Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ian Reed via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

Hi Gene,Regarding post 22, here are 2 options:Start typing the first address, press end to accept the auto complete, then type a semi colon, space, and then the next address.Separating the addresses with semi colons works where commas do not.Pressing end only works to accept the auto complete if you did not press down to choose from all the possible choices.In that case it seems you still have to press tab or enter to accept it.Option 2:Type the first address and press enter instead of tab to accept it.This adds another address entry field and moves you down to it.This also allows you to specify some addresses as To, some as CC, and some as BCC.Personally I prefer option 2 unless I am using an external program to generate a list of addresses.Hope that helps.


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Re: Best IOS dice roller app for voiceover? Also just good IOS games!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best IOS dice roller app for  voiceover? Also just good IOS games!

Dark and Phil.With roll the bones you can roll up to 20 of any kind of dice with sides up to 999.


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

ian, thanks for that, I discovered option two a day or two after I posted that message, and, like you, I use option 2 because it gives me the most choices.


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Re: Remnant status update!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Remnant status update!

hey threeblacknoises, Ive downloaded chapter 3 of remnant, but I would like a complete walkthrough from beginning to end.first and foremost, Please tell me how to get to the path of truth, and many times do I need to press the right arrow key, because I cant tell if the platforms are either 4 squares apart, or 2 squares.I keep falling very often, because it is frustrating when I have to start all over from the very if you could write a walkthrough on how to complete the chapter, that would be great.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silly things you've done

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: silly things you've done

This one time, at band camp, we were doing this comedy night thing where everyone divided into groups and came up with something to perform.I was in a group that was going to do some sort of Irish Drinking Song.I had two main candidates for the bit I was going to do, and when it came time to sing it, I mixed them up--the first line from one, the second from the other.Instead of managing to gracefully continue it, I opt for not missing a beat, and just finish early with the third line being Crap.Meh, probably for the better.I was in a gladiator-themed show, once. Wed been practicing the choreography all fine and well, and had a pretty good idea of how this fight was going to go--locking swords, at one point I kick my opponents sword out of his hand.. At some point, though, my sword is the one that goes flying. So we somehow have to improvize a way for me to overpower and stab him without it.Luckily, it was in the open
 , only a few feet from a crowd of 200 drunken college students, so all I had to do was tackle him and wait for him to say something. (I wound up punching him and taking his sword.)So this other time, we went to Disney World and did the character dinner thing, where basically the fab five (not to be confused with the fab four) come in for a few minutes for photos and mild amusement.This was a trip involving two families, so there were multiple tables, and generally Im neither big on photos nor conversation, so I was kinda far from most of the activity.So, as I realize that Goofy is walking away and I didnt get a picture, I get up and start walking toward everyone else. I really couldnt tell you if Goofy saw the head-on collision coming or not.


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Re: all about food!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: all about food!

Oh man, this topic is bad for me, but when it comes to foods I just cannot resist myself. For those of you who have posted already, shame on you for torturing my poor stomach with pangs of hunger that werent previously there 10 minutes ago. :dThis topic never gets old though, and I mean never ever. We can talk about bacon eggs and sausage, or savory stews and soups all day long, and my only real preference that supercedes all other food types and what have you, is seafood. Take me to a place that offers fish and shrimp, or some fried Calamari, and youre as good as gold as far as Im concerned. Youll be my best friend, really!All that aside though, a nice bowl of soft sserved ice cream is something I wouldnt say no to, and I still loves me some pecan pie. Dominoss lavacakes are to die for, almost literally. They are so bad for you, but ever so good.Recently, Ive actually taken to ma
 king grocery lists when Im feeling that both terrible and beautiful gnawing sensation that tells me it be time to eat, because I know Ill remember to put more items on that list that I really want and will appreciate later. I know I know, probably sounds like a weird practice, but it is what it is. The real problem with either having tons of money or tons of food is that when you have it, youre not exactly sure what you want. When you dont have it, you want everything! lol


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Re: dle full version

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dle full version

Silly question? If the name of the game is Escape the Dark Leagion, wouldnt EDL be a more appropriate abreviation than DLE?


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nikos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

I remember getting 200 bloodies then switch maps to s 2 and having them all come after me, LOL that was fun.


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Re: silly things you've done

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: silly things you've done

green gables fans story reminded me of another one.This was 15 years ago, when it was standard for computers to have a floppy disk drive and BIOSes were pretty dumb. I had been at a clients office doing some work on their computers the previous day. I ended up staying late, after shutting down the office, we went to dinner, then they gave me a ride home. The following day I went to work, it was a normal day as far as I could tell, until I got home.There were a bunch of messages on my answering machine from my client, his computer wasnt working, it kept coming up with a not a boot disk error and wouldnt go any further. He was pannicking because he had work to do, and no computer to do it with.The problem turned out to be a floppy disk I was using the day before that had been inadvertantly left in the floppy disk drive, and BIOS was set up to look for a boot disk in the floppy drive first.Todays BIOSes would have 
 seen that the disk wasnt bootable and skipped to the next bootable device in the boot order list. But not the BIOSes back then.


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Re: dle full version

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dle full version

Probably. It has to do with how it got started. I think it was originally Dark Legion Escape, but the original version was _javascript_, and evolved quite a bit in terms of the web page that runs it. So by the time it was releasable and Id decided that Escape the Dark Legion was a better title, Id already been abbreviating it DLE so long that it kinda stuck.Ill probably send an update soon, if I can actually start posting all the tiny updates scattered about my disorganized hardware. Mostly because I distinctly remember replacing some of the combat sounds to be less made with a synthesizer / recorded with ancient not-very-professional microphones, but am having a difficult time locating that update.


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Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Im just thankful thatI discovered that I did, in fact, remember to back up my key.


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Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

Hello Stewi. I have the same problem.


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Monthly chat August 2015

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Monthly chat August 2015

Well another month, another monthly chat topic. Just in case your new to these rivers of ramblement, the basic idea is to just casually chin wag about anything and everything. What your doing in your life, work/university/school, what games your playing, books your reading, if youve had your legs bitten off by neuclear powered mecha sharks and are now planning a gory and appocalyptic revenge on the unsuspecting world, you know, just usual everyday type of stuff, sinse after all this is the offtopic room not the tech and blindness discussions and huge flipping great flaming arguementations of doom! room (particularly not that last one), .I admit I slightly lost out on posting in the last one owing to my avg error which caused my computer to crash, still I went back to my parents and picked up this laptop, and hopefully my main desktop 
 will be fixed in the next few days, if not I know where I can take it but itd mean carting the thing on a 200 mile roun trip by train to the firm in Nottingham who provided it so Im hoping my friend can sort it this week. Of course, everything is backed up so no worries. The big news for me is my looking seriously into getting a mac. As I said in the mac questions topic, while Im not abandoning my xp machine and will still use it for games and media and dvds, I do see the point of having something else for net browsing on, and from trying a mac I much prefer it interface wise to silly post xp windows, indeed I can still have lists and separate folders rather than all the clutter which is nice. I do want to make %100 sure though that it is the right decision before I invest in one sinse theyre undoubtedly expensive things, hence my many questions in the other thread. In other news, Im preparing for aims music school in three wee
 ks. Even though I was ill over the audition and not able to audition, Ive been given extra stuff to have a go at, including the very awesome A tenor all singers above which is a very obscure song from Eutopea limited, the least known of all Gilbert and Sullivans opperetas, and is all about how hard it is to be a tenor in love because a tenors voice doesnt work! . Its rather fun sinse its a song where you intentionally need to mess up, but Ive never heard anyone do it quite as mad! as I would like to. I am also taking Errantry, which is Donald Swans setting of one of Tolkiens poems and is amazing! you can hear it herr on youtube Its lower than I usually sing being high baritone rather than tenor, but its fantastic! I wish I co
 ul sing part two of the same song cycle which is a gorgious setting of treebeards lament, but thats wy too low. Next to Steven Olivers settings from the Bbc lotr radio play I really do like Swans stuff, albeit I think Olivers setting of Bilbos last song (the one heard in episode 13 when theyre crossing the sea from the grey havens), is much nicer even than swans. Id like to do errantry at a music festival later this year, so music school will be a good place to work on it. In other news Ive been finishing off Crown of Shadows the last in the coldfire series by C friedman. Its been a fun series, particularly the relationship of science an religion on a planet where there is an energy field that literally makes peoples desires real, although it got a bit too over wrought for my liking. Ive already done reviews for for th
 e first two books and will be doing one for Crown of Shadows too, indeed I also want to write reviews for the red dwarf books Infinity favours careful drivers and better than life sinse it amazes me the sight doesnt have anything on them and theyre absolute classics! Funnily enough games wise Ive not been playing much, partly because of my computer issues, though I have been playing several of the Cog and Hg titles not to mention the odd game of Lost cities or trivia crack. If anyone wants to add me, my game center id is dark tenor, and my trivia crack name is dark empathy. The main thing Ive done today is play mega man x 2. Ive really found that zone where I could just keep trying, and with the mmx series (indeed all the mega man games), you really need that sinse however much you play, the games are just dam hard! Ive not managed to do that well in the games for years, mostly i think because I wasnt able to get into the
  state of absolute calm required to just keep trying and assessing a section of the game I wasnt and would always give up in disgust, indeed other than a quick run through original Mega man I dont think Ive completed any of the mm games for years. Well last week I finished mmx1, though it took a good few hours, and now Im just coming to the end of mmx2, which (surprisingly), Im finding easier, which either means Ive got my mega man mojo back, or that mmx2 wasnt as hard as I thought . Weather wise, its actually turned pretty cold over here which is rather weerd given how hot it was previously, but you know, England! Indeed I 

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

@keyIsFull nailed it right on the head, which is why I have no problem mentioning the differences between JAWS and other screen reader users and their various levels of proficiency. Hell, I would wager that most of us started off on JAWS, and as was pointed out in post 114 by Jade, the real problem back then was that there wasnt as much to choose from, and when choices did make themselves available they werent realistically ready to compete with the granddaddy of screen readers that had, more or less singlehandedly raked in most of the blind community and its service providers and other such agencies.But those days are over, and even FS is starting to see that. The moves they are currently making which give users the ability to buy 3 month licenses to use their product suggest to me that, while they still want to make money, they are going to look for more feasible methods by which to do it. The screen reader is only as good as the consumers mak
 e it, after all, not the other way around. You can have a ton of development team and a ton of ideas inside that development team, but if that team only develops for itself, there is little chance of it attracting other minds and greater consumption. Less consumption, less money. Less money, less business. Less business, and its time to close shop because we dont have the money or the business to pay bills anymore.And people have indeed been leaving Fss side, loyal, die hard customers and fanatics of the software that once brought them so much in the way of accessibility. The definition of what a screen reader is though, is finally becoming clear to people. A screen reader is not an operating system on top of your operating system. If that works for you, more power to you, but its not for everyone, just as a screen reader isnt, either. For gamers, this is of the greatest importance, because games don
 t just show up on your front doorstep, nor should they. I didnt find out about q9 by sitting around for Leasey to be developed. I found out about q9 by searching for accessible games on google and turning up about a dozen sites, including this one. It wasnt part of a package; it didnt come with added tools and shortcuts. It wasnt a pizza hut demo sampler CD for the playstation that bundled a ton of other games into it for promotions sake, a short lived practice, as it were. It was a game, a game I played on windows, a game I loved even in its simplicity and which I eventually shelved, but which I also recommended to other people, and would have continued to recommend had it not been for this. FS is not to fault for what happened though, and to add just a little more solidity to that statement, Ill even go so far as to say that neither are JAWS users.


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Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

I have the source language at autodetect, and the target at English, and it works.


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Re: all about food!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: all about food!

@Brad, firstly, quick doesnt mean unhealthy, or at least not apart from takeaways. For example, tomorrow I shal be making a chilly in my slow cooker with a bunch of turkey mince and a jar of chilly sauce. Yes, if I mae the sauce it would be good, but honestly if you buy a decent cook in sauce its not a problem and sinse Im also chucking in some pre done onions and some kidney beans and having it with rice itll be a pretty healthy meal (especially with using turkey mince rather than beef).Its the same with ready done meals. One reason I go to marks is they do a lot of things that are very quick to do, but still are good quality and not always hyper unhealthy, for example they do a lot of pre prepared vedge and some great chicken breast fillits with interesting sauce you can just throw in the oven. Ill admit Im a fairly lazy cook, mostly because there is just me to cook for (if I was cooking for other people I&
 #039;d be more inclined to spen more time), but that doesnt mean I have to constantly live on bad quality microwwave meals or takeaways. I have however recently acquired a wok and am experimenting with stir fries, which are awesome! I dont usually like using the hob that much owing to the risk of burns etc, and confine myself to the oven, the microwave, my slow cooker and of course the good old george forman, however a wok isnt so bad owing to the size and there is nothing nicer or more healthy than a fresh stir fry.I also personally dont bother with the gym, I have a small home trampoline to run on and some hand weights, sinse the nearest gym is quite a wayss out, and besides going to a gym for a couple of hours would just get boring, where as 20 minutes of intensive work out most days is fairly easy and is over quickly. (I try to do it every day but if say Ive been awake most of the night its not as easy, still id say I 
 definitely manage most and its good for my voice).


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Re: all about food!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: all about food! the poster that was talking about minni roles I agree with you.I do like for a treat dinner roles with butter.I like any aisian bred of any sort and ciabata, I think thats how its spelt.Some pronounce it chabata some say sheerbata it means the same thing.vocacha is nice some say vocacia some say vocachiea but whatever its nice.Both those types of bread can go dry and hard an chewy though.any sesame or cheese role is nice and any normal bred is nice.vogles is nice though I like thick toast bread as a rule.For a treat I like fruit bread but its hard to cook at times.Then there is your classic date loaf or banana loaf.I had my nanna make date for me many times.I brought banana loaf from the store but then got someone to make it for lunch and there is noting to compair with a freshly baked just out of the oven piping hot loaf.Lately while I do enjoy shoving my face with a doughnut or 2 or 5 I ha
 ve been over the last 4 or so years pushing that away due to weight and the like.I used to eat kfc every day just about in my teenaged years and when I did flatting for a year or so.I used to eat packets of biscuits, crackers and chips and all that sort of junk.I dont do that so much anymore though.


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Re: dle full version

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dle full version

Sorry about that. Give it a couple hours.


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Re: Fallen London iOS Testing!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fallen London iOS Testing!

Im not sure what my profile link is, but Im orinks on there. I dont know when I can get out of the early game, but I think Im still there. I just view cards that seem interesting to me that are available and not sure if Im making forward progress in-game or not.I just wish that making echos actually had a purpose now. Back in the day you can share them on social networks to promote the game and perhaps get your followers/Facebook friends interested. Now they just appear in your journal on your profile.


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

He didnt really mean just in the U K, Gene. Think he said that because they have direct interactions with people in the U K, but really its trying to break down social isolation for blind people in general.


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Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

@assault freakwhat theme are you using for your ps4?


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Re: Fallen London iOS Testing!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fallen London iOS Testing!

Here is my profile, if anyone wants to add me as a contact. also applied to be an iOS test. One thing that gets me are these popup dialogues. Are they accessible, and is there any way to read them with NVDA? For example, when clicking on your ambition and remonising about it--I guess its a previously on for that particular storyline.These dialogues arent accessible with NVDA. Even sharing Echos isnt very accessible, having to tav through everything.


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Re: Mac questions

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac questions

I dont remember off the top of my head if outlook can export the contact list. Even if not theres probably a tool that will give you a .vcf file that you can just open using the contacts app, which will import it. The contact list is actually a feature on the OS level, not a part of the Email program so any app can access it. If you start typing in the to field, Mail will complete the address. If it gets it wrong you can actually use the up and down arrow keys to explore other options. Next to this you do have an add from contacts button that opens a simple window with a search box, and 2 trees, one with all of your groups and one with your contacts sorted alphabetically, so you can choose things that way as well.


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Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

nocturnus wrote:To do this, we must look at something you seem to despise looking at, and that is the overall success of screen readerWhere do you get the idea that I dispise looking at the success of screen readers? Im very thankful for them, without them Id have no access to computers.nocturnus wrote:At present, JAWS is holding as the dominant screen reader for the most part in the United States and the United Kingdom. Perhaps the most reasonable explanation for this is that in both of the countries JAWS is provided for free to anyone who is engaged in education or employment searching. Another, much more shady argument can also be raised, that agencies do not do their best to educate consumers on everything available so much as what they have to offer, which is only reasonable given goodness only knows what kind of contracts are 
 in place with such organizations and services providers and the likeMost, if not all, blind and visually impaired support and service organizations and government departments are under funded and under staffed. There is often not enough time or resources for these organizations to research and educate themselves about all the screen reader options available. So it often happens that the only screen readers they know about are from those companies that maintain an active marketing campaign. I dont know about other companies, but I do know that Freedom Scientific has a very active marketing department. No matter how good it is, it cant do anybody any good if nobody knows about it.nocturnus wrote:Windows is actually seeing a decrease in usage, probably because voiceover is provided for free on apples operating systemsYou are forgetting that Windows comes with Nara
 tor, it may not be as good as Apples VoiceOver, but is a very useable screen reader. Until I saw all the added features JAWS provided, plus its much more understandable voice, I was going to use what came with Windows.nocturnus wrote:nothing exists whatsoever to persuade me that this is a good move for gamers or a gaming platform as a whole.Youll get no argument from me on that. It would have been much better if Phil could have found someone to sell Q9 to that would have kept it available to anyone that wanted it regardless of their system configuration. Ive already said that a number of times in this thread, but it seems that people seems to ignore that. So I find myself saying yet again.nocturnus wrote:it is my belief that Bryan has relied on an outdated model to continue selling his products.It is only ou
 t dated if it is no longer functional and I dont see that happening for a long time yet.nocturnus wrote:this is a move designed to bring games to people who have been deemed unteachable, for whom scripts seem like a much more reasonable alternative than educating them on how to properly use their computers, because so far as I can tell, the purpose of Leasey seems to be that you do as little as possible with as much as possible.[[wow]], I find it disturbing that youd be so scornfull of people less capable than you, and that youd use them as a crutch to support your obviously misinformed opinion of what Leasey is. Before you say more about Leasey, Id recommend you spend some time educating yourself about what it really is. Its not the crutch you think it is.First theres Leasey Basic, it is a system of menus allowing computer beginners the ability to do basic task
 s such as writing a letter or sending an email, without them getting lost or confused. There is also a getting started guide to help complete computer beginners learn about computers so they can get proficient enough to use their computer without needing the guidance of the menus.Then theres Leasey Advanced which is a set of more than 20 tools and utilities that can help you to be more productive while working with your computer.Two of my favorites are:The enhanced clipboard that has 12 slots that can be cut or copied into or pasted out of at random, so you could copy all the parts of an address into separate clipboard slots, then paste them into an Internet form without having to constantly go back and forth between your address book and your Internet browser.Another favorite is the ability to assign a block of text to a nickname, for example, I could give the nickname of agn, then in any application, I can type agn, hit the Leasey t
 ext key, and the agn will be replaced with The block of text can be any size from a few words to many pages, and theres no real limit to the number of nicknames and blocks of text you can define. Very handy if you find yourself typing the same thing lots of times.Id call these kinds of tools productivity tools, not crutches for lazy or unteachable people.nocturnus wrote:Forget for just a minute, all that Leasey has to offer and tell me it is worth purchasing a computer, plus a screen reader, already totaling upwards of a thousand dollars, plus a license to a 

Re: silly things you've done

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: silly things you've done

Thats amusing Daigonite, and reminds me of something similarly bad I did when I was about five at nursery related to a stuffed bird. Id recently got a large plastic skeleton to hang on my wall, one which my mum even labeled the bones on in braille. I would say I was a rather odd child, accept that Ive still got a similar skeleton on my bedroom door at my parents and a rather amusing skull on the wall in my flat. I decided that a good name for this skeleton would be dead dennis! indeed, I was quite taken with my own cleverness at coming up with such a good name.At nursery, the teacher bought in a stuffed falcon to show everyone. She gave a long speech about how wonderful it was that we had this new friend and asked people to come up with a name. I of course, stuck my hand in the air and said dead dennis! In fairness it wasnt that I thought the bird was dead, I just liked the sound of Dead dennis
 ot; so much. This resulted in the teacher whod bought in the falcon grabbing me and dragging me into the corner giving me a severe yelling at. However, most of the rest of the staff and my mum (who was there at the time), had a good laugh about it, indeed even though the teacher did her best to give the bird a better name, apparently it was still referd to as dead dennis!


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Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

nocturnus wrote:To do this, we must look at something you seem to despise looking at, and that is the overall success of screen readerWhere do you get the idea that I dispise looking at the success of screen readers? Im very thankful for them, without them Id have no access to computers.nocturnus wrote:At present, JAWS is holding as the dominant screen reader for the most part in the United States and the United Kingdom. Perhaps the most reasonable explanation for this is that in both of the countries JAWS is provided for free to anyone who is engaged in education or employment searching. Another, much more shady argument can also be raised, that agencies do not do their best to educate consumers on everything available so much as what they have to offer, which is only reasonable given goodness only knows what kind of contracts are 
 in place with such organizations and services providers and the likeMost, if not all, blind and visually impaired support and service organizations and government departments are under funded and under staffed. There is often not enough time or resources for these organizations to research and educate themselves about all the screen reader options available. So it often happens that the only screen readers they know about are from those companies that maintain an active marketing campaign. I dont know about other companies, but I do know that Freedom Scientific has a very active marketing department. No matter how good it is, it cant do anybody any good if nobody knows about it.nocturnus wrote:Windows is actually seeing a decrease in usage, probably because voiceover is provided for free on apples operating systemsYou are forgetting that Windows comes with Nara
 tor, it may not be as good as Apples VoiceOver, but is a very useable screen reader. Until I saw all the added features JAWS provided, plus its much more understandable voice, I was going to use what came with Windows.nocturnus wrote:nothing exists whatsoever to persuade me that this is a good move for gamers or a gaming platform as a whole.Youll get no argument from me on that. It would have been much better if Phil could have found someone to sell Q9 to that would have kept it available to anyone that wanted it regardless of their system configuration. Ive already said that a number of times in this thread, but it seems that people seems to ignore that. So I find myself saying yet again.nocturnus wrote:it is my belief that Bryan has relied on an outdated model to continue selling his products.It is only ou
 t dated if it is no longer functional and I dont see that happening for a long time yet.nocturnus wrote:this is a move designed to bring games to people who have been deemed unteachable, for whom scripts seem like a much more reasonable alternative than educating them on how to properly use their computers, because so far as I can tell, the purpose of Leasey seems to be that you do as little as possible with as much as possible.[[wow]], I find it disturbing that youd be so scornfull of people less capable than you, and that youd use them as a crutch to support your obviously misinformed opinion of what Leasey is. Before you say more about Leasey, Id recommend you spend some time educating yourself about what it really is. Its not the crutch you think it is.First theres Leasey Basic, it is a system of menus allowing computer beginners the ability to do basic task
 s such as writing a letter or sending an email, without them getting lost or confused. There is also a getting started guide to help complete computer beginners learn about computers so they can get proficient enough to use their computer without needing the guidance of the menus.Then theres Leasey Advanced which is a set of more than 20 tools and utilities that can help you to be more productive while working with your computer.Two of my favorites are:The enhanced clipboard that has 12 slots that can be cut or copied into or pasted out of at random, so you could copy all the parts of an address into separate clipboard slots, then paste them into an Internet form without having to constantly go back and forth between your address book and your Internet browser.Another favorite is the ability to assign a block of text to a nickname, for example, I could give the nickname of agn, then in any application, I can type agn, hit the Leasey t
 ext key, and the agn will be replaced with The block of text can be any size from a few words to many pages, and theres no real limit to the number of nicknames and blocks of text you can define. Very handy if you find yourself typing the same thing lots of times.Id call these kinds of tools productivity tools, not crutches for lazy or unteachable people.nocturnus wrote:Forget for just a minute, all that Leasey has to offer and tell me it is worth purchasing a computer, plus a screen reader, already totaling upwards of a thousand dollars, plus a license to a 

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

[ a-t ] post 111, Actually, having installers is perfectly fine. And its probably a good idea to have a standalone copy of the installer. If you have a name and key, then thats eve better; you will definitely want to back it up, because o one will recover it for you now if you lose it.


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Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MSlion via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

hello,I am stuck in the team rocket base in mahogany town. I read here that there is a version which can handle doors and such which is what I need here. is this already available in the English version?if not can someone give me directions how to get through the base? I hallready have what I need for the doors.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mac questions

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac questions

How you organise things is up to you. You could either have two lists, each maintained on separate devices or, more likely, you sync both to iCloud and end up merging them. Contacts do not have to contain any particular data; if a contact has no email address, or no phone number, then you simply dont do those things with them. And you can create groups to organise them into.Just stop worrying and learn to love the Mac. 


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Re: Remnant status update!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Remnant status update!

I cant wait to download it once you post the link.however, can you tell me how I can get to the post game content on its own without completing the chapter?also, will there be a readme file included?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Remnant status update!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Remnant status update!

Hay Nick, and every one else.Remnant 3.0 RC1 is out!Heres the link. … Remnant 2.0first, then extract it, then place this in the same folder with the 2.0 stuff.Nick, regarding your questions;The post game can be accessed in the same way you do a normal stage.Yes, their is a readme included, but Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have.The gameplay should be final, but the final release will include real voice actin in all sceens.Some sceens do not have temp voice acting, as Im out of time to work on this for a while.All the sceens that need voice acting do have it, and all of my voice acting is included.This file also includes a fix for Missingno, as well as intigration with chapter 2; FYI.Well, enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: memories of a spammer.

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: memories of a spammer.

Termonater, i thought what i did was bad, but it turns out i was actually just an annoying kid no one liked, at first.I used to do this on alter aeon and was banned several tiems for it, rightfally now that i think about it. I used to be in fights with people and i loved to troll. It was fun. But then when i tried to stop everyone hated me and so i stoppedplaying that game. On wamp, i used to troll. NOt intentionally at first, i was just asking for help with the rpoblems i had with sounds in that game. Everyone hated me and ignored me so i started spamming so i could get atention. I got banned but i changed and now i have a lots of friends on there. People still dont like me but i dont talk to them, its there problem. I have reseaved some nasty messages on games, but i just ignore them and keep playing. I never hacked, never asked for passwords, Anyo of that. I was just in fights with people for some reason. I dont know why, and i try to stop and i have bu
 t dentin wont listen to me and i dont actually care cause i did annoy him quite a few times about channel bans and such.Termonater, i wouldnt hack if i were you. What you did was foolish, and what i did was too. Really should get on this playroom, we could be friends.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Remnant status update!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Remnant status update!

Hay Nick, and every one else.Remnant 3.0 RC1 is out!Heres the link. … Remnant 2.0 first, … %202.0.zipthen extract it, then place this in the same folder with the 2.0 stuff.Nick, regarding your questions;The post game can be accessed in the same way you do a normal stage.Yes, their is a readme included, but Ill be happy to answer any questions you may have.The gameplay should be final, but the final release will include real voice actin in all sceens.Some sceens do not have temp voice acting, as Im out of time to work on this for a while.All the sceens that need voice acting do have it, and all of my voice acting is included.This file also includes a fix for Missingno, as well as intigration with chapter 2; FYI.Well, enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mac questions

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac questions

The mac mini might be a good idea if I had more space than I do, ie, space for two tvs and sets of speakers but that is not the case, and Id need to disconnect my xp box, and external speakers to use it and reconnect them whenever I wanted to use my xp machine which would be a major pain in the kneck. The mac will be limited to one table basically, so its got to be either a mac book or an I mac with everything complete, and a mac book would make anything screen related I wanted to do rather difficult. I do after all do things like watching game play videos on youtube, and I dont entirely discount the possibility of getting an external dvd drive in the future, or of using a service such as netflicks or bbc I player.As to contacts just to be clear, phone contacts and e-mail contacts are two different things. I obviously use my Iphone to phone people, but because I dont usualy have my external keyboard with me and dont want to write long e-
 mails with the on screen keyboard, I have no e-mail contacts on my Iphone at all, all of them are in outlook express, and many are people or organizations I either dont have phone numbers for or wouldnt phone anyway such as the entombed and audeasy mailing lists. Indeed I only bothered setting up e-mail on my Iphone because I wanted to output data from Kodp on it . As I said, Im not a big fan of auto complete, sinse I would rather choose whom I actually want to send an e-mail to rather than being reliant on the computer getting it right, this is why I like outlook express sinse to e-mail someone I just hit tab once and then up and down arrows or the first letter of a name, and why the hell silly microsoft removed this in post xp windows I dont know, again, modern proclivity for filling the screen with sprawling data rather than nice tidy list
 s, or at least giving you no choice about how data is displayed.That is why Im wondering about the contacts list on mac.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Dropbox and audio described movies.

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dropbox and audio described movies.

Hi brad.You dont have to worry about putting harry potter in dropbox, i made a new account for blind mice and remembered to activate it. In fact i just finished watching the chamber of secrets with it. The only thing i noticed is that it seemed to stop before it was over, before dumbledore anounced about agsams being canciled and before doby even was freed. This isnt a problem to me since i have red the books and seen all the movies a number of times but for someone who has never seen the movies or read the books this could be a problem, because it just suddenly stops. Maybe it was just because i was a free member, i dont know. It just seemed weird at the time. Though at least i got to see the fight with the basolisk which was what i was most excited about seeing the film with audio description. It was quite different from the book in the way that he climbed up on the stone head and attacked from there, though that did give harry a good vantige point again
 st mister snakey.Im not really going to say anymore since this really isnt a movie review topic, just was letting you know you dont have to put the movies in audio description.--Rory


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: silly things you've done

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: silly things you've done

This happened about 45 years ago when I was in the 6th grade.It was windter, my brothers and I decided to make as big a snowball as we possibly could. We started rolling a small ball around and it slowly grew. Every once in a while wed pour a bucket of water on it to keep it from falling apart, little did we know we were making an ice ball. After a while, it was so big and heavy that it was very difficult to move. God only knows how much it weighed, but Id guess the thing was about four feet in diameter. Im amazed we were able to move the thing at all.Anyway, we had a couple of problems, the first was that our snowball was in the alley that went down the middle of our block, this was a problem because the alley was the only way people that lived on the block could get to their driveways. The other problem was a bit stickier, our block was on the side of a hill and the bottom of the hill was a four lane highway that carried a lot of traffic. We final
 ly did get the snow ball out of the alley without sending it into the traffic at the bottom of the hill, how I have no idea, I call it a miracle. Unfortunately for one resident of our block it was wedged very tightly in his gate.The following morning, on my way to school, I saw the guy, swearing up a storm and hacking at a huge snowball stuck in his gate with an axe. It wasnt easy, but I managed to get far enough away that he couldnt hear me before I burst out laughing.After I got home from school that day, I checked, he had apparently given up on the snowball because it was still in his gate. It looked like he had walked around half the block to get to his car.Before he got home, I removed the snowball. As far as I know, he never found out where the snowball came from, or who removed it.


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windows 10

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


windows 10

hello, I reserved my coppy of windows 10 in the beginning of july, but now its the thirty first, and it should have come out on the 29th but I don#t get notifications or windows or pop ups or anything. Of corse Im using windows 8, so the ishew might be nvda not announcing the window and me not being able to alt tab to it. I tried the get windows 10 menu, but it hasnt changed much. Ive also checked for updates with windows update but there are no new ones. How can I install windows 10 with nvda


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Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

Hi,I had made a mac program a while back that worked on OSX. Have a link: … X.dmg?dl=1To add custom sounds, just simply paste the wav files into the .app folder. Not the contents, just the .app. Hope this helps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jsymes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

@GeneWarner, again you are comparing apples and oranges by comparing this situation with an operating system. Q9 worked quite well before whatever screen reader you used because it was self-voicing. Now, because of this decision, those of us, like Thomas and I that were considering purchasing this game recently, are no longer able to because wed have to purchase Jaws and Leasey, just to get this game. This game went from being available to most of the community as a whole for a reasonable fee, to being available to a tiny minority, and the rest would have to pay a prohibitive amount to regain that access. What youre talking about is a new version of Halo no longer being supported for technical reasons, were talking about an unchanged game thats essentially being taken off the market for the vast majority of the audio games community because the new owner refuses to make it available in its original, stand-alone form because hes not a member of t
 his community and therefore doesnt realize that he may have just cut off sales of the individual games that he may have gotten from those of us that are completely unwilling or unable to fiddle with Leasey and Jaws. Just during this thread, there are two people, Thomas and myself, that have come forward and stated that we were unable to buy it before for very important reasons, and are now no longer able to because of this decision to so restrict access to what was once widely available to the community, and who knows how many others not on this forum or that may just be joining the community are also no longer able to purchase this once widely available product because Philip chose to sell the rights to somebody that would so drasticly limit the availability.But if you really so desperately want to use the operating system example, let me counter with a more appropriate example. Windows 8, Microsofts most recent operating system, was a disaster because it pretty 
 much tried to force the entire segment of the computer market that it controls into using touch screens. If you dont have a touch screen and still use the keyboard and mouse, youre forced to take extra steps to do what in prior versions of Windows might have taken one or two clicks to achieve. That is an example of a product that was freely available to the masses before, and suddenly had the developer drastically restrict access to the larger community to that product for their own purposes to a much smaller segment of that community. But to take the analogy to its final conclusion, what if the original version of Windows 8 had left in perfect support for keyboards and mice that all Windows users had come to rely upon, and Microsoft suddenly put out a statement to announce that they were selling their rights to Windows to a third-party, and that third-party then suddenly announces they were releasing new copies of Windows 8 with only the touch screen support and t
 he crappy keyboard and mouse support. Now put this hypothetical aside and look at what really has happened to Microsoft because of the disaster Windows 8 has been, they rushed a whole new version of Windows into existence to try and undo the damage they themselves did to the community, which I remind you are their customers. Microsoft is hoping that they didnt damage their reputation with their customers badly enough that people wont turn to Apple because of 8 and will never bother to try 10.This was the point I was trying to make in my prior post. Will this decision hurt either Philips or Bryans reputations enough that they just turned off customers? Very possibly, Bryan may have even upset a number of those that mightve otherwise tried his other products, who knows time will tell. It just seems illogical to me, and Im guessing from several others posts to them as well, that they would actively want to upset most of the community tha
 t are their prospective customers and ruin their reputations in the process.And no, mine isnt biased. If Philip had sold this to a group specifically targeted on a WE or NVDA platform, the two screen readers I do use, I cant say Id be thrilled either, which was what I said in my original post had you read it thoroughly. As Nocturnus also pointed out and I agreed with, this is a niche market, and the goal should be to make as many products available to the widest audience as possible, not so drastically restrict it to one tiny segment or make it such an expensive prospect that it turns off interest in that product. Youve made it clear that your indifferent to our perspective however because you are a member of that tiny segment that are avid Jaws users and are willing to purchase Leasey, but, and I dont know the exact numbers on Jaws market share of the screen reader market and how many in the gaming community use that screen reader, but I

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jsymes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

@GeneWarner, again you are comparing apples and oranges by comparing this situation with an operating system. Q9 worked quite well before whatever screen reader you used because it was self-voicing. Now, because of this decision, those of us, like Thomas and I that were considering purchasing this game recently, are no longer able to because wed have to purchase Jaws and Leasey, just to get this game. This game went from being available to most of the community as a whole for a reasonable fee, to being available to a tiny minority, and the rest would have to pay a prohibitive amount to regain that access. What youre talking about is a new version of Halo no longer being supported for technical reasons, were talking about an unchanged game thats essentially being taken off the market for the vast majority of the audio games community because the new owner refuses to make it available in its original, stand-alone form because hes not a member of t
 his community and therefore doesnt realize that he may have just cut off sales of the individual games that he may have gotten from those of us that are completely unwilling or unable to fiddle with Leasey and Jaws. Just during this thread, there are two people, Thomas and myself, that have come forward and stated that we were unable to buy it before for very important reasons, and are now no longer able to because of this decision to so restrict access to what was once widely available to the community, and who knows how many others not on this forum or that may just be joining the community are also no longer able to purchase this once widely available product because Philip chose to sell the rights to somebody that would so drasticly limit the availability.But if you really so desperately want to use the operating system example, let me counter with a more appropriate example. Windows 8, Microsofts most recent operating system, was a disaster because it pretty 
 much tried to force the entire segment of the computer market that it controls into using touch screens. If you dont have a touch screen and still use the keyboard and mouse, youre forced to take extra steps to do what in prior versions of Windows might have taken one or two clicks to achieve. That is an example of a product that was freely available to the masses before, and suddenly had the developer drastically restrict access to the larger community to that product for their own purposes to a much smaller segment of that community. But to take the analogy to its final conclusion, what if the original version of Windows 8 had left in perfect support for keyboards and mice that all Windows users had come to rely upon, and Microsoft suddenly put out a statement to announce that they were selling their rights to Windows to a third-party, and that third-party then suddenly announces they were releasing new copies of Windows 8 with only the touch screen support and t
 he crappy keyboard and mouse support. Now put this hypothetical aside and look at what really has happened to Microsoft because of the disaster Windows 8 has been, they rushed a whole new version of Windows into existence to try and undo the damage they themselves did to the community, which I remind you are their customers. Microsoft is hoping that they didnt damage their reputation with their customers badly enough that people wont turn to Apple because of 8 and will never bother to try 10.This was the point I was trying to make in my prior post. Will this decision hurt either Philips or Bryans reputations enough that they just turned off customers? Very possibly, Bryan may have even upset a number of those that mightve otherwise tried his other products, who knows time will tell. It just seems illogical to me, and Im guessing from several others posts to them as well, that they would actively want to upset most of the community tha
 t are their prospective customers and ruin their reputations in the process.And no, mine isnt biased. If Philip had sold this to a group specifically targeted on a WE or NVDA platform, the two screen readers I do use, I cant say Id be thrilled either, which was what I said in my original post had you read it thoroughly. As Nocturnus also pointed out and I agreed with, this is a niche market, and the goal should be to make as many products available to the widest audience as possible, not so drastically restrict it to one tiny segment or make it such an expensive prospect that it turns off interest in that product. Youve made it clear that your indifferent to our perspective however because you are a member of that tiny segment that are avid Jaws users and are willing to purchase Leasey, but, and I dont know the exact numbers on Jaws market share of the screen reader market and how many in the gaming community use that screen reader, but I

Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

Hi,I had made a mac program a while back that worked on OSX. Have a link: … X.dmg?dl=1To add custom sounds, just simply paste the wav files into the .app folder. Not the contents, just the .app. Hope this hepls.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jsymes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

@GeneWarner, again you are comparing apples and oranges by comparing this situation with an operating system. Q9 worked quite well before whatever screen reader you used because it was self-voicing. Now, because of this decision, those of us, like Thomas and I that were considering purchasing this game recently, are no longer able to because wed have to purchase Jaws and Leasey, just to get this game. This game went from being available to most of the community as a whole for a reasonable fee, to being available to a tiny minority, and the rest would have to pay a prohibitive amount to regain that access. What youre talking about is a new version of Halo no longer being supported for technical reasons, were talking about an unchanged game thats essentially being taken off the market for the vast majority of the audio games community because the new owner refuses to make it available in its original, stand-alone form because hes not a member of t
 his community and therefore doesnt realize that he may have just cut off sales of the individual games that he may have gotten from those of us that are completely unwilling or unable to fiddle with Leasey and Jaws. Just during this thread, there are two people, Thomas and myself, that have come forward and stated that we were unable to buy it before for very important reasons, and are now no longer able to because of this decision to so restrict access to what was once widely available to the community, and who knows how many others not on this forum or that may just be joining the community are also no longer able to purchase this once widely available product because Philip chose to sell the rights to somebody that would so drasticly limit the availability.But if you really so desperately want to use the operating system example, let me counter with a more appropriate example. Windows 8, Microsofts most recent operating system, was a disaster because it pretty 
 much tried to force the entire segment of the computer market that it controls into using touch screens. If you dont have a touch screen and still use the keyboard and mouse, youre forced to take extra steps to do what in prior versions of Windows might have taken one or two clicks to achieve. That is an example of a product that was freely available to the masses before, and suddenly had the developer drastically restrict access to the larger community to that product for their own purposes to a much smaller segment of that community. But to take the analogy to its final conclusion, what if the original version of Windows 8 had left in perfect support for keyboards and mice that all Windows users had come to rely upon, and Microsoft suddenly put out a statement to announce that they were selling their rights to Windows to a third-party, and that third-party then suddenly announces they were releasing new copies of Windows with only the touch screen support and the
  crappy keyboard and mouse support. Now put this hypothetical aside and look at what really has happened to Microsoft because of the disaster Windows 8 has been, they rushed a whole new version of Windows into existence to try and undo the damage they themselves did to the community, which I remind you are their customers. Microsoft is hoping that they didnt damage their reputation with their customers badly enough that people wont turn to Apple because of 8 and will never bother to try 10.This was the point I was trying to make in my prior post. Will this decision hurt either Philips or Bryans reputations enough that they just turned off customers? Very possibly, Bryan may have even upset a number of those that mightve otherwise tried his other products, who knows time will tell. It just seems illogical to me, and Im guessing from several others posts to them as well, that they would actively want to upset most of the community that 
 are their prospective customers and ruin their reputations in the process.And no, mine isnt biased. If Philip had sold this to a group specifically targeted on a WE or NVDA platform, the two screen readers I do use, I cant say Id be thrilled either, which was what I said in my original post had you read it thoroughly. As Nocturnus also pointed out and I agreed with, this is a niche market, and the goal should be to make as many products available to the widest audience as possible, not so drastically restrict it to one tiny segment or make it such an expensive prospect that it turns off interest in that product. Youve made it clear that your indifferent to our perspective however because you are a member of that tiny segment that are avid Jaws users and are willing to purchase Leasey, but, and I dont know the exact numbers on Jaws market share of the screen reader market and how many in the gaming community use that screen reader, but I
 9;d guess a majority use a different screen reader other than Jaws these days, whether it be NVDA, Window-Eyes, SuperNova, or System Access. But 

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jsymes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

@GeneWarner, again you are comparing apples and oranges by comparing this situation with an operating system. Q9 worked quite well before whatever screen reader you used because it was self-voicing. Now, because of this decision, those of us, like Thomas and I that were considering purchasing this game recently, are no longer able to because wed have to purchase Jaws and Leasey, just to get this game. This game went from being available to most of the community as a whole for a reasonable fee, to being available to a tiny minority, and the rest would have to pay a prohibitive amount to regain that access. What youre talking about is a new version of Halo no longer being supported for technical reasons, were talking about an unchanged game thats essentially being taken off the market for the vast majority of the audio games community because the new owner refuses to make it available in its original, stand-alone form because hes not a member of t
 his community and therefore doesnt realize that he may have just cut off sales of the individual games that he may have gotten from those of us that are completely unwilling or unable to fiddle with Leasey and Jaws. Just during this thread, there are two people, Thomas and myself, that have come forward and stated that we were unable to buy it before for very important reasons, and are now no longer able to because of this decision to so restrict access to what was once widely available to the community, and who knows how many others not on this forum or that may just be joining the community are also no longer able to purchase this once widely available product because Philip chose to sell the rights to somebody that would so drasticly limit the availability.But if you really so desperately want to use the operating system example, let me counter with a more appropriate example. Windows 8, Microsofts most recent operating system, was a disaster because it pretty 
 much tried to force the entire segment of the computer market that it controls into using touch screens. If you dont have a touch screen and still use the keyboard and mouse, youre forced to take extra steps to do what in prior versions of Windows might have taken one or two clicks to achieve. That is an example of a product that was freely available to the masses before, and suddenly had the developer drastically restrict access to the larger community to that product for their own purposes to a much smaller segment of that community. But to take the analogy to its final conclusion, what if the original version of Windows 8 had left in perfect support for keyboards and mice that all Windows users had come to rely upon, and Microsoft suddenly put out a statement to announce that they were selling their rights to Windows to a third-party, and that third-party then suddenly announces they were releasing new copies of Windows 8 with only the touch screen support and t
 he crappy keyboard and mouse support. Now put this hypothetical aside and look at what really has happened to Microsoft because of the disaster Windows 8 has been, they rushed a whole new version of Windows into existence to try and undo the damage they themselves did to the community, which I remind you are their customers. Microsoft is hoping that they didnt damage their reputation with their customers badly enough that people wont turn to Apple because of 8 and will never bother to try 10.This was the point I was trying to make in my prior post. Will this decision hurt either Philips or Bryans reputations enough that they just turned off customers? Very possibly, Bryan may have even upset a number of those that mightve otherwise tried his other products, who knows time will tell. It just seems illogical to me, and Im guessing from several others posts to them as well, that they would actively want to upset most of the community tha
 t are their prospective customers and ruin their reputations in the process.And no, mine isnt biased. If Philip had sold this to a group specifically targeted on a WE or NVDA platform, the two screen readers I do use, I cant say Id be thrilled either, which was what I said in my original post had you read it thoroughly. As Nocturnus also pointed out and I agreed with, this is a niche market, and the goal should be to make as many products available to the widest audience as possible, not so drastically restrict it to one tiny segment or make it such an expensive prospect that it turns off interest in that product. Youve made it clear that your indifferent to our perspective however because you are a member of that tiny segment that are avid Jaws users and are willing to purchase Leasey, but, and I dont know the exact numbers on Jaws market share of the screen reader market and how many in the gaming community use that screen reader, but I

Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

Ive just tested and its working perfectly here. Did you make sure the language swapping wasnt set to something by accident? Also could you check the nvda log in nvda/tools/view log and paste any errors that come up?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Username change request again

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Username change request again

Nothing is happening with this forum as you put it vlad. It had a bit of a redesign and some new updates, but both the login list and the number of answers per topic are showing fine here as they always have, I wonder if your browser settings need fiddling with, try the zoom level.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying choiceofgames

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

Hmmm, Marta,as I said I thought Id already passed that it in Zombie exodus myself and it was okay. Lol Mike, Fart haven? . Vo in the english voice pronounces it fatta haven, which sort of makes it sound like an all you can eat buffet . Glad you liked the game, it is still one of the best Ive played. If your into combat, I can very much recommend mecha ace,its got some of the best in terms of choices and descriptions and a real atmosphere about its conflict, also like Fatehaven, its really a character based game indeed I find it hard to replay owing to how badly my game cocked up and how dysmally things turned out for some characters. Heros rise and Hero project (not played the third yet), both had choices
  about how you used your various powers, for example whether you attacked with energy blasts or melee. I cant say they were the best in terms of games and writing but then again Im not a major super hero fan anyway, but the action was fun. There are obviously quite a few fantasy titles, but Ive not found one where you literally cast different spells, then again Ive not played them all yet. The same chap who wrote apex patrol (which as I said I enjoyed), has also written a game called life of a wizard, and if it works similarly to Apex I imagine itd be good. Ive also heard very good reports of both way walkers games, though again havent tried them yet. hth.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Visual Studio 2015 released

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Visual Studio 2015 released

Microsoft evidently agrees that it is a bug. The bugs status has marked as resolved, so well probably see it in a future update. Im honestly quite astonished that it got fixed, given the numerous problems with VS accessibility that have accumulated over the years. Heres hoping that the much lengthier list of longstanding accessibility bugs gets fixed as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: zero sight please help

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: zero sight please help

Zero sight is intentionally a hard game, you need to learn to fly properly, its all about doing things slowly and gradually over tme and listening to your egines, youll need to practice but it will be worth it when your flying around taking out enemy aircraft, good luck!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Remnant status update!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Adel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Remnant status update!

Hello ThreeBlackNoises Sorry for asking unrelated question.Some times ago, I downloaded and played remnent 2.0.It was really exciting, and I really enjoy playing it.I remember spending about 2 hours finishing the stages. however, I got stock in the I guess, final boss in the second chapter of remnant. I mean, I finish remnant chapter 1 and reached to the remnant second chapter boss. It was a close area and that boss was very fast and I couldnt kill it by my weapons. I try my best but the boss killed me very fast. So, I stop playing it and because it doesnt have save feature, I wasnt intrested to play it all from beginning.So, is there any help for beating that boss and finishing the stage?I am now very intrested to play the Remnant 3 but i dlike to play it from the beginning and complete it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

I pretty much agree. I have been playing for the last cupple of weeks or so. Ok ok ok, I am not to sure about the defence or stuff sense I havent went on my own missions. I went on those that other flue and didnt exzackly take a look at their defences. I can tell you though, that Roid harvesting can be a bit slow until you get the teleporter and are able to teleport between ships while doing this. It seems kind of strange to me went I in fact am flying two ships at once. I havent thought about yet flying five at one time to really shoot up there. So far, I havent really seen a point on being above status 100. It seemed strange to me, at first, when people would go ools by them selves. It might be better later on, but I am questioning a little on rather or not it would improve. As for the tech, maybe it could slowly come down to the average pilot at some point. It looks like it is a pretty good mud, but there is enough bugs for them to have some work to get 
 on with to not really have to worry about coming out with new things all the time... I cant tell you how many times I have heard of someone having to use the commands of movefix, subfix, and landfix. Now I am worried that I wouldnt beable to handle going out over 150 llightyears seeing that I dont know how many and of what I would be faceing. On the other hand, I am trying to build the ship that looks like it might had come out of star wars at some point. Ship building is pretty easy. I can tell you one thing from the front of my mind. The help files could use some work. Mining seems like a good way to get some of the tech you want if it is done right...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

dle full version

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


dle full version

hello, Ive just baught dle full version, but havent received any email with the setup file. After completeing the transaction, I also wasnt given the option of getting redirected. I was just wondering if the purchice has gone through normally or if the game is no longer distributed, in which case I would like a refund. Thanks in advance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

LEASEY Version 2, Now Available

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


LEASEY Version 2, Now Available there is the Games module, (which can be talked about in the General Games forum on herd, this ones for those who actually use the other things, as it were.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Visual Studio 2015 released

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Victorious via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Visual Studio 2015 released

Microsoft evidently agrees that it is a bug. The bugs status has marked as resolved, so well probably see it in a future update. Im honestly quite astonished that it got fixed, given the numerous problems with VS accessibility that have accumulated over the years. Heres hoping that the much lengthier list of longstanding accessibility bugs that Ive filed in a separate bug report gets fixed as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Remnant status update!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : threeblacknoises via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Remnant status update!

If youre talking about the shadow fight, there are some health upgrades to your left that might help you.Also, try to stay away from him.If its missingno youre talking about, the Remnant RC1 will fix that for you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

Thanks mason. And, Can you add me on skype? My skype is tyler.chambliss1


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

I have just what youll need. This is the Microsoft media creation tool. What youll do is download it from my dropbox link. When you run it, click the upgrade this pc button. It will download Windows 10, then create the installation media. If theres any updates needed, it will download them and install them before windows 10 is installed. Narrator can be used on the install, after your pc restarts. You wont have narrator for about 5 minutes after Windows restarts and NVDA goes bye bye, temperarily. You will only see a message saying that windows is preparing your pc, so it wont matter if you have narrator on, unless you want to here, Preparing your pc, please wait..., over and over again. Please note, you must, I repeat, must! have a genuine copy of windows. Whether you purchased a key, already had it activated when you purchased the computer, or had it illegally cracked, it must be activated. To check if its activated, go to the run dialog and type slui.exe. If it says Learn about the benifits of genuine windows, and close, youre good. Click close. If youre not running a genuine copy of windows already, youll have to get a windows 10 product key, or close the setup, then activate your copy of windows. If you cancel the setup, youll have to wait for it to download again. Heres the link. … l.exe?dl=0


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Instant Translate Solution

Ive just tested and its working perfectly here. Did you make sure the language swapping wasnt set to something by accident?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Sik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Interfaces and Systems

Slopes are not entirely hazard-free since they affect the height of everything else relative to you (suddenly a platform may become higher or lower because you just went through a slope). Also, there should be a way to tell ceilings as well (since you need to be aware that you cant jump beyond them).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mac questions

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac questions

Well Ill learn to love one if it does what I want, but I need to determine that first, hence the questions, sinse Id feel a real fool if I went and spent a huge amount of money on something and then didnt find it worked out, and unlike the Iphone I dont have games to fall back on as an well at least it plays games arguement. Indeed the culture of apple is god whatever they decide is right, fit in with their almighty plan that some apple users have is really quite scary .So, when your writing an e-mail you can hit on the add contacts box and get a streight up list? that would be okay. As to exporting, well I checked that with Apple, if I save each contact from my outlook express address book as a v card (or at least the useful ones), I can import them into contacts on a mac, so no worries with
  that one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Best IOS dice roller app for voiceover? Also just good IOS games!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best IOS dice roller app for  voiceover? Also just good IOS games!

That sounds good phil, can you roll more dice? IN my mutants game, 3 d20s was the standard roll, ditto with roll the bones.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trying choiceofgames

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

what about...unnatural?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Gene Warner wroteI also find it interesting that among all the screen readers available, only the users of NVDA have this attitude. You dont see users of JAWS, Window Eyes, System Access, or whatever speaking scornfully about other screen readers, the only people that speak scornfully about other screen readers are NVDA users. I wonder why.Well, the reason I think explains it all is that we nvda users know nvda is free. And we all know all the other common screen readers arent. And the bashers bash the other screen readers for just cause. Now Im saying this as an avid nvda user, supporter, downloader, potential addon developer and donator who has a *slight* grudge against the high prices of jaws and window eyes, that some of the avid bashers are taking it a bit too far. I too make jokes about those screenreaders but avoid doing it in a way that wishes ill will on any of the people who make them.
  Yeah lets face it all those tts zskits skits about Jaws vs nvda and lets destroy this and that can sometimes even get a laugh out of the screenreader companies, but making fun of them with names all the time isnt gonna do anything but make them laugh at the bashers when they pass on criticisms.Jayde wroteSo, first of all, before I go anywhere, lets stuff all the flaws and hard gin crap, okay? its stupid, its immature, its juvenile. Stuff it.Exactly. Hell, even I do some of that stuff sometimes, tts skits about it, parodies of existing stuff and such, but mostly if it goes a little over the top I do it privately or if I do share it publicly, I would definitely put a disclaimer that nothing personal or no harm is deliberately meant by the creation of this or that. Actual wishing ill will, incessant use of names like greedom and Hard-gin a
 re gonna do nothing but make them not take us seriously. Just as bryan saidHate Mail, invective and aggression are completely counterproductive and do not make anyone interested in listening to your point of view. We only respect the views of people who advocate their point in a civil manner.He is absolutely right. As sour as this situation with q9 is for anyone who doesnt own jaws or leasey, think for a minute that maybe, just maybe, if you were to raise the point that q9 should be also distributed as a stand-alone product in a civil manner, that maybe, he might actully consider going through with it? Lets just assume that Im him and Im the one receiving all this. It may be set and done for now, but maybe if I got a message like:Hi Brian, Im writing to you because I heard that q9 is now being sold only through Leasey. This
  is a great exclusive for people who already have Leasey and an incentive for people who have Jaws to buy Leasey. You also pointed out that people who wanted to buy q9 stand-alone shouldve done so during the 6 years it was around as stand-alone. That seems completely valid and fair to us and everyone who had a chance at it, but not so much for new members. This community is constantly growing so while today you can validly state that people shouldve done it before, but tomorrow, or the day after that, that argument may start to become invalid as more newcomers to audiogames hit the sceen. You state that this will give a whole new audience introduction to games automatically. Yes, that applies only to the minority of Jaws users, though. People using other screen readers are out of luck. Of course the argument can be made that jaws can be gotten for free in most countries because of state agencies, but that doesnt hold true for less developed countries that are signi
 ficantly struggling financially. therefor, could Leasey either be made for nvda, or could the games module be a separate purchasable application for those people who cant get Leasey? You also state that if you were to develop Leasey for nvda, it would have to be released as open source. Yes and no. Nvda addons due to license and by their very nature are open sourced. Even commercial ones like vocalizer, have some visible code. However, there are two particular programs that interact with nvda that used to be commercial, but are now free, called v-turbo and v-mouse, together v-apps, that are closed source, yet still interact with nvda without the need for open source. The company that develops these is called Vict Consultancy. They make products designed to improve assistive technology and provide training for individuals/entities. While the other problem with making Leasey for nvda iss that it would be a complete rewrite, and having to maintain two versions of it, but us
 ing Vict Consultancy, a closed source nvda program developer as an example, have you considered approaching them with Leasey and seeing if Hartgen and Vict Consultancy can join forces? A Jaws development team and an nvda development team joining forces would make it easier and more ideal to maintain both versions of Leasey, and satisfy a whole lot more users. If you are not interested in doing that, 

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Spiraling Wyvern via Audiogames-reflector


Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Its on 21.3. Not sure what item is being referred to looking back at the previous posts about the weapon, but I cannot find it in my collection items to confirm if one needs to have the bumbumbs. I just redid the level to see if itd appear, and it did when I typed the password in wrong. Im now just trying to figure out how to walk to 0 0 as one of the only ladders that travel down to height 0 has a wal blocking the rest of the way left.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elimpis Recordings and settings

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elimpis Recordings and settings

I dont think it has pcm it only has mp3 or wma.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: LEASEY Version 2, Now Available

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: LEASEY Version 2, Now Available

Methinks that if I do have a bit of money left over I may try it, given I do have a fully licensed coppy of JAWS. It sounds like a fantastic product as far as what it can do, though I actually prefer doing the legwork myself. Still, it cant hurt...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Gene Warner wroteI also find it interesting that among all the screen readers available, only the users of NVDA have this attitude. You dont see users of JAWS, Window Eyes, System Access, or whatever speaking scornfully about other screen readers, the only people that speak scornfully about other screen readers are NVDA users. I wonder why.Well Gene, the reason I think explains it all is that we nvda users know nvda is free. And we all know all the other common screen readers arent. And the bashers bash the other screen readers for just cause. Now Im saying this as an avid nvda user, supporter, downloader, potential addon developer and donator who has a *slight* grudge against the high prices of jaws and window eyes, that some of the avid bashers are taking it a bit too far. I too make jokes about those screenreaders but avoid doing it in a way that wishes ill will on any of the people who make 
 them. Yeah lets face it all those tts skits about Jaws vs nvda and lets destroy this and that can sometimes even get a laugh out of the screenreader companies, but making fun of them with names all the time isnt gonna do anything but make them laugh at the bashers when they pass on criticisms.Jayde wroteSo, first of all, before I go anywhere, lets stuff all the flaws and hard gin crap, okay? its stupid, its immature, its juvenile. Stuff it.Exactly. Hell, even I do some of that stuff sometimes, tts skits about it, parodies of existing stuff and such, but mostly if it goes a little over the top I do it privately or if I do share it publicly, I would definitely put a disclaimer that nothing personal or no harm is deliberately meant by the creation of this or that. Actual wishing ill will, incessant use of names like greedom and Hard-gin are
  gonna do nothing but make them not take us seriously. Just as bryan saidHate Mail, invective and aggression are completely counterproductive and do not make anyone interested in listening to your point of view. We only respect the views of people who advocate their point in a civil manner.He is absolutely right. As sour as this situation with q9 is for anyone who doesnt own jaws or leasey, think for a minute that maybe, just maybe, if you were to raise the point that q9 should be also distributed as a stand-alone product in a civil manner, that maybe, he might actully consider going through with it? Lets just assume that Im him and Im the one receiving all this. It may be set and done for now, but maybe if I got a message like:Hi Brian, Im writing to you because I heard that q9 is now being sold only through Leasey. This i
 s a great exclusive for people who already have Leasey and an incentive for people who have Jaws to buy Leasey. You also pointed out that people who wanted to buy q9 stand-alone shouldve done so during the 6 years it was around as stand-alone. That seems completely valid and fair to us and everyone who had a chance at it, but not so much for new members. This community is constantly growing so while today you can validly state that people shouldve done it before, but tomorrow, or the day after that, that argument may start to become invalid as more newcomers to audiogames hit the sceen. You state that this will give a whole new audience introduction to games automatically. Yes, that applies only to the minority of Jaws users, though. People using other screen readers are out of luck. Of course the argument can be made that jaws can be gotten for free in most countries because of state agencies, but that doesnt hold true for less developed countries that are signifi
 cantly struggling financially. therefor, could Leasey either be made for nvda, or could the games module be a separate purchasable application for those people who cant get Leasey? You also state that if you were to develop Leasey for nvda, it would have to be released as open source. Yes and no. Nvda addons due to license and by their very nature are open sourced. Even commercial ones like vocalizer, have some visible code. However, there are two particular programs that interact with nvda that used to be commercial, but are now free, called v-turbo and v-mouse, together v-apps, that are closed source, yet still interact with nvda without the need for open source. The company that develops these is called Vict Consultancy. They make products designed to improve assistive technology and provide training for individuals/entities. While the other problem with making Leasey for nvda iss that it would be a complete rewrite, and having to maintain two versions of it, but usin
 g Vict Consultancy, a closed source nvda program developer as an example, have you considered approaching them with Leasey and seeing if Hartgen and Vict Consultancy can join forces? A Jaws development team and an nvda development team joining forces would make it easier and more ideal to maintain both versions of Leasey, and satisfy a whole lot more users. If you are not interested in doing that, 

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

The doors are tagged as either signposts, or object, I forget.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Just a few more logs for this fire:1. Many of you use iDevices of some sort. Some of you use Android. There are apps and games which are exclusive to one and cannot be used on the other. Do any of you who are in such a position howl because a developer hasnt given you the game or app you want?2. Many of you are Windows users, some of you use Macs. Same question.3. This isnt a question, its a statement. Gene, Im going to disagree with you just a hair here on something you said.You claim that economics will balance out somethings price eventually. In about ninety percent of cases, youre right; but the one thing that you overlooked in your argument is competition. Jaws has had little competition for years, and so FS has had what might be called a captive market. Many have believed - erroneously, for the most part - that its FS or bust, and FS has responded by setting the price at whatever they want because people are 
 basically being forced to pay it. Only in recent years are you seeing the price of Jaws drop at all, and thats because there are free or low-cost alternatives that give Jaws a run for its money.I am a Jaws user who is honestly kind of disgusted by FSs business model, particularly when all the bloat Jaws now brings to the table is considered. I like the program for the things I use it for, and its quite customizable in a lot of ways, but it definitely has its issues. NVDA, by comparison, is a quickly rising prospect; one of the biggest things that stops me switching to NVDA more or less permanently, actually, is the fact that NVDA really screws with the way webpages are built; I find NVDAs virtual buffer cluttered and unpleasant, with multiple links sprayed all over the same line and very little open space. I prefer Jaws for this, and I use the net a lot, and since I -have Jaws, Ill keep it until such time that NVDAs virtual buffer is better
 .All this is only to say that while I am a Jaws user, Im not dogmatic about it.Nocturnis, thanks for getting where Im coming from. Same with you, Gene.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

@cw,Actually, with the exception of relics, going out of locals is probably one of the easiest things a pilot can do. The only thing you really need to watch out for is backup callers, and ships do seem to get a little more aggressive the further out you go. The first 150 lightyears or so should be a breeze though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Gene Warner wroteI also find it interesting that among all the screen readers available, only the users of NVDA have this attitude. You dont see users of JAWS, Window Eyes, System Access, or whatever speaking scornfully about other screen readers, the only people that speak scornfully about other screen readers are NVDA users. I wonder why.Well Gene, the reason I think explains it all is that we nvda users know nvda is free. And we all know all the other common screen readers arent. And the bashers bash the other screen readers for just cause. Now Im saying this as an avid nvda user, supporter, downloader, potential addon developer and donator who has a *slight* grudge against the high prices of jaws and window eyes, that some of the avid bashers are taking it a bit too far. I too make jokes about those screenreaders but avoid doing it in a way that wishes ill will on any of the people who make 
 them. Yeah lets face it all those tts zskits skits about Jaws vs nvda and lets destroy this and that can sometimes even get a laugh out of the screenreader companies, but making fun of them with names all the time isnt gonna do anything but make them laugh at the bashers when they pass on criticisms.Jayde wroteSo, first of all, before I go anywhere, lets stuff all the flaws and hard gin crap, okay? its stupid, its immature, its juvenile. Stuff it.Exactly. Hell, even I do some of that stuff sometimes, tts skits about it, parodies of existing stuff and such, but mostly if it goes a little over the top I do it privately or if I do share it publicly, I would definitely put a disclaimer that nothing personal or no harm is deliberately meant by the creation of this or that. Actual wishing ill will, incessant use of names like greedom and Hard-
 gin are gonna do nothing but make them not take us seriously. Just as bryan saidHate Mail, invective and aggression are completely counterproductive and do not make anyone interested in listening to your point of view. We only respect the views of people who advocate their point in a civil manner.He is absolutely right. As sour as this situation with q9 is for anyone who doesnt own jaws or leasey, think for a minute that maybe, just maybe, if you were to raise the point that q9 should be also distributed as a stand-alone product in a civil manner, that maybe, he might actully consider going through with it? Lets just assume that Im him and Im the one receiving all this. It may be set and done for now, but maybe if I got a message like:Hi Brian, Im writing to you because I heard that q9 is now being sold only through Leasey.
  This is a great exclusive for people who already have Leasey and an incentive for people who have Jaws to buy Leasey. You also pointed out that people who wanted to buy q9 stand-alone shouldve done so during the 6 years it was around as stand-alone. That seems completely valid and fair to us and everyone who had a chance at it, but not so much for new members. This community is constantly growing so while today you can validly state that people shouldve done it before, but tomorrow, or the day after that, that argument may start to become invalid as more newcomers to audiogames hit the sceen. You state that this will give a whole new audience introduction to games automatically. Yes, that applies only to the minority of Jaws users, though. People using other screen readers are out of luck. Of course the argument can be made that jaws can be gotten for free in most countries because of state agencies, but that doesnt hold true for less developed countries that are 
 significantly struggling financially. therefor, could Leasey either be made for nvda, or could the games module be a separate purchasable application for those people who cant get Leasey? You also state that if you were to develop Leasey for nvda, it would have to be released as open source. Yes and no. Nvda addons due to license and by their very nature are open sourced. Even commercial ones like vocalizer, have some visible code. However, there are two particular programs that interact with nvda that used to be commercial, but are now free, called v-turbo and v-mouse, together v-apps, that are closed source, yet still interact with nvda without the need for open source. The company that develops these is called Vict Consultancy. They make products designed to improve assistive technology and provide training for individuals/entities. While the other problem with making Leasey for nvda iss that it would be a complete rewrite, and having to maintain two versions of it, b
 ut using Vict Consultancy, a closed source nvda program developer as an example, have you considered approaching them with Leasey and seeing if Hartgen and Vict Consultancy can join forces? A Jaws development team and an nvda development team joining forces would make it easier and more ideal to maintain both versions of Leasey, and satisfy a whole lot more users. If you are not interested in doing 

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Gene Warner wroteI also find it interesting that among all the screen readers available, only the users of NVDA have this attitude. You dont see users of JAWS, Window Eyes, System Access, or whatever speaking scornfully about other screen readers, the only people that speak scornfully about other screen readers are NVDA users. I wonder why.Well Gene, the reason I think explains it all is that we nvda users know nvda is free. And we all know all the other common screen readers arent. And the bashers bash the other screen readers for just cause. Now Im saying this as an avid nvda user, supporter, downloader, potential addon developer and donator who has a *slight* grudge against the high prices of jaws and window eyes, that some of the avid bashers are taking it a bit too far. I too make jokes about those screenreaders but avoid doing it in a way that wishes ill will on any of the people who make 
 them. Yeah lets face it all those tts skits about Jaws vs nvda and lets destroy this and that can sometimes even get a laugh out of the screenreader companies, but making fun of them with names all the time isnt gonna do anything but make them laugh at the bashers when they pass on criticisms.Jayde wroteSo, first of all, before I go anywhere, lets stuff all the flaws and hard gin crap, okay? its stupid, its immature, its juvenile. Stuff it.Exactly. Hell, even I do some of that stuff sometimes, tts skits about it, parodies of existing stuff and such, but mostly if it goes a little over the top I do it privately or if I do share it publicly, I would definitely put a disclaimer that nothing personal or no harm is deliberately meant by the creation of this or that. Actual wishing ill will, incessant use of names like greedom and Hard-gin are
  gonna do nothing but make them not take us seriously. Just as bryan saidHate Mail, invective and aggression are completely counterproductive and do not make anyone interested in listening to your point of view. We only respect the views of people who advocate their point in a civil manner.He is absolutely right. As sour as this situation with q9 is for anyone who doesnt own jaws or leasey, think for a minute that maybe, just maybe, if you were to raise the point that q9 should be also distributed as a stand-alone product in a civil manner, that maybe, he might actually consider going through with it? Lets just assume that Im him and Im the one receiving all this. It may be set and done for now, but maybe if I got a message like:Hi Brian, Im writing to you because I heard that q9 is now being sold only through Leasey. This 
 is a great exclusive for people who already have Leasey and an incentive for people who have Jaws to buy Leasey. You also pointed out that people who wanted to buy q9 stand-alone shouldve done so during the 6 years it was around as stand-alone. That seems completely valid and fair to us and everyone who had a chance at it, but not so much for new members. This community is constantly growing so while today you can validly state that people shouldve done it before, but tomorrow, or the day after that, that argument may start to become invalid as more newcomers to audiogames hit the sceen. You state that this will give a whole new audience introduction to games automatically. Yes, that applies only to the minority of Jaws users, though. People using other screen readers are out of luck. Of course the argument can be made that jaws can be gotten for free in most countries because of state agencies, but that doesnt hold true for less developed countries that are signif
 icantly struggling financially. therefor, could Leasey either be made for nvda, or could the games module be a separate purchasable application for those people who cant get Leasey? You also state that if you were to develop Leasey for nvda, it would have to be released as open source. Yes and no. Nvda addons due to license and by their very nature are open sourced. Even commercial ones like vocalizer, have some visible code. However, there are two particular programs that interact with nvda that used to be commercial, but are now free, called v-turbo and v-mouse, together v-apps, that are closed source, yet still interact with nvda without the need for open source. The company that develops these is called Vict Consultancy. They make products designed to improve assistive technology and provide training for individuals/entities. While the other problem with making Leasey for nvda iss that it would be a complete rewrite, and having to maintain two versions of it, but usi
 ng Vict Consultancy, a closed source nvda program developer as an example, have you considered approaching them with Leasey and seeing if Hartgen and Vict Consultancy can join forces? A Jaws development team and an nvda development team joining forces would make it easier and more ideal to maintain both versions of Leasey, and satisfy a whole lot more users. If you are not interested in doing that, 

Re: good dj controller that works with djay for mac?

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : falcon via Audiogames-reflector


Re: good dj controller that works with djay for mac?

HiStill uploading?


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Re: Elimpis Recordings and settings

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elimpis Recordings and settings

I have an Olympus DM620 which was given to me by a friend who no longer wanted it. I assume the 620 is similar to the 420, so Ill give some advice. This could apply to most recorders though.Mic on medium is normally where I keep it, though low is pretty good if you know youre going to be in loud environments. I like to record at a very quiet volume and then boost the volume later with a limiter in place. Software limiters are generally a lot more reliable than ones in most recorders Ive noticed, as they have the opportunity to look ahead and turn things down even before they become distorted.Setting zoom to wide may work but I prefer to have zoom on normal... I dont like what wide zoom does to the center of the stereo field. Normally when I record I use external microphones as I dont like the Olympus internals for wide open sounds. I use binaurel microphones from sound professionals, I cant remember the model number but the ones I us
 e actually look like headphones. In fact, they are headphones with microphones imbedded in them, and they sound pretty good though they are a bit noisy in quiet environments.Setting mp3 to 320 is good for saving space but I would strongly recommend using PCM when possible. MP3 is a lossy format meaning that it makes the files smaller by throwing away data which can not be recovered. This loss of data translates to different sorts of artifacts creeping into the sound such as warbly, underwater sounds. Also some sounds like sharp claps will almost sound brushy or swishy. While MP3 at 320 K will sound pretty good and the artifacts will be subtle, I never chance it. I always record in PCM and then compress to mp3 later after editing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

Gene Warner wroteI also find it interesting that among all the screen readers available, only the users of NVDA have this attitude. You dont see users of JAWS, Window Eyes, System Access, or whatever speaking scornfully about other screen readers, the only people that speak scornfully about other screen readers are NVDA users. I wonder why.Well Gene, the reason I think explains it all is that we nvda users know nvda is free. And we all know all the other common screen readers arent. And the bashers bash the other screen readers for just cause. Now Im saying this as an avid nvda user, supporter, downloader, potential addon developer and donator who has a *slight* grudge against the high prices of jaws and window eyes, that some of the avid bashers are taking it a bit too far. I too make jokes about those screenreaders but avoid doing it in a way that wishes ill will on any of the people who make 
 them. Yeah lets face it all those tts skits about Jaws vs nvda and lets destroy this and that can sometimes even get a laugh out of the screenreader companies, but making fun of them with names all the time isnt gonna do anything but make them laugh at the bashers when they pass on criticisms.Jayde wroteSo, first of all, before I go anywhere, lets stuff all the flaws and hard gin crap, okay? its stupid, its immature, its juvenile. Stuff it.Exactly. Hell, even I do some of that stuff sometimes, tts skits about it, parodies of existing stuff and such, but mostly if it goes a little over the top I do it privately or if I do share it publicly, I would definitely put a disclaimer that nothing personal or no harm is deliberately meant by the creation of this or that. Actual wishing ill will, incessant use of names like greedom and Hard-gin are
  gonna do nothing but make them not take us seriously. Just as bryan saidHate Mail, invective and aggression are completely counterproductive and do not make anyone interested in listening to your point of view. We only respect the views of people who advocate their point in a civil manner.He is absolutely right. As sour as this situation with q9 is for anyone who doesnt own jaws or leasey, think for a minute that maybe, just maybe, if you were to raise the point that q9 should be also distributed as a stand-alone product in a civil manner, that maybe, he might actually consider going through with it? Lets just assume that Im him and Im the one receiving all this. It may be set and done for now, but maybe if I got a message like:Hi Brian, Im writing to you because I heard that q9 is now being sold only through Leasey. This 
 is a great exclusive for people who already have Leasey and an incentive for people who have Jaws to buy Leasey. You also pointed out that people who wanted to buy q9 stand-alone shouldve done so during the 6 years it was around as stand-alone. That seems completely valid and fair to us and everyone who had a chance at it, but not so much for new members. This community is constantly growing so while today you can validly state that people shouldve done it before, but tomorrow, or the day after that, that argument may start to become invalid as more newcomers to audiogames hit the sceen. You state that this will give a whole new audience introduction to games automatically. Yes, that applies only to the minority of Jaws users, though. People using other screen readers are out of luck. Of course the argument can be made that jaws can be gotten for free in most countries because of state agencies, but that doesnt hold true for less developed countries that are signif
 icantly struggling financially. therefor, could Leasey either be made for nvda, or could the games module be a separate purchasable application for those people who cant get Leasey? You also state that if you were to develop Leasey for nvda, it would have to be released as open source. Yes and no. Nvda addons due to license and by their very nature are open sourced. Even commercial ones like vocalizer, have some visible code. However, there are two particular programs that interact with nvda that used to be commercial, but are now free, called v-turbo and v-mouse, together v-apps, that are closed source, yet still interact with nvda without the need for open source. The company that develops these is called Vict Consultancy. They make products designed to improve assistive technology and provide training for individuals/entities. While the other problem with making Leasey for nvda iss that it would be a complete rewrite, and having to maintain two versions of it, but usi
 ng Vict Consultancy, a closed source nvda program developer as an example, have you considered approaching them with Leasey and seeing if Hartgen and Vict Consultancy can join forces? A Jaws development team and an nvda development team joining forces would make it easier and more ideal to maintain both versions of Leasey, and satisfy a whole lot more users. If you are not interested in doing that, 

Re: Empire mud 2.0

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Empire mud 2.0

Just wanted to let you guys know, the empire is coming along nicely, if you have any interest in joining, contact Brendt in game. The address is port 4000


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Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

So since noone else has done this yet, I figured I would do this first. Here is an MK x recording, coming to you courtesy of my ps4. I havent fooled around with the game that much, and havent bothered to take the time to learn characters yet.. so no fancy combos here, just some fun gameplay as my first time actually running through the arcade mode... right up until I die. lol Enjoy. … orpion.mp3


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Re: Trying choiceofgames

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

Hmmm, Marta,as I said I thought Id already passed that bit in Zombie exodus myself and it was okay. Lol Mike, Fart haven? . Vo in the english voice pronounces it fatta haven, which sort of makes it sound like an all you can eat buffet . Glad you liked the game, it is still one of the best Ive played. If your into combat, I can very much recommend mecha ace,its got some of the best in terms of choices and descriptions and a real atmosphere about its conflict, also like Fatehaven, its really a character based game indeed I find it hard to replay owing to how badly my game cocked up and how dysmally things turned out for some characters. Heros rise and Hero project (not played the third yet), both had choice
 s about how you used your various powers, for example whether you attacked with energy blasts or melee. I cant say they were the best in terms of games and writing but then again Im not a major super hero fan anyway, but the action was fun. There are obviously quite a few fantasy titles, but Ive not found one where you literally cast different spells, then again Ive not played them all yet. The same chap who wrote apex patrol (which as I said I enjoyed), has also written a game called life of a wizard, and if it works similarly to Apex I imagine itd be good. Ive also heard very good reports of both way walkers games, though again havent tried them yet. hth.


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Re: Trying choiceofgames

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

Not one Ive played yet mata, what is that one about?


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Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : garrett via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Joining our Beta Testing Team

What you dont understand is, the country has nothing to do with it.


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Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

@GeneWarner:While I feel like your posts tend to border somewhat on snark and do not actually concern themselves with looking at the subject as a whole owing to a completely biased and unwilling attitude toward neutrality, Ill nevertheless show you as much courtesy as I am able to muster given my respect for this forum and its users, firstly by offering you an apology. Im sorry if you feel Ive personally taken anything out on JAWS users, including yourself. I sincerely hope you can respect and accept that, given that such was not my intention.Next, Id like to point out that it is not I who deem JAWS users unteachable; many of my friends are JAWS users who, for whatever odd reason can never seem to do something as simple as googling a free piece of software, expecting that I should have it on my own harddrive, probably because I store loads of content on my externals, and yet they are still friends of mine who I atempt to teach 
 the beauty of the satisfaction of doing something yourself. An old hacker once taught me a Chinese proverb that went something along the lines of, Tell me and Ill forget, show me and Ill remember. Involve me, and I shall understand. I find this mindset to be true and worth considering, not just on computers, but in life overall. Do I condone the use of scripts to accomplish things? Absolutely! We can get tedious and redundant tasks accomplished much more effectively and quickly, but also learn from scripts in the process. I do not, however, believe it should stop there or that we should begin restricting ourselves to them, and thats where Leasey comes in.While Leasey advanced might seem at a first glance to simply be a set of automation tools, what these tools teach you to do is become reliant on a bit of code that does not work across systems, or even screen readers. Windows users were given k
 eystrokes to work with for these reasons, keystrokes that do work regardless of what version of windows you are using so long as it is above 95, and that list has grown over the years. People are quickly getting used to the idea that something is a JAWS keystroke and forgeting that the same actions are actually accessible to windows users no matter what screen reader one is using. I fear Leasey is another push toward this frightening trend, locking people away from the possibility of expanding their own minds and learning things that can be Beneficial.Why do I consider myself a flexible, proficient computer user now, you ask? Is it simply because I use NVDA? No. It is because I never restricted myself to any one product, and I know many proficient JAWS users who have done the same. I know how to use JAWS, know how to use windoweyes, know how to use Nova, because I know how to use windows, and more importantly, regardless how much windows cha
 nges, as long as the underlying framework remains the same, I will be able to switch from windows 7 to windows 10 with windoweyes or NVDA providing minimal accessibility, as was the case initially with windows 8, a system I trashed because like many sighted power users, I felt it was inefficient at best. Many JAWS users I know cannot say that about themselves, wondering if their screen reader will work properly with windows 10 or if they should wait a few months before a new version is out or what have you so that stability can be incorporated overall. I am sure, that Leasey users are probably wondering similar things, as well.But even if you want to take the proficiency matter out of the equation, suppose that Leasey really was intended to help computer users overall; why limit it exclusively to any screen reader? NVDA was the first to present people with what we now refer to as the vocalizer voices, which required an NVDA only module that an NVDA user neede
 d to pay 90 dollars for so as to unlock them all. Today, JAWS users get that for free... Well, excluding that little 800 dollar condition, I mean, which I find more than reasonable, given that NVDA is free and JAWS is not. Either way, these voices were provided to help people who were sick and tired of robotic, synthetic speech and wanted something that sounded a little more pleasant, a little more, human. In developing soley for JAWS users, Bryan has turned his back on the rest of the blind community who could, in fact, benefit from his products regardless of age, nationality or ethnicity if he truly believes his products are so revolutionary, and no amount of defending it financially will change the fact that it is truly a business endeavor.So what does Leasey not do? It does not tell you that there is a free application called foobar that one can customize to become a media player on steroids that can do everything from creating complex playlists to 
 picking random tracks and shuffling them by huge percentages with keystrokes to your own liking, that said player is accessible right out of the box, and that its development is still going strong, prefering instead 

Re: windows 10

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hi.I tried to install windows but it stays at 0 percent. I know my copyof windows is legal, would I have to put in the product key when installing windows? Because if so; I dont have it.


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Re: windows 10

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

hello, well something seems to happen on my end. 2 folders called $windows bt and $windows ws were created in my c drive, and they keep getting larger, which leeds me to the prosumtion that windows is actually installing, but with my bad connection it might take the hole night so I think Ill let the thing install over night.


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Re: windows 10

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hello,I tried to install this on my computer, but it said something like, Windows Ten could not be installed properly. Please reboot your PC and try again. I am running Windows Seven Home on a desktop computer. I got the notificiation that I was all set to go. I ran the slui.exe, and it says I have Windows activated. Im not sure whats going on.


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Re: good dj controller that works with djay for mac?

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jonnyboy1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: good dj controller that works with djay for mac?

All right yall, the moment you have all been waiting for! the Podcast is out!In this podcast I will go over most of the things found in the Pioneer Weego DJ controller and using it with DJay for mac. I go over most of the things that you can do with this controller and even giving a little demonstration a little bit of how everything works and a demo of my style of how I DJ...Let me know how you like the podcast and if need be, if you have any questions, reply here or send an email to dj-cand...@kjscradio.comand Now, for the link... … troler.mp3


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Re: Hi i was wondering if tHarry Potter Muds

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hi i was wondering if tHarry Potter Muds

hi harly,When you enter harry potter on the mudconnect you will get various results. but what i have tried of those i have to say that they are pretty roleplay-enforced. and i dont know if all those harry potter muds will require a profile, i picked those where it is required one, how have i obtained the luck ...http://www.mudconnect.comBut this is a few years back, so my information right now could be inrelevand since the muds could have changed.About the mush-z package, that wont work with otehr muds than alter aeon only. and with adding muds to mush ... i cant answer taht. but i can give you another solution ... i think. YOu can download the demo of vipmud. it is easy and very blind-friendly. When the demo period espires it isnt a huge problem since you can still play sessions of two hours per session before you have to restart vipmud. you can download it via the downloads pa
 ge of this website:http://www.gmagames.comhthgreetz mike


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Re: dle full version

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dle full version



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Re: Trying choiceofgames

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trying choiceofgames

Its another Zombie story. As are Burn(t) and Zombium.


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Re: problem with paladin again

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with paladin again

Mankinds Downfall is way off to the righthand side of the room. Its a hard hitter that cant take much in return. Kelly is unlikely to survive two hits from it at full health but at a good level she will do more than half of its health in one shot.@Jade, do you generally take on all of the extra battles in the Tower of Truth boss (everyone VS. everyone) or do you stop when it gives you the chance after Rosss battles?Myself Ive done that everytime, and it puts my characters at level 40 or so going in to the Tower of Regret. After that I just train Ross, Kelly and Shauna, dropping Ross like a hot potato straight away after Stellas fight.Truth be told I could probably even drop Kelly after Analytics and finish the game with just Shauna because shes crazy OP and there are no more boss battles that require specific people.I like to return for the ghosts much later on when I can one shot them with a dice attack from 
 Stella. That way I can finish all of them in ~45 minutes or so.


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Re: Announcing the first release of Park Boss, an amusement park simulator

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JWoodill21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing the first release of Park Boss, an amusement park simulator

There is a way to get more money without waiting until the next week.exit the game, Restart the game, and go back to the bank and take $5.Im using this to get 1000 to build the big roller coaster. You can keep doing this as many times as you want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

Hi.same hear. but Im going to try to install it to see what happens.


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Re: dle full version

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dle full version

escape the dark leagon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Q9 Has a New Home

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jsymes via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Q9 Has a New Home

@Jayde, you actually said some of the things I was trying to say and was going to just add a bit clearer than I had. Id also ask Gene, since he seems to be new to the audio game community and spoke about playing Halo and things, if he was around in the late 90s and early 2000s to see some of the unfair business practices FS has exercised while trying to destroy the competition? At a time when Microsoft was being hauled in court for being a monopoly, Freedom Scientific was essentially using some similar practices to force itself down the blind communitys throat, while crushing its competition under frivolous lawsuits and excluding devices they distributed from being supported as braille displays and hardware synths simply because it came from a competitor. So Gene, that scorn you mentioned other screen reader users hold Jaws and FS for was well-earned. I too am not a big NVDA user for similar reasons to Jade, but I welcome NVDAs entry into the ma
 rket because theyve forced more competition onto FS from a different angle than the other traditional screen reader makers have tried. Trust me, the screen reader wars of the late 90s and early 2000s were very bloody, and not just between the companies, but the die-hard users themselves of their screen reader of choice.What disturbs me most is this whole Leasey thing could start the entire community fragmenting again, and dragging the gaming community into an even greater war. Competition is only possible when a product is able to be used by the masses and alternatives are also able to be compared and contrasted. Taking Q9 out of the audio games community as a whole and cramming it into a very tiny fraction of the market may start a trend amongst other devlopers selling their products to platforms targeted at specific screen readers. Could you imagine the outcry if David sold the rights to Shades of Doom to ABC platform which is targeted solely at Window-Eye
 s users, and Aprone sold his rights to Swamp to XYZ platform targeted solely to NVDA users? Two of the communitys largest and best games would suddenly become inaccessible to Jaws users and other users alike, with who knows what consequences to the audio gaming community as a whole. And in a niche market as this, the last thing we should be doing is trying to divide who gets what and starting another war, which is why this was such a poor decision and has upset so many people. If Bryan were truly the classy businessman he seems to think he is, hed listen to his customers and offer a stand-alone copy of Q9 for non-Jaws, non-Leasey users for a reasonable price, while leaving Q9 as a free incentive to paid Leasey members as an alternative. He could compromise if he really wanted to, but the tone of that blog post makes it sound like hes a really stubborn guy that wants things his way, even if it costs him his reputation and potential customers. Seriously, how many Jaw
 s users that dont want to buy Leasey might be effected by this change? Its always the ill-conceived, rush job things in life that come back to bite people later, and its really sounding like most people thatve commented here think this was a really poorly-conceived deal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: windows 10

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: windows 10

I baught my pc at a computer store so the coppy of windows I have on it is genuen. For some reason, slui.exe thinks otherwise and wants me to enter a key. And if Id known that I still need that bloody key, Id have kept everything else that was in the package. roar!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Hi i was wondering if tHarry Potter Muds

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Hi i was wondering if tHarry Potter Muds

It is not a mud, but Hogwarts live is a browser based rpg. Its based on legend of the green dragon code, though with various additions, so lots of combat against many different monsters in the forbidden forest is how you advance, until you eventually get good enough to fight voldemort and level up. it also has other stuff to do like earning house points, finding horcruxes and taking classes, though as with most Logd varients the combat is the main thing, still I do know its had a lot of custom coding, and is also %100 accessible. Unlike the muds Pelantas mentioned, you can also create a character and start playing streight away without mucking around.You can Find it here Im not sure if this is what your looking for, but its the only accessible harry potter online game I know.


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Re: dle full version

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: dle full version

The first word of that title, is Dark, and the second is League.Forgot what the rest is.


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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JWoodill21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Grand Theft Auto V

can you reupload the document with the trainer menu?


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Severestormsteve, thats the one you want. You can just do that option twice if you wish to add an entire year instead of just 6 months.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mac questions

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac questions

Hi.I just want to point out that you can use a Mac without the VO cursor if you want. Standard OS X shortcuts like tab and arrows work pretty well. VoiceOver will read when you move around. The only time you would want to use the VO cursor is if you wanted to read a window and not miss any text. As for interacting, that is only necessary if you want to look at an item in detail. Ive been using the VO cursor so am used to navigating with control+option, but thats just one way to navigate. You can use other commanders to move the VO cursor. I used to like using the numpad commander on my Mini with Snow Leopard until I got this Macbook Air. The numpad and trackpad commanders are great. The numpad commander allows you to control the VO cursor with numpad keys that you can customize to your liking. The trackpad commander lets you use a multitouch trackpad tocontrol VoiceOver. You may find the numpad commander to work the best when using VoiceOver navigation. For inst
 ance, you can set up keys to jump by heading, link, list, etc as well as do other common VO actions like interacting. This is just one reason I love the Mac.You can actually navigate through HTML areas on Safari with the arrows. HOwever, this seems to be a little clunky since the cursors dont always seem to track each other. Be aware that when navigating with arrows, you can use all the standard keyboard commands to move. Option arrows moves by word, left and right arrows move by character, up and down move by lines, and command left and right jump to the top and bottom of a line respectively. Im probably missing a few.Ill end this by telling you to look at all your options. VoiceOver is a very powerful screen reader and can be customized to your liking in most situations.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mac questions

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mac questions

Hi.I just want to point out that you can use a Mac without the VO cursor if you want. Standard OS X shortcuts like tab and arrows work pretty well. VoiceOver will read when you move around. The only time you would want to use the VO cursor is if you wanted to read a window and not miss any text. As for interacting, that is only necessary if you want to look at an item in detail. Ive been using the VO cursor so am used to navigating with control+option, but thats just one way to navigate. You can use other commanders to move the VO cursor. I used to like using the numpad commander on my Mini with Snow Leopard until I got this Macbook Air. The numpad and trackpad commanders are great. The numpad commander allows you to control the VO cursor with numpad keys that you can customize to your liking. The trackpad commander lets you use a multitouch trackpad tocontrol VoiceOver. You may find the numpad commander to work the best when using VoiceOver navigation. For instance, you can set up keys to jump by heading, link, list, etc as well as do other common VO actions like interacting. This is just one reason I love the Mac.You can actually navigate through HTML areas on Safari with the arrows. HOwever, this seems to be a little clunky since the cursors dont always seem to track each other. Be aware that when navigating with arrows, you can use all the standard keyboard commands to move. Option arrows moves by word, left and right arrows move by character, up and down move by lines, and command left and right jump to the top and bottom of a line respectively. Im probably missing a few.Ill end this by telling you to look at all your options. VoiceOver is a very powerful screen reader and can be customized to your liking in most situations.editHeres what the arrow key navigation is like. Listen to this podcast from Applevis … ast609.mp3Oh, that reminds me. VoiceOver has a command to get the link address from the currently focused link. Theres also another command to copy the spoken phrase to the clipboard. I dont think any other screen reader has this kind of capability. I love my Macintosh!


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Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

2015-07-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ultrocity_audio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: please help with mac alarm clock program

I just did


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