Re: [Bacula-users] MaxVolBytes 1?

2007-11-21 Thread Foo Bar
Additional info: Bacula 2.2.6 on Debian 4.0, /mnt/bacula is mounted using
smbfs on a W2K3 NAS gateway.

--- Foo Bar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 after changing the pool settings for a volume (from 365days retention to
 lowering the number of bytes to 1 GB max etc.) and doing an 'update
 volume', the output of 'llist volume' shows MaxVolBytes: 1 where it was
 MaxVolBytes: 0 before.

I found this is due to using commas in the Pool definition, which I changed

Pool {
  Name = Pool_foo_full
  Pool Type = Backup
  Volume Use Duration = 7d
## this results in MaxVolBytes 1 instead of 1 GiB:
##  Maximum Volume Bytes = 1,073,741,824
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 1073741824
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 8
  Volume Retention = 2 days
  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
  Purge Oldest Volume = yes
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes

However, before changing it this morning (and doing update volume) the job
ran last night and the following happened:

21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 499: No prior Full backup Job record found.
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 499: No prior or suitable Full backup found in
catalog. Doing FULL backup.
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 496: Start Backup JobId 496,
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 496: Max Volume bytes exceeded. Marking Volume
Vol_foo_full as Full.
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 496: Purging oldest volume Vol_foo_full
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 496: 2 Files on Volume Vol_foo_full purged
from catalog.
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 496: There are no more Jobs associated with
Volume Vol_foo_full. Marking it purged.
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 496: All records pruned from Volume
Vol_foo_full; marking it Purged
21-Nov 01:45 foo-dir JobId 496: Using Device NAS_mount
21-Nov 01:45 foo-sd JobId 496: User defined maximum volume capacity 1
exceeded on device NAS_mount (/mnt/bacula).
21-Nov 01:45 foo-sd JobId 496: Error: label.c:485 Unable to write device
NAS_mount (/mnt/bacula): ERR=
21-Nov 01:45 foo-sd JobId 496: Marking Volume Vol_foo_full in Error in
21-Nov 01:45 foo-sd JobId 496: Job foo_fulltest.2007-11-21_01.45.06
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the label  command to create a new Volume for:
Storage:  NAS_mount (/mnt/bacula)
Pool: Pool_foo_full
Media type:   NAS_File

The last bit is repeated after 1, 2 and 4 hours.

I had a single Vol_foo_full volume which was 11 GB (lots of
full/incremental backups before changing max size/duration/retention
settings) which changed to 0 bytes during the above.

I will of course label at least one new volume, but out of curiosity, when,
if ever, will the single volume I have now be recycled and reused? Was it
blocked because of the 1 byte limit I set yesterday and should it work
during the backup tonight? (or after 16 hours, whichever comes first)

Couple more questions:
- why does the job output say 2 files were deleted from the catalog when
there were many thousands of files (in dozens of jobs) in the volume (and
catalog) already?
- how do I change the Volume's 'Error' status to 'Append' again? (will a
manual cancel job do it for example?)
- how do I make sure such an error does not block any other backups without
resorting to parallel backups and/or autolabeling?
- if this job runs OK tonight the other jobs that are waiting behind it
(scheduled to be run at the same time once a day) will presumably run, but
will they run again immediately due to the schedule? Or if they take a few
minutes, will passing the scheduled time mean they are not executed?

Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Bacula V2.0.2 - Solaris

2007-11-21 Thread Andrew Paterson
I've no doubt I will be referred to some part of the manual that I 
missed ;).
But I have had a problem for some time now and done nothing about it.
If a job takes long enough to cause subsequent job(s) to fail with start wait 
time exceeded.
(Fatal error: Job cancelled because max start time exceeded)
All jobs thus failed are upgraded to a Full!
Which for me means that when a certain (large) machine chooses to do its full 
backup it causes a chain-reaction of subsequent systems doing full backups.

I do however still want a full backup following a genuine failed backup (a 
backup that failed after being started that is!).

I have Rerun Failed Levels set to Yes.

Can anyone confirm how to stop the upgrading on exceeding start-time happening

Many Thanks

Andrew R Paterson

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Flavio Junior
Good morning folks...

This is my first e-mail to the list, I'm brazilian so, sorry for my english :)

My problem is follow:

I have a dedicated backup server using bacula with disk and LTO-1 storages.
When I was using tar/star unix commands to record the tape I was
getting a transfer rate near of 45Gb/hour, what is
very good (+ or - 13.5M/s).

So I'd decide to install Bacula to do my backups that doesnt fit one tape more..

I'm using bacula 2.2.6 with MySQL 5.0.41 and recording data from the
same server. (bacula-fd, bacula-sd, bacula-dir, mysql and all backuped
data is in same server).

The problem is: When using bacula I can't get more than 20Gb/hour to the tape!.

I'd try with or without Spooling data (100G), using database
batch-insert or not..

Below I post output of one Job:

21-Nov 02:30 bloo-dir JobId 688: Start Backup JobId 688,
21-Nov 02:30 bloo-dir JobId 688: Using Device LTO-1
21-Nov 02:30 bloo-sd JobId 688: Spooling data ...
21-Nov 03:25 bloo-sd JobId 688: Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25,
Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second
21-Nov 03:25 bloo-sd JobId 688: Committing spooled data to Volume
BackupProsul-0002. Despooling 48,515,247,286 bytes ...
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-sd JobId 688: Despooling elapsed time = 02:11:13,
Transfer rate = 6.162 M bytes/second
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-sd JobId 688: Sending spooled attrs to the Director.
Despooling 2,251,693 bytes ...
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: Bacula bloo-dir 2.2.6 (10Nov07):
21-Nov-2007 05:37:27
  Build OS:   i686-pc-linux-gnu mandrake (Official)
  JobId:  688
  Backup Level:   Differential, since=2007-11-20 02:02:21
  Client: bloo-fd 2.2.6 (10Nov07)
  FileSet:Imagens 2007-09-03 14:43:17
  Pool:   BackupProsul (From Job resource)
  Storage:LTO-1 (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time: 21-Nov-2007 00:10:00
  Start time: 21-Nov-2007 02:30:17
  End time:   21-Nov-2007 05:37:27
  Elapsed time:   3 hours 7 mins 10 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   7,960
  SD Files Written:   7,960
  FD Bytes Written:   48,468,569,161 (48.46 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:   48,469,981,610 (48.46 GB)
  Rate:   4316.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Volume name(s): BackupProsul-0002
  Volume Session Id:  15
  Volume Session Time:1195499058
  Last Volume Bytes:  94,710,712,320 (94.71 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Backup OK

21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: Begin pruning Jobs.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: No Jobs found to prune.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: Begin pruning Files.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: No Files found to prune.
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-dir JobId 688: End auto prune.

Check this lines:
21-Nov 03:25 bloo-sd JobId 688: Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25,
Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second
21-Nov 05:37 bloo-sd JobId 688: Despooling elapsed time = 02:11:13,
Transfer rate = 6.162 M bytes/second

First line we can see that my disks can copy (spooling) at this speed.
Second we see tha transfer rate to the tape (LTO1) as 6M/s, what is
very slow treating about a LTO1 tape that can reach 15M/s.

I have no more ideas how improve this speed.. I'm online at #bacula @ if someone want talk to me.

Follow some configs that I concert is important:

### bacula-sd.conf #
Device {
  Name = LTO-1
  Device Type = Tape
  Media Type = LTO
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
  Label Media = yes;
  Requires Mount = no;
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  Close on Poll = yes;
  Offline on Unmount = yes;
  Volume Poll Interval = 40 minutes;
  # Spooling data
  Maximum Spool Size = 100 Gb;
  Spool Directory = /backup/bacula-spool;

# Clients Definitions
Client {
  Name = bloo-fd
  Address =
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = secret
  File Retention = 25 days
  Job Retention = 6 months
  AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired Jobs/Files

Storage {
  Name = LTO-1
  Address = N.B. Use a fully qualified name here
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = secret
  Device = LTO-1
  Media Type = LTO
  Autochanger = no

Job {
  Name = BackupImagens
  JobDefs = DefaultJob
  Level = Differential
  Client = bloo-fd
  FileSet = Imagens
  Schedule = Imagens
  Storage = LTO-1
  Pool = BackupProsul
  Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/working/BackupImagens.bsr
  SpoolData = yes

FileSet {
  Name = Imagens
  Include {
Options {

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Alejandro Alfonso

only a suggestion, as i've never used a scenario like yours: how are the
disk partitioned and mounted?

Maybe, using the same device for read to spool and send spool to
LTO, read job is done twice. Then, spoolled attrs must be send to database

And... look your report:

Using tar:
transfer rate near of 45Gb/hour, what is very good (+ or - 13.5M/s)

Using bacula:
Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25, Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second

It seems that disk performance is better in bacula!

Hope it helps

Best regards!

 I have a dedicated backup server using bacula with disk and LTO-1 storages.
 When I was using tar/star unix commands to record the tape I was
 getting a transfer rate near of 45Gb/hour, what is
 very good (+ or - 13.5M/s).

 I'm using bacula 2.2.6 with MySQL 5.0.41 and recording data from the
 same server. (bacula-fd, bacula-sd, bacula-dir, mysql and all backuped
 data is in same server).

 Check this lines:
 21-Nov 03:25 bloo-sd JobId 688: Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25,
 Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second



*   Alejandro Alfonso Fernandez
  Responsable Área Corporativa *[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Shon Stephens
Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
later. I just have to vent.

Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
still not working correctly.

Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:

Labeling tapes
Assigning tapes to pools
Reassigning tapes to pools
Managing disk media

Things Bacula can't seem to get right:

Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula

Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
entries made it into the Catalog

Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
depending on which part of the config you are editing

Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
up a single system, and even then better be careful.

I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Ralf Gross
Alejandro Alfonso schrieb:
 only a suggestion, as i've never used a scenario like yours: how are the
 disk partitioned and mounted?
 Maybe, using the same device for read to spool and send spool to
 LTO, read job is done twice. Then, spoolled attrs must be send to database

I don't think that this is his problem, because spooling and
despooling does not happen at the same time.
 And... look your report:
 Using tar:
 transfer rate near of 45Gb/hour, what is very good (+ or - 13.5M/s)

This is writing to tape.
 Using bacula:
 Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25, Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second

This is writing to disk.
 It seems that disk performance is better in bacula!

That's what I would expect too. But doesn't help him why bacula is
writing to tape only with 6 MB/s instread of 13 MB/s with tar.

The overall time for a single backup job with spooling will always be
longer than without. But writing to tape from the spool file should be
at least as fast as with tar.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Dan Langille
On 21 Nov 2007 at 8:07, Shon Stephens wrote:

 Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
 later. I just have to vent.
 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

You are unique.

 Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
 Labeling tapes
 Assigning tapes to pools
 Reassigning tapes to pools
 Managing disk media
 Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
 Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
 Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
 right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
 Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
 recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula
 Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
 entries made it into the Catalog
 Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
 its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
 depending on which part of the config you are editing
 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
 up a single system, and even then better be careful.
 I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
 it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

Oh, and here I thought you were going to ask for more help.  Oh well. 
 Good luck to you.  I hope the parting shots improve things for you.

Dan Langille - PGCon -

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] MaxVolBytes 1?

2007-11-21 Thread Alan Brown
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Foo Bar wrote:

 Additional info: Bacula 2.2.6 on Debian 4.0, /mnt/bacula is mounted using
 smbfs on a W2K3 NAS gateway.

Why not put a bacula client directly on the NAS head?

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Arno Lehmann

21.11.2007 14:07,, Shon Stephens wrote::
 Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
 later. I just have to vent.

I don't think your mail will be removed as that's rather difficult 
with a mailing list :-)

 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

Now that's astonishing... four months after my initial contact with 
Bacula I had a number of customer setups running, using disks and tapes.

 Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
 Labeling tapes
 Assigning tapes to pools
 Reassigning tapes to pools
 Managing disk media

I really don't understand where that is overly complex. Doing all this 
is only one line in bconsole, beyond what you set up in the 
configuration. Even the configuration of a pool usually needs less 
than ten lines of text.

 Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
 Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
 Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
 right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
 Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
 recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula

Hard to comment on - the one issue we discussed wasn't really 
resolved, but that's something I can't exactly reproduce. My customers 
system, where I encountered that, works correctly with 2.2.5.

 Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
 entries made it into the Catalog

I can't reproduce that.

 Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
 its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
 depending on which part of the config you are editing

Examples, perhaps even suggestions how to improve that?

 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
 up a single system, and even then better be careful.

I can confirm that many users, even really big ones, can rely on 
Bacula for their backups.

 I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
 it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

Good luck with Arkeia. I found it to be extremely unreliable, for 
example with its license assignments. I never got a whole set of 
backups to complete correctly - something always got stuck, crashed, 
had to be re-configured, or something. Admittedly, that's some time 
ago, but then I switched to Bacula...


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Ludovic Strappazon
Shon Stephens a écrit :
 Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
 later. I just have to vent.

 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

 Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:

 Labeling tapes
 Assigning tapes to pools
 Reassigning tapes to pools
 Managing disk media

 Things Bacula can't seem to get right:

 Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
 Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
 right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
 Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
 recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula

 Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
 entries made it into the Catalog

 Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
 its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
 depending on which part of the config you are editing

 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
 up a single system, and even then better be careful.

 I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
 it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

You are a nice person, your good humor will be missed for us all.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Flavio Junior
Thanks Ralf..
This is exactly what happen..

Worst problem is that all my jobs reach 200G/day, and this is a big
problem because i'm not at work 24hs/day to keep changing tapes, and
backup is accumulating :/

Still worst when I need to recover something and bacula is recording
tape all day... :/

Thanks for comments. Waiting for news :)


Flávio do Carmo Júnior

On Nov 21, 2007 11:10 AM, Ralf Gross Ralf-Lists@ wrote:
 Alejandro Alfonso schrieb:
  only a suggestion, as i've never used a scenario like yours: how are the
  disk partitioned and mounted?
  Maybe, using the same device for read to spool and send spool to
  LTO, read job is done twice. Then, spoolled attrs must be send to database

 I don't think that this is his problem, because spooling and
 despooling does not happen at the same time.

  And... look your report:
  Using tar:
  transfer rate near of 45Gb/hour, what is very good (+ or - 13.5M/s)

 This is writing to tape.

  Using bacula:
  Job write elapsed time = 00:55:25, Transfer rate = 14.57 M bytes/second

 This is writing to disk.

  It seems that disk performance is better in bacula!

 That's what I would expect too. But doesn't help him why bacula is
 writing to tape only with 6 MB/s instread of 13 MB/s with tar.

 The overall time for a single backup job with spooling will always be
 longer than without. But writing to tape from the spool file should be
 at least as fast as with tar.


 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
 Bacula-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
   Build OS:   i686-pc-linux-gnu mandrake (Official)
   JobId:  688
   Backup Level:   Differential, since=2007-11-20 02:02:21
   Client: bloo-fd 2.2.6 (10Nov07)
   FileSet:Imagens 2007-09-03 14:43:17
   Pool:   BackupProsul (From Job resource)
   Storage:LTO-1 (From Job resource)
   Scheduled time: 21-Nov-2007 00:10:00
   Start time: 21-Nov-2007 02:30:17
   End time:   21-Nov-2007 05:37:27
   Elapsed time:   3 hours 7 mins 10 secs
   Priority:   10
   FD Files Written:   7,960
   SD Files Written:   7,960
   FD Bytes Written:   48,468,569,161 (48.46 GB)
   SD Bytes Written:   48,469,981,610 (48.46 GB)
   Rate:   4316.0 KB/s
   Software Compression:   None
   Encryption: no
   Volume name(s): BackupProsul-0002
   Volume Session Id:  15
   Volume Session Time:1195499058
   Last Volume Bytes:  94,710,712,320 (94.71 GB)
   Non-fatal FD errors:0
   SD Errors:  0
   FD termination status:  OK
   SD termination status:  OK
   Termination:Backup OK

This is a differential backup. Only Full backups will get good speeds
because the OS will spend a lot of time thrashing through the file
system looking for the files that have changed.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] MaxVolBytes 1?

2007-11-21 Thread Foo Bar

--- Alan Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Foo Bar wrote:
  Additional info: Bacula 2.2.6 on Debian 4.0, /mnt/bacula is mounted
  smbfs on a W2K3 NAS gateway.
 Why not put a bacula client directly on the NAS head?

Various reasons, chief amongst which support contracts. I see this as a
complication anyway, Samba does what I need without installing and
configuring an extra daemon.

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This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
 Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
 later. I just have to vent.

 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

If you would have asked questions about the problems you were
experiencing we would have helped.

 Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:

 Labeling tapes
 Assigning tapes to pools
 Reassigning tapes to pools
 Managing disk media

These are all very easy and menu driven.

 Things Bacula can't seem to get right:

 Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
 Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
 right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
 Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
 recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula

If you issue an unmount on the loaded tape you must issue a mount on
the next tape. If you issue a release on the loaded tape you do not
have to issue the mount command in the console if you have bacula
configured correctly.

 Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
 entries made it into the Catalog

 Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
 its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
 depending on which part of the config you are editing

This is easy. Use / instead of \

 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
 up a single system, and even then better be careful.

I backup 50+ computers over gigabit network with the director,
database and storage on different machines. Actually I have several
bacula-sd machines because I have a few tape drives / libraries and I
also use file storage on some of my large servers.

 I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
 it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

You are guaranteed to get a lower level of user support than what you
have here with that.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Foo Bar

--- Dan Langille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 21 Nov 2007 at 8:07, Shon Stephens wrote:
  Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
  later. I just have to vent.
  Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
  still not working correctly.
 You are unique.

Not really, I've been at it for 2 months too now, although I'm admittedly
very busy so haven't exactly spent all my time on it.

I have mostly problems with documentation and the learning curve, which is
especially going to be a problem for those that will use it once I get it
all set up (I can't get BAT to compile for example, hopefully the Debian
stable package will be updated soon).

I'm not going to list everything I have trouble with, I'll just keep asking
questions and hopefully someone will answer, since I have not given up on
Bacula yet :)

Yahoo! Answers - Got a question? Someone out there knows the answer. Try it

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
  Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
  up a single system, and even then better be careful.
 I backup 50+ computers over gigabit network with the director,
 database and storage on different machines. Actually I have several
 bacula-sd machines because I have a few tape drives / libraries and I
 also use file storage on some of my large servers.

I forgot to mention a few things. My computers are a mix of windows
and linux machines with the becula servers running on the linux side
and I currently have over 15TB of data in my backups that contain
around 5 million files.


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Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
 I have mostly problems with documentation and the learning curve, which is
 especially going to be a problem for those that will use it once I get it
 all set up (I can't get BAT to compile for example, hopefully the Debian
 stable package will be updated soon).

BAT is a very recent addition to bacula (written mostly by a single
developer in his free time)  so it has not gone through the kind of
testing that the other parts of the system have that have been around
for years.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Foo Bar

--- John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have mostly problems with documentation and the learning curve, which
  especially going to be a problem for those that will use it once I get
  all set up (I can't get BAT to compile for example, hopefully the
  stable package will be updated soon).
 BAT is a very recent addition to bacula (written mostly by a single
 developer in his free time)  so it has not gone through the kind of
 testing that the other parts of the system have that have been around
 for years.

I understand and don't expect miracles, just saying that Bacula currently
lacks in the ease of use department for those that can't learn it inside
out. For me that means I need a GUI for some colleagues and wouldn't mind
using it myself instead of the console.

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This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Shon Stephens
Like I said its a rant. Probably a poor choice to post, but I've
really been having some inexplicable problems lately and kirk'd out
something bad this morning. Setting up Bacula to test certain things
went relatively smoothly. Its been setting it up for production that
has presented its biggest challenges. The documentation is immense and
the learning curve is certainly challenging. If it weren't for the
support of all the kind folks here, I wouldn't have come as far as I
have. For instance, the full abilities of the commands aren't well
documented. It required searching the bacula-users posts to discover
that I could do label slots=1-12 pool=scratch barcodes.

I did do something foolish the other day when I edited the jobs and
ran reload in the console while a job was despooling. The conf wasn't
correct (still trying to get the Windows Fileset syntax correct). Well
of course the director puked and this is I suppose expected. What I
didn't expect is that Bacula wouldn't be able to tell me what happened
to the job, or that the data that had been spooled to disk would all
be gone. This is when I started running into difficulty attempting to
purge the tape and add it back to the scratch pool. In addition, I had
a Full backup run on Sunday. I received email that the job was
complete and was successful. Querying Bacula for any information
regarding the job returned no reuslts. Looking directly at the
tables showed the Filename table did contain the filenames but the Job
and File tables were empty. I don't believe this should have been the
case, and there was nothing in mysql logs to indicate an error and
none in Bacula logs. I am not unwilling to believe that there still
could have been an issue with mysql.  These are real concerns for me
and trying to implement reliable backups.

I do apologize to anyone I might have insulted, particularly the hard
working Bacula developers. Poor choice of mine to post comments like


On Nov 21, 2007 9:20 AM, Foo Bar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have mostly problems with documentation and the learning curve, which
   especially going to be a problem for those that will use it once I get
   all set up (I can't get BAT to compile for example, hopefully the
   stable package will be updated soon).
  BAT is a very recent addition to bacula (written mostly by a single
  developer in his free time)  so it has not gone through the kind of
  testing that the other parts of the system have that have been around
  for years.

 I understand and don't expect miracles, just saying that Bacula currently
 lacks in the ease of use department for those that can't learn it inside
 out. For me that means I need a GUI for some colleagues and wouldn't mind
 using it myself instead of the console.

 Want ideas for reducing your carbon footprint? Visit Yahoo! For Good

 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
 Bacula-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
On Nov 21, 2007 9:16 AM, Flavio Junior [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John, thanks for comments..

 But this happens even with full backups.
 I just post a Differential backup because this have all needed info
 without a change tape needed.

 Below I post data about a Full backup:

 20-Nov 02:02 bloo-dir JobId 675: Start Backup JobId 675,
 20-Nov 02:02 bloo-dir JobId 675: Using Device LTO-1
 20-Nov 02:02 bloo-sd JobId 675: Spooling data ...
 20-Nov 04:08 bloo-sd JobId 675: User specified spool size reached.
 20-Nov 04:08 bloo-sd JobId 675: Writing spooled data to Volume.
 Despooling 100,000,003,260 bytes ...
 20-Nov 08:35 bloo-sd JobId 675: Despooling elapsed time = 04:26:08,
 Transfer rate = 6.262 M bytes/second
I am concerned about this number as it should be much higher. This
number represents the speed at which the bacula-sd is writing to tape
from the spool file. On a LTO2 archive I get 35 to 45MB/s. For LTO1
you should get 1/2 of this as the drive writes at roughly 1/2 the
speed of LTO2. Is your cpu under full load while spooling? Does the
hard disk thrash a lot while spooling? Are you spooling over a 100Mbit
network? What is your spool size?


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Janco van der Merwe

If it took you four months to figure out how Bacula works maybe you
shouldn't be allowed near any computer!

There are ways and means to do things in Bacula and let me tell you this
if you couldn't do it or find a way you are really incompetent and again
should be allowed to operate a PC.

I have Bacula running at several sites without a glitch and backing up
over 1 TB of data on one site with a LTO3 Autoloader, and BTW this was
done when I was still a novice in the Linux World, so if I could do it
anyone canwell it looks like you're the excpetion not the

On the Windows side of things there are no problems, I've backuped and
restored several machine using Bacula and the Bart PE and with great

Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing up
a single system, and even then better be careful.WHAT, ARE YOU
OUT OF FREAKING MIND, YOU NUMB SKULL, here is a tip and I'll try to do
this in a language that you might understand

You know what Bacula Usersgood riddance to bad trash and lastely
he'll 10 to 1 make a [EMAIL PROTECTED] up of the other software as well!

On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 08:07 -0500, Shon Stephens wrote:
 Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
 later. I just have to vent.
 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.
 Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
 Labeling tapes
 Assigning tapes to pools
 Reassigning tapes to pools
 Managing disk media
 Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
 Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
 Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
 right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
 Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
 recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula
 Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
 entries made it into the Catalog
 Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
 its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
 depending on which part of the config you are editing
 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
 up a single system, and even then better be careful.
 I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
 it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula
 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
 Bacula-users mailing list
Janco van der Merwe
Open Solutions
Tel: 011 305 2887
Cell: 083 291 8536
Fax: 0866978875
Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those
who kindly reprove thy faults.

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Flavio Junior
Hm... ok...

Speed estimated for LTO1 is among 12 ~ 15 MB/sec.

Just remembering, I got same problem doing backups without use of spool.

No, my CPU is all time near of zero load..This server is only for
backups, so isnt anything running in it other than bacula.
No, harddisk is normal.
Spool Directory is local and data (source of backup) is local too. All
job is between disk and tape.
My Spool size is 100Gb.



Flávio do Carmo Júnior

On Nov 21, 2007 12:27 PM, John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 21, 2007 9:16 AM, Flavio Junior [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  John, thanks for comments..
  But this happens even with full backups.
  I just post a Differential backup because this have all needed info
  without a change tape needed.
  Below I post data about a Full backup:
  20-Nov 02:02 bloo-dir JobId 675: Start Backup JobId 675,
  20-Nov 02:02 bloo-dir JobId 675: Using Device LTO-1
  20-Nov 02:02 bloo-sd JobId 675: Spooling data ...
  20-Nov 04:08 bloo-sd JobId 675: User specified spool size reached.
  20-Nov 04:08 bloo-sd JobId 675: Writing spooled data to Volume.
  Despooling 100,000,003,260 bytes ...
  20-Nov 08:35 bloo-sd JobId 675: Despooling elapsed time = 04:26:08,
  Transfer rate = 6.262 M bytes/second
 I am concerned about this number as it should be much higher. This
 number represents the speed at which the bacula-sd is writing to tape
 from the spool file. On a LTO2 archive I get 35 to 45MB/s. For LTO1
 you should get 1/2 of this as the drive writes at roughly 1/2 the
 speed of LTO2. Is your cpu under full load while spooling? Does the
 hard disk thrash a lot while spooling? Are you spooling over a 100Mbit
 network? What is your spool size?


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Shon Stephens
Like I said its a rant. Probably a poor choice to post, but I've
really been having some inexplicable problems lately and kirk'd out
something bad this morning. Setting up Bacula to test certain things
went relatively smoothly. Its been setting it up for production that
has presented its biggest challenges. The documentation is immense and
the learning curve is certainly challenging. If it weren't for the
support of all the kind folks here, I wouldn't have come as far as I
have. For instance, the full abilities of the commands aren't well
documented. It required searching the bacula-users posts to discover
that I could do label slots=1-12 pool=scratch barcodes.

I did do something foolish the other day when I edited the jobs and
ran reload in the console while a job was despooling. The conf wasn't
correct (still trying to get the Windows Fileset syntax correct). Well
of course the director puked and this is I suppose expected. What I
didn't expect is that Bacula wouldn't be able to tell me what happened
to the job, or that the data that had been spooled to disk would all
be gone. This is when I started running into difficulty attempting to
purge the tape and add it back to the scratch pool. In addition, I had
a Full backup run on Sunday. I received email that the job was
complete and was successful. Querying Bacula for any information
regarding the job returned no reuslts. Looking directly at the
tables showed the Filename table did contain the filenames but the Job
and File tables were empty. I don't believe this should have been the
case, and there was nothing in mysql logs to indicate an error and
none in Bacula logs. I am not unwilling to believe that there still
could have been an issue with mysql.  These are real concerns for me
and trying to implement reliable backups.

I do apologize to anyone I might have insulted, particularly the hard
working Bacula developers. Poor choice of mine to post comments like

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Ralf Gross
Flavio Junior schrieb:
 Thanks Ralf..
 This is exactly what happen..
 Worst problem is that all my jobs reach 200G/day, and this is a big
 problem because i'm not at work 24hs/day to keep changing tapes, and
 backup is accumulating :/
 Still worst when I need to recover something and bacula is recording
 tape all day... :/

Did you test your tape drive with btape? What iowait numbers do see
for the spool device? Is it idle during despooling?


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Arno Lehmann

21.11.2007 15:43,, Janco van der Merwe wrote::
 If it took you four months to figure out how Bacula works maybe you
 shouldn't be allowed near any computer!

Janco, calm down please!

Even if you or others don't agree with Shon don't resort to name-calling!

Bacula as a whole - and that includes the user community we find here 
- works also (and in my opinion, mainly) because we try to solve 
problems politely.

I, too, probably sound a bit harsh from time to time, but I really try 
not to insult anyone. Please try to do the same.

And then let's see if Shon wants some more directed support later - he 
wouldn't be the first struggling with the great flexibility Bacula 
offers. Then we can put some effort into getting him a working Bacula 

That would be much better than starting a flame war, I think. And I 
hope you all agree :-)


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Flavio Junior
Yeah, I'd tested with btape. But i cant remember its output now ;/

I remember that it take a lng time..

Ralf, how can I check iowait from spool device ?

Dont know if it help, but I post my all stats from bconsole here:
And here, more info about status of my server right now:

PS: Now isnt a good time to compare, is lunch time and this server
(backup (bloo)) is rsyncing with production server. This sync takes
about 2 hours.

I'll post same commands after this sync.


Flávio do Carmo Júnior

On Nov 21, 2007 12:57 PM, Ralf Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Flavio Junior schrieb:
  Thanks Ralf..
  This is exactly what happen..
  Worst problem is that all my jobs reach 200G/day, and this is a big
  problem because i'm not at work 24hs/day to keep changing tapes, and
  backup is accumulating :/
  Still worst when I need to recover something and bacula is recording
  tape all day... :/

 Did you test your tape drive with btape? What iowait numbers do see
 for the spool device? Is it idle during despooling?


 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
 Bacula-users mailing list

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread DAve
Janco van der Merwe wrote:
 If it took you four months to figure out how Bacula works maybe you
 shouldn't be allowed near any computer!

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, including me. However, continued
belittling of Bacula, Bacula developers, Bacula users, the Bacula
disenchanted, or anyone else serves no purpose except to give this mail
list a bad reputation. (eeww)

If you feel the need to vent, sign up for the PostFix or qmail lists,
there is always someone willing to exchange insults there.


 There are ways and means to do things in Bacula and let me tell you this
 if you couldn't do it or find a way you are really incompetent and again
 should be allowed to operate a PC.
 I have Bacula running at several sites without a glitch and backing up
 over 1 TB of data on one site with a LTO3 Autoloader, and BTW this was
 done when I was still a novice in the Linux World, so if I could do it
 anyone canwell it looks like you're the excpetion not the
 On the Windows side of things there are no problems, I've backuped and
 restored several machine using Bacula and the Bart PE and with great
 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing up
 a single system, and even then better be careful.WHAT, ARE YOU
 OUT OF FREAKING MIND, YOU NUMB SKULL, here is a tip and I'll try to do
 this in a language that you might understand
 You know what Bacula Usersgood riddance to bad trash and lastely
 he'll 10 to 1 make a [EMAIL PROTECTED] up of the other software as well!

 On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 08:07 -0500, Shon Stephens wrote:
 Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
 later. I just have to vent.

 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

 Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:

 Labeling tapes
 Assigning tapes to pools
 Reassigning tapes to pools
 Managing disk media

 Things Bacula can't seem to get right:

 Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
 Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
 right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
 Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
 recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula

 Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
 entries made it into the Catalog

 Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path syntax because
 its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
 depending on which part of the config you are editing

 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
 up a single system, and even then better be careful.

 I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
 it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

 This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
 Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
 Bacula-users mailing list

I've been asking Google for a Veteran's Day logo since 2000,
maybe 1999. I was told they finally did a Veteran's Day logo,
but none of the links I was given return anything but a
normal Google logo.

Sad, very sad. Maybe the Chinese Government didn't like it?

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Janco van der Merwe

Sorry, but - there must be a but - I deal with this sort of people
everyday and it has come to a point where being nice and keeping quite
is not a solutions anymore.

Ok, I do understand that Bacula can be difficult some times but that is
why this list is theream I wrong? 

I also have had blonde moments and posted it to top it all but at
least I got an answer from a lot more patient people than I, the point
being, I did a quick search and did not find any posts from this guy
asking for help, if I'm wrong on this one please excuse me, and now
lashing out on the listis just not on, I don't know maybe I'm wrong.

Shon, I apologize sincerely and would like nothing more for you stay
with Bacula because it is a brilliant backup solutions, hell I have
backed up an entire Windows Domain Controller and restored it as it was
and put that exact machine live whilst I reloaded the old DC. 

Once again I apologize.

On Wed, 2007-11-21 at 16:08 +0100, Arno Lehmann wrote:
 21.11.2007 15:43,, Janco van der Merwe wrote::
  If it took you four months to figure out how Bacula works maybe you
  shouldn't be allowed near any computer!
 Janco, calm down please!
 Even if you or others don't agree with Shon don't resort to name-calling!
 Bacula as a whole - and that includes the user community we find here 
 - works also (and in my opinion, mainly) because we try to solve 
 problems politely.
 I, too, probably sound a bit harsh from time to time, but I really try 
 not to insult anyone. Please try to do the same.
 And then let's see if Shon wants some more directed support later - he 
 wouldn't be the first struggling with the great flexibility Bacula 
 offers. Then we can put some effort into getting him a working Bacula 
 That would be much better than starting a flame war, I think. And I 
 hope you all agree :-)
Janco van der Merwe
Open Solutions
Tel: 011 305 2887
Cell: 083 291 8536
Fax: 0866978875
Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those
who kindly reprove thy faults.

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Can Bacula-rescue 2.2.6 Knoppix use OpenSSL?

2007-11-21 Thread Foo Bar
If I sent an empty mail previously my apologies, pushed the wrong button.

Since I'm working with remote machines I'm looking at the Knoppix CD with
ISO image creation instead of the generic Linux one which seems to want to
burn a physical disc.

The documentation of bacula-rescue says not to use OpenSSL when building
the Linux rescue CD, is this also the case for the Knoppix based image?

If so, then since my backups are encrypted with OpenSSL, is it even
possible to use a rescue CD to restore?

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[Bacula-users] 2.0 server with 2.2 clients: stepwise upgrade possible?

2007-11-21 Thread Jeff Dickens
Hi.  I've got 2.2.6 built on a system that will be my new director  
main sd.

I've run backups with the 2.0 server and sd and a 2.2 (windows) client, 
and it seems to work.  I haven't tried a restore yet, but I will.

My questions are these:
- Is this intended to work?
- Is it reasonable to assume I can upgrade all my clients first and then 
move them to the new server?

I'd move them one at a time but I only have one tape drive.  It'll get 
temporarily moved to the new server for testing and then move back until 
the cutover date.

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[Bacula-users] R.E: All the problems with bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Andrew Paterson
Hi All,
whilst still waiting for some responses to my earlier query  having 
sympathy for the guy who lost it and emptied his bowels onto a mailing list - 
to be recorded for posterity (to his ovious subsequent regret!), these things 
happen to us all sometimes.

I think it would be nice if the list had a moderator - but then who has the 
time to spare?.

Anyway, speaking of things to complain about, I have to say that the main 
problem I have with bacula is certainly not specific to bacula but has 
everything to do with the fact that I am expecting something for nothing.

Development work aside - and I'm sure Kern would love more help - (e.g. things 
like webacula haven't been improved for a while) - the design  implementation 
of bacula generally I find spot on.

I really don't have much patience with people who demand a gui - my 
installation for instance requires remote access to the server and clients 
across a WAN just to be able to do it all from a telnet/ssh session is great.

The basic problem I have however is related to the fact that I am trying to get 
something for nothing(!) right down to the hardware  this is where the 
hypocrisy hits me in the face.

Doing a restore from a stack of DLT tapes  a catalogue hosted on a puny little 
machine means that just doing a bscan takes all day (the amount of sql traffic 
loads the host to the point that the tape even starts to shoe-shine!) I have to 
disable any backups that may be scheduled before I get back in the morning else 
my laboriously bscanned data will all be pruned again!!

Reloading the DLT autoloader blah blah (update slots scan) mtx is so slow!

But the point is NONE of these problems have much to do with Bacula they are 
there because we are using cheap hardware in line with the misconception that 
Open Source sotware is just a managers way of saving money and that philosophy 
also includes the hardware.

I apologise unreservedly to people like Kern who produce some very fine 
software but then get complaints from people (much like me) who cripple it on 
the cheapest possible hardware!

I think all backup systems (including the million dollar variety) must be 
starting to creak as the size of backup media gets bigger  bigger!) - I thinks 
you really have to make sure you host bacula on decent hardware.

Hope you stick with bacula tho' Shon.

Best Ragards

Andrew R Paterson

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread Ralf Gross
Flavio Junior schrieb:
 Yeah, I'd tested with btape. But i cant remember its output now ;/
 I remember that it take a lng time..
 Ralf, how can I check iowait from spool device ?

with dstat, sar or iostat for example.

# iostat /dev/sda 1
Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64 (VU0EM003) 21.11.2007

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
   0,700,000,780,100,00   98,42

Device:tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sda  11,89  1176,57   129,15 15439828732 1694770526

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
   0,500,001,610,000,00   97,89

Device:tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sda   0,00 0,00 0,00  0  0

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
   1,620,003,500,500,00   94,38

Device:tps   Blk_read/s   Blk_wrtn/s   Blk_read   Blk_wrtn
sda   0,00 0,00 0,00  0  0

sar will show you a nice overview.

sar -f /var/log/sysstat/sa18
Linux 2.6.18-4-amd64 (VU0EM003) 18.11.2007

00:00:01  CPU %user %nice   %system   %iowait%steal 
00:05:01  all  0,31  0,00  0,47  0,01  0,00 
00:15:02  all  0,35  0,00  0,51  0,00  0,00 
00:25:01  all  1,11  0,00  2,11  1,93  0,00 
00:35:01  all  2,46  0,00  4,88  0,94  0,00 
00:45:01  all  2,14  0,00  4,24  0,81  0,00 
00:55:01  all  0,62  0,00  1,12  1,03  0,00 
01:05:01  all  0,32  0,00  0,48  0,00  0,00 

At 00:05 on sunday a differential backup with spooling was started.


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Wes Hardaker
 DL == Dan Langille [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

DL You are unique.

I doubt he's unique.  I constantly think to myself wow, bacula is
really cool; but why isn't it doing that?

The configuration is complex to set up (but with flexibility always
comes complexity; and bacula is very flexible).  Fortunately there are
many good resources to look at, but sorting through them all to find
what you want is sometimes difficult.

Personally, I've been using it for 2 months.  On day one I got it up and
running and backing up multiple computers (windows and linux both).
But, I've still had issues with it backing up files I didn't want it to
(no doubt my fault), failing to write DVDs properly (questionable fault,
but I think I've fixed that through a patch to the dvd-handler), failing
to recycle volumes that I believe it should (no doubt my fault).  But
even after all that, the flexibility is very necessary for me and I'm
going to keep plugging away at it (just yesterday I had to re-learn that
volume longevity for previously created volumes is in the DB, not
relearned from a modified config.  Which makes sense, but when you're
editing the config it's easy to forget).

So, let me say: thanks to all the developers of bacula.  I know what
it's like to run an OSS project and get yelled at (I've started a number
at this point).  Realize that the vast majority of your users are very
happy with your work (myself included).  Kudos to you all for your time
and even more importantly: your patience in helping us through
problems.  Outstanding support!

One thing that I did with one of my more successful projects was to
think of ways to reduce the confusion based on the questions sent to the
mailing list.  When I got a ton of questions in area X, I decided that
area X needed usability improvements.  My thinking about it always
resulted in less questions about X in the future, which was a plus.
Something to consider (or ignore) at will...

Now, the down side is that the questions didn't stop.  They just got
harder.  If you remove the easier-to-understand problems users start
asking questions about the harder areas of a project because they get
farther ;-)

Final word: I love bacula and wouldn't switch away from it if I had a
choice.  But I'm still on the learning curve, and it isn't small.  But
very very worth it.  Thanks again!

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread David Gardner
Hey gang,

I think the Bacula project is a good solution for those just need to get the 
job done; nothin' flashy. Having said that, the manual  needs to be split into 
a technical manual and a HOWTO guide. The HOWTO guide would have plenty of 
examples and even more references to the technical manual.

The single most helpful example for me (and perhaps others) _would_ have been a 
walk through for setting up the .conf files to backup/verify/restore files from 
multiple systems. Bar none! Without that, the learning curve is steep 
especially for those with little time to implement a good solution.

For the record, I too am trying to figure out why a mounted  labeled tape in 
the correct pool will not be recognized...but that's another thread.

David Gardner
email: djgardner(at)
Yahoo! IM: djgardner
AIM: dgardner09 
Everything is a learning experience, even a mistake.

- Original Message 
From: Wes Hardaker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dan Langille [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: bacula-users
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:02:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

 DL == Dan Langille [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

DL You are unique.

I doubt he's unique.  I constantly think to myself wow, bacula is
really cool; but why isn't it doing that?

The configuration is complex to set up (but with flexibility always
comes complexity; and bacula is very flexible).  Fortunately there are
many good resources to look at, but sorting through them all to find
what you want is sometimes difficult.

Personally, I've been using it for 2 months.  On day one I got it up
running and backing up multiple computers (windows and linux both).
But, I've still had issues with it backing up files I didn't want it to
(no doubt my fault), failing to write DVDs properly (questionable
but I think I've fixed that through a patch to the dvd-handler),
to recycle volumes that I believe it should (no doubt my fault).  But
even after all that, the flexibility is very necessary for me and I'm
going to keep plugging away at it (just yesterday I had to re-learn
volume longevity for previously created volumes is in the DB, not
relearned from a modified config.  Which makes sense, but when you're
editing the config it's easy to forget).

So, let me say: thanks to all the developers of bacula.  I know what
it's like to run an OSS project and get yelled at (I've started a
at this point).  Realize that the vast majority of your users are very
happy with your work (myself included).  Kudos to you all for your time
and even more importantly: your patience in helping us through
problems.  Outstanding support!

One thing that I did with one of my more successful projects was to
think of ways to reduce the confusion based on the questions sent to
mailing list.  When I got a ton of questions in area X, I decided that
area X needed usability improvements.  My thinking about it always
resulted in less questions about X in the future, which was a plus.
Something to consider (or ignore) at will...

Now, the down side is that the questions didn't stop.  They just got
harder.  If you remove the easier-to-understand problems users start
asking questions about the harder areas of a project because they get
farther ;-)

Final word: I love bacula and wouldn't switch away from it if I had a
choice.  But I'm still on the learning curve, and it isn't small.  But
very very worth it.  Thanks again!

In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
 and much more difficult to find.  -- Terry Pratchett

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Robert LeBlanc

On 11/21/07 7:11 AM, Foo Bar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 all set up (I can't get BAT to compile for example, hopefully the Debian
 stable package will be updated soon).

Debian stable will never get the new version until Lenny is released as
stable. I've used the testing and sid packages in Lenny without any
problems. Beware that 2.2.5 is stuck in sid until the new version of qt4
fixes dependencies.

Robert LeBlanc
College of Life Sciences Computer Support
Brigham Young University

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Robert LeBlanc

On 11/21/07 9:02 AM, Wes Hardaker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Final word: I love bacula and wouldn't switch away from it if I had a
 choice.  But I'm still on the learning curve, and it isn't small.  But
 very very worth it.  Thanks again!

I've seen Bacula as an enterprise level product. Everything that I've done
that is enterprise level has had a steep learning curve and Bacula is no
different. It is extremely flexible, and to be able to separate the
components (dir, database and storage) is great and one of the strong points
I think. It also comes with the downside of a lot more configuration (you
have to get the dir, database and storage to all talk even if they are on
the same machine).

Anytime I start on some new enterprise thing, I always try and understand
the concept as much as possible before starting in the configuration. I
think once I dedicated the time to Bacula, I had it backing up 20 machines
(linux, Windows and Mac) using a LTO2 tape library on virtual hardware in
about 2 weeks. I contribute that to understanding the concept before I
started configuring. I had a student working with me and I had to teach him
the concepts so it helped me understand it better. I strongly suggest
teaching someone with whom you work about how Bacula works and you will
understand it better even if they don't use it.

I know Shon had it working before he moved it to production and then ran
into problems. I had my fair share of problems with we went to production as
well. Some things you just learn the hard way (like reloading the director
config while a job is running). Making sure you have enough disk space for
you SQL database, etc. Sometimes it just requires classes from the School of
Hard Knocks. That is where your experience can help others in the future,
either through the list or your revisions to the manual.

Stick with Bacula and you will be happy with it. Ask questions. I've asked
questions that no one has answered. Does that mean that the product stinks?
No, I've just done some things that no one has encountered and they didn't
have an answer for. Sometimes I've answered my own questions and posted back
to the list with the solution so that there is a history of it. This group
is very helpful if you ask.

Robert LeBlanc
College of Life Sciences Computer Support
Brigham Young University

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Staying the course....

2007-11-21 Thread Shon Stephens
I blew up and sent an inappropriate email to the list. I apologize to
the developers, community at large, and particularly those that have
been so helpful. I chose Bacula initially because of its flexibility
and features and have let the pressure of getting this project
completed get the better of me. I feel I'm close to a working solution
and became vexed over some issues that I thought should have been
simple to overcome.


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Strategy : One Full Backup + 364 Diferentials

2007-11-21 Thread Augusto Camarotti
Thanks verymuch for then explanation Martin. I see your point. In fact,
we are not so worried about disaster recovery, since this files I mention in
this backup are text documents.
And generally, users ask restore of some files in particular, not
folders. Besides, they usually don't tend do delete files, they just let
them pile up in the shared folders :D
I guess using differential backup all year will not be a problem.

Thanks again Martin.

I would like if anyone else has another critic to this strategy.



On Nov 20, 2007 2:05 PM, Martin Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 13:14:24 -0300, Augusto Camarotti said:
  Hi Mark, thanks for the reply
  When I was saying the generally 3 GB of data was added, I was counting
  data changed, since new data is being added when a change is made. I
  don`t express it right.

 Ah, OK.

  I didnt understand why it'll be a problem not tracking deleted files,
  the reason of a backup is to save data that have been added, and not

 It depends on the purpose of your backup, e.g. is it to allow for restores
 corrupted/lost files or is it for disaster recovery?

 Some people don't like Differentials for disaster recovery.  Suppose the
 backup contains file A and B.  Someone decides that file A is junk so they
 delete it and they create file C instead.  The next Differential backup
 contain file C and nothing else.  This looks OK because all files are
 saved in
 some backup.

 However, when your disk gets trashed and you have to do a restore from the
 Full and Differential backups.  The problem is that you will get back all
 three files A, B and C.


  Waiting for new sugestions or critics,
  On Nov 20, 2007 8:09 AM, Martin Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, 19 Nov 2007 18:55:30 -0300, Augusto Camarotti said:
Nowadays we have a backup strategy like this :
Daily Backup = Monday-Thursday = Full Backups with individual tapes
Weekly Backup = 2nd-5th Friday =3D Full Backups with individual
   for 7
Montly Backup = 1st Friday = Full Backups with individual tapes for
This way I'm using 23 tapes.
Then I was reading about Differential backups, and this strategy
my mid :
- One Full Backup on the first day of the year, say 2nd January
it's a holyday) on disk, in the storage machine. The data would be
   stored in
a tape, which would be taken offsite.
- 364 Differential backups, one for each day of the year. Using the
to do it.
Since the amount of data added on a year it's a maximum of 3 GB, the
tapes will be enough to backup every day on a year.
   Beware that the amount of new data added in a year is not sufficient
   calculate this.  You also need to include the amount of data *changed*
   the beginning of the year, because that will be backed up each day.
Well, as I didn't find any recomendations to this strategy, I was in
if it would be fine to do this way.
Suggestions or Critics are welcome.
   Differential/incremental backups have a disadvantage that they do not
   deleted files, which could be a major problem over a whole year.

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Sean Cardus
  Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and
  its still not working correctly.
 DL You are unique.
 I doubt he's unique.  I constantly think to myself wow, bacula is
 really cool; but why isn't it doing that?
 The configuration is complex to set up (but with flexibility always
 comes complexity; and bacula is very flexible).  Fortunately there
 are many good resources to look at, but sorting through them all to
 find what you want is sometimes difficult.
 Personally, I've been using it for 2 months.  On day one I got it
 up and running and backing up multiple computers (windows and
 linux both).

I've been using Bacula for approx 1 month now to backup a range of
servers (Linux + Windows 2003) and an office full of Windows XP/Vista
machines.  Before moving to Bacula I was a fairly happy Amanda user, the
only gripe I had with Amanda for a very long time was proper Windows
client support (I now believe there is a native Windows client).

Just over a month ago I decided to evaluate Bacula.  After a few days of
hacking configuration scripts  virtually re-writing the fake
autoloader mtx-changer script[1] I had a fully operational backup
system.  For a couple of weeks I ran Bacula  Amanda side-by-side and
last week made the decision to completely shut off Amanda.

When first starting out, Bacula appears to be extremely complex.
Spending a bit of time reading the docs, wiki  example configs before
diving in can work wonders!


[1] A copy of my very hacky script can be found on the Bacula wiki at

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Alan Brown
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Shon Stephens wrote:

 For instance, the full abilities of the commands aren't well

They're there, just that you do have to read the entire manual BEFORE 
starting to set it up.

groking why it does things is 3/4 of the effort. once you umderstand the 
philosophy then it's a lot easier to understand

 It required searching the bacula-users posts to discover
 that I could do label slots=1-12 pool=scratch barcodes.

There's no need to label blank tapes. Just add the entries to the 
appropriate pools, apply matching barcodes and update slots. When bacula 
encounters a blank tape which is has no record of having written to 
before, it will throw a read error and then label it.

 I did do something foolish the other day when I edited the jobs and
 ran reload in the console while a job was despooling.

Always run bacula-dir -t bacula-dir.conf before reloading. This is no 
different to Sendmail or Bind operations.

 The conf wasn't
 correct (still trying to get the Windows Fileset syntax correct). Well
 of course the director puked and this is I suppose expected. What I
 didn't expect is that Bacula wouldn't be able to tell me what happened
 to the job, or that the data that had been spooled to disk would all
 be gone.

The data is there. The database entries aren't - because you're spooling, 
the data entries are all spooled to disk and written en masse when the job 

 This is when I started running into difficulty attempting to
 purge the tape and add it back to the scratch pool.

What kind of errors? Why bother adding it back to the scratch pool?

 In addition, I had
 a Full backup run on Sunday. I received email that the job was
 complete and was successful. Querying Bacula for any information
 regarding the job returned no reuslts. Looking directly at the
 tables showed the Filename table did contain the filenames but the Job
 and File tables were empty.

Did you run out of spool disk space?

 I don't believe this should have been the
 case, and there was nothing in mysql logs to indicate an error and
 none in Bacula logs. I am not unwilling to believe that there still
 could have been an issue with mysql.  These are real concerns for me
 and trying to implement reliable backups.

Start with a small full backup and observe what it does. Only move onto 
large jobs when you're asatisfied you understand it.

WRT Arkeia (and several other packages), I'll only comment that I find 
most of them incredibly frustrating and limiting compared to Bacula.


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Staying the course....

2007-11-21 Thread Flak Magnet
There are ways in which saying Sorry, I made a mistake. takes more grace and 
nobility than not making the mistake in the first place.  Kudos.

Thanks for that.

Now, what did you need help with?  (Might do well to start a new thread with a 
tailored subject line.)


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Netbackup comparison (was Re: Staying the course....)

2007-11-21 Thread Jeff Kalchik
 John Drescher:
 One reason for this
 is in my experience bacula is so much better (more flexable, no
 extortion licence, significantly better free support, and it actually
 works better) than the vertias backup executive that I was using in
 the past (and still have licenses for).

Here's a leading question for you, John.

The folks here at my day job run Veritas Netbackup for the Windows
servers, specifically for the Bare Metal Recovery aspect.  Can you
compare, and contrast, Bacula's features?

Jeff Kalchik

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Alan Brown
On Wed, 21 Nov 2007, Wes Hardaker wrote:

 I doubt he's unique.  I constantly think to myself wow, bacula is
 really cool; but why isn't it doing that?

So do I - and then usally find out I've set it up wrong, or that users are 
doing stupid things (like chown -R /path/to/directory/) which result in 
files being freshened every day and needlessly added to incrementals.

Bacula does almost everything that the cheap/free backup systems do (the 
only obvious thing it doesn't do is backuppc's merging of multiple 
machines) with a lot more reliablity and less hassle.

It also does almost everything the expensive packages do (the only obvious 
thing here is effective daily snapshotting, allowing a full restore from 
incrementals without finding stray extra files appearing)

What Bacula doesn't do very well is the user interface. I'd prefer to use 
a well engineered program which requires a bit of thought on that side 
than a smoothly drawn GUI program which doesn't do what it's supposed to 
or is so limited that minor variations requirte different programs.

It works well for me and I've got ~40TB being backed up, along with ~15 
small machines being imaged every night. The config file alone is 5000 
lines but as long as approached in a _disciplined_ way, it remains easy to 
handle as each section is pretty much a carbon copy of the others.

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] 2.0 server with 2.2 clients: stepwise upgrade possible?

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
 Hi.  I've got 2.2.6 built on a system that will be my new director 
 main sd.

 I've run backups with the 2.0 server and sd and a 2.2 (windows) client,
 and it seems to work.  I haven't tried a restore yet, but I will.

 My questions are these:
 - Is this intended to work?
 - Is it reasonable to assume I can upgrade all my clients first and then
 move them to the new server?

This has not been tested as much as having the server at a higher
version than the clients. In the 4+ years I have used bacula I have
mostly had the server versions ahead of the clients.

 I'd move them one at a time but I only have one tape drive.  It'll get
 temporarily moved to the new server for testing and then move back until
 the cutover date.

I have bacula 2.36 SVN code as my bacula servers (director and
multiple bacula-sds) and a mix of 1.38 to 2.26 as my clients. The
reason for using 2.36 was there is a fix in there for a problem I was
having with a 2 drive autochanger. I have been using this for over a
month  now  and I have not seen any trace of the problem I was having.
I generally do not recommend moving to a svn version unless you have a
problem that the svn fix. However it is generally safe to upgrade to a
released version. And in your case I would upgrade to 2.2.6 as soon as
I can if you do any concurrent restores because there is a bug with
older versions of bacula where some of your files may not be restored
(although they are on the tape) when concurrent operations are in
progress. This bug does not happen very frequently but it can happen.


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-1 slow recording...

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
 No, my CPU is all time near of zero load..This server is only for
 backups, so isnt anything running in it other than bacula.
 No, harddisk is normal.
 Spool Directory is local and data (source of backup) is local too. All
 job is between disk and tape.
 My Spool size is 100Gb.

I saw that just after posting sorry. I use a 2GB to 5GB spool file
with my LTO2 and DLT drives. This will not help performance in the
single job but it does help when running multiple jobs at the same
time to the same pool.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Staying the course....

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
On Nov 21, 2007 11:46 AM, Shon Stephens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I blew up and sent an inappropriate email to the list. I apologize to
 the developers, community at large, and particularly those that have
 been so helpful.

That is fine. If you still want to try bacula. Please post your
questions and we will be happy to help. I have been a bacula user for
4+ years and I have been a member of this list for probably two of
them. I originally joined because I needed help with a problem but at
this point most  of my activity on this list is to help others if I
can. I do this because I want to support bacula. One reason for this
is in my experience bacula is so much better (more flexable, no
extortion licence, significantly better free support, and it actually
works better) than the vertias backup executive that I was using in
the past (and still have licenses for).


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
  It required searching the bacula-users posts to discover
  that I could do label slots=1-12 pool=scratch barcodes.

 There's no need to label blank tapes. Just add the entries to the
 appropriate pools, apply matching barcodes and update slots. When bacula
 encounters a blank tape which is has no record of having written to
 before, it will throw a read error and then label it.

I do this with my 2 drive 24 slot autochanger:
1) Add/Remove tapes
2) update slots
3) label barcodes
And put all new tapes into the Scratch pool. Also you can run label
barcodes with already labeled tapes in the changer, bacula will just
skip over them in this process.


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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread David Gardner
Hey Gang,

I'm going to rephrase my question about my difficulty backing up to tape.

Given the following volume listing from bconsole and my bacula-dir.conf file, 
will the backup to tape occur when required or will Bacula (v.2.2.5) again ask 
for appendable media in the WeeklyPool?


*list volumes
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog MyCatalog
Pool: Default


Pool: WeeklyPool
| MediaId | VolumeName  | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
|  21 | Weekly-0001 | Append|   1 |   64,512 |0 |
2,937,600 |   1 |0 | 0 | DAT-72| -00-00 00:00:00 |
Pool: Scratch
No results to list.


# Bacula Director Configuration file for AirAdvice, Inc.
#  For Bacula release 2.2.5 (09 October 2007) -- redhat (Zod)
#  Initial version, 25Oct2007, DJG

 JobDefns #

# Default Job Definition
JobDefs {
Name = DefaultJob
Type = Backup
Schedule = WeeklyCycle
Storage = File
Messages = Standard
Pool = Default
Priority = 10


### Directors 

Director {
Name = DURANGO-dir
DIRport = 9101  # where we listen for UA 
QueryFile = /etc/bacula/query.sql
WorkingDirectory = /var/bacula/working
PidDirectory = /var/run
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
Password = ......   # Console password
Messages = Daemon

## Catalog ##
# Generic catalog service
Catalog {
Name = MyCatalog
dbname = bacula
user = bacula
password = 

 Messages ##

# Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address
#  and to the console
Messages {
  Name = Standard
  mailcommand = /sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \\(Bacula\) \%r\\ -s \Bacula: 
%t %e of %c %l\ %r
  operatorcommand = /sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \\(Bacula\) \%r\\ -s 
\Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\ %r
  mail = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = all, !skipped
  operator = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = mount
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
# WARNING! the following will create a file that you must cycle from
#  time to time as it will grow indefinitely. However, it will
#  also keep all your messages if they scroll off the console.
  append = /var/bacula/working/log = all, !skipped

# Send messages only to the console
Messages {
  Name = ConsOnly
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = /var/bacula/working/log = all, !skipped

# Message delivery for daemon messages (no job).
Messages {
  Name = Daemon
  mailcommand = /sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \\(Bacula\) \%r\\ -s \Bacula 
daemon message\ %r
  mail = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = all, !skipped
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = /var/bacula/working/log = all, !skipped

# Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director
Console {
  Name = DURANGO-mon
  Password =
  CommandACL = status, .status

### Schedules #
# default Daily full backup
Schedule {
Name = DailyFull
Run = Full mon-sat at 21:07

# The WeeklyCycle uses 5 different pools so that tapes can be recycled weekly
Schedule {
Name = WeeklyCycle
Run = Level=Differential Pool=SaturdayPool Saturday at 22:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=SundayPool Sunday at 22:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=MondayPool Monday at 22:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=TuesdayPool Tuesday at 22:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=WednesdayPool Wednesday at 22:00
Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPool Thursday at 22:00
Run = Level=Differential Pool=FridayPool Friday at 22:00

# This does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle
# Never worked 01Nov2007, DJG
#Schedule {
#   Name = WeeklyCycleAfterBackup
#Run = 

[Bacula-users] Fwd: Staying the course....

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Nov 21, 2007 12:19 PM
Subject: RE: [Bacula-users] Staying the course
To: John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I just have to say, Wow!

This is one of the things I really love about bacula: the community support.
Without great exception, the earlier potentially explosive post which could
have turned into a very ugly flamewar has been turned around into a
productive support thread.

Kudos to everyone for this shining example of what all of the open source
community should be like (I usually hate IMOs but I just had to throw this
in there).

Thank you,
Chris Lee

John M. Drescher

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Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

2007-11-21 Thread Chris Lee
Re-sending... As Dan just informed me and John pointed out in the other
thread, apparently I've been replying directly to the previous poster
instead of the list.  Sorry about that. =\

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
Of Dan Langille
Sent: Wednesday, 21 November, 2007 07:19
To: bacula-users
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] All the problems with Bacula

On 21 Nov 2007 at 8:07, Shon Stephens wrote:

 Ok. This is a rant and you can remove it from the list if you want to
 later. I just have to vent.
 Bacula is incredibly complex to setup. Its taken 4 months and its
 still not working correctly.

You are unique.

I have to agree with Dan here.  Over the years that I have used bacula a
number of people have reported having issues with setting up bacula to suit
their particular needs.  However, generally those issues were incurred from
having rather uncommon considerations within their systems.

 Things that should be easy that Bacula makes overly complex:
 Labeling tapes
 Assigning tapes to pools
 Reassigning tapes to pools
 Managing disk media
 Things Bacula can't seem to get right:
 Detecting a tape is in the drive and using it
 Even though the correctly labeled tape is in the drive, and has the
 right Volume label, and is marked Append, and is from the correct
 Bacula is still waiting for a mount request. Every external program
 recognizes that the tape is in the drive and mounted. Not Bacula
 Catalog entries. I've not had a single backup job where the right
 entries made it into the Catalog
 Windows hosts. Good luck figuring out the esoteric path 
syntax because
 its different in different chapters of the manual and also different
 depending on which part of the config you are editing
 Basically I can't see that its useable for anything more than backing
 up a single system, and even then better be careful.
 I'm going with Arkeia Network Backup. Might cost money, but at least
 it will work as advertised which is more than can be said for Crapula

Oh, and here I thought you were going to ask for more help.  Oh well. 
 Good luck to you.  I hope the parting shots improve things for you.

Again I think Dan is right here.  It's a shame that you were unable to
properly configure bacula for your needs.  However, although I'm no
psychologist, I have found that besmirching the source of my frustrations
has never been a productive means of releaving said frustration.  Perhaps
you just need a vacation.

Dan Langille - PGCon -

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Thank you,
Chris Lee 

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Re: [Bacula-users] Staying the course....

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
  I appreciate your offer for continued assistance and no doubt
 will need to make use of it. I hope I haven't burned too many bridges.
 I'm going to take a break and let this sit for the weekend. I'll take
 the earlier suggestion to read the entire manual. I've been picking it
 apart, but not ever read it like a book, so perhaps I've missed some
 philosophical points that are very relevant.

You are fine with me. As I said I will try to help when I believe I
understand the problem and I have time.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Staying the course....

2007-11-21 Thread Shon Stephens
 I appreciate your offer for continued assistance and no doubt
will need to make use of it. I hope I haven't burned too many bridges.
I'm going to take a break and let this sit for the weekend. I'll take
the earlier suggestion to read the entire manual. I've been picking it
apart, but not ever read it like a book, so perhaps I've missed some
philosophical points that are very relevant.


On Nov 21, 2007 12:06 PM, John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Nov 21, 2007 11:46 AM, Shon Stephens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I blew up and sent an inappropriate email to the list. I apologize to
  the developers, community at large, and particularly those that have
  been so helpful.

 That is fine. If you still want to try bacula. Please post your
 questions and we will be happy to help. I have been a bacula user for
 4+ years and I have been a member of this list for probably two of
 them. I originally joined because I needed help with a problem but at
 this point most  of my activity on this list is to help others if I
 can. I do this because I want to support bacula. One reason for this
 is in my experience bacula is so much better (more flexable, no
 extortion licence, significantly better free support, and it actually
 works better) than the vertias backup executive that I was using in
 the past (and still have licenses for).


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread David Gardner
Thank you for your time John.

I tend to use the (grey beard) umount command with bconsole. I know it 
un-mounts the tape and is ready to accept a new tape for labeling or such tasks.

It didn't make sense to 'release' a tape (volume) especially if the backup is 
going to span multiple cartridges.

Let me be clear what I intend to happen: Friday -Wednesday are Diff's to hard 
drive volumes, Thursday full backup to tape(s). Thursday tapes go off-site.
David Gardner
email: djgardner(at)
Yahoo! IM: djgardner
AIM: dgardner09 
Everything is a learning experience, even a mistake.

- Original Message 
From: John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: David Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 10:45:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

 I'm going to rephrase my question about my difficulty backing up to

 Given the following volume listing from bconsole and my
 file, will the backup to tape occur when required or will Bacula
 again ask for appendable media in the WeeklyPool?

Did you unmount the last tape using the unmount or umount command
instead of the release command?

Basically if you use the unmount command it unmounts the tape and
removes it from bacula's access so that you can use the tape drive
with a different utility. As a result of that when you put a new tape
in bacula will not automatically load the tape until the user issues a
mount command in bacula.

With the release command the tape is ejected but bacula retains full
control of the drive so that after inserting a new tape bacula will
automatically mount it if you have automount configured in your conf

If this is not you issue please tell me and I will try to look at your
conf files.



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Re: [Bacula-users] Netbackup comparison (was Re: Staying the course....)

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
 Here's a leading question for you, John.

 The folks here at my day job run Veritas Netbackup for the Windows
 servers, specifically for the Bare Metal Recovery aspect.  Can you
 compare, and contrast, Bacula's features?

I have never used netbackup. I was talking about backup executive 6.X
or 7.X to 9.X which were the versions I used. For me the free user
support was lousy most times I was contacting veritas it was because
of a bug or poorly documented unwanted feature with their software. I
also was very annoyed at the need for all the addons that were needed
for a small research group of less than 20 users (open file support,
database support, autochanger support, disaster recovery support) and
not to mention that each version of windows you upgraded to you needed
to purchase this all over again and each addon was about the cost of
the original software package. Then with my group there was an added
problem as we use workstations and by that I mean a machine with
multiple processors and several GB of memory. Remember this was over 4
years ago. We do this in an academic environment so with our academic
licenses we install server versions of windows on these machines for
around $120US but these machines really are in no way servers. The
problem is this required server licenses for all of these machines so
in most cases we ended up either not backing the workstations up or
using a different software.

Then when migrating our 100% windows network to linux as our servers
keeping most of the windows desktops and workstations we were
considering our backup options as we new we would have to upgrade the
backup software again (that would have been the 4th time in 6 years).
I looked at a few open source options because I was very very tired of
way I was being handled by veritas and eventually someone on the
internet led me to bacula and we have been using it ever since.
Besides ending the licensing nightmare and the poor free support we
consider bacula sigifigantly more flexable than what we had and the
options we purchased with backup executive 9.X. We have the director
on one linux server (although at a point we had 2 directors), we have
the database on a second linux server and we have multiple storage
daemons on other servers and then we have DVD and file storage daemons
on yet more machines.

I have to end this for now as I am at work...

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[Bacula-users] 2.2.6 Client OS/X / Darwin Packages?

2007-11-21 Thread Brian A Seklecki (Mobile)
Anyone feel free to share?  Also, how are you building? Native
DarwinCode building environment?


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[Bacula-users] Error: Bacula cannot write on disk Volume ... because: The sizes do not match

2007-11-21 Thread Jason Joines
   I'm using Bacula 2.2.5 with the director daemon and storage daemon 
running on Linux and writing to disk, currently all to the same file 
volume.  I started with the tutorial and have been gradually adding 
client file daemons.  Today I had a backup running of a just added 
client, the 9th.  Then I added another client and started a job of it 
thinking it would either run simultaneously or queue and wait to start 
until the other job finished.  Instead I got the error:

Error: Bacula cannot write on disk Volume sivamanual20071108th 
because: The sizes do not match.

 Now bacula is waiting on me to label a new volume for the second job:

21-Nov 13:07 siva-sd JobId 86: Job osx11daily.2007-11-21_13.07.03 
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the label  command to create a new Volume for:
 Storage:  FileStorage (/backup)
 Pool: Default
 Media type:   File

 There are no messages concerning the first job but it must've 
stopped as the sise of the volume sivamanual20071108th is not 
increasing.  What should I have done to avoid the problem?  How do I fix 
the existing problem, get the first job to continue and get the second 
job to write to the original volume?

Jason Joines

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Staying the course....

2007-11-21 Thread Arno Lehmann

21.11.2007 19:09,, Shon Stephens wrote::
  I appreciate your offer for continued assistance and no doubt
 will need to make use of it. I hope I haven't burned too many bridges.

I don't think so... most of us here know how frustration is spellt ;-)

 I'm going to take a break and let this sit for the weekend.

Good thing, I think.

 I'll take
 the earlier suggestion to read the entire manual. I've been picking it
 apart, but not ever read it like a book, so perhaps I've missed some
 philosophical points that are very relevant.

I wouldn't, actually, read it from front to end.

As some of your frustration seems to come from using bconsole for 
everyday work on bacula, re-read the console command chapter first.

You'll probably find that you stumble over some terms - then look at 
these in more detail.

Regarding the - as far as I followed - main issue you have, namely 
that Bacula doesn't pick the volume that should be available for 
backups, just prepare to
1. Run some backups with close observation, and take notes or terminal 
output copies to be able to look back at what you actually did, and
2. look up the setdebug command. You might want to use something like 
'setdebug dir level=200 trace=1' and 'setdebug sd=xxx level=400 
trace=1' while tapes *should* be switched. The debug output might get 
long, but with some time you'll soon spot how Bacula tries to find a 
usable volume - and perhaps where and why it fails.

Especially if you're a bit confused by how Bacula (tries to) work, 
just be ready to spend some time with it.



Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error: Bacula cannot write on disk Volume ... because: The sizes do not match

2007-11-21 Thread Arno Lehmann

21.11.2007 20:28,, Jason Joines wrote::
I'm using Bacula 2.2.5 with the director daemon and storage daemon 
 running on Linux and writing to disk, currently all to the same file 

I hope you planned to use more than one volume - as Bacula never 
overwrites parts of volumes, but either appends to it or, if all data 
in it is pruned, re-writes or truncates that file, you are likely to 
run into serious problems otherwise.

Configuration options regarding this are things like Volume Use 
Duration and Maximum Volume Bytes

  I started with the tutorial and have been gradually adding 
 client file daemons.  Today I had a backup running of a just added 
 client, the 9th.  Then I added another client and started a job of it 
 thinking it would either run simultaneously or queue and wait to start 
 until the other job finished.  Instead I got the error:
 Error: Bacula cannot write on disk Volume sivamanual20071108th 
 because: The sizes do not match.

There's probably a line stating a difference between VolFiles from 
Catalog and the actual volume contents.

This usually indicates that Bacula crashed while writing to this 
volume. As far as I know, this can also happen if you're running 
simultaneous jobs to one volume. The latter would be caused by a bug 
in Bacula. I never encountered that, though. I suppose that enabling 
spooling prevents this sort of problems, and I always use spooling...

  Now bacula is waiting on me to label a new volume for the second job:
 21-Nov 13:07 siva-sd JobId 86: Job osx11daily.2007-11-21_13.07.03 
 waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
 Please use the label  command to create a new Volume for:
  Storage:  FileStorage (/backup)
  Pool: Default
  Media type:   File
  There are no messages concerning the first job but it must've 
 stopped as the sise of the volume sivamanual20071108th is not 
 increasing.  What should I have done to avoid the problem?

Don't run simultaneous jobs to one volume without spooling, I guess. 
For disk-based setups, it's easy to create more storage devices to 
allow parallel job execution... and this will get you the extra gain 
of keeping the jobs data together, which can speed up restores and 
might result in a bit slower catalog growth.

  How do I fix 
 the existing problem,

Usually, you don't. Just mark the volume as Used and hold your 
thumbs... to get the volume vs. catalog difference fixed, it would be 
necessary to know the actual volume contents and compare that to the 
catalog. If you're worried about the risk of having unusable backups, 
I can only recommend to do a restore of the job that has its data at 
the end of the volume in question.

 get the first job to continue and get the second 
 job to write to the original volume?

Once you've got a new volume (easily created using the 'label' 
command) things should continue. You should not try to append to the 
original volume, though. Just let Bacula handle the volume and the 
jobs spanning volumes. It does that quite reliable.

And then implement the pools with limited volume sizes, probably a 
limited number of volumes, proper retention times, and automatic 
labeling... add several storage devices, a scratch pool, and a large 
disk array, and you'll never have to worry about that again :-)
(But that's probably a project for the time when you've got the basic 
setup working, did your test restores, and have some sort of intuition 
about how Bacula works).


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Fwd: BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
-- Forwarded message --
From: John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Nov 21, 2007 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape
To: David Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I tend to use the (grey beard) umount command with bconsole. I know it
 un-mounts the tape and is ready to accept a new tape for labeling or such

It will be ready of labeling or mounting but it will not auto mount.
That is the difference between the commands. I had this problem a long
time ago and release saved me some headaches.

 It didn't make sense to 'release' a tape (volume) especially if the backup
 is going to span multiple cartridges.

 Let me be clear what I intend to happen: Friday -Wednesday are Diff's to
 hard drive volumes, Thursday full backup to tape(s). Thursday tapes go

So after the last tape on Thursday issue the release command to eject
it then insert friday's tape and bacula should handle it.

Or am I misunderstanding??

John M. Drescher

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread David Gardner

I appreciate your help in this matter.

The job never terminates, ever. Output from the messages command at the console 
are as follows:

21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-dir JobId 108: Start Backup JobId 108, 
21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-dir JobId 108: Using Device FileStorage
21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-sd JobId 108: Job DURANGO-Full.2007-11-21_13.00.16 
waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the label  command to create a new Volume for:
Storage:  FileStorage (/tmp)
Pool: WeeklyPool
Media type:   File

I then ran ataped BU with the run command in bconsole with the messages as 

21-Nov 12:55 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: Start Backup JobId 107, 
21-Nov 12:55 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: Using Device DAT72
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-sd JobId 107: Volume Weekly-0001 previously written, 
moving to end of data.
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-sd JobId 107: Ready to append to end of Volume 
Weekly-0001 at file=4.
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-sd JobId 107: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:01, Transfer 
rate = 15.80 M bytes/second
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: Bacula DURANGO-dir 2.2.5 (09Oct07): 
21-Nov-2007 12:56:34
  Build OS:   i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Zod)
  JobId:  107
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: DURANGO-fd 2.2.5 (09Oct07) 
  FileSet:DURANGO-homes 2007-11-07 08:33:24
  Pool:   WeeklyPool (From Job resource)
  Storage:DAT72 (From user selection)
  Scheduled time: 21-Nov-2007 12:55:36
  Start time: 21-Nov-2007 12:55:57
  End time:   21-Nov-2007 12:56:34
  Elapsed time:   37 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   55
  SD Files Written:   55
  FD Bytes Written:   15,800,430 (15.80 MB)
  SD Bytes Written:   15,806,337 (15.80 MB)
  Rate:   427.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Encryption: no
  Volume name(s): Weekly-0001
  Volume Session Id:  30
  Volume Session Time:1195253637
  Last Volume Bytes:  31,997,952 (31.99 MB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Backup OK

21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: Begin pruning Jobs.
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: No Jobs found to prune.
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: Begin pruning Files.
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: No Files found to prune.
21-Nov 12:56 DURANGO-dir JobId 107: End auto prune.

Okay, the storage is incorrect in my bacula-dir-storage.conf file. The Weekly 
scheduled BU to tape should read:

Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPoolStorage=DAT72 Thursday at 22:00

However, adding that and adjusting the time to run (almost) immediately does 
error out with:

 21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-dir JobId 104: Start Backup JobId 104, 
21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-dir JobId 104: Using Device DAT72
21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-sd JobId 104: Volume Weekly-0001 previously written, 
moving to end of data.
21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-sd JobId 104: Ready to append to end of Volume 
Weekly-0001 at file=1.
21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-sd JobId 104: Fatal error: Open data spool file 
failed: ERR=No such file or directory
21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-sd JobId 104: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:01, Transfer 
rate = 0  bytes/second
21-Nov 12:51 DB2-fd JobId 104: Fatal error: backup.c:892 Network send error to 
SD. ERR=Connection reset by peer
21-Nov 12:51 DB2-fd JobId 104: Error: bsock.c:306 Write error sending 27506 
bytes to Storage daemon:DURANGO:9103: ERR=Connection reset by peer
21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-dir JobId 104: Error: Bacula DURANGO-dir 2.2.5 (09Oct07): 
21-Nov-2007 12:51:57
  Build OS:   i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Zod)
  JobId:  104
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: DB2-fd 2.2.5 (09Oct07) 
i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
  FileSet:DB2-airadvice_BU 2007-11-06 21:07:00
  Pool:   WeeklyPool (From Run pool override)
  Storage:DAT72 (From run override)
  Scheduled time: 21-Nov-2007 12:51:00
  Start time: 21-Nov-2007 12:51:21
  End time:   21-Nov-2007 12:51:57
  Elapsed time:   36 secs
  Priority:   10
  FD Files Written:   2
  SD Files Written:   0
  FD Bytes Written:   144,001 (144.0 KB)
  SD Bytes Written:   0 (0 B)
  Rate:   4.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   69.6 %
  Encryption: no
  Volume name(s): Weekly-0001
  Volume Session Id:  27
  Volume Session Time:1195253637

[Bacula-users] Fw: BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread David Gardner
John, (sorry for the repeat here)

Your assessment is on the mark. This for my clarification...

I insert a blank tape, label and mount it.
The Thursday night BU commences and backs up the first 36 GB to the first 
When the intervention is required, I release the tape and insert a new 
tape to complete the BU.
This second tape gets labeled, mounted and pooled appropriately.
When the backup is completed, is umount the tape.
Until I get an automounter, larger tape drive or both.  ;)
David Gardner
email: djgardner(at)
Yahoo! IM: djgardner
AIM: dgardner09 
Everything is a
 learning experience, even a mistake.

- Original Message 
From: John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: David Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 11:59:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

 I tend to use the (grey beard) umount command with bconsole. I know
 un-mounts the tape and is ready to accept a new tape for labeling or

It will be ready of labeling or mounting but it will not auto mount.
That is the difference between the commands. I had this problem a long
time ago and release saved me some headaches.

 It didn't make sense to 'release' a tape (volume) especially if the
 is going to span multiple cartridges.

 Let me be clear what I intend to happen: Friday -Wednesday are Diff's
 hard drive volumes, Thursday full backup to tape(s). Thursday tapes

So after the last tape on Thursday issue the release command to eject
it then insert friday's tape and bacula should handle it.

Or am I misunderstanding??

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:10:19 -0800 (PST), David Gardner said:
 I appreciate your help in this matter.
 The job never terminates, ever. Output from the messages command at the 
 console are as follows:
 21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-dir JobId 108: Start Backup JobId 108, 
 21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-dir JobId 108: Using Device FileStorage
 21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-sd JobId 108: Job DURANGO-Full.2007-11-21_13.00.16 
 waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
 Please use the label  command to create a new Volume for:
 Storage:  FileStorage (/tmp)
 Pool: WeeklyPool
 Media type:   File
 Okay, the storage is incorrect in my bacula-dir-storage.conf file. The Weekly 
 scheduled BU to tape should read:
 Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPoolStorage=DAT72 Thursday at 22:00

Right, that is what I suspected might happen.

 This just leaves me with the dealing with the error:
 21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-sd JobId 104: Fatal error: Open data spool file
 failed: ERR=No such file or directory
 Does the spool file not get closed after each use?

It uses a new spool file for every job (hence the long name!).

Does the directory /tmp/BUspool exist on DURANGO-sd?  A missing directory is
the only way I can see to get ERR=No such file or directory there.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread David Gardner

I was surprised to find the /tmp/BUspool directory no present. All of my jobs 
from other servers get spooled to there. I cannot tell from the log files or 
the bash_history files how it got blown away though. (A different issue...)

Anyway, the directory has been recreated

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls -al /tmp
total 133170060
drwxrwxrwt  4 root   root4096 Nov 21 13:52 .
drwxr-xr-x 24 root   root4096 Nov 12 14:13 ..
drwxrwsrw-  2 bacula root4096 Nov 21 13:52 BUspool


David Gardner
email: djgardner(at)
Yahoo! IM: djgardner
AIM: dgardner09 
Everything is a learning experience, even a mistake.

- Original Message 
From: Martin Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 1:34:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

 On Wed, 21 Nov 2007 13:10:19 -0800 (PST), David Gardner said:
 I appreciate your help in this matter.
 The job never terminates, ever. Output from the messages command at
 the console are as follows:
 21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-dir JobId 108: Start Backup JobId 108,
 21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-dir JobId 108: Using Device FileStorage
 21-Nov 13:00 DURANGO-sd JobId 108: Job
 DURANGO-Full.2007-11-21_13.00.16 waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes.
 Please use the label  command to create a new Volume for:
 Storage:  FileStorage (/tmp)
 Pool: WeeklyPool
 Media type:   File
 Okay, the storage is incorrect in my bacula-dir-storage.conf file.
 The Weekly scheduled BU to tape should read:
 Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPoolStorage=DAT72 Thursday at 22:00

Right, that is what I suspected might happen.

 This just leaves me with the dealing with the error:
 21-Nov 12:51 DURANGO-sd JobId 104: Fatal error: Open data spool file

 failed: ERR=No such file or directory
 Does the spool file not get closed after each use?

It uses a new spool file for every job (hence the long name!).

Does the directory /tmp/BUspool exist on DURANGO-sd?  A missing
 directory is
the only way I can see to get ERR=No such file or directory there.


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This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
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[Bacula-users] Fwd: BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
-- Forwarded message --
From: John Drescher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Nov 21, 2007 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] BU 2 tape does not see newly labeled tape
To: David Gardner [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Your assessment is on the mark. This for my clarification...

 I insert a blank tape, label and mount it.
 The Thursday night BU commences and backs up the first 36 GB to the
 first tape.
 When the intervention is required, I release the tape and insert a new
 tape to complete the BU.
 This second tape gets labeled, mounted and pooled appropriately.
 When the backup is completed, is umount the tape.
 Until I get an automounter, larger tape drive or both.  ;)

I use release in all cases unless I want to use the mt commands from the shell.


John M. Drescher

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Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
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[Bacula-users] DIY OS/X Bacula Packages w/ Pkgsrc

2007-11-21 Thread Brian A. Seklecki (Mobile)
It should also be noted that Pkgsrc can help port Bacula to other exotic
platforms w/ non-standard userland and tool-chains (old commercial
unices) ~BAS


[bootstrap Pkgsrc for Darwin (4 cmds)]

# df -H |grep -i pkg
/dev/disk3s21.1G   623M   451M59%/Volumes/pkgsrc_ufs
/dev/disk4s21.1G27M   1.0G 3%/Volumes/pkg_ufs

# cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils

# patch -p0  [lava's tiny patch (**)]

# cd bacula-clientonly

# bmake install  bmake clean

   [ Insanity with launchd(*) ]

# /usr/pkg/sbin/bacula-fd  -?
Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
Version: 2.2.6 (10 November 2007)

# uname -a
Darwin 9.1.0 Darwin Kernel 
Version 9.1.0: Wed Oct 31 17:48:21 PDT 2007; 
root:xnu-1228.0.2~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh

# otool -L ./work/bacula-2.2.6/src/filed/bacula-fd
  /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.2.3)
  /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 
  /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib (compatibility version 7.0.0, current version 
  /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1.0.0)

# pkg_info -RnN bacula-clientonly-2.2.6
Information for bacula-clientonly-2.2.6:


Built using:

 Launchd Insanity 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Library/LaunchDaemons# ls -al bacula-fd.plist
-rw-r--r--@ 1 root  wheel  518 Nov 21 17:42 bacula-fd.plist

# cat !$
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC -//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN;
plist version=1.0

=== Patch ===

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[Bacula-users] Pros and Cons of Mutiple Pools

2007-11-21 Thread jk04
Hi Everyone

I have been using bacula for more than two months now and quite happy with it. 
However, there are some points still unclear to me. As an example, I run a 
backup job which does both full and differential saves and am undecided to 
use either a single pool or one pool for each level. Can someone explain the 
advantages and disadvantages of keeping two pools?


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Pros and Cons of Mutiple Pools

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
 I have been using bacula for more than two months now and quite happy with it.
 However, there are some points still unclear to me. As an example, I run a
 backup job which does both full and differential saves and am undecided to
 use either a single pool or one pool for each level. Can someone explain the
 advantages and disadvantages of keeping two pools?

I think this is all a matter of preference. I have at minimum 10
pools. Mainly because I have different kinds of media and different
things I want to backup seperately and I also keep at least 2 full
copies of all important stuff with the copies being in different
pools. I know this stuff is going to be a little different especially
because a lot of this is because I archive this data for medical
imaging research. I have pools like the following (I know I am missing
a few):

UserBackups-DLT - For the users / public and private data
SystemBackups-LTO2 - Mostly the os and apps
ArchiveData-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 1
ArchiveData2-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 2
Catalogs - Only the catalogs
UserBackups-LTO2 - Backups of user machines minus the os and apps
Other - This is a file backup that is for linux configs and the cvs server
CleanImages - This is the first copy of the images after they have
been deidentifyied
TempData - Any backups that are made before a machine upgrade that
could jeopardize the data. They are generally deleted after the
upgrade is a success.
DVD - Backups on dvd media


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Pros and Cons of Mutiple Pools

2007-11-21 Thread Dan Langille
On 21 Nov 2007 at 22:45, John Drescher wrote:

 I think this is all a matter of preference. I have at minimum 10
 pools. Mainly because I have different kinds of media and different
 things I want to backup seperately and I also keep at least 2 full
 copies of all important stuff with the copies being in different
 pools. I know this stuff is going to be a little different especially
 because a lot of this is because I archive this data for medical
 imaging research. I have pools like the following (I know I am missing
 a few):
 UserBackups-DLT - For the users / public and private data
 SystemBackups-LTO2 - Mostly the os and apps
 ArchiveData-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 1
 ArchiveData2-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 2

How do you manage to get two copies of your backups?

Dan Langille - PGCon -

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Pros and Cons of Mutiple Pools

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
  ArchiveData-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 1
  ArchiveData2-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 2

 How do you manage to get two copies of your backups?

I do full backups of the same folder (usually containing hundreds of
GB of data) on each of the above pools with a different job for each
pool although the fileset is the same. If files are added I can then
do incremental on these as well.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Pros and Cons of Mutiple Pools

2007-11-21 Thread Dan Langille
On 21 Nov 2007 at 23:15, John Drescher wrote:

   ArchiveData-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 1
   ArchiveData2-LTO2 - Archived Medical Images Set # 2
  How do you manage to get two copies of your backups?
 I do full backups of the same folder (usually containing hundreds of
 GB of data) on each of the above pools with a different job for each
 pool although the fileset is the same. If files are added I can then
 do incremental on these as well.

Are these jobs concurrent?  I'm guessing no.

I'm seeing more and more requirements for duplicate/identical 
backups.  That is, identical from a legal standpoint.

Dan Langille
PGCon - The PostgreSQL Conference:

This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Pros and Cons of Mutiple Pools

2007-11-21 Thread John Drescher
 Are these jobs concurrent?  I'm guessing no.

For the most part no because this is not really a requirement in my case.

 I'm seeing more and more requirements for duplicate/identical
 backups.  That is, identical from a legal standpoint.

These files are different than most people would have. We get them
dumped to a DICOM receiving server and after they are grouped, they
are deindentifyied and finally sorted then they are read only after
that. Although any one of 10 to 20 projects may be receiving files at
a time. But I am the one who ultimately does the move to the final
location RAID6 arrays and then the backup.


This email is sponsored by: Microsoft
Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] backup strategy

2007-11-21 Thread Sebastian Perkins

Thanks for the information : I'm using a disk based solution, but after 
a few days worth's of Incremental backup, it looks like I could do a 
diff backup every weekend (even with 2To backup space is still a concern 

Sebastian Perkins
Responsable Informatique

3 impasse des prairies
74940 Annecy le Vieux
Tél. - Fax. 

Marek Simon a écrit :
 Differential and Incremental  levels differ in this thing: Incremental 
 backup takes the files which has changed since any previous backup of 
 any level. Differental backup takes all files, which has changed since 
 previous Full (and only Full) backup.
 So with your current strategy (one Full per month, Incr other days), 
 if you would have to restore files just a day before new full backup, 
 you must restore from full backup volume and then from 30 records in 
 volumes containing those Incremental ones, which takes longer time. 
 You see this strategy is not usable if you need to backup to tapes.
 If you have some Differential backup (lets say) every weekend, in 
 worst case you must to restore from 1 Full backup, one Differential 
 (which contains all files from last Full backup, which means in this 
 case 3 weeks) and from 6 Incremental backups. The restore would be 
 quicker, but the space needed for backups is bit bigger (in some cases 
 can be even smaller). However, if you have all your backups on some 
 kind of disk array and it is reliable, bacula is able to restore data 
 from 30 Incremental backups with no problem. You still need to keep 
 all your volumes with Incremental backups in non-interupted sequence, 
 or you risk the lose of some files. Of course the Full backup must be 
 all right too.

 Sebastian Perkins napsal(a):
 Thanks both for the info.

 I've been going through the Maximum Volume Jobs option with mutiple 
 volumes for incr  full as in the automated disk backup example.  
 Just that I trimmed everything down to one month (ie just 2 full 
 volumes  31 incr ones).

 With a test  situation with 10min retention times between full's ... 
 volumes are recycling rel nice !

 One question remains : do I need differential in my stratrgy ?


 Sebastian Perkins
 Responsable Informatique

 3 impasse des prairies
 74940 Annecy le Vieux
 Tél. - Fax.

 - Message Original -
 De: Marek Simon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: lundi 19 novembre 2007 10 h 30 (GMT+0100) Europe/Berlin
 Sujet: Re: [Bacula-users] backup strategy

 David is right. Bacula is not able to clear a part of a volume. She can
 only append to a volume or clean it completely. I can recommend to have
 one volume for one day (Use duration 23 hours). Bacula will create new
 volumes everywhen she needs.

 David Legg napsal(a):
  Hi Sebastian,
  I'm only a newbie to this but looking at your director config settings
  it looks like you haven't expressed a maximum volume size.  Therefore
  Bacula will keep filling up a volume until your disk runs out.  To 
  Bacula to stop filling a volume and look around for another one you
  should use a 'Maximum Volume Bytes = nnn' or 'Maximum Volume Jobs = 
  or 'Volume Use Duration = ttt' setting in your pools definition.
  Re-read the beginning of Chapter 22 'Automatic Volume Recycling' for
  more details.
  Hope that helps.
  David Legg
  Sebastian Perkins wrote:
  We are using bacula 2.2.6 with a disk based backup solution. 3 Months
  into testing, backups  restores are working.
  Here goes the problem : we need to backup 750Gb of data (22 server
  samba shares) and guarantee one (maybe two) months of restore data
  just in case somebody moves a directory, loses a file, wants lask
  week's file etc... The samba shares are basically full of doc/xls/pdf
  The backup is a 2 To raid5 disk solution. I'm a bit worried about
  keeping control over volumes and disk space. I don't want the volumes
  to fill up any further than 1.8To while keeping one or 2 months of
  We've resolved one problem regarding size by using the compress 
 option :o)
  So, our bacula.conf strategy is :
  * one full backup per month, plus incremental every other day (no
  * one volume per share (so that we can keep a eye on a fast
growing volume).
  * keeping job/file/volume retention to 1 month (maybe 2).
  But the volumes just grow... and grow. I've 'volume updated' for
  retention periods but the auto-pruning doesn't seem to reduce volume
  size. For example after the 2nd month's full backup I thought the
  volume would be reduced in size by the 1st months full backup size
  (it's outside the retention period).
  Schedule, Volume  Client syntax are :
  Schedule {
Name = WeeklyCycle
Run =