of audiences, interested in two different
things, they should publish two feeds.
Exactly. There is no need to have two formats, an archive format and
a feed format. Let applications just create two feeds for the different
uses that are made of them.
Some people claim that we
need a definition for 'entry' to finish this discussion, but once
we confirm that a feed can only contain one version of an entry with
the same ID, the definition of entry is as clear as we need it to be.
Sorry to pick a nit, but that may help in giving one an understanding  
of what
a feed is, but not of what an entry is.

This is just the same as for Web pages. If somebody puts up a Web page
for the current weather, there is nothing in HTTP that will help me
get the past versions of this page.
((Note: Nothing stops browser from keeping a history of every url you
have ever seen though. I for one would find such a browser at times
extremely useful. We are what we read and see on the internet. Being
able to keep track of changes would help reduce the danger of the
Orwellian rewriting of history.))
If the publisher thinks that people may be interested in past  
weather info,
they will make up separate pages.
But there is nothing in these separate pages that says that they
are two versions of the same thing.
This point is clearer with the wiki example. As wikis change one can
put the old versions of the wiki at separate urls. But there is nothing
to say in HTTP that these are two versions of the same content, one  
that the other.

What a collection of entry representations with the same id give us is
the notion of identity (and so change) over time and across uris.
This is a really important and useful concept.
If we think that it would be valuable to be able
to correlate the entries in both feeds, we should define an
extension for that, not mess around with the basic model.
An extension would be rather easy, we only need two rel values
for links in entries. One rel value could be called permaentry,
the other could be called updatingentry. Maybe a third called
updatingfeed, if there is an updating feed for a single changing
entry. I'm sure there are better names.
Yes. I agree. We can write an extension to name the particular states
(that are currently anonymous) and give pointers to a resource 

Re: entry definition

2005-05-08 Thread Henry Story

On 8 May 2005, at 16:35, Graham wrote:
On 7 May 2005, at 1:35 pm, Henry Story wrote:
   My definition is making me wonder whether I should not in fact  
accept that
link alternate is a MUST.
Not really. There's no reason why the resource an Atom entry  
describes has to be visible online anywhere else.
I suggested that perhaps one could think of the atom entry as being  
about itself in that case.
Perhaps that is circular.

But perhaps not. Think of an entry id such as 
This could have two representations:
   -an atom entry representation
   -a simple html representation
One could think of the atom entry as being about the representation  
that would
be returned by fetching the same resource with a text/html mime type

An Atom Entry is a resource (identified by atom:id) whose  
(atom:entry) describe the state of a web resource at a time
(the link alternate)

But in theory there's a one-to-one relationship between atom:id and  
the resource being described, and not between it and the link  
alternate (eg Alternate versions of several entries may all appear  
on the same webpage). This makes more sense to me:

An Atom Entry is a resource whose representations (atom:entry)  
describe the state
of a resource (identified by atom:id) at a time.
That is true by definition of the atom:entry representations being  
representations of the
atom:id resource. Representations of a resource are always  
descriptions of the resource they
are representations of. That's the whole point of the resource/ 
representation distinction.

So we agree that atom:entry representations are representations of  
the atom:id resource.

But what I thought interests us (humans) about these representations  
is that they contain information about the state of some other  
resource(s) (the link alternate). The entry is a collection of  
metadata (where the content can also be metadata), about the link  
But perhaps I am wrong here. Perhaps an entry is just metadata (about  
the atom:content?). And
the time stamp atom:updated is the time at which all that metadata  
was changed (and so thought
to be correct).

[One or more alternate representations
of that resource may also be available (link alternate)]
The part in square brackets isn't really part of the definition of  
an entry. The at a time not having an associated element bugs me.  
It's too late now, but we really should have had a When was this  
snapshot taken? date element.
I think there is in fact such a time element.
 - If the atom:id is a simple http url and can be dereferenced then  
the time of the
snapshot would be the time you fetched the representation.
 - if the atom:id is a undereferenceable uri such as uri:urn:...  
then it usually will come
  in another packet, eg a feed, which will have been fetched from  
the web. One could use that
  time stamp, if one fetches it oneself, or even better, one could  
use the atom:updated field
  of the feed.

I wonder if this exercise has been much help now.

Re: Blogged and RDF

2005-05-08 Thread Henry Story
On 8 May 2005, at 21:43, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote:
back home and looking at the code: could you give me a hint on how to
get the instances of AtomContent given a or
org.openrdf.model.Graph (I was looking at the SesameRDFFactory).
Well you can get all instances of a particular class in the database  
by using the

This gets set up in the Blog class. Currently I find it is best to  
make sure all
the classes are set up in the database with a call similar to  

a good example is the Blog.getEntries() method.
There is still a lot of clean up to do in this SesameRDFFactory  
class. I have let it
grow up till now so that it would fit my needs. But I have some good  
ideas on how to
clean it up.

As you see I have a whole bunch of implementations of my interfaces  
such as AContent,
which I use to create objects and testing them for coherence before  
adding them to the
database. Clearly one could just as well create them as dynamic  
proxies. But when I
started writing this I was not sure if that would give me all I needed.

I don't believe anymore that one should return classes with more  
interfaces implemented
that what the class returns. I think instead that there should  
perhaps be a RDFFActory
cast() method that returns an object with extra interfaces  
implemented. Though I am still
not sure about this.


entry definition

2005-05-06 Thread Henry Story
Some have been clamoring for a good definition of an entry.
Here is one I have thought of recently.
An Atom Entry is a resource (identified by atom:id) whose  
(atom:entry) describe the state of a web resource at a time
(the link alternate)

Any thoughts?

Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIDs

2005-05-05 Thread Henry Story
Tonight something incredible happened to me. You won't believe it. I  
was walking
back from the pubs when I got snapped by a passing space ships full
of hyper advanced aliens. They did various experiments on me, and  
cloned me 1000
times. It is terrible. I just don't know what to do.

I suppose that I means am +1000 on this now.
:-) That's consensus, I am sure.
On 5 May 2005, at 06:02, Tim Bray wrote:
co-chair-hat status=OFF
This Pace was motivated by a talk I had with Bob Wyman today about  
the problems the synthofeed-generator community has.

1. There are multiple plausible use-cases for feeds with duplicate IDs
2. Pro and Contra
3. Alternate Paces
4. Details about this Pace
1. Use-Cases
Here's a stream of stock-market quotes.
feedtitleMy Portfolio/title
  contentBid: 25.20 Ask: 25.50 Last: 25.20/content/item
  contentBid: 25.15 Ask: 25.25 Last: 25.20/content/item
  contentBid: 25.10 Ask: 25.15 Last: 25.10/content/item
You could also imagine a stream of weather readings.  Bob's actual  
here-and-now today use-case from PubSub is earthquakes, an entry  
describes an earthquake and they keep re-issuing it as new info  
about strength/location comes in.

Some people only care about the most recent version of the entry,  
others might want to see all of them.  Basically, each atom:entry  
element describes the same Entry, only at a different point in time.

You could argue that in some cases, these are representations of  
the Web resources identified by the atom:id URI, but I don't think  
we need to say that explicitly.

Yes, you could think of alternate ways of representing stock quotes  
or any of the other use-cases but this is simple and direct and  

2. Pro and Contra
Given that I issued the consensus call rejecting the last attempt  
to do this, which was  PaceRepeatIdInDocument, I felt nervous about  
revisiting the issue.  So I went and reviewed the discussion around  
that one, which I extracted and placed at 
RepeatID.txt for the WG's convenience.

Reviewing that discussion, I'm actually not impressed.  There were  
a few -1's but very few actual technical arguments about why this  
shouldn't be done.  The most common was Software will screw this  
up.  On reflection, I don't believe that.  You have a bunch of  
Entries, some of them have the same ID and are distinguished by  
datestamp.  Some software will show the latest, some will show all  
of them, the good software will allow switching back and forth.   
Doesn't seem like rocket science to me.

So here's how I see it: there are plausible use cases for doing  
this, and one of the leading really large-scale implementors in the  
space (PubSub) wants to do this right now.  Bob's been making  
strong claims about not being able to use Atom if this restriction  
remains in place.

I believe strongly that if there's something that implementors want  
to do, standards shouldn't get in the way unless there's real  
interoperability damage.  I'm certainly prepared to believe that  
this could cause interoperability damage, but to date I haven't  
seen any convincing arguments that it will.  I think that if we  
nonetheless forbid it, people who want to do this will (a) use RSS  
instead of Atom, (b) cook up horrible kludges, or (c) ignore us and  
just do it.

So my best estimate is that the cost of allowing dupes is probably  
much lower than the cost of forbidding them.

Finally, our charter does say that we're also supposed to specify  
how you'd go about archiving feeds, and AllowDuplicateIDs makes  
this trivial.  I looked around and failed to find how we claimed we  
were going to do that while still forbidding duplicates, but it's  
possible I missed that.

3. Alternate Paces
I didn't want to just revive PaceRepeatIdInDocument, because it  
used the word version in what I thought was kind of a sloppy way,  
and because it wasn't current against format-08.  I don't like  
either PaceDuplicateIDWithSource or ...WithSource2, they are  
complicated and don't really meet PubSub's needs anyhow.  So I'm  
strongly -1 on both of those.  Yes, that means that if this Pace  
fails, we'll allow no duplicates at all.  I prefer either dupes  
OK or no dupes to dupes OK in the following circumstances;  

4. Details
Section 4.1.2 of format-08 says that atom:entry represents an  
individual entry.  The Pace says that if you have dupes, they  
represent the same entry, which I think is consistent with both  
the letter and spirit of 4.1.2.

The Pace discourages duplicate timestamps without resorting to MUST  
language, because accidents can happen; this allows software to  

Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIDs

2005-05-05 Thread Henry Story

On 5 May 2005, at 15:55, Graham wrote:
On 5 May 2005, at 2:26 pm, Eric Scheid wrote:

perhaps we needed atom:modified after all :-(
Yes we do, if we want to go down this route. I suggest appending  
the current time (or for old versions, the last time that version  
was current) at the source.
Sorry I don't understand why we need atom:modified.

And what about the use case of a wiki's RecentChanges log? Each  
entry refers
to a specific page, and there may be multiple such entries for  
each page as
it gets rapidly edited ... and wiki folks have found it important  
to be able
to monitor all change events.

Each log entry is an entry in itself, with its own id. That seems a  
far better functional parallel to the basic blog feed.
As I explained in my lengthy reply to your lengthy post, I think one  
should be able to do either.
Each way has its advantages and disadvantages. Let the publisher  
decide which mechanism to use.

As with the share price example, the topic of the entry (the  
company, or the wiki page) is far more analogous to a category that  
the entry belongs to, than to an its identity.
Again let the publisher choose what the identity criterion of his  
objects are. Some will stick
some will not. But it is not up to us to decide for our users.

Since it does not cause any interoperability issues, what's the problem?
Everyone stop trying to use ids as a category system.
I don't think that one would be using ids as a category system. If  
you go to you get todays front page. Tomorrow you get  
tomorrows front page.
What's the problem? Is a hidden category system?

Henry Story


2005-05-05 Thread Henry Story
I have put PaceAlternateLinkWeakening on the wiki, though it was  
discusses on this
list, as it might not have cought the eye of the editors/secretary.
I think this is very uncontroversial clarification.
Henry Story

Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIDs

2005-05-05 Thread Henry Story

On 5 May 2005, at 16:38, Graham wrote:
On 5 May 2005, at 3:32 pm, Henry Story wrote:
As I explained in my lengthy reply to your lengthy post, I think  
one should be able to do either.
Each way has its advantages and disadvantages. Let the publisher  
decide which mechanism to use.
Well please flag it so that I can provide a consistent user  
interface to people's whims?
What is the problem with the user interface that you have exactly? I  
have pointed you to
BlogEd that keeps a history of all the changes to an entry. Try it out:
Its open source, so you can also copy the code.

If you don't want to keep a history of the entries all you need to do  
is drop all but the
latest entry with the same id. There is nothing more to it. Just show  
the user the last
one you came across.

Since it does not cause any interoperability issues, what's the  
I have to come up with a new way to recognise and interpret such  
feeds where an entry (as defined by its id) isn't an entry but a  
feed of different entries.
No you don't. Just drop the old ones, if you don't care about the  
history. Really simple.
As Tim Bray's text says

   software MAY choose to display all of them or some subset of them
So just drop the older versions.
I don't think that one would be using ids as a category system. If  
you go to you get todays front page. Tomorrow you get  
tomorrows front page.
What's the problem? Is a hidden category system?
Charter: Atom defines a feed format for representing resources  
such as Weblogs, online journals, Wikis,
and similar content
yes, and it must also allow the representation of
   * a complete archive of all entries in a feed
This proposal permits this, and it does not harm anyone else.
Atom is not a replacement for HTTP. is a web page, not  
similar content. It's not relevant here.
I don't know where you get the idea that I said atom is a replacement  
for HTTP. Take a breath
perhaps and relax before you answer.


Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIDs

2005-05-05 Thread Henry Story
Hi Dave,
 nice to see you participate here. I understand your points, and  
I myself thought the
way you did for a while.

[Oops, I see now that you have retracted your point. Oh well. I had  
already started writing
the following]

On 5 May 2005, at 17:27, David M Johnson wrote:
I'm -1 on PaceAllowDuplicateIDs
Please consider the following points before you vote.
1) We're supposed to be standardizing current practice not  
inventing new things. Current best practice is to have unique IDs  
and current software (e.g. is predicated on this  
practice. I know, this practice is not followed widely enough, but  
that is another matter.
Atom is standardizing current practice, but it is also adding some  
features. For example name
spaces and ids. The atom charter also requires us to allow archives

  * a complete archive of all entries in a feed
Graham himself thinks that archives are possible, since he supports  
the use of an
archive head element.

2) I think it is *much* more useful to think of an Atom Entry as an  
event that occurred at a specific time. Typically, an event is the  
publication of an article or blog entry on the web. For example:

   event: CNET published article
   subject: CNET
   object: article
But an event it could also represent other events.
   event: delivery van delivers package
   subject: delivery van
   object: package
   event: alarm system sends warning
   subject: alarm system
   object: warning
   event: server sends load warning
   subject: server
   object: load warning
If you think of Atom Entries as events, then it makes sense to  
consider the Atom Entry ID to be the ID of the event, not the ID of  
the subject or object of the event.
You are right. There are two types of objects that we need to think  
   A- the event/state of a resource at a particular time
   B- the thing that makes these different states the state of the  
same thing

Clearly we need (B) or else all the talk about an entry changing over  
time (atom:updated)
would not make sense.

So let us start off, as I did a long time ago, by thinking that the  
the id of an entry
uniquely identifies the event/state of the entry. For every id there  
can be only one and
only one entry/entry representation. That id is that  
representation. It is, if you
wish, the name of a state of something else... and that would be?

I think it is clear that one of the roles of the id is to make it  
possible for an
entry to be moved from one web site to another, so that if your blog  
service provider
lets you down, you can still refer to the entry even when you have  
moved it to a
different alternate position. Graham has made such a point quite  
often. Entries it
has often been said can change, but the id remains the same. I think  
this is clearly
the consensus on this list. So the id URI is what identifies the  
entry.../entry representations as being representations of the  
same thing.

Events are unique (you can't have more than one version of an  
event) and can be assigned GUIDs and therefore you cannot have more  
than one entry with the same ID.
yes. But I don't think that this is the consensus on this group. The  
good thing is that
you can achieve the same identification of a state through the  
combination of the id and the
modification time.

[here I noticed that you had changed your mind, anyway. I think I had  
exactly the same
thought as you did when I first started thinking about this. ]

In the case of earthquake data, each new data report is a new event.
   event: agency reports earthquake data
   subject: agency
   object: earthquake data
The ID is the ID of the data reported event not the ID of the  

We don't know what subjects and objects people are going to use in  
the future, so we can't specify Atom elements or IDs for subjects  
and objects -- that's what extensions are for. If you want to  
create a feed to syndicate information about earthquakes, then you  
introduce an extension for uniquely identifying earthquakes. The  
same goes for earthquakes.

- Dave

Re: PaceAllowDuplicateIDs

2005-05-05 Thread Henry Story

On 5 May 2005, at 17:53, Graham wrote:
On 5 May 2005, at 4:22 pm, Henry Story wrote:
If you don't want to keep a history of the entries all you need to  
do is drop all but the
latest entry with the same id. There is nothing more to it. Just  
show the user the last
one you came across.

But, if we follow Eric's model of how a wiki changelog should be  
defined, I'll be missing entries in the log, because several  
different entries have the same id. Ergo, the user interface and  
data model for the new type of feed this proposal permits is very  
If your tool (Is it Shrook2? [1]) only shows people the latest  
version available to you of
an entry, then by showing them only the latest version, Shrook2 will  
be giving the user what
he is expecting.

When your news reader currently reads feeds on the internet what does  
it do
with changed entries? Either it keeps the older version around, for  
the user to browse, or it
does not. If your users don't mind you throwing away the older  
versions of an entry, then
they won't mind you throwing away the older versions of the above  
entries either. There is no
difference in the behavior between allowing changed entries across  
feed documents and changed
entries inside a feed document. People who place two entries with the  
same id inside a feed
document should be aware that tools like yours will have the behavior  
they do, and that this is

Other people may be interested in looking at things historically.  
They will get a historical
viewer and be happy with it.

I think the current proposal is good exactly because it allows the  
wiki people to express
what they want to express correctly. Namely how their wiki entry is  
changing over time.

This proposal permits this, and it does not harm anyone else.
It harms everyone, by allowing a second, unrelated data model in  
Atom feeds. They may not be posting today, but I assure you, when  
other aggregator authors get the first user complaints about how  
Eric's wiki log displays incompletely in their program, they'll  
forgive Dave Winer everything.
Again, has anyone yet complained to you that you have not kept a  
historical and browse-able track
record of how the entries Shrook2  is looking at have changed over  
time? Clearly they could,
as you sometimes let them know that an entry that they already have  
read has been updated. They
could ask you what the changes were, no? How it changed, etc.

If your users don't care that much about the history of an entry,  
then you can dump all but the
latest entry. Or you could just keep the last two entries, so that  
you can show them a diff.


Re: PaceExplainDuplicateIds

2005-05-01 Thread Henry Story
On 1 May 2005, at 18:18, Eric Scheid wrote:
On 2/5/05 1:51 AM, A. Pagaltzis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would +1 allowing identical IDs if it was required that the
entries sharing an ID had different sources.

perhaps we need to explain the concept of 'entries' (as resources), as
distinct from entrys (as representations), and explain that  
'entries' must
have unique IDs, and that the atom:id element of any atom:entry  
ties it
back to the 'entry' resource. It would then follow that multiple  
representations which happen to have the same atom:id value are just
different representations of the source 'entry', and possibly even  
instantiations in time.

Exactly. I think this will help dissolve the issue very easily.
The way I am currently thinking of this is as follows.
The entry/entry xml we find in a atom feed is a time stamped
representation of a resource. It is the state of a resource at a  
time. Or perhaps better: it is metadata about the state of a resource at
a particular time.

If we then think of the entry id as a resource, then we may think of  
all of
these xml representations as representations of that id, where the  
each specify the date and time of their validity. Because the  
contain the date and time of their validity they can be placed in a  
without ambiguity.

So there is a little distinction we need to be careful of: an  
representation is a representation *of* the id resource, but these  
are *about* the state of some other resources at a particular time  
(most notably the
link alternate resource).

Henry Story


Re: PaceOptionalSummary

2005-04-28 Thread Henry Story
I'll +1 on MAY.
On 27 Apr 2005, at 04:29, Robert Sayre wrote:
On 4/26/05, Tim Bray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Paul  I are gonna watch a little more debate and then
we'll call rough consensus one way or the other, at which point I at
least will become crushingly rude to anyone who wants to invest more
time in this.
Yeah, so now Sam and Graham are off making up requirements to add to
the spec. This is over and its a waste of the WG's time.
Let me summarize:
SHOULD: Graham, Roger
Eh: Bill
MAY: Myself, James T, Antone, Eric, Julian, Martin, Aristotle
Robert Sayre

call for a vote - was: One reason we have duplicates entries is that we have duplicate feeds...

2005-04-19 Thread Henry Story
I don't see where the consensus was by the way. And I never saw any 
vote on the
issue. Like most issues one gets the impression that Atom is run on 
some pretense
democracy. Some people have made up their minds for god knows what 
reason, and others
are just here to follow. The more we chatter on this group the more we 
lend credence
to the notion that there was some consulting done on the issues. But 
any carefully
crafted arguments put in favor of any issue are ignored. No wonder any 
attempt to
be precise about issues gets ignored here, as that may just reveal the 
behind the scenes.

As far as I can remember not one good reason was put forward as to why 
there should
be a restriction of one entry with the same id per feed. In fact I was 
nearly convinced
that the consensus was to drop the restriction.

So I call for a real open vote on the issue.
Henry Story
On 19 Apr 2005, at 10:13, Bill de hÓra wrote:

	The problem here is, of course, that 4.1.1 of the specification
says: atom:feed elements MUST NOT contain atom:entry elements with
identical atom:id values. Thus, one of the two entries should not 
have been
written to the feed. Which of the two entries should NOT have been 
Note: There is no good answer here. You might have an attack or you 
just have a secondary copied entry that is being inserted. In any 
there isn't enough info to know which to accept and which to reject. 
	I believe that the prohibition against multiple entries with
identical IDs should be relaxed to say: [...]
We discussed this and the consensus said that the prohibition should 
stand (iirc I was pro multiple IDs in a feed). As it happens I think 
error handling will be contextual in reality - I really doubt client 
aggregators will drop an entire planet* Atom feed because two entries 
have the same ID.

Re: call for a vote - was: One reason we have duplicates entries is that we have duplicate feeds...

2005-04-19 Thread Henry Story

On 19 Apr 2005, at 18:27, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
So I call for a real open vote on the issue.
You don't need to call for a vote, just ask the chairs/editors who 
keep track of such matters, about the particular specification.
Well we need some objective way to tell what the consensus is. Going 
from your or my recollection does not seem to help, since by reading 
this list we end up with completely
different points of view on where the consensus is.

If you can point out to me my recollection of the consensus on that 
issue is incorrect, then do so. Beyond that, dark mutterings about 
corruption carry little weight with me.
We never had a vote so what can I point to? I could point to some 
people putting forward some
arguments and then others putting others forward. The reason we have 
arguments is in order
to convince someone, so how do I know what the consensus is at the end 
of the argument? People
may have changed their position throughout the argument, especially if 
there are highly intelligent people putting very good reasons forward.

On the issue of not allowing more than one entry per feed with the same 
id, I heard some
very bizaare reasons, such as there being a major problem with web 
architecture that nobody has
heard of. But is this a reason that has convinced anyone?


Re: call for a vote - was: One reason we have duplicates entries is that we have duplicate feeds...

2005-04-19 Thread Henry Story
Ok. I am sorry. I thought I had made a really good case for a simple 
argument to allow
multiple entries with the same id in a feed, and thought it had in fact 
made it into the spec.
I then discovered that it still had not.

I cleazrly just have no idea how one goes around convincing this group 
of anything, so I'd better not participate anymore.

On 19 Apr 2005, at 19:20, Paul Hoffman wrote:
At 6:12 PM +0200 4/19/05, Henry Story wrote:
I don't see where the consensus was by the way.
Correct. There was no consensus to remove the current wording.
 And I never saw any vote on the
Correct: there was no voting, there was a consensus call. I'm not sure 
how you could have missed it: PaceRepeatIdInDocument was discussed 
*heavily* in the past few months. The conclusion was:

Lots of discussion, more -1's than +1's.
DISPOSITION: No consensus, close it.  But now we have a problem, in 
that this removed ambiguity in one direction, just closing it leaves 
the ambiguity.  So the only logical conclusion is that the WG is 
directing the editors to put language in that explicitly forbids 
entries with duplicate atom:id in an atom:feed.
Yes. I remember the above point very well. And I was very surprised by 
it. After all
here is a decision being made to close a pace and take a decision with 
regard to it that is
not explicitly stated in that Pace without then putting it back forward 
to the group.

I in fact did question that decision and this went on in a long thread 
PaceRepeatIdInDocumentSolution and so on. I suppose the result of that 
was not clear either.

Again I suppose I just don't understand how to make an argument that 
can convince
the group.

Henry Story

Re: call for a vote - was: One reason we have duplicates entries is that we have duplicate feeds...

2005-04-19 Thread Henry Story
Just to end on a positive note, I'll +1 this suggestion by Graham.
On 19 Apr 2005, at 18:30, Graham wrote:
I'm in favour of allowing duplicate ids when the source-id is 
different to simplify creating merged feeds, which would allow the 
client to figure out what to do. Under any other circumstance, 
definitely not.


Re: I don't get it, perhaps you could include an expanded explanation in a textual message, now that our machine protocol has broken down.

2005-04-08 Thread Henry Story
My mother does this all the time. :-)
On 8 Apr 2005, at 14:23, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Only that it's common enough (in my part of the world anyway) to send 
short messages in subject lines that end with 'eom'. The point is that 
people do communicate solely through subject lines in email. I think 
that probably lends weight to your position.


Re: PaceAlternateLinkWeakening

2005-04-07 Thread Henry Story
Here is a nice small surgical change.
I am not sure if I have convinced Thomas Broyer with the diagrams I put 
but I am still very happy with the following replacement, after having 
looked at the criticisms.

Proposal A
The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies an alternate version of the resource described by 
the containing element.

The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an 
representation of the resource identified by the IRI in the value of 
the href attribute.

next, previous

2005-04-06 Thread Henry Story
Are the next and previous links that we thought may be attachable 
to the feed
really too controversial to get into the final atom spec? They would be 
really useful
to archive feeds.

Henry Story

Re: PaceAlternateLinkWeakening - was Managing entries/entry state

2005-04-03 Thread Henry Story
Let me skip right to the core of your answer.
On 3 Apr 2005, at 00:06, Thomas Broyer wrote:
What about:
The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies a resource whose representations are an alternate 
version of the resource described by the containing element.
The question is here: what is the resource described by the containing 
element referring to?
As I argued in a previous post to this thread [1] my belief is that 
this is the resource
named by the id of the entry. I did not make that aspect of my thinking 
visible in the graph
attached to my previous mail [2] so I will now, by adding the  
representation relations
(named repres) in the following graph:

inline: Atom-related.jpg
The entry... in green and in yellow are representation of the 
urn:uuid:1225... resource,
just as the yellow html... and xhtml... representations are 
representation of the
else.html resource, and the green html... and xhtml... 
representation are of the
displaced.html resource.

Now if I look at your definition above you are relating two resource 
the same way the
current spec does. Say we had an alternate link on the green 
entry..., then your
definition would be relating the urn:uuid:1225... resource to the 

But what I don't understand is that you are saying the representations 
of displaced.html
namely the green html and xhml representations are alternate versions 
of urn:uuid:1225.
How can representations be alternate versions of a resource?

Perhaps you mean that they are alternate versions of the 
representations described by the

[2] see:
Henry Story wrote:
On 1 Apr 2005, at 19:52, Thomas Broyer wrote:
Taking back Eric's example:
link rel=;
  href=; /
My interpretation is that ...somethingelse.atom is the next (entry 
or whatever is defined by the @rel value herein) from the point of 
view of the entry containing the link element.
ok. ...somethingelse.atom would be the next resource. Though I 
think the next link was meant for feeds, and has been moved over to 
the API
This is not the same next relationship...
yes. But it ends up being taken that way. So in the end things get a 
little confusing.

So it is a little unfortunate to be basing your argument on an example
 that is not in the spec, and that if it were would be attached to the
Well, feeds also carry link elements with a possible alternate value 
for their rel attribute...

If you replace the @rel with @rel=alternate, then 
...somethingelse.atom is an alternate representation of me (me 
being the entry carrying the link element).
no. ...omething.else.atom is a resource, not a representation [1].
So what you mean to say is that ...somethingelse.atom is an 
alternate resource of me. But that won't do since me is a 
representation. Hence
 what we have to say is that me is an alternate representation of 
...somethingelse.atom resource.
Ok, I finally understand what you mean...
Actually, the problem is applying alternate version to resource 
rather than representation of a resource.
  [sniped and copied to head of mail]
I really don't see the problem
   entry.../entry ---alternate--- ..else.html
think of it as a short hand for
   entry.../entry ---alternate-representation-of--- 
But the former one says (fmpov) something like ...else.html is an 
alternate of entry while the latter says entry is an alternate 
(representation) of ...else.html.
You are switching the directions of the meanings (ok, without 
switching the directions of the arrow... that's something like 
active/passive forms in grammar)
Perhaps we should first get to agree on the arrows we want, and then 
try to work out
how the english is going to express the arrows we want. I think we both 
agree on the
direction of the arrows.

Here we are!
As I said above this is not a causal relationship. We are not saying 
the entry.../entry representation is known by the hrefed 
resource, that it can produce it, or anything like that. We are just 
saying that it
 is an alternative representation (alternative is happily quite 
vague) of
 the remote resource.

whichever is the primary representation... Well, in a few words: 
they are alternate representations of the same thing.
They meaning what?
...else.html and entry.../entry are not both representations 
only the second one is.
The problem with the web-arch language is that once you print a web 
page (a representation of a resource), it (the printed sheets) is not 
the same resource any more (if I understand correctly). Though the 
still are resources/representations/call-how-you-want of the same 

what you mean is that ...else.html has many representations. Some 
of these are html

Re: PaceAlternateLinkWeakening - was Managing entries/entry state

2005-04-03 Thread Henry Story
On 3 Apr 2005, at 23:02, Thomas Broyer wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
Perhaps you mean that they are alternate versions of the 
representations described by the urn:uuid:1225...?
That's it! (I think...)
Now that we agree, I let you use the web-arch to describe it.
Ok. So let us try the slightly clumsy (to be improved later) definition
What about:
The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies a resource whose representations are an alternate 
version of the representation described by the resource described by 
the containing element.

inline: Atom-related.jpg
and let us look at the application of this definition to the example of 
our graph above.

Here you see that the urn:uuid:1225... does not have 1 
representation, but two representations: the yellow and the green 
entry... representations. One of these
representations (the yellow, older one) had a link to else.html, 
while the other
(the greener, newer one) had a link to displaced.html.
   So according to your definition the green tom2:alternate arrow (the 
one that arises
from the information in the green entry) says is that these two yellow 
and green entry
representations are alternates of the green xhtml... and 
html... representations.
	But that is not quite what we want to say, since that would make the 
older yellow
entry... representation an alternative of the newer green html and 
xhtml representations.
These might have changed only a little during the displacement, but 
they may also have changed
a lot more. This just does not seem quite right.
Now I can hear you think (amazing powers that I have :-) that what 
you really mean is
that the green entry representation alone (not the older yellow one) is 
an alternate version
of the representation of the displaced.html resource. But if you mean 
to say that, then
why bring urn:uuid:1225... the id of the entry into the picture at 

Let us just cut it out, since the link construct can indexically refer 
to the representation
in which it is located.

The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies a resource whose representations are an alternate 
version of the containing element.

Now I think we have another way of saying what I meant by the 
A:alternate relation.
Which of the phrasings is better, the one above or

The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an 
representation of the resource identified by the IRI in the value of 
the href attribute.

is now a matter of which one is clearer. But I think we are describing 
the same relation.

Henry Story

Re: PaceAlternateLinkWeakening - was Managing entries/entry state

2005-04-02 Thread Henry Story
On 1 Apr 2005, at 19:52, Thomas Broyer wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
On 1 Apr 2005, at 14:53, Eric Scheid wrote:
Prior art in other specs says the relationship is from where the 
link is
found, and to the thing at @href.
I think we are agreeing here.
The link is from the representation entry/entry to the 
resource identified by the href. That is what proposal A says, I 
Not for me...
Taking back Eric's example:
link rel=;
  href=; /
My interpretation is that ...somethingelse.atom is the next (entry 
or whatever is defined by the @rel value herein) from the point of 
view of the entry containing the link element.
ok. ...somethingelse.atom would be the next resource. Though I think 
the next
link was meant for feeds, and has been moved over to the API document. 
So it is
a little unfortunate to be basing your argument on an example that is 
not in the
spec, and that if it were would be attached to the feed.

If you replace the @rel with @rel=alternate, then 
...somethingelse.atom is an alternate representation of me (me 
being the entry carrying the link element).
no. ...omething.else.atom is a resource, not a representation [1].
So what you mean to say is that ...somethingelse.atom is an alternate 
of me. But that won't do since me is a representation. Hence what we 
have to say
is that me is an alternate representation of the 
...somethingelse.atom resource.

Now you example is also a little confusing because the type of object 
that should be
at the end of an alternate link, would usually not be an atom 
document, but an html
document. So let us for the sake of clarity replace 
...somethingelse.atom by
...somethingelse.html at the same time as we move from next to 

If you want to say that the entry is an alternate representation of 
the thing at @href, then (re)introduce the rev attribute: 
@rev=alternate, meaning I am an alternate representation of the 
thing at @href where I is the entry carrying the link element.
I really don't see the problem
   entry.../entry ---alternate--- ..else.html
think of it as a short hand for
   entry.../entry ---alternate-representation-of--- ..else.html
You don't have to switch the directions of the arrows for this to be 
correct. As you
see it is a relation from representation to resource.

Perhaps you are thinking alternate-representation-of is some causal 
and so the arrow points from the resource to the entry representation. 
Since it is
easy to think of as the resources (in http land at least) as causing 

But there clearly need be no such causal relation at all between the 
resource at
..else.html and the entry.../entry representation. 
..else.html may
be a resource that only produces html representation of it.  It is none 
less true that the entry may be an alternative representation of that 
The relationship is logical not causal.

One could also think of the @rel=alternate as a bi-di relation: we 
(the entry carrying the link element and the thing at @href) are 
alternate representations of the same thing, without telling which is 
the primary representation (maybe neither of both is, maybe the 
primary representation does not have any IRI). This means that 
@rel=alternate has the same meaning as @rev=alternate.
(Again I think here you are mislead by thinking of the realtion as a 
causal one.)

One can't quite think of it as a bi-directional relationship, since the
relation is  asymmetric.
entry.../entry ---alternate-representation-of--- ..else.html
 works, but
..else.html ---alternate-representation-of--- entry.../entry
does not. ..else.html is not a representation, it is a resource. [1]
Well, finally, I'll go for the last... As we are looking at the 
relation from the point of view of the entry carrying the link 
element, it is clear that the thing at @href is an alternate 
representation of the entry that we know of,
but it is not defined that the primary representation might be the 
entry nor that the thing at @href knows of the entry as an alternate 
representation of itself,
Here we are!
As I said above this is not a causal relationship. We are not saying 
the entry.../entry representation is known by the hrefed 
resource, that it
can produce it, or anything like that. We are just saying that it is an 
representation (alternative is happily quite vague) of the remote 

whichever is the primary representation... Well, in a few words: 
they are alternate representations of the same thing.
They meaning what?
...else.html and entry.../entry are not both representations 
only the second
one is.

what you mean is that ...else.html has many representations. Some of 
these are html
ones that it produces, others are atom ones that are produced by 
others. We have something
like this

...else.html ---representation--- htmlbody.../body/html

Re: PaceAlternateLinkWeakening - was Managing entries/entry state

2005-04-02 Thread Henry Story

On 2 Apr 2005, at 14:16, Eric Scheid wrote:
On 2/4/05 8:15 PM, Henry Story [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
no. ...omething.else.atom is a resource, not a representation [1]. 
So what
you mean to say is that ...somethingelse.atom is an alternate 
resource of
Firstly, why is html.../html a representation, while entry
.../entry not a representation?
I don't understand. Are you asking me? I am asserting that 
html../html and
entry.../entry are both representations.  I have put all 
representations in
rectangles in the attached diagram of my previous email, just to make 
this point.

Secondly ... alternate resource ... wha?
Argh. I was trying to show what was wrong with Thomas' argument. That 
is why that does not
make sense. If you read on you will see that I criticize his position 
for that reason.

A resource is an abstract thing, reified by representations, right?
Something along those lines yes.
Henry Story

Re: PaceAlternateLinkWeakening - was Managing entries/entry state

2005-04-01 Thread Henry Story

On 1 Apr 2005, at 01:38, Eric Scheid wrote:
On 1/4/05 9:10 AM, Henry Story [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an  
representation of the resource identified by the IRI in the value of  
the href
You do realise you've reversed the directionality of the relationship  
Yes I thought it made the text easier to read. I did not realize anyone  

IMHO, best not to introduce this ambiguity (directionality) into the  

The value alternate signifies that the resource identified by the  
IRI in
the value of the href is an alternative representation of the resource
described by the containing element.

(yes, I know that alternate is a commutative bi-di relationship)
Good, but now you are reverting back to the previous relation type.
Keep in mind the question: what are we relating to what?
My answer is that we are relating a resource to a representation.
Your phrasing, as the one in the spec, is relating two resources, which  
I argued
is too strong.

I think I can get the direction back and preserving the weakening of  
the relationship
which is the core of the proposal:


The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href  
attribute identifies an alternate version of the resource described by  
the containing element.

The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href  
attribute identifies a resource for which the containing element is an  
alternative representation.

PS. grammarians might want to tell me of it is of which or for  


PaceAlternateLinkWeakening - was Managing entries/entry state

2005-03-31 Thread Henry Story
Just put this forward as a Pace, but have not put it up on the site, as 
is less traffic here now.

Weakens the link relation just a wee bit.
See e-mail below

The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies an alternate version of the resource described by 
the containing element.

The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an 
representation of the IRI in the value of the href attribute.

On 30 Mar 2005, at 14:34, Henry Story wrote:
I would just like to revisit this question, because it will help 
the alternate relation.

On 1 Mar 2005, at 11:39, Henry Story wrote:
On 20 Feb 2005, at 13:25, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Graham, Eric,
My thinking goes like this,
 - Is there a difference between an entry and the chunk of XML you 
see in a feed?
The question is vague and open to many interpretations, but I'd go 
for a yes.

- If there is, it will be in the same way there is a difference 
between a resource and a representation in web architecture.
Yes indeed that is the difference as I read it here [1].
I would like to be a little more specific now. If I take the following
entry from the format 06 spec
  titleAtom-Powered Robots Run Amok/title
  link href=
Then we can say that the above Entry is a representation of the
urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a resource.
Now my current reading of alternate is that this Entry representation
had an alternate representation at
at the time this entry representation was valid (2003-12-13T18:30:02Z)

Future representations of the 
resource may not have an alternate representation at that URL.

In which case perhaps the language of the alternate relation is a 

The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies an alternate version of the resource described by 
the containing element.

I think the above is much stronger than what a lot of people will 
agree to.

If I am reading correctly the resource described by the containing 
would be the urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a resource 
in the
example case.

So that our example xml would be saying that is an alternate version of 
urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a, which is a lot 
stronger than what we want to say, since
we want to allow for domains being hijacked, dying, etc..

I think is much more precise to say that this representation
of urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a (the entry above) 
is an alternative representation of also.

Here we would be saying something that is true and helpful.
So perhaps the following would be better
The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an 
representation of the IRI in the value of the href attribute.

Henry Story

Re: PaceAlternateLinkWeakening - was Managing entries/entry state

2005-03-31 Thread Henry Story

On 1 Apr 2005, at 00:34, Mark Nottingham wrote:
On Mar 31, 2005, at 10:07 AM, Henry Story wrote:
The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an 
representation of the IRI in the value of the href attribute. alternate representation of the resource identified by the IRI 
in the value...?
yes correct. Thanks for pointing this out.

The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies an alternate version of the resource described by 
the containing element.

The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an 
representation of the resource identified by the IRI in the value of 
the href attribute.

Mark Nottingham

Re: Managing entries/entry state [was PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution]

2005-03-30 Thread Henry Story
I would just like to revisit this question, because it will help clarify
the alternate relation.
On 1 Mar 2005, at 11:39, Henry Story wrote:
On 20 Feb 2005, at 13:25, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Graham, Eric,
My thinking goes like this,
 - Is there a difference between an entry and the chunk of XML you 
see in a feed?
The question is vague and open to many interpretations, but I'd go for 
a yes.

- If there is, it will be in the same way there is a difference 
between a resource and a representation in web architecture.
Yes indeed that is the difference as I read it here [1].
I would like to be a little more specific now. If I take the following
entry from the format 06 spec
  titleAtom-Powered Robots Run Amok/title
  link href=
Then we can say that the above Entry is a representation of the
urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a resource.
Now my current reading of alternate is that this Entry representation
had an alternate representation at
at the time this entry representation was valid (2003-12-13T18:30:02Z)

Future representations of the 
resource may not have an alternate representation at that URL.

In which case perhaps the language of the alternate relation is a 

The value alternate signifies that the IRI in the value of the href 
attribute identifies an alternate version of the resource described by 
the containing element.

I think the above is much stronger than what a lot of people will agree 

If I am reading correctly the resource described by the containing 
would be the urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a resource 
in the
example case.

So that our example xml would be saying that is an alternate version of 
urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a, which is a lot 
stronger than what we want to say, since
we want to allow for domains being hijacked, dying, etc..

I think is much more precise to say that this representation
of urn:uuid:1225c695-cfb8-4ebb--80da344efa6a (the entry above) is 
an alternative representation of 

Here we would be saying something that is true and helpful.
So perhaps the following would be better
The value alternate signifies that the containing element is an 
representation of the IRI in the value of the href attribute.

Henry Story

atom link analysis - was: link confusion?

2005-03-29 Thread Henry Story
I was trying to interpret the atom:link element [1]
If I try to look at the spec in a simple relational way (what is being 
related to what?)
then, given the following example atom xml extract,

link href=;
  title=The html entry
One may think of representing this with the following N3
[ a :Entry;
  :link [ :href;
  :type text/html;
  :lang  en;
  :length 450;
  :l_title  The html entry; # see note [2]
The problem to my mind is that the above interpretation of the xml is 
relations that apply to the link (:rel, :l_title) and relations that 
to the object of the link (:type, :lang, :length).

Hence I prefer the following
@prefix arch:
@prefix owl:
[ a :Entry;
  :link [ :href [ owl:sameAs;
  arch:representation [
   :type text/html;  # note 
   :lang  en;
   :length 450
  :l_title  The html entry; # see note [2]
That seems quite good.
Now the interesting thing is that from the above it would seem that one
should be able to deduce the following:
[ a :Entry;
  :alternative [ owl:sameAs;
 arch:representation [
   :type text/html;  # note 
   :lang  en;
   :length 450
Ie. the link object is not really an object, but as its name suggests
is really a relation. This would not be such a problem except for the 
that we have now lost the title information that was placed on the link

So perhaps what we have is that the link object is an anonymous 
the object of its :rel relation (in our example :alternative) which has 
a special
title attribute. That would allow us to make the above deduction I 

So if variable relations were allowed  (they may be in N3, I am not 
one could write

[ a :Entry;
   _:link [ owl:sameAs;
arch:representation [
   :type text/html;  # note 
   :lang  en;
   :length 450
_:link :rel :alternative;
   :l_title  The html entry.
where :rel is itself a rdfs:SubPropertyOf rdfs:SubProperty.
This may make the atom link relation clearer to some :-)
Henry Story
[2] the title attribute of the link is called l_title to avoid 
confusing it with the
 title element of the entry
[3] I am surprised the web arch ontology does not have the vocabulary 
   :type, :lang and :length that atom has.

On 25 Mar 2005, at 21:32, Henry Story wrote:
On 25 Mar 2005, at 17:36, Henry Story wrote:
given the following example xml,
link href=;
  title=The html entry
So a better interpretation of the initial xml would be the following
_e1--is-a- Entry
 |--link- _link
  |--to_r--is-a- Representation
  | |--href--
  | |--type-- text/html
  | |--lang-- en
  | |-length- 450
  |-title-- The html entry
  |--rel--- related
Another interpretation of the original xml which would take into 
account the fact that
a link MUST have an href element would be:

_e1--is-a- Entry
 |--link- _link
  | |--representation--_r
  | |--type-- text/html
  | |--lang-- en
  | |-length- 450
  |-title-- The html entry
  |--rel--- related
which is saying that a link relates an entry and a resource, and that 
it is appropriate to give extra information about representations of 
that resource.

And so more it would perhaps be clearer for the xml to be stated like
link title=The html Entry

Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-03-28 Thread Henry Story
I think it makes a lot less sense for a feed than it does for an entry.
On 23 Mar 2005, at 14:19, Brett Lindsley wrote:
I know this discussion has occured before, but I would like to revisit
the question of why an atom:feed MUST contain at least one atom:link
element with a relation of alternate (-06 4.1.1).
The defintition of the alternate representation is it identifes an 
version of the resource (Sec However, is it realistic to 
that *every* feed has an alternate version?

This becomes even more confusing if one considers the possibility of
branching out using service.feed to filtered, searched or aggregated
views. One would expect the link to have an alternate representation of
the filtered, searched or aggregated feed as well.
I have seen some examples where a home page was used for all of the
alternate representations. Is a home page really an alternate 
Putting a home page in feeds that are filtered or aggregated versions
is also misleading because the home page would most likely not be an
alternate representation of the filtered/aggregated feed.

I can also think of situations where a server hosts feeds that do not 
an alternate representation nor have a home page. In this case, why
have a required link that serves no useful purpose.

Why isn't this requirement a may instead of a must? I can see 
a link with rel=alternate if indeed a alternate version does exist. It 
does not
make sense to put in some something misleading if an alternate does not

Brett Lindsley, Motorola Labs

Re: link questions

2005-03-28 Thread Henry Story
Thanks, that helps a lot. Perhaps what is missing are use cases.
On 29 Mar 2005, at 03:34, John Panzer wrote:
Henry Story wrote on 3/28/2005, 4:12 PM:
- I must have missed the arguments about self. But the documentation
does not really
  help me understand what I would want to use that link for. (Perhaps
this is to point to
  a translated version of the resource for example?)
Is this the use case?  I've clicked on an Atom feed link and the data
(but not the originating URI) have been passed to a handler of MIME 
application/atom+xml.  I like what I see and want to subscribe to the
feed... but there's no way to figure out what URI to subscribe to
without the self link inside the data.

John Panzer
Sr. Technical Manager, AOL


2005-03-25 Thread Henry Story
Hi, I just looked at Lawrence Lessig's presentation to the Library of 
Congress [1],
and noticed his blog that shows Yahoo! search launching a creative 
commons search
engine [2].

Clearly it would be very helpful if there were a machine readable way 
to set copyright
policy on entries. Any thoughts on that?

Henry Story


Re: Person identity

2005-03-19 Thread Henry Story
I like this - even though I disagree with the constraints - as it 
nicely on the parallel I developed in the Madonna example [1]
between personal identity and entry identity.

Clearly if the same atom:id were to be used then we are identifying the
id that appears in an entry and the id that would appear in the Person
But I have argued that the relation between an entry and the relation
of atom:id is a functional one, ie:
  - that an entry can only have one atom:id relation to an id construct
  - that an id construct can have many 1/atom:id (the inverse relation)
relations to Entry constructs.
This makes sense: entries can change over time and we wish to be able
to capture this fact logically. Entries as they appear in an Atom feed
are time-stamped objects. Each of these time stamped objects with the
same id is a different version of the same timeless entry.
This could be equally true of the Person construct and its relation
to the atom:id that identifies it. But in that case we have to allow,
as with entries, that things can change. So that one could have a
Person construct with the same id and yet different properties (people 
their e-mail address over time, live in different places, etc) In the 
atom case
this is at present not very useful, since there are not many other 
and since we do not time stamp, as we do with entries, the Person
constructs. But this would have to be a consequence of using the same
atom:id tag as we use in the entry. And so consequently the proposed
restriction (c) is incompatible with the atom:id name.

It is important to notice that there are two relations (at least) that
relate temporally changing objects like Persons and Entries to their
  (1) a relation that relates a temporal part of the person to the id
  (2) a relation that relates the unchanging mereological sum [2] of 
 parts to the id.

(2) may be an inverse functional relation, ie:
	- there is only one such object related to the id construct in such a 
- there may be more than one id that identifies the same person.

 (2) is closer to the relation the foaf [3] folks have used to
  identify the Person and agent objects. And (2) is also closer to
  the intent of your restriction (c). Given the popularity of foaf,
  people may be inclined to associate the atom:Person construct with the
Note also that these are two different but non exclusive relations. The
unchanging Person that is Tim Bray, the 4 dimensional object that exists
from a certain conception moment to a certain death moment (assuming he
is mortal), has many temporal parts, one or more of which may be reading
this sentence. The 4 dimensional unchanging object has a relation to Tim
Bray's social security number. But so of course do the temporal parts
mentioned above. If we have two different descriptions of this 4 
object then we can merge these descriptions and still say something 
This is not true of any of the temporal parts. One of the temporal parts
reading the above sentence may be scratching his head in Vancouver and 
other may be flying over California, and it would be wrong to merge the 
and say that they were both in Vancouver and over California.

So in conclusion either:
  - you have to drop (c)
  - or you have to give the relation a name other than atom:id
Henry Story
On 18 Mar 2005, at 16:23, Thomas Broyer wrote:
I propose adding an optional atom:id element to the Person construct
content model, with the following rules (to be reworded before adding 
the spec):
 a) There MUST NOT exists more than one contributor with the same id 
in an
entry of feed
 b) There MUST NOT exists a contributor with the same id as the author 
an entry or feed
 c) Each Person construct (in a feed) refering to the same
person/organization/etc. SHOULD be identical (same value for atom:name,
atom:id, atom:email and atom:uri; and if, e.g., atom:email is given, it
SHOULD appear in each of these Person construct)
 d) Person constructs refering to different persons/organizations/etc.
SHOULD use different atom:name values all over the feed/entry
 e) atom:id SHOULD be provided if known but MUST NOT be generated
automatically just to provide one or be given without the actual
person/organization/etc. aknowledgement (as it is a _globally_ unique

Re: draft-ietf-atompub-format-06

2005-03-16 Thread Henry Story
What's the problem exactly? The spec looks quite nice to me on the 

((Perfection would come with an OWL semantics as shown by RSS1.1, but 
otherwise it looks

Henry Story
On 16 Mar 2005, at 16:17, Graham wrote:
On 16 Mar 2005, at 1:03 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:
PaceHeadless. The chairs agree that both reads are reasonable, and 
are ok with this divergence.
The working group aren't. Revert PaceHeadless immediately.

Re: Managing entries/entry state [was PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution]

2005-03-01 Thread Henry Story
 of language if Atom can't deliver entries with 
the same id in the same feed - I don't believe that limitation will be 
respected in practice. It also means we're (possibly) formalizing 
something for the Web that hasn't been done before.
We seem to be agreeing on which the correct position to take is. But I 
really don't
believe we are doing something that may have implications for web 

In any case I have seen no proof that having a feed document with 
multiple entries
with the same id may have any problematic consequences. On the other 
hand it would
be overwhelmingly helpful.

Henry Story
[1] I emphasise 'sensibly say' here rather than 'sensibly do'. Just 
because or spec can't say something doesn't mean people won't try to 
do it if they think they need to.

[2] I spend a lot of time dealing with identity issues in my job. I've 
come to believe that neither unique ids or content based identity or a 
combination of both can eliminate all ambiguities. Sometimes you have 
to guess whether two things are the same no matter what model you're 
working with.

Re: Managing entries/entry state [was PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution]

2005-02-23 Thread Henry Story

On 23 Feb 2005, at 08:53, Henry Story wrote:
On 23 Feb 2005, at 00:18, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Sorry that should have been Paul Hoffman wrote:
My read of the mailing list is that people are simply looking at the 
model described in the document differently. Some folks actively 
want the model the way the document currently reads, other actively 
want the model to be different, and most don't care about the 
differences between those two.
That is a very diplomatic way of putting things :-) since we don't 
know what
you mean by the way the document currently reads.

There was an attempt to resolve the ambiguity of how many times an 
entry with
the same id can appear in a feed document. The resolution of this 
ambiguity in
favor of one model over the other at such a late stage in the game can 
like an attempt by some to impose their reading of the spec.

I would be in favor of not resolving the ambiguity but of highlighting 
with text such as

[ whether more than one entry with the same id can appear in a feed 
  has not yet been resolved ]
Bill de hÓra then responded:
-1. That is of no little value to a user of the spec. Also, do read 
what I said earlier in this thread - I'm not looking to resolve 
ambiguity, I'm looking to specify what's going to be ambiguous.

To which I reply:
This is getting to be a very subtle distinction, and I am having 
trouble following.

I am not trying to resolve ambiguity. The text above is looking to 
point out
in the text what is ambiguous.

The hope is that questions such as the ones you are asking in this 
and work on the protocol, will help clarify the ambiguity and perhaps 
it to everyone's satisfaction.

This would have the virtue of not taking sides in the debate and of not
forcing one reading by default.
We can then move onto the protocol issue, which I think will force the
clarification of what an Entry is, and thereby  the arguments as to why
one reading or the other should be preferred.
Henry Story

Re: Managing entries/entry state [was PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution]

2005-02-23 Thread Henry Story
I like the way you put the question below. It is indeed very clear.
But it does not seem incompatible with us adding some text now in the
spec that acknowledges that we have not yet answered the questions you
pose. I would surround this text  with square brackets [] just as we
have done with other parts of the spec that are not finished. I
certainly prefer this to text being added that suddenly cuts the issues
If I follow your reasoning correctly whatever way one cuts this, one is
left with a problem. These problems had not been acknowledged clearly
before, so  there is no guarantee that this group has in fact agreed on
anything with respect to this. The problem therefore does either need to
be resolved or it has to be acknowledged. I propose we acknowledge the
problem in the just-about-to-come-out revision of the spec with language
with an effect similar to the following:
[ whether more than one entry with the same id can appear in a feed 
  has not yet been resolved ]
rather than go the way Tim Bray was thinking of going, namely:
Lots of discussion, more -1's than +1's.
DISPOSITION: No consensus, close it.  But now we have a problem, in 
that this removed ambiguity in one direction, just closing it leaves 
the ambiguity.  So the only logical conclusion is that the WG is 
directing the editors to put language in that explicitly forbids 
entries with duplicate atom:id in an atom:feed.
I would like to answer your questions below, but I would rather wait to
see where the whole new version of the spec has put us before embarking 
the debate.

I gather it should be ready any time now.
Henry Story
On 23 Feb 2005, at 12:10, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
Bill de hÓra then responded:
-1. That is of no little value to a user of the spec. Also, do read 
what I said earlier in this thread - I'm not looking to resolve 
ambiguity, I'm looking to specify what's going to be ambiguous.
To which I reply:
This is getting to be a very subtle distinction, and I am having 
trouble following.
If you allow multiple entries with the same id in a feed, there's no 
straightforward way to determine whether the feed provider has 
defective id distribution. All you do is say these entries represent 
states of the same thing.

If you don't allow multiple entries with the same id in a feed, then 
feeds become a special aggregation case since you almost certainly 
want to allow multiple entries with the same id across feeds.

This has to do with webarch because the use case for multiple 
representations (entries) carried inside other representation (feeds) 
and from multiple authorities aren't covered by it, and bring up such 
issues as the above,  eg, I have no idea whether Atom/RSS represents a 
new layer above or an extension to, current app protocols. Aside from 
overall architecture I sepculate that can be expected to have 
implications for trust, caching, security and design of 
implementations. So far we've only really talked about the effect on 
client aggregators in presenting entries to users. *

What's subtle about that? :)
* This is the point where I start to see where Rob Sayre is coming 
from with WebDAV.

Re: PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution

2005-02-20 Thread Henry Story

On 20 Feb 2005, at 17:10, Graham wrote:
On 20 Feb 2005, at 4:07 am, Bob Wyman wrote:
PubSub regularly produces feeds with multiple instances of the same 
Which part of universally unique didn't you understand?
Ok, I see so you interpret the universally unique in
An Identity construct is an element whose content  conveys a permanent, 
universally unique identifier for  the construct's parent. Its content 
MUST be a URI, as  defined by [RFC3986]. Note that  the definition of 
URI excludes relative references.

to mean that there can only be one entry in a feed with the same id, and
presumably across all feeds, or else why use the word universally and
not feedally?
Why could we not then allow another id construct, call it entryId that
would be what all entries that are just editorial changes of one another
have in common?
This would be something like:
titleAtom Robots Run Amok/title
titleAtom-Powered Robots Run Amok/title

As you can see in the above feed there are no two entries with
the same id. Yet there are two entries with the same entryid.
Would the above be an ok feed for you, or are there some other
reasons why a entryid node would be illegal?
	It is particularly important to avoid prohibiting this benign
practice since it is so important to generators of aggregated feeds.
Aggregated feed generators are supposed to maintain atom:id unchanged 
they copy entries into an aggregate feed.
This is a fair point. I concede that multiple versions of entries with 
the same id is acceptable if and only if they have different feed ids 
in their head-in-entry, since essentially then they aren't in the same 
So should we replace universally unique above with unique in a feed 


Re: PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution

2005-02-19 Thread Henry Story
I think I can prove that the two versions are perfectly compatible and 
orthogonal. I can prove that logically there is no inconsistency, and
some empirical backing that this is feasible. But I am not alone. Bob
Wyman I believe has a lot more empirical support.

You on the other hand, as usual I notice, have absolutely no argument to
defend your case.
Henry Story
On 18 Feb 2005, at 23:55, Graham wrote:
Allowing more than one version of the same entry in a syndication feed 
is unacceptable in itself, which is fundamentally incompatible with 
archive feeds, no matter what the conceptual definition of id is.


Re: PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution

2005-02-19 Thread Henry Story

On 18 Feb 2005, at 23:55, Graham wrote:
Allowing more than one version of the same entry in a syndication 
feed is unacceptable in itself, which is fundamentally incompatible 
with archive feeds, no matter what the conceptual definition of id 

Let me make my point even clearer. If something is fundamentally 
then it should be *dead-easy* to prove or reveal this incompatibility.

So develop your thought a little, and you can only come out the winner.

Re: PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution

2005-02-19 Thread Henry Story

On 19 Feb 2005, at 16:46, Graham wrote:
On 19 Feb 2005, at 11:23 am, Henry Story wrote:
Let me make my point even clearer. If something is fundamentally 
then it should be *dead-easy* to prove or reveal this incompatibility.
i) Syndication documents shouldn't ever contain multiple versions of 
the same entry*.
ii) Archive documents apparently need to be able to contain multiple 
versions of the same entry.

* for the simple reason that it makes them an order of magnitude 
harder to process and display correctly (and often impossible to 
display correctly, since it won't always be clear which is the latest 
I don't accept that it makes it an order of magnitude harder to process 
documents, or if it is an order of magnitude harder, its an order of 
larger than an infinitesimal amount, which is still an infinitesimal 
I am writing such a tool, so I think I have some grasp on the subject.

But accepting for the sake of argument that you are right, you need 
compare the difficulty of writing a feed reader with the difficulty of 
writing a feed
itself. Not allowing duplicate versions of an entry in a feed just 
pushes the
complexity of writing the feed from the feed reader to the feed writer:
now the feed writer has to contain the logic to make sure than no 
appear in the feed.  Instead of the feed writer just being able to 
paste the
new entry to the end of the feed, it has to parse the whole feed 
and make sure it contains no duplicates.

Since I can see very good reasons to make life easier for the feed 
writer, in the
same way as one has tried to keep html simple for the common html 
writer, I
think your argument may in fact turn out to be a good supporting 
argument for
allowing multiple versions of an entry in the same feed document.

Your wittering on about conceptual models doesn't make you better than 
I never pretended it does make me better.
I have been exploring tools such as rdf, as I believe that they can 
bring a
lot of clarity to debates such as this one. Just as engineers don't 
to use mathematics to help them in their tasks, so I think using logical
analysis should help us here. I hope that as I understand these tools 
I will be able to explain the insights these disciplines bring in 

In the mean time I have a lot of respect for Tim Berners Lee, and
I try my best to understand the direction he is going in, the tools he
is developing and the insights these lead to.
Henry Story

PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution

2005-02-18 Thread Henry Story
The PaceRepeatIdInDocument tries to set the constraints in the
Identity construct whereas the constraint should have gone on the
individual elements.
Instead I would replace the following in the spec:

4.5 The atom:id Element
The atom:id element is an Identity construct that  conveys a 
permanent, universally unique identifier for an  entry or feed.


4.5 The atom:versionId Element
The atom:versionId element is an Identity construct that  conveys a 
permanent, universally unique identifier for an  entry or feed. There 
can only be one entry
per feed document with the same id.

4.6 The atom:entryId Element
The atom:entryId element is an Identity construct that  conveys a 
permanent, universally unique identifier for an  entry or feed. There 
can be more
than one entry per feed document with the same id.

atom:versionId is the what I have called elsewhere the equivalence id 
atom:entryId is what I have called the functional id relation

The above will allow the feed format to also be used as an archive 
if needed.

It clearly distinguishes the two types of ids that were hidden
in the ambiguous text that PaceRepeatIdInDocument tried to disambiguate 
way and others tried to disambiguate the other way.

As such it correctly resolves an ambiguity by allowing both options.
Henry Story
Ps. text above written quickly cause I have to go do some exercise.

Re: PaceRepeatIdInDocument solution

2005-02-18 Thread Henry Story
I was not able to go and do the exercise I wanted to do, so here is a
more carefully worded version

The id construct in atom is ambiguous between two meanings. Since the
two meanings are orthogonal and not incompatible when properly 
the best solution is to distinguish them and allow both.

I would replace the following text in the spec:

4.5 The atom:id Element
The atom:id element is an Identity construct that  conveys a 
permanent, universally unique identifier for an  entry or feed.


4.5 The atom:versionId Element
The atom:versionId element is an Identity construct that  conveys a 
permanent, universally unique identifier for an  entry or feed version. 
There can only be
one entry  with the same versionId per feed document. There can be only 
one feed
document with the same versionId.

4.6 The atom:id Element
The atom:entryId element is an Identity construct that  conveys a 
permanent, universally unique identifier for an  entry or feed. There 
can be more
than one entry per feed document with the same id. And there can be 
feed documents with the same id.

atom:versionId is what I have called elsewhere the equivalence id 
atom:entryId is what I have called the functional id relation

The above will allow the feed format to also be used as an archive 
if needed.

It clearly distinguishes the two types of ids that were hidden
in the ambiguous text that PaceRepeatIdInDocument tried to disambiguate 
way and other Paces tried to disambiguate the other way.

As such it correctly resolves an ambiguity by allowing both options.
Henry Story
Ps. text above written quickly cause I have to go do some exercise.

PaceRepeatIdInDocument was: Consensus call on last round of Paces

2005-02-17 Thread Henry Story
I should emphasize that there are in fact deeper problems
with trying to limit the number of entries with the same id
to one per document.  The notion of an id that this entails,
which in another mail I have called the equivalence relation id,
in fact makes the whole notion of feeds chained by next and
previous links inconsistent.
This will create a really deep flaw in Atom.
Therefore I think the conclusion that the group has decided not
only against PaceRepeatIdInDocument but furthermore for a
restriction is a understandable but very dangerous conclusion
to come to.
Henry Story

On 15 Feb 2005, at 20:38, Henry Story wrote:
On 15 Feb 2005, at 20:12, Tim Bray wrote:
Lots of discussion, more -1's than +1's.
DISPOSITION: No consensus, close it.  But now we have a problem, in 
that this removed ambiguity in one direction, just closing it leaves 
the ambiguity.  So the only logical conclusion is that the WG is 
directing the editors to put language in that explicitly forbids 
entries with duplicate atom:id in an atom:feed.
Mhh. First off that pace does not speak about allowing more than one 
id per entry, but rather of allowing more than one entry with the same 
id in a feed

Secondly clarifying the spec the way you are doing does not take into 
consideration the consequences of doing so. These consequences include
many other paces which have received many -1s for many reasons. But 
the main
consequence is that the spec will not be finished in time, as you will 
be opening
the debate of archive formats. Allowing this pace through, solves the 
problem that is required by the Atom Charter.

I think there should be serious discussion of why this Pace is not 
to be appropriate. I don't think there are ANY good arguments against 

Henry Story

Re: PaceRepeatIdInDocument

2005-02-11 Thread Henry Story

+1 over any attempt to clearly specify that it is not allowed
   to be repeated.
It is better to be clear than to be ambiguous. But it is better to
be ambiguous than to close the doors on rich possibilities just for the
sake of clarity.
This proposal is clearly better than the counter proposal asking
for a limitation:
  - the counter proposal is forced to invent all kinds of new entities
   such as archive feeds to accomplish the goals of the charter. These
   are not needed either by the ambiguous current spec, or of course
   by one that applies this proposal
  - the counter proposal is making life more difficult for deployers
   of atom who instead of just being able to paste their new entry into
   a feed document must now verify that that document not have another
   entity with the same id.
Henry Story

Re: Rehashing? Why is link required in entry?

2005-02-11 Thread Henry Story

On 11 Feb 2005, at 22:40, Norman Walsh wrote:
The options as I see them:
1. I could lie.
According to some people in this group there is no way you can lie,
since there is no semantics to atom, it is just pure syntax!
For something to be a lie it has to misrepresent the truth, and for
that to happen, there has to be a relation between the vocabulary
given and the world, ie a semantics!

Re: BAG Question: What is a feed? Sliding-Window or Current-State?

2005-02-07 Thread Henry Story
There are indeed two versions of the entry at one point in time
with the same funcIds specified above, but as you also rightly
point out two *different* equivIds.
An atom:feed document is a representation of a single feed
resource at a single point in time.
Aggregators do not consume feed resources -- they consume an
iterative set of overlapping feed representations.  Aggregators
are therefore required by Atom to only include the latest
version of an entry within their own resource representations.
Only if you reduce the toolset available by requiring no one use
a funcId relation. Otherwise it is quite possible to have multiple
versions of an entry in the same feed as I clearly showed above.
I believe that these requirements reflect the desires of most
of the participants in this working group, so it seems to me
that the question has been answered.
Now is the time to question this statement.
I would like to start by an obvious objections someone is bound
to make to the example file system layout I described above, namely
that it is much too complicated for most end users [2],
and that most blog layouts will only have a simple, non versioned,
layout. Something more like this:
2005/02/07/entry03-- a directory resource for the entry
2005/02/07/entry03/entry.xml  -- the xml version of the entry
2005/02/07/entry03/entry.html -- the html version of the entry
2005/02/07/entry04/  -- a directory resource for another entry
If the id were to point to the
resource, as one would be tempted to do, then this would clearly
imply a [Equivalence ID] interpretation of id, and so of course
having two differing entries with the same id in a feed document
would be saying something contradictory and false.
This is an obvious intuition, that I myself followed for a long time.
But of course this does not take into account this groups very long
and convoluted discussions concerning the Identity Constructs, and
the discussions about what an id really should be: should it just be
a String? A String that can be seen to be a URI, but should not
be thought to be one? ... Many people have vocally tried to
limit the URIs allowed for an id to the set of URIs that are *not*
URLs. In fact the default example given in the spec does not use
a URL but some 'vemmi' URI.
Non URL URIs such as 'vemmi' URIs are needed to create a non
temporal identity of an entry that allows even simple file system
layouts such as the one just shown to be given an id that makes
sense in the [Functional ID] interpretation.
Here is how the feed can be composed of such entries without
this raising any special problem.
titleAtom-Powered Robots Really Run Amok/title
link href=
titleAtom-Powered Robots Run Amok/title
link href=
Since entries here described are just versions of the
atemporal entry.
So without trying to work out or guess what the changing desires
of this working group are (I myself moved from one side to
the other on this issue), I think we should rather try to decide
on by weighing as Bob Wyman did, the advantages of each.
And if this still does not allow one to choose one should perhaps
just allow both.
Henry Story
Ps. If you do read this please send me a postcard, or short e-mail
Roy T. Fielding
Chief Scientist, Day Software
[1] _entry is a blank node as indicated by the leading '_'
The graph is a simplified version of a full model for purposed
of focusing on the current problem
The atom example is the one available here: 
or here

[2] though I wonder really how much weight arguments like this should
have on IETF (Internet *Engineering* Task Force) groups, where we
are already in the process of writing a huge spec, that requires
understanding if HTTP, XML etc, none of which are that simple...

Re: PaceArchiveDocument posted

2005-02-07 Thread Henry Story
I think that the complexity that this proposal is proof of its failure.
If you look at a Feed document as simply a sliding window view into
the historical state of entries instead a sliding window view into the
current state of entries (though as I have shown these can overlap),`
then you have your archive document already.
One of the arguments against the sliding window view in the historical
state of entries is that it was too complicated. But clearly not going
that way is making things WAY MORE COMPLICATED.
So before proceeding any further it may be worth now comparing the
complexity of both proposals in detail. My guess is that the historical 
one is just a little surprising, but that is all.

Henry Story

Re: PaceArchiveDocument posted

2005-02-07 Thread Henry Story
On 7 Feb 2005, at 18:29, Antone Roundy wrote:
The latter seems likely to be supported by the WG, but the former does 
not.  I'd rather have an archive document type, and not repeat entries 
in normal feeds.
I don't think the historical sliding window view forces you at all
to duplicate the entries in your feed. The spec allows you to remove 
all the old versions if you wish. After all the Present time, is just
one element in the sequence of history.

People who only want to live in the present don't negate history. They
just don't remember it.
Henry Story

Re: PaceFeedRecursive

2005-02-07 Thread Henry Story

On 19 Jan 2005, at 10:38, Henry Story wrote:
I think the easiest way to get what you want is a 2 step procedure:
  1. Merge the Head with the Entry constructs. They are not different 
for the difference to be important.
  2. Make a Feed a subclass of Entry, with the extra property of being 
 to point to a Entry (Since a Feed is a Entry, it also points to 
other Feeds)

I am  +1 on such a refactoring. Nothing will be lost doing this, and a 
lot gained
in simplicity.

I now no longer believe 2. Is needed.
1 would be quite neat though.

Re: PaceEntriesElement

2005-02-07 Thread Henry Story
-1 I agree. Recursion can be placed in the model. It does not
need to be in the syntax. In any case this is too big a change
too late in the game.
On 7 Feb 2005, at 21:08, Antone Roundy wrote:
-1: recursion is too complex and bulky.

Re: Call for final Paces for consideration: deadline imminent

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story
On 5 Feb 2005, at 00:34, Robert Sayre wrote:
Antone Roundy wrote:
3.5  Identity Constructs
An Identity construct is an element whose content conveys a 
permanent, universally unique identifier for the resource 
(instantiated|described) by the construct's parent element.  An Atom 
Document MAY contain multiple (revisions|versions) of the same 
resource, in which case the content of the Identity construct for 
each would be identical. Applications MAY decline to display more 
than one version of each resource.
Comments?  Preferences?  Better ideas?  Is it ready for a Pace?
It doesn't make a bit of sense unless you define entry and feed, 
as has been pointed out numerous times over the past few days. This 
text is defining a feed in the text on atom:id, which should be short.

If you define feed as a sliding window on a stream of entries, your 
definition makes sense. If you define feed as a server-determined 
representation of the current status of a set of entries, then it 
only makes sense to include one entry per atom:id. I would argue the 
second definition makes a lot more sense and accurately reflects 
real-world usage, where even the RDF formats recommend against 
repeating rdf:about.
I would argue that you are completely wrong on this one. It is the 
first sliding
window version that represents current usage a lot better. When people 
move their
feed document to the archive, the easiest way to do this, is just to 
copy the
live feed document over to a new timestamped file and change the next 
previous links. Your suggestion would mean they would have to go 
through all
the archived versions (the feed documents you get to by following the 
next links
in sequence), and eliminate all duplicate entries. That is a lot more 

I find it really good in fact that people should be able to keep a 
history of
the changes they make to their entries. That is the honest thing to do. 
Those who
want to cheat can also get what they want by deleting previous entries. 
But it
will require more work.

In any case the current system is I think very well defined. I am +1 on 
remaining this way, and would be seriously distraught at seeing it go. 
I am in
fact amazed that this should come up so late in the discussion here. No 
this group can't get any further along. The basic model is not even 
agreed to
by everyone.

As for the whole text on Identity constructs it is again one of those 
pieces of text that the group is forced to write out because of its 
refusal to
use the appropriate tools. If you had used RDF as a model for what you 
are trying
to write then you would long ago have finished the document, and it 
would be a lot
shorter and clearer too.


Robert Sayre

Re: Entry order

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story
Having started agreeing with the initial post, and having read more of 
thread I am now divided about what the best position is.

In some sense the order is of the entries should not matter. All the 
data to order the entries is in the entries themselves given by the 
modified date,
the creation date, ... So if we map a whole feed into an rdf graph 
nothing is
lost. We can use the data in the graph to sort our entries as we wish.

On the other hand an application reading a feed would expect the latest 
to be at the head of the feed. This is very important at the protocol 
level, because
without this guarantee, a client that would like to present the latest 
of an entry would be forced to read the whole feed document and all 
feed documents
linked to it, in order to be able to correctly assess that the entry it 
has really is
the latest one.

I think imposing a fixed ordering is not very helpful. Services may pop 
up that
order entries in different ways depending on the interests of the 
receiver. But
perhaps there should be a way to specify what the order of the entries 
is, or
at least give a way to specify that the entries are ordered inverse 
by the modified date when they are. This may be a protocol issue, or it 
may just
be a matter of adding a special info to the feed to specify its 

Henry Story
On 4 Feb 2005, at 20:27, Walter Underwood wrote:
--On February 3, 2005 11:21:50 PM -0500 Bob Wyman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
David Powell wrote:
It looks like this might have got lost accidently when the
atom:head element was introduced. Previously Atom 0.3 said [1]:
Ordering of the element children of atom:feed element MUST NOT be
considered significant.
The order of entries in an Atom feed should NOT be significant. This
is, I think, a very, very important point to make.
Is this a joke? This is like saying that the order of the entries in my
mailbox is not significant. Note that ordering a mailbox by date is not
the same thing as its native order.
Feed order is the only way we have to show the publication order of 
in a feed. I just looked at all my subscriptions, and there is only one
where the order might not be relevant, a security test for RSS readers.
That is clearly not within Atom's charter, so it doesn't count.

Walter Underwood
Principal Architect, Verity

Re: Posted PaceEntryOrder (was Entry order)

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story
On 5 Feb 2005, at 11:20, David Powell wrote:
This specification assigns no significance to the order of atom:entry
elements within an Atom Feed Document. Atom Processors MAY present
entries in any order, unless a specific ordering is required by an
Given a model of only informative metadata extensions this wouldn't be 
valid, unless the spec said that the order was significant, then it 
would be acceptable to communcate a preferred display order using 

The question is basically, if I have a database does it need to 
preserve the sequence number of the entry within a document?
You put this in terms of databases and I put the question in terms of 
graphs (which if you
have an rdf database to store your triples comes to the same thing).

And my feeling is here that we should not have to keep the sequence 
numbers of the
order of the entries in the document.

Perhaps this is what Roy Fielding is getting at when he speaks of there 
being confusion
on this list between the data model and the interaction model. It is 
important for
clients when they ask for a sequence of entries to know what the order 
those entries
are coming in. This can save them a lot of processing time. But it 
should not be part
of the syntax to specify a preferred order of the entries.

 Display order is a different matter, but for the option of lexical 
order, then the answer would need to be yes, but I don't think it 
would be worth it.
Display order on the client will also completely depend on what the 
client is trying to
do. If the client is just interested in archiving all the entries, then 
any new feed
be it an old one or a new one will be of interest: it will just be 
added to the database.
If the client is interested in displaying the changes in a gui, this 
again may be completely up to the user. Some users may want only to see 
entries that they have read
that have changed, as this may show a change of position of interest to 

Henry Story

atom extensibility: Re: Don't mess with HeadInEntry!

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story
I don't have that much of an opinion now on the head in entry and 
other proposals.

But I do find your comment that moving something off to an extension
essentially kills it to be a very important remark. This is clearly
to say that Atom has not yet dealt with the extension part of the 
And even though many people seem to willing to create fill in language
for that part of the spec to make it seem like this part has been
addressed, your on the ground initial reaction is the correct one:
there is no well defined extension mechanism.

So perhaps what we could do in the next weeks is fill in the work
I started in my proposal AtomAsRDF, that would allow Atom to be
seen as an RDF/XML document, though one constrained by an Relax-NG 
This will require a week or two of serious group effort, but then 
will fall out from the RDF side of things.

In the mean time I am fully behind every movement to remove non core
elements from Atom.  Lets have a clean spec well defined spec.
When enough people are left outside of the core, then I am sure talk
of extensions will finally get to be serious.
Henry Story
On 4 Feb 2005, at 09:29, Bob Wyman wrote:
	We decided to support HeadInEntry. It doesn't make sense to back off
now. Deferring HeadInEntry to a non-core extension essentially kills 
it and
ensures that Atom use will provide virtually no advantage to anyone 
who is
building aggregated feeds.

Re: Proof-of-concept RDF mapping for Atom

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story
Have you had any more luck with this part of the mapping? Is this a
problem with the current Atom syntax if not?
Henry Story
On 28 Jan 2005, at 22:27, David Powell wrote:
 I think it
handles everything except for xml:lang - I'm not sure what's happening
with xml:lang at the moment - but it should be possible to add it in a
similar way to xml:base.

Re: atom extensibility: Re: Don't mess with HeadInEntry!

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story
On 5 Feb 2005, at 13:49, Henry Story wrote:
So perhaps what we could do in the next weeks is fill in the work
I started in my proposal AtomAsRDF, that would allow Atom to be
seen as an RDF/XML document, though one constrained by an Relax-NG 
This will require a week or two of serious group effort, but then 
extensions will fall out from the RDF side of things.
I was just looking at the RSS1.1 [1] spec again and noticed that this
is exactly what they have done. They have:
  - a Relax NG syntax to constrain the syntax
  - an OWL ontology to describe the model
I think this is a very good example.
I am not completely happy with their model, but this just seems
so easy and so clean.
Please have a look at it.

Re: Call for final Paces for consideration: deadline imminent

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story

On 5 Feb 2005, at 18:27, David Powell wrote:
I disagree, as I've said before. The only literal interpretation is
that you can't serve the same entry twice with the same id. We know it
doesn't mean that, but the spec just doesn't define in which axis
unique is meant to apply.
I think that the problem is that the term 'entry' is used to refer to 
two different concepts.

An entry id is identifying the underlying entry resource.
But something like an entry title, I would think of as a property of 
the 'entry instance'.

Currently we don't distinguish between entries and entry instances, 
and I think that this creates a lot of ambiguity.
I agree with this analysis. But I think one can deal with it.
A simple OWL ontology would make these things very clear.
Although we could keep the model we have (let's call it
the 'mutable entries' model), it isnt  clear on a number of issues.  
Eg, if an old version of an entry has some property that isnt  
present in a newer version, does that property still apply to the new 
instance?  The answer is presumably 'no' but it isn't obvious from the 
spec.  Under a 'multiple instances' model, it would be implicit.
It is easiest if one starts off deciding that no properties get
inherited. Some properties do seem to clearly require inheritance
such as the author, as one would expect all the versions of an
entry to have the same author. But the amount of debating that
this would require would not be worth the effort. The id property
does the job very nicely and inconspicuously.
At one point I had thought that properties such as author should
be directly attached to the id construct, since they are immutable.
But then one gets into problems of which are essential and which non
essential properties...
Henry Story


Re: Posted PaceEntryOrder (was Entry order)

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story

On 5 Feb 2005, at 18:48, Mark Nottingham wrote:
On Feb 5, 2005, at 4:38 AM, Henry Story wrote:
You put this in terms of databases and I put the question in terms of 
graphs (which if you
have an rdf database to store your triples comes to the same thing).

And my feeling is here that we should not have to keep the sequence 
numbers of the
order of the entries in the document.
Very well said, with emphasis on have to; they shouldn't be 
prohibited from doing so if they want to (and I don't think you're 
saying otherwise).
yes, but perhaps if these were to be kept in the database they should
not be saved as a direct property of the entry, but as a relation that 
the entry has to an event of document fetching.

I am thinking here about the parallel with search engine results.
The results you get from a search engine will be ordered in some
way. This is inevitable. But one should be careful not to think that
generally the results have any intrinsic meaning. Certainly not
intrinsic in the sense that these would usefully be thought of
as being properties of the web pages themselves. They are rather
a factual statement about an order given by the search engine when
you made a request at a certain time.
Continuing along this line of thought, if you made a request to
your favorite search engine to return its results in last changed
order (and perhaps narrowed your request down to a specific site)
then the order of the results could help you come to conclusions
much faster. If could save you for example having to search
through all the results if you were only looking for entries that
had changed in the last day. Once you reached results that had
changed before that, you would be sure that all other results were
no longer relevant.
I think this is probably what Roy fielding meant recently when he
spoke about the difference between the model and the interaction
model. In any case this should be something that one specifies at
the protocol level.
Henry Story

Display order on the client will also completely depend on what the 
client is trying to
do. If the client is just interested in archiving all the entries, 
then any new feed
be it an old one or a new one will be of interest: it will just be 
added to the database.
Cool sometimes I also get +1 :-)
Mark Nottingham

Re: atom extensibility: Re: Don't mess with HeadInEntry!

2005-02-05 Thread Henry Story
On 5 Feb 2005, at 20:18, Bob Wyman wrote:
Roger Benningfield wrote:
Henry: I suspect that Bob's reaction would have been the same, no
matter how well-defined the extension mechanism. Anything outside
the core will have spotty (at best) support in aggregators and
publishing tools.
	You are absolutely correct. While I think I feel just as strongly as
Henry does that there is a need for a well defined and robust extension
mechanism, I also know from past experience that implementation of most
extensions is vastly less probable then implementation of core 
	My feeling that HeadInEntry or Feeder should be in the Atom core is
completely independent of my feelings concerning the utility of and
desirability of a robust extension mechanism for Atom. Frankly, I'm a 
miffed by the idea that Henry, or anyone else, could have attempted to
highjack my concern for what is core and suggest that this implies 
how I
feel about some other mechanism. The cause of extensibility is not 
by such underhanded rhetorical trickery.
Yes, but perhaps if everyone's favorite feature were possibly to be
left to an extension, then people would be thinking more carefully
about getting that very important part right. This is a little
like the thought behind Rawl's Theory of Justice. If you set out
to build a good political system, you should try to think of it from
the point of view of someone who does not know what position he will
have in that society. It helps focus the mind on the plight of the poor.
Similarly here, everybody is so concerned to get their bit in the core
spec (everyone wants a constitution where thinking they will start of
as billionairs) that they don't care to make the extension mechanism
clear and well defined.

		bob wyman
Well to tell the truth I don't understand what the fuss about the head
element in the feed is (which is not quite to say that I am fully behind
the head_in_entry). I think the head element is just a special entry.
Henry Story

Re: New Pace: PaceAggregationInSeparateSpec

2005-02-04 Thread Henry Story
On 4 Feb 2005, at 09:05, James Snell wrote:
Bottom line: In my opinion, the parent feed is just as core to the
entries metadata as is the date it was updated or any of the other
core elements.  It *could* be defined as an extension, but I feel it
is better handled in the core.
I have heard interesting arguments It's all about the Entries, stupid!
that made the opposite assessment: namely that the entries are what is
important, and that what feed an Entry is part of, is a accident of 

The idea there is that Entries are the stand alone entities. They can
be made to be part of any feed whatsoever. A feed in this 
is a little like a search engine result listing where the pages they 
to are like entries (notice that search engine results pages are just a
type of web page too). Which feed your entry appears in will depend very
much on the type of query the user of the search engine made.

Of course if an entry has a tag such as origin (which used to be on 
table) then the entry it points to would be part of the metadata of the
entry and so be a legitimate way of creating special selection of 

Henry Story

Re: Call for final Paces for consideration: deadline imminent

2005-02-04 Thread Henry Story
A really clear way to specify this is to say that an id is a functional 
relation between
an entry and a identity construct.

This implies:
 -An Entry can only have one id.
 -Different Entries can have the same id.
Of course because there is a bit of a confusion as to what is meant by 
an Entry
the above sounds paradoxical.

It is a bit like the relation the body of a US citizen has to a social 
security number.
The body of a US citizen at a time has a functional relation to a SS 
number. Any such body
has only one SS number. But because when we eat and breath our bodies 
change it turns out
that different bodies have a relation to the same SS number. The 
different bodies, are time
slices of the same US citizen. The group of these time slices is 
identified by the social
security number. So that the relation between the SS number and  set of 
such citizen slices,
namely the relation between a SS number and the citizen is both 
functional and inverse functional.

When this group speaks about an Entry as it appears in the Feed
you are really speaking about an entry version. But because when people 
sit down and write
an entry they are looking at the present version of the entry, and this 
is what they use
to identify the sequence of entries that form the unique Entry over 
time, there is a confusion
of what is being talked about.

It is a little as if I spoke to someone and identified the body I am 
seeing at present
with the person that body is a temporal part of.

So when above I say:
 -An Entry can only have one id.
 -Different Entries can have the same id.
  What we mean is
 - the Entry Version can only have one id
 - any two Entry Versions that have the same id are different versions 
of the same Entry.

So now one should define what that type of entry is. And that is 
simple. It is the Collection
of all Entry Versions that have the same id.

On 4 Feb 2005, at 22:10, Mark Nottingham wrote:
Graham, the issue here is that the spec can be interpreted in a number 
of ways, which is not good. You seem to agree with that below, 

Separately, there's the issue of what it *should* say. Tim and now you 
say that you have a good idea of what you want it to say; I'd be very 
interested to see how you'd specify that. Can you suggest some spec 

On Feb 4, 2005, at 1:00 PM, Graham wrote:
On 4 Feb 2005, at 8:44 pm, Mark Nottingham wrote:
I.e., just because it's a permanent, universally unique identifier 
doesn't mean you're not able to use it twice to talk about a single 
I disagree, as I've said before. The only literal interpretation is 
that you can't serve the same entry twice with the same id. We know 
it doesn't mean that, but the spec just doesn't define in which axis 
unique is meant to apply.

Mark Nottingham

Re: Revised PaceIconAndImage, added PaceMultipleImages

2005-02-02 Thread Henry Story
I am +1 on having images, or what I call entry illustrations. BlogEd 
has those, and they
work nicely. See or for blogs that
use them.

Notice that the top entry (the Feed itself) has an illustration too. 
Which is another hint
that a Feed is a subclass of an Entry.

Of course if they did not make it into the spec it would be easy to add 
them as extensions.
So the effort in speccing this would not be wasted.

You may want to consider that an icon of an image is also related 
to the original. In the feeds mentioned above, clicking on the icon 
brings you to a
the original image the icon is a representation of. In one case [1] it 
occurred to me
that have been more intuitive to have clicking on the image bring up a 

Henry Story
On 2 Feb 2005, at 07:49, Tim Bray wrote:
Having produced my own Atom feed has made me a supporter of this Pace; 
without getting too deep into it link rel=self feels quite 
sensible, while link rel=icon feels stupid.

However, this Pace needed work; first of all, it was based on link 
constructs, which no longer exist.  So I revised it.

Second, along with turning Icon and Image from link into their own 
elements, it changed the cardinality, allowing more than one 
atom:image in atom:head.  I think this is probably a bad idea, but 
I'm 100% sure that it's wrong to mix up this with the (entirely 
separate) debate on whether to use image instead of link.   So, I 
ripped it out of PaceIconAndImage and created a new PaceMultipleImages 
to suggest this.

Third, along with these other changes, the Pace changed the 
atom:image aspect ratio from 2:1 to 1:1.  Once again, this may be a 
good idea, but it needs discussion.  But I kind of think this may have 
been a cutpaste typo, so I ripped it out but didn't create a new 
Pace, if someone really wants to change the Aspect ratio they should 
create a Pace.

Having said all that, I'm +1 on PaceIconAndImage.
I'm -1 on PaceMultipleImages, this is an  experimental feature, Atom, 
doesn't need those, YAGNI.

Re: tagline - subtitle

2005-02-02 Thread Henry Story
Why not go one step further in generality and call the tagline the 
summary? Then we will be closer
to the point I had been making in PaceEntriesAllTheWayDown2, and one 
step closer to showing that
a Feed head is the same structure as an Entry. Or if you go the 
Fielding way with the recursive pace,
that a Feed is a structure that is a subclass of the Entry structure. 
And then we will really cut the
length of the spec down to its core.

Henry Story
On 2 Feb 2005, at 17:17, Julian Reschke wrote:
Graham wrote:
Any chance of renaming atom:tagline to atom:subtitle? The two sample 
feeds posted today have the taglines ongoing fragmented essay by Tim 
Bray and WebDAV related news. Aren't taglines meant to be funny or 
catchy or clever?
The relevant definitions from are:
 tagline: An often repeated phrase associated with an individual, 
organization, or commercial product; a slogan.
 subtitle: A secondary, usually explanatory title, as of a literary 
The second seems much broader and more useful, and there's nothing 
stopping you using a slogan as subtitle.

Re: PaceExtendingAtom

2005-02-02 Thread Henry Story
-1.  At least I don't see why there should be limitations at all on 
where extensions can appear.
I am for a general must ignore rule.

On the other hand I think a much more ambitious extension spec would be 
one Atom were defined by
something similar to the RELAX NG description we currently have and an 
OWL ontology. This would
be helpful and very useful. PaceExtendingAtom as it currently is stated 
is restrictive without
being useful.

Henry Story
On 13 Jan 2005, at 19:27, Tim Bray wrote:
I wrote it and I still think it's necessary as a bare-minimum measure. 

Re: tagline - subtitle

2005-02-02 Thread Henry Story

On 2 Feb 2005, at 18:09, Antone Roundy wrote:
On Wednesday, February 2, 2005, at 09:49  AM, Henry Story wrote:
Why not go one step further in generality and call the tagline the 
summary? Then we will be closer
to the point I had been making in PaceEntriesAllTheWayDown2, and one 
step closer to showing that
a Feed head is the same structure as an Entry. Or if you go the 
Fielding way with the recursive pace,
that a Feed is a structure that is a subclass of the Entry structure. 
And then we will really cut the
length of the spec down to its core.
Because it's not a summary, which shows that a Feed head isn't quite 
the same thing as an Entry.
You mean you don't see it that way yet ;-)
 It would be conceivable, though perhaps not advisable (I'd have to 
think about it), to add a subtitle element to entry, but I can't 
really see adding a summary element to feed.

On 2 Feb 2005, at 18:09, Sam Ruby wrote:
I'm ambivalent w.r.t. tagline vs subtitle; but changing the name to 
summary to impose a structure that isn't there doesn't feel right to 

It's just data is a tagline.  It could conceivably be a subtitle.  
But it is a summary of what exactly?
Ok. I can agree that a tagline is not a summary.
Adding a summary element to a feed does not seem wrong. Consider James 
Gosling's blog:

The following does not seem out of place as a summary of the feed:
I've been inescapably tagged as the Java guy. These days I'm the 
CTO of Sun's Developer Products group. This now includes the J2SE 
engineering organization, so I've managed to cycle back. With luck I'll 
update this blog often enough for it to be interesting.

And if you think that an Entry can be the object of a lot of 
discussion, and so have responses attached
to it, then you can come to see that it would not be so silly to have 
an Entry have a tagline...

Henry Story

Henry Story
On 2 Feb 2005, at 17:17, Julian Reschke wrote:
Graham wrote:
Any chance of renaming atom:tagline to atom:subtitle? The two 
sample feeds posted today have the taglines ongoing fragmented 
essay by Tim Bray and WebDAV related news. Aren't taglines meant 
to be funny or catchy or clever?
The relevant definitions from are:
 tagline: An often repeated phrase associated with an individual, 
organization, or commercial product; a slogan.
 subtitle: A secondary, usually explanatory title, as of a literary 
The second seems much broader and more useful, and there's nothing 
stopping you using a slogan as subtitle.

Re: PaceExtendingAtom

2005-02-02 Thread Henry Story
Also, Person Constructs, the atom:head element, and the atom:entry 
allow the inclusion of foreign markup.

If one could add foreign markup anywhere then the above sentence would 

Henry Story
On 2 Feb 2005, at 20:01, Joe Gregorio wrote:
How is PaceExtendingAtom restrictive? It only spells out a Must Ignore
policy and nothing else. Am I missing something?

Re: Dereferencing Identity Constructs

2005-01-31 Thread Henry Story
On 31 Jan 2005, at 05:22, Tim Bray wrote:
On Jan 30, 2005, at 7:10 PM, Paul Hoffman wrote:
	The content of an Identity construct SHOULD NOT be dereferenced, 
even when it comes from a
 normally dereferencable scheme. There is no requirement for the 
content to represent a URI
 where a version of the feed or entry may be found.
I'm +1 on this,
-1.  And I *will* lie down in the road.
For ongoing, I plan to use the same http: URIs for both the 
atom:id and link rel=alternate; I will manage (and have managed) 
my URI space so that they will meet the requirements of permanence, 
uniqueness, and so on.  In this case the atom:id URI will absolutely 
be dereferenced, but only in its link role.  The language above 
could be read as discouraging what I'm planning to do, and what I'm 
planning to do is perfectly good practice.  Anyhow, per both IETF RFCs 
and the W3C web-architecture spec, no harm can be done merely by 
trying a GET on any URI, so saying SHOULD NOT is just bogus.
I was thinking of doing something similar with BlogEd. An entry id 
would point to the
directory containing each version of an Entry. The link would probably 
point to the exact
Entry version described by the atom xml entry in which it appears. By 
dereferencing the id
link one could with correct access permissions, see all the versions of 
an entry. Though
the usual behavior would be to default to the last one.

Perhaps a directory tree like this
2005/01/31/entry1/   the id of all the entries 

2005/01/31/entry1/version1/  the url of the link to 
the first version
2005/01/31/entry1/version1/entry.xml my first published entry 
in atom xml
2005/01/31/entry1/version1/entry.html    first published entry as 

2005/01/31/entry1/version2/  the url of the link to 
the second version
2005/01/31/entry1/version2/entry.xml my first published entry 
in atom xml
2005/01/31/entry1/version2/entry.html    first published entry as 

so when, with a browser, you request http://.../2005/01/31/entry1/ you 
would always get the
latest version of the Entry in the format of the mime type requested.

And when you request http://.../2005/01/31/entry1/version1/ you get the 
first version
of your entry in the format of the mime type requested.

So my belief is also that if people really don't want id dereferenced 
they should
use a scheme specifically for that purpose. Those who do that may well 
have much
longer lived web sites, and their blogs may be more flexible in that 
they can be moved
from one server to the next -- but they may also be a lot more 
difficult to find.

One way to get people to have their cake and eat it too, may be to 
allow multiple id tags.
Since an id is an inverse functional relationship between an Entry a 
Resource this should
not cause any trouble. In any case there will never be any way you can 
limit the number of
names a thing has.

Henry Story

Re: Proof-of-concept RDF mapping for Atom

2005-01-30 Thread Henry Story

On 30 Jan 2005, at 02:31, David Powell wrote:
I meant, although:
  XML --[XSLT]-- RDF/XML --[RDF/XML-parser]-- RDF-model an ok reference implementation for demonstrating an RDF mapping,
the mapping should be defined in prose, because:
  XML --[SAX]-- RDF-model
...would be a lot more efficient and doesn't have so many
dependencies. So basically you could navigate the Atom document, and
add appropriate statements to an RDF model using the model API.
This sounds very much like saying that it would be easiest if one
could interpret Atom directly to be RDF, as proposed by AtomAsRDF.
This can be brought back to the question of how to choose the a
model to map Atom to. Here are some initial possibilities:
- choose RSS1.0 or RSS1.1 as the model. Being so flexible it
  should be quite easy to map Atom to those flavors of RSS. If
  that were possible, then this would be just another way of
  saying: anything you can say in Atom you can say in RSS1.x
- create some new model to map atom to: in which case you have
  to invent a whole new model and go through all the problems of
  working out the consistency of your model that this group has
  gone through with Atom.
In any case the model you come up will either be:
 a. more expressive than Atom: you can express more in the
model than you can in Atom.
 b. less expressive: when mapping from Atom to this model you
will loose information
 c. isomorphic with Atom: you can map from atom to your model
and back without information loss either way.
If your model is a. more expressive or b. then this will not prove to
be a good foundation for explaining extensibility clearly, since you
will loose information either by mapping to the model or by mapping back
to Atom. So really what we require is an isomorphic model. And the
isomorphic model that would be the easiest to understand would clearly
be the identity model where Atom can be interpreted as RDF.
We are not quite there. There is a mapping from Atom to something very 
to Atom, so close I argue that the Atom working group could easily take
a few steps to make the mapping be the identity map.

Henry Story

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-format-05.txt

2005-01-28 Thread Henry Story

On 28 Jan 2005, at 15:14, Danny Ayers wrote:
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 16:10:06 -0500, Robert Sayre 
Thanks Robert. The Relax NG snippets make a *huge* difference to the
clarity. (Thanks Norm!).
Yes. A real pleasure to read now :-)

Re: PaceAttributesNamespace is *not* about syntax!

2005-01-27 Thread Henry Story
Thanks for the reply, Sam.
I think the misunderstanding has mostly to do with the fact that we 
have similar
but slightly different aims. We should try to clearly establish our 
respective aims
and find the points we have in common, so that we can agree to solve 
the points
we have in common quickly and easily.

On 27 Jan 2005, at 03:39, Sam Ruby wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
On 26 Jan 2005, at 15:03, Sam Ruby wrote:
But, now lets examine the statement proposed in 
PaceAttributeNamespace.  It essentially alerts producers of 
something that that they need to be aware of.  Now a quesion: what 
do they need do different with the knowledge that the RDF mapping 
does this?

I would assert the answer to this question is nothing.  Meaning that 
this particular statement is not needed.  Again, no issue with the 
mapping.  No issue with describing the mapping alongside with the 
actual mapping.
I think your assertion is wrong. If they are consuming or producing 
extended Atom [1]
they will know exactly what these extensions are referring to. It 
affect in the least consumers of simple, non extended Atom, but it 
will greatly
help consumers and producers of extended atom.
Now if you don't care about making their lives easier, then you have 
to worry about in this pace. If you do, like I and many others, then 
this will
be very helpful.
It seems to me that you are both misunderstanding and 
mischaracterizing what I am saying. Furthermore, in other emails, I 
sense a confusion between RDF (which is a model) and RDF/XML (which is 
a syntax).
No worry. I think we all know the difference there, but the language 
does lend itself
to confusion.

I am in favor of AtomAsRDF (as a way to model this data).  I am opposed
to AtomAsRDFXML (as a syntax for expressing this model).
Ok. I am in favor of AtomAsRDF(Model) too. But I am trying to go a 
little further
to AtomAsRDFXML (as you put it) because

   - The spec can very nearly already be interpreted that way
   - defining another mapping from xml to RDF, though possible,
 is a lot of work, and we just don't have the time
   - it will allow for the easiest way to explain extensibility of Atom
So though I think (and I have recently myself tried out some ideas on 
this subject)
there may be some general mapping rule from xml to rdf that are much 
closer to the general users intuitions about xml, I think that when the 
xml is written as atom
currently (nearly) is, we have something that does map to a graph and 
that will map
to the same graph  than any more intuitive mapping than rdf/xml would.

If anybody is up to the task, I am for inclusion of prose into the
standard describing how one is to interpret Atom feeds as RDF.  Any 
mechanism that accomplishes this will, by necessity, need to specify
what namespace is used in the URIs used to define relationships.
Well I liked your idea of adding a special section to the spec on how to
interpret atom as rdf/xml, perhaps as part of the extensibility section.
My feeling is that would be best if it explains how atom can be seen to
be rdf/xml, because then explaining extensibility will be very easy:
any atom document with foreign name spaced attributes or elements must
also be an rdf/xml document when so interpreted
And we then leave the complexity of that statement to the other specs
out there.
PaceAttributeNamespace does not do that.  All it says is is that a 
namespace may be used.  For what purpose such a statement is made is
entirely unclear.

By contrast, a precise statement to the effect of how RDF aware tools
MUST interpret Atom feeds if they are to interoperate is both clear and
Ok. Well I think we are really thinking very similar thoughts here.
I would just add that we should try to see if the RDF/XML interpretation
of Atom works out, because that will vastly reduce the amount of work we
need to do in explaining the interpretation. (interpretation is an
excellent word!)
Henry Story
- Sam Ruby

Re: PaceAttributesNamespace is *not* about syntax!

2005-01-27 Thread Henry Story
On 27 Jan 2005, at 15:28, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Rudeness objection.
One reaps what one sows. [1]
 I'm seeing genuine questions
Since you are asking, I'll answer them.
On 26 Jan 2005, at 4:37 pm, Henry Story wrote:
I think your assertion is wrong. If they are consuming or producing 
extended Atom [1]
they will know exactly what these extensions are referring to. It 
affect in the least consumers of simple, non extended Atom, but it 
will greatly
help consumers and producers of extended atom.
What will? To what does these extensions refer? How will it help 
Consider the problem of creating extensions to Atom. You are adding a 
vocabulary to the current atom vocabulary, so you will have non atom 
spaced elements or attributes in your extended atom document.

titleAtom Robots run amok/title
link href=
my:illustration my:href=;
We are all agreed about what the above document means, stripped of
the my:illustration tag. Parsers that only wish to concern themselves 
those striped documents will have no trouble. The spec clearly 
specifies what
is what.

The problem is to clearly specify how extended atom documents like the 
one above
are to be written consistently, so that they can be interpreted 
correctly, the
way the writer of the document intended them to be.

To what does these extensions refer?
These extensions refer to attributes such as my:href in the example 

How will it help who?
The problem is that attributes in atom are not namespaced. If they were 
then it
would be easy to interpret the above document as an rdf document. An 
rdf document
has very clearly specified semantics. Having these clearly specified 
semantics is
very helpful to extension writers and consumers.

The details of how it will help are much more difficult to explain in a 
e-mail such as this. A hint is contained in the word onotology. This 
has to do
with Objects. And there is a very strong relationship between OO 
programming and
 what is being proposed here. The benefits of OO programming are the 
same benefits
we stand to gain here: it makes it much easier to create elements and 
specify how
they can be combined.

But it would perhaps be best to work through an example to help show 
how this

Does this help?
Henry Story

Re: PaceAttributesNamespace is *not* about syntax!

2005-01-26 Thread Henry Story

On 26 Jan 2005, at 15:03, Sam Ruby wrote:
But, now lets examine the statement proposed in 
PaceAttributeNamespace.  It essentially alerts producers of something 
that that they need to be aware of.  Now a quesion: what do they need 
do different with the knowledge that the RDF mapping does this?

I would assert the answer to this question is nothing.  Meaning that 
this particular statement is not needed.  Again, no issue with the 
mapping.  No issue with describing the mapping alongside with the 
actual mapping.
I think your assertion is wrong. If they are consuming or producing 
extended Atom [1]
they will know exactly what these extensions are referring to. It won't
affect in the least consumers of simple, non extended Atom, but it will 
help consumers and producers of extended atom.

Now if you don't care about making their lives easier, then you have 
to worry about in this pace. If you do, like I and many others, then 
this will
be very helpful.

- Sam Ruby
[1] Should we call these molecules?

Re: PaceAttributesNamespace is *not* about syntax!

2005-01-26 Thread Henry Story
Graham the Robot [1], when real people come and ask me something I'll 
talk to them.

On 26 Jan 2005, at 18:01, Graham wrote:
On 26 Jan 2005, at 4:37 pm, Henry Story wrote:
I think your assertion is wrong. If they are consuming or producing 
extended Atom [1]
they will know exactly what these extensions are referring to. It 
affect in the least consumers of simple, non extended Atom, but it 
will greatly
help consumers and producers of extended atom.
What will? To what does these extensions refer? How will it help 
who? You seem to have given up trying to get your ideas across to 
other people.

(+1 on Sam's argument, btw)

Re: AtomOWL AtomAsRDF

2005-01-18 Thread Henry Story

On 18 Jan 2005, at 02:18, Bill de hÓra wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
this implies the following rdf graph
_e -entry- _E
[On a technical point, I would disagree the graph is implied. As I 
said earlier, this kind of assumption concerns me.]
It will be when the gap between atom as it currently is and where it
would have to be for it to be correctly seen as RDF is closed. As you 
there is not that much to closing the gap. And there are many ways of 
doing this,
which need to be looked at, and evaluated for those that form the best
compromise solution.

If you look at the AtomOWL spec, you will see that among other things 
is simply a specification of what types of objects a relation can take
as subject and as Object.
This is what I'm getting from the proposal - if range and domain for 
extensions are determined, a semantically 'consistent' (I won't say 
'meaningful') extensibility framework for applying them to Atom 
structures can be established. So since we have evaluation rules above 
the level of data structures, we can determine if any extra metadata 
satisfies the constraints.

Two things come to mind if that is a fair summary.
First, I don't see how it can be done generally without RDF backed 
ontological modeling to begin with - which would be AtomIsRDF. Correct 
me if I'm wrong, but I think for this to work I would need to know 
what the essence of Atom domain constructs are before I can determine 
whether a new property can be correctly be applied to one.
Yes, if I have understood you correctly. That is why I have AtomOWL 
which gives you
the essence of the Atom domain constructs. For example it specifies that
atom:id is functional, which says that two Entries are different if 
they have
different ids. I have tried to express all the number constraints that 
the spec
defines too, such as a Feed requiring one Header and no more.

I call this AtomAsRDF rather than AtomIsRDF because the point is that 
we are trying
to make this completely invisible for anyone who does not want to know, 
or has not
yet had time to learn these constructs.

Second, I've said before, my position is that Atom doesn't require 
extensibility. Tim for one, has taken umbrage with my use of the word 
'extensible', but what you're proposing isn't far away from what I 
would mean by it - extensions and their relationships are processed 
through an evaluator. I just happen to think we don't need to spec 
this yet*.
I think that the spec does speak about extensibility and a model for 
With AtomAsRDF and AtomOWL I provide both. Even if we did not need this 
it certainly won't harm to track the differences, and the obvious 
that some decisions entail.

For example modeling the Person construct it is obvious that
the e-mail address should be inverse functional and not functional as 
we have it
now. Ie if we have 2 Person objects (be they in an author or 
contributor tag)
anywhere in the xml with the same email address, we should be able to 
that these are in fact the same person. The model  sometimes also can 
help spot
gaps in the spec, which cannot be a bad thing. It is better these gaps 
be found now
than later when it will be difficult to change anything.

So, I'm not -1 on this, but I do think it's out of scope.
Ok. I take that as being that your kind of for it :-)
By the way I think that there are many people out there who don't want 
to hear
about RDF in so far as it is plastered all over their xml in big bold
letters. They don't want rdf:li here and rdf:resource there. They don't 
want xml
that is not in a nice tree shape, but just a set of statements about the
relationship between things. They want to use XPath and other well
tested tools. Apart from that they probably don't have anything really 
RDF (apart from that one has the suspicion it could have been better 
done, but
then that is true with all technologies - one need look no further than 
namespaces in xml). So I think these people have nothing to worry about 
current proposal. They have everything they want. And they have 
something extra:
in their spare time they can learn about that weird thing called rdf. 
would be seamless integration. And I think is the foundation of a good 
lasting compromise.

* I would include trying to make explicit whatever the child_of() 
evaluation rules might be for XML containership here.

Re: AtomOWL AtomIsRDF

2005-01-17 Thread Henry Story

On 17 Jan 2005, at 18:16, Dan Brickley wrote:
I fear [2] is unfortunately named. Atom is RDF-like in some ways,
but until the Atom spec says Atom is RDF, Atom isn't RDF. A surface
similarity to RDF's XML encoding, or even to RDF's graph data model,
isn't by itself enough to declare that Atom is RDF. For example, 
have been threads here about defaulting, about data being implied if
missing, and other things that have no clear RDF equivalent. The name
Atom is RDF goes somewhat against the decision record of this group,
which has been pretty clear in its non-RDFness. Wiki style tends 
the consensual, so I suggest renaming it to AtomRDF or similar.
Yes, very good point. I have created a new Page called AtomRDF [3], 
whose aim
is to track what would be needed for an Atom document to be an RDF 
It is only if we are clear about these that it will be possible to come 
a reasoned decision on the value of perhaps bridging the gap. The gap 
is I
think a lot smaller than most people think (which is what I was trying 
emphasize with the AtomIsRDF name) But you are right, there still
is one.

Even as an RDF enthusiast, I find the name problematic. So I'm 
that Atom is RDF will annoy people needlessly, which would be a shame
since the work you've been doing on an RDF/OWL view of the Atom format
is both interesting and valuable.

Henry Story

Re: Atom Link element: Failure

2005-01-10 Thread Henry Story
Ok, I give up on this task.
I have just found that when there is a rdf:Resource you can't also have 
attributes. And that attributes have to be qualified.

It is a real pity.
It would be good to make a list of what we would have needed from 
RDF/XML to make Atom be rdf, and then work backwards to create RDF/XML2 
where this works out fine.

On 10 Jan 2005, at 01:29, Robert Sayre wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
4) Property attributes
both hreflang, href and all the other properties of Link are unique,  
and given that they are string literals (subsets of them at least, 
but  nevertheless) they can be move into attributes on Link

   link rdf:parseType=Resource

Use of unqualified attributes is deprecated in RDF/XML (check the 
validator). My opinion is that the transformation you're looking for 
would be easier with XSLT.
You are right. The validator at is 
really useful.

It gets a POST with a fairly average atom entry, but there are  
extensions in funny places. Like most people, the server stores  
standard fields in a relational database, so there are columns for  
title, summary, etc. in a table called something like  
journal_entries. It would be fairly easy to store immediate 
children  of entry in an unknown_xml field, and pass them through, 
but what  about the other extensions? Using an RDF store might make 
this problem  a lot easier, but I don't forsee a mass migration in 
that direction  happening this year or next.

You don't need a specialized RDF storage, though very good ones 
exist.  There are schemes to map RDF into any relational database, 
just as  there are schemes to map objects into relational databases. 
In fact  most RDF storage tools in Java provide this.

That's not my point. My point is that there's a staggering amount of 
data currently living in RDBMSes, and people aren't going to 
re-architect their storage to use Atom.
I was not trying to get people to use RDF databases at the back end. I 
was just hoping that a well engineered XML document would with a little 
care also turn out to be a well engineered RDF document. That would 
provide maximum flexibility in that it would allow people to move into 
the rdf world seamlessly.

Robert Sayre

Re: Atom Link element: Success

2005-01-10 Thread Henry Story
Ok, I don't know what happened to me there. I must have been overly 
tired. I went to do some weigh lifting, came back and found that my 
reasoning is in fact correct.

In fact if you put in the following rdf
?xml version=1.0?
atom:Entry xmlns:atom=;

in the validator you get the following graph:

inline: servlet_77206.gif
which is what I started off with.
Henry Story
On 10 Jan 2005, at 19:11, Henry Story wrote:
Ok, I give up on this task.
I have just found that when there is a rdf:Resource you can't also 
have attributes. And that attributes have to be qualified.

It is a real pity.
It would be good to make a list of what we would have needed from 
RDF/XML to make Atom be rdf, and then work backwards to create 
RDF/XML2 where this works out fine.

On 10 Jan 2005, at 01:29, Robert Sayre wrote:
Henry Story wrote:
4) Property attributes
both hreflang, href and all the other properties of Link are unique, 
 and given that they are string literals (subsets of them at least, 
but  nevertheless) they can be move into attributes on Link

   link rdf:parseType=Resource

Use of unqualified attributes is deprecated in RDF/XML (check the 
validator). My opinion is that the transformation you're looking for 
would be easier with XSLT.
You are right. The validator at is 
really useful.

It gets a POST with a fairly average atom entry, but there are  
extensions in funny places. Like most people, the server stores  
standard fields in a relational database, so there are columns for  
title, summary, etc. in a table called something like  
journal_entries. It would be fairly easy to store immediate 
children  of entry in an unknown_xml field, and pass them 
through, but what  about the other extensions? Using an RDF store 
might make this problem  a lot easier, but I don't forsee a mass 
migration in that direction  happening this year or next.

You don't need a specialized RDF storage, though very good ones 
exist.  There are schemes to map RDF into any relational database, 
just as  there are schemes to map objects into relational databases. 
In fact  most RDF storage tools in Java provide this.

That's not my point. My point is that there's a staggering amount of 
data currently living in RDBMSes, and people aren't going to 
re-architect their storage to use Atom.
I was not trying to get people to use RDF databases at the back end. I 
was just hoping that a well engineered XML document would with a 
little care also turn out to be a well engineered RDF document. That 
would provide maximum flexibility in that it would allow people to 
move into the rdf world seamlessly.

Robert Sayre

Re: Comment on process

2005-01-09 Thread Henry Story
I would like to agree with this. I have not had much of a weekend, and 
I am not sure I will be able to take so much time off work to put into 
this task.  I am being paid to work on an open source blog editor, and 
I am not sure its ok for me to just spend all my time on this list.

Also the proposal I put forward in the Closure on Extensibility  RDF 
is itself really a process. I outlined 4 steps to test out my idea. I 
do not know if it will succeed, just that it would be very elegant if 
it did. It would help if some more experienced people than me put their 
head together to help out this process. But my feeling is that they 
won't bother if they feel that the opening was a sham one. Nobody wants 
to waste their time.

So that is why I asked for a little good will. And I don't think that 
there should be any bad will, since what I am proposing should have 
very little impact on what those that don't want to know about RDF 

On 8 Jan 2005, at 23:03, Danny Ayers wrote:
I'm not going to argue the point here any further, but feel something
has to be said.
I am optimistic a compromise on the extensibility/RDF issue can be
reached in the given time frame, but find the imposition of such a
short period a bit extreme. It isn't that there hasn't been
considerable work on RDF-compatibility, that side's potentially
trivial (use RDF/XML!), it's the production of a compromise everyone
is comfortable with.

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story
The IETF document I mentioned is the one this mailing list is working 
on developing. The four points I listed are starting points for a 
couple of small additions to the Atom IETF document and their relation 
to a to be written OWL Ontology. There are I am sure people more 
familiar with the ins and outs of this standards process that will know 
how to turn that general idea into more specific and acceptable 

On 8 Jan 2005, at 21:50, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 8:33 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
Here is one suggestion I was thinking of to move along, quickly and 
seamlessly I hope.
All that seems fine, but your list is neither a Pace nor an Internet 
draft, and is therefore not in line with what Tim and I asked for. 
Given that you talk about an IETF document, I am assuming that you 
intend to write the Internet Draft, yes?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story
The internet draft I want to propose is an OWL document. I can get 
this out tomorrow. It will essentially say everything the current Atom 
OWL spec says, but in machine readable form.

All that is required then is that the Atom IETF document this working 
group is working on have some language describing its relation to the 
OWL document. This need not be a very big change to the current 
document. I believe it could be done in a few sentences taking my first 
proposal as a guide. If anyone has some good ideas on where it would be 
best to change the language, please help me along and write that out. I 
can do with all the help out there :-)

Understand that all I am proposing is a machine readable rewriting of 
what the current Atom spec says. That is most of what there is to it. 
The rest is just asking for a little good will.

Yours sincerely,
Henry Story
On 8 Jan 2005, at 23:35, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 10:54 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
The IETF document I mentioned is the one this mailing list is working 
on developing.
Then you didn't understand Tim's message. He meant a *new* Internet 
draft, not a change to the current draft (unless the change is a few 
sentences). From your list of changes, it doesn't seem like it is just 
a few sentences, so you need to submit a separate Internet Draft, 
initially as an individual submission. If the WG agrees that it should 
be a WG work item, it will change into one; otherwise, you can pursue 
it as an individual document, probably still discussing it on this 
mailing list.

 The four points I listed are starting points for a couple of small 
additions to the Atom IETF document and their relation to a to be 
written OWL Ontology. There are I am sure people more familiar with 
the ins and outs of this standards process that will know how to turn 
that general idea into more specific and acceptable proposals.
See Tim's message. You do this by creating either a detailed Pace or a 
complete Internet Draft.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story

On 9 Jan 2005, at 00:06, Henry Story wrote:
The internet draft I want to propose is an OWL document. I can get  
this out tomorrow. It will essentially say everything the current Atom  
OWL spec says,
Sorry it is past midnight here at I am typing a little fast.
I meant It will essentially say everything the current Atom spec[1]  


 but in machine readable form.
All that is required then is that the Atom IETF document this working  
group is working on have some language describing its relation to the  
OWL document. This need not be a very big change to the current  
document. I believe it could be done in a few sentences taking my  
first proposal as a guide. If anyone has some good ideas on where it  
would be best to change the language, please help me along and write  
that out. I can do with all the help out there :-)

Understand that all I am proposing is a machine readable rewriting of  
what the current Atom spec says. That is most of what there is to it.  
The rest is just asking for a little good will.

Yours sincerely,
Henry Story
On 8 Jan 2005, at 23:35, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 10:54 PM +0100 1/8/05, Henry Story wrote:
The IETF document I mentioned is the one this mailing list is  
working on developing.
Then you didn't understand Tim's message. He meant a *new* Internet  
draft, not a change to the current draft (unless the change is a few  
sentences). From your list of changes, it doesn't seem like it is  
just a few sentences, so you need to submit a separate Internet  
Draft, initially as an individual submission. If the WG agrees that  
it should be a WG work item, it will change into one; otherwise, you  
can pursue it as an individual document, probably still discussing it  
on this mailing list.

 The four points I listed are starting points for a couple of small  
additions to the Atom IETF document and their relation to a to be  
written OWL Ontology. There are I am sure people more familiar with  
the ins and outs of this standards process that will know how to  
turn that general idea into more specific and acceptable proposals.
See Tim's message. You do this by creating either a detailed Pace or  
a complete Internet Draft.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: Closure on Extensibility RDF

2005-01-08 Thread Henry Story
I can't do everything simultaneously. Tomorrow I will give you a first 
version of an OWL document that will map the current atom spec. Can you 
give me the current namespace for the draft atom spec I am supposed to 
be working to? This is so the atom OWL document can describe the 
properties of the draft atom spec.

The url of the location of the directory of the draft spec will 
probably do.
Then I can define the properties of atom:content using the full url say
When someone clicks on that link with a browser that asks for the 
content as text/simple they will get the current atom draft spec. When 
they ask for it using the mime type application/rdf+owl they will get 
the document I will present you tomorrow.

With this document at hand it will be a lot easier to explain the 
relation between the spec and the OWL document, either in the current 
atom spec, or if you really insist, in a separate Draft. That will be 
machine interpretable xml, ie: running code.

Good night,
Henry Story
On 9 Jan 2005, at 00:25, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
At 12:06 AM +0100 1/9/05, Henry Story wrote:
The internet draft I want to propose is an OWL document. I can get 
this out tomorrow. It will essentially say everything the current 
Atom OWL spec says, but in machine readable form.
An OWL document is not an Internet Draft. If you cannot create an 
Internet Draft, please find someone who agrees with your desires to 
help you.

All that is required then is that the Atom IETF document this working 
group is working on have some language describing its relation to the 
OWL document.
That should be included in your Internet Draft.
 This need not be a very big change to the current document.
That remains to be seen. The best way we can see it is in your 
Internet Draft. Clearly, if it is a small change and the WG wants to 
use it, it can be folded into the main document before we send it to 
the IETF.

 I believe it could be done in a few sentences taking my first 
proposal as a guide.
Great! Let's see them.
 If anyone has some good ideas on where it would be best to change 
the language, please help me along and write that out.
That is actually the least important point in your proposal, and the 
easiest to take care of late in the process if the WG agrees to the 
incorporation. If the WG doesn't agree to the incorporation, it isn't 
needed at all in your Internet Draft.

I can do with all the help out there :-)
So can we all...
Understand that all I am proposing is a machine readable rewriting of 
what the current Atom spec says.
In order for us to verify that statement, we need to see the 
rewriting, and we need to hear from a few people who understand OWL 
saying yup, that exactly matches what is in the format draft.

 That is most of what there is to it. The rest is just asking for a 
little good will.
Fully disagree. The rest is the WG coming to consensus on whether or 
not we want this as part of the baseline spec. Given this WG's 
propensity to disagree about most things XML and RDF, assuming that 
will come easily is not based on even a casual reading of the mailing 

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

arbitrary limitations in Person

2005-01-04 Thread Henry Story
I was just looking closely at the atom:Person class [1] and found some  
pretty arbitrary limitations:
  - why should a Person only have one e-mail address?
  - why should a Person only have one associated url?

It seems to me that one should follow the principle: only impose  
limitations that are proven to be necessary. Here they seem both  
unnecessary and counterintuitive.


Re: Role of RSS in Science Publishing: Atom is in RDF format

2004-12-20 Thread Henry Story

I did not quite finish the last simplification (I had forgotten to 
remove a ParseType and a rdf:type). The result should have been

  titleExample Feed/title
  link href=
   nameJohn Doe/name
  titleAtom Powered Robots Run Amok/title
  id href=vemmi://
This exercise should be done with a much larger example, to see what 
bugs remain in the current spec. The above exercise show the following 

	- Feed should probably be capitalized as above
	- id should take an href as above instead of the example from the spec 

Things like that are really simple cleaning up exercises, that would in 
no way change the functionality of Atom, but allow all of the RSS1.0 
folk with their experience to declare Atom as their successor format, 
and Atom to come clean on its extensibility requirement from the 
charter. The nice thing is that this is done whilst taking on board all 
the criticism from the RSS2.0 folk. It looks to me that Atom is close 
to ending the RSS wars. Time to smoke the peace pipe.

Henry Story
On 18 Dec 2004, at 18:21, Henry Story wrote:
  titleExample Feed/title
  link href=
  author rdf:ParseType=Resource
   rdf:type rdf:resource=atom;Person/
   nameJohn Doe/name
  titleAtom Powered Robots Run Amok/title
  id href=vemmi://

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