Re: [css-d] Question about 3 column layout with floats

2008-03-23 Thread bj
>Instead of a fixed width site, which is what i used on my last one, I
>want this site to be a percentage of the browser window - say 80% in
>width, so it will scale up with larger browsers.   In doing this, what
>is the best way to handle the sizing of the columns?   Should I float
>them on percentages or just use pixels?

That purely depends on what you're going to put into those columns.
If you're putting images or a fixed width google ad in there, then
they should be sized in pixels, to discourage breakage at smaller
window sizes.

If you do decide to make the columns fluid, I'd also consider setting a min 
and a max width on the layout, since narrowing the window a lot may make the
columns break out at smaller resolutions with bigger default font

You may find this helpful:

When using these layouts, I do add a mainwrapper upon which to hang
faux column background code, if needed.

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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Re: [css-d] Wrapper isn't wrapping!

2008-04-07 Thread bj

>and the CSS:
>I can't get the wrapper div to wrap around everything  - the header,
>mainNav, content and footer divs. The markup looks very basic but in FF
>the wrapper is only wrapping the header.

I see others beat me to the solution, but they didn't mention your
other issue.

You need to set a background on your body. Why? Just change your
browser's default background and you'll know why!


Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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Re: [css-d] Help -- Tab Menu not working in IE6/IE7?

2008-04-07 Thread bj

>I'm a newbie to the CSS-discuss list, and have searched the archives
>for an answer to this question but have not found one. Forgive me if
>it is there and I didn't see it. I would consider my self to be an
>intermediate-level CSS web designer, but IE6/IE7 always seem to hang
>I have built a new site with a "Tab" style menu (I got the code from
>Dan Cederholm's "Bulletproof Web Design" book), and it works
>perfectly in Firefox and Safari, but not well at all in IE6/IE7.
>The site is posted here:
>If anyone could take a look at the code and give me some pointers as
>to what I need to do differently to make it work in IE6/IE7 I would
>really appreciate the help, I'm supposed to have this site live this

Next time you post,  surround your url like this so it doesn't break
literally two ways:

First of all, you also have an issue with stuff jumping around on
hover in Firefox on XP, which is probably a border issue. I always add
borders to the non-hover state which are the same color as the
background, then change them in the hover state. That way you don't
get that sideways jumping, which is the bothersome part.

Also, you might want to simply float that list right and let it expand
naturally to the width it needs and get rid of the width on that
entirely, since the way it is now it doesn't stand up to text resizing
well. Two clicks larger in FF breaks it. I always test well to three
clicks. Your whole header needs work there, it is too rigid. Try not
to set heights on anything, and design so that you don't have to,
except on small elements. Design your gradient background so it can go
against the top or bottom and set the background color so that when
the element expands in height with text resizing, it doesn't look

Now, IE. You might find that getting rid of the width on that list
will help, since IE always needs more room for everything, but there's
also some other stuff going on. You probably need a haslayout trigger,
and possibly a position: relative; on #nav. Then use a conditional
comment (or an ie stylesheet called in by one) to adjust to taste re
margins and paddings since IE is retarded that way.

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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Re: [css-d] when are 2 external css called for?

2008-04-14 Thread bj
>This has been an excellent thing for me to learn in my greenhorn-hood..
>As I adjust my pages to work with this new combined style sheet, I'm
>adding "id="index" to every instance of my  tags; my "space after"
>design employs a paragraph's worth of text  paragraph's
>worth of text, so every  needs adjusting.
>Is there a way to say "All of these  are now ?"

You can only use an ID once in any one html file.

And yes, there is a way to add things globally, but it's outside the
scope of this list, since it's about html and how to use a code
editor search and replace function, and doesn't have anything to do
with css.


Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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Re: [css-d] Positioning form elements

2008-04-30 Thread bj
>But it's not the left's the right formthis:

I may not be a list mom, but they all must be asleep. Please trim
your responses, I just now skimmed through a digest that repeated the
same block of code ad nauseam, sometimes more than once in the same

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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[css-d] Will this throw IE8 into quirks?

2008-11-13 Thread bj
Hey folks,

I'm working on a template for cubecart. The template has this comment first, in 
the line before the doctype, and it is required:

My question is-- will this throw IE8 into quirks? I know that anything before 
the doctype does it to IE7.

Secondly, what exactly IS IE8 quirks? Is it throwing it back to IE5  rendering, 
so I can just style for all IEs the same? Or am I gonna have some sort of 
unimaginable nightmare when IE8 final hits?

Third-- How is IE8 reading (or not) conditional comments? I googled this and 
got a lot of conflicting answers. And I've been using lte IE 7 conditional 
comment to try to futureproof my sites, so this has relevance beyond the 
particular website I referenced above. 

Thank you, as always, for your help.

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

PS. I'm on digest so please cc me on answers. Thanks!

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Re: [css-d] The CSS Overlords (Ron Koster)

2009-01-18 Thread bj
Hey Ron,

You said:

>I'm curious: why is this approach "frowned upon"? Please >don't get me
>wrong, because I do fully understand that the *goal* of CSS is >for
>the purpose of layout, etc., and tables were never really meant >for
>that, but at the same time I can *easily* create a site using >tables
>and have *no* cross-browser/platform problems at all -- on the >other
>hand, I've attempted to create sites with CSS layouts, and have >only
>ended up with a thoroughly buggy site. Perhaps I just don't >know CSS
>well enough to know what I'm doing, but having now been on >this lis
>for a few months now (since last July), it seems like practically
>everyone has innumerable, sometimes insurmountable, >problems in
>attempting to do so -- when quite often many of these problems >would
>simply "disappear" if a table had been used for layout instead of >CSS  

I taught a workshop recently in CSS design. These people were all still using 
"hybrid" designing because they couldn't get the knack of tableless design. In 
my intro, I asked them to each give their names and tell me which browser they 
used for testing their layouts during their workflow. Without a single 
exception, they all said IE.

I made them develop for Firefox during the class, and then we "fixed" for IE,  
which only took MINOR adjustments. By the end of the one day workshop they had 
all completed two simple tableless layouts using the layouts at the layoutgala 
site. All their layouts worked in all browsers.

I suspect you are just complacent and don't wish to make the effort to learn. 
And I suspect you might be making the same mistake my workshop students did. It 
never takes me more than 20 minutes to "hack" a layout for IE, and it already 
works in all the other browsers. And many times it takes me much less than 
that. I've been using tableless layouts for years. All the problems have 
already been solved for you. What are you waiting for?

Ciao for now,
 bj - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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[css-d] Can't figure out which element to trigger for IE6 Peekagap

2009-03-02 Thread bj
Hey Css-d folks,

I've been knocking my head against this one for awhile now.

I do know this one has a bit of divitis going on but it was the only way I 
could make the layout work in FF, which is how it's supposed to look. The other 
good browsers render it okay.

Page here:

Site looks fine until you scroll down in IE6. Then there's a peekaboo gap that 
comes and goes if you minimize the screen, then pull it back up.

I've tried haslayout trigger zoom: 1; on dang near every element in the layout, 
and also tried position relative on a number of things.

With position: relative; on the div#content the gap problem is fixed but the 
background of content-inner-four disappears and won't reappear no matter what I 
try. Putting an !IMPORTANT on the background element does something even more 
bizarre-- it doesn't make the background appear, but it does shift the 
background out of alignment on the other corner. *sigh* 

There's also a sidescroll in IE7 I haven't even tried to fix yet, but at least 
the peekaboo problem isn't happening there.

I'm on digest for the list, so please copy me as well as the list if you have 
some solution for me. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Ciao for now,

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Re: [css-d] Can't figure out which element to trigger for IE6 Peekagap

2009-03-02 Thread bj

Monday, March 2, 2009, 10:25:34 PM, you wrote:

> bj wrote:


> Add...

> div.pad {height: 1%;}

> fix IE6 and 7.

> regards
> Georg

Wow, quick and easy. THANKS!!!

Best regards,
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Re: [css-d] png color and IE7

2007-03-05 Thread bj
>I'm using partially transparent PNG's over a background with the same
>hex code as in the png itself.
>for some reason in IE7 they don't show as the same color.
>the same problem occurs with text colored with the same hex as a png
>background - that too shows in a different color in IE7.
>the problem does not happen in FF or opera.
>any ideas ?

Though the settings can be tricky, there's a little program that does
remove a lot of the cruft in png files that usually also seems to
correct the color in IE7.

No, I don't work for Ken. :) I actually found this program linked on the IE7 
when beta test was going on.

Best regards,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [css-d] dreamweaver css

2007-03-12 Thread bj
>i have a dilemma. i have a client who updates their sites content with
>dreamweaver. however, i layout all my code in a text editor and when it is
>opened in dreamweaver it does not give an accurate portrayal of what the
>site looks like in a browser. divs overlap, spacing is different etc.

Dreamweaver design view is NOT a browser. You and your client both need to view
the site in browsers to truly know how it looks.

Though css support has come far in the last version of DW, it still
renders the BEST neg margin source ordered layouts as a jumble in
wysiwyg view, despite the fact that the broken browser, IE, will
display them just fine.

So the answer is client education. Either you use undesirable markup
so they can easily edit in design view or you use good Search Engine
and Accessible device friendly markup and they preview in browser
after edits.

Best regards,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [css-d] Vailiation (Validation)

2007-04-19 Thread bj
>Does anybody know of a validator I can download (bought or free).

I'm using the one from Mark Guery, and it works well. It's visible as
a button in the browser window (green for good, red for wrong) with
the errors shown right in the source code window, in a sub-frame. It
highlights the line(s) the problems reside in. If you click on the
problem in the problem list it shows where in the source code it is.
Very nice, very helpful timesaver.

As you can see, there are others.

Best regards,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [css-d] Are table-based layouts still needed

2007-09-03 Thread bj
>I still see many famous and really relevant websites with
>a dirty table-based soup layout. I wonder wether was lazy, or if he didn't
>know that he could do it with divs and CSS or if he knew that this kind of
>layout was viable to do with CSS.

Most of the sites you speak of, I imagine, are most likely huge
enterprise level sites (ebay is the classic example) which are run by
expensive backend dedicated software which pulls the data out of
databases, and, until they update the entire backend, they're locked
into tables and tag soup on the front end. These types of sites aren't
done in Dreamweaver. ;)

I have seen some larger companies that have finally deployed tableless
compliant sites now that IE7 has been released. I expect we'll be
seeing more of those over the next year or so, since most larger
companies were waiting for that event to happen before investing in
large scale backend upgrades (not that it gave us all the compliance
and ease of development that we had hoped for!)

Re tables for LAYOUT- nope, not needed. Tables do occasionally come in
handy for tabular data though.

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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Re: [css-d] Are table-based layouts still needed

2007-09-06 Thread bj
>It does seem though that non-table solutions to my specific problem use so
>much code, and add so much complexity, that I still lean towards the
>more straightforward table.

It may appear that non table solutions "use so much code", but that's
just not the case when you consider that external stylesheets are cached
and the html isn't. In reality, on a table based site the html is much,
much heavier, and it needs to be parsed by the browser for each and every
page. On a site using external css for layout there is much less
bandwidth being used. And at editing time you'll be glad you only have
to edit one file.

Re the complexity, I'm remembering some of the nested inside nested
inside nested table layouts I used to see. Add in the IFrames that
were typically added to these sites and it was a coding nightmare!
Give me clean, clear css any day!

Yes, there's a steep learning curve with css layouts (and it seems
you're considering avoiding that climb) but once you've gotten over
the hump you'll never look back. CSS is a different way of thinking.
Once the language is learned it's actually, in most ways, less complex
than table based layouts. It's layers rather than a grid, and
different types of layers (floats, absolutes, etc) have predictable

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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[css-d] Safari issue

2007-10-02 Thread bj
Hey Folks,

My head's getting sore from banging it against this one. In Safari,
both Mac and Windows, scroll down to the bottom to see the problem.
It's not exactly critical, but it would be nice to fix it. It's been
tested in the other browsers and seems to work fine in all others
(though if you notice a problem I'd like to know about it.)

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Page here, running on a test bed:

css here:

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [css-d] Safari issue

2007-10-02 Thread bj
> My head's getting sore from banging it against this one. In Safari,
> both Mac and Windows, scroll down to the bottom to see the problem.
> Page here, running on a test bed:

 at the bottom of the page.

According to the WebKit Inspector, that br is 14px tall, and thus  
takes up space.
with my minimum font-size set to 12px. If I disable minimum font- 
size, the Inspector reports that element to be 1px tall, and of  
course it generates a line-box.

PS - don't rely on font-size (0px, 1px,...) to size an element

Philippe Wittenbergh

Thanks Philippe, that did the trick AND didn't seem to break anything

Ciao for now,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - Taking a Hard Look at the Business of Politics - Small scale local environmental action

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Re: [css-d] How z-index works

2007-10-30 Thread bj

> I'd appreciate any comments that would help me improve this "tool":

> Thanks,
> -- 
> Regards,
> Thierry |

Thierry, this is a FUN way to learn positioning and stacking order and
the vagaries of IE! What a great tool. Thank you for this.

ciao for now,

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Re: [css-d] 3 Column Layout, 2 Right Columns with Expanding Left

2006-06-22 Thread bj
>At my site , I have a 3 column layout with the
>content on the left and two side columns.  I'd like to keep the
>positions of all the elements

I've used Zoe's simple neg margin layout for this in the past:

Simply make the current right column slightly more than double the width of the 
two columns you want in there(to give %$#@ IE some wiggle room) then create two 
divs to sit side by side in there. I added a full header and a full footer to 
this outside the wrapper. It worked very well.

Hope that helps!

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Tested on: 6/22/2006 11:29:49 AM

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[css-d] IEMac multiple weirdness

2006-07-24 Thread bj
Page here:

CSS here:

The lower portion of the stylesheet is mostly blogstuff that isn't yet 
applying in the html, and I've stuck a comment in there so you can 
ignore it.. The applicable css is in the top portion and at the very bottom.

There are a few issues here.

I had this working at one point with the only adjustment being needed 
for the .description, since IEMac didn't like me pushing it upward using 
neg margin, and was cutting off the words, a problem that was also 
happening in IEWin. I applied a fix to IE Win and the same fix to IEMac. 
IE Win is fine. In IEMac not only didn't it fix the problem, but it also 
dropped the two right columns (wrapped in #secondary-content) when 
viewed in my IBook. I've pounded my head against this for the last few 
hours and can't seem to make it behave at all.

There were times within my fixes when the absolutely positioned image 
was working, and times it didn't. Not that anything else was fixed . . 
.  I'd love for everything to work, but will gladly settle for just 
solving the .description visibility and column drop problems in IEMac. 
Oh, and the footer also floats up a bit. Not a biggie, but could be 
nicer. Actually it appears that if the footer were where it was supposed 
to be, then the absolutely positioned image would be doing its job . . . 
at least that's what it looks like when it loads.

It would be nice to have it perfect, but I'll settle for it being fairly 

I'm on digest so I'd appreciate copies to me as well as the list.

Thanks, people!

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
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Tested on: 7/24/2006 7:44:19 PM

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Re: [css-d] 3-col - Oposite floats vs. Negative margins

2006-08-16 Thread bj
>I would like to ask the list of its view on which technique seems more
>appropriate (read: trouble-free) for a large 3-column site with mostly
>dynamic contents.

You didn't say which dynamic application you're using. If it's Wordpress any 
version from 2.0 on, I'd stay away from any of the negative margin layouts. For 
whatever reason the sidebar code for navigation in wordpress behaves badly in 
versions 2.0 and above. Why? I have no clue. But I've fought with it enough to 
know I don't wanna fight it anymore. Both Ryan Brill's layout and Jello 
Piefecta have been problematical with Wordpress sidebar code in the latest 
versions, and it seems to be tied in some fashion to the version of php 
installed on the server. Much past that I can't say.

If you are using Wordpress I suggest this layout here, which can be used for 
three column, or two column left or right nav. It's proven to be the most 
bulletproof and flexible for wordpress themes.

Good luck.

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Re: [css-d] removing HTML tables, redesign to use CSS

2006-08-20 Thread bj
>Hello, I am new to CSS. We have CMS (Content Management System). It
> uses a lot  of HTML tables to lay out design. For example, navigation
> menu on the right  is placed into table cell. My boss told me to
> redesign this site using CSS,  removing HTML tables. Any ideas how do
> I do it? Thank you in advance.

One problem, as Ingo pointed out, is the output of your CMS. Certain CMS 
programs output pretty awful code, and force you to use those tables you've 
been asked to get rid of. If the CMS your company has been using is one of 
those, you could end up pulling out all your hair and diving into that 50 
gallon drum of Aspirin ~dl~ has mentioned . . . 

One CMS I've had good luck with is ModX, which allows totally compliant and 
accessible layouts. It also has an importer so you can transfer all content 
from another CMS into ModX. Then you'll just have to build the xhtml/css 
template to match your company's "look".


I'd suggest starting with a modX template that is closest to what your company 
currently uses and customize from there. Once you have it up and running, this 
group can help you with css issues. ModX specific questions and templating 
questions will be better handled on the ModX forum.

Good luck!

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Re: [css-d] Header Row shifts in IE when window resized THEAD

2006-08-23 Thread bj
>I am a newbie to css-d. I am trying to get a table to
>work with dynamic data and a fixed header.
>I am having problems with IE6 when I resize the page.
>The header row shifts to the right or left when down
>sized and does not bounce back when window is resized
>up. (Hopefully that made sense).
>I can't get the  tag to stay put when the
>window gets resized.

Before we even begin to try to tell you what's going on with this, you need to 
validate your html code. The first thing it's going to tell you is that it 
doesn't validate to the doctype you specified. The code you wrote appears to be 
closer to html 4.0 than xhtml 1.0 strict ("Font" tags? UPPER CASE? "Center" 
tags? etc etc) The HTML Tidy tool should be helpful here.

Before you post to the list it pays to have your code in good shape. Many 
problems are solved right there, by the validator, before you even post to this 
very busy list.

It would also be nice if, instead of clogging up a very busy mailing list with 
reams of code, you simply uploaded your code and pointed at it with a valid url 
in your email.

Get that page in shape and post back if you're still having problems. We'll be 
happy to help at that point.

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[css-d] Bizarre Safari Issue (and IE7 check please

2006-11-16 Thread bj
Page here:

relevant css here:

Background color and background image won't show on the #header. It 
almost looks like a clearing problem but I have a clearing element in 
place that's working in every other browser.

Also the two horizontal navigation areas don't show inline the way 
they're supposed to, and are flying all over the place. Quite amazing.

Code valid and showing properly in FF, IE6, and Opera in w2k, and is 
fine in FF on OSX.

I'm still recovering from a hard drive crash on the xp box, and can't 
yet test in IE7, so I'd appreciate some eyeballs on that too.

Thanks for all you do.


PS, I'm on digest, so cc me with your answer. Gracias.
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Re: [css-d] Bizarre Safari Issue (and IE7 check please

2006-11-16 Thread bj
Ingo Chao wrote:
> bj wrote:
>> Background color and background image won't show on the #header. It 
>> almost looks like a clearing problem but I have a clearing element in 
>> place that's working in every other browser.
>> Also the two horizontal navigation areas don't show inline the way 
>> they're supposed to, and are flying all over the place. ...
> display:block on the first img in that block seems to fix it.
>  style="display: block">
> Don't know why the br.clearA does not clear without. Bug, if you'd ask 
> me.
> Ingo

I just applied this fix and it did the whole job in Safari, fixing both 
problems. But since, Ingo, you said the clearing was still not happening 
it would be nice to have confirmation on that.

I'd also love to know what IE7 is seeing.

Thanks so much!

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Re: [css-d] Bizarre Safari Issue (and IE7 check please

2006-11-16 Thread bj

>> relevant css here:
> All browsers:
> I think you'll need to bump the on hover color for div.topcontentnav 
> a:hover.
> XP
> Looks fine in ie7 to me; although, if you are responsible for the 
> /inside/ pages, some users will be frustrated because the fonts are 
> frozen.
> Browsercam renders your page in ie/6.0 as I believe you intend 
> Eolas ie/6.0 renders the page broken ( the right column is shifted 
> right-- and is entirely out of the page container).
> You may want to seek confirmation that your page is ok in ie/6.0 win2k 
> or  xp.
> Regards,
> ~dL
Thanks David. I have to look at the "inner pages" thing, since they're 
running on the same stylesheet as the index page, and there would appear 
to be no obvious reason for it. IE6 in both win2k and XP are fine on my 
end, thanks for confirming IE7 is okay. As to hover, that's the exact 
hexadecimal color the client specified. Yes, I mentioned to him it was 
not the best. He insisted, and if I wanna get paid . . . I do what the 
boss tells me, even if it isn't in his best interest.
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Re: [css-d] Follow up/heads-up on url(.css) screen hack

2007-01-25 Thread bj
Hey Thierry,

>I don't think it is a problem with my implementation, as I said it is
>working fine on my local server.
>The issue is that the remote server doesn't seem to serve the file to IE.
>The file exists but IE cannot get to it as it does locally.

It's possible that your server has to be set to recognize the mime
type. If your hosting is cpanel or similar this can be done through
your control panel. I had to do the same so IE could recognize .htc
files (ironic, huh?)

Best regards,
 bj  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [css-d] How to make rounded corners box with one image?

2009-05-04 Thread bj
Hey dan,

>Thank you for the link to your blog post. Your method >explanation is well put 
>together and clear. Unfortunately, >however, it's not quite what I'm looking 
>I found an example 
> that seemingly >matches what I'm looking for. The concept is clear, but I 
>need >some help in figuring out how to determine margins/padding for >the 
>respective image used. If you or anyone else has used or >understands the 
>method demonstrated in the link provided, >could you help clarify how to 
>determine the needed margins/>padding? Thanks.

The problem is with what you think you want. 

Using a single image will not allow for expansion of the box if someone has the 
default text size kicked up. This can get you into difficulties if, for 
instance, the text color of the box is the same color as the background 
everywhere else, since the text will, with a larger text size, overflow your 
single image background. You can't (and shouldn't) expect that all 
computer/screen/default font size/resolution combinations will see what you 
see. Better for you to bite the bullet and learn proper css technique to allow 
for as many possible combinations as possible. Which means a "sliding" 
technique using two images for a fixed width box.

Ciao for now,

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Re: [css-d] ff bug::human or otherwise?

2005-11-26 Thread BJ
"Anyone still seeing the thumbs at the top or bottom of the page lined up 
vertically /or/ on two rows instead of one row?"

They say a picture is worth a thousand words . . .

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Virus Database (VPS): 0547-5, 11/26/2005
Tested on: 11/26/2005 1:12:40 PM

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Re: [css-d] ff bug::human or otherwise?

2005-11-26 Thread BJ

Y'all have sore heads yet on this one?

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[css-d] Mac/Linux checks on ebay template please.

2005-12-05 Thread bj
I'm testing an ebay (tag soup) template here:


css for it is here:


I know that the ebay version doesn't center in IE, I've got that fixed 
here by addition of another wrapper div around the whole schmear and 
with text-align: center put on it, still quirks:


Basically I'm just looking for browser checks on this, especially in Mac 
and Linux.

And PLEASE don't bid on the blue furry thing!


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Virus Database (VPS): 0549-1, 12/05/2005
Tested on: 12/5/2005 9:28:05 PM

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[css-d] Headline positioning woes in all mac browsers

2006-01-17 Thread bj
Page here:


CSS here:

This design is an xhtml/css interpretation of a client's main (table 
layout) site morphed into a WP Theme. He wanted to duplicate the look as 
closely as possible, which I accomplished in all Windows browsers with 
little difficulty.

However, in ALL Mac browsers, according to the screenshots, I cannot 
make that h1 headline, the one that says, "Parent's Internet Guide", 
float over that blue tab above the logo up top. It's right where it 
belongs in all Windows browsers.

I have tried absolute positioning, no positioning, relative positioning. 
I have tried the left and top attribute, or alternatively margins. I 
have gotten REALLY specific (You can see the less specific stuff 
commented out in the stylesheet.) Nothing I do seems to work, and I've 
about worn out the lixlpixel screenshot generator with this pup.

Can anyone give me a fix that will work in Mac browsers and that won't 
break it in the Windows ones? Turquoise blues and orange/red tones are 
not my favorite colors when mixed and I would LOVE to have this one off 
my screen.

Thanks in advance,

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0603-1, 01/16/2006
Tested on: 1/17/2006 10:53:44 AM

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Re: [css-d] Headline positioning woes in all mac browsers

2006-01-17 Thread bj
Though the mac screenshot generator is offline right now, the "position: 
relative;" fix appears to have nailed the headline to that blue field 
when  resizing in windows browser so I suspect it's now fixed in all 
browsers at all resolutions. Anyone that can confirm that, especially in 
Mac, it would be appreciated. Thank you, Philippe!

Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

> On 18 Jan 2006, at 12:53 am, bj wrote:
>> <>
>> CSS here:
>> < 
>> style.css>
>> < 
>> iestyle.css>
> Not that the positioning matches on a windows browser.
> Firefox 1.5 Mac (bottom) and Firefox 1.5 Win in one screenshot.
> I don't know where exactly you want it.
> Anyway, #parenttools is positioned relative to the viewport, where as  
> the rest of your layout is fixed width and centred.
> maybe at some window width it will match...
> A solution: #header {position:relative}. This will establish the  
> reference point for your #parenttools. Adjust the 'left' property of  
> your h1 (something like 135px, I guess).

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Virus Database (VPS): 0603-2, 01/17/2006
Tested on: 1/17/2006 9:55:37 PM

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Re: [css-d] Doctype and CSS

2006-01-18 Thread bj
Uwe et al. Another article about doctype that you might find helpful. It 
explains what doctype does re the rendering engines of the different 
browsers re quirksmode and such. VERY detailed, and might prove helpful 
if you're looking to fix a problem in a specific browser.

On 18.01.2006 01:40, Design Groups wrote:

>> Here's a question that was brought to my attention today...
>> What, exactly, does the Doctype *do*? 

Unfortunately the use of doctype is not very intuitive,
and I too don't understand the *exactly* sense of it.

All I know is:

1)The document declaration is primarily used, in order
   to validate a document.

2)Browsers never validate a document, since it is bare
   of any sense to do it.  As long as the document is
   "well-formed" they will always display it.

3)The XML-parser of a browser don't need a doctype, but
   a name space only.

4)A HTML-parsers don't need a doctype to render a document,
   but they use the the doctype to switch to different modes,
   by convention of browser vendors and W3C.

The only related article I found, is:

DOCTYPE declarations for versioning information
< >

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Virus Database (VPS): 0603-3, 01/18/2006
Tested on: 1/18/2006 2:33:06 PM

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Re: [css-d] Is it possible to set max-width and min-width in IE

2006-01-18 Thread bj
"Is there any way to get IE to accept max-width and min-width?"

Pick your poison:

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Tested on: 1/18/2006 2:41:07 PM

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Re: [css-d] tools for determining results of the cascade

2006-03-13 Thread bj
>>Are there any other tools out there that you're using (besides your
> >brains) that help you figure out the results of the cascade for
> >elements on a Web page?

>do you have firefox?  if so, this extension is invaluable to me:

Apparently this post has been deleted (probably by a rabid microsnot weenie) I 
would appreciate knowing the name of the plugin so I can google it or find it 
through Even better if you have the url of the maker. Thanks!

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0610-2, 03/10/2006
Tested on: 3/13/2006 6:28:02 PM

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[css-d] IE6 Missing border, IEMac dropping column

2006-04-10 Thread bj
Hello all!

The IE6 issue is the missing border on the right section.  I've 
basically tried to fix this until I'm blue in the face. The only 
difference I seem to make is whether I have no border or just a right 
border, when I want both right and left. There's also a slight 
horizontal scroll in IE6, which may or may not be related to the border 
problem.  Please save my sanity! I'm more concerned with IE6 than IEMac, 
for obvious reasons, but fixes for both problems would be appreciated, 
if at all possible. IEMac just drops the whole right column down to the 
bottom, below the content. It's on Zoe's simple negative margin layout 
described here:

Test Page here (all links are bogus- well, almost all.):

css here:

To give a bit of background here, yes, there is a minor bit of div-itis 
going on in that section to create the visual frame effect since this 
will be made into a wordpress theme and those lists will be dynamically 
generated. From past experience I've found it easier to take this route, 
so I'd rather not change the number and names of divs used to achieve 
this effect.

Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions. Oh, and I should mention 
I'm on digest so writing me directly as well as the list would be 


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Virus Database (VPS): 0615-0, 04/08/2006
Tested on: 4/10/2006 7:27:38 PM

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Re: [css-d] IE drops center and right column content below left column, again

2006-05-02 Thread bj
 >One more question, where is how to or tutorial on getting your mini site

>logo to show up in the browser URL window?

Are you talking about the favicon? If so, here's the url for learning how to 
use them along with a cool tool for making them.



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Tested on: 5/2/2006 10:16:20 AM

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Re: [css-d] Odd Firefox Bugs

2006-05-02 Thread bj
>I've found some odd CSS bugs in Firefox that cause some rendering  
>differences between MacOS X and Windows XP. I've posted a simplified  
>test case here:
>Any comments/suggestions before I submit this to the Firefox's Bugzilla?

FF on Win2k has the same behavior as XP. What I found even more 
interesting was that upon resizing back to normal the rounded corners were 
*still* squished to one side. I had to look up at the top of the browser to 
make sure I wasn't looking at the dang thing in IE!!!


avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0618-0, 05/02/2006
Tested on: 5/2/2006 11:02:57 PM

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Re: [css-d] Search Engine Design

2006-05-08 Thread bj
> if you could reply with ideas, perhaps some code or links to tutorials or css 
> effect you have seen and think would be >appropriate, i would be very 
> grateful.  

I have a feeling you're not going to get a whole lot of response to this, so 
I'll give you a starting direction.


Look through the layouts, find what you need and implement it. Don't be afraid 
to totally screw it up, because when you do you'll then have a proper question 
for this list, which focuses on the use and implementation of css. Then when 
you write the list for a solution to a problem make sure to use a subject line 
that gives folks a hint as to what browser you've screwed up in and how, so the 
appropriate css guru reads your message and responds.

Good luck!

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0619-0, 05/08/2006
Tested on: 5/8/2006 10:26:07 AM

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Re: [css-d] adding list style navigation to site from separate, page

2006-05-23 Thread bj
>I tried searching the archives, but maybe I didn't have the right terms.  I
>would like to have the list-style navigation I'm building in a separate
>page [snip]

You need to search for php include or server side include. But that's unrelated 
to css, so you won't find it on the css-d wiki.

Good luck,

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0620-3, 05/19/2006
Tested on: 5/23/2006 8:28:09 AM

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Re: [css-d] IE7's treatment of height [WAS Re: Broken Layout]

2006-06-03 Thread bj
>Entered by  Microsoft  on  4/21/2006
>This was logged as a suggestion for future IE versions. We've already
>added support for min-height and it is in the March 20 Beta 2 Preview
>build that we put out during MIX06.

Did anyone else notice that NOTHING is said about min-width, max-width or 

*grumble growl*

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Tested on: 6/3/2006 12:54:09 PM

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[css-d] IE Mac issues, Mac browser tests, and an odd css validation problem

2005-05-10 Thread BJ
Page here (xhtml validates)
CSS here:
According to the mac screenshot generator IE Mac completely blows apart 
my layout in a horribly spectacular manner- instead of three columns 
side by side I apparently have stacking columns, at least from what I 
can see in the screenshot.  Any help/fixes would be greatly 
appreciated.  The page seems to work in all other browsers, at least 
according to the screenshots, though if you Mac people could give it a 
spin to confirm this I'd appreciate it.

Secondly, I get an error from the w3 css validator that I just plain 
don't understand, especially since the valid css repeats line 31 
verbatim exactly as I wrote it.  In fact, in the "valid" css, it repeats 
my whole stylesheet line for line.  This is the error:

   * Line: 31
 Parse Error - searchbox
There is no searchbox on line 31.  Can anyone tell me what's going on here?
The third and most minor thing is that the searchbox in the left column 
is a bit oversized in IE6.  I have tried resizing it a number of times.  
I think I'm fighting some sort of IE6 default text field behavior that's 
overriding anything I try to do there.  I've tried putting the width on 
the class for the actual textbox, I've tried defining a width for the 
searchform ID, and though both solutions work in all other browsers, 
none of it seems to have any affect on the IE textbox width.  Anyone 
have any ideas?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
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RE: RE: [css-d] IE Mac issues, Mac browser tests, and an odd css validation problem

2005-05-10 Thread BJ
Bruno said: "You have clear:both on your wrapper . . . Remove that clear and IE/Mac 
should work correctly."  This took care of the IEMac problem and since the reason 
for that clear:both being there was 15 iterations of this layout ago, it went away safely.
Bruno said: "At line 31 of your html (not the CSS)" Can I turn bright red in 
embarassment now?  Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees.
All fixed!
As usual, Bruno, you're great!  Thanks also to Lorin Rivers for mac browser 

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RE: [css-d] hover pseudo class

2005-05-24 Thread BJ

"is it possible to
use the hover pseudo class to affect the "display" property of a separate
div? I want to have a row of thumbnails on the left, and as you roll the
mouse over a thumbnail a larger image appears on the right. Easy enough to
do with javascript, but can you do it using just css?"

Yes, css will do this-- in every browser BUT (drumroll here . . . .) you 
guessed it.  IE.  IE only recognizes hover on links.

You might want to peek at how Eric handled it in his css popups 2 
demonstration here, though his hovers are links.  The "separate div" 
thing is solved by absolute positioning:


Also, dropdown/flyout menus often "solve" this problem so you might be 
able to use their solution, the file served to IE in a 
conditional comment.  See these two methods:


Good luck!

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RE: Re: [css-d] CSS list numbering - non-contiguous lists in XHTML 1.1

2005-05-24 Thread BJ

This is easy to do in HTML 4, using the depreciated start 
attribute [START] on a li element. However, as this element 
is not present in XHTML 1.1 it cannot be used.

If there is a way to do this in CSS (2 or 3), I'd love to 
know about it.

Using XHTML 1.0 isn't really an option, as I'm working with 
XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 [X+M]

Though it would be VERY tricky to do, and involve some positioning wizardry, I think this 
could be done by creating a bottom margin on the #3 list item using a class, and leaving 
enough room for an absolutely positioned paragraph there.  That should validate, though 
you'll probably get a few gray hairs making it lay up properly.  That puts the paragraph 
"outside" of the list while it's visually inside of it, since an absolutely 
positioned paragraph can be almost anywhere within the body of the xhtml.

Good luck,

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[css-d] Browser checks (especially Mac) please.

2005-06-01 Thread BJ

css is at:

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[css-d] IE Mac issue, I don't know if I fixed it. Also a niggling Safari problem.

2005-06-04 Thread BJ

I earlier posted this for browser checks. Thanks to all who responded!

The very kind Sophie notified me:
"In Mac IE5, all is not well. Scrolling displays only the page 
background, and hovering above links ‘erases’ them to reveal a rectangle 
of the page background. Bad browser."

I read through IEMac problems and managed to find a clearer I could 
remove (and one under the footer I can't), and removed the one I could 
with the hope it would solve the problem, butI don't know if it worked 
or not.

Now in Safari, Sophie reports, "In Safari, the footer is about 10 pixels 
above the clear blue content bottom." Which is exactly what happens in 
all windows browsers if I remove the last clearer under the footer. 
Though I'd love to solve this if anyone can see an easy fix, it's less 
critical, I think, than the IEMac problem.

Any IEMac checks to see what is going on would be appreciated. And if it 
isn't working still . . . any suggestions on how to fix it would be lovely.

This is a good example of the type of problem browsercams can't "see". 
This page looked fine in the lixlpixel IEMac browsercam, yet it doesn't 
work. I really have to consider saving up for a minimac . . .

Thank you all

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[css-d] Using pure CSS to show/hide

2005-06-04 Thread BJ
"all I want to do is hover over a link and 'show' another 
submenu, which was 'hidden' until the mouseover.

Seems like a pretty simple request.  Can this be done with pure CSS?"

Yes, in every browser but IE.

Meanwhile you can look at these other options, both of which do some explaining 
about IE problems:

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RE:RE: [css-d] IE Mac issue, I don't know if I fixed it. Also a niggling Safari problem.

2005-06-05 Thread BJ

All fixed!  Sir Bruno has ridden to the rescue yet again.

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[css-d] IEMac fix maybe broke IE XP???

2005-06-05 Thread BJ

Site in question-

It seems to work in all Mac browsers (with exception of Safari the 
footer doesn't quite hug the bottom, but I decided I can live with that)

It works in all MY (IE6, FF, Opera 8) browsers in win2k up to pretty 
large font sizes.

Yet Mr. Laakso just sent me this-

I hate to ask, but can you all test drive again??? *sigh*

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[css-d] CSS/XHTML/PHP/MYSQL shopping carts?

2005-06-06 Thread BJ
Adam C., did you ever finish developing that css friendly shopping cart 
you posted about last fall? Inquiring minds wanna know . . . and after 
looking at ZenCart's supposedly css friendly design I'm really hoping 
you've got something in the can.  What a nightmare THAT one is!  Tables 
up the darkside, and nothing that looks clean. I doubt any one page 
would make it through a validator.

Barring that, does anyone have any suggestions?  There's nothing in the 
wiki re shopping carts.  Looking for something mysql/php since that's 
what I'm most familiar deciphering, and that uses CSS in the 
themes/templates with total customization possible.  I don't need a 
bunch of bells and whistles.  There are only going to be a few hundred 
product pages in less than a dozen categories  Paypal processing is enough.

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[css-d] 2 n00b questions

2005-06-07 Thread BJ

"How do I show my pictures when you mouse over the link ?"

You might try this method, but the second you mouseout they disappear:

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RE: [css-d] Paste plain text to clean HTML

2005-06-10 Thread BJ

"If you want to keep your code
clean, without those weird tags and classes inserted by some softwares that
allow you to paste a plain text straight to HTML is there any other
alternative than doing like I've done?"

I use a two step process.  First I run this tool, which is free software-

Then I put the result, which is html 4.0, through html tidy online, and convert 
to xhtml 1.0 transitional.

I eyeball it after the final convert, but have never had a problem with the 
result, since the first tool generates remarkably clean html, and the second 
tool does a fine job of converting that html to xhtml.  Definitely has saved me 
a bunch of drudgery.

Good luck!

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[css-d] client experiences problem I don't (probably IE??? maybe xp???) BOO IS HOME!

2005-06-14 Thread BJ

Page here:
css here:

I recently revamped this page slightly.  I added the .wrappercarsforsale 
class so that I could horizontally "isolate" the different cars with 
their corresponding text on the page.

client says:
"something weird is happening, and it has happened to me on two 
differenct computers. When I go to cars for sale instead of getting the 
list of subjects on the right margin in the dark purple ccolor 
background, I get the image all the way across the page with no list of 
pages on the right and no right bar. Futhermore, the first thing I get 
is a big block of gibberish at the top of the page."

Client has been on the road and using hotel and Kinko's computers with 
only god knows what opsys/browser combos, though I suspect XP and 
IEsomething.  His office computer runs xphome and IE6.  I use win2k and 
ff, opera8, and IE6.  I have not been able to duplicate what he says 
happens.  Can you all check and see if you can?  If it does, would you 
please try to figure out why?? XHTML and css validate.

Oh, and sidenote-- Boo, my feline wayward wanderer, found his way home 
after tomcatting around for two weeks.  Though he's fleabitten, filthy 
and exhausted he is safe and HOME!  Thank you for all the concern and 
kind words from the members of css-discuss.

Thanks in advance for your consideration and help,

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RE: Re: [css-d] Dilema FF

2005-06-18 Thread BJ

David Dorward, you advised Helmut to use em font size on body.  I've wrestled 
with an IE bug that is triggered by this, and I know from frustrating 
experience that it's a bad idea.  I quote a recent post by David Laakso:

"Avoid using em on the body  
as it triggers a font-re-sizing bug in IE. Percent(100.01%) on the body  
followed by percent or em on individual selectors works well  
cross-browser(as does not declaring a font-size on the body followed by  
percent or em on individual selectors)."

None of us need any more gray hairs caused by these kinds of bugs, do we?  Best 
to avoid all we can.

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RE: [css-d] nested lists

2005-06-30 Thread BJ
"If you want to see the nested lists that I am working with currently go 

I looked.  I didn't see a single list, nested or otherwise.  Can you 
maybe be more specific on what you're trying to do?

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RE: [css-d] Style up a file input

2005-07-05 Thread BJ
"Now if you give all your buttons in your website the class button, 
they'll get the layout i described above. But the button at the 
file-input won't change! Not even when i assign him the class button... 
or directly add a style element. It just won't change." 

Many form elements are gonna get the GUI styling no matter what you do.  
And it differs from browser to browser.  These two articles and the 
accompanying screenshots will show you what can-- and more importantly 
can't -- be done with form styling. It may save you a few gray hairs.


Good luck!

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Tested on: 7/5/2005 10:20:01 AM

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[css-d] Opera 7.X in winXP refuses to show body background.

2005-07-15 Thread BJ

page here:

css here:

Though I'd love you all to take a test drive and run this through as 
many browsers as possible, it so far seems to be coming up clean in all 
except Opera 7.X in winXP. It even seems to work in IEMac this time! 
Wowza. Both xhtml and css validate.

Now, about that Opera 7.X -- what's happening is that the image 
background and background color on the body are not showing up in that 
browser, while none of the others seem to have a problem.  I've tried 
adding a min-height of 100%, I screwed around with positioning of the 
background, I tried to find anything at all on the wiki that was even 
close and try out whatever solution came to hand, and none of 'em 
worked.  Help!

Thanks in advance for all your consideration.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0528-5, 07/15/2005
Tested on: 7/15/2005 10:48:19 PM

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RE: Re: [css-d] Opera 7.X in winXP refuses to show body background.

2005-07-16 Thread BJ
I'd appreciate additional browser checks to make sure, but it appears, 
Uwe, that your fix has worked! Thanks!

Uwe Kaiser wrote:

BJ schrieb:

page here:

css here:

Now, about that Opera 7.X -- what's happening is that the image
background and background color on the body are not showing up in that

There are four vital rules regarding background positioning:

1) Never, never use keywords (top, left, etc.) for background-position.
2) Ever, ever use both values (horizontally and vertically).
3) Ever, ever use the horizontal value first.
4) Ignore the specs in this special case - politely.

Uwe Kaiser



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RE: Re: [css-d] Opera 7.X in winXP refuses to show body background.

2005-07-16 Thread BJ
Ingo said: 
Opera 7.x (and, when I'm not wrong, some versions of Safari) don't like 
the mix:

background: #3A3D2B url(images/horzgrad150.jpg) repeat-y 751px top;

background: #3A3D2B url(images/horzgrad150.jpg) repeat-y 751px 0;

In CSS2.1, "Combinations of keyword, length and percentage values are 
allowed", though in CSS2.0 "Keywords cannot be combined with percentage 
values or length values"

Thank you, Ingo!  Now I know WHY Uwe's fix worked and it's now set in my mind 
so I'll know that until browsers are routinely supporting the css2.1 spec I 
should use the 2.0 - especially for body backgrounds! I'm also suitably 
chastized for not checking the spec in the first place. Such a small little 
thing to make such a big difference in one browser!

I love this list . . . 

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Tested on: 7/16/2005 5:27:32 PM

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RE: [css-d] Firefox vertical overlapping problem

2005-07-16 Thread BJ
"This is the first site I'm trying to build with CSS.  :)  Firefox is overlapping text and images vertically, and the 
display looks awful. I wonder, can anyone please help me out here?

I would so appreciate your help with my code!! The site is: 
The CSS is at:>"

A good start would be running it through both the html and css validators at 
<> and fixing the many errors in the css and the one html error.  
Once that's done it will be easier for all of us to troubleshoot, though we may not 
need to at that point, since Firefox prefers compliant code.


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Tested on: 7/16/2005 5:44:08 PM

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[css-d] Browser Checks please, especially Mac

2005-08-06 Thread BJ

Site here:

Most of the pages validate, though I am aware that some of the inner 
linklist pages do not.  I'm currently working with the script developer 
to remedy that (I know the majority of validation problems have to do 
with script generated IDs starting with numbers, and non-encoded 
characters such as ampersands in URLS- any fixes that can be suggested 
within the php would be gratefully accepted either offlist or on the 
script developer's forum!)

And please feel free to add resources as you test drive.

Thanks in advance,

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0531-4, 08/05/2005
Tested on: 8/6/2005 12:34:17 PM

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RE: [css-d] A few questions & request for Felix

2005-08-10 Thread BJ

"5.Accessibility:  Are there any colour-blind viewers in the audience?
Would like to know if all the good stuff is contrasting enough for you to
make relatively easy use of it."

You don't need a colorblind viewer-- since you can "be" one--

A great tool!


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Virus Database (VPS): 0532-2, 08/10/2005
Tested on: 8/10/2005 9:14:14 AM

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RE:[css-d] Order To Declare Link Anchors

2005-08-15 Thread BJ

"I've read there is a specific order which the anchors should be declared"

Correct order:

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[css-d] 3-in-1- IE Burp, Mac checks please, and Conditional Comments Question

2005-09-05 Thread BJ

Validating Page here:

Validating css here:

Looks peachy in both Firefox and Opera.

Hopefully it's playing nicely with Mac Browsers.

Then there's IE.

I have been staring at every aspect of this css and xhtml for hours now 
and cannot for the life of me figure out why IE has decided to indent 
the list items on the lower left hand column list despite everything 
I've tried to do to get it to stop.

Now, trying to be a forward thinking site designer, I'd like to feed any 
IE hacks from a separate stylesheet for IE only through a conditional 
comment in html, since this will be a dynamic page and it's just one 
file that the conditional comment will reside in.  Is that possible?  I 
wiki'd and didn't find it, though I thought there was some discussion 
about creating one. I found a vague mention of it being possible in the 
archives, but no specifics. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks muchly in advance,

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Virus Database (VPS): 0536-0, 09/05/2005
Tested on: 9/5/2005 10:00:08 PM

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Re: Re: [css-d] 3-in-1- IE Burp, Mac checks please, and Conditional

2005-09-06 Thread BJ

I have been staring at every aspect of this css and xhtml for hours 
now and cannot for the life of me figure out why IE has decided to 
indent the list items on the lower left hand column list despite 
everything I've tried to do to get it to stop.

"you may try:
ul.bloglist li {display: inline-block;}"

*slaps herself alongside the head, knowing it would be something simple* 
Thanks, Georg! That worked nicely! But now, of course, I need that very nice 
conditional comment hack to feed IE a different padding on that list in its 
very own stylesheet. . . which is a trick I had a feeling would come in handy! 
That leads to a question though.  IE6 in Windoze is increasing padding on the 
left. Is IEMac doing the same? Or is this just an IE6 fix, as I suspect?

""trail" is a few pixels off to the right in IE/Mac, and Footer has no
background-color. Otherwise OK."

I put the footer color on the footer paragraph also, and bumped that breadcrumb 
trail out a few pixels on the right. Is it playing at least a little better in 
IEMac now?

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Virus Database (VPS): 0536-1, 09/06/2005
Tested on: 9/6/2005 9:43:56 AM

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Re: Re: [css-d] 3-in-1- IE Burp, Mac checks please, and Conditional

2005-09-06 Thread BJ

I am better at raising questions than answering them. Is your page 
behaving at 1280 (viewed in XP ff/ie) the way you intend?

David Laakso

Well, David, since you brought it up and since I don't have a resolution 
available to me bigger than 1024 X 768, I asked a couple friends to look 
on their bigger screens. Vicki had this to say, "It looks GREAT in all 
res's on my 17" 1600x1200's - clear down to 800x600 and even boosting 
text size by 150% it's good, clear down to 800x600 " Jerry called me 
on the phone and said it looks fine, and I know he uses larger text 
sizes. So I guess I'm good to go.

So yeah, I guess it does look the way I intend.

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Tested on: 9/6/2005 11:16:30 PM

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[css-d] wrapping text around images

2005-09-08 Thread BJ
"I would like to create a do it yourself page that has an image 
(possibly tw=o=20or three) per sentence/short paragraph with multiple 
sentences/short=20 paragraphs per page. I would also like the text to 
start at the top of the==20 image(s), possibly 1em give or take to the 
left. I can get this to work in==20tables (yuck) but can't seem to do it 
in css."

Try pixy's photocard method, and you can even add captions:

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Tested on: 9/8/2005 6:12:07 PM

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[css-d] No hack I've tried gives OL its numbers in %$#@& IE6

2005-09-09 Thread BJ

Validating page here:

Validating css here (with a bit embedded in above):

I have tried what seems like almost every hack on this and can't get the 
numbers to show in that list in the content section of the page.  I'm 
hampered in this effort by not being able to do the obvious fix- get rid 
of the whitespace. Page is php generated and insists on adding the 
whitespace back in. Looking through the css and code you'll see some of 
the hacks I've tried . . .

I've already been through the archives and the wiki. I've also looked here:

and here:

Anyone have any wonderful ideas? *sigh*

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Virus Database (VPS): 0536-5, 09/09/2005
Tested on: 9/9/2005 10:05:41 PM

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Re: [css-d] No hack I've tried gives OL its numbers in %$#@& IE6

2005-09-10 Thread BJ
Thanks, Erik! I now have list numbers in IE6 and it still works 
elsewhere . . . hallelujah!

Erik Peterson wrote:

BJ wrote:

Validating page here:

Validating css here (with a bit embedded in above):

Hi BJ,

I think the problem is that the width's on ".content ol" and ".content 
ol li" are screwing things up.  Instead of

.content ol {
  width: 80%;
  margin: 0 auto;

I tried:

.content ol {
  margin: 0 10%;

And I removed the "width: 100%;" and "zoom: 1;" from the ".content ol 
li" because with either of those, IE simply displayed a "1" for the 

So I ended up with:

.content ol {
   margin: 0 10%;
.content ol li {
   padding-bottom: 7px;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #f9f8f8;

Hope that helps,

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Virus Database (VPS): 0536-5, 09/09/2005
Tested on: 9/10/2005 7:35:06 AM

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RE: Re: [css-d] Re: Dropdowns in inline elements, and CSS validator, problems

2005-09-26 Thread BJ
"It seems they must uploaded a new validator, because not only has that 
all changed without my having done anything, but by default I now get a 
load of warnings [1] that I didn't get before. And wheras I used to get 
a warning about overflow-y [2] not being valid for CSS 2.1, it was only 
a warning before, whereas it is now by default an error unless I specify 

I just this morning got caught by similar. How many of us have used this?

.clearA {

overflow: hidden;
font-size: 1px;
line-height: 0;

It no longer validates and is probably used in every dang stylesheet I've got 
out there . . .

Once I changed it to line-height: .01em; it validates.

This only happened over the last few days.  I validated a stylesheet with the 
original version just three or four days ago and it sailed right through.

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Virus Database (VPS): 0539-0, 09/26/2005
Tested on: 9/26/2005 5:46:22 PM

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[css-d] Mac and Linux checks please.

2005-09-28 Thread BJ


This one's a pretty simple one, just need to know if it's holding up on 
the Shiny Side and in OpenSourceWorld.


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Tested on: 9/28/2005 11:12:02 AM

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Re: [css-d] Mac and Linux checks please.

2005-09-28 Thread BJ
Okay, the screenshots seem to sum up what everyone has told me- the nav 
bar and breadcrumb trail are borking in both Safari and Konqueror. And 
simple has turned into not-so-simple once again.

Tedd also said: "However, the navigation becomes confusing and doesn't 
hold it's shape/configuration throughout your site. In other words, it 
isn't consistent." I think that tells me it might be behaving 
differently on the inner pages possibly . . . I think that's what he 
meant. And Tedd was using Safari 2.0.1.

Since I don't have access to those two browsers for testing any and all 
help will be very welcome, and hopefully the fix for Safari also works 
in Konqueror . . .

One more thing-- IEMac, my old nemesis-- I only got screenshots of that 
one, and it seems to be behaving in that curmudgeonly one for a change, 
but I remember the time the screenshot looked fine and the links didn't 
work . . . could someone make sure it's okay for sure in that particular 
browser? Thank you.

CSS file is here:

Site is here:

And, as usual, thank you to David, Tedd, Richard and Vincent for your 
prompt and helpful responses.

David Laakso wrote:

BJ wrote:


This one's a pretty simple one, just need to know if it's holding up 
on the Shiny Side and in OpenSourceWorld.


20 screen captures-- Mac/Linux
Best, dL

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Tested on: 9/28/2005 6:25:22 PM

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RE: [css-d] Online course to learn CSS?

2005-09-28 Thread BJ

"Can someone recommend an online course to learn CSS? I have picked up
enough to be dangerous and would like to redesign the company web site
to fully take advantage of CSS."

I suggest you start here:

Then try here (but PLEASE stay away from Suckerfish! Thing is an accident 
waiting to happen . . .)

Then you might get some good stuff outta here:

Once you've been through those and started to build your first layout then 
you'll need this:

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Tested on: 9/28/2005 7:17:36 PM

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Re: Re: [css-d] Mac and Linux checks please.

2005-09-29 Thread BJ


Well, it appears this fix fixed IE6 without breaking anything else- I'd 
appreciate one more go-round by the Safari and Konqueror crowd to make 
sure we finally have a winner.

And THANK YOU ALL once again.

Oh, and Philippe, re:
"More on 'hasLayout':

You've already been "immortalized" (actually more than once) in my 
online bookmarks . . . which have been pretty heavily used by all my 
friends as well, from what the stats say *grin*


Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

On 29 Sep 2005, at 8:15 pm, BJ wrote:

I was really afraid someone would tell me this. Okay, that display: 
inline-block; was a fix for IE6, and, after a few hours of trial and 
error, was the ONLY one that I could find that worked, and yes, I had 
tried other haslayout methods to get that &*%$ browser to behave, and 
still allow the other browsers I have to display properly. Without 
that inline-block declaration it works in every one of my windows 
browsers but IE6. Do you have any other ideas on how to make this 
work? I'd really appreciate any help and so would my neighbors, since 
I've already yelled myself hoarse on this.

Serve your neighbours a beer :-)

#path {
_height:0; /* hidden from others, using the underscore hack */
 /* rest of styles */
seems to do what you're after on my local copy with IE 6/ XP-whatever 
running of VPC.

Adjust margins, etc...
At least if what Firefox displays is what you want.

Otherwise, use {display:inline-block} for IE only.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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Virus Database (VPS): 0539-1, 09/27/2005
Tested on: 9/29/2005 9:13:10 AM

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[css-d] Mac/Linux browser checks please

2005-10-03 Thread BJ


css here: 

Screen shots show everything to be okay in mac, but I'd love to know for 
sure that everything is working.

And you'll all be delighted to know I'm shopping for a test mac *grin*

Thanks in advance,

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0539-6, 10/02/2005
Tested on: 10/3/2005 2:11:31 PM

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Re: [css-d] Question from a beginner

2005-11-15 Thread BJ
"Is there a preferred way to get a project started. What I mean to say is, do
you type of all the HTML first, mark it up and then write the CSS or do you
do it piece meal? I am just trying to figure out a logical process which to
go by so that I can make my work easier to understand and accomplish."

This is a really hard question to answer, especially since I think it's not 
only a personal preference, but it also depends on how well you know your tools 
and how far along you are on this css learning curve. Used to be I'd have to 
find a layout in one of the trusted repositories that most closely matched what 
I had in my head, then keep plugging away to try to fit my stuff "in there". 
Change a little of this, adjust a little of that . . . jam a background in 
here, force a rollover in there . . .

Now I create a few graphic elements, then I sit and I write the basic 
stylesheet from top to bottom to define the structure, adding my backgrounds 
and palette as soon as the basic structure is laid out, then putting in all the 
elements I need- THEN I sit and write the html. And most of the time it works, 
with just minor adjustments, right out of the (brain)box, and it's most of the 
way written before I ever check it in a browser. It's actually become a sort of 
mental game I play with myself to see how close to my mental ideal I can get it 
before ever looking at it as it renders in a browser. That's very different 
than a year ago. But now I think in css structure, not in html structure.

Do other people design the way I do? Some maybe, most not. The ways to do this 
are as varied as the individuals who choose to.

I think you have to do what works for you now, and be willing to evolve your 
method as you evolve your style and your knowledge.

I know that isn't a very definite answer, but  . . . hope it helps.

avast! Antivirus: Outbound says I'm squeaky clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 0546-2, 11/15/2005
Tested on: 11/15/2005 11:26:13 PM

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[css-d] IE Transparent PNG Background (that repeats)

2007-03-27 Thread BJ Clark
Hello List,
Anyone out there know of a fix for IE that allows repeating (repeat-x
or repeat-y) transparent PNG background images?

I have attempted to use the bgsleight hack, but that doesn't seem to
allow repeating bg's.

Thanks in advance,
BJ Clark
The Science Department
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[css-d] Strange 1px issue

2007-04-13 Thread BJ Clark
Hello list,
My site is at:

I'm having a strange issue in all browsers where lots of my elements
are off by 1 px vertically (either top or bottom). I can't really seem
to make a pattern out of it so I can track down what is causing it.
Anyone have any idea what causes this or a fix for it?

BJ Clark
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[css-d] Strange IE7 Bug? Ignoring Width of Paragraph

2007-05-01 Thread BJ Clark
Hello List,
I have run into a very strange IE7 only issue.

You can see the page here:

Basically, if you look at the page in another browser, you will see
the issue. IE7 seems to be ignoring the width I set on #footer p and
it's expanding to the full width of the containing div.

Anyone have any idea's what would cause this or how I can fix it?

BJ Clark
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[css-d] IE6 Peek-a-boo Bug

2007-05-02 Thread BJ Clark
Hello List,

I am working on a layout ( I have
run into the IE6 peek-a-boo bug, so, to fix it, I'm trying to add
hasLayout via the holy hack:
/* \*/
* html .#content p {
height: 1px;
/* */

This works (it gets rid of the peek-a-boo) but it breaks the layout by
making the the p clear the two floated elements on either side of it.

Anyone have a suggestion how I can fix this? I'm totally at a loss.

BJ Clark
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Re: [css-d] IE6 Peek-a-boo Bug

2007-05-02 Thread BJ Clark
Sorry, I sent the wrong URL.

BJ Clark

On 5/2/07, BJ Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello List,
> I am working on a layout ( I have
> run into the IE6 peek-a-boo bug, so, to fix it, I'm trying to add
> hasLayout via the holy hack:
> /* \*/
> * html .#content p {
> height: 1px;
> }
> /* */
> This works (it gets rid of the peek-a-boo) but it breaks the layout by
> making the the p clear the two floated elements on either side of it.
> Anyone have a suggestion how I can fix this? I'm totally at a loss.
> Thanks,
> BJ Clark
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[css-d] Page jumping horizontally in Non-IE browsers

2007-06-14 Thread BJ Clark
Hello list,

I have a page (temporarily) at

Compared to the other pages in the site, it seems to be "jumping" 8px
horizontally to the right. This is only occurring in non-IE browsers.
It has the exact same centering code as all the other pages in the
site (div#wrapper with margin: 0 auto;).

I can't figure out for the life of me what would cause this.
Anyone have any ideas?

BJ Clark
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[css-d] IE6 float issue: floated element larger than container expands containing block

2007-12-08 Thread BJ Vicks
In essence: I have a header div with width 800px and height 246px  
which contains a floated image of height 313px. The floated image  
should overflow outside of the header div and cover the content that  
follows, but what's happening in IE6 is that the height of the header  
div is being altered by the floated content:


#header {
margin: 0 auto;
height: 246px;
width: 800px;
display: block;
#looselogo {
display: block;
float: right;
height: 313px;
width: 296px;

You can see what looks like in IE6 here: 

If you're using a friendlier browser you can see what it should look  
like here

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[css-d] IE not displaying anything in my tag.

2007-02-17 Thread BJ Clark
Hello All,
I've got a real puzzler. My site is showing up perfect in Firefox but
in IE (checked both 6 and 7) all that is displaying is my background
image and the title (in the title bar).  I am not getting anything
else. The page mostly validates as XHTML 1.0 Strict. There isn't any
unclosed 's that I can find, I'm pretty much stumped. (dev url)

Anyone have any ideas? I've ran this past a few friends and they
didn't see anything they could think of.

Thanks in advance for you help.

BJ Clark
the science department
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[css-d] Modal window techniques (lightbox, etc.) and sIFR 3

2007-02-19 Thread BJ Clark
Hello List,

Does anyone have a modal window technique working with sIFR 3?

I'm currently trying to use Thickbox 2 and sIFR 3 beta1 and after I
activate a thickbox window, my sIFR'd text disappears.  I have not
tried Lightbox 2  yet, and before I went tearing into my code, I
thought I would ask if anyone had something working.

Thanks for any insight anyone can give.

BJ Clark
the science department
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[css-d] IE8 headbanger issue, and could you please take a peek in other IEs for me?

2012-01-18 Thread BJ Novack
I've been banging my head against this for too long. Why does IE8 drop the div 
class="checkout-progress" and everything below it right to the bottom of the 
dang page? I've tried taking my clearing fix of overflow:auto off that div, 
I've tried assigning a width to the page content as is in the IE7 stylesheet, 
I've tried narrowing the elements within the page content for IE8 . . . and a 
bunch of other things that had no hope of working, like all my old IE6/7 and 
haslayout hacks, but I tried 'em anyway. No love.

Test case here:

Actual code from here:

It happens when you view the shopping cart.

Test page validates at W3 for both html and css (though there is some jquery 
css generated by the cart that doesn't validate, and the actual cart generates 
some unencoded ampersands in URLs.)

All help appreciated greatly.  

Best regards,
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Re: [css-d] IE8 headbanger issue, and could you please take a peek in other IEs for me?

2012-01-18 Thread BJ Novack
Hello Ghodmode,

Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 10:42:14 PM, you wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:38 AM, BJ Novack  wrote:
>> I've been banging my head against this for too long. Why does IE8 drop the 
>> div class="checkout-progress" and everything below it right to the bottom of 
>> the dang page?  **snippety**

>> Test case here:


> IE9 does it too.

> It looks like the border on the div.checkout-progress is making it
> wider than its container and then wrapping it around sidebar_right.
> If you take off the property width:100% it fixes it.  Unless they're
> floated or have a fixed width, DIVs take up the available width by
> default.  By giving it a fixed width (100%), the width of the block
> itself was 100%, then the borders added to that.

Huh. I'm sure I tried width: 95% on that pup, which you'd think would do the 
same thing. Anyway, it worked AND it didn't break it anywhere else! (that I 
know of.)

If anyone else can test drive this in any of the other odd browsers, just in 
case . . . 


> --
> Ghodmode

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[css-d] IE Positioning Weirdness

2005-07-02 Thread BJ Clark
Hi, First post to the list, but I've been a lurker for a while.

I am having a problem with a pure xhtml/css layout in IE (win). It's
mostly a positioning problem.

If you look at the site in Firefox, it looks GREAT. works great. Etc.

In IE, it seems like the whole header/nav area is too tall as well as
being positioned farther down the page than correct.  It ends up
overlapping some of the content.

The address of the site is:

If anyone knows what the problem is I will be so greatful. I'm at the
end of my wits with this one. This is the first time I've tried this
style layout and 2 level navigation. It's been interesting.

Thanks to anyone with any ideas!

BJ Clark
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[css-d] ALA Hybrid CSS Dropdown Help

2005-08-21 Thread BJ Clark
Hello List,
I'm following the ALA tutorial at entitled "Hybrid CSS

The main problem I'm having is that the author uses position:
absolute; to position the the "2nd level" navigation.

I am trying to use the navigation on a page that all the content is
centered. This obviously messes up the navgation royally.

When I remove the position: absolute; it breaks up the navigation.

Is there someway to avoid this besides just left justifying the whole page?

Thanks for any direction anyone can give me,
BJ Clark
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RE: [css-d] for field size different in FF

2005-10-05 Thread BJ Neilsen
Instead of setting a style width, use the size attribute on the input itself
like below:

When you use size on a text or password input field, the measurment pertains
to number of characters, not pixels. Hope this helps.

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Re: Re: [css-d] strong!

2005-10-06 Thread BJ Neilsen
>So i have been noticing this for a while,
>in IE, things that I specify as being   or
>font-weight:bold; dont really show up.


As a side note to Holly's reply, yes the text is too small to render it's
"boldness" (that's a word, I promise:) ), but there is another reason.

On the Bio Page how you have bolded Kelly's name and then placed it inside
an anchor tag:"; title="me!">Kelly Slusher

Most times I have done something like this, the parser will bold the text,
but then it encounters the anchor tag and looks to the stylesheet on how to
display the text contained in it. So, you're telling it to be bold, and THEN
to do whatever is defined as a { ... } in your stylesheet.

A few ways to fix: simply place the"; title="me!">Kelly Slusher

Or you can use css to do it. Either place style="font-weight: bold;"
in the anchor tag, make a class in your stylesheet and declare it in
the a tag, like below:

/* CSS */
.bold {
font-weight: bold;

/* HTML */
kelly Slusher

Of course, you're still getting the problem when not using the anchor
tag, but this follow up was just to let you know about the anchor

I would recommend using a little larger font size anyways, since most
people with bad eyes would have a terrible time trying to read that
text. Just a suggestion. Hope it helps. :)

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[css-d] navbar float broken in IE

2005-10-13 Thread BJ Neilsen
I used the three column layout from<>for my site
build, and have everything working just fine except the top ul
on the right (which isn't a part of the orignial design) is pushing content
down in IE. works fine in FF 1.7 and Opera 7. Don't know where to go with
this one.


Any help would be grand. Thanks

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