[CTRL] Here Comes Da Judge ...

1998-12-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From SalonMagazine.CoM

Here comes the judge
Chief Justice William Rehnquist's writings on impeachment contain good news
for President Clinton.

BY JEFF STEIN | With the momentum for impeachment rolling like a freight
train through the House of Representatives, few people seem to have noticed
that the Democrats have the capacity to pull the emergency brake early in
any Senate trial.

If Chief Justice William Rehnquist doesn't beat them to it.

It's clear that by voting along party lines, the Democrats have far more
than enough votes to prevent the conviction of President Clinton, which
would require 67 votes, or two-thirds of the Senate. The Republicans have
only 55 votes, the Democrats 45 -- 11 more than they need to block the
Republicans' every move.

End of story. Or, as the lawyers put it, impeachment will be moot.

"The Washington Post is not likely to see the wisdom of the arithmetic
until after the House votes," a conservative federal judge noted wryly in a
conversation over the weekend. One of a handful of votes on procedural
issues in the Senate, he forecast, would demonstrate the Democrats'
strength, at which point the Republicans might as well throw down their

"I'm quite astonished no one has pointed that out," said the judge, a
Republican appointee who allowed -- strictly off the record -- that "I have
an even more visceral dislike for Al Gore than I do Bill Clinton. Clinton
wants to be my buddy, he'll do anything to be my friend. But Al Gore is a
liberal who believes all those things."

But a potentially more formidable obstacle awaiting the Republicans in the
Senate, he suggested, lies in the person of Rehnquist, who would oversee a
trial of Clinton by virtue of the rules laid out in the Constitution.
Rehnquist, appointed to the court by President Nixon, revealed a disdain
for impeachment in his little-noticed (until now) and out-of-print 1992
book, "Grand Inquests: The Historic Impeachments of Justice Samuel Chase
and President Andrew Johnson."

Chase was a Supreme Court judge who incurred the wrath of President Thomas
Jefferson and the Federalists through some inflammatory court decisions and
by openly campaigning for Jefferson's enemies in a Maryland Senate race.
Rehnquist applauds the Senate's 1805 decision to acquit Chase because it
helped insure the independence of the judiciary from political meddling.
But the chief justice equally admires the Senate's acquittal of Johnson for
not undermining the authority of future presidents.

Johnson, of course, rose to the presidency upon the assassination of
Abraham Lincoln in April 1865, just as the Confederacy was surrendering. He
promptly set about blocking abolitionist Republicans' plans for
"reconstructing" the South, however, earning their rage. When he fired a
Cabinet member over the express forbiddance of Congress, the House moved to
impeach him even before charges were drawn up.

"Grand Inquests" makes clear that Rehnquist disapproves of such rushes to
judgment, although the judge predictably couches his disapproval in
judicious language. The impeachment of Johnson, especially, would have been
all wrong, he signals.

"To the traditional weapons of Congress in opposing presidential actions
with which it disagrees -- refusing to confirm appointments, overriding
vetoes, demanding information from the executive -- would have been added
yet another one: the threat of impeachment," Rehnquist writes.

As if to foreshadow Clinton's difficulties, Rehnquist explains that
Johnson's conviction would have opened the door to frivolous impeachment
attempts against subsequent presidents. "A specific violation of the law or
breach of duty would ... not have to be a serious one involving moral
culpability. And once such a dereliction had been found, other charges of a
far more nebulous nature could be added [to an impeachment bill]."

And that would chill any president's attempt at political risk taking.
"Future presidents of one party facing a Congress controlled by the
opposition party could well think twice about vetoing bills with which they
disagreed, and about resisting the inevitable efforts by Congress to poach
on the executive domain," Rehnquist observed.

By acquitting Johnson and, 60 years earlier, Chase, the Senate ensured that
"impeachment would not be a referendum on the public official's performance
in office," Rehnquist adds approvingly. "Instead, it would be a judicial
type of inquiry in which specific charges were made ... or ... were
proven." And, by the way, the Republicans who acquitted Johnson made clear
that it was not any "technical violation of the law that would suffice,"
Rehnquist writes.

The House's slim Republican majority makes Clinton's impeachment this week
nearly a foregone conclusion, putting the president's fate in the hands of
Rehnquist and the Senate.

There, the 55 Republicans and 45 Democrats will face immediate decisions on
such pivotal questions as the standard of proof for conviction, 

[CTRL] Iraniana: 12-16

1998-12-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From SalonMagazine.CoM

marriage among the Mullahs
The directors of "Divorce Iranian Style" speak out about unhappy marriages,
Islamic law and the rights of women.

BY CYNTHIA JOYCE | The scene is a small courtroom in Tehran. The cast is a
steady stream of veiled women who have come here in an attempt to change
their lives. There's the 16-year-old girl who wants to leave her
38-year-old husband and go back to school; the mother of two grown children
who wants to punish her husband of 30 years for beating her; the young
mother who wants to leave her husband for another man but doesn't want to
give up her children. Three very different circumstances, with seemingly
one solution: divorce.

Or maybe not. As the captivating documentary "Divorce Iranian Style" shows,
Islamic law makes it almost impossible for women who want a divorce to get
one without the consent of their husbands. And because men risk losing
their financial security if they divorce, they often choose to stay married
-- even if their wives make their lives a living hell.

If, however, a woman can prove to the family courts that her husband is
either impotent or insane, she stands a chance in the courts. It's this
provision that makes "Divorce Iranian Style" a fascinating and often highly
entertaining film, as we watch these women use a combination of histrionics
and shrewd tactics to demand rights they don't have. One woman insists her
husband is crazy because he won't let her use the phone, crying to the
judge at one moment and cheekily grinning at the camera the next. Another
whispers to the judge that her husband hasn't touched her since the
wedding, and expresses her shame at having to admit this in public. There
is a tragic dimension to each of their stories, though none of the women
see themselves as victims. Nor do filmmakers Kim Longinotto and Ziba
Mir-Hosseini see them as victims, but rather as pioneers in a legal system
caught between religious tradition and modern reality. Salon recently spoke
with Longinotto and Mir-Hosseini at New York's Film Forum, where "Divorce
Iranian Style" made its East Coast premiere.

Are most women aware, when they first marry, of their legal status and

Mir-Hosseini: It's really difficult to generalize. In 1979, when the
revolution happened, something like 68 percent of the population lived in
villages. Now somewhere around 70 percent live in the city. So Iranian
society has changed a lot.

But in my own marriage, my second marriage, I was 28, I had just finished
my Ph.D. and I fell in love. I was very educated, and it was my choice to
marry. But I wanted the right to divorce -- a woman can stipulate in the
marriage contract to have the right to divorce. My husband said, "No, no,
how can you think about divorce now when we are so much in love? If you
want a divorce, do you think I am the kind of man to refuse you?" I trusted
him. That's why I signed the marriage contract.

So many women like me start their life on the assumption that there is
total equality and harmony. I thought, this law will not apply to us, we
have a different understanding. But when the relationship broke down, he
refused to give me a divorce -- he just wanted to keep me in a state of
limbo. At the time of marriage, I thought that it was based on equality.
But when it came to the divorce, I realized it wasn't there.

One of the most shocking moments in the film is when the judge orders a
woman to win her husband back by making herself more attractive. It seems
like such an absurd suggestion, and yet I'm sure her reply -- "Why should I
make more compromises; I've been compromising for 30 years?" -- would
resonate with plenty of Western women as well.

Mir-Hosseini: It's always that way, everywhere in the world. The more women
compromise, the more the other side expects. And yet women are very much
valued in Iranian society. It might sound very strange and bizarre, but
they are. Especially if they are professional women, they are very much
treated with respect. Women are very much loved and valued as daughters --
that is where they get their strength. After my mother died, and everything
collapsed, I realized that she was the one who was holding everyone

In all the cases that we saw, the marriages broke down why? Because these
men did not accept those strong women. They want to control them within the
family. So these women [in the film] do not put up with that. When there is
harmony and balance, I would say marriage in Iran is egalitarian in
practice, though not in a legal sense. Women have different spheres of
action, but they have a great deal of freedom within that. And that is
where these women get their strength. There is a confidence, a soft and
inner confidence, which comes from their religious belief, and from the way
that the society sees them, and the way that they see their rights in

N E X T_ P A G E: Why would a man want to stay in an unhappy marriage?


[CTRL] Brits Told To Stockpile Food, US Govt Mistrusts and Hides Y2K Preparatioin

1998-12-16 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

I have been researching this issue for over a year. It is apparent that the
US Govt
has taken the position that The People cannot be trusted. The govt has a
martial law plan in place, unfortunately the real remediation plan is F.O.F.
(fix on failure), control the population through martial law, and discourage
the population from planning ahead.

It is the old P.A.N.G. (People Are No Good) syndrome at work. This is
further proof that we are governed by Elitists, Manipulators, and Self
Serving Politico - Sociopaths.

Some Y2K leadership finally appears from a bureaucrat: Gwyneth
Flower, the head of the British government's millennium bug
Taskforce 2000, has now advised people to plan ahead. She's
quoted in the story as saying, "We are talking about people
having a judicious amount of surplus food in their kitchen

"Anyone sensible would plan for this. Because we don't want to
see panic buying in the weeks leading up to next Christmas,
consumers should think about this in advance," Flower said.
Detroit News link at:

Remember that in the United States, government officials are
calling preparedness, "disruptive" and one person from the
GartnerGroup calls preparations, "unnatural." There has been
absolutely no government-sponsored call for the public to prepare
here in the United States. And actions that are considered,
"sensible" in the U.K. are considered "unnatural" in the United

What's going on here?

An utter lack of leadership, that's what's going on here. Our
government leaders are scared silly about acknowledging the Y2K
problem is real. So instead of demonstrating real leadership,
they'll wait until the problem gets *really* bad, when almost
nobody has a realistic chance of actually being able to get
prepared. Then they'll claim they had no way of knowing it was
this bad. It's classic bureaucratic behavior: keep the
information from the American people, then blame "radicals" for
the panic.

With the U.K. now calling on its citizens to hoard food, and
with the Canadian government now pondering Martial Law (see story
below), the United States government has done virtually nothing.
Clinton is all but silent on the issue, and Congress is too busy
Impeaching Clinton to look at Y2K. At the same time, John
Koskinen, Clinton's Y2K czar, offers no reasonable preparation
advice for American citizens, working instead to "alleviate fear"
rather than tell people the truth about what they should be doing
right now.

Y2K is shaping up to be exactly that: the worst mistake the
American government has ever made. While they squabble over
impeachment and political power, the infrastructure of government
threatens to collapse all around them. Only Senator Bennett has
spoken loudly about what's going on here, and even he has
recently tamed-down his rhetoric, likely out of concern of
"scaring" people.

Everybody is afraid of scaring people. But they're not afraid of
leaving people in the dark. Why is that?

This Observer report says, "Britons have been warned to stock up
with two weeks' emergency food rations in anticipation of
millennium bug-related shortages."

It goes on to mention that people should prepare for the
worst-case scenario: "In an unprecedented statement indicating
the level of panic in official circles, the Department of Trade
and Industry-funded task force, charged with minimising potential
damage caused by the bug, has said that contingency planning for
a worst-case scenario should start as soon as possible."

In this story, Flower is quoted as saying, "Because we don't
want to see panic buying in the weeks leading up to next
Christmas, consumers should think about this in advance."

Why can't U.S. officials get this? This quote from Flower hits
the nail on the head: you have to warn people EARLY and encourage
preparedness actions EARLY in order to avoid the panic.

Clinton and Koskinen don't see it that way. They think that
covering it up for as long as possible is the best strategy.
Delay, delay, delay. They apparently hope the problem can be
covered up indefinitely.

According to the story, "...it has now emerged that large
numbers of government, utilities and corporate computer systems
that control every aspect of our lives will not be ready for the
turn of the century."

Again, that's one more Y2K fact that still is not being
acknowledged here in the United States. The line from Koskinen:
all government services will be just fine. There's no need to

Read the Observer story at:

It seems that all government-employed Y2K-warners get 


1998-12-16 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-

If you have friends in the Columbus Ohio area, you might want
to have them relay this letter to the concearned paties.

   (Copy and distribute to all Ohio news sources)
   (Fax to civil rights law firms in Columbus

Here in Columbus Ohio, the politicians just gave insurance
benefits to homosexuals with out even a vote.
(Some of the info below is crude)

Public speaking is weird. Kind of like someone being able to kill
cut some one's throat with out scorn, but blurting out the words
describing they cut another's throat is wrong.

It has become a sick society when it is wrong to describe what
someone does, but there is nothing wrong in tha act they are
engaged in.

Take a look at some of the hot videos they buy.
Homos can stick their penis up each other's rectum and then suck
each other and that is a "right", but one who just describes
exactly what they did is some kind of evil bigot?

Such insurance was established because men were usually the
providers of the household and women stayed home with the
While children may be an emotional asset, they are a finical
burden. Even if a woman has a job, they still have to pay to keep
the kids and a baby sitter.
There is no way a government can track all male/female partners to
know what is happening with kids.
Companies began to offer these benefits because of the burden of A
Unlike hets, homos do not have kids, there is no reason why one of
them must stay home ... HOMOS with the same jobs MAKE MORE MONEY
then het couples, they do not have the same finical burdens.
Insurance/benefits was not established because of any romance/love
between people. If this were a fact every couple who claimed to
"love" each other would be able to force employers to give them
Will employers cease giving benefits to those who no longer love
each or those who just got married for convenience?
  A domestic partner has nothing to do with love or sex.
   Everyone living in the same household, 2 or 10 is a domestic
Then will Columbus take away every married couple's insurance IF
they are no longer having sex?
Is Columbus going to give insurance to lesbians because they lick
each other between the legs?
Is Columbus going to give insurance to homos because they shove
their penis up each other's rectum?
IF the nature of sex or lack of it has nothing to do with Columbus
granting insurance to homos, then what is it?
Everyone living in the same house is a domestic partner. If people
are going to get insurance and benefits because they are domestic
partners, then :
*  A daughter living with her mother * A man living with his
*  A daughter living with her sister* A couple of friends
living together
*  Two people sharing the same home just to make ends meet?

Let's begin to put this issue in front of every lawyer in Columbus
and begin class action suites to ensure that EVERY DOMESTIC
PARTNER gets equal pay and equal benefits.

To start this action have someone in the Columbus area put an ad
in the paper for all domestic partners who want to be involved
in a class action law suite to get equal benefits for their
domestic partners.
While you are gathering people to join the suite, begin to fax
a letter similar to every civil rights law firm in Columbus...
at least until you find an interested firm.

After you get your body of people together, take them to ensure
that they are compensated and gain the same equal benefits as

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Brits Told To Stockpile Food, US Govt Mistrusts and Hides Y2K Preparatioin

1998-12-16 Thread Daniel Holly

 -Caveat Lector-

Gwyneth  Paltrow I might have listened to.


-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 4:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Brits Told To Stockpile Food, US Govt Mistrusts and Hides
Y2K Preparatioin

 -Caveat Lector-

I have been researching this issue for over a year. It is apparent that the
US Govt
has taken the position that The People cannot be trusted. The govt has a
martial law plan in place, unfortunately the real remediation plan is
(fix on failure), control the population through martial law, and
the population from planning ahead.

It is the old P.A.N.G. (People Are No Good) syndrome at work. This is
further proof that we are governed by Elitists, Manipulators, and Self
Serving Politico - Sociopaths.

Some Y2K leadership finally appears from a bureaucrat: Gwyneth
Flower, the head of the British government's millennium bug
Taskforce 2000, has now advised people to plan ahead. She's
quoted in the story as saying, "We are talking about people
having a judicious amount of surplus food in their kitchen

"Anyone sensible would plan for this. Because we don't want to
see panic buying in the weeks leading up to next Christmas,
consumers should think about this in advance," Flower said.
Detroit News link at:

Remember that in the United States, government officials are
calling preparedness, "disruptive" and one person from the
GartnerGroup calls preparations, "unnatural." There has been
absolutely no government-sponsored call for the public to prepare
here in the United States. And actions that are considered,
"sensible" in the U.K. are considered "unnatural" in the United

What's going on here?

An utter lack of leadership, that's what's going on here. Our
government leaders are scared silly about acknowledging the Y2K
problem is real. So instead of demonstrating real leadership,
they'll wait until the problem gets *really* bad, when almost
nobody has a realistic chance of actually being able to get
prepared. Then they'll claim they had no way of knowing it was
this bad. It's classic bureaucratic behavior: keep the
information from the American people, then blame "radicals" for
the panic.

With the U.K. now calling on its citizens to hoard food, and
with the Canadian government now pondering Martial Law (see story
below), the United States government has done virtually nothing.
Clinton is all but silent on the issue, and Congress is too busy
Impeaching Clinton to look at Y2K. At the same time, John
Koskinen, Clinton's Y2K czar, offers no reasonable preparation
advice for American citizens, working instead to "alleviate fear"
rather than tell people the truth about what they should be doing
right now.

Y2K is shaping up to be exactly that: the worst mistake the
American government has ever made. While they squabble over
impeachment and political power, the infrastructure of government
threatens to collapse all around them. Only Senator Bennett has
spoken loudly about what's going on here, and even he has
recently tamed-down his rhetoric, likely out of concern of
"scaring" people.

Everybody is afraid of scaring people. But they're not afraid of
leaving people in the dark. Why is that?

This Observer report says, "Britons have been warned to stock up
with two weeks' emergency food rations in anticipation of
millennium bug-related shortages."

It goes on to mention that people should prepare for the
worst-case scenario: "In an unprecedented statement indicating
the level of panic in official circles, the Department of Trade
and Industry-funded task force, charged with minimising potential
damage caused by the bug, has said that contingency planning for
a worst-case scenario should start as soon as possible."

In this story, Flower is quoted as saying, "Because we don't
want to see panic buying in the weeks leading up to next
Christmas, consumers should think about this in advance."

Why can't U.S. officials get this? This quote from Flower hits
the nail on the head: you have to warn people EARLY and encourage
preparedness actions EARLY in order to avoid the panic.

Clinton and Koskinen don't see it that way. They think that
covering it up for as long as possible is the best strategy.
Delay, delay, delay. They apparently hope the problem can be
covered up indefinitely.

According to the story, "...it has now emerged that large
numbers of government, utilities and corporate computer systems
that control every aspect of our lives will not be ready for the
turn of the century."

Again, that's one more Y2K fact that still is not being

[CTRL] Tripp Deposes

1998-12-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Available at:


Archive of Government documents
Deposition of LINDA R. TRIPP
taken by Judicial Watch
December 14, 1998

(it's long -- mostly because of the legalistic format)


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes
but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Pres to be

1998-12-16 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks Jeff,


Together We Create Heaven on Earth


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List Moderator:  Hilary A. Thomas

-Original Message-
From: Jeff Russo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Pres to be

 -Caveat Lector-

 My fuzzy memory is at play again.  Does anyone remember a Presidential
 candidate from the Natural Law Party (?) whose last name begins with an
 and who is headquarted in a northwestern state?  Pretty hazy, aye?

that would be John Hagelin.


Jeff Russo
Hewlett-Packard ESSD RD
"Truth is like sunlight. People used to
 think it was good for you."
-- from "King of the Hill"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hate Speech and Canada

1998-12-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 1:54:37 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  people that are trying to continually drag up the Holocaust in the
  way that
  they have (Harp and Duck) should have some thing done to them.

Actually, i have merely responded to other's posts that insinuate that the
Jews brought it all on themselves.  Still, fry dr. quack quack if you must but
what, choke, would you have done to us?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-16 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Has anyone been able to verify government stockpiling of MREs in West
Virginia mountains or this just another hoax?


Together We Create Heaven on Earth


Come join exploration - a discussion list dedicated to keeping up-to-date on
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To subscribe to exploration go to:


List Moderator:  Hilary A. Thomas

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Link

1998-12-16 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Please post if you think appropriate.

This is a convenient link to write to members of the Congress and Senate.



Together We Create Heaven on Earth


Come join exploration - a discussion list dedicated to keeping up-to-date on
new technologies, advancements in medicine, environmental concerns,
'conspiracy theories' and, of course, UFO stuff.  Discussion is encouraged.
Bashing and soapboxing will get you bounced off the list.

To subscribe to exploration go to:


List Moderator:  Hilary A. Thomas

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Wag the Dog (Again)? (fwd.)

1998-12-16 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, you might be right.  As an example of the resources available to you,
the following is provided from:




1st Lt Matthew M. Hurley, USAF

BAGHDAD arose early on 17 January 1991, rudely awakened by the opening
shots of an air campaign unparalleled in history for its scope, intensity,
and overwhelming success. Surprisingly, despite the ferocity of Operation
Desert Storm, effective Iraqi opposition never materialized. During the
43-day campaign, only 41 coalition aircraft were lost in combat, all to
surface-to-air missile or antiaircraft artillery fire.1 For its part, the
Iraqi air force (IQAF) offered only feeble resistance. The IQAF shot down
no coalition aircraft in air-to-air combat, conducted no successful air
strikes against coalition positions, and put only a handful of planes into
the air at any given time.

Where was the IQAF? Why didn't this air force, perhaps the largest in the
region, put up a decent fight in defense of its homeland?2 The answer may
be found in the policies of Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. Since assuming
power, Saddam--driven by a deep-rooted fear of military coups--has
systematically undermined the IQAF's capability in order to maintain and
maximize his personal rule; he therefore bears the responsibility for its
failure. This article discusses the dangers Saddam perceived in a capable
air force, his notions regarding the purpose and value of air power, and
the subsequent measures he took to control the IQAF. It then shows that
those policies led to the gross deficiencies in training, motivation,
skill, and employment that lost the air war for Iraq.

Saddam's Fear
of the IQAF

Saddam regards the IQAF with an extreme caution that is rooted in modern
Iraqi history. Since Great Britain nominally granted Iraq its independence
in 1932, no Iraqi regime has been fully secure from the threat of a
military takeover, and no element of the armed forces has played as
prominent a role in Iraqi politics as has the air force. During modern
Iraq's first military coup in 1936, rebellious pilots established the
pattern for IQAF involvement by bombing the office of the prime minister.3
Similarly, the air force inaugurated the short-lived Baathist regime of
1963 with an attack against the Defense Ministry in Baghdad.4 Key IQAF
personnel or units led further attempts in 1965 and 1966, and two years
later the air force backed the Baath party's second, successful bid to
secure the reins of state.5

But the IQAF apparently grew dissatisfied with the government it helped to
install. Following Saddam's ascension to power, coup attempts sponsored or
supported by the air force continued, even at the height of the Iran-Iraq
War.6 More recent attempts, including a scheme in 1988 to shoot down the
presidential jetliner and a reported plot in 1989 to bomb Saddam's
reviewing stand during a parade, highlight a danger that seemed unlikely to
abate on its own.7

Besides corrupting the armed forces to the point that "political intrigue
became more important to the officer corps than military professionalism,"8
constant military meddling in Iraqi politics has led to a fundamental
characteristic of Saddam's rule. Frankly, he fears his own armed
forces--especially the IQAF--and is determined to preclude their
involvement in future coup attempts. This might explain why the Republican
Guard and the Baath party militia, both established primarily to
counterbalance the regular armed forces, are equipped with antiaircraft
weapons (French Rolands and Crotales), which are generally considered
superior to the Soviet-made weapons of the IQAF's Air Defense Command.9

Value of the IQAF

Though troubled by the IQAF's rebellious tendencies, Saddam also recognized
in air power a potentially powerful asset. Established in 1931 to subdue
dissident tribesmen, the IQAF had proven useful to the British and
pre-Baathist Iraqi governments in their quest to maintain central control
over troublesome regions and disaffected groups.10 Despite his misgivings
regarding the IQAF, Saddam relished the prospect of bombing wayward Iraqis
into submission. In fact, during three major campaigns--in 1968-69,
1974-75, and 1987-88--the IQAF was employed against Iraq's
independence-minded Kurdish minority, at times using chemical weapons to
suppress the Kurds.11 When necessary, Saddam has also subjected other
opposition groups to air attack, as demonstrated by an IQAF strike against
militant Iraqi Shiites in 1987.12 As a potential asset as well as a threat,
the IQAF warranted special treatment from Saddam's regime. He wanted an air
force that he could employ or emasculate, as he saw fit, to preserve his
rule--which meant that "most of the time it was effectively powerless."13
His efforts to that effect began even before he assumed the presidency in

Control of the IQAF

By 1973 

Re: [CTRL] Here Comes Da Judge ...

1998-12-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 4:10:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  As if to foreshadow Clinton's difficulties, Rehnquist explains that
  Johnson's conviction would have opened the door to frivolous impeachment
  attempts against subsequent presidents.

It's good to point out Rhenquist's "on the record" thinking but this is the
guy who claimed a lawsuit against Clinton could proceed while Clinton was
still in office because a lawsuit would not distract the President.  He is
also the guy who, before he was appointed to the Supreme Court used to hang
out at election booth lines intimidating minority folks.  Even the supposedly
less rabid Republicans like Hyde take no notice of their past declarations.
The Republicans smell blood and no constitutional principle is going to stop

Jerry Harp

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1998-12-16 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-

Distribute this post every place you know


Where are those Iraqis going to go?

Are they going to move buildings?

The Iraqis are like fish in the barrel, there is no where for them to go.
The democrats are just going to kill a bunch of innocent people
to take the heat off Clinton.

They don't have to strike today, tomorrow or next month.
The people have no where go . EXCEPT TO PUT UP A
SMOKE SCREEN to cover up for a criminal politician, there
is no reason why this must be done today,

They can kill those innocent people any time they want.

Abuse of power? Not only Clinton but now the whole democratic
party is part of it. Murdering innocent people of another country to
save their fellow crook.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Another Free Energy Cover-up: The Story of Dennis Lee

1998-12-16 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Another Free Energy Cover-up

The Story of Dennis Lee

By Alison David
 Better World Technology
 P.O. Box 653
 McAfee, NJ 07428, USA

Published in Nexus Magazine, Australia June-July 1994 Issue Pages 46-49
and 69

In 1987 Dennis Lee discovered he could make free electricity a rather
astounding discovery for the son of two migrant farm workers. The
possibilities this discovery presented both elated him and frightened him.
He was elated that there was a simple solution to the pollution and energy
problems that were destroying the balance of nature on our planet, and
shaken at the size of the discovery he had made. Free, independently
produced energy meant people no longer had to be hooked up to the
central power lines. It meant no more offshore drilling for oil, or oil spills that
were killing the oceans. It meant no more dependence on foreign oil. It
meant water could be pumped into desert lands dying of drought, and
crops could be grown to eliminate famine. It meant no more electric line
leakage that causes a general depletion in health as well as cancers; no
more greenhouse effect, air pollution, toxic waste or water pollution. It
meant the health of the planet and its people could be restored. It meant a
boom for the economy and new jobs for millions of unemployed workers.
Since everything runs on energy, the implications to the economies of the
developing as well as industrialised nations, of clean and simple, 'no cost-
to-produce' energy was overwhelming. The responsibility of such a
discovery was frightening. But, what was even more frightening was the
response that Dennis Lee would encounter when he attempted to bring the
technology that could accomplish all this to the people.

His story began in 1985 when Dennis Lee introduced his Super Heat
Pump in his native state of Washington on a risk-free 'system-for-savings'
program. The heat pump was so efficient it could save 70-80% of heat and
hot water costs, and when his marketing program proved to be highly
successful, the central utility was not pleased with the competition. They
encouraged the Attorney General's Office to bring a suit against Lee's
company. The baseless lawsuit was an attempt to discredit him and the
technology. Subsequently, his factory was broken into virtually every night,
The media splashed bad publicity across the papers regularly, his financial
backers were encouraged to pull out, and the Attorney General's Office
encouraged his customers to back out of the deal. Papers stolen from his
factory turned up in the possession of the Deputy District Attorney. Although
it was in no one's interest (except perhaps the utilities) to put his company
out of business, the Attorney General's Office attempted to do just that.

Dennis Lee's customers signed petitions asking the Attorney General's
Office to stop 'protecting' them and dismiss the suit, or at the very least
allow him to be able to perform on their contracts. Despite the ridiculous
civil suit that required his company to do what it was already doing, and the
overwhelming obstacles placed in his way, Lee's company overcame.
When it was obvious that the company could not be destroyed using these
tactics, other methods followed. A hired plant solicited enough unrest to get
an involuntary bankruptcy filed, although the company was in good financial
shape at the time. When Lee proved he could still turn things around, the
harassers arranged a hostile takeover of the company. Lee, who once
believed that fascist tactics belonged to other governments, discovered his
first hard lesson in the 'just-us' system: that here in America, law
enforcement agencies are often used to protect powerful money interests
and not the interests of the citizens. He quietly left to pick up the pieces

He moved to Boston to continue his efforts with a company associate. It
was here, less than one year after the utilities first destroyed his efforts, that
he discovered he could make 'free electricity' using the technology of the
Super Heat Pump. How ironic, after they had forced him out of business,
that he would discover a technology that could put them out of business. He
substantiated the discovery with three scientists of tremendous experience.
One was a professor at MIT, one was an ex-Department of Defense
scientist and an inventor himself, and the other was an ex-Boeing plant
supervisor who had been an electrical engineer for 40 years. They each
independently confirmed that the concept was sound. A demonstration was
put together to prove the concept worked.

Dennis wrote letters to the Department of Energy and every Congressman
in Washington to explain his discovery and invite them to a demonstration
of 'free electricity'. He wrote a letter to President Carter, the 

[CTRL] Y2K Fear May Trigger Early Panic

1998-12-16 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Technology Headlines Monday December 14 10:18 AM ET

Fear Of Year 2000 Computer Bug May Trigger Early Panic

By Neil Winton, Science and Technology Correspondent

LONDON (Reuters) - Even if the ``millennium bomb'' does not explode in the
world's computers just over a year from now, 1999 is likely to see rising
panic as people take precautions against computer failure triggered by the
year 2000.

Experts say the most vulnerable countries include Japan, France, Russia and
Brazil and the most vulnerable sectors are utilities, especially power

``Next year we will see periods of calm broken by occasional news stories
predicting computer systems failures,'' said Ross Anderson of Cambridge
University's Computer Security Research Center. ``My own feeling is that
around August or September panic will start, with hoarding of food and bank
notes. Then the whole thing becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.''

The time bomb has trivial origins. In the early days of computing, programs
saved what was then precious space by abbreviating years to the last two

They knew this could cause problems at the turn of the century because
computers would read ``00'' as ``1900'' rather than ``2000'' and crash or
spew out flawed data. But they thought these programs would be history by
then as technology raced ahead.

They were wrong. Now the fear is that old data systems carrying the
millennium bomb or bug could trigger disasters around the world in
everything from defense, transport and telecommunications to energy and
financial services.

As 1999 progresses, early trigger dates are likely to provide sneak
previews of the chaos that may hit as clocks strike midnight on Dec. 31.
The first is Jan. 1, 1999. Programs used in some accounting systems operate
a rolling year ahead as they set renewal dates for insurance premiums or
bank loans and may crash when they reach out beyond Jan. 1, 2000.

Margaret Joachim, Year 2000 coordinator at data processing services company
Electronic Data Systems Corp. (NYSE:EDS - news), says there are other dates
next year that might trigger computer failure.

``April 9, 1999, the 99th day of the year, and Sept. 9, 1999, which might
be recorded as 9-9-99. This is because programmers often used nines as a
cutoff for a program. A row of nines meant 'don't do this anymore,'''
Joachim said.

The world is in differing states of readiness. Information technology
consultancy Gartner Group says the United States is best prepared, followed
by Canada, Australia, South Africa, Israel and Britain. At the bottom of
the list is Brazil, the world's eighth largest economy and a big producer
of industrial components, commodities and grains.

Brazil is unlikely to be able to confine problems within its borders,
according to a recent report by Edward Yardeni, chief economist for
Deutsche Morgan Grenfell in New York.

Japan's lack of action is also causing concern. The Japanese government
said last month that important industries like finance, transport, energy,
telecommunications and medicine were lagging in year 2000 preparation.

Hong Kong's government has said 80 percent of its critical computer systems
were ready for 2000 as of Sept. 30, 1998, but it is worried about small and
medium-sized businesses.

India does not expect much damage because of its small number of computers
-- only around 2.3 million in a nation of about 950 million. But India's
``brain trust'' of software makers have bagged orders worth $1.5 billion to
fix year 2000 problems around the world, said Dewang Mehta, executive
director of the National Association of Software and Service Companies.

In China, authorities have decreed that all government computer systems
must be fixed by March and tests completed by September 1999.

Cambridge University's Anderson said France was most at risk in Western
Europe, with computer failures most likely in the public sector and
especially public utilities. Any problems could quickly become a problem
for neighbors such as Britain, which receives electric power from France.

``There is still quite a question mark over whether France sees the scale
of the problem,'' said Chris Webster, head of year 2000 services at Cap

``There's a real chance that there may be some loss of service from
utilities. Who, when, where or why? Impossible to say. Will it be a
complete loss of power, voltage fluctuations? And there is a remarkable
lack of information from utilities as to what they are expecting to

JP Morgan's Year 2000 expert Patrick Ward says Eastern Europe's and
Russia's utilities are a big concern, not least because Russia provides 40
percent of Germany's power.

If some systems crashes are triggered early by the arrival of Jan. 1, 1999,
it might be a blessing in disguise.

``This will involve accounting, planning and budgeting systems rather than
operational executing systems, which carry out day-to-day business. It will
give you some experience in spotting the 

[CTRL] God's Banker Exhumed

1998-12-16 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

AP Headlines Wednesday December 16 12:09 PM ET

Italians Exhume Banker's Body

COMO, Italy (AP) - While his son and a judge looked on, the body of a
Vatican-connected financier was exhumed today to determine whether his 1982
death was murder or suicide.

Prosecutors hope a new examination of the body will shed light on the death
of Roberto Calvi, whose corpse was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in
London following Italy's biggest postwar banking scandal.

Calvi was known as ``God's banker'' for his close ties to the Vatican.

Calvi's wooden coffin was taken from the family tomb in Drezzo, a town on
the shores of Lake Como, sealed with lead and loaded onto a hearse for the
trip to the morgue in nearby Milan.

Despite the years since Calvi's death, Italian Judge Otello Lupacchini said
he was certain that forensic science could determine the cause of death.

Banco Ambrosiano, in which the Vatican bank held a significant stake,
collapsed in 1982 when it could not collect $1.4 billion in loans to shell
companies in Latin America.

Calvi, the bank's chairman, was found dead days later.

Roman businessman Flavio Carboni has been charged with conspiracy to commit

Prosecutors asked for the exhumation after Carboni's lawyers presented a
report based on a preliminary examination of the body that indicated Calvi
had hanged himself.

``What do I think of the exhumation? It was Carboni's right to seek it in
his defense. For us, it's traumatic,'' said Carlo Calvi, who flew in from
his home in Montreal.

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[CTRL] Let's bomb Iraq to save Bubba and the dollar

1998-12-16 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Wednesday December 16, 4:44 pm Eastern Time
(Note: this article is ``in progress''; there will likely be an update

Dollar ends U.S. firmer as Iraq crisis looms

NEW YORK, Dec 16 (Reuters) - The dollar ended higher against major
currencies Wednesday as the United States moved closer to military strikes
against Iraq, which could delay impeachment proceedings against U.S.
President Clinton.

But the dollar's gains were less pronounced versus the Japanese yen, which
rallied in overnight trading after Japan reported its trade surplus
continued to swell in October.

The threat of renewed military conflict in the Middle East triggered some
dollar buying in a knee-jerk flight to safety. The greenback is
traditionally viewed as a secure place to park investment capital in times
of global crisis.

``People mostly think you buy dollars on the back of this. It's silly, but
people still do it,'' said one currency dealer at a major U.S. investment

The dollar ended higher at 116.90/00 yen from 116.03/13 at the open and
116.50/60 at Tuesday's close. Dollar/mark rose to 1.6760/70 from 1.6630/40
at the open and 1.6600/10 on Tuesday.

United Nations arms inspectors quickly exited Iraq as Clinton huddled with
top foreign policy and defense advisers. Anonymous defense officials said
they were ready to strike Iraq without warning.

The commotion fueled speculation that the House of Representatives might
delay debate on impeaching Clinton, the threat of which had caused dollar
sales recently.

``The dollar had been down with the impeachment story. But with any delay,
that could be bullish for the dollar,'' said one currency dealer at a U.S.

The dollar had fallen overnight against the yen after Japan reported the
surplus in its current account--the widest measure of trade in goods and
services--grew 21.5 percent to $11.6 billion in October from a year

As Japan exports far more than it imports, currency markets experience a
relative shortage of yen, boosting its value.

Japan also announced a $5.15 billion three-year loan program to boost
sagging Asian economies, which was seen helping Japan along with the rest
of the region.

Dealers said the dollar would continue to trade in narrow but volatile
ranges in coming sessions as many market players had already ended trading
activities for the year.

``The market was short dollars on impeachment. Once the market gets long
again, it will go back down,'' said one dealer at a Japanese bank.

Late in New York trade the dollar briefly pushed above 117 yen when air
raid sirens were heard in Baghdad, though witnesses reported no unusual

The dollar rose to 1.3525/35 Swiss francs from 1.3438/48 at the open. The
British pound fell to $1.6677/87 from $1.6780/90 at the open and $1.6838/48
at Tuesday's close.

The dollar rose to Canadian $1.5392/02 from C$1.5378/88. The Australian
dollar rose to $0.6230/35 from $0.6210/20 at the open.

(Note: this article is ``in progress''; there will likely be an update

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Re: [CTRL] Just curious

1998-12-16 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Sno0wl wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 What with all the enthusiasm on this list for impeaching Clinton, I'm
 curious who you would prefer to see occupying the presidential

 Gore? Livingston? George  Bush, Jr.? Trent Lott? Pataki? DeLay?

 And why do you think your choice would be an improvement?

It's hardly important who replaces him. What is important is that the
occupant of the White House know that he can be yanked.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Just curious

1998-12-16 Thread Reverend S. Michael Wilson

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:06:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  -Caveat Lector-

 What with all the enthusiasm on this list for impeaching Clinton, I'm
 curious who you would prefer to see occupying the presidential

 Gore? Livingston? George  Bush, Jr.? Trent Lott? Pataki? DeLay?

 And why do you think your choice would be an improvement?

Is it too late to get Perot in there?  That crazy sonofabitch would give
everybody something to talk about, eh?

Reverend S.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: DNA Sample with Every Arrest

1998-12-16 Thread Reverend S. Michael Wilson

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:55:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 NEW YORK (AP) -- Angering civil libertarians who fear ``1984''-style
 Police Commissioner Howard Safir is suggesting that police take a DNA sample
 along with the fingerprints of everyone arrested.

 ``The innocent have nothing to fear,'' Safir said Monday. ``Only if you are
 guilty should you worry about DNA testing.'' 

Innocence, of course, being in the eye of the oppressor.  Those who commit
what have become known as "Consensual Crimes" (drug use, prostitution,
gambling, ets...) are not guilty of harming others, or using others, or
victimizing others in any way.  They are quilty only of not conforming to the
laws of the land, regardless of how unjust or unrealistic they are.  Yes, the
innocent have nothing to fear.  But no one is truly innocent, and as is
becoming increasingly apparent, no one is truly free.

Reverend S.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob

1998-12-16 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 11:51:38 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 It is truly a pity that the American system is missing its most crucial
 an educated electorate.  

The electorate IS being educated at this time.  Sex education comes first, and
Ken Starr is providing that.  The rest of the education comes later.  Prudy

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] We are at war

1998-12-16 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

For those of you who aren't listening to the news, we are at war again.
Bombing of Iraq began about 2 hours ago.  I've been watching for the past 2


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Re: [CTRL] !!! NEWS FLASH !!!

1998-12-16 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Abuse of power? Not only Clinton but now the whole democratic
party is part of it. Murdering innocent people of another country to
save their fellow crook.

musta got the idea from the murdering republicrats. is there a difference?
just more shit to sell that no wants to buy. take it elsewhere. whatta

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] We are at war

1998-12-16 Thread Rock4life

 -Caveat Lector-

Yep, just in time to delay the vote on impeachment. But of course they say that
was not intended for that purpose, but look at all the other so called stories
they have come up with...he'll try to stay in office at all costs no matter what
has to be done...Rock

Hilary Thomas wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 For those of you who aren't listening to the news, we are at war again.
 Bombing of Iraq began about 2 hours ago.  I've been watching for the past 2


 Together We Create Heaven on Earth


 Come join exploration - a discussion list dedicated to keeping up-to-date on
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 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob

1998-12-16 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 98-12-16 18:42:10 EST, you write:

 The electorate IS being educated at this time.  Sex education comes first,
 Ken Starr is providing that.  The rest of the education comes later.  Prudy

 Yes, we see now that there is no difference between d's and r's.  Bush
had a War for his interests in oil, and Clinton is having a War to draw
attention away from the impeachment.  Seems the bombing of Sudan didn't do it,
so he has resorted to bigger targets.  Why not North Korea... they did fire a
missle across Japan, aren't they more of a threat than Iraq which hasn't
recovered from the Gulf War?

 So now, Clintonites does this make him eligible for impeachment?  The
timing of the "Kinder, Gentler" article could not have been better, or worse
for the Clintonites.  Not only that, but did you notice it was only anti-
Republican propaganda, not a word about the "good work" of Clinton.  Just what
has Clinton done to deserve such an ardent following?  Can anyone post ten
"good" things Clinton has done since he has been in office?

Bob Stokes

P.S. ~ I see his program worked, they have put off the vote on impeachment
till Monday.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: from website (ciajfk.com)

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

from website (ciajfk.com)

To Frank J. Klein, Esq. :

While the U.S. media is focusing on President Clinton's impeachment a "U.S.
espionage sweeps Europe."

The CIA was also interested in Princess Diana's sexual habits and kept a
1100 page Dosier on her.  They don't want anyone to see it according to the
San Jose Mercury, Dec. 12, 1998 and the Star Dec. 22, 1998.  Bill Clinton's
sexual trap was not the only case the CIA/Pentagon was interested in.  It
is possible that the CIA was more interested in Princess Diana's stance for
the Red Cross against the land mines.  How much do you want to bet?

About two years ago one may want to note: That Bill Clinton's Ambassador,
Pamela Harriman (once married to Winston Churchill's son) died at Mohamed
Al Fayed's Ritz Hotel swimming pool.  Pamela's family says she was in great


Bruce Campbell Adamson


Low on funds get volumes for free? By visiting your local library and place
a request for the entire set of The de Mohrenschildt Story and refer them
to the Books in Print.

"Everything that we are today exists today because of the past.  If
historians don't get the story right, then our lives today are based upon
lies." Bruce Campbell Adamson Nov. 1997.

Visit my web site (http://www.ciajfk.com).

- Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bruce C. Adamson)

Re: [CTRL] Hate Speech and Canada

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 10:54:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If Clinton's grades were so good - why did he have to flee the
Draft to Canada?

Simple answer . . . he didn't.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chteau

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.consciousevolution.com/"Conscious Evolution Home Page
Ya got rumours of gold treasure, the 'holy grail', the visigoths, secret
societies, templars,  cathars  and more. Now add a little geomacy. Hmm . . .
somethin' 'bout the south of France.

Well, here tis a whole book online. I haven't read it yet but shall try. Here
tis a taste. Nice graphics at site.

"Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission
natural selection, the force that made us Soon we must look deep
within ourselves and decide what we wish to become."

-- Edward O. Wilson
Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge
Pythagoras' Fun House
The newest addition to the Conscious Evolution family, Pythagoras' Fun
House focuses on numerical and geometric insights into ancient and
modern wisdom.Click here now!

The Sacred Landscape Geometry
of Rennes-le-Chateau.
Simon Miles' original research into the origins of Sacred Geometry in
the ancient grid-map of To-Mera, and its relationship to stellar
formations and etheric formative forces.

The Fleming-Roche Tarot
Now complete!
Click the image of the Tarot Fool to see a one-of-a-kind tarot deck
created by your webmaster and a close friend, back in the dark ages.

The CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION site is currently under construction. Please
bear with us while we plan and grow.
In the meantime. please stop by our discussion forum now!

Thanks, and welcome.
A HREF="http://www.consciousevolution.com/Rennes/Default.htm"Conscious
Evolution Home Page /A

The Sacred Landscape Geometry


Simon M. Miles

"In the manuscript, of course, there was also the map, or, rather, a
precise description of the map, of the original. It's surprising; you
can't imagine how simple the solution is. The map was within everyone's
grasp, in full view; why thousands of people have passed it every day
for centuries. And the method of orientation is so elementary that you
just have to memorise the pattern and the map can be reproduced on the
spot, anywhere.

"So simple and so unexpectedImagine - this is just to give you an
idea - it's as if the map were inscribed in the Pyramid of Cheops, its
elements displayed for everyone to see, and for centuries people have
read and reread and deciphered the pyramid, seeking other allusions,
other calculations, completely overlooking its incredible splendid
simplicity. A masterpiece of innocence. And fiendish cunning. The
Templars of Provins were wizards."

•Umberto Eco, Foucault's Pendulum


Part One: The Zodiac Grid Map of Europe
   Recovering the Map of Mt Meru
   The Hieroglyph mer
   The Dimensions of To-Mera
   The Grid Map of Europe
   The Square Form of the Zodiac
   The Square Zodiac on the Grid Map of Europe

Part Two: The Constellation of Crux and Its Use as a Meridian Calibrator
   The Meridian in the Mountains at Rennes-le-Chateau
   The Constellation of Crux as Calibration Standard
   The Square of Pegasus
   Crux at the Temple of Hathor at Denderah
   Crux as Metaphor for the Place of Testing

Part Three: The Solution to the Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau

Part Four: The Earth Grid and the Etheric Formative Forces



Selected Bibiography

© 1997 by Simon M. Miles, all rights reserved

Your comments are welcome: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Navigating footnotes: For your convenience, the footnotes in each
section are hyperlinked. To read a footnote, just click on the footnote
number in the text. To return to the place where the footnote appeared,
click on the footnote number at the beginning of the note.

©Ignotum 1998
A HREF="http://www.consciousevolution.com/Rennes/Fwrd.htm"Conscious
Evolution Home Page /A

The Compass of the Wise

Hand-coloured by Adam McLean The Alchemy Website


A century has passed since a poor and penitent parish priest in an
obscure village in the south of France made the discovery which would
bring him wealth and riches beyond imagining. What began as a minor
local mystery has become over the years an enigma which has spawned a
host of books. By this late date, the curious story of Rennes-le-Château
and the plutonic priest, Berenger Sauniere, threatens to become a
cliche. It would seem that little more could possibly remain to be said
to throw light upon this dark and tangled web of tales. For those who
have followed the mystery, it would perhaps appear that the trail has
gone cold; that every avenue of Templars and treasures, bloodlines and
blackmail, Poussin and the Priory of sion has been thoroughly exhausted,
and all that remains is to go over the evidence ad nauseum, or move on
to other topics of 

[CTRL] Fwd: [priory-of-sion] M.Dagobert continued talk.

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd


Communication has begun, slowly.
Seems as Plantard discovered the archives of General Dagobert (1736-1794) and
of the Masonic Lodge of Philadelphes of Narbonne. He elaborated a fake
genealogy starting with St. Dagobert II.
The gold and iron mines I spoke of, were reopened by a man named Dubosq,
native of Normandy and mandated by the Royal Council of the Roussillon and by
the Commissary of Mines and Forges of King Louis XVI, Jean Pierre Francois
Duhamel, cousin of the General Dagobert. The gold involving the SS, seems to
involve the area Oradour-sur-Glane. If there are any misspelled words, forgive
the translation. More to follow.

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to digest, go to the ONElist web site, at http://www.onelist.com and
select the User Center link from the menu bar on the left.

Re: [CTRL] !!! NEWS FLASH !!!

1998-12-16 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 5:06:43 PM Eastern Standard Time,


  Where are those Iraqis going to go?

  Are they going to move buildings?

  The Iraqis are like fish in the barrel, there is no where for them to go.
  The democrats are just going to kill a bunch of innocent people
  to take the heat off Clinton.

  They don't have to strike today, tomorrow or next month.
  The people have no where go . EXCEPT TO PUT UP A
  SMOKE SCREEN to cover up for a criminal politician, there
  is no reason why this must be done today,

  They can kill those innocent people any time they want.

  Abuse of power? Not only Clinton but now the whole democratic
  party is part of it. Murdering innocent people of another country to
  save their fellow crook.

Nobody has called to ask me, but I've got a suggestion. Reconvene the
judiciary committee at first light tomorrow, draft the obvious 5th article of
impeachment and hand it to the full house by, say, 10:00AM. The impeachment
vote could be accomplished by noon and the Senate would have the rest of the
afternoon to do what needs to be done.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Council on Foreign Relations Special Group Declares War!

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Council on Foreign Relations Special Group Declares War!

Reuter's reported that early today Council on Foreign Relations Special
Group members President William Jefferson Clinton, Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright, and Secretary of Defense William Cohen met  to discuss
attacking Iraq.

The article quotes Ken Bacon, a Pentagon spokesman, as saying Clinton had
full moral responsibility and authority to make any decision on Iraq
policy, despite impeachment proceedings.  "The president is the
commander-in-chief (of the armed forces)," Bacon said. "I think that he has
the full authority given under the Constitution to take any action he needs
to take in protection of our national interest, whatever he decides that

Someone should tell Pentagon Spokesman Bacon  that  Congress, not President
Clinton  is responsible for declaring war.  The Constitution of the United
States Article 1, Section 8, states, "the Congress shall have Power to
declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules
concerning Captures on Land and Water." If President Clinton thinks our
national interests are in need of protection, shouldn't he put the matter
before Congress?

The Council on Foreign Relations has only 3000 members yet they control
over three-quarters of the nations wealth. The Council on Foreign Relations
runs the State Department and the CIA. The Council on Foreign Relations has
placed 100 Council on Foreign Relations members in every Presidential
Administration since Woodrow Wilson. They work together to misinform and
disinform the President to act in the best interest of the Council on
Foreign Relations not the best interest of the American People. At least
five Presidents (Eisenhower, Ford, Bush and Clinton) have been members of
the Council on Foreign Relations. The Council on Foreign Relations has
packed every Supreme court with Council on Foreign Relations insiders. Two
Council on Foreign Relations members (Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sandra Day
O'Connor) sit on the supreme court.  The Council on Foreign Relations's
British Counterpart is the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The
members of these groups profit by creating tension and hate. Their targets
include British and American citizens.

The 100 Council on Foreign Relations members that surround the president
are "the Secret Team." The "Secret Team" help carry out psycho-political
operations scripted by Council on Foreign Relations members in the state
department and the Intelligence Organizations. The psycho-political
operations are coordinated by a group of Council on Foreign Relations
members called the Special Group. The Special Group evolved from the
Psychological Strategy Board.

President Truman issued an executive order establishing the Psychological
Strategy Board. The Board was run by Council on Foreign Relations members
Gordon Gray and Henry Kissinger. The PSB has close ties to the State
Department and Intelligence Organizations. The purpose of the PSB was to
co-ordinate psycho-political operations. Many of those operations were
focused at Americans. The people became wary of the Psychological Strategy
Board. Eisenhower issued an executive order changing its name to the
Operations Coordination Board. The OCB was a bigger more powerful PSB. Gray
and Kissinger ran the OCB too.  President Kennedy abolished the OCB. It
became an ad hoc committee called the "Special Group," which exists today.
The PSB/OCB/Special Group always has Council on Foreign Relations members
running and sitting on it. Since the Special Group was not formed by
Executive Order it cannot be abolished. A list of Council on Foreign
Relations members in the Clinton administrations special group and secret
team is posted on the RoundTable website at
[http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2807/CFRClinton.html ].

The INQUIRY was America's first Central Intelligence Agency. Supreme Court
Justice Felix Frankfurter, and Woodrow Wilson's close political advisor and
friend, Edward Mandel House, suggested the idea to Wilson. House became the
INQUIRY's first director, Lippmann was House's first recruit. The existence
of the INQUIRY such a well kept secret, that to this day hardly any
Americans have heard of the INQUIRY or are aware that it ever existed.
Wilson paid for the INQUIRY from the President's Fund for National Safety
and Defense. He directed that it not be housed in Washington. A remote room
in the New York Public Library was its first office. Later it moved to
offices in the American Geographical Society at West 155th Street and
Broadway. James T. Shotwell, a Columbia University historian and an early
recruit came up with the agency name the INQUIRY, which, he said, would be
a "blind to the general public, but would serve to identify it among the
initiated." 5 Shotwell probably chose the name because the word History is
derived from the a Greek word meaning "a learning by inquiry." Ironically
the INQUIRY would use psychological warfare techniques to warp 

[CTRL] Fwd: [priory-of-sion] Some very interesting answers from M.Dagobert.

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd


I will share all letters from M.Dagobert I recieve with this list. Here are
some answers to a letter I sent:

1) Saunière has never been wealthy, he was manipulated by his brother,
preceptor in the Chefdebien family and in relationship with the Habsbourg
family.  Those are the ones who sponsored Sauniere's works in the hope of
recovering the treasure of the Jews and to rebuild the German Holy Empire with
the Catholic Church of Rome.

2) Boudet was an original who made an imaginary work that the Scientific
Society of the Aude, France, never took seriously. This is Plantard with the
help of Philippe de Cerisey, bad comedian, friend of Pierre Dac (famous french
comedian) who built all that story of rebus to justify the Priory of Sion. I
will talked to you another time about Poussin who was native of Normandy, near
Gisors and its famous castle (related to Plantard).

3) It is almost sure that the Priory of Sion really existed and that it
has been founded by the first patriarch of Jerusalem, legate of the pope
Urbain ll : Dagobert, arbishop of Pise, the 27th of December 1099, almost 8
centuries ago.

4) The Priory of Sion of Mr Plantard was founded in Annemasse in June
1956, a few weeks after the death of my father in, the 23rd of May 1956. My
father was born in Nantes, the 27th of December 1899.

5) Dagobert ll was the little son of king Dagobert 1st. He had no
successor. His brother Clovis ll ruled alone over the full kindom of the
Francs. He had successors until Childéric lll who was discarded by Pépin le
Bref in 751 and sent to the abbey of Sithiu. His son, Thierry about 18 years
old  was sent to the abbey of St Wandrille and the monks sent him later in a
sister abbey in the Cotentin, in the area of St Lô (probably in Périers). This
is where he married a wiking and founded a family to which he gave the name of
Dagobert in memory of the most prestigious kings of the Francs, after Clovis.

6) A lot of french authors and journalists took very seriously my book
about the story of the Dagobert family and I even received the second price of
history from the jury of the Academical Society of Nantes and Loire-
Atlantique. That price was given to me by M. de Cossé Brissac himself,
president of the conseil général (department council) and senator of Loire-
Atlantique. The reporter of the jury was an old general-magistrate who took
care of the lawsuit of the criminals of Oradour in Bordeaux in 1953. Because
of that fact, he was perfectly aware of the story of the gold of the SS in
between the spanish boundary and the swiss boundary in 1943 and 1944 whose the
heart was in the city of Limoges, where lived, with the Dumas family (Roland
Dumas is a minister in the actual french government), an austrian jew named

7) Mr Pierre Plantard whose family is from Britany in France knew very
well the Dagobert family and its story. But, mythomaniac and ambitious, he
joined the colaboration with some "cagoulards" among whom was Mr Francois
Mitterrand (previous president of France during 14 years). This is because of
these people that after the war the so-called austrian jew, in fact the son of
a noble banker from Vienna followed the cause of the Habsbourg family, and
became the financial sponsor of Mitterrand for his electoral campaign of 1974,
1981 and 1988.

I think I said enough for tonight because it is late.

Truly yours,

Roger-René Dagobert

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Re: [CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob - Part II

1998-12-16 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 16 Dec 98 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 According to a long-time Republican friend, the Republicans are risking
 nothing.  According to him, the American public are so stupid and have
 such short memories that by the time the next election comes around,
 they will have forgotten all about this matter.  Makes you wonder.

Actually, this has been the strategy with every cover-up, including
the JFK assassination and Iran-Contra--this belief that the public is
stupid and forgetful and in a few years, no one will care or

I also wonder about June, who thinks we'll be allowed a Ken Starr
clone to go after each and every corrupt politico who comes after
Clinton. Ho Ho Ho!!! What a laugh that is. You won't catch one of the
Bush kids in a trap like that. When it comes to obstruction, they
really know how to handle justice. Perhaps you have already forgotten
Iran-Contra, Silverado, the SL debacle--now there were crimes. Real
crimes. And the criminals  laughed all the way to the bank. They're
not only laughing. They're all running for national office.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Perjury

1998-12-16 Thread Sno0wl

 -Caveat Lector-

On 16 Dec 98 , M. wrote:

 Reading through this tripe, the consideration of a 'mirror' view
 regarding the Democratic desire to SAVE an accused perjurer who has
 abused his power and his office 'turned' on every word.

This "accused perjurer" was accused of saying that he was never alone
with a woman when, in fact, he was alone with her. Being alone with
the woman was not, in itself, a crime.

This "accused perjurer" is accused of saying that he never had
"sexual relations" with a certain woman, when in fact he did have
sexual relations of a sort. Having sexual relations with the woman
was not a crime.

He is accused of perjury in relation to matters which do not, in any
way, relate to criminal acts.

Many of the most educated people in our nation, including
distinguished legal scholars and prosecutors who participated in the
Iran-Contra hearings, cannot believe that Clinton is being impeached
over these issues. Ken Starr's own ethical advisor has quit over
these issues. However, all we hear on the news is what the  ruthless,
relentless, vengeful  Republican members of the Judiciary Committee
think, do, and say.

It is this sort of thing that would make this impeachment laughable,
if it were not a tragically unfortunate--not for Clinton, but for the

This is the kind of issue that combined with Y2k problems, could
eventually split the nation, lead to civil war, and, finally,
to martial law.  Which is exactly where these radical Republicans may
be leading us. Once you're under martial law, you'll be moral and
read your Bible, all right!!!  You won't have a choice.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Madeleine Brown interview

1998-12-16 Thread Linda Minor


 FM - You told me you saw Lyndon on November 21, 1963. Is that
 MB - Perfectly. It was a surprise. I was invited to a party at
Murchison’s Dallas residence. The party was given in honor of Edgar
Hoover, the FBI’s chief. Richard Nixon was there. John McCloy, a
future member of the Warren Commission was there also. Lyndon arrived
late. I didn’t even know he was there. He, Hunt and others immediately
locked themselves in a room for a ten minute conference. When Lyndon
came out he spotted me. He seemed so angry and had a dreadful look on
his face. He came up to me and whispered: "After tomorrow, those damn
Kennedy’s will never stand in my way again. That’s not a threat, it’s
a promise". I’ve never forgotten that.
 FM - What was your reaction?
 MB - I didn’t really react. I couldn’t imagine that his words
would ever ring true. Lyndon was extremely angry with JFK. It was just
one more time. The next morning, four hours before the assassination,
I spoke to Lyndon on the phone at the hotel where he stayed with
Kennedy. He told me the same thing again and I told him we’d see each
other again and I would make him forget whatever plagued him.
 FM - I hope you realize the impact of what you are implying.
You’re implicating the vice-president in the crime of the century.
 MB - I don’t know if Lyndon was the instigator of this crime. It
could be. All I know is what he told me on the 21st  and repeated on
the 22nd. About a month after, I had wanted to know for sure so I
asked him if he was involved in the Kennedy murder. He got so angry
that I regretted ever bringing it up. Then he told me (You know my
friends - they killed him.) He was talking of those millionaires.
 FM - He didn’t say anything else?
 MB - No and I never brought it up again. But I would like to tell
you this about Hunt. A few minutes after the assassination, he went to
Washington to give Lyndon a hand. When he came back a little before
Christmas, he was a totally different man. Like an incredible weight
was lifted off his shoulders. One day, he told me, smiling, (We’ve won
the war) I’m sure he was referring to Kennedy."

   JFK: Truth of a conspiracy

Madeleine Brown is barely 23 when she falls for Lyndon Johnson’s
charm. This Texan romance, filled with improvised meetings, unkept
promises and quick but intense embrace, spanned more than two decades.
But Madeleine was more than just one of the 36th president’s many
conquests. In fact, on December 27, 1950, she gives birth to Steven:
one more career secret for this ambitious politician. Johnson’s son
died in 1990. Since, Madeleine Brown, liberated from her imposed
discretion, decided to share her memories of her time spent with the
president. Without anger or need for revenge, still deeply in love
with her Lyndon but very aware of historical accuracy, she proves her
relationship by presenting passionate love notes written by Johnson as
well as the letter from a Texas lawyer confirming the continuing
financial support for Steven’s education after Lyndon’s death.

 But a powerful man’s intimate portrait becomes a loaded
testimonial when she refers to the relationship between LBJ and JFK
and describes Johnson’s role in the November 1963 Kennedy
 Madeleine Brown - It’s very moving for me to meet you here at the
Adolphus Hotel in Dallas. It’s here that, about 50 years ago, I met
Lyndon for the first time.
 Figaro Magazine - I imagine that this evening is forever engraved
in you.
 MB - Oh yes I was 23 and still had my baby face. At the time I
was working for the Glenn advertising agency a few steps away from the
Adolphus. At the end of September 1948, Jesse Kallen, director of KTNC
Radio in Austin, a close friend of Lyndon Johnson, invited me to a
party given in honor of all those who had contributed to his electoral
campaign. He was running for senator against Coke Stevenson.
 FM - It’s the ballot 13 election, right? The one that was rigged?
 MB - Yes that was the one. Ballot 13 gave Lyndon victory. It was
rapidly noticed that even the dead had voted, but it was to late.
Lyndon was already in Washington. It’s funny that Johnson made it to
Washington thanks to election fraud.
 FM - So you met Lyndon that night for the first time?
 MB - Yes. When LBJ walked in the room it was so intense. He was
so charismatic. The whole room gravitated towards him. I noticed him
right away and I was seduced. He was a typical Texan-both feet on the
ground, smiling, warm and terribly sexy. Jesse introduced us and I
danced with Lyndon. It was so overwhelming to be in his arms. There
was so much in the way we looked at each other. He invited me to
another party at the Driskill Hotel in Austin.
 FM - Do you remember the date?
 MB - Of course. It was October 29, 1948. After two dances, he
asked me to go up and wait for him in his suite. He met up with me an
hour later and it’s that night that I became his 

Re: [CTRL] Perjury

1998-12-16 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Reading through this tripe, the consideration of a 'mirror' view
regarding the Democratic desire to SAVE an accused perjurer who has
abused his power and his office 'turned' on every word.

Sno0wl wrote:
  This "accused perjurer" was accused of saying that he was never
  alone with a woman when, in fact, he was alone with her. Being
  alone with the woman was not, in itself, a crime.
Correct, but LYING about this under oath in an effort to thwart
culpability in a civil suit most certainly is ... as well as
being in conflict with a President's oath of office.

Sno0wl wrote:
  This "accused perjurer" is accused of saying that he never had
  "sexual relations" with a certain woman, when in fact he did have
  sexual relations of a sort. Having sexual relations with the woman
  was not a crime.
Did you investigate the many laws regarding sodomy within the nation's
capitol? LYING about this under oath in an effort to
thwart culpability in a civil suit most certainly is ... as
well as being in conflict with a President's oath of office.

Sno0wl wrote:
  He is accused of perjury in relation to matters which do not,
  in any way, relate to criminal acts.
The perjury itself is a criminal act.

No mention of the abuses of office and power utilized to the goal
of thwarting culpability in that civil manner?  Afterall, Mr. Nixon
was pursued for 'covering up' a crime he did not commit as compared
to Clinton's desire to do the same for his OWN crimes.

Sno0wl wrote:
   Many of the most educated people in our nation, including
   distinguished legal scholars and prosecutors who participated
   in the Iran-Contra hearings, cannot believe that Clinton is
   being impeached over these issues. Ken Starr's own ethical
   advisor has quit over these issues. However, all we hear on
   the news is what the  ruthless, relentless, vengeful  Republican
   members of the Judiciary Committee think, do, and say.
Certainly one is learned enough to 'wade' through the BS and locate
primary sourcing ... establishing an opinion for ones self of the

Hamilton, Federalist Number 65:

   A well-constituted court for the trial of impeachments is an
   object not more to be desired than difficult to be obtained in a
   government wholly elective. The subjects of its jurisdiction are
   those offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or,
   in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.
   They are of a nature which may with peculiar propriety be
   denominated POLITICAL, as they relate chiefly to injuries done
   immediately to the society itself. The prosecution of them, for
   this reason, will seldom fail to agitate the passions of the whole
   community, and to divide it into parties more or less friendly or
   inimical to the accused. In many cases it will connect itself with
   the pre-existing factions, and will enlist all their animosities,
   partialities, influence, and interest on one side or on the other;
   and in such cases there will always be the greatest danger that the
   decision will be regulated more by the comparative strength of
   parties, than by the real demonstrations of innocence or guilt.

I simply point to our current efforts in Iraq ... the questioning
of Mr. Clinton's motives in itself demonstrates the 'violation of
some public trust.'  The same accusations occurred when Mr. Clinton
destroyed a pharmaceutical plant in August.


Men in public trust will much oftener act in such a manner as
to render them unworthy of being any longer trusted, than in
such a manner as to make them obnoxious [subject] to legal
punishment. -- Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No 70

It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people
believe is true. -- Paul Watson, founder of Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Hate Speech and Canada

1998-12-16 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-


  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 12/16/98 10:54:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If Clinton's grades were so good - why did he have to flee the
 Draft to Canada?

 Simple answer . . . he didn't.

this was a major issue during the time that he was campaigning
for president the first time - how has it been forgotten now?


my ICQ# 14484977
Education: A House of Mirrors http://members.xoom.com/ThePiedPiper/Intro2.htm
Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
http://www.cec.sped.org/faq/gt-ld.htm (New 16 Oct 98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the
Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
Mission Possible International
5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215
Duluth, GA 30097 USA
2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
VISIT http://www.dorway.com/possible.html Get links to over 30 sites
VISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/   ..FAQs  Cases
VISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: In the Beginning was the Word -- TAXES

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Were Egyptians the First Writers?

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -- Clay tablets uncovered in southern Egypt from the tomb of
a king named Scorpion may represent the earliest known writing by humankind,
an archaeologist said Tuesday.  If confirmed, the discovery would rank among
the greatest ever in the search for the origins of the written word.

But the subject they mostly deal with may be of no surprise at all. It's

Gunter Dreyer, head of the German Archaeological Institute, said the tablets
record linen and oil deliveries made about 5,300 years ago as tithe to King
Scorpion I.

He said the tablets have been carbon-dated with certainty to between 3300 B.C.
and 3200 B.C.

The discovery throws open for debate a widely held belief among historians
that the first people to write were the Sumerians of the Mesopotamian
civilization sometime before 3000 B.C. The exact date of Sumerian writing
remains in doubt.

The Egyptian writings -- in the form of line drawings of animals, plants and
mountains -- are the first evidence that hieroglyphics used by later-day
Pharaonic dynasties did not ``rise as Phoenix from the ashes'' but developed
gradually, Dreyer said.

``Linguists now have a larger history (of writing) to regard,'' he said.

One American archaeologist called the tablets an ``exciting'' find.

``This would be one of the greatest discoveries in the history of writing and
ancient Egyptian culture,'' Kent Weeks, professor of Egyptology at the
American University in Cairo, told The Associated Press.

But John Baines, a professor of Egyptology at Oxford University, was more

``Undoubtedly, (Dreyer's) findings are very important, but I have an open mind
on this and would like to see'' more evidence on the comparative ages of the
Egyptian and Mesopotamian samples, Baines said in a telephone interview.

At this point, ``I would say it is likely that writing was invented in both
places,'' he said.

The bulk of Dreyer's discovery was from Scorpion's tomb in a cemetery in the
Suhag province, 300 miles south of Cairo.

Like many kings in pre-Pharaonic times, Scorpion took the name of an animal.
Records have been found of chieftains named Mouse, Falcon, Double Falcon and
Elephant before the first Pharaonic dynasty began in 2920 B.C. The Great
Pyramid was not built until nearly 400 years later.

Since 1985, Dreyer and his team have unearthed about 300 pieces of written
material on clay tablets barely bigger than postage stamps and clay jars and
vases with ink impressions.

Dreyer said the writings were not a creative outpouring, but the result
economic necessity: When chieftains expanded their areas of control they
needed to keep a record of taxes, which were paid in commodities.

Two-thirds of the tablets have been deciphered as accounts of linen and oil
delivered to King Scorpion in taxes, short notes, numbers, lists of kings'
names and names of institutions.

Although the records are made up of symbols, they are considered true writing
because each symbol stands for a consonant and makes up syllables.

For example, the city named Ba-set was written by putting together a throne,
known as Ba, and a stork, set. Similarly, Ju Gereh -- Mountain of Darkness, a
reference to its location in the west where the sun set -- was designated with
those symbols.

Fish, the word for delivery, appears on many tablets against the names of

Apart from the academic question of who came first, Dreyer said, the writings
prove that the early Egyptian society was far more developed than previously

``In principle, they were able to express themselves clearly,'' he said.

Re: [CTRL] JFK's last day

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 8:33:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First, Steamshovel has JFK's last speech transcribed at:


Howdy, thanks for putting up with us 'rowdies'.  I have always enjoyed your
magazine and books. Do you know of a source for a transcript of a complete
speech that JFK gave at Columbia in '63? There is a blip often quoted and I
haven't come across the whole speech. Thanks.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] You're all against me

1998-12-16 Thread henry

 -Caveat Lector-

I forgot how to withdraw my subscription. Please remind me.

thank you

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [ship] Re: Theseus.

1998-12-16 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, M. A. Johnson wrote:

 From: "M. A. Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmm. Our list/group is called the Ship of Theseus
named in part for an old problem in philosophy.

 Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
Cool! My longest book is "Chronicle of the World". It
says on page 107 "Theseus hailed as father of democracy".
Democracy = DIRECT democracy.

Comprende, Johnson?
 Yes, rule by the majority -- rule by a mob.

 Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
I will lead with the REALITY that BC is now a direct electronic
democracy. And a question...what does that mean?


Are you saying the Citizens of B.C. are tyrants, Johnson? Scum that you
are, I'd like to see you look your neighbour right in the eye and call
him or her a TYRANT on voting day...and just when I was thinking there
was some virtue in you

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-16 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

Grass roots efforts are slowly paying off!
Now - to the news 

The FDA and Monsanto is under fire again!!




What they do not say is that the USA is the only country in the world

that uses BGH, veterinarians in other countries refuse to give it to
animals.  Another thing that they didn't hit on in this article is
Monsanto also makes Aspartame - which will make you hyperactive,
and has caused everything from facial breakouts, to death, and birth

my ICQ# 14484977
Education: A House of Mirrors
Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
http://www.cec.sped.org/faq/gt-ld.htm (New 16 Oct 98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the
Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
Mission Possible International
5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215
Duluth, GA 30097 USA
2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
(anything with Monsanto's
VISIT http://www.dorway.com/possible.html Get links to over 30 sites
VISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/   ..FAQs  Cases
VISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [BCPolitics] Re: Comparisons with Switzerland, Re: Politics et al!

1998-12-16 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

   Unfortunately 'what you think' and reality are two distinctly
separate issues.  Switzerland is a Federal Republic.

Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
   Nay, Johnson. Switzerland is in REALITY a direct democracy
   in which the eligible voting Citizens can vote on any issue
   at any time and it will be binding on the Legislature. PROVE
   me wrong instead of bs'ing.

IF I YELL WILL YOU ACTUALLY LISTEN?  I have offered *proof* by
pointing at a reality several times now.

Federal Republic of Switzerland --
Judicial branch:
 Federal Supreme Court, judges elected for six-year terms
 by the Federal Assembly
Executive Branch:
 President and vice president elected by the Federal Assembly
 from among the members of the Federal Council for one-year
 terms that run concurrently;

Legal system:
 Civil law system influenced by customary law; judicial review
 of legislative acts, except with respect to federal decrees
 of general obligatory character; accepts compulsory ICJ
 jurisdiction, with reservations


Tyranny and despotism can be exercised by many, more rigourously,
more vigourously, and more severely, than by one. -- Andrew Johnson

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SnoOwl: Hillary's got my vote!

1998-12-16 Thread JYester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:33:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Hillary Clinton has my vote. God knows she deserves it and she is more than

OK, I've finally caught on. I've been responding to some of these posts in
good faith, but now I get it. Some of you guys are just having a big ole time
making sport of the naivety of some of the rest of us.  You post absurdities
like this just to see who'll bite. My my my

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [BCPolitics] Re: Comparisons with Switzerland, Re: Politics et al!

1998-12-16 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

So what? Given that the CITIZENS can initiate a referendum any time, on any
matter or any public servant (AS THEY CAN IN B.C. NOW + USING THE RECALL
POWER) then the REAL Constitution and ultimate power rests with the one and
only political party, which is a "Party of Citizens".
(Self-proclaimed President, Party of Citizens).


On Wed, 16 Dec 1998, M. A. Johnson wrote:

 From: "M. A. Johnson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unfortunately 'what you think' and reality are two distinctly
 separate issues.  Switzerland is a Federal Republic.

 Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
Nay, Johnson. Switzerland is in REALITY a direct democracy
in which the eligible voting Citizens can vote on any issue
at any time and it will be binding on the Legislature. PROVE
me wrong instead of bs'ing.

 IF I YELL WILL YOU ACTUALLY LISTEN?  I have offered *proof* by
 pointing at a reality several times now.

 Federal Republic of Switzerland --
 Judicial branch:
  Federal Supreme Court, judges elected for six-year terms
  by the Federal Assembly
 Executive Branch:
  President and vice president elected by the Federal Assembly
  from among the members of the Federal Council for one-year
  terms that run concurrently;

 Legal system:
  Civil law system influenced by customary law; judicial review
  of legislative acts, except with respect to federal decrees
  of general obligatory character; accepts compulsory ICJ
  jurisdiction, with reservations

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] One world one company.

1998-12-16 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

Oh, Brilliant comment, Josh2 -- it's good to be able to agree with you for once. Jim 
Condit Jr.

On Tuesday, December 15, 1998 11:27 PM, nurev [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

   -Caveat Lector-
Maybe this is the direction we're heading.  One company for energy, one
  for food, one for housing etc... seems very Communistic to me, but if the
  companies are privately owned, that's another case.  Reminds me of an old
  movie called "Rollerball" where corporations have taken over the world and the
  one dissident plays a game called rollerball... they change the rules to kill
  him, but he is too tough for them... wish they would have made a sequel for
  once.  Good Post.
  Bob Stokes

 If you want to see what they want it to look like, see a working
 model. The
 best working model is SURPRISE in the good old USA.

 No, not one company. No one would stand for it. It looks too much like
 or totalitarian communism. That's too many people to try to convert.
 They will
 use the American method of Oligopoly. That's where 2, 3, or 4 giants
 80% or 90% of any given market.

 Except for computer operating systems, the most profitable industries
 divided up this way. Think about it.

 a) Breakfast cereals
 b) Autos
 c) Soft drinks
 d) Beer
 f) Tobacco
 g) Candy
 h) Gasoline


 This is the closest you can get to being a monopoly without being a
 It is also the best way to control prices without being a monopoly.
 All these
 companies' products cost about the same in each product market. That
 that Coke and pepsi and 7up cost about the same and have been that way
 for as
 long as they have dominated the market. Same for Kellogg's and Post.
 Same for
 gasoline, candy, and cigarettes.

 To prove this, go to a supermarket, go to several supermarkets.

 The Aerospace industry is the first obvious global model. In the whole
 there are only two primary airliner manufacturers AirBus and the
 monstrosity. This is the future of Capitalism. But don't wory it is


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

 To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Just curious

1998-12-16 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-

What with all the enthusiasm on this list for impeaching Clinton, I'm
curious who you would prefer to see occupying the presidential

Gore? Livingston? George  Bush, Jr.? Trent Lott? Pataki? DeLay?

And why do you think your choice would be an improvement?

I didn't think this was about finding an improvement, I thought
it was about removing a criminals from the office of the president.

One need not be tried and convicted to be a criminal, thousands
of robbers and murders have gotten away with out a trial, but
that does not remove the fact that they are robbers and murders.

A criminals (by any label) is one who transgress the laws on the
If Clinton has done the same things others have been convicted
as a criminals for, then Clinton is a criminal.
The fact that high party mob bosses will not be tried for their
criminals acts, does not change the fact that they are criminals.

When any politician does the very same things others are convicted
as felons for, that politician is a felon.
No felon/criminals politician who does the same things others are
sent to prison for, is fit for office.

Powerful criminals holding office? Yes, the party mob families
are in control of the government of America.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Is the media turning on Clinton?

1998-12-16 Thread KA

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, Sno0wl wrote:
I keep hearing the media saying that as far as Clinton goes, it's all
over. He's as good as impeached and politically dead.  Any opinion
that counters that view is given short shrift in passing.

If the media IS doing this (and you seem to never give reference to
specific media outlets, Marilyn), then it's something that's occurred
since this weekend...what I've been hearing on NBC, CNN, FOX, is that
Clinton is so popular, that all the polls prove how popular he is, so how
can impeachment be seriously considered?

It's only since the articles were actually passed by the Judiciary
Committee and sent on to the House that, as was pointed out, there has
been a subtle shift in the media's reporting...but what I've seen is a
reaction akin to amazement that this is actually happening, and perhaps
the rats are deciding to abandon a sinking ship...

I think also that in the past, the WH wielded a lot of power in only
'allowing' certain reporters and media outlets access to the WH (this
applies to past administrations, too, not just Clinton's)...and that now
that impeachment seems imminent, those in the media realize they are in
the position of Clinton now needing them more than they need him, and
they are therefore taking advantage of the situation...

This scenario would come about irregardless of the party and the politics
of whomever was in the White House...the rats abandon the sinking ship
and turn into a flock of vultures circling their dying victim...

There's hardly any mention of what this trial would do to the country

Not surprising, since the media's never discussed what Chinagate,
Whitewater, Vince Foster and all the other murders, have done to this
country, either...

it's highly unlikely that the Senate would agree with an impeachment.

Doesn't matter if the Senate 'agrees'...by the time it comes to the
Senate for a trial, the president's already been impeached.

Impeachment means only that a public official has been accused of
misconduct in office...impeachment does NOT mean removal from office.

If the House impeaches, then the Senate holds a trial...a trial which may
or may not lead to Clinton's removal from office, but that's why the
trial is held...to determine the validity of the charges...

The national opinion may be 68-32 in favor of non-impeachment, but

The 'national opinion' is as ignorant of what impeachment actually is (as
your statement above displays you yourself to be), and therefore when
asked about impeachment, 'the public' who equates the word with 'removal
from office' answers in the negative...

I'd hazard the guess that if the polls instead worded their questions
more like:  "Do you think the House of Representatives should adopt the
charges against the President, and then have the Senate hold a trial
based on those charges?", the answers would be very different...

Tiresomebut essentially frightening. Not to mention the
arm-twisting and career threats going on within Republican
ranks to get the desired effect.

And the anti-impeachment forces aren't doing the same thing?


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   -~*~-  _/_)(/_(_|/_)(_)| )/_)  (_|| (/_(/_ |  || )(_|/_) o
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[CTRL] Benedict Arnold

1998-12-16 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-

How many people know that Arnold was a great
American hero?

It seems he couldn't control his  and that is what
got him in trouble ... a woman who happen to have
British connections.

People talk a lot of patriot talk but of those of you
who love your wives, how many love your country
more than you love your wife?

If a man will betray his own wife, what would keep
him from betraying his country?

Ask the guy who gave our missile secrets to the Chinese.

Several months after Clinton signed the Brady bill to
get evil guns off the streets, how many people know that
Clinton made a deal with the Chinese and they sent
plane loads of guns to the airport in Newark Ohio?

Did you know that the guy who did the chinese bribe
thingy could have gotten 37 years in prison, but instead
he got 5 years probation?

Clinton will betray his country for political bribes and he
will betray his own wife for beautiful women...
No, this slime ball will betray his own wife for women
who have to sneak up on a glass of water.

It is past time for congress to remove the bad marks
from Benedict Arnold's records and correct all history
books, for Benedict Arnold was a better man than
Bill Clinton.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Taiwan Gets Smart Card National IDs

1998-12-16 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Taiwan Gets Smart Cards


Under a new $300 million program recently announced by Taiwan's deputy
minister for economic affairs, every adult will be given two smart
cards: one for identification and one for transactions. Deputy Minister
Chang Chang-pang made the announcement to the Asia Pacific Smart Card
Association in a keynote address.

The system will feature both contact and contactless cards, and will be
used for ID, medical and social security benefits. It could be the first
card to combine all health insurance information, including prescription
coverage, on one piece of plastic. One can expect public transportation
uses as well, similar to the Octopus system now in use in Hong Kong.

"This initiative on the part of the Taiwan government paves the way for
the introduction of intelligent smart card solutions in the private and
public sectors not just in Taiwan, but across Asia and the rest of the
world," APSCA GM Greg Pote noted last week in an IT Daily release.

I think he may be right. The ASEAN market, less sensitive to privacy
issues that plague the West, is perfect for large-scale smart card
development. Once these apps prove themselves in Taiwan, expect to see
them in the U.S. and Europe soon.

Mark Anderson is the president of Technology Alliance Partners, which
provides consulting to telecom and computing firms. Next Files,
excerpted from Anderson's Strategic News Service? newsletter, appears
every Monday.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FindLaw News

1998-12-16 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


12/15] German bank says ``new'' Nazi proof is 50 yrs old
FRANKFURT, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Deutsche Bank, Germany's biggest bank, on
Tuesday fired back at a U.S. lawyer representing Holocaust victims, saying
his claim to new proof of the bank's Nazi past stemmed from old papers that
had been public for about 50 years.

New York attorney Edward Fagan said on Monday he sent ``new evidence'' of
Deutsche's involvement with the Nazi-era regime in the form of World War
Two-era U.S. intelligence documents to U.S. banking and German government

A Deutsche Bank spokesman said, however, the evidence was hardly new but
apparently came from papers that had been available since shortly after the
war ended.

``Mr. Fagan has not yet made his documents available to us,'' a bank
spokesman said. ``The details that have been made known to us so far
indicate that they have been available for decades.''

The German bank's $10.1 billion purchase of Bankers Trust of the United
States is pending approval from U.S. authorities.

Fagan said the documents supported a suit he filed in June in federal court
demanding $18 billion in reparations from Deutsche Bank and Dresdner Bank
for accounts looted from Holocaust victims by the Nazis.

``With this new evidence I will work even harder to see to it that the
survivors will finally get the justice they deserve,'' Fagan said.
``Regulators will now have ammunition as they decide on the proposed

One post-war document obtained by Reuters called for the bank's liquidation
and for its officials to be indicted and tried as war criminals over its
participation in Nazi war crimes.

A November 1946 report by the U.S. Military Government for Germany details
how Deutsche Bank carried out an ``aryanization'' program during the Nazi
years by broking or buying properties or businesses taken from Jews held in
Nazi custody.

``The Deutsche Bank indicated a very early interest in aryanization,'' the
report said. It ``gained politically by its demonstrations of loyalty to the
Nazi program'' and ``reaped immediate and tangible extra profits'' by
keeping accounts.

A Deutsche spokesman said he had not seen the documents yet, but added
``Deutsche Bank's involvement in aryanization is known and we have never
denied it.''

A flood of lawsuits have been filed by Holocaust victims against German
banks and manufacturers including DaimlerChrysler, Volkswagen and Siemens.

New York City Comptroller Alan Hevesi has said he would block the merger
unless Deutsche Bank first settles survivors' claims, the Times reported

Last Updated: 12/15/98 09:44 EST


12/15] Tough times ahead for Japan's bank revival panel
TOKYO, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Tough times lie ahead for Japan's Financial
Revitalisation Commission, launched on Tuesday with the task of judging if
banks are solvent and whether to nationalise or liquidate them.

Under a nationalisation scheme adopted in October, the commission aims to
dispose of problem loans at failed or failing banks without harming
depositors or sound borrowers.

Up to 18 trillion yen ($153 billion) in public money is available for
temporarily nationalising banks and covering losses stemming from cleaning
up their balance sheets.

The scheme lasts until March 2001.

Tokyo has quickened moves to clear up its banking system woes amid a rising
chorus of international demands that Japan reform the financial system as a
top priority in reviving its economy.

Analysts say the commission's immediate tasks include setting the price for
the government's acquisition of shares in two banks which have already been
put under temporary state control.

Nationalisation of Nippon Credit Bank (NCB) was announced on Sunday, and the
Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan was placed under state control on October 23.

But analysts warned of the possibility of lawsuits.

``The share prices of NCB and LTCB will be set at nil as they were regarded
as being insolvent... It might upset shareholders and some may file a suit,
particularly NCB's shareholders,'' said Akira Takai, a senior analyst at
Daiwa Institute of Research.

The commission can nationalise a bank by making a forced purchase of all of
its common shares regardless of any protest from shareholders. But analysts
said shareholders could file a suit if they disagreed about the price.

Under a bank revitalisation law that took effect in October, a bank can
request nationalisation, as LTCB did. But if there are concerns over its
ability to repay depositors, it can be compulsorily put under temporary
state control. NCB was nationalised despite its resistance.

When the commission puts a bank under temporary state control, it appoints a
new board of directors to approve a sound credit 

Re: [CTRL] Benedict Arnold

1998-12-16 Thread Daniel Holly

 -Caveat Lector-

This particular quack from you was right on.


-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 6:38 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Benedict Arnold

 -Caveat Lector-

How many people know that Arnold was a great
American hero?

It seems he couldn't control his  and that is what
got him in trouble ... a woman who happen to have
British connections.

People talk a lot of patriot talk but of those of you
who love your wives, how many love your country
more than you love your wife?

If a man will betray his own wife, what would keep
him from betraying his country?

Ask the guy who gave our missile secrets to the Chinese.

Several months after Clinton signed the Brady bill to
get evil guns off the streets, how many people know that
Clinton made a deal with the Chinese and they sent
plane loads of guns to the airport in Newark Ohio?

Did you know that the guy who did the chinese bribe
thingy could have gotten 37 years in prison, but instead
he got 5 years probation?

Clinton will betray his country for political bribes and he
will betray his own wife for beautiful women...
No, this slime ball will betray his own wife for women
who have to sneak up on a glass of water.

It is past time for congress to remove the bad marks
from Benedict Arnold's records and correct all history
books, for Benedict Arnold was a better man than
Bill Clinton.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: DNA Sample with Every Arrest

1998-12-16 Thread Teo1000

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:55:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 `The innocent have nothing to fear,'' Safir said Monday. ``Only if you are
 guilty should you worry about DNA testing.''

I can't tell you how sick I am of hearing this litany!!!  I have nothing to
fear if they come in and break down my door and smash my furniture looking for
nonexistent illegal stuff too right!!  I have nothing to fear when they
confiscate my weapons, and my car and my money and house simply because some
informant told them I was a drug dealer.  I have nothing to fear right?  I did
nothing wrong, and have nothing to fear, I have so little to fear in fact that
soon I will have nothing. . .period!!!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A kinder, gentler lynch mob - Part I

1998-12-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

A kinder, gentler lynch mob
Salon, 12/15/98


I grew up believing that Republicans were the incarnation of all evil. This
was a harsh and unsophisticated judgment, but the political discourse of 1960s
Berkeley, where I grew up, lacked a certain refinement. In fact, to be honest,
it was pretty much taken straight from Saturday morning cartoons. In our
righteous view, "the people," whoever they were, were always being "oppressed"
by The Man, a bloated GOP plutocrat mouthing pious moral maxims. It went
without saying that Republicans were self-righteous, mean-spirited rich white
men who secretly napalmed Cambodian villages, turned loose the dogs against
civil rights marchers and dug the Carpenters. They were Bad, and if we could
somehow get rid of them -- meanwhile taking lots of acid and listening to
Hendrix -- Good Things would happen.

Later, like many of my co-religionists, I became embarrassed by these
sentiments. Such crude beliefs were unseemly. Sophistication demanded a more
nuanced view. Republicans, I now realized, could be decent men and women who
were just parroting the country-club line. Even the Reagan Age -- that endless
period I as a Californian was forced to spend under the Great Communicator's
genially callous thumb, while the Woolly Mammoths died out and Ice Ages came
and went across the globe -- couldn't make me return to the wooden Stalinist
sloganeering of my youth. I even reevaluated the Carpenters.

And then came the Starr referral and Henry Hyde and the House Judiciary
Committee vote, and I realized I had gotten it right the first time.

When the Republicans in the full House vote to remove President Clinton from
office, as they will almost certainly do, they will prove that those brain-
dead radical stereotypes about them really do apply. They will be revealed as
mean-spirited, partisan hacks, hypocrites, moral absolutists hiding their
craven desire for vengeance and power beneath a ridiculously transparent
façade of pious "deliberation" and "respect for law." The GOP will stand
exposed before all of America as the party of vicious, petty ideologues who,
in their outrageous desire to undo the results of two lawful elections, seized
upon a grotesquely acquired legalistic evasion that falls so far short of
meeting the constitutional standard of high crimes and misdemeanors as to be

Or, let's give them the benefit of the doubt, as the ever-generous New York
Times did in a recent editorial. Let's assume that some of them are actually
sincere in their belief that lying about sex -- in an obvious vendetta case
brought by a biased and obsessed "independent" counsel who, after utterly
failing to find any serious misdeeds, connived to lay a perjury trap --
constitutes an impeachable offense. But if they really believe that, then we
must conclude that either their grasp of the Constitution is so weak that
their fitness to sit in any elected office is highly questionable, or that
they are so rigid in their moral purity as to be Torquemadas in power ties,
quasi-theocratic inquisitors who would turn America into a frightening Bible
Belt version of 15th century Spain or 20th century Iran.

Why are the Republicans doing this? Why, defying the express wishes of the
American people, are they trampling on the Constitution, weakening the
presidency and inaugurating a hideous new political world of blood feuds and
true hatred? And why are they ignoring the warnings from the business
community -- to which they used to listen -- that impeachment is dangerous and

The answer is simple: This is who they are. This action reflects the GOP's
true nature. This is a party so desperate to burn a president they dislike at
the stake that they'll incinerate the Constitution to get the fire started.
All that hoo-hah a few weeks ago about how Robert Livingston was going to
bring a new "moderation" to the party now that nutty professor Gingrich was
gone stands revealed as empty verbiage. The truth is that this is now a party
of zealots and ideologues, obsessed crusaders who have completely lost touch
with the common sense, fairness and decency of the American people. Like Pol
Pot's Khmer Rouge, who declared a purifying "Year Zero" when history's slate
was to be wiped clean (and all nonpeasants were to be killed), these high-
minded crusaders want to restore America's sense of moral purpose -- and if
they have to trash the country in order to do it, well, extremism in the
defense of virtue is no vice! To the tumbrels with the parasites, citizens,
while the Times and the Post knit their stern editorials! GOP "moderates"?
What moderates? The few "moderates" who are trotted forth on TV to be shown to
the mob, like condemned Chinese dissidents with signs hanging around their
necks, seem barely sentient.


[CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob - Part II

1998-12-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

- - - - - - - - - -

The façade of "judiciousness" and "bipartisanship" that the pious media, ever
cowed by the musty aura of Historic Constitutional Events, dark-wooded
chambers, invocations of "our national honor" and other useful fig leafs for
skullduggery, tried to sell us has vanished without a trace. Hyde, the Iran-
contra apologist and wisecracking GOP attack dog who was elevated to Solomon-
like heights of wisdom by the media before the disgraceful House Judicial
proceedings began, has now taken up final residence in the trash can with
unsavory American byproducts like our anal home-grown Robespierre, Kenneth
Starr, and the maniacal Bob Barr, who apparently believes that Clinton should
have been impeached at birth. There was Hyde this weekend on the talk shows,
saying that Clinton should resign. This paragon of impartiality apparently
modeled his jurisprudential approach on the Red Queen in "Alice in
Wonderland," who, as a witness departs in the trial of the Knave of Hearts,
says under her voice, "And just take off his head outside." But, gosh, he sure
sounds courtly talking that parliamentary talk.

In fact, Hyde may have been taking those groveling Times setup pieces a little
too seriously, for this weekend he began to invoke no less a figure than Jesus
Christ. Asked by Cokie Roberts why he advocated impeachment and didn't think
censure should be an option despite popular opinion, he replied, "If Jesus
Christ had taken a poll, he would never have preached the gospel." This is a
wonderful addition to the great American tradition of reactionary invocations
of Jesus, who after patriotism represents the best refuge for scoundrels. (The
all-time winner remains that English-only advocate who declaimed, "If English
was good enough for Jesus, it's good enough for me.") With all due respect to
the pious motivations behind Chairman Hyde's religious parallel, however, it
may not be a good strategy for him to go there. Somehow, when one looks at the
faces of Clinton's judges -- the pig-eyed ex-exterminator Tom DeLay; the
robotic, hate-filled Barr; the snidely, vitriolic David Schippers; the
priggish choirboy-judge Bill McCollum -- the loving face of the Savior does
not exactly rush into one's mind. In fact, these worthies recall somewhat less
inspiring figures from the New Testament -- namely the Pharisees, those
vengeful, legalistic Jews who denounced Jesus. (The "moderates," who will
doubtless be washing their hands avidly in the days to come, conjure up that
noted Northeastern GOP fence-sitter, Pontius Pilate.) Admittedly, the mushy-
souled escape artist President Clinton makes a truly terrible Jesus, but the
imagery still isn't good.

The Republicans are zealots, but they're crafty zealots. Their attempt to take
Clinton down may blow up in their faces, but they have reasons for thinking it
won't. They think they can get away with this without being punished at the
polls, even if they don't kill Clinton. But they cherish a secret hope that
they will kill him -- that once impeachment is a fait accompli, with all the
previously mentioned flag-waving, invocation of the Founders, gravity of the
charges blah blah blah, public opinion will turn against Clinton, leading
either to his resignation or to his conviction and removal by the Senate. And
that hope is based on their belief that Clinton's support is inch-deep -- that
once the American people realize he's in trouble, they'll desert him like rats
abandoning a sinking ship.

It's the self-fulfilling prophecy strategy, and it is astonishingly
contemptuous. It presumes that the American people have no memory, no
spiritual or moral consistency, that they are incapable of holding onto any
position any longer than a jittery kid with a remote can watch one TV program.
The GOP believes this for several reasons. First, they too are children of our
Warholian society of the spectacle, in which everything that flickers across
the screen has equal weight and nothing stays on the screen for more than a
few seconds. As such, they too have been seduced by the belief that, in Marx's
words, "all that is solid melts into air." Yesterday's Clinton supporter is
today's impeachment supporter.

The scary thing is, they just might be right. There have been very few tests
of our national consistency in the channel-changing age. The public might be
influenced by the media, which has begun running this-is-a-whole-new-ballgame-
now stories. The Times, much of whose Clinton coverage continues to appall,
splashed on its cover a thin reaction story (ominous headline: "Gravity of the
issues sinking in for a public weary of scandal") that featured two or three
people in that multicultural mirror of America, Tarrytown, N.Y., saying they
were now leaning toward impeachment. (How odd, considering nothing in this
story has changed in months except the vote to impeach.) But it would be
bitterly ironic (although perfectly consistent, 

Re: [CTRL] Bubba gets Contrite!

1998-12-16 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 4:58:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  And why does he still
 allow the news media inside the white House with their own room.  Boot them
 out into the cold for God's sake.

 Jerry Harp 

Yeah, but look at what happened when he just booted out the guys in the Travel
Office who were giving them all those perks.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] OEN 12/16/98

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Impeachment Watch

Key Republicans Dessert Clinton

Momentum for Impeachment Builds

WASHINGTON - In an ominous development for President Bill Clinton,
several key Republican moderates in the House of Representatives added
their voices Tuesday to the mounting calls for his impeachment.
''Clearly, the momentum is in the direction of the House voting articles
of impeachment,'' said Senator Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, an
influential Democrat.

The White House has desperately sought to persuade some of the 20 to 24
undeclared Republicans to oppose impeachment in what is expected to be
an extremely close vote in the House on Thursday or Friday.

But in the last two days more than a dozen previously undeclared
Republicans have come out in favor of impeachment.

In a blow to White House hopes, Representative Nancy Johnson of
Connecticut, co-leader of a group of moderate House Republicans, said
Tuesday that she would vote to impeach President Clinton.

''The president does not have the right to commit perjury when it is
convenient or when he thinks the charges against him are frivolous,''
Ms. Johnson said.

Another Republican, Representative Jay Dickey, who represents Mr.
Clinton's home district in Arkansas, criticized the White House for what
he said were scare tactics to influence his vote.

It is like a ''tidal wave'' against the president, said Harold Ickes, a
Democratic consultant and Mr. Clinton's former deputy chief of staff. He
said there was still a chance of stopping that tide, however.

But the latest Republican declarations left prospects sharply higher
that the full House would approve at least one of the four articles of
impeachment before it, in effect indicting the president and sending the
case to the Senate for trial.

As representatives streamed back to Washington for party caucus meetings
Wednesday and the historic debate to open Thursday, only a few were
still undecided which lever they would pull.

They were much on the mind of the president, who was returning late
Tuesday from the Middle East. It was unclear whether there was time left
for even a dramatic gesture - perhaps a statement to the House of
Representatives - to tip the balance away from impeachment.

White House aides said they were waiting to hear whether Mr. Clinton had
decided to run the risks of such a gesture. His earlier comments have
often fanned Republican anger because the president has not admitted
that he lied under oath in the Paula Jones sexual harassment inquiry or
before the grand jury of the independent counsel, Kenneth Starr.

And while some House members have said they will oppose impeachment only
if Mr. Clinton admits to having lied under oath about his relationship
with Monica Lewinsky, a former White House intern, others might use such
an admission to justify a vote to impeach.

Another jolt to White House prospects came from Representative Jack
Quinn of New York, who had been one of the first Republicans to publicly
oppose impeachment.

He reversed himself Tuesday, saying he would vote for the four articles
of impeachment. Representative John McHugh of New York was among the
other Republicans who said they would support impeachment.

Two of the four articles of impeachment, sent to the full House by the
Judiciary Committee, assert that Mr. Clinton committed perjury in his
sworn denials of having had an intimate relationship with Ms. Lewinsky,
one holds that he obstructed justice in seeking to conceal the
relationship, and one holds that he abused his power in his attempts to
resist the investigation of his affair.

If a simple majority of House members - 218 of the 435 - votes for even
one article, then the Senate will hold a trial, presided over by the
chief justice. With senators acting as a jury, 67 votes in the 100-seat
chamber would be required to remove the president from office.

Clinton loyalists and Democratic allies carried their anti-impeachment
drive forward Tuesday on a variety of fronts, from radio ads to rallies
and vigils. The White House, however, seemed shaken and unsure of what
more it could do.

''The reality is there is less and less that can be done from here,''
Ann Lewis, the White House communications director, told the Los Angeles
Times. ''This is a somber place. We've got a very difficult challenge.''

Pressure on still-undeclared legislators was intense. Some were
receiving 250 telephone calls an hour.

Representative Dickey of Arkansas likened the pressure to ''12 hours of
surgery without anesthesia'' and lashed out at an unidentified White
House aide for suggesting that it would be ''political suicide'' for him
to oppose impeachment. Mr. Dickey said he would not decide how to vote
until returning to Washington on Wednesday.

The White House spokesman, Joe Lockhart, said 

[CTRL] Cop Crimes

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://members.aol.com/copcrimes/"Cop Crimes - Police brutality, law
enforcement  /A

You are victim number  to visit since 8/9/98

Bill of Rights Day - December 15, 1998 ( download your copy of the Bill
of Rights )
Treasury Dept. obstructs Humanitarian Efforts

If you're not yet a victim of police brutality, lying, harassment,
theft, or abuse ...
it's likely you soon will be.

  They carry guns, use military technology against civilians, are given
special privileges, have extraordinary responsibility, and are entrusted
with the protection of society as a whole - but do some Cops really
break the Law?  We know they do - and often.  Some of the best criminals
(best at being criminals) work in law enforcement, and your fate lies in
their integrity. Police brutality law enforcement cop badge baton squad
car patrol officer sheriff

  Police brutality is increasing at an alarming rate.  Luckily, as
Americans, we are guaranteed the freedom to engage in insurrection
against those who would deny us our Rights. police brutality law

  Mind you - the broad brush does not apply here.  Merely being a cop
doesn't mean a person is all bad, however, the "blue wall of silence"
tends to show the "good" cops supporting the "bad" cops so as not to
betray their brethren.  Nevertheless, the CopCrimes Homepage is not
 intended to "bash" cops - but rather to expose the dirty ones, the ones
who seem to thrive on police brutality. police brutality law enforcement

  We have found that the honest cops are supportive of our effort to
expose the corruption and abuse.  If you're one of the cops who is named
on this site, your rebuttal (if any) can be submitted by one of the
following report forms, or to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  This site serves to affect public policy and is dedicated to informing
the public about dirty Cops and police brutality in the Unites States,
with an emphasis on (but not limited to) Sacramento County, California.
 police brutality law enforcement

  Know a dirty cop? There's an informational report form on the next
page. There is also a link to our self-publishing / ready to publish
 posting site where you can publish your report directly to the
Internet.  If you know the e-mail address for the cop being reported,
then please include it - the officer can be sent an email message or
U.S.P.S. Postcard notification telling them they have "... been listed
on CopCrimes," including a reference to the alleged offense(s). *See
details at bottom* police brutality law enforcement

NOTE: Favorable submissions on good, honest cops are also welcome.

  This site is an ongoing, expanding effort to educate.  Only through
education and prevention, will the public be better equipped to handle
the increasing wave of criminal police activity.  Being in " contempt of
cop " should not be a crime. police brutality

Over 1/3 of the U.S. is on the Internet and 90% of that third - VOTE

Why is this important? Because this site is here to affect public

See what dirty cops have to say about the CopCrimes Homepage

  Case Law: Find out how to protect yourself against those law
encroachment officers.  Here you'll find explicit case law and court
decisions on the right to self-protection against the unlawful acts of
 rogue police officers.

  The following table of cities is by no means complete ... look for
cities in your general area, and be warned about suspect cops near you (
or contact us with information to add a new city, if it isn't there
already). Police brutality law enforcement copcrimes murder

police brutality law enforcement City or County police brutality law



Citrus Heights
El Dorado



Los Angeles

Marin County


San Bernadino
San Francisco

San Luis Obispo

Santa Clara

Santa Cruz

Santa Monica




SUBMIT A REPORT for our review, and potential publication
sheriff (This is the form used to submit CopCrimes Reports through us)

police brutality Links to cop crimes in each state: police brutality









Wash. D.C.





















New Hampshire

New Jersey

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

South Dakota







West Virginia



Departments of Corrections



Pepper Spray


Immigration Naturalization Services ( INS )

Child Protective Services (CPS)


[CTRL] Cybercrime, Cyberterrorism, Cyberwarfare

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.jya.com/cyber-trip.htm"Cybercrime, Cyberterrorism,
Many embedded links, at site.

15 December 1998

DoD News Briefing
Tuesday, December 15, 1998 - 1:40 p.m.
Mr. Kenneth H. Bacon, ASD PA


Q: Different subject.

The Center for Strategic International Studies put out a report today
warning about the threat of cyber-terrorism, and it's something new. The
Defense Science Board put out one in '96. There have been other [words]
in this building. The Center study, they said the main reason was to try
to get the nation to pay attention to this thing -- a serious threat
that nobody's concentrating enough on.

What's the feeling here? Is the nation doing what it needs to to counter
the possibility of an electronic Pearl Harbor?

A: I haven't read the report so I can't comment specifically on that

The threat of an electronic Pearl Harbor or the threat of
cyber-terrorism -- which could be much less hyperbolic than an
electronic Pearl Harbor -- is clearly one that's getting increasing
attention in this building and throughout the government.

There was, as you know, a critical infrastructure task force and report
last year or early this year, that has led to some reorganization within
the government, and a new focus on ways to protect our critical
infrastructure -- whether it's the power system or whether it's the
water systems or whether it's our computer systems. So increasing
attention is being paid to that.

I think it's an area in which it's very difficult to say that enough
attention is being paid, in part because the question always arises, how
much is enough? But clearly, it's one that's of growing concern to the
military and growing concern to this Administration as well.

So it's getting more attention in the building, and more attention
outside the building. And I might add, I believe it's getting more
attention from private industry as well.

[End excerpt]

Source: http://www.csis.org/pubs/newpubs.html

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

December 15, 1998
Cybercrime... Cyberterrorism... Cyberwarfare...

Averting An Electronic Waterloo

A Report of the CSIS Global Organized Crime Project

William H. Webster, project chair
Arnaud de Borchgrave, project director
Patrick R. Gallagher, task force chair
Frank J. Cilluffo, task force director  editor
Bruce D. Berkowitz, task force editor
Stephanie Lanz, task force research assistant  editor

The United States today faces a new and unprecedented threat: strategic
information warfare. There is now the potential for a dedicated,
sophisticated adversary to conduct coordinated strikes against the
computers, communications systems, and databases that underpin modern
society. This is not mere hacking or computer crime; rather, the
objectives are geopolitical and economic. And traditional national
security solutions will be ineffective. U.S. leaders must prepare for
this threat, unseen until it is unleashed, and work effectively with the
private sector owners and operators of the information
infrastructure-the primary targets-to thwart attacks on the foundation
of U.S. prosperity and strength. This report assesses that threat and
points the way toward practical responses.

William H. Webster is a former director of the CIA and the FBI and
serves as chair of the Global Organized Crime Project. Arnaud de
Borchgrave is a senior adviser at CSIS and director of the Global
Organized Crime Project.



Project Membership


Summary of Recommendations
2.Key Judgments
3.The Challenge
4.What Would Strategic Information Warfare Look Like?
5.Addressing the Threat
6.Roles of Government and Industry
7.Criteria and Recommendations for Policy Response

CSIS Panel Report 96 pp.November 1998ISBN 0-89206-295-9 $21.95

Order the Report

Source: http://www.csis.org/pubs/cyberfor.html

The United States is now exposed to a host of new threats to the
economy, indeed to the whole of society. It has erected immensely
complex information systems on insecure foundations. The ability to
network has far outpaced the ability to protect networks. The economy is
totally dependent on these systems. America's adversaries and enemies
recognize this dependency and are developing weapons of mass disruption
and destruction.

In today's electronic environment, many haters can become a Saddam
Hussein and take on the world's most technologically vulnerable nation.
America's most wanted transnational terrorist Osama bin Laden uses
laptops with satellite uplinks and heavily encrypted messages to liaise
across national borders with his global underground network. There is no

[CTRL] Fwd: CnbsCL ACLU piece against DEA Forfeiture (fwd)

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 22:53:34 -0600
From: Ewin H. Barnett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ACLU piece against forfeiture

One of the few times I can agree with an ACLU position!

From the ACLU's email newsletter:
ACLU Freedom Network Web Page:  http://www.aclu.org.

 ACLU Op-Ed Advertisement Asks:
 "Did You Know the Money in Your Wallet
 Could Be Legally Confiscated?"

Friday, December 11, 1998

NEW YORK--Police agencies across the country are relieving innocent
people of cash, cars and other property -- and it's all perfectly legal,
the American Civil Liberties Union warned today.

In the ninth installment of its public policy advertising campaign
running on the op-ed page of The New York Times and The New Republic,
the ACLU said that because 75 percent of American money is tainted with
cocaine, police have the right to seize people's cash, as well as any
other assets they can get their hands on.

"In 1984, Congress gave police the right to keep and spend any
'drug-related' assets they seize," the advertisement says. "Police have
since taken cars, homes, restaurants, and cash in epidemic proportions.
And they can use these assets for anything from patrol cars to parties."

The year-long advertising campaign, a first-ever effort for the
78-year-old organization, has run on The New York Times op-ed page once
a month during 1998. Each ad contained a briefly worded message from
ACLU Executive Director Ira Glasser on topical subjects ranging from the
war on drugs to religious freedom to government intrusions in the

In the current ad, Glasser says that most of the victims of government
forfeiture laws aren't criminals. "Like the 75-year-old grandmother who
lost her home because her drug-dealing son had once lived there. Or the
landscaper whose $9,000 was seized at the airport because Ôonly drug
dealers carry that much cash.'"

Those and other stories have landed the issue before Congress, prompting
House Judiciary Chairman Henry Hyde, R-IL, to introduce the bi-partisan
"Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act" to overhaul the nation's laws on
property seizures.

In June 1997 Congressional testimony supporting the bill, ACLU President
Nadine Strossen said that reforms are critically needed because
"innocent property owners, or those who have committed only minor
infractions are now subject to draconian punishments and property
deprivations." The bill is expected to be re-introduced in the 106th
Congress, and the ACLU is urging people to support the measure.

One leading historian, today's ad notes, calls forfeiture laws nothing
less than a government "license to steal." "The war on drugs has become
a war on the Constitution," the ad concludes. "What kind of country
rewards its police for shaking down its own citizens?"

To further stimulate public discussion, the ad will have an interactive
component through a "message board" on the ACLU's Freedom Network
Website at http://www.aclu.org/features/nytimesad121198.html. Visitors
to the website will be able to access background information on the
subject of this month's ad, and will be invited to post their own
thoughts to an interactive message board.

Today's ad concludes the op-ed series for 1998. The ACLU said that it is
contemplating continuing the popular feature in the coming year.

The ACLU is a nationwide, non-partisan organization dedicated to
defending and preserving the Bill of Rights for all individuals through
litigation, legislation and public education. Headquartered in New York
City, the ACLU has 53 staffed affiliates in major cities, more than 300
chapters nationwide, and a legislative office in Washington.

The bulk of its $35 million annual budget is raised by contributions
from members -- 275,000 strong -- and gifts and grants from other
individuals and foundations. The ACLU does not accept government funds.

The new ACLU advertisement can be found at:

[CTRL] IBM's Secure Mailer

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.jya.com/ibm-secmail.htm"IBM's Secure Mailer/A

14 December 1998

IBM Releases Open Software to Improve Security, Performance 
Reliability of Internet E-mail Systems

Free Secure Mailer Code Could Ensure Security of Systems Transferring
Billions of E-mails Daily

Yorktown Heights, NY, December 14, 1998: IBM today announced it is
making available open source software designed to improve the security,
reliability and performance of e-mail delivery services, a crucial
component of the Internet's infrastructure. Called Secure Mailer, the
new software could replace e-mail delivery software that processes more
than three-quarters of the Internet's e-mail traffic today.
Developed by IBM researcher Wietse Venema, Secure Mailer is far more
robust and flexible than similar messaging components, called Mail
Transfer Agents (MTA). According to Venema, the majority of e-mail --
more than a billion messages sent daily worldwide -- is processed by MTA
technology that originated in the early eighties and was not designed
with today's Internet traffic and security needs in mind.
Secure Mailer is available for download beginning today from IBM's
alphaWorks Web site at www.ibm.com/alphaworks. Secure Mailer is
open-source software, so anyone can freely copy, use, modify and
distribute it.
"By offering Secure Mailer free without licensing restrictions, IBM is
helping build a stronger base for secure e-business," said Jeff Jaffe,
general manager for IBM's IT Security. "This is an important step
because MTAs with poor security are one of the most common ways for
intruders to invade a company's network."
Secure Mailer Offers Security, Reliability, Speed
Messaging systems are comprised of Mail User Agents (MUAs), which send
and request mail from users to their designated mail server, and Mail
Transfer Agents (MTAs), which deliver mail to and from the various
servers on a network. These mail systems are some of the most heavily
used pieces of software on the Internet and form the basic plumbing for
direct information exchange. Historically, e-mail systems have been a
security risk because they must maintain some degree of openness to
accept and distribute information.
Secure Mailer is built to be an industrial-strength, general purpose
MTA. It is specifically designed to keep up with the daily delivery of
millions of messages, while maintaining a performance level nearly three
times that of existing MTAs. IBM Research employed "defensive
programming" techniques when developing Secure Mailer so it avoids
operations and assumptions that could make it vulnerable to intruders,
system errors, and malformed or suspicious e-mail. If any irregularities
occur, safety nets in the various Secure Mailer components prevent them
from adversely affecting the system.
"We designed Secure Mailer so it proactively combats possible threats by
assuming there will be attacks and fortifying those potential points of
entry," said Venema. "It also protects against inadvertent user or
administration errors that could lead to service interruptions."
Secure Mailer was also designed to behave rationally under stress. For
example, most mail systems can be dramatically slowed and even frozen by
heavy traffic or resource requests, making mission-critical business
communications difficult. A malicious attack such as a mail bomb -- when
huge amounts of mail are sent to one user or host -- are intended to
cripple mail systems. Because these systems cannot differentiate between
a mail bomb and legitimate mass mailings on company servers and ISPs,
these types of ill-intentioned deeds are difficult to defend against.
With Secure Mailer, extremely heavy e-mail traffic will gracefully
degrade performance, rather than crash the system.
Modular Structure Enhances Customization and Security
Secure Mailer has a modular architecture, so that each component can
focus on its task alone and any problems or irregularities remain
isolated to that piece of the application. Most other MTAs are built as
singular monolithic programs, making the entire system potentially
vulnerable to any problems.
"E-mail systems are like people -- if you gave one person too many
responsibilities and too little time, they could suffer burnout," Venema
explained. "But Secure Mailer's sturdy components do one task each and
do it well."
The modular structure of Secure Mailer makes it much easier to port,
configure, maintain and test, as well. Available from IBM for the
UNIX/AIX platform, this modular design allows for easy configuration,
letting system administrators pick and choose which MTA capabilities
they need. It is standards-compliant and is built to be interoperable
with the more common standards-compliant MTAs in 

Re: [CTRL] Just curious

1998-12-16 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:06:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Gore? Livingston? George  Bush, Jr.? Trent Lott? Pataki? DeLay?

 And why do you think your choice would be an improvement? 

Oh, let's make it Livingston.  That way we won't have to worry about the
military/industrial complex.  We will have become the military/industrial


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Outline of new Republican National Health Plan.

1998-12-16 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:06:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Or are we all expendable? 

We sure are.  Actually they don't even think of us.  And when they do, they
consider us as rather sub-human.  Did you notice that they thought we were so
stupid we didn't know what oral sex was.  They did everything but a comic book
in their efforts to arouse our wrath.  Maybe there's one coming out.   It will
be so good to have it in pictures.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] The Holocaust

1998-12-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 10:55:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,

   "Holocaust" literature also suggests that Christianity is inherently
   and that the Catholic Church collaborated in the "Holocaust".

  Both of these statements are true and easily verifiable.

Christianity has a long history of anti-Semitism.  I believe that Christianity
has now essentially shucked that evil, the exception in the US being the
racism of the identity movement (there are, of course, parallel groups in
Europe).  The southern Klansmen and white Aryan groups have heavily
infiltrated the militia groups.  The militia groups was already imbedded with
the identity movement.  The southern racists found it was easy to add another
brand of hate to these deeply suspicious men who had already been forced off
farms and out of heavy industry as the economy began to seriously go global in
the 1980s.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who had been tracking the movements of
the most prominent racists were the first to detect this movement of leaders
from the Klan and white citizen counsels to the militias.  They have now set
up a militia tracking unit.  They report on both the traditional Klan type
activity and the racist activity among the militia in their Intelligence
Report, a quarterly.

Of course racism is having a bit of a resurgence in Europe due to East
European "wetbacks" swarming into West Europe.  The Westerners resent the job
competition much as the folks in California resented the "Okies" et al during
the 1930s

The Catholic Church did not collaborate in the Holocaust.

Jerry harp

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: ZNS: MONEY update.

1998-12-16 Thread RoadsEnd

Hi Guys:

MONEY is printed and will be available for shipping in a few days, probably
Friday.  A last-minute problem (now solved) foil-stamping the hardcovers
the project.

We've been asked if we think we will still be able to get books to U.S.
customers before Christmas.  The answer is YES!

Orders are processed as they arrive, and when the books arrive we'll match
with invoices and the appropriate (addressed) shipping container.  We plan to
ship all orders the day we receive our initial inventory.

But here's a nice holiday surprise for you:

As you may already know, the regular per-copy price of MONEY is $39.95, an
autograph (including the date and time I sign the book) is $20, and U.S. 3-day
s/h is $10.  Washington state residents pay 8.6% tax.

However, in keeping with the season's spirit, we're offering a generous
on orders we receive on or before Thursday, Dec 24.  Washingtonians still have
to pay the 8.6% tax, but, otherwise, here's the deal:

Pay only $50: get one copy, with autograph and s/h, shipped anywhere in the
Pay only $90: get two copies, with autographs and s/h, to one U.S. address.
Pay only $125: get three copies, with autographs and s/h, to one U.S. address.

Why should you buy copies of MONEY?  Here are several reasons.

1.  You'll enjoy its beauty.

It's a stunningly attractive 8 1/2 x 11 1/2 inch casebound educational
book, 347 pages, 1,200-entry index, with 48 pages of huge color photos of U.S.
paper currencies; gold certificates, silver certificates, fractional
etc., from as early as 1690; and color photos of all denominations of U.S.
silver, minor, Colonial, and privately-minted coins.  MONEY's color photos
include the highest denomiminations of the four major U.S. paper currencies:
$1,000 silver certificate, $10,000 U.S. Note, $10,000 Federal Reserve Note,
$100,000 gold certificate.

2.  You'll enjoy its rarity.

MONEY should become a collector's item because we believe it will be the
world's first exposure to color photos of U.S. paper currency.  Color
reproduction of U.S. paper currency has always been a federal offense but
two years ago the law was changed.  Shortly thereafter, we received our
permission from the U.S. Secret Service to publish MONEY with color photos.
Copies of MONEY autographed at the earliest date and time should become the
valuable.  I'll autograph the books sequentially, as we received the

3.  You'll appreciate its educational value.

MONEY cuts through the fog of confusion about fractional-reserve
banking, federal deficit spending, the national debt, inflation, and the fact
there is no precious metal backing for our paper currency today.  Great for
"home schoolers" of any age!

4.  You'll be delighted with the credentials of its supporting materials.

MONEY is loaded with facts, facts, facts: its 16 appendices include
money-related U.S. laws, judicial quotations, law-dictionary definitions,
encyclopedia articles, graphs, tables, and about 180 authoritative quotations
money (chronologically ordered from about 1750 B.C. to early 1998).  Sources
are:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, Oxford English Dictionary, Black's Law
Dictionary, Bouvier's Law Dictionary, West's "Words and Phrases," and even
Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language.  (Some material is
quoted, other material is photographically reproduced.)

5.  You'll feel very good about giving copies of MONEY to relatives and

MONEY, whose subtitle is "Ye shall have honest weights and measures,"
promotes "honest weights and measures" in today's society, a very worthy

6.  You'll benefit by having your neighbors, friends, and associates fully
understand the depth and breadth of today's monetary "hocus pocus."  Even
it is crammed with facts and careful analysis, MONEY is written in layman's
language to best communicate with the average voter.

The bottom-line message in MONEY is that inflation and unbacked paper
currency _may_ be evidence of the world's most powerful criminal syndicate
perpetrating financial fraud on a colossal scale, possibly the largest crime
in history.

MONEY offers even relatively uninformed readers a friendly, sometimes
humorous introduction to reality.  MONEY's authoritative, credentialed
plus its patient, careful explanation of verbal manipulation tactics, should
help most readers detect and avoid financial scams perpetrated by petty crooks
AND scheming politicians.

MONEY.  There's never been another book like it.

We accept e-gold(R)(account 100997), VISA, MasterCard, and U.S. or
Canadian checks, money orders, and cash; in U.S. funds only.

Ordering is easy:
1. Call  me at 253-874-2704; or,
2. Fax me your order and credit card info (fax number 253-815-0265); or,
3. Email your order to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]; or,
4. Mail your order 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: In the Beginning was the Word -- TAXES

1998-12-16 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

Why does that surprise us.  Right from the start, it was the poor supporting
the rich.Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob - Part II

1998-12-16 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 10:21:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Maybe the go-for-the-jugular Republican strategy will work, and the
 public will be won over to impeachment. But it probably won't. And there is
 reason to think that the day of the impeachment vote -- most likely Dec. 17
 will be a day that will live in GOP infamy -- that it will be remembered as
 the day that the party lost its moral standing, became a marginal home for
 dogmatists and cranks and cynical political opportunists willing to ignore
 wishes of the majority to satisfy the ravings of true believers. The
 Republicans thought they could get away with spitting in the face of the
 American people, but they may be spitting against the wind.
 SALON | Dec. 15, 1998 

According to a long-time Republican friend, the Republicans are risking
nothing.  According to him, the American public are so stupid and have such
short memories that by the time the next election comes around, they will have
forgotten all about this matter.  Makes you wonder.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Outline of new Republican National Health Plan.

1998-12-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/15/98 11:06:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  Does anyone here know even one person who would be able to enter one
  of our underground facilities in case of such trouble? Apart from
  that place in Virginia (?) does anyone know where our underground
  facilities are? (Not talking about subways.) Are any of them designed
  to be "open to the public"? Or are we all expendable?

No, i don't.

My recollection is that by the 1970s, most people were mocking what feeble
federal efforts had been made to carry on in case of a US/USSR nuclear
war.  For me, the most ludicrous was not even the "duck and cover" nonsense,
but rather the Postal Service plan to continue delivering the mail.  God
forbid we should miss an issue of Readers Digest!

Few believed in the efficacy of the few shelters that had been built or
conversions of basements in governmental buildings completed.  The government
folks apparently agreed and the shelter notion was quietly abandoned except
for the few DC elite.  While i agree that we are unprepared for nuclear
weapons hitting our cities, it is not probable that anything practical can be
done.  Those backward shelters of the 1950s would have been money wasted if an
attack would have occurred.  There was a controversial British animation film
on this that was shown on PBS.  There was also an American film with the woman
who headed up the NEA for a time playing a major acting role.  Made you wonder
if survival was necessarily the best thing.

Jerry harp

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Re: [CTRL] A Kinder, Gentler Lynch Mob

1998-12-16 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

Gerald Harp forwarded:
 SALON | Dec. 15, 1998

snip Instructions for myrmidons

Reading through this tripe, the consideration of a 'mirror' view regarding
the Democratic desire to SAVE an accused perjurer who has abused his
power and his office 'turned' on every word.

It is truly a pity that the American system is missing its most crucial link;
an educated electorate.  An EE would have prevented our system from
degenerating to what we are currently faced today -- both within the
problems of this nation (real and perceived) AND within the leadership
ranks (both wings of the statist party -- Ds and Rs).

I ponder the inevitable fertilization of the tree of Liberty, but am resigned
to the general fear of freedom expressed by most.


The important thing is to stop lying to yourself.  A man who lies to himself,
and believes his own lies, becomes unable to recognize the truth, either
in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself as
well as for others.  When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer
love and, in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his
impulses, indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, and behaves in the
end like an animal, in satisfying his vices. And it all comes from lying --
to others and to yourself.
 -- Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky 1880 _The Brothers Karamazov_

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] SnoOwl: Hillary's got my vote!

1998-12-16 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/16/98 6:55:00 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  Do you really think she's unaware, let alone wasn't responsible for, many
  (if not all) of the things that have gone on during her husband's tenure?

Yeah, she's responsible for all of it.

For everyone's sake, seek help.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] A kinder, gentler lynch mob - Part I

1998-12-16 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

I like the writing style of this article (at least at the beginning).  I
disagree with the content.  The author has indeed reverted back to his
original position that Republicans are Bad, Bad, Bad and Democrats are
merely the victim of their cunning abuse of power and viciousness.  Please.

Clinton got caught with his pants down - quite literally.  The Presidency of
the United States is THE most powerful "official" position on this planet.
The standards of conduct must be held high as the ramifications of
indiscretions, even in his personal life, affect countless of millions of
lives - not to mention millions of dollars unraveling these antics.

There are expected behaviors for all the roles we each have in our lives.
Only having sexual relations (as previously understood and not taking into
account Clinton's new definition) with one's spouse is an expected behavior
of marriage.  If this restriction of behavior is unacceptable.  Don't get
married.  On the same note, lying to the people he administers is
unacceptable.  If Clinton can not abide by this very simple rule of conduct
then he needs to step down.

Both the Democrats and the Republicans will sling mud to their advantage to
garner more seats and consequently more sway in the House and Senate.
That's the game.  To imply that only the Republicans are playing this game
is ridiculous.

Btw:  I am not a Republican and I am seriously reconsidering my designated
"label" of Democrat.  And NO, I did not vote for Clinton.


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-Original Message-
From: Gerald Harp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, December 16, 1998 8:08 AM
Subject: [CTRL] A kinder, gentler lynch mob - Part I

 -Caveat Lector-

A kinder, gentler lynch mob
Salon, 12/15/98


I grew up believing that Republicans were the incarnation of all evil. This
was a harsh and unsophisticated judgment, but the political discourse of
Berkeley, where I grew up, lacked a certain refinement. In fact, to be
it was pretty much taken straight from Saturday morning cartoons. In our
righteous view, "the people," whoever they were, were always being
by The Man, a bloated GOP plutocrat mouthing pious moral maxims. It went
without saying that Republicans were self-righteous, mean-spirited rich
men who secretly napalmed Cambodian villages, turned loose the dogs against
civil rights marchers and dug the Carpenters. They were Bad, and if we
somehow get rid of them -- meanwhile taking lots of acid and listening to
Hendrix -- Good Things would happen.

Later, like many of my co-religionists, I became embarrassed by these
sentiments. Such crude beliefs were unseemly. Sophistication demanded a
nuanced view. Republicans, I now realized, could be decent men and women
were just parroting the country-club line. Even the Reagan Age -- that
period I as a Californian was forced to spend under the Great
genially callous thumb, while the Woolly Mammoths died out and Ice Ages
and went across the globe -- couldn't make me return to the wooden
sloganeering of my youth. I even reevaluated the Carpenters.

And then came the Starr referral and Henry Hyde and the House Judiciary
Committee vote, and I realized I had gotten it right the first time.

When the Republicans in the full House vote to remove President Clinton
office, as they will almost certainly do, they will prove that those brain-
dead radical stereotypes about them really do apply. They will be revealed
mean-spirited, partisan hacks, hypocrites, moral absolutists hiding their
craven desire for vengeance and power beneath a ridiculously transparent
façade of pious "deliberation" and "respect for law." The GOP will stand
exposed before all of America as the party of vicious, petty ideologues
in their outrageous desire to undo the results of two lawful elections,
upon a grotesquely acquired legalistic evasion that falls so far short of
meeting the constitutional standard of high crimes and misdemeanors as to

Or, let's give them the benefit of the doubt, as the ever-generous New York
Times did in a recent editorial. Let's assume that some of them are
sincere in their belief that lying about sex -- in an obvious vendetta case
brought by a biased and obsessed "independent" counsel who, 

[CTRL] Hate Speech and Canada

1998-12-16 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

If Clinton's grades were so good - why did he have to flee the
Draft to Canada?  If he was in school they would not have touched
him, if he was out the would have make him a Officer stateside lawyer

and that would have looked good on his political resume.  Why did he
run?  Does he happen to own land in Canada?  What would happen to
Canada and Siberia if global warming continues?  The new bread
of the world.  Take your hate speech policys and your propoganda off
the list and stop trying to push it on us.  Who would come
in and help once FEMA was inacted and the military incapacitated by
a "bad" batch of immunizations?  These are legitamite questions and
people that are trying to continually drag up the Holocaust in the
way that
they have (Harp and Duck) should have some thing done to them.
Just impeach Clinton?  Oh, yes then we get Dole or Bush.
Between the Devils and the deep blue sea -
Run in circles, scream and shout.

Just my thoughts - Comments?
aka The Pied Piper

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Benedict Arnold

1998-12-16 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

turn down the tv and the stereo, you must have an incredibly high
tolerance for noise. at this rate you will be deaf by the time you are 21.
take care of yourself and for god's sake, turn it down. your ideas support
criminals and drug dealers and those who profit from the death of many.
don't you care that you are setting yourself up as a first class chump for
them. don't be a schuuck and get your own life, they don't care if you
live or die; no matter what they tell you. do you understand this; if so
signify by using handspeak of the deaf.

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
How many people know that Arnold was a great
American hero?

It seems he couldn't control his  and that is what
got him in trouble ... a woman who happen to have
British connections.

People talk a lot of patriot talk but of those of you
who love your wives, how many love your country
more than you love your wife?

If a man will betray his own wife, what would keep
him from betraying his country?

Ask the guy who gave our missile secrets to the Chinese.

Several months after Clinton signed the Brady bill to
get evil guns off the streets, how many people know that
Clinton made a deal with the Chinese and they sent
plane loads of guns to the airport in Newark Ohio?

Did you know that the guy who did the chinese bribe
thingy could have gotten 37 years in prison, but instead
he got 5 years probation?

Clinton will betray his country for political bribes and he
will betray his own wife for beautiful women...
No, this slime ball will betray his own wife for women
who have to sneak up on a glass of water.

It is past time for congress to remove the bad marks
from Benedict Arnold's records and correct all history
books, for Benedict Arnold was a better man than
Bill Clinton.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Just curious

1998-12-16 Thread E Mael

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
I didn't think this was about finding an improvement, I thought
it was about removing a criminals from the office of the president.

*there are more innocent people in jail thasn there are guilty ones
walking around free and these are the same people that want to impeach.*

One need not be tried and convicted to be a criminal, thousands
of robbers and murders have gotten away with out a trial, but
that does not remove the fact that they are robbers and murders.

*or that the ones doing the impeaching are bigger criminals than clinton.*

A criminals (by any label) is one who transgress the laws on the
If Clinton has done the same things others have been convicted
as a criminals for, then Clinton is a criminal.
The fact that high party mob bosses will not be tried for their
criminals acts, does not change the fact that they are criminals.

*i reiterate; turn that tv down or you will go deaf before you are 21.*

When any politician does the very same things others are convicted
as felons for, that politician is a felon.
No felon/criminals politician who does the same things others are
sent to prison for, is fit for office.

Powerful criminals holding office? Yes, the party mob families
are in control of the government of America.

*and that is the whole problem, noisinator. it is these criminals who are
giving up clinton for impeachment, as a sacrafical lamb to take the heat
off from themselves. i say impeach the system, not the petty criminal they
tell us to sacrafice. you can't find your way out from their agenda. get
over it.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pres to be

1998-12-16 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey all,

My fuzzy memory is at play again.  Does anyone remember a Presidential
candidate from the Natural Law Party (?) whose last name begins with an "H"
and who is headquarted in a northwestern state?  Pretty hazy, aye?


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Koreans Clone Human

1998-12-16 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

How soon before Cloned Clintons are acknowledged? Sherman
Skolnick had claimed, as I recall, that there is a Clinton
clone already. (I'll look for the exact story.)

   Wednesday December 16 10:45 AM ET

Korea Team Says Human Clone Test Succeeds

   SEOUL (Reuters) - A South Korean medical research team said Wednesday
   it has succeeded in cultivating a human embryo using human cells in
   one of the first cloning experiments of its kind.

   Researchers at the infertility clinic of Kyunghee University Hospital
   in Seoul said they had cultivated a human embryo in its early stages
   using an unfertilized egg and a somatic cell -- those that make up
   most of the body -- donated by a woman in her 30s.

   Lee Bo-yon, a researcher with the hospital's infertility clinic, said
   the human embryo in the Kyunghee University experiment was last seen
   dividing into four cells before the operation was aborted.

   ``If implanted into a uterine wall of a carrier, we can assume that a
   human child would be formed and that it would have the same gene
   characteristics as that of the donor,'' Lee told Reuters.

   Lee said the research team would not attempt to take the cloning
   experiment further until there was a social, legal and moral consensus
   to support it.

   Lee said the experiment was, to his knowledge, one of the first to use
   only human cells in a cloning experiment.

   ``To our knowledge the Roslin Institute has already succeeded in this
   experiment, making us the second,'' Lee said, but added that he had
   not been able to confirm that himself.

   Lee said the experiment he conducted with his supervisor, Kim Sung-bo,
   used the same technique as that of Teruhiko Wakayama of the University
   of Hawaii, which was conducted with mice.

   In July, Wakayama and his supervisor, Ryuzo Yanagimachi, said they had
   produced 50 cloned mice from several different adults.

   The so-called Honolulu Technique is different from the technology used
   to create the now famous Dolly in 1996.

   Dolly's makers at Scotland's Roslin Institute used an electric current
   to fuse a cell from a sheep's mammary gland with the egg from another
   sheep that had the nucleus removed.

   The Hawaiian researchers said they scraped the DNA material out of the
   nucleus from a mouse egg and injected the nucleus of another mouse
   into it.

   They then ``chemically activated,'' or tricked the egg, into acting
   like a newly fertilized egg and start growing.

   The embryo was transferred into a surrogate mother, who gave birth to
   what the researchers believed were cloned mice.

   They then cloned the clone, and cloned that clone, essentially making
   one mouse both grandmother and the identical twin of the other.

   South Korea, like other countries, is grappling with the issue.

   An official in the science ministry's research and development
   department said the ministry was waiting for the National Assembly to
   pass legislation on human cloning.

   Some Korean lawmakers have said they would support limiting the
   research and development budgets of state-supported researchers if
   they continued cloning experiments.


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[CTRL] Sherman Skolnick: Clinton Has Been Cloned

1998-12-16 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Earlier story below, circa summer 1998, claims there's
a Clinton clone.

  Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 11  Num. 90
 ("Quid coniuratio est?")



By Sherman H. Skolnick
Chairman, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts
(Office: 773-375-5741; Recorded message: 773-731-1100)

Long whispered about, a file now has surfaced from the  KGB,  the
secret  police  of the former Soviet Union.  Several commentators
have the file and are silent  cowards.  Some declare the death of
network broadcaster Brit Hume's son [1] is linked to  this.   Was
it murder or suicide?

The  KGB  file  shows  that  the  person identified as or calling
himself William Jefferson Clinton has an exact double, except for
a few details such  as  a  recently  removed mole and distinctive
private parts.  Hey:  Do Paula Corbin Jones and  Monica  Lewinsky
know the truth?

For  some  70  years,  Russian  scientists have perfected ways to
create doubles.  Mass media items  about animal clones may be the
way the press fakers skirt around the truth.   And  who  publicly
condemned  the  idea  of  manufacturing humans?  Why, the alleged
Clinton. (Which "Clinton" made the public statement?)

Reporters  traveling  with   the   alleged   Clinton  talk  among
themselves about the double or clone.  Which is which?  Is  there
a   "real"   William  Jefferson  Clinton?   Talkative  reporters,
however, can lose their Secret Service press credentials.

Knowing  about  this  was  the  Secret  Service's  top  expert on
physical surveillance of  the  President.   That  specialist  was
murdered  with  other  presidential personnel through a sabotaged
plane  crash,  August,  1996,  near  Jackson  Hole,  Wyoming.   A
projectile hit the plane,  say  military witnesses.  (The alleged
Clinton had left, earlier, by helicopter, to go to  his  birthday

The KGB file details the  relationship  of the alleged Clinton --
actually the alleged CLINTONS, plural --  with  the  Czechoslovak
Communist  Party  Chief's  son  in Prague and at Oxford.  The KGB
threw junior off a roof to  his  death (the file gives the grisly
details) because he discovered about the clone.

The file, step by step, gives the chronology of how  the  alleged
Clinton  was  groomed  from  an early age by both the CIA and the
KGB.  Useful was his split personality syndrome which often makes
"Clinton" forget who he  is  and  makes  him not know murder from
love.  With young "Clinton" supposedly under =his= wing, the  CIA
Station  Chief  in  London  went  along,  hoping  to  unravel KGB
methods, the file asserts.  The alleged Clinton was tracked as he
attended anti-war rallies in Europe -- set up by the American CIA
but actually by KGB. Sort of a series of Chinese trick boxes.

The CIA knew, the  file  shows,  that  the  KGB  paid  for  young
Clinton's  trip  to  Moscow  and  his  stay at an expensive hotel
there.  To  confuse  matters,  Clinton's  pal  Strobe  Talbot was
described as a "Marxist," to divert attention.  To nail down  his
credibility   with   CIA,   while  KGB  actually  controlled  the
situation,  the  Soviets  gave   the  alleged  Clinton  a  secret
transcript of Krushchev condemning Stalinists, the file shows.

Numerous dates, amounts, and details, show the  KGB  was  keeping
track  of  the alleged Clinton's pal, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., and
his acts as a super  courier  of  illicit funds and money laundry
operator, traveling great  distances,  including  to  the  Soviet
Union, years prior to Foster's short time as a White House deputy
counsel  in 1993.  (National security is a reason for covering up
the murder of Foster  disguised  as  a suicide -- the CIA-KGB-NSA

To confirm its authenticity and trip-up  spy-watchers,  the  file
has several Russian language code words.

The  file's  blackmail  possibilities  are  obvious:  the alleged
Clinton is  a  clone,  part  of  a  method  perfected  by Russian
scientists.  The file is loaded with blockbuster revelations, for
example, that Lee Harvey Oswald was  not  the  lone  assassin  of
President Kennedy.  Widely revealing the file details could bring
down the American government.

Later  developments confirm all this.  Former Director of Central
Intelligence (DCIA) William  Colby,  early  in  1996, joined in a
business venture with the former long-time KGB Chief to market an
electronic game on espionage.  It was  becoming  obvious:   Colby
was a KGB mole; his business partner was a CIA mole.

Just as Colby was about to devastate the U.S. government with the
KGB file, he was assassinated, disguised as a boating accident.

So  far, FBI counter-intelligence thinks they have restrained the
Russian mafiya, largely now  headquartered in Chicago, 

Re: [CTRL] Heads Up: Bill Clinton Is Finished

1998-12-16 Thread BStokes45

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 98-12-15 18:21:39 EST, Che writes:

 I brought up Bu sh  Rea gan to emphasize the similarities between the
 Republocrats  Demicans.  They all eat from the same dog dish.  The purpose
 is not to distract but to point out that C1inton is part of a continuing
 pattern of abuse of pres idential power.

Can't really argue with that.

Che writes:
 Seems to me that he's somewhere to the right of Nixon.

Right...Left... Both Statist for sure, the line between right and left is
somewhat unclear to me.  I say left because Clinton gave away parks and rivers
to the United Nations and I consider them left.  He sold/gave missle guidance
systems to the Chinese which are Communist, the same for super computers and
cryptographic know-how and equipment.

Che writes:
 If you would just turn on your TV on a Sunday morning, or MSNBC just about
 any time (all Monica...all the time), you might change your tune.  The few
 voices supportive of C1inton will be drowned out by those hurling bile 
 invective at him.

All I've heard about is the (all Monica...all the time) which has little to do
with the serious crimes (treason) which Clinton is getting away with.

Che writes:
 Did you ever read the "Pressgate" article in the 1st issue of Brill's
 Content?  It was very critical of the trial by press leaks that Ken 5tarr
 has conducted.  In an interview 5tarr virtually admits to the leaks (in
 violation of Rule 6E), giving the justification that they were necessary to
 counterspin information from the Wh1te H0use.  Brill is also critical of
 the inability of the press to "bite the hand that feeds it" by questioning
 the legality of these leaks.  He also criticized how the press replaced
 reportage of facts with speculation and conjecture by so-called "experts".
 In conclusion, the article is fairly damning of the press for failing to
 execute their duties as impartial reporters of fact.

 Even before the article was published, the media attacks began.  Brill was
 painted as a C1inton stooge for a contribution he gave to the '92 campaign
 (none in '96).  I did not see anyone in the mainstream media even address
 Brill's criticisms - they were too busy slurring him, questioning his
 accuracy, and deflecting the discussion to unrelated matters.  It was all
 so consistent it seemed orchestrated.  Very supportive of the articles you
 posted on the lack of an independent press.

I haven't read the Brill report, but I did read about Starr leaking items to
the press.  I also read some articles about the White House leaking items to
the press to make Starr look bad.  Who did what?  Probably both are true and
as far as I'm concerned if Starr broke the law, then he should also be
prosecuted, but I'm not sure that rule 6E is a law or a guide line... at the
very least toss him as a special prosecuter and put someone in there that will
investigate the more serious crimes... not that to lie under oath is not

Che writes:
 Now, you may see this as just sour grapes on their part, but there's more
 to it than that.  The power elites definitely felt threatened by this
 article, and trained their media guns on Brill to discredit him.  If the
 media was really "support[ing] C1inton all the time", then they would have
 fallen all over themselves to dig deeper into the questions Brill raised
 about 5tarr's office.  By no stretch of the imagination can their attacks
 on Brill be construed as being supportive of C1inton.

 An important point to remember is that an attack on 5tarr does not
 necessarily indicate support of C1inton.  Some of us who consider C1inton
 to be guilty of something think that the letter of the law should be
 followed, and that the O I C represents a threat to what little democracy
 we have left.  The ends DO NOT justify the means.

I really need to look close at this Brill report.  You are right that the law
should be followed in the impeachment proceedings, otherwise it will just be
thrown out later on.  As for Democracy... we are supposed to be a Republic.

 At 03:21 PM 12/13/98 -0800, nurev wrote:
 High crimes, treason, bribery. C1inton has committed all of these. The
 problem is that the rest of the more powerful politicians have done
 the same.

 What you are witnessing is an attempted coup by the right wing. They
 want to throw C1inton off the apple cart without tipping over the apple
 cart. Sit back with this in mind and watch how it's done. It's been done
 before. The 1ran/C0ntra hearings are the blueprint for what happens next.
 real crimes will be avoided. The minor issues will be exagerated, and they
 will get C1inton out or cripple him severely enough to render him useless.
 hope for as citizens. That they will hate each other enough to do each
 other real damage in the eyes of the voters, hopefully ending in some
 needed reforms.

 This is essentially my take on the situation as well.