Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-19 Thread opaqueice

adamslim;227896 Wrote: 
 OK then, either of you - an evening at the most excellent Jerusalem
 Tavern, one of the very few pubs to get 'five pints' out of five at :)

You're on.  Since the universe is (well... probably) infinite, a new
format has been invented somewhere since you posted and you owe me that

I'll take plane fare to London too, thanks :-).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-19 Thread tomjtx

Oh, wait. Since the universe is infinite there is some brane somewhere
in the strings where I not only won the bet but have enjoyed that pint
with Adam already.

Boy, that was fun, good beer too.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-19 Thread unclepuncle

I use a Monarchy Audio DIP Classic (which is similar to thwe Big Ben) to
do the anti jitter stuff before the digital signal from my SB3 enters my
Perpetual DAC - massive improvement compared to going direct to the DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-18 Thread Pat Farrell
adamslim wrote:
 My assertion - and I agree
 that's all it is - is that we will not see a HD-DVDA or HQA-Blu-ray. 
 Bet you 10p :)

Oh, be brave, bet a pint at your local.
You'll still never win, but its more fun.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-18 Thread adamslim

opaqueice;227819 Wrote: 
 You're assuming, contrary to all evidence, that the music industry
 learns from its mistakes.  :-)

Good point well made :)

opaqueice;227819 Wrote: 
 I'm sure there will be new hi-res formats.  In fact I expect we'll see a
 rather large proliferation of them in the coming years, as
 bandwidth/memory constraints become entirely irrelevant and music
 production gets easier for small companies.

Yes but we already have exactly what we need - hi-res downloads.  We
might see new audio file types, beyond WMA, MP3, FLAC, AAC and so on,
but the only companies that can actually release a hard 'format' are
the real hardware biggies - Philips and Sony and the likes - especially
if they have a tied software division.  My assertion - and I agree
that's all it is - is that we will not see a HD-DVDA or HQA-Blu-ray. 
Bet you 10p :)

(And yes, I know I can never win that bet!)



Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-18 Thread adamslim

Pat Farrell;227885 Wrote: 
 Oh, be brave, bet a pint at your local.
 You'll still never win, but its more fun.

OK then, either of you - an evening at the most excellent Jerusalem
Tavern, one of the very few pubs to get 'five pints' out of five at :)


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread harmonic

Here we go again.

Every one is a  musician , and every one is seasoned audiophils, or
physics engineers , and there for there word matters most.

Dubbel blind test is tricky and many time faulted , in reallity it will
only work if you could listend to A/B system at the same time through
the same speakers.

If you quickly shifts back and forth  you will find out that  unless
the player is faulted the all have more or less the same tonal balance
,and there for sadly are mistaken for sounding the same.

Then what are the differene?   well the difference are nothing less
then have the music are presended,   dynamics swifts , bass lines that
apear different, the pitch and timing , the rythme,  all things that
are extremly important for creating a musical sounding system but will
be hard to hear when you shift back and forth fast.
And to make matters worse some recordings sound will not show thise
important differences as much.

If you insert a dynamic source into a system that sound flat becaue the
source sounds falt you will get a dynamic sound and thats why  the
kvality of the source have such a profound effect in have  system

Just about every thing you do or change in a audio component  will
change the sound ,even if some dont here it , or dont whant to here it,
or dont beleive it, but that dossnet mean its not  true,  have musical 
a system sounds  cant be measured either.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread darrenyeats

gdg;227485 Wrote: 
 I forgot that many people here don't actually follow the debate and take
 posts out of context. For anyone who is offended, if you actually had
 followed the full discussion,  you'd know I was responding to the
 statement that anything better than 16/44 is inaudible. 
 When I stumble on an audiophile forum where this question is actually
 taken seriously I'm done.
 And to tell me that the same people who are debating this issue
 probably have better sound systems and/or ears than I do makes me
 even less apologetic than before. I've blocked this thread and only
 come back when I feel like being entertained by an idiotic  debate.

I've not listened to much SACD but I wasn't that impressed. Maybe I'm
used to hearing good CD players, so an average SACD player doesn't
sound impressive. And I note my friend (the owner of said SACD player)
heard differently. It seemed the differences between the SACD player
and the dedicated CD player were typical of the differences exhibited
by players in general, so I couldn't draw a conclusion about the

A blind comparison of different formats is desirable but difficult.

Perhaps you hear a difference sighted. If you do, perhaps it is due to
psychological factors. Or perhaps the difference is real but your
*preference* for a different player is due to psychological factors,
and might be reversed in a blind test (it's happened to me).

Of course, if you prefer a different player it doesn't mean the format
it plays is audibly better. This is a thorny issue...

CD vs SACD comparison is fraught since even the same player would use
quite different algorithms in the DAC stage, and that multiplies the
variables. (Designers of SACD players don't agonise over CD playback in
comparison to designers of CD players.) I suppose a blind test of 16/44
vs 24/96 is a little fairer if the player is identical and the
manufacturer has no axe to grind e.g. Transporter.

PS: I am not disputing that higher quality formats are, well, higher
quality. This post is about proving that differences are really

PPS: I note that for most music released in the last 20 years, red book
is the only format. If you want to listen to this music (I do) this
debate is irrelevant.


SB3 with Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
(home-made room treatments and supports)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread Robin Bowes
gdg wrote:
 I forgot that many people here don't actually follow the debate and take
 posts out of context. For anyone who is offended, if you actually had
 followed the full discussion,  you'd know I was responding to the
 statement that anything better than 16/44 is inaudible. 
 When I stumble on an audiophile forum where this question is actually
 taken seriously I'm done.
 And to tell me that the same people who are debating this issue
 probably have better sound systems and/or ears than I do makes me
 even less apologetic than before. I've blocked this thread and only
 come back when I feel like being entertained by an idiotic  debate.

You really are a first-class arrogant asshole.

Don't bother coming back - you won't be missed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread darrenyeats

harmonic;227533 Wrote: 
 Just about every thing you do or change in a audio component  will
 change the sound ,even if some dont here it , or dont whant to here it,
 or dont beleive it, but that dossnet mean its not  true,  have musical 
 a system sounds  cant be measured either.

I understand your point about players sounding the same in a blind-test
but maybe not really sounding the same. (I understand it, whilst noting
it will remain forever unprovable :-) )

But this reasoning doesn't cover my recent blind-test experience. I
found that two players sounded different sighted, *and they sounded
different in the blind-test too*. But I found my *preference* was
reversed in the blind test.

This, to me, indicated that my sighted listening was swayed by mental
factors. It seemed like a reasonable conclusion at the time, and it
still does.

If you are thinking it's the difference between long-term and
short-term listening impressiveness, don't go there. Before the
blind-test I preferred the opposite player on immediate comparison - it
was my short-term preference that was reversed. Level playing field.

If this sounds weird to you - I can assure you it was weird! Very weird
indeed. Maybe it's just me that's going mad. But...blind testing is a
real experience. When you start, you get this stupid smile on your face
which says o-oh, this audiophile pretender is going to get found out!.
Such an experience is difficult to describe in scientific terms, but it
makes you re-evaluate the nature of hearing itself - let alone hi-fi!
That last sentence is almost subjectivist-sounding isn't it? Happy now?

Please don't argue that my short-term blind preference was not as valid
as my short-term sighted preference!!! I will strangle myself if you


SB3 with Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
(home-made room treatments and supports)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread harmonic

Hi darren 

Thanks for sharing you oppinion it truly reflects have complicated
music playback really is.

I have atended  several of blind test´s  at different dealers mostly 
linn demos, and not one time where the cheaper player better.
I also one time A/B compared a dvd player to a lyngdorf cd-1 player on
my tact millennium  and strangely i prefered the dvd player.
But some time after i found out it was because i uses different cables,
when i reversed the cables the result where opposit,
there goes the cables dont matter theory.

What i normaly do is i have surthen tracks that have surthen dynamic
shifts ,or basslines that dos surthen things for the mmusic and  that
have a huge impact on have the music connects me.
And its here its make or brake for me , and its right here the sb3 and
the transporter are very  different.

And its alo  exactly here i find sources sounds alot diffeerent ,
soundstage and other hifi measurments are many times very much the

Glare and glassyness can also be   different but its much more a matter
of the preamp.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread Phil Leigh

darrenyeats;227583 Wrote: 
 It's a bit like (I wish!) measuring the FR in your room and finding
 it's flat. After that, you quit worrying about colorations real or
 imagined. Because you know they're imagined or to do with the
 recording. Darren

That will never happen (unless you happen to live in a well-designed
anechoic chamber - which I can assure you has very low WAF/PAF :o) )

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread darrenyeats

Phil Leigh;227605 Wrote: 
 Actually, what comes after RC is PC - Producer know, it
 can fix those cardboard drums on some ELO albums, the strange sound Phil
 Collins managed to put on those Eric Clapton albums...
 Then: AC - Artist Bob Dylan and Tom Waits can't sing in
 tune huh? not anymore...Leonard Cohen too depressing...nope...
 You wish that Geddy Lee would sing in a proper register...sorted!

Followed by TC...Taste Correction. You play Britney Spears and out
comes the Beatles.


SB3 with Inguz - Sony DAS-703ES DAC - Krell KAV-300i - PMC AB-1
(home-made room treatments and supports)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread Phil Leigh

darrenyeats;227620 Wrote: 
 Followed by TC...Taste Correction. You play Britney Spears and out comes
 the Beatles.

oooh = that's good. Of course you would only ever use that when:
1) visiting friends
2) someone has hold of your remote

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread SoftwireEngineer

darrenyeats;227583 Wrote: 
 So I would say blind-tests and measurements have great potential for
 removing unnecessary angst. If you're the obsessive type - and because
 you're here, you might be ;-) - at least they prevent some (!) worries
 from spoiling the music. It's a good thing IMO.

Well..more than 12 years back I had a NAD CD player connected via
generic toslink cable. Today, I have 2 or 3 glass toslinks and 2 or 3
eletrical digital cables costing $100-$200. First, i thougth digital is
digital..never understood jitter..when I tried a good digital cable, I
was taken aback by the difference..I read about jitter and understood
it..The attitude should be I will buy equipment only if it makes a
difference to me (for the better) , in my system. Let the snobbish
flaunt their equipment..
I am now running a $200 Panny digital amplifier receiver !!! my
speakers are Silverline Sonatinas and my SB3 is Bolder digital modded.
Some power cords or speaker cables I have cost more than my amp !! Its
weird ..I am not going to buy an audiophile amp again ..till it beats
my Panny.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread adamslim

I want MLC - music library correction.  It goes through your library and
deletes whatever you haven't played for years, and automatically
downloads FLACs that are similar to what you do listen to.

Of course, once it's been going for long enough, it will replace all
your music with Abba, as that's first on your artist list and often
gets played accidentally, so you have to get it to play through the
night stuff that you still like but don't listen to.  But it knows when
you're doing that.


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have
' group: people who don't listen to any of's top

SB+, EAR 859, Heybrook Sextets plus some other stuff
SB3, Shek d2, Ming-Da MC84-C, Harbeth HL-P3ES

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread musiklov3r

Perhaps another way to phrase it is that cables can't remove jitter from
a jittery source unit, but they can add jitter if the cables are not of
high enough quality.  In this way cables can add jitter and they are
not capable of removing existing jitter from a system (unless replacing
a poor cable).

Robin Bowes;227675 Wrote: 
 Phil Leigh wrote:
  Cables can't fix jitter. They can add to it but they can't take it
 That statement is questionable.
 A good cable will reduce jitter compared to a bad cable. TO my
 that's taking away jitter.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-17 Thread musiklov3r

So I have an SACD player and to my ear it is superior to cd.  But I am
concerned about the depreciation on the player when various audiophile
formats become available on Blu-ray or HDDVD.  And what about the
depreciation on a Transporter if a new model is created that will
decode SACD or another new high-res format?  It's difficult to afford
to be at the cutting edge for just a couple years.

My theory is that the record labels have hurt themselves by failing to
create a standard for higher def playback and are responsible for their
own declining revenues.  

I would be curious to hear if GDG has compared the output from his
Benchmark using the Big Ben vs without.  The Benchmark is advertised as
re-clocking incoming signals and being immune to jitter, which would
make the Big Ben unnecessary.  And then there is the perspective that
an external clock will be subject to too many interim steps that
degrade timing before reaching the DAC to benefit performance.  But
it's all theory until you hear it yourself... 

Transporter = ATC 100SCMAT
or Ayre C5xe =ATC SCA2= ATC 100SCMAT


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread tomjtx


you really are out of line.

The posters you are so uncivilly responding to are experienced
listeners who have high quality systems.

Pat, I believe, is professionally involved in the recording industry
and is very knowledgeable about sound reproduction (far more, it would
appear) than you.

And please spare us your protestaions of being a jazz musician. You are
likely playing and hearing amplified instruments with electronics of far
less quality than the members of this forum.

i am a professional classical guitarist (whoop de do)  :-)and am
surrounded by unamplified live music that MUST make
me better than you...I mean , of course classical musicians are
surperior to poorly trained jazz mongrels such as yourself. 

Ok, do you get the point?  You don't need to throw around credentials
here, it won't get you anywhere. There are many highly intelligent and
knowledgeable people on this forum and if you could develope a bit of
humility you could learn a lot here.I did.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread Phil Leigh

A couple of observations:

1) high resolution audio in the domestic replay chain appears to be a
dead duck. DVD-A and SACD have both failed to grab the publics
attention or dollars. I see no reason why this will change in the
future. Clearly domestic audio replay technology has reached the good
enough that I don't care tipping point for most people. So whilst
video is not there yet - but will get closer with Blu-ray et al -
perhaps with audio we should focus less on the replay chain and more on
the recording chain? 

Using 24/88.2 or higher in the recording chain has benefits that
persist through to the final product even if the product is
downsampled...but only if the mastering stages are  done well.

2) A corrollary of the abstract quoted by Opaqueice is that one would
expect a similar trial of (pre-DAC) upsampling from 16/44.1 to 24/88.2
or 96 or 192 to show the same (ie null) fact intuition
would lead one to conclude that such a result is almost a certainty.

3) Even ignoring the resolution aspects of the trial quoted, it would
appear that the additional path length made no discernable difference
(ignoring the noise floor uplift which was apparently inaudible at
normal listening levels).

There's a lot to think about/try here.

Ignoring the whole DBT debate for a second, I've found that both
upsampling and downsampling make no real difference to me (and I can
test them easily in my system using my remote). However, when faced
with a 16/44.1 and 24/88.2 copy of (allegedly) the same master - e.g.
the Linn masters I have downloaded - I have an overwhelming preference
for the high resolution versions. This doesn't change when I downsample
the high-res version.

IF the studio is simply downsampling the 2-track master at their end
this makes no sense to me. IF they are remastering from multitrack to
16-bit, then maybe I could see why.

Pat - what do you think?...or maybe I'm just deluding myself :o)


Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread funkstar

gdg;227315 Wrote: 
 As for bandwidth I believe HDMI is a necessity  in order to accommodate
 both video and audio data, not something implemented because coax can't
 handle the audio side of it. The first players that are hitting the
 market all have the usual coax digital outputs as well as HDMI and
 will, in all likelihood continue to do so (though some don't yet have
 fully implemented audio capabilities).
Yeah, thats right. But you will also find that the regular coax and
optical outputs have degraded output compaired to HDMI for a couple of
reasons. The first is because they can't cope with the bandwidth of the
high resolution audio streams (7.1 lossless 24/96 audio for example).
The other reason the output is degraded is because there is no way to
impliment a secure digital chain over the coax or optical standards.
HDMI can be crippled with HDCP when using high definition audio.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread opaqueice

gdg;227346 Wrote: 
 What are we... back to the CD gives perfect sound bullshit?

No one said that.  The question is how to improve it, and personally I
don't think increasing the sampling rate or the bit depth is going to
do that in any significant way (although there's also no reason NOT to
do it if the opportunity arises).

 1) How much time have you spent around live unamplified instruments so
 that you have some kind of reference. I spent years playing jazz in
 unamplified settings and the sound of real instrument is utterly
 imprinted on my subconcious. 

I'm an amateur musician and I go listen to live music often.

 2) How much technical training do you actually have  to help sort out
 the BS from the hard science? 

I'm a professor of physics.

 3) How many reference quality systems have you ever heard. 

More than I can count, including my own. 

 F this, I'm wasting my time here. This is clearly  a forum for the
 typical Joe Blow who thinks high art is the WWF.

Bye, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread Pat Farrell
Phil Leigh wrote:
 1) high resolution audio in the domestic replay chain appears to be a
 dead duck. DVD-A and SACD have both failed

Sadly, I agree. The home theater folks have never cared about fidelity. 
Effects subs are often unusable for music.

 Clearly domestic audio replay technology has reached the good
 enough that I don't care tipping point for most people.

Audiophiles (today's name for hi-fi fans) have always been a tiny 
portions of the music listening, gear buying public.

 Using 24/88.2 or higher in the recording chain has benefits that
 persist through to the final product even if the product is
 downsampled...but only if the mastering stages are  done well.

Right, its easier to keep the signal 'true' for all the processing, and 
99.99% of all music is highly processed, at high wide.

Even the dithering process to hack off the bits to make the final result 
16 bits is important.

 3) Even ignoring the resolution aspects of the trial quoted, it would
 appear that the additional path length made no discernable difference
 (ignoring the noise floor uplift which was apparently inaudible at
 normal listening levels).

While one can think that all changes in noise floor are important, once 
you get 70dB down, its essentially impossible to hear. Most serious 
recording folks try to 100db. Just to have 30db of safety.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread opaqueice

Phil Leigh;227354 Wrote: 
 Ignoring the whole DBT debate for a second, I've found that both
 upsampling and downsampling make no real difference to me (and I can
 test them easily in my system using my remote). However, when faced
 with a 16/44.1 and 24/88.2 copy of (allegedly) the same master - e.g.
 the Linn masters I have downloaded - I have an overwhelming preference
 for the high resolution versions. This doesn't change when I downsample
 the high-res version.
 IF the studio is simply downsampling the 2-track master at their end
 this makes no sense to me. IF they are remastering from multitrack to
 16-bit, then maybe I could see why.

Here's a further quote from that article:

 Virtually all of the SACD and DVD-A recordings sounded better than most
 CDs — sometimes much better... Partly because these recordings have not
 captured a large portion of the consumer market for music, engineers
 and producers are being given the freedom to produce recordings that
 sound as good as they can make them, without having to compress or
 equalize the signal to suit lesser systems and casual listening
 conditions... Our test results indicate that all of these recordings
 could be released on conventional CDs with no audible difference. They
 would not, however, find such a reliable conduit to the homes of those
 with the systems and listening habits to appreciate them. The secret,
 for two-channel recordings at least, seems to lie not in the high-bit
 recording but in the high-bit market.

So in other words it's got nothing to do with the increased resolution,
but simply that they're aiming higher in the mastering.

However that doesn't explain your preference if in fact both are from
the same master.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-16 Thread gdg

I forgot that many people here don't actually follow the debate and take
posts out of context. For anyone who is offended, if you actually had
followed the full discussion,  you'd know I was responding to the
statement that anything better than 16/44 is inaudible. 
When I stumble on an audiophile forum where this question is actually
taken seriously I'm done.
And to tell me that the same people who are debating this issue
probably have better sound systems and/or ears than I do makes me
even less apologetic than before. I've blocked this thread and only
come back when I feel like being entertained by an idiotic  debate.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread funkstar

gdg;227163 Wrote: 
 Uh no... Read my post. I'm talking about the new High Def video
 standards that include high rez audio capabilities.
How does that relate to streaming music from a SB or transporter

The high resolution lossless soundtracks are only available over HDMI
anyway, as they far excede the bandwidth of standard optical or coax


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Phil Leigh

funkstar;227231 Wrote: 
 Really? Not according to the hardware comparison page on the Wiki

The Burr-Brown PCM1748E dac chip can do 96kHz...

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread funkstar

Phil Leigh;227258 Wrote: 
 The Burr-Brown PCM1748E dac chip can do 96kHz...
Good to know. Not that it makes a difference is the SB3s processor
can't handle 96khz audio anyway :)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Phil Leigh

funkstar;227282 Wrote: 
 Good to know. Not that it makes a difference is the SB3s processor can't
 handle 96khz audio anyway :)

True - I was simply trying to clear up any confusion between the DAC
chip and the SB itself.

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

People are beginning to speculate that these new formats may be utilized
by the music industry. One of the main reasons is that audio capability
will be included in virtually all players from the beginning and the
hardware base will be built into the market. It's all speculation at
this point and who know's how it will be implemented. Who's to say HDMI
inputs won't exist on computers? I wouldn't mind covering those bases if
for the price of a transporter I can get the more flexible combination
of SB3 and Big Ben. If I didn't use a Tact processor it would be a
different story because I could take advantage of the Transporter as a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Pat Farrell
gdg wrote:
 People are beginning to speculate that these new formats may be utilized
 by the music industry.

What new formats? SACD and DVD-A? They are hardly new, they were defined 
last century. They have failed in the market. Some boutique audiophile 
labels still making them, essentially like audiophile vinyl pressings.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

Pat Farrell;227303 Wrote: 
 gdg wrote:
  People are beginning to speculate that these new formats may be
  by the music industry.
 What new formats? SACD and DVD-A? They are hardly new, they were
 last century. They have failed in the market. Some boutique audiophile
 labels still making them, essentially like audiophile vinyl pressings.

For the last time either actually read my posts or pay atention to what
is going on in the home theater industry. I'll say it for the third
time...I'm refering to the new High Def Video players that include high
rez multichannel audio capability.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

one needed to buy a dedicated SACD player or pay extra for a DVDA 
enabled player. This does not fly for Joe consumer. With HD DVD or
BluRay the players will have audio capabilities built in and by the
time the entire  DVD industry has gone High Def the hardware base for a
high rez audio standard will be established throughout the entire
consumer market.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Pat Farrell
gdg wrote:
 Pat Farrell;227303 Wrote:
 gdg wrote:
 People are beginning to speculate that these new formats may be
 utilized  by the music industry.

 What new formats? SACD and DVD-A? They are hardly new, they were 
 defined last century. They have failed in the market. Some boutique
 audiophile labels still making them, essentially like audiophile
 vinyl pressings.
 For the last time either actually read my posts or pay atention to
 what is going on in the home theater industry. I'll say it for the
 third time...I'm refering to the new High Def Video players that
 include high rez multichannel audio capability.

And I'm supposed to know that from one post with no quoting?
Get a grip. How about you learn how to post, eh?

I really don't give an F about home theater, I'm an audiophile, this is 
an audiophile forum.

The reality is that multi-channel audio has failed because not only was 
there a silly and unneeded format war, but there was no attempt to 
standardize what was needed for playback.

Home theater is fairly well defined, multi-channel audio is not.
Some recordings need full range speakers in the back, some put you in 
the middle of the orchestra. This is the same crap that releases in the 
quad era played with. Not realistic, and not interesting past 10 minutes.

I believe that multi-channel playback with the rear and side channels 
used for less than full range is wonderful, but that is not how a lot of 
  recordings are mixed.

Little plastic disks for music and audio are dead. Blue ray vs HD-DVD is 
too late for anyone to care about.

All IMHO, in case you  can't tell.
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

There has been more than one post and if you are too lazy to to actually
follow the thread don't blame me. Whether you care about multi channel
or not is not the issue. Multi channel is just one of the many ways the
audio capability of BluRay or HD DVD can be utilized and it doesn't
preclude stereo. As for not giving a crap about home theater or multi
channel wake up. Did you need  to have an interest in computers per sey
to participate in PC based audio.  Developments in high definition home
theater video and the accompanying multichannel that appeals to the
mass market is only a vehicle by which a new (and flexible) audio
format can be introduced to the mass market. I'm done arguing about
something you clearly havn't been paying attention to. Pay attention to
developments in the industry or not. I don't give a F.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

funkstar;227230 Wrote: 
 How does that relate to streaming music from a SB or transporter
 The high resolution lossless soundtracks are only available over HDMI
 anyway, as they far excede the bandwidth of standard optical or coax

As for bandwidth I believe HDMI is a necessity  in order to accommodate
both video and audio data, not something implemented because coax can't
handle the audio side of it. The first players that are hitting the
market all the usual coax digital outputs as well as HDMI and will, in
all likelihood continue to do so (though some don't yet have fully
implemented audio capabilities).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Pat Farrell
gdg wrote:
 There has been more than one post and if you are too lazy to to actually
 follow the thread don't blame me. 

Contrary to some expectations, some folks get these posts via email

 As for not giving a crap about home theater or multi
 channel wake up.

Non sequitor.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

To simplify the whole issue lets put it this way...
In future, a high quality mass production company like, for instance, 
EMI could decide that all of it's Jazz releases will be done in Stereo
24/196 and, unlike SACD or DVDA,  virtually everyone  will already own
a player capable of playing the format. Whether that happens or not is
anyone's guess but, unlike SACD or DVDA, at least there is chance with
the hardware base already installed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Pat Farrell
gdg wrote:
 In future, a high quality mass production company like, for instance, 
 EMI could decide that all of it's Jazz releases will be done in Stereo
 24/196 and, unlike SACD or DVDA,  virtually everyone  will already own
 a player capable of playing the format. 

I would love it for them to do so.
Even 24/88.2 is a big improvement, if they do it for the whole chain.

Remastering stuff recorded on an ADAT isn't going to get better with 

I tend to believe it would make some economic sense, otherwise the music 
industry is dead.

I don't think any of this means that the SB3 will benefit from a Big Ben 
type device. They make a lot of sense in a recording studio where you 
have many separate devices, say 3 o 4 ganged ADCs with 8 channels each.

For playback, even of 5.1 or 7.1, its fairly easy to get all the 
channels in a single device, using an internal clock. Audiophiles can 
then look for a device with a good internal clock, rather than something 
expensive and external like a Big Ben.

Unless you just like the look of the gear, which does appeal to some.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread opaqueice

Do you really think you need higher resolution than 24/96?  

Or for that matter, 16/44.1?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Pat Farrell
opaqueice wrote:
 Do you really think you need higher resolution than 24/96?  
 Or for that matter, 16/44.1?

I'm not the guy who wrote that, but a bit better than 16/44 would be 
nice. If only so that the engineers would aim higher. Serious folks say 
that 20/55kHz or so is actually all we need for perfect sound forever, 
but that was above the engineering in the 70s when the CD was designed.

Well done 16/44.1 can  be very good, but a lot is not well done.
24/88.2 is very available, the recording side technology has been there 
and fairly inexpensive for close to a decade.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread opaqueice

Well, I'm still waiting to see one single bliund listening test in which
people can even -distinguish- between 16/44.1 and something better*, let
alone care about the difference (and I'm not talking about tiny
differences in the noise floor that can be heard with massive
amplification - this is about music played at reasonable levels).

But I agree that enhanced standards might encourage mastering engineers
to do a better job...

*Audibility of a CD-Standard A/D/A Loop Inserted into High-Resolution
Audio Playback. E. Brad Meyer and David R. Moran. JAES 55(9) September
2007.  The tests, conducted with many experienced listeners on a variety
of high-end systems over the course of a year, produced a null result
(no difference was audible).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

Personally, on my system I can even hear the difference between 16/44
and the current 16/48 dvd audio standard. There is no question that the
vast majority of people are happy with MP3. Makes no difference to me. 
Most of them have have seldom, if ever, even heard a live unamplified
instrument so they don't have a clue anyway. 

BTW Another way to look at the developments in high definition video
players and their audio potential. Most people think of their Ipod as
an MP3 player. That doesn't change the fact that audio enthusiasts can
load them up with full resolution WAV or Lossless files, plug in a $400
IEM (and maybe a portable amp) and get stunning sound.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread opaqueice

Three words: try it blind.

I'd be willing to bet you can't hear the difference if you don't know
in advance which is which (again, I'm talking about music at reasonable
levels, not very quiet sections cranked way up).

Here's the abstract:

 Claims both published and anecdotal are regularly made for audibly
 superior sound quality for two-channel audio encoded with longer word
 lengths and/or at higher sampling rates than the 16-bit/44.1-kHz CD
 standard. The authors report on a series of double-blind tests
 comparing the analog output of high-resolution players playing
 high-resolution recordings with the same signal passed through a
 16-bit/44.1-kHz bottleneck. The tests were conducted for over a year
 using different systems and a variety of subjects. The systems included
 expensive professional monitors and one high-end system with
 electrostatic loudspeakers and expensive components and cables. The
 subjects included professional recording engineers, students in a
 university recording program, and dedicated audiophiles. The test
 results show that the CD-quality A/D/A loop was undetectable at
 normal-to-loud listening levels, by any of the subjects, on any of the
 playback systems. The noise of the CD-quality loop was audible only at
 very elevated levels.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread Pat Farrell
opaqueice wrote:
 Three words: try it blind.

Oh No, not DBT, didn't we ban all diversions to threads about DBT.

I mean, how can you tell tube amps from solid state without the orange 
glow of the tubes? The eyes are near the ears.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread gdg

What are we... back to the CD gives perfect sound bullshit? Have you
idiots ever even heard a good sound system?  A guy who has spent his
life working with live orchestras came over the other day to buy my
Ipod. Within five minutes of listening to my system  was asking me for
permission to send his friend over for audio advise (happens all the
time with people who've never heard anything better than typical
circuit city garbage). Try knowing a little something about what you
are talking about before spouting off. 
1) How much time have you spent around live unamplified instruments so
that you have some kind of reference. I spent years playing jazz in
unamplified settings and the sound of real instrument is utterly
imprinted on my subconcious. 
2) How much technical training do you actually have  to help sort out
the BS from the hard science? 
3) How many reference quality systems have you ever heard. 
F this, I'm wasting my time here. This is clearly  a forum for the
typical Joe Blow who thinks high art is the WWF.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-15 Thread pfarrell

gdg;227346 Wrote: 
 Have you idiots ever even heard a good sound system?

Who do you mean you idiots?

Did it every occur to you, gdg, that some of us might actually know
what we are talking about?

These personal attacks that you, gdg, seem to love are at best
uncivilized, and at worst make you look like a jerk.

If you want to cite your years of experience playing jazz, could you
kindly reference which instrument you play? For example, many great
jazz guitarists use electric guitars and the tube distortion is a major
part of the sound.

But then again, perhaps it is a waste of time replying to your attacks.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-14 Thread Robin Bowes
gdg wrote:
 Thanx for the input Kim. I don't think I'd go the transporter route
 because the word I'm getting is that Vista PC streaming has now
 surpassed the SB.

Huh? I'm not sure what your sources are, but the quality of *any* PC
streaming depends on the audio device used. And that goes for Vista, or
XP, or Windows 95, or Linux, or OSX, or ...

 If I go that route I'd definitely want to reclock
 what comes out of a computer. In addition I don't believe the
 Transporter can handle high rez standards which may become the norm
 with the advent of new high def dvd players.

What standards do you want to use? Remember, both the SB and the
Transporter are firmware-upgradeable and may be enhanced in the future
to support new standards (subject to CPU limitations of the hardware).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-14 Thread Phil Leigh

you mean high rez standards like the incredibly popular sacd and dvd-a?

Phil Leigh

You want to see the signal path BEFORE it gets onto a CD/
ain't what you'd call minimal...

...SB3+TACT+Altmann+MF DACXV3/Linn tri-amped Aktiv 5.1 system and some
very expensive cables ;o)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-14 Thread funkstar

gdg;227041 Wrote: 
 In addition I don't believe the Transporter can handle high rez
 standards which may become the norm with the advent of new high def dvd
I belive the transporter can handle 24bit 96khz streams. the SB3 can
also handle these, although it downsamples to 48KHz because of the
limitations of the DAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-14 Thread Patrick Dixon

funkstar;227104 Wrote: 
 I belive the transporter can handle 24bit 96khz streams. the SB3 can
 also handle these, although it downsamples to 48KHz because of the
 limitations of the DAC.

Actually because of the limitations of the processor and firmware - the
DAC can do 96KHz/24-bits.

Patrick Dixon

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-14 Thread gcogger

Does the SB3 still downsample if you're using an external DAC?  Or does
it pass the digital stream intact (e.g. can it pass 88.2kHz 24bit data
to an external DAC)?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-14 Thread gdg

Phil Leigh;227103 Wrote: 
 you mean high rez standards like the incredibly popular sacd and dvd-a?

Uh no... Read my post. I'm talking about the new High Def video
standards that include high rez audio capabilities.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-13 Thread gdg

Does anyone here use a Big Ben to reduce jitter out of the SB3? I'm
running into a Tact 2.0s which is quite sensitive to jitter so if you
have any experience in this area I'd love to hear your impressions.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-13 Thread krochat

gdg;227035 Wrote: 
 Does anyone here use a Big Ben to reduce jitter out of the SB3? I'm
 running into a Tact 2.0s which is quite sensitive to jitter so if you
 have any experience in this area I'd love to hear your impressions.

Yes, I'm using one with SB3 and TacT RCS 2.2X. With the Big Ben, the
SB3 digital out sounds identical to the Transporter. 

If you already have a Big Ben, use it. Otherwise you may as well invest
in a Transporter.

Use toslink between the SB3 and Big Ben to eliminate electical noise
from the SB3.

For whatever it's worth, I've replaced the switching power supply in
the Big Ben with a Welborne linear one. I'm also using the Welborne SB3
power supply.



SB3 (+linear) - Big Ben - TacT RCS 2.2X - 2xS2150 - Vandersteen 3a
Signature + TacT W210

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Does the Squeezebox 3 benefit from a Big Ben?

2007-09-13 Thread gdg

Thanx for the input Kim. I don't think I'd go the transporter route
because the word I'm getting is that Vista PC streaming has now
surpassed the SB. If I go that route I'd definitely want to reclock
what comes out of a computer. In addition I don't believe the
Transporter can handle high rez standards which may become the norm
with the advent of new high def dvd players.


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