Re: [Ontbirds] Least Tern - Grand Bend

2019-10-26 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Correction - Waterworks Rd is near the intersection of Hwy 83 & Hwy 21 (not Hwy 
12 as previously posted), just north of Grand Bend.

The bird was still being seen when I left a few minutes ago, albeit it had 
moved further off in the distance towards the NE.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 26, 2019, at 3:02 PM, David Pryor  wrote:
> A group of us have been watching the Least Tern actively foraging on Lake 
> Huron since 2:34pm at distances ranging from 200m-600m offshore.
> We are on the beach at the end of Waterworks Rd, located near the 
> intersection of Hwy 83 & Hwy 12, just north of Grand Bend.
> David Pryor
> Sent from my iPhone

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[Ontbirds] Least Tern - Grand Bend

2019-10-26 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
A group of us have been watching the Least Tern actively foraging on Lake Huron 
since 2:34pm at distances ranging from 200m-600m offshore.

We are on the beach at the end of Waterworks Rd, located near the intersection 
of Hwy 83 & Hwy 12, just north of Grand Bend.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Prothonotary Warbler - Colonel Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2019-05-11 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
I was just texted photos of the bird from Stefan Baker, who saw it not long 

He had it near the beach closest to the mainland on the east side of the park. 

Good bird for Toronto and the GTA.

Colonel Sam Smith Park is at the base of Kipling Avenue in Toronto.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Boreal Chickadee - Colonel Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2018-11-14 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Earlier this morning I heard and after searching for an hour, recently then 
relocated and got visual confirmation of a Boreal Chickadee at CSSP.  There was 
an unconfirmed report from yesterday that obviously turned out to be accurate!

The bird is calling often, feeding low on goldenrod and moving around a lot. 
Last seen in and near the overgrown successional treed meadow abutting the 
south side of the southern parking lot. 

Colonel Sam Smith Park is south of the intersection of Kipling and Lakeshore in 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Pelagic Birds at Lakeland Centre, Van Wagner’s Beach

2018-09-24 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Strong east winds at the Lakeland Centre on Van Wagner’s Beach in Hamilton. In 
an hour of lakewatching, several of us here have had a number of common terns, 
a pair of Parasitic Jaegers, a distant jaeger sp., and a juvenile Black-legged 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Sabines Gulls - Van Wagner’s Beach

2018-09-12 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
I just had a pair of Sabine’s Gulls not overly far offshore while scoping 
offshore along the Beach Strip just north of the Lakeland Centre at Van 
Wagner’s Beach in Hamilton.

Undoubtedly the same pair I picked out about an hour ago from Lakeland but 
couldn’t be 100% certain on, due to distance, haze and heat shimmer.

No jaegers yet this morn; the only other activity other than gulls and 
cormorants have been a couple of dozen Bonaparte’s Gulls flying around offshore 
and about the same number of Sanderling foraging along the Beach Strip near 
where the rescue boat is parked. 

On my way back to Lakeland now; visibility still isn’t great and winds are 
currently light although both are forecast to increase as the day wears on. 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Reddish Egret -

2018-08-24 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
I relocated the bird this morning at 6:35am, foraging opposite house #465 
Shoreline Road in Oliphant. I lost it when flew south,  but it has since been 
relocated opposite house #337 on Shoreline Road.

Directions: From Wiarton continue north on Highway 6. Turn left on Bruce Rd 13. 
Continue straight on to the Oliphant T-intersection. Turn right (north) on to 
Shoreline Rd.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Connecticut Warbler - Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto

2018-05-27 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Howard Shapiro discovered a somewhat cooperative Connecticut Warbler earlier 
today just northwest of the main “Wet Woods” at the base of Tommy Thompson Park 
(“TTP”)in Toronto.

The precise location is a bit difficult to describe, but anyone interested in 
looking for the bird should look for thicket almost directly underneath a stand 
of cottonwood trees, about halfway NW of the main Wet Woods (aka the TTP 
Baselands), and SE of the bend in Unwin Avenue where it swings back E/W after 
turning N/S. 

The bird is in a relatively small thicket and has remained there since Howard 
discovered it earlier today.  

As the only other landmark I can offer, there’s an old white patio chair 
located about 5m east of the thicket. 

Patience is required, and if you go, please be respectful of both the bird 
itself, and any other birders who may be present or may come to look later on 

Tommy Thompson Park is located at the intersection of Leslie Street and Unwin 
Avenue in Toronto. 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Kentucky Warbler - Wet Woods, Tommy Thompson Park, Toronto

2018-05-09 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
The Kentucky Warbler discovered yesterday (evening?) by David and Owen Ridgen 
is still present this morning. WNW section of the main largest stand of trees 
in the Wet Woods. A number of birders currently present.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Fish Crow - Etobicoke

2018-03-29 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
At around 5:25pm this evening while I was letting my dog out into my backyard 
in central Etobicoke, I clearly heard a Fish Crow give its distinctive 
single-note call several times. It was with 8-9 American Crows, which were also 
calling periodically. 

Unfortunately I wasn’t fast enough to record it on my phone before the birds 
continued off.

While Fish Crows have evidently been increasing in Ontario over the past 
several years, a greenbelt/creek valley located several kilometres away from 
Lake Ontario is most certainly not where I would have expected to encounter one.

Although this species has been periodically present in Niagara, Hamilton and 
Oakville in recent years, encounters east of Mississauga are still relatively 
unusual, so I felt it merited a post.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Barnacle Goose has flown

2018-03-14 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Posting for Iain Fleming -

Iain texted me to say he was at the Schomberg lagoons this morning watching the 
Barnacle Goose when it flew west with some Canada geese shortly after 9am. 

According to Iain, it did not appear to be going far given the gusty winds, and 
he is currently attempting to relocate it in the area.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Fwd: [hamiltonbirds] Phalaropes east of Oakville Harbour

2017-11-24 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Pryor <>
> Date: November 24, 2017 at 10:15:40 AM EST
> To: Hamilton birds <>
> Subject: [hamiltonbirds] Phalaropes east of Oakville Harbour
> I just had 2 putative REPH (pale gray back, white underwings) while scoping 
> waterfowl on the east side of Oakville Harbour.
> Picked up the first bird when it came off the water and watched as it flew 
> east in the direction of the pier at Arkendo. As I was watching in my scope, 
> it was joined by a second bird that also came off the water. Both continued 
> in flight until I lost them.
> I’m on my way to Arkendo to see if I can relocate them and will likely check 
> Gairloch Gardens as well.
> David Pryor
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Hamilton Birders 
> email group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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[Ontbirds] Sabine's Gull, Jaegers, Phalarope - Toronto

2017-09-02 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Early morning and mid-afternoon lake-watching proved fruitful today at Colonel 
Sam Smith Park (CSSP), owing to strong SE (i.e., onshore) winds. 

Although late-summer and autumn lake-watching from CSSP and areas around the 
GTA is generally not even close to as productive as it is from Van Wagner's 
Beach in Hamilton, it can still be good during periods of strong south or 
southeast winds, as was the case today.

This afternoon I spent several hours lake-watching from Whimbrel Point at CSSP. 
Birds seen included a Parasitic Jaeger, another jaeger (quite distant) and a 
Sabine's Gull. 

This morning, in addition to the flyby Neotropic Cormorant that I posted 
earlier today, I had 3 distant jaegers and an obliging Red-necked Phalarope. 
These birds were also seen from Whimbrel Point.

Colonel Sam Smith Park is located immediately south of the intersection of 
Kipling and Lakeshore in Etobicoke.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Tricoloured Heron - Toronto

2017-07-21 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Posting for Luc Fazio -

The Tricolored Heron is present this morning in Cell 2 at Tommy Thompson Park. 

Tommy Thompson Park is located at the base of Leslie Street at Unwin Avenue in 
Toronto. Park access is restricted during weekdays and is open from 4pm-9pm. 
Cell 2 is about a 25 minute walk from the parking area.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Dickcissel - Algoma

2017-07-04 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
For any Algoma-area birders that may be interested, there's currently a male 
Dickcissel singing loudly on Government Road, about 75m east of Barber Side Rd. 
This location is just northwest of the town of Desbarats.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - Marie Curtis Park

2017-06-25 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
The bird was still present when I left at about 1:30pm. 

It was foraging in the meadow/successional growth area west of the water tower 
and east of the two ponds (maybe a 100-200m diameter area) and making periodic 

Park in the parking lot by the dog run area and walk west towards the field. 
There's an old fence around the meadow area but there numerous large gaps/holes 
cut in the fence you can easily walk through to access the meadow. Once inside, 
there are several walking paths transecting the meadow.

Marie Curtis Park is on Lakeshore Blvd in Mississauga, just east of Dixie Road.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 25, 2017, at 12:52 PM, Joanne Redwood via ONTBIRDS 
> <> wrote:
> Just getting the word out...
> Scissor-tailed Flycatcher _ Marie Curtis Park
> Found and photographed by Eric Phelps this morning.
> From Ontario Birds post:  25th June, 2017. Marie Curtis Park, Toronto. 
> Scissor-tailed flycatcher hunting in the open grassland area by the water 
> tower then moved to Tree Swallows boxes by two ponds.
> Marie Curtis Park is off of Lakeshore Blvd E. in Etobicoke.
> Ebird checklist:
> ___
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[Ontbirds] Laughing Gull - Toronto

2017-05-28 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
The Laughing Gull discovered yesterday is currently present at Ashbridges Bay. 

When viewing from the flooded area, the bird is on the far Lakeside beach.

Good luck,
David Pryor

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Acadian Flycatcher and Connecticut Warbler - Mississauga

2017-05-27 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
For any GTA birders who may be interested, earlier this morning I had both an 
Acadian Flycatcher and a Connecticut Warbler calling at Marie Curtis Park in 

Both birds were in roughly the same location - just off the trail that leads 
through the forest in a swampy, brushy clearing where a massive tree has 

Cecilia Verkley texted me a short time ago indicating she heard the Connecticut 
singing a short distance southeast of where I had it. 

There were a number of other flycatcher and warbler species singing this 
morning (some resident, some migrant), including, a bit surprisingly for this 
location, several Mourning Warblers.

Marie Curtis Park is located on the south side of Lakeshore Blvd in 
Mississauga, just east of Dixie.

Good Luck!

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Adult Male Blue Grosbeak, High Park, Toronto May 25, 2017

2017-05-25 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS

  Thanks to Garth for posting on my behalf. I wanted to get the word out as quickly as possible so that anyone interested in looking for the bird this evening would have an opportunity to do so. 
  For further clarity, I have included a google map link with a marker on it showing approximately where I had the bird at around 4:15pm. It was about 20ft off the ground, up in a tree along with a pair of Eastern Kingbirds. The tree was in the open Oak Savannah, maybe 20 feet from the scrubline. Good Luck!
  David Pryor
   -- Original Message --From: Garth Riley via ONTBIRDS <>Date: May 25, 2017 at 4:32 PMI am reporting on behalf of David Pryor who just called to let me know that he refound the Blue Grosbeak reported earlier.His directions are as follows:Enter High Park off of Bloor St., park in the last parking lot next to the ball diamond. Walk west across the road and follow a path south. The bird was in a tree accompanied by Eastern Kingbirds about 15 metres along the path in the Oak Savanna. Good luck!Garth Riley Etobicoke, Ontario rile...@yahoo.com___ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the provincial birding organization.Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.caFor information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit guidelines can be found at the OFO Facebook page

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
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[Ontbirds] Little Blue Heron(s) - Sparta

2017-04-21 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
At least one and possibly both of the Little Blue Herons were present a short 
time ago in Corner Corner's pond at 45045 Fruit Ridge Line near Sparta. 

About 35-40 minutes ago, I inadvertently flushed one of the birds while walking 
along the trail on the east of the pond. The bird glided across the pond to the 
west side and turned north towards the bridge before I lost it. It did not 
appear to me to be heading out of the pond as it was flying fairly low.

Mary Carnahan (the original finder of the birds) happened to be on the opposite 
(west) side of the pond at the same time and also saw it. Mary advised to me 
that it then circled and headed toward the south end of the pond. Mary also 
indicated to me that she may have also had the second bird; although I only saw 
one, she had a much better vantage point of the pond from where she stood.

It didn't appear as though the bird I saw was panicked so my feeling is that 
both birds may likely still be present.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Western Grebe - Mississauga

2017-03-25 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Chris Leys, Ryan Leys and I are currently viewing the Western Grebe at JC  
Saddington Park in Mississauga. The bird is currently 200-300m offshore, nearly 
directly south of the main parking lot, and just slightly east of the 
fenced-off rock jetty that extends about 50m out into the lake. A scope is 

There are also four Tree Swallows flying over the lake about 100m offshore.

The JC Saddington Park main parking lot is located at the south end of 
Mississauga Road, south of Lakeshore Blvd.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Eared Grebe - Toronto

2017-01-14 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Currently working the middle and southernmost of the three east bays at Colonel 
Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke. Presumably this is the same bird that was present 
at this location this past November.

The King Eider remains at the mouth of the marina with a small flock of scaup. 

Colonel Sam Smith Park is immediately south of the intersection of Kipling and 
Lakeshore in Etobicoke.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Gyrfalcon in Sudbury - Directions Correction

2017-01-01 Thread David Pryor
Fielding Park is located at the southwest portion of Kelly Lake, not southeast, 
as I previously posted.

It can be reached by turning north onto Fielding Road from Hwy 17.

Apologies for the confusion, but I was typing quickly to get the word out ASAP.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 1, 2017, at 10:48 AM, David Pryor <> wrote:
> I just had a gray phase gyrfalcon fly across Hwy 17, just east of the Kantola 
> Rd & Fielding Road intersection in Sudbury.
> It was being chased by a couple of Ravens and crossed the highway heading 
> south. 
> I suspect it was hanging around Fielding Park, which is located at the 
> southeast portion of Kelly Lake.
> David Pryor
> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
> ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
> provincial birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Gyrfalcon - Sudbury

2017-01-01 Thread David Pryor
I just had a gray phase gyrfalcon fly across Hwy 17, just east of the Kantola 
Rd & Fielding Road intersection in Sudbury.

It was being chased by a couple of Ravens and crossed the highway heading 

I suspect it was hanging around Fielding Park, which is located at the 
southeast portion of Kelly Lake.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] TYPO - Purple Sandpiper in Toronto

2016-11-24 Thread David Pryor
In the post I just put out, my first sentence should have "GTA or nearby 
vicinity", not "GE real vicinity".

Stupid auto-correct function...

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 24, 2016, at 9:21 AM, David Pryor <> wrote:
> For any birders in the GE real vicinity who may be interested, I flushed a 
> Purple Sandpiper about a half hour ago from the rocks near the outer west 
> point at Colonel Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke.
> The bird flew very low and tight to the shoreline back east towards Whimbrel 
> Point. I have not yet been able to relocate it, but my guess is that it's 
> likely still in the park. 
> Colonel Sam Smith Park is located south of the intersection of Kipling & 
> Lakeshore in Etobicoke.
> David Pryor
> Sent from my iPhone
> ___
> ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
> provincial birding organization.
> Send bird reports to
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[Ontbirds] Purple Sandpiper - Toronto

2016-11-24 Thread David Pryor
For any birders in the GE real vicinity who may be interested, I flushed a 
Purple Sandpiper about a half hour ago from the rocks near the outer west point 
at Colonel Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke.

The bird flew very low and tight to the shoreline back east towards Whimbrel 
Point. I have not yet been able to relocate it, but my guess is that it's 
likely still in the park. 

Colonel Sam Smith Park is located south of the intersection of Kipling & 
Lakeshore in Etobicoke.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Cattle Egret - Toronto

2016-11-01 Thread David Pryor
The cattle Egret just flew into the interior marina; it is currently sitting on 
the east side of the marina perched on the rocks.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 1, 2016, at 8:27 AM, David Pryor <> wrote:
> I have a Cattle Egret out on the spit about 200m west of the Whimbrel Point 
> at Col Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke. Not sure how long it's going to stick 
> around once the dog-walkers arrive.
> David Pryor
> Sent from my iPhone

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[Ontbirds] Cattle Egret - Toronto

2016-11-01 Thread David Pryor
I have a Cattle Egret out on the spit about 200m west of the Whimbrel Point at 
Col Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke. Not sure how long it's going to stick around 
once the dog-walkers arrive.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Le Conte's Sparrow - Mississauga/Toronto

2016-10-17 Thread David Pryor
I just had point blank looks for well over a minute at a Le Conte's Sparrow at 
Marie Curtis Park. 

The bird was located along the paved path that borders the east side of the 
pond at the west end of the open meadow section of the park. 

Currently trying to relocate it to get photos. 

Marie Curtis Park is located on the south side of Lakeshore Blvd between Dixie 
Road and Brown's Line.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Neotropic Cormorant - Hamilton

2016-08-04 Thread David Pryor
This morning at approximately 6:15am while viewing the long-staying Snowy Egret 
& various shorebirds at Windermere Basin, I had an apparent Neotropic Cormorant 
flying overhead with a flock of Double-crested Cormorants heading eastward 
towards the Lakeland Centre and Lake Ontario. The. 

The bird was noticeably smaller (roughly 2/3 of the size) than the other 
cormorants with a longish-appearing tail.

Nearby areas including the Tollgate Pond, north shore islands, etc., should be 
checked when the cormorants settle in to roost later on today.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] White Heron/Egret - Etobicoke

2016-06-09 Thread David Pryor
About 20 minutes ago while in my car, I had a small/medium-sized white 
heron/egret flying NW, relatively low (at a height just above the top of the 
hydro towers) at the intersection of Kipling & Rathburn in central Etobicoke. 

I was able to pull off the road and get my binoculars on it. Keeping in mind 
the recent report of a possible Snowy Egret in the GTA, I got an excellent view 
of this bird in good light as it continued to fly NW. However, unlike that 
report, this bird's feet were dark, as were its legs. The bird's bill was also 

In terms of size, it was roughly the same size as a Black-crowned Night-Heron 
or perhaps slightly larger.

Birders in the western GTA and HSA should keep an eye out.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Eurasian Wigeon - Toronto

2016-03-05 Thread David Pryor
The male Eurasian Wigeon discovered earlier today by Garth Riley continues to 
be present at Tommy Thompson Park (aka the Leslie Street Spit). 

Speaking with other birders present, the bird has been periodically seen all 
day since its discovery this morning. It is frequenting the outer mouth of the 
marina harbour.

Walk about 5 minutes past the enclosed gatehouse to the "Speed Bump" sign. Just 
past the sign there is a snow-covered path/road leading west towards the water. 
Walk the path/road to the end and scan.

When I left it, the bird was about 150-200m offshore in the company of a large 
flock of mixed waterfowl (mostly Redhead and Scaup).

Tommy Thompson Park is located at the base of Leslie Street in Toronto.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] CBCs - Birds on the Move

2015-12-19 Thread David Pryor
Just thought I'd share a general observation that may (or may not!) be of 
interest to those conducting Christmas Bird Counts tomorrow.

Between about 2:45-3:00pm today, I counted over 100 robins, as well as a 
handful of other passerines, moving westward through central Etobicoke. They 
did not linger. 

It would appear that this cold snap has gotten birds moving and concentrated 
them into larger flocks. This is something that many of us expected would occur 
with the first brace of cold weather after the lengthy spell of relatively mild 

I'm skeptical that my small, local observation this afternoon is an isolated 
incident confined to one section of the GTA. 

It will be interesting to see if anyone conducting CBCs today elsewhere in 
Ontario noticed similar movements of passerines in the late afternoon, or if 
this type of movement is observed in any of the CBCs being conducted tomorrow.

I didn't see any unusual species with the flock that I observed moving through 
today. However, there's always a chance that such flocks could contain 
something noteworthy, particularly given the weather patterns this autumn and 
the precedent of the unusual bird species recently discovered in various parts 
of the province.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Black-headed Gull - Fort Erie

2015-12-07 Thread David Pryor
Around 1:00pm, while scoping the Niagara River from the intersection of 
Wintemute Street & Niagara Pkwy, I spotted the Black-headed gull that was found 
a couple days ago by Alec Humann on Unity (formerly Squaw) Island on the U.S. 
side. This may also be the same bird discovered by Josh Vandermeulen last month 
at Niagara-on-the-Lake.

The bird flew out of one of the water tanks from the treatment plant on Unity 
Island with some Bonaparte's Gull's and landed mid-River. 

Patience (and a scope) is definitely required as there are numerous Bonaparte's 
gulls on the river. Look for a bird with much more extensively dark primaries 
on its underwing vs. the BOGU.

Directions -

Take the QEW to Central Ave exit at Fort Erie. Exit at Central and drive to the 
Niagara Pkwy along the river. Drive north on Niagara Pkwy for a few km to 
Wintemute St. Park on Wintemute and scope from the grass along Niagara Pkwy. As 
a landmark, this is effectively located at the International Railway bridge.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Red Knot - Toronto

2015-09-18 Thread David Pryor
Just a heads up for any GTA birders who may be in the area and interested - I 
found a juvenile Red Knot at Claireville Reservoir a short time ago.

A bit of an unusual record for Toronto, considering the general lack of 
shorebird habitat in and around the city.

The bird was feeding in the mudflats along with Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs 
as well as Killdeer.

Claireville Reservoir is located on Finch Ave., just south of Steeles. Access 
via the Wild Water Kingdom gate on the east side of Finch, drive to the 
northeast corner of the large gravel parking lot and walk down to the 
reservoir. The largest mudflats are looking to the south/southeast.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Long-billed Dowitcher - Toronto

2015-09-15 Thread David Pryor
Garth Riley and I had a juvenile LBDO  a little while ago at Colonel Sam Smith 
Park in Toronto. 

The bird was foraging and resting on the algae mats quite close to shore in the 
east bay closest to the mainland. 

Colonel Sam Smith Park is located south of Kipling & Lakeshore in Etobicoke.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Pacific Loon - Toronto

2015-05-22 Thread David Pryor
There's a breeding plumage Pacific Loon at Col. Sam Smith Park. 

The bird has been viewed by many and is directly due south offshore the 
Whimbrel Watch area at the extreme southeast portion of the park at the lake.

Col. Sam Smith Park is located south of Lakeshore Blvd and Kipling Ave.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Shorebirds in the GTA

2015-05-17 Thread David Pryor
Given the few number of decent shorebird habitat areas in the actual GTA, I 
thought I'd let any interested area birders know that there were a decent 
number of shorebirds at Claireville Reservoir when I left about 20 minutes ago.

All of the birds were in the upper reservoir, which is currently largely 
mudflats and shallow water.

I didn't pick out any rarities and not much in terms of variety today, but I'd 
estimate there were over 40 semipalmated plovers and likely over 100 peeps as 
well as a few yellowlegs, spotted sandpipers and killdeer. A scope is highly 
useful and probably necessary. Scan all shorelines slowly.

Claireville Reservoir is located at Steeles and Finch, about 5 minutes north of 
Pearson Airport just off Hey 427.

Directions: Hwy 427 North to Finch exit. Turn left (west) at the lights at the 
end of the offramp and follow Finch about 1-2km to the Waterpark entrance on 
your right. Parking is currently free (that will change whenever the Waterpark 
opens). Park at the NE corner of the lot and walk down to the reservoir. 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Connecticut and Brewster's Warbler - Toronto

2015-05-12 Thread David Pryor
At Col Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke

Connecticut is in the upper section of the Dogwood Osier Patch, east of the 
rugby field. Brewsters in the lower portion of the patch. 

I'll be here for the duration until I manage to get a clear and unambiguous 

David Pryor 

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[Ontbirds] NOT a Yellow-throated Warbler at Edgelake Park

2015-05-11 Thread David Pryor

Based on review of photos taken by several of us on site, the bird which I  
found and ID'd earlier today at Edgelake Park as a Yellow-throated Warbler 
appears to instead be a Blackburnian Warbler with a bright yellow throat.

I made the incorrect call and I take full and sole responsibility for doing so. 
Please point the blame squarely at me alone and no-one else.

I offer my sincere apologies to those who chased this bird and to those whose 
time and effort was wasted due to what was a very careless error on my part.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Kentucky Warbler -Toronto

2015-05-10 Thread David Pryor
For those interested or who may have missed it yesterday, the Kentucky Warbler 
is still present and showing well this morning at Col. Sam Smith Park in 

The bird continues to work the creek bank south of the bridge and just east of 
the pumphouse.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Putative Baird's Sandpiper - Milton

2015-05-09 Thread David Pryor
About 45 minutes ago, I found what appears to be a putative Baird's Sandpiper 
in the flooded field on the west side of 8th Line, about 500m North of 
Britannia in Milton.

The bird's chest is barred, it has black legs, appears relatively long-winged 
and its flanks appeared clean white with no streaking.

Phone-scoped photos were taken but admittedly, they aren't of particularly high 

The bird, along with a small variety of other shorebirds, was still present 
when I left although most of them had flushed to the back of the field. A scope 
is effectively mandatory.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Plegadis Ibis -8th Line Milton

2015-04-28 Thread David Pryor
Right Now. 8th Line 400m North of Britannia, west side flooded field. Details 
to follow.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] [hamiltonbirds] Plegadis Ibis -8th Line Milton

2015-04-28 Thread David Pryor
The bird has now moved closer and based on the bluish-white facial pattern at 
the base of its bill, it appears to be an adult Glossy Ibis.

It is foraging in the flooded field on the west side of 8th Line, about 400m 
north of Britannia Rd in Milton.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

 On Apr 28, 2015, at 11:21 AM, David Pryor wrote:
 Right Now. 8th Line 400m North of Britannia, west side flooded field. Details 
 to follow.
 David Pryor
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[Ontbirds] Black Tern - Whitby

2015-04-23 Thread David Pryor
I found an early Black Tern offshore with a large flock of Bonaparte's Gulls at 
the base of Thickson's Road in Whitby. Tim Logan, Rick Lauzon and I 
subsequently watched it foraging while also scanning for the Eared Grebe that 
had been previously reported from this location for the past couple of days. 

When I left about 35 minutes ago the term was still present but the grebe had 
not been relocated yet today. 

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] St. Catharines: American Avocets-Port Dalhousie

2015-04-18 Thread David Pryor
The avocets are still present but have drifted further west and are becoming a 
bit difficult to pick out against the glare and waves. 

It took several of us (Mourad Jabra, Craig Corcoran, Dustin D. et. al.) a a 
number of minutes to locate them. 

Walk to the very end of the pier to the fence and look directly west. The birds 
are currently about 400m west of the pier. A scope is mandatory. Alternatively, 
you could try walking down the beach to the west and scanning the water; this 
may eliminate some of the effects of glare.

Directions in Len's previous post.

David Pryor

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 On Apr 18, 2015, at 3:50 PM, Barry Coombs wrote:
 Still here at 3:45pm. Get to west pier from Len's directions. Walk out pier 
 about 2/3 of the length. Flock is on the lake about 200 yards west of pier 
 and about 300 yards off beach. Very choppy so scope thoroughly. 
 St. Catharines
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[Ontbirds] Eurasian Wigeon - Still present in Notfolk

2015-04-05 Thread David Pryor
After a fruitless scan of about 45 minutes, the bird finally popped it's head 
up and swam along one of the sections of open water. Norm Holden and I first 
got onto it while it's head was visible. As advised by Len Manning et al., a 
scope is definitely required. 

Patience may be necessary as the flooded section of field where the waterfowl 
are congregating has several contours/ridges and birds can disappear for long 
stretches of time behind these contours.

Directions: 1km north of the intersection of East quarter line and Norfolk 
county road
45 at Big Creek. Park the car near the bridge and look westward.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Greater White-fronted Goose - Whitby

2015-03-23 Thread David Pryor
I just had a Greater White-fronted Goose at Whitby Harbour about 20 minutes 
ago. It flew out of the marina with a handful of Canada Geese heading NW, but 
they weren't flying all that high so it's possible they may have been headed to 
any nearby farmer's fields in that direction. 

I had actually just finished scanning the harbour but hadn't picked out 
anything overly interesting when its distinct vocalization drew my attention to 
it and I I got great looks as it left the harbour. It's possible the bird is 
overnighting there. 

When I left, there were still several hundred Canada Geese and at least a 
couple of Cackling Geese in the marina and on the Victoria Park soccer fields 
at the southeast corner of Victoria and Watson Streets in Whitby.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Tufted Duck x Scaup Hybrid - Toronto

2015-03-04 Thread David Pryor
Just a heads up for anyone interested - I just refound the Tufted Duck x Scaup 
hybrid that was seen earlier this winter. The bird is back at Mimico Waterfront 
Park / Humber Bay West. 

It is currently in the marina, diving frequently, and is associating with a 
handful of Greater Scaup.

Best access to view it is to turn south onto Superior Ave from Lakeshore Blvd., 
park in the grocery store parking lot and walk to the waterfront. The bird is 
maybe 50 yards offshore but within the mouth of the marina.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Common Yelliwthroat - Col. Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2014-12-27 Thread David Pryor
Just a heads up for any interested winter listers. The bird is hanging around 
the area where the old wooden viewing platform used to be (a new one is under 
construction) at the overflow pond about 50m east of the parking lot.

Col. Sam Smith Park is south of the intersection of Kipling Ave and Lakeshore 
Blvd in Toronto.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Possible Slaty-backed Gull

2014-12-22 Thread David Pryor

This afternoon I drove up to the field outside Guelph where Mike Cadman 
reported he and Bryan Wyatt saw an interesting gull yesterday.

There were many gulls present: mostly Herring gulls, but also Ring-billed as 
well as Glaucous, Iceland and Great Black-backed. The birds were 100-200 metres 
from the road.

I also saw another darker-mantled gull that was easily picked out. I can't be 
certain whether or not the bird I saw was the same bird Mike reported 
yesterday, but it seems quite likely.

The only issue is that it was with a number of other gulls at the end of a thin 
stretch of longer weeds that ran from the road eastward, separating two fields. 
Consequently, it was periodically out of sight and I was not able to capture 
any digiscoped photos.

The bird in question appeared to be an adult and in terms of mantle, had a 
colour that I'd describe as somewhat less than halfway between the mantle 
colour of the adult Great Black-backed present and that of the many nearby 
Herring Gulls. 

It had relatively deep pink legs. Overall structure and size was very much 
HEGU-like. The bill did not appear to be noticeably heavier or thinner than a 
HEGU's bill. Head and neck streaking was relatively prominent but to me, was 
more reminiscent of a LBGU than HEGU.

Even with a scope, it was too far away to accurately assess eye or orbital ring 
colour. That being said, the eye did not seem to pop out in contrast with the 
head streaking.

The only time the bird took flight is when a harrier flew and flushed all of 
the gulls. Unfortunately I was unable to maneuver my scope onto its wingtip 
pattern when it flew west toward Guelph Lake. I did pick up a relatively strong 
contrasting white trailing edge in my bins though.

Without having a good look at the bird's wingtip pattern or having captured 
diagnostic photos for that matter, I'm not inclined to try to put a definitive 
ID on the bird Mike found.

That being said, from what I did observe, the bird I saw didn't appear quite 
dark enough to me to have been be a Slaty-backed. Determination of species 
(whether extraordinarily dark HEGU, hybrid, or something else) will require a 
clear view of the bird's wing pattern and/or photos. 

An interesting bird nonetheless.

Directions per Mike Cadman' post:

The bird was viewed in a field on the east side of Jones Baseline, 2 km north 
of Hwy 124, which heads northeast out of Guelph. Jones Baseline leaves Hwy 124 
at the eastern end of Guelph Lake.

David Pryor

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 On Dec 21, 2014, at 1:49 PM, Cadman,Mike [Burlington] 
 Bryan Wyatt and I were just watching a gull with the features of an adult 
 Slaty-backed Gull along Jones Baseline - in the field with about 750 Herring 
 Gulls. The field is on the east side of Jones Baseline about 2 km north of 
 Hwy 124. The gulls are mostly in a large group in one large field, but this 
 gull was mostly with a smaller group of less than 50 birds at the north end 
 of the adjacent field. The bird was sometimes hidden in a patch of some 
 taller weeds that is attracting a lot of the gulls.
 We couldn't get photos, but would appreciate it someone could give that a 
 try. The gulls are a hundred meters or more from the road.
 Jones Baseline goes north from the east end of Guelph Lake from Hwy 124. 
 Guelph Lake is just north of Guelph on Hwy 124.
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 Mike Cadman 
 Songbird Biologist 
 Canadian Wildlife Service 
 Environment Canada 
 867 Lakeshore Road 
 Burlington, ON, L7S 1A1 
 Telephone: 905-336-6295 
 Fax: 905-336-6434 
 Government of Canada 
 Mike Cadman 
 Biologiste aux oiseaux chanteurs 
 Service canadien de la faune 
 Environnement Canada 
 867 chemin Lakeshore 
 Burlington, ON, L7S 1A1 
 Téléphone: 905-336-6295 
 Télécopieur: 905-336-6434 
 Gouvernement du Canada 
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[Ontbirds] Orange-crowned warblers - Humber Bay East, Toronto

2014-12-13 Thread David Pryor
This morning while doing a CCFEW bird walk at Humber Bay East Park, a group of 
about 20 of us had a pair of Orange-crowned warblers. 

We initially thought there may have only been a single bird (seen repeatedly) 
until late in the walk when both warblers were seen simultaneously. 

The birds were associating with a flock of chickadees and were working the 
scrub along the path that leads out to the easternmost point of the park. The 
flock was slowly moving around the entire time we were there.

A total of 35 species were seen by the group over 2 1/2 hours including 2 
hermit thrushes as well as the warblers.

Humber Bay East Park is located immediately south of the intersection of 
Lakeshore Blvd and Parklawn Ave in Toronto.

David Pryor 

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[Ontbirds] Purple Sandpiper - Mississauga

2014-12-09 Thread David Pryor
There is a purple sandpiper currently feeding on the algae beach west of the 
creek, on the west side of RK McMillan Park in Mississauga. 

RK McMillan Park is south of Lakeshore Rd, just west of Cawthra.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Cattle Egret - Still present in Whitby

2014-11-12 Thread David Pryor
The cattle egret originally found by Geoff Carpentier about a week ago, and 
found again by Tyler Hoar yesterday, is still present at Caruthers Creek Golf 
Course in Whitby.

I just had it in the golf course pond off Bayley Street, directly across from 
the Garden Centre. It flew west above the abandoned house and I lost it as it 
dropped over the trees. It is highly likely still somewhere on the golf course. 

I'd suggest driving the area between Audley Rd and Lake Ridge Rd, south of 
Bayley St.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Brant, Baltimore Orioles - Col. Sam Smith Park

2014-11-04 Thread David Pryor
Garth Riley and I just relocated the previously seen Baltimore Oriole. We last 
had it flying into the sumacs on the south side of the marina.

We also just found a Brant along the shoreline about 200-300 yards west of the 
marina entrance.

Colonel Sam Smith Park is located south of the intersection of Kipling Avenue 
and Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto.

David Pryor
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[Ontbirds] Jaegers - Toronto

2014-10-29 Thread David Pryor
I just counted 4 jaegers flying not that far offshore just east of the 
Boulevard Club along Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto. I'm scoping from Sam Smith so 
they are bit distant for me, but I'm going to try to get over there to have a 
closer look.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Jaegers - Toronto

2014-10-29 Thread David Pryor
Just as an update for any Toronto area birders, I'm now at the river mouth at 
Humber Bay West near Parklawn  Lakeshore Blvd. I've been here for about 20-25 
minutes or so and I've only had one (an intermediate morph parasitic) of the 
four jaegers sp. I spotted earlier from Sam Smith Park. 

A fair amount of gull activity though,  scanning anywhere from the Toronto 
Islands to my vantage point.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 29, 2014, at 9:45 AM, David Pryor wrote:
 I just counted 4 jaegers flying not that far offshore just east of the 
 Boulevard Club along Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto. I'm scoping from Sam Smith 
 so they are bit distant for me, but I'm going to try to get over there to 
 have a closer look.
 David Pryor
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[Ontbirds] Nelson's Sparrow - Marie Curtis Park, Mississauga

2014-10-09 Thread David Pryor
Earlier this morning, while birding Marie Curtis Park with Garth Riley, I found 
a Nelson's Sparrow at the park's Arsenal Lands (the large overgrown field in 
the centre of the park). Both of us had very good looks at the bird.

It was located in the phragmites and bulrushes along the northeast side of the 
larger of the two small ponds. These ponds are situated at the western side of 
the Arsenal lands.

Marie Curtis Park is located on the south side of Lakeshore Blvd in 
Mississauga, just east of Dixie Road.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Likely White Ibis - Oshawa Second Marsh

2014-09-11 Thread David Pryor
I just found and took a couple of lousy photographs of what appeared to me to 
be a juvenile white ibis at Oshawa Second Marsh. It was on the sand spit 
opposite the viewing platform.  It is extremely windy so it's not easy to keep 
the scope steady. 

The bird has gone around the bend to the right of the sand spit and is 
currently out of view but I didn't see it fly away. I'll be here scanning for a 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Parasitic jaeger - Col. Sam Smith Park, Etobicoke

2014-09-08 Thread David Pryor
Nice view watching the PAJA harass a gull just now. Scope view, looking 
southwest out to the lake in direction of smokestacks, from the Whimbrel Watch 
point at the extreme southeast portion of the park. A bit of a gull feeding 
frenzy right now out there.

Col. Sam Smith Park is immediately south of the intersection of Lakeshore Blvd 
and Kipling Ave in Toronto.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Buff-Breasted Sandpiper, Hamilton

2014-08-27 Thread David Pryor
About an hour and a half ago, I found a Buff-breasted sandpiper in Mount Hope, 
just south of Hamilton. The BBSA was located in the sod field at 433 Greens 
Road,  just west of Mines Road.

About 50 yards west of driveway #433, you'll see an area on the south side of 
the road where you can pull over with room for maybe 1 car. There's a piece 
of corrugated metal tubing there as a landmark.

Look south to southwest for the bird. A scope is a pretty much a necessity.  
The field has a few rolls in it, so be patient as it moves in and out of view.

It was moving around quite a bit, but was not really associating with the 
killdeer and starlings in the field. The bird was still there when I left about 
30 minutes ago.

Directions: QEW to Hwy 403 westbound. Take the Highway 6 South/Garner's Road 
exit in Ancaster.  Continue along for several kilometres, past the Hamilton 
airport, until you get to the stoplights at Hwy 6/Upper James. Turn right and 
head south on Hwy 6 for a couple of km and turn right on Haldibrook Rd. Then 
turn left on Mines Rd and then right on Greens Rd.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Interesting Night-Heron, Etobicoke

2014-08-17 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
At Colonel Sam Smith Park this morning, I relocated the interesting Night-Heron 
found by Stephen Smith yesterday and reported to eBird as a juvenile 
Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron. Stephen posted a photo he took of the bird to eBird.

The interesting Night-Heron I relocated was roosting in a tree along with an 
adult and juvenile Black-Crowned Night-Heron, low to the water, on the north 
side of the island in the marshy cattail overflow pond located about 50 yards 
due east of the southernmost parking lot.

In comparison to the other juvenile bird (which was clearly a Black-Crowned 
Night-Heron), the interesting bird had grayish rather than brown upperparts, 
had much more finely spotted wings, and seemed to me to be longer-necked and 
legged, as well as showing a blunter, thicker bill. This bird's call was also 
relatively high-pitched, almost like a scream.

The bird's upper mandible was largely blackish while the lower mandible, other 
than the tip, appeared somewhat pale (rather than cometely dark as is largely 
the case with Yellow-Crowned Night-Herons). Overall though, the bill on the 
interesting bird did not show any yellow like the bill of the nearby juvenile 

An interesting bird, regardless of what it turns out to be. 

Colonel Sam Smith Park is located immediately due south of the intersection of 
Kipling Ave and Lakeshore Blvd in Etobicoke.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Connecticut Warbler - Wet Woods, Toronto

2014-05-17 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
The bird continues to provide killer looks from 6-8 feet. Currently being 
viewed by myself, David Henderson and Leo Johnston on the south side of the 
main stand of the wet woods, approximately 30m west of the rock pile. 

The Wet Woods is immediately due west of the parking lot of Tommy Thompson Park 
(aka the Leslie St. Spit) in Toronto.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Clarification - Connecticut Warbler - Wet Woods, Toronto

2014-05-17 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS

 My apologies on my previous directions. Several birders have correctly pointed 
out that there are several rock piles at the wet woods. 

Here's a better landmark - from the parking lot, walk west to the main, largest 
stand of trees at the wet woods. On the south side, look for a stand of taller 
trees that have leafed out much more than all the rest of the trees in the main 
wet woods. They easily stand out from all of the other trees. These leafed out 
trees sit maybe 10m west of a rock pile overgrown with red osier dogwood. This 
spot is about 250m west of the parking lot.

The Connecticut is currently walking around on the ground underneath those 
leafed out trees.

David Pryor

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 On May 17, 2014, at 2:19 PM, David Pryor via ONTBIRDS 
 The bird continues to provide killer looks from 6-8 feet. Currently being 
 viewed by myself, David Henderson and Leo Johnston on the south side of the 
 main stand of the wet woods, approximately 30m west of the rock pile. 
 The Wet Woods is immediately due west of the parking lot of Tommy Thompson 
 Park (aka the Leslie St. Spit) in Toronto.
 David Pryor
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[Ontbirds] Golden-winged Warbler - Col. Sam Smith Park

2014-05-14 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
I just had a Golden-winged warbler at the southeast corner of the Big Bowl. 
Andrew Don and also Vivek Kumar also observed it with me. The bird is 
associating with a mixed warbler flock. Numerous species today.

Col. Sam Smith Park is south of the intersection of Kipling and Lakeshore in 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Bells Vireo and Summer Tanager - Long Point New PP

2014-05-10 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
Adam Timpf and Jarmo are currently keeping an eye on the Bell's Vireo.

Seems insignificant compared to the Bell's, but I also had a moulting summer 
tanager near the garbage bins, not far the where Jarmo found the Bell's.

David Pryor

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 On May 10, 2014, at 8:02 AM, Jarmo Jalava via ONTBIRDS wrote:
 Just found a singing Bell's Vireo at far east end of new Long Point Prov. 
 Park in scots pines by new washrooms.  Being viewed with David Pryor.  Photos 
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[Ontbirds] Dowitchers - Milton

2014-05-02 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
I found a flock of 12-13 dowitchers about an hour ago on James Snow Pkwy in 
Milton. The birds were located in a flooded field on the east side of the road, 
about a half kilometre north of Britannia. Park at the car pull-off area (you 
can't miss it) and look east over the edge of the concrete barrier to flooded 
field below you.

Using binoculars, I initially ID'd them as short-billed. However after viewing 
the birds through my scope, I was able to see that several of the birds showed 
scapular feathers with white tips. 

Consequently, my initial knee-jerk ID appears to have been incorrect as scope 
views of these birds looked good for long-billed dowitchers.

Roughly half of the dowitcher flock flew NW with a number of shorebirds shortly 
after I arrived, but there were still 7 birds there, along with a handful of 
greater and lesser yellowlegs, when I left. iPhone digiscoped photos were 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Orange-crowned warbler - Etobicoke

2014-05-01 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
At around 11:40am this morning, I found an early arrival orange-crowned warbler 
at Col. Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke.

The bird was foraging low in a tangle of thicket located south of the last 
parking lot and on the west side of the main path leading south towards the 
lake, right where it forks off toward the marina. 

I was unable to get a photo, but was able to get Robert Baumander onto the bird.

Apologies for the delay and also for posting about what is not particularly a 
rare species, just an early arrival.

However, since this may be one of the first sightings of orange-crowned this 
year, I thought I'd get the word out for any birders who might be in the area 
and may want to try for it.

Col. Sam Smith Park is located south of the intersection of Kipling ave. and 
Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Painted Bunting Huntsville - photos

2014-04-27 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
The painted bunting reported yesterday is currently present at the same 
location outside Huntsville that it was reported yesterday.

 It is alternating between coming to the ground under the feeders and roosting 
in the spruce trees behind the feeders. It is very skittish to this point. 
Several of us are here on site. I have frustrated to this point in trying to 
get a photograph!!

Directions from previous post: From Huntsville take hwy11 north to the 
Arrowhead Park exit and head west on Old North Road to Glencairn Rd. Turn right 
on Glencairn and proceed to #95 Glencairn.

David Pryor

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 On Apr 26, 2014, at 10:06 PM, The Sinclairs via ONTBIRDS wrote:
 Directions from previous post: From Huntsville take hwy11 north to the 
 Arrowhead Park exit and head west on Old North Road to Glencairn Rd. Turn 
 right on Glencairn and proceed to #95 Glencairn.

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[Ontbirds] Empid Flycatcher - Milton

2014-04-26 Thread David Pryor via ONTBIRDS
I have found and taken multiple photographs of an interesting Empid flycatcher. 
Based on the my observations in the field, my initial ID was that the bird 
showed many of the field marks of an Acadian (which would be an early migrant 
for this area).

However, a review of the photos I took by other birders has resulted in them 
pointing out that the bird also has several aspects of what would be a very, 
very early Alder. The photos have now been further sent to several others for 
their assessment.

When I left the bird, it was located on the east side of 8th Line along a 
treeline in a flooded/swampy area about 200m north of Britannia, just south of 
the house with the row of cedars in front.

Directions - from Hwy. 401, take the Trafalgar exit south to Britannia Rd. 
Drive east on Britannia and then north on 8th Line.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Tundra Swans Snow Goose - Trafalgar Derry Rd, Mississauga

2014-03-29 Thread David Pryor
Currently watching a relatively large number of Tundra Swans (for the GTA, 
anyway), likely a couple  thousand Canada Geese, and at least 1 snow goose 
feeding in the cornfields at the southeast corner of Trafalgar  Derry Roads in 
the Mississauga/Milton area.

They are currently moving in and out of the fields both at this location and in 
fields in the surrounding general area.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Fish Crow - Jack Darling Park, Mississauga

2014-03-21 Thread David Pryor
I just had a fish crow at Jack Darling Park. The bird was feeding on the beach 
and then flew into a nearby tree where it vocalized several times. It then flew 
east towards Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens park in the company of several 
common crows.

Both Jack Darling and Brueckner Rhododendron Parks are on Lakeshore Road West 
in Mississauga.  Both parks are east of Southdown rd.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Horned Grebes - Col. Sam Smith Park, Etobicoke

2014-03-10 Thread David Pryor
As several other recent Ontbirds posts and eBird sightings indicate, it seems 
that early spring migration has started after a very long and cold winter.

While lake-watching this morning, I counted 23 Horned Grebes and 8 Red-necked 
Grebes at Col. Sam Smith Park in Etobicoke.  According to eBird, this is an 
unusually high number of Horned Grebes for this time of year at CSSP.

All of these birds were seen by scanning eastward to southward from the 
Whimbrel Watch point located  at the extreme southeastern point of the park. 
All but a couple of the horned grebes were scope-view only, as the majority of 
them were a fair ways out on the lake.

Col. Sam Smith Park is located south of the intersection of Kipling Ave. and 
Lakeshore Blvd. West in Etobicoke. 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Lesser Black-Backed Gull - Mississauga

2014-02-12 Thread David Pryor
I found an adult Lesser Black-backed gull about an hour and a half ago at 
Lakefront Promenade Park in Mississauga. 

The bird was on the ice with Ring-billed and Herring gulls, relatively close to 
shore. It was located in the interior bay that separates Ric McMillan Park and 
Lakefront Promenade Park. As I didn't have my camera with me, Andrew Keaveney 
was nice enough to drop by and take a few pics.

Directions - Lakefront Promenade is located in Mississauga, south of Lakeshore 
Rd East, and between Cawthra and Dixie Rds. From Lakeshore Rd, take Lakefront 
Promenade south towards the lake. Drive past the turn for AE Crookes Park and 
then take the next right into the large parking lot. The bird was still 
standing on the ice in the bay when I left it there.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Yellow-Rumped Warblers - Mississauga

2014-01-31 Thread David Pryor
For the benefit of any winter listers who haven't ticked the species yet, or 
anyone who might have been wondering if the warblers at this location survived 
the recent bouts of extreme cold, I just counted six yellow-rumped warblers in 
the southeast corner of the parking lot of the Snug Harbour restaurant at Port 
Credit in Mississauga. 

Directions - at Lakeshore Blvd, turn at Stavebank Rd. and proceed toward the 
lake until you get to the parking lot. The warblers all showed up within 5 
minutes of me pishing at the southeast corner of the lot.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Red-Headed Woodpecker -Vineland

2014-01-22 Thread David Pryor
Further to Nancy Smith's post from last December and Len Manning's sighting 
yesterday, the adult male red-headed woodpecker continues to show well at 3196 
Campden Rd. in Vineland.

The bird frequents both the porch feeders and the trees of the homeowner's 
woodlot. This species has been present for the past couple of years at this 
location and, according to Nancy's previous posts, has also apparently 
successfully bred here. 

The bird is easily seen from the road, please respect the homeowner and do not 

QEW to Victoria Ave. in Vineland, exit and head south, through the town of 
Vineland, up the escarpment, turn right (west) at the light at Fly Rd. Continue 
into the village of Campden, then turn left (south) on Campden Rd. 
The house is the first one on the right,  past the corner of Campden Rd. and 
Young St. 
David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Harlequin Duck - Col. Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2014-01-12 Thread David Pryor
The long-staying male Harlequin duck, which to the best of my knowledge has not 
been seen in nearly a week, is once again present at CSSP.  

When I left it, the bird was about 75m offshore, diving frequently between 
nearby Rotary Park and the small rock jetty separating the northernmost and 
middle eastern bays of CSSP. It was largely keeping to itself.

A heavily barred snowy owl was sitting on the ice in the western bay, west of 
the marina entrance. 

The paths at CSSP are completely iced over and extremely slippery, so walk with 

Colonel Sam Smith Park is located just south of the intersection of Lakeshore 
blvd. and Kipling Avenue in Toronto. 

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[Ontbirds] Gyrfalcon - Sudbury

2014-01-01 Thread David Pryor
The white morph gyrfalcon is currently present on the roof of the West  End 
Business Park on Kelly Lake Road, Details to follow.

David Pryor

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Re: [Ontbirds] Gyrfalcon - Sudbury

2014-01-01 Thread David Pryor
The white-morph gyrfalcon was just perched on the roof of building 1351-C. This 
is the West End Business Park at 1351 Kelly Lake Road, which roughly adjoins 
Southview Road and borders the river which flows into Kelly Lake. 

A local birder, Grant Ens, just pulled up and also saw the bird with me just 
now. It just flushed to another building roof.

As per David Scott's Ontbirds post from last week regarding Kelly Lake 
gyrfalcons, sightings are by no means guaranteed; I have been in Sudbury 
visiting family for 5 days, have looked for the falcons each day, and today was 
the first time I have seen it. 

Kelly Lake Road can be accessed by driving north on Southview Road, then 
turning left at the stop sign. Southview Road has a direct exit from Hwy 17.

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

 On Jan 1, 2014, at 3:39 PM, David Pryor wrote:
 The white morph gyrfalcon is currently present on the roof of the West  End 
 Business Park on Kelly Lake Road, Details to follow.
 David Pryor
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[Ontbirds] Yellow-Rumped Warblers - Mississauga

2013-11-27 Thread David Pryor
I just found 4 YR Warblers at JJ Plaus  Park in Mississauga. They are low in 
the scrubby bushes at the southwest corner of the parking lot, and are chipping 

Just wanted to let people who live in the area know, given that winter listing 
season is fast approaching.

Directions - JJ Plaus Park is located on the east side of the mouth of the 
Credit River in Mississauga. From Lakeshore Rd, turn south on Stavebank Rd, 
which leads to the parking lot.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Greater White-Fronted Geese - Wellington County

2013-11-17 Thread David Pryor
I am currently looking at four Greater White-Fronted Geese with Dan MacNeal. 
The birds are among several hundred Canada Geese and other waterfowl at a pond 
in the village of Hillsburgh, which is located a few km NW of the town of Erin.

Four birds have been here since yesterday, one of which may have actually been 
present since last weekend.


From the town of Erin, take Road 124 west to Trafalgar Rd. Go north on 
Trafalgar for a few km to the village of Hillsburgh. Turn left at Station Rd., 
cross the bridge and park in the park parking lot where there are 2-3 yellow 
buildings. Good viewing of the pond can be had from the bench just steps from 
the parking lot.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Purple Sandpiper - Col. Sam Smith Park

2013-11-11 Thread David Pryor
I have found and taken multiple pictures of a purple sandpiper at CSSP, 
presumably the same bird that was found here by Henrique Pachico this past 

There are four small mini rock jetties that extend out into the lake from the 
main walking path jetty at the extreme south end if the park. All of them are 
just west of the Whimbrel Watch point. I left the bird 10 minutes ago on outer 
portion of the most westward of the four mini-jetties. It is the furthest one 
away from the Whimbrel Watch point.

Colonel Sam Smith Park is located south of the intersection of Kipling Ave and 
Lakeshore Blvd.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Franklin's Gull - Niagara River

2013-11-10 Thread David Pryor
After 2 hours of looking, I was finally able to locate, about 45 minutes ago, 
the previously reported Franklin's Gull. The bird was upstream of Adam Beck, 
opposite Devils Hole SP and was sitting on the rocks in the river with at least 
several hundred other gulls. 

It then flew downstream towards Adam Beck although I have been unable to 
relocate it after moving my position to the overlook. It may have gone back 
towards Devil's Hole.

Directions - QEW to Hwy 405. Take the Stanley Ave exit and cross over the 405 
to Portage Rd.  Turn right and follow Portage to the roundabout, then take 
Niagara Pkwy upstream in the direction of the Falls. Just past the Adam Beck 
hydro facility is the overlook on the left side of the road. There is room 
there for parking.

There is a decent viewing area for Devil's Hole about 400m upstream from the 
Adam Beck overlook. Take the paved path upstream from the overlook towards the 
falls. When you get to the first hydro tower along the paved path, there is a 
white cylinder shaped object to your left, and a dirt trail leading to the edge 
of the gorge. There is room for maybe a couple of people to set up there with a 
relatively unobstructed view. There is no fence however, so extreme caution is 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Corrected Directions - Cattle Egret,Walsingham area

2013-11-05 Thread David Pryor
Len Manning and I inadvertently provided slightly incorrect directions in our 
Ontbirds post earlier today for the Cattle Egret located in Norfolk County near 
Lake Erie.

Corrected directions as follows:

From Norfolk Hwy. 3 at the town of Courtland, take Hwy. 59 south, past the 
village of Langton, to Norfolk Road 45. Turn right (west) on Road 45, then 
left (south) on Hazen Rd. Drive south to the intersection of Hazen and 
Concession 8. 

The cattle egret was located with the cattle at the farm on the east side of 
Hazen Rd., immediately south of Concession 8.

Apologies for any confusion our previous directions may have caused.

David Pryor and Len Manning

Sent from my iPhone

 On Nov 5, 2013, at 11:46 AM, Leonard Manning wrote:
 Hello birders,
 David Pryor and I are currently viewing the CATTLE EGRET which was
 previously reported to ebird at a cattle farm at the intersection of Hazen
 Road near Concession 8. The bird is on east side of hazen  with the cows.
 Photos taken.
 Directions from hwy 3 take 59 south to concession 8 then go west on
 concession 8 and south on hazen.
 Len Manning and David Pryor
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[Ontbirds] Pacific Loon continues at Oshawa Harbour

2013-11-04 Thread David Pryor
Several of us (Dave Milsom et. al.) observed the continuing Pacific Loon at 
Oshawa Harbour this morning. 

This morning, the bird has been as far out as the far eastern red buoy several 
hundred metres offshore,  and as near as 20m off the end of the pier and inside 
the harbour channel. This is where I last saw it (in the company of many common 
loons and mergansers.)

Directions - Hwy 401 to Simcoe Street exit in Oshawa. Take Simcoe St. south to 
the parking lot at the lake and walk out to the pier. 

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Harlequin Duck - Cliff Lumsden Park, Etobicoke

2013-11-02 Thread David Pryor
The adult male Harlequin duck found yesterday at Col Sam Smith Park is 
currently about 50m offshore of nearby Cliff Lumsden 
Park. It is associating with bufflehead and goldeneye.

Cliff Lumsden Park is located at Lakeshore Drive and 6th Street in Etobicoke.

David Pryor

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[Ontbirds] Hudsonian Godwit - Nonquon Lagoons, Port Perry

2013-10-31 Thread David Pryor
Ontbirders, Stu Williams and I just saw (10:35am) the Hudsonian Godwit at 
Nonquon sewage lagoons in Port Perry. It was on the west side of cell #1 when 
we left and was associating with a couple of greater yellowlegs and pectoral 

Directions as per Steve:

 To reach the lagoons, from Highway 401, take Simcoe St. (Oshawa) north to
 Port Perry.  At the north end of town, turn left (west) at the stoplights
 onto Concession Road 8, cross Old Simcoe St. and proceed a short distance
 to the lagoons, on the south side of the road.  Note – do NOT follow
 Regional Road 8 (the next road south of Concession 8).  Note also that you
 cannot access the lagoons from the west, because the bridge is permanently

David Pryor

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 On Oct 31, 2013, at 12:58 AM, Steve LaForest wrote:
 Hello Ontbirders,
 Wednesday afternoon, I found a juvenile Hudsonian Godwit at the Nonquon
 Sewage Lagoons.  It was in the first cell (the one closest to the
 entrance), along the east edge, near the southeast corner of the cell.  The
 best viewing is obtained by walking up the path between cell 1 and 2 and
 looking east across the lagoon.  You typically can’t see shorebirds along
 the edge close to you until they flush up.  The godwit was still present
 when I left at 5:40 pm.  Sorry for the late posting.
 Other shorebirds included:
 5 Lesser Yellowlegs
 1 Greater Yellowlegs
 1 Dunlin
 7 Pectoral Sandpipers
 A juvenile Peregrine falcon (Anatum) has apparently been present here for
 quite some time, as I believe I saw the same bird here Sept. 16.  One of
 its favoured perches is to the east of cell 1.  Judging by the eviscerated
 Lesser Scaup carcass on the path, and a high-speed pintail pursuit, this
 falcon may prefer ducks to godwits – at least I hope so!
 Waterfowl in cells 1 and 2 included:
 550 Canada Goose
 1 Cackling Goose (departed when all the geese flew off)
 12 adult Trumpeter Swans
 15 Mallard
 5 Green-winged Teal
 16 American Wigeon
 6 Northern Pintail
 4 Northern Shoveler
 29 Lesser Scaup
 83 Bufflehead
 There were also 40 American Robins present.
 Please note that a permit is required to enter the lagoons.
 To reach the lagoons, from Highway 401, take Simcoe St. (Oshawa) north to
 Port Perry.  At the north end of town, turn left (west) at the stoplights
 onto Concession Road 8, cross Old Simcoe St. and proceed a short distance
 to the lagoons, on the south side of the road.  Note – do NOT follow
 Regional Road 8 (the next road south of Concession 8).  Note also that you
 cannot access the lagoons from the west, because the bridge is permanently
 Good luck.  We would most appreciate hearing of any other interesting
 sightings for our local Durham Region birding hotline, run by Rayfield Pye
 – thanks.
 ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
 birding organization.
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Migrants at Col. Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2013-10-24 Thread David Pryor
I just had my second parasitic jaeger of the day from the Whimbrel Watch area 
at the extreme southeast portion of the park. Both birds today were very close 
to shore (one flying directly along the shoreline) which is relatively unusual, 
as is the location as this area of the GTA is not particularly known as a good 
place to see jaegers. I previously had another jaeger nearby CSSP at very close 
range this past Saturday, so perhaps the sustained WSW winds we've had over the 
last several days may be pushing the birds this way into areas where they are 
not often seen.

Earlier this morning, I also had two flocks of Brant fly by in a SW direction. 

Other birds seen today have included a migrating northern harrier, a late 
common yellowthroat, and several snow buntings and American pipits.

Colonel Sam Smith park is located south of the intersection of Kipling Ave and 
Lakeshore Blvd in Toronto.

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Black-legged Kittiwake, Col. Sam Smith Park

2013-10-20 Thread David Pryor
About 30 minutes ago, I scoped a juvenile black legged kittiwake looking 
southwest from the whimbrel watch point at CSSP in Etobicoke. The black M 
type pattern was clearly apparent.

The bird was flying southwest in the direction of the old Lakeview generating 
station in Mississauga where there appeared to be some gull activity, albeit a 
fair ways offshore. 

Birders with scopes may want to check out either Marie Curtis Park or Lakefront 
Promenade Park, each of which are southwest of CSSP. Both of those parks lie 
south of Lakeshore Blvd between Cawthra and Dixie roads.

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Snow Goose - Claireville Reservoir

2013-10-19 Thread David Pryor
There is currently a single white morph snow goose among several hundred 
Canadian geese at Claireville reservoir.  

Directions - highway 427 north to Finch exit. West on Finch and turn into the 
Wild Water Kingdom parking lot. Walk down to the reservoir.

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Brown Booby - Fort Erie

2013-10-09 Thread David Pryor
A group of 15 of us are currently watching the bird standing on the edge of 
Donnelly's pier.

Earlier, I also found a red-throated loon, just beginning to transition from  
alternate plumage, just offshore the Ontario Bakery downstream from the 
industrial railway crossing. Several other birders subsequently also saw this 

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Adult Gannet - Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2013-10-07 Thread David Pryor
I just had an adult gannet off the whimbrel watch point at Col. Sam Smith Park 
in Etobicoke. 

It was approx. 200m offshore and trying to fly west against extremely strong 
westerly winds.  It did not get much more than about 5-10m above the water. 
Birders west of Etobicoke should keep an eye out for it.

David Pryor 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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Re: [Ontbirds] Adult Gannet - Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2013-10-07 Thread David Pryor
The adult gannet has returned and has landed on the water approx. 300m 
offshore. Several loons are also nearby

David Pryor

Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 7, 2013, at 12:08 PM, David Pryor wrote:
 I just had an adult gannet off the whimbrel watch point at Col. Sam Smith 
 Park in Etobicoke. 
 It was approx. 200m offshore and trying to fly west against extremely strong 
 westerly winds.  It did not get much more than about 5-10m above the water. 
 Birders west of Etobicoke should keep an eye out for it.
 David Pryor 
 Sent from my iPhone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Dowitchers and shorebirds - Clairville Reservoir

2013-09-22 Thread David Pryor
Ontbirders -

At 8:15am this morning, I found 2 long-billed dowitchers at the upper 
Claireville reservoir in Toronto. They were initially foraging with several 
yellowlegs just off the western mudflat, then flew across the reservoir to the 
eastern side.

Other shorebirds present included american golden-plover, pectoral sandpiper, 
both greater and lesser yellowlegs, and a number of killdeer. Several great 
egret and great blue heron were also seen as well as the expected gulls, ducks 
and geese.

A scope is helpful although probably not required for viewing any  birds on the 
near mudflats but is necessary for ID-ing any shorebirds on the opposite 
(eastern) shoreline.

Claireville reservoir is located in Toronto, just north of Pearson airport.

Directions - take Hwy. 427 north to the Finch off-ramp. Turn left (west) onto 
Finch, then drive ~2km to the intersection of Finch and Kenview.  Turn right at 
this traffic light into the Wild Water Kingdom parking lot and park on east 
side of the parking lot near the picnic areas. The gates into the parking lot 
were open and unmanned this morning so I assume there's no charge for parking 
at this time of year.

Walk down past the picnic areas towards the trees and scrub bordering the 
reservoir. There aren't really many decent routes cutting through the scrub so 
you may have to beat your own path to the waterline.

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Black Vulture - Brantford

2013-08-24 Thread David Pryor
The Black Vulture just flushed from the roosting area in the trees behind 
131-135 Forest Lake Road in Brantford.

The underwing pattern difference was evident in comparison to the many turkey 
vultures also roosting at this location.

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Correction - Black Vulture in Brantford

2013-08-24 Thread David Pryor
My apologies in my previous posting - the correct street name for the roosting 
vultures is Forest Road.

Apologies for any confusion.

David Pryor

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On 2013-08-24, at 7:31 AM, David Pryor wrote:

 The Black Vulture just flushed from the roosting area in the trees behind 
 131-135 Forest Lake Road in Brantford.
 The underwing pattern difference was evident in comparison to the many turkey 
 vultures also roosting at this location.
 Sent from my iPhone

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Brown Pelican Continues at Wheatley Harbour

2013-08-23 Thread David Pryor
I just left the harbour where the Brown Pelican was perched on the offshore 
rock jetty. The bird was facing the shore and provided great looks.

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Dickcissel Still Present - Luther Marsh area

2013-06-16 Thread David Pryor
Despite the intermittant rain, the Dickcissel is currently still present 
(9:00am) and singing loudly from a small grove of cedars and small pine trees 
lining the west side of Sideroad 21-22 East Luther, about 750 metres south of 
the Hamlet of Monticello in Dufferin County. 

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Flycatchers - Col. Sam Smith Park, Toronto

2013-05-21 Thread David Pryor
For those who might be interested, there was an unusually large number of 
migrant flycatchers at Col. Sam Smith park this morning, mostly Empids. I would 
expect the birds are still present.

At least seven species of flycatcher (incl. Kingbird) were present although to 
the best of my knowledge, no Olive-sided or Acadian have been seen at the park 
this morning.

Examples of Least, Alder, Willow, Yellow-bellied, Great-crested and Eastern 
Pewee were all heard singing this morning and seen under less-than-ideal light 
conditions due to fog (which I assume has since burned off). A large number of 
Empids were not vocalizing.

Col. Sam Smith Park is located immediately south of the intersection of Kipling 
Ave. and Lakeshore Blvd. in Toronto.

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Clay-Colored Sparrow - Tommy Thompson Park Wet Woods, Toronto

2013-05-04 Thread David Pryor
In addition to the Prairie Warbler (thanks to Andrew Don et al. for pointing 
out its location) and other birds posted today as seen in the Wet Woods at 
Tommy Thompson Park, I found a Clay-Colored Sparrow foraging among a number of 
White-throated Sparrows. The bird was also seen a short while later by Alfred 

The bird was located on the east side of the N-S running Cottonwood and Red 
Osier stand on the northwest section of the Wet Woods. This stand sits in very 
close proximity to where the Prairie Warbler was seen in the earlier part of 
the day today.

Tommy Thompson Park is located at the foot of Leslie St. (at Unwin Ave.) in 
Toronto. The wet woods are just behind the parking lot.

David Pryor

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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