Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Appologies for the threadcromancy, but Stewart has done a He who moans review of the christmas special which can be found here I've not actually seen it yet sinse we recorded it on christmas day, though I'll be watching it tomorrow with my dad while my mum is at work. I have however been listening to the audios, and by god they're good! I'm amazed that audios which get really bad reviews from people like Jo ford, still tend to be really well plotted in comparison to the Moff's usual brand of awfulness, indeed while I can think of a couple of less good stories, Dark husband, (though it had it's funny moments), Cobwebs, Into the dark, Lirker's at sunlight's edge, none are really that bad. I recently also heard the Graceless series which seems to have dropped off the map, or at least they finished it and have never ref
 erd to it again. While I did feel it was a bit torchwood in parts, ie, "oooh look this is morally ambiguous and has strange relationships involving a man and two girls" I did like the way that Zara and Aby (or Amy), came across as totally alien and a bit wrong in what they did, even when trying to do the right thing. The grace themselves were also a great idea being a totally morally ambiguous entity who just played with the universe for the sake of restoring balance (the fact they were voiced by David warner didn't hurt either). I've not seen many series pull off the "ultimate power" thing, but Graceless did it quite well, for all I wish some of the plots like the one about Zara's daughter joy got a bit better resolution than they did. Also, I really didn't get where the doctor was if indeed the two tracers were risking destroying the entirety of time and space, indeed Abby suggests trying to find him and Zara just says "oh why bo
 ther!" It'd actually have been better if there was some reason given for his absense like the two tracers had by mistake removed Gallifrey from existance. Still, a nice series even if a bit short. I also have a nasty suspicion I'll end up not liking the christmas special, but we'll see.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I haven't seen the Christmas Episode.But what I read was not that good about it.I mean, series 8 ended with many questions especially the Location of Gallifrey, since the Doctor didn't find it.It is not explained in the next Episode why the planet was not found and whether the new master did deliberately tell a false Location or if she really thought she had the right Location.Let's hope that the upcoming Audio stories will give more answers to other questions.I still wonder how Gallifrey: Intervention Earth will be featuring the new Romana since we haven't seen or heard her regenerating and her future self from Gallifrey 6 is supposed to be a Matrix projection.And then there is Dark Eyes 4 with the Master, the Eminence and the Dalek Time Controller.I wonder how that will go down.Allthough I seriously wonder how These Events are placed chronologically.The Problem is that Dark Eyes 1 had a male president an
 d Narvin in Dark Eyes 3 is there talking with the Doctor but you don't get any clues to whether he has already done what ended Gallifrey 6 and potentially caused the time war or not.I also would like to know how the time Controller still exists if Events from Dark Eyes 1 were erased and his rescue by the now removed time Lord also never happened.And while we are talking about Audio stories, does anyone know what Big Finish did with "Prisoners of Fate" and "the Doctor's first Tardis"?Why was "The beginning" not linked to that storyline?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

About the christmas episode I'll see tomorrow, though to be honest as I said earlier in this topic the lost galifrey thing made no sense to me sinse it was supposed to be in that dimentional pocket thing seen in time of the Doctor,  after all if it wasn't what was the huge war about and where did the doctor supposedly get his regenerations from. I'm looking forward to the next galifrey and darkeyes myself. i think though that the male president of dark eyes 1 was erased at the end of that story given the reset. Dark eyes is definitely set after galifrey 6 because in Dark eyes the time war is beginning hence the timelords use of the eminance against the Daleks. I also believe Romana was not president during the time war either, indeed it's possible that the intervention earth special might explain where Romana was sinse at the moment I'm not sure if we know what she was doing during the time war, indeed it is possible that her regeneration happen
 ed before or during the war itself, certainly the Tardis data core wiki lists the president from Dark eyes as after Romana, and I don't believe she was president at the end of galifrey series 6.As to a third encarnation, I still believe it'll be the same Tray we saw in the matrix projection, simply because the Matrix has her biodata so probably would be able to accurately predict her next regeneration, also more practically, brigs has already got an actress lined up for the part who'd be willing to come back . It would be a real stunner if Bf actually went to the lengths of having Romana killed and regenerate, just the same way it'd be a real hit if they showed how Ace left the 7th Doctor, and now that the novels are officially not in the same continuity they could easily do so though whether they will or not I don't know.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

The chronology of the Events before the war seem a bit strange.In Gallifrey 6 Romana II is still president of the Primary timeline.The Trailer for Intervention Earth however suggests that she regenerated between the Gallifrey and Intervention Earth.About Ace:She is and was on Gallifrey after leaving the Doctor.That is fact, since the Doctor said so in Unit Dominion.And the newest Bernice Summerfield Story showed Ace with Bernice and the seventh Doctor after she already had been on Gallifrey for some time.I wonder how Bernice actually fits into the Audio continuity if her travels with the seventh Doctor (starting with Love and War) actually never happened in the Audio universe since the Virgin books are supposed to be in their own continuity.Regarding Dark Eyes and the timeline:True that the president might have been erased during the time shift at the end of Dark Eyes 1.But isn't it true that Gallifrey 6 suggests t
 hat Narvin ordered the Events of Genesis of the Daleks and that his Action immidiately started the war?If so, how come that it is also suggested that the Dark Eyes series seem to be placed after Gallifrey 6 (with no Romana)?And I also wonder if the Eighth Doctor actually knows that Narvin caused his trip to the creation of the Daleks in the past?I also wonder how the Dalek time Controller can exist since he was supposed to fall into a singularity in the final Episode of season four of the Eighth Doctor series.If he himself ordered the previous incarnation of the time Lord who would rescue him killed, he could never have been rescued.And we know that the time Controller remembers the old timeline from Dark Eyes 1 and was still present in the rewritten timeline of Dark Eyes 2.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Your correct on unit dominion, I know Ace ends up on galifrey, it'd just be nice to see the point when she actually leaves the 7th Doctor perminantly, perhaps with an idea of where she ends up eventually.About the benny stuff, I suspect it's precisely because the virgin books have been discounted that bf are now recording some of the novels like love and war, though to be honest as I've said previously because the audios are so wrapped up with the novels I could never get into the Bernice summerfield stuff, one minute she's an archaeologistt working for a galactic university, then she's suddenly on the braxiatel collection doing something vaguely shifty,, and somehow she has a time ring that takes her anywhere though this gets forgotten about, and her husband is from modern day earth accept that she's made to have an affair and get pregnant or something with someone else, then the collection is attacked by somebody or other and suddenly she'
 ;s fighting daleks. Yes, I could lookup all the synopses and information but it just annoys me to have an audio series that is so disconnected and can't tell a coherent story, hence I rather gave up with those around series 7. While  Narvin sending the 4th Doctor to Scaro to erase the Daleks was sort of the first shot in the time war (or second after the Daleks invaded the axis and tried to distroy galifrey across reality), any war has phases of escalation, indeed it's sinse been suggested that the architrix incident when the daleks first invade Galifrey in the appocalypse element ties into the time war just as an example of escalating timelord/dalek hostility.I get the impression from Narvin now back working for the cia in Dark eyes that dark eyes is quite a while after Galifrey 6,  for a start Galifrey must be fairly well rebuilt to start ventures seen in the first darkeyes or to start manipulating the eminance. Thus, I suspect Galifrey interventio
 n will go some way to bridging this gap, and might also show Romana laying down the reigns of power and the male president seen in Dark eyes taking over,  assuming that timeline wasn't entirely erased. Ditto with the Dalek time controller, I suspect there is more to learn on that one particularly with how in Dark eyes the timelord's future projections of the universe show it ruled by the eminance (a major shift will have to occur for the time war to happen). I suspect the Dalek time controller has similar abilities for remembering and navigating negated timelines as the Doctor, especially sinse it appears even some eleventh doctor novels. Personally to be honest I hope the bf audios actually get to the real time war and just show things implode into a chaotic mess as the 10th octor said in the end of time. nothing that anyone could describe of the time war could equal our imagination on the subject, a war that transcends reality and completely changes the
  destiny of the universe from the fate of earth to the way the universe itself ends, it's a pretty huge deal and I dislike the idea of it all just tying back to essentially a big space battle, (and the less said about the Moff's ridiculous retcon the better).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I've one major complaint about the christmas special, spoiler warning ahead...Aaarrrgh, I thought we got rid of the bloody woman then yet again she's right back there as if nothing happened, bouncing in and out of the series like some kind of demented space hopper. I'm sorry but Clara just needs to piss off already at this point, she's had so many occasions where it looked like she was going to leave then nothing happens I'm just getting really irritated.My initial impressions of Clara with Matt Smith were positive, though bear in mind she did follow Pond, and I found her strong in the first episode personally though this may just be my tastes but ever since then she's just really got on my nerves.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Not much of a spoiler there Cx2 sinse Clara's return for series 9 has been confirmed. I rather agree with Jo ford who called her "the impossibly smug and self satisfie girl" and personaly the only good thing I could say about Clara is that she isn't amy. I'd agree I preferd the very vanilla Doctor cheer leader version of Clara who was with the eleventh Doctor to the smug, bitchy teacher from hell version who was with the twelth, but that's sort of like saying I prefer to eat cardboard as opposed to ground glass (sorry but series 8 clara really got up my nose, even if not quite as much as Amy pond).It's actually amazing just how good even the worst audios are in comparison to the series. I will doubtless have a good rant or two on the christmas special later today.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well like He Who Moans said, at this point the sheer number of false exits makes it feel like Moffat is just trolling us. When Clara finally goes I think a lot of people will simply say "about bloody time" thus robbing any potential impact they could squeeze out of the event, I already feel like that now so imagine how bad it'll be after another series of her.That's all assuming they don't end up in a death spiral leading to new Who getting canned which could happen if Moffat doesn't watch his step. The Who brand has a hell of a lot of good will but even that won't last forever.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well I've not seen the christmas special yet due to unexpected things coming up on tuesday and my mum going to hospital for an opperation on Wednesday, but  I agree on false  exits. When Rory was removed from history and supposedly died in the silurian episode of season 5 I thought "oh this is finally getting interesting" then of course that got ran into the ground. New who generally has a real problem with characters exiting, which has just got worse under the moff. As for cancellation, to be honest I actually wish the Bbc had done what they were thinking of doing and canceled the series after time of the  Doctor. Far better to go out on a high with the most popular doctor of Modern times confronting his own people and melancholy about his death than drag things on forever. If the series was canceled tomorrow I wouldn't be  sorry, indeed as I've said before I no longer consider any of the moff doctors canon, and hay, if t
 he series was! canceled maybe big finish could pick up the license,  now that would! be awsome. Oh, and for the record Bf does! exit characters, albeit I do rather wish they'd exited Hex in Gods and monsters rather than dragging him back for another trilogy to give him  a happy ening (though the 7thDoctor as match maker was amusing), and it's quite nice that though maggy Stables sadly died, the awsome Evelyn smythe got her propper exit moment from the  Tardiss bringing her travels to a satisfying conclusion. While a couple of assistants have been a tad short changed, notably  Erimem and C'riz, who really should've stuck around for longer, and a couple of others go on slightly too long, notably Charley pollard and the 8th Doctor, (though when she meets up with sixy things are different again), Bf really does! handle their companions far better than the tv series, then again Bf could  blow their noses better than anyone w
 orking under his moffasty!


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well I've not seen the christmas special yet due to unexpected things coming up on tuesday and my mum going to hospital for an opperation on Wednesday, but  I agree on false  exits. When Rory was removed from history and supposedly died in the silurian episode of season 5 I thought "oh this is finally getting interesting" then of course that got ran into the ground. New who generally has a real problem with characters exiting, which has just got worse under the moff. As for cancellation, to be honest I actually wish the Bbc had done what they were thinking of doing and canceled the series after time of the  Doctor. Far better to go out on a high with the most popular doctor of Modern times confronting his own people and melancholy about his death than drag things on forever. If the series was canceled tomorrow I wouldn't be  sorry, indeed as I've said before I no longer consider any of the moff doctors canon, and hay, if t
 he series was! canceled maybe big finish could pick up the license,  now that would! be awsome. Oh, and for the record Bf does! exit characters, albeit I do rather wish they'd exited Hex in Gods and monsters rather than dragging him back for another trilogy to give him  a happy ening (though the 7thDoctor as match maker was amusing), and it's quite nice that though maggy Stables sadly died, the awsome Evelyn smythe got her propper exit moment from the  Tardiss bringing her travels to a satisfying conclusion. While a couple of assistants have been a tad short changed, notably  Erimem and C'riz, who really should've stuck around for longer, and a couple of others go on slightly too long, notably Charley pollard and the 8th Doctor, (though when she meets up with sixy things are different again), Bf really does! handle their companions far better than the tv series, then again Bf could  blow their noses better than anyone w
 orking under the Moff, may he be  exterminated!


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

What I did not get was why the current era especially series 7 of Doctor Who did Play with the question of who the Doctor actually is and never giving any answer to the Thing.I mean if everyone in the universe feared the question "Doctor Who?", I would have liked to see the answer.For the plot with the time war:While some hints existed in Big Finish stories that Leela escaped and lived past the war, they were obviously not confirmed on Screen.If you accept that the Doctors saved Gallifrey and put it into another universe, couldn't this make a Story about redemption?Dark, if this was properly done, wouldn't it be so bad for you?And what good was the pre eleventh Doctor era with names of things from the war?How can you know if a being named "nightmare child" is worse than the evil of the Daleks if you have neither seen what it did in the war, nor has the Doctor, Rassilon or the master specifically told the View
 er what the war did to the universe.On the other Hand, what is the Problem with the space battle in Day of the Doctor?Didn't they say that all forbidden weapons were already used up?And didn't the time Lords in End of Time state that they were at the very edge of the war  and the time lock?And if the battle over Gallifrey went on for hours or days, both sides would have worn down their enemie's fleets and super weapons.I still don't get why the BBC did not make war stories either in the main Show, as a spinoff movie or series or in form of more than the one book we have...About Big Finish:Since the BBC only has the main book series which is mostly a stand alone Story collection, I still don't get what the original Problem was.AudioGo made audiobooks of existing printed neww series books.And they made the New Series Audio exclusive stories.But if my Information is correct, both are more reading
 s than full cast Audio Dramas...This brings up the question why Big Finish simply can't buy the rights to new Who as Audio, or why the BBC seems to be unwilling to sell the license for it.Especially since AudioGo is supposed to be now longer in Business I don't get what the Problem is.On the other Hand, the BBC Eighth Doctor books and the Big Finish early eighth Doctor stories were also running around the same time and it was ok, since Big Finish made their own storyline totally separated from the books.About Charley pollard:While her travels with the eighth and later the sixth Doctor were nice, I still have some questions about this.I recall the Eighth Doctor thought that Charley died.But he later figured out that the woman he thought to be an old Charley was not her and that she still would exist somewhere.This brings up why he never found out what happened.Moreover the Doctor had often Problems with other People in 
 his mind.I wonder why his Memory of the true Story of Mila and Charley got restored to him (Eighth Doctor!).And then there is the question of who or what the Viyrans are and why supposedly no one knows their origin.And since the Dalek time Controller wanted and got more than one Virus, the Story should be told with the Doctor in it.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the problem with the huge battle is surely the Daleks would have bases somewhere? Where do they produce new Daleks, ships, supplies for both, and the resources to make all of those possible? Militarily speaking it is utterly implausible that an attacker could be annihilated in that way without leaving something behind, and with Galifrae gone who is left to mop up the remaining daleks before they can become a threat to the rest of the universe? Even a single Dalek supply base would likely be enough to rebuild the Daleks enough to threaten the galaxy without the time lords there to stand in their way, much less if there was a factory producing dalek travel units or even a dalek shipyard. Even assuming the daleks were throwing everything they had at Galifrae the support structure for their forces would still have to exist.In the real world the support structure is usually taken over or dismantled by the victors but all that was left was the Doctor and I don'tn see ev
 en him being able to wage such a campaign against the daleks alone, remember that even a single dalek has always been portrayed as a substantial threat in and of itself.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the list of unanswered questions that the Moff started and never delivered on is endless, indeed when did he ever answer! one of the questions he posed in the least satisfying way? I agree with He who moans on this one, it's like a mystery story saying "And the hero finally cracks the mysterious safe to find a box marked with the letter V and a question mark! and finally opens the box  inside that is a paper with a herren and a scarf" it's just bad writing pure and simple which is why we didn't get an answer.Weerdly enough, pretending that there are only ten doctors is remarkably easy given how little eleventh and twelth doctors have to do with the previous series beyond the od throwaway line, (the moff treated those stupid cracks in time as his own time war, shoving all the previous plot up there and ignoring it himself). If of course series 9 proves to be amazing, or the Moff suddenly dies and is replaced by someone good, I might 
 have to change my opinion but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon, (sinse even if the Moff is! replaced whether the replacement can salvage the series rassilon only knows). Regarding the time war, to be honest this is why i always preferd the idea of the time war as something unknowable that screws around with reality warping timelines, sinse Cx2 is correct on Dalek infrastructure, simply blowing up a bloody huge fleet wouldn't stop the daleks, and it's ridiculous to assume that all the timelords happened to be on Galifrey. At least for the Daleks this is supported in Bf audios like the Dalek empire series when you see the daleks have literally their own galaxy to wage war from. If however we conceive of the war as something huge and timey wimey, then you don't need to worry about those sorts of questions, after all look at all the distorted and cutoff timelines in the axis. I also like the idea from a thematic perspective tha
 t the Time war remains a mysterious evil and something beyond knolidge, sinse indeed something that could scare the master into fleeing to the end of the univers,e involve weapons like the Nightmare child that were worse than the daleks must! be bad. Nothig you could see on screen could equal what you can imagine for that, it's the same reason Sauron isn't ever seen in Lord of the rings, sinse mystery increases fear, particularly when your dealing with a war that goes beyond time and reality. As to Leela, I wonder if we'll see her parting from Romana and leaving galifrey at the end of the galifrey series, sinse we know she winds up a captive of the Zednai. I could well believe that Romana set this up rather than having Leela involved in a war she could not win, indeed it's possible romana flees galifrey as well. this is actually where I thought the galifrey series would end when Romana, Leela and Braxiatel ended up in the axis traversing realities, sinse i
 t got them out of the main timtimeline. that was not the case of course but maybe it's a hint on where things are going. Regarding the  license, remember that  audio go was bbc's publishing line, and all of the new series doctor who audio books (which are actually just audio readings of printed books and often abridged), are publishe by the bbc. The bbc isn't going to split the pie any time soon while they can make money off Doctor who, after all remember that at the time the 8th doctor novels were being published and Big Finish got the rights to the series, the Bbc didn't particularly give a monkies about what happened to Doctor who anyway. With the 8th Doctor and charley, the setup is confusing but it makes sense, I recently heard the audios. When they get to Singapore, the Doctor initially believes that the old lady he meets on the boat in the harbour is an older charley, however she turns out to be the girl who stowed away on the
  ship back in 1940 who got amnesia from the Cyber controller, and thus has nothing to do with Charley. Charley believes she sees the Cybermen shoot down the Doctor, but as his travels with Lucy Miller (and later Molly O'), happen after this we knows he doesn't die. Charley however is stranded in sullivanthe far future and is picked up by the sixth Doctor. Charley is then infected with a virus that the Tardis didn't protect her from which allows Mila to take over Charley's boddy when they land on Amethist station. Mila was a prisoner who the Daleks experimented on, testing various viruses and energies who fled to the tardis during the time of the doctor's first encarnation but due to what the Daleks had done remained insubstantial until she could infect another person with the virus and steal their body. The Tardis didn't protect Charley with it's usual temporal grace because Charley was an anomaly in time. Mila then travels with the 6t
 h Doctor disguised as Charley

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the list of unanswered questions that the Moff started and never delivered on is endless, indeed when did he ever answer! one of the questions he posed in the least satisfying way? I agree with He who moans on this one, it's like a mystery story saying "And the hero finally cracks the mysterious safe to find a box marked with the letter V and a question mark! and finally opens the box  inside that is a paper with a herren and a scarf" it's just bad writing pure and simple which is why we didn't get an answer.Weerdly enough, pretending that there are only ten doctors is remarkably easy given how little eleventh and twelth doctors have to do with the previous series beyond the od throwaway line, (the moff treated those stupid cracks in time as his own time war, shoving all the previous plot up there and ignoring it himself). If of course series 9 proves to be amazing, or the Moff suddenly dies and is replaced by someone good, I might 
 have to change my opinion but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon, (sinse even if the Moff is! replaced whether the replacement can salvage the series rassilon only knows). Regarding the time war, to be honest this is why i always preferd the idea of the time war as something unknowable that screws around with reality warping timelines, sinse Cx2 is correct on Dalek infrastructure, simply blowing up a bloody huge fleet wouldn't stop the daleks, and it's ridiculous to assume that all the timelords happened to be on Galifrey. At least for the Daleks this is supported in Bf audios like the Dalek empire series when you see the daleks have literally their own galaxy to wage war from. If however we conceive of the war as something huge and timey wimey, then you don't need to worry about those sorts of questions, after all look at all the distorted and cutoff timelines in the axis. I also like the idea from a thematic perspective tha
 t the Time war remains a mysterious evil and something beyond knolidge, sinse indeed something that could scare the master into fleeing to the end of the univers,e involve weapons like the Nightmare child that were worse than the daleks must! be bad. Nothig you could see on screen could equal what you can imagine for that, it's the same reason Sauron isn't ever seen in Lord of the rings, sinse mystery increases fear, particularly when your dealing with a war that goes beyond time and reality. As to Leela, I wonder if we'll see her parting from Romana and leaving galifrey at the end of the galifrey series, sinse we know she winds up a captive of the Zednai. I could well believe that Romana set this up rather than having Leela involved in a war she could not win, indeed it's possible romana flees galifrey as well. this is actually where I thought the galifrey series would end when Romana, Leela and Braxiatel ended up in the axis traversing realities, sinse i
 t got them out of the main timtimeline. that was not the case of course but maybe it's a hint on where things are going. Regarding the  license, remember that  audio go was bbc's publishing line, and all of the new series doctor who audio books (which are actually just audio readings of printed books and often abridged), are publishe by the bbc. The bbc isn't going to split the pie any time soon while they can make money off Doctor who, after all remember that at the time the 8th doctor novels were being published and Big Finish got the rights to the series, the Bbc didn't particularly give a monkies about what happened to Doctor who anyway. With the 8th Doctor and charley, the setup is confusing but it makes sense, I recently heard the audios. When they get to Singapore, the Doctor initially believes that the old lady he meets on the boat in the harbour is an older charley, however she turns out to be the girl who stowed away on the
  ship back in 1940 who got amnesia from the Cyber controller, and thus has nothing to do with Charley. Charley believes she sees the Cybermen shoot down the Doctor, but as his travels with Lucy Miller (and later Molly O'), happen after this we knows he doesn't die. Charley however is stranded in sullivanthe far future and is picked up by the sixth Doctor. Charley is then infected with a virus that the Tardis didn't protect her from which allows Mila to take over Charley's boddy when they land on Amethist station. Mila was a prisoner who the Daleks experimented on, testing various viruses and energies who fled to the tardis during the time of the doctor's first encarnation but due to what the Daleks had done remained insubstantial until she could infect another person with the virus and steal their body. The Tardis didn't protect Charley with it's usual temporal grace because Charley was an anomaly in time. Mila then travels with the 6t
 h Doctor disguised as Charley

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Trying not to laugh at the irony of Moffat trying to shove all the previous plot up a crack, something he would be better off doing with his current plots.I don't think we need to see the entire time war, though having the occasional glimpse may be interesting. I agree the idea of a war that twists and warps the timelines is more appealing to me than a conventional conflict, of course it's something that would be very difficult to  portray since we really can't imagine how such a conflict would work, it's just beyond our frame of reference. I'm sure there may be conventional battles in places, especially those which are time locked simply in order to either disable the time lock or to deny a strategic position to the opposition, but that just couldn't be the sum total of the conflict.The only way I can imagine the time war ending in remotely the fashion that it did is with the use of the moment, Galifrae would be destroyed butI can&
 #039;t think of any other way to so severely cripple the Daleks and prevent them from immediately taking the galaxy for themselves.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Yep, Moffat really did! stuff all Russel T davies plot up those cracks in time, that is actually not a joke, one reason why we don't get mentionnns of torchwood, the destruction of parliamentt, earth invaded by Daleks etc, heck even the master's previous appearence was only a throwaway line of dialogue with no consquence (not really the way to talk about a timeline that potentially destroyed most of humanity). I actually find it ironic that Moffat at the moment is treating classic who as this set of sound  bights, that writing "I chesterton" on screen, or  having a metabelis christal will keep the fans happy, and yet he seems to be doing just the same with the Russel T davies era as well, having no consequences beyond the odd line of dialogue. indeed, the only species from Russel Who I can think of that Davies actually used (other than the Daleks and cybermen which are a central part of who anyway), were things from episodes he himself wrote, i
 e, the weeping angels and the clockwork robots from girl in the fireplace. Even the Ood only showed up in an episode by Niel Gayman. Regarding the time war, the impression i always got from the Doctor's hints about the fall of arcadia and the nightmare child was that it was that it started with conventional battles, but then things escalated beyond the levels of reality, indeed the tenth doctor confirms this in End of time, talking of people going back in time to rewrite the consequences of battles then rewrite the rewrites, then rewrite the capability to go back etc, etc.  The Moment I always personally imagined (and still imagine in my moffatless verse), was something amazingly destructive that hada transtemporal effect, rather like a bigger, badder and infinitely more destructive version of the Dalek time destructor seen in the Daleks master plan, a weapon that could accellerate time across an entire planet and cause it to become a wasteland devoid of life
 , like aging people to death in seconds. I always imagined the moment was something like that, but on a much larger scale, heck perhaps it was the moment that caused the timelock on the war, giving erevocable consequences, not just a big planet bomb that mmm, caused the daleks to destroy each other with friendly fire, silly, silly moffat! .


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

That reminds me.If the seventh and eighth Doctor books are not in the same continuity than most of the Big Finish Audios, how and when did Romana II leave E-Space?I mean, there was a seventh Doctor book where Berniece Summerfield and the seventh Doctor came back to the planet in E-Space where the fourth Doctor destroyed that master Vampire.The book was a Sequel to that Story.And since we are talking about it, how can from a Story Point of view Big finish use Bernice if the travels with the seventh doctor never happened in Audio verse?About the new Who:That is why I wondered why the Doctor was so sure that he was the only time Lord left (before he met the master).And even if the time war was time locked, previous visits of other time Lords should not be erased.If for example the current doctor traveled to a planet where he was never before and met a previous incarnation of the master there, this would still have to happen.I mea
 n, the Moment did not erase everything which was already part of the web of time.And even if that is ignored, I can't think that all time Lords where on Gallifrey when the Moment might have been used to destroy Gallifrey.Then the Doctor would have been not truly the last time Lord.You could have other time Lords leaving the Primary universe before the destruction, you theoretically had E-Space to hide, or you could have done what the Master did, turning himself into something not time Lord and running to the end of the universe.And regardless of how it would have been actor whise, I really can't think that the ethernals and the Guardians would allow that the war totally destroyed the universe.And when the tenth Doctor and Rassilon had their finale, there should have been other powers like the Guardians ready to stop the time Lords returning, except the Events of "End of Time" were a fixed Point in time.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well with respect to  Romana and the novels, I suspect this is why Bf have started doing dramatizations of the novels, to bring those important elements into the continuity and so get a clear idea of most events, for example we already have the special telling how the 7th Doctor meets Bernice summerfield. As to the moment, this is why it has to be something a little more major than just making gallifrey vanish. We already know the time war changed many elements in the over all timeline, and given what Zagreus says about Rassilon using the eye of harmony to anchor the web of time so that the timelords were the dominant species, even just the destruction of the eye would have a major effect. I actually wonder if the purpose of the moment was to make the mutual destruction  of the Daleks and Timelords a fixed point in time. AFter all, The Doctor does confirm in end of time that he was just as much out to stop the timelords at that point. If the Timelord's destru
 ction was fixed, then logically neither the Doctor nor any previous timelords could've gone back and changed their own past without falling foul of the blinovich limitation affect. With respect to The Doctor saying he was the last of the timelords, well he believed! himself to be the last but was already proved wrong by The MAster, ditto when the 9th Doctor said the lone Dalek he met in Vanstatten's vault was the last Dalek. I do wonder, given that the master escaped The Moment's affects by making himself human if the Moment did indee do something racially weerd to the Timelords on a genetic or species wide level, indeed that would seem sort of fitting thematically with Genesis of the Daleks, trial of a timelord and all the other occasions that The Doctor has been accused of Genocide, that he must eventually wipe out the entire Dalek race plus the Timelords as well.  I actually think The Doctor meeting another colony of survived Timelords wou
 ld've been a much better series 5 plot over all, sinse the question of what status they had now they were no longer a galactic power, whether they still sought to unmake the universe and what relation the Doctor had to them could've been really quite interesting.Regarding  higher powers, Russel T Davies confirmed that The Eternals left the Universe by their own means and returned to Eternity before the war started to avoid it's fallout. While it is conceivable that the guardians might have stopped things, at the same time the Guardians really only have power to affect what each other does, particularly sinse the Guardians as seen in The Chaos pool trilogy are portrayed much less emphatically as "good and evil" but rather "order and chaos" and what relationship the time war might have to that I'm not sure. I do agree with he Who Moans though, much as I enjoyed various aspects of Russel's who The Doctor as space jesus and
  the Time lords as this surrigate order of Gods wasn't one of them, and that is something which just got a hell of a lot worse under Moffat, hell under Moffat the Doctor rarely solves problems at all Just shouts at them and says "I am the Doctor" until they go away :d.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

About Big Finish and the books:But isn't that messed up picking at pieces of a bigger continuity if only some books are made into Audio stories?I mean some of the upcoming novels are stand alone fourth doctor stories.But the seventh doctor books had plotlines e.g. The Other, the ancient Gallifrey, the, the origin of the sisters of Karn, the curse on the time Lords and more.And for the Eighth Doctor books it would have been Faction Paradox and some other Major Events.Regardless of whether we like a certain writer or book, they are one continuity.And going out and picking at pieces is not a good Tribute to them and their authors.And while we are at it, how does "The Company of Friends" fit into Eighth Doctor Audio Canon, especially the Mary's Story with the two eighth doctors and the other two characters (not Bernice Summerfield)?About the modern Who:I know that Timing of Releases might be a factor for 
 some things.But if (in theory) the Doctor was not the last time Lord, why did he only meet the Master?Surely Romana, The Rani or even Braxiatel could have found a way to escape the war.And what I wonder is if and/or how Braxiatel got some knowledge of coming Events so he could steal the biodata Archive.I wonder if Romana still has her copy, or was it only usable once in Gallifrey 6?And wasn't there not at least one hint in the Virgin books that Braxiatel might be the Doctor's brother?I don't get why the books, Audio Dramas and the TV Show are not more connected regardless of who is in Charge of the TV series.I also wonder why the New series books are a series of unconnected books compared to the seventh Doctor and eighth Doctor books.And this was why I wondered about the Problem with Big Finish doing current Who Audios.I mean, AudioGo did not make new Content.They only made book readings of existing books and
  some Audio only Content.But why something like Destiny of the Doctor was not made sooner, I also don't get because that was a combination of Big Finish and AudioGo.Now I remembered something important about the time war I forgot.What do you think happened to Iris Wildthyme and the Obverse during or after the war?I wonder what a in-Story Explanation of her Absence from the New Who era could be.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

With respect to continuity, fitting stuff together isn't as bad as you would think, sinse most of the people who wrote 7th and 8th doctor storylines that contributed to the ongoing plots with faction paradox etc are also writers for Big Finish. Personally I actually think having a consistant editer like Nick brigs overseeing where the storylines will go will only improve the effects of transitioning stuff from the novels into the bf continuity. Plus of course, as you said a lot of novels are stand alone anyway and thus don't really need to be concerned with what happened when, hence why there are the Short trips collections. Equally, Doctor who has always been a series that has room for more adventures between stories, it's only when you start referencing more major events like that hole crazy business of the timelord war with faction paradox and the 8th Doctor carrying galifrey in his brain that things get complicated, indeed as I've said before I don't p
 ersonally find the 8th doctor novels at least so much of a loss given how nonsensical the plot was and how sinse Paum Mcgan hadn't made his audio appearence at that stage his characterization was utterly off anyway. I'd put Brax as the Doctor's brother along the same lines, that idea just seems loopy to me, although the origins of the Sisters of Carn are quite adequately explained in Zagreus and some of the 8th Doctor audios with Lucy, being a powerful race who monkied with others dna for sport, so no need for more explanations there, indeed that hole business about the Timelords not having a female principle or whatever always again seemed really left field to me (after all how could you claime a race that spawned such awsome ladies as The Rani, Inquisitor Darkel and President Romana didn't have a female principle).The actual reason for the split in the first place was that when Big Finish started, they wanted the Doctor who they had to be recognizable, w
 hich is why you got the Gefry Beavers master instead of the bazle rathbone version from the novels etc. As writers of the novels came into Bf they introduced elements of their own works, which is why you got the combined Bernice audio and novel series (indeed at one point Bf had rights to Bernice but not to any other characters from that range). i suspect things will sort themselves out though, given as I said that lots of the same people are involved, heck Mary's story has already been shown how it fits with the 8th Doctor, what with stories like The Silver Tirk having the 8th Doctor and Mary Shelly traveling together (albeit I never really found her a strong character).As far as the Tv series goes, well plot wise things weren't too bad or inconsistant with the classic series up until the Moff took over, however after that continuity with anything (even the tv series itself), went pretty much out the window.As to the Doctor encountering po
 ssible other escaped timelords, possibly the Rani, Romana or Brax, while it's a great idea, sadly it probably won't happen with the moff in charge of tv and likely nobody else producing tie in books willing to step on toes in such a way, which is a shame sinse as I said it would've been an awsome plot. I did wonder about the timelord Biodata Brax had in Galifrey as well, which again suggests The Moment had to be something a little more awsome than a bomb that blows up planets.With respect to Audiogo, well basically Audiogo was a division of Bbc publishing which existed specifically to publish things like readings of classic octor who novelizations. it was sort of the Bbc's use of the Classic series, and to be brutally honest a way to cash in on both the success of the new tv series, and of big finish. I don't actually believe Audiogo went bust so much as the Bbc decided administratively, it was easier to publish bbc audio books based on classic
  who themselves directly, after all they already as I said published audio readings of books based on new who (albiet often abridged which is pretty scummy).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

It is really unknown how this current plot with the missing Gallifrey might turn out.If the Doctor in the TV Show would at some Point find it, the question would be of who and what he finds there.Would Rassilon be there, or not.I mean, the precise Timing of the war Scenes in End of Time and Day of the Doctor were a bit out of order, since the escape atempt by Rassilon and the fall should been seen by all combatants before the Doctors removed Gallifrey.If we however would accept Day of the Doctor, then the Moment was never unleashed and this would mean that the Dalek fleet over Gallifrey would be destroyed and all other Events of the war might still be time locked.But it would be interesting to know how the master after the fall in End of Time did get back into the Primary universe as a woman and how she did tell the Doctor a Location where Gallifrey should have been, but the Doctor didn't find it.I don't get why the Faction Paradox pl
 ot is that bad.There was a war in which Gallifrey was blown up.But more than one time Lord was spared the destruction, since only Gallifrey was taken, nothing more, meaning everyone off-world was not destroyed.For a while the Eighth Doctor had a hidden room in the tardis and he had Memory Problems.When found by another old time Lord, the Statement with the three ninth Doctors came to be and they figured out that the Doctor couldn't remember things because he had the data of the Matrix in his head.The series ended with the idea that if he could restore the Matrix, he could return the time Lords, since the Matrix had past and possible future Versions stored in ist data.This sounds a bit like Brax and his stolen biodata Archive.If that plot was to be included into the continuity, the Matrix could restore time Lords from ist "Memory".I mean, the biodata Archive in Gallifrey 6 was used to "reset" all time Lords to e
 rase the Dogma Virus.In effect they and their memories were restored to a Point of time before the infection.I think that if the Eighth Doctor books were not canceled, we would have seen this series end in a similar Fashion than the Dogma Virus Problem was solved in Gallifrey 6.And we all know that a tardis is sentient at least, if not fully alive.A fully living tardis explored in the books might be the next step.Compassion was supposed to be a type 102 tardis, while in the Zagreus storyline and the episodes before it, the time Lords had type 90 Units with time Torpedos at least.But the question with the Situation of Iris Wildthyme in General and in the time war is unknown, and the last series of stories from Big Finish were supposed to end with a cliffhanger as far as I know.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well with respect to all the time war questions, unfortunatley looking for plotholes in anything the Moffat was involved with is a little like playing spot the cyberman on Telos . Indeed, I still want to know why the heck the Doctor doesn't know where galifrey is if it was down that crack in time of the Doctor. Either way silly, silly moffat. My problem with faction paradox and the first destruction of galifrey wasn't so much the plot, just that the hole series seemed to suffer from fanfic syndrome, ie, authors just chucking ideas together willy nilly and suddenly creating "the biggest threat ever!" There were innumerable invasions of earth, and the Doctor lost his mind because it held galifrey, and he lost one heart, or maybe he didn't, and there were five different versions of is companions, and faction paradox was ruled over by his former com
 panion, accept he wasn't sinse he was some freaky clone made out of the perceptions of faction paradox or something. it just all got overblown and quite ridiculous and hard to follow, which is why i don't really care about the plot getting missed, especially considering the 8th doctor really was an odd character throughout it all. While the audios have their share of whacky plots (ie, the above business with charley), they at least get resolved, and also because they have an ongoing over all editer things are kept generally on track from one story to another and don't go to truly insane levels. As regards Brax's biodata archive, yep, I could see that as a way of restoring galifrey if it survived, and again, if there was a sensible person writing, or if big finish was in charge of the plot around the time war, I'd give them credit for the idea, though I doubt we'll see anything like that in the series due to the baleful moff. As to I
 ris, well to be honest I could never work out how much of her backstory with the clockworks and the obverse was actually true, and how much was Paul Magres going into a massive meta fictional spiral, indeed myself I preferd iris when she wasn't dropping references everywhere and was just being her usual self sending situations into manic flux. As to the end of the Iris series, yes, it does end on a most annoying, potentially universe destroying cliff hanger, and a uniquely Iris one. i have no idea why the hell they decided to end things that way if they weren't intending to carry on the series at all, it's very weerd.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

This why I asked about the Company of Friends.I mean there are four stories in that Audio.And one character is Bernice Summerfield, another is Mary Shelly, and the two other ones should be a book companion and the other female should be a comic character.But I wonder how the other three stories from Company of friends are to be seen and sorted into the Eighth Doctor's continuity, if most of the books are not part of the Audio continuity.And since it was at least up to now not announced that any Eighth Doctor books were made into Audio Dramas, it can't be said that Big Finish is (currently) working on bringing some elements from that continuity into main Audio Who.On the other Hand, the plot with a living tardis newer and better than the time Lords have around Zagreus, could be interesting to see in Audio stories.I thought that the end of the Iris Wildthyme series was due to the creator of the character wanting to write more short Stor
 y collections with her for Obverse Books.But I don't know if any new books were published since the Audio Show was canceled and if any new books are out, if they continue where the Audios ended or not.I am also not sure if any works from Obverse books can be bought as an ebook.I know that Big Finish for example only sells the latest five Bernice Summerfield books as ebooks but not the Squire's Crystal, which you would Need to get how she got her child.Books and Audio stories for a while were directly linked.You had an Audio Story, then a book, then the next Audio in a row if you get what I mean.I also wonder if we will get some more stories from the beginning of the Eighth Doctor's life like his travels with Mary Shelly.We had only two Major starting Points, Storm Warning up to ist ultimate conclusion.Then there is a gap until Blood of the Daleks up to the end of Dark Eyes 4.I have everything from Blood of the Dal
 eks to Dark Eyes 3 and I will get Dark Eyes 4.And I plan on getting Gallifrey and Iris Wildthyme in the future.I have two other question about Audio stories.1. Did you listen to Daleks Among Us?I read some crazy things about that Story in some other Doctor Who Forum.Some People think that this Story suggests that Ace was killed on the planet Azimuth when the Doctor visited it for the first time.Do you think that this might be actually true, since time travel stories don't have to be always in the right order?2. What is this Business with Prisoners of Fate and the Doctor's first Tardis?Nowhere in the current TV Show was ever clearly stated why the Doctor left Gallifrey and why he stole the Tardis he travels with, nor if he once had his own Tardis and if he had another before, we he had to leave it behind.Do you know anything more about this?


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well with regards to the continuity shift, I don't think it's that strict sinse as you said, Bf did reference commic and novel characters like Izzy and Fitz in company of friends, and indeed Frobisher with the sixth doctor. It's more when people ask "so is the master the rathbone master?" or "was galifrey destroyed three times" that the alternative universe theory is put forward with the Bf version of those events held as the one in the primary universe, though as I said I think things will be made more officially stable as time goes on. i confess the tie ins to the books is why I've never got through all the burnice stuff, I just find it simply annoying to stick on an audio and literally have "previously on burnice summer field" with the audio being a literal continuation of a story started in a novel. I never really cared for the compassion as a living tardis idea, sinse it just seemed again to come out of no where. When t
 he Doctor first meets Compassion she's a normal girl from the 21st century who has been captured by faction paradox and is working as their agent, then for her to be some sort of metamorphing living humanoid tardis is just again craziness (I sort of wonder between that and the craziness with Fits being the head of faction paradox if the Doctor actually has! any normal companions who are not part of fp anymore). The idea of living tardises, or humanoid tardises certainly isn't beyond the bounds of possibility, and has come up in Zagreus as you said, not to mention unregenerate, Remember Foth, and several other stories, it's just the way the compassion plot seemed to e executed that again seemed to be the problem, with a decent script editer it might work out.I personally always got the idea that the Doctor's meeting with lucy in Blood of the Daleks was pretty soon after Charley left him in The Girl who never was, simply because of how pissed off he i
 s at the start of that story. Much like Dark eyes continues streight on after To the Death, it just seems correct to the Doctor's character that he has just seen one of his companions who he cares for deeply and has had a huge amount of adventures with marooned on a devastated earth, (still more if he has just realized he must leave her behind to be found by his sixth self), and a bolshy lass from Blackpool is dumped on him! Actually, I'm thinking of listening to  8th Doctor and Lucy stuff again as well, sinse one of my favourite reviews is a big Lucy miller fan. I was never  too keen on her myself, she had some great back story and some nice moments but she always felt basically like Rose or Donna with a   Lancashire accent, however Jo ford regards her as one of his favourite companions along with Evelyn smithe (who I agree is awsome), so I wonder if I ought to appraise her again!As far as your questions about iris, I'm not sure why 
 Paul Magres through a hissy fit and didn't want to continue the series, but wanting to publish his own books would be a selfish enough reason to make sense sinse Magres, for all he's had some awsome writing moments does have something of an ego. With Daleks among us, I have no idea where this notion about ace having died on the planet comes from, indeed that's the first I've heard of it. As I remember it's set on the planet Asimov, and the idea is that about 50 years previously the 7th Doctor and Ace foiled a dalek invasion, and there's a huge statue of ace in the square (indeed the title refers to the fact that the society is now paranoid about Daleks), but I never remember any suggestions that Ace was dead, just that she wasn't traveling with the 7th Doctor at that point sinse he was travelling with Elizabeth Cline.  I'll know more fully later sinse I'm on a re listen through all the monthly audios and I'll get b
 ack to Daleks among us eventually, though I've still got another 20 or so stories to go to get to that point I believe. With Prisoners of fate, again I've not got to that one for a relisten yet (I've just started witch from the well), however if I remember rightly the tardis just states she was the first TArdis the Doctor had on Galifrey before he left. It certainly doesn't contradict anything, sinse as shown in "The Beginning" from the companion chronicles, the Doctor and Susan are chased into the Tardis cradels where they literaly hide in an obsolete tardis, also I get the strong impression that the Doctor wasn't particularly connected to that Tardis anyway. While we still don't know fully why the Doctor left galifrey (and to be honest again I prefer that to be a mystery), it certainly didn't cause any major hassles that I noticed although I personally would prefer it if the Doctor's past on Galifrey stayed unknown rather th
 an just turning into a hat f

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I get what you mean with the Doctor's past.But on the other Hand, without his past being explained, we have for example no true knowledge of what happened to Susan during or after the time war, since the Audio stories to my knowledge specifically don't tell us if she is a time Lady or not.We even don't know if she is actually related to the doctor or if she only sees him as her Family because he took her in before the Show started.There are some Versions of her origin in the books, but it is not clear which Version is Primary timeline Content and which is not.And since new Who doesn't tell us anything about Susan, we probably don't have any answers.We also don't have all the Information abouzt what Jenny is, since she was artificially created.But the question would be if she is fully time Lord, or only half.If the latter was true and such things as half time Lords were to exist, the end of Donna's time wi
 th the Doctor could have been resolved better than to do a total deletion of her memories of the Doctor at Journey's end.There is one other Thing I wonder though.With the really huge number of Audio titles Big Finish have released so far, how is anyone supposed to get them all?Listening to them will take a lot of time.But to get them all also requires lots of Money, regardless of whether you get them in small Groups or in larger Groups.I know that some People started their Who collections when Big Finish started selling These stories, but not everyone was there at the beginning.So it seems that you can only pick at pieces regardless of whether you use some of their subscriptions or buy individual titles.And some things are still not available as Downloads, which means that some things are only sold on CD.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Some things are not available as downloads? not that I've heard, given the amount of people downloading, heck even special subscriber bonuses such as the four doctors or the Davros mission are now available to buy online. I will say I got lucky with the bf stuff, sinse a friend was kind enough to send me a lot of the stories back in 2007, and after then it was easy enough to subscribe and stay uptodate. I will say while I love what Bf do, I'm not sure of the prices they charge over all considering that I got the entirety of buffy the vampire slayer, all 7 seasons for £40, and bf are selling single, two hour episodes for £15 each, though preiorders and subscriptions can help somewhat with that. I don't agree we need the Doctor's past explained. It has been confirmed that Susan is a timelord (I checked this), in to the death, ((the idea being Alex picked up more from his father than his mother genetically), and that is enough for me at least as far as things go. I was actually impressed with how "the beginning" confirmed that Susan was a timelord, but left the question of who the doctor is and why he and susan had to flee galifrey nicely open, just indicating that they left in a great hurry chased by guards with stasers. I would however like to know what happened to Susan later on, especially as far as the Time war goes, indeed I agree with he who moans that the Doctor visiting Susan on an earth recovered from Dalek devastation and talking to her about the costs of the war would've been a far better conclusion to Day of the Doctor than that stupid retcon,  and hay the audiencecan surely keep up with the idea of her being the Doctor's daughter as well as it being an awsome 50th aniversery moment too.Maybe it's time Bf did a "susan forman" spinoff, telling what happens to her after the end of To the death? .


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Lord_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

If you look closely at the subscriptions Big Finish offers, then you might see that there might be a Problem, because you get 12 or 6 Releases.But usually there are two Releases in September.And if you buy a subscription starting with any January release, you won't get to the December release of that particular year.But such a Thing is rather expensive, even if you can Keep up if you started two or three years ago, if you want older titles, then it might take a while to get them.In fact, the first Bernice Summerfield series that being the first Eleven seasons should be only on CD.Gallifrey seasons 1 to 3 are also not available via download.Only the later seasons are.About Susan:I wonder why both Producers for new Who did not really talk about her.I also still wonder when and how the Valeyard Comes to be and if the time war means that he will exist or that he was erased.I also wonder why New who had only one Story
  with an Ice Warrior, since they had more stories in the classic series plus the Audios.I also wonder how the two Audio stories Lords of the Red Planet and the key to time part 1 work, since as far as I know there are two different origin stories for the Ice Warriors in them.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Very odd about the downloads and cd sales, sinse I have digital versions of all of galifrey and bernice summerfield that I bought later. I usually get my subscriptions on preorder so there isn't a problem with that, and usually the extra september release comes as a bonus. With respect to Susan, I do know  Russel T davies was consciously trying to make a new start with the series so didn't want to alienate new fans with elving too much into the original, which is why he kept returning classic series monsters and enemies like The MAster to one per series. In The Doctor's daughter the Doctor does mention eing a father before, which was like the hint alluding to Davros in the Episode Dalek, so maybe if Russel hadn't left we might have seen Susan at some point the same way we ran into Sarah Jane, As I said she would've been great for the 50th aniversary. With respect to the Valyard, well the audio "Trial of the valyard" actually hi
 nts at a slightly different origin story, that during the final encarnation Timelords would all go a little loopy and that the Doctor in one alternative future did so and wanted to extend his life, thus created a clone of himself who was sent back in time and bought up on galifrey in the Black nurseries, hidden houses of galifrey where the Timelords held their mistakes. Actually thinking about it the idea that the 13th encarnation of a timelord goes a bit wrong fits quite nicely with the eleventh doctor being such a schizo idiot . Moffat did mention the Valyard at one stage during all that incomprehensible business with the Doctor's tomb, but things were so nonsensical there really isn't a correct answer,  still the Valyard still fits with my ten official doctors theory . With respect To the Ice warriors, well Moffat has kept up the tradition of one classic series monster per series so it was only a matter of time before the ice warriors made a comeback, though I didn't particularly feel their return was that enspiring really. The question of the events of Key 2 time vs Lords of the red planet is actually one I've wondered about myself rather seriously. at the end of lords, the 2nd Doctor does hint that the ice warriors might have evolved naturally, which is perhaps what happened later, though how they went from warriors initially to the peaceful society seen in key 2 time and then back to being ice warriors I don't know, particularly sinse in key 2 time MArs has a full and rich atmosphere which the destruction of the black hole ripped away, while in Lords it's implied the atmosphere was bleeding off the planet hence why the ice warriors were created to survive afterwards.  It
 9;s a contradiction that really needs an answer and I hope bf address it at some point.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-01-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well I have finally sat down and watched Last christmas,   appropriately enough the special for last christmas. needless to say spoilage ahoy. It's odd, much like death in heaven my chief feeling is meh. I didn't hate it as much as he who moans, but neither was there really anything at all that excited my emotions or my terror or even my ire. I personally didn't mind the dreams within dreams explanation for the surreal events, though to be honest I really wish it'd been a little more surreal to work things out, sinse really just having father christmas appear is just having father christmas, it doesn't do a lot. i'd have given them lots of credit if they went utterly off the rails with completely totally off the wall landscapes, running into daleks in Scrooges counting house or cyber convertedd elves or whatever, and then! pulled the dream explanation, as it was, base under siege, sleepers, dream crabs and santa all felt a littl
 e too flat to me, or maybe it was just the acting. indeedto be honest once we'd had the dream crab explanationthings seemed very draggy, just having danny doing his usual speech (and honestly for that to be Clara's perfect world Danny still felt like he had the emotions of a cyberman), things just seemed to drag out and the dreams within dreams explanation was just far too belaboured to be really interesting. I didn't mind the jarring cuts between horror and humour, but I do wish things had felt far less like nobody was really trying that hard, or that the emotional reactions came through, sinse hay Clara looking creepily at a blackboard where messages about her death are appearing is okay, but she just didn't seem all that bothered. Maybe this was timing, maybe it was just lack of energy I'm not sure. I also didn't exactly feel the dream crabs were a credible threat sinse like pretty much every Moffat bad guy they had no teeth at all. Being told
 ! they kill and suck out people's brains just doesn't convey it when the worse we've seen is someone with a crab on their head, indeed the comparison to the alien face huggers is laughable given that having a face hugger around your face means a chest burster in the near future, while having a dream crab on the noggin just seems to mean you sit there, heck we didn't even get to know that people had supposedly died.It's interesting how similar some ideas here were to the audio minds eye, but where minds eye has damn scary plants that absorb people (complete with descriptions of people completely grown into buy plants), and the dream landscapes it generates are so jarring they're wrong, like Perri in what seems to be a runaway episode of a bad american soap, the dreams here were all a bit too under welming, even the final one of an aged clara. It had the usual one liners and the Doctor's grump off with Santa, and clara was smug, and it 
 had a left field christmas landmark sequence, and of course the Clara/doctor plot was so swept under the rug it was minimal, (and don't even start on logical inconsistancies like how the hell four random people got dream crabs on the head or what supposedly happened to the idea of a dream crab invasion of earth). I think probably the most forgettable christmas special sinse the snowman one, and I can barely remember what happened in that one, like I'll barely remember this episode tomorrow. A far cry from the days of the christmas invasion or the runaway bride.If Doctor who, a program about an eccentric alien traveling through time in an old 1960's police phone box travelling anywhere in time and space is this! flat, it speaks something sad for the world's capacity for imagination, then again most things in the entertainment world seem to be going flat these days so I suppose the Moff is just following the general trend.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

well there is another reason for threadcromancy here. Namely that stewart hardy has started something he threated to do recently, his reviews of all bf's 8th doctor audios from storm warning to Dark eyes, check out the first one Here I agree with him for the most part, indeed I also found I enjoyed stones of Venis far more second time through, although I have to give Sword of Orion credit for setting up the background for the bf cyberman series, even though I did find the story itself rather draggy second time around and sinse the hole nasty cybermen thing was done so much better elsewhere (spareparts, Realtime, the reaping or the harvest to name but a few), Imho sword of Orion was actually the worst of the first 8th doctor season.The only disagreement I have is related to minuette in Hell, sinse while I can see it's got it's problems, to m
 ee there was far more synister than cartoony about it, what with charley nearly forced into being basically a prostitute, and the 8th doctor locked up in a cell with a man who says he's the doctor and seems to have all the doctor's memories, pretty dam dark stuff which I definitely approve of. Marcosius the demon is also absolutely hilarious!  and manages to still be extremely creepy doing it, anyone who bursts into charley's bedroom singing in a deep bace voice "Charley is my darling, my darling my darling!" then promises not to kill her too quickly, it's amazing! I also have to say I'm always amused by the fact that American Whovians constantly and loudly complain about both the accents and the sterriotypes in the story. That is fare given the villain is a telivangilist with political aspirations who's a demon summoner, and the rest of the us cast are his beauty obsessed assistant, a supposedly heroic girl with psychic powers (wh
 o is also amazingly flat), and a Seniter who pretty much is a carbon copy of the rich texon from the Simpsons. However, off though these aspects are, these are no worse than most of the jolly fine bloody what what old bean attempts at English characters in %80 of Us produced stuff, so I do have to smile when Americans complain so much,  dish it out but can't take it eh? .Of course, bad writing and acting is a bad thing generaly, and I'd still not say Minuette in Hell is among Bf's best, though for Marcosius (who is absolutely awsome), and how dark some of the story gets I'd still say there's enough in there to make it okay over all, indeed I did think it was better than Sword of Orion, (certainly more fun).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I'll confess I'm not sure who's reading these but I'll comment anyway sinse I like Doctor Who and I know some people here like Big finish. Part 2 of Stewart's guide to the eighth doctor audios is up and is here I personally was amused by invaders from mars, though most of that was probably as much down to the acting as the script, not to mention the hilarious mock 1930's radio drama cliffhangers,  probably one of Mark Gatis better comedy offerings especially as compared to things like robot of sherwood. Chimes of midnight and seasons of fear are both completely awsome! While I take his point on into the darkness being a bit meh, at the same time it has some of the just plane nastiest horror moments ever! including eyeballs torn out, so I definitely give credit for actually being scary albeit I didn't like how it all
  came down to a big poof at the end. Living legend was genuinely funny, if nothing else just to see Charley pretend to be an awsome time lady and scare the pants off some commically innept aliens, (plus I love the doctor's ploy of persuading them that humans are infected with world cup fever). Solitare I don't remember too clearly sinse it's been quite some time sinse I heard the companion chronicles. I do recall enjoying itat the time, but generally being a fan of surreal Dr. who I always like the celestial toy maker on principle.Time of the Daleks I really don't like, though not for the reasons Stewart mentions, sinse to me even though it has the hole mirrors and clocks time travel thing of evil of the Daleks, it just had none of that story's chalm. It was a pretty confusing mess to be honest, indeed like several Dalek stories it had too much wanting to be clever timy wimy and too little actual daleks being daleks. Indeed the tie in sc
 ene with seasons of fear where you see a dalek killed by the roman legion I find annoys me both times sine it just makes me wish I was listening to that much better story instead .Neverland was awsome, a lot to wrap heads around but was all in all great, particularly rassilon and the ideas around the rogue timelords,  after all who can't love a thing called the oobleeet of infinity! . My only issue in Neverland is why the hell the never people nd rogue timelords were conveniently distroyed at the climax sinse they were such great adversaries they should've kept around for the special.As for Zagreus, I know it's the story that people love to hate on but like Stewart I really enjoyed it. I liked the surreal landscapes, I liked the timelor
 ds motivation, sinse the idea of both rassilon playing humanoid imperialism with making all species resemble the timelords and fixing the continuity of time with the eye of harmony, and of rassilon punting a species that would out evolve the timelords into a divergent universe was a really nice one. and I liked the resolution to the plot, albeit I thought things dragged seriously around episode three when they got to the black tower on gallifrey. I didn't personally find Zagreus hard to follow, sinse the important elements are pretty much spelt out albeit I do think the amount of exposition here rather hurts and the main villain idea of the peace really isn't dealt with very well either,  well the main villain besides rassilon, who once again gets so much points for having such an awsome audio presence,  rather different from the distorted whacky sample of poor old John Pertwee which was indeed very horrible, .As to the hystrionics, on the one hand yes, the Doctor and Charley have some really! cringe worthy dialogue hear, "Your dumping me!" is I believe what stewart meant by the worst line in Doctor who. On the other hand I like the idea of the Doctor's first romance being decidedly unsuccessful. Sometimes love doesn't work out well for all concerned especially when one partner has just got his mind free of anti time, this however is something that was calmed down much more in the next story, Scherzo, (which Stewart really ought to learn to pronounce properly). In general I don't see why Zagreus gets all the hate and I do agree with stewart it's a severely flawed story, certainly not bf's best but far from it's worst, I'd myself give Zagreus probably a 5 out of ten, and not because it's an average story, just because it does many, many awsome things but just as many ve
 ry crap things as well which for me all sort of canceled each other out. I would however far rather have something like that than the moffat's usual blend of ultra safe mush any day, so once again I agree with stewart here, and to anyone who's actually heard the 8th doctor season I'd recommend Zagreus, albeit for anyone who isn't up on their Doctor who law regarding the Timelords it could indeed be pretty impenitrable,  quite d

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well we now have the third part of stewart's 8th doctor moanings here . Again I'm not sure if people are reading these or not but I'm a verbose sort of fellow and youtube's comment system is annoying, so I will say what I thought.I've never seen the Shada film, so I can just sort of live with the idea of Paul MCgan pretending to be Tom baker for a bit, indeed I always thought myself it was more Mcgan going through his own memory than literally experiencing the events of Shada again, but because Mcgan is remembering he remembers himself.Personally, I really liked the divergent universe concept in the same way I liked Voyager. chucking the doctor into a universe of weerdosity with no time, no tardis, no daleks or familiar creatures is a great idea, and should lead to something out there. Unlike with Voyager though, I'd argue th
 at it succeeds more than it fails.I fully agree with Stewart that Scherzo (which he really needs to know how to pronounce), is awsome! What I particularly like apart from the general shear weerd out there confusingness, is the fact that it deals with the 8th doctor romance in a good way. I've seen cryticisms of the 8th doctor's characterization here and how he's so much a complete git, but to be honest I actually like the idea that you know, sometimes the big dramatic romancy "I love you!" moment doesn't! work, particularly sinse The Doctor's comment that he sacrificed everything for Charley and she's now going to die anyway having followed him to the Divergent universe making his sacrifice pretty pointless is legitimate, and anyway having your brain taken over by anti time is a pretty good excuse for being a bit of a douchenozzle. Plus I have to say the audio design in Scherzo is just so amazing! if you love purely well done audio back
 grounding some really great acting that can completely mess with your Brain Scherzo definitely does that!Btw, on a random tangent, "douchenozzle" is now my favourite new insult! Douche meaning a generally scummy person isn't really something used in Britain, I'd myself default to git or something like that, "douche" to me sounds more like one of those old punch sound effects from the old Adam west batman series like "bif" or "bosh" or something like that. Similarly Douchebag never makes sense to me the way ratbag or scumbag does. However I love douchenozzle! both because i really like the idea of insulting someone's nose, it's just so amusing, and because I really like the way Orphius pronounces douchenozzle as four syllables, doo sheh nozzle! it's got a very nice ring to it.Either way getting back to the audios, I think Stewart (and indeed most people), are a little too hard on  Creed of the Krommen
 . I personally thought insect accountants was a great idea and the environment just felt so alien even if it does sort of default to a "doctor who and invasion of the insect people" type of story. The idea that the Krommen also were trying to develop spaceflight for some unspecified reason was also a nice call to the structure of the universe and what was going on. And if your going to introduce a companion, particularly such a profoundly alien one as C'riz, having him literally murder his wife who's being mutated into an insect queen, and then suffer water torture is a hell of a way of doing it! Actually, in general I always liked C'rez and some of the ideas around him, his church, his capabilities and the idea that he is both a physical and personality chameleon. Natural history of fear is awsome, though I agree with stewart is doesn't do much for the arc or for introducing C'riz, indeed sinse many of the revelations are about the fact tha
 t you run into The Doctor, charley and C'riz doing out of character and different things and seemingly being different people, the fact that at this point in my first listen through I hadn't distinguished C'riz's voice really didn't help things much. Twilight kingdom I have to disagree with Stewart however. sinse yes, it is very dull and standard marines in a cave, but I just felt it was both an incredibly uninteresting story with very predictable mental manipulation, and it really! hurt the divergent universe to just run into a bunch of human rebels. i really hoped everyone in Divergent universe would be weerd and alien. Even the big revelation Stewart liked in episode four I found less than fun myself because it's once again a case of "oooh look, over imotionality can solve any plot!" definitely my worst story in the divergent arc and possibly one of the worst Bf ever did.Faith stealer I hated similarly first time around just b
 ecause this a mega mall for religions didn't feel a particularly interesting concept to me, especially sinse none of

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well we now have the third part of stewart's 8th doctor moanings here . Again I'm not sure if people are reading these or not but I'm a verbose sort of fellow and youtube's comment system is annoying, so I will say what I thought.I've never seen the Shada film, so I can just sort of live with the idea of Paul MCgan pretending to be Tom baker for a bit, indeed I always thought myself it was more Mcgan going through his own memory than literally experiencing the events of Shada again, but because Mcgan is remembering he remembers himself.Personally, I really liked the divergent universe concept in the same way I liked Voyager. chucking the doctor into a universe of weerdosity with no time, no tardis, no daleks or familiar creatures is a great idea, and should lead to something out there. Unlike with Voyager though, I'd argue th
 at it succeeds more than it fails.I fully agree with Stewart that Scherzo (which he really needs to know how to pronounce), is awsome! What I particularly like apart from the general shear weerd out there confusingness, is the fact that it deals with the 8th doctor romance in a good way. I've seen cryticisms of the 8th doctor's characterization here and how he's so much a complete git, but to be honest I actually like the idea that you know, sometimes the big dramatic romancy "I love you!" moment doesn't! work, particularly sinse The Doctor's comment that he sacrificed everything for Charley and she's now going to die anyway having followed him to the Divergent universe making his sacrifice pretty pointless is legitimate, and anyway having your brain taken over by anti time is a pretty good excuse for being a bit of a douchenozzle. Plus I have to say the audio design in Scherzo is just so amazing! if you love purely well done audio back
 grounding some really great acting that can completely mess with your Brain Scherzo definitely does that!Btw, on a random tangent, "douchenozzle" is now my favourite new insult! Douche meaning a generally scummy person isn't really something used in Britain, I'd myself default to git or something like that, "douche" to me sounds more like one of those old punch sound effects from the old Adam west batman series like "bif" or "bosh" or something like that. Similarly Douchebag never makes sense to me the way ratbag or scumbag does. However I love douchenozzle! both because i really like the idea of insulting someone's nose, it's just so amusing, and because I really like the way Orphius pronounces douchenozzle as four syllables, doo sheh nozzle! it's got a very nice ring to it.Either way getting back to the audios, I think Stewart (and indeed most people), are a little too hard on  Creed of the Krommen
 . I personally thought insect accountants was a great idea and the environment just felt so alien even if it does sort of default to a "doctor who and invasion of the insect people" type of story. The idea that the Krommen also were trying to develop spaceflight for some unspecified reason was also a nice call to the structure of the universe and what was going on. And if your going to introduce a companion, particularly such a profoundly alien one as C'riz, having him literally murder his wife who's being mutated into an insect queen, and then suffer water torture is a hell of a way of doing it! Actually, in general I always liked C'rez and some of the ideas around him, his church, his capabilities and the idea that he is both a physical and personality chameleon. Natural history of fear is awsome, though I agree with stewart is doesn't do much for the arc or for introducing C'riz, indeed sinse many of the revelations are about the fact tha
 t you run into The Doctor, charley and C'riz doing out of character and different things and seemingly being different people, the fact that at this point in my first listen through I hadn't distinguished C'riz's voice really didn't help things much. Twilight kingdom I have to disagree with Stewart however. sinse yes, it is very dull and standard marines in a cave, but I just felt it was both an incredibly uninteresting story with very predictable mental manipulation, and it really! hurt the divergent universe to just run into a bunch of human rebels. i really hoped everyone in Divergent universe would be weerd and alien. Even the big revelation Stewart liked in episode four I found less than fun myself because it's once again a case of "oooh look, over imotionality can solve any plot!" definitely my worst story in the divergent arc and possibly one of the worst Bf ever did.Faith stealer I hated similarly first time around just b
 ecause this a mega mall for religions didn't feel a particularly interesting concept to me, especially sinse none of

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-08-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well rather than continuing with the usual 8th doctor audios guide, stewart has taken time out to post some snarkitude about the upcoming trailer, which actually is both hilarious "last tango on Scaro?" and also wonderfully pointing out the usual moffat annoyingness sinse yet again! we have a mysterious woman of pointless mystery, who I will be willing to bet money on is yet another overly sarccastic smugs/xually predatory Moffat female character who doesn't let the doctor be right and stomps all over continuity because you know, Moffat is thy god! Oooh dear, I think I've picked up some of Stewart Hardy's snarkasm, well anyway See it here


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2015-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

This particular threadcromancy is due to the fact that Stewart Hardy aka He who moans has done another one, which can be Found here , and is something that (as Stewart himself said), lots of people want, a beginner's guide to big finish, aka where to start to get into the bf audios. I personally was pleased that he included several of what are some of my favourites, live 34, I Davros and Protect and survive as well as the one's you'd expect like Spare parts, Chimes of midnight and Jubilee, (which everyone loves, though quite justifyably sinse they all are rather good).I disagree with him however about the two Frobisher storiess, Holy Terror and the Maltese penguin sinse I didn't personally rate either or regard them as representative of Doctor who being as "film noire penguin" sounds like a character created from mad libs and he's hardly representative either of the sort of n
 ormal things Doctor Who does or imho that interesting (quirky doesn't equal interesting). Myself I'd personally suggest phantasmagoria (bf's second ever release no less), Fires of Vulcan or The eighth doctor story The cannibalists. Really great examples of Doctor who doing the sort of things Doctor who does particularly well (and if you want traumatic Horror the cannibalists has to be one of the nastiest things I've ever heard).Though on the other hand "the one Doctor" is an awsome comedy outing that really shouldn't be missed, and just proves how fantastic old sixy is. As a starter I'd even recommend the semi recent trilogy The Burning Prince, The Acheron Pulse and The Shadow Heart, which are sort of Doctor who does Starwars, but as they have no extra characters just doctors 5, 6 and 7 all doing their thing in the same sector of space they're a great example of the sort of story telling Doctor Who does, and one of th
 e occasions when imho Bf have pulled off epic successfully in recent times (something they continually try to do with every trilogy it seems but only manage about half of the time).I have to listen to the companion chronicles again sinse it has been a while sinse I've heard the Sara Kingdom audios, though I did like her appearence in The Five Companions. As to Deadline, well again I've only heard it the once and didn't especially rate it at the time, sinse I just felt it was a rather undistinguished story about the end of life of a not particularly nice man, and being so! out of the window I'd never recommend it to someone new who Doctor Who or Big finish, indeed good though several of them are, I'd not recommend any of the Doctor who Unbound series simply because if your not too familiar with The Doctor's adventures, in their style or even events you likely wouldn't get them specifically, especially sinse some are so far off the wall they&#
 039;re boardering on having nothing to do with Doctor Who at all (deadline is definitely one of those).Either way, I hope people enjoy the review, and I definitely hope STewart fulfills his promise of some 8th doctor reviews sinse that would be awsome, particularly sinse I am one of the people who actually liked! Zagreus as well, and don't believe it deserves all the mud throne at it at all.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Jack did occur to me, however Jack seemed to know who actually was interested in flirting with him and who not, and to hold back on people who  weren't, heck, look at his behaviour around   Riece, Gwen's husband, and in fact Gwen herself at least after he got to know her. River just seems to push herself at everyone and everything, which is as disgusting as it sounds. With jack also, the flirting was only part of what he did, heck, he's a time agent and ex con man who's close to imortal, an expert in technology and head of a secret government agency who also happened to live through most of the 19th century. There's much more in his character to play with. I know River is supposed to be this awsome archaeologist indiana jones type character, and to have all those crazy Mophat super powers, but really they just don't mean a lot to her character the way say Jack being a conman or a compitant police officer does. If we play the plinkit game, there are lots of ways I can describe jack without referring to his flirting. He's confident and engaging, yet also world weary and synical on occasion though makes up for this with inthusiasm, even if occasionally forced inthusiasm, he also knows there are things he should be afraid of. River is, - , well confident? and ,loud, and ,  misterious and quirky? Really if I forget about silence in the Library there's not a lot to say about River that doesn't relate to her silly back story. With Bf and the license, they are already in close communication with the Bbc so that they don't step on the toes of the series. for example, the story "Patient zero" was originally going to be called Victory of the Daleks until Bf learnt that 2010,the Bbc wanted to use the title,  a shame sinse where as the Bbc victory of the daleks is widely regarded as the worst episode of New Who ever with the most ho
 rrible Dalek redesign in history, the Bf story is a really awsome series closer that involves the Daleks spreading diseases throughout time and has cool temporal paradoxes as well as some awsome stuff for Charley and the sixth doctor. Bf actually are! doing the time war from the perspective of the eighth doctor,indeed at the moment in the 8th doctor continuity with the latest dark eyes it looks like the Time Lords are attempting to use a gasious life form which can take over other beings called The Eminance to wipe out the Daleks, but have realized that if anything The Eminance is worse and threatens to utterly take over the universe in the future.They've already had the Daleks attempting to erase the time lords from Existance, and in the end of their political Galifrey series you see the Daleks attempt to invade Galifrey and the time lords respond by sending someone back in time to  get the fourth Doctor to try and alter the Dalek's creation in the Tv s
 tory Genesis of the Daleks. there is supposed to be a Galifrey series 7 which expands on this, though with the hole war Doctor shenanigans (which even though i personally think it didn't happen the Bbc don't agree with me), it's doubtful they can show too much more.With the License itself, unfortunately I suspect it's because the two series are legally different entities, sinse I know like a shot David Tenant wwould be back for Bf, heck before he was the Tenth Doctor he's played several parts for them already, from a very fervant and unpleasant Nazi, to a racist and biggoted colonel in the Unit series, to a genetically engineered soldier created to lead humans against the Daleks in the Dalek empire series. Actually the last of these is particularly weerd, sinse the  soldiers have been  bred to be specifically charismatic, meaning that  Tenant is at his most extravert, and also the series finishes with him giving a long spe
 ech about how wonderful humans are and how even if there is another war with the Daleks humanity will never become like the Daleks,  that really! is difficult sinse it sounds so much like the tenth doctor even though he's exterminated just afterwards. Ironically, the series was recorded in 2005 as wel, so I wonder if, after Ecleston wussed out of playing the doctor davies heard that and went "hay! that guy sounds like a good doctor, go get him!" .


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

My mistake was on BF's FAQ page they say they're not allowed to do the time war, I guess they're getting around this by just not calling it the time war.I'll also admit I only saw two episodes of Torchwood, I felt they were trying too hard to be adult as a way to distinguish themselves from Who. Maybe this eased up later on.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

That Faq was written still at the time when people thought "the time war" meant Mcgan regenerating into Ecleston, which Bf couldn't do, (though imho as I said, Mcgan does still! regenerate into Ecleston). They can still have an escalating conflict between the Daleks and Timelords, and have many hints to the fact that worse stuff is coming along, indeed in the Second Dark eyes the master is regenerated by the Time lords so we get another (and quite different)t Master before the one Tenant met who went and turned himself human.Then again, sinse Davies left continuity seems to have gone out the window anyway, what with so much crazy shenanigans that don't make sense and vague hints that go no where, so it probably wouldn't matter if bf actually did! the time war, even if they have to stop short of the Doctor using the moment or regenerating. As to Torchwood I agree. Series 1 was very much rgh! look this is adult! it has soap opera plo
 ts with affairs and things, and lots of gore, and people who are bi, and morally ambiguous and grim stuff!However Series 2 started really picking up. All the characters got explored and heck, MArtha who was one of my least favourite tv characters actually was pretty cool in Torchwood, and Children of Earth aka Series 3 is just plane amazing! Miracle Day aka series 4 has some unique ideas, great moments, and some hilariously ironic twists, indeed it sort of amused me that at the time Doctor who was doing it's "look americans! we have the moon landing, and jokes about the founding fathers, and long speaches about the American people, and please buy this!" Torchwood Miracle day was having very ironic pokes at a lot of American things from corporate Televangilists, to the death penalty and the Cia thinking their invincible. Miracle day was good, though not quite as awsome as Children of Earth.SoBtw, I just saw the episode "listen" yes
 terday of the new series, and yee gods mophat needs to get his act together! all that Surreal stuff about fear which basically boiled down to Clara telling the doctor he was afraid of the dark, and what on earth was that rubbish about the Doctor wanting to join the army or something? Indeed seeing the young doctor on Galifrey was just plane wrong! If that episode says  something it's that the Doctor is an idiot and Clara needs to constantly tell him what to do, and the Doctor is crap at talking to kids, which given the fact that he has already had at least one child plus his grand daughter and that in the past the Doctor has been actually pretty good with kids was just wrong! And if the Doctor is supposed to have no romantic feelings for Clara, what's all this ridiculous competing with Danny thee idiot Pink? Indeed Danny sort of annoys me (what is it with the Moph and actually writing male characters with any sort of integrity who aren't social miss
 fits). I do see what you  mean about Clara being a stronger character, but all "listen" seemed to say is that the doctor is an idiot and Clara needs to boss him around! indeed what this says about men generally is pretty cruddy, but would probably take another post. On the plus side, I also saw Time Heist which was, surprise surprise, a good story! it had a real monster that actually killed! someone (sound the bloody trumpets), and I loved the idea of characters who died, even though of course Mophat had to undermine that. It was even a sensible time travel story with a nice complete plot and ending, a shame that Mophat had to spoil the end with the doctor saying to Clara "Now beat that for a date!" In fact the logic here really pisses me off, that everyone, including the thousand year old time lord has to compete for the affections of the pretty girl! grrr! Mophat really! needs a punch up the hooter! I'll ca
 rry on watching, but I don't intend to see any of those stories again much less buy them on dvd, and I still hold to my "Everything after the tenth doctor happened in the divergent universe" theory.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Oh I hear you about Danny Pink, he could really benefit from a visit from Red Dwarf's inquisitor.I have no issues with characters being bi but it'd be nice if there weren't so many oversexed bi characters out there. I could complain about Jack Harkness in this regard but it's difficult given that John Barrowman is just hands down such a nice guy.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I think what's getting me with Danny pink is that in reality anyone that stupid would be regarded as an idiot. It really does! feel that Mophat can't right compiitant male characters (The Doctor included), and he just believes all men are over grown kids to be bossed around by women. I also agree on the Bi thing. I have a friend who is Bi and is actually in a very stable mariage with another friend of mine. All being "bi" means is that he could've equally been married to a man, not that he runs around like some sort of moron. I am willing to make an exception for Jack sinse first as I said he was the first character in Doctor who like that, and worked precisely because those around him were toned down (or at least mostly toned down). And second because Jack the character was also a nice guy who evolved from a time traveling con man, to the Doctor's companion, to someone who actually was willing to take a lot of punishment on behalf of ot
 hers.I never got that with River or even Amy, indeed it is a problem in a lot of modern writing I've noticed not just Mophs but it is truly difficult to write actually decent characters, ie, realistically good and fairly nice people who don't need a universe shattering danger to throw themselves in front of. Jack, despite the self obsession, and everything else managed to hit this boundary, or at least to be brought to it over time. Even people who hate Russel T Davies agree that his strength wwas character which is unfortunately true, and even though he did have a habbit of beating you over the head with characters occasionally, at least it was there, and if the Moph proves anything it's that too much is better than too little.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I could easily put Jack's flirtaciousness down to his rogueish persona rather than his orientation, I am just very aware a lot of people may associate it with his bisexuality instead which gives me only slight pause. I never kept track of the whole producers thing but I think the first two or three seasons of the new Who were probably the strongest among them.I guess the bi thing bothers me particularly because it turns out I'm less than 100% straight. I still generally seem to prefer women, though that said I appear to have a slight man crush on John Barrowman as it happens among other select individuals. The perception that bisexual people are either greedy or else raving sex maniacs is something I find particularly irritating.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I can see why the perception would irritate you, though to be honest I wouldn't put River down to being bi so much as The Moph not being able to write, after all Amy is as bad. The producers are easy to track. Russel T davies left when the tenth doctor (David Tenant), regenerated into the Eleventh Doctor (Mat Smith). I personally noticed a real dip in quality streight off, and while I can think of a few isolated  Smith episodes I like, like the reintroduction of the Silurians or the Rebel flesh episodes (the one with human Gangers created to work in hazardous environments), they are rare. I personally regard seasons 2 and 4 (the one with Donna noble), as the best of the new series, closely followed by the specials and season one. I admit I didn't particularly rate Ecleston at the time, but rewatching season one now I find myself very much changing my opinion, sinse having such a dark, brooding doctor who you get the idea really did! destroy the daleks 
 and timelords together and would seriously consider doing it again is actually quite a relief after fluffy Mophat land. Indeed, the above podcast has a clip of the 9th Doctor from the episode The Unquiet dead being happy because "just this once everybody lives" and makes the point that under Mophat that is pretty much all the time .I actually find the Mophat stuff so bland that it's hard for me to remember what fits where or really think of any particularly noteable characteristics of the Eleventh Doctor at all, while I could probably tell you the title of every episode that Tenant and Ecleston were in. Certainly it was when Tenant and Davies left that I stopped collecting the series on Dvd as I just really! didn't want to see the episodes again.As to whether Jack's flirting was a product of his being bi or his generally being a rogue, prob
 ably both, though interestingly enough in JAck's final appearence in Miracle day they seemed to have toned him down to being gay, though whether that is because the Miracle day plot happens to involve a doomed romance for Jack with another man in 1920's New York I'm not sure. One seen for me that really hit Jack's personality was one in the start of Torchwood Season 2 (the episode appropriately called Kiss kiss, bang bang), where you meet JAck's ex partner, Captain John heart played by of all people James Marsters, (this sounds horribly corny and blatant but actually isn't just because of how awsome John is). John goes into a bar and clears it with an alien device (after saying what he thinks of all the people in the bar). JAck walks in to find John in his red band leader style jacket sitting at the bar sipping a drink. John gets up and infront of a screen displaying a sunset the two of them do a wonderfully western style walk towards each
  other. They then proceed to engage first in a very serious kiss, then start slugging each other in a genuine old west style bar room brawl, complete with bottle smashing and people going through tables, while they catch up between blows. it's a completely lovely scene and one you definitely should see if your a Jack fan (the torchwood dvd has full and highly atmospheric audio description of this).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Ehh I never thought much about River while I was writing that, it's just a common trend a number of people have noticed. The way I see it Jack Harkness flirts because of his rogueishness, being bi just gives him more potential victi... targ... recipients.Thanks for that info about Torchwood, I'll definitely check it out. That scene sounds quite amusing and very, very Jack.Personally I took the bit about everyone living as a gentle fun poke by the writers regarding the fact that so many characters in Doctor Who stories have always ended up dead, that is most definitely something I miss in the newer episodes. This new series is trying to be darker yet at the same time without actually giving you any consequences to be afraid of.Amy and Rory's exit was also preposterous, the idea that weeping angels somehow feed on time and sent them back where they had to live out the rest of their life in the past? Did they forget the Doctor has a time machine? I
  can't see why he couldn't just go fetch them back to the present. Then again I'm a bit meh about the weeping angels anyhow.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Your probably right about Jack and the targets, although as I said unlike River Jack does at least only flirt with people who would be interested of either gender. Funnily enough I did know a chap who was a lot like Jack in that regard, a rather mad and very creative Spanish director and conductor. We weren't sure whether he was bi or just incredibly theatrical, but he really did walk around calling everyone "my dear!" in a very inflated way. he was also a very nice chap, but pretty intensively flamboiant, once when I turned up to a dress rehearsal in full Victorian evening dress his comment was "Oh you do look fetching my dear!" I just replied "oh stop it" I'd highly recommend Torchwood, especially if your  a Jack fan. season 1 is rather ropy in parts but it's definitely worth perciveering with especially by the time you get to Children of Earth and Miracle Day, indeed Children of Earth has probably one of the best p
 remises I've ever come across that leads to one of the most amazingly nasty scenes,  even though the nastiness just involves several government ministers sitting around a table.Yep, the "everybody lives!" was a nice moment precisely because in Doctor Who the quite literal opposite has happened on occasions . Heck, watching the original 1963 "The Daleks" the shear body count is quite surprising by modern standards and goes as far as one guy hanging off a bridge by a rope while his companions are attacked by the Daleks actually cutting the rope and plunging to his very definite death! Quite dark for what was intended to be a light family series, and that's even before we get to the fact that several of the Doctor's companions in the classic series and on occasion the Doctor himself also met bad ends. The Moph on time trav
 el really gets on my nurves. if Doctor who has a theme it's that time has consequences. You can't go back and kill Hitler or stop Pompay errupting without seriously messing things up, heck a major plot in the eighth doctor audios is how seriously the universe gets screwed over just because the Doctor's companion Charley should've died in the crash of the R101 airship and din't. Right at the start, Verity Lambert the series first ever producer and pioneer atually stated that time travel had the potential plot to ruin any series so had to be limited. At first this was done by making it impossible for The Doctor to control his Tardis, he literally never knew where he'd end up. Then, when Pertwee came around and the Doctor gained full knolidge of time travel the idea of the Blinevich limitation effect was introduced, that if the Doctor (or any time traveler), went back to events they themselves were present in things got seriously screwy in a possibl
 y universe wrecking way. Yet Mophat uses time travel as his "Get out of bad stuff!" card, to make sure nothing bad ever happens, ever! at all ever! including the bloody time war! And when it's not time travel, well the Doctor's a robot clone, or the monsters just teleport people off to somewhere else, or some other ridiculouss deus ex machina. This is precisely why Listen got up my nose, so the Doctor is afraid of the dark and there really isn't a monster,  well, mmm, how is that different to pretty much the rest of Mophat's era? On The Weeping Angels, I actually quite liked them in Blink, sinse at the time transporting people back in time was nicely creepy and lead to some interesting moments like Sally meeting the older version of the young police officer she just left, the quantum lock only moving when unobserved thing is really creepy too.I didn't mind their second appearence in "time of angels" s
 inse it was nice to see lots together and as that was very early in the Mophat run monsters that didn't kill were still a novelty. Unfortunately with the general lack of death and the fact that he didn't really do anything else that interesting with the angels after this much less introduce anything more immediately nasty to contrast them with all their appearences sinse then have been sort of meh for me,  though in fairness sort of meh is probably what I'd say about most of the Mophat era.As to Amy and Rory, well I was personally glad Amy was gone :d. But seriously, it is established that the Doctor can't go back into eras that are time locked which is why he didn't change the outcome of the Time war,  of course Mophat utterly forgets about this when he wants to retcon the Time war later, so hay, just be glad Amy is gone and feel sorry for poor old Rory, .


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Your probably right about Jack and the targets, although as I said unlike River Jack does at least only flirt with people who would be interested of either gender. Funnily enough I did know a chap who was a lot like Jack in that regard, a rather mad and very creative Spanish director and conductor. We weren't sure whether he was bi or just incredibly theatrical, but he really did walk around calling everyone "my dear!" in a very inflated way. he was also a very nice chap, but pretty intensively flamboiant, once when I turned up to a dress rehearsal in full Victorian evening dress his comment was "Oh you do look fetching my dear!" I just replied "oh stop it" I'd highly recommend Torchwood, especially if your  a Jack fan. season 1 is rather ropy in parts but it's definitely worth perciveering with especially by the time you get to Children of Earth and Miracle Day, indeed Children of Earth has probably one of the best p
 remises I've ever come across that leads to one of the most amazingly nasty scenes,  even though the nastiness just involves several government ministers sitting around a table.Yep, the "everybody lives!" was a nice moment precisely because in Doctor Who the quite literal opposite has happened on occasions . Heck, watching the original 1963 "The Daleks" the shear body count is quite surprising by modern standards and goes as far as one guy hanging off a bridge by a rope while his companions are attacked by the Daleks actually cutting the rope and plunging to his very definite death! Quite dark for what was intended to be a light family series, and that's even before we get to the fact that several of the Doctor's companions in the classic series and on occasion the Doctor himself also met bad ends. The Moph on time trav
 el really gets on my nurves. if Doctor who has a theme it's that time has consequences. You can't go back and kill Hitler or stop Pompay errupting without seriously messing things up, heck a major plot in the eighth doctor audios is how seriously the universe gets screwed over just because the Doctor's companion Charley should've died in the crash of the R101 airship and din't. Right at the start, Verity Lambert the series first ever producer and pioneer atually stated that time travel had the potential plot to ruin any series so had to be limited. At first this was done by making it impossible for The Doctor to control his Tardis, he literally never knew where he'd end up. Then, when Pertwee came around and the Doctor gained full knolidge of time travel the idea of the Blinevich limitation effect was introduced, that if the Doctor (or any time traveler), went back to events they themselves were present in things got seriously screwy in a possibl
 y universe wrecking way. Yet Mophat uses time travel as his "Get out of bad stuff!" card, to make sure nothing bad ever happens, ever! at all ever! including the bloody time war! And when it's not time travel, well the Doctor's a robot clone, or the monsters just teleport people off to somewhere else, or some other ridiculouss deus ex machina. This is precisely why Listen got up my nose, so the Doctor is afraid of the dark and there really isn't a monster,  well, mmm, how is that different to pretty much the rest of Mophat's era? On The Weeping Angels, I actually quite liked them in Blink, sinse at the time transporting people back in time was nicely creepy and lead to some interesting moments like Sally meeting the older version of the young police officer she just left, the quantum lock only moving when unobserved thing is really creepy too.I didn't mind their second appearence in "time of angels" s
 inse it was nice to see lots together and as that was very early in the Mophat run monsters that didn't kill were still a novelty. Unfortunately with the general lack of death and the fact that he didn't really do anything else that interesting with the angels after this much less introduce anything more immediately nasty to contrast them with all their appearences sinse then have been sort of meh for me,  though in fairness sort of meh is probably what I'd say about most of the Mophat era.As to Amy and Rory, well I was personally glad Amy was gone :d. But seriously, it is established that the Doctor can't go back into eras that are time locked which is why he didn't change the outcome of the Time war,  of course Mophat utterly forgets about this when he wants to retcon the Time war later, so hay, just be glad Amy is gone and feel sorry for poor old rory,  being tied to someone so scummy (no wonder hher name is Pond!), :d.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

The main thing that bothered me with Listen was there was all this build up and then the end was well maybe there is and maybe there isn't. I don't think it unambiguously said the Doctor's fear was true or false and I found that rather an anti-climax, even though it was obviously meant to be creepy.I always remember the Horror of Fang Rock where everyone except Leela and the Doctor end up dead, including the alien, and the doctor leaves singing. To me that just said it all about the Doctor, he'll try his best to save life but he knew he had protected the Earth which was massively more important and it just underscored the fact that he isn't a human and doesn't think like one. Equally with Genesis of the Daleks where he struggles with the concept of genocide even when it's one of the most vicious species in existence. I feel too often the new Who has treated the Doctor as far too human, though at least in some of the later Matt Smith episod
 es you got a real feeling of weariness from him. I'm putting that one down to Matt Smith rather than Mr Muppet, I mean Mophet.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I never really had the weary thing from Mat smith, mat smith's doctor has always been a bit meh for me. Indeed it's now been confirmed Mophat actually has said that he doesn't think the Doctor should change personality which is why Smith basically seems to be a crappier imitation of Tenant without the arrogance or the teeth or the complexity, and indeed why Capaldy's attempts to be "Dark" are largely falling flat. I agree on the Doctor being alien and having different morality and making different decisions, look at the 7th Doctor manipulating his own companion in the past to blow up a house which was actually an alien ship, indeed you really! should see some of the ways the eighth doctor reacts to stuff if you want a portrait of that, although in the audios all the Doctors get their moments.This is again why i'm rethinking Ecleston recently. On Listen, what narked me was that the Doctor came out as so Irrational and as I sai
 d it seemed to be clara saying "oh don't be afraid of the dark you naughty boy!" We are never told why the Doctor was looking for invisible monsters, or even why Danny Pink as a child might or might not have been in danger, it just made both of them look totally stupid. It's odd, sinse I have seen slightly similar scenarios work in the past and be dam scary for it, and 'm  usually a major fan of the more artistic side of Doctor who, indeed it's the fact that Who can go from horor, to high concept art, to pure sf drama or historical jeopardy that is what I like so much about it and why i'm so much more a Doctor who fan than I am of any other series, however the blandity (which is a totally cromulantt word), of the Moph is really getting up my nose. Indeed as the above reviewer put it, people are complaining that Dr. who is running out of ideas, but come on! it's about a man in a box that can travel anywhere in time and space, litera
 lly anywhere!  If Dr. who is getting stale that's not the fault of the premise sinse a more open ended premise doesn't exist, who's fault is it? apparently however the next few episodes are from new writers, so even thouh the Moph still has his greasy grip on things we might see at least n episode or two with a twist coming up.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Danny Pink makes himself look like an idiot, Listen was just helping. Completely not ripped off from Sam Vimes there.I can't believe he said that about the Doctor's personality. He has always changed, I imagine regeneration is such a complete and thorough experience that it is unavoidable. Comparing John Pertwee to Tom Baker just as an example, probably the two most popular Doctors of the classic Who, really is a large difference. In fact I'd go so far as to say Tom Baker was borderline on passing for human simply because of how eccentric he was.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Yep, Mophat has actually been confirmed to have said "the Doctor's personality hasn't changed" though how anyone with even a passing acquaintance with the series can claime as much is beyond me. In fairness he also said he didn't want to put off Tenant fans, given how absolutely popular the tenth doctor was, however in which case he didn't really do himself any favours with a cheap knock off. It's interesting that there was an audio for the 50th  aniversary called destiny of the doctor produced last year, produced by Big finish in association with Audio go (the people whom the bbc get to market their versions of Doctor who audiobooks), in which all eleven doctors each starred in a story ,  sort of Graphic audio style dramatic readings with sfx done by either actor's who played the Doctor or various companions. The idea was to have one self contained story a month each of which would illude to future developments and a 
 crysis solved by the eleventh doctor to turn up in November and culminate with the 50th aniversary. The problem? The eleventh Doctor just didn't have the presence, and having his character appear along side several of the other doctors just emphasized that, heck in a fifth doctor Segment in which a supposedly mysterious hologram appears and helps the 5th Doctor defeat an evil sentient social media network (no I'm not joking), it took me a while to actually realize who it was! and the final end when the universe is supposedly wrecked in a big time experiment gone wonky which the doctor fixes with various elements just ended up feeling flat for that reason. Funnily enough the big climax for me was the tenth doctor and donna's story on an alien world renowned for crashing spaceships and that because it featured killer corel and deadly crustations in a wonderfully alien and disturbing way, and Donna got the immortal line to a visiting alien anthropologist  who
  was researching the world because it was similar to his own race, "I've never hugged a shellfish before but come here!" . Interestingly enough, people say had Patric Troughton not been the supreme actor he was, Doctor who could've instantly failed at the first regeneration precisely because! Troughton's character was such a different one to Heartnal, after all you went from an erassable old professor type with a stretch of alien ambiguity, to a scruffy clownish over grown kid who just barged into things for the heck of it but had a strange way of working things out in the end. i love the section in "power of the Daleks", Troughton's first on screen appearence when he is mistaken for the earth examiner who he previously saw murdered, and when he's asked why he's there says very grandly but clearly with absolutely no
  idea "to examine!" and then just lets everyone else fill in the blanks.His rant against the Daleks is brilliant too, sinse he clearly shows just how scared of them he was in a way Heartnal would've never done. One explanation for the Doctor's regenerations I've heard (and one which occurs in the very first audio Sirens of time), is that the Doctor is the same person, however each regeneration highlights certain aspects of his personality more than others, which is why the rather passive and relaxed fifth doctor was followed by the self obsessed and extremely loud (in more ways than one), sixth doctor, ditto with the 9th and tenth. The eighth for me is one of the most interesting doctors, sinse he really does go through a definite change, from a romantic gad about time and space, to someone who actually would!use the moment in the time war, in the same way the sixth goes from a paranoid character who takes dignity and self obsession slig
 htly too far on occasion to someone who literally cries at the death of a couple of companions and in one of the best speeches in Doctor who history shows how much he hates the timelords high handed behaviour.This is actually part of the reason for the existance of one of my favourite companions, Evelyn Smythe, the 55 year old history professor who travels with the sixth doctor sinse it is implied that his friendship with her which people have actually called the closest the Doctor has come to being married melowed him out considderably. Oh, and "married!" quite different to in love or romantically connected, the two of them just get along together in a wonderfully equal way, occasionally locking heads but always with a sense of respect for each other. The only sad thing about Evelyn is that we've seen how she leaves the tardis eventually, and while there is room to tell more stories with her set before this unfortunately Maggy Stables has been ill so we
  haven't had any new Evelyn stories for a while.


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I'm sorry but I just have to say...What the hell? The moon is an egg? And the newborn hatchling immediately laid another egg? Since when have newborn hatchlings been able to lay eggs immediately regardless of species? That was just terrible.And Courtney was just pointless, I hope she doesn't stick around. In fact I'm not sure I can be bothered with next week, it didn't sound any better.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well damn, my Torchwood DVDs came this morning and I can't find the audio description. Probably because I decided to splurge on the series 1 to 4 boxed set. I had a feeling I should have double checked, damn damn damn.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Hi,A slight bit of heads up/moderation/reminder:@cx2 please remember to use a spoiler warning for those who might not have seen the doctor who episode yet. Luckily, I had already seen it but you actually gave away pretty much the hole plot of that episode without putting so much as a spoiler warning.Just a friendly reminder.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Doh, sorry. I hadn't thought of that, I was just peeved off with the poor quality.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I'm sorry but I just have to say... (massive spoiler warning for the 3 Oct episode of Who)What the hell? The moon is an egg? And the newborn hatchling immediately laid another egg? Since when have newborn hatchlings been able to lay eggs immediately regardless of species? That was just terrible.And Courtney was just pointless, I hope she doesn't stick around. In fact I'm not sure I can be bothered with next week, it didn't sound any better.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

To be honest I stopped reading at the phrase "massive spoiler warning" which was enough for me who hasn't seen the episode yet, although from your "poor quality" comment I'm not holding out much hope. Sounds like The Moph strikes again!


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I've known about "He who Moans" for a while. Another interesting series is the Blind inspiration podcast (or something like that), where two women (one sighted, one blind) review the modern doctor who episodes.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Can you get the link to that one Blindncool? I'm not that bothered about the blindness angle but I'd be interested to see if they have good comments about Doctor who. I use the Doctor who ratings guide which can be Found here however the reviews there are obviously written, but more than that it depends upon who is writing. I also find that particular site has a lot of people who pretty much bash everything that doesn't star Tom Baker! which is  not good. Indeed I confess T Baker isn't one of my favourite doctors,although I've got nothing strongly   against him and I do really like Leela, and he had some good stories. I can actually think of stories I liked from every period in Doctor who history, although i confess the Moph is stretching that rather a lot, one reason I no longer collect the series on dvd but own all of the new series with Ecleston and Tenant, plus col
 lect the Bf audios and what classic episodes I can. Btw, Cx2, annoyingly if I remember rightly Torchwood season 1 doesn't have talking menus. I got the audio description working using my usual highlighting counting, but obviously that won't help if you can't see the menu. If however you get completely stuck,  detailed synopses can be found Here  It's the torchwood page from the Doctor  who reference guide ( a different site from the ratings guide despite the similar name). they're a bit behind, especially with the audios and novels, but are complete up to around 2011,  including the entire classic series, plus most of the modern series, novels, commics, audios and just about everything else.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Dark, unfortunately the spoiler warning was a later edit prompted by Aaron. I'm glad it was in time to save you from the spoilerage.Regarding the DVDs, I played it on my Mac and the software identified a second audio track but unfortunately this proved to be commentary rather than audio description. I might fiddle around some more and see what I can find but I know there have been several cases where a series set includes description but a boxed set of multiple series doesn't.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

That could be irritating! I bought all my torchwood separately, so it worked out okay. Actually I admit I can't remember if Torchwood season 1 had audio description upon initial  broadcast, I actualy don't think it did. Season  2 onwards did,  but I'm not sure about season 1, so it is possible the dvds don't, though you might want to check the audio tracks of the other  seasons just to make sure.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

That could be irritating! I bought all my torchwood separately, so it worked out okay. Actually I admit I can't remember if Torchwood season 1 had audio description upon initial  broadcast, I actualy don't think it did. Season  2 onwards did,  but I'm not sure about season 1, so it is possible the dvds don't, though you might want to check the audio tracks of the other  seasons just to make sure.I hope you get it fixed one way or another. One of the things the horrors of Moph has done is just make me appreciate Russel T davies all the more. While I don't think he's God the way some people do and I do have my  reservations with some of his stuff,  particularly some of his rather  rushed season finales, the over the top torchwood season 1 and a couple oflogical holes, I do think he settled in to get right more than he got wrong over all, I certainly don't agree with  Stewart from He  who Mones that
  Russel was an evil corporate sellout, even though he did give in to chease on occasion and some of his character decisions were questionable,  still better   characterization that  is sometimes a little too obvious than no characterization at all, or still worse characterization that makes your characters just look shallow. What I actually said previously about good episodes from each series, I do struggle to think of eleventh doctor stories I really liked. Perhaps the Silurian reintroduction, The  flesh and stone episode with the gangers, the Doctor's wife episode Niel Gayman (despite the fact Gayman's episode last series nightmare in silver rather fell flat), and possibly God complex with the sentient building. That probably is all I can think of and in each case it was more the environment that I liked than  the plot surrounding the Doctor  or his assistants, indeed even though both almost people and The silurian episodes
  had plot developments, I largely forgot about both and had  switched off when the Moph wanted to do his "and coming next week! a dramatic camera angle of Amy pond's baby that will bring up yet more questions that will never be answered ever!!" I confess I'm probably feeling a little harsher towards the Moph sinse the next Bf audio I have to listen to is the very very very! awsome eighth doctor story  Invaders from Mars, which features the eighth doctor in 1930's chicago first playing at being a private I, then foiling an alien invasion by using the Orsen wells  War of the Worlds broadcast to convince the Aliens that the earth was  already under the control of the  mighty  martians!  And what is my next  episode of new who to compete with such a fascinating premise? Clara and Danny pink flirt with each other around a school while the Doctor is totally useless as a care taker, and there may or may not be a
 n alien (though I'm guessing not, or at least not much of one).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well I'm presently comparing Kill the Moon with the just broadcast eighth doctor's Resurrection of Mars, there really isn't a comparison to be made. Resurrection of Mars beats it hands down.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Yep, resurrection was a nice  one particularly the moral dilemmas from the Monk. Actually I like the way the Monk evolved to a much more morally ambiguous character in the 8th doctor series, rather than someone particularly evil. He has the honour of being the first ever timelord other than the Doctor  seen in Doctor who, indeed even his name comes from his first episode introduction "the meddling monk" When the first doctor first encounters  him he's more mischievious than actually evil, trying to stop the viking invasion of Britain just for the heck of it. Later he teams up with the Daleks to hunt down the Doctor, but it seems reasonable sinse if I'd! been left in 10th century Britain with a broken tardis I'd probably have been a bit narked too. Of course the truly evil power seaking timelord thing was done by theMaster later and the Monk got sort of left behind, so it's nice that the 8th doctor Stories managed to really
  cement his character as someone who's got very much his own way of doing things and own morality like the Doctor but someone who clashes with the Doctor on occasion. I also like the fact the Ice warrior mythos really gets a solid story in Big Finish, indeed i remember the ice warrior stories of the 8th doctor range did reference several things from previous bf stories, such as the very good "Red dawn" that I have just heard recently, which was nice. In general I'm afraid the 4th season of new 8th doctor stories will always for me be a little overshadowed by it's truly awsome ending, which has to be one of the best moments in recent Who, and again no contest when compared to any of the Moph's   nonsensical time reversing finale efforts.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well just seen the Caretaker and Kill the moon, so dire and evil spoilage ahoy for those who haven't seen those episodes, read on at your own peril lest your viewing be spoiled by the spoilers!. caretaker was actually not as bad as I expected from the He who mones review, while I agree with Stewart, why the hell would the doctor be so bad at fitting in with humans after he's spent the last thousand or so years with them, at least the Doctor existed as more than a commic foil for Clara here, I really disliked all the occasions Clara basically told the doctor off in this episode! it made him look like an idiot. Clara and Danny I really didn't get as a couple at the start sinse their dialogue is so forceably witty and doesn't really seem to have much behind it,and Clara's "I love him" just came out of left field, however Danny did surprise me here. Rather than coming across as a moron I really liked his reaction to the Tardis, Clara�
 39;s lame excuse and I surprisingly liked the way he stood up to the Doctor and actually characterized how stupid the Doctor's hatred of soldiers really was, despite the fact that this was yet more "oooh look, the Doctor is really stupid" type of characterization. The thing that got rreally up my nose here was the ending. Danny summersaults over the random robot's head and distracts it. With the fact the only thing we knew about the robot was that it was a soldier from some war or other and the hole thing about soldiers, I was expecting Sergeant danny to turn around and start shouting parade ground orders at the thing and it obey because it recognized him as a soldier,  that would've really hit the theme of the episode, and perhaps put this irrational business of the Doctor's to rest, but no! The business with Courtney I can't say much about, I likeed the Doctor's streight forward interactions with her, very nice and no
 t pandering, but it just seemed to go no where really in that story and she just seemed to be there to tick the teenager box, And The hole thing with Clara going off with the Doctor during the day and coming back to Danny? really, this is getting old, micky, Rory, now Danny, what is it with new who and actually having compitant men in the Tardis! especially given this series habbit of basically showing the Doctor as an overgrown schoolboy who needs his teacher with him to keep him in order! Over all Caretaker wasn't quite as dreadful as I thought, and I do surprisingly see a point to Danny Pink now even though Clara is sort of getting on my nurves more. Regarding Kill the moon,  to be honest Cx2 I actually didn't mind the "moon is an egg" plotline, sinse basically it was the only major idea in the episode and was actually given room to breathe. Yes, it's a big sf idea, and it wasn't adequately explained but at least the ramifications 
 were dealt with, problems for earthwith the tides etc, rather than what I expected after that point which was that the thing's parent species would show up, there would be a huge upping of stakes for no reason, more monsters and running around etc. I therefore give the episode credit on just having one screwy idea, which actually did serve a point, oh and I think the spider germ things actually did! kill people, sound the trumpets!I didn't mind Courtney too much for some of it, I loved the teenaged winjing about being special to which the Doctor responded with "well you can be the first woman on the moon!" and I loved the bit where she said quite honestly "I want to go home" I didn't buy her after that point, she was supposed to have been traumatized from just being almost killed yet instantly starts complaining about being board and playing with Tumblr! Honestly, if you locked me in the Tardis console room "Board" is the la
 st thing I'd be .  I also really didn't like the "woman kind makes the decision" line, this seemed pretty telling of Moph's thinking in a really nasty way, as did the "oooh lets have a democratic vote but then ignore it entirely!" if your going to have someone else make the decision, why the hell vote? The turning off of lights across earth was a nice metaphore, but come on! Again, the implications of this one are really rather disturbing if you think about it. That being said I did think the "make humanity look up and considder space exploration" was a nice social comment, even though it was a bit throwaway and we could've done more on that one.The thing that really! however annoyed me about Kill the moon, more than Courtney, more than the moon being a creature, more than the "h how convenient 
 instantly another egg to be the moon" plot was the end! So the Doctor trusts  clara to make the decision, and turns out to be right, and re

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I still don't get the whole "Doctor hates soldiers" thing. Yes things might have happened in the time war that changed his opinion but it still feels rather too prejudgemental for someone of the Doctor's experience. He's seen humanity at its worst and at its best, he should be better than to fit someone into a neat little box like that.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well even if it was the time war, it's rather weerd and all too late given that the Moph retconed the time ar because oooh will someone please think of tthee children! (sorry but that plot point really gets up my nose given how much prominance the Time war had in the new series).I also have never seen this tendency before the twelth doctor either, sinse doctors 9-11 encoutnered plenty of soldiers, and only tended to object to the ones who were actually doing bad stuff like Torchwood 1 or the humans and Hath having their clone war in The Doctor's daughter. Hell, in Mophat's own episode "A good man goes to war" the main theme as far as I could work it out was that the doctor was supposedly going to war against the headless monks or whoever and inlisting everyone from the series as his army,  or something! So, what the hell? I've got a nasty suspicion that it's related to that comment you saw about the young Doctor not wanting to j
 oin the army on Galifrey,  which is just wrong on so many levels! Indeed if we go meta a for a second here, I wonder if the Moph, or the bbc has some sort of political agenda here, sinse in the last few series we've seen the Doctor go to war, and there was all that stuff about "demons runs when a good man goes to war" or whatever, work for the British airforce, and now we have a companion who's supposedly been inAfganistan and has killed people, and is making out to have been a social outcast because people don't like soldiers.I bet even the time war will play into this with the recognition that the Doctor in retconing Galifrey's destruction actually destroyed the Daleks and insured victory, this combined with the "three women over ride democracy" message from Kill the moon is politically heading into a very sticky wicket, especially for the Doctor who has always been an absolute libertarian and against tyrrany whether econom
 ic, political or religious. Of course I could be reading too much into this and it might just be a bad writer plucking themes out of the air and sticking them together irrispective of whether they fit or not and trying to embue them with a false sort of gravitas in place of actual character development. After all it wouldn't be the first time something gets pulled into New who just because the show runner thought it was a good theme, like russel T Davies the Atheist deciding to suddenly make the Daleks have a religion and start spouting off about blasphemy for no reason, something which really didn't sit well with their usual modus operandi of species hatred,  not one of Russel's cleverer decisions.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

The Dalek religion didn't fit I agree but I figured it was some kind of conditioning by Davros to prevent the Daleks from turning on him again.The weird bit is the Doctor was willing to consider the possibility of a good Dalek but not a good man being a soldier. I didn't really like the bit where the Dalek told the Doctor that he was a good Dalek.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I agree with the He who mones review on the good dalek bit in Into the Dalek, that it was essentially just retreading old ground from the Ecleston story "dalek" and by repeating the lessons there it didn't really accomplish much. In the Episode Dalek from season 1, the Doctor is presented with the possibility that a Dalek might change and become good, he is then told in "parting of the ways" by the emperor "you would make a good Dalek" which works at the time sinse the Doctor is given the choice to destroy all Daleks and humans, but refrains from doing it,  a nice character arc back to the time war (which of course only works if the Time war happened, but hay). This is why in evolution of the Daleks the tenth doctor actually is! prepared to  entertain the possibility that the Daleks might evolve. While I didn't think the Evolution of the Daleks two parter was one of Russel's best moments, and I really wish the humanoid d
 aleks had hung around at the end, at least it did show that the Doctor had moved on. yet, in Into the Dalek, the Doctor is once again back to his season one attitude of all daleks are vilve for some reason, forgetting  all the character development previously, indeed Into the Dalek basically functions as a poor copy of the episode Dalek.I also agreed with stewart on he who mones that given that the supposedly good dalek in into the Dalek wanted to kill all daleks, there is a really serious inconsistancy here, indeed for me the "All daleks must die!" from the so called good dalek really didn't do it, a far cry from the childish and lets say it, cute! daleks infected with the human factor of Evil of the Daleks playing trains and making jokes, hearing an entire squad of daleks chanting like kids in a playground "dizzy, dizzy, dizzy daleks!" is just awsome! Btw, this reminds me of a very disturbing toy I saw last year, a cuddly toy Dale
 k in dark purple which had a button to press to say the line "you would make a good dalek!" actually the line from Parting of the ways. I liked this for the disturbing implications of it, but really what child would sit in bed at night and want to be told they'd be a good dalek? Again, if you want to examine dalek motivation properly the audios do it  especially well, particularly the Dalek empire series, I Davros and the story Jubalee.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I agree with the He who mones review on the good dalek bit in Into the Dalek, that it was essentially just retreading old ground from the Ecleston story "dalek" and by repeating the lessons there it didn't really accomplish much. In the Episode Dalek from season 1, the Doctor is presented with the possibility that a Dalek might change and become good, he is then told in "parting of the ways" by the emperor "you would make a good Dalek" which works at the time sinse the Doctor is given the choice to destroy all Daleks and humans, but refrains from doing it,  a nice character arc back to the time war (which of course only works if the Time war happened, but hay). This is why in evolution of the Daleks the tenth doctor actually is! prepared to  entertain the possibility that the Daleks might evolve. While I didn't think the Evolution of the Daleks two parter was one of Russel's best moments, and I really wish the humanoid d
 aleks had hung around at the end, at least it did show that the Doctor had moved on. yet, in Into the Dalek, the Doctor is once again back to his season one attitude of all daleks are vilve for some reason, forgetting  all the character development previously, indeed Into the Dalek basically functions as a poor copy of the episode Dalek.I also agreed with stewart on he who mones that given that the supposedly good dalek in into the Dalek wanted to kill all daleks, there is a really serious inconsistancy here, indeed for me the "All daleks must die!" from the so called good dalek really didn't do it, a far cry from the childish and lets say it, cute! daleks infected with the human factor of Evil of the Daleks playing trains and making jokes, hearing an entire squad of daleks chanting like kids in a playground "dizzy, dizzy, dizzy daleks!" is just awsome! Btw, this reminds me of a very disturbing toy I saw last year, a cuddly toy Dale
 k in dark purple which had a button to press to say the line "you would make a good dalek!" actually the line from Parting of the ways. I liked this for the disturbing implications of it, but really what child would sit in bed at night and want to be told they'd be a good dalek? Again, if you want to examine dalek motivation properly the audios do it  especially well, particularly the Dalek empire series, I Davros and the story Jubalee.Jubalee even has a Dalek coming to the conclusion that all Daleks need to be destroyed, but the way it comes to this conclusion and the logic involved is fantastic.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well he who Moans has finally had a crack at kill the moon which you can Go here to find I won't even say what stewart thought of this episode sinse the way he expresses his opinions is absolutely hilariouus! easily one of the funniest podcasts of the series, as well as having some great things to say about writing technique,  oh, and his comments about the "coming next week" trailer are very funny as well.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I have to agree with him on two points. Now he mentions it I think I could have enjoyed Kill the Moon if it had time to actually build suspense and develop the story at a steady pace. Secondly this is the episode which makes me so tempted not to bother with future episodes, I lapsed for a long time midway through David Tenant and I feel like I'm heading that way again only much faster.Also now that he mentions it I am questioning how much screen time is given to the school.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I agree on both points, although lack of tention is almost a given in new who these days, and for me the main irritation as I said was Clara telling The Doctor off in such a really irritating way just because the man happens to have been right. Really given his huge dark scotish git persona, Capaldi is sort of turning the twelth doctor into a real prat, or maybe it's just Moffat writing yet more of the clara show.I also really liked Stewart's comment on realistic dialogue, indeed reading that sort of comment makes me want to get back to my own writing, sinse hay I can't do a worse job of dialogue than the Moff can I? ./


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Hi,Not sure if you guys are watching these described. If you are, you'd realize that Moffet isn't writing all of the episodes.Now, a non-spoiler look at this week's episode, Mummy on the Orient Express. Well, I'll take a crack at it anyway.It was quite detectivish. The music was quite good, sound design was OK, not the best but not the worst. I enjoyed it overall, accept for one thing, the resolution. I can't say much without giving it away so I can just say one thing, anticlimactic. Seriously. I actually felt just a little bit disappointed, only a little. I expected slightly better.The next episode will be next Saturday in the UK at 8:25 and will be called Flatline.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well, I'm about to start looking up the big finish stuff, my question is as there is so much of it, what would you recommend? Do I just start from the monthly's, go through all of them and possibly branch off after?  I realise that buying all of them alone will cost somewhere in the region of 400 pounds so that will no doubt take me a fair while. I'm just in dyer need of better writing/plot at the moment it's not even funny.   Especially as I'm going over some of the matt smith stuff I missed which happens to contain some of the most convoluted ridiculous... well, name of the doctor is in amongst that so I think you get my point. 


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

@Aaron, yep, I'm watching them with description, however I put much of the blaime for the series on Moffat sinse A, as show runner he has ultimate control over what he wants in episodes, for example the cole hill school bits and wangling with the Doctor's past, and B, because generally speaking very few guest writers have had enough of an impact on the series sinse Mat smith started, indeed the He Who Moans podcast made that very point about GAreth Robberts, heck for most of the episodes Steven Moffat is still credited as co writer. The only really stand out episode for me that obviously did not have anything to do with Moffat was Niel Gayman's The Doctor's Wife, which felt pure Gayman, sadly though by the time of Nightmare in Silver Gayman was beaten into submission by his Moffasty,  either that or he really lost his touch, and I doubt that. I'll watch the Orient Expres later this week, I'm expecting at least some fun in space and h
 opefully with Clara storming off maybe the Doctor will be allowed to get out from under her thumb for once and actually be Doctorish on his own, btw, is it me, or for all the yelling about "I am the doctor fear my wrath and run away aliens when i tell you", the Moffat seems really afraid to actually have the Doctor do! anything to resolve the plot? Much less in anything like a coherent manner.@Dan, The less said about the Moffat era the better, however the Big Finish stories are for me the best of Doctor who, and what Doctor wWho should be. Of course they vary in quality, but even the very worst Bf stuff is miles better than what is currently on tv.I'd personally recommend starting with the monthly range, sinse that is the main Doctor who series, and yes, it is good to start at the beginning. While the stories aren't as serious about over riding plot and are stand alone for the most part, there are still call backs to past events and a few out and o
 ut series ongoing plots, plus if you start at the beginning you get to see the introduction of all the new Bf assistants, most of whom have been great.If you know anything about Doctor Who I'd recommend starting with the first, The Sirens of time, doctors 5, 6 and 7 in a big and very awsome plot with time shenanigans. it's only an average story in bf terms, but has so many good ideas it's just a really nice explosive start. Phantasmagoria, the second monthly story is completely awsome, the fifth Doctor and Nissa in 17th century England at the Hell fire club. Lots of good stuff including a really awsome villain, ghosts, disappearing gamblers, mysterious highwaymen, and an sf plot that all tie together really well. I'm just listening to the first few monthlys again at the moment (I've just now finished number 28, invaders from Mars), and the quality is astounding! So, definitely start with the mmonthly adventures. After that, the Ne
 w 8th doctor stories and the Dark eyes box sets (which are effectively New 8th doctor seasons five onwards), are worth a listen sinse they carry on directly with the 8th doctor's story from where he and Charley part company in the monthly adventures, though sinse that only happens in story 110 you've got a ways to go. The companion chronicles are also good and have a couple of tie ins to the monthly stories though aren't as necessary, but are awsome for hearing stories with the first three Doctors, and of course the fourth doctor adventures are good if you like Tom Baker and Leela.I Davros, Dalek Empire and Cybermen, the three spinoff series about the Doctor's various enemies without the Doctor are some of my favourites, especially I Davros, me being a big Davros fan (I've even met Terry moloy), and they're great if you really want to considder the motivations of The Daleks or the Cybermen.I'd definitely start with the monthly&
 #039;s though, although each of the Spinoffs or specials have their own charm, mostly because when creating them Bf tend to try to do something different from Doctor who although connected to the whoniverse, for example morally ambiguous time meddling in Graceless, politics in Unit, or spy thrillers in countermeasures. The only thing from Bf's who range I've personally really disliked are the Bernese Summerfield stories, sinse these rely so heavily on the novels it's realy hard to say what is going on, indeed there are even auydio stories that are direct sequels to Doctor who books and make little sense without. I'm told the more recent Bernese stuff is much more stand alone and far better, and even explains some of the confusions of the previous plot, but I've never managed to plough through all the previous stories to get to those even though I do own them all, though admitedly given that Reever was severely ill when i was listening to the first few
  Bernese Summerfield stories

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I'll try not to spoil but I'm sorry to say Dark you'll be disappointed.Without giving too much away I don't think Orient was too bad, I only ended up watching it for lack of anything better to do and it was certainly better than Kill the Moon. The adversary was a nice throwback to classic Who's sensibilities though still lacking in tension with a small number of people actually dieing, and the resolution of the adversary was satisfactory even though the overall conclusion was meh. If the episode doesn't have a follow up at some point to tie up loose ends it would be a very unsatisfactory ending indeed.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I think Moffat is allergic to tying up loose ends . It's interesting that  the Divergent universe arc in Big Finish is cryticised for a quick resolution, and yet at least it has! a resolution, rather than going "And the Doctor yelled very loudly and the aliens exploded" I think the description I have read of Moffat being more fond of writing trailers than actual programs is pretty accurate, indeed when watching some of the early mat smith episodes I actually felt like I was watching a fast action replay of a story rather tan the story itself.In fareness my expectations for Orient express aren't high after Kill the moon, though it'd be nice to actually have an episode that stood out and made some sort of impact on me rather than "oh and there was that one with robin hood which was sort of fun, . It's funny, I could pr
 obably name all of the Russel T davies episodes in order right from Rose to End of time, even the bad ones, but with The moff I struggle to actually think of any episode elements that stayed with me at all for even a week, indeed if I probably only remembered the episodes because I was looking at reviews.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Here's some thoughts for after you see it, spoiler warnings ahoy.The mummy part was decent enough in itself, the bit about getting all those experts there was a stretch but passable given the ships that had gone missing to this thing. The bit I didn't enjoy was Gus being there to ensure the thing was preserved for study and no one got to tell anyone about it, followed by the Doctor not getting to find out who dragged everyone there. If someone had just set this up to cut down on their insurance premiums or something I'd have probably enjoyed it more but this additional layer of plot over the main plot just spoiled it for me. If it had just been a monster on a spaceship romp I'd have quite liked it probably, that's what made some of the classic Who rather fun frankly.Not enough tension and too much complication essentially, though the basic premise could have worked pretty well for either new or old Who. Still at least a couple of people died,
  though we could have stood an extra casualty or two thrown in.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I'll check your thoughts when I've seen the thing, though to be honest I have just heard the most amazing! audio. The Chimes of Midnight, a really good 8th doctor story set around the most creepy edwardian house you could imagine. The sound work was so unbelievable I was genuinely scared even while gnoshing on a chinese, and the ending,  well talk about propper emotional reactions, heck I have to now break before going on to the next story sinse I actually feel slight roung out by this one. I remember thinking it was a good story the first time around, but being a little confused as to why people heap praise on the thing, but second time, - yee gods!


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

4 extra has got as far as relative dimension, rather entertaining. It was nice having the throwback to Susan even though I've never seen any of the episodes with her in. The bit at the end about the doctor deleting all but one room from the holding ring is interesting, the obvious answer would be Alex's room since he'll eventually inherit the tardis but since he has no personal posessions on the tardis I strongly suspect it was Tamzin's room in case the doctor  manages to pry her away from the Monk. Of course you'll already know the answer to this most likely Dark, grin.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Yep, Susan and the Doctor meeting is an  example of how to do emotional character stuff with he Doctor right, though I don't know if it would have as much impact if you didn't know as much about who Susan is. I haven't seen that many original first doctor stories, but I've read some of the audio books (including Dalek invasion of earth where Susan leaves the Doctor), and I've also heard a lot of Big finish's companion chronicles some of which feature Susan, indeed the fish creature from quinis is actually a call back to one of the companion stories.  Another rather amusing and interesting fact is that Alex is played by Paul Mcgan's son, who I believe is also called Alex, then Doctor who has always had some whacky casting and at least Bf admited that one was rather deliberate, where as the Bbc trying to maintain that the Doctor's Daughter from the episode of the same name being played by the Daughter of Peter Davison was a 
 coincidence! What I also find entertaining is she's now marriedto David tenant, so you had a situation where the genetic clone of the tenth doctor was married to the tenth Doctor while being walked down the isle by the fifth doctor! [[wow]], Freud would've had a field day with that one . I actually found Relative time quite appropriate when I heard it sinse I was listening to all the 8th doctor adventures over Christmas of 2012, so that was a nice bit of timing and far more fun than the Christmas special on tv.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well I was generally aware Susan was the Doctor's granddaughter and she had travelled with him but beyond that nothing.Sometimes it's nice when they keep the occasional role in the family, it keeps the connection to the past very much alive without being stuck there.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well other than Susan (and now Alex), and the genetic clone of his daughter, the doctor doesn't technically have any family, though there was the moff craziness of him being married to river song some how sorting out the thing where she was going to kill him but he was a robot clone, but of course wwe want to forget Riversong actually happened so yeah . We don't know who Susan's parents were or even who the Doctor's first wife on Galifrey was, although one explanation I saw stated that Time Lords didn't actually reproduce in the normal way but had a genetic loom that created new time lords out of previous genetic material, and that Susan was a call back to past galifreyan aristocracy going back to Rassilon, though that was all part of the Cartmal master plan as it's called, ie the stuff that was planned for Silvester Mccoy and didn't h
 appene because the series got canceled, and only turns up in some of the later novels which all got a bit weerd and crazy. Actually I prefer the audios to what I know of the novels because the audios don't generally go off the rails or try to reinvent the wheel in a big loud fanficky type of way, I suspect because like a tv series the audios have an over all editer so are controled somewhat.So, officially we don't know that much of who susan is other than that she's the Doctor's grand daughter, indeed even in the audio "the Beginning" we just see The Doctor and Susan stealing an old type 40 tardis and leaving galifrey while being chased by guards and we're not told why, though really I much prefer keeping the stuff about the Doctor's life mysterious, one reason I'm sort of dreading what Moffat is going to do given we've actually seen the Doctor as a child and all that rubbish about the army, and the less said about Clar
 a supposedly directing the First Doctor to his tardis the better (needless to say, even though the companion story The Beginning was bought out after name of the Doctor there was no suggestion of Clara at all, thank god!).The Doctor's companions however are much more interesting in terms of background and there have been some very nice stories that followed what they did later, especially Sarah jane, from the Sarah jane audios (though the ending to those issomewhat inconclusive and nicely enigmatic), to the Sarah jane Tv adventures when she was obviously a lot older, wich though they're supposed to be a kids series I really did enjoy, although I have only seen season 1 thus far.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well I don't think Clara would have been covered under their license since she is specifically new Who anyway. As for Alex, I am intrigued by his mere 7% galifrean DNA when his mother was supposedly a pure timelord.I also found it notable that Susan agreed with Lucy regarding the Doctor's unintended insensitivities, suggesting most probably that she has become accustomed to human sensibilities on such matters though still with the interesting possibility that the Doctor's manner is unusual even by Galifrean standards. It could be speculated that the Doctor may have some kind of condition out of the ordinary but specific to Galifrean biology, like the occurance of autism in humans, now that would be a tempting direction if I were a writer. It would certainly play into the Doctor not always getting along with his own people particularly well, building a sense of alienation (no pun intended).


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Autistic doctor? A very interesting idea, however not exactly one which sits with the other timelords we've seen thus far, sinse while they're a very stratified and formal society with bizantine politics, at the same time there are timelords who act differently or come to change over time, from The MAster and The Rani, to the Doctor's own companion Romana, not to mention Kyempo his teacher. I'm currently listening to the 8th Doctor audio NEverland (which is awsome!), and actually suggests a nice motivation for the timelords, that Rassilon actually used the eye of harmony to stabalize the comtinuity of universal history into one pattern where The Timelords themselves had mastery over time travel, which likely implies why their society developed as it did, and how the Dalek war might have started. As an interesting aside, the same audio shows a possible future where the Timelords have lost all control of continuity and just act out of domination and remove
  the Daleks from existance, which is quite an interesting tie in even though that story was written in 2003 before new who started.I have seen speculations that say Susan actually isn't pure galifreyan but half. This would actually fit with a lot of what we've seen Susan doing. Apparently she originally was the Doctor's grand daughter because the Bbc didn't want anyone to draw dodgy conclusions of an old man traveling around with a young teenaged girl, and apparently her original conception was to be as strange in her own way as The Doctor, indeed the first ever story "an unearthly child" was supposed to be Susan showing unusual abilities at school that prompted her teachers to take an interest in her. Unfortunately, a lot of writers in the first Doctor era seemed to sort of forget about this and Susan turned into something of a damsel in destress, constantly screaming, going on about dresses and twisting her ancle while running away from 
 monsters, the only time she did anything particularly timelord was when you saw that she knew enough about the Tardis to effect repares or had unusual telepathic abilities. , Indeed I have heard it said that the Second Doctor's companion Zoe, a 23rd century Child prodigy mathematician with an enthusiasm for adventure and an encyclopedic knolidge of technology was rather how Susan was supposed to have turned out but in the end didn't.So, the idea of Susan as possibly not being pure Galifreyan is quite logical, though again being such a major part of the Doctor's past it's one which probably needs to remain unexplained for mystery's sake. As to Clara, well even if the reason is to maintain license with new Who I'm glad that she didn't appear in the bf story. I've seen some reviewers who have stated that Moffat is trying to rewrite the Doctor's history so that his own characters and stamp will be all over it making it impossibl
 e to discuss the series, even classic events without referencing him. Really the man's ego knows no bounds. So, as far as I'm concerned no clara is a good thing. Speaking of Clara I've just watched Mummy on the Orient express, and I'll start discussing it now, - read no more if you don't want the episode spoiled by the spoilers of spoiling! I think it is actually my favorite episode this season. actual death was good, though I agree with you about more casualties particularly sinse only two of the four people to die had names, as was having a nice, normal monster that just turns up and kills in an interesting, if rather gutless and none violent way. I liked the orient express in space although I was a bit disappointed when they had to change the setting into yet aother spaceship, indeed if I hadn't known the story was set in space I might have liked a historical for a change. Then again, at least this one had some tention and gu
 est characters who I actually remember!I think the thing I most liked about the story was that the Doctor actually felt like the Doctor! not just some commical old man constantly having to be put right by Clara. he had some reasonable ideas, investigated a problem and solved it, actually with the same solution I thought should've happened in the last episode. I also liked the way he was characterized here. The Doctor at times is! an arrogant, insufferable, manipulative, bastard, however he also happens to be an arrogant, insufferable, manipulative bastard who is most often right! This felt like giving the Doctor his respect back. I sort of dispared at the scene where Clara was locked in the cariage suffering man flue with other random girl character, sinse for gods sake! why the hell is Clara winjing so much when I've never actually seen her like! the doctor at all. I also am not keen on Danny Pink just hovering in the background supposedly disapprovin
 g of Clara rattling arou

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Autistic doctor? A very interesting idea, however not exactly one which sits with the other timelords we've seen thus far, sinse while they're a very stratified and formal society with bizantine politics, at the same time there are timelords who act differently or come to change over time, from The MAster and The Rani, to the Doctor's own companion Romana, not to mention Kyempo his teacher. I'm currently listening to the 8th Doctor audio NEverland (which is awsome!), and actually suggests a nice motivation for the timelords, that Rassilon actually used the eye of harmony to stabalize the comtinuity of universal history into one pattern where The Timelords themselves had mastery over time travel, which likely implies why their society developed as it did, and how the Dalek war might have started. As an interesting aside, the same audio shows a possible future where the Timelords have lost all control of continuity and just act out of domination and remove
  the Daleks from existance, which is quite an interesting tie in even though that story was written in 2003 before new who started.I have seen speculations that say Susan actually isn't pure galifreyan but half. This would actually fit with a lot of what we've seen Susan doing. Apparently she originally was the Doctor's grand daughter because the Bbc didn't want anyone to draw dodgy conclusions of an old man traveling around with a young teenaged girl, and apparently her original conception was to be as strange in her own way as The Doctor, indeed the first ever story "an unearthly child" was supposed to be Susan showing unusual abilities at school that prompted her teachers to take an interest in her. Unfortunately, a lot of writers in the first Doctor era seemed to sort of forget about this and Susan turned into something of a damsel in destress, constantly screaming, going on about dresses and twisting her ancle while running away from 
 monsters, the only time she did anything particularly timelord was when you saw that she knew enough about the Tardis to effect repares or had unusual telepathic abilities. , Indeed I have heard it said that the Second Doctor's companion Zoe, a 23rd century Child prodigy mathematician with an enthusiasm for adventure and an encyclopedic knolidge of technology was rather how Susan was supposed to have turned out but in the end didn't.So, the idea of Susan as possibly not being pure Galifreyan is quite logical, though again being such a major part of the Doctor's past it's one which probably needs to remain unexplained for mystery's sake. As to Clara, well even if the reason is to maintain license with new Who I'm glad that she didn't appear in the bf story. I've seen some reviewers who have stated that Moffat is trying to rewrite the Doctor's history so that his own characters and stamp will be all over it making it impossibl
 e to discuss the series, even classic events without referencing him. Really the man's ego knows no bounds. So, as far as I'm concerned no clara is a good thing. Speaking of Clara I've just watched Mummy on the Orient express, and I'll start discussing it now, - read no more if you don't want the episode spoiled by the spoilers of spoiling! I think it is actually my favorite episode this season. actual death was good, though I agree with you about more casualties particularly sinse only two of the four people to die had names, as was having a nice, normal monster that just turns up and kills in an interesting, if rather gutless and none violent way. I liked the orient express in space although I was a bit disappointed when they had to change the setting into yet aother spaceship, indeed if I hadn't known the story was set in space I might have liked a historical for a change. Then again, at least this one had some tention and gu
 est characters who I actually remember!I think the thing I most liked about the story was that the Doctor actually felt like the Doctor! not just some commical old man constantly having to be put right by Clara. he had some reasonable ideas, investigated a problem and solved it, actually with the same solution I thought should've happened in the last episode. I also liked the way he was characterized here. The Doctor at times is! an arrogant, insufferable, manipulative, bastard, however he also happens to be an arrogant, insufferable, manipulative bastard who is most often right! This felt like giving the Doctor his respect back. I sort of dispared at the scene where Clara was locked in the cariage suffering man flue with other random girl character, sinse for gods sake! why the hell is Clara winjing so much when I've never actually seen her like! the doctor at all. I also am not keen on Danny Pink just hovering in the background supposedly disapprovin
 g of Clara rattling arou

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I don't doubt if you live as long as a timelord and go through regenerations which change you on such a fundamental level anyone would change. I don't really think of the Doctor as autistic in the literal sense, not necessarily having the same symptoms, but if he had some condition which made him view life and reality in a fundamentally different way to the other timelords akin to how a person with autism simply interprets things differently that would both make the doctor stand out more from the other timelords and also provide a possible motivation for his departure from Galifrae and material for conflict with the timelords.Spoiler warning for orient express.The orient express turned into a spaceship was probably an extra complication we didn't need but it's exactly the kind of thing we've come to expect from new Who. The biggest thing I had a problem 2with regarding the deaths was the doctor worked out the pattern and the mythical being be
 hind it too soon for my liking, though that's again perhaps down to the format of new Who.And at least shutting Clara in the other room kept her out the way so she didn't interfere with the Doctor. On the downside I'm getting really pissed off with her sudden change of heart regarding the doctor, which felt frankly unrealistic. Last time she swore off the doctor and now she's back for one last hurrah and by the end oh my she's quite happy with him again. Fickle? Just a touch.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

@Cx2, to be honest I disagree with your idea of the doctor's mental state being different from the other time lords so fundamentally it is akin to autism because as I said there are enough examples of other time lords who go off and do there own thing. It's unusual certainly, but not particularly wrong, and I also don't like the idea that The Doctor was basically just biologically determined or flawed on a basic level, I prefer the idea that he chose his own life which was very much the way the first doctor was, a man who'd chosen to go on the run, indeed one interesting thing about the First Doctor is he was initially not a particularly noble or heroic character and was quite dark and alien, and only became the more heroic figure we know through the influence of his granddaughter and companions. Beware! Orient express spoilage below! I agree the orient express turning into a spaceship was sort of par for the course with new who, and Clara is defi
 nitely fickle, then again that's a standard Moffat character trait that female characters are emotionally allowed to be as manipulative and self serving as they want because they're women, (look at River and Amy). I was however relieved at Clara's change of heart sinse hopefully this stops all the bitching and complaining and putting down the Doctor she's been doing. Funnily enough in the last few episodes I've almost been missing the really thin card board clara we had pre season 8, sinse hay she might have had all the personality and character of a block of concrete, but at least she wasn't the over baring teacher from hell who had to be right all the time or throw a complete strop. Hopefully we can now just get on with some interesting aliens and stories!On the Doctor solving the mystery too quickly, I can see where your coming from with that though i personally didn't mind as much there, mostly because at least the monster actuall
 y killed! someone rather than (as has previously happened with the eleventh doctor), the doctor just seeing the monster then realing off a "oh it is a zumzobogo from the planet plot convenience that does this and this, so everyone just look tense for a while" which we've been having to expect. It was nice to see the Doctor actually work something out and reminded me of one of my favourite ecleston moments, when the Slivene has trapped JAcky Tyler and he's having Rose and harriette jones throw out physical details as he slowly narrows down which planet the life form comes from.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

@Cx2, to be honest I disagree with your idea of the doctor's mental state being different from the other time lords so fundamentally it is akin to autism because as I said there are enough examples of other time lords who go off and do there own thing. It's unusual certainly, but not particularly wrong, and I also don't like the idea that The Doctor was basically just biologically determined or flawed on a basic level, I prefer the idea that he chose his own life which was very much the way the first doctor was, a man who'd chosen to go on the run, indeed one interesting thing about the First Doctor is he was initially not a particularly noble or heroic character and was quite dark and alien, and only became the more heroic figure we know through the influence of his granddaughter and companions. Beware! Orient express spoilage below! I agree the orient express turning into a spaceship was sort of par for the course with new who, and Clara is defi
 nitely fickle, then again that's a standard Moffat character trait that female characters are emotionally allowed to be as manipulative and self serving as they want because they're women, (look at River and Amy). I was however relieved at Clara's change of heart sinse hopefully this stops all the bitching and complaining and putting down the Doctor she's been doing. Funnily enough in the last few episodes I've almost been missing the really thin card board clara we had pre season 8, sinse hay she might have had all the personality and character of a block of concrete, but at least she wasn't the over baring teacher from hell who had to be right all the time or throw a complete strop. Hopefully we can now just get on with some interesting aliens and stories!On the Doctor solving the mystery too quickly, I can see where your coming from with that though i personally didn't mind as much there, mostly because at least the monster actuall
 y killed! someone rather than (as has previously happened with the eleventh doctor), the doctor just seeing the monster then realing off a "oh it is a zumzobogo from the planet plot convenience that does this and this, so everyone just look tense for a while" which we've been having to expect. It was nice to see the Doctor actually work something out and reminded me of one of my favourite ecleston moments, when the Slithene has trapped JAcky Tyler and he's having Rose and harriette jones throw out physical details as he slowly narrows down which planet the life form comes from and how to fight them.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimkimz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Hi, I need special attention from Orthodontist doctor so suggest me any special Orthodontist  doctorOrthodontist in dubai


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimkimz via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Hi, I need special attention from Orthodontist doctor so suggest me any special Orthodontist  doctorOrthodontist in dubai.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Sorry,but in the context of this topic i just couldn't resist leaving this particular spambot (though I have removed the dodgy link), sinse it is just so insane! "Oh Doctor what can I do, I need one of my teeth replaced?" Oh never mind, I'll use this one I got from the Yetti, which I'll insert with my sonic tooth driller. Or maybe The Doctor could employ Dalek assistance "your tooth decay has been exterminated!" Or maybe the Doctor has problems when he encounters a patient who's mouth is bigger on the inside than the outside,  tthough thinking about that he's encountered plenty of those already, Tegan, jacky Tyler, the winjing Adrek etc, .Yeah, that! should be the next series, "doctor tooth" The mysterious timelord who will sort out everybody's dental problems in his tardis, tooth and ro
 ot dental integrity surgery! and it'd still probably be better than what Moffat's doing .


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Lol, mouth bigger on the inside than outside.Oh and Here's a strangely appropriate song


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Stewart has now had a go at Mummy on the orient express and you can Find it here Like me, he agrees it's been the best twelth doctor story thus far,  and I agree with him on  tention and the doctor doing something. I disagree on Clara, sinse the problem with the Clara cryticising the Doctor has been that it seems the Doctor is always! wrong. For me this episode worked not because Clara went through some sort of character arc, but because finally the Doctor actually was right for a change and clara didn't bitch at him, and if the same writer is writing todays episode (which I'll probably watch next week), then we can hope the clara bitching will be down to a minimum and that the Doctor will actually doing something useful about the plot.I also disagree with Stewart about the Guss arc, sinse I am fairly certain that is going to 
 be a plot hook, and hope it is, though if I am wrong and it just gets dropped (as a lot of Moffat plot has been dropped), then fare enough.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well Stewart has now had a go at Mummy on the orient express and you can Find it here Like me, he agrees it's been the best twelth doctor story thus far,  and I agree with him on  tention and the doctor doing something to solve a real mystery. I disagree on Clara, sinse the problem with the dynamic of Clara cryticising the Doctor has been that it seems the Doctor is always! wrong. For me this episode worked not because Clara went through some sort of character arc, but because finally the Doctor actually was right for a change and clara didn't bitch at him, and if the same writer is writing todays episode (which I'll probably watch next week), then we can hope the clara bitching will be down to a minimum and that the Doctor will actually be doing something useful about the plot. I also disagree with Stewart about the Guss arc, sins
 e I am fairly certain that is going to be a plot hook, and hope it is, though if I am wrong and it just gets dropped (as a lot of Moffat plot has been dropped), then fare enough.I found his comparisons to Voyage of the  damned interesting, though I enjoyed voyage of the damned myself and regard it as probably the best of the Christmas specials. Likewise, I found Stewart's comments about the score interesting sinse I did think the music was rather over blown but it  didn't quite ruin things for me as badly as it seemed to for him, it struck me more as "hammer house of horror" which fit quite well with the 1920's orient express atmosphere than overblown Harry potter. Also as I said above, I personally didn't like the "oooh look it's not the orient express in space it's just another spaceship" aspect, sinse it seemed to just go from a potentially interesting setting to a rather dull one we've seen before. Th
 en again, this is why I like the podcast, not because I agree with everything, but because I find Stewart's observations on things interesting, and often quite funny.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

I think a lot of that is down to Clara being stuck out of the way so she couldn't interfere with the doctor.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Lol, quite possibly, though at least when the Doctor phoned clara and said "well I'm going to be a complete bastard because I need to watch this monster kill someone to work out how to dispose of it and your going to help me!"  Clara didn't have a huge winjing session as I expected, and when they got back together the Doctor was able to show that he really was bothered about saving people and was just doing the best he could at the time and Clara actually believed him rather than throwing another hissy fit. Honestly, I'd rather have dull Clara than bitchy Clara sinse at least with flat dull Clara the doctor wasn't made out to be stupid, really orient express is the only episode this series where it actually seems The Doctor has a brain and isn't just being utterly irrational or being told off by Clara like a naughty school boy. I also disagree with stewart on "What is the roll of the doctor in Clara's life" being
  a particularly interesting question,  ever heard of friends? you know, when people are , friendly towards each other and aren't flirting or bitching and just get on together and have fun, you know like Donna and the Doctor, Rose and the tenth Doctor (at least for the first half of season 2 before it was clear there was more on Rose' end), Rose and the 9th Doctor and , just about every other companion ever! other than the latter part of Charley Pollard's run with the 8th Doctor, and the early part of Lucy Miller's, sinse she was foisted on him by the time lords. I suppose you could count Romana sinse she was also foisted on the doctor by the time lords, but they did fundamentally get on so that probably doesn't count.It's not even that I don't like companions disagreeing with The Doctor, heck Turlough was out to kill the 5th doctor for several stories, Thomas brooster in the audios literally hijacked the Doctor's tard
 is, and I love some of the stuff with Charley and the 8th Doctor or Evelyn and the sixth. it just seems whenever Clara winjes at the Doctor it's always made out to be the Doctor who is in the wrong, and Clara who is in the right, and things aren't resolved, the Doctor just gets a stern talking to by Miss oswald "now Doctor, your in detention so take me home to my boyfriend and no more adventures for you today! give me th that sonic screw driver? you can have it back at the end of episode tomorrow and i hope this teaches you to be a more responsable Timelord because I'm very disappointed in you!"Hopefully James Matheson (or whatever the guy's name is), will continue having the Doctor be properly compitant next time.


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Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Lol, quite possibly, (beware spoilage below for orient express),though at least when the Doctor phoned clara and said "well I'm going to be a complete bastard because I need to watch this monster kill someone to work out how to dispose of it and your going to help me!"  Clara didn't have a huge winjing session as I expected, and when they got back together the Doctor was able to show that he really was bothered about saving people and was just doing the best he could at the time and Clara actually believed him rather than throwing another hissy fit. Honestly, I'd rather have dull Clara than bitchy Clara sinse at least with flat dull Clara the doctor wasn't made out to be stupid, really orient express is the only episode this series where it actually seems The Doctor has a brain and isn't just being utterly irrational or being told off by Clara like a naughty school boy. I also disagree with stewart on "What is the r
 oll of the doctor in Clara's life" being a particularly interesting question,  ever heard of friends? you know, when people are , friendly towards each other and aren't flirting or bitching and just get on together and have fun, you know like Donna and the Doctor, Rose and the tenth Doctor (at least for the first half of season 2 before it was clear there was more on Rose' end), Rose and the 9th Doctor and , just about every other companion ever! other than the latter part of Charley Pollard's run with the 8th Doctor, and the early part of Lucy Miller's, sinse she was foisted on him by the time lords. I suppose you could count Romana sinse she was also foisted on the doctor by the time lords, but they did fundamentally get on so that probably doesn't count.It's not even that I don't like companions disagreeing with The Doctor, heck Turlough was out to kill the 5th doctor for several stories, Thomas brooster in th
 e audios literally hijacked the Doctor's tardis, and I love some of the stuff with Charley and the 8th Doctor or Evelyn and the sixth. it just seems whenever Clara winjes at the Doctor it's always made out to be the Doctor who is in the wrong, and Clara who is in the right, and things aren't resolved, the Doctor just gets a stern talking to by Miss oswald "now Doctor, your in detention so take me home to my boyfriend and no more adventures for you today! give me th that sonic screw driver? you can have it back at the end of episode tomorrow and i hope this teaches you to be a more responsable Timelord because I'm very disappointed in you!"Hopefully James Matheson (or whatever the guy's name is), will continue having the Doctor be properly compitant next time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Lol, quite possibly, (beware spoilage below for orient express),though at least when the Doctor phoned clara and said "well I'm going to be a complete bastard because I need to watch this monster kill someone to work out how to dispose of it and your going to help me!"  Clara didn't have a huge winjing session as I expected, and when they got back together the Doctor was able to show that he really was bothered about saving people and was just doing the best he could at the time and Clara actually believed him rather than throwing another hissy fit. Honestly, I'd rather have dull Clara than bitchy Clara sinse at least with flat dull Clara the doctor wasn't made out to be stupid, really orient express is the only episode this series where it actually seems The Doctor has a brain and isn't just being utterly irrational or being told off by Clara like a naughty school boy. I also disagree with stewart on "What is the r
 oll of the doctor in Clara's life" being a particularly interesting question,  ever heard of friends? you know, when people are , friendly towards each other and aren't flirting or bitching and just get on together and have fun, you know like Donna and the Doctor, Rose and the tenth Doctor (at least for the first half of season 2 before it was clear there was more on Rose' end), Rose and the 9th Doctor and , just about every other companion ever! other than the latter part of Charley Pollard's run with the 8th Doctor, and the early part of Lucy Miller's, sinse she was foisted on him by the time lords. I suppose you could count Romana sinse she was also foisted on the doctor by the time lords, but they did fundamentally get on so that probably doesn't count. Oh, and maybe Tegan sinse she wasn't exactly friendly,  and could give clara a run for her money in the bitching game, (though surprisingly less so in the audios).It's not even that I don't like companions disagreeing with The Doctor, heck Turlough was out to kill the 5th doctor for several stories, Thomas brooster in the audios literally hijacked the Doctor's tardis, and I love some of the stuff with Charley and the 8th Doctor or Evelyn and the sixth. it just seems whenever Clara winjes at the Doctor it's always made out to be the Doctor who is in the wrong, and Clara who is in the right, and things aren't resolved, the Doctor just gets a stern talking to by Miss oswald "now Doctor, your in detention so take me home to my boyfriend and no more adventures for you today! give me th that sonic screw driver? you can have it back at the end of episode tomorrow and i hope this teaches you to be a more responsable Timelord because I'm very disappointed in you!"Conflicts are only interesting if both parties have a point, and most of clara's issues with the doctor seem pretty one sided, making t
 hings almost abusive, or at least emotionally manipulative. Indeed, it's interesting that orient express is perhaps on the of the occasions when a legitimate arguement would've worked, because the doctor did have a point about saving people and gathering data, and Clara did have a point about using people, however it was far better for the character and for not continuing the theme of Clara bitchiness that clara saw the light on that one.Hopefully James Matheson (or whatever the guy's name is), will continue having the Doctor be properly compitant next time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Spoiler warning for orient express againI don't believe for a second that the Doctor knew he could save that person, however getting Clara to fetch her was a win win scenario regardless of the outcome. If she died the Doctor may get  an extra clue but just as importantly if she stayed in the other room she would definitely die while if she went to the Doctor she at least had some chance to survive however small. My interpretation of the Doctor's actions is he knew this full well and was willing to try saving her, but if it didn't work he would have accepted it and moved on to the next person and tried to save them.Yes there is an element of manipulation there but it isn't malicious, the Doctor is simply keeping a cool head and doing his best to manage a bad situation. Call it bedside manner for lack of a better term.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Beware orient express spoilers! That is true, however there is also something fundamentally wrong about using people as a means and lying to them in order to do that. This is a very Doctorish thing to do, and something that the 7th doctor in particular was famous for, however it's still not particularly a good moral way to behave, especially the lying sinse had Mazy died,she'd have died believing the Doctor was about to save her. As I saidthough, i'm quite pleased for character progression that Clara didn't get on her high horse about this one even though this is about the only time in the series when she might have been justified in doing so rather than telling the Doctor off for not liking handsome robin hood, or how bad a person he is for disliking the most evil distructive race in the galaxy, or still worse, telling him what a silly billy he is for being afraid of the dark. Hopefully Clara's bitching will be reduced next episode at
  least even though I've got a nasty suspicion it'll be back as soon as the Moff or one of his standard writers gets back in the chair.


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