Adding a custom CakePHP Route

2015-10-06 Thread Luke Alvin Madzedze

How can i configure a route connection to handle...


in the routes.php file such that it calls my controller action like...


Note: Iam using Cakephp 2.X

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Re: Retrieve attachment from a Post - mailgun

2014-08-08 Thread Luke Rehmann

 Did you ever solve this? 


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Re: How to modify a field in afterFind()

2013-04-19 Thread Luke Sapan
I just wanted to thank both of you for working through this and figuring it 
out. Nearly five years later, CakePHP still has this issue with version 2 
and this code worked flawlessly. You guys rock!

On Wednesday, December 17, 2008 1:04:52 PM UTC-5, Martin Westin wrote:

 thanks for the modifications. I am happy it works for you too. 


 On Dec 17, 5:56 pm, Matt Huggins wrote: 
  Your solution worked flawlessly!  I ended up making two small 
  changes.  First, I changed your references for 'id' to $this-primaryKey 
 so that it can work with any model.  Second, I put the 
  afterFind/_afterFind into app_model.php so that it will call the 
  doAfterFind of any model that implements it, as per the following: 
  class AppModel extends Model { 
   * sigh... $primary doesn't work as designed in CakePHP RC2 :( 
   * this hack will manually go through and tear shit up 
  public function afterFind($results, $primary = false) { 
  if (method_exists($this, 'doAfterFind')) { 
  if ($primary) { 
  foreach ($results as $key = $val) { 
  if (isset($val[$this-alias])) { 
 $results[$key][$this-alias] = $this-doAfterFind 
  } else { 
  if (isset($results[$this-primaryKey])) 
  $results = 
  } else { 
  foreach ($results as $key = 
 $val) { 
 (isset($val[$this-alias])) { 
 $results[$key][$this-alias] = $this-doAfterFind 
  } else { 
 ($results[$key][$this-alias] as $key2 
  = $val2) { 
 $results[$key][$this-alias][$key2] = 
  return $results; 
  On Dec 17, 5:36 am, wrote: 
   Hi Matt, 
   I ended up creating a special set of functions for this. 
   afterFind() calls _afterFind() 
   _afterFind() locates the data and calls doAfterFind() 
   This works for what I use afterFind for. 
   I will only have one place to edit if the data-structires change or I 
   find I have missed something. 
   It makes my models a lot more readable. 
   The relevant code if you should find it useful: 
   in SomeModel: 
   // this just calls the real afterFind 
   function afterFind($data, $primary) { 
   return $this-_afterFind($data, $primary); 
   // receives data as a flat array of fields, no Modelname or anything. 
   // run from _afterFind splits datetime-field sendat into senddate and 
   function doAfterFind($data) { 
   if ( !isset($data['senddate']) ) { 
   $timestamp = strtotime($data['sendat']); 
   $data['senddate'] = date('Y-m-d', $timestamp); 
   $data['sendtime'] = date('H', $timestamp); 
   return $data; 
   // AppModel::_afterFind() 
   function _afterFind($data, $primary) { 
   if ( $primary ) { 
   foreach ( $data as $key = $val ) { 
   if ( isset($val[$this-alias]) ) { 
   $data[$key][$this-alias] = $this-doAfterFind( $data 
   [$key][$this-alias] ); 
   } else { 
   if ( isset($data['id']) ) { 
   $data = $this-doAfterFind( $data ); 
   } else { 
   foreach ( $data as $key = $val ) { 
   if ( isset($val[$this-alias]) ) { 
   if ( isset($val[$this-alias]['id']) ) { 
   $data[$key][$this-alias] = $this-doAfterFind 
   ( $data[$key][$this-alias] ); 
   } else { 
   foreach ( $data[$key][$this-alias] as $key2 
   = $val2 ) { 
   $data[$key][$this-alias][$key2] = 

Re: Dreamweaver - Getting Code Coloring and Design View to work on CTP files

2013-01-24 Thread Luke Coburn
Does anyone know if this type of solution will work in CS6?  I have spent 
way too much time trying to get this working, dice.  I can get the 
file to open in Dreamweaver, but the color coding and code hinting won't 
work at all.  Very frustrating.

I am using a Mac, running OSX Mountain Lion and Dreamweaver CS6 (version 

I have added the CTP extension to:

/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver 
/Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver 
CS6/en_US/Configuration-1/Extensions.txt (I don't even know why this folder 
/Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS6/Configuration/Extensions.txt
/Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver 

I have tried adding it as HTML files and PHP files.  I have tried every 
combination that I can think of.  I have tried including THTML as well as 
CTP to the lists.  I have restarted Dreamweaver after each change.  Nothing 
seems to be working.  Nothing in Dreamweaver seems to be changing at all.

I also can't find any recent threads addressing this issue in CS6.  All 
these posts seem to be dated a few years ago.  Am I the only one trying to 
edit CTP files any more?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Missing Controller

2012-07-04 Thread Luke
Hi everyone,

I'm new to cake. I've installed Cake into a subdirectory 
(, and it's all working well! However, when I 
access the site via https instead of http I get an error:

Missing Controller

*Error: **My-adminController* could not be found.

*Error: *Create the class *My-adminController* below in file: 

Any hints on how I can get the site to work under http AND https?



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Re: Cache problem using CakePHP default File config on apache 1.3.x - server crashes

2011-04-20 Thread luke BAKING barker
hi Jon, thanks for your helpful reply.

I am not sure that it is performance, since the site is not really busy as 
yet, but maybe you have something. 

   I wonder if it is my statement to cache index action in my services 
controller for example

that is breaking things,

I might try just having caching on

but no actions. Then gradually add an action in 1 each few days.

My index action you see in actual fact takes an ID and so has about 40 
diffferent pages formed from it.

I put about 15 of these in like so in my controller:  

var $cacheAction = array(

 // 'index/'  = '1 day',

'index/1' = 172800, //2 days

'index/2' = 172800,

'index/3'  = 172800,

(I wonder if it is something like this that somehow forcing a high load on 
the server and then the cache file write is broken as you say.

I really don't know much at all about linux/server related things. 

Do you think another caching system might be a better route - or is File 
cache the most robust? Rather than Memcache etc.

thanks for your help and to people on IRC.



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Re: Corrupted app/tmp/cache/views/ Files

2011-04-19 Thread luke BAKING barker
Hey Dwayne did you get this resolved or find out why? I am having a
similar issue with some cake sites. And using File caching - default
as defined in the core.php. I am only caching some actions, in the

On Mar 15, 8:57 pm, Dwayne wrote:
 I've run into the followingproblemsporadically on different sites we
 have running on top of Cake: A client will report in that some page or
 other isn't loading, when it's examined the page will be a blank
 screen. Turning on debug will give a PHP syntax error in the cachedfilein 
 app/tmp/cache/views/. It appears that thefilewas not
 completely written to disk, and therefore is invalid. Deleting thatfilefixes 

 I'm not sure how these files are becoming corrupted, though. Theproblemseems 
 mostly random, but it is tied in to server load. When
 the server is heavily loaded this will happen more frequently. Today a
 client reported aproblemagain. The cachedfilehad been created at
 2:25AM, but there were records in the DB created closer to noon that
 couldn't have been created if that page were broken.

 Some additional details: the sites that have thisproblemare running
 a custom CMS we've written on top of Cake. This makes use of a
 modified version requestAction() to load parts of a page. I'm not sure
 if that could have an effect or not. Thecachefiles generated are
 enormous as well, so scanning through them to see how they work hasn't
 done me much good. I don't know if that's typical of Cake or specific
 to our CMS.

 Has anyone else experienced aproblemlike this? Searching for
 corruptedcache in this group doesn't return anything that seems
 directly related, nor does searching for cakephp corruptedcache in
 google. I'm still a bit unclear on exactly how Cake's caching works
 under the hood, but at a surface level the caching works except for
 when the files themselves are busted.

 Any ideas on how to prevent or detect this? Ideally I'd rather this
 didn't happen, but if I can at least prevent things from needing a
 user to contact our client that a page is down and then have the
 client contact me that would be a significant improvement.

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Cache problem using CakePHP default File config on apache 1.3.x - server crashes

2011-04-19 Thread luke BAKING barker
Hi I am using some controller level caching for a few actions on a
couple of cakePHP sites. both are cake1.3 sites, and are on the same
VPS, running php 5.2.11 and it has eAccelrator too.

the cache seemed to work for a few days and then both sites became
unreachable this morning. I restarted the VPS as it had crashed, and
then the sites still didnt come back up.

I turned debug on to 1 on both and then they worked (implying cache
issues) - and since cacheing was added just last week to one of them I
belive it is a caching problem.

I have checked in my error_log for apche and there are segmentation
faults 11 around the time the server crashed, also child processes

(thanks to theAnachron in IRC for their help in finding this).

I have now set the prefixes to explicitly different things for these 2
cake apps. Any other suggestions for me to get cache wokring without

Would I be better sidestepping and using MemCache or similar (are
these more robust?)

sorry for my obvious cache n00b-iness. I want to sue it as the
performance boost seems great and is suitable for these sites, whose
content is reasonably static on popular pages.



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Re: Cache problem using CakePHP default File config on apache 1.3.x - server crashes

2011-04-19 Thread luke BAKING barker
Hi - no - do you think that would help? 

I tried making the prefix of the cache different in case there was a 
conflict with other caching in the /tmp of the server but that hasn't 
worked, as the site has hung again just now. I will see if I can find some 
info on the lock thing, thanks.


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alternative $ajax-remoteTimer in CakePHP 1.3

2010-12-19 Thread Luke Z
how can I rewrite part of my view using $ajax-remoteTimer (http:// in CakePHP 1.3? I know I need
to using helpers Html and Js but how can I use them in this case?

Thank you

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adding $javascript helper to libs/Error.php and CakeError in 1.2.x - problem

2010-06-29 Thread luke BAKING barker

I tried copying cake/libs/error.php to my app/controllers and then
adding $helpers = array('Javascript') but it didn't work, although
adding it (temporarily. natch!) to the lib file does work.

What is the thing with the inheritance that I am missing here?



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Re: Implementing uploadify - File upload issue - param definitions issue

2010-04-09 Thread luke BAKING barker
any luck with this? I would like to try uploadify but it seems there
are only broken reports with cake in the google group? Anybody used it
successfully out there?



On Mar 21, 10:41 pm, abocanegra wrote:
 Correction - However, problems still not fixed

  upload function had a typo, fixed it but still not
 uploading file
         function upload()
          if (isset($this-params['form']['Filedata']))
         //Derived from theuploadify.php file - does not work
         $tempFile = $this-params['form']['Filedata']['name'];
                 $targetPath = '';
                 $targetFile =  str_replace('//','/',$targetPath) . 


                 $image_path = $this-params['form']['Filedata']['name'];

                                         //Put success message and redirect 
                                         //Put error message here

 Also, I beleive the multiple posting - beyond 2 entries - was a
 session issue. I deleted all sessions in the phptmpdir and it fixed
 that issue.
 I still cannot upload the file though.

 On Mar 20, 9:40 pm, abocanegra wrote:

  Alright, ahead of time thanks for any help on this. I have been
  researching for far longer than I care to admit. I am attempting to
  getuploadify2.1 to work with cakePHP 1.3. I have read up a great
  deal on other formats as well, such as swfupload.

  Controller name = photos_controller.php
            relevant functions = upload  addmult
  Model Name = photo.php
  views= addmult.ctp (upload.ctp is just the function being called from

  Sucesses - I have been able to get the browse and upload working (on
  the surface). It appears to handle a multi-upload, or at least goes
  through the paces. Also I am able to trigger the upload function from
  the controller and add either the name using $this-params['form']

  Problems -
   I cannot get the file uploaded to my uploads/temp directory (it is
  777 and works well with my single image upload script). I have tried
  every variation including absolute paths to get to it
  There does not seem to be any error messages, I have tried adding a
  few from the various forums, none have done anything.

  When I trigger the multiple uploads it goes through the paces, but
  only adds one entry into the database.
  Also It appears the database tends to only accept 2 entries, though I
  haven't thoroughly tested that problem.

  Goal -
  I am hoping to implement this function so that I can utilize it with
  image.php which i have altered to create the files in the manner I
  need. To do this I will need to be able to send the file to image.php
  for scale changes, multifolder organization and name changes. After
  which it will redirect to a page to add the additional info (title,
  client, etc) needed.

  Any advice on any of the issues would be appreciated.

  Code Snippets:

  class PhotosController extends AppController {

          var $name = 'Photos';
          var $components = array(Image);
          var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript', 'Form');

          function beforeFilter() {
          if ($this-action == 'upload') {

          function upload()
           if (isset($this-params['form']['Filedata']))
          //Derived from theuploadify.php file - does not work
          //$tempFile = $this-params['form']['Filedata']['tmp_name'];
          //      $targetPath = 'http://www.whatartist.coms/uploads/temp';
          //      $targetFile =  str_replace('//','/',$targetPath) . 


                  $image_path = $this-params['form']['Filedata']['name'];

                                          //Put success message and redirect 
                                          //Put error message here

   // Handle multiple incoming uploads.
          function addmulti

display if field is null .

2009-11-12 Thread luke
In my program i added one item in add.ctp with return_date DATE field
as null. This field will edit at the time of item return.

After issuing an item i want to display the remaining items in
list.The issued item should not display.(file: available_item.ctp). In
basic query, Select all from items where item.return_date=null. How I
can implement this condition  in cakephp ?

plz help me.



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Re: null value from date field.

2009-11-12 Thread luke
   In my program i added one item in add.ctp with return_date
DATE field
as null. This field will edit at the time of item return.

After issuing an item i want to display the remaining items in
list.The issued item should not display.(file: available_item.ctp). In
basic query, Select all from items where item.return_date=null. How I
can implement this condition  in cakephp ?

plz help me.

On Nov 11, 4:41 pm, Marcelo Andrade wrote:
 On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 8:09 AM, jiru wrote:

  Please give me the code for to check  date field isnullornot. ?

 Cake can also check fornullfields. In this example, the query will
 return records where the post title isnotnull:

 array (not = array (
         Post.title =null

 Best regards.

 Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
 Linux User #221105


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autosuggest and auto-completion in text boxes

2009-10-14 Thread luke

Hii, developers, in my ajax auto complete program ,

// add.ctp

div class=Users form
?php echo $form-create('User');?
echo $form-select('country_id',array($countries),null,array
?br /br /?
echo $form-select('region_id',array(),null,array

?php echo $ajax-observeField('countries',array

?php echo $form-end('Submit');?

!--?php __('Add');?--


if (!empty($options)) {
  foreach ($options as $k = $v) {
   // echo option value='$k'$v/option;

I want both values in text boxes. The input box should need textbox
with autosuggest from databsse and output should autocomplete
textbox . Please help me.
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Find Value in $this-data

2009-09-25 Thread Luke

Hi Guys,

I am trying to find out if a Value in the $this-data Array excists.
Here the structure of the Array:

[Recipe] = Array
[recipe_name] =

[Ingredient] = Array
[1] = Array
[ingredientname] = Milk


[0] = Array
[ingredientname] = Water



I now wanted to use:

if (!in_array($value['In']['ingredientname'],$this-data
['Ingredient']) )

So, if it is not in the array I wanted to give a message out. This
does not work for some reason, did I missunderstand the in_array
function? Any idea to achieve it otherwise?

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Question about a Relationship

2009-09-24 Thread Luke


I am sitting on a Relationship issue where I would like to hear your
opinion about. It is a recipe page. A user can write Recipes and save
other Recipes as Favourites.

A User hasMany Recipe(Recipe belong to User)
A User hasMany Favourite (Favourite belong to User)

My Favourite Table:

My Recipe Table:

When a User is logged in he can see his Favourite Recipes. When
looking at a recipe in detail, he can take it off the favourite list
aswell. Because I only have the relation between Recipe and User and
User and Favourite, I actually don't get the favoruite_id from the
Favourites table. I was thinking to say Recipe belongsTo Favourite and
Favourite hasMany Recipes, but than it complains that there is not
favourite_id in the Recipes table.

What am I doing wrong? I obviously got a thinking mistake in this and
can't find it out. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.


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Drag and Drop with jQuery

2009-09-23 Thread Luke


I have implemented a Drag and Drop effect with jQuery. To make it
easier, I read a list of elements from the database, these elements
can be moved into a different folder. The Folders show the amount of

Here you see my Folders:

li id=\{$value['Cookbook']['id']}\span id=\countFav\{$amount}
/span span{$value['Cookbook']['cookbookname']}/span/li;

Everything works fine so far, but now I also wanted to make sure that
the amount of Elements get updated. so I need to update the $amount.

So what I figured out is that with this line of code I can overwrite
my HTML with the ID in my case amount

$.post('../dropZone', {cookbook_id: $(this).attr('id'),id:id},
function (data) {  $(amount).html(data)});

But obviously if I do this the whole li dissapears and gets replaced
with the AJAX response. Does anyone got an idea how I can just update
the PHP variable $amount?

Thank you very much in advance. Luke
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Re: Drag and Drop with jQuery

2009-09-23 Thread Luke

Hi Jon,

Great, this was the solution. Thank you so much for the help. Its the
first time that I am using jQuery and I surley have to learn a lot
more about it.
I now only have one small issue left, where I am not 100% sure. I want
that the Element I dropped dissapears when its dropped on a folder.

I have actually taken the example from this page as the base:

So I suppose I have to add something in this area:

// let the trash be droppable, accepting the gallery items

accept: '#gallery  li',
activeClass: 'ui-state-highlight',

   drop: function(ev, ui) {

But I am really not sure, what would make the dropped element
dissapear. Any hint on this aswell maybe? I have tried out different
solutions, but never got anywhere. Do I have to somehow overwrite the


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Re: Drag and Drop with jQuery

2009-09-23 Thread Luke

Hi Jon,

It really is a very cool framework. I guess I was always trying to get
around it since it looks complicated the first time you look at it and
I was already busy enough picking up on OOP and now CakePHP. But you
can't try to avoid it, since there would be too much to miss out.
I thank you very much for your help, otherwise this would have been
very frustrating

I am now looking into the option you mention above, the call .hide
('normal'); on the element 

Unfortunately I thought that it would be just:


but it is not, so I will have to play around a bit more with it. Thank
you again. Luke
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Question about dropRemote

2009-09-09 Thread Luke


I had already posted a question, but figured out that this might have
been too confusing. i want to use a Drag and Drop AJAX Function. I
have got 2 Drop Zones.

div id=dropZone11/div
div id=dropZone22/div


1. Do I need now 2 dropRemote for this?
2. I know I can use with to hand over data through the $this-params
['form'], but how would I send over the id from the dropZone?

My dropRemote looks like this:

echo $ajax-dropRemote('dropZone1',


 array('url' = '/categories/dropZone/',

   'hoverclass' = 'dropzone1',

   'update' = 'dropZone1',


   'indicator' = 'loading'));

Any information will help. Thanks a lot.

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dropRemote Update Div and Database

2009-09-08 Thread Luke


I am trying the following with AJAX,

I have a list of entries from the Database, which you can take and
move into different boxes.

I suppose I need the drag and drop function from AJAX. ich have been
going through the world wide web to find some solutions but struggle

I also thought that I need dropRemote. So I found some stuff on the
net and tried to change this.

?php echo $ajax-drag(cakepowerpng, $dragoptions1); ?
?php echo $ajax-drag(item_with_title, $dragoptions2); ?

div id=box1
div id=drag_area1div id=drag_space1 style=height:150px;1/

div id=box2
div id=drag_area2div id=drag_space1 style=height:150px;2/

div id=loading_div style=display:none;padding:6px;
?php echo $html-image(ajax-loader.gif); ?

$drop_options1 = array(
url = /dragdrop/dropped/,
with = 'id='+encodeURIComponent(,
loading ='loading_div'),
complete= Element.hide('loading_div'),
update = '',  // I suppose here I have to
update the box where the element was dropped on

 echo $ajax-dropRemote('drag_space2', //ID
$drop_options1); //AJAX option

 echo $ajax-dropRemote('drag_space1', //ID
$drop_options1); //AJAX option

Of course the above does not work at all. But How would I get it
working? I need to see all the Elements in Box1 and Box2 and of course
this should be going to the controller aswell to update the Database.

Does anyone got an Idea how I would solve this? I am running out of
ideas. Thanks a lot.
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Drag and Drop with Ajax

2009-08-25 Thread Luke


I am trying to implement a Drag and Drop Ajax Feature. I found the
below site with some examples:

Unfortunately I will need a slightly different solution, since I want
to be able to move an article from a list of articles either in
Category 1 or Category 2, so I will need to know in the end which
Article was moved into which Category.

I am sure there must be examples like this on internet, but I can not
find it anywhere. What should I look for excatly or does someone got
any other hint?

Thanks a lot in advance. Luke
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Re: saveAll with a hasMany relationship

2009-08-24 Thread Luke

Hi Nancy,

I have a setup where I save the hasMany and HABTM in 1 go. It was a
bit tricky and took me aswell, I think 3 weeks (shame) to finally get
it sorted when I got the hint with the array setup.
It really is all about having the $this-data set up in the right

I suppose you have a form where your data comes from, how do your
input fields are set up? What is the outcome of print_r($this-data)?

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Re: Add input field with jquery

2009-08-21 Thread Luke

Hi brian,

excellent, thank you for your help. I got it to work. It is slightly
different but your answer got me on the right route. Thank you again.


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Re: saveAll with a hasMany relationship

2009-08-21 Thread Luke

Hi Nancy,

I had the same issue like you are describing, how to save the
hasMany after positing it on here, I found the solution.

I have a recipe hasMany Ingredient relationship, the importance is to
have the array formated in the right way. It needs to look like below,
than it will work.

 [Recipe] = Array
[recipe_name] = Champions
[Rezeptportion] = 2

[Ingredient] = Array
[0] = Array
[ingredientname] = Champions

[1] = Array
[ingredientname] = pepper

Try this out and let me know if you struggle, maybe we find an answer.


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Re: Ubdate HABTM and hasMany

2009-08-21 Thread Luke

Hi delocalizer,

Thank you very much for your hint. You are absolutley right, I had an
issue with the set up of the array. I now got it all to work, finally
after 2 weeks I have to say.
So for everyone who got the same problem, the array for the hasMany
needs to look like this:

 [Recipe] = Array
[recipe_name] = Champions
[Rezeptportion] = 2

[Ingredient] = Array
[0] = Array
[ingredientname] = Champions

[1] = Array
[ingredientname] = pepper

Thank you very much again for your help.


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Add input field with jquery

2009-08-18 Thread Luke


I am having a form, where I want the User to be able to dynamically
add input fields. I have found some jquery script to achieve this.
Everything works fine, besides when I have a validation error and the
Form needs to shown again, the new input field is gone.

Does anyone got an idea how I could solve this? Thanks a lot.

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Re: Ubdate HABTM and hasMany

2009-08-14 Thread Luke


Sorry that I have to get back again. I am still hanging on this

recipe HABTM subcategories
recipe hasMany ingredients

My $this-data array

[Recipe] = Array
[id] = 6
[RecipeUIED] =
[recipe_name] = Testname

[Ingredient] = Array
[ingredientname] = Array
[0] = water
[1] = meat
[2] = salt
[3] = pepper


[Subcategory] = Array
[checkbox] = Array
[1] = 1
[2] = 0


Is the Array correct formated or what is wrong? saveAll does not want
to save everything.
INSERT INTO `ingredients` (`ingredientname`) VALUES (Array)

So, $this-Recipe-saveAll($this-data) does not seem to work. How can
I save the hasMany and HABTM relationship than?
I tried to implement Persivo's hint, but was not successfull either.
Any hint is much appreciate, since I don't seem to move any step.

Thanks a lot in advance. Luke
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Re: Ubdate HABTM and hasMany

2009-08-12 Thread Luke


i have to get back to this topic, since I still have not found the
solution. When I print out the $this-data array, i get the below.
So now not forget,

recipe HABTM subcategories
recipe hasMany ingredients

[Recipe] = Array
[id] = 6
[RecipeUIED] =
[recipe_name] = Testname

[Ingredient] = Array
[ingredientname] = Array
[0] = water
[1] = meat
[2] = salt
[3] = pepper


[Subcategory] = Array
[checkbox] = Array
[1] = 1
[2] = 0


Is it possible to get everything saved with one go? And if so, is the
Array formated wrong and how does it need to look?

Hope someone can give me a hint. I am runing around in circles.

Thanks a lot Luke

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Re: Search function

2009-08-12 Thread Luke

Hi Dave,

Maybe not the nicest solution, but this should work:

$i=0;  // This is your counter

// Now build your SQL String
$sql = SELECT * FROM table;

foreach ($string as $key = $value)
{ $value = trim($value);

 //strip white space befor and after each term
// $value = trim($string[$i]);
 $sql.= Post.title LIKE '% . $value. %' OR
Post.description LIKE '% . $value . %' ;

 $i++;  // Put your counter up by 1
 if($i  count($string))  // Check if your counter is smaller than
amount of values in array, if there are still values, add a OR

You can try out by putting in echo $sql at the end.

Is this what you were looking for or did I missunderstood?

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Re: Search function

2009-08-12 Thread Luke

You are missing a few OR in your below text, I have tried it out and
get all the needed OR, did you just keft it out below or what is the
Oh and by the way of course you will need a WHERE aswell in the first
part $sql = SELECT * FROM table;
I forgot that one.

On 12 Aug., 17:00, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 Yeah that's the basic idea to build the  Post.title LIKE '% . $value. %'
 OR Post.description LIKE '% . $value . %' ; string from the user
 submitted text

 So if there are 3 words it ends up Post.title LIKE '% . $value. %' OR
 Post.description LIKE '% . $value . %' ;Post.title LIKE '% . $value.
 %' OR Post.description LIKE '% . $value . %' ;Post.title LIKE '% .
 $value. %' OR Post.description LIKE '% . $value . %' ;

 -Original Message-
 From: Luke []
 Sent: August-12-09 11:43 AM
 To: CakePHP
 Subject: Re: Search function

 Hi Dave,

 Maybe not the nicest solution, but this should work:

 $i=0;  // This is your counter

 // Now build your SQL String
 $sql = SELECT * FROM table;

 foreach ($string as $key = $value)
 {                         $value = trim($value);

                          //strip white space befor and after each term
                         // $value = trim($string[$i]);
                          $sql.= Post.title LIKE '% . $value. %' OR
 Post.description LIKE '% . $value . %' ;

      $i++;  // Put your counter up by 1
      if($i  count($string))  // Check if your counter is smaller than
 amount of values in array, if there are still values, add a OR

 You can try out by putting in echo $sql at the end.

 Is this what you were looking for or did I missunderstood?

 Luke- Zitierten Text ausblenden -

 - Zitierten Text anzeigen -
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Ubdate HABTM and hasMany

2009-08-07 Thread Luke


I have a form to add recipes to a database. I have got a HABTM
Relationship and a hasMany.

recipe HABTM subcategories
recipe hasMany ingredients

In my controller I using the following:


This updates my Recipe table with the HABTM Relationship. After that I
decided to add this part


I now have two problems
1. The if condition does not work out, so I never get to $this-Recipe-
2. But even when I just try out $this-Recipe-Ingredient-save
($ingredient); the update is not working.

I cant see what is going wrong. Any ideas? thanks a lot in advance.


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Re: Saving both habtm and hasmany data

2009-07-31 Thread Luke


I am just struggling on the same issue I think. I have a HABTM which
works fine, additional I now have a hasMany to be saved, which is no
problem if it is only a single input field. But I am actually trying
to add another.

Here is my Array:

[Recipe] = Array
[recipe_name] = Test
[user_id] = 1
[Ingredient] = Array
[ingredientname] = Array
[0] = salt
[1] = pepper

[Subcategory] = Array
[Subcategory] = Array
[0] = Maindish


Recipe HABTM Subcategory
Recipe hasMany Ingredient
Ingredient belongsTo Recipe

in my recipe_controller I use this:

  if ($this-Recipe-saveAll($this-data))

This way, Recipe and Subcategories get saved without a Problem, but
for Ingredient I get this:

INSERT INTO `ingredients` (`ingredientname`, `recipe_id`) VALUES
(Array, 125)

My add.ctp:

 for ($counter=0;$counter5;$counter++)
   echo $form-input(Ingredient.0.ingredientname.
'label'= 'ingredient'));

What I don't understand is that the Array looks the same for
Subcategory and Ingredient, but why is it not saving on both with

INSERT INTO `ingredients` (`ingredientname`) VALUES (Array)
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Counter Cache behavior for HABTM relations

2009-07-30 Thread Luke


I have a HABTM Relationship and was using CounterCache, following the
below script:

It worked well, till I decided that a user should be able to choose
more than 1 Category. Since than the CounterCache is not working
anymore, because it is complaining that the id I am looking for to
update is now an Array. (WHERE `subcategory_id` = (Array))

Does anyone knows the above script and maybe know how to get this to
work? It was a nice function and it would be great to work again.
Thanks a lot.


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Re: Counter Cache behavior for HABTM relations

2009-07-30 Thread Luke


I just found the solution myself I think, I added

 foreach ($this-foreignTableIDs[$assocData['className']] as $id)

into the updateCounters method and it now updates for every category.
Maybe this comes handy for someone.
It seem to work and I get no error message anymore.
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understanding blackHoleCallback

2009-07-28 Thread Luke


I am using the Security component, but would like to make sure that if
the security check fails, the User will get an Error message displayed
inside the Layout.

So, when I use just:

$this-Security-blackHole($this, 'You are not authorized to process
this request!');

I only get a blank white page with nothing else displayed. So I added:

$this-Security-blackHoleCallback = 'accessError';

With this, I now get the You are not authorized to process this
request! displayed, but it sits outside of my Layout, its actually
even outside the !DOCTYPE 

What am I doing wrong? If I understand right, than I would need a
function accessError() , but what do i need to add into this to make
sure it is all in one Layout? I look forward to any help, I have read
backwards and forwards through the www but could not find an answer.
Thanks a lot for your help.

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blackHole and Callback Question

2009-07-24 Thread Luke


I am finally moving on with my first Cake Project. (Recipe Page) User
can add Recipes and of course they must be able to delete them aswell.
So if they are logged in, they see their own recipes. To secure other
recipes of being deleted, I wanted to use the Security Component. So I
added below in the recipe_controller function beforeFilter

  if(!$this-canAccess($this-Auth-user('id'), $this-params['pass']
[0])) {

   $this-Security-blackHoleCallback = 'accessError';


In my App Controller, I have now got the  function accessError()
method and

function canAccess($userId = null, $primaryKey = null)
   if($this-Recipe-find('first', array('conditions' = array
('recipe.user_id' = $userId, ''= $primaryKey),
   'recursive' = -1))) {
return true;

return false;

I would like now that the User stays on the same site, but gets an
Error Message displayed. How would the accessError method have to look
to achieve this? I have searched through the www, but could not find
any examples.

Hope you guys understand what I am looking for. Is this the right way
to achieve it or how are you securing against manipulation?

Look forward to some ideas. Thanks so much in advance.

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Counter_cache in 2 tables

2009-07-22 Thread Luke


I finally got Counterchache for HABTM running.

I have now got these 3 tables:

- subcategory
- maincategory_id
- recipe_count

- recipe_id
- subcategory_id

- id
- maincategory

Each Maincategory has many Subcategories.
So when I add a new Recipe, the subcategories table gets updated with
recipe_count. I now have a Navigation, which reads out the
Maincategories. I would like to get the amount of recipes inside each

Currently I just use this for my Element:

return $this-Maincategory-find('all', array('order'=array
('Maincategory'='asc'), 'recursive' = 0));

Is there any chance to combine this with the recipe_count from the
subcategories table or is there a chance that i also get a figure
straight written in my maincategories table when i add a recipe? I am
a bit confused on that issue, since I am not sure if I use
CounterCache right or if it can update the count in 2 tables.

Look forward to you guys feeback.

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Stop AJAX Request

2009-07-15 Thread Luke


I am still working on my first Cake Project and I am now stuck in some
AJAX Request where I would need some feedback.

I am trying to achieve the following.

I have recipes everybody can see. There is a link above the recipe to
add it to your favorites. If you are logged in the page should check
if you have it already saved, than the link should show Already in
cookbook otherwise Add to favorites. Next step is when you want to
add it, you have to be logged in, otherwise the login window should
show up.

The Add to cookbook I wanted to do with AJAX in the background.

So I am using

if($this-Auth-user() == null)

in my addToFavorites($id) to check if the User is logged in, if not,
the Login Form shows up above the recipe. But what I actually would
like to reach is that the recipe doesn't show up at all anymore but
instead just the Login Form. If you are than logged in, you should be
seeing the recipe again and the link should have changed.

I suppose it happens, because I am only replacing the content in the
div with AJAX. Is there any chance to stop the AJAX response and
instead re-load the full page or what would you guys suggest?

Thanks for any advice. Luke

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Re: Stop AJAX Request

2009-07-15 Thread Luke


Oh, so I can not re-send the complete Page when I realise the User is
not logged in!? So I will have to re-think my idea. I really thought
that there is a possibility, but good that you have given a clear No,
not possible

I have now tried something out from the IBM Tutorial, its a bit of a
different issue, but I did not want to start a new post.

They use the following:

function removeFromFavorites($id) {
$username = $this-Session-read('user');
$success = false;
$user = $this-Product-User-findByUsername
($username, '');
$this-Product-User-id = $user['User']['id'];
$success = $this-Product-User-removeFavorite($id);
if ( $this-RequestHandler-isAjax() ) {
echo 'Removed product from favorites';
} else {
if ( $success ) {
product from favorites');
} else {

I have tried this out to understand the structure behind it but get

Query: removeFavorite

So it must be the below line, but what is the issue with this code?
Why is it using the method as a query?

$success = $this-Product-User-removeFavorite($id);

I can't see what is wrong. Anyone an idea? Thanks so much in advance.

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Re: Structual controller question

2009-07-09 Thread Luke

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the answers. So do I understand it right,

Either add it to the user_controller or the recipe_controller.
So you guys would drop the idea of having a mybox controller than,
even if I have a mybox table where I store the IDs of the recipes a
user watches.

So from my feeling I would think that the mybox section should be than
in the user_controller.

Are there any other thoughts maybe? I look forward to any feedback.

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Re: Count RS for element

2009-07-06 Thread Luke


I just had a look at the CounterCache, but seem to struggle on the
implementation. I added another field to my maincategories

I suppose I have to add now 'counterCache'=true to my Maincategory
model, my relationships are currently looking like this

Maincategory model
var $hasMany = array('Subcategory' )

Recipe Model:
var $belongsTo = array(
'User' = array(

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Subcategory'= array(

Subcategory Model:
var $belongsTo = array('Maincategory')

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Recipe' = array(

into which Model I have to add the 'counterCache'=true ?? I have
tried it with the HABTM so into recipe and subcategory model and than
used this:

Unfortunately this did not work. Of course I would like to have the
counter in the maincategory table, but is this so easy to reach if I
actualy don't save anything into this table when I add a new recipe?

How would counterCache be activated? Do I have to call it up in the
controller aswell?

Any advice will be great.


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Count RS for element

2009-07-03 Thread Luke


I have the following issue where I am a bit stuck. I have 3 tables

- id
- maincategory

- id
- subcategory
- maincategory_id

- id
- recipe_id
- subcategory_id

The Maincategories are shown as a Navigation. I created an element for
this. Everything works fine. The next step I would like to achieve is
to count the amount of recipes for each maincategory.

Right now I use this code in my maincategories_controller:

if(isset($this-params['requested'])) {
 return $this-Maincategory-find('all', array('order'=array
('Maincategory'='asc'), 'recursive' = 0));

How do I get the amount of recipes shown with my above Database
struktur? Could someone give me a hint? I am pretty stuck with it and
can't think of a solution. Thank you very much in advance.

Regards Luke

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observeField Question

2009-06-17 Thread Luke


I am struggling with cakePHP a bit. I have setup a dependable
dropdown. I was now thinking about having the second dropdown hidden,
till you actually choose something from the first dropdown. So I
thought about doing this via a div which is hidden in the beginning.

echo 'div id=subs style=visibility: hidden;';
   echo $form-input('Subcategory.subcategories_id', array('empty'
= '-- Select --'));
echo '/div';

$options = array('url' = 'getSubcategories', 'update' = 'subs');

I don't really know what I would have to add into the array to now set
the visibility to visible. Someone maybe with a thought on this issue?

Thanks a lot in advance.
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Re: Database and Model Design for HABTM

2009-06-01 Thread Luke


Thanks for your answers. Actually, if I look at the first one, I do
understand that the way I am doing it right now, I would have
duplications in my db tables.
maincategories and subcategories will be filled manually,
recipes_subcategories and recipes will be filled through the Add
recipe Form.


maincategories (id, maincategory_name)
1 | Main Dish
2 | Appetizer
3 | BBQ

subcategories (id, subcategory_name, maincategory_id)
1 | Beef | 1
2 | Beef | 3
3 | Pork |1
4 | Vegtarian | 2

recipes_subcategories (id,recipe_id)
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 2

recipes (id, Name)
1| Beef Chops

I can't see how I could otherwise design the tables. 1 maincategory
has many subcategories, 1 recipes can belong to many main/
subcategories, but I am thinking that if i use the subcategory_id for
the recipe, that this subcategory is already bind to a maincategory,
so I wont have to add this into the recipes_subcategories.

Does this makes sense?

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Re: Database and Model Design for HABTM

2009-06-01 Thread Luke

Hi John,

Shame, but thanks a lot. I think I will really need the option to have
a recipe in more than 1 category. I will probably allow up to 2

Where I now just struggle with is that I am trying to read out all the
recipes which belong to a subcategory.

So I clicked on BBQ and than on Beef. Now I should get a list of all
the recipes. I would have to read out the DB table
recipes_subcategories to get all the recipe id's of all the recipes
from that subcategory and than read out the information from the
recipe table (At least the recipe name and the id) to create an
overview of all the available recipes.

So in my RecipesController I have add:

$this-set('recipes', $this-Recipe-RecipesSubcategory-find
('all',array('conditions' = array('subcategory_id' = $id;

In my view I get this now. Great, but how do I now get the connection
to the recipe table at the same time?
[0] = Array
[RecipesSubcategory] = Array
[recipe_id] = 28
[subcategory_id] = 49


[1] = Array
[RecipesSubcategory] = Array
[recipe_id] = 29
[subcategory_id] = 49


[2] = Array
[RecipesSubcategory] = Array
[recipe_id] = 31
[subcategory_id] = 49



On 1 Jun., 13:41, John Andersen wrote:
 Disregard my mail! Not usesful solution, if your receipe can belong to
 more than one category!

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Database and Model Design for HABTM

2009-05-28 Thread Luke


I am still a Cake newbie, but maybe someone give me a hint on my
issue. I am trying to learn cake by developing a recipe site.

There are Maincategories and Subcategories.

BBQ - (Pork, Beef, Vegetarian)
Main Dish - (Vegetarian)

A recipe can belong to different Categories, so a Steak could show
up under BBQ and Main Dish and there under Beef.

I'm planing to have a Form which reads out the Maincategories from the
DB and when you click on a checkbox, the subcategories should show up
(AJAX Request?)

I have been thinking about the DB Design now for a while and thought I
first had a solution. Than I got doubts and re-designed the tables and
the models. I am now rather confused if this design is correct and
would hope that someone could give some feedback. Okay, here the
maincategories *** this table is filled manually
- id
- maincategory
subcategories *** this table is filled manually
- id
- subcategory
- maincategory_id
recipes_subcategories ** this will be filled in when Add Recipe Form
was send off
- id
- subcategory_id
- recipe_id
recipes ** this will be filled in when Add Recipe Form was send off
- id
- recipename

My Models:

== Recipe Model
class Recipe extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Recipe';
   var $belongsTo = array(
'User' = array(
= 'User'

   var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'className' = 'Subcategory',
'joinTable' = 'recipes_subcategories',
'foreignKey' = 'recipe_id',
'associationForeignKey' = 'subcategory_id'


== Subcategory Model
 class Subcategory extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Subcategory';
var $belongsTo = array('Maincategory');
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Recipe' =
'className' = 'Recipe',
'joinTable' = 'recipes_subcategories',
'foreignKey' = 'subcategory_id',
'associationForeignKey' = 'recipe_id'


Is this setup correct or any advice how it should look instead? Thanks
a lot in advance.

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Re: AppController issue

2009-05-21 Thread Luke


I am very new to cakePHP aswell, but I just tried something out which
seems to work. In the beforeFilter of the AppController, I added the
variable the following way:

$this-set('admin', false);

I can now access my $admin in the view without a problem. But as I
said I am very new to cakePHP so maybe a Cake Guru want to comment on

Regards, Luke
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Re: Problem with Auth. with an AJAX Request

2009-05-20 Thread Luke


I have again read backwards and forwards through the www to find a
solution for my problem. I am sure that there is other people running
into the same issue. How do you guys solve it?

All I want is a link saying Add article to watchlist which than, if
the User is logged in writes it into the DB, Article gets shown again
and link changes to In watchlist and if User is not logged in
redirects to the Login Window with a message that you need to be
logged in to use this feature. All this should happen with AJAX. My
normal login is happening with Auth. and the typical stuff in the
beforeFilter() of the app_controller. In the watchlist controller I
have added

function beforeFilter() {

It should be very common and sometimesI think that maybe I am
searching for the wrong topic. Can anyone give me an advice? Thanks so

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Re: Problem with Auth. with an AJAX Request

2009-05-20 Thread Luke


I am not sure what else I could copy  paste from the sourcecode. I
only have a normal login action, in my user controller, which only
saves the last login and thats pretty much it. An Login AJAX action?
How would this look?
Have you got an example?

Thanks. Luke

On 20 Mai, 22:18, christo wrote:
 all I can think of is that you don't have a login AJAX action set up
 so the request dies without redirecting to a log in if you try to
 access the link from not logged in? I dunno it's hard to tell from
 your description. pastebin maybe?

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Problem with Auth. with an AJAX Request

2009-05-19 Thread Luke


I am still pretty new to CakePHP, so I am sorry if this is a silly
issue I am dealing with. Ok, I am working on a site where you have
different sections which require a Login.

I therefore added the below Code into the app_controller

var $components = array('Auth');
var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Ajax','Javascript');

function beforeFilter() {
   $this-Auth-loginAction = array('controller' = 'users',
'action' = 'login');
   $this-Auth-logoutRedirect = array('controller' = 'users',
'action' = 'login');
   $this-Auth-authorize = 'controller';
   $this-Auth-userScope = array('User.confirmed' = '1');
   $this-set('loggedIn', $this-Auth-user('id'));
   $this-set('username', $this-Auth-user('username'));

function isAuthorized() {
  return true;

So, all in all I allow all pages and than deny access to some
functions which are than directly in the controller. I thought that
this will be the easier way.

I have now got a link to add a new article. In my controller I than
have added this part:

function beforeFilter() {

As I planned, if you are not logged in, the Login Window shows up and
only when you logged in, the Form to add an article will show up.

So all this works and I thought I now go a step further. You can add
articles on your watchlist. Great, the article shows up, a link gets
displayed on top of it Add article to watchlist this time I want to
use an AJAX request.

So I created the AJAX link

 echo $ajax-link(Add article to watchlist',
array('controller' = mylist, 'action' ='add', $articledetail
array('update' = 'message',

and  added the below in my watchlist_controller

 function beforeFilter() {

So, what happens now? When you are not logged in, the article does not
get add to your watchlist, but the Login Window does not show up.
Instead you just still see the article not knowing if anything
happened in the background.

Of course I would like the Login Window to show up and when you are
logged in the Article should be added to your watchlist, the article
should show up again and the link should change to Article in

Why is this not working with AJAX Link and how to I get it to work? I
have read through the www, but can't find an answer. Maybe I am
looking for the wrong topic... Can anyone here help?

Look forward to some response. Thanks so much in advance.


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Re: Problem with Auth. with an AJAX Request

2009-05-19 Thread Luke

Hi brian,

thanks for your response. This is not really a solution I am looking
for. I think the link should still be visible all the time and I can't
imagine that cake and AJAX would not be able to handle this somehow. I
am sure that someone has faced a similar issue before and I am hoping
that they will share their solution. But thank you anyway.

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Re: saveAll not saving habtm with build 8004

2009-02-25 Thread luke BAKING barker


use save() not saveAll with HABTM

On Feb 25, 7:01 am, spazard1 wrote:
 Hello all.

 I am running into a problem where my join tables are not being updated
 when I call saveAll.  I have the latest stable version of cakephp, in
 which this bug was fixed.

 Here is the relevant action code:
 //first update the ['Player'] array to replace username with ['User']
  foreach ($this-data['Player'] as $key = $row) {
 $this-data['Player'][$key]['campaign_id'] = $id;
 if ($this-data['Player'][$key]['username'] != ) {
$this-data['Player'][$key]['User']['id'] = 
 $this-User-field('id', array('User.username' = $this-data['Player'][$key]

  if ($this-Campaign-save($this-data)) {
 if ($this-Player-saveAll($this-data['Player'])) {
$this-flash('Your campaign has been setup.', /

 And the Player data that is in $this-data['Player'] (only showing the
 [0] = Array
 [characterName] =
 [playerName] =
 [username] = testing
 [baseExperienceSpent] =
 [overlord] = 0
 [campaign_id] = 3
 [User] = Array
 [id] = 11

 The way I understand it, this should cause my players_users table to
 have a row inserted into it.  However that is not happening.  When I
 do a find() on Player, it does return to me the associated Users, so
 I'm pretty sure the model associations are setup correctly.

 Thanks for any help you can offer.
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Re: AppController methods

2009-02-20 Thread luke BAKING barker

I'd be 'Api to.

On Feb 20, 11:47 am, kaushik wrote:
 Can anyone provide me list of AppController methods with their
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Display Checkbox Array and read values

2009-01-30 Thread Luke


I am very new to CakePHP (and Google Groups) and now struggle badly
with a Form.

I have got a Site with Main- and Subcategories. In the Form you can
post an entry and choose 1 or more Main and Subcategories.

To keep it easy, I have now started just with the Maincategories. For
this I use checkboxes, which are read out from the database.

 foreach($options as $option)
  echo $form-input('Recipe.maincategory_id.'.$counter.'.',
'type' = 'checkbox',


This displays my checkboxes nicley. I am now trying to read out the
choosen maincategories and this is where I am badly stuck.

if (!empty($this-data)) {
if ($this-Maincategories_subcategories-saveAll($this-data)) {
 $this-Session-setFlash(Entry saved');

Maincategories_subcategories is my DB Tables to connect
Maincategories, Subcategories and Recipes together.

Can someone tell me if I have set up the checkboxes correctly and tell
me how I than save it aswell? I would think I need a foreach aswell to
go through the Array of the Maincategories, but how would this look? I
am struggling on this issue already a week and just can not get on. I
look forward for any tip which will get me forward on this issue.
Thanks a lot in advance.


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Re: cakephp shop

2009-01-14 Thread luke BAKING barker

bakesale is great. 1.2 version is more recently developed than 8
months, for sure! Google a bit more. Matti Putkonen is the developer.
If you cannot find the SVN release he will put you in the right


On Jan 13, 8:30 pm, Miles J wrote:
 Building the products and listings should be easy, a day or 2 worth of

 The only thing you really have to research are the payment gateways.
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Re: Anyone in North East England?

2009-01-09 Thread luke BAKING barker

Anyone going to the PHP conference on Friday 27th Feb in London?
Perhaps we could do an informal CakePHP discussion there - either on
the day or night before or Saturday morning?

I might start a UK mailing list or wiki or something!


On Jan 9, 2:49 pm, ianh wrote:
 On Jan 9, 2:32 pm, Penfold wrote:

  hi ianh,

  whats your skype id?

  Ian Tasker

 My skype id is ian_at_portlanddata

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Re: hasMany bind on the fly

2008-11-03 Thread luke BAKING barker

Hey Teknoid, you were helping me with this on IRC the other day,
thanks for this thread too! Your work is appreciated!!!


On Oct 31, 11:23 pm, teknoid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 no, cake can easily build the join that you 

 as matter of fact there is an example like like this one in the
 manual. and i must've posted this link on the list a bunch of times.
 so searching is always a good idea...

 On Oct 31, 6:06 pm, Ita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Well since no shiny knight in white armor came to my rescue I wound up
  creating my query.
  I guess cake has its own limitations.

  On Oct 30, 7:41 am, Ita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   So it just can't handle the conditions?
   What should I do in this case? create my own query?

   On Oct 29, 7:29 pm, teknoid [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

cake does not create joins for hasMany (only hasOne and belongsTo)

On Oct 29, 12:27 pm, Ita [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have 2 models Item and Defect.
 both of them have description.
 an Item can have many Defects and my defects table has a an item_id

 Now I'm trying to create a search query that will search both the item
 description and the defect description.
 What I do is this:

 array('hasMany' = array(
 'Defect' = array(
 'className' = 'Defect',
 'foreignKey' = 'item_id',
 'type' = 'INNER'
 then I run findAll.

 Now when I use findAll with no conditions everything works fine. cake
 seems to run 2 queries:
 SELECT `Item`.`id`,.. FROM `items` AS `Item` WHERE 1 = 1
 SELECT `Defect`.`id`,.. FROM `defects` AS `Defect` WHERE
 `Defect`.`item_id` IN (1, 2, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 17, 18, 19,

 My first question is why does cake doesn't create one query with INNER
 The second problem is when I add conditions:
 $conditions[] = `Item`.`name` LIKE '% .$search_term .%' OR
 `Defect`.`description` LIKE '% . $search_term . %';

 It seems that cake in this case ignores the join all together and just
 does a regular select so I get an error:
 1054: Unknown column 'Defect.description' in 'where clause'

 Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
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Re: Validation for saveAll not returning messages

2008-10-23 Thread luke BAKING barker

Hi Lane,

I'm getting this exact same problem, invlaidation occurs, but the
messages are not populated and I get an empty array for the model that
failed in the view's $this-validationErrors.

Strange! I'm using RC 3 - LANE, did you work out any solution other
than the workaround you provided?


On Sep 10, 5:57 pm, Lane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to usesaveAllto save multiple records of a model in one
 form.  Everything works fine as far as saving and validation goes
 except for one little problem.  If the data entered does not validate,
 the validationErrors array that is returned does not contain the
 fields or the error messages for the fields that did not validate.
 Here is an example setup (same 

 echo $form-create();

 echo $form-input('');
 echo $form-input('0.username');
 echo $form-input('');
 echo $form-input('0.company_id', array('type'='hidden',

 echo $form-input('');
 echo $form-input('1.username');
 echo $form-input('');
 echo $form-input('1.company_id', array('type'='hidden',

 echo $form-end('Add');

 function add() {
if(!empty($this-data)) {


 If I try to submit the form without entering a username for either (or
 entering one that is not alphanumeric), the form does not validate,
 but it does not show any errors.  When I print out $this-Account-

 validationErrors I get the following array:

 [0] = Array

 [1] = Array


 So it knows that entry 0 and 1 did not validate, but it doesn't return
 the error messages or fields.  Has anyone encountered this problem, or
 perhaps know a fix.  I created a work around for now, but it would be
 nice ifsaveAllwould display the errors.  If I do this method it
 works fine:

 foreach($this-data['Account'] as $k = $v)
 $errors[$k] = $this-Account-validationErrors;


 // All records have validated, it is safe to save

 $this-Account-validationErrors = $errors;

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Re: Auth Redirect Problems

2008-09-16 Thread luke BAKING barker

yeah Tony I am seeming to get this too :/ someone on IRC said to check
that things like favicons are correctly being pointed at and so on.

can anyone post a sample of some redirect Auth code?

On Sep 15, 5:21 pm, Tony Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did that. Same problem.

 To explain further, if I'm logging in for the first time on a given
 day, theredirectworks fine. It's only if I log out or my session
 expires and I log back in that the problem occurs.

 On Sep 9, 12:55 pm, Yodi Aditya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Try using :
  $this-Auth-loginRedirect = array('controller'='users',
  on beforeFilter()


  function login() {


  Yodiaditya -

  On 9/9/08, Tony Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   If someone is familiar with a post to this group or blog entry that
   addresses this issue, please let me know. I've spent the morning
   scouring both with no satisfactory results.

   I have a cakePHP app on a shared server. In local testing, everything
   worked fine. But mod_rewrite did not function properly on the shared
   server, so I'm using CakePHP pretty URLS instead. Also caching (at
   least temporarily) is off. I've uncommented the pertinent lines of
   code in core.php and I've dutifully deleted the .htaccess files.

   The problem I have is that after logging in, theredirectis
   inconsistent. About 2/3 of the time I get redirected to
  https://[base_url]/https:/[domain]. I just can't seem to find away
   around this problem.

   My login function looks like this:

   function login() {
   $this-Auth-loginRedirect = array('controller' =
   'controller_name', 'action' = 'index');

   I still get inconsistent results with theredirectgoing to a URL like
   the former example the majority of the time. Any insight, links, etc.
   would be appreciated.
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Re: Acl and Auth at record level with crud mode

2008-09-08 Thread luke BAKING barker

aranworld - I am wondering how this could be made universal throughout
an app...better possibly in the app_model somehow? but obvioulsy Auth
is a component :/

On Aug 28, 8:22 am, aranworld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can add this to your UsersController:

 function __checkUsersOwnRecord($recordId = null) {
 if( $this-Auth-user('id') == $recordId ){
 return TRUE;
 } else {
 return FALSE;


 Give all users access to users/edit ... however, before you do any
 edit functionality first check that the logged inuseris the sameuseras the 
 record being edited.

 The basic answer is that since theAuthComponent does not look at the
 record ID when it verifies access, then you cannot rely on it to
 automatically handle record level access, and you therefore have to
 create such logic on your own.

 On Aug 12, 5:02 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have the same problem, but let us take a look to the debug messages:
  (we say thatusermodel must behave as requester, and in the model
  it's written
  var $actsAs = array('Acl' = array('type'='requester'));
  So the debug is

  SELECT `Aro`.`id`, `Aro`.`parent_id`, `Aro`.`model`,
  `Aro`.`foreign_key`, `Aro`.`alias` FROM `aros` AS `Aro` LEFT JOIN
  `aros` AS `Aro0` ON (`Aro`.`lft` = `Aro0`.`lft` AND `Aro`.`rght` =
  `Aro0`.`rght`) WHERE `Aro0`.`model` = 'User' AND `Aro0`.`foreign_key`
  = 29 ORDER BY `Aro`.`lft` DESC

  here 29 is id of theuserrequesting some permissions
  ok, works perfectly


  SELECT `Aco`.`id`, `Aco`.`parent_id`, `Aco`.`model`,
  `Aco`.`foreign_key`, `Aco`.`alias` FROM `acos` AS `Aco` LEFT JOIN
  `acos` AS `Aco0` ON (`Aco0`.`alias` = 'Users') WHERE `Aco`.`lft` =
  `Aco0`.`lft` AND `Aco`.`rght` = `Aco0`.`rght` ORDER BY `Aco`.`lft`

  Here you see `Aco0`.`alias` = 'Users'!!! but it's not true, i do not
  want to request permissions on the whole users group, i'm interested
  only in
  aco with alias, say,User::29, or, i would say it must be better, in
  aco with foreign_key=29

  so then as a consequence we have

  SELECT `Permission`.`id`, `Permission`.`aro_id`,
  `Permission`.`aco_id`, `Permission`.`_create`, `Permission`.`_read`,
  `Permission`.`_update`, `Permission`.`_delete`, `Aro`.`id`,
  `Aro`.`parent_id`, `Aro`.`model`, `Aro`.`foreign_key`, `Aro`.`alias`,
  `Aro`.`lft`, `Aro`.`rght`, `Aco`.`id`, `Aco`.`parent_id`,
  `Aco`.`model`, `Aco`.`foreign_key`, `Aco`.`alias`, `Aco`.`lft`,
  `Aco`.`rght` FROM `aros_acos` AS `Permission` LEFT JOIN `aros` AS
  `Aro` ON (`Permission`.`aro_id` = `Aro`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `acos` AS
  `Aco` ON (`Permission`.`aco_id` = `Aco`.`id`) WHERE
  `Permission`.`aro_id` = 5 AND `Permission`.`aco_id` = (1) ORDER BY
  `Aco`.`lft` desc

  where we have correct aro_id and incorrect aco_id

  so it seemsUsermodel must behave as a requester and as a
  controlled, but you cannot define such a behaviour (at least i don't
  know how)

  reasonable solutions are to check permissions in such a situations
  yourself (but i cannot switch off auto check!), to define additional
  model like profile or to make some correction in some cake files
  (still don't know where)

  any suggestions?

  On Aug 8, 6:31 am, KoPanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Yes, I'm using crud mode inAuth. The Aro and Aco trees are like


 |- user1
 |- user2
 |- administrators
 |- admin


 |- Users

   The permissions were setup like this,

   cakeaclgrant administrator Site *
   cakeaclgrant users Site read

   And then in the register() action after saving theuserdata,

   //Usermodel is define with $actAs = array('Acl' = 'requester') so
   the Aro is automatically handled
   // some code to create the aco and set the $alias to the username
   $this-Acl-allow($alias, $alias, array('read','update'));

   For example, ARO user1 would have read and updatepermissionto
   ACO user1. I supposeAuthwould check through the tree and see if ARO
   user1 can update ACO user1 and then allow edit() action when I do /
   users/edit/5 (suppose user1 has id:5). But that's not the case. It
   kicks me back to /users/view/5, as ARO user1 has readpermissionto
   ACO Users. If I want to make /users/edit/5 runs as I wish, I have to
   grant updatepermissionto Users controller, which eventually let
   all users to edit any records of other users.

   Well, I know I can do an extra check() in edit() action and see if the
   currentuserhas updatepermissionto the record but I don't
   understand why theAuthcomponent acts like this. Is my approach
   wrong? OrAclandAuthare not supposed to do the work like this?

   On Aug 8, 2:29 am, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You have to set (or use) the right mode toAuth, in this case model
or crud.

On Aug 7, 12:02 pm, KoPanda [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to develop a community website usingcrudmode onAuth
 component.Userprofiles can be viewed by all users while 

Re: Save / saving records with extra fields in a HABTM join table ( possibly using 'with' parameter ?)

2008-07-03 Thread luke BAKING barker

thanks James, yes I have got a solution with a model I created for the
join and I simply edit and add the entries on that form.

The 'with' parameter has certainly proved
useful to read out the data simply , I still think the way I have
saved it is not the most cake way, which is what I am still interested
in learning about. I am grateful to AD7six who also helped me in IRC
with this matter.

He advised to treat the joinTable as a hasMany joined model  for the
purpose of saving - and I still use the habtm with' association
therefore when I read data.


On Jul 2, 2:53 pm, James K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The framework has changed in this regard several times and most of the
 documentation and tutorials about it are outdated, or were actually
 written based on PLANNED functionality, not implemented functionality.
 I've never been able to get this to work, and the whole HABTM
 implementation is currently pretty kludgey. I find it's just best to
 forgo trying to use the automagic (that doesn't even work), write a
 model for your join table, and save it manually.

 It's a bit more work this way, but you'll save yourself a lot of
 headaches this way.

 On Jul 1, 5:56 am, luke BAKING barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I was wondering if someone could help me with saving the data of a
  join table, when it has extra fields in cake 1.2?

  I have read Mariano Iglesias' helpful blog post relating to this,
  where he explains the findings of the 'with' specified model, which
  was a great help. However, I am still unable to solve my problem -
  sorry if I am being dense over it!

  I have a model PlantItem and it is HABTM Specification.

  I have to also include a field in the join table
  (plant_items_specifications) alt_description to allow a particular
  descriptive comment about this particular pairing.

  So I have a user form where they add a new Plant Item,  and I want to
  allow them to note which specifications it should have (it is a kind
  of technical catalogue I am building) also.

  I can see there are 2 ways to do this possibly:

  1) have a multiple record section on this add form

  Spec 1 - spec1name [x] spec1name_alt_description [___]
  Spec 2 spec2name [x] spec2name_alt_description [___]
  Spec 3 - spec3name [x] spec3name_alt_description [___]

  etc - 1 for each spec...

  and try and save that along with the PlantITem data there and then.

  2) have a second step after saving the PlantItem, using a basic
  controller for the join-model PlIsSpec and a form where the new
  created Plant_Item id can now be embedded,  that wd be like:

  Spec 1 - spec1name [x] spec1name_alt_description [___] (hidden
  PlantItem id)
  Spec 2 spec2name [x] spec2name_alt_description [___] (hidden
  PlantItem id)
  Spec 3 - spec3name [x] spec3name_alt_description [___] (hidden
  PlantItem id)

  and then do a multi-save. I think the 2nd way looks a better start for
  me as it is walking before running, so-to-speak. Also I think it will
  be easier to create an edit form in this case.

  If anyone can help me I would be very grateful as I am keen to do the
  most Cake way and learn a bit more about these concepts.

  Useful references for this question:

  detailed blog 

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Save / saving records with extra fields in a HABTM join table ( possibly using 'with' parameter ?)

2008-07-01 Thread luke BAKING barker


I was wondering if someone could help me with saving the data of a
join table, when it has extra fields in cake 1.2?

I have read Mariano Iglesias' helpful blog post relating to this,
where he explains the findings of the 'with' specified model, which
was a great help. However, I am still unable to solve my problem -
sorry if I am being dense over it!

I have a model PlantItem and it is HABTM Specification.

I have to also include a field in the join table
(plant_items_specifications) alt_description to allow a particular
descriptive comment about this particular pairing.

So I have a user form where they add a new Plant Item,  and I want to
allow them to note which specifications it should have (it is a kind
of technical catalogue I am building) also.

I can see there are 2 ways to do this possibly:

1) have a multiple record section on this add form

Spec 1 - spec1name [x] spec1name_alt_description [___]
Spec 2 spec2name [x] spec2name_alt_description [___]
Spec 3 - spec3name [x] spec3name_alt_description [___]

etc - 1 for each spec...

and try and save that along with the PlantITem data there and then.

2) have a second step after saving the PlantItem, using a basic
controller for the join-model PlIsSpec and a form where the new
created Plant_Item id can now be embedded,  that wd be like:

Spec 1 - spec1name [x] spec1name_alt_description [___] (hidden
PlantItem id)
Spec 2 spec2name [x] spec2name_alt_description [___] (hidden
PlantItem id)
Spec 3 - spec3name [x] spec3name_alt_description [___] (hidden
PlantItem id)

and then do a multi-save. I think the 2nd way looks a better start for
me as it is walking before running, so-to-speak. Also I think it will
be easier to create an edit form in this case.

If anyone can help me I would be very grateful as I am keen to do the
most Cake way and learn a bit more about these concepts.

Useful references for this question:

detailed blog post:

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saveAll difficulty in combination with Generic Upload Behaviour

2008-05-30 Thread luke BAKING barker


I have posted this to cakeBin so it is easier to read:

My problem is that it saves the Attachment file and entry but the
foreignkey (in this case foreign_id) does not get saved.

Using CakePHP nightly from 28/5/08
on Mac os X apache



DEBUG SQL, upon saving the form with all fields and a specified valid
image file in admin_add:
9   INSERT INTO `plant_items`
(`plant_category_id`,`name`,`description`,`modified`,`created`) VALUES
(1,'ddd','','2008-05-30 12:37:26','2008-05-30 12:37:26')1  1
10  SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() AS insertID  1  1 1
11  INSERT INTO `attachments`
VALUES ('upload','PlantItem','_upload_15.jpg','','2008-05-30
12:37:26','2008-05-30 12:37:26','PlantItem/','image/jpeg',2703)


the file saves, but the foreign Id is not picked up in the upload
It also throws three warning:
- Undefined index:  size [APP/models/behaviors/upload.php, line
- Undefined index:  size [APP/models/behaviors/upload.php, line
- Undefined index:  filename [APP/models/behaviors/upload.php,
line 296]

class Attachment extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Attachment';

var $hasMany = array();
var $hasOne = array();

var $actsAs = array(
'ImageUpload' = array(
'allowedMime' = '*',
'allowedExt' = '*'
var $validate = array (
'description' = array(
'required' = VALID_NOT_EMPTY


// possibly: need afterfind?

class PlantItem extends AppModel {
var $name = 'PlantItem';


var $hasMany = array( 'Attachment'= array( 'foreignKey' =
//'conditions' =
array('Attachment.class' = 'PlantItem'),
'dependent' = true
/*var $hasOne = array(
'Thumb' = array(
'className' = 'Attachment',
'foreignKey' = 'foreign_id',
'conditions' = array('Thumb.class' =
'PlantItem', 'Thumb.thumb' = true),
'dependent' = true

var $belongsTo = array('PlantCategory');

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(   'Specification'



//excerpt ::

function admin_add() {
if (!empty($this-data)) {

// pr($this-data);
if ($this-PlantItem-saveAll($this-data )) {

$this-Session-setFlash(__('The PlantItem has been
saved', true));
} else {

$this-Session-setFlash(__('The PlantItem could not be
saved. Please, try again.', true));
$specifications = $this-PlantItem-Specification-find('list');
$plantCategories = $this-PlantItem-PlantCategory-find('list');
$this-set(compact('specifications',  'plantCategories'));






div class=plantItems form
?php echo $form-create('PlantItem', array('type' = 'file' ));?
   legend?php __('Add PlantItem');?/legend
echo $form-input('PlantItem.plant_category_id');
echo $form-input('');
echo $form-input('PlantItem.description');
echo $form-input('Attachment.Attachment.filename',
echo $form-input('Attachment.Attachment.description',
array('type'='hidden', 'value'='upload'));
echo $form-input('Attachment.Attachment.class',
array('type'='hidden', 'value'=Inflector::singularize($this-

// try with just one for now, so commented out:
//echo $form-input('Attachment.1.filename',
//  echo $form-input('Attachment.1.description',
array('type'='hidden', 'value'='upload'));
//  echo $form-input('Attachment.1.class',
array('type'='hidden', 'value'=Inflector::singularize($this-
echo $form-input('Specification');
?php echo $form-end('Submit');?


upload .php behaviour

class UploadBehavior extends ModelBehavior {

var $__defaultSettings = array(
'enabled' = true,
'fileField' = 'filename',
'dirField' = 'dir',
'allowedMime' = '*', //array('image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg',
'image/gif', 'image/png'),
'allowedExt' = '*', //array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png'),
'allowedSize' = '1', // '*' 

Use routes to permanently redirect?

2008-05-30 Thread Luke

I have the following route:

Router::connect('/newrv.cfm', array('controller' = 'rvs', 'action' =
'index', 'new'));

Is it possible to do this, but issue a 301 and redirect to the correct
url? Right now it does the right thing, but no 301 and it stays at /
newrv.cfm in the location bar. Thanks!
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Re: Mac OS developper setup

2008-02-05 Thread luke BAKING barker

I use XAMPP on 10.4 -- it works well, as you just edit the httpd.conf
-- I have multiple document roots, the way I do it, and have different
versions of Cake for each project. Annoying fo rupgrading the version
of Cake, but I generally don't do such massive projects that it
hinders me and I like to be able to quickly switch between the
different projects I do have, by jsut changing the httpd.conf (of
XAMPP Apache == also called MAMPP) DocumentRoot.

I do not know MAMP, but XAMPP/MAMPP has a builtin phpmyadmin and you
can switch between php4 and 5 with a single command. It is pretty

I use Textmate to edit and CocoaMySQL for the db. Both work well in a
Cake context. currently preparing Leopard Subversion server and will
prbably rethink the way I run off Cake and try and just use one SVN
updateable latest nightly of Cake  to run all my apps.


On Feb 5, 9:10 am, boyracerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use MAMP for my PHP5, and the standard Apache that comes with the
 Mac plus a selfcompiled PHP for PHP4. They seem to live quite happily
 together. I have had some problems before, but got things working
 (with the exception of Jake, which is another story).

 What problem are you having? Any error message?


 On Feb 5, 9:47 am, zeugme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm wondering what kind of software setup are you using on Mac OS as a
  developper machine ?

  I'm using MAMP for the Apache, PHP, MySQL stack and IntelliJ for  code

  I created a symlink from MAMP htdocs to my dev web folder.

  I'm not sure but I think I might have a mod_rewrite issue, maybe due to
  that MAMP htdocs symlink or apache default config ?
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Re: CakePHP guide

2008-02-05 Thread luke BAKING barker

theres a book coming for Cake too - by David Golding:

On Feb 5, 10:11 am, accom06 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is great!


 -- Aaron

 On 5 Feb, 08:58, Julio Protzek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hey, awsome work Zoe :)

  The official docs is really missing something like this. As Mark said, a
  rails book like tutorial is a great idea too.
  The lack of good, consistent and updated documentation is the worst problem
  for new users.

  I agree with brian about the 'hidden' 1.2 docs.

  In the end every effort will be good for people learning cake. Be it already
  official, or new.
  It's very important use as many ways as possible to teach things, so we can
  touch as many minds as possible too.

  Learning and teaching needs to bee plural. Lets get the best ideas and make
  it official when its mature.

  -- Julio Vinicius Protzek
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Re: .htaccess password in CAKE

2008-02-01 Thread luke BAKING barker


2 questions regarding this:

1) I am trying it with a virtualHost in my httpd.conf - I put the
Location /admin inside my virtualHost directive (At the bottom)
but when I go to anything with I get a 401.shtml
error served by Cake. This is a server-authentication apache error.

I have a htpasswd file setup and a single user added to it.

So I think the problem is with VirtualHost but I read on several
Django sites that one can nest the Location  directive within the
virtualHost one.

2) Is there a way that you can specify the Location set of
instructions within an .htaccess file of Cake? If so, which one to
make the /admin protected? the document root? Or the webroot? Any

thanks for the tip anyway - I tried ti on a non-virtualhost setup and
worked a charm


On Jan 2, 9:02 pm, Mazgalici [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks adica Multumesc :D

 On 26 Noi 2007, 21:39, Dragos Chiriac [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Mazgalici wrote:
   Does anybody know how to put a passoword on .htaccessfile for a
   direcory for examplehttp://localhost/admin?


  Hi, though it seems a stupid question it is not, and you'll see why :

  Part one, preety straight forward :

  Put a .htaccessin the dir you want to protect

  AuthUserFile /my/passwd/file
  AuthName Title
  AuthType Basic
  Require valid-user

  /my/passwd/file is created with the following command :
  htpasswd -c /my/passwd/file bob

  PS: Does not really have much to do with cake.

  Part 2

  /admin(as cake uses rewrites) is not actually a directory. So then you have 
  a problem :)
  Solvable though , putting in the docroot ahtaccesswith something like :

  Location /admin
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName Title
    AuthUserFile /my/passwd/file
    Require valid-user

  Of course if you need to match a regexp :

  LocationMatch /mysecret/[^/]+/
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName Title
    AuthUserFile /my/passwd/file
    Require valid-user

  Hopefully it works, most is from memory, I think I installed to many TRACs 

  This part have something tangential with cake anyway.

  And if we are so offtopic, in my language Mazgalici means the ones that 
  smears/scribbles :).

  Kind regards,
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Using Acl to display a user-specific menu

2008-01-16 Thread Luke

I am writing an application that has three user groups: admin, user,
and photo manager. I want all three to have basically the same
interface, but admins will obviously have more things available to
them (ability to add things, edit things, etc), photo managers will be
allowed to add / edit photos, and all users will be able to view just
about anything in the system. I'm just wondering what the best way to
go about displaying the menu to my uses is. Should I run a
beforeFilter in my AppController that grabs all the user's permissions
and stores them in the session? Then I could check the session to know
what parts of the menu to display. Is this a good idea? If not, why?
What would you do?
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Re: Using Acl to display a user-specific menu

2008-01-16 Thread Luke

Correction: I'm just wondering what the best way to
go about displaying the menu to my uses is should read:

I'm just wondering what the best way to
go about displaying the menu to my users is.

On Jan 16, 2:13 pm, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am writing an application that has three user groups: admin, user,
 and photo manager. I want all three to have basically the same
 interface, but admins will obviously have more things available to
 them (ability to add things, edit things, etc), photo managers will be
 allowed to add / edit photos, and all users will be able to view just
 about anything in the system. I'm just wondering what the best way to
 go about displaying the menu to my uses is. Should I run a
 beforeFilter in my AppController that grabs all the user's permissions
 and stores them in the session? Then I could check the session to know
 what parts of the menu to display. Is this a good idea? If not, why?
 What would you do?
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Re: Using Acl to display a user-specific menu

2008-01-16 Thread Luke

like 3 different menu.ctp files (menu-admin.ctp, menu-manager.ctp, and
menu-default.ctp) ?

On Jan 16, 2:47 pm, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 16, 11:13 pm, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am writing an application that has three user groups: admin, user,
  and photo manager. I want all three to have basically the same
  interface, but admins will obviously have more things available to
  them (ability to add things, edit things, etc), photo managers will be
  allowed to add / edit photos, and all users will be able to view just
  about anything in the system. I'm just wondering what the best way to
  go about displaying the menu to my uses is. Should I run a
  beforeFilter in my AppController that grabs all the user's permissions
  and stores them in the session? Then I could check the session to know
  what parts of the menu to display. Is this a good idea? If not, why?
  What would you do?

 I did that a long time ago on a small scale, result: awful

 Probably better to define, in whatever way suits you best, the 3
 permutations in separate elements and add logic to render the right


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Re: othAuth looses session - upgrading to new (2008)

2008-01-09 Thread luke BAKING barker


I am running Cake build from August, I have an app using database
sessions and othAuth. I want to try and upgrade my app to the new beta
- I was just wondering then what other problems/issues might I face?

I saw the red frog blog comments about the can anyone
advise me?

I take it all of you can get it working OK with database sessions?

thanks to othman also for a great component / system.



On Jan 8, 10:57 am, hoerbuchhoerer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 solved similar issue with using database sessions, carefully search
 for session_start() in vendor files, remove them all.
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Re: othAuth component + CakePHP prebeta = broken == saveField not working

2007-12-10 Thread luke BAKING barker

check red frogs blog on this too and other posts in the group..othAuth
1.2 pre-beta

On Dec 10, 4:19 pm, daphonz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had some issues getting the othAuth component to work with Cake pre-
 beta as well.  I think had the same problem you did.  You can read my
 blog post about it:

 Hope that helps.


 On Dec 8, 11:09 am, bingo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I did some debugging..and it seems the above problem is only with
  OthAuth component. I searched through all the possible sources..but
  couldn't find any reason why its not working. Any help will be

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acl manager plugin not working

2007-12-09 Thread Luke

I am trying to install the ACL Manager I found here:

I followed the directions exactly, but it still isn't working
correctly. The directions tell me that once it's installed, you can
access it at /admin/acl, and sure enough I can, but if I click any of
the three links on that screen, I get this error:

Missing controller

You are seeing this error because controller AclController could not
be found.

Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views

Fatal: Create the class below in file: app\controllers

class AclController extends AppController {
   var $name = 'Acl';

I realize you guys probably aren't experts on every plugin, but any
insight into what could be causing this would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Ajax - help in serialize of data from mootools sortable OL list for CakePHP to use

2007-12-06 Thread luke BAKING barker

whoa hang on -

I should have searched mootools on here before! (tried google...but
not the group search!)

On Dec 6, 10:24 am, luke BAKING barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Adam,

 thanks for your replies. In fact I am using mootools for the nested
 drag and drop sortable - I am not sure there is an equivalent in
 Scriptaculous although it should be possible. Mootools and Prototype
 are not compatible however. Your example has given me a bit of an idea
 of the best way of naming my lists and items however!

 can anyone else point me in the direction of documentation/tips on
 serializing Ajax data with Cake ?



 On Dec 6, 4:57 am, Adam Royle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I forgot to mention you need to include the prototype+scriptaculous
  javascript libraries - this is what the ajax helper uses.


  On Dec 6, 2:57 pm, Adam Royle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   here is my code for the view using the ajax helper (note the ids are
   important, these are actually the ids that exist in the database)

   ul id=items
   li id=item_1Item 1/li
   li id=item_2Item 2/li
   li id=item_3Item 3/li

   ?php echo $ajax-sortable('items', array('constraint' = false,
   'url'='/myitems/updaterank/')); ?

   and now the code in the myitems controller:

   function updaterank()
   foreach ($this-params['form']['items'] as $rank = $id){
   $this-MyItem-id = $id;
   $this-autoRender = false;



   On Dec 6, 4:19 am, luke BAKING barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am building a little menu manager for a backend of a site. I am
using this Nestable Sortable drag and drop script , using mootools
demo and script:

It essentially allows the reordering of a OL's LI's and nested
OLs , and does it very nciely.

I want to allow the user to re-order the list as they want the tree
to be, then hit a Submit button, which will post this and update all
the items in the database with their new order. I know this involves
serializing the data, but am asking for a few pointers on finding out
how to do this, with particular reference to the most Cake way(s) of
doing this?

I havent any experience really with AJAX in CakePHP, and didnt want to
steam ahead and miss out any of the goodness there may be!

thanks for any help you may be able to give,

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Ajax - help in serialize of data from mootools sortable OL list for CakePHP to use

2007-12-05 Thread luke BAKING barker


I am building a little menu manager for a backend of a site. I am
using this Nestable Sortable drag and drop script , using mootools
demo and script:

It essentially allows the reordering of a OL's LI's and nested
OLs , and does it very nciely.

I want to allow the user to re-order the list as they want the tree
to be, then hit a Submit button, which will post this and update all
the items in the database with their new order. I know this involves
serializing the data, but am asking for a few pointers on finding out
how to do this, with particular reference to the most Cake way(s) of
doing this?

I havent any experience really with AJAX in CakePHP, and didnt want to
steam ahead and miss out any of the goodness there may be!

thanks for any help you may be able to give,


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Re: multiple hasMany?

2007-11-30 Thread Luke

alright it appears that the associations are working correctly, but
the scaffolding just isn't being generated for notes. oh well I guess

On Nov 30, 1:23 pm, Jon Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 30/11/2007, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  no that would only allow me to have one note and one item per order...
  I want many items and many notes per order... so I put order_id inside
  each of those tables.

 oh yeah, doh!

 it's even easier then, the issue is most likely cause by cake's
 scaffolding assuming alphabetically, eg, 'i' before 'n' orderItem
 before orderNote! this is why your associations work when you do:

 class Order extends AppModel
 var $name = 'Order';
 var $hasMany = array(
 'OrderNote' = array('dependent'=true)





 jon bennett
 iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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Re: multiple hasMany?

2007-11-30 Thread Luke

no that would only allow me to have one note and one item per order...
I want many items and many notes per order... so I put order_id inside
each of those tables.

On Nov 30, 1:16 pm, Jon Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  do you mean my table names?


 I'm assuming your orders table is:

 - id
 - order_item_id
 - order_note_id
 - created
 - modified

 and you have in your order model

 class Order extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Order';

   var $hasMany = array(
 'OrderNote' = array(

   'className' = 'OrderNote',
   'dependent' = true,


 'OrderItem' = array(

   'className' = 'OrderItem',
   'dependent' = true,



 is that correct?




 jon bennett
 iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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Re: multiple hasMany?

2007-11-30 Thread Luke

do you mean my table names?

On Nov 30, 1:09 pm, Dardo Sordi Bogado [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try defining your model classes whitout the 'order_' prefix, and set
 $useTable = 'order_whatever'; in the model.

 2007/11/30, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  umm I might have asked the question wrong. here is what I am trying to

  I have 3 tables: orders, order_items, and order_notes

  Orders is full of all of my store's orders. Order items are all the
  items the customer purchased, and order_notes contains all of the
  notes associated with an order. so the tables look like:






  So it isn't a many-to-many association, it's just two one-to-many

  On Nov 30, 9:17 am, Anupom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Join tables should be named after the tables that will join, in
   alphabetical order, with underscores in between. As an example, a join
   table between posts and tags tables should be named posts_tags, not

   The default value of the foreign keys used in the join table must be
   underscored, singular name of the models in relation, suffixed with
   Like, post_id, tag_id.

   If you want to override the defaults, you can explicitly define it in
   the association attribute of the model -

   class Post extends AppModel
   var $name = 'Post';

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
   'Tag' =
   array('className'= 'Tag',
   'joinTable'  = 'tags_posts, //altered the
   default - posts_tags
   'foreignKey' = 'article_id', //altered
   the default -post_id
   'associationForeignKey'  = 'category_id' //altered
   the default - tag_id


   On Nov 30, 2007 11:12 PM, Jon Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Always best to stick to a A-Z (why can't I think of the correct term 
 for that!)





jon bennett
iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

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   Homepage. []
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Re: scaffold error

2007-11-30 Thread Luke

it outputs app\controllers\orders_controller.php (line 41) and an
empty yellow box.

I am on version pre-beta

On Nov 30, 12:27 pm, Dardo Sordi Bogado [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 what version?

 Try debug($this-data) in beforeFilter;

 2007/11/30, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  I am not sure what I did, but for some reason the edit action isn't
  working in any of my controllers. It keeps telling me Invalid id for
  Order::edit(). Why would it be doing that? Here is an example

  class OrderItemsController extends AppController {

  var $name = 'OrderItems';
  var $uses = array('OrderItem', 'Order');
  var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form' );
  var $scaffold;

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scaffold error

2007-11-30 Thread Luke

I am not sure what I did, but for some reason the edit action isn't
working in any of my controllers. It keeps telling me Invalid id for
Order::edit(). Why would it be doing that? Here is an example

class OrderItemsController extends AppController {

var $name = 'OrderItems';
var $uses = array('OrderItem', 'Order');
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form' );
var $scaffold;

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Re: multiple hasMany?

2007-11-30 Thread Luke

does nobody know or is it impossible or what?

On Nov 29, 3:39 pm, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does cake not allow multiple hasMany associations? for some reason
 it is only rendering scaffolding for the first of the two I'm putting
 in here:

 class Order extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Order';

var $hasMany = array(
  'OrderNote' = array(

'className' = 'OrderNote',
'dependent' = true,


  'OrderItem' = array(

'className' = 'OrderItem',
'dependent' = true,



 if I switch the two and make OrderItem first, then that shows up in
 the scaffolding. What's the deal??
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Re: multiple hasMany?

2007-11-30 Thread Luke

umm I might have asked the question wrong. here is what I am trying to

I have 3 tables: orders, order_items, and order_notes

Orders is full of all of my store's orders. Order items are all the
items the customer purchased, and order_notes contains all of the
notes associated with an order. so the tables look like:






So it isn't a many-to-many association, it's just two one-to-many

On Nov 30, 9:17 am, Anupom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Join tables should be named after the tables that will join, in
 alphabetical order, with underscores in between. As an example, a join
 table between posts and tags tables should be named posts_tags, not

 The default value of the foreign keys used in the join table must be
 underscored, singular name of the models in relation, suffixed with
 Like, post_id, tag_id.

 If you want to override the defaults, you can explicitly define it in
 the association attribute of the model -

 class Post extends AppModel
 var $name = 'Post';

  var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
 'Tag' =
 array('className'= 'Tag',
 'joinTable'  = 'tags_posts, //altered the
 default - posts_tags
 'foreignKey' = 'article_id', //altered
 the default -post_id
 'associationForeignKey'  = 'category_id' //altered
 the default - tag_id


 On Nov 30, 2007 11:12 PM, Jon Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Always best to stick to a A-Z (why can't I think of the correct term for 





  jon bennett
  iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett

 Trippert Inc. []
 GopherNow. []
 Homepage. []
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Re: why am I getting this undefined index error?

2007-11-29 Thread Luke


On Nov 28, 10:41 am, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to set up associations between my orders model and my
 orderitems model. It seems to be working except for this error I'm
 getting. What am I doing wrong? (see screenshot below)

 Here are my models:

 class OrderItem extends AppModel {
var $name = 'OrderItem';
var $belongsTo = array('Order' =
array('className'  = 'Order',
  'foreignKey' = 'order_id'


 class Order extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Order';

var $hasMany = array('OrderItem' =
  array('className' = 'OrderItem',
'order' = 'OrderItem.status_id
'foreignKey'= 'order_id',
'dependent' = true


 here is a screenshot of the error I am getting:
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multiple hasMany?

2007-11-29 Thread Luke

Does cake not allow multiple hasMany associations? for some reason
it is only rendering scaffolding for the first of the two I'm putting
in here:

class Order extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Order';

   var $hasMany = array(
 'OrderNote' = array(

   'className' = 'OrderNote',
   'dependent' = true,


 'OrderItem' = array(

   'className' = 'OrderItem',
   'dependent' = true,


if I switch the two and make OrderItem first, then that shows up in
the scaffolding. What's the deal??
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how do I validate *only if value is present*

2007-11-28 Thread Luke

I have a model called Orders that I need to validate. In this model,
there is a fax number that is not required, but if submitted must be
in the format of a phone number. I cannot seem to figure out how to do
something like this in cake. It seems to me that it should be
something as easy as

var $validate = array(
  'shipping_fax' = array('required' = false, 'rule' =

am I going about it wrong?
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generating scaffolding

2007-11-28 Thread Luke

in rails one of the most useful things I've found is the ability to
generate the entire scaffolding in your directory app so that you can
slowly mold it into what you want. is this not a feature of cake?
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why am I getting this undefined index error?

2007-11-28 Thread Luke

I am trying to set up associations between my orders model and my
orderitems model. It seems to be working except for this error I'm
getting. What am I doing wrong? (see screenshot below)

Here are my models:

class OrderItem extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'OrderItem';
   var $belongsTo = array('Order' =
   array('className'  = 'Order',
 'foreignKey' = 'order_id'

class Order extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Order';

   var $hasMany = array('OrderItem' =
 array('className' = 'OrderItem',
   'order' = 'OrderItem.status_id
   'foreignKey'= 'order_id',
   'dependent' = true

here is a screenshot of the error I am getting:
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Re: a lot of the features that make rails so cool are totally missing in cake :(

2007-11-28 Thread Luke

thanks guys I take back my gripe... cakephp rocks

On Nov 28, 11:39 am, foxmask [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 D:\wamp\www_cakephp\cake\consolecake bake help

 Welcome to CakePHP v1.2.0.5875 pre-beta Console
 App : console
 Path: D:\wamp\www_cakephp\cake\console
 CakePHP Bake:
 The Bake script generates controllers, views and models for your
 If run with no command line arguments, Bake guides the user through
 the class
 creation process. You can customize the generation process by telling
 where different parts of your application are using command line
 Usage: cake bake command arg1 arg2...
 -app path Absolute/Relative path to your app folder.


 bake help
 shows this help message.

 bake project path
 bakes a new app folder in the path supplied
 or in current directory if no path is specified

 bake db_config
 bakes a database.php file in config directory.

 bake model
 bakes a model. run 'bake model help' for more info

 bake view
 bakes views. run 'bake view help' for more info

 bake controller
 bakes a controller. run 'bake controller help' for
 more info

 On 28 nov, 20:37, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Nov 28, 8:33 pm, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I'm sorry I honestly forgot I already asked this question... I was
   wondering why you said again - thanks for answering anyway :)

  Try a screen cast: up the CakePHP 

  Bake is self documenting really, i.e. you start it and it asks you
  what you want to do.


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why do i get so many weird errors?

2007-11-28 Thread Luke

I have a completely BLANK controller... all it is is this:

function import()

in my view I have a form with a file upload element in it. whenever I
press submit I get this error on the top of the page Warning (2):
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE\cake\dispatcher.php,
line 381] WHY? :(
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Re: why do i get so many weird errors?

2007-11-28 Thread Luke

form action=?php echo $this-webroot; ?orders/import/
enctype=multipart/form-data method=post

  p?php echo $form-file('import'); ?/p
  p?php echo $form-submit('Import'); ?/p


On Nov 28, 2:06 pm, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's in the view?

 On Nov 28, 2007 3:47 PM, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a completely BLANK controller... all it is is this:

  function import()

  in my view I have a form with a file upload element in it. whenever I
  press submit I get this error on the top of the page Warning (2):
  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE\cake\dispatcher.php,
  line 381] WHY? :(
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Re: why do i get so many weird errors?

2007-11-28 Thread Luke

I guess because I don't know how I'm supposed to... slowly figuring it

On Nov 28, 2:28 pm, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know dudeWhy don't you just write the thing like you're supposed
 to? I never messed with a black controller before. Your controller code
 should be done way before your view anyway

 On Nov 28, 2007 4:16 PM, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  form action=?php echo $this-webroot; ?orders/import/
  enctype=multipart/form-data method=post

   p?php echo $form-file('import'); ?/p
   p?php echo $form-submit('Import'); ?/p


  On Nov 28, 2:06 pm, Baz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What's in the view?

   On Nov 28, 2007 3:47 PM, Luke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a completely BLANK controller... all it is is this:

function import()

in my view I have a form with a file upload element in it. whenever I
press submit I get this error on the top of the page Warning (2):
Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE\cake\dispatcher.php,
line 381] WHY? :(
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Re: othAuth with Cake 1.2.x.x Nightly Build (5938)

2007-11-03 Thread luke BAKING barker

Is this happening only for admin actions or all POSTs ?


On Nov 3, 12:47 am, gmwebs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For some reason or another, since upgrading to the latest pre-beta
 1.2.x.x I have been experiencing issues with the othAuth component. I
 have also upgraded to the latest nightly build but it has not made any

 I followed the instructions in
 which sorts out the admin routing issues.

 The problem I am having is that if I login as an administrator and
 then perform an admin function (like editing an article) it logs me
 out when I submit the form. All other restricted functions work fine
 as long as they are not admin functions.

 Any ideas?

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Re: HTTP-auth and Security Component cake 1.2 - POST a form cause me difficulty

2007-11-03 Thread luke BAKING barker

Hi McFadly,

hats interesting thanks. I normally use othAuth but I jsut wanted a
very simple HTTP-Auth, and it seems to me that should be easily
achievable with this Security component, although I have not been able
to get it to work!

All I would like to do is turn off the separate checking of POSTed
data -- can anyone help?
Or even someone who uses a HTTP-auth (with or without the digest) to
post an example of their code to achieve it?

I am not sure if a problem is arsing becasue my code is in the
app_controller, maybe it would be better in each controller that needs
the HTTP-auth; this seems to be the way of the OC  presentation on
Cake's example.



On Nov 1, 4:58 pm, McFadly [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Luke -
 I think you're making this process more difficult than it needs to
 be.  I haven't used HTTP auth in theSecuritycomponent, so I can't
 offer much insight in that realm.  But you may just want to look into
 using the Auth component, its pretty straightforward.  Check out
 Chris's article 

 On Nov 1, 7:03 am, luke BAKING barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  looking at the HTML of the form I am submitting, I see there is this
  form id=MemberAddForm method=post action=/admin/members/addp
  style=display: none;input type=hidden name=data[__Token][key]
  value=451ed6fb6ba0df462ad05faad6f0bdaab07b667c id=Token1063112810 /

  I suppose that is causing a mismatch upon a POST?



  On Nov 1, 12:55 pm, luke BAKING barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I am using Cake 1.2 - 14th October nightly build. I have set up my
   app_controller with admin routing, so that an admin function will ask
   the user to authenticate with HTTP auth. (I had wanted to do a
   simple .htaccess, with .htpasswd - so I thought I would try the Cake

   I have this working, BUT, when I submit an add form (e.g. submit
   admin_Add or admin_edit) I get asked to authenticate again, which also
   doesnt seem to work if correct details are put in. (The latter is to
   do with my custom blackhole callback I think).

How can I tell theSecuritycomponent not to ask for Auth again upon
   a POST?

   here is my app_controller code:
   class AppController extends Controller {

   var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Javascript');

   var $components = array(Security);

   function beforeFilter() {
   if (isset($this-params[admin])) {

   $this-Security-blackHoleCallback = 'incorrect';

   $this-Security-requireLogin('*',array('type'='basic','realm' =

   $this-Security-loginUsers = array(admin = 


   // added this callback because without, if a user enters wrong
   details, auth prompt will not re-display
   function incorrect () {

   header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' 
   realm=' .
   Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

   header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

   $this-autoRender = false;
   $this-layout = '';

   die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 
   Details incorrect.
   Please refresh.');


   if I change my callback to this, it will work, but this is insecure,
   obviously as it simply authenticates any POSTs!

   function incorrect () {
   if(!$this-RequestHandler-isPost()) {

   header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' 
   realm=' .
   Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

   header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

   $this-autoRender = false;
   $this-layout = '';

   die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 
   Details incorrect.
   Please refresh.');
   else {
   return true;


   thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

   Luke aka boobyW

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HTTP-auth and Security Component cake 1.2 - POST a form cause me difficulty

2007-11-01 Thread luke BAKING barker


I am using Cake 1.2 - 14th October nightly build. I have set up my
app_controller with admin routing, so that an admin function will ask
the user to authenticate with HTTP auth. (I had wanted to do a
simple .htaccess, with .htpasswd - so I thought I would try the Cake

I have this working, BUT, when I submit an add form (e.g. submit
admin_Add or admin_edit) I get asked to authenticate again, which also
doesnt seem to work if correct details are put in. (The latter is to
do with my custom blackhole callback I think).

 How can I tell the Security component not to ask for Auth again upon

here is my app_controller code:
class AppController extends Controller {

var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Javascript');

var $components = array(Security);

function beforeFilter() {
if (isset($this-params[admin])) {

$this-Security-blackHoleCallback = 'incorrect';

$this-Security-requireLogin('*',array('type'='basic','realm' =

$this-Security-loginUsers = array(admin = 


// added this callback because without, if a user enters wrong
details, auth prompt will not re-display
function incorrect () {

header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' realm=' .
Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

$this-autoRender = false;
$this-layout = '';

die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 Details 
Please refresh.');


if I change my callback to this, it will work, but this is insecure,
obviously as it simply authenticates any POSTs!

function incorrect () {
if(!$this-RequestHandler-isPost()) {

header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' realm=' .
Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

$this-autoRender = false;
$this-layout = '';

die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 Details 
Please refresh.');
else {
return true;


thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

Luke aka boobyW

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HTTP-auth and Security Component cake 1.2 - POST a form cause me difficulty

2007-11-01 Thread luke BAKING barker


I am using Cake 1.2 - 14th October nightly build. I have set up my
app_controller with admin routing, so that an admin function will ask
the user to authenticate with HTTP auth. (I had wanted to do a
simple .htaccess, with .htpasswd - so I thought I would try the Cake

I have this working, BUT, when I submit an add form (e.g. submit
admin_Add or admin_edit) I get asked to authenticate again, which also
doesnt seem to work if correct details are put in. (The latter is to
do with my custom blackhole callback I think).

 How can I tell the Security component not to ask for Auth again upon

here is my app_controller code:
class AppController extends Controller {

var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Javascript');

var $components = array(Security);

function beforeFilter() {
if (isset($this-params[admin])) {

$this-Security-blackHoleCallback = 'incorrect';

$this-Security-requireLogin('*',array('type'='basic','realm' =

$this-Security-loginUsers = array(admin = 


// added this callback because without, if a user enters wrong
details, auth prompt will not re-display
function incorrect () {

header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' realm=' .
Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

$this-autoRender = false;
$this-layout = '';

die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 Details 
Please refresh.');


if I change my callback to this, it will work, but this is insecure,
obviously as it simply authenticates any POSTs!

function incorrect () {
if(!$this-RequestHandler-isPost()) {

header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' realm=' .
Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

$this-autoRender = false;
$this-layout = '';

die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 Details 
Please refresh.');
else {
return true;


thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

Luke aka boobyW

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Re: HTTP-auth and Security Component cake 1.2 - POST a form cause me difficulty

2007-11-01 Thread luke BAKING barker

looking at the HTML of the form I am submitting, I see there is this
form id=MemberAddForm method=post action=/admin/members/addp
style=display: none;input type=hidden name=data[__Token][key]
value=451ed6fb6ba0df462ad05faad6f0bdaab07b667c id=Token1063112810 /

I suppose that is causing a mismatch upon a POST?



On Nov 1, 12:55 pm, luke BAKING barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am using Cake 1.2 - 14th October nightly build. I have set up my
 app_controller with admin routing, so that an admin function will ask
 the user to authenticate with HTTP auth. (I had wanted to do a
 simple .htaccess, with .htpasswd - so I thought I would try the Cake

 I have this working, BUT, when I submit an add form (e.g. submit
 admin_Add or admin_edit) I get asked to authenticate again, which also
 doesnt seem to work if correct details are put in. (The latter is to
 do with my custom blackhole callback I think).

  How can I tell the Security component not to ask for Auth again upon
 a POST?

 here is my app_controller code:
 class AppController extends Controller {

 var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Javascript');

 var $components = array(Security);

 function beforeFilter() {
 if (isset($this-params[admin])) {

 $this-Security-blackHoleCallback = 'incorrect';

 $this-Security-requireLogin('*',array('type'='basic','realm' =

 $this-Security-loginUsers = array(admin = 


 // added this callback because without, if a user enters wrong
 details, auth prompt will not re-display
 function incorrect () {

 header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' realm=' .
 Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

 header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

 $this-autoRender = false;
 $this-layout = '';

 die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 Details 
 Please refresh.');


 if I change my callback to this, it will work, but this is insecure,
 obviously as it simply authenticates any POSTs!

 function incorrect () {
 if(!$this-RequestHandler-isPost()) {

 header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic' .' realm=' .
 Configure::read('Settings.title') . '');

 header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');

 $this-autoRender = false;
 $this-layout = '';

 die('h1HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized./h1 Details 
 Please refresh.');
 else {
 return true;


 thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

 Luke aka boobyW

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Re: Email component (1.2) fails to send attachment and content

2007-10-19 Thread luke BAKING barker

hmm looking more closely at mine, I actually get a weird error.

My layout is rendering, asHTML in the email, but the view is not.
However - in the original (show original as I am looking at in GMail)
the view HTML does show. I havent included anything weird, but I
wonder if there is some missing encoding going on on the view part. I
am looking at the email.php lines to see if I can fix this:

function send($content = null, $template = null, $layout = null) {
$this-subject = $this-__encode($this-subject);

if ($template) {
$this-template = $template;

if ($layout) {
$this-layout = $layout;

if (($template === null)  ($this-template === null)) {
if (is_array($content)) {
$message = null;
foreach ($content as $key = $value) {
$message .= $value . $this-_newLine;
} else {
$message = $content;
} else {
$this-__message = $this-__renderTemplate($content);

if (!empty($this-attachments)) {

if (!is_null($this-__boundary)) {
$this-__message .= $this-_newLine .'--' . 
$this-__boundary .
'--' . $this-_newLine . $this-_newLine;

somewhere in there lies why!


On Oct 19, 1:03 pm, luke BAKING barker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Francky,

 I just had a similar bit of difficulty getting this going.

 I don't think it is a bug though, there were a coupe of things:

 1) I had an absoulte filepath for my $attachment; but you must specify
 a filepath (look at theemail.php code to see -- if there are no
 filepaths it won't work, sO I just chanegd to relative path and
 included the lines like so :

 $this-Email-attachments[] = $poem['Poem']['filename'];
 $this-Email-filePaths[] = WWW_ROOT . $this-Poem-uploads ;//
 require this relative path prefix

 2) My install of PHP on my hosting didnt have mime_content_type (it is
 deprecated and also I think needs magic.mime enabled in php.ini

 so in my app/config/bootstrap I whacked this:
 if (!function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
 function mime_content_type($file) {

 return trim ( exec ('file -bi ' . escapeshellarg ( $file ) ) 
 ) ;



 I might adjust this in fact as I don't like using exec, it was jsut to
 get it working. (opinons on this function please!)

 3) it still didnt work but I was getting the attahcment inline;

 I noticed there was no newline though, and so in myemail/html/
 default.ctp  email/text/default.ctp layouts
 I added a newline at the end...

 And SUCCESS! thanks for theEmailcomponentdevs :) makes it very


 Luke aka boobyWomack

 On Oct 2, 11:17 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does anyone succeed to send a 'text' message with an attached file
  using theEmailcomponent?

  I am using the cake1.2 from branch, and when attaching a file to a
  simple text mail, the content does not appear, the attachment is
  If I remove the attachment, the content is there. Same results using
  html, also after trying to send a template.
  I use UTF-8 charset, very simple default layout (text is just ?php
  echo $content_for_layout; ? ).

  I am using Thunderbird, and looking at the message source, actually
  the content is there but not showing.
  Seems to be a story of boundary / new lines, but mail protocol is not
  my cup of tea.

  Anyone experienced this and maybe give me some hints ?


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Re: Email component (1.2) fails to send attachment and content

2007-10-19 Thread luke BAKING barker

Hi Francky,

I just had a similar bit of difficulty getting this going.

I don't think it is a bug though, there were a coupe of things:

1) I had an absoulte filepath for my $attachment; but you must specify
a filepath (look at the email.php code to see -- if there are no
filepaths it won't work, sO I just chanegd to relative path and
included the lines like so :

$this-Email-attachments[] = $poem['Poem']['filename'];
$this-Email-filePaths[] = WWW_ROOT . $this-Poem-uploads ;//
require this relative path prefix

2) My install of PHP on my hosting didnt have mime_content_type (it is
deprecated and also I think needs magic.mime enabled in php.ini

so in my app/config/bootstrap I whacked this:
if (!function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
function mime_content_type($file) {

return trim ( exec ('file -bi ' . escapeshellarg ( $file ) ) ) ;


I might adjust this in fact as I don't like using exec, it was jsut to
get it working. (opinons on this function please!)

3) it still didnt work but I was getting the attahcment inline;

I noticed there was no newline though, and so in my email/html/
default.ctp  email/text/default.ctp layouts
I added a newline at the end...

And SUCCESS! thanks for the Email component devs :) makes it very


Luke aka boobyWomack

On Oct 2, 11:17 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anyone succeed to send a 'text' message with an attached file
 using theEmailcomponent?

 I am using the cake1.2 from branch, and when attaching a file to a
 simple text mail, the content does not appear, the attachment is
 If I remove the attachment, the content is there. Same results using
 html, also after trying to send a template.
 I use UTF-8 charset, very simple default layout (text is just ?php
 echo $content_for_layout; ? ).

 I am using Thunderbird, and looking at the message source, actually
 the content is there but not showing.
 Seems to be a story of boundary / new lines, but mail protocol is not
 my cup of tea.

 Anyone experienced this and maybe give me some hints ?


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