The Covenant protects the Baha'i Faith from schism

2010-12-24 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

A new posting on the protecting power of the Covenant. Feel free to share. 


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The Covenant protects the Baha'i Faith from schism

2010-12-24 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

A new posting on the protecting power of the Covenant. Feel free to 
share the link to my Covenant blog. 


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Fwd: I am looking for a story that I think you will know of; can you help?

2010-12-04 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Adib asked for this story:

The story of Haji Muhammad would not be complete without referring to 
one of his noble qualities, namely, his utter obedience to the Centre of 
the Cause. There was a time when Haji Muhammad had a business concern in 
'Akká. One day he was sitting in his office when the Master arrived with 
an urgent instruction from Bahá'u'lláh that Haji Muhammad should 
immediately proceed to Jaddih (Jiddah) in Arabia. He asked 'Abdu'l-Bahá 
if he could be permitted to attain the presence of Bahá'u'lláh before 
departing for Jaddih. The Master told him that there was no time, for 
the boat was leaving at any minute. Haji Muhammad at once closed the 
office, and without even paying a visit to his family boarded the ship 
which sailed away almost immediately. Once on board, he realized that 
because of the extraordinary rush, he had not even thought to ask the 
Master the purpose of his trip to Jaddih. But now it was too late, and 
he knew that Bahá'u'lláh would guide his steps when he arrived in that 
city. This is the best example of instant, exact and complete obedience 
to the command of Bahá'u'lláh.

The journey was fraught with danger because the sea was unusually 
stormy. The danger of the ship sinking was in everyone's mind except for 
Haji Muhammad, who was sure that it would sail safely to its destination 
because God had given him a mission in Jaddih, the nature of which was 
as yet unknown to him. Soon after disembarking from the ship, he heard 
two people speaking in Persian among the crowds. When he approached them 
he soon found out that they were Bahá'ís. They were Haji Mirza 
Haydar-'Ali, that illustrious follower of Bahá'u'lláh, and his fellow 
prisoner Husayn-i- Shirazi who had been set free from their ten-year 
imprisonment in Khartum and were on their way to 'Akká. They were in 
need of help and guidance, for this was their first journey to the Holy 
Land. Haji Muhammad knew then that the purpose of his mission in Jaddih 
was to assist these two souls to go to 'Akká, a task which he then 
carried out ably.

   (Adib Taherzadeh, The Revelation of Baha'u'llah Vol. 4, p. 24)

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The Passing of `Abdu'l-Baha

2010-11-24 Thread Brent Poirier
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Dear friends:

In recent years, a recording has come to light from Saichiro Fugita, a 
Japanese believer who accompanied Abdu'l-Baha on His journey through the 
western United States in 1912.  Abdu'l-Baha then urged him to gain a 
knowledge of electricity and in horticulture, and then invited Fugita to 
come to live in the Holy Land in 1919, where he put this knowledge to 
good use.  Fugita was later interviewed by Sylvia Ioas about his life in 
Haifa with the Master and then with the Guardian.   Fugita left a 
description of the day of the Master's passing, of His funeral 
procession, and of the reading of His Will. The transcript of his full 
talk is here, a portion of which is shared below:   Fugita's memory of the 
passing of the Master is found at that site, along with other 
recollections of his, not shown here.  Fugita gives the only description 
I know of, of the reading of the Master's Will, in the central hall of 
Number 7 Haparsim, and the respect shown to Shoghi Effendi by the 
friends as the Will was read.  That portion is below.

I have also appended Marzieh Gail's description of John Bosch's 
recollections of the Day of the Master's funeral, adapted from her 
wonderful book, Dawn over Mount Hira.


Excerpt From the Interview of Saichiro Fugita

Yes. `Abdu'l-Baha used to walk right on that main, little street, used 
to be narrow like this. I used to level it, widen. He used to walk from 
little house, up there. I was cleaning, smoothing and laugh, I was 
working, I mean, leveling, working hard, making a path, road for easy to 
walk. He used to take walk right around here, up to the German colony 
here, a couple block, and then come home.

You know, before `Abdu'l-Baha passing away, it was on a Friday, we went 
visit the mosque in Haifa, Friday morning. That day return from mosque, 
He had to walk up the step. He says I am tired, went into the room. 
Then Friday, Saturday, Sunday! Three days. Sunday night, He passed away. 
Those days we had many American pilgrims there. That Mr. and Mrs. Hoagg, 
Boschs were there. I heard the cry, deafening noise. So immediately I 
went up this gate, there's many collected and mourning, the Eastern 
believers very demonstrative, you know. I said What is it? It's 
`Abdu'l-Baha has passed. So immediately I come back to Pilgrim House, 
informed them. And some of them come out, come now. That day. It's one 
o'clock, and all the family are all together there. Can't help. Doctor 
just left, Dr. Habib, that Christian Arab, that's their family doctor. 
Then from that room we had after few days, the day in Mount Carmel. I 
went there myself, making a place. ( ) called, ah, Ramatullah, he's very 
strong man, he carried casket way down. Ramatullah lived a long time 
ago, he was caretaker, gardener, very nice man. He had a big family, but 
years ago.

All the notables from Haifa and Jerusalem, all were collected here, ah, 
for funeral. Even Herbert Samuel, walked right up, passing Master. Just 
out from this room, Number seven, and go around, Rahmatu'llah turn 
corner, in front of center of church, then go up, up, up, up, up to the 
Shrine. Everybody carrying casket up to the resting-place. Then up 
memorial day, we had biggest service here in Number seven. Then we had 
biggest dinner, luncheon served in, ah, Number nine. That one of the 
daughter's family, Ruha Khanum.

Will of, ah, `Abdu'l-Baha read in Number seven. In the center of the 
hall! That room! Oh, we had the biggest, ah, meeting there. All sitting 
on floor. A prominent Baha'i, from Egypt, he read the Will, right in the 
corner, and everybody faced, and everybody sat around, even the 
Nakazeen, some of the Nakazeen was among us, violator. Very touching 
ceremony. Oh, from early in morning, we had a meeting, ah, to go some 
time, to circulate all the Will of `Abdu'l-Baha. Every time mention, ah, 
Shoghi Effendi's name, everybody arise. Very respectable, very. That's 
why the Shoghi Effendi is be Guardian of the Cause. That day. ( ) 
family, back in that tea room now. See, the gentlemen and the ladies are 
all segregated. They know, behind the curtain, they all know. The Will 
of `Abdu'l-Baha was read, everybody consented, Shoghi Effendi is the 
Guardian of the Cause. That's final, nobody object, and then after the 
passing `Abdu'l-Baha, the reign of Guardian, Shoghi Effendi.


Excerpts adapted From Marzieh Gail's book Dawn Over Mount Hira 
available here:
Resting on John Bosch's Shoulder*

John Bosch recounts meeting the Master in New York: 'Abdu'l-Bahá walked 
to the first automobile... He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the 
rear seat; Mountfort Mills closed the door and I was alone with 
'Abdu'l-Bahá. The believers had planned to show the city to the give Him a good time seeing 

Commentary on the House of Justice

2010-11-04 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Dear friends:

I have posted an article about the divine guidance flowing to the House 
of Justice during the enactment of legislation, and addressing the 
passage from Shoghi Effendi's Dispensation letter in which he speaks 
of the role of the Guardian in the process of legislation, particularly 
the passage about reconsideration of enactments he believes to conflict 
with the meaning or depart from the spirit of the Text.


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New Posting

2010-10-02 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

The Magnificent Character of the Greatest Holy Leaf 

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Fwd: WAVES OF ONE SEA: Songs for Baha’i Children’s Classes (Grade 2) Volume 2 ENGLISH VERSION

2010-09-28 Thread Brent Poirier
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Spread the word

 Original Message 
Subject:WAVES OF ONE SEA: Songs for Baha’i Children’s Classes (Grade 
Date:   Tue, 28 Sep 2010 18:09:05 -0700 (PDT)
From:   edwin edpalina
To: edwin edpalina

Dear Friends,
Please be informed that WAVES OF ONE SEA: Songs for Baha’i Children’s 
Classes (Grade 2) Volume 2 ENGLISH VERSION is now available at this 

What's on Volume 2:

1. Sing His Praises (/Creadell Haley)/

2. Attributes of God /(Wiley Rinaldi)/

3. Síyáh-Chál /(Leslie Garrett)/

///4. Looking for Good (/David Hunt)

///5. I Thank and Praise Thee Lord /(Joan Lincoln)

6. Others Must Come First /(Wiley Rinaldi)/

/7. The Prince of Peace /(Lloyd Haynes)//

//8. Patience /(Leslie Garrett)///

///9. The Covenant /(Chong Boo Haw)

10. Kam Kam /(Bob and Linda Simms/)

11. Joy (/Nancy Ward)/

/12. Forgive Each Other /(Wiley Rinaldi)//

//13. I’ll Walk the Path /(Gregory Shaw)///

///14. Toko Zani /(Benjamin Dlamini)

15. Sing a New Song (/Phyllis Day)

Mt. Carmel Productions

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Re: Good object lesson for avoiding reading Covenant-breaker sites

2010-09-01 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Stephen, your statement that only 10% of the Covenant-breaker websites 
is negative, demonstrates the problem, and your unawareness of the 

While discussing these ideas with deepened Baha'is, reading the Sacred 
Text and the Master's Last Tablet to America, and reciting prayers are 
all good ideas, there is no substitute, in your situation, for sitting 
down with your Auxiliary Board member for Protection to discuss these 
things.  Your spirit has been affected by not only the Covenant-breaker 
material but by the ravings of Fred Glaysher.  You need the calming 
spirit and benevolent influence of a member of the Protection Board, or 
a Counsellor.  You've exposed yourself to poison, and taken deep drinks 
of poison.  Might it not be time to consider what I wrote to you 
off-list?  As an enrolled believer, you have access to the NSA's website and prominent on that website is a list of the Auxiliary 
Board members, and you can easily find your Protection Board member; or 
as I wrote, I will help you to locate him or her.

This is more important a matter than you realize.  Take the opportunity 
that the Baha'is on this list are offering to you.  You owe it to 
yourself to learn the truth about the Baha'i Faith, and you aren't 
getting it from these websites.  They're sending you wandering off into 
the wilderness, and you're rejecting everything the Baha'is are offering 
you.  It won't hurt to get the other perspective, and your Protection 
Board is where to go -- face to face.


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Good object lesson for avoiding reading Covenant-breaker sites

2010-08-31 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

The danger in reading Covenant breaker sites is often not that the 
person will be in danger of following these groups; it is that they 
destroy one's faith.  The confusing answers of Mr. Grey, and his 
statement that he is leaving religion altogether, make the point very 

One of the most malicious slanders of the Faith is the comparisons of 
the Learned to the East German stazi or other tyrannical regimes.  This 
prevents the believer from seeking support from the people most capable 
of giving it.

As to the person who supposedly met a grandson of Abdu'l-Baha, whose 
father broke the Covenant, and through whom he did not claim to be a 
Guardian. This makes absolutely no sense.  The children of Abdu'l-Baha 
were all daughters.

It is more likely that it was a great grandson, and possibly one of them 
was, for a time, faithful to the Covenant during the conversation he had 
with the believer you know.  But now all of the male descendants, down 
to the present day, are out of the Faith (or at least that was the case 
up to a decade ago when I asked a House member).


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A new blog

2010-08-28 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Why I am a Baha'i -- the first of a series of postings.
Later posts will include:  Because of the Baha'i plan for peace; because 
Baha'u'llah fulfills Bible prophecy; because it makes sense; because it 
puts me in touch with God, etc. Maybe some of these will be useful to 
your seeker friends. Your comments on that site are welcome


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Re: CB claims

2010-08-25 Thread Brent Poirier
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Don Calkins wrote:


Seems to me that one of your articles should at least touch on the
claim that various pretenders to the station of Guardian are
legitimized thru' being adopted into the Aghsan...
One of the interesting things is, as I see it, that Remey never made
the argument himself; it's been Marengella and his followers and

Dear Don:

The implications of the Master establishing the Guardianship as a 
hereditary office are described here:

I never quote from CB documents, unless Shoghi Effendi or the Hands or 
the House of Justice has quoted from them, and I urge the same posture 
here on this list, i.e. not quoting CB materials later in this 
discussion.  Shoghi Effendi quotes Khayrullah in God Passes By; the 
Hands quote Remey in Ministry of the Custodians, and the House of 
Justice quotes Remey in one of its letters, and our quoting those 
materials will, on the other hand, strengthen the readership in the 

The matter of the hereditary nature of the office of Guardian is well 
settled as I explain here, quoting the Hands:

This posting thoroughly addresses the subject that the Guardian must be 
the descendant of the Manifestation:
and includes this explanation of the implication of Remey not making his 
claim until a full two years after Shoghi Effendi's passing:

Yawning Inconsistencies in the Conduct of Mason Remey

Since Mason Remey had concocted this claim, he either had to admit that 
he did not know during that entire two-year period that he was the 
Guardian, which was inconsistent with his claim to be the infallible 
interpreter of the Word of God; or he had to say that he had known, and 
he was hiding this from the Baha'i world, which was inconsistent with 
his claim to be the infallible protector of the Cause of God. In both 
cases, it is impossible that a true Guardian of the Cause would conduct 
himself as Mason Remey did.

In letters written on his behalf, Shoghi Effendi had stated that the 
Guardian of the Cause is guided in his decisions to do that which 
protects it [the Baha'i Faith] and fosters its growth and highest 
and that the Guardian of the Cause is infallible in the protection of 
the Faith.

The divinely-guided Guardian of the Cause always acts in the best 
interests of the Faith, and is infallible in its protection. Mason Remey 
claims to have been the Guardian of the Cause throughout 1958 and 1959, 
when he was one of the Hands of the Cause of God, whose actions during 
that period he later condemned. How could he condemn his own actions, 
which he claimed were divinely guided? How could the divinely-guided 
Guardian of the Cause act against the Faith's best interests for two 
years? If he was divinely-guided, why didn't he recognize from the 
outset that the direction the Hands were taking was the wrong one? How 
could the divinely-guided Guardian of the Cause not know that he was the 
Guardian? How could he claim that the designation of him as the 
Interpreter of the Word of God was hidden in the messages of Shoghi 
Effendi, when he himself had missed their import? How could he be the 
infallibly-guided Guardian, yet formally and repeatedly deny that there 
was a Guardian? How could he be infallible in the protection of the 
Faith, yet withhold his identity as the divinely guided one---the 
essence of protection of the Faith---from the believers? And how could 
he be the successor to Shoghi Effendi, when he even denied that Shoghi 
Effendi was the Guardian, stated that Shoghi Effendi had grievously 
misinterpreted the Master's Will, and undertook to undo Shoghi Effendi's 
entire life work?

This is sheer nonsense. Mason Remey's selfish motives are transparent. 
It is quite astonishing that anyone ever accepted his claims.


Nothing is more explicit and more clear than the successorship in the 
Baha'i Faith, and that is addressed here


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The Significance of the Scriptural symbols of Dryness and Drowning

2010-08-25 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

A new posting on this topic

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Third subtle entity

2010-08-23 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I believe that it was on this list that someone recently asked about the 
third subtle entity passage attributed to Baha'u'llah.  Someone then 
correctly pointed out that this was a quote from Rosemary Sala in an 
article in the Baha'i World published in 1937.

However, there is a Tablet from Baha'u'llah that bears remarkable 
similarity.  A provisional translation by Hossein Achtchi is in a 
comment on this page, following the brief article on the hereditary 
nature of the Institution of Guardianship. 


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RE: Seal of the Prophets

2010-07-13 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

One of the Baha'is wrote:

...both Prophethood  Messengership are sealed by Prophet Muhammad.And Bab and 
Baha'u'llah are Manifestations of God; that is quite different from those previous 

Shoghi Effendi states that Baha'u'llah is referred to in the Qur'an as
the third messenger: His advent He, in that Book, in a surih said to
have been termed by Him 'the heart of the Qur'án,' had foreshadowed as
that of the 'third' Messenger, sent down to 'strengthen' the two who
preceded Him.  (Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p. 96)

Shoghi Effendi refers to Baha'u'llah as God's Messenger on page 115 of 
The Promised Day is Come, and as God's appointed Messenger for this 
day on pages 125, 139, as well as on page 152 of Citadel of Faith; on 
pages 90, 94, 103, 119 and 153 of Messages to the Baha'i World

In The Promised Day is Come, Shoghi Effendi refers to Baha'u'llah as 
God's greatest Messenger (p. 4) and as God's supreme Messenger (p. 
112, 115)

I believe it is a harmful distinction because it introduces a kind of 
spiritual arrogance into Baha'i discourse, to say that Baha'u'llah and 
the Bab are neither Prophets nor Messengers.  I may be mistaken, but I 
urge you to reflect on this possibility.

Respectfully and with very warmest greetings


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RE: Seal of the Prophets

2010-07-13 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

The Qur'an is very emphatic at times about the equality of
all the prophets with statements like we make no distinction between any o=
them, yet it also says we have exalted some above others. The latter
phrase has been used for centuries to claim that Muhammad (pbuh) was the
chief or greatest of all the prophets who came before him. But there ar=
also Hadiths which have the prophet scolding some of his followers for
claiming that he was better than Moses, and he replied that he wasn't even
better than Jonah. So, the essence vs. manifestation argument is a good
way at solving the problem of who is better than who.

Baha'u'llah warns to make no distinctions. All references to the Greatness of 
Baha'u'llah are because of the Greatness of His Message -- and that is entirely 
a factor of humanity's greater receptivity and capacity at this time.  If 
humanity had been grown up 2000 years ago or 700 years ago, Jesus Christ or 
Muhammad would have given this Greatest of Revelations.

In conclusion of this theme, I feel, it should be stated that the Revelation 
identified with Bahá'u'lláh abrogates unconditionally all the Dispensations gone before 
it, upholds uncompromisingly the eternal verities they enshrine, recognizes firmly and 
absolutely the Divine origin of their Authors, preserves inviolate the sanctity of their 
authentic Scriptures, disclaims any intention of lowering the status of their Founders or 
of abating the spiritual ideals they inculcate, clarifies and correlates their functions, 
reaffirms their common, their unchangeable and fundamental purpose, reconciles their 
seemingly divergent claims and doctrines, readily and gratefully recognizes their 
respective contributions to the gradual unfoldment of one Divine Revelation, 
unhesitatingly acknowledges itself to be but one link in the chain of continually 
progressive Revelations, supplements their teachings with such laws and ordinances as 
conform to the imperative needs, and are dictated by the growing receptivity, of a fast 
evolving and constantly changing society, and proclaims its readiness and ability to fuse 
and incorporate the contending sects and factions into which they have fallen into a 
universal Fellowship, functioning within the framework, and in accordance with the 
precepts, of a divinely conceived, a world-unifying, a world-redeeming Order. 
(Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p. 100)

In this passage Shoghi Effendi relates Baha'u'llah to being both Prophet and 
Messenger; the following two paragraphs follow one upon the other in The World Order of 

The door of the knowledge of the Ancient of Days, Bahá'u'lláh further states in the 
Kitáb-i-Íqán, being thus closed in the face of all beings, He, the Source of infinite grace 
... hath caused those luminous Gems of Holiness to appear out of the realm of the spirit, in the 
noble form of the human temple, and be made manifest unto all men, that they may impart unto the 
world the mysteries of the unchangeable Being and tell of the subtleties of His imperishable 
Essence... All the Prophets of God, His well-favored, His holy and chosen Messengers are, without 
exception, the bearers of His names and the embodiments of His attributes... These Tabernacles of 
Holiness, these primal Mirrors which reflect the Light of unfading glory, are but expressions of 
Him Who is the Invisible of the Invisibles.
   That Bahá'u'lláh should, notwithstanding the overwhelming intensity 
of His Revelation, be regarded as essentially one of these Manifestations of 
God, never to be identified with that invisible Reality, the Essence of 
Divinity itself, is one of the major beliefs of our Faith -- a belief which 
should never be obscured and the integrity of which no one of its followers 
should allow to be compromised.
(Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 113)


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And the Leaves of the Tree were for the Healing of the Nations

2010-06-05 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Dear friends:

I have prepared a new posting about the individuals mentioned in the 
Tablets of the Divine Plan.  These are, in my personal view, among those 
Baha'is who fulfilled Bible prophecy. 

Loving greetings

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Jinn and Evil

2010-05-30 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

1772. What is Commonly Called Evil spirits is Normally an Imaginary 
Creation But Evil Exists Both in This World And The Next

In regard to your question concerning evil spirits and their 
influence upon souls, Shoghi Effendi wishes me to inform you that what 
is generally called evil spirit is a purely imaginary creation and has 
no reality whatever. But as to evil, there is no doubt that it exerts 
a very strong influence both in this world and in the next. 
'Abdu'l-Bahá in the Some Answered Questions gives us a thorough and 
true analysis of the problem of evil. You should preferably refer to 
that book for further explanation on that point.
(From letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual 
believer, November 1, 1934)

   (Compilations, Lights of Guidance, p. 521)

Everything I read about the next world tells me that it is a world of 
lights, of realties, where Truth is apparent.  This sentence alone -- 
that evil exerts a very strong influence in the next world -- says the 
opposite.  Therefore, I conclude that the meaning of this sentence -- 
that evil exerts a strong influence in the next world is this:

A pregnant woman drinks alcohol.  That alcohol exerts a strong negative 
influence on the baby, both in the world of the womb, and in this world.

To bring this back to the statement from the Guardian's letter, the evil 
has influence in the next world, i.e. the evil acts of people in this 
world, exerts a very strong influence in the next world, in that the 
evil done in this world has consequences after the person's death.  Not, 
that evil is rampant in the next world like it is here, that people can 
lie in the next world, that people can commit injustice in the next 
world.  The next world is where the truth emerges, where lies have no 
place, where no one is capable of lying or of injuring another, where 
injustices that occurred in this world are rectified.

My second purpose in writing is to offer a thought about why Baha'u'llah 
refers to jinn, without explaining that they are symbolic:  He is 
writing to the Muslims, and He uses the terms in their Book.

In similar fashion, Baha'u'llah tries to impact on the deeds of Muslims 
by quoting to them about their own opinions of how the resurrection will 

Rememberest thou not God's warning uttered in times past, that thou 
mayest be of them that heed His warning? He said, and He, verily, 
speaketh the truth: From it (earth) have We created you, and unto it 
will We return you, and out of it will We bring you forth a second 
time. This is what God ordained unto all them that dwell on earth, be 
they high or low. It behoveth not, therefore, him who was created from 
dust, who will return unto it, and will again be brought forth out of 
it, to swell with pride before God, and before His loved ones, to 
proudly scorn them, and be filled with disdainful arrogance. Nay, rather 
it behoveth thee and those like thee to submit yourselves to them Who 
are the Manifestations of the unity of God, and to defer humbly to the 

(Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 231)

Even though in other places in His Writings, Baha'u'llah explains that 
the resurrection does not mean resurrection of the body, it has entirely 
spiritual meaning; in this passage, Baha'u'llah quotes a verse from the 
Qur'an without giving it a spiritual meaning, to impact on his reader.

And I am saying that by analogy, Baha'u'llah makes reference to the 
jinn, in a  passage that Gary is having difficulty understanding, not to 
backtrack on His other statements that jinn have no actual existence, 
just as a way of using the fear of God as a tool to get people to act 

That's my understanding.


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Re: Lesser Prophets

2010-05-08 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Dear Mary Lou:

Personally, I think that Mormons should primarily be approached as 
Christians, only secondarily as Mormons.  That is, that they are best 
approached with the explanations in Some Answered Questions and the Book 
of Certitude, about the Bible and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, the 
way any other Christians would be approached, rather than on a focus on 
the various writings of the Latter Day Saints religion.

Because I do not see the Guardian endorsing Joseph Smith as a Lesser 
Prophet, and I do not see him endorsing his writings as sacred 
Scripture.  The source for the Guardian's writings on this Faith are 
primarily found in Lights of Guidance, I suggest you take a look there.  
And the Guardian says in one of his letters to the Baha'is of Alaska 
that historians will pass on his writings, which is not the approach he 
takes to any Scriptures:

As there is nothing specific about Joseph Smith in the teachings, the 
Guardian has no statement to make on his position or about the accuracy 
of any statement in the Book of Mormon regarding American history or its 
peoples. This is a matter for historians to pass upon  (Shoghi Effendi 
through his secretary, High Endeavours -  Messages to Alaska, p. 71)

The Guardian wrote that it is advisable to approach the LDS people with 
matters that are common to both, and my recollection is that he said 
that we share certain ethical teachings, such as chastity and abstinence 
from alcohol.

There are books such as So Great A Cause by an LDS man who became a 
Baha'i, which you can get on inter-library loan, the Las Cruces public 
library has a very good program for this, and this would answer your 
question about the prophecy in Joseph Smith's book The Pearl of Great 
Price, about if he lived to a certain age he would see the return of 
Christ, and that pointed to a date towards the end of Baha'u'llah's life.

Joseph Smith was murdered about one month after the Declaration of the Bab.


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Re: Lesser Prophets

2010-05-07 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I wonder if we have not seen the end of the phenomenon of Lesser 
Prophets, with the close of the Cycle of Prophecy.  Humanity used to get 
these short bursts of inspired Minor Prophets, with their unassailable 
moral integrity, upholding the divine standard and warning the people to 
adhere to it.

But now we have the inspired House of Justice, and it's here full time, 
and not only crying out as an individual, but with a formal, 
institutionalized, permanent, deep and widespread influence; and 
combined with that, we have the potential of the individual believers 
attaining to the station of the Lesser Prophets of old.

Actually, I think that is not a statement of sameness, it is just a 
shorthand way of the Master conveying that this Day is unique.  It is 
reminiscent of Baha'u'llah saying that the station of the Letters of the 
Living is ten thousand times greater than the apostles of old (WOB 
108).  That's not a matter of quantifying; in a sense, ten thousand is 
not a big enough number, even a million is too small a number. Because 
just as ten thousand singing birds don't equate to one human being; the 
whole scale has been lifted up with the coming of Baha'u'llah.  There's 
no comparing any more.

One righteous work performed in this Day, equalleth all the virtuous 
acts which for myriads of centuries men have practised -- nay, We ask 
forgiveness of God for such a comparison!  (Iqan, paragraph 153)

One good deed in this Day, excels all the good deeds performed by all 
human beings in all previous Dispensations.

In a previous Dispensation, one man, the High Priest; would on one day, 
the holiest day of the year; enter one place, the Holy of Holies; and 
one time, would recite the Name of God.  Now, the Name of God is the way 
humans are to greet one another.  The whole earth has been raised up.

It's like astronomical distances, where you have a distance measured in 
millions of light years, which stops being an instrument of measure, and 
just becomes a sense of that's farther than I can imagine.

You can't add up enough diamonds, or birds, to equate to one human 
being, and you can't add up enough of anything from previous 
Dispensations to equate to the spirit, and teachings, and institutions 
Baha'u'llah has brought -- particularly including the full-time presence 
of divine guidance, and incorruptible application of the laws of the 
Revelation, represented in the House of Justice.

And though we can't see it now, I think the idea is that the whole earth 
will be populated by believers who attain to the station of Lesser 
Prophets. Not the title, and not the functions, but something of the 
exaltation.  Baha'u'llah said the day will come when a woman traveling 
alone will be able to traverse the entire surface of the earth 
unmolested, and without a single man having looked upon her with lust. 
The effect of His laws and teachings and institutions cannot presently 
be imagined.

And that's why any deed we do in furtherance of this Cause, is 
incalculably significant.  We're the instruments of furthering something 
that's never been here before.


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Standard of the truth of the Baha'i Faith

2010-02-11 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Shahram Rohani wrote:

dear Friends,

please note that Bahaullah has taught us that the size and number,or duration can not 
be a logical reason for correctness of a faith.We should observe that the other 
groups,like Azalis,have existed the same time.Or if we consider the size n volume of 
followers of a religion,as a proof,then the total number of members of Bahai 
groups,or the population of Bahai Intl Community,in comparison with the followers of 
other faiths, will show an opposite result. I think every message or claim ,in its 
essence and contents should be justifying and logical.

This is what Shoghi Effendi has written.

Not by the material resources which the members of this infant 
community can now summon to their aid; not by the numerical strength of 
its present-day supporters; nor by any direct tangible benefits its 
votaries can as yet confer upon the multitude of the needy and the 
disconsolate among their countrymen, should its potentialities be tested 
or its worth determined. Nowhere but in the purity of its precepts, the 
sublimity of its standards, the integrity of its laws, the 
reasonableness of its claims, the comprehensiveness of its scope, the 
universality of its program, the flexibility of its institutions, the 
lives of its founders, the heroism of its martyrs, and the transforming 
power of its influence, should the unprejudiced observer seek to obtain 
the true criterion that can enable him to fathom its mysteries or to 
estimate its virtue.

(The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 54)


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Re: Baha'u'llah's Divinity

2010-02-11 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Perhaps The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah which includes Baha'u'llah's 
summons to the Christian clergy -- including excerpts from the 
Lawh-i-Aqdas; or that Tablet itself, though I suggest the former for the 
Benedictine Monk.

However, if by divinity the priest means that He was raised from the 
dead and physically went to heaven, then nothing will satisfy him.  But 
perhaps he will hear the voice behind the words in the Proclamation, 
explaining the true meaning of the Bible prophecies.

By the way, on another subject-- Abdu'l-Baha promised that the Faith of 
Baha'u'llah would not be divided, because of the Covenant of 
Baha'u'llah.  He stated, in a passage I cannot find, I think it is in 
Nine Years in Akka -- that although there will be a small following of 
Azal in the future, there will be not one follower of Mirza Muhammad Ali 
in the future.  That is, Azal violated, not the Covenant of Baha'u'llah, 
but the Covenant of the Bab.


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Lesser Prophets

2010-01-30 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Stephen Gray asks:

Does the Baha'i Faith have a stance on wether or not there will be Baha'i
dependent prophets like during the Old Testament times (ie Issiah, Jeremiah, 
Ezra, Nehemiah, Obadiah, Zafaniah, Zekariah,=A0Samuel, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, 
etc.)of the Dispensation of Moses? Jensenites say yes, but I do not know 
if the Universal House of Justice has ever discuccesd the issue of dependent 
prophecy in the Baha'i Faith. 

While to my knowledge in the literature I have read, the Baha'i Writings 
do not expressly answer the question you have asked, the answer is 
clearly given by implication.

After many Major Prophets, there is often a series of Minor Prophets, 
such as those you have listed. However, in this Day, guidance is instead 
provided by the Covenant of Abdu'l-Baha, which directs the believers to 
seek their guidance from the Guardian and the Universal House of 
Justice. All must seek guidance and turn unto the Center of the Cause 
and the House of Justice. And he that turneth unto whatsoever else is 
indeed in grievous error. These are the last words of the Will and 
Testament of Abdu'l-Baha. I understand this to clearly state that there 
will be no other sources of guidance during this Dispensation, other 
than the House of Justice and the Guardian.

“As regards the meaning of the Baha'i Covenant: The Guardian considers 
the existence of two forms of Covenant both of which are explicitly 
mentioned in the literature of the Cause. First is the covenant that 
every prophet makes with humanity or, more definitely, with His people 
that they will accept and follow the coming Manifestation who will be 
the reappearance of His reality. The second form of Covenant is such as 
the one Baha'u'llah made with His people that they should accept the 
Master. This is merely to establish and strengthen the succession of the 
series of Lights that appear after every Manifestation. Under the same 
category falls the Covenant the Master made with the Baha'is that they 
should accept His administration after Him” (From a letter on behalf 
of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer dated October 21, 1932, US 
Baha'i News #80, January, 1934, pp. 5-6)

In the Dispensation of Moses, the Lesser Prophets were guided by Him, 
i.e. by Moses.

In this Dispensation, the House of Justice and Guardian are guided by 
both the Bab and Baha'u'llah.

“The Guardian's infallibility covers interpretation of the Revealed Word 
and its application. Likewise any instructions he may issue having to do 
with the protection of the Faith, or its well being must be closely 
obeyed, as he is infallible in the protection of the Faith. He is 
assured the guidance of both Bahá'u'lláh and the Báb, as the Will and 
Testament of `Abdu'l-Bahá clearly reveals. (From a letter written on 
behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, August 20, 1956; 
Lights of Guidance, 2nd edition, p. 313, #1055)

(The passage to which Shoghi Effendi refers, quoted here, also states 
that the Universal House of Justice is assured the guidance of both 
Baha'u'llah and the Bab:)

/The sacred and youthful branch, the guardian of the Cause of God as 
well as the Universal House of Justice, to be universally elected and 
established, are both under the care and protection of the Abhá Beauty, 
under the shelter and unerring guidance of His Holiness, the Exalted One 
... /(The Will and Testament of `Abdu'l-Baha, p. 11)

I hope this is of service to you.

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2010-01-28 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

The followers of Yahya did not break the Covenant of Baha'u'llah, they 
broke the Covenant of the Bab.  Shoghi Effendi refers to Yahya as the 
Arch-breaker of the Covenant of the Bab around p. 164 or so of God 
Passes By and there lists in detail his violations of that Covenant.  
The Covenant of the Bab was not as clear or explicit as the Covenant of 
Baha'u'llah (which names Abdu'l-Baha as His Successor) or the Covenant 
of the Master (which names the Guardian and the House of Justice as His 
and Baha'u'llah's successors).  Abdu'l-Baha said that there would remain 
a following of Azal in the future, but no followers of Mirza Muhammad 
Ali, who broke the Covenant of Baha'u'llah.  Outside of the dwindling 
members of the family, I know of no followers of Mirza Muhammad Ali.

Remey, Marangella, Jensen, etc. are violators of the Covenant of 
Abdu'l-Baha, which is a part of the Covenant of Baha'u'llah.  Shoghi 
Effendi commends to our study the twin Covenants of Baha'u'llah and  of 
Abdu'l-Baha in Citadel of Faith p. 76.

The fundamental difference, however, between this Dispensation and all 
previous ones is this, that in this Revelation the possibility of 
permanent schism between the followers of the Prophet has been prevented 
through the direct and explicit instructions providing for the necessary 
instruments designed to maintain the organic unity of the body of the 
(From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the 
Guardian, p. 42)

There can be no schism in the Bahá'í Faith because the Guardianship is 
established on an unassailable foundation, supported by a signed, sealed 
document -- the Will. Schism can only flourish where there is ambiguity 
or no specific proof. The New History Society is like a branch that has 
no roots, and will soon dry up and wither. It has not caused, nor can it 
cause, a breach among the believers.
(Shoghi Effendi dated March 25, 1946, Letters from the Guardian to 
Australia and New Zealand, p. 60)

The same is true of the House -- that its position as successor to 
Abdu'l-Baha is established on an unassailable foundation, supported by 
the same signed, sealed document -- the Will.

The New History Society survived Sohrab by a few weeks, then was no more.

Were anyone to imagine or expect that a Cause, comprising within its 
orbit so vast a portion of the globe, so turbulent in its history, so 
challenging in its claims, so diversified in the elements it has 
assimilated into its administrative structure, should, at all times, be 
immune to any divergence of opinion, or any defection on the part of its 
multitudinous followers, it would be sheer delusion, wholly unreasonable 
and unwarranted, even in the face of the unprecedented evidence of the 
miraculous power which its rise and progress have so powerfully 
exhibited. That such a secession, however, whether effected by those who 
apostatize their faith or preach heretical doctrines, should have 
failed, after the lapse of a century, to split in twain the entire body 
of the adherents of the Faith, or to create a grave, a permanent and 
irremediable breach in its organic structure, is a fact too eloquent for 
even a casual observer of the internal processes of its administrative 
order to either deny or ignore.
 Therein, every loyal and intelligent upholder of 
Bahá'u'lláh's incomparable Covenant -- a Covenant designed by Him as the 
sole refuge against schism, disruption and anarchy -- will readily 
recognize the hall-mark of His Faith, and will acclaim it as the supreme 
gift conferred by Him Who is the Lord of Revelation upon the present and 
future generations who are destined, in this greatest of all 
Dispensations, to flock, from every creed and religion, to the banner, 
and espouse the Cause, of His Most Great Name.

(Shoghi Effendi, Messages to America, p. 50)

The children of Covenant-breakers and the followers of Covenant-breakers 
are shunned as Covenant-breakers because they have inherited the same 
negative attitude towards the Center of the Covenant, whether the 
Covenant of Baha'u'llah or the Covenant of the Master.  There are 
letters from the Guardian addressing this subject.  They can be obtained 
from your Protection Board member or from a Counsellor.

Instead of taking at face value the self-serving claims of 
Covenant-breakers as to their merits, the book Ministry of the 
Custodians shows that several members of the NSA of France defected.  It 
is not that so many followed Remey; it is that they were 
highly-placed. The number is a literal handful, and they are listed by 
name in that book.

Mr. Gray, you are spending a lot of time dining on poison, and you would 
benefit from eating some wholesome food as well.   The letters of the 
House of Justice and other writings addressing these and a host of 
related subjects are found here, and deserve careful study:

A number of the issues related to 


2010-01-22 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

1. On page 70 of Robert Weinberg's book Ethel Jenner Rosenberg there 
is a pilgrim's note that Mrs. Rosenberg asked Abdu'l-Baha about the 
seven churches in the Revelation of John.  The Master reportedly 
replied that the seven spirits and seven stars in Revelation refer to 
the seven letters of the name of Baha'u'llah in Arabic.  (In Revelation 
3:12 there is a promise of the New Name; in Revelation 21:10 and 11 the 
new name is given.)

2. As to the notion that Baha'is should associate with the 

The friends should, without too much dwelling on these negative things, 
be made to understand that some people are spiritually sick and that 
their disease is, alas, contagious. Some recover from it, as did Mr. 
[...] whose heart could not rest till he returned to the fold; others do 
not. The Master and Baha'u'llah have taught us that associating with 
these souls is not likely to heal them at all, but on the contrary 
exposes one to grave danger of contagion. The history of the Faith has 
proved this over and over again. The only way we can prove to such 
people that they are wrong is to censure their conduct; if we sympathise 
with them we only fortify their perversity and waywardness.

(From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian dated January 23, 1945, 
Lights of Guidance, 2nd edition, p. 185, #609)

3.  As to the slander that Shoghi Effendi was standing between Ruhiyyih 
Khanum and the Funds of the Baha'i Faith:  If Khanum wanted his money, 
she would have filed a probate proceeding and claimed that all of the 
Baha'i Funds were now hers -- she did not, she participated in the body 
of the Hands of the Cause, or more correctly, the body of nine Hands 
acting as the corporate body The Custodians of the Baha'i World Faith 
receiving control of the properties and funds of the Faith, which they 
in turn handed over to the House of Justice 6 years later. 

By the time of Shoghi Effendi's passing, he had transferred most of the 
properties and funds of the Faith into the name of the Israel Branches 
of the various National Spiritual Assemblies.  After his passing, the 
Hands were placed as trustees of these bodies.  The only fund that was 
in Shoghi Effendi's name individually was in Switzerland, and Khanum was 
on it with him, and with her access to this money she provided the funds 
for his funeral, as she has herself explained, I believe in Volume XIII 
of the Baha'i World, where she speaks in detail about events after the 
Guardian's passing.

The funds the Hands used to travel during the six years around the world 
to build up the National Spiritual Assemblies, were provided by Amelia 


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Re: Sects

2010-01-22 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

The repetition of these statements made by the so-called Baha'is Under 
the Provisions of the Covenant, and the hurt and shock we experience as 
we hear them, brings something to mind.

There is a story -- now I cannot find the source of it -- of the time 
after the Passing of Baha'u'llah when the Covenant-breakers were working 
against Abdu'l-Baha, but He had not yet announced it to the Baha'i 
world.  And at that time, pilgrims would come to the Holy Land, and the 
Covenant-breakers would invite a new pilgrim to come to the Mansion.  
They would throw a feast for him, and write poetry in his honor, flatter 
him -- and then, gradually instill questions about the integrity of 

One day one of the Covenant-breakers came across Abdu'l-Baha and said 
that they had invited one of the recent pilgrims to Bahji and were 
holding a Feast in his honor, and would turn him against Abdu'l-Baha.  
Abdu'l-Baha smiled and said that they would not get this one; that they 
would see that their opposition to Abdu'l-Baha would only increase this 
believer's devotion to the Covenant, and make his love for Abdu'l-Baha 
even more extreme--and this is what happened.  And it seems to me that 
this can be our response when we hear these accusations against the 
Hands of the Cause, who protected the Cause of God from the forces of 
hatred and selfishness -- if we take it properly, it can increase our 
love for them, and our devotion to the Covenant.  When these shocks 
occur, when we hear these things, they can do us no harm if we pray, and 
turn to the Will and Testament.  They can increase our devotion.

I am not recommending, to the extent of one word, that we read 
Covenant-breaker literature.  I think that is a foolish thing to do, and 
that we should put lots of distance between ourselves and such material. 
The House has warned us in the strongest possible terms against doing so.

But when it comes our way without our asking, there is a healthy 
response.  I personally don't think that in such instances, the best 
response is to hush things up.  Rather, the forces of unity are so 
strong in the Faith, the light of the Covenant is so strong, that used 
properly, opposition simply strengthens it.  Prayer and study of the 
Word will use the irritant as a stimulus, and build a protection. 

I have written a short piece about the preposterous and remarkably 
flimsy accusations against the Hands 
based on passages from The Ministry of the Custodians.

The sweet-scented Hands of the Cause were as real and as true as they 
could be.


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RE: Sects

2010-01-09 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Marangella is just confusing things, not clarifying them.

Both Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha had appointed Their Successors during 
Their lifetimes, by specifying them in Their Wills, but had not made 
their identities known, perhaps to protect their lives. However, the 
situation changed, and the Cause was on more secure footing, as was the 
society in which they lived. On page 12 of the Will, Abdu'l-Baha directs 
the Guardian to make known the identity of his successor Guardian, to 
the nine Hands of the Cause. This is why the appointment had to be made 
during his lifetime-- they had to vote on the successor.

Putting all of this together, and making certain extrapolations, here is 
my personal understanding of how these provisions in the Master's Will 
might have been carried out had the circumstances allowed. The Guardian 
would select his successor, and, following the example of his Forbears, 
name him in writing in his own Will and Testament. He would then present 
his Will and Testament to the nine Hands of the Cause, who would 
familiarize themselves with the appearance of the Will, and give their 
assent to the Guardian's choice of successor. Perhaps they would all 
have countersigned the Will, confirming it as the Guardian's Will and 
Testament, and assenting to his choice of successor Guardian.

After the passing of the Guardian, these Hands would then present to the 
Universal House of Justice and the Baha'i world, the Will and Testament 
of the Guardian. They would confirm that it was the same document that 
the Guardian had presented to them. The Universal House of Justice and 
the nine Hands would then present the new Guardian to the Baha'i world. 
These high officers who had been the closest persons to Shoghi Effendi, 
would be the first to turn to his successor Guardian. All of the Baha'is 
would be assured by this that the Guardian's will was authentic, and 
that that successor was the one who had actually been chosen by Shoghi 
Effendi. This is conjecture on my part, based on my understanding that 
Abdu'l-Baha put these provisions in His Will for unmistakable clarity, 
as safeguards to remove all doubt and place the successorship on an 
absolutely clear foundation. As He wrote in a passage quoted above, 
these provisions were so that differences would not arise.

The choice of successor had to be during “his own life-time” because the 
Master's Will required the Guardian to provide the identity of his 
successor to the nine Hands of the Cause for their assent. He would be 
of course available to them to personally verify the authenticity of his 
Will and his choice of successor; so that these Hands could, in turn, 
provide ironclad assurance to the Baha'i world when the time came, 
adding their personal testimony—these most trustworthy of all the 
believers in the world—to the written provisions in the Guardian's Will 
and Testament. During the lifetime of Shoghi Effendi he did not direct 
the Hands of the Cause to elect nine of their members to be involved in 
the important work of the Guardian; nor did he identify a successor 
Guardian, or show a Will and Testament to anyone.

There is far more to the issue than that it be during his lifetime. 
The successor must be a male descendant of Baha'u'llah to fill what 
Shoghi Effendi calls the hereditary office of the Guardianship; he 
must meet the spiritual qualifications; his identity must be presented 
to the Hands of the Cause and they must vote on it. And it seems 
obvious, but it has to be somebody who will uphold the Cause of God -- 
and Remey didn't. Mason Remey stated, as quoted in a letter from the 
House of Justice, that Shoghi Effendi made a great mistake by 
misinterpreting the Master's Will, so everything Shoghi Effendi did has 
to be undone, because he didn't establish the Baha'i Faith, and Remey 
now will. Remey worked against Shoghi Effendi, and that proves quite 
clearly that he was no Guardian.

(And how Marangella gets around the requirement that he, Marangella must 
be a male descendant of Baha'u'llah is interesting to say the least.)

I have addressed this in several postings on my blog: Observations on Shoghi Effendi not 
having written a last will and testament Resting on No Foundations Whatever: The 
Preposterous Claims of Charles Mason Remey

There are others on this subject as well, listed along the right side of 
the blog


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2009-12-01 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
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Re: Looking for a quotations from the Writings

2009-11-29 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 11:38:03 -0600
From: William Heiratifar
Subject: Looking for a quotations from the Writings

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hello, I'm looking for a quotation from the writings that relates to and
emphasizes the importance individuality and not needing to live up to the
expectations of others or the consequences of trying to do so.


1 There is a verse from Baha'u'llah I cannot find after a quick search, and do not have time to look for, where He says something like to not be moved either by praise or by false blame. 

2. The responsibilities of the members of the Spiritual Assemblies that are 
engaged in teaching the Cause of God in Eastern lands have been clearly laid 
down in the holy Texts.

These bid them to work towards the improvement of morals and the spread 
of learning; to strive to eradicate ignorance and unenlightenment, 
eliminate prejudice, and reinforce the foundation of true faith in 
people's hearts and minds; to seek to develop self-reliance and 
avoidance of blind imitation; to aim to enhance the efficient management 
of their  348  affairs, and observe purity and refinement in all 
circumstances; to show their commitment to truthfulness and honesty, and 
their ability to conduct themselves with frankness, courage and resolution.

They similarly enjoin them to lend their support to agricultural and 
industrial development, to consolidate the foundations of mutual 
assistance and co-operation, to promote the emancipation and advancement 
of women and support the compulsory education of both sexes, to 
encourage application of the principles of consultation among all 
classes, and to adhere in all dealings to a standard of scrupulous 

They further impress upon them the virtue of trustworthiness and 
godliness, of purity of motive, kindliness of heart, and detachment from 
the fetters of this material world. They call upon them so to sanctify 
themselves that they will rise above the corrupt and evil influences 
that exercise so powerful a sway over the Western world, and charge them 
to abide by the counsel of moderation at all times and under all 
conditions. They urge them to make detailed inquiry into the various 
branches of contemporary learning -- arts and sciences alike -- and to 
concentrate their attention on serving the general interests of the 
people; to deepen themselves by attentive study of the sacred Texts, and 
to apply the divine guidance they contain to the circumstances, needs 
and conditions of society today; to refrain from entering into the 
tangled affairs of political parties and to have neither concern for, 
nor involvement in, the controversies of politicians, the wranglings of 
theologians or any of the ailing social theories current amongst men.

They finally exhort them to be sincerely obedient, in both thought and 
word, to the laws duly enacted by the government of the realm, and to 
distance themselves from the methods, concepts and ill-grounded 
arguments of extreme traditionalists and modernists alike; to accord 
honour, veneration and respect to -- and endorse the efforts of -- 
exponents of the arts and sciences, and to esteem and revere those who 
are possessed of extensive knowledge and scholarly erudition; to uphold 
the right of freedom of conscience; and to abstain from criticizing and 
disparaging the manners, customs and beliefs of other individuals, 
peoples and nations.

These are among the most pressing requirements for the nations of the 
East. These are the basic, the binding, the inescapable responsibilities 
349  of the trustees of the Merciful, the representatives of the Bahá'í 
communities, the members of the Spiritual Assemblies.

(Letter of Shoghi Effendi 30 January 1926 to the Spiritual Assemblies 
throughout the East - translated from the Persian)
   (Compilation on Trustworthiness, The Compilation of Compilations vol 
II, p. 348, #2079)

3. You have complained of the unsatisfactory conditions prevailing in 
the ... Bahá'í Community; the Guardian is well aware of the situation of 
the Cause there, but is confident that whatever the nature of the 
obstacles that confront the Faith they will be eventually overcome. You 
should, under no circumstances, feel discouraged, and allow such 
difficulties, even though they may have resulted from the misconduct, or 
the lack of capacity and vision of certain members of the Community, to 
make you waver in your faith and basic loyalty to the Cause. Surely, the 
believers, no matter how qualified they may be, whether as teachers or 
administrators, and however high their intellectual and spiritual 
merits, should never be looked upon as a standard whereby to evaluate 
and measure the divine authority and mission of the Faith. It is to the 
Teachings themselves, and to the lives of the Founders of the Cause that 
the believers should look for their 

Re: Looking for a quotations from the Writings

2009-11-29 Thread Brent Poirier

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

The last three sentences also bear on your topic

Twelve hundred and seventy years have elapsed since the declaration of 
Muhammad, and each year unnumbered people have circumambulated the House 
of God [Mecca]. In the concluding year of this period He Who is Himself 
the Founder of the House went on pilgrimage. Great God! There was a vast 
concourse of pilgrims from every sect. Yet not one recognized Him, 
though He recognized every one of them—souls tightly held in the grasp 
of His former commandment. The only person who recognized Him and 
performed pilgrimage with Him is the one round whom revolve eight 
Vahids, [Quddus] in whom God hath gloried before the Concourse on high 
by virtue of his absolute detachment and for his being wholly devoted to 
the Will of God. This doth not mean that he was made the object of a 
special favour, nay, this is a favour which God hath vouchsafed unto all 
men, yet they have suffered themselves to be veiled from it. The 
Commentary on the Surih of Joseph had, in the first year of this 
Revelation, been widely distributed. Nevertheless, when the people 
realized that fellow supporters were not forthcoming they hesitated to 
accept it; while it never occurred to them that the very Qur'án 
whereunto unnumbered souls bear fealty today, was revealed in the 
midmost heart of the Arab world, yet to outward seeming for no less than 
seven years no one acknowledged its truth except the Commander of the 
Faithful [Imam Ali]—may the peace of God rest upon him—who, in response 
to the conclusive proofs advanced by God's supreme Testimony, recognized 
the Truth and did not fix his eyes on others. Thus on the Day of 
Resurrection God will ask everyone of his understanding and not of his 
following in the footsteps of others. How often a person, having 
inclined his ears to the holy verses, would bow down in humility and 
would embrace the Truth, while his leader would not do so. Thus every 
individual must bear his own responsibility, rather than someone else 
bearing it for him.

The Bab, The Persian Bayán, Selections from the Writings of the Báb, p. 90)

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Re: Sects

2009-11-11 Thread Brent Poirier

The quote from the Guardian is:

The fundamental difference, however, between this Dispensation and all 
previous ones is this, that in this Revelation the possibility of 
permanent schism between the followers of the Prophet has been prevented 
through the direct and explicit instructions providing for the necessary 
instruments designed to maintain the organic unity of the body of the 
(From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, Directives from the 
Guardian, p. 42)

You can't stop people from deciding that they're the Pope, or that their 
back yard is sovereign territory and they've seceded from the Union -- 
or that they're the true head of the Baha'i Faith. It's a free country, 
and if someone wants to start a religion, there's nothing to stop them.

But what Shoghi Effendi stated, is that the Covenant (actually what he 
terms the twin Covenants of Baha'u'llah and of Abdu'l-Baha Citadel of 
Faith, p. 76) will prevent *permanent* schisms.  These groups will 
eventually die out entirely.


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: your command request
Date:   Wed, 11 Nov 2009 03:31:46 -0600
From:   Lyris ListManager
Reply-To:   Lyris ListManager

Re: your command request

   get bahai-st 273136

Here is the text of Message 273136:

Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 04:12:12 +
From: David Friedman
Subject: Sects

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I have heard it claimed that the covenant-breaker groups show the predictio=
n the Baha'i Faith would not become divided to be false.  I'd like discussi=
on on what the texts actually predict.  Do they actually say there will be =
no Baha'i sects?  I've often known Baha'is to say that these groups aren't =
sects=2C but it seems to me going by the normal definition of the word 'sec=
t' there are Baha'i sects.



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.hmmessage P
font-size: 10pt=3B
body class=3D'hmmessage'The Baha'i Studies ListservBR

I have heard it claimed that the covenant-breaker groups show the predictio=
n the Baha'i Faith would not become divided to be false.nbsp=3B I'd like d=
iscussion on what the texts actually predict.nbsp=3B Do they actually say =
there will be no Baha'i sects?nbsp=3B I've often known Baha'is to say that=
these groups aren't sects=2C but it seems to me going by the normal defini=
tion of the word 'sect' there are Baha'i sects.BR
DavidBR   br /hr /New Windows 7: 
Simplify what you do everyd=
ay. a href=3D'' target=3D'_new'Find the =
right PC for you./aBR
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Re: your command request

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Re: Succession

2009-05-14 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Gary wrote:  There is a dimension to this that hasn't been brought up. If the 
Guardian were to nominate a successor in a Will, and this choice were then rejected by 
the Hands, there would be no opportunity for the deceased Guardian to nominate any other 
candidate... It was essential that the Guardian appoint the successor in his life-time in 
order to allow for a second choice.

My personal reading of this, is that the Guardian would have followed the 
pattern of his predecessors, and named his successor Guardian in his last will 
and testament.  The heart of Baha'u'llah's Will is His appointment of 
Abdu'l-Baha as His successor.  The heart of Abdu'l-Baha's will is His 
appointment of His twin successors, the House of Justice and the Guardianship.  
The heart of Shoghi Effendi's will would have been the same -- designation of 
his successor Guardian.  Since there were no candidates, he wrote no will.  How 
could he write a will giving away his paltry possessions?  The will of the Head 
of the Faith is not an ordinary will.

He would have, during his lifetime, named his successor in his will.  He would have 
called together the nine hands, and presented to them his will. This would avoid, after 
his death, any issue about the authenticity of his will, such as Ruth White raised after 
the passing of Abdu'l-Baha. Shoghi Effendi would also have designated his successor, and 
after his passing, the nine hands would present the will and say, This is the will 
that Shoghi Effendi showed to us.  And in that will he named so-and-so as his successor 
Guardian, and we voted on this, and we assented to this selection during Shoghi Effendi's 
lifetime.  And now that Shoghi Effendi has ascended to the next world, we, the nine Hands 
who worked most closely with him, we certify that this was his will, and we certify that 
this is the person whom he chose as his successor, and we are the first people to turn to 
and accept the new Guardian.  We now present the new Guardian to you.

I think all of these provisions in the Will were to remove all doubt, so the 
succession would move smoothly, and no one would question whether this was 
Shoghi Effendi's will, whether this was his successor, etc.

So, the fact that Shoghi Effendi was to designate his successor during his lifetime, means that scenario to me. 

The false claim that Mason Remey made 50 years ago, and that his followers make 
today, is that Shoghi Effendi appointed Remey as his successor, hidden in one 
of his messages he sent out to the Baha'i world during his lifetime.  They say 
that the function of the Hands was to search the messages of Shoghi Effendi and 
look for hints and suggestions.  And this is what Remey based his claim on -- 
hints and suggestions and innuendo.  However, that's not how the Covenant 
works.  Baha'u'llah designated Abdu'l-Baha *by name*.  Abdu'l-Baha wrote Shoghi 
Effendi's *name*, and said to turn to him.  There is *nothing* in Shoghi 
Effendi's writings that says to turn to Remey, nothing that says Remey will be 
his successor Guardian -- which is pretty obvious, because Remey wasn't a 
member of the Holy Family.

Remey had himself repeatedly stated in writing that Shoghi Effendi named no Guardian, that he named no successor, that he could not name a successor because there were no men in Baha'u'llah's family who were candidates.  Two years later he changed his tune, when he decided to try to claim the Guardianship.  

I have written on these subjects in detail on my blog  look on the right for the links about Mason 
Remey, and the Hands, and Shoghi Effendi not having written a will.

Best regards

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Re: Succession

2009-05-11 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I believe that Susan is correct, there is a letter written on the 
Guardian's behalf that was published in US Baha'i News -- but Ocean does 
not include all of the years Baha'i News was published, and I don't have 
a copy handy. It was a letter addressed to, of all people, Rex King.  My 
recollection of the language was that the Master in His Will could not 
possibly have provided for a conflict of authority, and that  therefore 
the Hands could not over-ride the choice of successor the Guardian made.

This letter raises some interesting points, among them, the method of 
interpretation by the Guardian.  I had always thought that infallible 
interpretation would mean, he would look at the words in the original 
language, and he would be inspired as to their meaning. But this letter 
shows that there is something beyond that -- he also looked to the 
overall subject. In this case, the authority granted to the Hands could 
not contravene the authority given to the Guardian.  The House speaks of 
this same principle when it urges the friends to look for the unity of 
meaning in the Text. I've quoted that passage below, from a letter of 
the House. It has to do with the subject of the Guardian not being able 
to over-ride the decisions of the House of Justice.

This question about the nine hands not being able to veto the Guardian's 
choice of successor is, perhaps, an aspect of the other provisions in 
the Will stating that the Hands were under the direction of the 
Guardian, and also that all must turn to the Guardian. Also, when one 
thinks about it -- who are the Hands to decide who the next Guardian 
would be?  Do they possess the insight to know who can be the standard 
of loyalty, who meets the moral criteria set by the Master? 

I agree that the Text looks plain and clear, that the Hands did have 
this authority.  I also agree that the fact of secret ballot supports 
the view that they had the authority to veto the Guardian's choice of 
successor.  However, the letter from Shoghi Effendi is clear, and states 
that the nine Hands could not override the Guardian's choice of successor.

I have written a piece on this subject, on my blog: then scroll down and look on the 
right for Observations on Shoghi Effendi not having written a will.  It 
also addresses the question of what in his lifetime means, and it is 
my personal view that it means that he would designate his successor in 
his will, and show the will to the nine Hands during his lifetime; and 
that the purpose of all of this, including the assent by the nine hands, 
was to provide assurance of the integrity and authenticity of the 
Guardian's will, and remove all doubt as to who the rightful successor was.


The first passage concerns the Guardian's duty to insist upon a 
reconsideration by his fellow-members in the Universal House of Justice 
of any enactment which he believes conflicts with the meaning and 
departs from the spirit of the Sacred Writings. The second passage 
concerns the infallibility of the Universal House of Justice without the 
Guardian, namely Shoghi Effendi's statement that Without such an 
institution [the Guardianship] . . . the necessary guidance to define 
the sphere of the legislative action of its elected representatives 
would be totally withdrawn.

Some of the youth, you indicate, were puzzled as to how to reconcile 
the former of these two passages with such statements letter addressed 
to a new believer as that in the Will of 'Abdu'l-Bahá which affirms that 
the Universal House of Justice is freed from all error.

Just as the Will and Testament of 'Abdu'l-Bahá does not in any way 
contradict the Kitáb-i-Aqdas but, in the Guardian's words, confirms, 
supplements, and correlates the provisions of the Aqdas, so the 
writings of the Guardian contradict neither the revealed Word nor the 
interpretations of the Master. In attempting to understand the Writings, 
therefore, one must first realize that there is and can be no real 
contradiction in them, and in the light of this we can confidently seek 
the unity of meaning which they contain.
(Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1968-1973, p. 37; Messages 
1963-1986, paragraphs 75.2, 75.3, 75.4, p. 156)

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Re: Clashes

2008-03-28 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

Does anyone have a source/elaboration/explanation for the idea that

Adam was expelled from the Garden for disagreeing with Satan?

Adam has a lot of symbolic meanings in Baha'i interpretation.

There is a book published by Kalimat Press of essays by Mirza 
Abu'l-Fazl.  One of them is his interpretation of a verse from the 
Qur'an about the angels quarreling with Adam.  Fazl hinted that it had 
to do with conflict in the Holy Family.

So in this instance Adam signified the Center of the Covenant, and the 
angels meant those close to Him who wanted His position of leadership.

I don't have access to my copy of that book right now; maybe someone 
else does.


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Re: Relativity of Truth

2008-03-27 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

I didn't say what I meant very clearly.

I quite agree that the relativity of religious truth is not only in the 
Guardian's writings, but in the Iqan and elsewhere in the Text -- and I 
think he's using it to mean Progressive Revelation in the fullness of 
that meaning as explained in the Writings.

And I quite agree that for the most part, the truths we know are partial 
truths.  Not only partial truths; and as time goes on, hopefully we 
learn from experience and draw closer.

And in addition, the Tablet of Four Valleys is about four different 
kinds of seekers. People apprehend truth in entirely different ways, and 
one person's approach to reality may be widely different than another's, 
and well within the Text.  Further, there's a reference to this in the Iqan:

We have variously and repeatedly set forth the meaning of every theme, 
that perchance every soul, whether high or low, may obtain, according to 
his measure and capacity, his share and portion thereof. Should he be 
unable to comprehend a certain argument, he may, thus, by referring unto 
another, attain his purpose. That all sorts of men may know where to 
quench their thirst. (Iqan, p. 175)

So there are all sorts of men.  Which may be a way of saying there are 
all kinds of ways of approaching Truth.

I just don't think that's the same thing the Guardian is talking about 
when he writes about the relativity of religious truth.  I'd come up 
with a different name for that, so the two don't get confused.

It may well be true that even when approaching the absolute, man can't 
know truth absolutely.  I don't know.  My point is that I would not 
equate that with what the Guardian is talking about when he talks about 
the relativity of religious truth.

I agree with a lot of what you write below.  I also think that 
maturation in spirituality is not focused so much on having the right 
thoughts, as it is having the right spirit, being detached from this 
realm, conduct in accord with the guidance in the Teachings.  It 
encompasses the entire human being.  Right beliefs is clearly a part of 
it; but I don't think it is all that's meant by approaching the 
absolute, which is more about Relationship than about being right.

I can't pull my thoughts together right now, let me think about this and 
see if I can any more clearly see these things.  Haven't had my morning 
coffee or Readings.


Sen  Sonja wrote:

On 26 Mar 2008 at 23:56, Brent Poirier Attorney wrote:

If one takes the statement that religious truth is not absolute, but
relative as a broad sweep about the nature of all Revelation, then
  conclusions logically follow.  But I respectfully disagree with the

premise because:

- It has no antecedents in the Texts
- It is not found in the Iqan or in the design of the Mashriq
- It is taken out of context; and when context is provided, the
Guardian states plainly that he is talking about Progressive

We can agree to disagree, but it is not true that the relativity of 
religious truths has no antecedents in the Texts. It is only this 
particular formulation that is particular to Shoghi Effendi, but the 
concept is fundamental to much of the Writings, on various issues. 

- The doctrine of man (theological anthropology): What is the nature 
of the human being and his/her capacity to know things (ie, if there 
was such a thing as an absolute religious truth, would a human person 
be able to know it?). 

- The nature of religious language (metaphorical, symbolic, and 
multiple meanings)

- perspectivism: what is true for a person at one station may not be 
true in another; religious truth is individually relative

-- the concept of salvation: it is not an absolute, either heaven or 
hell, but relative: each individual grows through endless grades

- the new heaven and new earth model of radical religious renewal: 
evolution and reform is humanly possible, but what the Manifestation 
brings is a total renewal, the recreation of all things, i..e, the 
system of religious truths is treated as a whole (truths are relative 
to one another) rather than treating each religious truth as a 
separate item to be argued individually.

- progressive revelation as already discussed, but also prophetology 
(eg that the absolute does not incarnate itself)

- the doctrine of God: all absolutes are reserved for God alone, and 
are said to be unknowable. This relates to the nature of religious 
language - statements about God (the absolute) are understood as 
referring in fact to a historical manifesation of God (relative)

- the design of the religious community, with the Mashriq as its 
heart and crown. The mashriq has neither authority nor a doctrinal 
function, and is open to all religionists: it is an institution that 
does not make statements with claims that they are true, but rather 
opens its doors for worship. Its centrality demonstrates that correct 
religious statements are not where its at in the religious

Re: Relativity of Truth

2008-03-26 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

Sen wrote:

 . . . the statement religious truth is not
absolute, but relative is a meta-statement. It immediately
interprets and provides a framework for all Bahai truth-statements.
If a statement is absolute (When Yahya Darabi arrived at Shiraz he
interviewed the Bab three times.) it is not a religious truth. This
statement is history: if it turns out to be wrong, that will not have
any religious significance. At most it would confirm what we already
know, that not everything stated in the Bahai writings is absolutely
true ! 

My view is that to understand what the Guardian means by the relativity 
of truth, we have to look at all of the passages where he made that 
statement.  Among these passages from him we see that he wrote that the 
structure of the Mashriq incorporates this principle, and that it is a 
major theme of the Iqan.  The Guardian is not bringing up some entirely 
new reality in the Faith; he is its Interpreter, not the Originator of 
new teachings.

So whatever the Guardian means by this, has to have its seed in the 
Writings of Baha'u'llah or the Master.  And we don't have to scour all 
of Their Writings to find what the Guardian is referring to; we can 
sincerely look at the structure of the Mashriq and at the text of the 
Iqan, and see what's there.

I don't see anything about relativity in the Iqan, in any sense except 
that there is a succession of Prophets, and each Prophet changes the 
laws in accordance with the needs of His age:

in all Dispensations the law of prayer hath constituted a fundamental 
element of the Revelation of all the Prophets of God -- a law the form 
and the manner of which hath been adapted to the varying requirements of 
every age.  (Iqan, p. 39)

That city is none other than the Word of God revealed in every age and 
dispensation. In the days of Moses it was the Pentateuch; in the days of 
Jesus the Gospel; in the days of Muhammad the Messenger of God the 
Qur'án; in this day the Bayan; and in the dispensation of Him Whom God 
will make manifest His own Book -- the Book unto which all the Books of 
former Dispensations must needs be referred. . .  (Iqan, p. 199)

By heaven is meant the heaven of divine Revelation, which is elevated 
with every Manifestation, and rent asunder with every subsequent one. By 
cloven asunder is meant that the former Dispensation is superseded and 
annulled. (Iqan, p. 44)

If one takes the statement that religious truth is not absolute, but 
relative as a broad sweep about the nature of all Revelation, then your 
 conclusions logically follow.  But I respectfully disagree with the 
premise because:

- It has no antecedents in the Texts

- It is not found in the Iqan or in the design of the Mashriq

- It is taken out of context; and when context is provided, the Guardian 
states plainly that he is talking about Progressive Revelation.

Just my view.
Best regards

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[Fwd: [EDSED] environmental education materials for junior youth]

2008-03-25 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2008 10:27:34 -0500
Subject: [EDSED] environmental education materials for junior youth

Dear friends,

The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the U.S. is
currently reviewing environmental education programs and materials
targeting junior youth (ages 12-15). The Office of External Affairs
is researching what currently exists as well as any statistics or
feedback on implementation.

If you know of or have developed such materials or programs, we
would be grateful to learn of them.  Please send any information to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject

Thanks for your assistance.

Warmest Bahá'í greetings,


Peter Adriance

NGO Liaison

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Re: Relativity of Truth

2008-03-25 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

Matt Haase wrote:

I had a conversation like this with a friend of mine, who introduced 
me to his idea that the 'relativity of religious truth' meant more than 
another word to say 'progressive revelation'. He presented an eloquent, 
but unconvincing (to my mind) argument that boils down to the concept 
that since God is the Unknowable, whatever is said about Him in all of 
the Religious Scriptures is true. If the Hebrew Scriptures and the 
Qur'an proclain Monotheism, it is true. If the Hindu Scriptures proclaim 
Polytheism, it is true. If God condemns the belief in the Trinity in one 
scripture, it is true. But if God affirms the Trinity later on, it is 
true. I don't accept that kind of logic, personally.

I'm with you, Matt.  Whatever wacky opinions I may express, if I don't 
back them up with the Baha'i Writings, my listener should not attribute 
these statements as having any bearing whatever on what the Baha'i Faith 
stands for.  That's why, I feel, the Guardian wrote through his secretary:

Divine Truth is relative and that is why we are enjoined to constantly 
refer the seeker to the Word itself -- and why any explanations we make 
to ease the journey of the soul of any individual must be based on the 
Word -- and the Word alone.
(From a letter dated 4 June 1957 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to 
the National Spiritual Assembly of Canada; from the Compilation, The 
Individual and Teaching - Raising the Divine Call, p. 39)

Best regards

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Relativity of truth

2008-03-24 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
One of the friends mentioned: If all truth is relative then no proof is 

There are passages in the writings of the Guardian where he explained 
that what he meant by the relativity of religious truth, is that 
revealed truth is relative to the age in which it is revealed.  That is, 
the Guardian used this phrase as a synonym for Progressive Revelation.

For example:

Repudiating the claim of any religion to be the final revelation of God 
to man, disclaiming finality for His own Revelation, Bahá'u'lláh 
inculcates the basic principle of the relativity of religious truth, the 
continuity of Divine Revelation, the progressiveness of religious 
experience.  (Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is Come, p. 108)

I think in that phrase he shows the point I am making.

He also writes that the Book of Certitude asserts the relativity of 
religious truth, and I don't personally know of any place in that Book 
where Baha'u'llah speaks of truth in a relative sense, but there is an 
abundance of explanation of Progressive Revelation:

Within a compass of two hundred pages it proclaims unequivocally the 
existence and oneness of a personal God, unknowable, inaccessible, the 
source of all Revelation, eternal, omniscient, omnipresent and almighty; 
asserts the relativity of religious truth and the continuity of Divine 
Revelation . . .  (Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p. 139)

Also, the Guardian writes that the House of Worship symbolizes the 
relativity of religious truth, and I don't personally know how it 
symbolizes truth being relative, other than as meaning Progressive 

To them will the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar symbolize the fundamental verity 
underlying the Bahá'í Faith, that religious truth is not absolute but 
relative, that Divine Revelation is not final but progressive.

(Shoghi Effendi, Baha'i Administration, p. 185)

This is my personal understanding.
Best regards,

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Re: Relativity of truth

2008-03-24 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
I don't feel it's in anyway improper to say the Guardian is drawing a 
logical conclusion; maybe he is. I just am unable to read his mind in 
that way, or draw that inference from what he has written.  But that 
might be correct; though I still tend towards the synonym approach.

This looks to me to be yet another passage where the Guardian is using 
the relativity of religious truth as a synonym for Progressive 
Revelation; that there are two aspects to Revelation -- the essence 
which remains unchanged from age to age, and the non-essential part of 
each Revelation which is subject to change in each Dispensation, as the 
Master explains in Some Answered Questions.  I think Shoghi Effendi is 
referring to that principle here:

The mission of the Founder of their Faith, they conceive to be to 
proclaim that religious truth is not absolute but relative, that Divine 
Revelation is continuous and progressive, that the Founders of all past 
religions, though different in the non-essential aspects of their 
teachings, 'abide in the same Tabernacle, soar in the same heaven, are 
seated upon the same throne, utter the same speech and proclaim the same 

There are plenty of absolute statements in Baha'u'llah's Writings, 
though I am not sure you are saying there aren't. I don't think that the 
principle of the relativity of religious truth means that He is asking 
us to see everything He writes, through that filter.  Again, I don't 
think that's what you're saying. It's just that when the Guardian says 
that the proclamation of the relativity of religious truth is the 
mission of Baha'u'llah; that it is a theme of the Iqan; and that it is 
embodied in the design of the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar; I am chary of reading 
too much into the word relative.  It looks to me to just be saying, 
what a Manifestation sets as a law in this Dispensation, may be annulled 
in a later Dispensation. I don't personally view the principle of the 
relativity of religious truth as a broad statement about the nature of 
all truth, or even of all Revelation, but only about that part of 
Revelation that is subject to change by the Manifestation.

Also, I don't know what you mean when you say that truths are relative 
to one another. If you get too philosophical, you may quickly lose me.

Best regards

Sen  Sonja wrote:

On 24 Mar 2008 at 3:53, Brent Poirier Attorney wrote:

There are passages in the writings of the Guardian where he explained
that what he meant by the relativity of religious truth, is that
revealed truth is relative to the age in which it is revealed.  That
is, the Guardian used this phrase as a synonym for Progressive

This is true, but I would rather say that the *logical implication* 
of progressive revelation is that religious truth must be relative. 
The Guardian is drawing a logical conclusion, rather than simply 
using a synonym. 

Having established that religious truth is relative, that conclusion 
has more applications: truths are relative to one another for example 
(when the paradigm changes, it is a switch from one coherent system 
of truths to another, not just a matter of this or that religious 
truth changing. 


Sen McGlinn   
Let the friends recall and ever bear in mind 
  the repeated exhortations and glowing promises of our beloved 
   with reference to the Mashriqu'l-Adhkar, 
 the crowning institution in every Baha'i community.

  (Shoghi Effendi, Baha'i Administration, page 


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Re: Joining Partners with God

2008-03-23 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
It is my understanding that this phrase, joining partners with God, 
means making someone God's equal.  In Section XCIV of the Gleanings, 
Baha'u'llah addresses this subject.

In the Hidden Words O Companion of My Throne, I personally think it is 
Baha'u'llah addressing His followers.  There are different ways of 
viewing a companion to the throne. One way would be that someone is 
seated on the throne with Him, but I have never viewed it this way. It 
can mean someone who is before His throne, submissive to Him, yet near 
to Him.

Also, the word translated here as O companion is translated as O 
friend in the Book of Certitude.  O friend, it behoveth us not to 
waive the injunction of God...

Anyway, I do not personally view this use of companion to in any way 
imply equality; but rather, as a loving admonition to a subordinate, an 
encouragement intended to draw the believer closer.


On the subject of the Hidden Words, I met a woman -- Helen Bishop -- who 
told us in 1983 at Bosch that when she was on Pilgrimage Shoghi Effendi 
asked her, Mrs. Bishop, do the friends realize that the condemnations 
in the Hidden Words are not addressed to them?  No, Shoghi Effendi, I 
don't think so.  Then the Guardian pointed out that in the Epistle to 
the Son of the Wolf, Baha'u'llah quotes four of the Hidden Words and 
says they were addressed to the clergy of Persia:

These thick clouds are the exponents of idle fancies and vain 
imaginings, who are none other but the divines of Persia.. . . By 
divines in the passage cited above is meant those men who outwardly 
attire themselves with the raiment of knowledge, but who inwardly are 
deprived therefrom. In this connection, We quote from the Tablet 
addressed to His Majesty the Shah, certain passages from the Hidden 
Words which were revealed by the Abha Pen under the name of the Book 
of Fatimih, the blessings of God be upon her!

O ye that are foolish, yet have a name to be wise! Wherefore do ye wear 
the guise of the shepherd, when inwardly ye have become wolves, intent 
upon My flock? Ye are even as the star, which riseth ere the dawn, and 
which, though it seem radiant and luminous, leadeth the wayfarers of My 
city astray into the paths of perdition.

And likewise He saith: O ye seeming fair yet inwardly foul! Ye are like 
clear but bitter water, which to outward seeming is crystal pure but of 
which, when tested by the Divine Assayer, not a drop is accepted. Yea, 
the sunbeam falls alike upon the dust and the mirror, yet differ they in 
reflection even as doth the star from the earth: nay, immeasurable is 
the difference!

And also He saith: O essence of desire! At many a dawn have I turned 
from the realms of the Placeless unto thine abode, and found thee on the 
bed of ease busied with others than Myself. Thereupon, even as the flash 
of the spirit, I returned to the realms of celestial glory, and breathed 
it not in My retreats above unto the hosts of holiness.

And again He saith: O bond slave of the world! Many a dawn hath the 
breeze of My loving-kindness wafted over thee and found thee upon the 
bed of heedlessness fast asleep. Bewailing then thy plight it returned 
whence it came.

(Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, pp. 14-16)

The first two of these are very similar in tone and content to Christ's 
condemnation of the Pharisees, see Luke Chapter 11.


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Companion of My Throne

2008-03-23 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
Mr. Khadem stated that Shoghi Effendi referred to the Shrine of the Bab 
as the throne of God mentioned in the Tablet of Carmel.  In the 
Kitab-i-Badi, Baha'u'llah interprets the throne as the Cause of God. 
(Logos and Civilization p. 199)


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2008-02-18 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
David wrote: I just wanted to get back to this as I was busy before. 
What do people consider according to the Teachings as far as TV and 
movies are concerned?  If it means that they generally follow Baha'i 
morals then that would exclude a large percentage of material.

I couldn't agree more.  There's less and less TV worth watching. The 
standard is now plummeting at an increasing rate of acceleration.  I 
often think of a dear friend pioneering in Africa, who has been absent 
from the United States for more than 30 years, and that she would be 
absolutely astounded at the trash on TV now.

A few additional thoughts, on the ways different believers have come to 
terms in their own way with today's entertainment.  I am thinking of 
Stan O'Jack, a wonderful soul.  I remember some years ago that several 
of us were discussing going out to movies, and he said, I only go to 
G-rated movies.  Period.

I recall when my wife and I went to a movie with the Knight of 
Baha'u'llah Ted Cardell, a wonderful soul. Ted had met the Guardian, and 
opened more than one country in Africa 50 years ago.  During the 
intermission they showed previews of upcoming movies, and though some of 
the movies were PG or R rated, the previews were all rated G for a 
general audience. There was a scene, I don't remember exactly what it 
was, it might have been a couple kissing.  I looked to my left, and 
there was Ted, covering his eyes. He took literally Baha'u'llah's 
guidance guard thy eyes and he was a better man for it.

In Islam there are institutions whose function it is to make 
pronouncements on all the questions that arise in life.  Detailed 
pronouncements.  Some scholars are people who have memorized all of 
these decisions from ayatollahs and others, and they go through their 
daily life with these pronouncements as the strictures of their conduct. 
 But Baha'u'llah approaches things in a more mature way.  We have the 
essential guidance from the House, and in the writings of the Guardian. 
 And it is up to us to strive to bring the standards of Baha'u'llah 
into daily life.


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Re: Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

2008-01-18 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

Gilberto wrote:
But then does it make sense to say that they eventually crucified
that divine Spirit, the Word of God? Wouldn't these terms apply to
the spiritual aspect?

I think that here, the Master is referring to Jesus by these terms, 
rather than only referring to His spiritual aspect; just as Muslims (and 
Baha'u'llah) often refer to Jesus as Ruhullah i.e. The Spirit.

But doesn't the Quran say that Jesus, the Son of Mary was not
crucified? Wouldn't this term apply to the physical part of his body?
The human part?

This is not the only instance in the Muslim, Jewish or Christian 
scriptures where an event seems to be presented physically, where the 
Baha'i Writings say that nonetheless, the intent is entirely spiritual. 
Other examples would be, Moses striking the rock in the wilderness, the 
brothers of Joseph appearing before Him, Jesus raising the widow's son 
from the dead, Jesus giving bread to His disciples after His 
crucifixion.  All of these are presented in the Scriptures as physical 
events, but the Baha'i Writings give an allegorical / spiritual 
interpretation to them; and it is further my understanding that they 
never occurred in the physical sense.


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Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

2008-01-17 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney

1. The Baha'i Writings state that Jesus was crucified:

When Christ appeared, twenty centuries ago, although the Jews were 
eagerly awaiting His Coming, and prayed every day, with tears, saying: 
'O God, hasten the Revelation of the Messiah,' yet when the Sun of Truth 
dawned, they denied Him and rose against Him with the greatest enmity, 
and eventually crucified that divine Spirit, the Word of God, and named 
Him Beelzebub, the evil one, as is recorded in the Gospel.

(Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 44)

In this wise did they object to that Sun of Truth, although that Spirit 
of God was indeed the One promised in the Torah. But as they did not 
understand the meaning of these signs, they crucified the Word of God.

(Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 45)

Also see chapters 6 and 21 of Some Answered Questions, in which the 
Master states that Jesus was crucified.

Just do a word search in Ocean for crucified and there is plenty on 
the subject.

2. The verse in the Qur'an

The Qur'an states (Rodwell translation) And for their saying, 'Verily 
we have slain the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, an Apostle of God' Yet 
they slew him not, and they crucified him not, but they had only his 
likeness... and they did not really slay him, but God took him up to 
Himself.  (4:156)

Muslims generally understand this verse to mean that Jesus was not 
crucified, that someone else (some say Judas) was crucified in His 
place. Juliet Thompson asked Abdu'l-Baha about this verse, and received 
this reply in a Tablet:

In regard to the verse, which is revealed in the Koran, that His 
Highness, Christ, was not killed and was not crucified, by this is meant 
the Reality of Christ. Although they crucified this elemental body, yet 
the merciful reality and the heavenly existence remain eternal and 
undying, and it was protected from the oppression and the persecution of 
the enemies, for Christ is Eternal and Everlasting. How can He die? This 
death and crucifixion was imposed on the physical body of Christ and not 
upon the Spirit of Christ.

(Star of the West, Vol. 2, No. 7, p. 13)

Regarding your question relative to Surih 4, 156 of the `Qur'an' in 
which Muhammad says that the Jews did not crucify Jesus, the Christ, but 
one like Him; what is meant by this passage is that although the Jews 
succeeded in destroying the physical body of Jesus, yet they were 
impotent to destroy the divine reality in Him.
(From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual 
believer, March 19, 1938; Lights of Guidance, Page: 498 #1669)

...The crucifixion as recounted in the New Testament is correct.  The 
meaning of the Qur'anic version is that the spirit of Christ was not 
crucified.  There is no conflict between the two.

(From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual
believer, July 14, 1943; Lights of Guidance, Page 492)

There is also a Tablet from Abdu'l-Baha to Thornton Chase saying the 
same thing, in response to a question about the verse in the Qur'an, but 
I cannot find it.


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Monogamy etc

2008-01-03 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
1. If a person wants to know what I think of his opinion, I'll offer my 
own views, and my observations about where the opinion coincides with, 
or veers from, the Baha'i teachings as I understand them.

I see that as quite different from being asked to pronounce on whether a 
Baha'i is permitted to hold a certain view; that is, whether an entire 
viewpoint is within the bounds of the Baha'i Faith.  That's a much 
bigger pronouncement; assumes a degree of authority; and is way above my 
pay grade.  It's a different approach, and one I won't do.

Besides, the Guardian gave the duty of compliance with the beliefs of 
the faith to us individually to monitor for ourselves:

This does not, however, mean that the absolute authority does not 
remain in the revealed Words. We should try and keep as near to the 
authority as we can and show that we are faithful to it by quoting from 
the Works of Bahá'u'lláh in establishing our points. To discard the 
authority of the revealed Words is heretic and to suppress completely 
individual interpretation of those Words is also bad. We should try to 
strike a happy medium between these two extremes.

(Compilations, Principles of Bahai Administration, p. 25)

The believers should be careful not to deviate, even a hair-breadth, 
from the Teachings. Their supreme consideration should be to safeguard 
the purity of the principles, tenets and laws of the Faith

- Shoghi Effendi, Dawn of a New Day, p. 61

So it is a very important subject, and a personal spiritual obligation.

And being asked whether I agree with a viewpoint (which I'll respond to) 
is different from being asked whether it's a belief a Baha'i can hold 
(which I don't think I'll respond to).

2. Baha'u'llah and the Guardian urged us to learn Persian and Arabic.  A 
decade ago the House of Justice urged the Persian friends to teach 
Persian to their western-born children.  Learning the original languages 
of Revelation in order to more deeply appreciate their beauty; the 
majesty and perfection of the Guardian's translations; to draw closer to 
the spirit of the Manifestation -- all of this is great. But I think we 
should monitor our own motives, and if there is to any degree in our 
motive for acquisition of these languages, either a desire to show off 
our knowledge, or a suspicion about whether the Guardian and the House 
are giving us the straight stuff, and we want to look for ourselves; 
then I think this is a dangerous road. Then, learning Persian and Arabic 
can lead to the fulfillment of the Hadith Baha'u'llah quotes in the 
Iqan, that knowledge is the most grievous veil between God and man.

3.  The views Sen expressed about monogamy and the exception to it for a 
childless couple, based on an analysis of the laws of the Bab, did not 
directly criticize or seek to refute the pronouncements of the Guardian 
and the House of Justice on the subject.  It entirely ignored them; they 
might as well not have existed.  And the last words of the Master in His 
Will are that the source of guidance for us, till the next 
Manifestation, is the Guardian and the House.

4.  I'd like to share a verse from Rumi that I find helpful.

Iblis asked, “Can you tell a lie from the truth, you who are filled with 
illusion?”  Muawiya answered, “The Prophet has given a clue, a 
touchstone to know the base coin from the true.  He has said, ‘That 
which is false troubles the heart, but Truth brings joyous tranquility.’”

Rúmí “Daylight,” p. 162


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Re: Questions on the Aqdas

2008-01-03 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
Sen, I understood your point to be that since the Bayan permitted bigamy 
for a childless couple, the Baha'i Faith does also; and that the Master 
did not ultimately come down on the matter specifying monogamy.  I may 
have misunderstood.  I really am all in favor of analysis of the 
teachings and using our rational faculties. What I didn't see in your 
approach using the Bayan, was using the guidance of the Guardian and the 
House; and a conclusion that, using the Bayan, maybe there are 
circumstances when monogamy is not the Baha'i law.

That the laws in the Bayan are closely connected with the laws in the 
Aqdas is clear, and is explicit in one of the quotes I provided from the 
House of Justice from the Introduction to the Aqdas.

My personal understanding is that only when Baha'u'llah specifically 
endorses a law from a previous Dispensation, such as the Zakat and the 
Qur'an, or the Badi Calendar established by the Bab, or the 
specification of the Qiblih, is parsing of the specific wording from the 
prior Book appropriate.  My impression is that Baha'u'llah's endorsement 
of the law of the Qiblih in the Bayan was explicit and not implicit, as 
was His endorsement of the Quranic law of the Zakat; and since He 
accepted these laws by reference, then it's appropriate to do a close 
analysis of the wording in the Quran and Bayan.  It's further my 
impression that the House has always identified this in the Notes to the 
Aqdas where appropriate; and that for other laws of the Aqdas having 
Babi or Muslim antecedents what is in the Bayan and Qur'an is 
interesting, but not binding, and not determinative of the meaning of 
the verse in the Aqdas.

As to the source of the provision that two witnesses must witness the 
marriage vow, perhaps instead of the source of this being an implicit 
importing of the law from the Bayan, this is an extension of the verse 
in the Aqdas that two reliable witnesses must witness the beginning and 
end of the year of patience (QA 73), and also the end of a marriage by 
the death of a spouse, (K67).  Since Baha'u'llah also states in the 
Aqdas that the justness of witnesses is not dependent on their being 
Baha'is (QA 79), this may also be the source of the House of Justice' 
statement that the witnesses to a Baha'i marriage need not be Baha'is. 
So the law Baha'u'llah specifies for the end of the marriage is also 
applied to the beginning of the marriage.  Maybe that's it.


Sen  Sonja wrote:

On 2 Jan 2008 at 6:23, Brent Poirier Attorney wrote:

However, I have never seen either the Guardian or the House of Justice
perform an analysis of the law of the Bab, to determine what the
meaning of a law of Baha'u'llah was.  

This is a good point, but then, there are only a few places where 
Shoghi Effendi closely analyses texts from Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-
Baha to determine what the Bahai law is. The electoral law is one 
case, certainly, (Bahai Administration, p. 41) but there are not many 
like it. And in that case, he makes whatever he advises for the NSA 
subject to later review and alteration by the Universal House of 
Justice. The sparcity of examples of legal reasoning based on the 
Bayan -- or the Bahai writings -- is in part because the Guardian 
considered the making of Bahai laws to fall in the UHJ's sphere, not 
the Guardian's:

Though the Guardian of the Faith has been made the permanent head of
so august a body he can never, even temporarily, assume the right of
exclusive legislation. (The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 149)

However what about the law of the Qiblih? The law and its explanation 
are given in the Persian Bayan, and more briefly in the Arabic Bayan. 
The obligatory prayer says to turn to God and the QA explains this 
means the Qiblih, and the Aqdas says that after his death we should 
turn to the spot God has made the centre -- but what text tells us 
that the Qiblih is wherever the Manifestation is, during his life, 
and his burial place after death? Isn't it the Bayan (in Persian 
Bayan 5:1 for example)? It seems that Baha'u'llah, the Master, Shoghi 
Effendi and the UHJ all refer to the Bayan, directly or indirectly. 
It is true there is no extended argumentation on the point, but this 
is not needed: it is such a simple matter. 

Shoghi Effendi writes that, in the Aqdas, Baha'u'llah 'fixes the 
Qiblih 	God Passes By, p. 214). If we look for a verse in the Aqdas 
that says where the Qiblih is, all we find is turn your faces 
towards the Spot that We have ordained for you. Yet for Shoghi 
Effendi, this is 'fixing the Qiblih' -- and I think this is because 
the two texts and two systems of law are so intertwined, in Shoghi 
Effendi's thinking, that he sees nothing odd about saying something 
is in the Aqdas when in fact it is in the Bayan. This is exactly 
analogous to the way I read the law on monogamy: Shoghi Effendi says 
it is prescribed in the Aqdas, but the actual text is found in the 
Bayan (and it prescribes monogamy

Questions on the Aqdas

2008-01-02 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
There is one law of Baha'u'llah which refers back to the Qur'anic law. 
In the Tablet of Questions and Answers Baha'u'llah writes:

And in the matter of Zakat, We have likewise decreed that you should 
follow what hath been revealed in the Qur'án. 	(Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 140)

However, as the House of Justice points out in Note 161 to the Aqdas:

Since such issues as the limits for exemption, the categories of income 
concerned, the frequency of payments, and the scale of rates for the 
various categories of Zakat are not mentioned in the Qur'án, these 
matters will have to be set forth in the future by the Universal House 
of Justice. (Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 234)

That is, those matters the House mentions are gaps in the law of the 
Qur'an which were filled by statements in the Hadith and by principles 
of Islamic jurisprudence enunciated by Muslim scholars (differently by 
Shi'ah and Sunni in some respects).  The House of course does not 
indicate that it will to any degree be bound by or guided by the 
opinions of those scholars, but will itself make the deductions it is 
guided to make in those areas of exemption, categories of income, etc.

There are a few places where Baha'u'llah says expressly that a law He 
has revealed is as specified in the Bayan.  For example, in verse 137 of 
the Aqdas (also see Note 7) Baha'u'llah endorses the Bab's selection of 
the Qiblih.  During the lifetime of the Manifestation, He was Himself 
the Qiblih, and His resting-place is ordained after His passing.  There 
are instances in Baha'i history of believers attaining the presence of 
Baha'u'llah in His tent, and they circumambulated the tent.

Anyway, there are many more laws of the Aqdas which have their 
antecedents in the laws of the Bab. In the Notes to the Aqdas, the House 
of Justice states that Baha'u'llah's laws of the dowry, non-use of 
pulpits, and exemption from prayer and fasting have their antecedents in 
the laws of the Bab, and that certain aspects of the Baha'i law of 
ablutions have antecedents in the Qur'an and the laws of the Bab.  There 
are many other examples of Baha'u'llah's laws which have antecedents in 
the laws of the Bab, because the Bab revealed many laws, not so that His 
followers would follow them (His Dispensation being so brief), but so 
that Baha'u'llah would not need to trouble Himself revealing laws; He 
could instead endorse or somewhat modify laws of the Bab, and there are 
various instances of this.

However, I have never seen either the Guardian or the House of Justice 
perform an analysis of the law of the Bab, to determine what the meaning 
of a law of Baha'u'llah was.  While there are several instances where 
the House or the Guardian refers to the fact that there are antecedents 
in the Arabic or Persian Bayan, I cannot identify a case where the 
application or meaning of one of Baha'u'llahs laws is determined by a 
close analysis of a law by the Bab.  Rather, they rely on the text of 
the revealed verse, plus the interpretations by the Master.  I do not 
personally think, for example, that the provision in the Bayan regarding 
bigamy in the case of a childless couple is brought forward into the 
Baha'i Dispensation.  I think that despite the Tablets Sen has quoted 
from the Master, the entire issue of bigamy is settled by the Guardian's 
statement that the Aqdas prescribes monogamy, and the House's statement 
in the Note 89 to the Aqdas:

While the text of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas appears to permit
bigamy, Bahá'u'lláh counsels that tranquillity and contentment
derive from monogamy. In another Tablet, He
underlines the importance of the individual's acting in such
a way as to bring comfort to himself and to his partner.
Abdu'l-Bahá, the authorized Interpreter of the Bahá'í
Writings, states that in the text of the Aqdas monogamy is
in effect enjoined. He elaborates this theme in a number of
Tablets, including the following:

'Know thou that polygamy is not permitted under the law of
God, for contentment with one wife hath been clearly stipulated.
Taking a second wife is made dependent upon equity and justice
being upheld between the two wives, under all conditions.
However, observance of justice and equity towards two wives is
utterly impossible. The fact that bigamy has been made
dependent upon an impossible condition is clear proof of its
absolute prohibition. Therefore it is not permissible for a man to
have more than one wife.'

Polygamy is a very ancient practice among the
majority of humanity. The introduction of monogamy has
been only gradually accomplished by the Manifestations of
God. Jesus, for example, did not prohibit polygamy, but
abolished divorce except in the case of fornication;
Muhammad limited the number of wives to four, but
making plurality of wives contingent on justice, and
reintroducing permission for divorce; Bahá'u'lláh, Who was
revealing His Teachings in the milieu of a Muslim society,
introduced the question of monogamy gradually in accordance
with the 

Questions on the Aqdas

2008-01-01 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
I suggest that we may make assumptions about what Most Holy means. 
That is, that it is supposed to create a spiritual atmosphere upon our 
reading it.  Or, that it is more spiritual than His other Writings; but 
how could that be?  All of His Writings come from the same Source.

Personally I feel that the Aqdas is designated as the Most Holy Book 
because of its future effect on the world; that we can't determine its 
uniqueness by our reading it.  It will take its application to see that.

The Guardian wrote through his secretary:

He does not ask us to follow Him blindly; as He says in one of His 
Tablets, God had endowed man with a mind to operate as a torchlight and 
guide him to truth. Read His words, consider His teachings, and measure 
their value in the light of contemporary problems and the truth will 
surely be revealed to you
(26 February 1933 to an individual believer, published in Bahá'í News 
80 (January 1934), p. 5; The Compilation of Compilations vol. I, p. 217, 

That is, the proof is not merely in our mental evaluation of His 
Teachings, but in applying them to the problems of the world. 
Baha'u'llah is the Divine Physician. He looked at our personal spiritual 
problems, our families in disarray, our ineffective governments and 
economic systems, and He prescribed -- the Obligatory Prayers, the 
Huquq, the Houses of Justice, and so on.  Though these are not 
confrontative approaches, though they may not bear the signs of 
modern-day remedies, when considered carefully, they address today's 
problems at their roots.

So I suggest trying to approach the Aqdas in that way.

Also, the laws are best understood not by reading them, but by carrying 
them out.  As the Guardian's secretary wrote:

The Guardian particularly appreciates the fact that you have been 
faithfully observing Bahá'u'lláh's injunction regarding the recital of 
the daily obligatory prayers, and have thereby set such a high example 
before your Bahá'í fellow-youth. These daily prayers have been endowed 
with a special potency which only those who regularly recite them can 
adequately appreciate. (23 February 1939 to two believers) 
(Compilations, The Compilation of Compilations vol II, p. 240)

That is, the laws can only be fully appreciated when carried out; that's 
how to evaluate them.

However, for proofs, I suggest a different Book -- the Iqan.  He 
revealed it to bestow certitude on the reader.  Also as regards proofs I 
suggest reading the Master's comments on pages 368 and 369 of Baha'i 
World Faith (if using Ocean, do a word search for rosy)

As to the lack of a central theme to the Aqdas, Shoghi Effendi pointed out:

All Divine Revelation seems to have been thrown out in flashes. The 
Prophets never composed treatises. That is why in the Qur'án and our own 
Writings different subjects are so often included in one Tablet. It 
pulsates, so to speak. That is why it is 'Revelation'.	(From a letter 
on behalf of Shoghi Effendi, The Unfolding Destiny of the British Baha'i 
Community, p. 453)

Not all of the divine laws were revealed so that they would be carried 
out by the believers.  With respect to the laws of the Bab, the Guardian 
has written that they were revealed to create a tumult, to confront the 
orthodox religious powers, and to demonstrate the independent nature of 
the revelation of the Bab.

The severe laws and injunctions revealed by the Báb can be properly 
appreciated and understood only when interpreted in the light of His own 
statements regarding the nature, purpose and character of His own 
Dispensation. As these statements clearly reveal, the Bábí Dispensation 
was essentially in the nature of a religious and indeed social 
revolution, and its duration had therefore to be short, but full of 
tragic events, of sweeping and drastic reforms. These drastic measures 
enforced by the Báb and His followers were taken with the view of 
undermining the very foundations of Shí'ah orthodoxy, and thus paving 
the way for the coming of Bahá'u'lláh. To assert the independence of the 
new Dispensation, and to prepare also the ground for the approaching 
Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb had therefore to reveal very severe 
laws, even though most of them were never enforced. But the mere fact 
that He revealed them was in itself a proof of the independent character 
of His Dispensation and was sufficient to create such widespread 
agitation, and excite such opposition on the part of the clergy that led 
them to cause His eventual martyrdom. (Shoghi Effendi, Messages to the 
Indian Subcontinent, p. 179)

Likewise the Master pointed out that the laws of intestate succession 
were revealed as an encouragement to the believers to write a will, or 
else their estates would be distributed in that way; and He also wrote 
that the Divine Law permitting polygamy but conditioned upon justice -- 
an impossible condition -- proves that this was actually intended as a 
law requiring monogamy.

So the 

Re: Majority

2007-09-16 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
In my view, for Assembly meetings to be properly held, not only should 
every Assembly member be informed of the date and time of the meeting, 
but of the agenda, and with sufficient detail to know what is coming up.

The quote from the House implies this -- that a draft of the agenda is 
to be sent to all LSA members a few days before the meeting.

In the world at large, before meetings of nonprofits are held, the full 
agenda is sent out so that everyone knows, and this is proper, and I 
think a good practice, and would avoid the situation David described.


The Agenda is usually prepared by the Secretary, sometimes in 
consultation with the Chairman or other member or members of the 
National Spiritual Assembly. Immediately after a Spiritual Assembly 
meeting, all items not cleared should be transferred to a new draft 
Agenda in preparation for the next meeting. Then, as each new matter 
arises, it should be entered under the appropriate heading. In this way 
the Agenda can be built up gradually. A few
days before the Assembly meeting, the completed draft could be 
duplicated for the members. At the beginning of each meeting, any 
additional urgent items which have developed or items which individual 
members wish to raise can be added.
The Universal House of Justice, in A Suggested Guide for National 
Secretaries enclosed with a letter dated May 4, 1972

The agenda should be reviewed and agreed upon by the entire Assembly at 
the beginning of each meeting, at which time additions and deletions can 
be made. The Assembly should agree upon which items of business have 
priority. (US NSA)

From Developing Distinctive Baha'i Communities the US LSA handbook

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Met the Master

2007-08-15 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
I know of two other people who are still alive who met the Master.  I 
heard of a woman living in Turkey who met the Master, though I have no 
information at all about her -- where she is, where she met Him, her 
name, etc.

About 3 or 4 years ago I was in touch with the family of a Christian 
woman living in a nursing home in Chicago.  She was the daughter of a 
Russian man who emigrated, a Templar, who was appointed the honorary 
American consul and lived in Haifa.  She had a photo, and I saw a copy 
of a copy of a copy of it, more like a silhouette, clearly the Master 
seated in a chair in front of a window with two little girls on each arm 
of the chair, the woman was one of those girls.  She may still be alive. 
I contacted Roger Dahl the US Archivist and he said that some years 
earlier he had interviewed the lady.

I do not know if anyone is keeping track of the few people still alive 
with memories of the Master. Since He passed nearly 86 years ago, and 
since the person would need to have been 7 years old or so to have 
cogent memories, that makes them all in their 90s, so there can't be many.

On a different subject -- does anyone here have any information about 
the visits of any of the Hands of the Cause to the Navajo Reservation, 
or know anyone who does? Thank you

attorney at newmexico dot com

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Re: Infallibility of the Prophets

2007-08-12 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
There are several references in the Baha'i Writings stating that the 
Master says there are two Davids in the Bible. It could be found easily 
in Ocean.


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How to modify a business law course -- off topic

2007-05-10 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
This is not on a Baha'i subject. It has to do with teaching a college 
course, and I'm writing because I know there are college profs on this list.

I am teaching an online class in business law at NMSU. In my own legal 
education, I was furious because I didn't learn anything practical 
(didn't see a will, a trust, a deed, a promissory note, or a single page 
of a pleading during any law school class).  Law school prepared me to 
take the bar exam, not to serve clients.  I vowed that if I ever taught 
a law class, I'd do it differently.

I taught business law at NMSU last year, and have been invited to do so 
again this autumn.

Last year I came up with the idea of requiring every student to prepare 
a project.  The project was to locate and fill out all of the forms that 
would be needed for them to start a business -- leases, licenses, tax 
forms, mortgages, promissory notes, contracts, you name it.  I didn't 
ask for any real information, such as financials -- they were to make up 
all such personal data.  I wanted them to understand that in the real 
world, nobody would give them a multiple-choice exam.  They would need 
to know what legal forms to use for what purpose, how to prepare them, 
and when to call on an attorney.  I wanted them to get over their fear 
of legalities in the classroom, so they would be more calm in the real 
world as businesspeople.

At first the students raised absolute Cain about this project.  However, 
the great majority of them later said that it was the most valuable part 
of the course.  I said that in a few years when they were in business 
for themselves, they would see the real benefit of the course.  I felt I 
had done right by them.

I then explained this to my Department Head, who was a very skilled 
practicing attorney before entering academia, expecting praise.  
Instead, her reply was, What does this have to do with the purpose of 
the course?  She then lost me in a discussion of measurable outputs. 
Apparently, the accreditation bodies require that faculty devise a way 
of verifying, during the course and not two years later when the 
students are businesspeople, whether the students have gained the 
competencies the course was supposed to provide.

The textbook is a combination of an abbreviated law school case book, 
with pretty good explanations of the various legal matters to be 
covered.  However, it's not practical and real-world enough for me.  I 
want the students to sweat a bit, to go on to the websites of government 
agencies and see exactly what is going to be needed for them to function 
in the business law environment.  To some degree the forms are practical 
applications of the laws they learned about in the textbook.

But, the university has to ensure that its accreditation is secure, so 
these ^**$$#?@@!! measurable outputs must be satisfied.

Any suggestions off-list, as to how I can modify my approach so the 
business school doesn't get de-certified, without selling my soul.



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Re: Prayer by the Beloved Guardian found in a prayerbook Nasaimu'r-Rahman

2007-04-25 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
Shoghi Effendi wrote a beautiful prayer in Persian, enclosed with his 
Naw-Ruz letter to the Persian friends in I believe 1955, which the House 
of Justice translated for Mr. Khadem's article about the Mountain of God 
which was published in the U.S. Baha'i News more than 30 years ago.  It 
is published in Mrs. Khadem's book about Mr. Khadem, a wonderful book, 
and valuable reading before going on pilgrimage.

Here is the translation of the Guardian's prayer.

This magnificent Edifice stands
facing Baha'u'llah's Most Great
Prison, extolled by the Pen of Glory
as the Heaven of heavens, and looks
toward the Qiblih of the people of
Baha, that Spot within the Vale of
Security and Peace, the Plain of
`Akka, round which circle in adoration
the Concourse on high.  To her right
are the hills of Galilee in which
nestles the childhood home of the
beautiful Christ, and the locality by
the banks of the Jordan River where He
who is the Spirit [Jesus] was called
to prophethood; and on her left, on
the crest of Carmel, are to be found
the Cave of Elijah and the exalted
Spot which was blessed by the
footsteps of the Most Holy Abha Beauty
and was ennobled through the
revelation of the Tablet of Carmel
from the treasury of the Pen of

High, immeasurably high is this
Shrine, the lofty, the most great, the
most wondrous.  Exalted, immeasurably
exalted is this Resting-place, the
fragrant, the pure, the luminous, the
transcendent.   Glorified,
immeasurably glorified is this Spot,
the most august, the most holy, the
most blessed, the most sublime

Upon thee, O Queen of Carmel, be
the purest, the most tender
salutations, the fairest, the most
gracious blessings!  Glorified is He
Whose footsteps have ennobled the spot
whereon thou standest, Who ordained
thy Seat, and Who extolled thee in His
Tablet and Book.  How great is the
potency of thy might, a might which
has bewildered the souls of the
favored ones of God and His

Methinks I behold thee in my
dreams established upon thy glorious
throne, attired in thy white raiment,
crowned with thy golden crown,
resplendent with the lights shining
within thee and around thee, calling
aloud in ringing tones and raising thy
voice between earth and heaven.
Methinks I perceive the souls of
the holy ones and of the dwellers of
the realms above hastening toward thee
with utmost joy, eagerness and
ecstasy, pointing to thee, circling
round thee, inhaling the perfume of
thy flowers and roses, seeking
blessing from the earth of thy
precincts, bowing their foreheads to
the ground before thee in recognition
of the majesty and glory which
surround the Holy Dust reposing within
thee, the Pearl which is enshrined in
thy bosom.

Blessed, immeasurably blessed is
the person who visits thee and circles
around thee, who serves at thy
threshold, waters thy flowers, inhales
the fragrance of holiness from thy
roses, celebrates thy praise and
glorifies thy station for the love of
God, thy Creator, in this hallowed and
radiant, this great, august and
wondrous age.

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RE: Haifa gardens: Cost and utility?

2007-04-19 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney
My view:

1. Because the Manifestations of God deserve it.

In the Third Chapter of the Gospel of John it states:

Then took Mary a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the 
feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair.  And the house was 
filled with the fragrance of the oil.  But one of His disciples, Judas 
Iscariot . . . said 'Why was this fragrant oil not sold for three 
hundred denarii [a man's wage for a year's work] and given to the poor?' 
. . . But Jesus said, 'Let her alone, she has kept this for the day of 
My burial.  For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not 
have always.' 
Jesus, who was poor and who was devoted to the poor, did not say, This 
is a sacrament.  Once a year take oil of spikenard and anoint each 
other's feet. 

Rather, He reserved this act for Himself.  It was a sign of His 
sovereignty.  He deserved the best.

The same is true for the Shrines of the Manifestations in this Day.

As the Bab Himself wrote,

Everything must be brought to its utmost limit of perfection... And 
anyone who has the power to perfect a thing and does not do so is 
culpable. Everyone is bound to do everything in the most perfect way.  
For instance, it is very bad to begin to build a house and then not 
finish it in the most perfect way of which it is capable, for then it 
cries out to God for a curse on the maker who has failed to perfect it. 
(The Persian Bayan, pp. 355 and 376, Selections from the Writings of 
E.G. Browne)

If a house for humans should be built to perfection, how much more the 
Tomb of Him acclaimed by Bahá'u'lláh as the Essence of Essences, the 
Sea of Seas, the Point round Whom the realities of the Prophets and 
Messengers revolve, from Whom God hath caused to proceed the knowledge 
of all that was and shall be, Whose rank excelleth that of all the 
Prophets, and Whose Revelation transcendeth the comprehension and 
understanding of all their chosen ones, had delivered His Message and 
discharged His mission. He Who was, in the words of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the 
Morn of Truth and Harbinger of the Most Great Light, Whose advent at 
once signalized the termination of the Prophetic Cycle and the 
inception of the Cycle of Fulfillment, . . .  He, as affirmed by 
Himself, the Primal Point from which have been generated all created 
things, one of the sustaining pillars of the Primal Word of God, the 
Mystic Fane, the Great Announcement, the Flame of that supernal 
Light that glowed upon Sinai, the Remembrance of God concerning Whom 
a separate Covenant hath been established with each and every Prophet. 
. . He the Qá'im (He Who ariseth) promised to the Shí'ahs, the Mihdi 
(One Who is guided) awaited by the Sunnis, the Return of John the 
Baptist expected by the Christians, the Ushidar-Mah referred to in 
the Zoroastrian scriptures, the Return of Elijah anticipated by the 
Jews, Whose Revelation was to show forth the signs and tokens of all 
the Prophets, Who was to manifest the perfection of Moses, the 
radiance of Jesus and the patience of Job . . . The Second Woe, 
spoken of in the Apocalypse of St. John the Divine. . . and the first of 
the two Messengers, Whose appearance had been prophesied in the 
Qur'án. . . The first Trumpet-Blast, destined to smite the earth with 
extermination, announced in the latter Book, had finally been sounded. . 
. . The time of the end had been ushered in, and the first of the two 
Witnesses into Whom, after three days and a half the Spirit of Life 
from God would enter, had arisen and had ascended up to heaven in a 
cloud. . . .  The Man Child, mentioned in the Book of Revelation . . 
. (Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By, p. 58)

2. Because of the spiritual impact it has on pilgrims

Pilgrims are described by the Guardian as the lifeblood of the Cause.  
The sanctity of the experience they have is very important not only to 
their own spiritual lives, but to the advancement of the Faith, and to 
the aims of the Faith.  The beauty, elegance and refinement of the 
terraces and gardens attracts the pilgrims to holiness, and a holy life 
is one of the keys to the advancement of the Cause (The Advent of Divine 
Justice, p. 29). 

God is extravagant in the beauty with which He endows the least of His 
creatures.  So the divine way is to make the Baha'i World Centre as 
beautiful as humanly possible.

3. Because the beauty attracts the people to the Teachings

More than 90% of the people of Israel, in a survey, said that they 
intended at some point in time to visit the Baha'i Gardens.  The 
Palestinians came too, they helped to build these terraces.  The Arab 
population of Israel loves the gardens; they come and take their wedding 
photos there.  As the beauty of the flower attracts the insect to 
propagate the pollen, so the beauty of the Shrines and the gardens 
attracts the people to the Call of God.  Everyone who enters these 
places is given an introductory pamphlet, describing the Teachings, with 
quotations. Do you think that 

Re: to say the truth

2007-02-22 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

It is almost impossible to say the truth everytime

There is the guidance in this Tablet from the Master that impacts on what 
can be said.


'Not everything that a man knoweth can be disclosed, nor can everything 
that he can disclose be regarded as timely, nor can every timely utterance 
be considered as suited to the capacity of those who hear it.' Such is the 
consummate wisdom to be observed in thy pursuits. Be not oblivious thereof, 
if thou wishest to be a man of action under all conditions.

(Compilation, The Individual and Teaching - Raising the Divine Call, p. 13)

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Re: Subject: baha'i principles

2007-02-13 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

Husayn, I think that is a very good list, very complete.

However, I wish to suggest that listing these principles of the Faith still 
does not give an accurate picture of what the Baha'i Faith is about.

In particular, these principles, which are mostly social principles, do not 
speak of the relationship between the human being and God.  The central 
purpose of life is to know God -- at least, that's Baha'u'llah's statement 
in the Short Obligatory Prayer.

Similarly, the very first passage in the Gleanings states that the purpose 
of man is to know God, and that this is attained by knowledge of one's true 

This divine relationship is at the heart of the Baha'i Faith, like all the 
divine revelations.  Focusing on the principles you listed leaves this core 
element out of the picture, and this can give the wrong impression about the 
true nature of the Baha'i Revelation and the practice of the Faith.


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Passing of our brother Phil Lucas

2007-02-04 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
I have learned that following triple bypass surgery, Phil Lucas died earlier 
today.  God reward him for his services.


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Status of Promulgation

2007-01-24 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

A point of clarification on this:

This idea is from a passage in Promulgation of Universal Peace.  The talks 
in that book are not authenticated, so we cannot be sure exactly what 
Abdu'l Baha said.  I wouldn't put too much weight on a statement from 
non-authenticated texts.

The Guardian quotes a number of times from Promulgation in his letters and 
in God Passes By.  He does not regard it as unreliable.  The House includes 
quotes from Promulgation in any number of the compilations on various 
subjects it has prepared.

In a letter written on behalf of the House on the authenticity of various 
books, it is implied that some of the talks in Promulgation are not 
authenticated and some are:

Regarding the status of Abdu'l-Baha's talks published in The Promulgation 
of Universal Peace and Paris Talks, original Persian transcripts of 
some, but not all, of the talks are available. We provide the following 
extract from a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice 
which indicates that in the future each talk will have to be identified 
and those which are unauthenticated will have to be clearly distinguished 
from those which form a part of Baha'i Scripture:

The original of Some Answered Questions in Persian is preserved in the 
Holy Land; its text was read in full and corrected by Abdu'l-Baha Himself. 
Unfortunately, Abdu'l-Baha did not read and authenticate all transcripts of 
His other talks, some of which have been translated into various languages 
and published. For many of His addresses included in The Promulgation of 
Universal Peace and Paris Talks, for example, no original authenticated 
text has yet been found. However, the Guardian allowed such compilations to 
continue to be used by the friends. In the future each talk will have to be 
identified and those which are unauthenticated will have to be clearly 
distinguished from those which form a part of Baha'i Scripture. This does 
not mean that the unauthenticated talks will have to cease to be used --  
merely that the degree of authenticity of every document will have to be 
known and understood. (23 March 1987)

Memo from the Research Department quoting a letter written on behalf of the 


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re: When thou reachest the threshold of the Beloved say Aye'

2006-11-12 Thread Brent Poirier
In the Qur'an when God calls out, the true believer answers affirmatively Yea 
or Aye.

Amin Banani told me that this verse: 
For there neither 'salam' nor 'alayk' can find a way.
means -- This is not a place for ordinary greetings.

Then it says to take off your shoes, for this is the valley of Towa.  That is, 
treat this spot as Moses treated the spot where He spoke to God.

This is the same as the inscription in the Dawn-breakers.


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Sale of cigarettes

2006-10-13 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
The US balance of trade is at the highest unfavorable level in history.  So 
the US government agencies assist the largest exporters to sell their 
products overseas, because it has a crucial beneficial economic impact on 
the US balance of trade.  Among the corporations that have the most 
substantial favorable impact on the balance of trade, are the cigarette 
companies.  They export vast sums of cigarettes around the world. Far from 
outlawing their sale, the US Dept of Commerce encourages and facilitates 
their sale through trade conferences and export promotion services.

So we have the spectacle (because of lawsuits) of US cigarette manufacturers 
running ads on American television directly discouraging smoking among young 
people.  So this assuages the consciences of the American people, and cuts 
down on the lawsuits in American courts.  Yet these same cigarette companies 
have huge foreign advertising campaigns designed to get many millions of 
young people around the world addicted to cigarette smoking, particularly in 
developing countries where they are the most vulnerable to the sophisticated 
advertising. It is a moral crime of huge magnitude.

This is my understanding and my personal opinion.


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Re: Resurrection of Christ

2006-10-13 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

Yes Susan, I am in agreement that visions are not

accepted as physical matter. Was it not the
misinterpreted seeing of Him that was understood to
be a physical body resurrected, rather than the
spiritual vision of spiritual matter?

There are three kinds of seeing

-- seeing a person in the physical sense, with physical eyes
-- seeing a vision
-- seeing meaning faith, meaning recognition of the station of the 

It is this third kind that is referred to when Christ says The people have 
eyes, but do not see.  Blessed are your eyes for they see.  This seeing 
and these eyes are not the physical eyes, and not seeing a vision.  It 
means perception.

(Respectfully, I personally do not see support in the Baha'i Writings for 
the appearances of Christ being visions of spiritual matter.)

And in the Gospels, sometimes this third kind of seeing or recognition is 
referred to as recognition, as in the verse just quoted.  However, sometimes 
it is symbolically represented, by depicting a believer who sees Jesus, but 
does not recognize Him. This is presented as a physical thing, that the 
believer physically sees Jesus, but does not physically recognize Him.  The 
Guardian says these should be understood allegorically; though the text of 
the Gospel gives no hint that it should be understood allegorically; 
presenting it as a physical event.  So, the Gospel says that Mary Magdalene 
saw Jesus in the garden, but didn't recognize Him; and the disciples on the 
road to Emmaus saw him but their eyes were holden and they did not 
recognize Him until He gave them bread.  Then their eyes were opened and 
they recognized Him.

In the paper I wrote, The Kitab-i-Iqan, the Key to Unsealing the Mysteries 
of the Holy Bible I go into this more fully, with more Bible quotations.

For me, the key to understanding this is this letter on behalf of Shoghi 

We do not believe that there was a bodily resurrection after the 
crucifixion of Christ, but that there was a time after His ascension when 
His disciples perceived spiritually His true greatness and realized He was 
eternal in being. This is what has been reported symbolically in the New 
Testament and been misunderstood. His eating with His disciples after 
resurrection is the same thing.  From a letter on behalf of the Guardian, 
High Endeavours pp. 69-70, Lights of Guidance, 2nd Edition, p. 368

The only way that the disciples spiritually recognizing Jesus can be the 
same thing as eating with Him, is if the seeing and the eating are 
understood symbolically; such as when the disciples ate with Jesus after His 
resurrection, and recognized Him after they ate bread, and Mary told them 
what she had seen.

And this is why the times when people saw Jesus after His crucifixion and 
resurrection, were all appearances to believers:  This is because these were 
not appearances in the physical sense of the word; nor were these visions. 
Rather, these are allegorical depictions of these believers regaining their 
faith and steadfastness, realizing the eternity of Christ, and seeing Him 
in that sense. In that sense, a non-believer could not see Jesus, by 
definition, because a person who sees Jesus means a person who believes in 
Him; and that is why the Bible contains no such reference. These are the 
appearances of Christ after His resurrection -- all to believers, which I 
copied from a study Bible:

To Mary Magdalene (Matthew 16:9, John 20:11-18);
To other women believers (Matthew 28:9-10);
To two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35);
To Peter (Luke 24:34);
To ten disciples (John 20:19-25);
To eleven disciples (John 20:26);
To the Apostles at the Sea of Tiberias (John 21:1-25);
The great commission to the disciples at Galilee (Matthew 28:16-20);
To five hundred believers (1 Corinthians 15:6);
To all the apostles (Acts 1:4-11);
To James (1 Corinthians 15:7);
To Paul (Acts 9:3-6, 1 Corinthians 15:8);
To John (Revelation 1:10-18).

Again, these appearances were neither physical events nor visions.  This, 
according to the quote from Shoghi Effendi above, means that these people 
perceived spiritually His true greatness and realized He was eternal in 


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Re: Resurrection of Christ

2006-10-12 Thread Brent Poirier
why don't the resurrection narratives have the disciples going deaf and blind 
after Jesus died and then receiving sight and hearing?  Shouldn't there be some 
consistency?  Also, why aren't there any stories of the disciples being deaf 
and blind initially?

I suggest that these are the verses being referred to.

After the crucifixion, Mary Magdalene went to the garden and saw Jesus 
standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. (John 20:14) She thought Him to be 
the gardener. That is, she saw Him but did not recognize Him. Then in John 
20:16 and 20:18 Mary recognizes her Lord and realizes He is eternal in being. 
She returns and tells the disciples, and they see Him (John 20:20).

Also after the crucifixion, two believers were walking on the road to Emmaus; 
suddenly Jesus was walking with them, but they did not recognize Him. Then 
they ate bread and their eyes were opened and they recognized Him:

And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus 
himself drew near, and went with them. But their eyes were held that they 
should not know him And it came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he 
took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were 
opened, and they knew him... Luke 24:13-31

Also in Luke Chapter 24 verses 39-44, the disciples eat bread with Jesus 
and believe in Him.

Likewise during the days of Joseph there was a famine in the land of Canaan 
and the brothers of Joseph came to Him for food (Genesis 42:5).  And Joseph 
saw his brethren, and he knew them, but made himself strange unto them, and 
spake roughly unto them; and he said unto them, 'Whence came ye?' And they 
said, 'From the land of Canaan to buy food.' And Joseph knew his brethren, but 
they knew not him. Joseph then gave them bread, and revealed Himself to His 
brothers, saying There will I nourish thee... And, behold, your eyes see. 
(Genesis 45:11-12). 

I have some notes on this at: that you may find 
useful.  Use them as you wish.

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2006-10-06 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

One can only hope those teenagers are looking for what we were looking

for 4 decades ago. Meaning! Genuine spirituality. A sense of the
mystic. None of which is really to be found in the world our
generation has build.

I am not very quick to elevate our generation to a more spiritual status 
than the one before us, or the one after us.  As a quick observation, we 
seem more satisfied with a coherent belief system; kids want action.

The kids today seem more ensnared by peer pressure, but maybe that is not 
true either.  Our generation planted the seeds for the nihilism of today.  I 
for sure would not want to be a high school or college kid trying to see my 
way through these times.

Also, as far as our generation being genuinely spiritual -- how many found 
their way to Baha'u'llah?  So can our generation be called so spiritual?

Each generation seems to have its own few qualities that it deems the most 
important in character; they are different each generation, but they all 
seem to be a small selection from the array of qualities which Baha'u'llah 
calls us to.  We claim to be more peace oriented, but a lot of that comes 
from the foundation laid by our parents. In general I think that our 
parents, individually and as a generation, had our generation in mind when 
they took collective steps like creating and paying for a system of higher 
education, creating the UN.  Our generation has its virtues, but so do the 
others.  Ours just fit like an old sweater and seem more comfortable to us.


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All are the leaves of one tree...

2006-09-03 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
There is a similar passage, but not identical, in Promulgation. Otherwise, I 
have no idea where the verse in question may have come from.  The standards 
for inclusion were apparently not very clear in Baha'i Scriptures.


Other wars are caused by purely imaginary racial differences; for humanity 
is one kind, one race and progeny, inhabiting the same globe. In the 
creative plan there is no racial distinction and separation such as 
Frenchman, Englishman, American, German, Italian or Spaniard; all belong to 
one household. These boundaries and distinctions are human and artificial, 
not natural and original. All mankind are the fruits of one tree, flowers of 
the same garden, waves of one sea. In the animal kingdom no such distinction 
and separation are observed.

(Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 118)

Here is the text of Message 157007:

Date: Sat,  2 Sep 2006 21:00:01 -
From: Larry Marquardt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: All are the leaves of one tree...

Regarding this verse,
There is no difference as regards creation and kind; all belong to one
household; all are the leaves of one tree; all are the fruits of one
branch; all are the flowers of the same garden; all are the waves of the
same sea.
(Compilations, Baha'i Scriptures, p. 313)
Paragraph #633.
Does anyone know the source of this verse? Is this from a talk/tablet by
'Abdul-Baha? Are these the actual words of 'Abdul-Baha?

Thank you,

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2006-07-25 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
The question was recently asked by Gilberto, what Baha'i teachings are 
emphasized.  I have done a brief scan of Ocean and found these quotes; far 
from a complete list.


The virtues and attributes pertaining unto God are all evident and manifest, 
and have been mentioned and described in all the heavenly Books. Among them 
are trustworthiness, truthfulness, purity of heart while communing with God, 
forbearance, resignation to whatever the Almighty hath decreed, contentment 
with the things His Will hath provided, patience, nay, thankfulness in the 
midst of tribulation, and complete reliance, in all circumstances, upon Him. 
These rank, according to the estimate of God, among the highest and most 
laudable of all acts. All other acts are, and will ever remain, secondary 
and subordinate unto them...

(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 290)

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth. 
The one true God, He Who knoweth all things, Himself testifieth to the truth 
of these words.
Exert yourselves that ye may attain this transcendent and most sublime 
station, the station that can ensure the protection and security of all 
mankind. This goal excelleth every other goal, and this aspiration is the 
monarch of all aspirations.

(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 288)

One righteous act is endowed with a potency that can so elevate the dust as 
to cause it to pass beyond the heaven of heavens. It can tear every bond 
asunder, and hath the power to restore the force that hath spent itself and 

(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 286)

The first and foremost duty prescribed unto men, next to the recognition of 
Him Who is the Eternal Truth, is the duty of steadfastness in His Cause. 
Cleave thou unto it, and be of them whose minds are firmly fixed and 
grounded in God. No act, however meritorious, did or can ever compare unto 
it. It is the king of all acts, and to this thy Lord, the All-Highest, the 
Most Powerful, will testify

(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 289)

The spirit that animateth the human heart is the knowledge of God, and its 
truest adorning is the recognition of the truth that He doeth whatsoever He 
willeth, and ordaineth that which He pleaseth. Its raiment is the fear of 
God, and its perfection steadfastness in His Faith. Thus God instructeth 
whosoever seeketh Him. He, verily, loveth the one that turneth towards Him.

(Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 291)

Among the greatest of all services that can possibly be rendered by man to 
Almighty God is the education and training of children, young plants of the 
Abha Paradise, so that these children, fostered by grace in the way of 
salvation, growing like pearls of divine bounty in the shell of education, 
will one day bejewel the crown of abiding glory.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 133)

This divine image betokeneth all the qualities of perfection whose lights, 
emanating from the Sun of Truth, illumine the realities of men. And among 
the greatest of these attributes of perfection are wisdom and knowledge.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 140)

Today the greatest of all affairs in the Cause is firmness and 
steadfastness. A tree will not give fruit unless it be firmly rooted. A 
foundation will not last unless it be firm. There is nothing in this world 
of man greater than firmness. A soul who is firm will become a son of the 
Kingdom of God and will be confirmed with the power of the Holy Spirit.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v2, p. 343)

No attribute is more commendable than faithfulness. It is of the greatest of 
the virtues in the world of humanity.

(Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v3, p. 634)

O ye beloved of the Lord! The greatest of all things is the protection of 
the True Faith of God, the preservation of His Law, the safeguarding of His 
Cause and service unto His Word.

(Abdu'l-Baha, The Will and Testament, p. 3)

In these days, the most important of all things is the guidance of the 
nations and peoples of the world. Teaching the Cause is of utmost importance 
for it is the head corner-stone of the foundation itself.

(Abdu'l-Baha, The Will and Testament, p. 10)

They that have forsaken their country for the purpose of teaching Our 
Cause -- these shall the Faithful Spirit strengthen through its power. A 
company of Our chosen angels shall go forth with them, as bidden by Him Who 
is the Almighty, the All-Wise. How great the blessedness that awaiteth him 
that hath attained the honor of serving the Almighty! By My life! No act, 
however great, can compare with it, except such deeds as have been ordained 
by God, the All-Powerful, the Most Mighty. Such a service is, indeed, the 
prince of all goodly deeds, and the ornament of every goodly act. Thus hath 
it been ordained by 

Re: Lincoln's statement

2006-07-22 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
It was clear to me on reading this article, that the reporter did not get a 
number of things right:

There are 350,000 Bahai in Iran
Instead of Baha'is

Speaking of Shoghi Effendi as the Effendi

But we should not lose sight that it is a wonderful article, it shows the 
Faith in a very good light, and it likely increased the esteem of the 
Baha'is throughout Israel; which is, after all, what good relations with the 
press is all about.  I would say that it was a spectacular result.


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Re: delivering wives in Bible texts

2006-07-07 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

I have the impression that the Shias have a stronger concept of the

sinlessness of prophets than most Sunnis. Is that generally true of

My impression is that the Baha'i view of the sinlessness of the Imams and of 
Fatimih is very much in accord with the Shiah approach.

I feel like I've asked this before, but would Bahais also reject the

other Biblical accounts along these lines? (i.e. Noah getting drunk,
Lot getting drunk and committing incest, David committing adultery and
murder, Solomon committing idolatry and murder, Jonah running away,
Moses committing murder) (peace be upon all the prophets).

I think that many of these are symbolic.  However, interestingly Shoghi 
Effendi responded to a question this way:

Genesis XIX, 29-38-the text makes it quite clear that Lot was not 
responsible for the action committed by His two daughters, as they gave him 
wine and made him drunk.  (From a letter written on behalf of Shoghi 
Effendi: Dawn of a New Day, p. 201; also Lights of Guidance, p. 5012 #1689)

Also an unrelated request, as some still are doing this.  When responding to 
an earlier post, please, please, please do not simply hit reply, and burden 
us with all of those earlier messages to scroll through.  Please edit them 
out; that's a standard part of netiquette.

Thank you

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re: Empty tomb

2006-06-14 Thread Brent Poirier
I address this subject in some notes I put together; you really need to start 
at the beginning to understand the part at the end that directly responds to 
your question.

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Celebration of this day

2006-05-23 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

23 May 1912

Talk at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Breed

367 Harvard Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts

From Stenographic Notes

Scientific knowledge is the highest attainment upon the human plane, for 
science is the discoverer of realities. It is of two kinds: material and 
spiritual. Material science is the investigation of natural phenomena; 
divine science is the discovery and realization of spiritual verities. The 
world of humanity must acquire both. A bird has two wings; it cannot fly 
with one. Material and spiritual science are the two wings of human uplift 
and attainment. Both are necessary -- one the natural, the other 
supernatural; one material, the other divine. By the divine we mean the 
discovery of the mysteries of God, the comprehension of spiritual realities, 
the wisdom of God, inner significances of the heavenly religions and 
foundation of the law.

This is 23 May, the anniversary of the message and Declaration of the Báb. 
It is a blessed day and the dawn of manifestation, for the appearance of the 
Báb was the early light of the true morn, whereas the manifestation of the 
Blessed Beauty, Bahá'u'lláh, was the shining forth of the sun. Therefore, it 
is a blessed day, the inception of the heavenly bounty, the beginning of the 
divine effulgence. On this day in 1844 the Báb was sent forth heralding and 
proclaiming the Kingdom of God, announcing the glad tidings of the coming of 
Bahá'u'lláh and withstanding the opposition of the whole Persian nation. 
Some of the Persians followed Him. For this they suffered the most grievous 
difficulties and severe ordeals. They withstood the tests with wonderful 
power and sublime heroism. Thousands were cast into prison, punished, 
persecuted and martyred. Their homes were pillaged and destroyed, their 
possessions confiscated. They sacrificed their lives most willingly and 
remained unshaken in their faith to the very end. Those wonderful souls are 
the lamps of God, the stars of sanctity shining gloriously from the eternal 
horizon of the will of God.

The Báb was subjected to bitter persecution in Shiraz, where He first 
proclaimed His mission and message. A period of famine afflicted that 
region, and the Báb journeyed to Isfahan. There the learned men rose against 
Him in great hostility. He was arrested and sent to Tabriz. From thence He 
was transferred to Maku and finally imprisoned in the strong castle of 
Chihriq. Afterward He was martyred in Tabriz.

This is merely an outline of the history of the Báb. He withstood all 
persecutions and bore every suffering and ordeal with unflinching strength. 
The more His enemies endeavored to extinguish that flame, the brighter it 
became. Day by day His Cause spread and strengthened. During the time when 
He was among the people He was constantly heralding the coming of 
Bahá'u'lláh. In all His Books and Tablets He mentioned Bahá'u'lláh and 
announced the glad tidings of His manifestation, prophesying that He would 
reveal Himself in the ninth year. He said that in the ninth year you will 
attain to all happiness; in the ninth year you will be blessed with the 
meeting of the Promised One of Whom I have spoken. He mentioned the Blessed 
Perfection, Bahá'u'lláh, by the title Him Whom God shall make manifest. In 
brief, that blessed Soul offered His very life in the pathway of 
Bahá'u'lláh, even as it is recorded in historical writings and records. In 
His first Book, the Best of Stories, He says, O Remnant of God! I am wholly 
sacrificed to Thee; I am content with curses in Thy path; I crave nought but 
to be slain in Thy love; and God, the Supreme, sufficeth as an eternal 

Consider how the Báb endured difficulties and tribulations; how He gave His 
life in the Cause of God; how He was attracted to the love of the Blessed 
Beauty, Bahá'u'lláh; and how He announced the glad tidings of His 
manifestation. We must follow His heavenly example; we must be 
self-sacrificing and aglow with the fire of the love of God. We must partake 
of the bounty and grace of the Lord, for the Báb has admonished us to arise 
in service to the Cause of God, to be absolutely severed from all else save 
God during the day of the Blessed Perfection, Bahá'u'lláh, to be completely 
attracted by the love of Bahá'u'lláh, to love all humanity for His sake, to 
be lenient and merciful to all for Him and to upbuild the oneness of the 
world of humanity. Therefore, this day, 23 May, is the anniversary of a 
blessed event.

(Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 139)

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re: Whoso claimeth a revelation direct from God

2006-04-23 Thread Brent Poirier
If by a minor Prophet you mean a Being who is sent to guide humanity, who 
possesses infallibility, Who is intended by God that the people should follow 
Him, then by implication the Master has stated that none will come. 

If by a 'minor Prophet you mean someone with the *station* of a minor Prophet, 
then the Master has said that it is possible that many could come.  

In confirmation of the exalted rank of the true believer, referred to by 
Bahá'u'lláh, He reveals the following: The station which he who hath truly 
recognized this Revelation will attain is the same as the one ordained for such 
prophets of the house of Israel as are not regarded as Manifestations 'endowed 
with constancy.' (The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 111)

The reason I say that by implication the Master says that no minor Prophet 
intended to have a following will come, is that His last words to humanity are:

All must seek guidance and turn unto the Center of the Cause and the House of 
Justice. And he that turneth unto whatsoever else is indeed in grievous error. 
 (The Will and Testament of `Abdu'l-Baha, p. 25)

I feel that by saying not to turn unto whatsoever else, He is saying that God 
will not send a Guide to us outside of the Guardian or the House of Justice 
prior to the next Manifestation endowed with constancy, i.e. the next 
Manifestation with a Revelation direct from God.


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Recommendation of Roy Mottahedeh's Introduction on jurisprudence

2006-04-22 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
Roy Mottahedeh's translation of Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr's Lessons in Islamic 
Jurisprudence was published by Oneworld.  I wanted to recommend his 
Introduction to that book, which is a very cogent and helpful summary of the 
sources and history of Islamic law.  I am suggesting it not only when giving 
a course on Islam, but using its contents when giving talks on the Baha'i 
Faith; because sometimes it is the contrast between Islamic law and 
Baha'u'llah's approach, or how jurisprudential terms of art are used in 
Islam and the Baha'i Faith, that would clarify and provide perspective on 
Baha'i law for the friends.

I will admit that Sadr's writings on the foundations and dynamics of 
jurisprudence were far less accessible to me.


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Re: House of Justice legislation

2006-04-20 Thread Brent Poirier
I recall reading somewhere -- the Priceless Pearl?  That when Shoghi Effendi 
became the Guardian, the first thing he did was to sit down and read all of the 
Writings at the World Centre.

I would not be surprised to learn that when new members are elected to the 
House of Justice, there is a protocol for them to become familiar with the 
unpublished Texts as well as with the ongoing activities of the House of 
Justice.  I assume that one of the functions of the Research Department is to 
not only translate the Writings, but as a preliminary, to summarize the 
Writings that aren't yet translated; and that House members can request that 
Department for a full translation when needed.  

Moojan Momen's mother works in that Department; maybe he can shed some light on 


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re: ismat and infallibility - a question

2006-04-20 Thread Brent Poirier
Among the passages in the Baha'i Writings using the word 'ismat are the 


Aqdas p. 36 -- the Most Great *Infallibility*

Master's Will p. 11: under the shelter and *unerring* guidance of His Holiness, 
the Exalted One

beneath the shadow of His supreme and *infallible* authority. Gleanings LXXV p. 

Him Who is the source of *purity* Iqan p 216

the *Immaculate* Souls Iqan p 35

how numerous the gems of His wisdom that are still concealed in His 
*inviolable* treasuries!  Iqan 167

the brightness of the light of *chastity* Advent 32

God hath verily made *chastity* to be a crown for the heads of His handmaidens 
Advent 32

Do Thou, then, preserve them within the stronghold of Thy guardianship and the 
tabernacle of Thine *unerring protection* Prayers and Meditations p 46 XXXVI

Set, then, the seal of Thine *unerring protection* on their hearts, O my Lord 
Prayers and Meditations p 217 CXXIX

Do Thou preserve me beneath the shadow of Thy
Supreme *Sinlessness*  Prayers and Mediations p. 100 LXXII

Before the Concourse on high I was adorned with the ornament
of His names. I was wrapt within the veil of *an inviolable
security* Gleanings 284 CXXIX

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Ranking of Maxwell School

2006-04-13 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

Maxwell School ranked 64th out of 279 secondary schools in B.C. Canada; 
higher than all the public schools, and 3rd among the private schools in its 


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Baha'is in solar and wind energy fields

2006-04-08 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
I am interested in connecting Baha'is and spouses of Baha'is who are 
familiar with wind and solar energy research and applications, to the Barli 
institute, an SED project of the NSA of India.  Please have them contact me 
and I'll put them in touch.


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The falcon

2006-02-22 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
Thus it hath been made clear that these stages depend on the vision of the 
wayfarer. In every city he will behold a world, in every Valley reach a 
spring, in every meadow hear a song. But the falcon of the mystic heaven 
hath many a wondrous carol of the spirit in His breast, and the Persian bird 
keepeth in His soul many a sweet Arab melody; yet these are hidden, and 
hidden shall remain.

(Baha'u'llah, The Seven Valleys, p. 28)

I am the Sun of Wisdom and the Ocean of Knowledge. I cheer the faint and 
revive the dead. I am the guiding Light that illumineth the way. I am the 
royal Falcon on the arm of the Almighty. I unfold the drooping wings of 
every broken bird and start it on its flight.

(Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, p. 169)

Baha'u'llah describes Himself as a very remarkable falcon.  It sings; and it 
doesn't catch birds and rip them apart, it helps the weak birds and 
encourages them to fly.


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Re: Quote about recognition

2006-02-10 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

Date: Thu,  9 Feb 2006 16:47:00 -
From: Simeon Kohlman Rabbani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: re: Quote about recognition

Is it this line from the Lawh-i-Aqdas?

Verily, We behold all created things moved to bear witness unto Us. Some
know Us and bear witness, while the majority bear witness, yet know Us


Simeon, that exactly states the principle I am thinking of, thank you; and I 
hadn't connected it.  However, it isn't the quote I'm thinking of, which as 
I recall comes from the Master.

Thank you

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Quote about recognition

2006-02-09 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
I am looking for a passage in the Writings -- I believe it is in one of the 
Tablets or addresses of the Master; I thought it was in Some Answered 
Questions but I can't find it there.  It says something along the lines of 
some people are under the sway of the Revelation and know it; and some are 
under the sway of the Revelation and don't know it. Something like explicit 
and implicit recognition.

It expresses this same principle, in different words:

In such manner hath the Kitáb-i-Aqdas been revealed that it attracteth and 
embraceth all the divinely appointed Dispensations. Blessed those who peruse 
it. Blessed those who apprehend it. Blessed those who meditate upon it. 
Blessed those who ponder its meaning. So vast is its range that it hath 
encompassed all men ere their recognition of it.  (Tablets of Baha'u'llah, 
p. 200)


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Re: A Prophet before one thousand years?

2006-01-29 Thread Brent Poirier
I think that this is one of the instances of bada'a in the Writings. Here is is 
translated as creation:  . . . the Beauty of the Unseen hath shone forth 
above the horizon of creation Prayers and Meditations p. 311.

Khazeh Fananapazir once said that bada'a is from the same root as Badi’.  I 
understand Badi’ to mean unique, wonderful, new, unprecedented, never before 
seen, among other meanings.  So I gather that the application to God changing 
His mind – (a very anthropomorphic concept, as we are talking about universal 
Mind and not limited, linear, rational, dinky little human mind) -- has to do 
with originating something new.

My view of the ending of the line of Guardians is that it is not the failure of 
a promise.  The Guardian functioning with the House was anticipated by the 
Master, but in the second part of His Will He does not mention the Guardianship 
and provides for the House to function infallibly without the Guardian; and 
Baha’u’llah in the Aqdas foreshadows the possibility of the ending of the line 
of Guardians before the House is established (Aqdas Note 66).

It is my understanding that the continuation of the line of Guardians 
functioning with the House was one of several options.  Another option 
anticipated was that the House would have come into being right after the 
Master’s passing, and that Shoghi Effendi would not have functioned without the 
House.  Another was the way it actually came about.

I compare this to Baha’u’llah revealing verses, then casting them into the 
river.  (GPB 138)  It was God’s Will to reveal them; but then, as Baha’u’llah 
says, no one was found worthy to hear them. Perhaps the Guardian and House 
functioning together was the desired approach, but humanity was not found 
worthy.  That doesn’t mean that the clear Covenant was not fulfilled.

As to the verse about day not being followed by night, Shoghi Effendi did 
relate this to the line of Guardians. It means that guidance remains on the 
earth until the next Manifestation comes – there is no “night”.  The guidance 
promised to the Guardian in the Master’s Will, is the same guidance promised to 
the House, in the same verse. (Master’s Will, p. 11).  The House also takes 
this approach:

“The election of the Universal House of Justice was greeted with great joy by 
the world-wide Bahá'í community, for it ensured the continuation of divine 
guidance until the advent of the next Manifestation of God, thereby fulfilling 
the prophecy that there would come a ‘Day which shall not be followed by 
(The Universal House of Justice, Messages 1963 to 1986, p. xxvii; also see 
letter in the Scholarship Compilation).

As to whether the Guardian, in referring to the “machinery” remaining behind 
after Baha’u’llah into future Dispensations, and whether this refers to the 
House of Justice always being on the earth:

It should also be borne in mind that the machinery of the Cause has been so 
fashioned, that whatever is deemed necessary to incorporate into it in order to 
keep it in the forefront of all progressive movements, can, according to the 
provisions made by Bahá'u'lláh, be safely embodied therein. To this testify the 
words of Bahá'u'lláh, as recorded in the Eighth Leaf of the exalted Paradise: 
It is incumbent upon the Trustees of the House of Justice to take counsel 
together regarding those things which have not outwardly been revealed in the 
Book, and to enforce that which is agreeable to them. God will verily inspire 
them with whatsoever He willeth, and He, verily, is the Provider, the 
(Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 22)

And finally the tenth part of this mighty process must be the penetration of 
that light, in the course of numerous crusades and of successive epochs of both 
the Formative and Golden Ages of the Faith, into all the remaining territories 
of the globe through the erection of the entire machinery of Bahá'u'lláh's 
Administrative Order in all territories, both East and West, the stage at which 
the light of God's triumphant Faith shining in all its power and glory will 
have suffused and enveloped the entire planet.
(Shoghi Effendi, Messages to the Baha'i World - 1950-1957, p. 155)

The House of Justice is the crown of that machinery.


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Re: A Prophet before one thousand years?

2006-01-29 Thread Brent Poirier
10. QUESTION: Shaving the head hath been forbidden in the
Kitáb-i-Aqdas but enjoined in the Suriy-i-Hajj.

ANSWER: All are charged with obedience to the
Kitáb-i-Aqdas; whatsoever is revealed therein is
the Law of God amid His servants. The injunction
on pilgrims to the sacred House to shave the head
hath been lifted.
(Tablet of Questions and Answers, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, p. 109)

So Baha'u'llah revealed a Tablet requiring pilgrims to shave the head; then in 
the Aqdas prohibited shaving the head.  

Did He change His mind?  I think that is perhaps the first instinct, to think 
that.  But a few other thoughts come to mind. One is that by this law, 
Baha'u'llah was demonstrating that He *could* have requiring pilgrims to shave 
the head.  Then this law would be seen in the same light as the laws of the 
Bayan, which the Guardian explained were never intended to be enforced, but 
rather to demonstrate the sovereignty of the Bab as an independent 

So the reason that a Manifestation reveals something, is not always the obvious 

My personal take on this, is that in this verse from Questions and Answers 
Baha'u'llah is demonstrating the pre-eminence of the Aqdas over His other 
Writings.  It is a more effective lesson and sinks deeper than merely stating 
that it is pre-eminent.

Similarly, some time after He originally revealed it, Baha'u'llah later added a 
passage to the Iqan, in which He expresses His devotion to the Bab and states 
that He wants to lay down His life for Him.  Shoghi Effendi selected this 
passage for the frontispiece to the Dawn-Breakers, not knowing that it was an 
afterthought.  Hand of the Cause Ugo Giachery was present when the original of 
the Iqan in the handwriting of `Abdu'l-Baha was presented to Shoghi Effendi:

These manuscripts, Shoghi Effendi stated, were transcribed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá in 
His beautiful calligraphy, when He was about eighteen years old, and bore some 
additions in the Hand of Bahá'u'lláh, insertions which He had written on the 
margins of many pages in reviewing the manuscripts. Shoghi Effendi had never 
before seen the original of the Íqán and was deeply astonished to discover that 
the phrase he had chosen from this book and placed on the title page of his 
translation of Nabil's Narrative, The Dawn-Breakers, was an after-reflection of 
Bahá'u'lláh's, written by Himself, on the margin of one page. The phrase in 
question is the one starting: 'I stand, life in hand, ready; that 
perchance...'[KI, p. 161 (Brit. ed.), p. 252 (U.S. ed.). See DB for the 
translation here used, which appears on the title page.]

The Guardian, that evening, was not only astonished but overjoyed as well, 
because he was conscious that through a mysterious process he had been inspired 
to adopt that phrase as an eternal testimonial to Bahá'u'lláh's yearning to 
sacrifice His life for the Báb, the Primal Point. All of us who were seated at 
the table were awed and profoundly stirred, and I, in particular, felt that the 
existence of a spiritual link between our Guardian and the invisible world of 
God was something that no one should ever doubt.
(Ugo Giachery, Shoghi Effendi - Recollections, p. 148)

So again, does this mean that Baha'u'llah changed His mind about the contents 
of the Iqan?  Or was this a way of emphasizing this passage?

Perhaps we can read of an addition to the Aqdas in the same light:

The eighth Ishraq

This passage, now written by the Pen of Glory, is accounted as part of the 
Most Holy Book: The men of God's House of Justice have been charged with the 
affairs of the people. They, in truth, are the Trustees of God among His 
servants and the daysprings of authority in His countries.

O people of God! That which traineth the world is Justice, for it is upheld by 
two pillars, reward and punishment. These two pillars are the sources of life 
to the world. Inasmuch as for each day there is a new problem and for every 
problem an expedient solution, such affairs should be referred to the House of 
Justice that the members thereof may act according to the needs and 
requirements of the time. They that, for the sake of God, arise to serve His 
Cause, are the recipients of divine inspiration from the unseen Kingdom. It is 
incumbent upon all to be obedient unto them. All matters of State should be 
referred to the House of Justice, but acts of worship must be observed 
according to that which God hath revealed in His Book.
(Baha'u'llah, Tablets of Baha'u'llah, pp. 128-129)

Does this mean that Baha'u'llah didn't think of this passage when He authored 
the Aqdas?  That God left something out of the Book, and Baha'u'llah remedied 
it later?

It is my own personal view that by this method Baha'u'llah has emphasized this 
matter.  Just as the Master selected the very last verse of His Will -- 
literally the very last words He addressed to the human race -- to direct us to 
turn to the House of Justice and the Guardian and seek their guidance; in the 

A Prophet before one thousand years?

2006-01-28 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
The quotes the Guardian gathered in the Dispensation state as explicitly as 
any subject in the Baha'i Writings that it will be not less than 1000 years 
before the next Manifestation.  The Covenant, unlike other subjects in the 
Faith (like the mystical teachings) are not hidden and waiting to be 
discovered.  They are express.  The Covenant is absolutely crystal-clear, in 
explicit verses.  Not only Baha'u'llah's written Covenant to turn to the 
Master; and the Master's Covenant to turn to the House and the Guardian; but 
in addition Baha'u'llah's Covenant regarding the appearance of the next 
Manifestation.  The thousand years could not be more explicit. (WOB 132)

It should also be noted that the guidance is not that a Manifestation will 
come in a thousand years.  We do not know the time; only that it will be 
not less than a thousand years.  Maybe it will be five or ten thousand 

Maybe not all will follow it because they know the guidance will be there 
until the next Revelation, if I'm not wrong after that event, the House 
will be fallible. But, as the quote indicates the unity of followers is 

I'm not sure if the Universal House of Justice would maintain its

authority once the next Manifestation appears. When Abdu'l-Baha was
asked about the meaning of whoso layeth a claim to a revelation
direct from God,' He answered that for the next thousand years no one
should presume to breathe a word against the House of Justice. Might
this open up all kinds of possibilities as to what happens after those
thousand years?

The Master promised in His Will that both Manifestations guide the House of 
Justice.  I don't think the Master is saying that the Manifestations will 
stop guiding it in 1000 years.  I think this is another way of His saying 
that when the new Manifestation comes, He or She will have all power, and 
the reference to the thousand years is not to a time, but to an event, the 
coming of the new Manifestation, whenever it occurs.  The House itself says 
in its Constitution that it is the Writings themselves that are guaranteed 
authority until the next Manifestation; and by implication, the same is true 
of the House.

The provenance, the authority, the duties, the sphere of action of the 
Universal House of Justice all derive from the revealed Word of Bahá'u'lláh 
. . .  The authority of these Texts is absolute and immutable until such 
time as Almighty God shall reveal His new Manifestation to Whom will belong 
all authority and power.  (The Universal House of Justice, The Constitution 
of The Universal House of Justice, p. 4)

The thing is that it is my understanding that the Guardian said that there 
will always be a Universal House of Justice.  This is not a temporary 
measure set up solely during the Dispensation of Baha'u'llah; but rather, a 
permanent feature in the world, a permanent part of the machinery brought 
by Baha'u'llah for the entire future of  the world:

After Bahá'u'lláh many Prophets will, no doubt, appear, but they will be 
all under His shadow. Although they may abrogate the laws of the 
Dispensation, in accordance with the needs and requirements of the age in 
which they appear, they nevertheless draw their spiritual force from this 
mighty Revelation. The Faith of Bahá'u'lláh constitutes, indeed, the stage 
of maturity in the development of mankind. His appearance has released such 
spiritual forces which will continue to animate, for many long years to 
come, the world in its development. Whatever progress may be achieved in the 
later ages-after the unification of the whole human race is achieved -- will 
be but improvements in the machinery of the world. For the machinery itself 
has already been created by Bahá'u'lláh. The task of continually improving 
and perfecting this machinery is one which later Prophets will be called 
upon to achieve. They will move and work within the orbit of Bahá'í cycle. 
(From a letter written on behalf of the Guardian to an individual believer 
dated November 14, 1935; Lights of Guidance, p. 473, #1561; and Directives 
from the Guardian, p. 61, #164)

We have seen how the Universal Manifestation treats the laws of former 
Dispensations, in the Aqdas.  We have not yet seen how manifestations lesser 
in rank than a Universal Manifestation, will relate to the laws of a 
Universal Manifestation, when They come after Him.  Maybe they will treat 
Baha'u'llah's laws with a greater degree of deference, than Baha'u'llah 
treated the laws of Muhammad and the Bab and the earlier Prophets.

We have also never seen a situation where a Prophet appeared in the world at 
a time when an infallibly-guided person or body from the previous 
Dispensation was still in the world.  So our conjectures that the new 
Prophet would appear, and at His or Her appearance the rug is automatically 
pulled out from under the House of Justice, which is then blind to the new 
Manifestation -- is sheer conjecture based more on doubt than on 

Nice article about a pioneer!

2006-01-25 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

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re: Three Marys

2006-01-08 Thread Brent Poirier
There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and 
Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome (King James Bible, 
Mark 15:40)

James the Less was named Jacob.  If you Google Mary the mother of Jacob in 
quotes you will find a number of references to her.


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Fw: Harvard Professorship of Science Religion

2005-12-20 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
- Original Message - 
From: Phillip Tussing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:29 PM
Subject: Harvard Professorship of Science  Religion

This message comes to you from the history tarikh-list
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Please consider this, and pass to any Baha'is who may be interested to 
This would be a perfect seat for a Baha'i.  Even for the review committee 

become aware of Baha'i views would be a great accomplishment.

Richard T. Watson is endowing a Professorship of Science and Religion at 
Harvard Divinity School. A search committee is being assembled to identify 
permanent scholar, but a visiting professor in science and religion will 

funded in 2006-7.

I can't find a description of the search online.  I got my information 
Harvard Divinity Today (Fall 2005), a quarterly publication of the 
School.  Contact William Graham, Dean of the Divinity School (my former 

advisor, and an Islamist),

Office Phone: +1 617 495 4513
Andover Hall 200
+1 617 495 5757
Semitic Museum
Office Fax:+1 617 496 8026
University Mailing Address:Harvard Divinity School
Andover Hall
45 Francis Ave
Cambridge MA 02138

Secretary to the Dean: Suzanne Rom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), 


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re: Scholarship and the House of Justice

2005-11-26 Thread Brent Poirier
My first thought is that more faith in the guidance of the House of Justice 
will come largely through more faith in Baha'u'llah.

Yes; and also, through more faith in, and understanding of, the Master's Will, 
which broadens and re-emphasizes the guidance of God to the House of Justice.


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Article about a Baha'i on Emory University Faculty

2005-11-22 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
Article about a Baha'i on the Emory University faculty in the American 
Studies Department, Pellom McDaniels, who was previously a pro football 
player on the Kansas City and Atlanta football teams:

Here is a photo of him:

Elsewhere on the Web I learned that some years ago he established the Arts 
for Smarts Foundation
which exposes underprivileged children to the arts, and also established the 
Fish Out of Water Writing Club which publishes student writing.  His work 
with children has been featured on the CBS Sunday Morning TV program.  He is 
the author of My Own Harlem which describes his own personal renaissance 
through poetry, and So You Want to be a Pro which gives advice on personal 
and professional success.


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Re: Sign of God on Earth

2005-11-18 Thread Brent Poirier
As already posted, the Master uses the term Sign of God once in His Will and 
Testament, to show the station of Shoghi Effendi. In the original, Sign of God 
is ayat Allah, generally written in the West as Ayatollah. 

Yes, one more beautiful Arabic word hijacked by extremists, along with Party of 
God, a term the Master uses in the Tablets of the Divine Plan (Hizb'u'llah now 
generally transliterated Hezbollah) among others. Hmm. Now I can't find that 
phrase in those Tablets.  Is my memory playing tricks on me?

The Master did not use the term Sign of God on earth.  On earth has been 
used by the Hands of the Cause and by the Universal House of Justice.  


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Letter of the House of Justice regarding recitation of the Greatest Name

2005-11-16 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
Can someone direct me to an online source for the letter of the House of 
Justice instituting the binding practice of recitation of the Greatest Name 
95 times?


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Tree of fire

2005-10-29 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
In unraveling the mystery of the Hidden Treasure tradition, the Master 
explains that it refers to the gradual movement of the Manifestation from 
concealment to Manifestation, and that the tree aflame symbolizes one of the 

O wayfarer in the path of the Beloved! Know thou that the main purpose of 
this holy tradition is to make mention of the stages of God's concealment 
and manifestation within the Embodiments of Truth, They who are the 
Dawning-places of His All-Glorious Being. For example, before the flame of 
the undying Fire is lit and manifest, it existeth by itself within itself in 
the hidden identity of the universal Manifestations, and this is the stage 
of the Hidden Treasure. And when the blessed Tree is kindled by itself 
within itself, and that Divine Fire burneth by its essence within its 
essence, this is the stage of I wished to be made known. And when it 
shineth forth from the Horizon of the universe with infinite Divine Names 
and Attributes upon the contingent and placeless worlds, this constituteth 
the emergence of a new and wondrous creation which correspondeth to the 
stage of Thus I called creation into being. And when the sanctified souls 
rend asunder the veils of all earthly attachments and worldly conditions, 
and hasten to the stage of gazing on the beauty of the Divine Presence and 
are honoured by recognizing the Manifestation and are able to witness the 
splendour of God's Most Great Sign in their hearts, then will the purpose of 
creation, which is the knowledge of Him Who is the Eternal Truth, become 

(`Abdu'l-Bahá, quoted in The Kitab-i-Aqdas, pp. 175-176)

In the Iqan Baha'u'llah refers to Himself as the flamelike Youth, and 
seems to be saying here that He is in the stage between concealment and 
Revelation in Iraq, prior to His declaration:

Say O people of the earth! Behold this flamelike Youth that speedeth across 
the limitless profound of the Spirit, heralding unto you the tidings: Lo: 
the Lamp of God is shining, and summoning you to heed His Cause which, 
though hidden beneath the veils of ancient splendour, shineth in the land of 
Iraq above the day-spring of eternal holiness.

(Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 147)

In the Revelation of John is promised the One with eyes of flame:

His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like 
a flame of fire

Revelation 1:14

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him 
was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make 
war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and 
he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed 
with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And 
the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in 
fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that 
with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of 
iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty 
God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF 

Revelation of John 19:11 – 19:16

Baha'u'llah unseals this verse in Javahiru'l-Asrar:

He saith: His eyes were as a flame of fire … How could these words be 
literally interpreted? … Know then that He who uttered these words in the 
realms of glory meant to describe the attributes of the One Who is to come 
in such veiled and enigmatic terms as to elude the understanding of the 
people of error. Now, when He saith: His eyes were as a flame of fire, He 
alludeth but to the keenness of sight and acuteness of vision of the 
Promised One, Who with His eyes burneth away every veil and covering, maketh 
known the eternal mysteries in the contingent world, and distinguisheth the 
faces that are obscured with the dust of hell from those that shine with the 
light of paradise. Were His eyes not made of the blazing fire of God, how 
could He consume every veil and burn away all that the people possess? How 
could He behold the signs of God in the Kingdom of His names and in the 
world of creation? How could He see all things with the all-perceiving eye 
of God? Thus have we conferred upon Him a penetrating vision in this day. 
Would that ye believe in the verses of God! For, indeed, what fire is 
fiercer than this flame that shineth in the Sinai of His eyes, whereby He 
consumeth all that hath veiled the peoples of the world? (Bahá'u'lláh, Gems 
of Divine Mysteries, pp. 52-54)

So the Light of Israel will be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame

Isaiah 10:17

And the verse from Revelation says that He had a name written, that no man 
knew.  In Revelation 3:12 Jesus refers to His return, and to the name of 
God, and the name of the City of God, the new Jerusalem that comes down from 
heaven, and to His own new name.  This verse is fulfilled in Revelation 

re: Is it Possible to Understand Without Believing?

2005-10-23 Thread Brent Poirier
Sure.  In my own case, I read and understood the Baha'i Writings stating that 
Muhammad was a Prophet of God equal to Christ and Baha'u'llah.  It took me ten 
years to accept that.


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re: Abdul-Baha and savages

2005-10-20 Thread Brent Poirier
I couldn't find that letter either on Ocean or on but perhaps 
this will be of service.

In spite of the fact that ... has been expelled from the Gilbert and Ellice 
Islands, the remarkable progress of the Faith there has been a source of great 
satisfaction. It shows that a spiritual receptivity, a purity of heart and 
uprightness of character exist potentially amongst many of the peoples of the 
Pacific Isles to an extent equal to that of the tribesmen of Africa. It is 
indeed an encouraging and awe-inspiring sight to witness the spread of our 
beloved Faith amongst those whom civilized nations misguidedly term savages, 
primitive peoples and uncivilized nations 

(From a letter on behalf of Shoghi Effendi dated 11 July 1956 to the National 
Spiritual Assembly of the British Isles, published in Unfolding Destiny, p. 

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Re: Abdul-Baha and savages

2005-10-20 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law

I recall something along that line but don't know where it was

- Original Message - 
To: Baha'i Studies; Brent Poirier 

Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: Abdul-Baha and savages

Dear Brent,

I found that same quote of Shoghi Effendi too after searching both of the 
sources you mentioned, but I am wondering did the House ever write a 
letter addressing this or am I mistaken in thinking such a letter ever 
existed?  Even if the House's letter cannot be found, does anyone else 
remember it ever existing?

Sincerely, Marleen 

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RE: Parental consent

2005-10-18 Thread Brent Poirier
Bah'u'llh has placed great emphasis on the duties of parents toward their 
children, and he has urged children to have gratitude in their hearts for their 
parents, whose good pleasure they should strive to win as a means of pleasing 
God himself.
(January 24, 1993 letter from the Universal House of Justice quoted in the US 
NSA publication Developing Distinctive Baha'i Communities Section 16.17)

Perhaps that is an element of how God wants us to show that gratitude. Our 
parents know us extremely well; they have seen marriages come and go.  They may 
have insights we lack.

In addition, a marriage is a bringing together of two families, and it is 
appropriate to ask the heads of those families for their approval.

But approval of voting, etc., these are passing things, far less weighty, so 
there is no requirement for us to seek parental consent for these.  We are 
urged to think for ourselves, this is the appropriate arena for that.


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RE: Every NSA gets the same number of votes

2005-10-18 Thread Brent Poirier
The House is elected ultimately by the National Spiritual Assembly members, and 
as you point out, those Assemblies may have huge disparities in numbers.

At the next lower level, the delegates to the National Convention are from 
Units that are designed to be roughly comparable population-wise.  So at 
different stages, different principles apply.

There is a somewhat similar principle in the US congress.  Representatives are 
from Congressional Districts that are, at least in theory, roughly comparable 
population-wise.  However, Senators -- in many respects the more powerful body 
-- there are two of them from every state, regardless of the population of the 
state.  This is a reflection of the principle that in US jurisprudence, the 
federal government derives its authority from the delegated sovereignty of the 
individual citizens, and the states, which are viewed as having natural 

There are huge differences between the two, but the point I'm making is that 
this principle of equality of sovereigns in one body, and population 
representation in another body, is found elsewhere.  I believe it is also found 
to some degree in the UN bodies.


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Authenticity of the Old and New Testaments

2005-10-15 Thread Brent Poirier
These are all extracts taken from a memorandum of the Research Department to 
the Universal House of Justice dated 14 December 1987.

...we cannot be sure how much or how little of the four Gospels are accurate 
and include the words of Christ and His undiluted teachings, all we can be sure 
of, as Bah's, is that what has been quoted by Bah'u'llh and the Master must be 
absolutely authentic. As many times passages in the Gospel of St. John are 
quoted we may assume that it is his Gospel and much of it accurate. (From a 
letter dated January 23, 1944 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an 
individual believer)

The Four Gospels were written after Him [Christ]. John, Luke, Mark and Matthew 
- these four wrote after Christ what they remembered of His utterances. (From a 
previously untranslated Tablet of Baha'u'llah)

...the Torah that God hath confirmed consists of the exact words that streamed 
forth at the bidding of God from the tongue of Him Who conversed with Him 
(Moses). (From a previously untranslated Tablet of Baha'u'llah)

When 'Abdu'l-Bah states we believe what is in the Bible, He means in substance. 
Not that we believe every word of it to be taken literally or that every word 
is the authentic saying of the Prophet. (From a letter on behalf of Shoghi 
Effendi dated 11 February 1944 to an individual believer)

We cannot be sure of the authenticity of any of the phrases in the Old or the 
New Testament. What we can be sure of is when such references or words are 
cited or quoted in either the Quran or the Bah' writings. (From a letter on 
behalf of Shoghi Effendi dated 4 July 1947 to an individual believer)

You ask for elucidation of the statement made on behalf of the Guardian in this 
letter of 11 February 1944, When 'Abdu'l-Bah states we believe what is in the 
Bible, He means in substance. Not that we believe every word of it to be taken 
literally or that every word is the authentic saying of the Prophet. Is it not 
clear that what Shoghi Effendi means here is that we cannot categorically 
state, as we do in the case of the Writings of Bah'u'llh, that the words and 
phrases attributed to Moses and Christ in the Old and New Testaments are Their 
exact words, but that, in view of the general principle enunciated by Bah'u'llh 
in the Kitb-i-qn that God's Revelation is under His care and protection, we 
can be confident that the essence, or essential elements, of what these two 
Manifestations of God intended to convey has been recorded and preserved in 
these two Books? (From a letter on behalf of the Universal House of Justice 
dated 19 July 1981 to an individual believer)

...The Bah's believe that God's Revelation is under His care and protection and 
that the essence, or essential elements, of what His Manifestations intended to 
convey has been recorded and preserved in Their Holy Books. However, as the 
sayings of the ancient Prophets were written down some time later, we cannot 
categorically state, as we do in the case of the Writings of Bah'u'llh, that 
the words and phrases attributed to Them are Their exact words. (From a letter 
dated 9 August 1984 to an individual believer)

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re: Challenging Writing from Abdu'l-Baha

2005-10-07 Thread Brent Poirier
In the Holy Books, the recognition of the Manifestation is presented 
symbolically in many different ways.  Symbols using all five of the senses are 
employed -- seeing the Prophet means recognizing Him (Luke 24:16 and 24:31); 
as does eating His body (Mark 14:22) and touching His body (Luke 5:13; 
John 20:27 where Jesus calls on Thomas to put his hand into His side); and 
hearing the voice of the Prophet; and finally, inhaling the fragrance.  
This is an image often employed by Baha'u'llah for recognition of Him (Aqdas p. 
12 and 164) and relates back to the fragrance of the robe of Joseph in the 
Story of Joseph in the Qur'an and in the Hebrew Bible.

In this passage you refer to from the Master, He writes,

The perfume is intimately commingled and blended with the bud, and once the 
bud hath opened the sweet scent of it is spread abroad. (Selections from the 
Writings of Abdu'l-Baha, p. 176)

Somewhere in Persian mystic poetry there is a verse when some clay is speaking, 
and it says that although it is just the clay of the earth, once a rose was in 
me, and its fragrance has remained.  And perhaps the Master is referring to 
this fragrance in every human being, the recognition of the Manifestation, and 
that in this sense, every plant can even match the laughing, hundred-petalled 
rose in rejoicing the sense with its fragrance. (From this same section you 
are speaking about.)

He compares this fragrance to the words on a book; that the book is unaware of 
its own value, but friends who cherish the words, pass the book lovingly to one 
another.  The Master says, perhaps in a pilgrim's note, that we should love all 
people because they are reflections of God; and He uses this same imagery; and 
also the image of a letter that may be worn and tattered, but because we love 
the sender of the letter, we kiss it.

These are my personal impressions of the section of the Master's Tablet you 


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re: Baha'i Liberation Theology

2005-10-06 Thread Brent Poirier
In a Baha'i liberation theology, what role, if any, should Baha'is play in 
freeing the poor from oppressive capitalism? Will we be judged if we do not?

What did you have in mind as a means of freeing the poor from oppressive 

I'll later return to the question of why are you limiting this to the adverse 
effects of capitalism, not addressing the other isms that also grievously 
harm people.  But I'm primarily interested in what you think could be done, and 
what means used.


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RE: Baha'i Liberation Theology ((long quote))

2005-10-06 Thread Brent Poirier
Importers, such as the U.S., have little incentive to protest; and any outrage 
is drowned out by the demand for cheaper goods

Mark, please clarify.  I doubt there is a nation on the planet that is not an 

Well, the economic abuse of migrant workers is still going on.

To remedy the abuses of migrant agricultural workers, the U.S. Congress passed 
a law requiring the field owner to get an H-2A visa for its temporary 
agricultural workers, say, 100 people to pick lettuce. The process to get visas 
for these 100 workers requires the following:

Determine from the state economist the prevailing wage paid to US workers in 
that sector, and agree to match that wage

Advertise for American workers for a period of time 

The Labor Department then certifies that the salary offered is correct, and 
that no US workers applied.  

The employer then needs:

A certificate from the Department of Transportation that the buses carrying the 
workers to the fields are in proper shape

A certificate from the Food and Drug Administration that the food being 
provided to the workers is nutritious

A certificate from the Department of Housing and Urban Development that the 
lodging provided is habitable

A certificate from the Environmental Protection Agency that proper safeguards 
are provided against pesticides and fertilizers

Certificates from the Department of Health, etc. etc. -- in all about a dozen 
such certificates.  All of these require that an inspector come to the facility 
and view the food, the water, the lodging, the buses, the equipment, etc.  And 
this cannot be done ahead of time, it must be within a strict time frame.  And 
all of this time -- the lettuce is in the field approaching the stage where it 

I do not handle these visas, they are far too complex, and I only know two 
immigration lawyers who do.  One charges 15 thousand dollars, and the other, 20 
thousand dollars.  They take a huge amount of time, and these applications, 
certificates, advertisements, and inspections all must be feathered together 
within a tolerance of a few days. If one step is missed, the entire process is 
invalidated and no visas issued to the workers.

Requiring all of these inspections is surely the result of the abuses of 
migrant workers for decades.  However, the response is so onerous, and the time 
frame so short, and some of the requirements so needless (Americans are not 
applying for the job, yet the advertising must be done anyway) that the end 
result is that often, there is insufficient time to get the visas in time to 
save the harvest.  So the growers, who would pay the fees if it was a viable 
process, instead just revert back to hiring the people illegally.  The remedy, 
though well-intentioned, is just too burdensome, I am told.

And once the worker works illegally, and lives in the USA illegally for more 
than one year, even if the worker later qualifies for a visa, he or she is 
required to leave the USA for ten years before being permitted to get a visa.  
Often these workers are the most valuable employees -- they don't call in sick, 
they are trustworthy, I have heard dozens of employers tell me that their 
employees they just found out are illegal, are far and away their best 
employees.  And there is no remedy for them; they are not allowed to get lawful 
visas, unless they marry a US citizen.  But based on employment alone -- 
nothing can be done for them.  They are effectively sentenced to a lifetime 
under the table.


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Re: Religion and Law

2005-09-14 Thread Brent Poirier
22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, 
and saying, 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 22:37 
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and 
with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

22:38 This is the first and great commandment.

22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

-- from the book of Matthew

It took me decades to realize that Jesus was referring to the laws of Moses, 
not stating something new.  He was quoting the laws of Moses, and stating which 
were the greatest among them.

The nature of a medicine is determined by the nature of the illness.  The 
nature of each Revelation is determined by the spiritual and social needs of 
the world at that time.  The Revelation of Moses was heavy on law.  Jesus came 
to restore a sense of where the important priorities were, and to elminate a 
sense of religious legalism. Muhammad incorporated both. There is a reference 
to this in the Master's explanation of the meaning of the 11th Chapter of the 
Revelation of John:

It is said they are clothed in sackcloth, meaning that they, apparently, were 
to be clothed in old raiment, not in new raiment; in other words, in the 
beginning they would possess no splendor in the eyes of the people, nor would 
their Cause appear new; for Muhammad's spiritual Law corresponds to that of 
Christ in the Gospel, and most of His laws relating to material things 
correspond to those of the Pentateuch. This is the meaning of the old raiment. 
(Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 48)


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Re: Religion and Law

2005-09-14 Thread Brent Poirier Attorney at Law
- Original Message - 
From: Don Calkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The basic meaning is, I believe, very inexpensive, rough clothing. In 
relatively recent times, sackcloth was typically tho't of as feedsack 
material.   From this, the meaning could be that the wearers would be 
poor and possibly outcast, not permitted to earn enough money for better 
quality clothing. The other possibility is that they would be in mourning 
for the people having fallen away from the religion of God. As I remember, 
some of the Old Testament prophets adopted sack cloth garb.

Strong's Concordance says that the Greek word here translated as sackcloth 
was sakkos, i.e. mohair (the material or garments made of it, worn as a 
sign of grief): - sackcloth.

However, in connection with the Master's explanation that the meaning of 
sackcloth is more related to the garments being old:

It is said they are clothed in sackcloth, meaning that they, apparently, 
were to be clothed in old raiment, not in new raiment; in other words, in 
the beginning they would possess no splendor in the eyes of the people, nor 
would their Cause appear new; for Muhammad's spiritual Law corresponds to 
that of Christ in the Gospel, and most of His laws relating to material 
things correspond to those of the Pentateuch. This is the meaning of the 
old raiment. (Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions, p. 48)

... this statement by the Bab in the Book of Seven Proofs is illuminating:

Indeed observe how He Who representeth the origin of creation, He Who is 
the Exponent of the verse, 'I, in very truth, am God', identified Himself as 
the Gate [Bab] for the advent of the promised Qa'im, a descendant of 
Muhammad, and in His first Book enjoined the observance of the laws of the 
Qur'an, so that the people might not be seized with perturbation by reason 
of a new Book and a new Revelation and might regard His Faith as similar to 
their own, perchance they would not turn away from the Truth and ignore the 
thing for which they had been called into being.   (Selections from the 
Writings of the Bab, p. 119)


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