Re:Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

2003-12-10 Thread S . Isaac Dealey
Welcome. Glad to know it's appreciated. :)

 Good writing, thanks.

Yep, Hal Helms has been a big proponent of OO for a while.
He was
working with a language called SmallTalk iirc prior to
which was an OO language. And that probably also has a lot
to do with
his relationship to the new Mach-II framework which was
intended to be labelled Fusebox MX before Hal decided to
keep Fusebox
as a proecural framework. I'm not sure if Hal kept it
procedural for
the sake of other developers or just because he suddenly
had a lot of
really great ideas about how to improve the existing

I'm a pretty big fan of OO concepts myself -- code reuse
is a big part
of OO, but more importantly, OO divides code reuse into
different avenues, most notably inheritance and
interfaces. I think of
OO code reuse as meta-code reuse -- it's less that
you're reusing
entire chunks of code (like a custom tag or a function)
than that
you're reusing bits and pieces of a large chunk (a class
or object),
while you suppress or replace other chunks on an as-needs
basis. In
some cases, such as with interfaces and polymorphism you
may not even
be reusing code per-se, but rather reusing the content the
manipulates, or the code's meta-structure while the guts
of it have
been entirely rewritten.

OO functionality can often be created even when the
language isn't
inherently OO itself (virtual OO you might say). See for
instance which is a competing framework, although
now that CFMX
includes CFC's, there seems to be little call for
cfObjects in
general. Fusebox itself doesn't have any (that I'm aware
of) built-in
model for inheritance, interfaces or polymorphism, which
are the
staples of OO. Did Hal intend to steer the community
toward OO? It's
conceivable, although I don't think that's the case.
Otherwise I think
Hal's recommendations likely would have much more closely

My own framework (I couldn't respond without mentionig it
:) also
includes a lot of built-in methods for reusing code and
managing code
reuse in a consistent manner. In particular, the tiered
html header and local settings stages of an onTap
framework request
allow for code to be easily applied across an entire site,
an entire
section of a site, or within an individual page or
process, using the
logical directory names you would create for an
application anyway,
i.e. /members/forum/post/ for instance. Is it OO? No it's
not. I don't
think it needs to be. Does it have some similarities to
OO? Yea, sure.
But ultimately it's a procedural framework because it
doesn't need to
be OO to accomplish its goal of providing consistent code
and a fast, flexible means of creating, maintaining and
ColdFusion applications.

Ultimately I think the choice of framework should depend
more on the
developers involved in a project and their needs
(including the needs
of the project) than on any particular ideology like OO.

s. isaac dealey 972-490-6624

team macromedia volunteer

chief architect, tapestry cms

onTap is open source

 If the key benefit of FuseBox is about code-reuse, then,
 would say, code-reuse is not unique to FuseBox.In the
 days before FuseBox, many of us were already practising
 code-reuse methodology.

 Probably the creator(s) of FuseBox were big into
 object-oriented programming, and wanted to steer the
 towards that direction with FuseBox, but I could be
 totally wrong on this assumption.

 Don Li

My very favorite feature with fusebox is only having to
modify code in one place
and it will apply to the entire site.

Fusebox is a methodology, not a religion, therefore it
your option to develop
web sites with reusable code or any other methodology
is acceptable between
you and your client.

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't

- Original Message -
From: Gabriel Robichaud [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 12:54 PM
Subject: RE: Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

| I for one would love to see the arguments FOR using
fusebox.I have been to
the FB web site and I am not sure its worth the effort
learning a completely
new mehtodology and reengineering my processes to fit
someone elses model.I
think that Dan's points are valid especially when it
to creativity, but I
am sure there are opinions, very good ones, pro FB.I
just don`t see them.
What I do see, is a lot of people posting questions
it on the forums that
seem overly complicated, and honestly, the last thing i
need is more
complication in my Dev process.

RE: Application variables between two applications

2003-12-10 Thread Tim Blair
 Now, how could I call this same object from the differenct 
 application? You would think since it is in memory, there has 
 to be way that I can retreive it.

You can use the underlying java of CF to get a hold of the application
scope for any currently active application:

// application tracker object
appObj = createObject(java,
// get external app scope
appScope = appObj.getApplicationScope(myappname);

Note that this is undocumented and so could well change in a future
release of CF.Also if the app name you give it doesn't exist it won't
error - you'll just get a java null value back, which CF isn't too hot
on handling...

For more info on using the ApplicationScopeTracker and similar
SessionTracker have a look at



RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
Visit our new website at for
more information about our company, or call us free
anytime on 0800 294 24 24.
Tim Blair
Web Application Engineer, Rawnet Limited
Direct Phone : +44 (0) 1344 393 441
Switchboard : +44 (0) 1344 393 040
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RE: Ever growing single quotes (')

2003-12-10 Thread A.Little
Yes, we've had that too, the solution we found was to use:

cfqueryparam cfsqltype=...

Doesn;t help for all those records where theres already a load of single
quotes - but it should be easy enough to write an update query to get
rid of those.


	-Original Message-
	From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
	Sent: 10 December 2003 03:18
	To: CF-Talk
	Subject: Ever growing single quotes (')
	Has anybody ever experienced a problem, where if you update a
string in a SQL 2000 database with a cfqueryparam tag, each time the
string is updated, an additional single quote is appended to each single
quote in the string?
	Start with the string
	I'll just run to the store and get some milk.
	Update it once and you get 
	I''ll just run .
	Update it a second time you get
	Ill just run 
	After not too many reputations of this, you can get an a
awefully long series of single quotes.
	I can't see anyplace where this is obviouslly happening.The
form that contains the string doesn't show the new quotes, but it will
show the quotes the next time the record in viewed.
	Ian Skinner
	Web Developer
	Sierra Outdoor Recreation
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Single-threaded server probs

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
 Hi all,
 The server in question is implemented with Single Threaded Sessions
 (that's just the way it is :-)
 The problem with single threaded sessions (as I am sure you are aware)
 is that if a request is taking a little bit longer than usual, the
 user often tries clicking away from the screen, which of course just
 lines up another request against their session ID.This then
 generally brings the server down if the user is very click/trigger
 happy (guess we all want to be cowboys) as the requests just pile up
 and then... crash...
 Anybody got any (useful) insights on how to prevent this crash from
 happening with respect to the situations above?Any checking I can
 do it would be impossible to go back and retrofit apps (resource
 issues) so looking for a possible way to solve this generically.
 There are quite a few apps on the server and locking is not used much
 anywhere (again that's just the way it is, please don't moan to me
 about it unless it is def part of the solution)
 Comments would be appreciated.
 -dc[ cf5, ora8.1.7, iis5 ]

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Re: Ever growing single quotes (')

2003-12-10 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Ian Skinner wrote:

 Has anybody ever experienced a problem, where if you update a string in a SQL 2000 database with a cfqueryparam tag, each time the string is updated, an additional single quote is appended to each single quote in the string?


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Re:Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

2003-12-10 Thread Scott . CTR . Stewart
Because of the code reuse in Fusebox I have saved substantial development


Scott Stewart
Web Application Developer, AMTI

Brainbench Certified Cold Fusion 4.5
Brainbench Certified HTML 3.2

 S. Isaac Dealey
 12/10/2003 02:33Subject:Re:Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?
 Please respond to

Welcome. Glad to know it's appreciated. :)

 Good writing, thanks.

Yep, Hal Helms has been a big proponent of OO for a while.
He was
working with a language called SmallTalk iirc prior to
which was an OO language. And that probably also has a lot
to do with
his relationship to the new Mach-II framework which was
intended to be labelled Fusebox MX before Hal decided to
keep Fusebox
as a proecural framework. I'm not sure if Hal kept it
procedural for
the sake of other developers or just because he suddenly
had a lot of
really great ideas about how to improve the existing

I'm a pretty big fan of OO concepts myself -- code reuse
is a big part
of OO, but more importantly, OO divides code reuse into
different avenues, most notably inheritance and
interfaces. I think of
OO code reuse as meta-code reuse -- it's less that
you're reusing
entire chunks of code (like a custom tag or a function)
than that
you're reusing bits and pieces of a large chunk (a class
or object),
while you suppress or replace other chunks on an as-needs
basis. In
some cases, such as with interfaces and polymorphism you
may not even
be reusing code per-se, but rather reusing the content the
manipulates, or the code's meta-structure while the guts
of it have
been entirely rewritten.

OO functionality can often be created even when the
language isn't
inherently OO itself (virtual OO you might say). See for
instance which is a competing framework, although
now that CFMX
includes CFC's, there seems to be little call for
cfObjects in
general. Fusebox itself doesn't have any (that I'm aware
of) built-in
model for inheritance, interfaces or polymorphism, which
are the
staples of OO. Did Hal intend to steer the community
toward OO? It's
conceivable, although I don't think that's the case.
Otherwise I think
Hal's recommendations likely would have much more closely

My own framework (I couldn't respond without mentionig it
:) also
includes a lot of built-in methods for reusing code and
managing code
reuse in a consistent manner. In particular, the tiered
html header and local settings stages of an onTap
framework request
allow for code to be easily applied across an entire site,
an entire
section of a site, or within an individual page or
process, using the
logical directory names you would create for an
application anyway,
i.e. /members/forum/post/ for instance. Is it OO? No it's
not. I don't
think it needs to be. Does it have some similarities to
OO? Yea, sure.
But ultimately it's a procedural framework because it
doesn't need to
be OO to accomplish its goal of providing consistent code
and a fast, flexible means of creating, maintaining and
ColdFusion applications.

Ultimately I think the choice of framework should depend
more on the
developers involved in a project and their needs
(including the needs
of the project) than on any particular ideology like OO.

s. isaac dealey 972-490-6624

team macromedia volunteer

chief architect, tapestry cms

onTap is open source

 If the key benefit of FuseBox is about code-reuse, then,
 would say, code-reuse is not unique to FuseBox.In the
 days before FuseBox, many of us were already practising
 code-reuse methodology.

 Probably the creator(s) of FuseBox were big into
 object-oriented programming, and wanted to steer the
 towards that direction with FuseBox, but I could be
 totally wrong on this assumption.

 Don Li

My very favorite feature with fusebox is only having to
modify code in one place
and it will apply to the entire site.

Fusebox is a methodology, not a religion, therefore it
your option to develop
web sites with reusable code or any other methodology
is acceptable between
you and your client.

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't

- Original Message -
From: Gabriel Robichaud [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 12:54 PM
Subject: RE: Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

| I for one would love to see the arguments FOR using
fusebox.I have been to
the FB web site and I am not sure its worth the effort
learning a completely
new mehtodology and 

Re: Question about memory usage under a CFMX 6.2 environment

2003-12-10 Thread Michael Hodgdon
Thank you.That looks helpful, and certainly something I can use.I implemented this yet, but it looks pretty thorough.
Michael S Hodgdon
Web Development Project Manager
617 - 669 - 7183
- Original Message - 
From: Dave Carabetta 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: Question about memory usage under a CFMX 6.2 environment

I think my message needs clarification.I was thinking more on the 
variable assignment level.It would be nice to know how much memory each 
variable scope is absorbing. For instance:

cfset server.test = test
cfset application.test = test
cfset session.test = test

As you create variables in these scopes, memory must manage it.So I am 
wondering if there is a way to know how much memory is allocated to 
variable scopes.If you could get as granular as each scope that would be 
great, if not, a collective summary of all scopes would do.

I have asked this question before Pre-MX and the response I received from 
the list is that CF does not work close enough to the hardware to truly 
know this as it is a security breach.CF is merely delivered a spot in 
which to reference where its variables sit, but has no other control over 
memory.At the time, that made sense.I was wondering if any changes have 
been made since MX has come along.

This question comes from the idea that we would rather anticipate max 
memory issues prior to running an application in production.

Does that clear the air a little?

This may help:

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Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Robert Everland III
I know this is on the forum somewhere, but I don't think I am typing the right search term.

So how do I get HTML to run through CFMX. I know it isn't the suggested way, but I need to do it. Thanks.

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Problems with PreserveSingleQuotes() WAS: Ever growing single quo tes (')

2003-12-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Trying to implement the solution provided by A.Little of using
PreserveSingleQuotes() in the value of my cfqueryparam's to prevent the
multiplication of single quotes(').

Is there some reason why the following forms is illegal?


Both of these threw errors of illegal characters ( and [ respectively.
It seems you can not use other functions and/or array notation variables
inside a PreserveSingleQuotes() function.Is this by design or flaw?

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread cf coder
Hello Everybody,

I have a comma separated list. I want to display the
list item(s) one after the other something like a
ticker, starting from list position one to the length
of the list. Can someone please show me how to do
this? Or atleast if someone point me to some link
which has a similar kind of thing, that would be very

Best Regards
CF Coder 

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RE: displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread Raymond Camden
Are you asking for DHTML help (for the ticker) or just how to loop through
the list? If you just need to loop through the list

cfloop index=item list=#theList#
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losing client variables in mx6.1

2003-12-10 Thread Kelly Tetterton
There is a thread on the macr forums ( which seems to describe a problem we are now having: namely, that sometimes our client variables are getting lost.

The short version: we are (intermittently) having the same problems described throughout this thread; we are on mx6.1, W2K. But we may have tracked this down:

Can anyone confirm or deny that mx6.1 now creates cookies that truncate any domain beginning with more than 3 alpha-numeric characters?

The longer version:

We have several application environments:

1) or localhost
2) dev.[app_name].[company_name].com
3) stage.[app_name].[company_name].com
4) www.[app_name].com

The problem has crept up in situation #3, or #1 sometimes, where we would *occasionally* lose client variables. I could verify that the variables were getting stored in the database, but they would just be lost when the app tried to retrieve them via the cookie.

On closer inspection, the cookies are being written out thusly:


Note that for #3 (the stage example), the stage part of the domain is being cut off; likewise, if you use localhost for #1, that gets cut off.

Needless to say, this makes it difficult for the cookies to be properly associated with their client variables.

So: can anyone else verify this behavior?
Is there any bug fix for this?
Does it mean that in mx6.1, we can only use domain names with 3 leading alpha-numeric characters? 

Kelly Tetterton
duo | Technical Lead
One Web Company. 
Twice the Results.

312.224.9650 | main
312.224.9648 | direct
312.224.9651 | fax


duoDesign is a Web development and marketing firm that combines 
expertise in design, technology and online promotion to help businesses 
and organizations use the Internet marketing channel to greatest advantage.
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Re:Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Jeremy Brodie
Use an include.

cfinclude template=myfile.htm

This is a pretty decent technique when you want to use an administrative form (in conjunction with CFFILE) to update static content i.e headers and footers or even long blocks of text.


 I know this is on the forum somewhere, but I don't think I am typing 
 the right search term.
 So how do I get HTML to run through CFMX. I know it isn't the 
 suggested way, but I need to do it. Thanks.
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Re:displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread cf coder
no actually I'm asking for some DHTML help. The idea behind is that I call a webservice which returns a comma separated list of items, I then display each item in a div or somewhere in the browser one after the other. I don't have a clue how to do this. I'd appreciate your help

Best Regards
CF Coder

Are you asking for DHTML help (for the ticker) or just how to loop through
the list? If you just need to loop through the list

cfloop index=item list=#theList#

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RE: displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread Raymond Camden
Sorry, I haven't worked in DHTML in ages. I'd much rather work in Flash. ;)
As it stands, I bet if you Googled for dhtml ticker, you would probably find
a bunch of scripts.
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Re:Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Robert Everland III
I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a security layer. So including a file won't work.


 Use an include.
 cfinclude template=myfile.htm
 This is a pretty decent technique when you want to use an 
 administrative form (in conjunction with CFFILE) to update static 
 content i.e headers and footers or even long blocks of text.
  I know this is on the forum somewhere, but I don't think I am typing 
  the right search term.
  So how do I get HTML to run through CFMX. I know it isn't the 
  suggested way, but I need to do it. Thanks.
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RE: Application variables between two applications

2003-12-10 Thread Ricky Fritzsching
Thanks Tim! I will definitely try that out.



From: Tim Blair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:34 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Application variables between two applications

 Now, how could I call this same object from the differenct 
 application? You would think since it is in memory, there has 
 to be way that I can retreive it.

You can use the underlying java of CF to get a hold of the application
scope for any currently active application:

// application tracker object
appObj = createObject(java,
// get external app scope
appScope = appObj.getApplicationScope(myappname);

Note that this is undocumented and so could well change in a future
release of CF.Also if the app name you give it doesn't exist it won't
error - you'll just get a java null value back, which CF isn't too hot
on handling...

For more info on using the ApplicationScopeTracker and similar
SessionTracker have a look at entry=3



RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
Visit our new website at for
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anytime on 0800 294 24 24.
Tim Blair
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Direct Phone : +44 (0) 1344 393 441
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RE: Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Pascal Peters
set up your webserver to run .htm / .html extensions through the CF app
server. How to do this depends on the web server you are using.
-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: woensdag 10 december 2003 15:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Run HTML through CFMX

I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a security
layer. So including a file won't work.

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RE: Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Heald, Tim
You make .htm or .html get parsed by CF in your web server.Then you add
your security.

How to do this depends on the web server.

Timothy Heald 
Web Portfolio Manager 
Overseas Security Advisory Council 
U.S. Department of State 

The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.
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-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Run HTML through CFMX

I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a security layer. So
including a file won't work.


 Use an include.
 cfinclude template=myfile.htm
 This is a pretty decent technique when you want to use an 
 administrative form (in conjunction with CFFILE) to update static 
 content i.e headers and footers or even long blocks of text.
  I know this is on the forum somewhere, but I don't think I am typing 
  the right search term.
  So how do I get HTML to run through CFMX. I know it isn't the 
  suggested way, but I need to do it. Thanks.
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RE: Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Jerry Johnson
I seem to remember (from other people posting to this list) that there is an XML config file to tell CFMX it needs to handle it also.

I'm thinking April-May-ish. Check the archives

Jerry Johnson

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/10/03 10:14AM 
set up your webserver to run .htm / .html extensions through the CF app
server. How to do this depends on the web server you are using.
-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: woensdag 10 december 2003 15:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Run HTML through CFMX

I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a security
layer. So including a file won't work.

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Re: Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Wednesday 10 Dec 2003 14:07 pm, Robert Everland III wrote:
 I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a security layer.
 So including a file won't work.

You want to protext .htm file's via a CFML security system ? Keeping the 
existing HTML files intact ?
Can you change the URI to files ? If so, then you can use what is basicaly SES 
to map
If you can't, then you could configure the web server to treat .htm/.html as 
CFML files.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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Re:displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread cf coder
I got this code from somewhere in the archive threads.

BODY bgcolor=#FF background="">
CFSET TheList = #lName# 
CFSET Position = RandRange(1,ListLen(TheList)) 
CFSET TheList = ListDeleteAt(TheList,Position) 

When displayed on the page, the page refreshes every 2 seconds and randomly displays the list item. How do I make sure that all the items in the list are displayed, only repeating a list item once after all list items are displayed. how do I do that check?
Sorry, I haven't worked in DHTML in ages. I'd much rather work in Flash. ;)
As it stands, I bet if you Googled for dhtml ticker, you would probably find
a bunch of scripts.

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Re: Re:Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

2003-12-10 Thread John Quarto-vonTivadar
Oh, I heartily agree! It is very important to always avoid making mistakes
and knowing the future is the best way to achieve that. Or, in the words of
former vice-President Dan Quayle,
If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.

SO in that sense I agree with your point.But you lost me a bit when you

It seems to me the above goes without saying

And I wish it had.

- Original Message - 
From: Chunshen (Don) Li [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 10:09 PM
Subject: Re:Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?

 Nobody is waiting for a big project!While some small project may lead to
a big project some other small one will never be able to turn into a big
one.For instance, a project for a small business, but of course the small
business owner may introduce you to his other business friends/associates
etc. if he/she thinks that's not against his/her own interest and he/she
feels like doing so.It seems to me the above goes without saying.

 About the database schema changed, you didn't get it right if you were
referring to relational database (I'm not into OO db, not sure how popular
OO db is anyway), it's not what framework or methodology you use, but rather
how good the code is, which also requires hell lot of inner/deep knowledge
of database.


 Don Li

 The funny part about waiting for a big project is that small projects can
 commonly turn into big projects over time,
 I'm working on a project right now, the start of it was to come up with
 report based on a criteria screen.Now the customers are so pleased with
 it, they want to add worksheets, more reports and the entire project has
 totally expanded.
 When the call came to expand this, the other members of my team were
 about having to rework the entire framework, but because I started it in
 Fusebox 4, the transition has been very simple. I was able to add a lot
 functionality without introducing bugs into the original areas (even
 the database schema changed).
 Try it out on a small project, figure out how it works, when it comes
 to do your big project (or transform your small project into a large
 you'll be glad you did.
 Sandy Clark
 From: Chunshen (Don) Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 4:33 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re:Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?
 I appreciate your thoughts and I agree I or one would invest time in
 once a big project which heavily involves FB in one way or another is
 Best regards,
 I really think it depends on what sort of entity the web site is for and
 what they want.If you are dealing with organizations that want to use
 recognized framework for web applications then I am not aware of
 that is as well distributed as Fusebox.Once we began using Fusebox
 on) we did not find any good reason not to carry on using it.Of course
 you are right many of the things Fusebox focuses on where already being
 by the better CF developers but followed closely, Fusebox brings that
 of good practice to those who were not. One other point highlighted by
 Liotta earlier in this thread, at Webapper we have seen the benefits of
 bringing in Fusebox developers to a Fusebox project mid-stream and were
 to get them up to speed very quickly.
 I also think your point re an 'OO' type thinking is a thought although
 Fusebox is far from a true 'OO' entity.Mach-II gets much nearer but
 are still limitations in CFC's that prevent CF from being a strict 'OO'
 language.Macromedia are using Mach-II for internal and I believe now
 external part of their site.Sean Corfield of Macromedia has done a lot
 improve Mach-II and has recently contributed to modifying the core after
 what he says was some fairly heavy load-testing of Mach-II.If you're
 interested you can find Sean's information on Mach-II here.
 Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
 Webapper Services LLC
 Web Site
 Webapper Web Application Specialists
 -Original Message-
 From: Chunshen (Don) Li [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 3:03 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re:Fusebox - whats the big deal anyway?
 If the key benefit of FuseBox is about code-reuse, then, I would say,
 code-reuse is not unique to FuseBox.In the days before FuseBox, many
 were already practising code-reuse methodology.
 Probably the creator(s) of FuseBox were big into object-oriented
 programming, and wanted to steer the CFers towards that direction with
 FuseBox, but I could be totally wrong on this assumption.
 Don Li
 My very favorite feature with fusebox is only having to modify code in
 and it will apply to the entire site.
 Fusebox is a methodology, not a religion, therefore it is your option

OT: Payment Merchants Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread Oliver Cookson

I will shortly be needed a UK based payment processor or a merchant
account to start receiving CC payments via the web. Can anyone
recommend good\cheap UK based 3rd party payment processors and well
priced merchant accounts as well?

Thanks in advance.

Cheers Oliver
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Re: Prism Antivirus in HOF footer...

2003-12-10 Thread Howie Hamlin
Ha, right...should be:

- user uploads file
- virus scan
- write to BLOB


- Original Message - 
From: Jim Davis 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 9:40 PM
Subject: RE: Prism Antivirus in HOF footer...

Well - for what it's worth I would hope that the file is checked for virus
BEFORE it gets put in the database!;^)

Jim Davis


From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Prism Antivirus in HOF footer...

Couldn't you do this?:

- write from BLOB to temp file
- virus scan


 - Original Message - 
 From: Schuster, Steven 
 To: CF-Talk 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:48 PM
 Subject: RE: Prism Antivirus in HOF footer...

 Ah yes but we write ours directly from a database BLOB and use the
 deletefile option to ensure it gets removed once it has been called so the
 file never really just sits out there.
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Re:displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread Thane Sherrington
At 10:24 AM 10/12/2003 -0400, cf coder wrote:

When displayed on the page, the page refreshes every 2 seconds and 
randomly displays the list item. How do I make sure that all the items in 
the list are displayed, only repeating a list item once after all list 
items are displayed. how do I do that check?

Delete the item from the list when it's displayed?

cfset DisplayItem=ListGetAt(TheList,Position)
cfset tempVar=ListDeleteAt(TheList,Position)

(Of course, you'd want to save the original list so you could start over 
once you had finished one pass through the list.)


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Re:Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Robert Everland III
I wish it were that simple, but there is something that needs to be done in CF and I can't find it.


You make .htm or .html get parsed by CF in your web server.Then you add
your security.
How to do this depends on the web server.

Timothy Heald 
Web Portfolio Manager 
Overseas Security Advisory Council 
U.S. Department of State 

The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.
Department of State or any affiliated organization(s).Nor have these
opinions been approved or sanctioned by these organizations. This e-mail is
unclassified based on the definitions in E.O. 12958.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Run HTML through CFMX

I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a security layer. So
including a file won't work.


 Use an include.
 cfinclude template=myfile.htm
 This is a pretty decent technique when you want to use an 
 administrative form (in conjunction with CFFILE) to update static 
 content i.e headers and footers or even long blocks of text.
  I know this is on the forum somewhere, but I don't think I am typing 
  the right search term.
  So how do I get HTML to run through CFMX. I know it isn't the 
  suggested way, but I need to do it. Thanks.

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Re: OT: Payment Merchants Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread Ryan Mitchell
They have a list of banks they work with

On 10/12/03 3:29 pm, Oliver Cookson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I will shortly be needed a UK based payment processor or a merchant
 account to start receiving CC payments via the web. Can anyone
 recommend good\cheap UK based 3rd party payment processors and well
 priced merchant accounts as well?
 Thanks in advance.
 Cheers Oliver

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Re: OT: Payment Merchants Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Wednesday 10 Dec 2003 15:29 pm, Oliver Cookson wrote:
 recommend good\cheap UK based 3rd party payment processors and well
 priced merchant accounts as well?

I've used Barclays merchent services twice in the past with good results.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

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RE: Payment Merchants Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
On Wednesday 10 Dec 2003 15:29 pm, Oliver Cookson wrote:
 recommend good\cheap UK based 3rd party payment processors and well 
 priced merchant accounts as well?

I'll chip in with one.

Set a few accounts up for some clients a year or so ago and not had a
peep of trouble out of any of them
which effectively uses


-dc[ cf5, ora8.1.7, iis5 ]
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RE: OT: Payment Merchants Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread Tim Blair
 They have a list of banks they work with

Secpay are good - they've got a Java interface into their system that
can be used from CF.We're currently using for a project
which is doing the job just fine.

Support-wise I think that secpay do a better job - when we were having
issues with something I got the direct line to one of the developers.
Protx don't really do telephone support and their email support is a
reply within 24 hours type thing.


RAWNET LTD - Internet, New Media and ebusiness Gurus.
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Tim Blair
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Taking the plunge to IIS 6...

2003-12-10 Thread Che Vilnonis
I need book recommendations for learning IIS 6 from A to Z.
Our company is switching half of our webservers to M$ from
four pain free years working with Netscape iPlanet/Sun One.

And is there any book out there that is better than Hal Helms book on
ColdFusion CFCs (Discovering CFCs: ColdFusion MX Components)?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks, Ch
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Re: Payment Merchants Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
On Wednesday 10 Dec 2003 15:29 pm, Oliver Cookson wrote:
 recommend good\cheap UK based 3rd party payment processors and well
 priced merchant accounts as well?

Also forgot the one we use the now

It's got a fairly dodgy looking site but support was quite good and been
working fine for us here at RGU :-)

-dc[ cf5, ora8.1.7, iis5 ]
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Re:Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Jerry Johnson
I think this was it - only it was from mid-October. Go figure. 


oops, he didn't mention this 

Open the {serverRoot}\WEB-INF\web.xml . You can modify the extension 
mappings by adding these lines: 


If this helps, give a yell so I can bookmark it.
Jerry Johnson

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/10/03 09:49AM 
I wish it were that simple, but there is something that needs to be done in CF and I can't find it.


You make .htm or .html get parsed by CF in your web server.Then you add
your security.
How to do this depends on the web server.

Timothy Heald 
Web Portfolio Manager 
Overseas Security Advisory Council 
U.S. Department of State 

The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.
Department of State or any affiliated organization(s).Nor have these
opinions been approved or sanctioned by these organizations. This e-mail is
unclassified based on the definitions in E.O. 12958.

-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:07 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:Run HTML through CFMX

I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a security layer. So
including a file won't work.


 Use an include.
 cfinclude template=myfile.htm
 This is a pretty decent technique when you want to use an 
 administrative form (in conjunction with CFFILE) to update static 
 content i.e headers and footers or even long blocks of text.
  I know this is on the forum somewhere, but I don't think I am typing 
  the right search term.
  So how do I get HTML to run through CFMX. I know it isn't the 
  suggested way, but I need to do it. Thanks.

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Re:Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Robert Everland III
I found it
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RE: OT: Payment Merchants Merchant Accounts (UK)

2003-12-10 Thread Stacy Young
Shameless plug #2

We process for UK merchants...and other international currencies. No
merchant account required and free setup for CF-Talk folks.
Surefire Commerce)




From: Ryan Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: OT: Payment Merchants  Merchant Accounts (UK)
They have a list of banks they work with

On 10/12/03 3:29 pm, Oliver Cookson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I will shortly be needed a UK based payment processor or a merchant
 account to start receiving CC payments via the web. Can anyone
 recommend good\cheap UK based 3rd party payment processors and well
 priced merchant accounts as well?
 Thanks in advance.
 Cheers Oliver

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RE: Payment Processors

2003-12-10 Thread Stacy Young
Time for my usual shameless plug. ;-)

We integrate with CF...and a merchant account is not required. 

Free setup for CF-Talk folks!




From: Rick Root [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 9:41 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Payment Processors

Bruce Sorge wrote:

 What payment processors are you all using that is similar to PayPal? I
 looking for one with lower rates. I checked out and they
 pricier. I am looking for something that will work with CF.

I've used but that's a real payment processor... but it 
works well with CF =)We got our merchant account through payquake and 
they use

They had a nice plan that had no monthly minimums which is good because 
we haven't actually taken a credit card payment yet =)

- Rick

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Re:displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread cf coder
Thane Sherrington wrote:
(Of course, you'd want to save the original list so you could start over 
once you had finished one pass through the list.)

How do I save the original list?

At 10:24 AM 10/12/2003 -0400, cf coder wrote:

When displayed on the page, the page refreshes every 2 seconds and 
randomly displays the list item. How do I make sure that all the items in 
the list are displayed, only repeating a list item once after all list 
items are displayed. how do I do that check?

Delete the item from the list when it's displayed?

cfset DisplayItem=ListGetAt(TheList,Position)
cfset tempVar=ListDeleteAt(TheList,Position)

(Of course, you'd want to save the original list so you could start over 
once you had finished one pass through the list.)


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RE: Run HTML through CFMX

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
 I have a massive static HTML website that I need to add a 
 security layer. So including a file won't work.

As many others have probably mentioned by now, you need to edit web.xml to
make this work:


However, you might be able to get significantly better performance using a
different approach. You might look at security preprocessors for your
specific web server. For example, for IIS, there are a bunch of ISAPI
security filters:

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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Re:displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread Thane Sherrington
At 11:08 AM 10/12/2003 -0400, cf coder wrote:
Thane Sherrington wrote:
(Of course, you'd want to save the original list so you could start over
once you had finished one pass through the list.)

How do I save the original list?

First create your list, then do something like:
cfset BackupList=TheList
That will give you two lists, each identical.

Each time you loop through TheList variable and delete a list item, you can 
check and see if there is anything left - if TheList is empty, recreate it 
from BackupList.

cfif ListLen(TheList) EQ 0
cfset TheList=BackUpList


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2003-12-10 Thread Shahzad.Butt

 I am providing user a form to add new employees in the system. Problem
I am facing is that users are adding same employees twice (as adding is
managed by different departments). Now this adding form
(dsp_addEmployee.cfm) is quite complicated and I dont want to touch it
at all neither do I want to touch its act page (act_addEmployee.cfm)
where its acutally adding looking at loads of different criterias.
Solution we came up with is that check the date of birth in the form as
user submits the form and provide the user with list a of all employees
for that date of birth and a message that checks if the employee already
exist. If h/she does then go somewhere (doesn't matter where), if no
then click on CONTINUE and it will run the act page. This CONTINUE seems
a bit tricky as I can have a new page called
dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm between dsp_addEmployee.cfm and
act_addEmployee. But on continue that dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm
needs to carry all form variables (attributes here as i am using FB3). I
cannot store them again in hidden variables as its too complicated and

So whats the solution for this problem?

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RE: Solution/suggetion...

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
You storing the NINO?Would be better check that DOB

1 possible way...
Duplicate the form into the session scope 
Carry over to the continue page
Set a flag upon submission of that page
On your main act pagelook for the flag, and if there, rewrite all the
session form structure into the local form structure
No need to edit much of the main action page that way

I think that roughly does what you want...

Why can't your use hidden vars?


-Original Message-
From: Shahzad.Butt
Sent: 10 December 2003 11:43


 I am providing user a form to add new employees in the system. Problem
I am facing is that users are adding same employees twice (as adding is
managed by different departments). Now this adding form
(dsp_addEmployee.cfm) is quite complicated and I dont want to touch it
at all neither do I want to touch its act page (act_addEmployee.cfm)
where its acutally adding looking at loads of different criterias.
Solution we came up with is that check the date of birth in the form as
user submits the form and provide the user with list a of all employees
for that date of birth and a message that checks if the employee already
exist. If h/she does then go somewhere (doesn't matter where), if no
then click on CONTINUE and it will run the act page. This CONTINUE seems
a bit tricky as I can have a new page called
dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm between dsp_addEmployee.cfm and
act_addEmployee. But on continue that dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm
needs to carry all form variables (attributes here as i am using FB3). I
cannot store them again in hidden variables as its too complicated and

So whats the solution for this problem?

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SOT: Autofill Remember Password

2003-12-10 Thread Brad Roberts
When I add a remember me checkbox to my login form, IE refuses to prompt
the user to remember the password.Once I remove the checkbox, it works as

Anyone know of a way to make it prompt the user (while keeping my checkbox)?


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Re:displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread cf coder
ok here is my code, I've added what your bits too in it.

CFSET TheList = #lName# 

cfset BackupList=TheList
cfset Position = RandRange(1,ListLen(TheList))
cfset DisplayItem=ListGetAt(TheList,Position)
cfset tempVar=ListDeleteAt(TheList,Position)
cfif ListLen(TheList) EQ 0 
cfset TheList=BackUpList 
!--- TDCFOUTPUT#ListGetAt(TheList,Position)#/CFOUTPUT/TD
CFSET TheList = ListDeleteAt(TheList,Position)---

Now each time the page refreshes, the list will be reinitialised to its original length, right. So your logic does'nt ever get executed, does it? the list length will never be set to 0?

Sorry for pestering you!

At 11:08 AM 10/12/2003 -0400, cf coder wrote:
Thane Sherrington wrote:
(Of course, you'd want to save the original list so you could start over
once you had finished one pass through the list.)

How do I save the original list?

First create your list, then do something like:
cfset BackupList=TheList
That will give you two lists, each identical.

Each time you loop through TheList variable and delete a list item, you can 
check and see if there is anything left - if TheList is empty, recreate it 
from BackupList.

cfif ListLen(TheList) EQ 0
cfset TheList=BackUpList


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RE: Solution/suggetion...

2003-12-10 Thread Brad Roberts
Here's how I'd do it (if I understand correctly).

Before the user can get to the employee form (to add a new employee), have
them enter the DOB (SSN may be better if that's part of your data).This
would be one page with one form field.

Once they have entered a DOB, query to look up employees that match.If no
employees exist, go to the New Employee form.If employees do exist,
display them and put the continue button at the bottom.Clicking on the
continue button will simply take them to the New Employee form.

Checking the DOB (or SSN) before they input the other criteria will save
them time if the employee already exists.Otherwise, they've typed in all
of the employee info, only to find out it's already in the database.

Hope this makes sence.

-Original Message-
From: Shahzad.Butt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 6:43 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Solution/suggetion...


I am providing user a form to add new employees in the system. Problem
I am facing is that users are adding same employees twice (as adding is
managed by different departments). Now this adding form
(dsp_addEmployee.cfm) is quite complicated and I dont want to touch it
at all neither do I want to touch its act page (act_addEmployee.cfm)
where its acutally adding looking at loads of different criterias.
Solution we came up with is that check the date of birth in the form as
user submits the form and provide the user with list a of all employees
for that date of birth and a message that checks if the employee already
exist. If h/she does then go somewhere (doesn't matter where), if no
then click on CONTINUE and it will run the act page. This CONTINUE seems
a bit tricky as I can have a new page called
dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm between dsp_addEmployee.cfm and
act_addEmployee. But on continue that dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm
needs to carry all form variables (attributes here as i am using FB3). I
cannot store them again in hidden variables as its too complicated and

So whats the solution for this problem?

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Re: Taking the plunge to IIS 6...

2003-12-10 Thread Jochem van Dieten
Che Vilnonis wrote:
 I need book recommendations for learning IIS 6 from A to Z.
 Our company is switching half of our webservers to M$ from
 four pain free years working with Netscape iPlanet/Sun One.

Learning Windows is 90% of learning IIS and the Windows setup you 
choose will predetermine many of your options. So I would start 
with some books on Windows first, then check the Windows Server 
2003 Security Guide (unfortunately NSA doesn't make them anymore)

After that, you will have so few options to choose left that you 
don't really need a book for them anymore.


When you don't want to be surprised by the revolution
organize one yourself
- Loesje
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RE: Solution/suggestion...

2003-12-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Just a suggestion, but I've never but I think something like this might

You said, you didn't want to copy all the form data into new hidden fields.
If you meant hand copy, this would do it automatically.


 cfloop collection-#form# item=field
input type=hidden name=#field# value=#form[field]#

 input type=submit value=Continue


This will loop through the form structure and copy all fields into new
hidden fields.Be cautious of the fieldnames field, this will create one in
the new form, and then on the action page, all the fields would be named
twice I presume.If you use the fieldnames field on your action page, this
may cause a problem, if so a simple if statement to ignore that one field in
the loop should prevent any problems.


Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: Brad Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Solution/suggetion...

Here's how I'd do it (if I understand correctly).

Before the user can get to the employee form (to add a new employee), have
them enter the DOB (SSN may be better if that's part of your data).This
would be one page with one form field.

Once they have entered a DOB, query to look up employees that match.If no
employees exist, go to the New Employee form.If employees do exist,
display them and put the continue button at the bottom.Clicking on the
continue button will simply take them to the New Employee form.

Checking the DOB (or SSN) before they input the other criteria will save
them time if the employee already exists.Otherwise, they've typed in all
of the employee info, only to find out it's already in the database.

Hope this makes sence.

-Original Message-
From: Shahzad.Butt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 6:43 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Solution/suggetion...


I am providing user a form to add new employees in the system. Problem
I am facing is that users are adding same employees twice (as adding is
managed by different departments). Now this adding form
(dsp_addEmployee.cfm) is quite complicated and I dont want to touch it
at all neither do I want to touch its act page (act_addEmployee.cfm)
where its acutally adding looking at loads of different criterias.
Solution we came up with is that check the date of birth in the form as
user submits the form and provide the user with list a of all employees
for that date of birth and a message that checks if the employee already
exist. If h/she does then go somewhere (doesn't matter where), if no
then click on CONTINUE and it will run the act page. This CONTINUE seems
a bit tricky as I can have a new page called
dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm between dsp_addEmployee.cfm and
act_addEmployee. But on continue that dsp_ShowEmployeesForSameDOB.cfm
needs to carry all form variables (attributes here as i am using FB3). I
cannot store them again in hidden variables as its too complicated and

So whats the solution for this problem?

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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
 So you don't give out valid record IDs from your database
 every piece of the puzzle a hacker can get their hands on is 
 bad ;-)

I don't think this is really necessary to protect. Knowing a surrogate
primary key for a specific record isn't a significant or useful piece of
information, and from the attacker's perspective, whatever URL parameter or
form field gets a specific record is functionally equivalent to the primary

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
Dave Watts wrote:
 I don't think this is really necessary to protect. Knowing a
surrogate primary key for a specific 
 record isn't a significant or useful piece of information, and from
the attacker's perspective, #
 whatever URL parameter or form field gets a specific record is
functionally equivalent to the 
 primary key.

I've been mulling this over in my head for a while
Is the preferred method of guarding against this sort of thing to create
a UUID with every record and do a check of that when allowing db actions
against the record?

Any better (ie easier or less time consuming) methods to this?

-dc[ cf5, ora8.1.7, iis5 ]
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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread Raymond Camden
 I've been mulling this over in my head for a while
 Is the preferred method of guarding against this sort of 
 thing to create a UUID with every record and do a check of 
 that when allowing db actions against the record?
 Any better (ie easier or less time consuming) methods to this?

I don't think there is any preferred method outside of just making sure to
apply you logic rules.

For example: 

A press release will show up online if active=1 and pubdate  today. 

Any SQL that gets PRs, wether it gets one PR or a list, should all obey the
same rule.
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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
 I've been mulling this over in my head for a while
 Is the preferred method of guarding against this sort of
 thing to create a UUID with every record and do a check of 
 that when allowing db actions against the record?
 Any better (ie easier or less time consuming) methods to this?

I don't think there is any preferred method outside of just making sure
to apply you logic rules.
For example: 
A press release will show up online if active=1 and pubdate  today. 
Any SQL that gets PRs, wether it gets one PR or a list, should all obey
the same rule.

Ooops, I think I got the question a bit mixed up... I was thinking more
along the lines of update and delete rather than select

-- dc
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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
 I've been mulling this over in my head for a while
 Is the preferred method of guarding against this sort of 
 thing to create a UUID with every record and do a check 
 of that when allowing db actions against the record?
 Any better (ie easier or less time consuming) methods to 

I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, exactly.

For the client to be able to do anything, you're going to have to accept
certain input values from the client. In HTTP, the client can see and
manipulate these input values directly, instead of using the HTML interface
you provide, so you have to ensure that they're valid and acceptable. But
that's really all you can (and need to) do.

So, if you want the client to be able to do something with a record, you'd
need to have the client provide some input value to let you know that this
specific client has the authorization to do the appropriate action.
Typically, people do this by providing an authentication and authorization
process, such as CFLOGIN, which allows your application to log in a user and
determine what roles that user has. Assuming that the authentication token
(the CFLOGIN cookie, CFID  CFTOKEN or JSESSION identifiers) is very
difficult to guess or brute force, you shouldn't have to do anything else.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread Raymond Camden
 I don't think there is any preferred method outside of just 
 making sure
 to apply you logic rules.
 For example: 
 A press release will show up online if active=1 and pubdate  today. 
 Any SQL that gets PRs, wether it gets one PR or a list, 
 should all obey
 the same rule.
 Ooops, I think I got the question a bit mixed up... I was 
 thinking more along the lines of update and delete rather than select

This is no different though. In my example, the action was View, and the
rule was, it must be active, etc.
For edit, lets say your rule is simply that session.isAdmin is defined and
true, if so, then you wrap your cfquery tag with a check on that.

Again note that we handle it server side. There is no messing with the query

Another example: Assume a user can edit his records. In that case then your
sql statements would first check to make sure that the user has access to, then you would do the update call.
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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
 I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, exactly.

What I am thinking is that the person has authorisation, but has a list
of available (say) articles he can delete...

If the PK is used, then with a bit of URL manipulation he could prob
delete a record that he didn't have access to see...

I realise you should do the check before delete, but I was thinking that
it'd be better to have a UUID with every record created... then when
someone wants to delete, pass it the ID and the UUID and means people
can't muck about with the URL.

Would it be preferable to have the check before every database
action or would the above be sufficient security

-- dc
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Re: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread Jochem van Dieten
 Would it be preferable to have the check before every database


 or would the above be sufficient security

Obscurity is not the same as or a replacement for security.


When you don't want to be surprised by the revolution
organize one yourself
- Loesje
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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread d.a.collie
 Would it be preferable to have the check before every database 


 or would the above be sufficient security

Obscurity is not the same as or a replacement for security.

Cheers guys...message understood:-)

-- dc
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Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Anybody know of any pre-built cold fusion functions/cfcs that will calculate
various holidays for any given year.Looking for something with the most
capabilities from the simple fixed holidays such as US July 4th and
Christmas to the ever elusive Easter.It should at least cover the major
US/Christian holidays but something more inclusive of other cultures and
nationalities all the better.Found one UDF at to calculate
Easter, and I can figure out Thanksgiving.But It would be nice not to
re-invent the wheel, if possible.

But, if nothing pre-built exists, can anybody point me to straight forward
resources on how one would calculate and/or define various holidays.Again
starting with the main US/Federal/Christian holidays, but I would like to
also include at least other major cultural/religious holidays found in the
US population and finally I don't need them for my current requirement, but
national holidays other then the US's may also be interesting to include for
future uses of this code.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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RE: Another simple question...

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
 What I am thinking is that the person has authorisation, but 
 has a list of available (say) articles he can delete...
 If the PK is used, then with a bit of URL manipulation he could 
 prob delete a record that he didn't have access to see...
 I realise you should do the check before delete, but I was 
 thinking that it'd be better to have a UUID with every record 
 created... then when someone wants to delete, pass it the ID 
 and the UUID and means people can't muck about with the URL.
 Would it be preferable to have the check before every database
 action or would the above be sufficient security

If you only want some people to be able to do some things, then your
application needs to check for authorization before allowing that action.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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Re: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Paul Hastings
i made a start into this using icu4j:

getting official data is important but difficult.
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Re: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Calvin Ward
Well, this is what occurs to me:

I believe most holidays one of the following:

- The x date in x month (25th of December)
- The x number of x day of x month (Third Thursday of November)

It's possible with some work those patterns should work for every holiday. You could preset the known holidays and even be able to add new ones, if you use a basis like this...

- Calvin
- Original Message - 
From: Ian Skinner 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 12:29 PM
Subject: Calculating Holidays

Anybody know of any pre-built cold fusion functions/cfcs that will calculate
various holidays for any given year.Looking for something with the most
capabilities from the simple fixed holidays such as US July 4th and
Christmas to the ever elusive Easter.It should at least cover the major
US/Christian holidays but something more inclusive of other cultures and
nationalities all the better.Found one UDF at to calculate
Easter, and I can figure out Thanksgiving.But It would be nice not to
re-invent the wheel, if possible.

But, if nothing pre-built exists, can anybody point me to straight forward
resources on how one would calculate and/or define various holidays.Again
starting with the main US/Federal/Christian holidays, but I would like to
also include at least other major cultural/religious holidays found in the
US population and finally I don't need them for my current requirement, but
national holidays other then the US's may also be interesting to include for
future uses of this code.

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA

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RE: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL

2003-12-10 Thread Jason Egan

That option is available at as well -

Jason Egan

VP Partner/Customer Relations

Konnections, Inc.



sales 866-CFDynamics

-Original Message-
From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL

Curious to know what folks recommend for cfmx and mysql combo for
hosting? Been googlin' but there are so many damn options out there...

Appreciate any feedback,


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Re: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL

2003-12-10 Thread Cutter (CF-Talk)

There's also a little company on Maryland's Eastern Shore called 
Delmarva Online ( Very reliable, responsible, and 


Jason Egan wrote:
 That option is available at as well -
 Jason Egan
 VP Partner/Customer Relations
 Konnections, Inc.
 sales 866-CFDynamics
 -Original Message-
 From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 11:28 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: OT: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL
 Curious to know what folks recommend for cfmx and mysql combo for
 hosting? Been googlin' but there are so many damn options out there...
 Appreciate any feedback,
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Re:displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread Thane Sherrington
At 11:34 AM 12/10/03 -0400, cf coder wrote:

Now each time the page refreshes, the list will be reinitialised to its 
original length, right. So your logic does'nt ever get executed, does it? 
the list length will never be set to 0?

Use a session variable for the list and/or the backup list.Those will 
remain through a page refresh.

So something like:

Page 1:
Setup list and backup list as session variables.
Call Page 2

Page 2:
Start loop.
Check to see if the list is zero length.If it is, set it to the 
backup list, if not, leave as is.
Pick a list position.
Use ListGetAt to get the data you want.
Use ListDeleteAt to delete that piece of data.
Display data.
End Loop.

So set up your variables on one page and then call a second page to handle 
the display.

Make sense?


Tired of your bookmarks/favourites being limited to one computer?Move 
them to the Net! makes it easy to keep all your 
favourites in one place and
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RE: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Thanks, that's very much what I'm looking for.Are you willing to share?

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 9:45 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Calculating Holidays

i made a start into this using icu4j: 

getting official data is important but difficult. 
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RE: Single-threaded server probs

2003-12-10 Thread Nathan Strutz
We had a problem similar to this with CFMX. Our server didn't crash but we
would get error reports here and there because of deleted variables and
other wackyness. It took a while to track down and even longer to solve them
all, but we did it.

It took some creative locking skills to get the sequence just right on part
of it, and some creative error reporting skills to keep the unfixable and
transparent (to users) errors from being reported on the rest.

We put an exclusive named lock around deleting variables, and a readonly
lock around large chunks of code that would throw these errors. It was
annoying because we could set a variable, then 5 lines later it would be
gone, so these whole chunks had readonly locks.

As for the unfixable errors I mentioned, it's things like, when a page takes
a while to load, a user will click logout before it loads, so sometimes they
can be 2-3 clicks down the road by the time that slow-loading page finishes,
and at the end, it includes a template that calls a session variable and
throws an error. Of course the user is 4 clicks beyond that, so they never
know it happens. These errors we trap on our error catching template and
refuse to report.

Test this stuff and see if that happens to you, then put your locking skills
to the test.

-nathan strutz

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 4:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Single-threaded server probs

 Hi all,

 The server in question is implemented with Single Threaded Sessions
 (that's just the way it is :-)

 The problem with single threaded sessions (as I am sure you are aware)
 is that if a request is taking a little bit longer than usual, the
 user often tries clicking away from the screen, which of course just
 lines up another request against their session ID.This then
 generally brings the server down if the user is very click/trigger
 happy (guess we all want to be cowboys) as the requests just pile up
 and then... crash...

 Anybody got any (useful) insights on how to prevent this crash from
 happening with respect to the situations above?Any checking I can
 do it would be impossible to go back and retrofit apps (resource
 issues) so looking for a possible way to solve this generically.

 There are quite a few apps on the server and locking is not used much
 anywhere (again that's just the way it is, please don't moan to me
 about it unless it is def part of the solution)

 Comments would be appreciated.


 -dc[ cf5, ora8.1.7, iis5 ]

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RE: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL

2003-12-10 Thread Ricky Fritzsching

CFDynamics rocks the house man! Check 'em out!



From: Jason Egan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 11:55 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL


That option is available at as well -

Jason Egan

VP Partner/Customer Relations

Konnections, Inc.



sales 866-CFDynamics

-Original Message-
From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 11:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL

Curious to know what folks recommend for cfmx and mysql combo for
hosting? Been googlin' but there are so many damn options out there...

Appreciate any feedback,


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How to: Convert XML Object to Array

2003-12-10 Thread David Adams
How do I convert an XML object to a 2 dimensional array?

Many thanks,Dave Adams
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Re: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Paul Hastings
 Thanks, that's very much what I'm looking for.Are you willing to share?

don't i always?

need to work thru some bugs with the ibm folks (these are in their queue),
get a handle on the UTC issue (it assumes everything's UTC but that behavior
might change as most civilized folks don't live in that timezone ;-)  wait
for icu4j 2.8 to be released. then there's the .JAR size issue, for all the
i18n goodness you get, it needs 2.xx mb of .JAR. need to split off the JARs
into related but more bite-sized chunks for those folks only wanting some

i will ask that you track down some official holiday data for a few locales
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cferror causing me pain

2003-12-10 Thread Pete Ruckelshaus
CF MX 6.1/Windows XP

I'm trying to implement some site-wide error handling using cferror, and 
it's really being a PITA.

In my application.cfm file, at the very end, I have:

cferror type=EXCEPTION template=/error/error.cfm exception=ANY
cferror type=REQUEST template=/error/404.cfm

error.cfm and 404.cfm are both in /error/, I have verified this.After 
I made this change, I restarted services and then loaded a test page 
with an error in it.Instead, I got the standard exception error 
handling page (not my page).After about 30 minutes of screwing around, 
I went into CFAdmin and registered /error/error.cfm as the default error 
handler, and lo and behold, it worked.I then went in and removed that 
setting from CFAdmin and it still worked.Has anyone else seen this 

Second problem is the request error page, /error/404.cfmThat page is 
being loaded as expected when I force a request error, but I cannot for 
the life of me get the error variables to display as they should.It is 
my understanding from 
that I can display a number of variables, but cannot otherwise use any 
CF tags.Well, here is /error/404.cfm, and it doesn't display the value 
for error.browser (it displays #error.browser# like it's expecting a 
cfoutput tag):

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN

When I do put #error.browser# inside cfoutput tags, it throws an error.

What am I doing wrong?All I want to be able to do is display a form 
that will allow the end user to submit feedback, and part of that form 
will be these error variables in hidden form fields.


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RE: cferror causing me pain

2003-12-10 Thread Barney Boisvert
This is 100% opinion, but CFERROR should be a last ditch effort to make sure
no error messages appear on the screen.You should always use one, but all
your actual error trapping should be done with CFTRY..CFCATCH if at all

If you're using something like Fusebox or Mach-ii, it's a snap, because
everything goes through a single template (index.cfm) before being delegated
to one of the various request handlers.Just put your CFTRY..CFCATCH in
there.If you've got a normal app, where each page is it's own template,
then you're kind of stuck, unfortunately, although you can come close to
duplicating by doing something like this in every template:

!--- all template content goes here ---
cfcatch type=any
cfinclude template=/error/errordispatcher.cfm /

Then in errordispatcher.cfm you can use the CFCATCH variables to determine
what to do (different error types), and you still have full access to all
the CF tags you could ever want.

That won't handle 404s and such, so in your actual CFERROR template, I
usually use a client-side redirect to forward back to my application, to an
error page, so I can once again use all the CF tags.You need to be careful
with that page though, because you could end up in an infinite loop.It HAS
to be defined, and it should only use CF, no external resources at all (DB,
web services, network shares, etc), because that might be the base cause of
the error.

Bottom line, the CFERROR templates should be as dumb as possible, becase, as
you've seen, they are so devoid of function to be almost worthless.


 -Original Message-
 From: Pete Ruckelshaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 11:11 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: cferror causing me pain
 CF MX 6.1/Windows XP
 I'm trying to implement some site-wide error handling using 
 cferror, and 
 it's really being a PITA.
 In my application.cfm file, at the very end, I have:
 cferror type=EXCEPTION template=/error/error.cfm exception=ANY
 cferror type=REQUEST template=/error/404.cfm
 error.cfm and 404.cfm are both in /error/, I have verified 
 I made this change, I restarted services and then loaded a test page 
 with an error in it.Instead, I got the standard exception error 
 handling page (not my page).After about 30 minutes of 
 screwing around, 
 I went into CFAdmin and registered /error/error.cfm as the 
 default error 
 handler, and lo and behold, it worked.I then went in and 
 removed that 
 setting from CFAdmin and it still worked.Has anyone else seen this 
 Second problem is the request error page, /error/404.cfm
 That page is 
 being loaded as expected when I force a request error, but I 
 cannot for 
 the life of me get the error variables to display as they 
 should.It is 
 my understanding from
 that I can display a number of variables, but cannot 
 otherwise use any 
 CF tags.Well, here is /error/404.cfm, and it doesn't 
 display the value 
 for error.browser (it displays #error.browser# like it's expecting a 
 cfoutput tag):
 !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
 When I do put #error.browser# inside cfoutput tags, it throws 
 an error.
 What am I doing wrong?All I want to be able to do is display a form 
 that will allow the end user to submit feedback, and part of 
 that form 
 will be these error variables in hidden form fields.

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Cached Query Memory Usage- How to find out?

2003-12-10 Thread Nikhil Madani
I have a bunch of xml files from which my application creates cached 
queries for use in the application. While all the xml files put together are not more than a megabyte, memory usage on my CFMX 6.1 Server (Running on Windows 2003 and IIS 6.0; 1GB RAM) spikes up to about 400 MB when the app. is running.
My question then is- Is there a way to find out exactly how much each cached query and other objects (I have components being loaded) are using up in the memory?
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Re: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL

2003-12-10 Thread Doug White
self promotion!

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
From: Ricky Fritzsching [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 12:27 PM
Subject: RE: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL

| Stacy:
| CFDynamics rocks the house man! Check 'em out!
| Ricky
| From: Jason Egan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 11:55 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL
| Stacy,
| That option is available at as well -
| Jason Egan
| VP Partner/Customer Relations
| Konnections, Inc.
| office801-337-0135
| fax801-1394-1254
| sales 866-CFDynamics
| -Original Message-
| From: Stacy Young [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 11:28 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: OT: CFMX Hosting w/ MySQL
| Curious to know what folks recommend for cfmx and mysql combo for
| hosting? Been googlin' but there are so many damn options out there...
| Appreciate any feedback,
| Thanks!-Stace
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RE: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Ian Skinner
Sounds fair, even though I only really understood about 3 out 5 (60%) of the
acronyms in that message. :-) 

But, I would be most willing to help track down more holiday definitions.

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Calculating Holidays

 Thanks, that's very much what I'm looking for.Are you willing to share?

don't i always?

need to work thru some bugs with the ibm folks (these are in their queue),
get a handle on the UTC issue (it assumes everything's UTC but that behavior
might change as most civilized folks don't live in that timezone ;-)  wait
for icu4j 2.8 to be released. then there's the .JAR size issue, for all the
i18n goodness you get, it needs 2.xx mb of .JAR. need to split off the JARs
into related but more bite-sized chunks for those folks only wanting some

i will ask that you track down some official holiday data for a few locales
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Re: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Calvin Ward
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time which is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Zulu Time.
JAR = Java Archive (or something like that) which is similar to a zip file for Java and typically holds stuff like class files.

- Calvin
- Original Message - 
From: Ian Skinner 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: Calculating Holidays

Sounds fair, even though I only really understood about 3 out 5 (60%) of the
acronyms in that message. :-) 

But, I would be most willing to help track down more holiday definitions.

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: Paul Hastings [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Calculating Holidays

 Thanks, that's very much what I'm looking for.Are you willing to share?

don't i always?

need to work thru some bugs with the ibm folks (these are in their queue),
get a handle on the UTC issue (it assumes everything's UTC but that behavior
might change as most civilized folks don't live in that timezone ;-)  wait
for icu4j 2.8 to be released. then there's the .JAR size issue, for all the
i18n goodness you get, it needs 2.xx mb of .JAR. need to split off the JARs
into related but more bite-sized chunks for those folks only wanting some

i will ask that you track down some official holiday data for a few locales
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OT: MySQL DATETIME datatypes?

2003-12-10 Thread Greg Luce
Any of you MySQL heavyweights use UNIX_TIMESTAMP, UNIX_Date... or do you
just use the MySQL Date/Datetime datatypes? 

I'm fairly new to MySQL, but I have an associate who insists that
storing dates as int(11) using UNIX formats uses less disk space, and
that we should always do this. The situations we're talking about
involve less than 1000 records so I don't see it being worth the
trouble. Opinions?


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Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread Spectrum WebDesign
Hi all

today i'm using this script to check and create our form vars:

CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1Title=Form.Sale1Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1=Form.Sale1
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo1)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo1=Form.Memo1
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2Title=Form.Sale2Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2=Form.Sale2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo2=Form.Memo2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2Title=Form.Sale2Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2=Form.Sale2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo2=Form.Memo2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale3Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale3Title=Form.Sale3Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale3)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale3=Form.Sale3
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo3)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo3=Form.Memo3
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale4Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale4Title=Form.Sale4Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale4)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale4=Form.Sale4
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo4)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo4=Form.Memo4
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale5Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale5Title=Form.Sale5Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale5)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale5=Form.Sale5
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo5)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo5=Form.Memo5

Do you have other(more fast, quickly, dynamic or best programming) to
do that? Maybe inside a loop? Works???

Thanx in advance

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Re: Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread Marlon Moyer
cfset session.authenticated = duplicate(form)


Spectrum WebDesign wrote:

 Hi all

 today i'm using this script to check and create our form vars:

 CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1Title)
 CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1Title=Form.Sale1Title
 CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1)
 CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1=Form.Sale1


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RE: Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread John Burns
cfloop index=I list=#form.formfields#

 cfset session.authenticated.[i] = form.[i]


I think that would work, or something to that effect

-Original Message-
From: Spectrum WebDesign [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 4:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Best practice for creating vars

Hi all

today i'm using this script to check and create our form vars:

CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1Title=Form.Sale1Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1=Form.Sale1
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo1)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo1=Form.Memo1
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2Title=Form.Sale2Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2=Form.Sale2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo2=Form.Memo2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2Title=Form.Sale2Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale2=Form.Sale2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo2)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo2=Form.Memo2
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale3Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale3Title=Form.Sale3Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale3)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale3=Form.Sale3
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo3)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo3=Form.Memo3
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale4Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale4Title=Form.Sale4Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale4)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale4=Form.Sale4
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo4)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo4=Form.Memo4
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale5Title)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale5Title=Form.Sale5Title
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale5)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale5=Form.Sale5
CFIF IsDefined(Form.Memo5)
CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Memo5=Form.Memo5

Do you have other(more fast, quickly, dynamic or best programming) to
do that? Maybe inside a loop? Works???

Thanx in advance

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RE: Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread Andrew Scott
How about structAppend(session.authenticated,form)
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RE: cferror causing me pain

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
 I'm trying to implement some site-wide error handling using 
 cferror, and it's really being a PITA.
 In my application.cfm file, at the very end, I have:
 cferror type=EXCEPTION template=/error/error.cfm exception=ANY
 cferror type=REQUEST template=/error/404.cfm
 error.cfm and 404.cfm are both in /error/, I have verified 
 this. After I made this change, I restarted services and then 
 loaded a test page with an error in it. Instead, I got the 
 standard exception error handling page (not my page). After 
 about 30 minutes of screwing around, I went into CFAdmin and 
 registered /error/error.cfm as the default error handler, and 
 lo and behold, it worked. I then went in and removed that 
 setting from CFAdmin and it still worked. Has anyone else seen 
 this behavior?

No, I haven't seen that specific behavior. I have seen all sorts of odd
behavior that was only resolved after restarting the CF service, oddly
enough. It's worth pointing out that CFERROR TYPE=EXCEPTION won't catch
every possible error, only things that CF considers to be runtime

I assume that you have a directory called error in your web root, and that
you have the root slash / mapped in CF to your web root, or that you have
a CF mapping called /error pointing to your error directory? If I recall
correctly, the CFERROR tags resolve their paths the same way that CFINCLUDE
and CFMODULE do.

 Second problem is the request error page, /error/404.cfm
 That page is being loaded as expected when I force a request 
 error, but I cannot for the life of me get the error variables 
 to display as they should. It is my understanding from
 4.htm#wp2022557 that I can display a number of variables, but 
 cannot otherwise use any CF tags.

That is also my understanding, and has been my experience. I've never had an
error page with a name that consists of a number; perhaps that's the
problem. (This is purely a shot in the dark.)

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread John Burns
Good call marlon, much easier.


-Original Message-
From: Marlon Moyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 4:28 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Best practice for creating vars

cfset session.authenticated = duplicate(form)


Spectrum WebDesign wrote:

 Hi all

 today i'm using this script to check and create our form vars:

 CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1Title)
 CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1Title=Form.Sale1Title
 CFIF IsDefined(Form.Sale1)
 CFSET SESSION.Authenticated.Sale1=Form.Sale1



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Re:Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread Marlon Moyer
Forget what I wrote.I like Andrew Scott's answer better.

cfset session.authenticated = duplicate(form)


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RE: cferror causing me pain

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
 This is 100% opinion, but CFERROR should be a last ditch 
 effort to make sure no error messages appear on the screen.
 You should always use one, but all your actual error trapping 
 should be done with CFTRY..CFCATCH if at all possible.

I would strongly disagree with this (not that my opinion is any better than

I run into a lot of people using CFTRY/CFCATCH around their entire page, and
I think it's a waste. I'd strongly recommend reserving the use of CFTRY and
CFCATCH for situations where you have an expected problem with a specific
algorithm, and a specific solution for that problem.

 If you're using something like Fusebox or Mach-ii, it's a 
 snap, because everything goes through a single template (index.cfm) 
 before being delegated to one of the various request handlers.
 Just put your CFTRY..CFCATCH in there. If you've got a normal 
 app, where each page is it's own template, then you're kind of 
 stuck, unfortunately, although you can come close to duplicating
 by doing something like this in every template:
 !--- all template content goes here ---
 cfcatch type=any
cfinclude template=/error/errordispatcher.cfm /
 Then in errordispatcher.cfm you can use the CFCATCH 
 variables to determine what to do (different error types), and 
 you still have full access to all the CF tags you could ever 

You have full access to all CF tags using CFERROR TYPE=EXCEPTION, CFERROR
TYPE=MONITOR, and the site-wide error handler. Given that, what's the
advantage to using CFTRY in this case?

 That won't handle 404s and such, so in your actual CFERROR 
 template, I usually use a client-side redirect to forward back
 to my application, to an error page, so I can once again use 
 all the CF tags. You need to be careful with that page though, 
 because you could end up in an infinite loop. It HAS to be 
 defined, and it should only use CF, no external resources at 
 all (DB, web services, network shares, etc), because that might 
 be the base cause of the error.

In general, I'd agree with this part - your CF error handlers have to be
careful not to trigger an error. However, if you use the site-wide error
handler, or CFERROR TYPE=EXCEPTION, and your error handling page has an
error, it won't trigger an infinite loop, but will instead throw to the
built-in CF error handler and you'll get the big white error page we all
know and love. However, if you do the redirect that you're talking about,
you may well get in an infinite loop.

 Bottom line, the CFERROR templates should be as dumb as 
 possible, becase, as you've seen, they are so devoid of 
 function to be almost worthless.

This used to be true, but I don't think it is true at all any more. I find
CFERROR and the site-wide error handler to be immensely useful.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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Re:Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread Spectrum WebDesign
That variables settings occur when our multipage form is load...

cfloop works?

- Original Message -
From: Marlon Moyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 16:41:57 -0400
Subject: Re:Best practice for creating vars

Forget what I wrote.I like Andrew Scott's answer better.

cfset session.authenticated = duplicate(form)


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RE: How to: Convert XML Object to Array

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
 How do I convert an XML object to a 2 dimensional array?

There's no guarantee that a given XML document sensibly corresponds to a
two-dimensional array. However, if your XML document is structured in such a
way that it's analogous to a recordset, you can treat it as an array in CF

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: How to: Convert XML Object to Array

2003-12-10 Thread Dave Watts
  How do I convert an XML object to a 2 dimensional array?
 There's no guarantee that a given XML document sensibly 
 corresponds to a two-dimensional array. However, if your 
 XML document is structured in such a way that it's analogous 
 to a recordset, you can treat it as an array in CF already.

I just realized that I should probably elaborate a bit about this.

When you give CF an XML document object as a variable, you can treat it as
an array, automatically. So, if you had something like this:

?xml version=1.0?
	bean id=5
		nameMexican Jumping/name

you can reference it something like this:

cfset xDoc = XMLParse(myxml) !--- let's assume you read in the above file
using CFFILE ---
cfoutput#xDoc.beans.bean[1].name.XMLText#/cfoutput !--- this should
output Mexican Jumping ---

I typed this in the mail client, so there may be a typo, but you should get
the drift. Use CFDUMP on your XML document object to see how it's

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444
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Re: Cached Query Memory Usage- How to find out?

2003-12-10 Thread Pete Freitag
Nikhil Madani wrote:

 I have a bunch of xml files from which my application creates cached
 queries for use in the application. While all the xml files put 
 together are not more than a megabyte, memory usage on my CFMX 6.1 
 Server (Running on Windows 2003 and IIS 6.0; 1GB RAM) spikes up to 
 about 400 MB when the app. is running.
 My question then is- Is there a way to find out exactly how much each 
 cached query and other objects (I have components being loaded) are 
 using up in the memory?

Hi Nikhil,

There is no easy way to determine the size of an object in java, there 
is no sizeof function for instance. To determine the size of an object 
you need to add up the size of all the primitive data members within the 
object. In CF there are no primitives, most simple objects are stored as 
strings which are double byte (2 bytes for each character). So to find 
the approximate site of a query you might do something like this:

cffunction name=sizeOfQuery returntype=numeric
 cfargument name=query type=query required=true
 cfset chars = 0
 cfoutput query=arguments.query
cfloop list=#arguments.query.columnlist# index=column
cfset chars = chars + 
 !--- multiply by two since chars in java are double bytes ---
 cfreturn chars * 2

then call it:
cfoutput#sizeOfQuery(somequery)#/cfoutput bytes.

For components you would need to add up the size of all the data within 
the component - loop through each array, structure, or query - find the 
total length and multiply by 2.

In actuality the objects may be taking up a bit more room than the size 
of its data. The objects that hold the data may also have their own meta 
data (such as an integer storing the size).

Also keep in mind that your CF Server is storing more than just your 
variables in memory, it is also caching compiled CFM files, database 
connections, etc.

Pete Freitag
Author of the CFMX Developers Cookbook
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IIS isn't working today, why, help!

2003-12-10 Thread mayo
I've maxed out my troubleshooting skills. I couldn't reach my localhost

I went to admin tools  component services and restarted CFMX. That didn't
I restarted IIS. That didn't work.
I restarted my laptop. (Win2000) That didn't work.
Restarted it again.

Checked to see if my asp pages were working (no)

Started apache to check php. Yep, that worked.

So, like what now?

There's a ton of errors in my log file. I don't know which is significant.

-- Gil Midonnet
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Re: OT: MySQL DATETIME datatypes?

2003-12-10 Thread Pete Freitag
Greg Luce wrote:

 Any of you MySQL heavyweights use UNIX_TIMESTAMP, UNIX_Date... or do you
 just use the MySQL Date/Datetime datatypes?

 I'm fairly new to MySQL, but I have an associate who insists that
 storing dates as int(11) using UNIX formats uses less disk space, and
 that we should always do this. The situations we're talking about
 involve less than 1000 records so I don't see it being worth the
 trouble. Opinions?

When I use mySQL I usually avoid unix timestamps because then you need 
to use db specific functions like unix_timestamp. I'd rather keep my 
applications as database platform independant as possible. 1000 records 
is not going to take up too much diskspace any way you slice it.

Pete Freitag
Author of the CFMX Developers Cookbook
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Re: Flash Instant Messenger Software?

2003-12-10 Thread Nashir Sunderji
Hi Novak

talk to Mario at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

he has one ready for use.
Hope this helps

- Original Message - 
From: cf-talk 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 8:43 PM
Subject: Flash Instant Messenger Software?

Hi All,

Before I go and reinvent the wheel...

Does anyone know of some cheap/free instant messenger software that I
can embed in a ColdFusion intranet application?

I currently have a ColdFusion/_javascript_/DHTML solution in place but I'd
much rather have a Flash popup window that floats over top of my web
app without any chrome around the edges.

I'm not looking for anything fancy, just something I can quickly slap
into an application so that end users can communicate with us via a
live help link.

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RE: Best practice for creating vars

2003-12-10 Thread Andrew Scott
There is no difference between using the cfloop or the StructAppend, they
both do exactly the same thing. The only difference structAppend is 1 line
of code compared to possible 3, or 1 if you condense it to 1 and that
structAppend will run faster than the cfloop method.

Mach-II uses this approach to duplicate the form and url variables into
another scope, makes more sense easier to read and easier to update or
expand on than using cfloop.

Andrew Scott
Technical Consultant

NuSphere Pty Ltd
Level 2/33 Bank Street
South Melbourne, Victoria, 3205

Phone: 03 9686 0485-Fax: 03 9699 7976
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RE: displaying the list items in a ticker

2003-12-10 Thread mayo
this is a common js/dhtml script.

dhtmlcentral is a terrific resource has a lot of useful scripts: is a good place to start picking up dhtml

and a quick google check retrieved:

good luck

Gilbert Midonnet
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Re: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Paul Hastings
 But, I would be most willing to help track down more holiday definitions.

you might regret saying that publically.its a tough row to hoe.
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Re: Calculating Holidays

2003-12-10 Thread Paul Hastings
 UTC = Coordinated Universal Time which is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or
Zulu Time.
 JAR = Java Archive (or something like that) which is similar to a zip file
for Java and typically holds stuff like class files.

and just in case:
i18n = internationalization for the 18 letters between the i  n.
icu4j = international components for unicode for java
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File Storage - Database vs. File System

2003-12-10 Thread Jeff Chastain
I am working on an application where the user will have the option to upload
files to the server.The project specifications are open in terms of
storage of the files, so I am wondering  what are the benefits or
downsides of storing a file in the database vs. storing it in the file
system?I have in the past stored files in a file system and used cfcontent
to push the file back to the user, thereby hiding the file structure to the
end user.However, this always runs into issues with duplicate file names.


-- Jeff
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cf 5 / mx / 6.1

2003-12-10 Thread Dan Farmer
Are there any known issues with using cfmodule and include files between 
CF5 and 6.1 ?

I've built this system that relies heavily on cfmodule and custom tags 
being called and embedded within other custom tags. It works on my test 
system, but when I upload to staging server it seems to cut out when I call 
custom tags within custom tags.

Was wondering if there were any known issues ?
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RE: File Storage - Database vs. File System

2003-12-10 Thread Jeff Garza
Use a dual approach... store the actual file somewhere on the Server,
doesn't matter where and name it whatever you want (id number, guid, etc...)
then store the file information in the DB (true file name, size, location on
server, etc...).You pull the info from the DB and then you can cfcontent
it out to the user.Then you can tie access to the file to whatever
authentication schema you use in the DB...

Make sense?


Jeff Garza


From: Jeff Chastain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 8:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: File Storage - Database vs. File System

I am working on an application where the user will have the option to upload
files to the server.The project specifications are open in terms of
storage of the files, so I am wondering  what are the benefits or
downsides of storing a file in the database vs. storing it in the file
system?I have in the past stored files in a file system and used cfcontent
to push the file back to the user, thereby hiding the file structure to the
end user.However, this always runs into issues with duplicate file names.


-- Jeff 
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Re: cferror causing me pain

2003-12-10 Thread Adam Churvis
 This is 100% opinion, but CFERROR should be a last ditch effort to make
 no error messages appear on the screen.You should always use one, but
 your actual error trapping should be done with CFTRY..CFCATCH if at all

This goes against the whole idea of how exception handling should be
structured in an application.For a diagrammed explanation of the three
tiers of structured exception handling, see page 430 of The ColdFusion MX
Bible.If you don't have a copy, here's an explanation that might help.

Envision a framework that has three layers...

The top layer contains one or more sieves that CFCATCH exceptions thrown by
your application.Each sieve catches a specific type of exception
(type=Database, type=_expression_, etc) that you expect might reasonably
occur in your application, such as a unique index violation on an alternate
key column that would be thrown by the database if someone tried to register
twice using the same email address.

This is a fairly coarse test, so you would further test inside the CFCATCH
construct for the NativeErrorCode that applies to the specific
type=Database exception you want to handle.If the exception is the one
you want to handle in an exceptional manner, the code inside your CFCATCH
type=Database construct would take over and handle it.If it was some
other type=Database exception, you would CFRETHROW the exception you
caught back out of the top layer, down to the second layer in the
exception handling framework.

If an exception isn't handled by the top layer of CFCATCH constructs -- 
either by not having a CFCATCH of the type that was thrown, or by catching
and then RETHROWing the exception -- then it becomes a bona fide error.I
know that exceptions and errors are thought of as the same thing, but it
sometimes helps to conceptually separate them in your mind this way, where
exceptions result in handling the flow of work in some exceptional manner
(not just displaying a more friendly error message), and errors are
exceptions that stop the flow of work because there is no exceptional
process to follow when them occur.

One indication that your exception handling top layer might be doing the
wrong job is if more often than not you specify type=Any or altogether
omit the type attribute from CFCATCH.If you are doing this most of the
time then you're probably using CFTRY to improperly perform CFERROR's job,
which is the second layer in the exception handling framework.

The second layer contains one or more sieves that handle errors.Each sieve
corresponds to a specific error handler -- either an error handling template
installed via CFERROR or a CFCASE construct that tests for exception type
inside a multi-use error handling template -- and typically logs the error,
displays a friendly error message, and possibly emails the developer.

If an error handler for the specific type of error thrown wasn't installed
via CFERROR, then that error falls through to the site-wide error handler,
which is the third layer of the exception handling framework, and is more
like a solid-bottomed catch basin in this metaphor.I refer to these as
crashes because they should typically have been handled by an error
handler, and often suggests a more serious problem.

Setting up a structured exception handling framework like this enables you
to really leverage ColdFusion's exception handling capabilities.Take for
example the guy who tries to register twice on your website.Are you first
SELECTing from the user table based on his email address, checking the
RecordCount, and then conditionally INSERTing only if RecordCount EQ 0?
With properly structured exception handling, you simply attempt the INSERT
inside a CFTRY with a CFCATCH type=Database that further tests
CFCATCH.NativeErrorCode for a value of 2601 (unique index violation on SQL
Server), then re-route the user to a page that not only describes exactly
what's going on, but also gives him an interface for emailing his password
to himself.An exceptional process flow for a specifically-handled

Another benefit is that you can use CFTHROW to nicely integrate your own
business logic into the same exception handling mechanism used by
ColdFusion's own exceptions.If your business rules define certain
anomalies as exceptions, even if those anomalies don't throw exceptions in
ColdFusion, you can throw a custom exception via CFTHROW and let your
structured exception handling framework kick in and do whatever is
necessary.Using dot notation in the values of your type attributes
(type=BusinessRules.Inventory.UnderLimit) enables you to do some pretty
fancy things, but that's another discussion altogether.

We spend a good bit of time teaching proper structured exception handling in
our ColdFusion MX Master Class because it really does make applications
easier to design, build, and maintain, and you don't end up writing
unnecessary and burdensome database queries and kludgey ColdFusion routines
to do something that's already 

RE: File Storage - Database vs. File System

2003-12-10 Thread Jim Davis
The nice thing about storing the file in the DB is that all your data is
maintained in one place.This has many benefits some of which are:

1) One data store, one clean backup, one clean restore.

2) No issues with cluster redundancy: the file is only stored in one place
regardless of whether 1 or 20 servers use it.

3) The data can be leveraged for more than CF if need be.

4) You can leverage the databases built in referential integrity to great

That being said this does (among other things):

1) Place more stress on your DB environment.This can also depend on the
types of files - are we talking small photos for photo IDs or 100 megabyte
video files?

2) Make for more complex application code (although as always - build it
right and it won't be complicated).

3) Use more (potentially very expensive) storage on the DB.

4) Potentially make your application slower.

I've generally found that storing the information in the DB is great - but
in use can be slow.So when performance counts and storage isn't an issue I
store the information in the database and cache the file on the web server
for use.The code first checks to see if the file exists and is the same
date as the file in the DB - if not it pulls it form the DB and writes it to
the web server. 

You can choose not to cache or handle the cache in any way you like - but if
you've got the space the cache gives you best of both worlds.

Jim Davis


From: Jeff Chastain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:11 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: File Storage - Database vs. File System

I am working on an application where the user will have the option to upload
files to the server.The project specifications are open in terms of
storage of the files, so I am wondering  what are the benefits or
downsides of storing a file in the database vs. storing it in the file
system?I have in the past stored files in a file system and used cfcontent
to push the file back to the user, thereby hiding the file structure to the
end user.However, this always runs into issues with duplicate file names.


-- Jeff
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2003-12-10 Thread Gabriel Robichaud
Hello all,

I am looking into the FB framework and, well, I am just getting confused.There seems to be very little documentation on the fb website and I can really find any resources.Where should I be looking?

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