Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lex via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

camlorn wrote:Actually, Cython is a horrible thing for a certain type of application. If youre using it only for speed and not to bind C code youre fine. Otherwise, you *have* to use VS 2008 or VS 2010, which means that you cant use all the latest features.I am using cython to bind c++ code and find it completely OK for the job. Limitation about using certain version of MS compiler comes from the fact, that you have to use the same version of compiler which was used to build windows python distribution, and, therefore, is not cython-specific. The same would apply if you used boost::python or any other library/tool to develop python extensions.camlorn wrote:CFFI also has problems with Py2exe, at least if youre concerned about authorization.Frankly speaking, if you are concerned about authorizatio
 n - forget about python. It is practically impossible to hide your code from decompilation. Tricks with encrypting/changing bytecode were tried by big guys like dropbox, but were hacked right away by volunteers.camlorn wrote:Ctypes isnt hard, but its pretty much the only option if you want it to work in all situations. Which sucks a lot.And is not an option if you want to wrap c++ code. You, of course, might write a C wrapper for c++ code and then call it from ctypes, but thats not always feasible, cause other options are available.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

If youre wrapping C++ code without intermediate C layers, then you know what youre doing already and my comments are not aimed at you. Youre also building a library that will be basically useless in any other language that needs a C API, but hey-your loss. perhaps you already have something in C++ that youre already having to limit yourself to VS 2008 for, but if not, dont go down that road.But seriously, the compiler restriction is a huge deal, mostly because Microsoft has now given us all of C++11 and we cant access it if were building Python extensions in any way. The controversies about C++11 aside, there are killer features in there that boost productivity a lot.Someone needs to do a PEP to get the official windows builds updating with the MS compiler suite; MS seems to actually be deciding that updating C++ is now a worthwhile thing. VC++ 2014 is dropping stuff towards C++14, etc. Its k
 ind of like saying that you have to build libraries for Python 3 in Python 2, or some similar nonsense.As for authorization, weve had this conversation before on these forums: any authorization scheme can be cracked, need only be cracked once, and thats it. So using Python makes development months shorter and maybe gets you cracked one month earlier. But you can be smarter-there are other things besides bytecode shuffling. For example, full-on encryption of the pyc files with a modded interpreter, writing a small but crucial piece of the application in C and having that piece also be responsible for authorization, and whatever else your devious mind can come up with. Since C++ would only buy a couple months at most anyway, I dont see what the problem here is.But really the question of authorization is this. Is there someone in the target audience who is both smart enough to crack it and who would care to crack it? I t
 hink not for Python-I could easily come up with a nonstandard method thats not worth your time. There are few programmers in this community who would have the knowledge to actually reverse bytecode shuffling for sourcecode extraction, and it maybe takes 2 days for me to move chunks of critical logic into C. Which I can do at the end of the project when its ready for release and Ive got something to actually worry about authorizing.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Lex via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

I also would like to add a couple of words in support of python. You have access to every C library through ctypes, and there are high-level wrappers as well (like pygame). pretty much every popular gaming library has python bindings. In case of high performance requirements, one can utilize cython to write modules with python-like syntax which get compiled into C code. But as said above, if your audio game struggles with not enough performance, probably something wrong is with your program; blame an inefficient algorithm, not a particular programming language. Most of languages out here is *fast enough* for audio games.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Actually, Cython is a horrible thing for a certain type of application. If youre using it only for speed and not to bind C code youre fine. Otherwise, you *have* to use VS 2008 or VS 2010, which means that you cant use all the latest features. CFFI also has problems with Py2exe, at least if youre concerned about authorization. Ctypes isnt hard, but its pretty much the only option if you want it to work in all situations. Which sucks a lot. One of these days, Ill go fix CFFI so you can effectively close source; the info on the problem doesnt come from me, and its not something Im overly concerned about yet.Im also not specifically supporting Python. There are languages which are intrinsically less powerful (for the human definition, not the mathematical one). Python and C# are about equal as languages, but C# has some major accessibility issues with tools that MS 
 really aught to fix. There are other options that are equally good, and half of this comes down to the static vs. dynamic typing war, a conflict in which both sides are basically completely right.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

what is the advantage of C# vs python for audio games?In this vain, how does Ruby or Perl compare?


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Ruby is something I could never figure out how to distribute. Perl is something that everyone I know universally hates; I personally gave up in disgust in about an hour and Python does all the same things.The only big advantage of C# is that it is faster, but as I and others have pointed out before, theres no audiogame idea that would actually make you able to notice. To reiterate, when you start listing your performance problems, Ill start telling you about how youre using an array and shouldnt be or pointing you at libraries that can replace the slow components. A more minor advantage is size, but the sounds will dwarf everything anyway so it doesnt matter too much. I dont tink anyone here cares about SQL or Linq, being as these are the domain of business applications.C# does have a couple killer disadvantages for me. The first and biggest is that theres no command line debugger. There used
  to be, but it was axed. It might be possible to use Cdb on it, but Ive not played with this and it is certainly not simple. Debugging consequently requires living inside VS; I have already shared my opinion on that. Python is also slightly more cross-platform, but only slightly. The other advantages I could list are ideological and have to do with dynamic vs. static typing as well as my personal bent towards functional programming (Pythons support for such isnt near Haskell, but its pretty darn good-list comprehensions, filter, and all that are nicely done. Itd be more accurate to say that I prefer Python because of my tendency to use functions as first-class citizens, including assigning them to variables, but this is probably way beyond where we want to go).


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : felipevr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Uou!first of all, thank you so much. I really didnt expected so any answers.You all gave me a lot of things to think and try.I agree about java. I tried to do something but tthe sounds api are horribles.Ill give a look to all this frameworks. Many of them Ive never listened before.thank yu all!


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Visualstudio, that is true, but in the end I think the choice of weather or not to use a language like C# .NET verses C++ comes down to ease of use more than any consideration of installing any necessary dependencies for most developers.First, .NET is becoming far more mainstream these days, and chances are high that end users will already have the necessary components and frameworks in stalled. Just in the audio games community alone we have had a number of games come out over the last few years that are written using .NET based languages such as Rail Racer, Entombed, Tactical Battles, 3D Velocity, and so on. Consequently the more games that comes onto the audio games market using .NET the more people who will already have said components and frameworks installed anyway.The situation is quite different from say ten years ago when I released my first game, Final Conflict, where everyone was running Windows XP, and most users didnt have .NET 1.0 let alone any la
 ter version. These days the situation is quite different with end users running XP, Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.x, and many of them have some version of .NET installed. Especially those running newer Windows operating systems like Windows 7 and Windows 8. So worrying about installing .NET isnt quite the issue it was just a decade ago.Second, there are many advantages in using C# .NET or VB .NET over C++. The main one is ease of use. The .NET Framework contains thousands of classes using a fully implemented object oriented design meaning it takes less code, time, and effort to develop any peace of software given that there is lots of pre-existing code right there for the taking.There are classes in .NET to perform many tasks like serialization, handle the Windows registry, and various things that are not trivial in C++, but are fairly simple to perform in .NET languages thanks to the ready made classes. It is not just that it cuts down on the amoun
 t of code required to do those things, but it simplifies it in the process as well.Third, .NET is fairly easy to use COM based components like SAPI 5 which isnt so simple to do in C++. When I wrote some games in .NET I was able to get SAPI 5 up and running with minimal effort in .NET, but found it was considerably harder to do in C++.Finally, thanks to Mono and the availability of other open source .NET components for Mac and Linux it is a much better option for doing cross-platform development than is Java. I discovered it was fairly simple to build accessible graphical user interfaces using the GTK+ wrapper for Mono on Linux and the standard Windows Forms on Windows without requiring another dependency like the Java Access Bridge required for graphical Java applications.I actually did develop a very simple test game using SDL .NET and C# which compiled and ran on Linux and Windows without any serious modifications. While I think SDL leaves one with
  much to be desired the fact of the matter is it is possible to do cross-platform development with .NET and the options these days are numerous. Far more feasible now than they were ten years ago.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

ok, but i have to is very easy to use and everybody i think have installed itand mono is another port of it for linux and mac and it also has a port for windowsand i also have to mention, sometimes in .net, you dont need to write code, you can design with VS IDEboath JAWS and NVDA support VS IDEs interface


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

in my idea, instead of using java, use C#but for C#, your users must install .net framework


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

tward, ive like your idea about C#, but the best thing for creating audio game is C++ with a good librarywindows has .net framework 3.0 but if your application uses 3.5 or any later version of .net framework, the user must install itand, with .net framework, youll write less lines of code, but with C++, you have control of everything such as memory, hardware, etc


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

C# is a better choice, though. Almost everyone has the .net frameworks nowadays. It even runs on Linux and Mac, if you try hard enough. Also, C# has a much, much more sane FFI than Java. Java requires 15 line C++ functions for every C function you want to call or use of a 3rd party library called JNA. Its painful, to say the least. The only problem I raelly have with C# is that, because of the VS integration, youve got no command line debugger. Stepping through your code isnt always needed, but it can be a godsend when nothing else will do.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

actually, java is very very easy to learnbecause of this, some of the developers use javabut for games, java isnt recommended


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

java is an odd thing.Firstly, Android is a special case in all ways. When you build your platform from the ground up in Java, Java becomes easy to use on it. Windows is interesting in that there are different editions of the runtime and, when last I looked, I couldnt figure out which ones actually had the sound libraries. If you wanted to do a game in java, Id look at LWJGL. But that raises a million packaging concerns that arent so easy, and we cant forget that wonderful runtime. Minecraft did it and managed to sell millions of copies, so it is possible.Java is also one of the most widely wanted languages, but Id argue that programmers who know other things are more highly paid. Id be very curious to see data. Its true that Java is simple, but that doesnt cover it.Java is a jail and you are the criminal bad programmer. Java forces you to be a good programmer by making
  you be Java, irregardless of if theres a better way to express the problem in question. Every good programmer I know (i.e. has a job, has written code, has done projects of very large size and, in one case, partially owns a company) hates java. Its true that code is forced to be comprehensible, but that doesnt mean the programmer writing it is a good programmer nor that the method of _expression_ is the best. Java has only just now begun to add features that have been widely regarded as good for many, many years: among them support for limited multiple inheritance (common pattern for collections libraries), first-class functions (good for just about anything that isnt CPU bound), and a bunch of other things that stem from these.As a concrete example of Javas jailness, however, consider the getter and the setter. It is true that these *can* be good practice, but you dont always want or need them. Its 9 or so
  lines of code per variable that you would otherwise not have to write for your internal class pairs that never see anything but their partner. Java even forces code layout to an extent that Ive not yet seen anywhere else. I look at this and I look at checked exceptions. And when I put them together, I cant help but feel that a major point of Java is making you think by requiring you to write more code. Weve literally begun fixing this by putting code generators in our IDE which, unlike for other languages, is almost needed to be productive. Not to mention the anti-patterns you have to do to get around checked exceptions for that ten line script (hint: sometimes, its 10 or more lines that check errors and do nothing at all, but it wont compile without them).Id also say that Ive seen no evidence of Java being super popular at universities, at least here in the U.S. Its used, but other things are taugh
 t. I know that it used to be, but not so much anymore I think. The truth is that, unless the job advertisement wants specific technology experience, you know Java if you know literally any other programming language with the concept of the class.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Yes, I agree totally about Java. Not only will someone have to download a large runtime environment, but games will probably require several extra non-standard components as well such as Jinput for input, Joal for OpenAL support, and any other third-party libraries you choose to use in your game. By the time the end user ends up getting Java installed, any third-party components installed, etc he or she has just downloaded and installed a fair amount of software just to run your product. Thats assuming it will run error free on any and all target environments which I havent personally discovered to be the case.As for C++ I dont have much to add to what Camlorn had to say because he is basically right. If you know C++ well then you can do wonderful stuff with it. If you dont know it, are a novice, then it will be rough going. I guess I can count myself fortunate that I have been programming in C++ since 1999 so using it for audio games was fairly easy
  for me personally to do, but for a novice there are much easier solutions available for a newbie.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Yeah. I ported my java games to BGT just so they would work fine on multiple *windows* computers.Java is cross platform in the same sense as just about any other language, which is to say, not really.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

java isnt good for audio games, because every persen who wants to run your audio game requires to install the JDK runtime witch i dont recommendpython is good for starting point, but if you want to create better games, you must use C++ with a game library that you like and you can program with it


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

What functionality do I gain by going to C++ that I cant get in Python or just about any other interpreted language with a C FFI? Python and just about everything else I can think of can access SDL directly, so I fail to understand what is gained. In the very unlikely event that you need something, you can write only that small subset in C and call it. This has happened only once (hint: Libaudioverse).As for cross-platform: not being able to run Java programs on multiple Windows machines is a problem. But I have yet to see a system thats truly cross-platform without any effort. Cross-platform bites, bites hard, and doesnt let go. Looking for the magic cross-platform bullet is like looking for the holy grail-it simply isnt going to happen.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Manu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

It is true I didnt an action game in Java, but a simple dice simulator with sounds, background sounds worked fine on all three platforms. I didnt an entire game in Java, even I thought some time ago to port there my Backgammon game, but I use Java now for android where I am developing a GameZone, a casino simulator with many games, pawnshop and others. Now I can say I like Java, but when I tried it just to make a JAR file to test it on all major platforms and a T9 dictionary simulator as a project for university as a final exam to my Java course, I didnt like it. At least it is very standardized, its easy to understand a code written by another programmer, there are many obvious rules to follow when writing code, this way making an understandable code.As I saw here in my City where are many big companies like HP, Siemens and many others, Java is the most required programming languages, I saw in all universities here that Java is the langua
 ge for which they spend most time to learn.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Java is good for business applications, but games not so much.The Java Sound API is terrible. Youd need something like JOAL or FMODEX. Never mind that Windows appears to hate the concept of case-sensitive filenames.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Manu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Speaking only about an Audio Game, I think Java is one of the best choices, you really can do a single final file which will run on Windows, Linux and Mac without any changes. I think the awesome thing is that you can download the same file for all these 3 operating systems. I am curious, why there are no audio games in Java. Maybe I don’t know about them...


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

or, you can implement your libraries from scrachhow?use other libraries and implement your own


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Manu, as someone who has tried to actually develop a cross-platform audio game in Java Ill just say that Java doesnt work as advertised. What I mean by that is while I could make a decent game in Java Id have all kinds of problems getting it to work on more than one Java runtime environment. Id have the game running perfectly fine on the Java runtime for Windows, take it over to Linux, and have the game crashing all over the place using the identical Java runtime for Linux. I never could figure out why that was the case, and I ended up giving up on the project before releasing anything to the public.Felipevr, I mainly develop all of my games in C++ these days either using DirectX for Windows or SDL for Linux and Mac OS. SDL, the Simple Direct Media Layer, is a decent API if you just want basic audio, input, and networking support. A lot depends here on how advanced an API you want, what platform or platforms you will be developing for, and what
  features you need.If you are primarily focused on developing games for Windows I think C# .NET with SlimDX does make a pretty good combo. SlimDX will give you quick and easy access to DirectX while giving you the complete power and ease of use of the .NET Framework. I used it myself in the beginning, and only switched to C++ because I was looking into more cross-platform solutions.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

I can also speak against Java. I know that CAE had similar experiences to Tward. Youre also talking about requiring end users to download and install a 200 MB runtime which isnt so popular nowadays. Especially among the blind wherein swing is typically a horrible, horrible thing. Ive got things to say against the java language and I finally know how to say them, but its the size of a blog post and I dont think most of this crowd would care anyway. Its my opinion you should, but the things I see with Java can only be seen at the point wherein the language being used for the project has become a triviality (disclaimer: not true if crossing programming paradigms).Id suggest against C++ unless you already know it. C++ will bite you really, really hard if you dont know what youre doing, and the performance overhead of other languages is laughable for this problem. Ironically, C++ can b
 e one of the best cross-platform languages, but only for certain problems and only if you know what youre doing. Theres an underlying theme here: C++ works if you know what youre doing. If you dont, well, there are easier things. Like pulling your teeth out with a dull spoon.


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Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

you can use SFML, windows API, directX, OpenAL, libsndfile, SDL, allegro, audiere, ClanLib, eNet, flac, plib, poco, QuantLib, zigyou can get them from my dropbox folder: … B9AWa?dl=0


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

you can use SFML, windows API, directX, OpenAL, libsndfile, SDL, allegro, audiere, ClanLib, eNet, flac, plib, poco, QuantLib, zigyou can get them from my dropbox folder: … B9AWa?dl=0please note, these are for C and C++


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

Use the windows API to develop a game? Not in my book. A simple 3d window would take at least 450-500 lines of code. So a full, complete audio game would probably be around 25000 to 10 lines of code if you only used the windows API and DirectX.SFML is a pain in the ass to get going, and its nearly impossible to always have VS integrate everything automatically. Dont use it unless you want to live in a coding nightmare.OpenAL is just a sound library and not great. Try FMod.Libsndfile, again, is just a sound file library.SDL: Ive never used it before.Allegro: Another pain in the ass to set up. Another coding nightmare.Ive never used the others that Visualstudio mentioned. I still like PureBASIC. That will be my number one game programming language unless something manages to outdo it in functionality and speed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

C/C++ will outdo Purebasic for execution speed, simply because they benefit from over 30 years of research into optimizing compilers and at least a million dollars of invested money. Given the architecture of the modern microprocessor, C/C++ compilers will actually generate assembly that is faster than anything you can write yourself. Let me take this time to again remind everyone that execution speed is literally not a factor anymore, however.Anything in C++ is going to be what you would classify as a setup nightmare. This is both a particular shortcoming of windows and not such an easy thing to do in the first place. Ironically, this is one thing that Linux typically makes very easy. Allegro and SFML are both on my particularly bad list, by which I mean that I couldnt ever get either to work in the first place (Ive not touched Allegro in 5+ years).I can say with a great deal of confidence that an object-orie
 nted programming language with garbage collection is the fastest option. This argument has been had before, Im not going to do it again here. Mostly because Ive finally realized that unless you bother learning and developing a game in one, you wont ever believe me anyway. That is, the people who can be convinced dont need convincing. Im just going to say that, if you Google it, youre going to find that most people share this viewpoint for projects where performance is not critical. performance is not critical for any Audiogame save perhaps MMOs, but I dont believe that it matters there (MMOs=intelligent architecture, not fast language. Fast language just shaves off a bit of the needed intelligence, and then you find that actually you needed that intelligent architecture and need to implement it in a language that makes you manually manage memory).A full, complete Audiogame only using the Windows API 
 and DirectX would be around 5000-15000 lines. 500 of this would be reimplementation of the keyboard handling logic via any of several various methods, 1000 of this would be audio handling code possibly including a basic custom mixer, and the rest would be pretty standard game logic. The major contributions to code size here would actually be saving and loading resources (Im assuming C/C++, so no easy serialization). Basic collision checks for a game that does not involve rotation and only uses boxes is about 30 lines. Basic collision checks for a game that does allow rotation and only uses boxes would be about 150 lines, assuming only the Windos API and DirectX plus the prerequisite knowledge of the mathematics. This code would include the needed matrix multiplication and formulation code, as well as the inverse computation (which is trivial because its a rotation matrix). the biggest challenge to such an undertaking is twofold: the Wi
 ndows API is huge, and the languages in which it might be reasonable to place this limitation upon oneself require that your code spend a ton of time error checking (no exceptions or logging, so if(x == error) everywhere) and managing memory (its not uncommon to free an allocated pointer at 3 or 4 different places in a function). A good example of a sighted game that comes close to doing this is Cube, which is 7 kloc as I recall. Im not sure that that number includes Enet.


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frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : felipevr via Audiogames-reflector


frameworks to develop audiogames

Hello all,Im going to start to work with audiogames at the college but before, I need to know:You know any framework or api used to develop audiogames, but the bgt language?Any language will be welcome.Thank you all!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : camlorn via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

In Python, Pyglet or Pygame are your options. It looks like Pyglet has easier sound. Dedicated frameworks are pretty uncommon, and I believe that BGT is the only one. Options in other languages: SlimDX (maybe misremembering the name, C#), XNA (C#), SDL (C++, Python, others), LWJGL (Java, but lightweight is really untrue because Java), the list goes on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

2014-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frameworks to develop audiogames

PureBASIC is a really good programming language for developing games. DMPA and SR are developed in PB, and I find it very usable. Dont want to declare MessageBox(), just use the macro MessageBox_() instead. PB gives you full access to the windows API and all of its functions, pluse a hole a lot more.


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