Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-10 Thread Juan Quintela

 edward == Edward Avis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 This is a nono, if you need glibc-devel, ask for it.  Notice than
 asking for make don't make too many sense, as rpm should depend on

edward Why should rpm depend on make?  I'm not aware that rpm ever calls make
edward for anything - unless the spec file asks for it, but of course the spec
edward file could ask for anything at all.

sorry, not rpm, rpm-devel.

[greping sources]

I was wrong, /usr/lib/rpm/*/macros belong to rpm instead of rpm-devel

quintela$ rpm -qf /usr/lib/rpm/i586-mandrake-linux/macros 
quintela$ grep make /usr/lib/rpm/i586-mandrake-linux/macros 
# XXX I'll make these the default linux values soon as I can.
# make
%_make_bin make
%make if [ -z $NPROCS -a -f /proc/stat ]; then NPROCS=`egrep -c ^cpu[0-9]+ 
/proc/stat || :`; fi; if [ -z $NPROCS -o $NPROCS -le 0 ]; then NPROCS=1; fi; 
%{_make_bin} -j$NPROCS
%make_session if [ -x %{_fndsession_bin} ]; then %{_fndsession_bin} ||
true ; fi

you can see that rpm has embodied calls to make, but you are right, it
don't depend on it (and shouldn't, I think that rpm-devel should, but
that is a different story).

edward Shouldn't it be possible to install a small system without make?  RPM is
edward essential to Linux-Mandrake, if you make rpm depend on make, then you
edward have made make essential too.  But that doesn't reflect reality AFAIK.

I agree here, rpm should work without make, rpm-devel (or whatever
will be its name, not).

 - Mandrake install gcc  make in a default install, but:
 1- that can change (a end user don't need make normally).
 2- you don't want to have installed gcc/make whateven in one
 firewall and similar devices.

edward So why make rpm depend on make?  Or have I misunderstood you?

sorry for the confusion :(

 Where do you draw the line, easy, if the package is in basesystem, you
 don't need to ask for it, otherwise you need to ask for it explicitly.

edward Okay, and there is a stated assumption that if you don't have the
edward default base system installed, you can't expect to build packages?

I think that this is not an assumption, it is that if you remove _any_
package for basesystem, the system _could_ not work properly.  It is
called basesystem for something :)

edward Again, I would suggest a package called 'base-system' which depends on
edward all the stuff included in the standard install.  Then uninstalling gcc,
edward for example, would warn that you were losing base system functionality
edward (in an obscure kind of way) and you'd have to explicitly ask for this.

no, basesystem is _way_ less than standard install, it is the
_minimun_ ammount of packages to make the system work.  You can think
of it as similar to minimal install allowed.

edward Similarly trying to build an RPM would warn that you need base-system
edward installed, and you couldn't install the base-system package without
edward actually having the needed stuff.

Sure, see above, if you remove _anything_ of basesystem:
1- it is better that you know what are you doing
2- nothing is guaranteed to work after that

edward However I think you would also dislike that idea.  One could argue that
edward if you go around removing basic packages like make, you probably know
edward what you're doing and you can expect to take the consequences.  Newbies
edward or moderately experienced users wouldn't do that.  I think this is a
edward sensible position.  But you still need to define what the base system
edward is, and wouldn't it be best for the user to get some warning that he is
edward about to uninstall base system functionality?

No, remove make is ok, and shouldn't be in the base-system.  Having
rpm-build, or rpm-devel depending of make look right to me.

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-10 Thread David Walluck

Juan Quintela wrote:

 No, remove make is ok, and shouldn't be in the base-system.  Having
 rpm-build, or rpm-devel depending of make look right to me.

Yes, I think that rpm-devel should need every package that a macro 
refers to, this includes autoconf, make, and gpg, amoung others. Perhaps 
I should go through and make a list?


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-09 Thread Juan Quintela

 edward == Edward Avis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

edward On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
 And how about a package 'essential-devel' which depends on gcc, make and
 all the other devel stuff included in a Mandrake default install.  This
 package wouldn't contain any files, it would just act as a convenient
 collection of dependencies, so that if essential-devel is installed you
 know the basic stuff is there.

 Then you'll need to install one package that Provides: essential-devel.

edward Yes.  It would probably be installed as part of a standard Mandrake
edward setup - unless MandrakeSoft decide to drop gcc and make from the
edward standard install.

This is a nono, if you need glibc-devel, ask for it.  Notice than
asking for make don't make too many sense, as rpm should depend on
it.  That means that:
- you have make  autoconf implicit dependencies from rpm inherited
  for each package.
- You need to ask for the rest.
- Mandrake install gcc  make in a default install, but:
  1- that can change (a end user don't need make normally).
  2- you don't want to have installed gcc/make whateven in one
 firewall and similar devices.

edward Agreed.  The question is, do we want to list *every single package* as a
edward BuildRequires line?  Surely we can't have a hundred lines listing
edward dependencies on bash, textutils, gzip, and so on.  So where do you
edward draw the line, and having done so is there an easy way to make sure that
edward these prerequisites are installed?  (Nobody could uninstall bash, but
edward it's possible to imagine a basic Mandrake install without, say,
edward glibc-devel.)

bash is also an implicit dependency of rpm.  Where do you draw the
line, easy, if the package is in basesystem, you don't need to ask for
it, otherwise you need to ask for it explicitly.

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-09 Thread Juan Quintela

 david == David Walluck [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


david The idea would be that you only needed basic compiler et. al, anything
david that was downloaded as a binary, for example gcc, would be compiled at the
david final stage of the install, after all the other packages were built
david successfully. Again, without an optimized compiler, you may also fail to
david get optimized packages, but as I have said in pervious e-mails, lots of
david packages have problems with some optimizations thata re supposedly safe,
david meaning they will fail to compile. So the question becomes, if only the
david optflags that were originally used are safe, what benefits do we get from
david recompiling? In my case I wonder if -march=athlon -O2 is even faster than
david -O3 -march=pentiumpro. Again, in some cases we are talking a 'mere' 5%
david increase, but I have always thought one of the main advantages to having
david the source code was so that you could make the most from your hardware.

Notice that for the majority of the packages, it doesn't matter if it
has been compiled optimized or not, only glibc, gcc (if you are a
developer), kernel and a few other packages are really important.  It
is really the same if your xbiff/xclock whatever takes 0.01 ms or 0.1
ms, it is a 10x improvement (which I think that is very difficult to
achieve) and you will not we seeing the difference.

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-09 Thread David Walluck

Edward Avis wrote:

 So why make rpm depend on make?  Or have I misunderstood you?
 Okay, and there is a stated assumption that if you don't have the
 default base system installed, you can't expect to build packages?


Maybe a basesystem-devel? There are many programs used internally by rpm 
scripts for example that aren't listed as Required. This of perl, awk, 
and sed, cpio. And then all C programs need autoconf, automake, libtool, 
glibc-devel, gcc, make, and probably several I have missed.

Nowhere are these programs even implicitly required for building an RPM 
though 99 times out of 100 they are needed.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach David Walluck am Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 01:56:18AM -0400:
 If I have libfoo1 on my system, and now libfoo2 is needed in say Mandrake
 8.1, I no longer need libfoo1. I am wishing for a script that would go
 through and remove packages which no longer have dependencies. Something
 like urpmi, but backwards. I usee rpme, but this seems to be as useful as
 rpm -e or less :)

Something like urpmi_rpm-find-leaves ?  But doing a 
urpme $(urpmi_rpm-find-leaves) is probably a BAD idea, as it not onle
removes stale libraries (like libfoo1), but also about all the
applications...  But I don't see how this can be solved, as a stale lib
cannot be distiguished from a normal app.

Alexander Skwar
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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

And how about a package 'essential-devel' which depends on gcc, make and
all the other devel stuff included in a Mandrake default install.  This
package wouldn't contain any files, it would just act as a convenient
collection of dependencies, so that if essential-devel is installed you
know the basic stuff is there.

Then you'll need to install one package that Provides: essential-devel.

Yes.  It would probably be installed as part of a standard Mandrake
setup - unless MandrakeSoft decide to drop gcc and make from the
standard install.

I'm not sure if this is the way to go, it's got an artificial feeling...

I think it is the least messy option.  I don't know if there is
precedent for this sort of thing though.

The result of the BR march should be that no matter which package
you're going to rebuild, if you install the BuildRequires, a (hopefully)
good package is going to come out.

Agreed.  The question is, do we want to list *every single package* as a
BuildRequires line?  Surely we can't have a hundred lines listing
dependencies on bash, textutils, gzip, and so on.  So where do you
draw the line, and having done so is there an easy way to make sure that
these prerequisites are installed?  (Nobody could uninstall bash, but
it's possible to imagine a basic Mandrake install without, say,

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RE: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck wrote:

The Mandrake Install program... I mean could you recompile the SRPMS,
but them in a directory on a separate HD, boot with the mandrake HD
bootfloppy image, and use them to install Mandrake?

Certainly if they are named i586... I don't know at the moment how to make
it look for i686, athlon, etc, but hopfully it's as easy as changing one
line in a config file somewhere.

Ideally the installer would look around for the most appropriate
directory to use.

For example: 'Hmm, I see this machine has an i686 processor.  Look for
an i686/ directory - nope.  The next best choice for this processor is
i586/ - yes, use that.'

This check could be done on a per-package basis rather than once at the
start of the install.  Then Mandrakesoft could distribute a CD with
mostly i586 packages but also i686 versions of a few selected things
like the kernel and the GIMP.

It would be nice to be able to build optimized packages for your
particular processor, place them inside the install tree, and have them
Just Work without needing to modify the installer.

Maybe the Mandrake installer already does this?

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck wrote:

But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the
moment in cooker. Without the correct BuilRequires you're going to
encounter many compile problems.

I am worried because I have done a full install of all packages at one
point and still get many compile errors. I wonder how the package
maintainers built the packages in the first place... certainly not in a
true 8.0 environment.

You could adopt the principle that all packages in Cooker should be
buildable from 'true 8.0', or whatever the last stable Linux-Mandrake
release was.  But I think that is too limiting.  A new package might
need the new version of some libraries too.

Better to say that it should be possible to build Cooker packages by
installing a few selected dependencies.  So if the foozip compressor
needs a newer version of libfoo, you can first get libfoo from Cooker,
build, compile and install it on 8.0, and then have a system ready to
build Cooker's foozip package.  Of course libfoo itself may have build
dependencies that require grabbing packages from Cooker - but eventually
it should be possible to start from 8.0.

In practice, I have never found that this is not the case.  You can
indeed build Cooker stuff on 8.0, if you're prepared to upgrade a few
dependencies first.  But the job is made harder by the lack of
BuildRequires lines.  Hopefully, making sure the BuildRequires lines are
correct will make it easier to selectively build and install Cooker
packages, as well as helping people build standard 8.0 packages from

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Juan Quintela

 edward == Edward Avis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


edward To be really slick: if a package fails, your script could randomly
edward install some extra packages on the machine (perhaps 50% at random of the
edward total packages in Cooker) and try again to build.  If that succeeds,
edward remove some packages and try again, etc.  By a kind of binary search you
edward would find the minimal set of packages needed, and those could be added
edward to the spec files as BuildRequires lines.

Instead of that, it is easier, to convince the script to search
through .h and .c files for #include and search what -devel packages
provide that.

edward Once all the dependencies are correct, it wouldn't take long to just
edward verify that things work whenever a new package is released, just as a
edward kind of sanity check.  It might be good for Mandrakesoft to dedicate a
edward fairly old, slow box to doing this 24 hours a day - getting the latest
edward uploads to Cooker, uninstalling everything except essential packages and
edward what's mentioned in BuildRequires, trying to build it, sending mail to
edward the maintainer if it fails.

Compiling the kernel in one Athlon 1200Mhz with 512MB of RAM
(i.e. everything is in RAM, the disk that you have doesn't matter)
takes more than 1 hour.  Any old machine will not support that very
well :(  But yes, that is a good idea, just not an slow machine.

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck wrote:

This is really a flaw in the GNU configure mechanism.  It would be nice
if autoconf's configure scripts allowed you to say:

% ./configure --definitely-use-libtiff

First of all, it is not a problem with rpm %configure, but a potential
problem with scripts. When I write autoconf scripts, I always
AC_MSG_ERROR on a missing package, some people just AC_MSG_WARN, others
just assume you don't want it to be supported if this feature is optional.

But we can't expect the package authors to change their configure
scripts just for Mandrake.  To take XEmacs for an example, the configure
script will leave out PNG and TIFF support if the libraries are not
there.  This is a useful feature if you just want to get the package
built on your AIX, Solaris or Windows box, and I don't think the XEmacs
developers would want to annoy their users by changing to AC_MSG_ERROR.

But such behaviour is not a good idea for building RPMs, as we've
discussed.  So should the RPM packager change the configure script to
AC_MSG_ERROR?  Should we distribute a patch file for as
part of the source package?

I think that is too cumbersome.  It would be better if configure had an
option at run time to change all AC_MSG_WARNs to AC_MSG_ERRORs, apart
from any that you explicitly say to not worry about.

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach Edward Avis am Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 11:30:58AM +0100:
 Ideally the installer would look around for the most appropriate
 directory to use.

How much of a performance boost does compiling for a specific platform
give anyway?  In normal applications (ie. Nautilus, Evolution, KDE,
Gnome, postfix, squid ), is there really a noticeable gain at all?

Alexander Skwar
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Uptime: 1 day 17 hours 6 minutes

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Alexander Skwar wrote:

If I have libfoo1 on my system, and now libfoo2 is needed in say Mandrake
8.1, I no longer need libfoo1. I am wishing for a script that would go
through and remove packages which no longer have dependencies.

Something like urpmi_rpm-find-leaves ?  But doing a
urpme $(urpmi_rpm-find-leaves) is probably a BAD idea, as it not onle
removes stale libraries (like libfoo1), but also about all the
applications...  But I don't see how this can be solved, as a stale lib
cannot be distiguished from a normal app.

Well, you can guess... an application package has executable files, a
library has no executables but does have lots of .so and .a files.

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck wrote:

[finding BuildRequires lines for source packages]

One thing that would help, as I've detailed earlier, is to normalize the
BuildRequires. Even still, sometimes I search on when a
package complains of a depdency that doesn't seem to exist anywhere in
cooker. Then once I find what package it is, installing it will usually
fix any depdency problems. Finding the missing dependency is the key of
course. Brute force won't really help that.

The method I proposed would find the missing dependency, because it
would try *all* the packages.  Every single one.  It would be rather
slow, and it would grind your hard disk rather a lot, but it would find
the necessary set of packages in the end.

Of course doing this by hand is not fun.  That's why it's best to
automate it.  Even if the algorithm used is rather stupid compared to a
human (who can usually make intelligent guesses about what's needed), it
is a lot less work to just leave it running for a few hours and come
back to look at the results.

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Stefan van der Eijk

Certainly if they are named i586... I don't know at the moment how to make
it look for i686, athlon, etc, but hopfully it's as easy as changing one
line in a config file somewhere.

Just some settings with rpm...


Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On 7 Jul 2001, Juan Quintela wrote:

[I proposed a way of checking dependencies by brute force, with a kind
of binary search of randomly installing and uninstalling packages.]

Instead of that, it is easier, to convince the script to search
through .h and .c files for #include and search what -devel packages
provide that.

That's another useful optimization.  Guess at what the dependencies
might be, and try installing those.  But it cannot be infallible (eg,
you'd also have to grep through the configure scripts for -lwhatever
lines and probably other stuff).  So the brute force 'uninstall half the
packages and see whether it still works' would still be needed as a

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Alexander Skwar wrote:

[i586/ vs i686/ etc...]

Ideally the installer would look around for the most appropriate
directory to use.

How much of a performance boost does compiling for a specific platform
give anyway?

Probably not as much as the hype suggests.  But I think it is noticeable
(5% to 10% is the figure touted for Pentium optimized gcc versus i386

In some cases you can use special instructions (MMX, SIMD, etc.)
to get big speed improvements for specialized applications (image
processing, SETI@Home).  But in those cases the standard i386 build
might contain all the possible assembler-optimized routines for
different i386-compatible processors and choose between them at run

Personally, I am thinking about rebuilding the Mandrake packages for
386 and 486 processors, so I'd like the installer to cope with that.

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

I've just uploaded my script  install instructions to the list, perhaps
you can modify the script to include the automatic  dependancy resolving
feature. It's a bash script (I'm a no-no with perl), so it should be EZ
to adjust

Sorry, but I think that if I implemented this algorithm it would
definitely be in Perl or in some other high-level language.  It's just
too hairy to do it using a shell script.  So I think we will have to be
separate - you don't know Perl and I'm not a good enough shell

Unfortunately my current job doesn't allow much time for writing scripts
to fiddle with system setup; later this year when I go back to being a
student I'll be able to have a go at implementing this.

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Juan Quintela

 stefan == Stefan van der Eijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 This is really a flaw in the GNU configure mechanism.  It would be nice
 if autoconf's configure scripts allowed you to say:
 % ./configure --definitely-use-libtiff
stefan Then the developer would need to put that in the .spec file -- %configure

stefan --definitely-use-libtiff

I think that Ed means that autoconf try to workaround when you don't
have libX to build without X functionality.  That is good except when
you want it to die if X don't exist, and there is nothing similar to:

%configure --strict

i.e. never do workarounds, if something fails (i.e. library don't
exist, whatever) give a error message and abort.

Note that the idea under autoconf was to make the system flexible, not
to manage dependencies.

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Juan Quintela

 edward == Edward Avis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


edward But we can't expect the package authors to change their configure
edward scripts just for Mandrake.  To take XEmacs for an example, the configure
edward script will leave out PNG and TIFF support if the libraries are not
edward there.  This is a useful feature if you just want to get the package
edward built on your AIX, Solaris or Windows box, and I don't think the XEmacs
edward developers would want to annoy their users by changing to AC_MSG_ERROR.

edward But such behaviour is not a good idea for building RPMs, as we've
edward discussed.  So should the RPM packager change the configure script to
edward AC_MSG_ERROR?  Should we distribute a patch file for as
edward part of the source package?

Nope, we want to change autoconf, to get an option telling it:

%configure --ac-msg-warn-means--ac-msg-error

and that should be all, we are expected to create the %configure
script from the script anyway.

If I find a free moment, will try to implement that thing, problems
- lack of time :(
- no idea about autoconf internals
- no idea about m4 :(

Later, Juan.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Frank Meurer

In 8 Jul 2001, Juan Quintela cum veritate scripsit :

 Nope, we want to change autoconf, to get an option telling it:

 %configure --ac-msg-warn-means--ac-msg-error

 and that should be all, we are expected to create the %configure
 script from the script anyway.

(er... didn't follow this thread exactly but...)
In some auto-conf'ed packages I find an option something like
--treat-warnings-as-errors or --enable-warnings_as_errors (e.g. in
Is it this you're talking about?


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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On 8 Jul 2001, Juan Quintela wrote:

Nope, we want to change autoconf, to get an option telling it:

%configure --ac-msg-warn-means--ac-msg-error

Yes, that's what I meant!

If I find a free moment, will try to implement that thing, problems
- lack of time :(
- no idea about autoconf internals
- no idea about m4 :(

I am in exactly the same position on all three points.  Maybe you should
contact the autoconf maintainer first to find out whether such a change
would be accepted.

In the short term a new version of autoconf won't come out for a while -
and when it did, you'd still have to wait for the package authors to
re-generate their configure scripts (or have the RPM build process do a
'make maintainer-clean' and regenerate them itself).

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread David Walluck

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Alexander Skwar wrote:

 So sprach David Walluck am Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 01:56:18AM -0400:

 Something like urpmi_rpm-find-leaves ?  But doing a
 urpme $(urpmi_rpm-find-leaves) is probably a BAD idea, as it not onle
 removes stale libraries (like libfoo1), but also about all the
 applications...  But I don't see how this can be solved, as a stale lib
 cannot be distiguished from a normal app.

Well, now they can, by either the addition of an extra rpm tag, or simply
by the naming convention that all libs should start with the 'lib' prefix.
Of course libfoo1 also has a correspinding foo1 package that would
probably need to be uninstalled too.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread David Walluck

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Frank Meurer wrote:

 In 8 Jul 2001, Juan Quintela cum veritate scripsit :

  Nope, we want to change autoconf, to get an option telling it:
  %configure --ac-msg-warn-means--ac-msg-error
  and that should be all, we are expected to create the %configure
  script from the script anyway.

 (er... didn't follow this thread exactly but...)
 In some auto-conf'ed packages I find an option something like
 --treat-warnings-as-errors or --enable-warnings_as_errors (e.g. in
 Is it this you're talking about?


Hmm, no this is not it. From what I've seen this affects the compiler
flags -Werr, not anything to do with the configure script.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Alexander Skwar

So sprach Edward Avis am Sun, Jul 08, 2001 at 11:56:27AM +0100:
 Probably not as much as the hype suggests.  But I think it is noticeable
 (5% to 10% is the figure touted for Pentium optimized gcc versus i386

I doubt that 5% are actually noticeable.

 processing, SETI@Home).  But in those cases the standard i386 build

Well, SETI@Home of course cannot be compiled as it's closed source.

 might contain all the possible assembler-optimized routines for
 different i386-compatible processors and choose between them at run


 Personally, I am thinking about rebuilding the Mandrake packages for
 386 and 486 processors, so I'd like the installer to cope with that.

Yes.  I also think that other optimization techniques are better
suited for performance increase.  I just tested Debian, and it simply
felt faster/more responsive than Mandrake, although Debian is purely 386

I wouldn't shed a single tear if Mandrake dropped i586 optimization...
Especially a i586 only firewall (MandrakeSecurity) doesn't make any
sense at all to me.  No, I rather think that it's counter productive,
but well...

Alexander Skwar
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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Frank Meurer wrote:

Nope, we want to change autoconf, to get an option telling it:

%configure --ac-msg-warn-means--ac-msg-error

(er... didn't follow this thread exactly but...)
In some auto-conf'ed packages I find an option something like
--treat-warnings-as-errors or --enable-warnings_as_errors (e.g. in

That sounds like it.  As long as the 'warnings' are about things which
really are a problem, such as 'no libtiff found, building without TIFF
support'.  We wouldn't want to die on harmless 'warnings' which happen
all the time anyway - don't know if there are any such things in most
configure scripts though.

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-08 Thread Stefan van der Eijk


I've just uploaded my script  install instructions to the list, perhaps 
you can modify the script to include the automatic  dependancy resolving 
feature. It's a bash script (I'm a no-no with perl), so it should be EZ 
to adjust


Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, David Walluck wrote:

[finding BuildRequires lines for source packages]

One thing that would help, as I've detailed earlier, is to normalize the
BuildRequires. Even still, sometimes I search on when a
package complains of a depdency that doesn't seem to exist anywhere in
cooker. Then once I find what package it is, installing it will usually
fix any depdency problems. Finding the missing dependency is the key of
course. Brute force won't really help that.

The method I proposed would find the missing dependency, because it
would try *all* the packages.  Every single one.  It would be rather
slow, and it would grind your hard disk rather a lot, but it would find
the necessary set of packages in the end.

Of course doing this by hand is not fun.  That's why it's best to
automate it.  Even if the algorithm used is rather stupid compared to a
human (who can usually make intelligent guesses about what's needed), it
is a lot less work to just leave it running for a few hours and come
back to look at the results.

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread guran


Wow - nice thinking! If it was accomplished this means that such a 
self-compiling structure should only need about 20 MB - the rest could be 
done one night by itself.

When one does a ftp install of Debian you need two fd plus drivers for UDMA 
66 that is 6 fd. That is all you need to do a ftp install. The very first 
package is then compressed abot 16 MB.

From a theoretical point I would recommend that you copy that plus the 
compiler and exchange the act package with rpm. Then you could possibly build 
from there.


Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Stefan van der Eijk

 Could one of the cooker maintainers give me a simple howto to compile
 Cooker from the SRPMS.  I know how to compile SRPMS, but I was wondering
 what order I would need to compile them in or if the install program
 will even recognize *.i686.rpm's instead of the i586 ones. 

 This is an rpm specific question really.

 Mandrake doesn't seem to provide an option to do this (but Debian 
 might, someone let me know). What I'd love to have is the most minimal 
 set of packages installed, the install would then download and compile 
 the SRPMS according to your specified arch and optflags. 

I'm actually working on a mechanism like this. The script I'm using 
first installs the BuildRequires of the src.rpm (with urpmi) and then 
rebuilds the package.

But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the 
moment in cooker. Without the correct BuilRequires you're going to 
encounter many compile problems. I'm working on fixing them at the 
moment, but There are still +/- 380 packages that aren't compiling

At the moment I'm rebuilding without any -devel package installed (let 
urpmi install what's required by BuildRequires). If you're interested, I 
can share the script and setup with you...


Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Michael Brown

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:
 But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the
 moment in cooker. Without the correct BuilRequires you're going to
 encounter many compile problems. I'm working on fixing them at the
 moment, but There are still +/- 380 packages that aren't compiling

How are you detecting problems caused by 'non-fatal' missing
BuildRequires?  As an example: the recent missing requirement for
libbzip2_1-devel and libtiff3-devel in kdelibs.  If these are not
installed then the package will be built without support for the relevant
components, but no errors will be flagged.  Is there any way to
automatically detect this sort of omission?


Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

What I'd love to have is the most minimal
set of packages installed, the install would then download and compile
the SRPMS according to your specified arch and optflags.

I'm actually working on a mechanism like this. The script I'm using
first installs the BuildRequires of the src.rpm (with urpmi) and then
rebuilds the package.

But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the
moment in cooker.

To be really slick: if a package fails, your script could randomly
install some extra packages on the machine (perhaps 50% at random of the
total packages in Cooker) and try again to build.  If that succeeds,
remove some packages and try again, etc.  By a kind of binary search you
would find the minimal set of packages needed, and those could be added
to the spec files as BuildRequires lines.

Once all the dependencies are correct, it wouldn't take long to just
verify that things work whenever a new package is released, just as a
kind of sanity check.  It might be good for Mandrakesoft to dedicate a
fairly old, slow box to doing this 24 hours a day - getting the latest
uploads to Cooker, uninstalling everything except essential packages and
what's mentioned in BuildRequires, trying to build it, sending mail to
the maintainer if it fails.

At the moment I'm rebuilding without any -devel package installed (let
urpmi install what's required by BuildRequires).

That's a good start, but I have a feeling that the lack of some 'not
- -devel' packages may also cause builds to fail.  Ideally you'd start
from a completely minimal setup - what you'd get if you installed
Mandrake and chose the smallest possible selection of packages.

If you're interested, I can share the script and setup with you...

I would be interested to have a look.  If you don't mind me randomly
butting in...

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Michael Brown wrote:

[compiling Cooker from scratch, installing only the BuildRequires
packages as needed]

But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the
moment in cooker. Without the correct BuilRequires you're going to
encounter many compile problems. I'm working on fixing them at the
moment, but There are still +/- 380 packages that aren't compiling

How are you detecting problems caused by 'non-fatal' missing
BuildRequires?  As an example: the recent missing requirement for
libbzip2_1-devel and libtiff3-devel in kdelibs.  If these are not
installed then the package will be built without support for the relevant
components, but no errors will be flagged.

This is really a flaw in the GNU configure mechanism.  It would be nice
if autoconf's configure scripts allowed you to say:

% ./configure --definitely-use-libtiff

which would die if the library were not available, rather than quietly
leaving out that functionality as at present.

At least, I don't think there is currently a way to specify this -
anyone know otherwise?

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Stefan van der Eijk

Michael Brown wrote:

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the
moment in cooker. Without the correct BuilRequires you're going to
encounter many compile problems. I'm working on fixing them at the
moment, but There are still +/- 380 packages that aren't compiling

How are you detecting problems caused by 'non-fatal' missing
BuildRequires?  As an example: the recent missing requirement for
libbzip2_1-devel and libtiff3-devel in kdelibs.  If these are not
installed then the package will be built without support for the relevant
components, but no errors will be flagged.  Is there any way to
automatically detect this sort of omission?

This is one of the tough ones and I don't know how to solve it... But 
perhaps we could compare the Provides and Requires of the resulting 
package against a known (cooker) package.


Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Stefan van der Eijk

Edward Avis wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Michael Brown wrote:

[compiling Cooker from scratch, installing only the BuildRequires
packages as needed]

But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the
moment in cooker. Without the correct BuilRequires you're going to
encounter many compile problems. I'm working on fixing them at the
moment, but There are still +/- 380 packages that aren't compiling

How are you detecting problems caused by 'non-fatal' missing
BuildRequires?  As an example: the recent missing requirement for
libbzip2_1-devel and libtiff3-devel in kdelibs.  If these are not
installed then the package will be built without support for the relevant
components, but no errors will be flagged.

This is really a flaw in the GNU configure mechanism.  It would be nice
if autoconf's configure scripts allowed you to say:

% ./configure --definitely-use-libtiff

Then the developer would need to put that in the .spec file -- %configure


Why not then put in a BuildRequires libtiff-devel?

which would die if the library were not available, rather than quietly
leaving out that functionality as at present.

At least, I don't think there is currently a way to specify this -
anyone know otherwise?

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

[compiling Cooker from scratch, installing only the BuildRequires
packages as needed]

How are you detecting problems caused by 'non-fatal' missing
BuildRequires?  As an example: the recent missing requirement for
libbzip2_1-devel and libtiff3-devel in kdelibs.  If these are not
installed then the package will be built without support for the relevant
components, but no errors will be flagged.

It would be nice if autoconf's configure scripts allowed you to say:

% ./configure --definitely-use-libtiff

Then the developer would need to put that in the .spec file

Why not then put in a BuildRequires libtiff-devel?

Ah.  So this isn't the answer.  But how about:

% ./configure

(Fortunately, GNU tools allow you to abbreviate long options.)

This would make sure that anything that could be compiled in, is
compiled in.  A real pain if you're trying to build XEmacs on say
Solaris, but useful for the RPM developer (and not a real burden for the
user, since dependencies can be dealt with for you).

You could override this option:

% ./configure --definitely-use-everything --no-libtiff

Then you explicitly have to ask for certain things to be skipped if you
know you're not using them.  But they won't just silently fail.  (Well,
it's pretty much 'silently' since the warning messages get lost in the
noise of messages from configure, make and rpm.)

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Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Edward Avis wrote:

[what BuildRequires dependencies should source packages include?  Surely
packages like bash should be considered 'essential' and don't need to be

How about this as a baseline: the setup you get when you buy a Mandrake
boxed set and choose the 'newbie install' hitting Enter for every
option.  This includes make and gcc, but not that many -devel packages.

And how about a package 'essential-devel' which depends on gcc, make and
all the other devel stuff included in a Mandrake default install.  This
package wouldn't contain any files, it would just act as a convenient
collection of dependencies, so that if essential-devel is installed you
know the basic stuff is there.

Packages could then list:

BuildRequires: essential-devel = 8.0

along with separate BuildRequires lines for more exotic stuff that isn't
part of the basic install.

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Comment: For info see


Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Stefan van der Eijk

[what BuildRequires dependencies should source packages include?  Surely
packages like bash should be considered 'essential' and don't need to be

How about this as a baseline: the setup you get when you buy a Mandrake
boxed set and choose the 'newbie install' hitting Enter for every
option.  This includes make and gcc, but not that many -devel packages.

And how about a package 'essential-devel' which depends on gcc, make and
all the other devel stuff included in a Mandrake default install.  This
package wouldn't contain any files, it would just act as a convenient
collection of dependencies, so that if essential-devel is installed you
know the basic stuff is there.

Packages could then list:

BuildRequires: essential-devel = 8.0

Then you'll need to install one package that Provides: essential-devel. 
I'm not sure if this is the way to go, it's got an artificial feeling...

along with separate BuildRequires lines for more exotic stuff that isn't
part of the basic install.

The result of the BR march should be that no matter which package 
you're going to rebuild, if you install the BuildRequires, a (hopefully) 
good package is going to come out. It's all got todo with closing the 
gaps in the dependancies. How these gaps are going to be closed will 
need to be seen, probably each case will find it's own solution.

Hmmm... let me upload todays result ;-)


RE: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread David Walluck

On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Robert Shade wrote:

  To answer your question, I am not sure what you refer to as 'install

 The Mandrake Install program... I mean could you recompile the SRPMS,
 but them in a directory on a separate HD, boot with the mandrake HD
 bootfloppy image, and use them to install Mandrake?

 Robert Shade

Certainly if they are named i586... I don't know at the moment how to make
it look for i686, athlon, etc, but hopfully it's as easy as changing one
line in a config file somewhere.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread David Walluck

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

 This is one of the tough ones and I don't know how to solve it... But
 perhaps we could compare the Provides and Requires of the resulting
 package against a known (cooker) package.

The only way to solve it is to use manual BuildRequires where the package
maintaier is actually paying attention. You could try going through all of
rpm --requires for a package but this is actually slower than doing it by

Also, keep in mind when you are doing the Requires that I think you are
supposed to generalize (normalize) the name, e.g. package libfoo2-devel -
foo2-devel. This way, older rpms work too. If libfoo2-devel doesn't
provide foo2-devel, then perhaps it should. I have said before that I
hate the Debian naming scheme, for many reasons, but this is one of them.

Also note this:

If I have libfoo1 on my system, and now libfoo2 is needed in say Mandrake
8.1, I no longer need libfoo1. I am wishing for a script that would go
through and remove packages which no longer have dependencies. Something
like urpmi, but backwards. I usee rpme, but this seems to be as useful as
rpm -e or less :)

What I dislike most is that both libfoo1-devel and libfoo2-devel can own a
file called /usr/include/foo.h. When you rpm --verify libfoo1-devel
libfool2-devel, one of these packages will have missing, or checksum
errors on files, particularly those shared by both in /usr/include.

I have always ran the rpmverify script in contribs looking for problems.
Too bad Mandrake doesn't use this, as I think pontentially half of our
problems would be avoided before the release. I am not joking. Almost all
the problems I see day to day with cooker is poorly managed packages. Yes,
this is normal for a system in flux, but can easily be avoided.

As an example, the recent broken kdebase package with most of its files
missing would have been caught immediately. Again, with the current rpm,
packages like libfoo1-devel and libfoo2-devel leave old unused libraries
on the system, and make it impossible for rpmverify scripts to detect
tampering, as checksum errors are going to occur naturally, even if some
hacker has not modified the file.

I could rant about this more, but I was only trying to be helpful to you
as you attempt to work out the Requires issues in Cooker for your script.
Fortunately, you have write access :)


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread David Walluck

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

 The result of the BR march should be that no matter which package
 you're going to rebuild, if you install the BuildRequires, a (hopefully)
 good package is going to come out. It's all got todo with closing the
 gaps in the dependancies. How these gaps are going to be closed will
 need to be seen, probably each case will find it's own solution.

 Hmmm... let me upload todays result ;-)


Sorry, I am writing all replies to this subject all at once, so I missed
what this one was in reference to -- maybe the binary search algorithm?
Anyway this would be pointless, because the point of Requires is so that I
don't have to install 1000 rpms that I don't need. As I've said, I have
done this and it's not fun. What's more, the package still isn't
guaranteed to compile.

One thing that would help, as I've detailed earlier, is to normalize the
BuildRequires. Even still, sometimes I search on when a
package complains of a depdency that doesn't seem to exist anywhere in
cooker. Then once I find what package it is, installing it will usually
fix any depdency problems. Finding the missing dependency is the key of
course. Brute force won't really help that.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread pascalou

Robert Shade a crit :
I love Mandrake, but I've also made my own LinuxFromScratch
( While I like the speed increase I
get when
compiling from scratch. I like the tools that come with Mandrake
not to
mention the ease of RPM package management.
Could one of the cooker maintainers give me a simple howto to compile
Cooker from the SRPMS. I know how to compile SRPMS, but I was
what order I would need to compile them in or if the install program
will even recognize *.i686.rpm's instead of the i586 ones.
Robert Shade
I had similar problem and turn arround.
Have find a very small utilitary whitch could be include in cookers
packages in order to solve such RPM management
Name of package : checkinstall
Bonjour a tous Je suis actuellement au Pays de Galles pour 1 mois et
demi, Quelqu un peut il me donner des nouvelles de France de temps en
temps sur NG ?
-+- LT in : GNU - Neuneu vote [ Oui ] -+-

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread David Walluck

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

 This is really a flaw in the GNU configure mechanism.  It would be nice
 if autoconf's configure scripts allowed you to say:
 % ./configure --definitely-use-libtiff
 Then the developer would need to put that in the .spec file -- %configure


 Why not then put in a BuildRequires libtiff-devel?

First of all, it is not a problem with rpm %configure, but a potential
problem with scripts. When I write autoconf scripts, I always
AC_MSG_ERROR on a missing package, some people just AC_MSG_WARN, others
just assume you don't want it to be supported if this feature is optional.

The problem with the last two methods (which I didn't generally approve of
in the first palce, regardless of rpm), is the fact that rpm --requires
will miss this.

This is why I wrote recently about missing BuildRequires in xchat. You'd
never catch them, because if you built the package without a particular
dependency installed (say without python), it would build fine.

This is relatively harmless if you build from the src rpm, but for a user
installing the binary rpm, rpm warns him that he needs python, because the
person who originally built the rpm had python on his system, even if he
didn't note this in either one of Requires or BuildRequires.

Again, this is an argument for being careful and doing the dependencies by
hand. The only sure way to catch it is to start installing rpms with urpmi
on a bare system as Stefan is doing, and as I hhave done in the past.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread David Walluck

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

 But, the main problem is that the BuildRequires aren't accurate at the
 moment in cooker. Without the correct BuilRequires you're going to
 encounter many compile problems. I'm working on fixing them at the
 moment, but There are still +/- 380 packages that aren't compiling

I am worried because I have done a full install of all packages at one
point and still get many compile errors. I wonder how the package
maintainers built the packages in the first place... certainly not in a
true 8.0 environment.

 At the moment I'm rebuilding without any -devel package installed (let
 urpmi install what's required by BuildRequires). If you're interested, I
 can share the script and setup with you...


Sure, you may e-mail the script directly if you wish. It is probably in
perl, which is not my strong suit, but maybe an excuse to learn? I will
definately test it anyway.

The idea would be that you only needed basic compiler et. al, anything
that was downloaded as a binary, for example gcc, would be compiled at the
final stage of the install, after all the other packages were built
successfully. Again, without an optimized compiler, you may also fail to
get optimized packages, but as I have said in pervious e-mails, lots of
packages have problems with some optimizations thata re supposedly safe,
meaning they will fail to compile. So the question becomes, if only the
optflags that were originally used are safe, what benefits do we get from
recompiling? In my case I wonder if -march=athlon -O2 is even faster than
-O3 -march=pentiumpro. Again, in some cases we are talking a 'mere' 5%
increase, but I have always thought one of the main advantages to having
the source code was so that you could make the most from your hardware.

In any case, I will galdly test your script and report any problems.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread Edward Avis

Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

What I'd love to have is the most minimal
set of packages installed, the install would then download and compile
the SRPMS according to your specified arch and optflags.

I'm actually working on a mechanism like this.

To be really slick: if a package fails, your script could randomly
install some extra packages on the machine (perhaps 50% at random of the
total packages in Cooker) and try again to build.  If that succeeds,
remove some packages and try again, etc.  By a kind of binary search you
would find the minimal set of packages needed,

Hmmm... Would that actually work?

For sure.  Brute force methods always work, it's just that they can be a
bit slow.

Let me illustrate what I mean with an example.  Suppose that you install
your minimal+BuildRequires system and a package P fails to rpm
- --rebuild.  Suppose for the sake of argument that there are only ten
more packages included in Cooker (!), numbered 0 to 9 inclusive.

This is what happens:

Installed: (none), not installed: 0123456789.
  Try to build P - fails.
  Pick randomly half of the remaining packages and install.

Installed: 02469, not installed: 13578.
  Try to build P - fails.
  Pick randomly half (three) of the remaining packages and install.

Installed: 01234679, not installed: 58.
  Try to build P - succeeds.
  At this stage we know that 5 and 8 are not needed.  The 'binary
  search' goes in the other direction - pick half of the installed
  packages and uninstall them.

Installed: 0179, not installed: 2346, not needed: 58.
  Try to build P - succeeds.  We know that 2 3 4 and 6 are not needed.
  Uninstall half of the installed packages.

Installed: 17, not installed: 09, not needed: 234568.
  Try to build P - fails.
  Install half of the not installed packages - not counting those we
  already know are not needed.

Installed: 179, not installed: 0, not needed: 234568.
  Try to build P - succeeds.  So 0 is not needed.
  Uninstall half (one) of the installed packages.

Installed: 79, not installed: 1, not needed: 0234568.
  Try to build P - fails.
  Right, we're coming to the end now.  Uninstalling a single package -
  package number 1 - causes P to break.  So we know that 1 is needed,
  and we can install it always for the tests further on.

Needed: 1, installed: 79, not installed: (none), not needed: 0234568.
  So packages 1, 7 and 9 are installed - 1 is definitely needed and
  we're testing whether we need 7 and/or 9.
  As an optimization, remember that we previously tried building with 1
  7 and 9 installed, and it worked.  So uninstall half of the installed
  packages at random, as before.  (1 is known to be needed, so we won't
  uninstall that.)

Needed: 1, installed: 9, not installed: 7, not needed: 0234568.
  Try to build P - succeeds.  We know that 7 is not needed.
  Uninstall half (one) of the installed packages.

Needed: 1, installed: (none), not installed: 9, not needed: 02345678.
  Try to build P - fails.  We know that 9 is needed.
  We've now assigned every package to either 'needed' or not needed, so
  the final result is:

Needed: 19, not needed: 02345678.

So packages 1 and 9 should be added as BuildRequires lines.

I hope you can figure out the algorithm from the example above; if not I
could write some code to implement and demo it.  But I'm sure you do get
the idea.

I've taken some liberties with the meaning of 'half' - sometimes it
rounds up and sometimes down.  I think rounding up is needed because
when you have only one package left in the 'installed' or 'not
installed' pools, then it's no good removing zero packages from that
pool.  Although actually having just one package left is a special case
- - it's this that lets you finally decide whether a package is needed.

I mean, there are _so_ many packages in cooker,

This process could take a long time to figure out the dependencies for a
package, just grinding through the set of other packages.  But of course
it is nice and quick in the case of a package which lists its
dependencies properly: it builds first time, all the not-installed
packages are marked as 'not needed', and that's that.

Still, it would probably be quicker than doing the job by hand - if,
like me, you have a fast computer and slow fingers :-).

and if you take along the dependancies it would be hard to
pinpoint what is really required.

As you can see the method I propose doesn't bother to look at
dependencies.  It just goes by what works.

For instance, a package fails, the
script decides to install gnome-core-devel, how would we then know if
gnome-libs-devel or gtk+-devel would have been enough?

I think it would try gnome-core-devel along with lots of other stuff; if
that happened to work then it would try uninstalling things; eventually
it would be able to move packages into 'not needed' if it found a combo
which worked without them.  So in the end, it would figure out the
minimal set of 

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-07 Thread David Walluck

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, guran wrote:

 When one does a ftp install of Debian you need two fd plus drivers for UDMA
 66 that is 6 fd. That is all you need to do a ftp install. The very first
 package is then compressed abot 16 MB.

Well, Mandrake can do an FTP install too, off of only one floppy disk, but
it does not allow you to build a distribution from source depdendencies.


David Walluck

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-06 Thread David Walluck

Robert Shade wrote:

 Could one of the cooker maintainers give me a simple howto to compile
 Cooker from the SRPMS.  I know how to compile SRPMS, but I was wondering
 what order I would need to compile them in or if the install program
 will even recognize *.i686.rpm's instead of the i586 ones.

This is an rpm specific question really.

Mandrake doesn't seem to provide an option to do this (but Debian might, 
someone let me know). What I'd love to have is the most minimal set of 
packages installed, the install would then download and compile the 
SRPMS according to your specified arch and optflags.

THis may not be too easily because frequently I grab an SRPM for cooker 
and it fails with a compiler error. Also compiling with certain options, 
especially -On, n  2 can cause problems.

To answer your question, I am not sure what you refer to as 'install 
program'. You could for example, make your own depslist that urpmi can 
use to upgrade your system, but like I said, I don't think it handles 

What I suggest, is starting with an already installed mandrake system, 
simply add something like this to you ~/.rpmrc:

buildarchtranslate: i686: athlon
arch_compat: athlon: i686
buildarch_compat: athlon: i686
optflags: athlon -O3 -march=athlon

Of course in your case you may need to replace athlon with pentiumpro. 
i686 is the output of

uname -m.


David Walluck

RE: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-06 Thread Robert Shade

 To answer your question, I am not sure what you refer to as 'install 

The Mandrake Install program... I mean could you recompile the SRPMS,
but them in a directory on a separate HD, boot with the mandrake HD
bootfloppy image, and use them to install Mandrake?

Robert Shade

Re: [Cooker] Cooker Compile

2001-07-06 Thread Frederic Lepied

Robert Shade [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I love Mandrake, but I've also made my own LinuxFromScratch
 (  While I like the speed increase I get when
 compiling from scratch.  I like the tools that come with Mandrake not to
 mention the ease of RPM package management. 
 Could one of the cooker maintainers give me a simple howto to compile
 Cooker from the SRPMS.  I know how to compile SRPMS, but I was wondering
 what order I would need to compile them in or if the install program
 will even recognize *.i686.rpm's instead of the i586 ones.

You can use rpm-rebuilder package which contains shell scripts to help
rebuild a set of packages.
Fred - May the source be with you