[CTRL] Fwd: The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #85

1999-04-06 Thread Teo One Thousand

For those opposed to the so-called war on drugs.

  The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #85 -- April 2, 1999
   A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network


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This issue can be also be read on our web site at
.  Check out the DRCNN
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1. Portland, Oregon Police Called to Account for
   Surveillance Operation

2. Two New Polls Show Strong Public Support for Drug Policy

3. Courts Place Limits on Drug Testing in Workplace, Schools

4. Hash Bash Draws Ire of State Lawmakers

5. California Democrats Give Nod to Industrial Hemp

6. Government Reports:  Prison, Drug Use Trends

7. ACLU:  Financial Privacy Update

8. EDITORIAL:  Funding The Unknown Soldier

1. Portland, Oregon Police Called to Account for
   Surveillance Operation

A county circuit judge in Portland, Oregon, has ordered the
city police bureau's Marijuana Task Force to release details
of a secret "trap and trace" telephone surveillance
operation they have reportedly maintained on American
Agriculture, a local indoor gardening supply store, for at
least the past three years.  The task force, apparently,
traced the numbers of every caller to the store, and used
that information to target private homes for searches for
evidence of marijuana cultivation.

Trap and trace procedures do not record conversations like a
wiretap, but only trace callers' phone numbers.  Still,
their use by law enforcement is regulated and limited to
certain circumstances.  In Oregon, police are required to
have a court order allowing them to collect the numbers from
the local phone company, and the trap and trace is supposed
to be used only for thirty to sixty days in order to monitor
a specific suspect.

But several months ago, a defendant in a marijuana
cultivation case became suspicious of what had led police to
his door.  According to court documents, Jeffrey Hauser of
Bend, Oregon, called an officer on the Portland task force,
pretending to be a Bend policeman.  In the conversation that
followed, the Portland officer revealed that since 1995, the
task force had made weekly downloads of the phone numbers of
all callers to American Agriculture.  Using a reverse-lookup
service to find the callers' names and addresses, the task
force then ran the information through the local electric
company, profiling those customers who used too much -- or
even too little -- electricity.

Now, a group of defense attorneys and their clients are
questioning the legality of the task force's use of the trap
and trace, and hoping that the judge's order will shed more
light on the special unit's practices.

"It's our theory that the trap and trace is like pulling on
the string that unravels the whole sweater," defense
attorney Bob Theummel told The Week Online.  "It's the
beginning of a process that results in a whole lot of
marijuana busts."  Theummel said he suspects that the trap
and trace is behind the task force's great success with
knock-and-talk busts, wherein the police come to people's
doors without a warrant and attempt to talk their way
inside.  Once the resident has consented to this, it becomes
nearly impossible to have any evidence the police find
suppressed in court.  The four member task force boasts a
50% arrest rate in as many as 2,000 knock-and-talk
operations over the seven years since its inception.

But attorney Michelle Burrows, who is also representing a
client in the trap and trace case, said that at least one
member of the task force has resorted to strong-arm tactics
when he is denied entry to a home.  She said, "Brian
[Schmautz] claims that whenever he has smelled marijuana at
someone's door, he has found it.  In Oregon, it's not enough
to have high electricity bills to get in the door, but once
they have the smell, they can get a warrant.  Well, when
people would say 'go away,' he would say 'okay, fine, here's
my business card' or would reach out to shake the person's
hand.  And then -- he's said this in affidavits, in the
police reports -- he arrests the person's hand.  And then we
found out that in several cases, they don't even arrest the
hand.  They will actually pull the person out of the house
and then arrest them on the porch."

Burrows said that one motivating

[CTRL] Fwd: 04.04.99 RMNews--Europol Operative Predicts Three Year War, Dragons and ...

1999-04-06 Thread Teo One Thousand

I don't know if this made it to the list yet, if so forgive the extra copy,
if not, enjoy!

The following two articles were first published by RMNews in 1996. They are 
being republished because the information will help you understand what is 
going on in Yugoslavia.

   First Article:
 A Europol Operative Predicts a Three Year War
Second Article:
   Aliens Are Being Settled in the former Yugoslavia

Both  these articles are republished from 1996 issues of
Rumor Mill News
   We are republishing them because they have timely
  Information about what is really going on in

In October of 1996, RMNews published a letter from a
Europol intelligence officer. In the letter he  predicted a
three year war. I have republished his letter. His insight and 
information will amaze you.

Many of you will see things in his letter that have already
happened. Others will have the uncanny sense that he has
predicted our future. This man is one with whom I had long
conversations while I was in Austria. He was the first
person who told me about the Templar Charter, and later he
saw to it that I received a word for word copy of the
charter. I included a portion of the Templar Charter in my
last article, "Kosovo, the Truth Behind the Headlines".

The author of this letter is a member of the Austro-
Hungarian royal families, he is a  Knights Templars, and 
he is also a member of Faction Two. Yes, Faction 2 is
world wide, not just in the United States.

The man who wrote this article is very well informed about
the Federal Reserve Banking system. He also understands
the philosophy and morality behind the New World Order.
Like most Continental European royals, he blames the
international bankers who created the Federal Reserve, and
who are behind the New World Order, for destroying his

My European Source was introduced to me by Navy
Intelligence officers that  I have known for years.

At one point he revealed more than I think he intended. He
was talking about the United States and the Federal Reserve
Banking system. He called the Fed  a "fat, over bloated tick
that sucks the life blood out of America." He then
expounded on how foolish Americans were not to rise up
and demand that the Fed be abolished. At the end of his
little speech on the Fed,   he slipped and revealed more than
he had intended. 

He boasted, "We have plans that will kill your well Fed
tick, but  sometimes when you kill a parasite, you come
close to killing its host!"

When you read his letter, be sure to read between the lines.
He quickly slides over some points to which we need to pay 
 attention, such as the concentration camps. 

Sometimes it is the things he doesn't say that ring the
loudest. He never mentions a time of unrest or riots, and yet
he mentions a new strong police force to deal with "home
grown terrorists". He never mentions any problems with
South America, and yet he states that we will have the
military policing our borders to protect from the flood of
illegal aliens, from South America. 

I am sure you will find many things that you wish he had
expounded on. This Source has provided no information to
RMNews since December of 1996. Maybe he will see his
letter and start sending us information once again. 
   * * *

Letter From Our European FanOctober 15, 1996
Dear Ru,
Our faith in the dollar has been rocked to no end. At this
time, the dollar is not indexed and fluctuates severely
against our Euro-currencies. The reason the market has
risen, (or been allowed to rise to such heights) is because
the full scale operation to get the new issues, and upstarts
out of the market, has only been plus or minus 10%
implemented. Operation Sledgehammer, along with less
drastic means will drop the market-- when the operation
goes on line by well over 3,000 points. 

These new companies need to be removed as they don't
have the financial reserves to make it through any
recession no mater how mild.

The money will have to be devalued. That means literally,
that the dollar will be worth far less than its present value
on overseas markets. It wouldn't be so bad, if the U.S. had
a more open and far less saturated market. That way you
could continue holding the dollar, at present value (28›). 

As your own market is saturated, and you   can't sell your
own products at home, you'll try for Europe or the Far East.
For them, however, the dollar will not be worth nearly what
it is worth at home. The end effect is that your products
will be far too expensive for export. 

You can't import, because of the expense of European
goods. Therefore, the economy will turn inward and you'll
have to eat your own production. That's when recession

You don't need the products you manufacture, and will
have to get rid of them for whatever you can get. This move

[CTRL] I support your right to hate. WAS: Big news, Clinton and hate crimes

1999-04-06 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/6/99 3:58:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, April 6) -- President Bill Clinton urged Congress
 Tuesday morning to expand the list of hate crimes covered under federal law
 to include cases involving sexual orientation.
 "The Hate Crimes Prevention Act would be important substantively and
 symbolically to send a message to ourselves and to the world that we are
 going into the 21st century determined to preach and to practice what is
 right," Clinton said during a Roosevelt Room ceremony.

Well, here is the deal, and a lot of you may not like this but I support your
right to hate.  That's right I think it is covered under the constitutional
right to personal privacy and security in your person and property.  You have
the right to hate me, because I'm ugly, slow, of a different race, rich,
poor, stupid, moronic, a genius, fat, lazy, homosexual, heterosexual,
indifferent, passionate, arty, chintzy, cheap, generous, liberal,
conservative, skinny, too loud, too quiet, aloof, arrogant, and any other
reason.  Additionally you have the right to think these things of me any time
you wish and with my complete support.  The problem with all of this, to me,
is that it imposes upon you to change your mindset and your belief system.
It would be the same as the government telling you you had to be a certain
religion or that you had to act a certain way, even if it is contrary to your
belief system.  That is mind control and it should not be anything that we
are forced to deal with.  We have enough artificial control in our lives now
we don't need more.
I think you have a right to be bigoted, hateful, and racist.  You have a
right to be secure in your thoughts.
While I do support your right to hate, I also support people rights.  Which
is to say while you can hate, if you ACT on that hate then I have a problem
with it.  We are guilty when we COMMIT acts against people not when we think
them, otherwise we would all be guilty of murder at one time or another
because we have all thought about killing that really annoying person at
least once.  You have a right to be secure in your person from physical harm,
violence, rape, theft, and discrimination.  So hate all you want, more power
to you, but just don't act on it or face all the power of the state to punish
you for your actions.  Should you suffer more because the crime was committed
because of hate or bias?  NO.  The end result is the same, an injury has been
done, the motive is not important the crime is.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Weird Science

1999-04-06 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


This was a very unprofound April Fool,

put together by a typical patronising git that thinks
he's better educated than everyone else.

Ho Ho there's no such things as UFO's etc etc 
the balloon is obviously from another planet ;)

Andrew H

[It cost me about a dollar to check this crap out]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Banco Ambrosiano all over again? WAS: OEN 4/6/99

1999-04-06 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/6/99 11:46:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< To put it another way, what does it mean to say that Yahoo!'s purchase
 of Broadcast.com valued the acquired company at $5.7bn (£3.5bn)?

 On the face of it, that's a lot of money for a company which lost $16.4m
 last year on revenues of $22m.

 But of course Yahoo! wasn't paying in real money. It was handing over
 its own shares, trading at 1,634 times earnings.

Isn't this exactly what P-2 and the Banco Ambrosiano were doing in Italy 20
years ago?  Seems Roberto Calvi was buying up other banks with shares of his
own bank HUGELY inflated in price, and then it was illegal.  He was called to
the carpet and went on the run and committed "suicide" in England (ahem),
anyway, why is this okay now?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Why a New Albanian State ?

1999-04-06 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

   The main characteristics in Kosovo and Metohija are the absence of dialogue 
and a deep
   division between the ethnic groups. In spite of the fact that the Albanians 
achieved an
   enviable standard of living and a demographic explosion (the highest birth 
rate in Europe) in
   the FR of Yugoslavia, the Albanian separatists do not want the 
normalization of the life in
   Kosovo and reject every kind of dialogue which could contribute 
substantially to the
   normalization of the situation and to the lessening of the tensions.

The high degree of autonomy and of national
rights did not satisfy the Albanian 
They organized a separatists’ rebellion in 
with "Kosovo Republic" as their main slogan
(separatist’s demonstrations have been 
a number of times until 1989). The slogan
"Kosovo Republic" represents the main 
of the Albanian separatism - the 
of the Autonomous Province of Kosmet into a
Republic which would have the right of
secession. The Albanian separatist leaders 
Kosmet never mention the question of the 
of national minorities, let alone the 
question of
human rights and liberties. They request 
and unequivocally an independent state.

  The Albanian separatist leaders organized
elections in 1991, and established 
institutions of
the "parallel authorities" which represent 
a "state
 alternative" of the FRY.

   The selective non-recognition of the state in which they live and work is 
reflected in the:

   - refusal to serve in the army

   - non-participation in the elections - had they participated in the 
elections, the Albanians
   would have, bearing in mind the population, more than 30 out of 250 
deputies in the
   Republican Parliament, around 12 out of 178 deputies in the Federal 
Parliament, and some
   80% of the deputies in the Parliament of the Province.. It is quite obvious 
that the members
   of the Albanian national minority would have practically the entire power 
in the Province.

   - non-payment of all state taxes and duties. At the same time, they 
regularly pay to the
   "Parallel authorities" 3% of their income (very often that is a pure and 
simple blackmail of
   their compatriots).

   - the establishment of "parallel schools", exclusively for the members of 
the Albanian national
   minority. The teaching is performed according to nationalist and separatist 
programmes, in
   non-adequate premises. The level of the knowledge acquired is best shown by 
the fact that
   their diplomas are not recognized anywhere in the world. Generations of the 
Albanian youth
   are handicapped educationally at the very start, and the "parallel schools" 
resulted in the final
   ethnic division among the young, in the closing of the young members of the 
Albanian national
   minority in the dogmas of extreme nationalism and separatism and the 
creation of the
   consciousness that common life with Serbs is impossible. The demonstrations 
and requests to
   return to the school buildings have as objective only the seizure of the 
buildings, and not the
   acceptation of the valid curriculum - as a matter of fact, they want to 
continue the "parallel
   schools" in the school buildings.The boycott of the educational system of 
the Republic of
   Serbia, which guarantees and assures conditions for teaching in Albanian 
prevents the
   application of the Declaration on the Rights of National, Ethnic, Religious 
and Language
   minorities, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1992. The manipulation of 
the young for
   the achievement of separatist objectives violates the UN Declaration on the 
Rights of
   Children and the International Convention on the Rights of Children.

  Such a behaviour represents a violation of the provision 
37 of the
  Final Document of the 2nd Meeting of

[CTRL] Israeliana: 04-06-99: Tolerance

1999-04-06 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Ha'aretz

Tuesday, April 6, 1999

Nazareth under siege from within

Mosque-piazza problem simmers

  By Joseph Algazy, Ha'aretz Correspondent and AP
A tense quiet, punctuated by a few incidents of stone-throwing, prevailed
yesterday in Nazareth following Christian-Muslim clashes on Easter Sunday
over a plan by the municipality to build a Venetian-style plaza for
Millennium pilgrims on land held sacrosanct by Muslims.

More than 10 people were injured, 30 cars were damaged and 11 people were
arrested in Sunday's incidents, when demonstrators from the two faiths
attacked one another with clubs and stones.

Ha'aretz received many phone calls yesterday from Christian storekeepers in
Nazareth complaining that armed thugs who said they were activists of the
Islamic Movement had demanded that they close their businesses. If not, they
threatened to set the stores ablaze.

"We are living in an atmosphere of terror and there is no one to protect
us," one of the callers said.

Muslim leaders yesterday called a commercial strike in Nazareth, effectively
shutting down the city center. Some Christians said they observed the strike
to avoid possible retribution. Helmeted Israeli riot police told residents
over loudspeakers to remain indoors as hundreds of Muslim activists gathered
at a downtown protest tent erected on the site of the proposed plaza.

The city, whose population of about 60,000 is 70 percent Muslim, has always
prided itself on its tolerance, but recently Muslim-Christian tensions have
mounted, particularly in the wake of the planned Millennium project -
currently the subject of a court battle.

The site of the proposed plaza is next to the major Christian holy site in
Nazareth, the Basilica of the Annunciation, where, according to Christian
tradition, the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary and told her she would
"bring forth a son." It is also adjacent to a Muslim sacred site, the grave
of Sheikh Shihab a-Din.

The prime minister's adviser on Arab affairs, Motti Zaken, met early
yesterday with the heads of the Waqf (the Muslim religious trust) and the
leaders of the Islamic Movement, urging them to maintain quiet in the city
and prevent the resumption of violence. Tourism Minister Moshe KatSav, who
is the government's liaison with the Arab community, is to meet with Islamic
leaders in his office on Thursday.

A spokesman for the movement complained that the city's Muslims have been
discriminated against for years, also protesting the suffering of the
Muslims in Kosovo.

The city's mayor, Ramez Jeraisi, a Christian narrowly reelected last
November, has been unable to govern effectively because the Islamic Movement
has a majority on the city council.

Katsav, too, finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place: the
Muslim community is putting heavy pressure on him to permit the construction
of a large mosque on the disputed plot of land, while the Vatican has made
its objections known to any Muslim edifice that might overshadow the
Basilica of the Anunciation.

Sources in the Prime Minister's Office were critical yesterday of the
failure of National Infrastructure Minister Ariel Sharon to involve himself
in dispute, as the land under dispute is registered in the name of the
Israel Lands Administration, a unit in his ministry.

The executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization yesterday
issued a statement expressing its regret over the confrontations between
Christians and Muslims in Nazareth. The committee called on the city's
inhabitants "to put an end to the violence and to commence a dialogue." The
PLO statement said that the confrontations "harm national unity.

© copyright 1999 Ha'aretz. All Rights Reserved

 Tuesday, April 6, 1999


The writing was on the wall

  By Joseph Algazy
Many observers point a finger of blame at the government, which let the
situation in Nazareth simmer for a year and a half and took no action -
until finally the eruption came this week, only nine months before the
advent of the millennium, when Nazareth is expected to be inundated by
Christian pilgrims.The dispute in which the Waqf (Muslim religious trust)
and the Islamic Movement are locked with Nazareth Mayor Ramez Jeraisi, a
Christian, dates back to December 1997. Since then, leaders of both the
Christian and Muslim communities have warned that the absence of a solution
would eventually generate violence.

Until a few years ago the 1,860 square meters of disputed land was the site
of an elementary school. When the school was demolished, the town got
permission from the Israel Lands Administration to build a large plaza on
the site as part of the preparations for the millennium celebrations in the
city. However, the leaders of the Waqf claimed the lot belonged to them,
demanding that they be allowed to build a large mosque.

In December 1997, on the eve of the Christmas season and the start of the
Muslim holy month of Ramadan, activists of the Islamic Movement set

[CTRL] Arabiana: 04-06-99

1999-04-06 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From ArabicNews.CoM

Green light to finance Syrian - Jordanian al-Wahda dam
Syria, Politics, 4/6/99
Well-informed sources in Damascus told the London-based al-Hayat daily that
Arab and international establishments had given the "green light" to take
part in financing the Syrian-Jordanian al-Wahda dam which will be installed
on al-Yarmouk river.

In this respect the chairman of the water department in the Syrian Ministry
of Irrigation, Abdul Aziz al-Masri, noted "positive indications" that Turkey
will join to the water meetings between Syria and Iraq to negotiate over a
just and reasonable division "for the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers" between the three countries.

He said that waters may constitute bridges of peace and cooperation between
Ankara and Damascus, al-Masri indicated that certain international
agreements "avails resorting to arbitration by any side whose water problem
cannot be settled" with a neighboring state.

He considered the arbitration an important issue in the hands of Syria and
Iraq in the future if the water crisis cannot be solved with Turkey.
Al-Masri was talking in the symposium under the title "Monitoring water
resources: its importance and applications," which was concluded on Monday
in Damascus in which Iraq and other Arab states took part.

The Syrian engineer talked about international waters and the intention of
both Syria and Lebanon to establish a "joint dam" on the al-Kabeer river
between the two states.

On water relations with Jordan, al-Masri, who takes part in the negotiations
with the neighboring states, said that after renovating the feasibility
study of al-Wahda dam whose project was suspended in 1987 due to Israel's
pressure on the World Bank in order not to finance the project: "We await
our Jordanian brothers to convene an international conference to have a
financing for the dam. There is a green light by certain establishments to
finance this dam."

However, well-informed sources in Damascus noted current contacts with the
Kuwaiti Fund for Social and Economic Development and the Abu Dhabi Fund for
Development to take part in the financing process and that World Bank
experts showed "readiness to finance the dam whose costs are estimated at US
$300 million."

Concerning the issue of water-sharing with Turkey, al-Masri said, "The
Euphrates river constitutes a basic water source for both Syria and Iraq,"
and the relations in this respect are "Turkish - Arab' relations.

He added, "When we say that there is a Turkish Syrian agreement it means an
Arab-Turkish agreement." He continued that if international agreements are
taken into account, "we find that it is our right to reach a fair division
for the waters of the Euphrates." He indicated that there are attempts to
"revive the tripartite Syrian, Turkish and Iraqi committee which did not
meet since the end of 1992."

He added that among these attempt are the recent visit of Syrian Deputy
Premier for Economic Affairs Salim Yassin in March to Ankara and reaching a
security agreement between Syria and Ankara in October 1998.

Experts taking part in the symposium warned that Turkey is planning "through
the project to develop al-Anadoul southeast (Ghab)" to reduce the share of
Baghdad and Damascus of waters into 350,000 cubic meter per second.

Jordan announces breakthrough in Jordanian-Israeli water problem
Jordan, Economics, 4/6/99

A Jordanian official said on Tuesday that there has been a "clear
breakthrough" in the water problem between Jordan and Israel, MAP reported.

During a tour of major Jordanian newspapers, minister of water and
irrigation, Kamal Mahadeen told "Al-Rai" newspaper that the Israelis
re-asserted their commitment to all terms of the peace treaty with Jordan.

According to the 1994 peace treaty, Jordan is to get 50 million cubic meters
of water from Tiberias lake annually.

Israel decided last month to reduce Jordan's share from the
israeli-controlled lake by almost half, claiming it was forced to take this
step due to drought.

Addressing the parliament, Jordan's minister Abdulraouf Rawabdeh said his
country insists on getting its full rights of water. "Our right in the
waters is clear and we'll obtain it in full."

During their discussion of the Israeli-Jordanian treaty, parliament members
proposed the abolishment of the peace treaty, due to Israel's non-compliance
with its terms regarding water.

Experts expect oil boom in Libya
Libya, Economics, 4/6/99

Libya's turnover of two suspects in the 1988 Lockerbie plane downing is
likely to attract major international oil companies, Kuwaiti news agency
KUNA quoted experts in New York as saying.

The likely return of oil companies is also motivated by the suspension of UN
sanctions against Libya.

Besides Libya, the key beneficiaries will be ENI SPA of Italy, already
Libya's biggest foreign oil producer and Lasmo PLC of Britain, experts said.

Both companies are expected to make major investments in Libya's oil


1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~viewfromthewall/fwch4.htm">FINAL WARNING:
Chapter Four


The career of Richard M. Nixon began in 1946, when, backed by Eastern
Establishment money, he came out of obscurity to defeat incumbent
Congressman Jerry Voorhis in California, who was anti-Federal Reserve.
Voorhis wrote in a pamphlet called Dollars and Sense: "...the
representatives of the American people in Congress should speedily
proceed to transfer the ownership of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks from
the private ownership of the member banks to the ownership of the nation

In 1952, Nixon and Earl Warren, then the Governor of California, helped
create an Eisenhower majority within a California delegation that had
been leaning towards Robert Taft, an anti-communist. Nixon was rewarded
by being selected as the Vice- President, while Warren was named to the
Supreme Court.

During the 1960 Republican Convention, Nixon, the Republican nominee,
left Chicago and flew to New York, where he secretly met with Nelson
Rockefeller. A subsequent news release indicated that Rockefeller had
requested the meeting, when in fact Nixon had. The result of the meeting
was the Fourteen Points of the "Compact of Fifth Avenue", which injected
Rockefeller's socialistic plans into the Platform of the Republican

After losing to Kennedy, Nixon ran for Governor in California, but lost
to Pat Brown in 1962. He left his law practice, and moved to New York,
where he worked as a partner in the law firm of John Mitchell, who was
Rockefeller's personal attorney. He lived in an apartment at 810 Fifth
Avenue, a building owned by Rockefeller. He was a CFR member from
1961-65, and it was during this time that Nixon rebuilt his political

On November 22, 1963, the citizens of Dallas, Texas, found in their
Dallas Morning News an unsigned leaflet titled "Wanted for Treason". At
the top was John F. Kennedy's picture, and a list of reasons for the
accusation. It was later discovered that it had been drafted at a
Pepsi-Cola "convention" in Dallas, by lawyers of the Rockefeller law
firm of Nixon, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, and Alexander, to be used as an
attack on Kennedy during the 1963 Presidential campaign. There is more
than one Kennedy Assassination researcher who feels that Nixon had prior
knowledge of Kennedy's shooting, though no hard evidence has ever come
to light.

While it is widely accepted that there was a conspiracy behind Kennedy's
death, as the volumes of evidence prove, there has never been a single
group pinpointed as the mastermind of such a plan. The complexities
involved in such a cover-up, certainly point to the Illuminati, because
they are the only group in the world, operating behind the scenes, who
would be able to influence and control all the elements necessary to
pull off something like this. His murder was carried out publicly,
because they wanted the political leaders in this country to know who
was in control. There has been a phenomenal amount of research done on
the case of President Kennedy's murder, and it almost seems that when he
died, the tide changed in this country. The forces behind the assa
ssination of Kennedy were able to change the course of history at will,
and with the new-found confidence at their success, the power they
gained, literally allowed them to exert complete control over American

One fact that linked the Illuminati to the Kennedy conspiracy, was the
oil connection. Huge oil fields had been discovered off the coast of
Vietnam in 1950, and Rockefeller was able to use oil as a ploy to
ferment a fear that Vietnam would be lost to Communism, the way Cuba
was. However, Kennedy wanted to end American involvement in the war, and
in October, 1963, he recalled 1,000 so-called advisers. He planned to
bring home all American soldiers by 1965. After Kennedy was eliminated,
the U. S. government escalated the war in Vietnam. His hatred of the CIA
was well-known. After the Bay of Pigs disaster, he said he wanted "to
splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."
Using a federal statute, Kennedy was going to force J. Edgar Hoover, the
aging Director of the FBI, to retire, because he wanted somebody who
better represented his New Frontier. Conservative in his economics, he
intended to circumvent the Federal Reserve by issuing nearly $5 million
in non-interest bearing U.S. bank notes(Executive Order #0), much
like Abraham Lincoln. And to top matters off, after winning the showdown
with Russia over Cuba, he signed a limited nuclear test ban treaty with
the Soviets. Needless to say, Kennedy's agenda was contrary to the plans
for a New World Order. As Jacqueline Kennedy was getting ready to leave
Air Force One when it arrived in Washington, still wearing the
bloodstained clothing from Dallas, she said: "I want them to see what
they have done." A very strange comment t


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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a 25,000 word document,
which contains 24 Protocols by a member of a secret group of Jews, known
as the Elders of Zion. It purported to be an outline for the control of
the world by the Jews, with the help of the Masons. The document has
been used to prove that the Illuminati is an exclusively Jewish plan for
world domination, and has put the Jewish race in a bad light. In the
course of my research, I have not found that to be true. I do not
believe that there is a "Jewish" conspiracy. Even though the
Illuminati's founders were Jewish, and many influential Jews were part
of the inner circle, that is no reason to indict the entire Jewish race.
The Bible identifies the Jews as God's chosen people, so it is highly
unlikely that they are behind such a Satanic plot. I have even been
told, that the people in Israel are not true Jews. One only has to look
at the history of Israel, and see how they have been able to
miraculously survive, to see that this is nothing but anti-semetic
rhetoric. It is not race, which is the common denominator here; it is
money and greed. For the most part, the conspiracy has been dominated by
the Europeans, and perpetuated by the English-speaking countries of the

No one is quite sure about this notorious document, and how it fits into
the puzzle of the one-world government conspiracy. We know that its
influence was taken advantage of, by the Illuminati, however, as to the
actual origin and its purpose, we may never know for sure, because
portions of it are highly accurate in its revelations. It is either
true, or a clever forgery. If it is true, how much of it is true? If it
is a forgery, it most certainly was based upon a factual document.
Whatever the case, it is included in this book because it may contain
some clues about the early stages of the Illuminati conspiracy, and the
people behind it.

French Jesuit, the Abbe' Barruel, who in 1797 wrote the five-volume
Memoire pou servir a' l'histoire du Jacobinisme, received a copy of a
letter in 1806, from J. B. Simonini, an army officer in Florence. In it,
was a statement that the Jews "promised themselves that in less than a
century, they would be the masters of the world." This letter had been
widely circulated in France. It was later revealed that the letter had
been fabricated by the French police to motivate Napoleon against the

In 1848, Hermann Goedsche, a German postal official, forged letters
indicating that Benedic Waldeck was conspiring to assassinate Frederick
William IV, the King of Prussia. After it became known that they were
forgeries, he was removed from his job, and he began writing under the
pseudonym, Sir John Retcliffe. One of those novels, Biarritz, written in
1868, contained a chapter titled, "In the Jewish Cemetery in Prague", in
which the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel met with Satan to tell
him of their plans to control the world. However, the covert proceeding
was witnessed by two men, who then dedicated their lives to fighting the
Satanic Jewish plot. In 1872, Russian anti-semites printed the chapter
in a pamphlet, as fiction based on fact. It was reprinted in 1876 and
1880. In July, 1881, the story was published in the French paper Le
Contemporain as fact, and all of the speeches by each tribal head was
consolidated into a single speech, supposedly made by a chief rabbi in a
secret meeting of influential Jews. To substantiate the claim, it was
said to have been taken from a forthcoming book by English diplomat, Sir
John Readclif(a take-off on Goedsche's pen name), called Annals of the
Political and Historic Events of the Last Ten Years.

In 1891, the story appeared in the Russian newspaper Novorossiysky
Telegraf, which established that the speech was made in 1869 by a rabbi
to a secret Sanhedrin (possibly referring to the First Congress of
Reformed Judaism, held in Leipzig). Its authenticity, again, was
supported by the fictional Sir John Readclif. Later, in the October 21,
1920 issue of La Vielle France, the newspaper said there was a striking
analogy between the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the discourse of
Rabbi Reichhorn, pronounced in Prague in 1869, over the tomb of the
Grand Rabbi Simeon-ben-Ihuda.

Early in 1900, this fictional speech was used to instigate pogroms
against the Jews, and became known as "The Rabbi's Speech". An
anti-semite, P. A. Khrushevan, used the speech to provoke a pogrom at
Kishinev, in the Ukraine, in 1903, in which 45 Jews were killed, and 400
injured, in an incident that destroyed 1,300 Jewish homes and shops. The
speech is now used to prove the authenticity 


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The British East India Company was a British commercial and political
organization established in India in the late 1600's, which was known as
the Governor and Company of Merchants of London. A forerunner of this
group was the London Mercers Company, and earlier than that, the London
Staplers. The organization traced their lineage back to the ancient
commercial groups involved in trading between the Mediterranean and
India. They were closely related to the Levant Company, and the
Anglo-Muscovy Company, and spawned the London Company, which was
chartered in 1606 to establish the Virginia Plantation on a communistic
basis, and the Plymouth Colony in 1621.

It was mainly organized for trading, but soon became an agent for
British imperialism. Bending to government pressure, they reorganized in
1702. Every year, 24 Directors were elected by the Court of
Proprietors(or shareholders, a majority of which were English Masons).
They traded in cotton, tea, silk, and salt peter; and were accused of
dealing with opium and participating in the slave trade. They virtually
monopolized all trade from South India, the Persian Gulf, Southeast Asia
and East Asia.

Indian policy was influenced by the company from 1757 to 1773, when
their power was broken by the 1773 Regulatory Act, and Pitt's India Act
of 1784, finally ending their monopoly in 1813. When they ceased to
exist in 1873, many of its shareholders were major financiers. The
principals of this group perpetuated their elitist goals by establishing
the Fabian Society.


On October 24, 1883, in London, a group of 17 wealthy Socialists
gathered to discuss a 'Fellowship of the New Life', which was based on
the writings of scholar Thomas Davidson, who hoped to start some sort of
monastic order. The group included George Bernard Shaw(1864-1926), a
free-thinking Marxist-atheist writer whose plays contained socialistic
references, an ideology he pursued after hearing a speech by American
economist Henry George in 1882, and reading Marx's Das Kapital; Graham
Wallas, a classical scholar; Sidney James Webb(1859-1947), a civil
servant who was the most influential socialist in the country; Edward
Pease; Havelock Ellis; Frank Podmore; Annie Besant; John Galsworthy; R.
H. Tawney; G. D. H. Cole; Harold Laski; Israel Zangwi11(1864-1926), a
Jewish playwright and novelist, who in 1910, wrote the play The Melting
Pot, which was a propaganda play showing how Americans discriminate
against Blacks and Jews; and Israel Cohen, a Jewish writer. Some of
these people were also members of the Society for Physical Research, an
organization dedicated to spiritualism research, which was founded in

Sidney Webb later founded the London School of Economics in 1895, which
today is a branch of the University of London. Among its major
contributors: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie United Kingdom
Trust, and Mrs. Ernest Elmhirst, the widow of J. P. Morgan partner
Willard Straight, who founded the socialist magazine New Republic. In
1912, Webb established an independent journal called The New Statesman,
and later became a leader in the Labor Party, writing Labor and the
Social Order in 1918. He held several political offices. He was a
disciple of John Stuart Mill, who served as the Secretary of the British
East India Company.

On November 7, 1883, this group met to discuss the establishment of an
organization "whose ultimate aim shall be the reconstruction of Society
in accordance with the highest moral possibilities." However, they split
into two factions, and on January 4, 1884, one of the factions
established a group known as the Fabian Society. On January 25th, one
member, J. G. Stapleton, delivered their first lecture, called "Social
Conditions in England, With a View to Social Reconstruction or
Development." At a time when there were 30,000 Socialist voters, after a
few weeks, they had only 20 members.

In April, 1884, their first publication was distributed - a four-page
pamphlet called Why Are We Poor? In May, journalist George Bernard
Shaw(who would win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1925) joined, and
soon became the leading figure of the Fabians. In March, 1885, Sidney
Webb, then a clerk from the Colonial Office, joined; and in 1886, so did
Graham Wallas. Shaw, Webb, Wallas, and Sidney Olivier became known as
the "Big Four."

The other faction, known as "The Fellowship", continued for 15 years
under Davidson, with members such J. Ramsey MacDonald(who later became
Prime Minister), Edward Carpenter, and Havelock Ellis.

Their pamphlet Facts for Socialists in 1887, maintained that any person
who knew the facts of Socialism, had no ot


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As a youth, Adolf Hitler(1889-1945) fled Austria, and went to Germany to
escape the draft. He was arrested, and in February, 1914, a report was
put in his file, which read in part: "Unfit for military or auxiliary
service; too weak; incapable of bearing arms." This was the man that the
Illuminati would choose to further their goals. As a puppet of the
Illuminati, he was used to set the stage for the conflict which would
eventually lead to the establishment of the United Nations, a major step
towards one-world government; and to shame the world into allowing the
State of Israel to be established.

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton(1803-73), a graduate of Cambridge
University, and a Mason, who became a member of the British Parliament,
wrote a novel in 1871 called Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, about a
super-race of white Aryans that took control of the world. Researchers
consider him responsible for the birth of the Nazi movement, because
Hitler was said to have been influenced by this book, and another novel,
Rienzi: TheLast of the Roman Tribunes, which was adapted into a major
opera by German composer Richard Wagner. After seeing "Rienzi" for the
first time in November, 1906, Hitler talked about a "mandate which, one
day, he would receive from the people, to lead them out of servitude to
the heights of freedom." He believed that he would entrusted with a
special mission. He later told Frau Wagner, the composer's widow: "In
that hour it began(the Nazi movement known as National Socialism)."

History shows that Hitler ordered the death of six million Jews during
the Holocaust in Europe. Why he did, has become a mystery, since it
really hasn't been established that he had an intense hatred for Jews.

A U. S. Office of Strategic Services psychological report by Waiter C.
Langer, later published as The Mind of Adolf Hitler, says that the young
Hitler was befriended by Jewish art dealers who "paid generously for his
mediocre watercolors." Because of his financial situation, a Jewish
landlady charged him only a nominal rent, and even moved out of her
apartment on one occasion so that Hitler and a friend could have more
room. A Jewish used-clothing dealer gave him a long black overcoat,
which he wore constantly. When he was a lance-corporal during World War
I, Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross(First and Second Class), a rare
honor for a soldier of such low rank, who hadn't really done anything to
deserve such a distinction. He learned later, that the commendation was
the result of the "efforts of the regimental adjutant, Hugo Gutmann, a

When he became Fuhrer, Hitler hired a Jewish maid to do his cooking. On
one occasion, when it was suggested that he get rid of her, he became
furious. Dr. Eduard Bloch, a Jewish physician, had been the Hitler
family doctor since Hitler was a child. Bloch had treated Hitler's
mother when she was dying of cancer. After her funeral, Hitler
accompanied his sisters to thank him, and said: "I shall be grateful to
you forever." He sent the doctor two postcards, one that he handpainted.
Both of them said: "From your ever grateful patient, Adolf Hitler."

Hitler had even wondered if he himself was Jewish. This idea stemmed
from the fact that Hitler's father, Alois, was illegitimate, and the
identity of his grandfather had never been established. During Hitler's
rise to power, his half-brother's son threatened to reveal that Hitler
was of Jewish ancestry. One investigation discovered that Hitler's
grandfather had been the son of a Jewish family called Frankenburger, in
Gratz, who employed Hitler's grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, as a
maid. She had become pregnant by their son, while she was working in
their home. The family sent her money for a year and a half to help
support the child. Another investigation said that Alois was conceived
in Vienna, where Hitler's grandfather was employed as a servant in the
home of Baron Rothschild. Maria was sent home to Spital, where Hitler's
father was born.

In Hitler's War, written in 1977 by British author and historical
revisionist, David Irving, he revealed that Hitler didn't order the
Jewish massacres, and didn't find out about it until late in the war.
There is no record of Hitler ever visiting a concentration camp, alt
hough he did watch films and see photographs.

So what turned Hitler against the Jews, if indeed he was; or was there
someone else making decisions for him.

As early as 1919, he spoke of removing Jews altogether; and in his book
Mein Kampf, written while he was in prison in 1924, for the "Beer Hall
Putsch", spoke of the overthrow of "world Jewry": "I believe that I am
today acting according to the purposes of the almighty Creator. In
resisting the Jew, I am fighting the Lord's battle." On January 30,
1939, he sai


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The problem of the voter registration edge was a bit more difficult, but
that was a project that the Illuminati was working on. The Russian
pogroms of 1881 and 1882, in which thousands of Russians were killed;
and religious persecution and anti-semitism in Poland, Romania, and
Bulgaria in the early 1890's, began three decades of immigration into
the United States by thousands of Jews. By the turn of the century, a
half-million Jews had arrived to the port cities of New York, Baltimore,
and Boston. It was the Democrats who initiated a program to get them
registered to vote. Humanitarian committees were set up by Schiff and
the Rothschilds, such as the Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, and the
B'nai B'rith, so when the Jews arrived, they were made naturalized citiz
ens, registered Democrat, then shuffled off to other large cities, such
as Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and Los Angeles, where they were given
financial help to find a place to live, food, and clothing. This is how
the Jews became a solid Democratic voting bloc, and it was these votes
that would be needed to elect Wilson to the Presidency.

In 1912, with President William Howard Taft running for re-election
against Wilson, the Illuminati needed some insurance. They got it by
urging another Republican, former President, Theodore Roosevelt
(1901-09) to run on the Progressive ticket. Taft had served as
Roosevelt's Secretary of War (1905-09), and was chosen by Roosevelt to
succeed him as President. Now, Roosevelt was running again. Advocating
the 'New Nationalism', Roosevelt said: "My hat is in the ring...the
fight is on and I am stripped to the buff." Identified as
'anti-business' because of his stand against corporations and trusts,
his proposals for reorganizing the government were attacked by the
Illuminati-controlled New York Times as "super- socialism". His 'Bull
Moose' Platform said: "We are opposed to the so-called Aldrich Currency
Bill because its provisions would place our currency and credit system
in private hands, not subject to effective public control." Frank Munsey
and George Perkins, of the J. P. Morgan and Co. organized, ran, and
financed Roosevelt's campaign. A recent example of the same plan that
pulled votes away from Taft, in order to get Wilson elected, occurred in
the 1992 Presidential election. In a 1994 interview, Barbara Bush told
ABC-TV news correspondent Barbara Walters, that the third-party
candidacy of independent H. Ross Perot was the reason that Bill Clinton
was able to defeat President George Bush.

The Illuminati was able to get the support of perennial Democratic
Presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, by letting him write the
plank of the Party Platform which opposed the Aldrich Bill. Remember,
the second version of the Bill prepared at Jekyll Island was to be an
alternative, so public attention was turned against the Aldrich Bill.
Wilson, an aristocrat, having socialistic views, was in favor of an
independent reserve system, because he didn't trust the "common men"
which made up Congress, however, publicly, he promised to "free the poor
people of America from control by the rich", and to have a money system
that wouldn't be under the control of Wall Street's International
Bankers. In fact, in the summer of 1912, when he accepted the nomination
as the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, he said: "A
concentration of the control of credit...may at any time become
infinitely dangerous to free enterprise." According to the Federal
Reserve's historical narrative, the shift in Wilson's point of view was
"a combination of political realities and his own lack of knowledge
about banking and finance (and) after his election to the Presidency,
Wilson relied on others for more expert advice on the currency

Because of the voting split in the Republican Party, not only was
Woodrow Wilson able to win the Presidency, but the Democrats gained
control of both houses in Congress.

DEMOCRAT(Wilson) 435 electoral votes 6,286,214 popular votes

PROGRESSIVE(Roosevelt) 88 electoral votes 4,126,020 popular votes

REPUBLICAN(Taft) 8 electoral votes 3,483,922 popular votes

Rep. Carter Glass of Virginia, Chairman of the Banking and Currency
Committee, met with Wilson after his election, along with H. Parker
Willis(who was Dean of Political Science at George Washington
University) of the National Citizens League, to prepare a Bill, known as
the Glass Bill, which began taking form in January, 1913. Now Plan B was
set into motion. Remember, the National Citizens League, headquartered
in Chicago, had already announced their opposition to the Aldrich Bill,
now the Wall Street banking interests had come out against the Glass
Bill, which was actually the Aldrich Bill in disguise.

The Wall Street crowd was generally referred to as the "money trust".


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Andrew Carnegie(1835-1919) came to the United States as a poor immigrant
from Scotland in 1848, and never became an American citizen. He built
the Carnegie Steel Corporation, which he sold to J. P. Morgan for $500
million, who incorporated the company into the United States Steel
Corporation in 1901, enabling Carnegie to retire and concentrate on his
philanthropic activities.

In 1889, William Torrey Harris, the U.S. Commissioner of Education, told
a high-ranking railroad official that the schools were being
scientifically designed not to overeducate children. He believed that
the schools should alienate children from their parents and religion. In
1890, Carnegie wrote eleven essays which were published under the title
The Gospel of Wealth. The underlying premise was that the
free-enterprise system had been locked-up by men such as himself, J.P.
Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller, and that they not only owned
everything, but also controlled the government. His worry, was that
subsequent generations would realize this, and work against them. His
solution was to control the education system, and to create a direct
relationship between the amount of education a person had, and how good
of a job they could get. Therefore, this created a motivation for
children to attend school, where they would be taught only what the
social engineers of this country wanted them to know.

This was to be accomplished by instituting the educational system
developed by Prussia between 1808 and 1819. German Philosopher Johann
Gottlieb Fichte(1762- 1814) in his "Addresses to the German
Nation"(1807-08) said that he did not trust parental influence and
preferred education to be carried out in a "separate and independent"
environment controlled by the state. Prussia became the first government
to have compulsory education, setting up a three-tiered system. The
children of the elite, about one-half of one percent, went to schools
called academies, and were taught to think and be independent. About
five and one-half percent went to Realschulen, where they were partially
taught how to think. The other 94% went to Volkschulen, where the idea
of being a follower and a good citizen was stressed.

This system of education was brought to the United States through the
effort of a coalition of big business led by Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and
Rockefeller; major universities like Columbia, Johns Hopkins, the
University of Wisconsin, the University of Michigan, and the University
of Chicago; and large foundations like Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford,
Mellon, Peabody, Sage, and Whitney. The success in creating an organized
cumpulsory educational system in this country has allowed the elite of
this country to prevent each generation from truly understanding how
this country is actually run, thus keeping them from doing anything
about it. This "dumbing-down" has enabled the government to more easily
assimilate the people of this country into a population which can be e
asily deceived and controlled.

With a grant of $27,000,000, Carnegie established the Carnegie Institute
of Technology in Pittsburgh, in 1900, which became the Carnegie-Mellon
University in 1967, when it merged with the Mellon Institute, which had
been founded in 1913. In 1905, he established the Carnegie Foundation
for the Advancement of Teaching, which, within a 20 year period, gave
over $20 million to retiring teachers(and widows) at universities and
technical schools in the United States and Canada to support the
profession and encourage higher education. In 1904, in the U.S., and
1908 in the United Kingdom, he set up the Carnegie Hero Fund to reward
heroic deeds by civilian citizens, and gave out close to $500,000,000.
He also established the world renowned Carnegie Hall, and over 2,000
public libraries. He was also a major supporter of Tuskogee Institute in
Alabama, which was founded by Booker T. Washington.

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was established in 1910,
to promote international peace and bring about the abolition of war; and
the Carnegie Corporation of New York in 1911(with a grant of
$125,000,000), was set up "to promote the advancement and diffusion of
knowledge and understanding among the people of the United States by
aiding technical schools, institutions of higher learning, libraries,
scientific research, hero funds, useful publications, and by such other
agencies and means as shall time to time be found appropriate

With such a history of philanthropic contributions, the Carnegie
Endowment, on its face, appeared to be innocent. However, its goal of
promoting international peace, was just a ruse to disguise its true
purpose to promote one-world government.

The first three Presidents of the group were: Elihu Root, socialist and
former Secretary of Stat


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Napoleon said: "When a government is dependent for money upon the
bankers, they and not the leaders of the government control the
situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes
financiers are without patriotism and without decency..." Karl Marx said
in the Communist Manifesto: "Money plays the largest part in determining
the course of history." The Rothschilds found out early, that when you
control the money, you basically control everything else. So, while
their political plans were being thwarted, they began to concentrate on
 tightening their grip on the financial structure of the world.

In the mid 1700's the Colonies were prospering because they were issuing
their own money, called Colonial Scrip, which was strictly regulated,
and didn't require the payment of any interest. When the bankers in
Great Britain heard this, the British Parliament passed a law
prohibiting the currency, forcing them to accept the debt money issued
by them. Contrary to what history teaches, the American Revolution was
not ignited by a tax on tea. According to Benjamin Franklin, it was
because "the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity
ended." He said: "The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on
tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad
influence of the English bankers on the Parliament: which has caused in
the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War."

In 1787, our new Constitution gave Congress the power to "coin money,
(and) regulate the value thereof (Article 1, Section 8)." After Great
Britain tried to destroy and control the currency of our new country,
Congress realized the danger of fiat, or paper money created by law. In
1775, paper money had been issued to finance the war, and independent
state legislatures passed laws requiring citizens to accept it as legal
tender. Since it was created from nothing, and not backed by any
precious metal, inflation developed. By the end of the war, it took 500
paper dollars to get one silver dollar. Our forefathers wrote in Article
I, Section 10, of the U.S. Constitution: "No State shall enter into any
treaty, alliance or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal;
coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing by gold and silver coin
a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto
law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of

Alexander Hamilton, an Illuminist, and agent of European bankers, had
immigrated to the colonies in 1772 from the British colony of Nevis, on
the Leeward Islands in the British West Indies. He married the daughter
of Gen. Philip Schuyler, one of the most influential families of New
York. In 1789 he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. Hamilton and
Robert Morris successfully convinced the new Congress not to take this
power literally, enabling the Bank of North America to be established in
1781, which was similar to the Bank of England. At the time, America had
a foreign debt of $12,000 (in money borrowed from Spain, France,
Holland, and private interests in Germany), and a domestic debt of

In 1790, Hamilton, who favored Central Banking, urged the Congress to
charter a privately owned company to have the sole responsibility of
issuing currency, in order to handle the country's financial situation.
His Plan called for Congress to create a Central Banking system, with a
main office in Philadelphia, and smaller branches located in important
cities throughout the country. It would be used to deposit government
funds and tax collections, and to issue bank notes to increase the money
supply needed to finance the country's growth. This Bank of the United
States would have a capital stock plan of $10 million, with 4/5's to be
owned by private investors, and 1/5 by the U.S. Government. It would be
administered by a President, and 25 Board of Directors, with 20 to be
elected by the stockholders, and 5 appointed by the government.

Central Banking was initiated by international banker William Paterson
in 1691, when he obtained the Charter for the Bank of England, which put
the control of England's money in a privately owned company who had the
right to issue notes payable on demand against the security of bank
loans to the crown. One of their first transactions was to loan 1.2
million pounds at 8% interest to William of Orange to help the king pay
the cost of his war with Louis XIV of France. Paterson said: "The bank
hath benefit of interest on all monies which it creates out of nothing."
Reginald McKenna, British Chancellor of the Exchequer(or Treasury), said
230 years later: "


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With the Illuminati in complete control of our monetary system, they
were ready for the next step. They couldn't touch the money of the
people, because the Constitution did not contain any provision for the
taxing of income; so they now set into motion a plan to accomplish this,
in order to oppress the middle class, and increase the lower class, who
would have to depend on the government for their survival.

>From 1862-72, to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the
nation's first income tax: 3% on incomes from $600 to $10,000, and 5%
for incomes above that, which was later deemed to be insufficient, and
it was increased twice, till it reached a high of 10% on all incomes
over $5,000. The tax was criticized because it wasn't apportioned among
the states according to population. The Act of 1862 also provided for a
sales tax, excise tax, and inheritance tax; and established the office
of Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who was given the power to assess,
levy, and collect taxes, and was given the authority to enforce tax
laws. In 1868, tobacco and alcoholic beverages were taxed.

The income tax was discontinued in 1872, but after heavy lobbying by the
Populist Party, it was reinstated in 1894, as part of the Wilson-German
Tariff Bill, when Congress enacted a 2% tax on all incomes over $4,000 a
year. On May 20, 1895, the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the tax was
unconstitutional, because it was not distributed among the states in
accordance with the Constitution. Newspapers controlled by the
Illuminati denounced the Court's decision.

When the income tax legislation was introduced in the Senate in 1894,
Sen. Aldrich had come out against it, saying it was "communistic and
socialistic," but in 1909, he proposed the 16th Amendment to the
Constitution, with the support of President Taft, which called for the
creation of a progressive graduated income tax. It was ratified in
February, 1913, and levied a 1% tax on all incomes over $3,000, and a
progressive surtax on incomes over $20,000. Although praised by
reformers, conservatives said it was "a first step toward complete
confiscation of private property."

According to a book called The Law That Never Was, by Bill Benson and M.
J. Beckman, on February 25, 1913, shortly before the end of his term,
Secretary of State Philander C. Knox ignored various irregularities, and
fraudulently declared that the 16th Amendment had been ratified by
three-fourths of the 48 states. Benson traveled to all the states, and
to the National Archives in Washington, DC, obtaining more than 17,000
pages of documents that proved that the 16th Amendment was not ratified.
A 16-page memo dated February 15, 1913, to Knox, from his solicitor,
stated that only four states had "correctly" ratified the amendment,
that Minnesota had not forwarded their copy yet, and that the
resolutions from 33 states contained punctuation, capitalization, or
wording different than the Resolution that was approved by Congress. The
memo read: "In the certified copies of the resolutions passed by the
legislatures of the several states ratifying the proposed 16th
amendment, it appears that only four of these resolutions (those
submitted by Arizona, North Dakota, Tennessee and New Mexico) have
quoted absolutely accurately and correctly the 16th amendment as
proposed by Congress. The other thirty-three resolutions all contain
errors either of punctuation, capitalization, or wording. Minnesota, it
is to be remembered, did not transmit to the Department a copy of the
resolution passed by the legislature of the state. The resolutions
passed by twenty-two states contain errors only of capitalization or
punctuation, or both, while those of eleven states contain errors in the
wording..." Benson discovered that some word changes and misplaced
commas were done by legislative intent. State Legislatures voting to
ratify a proposed Constitutional amendment, must use a certified, exact
copy, as passed by the Congress. Since this was not done, legally, the
Government can only collect an income tax within the guidelines set
forth by the Supreme Court in Pollock v. Farmers Loan & Trust Co., 157
U. S. 429(1895), and all sections of the Internal Revenue Code, based on
the 16th Amendment, are not valid.

However, this fact does not really get to the heart of the matter.
According to Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United
States: "The Congress shall have power...to exclusive legislation in all
cases whatsoever, over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as
may, by cession of particular States and the acceptance of Congress,
become the seat of the Government of the United Sta


1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~viewfromthewall/fwch1.htm">FINAL WARNING:
Chapter One




When you talk about tracing the origin of an organization which is
controlling the destiny of the world, it's obvious that you have to
start at a period which would allow a movement of this magnitude, time
to ferment. Changes like the ones which have, and are occurring do not
take place overnight. We are dealing with a group which must have been
growing for a long period of time, in order to obtain the power and
influence necessary to achieve the global control now being exercised.
When you think of it, in that context, there is such a group.

The leader of this group was a man named, Dr. Adam Weishaupt, who was
born on February 6, 1748, the son of a Jewish rabbi. When his father
died in 1753, he was converted to Catholicism by Baron Johann Adam
Ickstatt, who turned the early training of the boy over to the Jesuits.
Ickstatt, in 1742, had been appointed by the Jesuits to be the curator
of the University in order to reorganize it. He had retired in 1765, but
still controlled its policies.

Although Weishaupt later became a priest, he developed a distinct hatred
for the Jesuits, and became an atheist. Given access to the private
library of Ickstatt, his Godfather, the young man became interested in
the works of the French philosophers, and studied law, economics,
politics, and history. One such philosopher, Voltaire(1694-1778), a
revolutionary who held liberal religious views, had written in a letter
to King Frederick II("the Great", a Mason): "Lastly, when the whole body
of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and infidelity strong
enough, the final blow (is) to be dealt by the sword of open, relentless
persecution. A reign of terror (is) to be spread over the whole earth,
and...continue while a Christian should be found obstinate enough to
 adhere to Christianity." It is believed that Weishaupt got his ideas
concerning the destruction of the Church from Voltaire's writings. He
studied in France, where he met Robespierre(who later led the French
Revolution), and became friends with a few people in the French Royal
Court. It is believed, that through these contacts, he was introduced to

He graduated from the Bavarian University in Ingolstadt, Germany in
1768. He served four years as a tutor until he was promoted to Assistant
Instructor. In 1770, he was chosen by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to
develop an organization that he could use. In 1772, Weishaupt was made
Professor of Civil Law. In 1773, he was made Professor of Canon Law, a
post which had been held by the Jesuits for 90 years. They had founded
most of the Universities, and kept strict control of them in order to
eliminate Protestant influence.

In 1773, Weishaupt got married, against the wishes of Ickstatt, who
denounced him. Two years later, at the age of 27, he was made Dean of
the Faculty of Law. The Jesuits, worried about his quick progression,
tried to thwart his influence by secretly plotting against him, and his
liberal thinking. Not wanting to become a martyr for his free-thinking
ideas, he began focusing on establishing his organization. To confuse
his detractors, he based the organizational structure on the one used by
the Jesuits, however, his intention was to have a secret coalition of

He studied the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans, whose
teachings revolved around astrology, medicine, and magic. He had been
indoctrinated into Egyptian occult practices by an unknown merchant
named Kolmer, from Jutland(in the area around the border of Denmark and
West Germany), who had been traveling around Europe since 1771. He
studied the power of the Eleusinian mysteries and the influence exerted
by the secret cult of the Pythagoreans. Pythagoras was a sixth century,
B.C., philosopher who taught that men and women should combine their
belongings - which became the basic philosophy behind Communism.
Weishaupt also studied the teachings of the Essenes, and acquired copies
of the 'Kabala', 'The Major Key of Solomon' and 'The Lesser Key of
Solomon', which revealed how to conjure up demons and perform occult

He studied the various Masonic writings after meeting a Protestant
Freemason from Hanover. At first he thought about creating a superior
Masonic-like organization, that would be made up of men possessing
superior abilities in all fields, but concluded that Masonry was too

Weishaupt was instructed by the Rothschilds( who were also said to be
Satanists), to leave the Catholic Church, and unite all the different
occult groups. He created the coven called the 'Golden Dawn' which, till
this day, is allegedly the Rothschilds' private coven.

Weishaupt spent five years working out a plan through 


1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

WARNING: Introduction




This book deals with an organization which has been referred to as the
Illuminati. I first heard about this group in 1978 when I received a
cassette tape which had been recorded at the Open Door Church in
Chambersburg, PA. A guest speaker, by the name of John Todd, who
identified himself as a former member, revealed the existence of this
secret Order of the elite who have been controlling world events for
over 200 years, and whose ultimate goal was to establish a one-world
government. I was quite shaken after listening to this tape. It was just
so incredible, so inconceivable, that it couldn't be true; but I
couldn't get it out of my mind. So, to satisfy my curiosity, I decided
to do a little bit of research.

Besides looking into the Illuminati, I also did some digging on Todd. As
it ended up, I wasn't able to make any conclusions regarding his
authenticity, however 90% of what he said about the Illuminati was true,
and had been documented. I continued my research, and the deeper I got,
the more disturbing it became. When I sat in church as a child, and
would hear of what the Bible said about what was going to happen in the
"last days", it was really hard to imagine how that all could be
possible. Somehow, the information I was finding out about the
Illuminati was putting all of this Eschatology into perspective. Now,
not only did it appear possible, it became an undeniable fact, that an
unsuspecting world was being driven towards the fulfillment of
prophecies that had been made nearly 2,000 years ago.

For six years, I devoted hundreds of hours into finding out all I could
concerning the Illuminati. The result was a manuscript in 1984 titled
The Illuminati Conspiracy and the Coming One World Government. Because
of some interest concerning this project, a few copies were printed and
sold. I contacted a few publishers hoping to get it published on a
larger scale, but none wanted to commit to a book of this size that
would only appeal to a small segment of people. That, and a job where I
worked six days a week, pushed this book to the back burner.

Then, in 1990, during the Persian Gulf crisis, President George Bush
began talking about a "New World Order." The simple fact that their
intentions were now made public, indicated to me, that they believed
that nothing could be done to stop them, and that their plans were now
in high gear. This, and new information which had come to light in the
past couple of years, prompted me to dust off my manuscript, and rework
it. What emerged is an astonishing compilation of history and facts
which support my theory concerning this developing New World Order. What
you will read here, you will not find anywhere, in any one book.

My goal was to self-publish the book to show that there was a market for
this information. Which I did in 1994. The book was sold in most
Christian book stores in the central Pennsylvania area, was available by
mail order, and was carried by four distributors around the country.
Sales projections indicated that the book had a potential for success.
Yet, the 100+ publishers that I contacted chose not to consider it for

In the past year, an increasing number of people have heard about the
book, and contacted me through the original publisher, hoping to get
copies. However, there are no copies left.

While there is still hope that it could be published by a national
publisher, I would be remiss in my responsibility as a writer and
researcher, if I did not make an effort to distribute this book.

So, I have decided to post a copy of the manuscript on the Internet. In
fact, the manuscript contains an additional 75 pages of information not
found in the original book.

Many people have told me that reading my book is like reading an
encyclopedia, or a college term paper. I'm not trying to be pretty here.
This is a serious expose' that is meant to inform, not entertain. I
wanted to present each aspect in a dossier-style, so that you would have
a concise overview of the most important areas of what has come to be
known as the New World Order.

In a sense, this book is a collection of files. Each independent of the
other. Yet together, they reveal the existence of a power that has been
at work behind the scenes for many years. Since much of the original
research was done in the early 1980's, some of the material is dated;
however, this historical tour-de-force provides the best introduction
available on the subject.

Although it may be difficult for some people to read, just remember that
this is a reference work. It was very important to provide enough
information to pres


1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://members.tripod.com/~viewfromthewall/fwch1.htm">FINAL WARNING:
Chapter One

The government pardoned all public officials and military leaders who
publicly admitted membership. Those who didn't, and were discovered to
be members, lost their rank and standing, were removed from office, and
openly disgraced and humiliated.

Weishaupt was preparing to set his plans into motion for the French
Revolution, which was slated to begin in 1789. In July, 1785, he
instructed Zwack to put their plans in book form. This book contained a
history of the Illuminati, and many of their ideas for expansion and
future endeavors. A copy was sent by courier(identified as Jacob Lanze)
to Illuminati members in Paris and Silesia. However, after leaving
Frankfurt, as the courier rode through Regensburg(another source says it
was Ratisbon) on horseback, he was struck by lightning and killed. The
authorities found the document and turned it over to the government.
Another source indicates the possibility that he may have been murdered,
and the documents planted on him.

Xavier Zwack("Cato"), a government lawyer, and one of the Order's most
prominent leaders, whose name was on Renner's list, had his house in
Landshut illegally searched by the police in October, 1785, and his
papers seized. He was dismissed from his position. Many books,
documents, papers and correspondence were discovered, including over 200
letters written between Weishaupt and the members of the Areopagite,
which dealt with matters of the highest secrecy. The following year,
more information was taken from the houses of Baron Bassus and Count
Massenhausen( "Ajar") . Among the confiscated documents, were tables
which contained their secret codes and symbols, secret calendar,
geographical locations, insignias, ceremonies of initiation, recruiting
instructions, statutes, a partial roster of members, and nearly 130
official seals from the government, which were used to counterfeit state

Needless to say, all of this information shed more light on the Order,
and the danger first realized by the government, had now become a
national emergency. In 1786, the government gathered all of the
confiscated documents, and published them in a book called Original
Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati, which was circulated
to every government and crowned head in Europe, including France, to
warn them of the impending danger.

The leaders of the Order who appeared before the government's Court of
Inquiry, testified that the organization was dedicated to the overthrow
of church and state. However, these revelations, and the publication of
their documents did little to alert the public, because of their
unbelievable claims. New measures were taken by government officials.
The leaders of the Order were arrested and formally interrogated, then
forced to renounce the Illuminati. The final blow came on August 16,
1787, when Dalberg issued his final proclamation against the Illuminati.
Anyone found guilty of recruiting members were to be executed, while
those who were recruited, would have their property confiscated and then
be deported.

Zwack, who was banished, sought sanctuary in the Court of Zweibrucken,
where he was later appointed to an official position in the principality
of Salm-Kyburg. He contributed to the Illuminati movement in Holland. He
was later summoned by Dalberg, as the government tried to deal with the
problem of fugitives who might attempt to reorganize the Order. Zwack
fled to England.

On November 15, 1790, another Edict was announced against the members of
the organization. Anyone found to be an active member, was to be put to
death. The following year, a list of 91 names of alleged members was
compiled. They were hunted down, and banished. This harassment didn't
end until 1799, when Dalberg died.

The apparent demise of the Order was taken into stride by its highest
members, who continued to operate underground. Weishaupt wrote: "The
great care of the Illuminati after the publication of their secret
writings was to persuade the whole of Germany that their Order no longer
existed, that their adepts had all renounced, not only their mysteries,
but as members of a secret society." Weishaupt had a contingency plan
ready, and wrote: "By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this
manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set in motion and in flames.
The occupations must be allotted and contrived, that we may in secret,
influence all political transactions...I have considered everything and
so prepared it, that if the Order should this day go to ruin, I shall in
a year re-establish it more brilliant than ever."

To hide their subversive activities, the highest members of the Order
began to masquerade as humanitarians and philanthropists. Weishaupt fled
to Switzerland, later returning to Germany, when the Duke of Saxe-Gotha
gave him sanctuary. The Order moved 

[CTRL] Fw: Presidential filings: Questions to ask...

1999-04-06 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-



The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 12:00 AM
Subject: Presidential filings: Questions to ask...

: ***
: Public Disclosure, Inc - FECInfo
: ***
: Three Items:
: -- Latest Soft Money Numbers from the 1997-98 Cycle
: Go to http://www.tray.com/fecinfo/sft.htm
: -- 1999-2000 Softmoney Transactions (774 Transactions So Far)
: Go to http://www.tray.com/fecinfo/2000soft.htm
: -- Presidential Checklist for April 1999
: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
: With campaign finance reports due in mid April NOW is the time to start
: pinning the campaigns down with specific questions on their practices and
: policies of political money.  If this presidential race is like others,
: information will eventually come out (sometimes after the election) that
should have
: been discovered earlier in the campaigns.  An example from 1992 is the
: treasurer of the Tsongas' campaign who embezzled $232,000 and diverted
: in other contributions to his personal use.  An example from 1996 is the
: still unraveling story of major donor White House/party fundraising
: In both examples early digging may have made a difference.
: Listed below are a few questions that might be raised at this time.
: 1.What type of pre-campaign organizations did each candidate operate?
: Tax-exempt? State PAC? Federal PAC? Office Holder or previous candidate
: account (federal or state)?
: 2. How long did this pre-campaign organization operate? How much did it
: spend? Did it pay for travel to NH and IA? Who were the donors to it?  Has
: candidate made the donors public? If not, why not? The importance can be
: seen when one candidate's state PAC had a corporate donor giving $400,000,
: another had four $100,000 individual donors, and another had thirteen
: giving $100,000-175,000.
: 3. Are these the career donors? Shouldn't we know those career donors
: now rather than next fall?
: 4.  What types of things of value, such as mailing lists, did the
: organization have at the beginning of this year? How many names did their
: list contain? How much did the organizations spend to obtain these names?
: 5. Has the candidate separated from this organization or is there still
: contact?
: 6. Is the candidate receiving personal income right now?  The personal
: financial disclosure forms are due on May 15, 1999. What income and assets
: the candidate reported previously? Having the previous filing will help in
: noticing changes in the May filing.
: 7. Will the candidate make public his/her tax returns. They are due on
: April 15th. Has the candidate made them public before?
: 8. Is the candidate himself/herself making any fundraising phone calls? Is
: he/she specifically asking for funds? Where is the candidate when he/she
: doing this? Is there any area in government buildings that the candidate
: considers private and free to make fundraising calls?
: 9. Will the candidate file a campaign finance report on April 15th.  Some
: people are official candidates and will be required to report. Others have
: only formed exploratory committees and have volunteered to file statements
: reports. One talked about person who is out and around the country has not
: voluntarily filed an exploratory committee and thus may not file an April
: report.
: 10. Will the candidate file their report electronically with the FEC on
: April 15th?  If not, when will they? The FEC provides software to the
: and the FEC can physically receive electronic submissions.  THE BEST THING
: 11.
: 12.  If the campaign won't file electronically, will they make available
: reporters a disk of their report, or at least a disk of their donors?
: 13. Does the campaign realize the FEC requires electronic filing for those
: campaigns that enter the public financing program?
: 14. Does the campaign anticipate entering the primary election public
: finan

Re: [CTRL] Diana Info & Walt Disney

1999-04-06 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, AOL User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Can Revcoal and/or Pegasus speak Chinese and greet people with lovely
>hands and nails at the same time?

Well, I've been told I have lovely hands and nails, and if I was tutored
on how to speak Chinese phonetically, as Diana Spencer was, I could
'speak' Chinese and greet people at the same time easily...


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "Born Again" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.mindcontrol
Subject: Programmers II
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 01:03:06 +0200
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For any recipe you need a cook. So who has been cooking up the RECIPE
for making Monarch Slaves? The authors felt that after reading the
recipe, that some readers would be interested in learning about the
master chefs who make human robots using trauma-based mind-control.
According to an ex-Programmer, the Programmers for decades have been
treated like royalty whenever they step foot onto a military base, or
enter a hospital that carries out mind-control. They are always
expected. Generally, the commanding general on a base would met them and
escort the programmer in a limo. If the base commander couldn't make
it, an important physician might take his place. The programmers have
keys, and codes to get into special areas. After many thousands of
Americans died in WW II fighting Nazism, our government's intelligence
agencies (incl. the military intelligence groups) in cooperation with
the Illuminati and its people in the Vatican, smuggled 10,000 of the
worst Nazi-fascist war criminals into this country. This is on public
record now. Part of this was under Operation Paperclip. The DoD (Dept.
of Defense) also worked at smuggling Nazi mind-control programmers under
Project 63. Every W.W. II veteran who fought ought to be angry that
after putting his life on the line for "democracy" and freedom, and
supposedly defeating the Nazis, our government brought in men like the
S.S.' s infamous butcher Dr. Joseph Mengele to program American
children with trauma-based mind-control like he had in the concentration
camps. In fact, Fritz has worked with an Illuminati victim of Joseph
Mengele, who was programmed in Germany in a concentration camp, and then
smuggled to the U.S. via Canada by Jesuits working with the Illuminati.
Once in the U.S., this person continued to be programmed by Mengele, who
went by many names including Dr. Green. He is described in detail in
part d. of this Appendix. We must begin to get beyond the fronts and
covers that the programmers have for the world. Jewish professor Ernst
Bergmann, of the infamous Leipzig University, is also surprisingly an
strong advocate of Nazism. His main book is A National Socialist
Philosophy of Culture. He writes, "A new type of mankind is being
developed." He is mentioned here so that people stop looking at
labels, and start looking at what is really going on. One of the
principle goals of Nazism was to remake mankind. The Ahnerbe of the
Nazis was set up to do genetic research and experiments. And one element
of that was to be able to create the prefect obedient mind-controlled
slave. A first glance at the lies told us by our press will give one the
impression Nazism was anti-communist, nationalistic, & Christian.
However, a close look at Hitler and today's Nazi leadership, will
reveal that Nazism is Socialism (or Marxism, exactly what communism is
about) and that Nazism is not nationalistic, but international in its
view. Further, it is Satanic and based on the Nordic mystery beliefs
(Odin, Thor, etc.). It is not based on Christianity. The Vril Society
was the mother of the Nazi party. "Vril" means the Light Force. What
Light force? Lucifer the light bearer's light force. The true nature
of Nazism is being concealed. When Hitler came to plan, he was placed
into power in accordance with the Illuminati plan which was spelled out
in writing. This plan said, "Nowadays if any state raise a protest
against us it is only pro forma (provided in advance) at our discretion
and by our direction, for their anti-semitism is indispensable to us for
the management of our lesser brethren." Illuminati international
bankers brought Hitler to power, and Illuminati kingpins like
Rockefeller, Onassis and the King of Sweden traded with the Nazis. Spain
stayed neutral during the war to serve as a conduit of supplies to keep
Hitler's war going.Hitler was a participant in rituals where human
sacrifices were carried out. He himself killed a number of men by
pulling their hearts out of their bodies while they were alive. One
Monarch slave remembers his

[CTRL] Kosovo and the Homeless Man

1999-04-06 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

The real danger of the US entanglement with Kosovo is that our interference
has angered the Russian masses and politicians. They hate us now because
they blame us for their economic collapse, that we plotted to get the
Russian Govt to borrow billions from the IMF, the govt bureaucrats stole
the money, stashed billions out of the country, and sold off all assets to
gangsters. Now Russia is swamped in debt and the ruble has so devalued that
the average Russian has lost all his savings.

When NATO expanded last year, the Russians were very opposed and said it
was an aggressive act to include Poland, Chech, etc in NATO since it would
now be
on the Russian border and a threat to Russia.  NATO dismissed that fear and
said NATO was only defensive. Now the Russians see NATO invade and bomb
Serbia and interfere in a countries' internal civil war and their worst
fears are
realized. What this does is feed Russian paranoia about the US.  Makes us
the evil
enemy again. This is very dangerous since Russia is the only other country
with 1000's of nuke missiles pointed at us. Stupid Clinton is reawakening
the Cold War. Who cares about Kosovo when we are antagonizing a massively
nuclear armed Russia. Although Russia has been weakened and demoralized by
their economic
collapse, they still have the power to annihilate the US in minutes.

The Russians are like a slightly deranged homeless man wondering the nice
neighborhood, mumbling to himself, angry, hungry and frustrated but armed
with a fully loaded AK 47 and pockets full of grenades, and no one can
disarm him or take him in custody.

Instead of giving him a sandwich, the neighbors laugh at him and the
kids tease him. Now they have started to beat and kick his only companion,
a little mangy dog. And the homeless man gets madder and madder and starts
to point his AK 47 at the neighborhood houses but no one cares because it
is so
much fun to kick the little dog.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] OEN 4/6/99

1999-04-06 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

>''Microsoft Research has become a parasite on the academic
>establishment,'' said Jim Morris, chairman of the computer-science
>department at Carnegie Mellon University. ''They are eating our seed
>corn. If you take away great people from schools and put them in a place
>where they're not teaching anyone, who will train the next generation?''

Oh, now I see ... Bill Gates, having cornered the computerized intelligence
market, is at work on the equivalent of Monsanto's "Terminator" for
BIOLOGICAL intelligence ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CIA war in Kosovo?

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/5/99 2:24:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>According to MS-NBC today, 20,000 Kosovars will be relocated in GUANTANAMO
>(military base, buffer against Cuba) as a "humanitarian gesture of good
>will."  LOL

Habla  . . . ?

 Good to hear your hoofbeats on board.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-06 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-


  WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, April 6) -- President Bill Clinton urged Congress
Tuesday morning to expand the list of hate crimes covered under federal law
to include cases involving sexual orientation.
"The Hate Crimes Prevention Act would be important substantively and
symbolically to send a message to ourselves and to the world that we are
going into the 21st century determined to preach and to practice what is
right," Clinton said [hahahahahahahahahaha] during a Roosevelt Room

 I forgot to add the above also  :)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-06 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-


  WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, April 6) -- President Bill Clinton urged Congress
Tuesday morning to expand the list of hate crimes covered under federal law
to include cases involving sexual orientation.
"The Hate Crimes Prevention Act would be important substantively and
symbolically to send a message to ourselves and to the world that we are
going into the 21st century determined to preach and to practice what is
right," Clinton said during a Roosevelt Room ceremony.

President Clinton spoke Tuesday in favor of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act

Clinton also directed that colleges be required to report campus hate crimes
each year. The president laid-out a public-private partnership designed to
educate middle school students against intolerance.
In Clinton's proposed hate crimes legislation, current law would be expanded
so the Justice Department could prosecute crimes based on a person's gender,
sexual orientation or disability. Only crimes based on a victim's race or
religion can currently be prosecuted as hate crimes.
The death of gay college student Matthew Shepard in Wyoming last year would
have fallen into the new category of federal hate crimes. Yesterday, Russell
Henderson, one of two men charged in Shepard's beating death, changed his
plea to guilty, avoiding the death penalty.
Sponsors of the expanded hate crime law hope that outrage over such highly
publicized killings will fuel support for the measure this time around.
The president drew parallels to what he called the religious and ethnic
persecution ongoing in Kosovo. He said the U.S. had a responsibility to try
to stop the violence there, but American also "must always be working on
"It's very humbling, I think, for those of us who think we (who heck is we?)
have brought the modern world and prosperity and rationality to all of human
affairs, to see what is going on in the Balkans, and to see these terrible
examples of violence here in our own country," Clinton said.
"We should remember that each of us almost  (almost??? What does this mean?
We almost wake up everyday?) wakes up every day with the scales of light and
darkness in our own hearts, and we've got to keep them in proper balance
(What is proper balance? Is this something that will be forced?). And we
have to be in the United States absolutely resolute about this. That's why I
think this hate crimes issue is so important."
Last year the president's proposed initiative died in committee in both the
House and Senate. It has been re-introduced by a bipartisan group of
lawmakers that includes Sens. Edward Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) and Arlen
Specter (R-Pennsylvania) and Reps. John Conyers (D-Michigan) and Connie
Morella (R-Maryland).
Clinton called for more bipartisan support to pass the measure: "We're not
talking about everybody agreeing with everybody else on every political
issue. We're talking about whether people have a right, if they show up and
work hard and obey the law and are good citizens, to pursue their lives in
dignity ... without fear of being abused. And this should not be a partisan
The bill is also aimed at making the federal prosecution of hate crimes
easier. Current law limits prosecution to situations where the victim is
targeted for engaging in certain federally protected activities, such as
serving on a jury, voting or attending public school.
More than 40 states have hate crimes laws but only 21 cover sexual
orientation, 22 cover gender and 21 cover disability.
Clinton praised the public-private partnership outreach program for middle
schoolers. The program will "talk about tolerance. Why it is a moral, as
well a practical imperative."
Under the partnership, AT&T, CourtTV, Cable in the Classroom, the National
Middle Schools Association and the Anti-Defamation League will work with the
Departments of Justice and Education to develop curricula to combat
intolerance. (So in other words if you don't have this in your school
cirriculum you risk losing federal funding?)
Under the president's directive, the Justice and Education departments will
require colleges and universities to provide specific information about hate
crimes in the campus crime statistics they provide to law enforcement each

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


1999-04-06 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Evan Soule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Crockett Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 11:50 AM

Dr. Milos Aleksic
Professor at the University of Belgrade


   Yugosavia has suffered aggression from the most powerful military force
in the world - the NATO. This military organization carries out the USA
policy and creates New Totalitarian World Order. The technological Fascism,
contrary to the Nazi-Fascism, differs in the lack of ideology and abuse of
the polysemic term "globalization". Technology and money, together with the
organized mafia, represent the base of the new way of ruling the world,
whereas new weapons for mass destruction of people and material goods are
the means of its realization.Yugoslavia has been experiencing great horrors
these days. We are being punished just because we do not want to accept the
two great forces which want to solve our problems in their own way. It was
never the case in the Original Fascism.

   The peoples of Yugoslavia have always aspired to freedom in this
country. They were not able to gain any experience in liberal-democratic
governing during the fight for national freedom in the past, as well as in
the first half of this century. That is why the majority of citizens
hopefully accepted the national-democratic as well as the self-managing
political order after World War II. We really believed that it included the
rule of the majority, not the minority, as it is the case in liberal
societies. The social crisis which spread in the real-socialist countries
in the beginning, and then in Yugoslavia, and the necessity for the
transition of the social order were also provoked by the lack of political
freedoms of a single-party system. That is why a new hope aroused in the
policy of liberal democracy. We had had no experience with such a type of
political organization in the past. It was believed that pattern of
democracy brought rights and freedom to each man.

   In mean time, a new concept of the New World Order appeared, without any
theoretical or ideological foundations, with the policy which indicated
that new military totalitarianism would appear in all spheres of human
life: economy, politics, culture, information. Individuals are totally
depersonalized and passive in such systems. It is a new and most difficult
eclipse of mankind and their freedoms.

   The peoples of Yugoslavia have been experiencing this horrible and
traumatic eclipse these days: they hide their children, wives and old
people in basements and shelters , they are witnessing the dead and the
wounded all around, they watch the destroyed houses, streets, and ruined

   The citizens of this country keep asking themselves: which are the
long-term goals of the transition on the crossroads of our development,
after tragical experiences in our socitey and the world-wide process of the
NATO globalization as a new form of totalitarianism. After having searched
for freedom and democracy in this century, after having lost hope in the
western democracy pattern, we keep asking ourselves how people could
realize their freedoms in a free society, and which type of democracy which
would provide the rule of majority with paying due respect to the
minorities was realistically achievable.

   During my recent visit to Moscow, I attended rallies against the
American Globalization Pattern. What I could hear there was: rise Stalin
the Great, while you lived, there was enough bread, enough hope and enough
freedom. Today, we have no bread, no hope and no freedom at all!

   Shocked by all this, I managed to contact the organizers of a rally and
I asked them what this unexpected message meant. They said that those
people did not want Stalin back, but what the new world order offered was
much more horrible and depersonalizing than in it was then. The way of
thinking which is being created by the policy and practice of the NATO
threatens and warns. Are the policy makers aware of the horrifying fact?

   The decisions of the world masters to "discipline" Yugoslavia by killing
and occupation as well as by putting us in chains, all in the name of
"human rights, freedom and democracy" will not make their conquering
interests come true. It is also proved by the general protest of people all
over the world. Only during the last four days of unjustified terrors
against an innocent nation has the wave of protesting against an "open
society" and the so called "western democracy" spread all over the world.
The protest rallies, as the conscience of mankind, forced the majority, or
a significant minority, in the parliaments of the great powers to ask
themselves with shame: what are we doing, for whom are we doing that, where
does it all lead at the dawn of the new millenium?

   The American Go

[CTRL] Balkan Soup

1999-04-06 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Tuesday, April 6, 1999
In Montenegro, Split Loyalties

By Blaine Harden New York Times Service

PODGORICA, Yugoslavia - At the bus station Sunday morning, nervous people
with suitcases were skipping out on Montenegro, convinced that soon there
would be bloodshed in this mountainous Yugoslav republic.
The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, which consists of Montenegro and the far
larger republic of Serbia, has blasted open a chasm of suspicion and
resentment in this republic of about 640,000 people. They are split between
supporters of an elected government that wants to embrace Western Europe and
supporters of the Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic, the Serb who is
defiantly waging war against NATO.
The bombing of military targets inside Montenegro, which NATO halted four
days ago as it accelerated the pace of strikes inside Serbia, has handed Mr.
Milosevic's supporters a resonant battle cry. At the same time, it has badly
undermined the arguments of Montenegro's moderate leadership that good
things come when you cozy up to the West.
''There is hate here now, and I think there will be civil war. There are two
sides that disagree about everything,'' said Samira Sukolica, a Muslim woman
who with her children and grandchildren was voting with her feet, abandoning
Montenegro by bus for the safety of neighboring Bosnia.
Like Bosnia, which was convulsed by war from 1992 to 1995, this republic is
a soup of different ethnic groups - Montenegrin, Serb, Muslim, Albanian and
Croat. Once started, as everywhere in the Balkans, ethnic violence in this
republic could spin out of control as it did in Bosnia.
The fear voiced by people packing outbound buses has been echoed by the
State Department. It said last week that Washington was ''highly concerned''
that Mr. Milosevic would provoke violence in Montenegro in order to give the
estimated 12,000 Yugoslav troops based in the republic an excuse to take
over an elected government that has declared itself neutral in the conflict
over Kosovo. Late last week Mr. Milosevic replaced the commander of those
troops with General Milorad Obradovic, believed to be a nationalist
Any such takeover, however, would likely provoke a fight from the estimated
8,000 police in Montenegro, who are loyal to Milo Djukanovic, the young
Montenegrin president who has been trying for a year and a half to ease this
republic out of the crushing embrace of Mr. Milosevic, whom Mr. Djukanovic
knows well as his former patron.
Mr. Djukanovic's government is walking a tightrope, trying to prove to the
West that it is opposed to dictatorship in Serbia but also trying to avoid a
direct challenge to the Yugoslav Army. That army has heavy weapons; the
local police do not.
In an interview Sunday night, Mr. Djukanovic, who has told friends in
Belgrade that he was not alerted by the West that NATO would bomb military
facilities in his republic the very first night of the air campaign,
complained angrily that NATO's action had made his position ''much more
''It is hard, very hard to speak and work for a democratic and pro-European
policy,'' he said. ''NATO bombs have allowed Mr. Milosevic to create a new
division in the Yugoslav political scene. Patriots are those who support his
policies, and anyone who criticizes him is a traitor. In Montenegro,
pro-Milosevic forces are becoming much more aggressive.''
Police officers loyal to Mr. Djukanovic were out in force Sunday night as
Mr. Milosevic's supporters put on a huge rock concert in the capital's
central square. It was an event that mimicked regime-staged concerts in
Belgrade, where in the past week Serbs have gathered to sneer at the United
States and the NATO bombing and to voice their support for Mr. Milosevic's
war in Kosovo.
''We must help our Serbian brothers against the NATO attack,'' said one of
the placards that waved above a crowd that was by far the largest gathering
in this republic since NATO bombs started to fall 12 days ago.
The bombings in Montenegro stopped after what Mr. Djukanovic described as
his furious complaints to Western diplomats that NATO was destabilizing its
best friend in Yugoslavia. He said that the absence of falling bombs and
cruise missiles in the republic in the past four days had eased tensions
only slightly.
''The bombing has really made a horrible mess for this republic,'' said
Milka Tadic, general manager of Monitor, an independent weekly.
''Djukanovic was put in this horrible political situation of being bombed by
his allies,'' he said. ''It gave the nationalists and the regular people of
this country who are very confused a perfect reason to say that this
government does not want to defend itself from outside attacks.''
At the concert, Mr. Milosevic's men did their best to make political hay out
of Mr. Djukanovic's woes. Girls in skintight pants writhed on stage as a
singer led a crowd of more than 20,000 in chants about how Montenegro and
Serbia mus

[CTRL] Balkan Stew

1999-04-06 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Tuesday, April 6, 1999
New Concern Over a Surge in Nationalism
The Silent Issue: Greater Albania

By Joseph Fitchett International Herald Tribune

PARIS - Refugees have become an instrument of war that Slobodan Milosevic,
the Serbian leader, is using to unleash a specter haunting the Balkans:
Greater Albania.
An explosive issue little discussed in the West, the prospect of a
nationalistic surge for unity among the roughly 8 million Albanian-speaking
people throughout the region fills most governments there with apprehension
about a chain reaction starting in Macedonia. The repercussions could
shatter the veneer of states and boundaries across this least-developed
corner of Europe.
President Bill Clinton evoked this risk at the start of NATO's campaign,
saying that Kosovo, in contrast to Bosnia, was not confined by natural
borders but instead could evolve into an open-ended conflict liable to
spread through the southern Balkans and ultimately involve two North
Atlantic Treaty Organization allies, Greece and Turkey.
Belgrade's ferocious campaign to empty Kosovo of its ethnic Albanians, and
NATO's determination to preserve their future place in their homeland, are
both dictated by the possibility of a polarizing confrontation across the
fault line in the southern Balkans.
On one side are Orthodox Christian groups in charge of Serbia, Montenegro,
Macedonia and Greece. On the other are Muslim Albanian-speaking minorities
in all these countries, with an impoverished motherland in Albania, an ally
in Bulgaria and an ultimate protector in Turkey.
In spawning refugee flows that strain economies and ethnic coexistence
around Kosovo, Mr. Milosevic seeks to trigger a chain reaction of
confrontations multiplying faster than NATO's ability to contain them,
Western officials and specialists say.
His strategic goal is to consolidate Serbia, by overthrowing the government
in Montenegro to drive out its Albanian minority, they say. He plans to
repopulate a partly emptied Kosovo with Serbs, according to NATO officials,
who said that Belgrade would bus in Serbs who were ousted in the early 1990s
from their homes in Krajina and eastern Slavonia in the fighting
accompanying Yugoslavia's collapse.
The explosive trigger of a wider Serbian-Albanian confrontation is the
former Yugoslav republic of Macedonia - ''the powder-keg of the Balkans''
that has ignited conflicts over the centuries that ended with World War I. A
coveted regional intersection, it remains a potential prize in a four-sided
tug-of-war among Greece and Serbia and their Muslim neighbors, Bulgaria and
Macedonia's ethnic patchwork includes a Serbian majority and an ethnic
Albanian minority estimated at 25 percent to 40 percent, already
concentrated near the Kosovo frontier where the Albanian refugees have
gathered. The influx has created a dire predicament for President Koro
Gligorov of Macedonia, 80, a former Communist, amid mounting panic in the
ruling Serbian majority about a potential tilt in the country's ethnic
If Macedonia starts collapsing amid internal conflict, the position of NATO
forces there, currently 12,000 troops waiting for peacekeeping duties in
Kosovo, would be untenable, Western officials said.
Greece, Macedonia's biggest neighbor, would almost certainly be sucked in,
crossing Macedonia's southern border in a bid to grab its share of territory
and the pro-Greek population.
Athens reluctantly recognized Macedonia's independence five years ago when
the republic was carved out of the former Yugoslavia. Only strong U.S.
pressure overcame Greek hopes of controlling its land gateway to Europe.
And Greece has been feuding with Albania, with incidents sometimes
approaching the boiling point.
The hypothetical situation could play out as follows: Bulgaria would come to
the rescue of the Bulgar minority in Macedonia, confronting the Greek push.
At that point, Turkey could not stand aside because the Turkish armed
forces, struggling to fend off Islamic fundamentalism, would have to back
Bulgaria and Albania, officially secular but historically Muslim countries.
The crisis between Greece and Turkey would wedge apart the alliance's
southern flank, weakening NATO's ability to project stability into the
eastern Mediterranean and protect Western interests.
Similarly, Montenegro, Serbia's junior partner in the federation, could be
targeted by Belgrade for a coup to overthrow the pro-Western government
helped into power last year by the United States and Germany, according to
National Security Council officials in Washington. If Mr. Milosevic's
surrogates gained control, they would drive out Montenegro's ethnic Albanian
minority, increasing pressure on Macedonia and Albania.
In effect, Mr. Milosevic, in hammering out his Serbia, including parts of
Kosovo and Macedonia, would also raise fears and possibly the reality of
Greater Albania as the rallying cry of increasingly desperate

[CTRL] WWIII? Articles (

1999-04-06 Thread David Crockett Williams

A nuclear WWIII brewing in Yugoslavia?


Re: [CTRL] Diana Info & Walt Disney

1999-04-06 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Guys and Gals, I think you are far out in left field.  I know that
England has been going back to Heirloom seeds for a long time,
(since at least 1990) and that some of the aristocracy
breed mice (an animal who has short generations)

How long have they been fighting Monsanto?
The  EuropaBio Propaganda?  GM foods?
The Orientals have won a law case against Novartis.
I think Diana was killed as a warning, she was photographed
with children that apparently had AIDS.  Consider:
AIDS has not been proved to even be a disease,
and Clinton was governer of Arkansa during the time
that the prison sold that plasma that the Canadian Goverment
appraintly wants to start a law suit about.  (more below)
Also what tie was she
trying to set up, - who was she killed with, what religion was he again?

That woman was getting around in a whole lot of
places that the current Royalty could not conveniently go.

Noblesse oblige can go deep~!
Then there is the motto of the British monarch, Ich dien, "I serve"
She may not have wanted to stay with Charles, that does not mean that
she divorced her lineage or beliefs!

If the monarchy, and Europe is under the attack that I believe it is
then it might have been a good place to park the kids.

Consider the attach that the USA is under from Monsanto.

this is on my chem page
about and it has mega links

then check out the official web site of the "Prince of Wales"
and consider when the royal family started protesting GM foods
AND when Clinton started backing GM foods and Monsanto?

Then ask your self one more question - Monsanto's Aspartame
approved during the Regan administration
but a lot of things happened during
"1989-1993" In other words Bush's administration
this was appreintly added in 1982



 WARFARE PROGRAM - Chemical Testing on Civilian Populations


a Pissed off,
Pied Piper

I will give you three guesses as to why I believe Diana was killed...

extra material:

Forwarded: Canadian Ruling on Kiddie Porn

Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:36:09 -0600

Canada Rules on Child Porn Case

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) -- A provincial judge ruled Friday that
Canada's law against possessing child pornography violates the freedom-of-
expression clause of the country's Charter of Rights.

``There is no evidence that demonstrates a significant increase in the
danger to children caused by pornography,'' ruled Duncan Shaw, a
justice of British Columbia's Supreme Court.

He said the section of the Criminal Code that outlaws possession of child
pornography is invalid because it violates charter provisions guaranteeing
freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression.

The case involved pornography possession charges against John Sharpe.
Police raided his home near Vancouver in April 1995, seizing compact
disks, photos and writings about child pornography.

Prosecutors argued that allowing people to possess child pornography puts
children at risk from pedophiles. But Shaw said the contention that
materials depicting illegal sex with children actually prompt people to
commit such acts was ``only assumption.''

``The intrusion into freedom of expression and the right of privacy is so
profound that it is not outweighed by the limited beneficial effects of the
prohibition,'' Shaw wrote.

The provincial attorney general, Ujjal Dosanjh, said he needed time to
study the ruling before commenting or deciding on an appeal.

However, Barry Penner, justice spokesman for the opposition Liberal Party
in the provincial legislature, said the province should appeal immediately
``to look after children ... and protect them from being abused by sexual

Canada - BloodGate

   Forwarded:  Child Prono
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 18:31:32 -0600

Have you ever really seen Hustler?

By Judith Reisman © 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Until the current Flynt media-hype, few Americans had ever seen the
Flynt flagship publication in which he vents his barbaric brand of
graphic violence-and-sex. Who is the man who now "terrorizes"
Congress? I have really seen Flynt and his sadistic imagery and
fantasy having been charged by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ)
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, to direct a two-year
content analysis of Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy,
Penthouse and Hustler (1953-1984).1

Our study documented each issue of Hustler averaging 14.1 children and
pseudo-children alongside 47 images of crime and violence; 52 percent
of child photos were sexually explicit and m

Re: [CTRL] The unexplained loss of TWA Flight 800

1999-04-06 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Re the above:  When the Challenger was blown out of the sky there was a
General Daniel Graham reported that Soviet Spy Ships (or trawlers)
normally monitoring the area shuttle launches "were curiously absent" at
the January 28th launch of the space shuttle Challenger.  I might add
January 27, was the date of the Apollo disaster in 1967  "Apollo.the
craft that came to naught" equated to sabotage in one concordance of

It seemed that 4 hours prior to the launching the trawlers
General Daniel Graham continued on to say "the trawlers which are
electronic spy vessels had been on sation, off the Cape, from the start
of the U.S. Space Program'normally, these trawlers seek to monitor
telemetric signals from the rockets before, during, and after a
launch..it is an absolute m;ystery why the trawlers as observed by
the U.S. Navy went off station in is manner.".

I July of 1986, the Los Angeles times reported one Captain William
Hughes, Jr. USAF to be missing since 1983 after being on assignment for
NATO...his speciality among others, was "the training of range officers
in chre of destroying rockets, malfunctioning after launch", and
further, there were intelligence officers who believed this young
Captain had been kidnapped or defected.   Intelligence also reported
seeing "a clear line and link between Hughes and possible sabotage of
rocket launches".

Now that was over 10 years ago; and now Flight 800.there were
numberous reports of sightings of what appeared to be a missile
attackthen of course of Scotland incident among other major lives
loss.   What about this Ron Brown; and never a word about what happened
coming from Croatia and hitting a mountain

I remember leaving St. Joseph's the day of the Challenger funeral after
the ground shook during services; I recognized it for what it
waswhat ws once called "sonic booms" which could crack a foundation
of your house - the breaking of the sound barrierI rmember m
brotherinlaw coming home nearly taking the tops of the roofs of the
houses, as if to say "Honey, I am home.pick me up", which were old
pilots tricks.I remember to this same man very upset when I told him
the Apollo had been sabotaged, linked to my bible codewell, one does
not argue with a man who has always had a full command, who was top
intelligence, and thought women should be writing recipie books, not
books on assassinations.

No, when the pilot astronauts read from the 46th Psalm."There is a
river (I believe this to them was a jet stream - while Edgar Cayce wrote
a book about it;
"He makes wars to cease  unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow
and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the Chariot in the
Fire"...the reference to the spear, is alleged to be a part of the
Shakespear Code   vs. 3 Shakeand vs. 9 SpearShakespear.the
old Francis Bacon stuff, now passed off as a new code by some who have
"borrowed" the familiarity of Shakespear's Code.

When the Challenger went down January 28, there was no doubt in my mind
as to what happenedthis General also knows what may have
happened.why did the soviet spy ships take off?   Loaded with
sophisticated electronic equipment, that could bring down the Challenger
by getting on a frequency (Elf Signal I think)

However, the more complex stuff here, I bow out.

I wondered about the red and white flowers on the scene prior to the
death of the Challenger astronautsand thought their ride into the
sun though brief, will live in memory of all astrologer/astronomers, and
their have been stars in the heavens named after these brave
explorers.just as there is a White Rose, named fter JFK.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Truth About Psychiatric Drugs

1999-04-06 Thread Sam Moser

I have many new references that I will be adding soon to strengthen the 
arguments made.
Psychiatry KillsDocumented Proof Psychiatric Drugs Shorten Life Span 
Version 2.007d
By Samuel Antoine Moser 
No longer is involuntary drugging only a concern to those locked away in an 
institution. "Laws quietly passed in 36 US states now allow the government 
to court order you to take psychiatric drugs, even though you're law abiding and 
living at home, in your own neighborhood. These court orders are known as 
"Involuntary Outpatient Commitment" (IOC). Typically, you'd be 
required to report to your community mental health center every few weeks for a 
"depot injection" of a "neuroleptic drug" such as Prolixin 
or Haldol in your butt. These drugs are time released [in a base of oil and 
injected intramuscularly], so that the super-powerful impact lasts weeks until 
your next injection. The court orders can be routinely re-approved, so these 
injections can go on for years." Reports Support Coalition International 
http://www.efn.org/~dendron/ .
If this report came to you incomplete then email me now at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will send you the 
complete report and please let me know if you are able to open attachments and 
if you have MS Word or Word Pad and if your E-mail program supports Rich Text. 
Also from this point onward I will be labeling new releases of this report with 
a version number starting with version 2. If you liked this report and would 
like to get the latest version then E-mail me at any time at any of the E-mail 
addresses provided. This is a work in progress.
Disclaimer: Many of the statements that follow in this report (Namely the 
effect that neuroleptic drugs have on the duration of life span and sense of 
well being.) have not been investigated or evaluated by the FDA (so they claim) 
nor do they care to. The FDA does not even require animal studies to determine 
how these drugs affect the duration of life span which is shocking considering 
that the FDA is supposed to be charged with protecting the American people. The 
conclusions in this report are based on available facts, for which a positive 
assertion can be made by putting the information together so that the true 
nature of these drugs can be established. This information is what the FDA, 
psychiatrists, and the pharmaceutical companies do NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW. This 
information is both shocking and scandalous and reveals a probable conspiracy so 
be warned. The common people that are affected by this are not supposed to be 
smart enough to understand and figure it out, but I have.
The purpose of this report is to prove conclusively that neuroleptic drugs 
(Also know as antipsychotics or antipsychotic drugs, tranquilizers, 
psychotropics or psychotrophics, or psychotropic drugs or psychotrophic drugs) 
shorten life span, destroy sexual function and fertility, take away sense of 
well being which can precipitate suicide and or violent behavior etc. This will 
be established in this discussion through a rudimentary explanation of some 
facets of biochemistry and by quoting reputable sources. Also to empower the 
people who may be affected by this with knowledge that they can use to defend 
their rights and help overturn these laws as unconstitutional and as basic human 
rights violations. Also to help educate people who have friends and or family 
members who are affected by this and to provide understandable information to 
the general public who are being denied the facts.
These drugs are not just given to those labeled as "schizophrenic" 
or said to be "psychotic" or have "psychosis" or have 
"schizophrenia". These drugs are often given to people with 
depression, manic depression or bipolar disorder, mania, Alzheimer’s 
patients or those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, people with brain 
damage or head injuries, retarded children and adults, many children with 
Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD or ADHD and children and teenagers who simply 
have a hot temper (which ironically the drugs will make worse) as well as many 
other things. If you are unsure whether a certain drug is a neuroleptic or not 
then here is a list of many names for neuroleptic drugs.
List of neuroleptic drug names: Chlorpromazine, (Brand names are as follows; 
Chlor-PZ, Klorazine, Promachlor, Promapar, Sonazine, Thorazine, Chlorprom, 
Chlor-Promanyl and Largactil) Fluphenazine, (Brand names are as follows; 
Permitil, Prolixin, Modecate, Moditen) Mesoridazine Besylate, (Brand name is 
Serentil) Perphenazine, (Brand names are as follows; Trilafon, Etrafon, Triavil, 
Phenazine and Etrafon) Prochlorperazine, (Brand names are as follows; Compazine 
and Stemetil) Promazine Hydrocloride, (Brand name Sparine) Thioridazine, (Brand 
names are Mellaril, Novoridazine and Thioril) Trifuoperazine, (Brand names are 
as follows; Stelazine, Clinazine, Novaflurazine, Pentazine, Terfluzine and 
Triflurin) Clozapine, (Brand named Clozaril, in Ge

[CTRL] Fwd: "The Great Secret" (or, "New Age" Media Clones Bovine Excrement)

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 from soc.genealogy.medieval:

Subject: Reptilian Alien Bloodlines - Medieval Dragons, etc.  :-)
Date: Sun, Apr 4, 1999 07:30 EDT
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Happy Easter Day to all.

My son works at Barnes and Noble and told me about a rather unusual and
extremely "popular" book.  It has only been out for a few weeks, but people
can't seem to get enough copies.  No it's not about Monica, although Bill is

It is called THE BIGGEST SECRET and the author is David Icke.  It
explores the notion that aliens really are with us, and that they are lizard
people?  :-)  Adam was the first hybrid according to this book.  Dragons are
real and still around today (as decendants of these aliens), Clinton is one
according to Icke.  Vampires are a result as well, and  The House of Windsor.
 And that is why they killed Lady Diana Spencer, because she found them out.
She said they were all "cold as lizards."  Perhaps this is why some people
can't stand the cold?  Hmmm  :-)

And this book is duly footnoted too, and based on many different cultural
beliefs throughout the times.

My son said people really are into this.  One never knows.

Call this my humorous addition to the myth controversy that has been going on

Maggie in  Michigan

[CTRL] [26] America's Secret Establishment -fini-

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly recommended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material. As always, Caveat

The books has another 80 pages of original materials. Get the Book.

In stock  at:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)

   Memorandum Number Three:
 The Ritual of The Order

 The ritual of The Order is a closely held secret. The most that anyone
can do at this stage is piece together some elements of the ritual and
their probable meaning.

 The extraordinary secrecy is itself part of a ritual. Members are sworn
not to discuss the organization, its procedures or its objectives.
Presumably, only an FBI. or Congressional investigation could break this
code of "omerta" (Mafia = silence).

 The secrecy is carried to extraordinary lengths. Members may not re-
main in the room if The Order is under discussion. Words spoken within
The Order may not be placed on paper, even in letters to fellow
members. For example, witness the following extract from a letter cir-
culated to members by W. Iain Scott (D; 171), President of Deer Iland
Club Corporation:

   But beyond these mere quantitative measures of success, it is the
   quality of the Deer Iland experience that commends the Club to
   your attention. There are few, if any,  places where the B-n-s life
   thrives in such luxuriance outside the thick and tomblike walls in
   New Haven. Our Order is, to use an economic term, very much
   horizontally integrated. That is, our ties to it are strongest through
   a very narrow slice of time - one  special year. Deer Iland, for me,
   and I believe many-others, has expanded these ties vertically
   through contact with younger and older members. Visitors to the
   island last summer ranged from D. 124 to D. 182, twelve of them.
   It serves as prelude to the music of the B-n-s for the "newly
   fledged exalted Kts" and as an endlessly rising canon on that
   wonderful theme to the p-tr--rchs."

 Notice three abbreviations to conceal internal use of words from any
possible outsider who may stumble on a copy of the letter:

   B-n-s  = Bones (cited twice)
   kts  = Knights
   p-tr--rchs = Patriarchs

 The reader may consider this juvenile, and it may well be. On the
other hand, these "juveniles" are the men today running the United

 Chapter meetings of Patriarchs are announced using a format which
has not changed since the early 19th century. An interesting and signifi-
cant aspect of these announcements is the manner in which they reflect
elements of the ritual: the skull and bones, the periods into which The
Order has placed its history and the club numbers.

 We reproduce below announcements for the following years:

1. July 28, 1859 - the earliest year for which we have a copy.
  Note the Roman letters V1 in the center of the sheet.
2. July 23, 1868 - the last year for which we have a record of
  the V1 appearing. We understand that 1869 was actually the
  last year with V1.
3. July 21, 1870 - the first year with VIII in the center. Note that
  VII appears to have been skipped completely.
4. June 17, 1936 - note that the format remains almost the
  same. This one was signed by Potter Stewart, later
  (1958-1981) Supreme Court Justice.
5. May 31, 1984 - the latest announcement notice. Note that
  the Club number D. 183 now appears, but in essence the
 sheet remains exactly as in 1859. It appears they even used
 the same skull and bones.

  The initiation ceremony-itself has been partially described in both the
1876 documents (reproduced below) and a century later by Ron
Rosenbaum in "The Last Secrets of Skull & Bones" (Esquire,
September 1977).

  Each year 15 newly tapped members are put through what has been
described as a "harrowing" ordeal - presumably to test their manhood
in a manner traditional with fraternity hazing.

  According to Rosenbaum, "one can hear strange cries and moans
coming from the bowels of the tomb" during initiation.

  Four elements of the initiation ceremony are recorded:

   * that the initiate has to lie naked in a sarcophagus.
   * that he is required to tell the "secrets" of his sex life to fellow
   * that Patriarchs dressed as skeletons and acting as wild-eyed
lunatics howl and screech at new initiates.
   * that initiates are required to wrestle naked in a mud pile.

 Undoubtedly there is more. However, the above is enough to war-
rant branding The Order as based on behavior more suited to juvenile

 Undoubtedly the more serious part of the initiation process is peer
pressure, the conversion of juveniles into presumably responsible

[CTRL] [1] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7


The British-Swiss Secret Service In North America


Benedict Arnold

On August 24, 1814, invading British armies entered Washington, D.C. and
burned the Capitol, the White House, and the other government buildings, in a
classic demonstration of the "arrogance of power."

But for the astonishing valor and intelligence of America's tiny navy during
the Second War of Independence (1812-1815), the United States would likely
have ceased to exist.
The country was defenseless; its financial, industrial, and military power
had been systematically stripped away since 1801. Just as today, with
demolished auto, steel, rail, port, and housing industries, the nation is
vulnerable to our military and economic rivals, and financially terrorized by
the Swiss and British through Paul Volcker's Federal Reserve; so, then, the
country had been deliberately steered away from the nation-building,
strong-government policies of Washington and Hamilton, and made weak— the
object of contempt and ridicule by the enemies of freedom, who applauded U.S.
"budget cuts."

It is time to put to rest the notion that "fiscal austerity" or "cutbacks to
pay debt" are somehow American answers to growing deficits. These policies
were smuggled into the United States by our foreign enemies and were imposed
on the country in a coordinated attempt to end the American republic. That
this is literally true and a precise description of events in the first
quarter century of our national independence, will be shown here.

Alexander Hamilton's founding policies for the United States— a national bank
providing cheap credit for productive enterprise; national sponsorship for
the building of roads, canals, harbors and later railroads; and government
protection of developing industries from British trade war
("competition"--continued the tradition of Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-1683),
French finance minister under Louis XIV. The Congress enacted these policies,
and America assumed its place among the powers of the earth.

But the founders were displaced from power, Hamilton was killed and his
policies reversed by a British-Swiss secret intelligence organization, among
whose principal American agents were Vice-President Aaron Burr (1756-1836)
and Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin (1761-1849).
Facing bankruptcy as a result of the losing, worldwide conflict with America,
and threatened with global emulation of the American republican experiment,
the British Empire responded by organizing a campaign to subvert enemy
governments. The U.S.A. must be reconquered, the oligarchs vowed. France must
be destroyed, and Spanish America must be captured before being lost to
independent republicanism.

The campaign was directed by William Petty, Earl of Shelburne, whose new
British Secret Intelligence Service represented an alliance of "noble"
families of Switzerland, Scotland and England. The eyes and the arms of this
apparatus were provided by the British East India Company. Company Chairman
George Baring's family, along with the Hopes, were the AngloDutch financial
power. Shelburne and Baring used the Company to employ a legion of
"theorists," including Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, and Thomas Malthus. They
controlled an elite army of spies and assassins, based primarily in Geneva.
We will present here the simple, direct evidence that Burr and Gallatin were
not Americans, but British agents based in this Genevan assassin-nobility.

Aaron Burr and Benedict Arnold

Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton. Later, he was tried for treason after
leading a mercenary army against the United States. He was acquitted in that
trial because the existing evidence was not presented to the jury. Burr fled
the country under state indictments for murder and treason, only to return,
have all charges quietly dropped, and become a rich New York lawyer. All Burr
biographies speculate on the "psychological drives" which may have motivated
his "adventures." No book in existence today raises even a question that Burr
may have been a spy.

As for Gallatin, who migrated to America and spent a lifetime trying to
destroy the country, no biography even hints of base motives.

On July 11, 1982, the anniversary of Hamilton's shooting, The New York Times
carried a major "reassessment" of Burr's guilt:

The indictment of Aaron Burr for treason 175 years ago proved to be the final
blow to the former Vice President's reputation and political career, even
though he was found not guilty of the charge. Now, a scholar contends that a
coded letter implicating Burr and long believed to have been written by him
was in fact written by an associate.

That letter . . . supposedly showed that Burr was planning to seize Kentucky,
Tennessee, and Mexico for his own undefined political purpo

[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: More Bombings and a Tobacco Shortage

1999-04-06 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  The following is forwarded from the Comix Discussion List, which
links alternative comics creators, fans,  scholars, and publishers
worldwide.  It is the fourth e-mail from Serbian cartoonist Sasa Rekazic
(aka Aleksandar Zograf), creator of Alas!, Life Under Sanctions, and
Psychonaut.  He has been witnessing the bombing of Pancevo by NATO.

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765>>Sasa Rakezic
>>26000 Pancevo
>>Yugoslavia /Serbia/
>>April 6th 1999.
>>Gordana and I jumped out of bed at 3.50 AM, waken by a sound of a strong
>>detonation, coming somewhere from the North... We haven't seen a flame or
>>explosion, though. Nandor, who lives in a Northern part of the town, also
>>wasn't able to spot the target of the bombing, even though he heard the
>>planes and three detonations... Until the time when I write this (1 PM),
>>the local radio said that they can't locate the place where the bombs
>>This morning I was standing in the long que in front of the local
>>newsstand... People were waiting to buy the cigarets (five packs per
>>customer). I don't smoke, but I wanted to buy it for Gordana and my
>>parents... But the modest supply was sold out before my turn... There is a
>>great shortage of cigares, and many people are really nervous, because, as
>>you maybe know already, people in this part of the world smoke so much...
>>Yesterday, early in the morning, NATO has bombed the city of Nis, with 15
>>projectiles, which created the horrible damages all over the very heart of
>>the town...The starnge thing is that they bombed plants of the Tobacco
>>Industry in Nis as well... The whole storage of 100 tons of tobacco was
>>burnt down completely...
>>If that is a military target, what on earth is NOT a military target?
>>Today it's 6th of April, the date that marks the rather ironic anniversary
>>- on that day in 1941, Belgrade was bombed by Nazi German Army...
>>Everybody remembers this as the Armagedon-type of event, with many 1000's
>>of dead civilians,and the institutions like National Library completely
>>burnt down...Bombs have even fell on the Zoo which was (and still is)
>>rather close to the center of the city, so that freed wild animals were
>>running all over the place ( like shown in a movie titled "The
>>Underground", by Kusturica). The similar unhappy unniversary will probably
>>be marked on April 16-17th , when , this time in 1944 - during the
>>Orthodox Easter , Belgrade (and many other towns in Serbia)- still under
>>German occupation, were bombed by the Allies. The bombing was supposed to
>>be targeted at German military facilities, but - due to a bad weather etc.
>>- the bombers have missed most of their targets, and mostly killed
>>civilian people and caused a large destruction of the town... It seems
>>that this events at the time have caused people in Serbia feel as if they
>>are being bombed by everybody, be it the Occupation Army or the Allies...
>>Mind you that so many people who went through all that hell are still
>>alive, and they are watching the similar thing happening in 1999... By the
>>way, last night they bombed a small town of Aleksinac - one projectile hit
>>the Army barracks, while two bombs fell on the civil houses, destroying
>>the whole street near the ceneter of the town, and causing injuries and
>>death of many civilian people (they still search for them under the
>>ruins). That all looked pretty much like WW2 ...This was a rather awful
>>night in Serbia anyway, with Refinery in Novi Sad bombed and set to flame,
>>and with the only remaining bridge in town being a target of 2 Tomahawk
>>missiles...Both of the missiles were destroyed by Serbian anti-aircraft
>>forces,but, of course, everybody will fear that the next night NATO will
>>try to hit the same spot again
>>It should not be forgotten that on April 6th in 1992. the siege of
>>Sarajevo has began, this time with Bosnian Serbs being in the role of
>>bombers... And above all this, our friends from NATO will have to
>>celebrate their 50th anniversary on April 24th (I think) this year...
>>After 50 years, the problems are still being "solved" by dropping bombs.
>>As you can see, the anniversary could be such a horrible thing...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not ap

[CTRL] Bill's constant scandals

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.  I don't know, ya think, Bill-boy is blackmailable
. . . guffaw . . .?
And he has been set-up quite well, been allowed to push the buttons been told
he was succesful, got to act  presidential . .. then tar-baby serbs and lo
and behold ya got year2000 elections . . .hmmm? Especially notice where the
anti-clinton-action-in-Kosovo come from, MHO.
Bill's constant scandals
Subject: Bill's constant scandals
Date: Mon, Apr 5, 1999 7:10 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Could it be that the constant never ending revelations of scandalous
behaviour of Bill's was manufactured by the NWO and the military
industrial complex in order to pressure him into making the decisions
that resulted in the bombings. Surprisingly the heat against Bill
stopped immediately as the first bomb fell.
Think about it.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

The Thrill Report #040499
The Implosion of the House of Rot

It had to happen. The military secrets of the inhuman nonbeings have
been leaking out all over the place. I've been "seeking" in the ooze and
gad zooks, I did "find"! I know how to take them out! I know how to get
rid of the "empties". I'm going to implode them!

Remember the scene in Dr. Strangelove when Slim Pickens rides the bomb?
Well picture me, The Rogue Butterfly, as I flutter by, singing at the
top of my range, "Yippee yi yo ki ay!"

I asked for this. I asked for a way to do my work as clean as possible.
Many times I have been tempted to explode them but explosions are so
messy. Besides a big enough chunk of them might have survived, then I
would be faced with the same problem again, only this time it wouldn't
take five thousand years to reach critical mass. No, I had to have a
solution that, once done, would stay done at least until The End of
Eternity. (Can you even imagine when that might be?)

I wanted no wave offerings to pollute the air. I wanted no blood
splatters to feed the ants. I wanted no rotting flesh turned into fly
nurseries. I wanted no leftovers to feed the cockroaches. I wanted a
clean solution. If it wasn't clean, it wasn't a solution. It also had to
be a Forever Solution. The Earth has suffered far too much already.

So this morning, when I was reading a posting from EWAR and it mentioned
"implosion" I knew I had the answer! I always knew if knocked long
enough, the door would open. I am going to implode the suckers. They
will all turn in on themselves where they belong and disappear into a
black hole, leaving nothing, NO THING, behind. Not even their

Is this the best news since Genesis 1 to 2:3?

"Here come da judge..."

It gives me great pleasure to announce THE IMPLOSION OF THE HOUSE OF ROT
(aka Rothschild)! Ashes to ashes; dust to dust; and black hole to black
hole. They are going home, where the lock-down is so severe that there
isn't space enough to fit a thought.

Stay tuned. Plenty more implosions to follow. My list is very long. I
have been compiling it FROM THE BEGINNING.

The Rogue Butterfly
Scribe in the Ancient Language of Thrill

EWAR-L Electronic Warfare Mailing List
To unsubscribe or subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the following text: unsubscribe EWAR-L or subscribe EWAR-L.
To post messages, send to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Previous posts:
. EWAR Web site:
-Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, list owner

[CTRL] Prior Warning: Three Soldiers

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.  Also brings to mind the infamous 'masonic three';
ie: the three tramps, etc.  Here ya got the three with blows to head and all.

Prior Warning: Three Soldiers

Subject: Prior Warning: Three Soldiers
Date: Mon, Apr 5, 1999 7:23 PM
Message-id: <7ebun5$1b$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


  Two years of being fortunate to study those whom were studying former
deputy director and directory to the CIA, Dr. Ray S. Cline has brought mixed
results. Recently as I was chatting in a IRC chat room, the prose (some used,
some new) was coinciding with the loss of the Stealth fighter I found out
later. The next day a person left some peculiar comments and misspelled words
via a Usenet reply to a post of mine regarding cigarette smoking. The
comments suggest a knowledge of a plan to do as which was done three days
later by way of taking hostage three American soldiers. Via a chatroom of the
IRC, EFNet, N. A. T. O. & O. A. F. were notified. For information about a
possible prior warning of the now unfortunate abduction of our U. S.
soldiers, for information regarding prior knowledge about the now enacted
questioning of four scientists by Chinese officials, for informative
descriptions about the latest mind & computer super weapons, for information
about the use of new military personnel camoflauge utilities, read "WOMP". I
was looking at some of the photos of the Kosova tragedies. Actual dead people
lined up in rows for I. D..  Those photos really take much to understand from
an outsiders point of view.  As it is, I have been fortunate to be around to
keep the URL for good reason.  The photos that are available look much like
looking at people I know of.  As in "this could be you".  Well there is much
to show but not that.  I took the time to leave a complete text that has
complete unedited facts via http://www.dejanews.com (use the power search,
enter my email address which is mahlerandmahler@ (no spam) mindspring.com,
then enter the dates Mar 1 1999 to Apr 3 1999 and press enter.  Find the
usenet titled "New Smoking Law" in alt.support.stop-smoking, read the replies
- especially Tom Moraveks replies.  Then find "Parallel Prose" in
alt.music.vanhalen for authenticity.Why the ultra clue that our 3 men would
be captured?  Of all people to leave it on.  Yesterday morning as I lay in
bed, I had in mind the face of Boris Yeltsin just staring in some direction
and finally, a wet tear appeared under my eye

http://www.mindspring.com/~mahlerandmahler/womp15.htm is all about the
above, the photos of the Kosovo victims came later yesterday.

William K. Mahler

---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
http://www.dejanews.com/   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Why is the USA supporting the KLA?

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Why is the USA supporting the

Subject: Why is the USA supporting the KLA?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Spot the Cat)
Date: Mon, Apr 5, 1999 11:00 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The KLA are Bin Laden allies[0]  & heroin smuggers. KLA[1]

Why is the USA attacking the Serbs and not the KLA?

The Serbs have 30,000 hand held anti-aircraft weapons. Soon
Apaches will be falling from the skies. Why did no US news-
papers tell of the second downed F-117?[2] Or the 19 G.I.s
killed in action already?[3]

[0] http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/bomb162.htm
[1] Germany The Times Syndicate report of 3-31 by Rober Boyes
 & Eske Wright
[2] http://www.inet.co.yu/rat/f117_x_2.htm
[3] http://www.balaams-ass.com/journal/warpage.htm

Subject: Re: Why is the USA supporting the KLA?
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Eighner)
Date: Mon, Apr 5, 1999 11:25 PM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In our last episode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
the lovely and talented [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Spot the Cat)
broadcast on alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics.clinton,alt.conspiracy:
|The KLA are Bin Laden allies[0]  & heroin smuggers. KLA[1]
|Why is the USA attacking the Serbs and not the KLA?

Hi!  How are things there at the propaganda ministry in Belgrade?

To answer your question, NATO --a group of 19 nations including
the US-- is attacking the goverment of Yugoslavia because that
goverment is engaging in a policy of genocide against non-Serb
citizens of Kosovo.  If what you say about the KLA is true, then
it is a criminal organization and ought to be dealt with as such.
But it is very obvious that the government of Yugoslavia is not
trying to deal with the KLA as a criminal organization, but is
attempting to eradicate the whole non-Serb population of Kosovo.
That is genocide.  That is what must be stopped.

|The Serbs have 30,000 hand held anti-aircraft weapons. Soon
|Apaches will be falling from the skies. Why did no US news-
|papers tell of the second downed F-117?[2] Or the 19 G.I.s
|killed in action already?[3]

Because these are figments of your imagination there at the
propaganda ministry in Belgrade.  There are numerous independent
and international news organizations with many observers and reporters
in Kosovo and throughout the region.  No independent news agency
is reporting any of the things you suggest.  The only reasonable
explanation of that is that the things you mention are not true.

|[0] http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/bomb162.htm
|[1] Germany The Times Syndicate report of 3-31 by Rober Boyes
| & Eske Wright
|[2] http://www.inet.co.yu/rat/f117_x_2.htm

Oh yeah. We should believe something on a Yugoslavian web page.

|[3] http://www.balaams-ass.com/journal/warpage.htm

Lars Eighner  700 Hearn #101  Austin TX 78703[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(512) 474-1920 (FAX answers 6th ring) http://www.io.com/%7Eeighner/
Please visit my web bookstore:   http://www.io.com/%7Eeighner/bookstor.html
* A cheap dominatrix offers bargain debasement.
Subject: Re: Why is the USA supporting the KLA?
From: "Salisar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, Apr 6, 1999 7:32 AM
Message-id: <7ed9dp$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Lars Eighner wrote in message ...
>In our last episode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>the lovely and talented "Joe Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>broadcast on alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics.clinton,alt.conspiracy:
>|Lars Eighner wrote in message ...
>|>In our last episode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>|>the lovely and talented [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Spot the Cat)
>|>broadcast on alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.politics.clinton,alt.conspiracy:
>|>|The Serbs have 30,000 hand held anti-aircraft weapons. Soon
>|>|Apaches will be falling from the skies. Why did no US news-
>|>|papers tell of the second downed F-117?[2] Or the 19 G.I.s
>|>|killed in action already?[3]
>|>Because these are figments of your imagination there at the
>|>propaganda ministry in Belgrade.  There are numerous independent
>|>and international news organizations with many observers and reporters
>|>in Kosovo and throughout the region.  No independent news agency
>|>is reporting any of the things you suggest.  The only reasonable
>|>explanation of that is that the things you mention are not true.
>|Time will tell if this is true. It is a scenerio I wouldn't put past my
>|to attempt.
>And how exactly is your gov't keeping the numerous independent news
>organizations who have observers and reporters on the ground in
>line?  For that matter, how is your gov't faking the video from
>Kosovo and the surrounding regions?  Or do you think it is all
>faked in a studio like the moon landing?
>|If true. And a cover-up is exposed... Clinton can kiss his Summer Home
>|in Kolsovo goodbye...
>There are 19 goverments in NATO including such gadflies as the French,
>Italians, and Turks, who are not especially noted for being eager to
>please any American administration past or pre

[CTRL] Islanders irked by RCMP raid on tropical tax haven

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

 Post Online - financialpost

Saturday, April 03, 1999
Islanders irked by RCMP raid on tropical tax haven
Paradise Threatened

Peter Kuitenbrouwer
Financial Post

Penrhyn Brooks, National Post / Arawak House is home to British West
Indies Trust, raided by RCMP.

Penrhyn Brooks, National Post / A typical scene on Grand Turk Island.
Lynn Farrell, National Post / Inspector Gary Nichols, right, who is in
charge of the Newmarket, Ont.-based Proceeds of Crime Section, says "we
are sorting, scanning, and photocopying to complete this [investigation]
as quickly as possible."

Turks and Caicos Islands
their assets to this necklace of arid islets, east of the Bahamas in the
Atlantic, have one thing in common with the 18th-century pirates, or
turks, from whom the islands derive their name.

Both like to bury their treasure on a desert island, where no one can
find it.

In the past few years, a considerable number of Canadians have quietly
moved here to avoid Revenue Canada. These snowbirds don't bring
snorkels. They still wear ties and set up law firms, accounting offices,
and brokerages up and down the beaches.

The draw is a jurisdiction without income taxes and some of the most
secretive banking laws on Earth.

But now a raid by Canadian and local police on a trust company -- as
part of a money-laundering case -- has turned into an international
battle over police jurisdiction in this tiny remnant of the British

And the case raises questions about law enforcement on these few strips
of sand where police are trained to catch speeders and burglars while
the main industry, other than sunning oneself on the beach, is high

So far just one man, Richard Hape of Fergus, Ont., the chief executive
of a trust company based here, has been charged with conspiracy to
launder money. Still, police, who have spent three years and
considerable resources on this problem, say they are on the trail of a
much wider money-laundering operation.

But "the invasion," as some call it, has sparked outrage in the growing
professional community.

"If I was the RCMP, I wouldn't want to be up there in Canada freezing my
ass off on a horse," says Hugh O'Neill, an Irish-trained lawyer whose 18
years here make him one of the senior statesmen.

"I'd rather be down here sunning myself at the expense of the poor
bastards who pay 56% taxes for it."

The backlash against the police has produced casualties. Last week,
Lieutenant-Detective Thomas Bryan Davies, the most senior English police
officer here, surprised both police and defence lawyers when he abruptly

Of four British officers in the Royal Turks and Caicos Police, two have
returned to the United Kingdom since the February raid.

"They're leaving like rats," says a police source.

Still, before he quit, Lt.-Det. Davies insisted the police action, the
biggest in the island's history, is necessary.

"We must build confidence within the international community that we
will root out such transgressions as may be uncovered," he says. "This
is the ill that could ruin much larger establishments."

Eager to finish their work, for the past two weeks at least 13 Toronto
officers, most from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, have been holed
up at Allegro Resort, an all-inclusive luxury hotel on Providenciales,
the most densely populated of the Turks' 30 islands. They are scanning
thousands of pages of documents seized from Mr. Hape's trust company.

According to Inspector Gary Nichols, they are working 24 hours a day in
two 12-hour shifts to copy every document. He is the RCMP co-ordinator
of the Turks and Caicos action.

Insp. Nichols is the officer in charge of the Newmarket, Ont.-based
Proceeds of Crime Section, a task force set up to fight money-laundering
that groups the Mounties with five local police forces, plus Canada
Customs and the Crown Prosecutor's office.

"We are sorting, scanning, and photocopying to complete this as quickly
as possible," says Insp. Nichols.

"We're flying in another printing machine from Miami."

Hotel security at the Allegro prevents entry to everyone other than
guests. A reporter last week, posing as an interested guest, took a tour
of the resort, an imposing spread of Spanish colonial splendour where
rooms cost $250 (US) per person, per night.

Included are meals at either a Caribbean or an Italian restaurant, all
drinks, plus use of the Catamarans, windsurfers, snorkeling equipment, a
disco, and a nightly dance performance.

Hotel reception said the police were not in their rooms, and they were
not visible elsewhere.

While locals questioned the Mounties' choice of hotel, they are livid
about the police copying all of BWIT's files.

"There's an awful lot of very legitimate business people in Canada who
have be

[CTRL] Mr. Adnan Khashoggi

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Mr. Adnan Khashoggi
Subject: Mr. Adnan Khashoggi
Date: Tue, Apr 6, 1999 5:51 AM
Message-id: <7ed3gd$t6t$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sorry if this is a repeat for some of you :-(

Hello -
I am doing some reasearch in Adnan Khashoggi (in connection to
princess di). I am missing some current information and I was wondering
if people in this group could help.

Here is my set of questions:

1. Is Adnan Khashoggi still in the arms business? Does
   anyone know his current business activities?
2. Does his company/companies have an address I can write to (ie. PR)?
   (I would like to request a recent picture for my report)
3. Is he still a billonaire? I know during the trial he lost most
   of his fortune...
4. He had an assistant by the name of Shaheen. is he still in organization?
   Does anyone know about this character?
5. Does anyone know of the fate of Lura Biancollini (aka Lamia Khashoggi,
   ex wife of Adnan)
6. He has a son living in Boston. What does he do?
7. Does he still own the big planes or is he now back to flying small
   business jets (after he almost lost everything...)

Thanks in advance for your kind responses, please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
to avoid filling uo the group with reponsesI can compile a list of the
final answers and post them if people want..

Best regragds,

---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
http://www.dejanews.com/   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] The unexplained loss of TWA Flight 800

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-



Cmdr. William S. Donaldson, III - USN, Ret.
Aviation Mishap Analyst
P.O. Box 90, Clements, Maryland 20624
Web site: twa800.com
April 5, 1999
Mr. Philip M. Condit
The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707, Mail Code 10-10
Seattle, WA 98124-2207
Mr. Gerald L. Gitner
Trans World Airlines
One City Center
515 North Sixth St.
St. Louis, MO 63101

Re: The unexplained loss of TWA Flight 800

Over the last four months our investigation into the loss of TWA Flight
800 has produced information far surpassing that contained in our July
20, 1998 Interim Report to Congress. We can now prove, before a jury or
other independent fact-finding body, that the aircraft was shot down. We
can also explain why the Administration covered it up and expose some of
the methods they employed to do so.

Your corporations are being scapegoated and defrauded by Administration
officials because, had the truth about this incident been reported
before November of 1996, it could have derailed the reelection of
Clinton/Gore. Exposed now, it could send guilty parties to jail for
Misprision of Felony Homicide.

We can provide your attorney's with witnesses, documents, or reference
material that will support the following text:

White House knowledge of a threat prior to the loss of TWA Flight 800

1.The Administration knew that in 1996, surrogates from rogue states had
access to MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defense Systems) or shoulder-fired
missiles in mid-eastern weapons bazaars. $5,000 would acquire the least
capable model, the Russian SA-7. $50,000 would buy the most capable, the
Chinese Vanguard, a deadly new missile upgraded from US Stinger
technology transferred to the Chinese in the early 90's. Superior to the
Stinger, this missile has a much longer range. The Administration also
knew Iran had a limited number of US Stinger missiles in inventory.

2.The Administration was aware that, worldwide, MANPADS missiles had
already claimed 26 civil transport aircraft and was only a matter of
time before a U.S. Flag carrier would be targeted and hit. They knew the
Administration had dodged a bullet in 1994 when Maryland State Police
found a fully armed French Mistral MANPADS missile ready to fire on its
tripod directly under a busy northeastern air route.

3.In response to sanctions unilaterally levied against Iran by Mr.
Clinton in 1995, Iranian surrogate's car bombed US troops in Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia and later smuggled MANPADS missiles into the US from across
the Canadian border. Iranian officials warned the Administration that
they considered enactment of the Iran/Libya Sanctions Act tantamount to
an act of war!

4.When Mr. Clinton signed the Iran, Libya Sanctions Act of 1996, a
decision was made by the Iranian Supreme Council to approve attacks on
major American targets. Terrorist surrogate groups from nine countries
were summoned to Tehran to meet with Iranian officials in June of 1996.
Later that month, a huge truck bomb was deployed against the US Air
Force barracks complex at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia. Three weeks
later, TWA Flight 800 was shot down only hours after an explicit warning
of an attack was received in London and Washington that taunted the

5.The White House, the CIA and the FBI were aware of the threat and they
knew preventing that attack was their primary responsibility.

6.We can show the Administration anticipated incorrectly that, if the
missiles were used, they would be targeted against Olympic air traffic
landing or taking off in the Atlanta area.

7.We can provide testimony that immediately after Flight 800 was shot
down, Mr. Clinton called an FBI command post supporting the Olympics and
informed them Flight 800 was downed with shoulder-fired missiles.

8.The White House, the CIA and the FBI political leadership have waged
an unrelenting disinformation campaign from the onset. This has ranged
from the White House spokesman stating, "Anyone in government that says
this was a missile only has half a brain", and to the CIA cartoon that
libeled hundreds of eyewitnesses.

Witnesses or "Untouchables"?

1.The day after Flight 800 was shot down, the Justice Department, helped
by 1,000 FBI agents, began the process of converting hundreds of
witnesses into the first American "untouchable cast". The political
leadership of the NTSB aborted its mission in one surrender of its
responsibilities after another. When the Justice Department illegally
ordered the NTSB crash investigators to have no contact with witnesses
or their statements, and the NTSB complied, the investigation was over,
the cover-up and Misprision of Felony Homicide had begun.

2.At the NTSB Public Hearing in December of 1997, the word "witnesses"
was not even mentioned. Before and since, they have been ridiculed,
slandered and liabled in official videotapes and statem

[CTRL] OEN 4/6/99

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

US Stock Market

Internet Stocks and Asset Price Inflation

We'll buy you with printed money (stock certificates), write down big
numbers, and call it square

How do you compare the value of blue sky and hot air?

To put it another way, what does it mean to say that Yahoo!'s purchase
of Broadcast.com valued the acquired company at $5.7bn (£3.5bn)?

On the face of it, that's a lot of money for a company which lost $16.4m
last year on revenues of $22m.

But of course Yahoo! wasn't paying in real money. It was handing over
its own shares, trading at 1,634 times earnings.

In a traditional all-paper acquisition, the shares of the acquiring
company are a genuine currency, founded on underlying assets or cash
flow. It is fairly easy to tell how much is being paid, and whether it
is too much.

In the virtual world of internet stock swaps, all this is meaningless.
Quite apart from the intangible nature of Yahoo!'s business, there is
little free float in its shares.

At end-1998, less than 20 per cent of Yahoo!'s stock was in the hands of
the investing public.

If the big shareholders tried to sell their 80 per cent plus in the
company, to crystallise the theoretical value of the stock they own,
they would not be able to get the open-market price.

That does not mean the current stock price is wrong. It could be right.
It could even be too low. The true value of the company is simply
unknowable. Similar conditions apply to Broadcast.com.

The exchange of paper between the two sets of shareholders is just that,
an exchange of paper - no matter how fancy the engraving on the stock

If you are a Broadcast.com shareholder, you are trading in one
hypothetical future for another. Both are equally obscure - and
apparently equally rosy, since shares in both companies jumped when the
deal was announced.

We used to marvel at these stock valuations. Now, amazement has been
replaced by a sort of dead-pan humour, as in this quote from last week's
New York Times: "On its second day of trading yesterday, Priceline.com,
an internet service that sells discount airline tickets, rose in value
to $11.7bn, more than any airline in the world."

Amazement. Straight-faced humour. Both reactions are plausible. But
here's an alternative view of what's going on. It's the democratisation
of the stock promotion business, the creation of an equal-opportunity

Think back to the great stock promotion booms of the past century -
railways, mining, the car industry, electrification, radio, television,
electronics. They have all involved the creation, merger, re-creation,
consolidation and endless restructuring of a host of hopeful companies.

The underlying technology was real. But most of these early ventures had
no more claim to longevity than the average internet stock.

In the background, there have always been shadowy promoters, people who
carry out a string of corporate transactions, each time watering the
stock or finding another way to profit from the process.

Each time, the public clamours to join in, and briefly makes paper
profits. Some individual investors even manage to cash out in time.
Eventually, though, reality takes over. Stock valuations plummet. Many
companies collapse, or are swallowed up by the survivors at a pittance
of their top-of-the-market price. Even the survivors take decades to
regain their peak value.

As night follows day, the pattern will recur. With one significant
exception: the shadowy stock promoter has given way to the geek. A huge
over-supply of venture capital, and the very low capital requirements of
the internet business, have between them eliminated the need for an

True, investment banks and lawyers still earn fat fees from taking
companies public. But the real money was always made by the stock
manipulators - and this time, those profits seem to accrue mostly to the
companies' founders.

On paper. Because the run-up in internet stocks has been so big, and so
fast, that it has had one unexpected effect. It has closed off the
opportunity for conventional companies to pay real money - in the form
of cash or traditionally valued stock - for internet companies. At the
height of the 1960s electronics boom, Xerox paid around $900m for
Scientific Data Systems. It was a disaster, of course.

This time, conventional companies would certainly be making the same
sort of mistake, if they could afford it. But Xerox was paying only 90
times earnings for SDS. Today, with companies such as Broadcast.com
selling at 260 times revenues, mistakes like SDS are simply out of
reach. Only internet companies can afford to pay those prices, because
they are not using real money. So the wave of deals that traditionally
accompany the early years of a promising new technology are taking place
in a vacuum, unconnected to external valuations.

That mak

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: NSA abandons pizza box info-delivery, switches to Intelink

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 08:35:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: Roland Grefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: No more top-secret pizza boxes (fwd)




Headline: No more top-secret pizza boxes
Subhead: Spies: A book by a former National Security Agency official gives
an unprecedented look at the super-secret agency and tells of
NSA's development of a computer network.

By Neal Thompson


"A book about NSA has never been written by an insider.
It was tough getting through the system because people were opposed
to it. There is a school of thought that says you wear your trench
coat and your dark glasses and you don't say anything."
Tom Martin,author of "Top Secret Intranet"

  Espionage watchers consider the early 1990s a low point for
the National Security Agency.

Around that time, the Internet was beginning to change how people
communicate, becoming a new tool for everyday life. But while
the rest of the nation was e-mailing each other, NSA was still
delivering top-secret intelligence reports to Washington inside
pizza boxes.

An agency that in its heyday had helped create the first computers
had become appallingly low-tech. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf even
complained about it during 1991's Persian Gulf war when he
said intelligence reports on Iraq's military were taking
too long to reach his hands.

That has all changed recently with the development of an internal
computer network for spies called Intelink, which brings up-to-the-minute
spy data to hundreds of thousands of spies, diplomats and soldiers
in the field, as well as Congress and the White House.

Completed in 1996, Intelink has become an invaluable tool for
the 13 intelligence community agencies that use it to disseminate
and share their secret information.

Intelink consists of highly classified data that users access
at the click of a button. Data that once took hours to reach
Washington now cross the globe in a second.

Just like logging onto America Online or the World Wide Web,
intelligence analysts and military personnel log on to Intelink's
home page, where they see a map of the world and can click, say,
Bosnia to access intelligence reports, video clips, satellite
photos, databases and status reports. Users can "chat"
online with other spies or exchange e-mail on a topic.

The evolution of NSA's in-house Internet coincides with
a new philosophy: Why struggle to be a technological leader when
it's easier and cheaper to buy all the cutting-edge software
we need from Microsoft and others?

How the NSA changed

The story behind that transformation is detailed in a new book
by a former top NSA official -- a book noted as much for the
fact that it was published at all as for its content.

When Tom Martin started working for NSA in 1960, he signed a
letter promising never to write a book about his super-secret
employer. In a sign of changing times in the intelligence community,
Martin unveils previously classified details about how NSA spies
on the world.

And he does so with NSA's approval. Martin's book pulls
back the curtain on the gears of NSA's machinery, providing
a rare nuts-and-bolts look at how today's high-tech spies
do their job.

"Top Secret Intranet: How U.S. Intelligence Built Intelink
-- the world's largest, most secure network" is also
a fascinating glimpse at the slow and sometimes reluctant thawing
of an obsessively secretive agency that once denied its own existence.


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[CTRL] Fwd: Clinton's Dirty Little War In Yugoslavia

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan


Clinton's war in the former Yugoslavia started within days of
his taking office in 1993.  In 1993, Croat and Bosnian Serbs,
backed by the Milosevic regime in Belgrade, were battling with
Croat and Bosnia Muslims.  The war was dominated by a UN arms
embargo against the fractured Yugoslavia.  No new weapons could
get into the country to feed the widening civil war.  The arm
embargo was strictly enforced by NATO and the newly elected

Initially, the Serbs were winning.  They out-gunned the larger
Croat and Bosnian forces, because they were backed by tanks from
their friend in Belgrad, Milosevic.

Starting in 1993, the Croats and Bosnians suddenly acquired
loads of Chinese made artillery and anti-tank rockets.  The new
arms arrived in Bosnia on Iranian C-130 cargo planes, in
violation of the NATO embargo.  The Iranian arms shipments were
credited with stopping a major Serbian offensive, and costing
Milosevic victory in the long war.

Ironically, the same weapons also cost former the Clinton
National Security advisor, Anthony Lake, his bid to be CIA
Director.  During Senate hearings, Lake was forced to admit that
the U.S. knew of the Iranian arms flights and did nothing to
stop them.  Lake, who was then up for the newly vacated CIA
Directorship, admitted the misdeeds and resigned in disgrace.

The sudden admission of a U.S./Iranian plot to arm the Muslims
strained relations and embarrassed the Clinton administration.
European allies and Russia had enforced the embargo with
aircraft and naval warships.

Yet, Iran did more than just send guns.  Ali Fallahan, the top
spy for Iran, was also sent into Yugoslavia along with the
Chinese made AK-47s, artillery and rocket launchers.  Ali
Fallahan was then head of the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence
and Security, or Vavak.  Fallahan also is known to preside over
the Iranian overseas operations planning committee.  It is this
committee that approves all Iranian sponsored terrorist attacks

In 1996, the accidental discovery of a Vavak base in Bosnia by
NATO forces provided the hard evidence of Iranian actions and of
Fallahan's activities.  NATO troops found a treasure trove of
advanced communications and bugging devices from around the
world purchased by Fallahan.  The equipment was quickly tracked
back to each respective supplier and thus the Germans
re-constructed Fallahan's travels.

Once in Europe, Fallahan drove anywhere he wanted, and
frequently did.  It was during one stop in Germany that Fallahan
helped set up the assassination of Kurd rebel leaders exiled in

Fallahan also masterminded a huge buy of German, Russian and
Japanese state-of-the-art listening devices, encryption and
communications equipment which was shipped to Iran in 1994 and
1995.  This equipment was used to outfit both the Iranian and
Bosnian intelligence services, some of which was found by the
NATO forces in the Bosnian Vavak raid.

In 1997, Fallahan was found guilty - in absentia - by the
Germans for the assassination of Kurdish leaders in Berlin.  The
discovery of Fallahan, the advanced equipment, plans and hordes
of Iranian spies on euro soil finally shocked western Europe
into demanding Bosnia disconnect itself from Tehran.

Today, while American airpower hurls itself on the suburbs of
Belgrad for CNN cameras, there is another war.  The flashy shows
of missile strikes and stealth attacks being played out in the
skies dominate the press.  The real dirty war in Kosovo is
fought with an AK-47 or SKS rifle at close range.

The initial supply of guns for the KLA was taken from the
armories of the Yugoslavian and Albanian communist states as
they disintegrated.  The first batch of local guns were not
enough to sustain a war.  The aging equipment has since been
re-enforced with brand new Chinese made rifles.

In the 1980s, the CIA combined with middle eastern heroin
smugglers and Chinese weapons makers to assist the Afghans
during their long war against the ex-Soviet Union.  The dirty
war in Afghanistan bred the CIA trained, Saudi millionaire, Bin
Laden.  Bin Laden fought the Soviets with U.S. and Chinese made

The KLA has rearmed using the same not-so-old religious
connection through the Iranians and Chinese arms smugglers.
The KLA "praise the lord and pass the ammunition" strategy
includes drug smugglers well known to the CIA and former
Albanian communists, now backing the KLA.

Two benefactors from Clinton's dirty little war in Kosovo are
Poly Technologies and NORINCO, both arms firms owned by Chinese
Generals.  Norinco SKS assault rifles currently grace the KLA
forces operating inside Kosovo.  NBC and CNN have shown KLA
rebels, armed with Chinese SKS rifles and their distinctive,
fixed, 10 round clip.  You can see the same SKS rifles in the
well known picture of Clinton reviewing Chinese troops in
Tiananmen square on the cover of the book "Year of the Rat."

Poly Tech is better k


1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

X DRUDGE REPORT X 04/05/99 23:09:48 UTC X


The cost of the U.S. air campaign against Yugoslavia already has topped the
$400 million mark, according to a soon-to-be-published report, and the price
tag quickly could balloon to between $2 billion and $4 billion if the
airstrikes proceed for even a few weeks longer.

As the Clinton administration expands the scope of the mission, the cost of
the operation now threatens to set off budgetary and political explosions on
Capitol Hill, the LOS ANGELES TIMES is planning to report in a Tuesday
dispatch from Washington.

"If the bill for the Kosovo operation is handled through regular budgetary
channels, it could easily burst the once-inviolate budget caps that limit
spending by broad categories, cut into military modernization funds, and
possibly starve domestic programs," reports the paper's Paul Richter and Art

The Navy's sea-launched Tomahawks carry a price tag of about $1 million
apiece; Air Force missiles, $2 million each.  More than 220 cruise missiles
have already been fired.

The loss of the F-117A Stealth fighter over Yugoslavia alone is estimated to
have cost $70 million.

[Eat your heart out Ken Starr.]

"I'd be surprised if we get this operation funded before the end of the
year," Rep. John P. Murtha, D-Penn., a veteran House Appropriations
Committee member tells the paper. "It's going to be very tough."

   X X X X X


"Not even during the Second World War did I witness a scene of human anguish
comparable to what I saw Monday at Blace on the Kosovo-Macedonian border,"
writes LONDON TELEGRAPH reporter W F Deedes.

"Some 65,000 refugees are gathered in misery and their own excrement,"
reports the GUARDIAN's John Hooper.

London's papers on Tuesday carry shocking first-hand accounts from the scene
that has been nicknamed "Camp Diarrhea."

Most of the refugees at Blace, a refugee camp at the Macedonian-Serbian
border, are from the provincial capital, Pristina.  They are shopkeepers and
secretaries, bar owners, nurses, electricians.  Many have neatly cut hair
and wear what were smart suede jackets, even fur coats, says one report.

"One woman, wearing a fur, was covered in complete filth and was standing in
a deep puddle of human diarrhea, there are no toilettes."

Hooper writes:  "During the three hours I was there at the sodden meadow,
people were collapsing and being stretchered to a rudimentary medical center
at the rate of one every three or four minutes. There were so many, and so
few stretchers, that volunteers often carried them in blankets.  One woman
was taken away unconscious in a wheelbarrow...

"The refugees' plight is made more unbearable by abuse, threats and
maltreatment by the riot police. Standing behind the main customs shed, I
saw an elderly man trying to climb up to the water tankers being kicked back
down the slope. I saw guards repeatedly use their truncheons on those at the
front of the crowd who were clamoring to escape."

"The riot police call the refugees 'pigs' and 'bits of shit,'" one young
volunteer stretcher bearer tells the GUARDIAN.

The next scourge at Blace is likely to be an epidemic. Already, there are
reports of meningitis and polio.

Headlines the INDEPENDENT:  "DYING, AS THE WEST BICKERS: Refugees from
Kosovo are dying of disease and exhaustion while Western governments wrangle
over plans to fly victims from the war zone."

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the line of people
escaping from Kosovo extends back 18 miles.

"I looked towards the hills that surround this awful scene," W F Deedes,
"and there were all the signs of spring. Just above this squalor, the
hillside was bursting out in new green and some of the trees were wearing
white for Eastertide.

"Then I looked down again at an old woman stumbling past me, crying and in
the last stages of exhaustion. I thought: what have we got to flatter
ourselves about at this new millennium? Man's inhumanity to man has lost
none of its venom."

   X X X X X


Could America's million dollar anchormen -- Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings and
Dan Rather -- be afraid of Yugoslavia?

Wars and disasters -- natural or otherwise -- are TV magnets for The Big 3.
But this time around, the network anchors are missing in action, so reports
Gail Shister in Tuesday editions of the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER.

Shister pins NBC hotshot Brokaw to the wall.

Why isn't Brokaw, author of the book THE GREATEST GENERATION, personally
going to Yugoslavia to cover the war?

While refusing to discuss NBC strategy, Brokaw tells Shister that this war
"is very difficult to cover."

"It's in a complex part of the world.  These are not familiar players to the
American people.  From a military and political point of view

[CTRL] Fwd: CIA Domestic Spying Judgments

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

The San Francisco Chronicle
Sunday, October 12, 1997
Page 4

How the CIA Got Away With Domestic Spying
Court rulings backing the agency set the stage for censorship, writes



  The CIA's War at Home

  By Angus Mackenzie

  University of California Press; 241 pages; $27.50

  The late Angus Mackenzie, a longtime affiliate of San
  Francisco's Center for Investigative Journalism (he died
  of brain cancer in 1994), spent more than 15 years
  researching ``Secrets: The CIA's War at Home.'' It
  represents the best account yet of the CIA's continuing
  attempts to manipulate and suppress information on the
  basis of its own narrow definitions of national

  Forbidden by the National Security Act of 1947 from
  operating within the United States, the CIA nevertheless
  launched a domestic spying program dubbed MHCHAOS aimed
  at the U.S. anti- war underground press of the 1960s and
  1970s. The operation was international in scope and
  supposedly focused on whether anti-war publications were
  financed by foreign, communist sources. In fact, points
  out Mackenzie, MHCHAOS, like the FBI's COINTELPRO, was
  designed to gather information on American citizens
  deemed by these federal agencies to be potentially

  Because MHCHAOS was patently illegal, CIA officers
  participating in it were required to sign secrecy
  agreements swearing never to divulge any information
  about the operation. To violate a secrecy agreement was
  to risk federal prosecution. Mackenzie argues that such
  secrecy contracts became a favorite government tool,
  used to muzzle disclosures by ex-Agency personnel about
  questionable or illegal CIA activities.

  One of the several secrecy agreements that the Agency
  eventually required its personnel to sign stipulated
  that any articles, books or speeches they might write
  that deal with intelligence activities must be
  preapproved by the CIA. When challenged in court that
  this type of contract constituted censorship and
  violates First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and
  press, the CIA, says Mackenzie, argued that this was not
  a censorship issue: ``The United States was seeking
  neither to stop publication nor to censor. Rather, the
  United States was seeking `specific performance' of a
  contract. This rather clever attempt to sidestep the
  obvious conflict between censorship and the First
  Amendment was persuasive to the judge.''

  Another key ruling favoring the government arose out of
  the publication in 1977 of former CIA officer Frank
  Snepp's ``Decent Interval,'' criticizing Agency
  activities relating to the American withdrawal from
  Vietnam. Snepp refused to submit the manuscript to the
  CIA censors prior to publication. The Agency took Snepp
  to court and obtained a ruling requiring Snepp to pay
  all profits from the book to the government and submit
  future writings on intelligence for CIA prepublication
  review. Says Mackenzie: ``This decision gave the CIA the
  authority to institutionalize its censorship program. It
  would provide the precedent for censorship to be
  extended to more than fifty other federal agencies.''

  The chief remaining barrier to keeping details of CIA
  domestic espionage from the public was the Freedom of
  Information Act (FOIA). So, in 1982, the Agency moved to
  create an exemption from the FOIA for
  counterintelligence files, such as the records of
  MHCHAOS. Mackenzie details how this was accomplished
  with the surprising cooperation of American Civil
  Liberties Union executives Mark Lynch and Morton
  Halperin. The new FOIA exemption coincided with the
  issuance by the Rion Directive (NSDD 84), which was
  designed to prohibit federal employees from leaking
  classified information to the press. Mackenzie maintains
  that the chief result of NSDD 84 has been to discourage
  potential government whistle blowers.

  In the end, Mackenzie suggests, the pattern of
  censorship that began with the CIA frantically trying to
  keep secret its illegal domestic spying operations has
  spread to agencies of the federal government, creating a
  culture of bureaucratic secrecy that resembles the one
  generated by Great Britain's Official Secrets Act, but

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Father of neutron bomb thinks US gave China nuke secrets

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Michael Novick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Published Monday, April 5, 1999, in the San Jose Mercury News
>Explosive Theory On `Espionage'
>By Michael Dorgan
>Mercury News Staff Writer
>LOS ANGELES -- Sam Cohen is an atheist Jew whose most prized possession is
>a peace medal given to him by a Roman Catholic pope. He got it for creating
>the neutron bomb.
>"No (expletive deleted) rabbi or Protestant minister wanted anything to do
>with me," grumbled Cohen, now 78 years old and still bitter that most
>people didn't share the pope's approval of his work.
>After more than 40 years in the strange, shadowy world of nuclear weapons,
>the father of the neutron bomb now spends his days brooding at his sunny
>hilltop home in affluent Brentwood. His rail-thin body has been slowed and
>stiffened by arthritis, but his mind remains agile and combative.
>Cohen is still eager to defend what has been derided as a "capitalist bomb"
>that kills people without destroying property. But the thing he is most
>eager to talk about these days is his theory on how China may have obtained
>U.S. nuclear secrets.
>Just as a congressional committee is expected to release a report allegedly
>documenting a successful espionage campaign by China and continuing lax
>security at the nation's weapons labs, Cohen said he has a more probable
>explanation of how China may have acquired the neutron bomb and the design
>of miniature nuclear warheads.
>His theory, befitting a man who has devoted his life to big explosions, is
>a bombshell. Cohen said he's convinced that China didn't steal those
>secrets, but that the United States gave them away.
>"All the logic dictated that we do that," he said. "When we get in a jam,
>so much for policy. We don't hesitate to break the ideological rules, just
>like (President) Reagan did when it came to getting the hostages freed. He
>gave hated Iran all sorts of conventional weaponry."
>That the Reagan administration swapped arms for U.S. hostages is a matter
>of record. Cohen's claim that the United States gave nuclear secrets to
>China is merely a spectacularly contrarian theory, and one quickly
>dismissed by some people who were in relevant government positions when
>China allegedly acquired the secrets in the 1980s. One former China expert
>for the Central Intelligence Agency who doesn't personally know Cohen goes
>so far as to suggest he may have lost his neutrons.
>"I suspect he has good days and bad days," said the former agent, Milt
>James Lilley, a former CIA station chief in Beijing as well as a former
>ambassador to China, also finds Cohen's theory "far-fetched." He said that
>to his knowledge transfer of nuclear technology to China was never even a
>topic of discussion.
>But Robert Shreffler, former head of the weapons division at Los Alamos
>National Laboratory, said Cohen "presents a plausible case." Shreffler said
>his own experience as the first head of nuclear planning at NATO, in
>1968-70, left him convinced that almost anything is possible in the
>duplicitous world of diplomacy.
>Whether or not Cohen's suspicions are true -- and he has no hard evidence
>to support them -- they help illuminate the Dr. Strangelove world that many
>people had hoped would disappear at the end of the Cold War. The nuclear
>genie remains out of the bottle, however, and a growing number of countries
>have harnessed its power for potentially destructive purposes.
>Cohen said the U.S. motive for passing nuclear secrets to China would have
>been to help it deter the United States' Cold War nemesis, the Soviet
>He said the United States in the mid-1980s provided conventional weapons
>technology to China, including avionics for fighter planes, large turbine
>engines for naval destroyers and anti-tank TOW missiles. If the United
>States truly was worried about a Soviet attack on China, he reasoned, why
>would it not have given China clandestine help in developing more
>formidable weapons with which to defend itself against the Soviet nuclear
>Precedent established
>There was a precedent for giving away nuclear secrets, he said. Cohen said
>he personally was informed by French officials that the United States
>helped France develop a neutron bomb, and he said a former colleague at
>Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory told him that scientists there also
>helped Israel develop the bomb.
>Another reason Cohen suspects the United States gave the secrets to China
>is that he is unconvinced by the evidence of espionage cited recently by
>U.S. officials, who said they learned the secrets had been stolen by
>monitoring underground tests in China and through intelligence documents
>from China.
>Cohen, as well as several other experts, said it is impossible to determine
>the design of a nuclear device through seismic readings. And Cohen said he
>is skeptical about the alleged intelligence

[CTRL] NSA employee's security manual

1999-04-06 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-



[According to the Phrack editor, this is the complete manual, except that
it is, of course, missing the NSA director's photo.  According to
subsequent investigation, it was found that the manual is indeed the real
thing.  NSA says it is not classified, but could only be officially
obtained through Freedom of Information Act action.  History of
dissemination, according to Jeff Davis:

Chris Goggans received the NSA Employee's Manual anonymously in the mail.
He digitized it and published it in Phrack.  Grady ward found it there
and posted it to Usenet.  The NSA called him to find out where he got it.
At that point, Jeff Davis mass mailed it to all the media contact email
adresses listed in Adam Gaffin's "EFF's Guide to the Internet".]

Subject: NSA employee's security manual
From:  Phrack Magazine issue #45  30 March 94

Chris Goggans (aka Erik Bloodaxe)
603 W. 13th #1A-278
Austin, TX  78701

(This reputedly is from the NSA new employee security manual)
posted to Usenet talk.politics.crypto and alt.politics.org.nsa
Phrack is archived at Len Rose's anonymous ft site ftp.netsys.com

Security Guidelines

This handbook is designed to introduce you to some of the basic
security principles and procedures with which all NSA employees must comply.
It highlights some of your security responsibilities, and provides guidelines
for answering questions you may be asked concerning your association with this
Agency.  Although you will be busy during the forthcoming weeks learning your
job, meeting co-workers, and becoming accustomed to a new work environment,
are urged to become familiar with the security information contained in this
handbook.  Please note that a listing of telephone numbers is provided at the
end of this handbook should you have any questions or concerns.


In joining NSA you have been given an opportunity to participate in the
activities of one of the most important intelligence organizations of the
States Government.  At the same time, you have also assumed a trust which
carries with it a most important individual responsibility--the safeguarding
sensitive information vital to the security of our nation.

While it is impossible to estimate in actual dollars and cents the value of
work being conducted by this Agency, the information to which you will have
access at NSA is without question critically important to the defense of the
United States.  Since this information may be useful only if it is kept
it requires a very special measure of protection.  The specific nature of this
protection is set forth in various Agency security regulations and directives.
The total NSA Security Program, however, extends beyond these regulations.  It
is based upon the concept that security begins as a state of mind.  The
is designed to develop an appreciation of the need to protect information
to the national defense, and to foster the development of a level of awareness
which will make security more than routine compliance with regulations.

At times, security practices and procedures cause personal inconvenience.
take time and effort and on occasion may make it necessary for you to
voluntarily forego some of your usual personal perogatives.  But your
compensation for the inconvenience is the knowledge that the work you are
accomplishing at NSA, within a framework of sound security practices,
contributes significantly to the defense and continued security of the United
States of America.

I extend to you my very best wishes as you enter upon your chosen career or
assignment with NSA.

Philip T. Pease
Director of Security



Perhaps one of the first security practices with which new NSA personnel
become acquainted is the practice of anonymity.  In an open society such as
this practice is necessary because information which is generally available to
the public is available also to hostile intelligence.  Therefore, the Agency
mission is best accomplished apart from public attention.  Basically,
means that NSA personnel are encouraged not to draw attention to themselves
to their association with this Agency.  NSA personnel are also cautioned
to confirm nor deny any specific questions about NSA activities directed to
by individuals not affiliated with the Agency.

The ramifications of the practice of anonymity are rather far reaching, and
success depends on the cooperation of all Agency personnel.  Described below
will find some examples of situations that you may encounter concerning your
employment and how you should cope with them.  Beyond the situations cited,
judgement and discretion will become the deciding factors in how you respond

Re: [CTRL] from Wounded Knee to Kosovo

1999-04-06 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Ah yes, but I still always ask "Cui Bono"and it adds up to
munitions, people who make desert storm and khaki camoflage uniforms and
who thrive like bacteria on the sweat and blood of the innocent.

Thank God - at least Kissinger and Albright got out okay years
agoleaving at their feet 6 million jews trampled duirng the
stampedeis this why they play Traumerai at the tombs dedicated to
the lives of the jewish people who perished during a Nazi experiment
that still continues in search of their own particular "holy
grail"the final solution.

Well, Kissinge and Albright got out alive; and they alone, remain to
tell the truth.

Well, we can be proud of the Butcher of Waco Reno, and now the Coward of
the Country, Clinton, as they prepare to send in the miliary to preserve
the peacebecause at the rate it is going, Clinton is going to need
more than just a good back up man

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Email from Yugoslavia

1999-04-06 Thread Colleen Jones

A plea for mercy/help..from those who desire to assist in some way
by letting views known.

It's so easy to forget that in these so-called surgical strikes, innocent
civilians are dying by NATO bombs. It is an unlikely hope, I admit, but
perhaps email will help let America know the horror of what its government
has begun:


[from nettime]

From: "Slobodan Markovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 06:42:41
Around 04:30 am, cruise missiles hit Belgrade again!

I've been responding to some e-mails when roaring detonation
cut the night over Belgrade. I jumped to my window, when I
heard another detonation and windows started lightly to shake.
When I looked outside, I saw great orange mushroom growing over
building roofs... Whole night sky, not just one part, was
illuminated by this same orange light.

This time the target was pure civilian object - heating plant
in largest part of Belgrade (western part of the city, called
New Belgrade, with more than 100.000 citizens).

I can only imagine how was it at my grandmothers place. She lives
on the 10th floor in a building which is no more than 800 meters
far away from the plant... Right now (04:45), I cannot reach her
over the phone. Probable phone lines overload...

I also heard similar detonations in south-western part of the
city (called Banjica), but because of neighbouring buildings
that are closing my view, I could not see where exactly missiles
hit. On TV they said it was something near the military hospital
in Belgrade.

I wonder what is on the menu for next night... :-((

Still standing,

Slobodan Markovic   | http://solair.eunet.yu/~twiddle
Internodium Project | http://www.internodium.org.yu


Date: Sat, 03 Apr 1999 22:36:27 -0800
From: insomnia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

is there anything more to say? cnn & sky news reporters rejoice over
flames in belgrade and another destroyed bridge in novi sad. that is so
utterly cruel...
for me, this was a deja vu - things happened exactly the same as on
wednesday, march 24. i was at my computer, checking mail; i stopped
writing a mail to answer a phone call and then an awfully strong
detonation shook the walls. this bridge is only five minutes' walk from
my parent's appartment. you will be suspicious maybe and say 'how come
everything is so close to you?' the answer is simple - novi sad is a
small town. and do not believe if they tell you it is in kosovo. it is
in vojvodina, on the opposite side from kosovo. kosovo is southern
serbia, vojvodina (of which novi sad is capital) northern.
this thing done to yugoslavia is the greatest shame of the world in this
century. as i said - pain does not mince words.

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 01:28:39 +0200
From: "Marc / Ana (X-Gateway)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

After following for a whole day reports in the media on events in
Yugoslavia happening at the moment, here is one more opinion seen from an
other point of view, this time architectural.
Today we received this letter from a friend in Belgrade.

Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen
(by the way architects)

Belgrade, April 3rd 1999

Ah, what a glorious victory, what a major hit:
The NATO bombers destroyed last night two empty administration buildings in
downtown Belgrade. Besides threatening the near-by complex of hospitals,
notably the Institute of gynaecology in which several babies were being
born at the moment, they achieved virtually nothing. It took no more than
an idiot to know that after days of threats, no people and no equipment
would wait for the bombs inside these buildings. The Pentagon cynically
says that the aim of this attack was to frighten the Serbs, but
psychologically this destruction only increased the local population's
anger and resolution to resist, broadening the gap that will have to be
spanned once the war is over.

However, certain damage is achieved and it belongs to the field of culture,
something that speaks, to use a euphemism, extremely unfavourably of the
NATO's intentions. Both destroyed buildings were important pieces of
architecture. The older one, the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs, was
erected immediately after WWII by Branko Petricic, previously Le
Corbusier's collaborator, and represented one of the rare examples of
architecture of the Socialist Realism in Yugoslavia. Now, someone may say,
why would anybody cry over a building of such a "notorious" style? The
reason lies primarily in its historical value: the very fact that it
existed as one of few such examples clearly testified about an early
rejection of Stalinism both in Yugoslav politics and culture. The other
destroyed building was also very important. It was built at the end of the
70s by Ivan Antic, one 

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: NSA abandons pizza box info-delivery, switches to Intelink

1999-04-06 Thread Colleen Jones

Anyone interested or do you get this one.

Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 08:35:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: Roland Grefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: No more top-secret pizza boxes (fwd)




Headline: No more top-secret pizza boxes
Subhead: Spies: A book by a former National Security Agency official gives
an unprecedented look at the super-secret agency and tells of
NSA's development of a computer network.

By Neal Thompson


"A book about NSA has never been written by an insider.
It was tough getting through the system because people were opposed
to it. There is a school of thought that says you wear your trench
coat and your dark glasses and you don't say anything."
Tom Martin,author of "Top Secret Intranet"

  Espionage watchers consider the early 1990s a low point for
the National Security Agency.

Around that time, the Internet was beginning to change how people
communicate, becoming a new tool for everyday life. But while
the rest of the nation was e-mailing each other, NSA was still
delivering top-secret intelligence reports to Washington inside
pizza boxes.

An agency that in its heyday had helped create the first computers
had become appallingly low-tech. Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf even
complained about it during 1991's Persian Gulf war when he
said intelligence reports on Iraq's military were taking
too long to reach his hands.

That has all changed recently with the development of an internal
computer network for spies called Intelink, which brings up-to-the-minute
spy data to hundreds of thousands of spies, diplomats and soldiers
in the field, as well as Congress and the White House.

Completed in 1996, Intelink has become an invaluable tool for
the 13 intelligence community agencies that use it to disseminate
and share their secret information.

Intelink consists of highly classified data that users access
at the click of a button. Data that once took hours to reach
Washington now cross the globe in a second.

Just like logging onto America Online or the World Wide Web,
intelligence analysts and military personnel log on to Intelink's
home page, where they see a map of the world and can click, say,
Bosnia to access intelligence reports, video clips, satellite
photos, databases and status reports. Users can "chat"
online with other spies or exchange e-mail on a topic.

The evolution of NSA's in-house Internet coincides with
a new philosophy: Why struggle to be a technological leader when
it's easier and cheaper to buy all the cutting-edge software
we need from Microsoft and others?

How the NSA changed

The story behind that transformation is detailed in a new book
by a former top NSA official -- a book noted as much for the
fact that it was published at all as for its content.

When Tom Martin started working for NSA in 1960, he signed a
letter promising never to write a book about his super-secret
employer. In a sign of changing times in the intelligence community,
Martin unveils previously classified details about how NSA spies
on the world.

And he does so with NSA's approval. Martin's book pulls
back the curtain on the gears of NSA's machinery, providing
a rare nuts-and-bolts look at how today's high-tech spies
do their job.

"Top Secret Intranet: How U.S. Intelligence Built Intelink
-- the world's largest, most secure network" is also
a fascinating glimpse at the slow and sometimes reluctant thawing
of an obsessively secretive agency that once denied its own existence.


POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology
To subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this text:
subscribe politech
More information is at http://www.well.com/~declan/politech/

[CTRL] from Wounded Knee to Kosovo

1999-04-06 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Lyn McCloskey/Towers Perrin
Date: 04/06/99 08:31 AM
Subject:  from Wounded Knee to Kosovo

>Wounded Knee... Hiroshima... Nagasaki... Vietnam... Waco... Kosovo...
>Once again, I am ashamed for my alleged U.S. government.
>- Lynda McC. Somborovich

Let's put it in this way: you compare the NATO to the Gestapo
but Milosevic is the hitlerian one here
compare Hitler's elimination of the jewish people
with Milosevic's elimination of the kosovar people

yep the serbians are mostly pro-milosevic
so were the german, pro-nazi.
do you get me?

You are partially right but really missing the bigger picture.

Milosevic, like Osama Bin Laden, Saddam and Hitler before him,
were formerly *supported* by the U.S. government, financially,
militarily, and/or through intelligence operations.  Now he is the bogeyman.
What you think that says about the *real* U.S. agenda?

Milosevic is no charmer I am sure.  But that does not give NATO
or the U.S. the right to interfere in the civil war of another
sovereign nation.  Furthermore, even to the extent NATO and the
U.N. might actually have a right to be there, they are flaunting
their own goddamn rules.  This is a U.N. controlled conflict.
That automatically means it is a no-win situation for everybody
except the international bankers and the global police power of
the U.S.  Everything the U.N. touches turns to shit.  This
situation is no different, guaranteed.

As to most Germans being pro-nazi, yes and no.  Most Germans
were pro-nazi the kind of like most Americans are pro-Clinton,
out of pure, unadulterated ignorance.  Read "The Ominous
Parallels" by Leonard Peikoff and you will have an *excellent*
picture of what happened in Germany, and what is happening now
in the United States.

Now back to your regularly scheduled program of crying babies
sleeping in the mud.

- Lynda McC.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Diana Info & Walt Disney

1999-04-06 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

No, but Henry Kissinger probably can.he shed tears, upon learning of
the death of the Princess of WalesI wonder if he shed any tears over
the son of Fayed, who too happened to be at the wrong place, at the
wrong time.

Somehow I always pictured Diana, who made a large target at 5'10 inches,
ducking down without a seatbelt in the car that nightwhat about her
Psychic,  who after her death, implied she had warned her not to
consider marriage with Dodi Fayed.

Of course, the Princess of Wales would be followed - I always wanted to
know who carried the black bag - a doctor on the scene, how unusual

Kissinger with his connections to the KGB and his tears over the death
of Diana who was about to marry an Arab Prince, if money is the making
of a Prince

Diana was the Lady in Waiting.she had one slight problem, over here
in the USA, she would have been considered borderline on the IQ range -

Remember Jackie Kennedy speaking French to the French, Castilian Spanish
to the Mexicans (nobody is perfect) and JFK speaking German to the
Germans "I am a Berliner" he cried out in German, and the Germans loved

Diana had entered a world, where she was about to be used; she had great
wealth, and without a doubt the Mossad and the KGB, were worried about
her Arab connection through Dodi and the KGB probably conjured up a lot
of visions, when she spoke the - rather recited from memory - the words
in Chinese, more or less saying   "I Am A Chineser".

The kiss of death, was applied no doubt, when she said  "I am an
Araber"and tip toed through the tulips in a mine field.

One thing crossed my mind when Dodi died, and very few people thought of
this innocent child like man - Dodi and Diana, were the child like
creatures existing on the fame and fortune of others about to come into
their own world

The movie Chariots of Fire..when the Challenger went down (and I
think the KGB was behind this)  at the funeral the one astonaut recited
the 46th psalm"God set their Chariots afire".now if this does
not symbolize the space race and my bible code, well.regardless,
Dodi had made the movie "Chariots of Fire".Dodi was cremamted, while
Diana Lady Spencer, the Princess of Wales, was alleged to have been
buried on an island, where supposedly Chamagne Charlie's family buried
dead animals.in the back of my mind, I think Charlie finally let his
sister come home, for he had refused her admission beforeand this
NBC affilliate had her buried in the dark ancient tombs below the family
estate.I would not take bets on that, but it is a feeling I have had
about the lovely Princess, who along with her woud be Moslem styled
Prince, walked into the best laid trap of mice and men - and Kissinger
cried.  I do not see him shed tears for the people being slaughtered and
bombed out of existance by NATO under Presidental Orders.

There is not only a red lurking behind every tree, there is always a
Kissinger, a KGB Agent, a Mossad Agentall taking aim at anyone who
speaks Chinese, or Arabic.

I hope the Princess of Wales is buried on the beautiful island with the
family pets, rather in the dark tomb which her brother had shown to the
world shortly before her deathstating "Someday I shall be buried
there too".Sorry Charlie, you will probably go in South Africa,
where you belong.


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[CTRL] U.S. Consensus Grows to Send Ground Troops

1999-04-06 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

For whatever it's worth:
U.S. Consensus Grows to Send Ground Troops
By Dan Balz
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 6, 1999; Page A01

With remarkable speed, a consensus supporting the deployment of U.S. ground
forces in Kosovo has formed in Washington and it appears to be pulling
public opinion in the same direction.

Even as the Clinton administration continues to rule out ground forces
until "a permissive environment" exists in Kosovo, a chorus of foreign
policy experts and key members of Congress have been making the case that
deployment may be inevitable.

They argue that, with the air war failing to achieve its immediate
objectives of stopping Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, it may take
such a risky commitment to deal with the mushrooming humanitarian disaster
unfolding on the ground there and to salvage the credibility of the NATO

"Very early on, there was among the foreign policy establishment a
realization that this was real, that this was not just a bit of bombing,
but that it basically was a declaration of war," said Ivo Daalder of the
Brookings Institution and a former National Security Council adviser to
President Clinton. "People realized what we were engaged in was war and
that the stakes were far grander and far larger than the administration
painted them."

Foreign policy analysts say some of the old notions of left and right have
gone out the window in the post-Cold War environment. Instead, the
consensus for what could be a wider war in Europe fuses humanitarian
instincts of many on the left who are outraged by the scenes of refugees
flooding into Macedonia with realpolitik advocates who argue that U.S.
power and prestige must be protected in a conflict with a leader like

Dissenters have been few and far between, despite a post-Vietnam reluctance
to commit ground forces in combat and a perception that the American public
won't tolerate casualties on the battlefield. Some Republicans strongly
oppose the use of ground forces, but with Congress in recess until next
week, it isn't clear how divided the legislative branch is about what the
administration should do next.

The clearest sign of a rapidly developing consensus within the foreign
policy establishment came last Friday, when former secretary of state Henry
A. Kissinger and two former national security advisers, Brent Scowcroft and
Zbigniew Brzezinski, appeared on PBS's "NewsHour With Jim Lehrer" and
argued that Clinton should not rule out the use of ground troops.

There are some signs that the drumbeat in favor of ground forces -- coupled
with images of the flood of refugees -- has begun to affect public opinion.
Last week, a poll by CBS News found 41 percent of the public in favor of
deploying ground troops to end the conflict and 52 percent opposed. A
Newsweek poll released over the weekend showed that 54 percent favored
sending in ground forces "to subdue Milosevic" and that 71 percent thought
such forces would be required to resolve the conflict.

Public opinion analysts cautioned, however, that the public still has
reservations about the use of force under messy conditions. "There's very
little appetite for casualties," said Andrew Kohut of the Pew Research
Center. "Support there now would evaporate if the specter of a quagmire
were to be evoked by Kosovo."

For now, the events in Yugoslavia have brought together disparate elements
along the political spectrum in support of a more robust U.S. response to
the evidence that Serbian forces have used the bombing campaign as an
excuse to drive ethnic Albanians out of Kosovo.

"With the Cold War over, one of the things that happened on the liberal
wing of politics is an increasing desire to do humanitarian things with
foreign policy," said Robert Borosage, co-director of the Campaign for
America's Future.

The arguments in favor of preserving U.S. and NATO credibility have, if
anything, been made even more strongly by the foreign policy elite. On
almost any day, the editorial pages of major newspapers and television talk
shows have been filled with such commentary from former secretaries of
state and members of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services

The policy debate has grave implications for Clinton and Vice President
Gore but also may affect attitudes toward Republican candidates seeking the
2000 presidential nomination. Republican candidates remain divided on the
deployment of ground forces.

Analysts said yesterday the war in Yugoslavia has given a short-term boost
to Arizona Sen. John McCain (R), who was an early and outspoken advocate of
using whatever means necessary to win the war and explicitly put the issue
of ground troops on the table when others were not talking about it. "He's
taken amazing strides in making himself a credible candidate," said Robert
Kagan of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Texas Gov. George W. Bush (R), who leads the GOP field

Re: [CTRL] Strange Visions

1999-04-06 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

>(Literary Review iv '99, reviewing Ruth HARRIS, Lourdes, Penguin, £UK25)
>Everyone should be able to make his own mind up about whether St
>Bernadette of Lourdes saw eighteen apparitions of The Virgin Mary in
>1858? -- No, this has not been the view of the Catholic Church! In a new
>book, it turns out that the figure seen by Bernadette Soubirous, the
>daughter of a Pyrenees miller, was "a tiny, smiling child of her own age
>-- fourteen." It took years of work by the Church to convert this
>apparition into the adult and reasonably maternal Virgin Mary of Catholic
>folklore. Bernadette herself protested all the way along the line against
>the Church's distortion of her story -- and was finally confined to a
>strict regime in a closed nunnery to effect her silence. To this day,
>visitors to Lourdes are not told the truth.

This ignores the fact that the image of Mary as a relatively middleaged
woman is a relatively modern affectation...

And that in Bernadette's culture, the age of 14 was NOT considered a
'child', but WOULD have been considered the age at which girls were
married and started having children...

That was DEFINITELY the age at which girls were married and having
children back in Judea during the Roman era...since in Judaic law, both
girls and boys become adults at the age of 13...boys would usually choose
a bride a few years after their Bar Mitzvah, taking time to establish
themselves in a profession and save up money, to be able to have their own
home and support a wife and children...but girls would usually be
betrothed shortly after their Bat Matzvah, with a marriage ensuing a
fairly short time thereafter...

So in fact, at the time of Jesus' birth, Mary was probably 14 years of
age, no older than 15 at the most...Joseph, her betrothed, was probably
around 17 or 18 years old...


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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Re: [CTRL] Diana Info & Walt Disney

1999-04-06 Thread AOL User

 -Caveat Lector-

Can Revcoal and/or Pegasus speak Chinese and greet people with lovely hands
and nails at the same time?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Diana Info & Walt Disney

1999-04-06 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Andrew Hennessey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>All her calls were monitored by British Security [at least]
>and her son Wills blames dad for not giving her a safe haven in London
>and having to find solace elsewhere .

No one forced her to spend her days getting her nails done and 'doing
lunch', and her evenings hopping from one disco to another...this was her
own description of her own life, as stated in an article published a year
before her death.

As for her supposed 'good works', she could have volunteered to help out
daily in any number of offices of major charities which are headquartered
in London...but THAT sort of work is 'grunt work', and does not afford the
glamorous photo ops that touching down in a helicopter in some 'hot spot',
striking a pose that will get one's picture in the world press under the
headline 'humanitarian', and then flying out immediately afterwards in
time for one's hair and nails to be done for one's nightly soiree' at the

The Fayeds are hardly known as major figures in the world humanitarian
movement...in fact, quite the opposite.  What then the explanation for Ms.
Spencer's involvement with them, if she indeed was such a saint as certain
quarters would like to make her out to be...

>Princess Diana was descended from the dalriadan line of Celtic Kings
>and an ancestor of mary Queen of Scots - the dalriadan line is considered
>to be older than the Windsor line  and it really looks like the word
>NO is not an option in this case.

One ALWAYS has options...

Just because one can show one's branch of a family tree is attached to a
trunk that has some famous branches, does NOT mean that one is NOT a
brainless bimbo...

Who CARES which line is older than which?  They're ALL hardly geniuses...

When you argue which line is older than which, you're just debating who
has the longer claim to enslaving you people...

You all should be eliminating the aristocracy all together, not debating
who has the better claim to be your 'master' (or 'mistress')...

>She addressed an important Chinese Diplomatic Congress in CHINESE and
>was credited with much honour and acclaim for this by the Chinese.

So she was given a script, WRITTEN BY SOMEONE ELSE, and taught how to say
the words phonetically...no big deal, doesn't change the fact that she was
not the shiniest penny in the wallet...

'Honour and acclaim...by the Chinese' is HARDLY a complement...

>>Puh-leeze!!  The woman was old, and had been ill for some time...it was
>>only a matter of time until she popped off, and only a matter of
>>coincidence that she died on the same day as Diana Spencer's funeral...
>well she was going anyway ... and history sometimes needs a wee helping
>hand :)

What PROOF do you have for this speculation?


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
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 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Strange Visions

1999-04-06 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

from the net-

(Literary Review iv '99, reviewing Ruth HARRIS, Lourdes, Penguin, £UK25)
Everyone should be able to make his own mind up about whether St Bernadette
of Lourdes saw eighteen apparitions of The Virgin Mary in 1858? -- No, this
has not been the view of the Catholic Church! In a new book, it turns out
that the figure seen by Bernadette Soubirous, the daughter of a Pyrenees
miller, was "a tiny, smiling child of her own age -- fourteen." It took
years of work by the Church to convert this apparition into the adult and
reasonably maternal Virgin Mary of Catholic folklore. Bernadette herself
protested all the way along the line against the Church's distortion of her
story -- and was finally confined to a strict regime in a closed nunnery to
effect her silence. To this day, visitors to Lourdes are not told the truth.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] bartering bottles in Russia (fwd)

1999-04-06 Thread Gerry Forbes

 -Caveat Lector-

 Forwarded message 
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 10:07:29 -0500 (EST)
From: Stuart M Leiderman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: bartering bottles in Russia

Group:  Empty glass bottles are now being accepted as currency in
cash-short Alexin Raion in Tula Oblast, Russia, per RFE/RL [Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty] NEWSLINE Vol 3, No. 56, Part I, 22 March 1999.
The company, Alexinbytservice, provides appliance repair, tailoring
and hair cutting, and found there were "many potential clients but few
with ready cash." A haircut is five empty bottles; collected bottles are
then sold to a wholesale dealer at 1.3 rubles (5 cents) each.

RFE/RL subscription information is attached here:

Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
the word subscribe as the subject of the message.

Back issues of RFE/RL Newsline and the OMRI Daily Digest
are online at: http://www.rferl.org/newsline/search/

Thank you.

Stuart Leiderman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
University of New Hampshire, Durham 03824 USA

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Re: [CTRL] OEN 3/29/99

1999-04-06 Thread Gerry Forbes

 -Caveat Lector-

> -Caveat Lector-
>http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
>Russian Follies
>New Yorker Magazine Says Iraq Made $800,000 Payoff to Primakov
>Gee, I've only been talking about intelligence agencies spying on
>banking transactions for the past 4 years. Think maybe the nay-sayers
>will finally shut up and pay attention?
>NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New Yorker magazine reported Sunday that
>British and U.S. intelligence officials believe Russian Prime Minister
>Yevgeny Primakov was paid off by Iraq to obtain strategic materials from
>Moscow to build up its nuclear weapons stockpile.
>Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh quoted
>high-level American intelligence sources as saying Primakov received
>$800,000 in a wire transfer in November 1997.
>The New Yorker said a spokesman at the Russian embassy in Washington
>denied all charges of corruption against Primakov.
>U.S. National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, asked about the report
>during an appearance on ABC's ``This Week,'' said that while he had not
>read the whole article and had just seen it, ''I have no evidence to
>support that, no. I don't know whether Mr. Hersh has.''
>In the report, Hersh quoted one unidentified source as saying, ``A
>payment was made.''
>``This is rock solid -- like (now-jailed Mafia boss) John Gotti ordering
>a whack on the telephone. Ironclad.''
>The weekly magazine, which goes on sale Monday, said a British
>signals-intelligence unit intercept produced evidence of the transfer.
>It quoted a second unidentified U.S. official as saying, ``There was a
>wire transfer to an account of $800,000.''
>The report said that while it was not clear how Primakov was identified,
>the intelligence officials say it was traceable to the Russian Prime
>Minister, who is considered a possible successor to President Boris
>Primakov became friendly with Saddam Hussein when he was posted to the
>Middle East by the Soviet Union in the 1960s. The two men reportedly
>grew closer after Saddam became president of Iraq in 1979.
>In February, the Sunday Telegraph newspaper of London reported that
>Russia had signed an arms deal worth $160 million with Saddam Hussein to
>reinforce Iraq's air defenses, potentially posing a threat to U.S. and
>British planes enforcing no-fly zones over Iraq.
>That report said the decision to provide Iraq with military assistance
>was approved by Primakov in retaliation for Operation Desert Fox, the
>air strikes against Baghdad's military infrastructure by Britain and the
>United States last December.
>Russia opposed the military attacks, which were designed to punish
>Baghdad for not cooperating with United Nations teams appointed to
>inspect its weapons facilities following the end of the 1991 Gulf War.
>Any deal Moscow made with Iraq would violate the U.N. arms embargo.
>``Russia is hopeless now,'' Rolf Ekeus, the first head of the United
>Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) in charge of dismantling Iraq's
>weapons of mass destruction, was quoted in the New Yorker as saying.
>``It is clear that Russia is making a serious effort to control events.
>Saddam will get a bomb, because these materials are floating in. Every
>day, they are more advanced.''
>The New Yorker article also said that the December bombings of Iraq
>included a specific attempt to assassinate Saddam.
>It said U.S. Central Intelligence Agency pressure on UNSCOM to allow the
>U.S. to use UNSCOM information and presence in Baghdad for spying helped
>dismantle the commission, thereby allowing Iraq to receive weapons and
>technology from Russia toward building its nuclear weapons stockpile.

Is the Western Union office in Baghdad still open? How easy is it
for a "rogue nation" to make a wire transfer? And if Primakov
received the money why blame Russia for giving Iraq nukes? I
can't see any reason Russia would want to supply Saddam with
nuclear weapons because if he ever used them retaliation would
be immediate and probably nuclear as well, forcing Russia to
decide if Iraq was worth starting WWIII for. Personal gain by
a corrupt politician is more likely.

How much is $800,000 in bottles?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] [22] America's Secret Establishment

1999-04-06 Thread Gerry Forbes

 -Caveat Lector-

>   Memorandum Number Three: Thesis -
> The Order Creates The Soviet Union
>   In an earlier book, published in 1974, we presented major evidence of
>Wall Street assistance for the Bolshevik Revolution. This assistance was
>mainly cash, guns and ammunition, and diplomatic support in London
>and Washington, D.C. Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution also
>introduced the concept which Quigley described, i.e., that Morgan and
>other financial interests financed and influenced all parties from left to
>right in the political spectrum.
>  This Memorandum continues the story, but now links The Order to the
>earlier evidence of Wall Street involvement.
>  On the following pages we reproduce a map of the Wall Street area and a list
>of firms connected with the Bolshevik Revolution and financing
>of Hitler located in this area. We can now identify the influence, in fact
> the dominant influence, of The Order in these firms.
>  Revolutionary activity was centered at Equitable Trust Building, 120
>Broadway, in the building in the photograph on page 139. This had
>been E.H. Harriman's address. The American International Corpora-
>tion was located at 120 Broadway. The Bankers' Club, where Wall
>Street bankers met for lunch, was at the very top of the building. It was
>in this plush club that plans were laid by William Boyce Thompson for
>Wall Street participation in the 1917 Russian Revolution. Guaranty
>Securities was in 120 Broadway, while Guaranty Trust was next door at
>140 Broadway (the building can be seen to the left of 120).
>  Fortunately we have a copy of the memorandum written by a member
>of The Order, summarizing intentions for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.
>The memorandum was written by Thomas D. Thacher (The Order '04)
>a partner in the Wall Street law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett.
>Thacher's address was 120 Broadway. Today this law firm, now in Bat-
>tery Plaza, has the largest billing on Wall Street and has former Secretary of
>State Cyrus Vance (Scroll & Key) as a partner.
>  In 1917 Thacher was in Russia with William Boyce Thompson's Red
>Cross Mission. After consultations in New York, Thacher was then sent to
>London to confer with Lord Northcliffe about the Bolshevik Revolution
>and then to Paris for similar talks with the French Government.
> The Thacher memorandum not only urges recognition of the barely
>surviving Soviet Government, which in early 1918 controlled only a very
>small portion of Russia, but also military, assistance for the Soviet Army
>and intervention to keep the Japanese out of Siberia until the Bolsheviks
>could take over.
>  New York Headquarters For Revolution:
>  120 Broadway.
>[picture of building]
>120 Broadway Edward H. Harriman (before his death)
> 59 Broadway  W.A. Harriman Company
>120 Broadway American International Corporation
> 23 Wall   J.P. Morgan firm
>120 Broadway Federal Reserve Bank of New York
>120 Broadway Bankers Club (top floor)
>120 Broadway Thomas D. Thacher (of Simpson, Thacher &
> 14 Wall  William Boyce Thompson
>120 Broadway Guggenheim  Exploration
> 15 Broad Stetson, Jennings & Russell
>120 Broadway C.A.K. Martens-of Weinberg & Posner (the first
> Soviet "ambassador")
>110 W.40th St.   Soviet Bureau
> 60 Broadway Amos Pinchot's office
>120 Broadway Stone & Webster
>120 Broadway General Electric
>120 Broadway Sinclair Gulf Corp.
>120 Broadway Guaranty Securities
>140 Broadway Guaranty Trust Company
>233 Broadway Anglo-Russian Chamber of Commerce
>George Webster Adams (The Order '04)
>Allen Wallace Ames (The Order '18)
>Philip Lyndon Dodge (The Order '07)

>  Who was Nourteva? This name was an alias for Alexander Nyberg, a
>Soviet representative in the United States. Nyberg worked for the
>Soviet Bureau (at first called the Finnish Information Bureau - a cover
>name), along with Ludwig C.A.K. Martens, the first Soviet Ambassador
>and formerly a Vice President of Weinberg & Posner. The New York of-
>fice of Weinberg & Posner was at - 120 Broadway!

  Quigley also mentions this address in Tragedy and Hope:

The role of "Mike" Straight in this situation in 1938-1948 is
clear. He took charge of this family fief, abolished the editorial board
[of the New Republic - GF] and carried on his father's aims, in close
cooperation with labor and Leftwing groups in American politics. In these
efforts he was in close contact with his inherited Wall Street connections,
especially his Whitney cousins and certain family agents like Bruce Bliven,
Milton C. Rose, and Richard J. Walsh. They handled a variety of enterpris

[CTRL] Con-game known as "Civilization" [was re: Rambouillet...]

1999-04-06 Thread philately

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:
> Pay attention, folks -- this is how the con-game known as "Civilization"
> operates:

All political power, so called, rests practically upon
this matter of money. Any number of scoundrels, having
money enough to start with, can establish themselves
as a "government"; because, with money, they can hire
soldiers, and with soldiers extort more money; and also
compel general obedience to their will. It is with
government, as Caesar said it was in war, that money
and soldiers mutually supported each other [1]

> (1) A ruling class with money --who can afford to buy armies (police)--
> invents a law.

But all this they can do only by establishing what they call
a government, and making what they call laws.

All the great governments of the world---those now existing,
as well as those that have passed away---have been of this
character. They have been mere bands of imposters, who
have associated for purposes of plunder, conquest, and the
enslavement of their fellow men. And their laws, as they
have called them, have been only such agreements as they
have found it necessary to enter into, in order to maintain
their organizations, and act together in plundering and
enslaving others, and in securing to each his agreed
share of the spoils.

All these laws have had no more real obligation than have
the agreements which brigands, bandits, and pirates find
it necessary to enter into with each other, for the more
successful accomplishment of their crimes, and the more
peaceable division of their spoils.

Thus substantially all the legislation of the world has
had its origin in the desires of one class of persons to
plunder and enslave others [2]

> (2) The law exists primarily to define any opposing illegitimate power as
> "out-laws."  (Law codifies the will of the ruling class.  Any opposing it,
> thereby oppose that will.)

What, then, is legislation? It is an assumption by one man,
or body of men, of absolute, irresponsible dominion over
all other men whom they can subject to their power.  It
is an assumption by one man, or body of men, of a 'right'
to subject all other men to their will and their service.
It is an assumption by one man, or body of men, of a right
to abolish outright all the natural rights, all the natural
liberty of all other men... to arbitrarily dictate to all other
men what they may, and may not do; what they may,
and may not, have; what they may, and may not, be.  It is,
in short, the assumption of a right to banish the principle
of human rights, the principle of justice itself, from off
the earth, and set up their own personal will, pleasure,
and interest in its place [3]

> (3) Defining any who oppose it as criminals, the law ipso facto justifies
> violence against them by the armies (police) who are on the payroll of the
> ones who invented the law.

These laws have continued in force for hundreds, and, in
some countries, for thousands of years; and are in force
to-day, in greater or less everity, in nearly all the
countries on the globe.

The purpose and effect of these laws have been to maintain,
in the hands of the robber, or slave holding class, a monopoly
of all lands, and, as far as possible, of all other means of
creating wealth; and thus to keep the great body of laborers
in such a state of poverty and dependence, as would compel
them to sell their labor to their tyrants for the lowest
prices at which life could be sustained.

The result of all this is, that the little wealth there is
in the world is all in the hands of a few---that is, in the
hands of the law-making, slave-holding class; who are now
as much slaveholders in spirit as they ever were, but who
accomplish their purposes by means of the laws they make
for keeping the laborers in subjection and dependence,
instead of each one's owning his individual slaves as
so many chattels.

Thus the whole business of legislation, which has now
grown to such gigantic proportions, had its origin in
CONSPIRACIES, which have always existed among the
few, for the purpose of holding the many in subjection,
and extorting from them their labor, and the profits
of their labor.

And the real motives and spirit which lie at the foundation
of all legislation---notwithstanding all the pretences and
disguises by which they attempt to hide themselves---are
the same to-day as they always have been. The whole
purpose of this legislat

Re: [CTRL] What could have been done differently about Kosovo?

1999-04-06 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I saw something on TV tonite, that made me wonder.a man representing
the CFR, as though he were an elected official of the United States

He was an arrogant, obnoxious, idiot, and if he passed any kind of
entrance exam to get his job, there had to be some big money attached to

Now this is what he said, in so many works."What do we care - we
have 19 nations in NATO now..".

Is this to be a new threat to the United Sttes; just exactly did this
non-elected official who represents a private enterprise who answers
unto themselves, mean by "we have 19 nations in NATO now".is this
the answer to Hitlers Unification of Europe.the one once fostered by
the League of Nations and Hitler went out with Seig Heil  (correct me,
but if my biblical interpretion is accurate, this means God is
Alive...and Hitler, was God...).

This horrible representtive of the CFR does not represent the people of
the United States; but this may be, perhaps, why the US has not paid its
dues to the United NationsNATO, will represent the people who count
to them.

What right does the CFR, who has just as of late crawled out from under
their rock, what right do they have to speak for NATO and the United
States of Ameria, who ultimately answer to the public at large for their
authority under the Constittion.

Where have all the leaders gone - well a lot of them have been gunned
down in the streets and in hotel kitchens, since 1963and Ronald
Regan and John F. Kennedy, were not a part of the CFR...

This man representing the CFR - he represents nothing but specil
Did you see the thousands upon thousands of primarily women, the
elderly, and the children in huge camps.one man dying in the
streets, another had been wounded.  Children crying, and women crying -
but someone else on the list asked, where are all themensome cannot
find their loved onessome they may never find again

Yet refugees Madam Albright and Herr Kissinger, sure made it to safety
the last WWII did they not;  and left 6 million jews who were not so
fortunate.to dieis this history repeating its self only a different
form of genocide has been developed other than the phoney AIDS caused by
Green Monkey disease and now Anthrax?

Vote them ALL outthe good, the bad, and the ugly.and do ot
forget the coward Clinton hiding behind the bully Madeline
Albright..can you imagine Sadaam Hussein or any man, backing down to
that frump?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What could have been done differently about Kosovo?

1999-04-06 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


After reading countless news reports and participating in several
discussions about America's/NATO's role in the defense of Kosovo, I have
come to the conclusion that few people have been given even a basic primer
in the history of this region's conflicts. All decisions regarding our role
in this conflict--especially those made by our government and
NATO--appear to have been made in complete blindness to the political and
social realities of the region.

Taking the propaganda of American media at face value, obviously something
must be done, by us, to mitigate the suffering and slaughter which has been
thrust upon the Kosovars. But what?

I, for example, have contended in several posts that the best course of
action would be to train and arm the Kosovars in a manner which would best
insure their self defense.

This contention has been based on an, at best rudimentary, understanding of
the region's history. Kosovo, as I understand (and anyone correct me if I'm
wrong), was just one of several "states" within the greater territory of
Yugoslavia (so founded by treaty after WWII)  which included several others
such as Albania, Bosnia and Montinegro. After the collaps of the Soviet
Union, several of these states declared their independence--including, most
notably Kosovo. Slobodan Milosevic has tried, through various dispicable
deeds and at various times in the recent past, to
re-assert control over these new nation-states with debatable success.

Assuming that any error in my historic recall above is represented at least
in part on an "official" level, and further that political/military
decisions are made on the basis of these errors, we are in deep trouble

I cannot help believe that there is someone out there with greater
knowledge of the region than I--even greater, perhaps, than that of our
leaders--who could prescribe a better plan of action than to bomb a nation
senseless and, by so doing, ensure the very slaughter which is the focus of
our outrage.

These are ominous times and mass ignorance is a dangerous addition to such
times. As we ponder sending troops into an already inflamed situation with
the clear potential of escalating into a cataclysmic global war, should we
not search for answers first? What can we or should we do about Kosovo?

Edward   ><>
"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
   revolutionary force." Edward Britton   ><>
Talk to the planet: http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Reality_Pump2

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: BiblioBytes

1999-04-06 Thread Colleen Jones

Give this a moment to come to life; it seems to be a good site.have
not checked out as of yet.



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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis (what really happened)

1999-04-06 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

   Well, I played soccer today with the guy I mentioned as being from
Croatia and and editor for CNN. He told me what happened. He was off at
the time the Serbian news broadcast about the US prisoners was received
in Atlanta. No one working in Atlanta knew how to read the Cyrillic so
they first got in touch with Voice of America. They then called him up
(after about 2 hours) and got him to confirm what they had told them.

Howard Davis

"Howard R. Davis III" wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Kris Millegan wrote:
> >
> >   
> >
> > Subject: THE SCOOP: CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis
> > Date: 5 Apr 1999 02:55:37 -
> > From: The Scoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/
> >
> > To new subscribers: thanks for joining up.  Yes, the column really is
> > free, and you're encouraged to forward it to friends.  That's how our
> > readership grows.
> >
> > If you've just joined up from some exotic locale because you heard my
> > rants on Armed Forces Radio (see below), please drop a line and say howdy.
> > In the last week, we've heard from Bahrain and Spain.
> >
> > Whether they were mainly on the plain they didn't say.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > bh
> >
> > THE SCOOP for April 5, 1999
> > ___
> >
> > CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis
> > also: Bob Dole, Sex Criminal
> > © 1999 Bob Harris
> >
> > [] = italics
> >
> > So my big sister calls me this week.
> >
> > My sister is a major bonus.  Great sense of humor.  Heart oversized like
> > movie popcorn.  And really, really smart.
> >
> > Anybody who doesn't like my sister has no business being on this planet.
> >
> > Sis calls me up because she's trying to be a good citizen and has
> > therefore watched hours of TV news reports about the Crisis In Kosovo.
> > Big sis has endured dozens of furrowed brows, scores of scary pictures,
> > and hours of flashy graphics.  CNN's special Kosovo theme music churns
> > like a bellicose jingle in her head.
> >
> > And sis calls because after days of Fox and MSNBC telling her what just
> > blew up, she still doesn't quite follow how exactly the whole mess really
> > started, how it might best end, or what to think about it in any case,
> > other than it's obviously really bad.
> >
> > Just like most Americans.  Including the ones in Washington.
> >
> > My sister's one of the smartest people I know.  Her only mistake was in
> > believing, as most of us have been trained to believe since birth, that TV
> > is a good way to learn about a subject in depth.
> >
> > It is not.
> >
> > TV is a good way to learn about which subjects are on fire.
> >
> > Here's how mindless Kosovo coverage can be:
> >
> > You remember when the news came in last Wednesday that three U.S.
> > servicemen had been captured by the Serbs.  Soon, CNN showed Serbian
> > videotape of the prisoners.
> >
> > CNN also reported that the three captured servicemen had not yet been
> > identified.  CNN's anchors repeated this several dozen times for over two
> > hours, often as the Serbian video was playing on the air.
> >
> > Hello?
> >
> > The names of all three servicemen were [right there on the videotape] --
> > in Serbian, granted, but in HUGE OBVIOUS PRINT -- directly under the faces
> > of each soldier as they were shown individually.
> >
> > Duh.
> >
> > Figuring this out was hardly a stretch.  Serbian is phonetic, albeit with
> > Cyrillic characters.  Any speaker of Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
> > Macedonian, or several other Slavic languages could read the names
> > instantly.  I speak maybe thirty or forty words in all those languages
> > combined, and even I could read the prisoners' names easily.
> >
> > Evidently, during a state of war with Serbia, there's not a single person
> > at supposedly the world's leading TV news outlet who speaks Serbian.  Or
> > Russian.  Or any Slavic language.
> >
> > Would CNN have covered World War II without anyone on staff who could
> > translate [Mein Kampf]?
> >
> > Is it possible that the classy news joint that brings us Bob Novak, Al
> > Hunt, and John Sununu doesn't employ a single person who at least knows
> > enough to realize all that fancy writing probably means something?  Or
> > even owns a freaking dictionary with which to transliterate a freeze frame?
> >
> > OK.  Maybe that's asking too much.  Fine.
> >
> > But how about this: the soldiers' surnames were also plainly visible in
> > the videotape -- and in [English] -- above the right shirt pocket of their
> > uniforms.
> >
> > And the TV anchors, who are presumably neither blind nor stupid although
> > I'm learning to keep an open mind, prattled over and over that they had no
> > information as to the men's identities.
> >
>I know a guy who works at CNN in Atlanta as an editor. He's from
> Croatia. Yes, I am sure they could figure out the names.
> Howard