Re: [CinCV] Weird keyframe problems during rendering -- SOLVED

2009-06-24 Thread prg
Richard Rasker schrieb:
>> I'm trying to help one of my Linux users with a rather frustrating 
>> problem: Basically, Cinelerra handles keyframes just fine during 
>> preview, but behaves erratically when rendering.

> OK, I went over & checked things out, and it turns out to be related
> to the track overlay mode (normal/additive/etcetera). The first two
> tracks were set to additive, but the third one (where the problems
> occurred) was set to normal. When trying to create a cross-fade from
> the second to the third track, the fade-out of the second track
> overlaps the fade-in of the third track -- but with the third track
> in "normal" overlay mode, this latter track is only displayed when
> the clip in the second track has completely ended. Setting the third
> track overlay mode to additive as well solved the problem.

Hi Richard,

this sounds familiar! That specific problem has biten me several times. 
Basically, something in the handling of Alpha in conjunction with some 
colour models got broken with the step to Cinelerra 2.1. (It worked OK 
with Cinelerra 2). Basically, when you use additive overlay mode 
combined with dissolve transitions, *both* tracks need to be in
additive mode.

I've tried to figure out what goes wrong, but the relevant part of
the engine code is quite large; and because of the multiple colour
models combined with multiple overlay modes (not to mention the
openGL support hacked in all over the place) it is a huge task
even to figure out what's going on and how it "should" be.

My guess at that time was that fixing this bug properly (which
means to *prove* you haven't broken anything else) would require
at least a man month of work; thus I gave up and used the workaround.

> It still seems a bit weird though -- this user has created dozens of 
> Cinelerra projects, with literally hundreds of crossfades between 
> different tracks, but this is the first time he encountered this 
> problem.
Talking from own experience: the problem is tricky and if you don't
know where to look, it may take some time to realise that something
is going wrong here.
Especially: did you know that you can *keyframe* the overlay mode?
Yeah, that's a very powerful and usable feature of Cinelerra,
but if you've turned the "automatic keyframes" on and at the
same time the "show mode keyframes" off, then you might well
accidentally add dozens of overlay mode keyframes all over the
timeline without noticing it.

Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] donation of apple hardware for cinelerra darwin port

2009-04-20 Thread prg
Rafael Diniz schrieb:
> I'd ask if someone is still interested in a cinelerra darwin port.

> Any news from the lumiera front?
Not hardware is the limiting factor. We need people willing to participate on a 
long-term base, in order for a darwin port to happen. In this respect, the 
situation is the same for cinelerra and lumiera.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] EDL Specification

2008-11-20 Thread prg
Daniel Steinberg schrieb:
> Is there any documentation describing the full EDL (XML) syntax that 
> Cinelerra parses?

rather not... Cinelerra uses an "homebrew" XML parser
and the parsing / outputting is scattered over various places;
mostly the objects to be loaded or saved contain the code
to parse themselves.

Anyway, it's pretty much straightforward to figure out.
Use a simple project with 1 media and one clip in the
timeline and look at the generated XML.

  viewer-window (nested session with assets and EDL)

(just quoting from memory, maybe inaccurate)

hope that helps
Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] Re: Lumiera Engine

2008-04-16 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 16.04.2008, 11:59 -0400 schrieb Roland:
The idea is interesting for a start. Do you think it is possible? ie : 
> plays many hdv videos for example?

Hi Roland,

just to explain Christian's Idea a bit: the videoplayer will use the
same backend code as Lumiera, and it creates a similar situation as
we expect to have in the App: there you may have background rendering
going on, maybe another render job running, and at the same time you
may want to watch a video in the viewer and scrub through the
composer/timeline (which will fetch background-rendered frames and
maybe some additional frames).

Building a videoplayer allowes to do stress-tests on the backend code,
which needs to get all this frame-fetching and delivering right and
performant. The focus is not so much on the I/O throughput, which,
of course much depends on your hardware and underlying system.
For example, playing several HDV videos in paralel requires that your
disk/IO/system can get quite a lot of data in very fast. Further, it
requires that you have a lot of processing power "on board" for doing
the decoding. But, /assumed you do have theses capabilities/, the goal
is to write code able to deal with organizing all those video frames
efficiently -- and this is what the video player test app is aiming at.

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCV] lumiera

2008-04-08 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 08.04.2008, 02:58 +0200 schrieb Frans de Boer:
> Okay, i understood before that the CV-Cinelerra team was working on a
> new (bottom-up) cinelerra-CV version since it is obvious that if you
> have to resort to an option to "restore from backup" that the product
> must me fundamentally flawed anyhow...
> ...  but the main question might be: why is the original HV project so flawed?

Well, it is often difficult to pose the question "why?" -- often
those things manifest out of circumstances. For example: if we talk
of "bad leadership": there never was the intention of "leadership" at
all. Just Someone(tm) wrote code usable for editing video, realeased
it under the GPL and other people checking in those releses into SVN
and collecting bug reports
And suddenly, there is something like "the Cinelerra-CV community"

If you are interested, you may have a look at an old polemic text I
wrote last year in the time we had those discussions finally leading
to the start of coding at what is now called "Lumiera".

> Apart of the many crashes, CV-Cinelerra (v 2.1) does offer many of the
> things I expect from a professional Video Editor. it does has it's
> excentric ways compared to MainActor/Adobe Premiere, but still deliver
> AND because it uses XML files to create EDL files, it can be  - in
> theory - portable to other editors as well.

Yes, I want to stress the point that indeed you can do professional work
with Cinelerra. Cinelerra isn't a "pile of crap" or "broken". No, it basically 
works, allowes you to do quite advanced things and deliver hight quailty.

> My only hope sofare is that the new piece of code can handle the
> CV-Cinelerra V2 XML files too. I have already restarted projects three
> times - Adobe Premiere (win32) -> MainActor (linux) -> CV-Cinelerra

I can asure you: importing Cinelerra Sessions is on the agenda. There may 
be some rough edges, because we won't have an identical replacement
for each and every plugin Cinelerra provides, but my guess is, it won't
be too complicated to get in the clips, masks, camera/projector and basic
things like color correction, blur.

But note, as matters are now, this is just a guess how it may be when
we have a working edit+render core and are able to load and store sessinos.
Btw, we have not yet decided anything on what the native session format for
Lumiera will be, but it is designed in a way that we will have one 
(or several?) storage backends

For me personally, the fact Cinelerra stores it's sessions in XML was
one of the most important features for getting larger projects done
smoothly (including checking the XML into SVN or GIT and being able
to do scripted manipulations on parts or the whole project). Depending
on the quality of our scripting interface the situation may be different
for Lumiera though.

Hermann Vosseler
(aka "Ichthyo")

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Cin3 naming

2008-02-27 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 26.02.2008, 17:17 -0800 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I'd like to offer to do some focus testing of the proposed names,
> once they are narrowed down to the to 6-10 or so.

Hello Jay,

thanks for your offer. I think it's not the right moment 
for wasting any efforts on such things now.

> The new Cin3 can do for NLEs what Firefox did for browsers.

Please excuse me for putting this so direct, but this statement
is not correct. The new App /could indeed/ do interesting things
in the far future, /if/ we manage to do our work right and keep
the focus of the project. Right now, there /is/ no "new Cin3".

Regarding the focus: We should not be concerned about people's
opinions or try to impress some Apple company, rather our main
concern should be to build an application that really works and
works correct and reliable, is up to the state-of-art, maybe does
some things better compared with "the average video editing app".
And, very important, we should care for good usability in the
core application area, which is editing film (feature, video,
documentary, independent, news items, artwork projects, ...).

We wanted the community to be involved in finding a name. This 
community is right here. We got lots of interesting name proposals,
now we are about to narrow down the selection and remove any names
we devs utterly dislike. We'll finish the name game with a poll.

There is no need to be objective or use scientific methods for
picking the name, because it simply reflects what we (both the
community and the devs) prefer right now at the moment.

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Quick Start Guide

2008-02-12 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 12.02.2008, 21:45 +0200 schrieb Dirk Uys:
I am interested in getting involved with the development of the new
> version of cinelerra! I am a C++ developer, but I know a fair amount
> of C.

Hello Dirk,

you are welcome!

> What I would really like to know, is there some web page or document
> that contains all knowledge/ideas/guidelines about cin3 to this date?

We have quite some infos scattered on various levels 
-- I mean from rather abstract to practical and low-level.

The project "home" is currently on Christian Thaeter's "pipawiki"

Besides this wiki, the Core of our project is contained in the GIT 
Within this tree, you'll find a directory with some TiddlyWikis containing
the design- and technical documentation.

You can browse the GIT trees at:

Currently, my GIT is the most up-to date;a=summary

I put together some snapshots (of the mentioned design TiddlyWikis and
a Doxygen run) on my webpage at

You may want to have a look at our project meetings on IRC

If you are interested how things started out, you'll find a polemic
I wrote about the old source base, some conclusions and 
a first preliminary project plan at
NOTE: this pages are from last summer. At this time, we thought to
rather do a partial rework the old source base. But by now we are
a complete rewrite and will soon have a new Name different from

The project is in a early stage and things are much in flux. Please
feel free to ask more questions. We don't have a complete Architecture
overview or Roadmap yet, but it is clear that the new app. will have 
three Layers:
- Backend (written in C, ask Christian Thaeter for details
- Proc-Layer (written in C++, ask myself for more details
- GUI. (no maintainer yet, only some brainstorming)

Hermann Vosseler
(aka. "Ichthyo")

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] codec for youtube?

2008-02-12 Thread prg
> On Tue, 12 Feb 2008 15:19:32 +0100, marquitux caballero  
> > why don´t you LISTEN? maybe having 2k or 4k is for not many users, but  
> > FLV and 3GP EXISTS, so if you plan to make a PROFESSIONAL tool, why not  
> > to listen what the people say?

Am Dienstag, den 12.02.2008, 15:58 +0100 schrieb Herman Robak:
Mentioning 2k and 4k here is a straw man argument, since hardly anyone
> on the list has ever mentioned it.  A youtube output/upload option was
> actually on the "needs doing" list
  And now, Marquitux, I ask _you_ to listen:


while I agree fully with Herman, I want to add the following:

Marquitux, you are shouting all the time "why don't you LISTEN"...?
Marquitux, we talked on irc, you expressed your experiences in great 
detail in several mails, we found out that we share similar frustrating
experiences with the current cinelerra. We stated several times that
this was one of the motivations to start the "Cin-3" (or-what-else- 
it-will-be-named) effort. You did GUI mockups, we saved them as a
reference for later when we are able to make use of them.

What else do you want? that someone says "Pofff" and a shiny new
magical application emerges out of the blue??
>From reading this ML you can see, that we are coding (yes, we are 
actually coding), that we have developer meetings, that we conduct
a GUI debate and discuss features clearly geared towards a professional
workflow -- but you can see as well that we didn't reach the point where
we could make a GUI draft, so basically, if you are demanding that this
or that feature needs to be "built in", your perception is correct:
no one is LISTENING, because such arguments are beyond our focus:

There is the current Cinelerra. Several of us have tried quite some
time to build in some desperately needed features. It is doable, but
requires unproportional efforts. We did an analysis and drew our
conclusions. We'll care *first* for building a *engine* which will
put us in the situation to implement all those esperately needed
features (which we are well aware off) with reasonable efforts.

And to make it absolutely clear: Marquitux, we value your contributions
and we will need your judgement and your feedback very much at some time
in the future!

Hermann Vosseler
(aka "Ichthyo")

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] User Interface CONCEPTS mockup.

2008-02-06 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 06.02.2008, 21:02 +0100 schrieb Christian Thaeter:
> The tracks in a timeline represent a tree, to make it a full graph one
> just needs to 'wire' signals between this tracks.
> AkhiL mase some drawing some time ago:
>This ui is imo far more intuitive and nearer to the current approach
> then a node editor and uses screen estate much better.

Hi Christian,

I understood Richard's proposal such that the node editors are only an optional 
the user could open when (s)he wants to delve into the details how nodes are 

So, both aproaches could be combined: in the Timeline-Windows you just
atach clips, effects etc. to each other and place them on tracks

Hermann V.

PS: and of course, Tracks form a tree, that's important :-)

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Totally dumb question

2008-02-06 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 06.02.2008, 13:48 -0600 schrieb Timothy Baldridge:
Cin3 actually has development going on? Just look at the news history
> on the main page, and the forums. It's vaporware.
> And yeah, I've been keeping tabs on it since '03.


for your info: "Cin3" is the new project everyone is just searching a new name 

And yeah, it has development going on :-P

Hermann V

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] User Interface CONCEPTS mockup.

2008-02-06 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 06.02.2008, 09:02 +0100 schrieb Richard Spindler:
> I've made a little Picture about how I think the User Interface of a
> yet to be named Video Editor could be presented.
> cehteh, ichthyo, do you think that the backend could be used with
> such a frontend?

Hi Richard,

the structure displayed in your drawing is to a large degree identical to the
"high level model" I am currently developing in the Proc-Layer (middle Layer 
of the application). Besides, our design incorporates a Builder, which creates
a uniform network of render nodes which will be implemented/driven by the 
But the intention is to rather shield the user from the low level model while
presenting him a view of the high level model.

So, largely, you can take it as agreement. In the following I'll concentrate on 
differences in deail or on things I do a bit more flexible than in your 

*Tracks and Busses*: in the Proc-Layer, material on one track can 
connetct to several different Busses. I want to ged rid of this
often very limiting "leftover" from the old analogue hardware, 
where each track corresponds to one reading/writing head and
thus to one bus. Even in the simplest case, for me a "Clip" 
containts a video and an stereo audio stream and thus makes
connection to two busses simulatnously.

*Tracks are a Tree*: Tracks are nested right from start. You can
attach properties on every level. Most important property of course
is the output bus connection, further properties are layer ordering,
sound PAN position, MIDI instrument/channel asignments. Each Clip
searches the next-applicable properties he needs. (Here the rule-based
aproach comes into play, but from users view, this is not immediatly
obivious, because the application will come with a set of pretty much
conventional rules).

*One or multiple Timelines?*: The Proc-Layer has N distinct EDLs in
the Session. Each EDL is a collection of objects placed in some way, but
from users view it can appear as an separate timeline. Obviously each
timeline can either be anchored at an absolute time or just use relative
coordinates (it doesn't make any difference). An EDL can be placed in
the form of a meta-clip in another EDL -- that's similar to the 
"sub-timeline" in your drawing. 

*basic building block = Pipeline*: We are using various names for the 
same concept: Node Graph, Bus, Scratch Bus in your drawing, "Port" in
my design and implementation. I am trying to find a grippy name for this
entity all the time, an currently I am geared to call it just "Pipeline".
Other opinions or proposals? Some facts to further the discussion:
- remember it's the high level model. Its an abstraction the user works
  with. You can expect this "Pipeline" to be translated into a chain of
  connected nodes in the low-level model, but it is not identical to
  this chain.
- each clip is built round a Pipeline, containing the effects directly
  attached to the clip. At the source end, it will be connected either
  to a source reader + Codec, or recieve input from some other Pipeline.
- we have global Pipelines ("Busses") forming a matrix similar to the
  mixer strips of a sound mixing console. As said, we can have
  attachement points to these global Pipelines at various levels in 
  the tree of tracks, and in several EDLs simultanously, so each global
  pipeline can recieve input from different and varying sources.
- an EDL which is a meta-clip can be configured either to connect
  to the global Pipelines directly, or it can connect to the local
  Pipeline of the meta-clip, where we could attach further effects
  and transitions. This configuration can even be mixed: e.g. route
  the sound directly but send the video through the meta-clip

*limit the Pipelines to linear chains?*: I want to hear your opinion
about limiting the individual pipeline to a strictly linear chain of
nodes! The only exception would be "send nodes", which can make 
arbitrary conections to the input side of other Pipelines. The rationale
is code simplicity. Having a tree or even network within each Pipeline
makes building, addressing, processing and managing much more complicated
without providing anything you could not get similar by connecting a 
"send node" or the exit point of a Pipeline to another Pipeline (which
could be a global one, or just appear as clip somewhere in some EDL 
and thus add even the possiblility of changing the config
in a time varying fashion).

> There is no central notion of the camera/projector Model, which I think
> could be added anywhere in the Graphs as a Node with an unlimited Number
> of inputs.

Agreed, I am following the same line of thought. Besides, I plan to
make the default configuration rules such as to insert a "camera" node
in case the source resolution is different of what can be derived for
the Clip-Pipeline and similarily to insert a "projector" node automatically
when the desired output 

[CinCVS] Vote for a Name for a new NLE

2008-02-06 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 06.02.2008, 07:53 +0100 schrieb Richard Spindler:
The Following Names were the "preferred" choices on the wikipage at

> How to vote? Make an "X" in the Box before the name, and send this
> mail back to the list.
  [x] VeriteCV

Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Default settings and presets also need some love.

2008-02-05 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 05.02.2008, 22:47 +0100 schrieb Raffaella Traniello:
> I'd add:
> * Audio fade (and meters?) set to -40.0 to 6.0 

Hello all,

oh yes, this reminds me of some unfinished work.

Indeed Audio faders and meter need to be -96dB to +6dB, because that's
the dynamic range of 16bit PCM. (24bit has even -124dB)
Pierre Dumuid discovered this misconception quite a while ago.
Now this brings us to a quite complicated issue, the usage of dynamic
range. While for much "everyday work" you won't use more then -20dB
(and even apply a compresor to the sound to squeeze it into this 
limited range, so it sounds "good" on your car radio), for quality
oriented work you certainly use all the dynamic range.

Now, (as Pierre pointed out correctly at that time), if we just change
the effective "default dynamic range" of cinelerra, this will change the
meaning of the audio fade curves in quite a dramatic manner and --
whats most important -- this affects opening old sessions created with
cinelerra's former (misguided) understanding of the dynamic range ending
at -40dB. Cinelerra had/has the habit to just switch off the sound
when reaching -40dB. On consumer grade Boxes this may seem fine, but
when using Studio Monitors, you can hear a quite annoying "Click" at
the start and end of /every/ fade and crossfade. But, on the other 
hand, would we change this "switch of at -40dB" behaviour, all
sound tracks of all old sessions wouldn't be longer silent at places
were the original author of these sessions intended them to be silent.
Again, not noticeable on small PC speakers, quite noticeable on stuido

Not, at the same time (two years ago) I was working on the "bezier patch"
which improves the handling of the smooth fade (and camera+projector) curves
quite to some degree. This was one of my attemts to fix/supply some features
needed badly for more inclined work with cinelerra. (And as you all know,
we learned the lession that wanting to repaire seemingly localized issiues
quickly turns into a major undertaking -- finally this led us to where we
are now with "Cin3")

Pierre at that time helped me much to tidy up the bezier patch,
split it up into parts so that it could be, at least partially accepted
without breaking mergeability. This process created some tension, because
I wanted to improve the source base and Pierre cared much more
for staying alligned with upstream. Anyways, in the course of this we
found out, that using the functionality I built into my patch (which
we at that time expected to go "in" in some way) would also nicely
solve the "96db" Problem, because it would allow us to set a new
artificial interpolation node at -40dB while allow to retain the
slope and curvature of the fade line the original author intended.
Thus Pierre's partial patch for this problem was waiting on the
inclusion of my patch, but the latter first costed much time, then
came Cinelerra 2.1, I ported over my patch but Pierre then had
already started to work on his thesis -- and I and my friends are
using my privately patched Cinelerra version ever since (and doing
sound  mixing in Ardour anyways, so the click isn't a problem).

Well -- I really don't know how to proceed with this issue now...

Hermann V.

PS: Pierre Dumuid also did the patch to have separate zoom ranges
for the video/audio fade and the projector and camera, which resolves
most of the handling problems connected with this -96dB range limit.

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Interlacing, DVD

2008-02-05 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 05.02.2008, 11:09 -0500 schrieb Aaron Newcomb:
> ffmpeg -vcodec copy -acodec copy -r 25 -aspect 16:9 -i
> >
> > (this sets 25fps, the aspect ratio, and marks the video as interlaced)
> >
> I am not sure that this is true. The -deinterlace option in ffmpeg
> will deinterlace video, but if the video you are starting with is
> already deinterlaced I don't think ffmpeg with automatically add
> interlacing. I am not sure if that is what you mean by this comment or
> not.


you are absolutely right, I just copied this cmdline, but indeed it 
doesn't help at all with the original Problem, because the "-i" switch
just means "input file" (silly me!)

Hermann V.

PS:: Btw, Raffa's original problem was: in spite of the video /data/
being rendered correct (i.e. in this case *interlaced*), the header of the
created video doesn't contain the right flags, so the DVD player thought
it was progressive and presented it that way, giving the well known

Raffa could verify in VLC (by explicitly choosing the somewhat hidden option 
"deinterlace/linear") that the video data indeed was correct (interlaced)

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Cinelerra 2 Tasks for Designer/Artists and casual Users:

2008-02-05 Thread prg
Richard Spindler schrieb:
> > > Example of poor Metapher: "Albert Einstein" for "Sharpen".

Am Dienstag, den 05.02.2008, 18:02 +0100 schrieb Burkhard Plaum:
I thought the same, but when looking at the "Unsharp" effect
> and it's icon I laughed a lot.
me to,

but, indeed this rather proves the point Richard wanted to make
originally. The so called "unsharp" effect is the well known
"unsharp mask", which is much more than a "soft" or "blur" filter.
(In many cases you use it to /sharpen/ images)
Its one of the most fundamental working tools and certainly
nees a more grippy Icon.


PS: in "Cin3" you will be able to organize Effects in subfolders,
and save your grouping in the session, of course

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Tuning Video Playback

2008-01-30 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 29.01.2008, 23:58 +0100 schrieb Terje J. Hanssen:
> My available homePC w/Cinelerra on openSUSE 10.2 is an old, less 
> powerful K7 w/ATI Rage128RF graphical card, SB0312 Audigy LS (modern) 
> audio card, 512MB memory and a sliced 80GB Maxtor-5T060H6 hard disk.

> 3) VLC
> Opens the file in a wrong 4:3 aspect window. 
> Is it possible to get VLC to open the file in a correct 16:9 window, and 
> preferably scale it to fit the display width?

Hello Terje,

I did succeed to get the aspect right with VLC only by using the
~/.vlc/vlcrc file. VLC has configurable optionions for starting 
in Full screen mode and for preselecting a given aspect ratio and
deinterlace method (and much more). You can either change these 
values via GUI and then safe the settings, or you can hand edit
the vlcrc file (it's quite well commented but has tons of options).

(As usual, being a hacker, I just have a shellscript somewhere and
an assortment of vlcrc files for various setups (playing DVD, 
playing HDV, playing DV).

I didn't do much research, but for me VLC was the /only/ media player
capable to display the 1080i HDV footage correct, i.e. with increased
framerate, so it looks as smooth as on an external interlaced monitor.

You need the deinterlace method "linear" (doing linear interpolation
of the missing lines, gives a slightly blurred look) or "bob".
The other deinterlace methods have the usual 25Hz flicker 
(which many people praise as "real film look").

I saw smooth HDV playback with VLC in this setup on some Celeron
Laptops (about 2 GHz + nvidia proprietary driver), but probably
this will be to much for your machine. But maybe it works with 
the downscale you mention. Have you setup VLC to use the XV output?

PS: VLC does the same smoth playback for normal DV interlaced material,
but of course, here the usual artifacts are much more noticeable)

Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] What is the Best Project Practice

2008-01-29 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 29.01.2008, 23:03 +0100 schrieb Terje J. Hanssen:
Loaded one of my listed video files (dv02.dv). Then it arised 
> automatically on the time line and in the Media map in the Resources 
> window. Created a working directory (mkdir /home/terje/cin) and tried 
> File>Save as /home/terje/cin/cintest1_dv02
> However, I couldn't find this file afterwards, just another "related" 
> file cin.xml in my home directory /home/terje. Shouldn't the first file 
> be created and why the latter?
> I also tried just File>Save without any change.
Hi Terje,

yup, there seems to be some inconsistency in the handling of the File Save 
dialog. (Can't verify it, because at work atm)

> Is the above mentioned "Session.XML" a fictive file name or the real 
> file name?
> In your case, the Session-XML file obviously got the name "cin.xml".
(so, Session.xml was just an example)

> cin.xml contained the real file path to where dv02.dv is located.
yes, because it contains all you did within your session.
You can start cinelerra from prompt by "cinelerra cin.xml" to re-open
this session. For me, this is the default procedure to fire up cinelerra
on an alredy existing session.

I started Cinelerra again. At first there was nothing on the timeline or 
> in the Media map. Tried File>Load Backup and the dv02 file arised on the 
> timeline and in the Media map.
In the "Open File" dialog box, there is a dropdown at the bottom to define the 
"replacement stategy" (I don't recall the exact wording).
Because you can choose to add/insert material in an existing session,
replace your session with the new content or just create new resources
in the "Media" folder.
You need "replace current session" if you want to open an existing
session from within the application, and you I find it best to use
"create new resources only" if I want to add new media files to an
existing project.

> Where are these listed "video file pointers" possibly located and how
> to reset the list when starting a new project?
- technically they are located within the Session xml file
- you get new Media entries by loading media, but using "create new resources 
- you can remove them by right click on an entry and "remove from project"

To create a new project, fire up cinelerra, choose project format, then use
"save as", select as file type "XML" and a name. Then at least you should get
your XML file somewhere (ha ha ha). You can move it to the right place and
copy or rename it as you like, cinelerra won't bother (but when moving to
another directory it can't find any resources by relative path, of course)

If I recall right, you even can fire up cinelerra with an not-yet existing
XML name to create a new session in the current directory (?)

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] "Cin-3"

2008-01-29 Thread prg
Am Dienstag, den 29.01.2008, 21:27 +0100 schrieb Richard Spindler:
> > You should note though that the individual render node *must not* hold
> > any time varying data because of thread safety. Any data will be passed
> > in as "frames" (video, audio, control data) with the individual "pull"
> > calls for rendering. The render network is shared, and the backend needs
> > complete freedom for pulling rendered frames as it sees fit.
> Problems to keep in Mind:


obviously you didn't get my point...

> * Requiring Plugins to provide random access to frames is nice in theory, but 
> in
> practice, many iterative Video Filters exist and produce nice Visuals.

I wasn't talking about "theory" but pointed out, that in our current design the 
render nodes themselves are stateless, and get a context passed in. If we find
that we need to support sequential processing, then this has to be organized via
the context...

> * Complete Separation of UI and Plugins is nice in theory, but in practice, 
> you might want to attach additional UI relevant data to an Effect.

Again, I wasn't talking about "theory" but pointed out we need to accomodate 
pasing some opaque data owned by the upper layers...

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] "Cin-3"

2008-01-29 Thread prg
Christian Thaeter schrieb:
> > I'd rather separate plugin rendering functionality, parameter passing
> > and the gui.
Am Dienstag, den 29.01.2008, 19:11 +0100 schrieb Burkhard Plaum:
> IMO GUI and rendering can (and should) be separated. But
> - parameters are affected by the GUI
> - rendering is affected by parameters
> - parameters can change during rendering
> > For rendering we already concluded to use gavl to pass data arround, I
> > didn't yet checked if gavl has some provisions for passing
> > metadata/parameters along, if not, this might be a nice feature someday.
> For passing additional data, you have 2 options:
> ...

Hi Burkhard,

you are right, parameters can be tricky, because the different layers of the app
need to cooperate. For the middle layer I used up to now interfaces "Param" and
"ParamProvider". (Postponed any details for now).
ParamProvider will be implemented by a automation data source while rendering
and will be implemented by some connector to the GUI layer while setting up 
plugin instances.
In our current design, the middle layer has the job to set up all connections
(but never cares about the actual data types passed, as long as it can figure
out what connections to make) and the render nodes never to any checks or
configuration tests while rendering...

You should note though that the individual render node *must not* hold
any time varying data because of thread safety. Any data will be passed
in as "frames" (video, audio, control data) with the individual "pull"
calls for rendering. The render network is shared, and the backend needs
complete freedom for pulling rendered frames as it sees fit.

> If it turns out, that one priv pointer isn't enough, I can add a priv2
> pointer :) gavl never touches these anyway.

this is fine because the other layers will for sure have some opaque data
to pass along here too (and it wouldn't be wise to define everything to
the last bit now before even kowing what the upper layers will need)

> > Distributed plugins which just do the work on a renderfarm will just
> > work, the GUI is only needed for the front node where the user sits.
...and this includes marshalling parameter/automation data over the
network. The middle layer will be able to work in a "headless"/scripted
setup too, including all editing operations. 

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: "Cin-3"

2008-01-29 Thread prg
Hi Matt,

your post contains some points about "mindset" I want to respond to --
especially with regards to "Cin-3"

The Project? Some days ago you saw the first quasi-official mention
on the ML. It is just emerging as a project, and it /will/ be a project
separate from Cinelerra. It started out by some devs worrying about the
state of Cinelerra-2 project and code base. We first tried the "patching
and repairing" aproach, then the "rework some subsystem and bring in a
new spirit" aproach and -- now it evolves into a separate project.
Note: I don't blame anyone, I just say, this is what happened.

The Name? "Cin-3" is a placeholder until we have decided on a new name,
then we will do the renaming. Indeed, for all of us there /is/ a tight
connection to Cinelerra, because we are part of the community, use it
for our editing work (and will continue to do so). Moreover, some hint
in the name connecting it to "Cinema", "Film", "Video", "NLE" and 
"Linux" seems to be a good idea to start with. 
( and it should be female :-P )

> Honestly, it's depressing how
> many of the suggestions I've seen are still obviously trying hard to work
> in as many letters from "Cinelerra" as possible, and still calling it
> "Cinelerra 3" in the discussion of what official name to give it.  It's
> clear that in people's minds, it *is* Cinelerra 3, and the result of the
> naming discussion won't change how it's thought of.
Can you tell me please what's depressing with that?
Even if we often curse Cinelerra, because it crashes or hinders our work by
some features being designed in a limited and to simplistic fashion,
we should never forget it /is/ an achievement to have a complete editing
application which is basically usable for pro work. Would you have started
such a ambitious project 10 years ago from scratch? 

 - Cinelerra can work with uncompressed material, and enables you to
   work on MPEG material (eg. HDV) as a source format (not a delivery
 - Cinelerra gives you *total* control on what is happening with your
   video data. No "wizzard" or "cheat sheet" is patronising you, which
   is an absolute must for professional work.
 - Cinelerra has an compositing engine seemlessly integrated into the
   normal workflow. Together with the automation facility, you can build
   quite advanced processing chains "right in there" out of basic 
   building blocks (including the "pull" principle for rendering)

I don't want to loose this power and I don't want to change the fundamental
approach with regards to this points, and I don't see any reason to be
ashamed of following this route.

I understand, that from a users POV, you may not find much "killer
features" in our new project to start with. We even postponed GUI
discussions. We just want to unleash the power by removing obstacles.
The developer may note though, that this isn't possible without reconsidering,
reworking or even building from scratch almost all core parts of the 
because the problems Cinelerra is suffering from are not like "things" laying
around and waiting to be spotted and removed.

By following this route we will be able to build some real advanced 
features on top of it later on, to make it really open for all sorts
of extensions and to provide the guidance features and safe presets
Cinelerra is lacking, without the danger of limiting advancedd uses.

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] HDV workflow questions

2007-11-21 Thread prg
Hi flavio,

at the moment, I'm at work and can have just a quick glance at the
problem. Seemingly the two attached xml files are identical with 
respect to the semantics (the python script changes the order of
the attributes, but this doesn't matter in xml).

I've made the necessary changes manually with a text editor
and attached this manually modified xml. Can you please check
if this now uses the proxy clip for you?

I did the following: 
(1) at the bottom, in your video track, change 
FILE SRC="cam_flavio2.avi" 
to be:
FILE SRC="cam_flavio.toc"

in the same video track, apply a scale=2.0 to the camera automation default 

changed to be:

Am Mittwoch, den 21.11.2007, 11:25 -0200 schrieb flavio:

> Right, all that to say that the script worked when I modified that, 
> but I'm not sure if it really really worked because

> I'm sending both files atached and this was the output I had:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/hdb1/flavio/temp/seychelles no mis$ ./ 
> 01_teste_proxy.xml -from 'proxyfiles/(\w+)\.avi' -to 'hdv/\1.toc'

> ['./', '01_teste_proxy.xml', '-from', 
> 'proxyfiles/(\\w+)\\.avi', '-to', 'hdv/\\1.toc']
> read session 01_teste_proxy.xml
> transform args={'doAudio': False, 'regExp': <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 
> 0xb7e07e20>, 'scale': 
> 0.5, 'template': 'o', 'doVideo': True}

there seems to be an error already in the documentation. The "GNU getopt" 
library I use for command proccessing accepts either short
options with one dash or long options with two dashes.

Here, the script seems to interpret the "-from" as option "-f" with
parameter value "rom", which it obviousely can't find in your session
- and thus the script doesn't change anything :-)

In your second command line, there is a single, unbalanced double quote
at the end, and because of this, your shell prints the ">" in the next
line and expects further input.

Given your session file, I would guess the commandline should be rather
as follows:

./ 01_teste_proxy.xml --from 'cam_flavio2.avi' --to 
'cam_flavio.toc' --scale 2.0

The example in the documentation uses a "regular expression match" to
do an automated transfroming with several different media files, where
the original media reside in subfolder "proxyfiles/" and the target
media reside in subfolder "hdv/". In the above command line for your
session file, I gave you a simple search-and-replace...

My apologies for all the hassle! I would be much more happy, if we
could just code a simple dialog box into cinelerra and the App would
handle all those details internally


Description: Binary data

Re: [CinCVS] HDV workflow questions

2007-11-19 Thread prg
Hi Flavio,

the whole thing with the python script is just a quick-n-dirty hack to
get some sort of "proxy editing". I wrote it to be able to handle a larger
project in HDV, since Cinelerra doesn't support proxy editing natively.
Basically it just automates some search-and-replace I did
first using a text editor.

Since I am a coder, I considered to build it into Cinelerra itself of
course, but soon realized (again) this would be a major pain, because
Cinelerra internally hasn't anything like a component model, extension
points or similar "architectural stuff". Well, that's another story
(and you probably noted the "Cinelerra-3" project Cehteh and I started
to rework some internal parts of Cinelerra to improve on this situation).

So, to explain this workaround with the python script:

 - you create proxy clips from your footage (using some external app)
 - you load the proxy clips into your Cinelerra session as well, so
   for every Media you have an full res entry and a proxy entry within
   the same session.
 - at the bottom of every Cinelerra Session XML is a section, which
   contains your actual video and audio tracks and the clips on them.
   Each of this clips referes to some media entry /by name/
 - so, basically all we have to do, is to exchange this reference link,
   i.e. replace the name of the proxy media the name of the full
   res media in every clip on your video tracks.
 - now, because the proxy clips are smaller than the full res clips,
   some means to enlarge the proxy clips when displaying them would
   be nice. I used the camera automation for this. And to help with
   it, we have the "--scale" parameter in the script.

Am Montag, den 19.11.2007, 13:37 -0200 schrieb flavio:
>, making the XML that has been generated by cinelerra point to the 
>HDV clips and to a HDV project. The python script whose link is at the manual 
>would then do this last part, of changing the XML and creating a backup of the
>original XML file. 
generally speaking this is correct, but note: the script doesn't create
new media entries for proxy/or full res media. It works only, if you
have already loaded fullres and proxy version of every media into your

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop/testes hdv$ ./ cinelerra.xml -from 
> `proxyfiles/(\w+)\.avi` -to `hdv/\1.toc`
> bash: command substitution: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `\w+'
> bash: command substitution: line 1: `proxyfiles/(\w+)\.avi'
> bash: hdv/1.toc: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
what makes me suspicious here is the fact that your shell ("bash") has
anything to say here. Did you really use single quotes to enclose the
"--from" and the "--to" parameters? It is best to use single quotes
to prevent your shell from expanding or substituting anything here,
because we just want to pass on the regular expression patterns
unmodified to the script.

> Minidom wird gehackt
you see, I should really clean up the script and remove my german 
debugging messages... :-P

> read session cinelerra.xml
> File "xml/dom/", line 207, in parseFile
> xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 17, 
> column 99
This just tells us that the XML parser (Expat) called by the python script 
bails out. He can't parse the Session file, because it is not 100% legal XML.
This is a notorious problem; cinlelerra uses a homebrew XML parser internally
and understands its own session files just fine in spite of them beeing not 100%
legal XML, but modern library parsers are quite picky (and it is a good idea to 
pedantic with XML). Last summer, I made a patch to fix some of the often 
encountered errors in cinelerra's XML, but obviousely there are still more
of them to discover :-)

So, please look in line 17, column 99 of your session XML what's there!
Sometimes it's some character encoding problem, sometimes its a missing
closing tag or missing quotes.

> This part is not working but I could eventually edit the XML manually. I 
> tried 
> using the program meld to see the differences between a HDV and a DV project 
> files to see where I would have to change them in case I had to. 
Basically, thats a good idea. Knowing what's going on is helpfull for
using this hack altogether.

Make a simple new Session, load just 1 HDV media and the corresponding
proxy media. Delete everything but 1 single video track and place one
single clip on this track. Save it and look at it in the text editor
to understand the structure. You should find your video track at the
bottom, and you should see how it referes to the media entry

Hermann Vosseler
(aka "Ichthyo")

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] What would motivate developers

2007-11-12 Thread prg
Am Montag, den 12.11.2007, 20:08 + schrieb mark carter:
I'm wondering to what extent you think extern libs might help (hopefully 
> the answer is "a lot"). 
> yes, I think so, it will greatly help reducing the overall size of "cinelerra 
> code"

I'm presuming that Cinelerra grew up in a world 
> where there was a paucity of such libraries - so had to do a lot of 
> things itself. When I looked at the code that does the reading, I 
> couldn't help thinking that "there's too much of it", and appears to be 
> handling a lot of stuff that I might expect an external library to deal 
> with. ..
my judgement too...


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] What would motivate developers

2007-11-12 Thread prg
Am Montag, den 12.11.2007, 19:08 + schrieb mark carter:
, but some people 
> argue against git and in favour of svn, claiming that the whole idea of 
> priviliged checkin is not such a bad idea.
Obviously, some people don't seem to get the point with GIT:
It is up to /you/ to define your policies as you see fit, and GIT will
support it :-)
If someone wants "privileged checkins", this just tanslates to arranging
for one specific branch at one GIT repo to represent the "privileged truth",
so every merge to this branch will be a privileged checkin...


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] What would motivate developers

2007-11-12 Thread prg
2007/11/12, mark carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > ... As you guys will no doubt be aware, I had created some
> > patches for Ficl, and left cinelerra alone for some time. When I tried
> > to apply the patches to a later version, there were quite a few
> > conflicts. Backed up from my other (limited) experiences with revision
> > control systems, I came to the conclusion that conflicts arise really
> > fast. Mergability is a real problem. I guess Linus must be some kind of God.

Am Montag, den 12.11.2007, 17:25 +0100 schrieb Richard Spindler:
I think this depends on the project, most code in Linux are propably
> device drivers, that can be developed independently without
> interfering with others.
Yes, it depends much on how the code is organized. 
In the current Cinelerra codebase, you get mergability problems very fast,
as soon as you try to "rework" anything, as opposed to just patch small 
changes into existing structure. So anything that is not so small, localized
or trivial as to be accepted into trunk very fast, is strongly discouraged.
In my oppinion /this/ is the root of the problem which looks from users view
as if "developers don't care for users needs".

Ideally, a sourcebase should be decomposed into several, not-so-strongly
coupled subsystems, and every coupling should be made explicit via 
interfaces. Then, for example, if you start your-favorate-new-feature
project as a new subsystem, maybe needing this and that addition to
other interfaces, and you get distracted and come back a half year
later, all you have to check in order to get up-and-running again,
is for modifications to the interfaces you used...

Hermann Vosseler

PS: and you can take it for granted that we try to get into this 
direction with our cin3 work...

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] build SVN version on 64bits PC - error in libavcodec inside ffmpeg

2007-06-19 Thread prg
Am Sonntag, den 17.06.2007, 11:28 +0100 schrieb J.P. Casainho:
On the last 2 days, I tried to build Cinelerra on my new 64bits system, one 
> Core 2 Duo from Intel.
> I always got this error: "/usr/bin/ld: 
> ffmpeg/libavcodec/.libs/libavcodec.a(simple_idct_mmx.o): relocation 
> R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a shared 
> object; recompile with -fPIC
> ffmpeg/libavcodec/.libs/libavcodec.a(simple_idct_mmx.o) ..."
> I tried with option "--with-external-ffmpeg", but got another error later :-(

yes, thats a very common problem on 64bit systems. See my other mail
"Compiling problems, Debian, AMD64, -fPIC" some weeks ago (with a patch).

Base line is: obviosely, generating PositionIndependentCode for a thing
like Cinelerra doesn't make much sense, thus the inclination to compile
with -fpic. 
BUT, you link against lots of system libs, which are commonly build with -fPIC 
(because thats just what PIC is for, shareing lib objects in memory...). So for 
practical reasons you want to compile *everything*
as PIC, and to be successfull, you need to make the small change to
the internal ffmpeg subdirectory, otherwhise you won't ever be able
to link.

> Note: I already build several times on my old i386... and I did build the 
> same 
> version in my this new system, but, in a Linux Ubuntu i386 version instead of 
> the 64bits version.
does this mean you are on a debian or ubuntu system?
Then you could check out my "private" debian/ubuntu package which
I setup last week. I would be glad if someone tested it, so please
tell me if interested.

Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] SoC 2007

2007-03-07 Thread prg
Il giorno mer, 07/03/2007 alle 01.36 +0100, Andraž Tori ha scritto:
> > On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 01:21 +0100, giskard wrote:
> > > hello,
> > > 
> > > it's a long time i don't contribute to cinelerra,but i'm always
> > > interested in it. 
> > > 
> > > Yesterday i wondered why cinelerra cannot be part of SoC 2007  (SoC as
> > > in Summer of Code a project sponsored by google)
> > 
> > Why not, we could... Kiberpipa can be mentoring organisation, and myself
> > and JohannJohanneses Sixt and maybe someone else as mentors... but the final
> > decision is on google...
> > 
> > > I have some ideas, but for most of them i can't be the mentor (maybe for
> > > all).
> > > 
> > > 1) write a GUI in gtk2
> > 
> > this is wy beyond SoC project
> > 
> > > 2) re-write cinelerra-cv as a modular program
> > 
> > I was thinking about smaller scale projects...
> > 
> > > we have to decide if partecipate or not to SoC 2007.
> > 
> > i am all for it
Am Mittwoch, den 07.03.2007, 17:34 +0100 schrieb giskard:
> ok! cool ! 
> i will start reading SoC docs, Johannes (and * project guys) do you are ok?
> > > Yesterday i wondered why cinelerra cannot be part of SoC 2007  (SoC as
> > > in Summer of Code a project sponsored by google)
> > 
> > Why not, we could... Kiberpipa can be mentoring organisation, and myself
> > and JohannJohanneses Sixt and maybe someone else as mentors... but the final
> > decision is on google...
> > 
> > > I have some ideas, but for most of them i can't be the mentor (maybe for
> > > all).

Il giorno mer, 07/03/2007 alle 01.36 +0100, Andraž Tori ha scritto:
> > I was thinking about smaller scale projects...
> > 

hello Andraž, hello giskard,

what's with handling interlaced internally? wouldn't this be a "smaller"
project? Somthing along the following lines:

 - you have e.g. 50i material
 - you swith the project framerate up from 25fps to 50fps
 - any 50i clips now "emit" 50 frames per second while doing some clever 
 - all the rest (all plugins, transistions, masks, keyframes, the whole 
   video pipeline need not be modified)
 - you render your project immediately into a pipeline with 50fps and
   handle the re-assembling to the final delivery format externally

Hermann V.

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] fixing cinelerra, using standard C++ libs etc.

2007-03-07 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 07.03.2007, 10:20 +0100 schrieb Christian Thaeter:
Finally I found some time to look at some cinelerra bugs. Cinelerra use
> quite some own things..

> I believe the code complexity could be lowered by replacing some
> things with standard or defacto-standard libs rather fixing the problems

Hello Christian,

I am much in favour of the cleanups you propose, indeed, many aspects 
of cinelerra source are hard to work with...

but, as I see it, the main problem is: 
will such changes be accepted "upstream"??

If not, we will end up with a de-facto code fork. (I state this without
intending any pun or hostility). /If/ we wanted a completely forked
"Community-Cinelerra", we would need much more dev manpower


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] external firewire drive

2006-10-18 Thread prg
Am Montag, den 16.10.2006, 17:40 -0400 schrieb Wesley T Allen:
And I was leery of Maxtor and Seagate because I've had drives from both die on 
> me - but samsung?  Really?  Wow, the world changes
> Wes

...I am using 10 Samsung HDD about 2 years now and without any probs. This 
drives are really silent and (other than my Maxtors) never failed.

Of course, things can change rapidly -- it could as well happen that you
get crap if you buy Samsung today, you know only if you try :-) 

Speed? I can playback HDV MPEG-TS stored on them in vlc without problems
via USB 2. In Cinelerra I get about 20fps playback (without any transitions, 
effects etc of course) on a AMD 64 X2 machine.

Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Bezier automation

2006-08-23 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 23.08.2006, 21:41 +0200 schrieb Nicolas:

> OK. So, if I open a "made with the patched version" project with the
> "normal" 836 version, only the way the input and output points are
> displayed would be changed, wouldn't they?

> Your patch is *REALLY* important for me. That's because I work on a long
> video which will contains around 1000 keyframes.
same for me

> However, that project is a "long term" project. It'll be finish in
> around 2 months, but I have to be able to edit it again in some years.
Same for me, also a "long term" project. I'm determined to use the
patch myself and I will try to get it into the official codebase,
if this is possible. So you can count on me!

Munich, Germany

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] Bezier automation

2006-08-23 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 23.08.2006, 20:31 +0200 schrieb Nicolas:
Could you please explain the syntax to apply the patch? I'm not familiar
> at all with that command...

Hello Nicolas,

patching is simple, you just feed the patch to stdin of the patch command. The 
only complication is the "-p" parameter, which ist
necessary in almost all cases. Its purpose is, that the patch command
can find the target files it has to patch on /your/ system. As a
reference, it usess the paths and filenames provided in the patch file,
but it removes a prefix from each given path before it tries to find
the target file on your system. There are examples in the manpage,
but -- actually in this case, it is simple (I just wrote the explanation
because I never like people doing things "blind" without them knowing
at least a bit of what is happening)

OK. You have the *.zip file containing the patch.

1. go to the root directory of your cinelerra source tree (i.e. the  
   directory containing the cinelerra/ guicast/ plugins/ and debian/  

2. unpack the zip from there:

   as a result, it should place the four new png files into the
   plugin/suv/data  etc... dirs
   and it should unpack the patch itself in the root of the source tree.

3. apply the patch with

 patch -p 0 < bezier_patch-1hiv20060818.patch

   he should report just that he is patching some source files, but no
   errors and no additional questions. If something fails at this point,
   then please mail me again!

4. build and install

You wrote :
> > One final word to the compatibility ...
> ...
> if you afterwards open a session file edited with the patched
> > Cinelerra in a old version of Cinelerra, your control points will
> > again show up in the old (strange) way, but with their horizontal
> > position reset to zero, i.e. they will show up exactly above and below
> > the corresponging automation node.
> Does that mean the curves will be transformed into straight lines?
> No, the curvature of the line is retained, only the display of the
control points is messed up slightly. The explanation why this is
the case is given in the manual section you cited: the way it is
implemented in cinelerra, the /horizontal/ position of the control 
point is irrelevant, only the vertical position matters.

> BTW, it's written in the official Cinelerra manual :
> ...
>  While the input control and the output control can be
> > moved horizontally as well as vertically, the horizontal movement is
> > purely for legibility and isn't used in the curve value.
that's fine! I wasn't aware of this section in the manual.
I always draged the keyframes horizontally and expected the curve to
change, as I would expect it from a full-fledged implementation of
bezier curves, and it seemed to change something (actualliy it didn't)
an so I felt betrayed and got angry. This is, why I made this fact
explicit in my patch: there you can only drag the points vertical.

There is another reason why I changed this: if you can drag the
control point horizontally as you like and this has really no
effect (as it is in cinelerra up to now), the so called
"tangent property" of bezier curves is completely messed up.
This tangent property means, that the line from the node to
the control point is at the same time the tangent on the
smooth curve in this node, i.e. the slope of the curve
at this side of the node.

> This my English isn't very good, I miss the point...
> please tell me, if I express myself too complicated.
I'm not a native speaker as well, and (worse) I studied
math some long time ago :-) and thus tend to express myself
overly complicated at times ;-)


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] same problem - libquicktimehv/ libfaad/ libfaac

2006-08-16 Thread prg
Am Mittwoch, den 16.08.2006, 20:48 +0200 schrieb Valentina Messeri:
hi Kristin :)
> maybe changing your marillat repositories frm etch to sid can help

Hi Vale,
Hi Kristin,

...I don't think it is necessay to go to sid. I think,
it's only the new address "debian-multimedia", so I would propose
to try first

deb etch main

(I myself got it from debian-multimedia etch)


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] same problem - libquicktimehv/ libfaad/ libfaac

2006-08-16 Thread prg
Hello Kristin,

yes, it seems to make sense: your Apt simply doesn't know
where to get the libfaac0 package cinelerra requires. He
knows only the official released version 1.24-0 which he
can get from the old url of Christian Marillat's unofficial
multimedia Repository. But Marillat is always moving from 
server to server, and now uses the new name "debian-multimedia"
and got some additional mirrors. I guess, the old sites are
no longe up to date (and will vanish at some point).

See at
At the page bottom, there is a lot of deb-Urls and even a
page with mirrors. Do you know how to add a repository to
your Apt configuration (sources.list)?

hope this helps

PS: you can see by the output on my system, that I myself got 
the package from one of the new mirrors...

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Fixing the faders and automation lines

2006-07-19 Thread prg
Hi Leo, Hi Pierre,

the last weeks, I spent quite some time on implementing a patch for an
issue closely related to this. So, I think it's great you want to
participate, and maybe we can join forces or at least I could assist
in understanding the code involved in rendering and manipulation of
the automation curves. :-)

To recap, I am in the middle of a large editing project and bound to
use the automation feature rather heavily, and I found it quite
cumbersome to use. It is nice we can have fades and pans, but given
professional needs, I found myself hand-editing the tangent of
almost every automation node, because some of the behaviour of them
is annoying at least. So I started a patch to improve handling of
bezier automation curves. See the Threads called "Bezier curve
alternative?" and "Bezier automation" about a month ago.

Meanwhile, I got interrupted by two sound recording jobs I had to
do, but today my patch is »almost done« and just needs some
polishing. Last week on irc, Johannes Sixt asked me if I could
port it over immediately to Cinelerra 2.1, so I didn't publish
anything new. But, of course, if there is interest, I could
produce a patch based on the "latest Version of Cin 2.0-CV"
(which is r836 in Subversion, IIRC), before the merging up
to Cinelerra 2.1 started.

Pierre Dumuid wrote:
> What really annoys me is at the moment, the ranges of the all
> automation curves (that control floating point variables) are
> currently shared, (i.e. the range for an audio track, typically need
> values from -80 to 6 dB), projector / camera zoom ranges are ALWAYS
> positive, and generally go from .0001 to 10, and projector / camera
> translation control are generally of the order of -1024 to 1024
> (depending on your image size).
> This I consider is the most annoying feature about automation curves
> and the one that should be tackled first. My proposed solution is as
> follows:
> dropdown   text boxbutton 
> [type] [ -100 to 100][log/lin]
> With this idea, each curve is of a type (zoom, translation,
> audiofade), and the range used on the track depends on the type.

I completely agree with you this is very annoying behaviour; basically
it hinders gaining any profit of the fact that several overlay curves
are sharing the same screen real estate: most of the time their scales
don't match and we are forced to display only one curve at a time.

But I'm rather sceptical if your poposal will make things better. Having
to navigate with the mouse down to the statusbar and selecting a type
and entering Values into the text box can be cumbersome as well.

Even the current solution seems more steamlined: We have the "overlays"
window with checkboxes for every overlay type and we have keybindings
for toggeling the most common curves. And we have the ALT-f key, which
even works in conjunction with the current selection in a track, i.e.
it bases the new automation vertical zoom range on the current visible
curves within the selection of the first armed track.

Pierre Dumuid wrote:
> I do want to say, that I currently LOVE the ability to manually set 
> the limits of the ranges by typing the values in.
Absolutely. This is a strength of Cinelerra not to be sacrified.
E.g in ardour, the current value of an automation node or segment
is shown as a hint while dragging, and the values are quantized to
0.1dB. Getting a segment constant to say exactly to -6dB can be
quite a challenge...

Leo germani wrote:
> Plan A: 
> Build Ardour-like automation tracks: it means you would have,
> on the left panel, the option to show or hide the automation tracks
> of your choice, wich would be subTracks of the track you are working
> in. On this track all you see is the automation line of the selected
> automation (fade, CameraX, etc...). You would be able to see one or
> as many automation tracks as you like at a time. I think this is the
> best way cause also opens the door for, later on, someone add all the
> effects to this. For example, the PluginKey frames could migrate to
> the automatinoLine style. So I could automate, lets say, the HUE
> parameter of the Color Balance effect.
And we should add, the handling of the mouse wheel in conjunction
with SHIFT, ALT and CTRL is very nicely done in ardour.

But, without wanting to dilute your proposal in any way, we should note
this approach gets cumbersome rather quickly at larger projects. Given a
typical Session (classical music, medium sized orchestra, some singers),
I find myself soon scrolling up and down through tons of automation
tracks, either beeing forced to orient myself all the time ("what the
heck is the track I'm currently in here), or forced to decode which
parameter of which plugin to select and to show and hide, beeing rather 
distracted from listening and working with the sound altogether.

What I am dreaming of would be sort of "View Combinations"
(similar to the free combinations of stops found on large pipe organs):
They would be freely configurable and c

[CinCVS] Re: Bezier automation

2006-06-06 Thread prg
Hi Andraz,

just missed you on irc. :-(
The Alt-thing I can do, shouldn't be difficult and just in there
where I am mucking around all the time...
I don't know what to say as far as "factor 2" is concerned. My goal
of course was to get things as simple as possible, from a programmers
POV :-) But the state cinelerra is in (I mean with no real "up-to-date
stable version" compatibility between versions is also a value.

>  - the  changing should also be available in the "?" window 
>in the compositor
don't quite understand you: what changing do you mean: the changing
of node tangent mode (smooth-linear-free)? For camera and projector
auto only?


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Any recommended x86_64 distribution for using cinelerra?

2006-06-06 Thread prg
> On Tue, 6 Jun 2006 11:16:56 +0200 "Helge Nert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I have had huge problems getting cinelerra to work on my FC4 x86_64
Dimitrios wrote:
> I'm still learning cinelerra, but i haven't had any problems related to the 
> distribution. I'm using Fedora Core 5 x86_64 with the latest RPM packages of 
> cinelerra published by (which handles all dependencies).


ever considered to have a look at Debian?
Since last fall, when I built up my new system for sound and video editing
at home, I am a big fan of the way Debain manages packages, building and
debendencies. OK, RedHat, SuSE and the like are RPM based systems and if you
know one, you can handle all. Debian is different, so there are some things
new and to be learned. For my PC, I started with
a distro specially designed for music and multimedia work on 64 bit
platforms, which is based on Debian/testing. For Cinelerra there are 
Debian packages provided rather frequently, as the source tree in SVN 
is almost a complete debian package.


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: projector y motion with interlaced dv footage

2006-05-24 Thread prg
Alec Robertson wrote:
> I have NTSC DV footage for which ...
> I can use the projector y-motion to center the subject vertically
> But, I noticed that when I then do a frames to fields that the interlacing
> order changes between successive fields. This is as one would expect
> Is there a way to preserve the interlacing under such conditions? 

Hi Alec,

as far as I can see, there is no easy workaround. (We encountered the
same problem in our project). You can take two different approaches:

1) if it's clear that the final product will be progressive (e.g. if 
   you plan to make a movie for internet distribution with low bandwidth),
   than you can throw away the additional information contained in your
   interlaced footage by applying a deinterlacer and working on the
   deinterlaced material.

2) if you want to preserve the interlacing (e.g. if you want to watch
   the final result on a tv screen) and you want the effect in high
   quality, then the only way doing soin cinelerra is to extract the 
   fields to separate frames with doubled frame rate, i.e. you render 
   your footage with fields to frames effect to a intermediate movie 
   clip with doubled frame rate. Then you apply your pan/mask/whatever 
   effect in a separate cinelerra session which runs with doubled 
   frame rate and finally you reintegrate your processed footage 
   by using the frames to fields effect.

hope this helps,

PS: Note that "progressive" was sort of a buzzword in the last years.
This doesn't mean that progressive is "always better", only under
certain circumstances :-)

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Cinelerra with shared Libs

2006-04-26 Thread prg
Eddy Nigg (StartCom Ltd.) wrote:
> Current Cinlerra version 2.0 can't be compiled on FC5, and may patches 
> have to be applied to various libraries (Faac, Faad, Libdv etc). I did 
> not got to the point yet to compile cinelerra itself, because I would 
> prefer that it would be linked to the system libraries and not the libs 
> provided in the cinlerra package. I wonder, if there are a few tips for 
> doing that, before I kneel into this and do it by ourself.


supposedly you are refering to the "official" Heroine version of cinelerra 2.0 
from october 2005. You may want to have a look at the "unofficial" community
version at , because this one is to be compiled
and linked against the system libs (and besides the recent versions have much 
improved stability and some nice productivity enhancements as well).

Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Cinelerra generating files that ffmpeg can't read

2006-04-11 Thread prg
valentina messeri wrote:
> avi or mov, are container, but dv, afaic, is a lossless
> codecalthough tiff is "losslesser" no way

dv is lossy, IIRC, somewhat similar to M-JPEG, where every frame is
compressed seperately, in contrast to MPEG, which treats groups of

yuv is lossles, of course :-)
Other examples for really lossles formats are OpenEXR, PNG sequence, ...

But if the original footage has been shot on DV, it /is/ compressed 
alredy, and so, in most cases, a "slight lossy" format like DV or M-JPEG
(with high quality setting) deliveres just fine quality.


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: Cinelerra under debian testing

2006-02-15 Thread prg
Piotr Legiecki wrote:
>  But wonder if I can make clean (not to force 
> dependency problems with packages) cinelerra install under etch? It 
> should be not very complicated (just one force-overwrite on the
> libmpeg3hv_1%3a2.0.0-1svn20060213_i386.deb):
basically it is not very difficult. Ok, you need some "unofficial"
repository, like "marrilat" or "debian unofficial" IIRC.

At the moment things seem to be a bit complicated with etch.
(I am using "64Studio" and "DeMuDi", both based on debian testing)
Currently, we can't install the simplest things as there are some
required libs (notably form kde) still not in testing. So at the
moment, you either have to fiddle with Apt-Pins and use unstable
or need to be patient.

> Is it stable enough to  use it without frustration?
stability has been largely improved in last time. Im using it
heavily and generally didn't entcounter any serious problems.

Of course, cinelerra has the habbit of simply crashing when you
do something obvious silly, it never bothers the poor haunted 
power user with spurious mesage boxes or step-by-step-recovery 
wizards :-)
But there is a reliable auto backup feature (importand: the really
first thing you need to do after restart after a crash ist "load backup" 
form file menu)

With respect to frustration I can't promise you anything. As with most
any pro software, you probably get lots of frustrating experiences if
you think a "normal" application should behave as if it was microsoft
word. You should really read the manual completely and try to understand
what's written there.


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: understanding chained tracks

2006-02-08 Thread prg
Andraz Tori wrote:
> For changing the order of overlays, you could use overlay plugin...

Hi Andraž,

as you are mentioning it
Yesterday, I didn't manage to get any visible result by this plugin, 
but I couldn't figure out what exctly it is doing (even by poking into
the source :-( )

 - do I need always to share this plugin between exactly two tracks?
 - what does the setting "ouput to top/bottom" mean?
 - what happens with the original output of the tracks?

maybe you could give me a hint?


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] understanding chained tracks

2006-02-08 Thread prg
> On Wed, 8 Feb 2006, Andraz Tori wrote:
>>The same could be used for video tracks when you are combining some
>>material in multitrack and want to fix all the material in the same way
>>(apply the same color correction for example...) no matter which track
>>the material is in...

> But then what happens to the data from the "shared track"?  As far as I
> can tell, when you use a shared track, it doesn't just apply the same
> plugins... it also composites one track into the other.  I have yet to
> read a clear description of where the data actually goes, let alone why
> it's useful.  Sharing just the plugins (like, share a track to
> automatically share all its plugins) would make sense to me.

this was one of the points that puzzled me. Because this feature
seems to combine several things, i.e sharing the plugins in "backwards
direction" and at the same time sending the output in "forward direction"
from track A to B. 

This seems a bit limiting, but there are workarounds:

- if I am not interested in the "plugin and mask sharing", I can
  mute the "source track" (track A) and only use the overlaid output
  on B
- if I am not interested in the shared output then I can hide it by
  using the normal track overlay: lets assume, track A is below and
  track B is above. If the overlay mode of track B is set to "normal"
  or to "replace", it will cover and thus hide the redirected output
  of track A (because it is calculated later and the redirected 
  output is overlaied first, when calculating the data of track A 
  -- did I guess this explanation right?)


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] Re: understanding chained tracks

2006-02-08 Thread prg
> On sre, 2006-02-08 at 20:15 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am somewhat puzzled by the behaviour of "chained tracks" 

Andraz Tori wrote:
> The concept comes from audio... where there are many situations in
> stereo, where you want to apply the same effects with the same keyframes
> to both tracks at the same time, without managing keyframes for every
> track separately.
> The same could be used for video tracks when you are combining some
> material in multitrack and want to fix all the material in the same way
> (apply the same color correction for example...) no matter which track
> the material is in...

Hi Andraž,

Ah, I see, this makes perfectly sense. 
Chained tracks seem to be an advanced feature overloded with several
possible uses
 - sharing a processing chain on different material
 - deriving and overlaying different versions of the same source footage
 - accumulating several masks from different tracks
 - changing the order overlays are output to differ from the
   order of the tracks

further possibilities?


Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] understanding chained tracks

2006-02-08 Thread prg
Hi all,

currently, I am exploring cinelerra's features 
(we are at the start of a large editing project).

I am somewhat puzzled by the behaviour of "chained tracks" (is this
the right term) when doing compositional work. Maybe someone can confirm
if I did grasp the following correctly?

My understanding is that I can use this feature in a chain of plugins on
a track in order to derive a partially modified version of this track and
overlay this on another track. A possible use (I am thinking off at the
moment) would be, to blur and tint the image near the border of a mask
(where the border of the mask is heavily automated with keyframes).

Lets asume, we have the source footage in track "A". I can then select
and chose a shared track (context menu of the track or "change.." in
the context menu of a plugin placed alredy in track A). So I can select
"track B" and get the display as if adding another plugin to track A.
I can even reorder this "track B" with other plugins like -- say "flip".
Everything nice so far.

At this point, the contents of track A as processed in the plugin chain
up to the point where the "track B" entry is inserted, appear overlaid
in track B, according to the overlay mode of track B (e.g. "additive").
This ist what I would expect.

BUT, at the same moment there is a "strange backlash": all plugins as well as 
the mask of track B gets inserted into the processing chain of track A. (at
exactly the point where the "track B" entry sits)
E.g. if I add a "color balance" to track B and use this to color track B heavily
green, track A gets colored the same way. Is this intended behaviour? What
is the rationale of such behaviour?
OK I can get away by muting track A, but I like to understand the idea behind...

Btw: I am still using the heroine 2.0 version of cinelerra (but I plan
to try out the newest svn as soon as I get some time)

Hermann Vosseler

Cinelerra mailing list