[Chicken-users] srfi-18 threads question

2016-09-21 Thread brandon
Hi All, 

New to this list and srfi-18 threads.  I want to make use of parameters
in a thread-safe way, but I have run into problems.  It seems to me that
parameters created in one thread cannot be manipulated in a persistent
way from another thread. Here is some example code showing what I mean: 

(use srfi-18) 

 ;; mutex-protect parameter 

(define (make-synchronized-parameter value) 

  (let ((mutex (make-mutex)) 

(param (make-parameter value))) 

(lambda args 

  (mutex-lock! mutex) 

  (let ((result (apply param args))) 

(mutex-unlock! mutex) 


(define *safe-param* (make-synchronized-parameter #f)) (define
*unsafe-global* #f) 

(define (mutate-things) 

  (set! *unsafe-global* 42) 

  (*safe-param* 42) 

  (print "2thread> unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*" safe-param is

  (thread-sleep! 2) ;; make global safe for test 

  (print "4thread> just before exit unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*"
safe-param is "(*safe-param*))) 

(define (main) 

  (let* ((thread (make-thread mutate-things))) 

(print "1main> before thread-start unsafe-global is
"*unsafe-global*" safe-param is "(*safe-param*)) 

(thread-start! thread) 

(thread-sleep! 1) ;; make global safe for test 

(print "3main> before thread-join unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*"
safe-param is "(*safe-param*)) 

(thread-join! thread) 

(print "5main> after thread-join unsafe-global is "*unsafe-global*"
safe-param is "(*safe-param* 


;; actual stdout: 

;; 1main> before thread-start unsafe-global is #f safe-param is #f 

;; 2thread> unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is 42 

;; 3main> before thread-join unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is #f 

;; 4thread> just before exit unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is 42 

;; 5main> after thread-join unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is #f 

;; expected stdout for line 5: 

;; 5main> after thread-join unsafe-global is 42 safe-param is 42 

;; Why does the mutation of a simple global in a thread become visible
to the main thread, but the mutation of global parameter does not? 

;; What is the right way to achieve an thread-safe parameter? 

Thank you! 

Chicken-users mailing list

Pass argument to function

2023-03-10 Thread Brandon Booth
I'm trying to learn Chicken and having issues. I'm trying to create a function 
that takes a docker container name and runs "docker inspect [container]."

This works:
(define test (capture "docker inspect hello-world"))

This works:
(define (str-concat str)
(string-append "docker inspect " str))

This doesn't:
(define (inspect str)
(capture (string-append "docker inspect " str)))

I get an error that string-append is not found. How do a call capture with the 
result of string-append?



Re: Pass argument to function

2023-03-10 Thread Brandon Booth
Unquoting worked! I spent so much time trying different variations and this 

(capture ,(string-append "docker inspect " str)))



Re: [Chicken-users] Fwd: Queinnec's Lisp in Small Pieces for CAN$3.95+shipping

2007-08-09 Thread Brandon Van Every
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Bradley Lucier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.amazon.ca/Lisp-Small-Pieces-Christian-Queinnec/dp/
> 0521545668/ref=pd_ts_b_1/702-2137623-1855264?ie=UTF8&s=books
> LiSP is now their #1 bestseller, bigger even than Harry Potter!

That's a joke, right?  How would I compare sales numbers of Amazon
books?  I'm reading the 7th Harry Potter book now.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Fwd: Queinnec's Lisp in Small Pieces for CAN$3.95+shipping

2007-08-09 Thread Brandon Van Every
On 8/9/07, Alex Queiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hallo,
> On 8/9/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > LiSP is now their #1 bestseller, bigger even than Harry Potter!
> >
> > That's a joke, right?  How would I compare sales numbers of Amazon
> > books?  I'm reading the 7th Harry Potter book now.
> >
> http://www.amazon.ca/gp/bestsellers/books/

I'll be flobbered.  Well I suppose the hardbound Harry Potter book is
expensive.  Still #3 given the expense though.  There's an "adult
version" at #6 also.   I guess it's just different jacket covers for
different markets.  I wonder if the sales of both Harry Potter books
were combined, if LiSP would still be #1?  Pretty impressive to be up
that high though, unless there's something about Amazon marketing I
simply don't understand.  BTW that site is showing LiSP for $CA 76.86,
not exactly a deal.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Fwd: Queinnec's Lisp in Small Pieces for CAN$3.95+shipping

2007-08-10 Thread Brandon Van Every
On 8/10/07, Alejandro Forero Cuervo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm reading the 7th Harry Potter book now.
> My favorite part was when Voldemort tells Harry, after some magic
> struggle, to nevermind James, that he, Lord Voldemort, is Harry's
> father!
> And then it turns out Hermione is his sister!
> Who would have thought!

I'd SemperSectum you if I believed you, for giving the plot away.
Fortunately I know you're the victim of the Lucas Cinaema curse!

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Fwd: Queinnec's Lisp in Small Pieces for CAN$3.95+shipping

2007-08-10 Thread Brandon Van Every
On 8/10/07, Arto Bendiken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/10/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > BTW that site is showing LiSP for $CA 76.86,
> > not exactly a deal.
> It's up to CDN$ 94.40, now, with that being a price increase of 90.45
> since yesterday when it was still selling for 3.95

I don't understand the mathematical behavior of this.  Unless the
point of a radical price drop is to temporarily catapult a book to the
#1 spot.  Then do you get to claim "#1 Bestseller!" on your cover or
something?  "#1 Bestseller for 24 hours!"

> - guess you missed the deal...

Wasn't planning to buy it.  I don't need no steenkin' books to learn
Lisp.  I just wanted to know what could possibly be more popular than
Harry Potter.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Scheme is dead, long live Scheme

2007-08-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On 8/17/07, Ivan Raikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The language is massively fragmented already, so this is nothing new.
> >
>Well, a few of the people who voted yes on the R6RS proposal seemed
> to believe that the new standard will bring about better compatibility
> between existing implementations. My point was that you cannot alter
> the existing state of Scheme by the sheer force of willpower.

And what would?  Money?

>I most certainly do not consider ISO C or C++ to be good language
> standards. In my opinion, a programming language standard should
> encourage and support the proliferation of high-quality
> implementations.

Gee money and commercial interest are the dominant factors here.  I
guess Scheme sucks.

> Compare with C++: despite the thousands of pages of
> specification, I am not convinced that you can find two different C++
> compilers that implement all features of the language in the same
> way.

Coming from a Schemer?  Pot.  Kettle.  Black.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake build

2007-04-30 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 4/23/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

felix winkelmann scripsit:

> I'm using CMake 2.5 (CVS head). Perhaps that is the culprit.

Aha.  I just found out something; when I thought I was installing
on that system, I really wasn't, because I'm not root.  So
"make install" ran through all the install steps, doing nothing,
and then crashed (unnoticed by me) on the first attempt to move
things to the /usr/local hierarchy.

When the sysadmin ran it as root, everything got rebuilt.

Does this suggest anything to anyone?

It suggests that CMake has bugs on Linux, and that people would have to
resolve them by posting on the CMake mailing list.  There could be 2
separate bugs here.  At least now we have confirmation that the "make
install" bug isn't just on Felix's box.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: [Chicken-hackers] VS support

2007-04-30 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 4/27/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Apr 27, 2007, at 6:22 AM, felix winkelmann wrote:

> Hello!
> I finally managed to find the time to get chicken running under
> mingw on Windows. This is a setup I can sort of support, so I wonder,
> whether MSVC/Visual Studio support shouldn't be dropped altogether,
> as we don't have a Windows maintainer (who can dig deeper into
> MSVC-related problems, and who is willing to invest the time and
> effort). This would mean that MSVC is not officially supported (even
> if we try to keep the build files still compatible to it).
> Any opinions?

Do not support. (Frankly, given the lack of a Windows maintainer I am
pleased that it works as well as it does.)

So far I've traveled  3000 miles from Seattle in the northwest USA to
Cincinnati in the midwest.  My destination is Winston-Salem, North
Carolina.  NC is part of "the South" and about halfway up the eastern
seaboard.  It'll probably be close to 4000 miles of driving by the time I'm
done.  I have family in W-S and will be using it as a stepping stone for a
job search, possibly a national job search.  I am on the move.  I have no
idea where I'm going to end up, or what I'll be doing for a livelihood.  I'm
writing this on a Pentium II laptop that I've inherited from my sister.  Rah
rah GMail.  A Pentium II + web setup is slow enough that I've had some time
to think over the build issues unemotionally, after reading about the
Windows build problems that have recently come in.

First the easy part.  Felix, if you feel you can sorta support MinGW, then
by all means do so.  If between you and John Cowan you keep the MinGW and
Cygwin builds working, then CMake will always have a decent foothold in the
Windows world.  The Visual Studio builds may or may not work, but they will
never be terribly broken.

Now, the political part.  Since we're getting bug reports for Visual Studio,
it's clear that people want to use it.  "We don't support MSVC" is the wrong
message.  The correct message is "we can support MSVC if you're willing to
do some testing and bug reporting."  In a CMake build, the incremental cost
of supporting MSVC is quite low.

Also at last count, Visual Studio .NET 2003 (my system) worked just fine.
Visual Studio 2005 Express SP1 is what's broken, because it's Microsoft's
free cheapass stripped down not-a-real-compiler.  Maybe it can be solved, or
maybe the answer is "use a real compiler."  I do know it's real work to
figure out, and I still don't wanna do it.  Seems nobody else wants to do it
badly enough either.  This is open source, so whatever.  Once upon a time, I
wanted MinGW to work badly enough that I Made It So [TM].  It cost me a
man-year.  Because I laid out that groundwork once upon a time, it would
probably cost a completely ignorant person 1 week to diagnose the VS 2005
Express SP1 problem, and fix it if it can be fixed.  Somebody has to
actually want to spend that week though.  Myself, I could probably solve the
issue in 1..2 days, if I had those days.  Right now I certainly don't, and
it may be quite awhile before I'm willing to make the time.

I just don't believe in this idea of a "Windows Maintainer."  Framing it
that way, just sounds like "we want 1 guy who's sucker enough to do all the
gruntwork for us."  I don't think open source should be organized that way,
although it frequently is that way.   I could be the Autoconf maintainer,
frankly, if I wanted to be.  I rolled up my sleeves and got my hands dirty
once upon a time.  I learned what was going on and refactored a lot of it.
I had to do it to unify the build systems.  I had a goal, something was in
my way, so I solved it.  Do I like Autoconf?  No, not in the slightest.  I
think it's a complete waste of time.  But so are lotsa things in computers.
People just have to make decisions about what they want and what they're
willing to do to get them.  We shouldn't have a "Windows Maintainer" just to
relieve everyone of would-be responsibilities.  The whole point of a unified
build system is you get the benefit of other people solving other bugs on
other platforms.  It's a distributed approach to open source.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] scheme, builds, and virtual appliances

2007-04-30 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 4/21/07, bryan rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I was reading the complaints of various luminaries over in the scheme
hackers list as to why would one want to choose Chicken? I guess I
would want to choose Chicken because I don't want to get dirty with C,
but I want the portability of C.

C is portably not just across platforms it is portable across
languages and applications as platforms. Many languages allow
interaction with C in some way, probably because the languages need to
drop down to the C level to do some things.

if you want to write a driver or extension module for python you may
have to use Swig or distutils to get it to work with Python, that is
to say there are a number of specialized applications you need to have
working together.

The same thing if you were to bind erlang to C libraries

Now a virtual appliance is a prepackaged virtual machine that has
everything setup that one needs to get started running a particular
suite of applications, tools on an OS or similar things:

what about Virtual appliances that are setup up with not just Scheme,
Swig etc. but requisite tools and eggs to use Chicken for writing, say
as one example Erlang drivers? To do this for a good number of
scenarios, OS's etc. to demonstrate Chicken's portability as a tool
for writing C easily and efficiently?

I'm not understanding what you're getting at.  The VMWare page seems to be
about shipping your choice of OS to enterprise customers.  If you're not
doing enterprise development, I don't see how the concept applies, or has
any kind of economy of scale.

I've wondered if it would make sense to ship a game with its own OS to
consumers, so that I wouldn't have to be enslaved to Windows issues or
whatever.  But the reality is, I can't see consumers cranking up a DVD just
to play a game on their PC.  That's very MS-DOS era usability, running 1
program on your PC at a time, and consumers aren't going back.  It would
make more sense to do it on a console, where people are used to just
plugging in a CD or DVD and having it work.  I worry though that the boot
times might be completely unacceptable.  Modern console users just plug
their game in and start playing, it's an instant entertainment sort of

So the first question is, under what conditions does shipping an OS to a
customer make any kind of sense?  I don't think you've really answered this
in your musings above.  Perhaps you could elaborate.

The second question is, who's going to do all the support work for such a
thing?  People doing enterprise development are investing big bucks in their
undertakings.  Does such an effort make sense for you personally?  It
definitely doesn't make sense for the Chicken community.  We are merely a
small community of volunteers, working on whatever projects are of most
benefit to us personally.  The community resources for pursuing very
abstract "work everywhere" infrastructure simply don't exist.  I can't even
get people to do modest amounts of bughunting for the Visual Studio 2005
Express compiler.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake build

2007-05-01 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/1/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> It suggests that CMake has bugs on Linux, and that people would have to
> resolve them by posting on the CMake mailing list.  There could be 2
> separate bugs here.  At least now we have confirmation that the "make
> install" bug isn't just on Felix's box.

Okay, I've done a whole bunch of Linux installs under various conditions,
and I've found that the problem arises if and only if the installation is
going to replace the EXTANT_CHICKEN it was configured to use.  If you keep
a private copy of chicken-static around and always use that, you never
have a problem with rebuilding on install.  What's more, when building
from a tarball, where EXTANT_CHICKEN is irrelevant, there is no problem.

Does *that* suggest anything to anyone?

Ew.  Not a case use I remember thinking about, so wouldn't shock me if
there's something wrong.  I'll look into it.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake build

2007-05-04 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/1/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> Ew.  Not a case use I remember thinking about, so wouldn't shock me if
> there's something wrong.  I'll look into it.

It's actually a pretty common circumstance when you are updating
your Chicken regularly from the darcs head.  In my case,
Chicken is in /usr/local, so the EXTANT_CHICKEN winds up being
/usr/local/bin/chicken-static.  Then I darcs pull, ccmake, make, and
make install, so the new version of chicken-static winds up overwriting
the old.  That's where the Linux version can't cope.

A straightforward fix would be to always copy EXTANT_CHICKEN to /tmp (or
C:\windows\temp) and run it from there.

Why do I have a sinking feeling about that?  Is it just that I don't want to
write the code for the dynamic case, or some greater can of worms?

I have found that on Cygwin, if I build with /usr/local/bin/chicken-
static.exe, with the intent of installing Chicken in /usr/local,
chicken-static.exe is never built and never installed.  The static libs are
built but not installed, which I find even more peculiar.  I get the same
behavior on MinGW with respect to C:\Program Files\Chicken\bin\chicken-
static.exe.  Perhaps CMake 2.4.6 has ad-hoc handling of circular
installation dependencies.  Linux is implementing a different policy than
Cygwin and MinGW.  I'll try out CMake CVS soon enough, but I can't make more
progress on this until my internet connectivity is restored.  I'm using
someone else's computer to send this.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake build

2007-05-09 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/4/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/1/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Van Every scripsit:
> > Ew.  Not a case use I remember thinking about, so wouldn't shock me if
> > there's something wrong.  I'll look into it.
> It's actually a pretty common circumstance when you are updating
> your Chicken regularly from the darcs head.  In my case,
> Chicken is in /usr/local, so the EXTANT_CHICKEN winds up being
> /usr/local/bin/chicken-static.  Then I darcs pull, ccmake, make, and
> make install, so the new version of chicken-static winds up overwriting
> the old.  That's where the Linux version can't cope.
> A straightforward fix would be to always copy EXTANT_CHICKEN to /tmp (or
> C:\windows\temp) and run it from there.

Why do I have a sinking feeling about that?  Is it just that I don't want
to write the code for the dynamic case, or some greater can of worms?

I couldn't reproduce the behavior on MinGW when installing over
EXTANT_CHICKEN.  I think I probably did everything correctly in the 1st
place, i.e. EXTANT_CHICKEN is not a dependency, and this is a Linux specific
bug.  I will try Cygwin later on to see if it's fine.

I have found that on Cygwin, if I build with /usr/local/bin/chicken-

static.exe, with the intent of installing Chicken in /usr/local,
chicken-static.exe is never built and never installed.  The static libs
are built but not installed, which I find even more peculiar.  I get the
same behavior on MinGW with respect to C:\Program Files\Chicken\bin\chicken-
static.exe.  Perhaps CMake 2.4.6 has ad-hoc handling of circular
installation dependencies.  Linux is implementing a different policy than
Cygwin and MinGW.  I'll try out CMake CVS soon enough, but I can't make more
progress on this until my internet connectivity is restored.  I'm using
someone else's computer to send this.

Lack of static was an unrelated bug.  There's a stray (SET MACOSX TRUE)
statement in the 2.6 tarball, which turns off static exes and libs on all
platforms, not just MACOSX.  I've fixed it in Darcs head.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-12 Thread Brandon Van Every

Apple has deliberately depreciated static linking of user executables on Mac
OS X.   Any time you try to link statically with Apple's ld, if a dynamic
library of the same name is available, it grabs that instead.  Not sure if
the Autoconf build is affected by this, but the CMake build is.  We worked
around it by disabling the building and installation of static executables.
The static libraries are built and installed, but a user has to pass some
weird flags manually to ld to make use of them.  Otherwise, since both the
static and dynamic libraries have the same name and are in the same
directory, the dynamic library will be picked up, rendering the results
quite useless and broken.

We could rename the static libraries on Mac OS X to things like
libchicken-s.a.  This would make it easy for users to avoid the ld behavior,
as static and dynamic libs would have different names.  Do Mac OS X users
think this is worth doing?

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-13 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/13/07, Thomas Christian Chust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would only change the behaviour of the build if it doesn't mean a lot
of work. If the library names were changed, though, I would try to keep
them identical across all platforms to reduce confusion of the users ;-)

Windows libraries are already gratuitously different, because in
Windows-land, .lib is used as the suffix for both a dynamic stub library and
a static library.  So, a -s postifx is used to distinguish the static
libraries.  Other parts of the postfix are used to distinguish debug vs.
release, i.e. libchicken-ds.lib.  More postfixes will be added if we ever
decide to compile single vs. multithreaded libraries and etc.

Currently, Unix-y builds don't do any more than compile a static and a
dynamic library.  There's no debug version, there's no multithreaded
version, etc.  Since Unix-y / GCC suffixes are sane with respect to static
vs. dynamic libraries, there's currently no reason to add postfixes to
distinguish more cases.

Current GCC / Cygwin / MinGW implement suffixes correctly with respect to
static vs. dynamic libraries.  This is the most convenient for the user.  I
see no reason to mess that up in the name of gratuitous uniformity.  Mac OS
X is just weird, so it's a case of whether it's worth doing something
specific for their benefit, to make their lives easier when linking.

Hey I just had a brilliant idea.  We don't have to rename anything.  We
could just symlink libchicken-s.a to libchicken.a.  Then the user can have
his cake and eat it too.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-14 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/13/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey I just had a brilliant idea.  We don't have to rename anything.  We
could just symlink libchicken-s.a to libchicken.a.  Then the user can have
his cake and eat it too.

On the other hand, we could eliminate all support for static linking, bowing
to the One True Apple Way Of Doing Things [TM].  How do people feel about

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-14 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/14/07, Thomas Christian Chust <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every wrote:

> [...]
> On the other hand, we could eliminate all support for static linking,
> bowing to the One True Apple Way Of Doing Things [TM].  How do people
> feel about that?

I wouldn't mind if static linking was not supported. But in that case we
can just as well leave the situation as is:

Deliberately refusing to support static linking is a different policy
statement.  It's a difference between saying, "You can link stuff statically
if you like" vs. "too bad, you're on your own, this isn't supposed to ever
be done"  The motive for such a policy, is a belief that things will break
in weird and hard to track down ways if people do static linking against
Apple's wishes.  But, is there any actual evidence of that?  Any static
linking horror stories out there?

The main advantage of a dynamic only policy is shorter build times.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-14 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/14/07, Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 11:55:31AM -0400, Brandon Van Every wrote:
> Any static linking horror stories out there?

Sure, I have some that aren't necessarily apple related, but could
happen on that platform.

Ok Mac OS X users, what say you?  Should we tie your hands for your own
good, or give you the freedom to cut off your own fingers?

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-14 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/14/07, Shawn W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 14, 2007, at 10:24 AM, Brandon Van Every wrote:
> Ok Mac OS X users, what say you?  Should we tie your hands for your
> own good, or give you the freedom to cut off your own fingers?

I don't care about static linking.

I've yet to hear any Mac user care about static linking.  Better speak up if
you do!

I'm starting to favor killing all static builds on both Autoconf and CMake,
even though Autoconf currently gets it right.  This would (1) cut build
times on Mac OS X in half.  That's the primary benefit from my standpoint.
(2) Prevent any possibility of weird bugs due to Mac issues.  (3) It sets a
uniform expectation for Chicken users on Mac OS X.  As opposed to shipping
libchicken.a and libchicken-s.a, which would invite variance in how people
use Chicken under Mac OS X.

For simplicity, I would also change libchicken-boot and chicken-boot to be
dynamically linked on all platforms, not just Mac OS X.  Originally I made
the bootstrap static for fear of "complications" with a given system's
dynamic linking.  But, I've never observed dynamic linking complications in
all the time that CMake has been tested.  Peter Keller's post also seems to
indicate that static linking is the case more likely to cause problems.

What would be nice is an OS X

framework for the chicken runtime. It'd be a lot easier to distribute
to people who want to run a program written in chicken without having
to install the full thing (Compiler, interpreter, runtime libraries,

CMake doesn't have framework support.  See
The issue is known but isn't getting attention.  Bill Hoffman is interested
in moving forwards on the issue, but could use prodding and assistance from
the Mac community.

Does Autoconf have framework support?

Universal binary support to go along with that would be nice

too. The latter is easy to do. (Add '-arch i386 -arch ppc' to the
cflags used by the chicken compiler, and I /think/ everything will
work automagically. I'll test that.)

This can be done, but we really need a person with a Mac who's interested in
using CMake.  I can advise but I can't test this issue, I have no Mac.  An
interested person could put the issue into the bug tracker and CC:

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-14 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/14/07, Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dynamic libraries were created to solve upgradability and text size in the
VM problems. However, they do have some nasty edge cases. Truth be told,
you probably won't hit any of them unless you A) want multiple revisions
of a tool coeexisting on the same machine

Actually, I do think that's a worthwhile feature, especially on a Windows
box with Cygwin, MinGW, and multiple versions of MSVC.  This is coming from
the perspective of a build engineer.  :-)  I don't know how worthwhile it is
to anyone else.  Myself, I just keep my shells and paths hermetically
separated from one another.  That makes my builds reliable, but it's not an
accurate reflection of the state of the average user's box.  I plan to add a
task or enhancement ticket in the bug tracker about this someday, but right
now, we don't even ship binaries.  So first things first, I added tickets
about that.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-14 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/14/07, Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Example 1

1. You statically link the openssl libraries into your application because
you can't guarantee that the target platform will have one. So, you move
your executable to a machine, start it up, and here is what could happen

2. The program loads the executable, the initializers are run, now some
memory space is initialized for openssl.

3. The program decides to call getpwnam() later, which the administrator
happens to have configured to use LDAP with an SSL backend.

4. The lazy load of the ldap resolver, which then brings in the ssl
library cause the dynamic ssl library initialization routines to be
run again.  If the two version of the libraries were the same, then
depending when this happens there might be no effect. If they are
different versions, either of the two ssl libraries will get confused
and probably segfault.

5. This is because the global variable space for both the static version
of the library and the dynamic version (probably) resolve to the same
symbol names, so they get trashed in the process space.

This resembles the case of PCRE.  We have our own code for this library.  To
create a dynamic libchicken, first we create a static libpcre.  The static
libpcre is compiled with shared flags, so that the .obj files are correct
with respect to PIC and can be used in the dynamic libchicken.  Can this
static-within-dynamic approach cause problems?  I did it this way because
libpcre is used over and over again during the build, like 7 different
times.  libpcre itself doesn't need to change, as it's only C code not
Chicken Scheme code, it isn't subject to Chicken Scheme notions of being
safe or unsafe, nor GUI vs. console.

What I really wanted, was a way to build .obj files and then reuse them in
different permutations of dynamic libraries.  I don't want the user to have
to type -lpcre when using Chicken, it should just be -lchicken.  Autoconf
supports so-called "convenience libraries" that allow you to turn everything
into 1 final library.  CMake does not, you have to either fake it or
recompile lotsa source files.  I chose to fake it, and I wonder if there's
anything incorrect or hazardous about the fake.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-15 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/15/07, Shawn W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 14, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Brandon Van Every wrote:
> On 5/14/07, Shawn W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> CMake doesn't have framework support.  See
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:MacOSX_Frameworks
> The issue is known but isn't getting attention.  Bill Hoffman is
> interested in moving forwards on the issue, but could use prodding
> and assistance from the Mac community.

What is CMake? A replacement for generating makefiles with automake,
or a whole new make derivative?

Oh God.  FELIX, this is why keeping the Autoconf build around makes me
REALLY REALLY MAD.  Not your fault, Shawn, for asking this question.  You
just walked into a debate that's raging in the bug tracker right now.
http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/135 for those who want the gory details.

CMake http://www.cmake.org is a native build system generator.  It can
generate makefiles, nmakefiles, Visual Studio project files, Borland
makefiles, Watcom makefiles, all kinds of build system files, on all kinds
of compilers on all the major operating systems.  The primary advantage of
CMake over Autoconf is it handles all of the Microsoft Visual Studio
compilers.  Autoconf, in contrast, deliberately avoids working with MSVC as
a political agenda.  CMake is a truly cross-platform tool.  It is also
significantly faster than Autoconf, as the builds are not driven by bloated
shell scripts.

We've had a feature complete, field tested, all but bug free CMake build for
awhile now.  It took 1 man year to produce.  It is the only way to produce
the MSVC versions of Chicken, and it is preferred for MinGW also.  It works
fine for all the builds on all the platforms, actually, which is why I want
to retire the Autoconf system.

> Universal binary support to go along with that would be nice
> too. The latter is easy to do. (Add '-arch i386 -arch ppc' to the
> cflags used by the chicken compiler, and I /think/ everything will
> work automagically. I'll test that.)
> This can be done, but we really need a person with a Mac who's
> interested in using CMake.  I can advise but I can't test this
> issue, I have no Mac.  An interested person could put the issue
> into the bug tracker and CC: bvanevery.

libtool did not play well with my attempt to build chicken as a
universal.  I deeply detest libtool. I'd rather make an Xcode project
for the chicken source than fight it --  and an Xcode project has the
side benefit of making it easier to come up with a chicken framework
for all the runtime libraries.

The main reason I want Automake retired, is so that when people like you
come along with energy for fixing things, that they will try their hand at
CMake.  I don't want the energies of the community split by Autoconf.

At a first go, read INSTALL-CMake.txt and try to build Chicken on your Mac
OS X.  Then see the bugtracker ticket I've just added about universal
binaries.  http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/214

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-15 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/15/07, Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Given what I've seen above, I think the fake is unstable.

Doesn't chicken already have a tool someon can run when linking with
chicken applications? Like csc -libs? Why can't you just add -lpcre there
if applicable? Then it'll just grab whatever the user wanted.

I've created a bug tracker entry, complete with your comments.  Anyone
interested, let's move the conversation there.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-15 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/15/07, Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't think there is ANYTHING that anyone can do which is the right
answer since you basically have to bail at *runtime* if the linker loader
notices two APIs of the same kind clashing in the program.

I thought C# had a strong notion of versioning.  I haven't really gone up
the C# learning curve enough to recall whether an Assembly is a C# or a .NET
concept though.  Nor whether it provides an ultimate solution.

Don't know if Java solves it either.

The theme is to put versioning in the language though.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-16 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/15/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> We've had a feature complete, field tested, all but bug free CMake
> build for awhile now.  It took 1 man year to produce.  It is the only
> way to produce the MSVC versions of Chicken, and it is preferred for
> MinGW also.

And for Cygwin, thanks to the libffi support.

> It works fine for all the builds on all the platforms, actually,
> which is why I want to retire the Autoconf system.

Almost.  We still have to break the circular dependency that the Linux
version (and possibly other Unix versions) think we have.

Which one is that?  If you're referring to
http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/158I reopened it after Felix had closed
it as "wontfix."  Having the 2nd
invocation of "make install" repeat the build from scratch is not that
important a bug, and all evidence says it's a Linux specific bug.  This
level of defect is not a reason to keep the Autoconf build around.  In the
real world, build systems occasionally have minor bugs.  How many bugs do
you think people could report with Autoconf itself if they really really

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-16 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/16/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> Having the 2nd invocation of "make install" repeat the build from
> scratch is not that important a bug, and all evidence says it's a
> Linux specific bug.

I'd like to see if it happens on a Solaris or BSD system.  I've been
wondering if it might not be a general bug that's hidden on Windows
systems because of the ".exe" suffix.  (I tried posting this to
trac, but it kept telling me it was probably spam.)

Meanwhile I'd be testing on Fedora Core 6 if it weren't such a
!#$!#$%!%!%%!!@@#!!!  Is galinha timing out for anyone else, or is it just
my crappy cell phone support?  And wny does Yum want to download 2MB of crap
every time I type "yum list whatever" ?

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] CMake make install bug on Linux (was Mac OS X static library names)

2007-05-16 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/16/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/16/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Van Every scripsit:
> > Having the 2nd invocation of "make install" repeat the build from
> > scratch is not that important a bug, and all evidence says it's a
> > Linux specific bug.
> I'd like to see if it happens on a Solaris or BSD system.  I've been
> wondering if it might not be a general bug that's hidden on Windows
> systems because of the ".exe" suffix.  (I tried posting this to
> trac, but it kept telling me it was probably spam.)

Meanwhile I'd be testing on Fedora Core 6 if it weren't such a
!#$!#$%!%!%%!!@@#!!!  Is galinha timing out for anyone else, or is it just
my crappy cell phone support?  And wny does Yum want to download 2MB of crap
every time I type "yum list whatever" ?

Using Darcs head, I cannot reproduce the bug on Fedora Core 6, even when
overwriting an installed Chicken.  "make install" does what it's supposed to
do, no matter how many times invoked.  So, now I need you Linux guys to see
if the bug still exists in Darcs head.  Also, if you can get Trac accounts
working properly for yourselves, and add yourselves as CC: to ticket
http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/158 , I'd be much obliged.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] is Mac OS X build working in Darcs?

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

Can someone please verify that the Mac OS X build in Darcs head is working
properly?  I don't have a Mac to test it on.  Please also do a "make
install, make uninstall, make install."  There should be no static libraries
or executables after that.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: is CMake Mac OS X build working in Darcs?

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/17/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can someone please verify that the Mac OS X build in Darcs head is working
properly?  I don't have a Mac to test it on.  Please also do a "make
install, make uninstall, make install."  There should be no static libraries
or executables after that.

Er, the CMake build is what I'm interested in.  I'm trying to close bug
tracker ticket http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/106  The Autoconf build hasn't
been altered, it still does static linkage.  If anyone wants to alter it
accordingly, that's ticket http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/217

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] calling all Vista users

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

We have a bug report on Windows Vista that we need your help verifying.
http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/183  Does chicken-setup work for you?  If it
doesn't, we need you to add yourselves as CC: in the bug tracker so we can
fix this.  I don't have a Vista box, I'm using Windows 2000, and things are
working fine for me.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/17/07, Graham Fawcett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/16/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brandon Van Every scripsit:
> > Having the 2nd invocation of "make install" repeat the build from
> > scratch is not that important a bug, and all evidence says it's a
> > Linux specific bug.
> I'd like to see if it happens on a Solaris or BSD system.

If someone else runs Solaris and has CMake installed, perhaps they
could let me know if they're going to try this? Otherwise I'll do it
when I have time.

Not important anymore because the bug is closed.  I believe that changing
the dependencies for dynamic linkage during the bootstrap solved the

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] is Mac OS X build working in Darcs?

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/17/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 17, 2007, at 9:17 AM, Brandon Van Every wrote:

> Can someone please verify that the Mac OS X build in Darcs head is
> working properly?  I don't have a Mac to test it on.  Please also
> do a "make install, make uninstall, make install."  There should be
> no static libraries or executables after that.

I am having core dumps & 'undefined variable |?|' from chicken
components. However, this is not a "stock" build. I am removing the
selections I made w/ ccmake to see what is causing the havoc.

Please build from a pristine Darcs directory, no running of previous
Autoconf or CMake in-directory.  Please also build out-of-directory.  This
is just to ensure that you're not tripping over something left in your

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] is Mac OS X build working in Darcs?

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/17/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 17, 2007, at 1:08 PM, Brandon Van Every wrote:

On 5/17/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having core dumps & 'undefined variable |?|' from chicken
> components. However, this is not a "stock" build. I am removing the
> selections I made w/ ccmake to see what is causing the havoc.

Please build from a pristine Darcs directory, no running of previous
Autoconf or CMake in-directory.  Please also build out-of-directory.  This
is just to ensure that you're not tripping over something left in your

Did all of the above.

Dang.  If you still have problems with a "stock" build then we'll need to
CC: you on the ticket.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/17/07, Shawn W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On May 15, 2007, at 7:35 AM, Brandon Van Every wrote:
> At a first go, read INSTALL-CMake.txt and try to build Chicken on
> your Mac OS X.  Then see the bugtracker ticket I've just added
> about universal binaries.   http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/214

(I tried putting this in trac, but it keeps getting rejected as spam.

I've added a ticket about this as John Cowan is having the same problem.

I installed cmake, and figured out how to make it produce an Xcode

project file. Even though CMake came up with an option to specify
which build architectures to use, the generated project file only did
powerpc. After adding i386, I tried compiling... and it didn't work
-- posixwin.c was included in the source, and, for some reason, it
took 5 minutes for Xcode to respond to /anything/ -- which is NOT
normal for it. I gave up fighting that before I got any results.

I wouldn't expect the current CMake build to generate universal binaries
just by adding flags.  Currently we use a TRY_RUN with CStackGrowsDownward.c,
and this should cause disaster when cross-compiling.  This is noted in the
ticket about universal binaries above.


used cmake 2.4p6, which is what was in my package system. Dunno if
there's a newer release that produces a project that doesn't cause
the issue.)

CMake 2.4.6 is the most recent stable release.  To get more recent than
that, you'd need to compile CMake from CVS sources.  I am not presently up
on CMake XCode issues so I don't know if that would be profitable for you.
You could look in the CMake bug tracker or mailing list archives to see what
they have to say about XCode.

Next, I tried using cmake to generate makefiles. It came up with the

same build architecture option, but, just as with the Xcode option,
seems to ignore it.

Initial impression of cmake after 10 minutes: I don't like it. It
makes Xcode projects that do their best to break Xcode.

It's not CMake's fault that we haven't implemented support for universal
binaries yet.  As for XCode, I don't know enough about it to separate CMake
issues from Chicken issues.

The makefiles it generates hide too much;

That's the price you pay for a build system generator that works on all
platforms.  You were expecting the clarity of a hand-crafted makefile?

I had to check ps and, after tracking

down where it was putting object files, use file to confirm that it
was only producing powerpc code.

Well, things that are broken aren't terribly likeable.

And it colorizes stuff!  Icky.

That's not important.

Please don't get rid of the autoconf and automake and libtool way of

building. (Which I like to use in decreasing order. autoconf is
great. automake is ugly and I try to avoid using it for my own
projects, preferring autoconf and hand-written makefiles. libtool
is... I've already said what I feel about that. But the alternatives
seem to be just as bad.) It's still better than cmake, at least for me.

On the other hand, you said you put 10 minutes of work into CMake.  That's
enough to indicate there are problems, and thanks for doing it!  It is not,
however, enough to make a case for splitting the energies of the community
between Autoconf and CMake.  What we'd like is for Mac people to work on the
CMake build so that these issues get fixed and go away.  I'm point man on
CMake, but I can only do so much because I don't have a Mac.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/17/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/17/07, Shawn W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> On May 15, 2007, at 7:35 AM, Brandon Van Every wrote:
> >
> > At a first go, read INSTALL-CMake.txt and try to build Chicken on
> > your Mac OS X.  Then see the bugtracker ticket I've just added
> > about universal binaries.   http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/214
> >
> >

I wouldn't expect the current CMake build to generate universal binaries
just by adding flags.  Currently we use a TRY_RUN with
CStackGrowsDownward.c, and this should cause disaster when
cross-compiling.  This is noted in the ticket about universal binaries

I wouldn't expect the Automake build to perform any better either, as once
upon a time I lifted the CStackGrowsDownward.c code from Automake's output.
It probably uses the same try-run mechanism to determine the results.  And
if it doesn't, I'd like to know how, so that CMake can copy it.  Can you
actually make a universal binary with Automake?  With XCode?

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Mac OS X static library names

2007-05-17 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/17/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Compiling a universal binary is an exercise in x-compiling. Chicken
cannot discover anything about the foreign platform, it must "know."
All cpu specific configuration must be done via command-line options
or a separate set of configuration headers.

I am not saying "discover" bad, "know" good. Just that in the case of
x-compiling "knowing" is the only way.

Right.  My point is, unless Automake "knows," it is no better than CMake at
this.  And I suspect the current Autoconf build does not "know."

(BTW, Brandon I will get back to the CMake build on MacOS X PPC.

Sorry, I need get some bugs fixed in other code first.

The problem seems to be an issue w/ the extra-symbol-slot. Even
though I turned on this options w/ ccmake, & the resulting 'csi' says
it has 'extraslot', using an extension compiled w/ the autotools
generated Chicken yields the undefined variable '||', which I
think is an indication of an incompatible memory model.

If so, that would be a new ticket entirely.

I completely removed Chicken, got a fresh darcs, got a snapshot (for

the boot/cfiles, which are not in the darcs repo!),

boot/cfiles aren't supposed to be in the Darcs repo.  They are supposed to
be generated from the Darcs repo.  Whose boot/cfiles would you use,
canonically speaking?  They're always going to be different, their changelog
would be voluminous noise.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken manual in Texinfo format

2007-05-18 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/18/07, Ivan Raikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The current html parody of a manual is impossible to use.

You're exaggerating.  Please be specific about what's impacting your
workflow.  Please also be objective about how much time you're losing,
rather than dwelling on matters of taste.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] A Proposal for Texinfo Reference Manual, was: Re: Chicken manual in Texinfo format

2007-05-21 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/21/07, Adhi Hargo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Important point first: I propose, in the long run, to
spare the wiki for tutorials, introductions,
cookbooks, FAQs, installation problem, or anything
else any casual user could confidently contribute, and
let the maintainer or at least experienced programmers
(a number of you, I suppose) do the real manual in

Wikis are for getting a community to gradually document stuff over time.
Making people learn Texinfo isn't.  Documentation is most programmers' least
favorite thing to do, and they're not gonna do it.  I believe the wiki needs
to remain the primary source of documentation, with Texinfo a secondary
format, if people want to put effort into that.


(1) Because I've seen this unfold in the CMake community.  It's a much
larger community, and yet very important stuff never gets documented, unless
*I personally* go and add things.  I don't have any particular
responsibility for documentation.  I just get really irked at documentation
which cripples people, and I'm one of the few who will actually do something
about it.  Even I do very little.  If lotsa people would do what I do, then
CMake would have great documentation, but they don't.

(2) Because Texinfo isn't relevant to all developers.  The reality is
there's an Emacs crowd, a Visual Studio crowd, an Eclipse crowd, and various
other crowds.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] calling all Vista users

2007-05-24 Thread Brandon Van Every

Can you please add yourself to http://trac.callcc.org so we can track this
issue?  Please make your report at ticket
http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/183.  You need to use the *SETTINGS*
menu option to register, so that Trac
doesn't think you're spam.

Please also give the output of "csc -version"

If there are any other Vista users out there, please also let me know.


On 5/24/07, Ian Oversby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Okay, I've tried reinstalling it.  Still the same error - bad file number.
csi itself seems to work, although I've only used it for trivial stuff.


On 19/05/07, Ian Oversby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, they work, although I suppose it is possible that it is choosing
> some other version from a different path.  Let me try to install it
> again at some point (hopefully this week) and get back to you.
> Cheers,
> Ian
> On 19/05/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Apparently for Trac to consider you legit, you must fill out your name
> > e-mail address on the Settings page.  http://trac.callcc.org/settings
> > like Trac to report an error about this rather than leave people in
> > dark, but so far we don't have a mechanism.
> >
> > Do your tar, gzip, and gunzip actually work?  Do they unpack stuff?  I
> > managed to obtain ones that didn't.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Brandon
> >
> >
> > On 5/18/07, Ian Oversby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I did have tar, gzip and gunzip in my path, yes.  I've reinstalled
> > > Vista since then though I've not tried to install Chicken again.  I
> > > was unable to submit a response to Trac as it told me "Submission
> > > rejected as potential spam".
> > >
> > > Ian
> > >
> > > On 17/05/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > We have a bug report on Windows Vista that we need your help
> > > > http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/183  Does chicken-setup
> > work
> > > > for you?  If it doesn't, we need you to add yourselves as CC: in
the bug
> > > > tracker so we can fix this.  I don't have a Vista box, I'm using
> > > > 2000, and things are working fine for me.
> > > >
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Brandon Van Every
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ___
> > > > Chicken-users mailing list
> > > > Chicken-users@nongnu.org
> > > > http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chicken-users
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> >

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-26 Thread Brandon Van Every

What OS (Linux?), what distro, what build system  (Automake, CMake,
pre-packaged), what is output of "csc -version", building from tarball or
Darcs head, what version?  And, please put all this in the bug tracker
http://trac.callcc.org .  Note that you will need to enter stuff on the
*SETTINGS* page so that Trac doesn't think you're spam.

Brandon Van Every

On 5/26/07, Dan Muresan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

$ cat x.scm
(require 'y)

(module x (fx)
   (define fx 10)

$ cat y.scm
(require 'x) (require-for-syntax 'x) (import x)

(define fy 20)

$ csc -R syntax-case -s x.scm
$ csc -R syntax-case -s y.scm
Error: (open-input-file) can not open file - Too many open files: "./x.so"
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
*** Shell command terminated with exit status 139:
/opt/chicken/bin/chicken y.scm -output-file y.c -dynamic -feature
chicken-compile-shared -quiet -require-extension syntax-case

Chicken-users mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: [Chicken-bugs] #227: csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-26 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/26/07, Dan Muresan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've submitted to Trac.

Interesting... the ticket formatting got screwed up in Trac (it seems
that single-newlines are treated as whitespace, while double newlines
break paragraphs). Yet the automated e-mail that Trac sent has the
correct newlines.

I've noticed the messed up single-newline behavior as well.  You could file
an "infrastructure" bug.  :-)  Assign it to Arto, he deals with Trac stuff.
Also let us know in ticket #164 whether you were able to assign it or not.
If so, then #164 should be closed.  If not, then #164 "can't assign stuff"
is still a bug.  :-)

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: [Chicken-bugs] #227: csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-26 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/26/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Also let us know in ticket #164 whether you were able to assign it or
not.  If so, then #164 should be closed.  If not, then #164 "can't assign
stuff" is still a bug.  :-)

Sorry, didn't realize #164 is about *anonymous* people assigning stuff.
You're not anonymous.

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Re: [Chicken-bugs] #227: csc segfaults with certain recursive sources

2007-05-26 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 5/26/07, Dan Muresan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've noticed the messed up single-newline behavior as well.  You could
> file an "infrastructure" bug.  :-)  Assign it to Arto, he deals with
> Trac stuff.  Also let us know in ticket #164 whether you were able to
> assign it or not.  If so, then #164 should be closed.  If not, then #164
> "can't assign stuff" is still a bug.  :-)

Man, if you've noticed it first then maybe *you* should submit a new
ticket, instead of asking me to do it. I think it's only fair.

Thanks for registering in Trac and submitting what you've already
submitted.  Working with the Trac process helps all of us immensely and
improves Chicken.

But, let's not get into "you should do the work... no, you should!"  An open
source community grows by people pitching in, especially for very minor
things that are easy enough for them to do.  Putting things in bug trackers
is work; it is my policy to condition as many people as possible in the
Chicken community to do the work.  Anything that can be delegated,
especially really minor things like a bug of this stature, should be
delegated so that the load on core Chicken developers is reduced.  I've got
3 active tickets in Trac I should be working on; you do not.  I don't expect
anyone to volunteer to actually fix things, but my point is, I am carrying
my weight and am sufficiently busy.

That is not to mention projects / life priorities aside from Chicken,
either.  I'm sure you have yours as well.  If you don't want to do something
right this minute, I might suggest marking an e-mail as Unread and dealing
with it later.  But I do hope in general, people will take the time to
submit issues to the bug tracker.  Otherwise people forget.  That's pretty
much what a bug tracker is for, to aid memory.

I don't know what #164 is (and I don't see a way to quickly jump to a

ticket by number),

Hm you're right, this isn't obvious.  Typing "#164" into the Search field
works, but how would anyone know to do that?  I've added
http://trac.callcc.org/ticket/229 about that.

nor do I really care that much right now, to be honest...

If so, why would you criticize me for not having filed the single-newline
bug earlier?

Brandon Van Every
Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Choosing chicken

2007-06-02 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/2/07, Shawn W. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What schemes do you use, for what? Why? Know of a nifty feature or
approach a particular scheme takes that most others don't? What do
you think a particular version (Including chicken, of course) is best
suited for?

In summary:
- Windows support
- retargettability

I think Chicken has got its foot in the door for real Windows support,
because it has the CMake build system.  That said, Felix doesn't
actually develop for Windows, and there aren't many Windows
programmers in the Chicken community.  Visual Studio Express 2005
doesn't work, but that's most likely Microsoft's fault, for providing
a crippled free compiler.  All the other compilers work to my
knowledge.  I'm still trying to obtain Vista, to see if I can
duplicate some MinGW problems on it, possibly related to permissions.

Despite the problems, this is actually a lot farther along than a lot
of Scheme implementations.  They are all too frequently guilty of
Unix-centrism and building poorly on Windows.  In comparison, we're
building on Windows all the time, it stays working.  The advantage of
Chicken is its build is not a hodgepodge.  One build handles all
platforms, using a standard tool.  That should make it easy to
retarget Chicken at any platform where CMake is available, which is a
lot of platforms.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Choosing chicken

2007-06-02 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/2/07, Alex Queiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In summary:
> - Windows support
> - retargettability

 Isn't PLT's Windows support as good as or better than Chicken's?

Looks that way.  For the Windows build, it looks like they're Visual
Studio 2005 .sln files.  I don't know how disciplined the PLT guys are
about keeping their .sln builds working, but it is typical in such
projects for the manually maintained Windows build to fall behind the
Autoconf build.  CMake is a unified build system and much less likely
to fall behind on any given platform, although it is possible if a
platform-specific build bug happens.   Also for PLT if you want VS
.NET 2003, or god forbid, VS 6, you're SOL.  One advantage of CMake is
you don't have to care which version of MSVC you're using.  I'm not
sure how their MinGW or Cygwin support is either.  On the other hand,
PLT ships binaries and we don't.  That's a big advantage to most

Once upon a time, PLT's performance wasn't as good as Chicken's.  I
don't know about now.

Chicken has some inherent ability to talk to C++.  As far as I know,
PLT doesn't.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: Choosing chicken

2007-06-02 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/2/07, Jens Axel Søgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[I am not on the Chicken mailing list, so I am responding
directly - feel free to any response to the mailing list]

Brandon Van Every wrote:
> On 6/2/07, Alex Queiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > In summary:
>> > - Windows support
>> > - retargettability
>> >
>>  Isn't PLT's Windows support as good as or better than Chicken's?
> Looks that way.  For the Windows build, it looks like they're Visual
> Studio 2005 .sln files.  I don't know how disciplined the PLT guys are
> about keeping their .sln builds working, but it is typical in such
> projects for the manually maintained Windows build to fall behind the
> Autoconf build.

PLT has an automated build system that each night builds what is in
the current SVN. You can download these builds from this page:


Build errors are therefore caught *very* quickly.

Ouch well then they're certainly ahead in that respect.  Nightly
builds and automated testing systems are only wish list for Chicken.
CMake has the infrastructure to do all of that elegantly, but nobody
has the inclination to actually implement it.  I've had it as a task
in our bug tracker for awhile, but recently I abdicated responsibility
for it, as it's a huge task and I must look to more $ things right

 > CMake is a unified build system and much less likely
> to fall behind on any given platform, although it is possible if a
> platform-specific build bug happens.   Also for PLT if you want VS
> .NET 2003, or god forbid, VS 6, you're SOL.

I have a healthy scepticism of everything related to Microsoft, but
if it builds with the free Microsoft compiler, why wouldn't it
build with VS6?

Because PLT has a VS 2005 build file, and those files are not
backwards compatible to earlier versions of MSVC.  You'd have to
figure it out yourself.  If you do figure it out, you'll have to
maintain it yourself, as the canonical PLT build isn't dealing with
it.  With Chicken and CMake the choice of compiler is a non-issue.
One build supports all compilers, including all the different MSVC

> Once upon a time, PLT's performance wasn't as good as Chicken's.  I
> don't know about now.
> Chicken has some inherent ability to talk to C++.  As far as I know,
> PLT doesn't.

Are you thinking ABI here?

No, I'm saying Chicken understands some C++ constructs.  That's one of
the reasons I went with Chicken over other things.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Re: Choosing chicken

2007-06-02 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/2/07, Jens Axel Søgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every skrev:

>> > Chicken has some inherent ability to talk to C++.  As far as I know,
>> > PLT doesn't.
>> Are you thinking ABI here?
> No, I'm saying Chicken understands some C++ constructs.  That's one of
> the reasons I went with Chicken over other things.

You know me - I am curious.

What type of constructs?

templates, classes.  I am not well versed in the limitations.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-04 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/4/07, felix winkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/4/07, Sunnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> felix winkelmann wrote:
> >
> > A stalin-compat library? No problem.
> >
> It wasn't so much a request as an example of what people can do.

I was not suggesting to write such a thing. :-)

Reading this thread, all I can say is man what a bunch of goofy
noodlers you are!  :-)  I can't even fathom the practical motivation
to do any of this, seeing as Stalin is the most user unfriendly and
unsupported Scheme distribution out there.  Where is Stalin's wiki,
bug tracker, source code repository, extensions repository, mailing
list, and user community?  The question isn't how you would use Stalin
with Chicken, but whether anyone uses Stalin at all.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-04 Thread Brandon Van Every

Speed, to the exclusion of all other considerations, is not the real
world.  I can understand compiling portable Scheme code under any 2
different compilers.  I cannot fathom trying to get such code to
interoperate.  This thread reads like a Frankenstein support

Brandon Van Every

On 6/4/07, Alex Queiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 6/4/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Reading this thread, all I can say is man what a bunch of goofy
> noodlers you are!  :-)  I can't even fathom the practical motivation
> to do any of this, seeing as Stalin is the most user unfriendly and
> unsupported Scheme distribution out there.



Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-05 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/4/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:
> Speed, to the exclusion of all other considerations, is not the real
> world.  I can understand compiling portable Scheme code under any 2
> different compilers.  I cannot fathom trying to get such code to
> interoperate.  This thread reads like a Frankenstein support
> nightmare.

Developing code under Chicken is fairly straightforward; developing
code under Stalin is painful in the extreme.  It therefore is plausible
to have a Stalin-compatible library for Chicken that allows one to
develop code that Stalin can handle after it is fully debugged under
Chicken.  You can then gain the advantages of Stalin's massive
optimizations to gain execution speed.

With no eggs.

This is infrastructurally lame.  Anyone who is that enamored with
speed deserves what they get.  Efforts would be better spent actually
creating a community around Stalin and showing some leadership
addressing its utter inadequacies.  C'mon guys, if you want to develop
with someone's FTP dump then you just don't appreciate what it takes
to do software.  Stalin properly exists as a research reference and
nothing more.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-05 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/5/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> This is infrastructurally lame.  Anyone who is that enamored with
> speed deserves what they get.  Efforts would be better spent actually
> creating a community around Stalin and showing some leadership
> addressing its utter inadequacies.  C'mon guys, if you want to develop
> with someone's FTP dump then you just don't appreciate what it takes
> to do software.  Stalin properly exists as a research reference and
> nothing more.

Brandon, this is pure negativity, only one step up from "Don't do that,
it won't help me develop games on Windows."  If Stalin compatibility
scratches someone's itch or tickles their fancy, it'll get done.  If
not, it won't.  In either case, you are better off spending your time
achieving your objectives than trying to tell other people not to achieve

This goes far beyond games on Windows.  This is about people
completely wasting their time on projects that, if they have no
academic context, are completely worthless.  I've gone bankrupt
chasing nonsense.  I have delusions of grandeur that I *might* save
some young buck from his/her utter cluelessness in the face of
industrial reality.

I don't want to invoke Felix as having an opinion on this issue, but
why do you think he rolls his eyeballs when R6RS comes up?  I'll
wager, because there's a huge chunk of people in Scheme-land that
DON'T GET IT when it comes to practical reality.  That's why Scheme
sucks as far as standardization, why it remains a research rather than
practical language for most of the computer industry, and why it fails
to gain any relevance.  Too many smart, tweaky people with no clue
working on things that don't matter.  If Scheme were a mental
disorder, it would be ADD.

I don't really believe in software as a playground.  I believe in
software that gets important things done.  That's why I was willing to
put 1 man year into the Chicken build system, a fairly dull task, and
other people generally aren't.  My build system is going to be here
years from now, unless something substantially better than CMake comes
along, which I don't expect to happen anytime soon.  Whereas Chicken
and Stalin compatibility libraries and interop will *NEVER* be here.
Not in any sense beyond 1 person's irreproducible homebrew that breaks
the 1st month they have to go get a real job.

I've spent 3 years evaluating what counts in open source.  THIS DOESN'T COUNT.

This isn't even about the prowess of any particular author who wishes
to take Chicken-Stalin on.  As cynical as I am about what
well-intentioned people can actually accomplish, the real issue is
LOOK AT YOUR PARTNER.  Stalin is the biggest joke from an open source
support standpoint that I've ever seen.  You're never going to get
anything out of its author.  His compiler is out there so that people
can do what they like with it, without bugging him about it.  It is a
research reference implementation and nothing more.  Great stuff if
you're getting your PhD in compiler design; otherwise, worthless.
Stalin's author knows that he's contributing to an academic corpus,
the "publish or perish" crowd.  He has NO INCENTIVE WHATSOEVER to
pursue the practical industrial things that we pursue in the Chicken

This pattern is abundant in the academic language research community.
You will find it with the SML/NJ crowd as well, to a lesser degree.
They make no bones about being academic guys, not open source
community building guys.

Felix's language leadership is very different from the academic
average.  Be thankful and avail yourself of it.

Nobody can tell anyone what to do in open source.  But I sure hope
someone out there is capable of learning from other people chopping
off their fingers, rather than chopping off their own.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-05 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/5/07, Dan Muresan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This goes far beyond games on Windows.  This is about people
> completely wasting their time on projects that, if they have no
> academic context, are completely worthless.  I've gone bankrupt
> chasing nonsense.  I have delusions of grandeur that I *might* save
> some young buck from his/her utter cluelessness in the face of
> industrial reality.

Brandon, your penchant for getting involved in long, useless polemics is
NOT a quality.

Dispelling complacency is the only way you ever *get* any quality.

Also, you may want to be more cautious when judging the
difficulty level of various software platforms, especially when you
haven't really tried using them.

I think it's pretty well established that Stalin (and Gambit?) are
faster than Chicken, but Chicken has a much better ecosystem (community,
libraries etc).

I just brushed up on what's out there for Stalin.  Seems like it's
whatever's on the Stalin FTP site, which is pretty narrow in focus.

If you see people interested in Stalin, I'm pretty sure
they know the deal they're getting. You're not adding value by trying to
convince them otherwise;

I don't expect the average language noob to have any idea why
academics avoid doing certain things.  Nor do I expect most people to
have a sense of relevant strategic growth in open source.  What I do
expect, is for people to get carried away with "Wow it's fast!"
because it sounds so kewl.  Yes I have a low opinion of people's
actual ability to steward open source projects to a successful
conclusion.  It comes from 14 years of experience watching the
fireworks and falling on my own face more than enough times.

I'll repeat what I said before.  If Stalin is so great, then someone
go start a Stalin community.  That's what needs to happen for it to be

and they certainly won't appreciate your
suggestion that you know better what's good for them.

People who are smart enough to learn from others' experience will pay
attention.  People who aren't, will suffer until they are.

Let's stick to discussions that provide value to all participants.

That's never generally true on any mailing list.  Clearly you don't
value this one.

in mind that when you feel like belaboring a random point to death, you
can always reply in private.

This discussion isn't random.  As for belabored, it reminds me of the
joke about 2 economists.  They're walking down Wall Street and there's
a $20 bill on the ground.  One of them exclaims to the other, "Look, a
$20 bill!"  The other says, "No that's impossible, someone would have
picked it up already" and they go right on walking.

You think everyone's well aware of the implications of support.  I don't.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-05 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/5/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/5/07, Dan Muresan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's stick to discussions that provide value to all participants.

That's never generally true on any mailing list.  Clearly you don't
value this one.

That is to say, you don't value this discussion.  I assume you value
the mailing list.  Just clarifying.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] chicken and stalin

2007-06-05 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/5/07, John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brandon Van Every scripsit:

> I'll repeat what I said before.  If Stalin is so great, then someone
> go start a Stalin community.  That's what needs to happen for it to be
> relevant.

There's not a huge development community around "ls" either.  Some
people might say it's already over-developed.

The FSF has provided a huge community around "ls" and other binutils.
That's why you can use them for free and they work well, without jerry
rigged compatibility libraries.  When Stalin's author, or a 3rd party
community, takes on responsibility even remotely resembling what the
FSF has done, I think you'll have a basis for comparison here.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] installing chicken using microsoft's .NET (2005)

2007-06-10 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/10/07, Richard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was able to install chicken form the zip file and compile most of it using
"cmake" and "2005 vc++ .NET version".

It compiled and generated and the "chicken-boot.exe"  file.
I can create a "c" file from a simple "scm" file. However, when I try to
generate a "c" program from the "chicken.scm" file I get syntax error and a
"stack overflow" error msg. This is the same thing that happens during the
build using the project files generated by "cmake"...

If you are using VS 2005 Express, then this is a known bug.  Our
assumption is that the Express compiler has been deliberately crippled
so it can't compete with the professional products.

If you are using a professional or enterprise version of VS 2005, this
is new.  In that case, please add your compiler information to this
bug.  You'll need to configure your identity in Trac's "Settings"
menu, as Trac assumes that anonymous contributions are spam.  Also,
that's how you'll know if the status of the bug changes.

MinGW, Cygwin, and VS .NET 2003 are working fine, if you're willing to
use those.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] install sdl.egg with mingw32?

2007-06-25 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/25/07, Alex Queiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


On 6/25/07, felix winkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/24/07, Jong-Hyouk Yun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > what's wrong, or more simple method there? anybody has succeed sdl.egg +
> > mingw32?
> I think you are the first person who actually tries to use it on mingw.
> sdl.scm should include  if _WIN32 is defined and omit the
> inclusion of netinet/in.h.

 No, he's the second. :-)

Third.  I can't remember if I got it working or not.   I remember
doing it under MSYS, because compiling SDL under straight MinGW wasn't
possible and I didn't know if I could just use MSVC binaries.  Anyways
it was a PITA because of all the needed SDL components.  I've migrated
mostly to a laptop now, and haven't set up MSYS there, nor do I want
MSYS, or SDL for that matter, so I got lazy about responding to this.
I suppose I could try the straight MSVC binaries and see if they work

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] install sdl.egg with mingw32?

2007-06-25 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/25/07, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Third.  I can't remember if I got it working or not.   I remember
doing it under MSYS, because compiling SDL under straight MinGW wasn't
possible and I didn't know if I could just use MSVC binaries.  Anyways
it was a PITA because of all the needed SDL components.  I've migrated
mostly to a laptop now, and haven't set up MSYS there, nor do I want
MSYS, or SDL for that matter, so I got lazy about responding to this.
I suppose I could try the straight MSVC binaries and see if they work

Actually there's a MinGW binary available for SDL itself, but not for
all those other SDL extension libraries that the SDL egg
monolithically requires.  I think it would be better if there's a SDL
egg that only does the base SDL library.  I've added ticket #257 about
this.  I'm not volunteering to work on it, I'm just noting the idea
for posterity.  I'm also bowing out of setting up a MinGW SDL
environment.  Too much work for something I don't wish to use.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] install sdl.egg with mingw32?

2007-06-26 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/26/07, Jong-Hyouk Yun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is this fine link mingw libraries with vc6 libraries together into same
executable image?

Not sure.  I'd Google about the issue if I were you.  I do know that
the different compilers have different mangling conventions.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Automated builds

2007-06-28 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 6/28/07, Peter Bex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Jun 28, 2007 at 10:54:59AM -0300, Mario Domenech Goulart wrote:
> Sugestions are welcome.

It's not really feasible for everyone to keep checking back to the build
log every time, but would it be possible to add a 'maintainer' field
to an egg's meta file with an email address, so you can automatically
email an author with his failing eggs?

An even better alternative would be to set up an rss feed which can tell
me in my rss reader when my egg failed.

If these sorts of things are easy to do, that's great.  Rock on.

If not, I'll make note that CMake / CTest / Dart dashboard already has
all these sorts of reporting capabilities in a lovely web format.
Here's an example:

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] preferred gui library

2007-07-04 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 7/4/07, Alex Queiroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

+ Lightweight and *just* a GUI;

 Although the API is very small, the egg is far from finished
though, so probably this is not what you want. Otherwise, feel free to
ask more.

Felix was intoning "lightweight" back when we had that GUI discussion.
As I said then, the problem with that approach is, everyone wants
different versions of "lightweight."  So by the time you get done
pleasing everybody, which is what needs to happen for projects to
become standardized, stable, well supported, and widely adopted, it's
not lightweight anymore.  At best it's middleweight and more typically
it becomes heavyweight.

Consequently, I suggested you guys pick the One True GUI [TM] that's
already out there and stick with it.  Because you're going to end up
reinventing such a thing yourselves anyways.

Alternately, you guys could just each individually code up your own
personalized "lightweight" stuff.  Heck, I'm doing that with my 3D
engine right now, because I'm working on a laptop with 8MB of VRAM and
even if I wanted to bother to learn someone else's 3D engine, they
don't do a particularly good job of handling such a low resource 3D

"Lightweight" can be a valid design choice.  I'm just pointing out the
strategic consequences of fixating on that.  I mean, let's face it,
people intoned all those ideas and desires some months ago and nothing
has come of it.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Fwd: [CMake] Deb and RPM package generation modules

2007-07-04 Thread Brandon Van Every

New post on the CMake list, if someone wants to pursue it on Linux.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Mehdi Rabah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jul 4, 2007 11:21 AM
Subject: [CMake] Deb and RPM package generation modules

Hi everyone,

In case someone is interested in linux package generation within cmake,
I've started to improve the existing scripts
 and http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMakeUserUseDebian)
to make both debian and rpm packaging easier.

Here is links to these modules with a concrete example:


The differences with the original scripts are that:
- you can customize the entire control or spec file directly
   from your cmake file (yet to finish for rpm)
- it doesn't need cpack anymore (I don't know if it's a good thing or not)
- the two modules have some common description variables
   (so it's easy to describe both rpm and deb packages)
- for the deb generation : use dpkg-deb. (building the archive
directly with ar seems
   to cause some weird problem, with gdebi or dpkg-scanpackages for example).
   it doesn't rely on Md5Sum module anymore
- you can generate a package for each subproject (ie folders with a CMakeLists
  and a PROJECT() macro) of your cmake project.
- can't generate the source package anymore :/  (yet)
  this was made using cpack, but It seems that cpack don't let you choose what
  do you want to put in your source package... so I'm trying to do it
without cpack
  (btw, there is very really few documentation on cpack ^^)

There are still a few part that needs to be finished, but I think the
major improvement
will be to autodetect the dependencies (like dh_makeshlibs for deb
package building).

So I think that's it. Do you have any thoughts on all this?
CPack seems to have some cool feature like stripping binaries,
so do you think it will be a good idea to *really* integrate these
modules within cpack?


CMake mailing list

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] wxWidgets

2007-07-05 Thread Brandon Van Every

Ok, so, like, refresh my memory why people object to wxWidgets.
Because, you know, like, it seems a pretty obvious choice for
cross-platform GUI work.  http://www.wxwidgets.org

Is this about C++?

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] The Programmer Hierarchy

2007-07-08 Thread Brandon Van Every


Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] FLTK and CEGUI

2007-07-10 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 7/8/07, Adhi Hargo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well then, either we focus on wxWidgets, or FLTK (!).
I don't mind the latter, IMHO its interface is quite
clean and simple, a total opposite to wxWidgets albeit
somewhat limiting usage. Never encounter a buggy FLTK
app either (lack of exposure?).

I recently looked at Crazy Eddie's GUI System http://www.cegui.org.uk
because my primary interest is games.  FLTK screenshots are quite ugly
in this regard and don't assure me that it's appropriate for games,
although at least it's OpenGL based.  CEGUI in contrast is used in the
Ogre and Irrlicht 3d engines, which are pretty much the leading open
source engines right now.  It's got much better screenshots from a
gamer's standpoint, clearly demonstrating skinning capabilities.
Having development driven by major open source projects is also
important IMHO.

I realize that not everyone's a game developer or cares about such
capabilities.  But I thought I would mention it since it's something I
might be interested in.  It deserves consideration for those who think
an OpenGL based GUI is the way to go.  Also the license is better:

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] libffi and cmake on gnu/linux again

2007-07-13 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 7/13/07, felix winkelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Try passing -DWITHOUT_LIBFFI=TRUE to ccmake (or cmake).
I don't know why this fails.

It fails on MinGW also, but I assumed that was because it wasn't
supported on MinGW.  Is it supposed to work?

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] stack direction test

2007-07-13 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 7/13/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(& the stack direction test still fails to
build for me - at least I can patch the CMakeLists file to get around

Can you please point me at a Trac entry for that, or else create one?
I can't seem to access Trac right now.  This functionality is trivial
and should always be working, very strange if it is not.  Please give
platform, compiler, make VERBOSE=1 output, etc.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] stack direction test

2007-07-13 Thread Brandon Van Every

I'm going to guess you have a bad build environment.  Please give your
PATH and the output of "make --version".  I'll see if I can reproduce
on my own real XP SP2 box.


On 7/13/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 13, 2007, at 11:35 AM, Brandon Van Every wrote:

> On 7/13/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> (& the stack direction test still fails to
>> build for me - at least I can patch the CMakeLists file to get around
>> this.)
> Can you please point me at a Trac entry for that, or else create one?
> I can't seem to access Trac right now.  This functionality is trivial
> and should always be working, very strange if it is not.  Please give
> platform, compiler, make VERBOSE=1 output, etc.

VirtualPC with Windows XP Professional SP2, MSYS & MinGW gcc 3.4.2

But, after deleting the build directory & re-running CMakeSetup I get:

C:\msys\build\chicken>make VERBOSE=1
/C/Program\ Files/CMake\ 2.4/bin/cmake.exe -H/C/msys/src/chicken -B/C/
msys/build/chicken --check-build-system CMakeFiles/Makefile.cmake 0
/C/Program\ Files/CMake\ 2.4/bin/cmake.exe -E cmake_progress_start /C/
msys/build/chicken/CMakeFiles 72
make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 all
make[1]: Entering directory `/c/msys/build/chicken'
make -f boot/CMakeFiles/chicken-boot-c.dir/build.make boot/CMakeFiles/
make[2]: Entering directory `/c/msys/build/chicken'
boot/CMakeFiles/chicken-boot-c.dir/build.make:42: *** target pattern
contains no `%'.  Stop.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/c/msys/build/chicken'
make[1]: *** [boot/CMakeFiles/chicken-boot-c.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/c/msys/build/chicken'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Oh well.

> Cheers,
> Brandon Van Every
> ___
> Chicken-users mailing list
> Chicken-users@nongnu.org
> http://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/chicken-users

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] stack direction test

2007-07-13 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 7/13/07, Kon Lovett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jul 13, 2007, at 4:27 PM, Brandon Van Every wrote:

> I'm going to guess you have a bad build environment.  Please give your
> PATH and the output of "make --version".  I'll see if I can reproduce
> on my own real XP SP2 box.

Thank you for your time. The last Chicken I built was:

Version 2.629 - windows-mingw32-x86 - [ dload ptables applyhook ] -

Then I had C:\msys\src\chicken & C:\msys\src\chicken\build. Now it is
C:\msys\src\chicken & C:\msys\build\chicken. (Which should be
cleaner, yes?)

The latter is the way I've always done it.  But people do it also with
the \build directory underneath their \src tree.  It shouldn't cause
anything to blow up.

PATH=C:\Program Files\CMake 2.4\bin;C:\msys\1.0\bin;C:\msys\1.0\mingw
s\1.0\local\wbin;C:\Program Files\CMake 2.4\bin;C:\Program Files
\PuTTY;C:\Program Files\darcsdir-w32;C:\Chicken\bin;C:\WINDOWS\syste
m32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK
for Windows Server 2003 R2\Bin\.;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform
SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Bin\WinNT\.;C:\Program Files\cvs
nt;C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin

GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A

This program built for i686-pc-msys

I wonder if your MinGW and MSYS toolchains are fighting each other
somehow.  What happens when you use the MinGW only generator, and then
use mingw32-make at a Windows command prompt?  It would be best if
there's no MSYS at all in your PATH for that.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] operations

2007-07-16 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 7/16/07, Robin Lee Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Before I kill myself trying to figure out WTH that page is about
just because Felix thinks it's cool (which is sufficient reason, for
the most part, but still) can anyone give me a precis of why this is

Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it?

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] CMake 2.4.7 cross-compilation

2007-07-18 Thread Brandon Van Every

The most important feature of CMake 2.4.7 is support for
cross-compilation.  I don't know my way around it yet, but I expect I
will learn at some point.  Perhaps some of you are more motivated

Brandon Van Every

-- Forwarded message --
From: Bill Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Jul 18, 2007 10:05 AM
Subject: [CMake] CMake 2.4.7 available for download

On behalf of myself, Ken, Brad, Alex and the rest of the CMake team,
we are pleased to announce that CMake 2.4.7 is available for download
at: http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Download.html
If you have any problems or find any bugs, please report them at
A list of changes for the 2.4 release tree is included below.

Thanks Bill
(sorry for the duplicate email with the wrong subject.)

Changes in CMake 2.4.7
--- RC 11 
* Fix bug 5238 for cygwin versioned executables

* Allow for platform choice of executable shared libs install

* Fix @ONLY issues with RC 10

* Add -E make_directory to cmake executable
--- RC 10 
* Fix rebuild problem with makefiles and cmake vs CMakeSetup
--- RC 9 ---
* Fix problem with \@ in configure files bug# 5130
--- RC 8 ---
* Fix bug 5121 crash with build test on and vs

* Fix bug 5096 add_library and EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL not working
--- RC 7 ---
* Fix @ in Xcode projects

* add some fixes for FindSWIG.cmake

* Fix new line stuff in UsePkgConfig.cmake

* Add new FindPkgConfig.cmake from CVS

* improve docs for try_compile and list commands

* fix for bug 4384, preserve sym links in install directory

* Use platform variable for link path exclusion added in RC6

--- RC 6 ---
* Fix stack reporting bug in macros and include

* Fix double quote in -D flags for vs broken in RC 5

* Fix problem with newer curl and curl_getdate changes

* Do not emit link paths /usr/lib32 and /usr/lib64 with -L

---RC 5 
* Fix for bug# 4423, LANGUAGE property now works in VS IDE

* Fix for RUN_TESTS running the tests twice in VS IDE

* Do not create import libraries for modules on borland

* Fix for FILE(RELATIVE_PATH) # 4482

* Fix for apple lack of support for isystem flag

* Fix for Borland skipping make rules with no depends

* Fix for bug #4423 set source file properties LANGUAGE not always working

* Fix for bug #4462 isystem not supported on OSX

* Fix bug in save of resize of CMakeSetup

* Fix for @@ in file names

* Fix for if command scope issues

* Fix for relative path issue with paths ending in /.

* CMakeSetup saves the size of the dialog from the last run

* Fix for bug 4399, find qt designer on mac

* Fix for bug 4420 include unicode libs in cpack for vs8

* Fix for bug 4414 add_dependencies and set_target_properties can set
any target not just the ones in the current directory.

* Add support for cygwin setup packages to setup

* Fix uninstall with DESTDIR

* If COMPILE_FLAGS is changed on a target the object files will now

* Fix Bug 3512 - precompiled header flag mapping on VS.

* Do not run custom commands with relative paths if the working
directory is set.

* Fix bugs 3277, 4341, 4341 make pdb files match the target name correctly

* handle user set NODEFAULTLIB correctly in VS projects

* Fix external project for VS 2005 service pack 1 GUID not set correctly

* Fix Kdevelop problem where files could end up duplicated

Changes in CMake 2.4.6

* Remove svn test in ctestctest3

* Fix for FIND_* order and framworks with PREFIX usage.

* Fix for FindDoxygen and quiet mode.

* Find JavaVM as well as jvm

* Look for ruby1.8 and ruby

* Fix for cpack .tgz.sh and dash

* Fix for finding custom commands from a full path with CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR.

* Fix for Borland make and custom commands that do nothing

Changes in CMake 2.4.5
* Fix for seg fault when a macro runs a bad command BUG# 3815

* Fix fix for foo.dll.lib that does not brea -L/usr/lib in link names

* Fix problem with LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH and linking to a dll foo.dll.lib
 instead of foo.lib

* Do not depend on optimized libraries for a debug build and visa versa.

* Fix target name matching custom command output conflict.

* Fix FindQt3 so that it does not find qt4

* Fix FindKDE4 so that it only looks for kde4-config

Changes in CMake 2.4.4

* CMake Version numbers on module directory

* elseif added

* Fix docs in CheckCSourceCompiles CheckCXXSourceCompiles and diagnostic

* added Check(C/CXX)SourceRuns.cmake, CheckCXXCompilerFlag.cmake, Check

* add static and shared flags to make sure the specified versions of
 libraries are used with -static -lfoo -shared -lbar

*  Search for the compiler only once and store a full path. avoids problems
 with PATH changes in cmake re-runs.

* make sure manifest files are generated with VS 8

* added FindASPELL.cmake, FindBZip2.cmake FindHPELL.cmake, FindJasper.cmake
 FindLibXml2.cmake, FindLibXslt.cmake, FindOpenSSL.cmake

* fix for bug#3646 GLUT not Glut for framework name

* many fixes f

[Chicken-users] does adding numbers stop spam?

2007-07-20 Thread Brandon Van Every

Making a wiki users add some numbers before they commit an edit was
instituted as an anti-spam measure.  Did it work?  I ask because the
CMake authors recently adopted a draconian restriction on their bug
tracker, that only the reporter and the owner of a bug would be able
to make changes to it.  Pretty bad idea I think, so I'm wondering if
the adding numbers trick solved the spam problem.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] Chicken on the PS3

2007-07-24 Thread Brandon Van Every

On 7/24/07, Peter Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

config.guess seems to screw that up a bit, but it didn't seem to affect the
compilation and/or function of Chicken.

Does the CMake build work?

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] mingw_libdir bug

2005-09-25 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
I'm trying to build Chicken 2.0 using MinGW 3.4.4 on Windows 2000. When 
running ./configure on clean sources, the following nonsensical line 
appears in the output:

checking for 

unknown MinGW configuration

ld.exe is an executable, not a directory.  It appears that the following 
lines are setting mingw_libdir to garbage:

if test -n "${mingw_system}"; then
 mingw_libdir=`mingw32-gcc -print-prog-name=ld | sed 

 as_ac_File=`echo "ac_cv_file_${mingw_libdir}/libws2_32.a" | $as_tr_sh`

Ultimately this causes errors in posix.c because posixwin.scm is never 
used.  A workaround is to set mingw_libdir explicitly at this point in 
the ./configure script.  I"m not enough of an autoconf guru to know how 
to ultimately solve this problem.

Also, per the README, I:
 2) edited Makefile to set BOOTSTRAP_PATH = /d/devel/mingw/chicken-2.0
 3) edited libtool, change 'deplibs_check_method' value to "pass_all"
 4) mkdir $MINGWDIR/lib/.libs;
cp $MINGWDIR/lib/libws2_32.a $MINGWDIR/lib/.libs
where MINGWDIR is the where MinGW is installed

Now I get:

/d/devel/mingw/chicken-2.0/chicken posixwin.scm -quiet -debug-level 0 
-optimize-level 2 -include-path .  -output-file posix.c -explicit-use

/bin/sh: /d/devel/mingw/chicken-2.0/chicken: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [posix.c] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/d/devel/mingw/chicken-2.0'
make: *** [all] Error 2

So, have the dependencies for the bootstrap become cyclic?  It's 4:15 
am, I'm too tired to figure this out anymore...

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] mingw_libdir bug

2005-09-25 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

felix winkelmann wrote:

Thanks, Brandon. Not being an autotools person myself 

I'm a little confused.  A distaste for autotools I can wholly understand 
and sympathize with.  But how then are you using the tools?  Just in the 
simplest way?  Or did the configuration script work get done a long time 
ago, and you've forgotten, or the person who did them has moved on?  I'm 
just trying to understand if I dig into autotools myself, what's a 
rational way to proceed. 

not having a mingw environment to test this I must pass.


MinGW, although not the essence of convenience, is not terribly 
difficult to set up.  Certainly, no more difficult than setting up 
Chicken. :-)  Do you personally do any of the other Windows 
configurations, i.e. Cygwin and MSVC, or is someone else in charge of that?

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] mingw_libdir bug

2005-09-25 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

[apologies if this is a repost.  I'm not seeing it on my end.]

felix winkelmann wrote:

Thanks, Brandon. Not being an autotools person myself 

I'm a little confused.  A distaste for autotools I can wholly understand 
and sympathize with.  But how then are you using the tools?  Just in the 
simplest way?  Or did the configuration script work get done a long time 
ago, and you've forgotten, or the person who did them has moved on?  I'm 
just trying to understand if I dig into autotools myself, what's a 
rational way to proceed. 

not having a mingw environment to test this I must pass.

MinGW, although not the essence of convenience, is not terribly 
difficult to set up.  Certainly, no more difficult than setting up 
Chicken. :-)  Do you personally do any of the other Windows 
configurations, i.e. Cygwin and MSVC, or is someone else in charge of that?

Brandon J. Van Every
  (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
  '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] re: mingw_libdir bug

2005-09-25 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
[apologies if this is a repost.  I've tried to send this 2 times now and 
am still not seeing it.  Black hole?]

felix winkelmann wrote:

Thanks, Brandon. Not being an autotools person myself 

I'm a little confused.  A distaste for autotools I can wholly understand 
and sympathize with.  But how then are you using the tools?  Just in the 
simplest way?  Or did the configuration script work get done a long time 
ago, and you've forgotten, or the person who did them has moved on?  I'm 
just trying to understand if I dig into autotools myself, what's a 
rational way to proceed.

not having a mingw environment to test this I must pass.

MinGW, although not the essence of convenience, is not terribly 
difficult to set up.  Certainly, no more difficult than setting up 
Chicken. :-)   Do you personally do any of the other Windows 
configurations, i.e. Cygwin and MSVC, or is someone else in charge of that?

Brandon J. Van Every
(cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
'(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] mailing list trouble

2005-09-26 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Shawn Rutledge wrote:

On 9/25/05, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[apologies if this is a repost.  I've tried to send this 2 times now and
am still not seeing it.  Black hole?]

It appears that gmail doesn't show messages in your inbox which you
sent to a list.  I guess they figure it's enough that it's in your
Sent Mail folder.

Gmail has that behavior?  FYI, I don't use Gmail via the web.  I use 
SMTP and POP with Mozilla Thunderbird.  You have to use SSL; otherwise 
it's very simple, smtp.gmail.com and pop.gmail.com.  I don't think 
Google advertizes this capability.  Anyways, I do not see the behavior 
you describe on [Mingw-users], or any other mailing list I'm subscribed 
to.  So I am more inclined to think it's the [chicken-users] mailing 
list settings.  I tried flipping some things on/off and we'll see if I 
can see this e-mail of mine.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] mailing list trouble

2005-09-26 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Zbigniew wrote:

The web interface to gmail will show (in your inbox) your replies to a
thread already in your inbox.  Thus it was surprising that no messages
would appear at all, since the first response to a thread you initiate
will pull that thread into your inbox.  Now it makes sense, if the web
client isn't being used.  I would guess that Mr. Van Every does not
have "Receive your own posts to the list?" set to Yes in the
chicken-users list options.

But I did.  For funzies, I set it to No, saved my options, then set it 
to Yes, and saved my options, hoping that "flipping the switch" might 
set it to the correct state.  Here's a rundown of my current settings:

Receive your own posts to the list?  YES
Receive acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list?  YES
Avoid duplicate copies of messages?  NO
Things are still broken.  I did not see my original "mailing list 
trouble" post, but I did get a confirmation that I had posted.  I got 
your direct e-mail to me, but *not* a copy from the mailing list, which 
I should have.  This leads me to believe that the Chicken mailing list 
software is ignoring 2 of my user settings?

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] mingw_libdir bug

2005-09-27 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

felix winkelmann wrote:

BTW, IMO why not use the free Windows tools? 

'Cuz I have the licensed ones.  :-)

The real issue is that Eclipse does not support MSVC.  My tentative 
toolchain is Eclipse 3.1 with the Schemeway plugin 
http://schemeway.sourceforge.net/ .  If I were to go the MSVC route, I'd 
have to get the Eclipse MSVC plugin working http://cdt-msvc.tigris.org , 
and it is broken and abandoned.  Complicating matters *further* is I may 
end up doing Alias Maya SDK C++ projects, and that will probably require 
MSVC.  Complicating matters *further still* is my potential business 
partner says all the high end animation market is on Linux.  So there 
are several routes, all with gruntwork attached to them.

The reason Windows people would want MinGW rather than Cygwin is that 
the latter sticks you with the GPL anytime you use cygwin1.dll.  Which 
in the real world, with all the deeply stacked open source libraries, is 
always.  You can invoke -mno_cygwin to get rid of it, but then generally 
speaking the builds break, as noobdy is ever rigorously building 
anything with -mno_cygwin.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] MinGW build

2005-09-27 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Patrick Brannan wrote:

I'm trying to build chicken 2.2 with mingw and am having a small 
problem. It looks like it is trying to build posix.c and is having 
some difficulty. Should posix.c even be built on windows? Any 
suggestions would be appreciated.

No it shouldn't be.  This is the same bug as I have been referring to in 
my post about mingw_libdir.

Prior to this error there was an error building tcp.c.  Swapping the 
following two lines fixed that one.

// # include 

Hm, well at least you've found a workaround for 1 error.

It looks like I may have a configuration variable out of wack.

The configuration is simply not working well for MinGW.  Felix has said 
he's amenable to a better system.  I'm not sure what that would mean 
exactly.  A conservative approach would be to try the latest version of 
autoconf, autotools, and company, and see if that doesn't solve 
problems.  A more bold approach would be to try some other configuration 
tool, but I don't know what's available.  I'm imagining "works with a C 
compiler" is a requirement, as opposed to, say, a Python based tool?

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] vcbuild.bat not in list of distributed files

2005-09-27 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
In Chicken 2.2: if the README section "2. Files distributed with 
CHICKEN:" is meant to be precise, I have noticed, vcbuild.bat is not 
listed.  Perhaps it belongs just before the listing for win-install.bat.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] alternate build tools

2005-09-29 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

felix winkelmann wrote:

Originally the autotools integration is by Doug Quale, with additions
by various people. I just learned enough to maintain the scripts
(badly). I despise the whole stuff, but admittedly it works quite ok.

If I were to start again, I'd not use it. I think that's the rational way to


How do you feel about either a Python or a Java dependency?  I've been 
looking into the problem of targeting multiple C/C++ compilers on 
multiple platforms.  2 tools look like they may be "industrial strength" 
solutions to the problem:

scons, a Python script based build system

Ant with the ant-contrib cc Task
http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/cc.html (list of supported compilers)

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] alternate build tools

2005-09-29 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Brandon J. Van Every wrote:

How do you feel about either a Python or a Java dependency?

[I suggested SCons, a Python thing.  Also Ant + ant-contrib CC Task, a 
Java thing.]

Further digging has yielded an option which, at first glance, looks 
better than either.  CMake.
http://www.cmake.org .  CMake was borne out of frustration with the GNU 
Autoconf / Autotools toolchain.  It is meant to replace it, and to be 
truly cross-platform rather than Unix-centric.  It would introduce no 
new language dependencies, people would just need to download a CMake 
binary or else compile it themselves first.  If CMake actually works as 
advertized, this is a slam dunk.  SCons and Ant are good Make 
replacements, but IIUC, they don't perform automagical system 
configurations.  Whereas, CMake was purpose built to replace autoconf / 

Anyone got CMake experience?  "Visualization Toolkit" (VTK) uses CMake, 
and I did build it on Windows once.  VTK is a huge piece of software for 
scientific visualization.  I recall the build being uneventful and 
problem free, although I'm sure CMake can't take all the credit for that.

BTW I still can't see my own posts, which is a bit annoying.  I only see 
this behavior on this list.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] alternate build tools

2005-09-30 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Thomas Chust wrote:

of the suggested system I have only tried ant so far and I instantly  
disliked it: It didn't run out of the box, although it is a Java 
program,  it is a rather big package which makes it a heavy dependency 
and in my  opinion it is very clumsy to handle, partly because of the 
xml format of  the build control files.

Of course that's only my personal opinion -- some Java programmers I 
know  do like it. Apparently it integrates very nicely with Eclipse.

I looked into Ant and CC Task mainly because I'll soon be doing an Alias 
Maya project with Eclipse.  In the process I sorta forgot that these 
concerns are mostly irrelevant to Chicken.  I mean, just because I'll be 
using Eclipse and Schemeway doesn't mean other people will be.  Well I 
suppose if Ant was simple to use, and it worked, then nobody would 
complain.  But I've been leery of it myself because it doesn't sound 
simple to use.  Rather, it's politically correct if you're going to be 
working with the Eclipse developers.  They'll pay attention to it, and 
likely won't be interested in SCons or CMake.

For Chicken, I think CMake is the way to go.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] alternate build tools

2005-10-01 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Thomas Chust wrote:

Am 30.09.2005, 17:29 Uhr, schrieb Brandon J. Van Every

For Chicken, I think CMake is the way to go.

as I need something to build my own projects as well from time to 
time, I  threw a look at both CMake and SCons and I think both have 
all the  necessary and convenient features...

Does SCons have the ability to abstract away the compiler details?  A 
friend of mine said it didn't, that you had to specify all the flags 
manually yourself.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] alternate build tools

2005-10-03 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:

Ashley Bone wrote:

The most common settings are handled by scons (for instance, things like
-fPIC for gcc or /MD for msvc).
Special flags like optimizations and so forth have to be explicitly
added, but I think that's true of any tool.

The crucial question is going to be libtool-type support. How well do
any of these tools cope with building different styles of shared


CMake has built some pretty huge software systems like the Visualization 
Toolkit http://www.vtk.org/ so I don't see this as a big deal.  I'm more 
worried about the quality of the MinGW support.  I heard "somewhere in 
passing" that CMake can handle MinGW now, but the CMake webpage and the 
docs still don't explicitly mention it.  So that makes me worry that 
it's not a well-exercised target (gee, much like Chicken and so many 
other open source projects.)

Still, I cannot worry unduly.  I've already made the decision that I 
will attempt CMake.  But, I have to go get a job or get tossed out of my 
apartment, so I can't put much effort into this right now.  If it's 
easy, then suddenly I'll say Hey Presto.  If it's hard, either because 
of CMake or the Chicken architecture itself, then I probably won't get 
it done.  Like, if I had to bang on something for a month to get it to 
work, I wouldn't bother.  I'd just concentrate on other projects of mine 
that are easier to make progress on.

If anyone wants to team up with me to try to bang out a CMake, that 
would be welcome.  More likely to stay focused that way.

In any event, realistically it's gonna be CMake or SCons.  I doubt 
anyone believes that Ant ant-contrib CC Task is going to be pleasant.  
The only reason I brought it up is because I'm doing Eclipse stuff.  
Anyways, if the SCons crowd wants to get together and bang something 
out, and it's easy to do, then by all means go for it.  But that's not 
the road I will travel for now.  I believe CMake is the ticket, as it's 
meant to replace GNU Autotools and be cross-platform.  It doesn't add a 
language dependency, so if all else is equal between CMake and SCons, 
that's a win.

It's all going to be about actually attempting a build, since it seems 
none of us really have the experience at these tools to know what they 
can handle.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] alternate build tools

2005-10-04 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Thomas Chust wrote:

Am 03.10.2005, 15:47 Uhr, schrieb Patrick Brannan 

1. Note that I had to name the exe chicken_d. I could easily rename 
it  in a

later step, but the point is that CMake doesn't seem to easily support
custom file names. Files will be named for the target plus the  


2. Setting source file properties is a global operation where the 
last  set

wins. So I haven't found an easy way to combine both static and dynamic
linking. I even tried listing the source files twice and setting  
differently on each listing. The file sets seem to be global 
entities  that

can accept only one set of properties.

However promising CMake looked to me, this doesn't sound like a 
terribly  well designed core of the system...

Aren't you being rather premature in your pronouncement?  There's 
probably some way to do it, it probably just requires different output 
directories or something.  It takes time to RTFM.  I think you're not 
paying enough attention to a more basic point: Thomas got this thing 
actually working with ease in a weekend.  That's highly encouraging.  If 
debug versions really do have to be called *_d, so what?  If it's 
otherwise an easy, reliable, high quality build system, that's a good 

Nothing in open source is perfect.  Chicken is *hardly* perfect on 
Windows off-the-shelf.  Does that mean I run around giving up on stuff, 
saying it's a "not terribly well designed core system?"  In the worst 
case, if we want it to be perfect, we submit a patch to the CMake 
authors.  It's open source after all.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] syntax-case Egg license

2005-10-06 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
The syntax-case Egg available at 
says its license is "Unknown."  However, the web entry 
http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/eggs/syntax-case.html has 
an essentially MIT license at the bottom of it.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake testing

2005-10-21 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
I will give cmake a shot on VC++ and MinGW, but for the next 2 weeks I'm 
crazy busy with a short-term job.  Things will return to sanity after 
November 8th.

Graham Fawcett wrote:

Running `cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"` didn't Just Work. I used
cmakesetup.exe, which is a GUI for writing a configuration cache.
Before running this, I had to add the MSVC toolchain to my PATH. I
don't normally have them on PATH; and without them, cmakesetup
wouldn't work properly. IOW, you cannot just run cmakesetup from the
Start..Programs menu unless you have your tools on the PATH. 

In Windows-land, generally the programmer has to take responsibility for 
running vcvars32.bat to get the command line path, include, and lib 
variables set up correctly.  No harm in reminding the Windows programmer 
of this in a README, however.

Note that
`cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"` did not work even when my tools were on
the path.

How about after running vcvars32.bat?

Testing the built binaries: csi and csc worked fine. Chicken_setup
worked, but this is MSVC-land, and the lack of gzip et. al. means that
chicken_setup usually fails to build anything. (These GNU-toolchain
dependencies are something I would *love* to see fixed for the MSVC
platform, if I had my two cents, or enough time to tackle it!).

Do you mean a gzip.exe or a gzip library?  The former is available with 
a bit of hunting around, for instance http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/ 
The latter, I'm fuzzy about.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake testing

2005-10-21 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Graham Fawcett wrote:

Running `cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"` didn't Just Work. I used
cmakesetup.exe, which is a GUI for writing a configuration cache.
Before running this, I had to add the MSVC toolchain to my PATH. I
don't normally have them on PATH; and without them, cmakesetup
wouldn't work properly. IOW, you cannot just run cmakesetup from the
Start..Programs menu unless you have your tools on the PATH. Note that
`cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"` did not work even when my tools were on
the path.

I used the Chicken 2.2 tarball as a guinea pig, just adding 
CMakeLists.txt to it and no other actions.  When I use my fully licensed 
retail version of VC++ 7.1, 'cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"' generates its 
output without a hitch.  When I use the free VC++ Toolkit, I get a bunch 
of errors.  So, the problem is surely that the retail compiler has all 
sorts of tools and paths configured properly, and the free version 
doesn't.  Probably there is more work to get a valid build environment 
going with the free version.  I did run the appropriate vcvars32.bat 
with the free version, but that isn't enough to solve the problem.  I 
bet I don't have the Platform SDK set up properly to work with the free 
version; for instance, I don't see any includes or paths for it in the 
envioronment.  Also beware of the 'csi' shadowing gotcha, as the 
Platform SDK has its own csi.exe apparently.

After that, cmakesetup ran fine. I had to specify
binaries in the source directory. Trying to specify a different output
directory seemed to cause problems; it looked like the cache was
written to the build directory rather than the source directory when I
tried this.

I haven't tried this yet.  I haven't gone up the learning curve of 
cmake's theory of operation.  Sorry I'm just way too tired from the 
physically demanding work of signature gathering.  Yes I am lame.  I'm 
only good at getting people interested in better build systems.  :-)  
I'll make more stabs as time and energy allow.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake testing

2005-10-23 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

Patrick Brannan wrote:

If you have the free c++ environment set up as described in 
vctk-install.txt then you should be able to run CMake after generating 
a command prompt with the batch file above. Of course if you don't 
have things where they are expected things will probably not work too 

Once I installed the Platform SDK, I was able to do 'cmake -G "NMake 
Makefiles"' without problem.  However, I did have to delete the 
cmakecache.txt from an old run, from when things weren't working.  This 
is a minor gotcha that may be worth noting in the instructions.  
Otherwise you can get errors about various tools missing their paths and 

I have never run cmakesetup.exe, it does not appear to be necessary for 
anything so far.  I have yet to actually try to build Chicken from the 
generated makefiles.  Still busy with signature gathering, but it was 
drizzling today so I took a stab at Chicken problems.

So in summary: if you have VC++ 7.1 full licensed version correctly 
installed, *or* if you have the VC++ Toolkit and the Platform SDK 
correctly installed, then cmake should generate makefiles without problem.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake testing

2005-10-24 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

felix winkelmann wrote:

On 10/22/05, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I used the Chicken 2.2 tarball as a guinea pig, just adding
CMakeLists.txt to it and no other actions.  When I use my fully licensed
retail version of VC++ 7.1, 'cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"' generates its
output without a hitch.  When I use the free VC++ Toolkit, I get a bunch
of errors.  So, the problem is surely that the retail compiler has all
sorts of tools and paths configured properly, and the free version
doesn't.  Probably there is more work to get a valid build environment
going with the free version.  I did run the appropriate vcvars32.bat
with the free version, but that isn't enough to solve the problem.  I
bet I don't have the Platform SDK set up properly to work with the free
version; for instance, I don't see any includes or paths for it in the
envioronment.  Also beware of the 'csi' shadowing gotcha, as the
Platform SDK has its own csi.exe apparently.

Very good. Thanks, Brandon!

Do you have the full Platform SDK, or just the core part installed?

I downloaded the Full SDK and did a Custom install.  The only thing I 
customized is I had the SDK register its environment variables.

Now when I type 'nmake -f Makefile', both the Retail and the Toolkit 
version die looking for libchicken.lib.

Building RC object CMakeFiles/chicken_exe.dir/chicken.res
Linking C executable chicken.exe
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libchicken.lib'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
.NET 2003\

VC7\BIN\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
.NET 2003\

VC7\BIN\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake testing

2005-10-24 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
Regarding my missing libchicken.lib: there is perhaps nothing amiss in 
cmake.  I tried 'nmake chicken_lib' and it doesn't build because of 
tcp.c errors.  If the tarballs can be updated with people's patches, so 
that they build on Windows, that would be nice.  I have downloaded the 
Darcs repository but I have yet to figure out how to bootstrap it.  I 
ran into problems with my MinGW environment; maybe I'll have better luck 
with a VC++ bootstrap.  I am wondering if the CMakeLists.txt is really 
set up for a Darcs bootstrap?  I'm thinking it isn't; I wonder if it's 
within the scope of what CMake could do.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] CMake testing

2005-10-25 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

felix winkelmann wrote:

Regarding the tcp problems: change the #include's for winsock2.h
to ws2tcpip.h. That should fix the build problems.

Now I get a bazillion errors for things undefined in WS2tcpip.h itself.

I think it is easier to wait for the tarballs to be patched, or to 
attempt a bootstrap.

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] Bootstrapping VC++

2005-11-01 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
How do I bootstrap using VC++?  I've built the Chicken 2.0 tarball using 
the full retail version of VC++ 7.1.  The toolkit version failed for 
some reason.  I'm not using Chicken 2.2 because it doesn't build with 
VC++.  Updates of the tarballs so that it builds with VC++ would be welcome.

I've got the darcs repository, but README.darcs says nothing about how 
one would bootstrap with VC++.  Also I am unclear on how vcbuild.bat and 
makefile.vc are generated.  Are they just done by manual labor?

Brandon J. Van Every
   (cruise (director (of SeaFunc)
   '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] sharp-sign read syntax ruins bootstrap?

2005-11-01 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

I've built the Chicken 2.0 tarball using VC++ full retail.
I'm trying to build the Chicken Darcs repository with MinGW, using 
Chicken 2.0 as the bootstrap.

I get the following error:

/d/devel/msvc/chicken20boot/chicken lolevel.scm -quiet -no-trace 
-optimize-level 2 -include-path .  -output-file lolevel.c -explicit-use

Error: invalid sharp-sign read syntax in line 268: #\+

make[1]: *** [lolevel.c] Error 70
make[1]: Leaving directory `/d/devel/mingw/chicken'
make: *** [all] Error 2

README.darcs says that any Chicken tarball 1.92 or greater should be 
sufficient for a bootstrap.  Is this not true in practice anymore?

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] mingw bootstrap posix.c errors

2005-11-01 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
Ok, I've built Chicken 2.2 tarball with Cygwin.  I tried to use this to 
do the Chicken darcs bootstrap using MinGW.  Many many errors in posix.c 
and uposix.c, although everything else seems to build ok.  I am thinking 
that a MinGW build should be trying to build posixwin.c, not posix.c.  
Didn't someone already submit a patch for this?  Or is this a known and 
less-than-trivial problem in the darcs repository?  Or, is this a 
subtlety of attempting a Cygwin --> MinGW boot?

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

Re: [Chicken-users] sharp-sign read syntax ruins bootstrap?

2005-11-02 Thread Brandon J. Van Every

felix winkelmann wrote:

On 11/1/05, Brandon J. Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

README.darcs says that any Chicken tarball 1.92 or greater should be
sufficient for a bootstrap.  Is this not true in practice anymore?


Indeed - you'll need a newer version of Chicken. I'll upload
a new tarball tonight, I promise!

What time zone are you in?  :-)  As I write this, it's 4 am Wednesday 
Nov. 2nd in Seattle.  I don't see any new tarball on the Chicken homepage.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

[Chicken-users] 2.207 tarball doesn't build on MinGW or VC++

2005-11-02 Thread Brandon J. Van Every
Felix, thanks for the new tarball.  I've tried it out on several 
permutations of MinGW, VC++, ./configure, and cmake, using clean source 
trees in all cases.  The summary is, neither compiler builds correctly.

I notice that the ChangeLog only goes through Sept. 24th.  Perhaps it is 
not a priority for a tarball.  However, if ChangeLogs are generated by a 
script, then perhaps it is an error, so I mention it.

I notice that README.darcs is not present in the tarball.  Is that 
because it's being revised?  If it's to keep people from getting 
confused, then I think it would be better to include it.  For instance, 
the main reason I need a newer tarball is to bootstrap from darcs.

In my VC++ full retail environment, vcbuild.bat has many type errors in 
pip.h.  This is related somehow to WS2tcpip.h.

In my MinGW environment, ./configure  still does the following odd path:
checking for 
As a directory, ld.exe is weird.  Previously I've reported this as 
likely a sed problem, but I didn't provide a patch.

It probably causes problems later in the build.
The build dies in posix.c with many errors; looks like it's not building 
posixwin.c as it should.

I notice that CMakeLists.txt is not present in the tarball.  I've tried 
adding it from the latest darcs and running cmake as per below.

In my MinGW environment, when I do 'cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"', 
makefiles are generated without error. However, 'make' dies looking for 
-llibchicken.  It seems the dependency to build libchicken is broken.  I 
can issue 'make chicken_lib', and this looks like it may almost be 
working, but then it dies.  'nologo' could be some kind of a sed error; 
maybe it's cmake's fault.

gcc.exe: d:/app/msys/1.0/nologo: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: /implib:libchicken.lib: No such file or directory
gcc.exe: d:/app/msys/1.0/dll: No such file or directory
make[3]: *** [libchicken_lib.dll] Error 1

In my VC++ retail environment, If I do 'cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"',, 
makefiles are generated without error.  However, 'nmake' dies looking 
for libchicken.lib.  As before, the dependency to build libchicken is 
broken.  I can issue 'make chicken_lib', but this dies with many 
undefined types in pip.h.  It seems to be related to WS2tcpip.h.

I have no solutions at this time.  Must go gather signatures; shoulda 
done so already.  Consider all of this a field report and food for thought.

Brandon Van Every

Chicken-users mailing list

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