Re: [VOTE] Release Commons Transaction 1.2

2007-03-07 Thread Daniel Florey

Go for it!



-- Forwarded message --
From: Oliver Zeigermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 04.03.2007 17:19
Subject: [VOTE] Release Commons Transaction 1.2
To: Jakarta Commons Developers List


Every now and then I make a new approach to finally release commons
transaction 1.2. I have created a branch for the 1.2 version now


and a release tag


And have put up the rc4 to

for inspection. This includes the distributions and a preview of the
site updated for 1.2.

To release 1.2 final based on that release candidate here is my




AW: [i18n] (was Re: [lang]/[resources]: proposal for NLS/i18n support)

2005-08-11 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Jörg,
Thanks for your comments. See my comments inline.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Joerg Hohwiller
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 20:21
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: [i18n] (was Re: [lang]/[resources]: proposal for NLS/i18n
 Hash: SHA1
 Daniel Florey wrote:
  Hi Jörg,
 Hi Daniel,
  I looked at your proposal for quite a while but couldn't figure out the
  advantage of your approach.
  If you want to improve the i18n component every comment or suggestion is
  very welcome as we try to push it towards to a 1.0 release and move it
  commons proper once all remaining issues are resolved.
  So: Maybe I'm dumb but please give me a simple example that shows me
  exactly you want to improve.
 Im am sure you are not, maybe I did not make it very clear...
 Exceptions occure in critical situations and should help to figure out
 what went wrong. Now if your MessageManager fails for whatever reason to
 get the appropriate text you only have a message key and currently you
 even throw another exception. So creating an exception might cause
 another exception. In my oppinion there should always be a fallback to
 get the message in the default language which is english (I am not an
You will not get an exception. You can throw/catch the LocalizedException.
If you display the error details in a language where no message is
available, it will either:
- Throw a MessageNotFoundException if you don't provide a default text 
- Print the given default text
Should I make this clear in the docs?

 Further there are many guys out there that discovered that static coding
 is not always the best thing to do (e.g. talk to all the IoC container
 freaks). So if the design would be a more open (so the mechanism for
 lookup can be replaced without getting into your code) you would not
 scare away those folks.
I don't see how to get rid of the static methods in the MessageManager and
 Here are some of my suggestions:
 For your bundle (LocalizedBundle):
 - -create an interface
The LocalizedBundle contains some logic, so it cannot be an interface.
Should we introduce a new interface that gets implemented by
LocalizedBundle? I think this would introduce additional complexity, but
I'll think about it again.

 - -replace getArguments() with getArgument(int) and getArgumentCount()

 Why is LocalizedBundle not in the bundle package?
It's because of the lack of friend keyword in java.

 Do not resolve the message in the constructor of the exception, but
 store the acutal bundle object. Override the getMessage() method
 to return the actual message from the bundle (in my case in english) and
 add a getMessage() method that takes a parameter for the localization.
The message is not resolved in the constructor! It will be translated when
you retrieve it.

 - From your point of view the Locale and from my point of view the so
 called StringTranslator.
I don't see why to introduce StringTranslator. The approach using Locale
directly works fine.

 Do the same thing for printing stacktraces.
 Override the getLocalizedMessage() to do something appropriate (e.g.
 calling getMessage(Locale.getDefaultLocale()).
Good point!

 I can see the missunderstanding now:
 The object that you call bundle (LocalizedBundle) and I called message
 (NlsMessage) do not completely match:
 Your bundle stands for a set of informations (title, summary, details)
 while my message stands for one information.
 I put the information in english language into the message object, but
 keep the arguments separate. The english message just comes by filling
 the arguments with MessageFormat. For n8n the core english message
 (without arguments) is translated to another language before.
 I can currently imagine of a compromise of both approaches, but it might
 not be an easy process. Anyways I actually think we could both learn
 from the other approach and get an improvement to both solutions. The
 question is if the both improved solutions could be the same :)
 So if you want to have your 1.0 done soon I'd not suggest to get too
 deep into this, but maybe you are interested.
 To get a little impression you might look at the following URLs. The
 problem is that I am in big trouble with my project because I could not
 live with cvs anymore after I got addicted to svn. So the sourceforge
 cvs of my project is more than a year old. But the current svn is not
 accessible right now and does not get their svn service ready.
 Anyways better than nothing:
 ps: would you mind turning off your n8n for mail prefixes (AW instead of
 RE) to not get Re: Aw: Ref: Re: constructions?

AW: [i18n] (was Re: [lang]/[resources]: proposal for NLS/i18n support)

2005-08-10 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Jörg,

I looked at your proposal for quite a while but couldn't figure out the
advantage of your approach.
If you want to improve the i18n component every comment or suggestion is
very welcome as we try to push it towards to a 1.0 release and move it to
commons proper once all remaining issues are resolved.
So: Maybe I'm dumb but please give me a simple example that shows me what
exactly you want to improve.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Joerg Hohwiller
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 18:40
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: [i18n] (was Re: [lang]/[resources]: proposal for NLS/i18n
 Hash: SHA1
 Hi again,
 Still bleeding for response on my mail, but:
 It seems that my ideas are NOT completely new (not suprisingly since
 they are quite obvious):
 There is a similar thing in
 but my idea was also to NOT use message-keys that end up in the
 exception being not translateable if the according message for the
 supplied key can not be found and is not as natural for the programmer
 that wants to use constants like provided in my example.
 Further I would like to have a more open architecture that uses
 interfaces and allows the end-user to pass an instance of its own
 implementation (e.g. for MessageBundle).
 If there is a i18n community out there (heho, come on!) please discuss
 with me - I want to get involved.
 Take care
 Joerg Hohwiller wrote:
  Hi there,
  in my project I started an approach for deep native language support
  (NLS). It is very simple and I start liking it. Because it is so
  fundamental, I would love to place it into the JDK. Since that is not
  going to happen (and the JCP is even after JSR-99 still far away from
  cathing up the spirit of open-source - mmhm this is not the harmony
  project here ... :) ) I though about suggseting the idea for commons
  I can send some code, but I want to point out the idea in the first
  If you are familiar with NLS you will know java.text.MessageFormat.
  Additionally you might have experienced that the support of the JDK for
  NLS in multi-user applications is pretty poor if you say at all that it
  is there.
  Now why on earth do not just bundle the format pattern (which is the
  internationalized message) together with the arguments to fill in into
  an object that I call NlsMessage. Besides the getters to get the pattern
  and the arguments back, there will be a method to get the full message
  with filled in arguments using MessageFormat. Additionally there is a
  method that does the same thing but translates the message before by
  taking as argument a call-back interface that I call StringTranslator.
  That is the simplest interface possible for doing a translation: it has
  one method String translate(String) that translates a given String
  into a different language.
  Now where is this all leading to?
  An Exception takes a string as message. My enhancement is to take an
  NlsMessage instead - there can be still the String construtor available.
  This allows true NLS support on exceptions. You know what the
  getLocalizedMessage() was intendet to be for.
  Now lets come to the magic part how on earth the StringTranslator
  interface can be implemented without having a bablefish.
  I define an abstract class that I may call NlsResourceBundle (it might
  extend ResourceBundle and Serializable or go the commons-resources way)
  that adds a method to reverse-lookup the key of a message via
  So if I extend that class and call that MyBundle and add String
 constants as
  public static String ERROR_ILLEGAL_INT_VALUE = The value was expected
  to be an integer. However the value \{0}\ is no integer!;
  Now I somewehere do
  throw new NlsException(MyBundle.ERROR_ILLEGAL_INT_VALUE, value);
  Now the string translator can be a component where MyBundle is
  registered so it can be used to reverse-lookup the key
  ERROR_ILLEGAL_INT_VALUE and that key will be used to get the message
  in the language choosen by the current users locale.
  So to keep the approach leight-weight the proposal would not contain
  a complete NLS service solving the full issue but only includes the
  core stuff to make this available by providing:
  NlsMessage (maybe as interface with default implementation to allow
  people to put their own magic in for direct translation from the
  toString() method, what would not really be my suggestion, however)
  StringTranslator (interface)
  NlsException with the constructors
  (String), (String, Throwable), (NlsMessage), (NlsMessage, Throwable)
  and a printStracktrace method that takes a StringTranslator.
  NlsResourceBundle (or however we may call it)
  Most people do not care about NLS in exceptions or at all. But

AW: [i18n PATCH] Adding provider qualifying

2005-05-19 Thread Daniel Florey
I try to have a look at the patch and the missing unit tests soon. I'm very
busy at the moment, but hopefully next week I'll find some time.
Thanks for your work!

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Mattias J
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2005 09:13
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List; Daniel Florey
 Betreff: [i18n PATCH] Adding provider qualifying
 I have previously discussed with Daniel Florey a change that allows the
 user to qualify the provider (or source or namespace) to be used for a
 given text entry. My main motivation for this is to allow the same entry
 key in several different text sources, but this also provides better
 performance since the API does not have to loop over the different
 providers in search for the given entry.
 Thanks to James Mitchell I am now able to create the diff for this change;
 see below. I would be happy if Daniel or anybody else would review and
 commit this patch.
 Included in the patch is also a minor change that allows non-string
 ResourceBundle entries to be used (via toString()).
 After this there are a few more changes I would like to discuss -
 conserning class and package dependencies among others - so Daniel, please
 tell me when you are available again. I also hope to find the time to
 create an example DatabaseProvider.
 Now here is the diff.
 (Again, if lines are wrapped in the e-mail, I can provide the diff by
 personal e-mail or in a bugzilla entry).
 Index: src/test/org/apache/commons/i18n/
 --- src/test/org/apache/commons/i18n/
 +++ src/test/org/apache/commons/i18n/
 @@ -30,36 +30,41 @@
   * @author Mattias Jiderhamn
  public abstract class MockProviderTestBase extends TestCase {
 - * Mock message provider that returns a string made up of the
 arguments passed to it.
 - */
 -final private MessageProvider mockMessageProvider = new
 MessageProvider() {
 -public String getText(String id, String entry, Locale locale)
 throws MessageNotFoundException {
 -return MockProviderTestBase.getMockString(id, entry, locale);
 -public Map getEntries(String id, Locale locale) throws
 MessageNotFoundException {
 -Map output = new HashMap();
 -return output;
  public void tearDown() {
  /* Remove mock provider after each test, to allow for
 MessageNotFoundExceptions */
   * Add mock provider to codeMessageManager/code.
  protected void addMockProvider() {
 -MessageManager.addMessageProvider(mock, mockMessageProvider);
 + * Add mock provider to codeMessageManager/code.
 + */
 +protected void addMockProvider(final String providerId) {
 + //  Mock message provider that returns a string made up of the
 arguments passed to it.
 +MessageProvider mockMessageProvider = new MessageProvider() {
 +public String getText(String id, String entry, Locale locale)
 throws MessageNotFoundException {
 +return MockProviderTestBase.getMockString(providerId, id,
 entry, locale);
 +public Map getEntries(String id, Locale locale) throws
 MessageNotFoundException {
 +Map output = new HashMap();
 +return output;
   * Add provider that always throws error to
  protected void addThrowingMockProvider() {
 @@ -82,10 +87,19 @@
  // Utility methods
 +public static String getMockString(String providerId, String id,
 String entry, Locale locale) throws MessageNotFoundException {
 +return ((providerId != null) ? Source= + providerId +   : )
 +Id= + id +  Entry= + entry +  Locale= + locale +
  public static String getMockString(String id, String entry, Locale
 locale) throws MessageNotFoundException {
 -return Id= + id +  Entry= + entry +  Locale= + locale

AW: SSH access to

2005-05-05 Thread Daniel Florey
same for me. Just tried to update the sandbox/i18n site and failed :(


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Oliver Zeigermann
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2005 19:02
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List; Jakarta General List
 Betreff: SSH access to
 As already said it seems I will need SSH access to
 to update the jakarta commons transaction website - which I am a
 committer for.
 Is that right? If so who can grant that for me?
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AW: [i18n] Providers behave different

2005-04-24 Thread Daniel Florey
This really needs to be changed. What is the most desirable behaviour for
these cases?
I'd suggest including the missing entries defined for the default locale if
the entries for another language are requested. So the XMLMessageProvider
needs to be changed. Or makes it sense to have two different methods for
For the latter issue I need to have a closer look at the code.
Thanks for reporting these important issues!

BTW: I'm back home. If you want me to add your testcases just mail the zip
file to me.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Mattias J
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 21. April 2005 15:41
 Betreff: [i18n] Providers behave different
 It seems that the ResourceBundleMessageProvider and the XMLMessageProvider
 behaves differently when an entry does not exist in a non-default
 With ResourceBundles, if I have an entry, say
helloWorld.notTranslated=This entry is not translated to any other
 that only exists in the default locale file, the entry will be included
 when calling getEntries() for *any* locale.
 Whereas for XML, only the entries defined for the given locale will be
 Furthermore if the id (parent) exists, but the entry (child) does not,
 the ResourceBundleMessageProvider throws an exception (erroneously
 No message entries found for bundle with key ...), while the
 XMLMessageProvider returns null.
 Daniel, I assume the first issue is not intended but only a consequence of
 the most obvious implementation?
 Does either need to be changed?
Mattias Jiderhamn
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Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-20 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
19.04.05 21:34:01:
 LocalizedExceptionExample (and subsequent property files) look like good 
 candidates for src/test.
 Also, someone might want to commit the missing files that make this class 
 work/load properly.  I seem to be missing some property files (that are used 

I'll have a look at this next week (when I'm back home). Did i miss to check in 
some files? Shame on me...

 What's the status of this project?  I recall some discussion a while back 
 about i18n, but don't remember the specifics?  Are there any design or 
 architecture docs available?

This component is so tiny that the javadoc should be pretty self explaining. 
But I agree that we might need to add some more documentation (tutorials).

 Seems like i18n is reinventing the wheel over and over.  I see we are using 
 of Sax, when Digester is the most viable choice, given the typical clients 
 of this framework.  I see where ResourceBundle is used, yet a much more 
 robust solution is already provided through Commons Resources.  Any chance 
 we can change this to use the above frameworks?

My primary goal was to keep this component simple. It has no dependencies to 
other jars and that is a big plug for the daily use.
Remember my thread about the missing ability in the java world to deal with 
different versions of the same class. So using digester/resources could cause a 
lot of trouble to bigger projects using a different version of these components.
I know that we have some overlapping with Commons Resources, but the I18n is 
dealing with bundles of messages and introduces LocalizedExceptions using these 
bundles. As I needed this already in different projects seriously dealing with 
internationalization, personally I still think this component is reasonable.


 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
 Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
 EdgeTech, Inc.
 AIM:   jmitchtx
 Yahoo: jmitchtx
 - Original Message - 
 From: Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier
  Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb 
  am 19.04.05 16:05:57:
  I'm wrapping up development of a new Struts plug-in that integrates
  CommonsResources and is backward compatible with Struts 1.1.  After that 
  can throw some time your way.
  I'm getting pretty good with Maven and JUnit stuff is always a valued
  resource.  If you guys are not already doing so, adding a JCoverage 
  (which is trivial if using Maven) is one of the best ways ensure code
  completeness, efficiency, and guarantees your changes won't break 
  Eventually, I'll be adding an i18n plug-in and sample app for Struts that
  demonstrates a best practices for using i18n in a Struts-based app.  I 
  use some help with that if any of you want to return the favor ;)
  This is great news! If I find some time I'd like to assist you. It would 
  be a great benefit to have the capability of LocalizedException and all of 
  this in Struts.
  By the way, thanks for all the hard work!
  James Mitchell
  Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
  Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
  EdgeTech, Inc.
  AIM:   jmitchtx
  Yahoo: jmitchtx
  - Original Message - 
  From: Mattias J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
  Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier
   What I currently need is better unit tests in and
   After those are set up, I will begin some refactoring. If you would 
   to help out on those unit tests it would be great.
   Please inform me if you get your hands at it, and which one you start
   with, so I don't do the same thing.
   Also please e-mail them to me if you are done before Daniel is back and
   able to check it in.
   At 2005-04-19 15:13, you wrote:
  If I can help ...
  I still alive
''-- Mensagem Original --
''Reply-To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
''Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 13:34:41 +0200
''From: Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
''To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
''Subject: Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier
'' I have created unit tests for MessageManager and
'' LocalizedBundle/-Error/-Exception/-RuntimeException.
'' Should I post them to the list?
'' Would you like them in a ZIP archive Daniel?
''I'm back home next week, so if you would pass them to me in a ZIP

RE: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-20 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
20.04.05 09:38:37:
 Hi Daniel,
 Daniel Florey wrote on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:24 AM:
  My primary goal was to keep this component simple. It has no
  dependencies to other jars and that is a big plug for the
  daily use.
 This was the main reason I chose i18n. No deps, no new problems. 
  Remember my thread about the missing ability in
  the java world to deal with different versions of the same
  class. So using digester/resources could cause a lot of
  trouble to bigger projects using a different version of these
  components. I know that we have some overlapping with Commons
  Resources, but the I18n is dealing with bundles of messages
  and introduces LocalizedExceptions using these bundles. As I
  needed this already in different projects seriously dealing
  with internationalization, personally I still think this
  component is reasonable.
 I really liked this light-weight approach. I had a need of localized 
 MBeanInfo (see contribution) and with i18n's concept, I was able to write 
 also just a little Bundle impl, that is based on some conventions for the 
 provided resources.
 BTW: Just because I did not mension this in Bugzilla - the contribution does 
 not have external deps either. Onle the javadoc has a link to MBeanInfo, the 
 code does use no JMX fucntionality at all.

Hi Joerg (sorry - keine Umlaute hier in Jordanien...),
thanks for your contribution! I'll take a look at it next week. Do you have 
commit access in the sandbox?


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RE: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-20 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
20.04.05 09:38:37:
 Hi Daniel,
 Daniel Florey wrote on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:24 AM:
  My primary goal was to keep this component simple. It has no
  dependencies to other jars and that is a big plug for the
  daily use.
 This was the main reason I chose i18n. No deps, no new problems. 
  Remember my thread about the missing ability in
  the java world to deal with different versions of the same
  class. So using digester/resources could cause a lot of
  trouble to bigger projects using a different version of these
  components. I know that we have some overlapping with Commons
  Resources, but the I18n is dealing with bundles of messages
  and introduces LocalizedExceptions using these bundles. As I
  needed this already in different projects seriously dealing
  with internationalization, personally I still think this
  component is reasonable.
 I really liked this light-weight approach. I had a need of localized 
 MBeanInfo (see contribution) and with i18n's concept, I was able to write 
 also just a little Bundle impl, that is based on some conventions for the 
 provided resources.

This looks really usefull to me. 
Shall we add an i18n-contrib.jar that contains all the optional extensions? I'd 
like to keep the core i18n.jar as small as possible...


 BTW: Just because I did not mension this in Bugzilla - the contribution does 
 not have external deps either. Onle the javadoc has a link to MBeanInfo, the 
 code does use no JMX fucntionality at all.
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Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-19 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
18.04.05 20:08:29:
 Will Ant be abandoned in favor of Maven or should I update the Ant script 
 to include the unit tests? (I have no experience with Maven)

We should keep both (ant/maven) working. There is a maven task that will 
automatically generate an ant script, but I've never used it.
Maven is a great tool as it can also handle website generation, test reports, 
changelog etc. So it's worth to have a look at it!

 What indentation do you use for XML? I find both tabs and 2 spaces, even in 
 the same file. (There is also a tab on line 80 in

Uuups, this should be fixed. What do you prefer for indenting xml files?

 I have set up the environment and started working on some unit tests. I 
 think one of them caught a bug in MessageHandler. My guess is
  try {
  String text = getText(id, entry, arguments, locale);
  return MessageFormat.format(text, arguments);
  } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) {
  return defaultText;
 should read
  try {
  return getText(id, entry, arguments, locale);
  } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) {
  return MessageFormat.format(defaultText, arguments);

Right again, you are the man! Keep on your great work, I look forward to 
incorporate your changes.


 (B.t.w. is there a tutorial on creating SVN patches somewhere?)
Mattias Jiderhamn
 At 2005-04-18 13:24, Daniel Florey wrote:
 Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb 
 am 18.04.05 11:29:38:
   At 2005-04-18 11:11, Daniel Florey wrote:
 My though was to re-use the basename or id used when installing
 ResourceBundle or XML providers. For example, after issuing
 I would like to be able to qualify the newly installed messages with
MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle(errorMessages,
 but also keep the existing alternative with
MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle(unexpectedError); //
 unexpectedError from any source
   Do you want this to be able to install different resources with the same
   message key or is it mainly because of implementation details 
   Primarily multiple entries with same key, secondarily performance.
 This may seem like a minor change at a first glance, but to also 
 performance my thought was to to change the MessageManager class from
 holding a list of provider instances - which in turn can contain 
 resources (and thus assumes one instance per provider class) - to
holding a
 Map from basename/id/namespace/qualifier to provider instance, 
  where each
 instance only contains a single resource (i.e. 
 Though I planned on backwards compatibilty, by looping over the Map 
 - instead of the List entries - in the current 
 (Did I make myself clear?)
   I try my best to get your point...
   At the moment there is only one MessageProvider holding many resources.
   You want to change this to many MessageProviders holding one resource 
   in order to improve performance?
   Yes. Instead of having to loop through the providers - catching exceptions
   from those who do not contain the entry, which is quite costly performance
   wise - and get the first match, I want to be able to point out the source
   which I expect to hold the entry. But then again, todays behaviour should
   be kept as the default behaviour when not using a basename/namespace
   I currently don't have access to the sources as I'm on a project in 
   (You can browse them online, is quite
   easy to navigate)
   but as soon as I'm back home I'll try to have a closer look at this.
   Should I try to create a patch suggestion which you could look at then?
 Yes, this would be great!
 It would be very (very) appreciated, if you could provide some 
 testcases... I started to write some a while ago, but never managed to 
 complete them. If we would have a complete testsuite we could refactor 
 without the fear to break something ;-)
 If we get the testsuite done and improve the documentation, we hopefully 
 can move the component to commons proper soon...
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Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-19 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
19.04.05 11:27:33:
 At 2005-04-19 10:35, Daniel Florey wrote:
 We should keep both (ant/maven) working. There is a maven task that will 
 automatically generate an ant script, but I've never used it.
 Maven is a great tool as it can also handle website generation, test 
 reports, changelog etc. So it's worth to have a look at it!
 I probably should, some day, but right now I want to focus on the tests and 
 changes so I'll stick with Ant meanwhile.
   What indentation do you use for XML? I find both tabs and 2 spaces, 
  even in
   the same file. (There is also a tab on line 80 in
 Uuups, this should be fixed. What do you prefer for indenting xml files?
 I prefer spaces. Personally I use 2 spaces to save up on columns/width.
 Keep on your great work, I look forward to incorporate your changes.
 I have created unit tests for MessageManager and 
 Should I post them to the list?
 Would you like them in a ZIP archive Daniel?

I'm back home next week, so if you would pass them to me in a ZIP this would be 
the easiest way yo go.

Mattias Jiderhamn 
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Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-19 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
19.04.05 16:05:57:
 I'm wrapping up development of a new Struts plug-in that integrates 
 CommonsResources and is backward compatible with Struts 1.1.  After that I 
 can throw some time your way.
 I'm getting pretty good with Maven and JUnit stuff is always a valued 
 resource.  If you guys are not already doing so, adding a JCoverage report 
 (which is trivial if using Maven) is one of the best ways ensure code 
 completeness, efficiency, and guarantees your changes won't break anything.
 Eventually, I'll be adding an i18n plug-in and sample app for Struts that 
 demonstrates a best practices for using i18n in a Struts-based app.  I could 
 use some help with that if any of you want to return the favor ;)

This is great news! If I find some time I'd like to assist you. It would be a 
great benefit to have the capability of LocalizedException and all of this in 


 By the way, thanks for all the hard work!
 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
 Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
 EdgeTech, Inc.
 AIM:   jmitchtx
 Yahoo: jmitchtx
 - Original Message - 
 From: Mattias J [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 9:22 AM
 Subject: Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier
  What I currently need is better unit tests in and 
  After those are set up, I will begin some refactoring. If you would like 
  to help out on those unit tests it would be great.
  Please inform me if you get your hands at it, and which one you start 
  with, so I don't do the same thing.
  Also please e-mail them to me if you are done before Daniel is back and 
  able to check it in.
  At 2005-04-19 15:13, you wrote:
 If I can help ...
 I still alive
   ''-- Mensagem Original --
   ''Reply-To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
   ''Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 13:34:41 +0200
   ''From: Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   ''To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
   ''Subject: Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier
   '' I have created unit tests for MessageManager and
   '' LocalizedBundle/-Error/-Exception/-RuntimeException.
   '' Should I post them to the list?
   '' Would you like them in a ZIP archive Daniel?
   ''I'm back home next week, so if you would pass them to me in a ZIP 
   ''be the easiest way yo go.
   ''Mattias Jiderhamn
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Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-19 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
19.04.05 17:07:46:
 I have now added more tests to ResourceBundleMessageProviderTest. If I find 
 time tomorrow, I might look at adding coverage or more XMLMessageProvider 
 Though I do not have commit access to SVN, so I assume I cannot get hold of 
 the Clover license.
 Daniel: Since you are not home until next week, I will continue work and 
 then mail you what I've got.

Thanks for your work!!

Mattias Jiderhamn
 At 2005-04-19 15:22, Mattias J wrote:
 What I currently need is better unit tests in and 
 After those are set up, I will begin some refactoring. If you would like 
 to help out on those unit tests it would be great.
 Please inform me if you get your hands at it, and which one you start 
 with, so I don't do the same thing.
 Also please e-mail them to me if you are done before Daniel is back and 
 able to check it in.
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Re: [i18n] Status?

2005-04-18 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Mattias,
I'm still taking care of this project. Any suggestions and proposals are 
The I18n-component should be pretty stable and I used in in several projects.
See comments inline...

Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
18.04.05 10:05:34:
 The i18n sandbox project seems to be quite similar to Commons Resources. 
 What is the relationship between the two? Will they continue to co-exist?

I realized this after developing the I18n component ;-) Still I think I18n is 
worth to be kept as it is very simple and introduces the concept of bundles and 
localized exceptions (that I required very often).

 i18n is appealing to me because it allows for multiple properties (such as 
 title and details) under a common key. We solve very similar problems in 
 our project, but I would like to use a generic API reusable among several 
 projects. Although I see some changes I would like to make ti i18n. For 
 example, I'd like the ability to qualify the entry with a source (i.e. base 
 name). This requires some other changes of the internal structure.

Do you want to introduce something like a namespace for message keys? I've been 
thinking of something comparable in the past but dropped it as it would 
introduce addintional complexity.
You can add namespaces by prefixing the message-keys.
But I'm easy to convince if I'm wrong...

 Is somebody actively working on this project, or can I try some refactoring 
 and additions and contribute suggestions?

Please post your suggestions to the mailinglist so that they can be discussed 
in public.

 Thanks in advance,
Mattias Jiderhamn

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Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier (was Re: Status?)

2005-04-18 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
18.04.05 10:56:58:
 At 2005-04-18 10:33, Daniel Florey wrote:
   i18n is appealing to me because it allows for multiple properties (such as
   title and details) under a common key. We solve very similar problems in
   our project, but I would like to use a generic API reusable among several
   projects. Although I see some changes I would like to make ti i18n. For
   example, I'd like the ability to qualify the entry with a source (i.e. 
   name). This requires some other changes of the internal structure.
 Do you want to introduce something like a namespace for message keys? I've 
 been thinking of something comparable in the past but dropped it as it 
 would introduce addintional complexity.
 You can add namespaces by prefixing the message-keys.
 My though was to re-use the basename or id used when installing 
 ResourceBundle or XML providers. For example, after issuing
 I would like to be able to qualify the newly installed messages with
MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle(errorMessages, unexpectedError);
 but also keep the existing alternative with
MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle(unexpectedError); // 
 unexpectedError from any source

Do you want this to be able to install different resources with the same 
message key or is it mainly because of implementation details (performance)?

 This may seem like a minor change at a first glance, but to also improve 
 performance my thought was to to change the MessageManager class from 
 holding a list of provider instances - which in turn can contain multiple 
 resources (and thus assumes one instance per provider class) - to holding a 
 Map from basename/id/namespace/qualifier to provider instance, where each 
 instance only contains a single resource (i.e. XML-file/ResourceBundle).
 Though I planned on backwards compatibilty, by looping over the Map values 
 - instead of the List entries - in the current MessageManager.getText() 
 (Did I make myself clear?)

I try my best to get your point...
At the moment there is only one MessageProvider holding many resources. You 
want to change this to many MessageProviders holding one resource each in order 
to improve performance?
I currently don't have access to the sources as I'm on a project in Jordan, but 
as soon as I'm back home I'll try to have a closer look at this.
Always keep in mind that it should be very simple to use the component.
Do you have sandbox commit access?

 I'm also considering adding a DatabaseMessageProvider as a starting point 
 for database resouces (which is what I will be using primarily).
   Mattias Jiderhamn 
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Re: [i18n] Entry qualifier

2005-04-18 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List schrieb am 
18.04.05 11:29:38:
 At 2005-04-18 11:11, Daniel Florey wrote:
   My though was to re-use the basename or id used when installing
   ResourceBundle or XML providers. For example, after issuing
   I would like to be able to qualify the newly installed messages with
  MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle(errorMessages, 
   but also keep the existing alternative with
  MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle(unexpectedError); //
   unexpectedError from any source
 Do you want this to be able to install different resources with the same 
 message key or is it mainly because of implementation details (performance)?
 Primarily multiple entries with same key, secondarily performance.
   This may seem like a minor change at a first glance, but to also improve
   performance my thought was to to change the MessageManager class from
   holding a list of provider instances - which in turn can contain multiple
   resources (and thus assumes one instance per provider class) - to 
  holding a
   Map from basename/id/namespace/qualifier to provider instance, where each
   instance only contains a single resource (i.e. XML-file/ResourceBundle).
   Though I planned on backwards compatibilty, by looping over the Map values
   - instead of the List entries - in the current MessageManager.getText() 
   (Did I make myself clear?)
 I try my best to get your point...
 At the moment there is only one MessageProvider holding many resources. 
 You want to change this to many MessageProviders holding one resource each 
 in order to improve performance?
 Yes. Instead of having to loop through the providers - catching exceptions 
 from those who do not contain the entry, which is quite costly performance 
 wise - and get the first match, I want to be able to point out the source 
 which I expect to hold the entry. But then again, todays behaviour should 
 be kept as the default behaviour when not using a basename/namespace 
 I currently don't have access to the sources as I'm on a project in Jordan
 (You can browse them online, is quite 
 easy to navigate)
 but as soon as I'm back home I'll try to have a closer look at this.
 Should I try to create a patch suggestion which you could look at then?

Yes, this would be great!
It would be very (very) appreciated, if you could provide some testcases... I 
started to write some a while ago, but never managed to complete them. If we 
would have a complete testsuite we could refactor without the fear to break 
something ;-)
If we get the testsuite done and improve the documentation, we hopefully can 
move the component to commons proper soon...


 Always keep in mind that it should be very simple to use the component.
 Sure. As I said, I intend to be backwards compatible with currenty usage. 
 Though possibly the installation of resources may look slightly different.
 Do you have sandbox commit access?
Mattias Jiderhamn 
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AW: [ANN] Commons I18n 0.5 released

2005-02-20 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi folks,
Sorry for the confusion. I just wanted to make the current version of the
component available to people interested in this component.
It's no official release yet and as such there has been no voting thread.
The mail to the developers list was created by maven as I tried to complete
the maven based build environment to allow distros and releases to be done
easily later on.
I'll try to avoid sending any announcements to the list in future if this
is considered harmful. So: Sorry again for that one.
I'm currently working on completing this tiny component (javadocs, tests,
documentation) in order to be able to prepare an official release.
There are some questions left:
- What is the correct place to put unofficial sandbox-releases for download?
Or is it needed for anyone interested to check out the sources and build a
jar themselves?
- I still can not find any maven documentation on how to use the dist-plugin
in a useful way. Is there any commons project around using maven in a proper
way to generate releases/distros and generate an appropriate download page?
If you have a look at i18n you'll see that the download link points to one
of the distributions .zip file. I would like to point to the distro
directory as such.
- What are the steps that need to be done to move a component (once it is
completed and considered useful) to commons-proper?



BTW: Thanks to Woody and others for their contributions to the

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von robert burrell donkin
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 20. Februar 2005 11:22
 Betreff: Re: [ANN] Commons I18n 0.5 released
 On Sun, 2005-02-20 at 08:27, Martin Cooper wrote:
  On Sun, 20 Feb 2005 18:33:00 +1100, Dion Gillard
   I didn't think we did releases from the sandbox?
  Correct. A component in the sandbox cannot have a release, so this
  anouncement is invalid as such. Only components in Commons Proper can
  have releases.
  A sandbox component can, however, make development or test builds
  available. That would seem to be the appropriate approach for i18n at
  this time.
 i can't seem to find a VOTE thread either. i'm not sure whether this
 because there wasn't one or it's just that i've had problems finding the
 there look to be a number of releases already available
 ( the
 distributions are served from
 AIUI this isn't the correct place to server test or development build
 from. the build naming system also does not make it clear that these are
 not official ASF releases. not good.
 need to do something about this. anyone opinions on the next step?
 - robert
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AW: [i18n] man available

2005-02-16 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Woody,
Thanks for your help! See comments inline...


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Anaximandro (Woody)
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2005 11:17
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: [i18n] man available
 Hello Daniel,
 Yup, the ConfigManager not prove to be very usefull. This class is
 increasing the coupling level to give me a few features set (the con
 figuration features itself) and gave me much more code to delegate ...
 But you don't think necessary some code to configure the behaviours of
 this component? For instance: in your version when the component not
 find one message id they throw one unchecked exception. The component
 dont't force me to write one try catch block for each LocalizedEntry but
 force me to write all messages ids in their respective resource to avoid
 one exception. Avoid try catch blocks is cool, very cool, but this only
 make my code more clean, however the cost to do this is high: I must write
 the messages id (at least) to don't break the application, but if I forget
 one id the application will break in same mode.

I'll add some examples to the website that show how to deal with missing
messages, ok?

 Using some code to configure this helps in this situation. I can talk to
 component: hey pal, use the message id or entry id as default when you not
 find someone. Don't throw an exception, instead, write this in log. I
 will write these messages later ok?

I try to avoid including logging into the i18n component as there are so
many different loggers around. I just removed the commons-xmlio dependencies
by using sax-parsing instead, so my goal is to achieve a component with no
If we need logging, I'd vote for standard jdk 1.4-logging. What do you

 Hence I think is better to leave this decision to the user component. I
 know you wanna a small and easy to use component, I want the same think,
 but ... I think is more easy to use a componente wich can be configured
 than one wich we can't do this.
 Sorry if I'm talking to much, I really wanna help but my english make this
 more hard than really is.
 Only one MessageManager? no getInstance? As I see the problem exists
 when many threads (with different Locales) try to get a message. I don't
 see any problem with diferent applications (sure, the unique ID is requi
 red). If you use only one MessageManager you will need to always provide
 the desired Locale (in constructor or in getXXX method) because there is
 no more a place to store a default Locale info since the older place
 (setLocale/getLocale) will be shared by this threads. More than this,
 doing this will bestrew Locale info in resulting client code making this
 more hard to update. Well, this is just my opinion.

It is necessary to provide the desired locale in each getXXX method of the
LocalizedBundle-subclasses. I just removed the ones using the default locale
as this causes additional confusion. If you really want to specify a
thread-specific locale (??) then you need to store it in ThreadLocal.
I'll add a method to set the default locale in the MessageManager if it
should be something different than the VM default locale.

 I try to solve this writing the getInstance (as you suggest in email)
 but with this I create another problem: how to link a message with their
 respective manager? Passing this guy as parameter? nope, this is ugly. So
 writing some method to returns the current manager? Yes, make sense, then:
 getCurrentInstance, but, again, I created another problem: I need to write
 monitor code to lock unlock the instance to avoid data corruption (between
 threads). I think this is the last thing I need to close my version. I
 do this (is a little hard to me because I never do this before).
 I'm right im my point? I miss something?
 Did you find some good idea in my code? If you do I can revise and
 the apropriate patch to you.

Yes, thanks. I'll add some LocalizedRuntimeException, LocalizedError etc.
and rename the LocalizedError to something more speaking.

 Good luck with envinronment (to be honest I need to learn maven, I just
 used eclipse, always redoing the configuration when I need).

Maven is a nice tool, but very bad documented indeed. So it's hard to figure
out how to achieved the desired stuff...

 Hi Woody,
 I'm currently trying to improve the maven environment, so that releases
 tests can easily be done.
 My goal is to complete the component in the actual state in order to
 usable release as soon as possible.
 I've already had a look at your proposed changes. I'd like to include
 changes into the current version (LocalizedRuntimeException), but I'm not
 sure with the ConfigManager. This one introduces a lot of complexity.
 In order to keep the i18n-component very simple my suggestions would be
 keep only one MessageManager with static methods and 

AW: [i18n] man available

2005-02-15 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Woody,
I'm currently trying to improve the maven environment, so that releases and
tests can easily be done.
My goal is to complete the component in the actual state in order to build a
usable release as soon as possible.
I've already had a look at your proposed changes. I'd like to include some
changes into the current version (LocalizedRuntimeException), but I'm not
sure with the ConfigManager. This one introduces a lot of complexity.
In order to keep the i18n-component very simple my suggestions would be to
keep only one MessageManager with static methods and advice the user to use
unique message keys (comparable to java package names). This should avoid
trouble when using multiple applications. Agreed?
Next steps are to remove misleading methods (as we discussed earlier) and to
complete the javadocs and provide some more tutorials. This is the part
where help would be very much appreciated ;-)


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 15. Februar 2005 15:51
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: [i18n] man available
 Hi Daniel,
 Can I help?
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AW: [i18n] proposals

2005-02-07 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Woody,
you pass over your code to me directly using my apache email address.
See comments inline...


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Anaximandro (Woody)
 Gesendet: Montag, 7. Februar 2005 06:12
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: [i18n] proposals
 Hi Daniel,
 The ConfigManager in my idea is used for store specific configurations, as
 see the MessageManager don't have this responsabilitie. If I store any
 configuration on MessageManager I will need specific instances of this guy
 for each thread with a diferent configuration.
 Well, in your code you don't let the user of this component to configure
 behaviours of log, exceptions and default language. I do some code to do
 this in mine and,  becouse this, I need to store these configurations on a
 isolated place. Store these guys inside MessageManager is not a good
 The MessageManager only store the message providers and delegate calls to
 these providers.
 The main objective behind this is to write less code in cases wich I need
 specify Locales differents than default Locale. Instead of write:
 Locale userLocale = getUserLocale( userId );
 LocalizedText txt1 = new LocalizedText( consts.ID1, userLocale );//
 message need to set the user locale
 LocalizedText txt2 = new LocalizedText( consts.ID2, userLocale );//
 LocalizedText txtN = new LocalizedText( consts.IDN, userLocale );  //

The locale is not specified in the constructor. It is specified when you
retrieve a particular entry:
LocalizedText txt1 = new LocalizedText( consts.ID1 );
String translatedText = txt1.getText(Locale.DE);
The default locale should only be used when no user locale can be detected.
It might be a good idea to remove the methods dealing with the default
locale in order to avoid confusion.

 I think in write:
 String  servletID= getServletUUID();
 ConfigManager config = new ConfigManager.getInstance( servletID );
 config.setLocale( getUserLocale( userId ) );
 // Only one place set the user locale
 LocalizedText txt1 = new LocalizedText( consts.ID1 );
 LocalizedText txt2 = new LocalizedText( consts.ID2 );
 LocalizedText txtN = new LocalizedText( consts.IDN );
 I agree with your idea, keep it simple here is the best thing to do, but
 to setup aditional information without a mediator to store?
 The code in first example can be a problem, he multiply locale information
 (configuration) in many places where I have a message ...
 In my code I write:
 - In LocalizedText, LocalizedMessage, LocalizedError, LocalizedException I
 change the extensions. Instead of cascating extensios I do direct
 (LocalizedText extends LocalizedBundle, LocalizedMessage extends
 LocalizedBundle, LocalizedError extends LocalizedBundle ...)

Why? Each extension adds some additional fields / methods.

 - new class: LocalizedRuntimeException (like your LocalizedException);

Good idea.

 * new class: ConfigManager (LocalizedBundle delegate to this class);
 - service locator;
 - code to config excetions and defaults ( useMessageIdAsDeafult(),
 useEntryIdAsDefault(), if both was false, then, we throw exceptions)
 - code to config log levels (setLevelLog2Info, setLevelLog2Warning and
 - code to setLocale (used by all messages in a given instance);
 - this class delegate calls to MessageManager;

Let me have a look at your code. Then it may become more clear ;-)
 * In MessageManager:
 - service locator;
 - methods to getProvider, removeProviders and reset/clear MessageManager;
 - move exception handling to ConfigManager (now it is configurable);
 - this class delegates class to each provider;
 * In XMLMessageProvider:
 - service locator;
 - move exception handling to ConfigManager;
 - more 2 xml formats (one file per message - as resource bundle does and a
 * In ResourceBundleMessageProvider:
 - service locator;
 - move exception handling to ConfigManager;
 - In all classes I do some enhacements with final keyword;
 I do a lot of code and don't think is a good idea to put them here. How
 I provide this to you? Did you have any email to I sent this? (sure, if
 wish to see)
 Man, sorry by my english. Is more easy to me write code than write email
 If I write anything offensive, please, sorry and talk with me.
 - Original Message -
 From: Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: 'Jakarta Commons Developers List'
 Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 5:58 AM
 Subject: AW: [i18n] status
 Hi Woody,
 Where did you post your proposals/patches? I'm very interested in
 the i18n/contract components.
 If you have any suggestions the best way is to describe the idea behind it
 so that it can be discussed in the mailing list. You can also post the
 related patches/files as attachment to a bugzilla entry (enhancement
 Please try

AW: [i18n] status

2005-02-05 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Woody,
Where did you post your proposals/patches? I'm very interested in improving
the i18n/contract components. 
If you have any suggestions the best way is to describe the idea behind it
so that it can be discussed in the mailing list. You can also post the
related patches/files as attachment to a bugzilla entry (enhancement
Please try to describe each single idea / enhancement and include some code
snippets in the mail if it makes the idea clearer.
Regarding the proposal of a ConfigManager:
I'd like to keep the components as simple as possible. I've understood that
we need to have the ability to have more than one MessageManager per VM. So
my proposal would be just to add a getInstance(String messageManager) method
to the MessageManager and get rid of the static methods.
But perhaps I've missed the point. So it would be great if you could explain
in more detail what the ConfigManager is for.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Anaximandro (Woody)
 Gesendet: Samstag, 5. Februar 2005 06:03
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: [i18n] status
 Thanx Oliver.
 I will wait for him,  :o
 - Original Message -
 From: Oliver Zeigermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Anaximandro (Woody) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Cc: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 3:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [i18n] status
  I am sure that your suggestions are valueable and you do not bore me
  at all. However, the proposals you made should be inspected by Daniel,
  as I have no deeper insight into neither contract nor i18n.
  On Fri, 4 Feb 2005 19:55:21 -0800, Anaximandro (Woody)
   Oliver, I sent one proposal too (another class diagram, with a macro
   of my suggestions).
   The idea behind my suggestion is write one mediator (ConfigManager) to
   retain one specific configuration (I can have many threads running
   diferent configurations) and put one service locator in
   Each message (LocalizedText, LocalizedMessage, etc) comunicates with
   MessageManager through your configuration.
   I write a lot of code to test this ideas and to be more confident with
   project, but now I stuck, this project is not mine and I need to take
   with ideas 8(
   You wanna see this class diagram? I'm boring you?
I mainly work on xmlio, but am not aware of any proposed changes to
the project. The class diagrams you sent have been put online by me.
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AW: [contract] Suggestions

2005-01-23 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Woody,
Thanks for interest in the contract component.
I'm always interested in suggestions and it's nice to see that people have a
look at the component.
The idea behind the constraint classes is to have a powerful way not only to
describe the constraints of a special value but also to be able to verbose
these constraints in a human-readable way.
But it might be a good idea to have a processor that can deal with
property-files and creates the constraint classes as described in the
In fact this is already done in the Slide/Projector framework. If you are
interested, you can have a look at the docs of Projector.

If you want to help to make the contract component be more mature, it would
be a good starting point to have a look at the constraint classes. A lot of
java classes are not yet covered by the constraint package and it would make
sense to add some more. This is a good starting point for learning to deal
with the contract and the related i18n component.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Anaximandro (Woody)
 Gesendet: Montag, 24. Januar 2005 00:20
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: [contract] Suggestions
 Hi felows, I´m new here and if this message is on wong place, please,
 I dono if I need to introduce myself, besides I will go direct to the
 subject ok?
 Daniel, what dou you think about put constraints rules on some type of
 propertie file? These constraints must have some type of identification
 one ore more contexts). This is flexible and make the code more clean
 like ejb, can be changed without the need to recompile the code).
 Do you know OCL?
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AW: [transaction][VOTE] Release 1.0.1 *AND* 1.1b1

2005-01-10 Thread Daniel Florey


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Oliver Zeigermann
 Gesendet: Montag, 10. Januar 2005 02:06
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: [transaction][VOTE] Release 1.0.1 *AND* 1.1b1
 Dear community,
 as already advertised in this list I would like to see both a 1.0.1
 maintenance release and a first beta of a 1.1 feature release
 I have already created the distributions calling 'ant package' for
 both 1.0.1 and 1.1b1. They are
 ready for inspection here:
 The release notes are here:*checkout*/jakarta-
 Here is my +1!
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AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-21 Thread Daniel Florey
In order to find an appropriate solution to this issue, I'd like to identify
the different problems that we need to address.
Version: What does a version number mean?
I'll make a proposal for how to use minor/major version number to have a
basis on which we can identify the issues.
Major version numbers indicate that some public API methods have been
changed in semantics or have been removed. So an application using
component-1.x might not work with component-2.x
Minor version numbers indicate that the component remains backward
compatible, but new methods may have been introduced.
So an application using component-1.x will work with component-1.y if y0,
but an application component-1.y might fail when using component 1.x
A build number might indicate that private methods have changed without
affecting the public api.
So an application using component 1.x.a will work with component 1.x.b and
an application using 1.x.b will work with component 1.x.a
Does this sound reasonable? Missed something?

So when declaring a jar metafile (don't know either if we can the MANIFEST
for this) it should at least contain something like this:

provides name=commons-i18n version=1.1.3 /
requires name=commons-digester version=2.0 /
requires name=commons-transaction version=1.1 /

This one would indicate that the describe jar can be referenced by the name
commons-i18n and has the version number 1.1.3.
It requires any version of commons-digester higher than 2.0 and
commons-transaction with version newer or equal 1.1

This could be the basis to implement a commons component managing the
dependencies the way you described.
I'd prefer to keep the jar naming as introducing assembly would cause
some confusion.
If anyone would be interested I could put a simple proposal to the sandbox.

This approach will not address the trouble that may be caused by
applications not using this package. So finally I think that it is required
that this feature (or something comparable) will make it into Java 1.6.
Up to then I still think it's a very simple but easy way to add the version
number to the package names to avoid at least the very big problems
concerning incompatible jars in the same classloader.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Matt Sgarlata
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2004 13:04
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 Chris Lambrou wrote:
  Matt Sgarlata wrote:
  Does this mean .NET doesn't have reflection?  That's such a killer
  feature of Java; I can't believe they wouldn't have ported it to .NET.
  Any .NET developers out there that can tell us how .NET deals with
  reflection when you have multiple versions of the same class?
  Since the class name alone is insufficient to fully identify a specific
  version of a class, to my knowledge there is no equivalent to
  Class.forName(String classname) in .NET. Instead, .NET has the Assembly
  class. An Assembly is roughly akin to a java jar file, and is typically
  a single DLL that contains one or more classes. Assembly has a
  non-static getType(String typeName) method, that performs the same job
  as the static Class.forName(String classname) method in java, but for a
  specific Assembly instance. There is never any ambiguity over which
  version of the named Type that is returned, since an Assembly can only
  contain one version of any given class. Support for multiple versions of
  a class at runtime is achieved by storing those multiple class versions
  in separate Assemblies.
 Thanks for the info, Chris!  This definitely sounds like a good
 approach.  Now my question is, can we simulate this in a new commons
 component? :)
 Here are the steps I would imagine to be involved:
 1) Define our own JAR sub-type to mirror the .NET assembly notion.
 Include some type of a plain-text file that describes the versions of
 the software required to perform certain tasks.  It would be nice to do
 this in an existing structure like MANIFEST.MF, but I don't know... are
 you allowed to add arbitrary information to that file?  In any case, we
 wouldn't use the existing dependency descriptors because that would
 prevent multiple versions of the same class from being loaded.
 2) Call org.apache.commons.assembler.Assembler.getType(String
 assembledPackage, String className).  The Assembler would then go to the
 assemblyPackage path on the classpath and search the plain-text file
 from step #1 which would list the versions of classes that are required
 by the given assembledPackage.  For example, if assembledPackage was the
 Digester, which required collections 3, the assembledPackage would be
 org.apache.commons.digester.  A dynamic proxy or generated bytecode
 would be loaded that fulfilled the given contract and that would be
 returned to the client.  Any existing code that is just 

AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-21 Thread Daniel Florey
  an application using 1.x.b will work with component 1.x.a
  Does this sound reasonable? Missed something?
 Have you seen the guidelines in use by the Apache APR project?  It looks
 to me like you're basically advocating the same system they have in
 place.  It might save us hassle to just adopt their version numbering
 system whole-sale (as the Spring Acegi Security subs(ystem does)

Very funny - looks pretty identical to me ;-) So, yes, let's adopt this.
I've not played around with classloading a lot, so I'm very curious if this
will work. I'll try to start working on this if I'll find the time for it.
If you are interested I could setup an account for you at my personal root
server (I've installed Subversion). Or should I create a subproject in the
As it's in stage of brainstorming I'd prefer to do it in my personal space
Are you interested?


  I'd prefer to keep the jar naming as introducing assembly would
  some confusion.
  If anyone would be interested I could put a simple proposal to the
 Good point, JAR may be a better name.  I see two benefits to using
 assembly or assembler as the name:
 - Clearly indicates that you aren't dealing with plain-old-JAR files
 - Parallels name used in .NET so that the analogy is directly obvious
  This approach will not address the trouble that may be caused by
  applications not using this package. So finally I think that it is
  that this feature (or something comparable) will make it into Java 1.6.
  Up to then I still think it's a very simple but easy way to add the
  number to the package names to avoid at least the very big problems
  concerning incompatible jars in the same classloader.
 I understand your reasoning behind putting this code in Java 1.6, but I
 think we can do this without a new release of the Java language (see
 below).  If our ideas are successful, this new Commons component could
 always migrate later to a JSR proposal, as Doug Lea's concurrent package
 With regards to problems caused by components that aren't using this new
 package, I'm thinking that as long as the component does not make any
 Class.forName calls, we should be OK.  If there are Class.forName calls,
 the component may still be able to work, but we would strongly encourage
 a migration to using Assembly.getType or whatever.  This entails the
 component introducing a dependency on Assembler, which means the
 Assembler API will need to maintain backwards compatability as much as
 possible (e.g. - imagine the nightmare that would ensue if
 java.util.Vector were to change its semantics!)
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Matt Sgarlata
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2004 13:04
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 Chris Lambrou wrote:
 Matt Sgarlata wrote:
 Does this mean .NET doesn't have reflection?  That's such a killer
 feature of Java; I can't believe they wouldn't have ported it to .NET.
 Any .NET developers out there that can tell us how .NET deals with
 reflection when you have multiple versions of the same class?
 Since the class name alone is insufficient to fully identify a specific
 version of a class, to my knowledge there is no equivalent to
 Class.forName(String classname) in .NET. Instead, .NET has the Assembly
 class. An Assembly is roughly akin to a java jar file, and is typically
 a single DLL that contains one or more classes. Assembly has a
 non-static getType(String typeName) method, that performs the same job
 as the static Class.forName(String classname) method in java, but for a
 specific Assembly instance. There is never any ambiguity over which
 version of the named Type that is returned, since an Assembly can only
 contain one version of any given class. Support for multiple versions
 a class at runtime is achieved by storing those multiple class versions
 in separate Assemblies.
 Thanks for the info, Chris!  This definitely sounds like a good
 approach.  Now my question is, can we simulate this in a new commons
 component? :)
 Here are the steps I would imagine to be involved:
 1) Define our own JAR sub-type to mirror the .NET assembly notion.
 Include some type of a plain-text file that describes the versions of
 the software required to perform certain tasks.  It would be nice to do
 this in an existing structure like MANIFEST.MF, but I don't know... are
 you allowed to add arbitrary information to that file?  In any case, we
 wouldn't use the existing dependency descriptors because that would
 prevent multiple versions of the same class from being loaded.
 2) Call org.apache.commons.assembler.Assembler.getType(String
 assembledPackage, String className).  The Assembler would then go to the

AW: AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-21 Thread Daniel Florey
Thanks for the links. Do you know if there is a maven task to automatically
generate this manifest entries based on the project.xml? 
If not this might be a first step in order to allow easy adoption for the
upcoming assembly-component ;-)

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Craig McClanahan
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2004 21:28
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 Don't forget to do a little light reading first :-)
 Mechanism to declare dependencies in a MANIFEST.MF File:
 ClassLoader implementation for representing an Assembly:
 On Tue, 21 Dec 2004 14:34:56 -0500, Matt Sgarlata
  Count me in!  I'm planning on taking some time off for the holidays, so
  that should give me time to play around with this :)
  Daniel Florey wrote:
  an application using 1.x.b will work with component 1.x.a
  Does this sound reasonable? Missed something?
  Have you seen the guidelines in use by the Apache APR project?  It
  to me like you're basically advocating the same system they have in
  place.  It might save us hassle to just adopt their version numbering
  system whole-sale (as the Spring Acegi Security subs(ystem does)
   Very funny - looks pretty identical to me ;-) So, yes, let's adopt
   I've not played around with classloading a lot, so I'm very curious if
   will work. I'll try to start working on this if I'll find the time for
   If you are interested I could setup an account for you at my personal
   server (I've installed Subversion). Or should I create a subproject in
   As it's in stage of brainstorming I'd prefer to do it in my personal
   Are you interested?
  I'd prefer to keep the jar naming as introducing assembly would
  some confusion.
  If anyone would be interested I could put a simple proposal to the
  Good point, JAR may be a better name.  I see two benefits to using
  assembly or assembler as the name:
  - Clearly indicates that you aren't dealing with plain-old-JAR files
  - Parallels name used in .NET so that the analogy is directly obvious
  This approach will not address the trouble that may be caused by
  applications not using this package. So finally I think that it is
  that this feature (or something comparable) will make it into Java
  Up to then I still think it's a very simple but easy way to add the
  number to the package names to avoid at least the very big problems
  concerning incompatible jars in the same classloader.
  I understand your reasoning behind putting this code in Java 1.6, but
  think we can do this without a new release of the Java language (see
  below).  If our ideas are successful, this new Commons component could
  always migrate later to a JSR proposal, as Doug Lea's concurrent
  With regards to problems caused by components that aren't using this
  package, I'm thinking that as long as the component does not make any
  Class.forName calls, we should be OK.  If there are Class.forName
  the component may still be able to work, but we would strongly
  a migration to using Assembly.getType or whatever.  This entails the
  component introducing a dependency on Assembler, which means the
  Assembler API will need to maintain backwards compatability as much as
  possible (e.g. - imagine the nightmare that would ensue if
  java.util.Vector were to change its semantics!)
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: commons-dev-return-64857-
  Im Auftrag von Matt Sgarlata
  Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Dezember 2004 13:04
  Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
  Chris Lambrou wrote:
  Matt Sgarlata wrote:
  Does this mean .NET doesn't have reflection?  That's such a killer
  feature of Java; I can't believe they wouldn't have ported it to
  Any .NET developers out there that can tell us how .NET deals with
  reflection when you have multiple versions of the same class?
  Since the class name alone is insufficient to fully identify a
  version of a class, to my knowledge there is no equivalent to
  Class.forName(String classname) in .NET. Instead, .NET has the
  class. An Assembly is roughly akin to a java jar file, and is
  a single DLL that contains one or more classes. Assembly has

Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-20 Thread Daniel Florey
I think handling different versions of classes/jars at VM level would be a nice 
feature, but it would be very hard to implement nd to understand when it comes 
to reflection.
Another proposal would be to do it the j2se-way:
When introducing new features to a package (e.g. don't include the 
version number in the package name, but call it new (e.g. java.nio).
So what about:
in its next incompatible version.
The next incompatible change will result in
org.apache.commons.vncomponent (very new component)
Each major version step will add a leading v-character 
After five major versions, the five v-characters can be replaced by an 'a' 
(absolutely new)
So this might be a way to handle many different major versions without adding 
the nasty version number to the project name, but indicate clearly what the 
package is all about.
BTW: How will digester2 manage this problem? Is it not a good starting point to 
call the package digester2 or digester-2 or ndigester or whatever?

Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 
20.12.04 01:11:00:
 The ability to declare your own versioning information, and that of
 your dependencies, in a MANIFEST.MF file already exists:
 Two existing use cases for this information are applets and servlet
 containers, where the container should examine the manifest of the
 applet itself (or the WAR in the case of a webapp) and reject
 execution if the specified versions of the declared dependencies are
 not present.  But nothing stops a container from doing more with this
 info (see below for one idea).
 What's missing today at the *language* level is the ability to load
 incompatible versions into the same class loader.  That would take
 language and JVM architecture changes -- if that's important to you,
 go find the threads on ServerSide or JavaLobby about providing
 feedback to the requirements for Mustang (JDK 1.6), since that's the
 earliest time we could actually get it into the language itself.
 In the mean time, nothing stops a servlet container provider from
 assembling dynamically an appropriate parent class loader that
 contains just the specified dependencies (instead of, or in addition
 to, the kind of thing that Tomcat does with its shared and common
 class loaders).  That way, one could provide webapp A with version 1
 of the library, and webapp B with version 2 of the same library, which
 is pretty much equivalent to what you describe for .NET.  Seems like a
 good RFE for Tomcat ...
 However, this won't solve the two incompatible versions in the same
 webapp use case -- for that, you'll still need to use child class
 loaders.  It sounds like this would also be true in the .NET
 On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 18:37:43 -0500, Matt Sgarlata
  Craig McClanahan wrote:
   On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 19:10:32 -0500, Matt Sgarlata
  How do we go about petitioning Sun for something like this?
   A while back now (while the details for Tiger were being planned), I
   happened to be in a meeting with Graham Hamilton (who basically owns
   the direction that J2SE is going from a Sun perspective), talking
   about the very issue of class loaders and the contortions that you
   have to go through in order to implement things like webapp reloading.
I asked him for a Christmas present to all Java developers -- add
   something like ClassLoader.unloadClass() or ClassLoader.replaceClass()
   to deal with things like this.  He said hmm ... that's a hard
   problem and proceeded to describe several of the places where
   implementing this would be extremely difficult (and/or would have
   nasty performance impacts) in the current architecture of JVMs.
  Well what about introducing the versioned library approach that is done
  in .NET?  I'm not familiar with the details myself, but Chris Lambrou
  wrote earlier:
  The .NET equivalent of a jar file is called an assembly. For libraries,
  this is basically a DLL. Every time the code is compiled, the DLL is
  automatically allocated a unique version number. When you compile your
  code that refers to code in a library assembly, your assembly has an
  explicit dependency on that library assembly. At runtime, when your code
  tries to invoke the library code, an exception will be raised if the
  exact version of the library assembly is not available.
  It would appear that if there are bug fixes or other improvements to the
  library, and a recompiled assembly DLL is substituted for the one you
  originally compiled against, then your code will break. At runtime, your
  code will fail to link to the library code, since the version number no
  longer matches. Obviously, a maintenance release of a library component
  shouldn't require a recompilation and redeployment of all 

Re: new sandbox projects

2004-12-20 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 
20.12.04 12:42:26:
 In case someone missed the thread on general
 here is a re-post as Brett suggested...
 Thanks for the positive feedback so far.
 BTW: How far is the SVN migration?
 Torsten Curdt wrote:
  Hey, folks!
  Over at cocoon we have some code that might be worth
  sharing on jakarta commons. So I was wondering
  if the sandbox is open to any committer or only to
  jakarta committers? (which I am not) I heard
  different stories...
  I factored out our javaflow (java continuations)
  implementation and a java compiler interface (jci)
  featuring a compiling classloader.

This sounds very interesting! Would be glad to see it in the commons sandbox.

  Any opinions on hosting that at jakarta commons?
  Or should we keep that stuff under our umbrella?
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AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-19 Thread Daniel Florey
The solution you proposed will not solve the issue as you cannot replace the
classloader of the application server.
Finally I think that my proposal is not that bad. If it's not possible to
address this issue in future versions of the java language, this seems to be
the only solution.
So my vote is +1 to add at least the major version number to the components
package name.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Craig McClanahan
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004 22:46
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 19:10:32 -0500, Matt Sgarlata
  This may work, but does BCEL require the use of its own custom
  classloader also?
  This seems to me that this isn't just a problem with commons; it is a
  problem with Java itself that .NET already has a very nice solution for.
I'm wondering if this isn't something that should be taken care of at
  the JVM level i.e. - in Java 1.6.  The obvious solution seems to be that
  we need to fix classloaders.  They're already a huge nightmare in EJB
  How do we go about petitioning Sun for something like this?
 A while back now (while the details for Tiger were being planned), I
 happened to be in a meeting with Graham Hamilton (who basically owns
 the direction that J2SE is going from a Sun perspective), talking
 about the very issue of class loaders and the contortions that you
 have to go through in order to implement things like webapp reloading.
  I asked him for a Christmas present to all Java developers -- add
 something like ClassLoader.unloadClass() or ClassLoader.replaceClass()
 to deal with things like this.  He said hmm ... that's a hard
 problem and proceeded to describe several of the places where
 implementing this would be extremely difficult (and/or would have
 nasty performance impacts) in the current architecture of JVMs.
 Regarding the original use case in this thread (an app that wants to
 use two modules that have conflicting versions of common
 dependencies), about the best you can do right now is to have your
 application create its own class loaders for the modules involved, and
 set up their classpaths to pick up their own versions of the
 dependencies.  That is essentially what a servlet container does
 (creates a class loader for each webapp) to maintain separation, and
 allows each webapp to load its own version of a common dependency JAR
 from its own class path ... the /WEB-INF/classes and /WEB-INF/lib
 directories of that app.
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AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-19 Thread Daniel Florey

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Craig McClanahan
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004 23:28
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:25:30 +0100, Oliver Zeigermann
  On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 22:17:10 -, Stephen Colebourne
   I would also -1. Versioned packages is not an acceptable solution.
  What is an acceptable solution then?
 Do what I said already ... create subordinate class loaders *within*
 your application, and load the offending subordinate modules into
 their own class loaders, with their own dependencies.

Simple example:
If you have two libraries:
Library A using component-1.x
Library B using component-2.x
Both libraries provide some servlets that need to live in the same webapp
and get initialized at startup. 
How to make this work (for users with average java knowledge)?
This is a simple example, but I could give you many others where libraries
depend on each other and need to share the same classloader. So your
proposal won't work.


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AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-19 Thread Daniel Florey

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Craig McClanahan
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004 23:34
 Cc: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:24:52 +0100, Oliver Zeigermann
  Major releases, i.e. e.g. from 1.x to 2.x are there not to be backward
  compatible. Especially, I would even consider it dangerous to replace
  a 1.x version with 2.x without checks just to have a newer version.
  Semantics could have chages. Consider collections from 2. to 3. What
  was done there was perfectly alright.
 Collections was indeed perfectly alright to make
 backwards-incompatible changes between versions 2 and 3.  However, you
 should also note that these changes were *not* universal -- for a very
 large number of classes, the calling sequences *are* backwards
 Now, let's assume that Collections had implemented the package name
 includes major version rule.  If I had restricted myself to the
 (quite large) subset where there was no real change, I would have been
 *incredibly* irritated at having to change package names in *my*
 application's imports -- just because you gratuitously changed the
 package name (and therefore made *all* APIs backward incompatible).

You might be irritated, but I think this is the cost to pay for working
around this obvious java lack of managing versioned libraries.
I think it's just a matter of getting used to this package naming
BTW: Another advantage of this approach would be that imports would indicate
which version of the component is in use. I had a lot of trouble to find
out, which version of jdom was in use by some libraries as this was not
indicated by the name of the jar.


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AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-19 Thread Daniel Florey
If components stay backward compatible there of course is no need to include
the versions in the package name.
But I assume that there are some components that have incompatible api
changes (or even worse: same api different behaviour) between major version
For packages like these the versioned package names would be the only way
(beside renaming the component ;-) to solve this issue. Or have I missed

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Stephen Colebourne
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004 23:46
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
  Major releases, i.e. e.g. from 1.x to 2.x are there not to be backward
  compatible. Especially, I would even consider it dangerous to replace
  a 1.x version with 2.x without checks just to have a newer version.
  Semantics could have chages. Consider collections from 2. to 3. What
  was done there was perfectly alright.
 If by this you are suggesting that [collections] 2 and 3 were designed to
 incompatible then you are wrong. [collections] v3 'moved' classes to new
 packages, but _left_the_old_ones_deprecated_.
 Some months later I discovered an unintended incompatability in
 IteratorUtils.EMPTY_ITERATOR, which can be solved by migrating to the
 2.1.1/3.1 combination of versions.
 My point is that they were desinged to be compatible from 2 to 3.
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AW: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-19 Thread Daniel Florey
So the collections way to handle this issue if to move all classes to a new
subpackage and leave the old ones where they've been before.
To be honest: Is this not very close to my proposal?
Something like:
I would prefer to find a common way to handle this. I think it would not be
the best solution if every component is dealing with this issue in its own

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Oliver Zeigermann
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. Dezember 2004 23:51
 An: Stephen Colebourne
 Cc: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 22:46:26 -, Stephen Colebourne
   Major releases, i.e. e.g. from 1.x to 2.x are there not to be backward
   compatible. Especially, I would even consider it dangerous to replace
   a 1.x version with 2.x without checks just to have a newer version.
   Semantics could have chages. Consider collections from 2. to 3. What
   was done there was perfectly alright.
  If by this you are suggesting that [collections] 2 and 3 were designed
 to be
  incompatible then you are wrong. [collections] v3 'moved' classes to new
  packages, but _left_the_old_ones_deprecated_.
 Thanks for clarifying. Did not know the old ones co-existed.
  Some months later I discovered an unintended incompatability in
  IteratorUtils.EMPTY_ITERATOR, which can be solved by migrating to the
  2.1.1/3.1 combination of versions.
  My point is that they were desinged to be compatible from 2 to 3.
 Isn't this almost like having an internal vesioning like Daniel suggested?
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[i18n] Introduced pluggable MessageProviders and new ResourceBundleMessageProvider

2004-12-18 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi folks,
I've added some nice features requested by users to the upcoming i18n
component in the sandbox:
You can now easily plug-in your own custom message provider. This is very
useful if you already have tons of localized messages on weird places (e.g.
Writing a message provider is as simple as implementing a single method.
I've also added a ResourceBundle-based message provider that uses the
built-in Java functionality for locating and handling resource bundles.
This one is very useful if you already have tons of localized messages in
some property files and nevertheless want to use the i18n component to take
advantage of late localization binding, localized exception handling and
message bundles.


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[contract] Moved to i18n

2004-12-18 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi folks,
I've updated the sandbox contract component to work with the new i18n (0.3).

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AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-17 Thread Daniel Florey
So how should we handle situations where two versions of the same component
need to coexist?
If I have to integrate two commercial projects where each one uses a
different major version of the same component, how can I achieve this? There
is no chance to force them to up- or downgrade to the version of the other
product. In situations like these you are absolutely lost, aren't you?
So my proposal was about to avoid this horrible situation. Any proposals how
to solve this issue in another way?
Or is this list not the right place for discussing stuff like this? 


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von David Graham
 Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Dezember 2004 02:26
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 Struts uses the deprecation cycle I described and so did the commons
 components spawned from Struts the last I knew (validator certainly still
 uses the described cycle).   A 1.x series is backwards compatible but
 deprecated methods may be removed after they have been deprecated for at
 least one point release.  A jump to 2.x means, among other things, there
 are backwards incompatible changes without a deprecation cycle.
 This approach obviously varies by project.
 --- Stephen Colebourne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Commons has always followed a longer deprecation cycle than described
  A method deprecated in 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 cannot be removed until 2.0.
  1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 should all be easy compatible changes.
  1.1/1.2 - 2.0 may cause issues.
  In collections we faced a peculiar compatability problem in that a
  was in both 2.1 and 3.0 but was declared as a different type (by error).
  This caused major hassle as it wasn't spotted quickly. (Use 2.1.1 or 3.1
  get around the problem).
  Personally, I believe that a different package name for each version is
  overly restricting. Most users will just recompile their code for the
  version and it will just work. Plus, having the same class in two
  packages will be very confusing when using an IDE. This would be
  true if someone obtains an object from one version and then tries to
  pass it
  to an object of another version.
  Also, since human error can be a factor, we would have to version every
  release, minor or major to actually make the system foolproof.
  Basically, I believe there is no simple solution to this. The best we
  can do
  is to encourage tools like clirr which check a library for binary
  compatability. This should become part of each components standard
  - Original Message -
  From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   All the jakarta projects I've worked on have a deprecation cycle of
   minor point release.  For example, you deprecate a method for the 1.1
   release and can remove it for the 1.2 release.  This gives users time
   see the deprecation warning and update their code appropriately.  IMO,
   requiring a package name change is overly restrictive and confusing to
   The only time I've seen versioning problems is when commons components
   depend on each other and one of them breaks backwards compatibility
   commons collections did recectly.  This is why it's so important for
   commons components to have minimal dependencies.
   What commons components caused your project problems?
   --- Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi all,
   As commons components gain more and more attention you'll find a lot
   components in larger java based projects. This can cause much trouble
   subprojects use different incompatible versions of the same
   I was faced with this problem in the project I'm currently working on
   thought about how to avoid situations like these.
   So this is my proposal:
   - All versions of a component using the same main version number must
   upwards compatible: Methods in component-1.x must not change in
   syntax compared to component-1.y where x  y. Methods can be marked
   deprecated but must still work in the same way.
   - When incompatible api changes or semantic changes of existing
   be introduced, a new major version number must indicate this. To
   different versions of the same component can be used by a single
   application, the package name must change as well.
   org.apache.commons.component-1 contains the 1.x source code of the
   org.apache.commons.component-2 contains the 2.x sources
   Both versions of the component can be used simultaneous and
   described at the beginning of this post can be handled.
   Disadvantage: When upgrading a project from component-1.x to
   all includes must be updated.
   But the fact that many (even commercial

AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-17 Thread Daniel Florey
Don't know. But I think the classloader will still not know which class to
pick as the names are still identical. So it might depend on the load order
of the jars which product will fail.
Or did I got it wrong?


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von David Graham
 Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Dezember 2004 21:33
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 What happens if you merge the jars for each product?  For example, put
 commons 1.x files into productA.jar and commons 2.x files into
 --- Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So how should we handle situations where two versions of the same
  need to coexist?
  If I have to integrate two commercial projects where each one uses a
  different major version of the same component, how can I achieve this?
  is no chance to force them to up- or downgrade to the version of the
  product. In situations like these you are absolutely lost, aren't you?
  So my proposal was about to avoid this horrible situation. Any proposals
  to solve this issue in another way?
  Or is this list not the right place for discussing stuff like this?
   -Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-
   Im Auftrag von David Graham
   Gesendet: Freitag, 17. Dezember 2004 02:26
   An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
   Betreff: Re: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
   Struts uses the deprecation cycle I described and so did the commons
   components spawned from Struts the last I knew (validator certainly
   uses the described cycle).   A 1.x series is backwards compatible but
   deprecated methods may be removed after they have been deprecated for
   least one point release.  A jump to 2.x means, among other things,
   are backwards incompatible changes without a deprecation cycle.
   This approach obviously varies by project.
   --- Stephen Colebourne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Commons has always followed a longer deprecation cycle than
A method deprecated in 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 cannot be removed until 2.0.
1.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 should all be easy compatible changes.
1.1/1.2 - 2.0 may cause issues.
In collections we faced a peculiar compatability problem in that a
was in both 2.1 and 3.0 but was declared as a different type (by
This caused major hassle as it wasn't spotted quickly. (Use 2.1.1 or
get around the problem).
Personally, I believe that a different package name for each version
overly restricting. Most users will just recompile their code for
version and it will just work. Plus, having the same class in two
packages will be very confusing when using an IDE. This would be
true if someone obtains an object from one version and then tries to
pass it
to an object of another version.
Also, since human error can be a factor, we would have to version
release, minor or major to actually make the system foolproof.
Basically, I believe there is no simple solution to this. The best
can do
is to encourage tools like clirr which check a library for binary
compatability. This should become part of each components standard
- Original Message -
From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 All the jakarta projects I've worked on have a deprecation cycle
 minor point release.  For example, you deprecate a method for the
 release and can remove it for the 1.2 release.  This gives users
 see the deprecation warning and update their code appropriately.
 requiring a package name change is overly restrictive and
  confusing to

 The only time I've seen versioning problems is when commons
 depend on each other and one of them breaks backwards
 commons collections did recectly.  This is why it's so important
 commons components to have minimal dependencies.

 What commons components caused your project problems?


 --- Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 As commons components gain more and more attention you'll find a
 components in larger java based projects. This can cause much
 subprojects use different incompatible versions of the same
 I was faced with this problem in the project I'm currently
  working on
 thought about how to avoid situations like these.
 So this is my proposal:
 - All versions of a component using the same main version number

AW: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-17 Thread Daniel Florey
This would be really a funny thing, but how could we replace the classloader
of a given application with a custom one?
But what about a tool that decompiles all the product jars, changes the
package structure and the import statements and repacks this into a new jar?
Might be a megaseller...


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Oliver Zeigermann
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2004 22:44
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 19:09:54 +0100, Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  So I think we need a solution for this problem. My proposal would be to
  allow different major versions of commons components to coexist. If the
  class and package names are equal, this is not possible. My package-
  proposal is just one idea to enable this.
 Some versioning class loader as it was thought of in Projector would
 really be a very elegant solution ;)
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[proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-16 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi all,
As commons components gain more and more attention you'll find a lot
components in larger java based projects. This can cause much trouble when
subprojects use different incompatible versions of the same component.
I was faced with this problem in the project I'm currently working on and
thought about how to avoid situations like these.
So this is my proposal:
- All versions of a component using the same main version number must be
upwards compatible: Methods in component-1.x must not change in semantic or
syntax compared to component-1.y where x  y. Methods can be marked as
deprecated but must still work in the same way.
- When incompatible api changes or semantic changes of existing methods will
be introduced, a new major version number must indicate this. To ensure that
different versions of the same component can be used by a single
application, the package name must change as well.
org.apache.commons.component-1 contains the 1.x source code of the
org.apache.commons.component-2 contains the 2.x sources

Both versions of the component can be used simultaneous and situations
described at the beginning of this post can be handled.
Disadvantage: When upgrading a project from component-1.x to component-2.x
all includes must be updated.
But the fact that many (even commercial products) ship without indicating by
jar-extension which version of a component is used, this can avoid a lot of
What do you think of this approach?


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AW: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares

2004-12-16 Thread Daniel Florey
In the project that I've been working on, I had to put together some
subprojects into the same ear. As these subprojects interact directly, they
needed to share the same classloader.
They used different versions of httpclient, collections and jdom (this one
caused the most trouble...) and it was hard to figure out, which versions of
each component was in use and how to decompile and refactor the subprojects
to work with the same jars.
As commons components gain more and more attention, more and more commercial
products are using them. It's very common for enterprise applications that
you have to bundle different commercial packages that are not available in
source code. These packages often allow interaction with other packages by
adding some listeners, so it is not possible to deploy them in different
So I think we need a solution for this problem. My proposal would be to
allow different major versions of commons components to coexist. If the
class and package names are equal, this is not possible. My package-version
proposal is just one idea to enable this.


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von David Graham
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2004 18:41
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Betreff: Re: [proposal] avoiding jar version nightmares
 I'm still wondering what commons components caused you guys problems in
 your project?  Why should all projects change to renaming packages and
 causing confusion if it's just a few projects that are causing problems?
 My guess is that it's commons collections that is giving you headaches but
 I would like to hear the real world example.
 --- Oliver Zeigermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 09:09:11 -0800 (PST), David Graham
   The only time I've seen versioning problems is when commons components
   depend on each other and one of them breaks backwards compatibility
   commons collections did recectly.  This is why it's so important for
   commons components to have minimal dependencies.
  Just think of a 1.x version and a 2.x version having the same package
  and class names, but different method sets or even different
  semantics. Now in a large project a piece of software from one vendor
  needs 1.x and another one needs 2.x. Now consider they really need to
  share the same class loader and you are lost. You would not if you
  could have both 1.x and 2.x usable at the same time. Daniel's proposal
  would make this possible.
  Disclaimer: Daniel talked this over with me in person yesterday, so
  our points of view are pretty much aligned.
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AW: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?

2004-12-09 Thread Daniel Florey
Have you had a look at the commons-sandbox i18n project? This might be a
solution to enable localized logging with fine grained messages.
Methods would look like this:
LogMessage logMessage = new LogMessage(someMessakeKey, new String[] {
param1, param2 } messageName, LogMessage logMessage);
Log message class could have similar attributes as the ErrorMessage class.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Richard Sitze
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004 21:21
 Betreff: [logging] Enterprise Common Logging... dare we say 2.0?
 IBM would like to open a discussion within the Jakarta commons community
 on evolving the Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL) API's to support Enterprise
 level logging functionality.  We recognize the value that a logging
 implementation independent API brings to open source component
 development, and would like to work with the community to accomplish this
 We present a set of requirements as a baseline for the discussion, a
 proposal for meeting these requirements, a number of points of discussion,
 and attached are two Java source files that correspond to the discussion
   We recognize that the community has an overriding
 A.1.  Evolution: maintain compatibility with the
   current LogFactory/Log interfaces.
   We have ONE primary requirement:
 A.2.  Globalization
   Having opened the door, we'd also like to propose a few
   other requirements:
 B.1.  Functional alignment with JSR-47 concepts.
 B.2.  Fix fragile configuration problems - Currently
   the user has NO idea which impl is in effect.
   All the default/fall back behavior means that in
   the end we have an apparent non-deterministic
   logging implementation.  Errors in config file
   names, classpath errors, classpath ordering,
   etc., can all change the behavior... with no
   idea which is in effect.
   The fundamental problem with the current factory
   is that it is dependent on passively
   identifying a logging implementation.
   We propose one solution below, but would ask a
   more general question: any new bright ideas?
 A.1.  Evolution: Maintain compatibility with the
   current LogFactory/Log interfaces BY PROVIDING
   - Drop-in replacement of commons-logging.jar
 version 1.x with a version 2.x variant.
   - EnterpriseLogFactory class that extends the
 existing LogFactory.
   - EnterpriseLog interface that extends the
 existing Log interface.
 A.2.  Globalization.  For the enterprise logging we
   need globalized messages (translated) for message
   level logging API's: info, warn, error, fatal.
   The remaining logging API's are considered trace
   level logging API's, and do not require message
   - For message level logging, support globalized
 variants on the new EnterpriseLog interface:
 info(Class callingClass,
  String methodName,
  String messageID);
 info(Class callingClass,
  String methodName,
  String messageID,
  Object messageParam);
 info(Class callingClass,
  String methodName,
  String messageID,
  Object[] messageParams);
 same for warn, error, fatal.
   - Utility function to support formatting for
 other purposes (exception strings):
 formatMessage(String messageID);
 formatMessage(String messageID, Object messageParam);
 formatMessage(String messageID, Object[] messageParams);
   Ensure that component has an assurance that the
   message will be translated/formatted as expected:
   - ALL message translation must be done using
 the standard java.util.ResourceBundle class,
 or functional equivalent.
   - ALL message formatting must be done using
 the standard java.text.MessageFormat class,
 or functional equivalent.
   - Bind a ResourceBundleName to an EnterpriseLog
   - Expects that the named ResourceBundle is
 available to the logger.
 B.1.  Functional alignment with JSR-47 concepts.
   JSR-47 has 3 trace levels:  FINE, FINER, FINEST
   JCL has 2 trace levels defined today: debug,
   trace which corresponds to JSR-47 FINE and
   FINEST in the current implementation.
   The JSR-47 FINER level has no corresponding APIs
   in JCL.  The expectation is that 

AW: Migrate to SVN?

2004-11-30 Thread Daniel Florey

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Brett Porter
 Gesendet: Samstag, 27. November 2004 00:28
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: Migrate to SVN?
 Stephen Colebourne wrote:
 My main reason is that SVN does not appear to be that widely adopted yet.
 sign that the time has come to migrate would be when Eclipse/Idea ships
 SVN support built in.
 IDEA's current EAP cycle has included support OOTB. I haven't tried it
 yet though...
 At the moment, I fear we may just scare off some
 potential users/contributers.
 Good point. How much will this affect commons as a whole? Are there any
 particular components that are receiving a lot of user contributions?
 I personally think they'll figure it out if we have reasonable SVN
 documentation to help them out.
 The reverse is also true. Folks can now get access to SVN behind a
 corporate proxy, where with CVS an SSH tunnel is nearly impossible to
 attain and pserver only slightly easier.

Did you manage to work with subclipse behind a proxy? I've had some long
discussions with the (big) custumer I'm currently working for so that they
changed their proxy setting to let the delta-v stuff going through, but...
unfortunately subclipse seems not to support proxies?
But if this would work this is a big plus.
On the other hand subclipse is not yet as mature as cvs support in eclipse.
My working copy gets obscured all the time... confusing.


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Re: Migrate to SVN?

2004-11-26 Thread Daniel Florey
I'm working with subversion (1.1.1)/subclipse/tortoiseSVN for a while now and 
I'm not completely convinced.
The subclipse plugin for eclipse is by far not as mature as the cvs support (no 
links supported etc.)
I was a little bit disappointed when I tried to use subclipse behind a proxy. I 
didn't managed to use subclipse behind a proxy, even though I convinced the 
tech stuff at the customer I'm currently working to enable the delta-v commands.
On the other hand the more people using it will make the community grow that 
works on subclipse/subversion.


Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 
25.11.04 20:08:02:
   6) should I just delete the /jakarta-commons-sandbox/email directory, or
   leave the folder and a note pointing to the promotion?  What about the
   website as well?  I think for [configuration] we just deleted both.
  The ideal scenario would be to use cvs delete on all the sandbox
  files, so that the original history is maintained there, but nobody
  who checks out the sandbox (with -dP at least) will be bothered by
  the files.
 The IDEAL situation would be to convert Jakarta Commons to SVN.  Can we
 PLEASE consider doing so?
 A lot of projects, including the HTTP Server project, have been migrating,
 as can be seen from  Jakarta and XML are
 definitely the laggards now.
   --- Noel
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AW: [transaction][VOTE] Release 1.0-RC1

2004-11-21 Thread Daniel Florey


 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Oliver Zeigermann
 Gesendet: Samstag, 20. November 2004 02:28
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: [transaction][VOTE] Release 1.0-RC1
 Dear community,
 I would like to see a 1.0 release candidate. The code is stable, junt
 tests pass, document exists and the scripts are in good shape. Still
 we should check that everything looks the way we expect before
 releasing a final 1.0.
 I already created the distributions calling 'ant package'. They are
 ready for inspection here:
 So, I am +1 for a release.
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Re: [VOTE] Promote Transaction to Commons Proper

2004-11-15 Thread Daniel Florey
My (non-binding) vote: +1 as this package makes the complicated transaction 
stuff more handy


Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 
15.11.04 18:50:02:
 as described in previous posts and inspired by the fine proposal for
 email promotion I would like to see the transaction component
 promoted to commons proper. 
 The initial committers would be Stefan Lützkendorf, James Mason,
 Daniel Florey and me. AFAIK none of us is a committer in commons
 proper so the promotion would include making as committers there.
 We all are Jakarta Slide committers and this is where the component
 came from. We factored out code for a transactional file system,
 transactional maps (implementing Map interface) with different ACID
 strategies, general purpose locks and a few more helper classes.
 Junit tests exist for all parts and succeed:
 Javadoc is pretty complete
 and general documentation and even a short tutorial for locks exist:
 The transaction component is stable enough to be released as a 1.0
 soon after promotion and would initially be maintained by the
 committers of the Slide community. Once promoted growth is anticipated
 as even in the sandbox it attracted some attention.
 As I am not a commons committer, I have no binding vote, but my
 non-binding vote of course is +1.
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Re: [Collections] DFAMap? (LONG)

2004-10-27 Thread Daniel Florey
I've not fully understood what this is good for. I thought the main problem is to 
invalidate/remove subtrees in a cache.
This could be achieved quit simple, doesn't it?
Or have I missed something...

Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 27.10.04 16:35:05:
 After discussion and more tests in the Slide group I have abandoned
 the approach.
 All this does not work for realistic scenarios and realistic sizes.
 Main problem is that if the keys do not share much common prefixes the
 size of states gets enormously and impracticably high.
 Sources still can be found in the Slide CVS.
 Cheers and thanks for the attention,
 On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 07:30:44 +0200, Oliver Zeigermann
  while thinking about cache invalidation strategies in the Slide
  project a long abandoned idea come back to my mind: a DFA based map
  for String keys only! When I implemented a scetch of this once it
  turned out to be slower in all respects than hash maps. These are my
  old measurements:
  DFA: 10 puts: 5,7 secs / 10 gets: 1 sec
  HashMap: 10 puts: 3,2 secs / 10 gets: .661 sec
  Even hand tuned versions could not catch up (no measurements - I guess
  I was too frustrated at that time).
  Anyway, what I need now is a map *plus* something that returns all
  values of the keys that have a certain prefix. E.g. if I have three
  entries like
  olli - v1
  olli2 - v2
  ollo - v3
  the prefix of oll would get me v1,v2,v3; olli would get me v1,v2; etc.
  Now when the number of entries is small you could just iterate over
  the entries and do something like a startsWith and collect the values.
  In a scenario with thousands or even millions of entries with frequent
  checks this is prohibitive, though.
  Coming to the point now, when I organise the look up as a DFA the
  search space for prefixed values should be dramatically decreased! The
  map DFA would be some sort of  tree and classes might look like this.
  class DFAState {
Object value;
Edge[] mapping;
  class Edge {
   char label;
   DFAState nextState;
  Every state would have an associated value and a number of outgoing
  edges to other states. Upon lookup they can be traversed when the next
  character is the labeled one. There can at most be one character per
  label, so this is deterministic.
  If there is no such label then the look fails. If the whole key has
  been matched the look up value is the one associated with the DFA.
  Those states are called end states. All other states have no
  associated value.
  Applied to the example above the DFA might look like this. s{i} are
  state names, |s{i}| are end state, - are edges. Above and below the
  edges, I have put the labels.
   o   l   l   i   2
  s1  -  s2  - s3  - s4  - |s5|  - |s6|
   o |s7|
  (hope this makes sense to anyone)
  Now, suppose the prefix is oll. Traversing the DFA would bring me to
  s4. Doing a simple depth first search from there for all reachable end
  states (s5,s6,s7) will return me all entries having this prefix, i.e.
  v1,v2,v3. olli would bring me to s5 and the end states reachable
  from there (s5,s6) will bring me the v1,v2.
  And there I am...
  In case anyone has read this through, does it make sense? Or should I
  start taking those pills?
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AW: Website maintainer?

2004-10-17 Thread Daniel Florey
Thanks+I'll remove them ASAP...

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Dirk Verbeeck
 Gesendet: Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2004 16:13
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: Website maintainer?
 Hi Daniel,
 I have added i18n and contract to the menu and component table.
 The site has been updated.
 I also changed the commons-site.jsl script, you don't need to copy the
 css files anymore. Please delete these files if you just use the
 default ones.
 Daniel Florey wrote:
  Hi folks,
  I'm wondering who is maintaining the commons website. I've added two new
  components to the sandbox (i18n and contract) and I'd like to add a link
  description to the website.
  Is anybody around who can do this for me or do I need commons commit
  to do it myself?
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Website maintainer?

2004-10-16 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi folks,
I'm wondering who is maintaining the commons website. I've added two new
components to the sandbox (i18n and contract) and I'd like to add a link and
description to the website.
Is anybody around who can do this for me or do I need commons commit access
to do it myself? 

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Re: XML Im-/Ex-porter into Commons Sandbox

2004-10-11 Thread Daniel Florey
Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 11.10.04 09:50:48:
 If you're looking for something simple, you may want to check out as well.

I just checked it out and it looks very sweet! Very clean approach (looks simpler to 
me as betwixt because there are no xml-mapping files).
Thanks for the link! I've implemented something similar (but ugly and half-finished) 
in the Slide Projector. Hope I can replace it...

 On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 08:35:01 +0200, Oliver Zeigermann
  Hi Simon,
  I really appreciate your input, thanks again :)
  On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 19:15:11 +1300, Simon Kitching
As I already tried to explain. Both are soo different. No need for
any worries...
They even serve a different audience I guess. Digester is good for
people who do not want to see any XML stuff and what Java objects,
with xmlio you are closer to the guts of SAX and XML.
   I don't actually see that they are that different.
   You can use Digester in a manner very similar to the way xmlio is used.
   This is not the way Digester is marketed in its examples but it is
   still quite valid:
   class Foo {
 private class HandleWidget extends Rule {
   public void begin(...) {
   // code to do stuff when a widget tag is found
 digester.addRule(/root/widget, new HandleWidget());
 digester.addRule(/root/gadget, new HandleGadget());
   Here's the xmlio equivalent (I think...)
   class Foo {
 private class MySimpleImportHandler implements SimpleImportHandler {
   public void StartElement(...) {
 if (path.equals(/root/widget) {
   // code to do stuff when a widget tag is found
 else if (path.equals(/root/gadget) {
   // code to do stuff when a gadget tag is found
 simpleImporter.addSimpleImportHandler(new MySimpleImportHandler());
   In other words, Digester *can* be used as a light wrapper around SAX.
   The begin/body/end methods of a custom Rule class are basically the SAX
   callbacks; when using Digester in this style, Digester is really just an
   event dispatcher routing each sax event from a single ContentHandler
   class to zero or more relevant rule classes to avoid having big
   cascading if/then statements in the ContentHandler class.
   It wouldn't take too much work to provide xmlio's convenient feature of
   passing the attributes into the body/end methods as well as the begin
   method. It doesn't need to provide xmlio's Path functionality because
   the event dispatching mostly removes the need for that.
   The problem at the moment is it brings with it so many inter and intra
   library dependencies that there isn't a light *distributable package*
   containing just the core Digester classes.
   I'm certainly not trying to criticise xmlio; I'm just concerned that
   multiple projects will both dilute the available developer pool and
   confuse potential users. And all that extra work - unit tests, project
   website, etc! If the projects are truly providing different
   functionality, well there's no issue. But as I understand xmlio now, I
   think that exactly the same goal can be achieved with almost exactly the
   same amount of custom code with both libs.
   Oliver: do you feel that the fact that Digester does sax event
   dispatching while xmlio doesn't really make the lib feel different to
   you? (honest question, it is a slightly different paradigm, like OO vs
   procedural). Is there something else that makes you feel Digester is
   fundamentally different from xmlio?
  Simplicity and obviousness, having all parts of the code and the data
  that are associated at one spot. Next is performance and actual
  complexity of code. Next is amount of created objects.
  Still, these are just considerations that come from my personal taste.
  When rules become a bit more complicated, it might become pretty hard
  to understand what is going on in the guts.  A large block of if /
  else statements might not be what people - including myself - would
  call exactly elegant, but it is obvious with no secrets.
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RE: AW: AW: AW: AW: New componenent: i18n

2004-10-11 Thread Daniel Florey
This is very strange... I don't have cvs access today but I'll check it ASAP when I'm 
back home.


Jakarta Commons Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb am 11.10.04 09:40:35:
 Hi Daniel,
 Daniel Florey wrote on Sunday, October 10, 2004 4:06 PM:
  Hmm, as I've checked out jakarta-commons so that this .jsl is
  present (and is found by Maven) I'm not sure if this is
  wrong. I'll investigate the whole thing later and will
  hopefully find a way to finally get the site up and
  running... Thanks, Daniel
 I wanted to build the docs myself, but to my surprise the project.xml and have been gone from CVS ?!?!?
 Not even a single trace is left (nothing in Attic) as if somebody recreated that 
 part of the repo from a backup.
 - Jörg
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[xmlio] Naming

2004-10-09 Thread Daniel Florey
After doing the xmlio google thing I agree that this name is really used in
so many projects that it would be worth to find another one even if I like
As 'xmlio' consists of two parts (importer / exporter) I would recommend
separating them into two tiny components in order to increase reusability.
My favourite name for the importer (sax augmentation) would be 'jazz'. As
you need a sax to play jazz... (Or is it 'just augmented super sax'??)
The exporter could be simply called XMLWriter as this is what it does.

Finally I'd like to say that I don't think Digester and xmlio are direct
competitors as they are very different: xmlio is a simple sax extension but
has nothing to do with mapping xml to java objects.
So I don't think we get trouble here.


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AW: New componenent: i18n

2004-10-09 Thread Daniel Florey
Did javadoc creation worked for you?? Still don't get any javadocs.
Sources have been found before as the jar was created, but javadocs are
still missing...

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Tim Reilly
 Gesendet: Samstag, 9. Oktober 2004 03:06
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: New componenent: i18n
 Catching up on my emails for a moment...I noticed no one has replied
 here, unless I missed it? Curious about your question I checked out
 i18n ... hmm..seems: pomArtifactId comes from the name element and not
 the id element. I recognize the error as possible missing package
 element. In this case since project.xml in sandbox-build reads:
 ... and you have a capital I18n in the name element... it didn't find
 the sources for the package i18n. Just a letter-case thing.
 Remember the ASL 2.0. in the project.xml
 Below are 2 patches (with an additional thing (something I needed
 once) in the patches. This line in and related in
 the pom;
 Allowing parameterization of the relative path to sandbox-build
 RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jakarta-commons-
 retrieving revision 1.3
 diff -u -r1.3
 --- 6 Oct 2004 08:48:07 - 1.3
 +++ 9 Oct 2004 01:50:09 -
 @@ -34,3 +34,9 @@
 # Jars set explicity by path.
 maven.jar.xml-im-exporter = ${basedir}/lib/xml-im-exporter1.1.jar
 +# ---
 +# Commons specific
 +# ---
 +# Allow flexible checkout of these two projects
 Index: project.xml
 RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jakarta-commons-sandbox/i18n/project.xml,v
 retrieving revision 1.4
 diff -u -r1.4 project.xml
 --- project.xml 6 Oct 2004 08:48:07 - 1.4
 +++ project.xml 9 Oct 2004 02:02:13 -
 @@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
 ?xml version=1.0?
 +   Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 +   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
 +   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 +   You may obtain a copy of the License at
 +   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 +   distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
 +   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 +   limitations under the License.
 +  --
 -  extend../sandbox-build/project.xml/extend
 -  nameCommons I18n/name
 +  extend${commons.project.extendsUri}project.xml/extend
 +  nameCommons i18n/name
 @@ -21,10 +37,10 @@
   email[EMAIL PROTECTED]/email
   organizationApache Software Foundation/organization
 -  timezone+2/timezone
  roleJava Developer/role
 +  timezone+2/timezone
 On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 15:54:41 +0200, Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi folks,
  I'm a Slide committer for a while and now extracted a tiny package
  i18n that I found to be very useful in several projects in the past.
  I wanted to add it to the sandbox, but unfortunately didn't even manage
  build the site with maven correctly. Everything works fine except the
  javadoc generation.
  The javadoc-plugin states that no sources can be found. I've upgraded to
  javadoc plugin 1.7 but this won't help.
  Can anyone of the maven experts around have a look at this problem? As
  very new to maven I think it's most likely fault.
  I've just added the sources to the CVS ({sandbox}/i18n).
  Many thanks in advance,
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AW: [xmlio] Naming

2004-10-09 Thread Daniel Florey
OK, I haven't read this (shame on me).
So you are right. What about commons-jsax?

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Stephen Colebourne
 Gesendet: Samstag, 9. Oktober 2004 12:20
 An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Betreff: Re: [xmlio] Naming
 Please see the commons charter on naming. Paraphrasing it says that names
 should be boring and functional, not clever. jazz is clever ;-(  The
 reasoning is to remove one more barrier to adopting the component. (Note
 that not every commons component follows the rule, betwixt being a good
 maybe [sax] for input? (commons-sax)
 or [fromsax] - (commons-fromsax)
 maybe [toxml] for output? (commons-toxml)
 or [tosax]? (commons-tosax)
 It depends on whether you want to scope/limit yourself to just sax.
 Should you split? It depends on whether people who use one half are likely
 to use the other really.
 - Original Message -
 From: Daniel Florey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  After doing the xmlio google thing I agree that this name is really used
  so many projects that it would be worth to find another one even if I
  As 'xmlio' consists of two parts (importer / exporter) I would recommend
  separating them into two tiny components in order to increase
  My favourite name for the importer (sax augmentation) would be 'jazz'.
  you need a sax to play jazz... (Or is it 'just augmented super sax'??)
  The exporter could be simply called XMLWriter as this is what it does.
  Finally I'd like to say that I don't think Digester and xmlio are direct
  competitors as they are very different: xmlio is a simple sax extension
  has nothing to do with mapping xml to java objects.
  So I don't think we get trouble here.
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AW: AW: New componenent: i18n

2004-10-09 Thread Daniel Florey
I've tried almost everything but javadoc plugin cannot detect the sources
even though they get correctly build.
So if everyone could try this out, I'd be very happy.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Jörg Schaible
 Gesendet: Samstag, 9. Oktober 2004 12:43
 Betreff: Re: AW: New componenent: i18n
 Daniel Florey wrote:
  Did javadoc creation worked for you?? Still don't get any javadocs.
  Sources have been found before as the jar was created, but javadocs are
  still missing...
 So what did you do? Just called maven? The default goal might be just to
 build the jar, but no docs. Call maven site for doc generation.
 - Jörg
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AW: AW: AW: New componenent: i18n

2004-10-09 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Jörg,
You are the greatest It works!!
Many thanks. 

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Jörg Schaible
 Gesendet: Samstag, 9. Oktober 2004 14:24
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: New componenent: i18n
 Daniel Florey wrote:
  I've tried almost everything but javadoc plugin cannot detect the
  even though they get correctly build.
 You are the one, who stated on the Maven list, that you're totally
 unexperienced with Maven.
  So if everyone could try this out, I'd be very happy.
 Works if you add the package:
 Index: project.xml
 RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jakarta-commons-sandbox/i18n/project.xml,v
 retrieving revision 1.6
 diff -u -u -r1.6 project.xml
 --- project.xml 9 Oct 2004 11:19:49 -   1.6
 +++ project.xml 9 Oct 2004 13:22:14 -
 @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 +  packageorg.apache.commons.i18n/package
shortDescriptionCommons I18n/shortDescription
descriptionInternationalization package/description
 - Jörg
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AW: AW: AW: AW: New componenent: i18n

2004-10-09 Thread Daniel Florey
Can you have a quick look at the generated website?
It looks somehow different from other sandbox components. As if the
stylesheet is missing? Do you have a clue?
Thanks again,

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Im Auftrag von Jörg Schaible
 Gesendet: Samstag, 9. Oktober 2004 15:25
 Betreff: Re: AW: AW: AW: New componenent: i18n
 Daniel Florey wrote:
  Hi Jörg,
  You are the greatest It works!!
  Many thanks.
 You're welcome :)
 - Jörg
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AW: XML Im-/Ex-porter into Commons Sandbox

2004-10-08 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi all,
I'll have a look at Digester again today and will compare the two approaches
finally for use in i18n.
As I know Oliver Zeigermann for a long time and he really is the master of
xml/sgml I everyone should give xmlio (good name indeed) a try.
Personally I like technologies that keep it very simple so that you
understand at the first sight what's going on without hiding too much
implicit logic.
As I stated earlier we have used Digester in a large project where a lot xml
parsing took place and we had some trouble with it (but that's some time
So I'd vote for putting the xmlio into the sandbox and let everybody have a
look at it. Even if it will never make it to commons components, it is worth
to have a look at its simplicity.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von Martin Cooper
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2004 23:46
An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Betreff: Re: XML Im-/Ex-porter into Commons Sandbox

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 23:27:39 +0100, Stephen Colebourne
 One of the key items in the commons charter is allowing different
 to the same problem. So far, we have tended to avoid this (for example, I
 took a conflicting primitives design elsewhere) however we should not
 What is being requested at this point is to factor out some code from
 another project (Slide) to commons. This is IMHO perfectly good and what
 commons is for. The code is going to the sandbox where we can all
 whether it is a good addition to the commons-proper fold. (eg. performance
 tests, code design, documentation). Who knows maybe the ideas will end up
 digester 2! IMO thats what the sandbox is for.

In general, I agree with you. However, in this case, the reason for
bringing this component to the sandbox is because another component
that has only just arrived in the sandbox (i18n) wants to use it
instead of Digester. It seems that this XML component wasn't going to
be brought to Commons (at least for the moment) until there was
mention that i18n wanted to use it.

I'm not sure that I like the idea of new sandbox components bringing
along other components as baggage when there is already suitable
functionality available in Commons Proper. On the other hand, I would
not be opposed to bringing the XML component in _later_, and letting
it stand or fall on its own.

Martin Cooper

 BTW, I don't disagree with the comments about bad dependency management
 below, I just disagree that that necessarily implies only ever supporting
 Finally, the name ;-)
 xmlio  (ie. xml io)
 Typically, the commons project is named after the technology it works on.
 Without having seen the code its also difficult to judge what a good name
 would be ;-) I quite like xmlio myself.
 - Original Message -
 From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  This will create bloat problems for clients that use Digester.  For
  example:  Struts uses Digester for xml parsing.  In the future Struts
  want to use the new i18n component.  However, if i18n uses XML
  then Struts must drag that along too despite already having a perfectly
  fine xml parser in its dependency list.
  Struts is just one example.  It will be even worse for inter-commons
  project dependencies.
  Bad dependency management has plagued commons components and it's just
  recently started to get better.  If all commons components use Digester
  then we can avoid having to duplicate functionality and bloat
  I don't understand what's wrong with Digester that necessitates a new
  parsing library.  I've been able to write complex parsing rules in a
  matter of minutes.
  --- Oliver Zeigermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   on the request of Daniel Florey I'd like to create at least one new
   sandbox component for a tool that allows easy import / export of XML
   into / from Java. It is used by Jakarta Slide and in the components
   Daniel introduced.
   I know this is a bit delicate as there already is Digester around in
   commons. However, the audience for my tool is different from
   Digester's. XML Im-/Exporter is geared towards high performance use
   for people who are very familiar with XML. It is just a little bit
   more than pure SAX. It also has a different philosohie than Digester.
   Having said that I hope not to cause any inconvenience with this...
   Preparing this now  and cheers,
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[digester] AW: XML Im-/Ex-porter into Commons Sandbox

2004-10-08 Thread Daniel Florey
The digester site seems to be broken. All links to the docs don’t work

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von Daniel Florey
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Oktober 2004 09:32
An: 'Jakarta Commons Developers List'; 'Martin Cooper'
Betreff: AW: XML Im-/Ex-porter into Commons Sandbox

Hi all,
I'll have a look at Digester again today and will compare the two approaches
finally for use in i18n.
As I know Oliver Zeigermann for a long time and he really is the master of
xml/sgml I everyone should give xmlio (good name indeed) a try.
Personally I like technologies that keep it very simple so that you
understand at the first sight what's going on without hiding too much
implicit logic.
As I stated earlier we have used Digester in a large project where a lot xml
parsing took place and we had some trouble with it (but that's some time
So I'd vote for putting the xmlio into the sandbox and let everybody have a
look at it. Even if it will never make it to commons components, it is worth
to have a look at its simplicity.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von Martin Cooper
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2004 23:46
An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Betreff: Re: XML Im-/Ex-porter into Commons Sandbox

On Thu, 7 Oct 2004 23:27:39 +0100, Stephen Colebourne
 One of the key items in the commons charter is allowing different
 to the same problem. So far, we have tended to avoid this (for example, I
 took a conflicting primitives design elsewhere) however we should not
 What is being requested at this point is to factor out some code from
 another project (Slide) to commons. This is IMHO perfectly good and what
 commons is for. The code is going to the sandbox where we can all
 whether it is a good addition to the commons-proper fold. (eg. performance
 tests, code design, documentation). Who knows maybe the ideas will end up
 digester 2! IMO thats what the sandbox is for.

In general, I agree with you. However, in this case, the reason for
bringing this component to the sandbox is because another component
that has only just arrived in the sandbox (i18n) wants to use it
instead of Digester. It seems that this XML component wasn't going to
be brought to Commons (at least for the moment) until there was
mention that i18n wanted to use it.

I'm not sure that I like the idea of new sandbox components bringing
along other components as baggage when there is already suitable
functionality available in Commons Proper. On the other hand, I would
not be opposed to bringing the XML component in _later_, and letting
it stand or fall on its own.

Martin Cooper

 BTW, I don't disagree with the comments about bad dependency management
 below, I just disagree that that necessarily implies only ever supporting
 Finally, the name ;-)
 xmlio  (ie. xml io)
 Typically, the commons project is named after the technology it works on.
 Without having seen the code its also difficult to judge what a good name
 would be ;-) I quite like xmlio myself.
 - Original Message -
 From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  This will create bloat problems for clients that use Digester.  For
  example:  Struts uses Digester for xml parsing.  In the future Struts
  want to use the new i18n component.  However, if i18n uses XML
  then Struts must drag that along too despite already having a perfectly
  fine xml parser in its dependency list.
  Struts is just one example.  It will be even worse for inter-commons
  project dependencies.
  Bad dependency management has plagued commons components and it's just
  recently started to get better.  If all commons components use Digester
  then we can avoid having to duplicate functionality and bloat
  I don't understand what's wrong with Digester that necessitates a new
  parsing library.  I've been able to write complex parsing rules in a
  matter of minutes.
  --- Oliver Zeigermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   on the request of Daniel Florey I'd like to create at least one new
   sandbox component for a tool that allows easy import / export of XML
   into / from Java. It is used by Jakarta Slide and in the components
   Daniel introduced.
   I know this is a bit delicate as there already is Digester around in
   commons. However, the audience for my tool is different from
   Digester's. XML Im-/Exporter is geared towards high performance use
   for people who are very familiar with XML. It is just a little bit
   more than pure SAX. It also has a different philosohie than Digester.
   Having said that I hope not to cause any inconvenience with this...
   Preparing this now  and cheers,
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AW: [i18n] New component - help needed

2004-10-06 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi Eric,
Thanks for your help, but this didn't help much as with your changes the
layout is broken and I cannot upload the website as some ssh-infos are
I wonder why the maven scripts for the transaction component (that I used as
a blueprint) are working perfectly?
I've no clue.
Maybe I've to go to the maven mailinglists...
Thanks again for your help,

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von Eric Pugh
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2004 22:35
An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Betreff: RE: [i18n] New component - help needed


I just tossed in a fix.  basically the parent project is broken..  not
extending it works..  as far tas the script, just rerun on your box the
entire script, and then upload the homepage.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 8:12 PM
 To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
 Subject: [i18n] New component - help needed

 Hi folks,

 I've successfully added the I18n component to the commons sandbox. As
 new to Maven I didn't managed to generate the API Javadocs.

 Can anyone have a look at this? Is this my fault as I assume? Seems that
 Maven can not find the source (but is actually building the jars without

 Any hints would be great!

 How can I integrate the link to the new component to the main commons
 Should I run the script on commons-sandbox top level?

 I'm afraid to do so as I may cause something bad.



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AW: [i18n] Did I miss something?

2004-10-06 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi James,
Any contributions are welcome!
As I still don't get the site generated with maven completely (layout is
somehow broken and javadocs are missing) this is very high on my todo...
Maybe you can help me out?
Would be nice to get a link from the commons page to the i18n in the
sandbox. Do you know if someone can manage this (having commit access to
- In general I like the idea to read messages from properties files as this
might be very useful to migrate existing application to i18n. Even though I
like the xml-based format more as you can see which entries belong together.
- Adding icons and so on can easily be achieved by adding a new class (like
- I'll add a proposal for using localized messages for logging as I've used
this in a project using an additional Information class. This works very
nice and lets you map different error entries to different log messages
(details to debug, text to info or something like that).
- I don't know if I used logging at all but it should be no prob to switch
to log4j or commons-logging.
- I don't like digester at all as this seems to me the most confusing and
overdosed way to parse xml files. I talked to Oliver Zeigermann and we will
add xml-im-exporter to commons-sandbox as I find this the very best tool do
sax-based xml-parsing. It's ultra-simple, fast and intuitive. That's why
I've used it in many projects in the past and would be very glad to see it
here. I've worked with digester in the past but it's just too complex and
xml-im-exporter is just kicking-ass...

Warmest regards,

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Auftrag von James Mitchell
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2004 15:17
An: Jakarta Commons Developers List
Betreff: [i18n] Did I miss something?

Wow, how did I miss this?  I wonder what we can do with this and
commons-resources and/or Apache Struts.

In my current gig we are using a home grown solution in combination with
ActionErrors/ActionMessages provided by Struts.  This project would have
been nice to have about 8 months ago.

My immediate needs (scratching my own itch here) would be to help provide
greater granularity for application messaging (similar to log levels) and
perhaps a jsp taglib or two to help take advantage of this in my apps (this
would probably go under Apache Struts contrib).

So, with that said, I would like to volunteer to help with this project.
Off the top of my head what I would like to do is:
a) offer the same solution with the following alternate implementations:
 - properties file based configuration (more on this later)
 - RDBMS based configuration (I've already done this in commons-resources)

b) Develop a Struts plug-in that will load and configure commons-i18n for my
Struts applications.
 (I guess I could just add this as a plug-in under struts)

c) The types of LocalizedMessages or LocalizedExceptions I can use are the
- System error
- Error
- Warning
- Alert
- Flag
- Info

d) I would like to add an entry like:
 entry key=small-icon/images/some-icon-small.jpg/entry
   (also one for large-icon)

e) New MessageManager impl that can assemble messages based on a config file
who's entries simply point to existing i18n'd properties file(s) keys.  (I
will provide more details for this on my ShortTermPlans page

General questions:
Is there any reason you did not use commons-logging?  Can we change this to
commons since it will (by default) delegate to the appropriate logging
framework (let's eat our own dogfood)?

Any reason you are using xml-importer instead of digester?  I've read the
docs on, but the advantages still aren't clear to me (I'm guessing it
was just a personal choice made some time ago and you just stayed with it).
Can we change this to use either (or use commons-configuration)?

Have you thought about Spring integration?

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

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[i18n] New component - help needed

2004-10-05 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi folks,

I've successfully added the I18n component to the commons sandbox. As I'm
new to Maven I didn't managed to generate the API Javadocs.

Can anyone have a look at this? Is this my fault as I assume? Seems that
Maven can not find the source (but is actually building the jars without

Any hints would be great!

How can I integrate the link to the new component to the main commons page?
Should I run the script on commons-sandbox top level?

I'm afraid to do so as I may cause something bad.





New componenent: i18n

2004-10-04 Thread Daniel Florey
Hi folks,

I'm a Slide committer for a while and now extracted a tiny package called
i18n that I found to be very useful in several projects in the past.

I wanted to add it to the sandbox, but unfortunately didn't even manage to
build the site with maven correctly. Everything works fine except the
javadoc generation.

The javadoc-plugin states that no sources can be found. I've upgraded to
javadoc plugin 1.7 but this won't help.

Can anyone of the maven experts around have a look at this problem? As I'm
very new to maven I think it's most likely fault.

I've just added the sources to the CVS ({sandbox}/i18n).

Many thanks in advance,

