[cia-drugs] mk-ultra, MPD, Recovered Memory, Satanic Ritual Abuse

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
mk-ultra links - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control  
Experimentation on Children _http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/category/mk-ultra/_ 
or  _http://members.aol.com/smartnews/mk-ultra.htm_ 
Basic Information on Dissociative Identity Disorder with sections on Basic  
Information on DID from the DSM-IV-TR, The History of DID/MPD, Diagnosing DID,  
Responses to those that state that DID is iatrogenic or a social  construct,  
MPD/DID connection to severe abuse, Recent information and DID  resources 
or  _http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Dissociative-Identity-Disorder.htm_ 

Recovered Memory Data with information on recovered memory corroboration,  
theories on recovered memory, legal information, physiological evidence for  
memory suppression, replies to skeptics and books and articles on memory. 
or  _http://members.aol.com/smartnews/recovered_memory_data.htm_ 

Satanic Ritual Abuse evidence with information on McMartin Preschool  case
or   _http://members.aol.com/smartnews/SRA_references_list.htm_ 

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deal here.  

[cia-drugs] Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder - ritual abuse cults

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder - Author:Sachs, Adah  & 
Galton, Graeme (Eds). Publisher : Karnac Books, 2008 ISBN 1855755963 “book  
examines the role of crime in the lives of people with Dissociative Identity  
Disorder” _http://www.karnacbooks.com/product.php?PID=25876_ 
(http://www.karnacbooks.com/product.php?PID=25876)   In this book there is a 
chapter on The extreme 
abuse surveys: Preliminary  findings regarding dissociative identity disorder 
authors: Becker, T.; Karriker,  W.; Overkamp, B.; Rutz, C. p. 32-49 Data on 
the study is included in the  chapter. Eighty-four percent of those saying they 
had been diagnosed with  DID/MPD also stated that they were survivors of 
RA/MC. 543 stated they had been  ritually abused in a satanic cult. 

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deal here.  

[cia-drugs] Torture-Based Mind Control workshop

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
The Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma (IVAT) at Alliant  International 
University Presents: Promoting Peace; Integrating Practice,  Research, and 
Policy - Affiliated Institutes (all day trainings by collaborating  
Friday and Saturday, September 12-13, 2008 Pre-Conference  Workshops, 
Conference, and Post-Conference Workshops Sunday through Wednesday,  September 
2008 For information Call: (858) 527-1860 x4270 or write 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  One workshop at this  conference 
will be : P2 
Torture-Based Mind Control: Empirical Research,  Programmer Methods, Effects 
& Treatment - Ellen Lacter, Randy Noblitt, Wanda  Karriker, Eileen Schrader - 
Advanced: This workshop provides current knowledge  about mind control 
programming, its effects on its victims, challenges in the  recovery process, 
effective treatment strategies and healing methods.  Clinical observations made 
by the presenters from their extensive work with mind  control survivors are 
supported by preliminary data obtained from the 2007  series of International 
Extreme Abuse. 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

[cia-drugs] Torture of Canadian Women - UN report

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
Torture of Canadian Women by Non-State Actors in the Private Sphere: A  
Shadow Report - Members of the Nova Scotia ‘torture free zone’ circle of the 
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW), Linda MacDonald and Jeanne Sarson, 
have  submitted a report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of 
Discrimination  against Women (CEDAW). The report is entitled Torture of 
Canadian Women by  
Non-State Actors in the Private Sphere: A Shadow Report. The report includes  
Canadian women’s oral testimonies of various forms of torture they report  
enduring. It also presents survey findings of Canadian and non-Canadian women’s 
reproductive tortures. Recommendations include amendments to the Canadian  
Criminal Code to specifically name and criminalize acts of non-state torture;  
that statistical data then be kept on acts of non-state torture; that 
victimized  persons be provided with appropriate support and resources, and 
and  educative interventions be implemented. The report is timely considering, 
for  example, the UN Press Release of June 26, 2008. In this Joint Statement on 
the  Occasion of the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, 
it is  stated that certain forms of gender-specific violence perpetrated by 
State and  non-state actors is now recognized as falling within the definition 
torture.  (See  
 )The Shadow 
Report can be accessed via the OHCHR website:  
(http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/cedaws42.htm)   listed under Canada 
then Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW) or at 
REPORT  March, 2008Submitted by Jeanne Sarson, MEd, BScN, RN &  Linda 
MacDonald, MEd, BN, RN 

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[cia-drugs] How brainwashing came to life and thrived

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
How brainwashing came to life and thrived - Jeff Stryker - 8/1/04 The term  
"brainwashing" was first popularized by Edward Hunter, in his 1951 book,  
"Brainwashing in Red China." Brainwashing was his translation for a Chinese 
"hsi-nao," meaning, roughly, "cleansing of the mind." Lifton concluded that the 
 Chinese interrogation techniques were merely time-honored methods of  
psychological coercion: isolation, humiliation and the repetition of  
"Helen McGonigle, a Connecticut lawyer who represents victims of  trauma and 
sexual abuse, knows she sounds like one of the nutters on the  Internet when 
talks about the history of military involvement in mind  control.  When asked 
if she thinks the government is still in the business  of mind control, 
McGonigle responded without skipping a beat. "Absolutely," she  said. "The 
of the Bluebird, Artichoke and MKULTRA definitely raise the  bar of 
suspicion," McGonigle said, ticking off a series of government  experiments 
hypnosis, sleep deprivation and the use of psychotropic  drugs. MKULTRA, 
underway from 1953 to 1966, involved research into mind-control  agents at 
scores of 
prestigious institutions by prominent psychologists. MKULTRA  scientists 
attempted to determine whether LSD could be aerosolized effectively;  the CIA 
hired a magician to teach field agents how to slip LSD into the  drinks of 
unwitting subjects.  Other experiments involved various forms of  sleep 
deprivation and hypnosis. Consider a research question posed in CIA  documents 
from the 
Bluebird experiments in the 1950s: "Could we seize a subject  and in the 
space of an hour or two by post-H[ypnotic] control have him crash an  airplane, 
wreck a train, etc.?"" 

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[cia-drugs] The Eleventh Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Orgs and Mind Control Conference

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
The CD Order Form for The Eleventh Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive  
Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 2008 is now available at 

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deal here.  

[cia-drugs] ritual abuse crime

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
RITUAL ABUSE IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY Psychological, Forensic, Social  and 
Political Considerations by Randy Noblitt and Pam Perskin Noblitt   
Allegations of ritual abuse are universal and mental health professionals,  
theologians, law enforcers, scholars, victim advocates, and others struggle to  
comprehend the enormity of the devastation left in the wake of these heinous  
Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century addresses the concerns that  naturally 
evolve from any discussion of this phenomenon from the perspectives of  
professionals, advocates, and survivors from around the world. How valid are 
survivors’ stories?  Is there evidence?  What are the consequences of  these 
acts to the individual and society?  Why have these allegations been  ignored 
discredited whenever they have surfaced?  The authors of these  chapters 
respond to these and other questions in an effort to illustrate the  
of psychological, health, legal, criminal, societal, and spiritual  
ramifications of ritual abuse.  Chapters address current issues including  
based crime, civil suits involving allegations of ritual abuse, that  are 
universal. The value of understanding ritual trauma for diagnostic and  
applications is discussed. ISBN:  978-1-934759-12-7  ISBN  10:  1-934759-12-0  
Soft cover, 6 x 9, 552 pages, $39.95 US Robert D.  Reed Publishers, POB 1992, 
Bandon, OR  97411 Phone 541 347-9882  Fax:  -9883  

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
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[cia-drugs] CIA urged to release Nazi records, The CIA and Nazi War Criminals

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
CIA urged to release Nazi records 2/1/05 "The CIA has been urged to release  
documents about Nazi war criminals hired by US intelligence officials during 
the  Cold War era. The call comes from members of Congress who drew up the 1998 
 public disclosure law, which requires declassification of all documents 
about  the Holocaust.  They say the CIA is withholding details of people it  
recruited after World War II for their expertise. Released documents show links 
between US intelligence and Nazi war criminals. The CIA has contributed 1.25  
million pages of documents, of more than eight million, released under the 1998 
law. One former Nazi known to have been employed by Western intelligence was  
Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon". He was eventually convicted of  
crimes against humanity by a French court. The law's authors - Senator Mike  
DeWine and Representative Carolyn Maloney - believe the CIA is withholding  
further details on the Nazi war criminals, suspects or collaborators that were  
hired." _http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4225629.stm_ 

The CIA and Nazi War Criminals National Security Archive Posts Secret CIA  
History Released Under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act National Security Archive 
Electronic Briefing Book No. 146 Edited by Tamara Feinstein 2/4/05 
"Washington  D.C. - Today the National Security Archive posted the CIA's secret 
documentary  history of the U.S government's relationship with General Reinhard 
Gehlen, the  German army's intelligence chief for the Eastern Front during 
World War 
II. At  the end of the war, Gehlen established a close relationship with the 
U.S. and  successfully maintained his intelligence network (it ultimately 
became the West  German BND) even though he employed numerous former Nazis and 
known war  criminals. The use of Gehlen's group, according to the CIA history, 
Forging an  Intelligence Partnership: CIA and the Origins of the BND, 
1945-49..." _http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB146/index.htm_ 

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[cia-drugs] the History of CIA Interrogation

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
Professor McCoy Exposes the History of CIA Interrogation, From the Cold War  
to the War on Terror 2/17/06 "A new expose gives an account of the CIA’s 
secret  efforts to develop new forms of torture spanning fifty years. It 
how the  CIA perfected its methods, distributing them across the world from 
Vietnam to  Iran to Central America, uncovering the roots of the Abu Ghraib and 
Guantanamo  torture scandals. The book is titled "A Question of Torture: CIA 
Interrogation,  From the Cold War to the War on Terror."From 1950 to 1962, 
the C.I.A. ran a  massive research project, a veritable Manhattan Project of 
mind, spending  over $1 billion a year to crack the code of human 
consciousness, from both mass  persuasion and the use of coercion in individual 
interrogation. And what they  discovered -- they tried LSD, they tried 
mescaline, they 
tried all kinds of  drugs, they tried electroshock, truth serum, sodium 
pentathol. None of it  worked. What worked was very simple behavioral findings, 
outsourced to our  leading universities -- Harvard, Princeton, Yale and McGill 
and the first  breakthrough came at McGill. And it's in the book. And here, 
you can see the --  this is the -- if you want show it, you can. That graphic 
really shows -- that's  the seminal C.I.A. experiment done in Canada and McGill 
UniversityDr. Donald  O. Hebb of McGill University, a brilliant 
psychologist, had a contract from the  Canadian Defense Research Board, which 
was a 
partner with the C.I.A. in this  research, and he found that he could induce a 
state of psychosis in an  individual within 48 hours. It didn't take 
electroshock, truth serum, beating or  pain. All he did was had student 
volunteers sit in 
a cubicle with goggles,  gloves and headphones, earmuffs, so that they were 
cut off from their senses,  and within 48 hours, denied sensory stimulation, 
they would suffer, first  hallucinations, then ultimately breakdown." 

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[cia-drugs] CIA's Use of Ex-Nazis, CIA knew of Eichmann Whereabouts

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
Papers: CIA knew of Eichmann Whereabouts by Hope Yen, AP 6/6/2006  Washington 
"Determined to win the Cold War, the   CIA kept quiet about  the whereabouts 
of Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in the 1950s for fear he  might expose 
undercover anticommunist efforts in West Germany, according to  documents 
released Tuesday. The 27,000 pages released by the National Archives  are among 
largest post-World War II declassifications by the CIA. They offer  a window 
into the shadowy world of U.S. intelligence — and the efforts to use  former 
Nazi war criminals as spies, sometimes to detrimental effect." 
Documents Shed Light on CIA's Use of Ex-Nazis  By Scott Shane - The  New York 
Times  6/6/2006 Washington "The Central Intelligence Agency took  no action 
after learning the pseudonym and whereabouts of the fugitive Holocaust  
overseer Adolf Eichmann in 1958, according to CIA documents that shed new light 
the spy agency's use of former Nazis as informers after World War II.   The CIA 
was told by West German intelligence that Eichmann was living in  Argentina 
under the name "Clemens" - a slight variation on his actual alias,  Klement - 
but kept the information from Israel because of German concerns about  exposure 
of former Nazis in the Bonn government, according to Timothy Naftali, a  
historian who examined the documents. Two years later, Israeli agents abducted  
Eichmann in Argentina and took him to Israel, where he was tried and executed 
 1962." _http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/060606R.shtml_ 

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[cia-drugs] Documents reveal CIA recruited five of Eichmann's associates

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
CIA agrees to release records detailing ties to former Nazis Douglas Jehl,  
New York Times 2/7/05 "Washington -- Under pressure from Congress, the Central  
Intelligence Agency has formally agreed to a broad new interpretation of a 
1998  law that requires disclosure of classified records related to Nazi war  
criminals, a CIA document shows." 

Documents reveal CIA recruited five of Eichmann's associates by Yossi  
Melman, Haaretz Correspondent "Five of Adolph Eichmann's Nazi assistants  were 
recruited and employed by the Central Intelligence Agency after World War  II, 
according to recently declassified intelligence documents.  The  information 
to light after a lengthy battle waged by the non-profit group,  The National 
Security Archive, whose goal is to expose government documents  under the 
framework of the Freedom of Information Act. The newly-revealed  documents are 
based on internal investigations in the CIA's history department.  The agency 
steadfastly refused to make the documents public for fear they  would cause 

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[cia-drugs] CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children

2008-08-25 Thread smartnews
'Family Jewels' reveal CIA altered mind of four-year-old girl By Robert  
Lusetich in Los Angeles 6/28/07 EASILY lost, on page 425, in the mass of the  
CIA's notorious "Family Jewels" files is a short paragraph outlining  
embarrassing Agency activities". "Experiments in influencing human  behaviour 
through the administration of mind- or personality-altering drugs to  
unwitting subjects."  Of all the heinous acts committed by the CIA in the  name 
national security, these experiments, done on the agency's behalf by  prominent 
psychiatrists on innocent victims - including children as young as  four - may 
be the darkestIn 1953, MKULTRA was given six per cent of the  total CIA 
budget without any oversight.  Only the tip of a large iceberg  had been 
previously released by the CIA under Freedom of Information Act  provisions.  
Yesterday's acknowledgments will comfort those who have long  campaigned for 
and restitution. The nature of the experiments, gathered  from government 
documents and testimony in numerous lawsuits brought against the  CIA, is 
from testing LSD on children to implanting electrodes in  victims' brains to 
deliberately poisoning people with uranium. "The CIA bought  my services from 
my grandfather in 1952 starting at the tender age of four,"  wrote Carol Rutz 
of her experiences. "Over the next 12 years, I was tested,  trained, and used 
in various ways. "Electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory  deprivation, and 
other types of trauma were used to make me complain and split  my personality 
create multiple personalities for specific tasks). "Each  alter or 
personality was created to respond to a post-hypnotic trigger, then  perform an 
act and 
(I would) not remember it later. "This Manchurian Candidate  program was just 
one of the operational uses of the mind-control scenario by the  CIA. "Your 
hard-earned tax dollars supported this." The US began these  experiments after 
World War II when it made a grab for hundreds of Nazi  scientists and doctors 
who had been researching mind control in concentration  camps, fearing they 
would fall into Soviet hands. US military intelligence  leaders were paranoid 
that they were falling behind the communist bloc in the  brain-washing race. 
programs, though carefully hidden, continued into the  1970s - when Helms 
ordered much of the documentation to be destroyed. 
CIA Experiments with Mind Control on Children by Jon Rappoport “The CIA  
mind-control apparatus has been well known since 1975, when 10 large boxes of  
documents were released pursuant to Freedom of Information Act requestsNone 
of this prepared people for the explosive testimony made on March 15, 1995, in 
 Washington, D.C., before the President's Committee on Radiation, however.   
In unpublicized sessions, New Orleans therapist Valerie Wolf introduced two of 
 her patients who had uncovered memories of being part of extensive CIA  
brainwashing programs as young children (in one case, starting at age  seven).  
Their brainwashing included torture, rape, electroshock, powerful  drugs, 
hypnosis and death threats. According to their testimony, the CIA then  induced 
amnesia to prevent their recalling these terrifying sessions. Both Wolf  and 
patients stated that they recovered the memories of this CIA program  without 
regression or hypnosis techniques.  In other words, these patients  
spontaneously discovered this information about themselves and their pasts.”  
article appeared in Perceptions Magazine September/October 1995 10734  
Blvd., Suite 502 Culver City, CA  90230 (310) 313-5185 - and -  The Leading 
Edge Research Journal Issue No. 85, September 1995 Leading Edge  Research Group 
POB 7530 Yelm, Washington  98597 _http://www.netti.fi/~makako/mind/child.txt_ 
Ottawa settles brainwashing class action - Allan Memorial Institute.  
CIA-funded treatments included electroshock, experimental medication Max 
Harrold  - 
The GazettePublished: 7/5/07 Decades after she was unknowingly brainwashed in  
a program funded by the federal government and the U.S. Central Intelligence  
Agency, Janine Huard has found some peace of mind in a cash settlement. 
Exactly  how much, she can't say, because she agreed to keep the amount secret 
part of  her deal to drop her class-action lawsuit against the federal 
governmentOn  and off for 15 years, Huard received massive electroshock 
experimental  pills and was forced to listen to repetitive recorded messages 
days on end.  Huard's lawyer, Alan Stein, said the amount she received 
Tuesday does not exceed  the $100,000 the federal government paid to each of 77 
other victims of the  brainwashing techniques in 1994. Huard also received some 
interest on the money,  he said.

[cia-drugs] CIA thought Cameron's techniques could be useful in the Cold War

2008-08-26 Thread smartnews

Brainwashed 'guinea pig' seeks more damages TheStar.com - News -  Brainwashed 
'guinea pig' seeks more damages - Canadian victim of CIA experiment  in '50s 
tries to launch class-action suit against Ottawa - Dene Moore - Toronto  Star  
Montreal "Janine Huard says she was a young mother of four with mild  
post-partum depression when she checked herself in for psychiatric treatment at 
Montreal hospital more than five decades ago. Huard says what happened after  
that still haunts her today and she will be in a federal courtroom this week  
seeking to launch a class-action lawsuit against the Canadian government for  
Cold War-era brainwashing experiments carried out on her and hundreds of other  
patients. I was a guinea pig," she said. On and off for more than a decade at  
McGill University's renowned Allan Memorial Institute, Huard says she 
received  massive electroshocks and was fed more than 40 experimental pills a 
Huard,  who will be 79 at the end of the month, says she was drugged and 
subjected to  so-called "depatterning," during which repetitive recordings were 
played in her  ear for weeks on end, one of them telling her she was of no use 
her family.  "I came out of there so sick that my mother had to live with me 
for 10 years,"  Huard says. She says she lost memories and suffered from 
migraines. The ordeal  came at the hands of Dr. Ewan Cameron, an 
New York-based  doctor who pioneered "psychic driving," by which he believed 
he could erase the  memories of patients and rebuild their psyches without 
psychiatric defect. The  idea intrigued the CIA, which recruited Cameron to 
experiment with mind control  techniques beginning in 1950. The McGill 
were jointly funded by the  CIA and the Canadian government. Cameron gave 
patients LSD and subjected them to  the massive and multiple electroshock 
treatments. Some underwent sleep  deprivation or total sensory deprivation. 
Others were 
kept in drug-induced comas  for months while speakers under their pillows 
broadcast messages for up to 16  hours a day. The CIA eventually settled a 
class-action lawsuit by test subjects,  including Huard. The allegations have 
been proven in court. A federal court  hearing is scheduled to begin Wednesday 
to decide whether to approve a  class-action suit. In 1994, 77 of the mostly 
unwitting Canadian patients were  awarded $100,000 each from the federal 
government, but only those who suffered  "total depatterning," meaning they 
rendered to a childlike state. More than  250 others were denied compensation. 
2004, a federal appeal court overruled  that decision and awarded a former 
patient the $100,000." _http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/168792_ 

“The experiments were part of a larger CIA program called MK-ULTRA,  which 
also saw LSD administered to U.S. prison inmates and patrons of brothels  
without their knowledge, according to testimony before a 1977 U.S. Senate  
Woman wants to launch lawsuit over 'brainwashing' 1/7/07 Montreal "Janine  
Huard says she was a young mother of four with mild post-partum depression when 
she checked herself in for psychiatric treatment at a Montreal hospital more  
than five decades ago.  Huard says what happened after that still haunts  her 
today and she will be in a federal courtroom this week seeking to launch a  
class-action lawsuit against the Canadian government for Cold War-era  
brainwashing experiments carried out on her and hundreds of other  patients.  
"I was a 
guinea pig," Huard told The Canadian Press.  On  and off over more than a 
decade at McGill University's renowned Allan Memorial  Institute, Huard says 
received massive electroshocks and was fed more than  40 experimental pills a 
day.  Huard, who will be 79 at the end of the  month, says she was drugged and 
subjected to so-called "depatterning," during  which repetitive recordings 
were played in her ear for weeks on end, one of them  telling her she was of no 
use to her familyThe ordeal came at the hands of  Dr. Ewen Cameron, an 
Edinburgh-educated, New York-based doctor who pioneered  "psychic driving," by 
which he believed he could erase the memories of patients  and rebuild their 
psyches without psychiatric defect.  The idea intrigued  the CIA, which 
Cameron to experiment with mind control techniques  beginning in 1950. The 
McGill experiments were jointly funded by the CIA and the  Canadian government. 
As director of the institute until 1964, Cameron  conducted a range of 
experiments, often without the knowledge or permission of  patients. Cameron 
patients LSD and subjected them to massive and multiple  electroshock 
treatments. Some underwent sleep deprivation or total sensory  deprivation.  
Others were 
kept in drug-induced comas for months on end  while speakers under their 
pillows broadcasts messages for up to 16 hours 

[cia-drugs] US Intelligence and the Nazis, The Hidden History of CIA Torture

2008-08-26 Thread smartnews

US Intelligence and the Nazis - Brietman, Goda, Naftali and Wolfe,  
"published by the National Archives Trust Fund for the Nazi War Crimes and  
Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group, discusses  hundreds of 
the 8 million-plus pages of documents released under the Nazi War  Crimes 
Disclosure Act by the CIA, FBI, NSA, Army, State Department, and other  U.S. 
agencies. This book contains a great deal of new information about the  world 
intelligence, especially concerning the postwar use of war criminals by  U.S. 
intelligence organizations. It also sheds new light on Holocaust issues,  
for example that the Allies had knowledge of the genocide earlier than  
historians previously believed. By using these newly released documents to  
what was previously understood about World War II, the Holocaust, and  
intelligence activities during and after the war, the authors demonstrate the  
historical, cultural, and moral importance of the declassified information.  
Purchasing information: Call 1-866-272-6272, National Archives Trust Fund 
Board.  488 
pp., 30 illus. Softcover #200120 $24.95 ISBN: 1-880875-26-8"
The Hidden History of CIA Torture: America's Road to Abu Ghraib By Alfred  W. 
McCoy TomDispath.com 9/9/04 "From 1950 to 1962, the CIA conducted massive,  
secret research into coercion and the malleability of human consciousness 
which,  by the late fifties, was costing a billion dollars a year. Many 
have  heard about the most outlandish and least successful aspect of this 
research -  the testing of LSD on unsuspecting subjects. While these CIA drug 
experiments  led nowhere and the testing of electric shock as a technique led 
to  lawsuits, research into sensory deprivation proved fruitful indeed. In 
fact,  this research produced a new psychological rather than physical method 
torture, perhaps best described as "no-touch" torture. The Agency's discovery 
 was a counterintuitive breakthrough, the first real revolution in this cruel 
 science since the seventeenth century - and thanks to recent revelations 
from  Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, we are now all too familiar with these 
even  if many Americans still have no idea of their history. Upon careful 
examination,  those photographs of nude bodies expose the CIA's most basic 
techniques  - stress positions, sensory deprivation, and sexual humiliation." 

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[cia-drugs] Brainwash victims win cash claims

2008-08-26 Thread smartnews
Brainwash victims win cash claims - Karin Goodwin 10/17/04  "HUNDREDS  of 
mentally ill patients who were subjected to barbaric CIA-funded brainwashing  
experiments by a Scottish doctor could be entitled to compensation following a  
landmark court ruling. Doctor Ewan Cameron, who became one of the world=s  
leading psychiatrists, developed techniques used by Nazi scientists to wipe out 
the existing personalities of people in his care. Cameron, who graduated from  
Glasgow University, was recruited by the CIA during the cold war while working 
 at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He carried out mind-control  
experiments using drugs such as LSD on hundreds of patients, but only 77 of 
were awarded compensation. Now a landmark ruling by a Federal Court judge in  
Montreal will allow more than 250 former patients, whose claims were rejected,  
to seek compensation." _http://www.timesonline.co.uk/ _ 
(http://www.timesonline.co.uk/ ) 

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deal here.  

[cia-drugs] mk-ultra links - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control

2008-08-28 Thread smartnews
mk-ultra links - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control  
Experimentation on Children  
Information on the CIA, mk-ultra, Nazis and ritual abuse
The McMartin Preschool Case - What Really Happened and the  Coverup   

Satanic Ritual Abuse evidence with information on McMartin Preschool  case

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

[cia-drugs] Information on the CIA and mk-ultra

2008-09-01 Thread smartnews

Information on the CIA, mk-ultra, Nazis and ritual abuse
mk-ultra links - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control  
Experimentation on Children 
Satanic Ritual Abuse evidence 
The McMartin Preschool Case - What Really Happened and the  Coverup   


**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

[cia-drugs] kleptocracy - mind control

2008-09-03 Thread smartnews

What is amazing is that most people actually think that there is a  democracy 
here or that we have any sort of choice in this country. 
What happened the last 8 years was a kleptocracy, stealing more money from  
people than ever in the history of the world by blowing up, rebuilding and  
blowing up countries again. Though it always was a kleptocracy, praying on the  
weak and making billions for a few. Neither candidate will change this, nor do  
they have any intention of even trying to do so. 
The sources below might help educate:
The Battle For Your Mind
Persuasion & Brainwashing  Techniques
Being Used On The Public Today
By Dick Sutphen
The Battle for the Mind by William Sargant 
Chomsky, N. 1989, Necessary Illusions: Thought control in democratic  
societies. London: Pluto Press
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media
How government and big  media businesses cooperate to produce an effective 
propaganda machine in order  to manipulate the opinions of the United States 

**It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel 
deal here.  

[cia-drugs] pedophilia, ritual abuse, MPD, recovered memory

2008-09-03 Thread smartnews

I have known about Jersey paedophiles for 15 years,' says award-winning  
journalist  By Eileen Fairweather 3/2/08 The award-winning  journalist who 
terrible abuse in Islington children's homes now reveals  horrifying links to 
sinister discoveries at Jersey's Haut de la Garenne.  -  I met the frightened 
policeman at an isolated country restaurant, many miles  from his home and 
station. Detective Constable Peter Cook had finally despaired,  and decided to 
blow the whistle to a reporter. He was risking his career, so  made me scribble 
my notes into a tiny pad beneath the tablecloth. He had  uncovered a vicious 
child sex ring, with victims in both Britain and the Channel  Islands, and he 
wanted me to get his information to police abuse specialists in  London.  
Tragic truth: Eileen Fairweather's tenacious investigations of  abuse revealed 
links to Jersey. Incredibly, he claimed that his superiors had  barred him from 
alerting them. He feared a cover-up: many ring members were  powerful and 
wealthy. But I did not think him paranoid: I specialised in  exposing child 
scandals and knew, from separate sources, of men apparently  linked to this 
ring. They included an aristocrat, clerics and a social services  chief. Their 
friends included senior police officers. Repeatedly, inquiries by  junior 
detectives were closed down, so I, a journalist, was asked to convey  
information from one police officer to others. It seemed  surrealMore than 
200 children who lived at Haut de la Garenne have described  horrific sexual 
and physical torture dating back to the Sixties. When I heard  the news, my 
eyes filled with tears. I felt heartbroken, not least at my own  powerlessness. 
have known for more than 15 years about Channel Islands  paedophiles 
victimising children in the British care system  

describes  crimes

Teachers get advice on how to spot signs of ritual  abuse · Practice linked 
to belief in possession by evil spirits · Cases rare but  more may remain 
undetected Lucy Ward, social affairs correspondent  The  Guardian,  2/2/07  
Teachers and people working with children are  being given guidance on how to 
identify signs of ritual abuse inflicted in the  belief that a child is 
possessed by 
evil spirits. Drawing on research showing 38  known cases of child abuse 
linked to alleged spirit possession in England since  January 2000, the 
guidance aims to raise awareness of the practice  and help those coming into 
contact with youngsters to recognise indicators of  abuse. The signs they are 
told to look out for, listed in draft advice published  today, include marks 
such as bruises or burns on a child's body, a child  becoming "noticeably 
confused, withdrawn, disorientated or isolated", and  "deterioration in 
care" including weight loss, unkempt or dirty  clothes, or even faeces smeared 
the bodyThe 38 documented cases involved  47 abused children. The vast 
majority of known instances of ritual abuse  concerned first or second 
generation migrants from African countries including  Congo, Nigeria, Angola 
and Ghana 
as well as south Asia and the Caribbean, but  also white English families, 
according to the  document.

Basic  Information on Dissociative Identity Disorder with sections on Basic  
Information on DID from the DSM-IV-TR, The History of DID/MPD, Diagnosing DID, 
 Responses to those that state that DID is iatrogenic or a social  construct, 
 MPD/DID connection to severe abuse, Recent information and DID  resources  - 

Recovered  Memory Data with information on recovered memory corroboration, 
theories on  recovered memory, legal information, physiological evidence for 
memory  suppression, replies to skeptics and books and articles on memory   

2008  list of references on SRA 

The Etymological Antecedents of and Scientific Evidence for the  Existence of 
Dissociative Identity Disorder  

The  Diagnosis and Assessment of Dissociative Identity Disorder_  

The  Neurological Basis for the Theory of Recovered Memory_  

[cia-drugs] Palin: The Real Scandal

2008-09-07 Thread smartnews
Palin: The Real Scandal

By Leonard Doyle in Anchorage
The  Independent (UK)
September 6,  2008


Seen  from the air, Sarah Palin's state is an
environmental wonderland. From  Anchorage to the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge, there is a vast landscape  of
snow-capped peaks, fjords, crystal glaciers, coastal
lagoons, wide  river deltas and tundra.

The guardian of this wilderness - and Governor  of
Alaska - has, this week, become one of the most
recognisable faces in  the world. But behind her beaming
smile and wholesome family values is a  woman aligned
with the big oil and coal firms that are racing to
exploit  Alaska's vast energy reserves. In the short
term, that has bought her  popularity at home.

"I love the woman," the pilot on our flight shouts  over
the noise of the engine, "especially what she wants to
do with oil,  we just have to drill more, there is no
alternative. What's the point of  leaving it all in the

It is a stance that guaranteed John  McCain's new
running mate a rapturous reception at the  Republican
convention this week where the response to the coming
energy  crisis was a chant of "drill, baby, drill".

But the woman who could soon  be a 72-year-old's
heartbeat away from the United States presidency has  an
environmental policy so toxic it would make the
incumbent, George Bush,  blush.

Mr McCain has stressed he is concerned about global
warming and  has come out against drilling in the Arctic
reserve. But, in recent weeks, he  has wobbled on the
issue. And environmentalists are describing Mrs  Palin,
who denies climate change is man-made, as "either
grossly  misinformed or intentionally misleading".

She wants to start drilling.  She wants to block US
moves to list the polar bear as an endangered  species.
And she has allowed big game hunters to shoot Alaska's
bears and  wolves from low-flying planes.

The 44-year-old governor says a federal  government
decision to protect the polar bear will cripple  energy
development offshore. As a result, she is suing the
Bush  administration, which ruled the polar bear is
endangered and needs  protection.

The US Geological Survey says climate change has  shrunk
Arctic summer sea ice to about 1.65 million sq miles,
nearly 40 per  cent less than the long-term average
between 1979 and 2000.

In such a  situation it was unconscionable for Governor
Palin to ignore overwhelming  evidence of global
warming's threat to sea ice, says Kassie Siegel of  the
Centre for Biological Diversity.

"Even the Bush administration  can't deny the reality of
global warming," Ms Siegel said. "The governor  is
aligning herself and the state of Alaska with the most
discredited,  fringe, extreme viewpoints by denying

Governor Palin would also  like to bring open-cast coal
mining to Alaska's Brooks Range Mountains, an  act of
environmental vandalism in the eyes of many.

The Palin  administration has allowed Chevron to triple
the amount of toxic waste it  pours into the waters of
Cook Inlet. This, even though the number of  beluga
whales in the bay has collapsed from 1,300 to 350 - the
point of  extinction - because of pollution and
increased ship traffic.

On the  Republican convention floor she said: "We
Americans need to produce more of  our own oil and gas
and take it from a gal who knows the North Slope  of
Alaska: We've got lots of both."

The fact that drilling won't solve  every problem "is no
excuse to do nothing at all", she said, putting  the
country on notice that "starting in January, in a
McCain-Palin  administration, we're going to lay more
pipelines ... build more nuclear  plants ... create jobs
with clean coal ... and move forward on solar,  wind,
geothermal and other alternative sources".

Mrs Palin also took a  swipe at Barack Obama's
environmental stance saying: "What does he  actually
seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the
waters and  healing the planet?"

Her support in Alaska relies on squeezing more  money
for the state from the oil companies themselves. In
Alaska, every  man woman and child is in line for a
bonus cheque of about $2,000 (£1,100)  from the state's
massive oil wealth fund. This is, in effect, a  vote-
buying machine for the would-be Vice-President.

Governor Palin  wants nothing to hinder the oil
companies. She maintains that polar bears are  well
managed and their population has dramatically increased
over 30 years  as a result of conservation. And if the
ice should go away, then they will  adapt to living on
the land.

Many oil companies abandoned Alaska when  prices fell in
the 1980s but they have been rushing back to drill  and
prospect areas that are among the least hospitable on
earth. That  spirit of the Klondike is already in full
swing in Prudhoe Bay the epicentre  of oil production
and one of the world's largest industrial  complexes.
It's so big that BP, UPS and FedEx operate a special
fleet of  jets from

[cia-drugs] Torture, Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

2008-09-08 Thread smartnews
Torture, Ritual Abuse and Mind  Control   

Keltner, N. L.; Schwecke, L.H.; Bostrom, C.E. (2007). Psychiatric  Nursing. 
(5th ed.) Mosby Elsevier, St Louis, MO. ISBN 0-323-03906-5. In Chapter  41 
"Survivors of Violence and Trauma" "Torture, Ritual Abuse and Mind Control"  p. 
608 - 610 “Nature of the Problem - Public and Professional attention to the  
effects of torture, serial ritual abuse (SRA), and mind control (MC) on mental  
health has waned in recent years, although the crimes have not, according to 
the  victims. These crimes might be perpetrated by individuals, relatives, 
gangs,  cults (satanic or nonsatanic) hate groups, or military-political 
organizations  (e.g. Al Qaeda, Sadam Hussein’s regime, Abu Ghraib Prison). 
Gangs are  
responsible for an increased number of homicides, other physical violence, and  
intimidation, according to the FBI (Ragavan and Guttman, 2004). The actions of 
 Muslim gangs in France in November 2005 are another example of destruction 
that  can occur in a country.  The effect is more severe because they involve  
multiple, calculated, and organized crimes against each victim or group of  
victims. This type of crime is used to create fear, humiliation, and submission 
in individuals, communities and societies. Statistics on the prevalence of  
torture, SRA, and MC are not readily available because of the problems in  
acknowledging , reporting, and proving occurrences, but the rates might be  
similar to those of family child abuse (Valente, 2000). The threat of further  
to the self, pets, or family tends to keep the victims silent. Especially  in 
SRA and MC, perpetrators might use triggers to maintain victims’ silence or  
to control their actions, such as special words, hand signals, greeting cards  
(Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders [Indianapolis], 2002). Drug and MC  
experiments began before the 1970's (e.g. LSD experiments and covert  
military-political operation [MK-ULTRA] programming that trained or programmed  
assassins for U.S. security forces) (Katchen, 2005; McGonigle, 1999). MK-ULTRA  
operations (noted in movies -Conspiracy Theory, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne 
Supremacy) are becoming more widely known, because the Freedom of Information  
Act has resulted in the declassification of military and political  

**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, 
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.  

[cia-drugs] Dissociative identity disorder - multiple personality disorder

2008-09-08 Thread smartnews

Gleaves,  D. (July 1996). "The sociocognitive model of dissociative identity 
disorder: a  reexamination of the evidence". Psychological Bulletin 120 (1): 42
–59.  doi:10.1037/0033-2909.120.1.42. PMID 8711016. Gleaves states that the 
research  on DID does not support the ideas that DID is a construct of either  
psychotherapy or the media (the sociocognitive model), but that there is a  
connection between DID and childhood trauma. “According to the sociocognitive  
model of dissociative identity disorder...DID is not a valid psychiatric  
disorder of posttraumatic origin; rather, it is a creation of psychotherapy and 
the media...In this article, the author reexamines the evidence for the model  
and concludes that it is based on numerous false assumptions about the  
psychopathology, assessment, and treatment of DID. Most recent research on the  
dissociative disorders does not support (and in fact disconfirms) the  
sociocognitive model, and many inferences drawn from previous research appear  
unwarranted. No reason exists to doubt the connection between DID and childhood 
Treatment recommendations that follow from the sociocognitive model may  be 
harmful because they involve ignoring the posttraumatic symptomatology of  
persons with DID.
Brown, D; Frischholz E, Scheflin A. (1999). "Iatrogenic dissociative  
identity disorder - an evaluation of the scientific evidence". The Journal of  
Psychiatry and Law XXVII No. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1999): 549–637. p. 604 - 605 “The 
problem with McHugh’s publications on MPD/DID, like those of Mersky, is that  
they are mere speculation. From deposition testimony in several cases, McHugh  
has made it clear that other than an occasional consultation, he has very 
little  actual clinical experience with the ongoing treatment of MPD/DID 
and is  generally unfamiliar with both the clinical features of MPD/DID and 
with what  usually occurs in their treatment. This McHugh’s opinion is informed 
neither by  actual in-depth clinical experience with contemporary MPD/DID 
patients nor by  any scientific research on MPD. Furthermore, with regard to 
s main  hypothesis that hysterical behavior is implicated in DID 
iatrogenesis, Gleaves  has shown that such phenomena are no more prevalent in 
DID than in 
any other  psychiatric condition.”
“Conclusions...At present the scientific evidence is insufficient and  
inadequate to support plaintiffs' complaints that suggestive influences  
operative in psychotherapy can create a major psychiatric disorder  like MPD 
per se...there is virtually no support for the unique contribution of  hypnosis 
to the alleged iatrogenic creation of MPD in appropriately controlled  
research. "The Spanos socio-cognitive model reduces MPD to socially constructed 
enactments. In this model, the often severe psychopathology associated with  
clinical MPD is minimized. Very recent studies suggest a possible  
neurobiological basis to MPD in at least certain MPD patientsIt is clear  
that Spanos 
et al.'s 1985 conclusion that MPD is a role enactment based on their  
observation of role-playing subjects is based on circular logic: You ask a  
to pretend that he has alters and he complies; then you conclude that  having 
alters is the product of role playingSpanos's conclusion of the  iatrogenic 
nature of MPD also suffers from an additional logical error. Even if  it were 
true that MPD could be created iatrogenically, that does not prove that  
every case for noniatrogenic MPD casesSituationally bound enactment of  
predefined secondary-personality  roles presumes sufficient executive  control 
to do 
it. Genuine MPD is defined in DSM as the loss of executive  control...Genuine 
DID was defined in DSM-IV as the loss of a unified  identity...Presumably 
none of Spanos's laboratory subjects suffered from a  fundamental loss of a 
unified identity as a result of the experimental  instructions'''Genuine 
MPD is 
characterized by enduring alter-personality  states that are defined by a 
relatively stable set of personality  characteristics over timeThe 
secondary-personality states reported by  Spanos's subjects in the laboratory 
were very 
temporary role  enactmentsSpanos has seriously overgeneralized from the 
data of his 1985,  1986 and 1991 laboratory experiments that multiple 
personalities can be created  in the laboratory.''' The more conservative 
merited by these data  is that certain individuals with certain personality 
characteristics in a  particular social context report temporary role 
enactments of different  identities that are limited to the context of the 
experimentOverall the  Spanos data offer no evidence that either stable 
personalities or the  range of clinical features typically associated with MPD 
can be 
created in the  laboratory, and the data certainly offer no support whatsoever 
that MPD per se  can be created th

[cia-drugs] Media Manipulation of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, torture

2008-09-12 Thread smartnews

U-Turn on Memory Lane by Mike Stanton - Columbia Journalism Review -  
July/August 1997 
The FMSF builds much of its case against recovered memory by attacking a  
generally discredited Freudian concept of repression that proponents of  
recovered memory don't buy, either. In so doing, the foundation ignores the  
fifty-year-old literature on traumatic, or psychogenic amnesia, which is an  
diagnosis by the American Psychiatric Association. In his 1996 book  "Searching 
for Memory," the Harvard psychologist and brain researcher Daniel L.  
Schachter -- who believes that both true and false memories exist -- says there 
no conclusive scientific evidence that false memories can be createdThe  
foundation and its backers "remind me of a high school debate team," says the  
Stanford psychiatrist David Spiegel, an authority on traumatic amnesia. "They 
go  to the library, surgically extract the information convenient to them and 
throw  out the rest."Many therapists, like their patients, hesitate to 
speak out.  Recently, though, they have begun to make a more concerted effort 
mobilize a  response. 
One of the most outspoken critics of the false-memory movement is a Seattle  
therapist, David Calof, editor until last year of Treating Abuse Today, a  
newsletter for therapists. He has identified what he calls the movement's  
political agenda -- lobbying for more restrictive laws governing therapy and  
promoting the harassment of therapists through lawsuits and even picketing of  
offices and homes. Calof himself has been the target of picketing so  fierce 
that he has been in and out of Seattle courtrooms over the last two  years, 
obtaining restraining orders. He was spending so much time and money  fighting 
the FMSF supporters' campaign against him, he says, that he was forced  to stop 
publishing the newsletter last year. He recently donated the publication  to 
a victims' rights group in Pennsylvania, which has resurrected it as Trauma.  
The new publisher says that views part of its mission as reporting on FMSF,  
since the mainstream media don't.
Among journalists, perhaps the most relentless critic of the foundation is  
Michele Landsberg, a Toronto Star columnist. In 1993, she says, an Ontario  
couple, claiming to have been falsely accused, contacted her and asked her to  
write about their case. Unconvinced, she declined, and eventually started  
writing instead about the foundation.She attacked its scientific claims and  
criticized the sensational media coverage. She described how a foundation  
scientific adviser, Harold Merskey, had testified that a woman accusing a 
doctor  of 
sexual abuse in a civil case might in fact have been suffering from false  
memory syndrome. But the accused doctor himself had previously confessed to  
criminal charges of abusing her. Landsberg also challenged the credentials of  
foundation advisers. She noted that one founding adviser, Ralph  Underwager, 
was forced to resign from the foundation's board after he and his  wife, 
Hollida Wakefield, who remains an adviser, gave an interview to a Dutch  
magazine in which he was quoted as describing pedophilia as"an  acceptable 
expression of God's will for love." Landsberg also wrote that another  adviser, 
James Randi, a magician known as "The Amazing Randi," had been involved  in a 
lawsuit in which his opponent introduced a tape of sexually explicit  
telephone conversations Randi had with teenage boys. (Randi has claimed at  
times, she said, that the tape was a hoax and that the police asked him  to 
it.) "Why haven't reporters investigated the False Memory Syndrome  
Foundation?" she asks. "It's legitimate to examine their backgrounds --here are 
who really do have powerful motivation to deny the truth." 
Battle Tactics of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation - Noel Packard - New  
School for Social Research, N.Y. History Matters Conference April 23-24, 2004 
Censorship is also a tactic that FMS Foundation adherents use to silence  
voices they don't agree with. Katy Butler, published a critical review of  
Ofshe's and Watter's book, Making Monsters (1994) in the Los Angeles Times.  
the newspaper's book review editor received a vague threat of a lawsuit  from 
Ofshe's representative (K. Butler personal communication with Lynn Crook  
January 28, 2000). Later Butler was asked to write a story for Newsweek  
the uncritical acceptance of Foundation claims and to provide  documented 
cases of recovered memory and traumatic amnesia. Upon learning of  this 
Foundation Advisory Board members Richard Ofshe and Fredrick  Crews, as well 
as Peter and Pamela Freyd, wrote strongly worded letters of  complaint to 
Newsweek which effectively canceled Butler's assignment (Stanton  1997). 

[cia-drugs] Amirault, Ingram and Wenatchee child abuse cases

2008-09-13 Thread smartnews
the other side of the media cover up
Amirault, Ingram and Wenatchee child abuse cases
Fells Acres - Amirault Case

Letters to the Editor: The Real  Darkness Is Child Abuse WALL STREET JOURNAL 
(J) 02/24/95 
As the chief prosecutor of both of  the Amirault cases I am writing to 
prevent the public from being misled into  believing that an injustice occurred 
Dorothy Rabinowitz alleges in her Jan.  30 editorial-page piece “A Darkness in 
Her suggestion that the  convictions were based on “some of the most 
fantastic claims ever presented”  presumptuously ignores the reality of the 
cases. The 
three Amiraults — Gerald,  Violet and Cheryl - were convicted after two 
trials before different judges and  juries almost one year apart. They were 
represented by able and well-known  defense counsel. The convictions were 
after review by state and federal  appellate courts. The McMartin case in 
California was the result of a botched  legal system and Kelly Michaels’s 
was overturned because of legal  errors. Contrary to Ms. Rabinowitz’s 
implication, the Amirault convictions were  neither of these. 
Studies show, as did testimony  from a nationally recognized pediatric 
gynecologist, that most sexually molested  young children have absolutely 
physical examinations. However, in  Amirault, the majority of the female 
who testified had some relevant  physical findings, as did several female 
children involved in the investigation  who did not participate in the trial. 
findings included labial adhesions and  hymenal scarring of the sort present 
in a very small percentage of non-sexually  abused children. 
Ms. Rabinowitz’s article is a  superficial, one-sided look at a case handled 
extensively and carefully by the  legal system. The victims and their families 
in these cases have been  irrevocably harmed by what was done to them by the 
Amiraults. Every argument  raised by Ms. Rabinowitz was ably presented by the 
defense at the trials. The  juries, by their verdicts, rejected these 
arguments. Justice was done.  
see for actual case evidence 
618-page-624.jpg _ 
“All nine children  testified in a broadly consistent way…The children 
testified to numerous  instances of sexual abuse. Some of the children 
that they were  photographed during this abuse, describing a big camera with 
wires, a red  button, and pictures which came out of the camera. The children 
testified that  the defendant threatened them and told them that their families 
would be harmed  if they told anyone about the abuse….The Commonwealth also 
presented a pediatric  gynecologist and pediatrician who examined five of the 
girls who testified…She  made findings consistent with abuse in four of the 
2C+and+their+pain _ 
Amirault’s accusers reveal  their faces, and their pain Boston Herald - 
Boston, Mass. - Peter  Gelzinis - Aug 7, 2001  
Mass. Victims Fight Commutation  Plea By Leslie Miller, Associated Press 
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - Victims in  the Fells Acres child abuse case broke 
down Thursday as they described their  pain publicly for the first time in 
of keeping the last person convicted  in the case behind bars. Victims urged 
her to keep Amirault in prison. “During  counseling meetings as a child, I 
would speak of a tall man touching me and  taking pictures of me,” Phaedra 
Hopkins, 20, said at an emotional news  conference. “So many times, Mr. 
hovered over me, touched me and  hurt me and committed many disgusting a

[cia-drugs] cia drugs list - not approved messages

2008-09-13 Thread smartnews
I was told that neither of these messages were approved. Yet both talk  about 
government mind control and the CIA. 
This message was received from yahoogroups
"your message was automatically rejected because the moderator didn't  
approve it within 14 days."

MEDIA PACKET - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control  
Experimentation on Children - Documentation that torture-based,  
government-sponsored mind 
control (GMC) experimentation was conducted on  children during the Cold War. 
Data from two international surveys that give  voice, visibility, and 
validation to survivors of these crimes against  humanitySURVEYS - EAS: 
Abuse Survey for Adult Survivors (An  International Online Survey for Adult 
Survivors of Extreme Abuse) January 1 –  March 30, 2007 with 1471 respondents 
from 31 named countries. P-EAS:  Professional – Extreme Abuse Survey (An 
International Online Survey for  Therapists, Counselors, Clergy, and Other 
Persons Who 
Have Worked Professionally  with at Least One Adult Survivor of Extreme 
Abuse) April 1 – June 30 2007 with  451 respondents from 20 named countries. 
Contact: Wanda Karriker, PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  

The Extreme Abuse Survey final results are online with findings,  
questionnaires and presentations for download as pdf-files. More than 750 pages 
documentation _http://extreme-abuse-survey.net/_ 
Contains additional published data on the above study 

Information on the CIA, mk-ultra, Nazis and ritual abuse
mk-ultra links - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control  
Experimentation on Children  _http://members.aol.com/smartnews/mk-ultra.htm_ 

**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, 
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.  

[cia-drugs] Napolis and child abuse cases

2008-09-13 Thread smartnews
_http://diananapolis.wordpress.com/_ (http://diananapolis.wordpress.com/) 
Beginning  in the 1980’s, there were serious efforts made to misinform the   
public about the satanic ritual abuse of children by those affiliated with the 
 False Memory Syndrome Foundation [FMSF]. I began to track this activity 
while  employed as a Child Protective Services Court Investigator in San Diego 
County,  and placed the results of my research within the public domain. As a 
result, I  was harassed by a cult organization, and was ultimately victimized 
“nonlethal” technology in efforts to psychologically and physically 
incapacitate  me.


60 Day continuance of Napolis case

Fells Acres - Amirault Case 
Letters to the Editor: The Real Darkness Is  Child Abuse WALL STREET JOURNAL 
(J) 02/24/95 
As the chief prosecutor of both of the Amirault  cases I am writing to 
prevent the public from being misled into believing that  an injustice occurred 
Dorothy Rabinowitz alleges in her Jan. 30  editorial-page piece "A Darkness in 
Her suggestion that the convictions were based  on "some of the most 
fantastic claims ever presented" presumptuously ignores the  reality of the 
cases. The 
three Amiraults -- Gerald, Violet and Cheryl - were  convicted after two 
trials before different judges and juries almost one year  apart. They were 
represented by able and well-known defense counsel. The  convictions were 
after review by state and federal appellate courts. The  McMartin case in 
California was the result of a botched legal system and Kelly  Michaels's 
was overturned because of legal errors. Contrary to Ms.  Rabinowitz's 
implication, the Amirault convictions were neither of  these. 
Studies show, as did testimony from a nationally  recognized pediatric 
gynecologist, that most sexually molested young children  have absolutely 
physical examinations. However, in Amirault, the majority  of the female 
who testified had some relevant physical findings, as did  several female 
children involved in the investigation who did not participate in  the trial. 
findings included labial adhesions and hymenal scarring of the  sort present 
in a very small percentage of non-sexually abused  children. 
Ms. Rabinowitz's article is a superficial,  one-sided look at a case handled 
extensively and carefully by the legal system.  The victims and their families 
in these cases have been irrevocably harmed by  what was done to them by the 
Amiraults. Every argument raised by Ms. Rabinowitz  was ably presented by the 
defense at the trials. The juries, by their verdicts,  rejected these 
arguments. Justice was done.  
see for actual case evidence 
618-page-624.jpg _ 
"All nine children testified in a  broadly consistent way...The children 
testified to numerous instances of sexual  abuse. Some of the children 
that they were photographed during this  abuse, describing a big camera with 
wires, a red button, and pictures which came  out of the camera. The children 
testified that the defendant threatened them and  told them that their families 
would be harmed if they told anyone about the  abuseThe Commonwealth also 
presented a pediatric gynecologist and  pediatrician who examined five of the 
girls who testified...She made findings  consistent with abuse in four of the 
2C+and+their+pain _ 
Amirault's a

[cia-drugs] army mind control, satanic ritual abuse

2008-09-16 Thread smartnews

The Army's Totally Serious Mind-Control Project  By Mark Thompson /  
Washington 9/14/08 Soldiers barking orders at each other is so 20th Century.  
why the U.S. Army has just awarded a $4 million contract to begin  developing 
"thought helmets" that would harness silent brain waves for secure  
communication among troops. Ultimately, the Army hopes the project will "lead 
to  direct 
mental control of military systems by thought alone." But  improvements in 
computing power and a better understanding of how the brain  works have 
scientists busy hunting for the distinctive neural fingerprints that  flash 
a brain when a person is talking to himself. The Army's initial  goal is to 
capture those brain waves with incredibly sophisticated software that  then 
translates the waves into audible radio messages for other troops in the  
"It'd be radio without a microphone, " says Dr. Elmar Schmeisser, the  Army 
neuroscientist overseeing the program. "Because soldiers are already  trained 
talk in clean, clear and formulaic ways, it would be a very small  step to 
have them think that way." Dr. Mike D'Zmura of UC-Irvine, the lead  
scientist on the project, says his task is akin to finding the right strands on 
plate full of pasta. "You need to pick out the relevant pieces of spaghetti,"  
says, "and sometimes they have to be torn apart and re-attached to others."  
But with ever-increasing computing power the task can be done in real time, he 
 says. Users also will have to be trained to think loudly. "How do we get a  
person to think something to themselves in a way that leaves a very strong  
signal in EEGs that we can read off against the background noise?" D'Zmura 
 Finally, because every person's EEG is different, persons using "thought  
helmets" will have to be trained so that computers intercepting their unspoken  
commands recognize each user's unique mental pattern. 
warning - describes graphic crimes of abuse Knifed 666 times each and eaten  
- By Lynsey Haywood  9/16/08 Horrified cops found body parts dumped in a  pit 
beside an upside-down cross, a symbol used in Satanic worshipThe  
discovery in Yaroslavl, 300 miles from Moscow, sent a shudder across Russia —  
Satanists are feared to have committed a string of mutilations and  killings. 
The victims, who all disappeared in June, were named as Anya  Gorokhova, Olga 
Pukhova, Varya Kuzmina and Andrei Sorokin.  The upside-down  cross marking what 
was left of their bones and scalps had a small animal nailed  to it.  Police 
began tracing the gang after finding out that all the  victims had made phone 
calls to alleged leader Nikolai Ogolobyak.  Locals  said they all knew 
Ogolobyak, whose grandmother revealed he had sung in the  local church choir as 
boy.  The rest of the cult were described by  ex-teachers as having been of low 
intelligence and moody at school.  Three  were named by police as Ksenia 
Kuznetsova, Alexander Voronov and Anton Makovkin.  The dad of victim Andrei 
said: “
My son said he had Goths and Satanists among his  friends.  “I wasn’t scared. 
I thought, ‘Well, let him spend his time  sitting around a cemetery — there’s 
not much harm in that, is there?’" Russia  has seen a series of gruesome 
murders, rapes and desecrations linked to Satanic  cults.  

**Pt...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, 
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.  

[cia-drugs] CD Order Form for The Eleventh Annual Ritual Abuse Conference

2008-09-17 Thread smartnews
CD Order Form for The  Eleventh Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations 
and Mind Control  Conference - 2008  
Some of the topics discussed on these  CDs may be very triggering. These CDs 
are educational and not intended as  therapy or treatment. Statements made on 
these CDs are the speaker's own  statements only and don't necessarily 
represent the policies or views of  conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, 
exhibitors or organizers. Speaker  descriptions will follow ordering 
1) Neil Brick - "Debating the nonbelievers. Getting  equal time for 
survivors' views."  
2) Eileen Schrader -  "Programming and Beyond --the obvious and subtler 
effects of mind control in  survivors of RA/MC." 
3) Wanda Karriker, PhD  - "Voice, Visibility, and Validation for Survivors. 
Highlights of the Extreme  Abuse Survey Trilogy."  
4) Thorsten Becker - "Ideologically Motivated Crimes - Ritual Abuse in a 
different  perspective, reflected on by data from a series of survey on extreme 
5) Jennie P. - "From  Despair to Joy, One Survivor's Journey." 
6) Dr. Katherine Glenn - "One Therapist's Introduction to the World of Mind 
7) Leslie - "Triumph  Over A History of Ritual Abuse and Mind Control" 
8) Mary Keats RN BA -  "Children of Survivors - Successes and Challenges"   
9) Joanne - "Breaking  the Addiction of Dissociation"  
10) Lowell Routley -  "Am I "Real Me" or Am I "Memorex, y, z"?  " 
11) Hal Pepinsky -  "Weighing and  Responding to Evidence of Abuse" 
CDs are approximately 60 minutes  long. CDs are $12 each. Shipping and 
Handling charges on CDs are $1.50 (US) for  the first CD, .50 for each 
Canada $2.00 first CD, .75 each  additional, rest of world, $3.00 first CD, 
$1.00 each additional.  
With shipping and handling: US  Price - all CDs - $130, Canada price - all 
CDs - $135 
Please mail form below and checks (US  Banks only, please), money orders (US) 
to S.M.A.R.T. P. O Box 1295, Easthampton,  MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: 
Please list all CDs wanted by number.  Thank you.  
Street:  __ 
City:  State: 
Zip:__E-mail address: (in case  we have questions)_ 
Speakers and  Biographies 
Please note: Listing of these speakers  does not necessarily constitute our 
endorsement of them. They are speaking at  our conference for educational value 
only and some may be heavy for survivors.  Listening to the speakers at the 
conference may or may not help your recovery  process, so use caution when 
listening to any speaker or contacting any resource  mentioned in this 
These descriptions may be heavy for survivors to  read. Please use caution 
while reading.  
Neil Brick is a survivor of alleged  Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is 
the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual  Abuse Newsletter. His topic is: 
"Debating the nonbelievers. Getting equal time  for survivors' views." 
A retired psychologist, Wanda Karriker,  PhD, wrote the novel, "Morning, Come 
Quickly," to share what she has learned  about the aftereffects of RA/MC. In 
advocacy for survivors, she has appeared on  CourtTV and in 2007 presented 
papers at a UN conference for women and at the  ISSTD conference in 
Her topic is: "Voice, Visibility, and  Validation for Survivors. Highlights 
of the Extreme Abuse Survey  Trilogy." 
Joanne is a survivor of RA, family and  government mind control and medical 
experimentation She has been working on  recovery for 14 years and has been 
instrumental in helping her three  dissociative children heal. She leads a life 
as an active professional in her  chosen field in her community. Her topic is: 
"Breaking the Addiction of  Dissociation."  
Lowell Routley is a therapist in the  Midwest who helps survivors of extreme 
trauma. Lowell has listened to survivors  to find what works, what doesn't and 
why. As director of Heartland Initiative,  he actively trains therapists and 
consults with client and therapist to resolve  impasses in healing. His topic 
is " Am I "Real Me" or Am I "Memorex, y, z"?  " 
Jennie P. is a lawyer, a librarian, and  a poet, presently working as a 
contractor in the biotech industry while  completing her first book, "Happy 
>From the Basements to the Rooftops, A  Memoir and Guide to Hea

[cia-drugs] Torture-based mind control as a global phenomenon

2008-09-19 Thread smartnews

Karriker, W. (2008, September). Torture-based mind control as a global  
phenomenon: Preliminary data from the 2007 series of Extreme Abuse Surveys. In  
Torture-based mind control: Empirical research, programmer methods, effects and 
treatment. Workshop conducted at the 13th International Conference on 
Violence,  Abuse and Trauma, San Diego, CA. 

describes torture and  crimes

excerpts : Human beings cannot be programmed like robots, I had  believed. 
But that was before the early 80's when persons with multiple  personality 
disorder began coming to me for psychotherapy.  I observed that  some of my 
had two distinct sets of alters: those they had created  spontaneously to 
survive unspeakable acts against them and those who appeared to  have been 
conditioned to serve specific functions for their perpetrators or  perpetrator 

In the late 80's, a client who had been processing  her memories of satanic 
ritual abuse brought a journal to our session in which  she noted writings by 
an alter personality who used computer jargon: access  codes, systems, exit, 
entry, delete, input, output, sequences, etc. This client  came to believe that 
her father, an ex-military man, and his buddies in the cult  had somehow 
"programmed" her as a child to serve at their pleasure. Later she  remembered 
hearing words, letters, numbers, rhymes, and sometimes classical  music in the 
background when they were torturing her in various ways. 

In  1992 at an MPD conference in Alexandria, Virginia, I first heard about 
the  secret Cold War mind control experiments supposedly carried out by Nazi 
doctors  who had been smuggled into the US after World War II to continue their 
concentration camp-type experiments. I realized that some of the memories  
reported by another one of my ritually abused clients were consistent with the  
types of programming used in the well-documented MKULTRA project. In 1973, at  
the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms, the bulk of these records  
were destroyed. In 1977, Senator Edward Kennedy called for a "public 
accounting  of the abuses of the past." His request has not been honored

In 1995,  I learned that three courageous victims of mind control experiments 
had stood  before the President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation 
Experiments to tell  the world about the horrors they had endured in the name 
National  Security.  Giving explanation and support for these women was 
therapist  Valerie Wolf whose speech is printed in the Media Packet I have 
given you. 
After  that hearing, the Committee recommended that all records of the CIA 
bearing on  programs of secret human research become a top priority for 
declassification  review. After 13 years, there has been no declassification of 
files or  investigation of government-sponsored mind control experimentation 
on  children.

Today I will share some findings from the 2007 series of  International 
Online Extreme Abuse Surveys http://extreme-abuse-survey.net that  depict the 
global nature of torture-based mind control. The surveys were  developed and 
conducted by Thorsten Becker, a German social worker and  consultant for 
who work with ritual abuse and/or mind control  survivors (RA/MC); Carol Rutz 
from the US, a healed RA/MC survivor and author of  A Nation Betrayed: The 
Chilling True Story of Secret Cold War Experiments  Performed on Our Children 
Other Innocent People (2001); Bettina Overkamp, a  German psychologist and 
researcher; and me, Wanda Karriker, a retired  psychologist and novelist from 
North Carolina.

More than 2000 people from  at least 40 countries from 6 continents 
participated in the three surveys: (1)  the Extreme Abuse Survey for Adult 
(EAS); (2) the Professional-Extreme  Abuse Survey (P-EAS) for professionals who 
have worked with at least one  survivor of extreme abuse; and (3) the 
Child-Extreme Abuse Survey (C-EAS) for  caregivers of child survivors of ritual 
abuse/mind control. Posted at our  website, http://extreme-abuse-survey.net  
frequencies of responses in  English and German to every question on each 
as well as citations of  three book chapters based on the surveys and 
transcripts of related  presentations.  


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challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] The Greenbaum Speech - Hammond - Government Mind Control

2008-09-20 Thread smartnews

The Greenbaum Speech - Hammond - Government Mind  Control 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Re: Message to cia-drugs group not approved

2008-09-21 Thread smartnews

Hi !  This must be  another error. Please approve this when you can. Thanks,  

Satanic Ritual Abuse evidence with information on McMartin Preschool  case

Information on the CIA, mk-ultra, Nazis and ritual abuse

The  McMartin Preschool Case - What Really Happened and the  Coverup  
2008 ritual abuse publications 

2008  Ritual Abuse Conference  Presentations  
Debating the nonbelievers. Getting equal time for survivors' views - Neil  
Brick’s 2008 conference presentation - 
>From Despair to Joy, One Survivor's Journey -  Jennie P.’s 2008  Conference 
Presentation - 
Voice, Visibility and Validation for Survivors - Highlights of the  Extreme 
Abuse Survey Trilogy - Wanda Karriker's 2008 Conference  Presentation

THE  BASK MODEL OF DISSOCIATION: Part II - Treatment - Bennett G. Braun, M.D. 
 Dissociation, Vol. I, No, 2 : June, 1988 ABSTRACT This article is a  
continuation of the BASK Model of Dissociation : Part I, which discussed the  
phenomena and theory- of dissociation . It uses the previously described BASK  
(Behavior, Affect, Sensation, Knowledge  levels within a time  continuum) and 
applies it to treatment . Since treatment is a dynamic concept  and knowledge 
is a static term, BASK is changed to BATS, wherein the active  term "thought" 
is substituted for "knowledge ." The interrelationship of the  various 
dimensions of the BATS model is demonstrated and described. The BASK  format is 
to describe how a behavior, affect, thought and/or sensation  clue is used to 
track down and synthesize the BASK/BATS components in psycho  -  therapy 
through work with different personalities and/or fragments . A  main thesis is 
congruence of the BASK/BATS levels across the   space/time continuum is 
required for healthy functioning . It is hoped from  this discussion that the 
reader will gel a sufficient understanding of the  practical use of the BASK 
and that he/she might apply it to her/his  school and practice of 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] ISSTD Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Interest Group

2008-09-21 Thread smartnews
ISSTD Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Interest  Group   
On September 7, 2008, the ISSTD Executive Council approved the proposal by  
17 ISSTD members to create a Ritual Abuse/Mind Control Interest Group.
The  Council has approved our interim chair, Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D. We 
will hold  elections for officers once we have a larger membership.
Our Mission  Statement is:
To further dialogue, knowledge, research, and training on the  etiology, 
evaluation, and effective treatment of trauma and dissociation in  clients 
reporting histories of ritual abuse or mind control.
Our Scope  is:
To further these goals within the International Society for the Study of  
Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) and to work with ISSTD to disseminate this  
knowledge worldwide among professionals and the public.
Our bylaws can be  obtained from Wanda Karriker at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To join the interest  group, please send the following information to Wanda 
Karriker at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Name  Address   Telephone   E-mail Address  ISSTD Membership  Status  
[Student, (full) Member, Fellow, Charter, or  Retired] 
We  look forward to the participation of a large number of ISSTD members and 
the  development of plans to achieve our mission. Please feel free to 
circulate this  announcement widely.

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Parental Alienation Syndrome - junk science - Alec Baldwin

2008-09-22 Thread smartnews
Parental Alienation Syndrome  - junk science - Alec  Baldwin  

Reject Baldwin's VIEW of Parental Alienation


Last year,  ABC's  The View stooped to a real low - inviting Alec Baldwin on 
during  sweeps week to make excuses for his abusive phone call to his daughter 
 Ireland.  Now, they're about to do it again.  On Wednesday September  24, 
The View will invite Alec Baldwin back onto The View to promote his book and  
the junk science abuse excuse of Parental Alienation.

Parental Alienation  is used as a legal strategy to get abusers off the hook, 
by urging the court to  ignore allegations of abuse and instead believe that 
the parent making the  allegations is being vindictive.  

(read more about parental  alienation _here_ 
(http://www.stopfamilyviolence.org/folder63)   )

Women - the main audience of The View - deserve better than this.   Every 
day, in family courts all across this country, protective mothers are  losing 
custody to abusers and pedophiles based on the bogus theory of Parental  

ACT NOW!  Tell Bill Geddie, the Executive Producer of  The View to practice 
responsible journalism by having experts on the show who  can challenge Mr. 
Baldwin's dangerous propoganda and provide information that  will help keep 
and children safe.  

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Demand that the Bailout Legislation Be Rejected http://www.votenobailout.org/

2008-09-22 Thread smartnews
Demand that the Bailout Legislation Be Rejected
_http://www.votenobailout.org/_ (http://www.votenobailout.org/) 

Demand  that the Bailout Legislation Be Rejected

We are witnessing a bankers'  coup d’etat. In the name of saving the economy 
from a crisis created by their  own greed and immense profits, the biggest 
bankers have taken a country and a  people hostage. 

“Give us your money and tear up what’s left of your  Constitution or we will 
sink your economy,” is the message from Wall Street and  the Bush 
Administration. “Give us the power and money we demand or you will be  left 
jobless from 
a new economic depression." 

Under the pretext of the  banking crisis, the Bush Administration is changing 
the way this country  operates. This is not simply taking trillions of 
dollars from the people and  giving it to the richest bankers to do with as 
they see 
Congress  is poised to vote to give the Executive Branch of government, and 
specifically  the White House’s political appointees in the Treasury 
Department, the absolute  right to take our money and give it to domestic and 
banks and  corporations without any oversight of elected officials, from the 
courts, or  from the people. 

The new legislation states: “Decisions by the  Secretary [of the Treasury] 
pursuant to the authority of this Act are  non-reviewable and committed to 
agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by  any court of law or any 
administrative agency.” The Legislation allows the  Treasury Department to 
appoint the 
same bankers who created the crisis to  administer and dictate the use of 
trillions of our tax dollars. 

We will  not stand by and let the Bush Administration formalize its vision of 
a  “government of, by and for the richest bankers." 

The new system  institutionalizes theft on a grand scale. Lehman Brothers 
bankers will receive  $2.5 billion in bonuses after their company went bankrupt 
last week, but the new  dictatorial authority under the White House and 
Treasury Department has ruled  out any relief for the millions of working 
who are being foreclosed.  

We live in a $15 trillion annual economy. Instead of taking our tax  dollars 
and giving it to the already rich and powerful, these funds should be  used 
provide to decent paying jobs, affordable housing, health care and a good  
education for our children. There is another way! 

Now is the time to  hear the voice of the people. A spineless Congress 
authorized Bush’s illegal war  in Iraq and rubber-stamped the Patriot Act. Now 
are being herded like sheep  again to give the White House and Wall Street 
dictatorial control over the  people’s money.


Paulson Bailout Plan A Historic Swindle
By  William Greider
The Nation
September 19,  2008

Financial-market  wise guys, who had been seized with
fear, are suddenly drunk with hope. They  are rallying
explosively because they think they have  successfully
stampeded Washington into accepting the Wall Street
Journal  solution to the crisis: dump it all on the
taxpayers. That is the meaning of  the massive bailout
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has shopped  around
Congress. It would relieve the major banks and
investment firms of  their mountainous rotten assets and
make the public swallow their  losses--many hundreds of
billions, maybe much more. What's not to like if you  are
a financial titan threatened with extinction?

If Wall Street gets  away with this, it will represent an
historic swindle of the American  public--all sugar for
the villains, lasting pain and damage for the  victims.
My advice to Washington politicians: Stop, take a deep
breath and  examine what you are being told to do by so-
called "responsible opinion." If  this deal succeeds, I
predict it will become a transforming event in  American
politics--exposing the deep deformities in our democracy
and  launching a tidal wave of righteous anger and
popular rebellion. As I have  been saying for several
months, this crisis has the potential to bring down  one
or both political parties, take your choice.

Christopher Whalen of  Institutional Risk Analytics, a
brave conservative critic, put it plainly:  "The joyous
reception from Congressional Democrats to Paulson's
latest  massive bailout proposal smells an awful lot like
yet another corporatist  lovefest between Washington's
one-party government and the Sell Side  investment

A kindred critic, Josh Rosner of Graham Fisher in  New
York, defined the sponsors of this stampede to action:
"Let us be  clear, it is not citizen groups, private
investors, equity investors or  institutional investors
broadly who are calling for this government  purchase
fund. It is almost exclusively being lobbied for by
precisely  those institutions that believed they were
'smarter than the rest of us,'  institutions who need to
get those assets 

[cia-drugs] Audio Presentations - Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference, SIA lit

2008-09-22 Thread smartnews

Audio Presentations from The Eleventh Annual  Ritual Abuse,  Secretive 
Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 2008 
Neil Brick - Debating the Nonbelievers - Getting Equal Time for   Survivors' 
Thorsten Becker - Ideologically Motivated Crimes - Ritual Abuse in a  
Different Perspective, Reflected on by Data from a Series of Surveys on Extreme 
Wanda Karriker PhD - Voice, Visibility, and Validation for Survivors.  
Highlights of the Extreme Abuse Survey Trilogy 
Hal Pepinsky- Weighing and Responding to Evidence of Abuse
Survivors of Incest Anonymous online store has literature, tapes,  medallions 
and other items to help you in your journey of recovery. 
_http://siawso.flyingcart.com_ (http://siawso.flyingcart.com) 
Literature on ritual abuse and cults, explaining the nature of ritual abuse  
and the road from incest to cult abuse 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] five wonderful opportunities to make a difference for abused children

2008-09-23 Thread smartnews
five wonderful opportunities to make a difference for abused  children

1. You can call US Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) at 202-224-5754 to ask  him to 
move the PROTECT Our Children Act Senate Bill 1738. 
 .  Learn more at 
2. You can read about the exciting new Children's Protection  Alliance's 
response to Alec Baldwin's book on PAS by going to 
(http://www.childrensprotection.org/) . 
3. You can let 20/20 know your thoughts about Alec Baldwin  and PAS, an 
abuser's favorite legal defense, by posting a comment at 
4. You can impact the presidential  dialogue on October 15 by posing a 
question such  as "What is your plan to prevent children from being given by 
courts to identified batterers and incest offenders?" at 
(http://www.womensmediacenter.com/show_me_the_women.html) .
5. You can watch ABC's Good Morning America  tomorrow Wednesday, September 24 
featuring the case  of Holly Collins, a woman who received asylum in the 
Netherlands when she fled  the US to protect her children from domestic 
and child abuse.  

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Dissociation, parental alienation myth, MPD/DID

2008-09-23 Thread smartnews

Dissociation, parental alienation myth,  MPD/DID  
Breaking the Addiction of Dissociation - Joanne's 2008 Conference  
excerpt : Researching the term "dissociation" I found this definition by  Dr. 
Bennett Braun: "the separation of an idea or thought process from the main  
stream of consciousness" (Braun, 1988). Everybody uses dissociation. People use 
 it to screen out unnecessary stimuli. With untraumatized people, this is a   
choice and not problematical. Any time a person is focused in on something to 
 the exclusion of one or more aspects of present day reality, they are using  
dissociation. Everyone here has used this - perhaps when reading a book, or  
practicing a musical instrument, or figuring out income tax. That kind of  
dissociation is helpful 
Another way to think of dissociation is as a method of dealing with trauma  
by not knowing about it. The memory of events may be split into separate  
components. Dr. Bennett Braun developed the BASK model; an easy way to  
this. BASK stands for Behavior, Affect, Sensation and Knowledge.  
If any one of these is missing in your memory of an event, then you are  
dissociating. "Behavior" is the action associated with an event. For myself, in 
times of stress, I find myself putting my hand on the back of my neck. I would  
do this unknowingly, with no conscious memories or reasons. This is a  
behavior that originally I found meaningless. I became aware that when I did  
this, my mind would blank and I would lose all my thought processes
Affect is the emotions one had in response to an event. An example of this  
happened to me recently when doing dishes. I became aware that putting my hands 
 into the warm dishwater brought a feeling of terror to me. I had no idea 
why. I  just had a sensation and an affect (emotion) but no knowledge. 
Sometimes I  get knowledge of events from my past, but have absolutely no 
corresponding  emotion or sensations to go with them. The affect (emotion) and 
sensations are  walled off in a separate compartment. I can accept that this 
experience  happened, but it certainly did not happen to "ME", whoever "Me" 
be. I can  flip back and forth between feeling the emotion, or feeling the 
sensation, or  having the knowledge, but I am unable to put them all together 
one package  and claim ownership. I have a simultaneous knowing and not 
knowing of disturbing  information.
Sometimes I dissociate sensation - I have the knowledge that I was sexually  
molested by my father. But I have had no physical sensations to go along with  
this - just the knowledge. I have a friend who experiences the opposite -  
sensation is the one element she has NOT dissociated. She has all the  
physical feelings of events but no knowledge of what the events are. 
Whether or not you define yourself as having Dissociative Identity  Disorder, 
DIDNOS, or some other diagnosis, if you have experienced severe trauma  and 
have not completely healed from it, you DO dissociate in a way which  
interferes with your ability to live your life the way

The Truth About Parental Alienation 
Proponents of Parental  Alienation portray parental alienation as a 
destructive family dynamic, usually  manifesting during custody battles, in 
which one 
parent purportedly turns the  child’’s sentiments against the other parent. 
Failure to recognize and correct  this dynamic by ensuring that the child has a 
relationship with both parents,  they claim, will cause great harm to the 
child. Indeed, nothing can be further  from the truth. Parental Alienation is a 
discredited, pseudo-psychological  theory whose application in custody 
determinations has caused great harm to  children.  

MPD/DID A Legitimate Diagnosis - Child abuse links 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Parental Alienation Syndrome is NOT recognized as a valid medical syndrome

2008-09-24 Thread smartnews
_ http://www.argate.net/~liz/fathers/pas.htm_ 

"Please note that  Parental Alienation Syndrome is NOT recognized as a valid 
medical syndrome by  either the AMA or the APA.  Gardner's work has never been 
up for peer  review. He's able to get around this by publishing his own 
works.  Creative Therapeutics, the publisher of his books, including Parental  
Alienation Syndrome, is his own publishing company.  PAS is based  strictly on 
own observation." 
What is "Parental Alienation  Syndrome" and Why Is It So Often Used Against  




(PAS  founder)

"At the present time, the sexually abused  child is generally considered to 
be the victim," though the child may  initiate sexual encounters by 'seducing' 
the adult."

Gardner, Richard A., Child Custody Litigation  (1986), p.93

Sexualizing children can have procreative purposes,  because a sexualized 
child is more likely to reproduce at an earlier  age. "The younger the survival 
machine at the time sexual urges  appear, the longer will be the span of 
procreative capacity, and the greater  the likelihood the individual will 
more survival machines in the next  generation." 

Gardner, Richard A., True and  False Accusations of Child Sex Abuse (1992),  

Update - Volume 16, Number 6, 2003 Parental  Alienation Syndrome: What 
Professionals Need to Know Part 1 of 2 By Erika Rivera  Ragland1 & Hope Fields2 
late Dr. Richard Gardner, a clinical professor  of Psychiatry at Columbia 
University, coined Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)  in 1985, after noticing 
"disorder" among patients within his private  practice." “"The theory of PAS 
is based in part on the notion that, within  custody disputes, there is a high 
incidence of false abuse allegationsTo the  contrary, the available 
research suggests that false allegation rates are not  significantly high. For 
example, a 1990 study by Thoennes and Tjaden (Thoennes  & Tjaden, The Extent, 
Nature and Validity of Sexual Abuse Allegation in  Custody/Visitation Disputes, 
Child Abuse and Neglect 1990, 14:151-163) evaluated  9,000 divorces in 12 
and found that sexual abuse allegations were made in  less than 2 percent of 
the contested divorces involving child custody. Within  this group, it appears 
false allegations occurred in approximately 5% to 8% of  cases. This study is 
one of the most comprehensive and least subject to bias and  sampling 
problems, since its sample is so large and representative of the  population of 
divorcing with custody and visitation disputes." “"At best,  PAS is a 
nondiagnostic "syndrome" that only explains the behavior of the child  and the 
when there is a known false allegation.20 It is a courtroom  diagnosis 
befitting adversaries involved in legal sparring. It is not capable of  lending 
itself to hard data or inclusion in the forthcoming DSM-V.  In  short, PAS is 
untested theory that, unchallenged, can have far-reaching  consequences for 
children seeking protection and legal vindication in courts of  law." 

Update  - Volume 16, Number 7, 2003 Parental Alienation Syndrome: What 
Professionals  Need to Know Part 2 of 2 By Hope Fields & Erika Rivera Ragland 
is an  unproven theory that can threaten the integrity of the criminal justice 
system  and the safety of abused children. Prosecutors should educate 
themselves about  PAS and be prepared to argue against its admission in court. 
cases where PAS  testimony is admitted, it is a prosecutor’’s responsibility to 
educate the judge  and jury about the shortfalls of this theory. As more 
criminal courts refuse to  admit PAS evidence, more protection will be afforded 
victims of sexual abuse  in our court system.” 

Dr.  Richard Gardner: A Review of His Theories and Opinions on Atypical 
Sexuality,  Pedophilia, and Treatment Issues  by Stephanie J. Dallam, RN, MSN, 
Please note: I do not agree with Gardner's ideas. "Richard A. Gardner, M.D., 
is  a prominent forensic expert with an extensive career of evaluating 
children,  especially during custody disputes between parents." "Gardner (1992, 
588)  does not believe in doing therapy with fathers who deny committing sexual 
molestation. If father desires treatment, the therapist should focus on  
enhancing his self-esteem. This is accomplished by helping him to appreciate  
"there is a certain amount of pedophilia in all of us" and that "pedophilia  
has been consid

[cia-drugs] false allegations of child sexual abuse by children are rare

2008-09-24 Thread smartnews

false allegations of child sexual abuse by children are  rare 
How often do children’s reports of abuse turn out to be false? Research has  
consistently shown that false allegations of child sexual abuse by children 
are  rare. Jones and McGraw examined 576 consecutive referrals of child sexual 
abuse  to the Denver Department of Social Services, and categorized the reports 
as  either reliable or fictitious. In only 1% of the total cases were 
children  judged to have advanced a fictitious allegation. Jones, D. P. H., and 
J. M. 
 McGraw: Reliable and Fictitious Accounts of Sexual Abuse to Children.Journal 
of  Interpersonal Violence, 2, 27-45, 1987. In a more recent study, 
investigators  reviewed case notes of all child sexual abuse reports to the 
Department  of Social Services over 12 months. Of the 551 cases reviewed, there 
were only 14  (2.5%) instances of erroneous concerns about abuse emanating from 
children.  These consisted of three cases of allegations made in collusion 
with a parent,  three cases where an innocent event was misinterpreted as 
abuse and eight  cases (1.5%) of false allegations of sexual abuse. Oates, R. 
K., D.P. Jones, D.  Denson, A. Sirotnak, N. Gary, and R.D. Krugman: Erroneous 
Concerns about Child  Sexual Abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect 24:149-57, 
2000Children Tend to  Understate Rather than Overstate the Extent of Any 
Experienced - Research  with children whose sexual abuse has been proven has 
that children tend to  minimize and deny abuse, not exaggerate or over-report 
such incidents.  _http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/res/csa-acc.html_ 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] More FLDS members indicted on sexual assault charges (CNN) - Three more members

2008-09-25 Thread smartnews

More FLDS members indicted on sexual assault charges (CNN) - Three more  
members of a polygamous sect led by Warren Jeffs are facing sexual assault  
charges, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said Tuesday. The latest charges  
two months after Warren Jeffs and five followers were indicted in Texas. On  
Tuesday, a Texas grand jury indicted the three male members of Jeffs'  
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints compound outside  
Abbott said. Each faces one felony count of sexual assault of a child.  Two of 
them also face felony bigamy chargesThe charges stem from a state and  
federal investigation into the sect's Yearning for Zion Ranch. In April, child  
welfare workers removed more than 400 children from the compound, citing  
allegations of physical and sexual abuse. After a court battle, the Texas  
Court ordered the children returned in June, saying that the state had  no 
right to remove them and that there was no evidence to show the children  faced 
imminent danger of abuse on the ranch. Jeffs, 52, is the leader and  "prophet" 
of the estimated 10,000-member FLDS, an offshoot of the mainstream  Mormon 
church. The FLDS openly practices polygamy at the YFZ Ranch and in two  towns 
straddling the Utah-Arizona state line: Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City,  
Arizona. Jeffs, who is facing a sentence in Utah of up to life in prison and is 
awaiting trial in Arizona, could face another life sentence in Texas if  
convicted on the latest charge. In Utah, he was convicted on accomplice to rape 
charges for his role in the marriage of a sect member to a 14-year-old. He 
similar charges in Arizona. 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Great news about media campaign, SB 1738 and Holly Collins!

2008-09-26 Thread smartnews
Great news about media campaign, SB 1738 and Holly  Collins!  

Dear Friends, Scroll to the end for great news about Holly  Collins. 

1. SB 1738 the PROTECT Our Children Act  passed the Senate! _www.protect.org_ 
(http://www.protect.org/) . You  can call Senator Reid at (202) 224-3542 and 
Senator Coburn at (202)  224-5754 to thank them for helping.  

2. Dr. Joy Silberg,  Geraldo and Jennifer Collins appeared on the Mike and 
Juliet Show  on Wed Sept 25! 

3.   A protest was staged at Alec Baldwin's book signing at Barnes and Noble  
in NY on Tuesday Sept 23 to let him and the public know the truth  about PAS: 
it is a legal defense for child molesters and batterers. 
(http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jp7rQ_fN4CYpznMTaIjiIaiadB0QD93CQ9H80) .  
Many thanks to Tasha Amador,  Voices of Women, Leadership Council, and 
Children's Protection  Alliance for this and other upcoming national media 
_www.childrensprotection.org_ (http://www.childrensprotection.org/) . 

Even  the men's rights groups are disgusted with Baldwin's whining and 

4.  Visit Stop Family Violence at 
(http://capwiz.com/sfvo/issues/alert/?alertid=11955481&type=CU)   to  send a 
free message to Mr. Bill Geddie, executive producer of The 
View, urging  him to include experts on the program who can challenge Mr. 
Baldwin’s propaganda  and provide information that will help keep women and 
children safe. Last  year, ABC's  The View stooped to a real low - inviting 
Baldwin to make excuses for his abusive phone call to his daughter  Ireland.  
On Wednesday September 24, 2008 The View invited Alec  Baldwin back to promote 
his book and the junk science abuse excuse of  Parental Alienation.  

5. Holly Collins can come home at  last, thanks in large part to her amazing 
daughter Jennifer's advocacy.   Jennifer spoke at the International Violence, 
Training, and Abuse conference in  San Diego last week, and received a 
Courageous Kid medal from CA Protective  Parents Association and The Leadership 
Council. Holly's attorney brokered a plea  agreement.8,000 emails were sent to 
Hennipen County DA through _www.stopfamilyviolence.org_ 
(http://www.stopfamilyviolence.org/)  and  were pivotal in this great outcome 
for Holly and her  

Fugitive Mom Gets Probation in Old Custody  Dispute

Fugitive mom returns to US from Netherlands, gets probation in  old custody 

By STEVE KARNOWSKI Associated  Press Writer 

MINNEAPOLIS  September 23, 2008 (AP)

The Associated Press 

A mother who  fled the country with her three children 14 years ago in a 
dispute over custody  and domestic abuse allegations received probation and an 
order to perform  community service when she went to court Tuesday.

Holly-Ann Collins, 43,  flew to Minneapolis from the Netherlands to plead 
guilty to contempt of court  after her attorneys worked out a deal with federal 
and local prosecutors to drop  felony charges.

She left the United States with her children in 1994, and  the Dutch 
government granted her asylum. The family lived quietly in a town near  
until last year when U.S. authorities located them and tried  unsuccessfully to 
bring her back.

Collins decided to come back because  her daughter, Jennifer, now 23, wanted 
to work in Washington, D.C., as an  advocate for children caught in similar 
circumstances, said Collins' attorney,  Tim Webb.

After her hearing, Collins said no mother should have to do  what she did 
just to keep her children safe. She said she'd even recommend that  other 
do the same.

"I should have left sooner," she said. "And  everyone has to make their own 
decision, but the family court is not protecting  kids right now."

Jennifer Collins was at her mother's side.

"I  have a wonderful life," she said. "But I want to come home, and I 
shouldn't not  be able to come home because of what my father has done to me."

Hennepin  County Attorney Mike Freeman said the children's father, Mark 
Collins, was fine  with the plea agreement. Defending the deal, he said 
had to decide  whether they could prove their case.

Holly-Ann and Mark Collins, who  divorced in 1990, were often in court over 
custody and visitation rights,  trading allegations that he was abusive and 
that she was an unfit parent. Mark  Collins had sole custody of Jennifer and 
Zachary, now 28, when she fled with  them in 1994. She 

[cia-drugs] 2009 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference, FLDS

2008-09-26 Thread smartnews
2009 Ritual Abuse and Mind Control Conference,  FLDS  

The 2009 Twelfth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind  
Control Conference - August 14   16, 2009  information is at 

More FLDS members indicted on sexual assault charges (CNN) - Three more  
members of a polygamous sect led by Warren Jeffs are facing sexual assault  
charges, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said Tuesday. The latest charges  
two months after Warren Jeffs and five followers were indicted in Texas. On  
Tuesday, a Texas grand jury indicted the three male members of Jeffs'  
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints compound outside  
Abbott said. Each faces one felony count of sexual assault of a child.  Two of 
them also face felony bigamy chargesThe charges stem from a state and  
federal investigation into the sect's Yearning for Zion Ranch. In April, child  
welfare workers removed more than 400 children from the compound, citing  
allegations of physical and sexual abuse. After a court battle, the Texas  
Court ordered the children returned in June, saying that the state had  no 
right to remove them and that there was no evidence to show the children  faced 
imminent danger of abuse on the ranch. Jeffs, 52, is the leader and  "prophet" 
of the estimated 10,000-member FLDS, an offshoot of the mainstream  Mormon 
church. The FLDS openly practices polygamy at the YFZ Ranch and in two  towns 
straddling the Utah-Arizona state line: Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City,  
Arizona. Jeffs, who is facing a sentence in Utah of up to life in prison and is 
awaiting trial in Arizona, could face another life sentence in Texas if  
convicted on the latest charge. In Utah, he was convicted on accomplice to rape 
charges for his role in the marriage of a sect member to a 14-year-old. He 
similar charges in Arizona. 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] message not approved

2008-09-27 Thread smartnews
Hi !
This one was not approved.  Thanks,  Neil

kucinich.us - Wake up America! & Demand Impeachment Hearings
_http://kucinich.us/_ (http://kucinich.us/) 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] BAIL OUT THE PEOPLE, NOT WALL STREET BANKERS! Tell President Bush, Candidates

2008-09-28 Thread smartnews

Tell President Bush, Candidates Obama and McCain,  Members of Congress,
Treasury Secretary Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman  Bernanke, and members 
of the media:
Bail Out Main Street NOT Wall Street!  

Sign the petition:_  

Please  tell President Bush, Candidates Obama and McCain, Members of 
Congress, Treasury  Secretary Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, and 
of the media  you want them to Bail Out Main Street NOT Wall Street!

To sign the  petition below, go to:_  

To:  President Bush, Candidates Obama and McCain, Members of Congress, 
Treasury  Secretary Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, and members of 

Bail Out Main Street NOT Wall Street!

Tens of millions of  working and poor people are facing the most dire 
economic crisis since the  Depression of the 1930s. Yet our government is 
planning to 
hand over the U.S.  treasury to Wall St. bankers. All that the politicians 
offer to people who are  losing their homes, jobs, health care, education and 
pensions are bigger and  bigger budget cuts to vital social services.

Enough is Enough!

I  say NO to this injustice. NO Bailout of Wall Street bankers!

Instead, I  demand the following emergency measures:

1. Moratorium on  home foreclosures and evictions.
2. Freeze all job layoffs and  extend unemployment benefits.
3. Freeze all utility cutoffs  & roll back gas, food and utility prices
4. Protect workers’  pensions and savings—hands off Social Security.
5. Debt  cancellation for working and poor people—no repossessions or wage  
6. Moratorium on budget cuts in all social programs  like health care, 
education, mass transit, youth programs, seniors programs,  veterans programs 

(Your signature will be  appended here based on the contact information you 
enter online)  

Sign the petition:_  

Donate  to help with organizing expenses:  

Sign  up for updates:_  


National  Network to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions
c/o Solidarity Center
55 W 17th  St #5C
New York, NY 10011
617-522-6626_  www.stopforeclosuresandevictions.org_ 

Breaking News and Commentary  from Citizens For Legitimate Government
28 Sep 2008_ http://www.legitgov.org/_ (http://www.legitgov.org/) 
All items  are here:_  http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news_ 
(http://www.legitgov.org/#breaking_news) _  
http://sify.com/finance/fullstory.php?id=14767561 US bailout fuels protests in  
streets, online_ 
(http://sify.com/finance/fullstory.php?id=14767561)  28 Sep 2008 Even as 
lawmakers laboured to break the 
impasse  on Bush administration's $700 billion plan to rescue giant Wall Street 
firms to  solve the financial crisis, the bailout has spontaneously inspired 
street  protests in the US and outrage gone viral across the web. Protesters 
argue that  they would want the Congress to protect millions of ordinary 
American citizens  on the verge of losing their homes due to poor lending 
of creditors  instead of handing out public money to big investment companies 
responsible for  ruining the economy in the first place.  
Wall  Street Executives Made $3 Billion Before Crisis 26 Sep 2008 Wall 
Street's  five biggest firms paid more than $3 billion in the last five years 
their top  executives, while they presided over the packaging and sale of loans 
that helped  bring down the investment-banking system. Merrill Lynch & Co. paid 
its chief  executives the most, with Stanley O'Neal taking in $172  million 
from 2003 to 2007 and John Thain getting $86  million, including a signing 
bonus, after beginning work in December. Bear  Stearns Cos.'s James "Jimmy" 
made $161 million before  the company collapsed and was sold to JPMorgan Chase 
& Co. in June. [If  you're not outraged, you're not paying  attention.]

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletP

[cia-drugs] Investigation of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and Lilith Aquino involving SRA claims

2008-09-28 Thread smartnews
Investigation of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and Lilith Aquino involving SRA  
Investigation of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino and Lilith Aquino involving claims  
of Satanic Ritual Abuse  - Criminal Investigative Division of the Army/  Child 
Interview Dated March 15, 1989 3:31 pm to 5:42 pm TRANSCRIPT - 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] from Michael Moore - no bailout

2008-09-29 Thread smartnews

Let me cut to the chase. The biggest robbery in the  history of this country 
is taking place as you read this. Though no guns are  being used, 300 million 
hostages are being taken. Make no mistake about it:  After stealing a half 
trillion dollars to line the pockets of their  war-profiteering backers for the 
past five years, after lining the pockets of  their fellow oilmen to the tune 
of over a hundred billion dollars in just the  last two years, Bush and his 
cronies -- who must soon vacate the White House --  are looting the U.S. 
of every dollar they can grab. They are swiping as  much of the silverware as 
they can on their way out the door. 

No matter  what they say, no matter how many scare words they use, they are 
up to their old  tricks of creating fear and confusion in order to make and 
keep themselves and  the upper one percent filthy rich. Just read the first 
paragraphs of the _lead story_ 
(http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/22/business/22lobby.html)  in  last Monday's 
New York Times and you can see what the real 
deal is: 

"Even as policy makers worked on details of a $700 billion bailout  of the 
financial industry, Wall Street began looking for ways to profit from  it. 

"Financial firms were lobbying to have all manner of troubled  investments 
covered, not just those related to mortgages. 

"At the same  time, investment firms were jockeying to oversee all the assets 
that Treasury  plans to take off the books of financial institutions, a role 
that could earn  them hundreds of millions of dollars a year in fees. 

"Nobody wants to  be left out of Treasury's proposal to buy up bad assets of 
financial  institutions." 

Unbelievable. Wall Street and its  backers created this mess and now they are 
going to clean up like bandits. Even  Rudy Giuliani is lobbying for his firm 
to be _hired  (and paid)_ 
  to "consult" in 
the bailout. 
The problem is, nobody truly  knows what this "collapse" is all about. Even 
Treasury Secretary Paulson  admitted he doesn't know the exact amount that is 
needed (he just picked the  $700 billion number out of his head!). The head of 
the congressional budget  office said he can't figure it out nor can he 
explain it to anyone. 
And yet,  they are screeching about how the end is near! Panic! Recession! 
The Great  Depression! Y2K! Bird flu! Killer bees! We must pass the bailout 
today!!  The sky is falling! The sky is falling! 
Falling for whom? NOTHING in this  "bailout" package will lower the price of 
the gas you have to put in your car to  get to work. NOTHING in this bill will 
protect you from losing your home.  NOTHING in this bill will give you health 
Health insurance? Mike,  why are you bringing this up? What's this got to do 
with the Wall Street  collapse? 
It has everything to do with it. This so-called "collapse" was  triggered by 
the massive defaulting and foreclosures going on with people's home  
mortgages. Do you know why so many Americans are losing their homes? To hear 
Republicans describe it, it's because too many working class idiots were given  
mortgages that they really couldn't afford. Here's the truth: The number one  
cause of people declaring bankruptcy is because of _medical  bills_ 
(http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/02/business/02insure.html) . Let me state this 
simply: If 
we had had universal health coverage,  this mortgage "crisis" may never have 
This bailout's mission is to  protect the obscene amount of wealth that has 
been accumulated in the last eight  years. It's to protect the top shareholders 
who own and control corporate  America. It's to make sure their yachts and 
mansions and "way of life" go  uninterrupted while the rest of America suffers 
and struggles to pay the bills.  Let the rich suffer for once. Let them pay for 
the bailout. We are spending 400  million dollars a day on the war in Iraq. 
Let them end the war immediately and  save us all another half-trillion 
I have to stop writing this and  you have to stop reading it. They are 
staging a financial coup this morning in  our country. They are hoping Congress 
act fast before they stop to think,  before we have a chance to stop them 
ourselves. So stop reading this and do  something -- NOW! Here's what you can 
1. _Call_ 
   or _e-mail 
Senator Obama_ (http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/contact2) .  Tell him he does 
not need to be sitting there trying to help prop up Bush and  Cheney and the 
mess they've made. Tell him we know he has the smarts to slow  this thing down 
and figure out what's the best route to take. Tell him the rich  have to pay 
for whatever help is offered. Use the leverage we have now to insis

[cia-drugs] no bailout - Michael Moore

2008-09-30 Thread smartnews

Everyone said the bill would pass. The masters of the  universe were already 
making celebratory dinner reservations at Manhattan's  finest restaurants. 
Personal shoppers in Dallas and Atlanta were dispatched to  do the early 
Christmas gifting. Mad Men of Chicago and Miami were popping corks  and 
toasting each 
other long before the morning latte run. 

But what they  didn't know was that hundreds of thousands of Americans woke 
up yesterday  morning and decided it was time for revolt. The politicians never 
saw it coming.  Millions of phone calls and emails hit Congress so hard it 
was as if Marshall  Dillon, Elliot Ness and Dog the Bounty Hunter had descended 
on D.C. to stop the  looting and arrest the thieves. 

The Corporate Crime of the Century was  halted by a vote of 228 to 205. It 
was rare and historic; no one could remember  a time when a bill supported by 
the president and the leadership of both parties  went down in defeat. That 
never happens. 

A lot of people are  wondering why the right wing of the Republican Party 
joined with the left wing  of the Democratic Party in voting down the thievery. 
Forty percent of Democrats  and two-thirds of Republicans voted against the 

Here's what  happened: 

The presidential race may still be close in the polls, but the  Congressional 
races are pointing toward a landslide for the Democrats. Few  dispute the 
prediction that the Republicans are in for a whoopin' on November  4th. Up to 
Republican House seats could be lost in what would be a stunning  repudiation 
of their agenda. 

The Republican reps are so scared of losing  their seats, when this 
"financial crisis" reared its head two weeks ago, they  realized they had just 
handed their one and only chance to separate  themselves from Bush before the 
election, while doing something that would make  them look like they were on 
side of "the people." 

Watching C-Span  yesterday morning was one of the best comedy shows I'd seen 
in ages. There they  were, one Republican after another who had backed the war 
and sunk the country  into record debt, who had voted to kill every 
regulation that would have kept  Wall Street in check -- there they were, now 
foul and standing up for the  little guy! One after another, they stood at the 
microphone on the House floor  and threw Bush under the bus, under the train 
(even though they had voted to  kill off our nation's trains, too), heck, they 
would've thrown him under the  rising waters of the Lower Ninth Ward if they 
could've conjured up another  hurricane. You know how your dog acts when 
by a skunk? He howls and runs  around trying to shake it off, rubbing and 
rolling himself on every piece of  your carpet, trying to get rid of the 
That's what it looked like on the  Republican side of the aisle yesterday, and 
it was a sight to behold.  

The 95 brave Dems who broke with Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were the  real 
heroes, just like those few who stood up and voted against the war in  October 
of 2002. Watch the remarks from yesterday of Reps. _Marcy Kaptur_ 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S27yitK32ds) , _Sheila Jackson Lee_ 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwysnA7ZmE8) , and _Dennis Kucinich_ 
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaF_MZVWM3E) . They  spoke the truth. 

The Dems who voted for the giveaway did so mostly  because they were scared 
by the threats of Wall Street, that if the rich didn't  get their handout, the 
market would go nuts and then it's bye-bye stock-based  pension and retirement 

And guess what? That's exactly what Wall  Street did! The largest, single-day 
drop in the Dow in the history of the New  York Stock exchange. The news 
anchors last night screamed it out: Americans just  lost 1.2 trillion dollars 
the stock market!! It's a financial Pearl Harbor!  The sky is falling! Bird 
flu! Killer Bees! 

Of course, sane people know  that nobody "lost" anything yesterday, that 
stocks go up and down and this too  shall pass because the rich will now buy 
hold, then sell off, then buy low  again. 

But for now, Wall Street and its propaganda arm (the networks and  media it 
owns) will continue to try and scare the bejesus out of you. It will be  harder 
to get a loan. Some people will lose their jobs. A weak nation of wimps  
won't last long under this torture. Or will we? Is this our line in the sand?  

Here's my guess: The Democratic leadership in the House secretly hoped  all 
along that this lousy bill would go down. With Bush's proposals shredded,  the 
Dems knew they could then write their own bill that favors the average  
American, not the upper 10% who were hoping for another kegger of gold.  

So the ball is in the Democrats' hands. The gun from Wall Street remains  at 
their head. Before they make their next move, let me tell you what the media  
kept silent about while this bill was being debated: 

1. The bailout bill  had NO enforcem


2008-10-01 Thread smartnews


The richest 400 Americans -- that's right, just four  hundred people -- own 
MORE than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.  _400  rich Americans_ 
17richamericans_land.html)  have got more stashed away than half the entire 
country!  Their combined net worth is $1.6 trillion. During the eight years of 
the Bush  Administration, their wealth has increased by _nearly $700  billion_ 
(http://www.sanders.senate.gov/news/record.cfm?id=303313)  -- the same amount 
that they are now demanding we give to them for  the "bailout." Why don't 
they just spend the money they made under Bush to bail  themselves out? They'd 
still have nearly a trillion dollars left over to spread  amongst themselves! 

Of course, they are not going to do that -- at least  not voluntarily. George 
W. Bush was handed a $127 billion surplus when Bill  Clinton left office. 
Because that money was OUR money and not his, he did what  the rich prefer to 
-- spend it and never look back. Now we have a $9.5  trillion debt. Why on 
earth would we even think of giving these robber barons  any more of our money? 

I would like to propose my own bailout plan. My  suggestions, listed below, 
are predicated on the singular and simple belief that  the rich must pull 
themselves up by their own platinum bootstraps. Sorry,  fellows, but you 
drilled it 
into our heads one too many times: There... is...  no... free... lunch. And 
thank you for encouraging us to hate people on welfare!  So, there will be no 
handouts from us to you. The Senate, tonight, is going to  try to rush their 
version of a "bailout" bill to a vote. They must be stopped.  We did it on 
Monday with the House, and we can do it again today with the  Senate. 

It is clear, though, that we cannot simply keep protesting  without proposing 
exactly what it is we think Congress should do. So, after  consulting with a 
number of people smarter than Phil Gramm, here is my proposal,  now known as 
"Mike's Rescue Plan." It has 10 simple, straightforward points.  They are: 

WHO KNOWINGLY CONTRIBUTED TO THIS COLLAPSE. Before any new money is  expended, 
Congress must commit, by resolution, to criminally prosecute anyone  who had 
anything to do with the attempted sacking of our economy. This means  that 
anyone who committed insider trading, securities fraud or any action that  
bring about this collapse must go to jail. This Congress must call for a  
Special Prosecutor who will vigorously go after everyone who created the mess,  
and anyone else who attempts to scam the public in the future. 

2. THE  RICH MUST PAY FOR THEIR OWN BAILOUT. They may have to live in 5 
houses instead  of 7. They may have to drive 9 cars instead of 13. The chef for 
their  mini-terriers may have to be reassigned. But there is no way in hell, 
after  forcing family incomes to go down more than $2,000 dollars during the 
years, that working people and the middle class are going to fork over one 
dime  to underwrite the next yacht purchase. 

If they truly need the $700  billion they say they need, well, here is an 
easy way they can raise it:  

a) Every couple who makes over a million dollars a year and every  single 
taxpayer who makes over $500,000 a year will pay a 10% surcharge tax  for five 
years. (It's the Senator Sanders plan. He's like Colonel Sanders,  only he's 
to fry the right chickens.) That means the rich will still be  paying less 
income tax than when Carter was president. This will raise a total  of $300 

b) Like nearly every other democracy, charge a 0.25%  tax on every stock 
transaction. This will raise more than $200 billion in a  year. 

c) Because every stockholder is a patriotic American,  stockholders will 
forgo receiving a dividend check for one quarter and instead  this money will 
the treasury to help pay for the bailout. 

d) 25% of  major U.S. corporations currently pay NO federal income tax. 
Federal corporate  tax revenues currently amount to 1.7% of the GDP compared to 
in the 1950s.  If we raise the corporate income tax back to the level of the 
1950s, that  gives us an extra $500 billion. 

All of this combined  should be enough to end the calamity. The rich will get 
to keep their mansions  and their servants, and our United States government 
("COUNTRY FIRST!") will  have a little leftover to repair some roads, bridges 
and schools. 
EIGHTH HOME.  There are 1.3 million homes in foreclosure right now. That is 
what is at the  heart of this problem. So instead of giving the money to the 
banks as a gift,  pay down each of these mortgages by $100,000. Force the banks 
to renegotiate the  mortgage so

[cia-drugs] Call the Senate Today Stop Bush's "No Banker Left Behind Act"

2008-10-01 Thread smartnews
Call the Senate  Today
Stop Bush's "No Banker Left Behind Act" 

Having suffered a stunning defeat of  their "Grand Theft Bailout" Bill on 
Monday, the Bush Administration, the banks  and Wall Street are now coming back 
for their second try. They are used to  directing the affairs of the country 
regardless of the will of the people. The  U.S. Senate is expected to vote 
tonight, Wednesday evening, in favor of a nearly  identical version. This is 
intended to force the House of Representatives to do  the same when they return 
tomorrow, Thursday.

You can call the Capitol  Switchboard at 800-473-6711 or 202-224-3121 to ask 
to be transferred to the  offices of the Senators from your state. 

Bush's "No Banker Left  Behind Act" was defeated because of overwhelming 
public opposition. But now the  politicians have come up with an easy answer. 
an unprecedented step, Congress  is virtually shutting down its incoming 
constituent email. They are installing  the digital version of riot police, 
protecting the politicians from an enraged  population that demands to be 
Congress has acknowledged that it is  receiving millions of emails from the 
of the United States, all opposing  this theft of $700 billion to be handed to 
the richest bankers. People who try  to send emails are likely to receive 
error messages and their emails will not go  through during "peak hours." 
Congress claims that this is a response to the  overwhelming emails to keep 
server from crashing; however, their server  did not crash during the time they 
were receiving the most emails and they  quietly instituted this program late 
Tuesday afternoon.

The U.S. Senate -  this country's version of the House of Lords - is 
returning to do the work  of the White House in league with the biggest 
bankers. Known 
as "millionaires  club" because of the elite status of its members, the U.S. 
senate is playing the  same role that the King's House of Lords played in 
earlier times in British  history, a political barrier created to protect the 
aristocracy from the wrath  of the people. _VoteNoBailout.org_ 
is urging all of its members and supporters to call Congress, to email them 
at  "off peak" hours, and to come directly to the U.S. Capitol on Thursday 
morning  at 10 am so our voices can be heard at the People's 
Demonstration/Speakout.  Congress can run but they can't hide from the wrath of 
the people. We 
won't let  them.

Thursday's demonstration will take place at 10 am on the South side  of the 
Capitol at Independence Ave. and New Jersey Avenues SE. For more  information, 
see below or go to _VoteNoBailout.org_ 
(http://www.impeachbush.org/site/R?i=Nl4rdMO5NYOovHs-opp7lg..) .

You  can call the Capitol Switchboard at 800-473-6711 or 202-224-3121 to ask 
to be  transferred to the offices of the Senators from your state. 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] vote green

2008-10-02 Thread smartnews
vote Green 

[Please forward broadly]

Dear Green-Rainbow Party  Friends,

It is time that we let our Congresspeople hear our dismay and  our disgust.
And it is time that we let the world know that there are other  voices than
the corporate duopoly of Democrats and Republicans. We must work  to open
the debates and to have our voices heard.

On Saturday, the  Senate passed a $488 billion Pentagon budget -- on a voice
meaning  that the names or numbers of Senators voting for and against were
not  recorded.
The spending bill that passed also threw in $70 billion for  occupation of
Iraq and
Afghanistan, $25 billion in subsidized loans to the  auto industry, and the
lifting of
off-shore drilling bans.

Late  last night, the Senate passed a $700 billion Wall Street  bailout,
representing a
purchase by taxpayers of junk assets from troubled  financial institutions
who were
gambling away other people's money. The  fear-mongering around this bill --
with demands
that it must happen and  bipartisan agreement from the leading presidential
-- follows  the same path that led us into invading Iraq.

It is clear that we need  more voices represented in the US political system.
The actions below are  some ideas for registering our voices loudly  and


1. Open the Debates Action Week - 100  letters to the editor
2. Call your Congressperson - 'no' to the bailout
3.  Participate in the ThirdPartyTicket.com pledge to open the debates
4. Become  a pollworker and ensure fair treatment of third party (and all)
5.  Donate to the Green-Rainbow Party
6. Donate to the McKinney/Clemente  Campaign


1.  Open the Debates Action Week, Oct. 1-7: Let Cynthia & Rosa debate!  10/1/
- 10/7/08

Open the Debates Action Week, October 1-7: Let Cynthia  & Rosa debate!
Help get Cynthia McKinney & Rosa Clemente in the news  and in the debates!
Goal: 100 letters to the editor in newspapers across the  US

On Thursday, Oct. 2, the first vice presidential debate will take  place at
Washington University in St. Louis.  And on Tuesday, Oct. 7,  the second
presidential debate is planned for Belmont University's Curb Event  Center in
Nashville, Tennessee.  The third presidential debate is on  Oct. 15 at
Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York.

The debate  sponsors intend to exclude the Green Party's presidential
ticket.  Let's  not let that happen without a fight for democratic inclusion
of all qualified  candidates!

By excluding all candidates except Democrats and Republicans,  the debate
sponsors are rigging the election.  Cynthia and Rosa are on  the ballot in
enough states to win the election, so they deserve an  invitation, and voters
deserve to hear them debate!

We encourage all  Greens and friends to participate in the first in a series
of actions we're  planning for October.  Please help us spread the word about
the  McKinney-Clemente campaign and their right to take part in the debates.
Stay  tuned for more actions throughout the month.

Here's what you can do:•  Write a letter to the editor about how important it
is for Cynthia and Rosa  to participate in the debates.  See the Talking
Points below for  ideas.  Keep the letter short and focused — five or six
sentences is  good.  We're aiming for 100 letters sent by Greens to
newspapers and  news web sites all across the US.  Visit the letter-writing
page to look  up a newspaper and post a letter — use the provided text as a
basis, or write  your  own:

•  Go viral!  Recommend and promote video clips and articles with  positive
coverage of Green candidates by 'Digging' them  (http://digg.com).

• Promote the McKinney-Clemente Power to the People  campaign on Facebook,
Myspace, and blogs.  Don't forget to add links to  these important web  sites:
State and  local Green Party and other Green campaign sites

• Host a Debate-Watching  House  Party:

•  Contact TV, radio, blog sites, and urge them to cover the campaign.

•  Other actions: write an op-ed column or article and submit it to a
newspaper  or news web site.  Post a message on an e-mail bulletin board.
Call in  to a radio talk show.

• Make a donation to the McKinney-Clemente campaign  to help the candidates
travel around the US for media appearances and  campaign  events:

~  Talking points ~

Open the debates to Cynthia McKinney and other  candidates on the ballot!

Cynthia tells the truth.
Let Cynthia  debate!

• Voters have a right to know about all the candidates whose  names they'll
see on the ballot, not just the candidates approved by the  Commission on
Presidential Debates or the candidates whose

[cia-drugs] NO Money for Wall Street & War! Bail Out the Workers and the Poor!

2008-10-02 Thread smartnews
On  Friday, the House of Representatives will be taking up the vote.

Call  your Congressional Representative, toll-free 800-830-5738 or
202-224-3121 and  ask for your Congressional representatives to not vote for
the  bailout

_Sign  the Petition_ 
(http://www.stopforeclosuresandevictions.org/bailoutmainstnotwallst.shtml)  | 
_Donate to Help  With Organizing Expenses_ 

NO Money for Wall Street &  War!

Bail Out the Workers and the Poor!

demanding the government 

The Senate has just voted to pass a US$700-billion financial  bailout for 
corrupt financial institutions, while ignoring the real needs of  working 
 In addition to an unprecedented giveaway to Wall Street,  the bill also 
includes $100 billion dollars in tax breaks for corporations - but  no relief 
working people who are facing foreclosure and who need health  care, jobs, and 

The House of Representatives is scheduled  to vote on this proposal as early 
as Friday - tomorrow.  Please sign the  online petition now 
- tell President Bush, Candidates Obama and McCain,  Members of Congress, 
Treasury Secretary Paulson, Federal Reserve Chairman  Bernanke, and members of 
the media: Bail Out Main Street NOT Wall Street!   Sign the petition at 
(http://www.stopforeclosuresandevictions.org/bailoutmainstnotwallst.shtml) .


To: President Bush,  Candidates Obama and McCain, Members of Congress, 
Treasury Secretary Paulson,  Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, and members of 

Bail Out Main  Street NOT Wall Street!

Tens of millions of working and poor people are  facing the most dire 
economic crisis since the Depression of the 1930s. Yet our  government is 
planning to 
hand over the U.S. treasury to Wall St. bankers. All  that the politicians 
offer to people who are losing their homes, jobs, health  care, education and 
pensions are bigger and bigger budget cuts to vital social  services.

Enough is Enough!

I say NO to this injustice. NO Bailout  of Wall Street bankers!

Instead, I demand the following emergency  measures:

1. Moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions.
2.  Freeze all job layoffs and extend unemployment benefits.
3. Freeze all  utility cutoffs & roll back gas, food and utility prices
4. Protect  workers’ pensions and savings—hands off Social Security.
5. Debt cancellation  for working and poor people—no repossessions or wage 
6.  Moratorium on budget cuts in all social programs like health care, 
education,  mass transit, youth programs, seniors programs, veterans programs 

(Your signature will be appended here based  on the contact information you 



2pm  Saturday OCT 4
At the Solidarity Center
55 West 17 St. NYC 5th  floor
(bet. 6th and 5th Ave. – take all trains to 14th ,  Manhattan)
*Plan more actions
*Get involved, get organized
*Find out  what’s being planned 
*Discuss the issues & the  connections
Sponsored by Troops Out Now Coalition, FIST & The Ad-hoc  National Network 
Against Foreclosures and Evictions

Contact info: 212-633-6646 _www.TroopsOutNow.org_ 
(http://www.troopsoutnow.org/) _Sign  the Petition_ 
(http://www.stopforeclosuresandevictions.org/bailoutmainstnotwallst.shtml)  | 
_Donate to Help  With Organizing Expenses_ 

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] new pages http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/

2008-10-02 Thread smartnews
new pages

_http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/_ (http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/)   
Recent worldwide survey of ritual abuse 

Ritual Abuse articles

"CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS"  Documentary or Whitewash?

McMartin Preschool Trial information

**Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
challenges?  Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and 
calculators.  (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall0001)

[cia-drugs] Extreme abuse survery, child pornography

2008-10-03 Thread smartnews
Extreme abuse survery, child  pornography 

Recent worldwide survey of ritual abuse 

The Extreme  Abuse Survey final results are online with findings, 
questionnaires and  presentations for download as pdf-files. More than 750 
pages of 
documentation _http://extreme-abuse-survey.net/_ 

MEDIA  PACKET - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control 
Experimentation on  Children - Documentation that torture-based, 
government-sponsored mind 
control  (GMC) experimentation was conducted on children during the Cold War. 
Data from  two international surveys that give voice, visibility, and 
validation to  survivors of these crimes against humanity….SURVEYS - EAS: 
Abuse Survey  for Adult Survivors (An International Online Survey for Adult 
Survivors of  Extreme Abuse) January 1 - March 30, 2007 with 1471 respondents 
31 named  countries. P-EAS: Professional - Extreme Abuse Survey (An 
International Online  Survey for Therapists, Counselors, Clergy, and Other 
Persons Who 
Have Worked  Professionally with at Least One Adult Survivor of Extreme Abuse) 
April 1 - June  30 2007 with 451 respondents from 20 named countries. Contact: 
Wanda Karriker,  PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Rutz, C. Becker, T., Overkamp, B. & Karriker, W. (2008).  Exploring 
Commonalities Reported by Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse:  Preliminary 
Findings. In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century:  Psychological, 
Social and Political Considerations, J.R. Noblitt &  P. S. Perskin (Eds), pp. 
31- 84. Brandon, Oregon: Robert D. Reed  Publishers.

Becker, T., Karriker, W., Overkamp, B. Rutz, C. (2008). The  Extreme Abuse 
Survey: preliminary findings regarding dissociative identity  disorder. In A. 
Sachs & G. Galton (Eds.), Forensic Aspects of Dissociative  Identity Disorder, 
pp. 32-49. London: Karnac.

Karriker, Wanda (November,  2007). “Helpful healing methods: As rated by 
approximately 900 respondents to  the “International Survey for Adult Survivors 
Extreme Abuse (EAS).” 

Karriker,  W. (2008, September). Torture-based mind control as a global 
phenomenon:  Preliminary data from the 2007 series of Extreme Abuse Surveys. In 
Torture-based  mind control: Empirical research, programmer methods, effects 
treatment.  Workshop conducted at the 13th International Conference on 
Violence, Abuse and  Trauma, San Diego, CA.  

Spanish  police hold 121 in sweep against child porn  10/1/08 Spanish police 
have  staged their biggest ever operation against Internet child pornography,  
arresting 121 people suspected of involvement in a network that reached 75  
countries, they said on WednesdayIt said those arrested came from a wide  
variety of social and professional backgrounds and included airline pilots,  
caretakers, taxi drivers and bank employees. They ranged in age from minors to  
old-age pensioners. Around 800 police took part in Operation Carousel, "the  
biggest operation against child pornography on the Internet ever carried out in 
 the country." They staged 210 raids nationwide in which they seized 347 
computer  hard discs, 1,186 CDs and DVDs and 36 laptop computers as well as 
"millions of  archives of videos and photographs some of which show extremely 
abuse of  minors." Two of those arrested produced their own pornographic 
material and the  victims included members of their own familiesWith the 
of specialised  police in various countries, they recorded 18,000 transfers of 
paedophile  material in a total of 75 countries. Investigators identified 250 
residences  throughout Spain where the pornographic files were uploaded and 
then  distributed. _http://rawstory.com/news/afp/Spanish_police_hold

**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out!  

[cia-drugs] ritual abuse/mind control news http://ritualabusearticles.wordpress.com/

2008-10-04 Thread smartnews
ritual abuse/mind control news _http://ritualabusearticles.wordpress.com/_ 

SMART's newest ritual abuse/mind control newsletter
with information  on ritual abuse, mind control, dissociative identity 
disorder and recovered  memory is at 
or at 

Spanish police hold 121 in sweep against child porn  10/1/08  Spanish police 
have staged their biggest ever operation against Internet child  pornography, 
arresting 121 people suspected of involvement in a network that  reached 75 
countries, they said on WednesdayIt said those arrested came from  a wide 
variety of social and professional backgrounds and included airline  pilots, 
caretakers, taxi drivers and bank employees. They ranged in age from  minors to 
old-age pensioners. Around 800 police took part in Operation Carousel,  "the 
biggest operation against child pornography on the Internet ever carried  out 
the country." They staged 210 raids nationwide in which they seized 347  
computer hard discs, 1,186 CDs and DVDs and 36 laptop computers as well as  
"millions of archives of videos and photographs some of which show extremely  
abuse of minors." Two of those arrested produced their own pornographic  
material and the victims included members of their own familiesWith the 
of specialised police in various countries, they recorded 18,000 transfers of  
paedophile material in a total of 75 countries. Investigators identified 250  
residences throughout Spain where the pornographic files were uploaded and 
then  distributed.  

new web pages 

_http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/_ (http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/)Recent 
worldwide survey of ritual abuse 

(http://ritualabusearticles.wordpress.com/)Ritual Abuse articles

(http://capturingthefriedmans.wordpress.com/)  "CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS"  
Documentary or Whitewash?

(http://mcmmartinpreschooltrial.wordpress.com/)McMartin Preschool Trial 

McMartin Preschool Case - What Really Happened and the Coverup

Amirault, Ingram and Wenatchee child  abuse cases

**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out!  

[cia-drugs] Critique of the Goodman study

2008-10-05 Thread smartnews
Critique of the Goodman  study
Overview of what occurred after I requested a review of Characteristics and  
Sources of
Allegations of Ritualistic child abuse by Dr. Gail Goodman,  Phillip Shaver, 
and Bette Bottoms - Diana Napolis, M.A.  In December 2007 I  reviewed the 
pivotal research study .Characteristics and Sources of Allegations  of 
Child Abuse,. by UC Davis. Dr. Gail Goodman, Dr. Phillip Shaver,  and Bette 
Bottoms, which had been funded by the National Center on Child Abuse  and 
Neglect in 1994. This body of work has been used throughout the United  States 
attempts to prove that the scientific community found no evidence to  support 
the belief that satanic ritual cult abuse of children was occurring in  the 
United States except in very rare instances. Regardless of the conclusions  
reached, it appears that there was substantial and persuasive evidence provided 
the researchers which indicated that ritual abuse was occurring on a grand  
scale, despite what appears to have been repeated attempts made to minimize and 
 disguise these findings.
It will be difficult to understand my critique without accessing Dr.  
Goodman's original study and the 1996 article titled, "An Analysis of  
and Religion-Related Child Abuse Allegations" by these same authors,  so I urge 
others to download this material. In an article published in the New  York 
Times titled, .Proof Lacking for Ritual Abuse by Satanists," by Daniel  
he quoted Dr. Gail Goodman's representations of this  study:  
"In a survey of more than 11,000 psychiatric and police workers throughout  
the country, conducted for the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect,  
researchers found more than 12,000 accusations of group cult sexual abuse based 
on satanic ritual, but not one that investigators had been able to 
substantiate.  “ This is a false representation about what this study actually 
The  researchers did not receive anywhere near that high of a return rate - it 
was  actually less than 2000 reports which were examined, which means there 
was an  intentional and blatant attempt to misrepresent their findings in this 
news  article. It was discovered that this propaganda is posted on numerous 
web sites  in efforts to prove that satanic crime does  not occur.
On pg. 46 of .Characteristics and Sources of Allegations of Ritualistic  
Child Abuse,. Dr. Goodman also wrote: "One respondent cited as evidence the  
ritual abuse behavior checklist - a dubious diagnostic checklist which includes 
many behaviors common to childhood." (Gould, 1986). Due to that statement, I  
have posted a copy of Dr. Catherine Gould's checklist on my web site, and as 
 reader will see, these are clearly abnormal behaviors of children that are 
being  described and there is nothing dubious about it.
Dr. Goodman concluded by  stating: Our research leads us to believe that 
there are many more children  being abused in the name of God than in the name 
Satan.. I found that an odd  and inappropriate remark to make given the fact 
that Dr. Goodman received more  reports of ritual abuse than she received about 
religion-based abuse. In order  to make her case Dr Goodman used as her 
examples cases of child abuse or murder  which were clearly committed by 
who were mentally ill, not mainstream  Christians, therefore I believe it was 
inappropriate to suggest that these  crimes were committed in the name of 
God. The belief systems of mainstream  Christianity do not condone criminal or 
aberrant behavior but the belief systems  of Satanists most certainly do and 
ritual abuse crimes she was reviewing  were in line with those satanic 
beliefs. Therefore, it is obvious that there is  much more serious crime 
by satanists in the name of Satan. Further,  cases of Christian medical neglect 
are not equivalent in severity to ritual  abuse therefore I believe it was 
inappropriate for these academics to argue  against the enactment of ritual 
abuse laws based on these arguments.
As further evidence which supports my opinion that there were purposeful  
attempts to distort the facts, after the American Psychological Association  
(APA) gave Dr. Goodman an award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to 
Applied Research in 2005, Dr. Goodman's response was published in the American  
Psychologist, November 2005 issue, in an article entitled Wailing Babies in 
her  Wake. She stated in reference to this study:
"Our survey revealed that there  was essentially no hard evidence of 
organized, child abusing, satanic cults that  had infiltrated preschools or the 
FBI or 
that had kidnapped or slain babies. In  contrast there was much indirect 
evidence of clinical induction of false  memories and plentiful evidence of 
religion-related abuse, including sexual  abuse by Catholic priests. Although 
of my

[cia-drugs] The Extreme Abuse Survey final results Recent worldwide survey of ritual abuse

2008-10-06 Thread smartnews
The Extreme Abuse Survey final results

Recent worldwide  survey of ritual abuse 


The Extreme Abuse Survey final results are online with findings,  
questionnaires and presentations for download as pdf-files. More than 750 pages 
documentation _http://extreme-abuse-survey.net/_ 

MEDIA  PACKET - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind Control 
Experimentation on  Children - Documentation that torture-based, 
government-sponsored mind 
control  (GMC) experimentation was conducted on children during the Cold War. 
Data from  two international surveys that give voice, visibility, and 
validation to  survivors of these crimes against humanity….SURVEYS - EAS: 
Abuse Survey  for Adult Survivors (An International Online Survey for Adult 
Survivors of  Extreme Abuse) January 1 - March 30, 2007 with 1471 respondents 
31 named  countries. P-EAS: Professional - Extreme Abuse Survey (An 
International Online  Survey for Therapists, Counselors, Clergy, and Other 
Persons Who 
Have Worked  Professionally with at Least One Adult Survivor of Extreme Abuse) 
April 1 - June  30 2007 with 451 respondents from 20 named countries. Contact: 
Wanda Karriker,  PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Rutz, C. Becker, T., Overkamp, B. & Karriker, W. (2008).  Exploring 
Commonalities Reported by Adult Survivors of Extreme Abuse:  Preliminary 
Findings. In Ritual Abuse in the Twenty-first Century:  Psychological, 
Social and Political Considerations, J.R. Noblitt &  P. S. Perskin (Eds), pp. 
31- 84. Brandon, Oregon: Robert D. Reed  Publishers.

Becker, T., Karriker, W., Overkamp, B. Rutz, C. (2008). The  Extreme Abuse 
Survey: preliminary findings regarding dissociative identity  disorder. In A. 
Sachs & G. Galton (Eds.), Forensic Aspects of Dissociative  Identity Disorder, 
pp. 32-49. London: Karnac.

Karriker, Wanda (November,  2007). “Helpful healing methods: As rated by 
approximately 900 respondents to  the “International Survey for Adult Survivors 
Extreme Abuse (EAS).” 

Karriker,  W. (2008, September). Torture-based mind control as a global 
phenomenon:  Preliminary data from the 2007 series of Extreme Abuse Surveys. In 
Torture-based  mind control: Empirical research, programmer methods, effects 
treatment.  Workshop conducted at the 13th International Conference on 
Violence, Abuse and  Trauma, San Diego, CA.  

The Etymological Antecedents of and Scientific  Evidence for the Existence of 
Dissociative Identity Disorder

The Diagnosis and Assessment of Dissociative Identity Disorder


**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out!  

[cia-drugs] Proof Satanic Ritual Abuse exists

2008-10-07 Thread smartnews
Proof Satanic Ritual Abuse  exists

Lists of legal cases:

Believe the children (1997).  "Conviction List: Ritual Child Abuse". 

The Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive", by Diana Napolis, is published  on 
the world-wide web at: This archive contains 92 cases as of February 12,  2008. 

Web pages proving the existence of ritual abuse:

Noblitt,  PhD, J. R. - An Empirical Look at the Ritual Abuse Controversy 

Ritual Abuse Bibliography 
_http://www.ra-info.org/library/articles/ra_arti1.shtml _ 

Ritual Abuse Statistics & Research _http://home.mchsi.com/~ftio/ra-stats.htm_ 

Searchable  releases on satanic ritual abuse 
_http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psnews/_ (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psnews/) 

Frequently  Asked Questions about Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 
_http://www.survivorship.org/faq.html_ (http://www.survivorship.org/faq.html)   

Satanic Ritual Abuse: The Evidence Surfaces By Daniel Ryder, CCDC, LSW  

2008 Publications on Ritual Abuse and Mind Control 
_http://www.endritualabuse.org/citation  2.htm_ 

Lacter, E (2008-02-11). "Brief Synopsis of the Literature on  the Existence 
of Ritualistic Abuse". _http://endritualabuse.org/Brief  Synopsis.htm_ 

Satanic ritual abuse exists all over the  world. There have been reports, 
journal articles, web pages and criminal  convictions of these horrific crimes 
against children and adults. 

2008 list of references on SRA 

_http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/_ (http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/) 
Recent  worldwide survey of ritual abuse 
Ritual Abuse  articles
“CAPTURING THE  FRIEDMANS”  Documentary or Whitewash?
McMartin Preschool Trial  information
McMartin Preschool Case - What Really Happened and the Coverup
Amirault, Ingram and Wenatchee child abuse cases

Other  organizations with data proving the worldwide existence of satanic 
ritual  abuse_  http://www.ritualabusetorture.org/_ 
(http://www.ritualabusetorture.org/) _  http://www.ra-info.org_ 
(http://www.ra-info.org/) _  
http://www.survivorship.org_ (http://www.survivorship.org/) _  
(http://ww.aches-mc.org/) _  http://theawarenesscenter.org/ritualabuse.html_ 
(http://theawarenesscenter.org/ritualabuse.html) _  
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/index2.html _ 
_http://www.endritualabuse.org/_ (http://www.endritualabuse.org/)   

A Nation Betrayed - The Chilling True Story of Secret Cold  WarExperiments 
Performed on our Children and Other Innocent People byCarol  
Rutz_http://www2.dmci.net/users/casey_ (http://www2.dmci.net/users/casey)   

Books on Ritual Abuse 

Karriker, Wanda (2003). Morning, Come  Quickly. Catawba, NC: Sandime, LTD. 
ISBN 0-9717171-0-9. 

Noblitt, J.R.;  Perskin, P. S. (eds) (2008). Ritual Abuse in theTwenty-first 
Century:  Psychological, Forensic, Social and PoliticalConsiderations. Bandor, 
OR:Robert  Reed, 552. ISBN 1-934759-12-0.

Noblitt, JR; Perskin PS (2000). Cult and  ritual abuse: its 
history,anthropology, and recent discovery in contemporary  America. New 

[cia-drugs] Ritual abuse books and podcasts

2008-10-08 Thread smartnews
Ritual abuse books and  podcasts  

Griffis, Ph.D., Dale, Cheryl and Lynn Hersha, Ted Schwartz  (2001). Secret 
Weapons. Far Hills, NJ: New Horizon Press. ISBN  0-88282-196-2. 

Hudson, Pamela S. (1991). Ritual Child Abuse:  Discovery, Diagnosis, and 
Treatment. Saratoga, Calif: R&E  Publishers. 

Johnston, Jerry (1989). The Edge of Evil - The Rise of  Satanism in North 
America. Dallas: Word Publishing. ISBN  0-8499-0668-7. 

Karriker, Wanda (2003). Morning, Come Quickly.  Catawba, NC: Sandime, LTD. 
ISBN 0-9717171-0-9. 

Lacter, E.; Lehman,  K. (2008). "Guidelines to Diagnosis of Ritual Abuse/Mind 
Control Traumatic  Stress".  Karnac Books Ltd. Issue Volume 2, Number 2 / 
July 2008 
Pages  159-181 

Lockwood, C. (1993) Other altars: Roots and Realities of  Cultic and Satanic 
Ritual Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder. Minneapolis,  MN: Compcare.

Noblitt, James Randall and Perskin, Pamela Sue (eds).  (2008) Ritual Abuse in 
the Twenty-first Century: Psychological, Forensic, Social  and Political 
Robert Reed Publishers

Noblitt, James  Randall, and Perskin Pamela Sue. (2000). Cult and Ritual 
Abuse: Its History,  Anthropology, and Recent Discovery in Contemporary 
New York: Praeger.  

Oksana, Chrystine (2001). Safe Passage to Healing - A Guide for  Survivors of 
Ritual Abuse. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse.com. ISBN  0-595-201000-8.  

Pazder, L., Smith, M. Michelle Remembers - Pocket  Books 

Raschke, Carl A. (1990). Painted Black. New York: HarperCollins.  ISBN 
Rutz, Carol (2001). A Nation Betrayed. Grass  Lake, MI: Fidelity Publishing. 
ISBN 0-9710102-0-X. 

Ryder, Daniel.  (1992). Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse: 
Recognizing and Recovering  -CompCare Pub.

Sakheim, David K, Devine, Susan E. Out of Darkness:  Exploring Satanism and 
Ritual Abuse (Hardcover) 1992

Scott, S. (2001).  The politics and experience of ritual abuse: beyond 
disbelief. Open University  Press. ISBN 0335204198. 

Sinason, V (1994). Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse. New York:  
Routledge. ISBN 0-415-10543-9.

Smith, Margaret. (1993). Ritual Abuse:  What it Is, why it Happens, and how 
to Help by Margaret - HarperCollins  

Spencer, J. Suffer the Child

Stratford, L.  Satans  Underground: The Extraordinary Story of One Woman's 

Waterman,  Jill; Kelly, Robert J.;Oliveri, M. K.;and McCord, Jane (1993). 
Behind the  Playground Walls -Sexual Abuse in Preschools. New York, London: The 
Guilford  Press, 284-8. ISBN 0-89862-523-8. 

Woodsum, Gayle M. (1998). The  Ultimate Challenge. Laramie, WY: ARI Books. 
ISBN  0-9665974-0-0

Podcasts on ritual abuse

Smart-Talks - Stop  Ritual Abuse and Mind Control  at 
_http://smart-talks.podomatic.com/_ (http://smart-talks.podomatic.com/)   

**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out!  

[cia-drugs] http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/ Recent worldwide survey of ritual abuse

2008-10-09 Thread smartnews
_http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/_ (http://eassurvey.wordpress.com/) 
Recent  worldwide survey of ritual abuse 

**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out!  

[cia-drugs] Voters are waiting to hear from the Green Party! What are YOU going to do about

2008-10-10 Thread smartnews

B_ack  to GP.org_ 

The US economy is in free-fall, Obama  & McCain have sided with Wall Street, 
US elections are in danger of being  stolen again, and the Green Party's 
message is still waiting to be heard by  millions of voters. What are we going 
do about it?
If you haven't written  your 'Action Week' letter to the editor yet, please 
do so! We've received copies  of several letters already, but we still haven't 
seen the flood of letters,  op-eds, and article submissions to newspapers and 
news web sites that could  potentially reach a few million voters. Visit this 
site for assistance in  getting your _letter  written and submitted to a local 

Another way to circumvent  the media "white-out" is to post the articles 
below on websites and blogs  everywhere.  If you can't post the entire 
post the links and  an encouragement to read them. _"Where's  Kenny Rogers When 
You Need Him?_ 
thia-McKinney-081007-748.html)  The Big Boys Got Their Bailout, But the  
Elected Leadership and the Voters Meet at the Election Day Showdown" By Cynthia 
McKinney, OpEdNews.com, Oct. 7, 2008_  "Open the Debates!_ 
articles/Open-the-Debates--Why-ant-by-Scott-McLarty-081006-132.html)  Why 
antiwar and anti-bailout voters should demand an  invitation for Cynthia 
McKinney" By Scott McLarty, OpEdNews.com, Oct. 6,  2008

Please post or link these articles on your own e-mail lists, web  sites, and 
blogs, too. Don't forget to include a link to _www.gp.org_ 
And it helps to click on the links yourself and _'digg'_ 
articles, which promotes them in front of the media.

It's really  important that Greens everywhere follow through on these 
actions. Don't leave  them for other Greens to take care of. The financial 
the bipartisan  $700 bailout for corporations (endorsed by both McCain and 
Obama) that does  nothing for ordinary Americans, and the threat of another 
stolen election are  serious crises, but they're also opportunities for the 
Party to offer  Green solutions.

*Please forward this  message*

The Green Party takes no  money from real estate companies, investment firms, 
or insurance companies; In  fact, we don't take any corporate money because 
we think corporate money in  politics is wrong. If you agree, please help us 
today._  Email: _ 
Office: PO Box  57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US):  
**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out 

[cia-drugs] Investigation of Texas Polygamist Sect Is Likely to Spill Into Utah, Arizona

2008-10-12 Thread smartnews

Investigation of Texas Polygamist Sect Is Likely to Spill Into Utah,  Arizona 
 By Stephanie Simon - 10/11/08 - Wall Street Journal - Six months 
after they  raided a polygamist sect's compound, Texas authorities have 
brought bigamy and  child-abuse charges against members of the group as part of 
criminal  investigation that could soon expand to Utah and ArizonaBut state 
officials  have held on to the hundreds of documents and computer files they 
took during  their search of the sprawling Yearning for Zion Ranch in 
Eldorado, Texas.  Prosecutors in three states hope to use that evidence to 
press a 
wide range of  criminal charges -- from tax evasion to sexual assault -- to 
open the  secretive Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day 
Saints, which  split from the mainstream Mormon church decades 
say the  seized evidence includes family photos and genealogies; lists of 
"spiritual  marriages" between young girls and older men; detailed travel logs; 
 financial records for the sect's extensive business dealings. The cache also 
 includes sermons extolling underage marriage, apparently recorded by the 
group's  self-styled prophet, Warren Jeffs, and played for the children as part 
of their  religious upbringing, according to a law-enforcement officialBoth 
Arizona  and Utah have struggled for years to bring sexual-assault charges 
against men  who take child brides. Utah did recently secure a conviction 
against Mr. Jeffs,  the church prophet, for forcing a 14-year-old girl to marry 
cousin. He's now  in prisonSo far, Texas has secured indictments against 
nine men. Eight are  charged with felony child abuse -- and face the prospect 
of life in prison --  for allegedly having sex with minors. None of the men has 
entered a plea,  according to the court clerk's office in Schleicher County, 
**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out 

[cia-drugs] SMART's new ritual abuse page http://ritualabuse.us/

2008-10-13 Thread smartnews
SMART's new ritual abuse page _http://ritualabuse.us/_ 

all of our newsletters: _http://ritualabuse.us/newsletter/_ 

Information on our 2009 conference _http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/_ 
**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out 

[cia-drugs] Ritual Abuse and Satanic Ritual Abuse

2008-10-15 Thread smartnews
Ritual Abuse and Satanic Ritual  Abuse

Ritual Abuse - Introduction  - Ritual Abuse and Satanic Ritual  Abuse... 
types of abuse we don't want to talk about and don't want to believe  exists... 
and yet it does! So why is it so difficult to believe it exists? Why  are we 
afraid to try to understand the needs of the RA/SRA survivor? Maybe it's  
we don't want to believe such horrible atrocities could happen. Maybe we  
don't want to accept responsibility for allowing these kinds of abuses to  
continue. Maybe we've never heard of any thing remotely like what these  
have to say. Whatever the reason, there ARE survivors of Ritual Abuse  and 
Satanic Ritual Abuse.  http://www.rwnicholson.com/Ritual%20Abuse.htm

deJoly LaBrier, a former  speaker at SMART conferences, has two websites :  
http://www.lifeasaonesie.blogspot.com/   http://www.dejoly.com/

**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out 

[cia-drugs] Pitcairn victims of child sex abuse win compensation

2008-10-16 Thread smartnews

Pitcairn victims of child sex abuse win  compensation 
Pitcairn victims of child sex abuse win compensation Afua Hirsch, legal  
affairs correspondent The Guardian,  10/10/08 Victims of child sex abuse on  
Pitcairn island, the remote British outpost in the South Pacific, will receive  
compensation from the British government, the Foreign Office announced  
yesterday. The move comes after victims of the abuse, which first emerged in  
1999 as a 
widespread problem on Pitcairn going back to the late 1950s and  involving 
the rape and sexual abuse of girls as young as seven, stepped up their  
for compensation. The women, now aged in their mid-20s to late-50s,  earlier 
this year threatened a class action and instructed a New Zealand QC to  
represent them. In what is effectively a U-turn for the British government,  
initially refused to meet demands for compensation, the new scheme will  now 
compensate victims of abuse from 1961 onwards on the condition that they  
"renounce any and all potential, existing or future claims or cases against the 
United Kingdom". The scheme brings the treatment of women from Pitcairn in line 
with rape victims in the UK, enabling them to potentially claim up to £44,000  
compensation depending on the severity of their physical and psychological  
injuries. In a written statement, Gillian Merron, the Foreign Office minister  
for overseas territories, said: "What happened to these women was terrible and 
 no amount of money will take that pain away. But I hope this will give them 
some  recognition of their suffering. This is a significant step and it is the 
right  thing to do."Although nine women testified to the police, a 
further 17  refused to testify in court and there have long been concerns that 
Pitcairn  community as a whole has failed to condemn the abuse, with some 
islanders  reportedly saying the incidents form part of a misunderstood culture 
"breaking in" young girlsLast week the Guardian reported on a number of  
cases where adult victims of child abuse felt mistreated by CICA, which had  
attempted to dismiss their claims as "consensual", despite evidence of their  
rape or sexual abuse as children. 

**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out 

[cia-drugs] 2008 Publications on Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

2008-10-20 Thread smartnews
2008 Publications on Ritual Abuse and Mind  Control   

_http://www.endritualabuse.org/citation%202.htm_ (http://www.endritual
2008 Publications on Ritual Abuse and Mind Control

SMART's new ritual  abuse page _http://ritualabuse.us/_ 
all of our newsletters: _http://ritualabuse.us/newsletter/_ 
Information on our 2009 conference _http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/_ 
Extreme Abuse Survey Research - 
**New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination.  
Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out 

[cia-drugs] SMART's new ritual abuse page http://ritualabuse.us/

2008-10-23 Thread smartnews
SMART's new ritual abuse page _http://ritualabuse.us/_ 
all of our newsletters: _http://ritualabuse.us/newsletter/_ 
Information on our 2009 conference _http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/_ 
Extreme  Abuse Survey Research - 

Stop Ritual Abuse and Mind Control  Today  
The purpose of S.M.A.R.T. is to help stop ritual  abuse and to help those who 
have been ritually abused. We work toward this goal  by disseminating 
information on the possible connections between secretive  organizations, 
abuse, and mind control, by encouraging healing from the  extensive damage done 
ritual abuse and mind control, and by encouraging  survivors to network. We 
offer this web site, a bimonthly  newsletter, an e-mail discussion list, and  
annual conferences. 
For immediate release: 
“A conference to help survivors of severe child abuse (ritual abuse) and  
torture will be held on August 14  - 16, 2009, between 8 - 5 PM Saturday  and 
Sunday at the DoubleTree Hotel near Bradley International Airport, 16 Ella  
Grasso Turnpike, Windsor Locks, CT 06096 (between Hartford, CT and Springfield, 
MA).  This conference will help educate survivors of this abuse and their  
helpers.  Pre-registration is preferred.  For information write   S.M.A.R.T., 
P. O 
Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) , conference information is  at:  
(http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/) ”

**Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, 
no registration required and great graphics – check it out! 

[cia-drugs] http://www.freewebs.com/stopritualabuse/ Proof That Ritual Abuse Exists

2008-10-25 Thread smartnews
(http://www.freewebs.com/stopritualabuse/)   Proof That Ritual Abuse  Exists

Satanic Ritual Abuse

Satanic ritual abuse exists all over the  world. There have been reports, 
journal articles, web pages and criminal  convictions of these horrific crimes 
against children and adults.

There  has also been an attempted cover up of these crimes by child 
pornographers,  those with pro-pedophilia philosophies and those defending 
molesters in  the public or legal arena.

List of Satanic Ritual Abuse references -_  
**Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, 
no registration required and great graphics – check it out! 

[cia-drugs] The APA - Gitmo and torture

2008-10-26 Thread smartnews
The APA - Gitmo and  torture  

The Biscuit Breaker - Psychologist Steven Reisner has embarked on a  crusade 
to get his colleagues out of the business of interrogations. By Dan  Ephron | 
NEWSWEEK  Published Oct 18, 2008 From the magazine issue  dated Oct 27, 2008 
But the ties go back decades, to the early years of the  cold war when 
psychologists helped the CIA experiment on U.S. citizens with  mind-altering 
drugs. The relationship has warmed and cooled over the years,  heating up 
defense or intelligence officials wanted better mind-control  methods, ways to 
direct people's behavior or detect deception. Since 9/11  military and 
civilian psychologists at Guantánamo Bay and other sites have often  watched 
the glass when detainees have been interrogated, part of a  secret program 
about which few details have ever emerged.  Reisner first  read about the 
program in a newspaper article in 2004. The 54-year-old  psychoanalyst is 
that some of the techniques used in those  interrogations amounted to torture, 
and he has made it his mission since then to  get psychologists out of the 
business of helping the military as they break down  prisoners. Reisner's 
crusade has been waged largely within the American  Psychological 
Association—in the 
minutiae of association bylaws and on the pages  of internal listservs. Last 
week, balloting began for a new APA president in  what for many is a 
referendum on the relationship between psychologists and the  military. Among 
contenders, Reisner has staked his candidacy on the issue.  The APA is the only 
remaining medical association not to have shunned the  contentious 
interrogations in the years since Guantánamo was opened in 2001. Two  civilian 
psychologists helped introduce techniques like waterboarding into  
interrogations, drawn 
from the military's SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance  and Escape) schools 
where troops are taught to withstand torture. Since 2002  psychologists have 
observed interrogations and suggested specific ways to  exploit the weaknesses 
detainees, including Mohammed Jawad, whose disturbing  case is now being 
heard by a military tribunal in Guantánamo. The military  claims the 
have only helped to make interrogations "safe, legal  and effective." Judging 
by recent internal votes, APA members have grown  uncomfortable with the 
interrogation business. Reisner has received endorsements  from a few big-name 
psychologists, including Stanford University's Philip  Zimbardo. 
**Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, 
no registration required and great graphics – check it out! 

[cia-drugs] http://www.youtube.com/user/stopritualabuse Proof ritual abuse exists

2008-10-26 Thread smartnews
(http://www.youtube.com/user/stopritualabuse)   Proof ritual abuse exists 
**Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, 
no registration required and great graphics – check it out! 

[cia-drugs] FBI Arrests 600 People, Rescues 47 Children In US Child Prostitution Rings

2008-10-28 Thread smartnews

FBI Arrests 600 People, Rescues 47 Children In US Child Prostitution  Rings   

FBI Arrests 600 People, Rescues 47 Children In Massive US Child  Prostitution 
Rings NATASHA T. METZLER 10/27/08 WASHINGTON — More than 600 adults  have 
been arrested and 47 children rescued in a three-day roundup targeting  people 
who force children into prostitution. The FBI said the roundup by  federal, 
state and local law enforcement occurred in 29 cities, adding that the  raids 
dismantled 12 large-scale prostitution operations run through call  services, 
truck stops, casinos and Web sites"Sex trafficking of children  remains one 
our most violent and unconscionable crimes in this country,"  Pistole said. 
The 47 rescued children ranged in age from 13 to 17, and all but  one are 
female. Of these, Pistole said, 10 had been reported to the National  Center 
Missing and Exploited Children. A total of 642 people were arrested.  The FBI 
says they include 73 pimps and 518 adult prostitutes. The operation was  part 
a larger, five-year initiative that has led to the recovery of 575  children 
and the dismantling of 36 criminal operations since June 2003. Child  
prostitution has taken on a new urgency in recent years with the growth of  
networks where pimps advertise the youngsters to clients. The FBI  generally 
involved in child prostitution cases that cross state lines. A  University of 
Pennsylvania study estimated that nearly 300,000 children in the  United 
States are at risk of being sexually exploited for commercial  purposes.  

SMART's new ritual abuse page _http://ritualabuse.us/_ 
all of our newsletters: _http://ritualabuse.us/newsletter/_ 
Information on our 2009 conference _http://ritualabuse.us/smart-conference/_ 
Extreme  Abuse Survey Research - 
(http://www.youtube.com/stopritualabuse)proof ritual abuse exists
**Play online games for FREE at Games.com! All of your favorites, 
no registration required and great graphics – check it out! 

[cia-drugs] jeffs - underage marriages

2008-10-30 Thread smartnews

jeffs - underage  marriages   
Warren Jeffs trial - Judge: Cops must answer questions in polygamous sect  
leader's case By Brooke Adams  The Salt Lake Tribune 10/29/2008 An Arizona  
judge on Tuesday ordered three Texas law enforcement officers to give 
to defense attorneys representing polygamous sect leader Warren S.  
JeffsOfficials said they found evidence of sexual abuse during their  
at the ranch, however, and a grand jury has indicted nine FLDS  members on 
charges related to underage marriages. Jeffs, 52, faces felony  charges 
related to two underage marriages he conducted, one involving Elissa  Wall. 
was the key witness in Utah's successful prosecution of Jeffs on rape  as an 
accomplice charges last summer. He is serving two five-to-life prison  
**Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel.  Check out Today's Hot 
5 Travel Deals! 

[cia-drugs] Vote Green On Tuesday!

2008-11-01 Thread smartnews
_Back  to GP.org_ 

Vote Green On Tuesday!

This is an exciting time for us! The Green Party has never  been as relevant 
as it is today. As Congress offers trillion-dollar bailouts to  Wall Street, 
people living on Main Street struggle to stay in their homes and  pay for basic 
needs. Why is Congress bailing out corporations while the public  slides into 
economic insecurity? Because the industries that will benefit from  the 
bailout are some of the largest campaign contributors to political  campaigns.

But never fear because you can VOTE GREEN on Tuesday and  choose People Power 
over corporate power. Support _Cynthia  McKinney_ 
 for President and _Rosa  Clemente_ 
  for Vice 
President; and, support other Green candidates running in  your community. 
are running for office across the country for 60 types of  office. _Check  
them out!_ 
  To find out who's 
running in your community, _click  here._ 

Once elected, Greens will not betray the public interest  for corporate cash. 
We accept no corporate money because we believe corporate  influence is 
what's wrong with politics. 

If you believe  healthcare is a right for all, not to be governed by the 
profit motive of  insurance companies, support the Green Party and our campaign 
for Single Payer  Healthcare.

If you believe offshore drilling furthers our national  addiction to fossil 
fuels; and want to see positive solutions like renewable  energy, local food 
production, local businesses and better public  transportation- Help elect 
Greens who will make it a reality. _Donate  here!_ 

If you believe every vote must be counted, that higher  education should be 
available to everyone, that climate change is real, that the  war on drugs is 
racist, and that the privatization of public goods and services  is wrong and 
that we need to BRING OUR TROOPS HOME NOW stand up and support the  party that 
will stand up for you _The  Green Party._ 
 If you want to see 
a clean, healthy future for our children,  make sure we have a strong Green 
Party today - donate _here_ 
reens/shop/custom.jsp?donate_page_KEY=2294) .

Sign-Up  for News and Updates from the Green Party _here_ 
action.com/dia/organizations/Greens/signUp.jsp?Email=) .  

Please Spread the Word _click  here_ 
zationsCOM/Greens/tellafriend.jsp?tell_a_friend_KEY=1042) .

And, of course, VOTE GREEN on Tuesday!

The Green Party takes no money from  real estate companies, investment firms, 
or insurance companies; In fact, we  don't take any corporate money because 
we think corporate money in politics is  wrong. If you agree, please help us 
today._  Email: _ 
Office: PO Box  57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US):  

**Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel.  Check out Today's Hot 
5 Travel Deals! 

[cia-drugs] Pedophiles & Child Porn Headlines

2008-11-02 Thread smartnews
Pedophiles & Child Porn Headlines, survivor  story

Pedophiles & Child Porn Headlines

Read  hopeforus.wordpress.com! I'm tired of hiding my head in the sand.  I am 
 weary of being the keeper of secrets.  _http://hopeforus.wordpress.com_ 
(http://hopeforus.wordpress.com/)  is my  story … a mother's detailed  account 
sexual, emotional, physical,  ritualistic abuse and torture by an organized 
group of individuals including my  ex-husband.  The abuse contained 
brainwashing and mind control.  My  story includes a custodial interference 
charge, two 
countries, and has not  reached its conclusion as of yet.  Unfortunately the 
story I tell is not so  different from other women's situations.  It is complex 
and needed to be  shared…. for I do believe knowledge is power & truth 
prevails in time.  

**Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel.  Check out Today's Hot 
5 Travel Deals! 

[cia-drugs] www.votetruth08.org "Millions of Americans who favor the Green Party's positi

2008-11-03 Thread smartnews
_www.votetruth08.org_ (http://www.votetruth08.org)  

"Millions of Americans who favor the Green Party's positions on the  wars, 
health care, global warming, and other important issues plan to vote for  
Obama, who doesn't share their views. It's not enough just to defeat John  
McCain and the GOP agenda," said Green vice presidential candidate Rosa  
"Democrats have retreated over and over and voted for Bush-Cheney policies  
-- war funding, the unconstitutional US Patriotic Act, telecomm immunity,  
corporate handouts and taxbreaks, the death penalty, record incarceration 
and a $700 billion Wall Street bailout that doesn't help working Americans. 
The  only way to reverse the dangerous direction of US politics is to build a 
real  opposition party. Voting for Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente will 
strengthen  a party that's dedicated to ecological, antiwar, and truly 
values and  doesn't take money and orders from corporations," Ms. Clemente  

**Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel.  Check out Today's Hot 
5 Travel Deals! 

[cia-drugs] The Truth about Satanic Ritual Abuse - Wikipedia rebuttal

2008-11-03 Thread smartnews
The Truth about Satanic Ritual Abuse - Wikipedia  rebuttal

The Truth about Satanic Ritual Abuse - Wikipedia rebuttal -  A Rebuttal to 
Wikipedia’s Portrayal of Satanic Ritual Abuse by Wanda Karriker,  PhD 

**Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel.  Check out Today's Hot 
5 Travel Deals! 

[cia-drugs] Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in Australia

2008-11-04 Thread smartnews
Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in  Australia  
Adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in Australia - Speaker:  
Michael Salter, University of New South Wales - The Crime and Justice Research  
(CJR) Network - This paper will outline the preliminary findings of a doctoral  
research project on adult accounts of organised child sexual abuse in 
Australia.  The project is designed to document the activities of organised 
groups of 
sexual  abusers through the life histories of adult survivors.  The paper will 
draw  on life history interviews with adult survivors of organised abuse to 
explore  the questions: What are the ways in which the sexual abuse of children 
can be  organised or coordinated by multiple perpetrators? What happens to 
victimised  children in organised contexts? What are the risk factors for 
organised abuse?  What are the social factors that enable, or compound, the 
exploitation of  children? The paper will also provide a reflection on the 
complexities of  providing a cogent criminological account of organised, and 
otherwise complex,  child sexual abuse. 

**Plan your next getaway with AOL Travel.  Check out Today's Hot 
5 Travel Deals! 

[cia-drugs] http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/ mc, propaganda, mk-ultra

2008-11-05 Thread smartnews
_http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/_ (http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/)
mc, propaganda, mk-ultra   _Extreme Abuse Survey Research_ 
*   _Torture-based Mind Control as a Global Phenomenon_ 
_How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control and  Propaganda_ 
nda/)   _Articles & Books_ 
_MC Documents & Links_ 
*   _mk-ultra links - Torture-based, Government-sponsored Mind  Control 
Experimentation on Children_ 
*   _CIA, mind control, Nazis, mk-ultra, ritual abuse  information_ 
_Electronic Harassment_ 

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[cia-drugs] http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/ mc, propaganda, mk-ultra

2008-11-05 Thread smartnews
_http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/_ (http://ritualabuse.us/mindcontrol/)   
mc, propaganda,  mk-ultra

Project MKULTRA, The CIA's Program Of Research In Behavioral  Modification 
Joint Hearing Before the Select Committee on Intelligence And the  Subcommittee 
on Health and Scientific Research Of the Committee on Human  Resources United 
States Senate Ninety-fifth Congress First Session August 3,  1977MKULTRA 
Hypnosis Experiments  - This memo, written by the CIA's  Sidney Gottlieb, is 
one of the earliest records available from the MKULTRA  project. One month 
CIA Director Allen Dulles authorized the program,  Gottlieb writes of a 
"planned series of five major experiments" which are to  examine "hypnotically 
induced anxieties," the "relationship of personality to  hypnosis," and other 
matters of the hypnotized mind MKULTRA Materials and  Methods - This 1955 
document reviews the Agency's research and development  of a shocking list of 
mind-altering substances and methods, including "materials  which will render 
the indication of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its  usefulness," and 
"physical methods of producing shock and confusion over  extended periods of 
time and capable of surreptitious use."...MKULTRA and LSD -  This June 1953 
document records Dr. Sidney Gottlieb's approval of an early CIA  acid test. 
project will include a continuation of a study of the  biochemical, 
neurophysiological, sociological, and clinical psychiatric aspects  of L.S.D.," 
the CIA 
scientist writes.  _http://www.arts.rpi.edu/~pellr/lansberry/mkultra.pdf_ 

Ex-Jehovah's Witness, Therapist discusses MIND CONTROL 

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Holiday needs. Search Now. 

[cia-drugs] PRESS RELEASE Wikipedia “Satanic Ri tual Abuse” article promotes PEDOPHILIA

2008-11-08 Thread smartnews
Wikipedia “Satanic Ritual Abuse” article promotes  PEDOPHILIA
For Immediate Release 
-article-promotes-pedophilia/[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
_http://ritualabuse.us_ (http://ritualabuse.us/)  
November 8, 2008. Easthampton, MA:
Intimidation, bullying, sarcasm: such  are the tactics used by the current 
editors of Wikipedia’s “Satanic Ritual  Abuse” article (and other related 
articles) to promote pedophilia: (1) by  discounting the existence of sexual 
against children associated with true  or staged satanic worship; and (2) by 
undoing all references in Wikipedia  articles by editors who present findings 
from research and legal cases that  support the existence of ritual/sexual 
crimes against children by organized  groups of pedophiles. (See article and 
discussion pages at _http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanic_ritual_abuse_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satanic_ritual_abuse) ). 
The article describes Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) as “a moral panic.”  
References by persons associated with child pornography or false memory type  
organizations that have been known to defend accused and convicted pedophiles,  
it appear that the article is structured to cover up for pedophiles and  
their criminal perversions. 
Findings from the 2007 international online Extreme Abuse Survey 
(_http://extreme-abuse-survey.net_ (http://extreme-abuse-survey.net/) ) 
indicate that 
satanic  ritual abuse is widespread. Of 1471 respondents from 31 countries who 
reported  extreme abuse in childhood, 543 reported that they were ritually 
in a  satanic cult. This number of SRA reports cited from a highly credible 
source, _Karnac_ (http://www.karnacbooks.com/product.php?PID=25876)  Books, of 
London was among many findings  supporting the existence of ritual abuse 
deleted by editors who consider such  viewpoints as having a “fringe focus.” 
When children disclose to trusted persons that they have been physically and  
sexually tortured by groups of pedophiles using satanic garb and 
accoutrements,  it is reasonable to assume that those persons would turn to the 
to  learn more about such bizarre reports. Because of this entry’s 
heavily-biased  portrayal against the reality of satanic ritual abuse, the 
bodies, minds, 
and  souls of terrified children – who may under threat of death tell about 
the  perverted acts of their perpetrators using satanic rituals – are placed in 
For a research-based rebuttal to Wikipedia’s article, “Satanic Ritual Abuse,”
  see The Truth about Satanic Ritual Abuse 

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Holiday needs. Search Now. 

[cia-drugs] proof mk-ultra exists

2008-11-09 Thread smartnews
proof mk-ultra  exists
There were several congressional hearings proving that mk-ultra existed. A  
book was written about it. 
Declassified MK-Ultra Project Documents:
MKULTRA Documents
_http://cryptome.org/mkultra-0001.htm_ (http://cryptome.org/mkultra-0001.htm) 
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate 
The CIA and Mind  Control
John Marks
List of MKULTRA Unclassified Documents (including subprojects)
APPENDIX B Documents Referring To Discovery Of Additional MKULTRA  Material  
1995 congressional hearing - MKULTRA Victim Testimony C
**AOL Search: Your one stop for directions, recipes and all other 
Holiday needs. Search Now. 

[cia-drugs] Carol Rutz - http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ mk-ultra

2008-11-11 Thread smartnews
A  Nation Betrayed - The Chilling True Story - Secret Cold War Experiments  
Performed on our Children and Other Innocent People  
_http://my.dmci.net/~casey/_ (http://my.dmci.net/~casey/)
Could You Be One of the People Who Was Used as a Guinea  Pig by Your Own 

Using electroshock, drugs,  hypnosis, sensory deprivation and other types of 
trauma the CIA conducted Mind  Control experiments on children in their 
attempt to create a Manchurian  Candidate.

Thousands of innocent children who have now grown into  adults are silently 
suffering from the effects of  these experiments.  

Your tax dollars paid doctors to participate in these and other  experiments 
in ESP, Remote Viewing, Radiationand research with Chemical and  Biological 
Warfare while working under government contracts in the U. S. and  Canada. 

Read the PROOF obtained from 18,000 pages  of declassified documents  from

Bluebird/Artichoke and  MKULTRAProjects


Documentation and Testimony from  Survivors of   these Cold War  Tests.

LSD, Mustard Gas and LewisiteTesting on  Military Personnel 
“Between 1955 and 1975 the US Army enrolled 6720  soldiers in an experimental 
exposure program of chemical warfare and other  agents at Edgewood Arsenal, 
MD.  254 chemicals were administered in an  experimental setting.“ 

Use of Volunteers in Chemical Agent  Research, U.S. Army 

“Based on interviews, some tentative conclusions  may be drawn regarding the 
ethical milieu of medical research in the 1940's and  '50's.  In the absence 
of an established codeof conduct, other influences  guided investigator 
behavior.  Some perhaps caught up in the excitement of  research or the desire 
advance their career,used patients as subjects of  investigation without their 
knowledge or consent.  Others relied on the  power and prestige of their 
position toconvince subjects to participate even  when benefit was questionable 
nonexistent, and even in the absence of  complete information.  
Members  of the Advisory Committeeon Human Radiation Experiments  

Book contains a Complete Index  
Email Carol Rutz at [EMAIL PROTECTED] with  questions. 

[cia-drugs] clergy abuse Ireland, KKK/murder, advocacy and saving lives

2008-11-12 Thread smartnews

clergy abuse Ireland, KKK/murder, advocacy and saving  lives  
Priests abused up to 400 children in Dublin diocese by John Cooney 11/8/08  
Shocking new figures show that 400 children have been identified as possible  
victims of sex abuse by priests in the Dublin Archdiocese -- proportionately  
even higher then the catalogue of horrors found by a Government investigation  
into the Diocese of Ferns. And settlement claims paid to victims suspected of  
being abused by 152 priests over the last 68 years has soared to more than   
12m. "It is most likely that this is not a final figure," Archbishop Diarmuid  
Martin conceded yesterday, when he disclosed the revised figures showing the  
horrendous scale of clerical paedophilia in the archdiocese since 1940. The  
Ferns probe identified more then 100 allegations of child sex abuse between 
1962  and 2002 against 21 priests. 
Okla. woman killed after La. KKK rite identified 11/12/08 New Orleans (AP)  - 
Authorities have identified an Oklahoma woman fatally shot in Louisiana after 
 a Ku Klux Klan initiation. The St. Tammany Parish Coroner's office said  
Wednesday that the woman was 43-year-old  Cynthia C. Lynch of Tulsa.  Sheriff 
Jack Strain says Lynch had been recruited over the Internet to come to  
Louisiana, join a Klan faction, then return to Oklahoma to sign up more 
members.  But 
authorities say she asked to be taken back to town from the ritual site in a  
rural area. Strain says a fight followed and Lynch was shot Sunday. One person  
has been booked on a second-degree murder charge. Seven others face charges  
related to covering up the shooting. 
Advocacy and Saving Lives - Neil Brick’s Presentation at Indiana  University, 
Professor Pepinsky’s classes - November 11, 2008

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[cia-drugs] ritual abuse, MPD, Cameron/CIA, video of recovered memory

2008-11-13 Thread smartnews
ritual abuse, MPD, Cameron/CIA, video of recovered  memory

Article on ritual abuse from tag, a group studying and supporting work  
concerning trauma, abuse and dissociation. _http://www.tag-uk.net_ 

Association: The Key To Recovery - article on the history of  MPD/DID

The  Shock Doctrine - by Naomi Klein - Chapter 1 - The Torture Lab - Ewen  
Cameron, the CIA and the maniacal quest to erase and remake the human mind.  

Videotaped  Discovery of a Reportedly Unrecallable Memory of Child Sexual 
Abuse: Comparison  with a Childhood Interview Videotaped 11 Years Before
David L. Corwin,  Erna Olafson This article presents the history,  verbatim 
transcripts, and behavioral observations of a child's disclosure of  sexual 
abuse to Dr. David Corwin in 1984 and the spontaneous return of that  
unrecallable memory during an interview between the same individual,  now a 
young adult, and Dr. Corwin 11 years later. Both interviews were videotape  
recorded. The significance, limitations, and clinical implications of this  
case study are discussed. Five commentaries by researchers from differing  
empirical perspectives who have reviewed these videotape-recorded interviews  
follow this article.

Child Maltreatment, Vol. 2,  No. 2, 91-112 (1997) DOI: 
**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & 

[cia-drugs] A Brief History of the False Memory Research of Elizabeth Loftus

2008-11-14 Thread smartnews
A Brief History of the False Memory Research of Elizabeth  Loftus 
Lynn Crook, M.Ed.
The lost- in- a-shopping-mall study (Loftus  and Pickrell, 1995)provided  
initial   scientific support for the  claim that child sexual abuse accusations 
are false memories planted by  therapists.  However, the mall study researchers 
faced a problem early  on—the participants could tell the difference between 
the true and false  memories
The apparent inconsistencies in Loftus and Burns (1982), Loftus  and Pickrell 
(1995) and Schmechel, O’Toole, Easterly and Loftus (2006) suggest  that 
journal editors may need to assume a larger role in creating and enforcing  
policies that encourage ethical publication practices. The 
comments that have appeared in media reports and scientific journals suggest  
that reporters and journal editors may need to assume a larger role in  
presenting such comments as one side of a two-sided debate.
**Get the Moviefone Toolbar. Showtimes, theaters, movie news & 

[cia-drugs] financial cost of child abuse, evangelist's child abuse charges

2008-11-20 Thread smartnews

financial cost of child abuse,  evangelist's child abuse  charges 

The financial cost of child abuse is ten times the financial cost of  obesity 
in Australia 11/18/08 Child abuse and neglect costs Australians ten  times 
more than obesity, a landmark report has found. The report has also found  that 
the number of cases of abuse in our community may be five times higher than  
the official figures. The Cost of Child Abuse in Australia, a joint research  
report by Access Economics, Australian Childhood Foundation and Child Abuse  
Prevention Research Australia at Monash University, is the first comprehensive  
report of its kind in Australia. It found that the real cost of child abuse to 
 the Australian community in 2007 was $10.7 billion, and could be as high as  
$30.1 billion, including the monetary value of the pain and suffering that 
they  experience. Professor Chris Goddard, Director of Child Abuse Prevention 
Research  Australia at Monash University said this is the first comprehensive, 
national  study of the costs of child abuse and neglect in AustraliaWhile 
there were  36,000 substantiated reports of child abuse and neglect in 
Australia in 2007,  the report estimates that there approximately 177,000 
abused or  neglected and this figure could be even higher. The report also 
calculated that  the cost to the community of the consequences of abuse over 
lifetime of  children who were abused for the first time in 2007 is 
$13.7  billion and could be as high as $38.7 billion, including the monetary 
value of  the pain and suffering that they experience. 
Ark. seizes 21 more kids from evangelist's group 11/18/08 by Associated  
Press  - Little Rock, Ark.- State officials on Tuesday took into protective  
custody 21 children associated with an evangelical group whose founder faces  
federal child sex chargesAuthorities took three children into custody  
at the courthouse in Texarkana, 130 miles southwest of Little Rock.  Police 
seized the other 18 children from two vans during a traffic stopOn  Monday, 
a 14-year-old girl taken by the state during the September raid  testified 
that Alamo molested her, counted a number of young girls as his wives,  and 
coached her and others to say they weren't touched improperly or  
74, is charged with two counts of transporting a juvenile  across state lines 
for sex, once in 2004 and again the following year. The  preacher, listed in 
court documents by his real name, Bernie Lazar Hoffman, has  pleaded not 
guilty to the federal charges, each of which carries a sentence of  10 years to 
life in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. He is in jail in  Texarkana 
trial, which is set to begin in February. Alamo has preached  that the Bible 
allows young girls to marry once they reach puberty but has said  he didn't 
adopt the practiceThe 14-year-old girl, who spent much of her time  in 
Alamo's organization in Fort Smith, testified that Alamo coached her and  
others to 
say they weren't sexually molested or beaten, and said Alamo recorded  
interviews with the girls to document the statements. 

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[cia-drugs] extreme abuse survey, ritual abuse memoir

2008-11-23 Thread smartnews

extreme abuse survey, ritual abuse  memoir

Understanding ritual trauma: A comparison of findings from three online  
surveys - Handout  for Karriker, Wanda. (2008, November). Understanding  ritual 
trauma: A comparison of findings from three online surveys. Paper  presented at 
the meeting of the International Society for the Study of Trauma  and 
Dissociation, Chicago, IL.
10 Extreme Abuse Survey Findings Helpful to  Understanding Ritual Trauma
1. Ritual abuse/mind control (RA/MC) is a global  phenomenon.  
2. A diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder is common  for persons who 
report histories of 
RA/MC. (84% of EAS respondents who  answered that they have been diagnosed 
with DID [N=655] reported that they are  survivors of RA/MC). 
3. Ritual abuse (RA) is not limited to SRA, i.e.,  satanic ritual abuse, 
sadistic abuse, satanist abuse.
4. RA is reported to  involve mind control techniques. 
5. Some extreme abuse survivors report that  they were used in 
government-sponsored mind control experimentation (GMC).  
6. RA/MC is reported to be involved in organized "known" crime.
7. RA/MC  is reported to be involved in clergy abuse.
8. Most often reported memories  of extreme abuse are similar across all 
9. Most often reported  possible aftereffects of extreme abuse are similar 
across all surveys.
10. In  rating the effectiveness of healing methods, therapists tend to favor 
 stabilization techniques; survivors are more open to alternative ways to 
cope  with indoctrinated belief systems.

Fire and Water is a true account of discovery, validation, and healing  from 
sexual and ritual abuse. Anna Thomas writes her therapeutic memoir from a  
Christian perspective about the emotional, physical, spiritual, and  
psychological aspects of coping with ritual abuse. ISBN 978-1-934759-18-9 
Robert  D. Reed 
Publishers, P. O . Box 1992, Bandon, OR 97411 _www.rdrpublishers.com_ 
(http://www.rdrpublishers.com)   541-347-9882

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and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com 

[cia-drugs] Advocate Unfair on Satanic Abuse new url for old article

2008-11-25 Thread smartnews
Advocate Unfair on Satanic  Abuse ‑ September 11, 2003 - new url for old 
article AI was very disappointed with  the article, "Speak of the Devil" by 
Patrick Rucker (9/3/03). I felt that a  great deal of information was left out 
the article, to make one side of the  debate (ours) look 
Lanning is quoted as an  "authoritative" source by Mr. Rucker. Lanning claims 
that satanic abuse is a  hoax. Let's look at Lanning's research. "To my 
surprise, [Lanning] admits he has  never talked to a ritual abuse survivor" ... 
(several weeks later, Lanning  revised his story to say that he had spoken with 
'several dozen' survivors on an  unofficial basis). (from "Nightmares on Main 
Street" by Leslie Bennetts, Vanity  Fair,  June, 1993, pp 42‑62, quote  from 
Pg. 47) How authoritative can a source be that first admits it didn't  
anyone alleging they were ritually abused and then revises their story  to 
say they talked to a small sample size unofficially?@  
The complete list of letters is at  
**One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social networks, 
and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com 

[cia-drugs] Vatican can be sued for priest sex abuse: US court

2008-11-26 Thread smartnews

Vatican can be sued for priest sex abuse: US court 11/25/08 A US  appeals 
court has ruled that the Vatican can be sued for the sex abuse committed  by US 
priests. The Vatican had tried to block a class action lawsuit alleging  that 
it orchestrated a cover-up of sexual abuse by clergy with the argument that  it 
was protected by laws granting sovereign states immunity from most US civil  
proceedings. Central to the case is a 1962 Vatican mandate unearthed in 2003  
which outlined a policy of "strictest" secrecy regarding allegations of sexual 
 abuse by clergy and threatened those who spoke out with excommunication. A  
federal appeals court ruled that the case brought by three Kentucky men can  
proceed because exceptions in the law allow the Vatican to be held liable for  
the actions of church employees acting within the scope of their employment in 
 the United States. "The portions of plaintiffs' claims that are based upon 
the  conduct of bishops, archbishops and Holy See personnel while supervising  
allegedly abusive clergy satisfy all four requirements of the tortious act  
exception," Circuit Judge Julia Smith Gibbons wrote in a 20-page ruling Monday. 
The Vatican cannot, however, be held liable for the actual abuse because 
these  acts "were not done while... acting within the scope of their 
Gibbons wrote.  
**Life should be easier. So should your homepage. Try the NEW 

[cia-drugs] Lanning, traumatic amnesia (Freyd), recantation, Vatican http://ritualabuse.us

2008-11-29 Thread smartnews
Lanning, traumatic amnesia (Freyd), recantation, Vatican

_http://ritualabuse.us_ (http://ritualabuse.us/)  

In an article  offering a law enforcement perspective on allegations of 
ritual abuse,  Lanning (1992, A law-enforcement perspective on allegations of 
ritual abuse  in "Out of Darkness: Exploring Satanism and ritual abuse) fails 
give a  precise definition of the term. Although he is quoted as having 
conducted a  seven-year study FBI study that gives evidence that ritual abuse 
does not 
exist,  when Noblitt and Perskin (2000, Cult and ritual abuse) requested a 
copy of his  study from the FBI, "the bureau responded in writing that no such 
study  existed." (p. 179). 

Contrary to the way his paper is cited to show that  there is no evidence of 
ritual abuse, what Lanning writes is:
"I do not  deny the possibility that some of these allegations of an 
organized conspiracy  involving the take-over of day care centers, abduction, 
cannibalism, and human  sacrfice might be true. But if they are true, then it 
is one 
of the greatest  crime conspiracies in history." (pp. 131-132)

Bennetts (1993, June -  Nightmares on Main Street, Vanity Fair, 42-62) asked 
Lanning if he had trouble  disbelieving the stories of women he interviewed. 
"To my surprise," she writes,  "he admits that he has never talked to a ritual 
abuse survivor" (p. 62).  Reportedly, he later said that he had spoken 
unofficially with several dozen  survivors. 

the above is from p. 238 - Becker, T. (2008). Re-Searching  for New 
Perspectives: Ritual Abuse/Ritual Violence as Ideologically Motivated  Crime. 
In Ritual 
Abuse in the Twenty-first Century:  Psychological,  Forensic, Social and 
Political Considerations, J.R. Noblitt & P. S. Perskin  (Eds), pp.237-260. 
Oregon: Robert D. Reed Publishers.

"The author  (Lanning) is a well known skeptic regarding cult and ritual 
abuse allegations  who has consulted on a number of cases but to our knowledge 
not  personally investigated the majority of these cases, some of which have  
produced convictions." (p. 179 - "Cult and ritual abuse" - Noblitt and  

"As much as we don't want to believe it as a society -  Satanic ritual abuse 
is a reality. And, as was done by the parents in the  McMartin Day Care Center 
case, we need to be rolling up our sleeves and digging  deeper to get at the 
whole truth." Satanic Ritual Abuse: The Evidence Surfaces  By Daniel Ryder, 

Selective Traumatic Amnesia Publications by Jennifer Freyd are  at: 
these include: 
Freyd, Jennifer J. (1994). Betrayal trauma: Traumatic  amnesia as an adaptive 
response to childhood abuse.  Ethics & Behavior  4 (4) 307-329
Freyd, Jennifer J., and David H. Gleaves (1996). "Remembering"  Words Not 
Presented in Lists: Relevance to the Current Recovered/False Memory  
Journal of  Experimental Psychology:  Learning, Memory, and 
Cognition, 22 (3), 811-813.
Gleaves, D. H. & Freyd,  J.J. (1997). Questioning additional claims about the 
"false memory syndrome"  epidemic. [commentary] American Psychologist,  52  
993-994. Summary:  In this comment on the article by K. S. Pope (see record 
83-37387), the authors  agree about the need to evaluate the empirical evidence 
regarding the alleged  epidemic of false memories and accusations of abuse.  
The authors also  express an additional concern that the data presented to 
support claims of false  memory syndrome proponents are frequently extreme 
misapplications of published  research. Examples of such misrepresentations are 
presented and discussed.  
Freyd, J. J. (1998). Science in the Memory Debate. Ethics & Behavior, 8  (2), 

Recantation in Child Sexual Abuse Cases - Rieser, Margaret -  Child Welfare, 
v70 n6 p611-22 Nov-Dec 1991 - ERIC #: EJ436461 - Abstract: A  brief narrative 
description of the journal article, document, or resource.  Reviews the 
literature on children's retraction of their disclosure of having  been 
abused. The evidence indicates that very few lied  originally. The 
that underlie recantation, including false  allegations, secrecy, denial, lack 
of support, pressure to recant, societal  attitudes, and intervening events, 
are discussed, and suggestions for mitigating  them are offered. 

[cia-drugs] world paedophile ring, CIA funded experiments

2008-11-30 Thread smartnews
world paedophile ring,  CIA funded  experiments   
Special US price for all 11 CDs from our 2008 conference with shipping -  now 
only $100 (Canada $105) until 2/1/2009. 

Man headed world paedophile ring - The judge said he had "an inability  to 
show remorse" BBC News 11/28/08  A man with 200,000 computer images and  
thousands of videos showing child sex abuse has been jailed indefinitely.  
Christopher Stubbings, 55, from Crawley Lane, Kings Bromley, Staffordshire, was 
 one of 
the ringleaders of a worldwide abuse ring, Stafford Crown Court  heard.  He 
was ordered to serve a minimum of 12-and-a-half years in jail.  Stubbings had 
admitted eight offences including indecent assaults on a child  under 16 and 
commissioning of child abuse videos. The offences also included  distribution 
of child abuse images and possession of child abuse imagesThe  judge, Mrs 
Justice Macur, said he had "an inability to show remorse, contrition  or 
empathy." She added the images were "deplorable and depraved - these children  
were abused, all of them debased, all of them humiliated".  In a statement,  
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said he was a co-founder of a worldwide  
paedophile group consisting of about 60 members and within that group he was  
second in command and acted as its treasurerAsked about the sentence, Det  
Walker added: "It truly reflects his level of offending and the seriousness  
of the nature and the quantity and the levels of depravity shown within those  
images that we've recovered." 
describes crimes
Evidence suggests CIA funded experiments at state  hospital 11/30/08 By Louis 
Porter Vermont Press Bureau  Few people in  Vermont remember Dr. Robert W. 
Hyde, but one of his former patients can’t forget  him. The doctor was involved 
in one of the nation’s darkest chapters in medical  science: In the 1950s, 
Hyde conducted drug and psychological experiments at a  Boston hospital through 
funding that apparently originated with the CIA. Later,  he became director of 
research at the Vermont State Hospital. The patient, Karen  Wetmore, is 
convinced that Hyde and other researchers subjected her and possibly  other 
to experiments paid for by the CIA at the Waterbury facility. In  addition to 
her claim, new evidence, though incomplete, suggests that such tests  might 
have been conducted at the Vermont State Hospital. Several books and  numerous 
newspaper accounts have detailed how techniques developed through  testing, 
including on mental health patients at hospitals in other parts of the  
are related to the interrogation methods used in Guantanamo and other  
locations in the war on terror. These well-known and well-documented drug  
ts began in secret after the Korean War and were sponsored by the U.S.  
government. News accounts and histories of the experiments have not mentioned  
Vermont State Hospital, but a congressional committee concluded that dozens  of 
institutions, some of which have never been identified, were involved in  
secret experiments for the CIA. In order to figure out what really happened 
to her at the Vermont State Hospital and to overcome this credibility gap,  
Wetmore has spent more than 12 years collecting and analyzing reams of  
government documents, including state hospital records, declassified CIA  
and histories of MK-Ultra, the code name of the CIA’s best-known  clandestine 
research projects on mind-controlIn 1997, Wetmore decided to  bring a 
lawsuit against the state. A psychiatrist and a Rutland lawyer agreed to  help 
with the case and spent months collecting and poring over evidence.  They both 
came to the conclusion that Wetmore was the subject of drug  experiments at 
the hospital. Wetmore and her advocates could not unequivocally  link her case 
to the CIA’s research activities at other institutions through  government 
documents from the agency, but histories of the CIA’s psychiatric  testing, 
documents and a preponderance of circumstantial evidence around  Wetmore’s 
treatment based on her medical records suggest the Vermont State  Hospital may 
have been one of the sites for secret experimentation.  The  CIA destroyed much 
of the evidence regarding the drug and psychological tests on  unwitting 
patients in the 1970s as the truth about its funding for the tests  came to 
according to a 1975 congressional review headed by U.S. Sen.  Frank 
ChurchHyde was an international pioneer in the development of  
mind-altering drugs 
and in their use in treating mental illness. He was involved  in research 
programs sponsored and secretly funded by

[cia-drugs] Calof, Underwager, Masons, DID/MPD

2008-12-01 Thread smartnews

Calof, Underwager, Masons,  DID/MPD   
Calof, D.L. (1998).  Notes from a practice under siege: Harassment,  
defamation, and  intimidation in the name of science, Ethics and Behavior,  
8(2) pp. 
161-187. Abstract: I have practiced psychotherapy, family therapy, and  
hypnotherapy for over 25 years without a single board complaint or law suit by 
client.  For over three years, however, a group of proponents of the false  
memory syndrome (FMS) hypothesis, including members, officials, and supporters  
the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, Inc., have waged a multi-modal campaign  
of harassment and defamation directed against me, my clinical clients, my 
staff,  my family, and others connected to me.  I have neither treated these  
harassers or their families, nor had any professional or personal dealings with 
any of them; I am not related in any way to the disclosures of memories of  
sexual abuse in these families.  Nonetheless, this group disrupts my  
professional and personal life and threatens to drive me out of business.   In 
article, I describe practicing psychotherapy under a state of siege and  places 
the campaign against me in the context of a much broader effort in the  FMS 
movement to denigrate, defame, and harass clinicians, lecturers, writers,  and 
researchers identified with the abuse and trauma treatment communities. 

Info on Ralph Underwager, former FMSF scientific advisory  board member 
An examination of the diagnostic validity of dissociative identity  disorder. 
  Gleaves DH, May MC, Cardeña EWe review  the empirical evidence for the 
validity of the Dissociative Identity Disorder  (DID) diagnosis, the vast 
majority of which has come from research conducted  within the last 10 years. 
After reviewing three different guidelines to  establish diagnostic validity, 
conclude that considerable converging evidence  supports the inclusion of DID 
in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual  for Mental Disorders. For 
instance, DID appears to meet all of the guidelines  for inclusion and none of 
the exclusion guidelines; proposed by Blashfield et  al.[Comprehensive 
Psychiatry 31 (1990) 15-19], and it is one of the few  disorders currently 
supported by 
taxometric research. However, we also discuss  possible problems with the 
current diagnostic criteria and offer  recommendations, based on recent 
for possible revisions to these  criteria. Clin Psychol Rev. 2001 
Jun;21(4):577-608. "In conclusion, despite its  long and controversial past, 
there has 
been a wealth of research accumulate over  the past 10 to 15 years on the DID 
diagnosis. This research seems to establish  the validity of the DID 
pubmed  abstract _http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11413868_ 
Terror, trauma and the eye in the triangle: the Masonic presence in  
contemporary art and culture - Lynn Brunet MA (Hons) Doctor of Philosophy  
2007 p. 98 - 101 has information on allegations of Masonic ritual  abuse
A Case Study Investigation of the Development and Treatment of Alter  
Personalities in Dissociative Identity Disorder  Brown, Ian, Edith Cowan  
2006 Abstract: Progress in the study and treatment of  Dissociative Identity 
Disorder (DID) has been hampered by ideological debate  regarding its 
validity. This is particularly the case when patient's suffering  from DID also 
ritualistic abuse. Part of the difficulty has been that  past studies have 
not established independent checks to assess whether alters  are artefacts 
introduced by therapeutic bias. This study addressed this issue by  using 
independent judges to test the validity of a patient being treated for DID  who 
ritualistic abuse. The judges were 16 clinicians with an average of  21 years 
experience in their respective disciplines. The study also examined the  
development and treatment of alter personalities through a detailed examination 
of case material. The patient had been in continuous therapy with the author 
and  treatment had been conducted using the self psychology model. The study 
involved  three phases. 


[cia-drugs] Ethics of CIA contracting, Ritual abuse articles

2008-12-02 Thread smartnews

Ethics of CIA contracting, Ritual abuse  articles 
Ethics of CIA and Military Contracting by Psychiatrists and Psychologists -  
Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry 2007 Ross, Colin  Springer  Publishing 
Company 2007. There have been extensive, systematic violations of  human 
rights by American psychiatrists, psychologists, and neurosurgeons  throughout 
second half of the twentieth century. These violations have  occurred at the 
leading medical schools with funding from the Central  Intelligence Agency 
(CIA) and the U.S. military. Experiments have involved brain  electrodes, LSD, 
hypnosis, the creation of Manchurian candidates, the  development of 
chemical, and nonlethal weapons, and the implantation  of false memories and 
creation of amnesia. Many experiments were conducted on  unwitting civilians 
and none involved documented consent, adequate outside  review, or 
representation for the  ...http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P3-1255570531.html
Bensinger, Terri T. Long-term effects on adult women who report sexual and  
ritual abuse in their childhoods. Dissertation Abstracts  International  1990 
Jul Vol 51(1-B), p. 420.
 Brandt, Susan Jeannine. An analysis of the mental health  professionals' 
response to satanic ritual abuse. Dissertation Abstracts  International 1993 
Vol 54(1-A), pp. 87--88.
 Caradonna, Maria. Ritual child abuse. Dissertation Abstracts   
International; 1992 Apr Vol 52(10- B) 5519 IS ISSN/ISBN: 04194217
 Cole, Deborah A. The incidence of ritual abuse: A preliminary survey.  
Dissertation Abstracts International 1992 Dec Vol 53(6-B), p. 3150.
 Kelley, Susan J. Responses of children and parents to sexual abuse  and 
Satanic ritualistic abuse in day care centers. Dissertation Abstracts  
International, Vol. 49, No. 12-B, Pt. 1, June 1989.
 Martin, Sharon K. Working with adult survivors of ritual abuse.  
Dissertation Abstracts International. Vol. 52, No. 9-B, March 1992, p.  4979.
 Sparkes, Barry H. Playing with the devil: Adolescent involvement with  the 
occult, black magic, witchcraft, and the satanic to manage feelings of  
despair. Dissertation Abstracts International.  Vol. 50, No. 12-B, Pt 1,  June 
Hauer, C. (2005). Transpersonal aspects of the treatment of Dissociative  
Identity Disorder as 
a result of ritual abuse: A mutual descent into the  underworld. Dissertation 
Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and  Engineering. Vol 
65(8-B), pp. 4287. This phenomenological study explores  transpersonal aspects 
the treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)  caused by ritual abuse 
(RA). In guided interviews, seven DID/RA survivors  expressed their feelings, 
values, attitudes, conflicts, associations, and other  psychological factors 
related to their personal and collective healing journeys.  The study was 
designed to provide a safe container for DID/RA survivors, in  which they can 
their experiences openly and courageously. The goal of the  study was to help 
demystify the diagnosis, to create more empathy for the  survivors and support 
for their treating therapists, and to contribute to the  individual and 
collective understanding of the phenomenon. It gives insight into  a healing 
guided by the archetypes and shares unique experiences within  the 
client-therapist relationship. Literature on the topics of  Dissociative  
Disorder, ritual abuse, and depth psychology,  including dreams, metaphors, and 
synchronistic experiences, was presented.  Individual and collective 
and relevant meaning units were extracted  from the collected data using a 
method described by Giorgi (1985). Finally,  textural and structural individual 
and collective descriptions were synthesized  to arrive at the essence of the 
 Title: Psychotherapy and spirituality: A paradigm for healing.  
Author(s)/Editor(s): Lewis, Suzanne Lee Paper Number: 20011010 Source/Citation: 
Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering;  
61(10-B) May 2001, US: Univ Microfilms International; 2001, 5570  
Description/Edition Info.: Dissertation Abstract; 350 Abstract/Review/Citation: 
exploratory study incorporates data from a case study of a profoundly  
woman suffering from dissociative identity disorder to show how she is  healed 
through a psychotherapeutic and spiritual journey into her unconscious  mind. 
study vividly details the counseling experiences that uncovered  repressed 
memories of sexual and Satanic Ritual Abuse, the core of this  depression. 
Extensive first-person narrative is used to illustrate how the woman  was able 
overcome the physical and emotional revivifications of her trauma.  The study 
explores the use of two relatively new techniques in spiritual  counseling: the 
TheoPhostic method (Smith 1996), which enables client and  therap

[cia-drugs] Confessions of a Whistle-Blower: Lessons Learned by Anna C. Salter

2008-12-04 Thread smartnews
Confessions of a Whistle-Blower: Lessons Learned by Anna C.  Salter   

Published in: Ethics & Behavior, Volume 8, Issue 2 June 1998, pages 115-  124 
Abstract : In 1988 I began a report on the accuracy of expert testimony in  
child sexual abuse cases utilizing Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield as a  
case study (Wakefield & Underwager, 1988). In response, Underwager and  
Wakefield began a campaign of harassment and intimidation, which included  
lawsuits; an ethics charge; phony (and secretly taped) phone calls; and  ad 
hominem attacks, including one that I was laundering federal grant monies.  The 
harassment and intimidation failed as the author refused demands to retract.  
In addition, the lawsuits and ethics charges were dismissed. Lessons learned  
from the experience are discussed. ,DOI:10.1207/s15327019eb0802_2  

**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

[cia-drugs] False allegations of child sexual abuse by children are rare

2008-12-05 Thread smartnews

False allegations of child sexual abuse by children are  rare 
False allegations of child sexual abuse by children are rare “allegations  
made by child victims match closely with confessions of pedophiles” “The  
evidence indicates that very few (children) lied originally.” “children tend to 
minimize and deny abuse, not exaggerate or over-report such incidents” sources  

research cited at 
The latest issue of SMART with information on ritual abuse, child abuse and  
memory is at : _http://ritualabuse.us/2008/12/issue-84-january-2009/_ 

Confessions of a Whistle-Blower: Lessons Learned by Anna C.  Salter   

Published in: Ethics & Behavior, Volume 8, Issue 2 June 1998, pages 115-  124 
Abstract : In 1988 I began a report on the accuracy of expert testimony in  
child sexual abuse cases utilizing Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield as a  
case study (Wakefield & Underwager, 1988). In response, Underwager and  
Wakefield began a campaign of harassment and intimidation, which included  
lawsuits; an ethics charge; phony (and secretly taped) phone calls; and  ad 
hominem attacks, including one that I was laundering federal grant monies.  The 
harassment and intimidation failed as the author refused demands to retract.  
In addition, the lawsuits and ethics charges were dismissed. Lessons learned  
from the experience are discussed. ,DOI:10.1207/s15327019eb0802_2  

**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

[cia-drugs] Ministry couldn't make admission: Hall Cornwall Public Inquiry

2008-12-07 Thread smartnews
Ministry couldn't make admission: Hall Cornwall Public Inquiry Posted by  
Trevor Pritchard, Standard-Freeholder 12/08 A retired Project Truth officer  
believed the Ministry of the Attorney General simply couldn't admit it was part 
of an alleged conspiracy to cover up a ring of pedophiles. Det. Insp. Pat Hall  
told the Cornwall Public Inquiry he came to that conclusion after learning 
four  binders of evidence that were compiled by former city cop Perry Dunlop 
sent  to the ministry were never turned over to the detectives with Project 
Truth.  "They didn't want to acknowledge that (they were part of the 
allegations)," Hall  said Thursday. "That was my view, based on the answers I 
given."Before  retiring in 2004, Hall spent 36 years with the Ontario 
Police. In  1997, he was assigned to Project Truth, the OPP's investigation 
into allegations  a clan of pedophiles had preyed on children in the Cornwall 
area. On July 23,  1998, Hall met with Dunlop to see if the officer - who had 
taken statements from  a number of alleged abuse victims in the past - had 
handed over all his material  to Project Truth. Fifteen months earlier, Dunlop 
gave Project Truth a binder  with allegations that became the crux of their 
investigation. During the July  1998 meeting, Dunlop revealed he had sent 
additional material to a number of  provincial agencies, including the Attorney 
General's office. Eight days later,  Dunlop handed over four binders to Hall. 
Two of 
those binders contained new  information about his interactions with the 
Cornwall Police Service. "He's  telling me that he's made these deliveries and 
should've had this stuff by  now," Hall told lead commission counsel Peter 
Engelmann. "And you probably  agreed," said Engelmann. "Yes," Hall said.  Hall 
testified he got in touch  with the ministry on multiple occasions in order to 
find out why the material  never made its way from their office to Project 
In September 2001, Hall  received a written reply from James Stewart, the 
regional director of Crown  attorneys, which said the ministry assumed Project 
Truth had received Dunlop's  material and denied they had intentionally held on 
to the documents. A "careful  examination of the circumstances" did not su
pport any suggestion the material  was withheld from police, Stewart wrote.  
said he wanted a  straightforward answer because Ottawa-area MPP Garry Guzzo - 
a vocal supporter  of the conspiracy theorists -had been alleging the 
Attorney General's office  played a key role in the cover up. "You never 
received a 
satisfactory  explanation, in your view?" Engelmann asked Hall. "Never," Hall 
replied. Still,  Hall said the 15 months Project Truth went without access to 
the documents did  not "prejudice" their investigation, which ultimately found 
no evidence of a  conspiracy. 

**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

[cia-drugs] Florida school known for abuse, jurors' views on child abuse, cornwall article

2008-12-08 Thread smartnews
Florida school known for abuse, jurors’ views on child abuse,  cornwall
article describes crimes - Florida mystery: Who's buried at school known  for 
abuse? By Mary Ellen Klas - Miami Herald TALLAHASSEE - Convinced the 32  
unmarked graves at the Florida School for Boys in Marianna are the bodies of  
abused and killed decades ago there, four former residents of the school  are 
demanding the governor and state and federal attorneys investigate. The four  
men, all of whom suffered from brutal beatings while students at the  
Marianna-based school for delinquent boys in the late 1950s, sent letters to  
Charlie Crist, the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. attorney general  
alleging that the boys were victims of state-sponsored hate crimes and  
murderThe men are also asking for the investigation to include the school's 
 use of 
the boys for slave labor, sexual abuse, sex trafficking and kidnapping  for 
sexual assault. Gov. Charlie Crist's spokeswoman said the governor was  
supportive of an investigation. 
describes abuse - Men recall abuse, torture by guards at old Florida reform  
school - In a place where they were beaten and tortured as young boys, five 
Men,  All in Their 60s, Recounted the Pain and Suffering at Florida's Oldest 
Reform  School. 12/8/08 by Carol Marbin Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  Marianna 
describes abuse - Reform school alumni recount severe beatings, rapes -  Half 
a century Ago, Victims Say, Vicious Beatings and Rapes Ruled the Day at  
Florida State Reform School. 10/19/08  by Carol Marbin Miller  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   Marianna  -- The Florida State 
Reform School -- more dungeon than deliverance for much of  its 108-year 
history -- 
has kept chilling secrets hidden behind red-brick walls  and a razor wire 
fence amid the gently rolling hills of rural North Florida.  Established by 
lawmakers in 1897 as a high-minded experiment where ''young  offenders, 
separated from the vicious, may receive careful, physical,  intellectual and 
training,'' the reformatory instead became a Dickensian  nightmare. Three 
years after the facility opened, kids were found chained in  irons. A 1914 fire 
took six young lives while guards ''were in town upon some  pleasure bent,'' 
records say. And in the 1980s, advocates sued to stop the state  from shackling 
and hogtying children there.  On Tuesday, about a half-dozen  alumni will 
return to what is now called the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys to  confront 
most painful chapter of their troubled lives. The White House Boys,  as a 
group of grown men now call themselves -- kept one of the institution's  most 
shameful secrets for half a century: what was done to them inside a squat,  
cinder-block building called The White House. There, they say, guards beat  
them ferociously with a lash, some dozens of times. Some men say they also were 
sexually abused in a crawl space below the dining hall they call the ``rape  
room.'' State juvenile justice administrators, who have not denied the  
allegations, will dedicate a memorial to the suffering of The White House Boys  
who found one another through the Internet -- at a formal ceremony at the  
Marianna campus Tuesday. They number in the hundreds, perhaps even  thousands.

Jurors  have conflicting views on child abuse, says study 12/9/08 By 
Elizabeth Binning -  The study - which reviewed child sex abuse trials between 
and 2006 - looked  at jurors' knowledge, beliefs and misconceptions about child 
sexual abuse. It  also questioned jurors about the child's credibility while 
giving evidence and  asked what was needed to secure a guilty verdict. The 
results - which have been  presented to police, lawyers and various experts - 
found jurors held a wide  range of views on what makes child witnesses and 
complainants credible. The  difficulty was that many of those views were 
therefore making it  hard for jurors to unanimously determine the truth - 
something that is required  for a verdict. An example was the level of emotion 
children showed while giving  their evidence. One juror said that an absence of 
distress came across as  showing the witness was overly coached and contrived 
while another said that the  lack of eye contact, crying and not wanting to 
say anything made the child  unbelievable. As far as police are concerned, this 
makes it difficult to get a  conviction as it shows that regardless of 

[cia-drugs] Information on Paul McHugh

2008-12-09 Thread smartnews
Information on Paul McHugh
The only psychiatrist on the panel is Dr. McHugh, who was a founder and  
board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation 
Brown, D; Frischholz E, Scheflin A. (1999). “Iatrogenic dissociative  
identity disorder - an evaluation of the scientific evidence”. The Journal of  
Psychiatry and Law XXVII No. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1999):549–637. p. 604 - 605 “The  
problem with McHugh’s publications on MPD/DID, like those of Mersky, is that  
they are mere speculation. From deposition testimony in several cases, McHugh  
has made it clear that other than an occasional consultation, he has very 
 actual clinical experience with the ongoing treatment of MPD/DID patients 
and is  generally unfamiliar with both the clinical features of MPD/DID and 
what  usually occurs in their treatment. This McHugh’s opinion is informed 
neither by  actual in-depth clinical experience with contemporary MPD/DID 
patients nor by  any scientific research on MPD. Furthermore, with regard to 
s main  hypothesis that hysterical behavior is implicated in DID iatrogenesis, 
Gleaves  has shown that such phenomena are no more prevalent in DID than in 
any other  psychiatric condition.” “Conclusions…At present the scientific 
evidence is  insufficient and inadequate to support plaintiffs’ complaints that 
suggestive  influences allegedly operative in psychotherapy can create a major 
psychiatric  disorder like MPD per se…there is virtually no support for the 
unique  contribution of hypnosis to the alleged iatrogenic creation of MPD in  
appropriately controlled research.” “The Spanos socio-cognitive model reduces  
MPD to socially constructed role enactments. In this model, the often severe  
psychopathology associate with clinical MPD is minimized. Very recent studies  
suggest a possible neurobiological basis to MPD in at least certain MPD  
patients….It is clear that Spanos et al.’s 1985 conclusion that MPD is a role  
enactment based on their observation of role-playing subjects is based on  
circular logic: You ask a subject to pretend that he has alters and he 
then you conclude that having alters is the product of role playing….Spanos’s  
conclusion of the iatrogenic nature of MPD also suffers from an additional  
logical error. Even if it were true that MPD could be created iatrogenically,  
that does not prove that every case for noniatrogenic MPD cases….Situationally 
 bound enactment of predefined secondary-personality roles presumes 
sufficient  executive control to do it. Genuine MPD is defined in DSM as the 
loss of  
executive control…Genuine DID was defined in DSM-IV as the loss of a unified  
identity…Presumably none of Spanos’s laboratory subjects suffered from a  
fundamental loss of a unified identity as a result of the experimental  
instructions….”’Genuine MPD is characterized by enduring alter-personality  
states that 
are defined by a relatively stable set of personality  characteristics over 
time….The secondary-personality states reported by Spanos’s  subjects in the 
laboratory were very temporary role enactments….Spanos has  seriously 
overgeneralized from the data of his 1985, 1986 and 1991 laboratory  
experiments that 
multiple personalities can be created in the laboratory.”’ The  more 
conservative interpretation merited by these data is that certain  individuals 
certain personality characteristics in a particular social  context report 
temporary role enactments of different identities that are  limited to the 
of the experiment….Overall the Spanos data offer no  evidence that either 
stable alter personalities or the range of clinical  features typically 
with MPD can be created in the laboratory, and the  data certainly offer no 
support whatsoever that MPD per se can be created  through suggestive 
influences. At best, these data support the view that certain  individuals in a 
high-demand context, and/or under extreme interview conditions  wherein 
is systematically supplied, report temporary  secondary-personality states…
.Overall, these data offer little evidence that the  disorder MPD per se can be 
created through suggestive influences.”
Morrison threatens to sue witness - Expert witness Paul McHugh, a  
psychiatrist, could face disciplinary action for revealing information in  
abortion records. By Dion Leflert 6/13/07 Wichita Eagle - Kansas  Attorney 
Paul Morrison on Tuesday threatened to sue a psychiatric expert  hired by his 
predecessor if he doesn’t stop making public statements about  medical records 
from an investigation of Wichita abortion provider George  Till

[cia-drugs] Quotes: Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D.

2008-12-10 Thread smartnews
Quotes: Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D.
Wortman, C. and Loftus, E. Psychology. (1981) Alfred A.  Knopf: New York, p. 
203. Thus a young woman who is sexually attracted to her  father may try to 
repress her disturbing incestuous desires.  But her  behavior may indicate that 
these feelings are not completely forgotten.   The woman may pause or fumble 
for words when discussing certain things about her  father and she may show 
other signs of anxiety such as sweating or blushing. 
Loftus, G.R and Loftus, E.L. (1976). Human Memory – The Processing of  
Information. Lawrence Erlbaum Associated: New Jersey, p. 82-83.
A  laboratory analogy to repression can be found in an experiment by A.F.  
Zeller arranged a situation so that one group of students underwent  an 
unhappy “failure” experience right after they had successfully learned a list  
nonsense syllables.  When tested later, these subjects showed much  poorer 
recall of the nonsense syllables compared to a control group, who had not  
experienced failure.  When this same “failure” group was later allowed to  
on the same task that they had earlier failed, their recall showed  tremendous 
improvement.  This experiment indicates that when the reason for  the 
repression is removed, when material to be remembered is no longer  associated 
negative effects, a person no longer experiences retrieval  failure.” 
It’s not unusual for killers to have amnesia about event. Saturday, February 
15, 1997, Section: News, Page: A3 
 It is possible to commit a murder and then forget you did it, according to a 
 leading memory researcher.  A significant proportion of people who commit  
murders have some amnesia surrounding the event, particularly if it is a crime  
of passion, University of Washington psychologist Elizabeth Loftus said  
Loftus, E. (1979). Reactions to blatantly contradictory information. Memory & 
Cognition, 7(5), p. 371.   In two experiments,  subjects were shown a complex 
event and were later exposed to misinformation  about that event.  In 
addition, some subjects received a piece of blatantly  contradictory 
Blatant misinformation both was rejected by  subjects and caused them to be 
more resistant to other misinformation . . .  Second, when an attempt is  made 
to mislead a person about a detail that is  patently false the person becomes 
more resistant to suggestions of any  kind….”

Deposition Upon Oral Examination of Elizabeth Loftus,  PhD., Seignious v. 
Fair et al., January 22, 1998, In the Superior Court  of Fulton County, State 
Georgia #E-56169 p. 125
Q. Have you ever  contemplated actually doing a study somewhere along the 
lines I was just talking  about where you have no crime scene at all and then 
try to convince someone  there was a crime scene or crime event?
A. [Loftus] No I haven’t thought  about that but that’s kind of an 
interesting idea. 

Loftus, E. (1993, January 18). Deposition upon oral  examination of Elizabeth 
Loftus, Ph.D. Carol C. Smith, vs. Richard  Alton Smith, Case No. 67 52 64, 
Superior Court in the State of California in and  for the County of Orange, 
Q: [Reading from M.R.’s report, page 53,  line 20] “There are no reliable 
methods for sorting out which of these  allegations may be true or false apart 
from observations from other witnesses  who may be able to provide data either 
tending to support or tending to refute  the validity of the allegations and 
the overall patterns of circumstances  surrounding the incidents.”  Do you have 
an opinion on that  statement?
A: [Loftus] I believe you need corroboration to sort out true  allegations 
from false ones.  That part of it I agree with.
Q: In the  case of Carol Smith, what corroboration would you require to 
enforce the  reliability, the believability, of her memories?
A: I don’t know what it  would look like, maybe photographs.
Q: Of what?
A: Abuse happening.
Q:  You mean a Rod King video?
A: There are cases of sex abuse where there are  photographs and videotapes. 
Loftus, E. and Ketcham, K. (1991). Witness for the Defense.  St. Martin’s 
Press: New York, p. 72.  Most of the time, perhaps 99 percent  of the time, the 
defendant is guilty; his screams are the final protest of a  human being about 
to lost his most precious possession, his freedom. 
Loftus, E. (1993). The reality of repressed memories. American Psychologist, 
48, 518-537.  _http://faculty.washington.edu/eloftus/Articles/lof93.htm_ 
(http://faculty.washington.edu/eloftus/Articles/lof93.htm)   Some who question 
authenticity of the memories of abuse do so in part  because of the intensity 
and sincerity of the accused persons wh

[cia-drugs] Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow Deseret News 12/10/08

2008-12-10 Thread smartnews
Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow  Deseret  News  
12/10/08 describes crimes - 

She isn't Rachel Hopkins anymore. Anne A Johnson Davis is shedding the  
moniker she used in a 1995 Deseret News story about her childhood as a victim 
ritualistic Satanic abuse and speaking out in a memoir of her life. Davis, now 
a  Lehi mother of three, is stepping into the spotlight again with the 
publication  of her book "Hell Minus One." "I have had enough healing and 
closure of 
my own,  I feel I'm in a place where I really feel the call to share what I 
have to help  others find courage," Davis said in an interview Wednesday. 
story is so  bizarre, it's hard to believe it actually happened — save for 
the fact that she  has signed confessions from her mother and stepfather, a 
financial settlement  and investigators from the Utah Attorney General's Office 
who vouched for her.  From age 3 until she ran away at 17, she said she was 
sexually abused, tortured,  bathed in blood and forced to hurt her siblings in 
Satanic rituals.  "They  would tell me, 'Now you're one of us. If you tell 
anybody, they won't believe  you and they'll put you in a mental hospital.' And 
threatened to torture me  until I was dead," Rachel Hopkins said in 1995. It 
was a study by the Utah  Attorney General's Office that downplayed ritual 
abuse that prompted Davis to  come forward. At the time, she insisted on a 
pseudonym and did interviews in  silhouette. "I'm glad that she's come out of 
shadows and she's in the  sunlight to tell her story so other victims will 
out and know they don't  have to be afraid anymore," said Paul Murphy, a 
spokesman for the Utah Attorney  General's Office who interviewed her as a TV 
reporter back in 1995. He also  wrote a blurb on the book's jacket. Davis still 
takes issue with the attorney  general's report, which came out at a time when 
ritual abuse was being attacked  as indicative of false memory syndrome — 
and fantasies imagined by  patients or planted by unscrupulous 
therapistsThe Utah Attorney General's  Office has no plans to revisit the 
study, but continues to  investigate any reports of ritual abuse. "We take all 
child abuse very  seriously," Murphy saidWhen she ran away from home at 
17, Davis said she cut  ties with her family and anyone associated with them. 
She heard her stepfather  died a few years ago but has no idea what happened to 
her mother. She also isn't  scared about publishing the family secrets. 
"Secrecy is their greatest weapon,"  she said. "I don't believe I have anything 
be afraid of."  _http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705269563,00.html_ 
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and 
favorite sites in one place.  Try it now. 

[cia-drugs] Re: Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow

2008-12-11 Thread smartnews
Hi !
Try this link.   _http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705269563,00.html_ 
In a message dated 12/11/2008 3:24:49 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com writes:

_Re: Woman revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben  Winslow  Desere _ 
Posted by: "micha...@midcoast.com" _micha...@midcoast.com _ 
   _jayennseth  _ 
Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:21 pm (PST) 
Link says: "...


> Woman  revisits the 'Hell' of ritual abuse By Ben Winslow Deseret News
>  12/10/08 describes crimes  -
> She isn't Rachel  Hopkins anymore. Anne A Johnson Davis is shedding the
> moniker she used  in a 1995 Deseret News story about her childhood as a
> victim  of
> ritualistic Satanic abuse and speaking out in a memoir of her life.  Davis,
> now
> a Lehi mother of three, is stepping into the  spotlight again with the
> publication of her book "Hell Minus One." "I  have had enough healing and
> closure of
> my own, I feel I'm in a  place where I really feel the call to share what
> I
> have to  help others find courage," Davis said in an interview Wednesday.
>  Davis'
> story is so bizarre, it's hard to believe it actually happened  — save
> for
> the fact that she has signed confessions from her  mother and stepfather,
> a
> financial settlement and  investigators from the Utah Attorney General's
> Office
> who  vouched for her. From age 3 until she ran away at 17, she said she
>  was
> sexually abused, tortured, bathed in blood and forced to hurt  her
> siblings in
> Satanic rituals. "They would tell me, 'Now  you're one of us. If you tell
> anybody, they won't believe you and  they'll put you in a mental
> hospital.' And they
> threatened to  torture me until I was dead," Rachel Hopkins said in 1995.
> It
>  was a study by the Utah Attorney General's Office that downplayed  ritual
> abuse that prompted Davis to come forward. At the time, she  insisted on a
> pseudonym and did interviews in silhouette. "I'm glad  that she's come out
> of the
> shadows and she's in the sunlight  to tell her story so other victims will
> speak
> out and know  they don't have to be afraid anymore," said Paul Murphy, a
> spokesman  for the Utah Attorney General's Office who interviewed her as a
>  TV
> reporter back in 1995. He also wrote a blurb on the book's jacket.  Davis
> still
> takes issue with the attorney general's report,  which came out at a time
> when
> ritual abuse was being attacked  as indicative of false memory syndrome
> — events
> and  fantasies imagined by patients or planted by unscrupulous
>  therapists..  therapistsThe Utah Attorney General's Office has n
> the controversial
> study, but continues to investigate  any reports of ritual abuse. "We take
> all
> child abuse very  seriously," Murphy saidWhen she ran away from home
> at
> 17,  Davis said she cut ties with her family and anyone associated with
>  them.
> She heard her stepfather died a few years ago but has no idea  what
> happened to
> her mother. She also isn't scared about  publishing the family secrets.
> "Secrecy is their greatest weapon," she  said. "I don't believe I have
> anything to
> be afraid of." __http://deseretnews.http://deserhttp://deseretnehttp://de_ 
>  (_http://deseretnews.http://deserhttp://deseretnehttp://d_ 
(http://deseretnews.com/article/1,5143,705269563,00.html) )

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