Re: NSDocument's Open File Panel unresponsive when opening large file from disc

2013-01-28 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 28 Jan 2013, at 16:46, Gilles Celli wrote:

 Please don't be scared ;-)
 Well I'm little bit in a hurry … will look more closely tonight, but:
 What I've done til now is inside readFromURL:ofType:error:
 1. Open the file and store it NSString currentFileContents
 2. Process currentFileContents  in a new object myDataFile (withc class 
 DataFileParser) by extracting the data values etc. with NSScanner, this takes 
 most time
 3. return YES if everything is OK in readFromURL
 So I thought that then makeWindowControllers comes in action ?!...
 In makeWindowControllers:
 1. Pass myDataFile if it's not nil  create a new MainWindowController and 
 pass myDataFile to it like
 mainWindowController = [[DataViewerWindowController alloc] 
  [self addWindowController:mainWindowController];
 Hope this clarifies a little bit what I'm doing…well doing something wrong …..

That all sounds totally reasonable to me. The point is you're saying the open 
panel is making your app unresponsive. If the app's unresponsive, that means 
the main thread is doing too much work. So you need to get from Instruments or 
similar an answer to the question what is the main thread doing that takes so 


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Re: Deadlock in core data fetch?

2013-01-27 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 27 Jan 2013, at 06:49, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 (sent again because it was too long and got held for moderation)
 Dear list,
 Forgive my potential use of bad terminology and ignorance here. I'm about to 
 talk about concurrency in the context of core data, and I suspect I'm doing 
 things terribly wrong.
 I have an app which does background processing of the entities in a core data 
 stack of an NSPersistentDocument . Sometimes I get deadlocks (I think) which, 
 when sampled, look like the excerpt below.
 Roughly, what my app does is:
 1) When a File entity is created, it creates for itself a MetaData collector
 2) The MetaData collector has a timer which fires every second
 3) In the timer selector, if a update is no in process, I do:
   a) create a new MetaDataOperation (NSOperation subclass)
   - the completion block of this operation tries to post a 
 notification on the main thread like this
   dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
   [blockSelf notifyOfUpdate];
   blockSelf = nil;
   b) add operation to operation queue
   c) use an SyntaxChecker (which uses an NSTask) to do some other 
 processing of the File's content
 4) When the SyntaxChecker's NSTask completes, it calls back to its delegate, 
 the MetaData collector, which then posts notification which is observed by a 
 view controller. I think this is all on the main thread. This view controller 
 is essentially the same as those I describe next, which handle displaying the 
 meta data that's gathered in the MetaDataOperation step.
 5) When the MetaData collector gets the notification that an update has 
 completed, it then does some local state clean up and posts a notification 
 which is received by a number of view controllers, each of which controls the 
 display of different parts of the meta data. A typical handler in one of 
 these view controllers looks like this:
 - (void) handleMetadataUpdate:(NSNotification*)aNote
  [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateUI) withObject:nil 
 In the updating of the UI, I do things like:
 1) get the set of the relevant File entities from the view controller's 
 2) compare the meta data in the File entities to a local set of objects 
 (which hold references to their corresponding entities), and update any if 
 3) reload outline view
 Naturally, for the sake of brevity, I've simplified the picture a little, but 
 not much. I believe the salient points are described. 
 So, now my questions and issues:
 1) How can I interpret the call graph shown below? I'm finding it difficult 
 to extract from that who's blocking whom.
 2) Is there something glaringly wrong with the strategy I sketched above? (I 
 guess so, since it took a lot of experimentation to get it working at all.)

From your sample, I would judge that the main thread is waiting to acquire the 
persistent store coordinator's lock. The worker thread is stuck trying to 
deliver a message to the main thread, which it can't because the main thread 
is currently tied up.

Now, you didn't explain too much what your background operations are doing. Are 
they accessing any managed objects at all? If so those managed objects 
ABSOLUTELY MUST come from a separate dedicated context. You cannot access Core 
Data from multiple threads without using an appropriate technique.

Also, I don't see any need for your completion block to use dispatch_sync. 
Async should be fine here.
 Call graph:
2771 Thread_4677360   DispatchQueue_1:  (serial)
+ 2771 start  (in TeXnicle) + 52  [0x118e4]
+   2771 main  (in TeXnicle) + 34  [0x11912]  main.m:32
+ 2771 NSApplicationMain  (in AppKit) + 869  [0x7fff829dfcb6]
+   2771 -[NSApplication run]  (in AppKit) + 517  [0x7fff82a3b283]
+ 2771 -[NSApplication 
 nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:]  (in AppKit) + 128  
+   2771 _DPSNextEvent  (in AppKit) + 685  [0x7fff82a44613]
+ 2771 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode  (in HIToolbox) + 
 62  [0x7fff8a0e5cd3]
+   2771 ReceiveNextEventCommon  (in HIToolbox) + 356  
+ 2771 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode  (in HIToolbox) + 209  
+   2771 CFRunLoopRunSpecific  (in CoreFoundation) + 290  
+ 2771 __CFRunLoopRun  (in CoreFoundation) + 789  
+   2771 __CFRunLoopDoSources0  (in CoreFoundation) + 
 445  [0x7fff81a87aed]
+ 2771 
 CoreFoundation) + 17  [0x7fff81a88101]

Re: Deadlock in core data fetch?

2013-01-27 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 27 Jan 2013, at 15:04, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 1) How can I interpret the call graph shown below? I'm finding it difficult 
 to extract from that who's blocking whom.
 2) Is there something glaringly wrong with the strategy I sketched above? 
 (I guess so, since it took a lot of experimentation to get it working at 
 From your sample, I would judge that the main thread is waiting to acquire 
 the persistent store coordinator's lock. The worker thread is stuck trying 
 to deliver a message to the main thread, which it can't because the main 
 thread is currently tied up.
 Now, you didn't explain too much what your background operations are doing. 
 Are they accessing any managed objects at all?
 My managed objects have additional data caches which are properties on the 
 NSManagedObject subclass but are not part of the core data model (is this a 
 bad idea?). One of these data caches is an NSTextStorage which can be updated 
 by text views. The background processes are extracting metadata from the 
 string of the text storage. So I don't think this counts as accessing the 
 managed object, does it? However, I do access another property on the managed 
 object - an NSDate representing the time the text content was last edited. I 
 use this in the background thread to help decide if it's necessary to update 
 the metadata. I also access another boolean property which says if the 
 managed object represents a text file. In principle, neither of these 
 properties needs to be stored in the persistent store, and so don't need to 
 be part of the core data model, but currently they are. Could/would just 
 reading the values cause these issues?

As long as you don't touch any modelled properties, you're within Core Data's 
contract. But it's very easy to do so by accident. Be careful!
 If so those managed objects ABSOLUTELY MUST come from a separate dedicated 
 context. You cannot access Core Data from multiple threads without using an 
 appropriate technique.
 So to process the objects in the main managed context, I should create a new 
 one, and copy the objects I want to process into this new context, then pass 
 the new context to the background thread? Currently I'm just passing an array 
 of managed objects. The context is never directly accessed in the background 

You create a new context that shares the same persistent store coordinator as 
your main one. If the main context has been saved, that'll both contain the 
same objects; you just need to use the object IDs to locate the objects in the 
secondary context.

Alternatively, you could setup the second context to be a child of the main 
context. Or give them both the same parent context.

In short, make sure you read the Core Data threading documentation!

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Re: NSPointerArray on iOS - truly __weak?

2013-01-22 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 10 Dec 2012, at 20:26, Matt Neuburg wrote:

 Bump. I'd still like to hear about this. The docs have a *huge* box saying 
 that iOS NSPointerArray is not doing __weak references, but it sure looks to 
 me like it is. But I don't know how to test. Thanks for any help. m.
 On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 07:51:57 -0800, Matt Neuburg said:
 The docs for NSPointerArray say, in a big bold box right at the top:
 Important: NSPointerArray does not support weak references under Automatic 
 Reference Counting (ARC).
 However, a [NSPointerArray weakObjectsPointerArray] does NULL an element 
 that has been released through ARC; I can test this directly, and I've also 
 been using NSPointerArray successfully to break retain cycles. So are the 
 docs just lying (in a big bold box right at the top), or is this some other 
 kind of weak reference (i.e. somehow weak, but not ARC-__weak)?

I spotted this elsewhere in the docs today:

 Starting in OS X v10.8, the Foundation framework offers the following 
 features and enhancements:
 Support for zeroing weak references with enhancements to the NSMapTable, 
 NSHashTable, and NSPointerArray classes.

So I guess the regular docs just haven't been updated yet.

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Re: NSString and file system Re: AppleScript in Sandboxed App

2013-01-18 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 16 Jan 2013, at 17:40, Quincey Morris 

 On Jan 16, 2013, at 09:12 , wrote:
 To be honest I rarely remember to call -fileSystemRepresentation.
 The docs seem to indicate that its only purpose is to replace abstract / and 
 . characters with OS equivalents.
 On OS X this would have seem to have no net result.
 Is there more to this?
 You absolutely have to do it. There may be other things, but the 
 transformations in 'fileSystemRepresentation' include at least:
 1. '/' characters are replaced by ':', for file systems that use '/' as a 
 path component separator. (':' has always been illegal in file names at the 
 UI, so the transformation is reversible.)
 2. Graphemes with multiple Unicode representations are converted to a normal 
 form, for file systems that store Unicode file names. (Can't remember which 
 form -- Unicode normal form D, I think.) That removes indeterminacy when 
 there are accented characters (graphemes) with equivalent 1- and 2- 
 character Unicode forms, or characters with multiple accents where the 
 order of the accents could vary.

If you ever sample -fileSystemRepresentation, you'll see it just calls through 
internally to -[NSFileManager fileSystemRepresentationWithPath:], which 
documents the unicode handling a little better:

 A C-string representation of path that properly encodes Unicode strings for 
 use by the file system.


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Re: Using a document bundle file type with core data

2013-01-17 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 17 Jan 2013, at 03:38, David Brittain wrote:

 The code in this blog article enables saving core data files to a package:
 Take a look at the writeSafelyToURL implementation in the gist at the
 bottom. I haven't tried saving to a bundle myself, but found the
 article helped me solve some problems with core data and documents.

The code in that article is a bit buggy. I did a rewrite, based off our 
internal code here:

Read through the header for full details, and make sure you work with the 
ksmanageddocument branch for now. There are a lot of tricky edge cases involved 
in this. About 4 years of discovering them has gone into this!


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Re: AppleScript in Sandboxed App

2013-01-14 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 14 Jan 2013, at 17:50, John Nairn wrote:

 I have sandboxed an app that allows users to run scripts as a major feeature 
 (i.e., dealbreaker on sandboxing only answer is to delete this feature). I 
 was pleased that I can run AppleScripts fine through the sandboxed app from 
 Apple's Script Editor, but the user experience is much (much, much) better if 
 they can select a script from a menu in my app and run it, but that method 
 fails. Here is more info:
 1. Script running code is sound and works fine if app is not sandboxed.
 2. Script is compiled, error free, and does not try to send events to any app 
 except my own
 3. Script is stored in application support of my container and therefore I 
 should have read and write permission on that file
 4. The first step in running the script (which is when is fails) is simply:
 script = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL 
 fileURLWithPath:scriptPath] error:errorInfo];
 The errorInfo dictionary has only NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = -43 and no other 
 details. I could not find this error number in a google search.
 5. I have more problems running python scripts using Scripting bridge when 
 sandboxed, but I am working on one problem for now

Go watch the sandboxing videos from WWDC this year. They cover automation quite 
a bit, and all will be made much clearer.


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Re: Optimal height for WebView

2013-01-14 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 14 Jan 2013, at 18:09, Eric Gorr wrote:

 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 4, 2013, at 9:45 PM, Steve Christensen wrote:
 On Jan 4, 2013, at 10:40 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 4 Jan 2013, at 18:12, Eric Gorr wrote:
 Good point Mike.
 However, after it has completed the layout, is it possible to determine 
 the height of the content? If so, i could probably work with that 
 But, I would still think it was possible to provide a method with a fixed 
 width, have it perform a layout, and return the height - that is 
 essentially what the stackoverflow solution does, just in a rather 
 convoluted way.
 Well you've got the whole DOM API to play with. I'd have a play around with 
 computed style etc. to see if you can pull out a useful figure.
 Ask the DOM what the height is. I use jquery but you could just as easily 
 use standard Javascript methods to get the height.
 - (void) webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView*)webView
   height = [[webView 
 At least for me, this returns a value of zero.

Steve showed an example of how you could do this using jquery. Thus, the above 
script will work *only* if the web page has jquery loaded into it. You likely 
want to figure out how to do it without jquery.

Ultimately here, web pages are complex beasts. You're going to have to 
understand a least a little of the DOM and how it works in order to figure out 
the optimum height for a given page.


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Re: Tracking object references

2013-01-12 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 12 Jan 2013, at 09:01, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 Dear list,
 I'm still struggling to find the cause of a CoreData could not fulfil a 
 fault error on saving an NSPersistentDocument (see other mail thread 
 coredata count not fulfill fault after object delete).
 I'm wanting to check if some other object has a strong reference to the 
 deleted objects since this is a primary reason for the could not fulfil a 
 fault error.
 To help with this, I wondering if there is a way to get a list of all objects 
 in the run-time that have a strong reference to a particular object? Is this 
 something I can do somehow with instruments?

The allocations instrument can show you all presently allocated objects. Find 
the object(s) you're interested in from that list and you can view its history 
of being retained and (auto)released, to figure out what is still holding onto 


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Re: Issue with Core Data Model

2013-01-11 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 11 Jan 2013, at 16:35, David Delmonte wrote:

 I think that now, entities must start with a capital letter..

Amy has an *attribute* named description; not an entity.


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Re: Cococa-Dev : was [coredata count not fulfill fault after object delete]

2013-01-09 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 8 Jan 2013, at 05:53, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 On Jan 7, 2013, at 08:44 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 7 Jan 2013, at 16:35, Martin Hewitson wrote:
 Hi Francisco,
 Thanks for the feedback!
 What you suggest sounds like it might fix the problem, but I'm wondering 
 how best to do this. Currently I'm just calling -remove: on the tree 
 controller to delete the selected object(s). Of course, if I clear the 
 selection first, then -remove: doesn't do anything. I can grab an array of 
 the selected objects before clearing the selection then use 
 NSManagedObjectContext's -deleteObject:. So something like this:
  // get a pointer to the selected items
  NSArray *items = [self selectedObjects];
  // clear selection
  [self setSelectionIndexPaths:@[]];
  // now delete from the MOC
  for (NSManagedObject *item in items) {
[self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:item];
[self.managedObjectContext processPendingChanges];
 Does that look sensible to you?
 Why are you calling -processPendingChanges at each iteration of the loop? 
 Calling it yourself is rarely needed, and best done only with justification.
 I read in that thread that I referenced (I think) that it may be necessary to 
 do this to avoid/handle objects being deleted twice (if a parent and child 
 are selected, then deleted). To be honest, I'm just trying things to see what 
 works. Since this problem only occurs on 10.6.8, I think I'm looking for a 

Hmm. In my case I go to some lengths to figure out which objects don't need to 
be deleted, because an ancestor has already been deleted. It does seem simpler 
your way.

I wonder though — I don't believe there is any harm in asking Core Data to 
delete an object that's already been marked for deletion. And indeed, you code 
is doing that. The difference the -processPendingChanges call makes is that 
handling the delete rule will happen during that call, so child objects are 
already marked for deletion.


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Re: Cococa-Dev : was [coredata count not fulfill fault after object delete]

2013-01-07 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 7 Jan 2013, at 16:35, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 Hi Francisco,
 Thanks for the feedback!
 What you suggest sounds like it might fix the problem, but I'm wondering how 
 best to do this. Currently I'm just calling -remove: on the tree controller 
 to delete the selected object(s). Of course, if I clear the selection first, 
 then -remove: doesn't do anything. I can grab an array of the selected 
 objects before clearing the selection then use NSManagedObjectContext's 
 -deleteObject:. So something like this:
// get a pointer to the selected items
NSArray *items = [self selectedObjects];
// clear selection
[self setSelectionIndexPaths:@[]];
// now delete from the MOC
for (NSManagedObject *item in items) {
  [self.managedObjectContext deleteObject:item];
  [self.managedObjectContext processPendingChanges];
 Does that look sensible to you?

Why are you calling -processPendingChanges at each iteration of the loop? 
Calling it yourself is rarely needed, and best done only with justification.


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Re: scroll bars and visible rect

2013-01-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Jan 2013, at 17:54, koko wrote:

 Returns the visible region of the receiver, in its own coordinate space. 
 @property(readonly) CGRect visibleRect
 The visible region is the area not clipped by the containing scroll layer.
 And I may have answered my question since it says the visible region is not 
 clipped by the containing scroll layer I assume the scroll bars are inside 
 the visible rect;

No it's quite confusing wording. It's saying it's giving the area of the view 
that isn't clipped.

As everyone else has already pointed out though, it sounds like you're using 
NSScrollView but reading the CGScrollLayer docs, which makes no sense.


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Re: Optimal height for WebView

2013-01-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 4 Jan 2013, at 17:19, Eric Gorr wrote:

 Sent from my iPhone
 On Jan 4, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Keary Suska wrote:
 On Jan 4, 2013, at 9:19 AM, Eric Gorr wrote:
 It seems like this should be a simple question. I can access the 
 NSScrollView of the WebView and ask the scroll view for the height of its 
 document view, but the height it returns is the current height of the 
 WebView, not the height of the content it currently contains.
 If I reduce the height of the WebView, eventually the vertical scrollbar 
 will appear, so someone knows the real height of the content the WebView 
 contains. I simple want to be able to obtain that value so I can size the 
 WebView to this height, if it is reasonable to do so.
 How can I do this?
 Various proposed solutions I have found do not work.
 First off, to avoid someone proposing a solution that you have already 
 tried, you should actually mention which proposed solutions you have tried 
 and how they didn't work for your case. So, risking that you have already 
 tried this, what does [[yourWebView mainFrame] webView] frame] give you?
 The current height of the WebView, not the height of the content - which is 
 I did just locate a solution that does work, but I am not really happy with 
 it because it seems more complicated then it should be. Check out:
 Note, it does not appear to be necessary to disable the scrolling and it is 
 necessary to first resize the WebView to a small height as mentioned by 
 Miraaj in a comment on the answer.
 Now, one problem i am having with this solution is that I see a flicker with 
 the WebView shrinking and then growing larger.
 It really does seem like there should be a way to ask for the height of the 
 content regardless of the current height of the WebView.
 If there is not, I will probably go ahead and file a bug.

The problem you're up against here is that it's possible for web content to lay 
itself out based on the browser's size. As soon as you run into a webpage that 
does that, there's no to know the optimal size, short of trying them all.


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Re: Optimal height for WebView

2013-01-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 4 Jan 2013, at 18:12, Eric Gorr wrote:

 Good point Mike.
 However, after it has completed the layout, is it possible to determine the 
 height of the content? If so, i could probably work with that information.
 But, I would still think it was possible to provide a method with a fixed 
 width, have it perform a layout, and return the height - that is essentially 
 what the stackoverflow solution does, just in a rather convoluted way.

Well you've got the whole DOM API to play with. I'd have a play around with 
computed style etc. to see if you can pull out a useful figure.


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Re: scroll bars and visible rect

2013-01-03 Thread Mike Abdullah
You need to be more specific. What precisely do you mean by the visible rect?

On 2 Jan 2013, at 22:53, koko wrote:

 Are scroll bars inside the visible rect or additive to the visible rect?
 I ask because we use the visible rect to set the size of a bitmap to display 
 and we are getting some strange behavior from some users and thought they may 
 have scroll bars set to display when scrolling.
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Re: Refreshing the NSOpenPanel?

2012-12-29 Thread Mike Abdullah
Is your app sandboxed? If so, does disabling the sandbox make a difference?

Sent from my iPad

On 30 Dec 2012, at 00:43, C.W. Betts wrote:

 After I set an NSOpenPanel's allowed file types while it is open, it doesn't 
 refresh until I move to a different folder. Is there a way to force 
 NSOpenPanel to refresh its openable file type?
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Re: NSURL bookmark error return

2012-12-18 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 18 Dec 2012, at 08:37, Quincey Morris 

 Was there a thread recently that listed a couple of Cocoa frameworks methods 
 that mis-handle the NSError** parameter? What were those methods? The reason 
 I ask is that the general file system documentation for dealing with 
 gives this code fragment:
 - (NSData*)bookmarkForURL:(NSURL*)url {
NSError* theError = nil;
NSData* bookmark = [url 
if (theError || (bookmark == nil)) {
// Handle any errors.
return nil;
return bookmark;
 which doesn't follow the rules for testing for errors. The succeeding 
 fragment is even worse:
 - (NSURL*)urlForBookmark:(NSData*)bookmark {
BOOL bookmarkIsStale = NO;
NSError* theError = nil;
NSURL* bookmarkURL = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:bookmark


if (bookmarkIsStale || (theError != nil)) {
// Handle any errors
return nil;
return bookmarkURL;
 since it doesn't even check the returned value.
 Is this a documentation error, or is the documentation explaining how to code 
 around a frameworks deficiency?
 BTW the NSURL class reference documentation doesn't say anything about this. 
 It doesn't even mention nil return values.

That sample code scares me. I wrote this recently, if it helps:


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Re: NSOpenPanel runModal on a dispatch

2012-12-17 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 17 Dec 2012, at 17:15, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Sun, 16 Dec 2012 21:46:14 -0800, Kyle Sluder said:
 Thanks Kyle. I know about beginWithCompletionHandler: , but I really need
 a modal window at that point my application opens the open panel.
 I have to ask, why?
 Sometimes it's appropriate.  Apple seems to think so, as File  Open shows a 
 modal open panel.

For what it's worth, OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion finally fixes this by making open 
panels non-modal. I think apps do need to be built against the new SDK for it, 
rather than automatically switching over to such behaviour.


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Re: NSOpenPanel runModal on a dispatch

2012-12-17 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 17 Dec 2012, at 23:29, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 17, 2012, at 03:25 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
 On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 23:15:15 +, Mike Abdullah said:
 For what it's worth, OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion finally fixes this by
 making open panels non-modal. I think apps do need to be built against
 the new SDK for it, rather than automatically switching over to such
 In in 10.8.2 now, and in TextEdit they are app-modal.  It's Info.list
 shows LSMinimumSystemVersion=10.8.  Not the case for you?
 Certainly not app-modal on my 10.8.2 machine. Nor is it modal in

Maybe you have to be setup with an iCloud account too for the new behaviour? 
Would be a bit odd if that were true though.


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Re: NSOpenPanel runModal on a dispatch

2012-12-16 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 16 Dec 2012, at 10:45, Tamas Nagy wrote:

 I'm trying to display an NSOpenPanel on a dispatch, with half-luck. The panel 
 displays, but no files going to be displayed - the circle just spinning on 
 the bottom-left corner. Anyone have an idea what going wrong?
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
NSMutableArray *filetype = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:0];
[filetype insertObject:@txt atIndex:0];
[oPanel setAllowedFileTypes:filetype];
[oPanel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL URLWithString:NSHomeDirectory()]];

This line of code is your problem. +URLWithString: is not an appropriate way to 
create a URL from a path. +fileURLWithPath:isDirectory: is what you want 

+[NSSavePanel setDirectoryURL:] behaves oddly with non-existing paths, as 
covered at


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Re: NSOpenPanel runModal on a dispatch

2012-12-16 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 16 Dec 2012, at 18:32, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 On Dec 16, 2012, at 2:45 AM, Tamas Nagy wrote:
   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
   NSOpenPanel *oPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
 *Bzzt!* Thou shalt not do UI work on a background thread. You cannot use 
 dispatch_async here.

*Bzzt* he's not doing UI work on a background thread. In any normal app, this 
is running the code on the main thread.


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Re: NSOpenPanel runModal on a dispatch

2012-12-16 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 16 Dec 2012, at 17:20, Tamas Nagy wrote:

 Unfortunately that doesn't help. 
 I think the issue should be related to dispatches, because it won't happen if 
 I just call performSelectorOnMainThread...

Can you post that variant of your code then, please?


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Re: NSOpenPanel runModal on a dispatch

2012-12-16 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 16 Dec 2012, at 20:04, Tamas Nagy wrote:

 Thanks for the approach Kyle, but dispatch_async performs asynchronously, so 
 it should not block the main thread. I fallback to 
 performSelectorOnMainThread: method in my app, but the dispatch way is a bit 
 straightforward in my opinion. I'll fill a rdar on this. 

Possibly you could still use a block-based API but that uses -performSelector… 
under the hood, such as


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Re: Bindings validation for NSMutableArray of NSMutableDictionary

2012-12-14 Thread Mike Abdullah
I'd strongly advise the OP it's better for them to create a custom class for 
their model objects, rather than go down this route of globally modifying 
NSMutableDictionary's API.

On 13 Dec 2012, at 22:18, wrote:

 On 13 Dec 2012, at 11:54, wrote:
 I bind an NSArray of NSMutableDictionary instances to an NSTableView and 
 enable NSTableColumn editing..
 How can I best implement KVO based validation when editing the view?
 Subclassing NSArray controller is a no go as validateValue:forKeyPath:error 
 is never called.
 Subclassing the NSMutableDictionary model obviously isn't desirable.
 I can refactor the NSMutableDictionary instances into custom objects and use 
 model based validation if needed.
 However, binding dictionaries into table views is often convenient so a 
 working validation strategy would be useful.
 The following category enables NSMutableDictionary KVC validation routing to 
 a delegate.
 NSMutableDictionary *connection = [self selectedConnection];
 connection.validationDelegate = self;
 The delegate then performs validation in:
 - (BOOL)validateValue:(id *)ioValue forKey:(NSString *)key error:(NSError 
 **)outError sender:(NSMutableDictionary *)sender
 Simple refactoring would enable routing of KVC validation for any class.
 #import NSMutableDictionary+KVCValidation.h
 #import objc/runtime.h
 const char validationDelegateKey;
 void MethodSwizzle(Class klass, SEL origSEL, SEL overrideSEL)
Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(klass, origSEL);
Method overrideMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(klass, overrideSEL);
// try and add instance method with original selector that points to new 
if (class_addMethod(klass, origSEL, 
 method_getTypeEncoding(overrideMethod))) {
// add or replace method so that new selector points to original 
class_replaceMethod(klass, overrideSEL, 
 method_getImplementation(origMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod));
} else {
// class already has an override method so just swap the 
method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, overrideMethod);
 @implementation NSMutableDictionary (KVCValidation)
 + load
 + (void)load
MethodSwizzle(self, @selector(validateValue:forKey:error:), 
 - setValidationDelegate:
 - (void)setValidationDelegate:(id)validationDelegate
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, validationDelegateKey, validationDelegate, 
 - validationDelegate
 - (id)validationDelegate
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, validationDelegateKey);
 - swizzle_validateValue:forKey:error:
 - (BOOL)swizzle_validateValue:(id *)ioValue forKey:(NSString *)key 
 error:(NSError **)outError
id validationDelegate = self.validationDelegate;
SEL validationSelector = @selector(validateValue:forKey:error:sender:);
BOOL isValid = NO;
if ([validationDelegate respondsToSelector:validationSelector]) {
isValid = [validationDelegate validateValue:ioValue forKey:key 
 error:outError sender:self];
} else {
// remember, we swap IMPS at run time
isValid = [self swizzle_validateValue:ioValue forKey:key 
return isValid;
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Re: NSMutableData and Pinned Memory buffers..

2012-12-14 Thread Mike Abdullah
Arguably, you'd be better off subclassing NSData directly to add the mutation 
APIs that you actually need. That clears up any possible confusion about 
methods which might affect the length of the data.

On 14 Dec 2012, at 00:13, Robert Monaghan wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestion, Kevin!
 I went ahead and created a really crude subclass of NSMutableData. It seems 
 to work for my situation.
 Attached is the code, for posterity. (I am sure I won't be the only one 
 working around this.)
 Any suggestions to make this a bit more Proper are welcome.
 //  GT_NSMutableData.h
 //  Created by Robert Monaghan on 12/13/12.
 //  Copyright (c) 2012 Glue Tools LLC. All rights reserved.
 #import Foundation/Foundation.h
 @interface GT_NSMutableData : NSMutableData
   void *_gt_buffer;
   NSUInteger _gt_length;
   BOOL _gt_freeWhenDone;
 @property (readwrite) NSUInteger length;
 //  GT_NSMutableData.m
 //  Created by Robert Monaghan on 12/13/12.
 //  Copyright (c) 2012 Glue Tools LLC. All rights reserved.
 #import GT_NSMutableData.h
 @implementation GT_NSMutableData
 + (id)dataWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length 
   return [[[GT_NSMutableData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:bytes 
 length:length freeWhenDone:b] autorelease];
 - (id)initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length 
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_gt_buffer = bytes;
   _gt_length = length;
   _gt_freeWhenDone = b;
return self;
 - (void)dealloc
if (_gt_freeWhenDone)
[super dealloc];
 - (void)increaseLengthBy:(NSUInteger)extraLength
 - (void)setLength:(NSUInteger)length
 - (NSUInteger) length
   return _gt_length;
 - (const void *)bytes
   return _gt_buffer;
 - (void *)mutableBytes
   return _gt_buffer;
 - (void)replaceBytesInRange:(NSRange)range withBytes:(const void *)bytes
 - (void)replaceBytesInRange:(NSRange)range withBytes:(const void 
 *)replacementBytes length:(NSUInteger)replacementLength
 - (void)resetBytesInRange:(NSRange)range
 - (void)setData:(NSData *)data
   _gt_buffer = (void *)[data bytes];
 On Dec 13, 2012, at 3:22 PM, Kevin Perry wrote:
 NSMutableData currently ignores (and always has, to my knowledge) the 
 no-copy hint and always copies the bytes into an internal buffer in case 
 something tries to change the length of the NSMutableData.
 It would not be too difficult to make a subclass of NSMutableData that 
 doesn't copy and throws an exception when something tries to change the 
 length. That would violate the Liskov substitution principle though, so at 
 the very least, you want to prevent any code that doesn't understand the 
 fixed-length restriction from getting ahold of one of these objects.
 [kevin perry];
 On Dec 13, 2012, at 2:28 PM, Robert Monaghan wrote:
 Hi Everyone,
 I have just run head long into an issue with NSMutableData and existing 
 I have the following code:
 UInt8 *sourcebytes = [clImgEngine srcBuffer];
 [self setData:[NSMutableData 
 dataWithBytesNoCopy:sourcebytes length:[clImgEngine inRangeByteCount] 
 UInt8 *resultBytes = [[self data] mutableBytes];
 The source is a pinned memory buffer from OpenCL. What I want to do, is to 
 pass this buffer inside a NSMutableData wrapper and have another object for 
 some work.
 Seems simple enough, except that NSMutableData changes the memory buffer in 
 the background.
 sourcebytes starts with an address such as: 0x00012361b000
 and resultBytes returns 0x000136fe2000
 Naturally, my work object doesn't see any data from sourcebytes, as 
 NSMutableData has moved the buffer.
 I thought that freeWhenDone:NO prevented ownership of the buffer..
 Can anyone suggest a way to prevent this from happening? I need the buffer 
 to stay pinned.
 Thanks in advance!
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Re: NSWorkspace recycleURLs:completionHandler error -5000 (afpAccessDenied)

2012-12-14 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 14 Dec 2012, at 21:26, Jon Gary wrote:

 I have a sandboxed app that creates a file in a folder within the app's 
 sandbox container. When the app is done with the file, it is moved to the 
 trash using recycleURLs:completionHandler. A few of our users are reporting 
 the you do not have permision to move the file to the trash. I've checked 
 the permissions on the file itself and the user has read and write accces. 
 We've had them run a shell command to make sure they have write access to 
 their trash directory. None of this helps. I'm stumped.
 I've asked the user if they are using a networked home directory, but they 
 say no (I'm not sure they understood the question).
 Any clues?

When you say inside the app's sandbox container, where specifically are we 


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Re: URL Request from AppDelegate?

2012-12-13 Thread Mike Abdullah
You've given us an error message but no details at all about what your code is 
actually doing. Show us some code and it will be much much easier to debug.

On 13 Dec 2012, at 01:22, berry hunt wrote:

 Hi gurus,
 I am pretty new to cocoa development, and would like to ask for help on
 some questions here that I am struggling with. Any insight will be greatly
 I am trying to establish Facebook login session via my mobile app, but got
 an error of following message
 *Error: HTTP status code: 404*
 What got me struggling is that, I think, the error message actually
 happened before the FB login request was fired from my app. I am suspecting
 that this is due to some parameter missing in a URL request. However since
 the source code of the libraries are not available, this makes it a
 guessing game.
 Here are my questions:
 - where in the AppDelegate class would a URL be sent, to somewhere? How do
 I track it down?
 - where would the parameters of an URL request be constructed in the actual
 code, or xcode itself, to make the URL be sent?
 Thanks a lot guys!
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Re: blocks and id

2012-12-12 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 12 Dec 2012, at 09:57, Andreas Grosam wrote:

 On 12.12.2012, at 10:19, Charles Srstka wrote:
 On Dec 12, 2012, at 3:03 AM, Andreas Grosam wrote:
 How can I check at runtime whether an object (id) is actually a block, and 
 not another kind of object?
 I don't think there's any good way of doing that right now. You could check 
 the class of the block, but since the block classes are completely 
 undocumented AFAIK, there's no guarantee that the class names won't change 
 in some future release of OS X and break your code.
 Thanks for the reply. I feared that. 
 Currently, I resort to 
 if ([obj isKindOfClass: NSClassFromString(@NSBlock)])
 which evaluates to YES if `obj` is a block. However, NSBlock is not a public 
 class, thus: NSClassFromString(@NSBlock) which works as the time of 
 writing in Mac OS, and returns a class whose name is NSBlock (the real 
 block classes are named differently).

Why does your code care if some unknown object is a block? This is a strong 
sign of a bad design.


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Re: blocks and id

2012-12-12 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 12 Dec 2012, at 13:24, Andreas Grosam wrote:

 On 12.12.2012, at 13:02, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 12 Dec 2012, at 09:57, Andreas Grosam wrote:
 Why does your code care if some unknown object is a block? This is a strong 
 sign of a bad design.
 Oh, then a lot of common Cocoa patters like dug typing

I presume you mean duck typing? Duck typing is pretty much the opposite of 
what you're trying to do. Duck typing is being handed an object and told it 
meets a certain requirement. Rather than trying to test if it really is of the 
expected *class*, you message it anyway on the understanding that it will 
behave as you expect.

The point is that you care whether the object *behaves like* a duck; not 
whether it actually is a duck.

 and the usage -respondsToSelector:, -conformsToProtocol:, or any other 
 introspection are a bad design, too.  ;)

These methods contribute to duck typing sort of behaviour in Cocoa, not the 
approach you describe below. It's worth noting that Cocoa actually uses these 
methods pretty sparingly in practice.
 I don't like it either, but the alternative would be a quite elaborate 
 approach and would require to define categories for every class that is 
 possibly involved in this particular case.

Writing category methods seems no more elaborate than writing a big series of 
if statements checking the class of an object.

 AND it would requite a respondsToSelector anyway,

Not true; if the object doesn't implement the selector, you can consider that 
to be a programmer error and throw an exception.

 AND would require some mechanism that processes a block and the other 
 objects through sending the object a common single message.
 The reason why I would like to have this is a rather generic interface which 
 shall be as flexible and as convenient as possible. It is used for a network 
 library when generating HTTP messages. For example, the following snippet 
 creates a Foundation representation of a multipart/form-data part suitable to 
 upload a file to a server:
 idRXMultipartFormdataPart part6 = 
   [RXMultipartFormdataSource makeFilePartWithName:@submit
 dataWithBytes:0123456789 length:10]];
 The construction of a valid sequence of bytes constituting various HTTP 
 headers is more than cumbersome. 
 In this snipped, the parameter `headers` are defined as a NSDictionary. 
 However, it could also be a NSData containing a valid sequence of bytes 
 constituting *one* header, or *many* headers, or an NSArray of NSDatas 
 constituting a number of headers. And since a header may have a set of 
 parameters, a header entry in the dictionary may have a params dictionary as 
 well, and so force. The parameter `headers` (and the others, too) will simply 
 pass a serialization process, which eventually generates a NSData object - 
 constituting one or more HTTP message headers.
 Likewise, parameter `value` constituting the body part can be anything that 
 can be eventually converted to something that is a valid byte sequence for 
 the body data of a multi part, conforming to the context defined through the 
 headers already set. If the header would be empty, and value would have been 
 a NSString, the string would be encoded properly with a default encoding 
 (UTF-8), and the headers would be set accordingly (- Content-Type: 
 text/plain; charset=utf8).
 If the parameter `value` would be NSNumber for instance, the NSNumber would 
 be first converted to a NSString, and then encoded as mentioned above. 
 If a Content-Type header with a charset definition has been defined already 
 and the value is a NSString, the string will be encoded as stated in the 
 charset parameter value (e.g. charset=utf8).
 The parameter value can be a file URL, too -- in which case a more elaborated 
 mechanism is used to construct the body of the whole message during the 
 request is active.
 And, it can be a block as well, where the block is responsible to feed the 
 consumer (the idRXMultipartFormdataPart) with data when it has bytes 
 available when the request is active.
 You can do this with the same method, same API. Well, it MUST, otherwise the 
 number of combinations of the various types yielding different methods, would 

This is going to end badly, believe me. Look around Cocoa, you will find very, 
very few APIs, if any, that behave the way you want this one to. You want 
separate methods for the different types of input to handle. If you accomplish 
this by defining a protocol that a variety of objects conform to, that's fine; 
then you only need to publish two methods — one for blocks, and one for other 
object types.


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Re: blocks and id

2012-12-12 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 12 Dec 2012, at 14:14, Jean Suisse wrote:

 On 12 déc. 2012, at 13:02, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 Why does your code care if some unknown object is a block? This is a strong 
 sign of a bad design.
 As far as I am concerned, I can think of at least two or three legitimate 
 reasons to care wether an unidentified object is a block or not.
 But you seem pretty certain. So you must have had more informations than the 
 rest of us 
 – sorry, just thinking out loud.

No extra information; just experience and a knowledge of the Cocoa APIs.
 To actually answer the question, I fear that not much can be done.
 Personally, I would go for Andreas' current solution and if the app is 
 commercial, I would make sure to test  fix it before each public MAC OS 
 release, so that users can upgrade the app before upgrading the system (and 
 also check the OS version at each launch to detect if they didn't upgrade).

Seriously, you'd recommend a fragile solution that relies on private API and 
needs regular testing, over simply having two or more methods?
 Otherwise, maybe this could work depending on the situation:

Well once you've done that, surely you might as well just have two separate 


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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-12-10 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 2 Dec 2012, at 01:00, Dave Fernandes wrote:

 On 2012-12-01, at 5:05 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 1 Dec 2012, at 20:21, Dave Fernandes wrote:
 NSPersistentDocument always creates a MOC of type 
 NSMainQueueConcurrencyType, even if it is created on a background thread. 
 So as long as things don't go wrong during document opening, everything 
 will be the same as a document opened on the main thread forever after.
 Whoops! I meant to say NSPersistentDocument always creates a MOC of type 
 **NSConfinementConcurrencyType** -- the legacy type that assumes you know 
 what you are doing and will manage access accordingly.
 But the Core Data team have said for years that MOCs created on the main 
 thread get some special treatment.
 I guess I missed that somewhere. Was it on this list?

I wish I knew! It's definitely been said to me in person at WWDC, and I expect 
somewhere more public such as this list or perhaps the dev forums.


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Re: NSOperation Efficiency

2012-12-05 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 5 Dec 2012, at 04:41, Kyle Sluder wrote:

 NSOperationQueue uses KVO for dependency tracking and queue width
 management. In 10.7, the implementation was apparently changed to thunk
 all KVO ops onto the main thread; I'm guessing this fixed a bug by
 serializing all state changes. It also slowed down enqueueing
 operations onto our NSOperationQueue from a background thread by a
 factor of ten or more. I have samples to prove it.

Wow, that's a big change! Are there are docs to back it up, or is this purely 


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Re: Cascading windows

2012-12-05 Thread Mike Abdullah
The document architecture already provides proper cascading behaviour. What are 
you seeing that makes you think you need to implement it yourself instead?

On 5 Dec 2012, at 20:55, Peter Teeson wrote:

 Xcode 4.5.2, Lion 10.7.5
 My app is a Document app and I implemented -(void)makeWindowControllers.
 It could have several documents open at the same time. 
 In particular I want to cascade the window when a New document is opened.
 I've read up on this and am aware of the NSWindow method 
 - (NSPoint)cascadeTopLeftFromPoint:(NSPoint)topLeft];  // in screen 
 So do I implement the cascading algorithm my WindowController? If so in which 
 (a) initWithWindowNibName after the nib is instantiated?
 (b) windowDidLoad?
 (c) or somewhere else entirely?
 Finally I am considering an NSPoint  (static?) in my appDelegate to store the 
 last used NSPoint.
 Does this approach seem correct? If not what would you suggest?
 I did Google for algorithm and code but nothing helpful popped up.
 TIA for your comments.
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Re: Operations Beachball

2012-12-04 Thread Mike Abdullah
You have a performance problem. Thus you should use Instruments to see what is 
going on, rather than hope we can tell you from vague snippets of code.

On 4 Dec 2012, at 10:29, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 My app creates lots of MyOperations (subclass of NSOperation) and puts them 
 into an NSOperationQueue.
 I would expect that the app thus remains responsive, but sometimes it is not.
 A sure way to beach-ball my app is: start it with a few hundred operations 
 (which will take about 20 seconds to finish). 
 Make some other app active. 
 Try to make my app active again - it's panel stays grey and after a few 
 seconds the cursor will turn into a beach-ball.
 These MyOperations interact with their controller in two ways:
 1. they do once at start:  [ controller dataStringFor: row ];
 The controller has:
 - (NSString *) dataStringFor: (NSUInteger)row
   if ( self.stringArray == nil ) { create it - takes some time, 
 but happens only once};
   return self.stringArray[row];
 2. When MyOperations have finished their work they call: [ controller  done: 
 row  result: someNumber ];
 The controller has:
 - (void) done: (NSUInteger) row  result: (NSUInteger) someNumber
   [ self.rowsToDo removeIndex: row ]; //  
   //  sometimes do some logging, update user interface - but only 
 every few seconds
 So, why the beach-ball? What am I doing wrong? How to debug this? Why does 
 the app-switch make the beach-ball appear?
 10.8.2, Arc
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Re: NSOperation Efficiency

2012-12-04 Thread Mike Abdullah
If your operations are purely CPU-bound, the whole point of GCD is to manage 
this for you. With the default number of concurrent operations, 
NSOperationQueue does exactly that. Have you tried with that setting?

On 4 Dec 2012, at 18:15, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 I have an app which uses NSOperations inside an NSOperationQueue. These 
 operations do not do any I/O - just Cpu. No swapping is taking place.
 When I set [ self.operationQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount: 1 ] each 
 operation takes on average 200 msec., measured by NSDate.
 With 2 concurrent operations, it takes not 100 msec but 110 - an extra 10%. 
 Ok - some overhead is to be expected.
 With 4 ops it takes 70 instead of 50 - overhead 40% - rather a lot.
 With 8 ops it takes 60 instead of 25 - overhead 140%. or: 40% of the cpu is 
 used by my operations, 60% is used by whom? And for what?
 Is this to be expected? Or does my app has some hidden flaws? If so, where 
 should I start looking?
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Re: Dangling reference to an invalid object

2012-12-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Dec 2012, at 18:13, Nick Zitzmann wrote:

 On Dec 1, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 I've been trying to hunt down a problem where Core Data will occasionally 
 refuse to save with the error 
 Dangling reference to an invalid object. I wrote up the details here:
 Can anyone shed some light on how this might happen?
 This exception happens if you:
 1. Create a new object
 2. Create a relationship between the new object and an existing object
 3. Turn the new object into a fault before it is officially inserted
 4. Save changes
 So if you're getting this exception, you need to be more careful about using 
 the -refreshObject:mergeChanges: method, because the code is most likely 
 misusing it. One way to fix this is to never refresh an object that has a 
 temporary object ID.

Hmmm, we're never calling -refreshObject:… ourselves. Possibly some bit of the 
frameworks might be, but you'd hope they're not doing anything wrong like that.

Also, I neglected to mention in the blog post, that the TextBoxBody object is 
created as a consequence of creating and inserting a TextBox object. So I still 
suspect that the TextBox is being deleted from the context, but somehow failing 
to take the Body with it.

From my code it seems impossible that inserting the TextBox could somehow fail, 
but still succeed at inserting the corresponding Body. Thanks for giving me an 
extra idea of what to check though!

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Re: NSOperation Efficiency

2012-12-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 4 Dec 2012, at 19:01, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 On 5 Dec 2012, at 01:55, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 If your operations are purely CPU-bound, the whole point of GCD is to manage 
 this for you. With the default number of concurrent operations, 
 NSOperationQueue does exactly that. Have you tried with that setting?
 I have, and it makes my app unresponsive (i.e unusable) until all operations 
 have finished.
 Triggered by making other app, active, then again my app.

That suggests your operations aren't purely CPU-bound then. They're getting 
stuck waiting on something else. When that happens, GCD sees it as wasted CPU 
time so starts off the next bit of work anyway.


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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-12-01 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 30 Nov 2012, at 23:05, Dave Fernandes wrote:

 On 2012-11-30, at 4:46 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 30 Nov 2012, at 18:59, Dave Fernandes wrote:
 On 2012-11-30, at 6:42 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 One way to look at it is that NSPersistentDocument pretty much painted 
 itself into a corner from day 1, and it's too messy for Apple to untangle 
 Can you elaborate?
 Well it makes the assumptions that your document:
 - is comprised of a single Core Data store
 - has a single managed object context
 This definitely limits your options. But, is it necessary to support file 
 wrappers and iCloud? (Just trying to educate myself about how documents work.)

I don't understand your question here. Are you asking if my list of assumptions 
are necessary conditions for iCloud and file wrapper support?

 - works entirely on the main thread
 This one is already opt-in for both opening and saving, so fragility 
 shouldn't be an issue to upgrading the class.
 [Aside: As far as I know you *can* actually open an NSPersistentDocument 
 asynchronously. At least I haven't seen anything that says you can't, and it 
 seems to work on every system I've tried it on.]

Well you would appear to be breaking Core Data's threading contract by doing 
so. In theory, MOCs know the thread they were created on. So by creating the 
document on a background thread, you are also creating the MOC on that thread 
and giving it the wrong idea about the thread it will be used on.

On 10.7+ you can of course tell the context at creation time it's for the main 
thread, but I'd be a little surprised if NSPersistentDocument is doing that.

I also covered the topic fairly recently:


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Dangling reference to an invalid object

2012-12-01 Thread Mike Abdullah
I've been trying to hunt down a problem where Core Data will occasionally 
refuse to save with the error 
Dangling reference to an invalid object. I wrote up the details here:

Can anyone shed some light on how this might happen?

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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-12-01 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 1 Dec 2012, at 20:21, Dave Fernandes wrote:

 NSPersistentDocument always creates a MOC of type 
 NSMainQueueConcurrencyType, even if it is created on a background thread. So 
 as long as things don't go wrong during document opening, everything will be 
 the same as a document opened on the main thread forever after.
 Whoops! I meant to say NSPersistentDocument always creates a MOC of type 
 **NSConfinementConcurrencyType** -- the legacy type that assumes you know 
 what you are doing and will manage access accordingly.

But the Core Data team have said for years that MOCs created on the main thread 
get some special treatment. Of course they’ve never given us any specifics. The 
docs state very clearly that MOCs (using the non-private queue types) should be 
created on the same thread/queue that they’ll be used on.

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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-12-01 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 1 Dec 2012, at 20:12, Dave Fernandes wrote:

 On 2012-12-01, at 11:42 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 One way to look at it is that NSPersistentDocument pretty much painted 
 itself into a corner from day 1, and it's too messy for Apple to 
 untangle that.
 Can you elaborate?
 Well it makes the assumptions that your document:
 - is comprised of a single Core Data store
 - has a single managed object context
 This definitely limits your options. But, is it necessary to support file 
 wrappers and iCloud? (Just trying to educate myself about how documents 
 I don't understand your question here. Are you asking if my list of 
 assumptions are necessary conditions for iCloud and file wrapper support?
 Yes, that was basically the question. For example, what if you were just 
 using file wrappers to store images outside the persistent store.

My understanding is that if you want anything to be persisted outside of Core 
Data, you get treated just like a regular NSDocument subclass. i.e. no attempt 
to sync by SQLite changes.

On OS X the docs state that NSPersistentDocument is flat-out not supported for 

On iOS, the docs state that UIManagedDocument does not support additional 
content when used for iCloud. I assume the reason is that the moment you add 
into the mix some data outside of Core Data’s control/knowledge, iCloud has no 
smart way to sync it, so you’re giving up that major benefit of Core Data. Of 
course Core Data supports externally stored data attributes these days, so that 
does improve the situation.

At that point I figure it’s best and easiest to subclass NSDocument afresh to 
add Core Data support, rather than try to bend NSPersistentDocument to your 
bidding. This is what I have done with BSManagedDocument.

 I believe, the window controller and view objects are always created on the 
 main thread after the MOC has been initialized, so there won't be any 
 contention with trying to access the MOC from different threads at the same 

Correct. The UI doesn’t get created until -makeWindowControllers is called, 
which happens on the main thread and is a standard feature of the document 


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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-11-30 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 30 Nov 2012, at 01:16, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Fri, 30 Nov 2012 00:43:36 +, Mike Abdullah said:
 With all the different features of the document system these days, it
 can be pretty hard to slot them all in nicely with Core Data. People may
 find pretty handy for this
 (the real meat is in the header file at present)
 Wow, that looks pretty awesome if it does all that is advertised.  It's only 
 700 LOC, which really does make me wonder why NSPersistentDocument can't do 
 all these things.  Core Data didn't get any love in 10.8 at all.  The 
 conspiracy theorist in me wonders...

One way to look at it is that NSPersistentDocument pretty much painted itself 
into a corner from day 1, and it's too messy for Apple to untangle that.


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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-11-30 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 30 Nov 2012, at 18:59, Dave Fernandes wrote:

 On 2012-11-30, at 6:42 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 One way to look at it is that NSPersistentDocument pretty much painted 
 itself into a corner from day 1, and it's too messy for Apple to untangle 
 Can you elaborate?

Well it makes the assumptions that your document:

- is comprised of a single Core Data store
- has a single managed object context
- works entirely on the main thread
- only ever saves on top of itself, or to a new location using Save As

I wonder if there's simply too much fragility in the existing subclasses that 
people have shipped, which make it a royal pain to try and modernise.


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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 10 Nov 2012, at 18:28, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Sat, 10 Nov 2012 18:09:58 +, Luke Hiesterman said:
 File wrappers don't make it inherently easier or harder to deal with
 iCloud. File packages (which you would use file wrappers to represent)
 can be elegant means of wrapping up document data because it allows for
 easy separation of distinct components, and are usually recommended if
 they at all make sense for your application.
 Unless you use NSPersistentDocument, which still, after all these years, and 
 even after the addition of 'external storage' support in 10.7, doesn't 
 support file wrappers. :(

It’s worth noting that the docs explicitly say NSPersistentDocument doesn’t 
support iCloud either.

As I understand it (and I may be utterly wrong), if you want Core Data based 
iCloud documents on OS X, you’re in the same boat as everyone else working with 
NSDocument directly. i.e. no special syncing or conflict resolution.


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Re: FileWrapper iCloud

2012-11-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 10 Nov 2012, at 21:36, Gordon Apple wrote:

 I don¹t know about iCloud, but I finally got file wrappers working for my
 NSPersistentDocument subclass.  It wasn¹t easy.  I use a separate folder for
 stored files, sibling to my coreData storage, in the same package.  I based
 it losely on the NSPersistentDocumentFileWrappers sample, then let my ³File²
 entity objects handle the creation and use of the folder.  For ³saveAs² I
 had it copy the folder (if it exists) to the new location after it did the
 coreData and file package stuff.
 On 11/10/12 2:00 PM, wrote:
 On Sat, 10 Nov 2012 18:09:58 +, Luke Hiesterman said: File wrappers 
 make it inherently easier or harder to deal with iCloud. File packages 
 you would use file wrappers to represent) can be elegant means of wrapping 
 document data because it allows for easy separation of distinct components,
 and are usually recommended if they at all make sense for your application.
 Unless you use NSPersistentDocument, which still, after all these years, and
 even after the addition of 'external storage' support in 10.7, doesn't 
 file wrappers. :(

With all the different features of the document system these days, it can be 
pretty hard to slot them all in nicely with Core Data. People may find pretty handy for this (the real 
meat is in the header file at present)


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Re: dispatch queues are objects now .. right?

2012-11-25 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 25 Nov 2012, at 13:38, Roland King wrote:

 I'm pretty sure that when I was watching the WWDC 2012 sessions, dispatch 
 queues are now objects (since iOS6 and OS 10.7/10.8?) and as such I don't 
 have to dispatch_retain() or release them and can just use them like any 
 other object. But I can't find a reference in the documentation which 
 supports that, that still says dispatch_queue_t is a struct. 
 I wandered around the header files a bit but they conflict with each other. 
 The header file (queue.h) says they are reference counted via calls to 
 dispatch_retain() .. but the OS_OBJECT_DECL() macro says something rather 
 different, that they are objects and the trail goes cold there. 
 Am I correct in what I remember, are they now NSSObjects? 

They are objective-C objects, which doesn't necessarily mean they inherit from 
NSObject. If you have a deployment target of 10.8 or iOS 6 then ARC is able to 
manage their lifecycle for you.


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Re: removeObserver with keyPath nil

2012-11-23 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 20 Nov 2012, at 19:50, Fritz Anderson wrote:

 On 20 Nov 2012, at 11:16 AM, Gordon Apple wrote:
 What¹s the story on removeObserver:self forKeyPath:nil, called in dealloc?
 Supposedly, this works.  The docs don¹t say you can¹t use nil.  However, I
 have run into at least one place where did not work.  We converted from GC
 to ARC and have a bunch of these.  I have seen statements that it worked
 under GC, but possibly not otherwise.
 Could you clarify what you mean by supposedly, this works? If the 
 documentation says you can't do it, then Apple does not suppose it works, and 
 Apple is the only one whose suppositions matter. At one time, you liked the 
 undocumented behavior you got, but that doesn't guarantee Apple will always 
 deliver it.
 The documentation of this method for the collection classes explicitly 
 forbids the use of nil. 

For what it's worth, the collection classes also tell you not to call the 
method on them at all. Methinks somebody on the docs team did a bit too much 
copy and paste.


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Re: NSFileManager - Incompatible persistent store

2012-11-21 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 21 Nov 2012, at 21:16, Tom Miller wrote:

 I receive a warning in Xcode about this line of code dealing with the file
 fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
 applicationSupportFolder = [self applicationSupportFolder];
 if ( ![fileManager fileExistsAtPath:applicationSupportFolder
 isDirectory:NULL] ) {
 [fileManager createDirectoryAtPath:applicationSupportFolder

Care to tell us what the warning actually is?


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Re: Getting a .icns file from IconRef data

2012-11-20 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 20 Nov 2012, at 12:53, Ken Thomases wrote:

 On Nov 19, 2012, at 12:36 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 17 Nov 2012, at 04:09, Ken Thomases wrote:
 You should be aware that a bug was introduced to Snow Leopard with its last 
 major update (10.6.8), such that the CGImageDestination API produces 
 corrupt ICNS files.  So, if you are maintaining compatibility with that 
 version of the OS, you probably want to use the Icon Family API instead, 
 even though it's obsolete and deprecated.
 Have a radar number we can dupe?
 I'm never sure I understand the point of referencing somebody else's Radar 
 number, but...
 I submitted rdar://problem/9798341 which was closed as a duplicate of 
 I also submitted a related bug, rdar://problem/9798414, which is about 
 crashes whenever apps try to obtain the icon for a file and the icon is 
 corrupt in this way.  It affects (or, at least, affected at the time) the 
 Finder, the Dock, anything which uses open or save panels, path controls, 
 etc.  That was closed as a duplicate of rdar://problem/9672474.

Thanks Ken, it allows me to file duplicates for them to show Apple we care.


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Re: Getting notified of any change to a specific NSManagedObject?

2012-11-19 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 16 Nov 2012, at 22:00, Rick Mann wrote:

 On Nov 16, 2012, at 2:31 , Mike Abdullah wrote:
 Why are you trying to avoid a bunch of these calls? Is it just to save 
 yourself typing?
 Typing, and code maintenance. I generally have UI that displays all (or some 
 subset of) the properties of one of my entities. I'd like that UI to update 
 if anything updates one of the models. But if there are a dozen properties, 
 then that's a dozen -addObserver and -removeObserver calls, in each place 
 where there might be UI associated with it. If I later add a new property to 
 the entity, I have to be sure to KVO, it, too. If I remove a bit of the UI, I 
 have to remember to remove the call (not strictly, but I like keeping my code 
 Being able to subscribe once for all changes to a single object makes these 
 problems go away.

This is Core Data. You have all the information available to you automatically:

NSEntity *entity = [someManagedObject entity];
for (NSPropertyDescription *aProperty in [entity properties])
[someManagedObject addObserver:self forKeyPath:[aProperty name] …

Obviously you can adjust that snippet to focus on just attributes, or skip some 
out, as desired.


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Re: Getting a .icns file from IconRef data

2012-11-19 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 17 Nov 2012, at 04:09, Ken Thomases wrote:

 On Nov 16, 2012, at 9:20 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 On Nov 16, 2012, at 6:56 PM, John Brownie wrote:
 If I use TISGetInputSourceProperty to get the kTISPropertyIconImageURL 
 property of a keyboard layout, it returns nil, so I get the 
 kTISPropertyIconRef property, which gives me an IconRef. I can turn that 
 into an NSImage with -initWithIconRef, but what I really want to do is to 
 write out a file in the .icns format. I have not been able to find 
 documentation on how to do that step. Lack of internet access has also 
 complicated things, but a search just now didn't throw up anything that 
 looked helpful.
 Look into CGImageDestination (aka ImageIO). If that doesn't help, you might 
 be stuck using the old Carbon resource manager functions.
 You don't need the Resource Manager.  There's the Icon Family API for this: 
 You should be aware that a bug was introduced to Snow Leopard with its last 
 major update (10.6.8), such that the CGImageDestination API produces corrupt 
 ICNS files.  So, if you are maintaining compatibility with that version of 
 the OS, you probably want to use the Icon Family API instead, even though 
 it's obsolete and deprecated.

Have a radar number we can dupe?


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Re: Core Data fetch performance

2012-11-16 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 12 Nov 2012, at 14:15, Joerg Simon wrote:

 This summs it up really nicely:
 Links to radar bug reports are within the blog post.
 The conclusion it is not usable does not hold under iOS6, since nested 
 contexts work quite wonderfully there, but it shows problems under iOS5.
 Generally if you use performBlock and not performBlockAndWhait and do not use 
 a fetched results controller at all and some other tricks, you can get it 
 working quite well also under iOS5, but actually the code you produce is 
 uglier than doing it manually the old way using thread confinment and merge 
 by hand. At least in my experience.
 But under iOS6 nested contexts rock!

So to summarise:

- Child contexts synchronously route through their parent to perform fetches. 
The author thinks this is a mistake; I consider it an expected consequence of 
the design

- Making changes into a parent context can be slow with no mention of a radar 
or details of any possible fix

- Child contexts in iOS5/OS X 10.7 are pretty buggy when it comes to 
propogating changes *down* from their parent. This is where iOS 6/OS X 10.8 
appears to have improved matters.


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Re: Mysterious crash report

2012-11-15 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 14 Nov 2012, at 22:10, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 15/11/2012, at 8:59 AM, Nick Zitzmann wrote:
 Oh. I understand how that could happen with GC if the app tried to re-use a 
 finalized object, but the only resurrections I've seen happen under RR or 
 ARC were zombies… Sorry.
 Well, the crash is actually from libdispatch, so who knows what it's using?
 Our app actually only makes fairly light use of threads, and does not do any 
 communication over the network, etc, except as might be done behind the 
 scenes by standard classes. Apparently this occurred when cancelling a 
 document save, though it might have nothing directly to do with that. At the 
 time of the crash, NSToolbar was doing something on the main thread...
 That's the problem with this - even if I fully understood what it meant (I 
 don't) then it's not clear that the issue is in any way fixable in our app's 

I believe the Versions system uses XPC internally. Does your app support 


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Re: WebPolicyDelegate declared where?

2012-11-01 Thread Mike Abdullah
WebPolicyDelegate is still not a formal protocol. There is nothing for you to 
declare conformance to.

On 1 Nov 2012, at 07:44, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 My app delegate (Mac OS X) looks like this:
 #import WebKit/WebKit.h
 @interface MyAppDelegate : NSObject NSApplicationDelegate, 
 But Xcode (4.5.1) complains: Cannot find protocol declarations for 
 What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Mystifying index out of bounds error

2012-11-01 Thread Mike Abdullah
Well that sounds an impossible problem, but might not be. Give us the crash 
report too.

On 1 Nov 2012, at 12:11, Antonio Nunes wrote:

 I have this code in my app:
 - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
   unichar oneChar;
   NSString*theChars = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
   if ( 0 == theChars.length ) {
   oneChar = [theChars characterAtIndex:0];
 After about 10 months of the app being available, with this method unchanged, 
 I received a single crash report that points to a crash on the last line:
 -[__NSCFConstantString characterAtIndex:]: Range or index out of bounds
 The length property of a string returns an NSUInteger, so it should never be 
 lower than zero. I don't see how the out of bounds error could ever happen 
 for index 0, when the string has a length greater than 0. Any ideas? 
 (Considering that I only ever received a single report for what is an often 
 exercised bit of code, should I just consider this a freak incident and 
 ignore it?)
 Don't believe everything you think
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Re: Mystifying index out of bounds error

2012-11-01 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 1 Nov 2012, at 14:37, Antonio Nunes wrote:

 On 1 Nov, 2012, at 15:24 , Mike Abdullah wrote:
 Well that sounds an impossible problem, but might not be. Give us the crash 
 report too.
 12/10/2012 12:41:10: -[__NSCFConstantString characterAtIndex:]: Range or 
 index out of bounds
 12/10/2012 12:41:10: (
   0   CoreFoundation  0x7fff9354a0a6 
 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
   1   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff8ba543f0 
 objc_exception_throw + 43
   2   CoreFoundation  0x7fff93549e7c 
 +[NSException raise:format:] + 204
   3   CoreFoundation  0x7fff9350e8ee 
 -[__NSCFString characterAtIndex:] + 94
   4   PDF Nomad   0x00010380b5fe PDF Nomad + 
 1205758 ( - -[ANBorderedTextView keyDown:] (in PDF Nomad) 
 (ANBorderedTextView.m:91) )
   5   AppKit  0x7fff8a9ba120 -[NSWindow 
 sendEvent:] + 9687
   6   AppKit  0x7fff8a9b5744 
 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 5761
   7   AppKit  0x7fff8a8cb2fa 
 -[NSApplication run] + 636
   8   AppKit  0x7fff8a86fcb6 
 NSApplicationMain + 869
   9   PDF Nomad   0x0001036e6f84 PDF Nomad + 
 Unfortunately, I did not receive a full crash report, so I can't show 
 register contents.
 On 1 Nov 2012, at 12:11, Antonio Nunes wrote:
 I have this code in my app:
 - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
 unichar oneChar;
 NSString*theChars = [theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers];
 if ( 0 == theChars.length ) {
 oneChar = [theChars characterAtIndex:0];

Well it all looks like your code shouldn't be able to give the above exception. 
To check, there's no other calls to -characterAtIndex: in the code you omitted? 
And the code you pasted is from ANBorderedTextView?


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Re: More NSFileManager Issues

2012-10-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 29 Oct 2012, at 09:56, Andreas Grosam wrote:

 I do have even more weird issues with NSFileManager:
 With NSFileManager I've created a file in the temporary directory. Attempting 
 to delete it, fails:
NSFileManager* fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
NSLog(@tmp file: %@, [_input1000 path]);
BOOL isDirectory;
if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:[_input1000 path] 
 isDirectory:isDirectory] || isDirectory) {
NSError* error;
if ([fm removeItemAtURL:_input1000 error:error] == NO) {
NSLog(@ERROR: tear down testing environment with error: 
 %@, error);

Further to earlier answers, you're wasting your time checking if the directory 
exists. Just go ahead and delete it. If the deletion fails, check the error 
code  domain to see if it's because the directory doesn't exist, and ignore 
that specific case.

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Re: ARC question

2012-10-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 29 Oct 2012, at 10:06, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 Hi folks,
 before aught else, all my thoughts to those of you in the Eastern coast that 
 are preparing themselves for a bunch of bleak days…
 I’ve just a silly question (I know, I don’t post very often and I apologize 
 for that): I need to convert a HTML style string, with “ escapes” to normal 
 UTF-8. So I wrote this:
 -(NSString *)convertHTMLtoUTF8:(NSString *)aString {
   NSString * convertedString = [aString copy];
   for (NSString * pattern in [HTMLtoUTF keyEnumerator]) {
   convertedString = [convertedString 

 withString:HTMLtoUTF [pattern]];
   return convertedString;
 where HTMLtoUTF is a dictionary of pairs {@…; : 
 Now, my question is: is that scheme going to work correctly with ARC? Is it 
 not going to leak each intermediate version of ‘convertedString’?

The code is a fairly inefficient to start with, but no, it's not going to leak.


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Re: createDirectoryAtPath:withIntermediateDirectories:attributes:error: Returns NO when it exists

2012-10-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 29 Oct 2012, at 09:22, Andreas Grosam wrote:

 I'm attempting to create a directory with NSFileManager's method. The 
 directory may already exist. 
 According the documentation
  the method shall return YES if the directory already exists:
 Return Value
 YES if the directory was created or already exists or NO if an error occurred.
 However, when the directory already exists it returns NO with error parameter 
   NSFileManager* fm = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
   NSString* tmpDir = [NSTemporaryDirectory() 
   NSError* error;
   if (![fm createDirectoryAtPath:tmpDir
error:error]) {
   NSLog(@ERROR: setup test environment with error: %@, error);
 ERROR: setup test environment with error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain 
 Code=516 The file “Test” couldn’t be saved in the folder “T” because a file 
 with the same name already exists. UserInfo=0x100600150 
 NSUnderlyingError=0x100602d00 The operation couldn’t be completed. File 
 Do I miss something?

Is it possible you've ended up with a *file* there named Test rather than a 


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Re: Sandbox, security bookmarks and trash

2012-10-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 27 Oct 2012, at 12:07, Simone Tellini wrote:

 I need to handle an export function in a document-based application.
 When the user creates the document, he can also choose a couple of path where 
 to save different exported results (e.g. ~/Documents/exporteddata.xml). The 
 document contains security bookmarks that point to those files, so that when 
 the user reopens the document, he can simply hit export to generated them 
 again, overwriting the previous data.
 Problem is, if the user moves one of those files to the trash, the next time 
 the application resolves the security bookmark it will point to the deleted 
 file (ie. something like .../.Trash/...). I'd rather like the application 
 to keep on re-creating the file at the path the user has chosen in the first 
 place (ie. ~/Documents/exporteddata.xml).
 Is it possible? Or how do you handle this scenario in an user-friendly way?

You're up against the design of bookmarks here. By default they resolve to the 
original URL, but if that no longer exists, search the disk by file ID. So in 
your case, the file in the trash is being found. When creating the bookmark, 
there is an option to resolve in the opposite order, but that won't help you 

There's also an option to create a minimal bookmark. The docs don't say 
what's different about that. Have you tried it at all?

In a non-sandboxed app, the proper solution would be to instead create a 
bookmark to the folder for exporting to (e.g. ~/Documents/). You could add in a 
custom property to the bookmark of the filename to export to.

The trick in a sandboxed app is getting write permission to that folder. 
NSSavePanel only gives you write access to the user-entered filename I believe, 
not the whole folder. Perhaps you could instead throw up an open panel, asking 
which folder to export to? Of course, this would have to be an app-scoped 
bookmark, since the target is a directory. Not sure if that's a problem for 
your app.

Most importantly, file a radar for your needs. Maybe open a DTS incident too.


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Re: ARC question

2012-10-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 29 Oct 2012, at 12:01, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 Le 29 oct. 2012 à 12:53, Roland King a écrit :
 Does CFURLCreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapes() not do this for you? I 
 often use it going the other way from text to escaped text, not just for 
 AFAIK, CFURLCreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapes() substitues special chars 
 for % in URLs (e.g: “ ” ↔ “%20”) but does not handle HTML-ampersand escapes 
 (e.g: nbsp; ↔ “ ”). I did a shallow Google search and found nothing except 
 statements that no NSString or other Cocoa object could provide such a 

Indeed, CFURLCreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapes and friends deal in 
*percent* escaping, not *XML entity* escaping

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Re: ARC question

2012-10-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 29 Oct 2012, at 11:44, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 Le 29 oct. 2012 à 12:34, Mike Abdullah a écrit :
 The code is a fairly inefficient to start with, but no, it's not going to 
 Thanks. I am aware of this, but since this code is going to be part of a 
 didactic article on writing a WMS client, I emphasize clarity over 
 performance (this is a secondary aspect).
 However, I am interested in knowing how you would write such a translator 
 yourself to make it more efficient. I had initially the idea of copying every 
 char until a ‘’, in which case the following content would be analyzed and 
 replaced if necessary, and so on until the end of the HTML string. That would 
 mean one single pass instead of as many as the number of pairs in the 

Well, you can ask CFXMLCreateStringByUnescapingEntities() to do this on OS X, 
although if I recall all the CFXML functions have now sadly been deprecated. 
The source code for it should still be available if you search around.

But in general, I would just work my way through the string looking for 
occurrences of '' and see if that makes up a valid escape sequence. Much of 
the problem if dealing with HTML rather than XML is that there are a vast range 
of special sequences. e.g. micro;


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Re: ARC question

2012-10-29 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 29 Oct 2012, at 13:55, Vincent Habchi wrote:

 Le 29 oct. 2012 à 14:34, Mike Abdullah a écrit :
 Well, you can ask CFXMLCreateStringByUnescapingEntities() to do this on OS 
 X, although if I recall all the CFXML functions have now sadly been 
 deprecated. The source code for it should still be available if you search 
 I wasn’t aware of those calls. They do not seem to be deprecated. However, I 
 have also a lot of accented characters (é, à, û, etc.) to unescape (since the 
 contents are in French), and CFXMLCreateStringByUnescapingEntities() provides 
 a basic dictionary of only five elements; it is extensible, but of course at 
 the expense of creating a custom dictionary, which, added to the necessary 
 conversions between CFStringRef and NSString and vice-versa, would hamper the 
 legibility of the code somewhat.

How are those accented characters represented in your HTML?

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Re: variable problem is driving me nuts

2012-10-28 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 28 Oct 2012, at 01:18, M Pulis wrote:

 clients is not (yet) a proper NSMutableArray..
 Try one of the init methods within the NSMutableArray.

I'm sorry? -init is a perfectly reasonable method to call here.


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Re: Binding InfoPanel to currentDocument

2012-10-26 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 26 Oct 2012, at 10:55, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:

 On 26 Oct 2012, at 16:11, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 On Oct 26, 2012, at 1:52 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann 
 On 26 Oct 2012, at 01:11, Seth Willits wrote:
 On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:36 AM, Gerriet M. Denkmann wrote:
 This works, but I have a strong feeling that there is a very obvious 
 better solution which I somehow cannot see.
 There actually isn't an obvious solution.
 I thought that having some InfoPanel which shows data of the current 
 NSDocument would be a fairly common scenario.
 But anyway. 
 I decided to follow your suggestions.
 My app delegate now has:
 @property (strong) GmdDocument *currentDocument;
 In applicationDidFinishLaunching: it registers for 
 NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification and NSWindowWillCloseNotification (not 
 for NSWindowDidResignMainNotification because I want my InfoPanel to keep 
 it's data when some other app becomes active).
 The notification method is:
 - (void)someWindowChanged: (NSNotification *)noti
  NSWindow *window = [ noti object ];
  if ( ![ window isMemberOfClass: [ NSWindow class ] ] ) return;//
 ignore non-Windows
 This check is wrong because it is too strict; it will fail for NSWindow 
 subclasses including NSPanel. The proper check here is -isKindOfClass:.
 I am NOT interested if some panel closes (it probably would not become Main 
 because being a Panel).
 So I use isMemberOfClass because I am not interested in Window subclasses.

This is a fundamental aspect of Cocoa programming. Cocoa is entirely free to 
use its own private subclasses of NSWindow if it sees fit, and indeed some bits 
of the runtime will dynamically create subclasses too. -isMemberOfClass: is 
very rarely the right thing to use, and isn't correct here.
  NSWindowController *windowController = [ window windowController ];
  if ( windowController == nil ) return;//ignore strange windows
 NSWindow has a -document accessor. Use that instead of going though the 
 window controller.
 Yes. I saw that in your previous post. But I asked both AppKiDo and Xcode and 
 nobody showed me any documentation about this accessor. 
 So I am wary of using undocumented stuff.

It's actually a method on NSWindowController.

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Re: Need faster approach to load data in NSTableView from a file

2012-10-26 Thread Mike Abdullah
What have you tried?

You have a performance problem. The very first thing that should ever be done 
if you have a performance problem is head over to Instruments and find out what 
is slow and why.

And please don't crosspost between lists.

On 26 Oct 2012, at 12:17, Abhijeet Singh wrote:

 Hi,In my application I am reading data from a text file and displaying it in 
 NSTableView. There are 6 columns in my tableview. My problem is when the 
 records in file are more it takes too long to read and display the data. e.g. 
 It takes around 1 min to read and display 70,000 records from the file. I am 
 using NSArrayController to update my NSTableView. Please suggest some 
 solution to make my application faster. Should I read and display only that 
 much data that is visible to the user (like in iphone but i dont know how is 
 it done OSX?) and update my view on scrolling?Thanks  Regards AbhijeetGet 
 Yourself a cool, short Email ID now!
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Re: Security-scoped bookmarks linked to code signing?

2012-10-25 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 25 Oct 2012, at 00:27, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 25/10/2012, at 10:05 AM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 On 24 Oct 2012, at 23:31, Graham Cox wrote:
 On 24/10/2012, at 8:47 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 Handling security-scoped bookmarks most certainly relies upon 
 code-signing, as without you can’t create or resolve them. Are you dealing 
 with app or document scoped bookmarks here?
 In dev and testing no problem was encountered but in the wild we have 
 this crash deep within -[NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:options:.]. 
 The app was incorrectly signed due to a stuff-up with the developer ID 
 certs which was resolved, but that won't help until we get an update 
 published. What's annoying is that the bookmark resolving just crashes 
 rather than handle the problem gracefully, and we're still not certain 
 whether the incorrect signing is the real cause or not (the apps were 
 signed, just not using the correct cert). This deep connection between 
 parts of the OS that behave very differently according to the situation 
 they find themselves in is a recipe for very hard-to-find bugs that easily 
 escape QA.
 Is it possible is biting you?
 Hmm, interesting...
 I wasn't setting error to nil, I am now.
 However, all I do with the value of error is log it if the URL returns nil. 
 While that could crash in the circumstances your post describes, that isn't 
 where it appears to actually be crashing. (Unfortunately I don't have a stack 
 trace handy).
 Do you know of a way to force this resolution to fail so I can test it?

Oops, I forgot to mention in the post that I’d seen it crash internally too, 
from trying to do something with the junk pointer being fed in. Sadly I don’t 
have a stack trace or repro steps handy :(


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Re: Security-scoped bookmarks linked to code signing?

2012-10-25 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 25 Oct 2012, at 22:05, Alex Zavatone wrote:

 On Oct 25, 2012, at 11:35 AM, Sean McBride wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Oct 2012 00:05:44 +0100, Mike Abdullah said:
 Is it possible
 handling.html is biting you?
 Interesting bug.  I wonder if everyone inside Apple is using ARC these days 
 and therefore expecting ptr-to-object variables to be nil-initialised 
 could explain how such a bug escaped.
 I think another person on has run across a case as well.
 In any case, considering the huge benefit that ARC offers, for what I've 
 done, it's been a pleasantly painless experience.

I'm confused. Neither of your links seem to have anything to do with pointers 
and error handling.


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Re: Object not being drawn in Cmd + N window. Why?

2012-10-25 Thread Mike Abdullah
Presumably your NSView subclass implements -drawRect:
Is this being called at all for you non-drawing view?
If it is being called, is there anything weird about the view or environment at 
the time?
What triggers do you have to cause the view to be redrawn?

On 25 Oct 2012, at 21:16, Peter Teeson wrote:

 Xcode 4.5.1 Lion 10.7.4
 I have desktop Document project with a sub-class of NSView. Debug only 
 version as of now.
 The Window has 2 instances of this sub-class (basically squares that have 
 The only difference between the two instances are the start and stop mid 
 points for the gradients.
 When I Run it to debug, a Document window opens and behaves as I expect.
 In particular both instances of the sub-class are drawn in the window.
 The Problem:
 But when I Cmd + N to get a new document then only one of the sub-class 
 objects is drawn.
 The one that is not drawn is the second instance I added yesterday.
 As I said the only difference between the two instances is the value of an 
 ivar (which I set 
 appropriately in Document.m awakeFromNib.)
 My efforts to track this down have failed and I lack understanding how this 
 could happen.
 After all they are using the same nib (xib). And indeed the value of each 
 pointer to the instances
 are not zero. And the various ivars are correctly initialized.
 The Questions:
 How could this happen? How can I try to track it down?
 TIA  respect…
 P.S. I first posted this to the Xcode list but was advised to post here 
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Re: Security-scoped bookmarks linked to code signing?

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 24 Oct 2012, at 02:28, Graham Cox wrote:

 I'm using security-scoped bookmarks to save the location of certain folders 
 between launches so that my sandboxed app works properly.
 We've had reports that resolving these bookmarks sometimes crashes deep 
 inside the security-scoping resolution but I have been unable to reproduce 
 this. But one clue is that the apps that exhibit this problem were 
 incorrectly codesigned (using the wrong developer certificate), and I was 
 wondering if there was a connection between resolving SS bookmarks and 
 codesigning. If there is that's probably the answer, but if not I'll know to 
 keep looking for another reason.

Handling security-scoped bookmarks most certainly relies upon code-signing, as 
without you can’t create or resolve them. Are you dealing with app or document 
scoped bookmarks here?


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Re: App Sandbox Container or Data Directory

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 23 Oct 2012, at 23:06, Richard Somers wrote:

 On Oct 23, 2012, at 2:43 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 If by unapproved you mean my app's sandbox hasn't been extended to
 include this path then you are incorrect. The user can choose the
 destination, and the NSURL you get back from the open panel will carry
 the rights to access that location.
 If by unapproved you mean the user my app is running as doesn't have
 write permission to this location, then yes that is expected behavior.
 I sandboxed my app in Xcode. In the app target entitlement area there are 
 access control options for Music, Movies, Pictures, and Downloads folders. 
 Access to these folders remained the default No Access. I launched the app 
 and and saved a new document. In the save panel the Music folder was showing 
 as a Recent Place. I selected this as the save location and saving was a 
 success. As a developer, based on the entitlement settings, I was expecting 

If the user can get to it in a save panel, that should override anything else 
your app has setup. Any other way would be madness.
 Saving a new document to the users home directory (choose the home directory 
 in the save panel) resulted in failure. The document could not be saved. You 
 don't have permission. As a developer this is what I expected.  From a users 
 point of view I was surprised that the save panel let the user choose a 
 location where a save was not allowed and subsequently would result in 

This is the surprising bit. You do have the entitlement set, yes?

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Re: Plan for persisting preferences on iOS applications

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 24 Oct 2012, at 16:24, Alex Zavatone wrote:

 We're currently looking at expanding one of our applications from 1 office to 
 up to 40.  
 It's an app that needs an internal preference to be set and remembered 
 through updates or reinstalls.

I’m confused, what stops a regular preference from persisting across updates 
and reinstalls?


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Re: Need help passing a Secure Bookmark to an XPC Service

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 24 Oct 2012, at 22:56, douglas welton wrote:

 Hi All,
 I am sending a NSURL, encoded as a Secure Bookmark, from the main part of my 
 sandboxed application to an XPC Service that handles a specific subtask.  The 
 data is making it across the interface, but when I try to resolve the 
 bookmark back into an NSURL, I get the following error:
   10/24/12 5:15:18.908 PM com.einsteinslegacy.silica.silicaHelper: --- 
 bookmark error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 The file couldn’t 
 be opened because it isn’t in the correct format. UserInfo=0x7faf418069a0 {}
 Googling the text of the error message has not lead to any useful insights.
 Here's what I'm doing:
 •  When a user selects a file, I create an object containing the URL and the 
 associated secure bookmark.  
 •  I use NSKeyedArchive to create a data object, which I then pass to the XPC 
 service as a key-value pair in an xpc_dictionary.  
 •  The XPC service receives the message, unpacks it and calls 
 NSKeyedUnarchiver to reconstitute the URL from the secure bookmark.  
 At this point, I check the length of the bookmark data.  The value matches 
 the length of the originally encoded bookmark.  However, when I try to 
 resolve the URL using the following line of code, I get nil.
   self.url = [NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData: self.bookmark options: 
 NSURLBookmarkResolutionWithSecurityScope relativeToURL: nil 
 bookmarkDataIsStale: isStale error: bookmarkError];
 The entitlements file used for the XPC Service is a duplicate of the main 
 application file.  The XPCService dictionary in the service's info.plist has 
 JoinExistingSession set to YES, so I assume that both parts should have the 
 same set of entitlements.
 Are there other factors I need to consider when passing secure bookmarks?

You don’t need a security-scoped bookmark for this. Regular bookmarks carry 
access to the file until the computer next reboots.


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Re: Security-scoped bookmarks linked to code signing?

2012-10-24 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 24 Oct 2012, at 23:31, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 24/10/2012, at 8:47 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 Handling security-scoped bookmarks most certainly relies upon code-signing, 
 as without you can’t create or resolve them. Are you dealing with app or 
 document scoped bookmarks here?
 In dev and testing no problem was encountered but in the wild we have this 
 crash deep within -[NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:options:.]. The app 
 was incorrectly signed due to a stuff-up with the developer ID certs which 
 was resolved, but that won't help until we get an update published. What's 
 annoying is that the bookmark resolving just crashes rather than handle the 
 problem gracefully, and we're still not certain whether the incorrect signing 
 is the real cause or not (the apps were signed, just not using the correct 
 cert). This deep connection between parts of the OS that behave very 
 differently according to the situation they find themselves in is a recipe 
 for very hard-to-find bugs that easily escape QA.

Is it possible 
is biting you?


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Re: Memory issues when loading a document

2012-10-23 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 23 Oct 2012, at 11:21, Ulf Dunkel wrote:

 I wonder if this issue is created by our app or if it is inherent in Mac
 OS X:
 Our app creates documents which can contain various content per document
 page, e.g. PDF files. Assume you have created a document with 64 pages,
 each of them contains a full-page PDF content. The document file's
 weight is about 1 GB when it is saved.
 When users try to reload the document on a Mac with 4 GB RAM, it cannot
 be opened, because of a lack of memory.

Important bit you haven't told us: is your app 32bit, 64bit, or both?

 Tracking the allocations with
 Instruments, I can see strange things happen:
 - The app itself consumes about 300 MB RAM.
 - The document is loaded in several steps, where the first step
 allocates the document size with -[NSData(NSData) initWithContentsOfFile:].
 - Then the RAM for page content files (the PDFs) is allocated and the
 relevant PDF is being loaded - but:
 - The first PDF load process allocates additional RAM for the first PDF.
 - The 2nd PDF allocates additional RAM for the 1st and 2nd PDF.
 - The 3rd PDF allocates additional RAM for the 1.-3. PDF.
 - Etc.
 So this procedure sums up to about 3.5 GB RAM which of course is
 followed by an exception.
 On bigger machines, the additional RAM for the PDFs is deallocated after
 the document has been loaded successfully.
 Is this a wanted behavior of Mac OS X, or are we able to control how
 much RAM is being allocated in the document load process?

You have very fine-grained control available to you. Read up on the document 
architecture and the different NSDocument methods you can override.


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Re: App Sandbox Container or Data Directory

2012-10-23 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 23 Oct 2012, at 19:13, Richard Somers wrote:

 I do not understand what is going on with an application's sandboxed 
 container or Data directory.
 NSHomeDirectory for an OS X sandboxed app points here.
 The sandbox Data directory is pre-populated with items.
 Data/Desktop (Alias)
 Data/Downloads   (Alias)
 Data/Movies  (Alias)
 Data/Music   (Alias)
 So here are some of the unusual things.
 1. If you specify No Access to the Music, Movies, Pictures, or Downloads 
 folders for the App Sandbox you can still save a document to those folders. 
 So much for the sandbox.

What exactly do you mean by “save a document” here?
 2. When a file is saved to the Documents folder in a save dialog, the file is 
 actually saved to ~/Documents not Data/Documents. So what is Data/Documents 

Yes, the open/save panels automatically translate any locations form within the 
container to outside. Anything within the container is not intended for regular 
users to see.

Your app could generate “documents” which get stored on disk in the Documents 
folder, but provide its own UI for managing that data perhaps, rather than the 
standard open/save panel approach.
 3. Data/Documents is pre-populated with an iChat file alias. What is that for?

Does it matter?
 4. Local log files go in Data/Library/Logs but this location is not visible 
 from Console app. So all local log files are visible from Console except for 
 apps that are sandboxed. How can a user see local sandboxed log files?

How are you generating these logs?
 5. Data/Library/Preferences is pre-populated with a bunch of preference plist 
 file aliases. One of the items is an alias to 
 Why would my app need default access to the Pages preference plist file? This 
 seems like a violation of sandboxing.

Some other apps have relied upon this, I would guess. Can your app actually 
access that plist while running though? Just because it’s there as a symlink 
doesn’t necessarily mean the app has access to it.


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Re: Associate icon with file ext. / quick look

2012-10-22 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 22 Oct 2012, at 16:54, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Oct 2012 13:38:45 +0200, Jean Suisse said:
 My scientific cocoa app (10.6-10.8) records acquired data from devices
 and store them in human-readable UTF8 text files that have specific
 extensions (different from .txt). I have two questions related to file
 extensions, default application, icons and preview in quick look to
 submit to your expertise.
 The app that collects and stores the data is not the same as the one
 that is used to view the data (third-party text editor).
 I have found how to tell launch services to open the files with the
 third-party text editor, but I can't find how to associate the icon of
 my app with all the files extensions I use. How can I do that using
 cocoa or a shell script ? – this is my first question.
 Secondly, how can I tell quick look to preview the-said files just like
 it would any other text file ?
 From the sounds of it, it might be best if you just use .txt for your human 
 readable text files.  QuickLook will then generate previews, and the user's 
 preferred text editor will open the file when double clicked.

I believe declaring your file format as conforming to public.plain-text will 
automatically gain that ability too.

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Re: Importance of 'keys' and other options when creating bookmarks with NSURL?

2012-10-22 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 22 Oct 2012, at 21:23, Sean McBride wrote:

 Hi all,
 I have recently been replacing all my Alias Manager use with NSURL  
 One thing that has surprised and confused me is the 'keys' parameter to 
 The docs say only An array of names of URL resource properties.
 It seems that if you provide nil and are later unable to resolve the 
 bookmark, you can't find out *anything* about it, not even its original name 
 or path.  With an AliasRecord, you are always able to get basic info like 
 that back.  I found one related item in the archives:
 Is it others' experience as well that it is vital to always at least provide 
 a few basic keys like NSURLNameKey and NSURLParentDirectoryURLKey?

I've seen another thread somewhere where an Apple engineer said there was no 
API at present, and that a workaround was to store the path yourself under a 
custom key.

It seems to me that storing the name + parent directory would do the trick just 
as well. Or on 10.8+, there's NSURLPathKey too.

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Re: How to send fetchrequest to main context from a local context on a separate thread?

2012-10-18 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 18 Oct 2012, at 16:01, Koen van der Drift wrote:

 After some more searching I came to the following plan.
 1. get the main context from another thread as follows:
  AppDelegate *appDelegate = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
  NSManagedObjectContext *mainContext = [appDelegate managedObjectContext];
 2. use performSelectorOnMainThread to execute the fetch request:
 [mainContext performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(executeFetchRequest:)
 However, performSelectorOnMainThread does not give a return value
 back, and the selector should really be executeFetchRequest:error:
 One way to solve this would be to use an NSInvocation, I think? Or
 maybe wrap the executeFetchRequest in another method, call
 performSelectorOnMainThread on it, and then use a notification to send
 the result back.
 Will try this later, does any of these approaches sound reasonable?

Here's what you want:

__block BOOL exists;
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue, ^{
NSManagedObjectContext *context = … // grab the context
exists = … // query the context to see if the data already exists

Works on OS X 10.6+ and iOS4+

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Re: NSTextField not updated during large process

2012-10-14 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 12 Oct 2012, at 23:55, Koen van der Drift wrote:

 Man, I thought I had this all working, and after a few days of doing other 
 stuff, it is back to my original issue.  I am now updating my textfield as 
 follows, so no matter from where it is called, it will always be updated on 
 the main thread:
 - (void)updateStatus: (NSString *)status
NSLog(@%@, status);
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector( updateStatusWrapper:) 
 withObject: status waitUntilDone: YES];
 -(void)updateStatusWrapper: (NSString *) status
self.progressStatus = status;
 Again, all the logs get displayed, so I know updateStatus: is called, but 
 again, in the parseData part, the string is not updated. For whatever reason, 
 updateStatusWrapper: doesn't get called. I also tried YES and NO for 

How did you determine that -updateStatusWrapper: doesn't get called?

(You could do away with that method entirely BTW, and just use 
setProgressStatus: as the selector)

You're updating a property of self. How does that then update the text field?


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Re: NSTextField not updated during large process

2012-10-14 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 14 Oct 2012, at 20:29, Koen van der Drift wrote:

 On Oct 14, 2012, at 3:04 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 How did you determine that -updateStatusWrapper: doesn't get called?
 (You could do away with that method entirely BTW, and just use 
 setProgressStatus: as the selector)
 You're updating a property of self. How does that then update the text field?
 Even if I use:
 - (void)updateStatus: (NSString *)status
[statusTextField performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector( setStringValue:) 
 withObject: status waitUntilDone: NO];  // or YES
 the field does not get updated.

Presumably statisTextField is an outlet? Sure you've got it hooked up right?


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Re: File browser widget

2012-10-12 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 27 Sep 2012, at 12:39, Qiang Y wrote:

 Good morning everyone,
 I need a file browser control/widget for my project under osx. Does anyone 
 know if cocoa provides one for developers to user in their own applications?


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Re: dropping alias file on NSPathControl with App Sandbox

2012-10-10 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 10 Oct 2012, at 00:16, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Sat, 6 Oct 2012 10:59:46 +0100, Mike Abdullah said:
 Sandboxed apps can resolve aliases and follow symlinks, but unless the
 destination is within their sandbox already they do not gain access to
 it, sadly. I recommend filing a radar requesting this.
 I will.
 Do you agree with me that pathControl:acceptDrop: should pass the resolved 
 alias instead of the original?  Or perhaps provide a setResolvesAliases: like 
 NSOpenPanel does?

I don't know really. To resolve aliases properly would require it to be some 
sort of privileged UI component like NSOpenPanel. Or Apple would have to add a 
new entitlement for this, or adjust how the sandbox works. They all *work*, but 
the first option sucks for developers making other similar things.


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Re: dropping alias file on NSPathControl with App Sandbox

2012-10-10 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 10 Oct 2012, at 15:04, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 09:46:15 +0100, Mike Abdullah said:
 Sandboxed apps can resolve aliases and follow symlinks, but unless the
 destination is within their sandbox already they do not gain access to
 it, sadly. I recommend filing a radar requesting this.
 I will.
 Do you agree with me that pathControl:acceptDrop: should pass the
 resolved alias instead of the original?  Or perhaps provide a
 setResolvesAliases: like NSOpenPanel does?
 I don't know really. To resolve aliases properly would require it to be
 some sort of privileged UI component like NSOpenPanel. Or Apple would
 have to add a new entitlement for this, or adjust how the sandbox works.
 They all *work*, but the first option sucks for developers making other
 similar things.
 I'm pretty sure it already is a 'privileged UI component like NSOpenPanel'.  
 In the early seeds of 10.7, there were all sorts of sandbox violations 
 related to NSPathControl trying to draw the icons of the file hierarchy, and 
 failing to have access to those icons.

Really? Three possible conclusions come to mind:

* The sandbox has been relaxed to allow fetching of icons of ancestor folders
* NSPathControl is more aware of the sandbox, and doesn't try to fetch icons it 
doesn't have access to
* NSPathControl has some special privilege which allows it to fetch icons other 
components can't

The last one seems least likely to me since it would be a sandbox hole 
application-level or malicious code could exploit. Number two also seems 
slightly improbably to me simply because NSPathControl still has a 
sandbox-related bug where it no longer recognises a path stems from the user's 
home directory.


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Re: dropping alias file on NSPathControl with App Sandbox

2012-10-10 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 10 Oct 2012, at 17:57, Uli Kusterer wrote:

 On Oct 10, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Mike Abdullah wrote:
 * NSPathControl is more aware of the sandbox, and doesn't try to fetch icons 
 it doesn't have access to
 Not if NSPathControl runs out-of-process. The NSPathControl you create could 
 just be an IOSurface drawn into your process's window by another process that 
 has permissions, or even a separate window that just moves with your 
 process's window like the accessory view in an NSOpenPanel, just the other 
 way round.

Good point. Mine certainly wasn't an exhaustive list :)
All evidence suggests it draws as a regular NSControl so far though.


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Re: dropping alias file on NSPathControl with App Sandbox

2012-10-06 Thread Mike Abdullah
Hi Sean,

Sandboxed apps can resolve aliases and follow symlinks, but unless the 
destination is within their sandbox already they do not gain access to it, 
sadly. I recommend filing a radar requesting this.

On 5 Oct 2012, at 20:40, Sean McBride wrote:

 Hi all,
 NSOpenPanal takes care of resolving aliases/symlinks for you, which is 
 important with App Sandbox since you want access to the target not the alias 
 file itself.
 But NSPathControl, in its pathControl:acceptDrop: method, does not resolve 
 the alias for you, and try as I may, I can't find a way to resolve it under 
 App Sandbox.  I get either:
 Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 The file doesn’t exist.
 Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=259 The file couldn’t be opened because 
 it isn’t in the correct format.
 depending on the exact contortions.
 If the user granted my app access to an alias file, do I inherit access to 
 its target?  It seems not.  As a programmer, I get that, but as a user, it 
 seems counter to my intentions.
 Am I missing a way to resolve the alias, or is this an NSPathControl bug?
 Sean McBride, B. Eng
 Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada
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Re: Suggestions for handling old document files with file paths in a sandbox environment

2012-10-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Oct 2012, at 16:15, Marshall Houskeeper wrote:

 Our document file format currently stores file paths and file alias to 
 external files. We can potentially have several thousand references to 
 external files stored in a document. When we move to a sandbox environment, 
 we will store Security-Scoped Bookmarks.  
 What is the suggested method to handling old documents with with external 
 file references in a sandbox environment?

Arguably, here's what should (have) happen(ed):

1. March 2012, OS X 10.7.3 introduces security-scoped bookmarks. You update 
your app to start generating them
2. June 2012, sandboxing deadline for App Store. You update your app to be 
sandboxed at some point around then or later. Most documents already use 
security-scoped bookmarks. For those that don't, prompt using open panel

By leaving it until now to worry about security-scoped bookmarks, you've placed 
yourself at a bit of a disadvantage.

How are you currently storing references to external files? Bookmarks, aliases 
or raw paths? Ideally you'd already be storing bookmark data, so it's no change 
to the document format to add in security-scoped info too.

Similarly, bookmark resolution can always fail because the file has been 
deleted or moved somewhere the system doesn't recognise. If this happens you 
ought to provide some sort of alert to the user, including an open panel to 
locate the file or its replacement. Upgrading to a security-scoped bookmark can 
follow the same pattern.

Of course, with a large quantity of files that could become a big pain. In 
which case your best bet is to use the open panel to locate the *folder* 
containing a number of the files. That grants you access to all the other files 
within the folder.


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Re: Suggestions for handling old document files with file paths in a sandbox environment

2012-10-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Oct 2012, at 18:18, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Wed, 3 Oct 2012 11:15:48 -0400, Marshall Houskeeper said:
 Our document file format currently stores file paths and file alias to
 external files. We can potentially have several thousand references to
 external files stored in a document. When we move to a sandbox
 environment, we will store Security-Scoped Bookmarks.  
 What is the suggested method to handling old documents with with
 external file references in a sandbox environment?
 I'm afraid the only choice seems to be: display an NSOpenPanel for each file.
 I wonder how Final Cut Pro will deal with this (and when it will get 
 Do file a bug, and pray.

Mine's rdar://problem/10898972 if you want to dupe it. I've no idea how Apple 
could possibly offer a secure system for migrating documents to the sandbox 
though :(


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Re: Suggestions for handling old document files with file paths in a sandbox environment

2012-10-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Oct 2012, at 19:48, Sean McBride wrote:

 On Wed, 3 Oct 2012 11:38:10 -0700, Quincey Morris said:
 If an item is in your sandbox, you don't need the bookmark at all (for
 security reasons, anyway). If the item is *not* in your sandbox, then
 you're going to have to ask the user for access -- possibly thousands of
 Which is of course ridiculous.  Can you imagine Final Cut Pro or Xcode doing 
 such a thing when opening their old documents?  Notice Apple hasn't sandboxed 
 those applications?
 My solution for now is:
 !-- Allows full access to filesystem, due to numerous difficulties with App 
 Sandbox. rdar://11616142 --
 You still get some benefit from the sandbox (protection against network, USB, 
 camera being compromised), but have full file system access.
 If you care about App Store (I don't), they may not allow this.

They almost certainly won't allow it. A combo of pleading, explaining, and 
being well-established might help you out though.

Ideally your entitlement would be read-only for most apps. Sadly though due to 
a bug you need write access to a file in order to generate a read-only 
security-scoped bookmark to it at present.


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Re: Suggestions for handling old document files with file paths in a sandbox environment

2012-10-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Oct 2012, at 21:34, Quincey Morris 

 On Oct 3, 2012, at 12:44 , Marshall Houskeeper 
 Our plan is to use  Security-Scoped Bookmarks for all new documents to store 
 external file references when we go to the sandbox environment.   In our use 
 case, I would guess that none of the external referenced files would be 
 stored in our sandbox.  
 What I'm saying is, for all *new* documents, you can't create security-scoped 
 bookmarks unless the user has authorized each (via the open panel). Thus, 
 even for future documents, if they contain thousands of references via 
 bookmarks, then you would have had to get them through the open panel 
 thousands of times.
 Of course, this is the worst case. If the user is actually adding (say) 
 hundreds of files from a single folder, then presumably you'd might have the 
 user choose the folder and create a bookmark to the folder rather than the 
 But the point is that AFAIK:
   1 security-scoped bookmark == 1 visit to the open panel

Not strictly true. All you need to generate a security-scoped bookmark is write 
access to the file. This may be obtained by open/save panel, or pasteboard for 
the specific file. But it may also be obtained by open panel, security-scoped 
bookmark, or temporary entitlement for a parent directory.


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Re: Suggestions for handling old document files with file paths in a sandbox environment

2012-10-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Oct 2012, at 22:02, Marshall Houskeeper wrote:

 Hi Quincey,
 I have no problem with the use of the open panel ( security-scoped bookmark 
 )for creating new documents.  The problem is for pre sandboxed documents or 
 documents that come from Windows.  Having the user re-authorize each external 
 file would be very problematic and time consuming.

So what's your document format here? A document that references external files 
that it expects to be portable between systems is a little unusual. Why not use 
a package-based document format?


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Re: Suggestions for handling old document files with file paths in a sandbox environment

2012-10-04 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 4 Oct 2012, at 20:18, Marshall Houskeeper wrote:

 Hi Mike,
 Our products are a  video/audio editor  application and video effect plugins. 
   In both cases, our file formats (data block for plugin data) can store many 
 file references.  Our files keep references to file types such as quicktime 
 movies, audio files and text files as well as links to our program and bin 
 files.We have been shipping products well before the introduction of 
 security-scoped bookmarks.  Our customers have very large libraries of edited 
 shows that they often go back  to edit or review.  The data for these 
 programs is often spread  across multiple disk volumes.

Right, so how are you storing that reference? A raw path?

I wasn't terribly clear I'm afraid: Bookmark data was introduced in OS X 10.6. 
It's only with 10.7.3 that you could generate security-scoped bookmarks. The 
two are completely compatible though; 10.6 can happily handle security-scoped 
bookmarks. And 10.7+ can decode the old bookmarks, just without the ability to 
actually access them.

Another approach you could take, or perhaps do alongside the document-scoped 
bookmarks, is to ask the user what disks/folders they're using for the project. 
You can then save an application-scoped bookmark to that, granting you access 
forever more.
 Another wrinkle to the problem: Users commonly wil move/delete and then 
 restore to the same or another disk the audio/video/image data while changing 
 projects.  One feature that  we provide that will also break under sandboxing 
 is the ability to scan the local and network drives to relink media the has 
 been moved or restored to a new location.

Well you can pop up an open panel asking to select a folder/disk to scan. That 
grants you access to perform the task at least.

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Re: NSOperationQueue and for-loop

2012-10-03 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Oct 2012, at 13:37, Koen van der Drift wrote:

 On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 10:30 PM, Koen van der Drift wrote:
 Thanks, I'll Google for some examples. For now, I still get an 
 EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=13, address = 0x0) error in one of the threads after 
 several iterations. Some more digging reveals:*** -[MyObject setPosition:]: 
 message sent to deallocated instance 0x1075a6480. This address is the 
 current MyObject, and only one is created during each iteration.
 It's all very confusing still.  I'll keep looking.
 I'm not at my Mac right now (I have a non-programming daytime job),
 but I think I know what could be going on. This is some code (typed in
 email program) very similar to what I did so far and which was causing
 the crashes:
 NSUInteger __block i, j,;
 MyObject __block *newObj;
 NSMutabbleArray*temp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
 NSOperationQueue *q = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
 for (i = 0; i  10; i++) {
   [q addOperationWithBlock: ^{
   for (j=1; j  5; j++) {
   newObj = [MyObject alloc] init];
   [newObj doSomething: i];
   [newObj doSomethingElse: j];
   [temp addObject: newObj];
 [q waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished];
 [self updateUIWithArray: temp];
 The crash would always occur at one of the doSomething calls, and is
 related to newObj already being dellocated (message sent to
 deallocated instance). So maybe with all those thread going on,
 newObj somehow gets re-used before it was added to temp.
 So I see two solutions: 1) add a copy of newObj to temp,  or 2) put
 the declaration of newObj inside the inner for loop.
 I won't be able to test it until later, but am I on the right track here?
 Also, is waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished needed to make sure all
 iterations are completed before moving on to update the UI?

Regardless, your posted code is going to blow up sooner or later. 
NSMutableArray is not safe to modify from more than a single thread at a time. 
If two of your worker blocks happen to finish at the same time and call 
-addObject: together, nasty things will happen.


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Re: NSOperationQueue and for-loop

2012-10-03 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 3 Oct 2012, at 14:17, Koen van der Drift wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 9:03 AM, Koen van der Drift wrote:
 Good point, thanks. So are there any workarounds for that? I'm sure
 this pattern (doing lots of calculations concurrently, and store the
 results in a common object for later), is used in other situations as
 From a quick search, would this work in my situation (will try later):
 @synchronized(temp) {
  [temp addObject: newObj];

Yes, your options boil down to:

- some kind of lock, as in your example
- shunting the -addObject: call off onto a serial queue/thread


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Re: App won't launch after a crash

2012-10-01 Thread Mike Abdullah
What's the exception? Should appear in the console log somewhere.

On 1 Oct 2012, at 12:17, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 Dear all,
 I've received a report from a user saying that, after a crash, the app won't 
 launch any more. The crash log looks like below. It looks to me like the app 
 bundle has somehow got corrupted, but I've no idea what's going on really. 
 The user has tried deleting preferences and app support directory, but it 
 didn't help. In the end, I suggested downloading the app again. The user did 
 that, and it launches now.
 Does anyone have a clue what's happening here?
   0   CoreFoundation  0x7fff83ff9784 
 __exceptionPreprocess + 180
   1   libobjc.A.dylib 0x7fff88ff2f03 
 objc_exception_throw + 45
   2   CoreFoundation  0x7fff83ff95a7 
 +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 103
   3   CoreFoundation  0x7fff83ff9534 
 +[NSException raise:format:] + 148
   4   Foundation  0x7fff853d0075 _decodeInt64 
 + 307
   5   AppKit  0x7fff869cf21c -[NSMenuItem 
 initWithCoder:] + 1765
   6   Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   7   Foundation  0x7fff853c9a89 
 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1229
   8   Foundation  0x7fff853c9fc9 
 -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] + 462
   9   Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   10  Foundation  0x7fff853c81fd 
 _decodeObject + 208
   11  AppKit  0x7fff869d3499 -[NSMenu 
 initWithCoder:] + 442
   12  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   13  Foundation  0x7fff853c81fd 
 _decodeObject + 208
   14  AppKit  0x7fff869cf2b3 -[NSMenuItem 
 initWithCoder:] + 1916
   15  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   16  Foundation  0x7fff853c9a89 
 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1229
   17  Foundation  0x7fff853c9fc9 
 -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] + 462
   18  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   19  Foundation  0x7fff853c81fd 
 _decodeObject + 208
   20  AppKit  0x7fff869d3499 -[NSMenu 
 initWithCoder:] + 442
   21  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   22  Foundation  0x7fff853c81fd 
 _decodeObject + 208
   23  AppKit  0x7fff869cf238 -[NSMenuItem 
 initWithCoder:] + 1793
   24  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   25  Foundation  0x7fff853c81fd 
 _decodeObject + 208
   26  AppKit  0x7fff869cb1e4 
 -[NSNibConnector initWithCoder:] + 406
   27  AppKit  0x7fff869cea46 
 -[NSNibControlConnector initWithCoder:] + 788
   28  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   29  Foundation  0x7fff853c9a89 
 -[NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey:] + 1229
   30  Foundation  0x7fff853c9fc9 
 -[NSArray(NSArray) initWithCoder:] + 462
   31  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   32  Foundation  0x7fff853c81fd 
 _decodeObject + 208
   33  AppKit  0x7fff869ca351 
 -[NSIBObjectData initWithCoder:] + 2046
   34  Foundation  0x7fff853c8d83 
 _decodeObjectBinary + 2548
   35  Foundation  0x7fff853c81fd 
 _decodeObject + 208
   36  AppKit  0x7fff869c9a41 loadNib + 146
   37  AppKit  0x7fff869c8fa1 
 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) _loadNibFile:nameTable:withZone:ownerBundle:] + 248
   38  AppKit  0x7fff869c8dd9 
 +[NSBundle(NSNibLoading) loadNibNamed:owner:] + 326
   39  AppKit  0x7fff869c635b 
 NSApplicationMain + 279
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Re: App won't launch after a crash

2012-10-01 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 1 Oct 2012, at 13:13, Martin Hewitson wrote:

 Oops, sorry, I chopped off the top of the report. Here it is:
 Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
 Exception Codes: 0x, 0x
 Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
 Application Specific Information:
 abort() called
 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 
 'NSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException', reason: '*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver 
 decodeInt64ForKey:]: value for key (NSTag) is not an integer number'

Well this seems like your nib is corrupted in some fashion. I wouldn't expect 
the preferences or app support to make a scrap of difference here. Try asking 
your customer to re-install to see if they're got a corrupted copy of the app.

If not, go through your main menu xib carefully and look for any objects that 
somehow have a non-integer tag perhaps.


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Re: NSTextField not updated during large process

2012-10-01 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 1 Oct 2012, at 22:39, Koen van der Drift wrote:

 On Oct 1, 2012, at 8:59 AM, Koen van der Drift 
 Ok, I decided to use NSOperation(Queue) as it is generally recommended
 over performSelectorXXX to be a more modern API, and have been reading
 a bit about it.  In Hillegass' Cocoa book, he uses processQueue
 addOperationWithBlock, in other examples on the webs, people make
 subclasses of NSOperation to put their tasks in. What's the difference
 between these two appraches (if any)?
 Playing around with NSOperationQueue, and I implemented it as follows. I use 
 this method to do some calculations, and store the results in a table.
 - (void)doMyTask 
[self cleanUp];  // clear the NSTableView
NSOperationQueue*myQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[myQueue addOperationWithBlock:^(void)
[self parseData];  // calculate the new data and update the model
 // now tell everyone we're done
[self finishedTask];   // update the NSTableView and the UI
 This works, and is faster than before, but if I run this several times in a 
 row, at one point I get a crash, somewhere in the parseData routine.  It 
 could happen after ten times, or even after one time. But always at the same 
[self willChangeValueForKey:@myArray];
[self.myArray addObject: newObject];
[self didChangeValueForKey:@myArray];
 This is called during the parse, when I update the myArray property as a 
 result of the parsing.
 Any idea what could be going on?

Yes, you don't understand the consequences of your code yet. AppKit is not 
threadsafe. You absolutely MUST only update UI on the main thread for something 
like this.

Make sure your -parseData routine is threadsafe, and then bounce back over to 
the main thread for -finishedTask.


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Re: NSWindowController and nib in framework

2012-09-26 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 26 Sep 2012, at 17:37, Quincey Morris 

 On Sep 25, 2012, at 22:37 , Graham Cox wrote:
 Is the app sandboxed?
 I ask because I've had reports of this same error from the odd user but have 
 been unable to reproduce it so far. It's ONLY happening since we sandboxed 
 No, the app has been around for a while and isn't sandboxed or code signed. 
 It's possible, though, that the error only started happening after sandboxing 
 was introduced, perhaps reflecting an implementation change in Cocoa 
 There's another similar error that occurred some months ago where a view 
 controller init in the same private framework failed:
   self = [super initWithNibName: @MyNib bundle: [NSBundle 
 bundleForClass: [self class]]];

It's worth noting that [self class] is a little bit dangerous here. If the 
instance happens to be a subclass of your class, you'll get back a different 
class and so search in the wrong bundle. Despite it feeling less clean, better 
to do:

self = [super initWithNibName:@MyNib bundle:[NSBundle bundleForClass: 
[MyClass class]]];

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Re: autosavesInPlace and sandbox

2012-09-25 Thread Mike Abdullah

On 23 Sep 2012, at 19:59, Georg Seifert wrote:

 Another alternative would be to ask the system to autosave to an alternative 
 location which you do have write access to. Your users lose the ability to 
 easily spot the autosaved copy of the doc, but otherwise it should perform 
 Can someone give me a hint on how to do that?

Reimplement -autosaveDocumentWithDelegate:didAutosaveSelector:contextInfo: 
yourself to call through to 
-saveToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:delegate:didSaveSelector:contextInfo: with a 
custom URL of your choosing.

 That said, I would strongly encourage you to adopt autosave-in-place. You 
 describe the problem in two parts:
 you do not like that any mouse click might change your document
 Surely this applies to either saving system?
 No, with the new style autosaving, the file changes on disk without asking 
 the user.

That's kinda the point though; that the user no longer has to differentiate 
between what's in memory and what's on disk. There's just the document and 
that's it.

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