Re: Editor PHP - quase uma discussão religiosa...

2007-11-15 Thread Dérico Filho


Eu acho o Ultraedit o melhor.

Josenivaldo Benito Junior escreveu:
 Ol� amigos,

 Bom, sou um cara de Linux, daqueles que usa VI para tudo (na realidade VIM).
 No linux usava dois editores HTML que quebravam um galho no PHP e o VI.
 Quando instalei Eclipse com suporte a PHP (que dificuldade...) meu PC pifou,
 levou tudo junto com ele. Nem cheguei a testar o Eclipse como editor PHP (j�
 uso para edi��o C e Java). Por outro lado estou vendo-me obrigado a
 trabalhar em um m�quina windows Vista (XP eu gosto mas o vista me da nos
 nervos). Como isso � tempor�rio gostaria de fazer da convi�ncia algo pouco
 espinhoso e mais produtivo. Sendo assim, quais editores voc�s costumam usar
 para editar o PHP/HTML de cada dia?

 (pesquisa de opni�o hihi)

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Re: Editor PHP - quase uma discussão religiosa...

2007-11-15 Thread jaguarnet7

Eu usava PHPEdit depois me apaixonei pelo Zend Studio 5.5 e sua
praticidade. Tempos atrás tive testando o eclipse, mas não gostei até
aparecer o PDT/Zend Neon, ferramenta que uso atualmente.
Para HTML/JS/CSS e etc, qualquer editor + firefox + WebDeveloper +
TabIE, se bem q o Aptana é uma boa pedida.

Raphael deAlmeida
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Re: Nightly builds?

2007-11-15 Thread Gwoo

We moved to a new server and there is an issue with the build script.
We have to run it by hand right now, which we try to do on a regular
basis. We are hoping to have the problem resolved shortly, but to be
honest its not high on the priority list right now.

Newbies should probably start with the stable code or at least a
release before moving onto nightlies. If you are using the nightlies
you should really consider just going all the way to svn anyway. Its
much easier to stay up to date.

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Re: associated models fieldnames - findAll()

2007-11-15 Thread marek. bytnar

Very thank You for the answer.

 query you had in the middle of your post that strangely works is not
 so strange - you are querying the Photo table, so of course you can
 use Photo conditions.

I meant, that in this way I can use conditions on both Models - this
on example should be more correct:
$this-Realization-Photo-findAll(' = 59 and =
1')  will be ok
$this-Realization-findAll(' = 59 and = 1')
this one not

What I actually want is to force it to make INNER JOIN as it does it
in the first case - what as I guess should be provided when I use
$this-Realization-recursive = 2.

So is the only way to do this Inner Join Model-query() method ?
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Re: String concatenation not working

2007-11-15 Thread technicaltitch

Our content changes much less than that - I only need a backup once
every 6 months, but no harm in doing it monthly as it is zipped. You
can have as frequent as once every 5 mins.

Probably obvious lesson: the backup script deletes the temp directory
and all files in it, so don't set the temp directory to just
dirname(__FILE__) or the script deletes itself!

This problem is now well and truely solved (over-engineered!). I think
both solutions are equally great - mine is very quick to implement and
rollout (quicker than registering, setting up, configing the script,
diagnosing teething troubles, noting passwords, etc), Baz's is
slightly more reliable and zips, and doesn't require changing the cake
framework (making future Cake upgrade problematic).

Thanks hugely Baz for your tireless patience!

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Re: $form-checkbox having troubles.

2007-11-15 Thread Gwoo

Looking at the tests it appears this is covered. Check your revision
and whether the bug was fixed. Also, checkbox does not provide a label
or a wrapper div so passing that stuff as false will cause the extra

Coming soon to a beta near you and as of 5994 in the branch
$form-select('Model.field', $options, $selected, array('multiple' =
$form-input('Tag', array('multiple' = 'checkbox'));

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Re: String concatenation not working

2007-11-15 Thread technicaltitch

PS. Important point - no email backup method should be used unless you
have encrypted your users' passwords.

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help regarding frames with sessions

2007-11-15 Thread chowdary


I am using frames in my website,main application links are present on
the top of page above mainframe, in main window. These links have
target=mainframe, thus opening respective pages in mainframe.

 I have put the session timeout period on each page so if some user
remains inactive for 10 minutes, he will be redirected to logout.php
page through header. Problem is that, the logout.php page will
certainly be opening in mainframe, thus the links in main parent
window will remain there. What I need is that this logout.php must be
opened in parent window , if any page in mainframe finds the session
timedout. Thank you in advance for any help ...
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Re: Using models with plugins in CakePHP 1.2

2007-11-15 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

On 11/9/07, Aaron Shafovaloff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess it makes sense for me that plugins could inherit models.
 Plugins plug into the existing applications, i.e. have connection to
 beyond the simple routing.

I agree whole heartedly with the above. Plugins are meant for existing
apps, they can be app specific if the plugin developer wants to

@Gwoo - I am stupid and I can't understand why but please bear with me
and elaborate why

Thanks in advance


PHP for E-Biz:

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Re: Using models with plugins in CakePHP 1.2

2007-11-15 Thread Gwoo

Quoting the intro of the plugins section of the manual, CakePHP
allows you to set up a combination of controllers, models, and views
and release them as a packaged application plugin that others can use
in their CakePHP applications...Package it as a CakePHP plugin so you
can pop it into other applications.

This pretty much sums up the original intent of a plugin as a
portable, distributed, mini app. As such, Plugins would have no
knowledge of the main application, so they can be easy added to an
existing application without requiring any extra configuration or the
addition of other classes. Essentially, what you are talking about
would be creating dependencies that were not intended.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems some are using plugins to
organize parts of a larger application. To me, you are on a slippery
slope here to basically negating the whole benefit of a plugin and
just making it more work on yourself. Using the config/bootstrap.php
to organize your MVC requires a lot less code and should yield the
same benefits.

That said, there are some changes in the works that may allow this
functionality. So time will tell, but at least you know why it works
the way it does right now.
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Re: Using models with plugins in CakePHP 1.2

2007-11-15 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

On 11/15/07, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems some are using plugins to
 organize parts of a larger application.

Not exactly - I am trying to add more functionality to an existing app.

Basically trying to provide addon/plugin features to an core app - Cheesecake 2

What I am trying to solve is essentially non techie users wanting to
plugin functionality - asking end users to edit code or for that
matter asking them to upload parts in several different directories
does not work very well

Plugin offers a simple upload in single folder - add to it a dashboard
to install/uninstall activate/deactivate these in your core app and
you are rolling great.

 To me, you are on a slippery
 slope here to basically negating the whole benefit of a plugin

Again no - a major benefit of a pulgin for me is allowing users to
choose features and prevent bloat in core of the app

 just making it more work on yourself. Using the config/bootstrap.php
 to organize your MVC requires a lot less code and should yield the
 same benefits.

For a end developer/commercial product perhaps yes

All that said I guess a simple combination of ClassRegistry::getObject
and loadModel will still work from within a plugin controller ;)


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Call action within action (in console)

2007-11-15 Thread cronet


i've written a console shell skript. I need to call the actions,
within the main action.


function main() {

   X- Here i want to call update1 with argument

   X- Here i want to call update2 with argument


function update1($id) {


function update2($id) {


Is there a way to do this?

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Re: ajax multiple div update

2007-11-15 Thread Luigi
no one else ?

On Nov 14, 2007 8:38 AM, Dennis Nikiforov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  But is there a way without modifying cake? The development is progressing
 quite quickly, so I like to keep up to date and updating a modified version
 is suiside.


 schneimi wrote:

 I needed this too but for a remoteTimer, but the code like yours
 didn't work and I also didn't find any support for that intention
 inside the cakePHP code.

 Because of that, I decided to hack a little bit into the code to get
 this working, it may not be the best idea to do that, but it helped me
 to get my stuff working, so maybe that could help you too. You can
 read my changes on my blog, but not sure how that fits for $ajax-



 On 13 Nov., 22:58, wluigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I try this old (nate's) code :

 // test.thtml
 ?=$ajax-link('Update 2 Div\'s', '/controller/test', array('update'
 array('first', 'second'))); ?

 ?=$ajax-div('first'); ?
 This is the first div, it has the current time:
 ?=strtotime('now'); ?
 ?=$ajax-divEnd('first'); ?

 ?=$ajax-div('second'); ?
 This is the second div, it shows server variables:
 ? pr($_SERVER); ?
 ?=$ajax-divEnd('second'); ?

 but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

 Wath's the new way ?



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Re: Extending the Form Helper to change output HTML?

2007-11-15 Thread Marcin Domanski aka kabturek

in 1.2 to change the tags you create app/config/tags.php with your
custom tags.
Here's PhpNut paste how to use the new tags
And here is a sample tags file from rtconner

as for the setFlash - you *did* look at the api right ? ;)
setFlash has a second arg - $layout that specifies the layout that
will wrap the message

 But honestly it's probably easiest just to modify your CSS - what's so
 special about a p that you can't do with a div ?


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Re: help regarding frames with sessions

2007-11-15 Thread chowdary


if u dont mind can u explain me clearly

how can we solve this problem by using java script..

plz help me.
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Several Question

2007-11-15 Thread FoxMaSk

i plan to migrate a complete CMS which use is own kind of  MVC

first of all i show the directories tree of my CMS,
second i show what i did to migrate to cake
and finally ask some questions of oragnisation ;-) to clarify my mind

This CMS uses several modules (by module we think about a little

we told me to put all of them in the plugins directory.

this is what i did.

now its look like :

app/plugins/articles/views/articles (we have to make a sub dir
articles in the views dir ; its weird but its like that it seems)

for the libs of my CMS we also told me to put them in vendors

so its look like that :
app/vendors/config (a config file for the CMS)
app/vendors/classes (some class of the CMS)
app/vendors/libs (some libs of the CMS)
app/vendors/themes/themeA  contains file used for the header and
footer to be include in the main layout.

app/webroot/themes/themeA/ contain all the css of all the plugins

Now the questions
1) when i'm on http://localhost/
how do i call all the libs and classes i need ?
currently i have a lot of settings that are stored in my database, and
i dont know how to get them.

2) do i have to do a require  in the app/plugins/articles/view/layout/
default.thtml to be able to load the part of my template ?

?php require_once dirname(__FILE__).('/../../../../vendors/
themes/'.CMS_DEFAULT_THEME.'/_top.php'); ?

thanks you for your help.

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Re: model transaction on multiple models

2007-11-15 Thread Marcin Domanski aka kabturek

 In doing this, the changes for every model rolled back fine.  Does it
 seem incorrect (maybe just conventionally) to use a model to control
 the transaction over all the other models?  Or is there a global type
 of transaction I should be using?

AFAIK there is no global types of transactions. Transaction support is
in your database.
Look at the SQL log - the methods you are using just forward start/
commit/rollback to the db.

It could be a problem if different models would use different db
connections/dbos but i haven't tried this so maybe someone can comment
on it:)

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newbie question

2007-11-15 Thread wacom

i have CakePhp inctalled on my windows Apache.

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\cakeproj1
15.11.2007  14:47DIR  .
15.11.2007  14:47DIR  ..
15.11.2007  15:20   166 .htaccess
15.11.2007  14:46DIR  app
15.11.2007  14:47DIR  cake
15.11.2007  14:47DIR  docs
02.02.2007  07:21 2я680 index.php
15.11.2007  14:47DIR  vendors

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteBase /cakeproj1/
   RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
   RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

it works,
but when i make sample from gives me form, where

form action=/users/register

and, of course, it not works, because this is
but not

i want for my cakehphp project to be placed in
(C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs

thanks you!

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Re: help regarding frames with sessions

2007-11-15 Thread Grant Cox

Please stick to a single message thread - I have replied to your other

On Nov 15, 7:23 pm, chowdary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using frames in my website,main application links are present on
 the top of page above mainframe, in main window. These links have
 target=mainframe, thus opening respective pages in mainframe.

  I have put the session timeout period on each page so if some user
 remains inactive for 10 minutes, he will be redirected to logout.php
 page through header. Problem is that, the logout.php page will
 certainly be opening in mainframe, thus the links in main parent
 window will remain there. What I need is that this logout.php must be
 opened in parent window , if any page in mainframe finds the session
 timedout. Thank you in advance for any help ...
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Re: associated models fieldnames - findAll()

2007-11-15 Thread Grant Cox

Cake does a JOIN across belongsTo and hasOne, because there can be
only a single related row (so the results are much easier to
extract). I thought there was an enhancement ticket on trac to add
this functionality for hasMany, but I can't see it now.

For the time being, yes, if you cannot execute your query sufficiently
from either model, use query() directly.

On Nov 15, 6:52 pm, marek. bytnar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Very thank You for the answer.

  query you had in the middle of your post that strangely works is not
  so strange - you are querying the Photo table, so of course you can
  use Photo conditions.

 I meant, that in this way I can use conditions on both Models - this
 on example should be more correct:
 $this-Realization-Photo-findAll(' = 59 and =
 1')  will be ok
 $this-Realization-findAll(' = 59 and = 1')
 this one not

 What I actually want is to force it to make INNER JOIN as it does it
 in the first case - what as I guess should be provided when I use
 $this-Realization-recursive = 2.

 So is the only way to do this Inner Join Model-query() method ?
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Re: Nightly builds?

2007-11-15 Thread DragonI

Thanks Gwoo ;)

On Nov 15, 3:08 am, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We moved to a new server and there is an issue with the build script.
 We have to run it by hand right now, which we try to do on a regular
 basis. We are hoping to have the problem resolved shortly, but to be
 honest its not high on the priority list right now.

 Newbies should probably start with the stable code or at least a
 release before moving onto nightlies. If you are using the nightlies
 you should really consider just going all the way to svn anyway. Its
 much easier to stay up to date.
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Re: jQuery $.ajax() and on success result processing?

2007-11-15 Thread Marcin Domanski aka kabturek

 I'm new to jQuery, but I wonder if it is possible to return a result
 via controller that jQuery can handle on success?
Maybe send the data in JSON ? (see the javascript helper) or PHP built-
in json extension...

 I'm trying to POST data to an add method, and on success loading the
 view with the right $id. Anyone know how to do that?

I'm not really getting why you need jqery for that ;)

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Re: Bugs on Site

2007-11-15 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Nov 15, 2007 10:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am trying to encourage colleagues to check out Cake and one was put
 off by these two issues: : no map and a Javascript error : most of the recent entries are spam

 He's right, too. :(

So let me see if I understand this correctly:  a work colleague thinks
that a particular web application framework is unsuitable for the task
because part of the web site for the project isn't working properly?
Part of the site that has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not
the framework lives up to it's well-deserved billing as being suitable
for building solid web applications?

I would say this person is looking for an excuse to not like CakePHP,
but that's just my opinion.

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

@TheKeyboard -

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Cake Schema issue ?

2007-11-15 Thread FoxMaSk

when i do this :
D:\wamp\www_cakephp\cake\consolecake schema generate -connect default
-path d:\

i get the error :

Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.0.5875 pre-beta Console
Cake Schema Shell
Generating Schema...
Error: Missing Database Connection. Try 'cake bake'

but my connection is well defined and works :

D:\wamp\www_cakephp\cake\consolemore d:\wamp\www_cakephp\app\config
var $default = array('driver' = 'mysql',
'connect' = 'mysql_connect',
= 'localhost',
'login' = 'foxmask',
'password' = 'foxmask',
'database' = '',
'prefix' = '');

/*var $test = array('driver' = 'mysql',
'connect' =
'host' =
'login' =
'password' =
'database' =
'prefix' =

What's the matter ?

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Re: help with sessions and frames

2007-11-15 Thread Grant Cox

Just have some javascript on your login page that forces it to break
out of any frames.  Something like:

if (top.location != location) {
top.location.href = document.location.href ;

On Nov 15, 5:30 pm, chowdary [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thank you.

 I have put the session timeout period on each page so if some user
 remains inactive for 10 minutes (all webforms in main frame), he will
 be redirected to login.php page through header. Problem is that, the
 login.php page will certainly be opening in main frame, thus the links
 in main parent window will remain there. What I need is that this
 login.php must be opened in parent window , if any page in main frame
 finds the session timedout. Thank you in advance for any help ...

 please let me know how the navigation frame is refreshed from the

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Re: Bugs on Site

2007-11-15 Thread Repsah
Yes, ok, all true, the framework works fine, butno need to flame who
points out some website failure, I would rather thank him and look at it.
As a matter of fact appearing nice does count toward new public, and if
developers don't have time for that particular functionality then maybe it's
better to simply take it offline, doesn't add much anyway.

On Nov 15, 2007 5:11 PM, Gonzalo Servat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 15, 2007 12:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I am trying to encourage colleagues to check out Cake and one was put
  off by these two issues: : no map and a Javascript error : most of the recent entries are spam
  He's right, too. :(

 Maybe the developers are too busy working on the product rather than
 worrying about petty things like showing the location of CakePHP'ers?

 Perhaps you and your colleagues should look at the product, instead of
 worrying about stuff like that. Remember, this is not a paid product
 (although they will gladly accept well deserved donations). I personally
 would make a claim like that against a company if I was considering
 purchasing their product, but this is an open source project and if you look
 at the product itself, it's better quality than a lot of other commercial
 products out there.

 Just my POV.

 - Gonzalo


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generateList bug(?) in PHP4

2007-11-15 Thread jez

Hi guys,
Found this problem when amending an existing site for a new customer.
I'm using generateList with a table with just one item in it. Instead
of returning array(2 = 447) as it should, I get the empty array.

I updated cake to the most recent stable version ( and had
a dig around, and something very odd seems to be happening. In
model_php4.php, the generateList method includes

$return = array_combine($keys, $vals);
return $return;

I can print_r($return) in that function, and get the expected array.
If I print_r the array I get following my call to generateList, I get
the empty array( );

$areas = $this-Area-generateList( null, 'area_name ASC', null,
'{n}', '{n}.Area.area_name' );

Does anybody recognise this bizarre occurrence? My instinct is that it
is a bug in PHP rather than cake, but I cannot recreate it in a stand-
alone test script so I thought I'd ask some cake people.

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Re: Using models with plugins in CakePHP 1.2

2007-11-15 Thread Gwoo

This is all about you isnt it?
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Re: Cake Schema issue ?

2007-11-15 Thread Gwoo

why are passing a path?
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Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object

2007-11-15 Thread dandreta

I have one table called Projects and another table called Directors in
my database:
Project belongsTo Director
Director hasMany Project
Adding a new project, I have a select of directors and I want that
they appear with their firstname and lastname and not with their Id.
The fields of the table Director are: Id, firstname, lastname.
I saw how to do it here:

And the select has the directors with full_name(firstname+lastname).
But the problem is that if I do the index view of projects:

?php foreach ($projects as $project):?
?php echo $project['Project']['firstname']?
?php echo $project['Director']['firstname']? ?php echo
?php endforeach; ?

And projects_controller:

function index() {
$this-Project-recursive = 2;
$this-set('projects', $this-paginate());

The projects and their directors appear correctly but, I obtain these

Notice (8): Undefined offset:  0 [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 882]
Notice (8): Undefined index:  Profesor [CORE/app/models/director.php,
line 63]
Warning (2): array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The
second argument should be either an array or an object [CORE/app/
models/director.php, line 63]

Why these warnings appear? How can I solve it?
I hope you can help me.
Thanks and regards

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Re: generateList bug(?) in PHP4

2007-11-15 Thread jez

My version of php might be important:
$ php -v
PHP 4.3.9 (cgi) (built: May  4 2007 11:04:51)
Copyright (c) 1997-2004 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies

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AJAX form submission with jQuery

2007-11-15 Thread Action

I have a blog-like page that contains a post, comments, and a new
comment form. I want the new comment form to submit using ajax (but
also work if the user has js disabled) and have the newly added
comment appear in the comments list.

Currently, I'm using the jQuery Form Plugin to submit the form: I don't want to use the prototype
helper due to the inline code it generates.

So far, the form submission works, but all that is happening is the
data being saved. The view does not show any validation error messages
defined in the model and does not show the new comment (I have to
refresh the page to get the comment to show up and the validation
error messages never show up).

How can I fix this so the form not only submits using ajax, but the
form data is also rendered in the view if saved, or the appropriate
validation error messages appear? I've done some searching and I think
I'm supposed to use the requestHandler component. However, I don't
really understand how I am supposed to use it in this situation (the
manual documentation is pretty vague).

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Re: Using models with plugins in CakePHP 1.2

2007-11-15 Thread Christopher E. Franklin, Sr.

I was trying to do something earlier with plugins in 1.1 and
everything seemed to work fine until the larger application wanted to
access the plugin, then things went downhill.
I made a plugin that controlled all the authentication, registering,
logging in and out of users.  The idea for this was that, why do I
have to copy the same models, views and controllers between every app
when I can just drop it in the plugin dir and have app_controller load

To me, that's my idea of a plugin but, I wanted the app to be able to
access some of the data or functionality and was told that it wouldn't
work like that. I could have used an rA() call but, at that time, the
slow down for me was unbearable. Dunno if it was ever fixed but, just
as a warning.  Look carefully at your plugin, what it does, how it
interacts with the larger app.  For now, if your plugin requires
anything from your app or you app wants to hook into your plugin, then
it may be wise to forgo the plugin altogether. (At least until plugins
work the way I envision them! =D).

On Nov 15, 1:38 am, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quoting the intro of the plugins section of the manual, CakePHP
 allows you to set up a combination of controllers, models, and views
 and release them as a packaged application plugin that others can use
 in their CakePHP applications...Package it as a CakePHP plugin so you
 can pop it into other applications.

 This pretty much sums up the original intent of a plugin as a
 portable, distributed, mini app. As such, Plugins would have no
 knowledge of the main application, so they can be easy added to an
 existing application without requiring any extra configuration or the
 addition of other classes. Essentially, what you are talking about
 would be creating dependencies that were not intended.

 Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems some are using plugins to
 organize parts of a larger application. To me, you are on a slippery
 slope here to basically negating the whole benefit of a plugin and
 just making it more work on yourself. Using the config/bootstrap.php
 to organize your MVC requires a lot less code and should yield the
 same benefits.

 That said, there are some changes in the works that may allow this
 functionality. So time will tell, but at least you know why it works
 the way it does right now.
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Re: Cake Schema issue ?

2007-11-15 Thread FoxMaSk

because even without -path the issue is met...

On Nov 15, 5:24 pm, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 why are passing a path?

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Re: Several Question

2007-11-15 Thread FoxMaSk

can someone give me some tips on how to proceed ?
kind regards.

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Re: Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object

2007-11-15 Thread dandreta

Sorry, I work with cake is 1.2.

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Re: Cake Schema issue ?

2007-11-15 Thread FoxMaSk

On Nov 15, 5:24 pm, Gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 why are passing a path?

i also did
 cake schema generate 

but even this produce the error.

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Re: Class 'AppHelper' not found

2007-11-15 Thread Sarah

I had this happen when I was following a tutorial for CakePHP 1.2.x,
and I was actually using 1.1.x. When I switched to the Pre Beta
version, the code started working.


On Sep 30, 10:29 am, firdzak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm very new in php and cake
 try to create menu helper file
 this is the code


 when i run the page it says that the apphelper class not found
 can somebody help me on this thing


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Re: Bugs on Site

2007-11-15 Thread Gonzalo Servat
On Nov 15, 2007 12:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I am trying to encourage colleagues to check out Cake and one was put
 off by these two issues: : no map and a Javascript error : most of the recent entries are spam

 He's right, too. :(

Maybe the developers are too busy working on the product rather than
worrying about petty things like showing the location of CakePHP'ers?

Perhaps you and your colleagues should look at the product, instead of
worrying about stuff like that. Remember, this is not a paid product
(although they will gladly accept well deserved donations). I personally
would make a claim like that against a company if I was considering
purchasing their product, but this is an open source project and if you look
at the product itself, it's better quality than a lot of other commercial
products out there.

Just my POV.

- Gonzalo

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Re: ajax multiple div update

2007-11-15 Thread schneimi

Well, I don't think it is possible without some changes (e.g. my
hack), but I wondered about some examples like in the first post I
also found, maybe it was supported formerly? But in the end cakePHP
just builds upon the prototype framework and I couldn't find any
support for that sort of update there as well.


On 15 Nov., 12:10, Luigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 no one else ?

 On Nov 14, 2007 8:38 AM, Dennis Nikiforov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   But is there a way without modifying cake? The development is progressing
  quite quickly, so I like to keep up to date and updating a modified version
  is suiside.


  schneimi wrote:

  I needed this too but for a remoteTimer, but the code like yours
  didn't work and I also didn't find any support for that intention
  inside the cakePHP code.

  Because of that, I decided to hack a little bit into the code to get
  this working, it may not be the best idea to do that, but it helped me
  to get my stuff working, so maybe that could help you too. You can
  read my changes on my blog, but not sure how that fits for $ajax-



  On 13 Nov., 22:58, wluigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I try this old (nate's) code :

  // test.thtml
  ?=$ajax-link('Update 2 Div\'s', '/controller/test', array('update'
  array('first', 'second'))); ?

  ?=$ajax-div('first'); ?
  This is the first div, it has the current time:
  ?=strtotime('now'); ?
  ?=$ajax-divEnd('first'); ?

  ?=$ajax-div('second'); ?
  This is the second div, it shows server variables:
  ? pr($_SERVER); ?
  ?=$ajax-divEnd('second'); ?

  but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

  Wath's the new way ?

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Re: Bugs on Site

2007-11-15 Thread Gonzalo Servat
On Nov 15, 2007 1:18 PM, Repsah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, ok, all true, the framework works fine, butno need to flame who
 points out some website failure, I would rather thank him and look at it.
 As a matter of fact appearing nice does count toward new public, and if
 developers don't have time for that particular functionality then maybe it's
 better to simply take it offline, doesn't add much anyway.

There are ways of saying stuff. He could have simply said hey, just noticed
the map function doesn't work .. just thought I'd let you know, and nobody
would have flamed (ok, it was just me). He made it sound like he was trying
to sell an awesome product and they turned it down because a map function
doesn't work on the website, and he was disappointed about it. This is why I
replied the way I did and pointed out the most important thing is the
product which, I think, is excellent and has saved so many of us hours and
hours of development time.

- Gonzalo

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Re: ajax multiple div update

2007-11-15 Thread francky06l

I do update multiple div's with cake 1.2 without any problem.
I will  try nate's code again

On Nov 15, 5:13 pm, schneimi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I don't think it is possible without some changes (e.g. my
 hack), but I wondered about some examples like in the first post I
 also found, maybe it was supported formerly? But in the end cakePHP
 just builds upon the prototype framework and I couldn't find any
 support for that sort of update there as well.


 On 15 Nov., 12:10, Luigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  no one else ?

  On Nov 14, 2007 8:38 AM, Dennis Nikiforov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But is there a way without modifying cake? The development is progressing
   quite quickly, so I like to keep up to date and updating a modified 
   is suiside.


   schneimi wrote:

   I needed this too but for a remoteTimer, but the code like yours
   didn't work and I also didn't find any support for that intention
   inside the cakePHP code.

   Because of that, I decided to hack a little bit into the code to get
   this working, it may not be the best idea to do that, but it helped me
   to get my stuff working, so maybe that could help you too. You can
   read my changes on my blog, but not sure how that fits for $ajax-



   On 13 Nov., 22:58, wluigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I try this old (nate's) code :

   // test.thtml
   ?=$ajax-link('Update 2 Div\'s', '/controller/test', array('update'
   array('first', 'second'))); ?

   ?=$ajax-div('first'); ?
   This is the first div, it has the current time:
   ?=strtotime('now'); ?
   ?=$ajax-divEnd('first'); ?

   ?=$ajax-div('second'); ?
   This is the second div, it shows server variables:
   ? pr($_SERVER); ?
   ?=$ajax-divEnd('second'); ?

   but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

   Wath's the new way ?

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Slider question - AJAX helper

2007-11-15 Thread theman

I feel like I've searched everywhere but I cannot find info on this.
I have a scriptaculous slider control using the AJAX helper working.
What I want to do is have a min and max for the slider, let's say from
0 to 5 and I want it to go in steps of .1 or something like that.

Both Hand coding and using the AJAX helper are not working for me.
I'm not sure if I have the options setup wrong or if I'm using the
AJAX helper wrong.

Does anyone have working code for a similar scenario?
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Bugs on Site

2007-11-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am trying to encourage colleagues to check out Cake and one was put
off by these two issues: : no map and a Javascript error : most of the recent entries are spam

He's right, too. :(


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Generic Upload Behavior and with HABTM associations

2007-11-15 Thread cakeFreak

Hey guys,

I'm using the Generic upload behavior by AD7six.

Everything works fine apart with models that have a HABTM relationship

The problem source is when the generic upload behavior overrides the
parent::__contruct() in AppModel.

Anyone has any clue about this?


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Altering size of buttons emitted by FormHelper

2007-11-15 Thread Wayne Fay

Apparently my CSS is doing something funky, because the login button
on my app is a couple hundred pixels wide.

I will try to track down the CSS that is causing this, but in the mean
time, can someone please tell me how to apply the size attribute to
the $form-end() call? I already tried:
?php echo $form-end('Submit', array('size'='10'));?
?php echo $form-end('Submit', array('width'='10'));?

I'm guessing I might need to use 'options' or 'style' or something...


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Re: Altering size of buttons emitted by FormHelper

2007-11-15 Thread francky06l

Modify you css, or pass the style with : $form-end('Submit',
array('style' = 'width: 10px;'));

10px seems short anyway.. :-)

On Nov 15, 8:35 pm, Wayne Fay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Apparently my CSS is doing something funky, because the login button
 on my app is a couple hundred pixels wide.

 I will try to track down the CSS that is causing this, but in the mean
 time, can someone please tell me how to apply the size attribute to
 the $form-end() call? I already tried:
 ?php echo $form-end('Submit', array('size'='10'));?
 ?php echo $form-end('Submit', array('width'='10'));?

 I'm guessing I might need to use 'options' or 'style' or something...

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Re: mod rewrite or .htaccess issue

2007-11-15 Thread francky06l

Maybe add a rewriteBase in your htaccess.
rewriteBase /home/hoteljob/publichtml

after set your rewrite rules, without the '/home ...'
Hope this helps

On Nov 15, 3:16 pm, Indian Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We built an application using CakePHP 1.2 and it works fine on our
 local development sever.
 However when we try to upload it to this server.. nothing seems to
 Here is the URLhttp://

 I'm guessing it has to with either the mod rewrite or something wrong
 with the htaccess files.

 Actually we had to modify the lines in the htaccess on the root to get
 atleast the homepage to work, else even that gave a 404 error..
 This is what we modified the htcasse file to
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine on
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule  content_pages/displayurl/$1 [L]
RewriteRule  /home/hoteljob/public_html/app/webroot/[L]
RewriteRule  /home/hoteljob/public_html/app/webroot/$1 [L]


 Any ideas what would be wrong... this is a dedicated server, so we've
 had to setup things from scratch..
 Thanks in advance
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Pagination nightmares

2007-11-15 Thread butangphp

I'm a beginner and struggling to use pagination correctly in cakephp.
The Bakery recommends using this code in the controller.  I know its a
dumb question, but do I need to create a function called index() in
order to make this built in helper work ??

class PostsController extends AppController
var $name = 'Posts'; // for PHP4 installs
var $components = array ('Pagination'); // Added
var $helpers = array('Pagination'); // Added

function index() {
list($order,$limit,$page) = $this-Pagination-
init($criteria); // Added
$data = $this-Post-findAll($criteria, NULL, $order, $limit,
$page); // Extra parameters added

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RE: using one select box to generate the results for two more

2007-11-15 Thread ldb


I just can't seem to find the right answer to this one. Hopefully
someone can  point me in the right direction please. I have the
following function in a app/controllers/models_controller.php.  I
load three select boxes two of which rely  on data from the first one.
I can enter a manual value into the array as you can see, and they
display the data fine,  but I can't seem to  figure out how to capture
the value of the current selected item from the first generateList to
feed it to the two others.

Can someone please enlighten me?.;-)

 function index() {
$this-set('models', $this-Modelinfo-Model-
generateList(null, 'Model_Number', null,
'{n}.Model.Model_Number','{n}.Model.Model_Number', true, true ) );

$this-set('modelinfos', $this-Modelinfo-
generateList(array('Modelinfo.Model_Number'= 'LD400'),null, null,

$this-set('altmodels', $this-Altmodel-
generateList(array('Altmodel.Model_Number'= 'LD400'),null, null,



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Re: mod rewrite or .htaccess issue

2007-11-15 Thread francky06l

you are using a ~ type domain ... Not sure this work with rewrite ..Is
this ~ temporary ?
What i dp not understand is you rewrite rule .. Why not using the cake
default one ?
I mean with the index.php etc ..?

On Nov 15, 9:21 pm, Indian Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Francky,
 Thanks for the tip, but it didnt quite help.
 I modified the .htaccess located in my public_html to
 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
RewriteEngine on
 RewriteBase /home/hoteljob/public_html
RewriteRule^~(.*) content_pages/displayurl/$1 [L]
RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

 but now even its a 404 error right on the home page 

 Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

 On Nov 16, 12:26 am, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Maybe add a rewriteBase in your htaccess.
  rewriteBase /home/hoteljob/publichtml

  after set your rewrite rules, without the '/home ...'
  Hope this helps

  On Nov 15, 3:16 pm, Indian Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   We built an application using CakePHP 1.2 and it works fine on our
   local development sever.
   However when we try to upload it to this server.. nothing seems to
   Here is the URLhttp://

   I'm guessing it has to with either the mod rewrite or something wrong
   with the htaccess files.

   Actually we had to modify the lines in the htaccess on the root to get
   atleast the homepage to work, else even that gave a 404 error..
   This is what we modified the htcasse file to
   IfModule mod_rewrite.c
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule  content_pages/displayurl/$1 [L]
  RewriteRule  /home/hoteljob/public_html/app/webroot/[L]
  RewriteRule  /home/hoteljob/public_html/app/webroot/$1 [L]


   Any ideas what would be wrong... this is a dedicated server, so we've
   had to setup things from scratch..
   Thanks in advance
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Re: Update gone wrong.

2007-11-15 Thread Mech7

Did anybody allready found a fix for this? 1.2 still does not want to
run with me outside the app dir :|
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Re: mod rewrite or .htaccess issue

2007-11-15 Thread Indian Baker

Hi Francky,
Thanks for the tip, but it didnt quite help.
I modified the .htaccess located in my public_html to
IfModule mod_rewrite.c
   RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /home/hoteljob/public_html
   RewriteRule^~(.*) content_pages/displayurl/$1 [L]
   RewriteRule^$ app/webroot/[L]
   RewriteRule(.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

but now even its a 404 error right on the home page itself

Any idea what I could be doing wrong?

On Nov 16, 12:26 am, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maybe add a rewriteBase in your htaccess.
 rewriteBase /home/hoteljob/publichtml

 after set your rewrite rules, without the '/home ...'
 Hope this helps

 On Nov 15, 3:16 pm, Indian Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  We built an application using CakePHP 1.2 and it works fine on our
  local development sever.
  However when we try to upload it to this server.. nothing seems to
  Here is the URLhttp://

  I'm guessing it has to with either the mod rewrite or something wrong
  with the htaccess files.

  Actually we had to modify the lines in the htaccess on the root to get
  atleast the homepage to work, else even that gave a 404 error..
  This is what we modified the htcasse file to
  IfModule mod_rewrite.c
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteEngine on
 RewriteRule  content_pages/displayurl/$1 [L]
 RewriteRule  /home/hoteljob/public_html/app/webroot/[L]
 RewriteRule  /home/hoteljob/public_html/app/webroot/$1 [L]


  Any ideas what would be wrong... this is a dedicated server, so we've
  had to setup things from scratch..
  Thanks in advance

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Re: jQuery $.ajax() and on success result processing?

2007-11-15 Thread bunyan

If you want just to get the rendered view and put its contents into an
element on a page, use

$this-layout = 'ajax';

in action, and then assign the rendered view to whatever you need with

If you don't need to render a view, you can return action results in
xml, json or etc.

Fanck wrote:

 I'm new to jQuery, but I wonder if it is possible to return a result
 via controller that jQuery can handle on success?

 I'm trying to POST data to an add method, and on success loading the
 view with the right $id. Anyone know how to do that?

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Re: Update gone wrong.

2007-11-15 Thread Mech7

I think it is also because :

$cache = Cache::settings();

This never gets filled i think because there is no settings function
in cache.php?

Cache::config('default', array('engine' = 'File'));

after the trigger error its sets it to default, but it does not work:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Cache::config() in C:\wamp\www
\cake_1.2\cake\bootstrap.php on line 54

I don't see a config function in cache.php?

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Re: Update gone wrong.

2007-11-15 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Nov 15, 2007 6:25 PM, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did anybody allready found a fix for this? 1.2 still does not want to
 run with me outside the app dir :|

Perhaps I'm just lucky and Murphy is smiling down on me from above,
but I am using the latest version of CakePHP via SVN *and* have my
cake directory outside of app and I have NO problems getting my stuff
to work.

I followed all the notices that Cake threw when I updated the Cake
core, changed the code that it mentioned and that was it.  Really.  In
fact, here's my config file for everyone to see:

I continue to be baffled by the problems people seem to be
experiencing when my own configuration has been just fine.  I've found
three things that help

1) pay attention to the warning messages that CakePHP spits out as
they usually point at the problem

When I upgraded, I saw lots of warnings about deprecated functionality
and suggestions on how to get rid of those problems.  Those error
messages are there for a reason, ignore them at your own peril.  They
tell you EXACTLY what to do.

2) permissions for the tmp directory really do matter

Use the firehose permission level if you're on some sort of UNIXy
system:  chmod -R 777 $APP/tmp

3) make sure you do your dev work with the debug level to 1 and save
debug level 0 for your production apps.

That little tip will mean you will never have to mess around with
deleting and recreating your $APP/tmp directory.

I hope this helps those who seem to be struggling to get their CakePHP
configurations to work properly.  I did all the things above I
mentioned and continue to have smooth sailing whenever I upgrade from
SVN (which is usually every morning).

Chris Hartjes

My motto for 2007:  Just build it, damnit!

@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Bugs on Site

2007-11-15 Thread Baz
Developer's are a sensitive bunch, I should know.

But he makes a valid point. There are so many Frameworks out there that
an independent third party would gladly use some problems on a website to
eliminate some from the list. People judge books by their covers, it's that
simple. With that said, he has a very valid point.

As developers, we need to step outside of the project and look at it from an
object position (if that's even possible).

To all those that doubt CakePHP I just say give it a few months. 1.2 isn't
even Beta yet.

Can you imagine what CakePHP 2.5 will be
Baz L
Web Development 2.0

On Nov 15, 2007 11:46 AM, Gonzalo Servat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Nov 15, 2007 1:18 PM, Repsah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Yes, ok, all true, the framework works fine, butno need to flame who
  points out some website failure, I would rather thank him and look at it.
  As a matter of fact appearing nice does count toward new public, and if
  developers don't have time for that particular functionality then maybe it's
  better to simply take it offline, doesn't add much anyway.

 There are ways of saying stuff. He could have simply said hey, just
 noticed the map function doesn't work .. just thought I'd let you know, and
 nobody would have flamed (ok, it was just me). He made it sound like he was
 trying to sell an awesome product and they turned it down because a map
 function doesn't work on the website, and he was disappointed about it. This
 is why I replied the way I did and pointed out the most important thing is
 the product which, I think, is excellent and has saved so many of us hours
 and hours of development time.

 - Gonzalo


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HABTM Self-reference and scaffolding

2007-11-15 Thread Brad Beattie

So I've set up a users model that I want to link to other users. I've
initialized the database table and created the corresponding variable
in the user model.

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('User' = array('className' =
'joinTable'= 'users_users',
'foreignKey'   = 'source_id',
'associationForeignKey'= 'target_id'

My controller is a simple scaffold, but it has very strange output
when I view a user. It creates several rows of junk as show below. I'm
thoroughly confused. Ideas?

Related Users
Id  Email   First Name  Last Name   Created Modified
Language Id
PasswordAccount Id  Actions
2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   View 
Edit Delete
b   b   b   b   b   b   b   b   b   View 
Edit Delete
B   B   B   B   B   B   B   B   B   View 
Edit Delete
B   B   B   B   B   B   B   B   B   View 
Edit Delete
2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   View 
Edit Delete
2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   View 
Edit Delete
2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   View 
Edit Delete
1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   View 
Edit Delete
1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   View 
Edit Delete

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Added default layout, now can not access correct session in static pages / css

2007-11-15 Thread BobDev

Site was working but I was drawing the header/footer on every page. So
I created a default.ctp file and called my library functions to
generate the header and footer. This works for all of the views that
have controllers.

However, my /app/views/pages views are not rendered correctly (the css
does not get used) and anything I do to the session variables are not
stored. The header is generated so I know my library function is
getting called. This is consistent across all of my static pages.

Am I missing something?

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Re: ajax multiple div update

2007-11-15 Thread Dennis Nikiforov

What version of prototype do you have and what version of cake? Cake is
being changed very quickly, so a more exact version would help. 

francky06l wrote:

  I do update multiple div's with cake 1.2 without any problem.
I will  try nate's code again

On Nov 15, 5:13 pm, schneimi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, I don't think it is possible without some changes (e.g. my
hack), but I wondered about some examples like in the first post I
also found, maybe it was supported formerly? But in the end cakePHP
just builds upon the prototype framework and I couldn't find any
support for that sort of update there as well.


On 15 Nov., 12:10, Luigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  no one else ?

  On Nov 14, 2007 8:38 AM, Dennis Nikiforov [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 But is there a way without modifying cake? The development is progressing
quite quickly, so I like to keep up to date and updating a modified version
is suiside.




schneimi wrote:


I needed this too but for a remoteTimer, but the code like yours
didn't work and I also didn't find any support for that intention
inside the cakePHP code.


Because of that, I decided to hack a little bit into the code to get
this working, it may not be the best idea to do that, but it helped me
to get my stuff working, so maybe that could help you too. You can
read my changes on my blog, but not sure how that fits for $ajax-






On 13 Nov., 22:58, wluigi [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I try this old (nate's) code :


// test.thtml
?=$ajax-link('Update 2 Div\'s', '/controller/test', array('update'
array('first', 'second'))); ?


?=$ajax-div('first'); ?
This is the first div, it has the current time:
?=strtotime('now'); ?
?=$ajax-divEnd('first'); ?


?=$ajax-div('second'); ?
This is the second div, it shows server variables:
? pr($_SERVER); ?
?=$ajax-divEnd('second'); ?


but it doesn't seem to work anymore.


Wath's the new way ?




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How to set a certain language instead of auto-detected by l10n?

2007-11-15 Thread bunyan

In my AppController's beforeFilter I detect the language from the URL
and do the:

Configure::write('Config.language', $urlLang);

Language is either 'en' or 'ru'. In my \app\locale\ folder I have:

These files contain the translated strings.
But even if I pass 'ru' in the URL, all pages containing the strings
that should be translated (to Russian), appear in English. If I set
browser language to Russian, it shows Russian strings, but doesn't
switch to English if I click the corresponding URL.

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Re: AJAX form submission with jQuery

2007-11-15 Thread bunyan

I did it the following way:

An action returns the rendered view if there were errors while saving
the data, otherwise it returns xml that contains info including what
page element should be refreshed etc.

JS code:

# make form ajax

var makeAjaxForm = function(){
//onActionSubmit will be fired when the response
is received
success: onActionSubmit

#reloads form on error or sends response xml to processing

var onActionSubmit = function(responseText) {
//if the response is xml
if(jQuery.isXMLDoc(responseText)) {
//process it, reload some elements etc

//hide form
} else {
//load the rendered view into #reqAction .content (the
form container)
$('#reqAction .content').html(responseText);
//make the form ajax again

Action wrote:
 I have a blog-like page that contains a post, comments, and a new
 comment form. I want the new comment form to submit using ajax (but
 also work if the user has js disabled) and have the newly added
 comment appear in the comments list.

 Currently, I'm using the jQuery Form Plugin to submit the form: I don't want to use the prototype
 helper due to the inline code it generates.

 So far, the form submission works, but all that is happening is the
 data being saved. The view does not show any validation error messages
 defined in the model and does not show the new comment (I have to
 refresh the page to get the
 comment to show up and the validation
 error messages never show up).

 How can I fix this so the form not only submits using ajax, but the
 form data is also rendered in the view if saved, or the appropriate
 validation error messages appear? I've done some searching and I think
 I'm supposed to use the requestHandler component. However, I don't
 really understand how I am supposed to use it in this situation (the
 manual documentation is pretty vague).

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Re: Added default layout, now can not access correct session in static pages / css

2007-11-15 Thread Grant Cox

View the source of the page to see why the CSS is not being used - I
expect you have the wrong path specified.

Reduce your Session Security.level (in /app/core/config.php) to
medium to fix the session, or update to the latest 1.2.x SVN.
Because the session id is regenerated for every request with
Security.level high, a 404 can destroy the session in previous
versions (not the latest SVN).  And you obviously have 404s for your
css files.

On Nov 16, 11:53 am, BobDev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Site was working but I was drawing the header/footer on every page. So
 I created a default.ctp file and called my library functions to
 generate the header and footer. This works for all of the views that
 have controllers.

 However, my /app/views/pages views are not rendered correctly (the css
 does not get used) and anything I do to the session variables are not
 stored. The header is generated so I know my library function is
 getting called. This is consistent across all of my static pages.

 Am I missing something?
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Re: Pagination nightmares

2007-11-15 Thread Grant Cox

Are you using Cake 1.2, or 1.1.18?
It is much easier to use pagination in 1.2, simply have:

function index(){
  $this-set( 'posts', $this-Post-paginate() );

I'm not sure what you mean about create a function called index() -
your sample code there already has this...  You can use pagination on
any action, not just index if that is what you are asking...

On Nov 16, 7:15 am, butangphp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm a beginner and struggling to use pagination correctly in cakephp.
 The Bakery recommends using this code in the controller.  I know its a
 dumb question, but do I need to create a function called index() in
 order to make this built in helper work ??

 class PostsController extends AppController
 var $name = 'Posts'; // for PHP4 installs
 var $components = array ('Pagination'); // Added
 var $helpers = array('Pagination'); // Added

 function index() {
 list($order,$limit,$page) = $this-Pagination-init($criteria); // 

 $data = $this-Post-findAll($criteria, NULL, $order, $limit,
 $page); // Extra parameters added


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Re: Several Question

2007-11-15 Thread Grant Cox

1. Use vendor() to require in whichever classes you need from your
vendors folder.
2. View elements should be in your /app/views/elements folder.  If
you've got to keep that structure though, I guess just including it is
the way to go...  But do it like
vendor( 'themes'.DS.CMS_DEFAULT_THEME.DS.'_top' );

On Nov 16, 2:28 am, FoxMaSk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 can someone give me some tips on how to proceed ?
 kind regards.
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Re: How to set a certain language instead of auto-detected by l10n?

2007-11-15 Thread bunyan

Solved by adding

function setL10nLocale($language) {
$I18n = I18n::getInstance();

in AppController, and calling it after language detection.
Still it's strange - why the standard way (set 'Config.language' via
Configure) used in every tutorial didn't work for me.
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