Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Er, you can sort your party members by series, so that way you can add them like that if you double tap and hold on a member it will tell you their name if you go down to the bottom, I think you can nav by heading. once you figure out the order for each series, it won't be to hard to switch members. Maybe that's something we could ask the reddit community to do for us, give us the character order for each series when sorted that way.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sightlessgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

is there a way to get the party members to actually read? Whenever I go over them it just says loading / there current level. The immages aren't labeled so I just need to figure out the order however I can't see that working for much longer.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Hmm, I don't keep up on ffrk news so I don't really know what that is, I like being surprised. I know this is odd, but another really good source of info for ffrk, is if you play the squaresoft mud, their is an ffrk channel on their, and their are some really good players on that channel who will give you advice on building teams, and I've even given them a list of what soulbreaks I had available to me and they were able to help me build some pretty nasty teams. Another thing I keep forgetting to mention that will definitely help later on in the game is party favorites. Party favorites are basically partys that you build, and can save so that way you can quickly switch to the desired party with ease, already fully equipped and everything. The favorites button is in the party screen literally right above the back button, on the far left side of your phone, if you click in to it, you can assign favorites, and then you can get to them later by navigating by headings. Sadly theirs only a max of 30 favorites you can assign, if their is more then that you don't get to see it cause after 30 your screen is full I'm thinking. So you may end up having to recycle some, since later magesite battle require you to have both a physical and magical elemental party for each element.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I'll do that. Thanks for the advice. I'm honestly looking forward to wait mode when it drops in a few months.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

If you have any enema lenses I would suggest getting innocent cure for Aeris or song for spera for Una. Song isn’t quite as good because it doesn’t instant cast but for the nightmare dungeons it should be sufficient. But innocent cure not only gives you last stand but it reduces delay of physical characters actions for I believe it’s two or three turns.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Ugh I don't think I have any decent healers, also yes it's a majority of how I play the game.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Erick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Anyone tried Screen recegnition?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay sorry for double post, but I just went and reviewed davids guide on accessibility and I felt like I should make a couple comments. First off, I will say that the fat chocobo screen is not necessary, I will say that I have almost a million greens cause I never use it, sure I miss out on the mythril and potions, but stamina is almost a moot point in ffrk now, I never run out so stamina potions which was all I cared about I don't buy anymore. Also, a note on exiting battles if you die, instead of risking spending your mythril and possibly restarting an unwinnable fight just restart ffrk, press the play button and a dialogue box will come up asking if you wanna continue the battle. Press cancel if you wanna exit the fight. Then it may take you to a dungeon like screen, to exit out of that screen, press on the top right hand corner of your phone, and it will bring up a camp option, look for retreat with voice over, and then a confirmation will come up, just hit retreat and follow the next prompes. THeirs  a new alternative way to get to the retreat portion, but I don't remember what it is off hte top of my head.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Er, the best way to go through soulbreaks, I've found is to find who you wanna check out, and either, go in to their soulbreaks menu, if you double tap and hold on one of the soulbreaks up at the top, it will bring up a window down below you can see the info for your soulbreak in, the other method is to go to your upgrade equipment list, and sort the weapons/armor by series, then double tap and hold on any weapon you want info for and it will bring up a window at the bottom with the info. I believe you can quickly navigate to it with heading nav as well.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Er, the best way to go through soulbreaks, I've found is to find who you wanna check out, and either, go in to their soulbreaks menu, if you double tap and hold on one of the up at the top, it will bring up a window down below you can see the info for your soulbreak in, the other method is to go to your upgrade equipment list, and sort the weapons/armor by series, then double tap and hold on any weapon you want info for and it will bring up a window at the bottom with the info. I believe you can quickly navigate to it with heading nav as well.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Er, the best way to go through soulbreaks, I've found is to find who you wanna check out, and either, go in to hteir soulbreaks menu, ifyou duble tap and hold on the list up at the top, it will bring up a window down below you can see the info fory our soulbreak in, the other method is to go to your upgrade equipment list, and sort the weapons/armor by series, then double tap and hold on any weapon you want info for and it will bring up a window at the bottom with the info. I believe you can quickly navigate to it with heading nav as well.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Right. Looks like I"ll have to go through my soul breaks via that online exporter or w/e.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

The only 2 spells you ever want with your healer, are ultra cure, and curada. Also, make sure you use a healer with a last stand soulbreak, also put maco might, or doctor mogs teachings on said healer, so that way when you start the fight they can use their healing soulbreak right off the bat, you'll want the last stand up constantly last stand not only helps you live through nasty attacks, but it letts you know when your characters are starting to die or getting close to death. Cause it plays a sound when it triggers.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Huh okay I'll have to change things up. What should I use with a healer?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Huh okay I'll have to change things up.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Well, first off, remember that the way auto battle works is it always casts the ability on the left so keep that in mind when you are choosing your abilities this holds true for soulbreaks as well. So all the abilities you want it to cast, put on the left, also set the speed setting to 3. I don't know why but professional or what I would consider professional players have told me that setting your speed to 3 optimises auto battle. Also, I would say that if your using spells like protectga your not using the right setups. First off, you should never ever use protectga ever in a fight like that. The idea is to maximize damage, for nightmare setups you can go a bit crazy too, so for instance, the one for the combat ability crushdown Bring 4 heavy hitters, like tidus, cloud, zidane, barts, people like that. Also if I'm remembering, you can take roaming warriors to the nightmare battles, the only roaming warrior you should ever care about, unless in special situations, is tyro's divine veil grimuar, in fights you can't use him, sentinals tome, unless you have a soulbreak in your party that raises defense and resistance a very large amount. The way to get protect and shell on your party, or the best way you do that in endgame content is to use the new healer single cast glints, or if you really need protect and shell, a soulbreak that gives it to you, you shouldn't be sacrificing your ability slots for protect and shell.I also would like to comment, I've beaten all the nightmare dungeons, and am currently working on all the 5 star magesite fights. So, I can tell you that they are doable.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Well, first off, remember that the way auto battle works is it always casts the ability on the left so keep that in mind when you are choosing your abilities this holds true for soulbreaks as well. So all the abilities you want it to cast, put on the left, also set the speed setting to 3. I don't know why but professional or what I would consider professional players have told me that setting your speed to 3 optimises auto battle. Also, I would say that if your using spells like protectga your not using the right setups. First off, you should never ever use protectga ever in a fight like that. The idea is to maximize damage, for nightmare setups you can go a bit crazy too, so for instance, the one for the combat ability crushdown Bring 4 heavy hitters, like tidus, cloud, zidane, barts, people like that. Also if I'm remembering, you can take roaming warriors to the nightmare battles, the only roaming warrior you should ever care about, unless in special situations, is tyro's divine veil grimuar, in fights you can't use him, sentinals tome, unless you have a soulbreak in your party that raises defense and resistance a very large amount. The way to get protect and shell on your party, or the best way you do that in endgame content is to use the new healer single cast glints, or if you really need protect and shell, a soulbreak that gives it to you, you shouldn't be sacrificing your ability slots for protect and shell.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Yeah it could just be that I don't have the right team. Auto battles do stupid things like cast protectga repeatedly instead of heal, and when I do it manually I'm just going far too slowly.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay so er, theirs a button at the very top of your screen, I don't remember if its in the center or towards the right hand side but if you press it it, it will change the layout completely, if you then press in the center of your screen you can confirm that it worked cause you will hear a sound like a door closing. if the music doesn't change, turn voice over on and see if it has a data download dialogue box if it does, press okay, then the music should change to final fantasy 1 music. From then on out when you click in to the realm dungeons screen you can navigate by realm by flicking to the left and right with voice over turned off of course. And when you do your flicking motion do it in the same spot roughly as the door would be. It will make a sound to let you know you flicked, then you press in the middle, and it will put you in that realm, from their you can turn voice over on and navigate the dungeons list like you would in an event. From final fantasy 1, if you flick from right to left, it will move up in numbers, if you flick from left to right, it will cycle backwards. One final thing, when your in the dungeons selection screen where you can see the list of dungeons with voice over on if you shut voice over off, and press in the top right hand corner of your screen roughly where config would be on the main screen, it will switch between classic and elite dungeons. Elite dungeons are just harder versions of the classic ones.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay so er, theirs a button at the very top of your screen, I don't remember if its in the center or towards the right hand side but if you press it it, it will change the layout completely, if you then press in the center of your screen you can confirm that it worked cause you will hear a sound like a door closing. Then the music should change to final fantasy 1 music. From then on out when you click in to the realm dungeons screen you can navigate by realm by flicking to the left and right with voice over turned off of course. And when you do your flicking motion do it in the same spot roughly as the door would be. It will make a sound to let you know you flicked, then you press in the middle, and it will put you in that realm, from their you can turn voice over on and navigate the dungeons list like you would in an event. From final fantasy 1, if you flick from right to left, it will move up in numbers, if you flick from left to right, it will cycle backwards. One final thing, when your in the dungeons selection screen where you can see the list of dungeons with voice over on if you shut voice over off, and press in the top right hand corner of your screen roughly where config would be on the main screen, it will switch between classic and elite dungeons. Elite dungeons are just harder versions of the classic ones.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sightlessgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

@buu If I may ask, how do you get the realm dungeons to read easier? I've just kind of been tapping and praying... although I'm probably going to feel like an idiot after someone says how.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I can definitely help you out with nightmare dungeons. what is it your having problems with? What about them makes it too fast for you, honestly if you have access to awakenings, nightmare fights should be a piece of cake for you.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I've honestly gotten as far as nightmare dungeons before stopping. I'm too slow in manual battling and auto battling isn't getting the job done. Hopefully people have better luck with this though.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay I am gonna post this here, I was the original poster of the ffrk topic, I've been playing the game since the level cap was 50 however long ago that was. I atempted to make a guide for playing the game, I still play ffrk, and I still play the game with 100 percent no sight needed however, if you have a sighted friend around, sometimes it can help if your stuck. So I'll atempt to explain in as great of detail as I can how to navigate every screen, I'm not really gonna do more then that as it seems a lot of other people have already explained things as well. First off, I will say that the tutorial portion of the game has changed drastically, if we could get someone who hasn't played the game to explain the new tutorial and if they were able to complete it and how, that would be awsome.So, I'm gonna start off with the main screen, which is the screen when you first start the game, if your a returning player it will just have the play button and manage account and something else, don't remember the order but you can swipe through the screen using voice over.When you press play you will be taken to either the login collection if you haven't collected rewards, the main screen with announcements at the bottom, or just the main screen. To collect your login rewards, you need to find the okay button, you can either swipe through the now long list of items, cause ffrk updated so now it gives you a preview of what you get when you log in each day. So what I do to get past that, is theirs usually a system error thing that popps up below the login bonus. if you navigate by headings it puts you one flick to the right of the okay button, so just flick left once and hit okay. For the announcements screen, theirs a heading that you can navigate to that says, announcements, if you flick right from that you can see the different categories. if you click on a category, you can then navigate to the title of each announcement by headings. you can usually get the announcement to pop up so you can read it by pressing on the image portion if you flick right from the heading of the announcement you can find it. To exit the announcements screen you simply need to flick down to the close button. I usually switch the category to misc, because their are very few announcements in misc and you usually don't have to flick right a bunch of times to find the close button. Next, is the main ffrk screen, this screen can't be navigated using voice over, so you will need to shut voice over off to navigate this screen but fear not, as the screen layout is pretty straight forward and simple, I'm gonna try and explain in as great of detail where you press on the screen to get certain menus or options to ppop up. First off when you start off, or when I start off, I always take my finger and slide it from left to right, this moves the screen to the first set of options on the screen so it's always a good starting point. So, if we start at the verry bottom of the screen, we're talking on the new iphones it would be close to where you pull up the home button. From left to right, we have, I'm pretty sure a world button or some form of , that from any menu will take you back to the home screen, I'm not completely sure on this one cause it's right next to another very important button, the back button which does what it says and takes you back a screen. Then to the right of the back/world buttons, is the party button, which will open up your party screen, allowing you to change parties, formations, whatnot. Pretty much anything to deal with your party which we will get in to at a later time. The next button you will find to the right of party, is yoru equipment and upgrades button, which takes you to the screen that deals with upgrading your equipment, combining it, buying abilities the whole 9 yards, more will be explained on that screen later. The final button to the right of equipment and upgrades, is your relic draws screen, which you will be visiting a lot to get new equipment, relic draws are basically the only way to obtain the most powerful gear in the game. If we go up a little bit from the bottom of the screen, starting on the far left, you will have the realm dungeons screen, this is where most new ffrk players should go to not only finish parts of the tutorial and missions, but to accumulate a literal crap ton of mythril for doing relic draws with. I'll go in to more detail on this screen later as well, as their is something you can do to make it read easier then it does on initially entering the screen. And make it much easier for you to select realms. I'm pretty sure,, but to the right of realms should be events, the realm portion takes up the first half of the screen just above the back and party buttons, the events takes up the right portion above equipment and relics. The events screen is where you will do most of the bi-weekly and monthly and seasonal and all that events. I

Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : buu420 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay I am gonna post this here, I was the original poster of the ffrk topic, I've been playing the game since the level cap was 50 however long ago that was. I atempted to make a guide for playing the game, I still play ffrk, and I still play the game with 100 percent no sight needed however, if you have a sighted friend around, sometimes it can help if your stuck. So I'll atempt to explain in as great of detail as I can how to navigate every screen, I'm not really gonna do more then that as it seems a lot of other people have already explained things as well. First off, I will say that the tutorial portion of the game has changed drastically, if we could get someone who hasn't played the game to explain the new tutorial and if they were able to complete it and how, that would be awsome.So, I'm gonna start off with the main screen, which is the screen when you first start the game, if your a returning player it will just have the play button and manage account and something else, don't remember the order but you can swipe through the screen using voice over.When you press play you will be taken to either the login collection if you haven't collected rewards, the main screen with announcements at the bottom, or just the main screen. To collect your login rewards, you need to find the okay button, you can either swipe through the now long list of items, cause ffrk updated so now it gives you a preview of what you get when you log in each day. So what I do to get past that, is theirs usually a system error thing that popps up below the login bonus. if you navigate by headings it puts you one flick to the right of the okay button, so just flick left once and hit okay. For the announcements screen, theirs a heading that you can navigate to that says, announcements, if you flick right from that you can see the different categories. if you click on a category, you can then navigate to the title of each announcement by headings. you can usually get the announcement to pop up so you can read it by pressing on the image portion if you flick right from the heading of the announcement you can find it. To exit the announcements screen you simply need to flick down to the close button. I usually switch the category to misc, because their are very few announcements in misc and you usually don't have to flick right a bunch of times to find the close button. Next, is the main ffrk screen, this screen can only be navigated using voice over, so you will need to shut voice over off to navigate this screen but fear not, as the screen layout is pretty straight forward and simple, I'm gonna try and explain in as great of detail where you press on the screen to get certain menus or options to ppop up. First off when you start off, or when I start off, I always take my finger and slide it from left to right, this moves the screen to the first set of options on the screen so it's always a good starting point. So, if we start at the verry bottom of the screen, we're talking on the new iphones it would be close to where you pull up the home button. From left to right, we have, I'm pretty sure a world button or some form of , that from any menu will take you back to the home screen, I'm not completely sure on this one cause it's right next to another very important button, the back button which does what it says and takes you back a screen. Then to the right of the back/world buttons, is the party button, which will open up your party screen, allowing you to change parties, formations, whatnot. Pretty much anything to deal with your party which we will get in to at a later time. The next button you will find to the right of party, is yoru equipment and upgrades button, which takes you to the screen that deals with upgrading your equipment, combining it, buying abilities the whole 9 yards, more will be explained on that screen later. The final button to the right of equipment and upgrades, is your relic draws screen, which you will be visiting a lot to get new equipment, relic draws are basically the only way to obtain the most powerful gear in the game. If we go up a little bit from the bottom of the screen, starting on the far left, you will have the realm dungeons screen, this is where most new ffrk players should go to not only finish parts of the tutorial and missions, but to accumulate a literal crap ton of mythril for doing relic draws with. I'll go in to more detail on this screen later as well, as their is something you can do to make it read easier then it does on initially entering the screen. And make it much easier for you to select realms. I'm pretty sure,, but to the right of realms should be events, the realm portion takes up the first half of the screen just above the back and party buttons, the events takes up the right portion above equipment and relics. The events screen is where you will do most of the bi-weekly and monthly and seasonal and all that events. I

Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

So I've reached nightmare dungeons, but I'm starting to realize I'm far too slow on selecting moves especially soul breaks when someone has multiple. For whatever reason it makes me choose soul break, then the soul break, then I have to turn off screen recognition, turn it back on again, then find the dialog that says close or select. Does anyone have any advice for this? I don't want to auto battle because I think it takes away from the game as a whole. I also don't want to just stop playing, either.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Yeah I'm wondering if there's a centralized place that the missions are shown so I don't have to do this with every book. The only one I've found so far is out of date. I've asked on reddit, though. At least worth a shot.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I've found the book of Trials, that's the book you need. But I can't open it with screen recognition on. Turning it off means I always lose my place.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

It would be helpful if there were. I'm struggling to find the correct book in the missions tab of the game.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

how do I go through the tutorial? I can't figure out what to do. I see a inventory tab.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

is there like a central document of sorts detailing how to do things like get into the things besides the dungeon with the random stories?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Everything seems to read better generally. I'm needing to turn VO off less and less, and battle actually reads although I can't see how much of it because I feel kind of rushed to do things. My only serious problem is it isn't consistent. Sometimes it displays buttons and sometimes it clumps everything together with no buttons showing up.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Everything seems to read better generally. I'm needing to turn VO off less and less, and battle actually reads although I can't see how much of it because I feel kind of rushed to do things. My only serious problem is it isn't consistant. Sometimes it desperates buttons and sometimes it clumps everything together.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

There's improvement, but entering dungeons at times and choosing sections can be problimatic at best.Overall yeah it's improved a ton.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I couldn't yet try because my phone doesn't support screen recognition. Mind telling what has actually improved with the game?Greetings Moritz.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2020-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Apologies for bringing this back, but am I the only one who's noticed improvement when using screen recognition on this game?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Continue is closer to the top of the screen, also in the middle. Once you tap it the game will ask you to confirm. If you did it right the battle music will start back up and you'll hear a healing sound. Then tap where the continue button was again and you'll hear a chime and get your bonuses. Then tap one more time near the bottom of the screen to start the battle.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

how do I revive with jems or mithril?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

The game over screen is still part of the battle screen, so you still can't use VO. You need to tap near the bottom of the screen, then tap the right edge near the middle. Then wait a bit and the battle results screen will appear.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Hi all, i’ve played this game but i’m confused. What should I do to get out from the death screen? The menus isn’t read by VO at that screen


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

You can get details on how to do the missions in the books of trials by opening each individual book. After that you can check each available mission. They're mostly things like levelling certain characters, creating or honing certain abilities, etc. You can also find all the missions at the community database if you don't want to mess around trying to find them in game. It's important to complete them though as higher end content is unlocked based on which books you've finishgh.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Hi:This is cool. I tried playing FFRK a couple of times, but got frustrated in the tutorial section. What I find really annoying is that this game only requires a little work to make it accessible with VoiceOver, unlike a lot of other games where VoiceOver is completely useless. So close, but yet not really accessible. Keepup the good work though; it's positive work like this that makes things happen. Rather than complain about the lack of accessibility, you're actually doingsomething toraise the issue in the FFRK community. Again, good work.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Merin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Can anyone tell me how to start the books of trials?  I got through mako number five and I think ahve unlocked ff4, but I'm not sure what to do.  do I draw rellics or go to my item chest or.I thought the trials would help there but I can't find them and I'm not sure if I should grind the dungeons over and over and over.  Help pointing me on the path?  .


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Yep, I didn't heal until curaga or so. lol. And yeah, I felt like that a bit at first too, but once you start figuring out where things are it gets awesome.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

This might actually be an oddity with the game for once and not an accessibility issue, haha. Normally you have to create abilities to be able to equip them. I can't remember if new players start with any by default. It's possible that the core characters come with some abilities that aren't actually in your inventory, so if you unequip them they disappear.The good news is, cure is pretty much useless. By the time you need a healing ability you'll be able to make much more powerful ones. I didn't even start using healing until I beat the nightmare dungeons, and that's somewhat high level content.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Merin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

So one thing.  I accidently unequipt cure from my white mage.  Now I can't find cure at all.  I follow the instructions above.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Merin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

So after letting it sit for a couple of days, I haven't memorized the spots and thus it feels like poke and pray.  Thanks for the encouragement.  I'll check out the guide and follow along with it.  I'll probably have a couple more rants and questions along the way.  Lol.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Yeah. I think the part you're having trouble with is you really, really need to memorize where things are on the screen for this game, which is basically different to most games we've played on IOS. It's totally and completely worth it though if you have the patience to learn.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Stop thinking of it as poke and pray, and start memorizing locations on the screen. I don't poke and pray, ever. I can log into the game and have a dungeon started within 30 seconds unless I need to do party management. That's why I've been trying to describe locations on the screen instead of just saying, poke around until you hear a noise, then turn VO back on and see what happened. If I were doing that, I would never have lasted a year playing this game and certainly would never have beaten 3 of the 3 star magicite bosses, some of the most difficult content in the game according to other players.I have started work on the guide. It may need some polishing after I post it, we'll see what you all think. But if blind players never start really trying to conquer this game, it for sure will never have any accessibility improvements. And that would be a huge shame.Here is a mini guide on how to equip abilities, materia and soul breaks.Go to the character management screen by tapping one of the cached images after a character name and HP on the main party screen. Then go to the abilities tab, the second tab in the order.Find the ability names and flick left of the first one. You should see a cached image, double tap it. If you have no abilities equipped, I recommend using optomize as detailed above.You should now be on the ability management screen. You can flick through your list of abilities and select one. Then navigate to the last heading VO can detect and you will see your 2 equipped abilities. Select the one you want to exchange.Soul breaks work the same way. You can reorder the breaks from left to right for convenience and this is how they display in battle. You can also remove all but 1 break for faster use without having to deal with the extra menu in battle.Legend materia are the same, with exception that you can't see the names until you get into the management screen. Legend materia are the first images, then record.This is how I build my battle strategies, combined with character organization and equipping damage boosting relics. It does work. But expect it to be just that, work for a while, then fun. It takes patience and time to learn. The good news is you don't have to spend hours and hours playing. I only spend about 5 minutes a day playing and have for most of the time I've been with this game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Merin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

So I managed to get past that part and get into mako reactor number five.I still have no idea what I'm doing; i feel as if I'm just turning voiceover off, tapping and praying.  While I understand and commend you all for learning the game, I don't, personally, see where the fun is.Exploring dungeons is poke and pray, battle is poke and pray, home screen is poke and pray, and I can't seem to even assign abilities to my characters.  I want to like this game, but as of now, there's not enough accessible material to keep me interested.I guess I'm posting this for encouragement?  I'm not sure.  I played a bit this morning, won a battle and didn't get that "yay I did it," feeling.  It was more of a "I'm not sure how I won but good on me, I guess?"I may pick this back up again, maybe not.  Ugg!  .


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

If the game is still popping up pieces of text telling you where to go, you're still in the tutorial. If you're done with the tutorial, you should end up unlocking Final Fantasy IV dungeons. I can't remember exactly if VI or IV is first, but pretty sure it's IV.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Merin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

How can I tell when I'm out of the tutorial?  I did the first one and I think I can use the home screen from what little I can tell.  I'll have another look around later this afternoon.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I think I know what's up. If you're seeing your keeper, then the other people on your team, you're still on the main party screen. What you need to do is tap one of the cached images after the character you want to manage. So if you see  Cloud, hp 406, then a bunch of cached images, activate one of those.If what you're seeing is instead cloud, level 5, and then 2 more cached images and another character, you're actually on the party management screen where you can add or remove characters.Having said all of that, if you're still in the tutorial, I don't think it'll let you configure anything. The tutorial is kind of a bunch of tapping around randomly until you can get to the home screen, then the real gameplay begins.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Merin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

So I do have a couple of things:first, i'd love to be able to play this game as compitantly as you can, as I've always loved FF as well, so thanks for advocating for this.So here's where I'm at:I was jost told to go into mako reactor number five, and I want to configure my party.  I think I find the party screen, but your way of changing/editing abilities and equipment seemsinteresting and not what I'm seeing.I can see the cash immages, merin level 2 and my hp, then the tabs, then the other people.  i'm not sure how to add a ilities, armor, etcetera, and i can't seem to figure it out.I feel like I've read your post a million times lol.  advice?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

So I realize at this point I'm just keeping the thread alive in hopes that some players will come back. If any mod would prefer I stop, I will do so and just work on the guide.However, I wanted to announce a very helpful accessibility improvement that the community has helped put together.In FFRK, there is a dungeon type called record dungeons. These have you using a preset party of characters and playing through a modified version of the stories of the FF games. This means a form of map exploration. I was able to complete them by literally scrolling and tapping around randomly, but it takes a long time to do.I asked on the FF Record Keeper subreddit if any community members would be willing to help put together guides to help blind players solve these dungeons. The reaction was awesome. We now have a blind guides section on the FF Record Keeper subrdit wiki.This is a work in progress, but it already has many entries from the latest chapter. I'm sure that when someone has some free time, they will be doing guides for the earlier record dungeons as well.Here's a direct link to the wiki page: … ind_guides


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Since I've been writing up tutorials on this thread, it will make putting together a guide for the articles room much easier. I can compile the mini-guides I've written here into a centralized new player guide, and will be doing so as soon as I can.In that vane, if anyone else wants a guide written for something, let me know and I'll both write it up here and put it in the guide. There's no hard deadline on this; I don't know when I'll be able to work on the guide and of course it will be freely editable. I just want it to be as comprehensive as possible.I noticed that Dreamlands took some players for a while, but hopefully you guys will come back to a game that has literal months of playable content and new develoments weekly. 


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

The FF Record Keeper Subreddit community is so awesome. Where the devs have failed to listen to any accessibility suggestions thus far, this community has really stepped up and helped.Here is the latest example of how. I asked for some help memorizing the layout of the pause menu during battle because it's where the flee, restart and battle speed adjustment buttons are and the menu does not speak with VO. Within a few minutes someone posted an excellent description. I'll link to the post: … nu_layout/


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

That's good to know. It would be cool if someone could test out the playability of the game on android. I expect it to be as, if not more difficult as on iOS, but would be great if it worked for those without an iOS device.I thought I would write up a couple more guides this morning. Here are guides on how to use exchanges as well as some basic inventory management.One feature that will be necessary to use in this game is the chocobo exchange. This can be accessed in 2 ways:1. Find the anex button, which is just below the menu button in the upper right of the home screen. Then, once you've activated the anex, tap near the left edge of the screen. Be careful not to tap too far left or you will open the item chest. If you've done it properly, the music will change to a chiptune after a brief loading time.2. On the home screen, swipe briefly left and then tap near the bottom middle of the screen where the dungeons are. This should get you into the power up dungeons. Select a dungeon from the list of cached images and the music will change to a chocobo theeme. Now you can tap in the upper right hand corner to access the exchange.Note: I can't remember if power up dungeons must be unlocked or not. I know the higher level ones are locked but lower ones may be accessible at all times.Once in the exchange, you'll see a list of items, usually major orbs and 3 star motes first. If you navigate by heading to the bottom of this list, you can find the different categories of items that can be traded for. The ones I purchase most often are the 2 sets of stamina potions and the mythril on the special screen.This is where things get tricky. In order to set the quantity of item you want to exchange, you need to tap a plus icon. This icon is on the far right edge of the screen, and there is an icon for each set of items. You must have VO toggled off to find these icons. You can check the quantity of items you're going to exchange by turning VO back on and reading the details under the heading you are trying to select. You'll see something like this:Stamina potion:Cost, 100Limit: 2After this will be a read only edit field. If it says 0, you have selected the plus icon for the wrong set of items. You can either try to find the minus icons, which are slightly to the left of the pluses, or select clear all at the bottom and start over.Be aware that this can be a lengthy and annoying process to get the hang of. Especially in long lists of items like the accessories on the other tab, it's easy to try to exchange for the wrong items. Navigating to an item with VO and then swiping either up or down with 3 fingers can fix some of the scrolling issues. However, sometimes there's nothing to do but turn off VO, swipe up or down slightly with one finger to scroll and guess where the item you want is. I've purchased all available accessories as well as most of the stamina shards and I regularly use the exchange. It is possible, it just takes some work.As for inventory management, what I mean is figuring out how to upgrade your characters, relics and abilities. Much of this works with VO, but here is a guide that explains some of the odd bits.When spending growth eggs, most of the time you can just press the use all button. However, if you want finer control, plus and minus icons exist for each type of egg. The use all button can be read with VoiceOver, but with VO off it is on the far right edge of the screen for each type of egg. The plus icons are slightly to the left, with minus on the left edge of the screen.This setup works for similar interfaces, such as spending metals to upgrade relics, consuming crystal water or exchanging orbs.When upgrading relics, it is possible to use relics you don't want as upgrade material. To do this, select the upgrade relics tab. Then select the relic you want to upgrade. The easiest way to do this is to press the toggle display button. Then the name of the relic will show before it's level. You can also sort relics for convenience by activating the button just after toggle display, which will say something like ATK, desc. This means your relics are sorted by attack, with highest value first.Once you've chosen your relic, navigate past the materials to the heading that shows the relic name. Flick left from here and you'll see 2 tabs; materials and equipment. Select equipment, then flick left a couple more times and tap toggle display, so you can see the names of the relics you're going to use as material.Note that this screen has scrolling issues. Firstly, I've never figured out why I can't get rid of the spear. But most notably, I don't recommend trying to select more than 10 relics. I also recommend double tapping on the relic's level instead of it's name or cached image. For some reason it is very easy for VO to accidentally hit the clear button, which causes you to have to start your selections over. You can always see how many relics you have

Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Well I got past the tutorial a couple years ago on my android then it wanted me to equip stuff which I couldn't do. So today I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I wouldn't call it completely unplayable like king of dragon pass is for android.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

As far as I know, the game is completely unplayable on Android. However, I have no android device myself and do not know which screen readers it has been tested with.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

How applicable is this data to the android bersion?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Since there's a really good relic draw going on right now and some of you are getting close to needing new relics, here's a guide to getting new equipment.First, from the home screen, press either the lower right hand corner of the screen for the relics tab, or the banner at the very top edge in the middle. Both will take you to the relic draws screen.From here, you'll see a lot of cached images and dates. This screen is arranged with the most recent relic draw first, and the stable relic draws that don't close closest to the relic draw heading you can see with VoiceOver. 1 flick back from the heading is the daily free draw. Most of the time you only get a 1 or 3 star relic from this, so I don't bother. You have something like a .01 percent chance of drawing a good relic, that is 5 star or above.1 flick left from the common, or free, relic draw is the full throttle relic draw if you haven't purchased it. This is a 1 time draw that you pay for with gems, aka real money, and get to pick a set of bonus relics after the draw.To the left of that are the realm draws. This lets you draw relics from all 17 common realms, that is, FFI to FFXV, Ff Tactics, and FF Type Zero. When you activate the image you'll be in a set of 17 cached images. You'll know which realm you're in because the music will change to a track from that game.The draws to the left of that are usually the limited time ones. You need to activate the cached image before the dates, and again the music will change to a track from whatever game is being hosted.Currently there's another type of realm draw going on. It's a countdown to the anniversary, with another realm being released every 24 hours. You get to draw 3 relics with at least 1 5 star or higher guaranteed. These are the relics that unlock powerful soul breaks that you will need to defeat high level content.Most relic draws cost 50 mythril for 11 draws. This is the best deal since you're guaranteed at least one 5 star, sometimes a 6 star or higher. The normal realm draws let you pay 15 mythril for 11 draws the first time. Some relics are gems ony, and some are half off, that is, 25 mythril.Once you're on the relic screen you want, you need to turm off VO. Usually if there's a deal of some kind, the draw button you want is either on the middle right edge of the screen, or near the bottom right hand corner. Once you select a button you can turn VO back on and check what happened. If it worked right, you will see a heading that asks you to confirm whether you want to perform this draw. If not, you're probably in the relics list, the help section or the mechanics section. For most things you can hit the back button in the lower left corner and try again. If you end up in the rarity help, you can either flick to the close button, or turn off VO and tap near the bottom middle of the screen.You can skip any part of the animation as desired by tapping anywhere on the screen. This will skip to the next relic. You can tell if you've gotten a good relic because there will be a sort of victory music, and a slightly longer one for a 6 star relic.Once the draw finishes, you'll be on a screen that tells you what you drew. The game picks one relic to display  the soul break from. Anything that looks like  a long string of numbers you can activate with VO and a pop-up will appear with detailed info on that relic. The cached images are for 4 star or lower relics, which usually end up being upgrade material for more powerful relics.Hope this helps you guys get some better gear. And keep in mind, you'll want to use characters that you draw relics for, even over prefered or favorite characters. Enjoy.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Thanks for all this info! Being a huge Final Fantasy fan, I have to give this a shot.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

The easy way to fill up your party with 5 members is to use the optomize button. For reference, this is in the upper right hand corner of the main party screen with VO off. A good thing to do is to use the remove all button before you optomize, so you always use your best relics.The other way you can add party members is by selecting the character you want and trying to find an empty slot with VO off.Sadly, double tap and hold doesn't work with these images. You have to turn off and then hold your finger over a character for about a second. It's the only way aside from looking things up on the wiki to get detailed information about characters, relics, abilities, soul breaks, materia and magicite.I'm happy to help. This is a great game and I'm glad to see new players trying it out. Feel free to ask anything. In fact, you're helping me if I decide to write an article for new players. I can go back and compile information from these guides.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay so I found the party screen and how to exchange, but two questions. Firstly I thought I could have up to five in my party? How do I add someone without removing anyone at all? Secondly by long press do you mean double tap and hold on the cash image to see what character I have selected to see their info on the headings or w/e? Also seriously thanks for being so patient here. Starting to get the hang of this slowly lolz.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I posted a guide a while back for changing characters, but I think I missed a couple things so here's a refresher.On the party screen you have 2 sections. The first shows your characters by name, their HP and then some cached images showing there equipment and other things. Activating any of these images takes you to the individual character management screen.On that screen you have images representing your party, in order. Activating these takes you to each character in your party. You can see name, role and stats. After the stats, which only show on the equipment page, are tabs to change pages. In order, they are equipment, abilities, soul breaks and materia. You don't need to worry about materia until you get a character past level 50 or unlock a legend materia.Everything except equipment can be changed by tapping the cached images before names. So if you want to change abilities and you were on your white mage character, you'd find the set of two cached images between the tabs and say, the cure ability and tap one of them. For equipment, see my guide on the last page.To change party members, go to the heading that says party members on the main party screen. Tap any of the cached images there to bring up your available characters list. The images are in the same order as the party members are listed above, and the one you select will be highlighted to exchange.Things get a little more complicated here. I have to admit this can be one of the more annoying parts of the game. The characters are not labeled with names on this screen. So as you go through your list, you'll see 2 cached images and the character level. The good news is that the characters are all arranged in a single column, except for your current party which is in a tiny column on the left. This means that you can get a rough idea of character order by long pressing on each character. You can then see the pop-up heading with their name and other info.Once you're on this screen, you can exchange members freely by tapping on one in the available list, then tapping one in the party members section in the second heading. Again, the characters aren't labeled so you have to remember party order. The good news is that order doesn't usually matter. Occasionally enemies will target character slots, but not often.Once you unlock favorites, which I believe is done by completing book of trials IV, you can assemble teams and save them. I recommend starting this as soon as possible, as it makes changing and modifying parties much easier, even though the initial process is time consuming. You can also sort characters in many ways. By default it's sorted by the last characters you gained. I prefer to sort by series, but it's also the hardest for blind players to adapt to. The sort button is right after the available characters heading, and then the options appear in a heading that you can navigate to.I hope this helps and that I remembered everything. It's been a while since I've done free party modification so let me know if any problems crop up.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Okay so according to this I should have Kain after beating this dungeon. Am I missing how to use the party screen and see who I've unlocked as a hero?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Don't feel bad. I think I was weeks into play before I figured that out. It really helps in knowing what you get after dungeon clears and what all the completion sounds are. Just for kicks, here's the order of rewards:The first sound is all of your metals being counted, up to 10. Usually getting 8 to 10 metals means you've mastered the dungeon.After you press on the screen, your exp is tallied up. Level up sound is the little rising ding during this process.After that it depends on your circumstances. If you're trying to master a soul break or legend materia, the experience for that is distributed. Then with another press comes magicite exp, when you have at least one equipped.Finally are the rewards listed in the rewards tab. You'll hear a couple of blip sounds, followed by a kind of shining sound if you mastered the dungeon, or just a kind of crash sound if you didn't. One thing of note is that if you recruit a new hero, there is a sort of unlocking shining sound before your metals are counted.Glad you guys are making some progress.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Oh uh those are tabs? I thought those just said rewards and bosses with no info like I couldn't see them. Man, do I feel stupid.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

thanks david I have completed this dungeon


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

One last thing Mojsior, if a battle is actually locked you'll hear a buzz sound and no pop-up will appear.Death, are you reading the rewards and boss tabs before you enter dungeons? Most of the heroes you get early on will be from realm dungeons. Some heroes, especially newly introduced to the game, are from events and can also be recruited from the hall of rites.Abilities have to be created using orbs. You also earn a few and are instructed to make a few for missions in the book of trials.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I'll probably keep with this, although I wonder if I'm just doing things wrong? I mean I see no new heros, no new abilities, and have no idea what's going on with items at all.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

That's one thing I forgot to mention. You can bring up the details of the boss battle again in the dungeon. This button is all the way to the left edge above the middle of the screen. If you're getting this, you're touching too far to the left to get to the last battle. The battle icons make a different selection sound than the other icons on the screen.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Hi.I have found a strange think, I am in the first dungeon in the second story, and I have a boss battle, but I dont know why I can not enter this, I see only close button but I dont see a button called enter a battle or somethink.I have completed two nattles and I still have boss battle locked.This story is called reacor no 5


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

All of that information is accessible. If you don't want to read it in the game using the long press strategy, you can read it on the FFRK wiki. As long as you have the triple click shortcut enabl, turning VO off and on is a lot easier. I have no sight at all and have only asked for sighted help with 2 things, neither of which you will encounter for some time and both of which I could help with.I'm sorry you're not having fun with the game. What encouraged me to learn to play in the beginning was the promise of a game I'd never been able to play before. This game has met that qualification and more. I'm working to try to get in touch with someone to improve accessibility, but I don't know if it will happen.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I'm going to be honest, I've got a character to level 15, but even so I'm not having any fun with this. I would if I could see all of the text, but the fact I need to turn on and off voiceover so often is incredibly frustrating for me. I can't properly change equipment. I don't know about my party at all. I know nothing about abilities. Even after all of this I want to play lolz. It's just frustrating to be so close to a game I can play and then not reach it.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Ok, about things being in japanese, I was wondering about that or if VO was just detecting it oddly. I actually have mine set up to speak Japanese characters, but I can describe the order if it will help. It's the only screen that displays things that way.Under hero, you have:Growth eggMemory crystal.Wardrobe recordRecord spheresCrystal waterEquipment:UpgradecombinereforgeAbilities:CreateHoneShatterOrb ExchangeMagicite:UpgradeBreak level capInheritance


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Look on the first page, there's a description of the battle screen there.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mojsior via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Hi.Can you describe  a layout of battle screen.I am ramdomly tapping a screen so I want to know what is in it.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Oh uh everything after the headings appears to be in japanese. Is that... not supposed to be the case?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Oh, I think I see the problem. The headings aren't actually activatable. They just list the categories you have on that screen. So when it says hero heading, all of the things to do with characters are under that category. So if you actually want to see just your inventory of equipment, you can either tap the upper right hand corner or go to something like the upgrade equipment icon under the equipment heading.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Still struggling with that whole inventory/abilities/whatever else screen. I go to the heading, three finger swipe, go to the heading again and then double tap. Nothing happens.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Yep, that's one of the odd ones. So what I do is navigate to what I want to activate and then swipe up with 3 fingers using VO. Then you can navigate back to it and double tap. Usually, everything from growth eggs to reforge equipment works, and you only need to do this for abilities and below.You can also activate your actual inventory for selling items, as well as the vault, by tapping near the upper right hand corner of the upgrades and inventory screen.If you want to see more detailed info on a relic, ability, character, soul break or materia, you can also hold your finger over that item with VO turned off until you hear the selection sound. Then you will have a pop-up heading that you can navigate to with VO and read. The only thing is this takes a bit of guess work as to where the item is on the screen" They're always in rows, but depending on the screen there may be more columns per row and some scrolling necessary.One thing I forgot to mention in the last post about dungeons. If you're in realm and want to go to elite dungeons, or if there's more to an event, you can tap in the upper right hand corner of the dungeon list screen to toggle. This also works on the event dungeon list screen to go to conquest battles.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I can't seem to access my inventory? I'm assuming it's the screen with heroes, equipment, abilities and orbs, stuff like that. The only thing I managed to click on was growth egg, and I did that by clicking on the upgrades and inventory button. Kind of confused here.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Ok, I'm going to explain the home screen first, then the battle screen.You need to have VO off to select icons on the home screen. Here is the layout:Along the bottom edge are tabs. The first is the home screen tab, which just refreshes the screen you're on. A little to the right is party. To the right of that is upgrades and inventory, then relic draws.Slightly above that are the dungeons. You will need to scroll from right to left to access some of these. Far left is realm, then record, then event. Scrolling gets you to power up first, then nightmare, then mote and finally torment. Most of these will be locked at first.A couple inches above realm dungeon is your item chest. This is where mission rewards and login bonuses are sent. The screen can be navigated with VO.Slightly above that is the announcements icon. These can be read with VO.On the far right of the screen at the same place as the item chest is the icon that takes you to the hall of acolytes where you can browse the various missions available in the books. VO lets you read the books, but you have to find them on the screen with it off.Slightly above that is the anex. This brings up a small menu across the top middle of the screen. To the far left, slightly to the right of item chest, is the chocobo exchange. To the right of that is the hall of rites, then the library. The library contains the help database as well as some other useful things.Finally, in the upper right hand corner is the menu, where you can manage your friend list and profile, change settings, email support and so on. The menu reads with VO. Slightly to the left of that is the shop, which also reads with VO.Most of the other screens can be managed with VO, though in some cases it takes a little fiddling. Let me know if you have trouble accessing any of them and I will tel; you what I do to get around it.Now for the battle screen. VO reads nothing during battle, not even the pause menu.On the bottom edge is your actions menu. When you have a character ready to act, signified by a little ding sound, you can access any of these options. Bottom left is attack. Then from left to right are defend, ability 1, ability 2, and finally soul break. If you have more than one SB equipped, the bottom menu changes to let you pick one of them.Above attack is auto battle. For now, this just instructs all of your characters to perform a basic attack. From left to right after auto battle are roaming warrior, magicite and skip turn. Magicite you won't need to worry about for some time, and skip turn is mostly useful if you want to use abilities or soul breaks in a certain order.Above these two menues are the targetable enemies and allies. Enemies are left, your party is on the right. 90 percent of the time you won't need to use these. The game has an auto targeting system that does things like heal the ally with the lowest HP, target an enemy with a debuff that doesn't have it, etc.In the top right hand corner is the pause button. The game will also be paused if you lock the screen. To resume play, just touch near the middle of the screen and the battle sounds will come back.If you lose, the game over screen has 2 options; continue and quit. Continue brings up a menu where you can spend mythril or jems to restart the battle with a stackable bonus. Mythril is the top option.As for healing in the camssite, mostly you won't need to do this. HP is restored between dunjeons. But if you do want to, once you activate heal a heading will apear that you can get to with VO.Just because it will be useful for battling, I'll also tell you a little about party management.Early on, you can mostly use the remove all and optomize buttons. Optomize is in the uper right corner of the party management screen. Remove all is slightly to the left of it. When you select remove all, you can turn VO back on and navigate to the heading that appears. By default, all options are checked.If you want to manually manage equipment, you can mostly do it with VO. This especially applies to abilities, soul breaks and materia. For equipping relics though, you need to briefly turn VO off and touch near the right middle edge of the screen. Weapon is the top icon, then armor and finally accessory. They are kind of close together so it can take some trial and error.To change party members, you can tap the cached images under the heading that says party members. These are in the same order as displayed above the heading. You can then use the sort button, right before the characters list, to filter the characters. If you want to sort by series, you select that option and turn off VO. The series are arranged from left to right near the bottom of the screen. Be careful, if you tap too low you will hit the close icon. In order to get to any series after FFXII, you need to swipe from bottom to top to scroll up.Of note is that optomize will fill all 5 of your party slots

Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Also how do I get to everything else on the home screen? So my home screen looks like 15 cash images or so, then the announcements. I can get to realm dungeons easily enough now, so how do I get to the rest? Another question, how do I heal? I go to camp and click on heal, then there's nothing I can do.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Also how do I get to everything else on the home screen? So my home screen looks like 15 cash images or so, then the announcements. I can get to realm dungeons easily enough now, so how do I get to the rest?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Do you mind explaining the battle screen?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I'm assuming you mean realm dungeons.From the home screen, tap near the bottom left middle of the screen. About the same place the book of trials was, but at the left edge. Now you'll be on the realm dungeons page. You probably only have FFVI unlocked at this point, but swiping left and right changes the realm. Left goes higher in number. Touching the center of the screen enters the realm painting. From here you can turn VO on to select a dungeon. Then if you go to headings in your roter, you will find a heading with the name of that dungeon. Then will be the level and total stamina of the dungeon, followed by prologue, rewards and boss tabs you can use to get information about the dungeon. Selecting enter will take you to the party screen. From here you do any party management, press next and select a roaming warrior. Then press go.From here you're on the dungeon map. You need to turn VO back off for most of this. In the upper right hand corner is cammsite, a screen that VO can read. Tap the back button, always in the bottom left corner on every screen, to get back to the map. On the right toward the bottom is retreat. Again, VO can read the options once activated. On the left edje are the dungeon icons. Most realm dungeons have 3 battles; bottom, middle and top. The map scrols as you complete them, and VO can read the screen after you select a map icon, which just tells you the name of the battle you're entering as well as how much stamina will be spent. Activate begin battle to start.This game takes a lot of dedication to learn, but it is very worth it. Be careful in the old topic though, as a lot of things changed in a recent interface update a couple years ago. I can tell you this though. I've been playing for almost a year now and though it takes memorization and patience, the feeling of tapping around randomly quickly goes away.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I'm struggling in choosing dungeons. I've gone back to the old topic to try to do it that way, but again I just seem to be tapping nonsensically on the screen.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Fair enough, will try it out.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Yes, once you learn where everything is. For instance, on the books of trials screen, the books are layed out in 2 rows of 3. Where it probably wants you to tap is around the bottom middle of the screen. So go about an inch up from the bottom and try there. I thought you could only tap the book the tutorial wanted you to look at, but I guess I was wrong about that.After the tutorial there's a lot less need to turn VO off. Mostly just in battle or to select icons on the home screen. There are a couple of other instances but about 80 percent of the text in the game reads with VO.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Two things. Does it get easier to play after the tutorial? I seem to just be pressing around hopefully trying to find things on the screen when voiceover's off. For example I can't find the book of trials and am stuck pressing hopefully and usually choosing the wrong book.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

It depends on whether you've completed the tutorial or not.If you haven't, the game will come up in the middle of the tutorial. You can only tap the icons the game has highbbighted at this point, and the story text is readable with VO and will tell you how to advance. If all else fails, tap in the bottom left corner of the screen and if it works, you will go back to the home screen and hear the Final Fantasy prelude music.If you have completed the tutorial, the game comes up to the title screen with the prelude music playing. All you have to do at this point is activate the play button, which VoiceOver can detect.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Thanks. Where do I press to actually start the game though?


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Yep, 30/30 is stamina. After that will be your mythril, which is used for relic draws and a couple of other things. Then is your gil, which is used to purchase just about everything else you can't buy with mythril or gems. Sometimes a number will show up after gil on the home screen, or at the very end of the screen. This shows how many items are in your item chest to be collected.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I had read a guide some time ago about how to actually start the game, but I completely forget. What do each of the numbers mean? I know that the 30/30 is the stamina, but the others I do not ⠛⠑⠞⠲


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

Please let me know if I can help at all. I still haven't decided on doing a full scale article, but I certainly wouldn't mind posting mini-guides for how to get started or play difficult content. I think you'll get the hang of it. If I remember right, you were playing a Yu-Gi-Oh game that wasn't fully accessible at one point. This would be roughly the same idea, just on your phone or tablet and not using OCR.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I think I'm going to try getting back into this.


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Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

2019-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : david_solomon1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accessibility

I've been posting in the FF Record Keeper subreddit and there's actually a fair amount of interest in accessibility and helping blind players in that community.Here is a link to an accessibility post I made. … d_players/Here is a post that discusses record dungeons, one of the most difficult sets of content for us to play. This is particularly cool because a couple players have already written guides on how to use the maps for later dungeons. I think more guides are in the works. … d_players/Here is the first post I made in this subreddit. It describes in some detail how a blind person can play. … nd_player/Stirlock has also posted a few things in this subreddit with a lot of interest taken. Here is a link to some audio recordings he did showing how to get started with the game. … lay_final/If anyone wants to play this game, it could be helpful for those with reddit accounts to at least upvote the accessibility post. Perhaps one of the more prominent players might know who and how to contact Dena about this matter. As I said in the post, I don't think it would be overly hard to make this game much more accessible. It just needs to get the attention of someone who wants to help and can do something about it.


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