Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi from Aaron.Nice stats there Connor. Hope you very much enjoy the game. I wouldn't mind updating Yellowbonnet again sometime in the future, but it looks like it might be a few months, got a couple of other fun ideas in the works in the meantime.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

so, I've just beaten the game and thaught I'd post my stats here.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9The game lasted 19 minutes and 45 seconds and ended on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 4:30 PM - The player beat the game! woohoo!A man going by the handle of connor came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a tough hombre.connor moved 124 times to finish 6 out of 6 jobs, defeated 3 hazards, found 25 items worth 800 points, spent 35 cash, and wound up with 24 cash. connor  dealt with happenings like, Darn near getting runned over by a careless driver in a passing wagon, Getting in the way of a stray bullet, fighting a rattlesnake, getting hit over the noggen and robbed proper, Crossing paths with a Black Cat (?) (?), fighting a desperate Outlaw and fighting Big Joe Keene.Final score: 32324. connor will surely go down in them books as a legend of this here west!


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Kai,Thanks for the offered help and the words of encouragement.  We appreciate both.  It's good to hear a favorable comparison with Steam as well.  I hope you enjoy the games,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Greetings VGA.Amidst the litany of sometimes negative criticism that you guys have received, allow me to express my enthusiasm with your game development, and approval of your delivery method. I think people are mostly complaining because it's possibly a model with which they are unfamiliar -- they're used to off-line games which require license keys, keys which can indeed be handed out to others, robbing the developer of their due compensation.I've been a Steam member for a while now, and have grown quite used to having a solid connection as a requirement for registration and authorization. I personally play Street Fighter 4, and that game will drop you out if it cannot interface with Steam to return validation data, and this is a game that costs upwards of thirty dollars, depending on what DLC you purchase.We're in a new era, and I think the staid and old expectations of not having games request authorization on a regular basis should be d
 one with. It's been well prove that, in the audio gaming sphere, if it can be cracked, it will be, and if someone can find a way to break the system to either play a game free or receive unfair perks, they will take full advantage of such an exploit.I also think all the people harping on about the lack of cross-platform support (particularly for Mac and iOS) don't understand the complications involved. Mac is a very different environment to develop for, from what I understand, and iOS development carries with that unfamiliar terrain an Apple Developer fee. I'm not sure where they expect people to just come up with the money for the equipment or participation to the required distribution services, tutorials, and support services. Never mind that I don't believe BGT is even cross-platform, and you've got a fairly unreasonable set of demands from people who obviously don't understand the scope of their requests.I'll be downloading and tr
 ying the games and distribution system momentarily. I may not necessarily agree with Guide Dog Gaming as a name, but that won't necessarily deter me from playing on it either. I think a gaming platform should really have a more outstanding moniker, but that decision wasn't up to me, and names are mercurial enough that they can be changed later, so such a concern is of very little consequence.Again, great job, and I hope to be hearing more from you guys! You may know that I've lent my hand to working on Swamp, and have purchased multiple libraries over years and years of collection. If you'd like to collaborate with me to enhance any sound you feel you had to compromise on, feel free to get in contact with me on that subject. Since I'm fairly sure you're encrypting your assets, I won't mind using my resources and abilities to assist your efforts.Kai


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Dark,I detest this kind of space colonization game as well.  It's one of the things that has bugged me with Sound RTS.  If we do a space colonization game expect that to be different, perhaps not as detailed as either of us would like, but different:)As to YB's random map generation.  Agreed, that could have been more random, how ever, with a modern town, the business district will always be in the same place.  We talked about several plans to randomize the map, and we didn't like our alternatives.  So we went with a simplified map.As to the nested maps, that's precisely what I'm wanting to do with TKS's expansion.  I.e. a galactic map with star systems marked, once you click the star system a solar system map.  In TKS that's as far as it's likely to go, though there's a couple of intriguing possibilities with places to go further from that.  With a p
 irate game, I could see maps for overall area around the ship, islands, towns, individual ships and houses.  A lot of it depends on our ability to fool with randomizing maps within certain parameters and letting the game juggle multiple map settings.  That's something we have an idea for, and we have a couple of games that might utilize it.  IF the TKS expansion works out well in that regard, we might try another minigame that uses a different map strategy and then move on to pirates.  All of this is very nebulous.  Aaron and I have not plotted our future beyond the winter.  Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

space colonization would be good. one thing that gets on my whick is all the games I've seen that deal with colonization are always pure number crunching based on an always steady progression, there is no need to change your stratogies for unforseen circumstances or alter priorities on the fly. What I mean is, you build a metal refinery, it just gets build after some time and your production of metal per tick goes up, there is no chance of it collapsing or of the wagons that transport the ore breaking down or any of the usual things you'd expect to happen in a colony, indeed I really dislike the way in such games your "population" are just numbers who produce, you never have plagues or boardom. Furthermore, the alien planets are always the bloody same, they're just generic place to build more buildings, no danger, no unexpected rewards,  and combine this with the fact that at any time you can have your expantion killed off by anyone who can numbe
 r crunch better than you can sinse usually such games have unrestricted pvp, and  you will see why none of these games hold my interest, (was even trying one of these this morning). I also like pirates, pirates are cool! . Getting back to yellow Bonnet, one of my concerns in the game is that sinse your dealing with a town where all the buildings appear in the same place and the streets have a particular plan, your npcs and quests are always located in a similar area, meaning that once a person nows the map and what square is what it's only a case of watching out for random hazards. one of the things I'd like to see in a similar game with quests and the like is more randomness, eg, tracking someone down in the desert, or having a game with resource gathering where the various  resources shifted around the map, eg one game the mine might be on 3-2
 , the next it might be on 8-8 which would change how you got there and how things worked out. And of course there are various possibilities with expanding character stats and combat a little, though there is plenty of different ways you could go with that.It also occurs to me that at the moment both tks and Yb use one single board with the items on it, where as you could have nested boards to create a world, for example an rpg game might have a large kingdom map, with squares of wilderness, a square for each town or dungeon then when you entered it you got a new map showing the inside of the town or dungeon, or a space game like tks might have a galaxy map with different systems, a system map with different planets, then even a planet map as well. Either way I'll look forward to seeing the tks update, I did suspect the game would be getting one even if just to work with guide dog, but gameplay expantions would be great, I also am still waiting eagerly for in
 terceptor which I very much suspect I'll be buying sinse turn based space combat is really my thing! .


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Oops, forgot to address one point I missed.Your suggestion of a space colonization game is actually one I have notes for in my VG main line notes folder.  We have outlines for about 15 or 16 games in that folder exploring different aspects of science fiction and space opera conventions.  The colony game is one I want to pursue, but it needed to wait until we had a way of doing what I wanted with the map situation.  If this TKS expansion does use the map conventions I want to use, then that will become a lot closer to reality.  Now, given Aaron and my's glacial development pace in some cases, it might not see the light of day for many years, but it is thought of and lovingly fiddled with.  Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Dark,Agreed.  My reservations on the generic engine come from just such a concern.  However, that said, The generic system was to be more flexible than that.  For instance, jobs might be quests in a different setting or missions.  The generic nature comes more from how the game handles characters, objects, rooms, etc.  In some ways, YB is a minimud and uses some of the same ideas.As to Yb expansion, funnily enough both your suggestions have been considered.  One idea  was to explore some sort of resource management game, perhaps a farm or ranch based game though mining is also a possibility.  I had actually thought seriously of just such an outlaw hunting game.  There's others as well.  However, one idea we've played with is just expanding the map for future games.  So Yb is the center of a larger map, and just such interactions are possible further out.  As to the generic
  term in the copy and paste text, if this isn't a variable misfiring, we will probably adopt something of the sort. Roustab is pretty good.  I've encountered a lot of fun ones like that myself in the past, and you're right they'd make good names for aliens or monsters.  Another favorite I always had was creating a fantasy game where all the features were named after pharmaseudicals: the Benedrille forest, the Tylanol Mountains, the spam river, the city of Zolaf and so on and so forth.  Just some of those names are so nonhuman:).Again, with YB a lot of the issue just comes in terms of scope.  The new TKS expansion will be a different animal.  Of course, for one thing, TKS already had possible infinite expansion in terms of length of career built into it.  The other thing is we're thinking of using a different map approach with this one, and if it works it'll be a fun departure.  One thing we try to do with
  any new project is to take what we've learned from other projects and apply it.  Interceptor gave us a lot of our BGT vocabulary as far as menu-driven possibilities were concerned.  In addition, Interceptor allowed us to explore a number of AI models and other issues that have come up since then.  With Expanding Known Space, a strategy game that we have in development but have discontinued temporarily, it provided the map structure and way of displaying objects that led to TKS.  A number of things we created specifically for TKS found their way into YB and YB itself provided a spring board for approaches to the next game.  We freely admit that we are still learning.  We accept advice and help from other developers who have more experience, and we listen to players who, also, often have more experience:)  Further, we do try and learn and expand each time we take on a new project.  One last comment: the pirates.  Of your
  suggestions, I've played in games that explored all three though I have to admit, I find Zombie Apocalypse games fairly boring myself.  I ran one for a short mini campaign in my table top game, and while it was fun, I don't see the fascination personally.  However, the pirates.  One mini-game idea we had on the cards was a pirate game.  However, after I revisited the idea, it's one I think I'd like to expand.  It might see the light of day again after TKS expansion hits the market.  Some of the same ideas we're experimenting with in TKS's expansion would lend themselves to a larger scale pirate game.  Take care, and as always, thank you for thoughtful feedback.Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi fellas.On expantion and changes, the advanced tks sounds like a good thing, as do more games set in and around Yellow bonnet, however gameplay wise while I do really like the map and talk to formula and the stat tracking, I'd personally be more in favour of games that each had something distinct. I'm guessing it would be fairly easy to create essentially a modded version of Yellow Bonnet. For example, have a number of survivers of a zombocalypse each in their different house giving the player jobs and replace the runaway horses and cowboys with zombies, or have a sea side Jamaican pirate town with various seedy taverns, naval officers and drunken pirates. However, II'm not sure of that idea myself sinse esentially you'd be playing the same game and doing the same thing with similar mechanics, just a slightly different setting and map. If a similar formula was used in the future, I'd prefer to wait and see it get a little tweaking gam
 eplay wise to alter things. For example, imagine a more adventure style game similar to "a dark room" where you needed to make it from Yellow Bonnet to the gold mine crossing the desert, where moving each square took water, where you had to mine gold but had a limited carrying capacity and also had to juggle what weapons you took with you. Or maybe another game set around the town, but one based on finding a number of hidden outlaws  by  piecing together clues from the town's people, eg, "I thought they were hiding somewhere south of the church", with the goal to have a limited number of moves to deduce the outlaw's location and catch them before they rob the bank. Or maybe a game which expanded the combat idea, with some more tactical fight options, like perhaps the ability to use the revolver on people in the surrounding squares, or have different weapons had different properties and different qualities against various targets. There are certainly possibilities, but I'd I think be more in favour of something which  tweaked the board and movement gameplay in various ways rather than just repeating the same mechanics again.for example, one game I've always! wanted to see is a single player space colony management game, where you get to gather resources from a map, guide your colonists through various hazards from disease, to accidents, to alien beasts and mechanical failures, build buildings and machines and eventually fly off your initial planet and colonize other worlds, either as resource bases for your original colony or as actual new colonies.As to Yellow bonnet itself, the revolver thing was rather weerd and I really can't explain it, it might have been a miner glitch. With the inventory I didn't know tab showed it. I actually don't think hotkeys are a bad thing provided that there are always menu commands instead because that gives people the choice, 
 people can choose either the menu or the hotkeys, but as I said the two main hotkeys I wanted were look around and search.With the ending clipboard text, one suggestion  I do have might be instead of just putting the modifyer "man" or "woman" to use something a bit more colourful and wild westy, just for purposes of flavour if nothing else.. For example "A roustabout going by the handle of insert player name" I've actually always been a fan of the term "roustabout" it's got a nice ring to it. I first came across it in the novelization of the film Pale Rider by Alan Dean Foster (one of the few westerns, possibly even the only western I've ever read). Amusingly enough, because I read the book in grade two braille, and because whoever had translated it into braille had thought it was a good idea to use the "A b"  sign for about in roustabout, I thought for quite some time the term was actual
 ly "roustab" which sounds sort of Klingon . Perhaps a new race for the Tks universe? the gun toating no good roustabs! .


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Here is Jeremy again:As promised, a more detailed response.1.  Update oddness.  Dark, this is odd, the game is supposed to announce downloading files and then give an update periodically.  I'm not sure why it didn't in your case.  I'll call Aaron's attention to it.2. More hot keys.  This is something that might happen in future games.  We like having the menu and the hot keys for some activities, but one to mention is inventory has the hot key tab.  I'm not sure now why we didn't make it the I key though.  There's I believe 19 hot keys in game now, and we were trying to avoid making too many and overwhelming the player.3. You diagnosed the broken bottle issue yourself.  The broken bottle is a weapon without value.  I wanted to make weapons fairly easy to get without money since tough hombre starts with barely enough money to get surgery and medicine.  In the origin
 al iteration of the prices, surgery and medicine were more expensive, so weapons were more important to find.  When we did sell back options, the bottle was of course left off.4. Your revolver issue is more worrying.  That suggests a bug.  We have not reproduced this one up to now.  I'll work on seeing if I can reproduce, and if we can figure out the cause, we'll fix.5. The man going by the handle of thing is either a bug (a gender referent not being translated correctly) or an oversight.  By the time we were doing the clipboard text, it was late in the process.  My gut instinct is that it is an oversight.  This should be an easy fix.  The only other possibility, would be user error in setting gender, but I suspect you didn't make that error. We'll look at it.Please continue calling our attention to issues and bugs as you find them.  Thank you all again, and take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

This is Jeremy:I'll make two posts, a general response, and then one addressing specific issues raised by Dark.Thank you for trying out the update.  I'm glad it is an improvement:)  We may very well release other updates later.  For instance, with TKS last year we released a similar update after the game was released, and we're planning another this year to bring in some things we liked from Yellowbonnet.It is possible there are some bugs with updated material.  We tried to test as extensively as we could, but we were trying to work quickly (Aaron had farm-related things going on during the first part of July) and it's possible some things slipped past us.In answer to Crashmaster's request for more material, there are plans afoot to return to Yellowbonnet and environs for future releases in this mini-game series.  At this point, some of these plans are nebulous, but our hope would be eventually to releas
 e a small series and be able to sell them separately or bundle them together.  In response to the comments about expanding the game, making it larger, having something more detailed:  Aaron put a lot of work into making the game do just this.  A lot of the code is very portable, and we're discussing taking time out to create a generic game creation engine that I could use to create more titles that use similar mechanics and ideas to create other games that might use this format.  This is still very tentative: a lot depends on time, what we have going, and need.  Further, I like to expand on what I do design wise when I do something new, and this sounds like a good idea in principle, but could lead to YB in just different time periods.  That's not a bad thing necessarily, but it strikes me as stale after a while.Again, we appreciate the feedback and support.  We're hoping to have Interceptor out before the end of July.&n
 bsp; With three games under our belt, we're starting to feel like real game designers and stuff:)  Also, again as a teaser, if you tried TKS last year, our next project is going to be a greatly revised and expanded version of that concept.  Using a lot of ideas suggested on the TKS forum last year, as well as several suggestions we've received from players since then, we're going to rip the game apart and start from the ground up to redo not only the size of the map, but rework the way the economy works, the opportunities for avoiding/lessening hazards, creating business opportunities outside just standard trading, engaging in criminal trading, and other things.  Word of caution: this is likely to be a long running project.  I suspect it won't have the kind of 3 year cycle Interceptor had, but it's likely to take us a lot longer than the original TKS or YB.  We will probably be establishing a mailing list in the coming months 
 to give fans of the games more info.  Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Ah, that game went much better and more successful, even if I did have to head to the docks for surgery twice, however I did notice a few weerd things. Firstly, when I had the scalple as my weapon, I sold it by mistake, however when I had the broken bottle as my weapon it wasn't available to sell,  of course I'm guessing broken bottles aren't particularly worth mutch other than for giving drunken cowboys a very close shave so this does make sense, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. A weerder problem was that I was told I could not buy the revolver even when I had 44 cash, which was odd, and a trifle irritating sinse it did mean Anny never got her gun! . Also, "a man going by the handle of anny?" is that a  friend of the boy named Sue? .Anyway, here are the statisticss, whacky though the report may be.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9The game lasted 15 minutes and 41 seconds and ended on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:47 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!A man going by the handle of anny smokely came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a new hand.anny smokely moved 66 times to finish 6 out of 6 jobs, defeated 2 hazards, found 17 items worth 350 points, spent 44 cash, and wound up with 24 cash. anny smokely  dealt with happenings like, fighting a runaway Horse and fighting a mad Bull On the Loose.Final score: 31374. anny smokely will surely go down in them books as one to ride the river with!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Ah, that game went much better and more successful, even if I did have to head to the docks for surgery twice, however I did notice a few weerd things. Firstly, when I had the scalple as my weapon, I sold it by mistake, however when I had the broken bottle as my weapon it wasn't available to sell,  of course I'm guessing broken bottles aren't particularly worth mutch other than for giving drunken cowboys a very close shave so this does make sense, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. A weerder problem was that I was told I could not buy the revolver even when I had 44 cash, which was odd, and a trifle irritating sinse it did mean Anny never got her gun! . Also, "a man named anny?" is that a friend of the boy named sue? .Anyway, here are the statisticss, whacky though the report may be.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9The game lasted 15 minutes and 41 seconds and ended on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:47 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!A man going by the handle of anny smokely came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a new hand.anny smokely moved 66 times to finish 6 out of 6 jobs, defeated 2 hazards, found 17 items worth 350 points, spent 44 cash, and wound up with 24 cash. anny smokely  dealt with happenings like, fighting a runaway Horse and fighting a mad Bull On the Loose.Final score: 31374. anny smokely will surely go down in them books as one to ride the river with!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Ah, that game went much better and more successful, even if I did have to head to the docks for surgery twice, however I did notice two weerd things. Firstly, when I had the scalple as my weapon, I sold it by mistake, however when I had the broken bottle as my weapon it wasn't available to sell,  of course I'm guessing broken bottles aren't particularly worth mutch other than for giving drunken cowboys a very close shave so this does make sense, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. A weerder problem was that I was told I could not buy the revolver even when I had 44 cash, which was odd, and a trifle irritating sinse it did mean Anny never got her gun! . Anyway, here are the statistics:Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9The game lasted 15 minutes and 41 seconds and ended on Thursday, J
 uly 2, 2015 at 9:47 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!A man going by the handle of anny smokely came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a new hand.anny smokely moved 66 times to finish 6 out of 6 jobs, defeated 2 hazards, found 17 items worth 350 points, spent 44 cash, and wound up with 24 cash. anny smokely  dealt with happenings like, fighting a runaway Horse and fighting a mad Bull On the Loose.Final score: 31374. anny smokely will surely go down in them books as one to ride the river with!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Ah, that game went much better and more successful, even if I did have to head to the docks for surgery twice, however I did notice two weerd things. Firstly, when I had the scalple as my weapon, I sold it by mistake, however when I had the broken bottle as my weapon it wasn't available to sell,  of course I'm guessing broken bottles aren't particularly worth mutch other than for giving drunken cowboys a very close shave so this does make sense, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. A weerder problem was that I was told I could not buy the revolver even when I had 44 cash, which was odd. Anyway, here are the statistics:Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9The game lasted 15 minutes and 41 seconds and ended on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:47 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!A man going by the handle of anny smokely came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a new hand.anny smokely moved 66 times to finish 6 out of 6 jobs, defeated 2 hazards, found 17 items worth 350 points, spent 44 cash, and wound up with 24 cash. anny smokely  dealt with happenings like, fighting a runaway Horse and fighting a mad Bull On the Loose.Final score: 31374. anny smokely will surely go down in them books as one to ride the river with!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Well first off I confess I had a few shenanigans with the update. I ran yellow bonnet to have windows open for both the "guide dog client launcher" and the client itself. I sat around and waited for the game to start or update, but nothing happened, then it occurred to me to run yellow bonnet again so I did that however a yellow bonnet launcher window came up and again I sat around for a minute or two waiting feeling a trifle confused. I closed all the windows and was just about to come and report an error, but decided to try on the basis of "third time lucky" only for everything to launch fine and for yellow bonnet to tell me the update was successful. Of course, I confess myself I was a bit of a chump for not activating the dolphin curser and checking those launcher windows, however perhaps for future reference a sound file or two could be added to the guide dog client to let you know when programs need updating, particularly sinse I suspect as now you can login to the client and leave it running and then turn your screen reader off for games, some people will likely do as I did and not read the launcher windows.Either way it all worked out and I'm loving the new updates, the ambience, the sounds, the extra descriptions, very good stuff indeed! I particularly like the descriptive text. where in that game I decided to do a bit of good olrough housin' I will actually try to complete the jobs next time and see what I get.My only miner comment is that you could consider adding a few more shortcut keys, eg, t for talk, I for inventory and f for fight, though look and search are the major things and having keys for them really speeds up the game, and while I definitely approve of a menu for options,fluid gameplay is good, still this is just a miner deal and I liked a lot of this. I actually agree with Sean, this is a nice formula for game creation and you could definitely do more with it, indeed you've got the basic mechanics down for an rpg or a stratogy game here, as is already proved by traders of known space so I'll be interested to see what comes next.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 9The game lasted 17 minutes and 33 seconds and ended on Thursday, July 2, 2015 at 9:0 AM - The player lost!A man going by the handle of Bruce Mcgrusome came in off the dusty trails into Yellowbonnet a new hand.Bruce Mcgrusome got himself killed fighting A burglar! Bruce Mcgrusome was laid to rest in our cemetery right and proper at this here town’s expense. He might for sure have been a tolerable good addition to our fine town, but we’ll never know now. Yet another soul is sacrificed in the taming of the good ol' grand frontier, folks.Bruce Mcgrusome moved 26 times to finish 1 out of 6 jobs, defeated 1 hazards, found 9 items worth 220 points, spent 17 cash, and wound up with 15 cash. Bruce Mcgrusome  dealt with happenings like, fighting a drunk cowboy and fighting A burglar.Final score: 5735. Bruce Mcgrusome is, or that is, was, sure a dude!


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.[[wow]], awesome update. I'll check this out as soon as possible. I really like the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

devinprater wrote:No mac/iOS version, no money. That goes for all games. Yeah its hard to make cross platform games, yeah I can play in vm-ware, but playing for a while and spending quality time on a cool game are two different things to me.that's your choice. When people buy a Mac, they know that there aren't audiogames made for the system. So that's just your choice of not wanting to play audiogames. I play a lot of games in Fusion on my Mac, and it just works fine. If you can't deal with the small lag you might get, then Bootcamp is the option for you. So again, that's your choice, and don't blame the developers that much when you at leased have a choice to play most of the games you want.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.Having played the game I'd actually like a continuous version of it.Ie you complete jobs in the town and other things.However I'd like the ability to live your life in the town, maybe try to mine gold etc.If I went the violent crime way kill everyone in the town or something crazy and become the king of the underworld or something or get killed with appropriate messages or be the good guy or simply muck round for all time.I would also like  it if I was one of the towns chars or could get a perminant job with people  but still do odd jobs and other junk.This game for 5 bucks is really good but I'd really like more.If nothing else I'd like to actually play it till I die or until no one has any jobs for me.I'd also like to get better weapons and maybe buy more ammo etc.And I'd like random things such as a bank robery or a jailbreak to contain etc.Its a good game for what it is but I
  want more.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Valiant Galaxy Associates is proud to announce the release of version 9 of Yellowbonnet.  After receiving some feedback from purchasers, beta testers, and people who tried the demo version of the game, we have made some extensive changes:1.  Added a lot of sound material both as ambience and for specific characters.  2. Added introductory and closing text to the game. 3. Added new hot keys J to check number of jobs left, s to search, and o to open look menu.4. Added an inventory menu with a brief description of weapons in statistical form and a note that other items are of no practical use implying they are best sold.5. Cash spent no longer penalizes score.  However, found items do add to the score.6. All characters fought, and all hazards encountered, are now tracked.7. The copy to clipboard text is radically changed.8. Attempted to eliminate odd strings in combat where snakes were blocking blows with arms.9. Changed encounter text on mobile hazards to make it clearer what happened.10. The burglar no longer appears if the deputy does not have a job for the player.11. A number of other minor bug and string cleanup changes were made.  For full information see the change log.     Current customers do not need to do anything.  Once you start Yellowbonnet again, the game will automatically download new files and update itself.  This update is completely free.  As usual our beta test team were amazing, and we believe we’ve squashed all known bugs.  If you find any, please notify us.  We hope you enjoy the game even more now.  Thank you for the feedback and support.To read the documentation go to … ation.htmlTo download the game go to … taller.exeTo purchase the game go to


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Steffanne, Aaron here.Can you give us more info? We're not really reproducing this problem on our end. A lot more detail on your part might go a long ways.It would be nice if you could tell us which version of windows you're running this under. Are you running it in a virtual machine?What sort of internet do you have, do you use anti Malware utilities? One of those could be blocking the game from having access to the guidedog client, and so if you can allow the game and the client that may solve this difficulty. It would be great to know what the anti malware utility is if that is the case.Last question, which screen reader if any are you using? We had someone on our test team with issues while running Window-Eyes but managed to solve that, turned out for them it was their anti malware too but it was messing up Window-Eyes enough that they couldn't tell that.Thanks for your patience. You should be able to get a refund if you 
 truly can't get it to run, but I suspect it is something that can be solved.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Devon,I appreciate your input and opinion on this.  Unfortunately, we're a small company.  In fact, we're basically two guys that met on Alter Aeon and tried to put together a BGT version of a game from an extremely old version of the same game that I developed in Basic in high school in the 80s.  Aaron doesn't use IOS products except in the past phones, and other than my phone, I don't either.  Neither of us can afford the extra equipment or time.  I think the best solution for the Mac and audio games problem that I hear about more and more from friends online and from people like you who are upset on forums that there are no games for your platform, or not the games that are coming out and being discussed, is for either a group of Mac users to get together and find programmers willing to take on the project, form a kickstarter, give that programmer an incentive, and see what comes of it.  The other option would be to get a
  few enterprising Audio gamers/programmers who use Mac to develop new games.  In a perfect world, there'd be cross platform support for all programs, but currently, this is a far from perfect world.  Now, that said, if anyone on forum wants to give me say 10,000 dollars so I can buy a Mac, take some courses, and learn what I need, I would strongly consider converting our games into IOS.  No guarantees though, I need groceries first:(.  Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Stefann,You might try making sure if you're using an anti-virus program that it knows both Guidedog and YB are allowed exceptions.  I doubt if this is causing all of the issue, but that'd be my first gut instinct idea to try.  I'll make sure that Aaron who is the technical whiz part of this company knows about this and perhaps he can suggest more.  I hope this helps,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

No mac/iOS version, no money. That goes for all games. Yeah its hard to make cross platform games, yeah I can play in vm-ware, but playing for a while and spending quality time on a cool game are two different things to me.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Well that one sounds like a bug so I'd report it to the developers, sinse obviously when things are in beta if they're going wrong on anyone's machine they really ought to know, so unless they check this topic themselves I'd suggest going to valiant galaxy associates and dropping them an e-mail.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : steffanne86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Ok thanks, I have tried it and it just freezes my computer so I have to always restart the crazy thing. Hopefully it gets resolved soon, noworries.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

when you launch the game and it says that messagee about unable to launche guidedog client, turn on your screen reader and alt tab, you should find yourself in the guide dog client, (you might even be there by default). Enter your name and password and Yellowbonnet should load up fine. It would be nice if the game actually launched guide dog client first letting you log in and then launching the game correctly rather than opening the game and complaining at you (especially when I have launched the game from the programs menu so don't know what it's moaning about with the installed shortcut business), but it's not really a major deal and I suspect it's something that will be fixed when Guidedog and/or yellow bonnet gets an update.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

when you launch the game and it says that messagee about unable to launche guidedog client, turn on your screen reader and alt tab, you should find yourself in the guide dog client, (you might even be there by default). Enter your name and password and Yellowbonnet should load up fine. It would be nice if the game actually launched guide dog client first letting you log in and then launching the game correctly rather than opening the game and complaining at you, but it's not really a major deal and I suspect it's something that will be fixed when Guidedog and/or yellow bonnet gets an update.Alternatively


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : steffanne86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I bought the game, but everytime I launch it it says unable to access guidedog please make sure that it is running running the installed shortcut should fix this problem. I want to register my game but like I said it won't let me do it either. Thanks in advance for your help.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I forgot about that delete link, since I never had any reason to use it before.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Moderation! I have deleted that second post, however  Trenton is correct,  just use the "delete" link after any of your own posts to delete it. Some  forums only allow moderators to delete posts, but it is reasonable that members should be able to delete what they post themselves, and situations like the above prove why.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

You can do that yourself by choosing the delete link for that second post.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

please delete that second post, mods. It was a glitch.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

to all avast! users:for the game to even run, it is required that you disable the file system shield and the web shield.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

to all avast! users:for the game to even run, it is required that you disable the file system shield and the web shield.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

One good thing about Yellowbonnet is it manages to handle the western content very nicely and still keep some sense of fun (drunken cowboys), without turning the hole thing into a completely cartoon farse as definitely happened in Grizly gulch and to a certain extent with the various encarnations of Silver dollar as well. I do like the fact the characters in the game have some history and presence to them and the town has a little potted history rather than just playing on western parodies and cliches, it makes the game feel more like an actual adventure game. If your interested in the Western genre though, definitely! check out the choiceofgames title tinstar, I've finally started playing and I really! like, though of course that's a text game rather than an audio game.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

great! probably first western themed audio game since grizley gulch and the various drakonis games involving the silver dollar saloon. I'm also thankful the blind community has their own version of steam/XBLA/Nintendo Eshop/psn/Virtual console.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi I am downloading now surely post a view about this game. ThanksIshan


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Lol, well you said them there was some dangerous streets, and I guess wee willy   weirdo has gone to bed for the last time .Maybe they could do with some rootin' tootin' traffic  regulations! .


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Ok, I had to post this playthrough of YB just to prove that developers get killed too.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 7 beta  The game lasted 1 minutes and 5 seconds and ended on Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 12:22 AM - The player lost! wee willie weirdo, (a tinhorn), defeated 0 hazards, completed 0 of 6 jobs, moved 0 times, and finished up with 30 cash to his name. The player spent0dollars final score: 30!I stepped off the stage coach and got hit by a run away horse.  Call the hearse and Mortimer Underhill.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

[[wow]], Jeremy. THanks for your replies. Regarding the weapons and why you can't switch, it makes sence. I haven't thought about this in this way. 


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here again: Here's the relevant section of the new and improved documentation, once we get it together enough to post.  I apologize in advance if I missed any html tags.Yellowbonnet contains two classes of items: decoration items and weapon items.  Weapon items are meant to be used by the player in combat; decoration items are meant to be sold for extra cash.  A brief discussion of each type follows.Weapon items can be classed roughly into four groups:1. Punch: This is the weakest weapon in game, however, the character comes equipped with it from the beginning.  A high strength score might add to punch damage.2. The broken bottle, the razor, the knife, and the brass knuckles are marginally better than punching.  A high strength adds to melee damage with these weapons.3. The scalpel, night stick, and hammer are all the most superior melee weapons.  A high strength contributes to their damage.<
 /p>4. Deringer and revolver are both pistols which use both the reflexes of the character as well as a good eye to hit targets.  Their damage is distributed over a wider range than the melee weapons, but they can potentially do more damage in a single hit.Decoration items fall into roughly three categories: cheap items, mid-range items, and premium items.1. Cheap items include the leather pouch, the lace handkerchief, the bit of chain, a pack of pins, an Eastern newspaper, a horse shoe, a package of cookies, a slate and some chalk, a dime novel, a clasp knife, and a lady's fan.2. Mid-range items include the axe head, the pocket watch, the Bible, the fancy book, a lady's parasol, a fancy pen, a fancy lariat, and a silver belt buckle.3. Premium items include the set of fine glasses and the set of gold cufflinks.Cheap items are worth 1-3 dollars, mid-range items are worth 4-7 dollars, and premium items are worth more. End of d
 ocumentationI hope that clarifies things a little better on the item front.  It's possible that unless you've played the game a lot and searched obsessively that you hadn't found all of these items.  Some of them are sold in various places on the map, but most are hidden on the map.  Some, such as the leather pouch or night stick, are always in the same locations while others, such as the silver belt buckle, are randomly placed.  It is possible to get multiple items in the same square as well.  Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here again:SLJ,Assuming we didn't break anything merely starting the game will update it when new files are available.  The game will say new update available downloading files and then pause for a while.  It should give a report of progress in terms of percent completed.  Aaron can correct me if I'm inaccurate in any of the major details here.As to the ammo command you're right a will track that.  As to switching weapons.  We considered that as an option, but, in the interests of simplicity we decided to have the game use your best (i.e. most damaging) weapon first.  This does mean sometimes you're using the revolver when it might not be as advantageous to do so.  I think there's two ways of looking at that though:Even a rattlesnake, one of the weaker critters on game can do some damage.  The revolver can often kill this beastie in one hit.  If you do so, yes, you have to go b
 uy more ammunition if you want a full cylinder, but you've avoided damage.Or:You wasted a bullet on a critter that isn't really worth it.Just as a note in this regard, bullets are 1 dollar each.  Medicine is 3 and surgery is 12.  For certain settings the revolver is always a better choice to my way ofthinking.  However, that said, as I noted in an earlier post, the tough hombre is probably better off with the night stick, knife, or scalpel.  I'm going to copy and paste my section on items from the documentation update here to help explain this possibly a little more clearly.Thanks again for the questions and feedback.  We appreciate it all.  While we don't always agree for either code reasons, game design reasons, or philosophical reasons with all points brought up here, we value your input and feedback.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:Dark,Aaron and I are working to implement some of the suggestions already made in the forum in the update I mentioned earlier.  For instance, inventory menu is definitely going to be in.  As to tin horn getting a raw deal:1. The tin horn is better at searching.2.  The tin horn does have a better chance to avoid hazards than either of the other two.3. The tin horn's better perception makes him or her better with pistols than the other two.The tin horn is meant as a more challenging setting.  My advice to anyone trying the game for the first time is to try new hand for a while.  Feel free to experiment with the other two, but tough hombre and tin horn are meant as different challenges to play style.As to the hp status, Aaron and I are still discussing this one.  Hidden hp of enemies I think is a good thing, it brings home the danger more.  Having your own hp flashed as part of combat
  is problematic.  To some players it's a necessary item, for others it's extra unwanted slow down to combat.  The l key gives your current health and works from the menus.  That said, it's still up for debate, and we're debating and taking into account things said here as well as other comments made to us from other points of contact.As to the money spent mechanic.  I think it does add a certain challenge to the game: you can either be a miser both of points and money, and try to finish the game with the most of either.  Or you can use your money for various items: whiskey or haircuts to increase your courage, bullets, better weapons, or surgery to improve your combat.  I understand the frustration involved, but really, the most money I ever managed to spend in a single game was I believe 75 dollars.  When your score is measured in terms of thousands of points, a negative of less than 100 doesn't seem as huge a probl
 em to me.  For a successful game, just as a comparison, the scores I have seen have ranged from approximately 29,500 to 33,030 or so.  That said, while we're revisiting other aspects of the game, we'll look at the cash spent mechanic and decide what we want to do with it.  I am not so sure I agree with your being hit twice for it: yes it does impact your score both for not having that cash, and for being penalized, but my feeling is that given the amount of benefit you get from spending it it's worth it.  However, I'm one person, and my play style isn't the same as everyone else's, and neither are my scoring tastes.  Thanks for the feedback again, as always, we appreciate it.Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

thanks slj, I didn't realize that, I was using w for weapon but not checking the ammo. You bring up a good point, though again I'm not sure if all enemies are equal or not.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.[[wow]], so the client should remember where you left the game? Awesome!Can we update the game using the guide dog system? that would be awesome.Regarding weapons: It would be nice if you could switch weapons, and save the bullets for bigger fights. Dark: You can press a to check how many bullets you have for the revolver.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi Jeremy. Hp status would be nice, as would weapons info, heck I didn't even know the revolver had! bullets. While I know the jobs are intended as more balancing character classes than difficulties, it doesn't seem the tinhorn gets much good, sinse they're worse at fighting and while being better at searching means more cash, sinse you take really big hits to your score for spending cash and sinse at the moment spending cash is the only way to improve fighting which racks it up that doesn't affect the game as much as it should do, especially counting the fact you need to go to the general store to bennifit from the items you find searching.It'd be nice if there was some other mechanic in place to balance this, for example suppose hidden hazards like gofer holes were visible to the tinhorn occasionally so you could go around them, or suppose there was some other mechanic in the game not based on fighting that the tinhorn excelled at while the
  tough hombre was very bad, like perhaps some runaway animals in the town that the tinhorn could catch with a test of one of their stats like quicknness or perception, or maybe some crooked games of chance like the good old 3 card monty or the chance to play darts in the saloon that the more perceptive characters had a better chance of winning. To be honest I don't like the negative hit to stats for spending cash, particularly sinse this effectively counts twice, both the cash you spend directly taking off your score and you obviously not getting the additions to your score after the game finishes for having the cash on hand, it just seems to discourage the player from exploring the game, fighting, interacting with town residents and having ffun.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here: Dark,I've completed the game on tin horn using melee weapons and encountering the burglar and Big Joe Keene as jobs.  That said, it takes a lot of health watching and carefully timed strategic retreats.  I've included an items section to the documentation to address some of these issues, but one thing needs to be cleared up here:The game picks what it thinks is your best weapon.  In general, the revolver is the best weapon, but if you run out of ammo, the game defaults to your best melee weapon.  You can buy more bullets at the general store.  If you want to increase your final score, fighting is a good way, but you have to be careful how you approachthem.  The tips and tricks section has some words about this, but the main thing is to check health after each hit (the l key will do this).  Another thing to keep in mind is, as I said before, and as it states in the documentation, the three 
 character types are not traditional difficulty levels.  Each character type presents a different set of challenges.  You're right that to complete all the jobs, the best way is to avoid fighting.  However, if you want to really rack up a score, you have to turn homicidal maniac and kill anyone you meet in the streets.  Unrealistic, and we will have to see about making the sheriff and deputy more proactive in later versions of the game.  As to the hp status indicator, you're not the first person to request it, one of our beta testers made a similar request.  I'm sure I didn't hit all your points here, but I'll be happy to give it another round.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Just a quick note, I now realize what the problem is I mentioned in my earlier post with being called "player" when I'd entered a name. If you enter a name with a spacee, the game  automatically reassigns your name to be "player"  While a very miner detail, it would be sort of nice if spaces could be added sinse lots of good western names are things like Dock Holliday or Jessy James, not to mention John Wane or Clint Eastwood .In my first game I attempted to call my  character Dark Mcgrue! .If not possible to add, then perhaps a note should be given to the manual to let people no   it's letters only in names.Btw, methinks the combat in the game is craaazy! I'd just bought a revolver as 
 a tinhorn and had defeated two enemies, I went to the doctor and got surgery to bring my health back up to the max of 12, I then however found a scalpel which I started using as a weapon (which I'm guessing is less good). I then fought the burgler and went down in two hits! honestly, two!Firstly, methinks picking weapons is needed if not all weapons are equelk, or at least a "do you want to replace your x with this Y?" type of message, secondly if all weapons aren't! equal there needs to be some idea which weapon is better, thirdly battle stats or damage really! need reporting, and fourthly, is it me or is the best way to get through yellow bonnet, even with the revolver to never ever fight anything ever! So much for the rough housin', fightinn', shootin' and lots of other violent verb manglin' words wild west .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Just a quick note, I now realize what the problem is I mentioned in my earlier post with being called "player" when I'd entered a name. If you enter a name with a spacee, the game  automatically reassigns your name to be "player"  While a very miner detail, it would be sort of nice if spaces could be added sinse lots of good western names are things like Dock Holliday or Jessy James, not to mention John Wane or Clint Eastwood .In my first game I attempted to call my  character Dark Mcgrue! .If not possible to add, then perhaps a note should be given to the manual to let people no   it's letters only in names.Btw, methinks the combat in the game is craaazy! I'd just bought a revolver as 
 a tinhorn and had defeated two enemies, I went to the doctor and got surgery to bring my health back up to the max of 12, I then however found a scalpel which I started using as a weapon (which I'm guessing is less good). I then fought the burgler and went down in two hits! honestly, ttwo! Firstly, methinks picking weapons and at least some idea of what weapon is better might help, secondly battle stats or damage really! need reporting, and thirdly, is it me or is the best way to get through yellow bonnet, even with the revolver to never ever fight anything ever! So much for the rough housin', fightinn', shootin' and lots of other violent grammer manglin' words wild west .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Just a quick note, I now realize what the problem is I mentioned in my earlier post with being called "player" when I'd entered a name. If you enter a name with a spacee, the game  automatically reassigns your name to be "player"  While a very miner detail, it would be sort of nice if spaces could be added sinse lots of good western names are things like Dock Holliday or Jessy James, not to mention John Wane or Clint Eastwood .In my first game I attempted to call my  character Dark Mcgrue! .If not possible to add, then perhaps a note should be given to the manual to let people no   it's letters only in names.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeffb and turtlepower17, This is Aaron again.Thanks for bringing this up. You can't test this in demo mode because demo obviously won't continue anyway. Just thought that should be said in case anyone is trying to determine exactly how our online requirement works while using demo mode.I'm glad you folks got more detailed about your concerns with this, because it has shown us that we may be missing some information about how our guidedog integration works. You've expressed concerns about losing your progress in a game because you've lost internet. I'd like to assure you that this is not how the system is supposed to work. If anybody out there experiences problems where playing the game and losing internet causes the progress you had in the game to be lost, please post about it.The way this works is, every time you try to move your character in Yellowbonnet's case anyhow, the game negotiates with GDG to establish whether the g
 ame is activated. If you have internet and are logged in, the result should come back positive, and play should continue just fine.When the connection has dropped, or you have logged out or closed the Guidedog client mid-game, the game will freeze when it notices that it is not activated and you should hear a recorded message, something to the affect that this game is not activated, and some basic instructions on what to do to continue. If it has determined that Guidedog client is closed, it should ask you to start the client. If it thinks you are not logged in, the Guidedog client window should take foreground focus, and now in the background, the game should ask you to log into your Guidedog account. If you have lost internet, the likely state this should result in is that Guidedog client is no longer logged in, and so the game will want you to try to log in again.In any of these cases, once the situation is taken care of, the game should immediately resume where it 
 was. In my testing using this with each movement of the player, my experience is that when I disconnect, and then try to move, it tells me to log in. I can log back in again and as soon as I do, I hear the character take a footstep in the background, and what ever the room the character just moved to is read out and so on. So I just alt+tab back to Yellowbonnet and resume playing.Interceptor is going to work pretty much the same way except that it checks if you're activated before going to the next level. So if you do lose internet with Interceptor, you will be able to keep playing till the end of the current level then it'll lock up and request that you log in.By the way, when the game is in this frozen state, you can press escape or alt+f4 to close the game if that in fact is what you really want to do. However, if you want to stay where you are in the game, you can do so. I haven't actually tried this, but I'd be surprised if you could break that
  by hibernating or putting the computer to sleep even. You should be able to leave the game window open until such time as you're able to fix the issue and be confident that it'll pick up right where you were.One last note, this applies also when logged into a guidedog account that has not purchased Yellowbonnet. When I tested that by deactivating myself and then playing until I hit the demo limit, I got the prompt wanting me to purchase the game to continue or press escape or alt+f4 to exit. I pressed enter and simulated a purchase of the game. As soon as the simulated purchase completed, the game which was still running in the background immediately noticed that it was now purchased, and continued right where it had left off.I put a lot of effort into trying to make that as stable as I could figure out how. I'm hoping it works out well for you folks. As dentin put it to me once recently, "figuring out the protocols for situations like that can be 
 tricky".Work is under way for the free update that addresses some of the customer concerns and fixes more issues that we left as they were in order to make our initial release deadline. Interceptor's initial release will be hopefully not too long after.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I don't know what the right solution is. I can understand putting precautions in place so that the game can't be cracked, but it is true that people on wireless connections can have some pretty strange and flaky things happen. It does seem a bit odd that there's no backup in place that would prevent you from losing your entire game if such a thing occurs. If it's true that even a loss of signal for a few seconds is wiping out games, that's not cool.Even though this is meant to be a short game, I don't think I'd be too happy if I was very near to completing it, and then, all of a sudden, something happened that caused all my progress to be erased.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi aaron let's try this again. I don't think I put this right. Okay so I am in the basement because that's where its coolest in the summer. So I start playing Yellowbonnet and my Internet cuts out on me as it does a lot even with an whireless extender. Which is usually no problem except in the case of Yellowbonnet and games that are online. Internet cuts out. Poof! There goes my game. If you want to keep the security feature of it why not have it log into guidedog when you launch the game instead of having it on in the backround? Or even have it enter into some sort of pause mode if internet were to cut out. I just think there is a better solution then having it on constantly during the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Well I died once again, and that time I only got 15 k which is a shame sinse otherwise it was going well. I know I can check stats from the status menu, but some notifications either when I lose health, or at least when I'm near to death might be nice, sinse I got shot twice in that game at random by a couple of hidden gunslingers and had I known things were that dire I probably would've gone to see the doctor earlier.On the stats issue, even if it is not possible to track anymore information of a player's game than what appears now, I don't think narrativizing (which is indeed a perfectly cromulant word), the player's progress would be difficult just by changing the score messages to some more colourful ones. For example: "a "job title" named "insert player name" rode into town at "insert town" she/he kept his/her nose clean and stayed outta trouble gettin' into "Insert number" o
 f fights in town. She/he made the good people o' yellowbonnet very happy by doin' six fine services for our upstandin' citizens" (or if the player didn't finish the game), "Player name was one regular roustabout, only "insert number of jobs finished" folks have a good word to say" "Insert player name was a real big spender and flashed around "insert cash amount" dollars during their stay", or if the player spent no money "Insert player name was as tight as a preacher's wallet on sunday and didn't spend one red cent during his/her stay" "She/he walked away with a jinglin' purse o Insert cash on hand" And then the scoree, though some western score titles awarded for different score amounts might be amusing as well, say going from no good varment up to gunslinger. From my admitedly rather more more theoretical than practical knowledge of programming, changing me
 ssages in this sort of way shouldn't be too hard to add, even if it isn't possible to make anymore direct stat tracking in the game than already exists. Oh, and yes, the war tracking would be awsome!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi. On the stats issue, even if it is not possible to track anymore information of a player's game than what appears now, I don't think narrativizing (which is indeed a perfectly cromulant word), the player's progress would be difficult just by changing the score messages to some more colourful ones. For example: "a "job title" named "insert player name" rode into town at "insert town" she/he kept his/her nose clean and stayed outta trouble gettin' into "Insert number" of fights in town. She/he made the good people o' yellowbonnet very happy by doin' six fine services for our upstandin' citizens" (or if the player didn't finish the game), "Player name was one regular roustabout, only "insert number of jobs finished" folks have a good word to say" "Insert player name was a real big spender and flashed around "insert cash amount" dol
 lars during their stay", or if the player spent no money "Insert player name was as tight as a preacher's wallet on sunday and didn't spend one red cent during his/her stay" "She/he walked away with a jinglin' purse o Insert cash on hand" And then the scoree, though some western score titles awarded for different score amounts might be amusing as well, say going from no good varment up to gunslinger. From my admitedly rather more more theoretical than practical knowledge of programming, changing messages in this sort of way shouldn't be too hard to add, even if it isn't possible to make anymore direct stat tracking in the game than already exists. Oh, and yes, the war tracking would be awsome!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here,Dark, Some of the things you mentioned are on the hit list for a free update we are going to put out soon for YB.  As Aaron mentioned above, we had a few things that we just didn't manage to squeeze into the beta cycle.  The last weekend before release neither of us got much sleep.  That said, some of the wonky things are already on the hit list.  Others, such as look or search dumping you back into map mode or being triggered from a hot key are currently being sized up as possibilities.  If anyone else who's purchased the game wants to suggest other issues, please feel free.  The stats situation is a tricky one.  We can narrativize that more (is narativize a word? it is now) but the real problem with YB is just that it doesn't have a huge number of stats to track.  The way the game handles hazards makes tracking them a little tricky.  We're still wrestling with how to do that in a meaningfu
 l way besides tracking number of hazards over come.  As to stats for items, I think a comparative section for weapons is probably in order.  For the new hand or the tough hombre, generally melee weapons are better than missile weapons, assuming I remember the formulas correctly.  For the tin horn, a missile weapon is better.  The cash spent is just a way of limiting the score somewhat.  There's no reason why it couldn't be changed, but also, there's no real need to change it.  If you want to walk around town, and not spend any money, the game is playable at that level.  This is very disjointed, but, essentially:1. We're glad for the input about the game and its issues.  Please keep that sort of critique coming.  It helps not only with this game but with others.2.  Some of the issues are known about and being fixed, some are tricky and may not be fixable in this iteration of the game.Finally, I love the how's the war going idea.  This is one I intend to stand on Dentin's virtual desk and scream at him about.  Take care,Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

well I like the number of jobs in the game, it gives a nice variety, though I'd also like to be able to see the stats of items as I got killed by a nightstick wielding horse though I'd just sold  a scalpel and wasn't sure whether it was a more dangerous weapon than the knife I had previously. a little annoying to meet my end in such a random fashion, though it was fun, particularly beating the burgler. Here are the stats.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 6The game lasted 27 minutes and  and ended on Monday, June 15, 2015 at 1:34 PM - The player lost!mac, (a new hand), defeated 2 hazards, completed 5 of 6 jobs, moved 51 times, and finished up with 42 cash to her score: 26042!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Well I have bought the game and the gdg client worked fine, indeed it was nice to not need to wait for e-mailing of a code or any other such shenanigans and just get streight to playing. On the issue of connectivity, while I can see it would be a problem for people on dial up and so I do think the temporary license is a good idea, at the same time these aren't the days of dialup, heck with my own internet package I get free access to the horribly slow Bt wifi network, and of course there are now free wifi networks in many public places too. Provided the net requirement wasn't too huge, and I don't see it being so. Regarding price, I really don't get the arguement that "five dollars is too little to make selling the game worth the gd software" particularly with Yellowbonnet being a fairly casual game anyway.One fun use for the Gdg client, as well as score posting might be some form of multiplayer or some specific goals based on trac
 king in game statistics of completed games. So for example, suppose Traders of Known space and interceptor were both on Gdg. Well there could be a page tracking the progress of the war against the greys. Everytime a Traders' game finished, ten percent of the final over all cash went to the Federation in war taxes, and every game of Interceptor todded up how many ships had been destroyed. When certain milestones were reached such as x number of ships or x amounts of cash, the war page could report news.That could be a really fun way to make the universe a bit more real to players, (sinse hay if you've got a universe for multiple games why not use it), and a nice use for the online connectivity as well.Getting back to Yellowbonnet I did enjoy the game, however I noticed two things that were a bit wonky. First, I didn't realize that I was docked points for spending money, so I bought various things such as a haircut and some whisky just for the fun of 
 trying them out. Second, I didn't realize that I'd completed as many jobs as I had so I wound up finishing the game before I expected. I also noticed a miner bug in that the game said "the barber cuts player's hair" even though I'd entered my name. As regards the game, it was definitely fun, however one thing that mildly irritated me was having to keep exiting the interaction menu after doing something symple like searching or lookking around, sinse I'd need to be doing it on each and every square, indeed sometimes I'd hit escape too many times and open the main menu by mistake. While I know the idea with Yellowbonnet was to have an easy pick up and play approach, keys for searching and looking around sinse these are such frequently used actions that you could just press once, get the message and then move on with would be really helpful. I'd also like a way to have the bios from the manual on each character sinse I do 
 remember the characters were really fun but I got a little lost in the game with who was who. Here are my stats, hich as I said are probably worse than expected particularly sinse I didn't go around and pound any bad guys and I still used my cash. I do agree with Aaron that perhaps making the stats a bit more fun might be nice, indeed one idea might be to have instead of your stats just recorded as a list, have them recorded as a little mini story, eg "so and so rode into yellowbonnet, punched out three no good drunken cowboys and snakes, helped out the deputy with a little problem and served a summons to court on that no good varnet frank Darby, got a hair cut right and propper" etc. That would certainly make things much more colourful and interesting to read, even if only a few specific things were possible to track.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 6The game lasted 26 minutes and 5 seconds and ended on 
 Monday, June 15, 2015 at 12:16 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!Player, (a new hand), defeated 0 hazards, completed 6 of 6 jobs, moved 50 times, and finished up with 20 cash to her score: 29979!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Well I have bought the game and the gdg client worked fine, indeed it was nice to not need to wait for e-mailing of a code or any other such shenanigans which was nice. On the issue of connectivity, while I can see it would be a problem for people on dial up and so I do think the temporary license is a good idea, at the same time these aren't the days of dialup, heck with my own internet package I get free access to the horribly slow Bt wifi network, and of course there are now free wifi networks in many public places too. Provided the net requirement wasn't too huge, and I don't see it being so. Regarding price, I really don't get the arguement that "five dollars is too little to make selling the game worth the gd software" particularly with Yellowbonnet being a fairly casual game anyway.One fun use for the Gdg client, as well as score posting might be some form of multiplayer or some specific goals based on tracking in game stati
 stics of completed games. So for example, suppose Traders of Known space and interceptor were both on Gdg. Well there could be a page tracking the progress of the war against the greys. Everytime a Traders' game finished, ten percent of the final over all cash went to the Federation in war taxes, and every game of Interceptor todded up how many ships had been destroyed. When certain milestones were reached such as x number of ships or x amounts of cash, the war page could report news.That could be a really fun way to make the universe a bit more real to players, (sinse hay if you've got a universe for multiple games why not use it), and a nice use for the online connectivity as well.Getting back to Yellowbonnet I did enjoy the game, however I noticed two things that were a bit wonky. First, I didn't realize that I was docked points for spending money, so I bought various things such as a haircut and some whisky just for the fun of trying them out. S
 econd, I didn't realize that I'd completed as many jobs as I had so I wound up finishing the game before I expected. I also noticed a miner bug in that the game said "the barber cuts player's hair" even though I'd entered my name. As regards the game, it was definitely fun, however one thing that mildly irritated me was having to keep exiting the interaction menu after doing something symple like searching or lookking around, sinse I'd need to be doing it on each and every square, indeed sometimes I'd hit escape too many times and open the main menu by mistake. While I know the idea with Yellowbonnet was to have an easy pick up and play approach, keys for searching and looking around sinse these are such frequently used actions that you could just press once, get the message and then move on with would be really helpful. I'd also like a way to have the bios from the manual on each character sinse I do remember the chara
 cters were really fun but I got a little lost in the game with who was who. Here are my stats, hich as I said are probably worse than expected particularly sinse I didn't go around and pound any bad guys and I still used my cash. I do agree with Aaron that perhaps making the stats a bit more fun might be nice, indeed one idea might be to have instead of your stats just recorded as a list, have them recorded as a little mini story, eg "so and so rode into yellowbonnet, punched out three no good drunken cowboys and snakes, helped out the deputy with a little problem and served a summons to court on that no good varnet frank Darby, got a hair cut right and propper" etc. That would certainly make things much more colourful and interesting to read, even if only a few specific things were possible to track.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 6The game lasted 26 minutes and 5 seconds and ended on Monday, June 15, 2
 015 at 12:16 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!Player, (a new hand), defeated 0 hazards, completed 6 of 6 jobs, moved 50 times, and finished up with 20 cash to her score: 29979!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Thanks a lot for your reply. It would be awesome in the future, if all the current audio games could be bought through this service. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:No, the Guidedog Games service is separate from our company, and is open to other developers to use.  Word of caution here though: Dentin is one guy, and it takes a lot of work to get GDG and a game talking nice to each other.  Aaron and Dentin spent a lot of time developing the wrapper program we use.  For those who are using BGT, the wrapper will be available in a modified form for them to use.  Part of what has taken so long was building the GDG system, figuring out how to communicate from games to it, and vice versa.  As many people have latched on to, GDG is not up to its full potential yet: that's understandable, Dentin's been working on it for most of the last year to 18 months, and it requires more work.  Besides maintaining GDG and Alter Aeon, Dentin is working on his own new game Stellar Aeon which is a science fiction game.  Add to that that he is a programmer and makes his living doing work for other peopl
 e on deadlines, and his time is not always his own.  Other developers may have to spend the same sorts of time with Dentin that we did.  Don't expect thousands of games to appear on GDG overnight.  That said, Dentin is trying to work with people as they come in to the best of his and the developers' abilities.  Also too, as certain problems are conquered, the process goes faster.  Hooking up Yellowbonnet to GDG was less of a problem than we had getting Interceptor talking to GDG.  The same will hold true for other games in other programming languages.  Right now, a lot of the problems people are seeing both with the GDG system and with our games are problems of scale as Aaron noted in his earlier post: Yellowbonnet was not meant to be a superb multiplayer online experience; it was a minigame to showcase some of the things we had done.  Interceptor will not be a full-fledged first person shooter audio game.  It's a menu-driv
 en space combat simulator.  It's a fun game, and it gave us a lot of experience learning to do things that are necessary for later games.  Eventually, a more fully realized audio game style version of Interceptor, or another game in the same universe that uses the same assumptions, may come to pass.   In the same way,  GDG is a potentially explosive game changer (pardon the pun) but it is still in the process of being built.  I know this is a long-winded way of saying, yes GDG is open to any developer but, however, I wanted to give a truthful reply.  Any project like this is an ongoing process, and will take a while to complete.  I hope that answered well enough,Jeremy


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.I've asked this before, but don't think I ever got this question answered:Is the Guide dog system only for your games, or will you open up for other developers to have their games in the system as well, so people can buy most audiogames that easily, with this great security?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi from Aaron.*Grin* want us to raise the price a bit? Maybe that'd make it more worth having to be online to maintain your activation status? Lol, just joking, of course. No seriously, I'm kidding, for real! We are pleased that there are folks out there who care enough about our work to comment on it, good or bad. To be honest, I tend to agree with the person in the previous message, but that's where things start going in circles.We're interested in lower costs in the hopes that we get larger volume of sales, so we're pricing these at the minimum we think we can afford. Something like Guidedog that allows for what we hope is increased security on our part and on the customer's parts is good in a way, because we can drop costs a bit on the assumption that the customer vs. company experience is good enough that the customer will be purchasing them with more ease. To put that simply, we're guessing that Guidedog makes it easier for yo
 u to buy it, which means more volume, and lower pricepoint for us. On top of that, the extra security we hope for should mean that more people who are using the game are actually paying for it, so we like to think we can charge less because a greater percentage of the play time is actually payed for.Granted, a portion of this goes toward the Guidedog service, and that it should be. We get to write our games, spend a few hours hooking them up with Guidedog after we're finished developing, and we're allowed to basically sit back, take a deap breath and go "[[wow]], we did it! What's next?" and turn around and consentrate on something else while Guidedog's services are handling your typical customer issues like "I can't get it to purchase!" or "I want my money back!" We're able to consentrate on the in-game experience more, and to me personally, that's worth a lot.Remember about 15 years back in this message
  where I said things started going in circles? I want to finish up this major misjointed ramble by closing the circle. Oo, see what I did? Anyhow,, the prices are a bit lower because that's the whole concept we had in mind when we started trying to hook up the Guidedog service idea. Possibly we'd be charging a bit more if it wasn't for Guidedog, because we'd probably not sell as many copies and we'd be working harder to handle various ordinary customer requests directly.I didn't really answer the question there did I. Point is, Yellowbonnet is literally a test run on Guidedog. Interceptor was finished, but we put Yellowbonnet on the front Burner in the meantime and ended up releasing it first because it is a little cheaper. I felt better about releasing it first since it is a smaller, cheaper game, sort of a beta test, but not really in the same breath.I finish this up at last by asking and I mean this in the friendliest way possibl
 e, how often do you get inconvenienced from playing the game just because you need a small amount of internet bandwitch always available to play it. If we were all still on dialup or if there were more than just a couple of us who had to go to the local Library as the only way to get internet access, I'd definitely feel really bad about the whole internet requirement. Btw, while I'm talking about Dialup, I haven't tried it, but I'd be very surprised if Dialup had any trouble handling the data interaction. The data transmitted is pretty dog gone small.At present, we don't have plans to take Yellowbonnet's internet access requirement off, but as I said at the start of this here novel, I definitely appreciate the fact that people are caring enough about us and our work to speak up. Thank you thank you thank you! Maybe some day Guidedog itself will integrate a way to get a temporary license that will work for a while with no internet. For now though,
  if you want to play a VGA game and you really do have no internet, jtry playing a free game like Traders of Known Space. Btw, we are probably going to hook TKS to Guidedog also, but it won't require access to actually play, just being logged in will allow things you do in the game to be stored online for accessing with TKS installations on other computers once you've signed those in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

As I can see the advantages of using GuideDog Games I don't think its worth it when it comes to games that are $5. Also comparing this to the Gamer Accounts makes sense but again the whole Swamp thing was on a much larger scale! Correct me if I'm wrong but I just don't see something like that happening on a game that doesn't connect to a server. Using Alter Aeon with GuideDog Games makes sense as you are actually connecting to a online system. I know that online functions may come soon and this is just the first time thing switching to this system but for this type of game to have to be connected to the internet it really takes away from the portability of the game. Games that use keys and such can be hacked I understand that but it does not explain why it has to be connected to the server all the time. I could see maybe once a week you would have to check it or even if you just had it log in at the start of the game. It just seems kind of a silly thing for a g
 ame that's 5 dollars.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:I’m just writing to clarify Aaron’s post a little now that I have had a chance to discuss it with him and Dentin, and can give a clearer explanation of the pros of this system, since people are pointing out cons.  Also too, I am not headed out to hay fields.In the following YB = Yellowbonnet and GDG = GuideDog Games in case that wasn’t obvious.  Plus Sides for the Player Base:1. Less hassal.  If we had marketed YB without GDG we would have had to provide a registration key, which could have been lost, stolen, shared, and otherwise mangled.  By using GuideDog we remove that hassal both from us as developers, and from you as players.  I know, having read the Audyssey list and forums here, that loss of registration keys is a real hassal, especially for older games that are no longer being actively supported. 2. One of the advantages of using GDG, which you might not be aware of is Dentin’s commitment to the player base.  In his developer contract he insists on having access to installers and game files so that if the developer disappears for some reason, current customers will continue to have access to their games.  Again, having read about this problem, this was one of the things that convinced us using GDG was a good idea.3. When GDG gets multiplayer or scoreboard or chat functionality, all things that are possibilities that might be on the table down the road, using a centralized service allows us to moderate and mediate disputes and activities of the few players who would take advantage of bugs or situations and use them to artificially pump their score, or in multiplayer environments make the game less enjoyable for others.  If we were running such a thing ourselves, we might not have the tools we would need.  With Dentin’s years of doing just this on Alter Aeon, we have a resource that gives us a lot of flexibility in terms of player base management.4. Making refunds faster and less problematic.  By using GDG and its log files, we can hopefully return money faster for problem issues, and address those issues more quickly than we could on our own service.5.  Consistancy of service and quality of service.  Dentin’s been running credit card sales through Alter Aeon for years, his interface is extremely accessible, and gives the customer a good experience.  Our original system was going to use Paypal, an email system, and a registration key, all three of which could have messed up.  Overall, I think the customer experience is not only safer, but more pleasant with GDG.6.  Using GDG and the internet connection allows settings to save to multiple computers.  This means not only your voice settings but scores, progress in long games, and other features that might eventually be included in our games.  Currently we store high scores locally, but we could eventually store that information online.Plus Sides for the Developers:Obviously some of the above make things easier on us as well.  However, here’s the main one for us:1.    The game becomes much harder to abuse and/or crack.  You cannot run Yellowbonnet on two different systems on the same account at the same time.  Because the registration keys are not stored locally they are harder to get at.  This provides increased security for our product, and allows us to track player behavior.  If someone tells us the game isn’t working for them, but that account logged 24 hours of game play, we can see it.  It’s an ugly truth that some people will attempt to get something for nothing, and a smart business person safeguards themselves from that possibility.As the above demonstrates, current functionality, both of Yellowbonnet and of GuideDog do not clearly demonstrate the full potential of either system.  YB was a minigame designed to provide a few minutes of fun, not to be a massive multiplayer online game.  GDG is still in its infancy.  Many of the hurdles that Dentin and we faced were overcome from very close interaction and a lot of nights on Aaron and Dentin’s parts thrashing out complicated code.  Rome was not built in a day, and neither will GDG.  That said, when it reaches its fruition, the blind community, and those of you who dislike the term can pillary me if you wish, will have a service that not only guides you to games, but allows you to play against others, compete against others on scoreboards, chat to others about your experiences, and share game information etc over the servers.  When we reach that point, many of the doubts and problems with the service may appear less critical to most people.  Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

vsmiro, Aaron here, the one from VGA obviously.Heading out to the hay fields here shortly if the folks ever finish gossiping out there in the kitchen, lol. Anyway, the question of why an authorization system that requires one to be online has come up a lot. In fact it was a concern of mine when we started this whole Guidedog Client idea.Anyway, now that I gave up waiting on the folks they're now ready to go and wanting me to come on. So I'll make this quick for now by saying it is better for our security, and the integrity of any communities that may start up around this. If you know anything about Swamp and Jeremy Kaldobsky's reasons for coming out with his Kaldobsky gamer accounts, that's one of my favorite ways to explain it. Also, we can offer you registration based on your account, instead of on your computer. That on the whole should be more convenient to you since even if you have 20 computers you can run it on any one of them so long as yo
 u don't try to run it on two at once.I may follow up with more later, but in the meantime, hope that helps. Oh, and the answer is, no we do not have a version of this that does not require internet access to use. Traders of Known Space is our only game right now that doesn't.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vsmiro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello. I bought the game. Can you add mod without internet connection? Why does it need connection? Is it online game? Thanks, Vojta.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello,Now that demonstrates my second point very nicely, and shows the epic potential of a stats system.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy here:That's a fair critique as far as it goes.  Yellowbonnet, however, doesn't have a whole lot of stats to output.  As an example of how we used this in another game, and as a teaser for our upcoming release Interceptor (which should be out in a matter of weeks barring natural disasters), I submit the following:Statistics for Playthrough of the Interceptor Game, on Version 19 beta  (normal mode)The game lasted 40 minutes and 44 seconds and ended on Thursday, June 11, 2015 at 11:31 AM - The player beat the game! woohoo!6 epsilon, 5 delta, 4 gamma, 2 beta, 3 alpha, 1 tanker, 1 command and control and 1 mother ships were destroyed, for a total of23.The interceptor destroyed 11 vessels with just one attack, and 7 with two. It fired 37 shots and 8 rockets.The interceptor took 47 turns, traveled 624500 meters, consumed 2738 energy and it's reactors produced 1394 energy. Opponents took 24 turns.Final level
  reached: 10, final score: 257000!If you'd like to see yet another example, you can check out the forum about announce traders of known space here on, or download the game and try it for free at for all the interest, insights, critiques, and responses,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello,I've got two perspectives on this system. First, as a gamer: sorry to sound a bit harsh... but for something that's meant to be one of the game's best points, that stats system does not show much in the way of stats, considering troopanum 2 shows how many ships you shot down, what items you picked up, etc, and that was over ten years ago. For another perspective though, a coding standpoint, this is great because this could probably be used in other games as a benchmark.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi, Jeremy here.You can download the game from There's also a link on that same page to purchase the game that takes you directly to Guidedog Games where you can set up an account and purchase the game.  I hope you enjoy it,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vsmiro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello. where can I buy this game and create my account? Thanks, Vojta.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here:Just because I haven't seen anyone post here, and to me the copy and paste statistics feature is one the game's best points.Statistics for Playthrough of the Yellowbonnet Game, on Version 6The game lasted 5 minutes and 11 seconds and ended on Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 3:44 PM - The player beat the game! woohoo!bob, (a new hand), defeated 1 hazards, completed 6 of 6 jobs, moved 63 times, and finished up with 32 cash to his score: 30532!That actually made it to position 9 on my high scores menu.  Good luck to those of you who are trying the game.  Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Well as to security, in Britain as far as I know all elements of the card, registered address and post code are checked. When youget a credit card the bank or card company will also check your credit history to see if you are likely over draw on it. What I particularly like with my credit card, is that once a payment is made, the money does not automatically come out of my bank, I have to physically authorize the payment from my bank account to the card. So, if someone hacked my card and charged five thousand pounds, the money wouldn't automatically be lostfrom my bank and I'd get chance to cancel the payment. Also, sinse my card has a very low limit, if a person did! charge too much on it, odds are they'd hit the lending limit and get the card frozen too. This way I can use my credit card for secure payments online, but can keep my bank account completely and absolutely separate,  one reason I don't do online banking, heck even to pay off the
  card I just walk around the corner to the branch and sign the cash over, (though I could do it by phone if needed as well).


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Dentin wrote:My understanding is that the US has the strictest rules and checks, canada and britain are next, and after that it's basically a crapshoot as to whether the banks check anything.  It's up to the individual banks at that point, and a lot of them overseas always fail the zip and cvc checks because they don't support it.  The global credit card system is a pretty ugly mess, even though it mostly works correctly.Well, I don't care if it just works, which it always do for me. Here, the local bank is responsible if the payment goes wrong, like if my account or credit card gets hacked. In other words, if I loose more money than I pay, then my bank is responsible for the money. They can always follow the online payment and I can do the same when I log into my bank, so I can always check if the transfer is correct. So, for me, the security doesn't matter at all as soon a
 s things just works. 


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

My understanding is that the US has the strictest rules and checks, canada and britain are next, and after that it's basically a crapshoot as to whether the banks check anything.  It's up to the individual banks at that point, and a lot of them overseas always fail the zip and cvc checks because they don't support it.  The global credit card system is a pretty ugly mess, even though it mostly works correctly.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I'm also a little confused  at that one  Dentin, sinse I pay with my card frequently as well, and it's regularly address checked, indeed I recently was paying for something over the phone and the card payment failed due to the person having heard the name of my road incorrectly.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.I was forced to enter something in the states field then I added my card.Dentin I'm not sure on what you mean by saying that most countries outside the US don't have a credit card checking system. I pay using my credit card from websites very often.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I brought the game and it is neat! However I find that you must have an active internet connection to be very anoying! Since this game has no interaction with other players I don't see why it needs to keep interacting with the server. I could see once at the start of the game maybe but I instaled this game on my laptop and some arieas of my house the internet drops out from time to time. Which means I can't play the game where I want to. Also it can not be played on road trips on a plane etc. I like the idea of buying the games in 1 place and having access to them. However I think it should either just actavate the game and that's the end of it unless you reinstal, or maybe it would only have to check into the server once.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

The thing that surprised me was that other than the US and canada, other countries really don't have a credit card checking system at all.  It's apparently one of the things that really holds back credit card adoption in mainland europe.  I've had a handful of cards from there go through just fine with obviously bad address data.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Ah, good to know, when I recently used a similar system on Kickstarter it had to have the field filled in. Theoretically Uk addresses should mention county but it's a practice I've seen fall off more and more over time, mostly I think because automated checks go by postcode, plus of course where I am the county and city are literally the same anyway.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

The 'state' field is labelled "State/County/Province", and short of setting up some funky _javascript_ to modify the page and probably break your screen reader, there's no real way to make it appear or not appear based on the country setting.  I believe it's used to verify US addresses, but for overseas cards there's a lot less checking and it can be ignored.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I agree with Slj about the "state" field, that really does only apply to Us addresses I believe and it's a little weerd to have to make something up to go in hat box like repeating the county name or writing in "great Britain"I'll be buying the game on friday when i get back to my flat sinse I'm staying at my parents' until then.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello,I'll have to give this a shot, but also, as someone who's played mainstream games and who follows the trends, I must say Guide Dog games does not look catchy at all. I for one know that none of my sighted friends will take this seriously, and if you want this client to eventually support sighted games as well I definitely think a different name ould be in order.I'm kind of surprised you didn't come here first and ask for our input saying hay, I'm working on this system to support games for both the blind and the sighted, what should I call it, and allow us to help you choose the name, and then vote for the best one. I think that would have gone down a storm and it would have felt like the community took part in creating the system, because we would have helped choose it's name.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hello,I'll have to give this a shot, but also, as someone who's played mainstream games and who follows the trends, I must say Guide Dog games does not look catchy at all. I for one know that none of my sighted friends will take this seriously, and if you want this client to eventually support sighted games as well I definitely think a different name ould be in order.I'm kind of surprised you didn't come here first and ask for our input saying hay, I'm working on this system to support games for both the blind and the sighted, what should I call it, and allow us to help you choose the name, and then vote for the best one. I think that would have gone down a storm and I would have felt like I took part in creating the system, because I would have helped choose it's name.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.I have just played the game, and it's really good in my opinion. There could have been more sounds though. I like all the random things which can happen, and I like the jobs, which seens to be random as well.I like the guidedog system, and the idea behind this is really awesome! So, does that mean that all game developers can sel their games using this service? If that's the idea behind this, then the service should be translated into mostly every language. Lots of people would like to help with this, me included for sure.When adding the shopping card and you choose an other country than the US, the states field shouldn't be a requirement. We have no states here where I live, so I'm sorry to being forced to give wrong information there.  Otherwise I really like how this system works. The only thing I don't like as others has said is that i
 t uses the same account as used for Alter Aeon.Keep up the awesome job guys. I really look forward to the other games which you have in works.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

I really do like fog as well, a cool take on steam, would also work if you wanted to acknowledge the blindness factor, since fog obscures vision, that's a better way to do it than guide dog games, IMHO.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Thanks for the correction.  I was typing too fast as usual.Take care


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Slight correction, its National Federation, "Of!" The Blind."As for the name of said platform, ask video gamers on You Tube for example about the name for a gaming platform, and see what they say. If a game is gonna sell, its gotta have a catchy name!Why BSC Games worked so well, is because for a time, the Blind Software company split their gaming products in to its own devision, and it had a "catchy" logo theme.I would go for the "Fog" platform name myself, its "Steam," for us!I kinda wish this game was on Steam instead, but hey, we can't all have what we want so soon...Chrome OS I'm sure is out of the question. Glad this game exists though, for those who use Windows.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Given that this entire name conversation is taking place on a forum called, I find the entire objection to the name silly.  Marketing targets the market it wants.  Black Entertainment Television, here in the U.S. was not targeted at Latinos or Asians or Caucasians.  GuideDog, while it will eventually include other material, and was picked by Dentin for both connotations of the word, has an obvious connection to the blind community.  Finally, if associating an organization or a company with the blind automatically disqualifies it, then those of you in the U.S. benefitting from the Americans with Disabilities Act should refuse to accept accomodations based on the fact that that law was achieved, partially through the efforts of the American Council for the Blind and the National Federation for the Blind as well as a number of other organizations who represent other disabilities.  I don't expect anyone to give me handouts, but I don't
  look to buy a white cane at a sporting goods store called the Bird's Eye View either.  While my personal views are abundantly clear from the above, one thing I'd like to suggest is that this discussion of whether GuideDog is an appropriate name for a service that currently at least caters to the blind gaming community go to another thread.  It's (at least to me, and admittedly, I'm biased) very subsidiary to a discussion of Yellowbonnet and its merits or faults as a game.  Thanks, and take care,The VGA Executive Staff


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Crashmaster, I do like paypal myself, but as patjkk said, it's not exactly difficult to store your credit card info elsewhere even if your concerned about security. I've had mine stored on my computer for a while but I recently decided for security that was a less good idea so bought a memory stick just! for keeping my credit card info on.If developers aren't keen on using the guide dog system just because of the name, and changing the name isn't a feasable possibility, how about simply going letter code, eg, the gd game client. Bsc never sounded bad to me even if it did stand for "blind software com"


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

@Crashmaster, I do like paypal myself, but as patjkk said, it's not exactly difficult to store your credit card info elsewhere even if your concerned about security. I've had mine stored on my computer for a while but I recently decided for security that was a less good idea so bought a memory stick just! for keeping my credit card info on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Crashmaster - that's on my list of things to add, but it may be a while.  That type of PayPal integration was pretty ugly last time I looked at it.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : patjk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Can't you put that info in a file? I see the use of paypal, but I have all info like that in a file.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hi.well I looked at the game I would really like if the buying of the games could have paypal added as a payment type.It means I don't need a sightling need to read my credit card number.I will play the game and I will eventually buy it but I'd like paypal setup for the guidedog games service.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : patjk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Agree here. The first thing even to sited people when they hear the term guide dog would be oh, a blind gaming platform. I'm with the name such as fog. Gonna give this a try though.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Liam via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

As a developer, I'll weigh in on me, names are important. Thus why I went with L-Works and not a blind-specific thing like Blind works or Blindy soft.  The name of a company or project is important and really is taken seriously. A lot of people I have talked to have trouble taking the guide dog games name seriously as do I.  I would love a system like steam to easily allow me to sell my games along with updates and add-ons, but I can't tell a perspective customer that we're powered by guide dog games and to visit their website to purchase.  When I first saw the yellow bonnet game this morning and saw guide dog games I did a serious double take. I just feel the name is very tacky and non-inclusive. I love Dark's idea of a one or two word name. fog is actually very cool, and is a play off of Steam in some ways.  I hate seeing services and sites using the terms blind or other related terms to describe their names
 .Let me finish up by saying this.  I love the concept. It is way overdue in my opinion. I would just like to see a more generic name before I look in to it at all. Maybe I'm alone in this camp, but it really just bugs me on a very deep level.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Hmmm, interesting, I've not actually heard the phrase used in that way but of course in England "guide dog" just does mean guide dog and the American "seeing eye dog" _expression_ is not used at all. Plus of course sinse I myself have a guide dog, have a mother and grandmother who had guide dogs, and am actually a fan of the Guide dogs organization over here (it's one of the few blind agencies I have a real respect for), I suppose I would naturally only associate the phrase with,  well guide dogs of the canine variety. I do sort of vaguely remember the search engine Lycos used to have a black labrador as their mascot and I believe they made some sort of guide dog reference, though I could be wrong sinse I haven't seen their adds for probably twelve years and indeed I'm not sure if they're even still going. Still, as I said, I don't see the point in quibbling too much over a name.


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Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dentin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Yellowbonnet from Valiant Galaxy Associates

Believe it or not, the phrase 'guide dog' is positively associated with 'finding a path to things' by sighted people, and when I picked the name I intended to use it for sighted games as well.  GuideDog Games isn't blind specific, and I plan to have visual/GUI games on it in the future.


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