Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Bankers write sermons for churches

1999-08-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-08-24 23:43:19 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>``Whatever you do, don't bury your money in the backyard,'' says
>the text, sprinkled with allusions to Moses leading the children of Israel
>into a ``bright, hopeful future'' with God's help.

"Whatever you do, DON'T take your money out of our hands!"  PullEEZE!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bomb traces found on Kennedy plane

1999-08-24 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

(Here's the article, in plain text. --SW)


Commentary by Jim Keith

Although the mainstream media has attempted to discourage speculation
that John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn, and her sister Lauren Bessette
might have been murdered, persistent questions arise. For one thing,
immediately prior to his death, JFK Jr. may have strayed into highly
dangerous territory when he chose to research the questionable
circumstances surrounding the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime
Minister Yitzchak Rabin.

Kennedy's George Magazine had already run a 13-page article on the
possibility of a conspiracy in the death of Rabin, and his interest in the case
did not stop there.

According to Catherine Crier of Fox TV's The Crier Report, at the time of
his death JFK Jr. was planning to meet with high-ranking members of the
Israeli Mossad intelligence agency to discuss information about the Rabin
murder. It has been reported that Kennedy was also planning to interview
other members of the Israeli intelligence community in a quest to find out
who the real perpetrators were.

Israeli journalist Barry Chamish, the author of Who Killed Yitzchak Rabin, is
another person who has noted that Kennedy was treading on dangerous
ground before his death: "The day it happened I wrote that JFK Jr. was
doing more than any other American media figure to get to the bottom of
the Rabin assassination truth." Chamish also points out in an unpublished
article a potentially salient point: that JFK Jr.'s chauffeur was an Israeli, and
would have been able to place a bomb in the group's luggage prior to

This would all be just a conspiracy theory if on-site accounts at the time
didn't convincingly disprove the accepted version of the crash. That version
says Kennedy's plane plummeted to its destruction because of his
inexperience as a pilot, or poor visibility.

At least three persons on Martha's Vineyard reported seeing or hearing an
explosion in the sky in the area where the aircraft was at the time. One
witness, a reporter for the Martha's Vineyard Gazette, described seeing a
"big white flash in the sky." Oddly, or perhaps not, this information of an
explosion has been ignored by the major media flagships.

More compelling evidence that a bomb destroyed the plane is the
classified "Federal Bureau of Investigation Preliminary Report on the
Recovery of Piper Saratoga Aircraft of John F. Kennedy, Jr.", leaked to
investigator Sherman Skolnick. Among statements in the document:

"The recovered aircraft shows evidence of an explosive device having
been glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment."

"Device was apparently activated by a barometric trigger. Radio signals
not ruled out."

"Satellite images supplied by the National Reconnaissance Office record
an outbursting flash from the aircraft just prior to it going into perpendicular

And: "Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an explosive
device the Laboratory identifies as being the type used by certain foreign
intelligence agencies."

Although the major media would like us to think so, the death of John F.
Kennedy Jr., like the death of his illustrious father, is far from a 'case

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gabriel Tarde and the Imitation of Deviance

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Gabriel Tarde
and the Imitation of Deviance

G a b r i e l T a r d e

Gabriel Tarde and the Imitation of Deviance

By Gwen Williams

One of the earliest formulations of a learning perspective on deviance
is discovered in the writings of the French social theorist Gabriel
Tarde (1843-1904). Tarde’s theory of imitation is a 19th century social
learning theory; he was the forerunner of modern-day learning theorists.
We will discuss Tarde’s belief that people learn from one another
through the process of imitation. Attempting to bring up to date this 19
th century theory by discussing contemporary issues, we will look at how
the three laws of imitation might explain drug/alcohol use and gang
behavior as imitated phenomena. We will also look at how one of the
leaders of social learning theory and imitation, Albert Bandura, takes
Tarde’s basic principles and uses them to make a contemporary argument
on imitation and modeling that is very much in use today.

Jean-Gabriel Tarde was born in the small town of Sarlat, about one
hundred miles east of Bordeaux, in 1843. He wrote several short volumes
on his family and the town in which he lived, as well as editing and
republishing the papers of outstanding family members. While in school,
Tarde retained a permanent distaste for socially imposed discipline
whenever it limited individual freedom. The success of racial and
geographic theories which Lombroso, Garofalo, Ferri and others had
developed led Tarde to publish a series of articles criticizing the "new
Italian school" and emphasizing the preponderance of social
factors—especially the socialization and imitation—behind crime. (Tarde,
1969a: 2-5)

Tarde directed attention to the social processes whereby forms of
behavior and ways of thinking and feeling are passed on from group to
group and person to person. His was a theory of "imitation and
suggestion." The origins of deviance were pictured as very similar to
the origins of fads and fashions. Each was a socially learned
acquisition, governed by what Tarde referred to as the "three laws of
imitation." These included (1) the law of close contact, (2) the law of
imitation of superiors by inferiors, and (3) the law of insertion.

These three laws of imitation describe why people engage in crime.
First, individuals in close intimate contact with one another imitate
each other’s behavior (Tarde, 1969b: 30). By the law of close contact,
Tarde meant simply that people have a greater tendency to imitate the
fashions and customs of those with whom they have the most contact. If
someone were regularly surrounded by people involved in a world of
deviant behavior or lifestyles, they would be more likely to imitate
these people than they would others with whom they had little
association. Direct contact with deviance was believed to foster more
deviance. Tarde theorized that there was short-term behavior (fashion)
and long-term behavior (custom). He suggested that, as population became
denser, behavior would be oriented more toward fashion than toward
custom. (Williams & McShane 1988: 27)

The functions of the higher senses are more transmissible through
imitation than those of the lower. We are much more likely to copy
someone who is looking at or listening to something than someone who is
smelling a flower or tasting a dish (Tarde, 1903a: 195). Imitation,
contrary to what we might infer from certain appearances, proceeds from
the inner to the outer man (Tarde, 1903b: 199).

As we look at indirect contact, we think of a world in which much of our
contact with people, their actions, and their beliefs are mediated by
mass communications. Tarde’s writing anticipated such a world of
indirect imitation. He believed that the media played a central role in
the proliferation of such nineteenth-century "epidemics of deviance" as
the rise in mutilations of women, the practice of women disfiguring the
faces of male lovers, and the rash of "Jack the Ripper"-type murders
became evident. In Tarde’s own words, "infectious epidemics spread with
air or wind; epidemics of crime follow the telegraph." If only Tarde had
known of the coming of television, surely his law of close contact is
relevant to the current debate over whether violence and other forms of
deviance are learned from models displayed by the mass media (Pfohl,
1994a: 299). This will be discussed in more detail as we examine Albert
Bandura’s modeling theory.

Tarde’s second law of imitation spreads from the top down; consequently,
youngsters imitate older individuals, paupers imitate the rich, peasants
imitate royalty, and so on. Crime among young, poor or low-status people
is really their effort to imitate wealthy, older, high-status people.
This law suggests perhaps people follow the model of high-status in
hopes their imitative behavior will procure some of the rewards
associated with being of 

[CTRL] Ex-agent says device fired at Waco compound

1999-08-24 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

If the Rangers confirm Mr. Coulson's assertion, former Ranger Capt. Byrne
said, it could "open the floodgates" in what is already among the most
troubling failures for U.S. law enforcement.

"Then we're going to say, 'Wait. Did they fire something more? Some other
kind that was consumed by the fire or was not recognized?' I see where this
is going to be an endless thing," he said.

"This affects the credibility of law enforcement. Not only the FBI, but it puts
all law enforcement in question," he said.

Ex-agent says device fired at Waco compound

Justice Department denies item used


By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

©1999, The Dallas Morning News

A former senior FBI official has said that the agency fired two pyrotechnic
tear gas grenades on the last day of the 1993 Branch Davidian siege, a
day on which federal authorities have long insisted they used nothing
capable of starting a fire.

The former official, Danny O. Coulson, said in an interview that two devices
known as M651 CS tear gas grenades were fired from FBI grenade
launchers hours before the compound erupted in flames April 19, 1993. He
said that they were used with permission from FBI supervisors but that they
played no role in starting the fire.

The federal government has consistently disputed accusations that the FBI
started the fire that consumed the Branch Davidian compound with David
Koresh and more than 80 followers inside. Government officials have
maintained that the FBI used only nonburning devices to insert tear gas into
the compound on April 19 because of fears that pyrotechnic tear gas might
spark a fire in the flimsy wooden structure.

The statement by Mr. Coulson, founding commander of the FBI's hostage
rescue team and a deputy assistant FBI director at the time of the incident
near Waco, marks the first time that any government official has publicly
contradicted those assertions.

On Monday, a spokesman with the U.S. Justice Department again denied
that any pyrotechnic devices were used.

"We are aware of no evidence to support the notion that any pyrotechnic
devices were used by the federal government on April 19," Justice
Department spokesman Myron Marlin said. "We've said that all along."

Mr. Coulson said the pyrotechnic grenades played no role in starting the

Even if the devices played no role in the final fire, however, a former Texas
Ranger captain who headed the investigation of the 1993 tragedy said Mr.
Coulson's statement is "mind-boggling."

"The stance has always been that they used no pyrotechnics out there that
day," said David Byrne, who retired from the agency in August 1996.
"There are some serious criminal violations if they did. They have testified.
They have done it before Congress. They've done it in court. They've
caused other people to testify that there were no pyrotechnics used.

"If that turns out not to be right, then somebody will have some serious
problems on a federal level," Capt. Byrne said.

The issue of whether pyrotechnic devices were used by the FBI on April 19
is a major focus of an ongoing inquiry by the Texas Rangers and a key
allegation in a pending federal wrongful-death lawsuit filed against the
government by surviving Davidians and families of those who died.

The issue was also a factor in a decision by the Texas Department of
Public Safety to persuade a federal judge in Waco to take control of all the
evidence in the case. In response to a DPS motion, U.S. District Judge
Walter Smith issued a sweeping order Aug. 8 requiring the federal
government to turn over all physical evidence, documents, recordings and
photographs related to the Davidian tragedy.

James B. Francis, chairman of the commission that oversees DPS, said
Monday that Mr. Coulson's statement heightens his concern that evidence
gathered by Texas Rangers immediately after the 1993 tragedy contradicts
the federal government's account of what happened.

"It goes a long way toward confirming why I say that some of the evidence
that DPS has or had in its possession is problematical and needs to be
evaluated by independent experts," he said.

"A fair-minded person who looks at this evidence would see that there is a
problem with some of the things that the federal government has said
happened that day," Mr. Francis said.

The Texas Rangers have had custody of key evidence from the Davidian
investigation since 1993, when they were assigned to investigate the Feb.
28, 1993, shootout that began the tragedy.

The standoff

Four federal agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
died when a shootout erupted as they tried to search the compound and
arrest sect leader Koresh.

The ensuing 51-day standoff ended when FBI agents used tanks to spray
CS tear gas and launch nonburning CS "Ferret' rounds into the compound
to try to force the sect's surrender. Ever since, Justice Department officials
ranging from Attorney General Janet Reno to the FBI's chief spokesman in
Waco repeate

[CTRL] The Sociology of Social Control

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Sociology of
Social Control
The Sociology of Social Control

(these ideas are drawn from Goode: 1994, 1997)

Reaction to and extension of Marxist critique of modern society
(Structuralism, post structuralism and post modernism).

Focus on the development and extension of Formal Control (characteristic
of modern societies), (Rational Systems), Control through Technology),
(Irrationality of Rationality).

Value-Oriented (like conflict theory)==> create a more human(e) system.

Stanley Cohen: The Fishing Net (Totally Administered Society)

Control mechanisms (police, welfare, MI, etc) constantly sweeping
through society, catching, processing (tagging, labeling) and recycling
populations (Spitzer)

"The New Penology":

"One reason for the new penology is a revision in the concept of
poverty. Terms like the "underclass" are now used to describe large
portions of the population who are locked into an inescapable cycle of
poverty and despair. Criminal justice managers (emphasis added) now
group people by various collectives based on their racial and social
characteristics. Rather than seek individual rehabilitation they are
oriented toward the more realistic task of monitoring and managing
intractable groups. The fact that the underclass is permanent leaves
little hope that its members, many of whom are in the correctional
population, can be helped. Penology then stresses the low-cost
management of a permanent offender population." (Larry Siegel, "Criminal
Justice Update," Fall 1993, West Publications)

Michael Foucault:

•Historical movement has been from brutal, overt repression to rational,
scientific, and bureaucratic control--Administrate/Heal.
•Goal: pacify and secure a stable and predictable work force for modern
capitalist industry (today, workers are no longer needed, so need to
regulate even more efficiently)
•Shift has been; from the many controlling the few, to the few
controlling the many (Big Brother is Watching You!!!)
•Problems with Foucault: Historical accuracy (empiricism vs.
Structuralism)-- Thought and discourse as reality? Can we derive
intentions from the consequences of behavior? Is a society without
social control possible?

Central Ideas of Structuralism

Social control is problematic:

Not natural, but a product of social forces, group interests. Politics;
winners and losers.

Control is coercive and repressive.

Control: Restrain troublesome populations

1.Unemployed and welfare
3.Education and the "Hidden Curriculum"

When threat is reduced: dump them out (Spitzer's Social Junk)

Control may appear humane and benign, but is in reality oppressive.

Social Control is State (or state like) Control

1.Integrated institutional networks, agencies
2.Circulate the same group of "clients."
3.Even the media plays a role, shapes our perspective.

Social control is unified and coherent.


Control activity moved from the individual body (demonic)==>to the
Spirit (individual "therapy")==> to the "Body Social" (the Mass)

Interesting Problems/ Unanswered Questions

•Impact of bureaucracy (dysfunctions) due to too much control or not
enough resources?
•Client's perspective? "Clients themselves more often see these
institutions as a shield to protect them rather than a net to catch
them." (But doesn't that make the structuralist point?)
•Informal vs. Formal Control
•Effectiveness of Formal Control?
1.Not a tight efficient net (1000 druggies: 300,000 crimes; 1,300
arrests.) Yet they are defined as criminal and The public actually
demands more and tighter control.
2.Prison population is up (over 1 million), yet likelihood of someone
arrested on a felony charge going to prison==> 1 in 7.
3.Deviants, themselves, think little of or about formal control:
contempt and disdain.
4.System is not a smooth operating machine
5."Iron Fist to Velvet Glove"??? or just the opposite?

Yet, one can't deny the spread of formalized social control and its
impact on our lives and identities. As of 1987 it was estimated that our
names pop up in some computer at least 40 times a day. Moreover,
federal, state, and local government agencies keep more than 35 files on
each one of us.

SO, What is Deviance???

Alcohol and Drug Use as Deviance

Owner: Robert O. Keel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
References and Credits for this Page of Notes
Last Updated: December 4, 1998
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright

[CTRL] Drugs and Crime

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Drugs and Crime
Embeds at site
Drugs and Crime

(See: Drugs in American Society, 5th edition, Erich Goode, McGraw-Hill,
1999 . Chapter 5.)

Thomas Szasz, in Ceremonial Chemistry: The Ritual Persecution of Drugs,
Addicts, and Pushers (1985), suggests that we have, through our
definition of certain drugs as evil, created a new population of
scapegoats. As the religious ideologies of the past have been replaced
by the therapeutic ideologies of the present; we have replaced the
witches of earlier days with the "addict-criminals" of today. Just as
the discovery and control of witches required the development, and in
turn sustained, the institution of the inquisition, the treatment and
control of the "addict-criminal" becomes the focus of activity for the "
criminal justice industry."

These extrapolations of the ideas of Szasz provide us with an
interesting backdrop for exploring the social reality of the drugs-crime

Central Concerns:

•Does drug use cause crime?
•Is there some intrinsic property associated with certain drugs that
leads the user to engage in criminal behavior?
•Do drugs (drug use) cause violence?
•Do drugs (drug use) destroy the human community?
•Does crime or criminal behavior, perhaps, lead people into drug use?
•What drugs (drug use) are we talking about? instrumental? recreational?
3.Illegal instrumental?
4.Illegal recreational?
•What crime are we talking about?
1.White collar?
3.Street Crime?
4.Crimes of Violence?
5.Property Crime?


Index Crimes:

1.Murder (9.4/100,000)
2.Rape (41/100,000)
3.Robbery (257/100,000)
4.Aggravated Assault (430/100,000)
5.Burglary (1,235/100,000)
6.Larceny-Theft (3,200/100,000)
7.Motor Vehicle (658/100,000)

These are the crimes that most of us are concerned with and that we
associate with the use of drugs

•Not all crimes are violent, MOST aren't (13 million vs. 2 million)
•Those who engage in criminal activity are not all the same
•Property criminals; NOT necessarily violent
•Violent offenders; typically property crimes, too.

Key Elements of Understanding Criminal Behavior

1.Most crime committed by small number of people (6%). Violent crime
extremely concentrated. Occasional crime widespread, few are repeat
serious offenders.
2.Not much specialization, wide range of offenses. But, non-serious are
not linked to serious; serious are linked to non-serious.
3.Certain crimes predict involvement in others
4.As per #3, robbery==> criminal lifestyle
5.As per #3, violent crimes==> also economic, and lifestyle
6.Career pattern: Early involvement (J.D.- esp. Violent and frequent),
but most juvies do not become adult offenders
7.Correlates of J.D. and Crime: school problems, poverty (inequality),
lower IQ, problematic parenting, abuse. (Independent of drug use in
terms of influencing crime) (also correlates to drug use)
8.Low probability of arrest, more frequent offenders-- lower probability
per offense: Inciardi (Miami study)- 118,134 criminal events==> 286
arrests (1/413 crimes, for index crimes- 1/292. Criminal career (males)
13 years==> 3.5 arrests
9.There is little deterrent effect, especially for frequent, serious

Empiricism, Correlation, and Causation

•Drug use and criminality are very positively correlated
•No study has failed to find the correlation
•Users of Drugs are extremely more likely to:
1.Participate in a wide variety of criminal activity
2.Engage in more violent crime
3.Engage in more serious crime
•The more one uses drugs, the more likely one is to be involved in
criminal activity
•One of the FEW established and agreed upon links


Research Note: Validity of Self-Reports?

•Don't discount users perspective
•Cross check with other studies
•People are surprisingly honest, forgetful.
•Interviews need to be specific: Many of the studies cited and included
in your readings demonstrate the difference between responses to general
questions and specific ones.
•Bruce Johnson's Taking Care of Business: Most addicts if asked how much
heroin they use will over estimate by a factor of 2 or 3.

O'Donnell 1976

(In Goode, 1999)
Alcohol Drinkers

Light drinkers
Heavy Drinkers

Illicit Drug Users

B and E
No illicit use
Marijuana and other drugs
Drugs other than Marijuana

There was a perfect, stepwise increase of likelihood of criminal
activity related to the extent of involvement with the drug: The more
one used a drug the greater the likelihood of engaging in a range of
criminal activity.

Nurco, Kinlock, and Hanlon, "The Drugs-Crime Connection"

Focus on Variations, Prevalence, and Inconsistencies
•Variety of user/addicts: studies typically don't take into account
•Problem of official statistics ("rap sheets") vs self-reports.

[CTRL] Social Learning Theories

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Social Learning
Embeds at site
Social Learning Theories

(these ideas are drawn from Goode: 1994, 1997; and Pfohl, Images of
Deviance and Social Control, 1985)

Gabriel Tarde (19th Century): Laws of Imitation

•Law of Insertion
•Law of Close Association
•Law of Superior by Inferior

Edwin Sutherland (1939): Differential Association

•Behavior is Behavior
•Behavior is Learned
•Behavior is learned in face-to-face interaction with others.
•Learning depends on:
•Learning involves:
•The process of learning criminal behavior by association with criminal
and anticriminal patterns involves all of the
mechanisms that are involved in any other learning.

•While criminal behavior is an expression of general needs and values,
it is not explained by those general needs and
values, since non criminal behavior is an expression of the same needs
and values.

As one learns a preponderance of definitions favorable to deviance (Norm
violation), one will be more likely to engage in deviance.

Modifications to Differential Association

Daniel Glaser: Differential Identification

•Not all learning is face-to-face
•Modern technology and communication

Ronald Akers: Differential Reinforcement

•Learning involves the application of rewards and punishments.
•We tend to associate with groups or individuals who reward our
•Individuals engage in behavior, receive rewards and then repeat
•We learn to define those behaviors which are rewarded as positive.

Gresham Sykes and David Matza: Drift

•Deviance and conformity are not two separate worlds.
•Individuals are neither purely deviant or purely conformist.
•We drift in and out of deviance, each successive drift may not take us
very far, but we are drifting deeper into deviant worlds.
•Throughout the process we encounter "forks in the road, decision
points, and varieties of deviant groups/subcultures.

Conformity=> Drift=>Transition (normalization)=> Professionalization=>
Deviance (transformed identity, subcultural association, and new
normative structure)

Necessary element (cognitive technique) which allows us to drift back
and forth, engage in deviance, and yet maintain a consistent (positive)

Techniques of Neutralization

•Denial of Responsibility (accident)
•Denial of Injury (nobody was really hurt)
•Denial of Victim (they deserved it)
•Condemn the Condemners (you accuse me?)
•Appeal to Higher Loyalties (gang, God, etc.)

Howard Becker: "Becoming a Marijuana Smoker"

•How vs. Why?
•Learning=> Socialization=> Subculture=> Identity
•Focus on the social processes through which one "becomes" a deviant
(and that's OK).

Motive for behavior evolves through participation in the behavior in the
company of others.

•Learn the technique of using the drug
•Learn to identify the effect of the drug
•Learn to identify the effect as pleasurable
•Learn to "handle" the drug
•Learn to acquire the drug
•Learn to neutralize the impact of social control

Deviance, Order, and Definitions

Owner: Robert O. Keel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
References and Credits for this Page of Notes
Last Updated: Wednesday, July 14, 1999
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Leviticus Project - National White Collar Crime Center

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">National White Collar Crime
Center (NWCCC)
National White Collar Crime Center


The National White Collar Crime Center provides a national support
system for the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of economic
crimes. These multijurisdictional white collar crimes include investment
fraud, telemarketing fraud, boiler-room operations, securities fraud,
commodities fraud, and advanced-fee loan schemes.

>From 1978 to 1992 the Center was called the Leviticus Project - a
multistate association of law enforcement, prosecution, and regulatory
agencies which banded together to fight criminal activity first in the
coal industry and subsequently in the oil, natural gas, and precious
metals industries.

In 1992 the Center's Board of Directors (an elected group representative
of the entire membership) expanded the mission of the Center to include
all economic crimes. The Center's mission also includes providing
investigative support services to assist in the fight against economic
crime, operating a national training and research institute focusing on
economic crime, developing partnerships with public and private agencies
to address economic crime issues, and developing the Center as a
national resource in combating economic crime.

The Center provides services to its local and state law enforcement,
prosecution, and regulatory agency members located throughout the U.S.
These include:
•Information Sharing;
•Case Funding;
•Training; and

Computerized databases are maintained by the Center which disseminate
case and investigative information on individuals and organizations
suspected of involvement in economic crimes.

Analytical services are conducted by trained Center staff in areas such
as financial analysis, check analysis, qualitative compilations, and
background information assistance to specific member agency
investigations. Certain member agency investigative expenses are
reimbursed through the Center after careful monitoring by the Center's
elected Board of Directors. The Center also provides specialized
training at locations across the country on a variety of current white
collar crime topics.


The National White Collar Crime Center and its Training and Research
Institute (TRI) are funded by, and operate under the auspices of, the
United States Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau
of Justice Assistance.

For more information about economic crime materials, contact the Center
directly at 1-800-221-4424 or (804)323-3563. You may contact IIR at
850-385-0600, extension 225, or send E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CORPORATE AND GOVERNMENTAL DEVIANCE: Problems of Organizational Behavior in Contemporary Society

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from;">Table of Contents:
Corporate and Governmental D 
CORPORATE AND GOVERNMENTAL DEVIANCE: Problems of Organizational Behavior
in Contemporary Society
Fifth Edition
M. David Ermann and Richard J. Lundman


1. Corporate and Governmental Deviance: Origins, Patterns, and
Reactions, M. David Ermann and Richard J. Lundman
2. The Asymmetric Society: Organizational Actors, Corporate Power, and
the Irrelevance of Persons, James S. Coleman
3. Moral Mazes: Managerial Work and Personal Ethics, Robert Jackall
4. White Collar Crime: Definition and the Statistical Record, Edwin H.
5. The Heavy Electrical Equipment Antitrust Cases: Price-Fixing
Techniques and Rationalizations, Gilbert Geis
6. Why Should My Conscience Bother Me? Hiding Aircraft Brake Hazards,
Kermit Vandivier
7. Why I Didn't Recognize Pinto Fire Hazards: How Organizational Scripts
Channel Managers' Thoughts and Actions, Dennis A. Gioia
8. The Nazi Holocaust: Using Bureaucracies, Overcoming Psychological
Barriers To Genocide, Raul Hilberg
9. The My Lai Massacre: Crimes of Obedience and Sanctioned Massacres,
Herbert C. Kelman and V. Lee Hamilton
10. The Challenger Disaster: Organizational Demands and Personal Ethics,
Russell Boisjoly, Ellen Foster Curtis, and Eugene Mellican
11. Rodney King and the Use of Excessive Force: Police Work and
Organizational Culture, Jerome H. Skolnick and James J. Fyfe
12. Ten Whistleblowers: What They Did and How They Fared, Myron Pertz
13. Rely Tampons and Toxic Shock Syndrome: Proctor and Gamble's
Response, Alecia Swasy
14. Chained Factory Fire Exits: Media Coverage of a Corporate Crime That
Killed 25 Workers, John P. Wright, Francis T. Cullen, and Michael B.
15. Asbestos Exposure by Johns-Manville: Cover-ups, Litigation,
Bankruptcy, and Compensation, Craig Calhoun and Henryk Hiller
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


Ray Jones

University of Pittsburgh

A review of the empirical research on corporate crime provides an
interesting answer to the question, "What happens when business violates
the law?" The review of the research examines the principles, processes
and outcomes of corporate crime to show how this type behavior is
influenced, how it occurs and how it affects business and society. The
analysis identifies a number of possible areas in which future research
is needed on the principles, processes and outcomes of corporate crime.

Researchers in a variety of fields are interested in explaining what
occurs when businesses violate the law. A great deal of research, both
theoretical and empirical, has been conducted on a vast number of
business crime-related topics. The research in this area has provided
some interesting answers to the basic question, "What happens when
business violates the law?" This paper will review the theoretical ideas
which drive research in this topic area, and will then systematically
analyze the empirical research on this subject using Wood's (1991)
principles, processes and outcomes approach. This review will attempt to
explain the motivations which influence, the actions which produce and
the outcomes which stem from illegal behavior by business. Finally, Wood
and Jones's (1995) concept of stakeholder matching will be used a
heuristic to suggest avenues of future research in the field. In the
end, answering the question "What happens when business violates the
law?" will explain the role of perpetrators in the marketplace.
Wood's Model as a Framework

In order to answer the question, the role of perpetrators in the
marketplace must be identified and analyzed systematically. Wood's
Corporate Social Performance (CSP) model provides a useful framework for
examining this topic because it allows one to evaluate how business
behavior meets social expectations. This model is based on the
principles, processes and outcomes framework. Principles refer to the
principles of corporate social responsibility which emphasize
expectations placed on business as an economic institution, expectations
placed on specific firms and expectations placed on individuals as
agents of a firm. This is the normative and motivational component of
corporate social performance. Processes refer to processes of corporate
social responsiveness which emphasize environmental assessment,
stakeholder management and issues management. This is the "action"
dimension of corporate social performance. Outcomes refer to the social
impacts of policies, programs and operations, which are "...observable
and open to assessment (Wood, 1991: 711)." This approach will be
particularly useful in evaluating the empirical research on business
crime-related topics, since it will organize the findings in a manner
which will suggest what influences illegal behavior, how this behavior
occurs and its various impacts.

There are a number of theoretical streams in the study of corporate
crime and illegal corporate behavior which provide an interesting
theoretical context for the systematic review of the empirical research
in this area. The idea that social factors are antecedents of corporate
crime (Ermann and Lundman, 1978; Vaughan, 1984; Wokutch and Spencer,
1987; Daboub, Rasheed, Priem and Gray, 1995) establishes the relevance
of examining empirical research on the principles of corporate crime. It
will be interesting to examine how the research has depicted
institutional, organizational and individual level expectations for
behavior, and how these expectations serve as normative influences for
actual behavior.

The idea that organizational structures and processes are subtle yet
important determinants of illegal corporate behavior (Clinard and
Yeager, 1980; Baucus, 1989; Hill, Kelley, Agle, Hitt and Hoskisson, 1992
) established the necessity of reviewing the empirical research on the
processes of corporate crime. It will be interesting to examine how the
research has identified environmental assessment, stakeholder management
and issues management processes, and how these processes show the firm's
level of responsiveness to organizational and environmental
characteristics in regard to illegal behavior.

Finally, the idea that illegal behavior has consequences on a firm's
financial performance (Becker, 1968; Coffee, 1980; Karpoff and Lott,
1993; Frooman, 1994) established the usefulness of analyzing the
empirical research on outcomes of corporate crime. It will be
interesting to examine how the research has identified how this behavior
produces social impacts, programs and 

[CTRL] Government, Business, and Public Policy

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Government, Business, and
Public Policy

Political Science 415: Government,
   Business, and Public PolicyDr. Triebwasser
Spring 1998


 During the course of the twentieth century, the corporation has
become the major unit for the administration of modern technology.
However, despite the great resources, as well as the economic and
political power controlled by these institutions, mainstream American
political science has largely neglected their role as a participant in
the public policy making process. Writers in business administration
have of course focused on the organization and management of these
institutions. But for the most part they have done so from an
instrumental perspective, and have not taken note of the implications of
the scope and functioning of these institutions in the continued
development of western and world civilization.

 The purpose of this course is to fill the intellectual gap created
by this situation. Examining how corporations participate in public
policy making and what the value implications of their role are in terms
of humanistic and democratic theory is of paramount importance as we
move from an industrial to an information/service economy. The course
will highlight five major areas:
•The relation between the corporation and the nation-state.
•The public and governmental functions assumed by large corporations.
•The global role of corporations and how this impacts both
industrialized and Third World countries.
•The changing nature of work.
•The relation between capital and work.

 In addition to the required reading listed on Page 2 for which all
students in the class will be responsible, each student shall choose a
topic from a list to be discussed in class and prepare a research paper.
In doing so, books from the attached Book List (beginning on the next
page) may prove helpful. This research paper will be approximately
fifteen pages in length and contain a section linking the topic under
consideration with the general concepts learned throughout this course.
Some students may also be selected to make an oral presentation based on
their paper.

 Along with the research paper and possible class presentation, each
student's performance will be judged on the basis of a midterm and final
examination and on class participation. It is expected that students
will keep up with the reading as listed on Page 2 whether or not a
specific reading assignment is announced in class. Should class
participation become particularly lax, unannounced quizzes may be given.


 Dr. Triebwasser's office is located in Room 010 in the basement of
DiLoreto Hall. His office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00, 4:00 to 5:00, and
6:30 to 7:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays; and by appointment. If you
cannot meet with Dr. Triebwasser during his scheduled office hours, do
not hesitate to make an appointment with him. His office phone number is
832-2970, and his E-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Adams, Walter. The Structure of American Industry. Ninth Edition.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.

Galbraith, John Kenneth. The New Industrial State. Fourth Edition. New
York: Mentor/New American Library, 1985.

Rifkin, Jeremy. The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force
and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons,

Wolman, William and Anne Colamosca. The Judas Economy: The Triumph of
Capital and the Betrayal of Work. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing
Co. Inc, 1997.


Nadel, Mark V. Corporations and Political Accountability. Lexington,
Mass.: D. C. Heath and Company, 1976.

Lindblom, Charles E. Politics and Markets: The World's
Political-Economic Systems. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1977.

Lowi, Theodore. The End of Liberalism. Second Edition. New York: W. W.
Norton & Company, 1979.

Stone, Christopher D. Where the Law Ends: The Social Control of
Corporate Behavior. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1991.


Adams, Walter and James Brock. Editors. Ninth Edition. The Structure of
American Industry. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995.

Alexander, Herbert. Financing Politics: Money, Elections and Political
Reform. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press, 1976.

Asefa, Sisay and Wei-Chiao Huang. Editors. Human Capital and Economic
Development. Kalamazoo, MI: W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment
Research, 1994.

Baker, Samuel H. and Elliott, Catherine S. Editors. Readings in Public
Sector Economics. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company, 1990.

Ball, George M. Global Companies: The Political Economy of World
Business. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1975.

Barmash, Isadore. Welcome To Our Conglomerate--You're Fired! N

[CTRL] Conservative Compassion

1999-08-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

> -
> WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Britain
> British Home Secretary pushes through scheme to disperse
> asylum-seekers throughout country
> By Julie Hyland
> 25 August 1999
> Back to screen version
> Britain's Labour government is fanning the flames of racial
> prejudice in an effort to justify its Asylum and Immigration Bill
> and outdo the Conservative opposition.
> Home Secretary Jack Straw arrived back from his holiday on Monday
> to announce an "emergency" scheme enabling him to set a limit on
> the number of asylum-seekers that each individual Local Authority
> in England and Wales must accommodate. Those refugees who wish to
> live in areas that have already reached their limit will be
> dispersed to other parts of the country. Labour's Asylum Bill,
> due to take effect next April, already contains this provision,
> but Straw has deemed that the current situation warrants its
> introduction as early as possible—from November when the Bill
> receives Royal Assent.
> The "schedule eight" provision will apply to all asylum-seekers
> who do not claim refugee status the moment they arrived in
> Britain. It empowers Straw to direct them to live in particular
> towns and cities, and to allow their transfer from "overburdened"
> Local Authorities to other towns.
> The document outlining the new measure is designed to establish
> "clusters" of refugees based on a proposed ratio of one
> asylum-seeker to every 200 members of the "resident population".
> The move follows several months of highly publicised diatribes by
> the local media in Kent and from Tory politicians against
> "floods" of asylum applicants "swamping" the southeast of
> England. These xenophobic remarks led to a series of attacks on
> asylum-seekers in the Dover area, culminating in a weekend of
> violent fighting between immigrants and white youths.
> The national media and the political establishment went on to
> portray the clashes as the inevitable result of disrupting
> "monocultural communities"—i.e., white towns—by introducing
> different ethnic groups. The deputy leader of Tory-dominated Kent
> County Council, Keith Ferrin, put it most bluntly, saying, “The
> locals have simply been asked to cope with too much There are
> now a lot of people who are obviously different, who look
> different and act different.”
> Straw concurred with Ferrin's sentiments in his first interview
> on the subject, with BBC Radio on Monday. Having visited Dover
> some three weeks ago, he explained, "there is no question" that
> Dover's immigration staff and its "citizenry" are "under very
> severe pressure". His emergency scheme would alleviate such
> pressures, he claimed.
> Some representatives of the Local Authorities have accused Straw
> of issuing dictatorial orders and of fuelling anti-immigrant
> hysteria. Sir Jeremy Beecham, chairman of the Local Government
> Association, said Straw "has perhaps inadvertently fed the
> hysteria that's being promoted in certain sections of the press
> and by certain opposition politicians. We haven't got a huge
> crisis in terms of the country being overrun with refugees and
> asylum-seekers." Rachel Rees, Communications Director for the
> Refugee Council, said, "What's deeply worrying is first the daily
> knee-jerk reactions which further vilify asylum-seekers and
> secondly that politicians continue to pour petrol on the debate
> when their responsibility is to take the heat out of it."
> Emboldened by Labour's response, the Tory Party demanded even
> tougher measures against refugees. Speaking on BBC1's Breakfast
> with Frost programme on Sunday, Shadow Home Affairs spokesperson
> Ann Widdecombe said: "The signals that have been sent out over
> the last couple of years are that Britain is now a soft touch,
> that things have been relaxed from how they were, and that if you
> come here it is going to be a fairly easy place to disappear
> because it is a fairly easy place to work illegally.
> "The thing to remember is that of the 44,000 applications we are
> now getting, about 80 percent will not make a case not only for
> asylum nor even for compassionate leave to remain. It is not that
> we have an enormous influx of genuine people. We have some
> genuine people who are suffering from being clogged up in the
> system with bogus applicants."
> The Immigration Service Union (ISU) also jumped on the bandwagon,
> releasing figures claiming to show that applications for asylum
> would be up by nearly 50 percent this year "to a record 68,000".
> Martin Slade, ISU General Secretary, said, "The point of
> immigration control is to control immigration. We don't think
> that we're controlling anything It is like the Dutch boy with
> his finger in the dyke. We are shipping people from one end of
> the country to the other but people are still pouring in." He
> went on to reiterate Widdec


1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-


The secretive Skull and Bones society now has a stalking horse for
president in both the Democratic and the Republic camps (Kerry and
Bush). In 1968, Bush became one of 15 new initiates into the Order of
Skull and Bones. One perceptive observer wrote: "His resume looks a lot
like his father's: DKE and Skull and Bones at Yale, military pilot,
Texas oilman." The names and some very sketchy information on Governor
Bush's fellow Bonesmen from the Yale class of 1968 are as follows:

Roy Leslie Austin (S&B 1968)--Born 12-13-1939. St. Vicent's Island.
Educator. Married Glynis Sutherland. Ph.D. Washington University.
Associate Professor of Sociology and Justice.

Robert Richard Birgen (S&B 1968)--Washington D.C. Lawyer. Married Joanne
Schwiebert. Director, CASE Center, Syracuse University

Christopher Walworth Brown (S&B 1968)--Born 1-15-1947. Lawyer. Married
Amy Forbes Clark. Tweedy, Brownes. New England Coordinator of the Carter
presidential campaign and Seattle Co-Chairman for George McGovern,

Kenneth Saul Cohen (S&B 1968)--Born 7-5-1946. Trenton, N.J. Dentist.
Married Patricia Ann Albert. Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Company. Yale Club of Georgia.

Rex William Cowdry (S&B 1968)--Born 2-12-1947. Des Moines, Iowa. MD.
Married Donna E. Patterson. Acting Director of the National Institute of
Mental Health.

Donald Etra (S&B 1968)--Lawyer. Yale 1968 (BB Cell). B.A. Yale. J.D.
Columbia University. M.B.A. Columbia University. Member of the Bar, New
York. Attorney to Ralph Nader Washington (1971-1973). Co-Director of
First National City Bank Task Force. Co-Author Citibank (1974). U.S.
Attorney, Dept of Justice (1978-1981). Now practices in Los Angeles. A
director of Russell Trust Association (the Bones Holding Company). Dear
Island Treasurer (1970-1972). Deer Island President (1972-1975). Single.

G. Gregory Gallico III (S&B 1968)--Born NYC. MD. Married Ellen Biggs
Polly Levine. Boston Shriners Plastic Surgeon.

Robert K. Gutherie--(S&B 1968)--Probably CIA. Lived in Alexandria,
Virginia (1983). Married Marion Adelheid Melliwigt. Director of Social
and Economic Affairs, Council of Europe (a pan-European organisation of
32 countries).

Britton Ward Kolar (S&B 1968)--Born 2-27-1946. Oak Park, Illinois. MD.
Married Margaret Louisa McMahan.

Robert Davis McCallum, Jr. (S&B 1968)--Born 1-30-1946. Memphis, Tenn.
Married Mary Rankin Weems.

Muhammad Ahmed Saleh (S&B 1968)--Born 10-10-1945 in Jerusalem.
Vice-president of
Timex Corporation. Married Mary Soderstrom.

Thomas Carr Schmidt (S&B 1968)--Born 6-3-1945. Cinn., Ohio. Consultant.
Deborah Caroline Beaumont.

Donald Arthur Schollander (S&B 1968)--Born 4-30-1946. Charlotte, N.C.
Real Estate
Developer. Married Penny Susan Stark. Financier. President of North
Shores Development Corp. (real estate). Member of board of directors of
U.S. Olympic Committee (1970-1972).

Brinkley Stimpson Thorne (S&B 1968)--Born 8-13-1945. New York City.
Architect. Married Marie Cox. Partner, Metcalf and Thorne Architecture,
owner and manager of Thorne Market (a specialty retail mall and art

Before leaving Yale, Bush and his classmates tapped 15 more Bones

Robert E. Arres, Jr. (S&B 1969)--Born 2-22-1947. Industrialist. Married
Karen Ann Koehler.

Michael Frederic Bouscaren (S&B 1969)--Born 4-7-1947. San Francisco,
Stockbroker. Married Edith Clark.

Charles Henry Buck III, S&B 1969)--Born 3-7-1946. Boston, Massachusetts.
Businessman. Married Cheryl Lynn Ezell.

Thomas Francis Cosgove, Jr. (S&B 1969)--Born 12-8-1946. Maldon,
Insurance. Married Wendellyn Hilton.

Frank Edward Demares II (S&B 1969)--Born 2-4-1947. Chicago, Illinois.

Brian J. Dowling (S&B 1969)--Born 4-1-1947. Cleveland, Ohio. Sportsman.
Married Betsy Lampert.

Henry W. Fuller (S&B 1969)--Born 9-14-1946. York, Maine. Boatyard
Operator in Nova Scotia. Married Judith Rivmus.

Richard H.B. Livingston (S&B 1969)--Born 8-19-1947. Greenfield,
Massachusetts. Vice-President of Admiral Shipping Company. Married
Elizabeth Dubben. Admiral Shipping and Trading Co. Ltd. is at P.O. Box
5205, Ormond Beach, Florida 32176. Owns two ships. Admiral One flys a
flag of convenience: SVC. General cargo. Built 1965. Active. SV= St.

B. Patrick Madden (S&B 1969)--Born 5-7-1947. Stubenville, Ohio. Banker.
Deborah Russell Whitlock. Bush appointed William B. Madden as Chairman
of the Texas Water Development Board on February 8, 1995. Madden has
been President of Madden Securities Corporation of Dallas since 1986. He
has served as Vice-Chairman of the National Association of Securities
Dealers. He is also Chairman of the Board of Mercantile Bank and Trust.
A director of Pillow-tex Corp. Also a director of E.W. Blanch Holding
(since April 1993).

Wentworth Earl Mille

Re: [CTRL] Waco

1999-08-24 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

>From: William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Still say Koresh and his Branch DavIDIOTS deserved their, it's not
> like we lost the cure for cancer, just some fringe scumbags...

Why? And how do you know that we did not lose the cure for cancer? There
were over a dozen children killed in that fire. Why could not one of them
have been the one to discover such a cure?

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] sites with information on the Masons

1999-08-24 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Below please find sites with information on the Masons.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Please use caution at these sites. They may be triggering for survivors.


This web site discusses: Freemasonry - A Journey through Ritual and Symbol,
Masonic Beliefs and Practices, Initiation Into the Lodge, The Symbolism of
the Lodge, and the degrees. William T. Still, author of "New World Order"
states: "...The Shrine spent only 29.8 percent of its 1984 income on its
program services, compared with 84 percent by the American Red Cross, 67.2
percent by the American Cancer Society, 70.6 percent by the American Heart
Association and 73 percent by National Easter Seals. In fact, no other
charity in the top fourteen listed by the IRS gave less than 57 percent of
their total income to their program services - almost twice as much as the

"Why Albert Pike's Statue Must Fall - The Scottish Rite's KKK Project,"
by Anton Chaitkin is at

The author believes that: "The Ku Klux Klan, the Southern Confederacy, and
the pre-Civil War secession movement were a single, continuous project, with
Pike's "Scottish Rite" at its center.""...Albert Pike, who was the Grand
Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas." "Freemasonry was founded in the
early 1700s in England by the so-called Venetian Party. This clique of
British philosophical liberals had a few other experiments in human misery,
for example: the East India Company, the royal African Company of slavers,
and the slave colony of South Carolina.""The Scottish Rite was formally
organized in the U.S.A. in 1801, as a group of Tory partisans on the losing
side of the American Revolution..."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] SKULL & BONES SENIOR HONOR SOCIETY at Pennsylvania State UniversityÊ

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Home Page

The Pennsylvania State University

This website is under construction.

For more information, please contact:

Nancy Narcum '91g
12302 Oak Creek Lane #100
Fairfax, VA 22033
703-222-2942 (H)
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Delta Kappa Epsilon International

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Delta Kappa Epsilon International

Rampant Lion Silent Auction
Rampant Lion New Haven Compound
Lion Trophy
Chapter News
Alumni Events
Alumni Notes
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Online Store
Yale Club, College Club, DKE Club
Contact Us
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DKE Calling Card
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Deke -- "Compassionate Camaraderie"
And a tip of the hat to Brother George W. Bush, Phi '68.
Click here for News & Events
Changes Made Daily
Featured Auction Item: Baseball Autographed by Jerry Ford
"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the
strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them
better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena;
whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly;
who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great
enthusiasms, the great devotions,and spends himself in a worthy cause;
who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and
who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so
that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know
neither victory nor defeat."
Brother Theodore Roosevelt (Alpha Harvard)
Mt. Dekemore - Bros. Hayes, Bush, Roosevelt, FordSurf the Web
with DKE - Click Crest

Send mail to the webmaster with any questions or comments about this web
site. Copyright © 1999 Delta Kappa Epsilon International.
Click logos for links.

The Rampant Lion Foundation

The Grace Building
1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036-7790

James D. Bishop
Chairman and CEO

August 23, 1999

My Brothers in Phi,

We are almost done. I cannot help but comment on our unbelievable luck
in Yale expanding the gym across the street. The new Paine Whitney
facility is magnificent, and, what a boost to our chapter, housing as it
does a significant number of varsity athletes.

This construction is running $10,000 per week. We are picking up an
average of $1,000 per day. Take note of the 1999 Contributions in the
table below. If you want to make a pledge, simply click here and email
it in. We still have a big mortgage and bridge financing to deal with.

Please help. Mail a tax deductible check to the Rampant Lion Foundation,
35 McKinley Place, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 NOW. We can also take
credit cards -- call 800 560 3353 with your credit card number and
expiration date if you are interested.

We have football players moving in today. Both houses will be completely
full for the school year. The bulk of the work is done.

We look forward to a gala get together in New Haven later in the year.


Telephone: (212) 921-9099 Fax: (212) 921-9239

The Phi Compound

The Phi Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon is the Founding Chapter. This
year it will celebrate its 155th birthday. Our magnificent facility on
York Street enjoyed by many generations of Phi Brothers was given to
Yale when the Winthrop Trust folded up in the 1970s. Working with DKE
International and the Rampant Lion Foundation, we acquired 79 Lake Place
in 1986. The house stood the chapter in good stead for some 10 years.

In 1997 we developed the Phi Compound Concept and purchased 73 Lake
Place to be a complement to the existing building. We enclosed the two
back yards with 7' Stockade fencing and commenced a major renovation
effort. Our renovation effort has coincided with Yale's. The school,
working with the City of New Haven, has cleaned up the Broadway shopping
district, expanded Payne Whitney Gym down Lake Place and to the street
line, put in "swing" dormitory space for 130 students around the corner
on Tower Parkway, constructed a new power plant and in general,
revitalized our neighborhood.

The Phi Compound is located directly across the street from the Payne
Whitney Gym. Renovations to the Gym have brought the parking lot and the
building to the street. Yale has acquired and torn down for additional
parking all the buildings on the near side of Lake Place between Ashmun
and Broadway and has acquired two of the three buildings that buffer our
Compound with Broadway. The new "swing" dormitory is around the corner
on Tower Parkway, next to the new Power plant. The 1997 map from the New
York Times is helpful to visualize our position in relation to the
campus. All construction labeled "begun" is done.
When the Phi Compound is completed, it will consist of three 3-man
apartments in 73 Lake Place and 7 bedrooms and common areas, with a
finished basement in 79 Lake Place. We will place the many donor
"bricks" in an appropriate setting in the enclosed rear yard as well as
maintain social and sports areas there. All work on 73 Lake Place is
completed and work is progressing on 79 Lake Place to have it ready for
fall occupancy. The current work level is costing, on average, $10

[CTRL] Texas Monthly June 99: Bush Report: Go East

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">Texas Monthly June 99: Bush Report:
Go East

Go East, Young Man
Child of privilege? Sure, but he left Andover and Yale as a regular guy.

by Helen Thorpe

When tenth grader George W. arrived at the Phillips Academy in Andover,
Massachusetts, in the fall of 1961, he discovered that winter was cold,
the trees looked funny, the days were short, and there were no girls at
all. There were, however, top students from all over the country. "We
were in way over our heads in a foreign land," recalls Clay Johnson, a
friend from Fort Worth who is now the governor's appointments secretary.
"We found we had to struggle just to catch up with everybody else."
Students were allowed seven minutes between classes, and every aspect of
the day was coordinated with military precision. "We worked hard," says
Johnson. "There was an article about private schools in Time magazine
our first or second year. The headmaster of Andover was on the cover,
and the point was that Andover was the hardest school in the country. I
remember reading that and thinking, 'Oh my God, I'm at the hardest
school in the country!' I mean, I thought it was hard, but I didn't
realize it was that hard.'" For his first English assignment, Bush was
told to recount an emotional experience. Writing about something that
made him cry, he looked up the word "tears" in a thesaurus, hoping to
find an impressive synonym. He wrote, "Lacerates ran down my cheeks."
The professor gave him a zero, calling his paper "disgraceful."

Within a matter of months, however, the gregarious teenager knew most of
his classmates. To them, Bush was a blur of activity—always playing
table tennis or pool or Frisbee or catch or touch football, always
involved in physical activity, always involved in competition. The kid
was enthusiasm incarnate. He played varsity baseball and basketball and
junior varsity football. On the basketball team he was not among the
star players, which became fodder for the self-deprecating jokes that
endeared him to others. "The basketball team was hard to get onto," says
John Kidde, one of his closest friends. "They picked only twelve guys.
But he made fun of himself for sitting on the bench." After he decided
not to try out for varsity football, he became the head cheerleader
instead. He also organized a stickball league. "He made a big deal about
it," Kidde says. "He would give long talks, citing all these rules about
what spectators could do and what players could wear." Apparently Bush
found the school's atmosphere a bit heavy. "I was able to instill a
sense of frivolity," he said. "Andover was kind of a strange
experience." Grateful for his organizational skills, classmates
nicknamed him Tweeds Bush, after the classic backroom pol Boss Tweed.

In their senior year Kidde and Bush were appointed proctors of a
tenth-grade dorm, a responsibility that was considered a high honor, and
consequently they roomed together. Midway through the year, Bush
returned from a trip home to Texas with Barry Goldwater's book, The
Conscience of a Conservative. Kidde did a double take when he saw it
lying on Bush's desk. "I said, 'What the hell is this?'" Kidde
remembers. "We didn't have any time to read anything extracurricular. If
we did, you would read a novel. But George seemed honestly interested in
the book. He said his parents had asked him to read it. I remember him
telling me what Goldwater stood for."

Around the same time, Bush told the dean of Andover that he intended to
apply to Yale University. The dean encouraged him to look into other
options. Bush maintains he got in on his own merit; others have assumed
that family connections helped—his father and grandfather attended Yale
before him. In any case he had the comfort of familiar faces when he
arrived. He roomed with two Andover pals, Rob Dieter and Clay Johnson,
for all four years. At the time, Yale was on the brink of profound
changes. Women didn't arrive on campus until the year after Bush
graduated, but public-school students were turning up in droves. Most
felt shunned by classmates who'd gone to elite prep schools. In the eyes
of the public-schoolers George W. represented the very definition of an
 East Coast preppy. "He was a private-school kid, and I was a
public-school kid, so we didn't run in the same circles," says David
Cluchey, who teaches law at the University of Maine. In time, however,
Bush's nature led him to get past those barriers to a greater degree
than others with his background.

All Yale freshmen were lumped together in a gray quadrangle known as Old
Campus. Bush's class included Oliver Stone, Ron Rosenbaum, and Strobe
Talbott, who would go on to find fame as a filmmaker, a writer, and a
diplomat, respectively. It also included Don Schollander, who was
already a star swimmer: He won four gold medals in the 1964 Summer
Olympics. While others were lost in the fog of adjusting to college,
Bush seeme

Re: [CTRL] IRS goes to war

1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Yeah and the rest of the world has already given up its
guns!  Way to go you meatballs.

earthman wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> I have posted this for you guys in the US who don't want to pay tax.
> Peter
> The following information pertains to the ever popular IRS in the States
> and would appear to affect primarily Americans at first blush.  However,
> for our international readers, bear in mind that we are quickly falling
> into line in a 'One World' system under the auspices of the ineternational
> bankers, et al. as pawns under the U.N. 'administrators', 'enforcers' and
> related organizations.  Therefore, for all practical intents and purposes,
> whatever happens in the United States of America either has already
> happened to you, or soon will, so pay attention wherever you are!!  The
> days of national idiosyncrysies are quickly going down the road of the
> Edsel.
> J. Richard Duke is an asset planning attorney in the international realm
> with some 'INSIDERS' connections to the IRS.  He has come forward with
> some information that was leaked to him and he has made it known in a
> confidential memorandum to a 'Privacy' group which has subsequently made
> it available.
> Mr. Duke's insiders have revealed that the IRS has plans for a massive
> crackdown on offshore tax avoidance promoters.
> Apparently, one of the triggers was a case involving John M. Mathewson, a
> 'U.S. Citizen' (poor guy) who for 10 years operated a now defunct Cayman
> Islands Bank, and (long story short)in order to cop a lenient plea to
> legitimate criminal charges (cable box re-selling scam, money laundering,
> etc.)he rolled over on all of his 1500 bank clients and gave their names,
> their shell corporations, trusts, etc. to U.S. authorities for further
> investigation (harrassment and abuse).
> As a result of Mr. Mathewson's violation of the privacy of his clients,
> tax investigations yielding dozens of future tax fraud indictments are
> well under way.  So far, the hammer has yielded the IRS $50 million under
> threat of indictments, convictions, plea agreements and the like.  They
> expect to yield $300 million or more in 'back taxes'  The U.S. Justice
> department is licking its chops!!
> Mr. Duke, as an attorney, specializes in U.S. taxation of offshore
> structures (which tells me immediately that he knows squat about the IRS)
> He indicates that his sources are going to be widening an even broader
> investigation of 'offshore tax evasion'.  They revealed that the plans are
> currently to launch a 'major IRS strike' against promoters of illegal
> offshore tax schemes.
> If this is true then we can expect the IRS to indict itself right out of
> business because they'll all be in jail !!!  What a way to bring in the
> millenium!!
> What's interesting in this comment is (Take notice) how they use the
> words...'promoters of illegal offshore tax schemes'.  By obfuscation and
> association, the average dumbo would automatically assume that ALL
> Offshore 'tax schemes' would necessarily be illegal as well.
> The combination of 'illegal' and 'schemes' combined with 'offshore' works
> well to paint a picture with a hue that is keen to predispose the unwary,
> doesn't it?
> Anyway, according to Duke and his 'sources' the primary interest of the
> IRS will be focused on the use of 'secret' bank accounts in tax haven
> nations, controlled foreign corporations using nominee ownership and
> bearer shares, offshore trusts that fail to meet U.S. reporting
> requirements, and sham offshore corporate tax shelters.  A related area of
> interest is illegal methods by which U.S. persons avoid taxes on cash
> income, such as international credit cards used for cash withdrawals and
> personal expenses.
> The IRS is also looking at profit skimming where cash is deposited in
> offshore banks, then transferred to U.S. persons as sham "loans" or other
> paper transactions claimed as deductible expenses.
> According to Duke, the IRS has created a database of targeted high profile
> offshore promoters, both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as offshore
> banks, trust companies and investment managers associated with these
> promoters.
> Since early 1999, IRS computers and those of the U.S. Customs Service and
> the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) have been directly
> linked.  This gives the IRS the ability to track the international
> movements of both U.S. Persons and targeted offshore persons as they leave
> and return to the U.S.
> In Duke's memo, he says that just as in the Matthewson case where the IRS
> followed the trail into every 'offshore account' holders business affairs,
> the same trails will be followed until they have indictments of the
> offshore promoters.  This will allow for subpoenas of 'client' records and
> possible criminal charges against many clients of the promoter who have
> established structures that they may have used illegally to evade U.S.
> taxes and la

Re: [CTRL] Second ex-Roche exec to be jailed in US vitamins probe

1999-08-24 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

>From: Ric Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> There's nothing in the Constitution about NOT bribing elected/
> appointed officials or gov't employees, so the Founders must
> not have wanted to cut off such supplemental income, eh?  Yup,
> bribery is constitutional.  AND WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?!?!?

While it is true that the Constitution that most people are familiar
with does not include a provision for the punishment of politicians who take
bribes. However, there is a great deal of evidence that the Constitution
once contained such a provision, but that it was removed. I am referring to
what has been called the "hidden 13th amendment which many believe was
passed in 1819 and removed after the Civil War. I personally know someone
who has seen an official copy of the state constitution of Conneticut which
also contained the US Constituion from the 1850s and it contained this
"hidden 13th". He also had a history book from 1856 which contained the US
Constitution including the "hidden 13th" which had been in his wife's
family. The "hidden 13th" disallowed the acceptance of bribes and titles of
nobility (such as esquire). It provided the penalty of loss of office and
citizenship. Here it is:

"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain
any title of nobility or honour, or shall
without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension,
office, or emolument of any kind whatever,
from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall
cease to be a citizen of the United States, and
shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them,
or either of them."

   If you ask a federal official what happened to the amendment you will be
told that it was almost passed by an adequate number of states, but failed
by not being passed by Virginia which was the last to consider it. However,
Virginia is known to have ordered the printing of a large number of copies
of the Constitution right after the amendment was to be considered and those
copies contain the "hidden 13th". So it seems likely that they did, in fact,
pass the amendment. Also, many other states' printing of the Constitution
also contained the "hidden 13th". This continued in a few states even after
the Civil War. Incidently, the state records of Virginia were burned during
the Civil War. If Virginia had passed the amendment as may be supposed, it
seems quite possible that their notice of passsage could have been "lost" at
the federal level. For more info:

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Horace Mann School History

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-">Horace Mann School
History of Horace Mann
The man who started it all- Nicholas Murray Butler.
Horace Mann was born in 1796. He played a leading role in establishing
the elementary system in the U.S. After graduating from Brown
University, he went on to be a member of the Massachusetts state
legislature. In 1848, he won a seat in the House of Representatives, in
which capacity he was a fervent advocate of public education. He was the
President of Antioch College from 1853 until his death in 1859. Although
Horace Mann was one of the most well-known proponents of mandatory
public school education in America, he did not have anything to do with
the founding of the school in Riverdale, New York that bears his name.

The Horace Mann School was actually founded by Nicholas Murray Butler as
a co-educational experimental and developmental unit of Teachers
College, Columbia University. First opening its doors in 1887 at 9
University Place in Manhattan, the school's first students were two sets
of siblings. Three years later, the school added a secondary divison,
and a year after that, it added a college preparatory division, which
charged $150 as a full year's tuition for a high school senior.
Horace Mann's first location at 9 University Place.

The school moved up to 120th Street in Morningside Heights in 1901, at a
time when few large buildings were in that area and geese and goats
(pets of the numerous squatters) still roamed freely around the empty
lots. [Go to a page of pictures of the 120th Street site and its
occupants.] The school was across the street from the Bloomingdale
Insane Asylum (which had been deserted shortly before the school's
arrival), which also served housing for the students at Teachers
College. The building, however, was state-of-the-art, thanks to a d
onation from Mr. and Mrs. V. Everit Macy, and included electricity and
an imposing statue of Athena in the front hallway. Columbia University,
to which Horace Mann was still closely tied, moved from their Manhattan
campus up to their present location at 116th Street shortly after Horace
Mann had made the transition. By this time, however, Horace Mann was
becoming less of a experimental school for the students of Teachers
College to try out their new ideas, and more of a well-recognized school
in its own right. Teachers College eventually created the Lincoln School
as a new co-educational school in which to practice their experimental
teaching methods, leaving Horace Mann more and more independent.

The Boys' School, which is at the school's current location at 246th
Street in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, is reported to have cost
$20,001 to purchase in 1909. The $20,000 paid for the property itself;
Virgil Prettyman, Headmaster from 1894 to 1920, had trouble finding the
location and asked a local homeless man in Van Cortlandt Park how to get
to the site. The man showed him the way in exchange for a $1 quart of
hard apple cider. The Girls' School, which separated from the Boys'
School in 1914, continued at its 120th Street location until 1940, when
it merged with the Lincoln School. In 1946, the merged school closed,
leaving Horace Mann to became financially and administratively separate
from Teachers College and an independent day school for boys in grades
7-12. Horace Mann's final charter from the New York Board of Regents was
granted in 1951. The re-establishment of co-education was accomplished
through mergers with several other schools; the New York School for
Nursery Years (founded in 1954 and housed in Andrew Carnegie's old carr
iage house on 90th Street) became the Horace Mann School for Nursery
Years in 1968, the Barnard School (founded in 1886) became the Horace
Mann-Barnard Lower School in 1972, and girls began to once again enroll
in the Upper School in 1975.
Former headmasters Dr. Mitchell Gratwick and Charles Carpenter

The 246th Street campus- which became the only campus after the closing
of the Girls' School in 1946- also had a dormitory; until 1954, there
were about fifty boarders at the Boys' School that stayed near 250th
Street at 5001 Delafield Avenue, with several faculty members who lived
there as well. In 1952, a new wing for the gym was added under the
supervision of headmaster Dr. Mitchell Gratwick. In 1956, Pforzheimer
Hall was built, named after Carl H. Pforzheimer, who was chairman of the
Board of Trustees. The Pforzheimer family was also responsible for the
school's swimming pool. In 1962, Alfred Gross Hall was built, which
housed the Van Alstyne Auditorium and the new cafeteria. The old
auditorium became the Theresa H. Loeb library. The fourth floor of the
newly-renamed Tillinghast Hall (named for Charles Carpenter Tillinghast,
headmaster from 1920 to 1950, and the man responsible for putting Horace
Mann on the map) was converted from a gymnasium into classrooms. The

[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Tuesday, August 24, 1999

1999-08-24 Thread CobolMage

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for August 24, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
   #629~~ 8/24/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

  In This Issue...
   * Scientific American article likely to ignite debate, controversy
   * Atheist group organizing in Union County, N.J.
   * Resources
   * About this list...


Over a year after being reported in the media, a study measuring the
attitudes of leading scientists on the question of the existence of a
god has found its way into the pages of Scientific American magazine.
The September issue of the prestigious publication featured a piece,
"Scientists and Religion in America" by Edward J.  Larson and Larry
Witham, which includes findings reported last year in the journal
Nature.  That article stimulated another round of debate within
scientific, religious and philosophical circles over the implications
of scientific findings for theology, and was even denounced by U.S.
Congressman James Traficant (D-Ohio) who charged that "super smart"
scientists not believing in God "cannot find the toilet."

Larson is the Richard B.  Russell Professor of History and Law at the
University of Georgia, and won the 1998 Pulitzer Prize in history for
book "Summer for the Gods" (Basic Books, Harper Collins, 1997), an
account of the infamous Scopes evolution trial.  Witham is an author
and religion reporter for the Washington Times newspaper.

Last year, the pair announced results of a study which replicated
surveys made in 1913 and 1933 by sociologist James H.  Leuba that
measured attitudes within the scientific community concerning the
existence of a deity.  Leuba had reported a decline in personal belief
among scientists in a "God in intellectual and affective communication
with humankind" from 27.7% in the 1913 study to only 15% by 1933.
"Disbelief" rose from 52.7% to 68%, and "doubt or agnosticism" fell
slightly from 20.9% to 17%.  The 1998 Larson-Witham study which
replicated Leuba's work found "Personal belief" in a deity at only 7%,
while "Personal disbelief" had risen to 72.2%, and "Doubt or
Agnosticism" to 20.8%.

The survey measured attitudes among members of the prestigious
National Academy of Sciences.  Witham and Larson noted:

"Disbelief in God and immortality among NAS biological scientists was
65.2% and 69.0% respectively, and among NAS physical scientists it was
79.0% and 76.3%.  Most of the rest were agnostics on both issues, with
few believers.  We found the highest percentage of belief among NAS
mathematicians (14.3% in God, 15.0% in immortality).  Biological
scientists had the lowest rate of belief (5.5% in God, 7.1% in
immortality), with physicists and astronomers slightly higher (7.5% in
God, 7.5% in immortality)."

But this profound disbelief doesn't appear to reflect the pop-culture
sense that, somehow, science and religion are moving toward a
convergence or reconciliation of some sort.  Writing in Astronomy
magazine, for instance, Dr.  Victor Stenger of the University of
Hawaii explored the volley of claims being made in support of such a
view, such as the July 20, 1998 Newsweek issue which announced:
"SCIENCE FINDS GOD."  Indeed, participants at a conference "Science
and the Spiritual Quest" organized by the Center for Theology and
Science (which also included theologians) expressed the view that, as
Stenger observed, "science and religion are now converging, and what
they are converging on is God."

And the Newsweek essay advanced the dubious claim that while "The
achievements of modern science seem to contradict religion and
undermine faith ...  for a growing number of scientists, the same
discoveries offer support for spirituality and hints at the very
nature of God."

Is this really accurate?

George Johnson noted in the New York Times that "religious believers
seem more eager than ever to step over the line, trying to interpret
scientific data to support the revealed truths of their own theology."
Examples can be found in augments claiming that the cosmos is "custom
made" or "designed" for consciousness, or that the Big Bang "proves"
that a creator initiated a sequence of titanic cosmic events.  One
incentive for this is the lucrative Templeton Prize for Progress in
religion, established in 1972 by mutual funds wizard John Templeton.
Under the terms governing the Foundation awarding the cash prize, it
must always be in excess of any other annual prize for strictly
scientific achievements.  In 1999, Minnesota physicist and theologian
Ian Barbour -- a former pupil of Enrico Fermi and a graduate of the
Yale Divinity School -- won the $1.24 million award. 

Re: [CTRL] Internet Schizo Alert

1999-08-24 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

Dopamine "seems" to be involved in each and every
learning process.  Wonder if they have every checked
on the excess of Dopamine that a tennis player or a chess
player (just two examples) might have.  I imagine that
the average person in a spelling bee is would be classed
as having a excess of Dopamine as well?

Andrew Hennessey wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> please circulate:
> There appears to be something in that great organic pipeline ;)
> Scottish Daily Record, monday august 23 1999, page 5
> People hooked on the internet are mentally ill and need help, psychologists
> say.
> And those who surf more than four hours a day could soon be treated on the NHS
> [UK hospital system - eg. psychiatric hospital/mental health act etc]
> Brussels advisers say it creates high brain levels of Dopamine -
> linked to gambling fever
> <<
> Yes we should be getting brainwashed on television much more than we do - AND
>  DOPAMINE EXCESS is THE biochemical diagnosis of SCHIZOPHRENIA. *
> The article tones it down and makes the internet sound a bit of a risky
> gamble, but we all know that HEALTHY PERSON PROGRAMME from the WHO will
> want to make sure we didn't have access to anything that made us mentally
> ill !!! like the analysis of their motivations for this !
> Andrew Hennessey
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] "Let America Be America Again"

1999-08-24 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

by Langston Hughes

Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.

(America never was America to me.)

Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed--
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.

(It never was America to me.)

O, let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
But opportunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is in the air we breathe.

(There's never been equality for me,
Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.")

Say, who are you that mubles in the dark?  And who are you that draws your
veil across the stars?

I am the poor white, fooled and pushed apart,
I am the Negro bearing slavery's scars.
I am the red man driven from the land,
I am the immigrant clutching the hope I seek--
And finding only the same old stupid plan
Of dog eat dog, of mighty crush the weak.

I am the young man, full of strength and hope,
Tangled in that ancient endless chain
Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land!
of grab the gold!  Of grab the ways of satisfying need!
Of work the men!  Of take the pay!
Of owning everything for one's own greed!

I am the farmer, bondsman to the soil.
I am the worker sold to the machine.
I am the Negro, servant to you all.
I am the people, humble, hungry, mean--
Hungry yet today despite the dream.
Beaten yet today--O, Pioneers!
I am the man who never got ahead,
The poorest worker bartered through the years.

Yet I'm the one who dreamt our basic dream
In the Old World while still a serf of kings,
Whoa dreamt a dream so strong, so brave, so true,
That even yet its mighty daring sings
In every brick and stone, in every furrow turned
That's made America the land it has become.
O, I'm the man who sailed those early seas
In search of what I meant to be my home--
For I'm the one who left dark Ireland's shore,
And Poland's  plain, and England's grassy lea,
And torn from Black Africa's strand I came
To build a "homeland of the free."


O , let America be America again--
The land that never has been yet--
And yet must be--the land where every man is free.
The land that's mine--the poor man's, Indian's, Negro's ME--
Who made America,
Whose sweat and blood, whose faith and pain,
Whose hand at the foundry, whose plow in the rain,
Must bring back our mighty dream again.

Sure, call me any ugly name you choose--
The steel of freedom does not stain.
>From those who live like leeches on the people's lives,
We must take back our land again,

O, yes,
I say it plain,
America never was America to me,
And yet I swear this oath--
America will be!

Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,
The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,
We, the people, must redeem
The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.
The mountains and the endless plain--
All, all the stretch of these great green states--
And make America again!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] IRS goes to war

1999-08-24 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

I have posted this for you guys in the US who don't want to pay tax.

The following information pertains to the ever popular IRS in the States
and would appear to affect primarily Americans at first blush.  However,
for our international readers, bear in mind that we are quickly falling
into line in a 'One World' system under the auspices of the ineternational
bankers, et al. as pawns under the U.N. 'administrators', 'enforcers' and
related organizations.  Therefore, for all practical intents and purposes,
whatever happens in the United States of America either has already
happened to you, or soon will, so pay attention wherever you are!!  The
days of national idiosyncrysies are quickly going down the road of the

J. Richard Duke is an asset planning attorney in the international realm
with some 'INSIDERS' connections to the IRS.  He has come forward with
some information that was leaked to him and he has made it known in a
confidential memorandum to a 'Privacy' group which has subsequently made
it available.

Mr. Duke's insiders have revealed that the IRS has plans for a massive
crackdown on offshore tax avoidance promoters.

Apparently, one of the triggers was a case involving John M. Mathewson, a
'U.S. Citizen' (poor guy) who for 10 years operated a now defunct Cayman
Islands Bank, and (long story short)in order to cop a lenient plea to
legitimate criminal charges (cable box re-selling scam, money laundering,
etc.)he rolled over on all of his 1500 bank clients and gave their names,
their shell corporations, trusts, etc. to U.S. authorities for further
investigation (harrassment and abuse).

As a result of Mr. Mathewson's violation of the privacy of his clients,
tax investigations yielding dozens of future tax fraud indictments are
well under way.  So far, the hammer has yielded the IRS $50 million under
threat of indictments, convictions, plea agreements and the like.  They
expect to yield $300 million or more in 'back taxes'  The U.S. Justice
department is licking its chops!!

Mr. Duke, as an attorney, specializes in U.S. taxation of offshore
structures (which tells me immediately that he knows squat about the IRS)
He indicates that his sources are going to be widening an even broader
investigation of 'offshore tax evasion'.  They revealed that the plans are
currently to launch a 'major IRS strike' against promoters of illegal
offshore tax schemes.

If this is true then we can expect the IRS to indict itself right out of
business because they'll all be in jail !!!  What a way to bring in the

What's interesting in this comment is (Take notice) how they use the
words...'promoters of illegal offshore tax schemes'.  By obfuscation and
association, the average dumbo would automatically assume that ALL
Offshore 'tax schemes' would necessarily be illegal as well.

The combination of 'illegal' and 'schemes' combined with 'offshore' works
well to paint a picture with a hue that is keen to predispose the unwary,
doesn't it?

Anyway, according to Duke and his 'sources' the primary interest of the
IRS will be focused on the use of 'secret' bank accounts in tax haven
nations, controlled foreign corporations using nominee ownership and
bearer shares, offshore trusts that fail to meet U.S. reporting
requirements, and sham offshore corporate tax shelters.  A related area of
interest is illegal methods by which U.S. persons avoid taxes on cash
income, such as international credit cards used for cash withdrawals and
personal expenses.

The IRS is also looking at profit skimming where cash is deposited in
offshore banks, then transferred to U.S. persons as sham "loans" or other
paper transactions claimed as deductible expenses.

According to Duke, the IRS has created a database of targeted high profile
offshore promoters, both in the U.S. and abroad, as well as offshore
banks, trust companies and investment managers associated with these

Since early 1999, IRS computers and those of the U.S. Customs Service and
the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) have been directly
linked.  This gives the IRS the ability to track the international
movements of both U.S. Persons and targeted offshore persons as they leave
and return to the U.S.

In Duke's memo, he says that just as in the Matthewson case where the IRS
followed the trail into every 'offshore account' holders business affairs,
the same trails will be followed until they have indictments of the
offshore promoters.  This will allow for subpoenas of 'client' records and
possible criminal charges against many clients of the promoter who have
established structures that they may have used illegally to evade U.S.
taxes and laws.

The coup de gras is thisDuke warns that anyone who has established
offshore structures should make certain that U.S. tax returns and reports
are filed and taxes paid.  (who's he working for anyway?  Does this story
sound like a 'planned leak' to you?)

He recommends a complete revie

Re: [CTRL] fluoride & dollar$

1999-08-24 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

These links (which include one for the Manhattan Project)
are on my chem.htm page.

 fluoride: The Fight Over Fluoride Continues

 fluoride: "Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of
 Fluorides" Fluoride Issues



 (see statement by Dr. Michael Schacter)Fluoride


 Intl Society for Fluoride Research

 Fluoride and the A-Bomb Program During the ultra-secret
 Manhattan Project, a report was commissioned to assess the effect of
 fluoride on humans. That report was classified "secret" for reasons of
 "national security".


 # archives of Dr. Phyllis Mullenix' presentation related
 to fluoride compounds and neurotoxicity: "Study flags
 new formaldehyde risks"

Dave wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Dear Ms. Hall:
> You are massively misinformed.
> Fluoride is RAT POISON. In no way should it be CONSUMED.
> Limited topical treatment with Fluoride and proper poison-containment
> barrier methods is one thing- I am not prepared to condemn such practice..
> PROVIDED that the barrier methods are used to prevent ingestion of POISON.
> Please find ONE acceptably objective scientific survey PROVING  fluoridated
> water supply to be beneficial to teeth.
> You will not find ONE, because NONE exist. On the contrary, accurate
> anectdotal surveys abound, which indicate a GREATER cost of dental care in
> FLUORIDATED communities.
> Does this not tell you something?
> Open your mind to the truth, if you dare.
> VERY, VERY MUCH information is available, in scientifically peer-reviewed
> form- of the DEFINITE and PROVEN danger/damage caused by ingestion of (rat
> poison) FLUORIDE.
> I pity you if you cannot see the truth, laid plain before your eyes
> A mind is a terrible thing to waste... and fluoride is PROVEN to be a
> mind-wasting toxin.
> Thank dangerous elements within the government and the ADA (American Dental
> Association) for inflicting it upon the populace.
> Some SMALL thanks may be given to several government agencies, such as
> FDA, who states FLUORIDE is an "UNAPPROVED DRUG/additive."
> EPA, who states that FLUORIDE containing products must be labelled as
> POISONS, and that fluoride is a TERATOGEN.
> ADA is criminally liable for perpetrating a fraud of incredible proportions
> on the populace with the collusion of SOME government agencies. At last
> notice, ADA fraudulently claimed both FDA and EPA approval for municipally
> fluoridated water.
> All of this is public record, and easily proven... with the possible
> exception of some still-classified government research from the Manhattan
> Project, which first revealed sodium-fluoride to be an extremely deleterious
> chemical toxin in association with government ordered tests related to
> atomic bomb projects... which information, via government sponsored tests,
> has obviously been in the possession of U.S. "security interests" for 50
> years...  enough is available via Fredom of Information Act requests to
> prove the basic facts as stated. (keywords: uranium hexaFLUORIDE,
> hydroFLUORIC gas & acid, cesium fluoride)
> Fluoride is a by-product of the nuclear industry (a form of nuclear waste)
> and also a toxic waste by-product of the aluminum industry, and also a toxic
> waste by-product of the artificial chemical fertilizer industry.
> Converting "toxic waste" (per EPA {U.S. Environmental Protection Agency})
> into an "unapproved drug/additive" (per FDA {U.S. Food and Drug
> Administration}) by selling it to municipalities is a major financial coup.
> A small municipal water supplier states 1997 yearly facts:
> Total Fluoride (12,383.6 kg)27,276.7 lbs
> dispensed in  (3,235,880.0 m3)711,808,180.0 Imp. Gal
> Over thirteen TONS of toxic waste successfully "disposed" of in one small
> municipality in one year- the "savings" to industry by virtually donating
> this poison (cost to municipalities, approx. $200/ton, roughly equivalent to
> SHIPPING costs and shipped in containers marked POISON XX per Federal
> regulations)  is ASTRONOMICAL.  How much per ton would it cost to legally
> dispose of pure RAT POISON in an ETHICAL manner?  $10,000 per ton? more?
> less? maybe only $5,000? -- in any case, the "savings" to the nuclear,
> alum

[CTRL] Fwd: Bankers write sermons for churches

1999-08-24 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

Bankers turn to clergy to help calm Y2K fears

By Jim Wolf

WASHINGTON, Aug 24 (Reuters) - Eager to calm Year 2000 jitters
and head
any apocalyptic cash hoarding, the American Bankers Association

The trade group has delivered a model ``Y2K Sermon'' aimed at
worshippers that government and industry -- particularly U.S. banks
will be ready when computer clocks make the big flipover in 130

``Whatever you do, don't bury your money in the backyard,'' says
text, sprinkled with allusions to Moses leading the children of Israel
into a ``bright, hopeful future'' with God's help.

``ABA has developed this generic Y2K Sermon for bankers to
share with
of the clergy as a way to calm people's concerns over the Jan. 1
change,'' the bankers group said in a note to members.

ABA members, representing 90 percent of U.S. banks, were urged
to pass on
five-page sermon to their ministers, priests and rabbis. Their words,
the ABA said, ``will carry much clout'' with congregants.

``I'm not worried about America's ability to solve the technical
problems of Y2K,'' says the sermon, written by a bankers
speech writer and made available earlier this month.

``But there is something that does worry me: misinformation'' and
``the kind of panic that comes from not knowing. Not understanding.
Not getting it.''

``It's especially important that we -- as members of our community,
believers in God and members of the family of faith -- set the

``We want to go into the new Millennium with hope, eagerness and
in this new century of promise. We don't want to be crouched in our
basements with candles, matches and guns.''

The text says money is ``safest in the bank, where it is protected
insured by the federal government.''

``Banks will keep your money safe. They're backed by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corp.,'' it adds. ``So in preparing for Jan. 1,
2000, do what you can. Trust God...and take a few practical steps.''

The sermon explains the original Y2K ``sin,'' a coding glitch that
could cause system-wide failures in networks that have not been
in time.

It compares Y2K doomsaying with that sparked by Orson Welles'
of ``War of the Worlds'' that panicked listeners who missed the
had said it was a fictional radio drama. The radio dramatisation was
based on H.G. Wells' story of an invasion from Mars.

But the bankers group, in line with U.S. government policy,
consumers prepare for the 2000 transition in the same way they
would for
weekend snowstorm.

That means keeping ``a few days worth of of cash on you'' along
extra food and water, candles and flashlights with fresh batteries. It
also warns against scams.

The bankers group, which has taken its message to newspaper
across the country, does not expect spiritual leaders to use the text
word-for-word but as a ``template,'' said John Hall, a spokesman in

``It's a matter of reaching out to the religious community because
ministers have a great deal of influence over their parishioners,'' he

The keep-the-faith message warns against panic and old-think,
citing the
Pharaoh's men being swallowed up by the Red Sea.

``We want to go into the next century as God intended, with hope,
knowledge and the promise of a bright future,'' the sermon reads.



"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example." --Mark 

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bomb traces found on Kennedy plane

1999-08-24 Thread Steve Wingate
 -Caveat Lector-
--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "DK Nihoa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:IMAGES: Jim Keith's first article for Nitro News
Date sent:  Tue, 24 Aug 1999 08:21:11 -0700

Jim Keith's first article for Nitro News is posted at:" 

Bomb traces found on Kennedy plane 

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Bomb traces found on Kennedy plane

1999-08-24 Thread Steve Wingate
 -Caveat Lector-
--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "DK Nihoa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:IMAGES: Jim Keith's first article for Nitro News
Date sent:  Tue, 24 Aug 1999 08:21:11 -0700

Jim Keith's first article for Nitro News is posted at:"

Bomb traces found on Kennedy plane

Steve Wingate

California Director

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: FWd Enemies of the State: Authoritarian vs. Libertarian Internet Visions +Nukes, Deterrence and China

1999-08-24 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: jean hudon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 1:09 PM
To: Nancie Belle
Subject: FWd Enemies of the State: Authoritarian vs. Libertarian
Internet Visions +Nukes, Deterrence and China

Subj:Enemies of the  State
Date:   8/24/99 3:01:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time
(Activist Mailing List)

Activist Mailing List -

Insight Magazine
August 20, 1999
By James P. Lucier

Enemies of the  State

In a clash between the authoritarian state and the libertarian vision,

the Clinton administration is seeking draconian control of computers
and encryption.

Virginia's soft-spoken four-term Republican congressman, Rep. Bob
Goodlatte, may come out of a no-nonsense town in the Blue Ridge, but
he has taken on virtually the entire defense establishment, the
intelligence community and even the FBI with his bill HR850, the
Security and Freedom through Encryption Act, or SAFE. It is a simple
concept, and it has 258 cosponsors in the House. What SAFE would do is

guarantee every American the freedom to use any type of cryptography
anywhere in the world and allow the sale of any type of encryption
domestically. Not such a big deal, is it? How many Americans go around

writing secret messages in disappearing ink after they grow up?

. . . . Actually, it is one of those edge-defying, generation-
splitting, turn-the-world-upside-down moments in history. It is a
struggle between two different visions of American society. One side
sees the private use of encryption as a way to safeguard the records
and property of U.S. citizens from the prying eyes of computer
hackers, thieves, terrorists and the U.S. government. The other side
is the U.S. government, which sees itself as the guarantor of security

in the newly discovered land of cyberspace. And to provide that
security the government says it has to have the power, at any given
moment, to look into anyone's e-mail, bank accounts, financial
transactions, information exports and dangerous ideas. Our whole
practice of governing is based on geographic concepts -- jurisdiction
in delineated districts, authority flowing from citizens voting by
precinct, taxes based on property in a given place or on salaries
reported to and scrutinized by powerful agencies.

. . . . But the Internet is everywhere and nowhere. If people slip
into cyberspace covered in the stealth garment of encryption to
perform transactions, express their ideas, transfer payments and
export technology, who's to know what is happening? How will taxes be
assessed and collected? How will commerce be measured? How will the
professions be regulated if everyone has access to legal or medical
information? What will bureaucrats do without people to boss around?
How will ideas be controlled? For those who believe that strong
government should be the molder and protector of its citizens -- well
then, citizens acting behind the cloak of encryption could be a
fundamental threat to government. They are enemies of the state.


. . . . Of course, robust encryption available to any citizen might
thwart the special vision of an administration that believes that
government must be the protector of its citizens.

. . . . It may be a touch exaggerated, but many citizens feel like the

eager young criminal lawyer played by Will Smith last year in the
movie Enemy of the State. When Smith unknowingly comes into possession

of evidence that a secret federal agency is committing criminal acts,
he finds himself targeted in a bizarre night-and-day chase through
streets, markets and high-rise buildings -- all with the obligatory
black helicopters hovering overhead.

. . . . Dramatic license aside, there are signs in that events are
inching toward that fantastic scenario. Most disturbing were the
detailed revelations by a panel of the European Parliament that the
United Kingdom and the United States, joined by Canada, Australia and
New Zealand, have been engaged in international surveillance of the
communications of each other's citizens for years in a joint signals-
intelligence consortium code-named ECHELON (see sidebar; for an
earlier report, see news alert!, Aug. 17, 1998). Although Attorney
General Janet Reno and other officials assert that encryption must be
controlled to stop terrorists and child pornography -- two powerful,
but demagogic arguments -- it appears the real reasons lie elsewhere.
After all, as Reno admits, international terrorist Osama bin Laden
already has cryptography and child pornographers are best caught the
old-fashioned way: by baiting them into their own trap. The fact is
that routine use of strong encryption by law-abiding citizens and
enterprises would shut down citizen-surveillance projects such as


. . . . The battle to block widespread use of private enc

[CTRL] FW: [evoco_discussion] It's CESA or us -- one has to go

1999-08-24 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Keith Hood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 5:04 PM
Subject: [evoco_discussion] It's CESA or us -- one has to go

Long-winded rant ahead.  Do not read if you care nothing about privacy,
freedom, liberty, or the Constitution...

This is something we need to get hot about.  The Cyberspace Electronic
Security Act is a fraud and an assault upon personal freedom.  I've read a
lot about this bill, including the text of it, and it is an atrocity.  Once
again the government is trying to do an end run around the Constitution by
coming out with a law that could be abused endlessly.

A lot of people have expressed outrage over this  bill because they think
it's designed to allow the Feds to break into their houses to bug their PCs.
  Others have made comments like "So what if they break in and install spy
software on my PC--after they've gone I'll reinstall everything and wipe
their stuff."  That isn't the problem--under this bill the Feds wouldn't
bother to break into your house or office because they wouldn't need to.
This bill would give the government the legal authority to intercept and
decrypt your e-mail at your ISP, where you can't do anything about it and
you wouldn't even know.  In fact, it would turn ISPs into defacto arms of
the DOJ and the CIA by forcing them to cooperate or face Federal charges.

Below is a quote from section 2713 paragraph C of the bill.
Assistance.-Upon the request of the applicant, a warrant issued under
subsection (a) of this section shall direct that a provider of wire or
electronic communication service,
 landlord, custodian or other person shall furnish the governmental
entity forthwith all information, facilities; and technical assistance
necessary to accomplish the successful execution of
 the warrant unobtrusively and with a minimum of interference with the
services accorded to the persons affected by the search or installation of a
recovery device.

Take special note of that first sentence:  "provider of wire or electronic
communication service."  That means your ISP, folks.  This provision means
that if a bugging agency obtains a warrant to monitor your communications,
the people who run your email server would be required by Federal law to
help them set up monitoring of your electronic communications.

And your service providers would have to do a good job of it to make sure
you think nothing has happened.  Look at the phrase "unobtrusively and with
a minimum of interference."  Who defines "unobtrusive" or "minimum
interference?"  It sure won't be your or your ISP.  And is that judged from
the viewpoint of good business, or from the criteria of giving away the
government's operation?  Take a guess.

Think how this provision could be so easily abused.  Under this provision,
when your email providers help set up monitoring of your account, if they do
anything that tells you or even gives you a suspicion that your
communications are being monitored, they could be hauled into court for
failing to comply with this provision.  Oh sure they may win, or the charges
may be dismissed, but the cost of defending themselves could be ruinous.
Faced with the choice of cooperating or having to go to court on Federal
charges, how many ISPs would refuse?

And if the buggers did want to take the old-fashioned crude route and get
into your physical premises to hack your PC from its keyboard, anyone they
ask for help in breaking or otherwise carrying out their mission would have
to assist them or face Federal charges.  So this provision would make a
Federal-level criminal out of anyone who is unwilling for any reason to help
bug another person's PC.

One of provisions in the bill would allow the use of sealed warrants in
getting permission to recover data.  That means the agency that gets the
warrant to intercept and decrypt your messages does not have to show it to
you.  Sealed warrants are legal in certain limited circumstances, such as
organized crime investigations.  But in this new bill, there are no limits
placed on the circumstances in which sealed warrants could be used.  Under
this bill, all PC monitoring warrants could be sealed, no matter what the
nature of severity of the case under investigation.  The government is
trying to pull another Steve Jackson case on us.

There is a provision that says notification of the issue of a warrant may be
postponed for up to 30 days, by any court of competent jurisdiction, upon
the government showing good reason for the postponement.  That same section
of the bill contains a further  stipulation that upon additional showing of
good reason, notification may be further postponed.  There are no limits on
the lengths of further postponements.  There are no guidelines or standards
for what constitutes 'good reason' in this case.  That means t

Re: [CTRL] EMF in classroom, was: Apple Computer adds Wireless (Hartley)....

1999-08-24 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Bill,

I may have gotten the wrong sort of build-up... I'm more of an activist and
information researcher- distributor than anything else.. NO engineering
background. Also, Roy sorta "jumped the gun" in adding me to his list- I'll
hang in with it for a bit, but my email load is already near max.

I imagine that IEEE is DOMINATED by industry hacks- everything ELSE is...
Prob'ly Raytheon has a big say...

It it my DISTINCT impression that the PCS system is designed to be useful as
a E-war system against the public in the event of social unrest.
A phone company person told me that PCS "hands free" car kits weren't
available, and that PCS radiation is of no concern... scares hell outta ME !
(even BEFORE I read what you say about them)

I don't know what I can do to help- what I'm doing NOW is probably about
"it" - that is trying to stir up interest in the internet "public" ... I'll
try to distribute EMF cautions/awareness to the netizens I communicate with

best wishes,

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Bill P. Curry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: EMF in classroom, was: Apple Computer adds Wireless

I just read your message on Roy Beavers' list.  If you get an effort going
write a paper to IEEE, I would like to participate.  I am an IEEE member,
though not a member of the standards setting committee.  Regrettably, you
find a good deal of intransigence in that committee.  Their latest
recommendations for tentative consideration for the 2002 standards (that
likely eventually be adopted by the FCC) do not even consider any of the
relevant bioelectromagnetic research that has been conducted during the
of the '90's.  They are still mired in the notion that only ionizing
or radiation that raises tissue temperature can cause harm.  This belies
published studies showing disruption of DNA by microwave radiation at 2.5
frequency and SAR levels consistent with cellular phone technology (by Henry
Lai at Univ. of Washington on rat brain cells and by Jerry Phillips at the
bioelectromagnetics lab at Loma Linda VA Hospital - at that time - on human
blood cells).  Also, the standards setting commissions seem to ignore
epidemiological studies that show a correlation of increased probability of
leukemia, sleep disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. with closeness
RF and microwave facilities - FM radio, UHF TV. radars, etc.  Further,
the standards on based on thermal effects, they allow higher radiation power
density at higher frequencies; whereas, measurements of the dielectric and
conductive properties of 30 different kinds of human (from cadavers) and
animal tissues (from an Air Force report) show that the absorptivity of
tissue increases with frequency in the microwave region of the spectrum.
UHF TV to PCS phone frequencies, the absorptivity increases by about a
of 5.
Another detriment you will encounter is the complete lack of interest of
FCC in requiring near field tests on cell phones, LAN's, and other microwave
radiators.  Their interest is only in protecting against interference
electronic devices, so they mandate that acceptance tests take place no
than 1 meter from the source.  This means that they completely ignore the
higher harmonics of these sources that occur in the near field, but not in
far field - even though devices such as cell phones operate with human
in the very near field, and wireless LAN's also operate close to human
 I have personally measured RF radiation density of 3,000 microwatts per
square centimeter 3.5 inches away from an operating cell phone of the analog
type.  Pulsed PCS phones using TDMA technology have also measured in this
range.  One new pulsed phone that I tested had a factor of 10 lower
but that was still 300 microwatts per square centimeter - which I think is
excessive.  I haven't had the chance to test a CDMA phone yet.  Note that
FCC's far field standard allows 570 microwatts per square centimeter for the
analog phones (with frequencies in the range 800-900 MHz) and 1200
per square centimeter for the PCS phones (with frequencies in the range
1600-1900 MHz), the readings I mentioned are 3,5-4.0 inches from the
of the phone; whereas, the brain lies only about 1.5 centimeters away from
earpiece.  Thus, were it not for the skull and scalp, the brain would
be subject to incident radiation density of about 1 milliwatt per square
centimeter.  As it is, the outer tissues of the had absorb about half the
radiation before is reaches the brain.  This leaves still far too much
radiation incident on the brain for safety, in my opinion.  In my opinion,
manufacturers could do a great deal to alleviate the problem of excessive

[CTRL] HateWatch News for 8/25/99 (fwd)

1999-08-24 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 25 Aug 1999 01:03:32 -
From: HateWatch Updates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HateWatch News for 8/25/99

HateWatch Updates -

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HateWatch News for August 25,1999

**NYPD to deny permit to Million Youth March**
Police Commissioner Howard Safir said Monday that he will not issue a
permit for a second Million Youth March in Harlem next month, but
organizers say the event will proceed anyway. "We want to make it clear
here today that no devil, racist, cantankerous, constipated cracker like
Mayor [Rudolph] Giuliani can stop" the march, said
Khalid Abdul Muhammad, the main organizer of the march. At a news
conference outside City Hall, he declared: "We will march on Malcolm X
Boulevard with a permit or without a permit."

**Hundreds Join Anti-Hate Rally In Palo Alto**
More than 700 people braved the unforgiving heat yesterday to attend a
rally against hate at Palo Alto's Jewish Community Center, which in recent
weeks became the target of anti-Semitic threats.  Palo Alto police
arrested San Jose security guard Kevin Riley O'Keefe, on August 13 for
making threatening phone calls to the center over a two-month period.

**Hate Crimes Spur Lawmakers to Seek $5-Million Fund for Prosecutions**
Trying to go beyond talk in their battle against hatemongering, a
bipartisan group of California lawmakers on Monday announced an effort to
set aside $5 million in state funds for local prosecutors to pursue hate
crimes.  Currently, the state does not earmark money for counties for the
specific purpose of prosecuting hate crimes, and some lawmakers want
California to make that financial commitment.

**Trying to move beyond Holocaust**
Wearing a black leather jacket and gray silk pants, a mobile phone pressed
to one ear, Liat Sharaga looks like any stylish young Berliner. But as a
Jew, she feels a sharp difference, and for that she blames a generation of
Jewish scolding about Germany's Nazi past.
"Of course, it was very bad. But it was 50 years ago," Sharaga said as she
paced outside the historic Pestalozzistrasse Synagogue before Friday night
services. "It makes it harder to bring the societies together. Even as a
Jew, I must say I'm fed up with it."

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[CTRL] OT: Remember this name (fwd)

1999-08-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 11:59:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jim Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry
By Ann Coulter

Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry. It won't be bandied quite
as much as "Mark O. Barton" over the next few weeks, but it
should be. A few years ago two armed men burst into a Shoney's
restaurant in Anniston, Alabama and herded the patrons and
employees into a walk-in refrigerator, at gun point. The robbers
kept the manager behind for his assistance as they looted the
restaurant. One patron, however, also remained behind. Thomas
Glenn Terry had opted against being locked in a refrigerator, and
hid from the attackers under a table.

As one of the armed robbers ransacked the cash register, another
patroled the restaurant. When he came across Mr. Terry, he pulled
his gun.

But unlike the recent victims in Atlanta, this victim was armed.
Using his own legally concealed handgun, Terry shot and killed
the robber. The other armed robber, who had had his gun trained
on the manager, then opened fire on Terry. Terry shot back,
mortally wounding the second robber. The two dozen hostages were
released unharmed. Only the criminals -- who had been armed with
stolen guns by the way -- didn't make it out alive.

You probably hadn't heard of the Shoney's restaurant incident. In
the media's boundless capacity to stultify the public with
sensational news stories, they have made places like Littleton,
Colorado household names. But "Anniston, Alabama" doesn't ring a

A massacre is a story. Thwarting a massacre isn't. But once you
know about Anniston, and similar averted tragedies, something
will start to leap out at you as you read news accounts of gunmen
shooting scores of innocents. Massacre stories always include a
terrifying account of how the killers proceeded from victim to
victim, pausing to reload, and shooting again. Mass murder
requires that the victims be unarmed.

Thomas Glenn Terry, though heroic, is not altogether unique. Two
years ago in Pearl, Mississippi a deranged student shot and
killed two of his classmates. Fortunately, Joel Myrick, the
assistant principal had a gun in his car. He prevented the
shooting from becoming a Littleton level massacre by holding the
student at gunpoint until the police arrived.

A year later, in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old boy opened
fire at an eighth-grade graduation dance, killing a teacher and
wounding three others. A single murder did not become a mass
murder only because a near-by restaurant owner, James Strand,
happened to be armed. As the shooter stopped to reload, Strand
immobilized the shooter, holding him for over ten minutes, until
the police appeared. A lot of killing can be accomplished in ten
minutes when none of your victims is armed.

How long did it take the police to arrive in Atlanta? Barton
walked into one office building in Atlanta shot four people dead,
then left the building, ambled across the street, entered another
building, and killed at least five more people. As in Littleton
there are film clips of policemen scaling the building's walls to
rescue terrified and completely defenseless people inside.

Most striking in the news reports of Barton's shooting spree was
this: Fully three hours after the shooting, some people were
still hiding in the building. Hiding. Waiting like pigs before
the slaughter. Because none of them was armed. None but the

But for some reason, the government's response is always to
disarm more citizens. Not to disarm itself, by the way, but to
disarm people other than the police who show up 15 minutes after
the shooting has begun. This isn't a complaint about the police,
they simply can't be everywhere at once. It's a plea for more
citizen guards. There may be bad citizens, but, let me remind
you, there are also bad police. Why are they the only ones don't
have to hide in their offices when madmen with guns show up?

More guns will not create more Mark Bartons. Guns can do a lot of
things, like protect you from lunatics, but they don't make you
criminally insane. Consider Mr. Barton. The initial reports have
been that he killed his children because his stock porfolio had
declined. Well, that's a rational response. Whether it was his
stocks or his wife or the weather -- he killed his children. This
is a madman. In the absence of a gun, he could have used an axe,
a bomb, or a machette. One of the most efficient murder sprees
this century was accomplished not with guns, but with machettes.
Madmen in Rwanda murdered almost one million people in under four

If only Thomas Glenn Terry had been there.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Texas Rangers Have Massive Evidence of Federal B...

1999-08-24 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

Will the FBI shooters shown on tape be prosecuted for murder? Are you crazy!?
This is the US of A. Government types have immunity from prosecution, no
matter what the crime! Only small average Joe gets to enjoy being prosecuted
for far , far less of a crime.After all, we as a country have an image to
uphold in front of the world stage.
Naming the FBI Building after J.Edgar Hoover should be proof enough. I mean
he was a homosexual, (not that there's  anything wrong with that.) But he did
Persecute all other homosexuals except for his better half, C.Tolson. He
denied the existance of the Mafia, although he personally knew several and
accepted money to bet at racetracks. Nevertheless, we seem to think the
number one cop(crooked) should have a buiulding named after him, what would
the other countries say afterall.
You've got to admit, this country sure knows how to blow-up a smokescreen

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[CTRL] More on Russbacher

1999-08-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

from search of Russbacher

Subject: Russbacher/Princess Di Death Plot Claims
Date: 1998/05/06
Author: alex constantine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Posting History

Russbacher/Princess Di Death Plot Claims


By Ru Mills (pseudonym)

  "A man was arrested in a hotel lobby in Vienna as he  tried   to sell
documents to Mohamed Fayed  that  allegedly  proved
  that his  son  Dodi  and  Diana,  Princess  of  Wales, were
  murdered." (Electronic Telegraph, 4/30/98)

  "The  suspect,  a  67-year-old man whose name was withheld,   had  been
peddling documents which purported to be evidence
  of a supposed murder plot, by implication involving British
  and U.S. intelligence." (Reuters, 4/29/98)

On April 22, 1998,  67  year  old  George  Mearah was arrested in Vienna,
Austria by the FBI, the CIA  and  the  Austrian  Security Police.  The
official  reason  for the arrest was the attempted extortion of millions  of
dollars  from  the  father  of Dodi Al Fayed.

A statement from Harrods (owned by  the  father  of  Dodi  Fayed) said:
"The  case  follows  a  two week enquiry by Mr Macnamara, Harrod's Director
of  Security,  in  Washington  and Vienna into allegations that British
Intelligence sought the help of the  CIA in  a  plot  to  assassinate
Diana,  Princess  of Wales and Dodi Fayed."

"Working with the full cooperation of law enforcement authorities in  the
United  States  and  Austria,  Mr.  Macnamara  was  also investigating  the
alleged  existence of documentary evidence of such a plot."

"There  are  no  further  details  at  present  as  enquiries are continuing
in  the  United  States  and  further  charges  are anticipated."

A  quick reading of the short story, which was carried by AP, UPI and AOL
UK, seemed to point to a bumbling attempt by an Austrian, living in the
United  States,  to  extort  money from Mohammed Al Fayed,  in  exchange
for  classified  intelligence  documents purporting  to show a conspiracy
between British Intelligence and the CIA, to murder Princess Diana.

An interesting statement made  by  the Kurier newspaper in Vienna said,
"Mearah showed two documents at the  Vienna  meeting  which had  appeared
genuine  and  proved  Mr.  Fayed's theory that the Establishment  was
trying  to  block  Dodi  from  marrying Diana because he would become the
step-father of a future king."

A closer reading of the article raises many questions.  The first being, if
the documents are phony, then why are the FBI  and  the CIA  involved?  If
extortion was taking place on Austrian soil, committed by a Austrian,  who
was  targeting a European citizen, why are the United States intelligence
and investigative agencies and bureaus involved?  Which, if any,  United
States  laws  were broken?

Upon rereading the article  a  third  time, a veiled reference to where the
documents came from was discovered, i.e.,  from  inside the  United  States
intelligence community.  Could the purported extortionist have stolen these
documents from one or the other of the United States intelligence units?
And if he did, how could a bumbling outsider have accomplished this feat?

If, indeed, the documents which Mr.  Mearah was trying to sell to Mohammed
Al Fayed were stolen from the United States intelligence agencies and
bureaus, then the reason for  the  U.S.  involvement becomes  clear. From
second and third hand reports, coming from
unnamed sources in  French  Intelligence, the purloined documents appear to
have originated with British Intelligence, (MI-6).  The document appears to
be seeking the cooperation of the CIA in  the "neutralization" of Princess

The story, as reported  by  the  wire  services,  left a lot out. According
to an unnamed French source, there is far more  to  the story  than  is
being revealed.  The French source believes that the whole operation is  an
attempt  to "surface" documents which will expose the murder  plot  which
was  cooked  up  by  British Intelligence.

An  investigative  reporter,  living  in  Northern  California, confirms
the  French  source  and  adds  additional information. According  to  the
California  source,  units  from  Naval Intelligence,  Faction  2,  appear
to be involved.  (Faction 2 is the nationalist, anti-New World  Order
network within the various intelligence  agencies.)  This  piece  of
information  confirms reports we have received regarding involvement by
known  members of  Faction  2,  such  as Gunther Russbacher, Oswald LeWinter
and others whose names cannot be  named,  but who have recently faded back
into the shadow world, as if they have been called  back  to work, or as
they say it in the game, "...gone operational."

Faction 2, as noted,  is  a  loosely  woven group of intelligence operatives
from many different countries who oppose a  New  Wor

Re: [CTRL] Impeachment Conspiracy.

1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

The solution won't be putting people like the animal Clinton
in Jail, it will be in dismantling the cash cow of the
Prison Law Enforcement Industry so that the people running
the contrived debtors situation in America lose power.  BG

John Szocik wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> I'd like to know what kind of country we live in when a sick, drug-user goes
> to jail; and Clinton doesn't even get brought before a formal investigation
> regarding allegations of cocain importation, as well as use. Not to mention
> all the people associated with him and or the Dem. Finance  Committee that
> wound-up DEAD!
> What about the allegations from his former state police bodyguards regarding
> them having to get women for Clinton; what about Mena airport and that fiasco
> with drugs and the murder of two boys who happened to wiwtness something.
> We all know this could go on, however, my point in all this is when will we
> get a prosecutor who has the guts to pursue these questions and allegations.
> If Clinton isn't at least brought before an investigating committee, then how
> in God's name do we bring charges against the small-time hood who does not
> deserve jail, but some alternative mode of help.
> Where is this prosecutor who will do the job he is SWORN to do? Who will not
> look the other way because the alleged perp. happens to hold a very important
> position?
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Texas Rangers Have Massive Evidence of Federal B...

1999-08-24 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

HOW, and by WHOM can these people who hold these powerful positions be
terminated from their respective positions in government?
I think they realize there is little the average person can do, and they play
upon that.
They just assume that people will bitch and complain for a while, then get
tired of it, and go away eventually. Meanwhile, life goes on for these
cowards and scum.
Believe me, if they couldn't hide behind all that protect them, do you
honestly think they would have the guts to do what they do?Course not!! They
know that their positions are safe and secure because anybody that does
possess the power to bring them to their knees are either bought and paid
for, or they worry about their careers.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1999-08-24 Thread Aol user

 -Caveat Lector-

San Antonio

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Re: [CTRL] Waco

1999-08-24 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/24/99 9:26:51 PM GMT-5:00 - United States of Am,

 When they came for the republicans, I didn't say anything
 because I wasn't a republican...

 William Shannon wrote:
 > >>
The government has failed to prove Dave Koresh harmed anyone!  Just because
someone thinks differently doesn't give government the right to destroy their
lives!  This is America!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Waco

1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

When they came for the republicans, I didn't say anything
because I wasn't a republican...

William Shannon wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Still say Koresh and his Branch DavIDIOTS deserved their, it's not
> like we lost the cure for cancer, just some fringe scumbags...
>  Report counters U.S. stand on Waco
> August 24, 1999 6:53 p.m. CDT
> DALLAS (AP) -- Contradicting years of denial from the U.S. government, a
> former FBI official said in today's Dallas Morning News that agents fired two
> pyrotechnic tear gas grenades into the Branch Davidian compound the day it
> erupted in a deadly inferno.
> However, Danny Coulson said the devices were fired hours before the blaze
> began on April 19, 1993, and were not to blame for the fire that consumed the
> compound with David Koresh and more than 80 followers inside.
> ``The fire did not start there. That's a lot of nothing,'' he said in today's
> Dallas Morning News.
> The issue of whether the FBI used pyrotechnic devices is a major focus of an
> ongoing inquiry by the Texas Rangers and a key allegation in a pending
> federal wrongful-death lawsuit filed against the government by surviving
> Davidians and families of those who died.
> The federal government consistently has disputed accusations that the FBI
> started the fire. Independent investigators concluded the fire began
> simultaneously in three separate places.
> FBI bugs recorded Davidians discussing spreading fuel and planning a fire
> hours before the compound burned. Arson investigators also found evidence
> that gasoline, charcoal lighter fluid and camp stove fuel had been poured
> inside the compound.
> Government officials have maintained the FBI used only nonflammable devices
> to get tear gas into the compound because of fears that pyrotechnic grenades
> might spark a fire in the wooden structure.
> The statement by Coulson, founding commander of the FBI's hostage rescue team
> and a deputy assistant FBI director at the time of the Waco incident, marks
> the first time any government official has publicly contradicted those
> claims, the News reported.
> On Monday, a spokesman with the U.S. Justice Department again denied that any
> pyrotechnic devices were used.
> ``We are aware of no evidence to support the notion that any pyrotechnic
> devices were used by the federal government on April 19,'' Justice Department
> spokesman Myron Marlin told the newspaper. ``We've said that all along.''
> Copyright 1999 The Associated Press
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-08-24 Thread Jim

 -Caveat Lector-

Aol user wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Does anybody have a Black's Law Dictionary to look up "obiter dictum" for me?

 "Words of an opinion entirely unnecessary for the decision
of the case. A remark made or opinion expressed by a judge in
his decision upon a cause, "by the way," that is, incidently
or collaterally, and not directly upon the question before him,
or upon a point not necessarily involved in the determination
of the cause, or introduced by way of illustration or analogy
or arguement. Such are not binding as precedent."
> Or is there a site where I can find the definition of the word?
> Friend is stuck in TX and needs to know the answer.

   Where is he? I'm near Austin.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Gunther Russbacher

1999-08-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Copyright FreeAmerica and Harry V. Martin, 1995


Navy flier testifies he flew Bush to Paris for deal to block release of

By Harry V. Martin

A BAC 111 aircraft, which had been reconfigured to carry a sufficient amount
of fuel to travel 3,600 miles, left Andrews Air Force Base in the late
afternoon of October 19, 1980. The aircraft's destination: Paris, France.
The Passengers aboard the aircraft included the command pilot U.S. Navy
Captain Gunther Russbacher, Richard Brenneke and Heinrick Rupp, on the
flight deck; and in the cabin was William Casey, soon to be the Director of
the Central Intelligence Agency; Donald Greggs, soon to be the ambassador to
South Korea; and George Bush, the future Vice President and President of the
United States and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency. There
were also Secret Service agents aboard the aircraft.

This is the weekend - three weeks before the November 1980 Presidential
Election, that Bush has claimed he spent at Andrews Air Force Base.

Testifying to this flight is Russbacher, the pilot. The Navy pilot is
currently at Terminal Island, a federal prison, awaiting an appeal on a
charge of misuse and misappropriation of government properties, misuse of
government jets, and misuse of government purchase orders for purchase of
fuel. He was also a member of the Office of Naval Intelligence and worked
with the Central Intelligence Agency. Russbacher's alias is Robert A.
Walker. Russbacher now becomes the second crew member of that flight to
testify to this clandestine episode that may have changed the politics of
this nation and which has been labeled the "October Surprise". Brenneke was
upheld by a Federal jury when he testified about the flight. After his
testimony he was charged by the Federal Government with perjury, but a
Federal jury acquitted him upholding his testimony that the flight actually
took place. The trial was held in Portland, Oregon last year.

Russbacher, in an exclusive interview, states that Bush stayed at the Hotel
Crillion in Paris. Russbacher has stated that more than one flight was
involved, but that this was the initial flight at which time an agreement
was made between Bush and Casey and the Government of Iran to delay the
release of American hostages in Iran until after the November 1980 election.
Former President Jimmy Carter and several Congressmen are now asking for an
investigation into the "October Surprise".

According to Russbacher statements, Bush stayed only a couple of hours. He
attended a meeting at the Hotel Crillion and at the Hotel George V.
Russbacher, Brenneke, and Rupp stayed at the Hotel Florida. Bush did not
return on the same BAC 111 aircraft or return with some of the people he had
flown with to Paris, but instead Russbacher flew him back in the SR71. The
aircraft was refueled about 1800 to 1900 nautical miles into the Atlantic by
a KCl35.

The returning flight with Bush landed at McGuire Air Force base at
approximately 2 a.m. on October 20. Russbacher states that Bush, while in
Paris, met with Hashemi Rafsanjani, the second in command to the Ayatollah
and now the president of Iran, and Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian
businessman who was extremely powerful. Arrangements were apparently made to
pay Iran $40 million to delay the release of hostages in order to thwart
President Jimmy Carter's re-election bid. The $40 million was the beginning
of terms that created the Iran-Contra scandal that is now being reopened by

Russbacher is concerned for his life, but feels that the other pilots will
now come forward in a new Congressional investigation. He indicates that
there is a growing division within the Central Intelligence Agency.  "There
is no one higher than the CIA, but there are groups within the company (term
used by insiders for the CIA) that are very, very strong. And the group or
clique that I belonged to, in my opinion, was probably the strongest but
there are other factions that are at war with themselves," Russbacher
states."You have these groups that are answerable to no one. Well, they are
answerable to one man, on top, and he doesn't seem to care how the problems
are resolved, just as long as they are taken care of." The man Russbacher is
referring to is President Bush.

On the eve of an announcement of a Congressional investigation into the
"October Surprise", Russbacher was to have taken a helicopter trip with Navy
Intelligence officers, but he did not take the trip. The helicopter carrying
several Naval Intelligence officers was reported to have crashed near or on
Fort Ord in California. Russbacher, who was willing to tape this interview,
states that had he been on the helicopter he would be dead right now. In
fact, because of that crash, Russbacher wanted this interview taped for
safety reasons.

He believes that the other aircrew member

Re: [CTRL] Impeachment Conspiracy.

1999-08-24 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

I'd like to know what kind of country we live in when a sick, drug-user goes
to jail; and Clinton doesn't even get brought before a formal investigation
regarding allegations of cocain importation, as well as use. Not to mention
all the people associated with him and or the Dem. Finance  Committee that
wound-up DEAD!
What about the allegations from his former state police bodyguards regarding
them having to get women for Clinton; what about Mena airport and that fiasco
with drugs and the murder of two boys who happened to wiwtness something.
We all know this could go on, however, my point in all this is when will we
get a prosecutor who has the guts to pursue these questions and allegations.
If Clinton isn't at least brought before an investigating committee, then how
in God's name do we bring charges against the small-time hood who does not
deserve jail, but some alternative mode of help.
Where is this prosecutor who will do the job he is SWORN to do? Who will not
look the other way because the alleged perp. happens to hold a very important

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Interesting quote]

1999-08-24 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

"Clinton is campaigning for Al Gore who wants to be our next president and
Clinton says that Al Gore was involved in everything this administration
did. I'm no legal expert, but I believe the term for that is 'accessory.' "

- "Late Show" host David Letterman

Re: [CTRL] Get implanted--just a hoax (fwd)

1999-08-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

> Sorry folks, you can't even earn a little extra cash getting
> an implant these days:-) This was intended as an "artistic"
> website? and caused such a furor the owner came out with the
> truth it was a farce and pretty quickly at that. The only

This really bummed me out.  I was all ready to go down and get me
my $250...I was even gonna stop by my bank an'get me another $20
more while I was out'n'about (blood bank;)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Waco

1999-08-24 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Still say Koresh and his Branch DavIDIOTS deserved their, it's not
like we lost the cure for cancer, just some fringe scumbags...

 Report counters U.S. stand on Waco

August 24, 1999 6:53 p.m. CDT

DALLAS (AP) -- Contradicting years of denial from the U.S. government, a
former FBI official said in today's Dallas Morning News that agents fired two
pyrotechnic tear gas grenades into the Branch Davidian compound the day it
erupted in a deadly inferno.

However, Danny Coulson said the devices were fired hours before the blaze
began on April 19, 1993, and were not to blame for the fire that consumed the
compound with David Koresh and more than 80 followers inside.

``The fire did not start there. That's a lot of nothing,'' he said in today's
Dallas Morning News.

The issue of whether the FBI used pyrotechnic devices is a major focus of an
ongoing inquiry by the Texas Rangers and a key allegation in a pending
federal wrongful-death lawsuit filed against the government by surviving
Davidians and families of those who died.

The federal government consistently has disputed accusations that the FBI
started the fire. Independent investigators concluded the fire began
simultaneously in three separate places.

FBI bugs recorded Davidians discussing spreading fuel and planning a fire
hours before the compound burned. Arson investigators also found evidence
that gasoline, charcoal lighter fluid and camp stove fuel had been poured
inside the compound.

Government officials have maintained the FBI used only nonflammable devices
to get tear gas into the compound because of fears that pyrotechnic grenades
might spark a fire in the wooden structure.

The statement by Coulson, founding commander of the FBI's hostage rescue team
and a deputy assistant FBI director at the time of the Waco incident, marks
the first time any government official has publicly contradicted those
claims, the News reported.

On Monday, a spokesman with the U.S. Justice Department again denied that any
pyrotechnic devices were used.

``We are aware of no evidence to support the notion that any pyrotechnic
devices were used by the federal government on April 19,'' Justice Department
spokesman Myron Marlin told the newspaper. ``We've said that all along.''

Copyright 1999 The Associated Press

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
BETRAYAL - Our Occupation of Germany
Arthur D. Rahn
Former Chief Editor of Intelligence
Office of the Director of Information Control
Office of Military Government, Germany
Book & Knowledge
Warsaw, Poland
pps. 237  (no date) out-of-print
--"For more than 700 years Bavaria has been free, happy and satisfied as an
independent state under the reign of the House of Wittelsbach..." declared
the application of the monarchists for MG authorization of their King and
Homeland Party. This was the voice of the Cardinal speaking for the old
nobility, the industrialists, the army officers and the Bishops, Now that
Prussia was divided up, Bavaria was the largest and most powerful
principality in the Reich. It would have to take the lead in opposing "Red
Berlin"! Under a king "accountable only to God and not necessarily to the
people," as Baron Franz von Redwitz envisaged the new monarchy, Bavaria would
really be an Ordnungszelle, a cell of order.--

---" NOT until I sat down to write this book and reflected on my experience
and organized my notes did I realize that what had seemed to me and my
friends in Germany to be a chaos of corruption and incompetence had actually
been a planned development following a very definite pattern. In fact, it has
become increasingly clear that the pattern of events in Germany from 1944 to
mid-1947 mirrored in sharp perspective what was happening at home in America.
Developments in Germany, too, have paralleled our actions in the United
Nations and our relations with the Soviet Union, Greece, Spain, China,
Britain, Israel — with the entire world."---



Deutschland, Deutschland Ueber Alles!

We're Most Like You..."

"I am not for a return to that definition of liberty under which for many
years a free people were being gradually regimented into the service of the
privileged few."
--From Fireside Chat, September 30, 1934.

BUT an American officer has already spoken to me, how many more times will we
be questioned?" Herr Ellers, an official in the large Sandoz Chemical Works
(a firm with branches in the United States), spoke quietly, a little meekly,
but with annoyance. We had licensed his party, the LPD, the Liberal
Democratic Party of Germany, and he could not understand why we insisted upon
interrogating the leaders so frequently on their motives and objectives.

Of course, his party was reliable. The Liberal Democratic Party was the
German party most like the two American parties, Herr Ellers assured me. It
was the only party that advocated an eventual complete return to free
enterprise, to the economic structure of the Weimar Republic, when
independent  businessmen and industrialists were given free rein in commerce
and industry. (Herr Ellers did not mention that under the Weimar Republic
they had also been given free rein in politics with unfortunate results for

"Why all this talk about the Kzler," and from Eller's tone it was clear that
the ex-concentration camp inmates provided a frequent topic of conversation
with him. "I, too, opposed the Nazis. Never did I sign my letters with the
required 'Heil Hitler!' and that was dangerous. And I, too, suffered. I was
bombed out and lost my home."

I looked around at the plush, overfurnished, undamaged Victorian apartment to
which Herr Ellers had been forced to retreat and remarked: "But it wasn't the
Nazis who bombed you out, Herr Ellers, it was our fliers."

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled weakly: "Well, we've suffered a lot from
you, too."

He had o[sic] good salary in 1933, Herr Ellers, and it had continued to rise
during the Hitler regime. It was difficult for him, one could see, to
determine who was his worst enemy, we, the conquerors and shamers of his
country and the bombers of his house, or the Nazis, who had made mistakes and
been corrupt.

What had happened to all the industrialists, civil officials, businessmen and
professional people who out of nationalism, love of the army, concern for the
national honor and fear of "bolshevism" had thrown their votes, money and
influence behind the Nazis? They had not been imprisoned in the concentration
camps nor had they joined the emigres. During the Hitler period they had
lived well, their businesses had flourished, they had received promotions and
positions of prestige, while the anti-Nazis had been persecuted, demoralized
and beaten.

Now, of course, everybody was a democrat after his own fashion. The old
militarists, nationalists and pro-Hitler elements were also democrats — many
of them Liberal Democrats.

Because of their mutual fear of the "red menace," the leaders of the LPD and
the CDU were holding discussions preparatory to a merger of the two groups.
Although in keeping with their Bismarck traditions, the Liberals opposed the
Church leadership in the CDU and the lip-service of the Christian Democrats
to socialism and were unhappy at having to cooperate with the left-wing
faction in the CDU, it w

[CTRL] Fw: U.N.warns`Serb-free Kosovo'approaching

1999-08-24 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

U.N. warns `Serb-free Kosovo' approaching
11.33 a.m. ET (1536 GMT) August 24, 1999
GENEVA (AP) — As frightened Serbs continue to leave Kosovo,
the United
Nations refugee agency warned today that a "Serb-free Kosovo''
soon be the result, and estimated that only 30,000 Serbs remain.

Since NATO entered Kosovo on June 12, most of the province's
Serbs have fled following attacks carried out by ethnic Albanians in
retaliation for their own suffering at the hands of Serb forces during
the previous year's crackdown.

Most have made their own way, "fleeing the threatening
despite NATO and U.N. commitments to a multiethnic Kosovo,
said Kris
Janowski, spokesman for the U.N. High Commissioner for

"We are pretty much approaching the line of a Serb-free Kosovo,
is an extremely sad phenomenon,'' Janowski said. "The terrible
scenario that we warned against — of one exodus following the
other —
is happening.''

Yugoslav authorities say that an estimated 195,000 Serbs and other
non-Albanians have now arrived elsewhere in Serbia and
Janowski said. That figure has risen from 180,000 three weeks ago.

He stressed that UNHCR "cannot vouch for the accuracy of the
but it implies that the Serb population is continuing to shrink.

The refugee agency last week said it has helped "hundreds'' of
isolated minority Serbs and Roma, or Gypsies, thought to be in
life-threatening situations to leave the province.

There are some signs that the situation is improving, Janowski said.

would say that over the past few days we haven't had the kind of

we used to get, of a murder or some sort of atrocity every day, so
it's slowly getting better,'' he said. But he conceded that may be
because most Serbs have left.


It is not enough to succeed. Others must fail.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [4] The Great Heroin Coup

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Great Heroin Coup - Drugs, Intelligence, & International Fascism
Henrik Kruger
Jerry Meldon, Translator
South End Press©1980
Box 68 Astor Station
Boston, MA 02123
ISBN 0-89608-0319-5
240pps - one edition - out-of-print
Orginally published in Danish
Smukke Serge og Heroien
Bogan 1976



Trying to make sense out of French intelligence activities is like trying to
find one's way out of a maze knowing there's no exit. All told, there are
four intelligence services, and at various times they work together,
independently, and against one another in an atmosphere of scandal and
intrigue. The four are: the foreign espionage agency, Service de
Documentation Exterieure et de Contre Espionage (SDECE); the domestic
security agency, Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire (DST); the police
intelligence force, Renseignements Generaux (RG); and the Gaullists'
para-police force, Service d'Action Civique (SAC).

Charles de Gaulle reigned over the Golden Age of French espionage. The
president was enamored of cloaks and daggers and could not get enough
security from the dangers left and right. . . including those responsible for
his security. Though he determined overall policy, de Gaulle kept his own
hands off intelligence activities, leaving the nuts and bolts to loyal

The rules had been written during World War II, when de Gaulle and his
followers were located in London's Free French house. De Gaulle saw a double
agent in every unannounced Channel crosser and, not infrequently, had that
individual executed without regard to the petty details of justice. After the
war, anonymous corpses were exhumed from the cellar of the London abode.

The SDECE emerged shortly after World War II. It consisted of seven
departments that handled intelligence analysis, Eastern and Western Europe,
Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, and America. In addition there is a
special action group within the SDECE, the Service d'Action du SDECE. It's
not to be confused with SAC, though it is sometimes difficult to distinguish
between their operations.

The SDECE employs some 2000 men and has a yearly budget fixed at $25 million.
Another $50 million can be tapped from a secret reserve.[1] Its headquarters
are next to a large bathhouse in the Paris suburb of Les Tourelles. The
French call it "the swimming pool."

In its thirty years of existence the SDECE has had six chiefs. De Gaulle's
first, General Grossin, lasted until 1962. General Paul Jacquier, his
replacement, was dropped without so much as a handshake following the 1965
Ben Barka affair. The next chief, General Eugene Guibaud, didn't last much
longer. He left in 1970 when Georges Pompidou became the president. Pompidou
was convinced that SDECE figures had led a smear campaign to keep him out of
Charles de Gaulle's shoes. He chose the aristocratic pro-U.S. Alexandre de
Marenches to purge the intelligence agency.

A dynasty of military officers has run the various SDECE departments. The
names heard most often in connection with assassination, kidnaping, and other
scandals are: Colonel Rend Bertrand alias Beaumont, Colonel Nicolas Fourcaud,
Colonel Marcel Leroy alias Leroy-Finville, Colonel Paul Ferrer alias
Fournier, and Colonel Marcel Mercier, who headed the neo-Fascist Red Hand
that was responsible for a string of political murders.[2]

The SDECE story is one of continuous scandal. Murder plots, kidnapings, drug
deals, and extensive collaboration with the underworld have been brought to
light, but are only part of the story. France has never shown the tendency
toward open government that has, for example, produced public hearings in the
U.S. on CIA and FBI crimes. What light has been shed in recent years is due
mostly to Phillipe Thyraud de Vosjoli, a former SDECE agent in Cuba and
Washington. His books, Lamia and Le Comite, raised a furor in France. It was
he who tipped off the United States about the presence of Russian rocket
bases in Cuba while stationed there as a French agent. He was fired in 1963.

According to de Vosjoli, under de Gaulle a murder committee existed
consisting of the president's closest political allies and intelligence
officers. It plotted extreme measures against nations or individuals who
threatened de Gaulle or his policies. At one point, the hit list included as
many as thirty names. They included Guinea's chief-of-state Sekou Toure and
Tunisia's Habib Bourgiba, both of whom survived. Others did not, though their
deaths have been recorded as accidents.

SDECE agents working for the committee, according to de Vosjoli, were
responsible for the 1962 plane crash which took the life of Italian oil
magnate Enrico Mattei. Mattei, then Italy's strong man, was on the verge of
engineering an Italian takeover of French oil interests in Algeria. A French
agent code-named Laurent tinkered with Mattei's aircraft, which crashed en
route from Catania to Rome. William McHale, a Time mag

Re: [CTRL] fluoride & dollar$

1999-08-24 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 8/24/99 5:03:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

<< Please find ONE acceptably objective scientific survey PROVING  fluoridated
 water supply to be beneficial to teeth. >>

==4 out of 5 dentists CAN'T be wrong!


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Internet Schizo Alert

1999-08-24 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

>Is it possible to get the whole article?  what is the link?  Thanks.

Fraid not - that WAS the whole article from a tabloid - but I musn't worry
because a New Mental health Act is being implemented under emergency powers
by the new scottish parliament - to make sure that when dangerous loonies
are identified and incarcerated, they have absolutely nowhere to go.
THis takes place next week in Edinburgh, SCotland.

There must surely be some parallel american federal legislation ??? Bard ??



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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] fluoride & dollar$

1999-08-24 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Ms. Hall:

You are massively misinformed.

Fluoride is RAT POISON. In no way should it be CONSUMED.
Limited topical treatment with Fluoride and proper poison-containment
barrier methods is one thing- I am not prepared to condemn such practice..
PROVIDED that the barrier methods are used to prevent ingestion of POISON.

Please find ONE acceptably objective scientific survey PROVING  fluoridated
water supply to be beneficial to teeth.

You will not find ONE, because NONE exist. On the contrary, accurate
anectdotal surveys abound, which indicate a GREATER cost of dental care in
FLUORIDATED communities.
Does this not tell you something?
Open your mind to the truth, if you dare.

VERY, VERY MUCH information is available, in scientifically peer-reviewed
form- of the DEFINITE and PROVEN danger/damage caused by ingestion of (rat
poison) FLUORIDE.

I pity you if you cannot see the truth, laid plain before your eyes

A mind is a terrible thing to waste... and fluoride is PROVEN to be a
mind-wasting toxin.

Thank dangerous elements within the government and the ADA (American Dental
Association) for inflicting it upon the populace.

Some SMALL thanks may be given to several government agencies, such as
FDA, who states FLUORIDE is an "UNAPPROVED DRUG/additive."
EPA, who states that FLUORIDE containing products must be labelled as
POISONS, and that fluoride is a TERATOGEN.

ADA is criminally liable for perpetrating a fraud of incredible proportions
on the populace with the collusion of SOME government agencies. At last
notice, ADA fraudulently claimed both FDA and EPA approval for municipally
fluoridated water.

All of this is public record, and easily proven... with the possible
exception of some still-classified government research from the Manhattan
Project, which first revealed sodium-fluoride to be an extremely deleterious
chemical toxin in association with government ordered tests related to
atomic bomb projects... which information, via government sponsored tests,
has obviously been in the possession of U.S. "security interests" for 50
years...  enough is available via Fredom of Information Act requests to
prove the basic facts as stated. (keywords: uranium hexaFLUORIDE,
hydroFLUORIC gas & acid, cesium fluoride)

Fluoride is a by-product of the nuclear industry (a form of nuclear waste)
and also a toxic waste by-product of the aluminum industry, and also a toxic
waste by-product of the artificial chemical fertilizer industry.

Converting "toxic waste" (per EPA {U.S. Environmental Protection Agency})
into an "unapproved drug/additive" (per FDA {U.S. Food and Drug
Administration}) by selling it to municipalities is a major financial coup.

A small municipal water supplier states 1997 yearly facts:

Total Fluoride (12,383.6 kg)27,276.7 lbs
dispensed in  (3,235,880.0 m3)711,808,180.0 Imp. Gal

Over thirteen TONS of toxic waste successfully "disposed" of in one small
municipality in one year- the "savings" to industry by virtually donating
this poison (cost to municipalities, approx. $200/ton, roughly equivalent to
SHIPPING costs and shipped in containers marked POISON XX per Federal
regulations)  is ASTRONOMICAL.  How much per ton would it cost to legally
dispose of pure RAT POISON in an ETHICAL manner?  $10,000 per ton? more?
less? maybe only $5,000? -- in any case, the "savings" to the nuclear,
aluminum, fertilizer and other industries who would have had to pay
thousands of dollars PER ton to dispose of it "safely."

Approximate amount of toxic waste Fluoride thus diverted from safe disposal
and into the municipal water delivered to approximately 140 million U.S.
residents is 40,000 TONS- hundreds of millions of dollars in savings to
toxic producing industries.

"When The WINDS asked Dr. Lee why, according to his research into the
controversy, he thought there was so much political force driving the
fluoridation movement, the physician/scientist said, "It's a toxic waste
product of many types of industry; for instance, glass production, phosphate
fertilizer production and many others. They would have no way to dispose of
the tons of fluoride waste they produce unless they could find some use for
it, so they made up this story about it being good for dental health. Then
they can pass it through everyone's bodies and into the sewer." [A novel
approach to toxic waste disposal--just feed it to the people and let their
bodies "detoxify" it]. "It is a well coordinated effort," Dr. Lee added, "to
keep it from being declared for what it is--a toxic waste."


Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: N. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 7:45 AM
Subject: fluoride

Dear Dave:

I too live in N.C. and object to the implications suggested by the fluoride
report.  I did

[CTRL] Hillary's Affairs!

1999-08-24 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-


Her shocking secret life -- the untold story
Hillary Clinton's Senate campaign faces the same sex scandal revelations that
have rocked her husband Bill's Presidency -- because Hillary has also had
affairs outside the marriage!

Hillary's cheating dates as far back as the Clintons' days in Arkansas -- and
it continued even after they moved into the White House!

"There's a bombshell waiting to explode as Hillary heads for a Senate
campaign in New York," a White House insider declared. "The Republicans are
just sitting back chortling -- and waiting!"

Ironically, after standing by her philandering husband all these years,
Hillary is now terrified that she's going to find herself in the same
position as Bill, a source close to the First Lady told The ENQUIRER.

"Hillary and her people are right now trying to decide how to handle
questions about her own marital infidelity -- questions they are sure will be
raised if she runs for the Senate from New York.

"In true Clinton style, Hillary is leaning toward her husband's favorite
solution -- deny everything.

"But the fact is she's had two big affairs while married to Bill."

Her first affair, said the close source, was with Vince Foster, the longtime
Clinton adviser whose 1993 death was ruled a suicide.

"It began before the Clintons made it to the White House, back in Arkansas.

"Hillary had great respect for Vince. As they worked together she began
confiding in him about Bill's infidelity. Bill was cheating on Hillary
constantly and Hillary knew it. But she didn't want to end the marriage. She
was determined to get them both to the White House.

"Vince Foster was very sympathetic to Hillary. They developed a deep
friendship. They also worked late together many nights -- and Vince fell in
love with Hillary.

"One night when Hillary began crying over one of Bill's recent affairs, Vince
held her and kissed her and they began a physical relationship.

"Vince and Hillary's affair lasted for years but it was on-again, off-again.
When Hillary was particularly distraught over Bill's cheating, she turned to

"After the Clintons made it to the White House, Hillary simply couldn't leave
Vince behind. Their affair continued in Washington. They tried to be
discreet, but people in Hillary's inner circle knew.

"And just like Bill and Monica Lewinsky exchanging tokens of affection,
Hillary and Vince wrote love notes to each other on occasion.

"Vince and Hillary even had a private place where they would go to be alone
with each other. She and Vince were fixated on each other. It got to the
point where Hillary didn't think she could survive Bill's affairs without
Vince's support and love."

Suspicious about his wife's secret life, Bill even hired a private
investigator to spy on Hillary's intimate encounters.

"The P.I. did months of digging and surveillance and compiled an extensive
file," said a source.

"The file charged that Hillary was having an affair with Foster, that they
had a private and secret place where they met and that they met as often as
their schedules allowed."

The close source revealed: "After Foster killed himself, Hillary was
devastated emotionally. No one could share her private pain that the man she
was having an affair with was gone.

"A while later, though, Hillary turned to a longtime friend and began another
on-again, off- again affair.

"As the relationship heated up, they even had a secret rendezvous at a
California hotel.

"The friendship continues to this day. The physical part is infrequent, but
the emotional connection is intense and ongoing.

"People around Hillary think these affairs may be the source of strength that
has enabled her to stay with Bill, despite the public humiliation."

Revelations that could hurt Hillary may not end there. According to the White
House insider:

"One Clinton aide told me that Hillary has two or three boyfriends!"

And a Washington insider said: "Hillary has told more than one person that
she believes she sometimes has to go outside her marriage to get certain
satisfactions that are missing within it."

Secret Service agents were also curious about some of Hillary's visitors,
another source with White House ties disclosed. "They know who's who among
regular visitors to the Oval Office and to the First Lady."

Details about Hillary's secret life have already begun to surface. A new book
by best-selling author Christopher Andersen quotes an Arkansas state trooper
who saw Hillary and Foster together and said they "were deeply in love. I saw
them locked in each other's arms, deep-kissing, nuzzling."

The book also discloses that eyewitnesses say Foster was often seen fondling
Hillary in public!

"Hillary has been through a lot with Bill," the close source added. "Her own
affairs have helped her achieve everything she's wanted politically by giving
her the strength and contentment to remain with Bill.

"But now her political opponents are ready to spotlight her affairs


1999-08-24 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

It means "a thing said by the way" in Latin though I'm not sure of its
legal application.


On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, Aol user wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Does anybody have a Black's Law Dictionary to look up "obiter dictum" for me?
> Or is there a site where I can find the definition of the word?
> Friend is stuck in TX and needs to know the answer.
> Thank you.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Snip City

1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

I keep thinking of that picture of Nancy and the Pope.

Kris Millegan wrote:
> Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Snip City
> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 18:29:11 -0500
> From: Daniel Hopsicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: Daniel Hopsicker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> sorry, i was the culprit...and as i saw my reply soar off
> i couldn't believe it could be a 100k file,and so didn't
> dive for the cancel switch until it was too late...
> this evening, after having dinner with a former NSA friend of
> Barry Seal's, I will repair to the nearest Catholic Church--for
> true penance, nothing else will do--and meditate on my sins.
> and speakin' a' the one true church... here's some field notes
>  from my first interview with the guy i'm meeting t'nite...
> "I was asked if I was interested in taking a trip to Honduras one
> summer….1964…ended up spending the next 20 years of my life living in
> central and south America…working for two different factions of the us
> government , customs and NSA…"
> "My job was to corrupt the governments of central America and I was so
> good at it I didn't come back for 17 years…learned Spanish quickly in a
> matter of weeks and loved the culture…"
> "I owned two arms manufacturing plants in Bolivia set up through the
> catholic church…worked out with president Bandar…from 1984 through
> 1986…built sm90 machine guns….the Israelis had designs on that biz but
> they could never get their foot in the door because they were mistrusted
> so much…the bolivians did a field
> test…row after row of generals in tents…Israelis against our weapons…we
> won… afterwards banzar told the Israelis they had 24 hours to get out of
> his country…we manufactured 5000 machine guns a day, at 35 bucks apiece,
> we'd sell em for 1200 apiece, we had computer-driven lathes from
> Rockwell International…working for NSA… I was making 100 mill a year for
> a while there…we'd get reimbursed by the Vatican…the Vatican was also
> running the show in Panama…its no fuckin mistake that Noriega sought
> refuge in the Vatican embassy, that's who was running him!"
> can you say "boland amendment?"
> can you say "bread and circuses?"
> note to brian quig: congratulations...when i told this guy that keating
> had been
> lindner's attorney--per your info--he looked at me with (almost) a kind
> of respect,
> the kind i like to think the lions felt for the christians.
> --
> Daniel Hopsicker
> The Drug Money Times
> "All the news that's ripped from print!"
> Scandal in contemporary U.S. life is an institutionalized sociological
> phenomenon.
> It is not due primarily to psychopathological variables,  but is due to
> the
> institutionalization of elite wrongdoing which has occcurred since
> 1963."
> "Many of the scandals that have occurred in the U.S. since 1963 are
> fundamentally interrelated: that is, the same people and institutions
> have
> been involved."
>  --Prof.David Simon, "Elite Deviance 6th edition
> --- ONElist Sponsor 
> ATTENTION ONElist MEMBERS:  Get your ONElist news!
> Join our MEMBER NEWSLETTER here:
> ">Click Here

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sign "FORD BLDG" PETITION <--Please Forward!!

1999-08-24 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-


We're asking all Patriotic Americans to sign the FORD BLDG PETITION
demanding the RELEASE of evidence suppressed during the Impeachment
including rapes and sexual harassments by President Bill Clinton.
Republicans currently have no plans to make those Secrets public.

Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA) says about the still sealed evidence on Clinton:
"The chances that the Ford Building material will ever be made public
will depend entirely on the American people.  If the American people
demand it through their representatives, then it will be released."
He added:  "If it had the backbone to do so, the House could decide to
release the evidence."

CALL TOLL-FREE at:  1-888-449-3511  1-800-FELIX-49 and
1-800-972-3524 (House only). August 24, 1999

GOP Sitting on Clinton Shockers  (some excerpts):

  During last December's House impeachment investigation the
  Judiciary Committee gathered a treasure trove of politically
  explosive information on President Clinton, much of which has
  never been released. But Republicans currently have no plans to
  make those secrets public, Georgia Rep. Bob Barr told Inside
  Cover Monday.

  The materials, stored in D.C.'s Gerald Ford Building, are said
  to include evidence on Clinton's alleged rape of Juanita
  Broaddrick, the intimidation of other women and, according to
  one source, the sexual harassment of up to three female Secret
  Service agents.

  Reactions from Congressmen familiar with the Ford Building
  secrets suggest they are extremely shocking:

* Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT) told the New York Times that the
  evidence on Clinton is, "Very alarming and very unsettling,"
  involving, "conduct by the President that is alleged to be
  pretty horrific."

* After reviewing the same material, Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) told
  the Arizona Republic, "I came away nauseated. There are things
  that go far beyond what we've heard."

* One Washington wag told Inside Cover in January that the secret
  evidence on Bill Clinton reduced Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE) to tears.


Please sign the PETITION. It will be sent to Rep. Hastert, Barr and Burton


CALL TOLL-FREE at:  1-888-449-3511  1-800-FELIX-49 and
1-800-972-3524 (House only).


And Please Forward to EVERYONE!!!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-24 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

"obiter dictum" - ("a saying by the way"), referring to a finding of law in
a decision where that finding was based on issues not properly before the
court. It is an opinion expressed by a court upon a question of law which is
not necessary to the decision of the case before it. The opposite of "obiter
dictum" is "ratio decidendi" (see infra).


One Latinism common in legalese has moved off the bench and into the
mainstream. An incidental and collateral opinion that is uttered by a judge
but is not binding is known as an obiter dictum (literally, "something said
in passing" in Latin). Nowadays, any incidental remark or observation may be
judged obiter dictum.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Video available of Terry Reed's Bush/Coca Comments

1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Master of Puppets

Kris Millegan wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
> -
> And 'remeber' the Iran/Contra scandal was  allegedly 'made public' because a
> samll newspaper in the Middle East published a story, in Arabic about North
> and McFarlane's doings in Iran. Yeah, right. The power structure is so
> corrupt., that it has become standard practice to use 'planned' and directed
> scandal to cover-up the corruption.
> Om
> K
> -
> [ Home ]
> Michael C. Ruppert
> P.O. Box 6061-350, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413 * (818)788-8791 *
> fax(818)981-2847 *
> -
> Aloha, He'Ping,
> Om, Shalom, Salaam.
> Em Hotep, Peace Be,
> Omnia Bona Bonis,
> All My Relations.
> Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
> Amen.
> Roads End
> Kris
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Hail to the King

1999-08-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Slate.CoM

> Hail to the King
> What Jimmy Carter has in common with Henry VI.
> By Steven E. Landsburg
> Posted Monday, August 23, 1999, at 4:30 p.m. PT
> Henry VI was the Jimmy Carter of the 15th century:
> Ostentatiously pious, surrounded by mediocrities, and
> oblivious to England's crumbling international prestige, he
> managed to cripple the military and bankrupt the government
> simultaneously. Contemporary accounts repeatedly emphasize his
> gullibility. Senior statesmen of Henry's own Lancastrian party
> judged him an unworthy successor to their previous
> standard-bearer, the legendary Henry V, identified in the popular
> mind with the romance of chivalry and the tragedy of an early
> death.
> All London cheered when Henry VI was driven from office by
> Edward IV, an almost unbelievably charismatic and handsome
> man whose personal badge, the Sun in Splendor, evokes the
> image of a shining city on a hill. The elegance of Edward's court
> contrasted sharply with Henry's drab and simple style, and the
> implied promise of a brighter future proved spectacularly true.
> After a rocky first few years in office, Edward shored up the
> military, restored England's presence abroad, initiated serious
> economic reforms, and presided over a decade of remarkable peace
> and prosperity. He was, however, frequently distracted by attacks
> on his wife, who was seen as an extravagant spendthrift and a
> sinister influence on the king.
> Edward was followed in office by Richard III, the man who had
> been closer to Edward than any other. Though renowned for his
> great personal courage, Richard was widely disdained as a man
> with no guiding principles other than an instinct for power.
> Before long he had squandered his predecessor's magnificent
> legacy. The general dissatisfaction with Richard spilled over
> onto the Yorkist party, which had seemed so invincible with
> Edward at the helm, and raised Lancastrian hopes of regaining the
> crown.
> Determined not to miss this opportunity, the Lancastrians
> swallowed their distrust of relative outsiders and turned to
> Henry Tudor. Henry was from the remote country of Wales, but he
> looked like a winner. And so he was. After ousting Richard and
> claiming the throne as Henry VII, one of his first official acts
> was to raise taxes. It was Henry's tax collector, John Morton,
> who invented the notorious policy known as "Morton's Fork": If
> you live extravagantly, then you can obviously afford to pay more
> taxes. On the other hand, if you live frugally, then you can
> obviously afford to pay more taxes.
> If history repeats itself, we ought to be able to figure out
> who's destined to succeed Bill Clinton in the White House. Henry
> VII was followed by Henry VIII, a man best remembered for his
> gargantuan appetites, his dissipative lifestyle, his troubled
> marriages, and his rocky relationship with the Catholic Church.
> The message is clear. Ted Kennedy, your time has come at last.
> Learn more about the former president at the Jimmy Carter
> Library and Museum
> [] Web site. Click here
> [] for a list of all the
> monarchs of England since 802. The site includes profiles of
> Henry VI [],
> Edward IV [],
> Richard III
> [], Henry VII
> [], and Henry
> VIII [] (the
> one who's like Ted Kennedy). One thing that Henry VI did right
> was his 1440 founding of Eton College
> [], which the boys of the British
> royal family still attend.
> Jimmy Carter is a central figure in Jacob Weisberg's "Strange
> Bedfellow [../../StrangeBedfellow/98-06-12/StrangeBedfellow.asp]
> " about how the human rights issue became such a major issue in
> the United States' policy toward China.
> .

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has th


1999-08-24 Thread Aol user

 -Caveat Lector-

Does anybody have a Black's Law Dictionary to look up "obiter dictum" for me?

Or is there a site where I can find the definition of the word?

Friend is stuck in TX and needs to know the answer.

Thank you.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Institute of Metahistory

1999-08-24 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Institute of Metahistory

About Institute of Metahistory Name and Logo

| projects | sponsors | partners | how to contact us | russian version |

The Institute of Metahistory was founded in February 1997, and is an
autonomous non-profit organization (Russian Federation State Registration
The Institute of Metahistory unites people who believe that the existing ideas
of the past of the human civilization can be wrong in many respects, since
they were evolved on the basis of data which can hardly be considered
exhaustive, and bear the imprint of a vast number of stereotypes.

We think that as a result of closer cooperation between different sciences,
the renunciation of biased opinions and the arrogant confidence that modern
science, at least basically, knows everything about everything, a fuller and
more reliable picture of the past of the human civilization could be

We are aware that all the suggestions must be substantiated and verified, and
all the assertions - proved. And this we will do.

The supreme managing body of the Institute of Metahistory, taking decisions on
all the key issues, is its Collegium, which is composed of:

Alexander BYALKO, D.Sc. (Physics and Mathematics), Member of the Board of the
International Association of "What? Where? When?" Clubs;

Georgios PANAGOPOULOS, film and theatre director;

Viatcheslav KOUDRIAVTSEV, Member of the Russian Geographical Society of the
Russian Academy of Sciences - Director of the Institute of Metahistory.

The Board of Trustees of the Institute of Metahistory renders assistance in
the realization of the projects of the Institute of Metahistory and supervises
its activities from the viewpoint of their conformity to the objectives and
aims of the Institute and the legislation in force. The Board of Trustees has
not been completely formed, as of today it includes:

Alexander GORODNITSKY, Professor, D.Sc. (Geology and Mineralogy), Full Member
of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of Laboratory at the Shirshov
Oceanology Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of Writers'
Union, President of the Association of Russia's Bards.

Many scientists, experts in various fields of knowledge, cooperate with the
Institute of Metahistory. We are grateful to all of them for their good will
attitude, their researcher enthusiasm and the scientific assistance they are
rendering to the Institute of Metahistory in the realization of its research

The list of research projects which follows below, is not an arbitrary
assortment of "hot" topics. All the projects listed are interdependent parts
of an integral research programme, which envisages their consistent and
logical realization, so that the results of every previous project would
contribute to the substantiation of the subsequent one.

ATLANTIS: Ice Age Civilization

ANCIENT MEGALITHS OF EARTH [under construction]


GOLDEN AGE: Starting Point and Causes of Emergence of Technological
Civilization [under construction]

At the moment the Institute of Metahistory is looking for sources of financing
for its activities and for the realization of its research projects, in
particular, the organization of an expedition to verify the hypothesis on the
location of Plato's Atlantis on the Celtic Shelf in the north-eastern part of
the Atlantic Ocean.

The Shirshov Oceanology Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences -
cooperates with the Institute of Metahistory in organizing an expedition with
a view to verifying the hypothesis on the location of Plato's Atlantis on the
Celtic Shelf in the north-eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean;

Moscow Centre of the Russian Geographical Society of the Russian Academy of
Sciences and its Department of Expeditions - render invaluable assistance to
the Institute of Metahistory in establishing scientific contacts with experts
in various fields of knowledge.

You can send your comments, questions, critical remarks and suggestions to
Valentina Schitz, Assistant to Director of the Institute of Metahistory

If you would like to receive by e-mail the Newsletters of the Institute of
Metahistory, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the only word "SUBSCRIBE" as

You can sen

[CTRL] (Fwd) PC Update - The Internet Society - 8/23/99

1999-08-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

Week of August 23, 1999, Volume 2.54

In this Issue:
   + Issue of the Week - The Internet Society
   + Special Report - Campaign 2000
   + Daily Briefing Wrap-Up
   + This Week's Issues Library Updates

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*and let us bring the Web to you.  *
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*  the essential news and commentary for   *
*the in-the-know citizen.  *
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* *

  I s s u e  o f  t h e  W e e k


The challenges facing Internet society range from forming
cohesive communities as Internet traffic explodes to
determining privacy rights in an increasingly commercial
World Wide Web. outlines ten defining
characteristics of the Internet that shape electronic
culture, and weighs the pros and cons of each.

After Aug. 29, this Issue of the Week moves to's
IW Archive at

S p e c i a l  R e p o r t s


Lamar Alexander's announcement this week to withdraw from
the race for the White House makes him the second Republican
candidate to drop out even before the first primary is held
in 2000. Get a hold of the issues and the candidates here as
the upcoming election is one of the most important in years.
For complete and continuously updated coverage of Campaign
2000 -- the candidates, the issues and the latest results
from all of major polls -- visit's exclusive
Special Report: Campaign 2000.

Your Chance to Weigh In! -- Join our interactive bulletin

Other Special Reports:

Why NATO? Why Kosovo? Why Now?

U.S. vs. Microsoft

Social Security at the Crossroads

  D a i l y  B r i e f i n g

Each weekday, the Daily Briefing provides a
concise policy analysis of a major item in the news.

Today's Daily Briefing: America the Violent?

Last week's Daily Briefings:

8/20/99: "U.S. Trade Deficit Hits New Record"
The Commerce Department released the figures for the June
U.S. trade balance, revealing a record $24.6 billion
one-month goods-and-services deficit. The first six months
of 1999 put the country on track for a total 199 deficit of
$236, up 43 percent from last year. Economists trace the
deficit to the relatively healthy U.S. economy. But while
many say the deficit is a misunderstood boon for Americans,
others say it shows that American workers are getting a raw

8/19/99: "Earthquakes: The Sudden Killer"
Tuesday's massive earthquake in western Turkey has left more
than 6,866 dead and more than 33,000 injured with at least
35,000 still missing. The quake has also left the heavily
populated area east of Istanbul in a shambles, with many
bridges and buildings destroyed or rendered unusable and
the country's largest refinery in flames. The international
community has responded with an outpouring of support,
sending donations of cash and supplies, as well as search-
and-rescue teams.

8/18/99: "PSAs to Fight Youth Violence"
A new series of television public service announcements
debuts tonight, encouraging parents and children to discuss
school violence. That goal comes in response to the public
perception that poor parenting may have contributed to
April's shooting in Littleton, Colo. The ads are privately
sponsored, but have the blessing of -- and feature a
soundbite from -- President Clinton.

8/17/99: "Report Shows Record U.S. Prison Population"
A new Justice Department report shows that the U.S. prison

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #4

1999-08-24 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990824d - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No dwarves were crushed during production of this bulletin. What a waste.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Crush Videos' Decried! (UPI) Micro-actor Mickey Rooney joined politics &
  animal activists to decry what are being called "crush videos," a type of
  pornography in which women wearing boots or open toed shoes crush small
  animals and insects beneath their feet. At a news conference today, Rooney
  displayed photos showing women in stiletto high heels squashing a mouse,
  rabbit and what appeared to be a guinea pig or hamster. "It's deplorable,"
  Rooney squeaked. Then a tall woman wearing a black sheath dress and combat
  boots squished him.

: Do you like to squish things? Would you like to be squished? Do the voices
in your head insist? Did you ever squish an alien? Was it really an alien??
What's the difference between squishing & squashing? Can you only squi(a)sh
something *really* small if you're wearing stiletto heels? Is impaling okay?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ TRUTH ABOUT UFOs. On Tue, 24 Aug 1999 20:39:22 GMT, in alt.paranet.ufo
  Sheppard Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  1. I am ALWAYS right.  2. UFOs are mis-identified objects from Earth,
  nothing unusual.  3. There are no conspiracies, only idiots who believe
  in them.  4. Roswell didn't happen.  5. This newsgroup is a waste of time.
  6. True believers also enjoy professional wrestling (and think its real).
  7. The Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause are also frauds.  8. Booze and Drugs
  play an important part in being a believer.  9. UFO stories are like
  assholes, every believer has one.  10. If in doubt, refer to number 1.

: Do you know The Truth? If so, would you tell anyone? Would we believe you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Reform leader stated Western Wall is not holy. According to Rabbi Yehoram
  Maoz, a leading figure in the Reform Movement, the Western Wall in the Old
  City of Jerusalem is not holy and therefore, he would not chose the site
  for religious events. In response, Rabbi Uri Regev of the Center for Pro-
  gressive Judaism stated that abandoning the wall would be a mistake and
  interpreted as conceding defeat to "ultra-Orthodox thugs." Ultra-Orthodox

: Do members of your belief subsystem and competing subsystems battle over
holy sites? Have you desecrated any holy sites lately? Did any deity notice?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# School Board Reverses Decision on Star of David. (AP) A school board has
  overturned its controversial decision that prevented a Jewish student from
  wearing a Star of David necklace to school. The Harrison County (Miss.)
  School Board voted unanimously to exempt religious symbols from its policy
  prohibiting students from wearing anything that could be viewed as a gang

: Are your religious icons actually gang symbols? Is your religion a gang?
Is your gang religious? Do Reptoids back you up with firepower, explosives?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Israel's queen bees shipped to Arab world. Israel recently exported 1000
  queen bees, which produce honey on a much larger scale than ordinary bees,
  to Arab countries including Jordan, Lebanon, and several others, including
  some with which Israel has no trade relations. With the success of this
  unique type of export, a second shipment, containing hundreds of queen
  bees and ordinary bees, will be made in upcoming months to neighboring

: Would you genetically-modify agricultural products to infiltrate into your
adversaries? How subtle are your biowar techniques, strategies, campaigns??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Web is 'shrinking'. (BBC) The World Wide Web, widely thought of as an
  endless cornucopia of choice, appears to be shrinking. I'm mel-l-l-ting...

# Also: Football is big Net draw (that's 'Soccer' to Yankees):
# Internet is 'under-hyped' (which is a big surprise to us):

: How small can the WWWeb shrink before it disappears completely? Is the Web
disappearing into a black hole? Is it being abducted by aliens? Is it sick?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  in Kosovo gave many folks a chance to voice their ideologies. The expected
  condemnation of raping and killing women and children appears, though the
  more interesting conversations are those that span the world with points
  of view

[CTRL] (Fwd) The DLC Update: Enhancing Productivity

1999-08-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


--- Forwarded Message Follows ---

The DLC Update Monday, August 23, 1999

**Welcome to "The DLC Update," the public e-mail service of the
DLC. The
Democratic Leadership Council Update is a weekly chronicle of
New Democrat
happenings--from policy initiatives to upcoming events and the
latest at **

***Idea of the Week: Enhancing Productivity***

With all the talk about the booming stock market and rising
rates, it's easy to lose sight of the real economy--which is still about
growing corn, making cars, building houses, issuing driver's licenses,
giving haircuts, selling insurance policies, and a host of other
activities that collectively make up the nation's economic output and

  And while stock prices and interest rates are certainly important, what
  really drives the economic well-being of Americans is how much we
  produce every day.  If we can find ways to produce more of the goods and
  services we consume in less time, we are all better off. In other words,
  productivity is the key factor that determines long-term economic well

 This is why it's important when we think about the New Economy that we
 not limit our thinking to web pages, chip makers, and companies with
 ".com." The information technologies that have given rise to the New
 Economy make farmers, manufacturers, and service sector companies more
 efficient and therefore more productive, improving the standard of living
 for all Americans.

 Looking at the statistics, it's clear that productivity is the variable
 most closely correlated with workers' incomes.  Between 1963 and 1973,
 business productivity grew 35 percent, while wages grew at 31 percent.
 Between 1985 and 1995, productivity grew 9 percent while wages grew 6
 percent.  If productivity had increased after 1973 the way it did in the
 30 years before, half of all American households would now be earning at
 least $63,000, instead of the current $37,000.  If productivity growth
 rates increase 1 percent faster from now until the year 2025, the average
 American household will earn $17,000 more per year than if growth
 continues at its current pace.

 Without faster productivity growth, faster wage growth is impossible.  If
 we want to raise real wages in America, productivity is the key.

 Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has publicly noted that much of
 the robust economic growth of the past several years is due largely to
 increased productivity from technological innovation, not increased
 consumer demand.  That's why the Fed has kept interest rates relatively
 low despite the full employment conditions that usually fueled inflation
 in the old economy.  Thanks to productivity increases, the "long boom" we
 appear to be entering is reminiscent of the golden era of American
 economic growth between World War II and the Vietnam War.

 Many argue today that the pace of technological innovation is creating
 "winners" and "losers" in the New Economy. The implication is that to
 solve the problem we need to slow the pace of technological change and
 protect companies and industries from change so that the losers can catch
 up. In fact, policies that attempt to stem the tide of technology and
 innovation will only serve to slow increases in productivity, ironically
 stalling the very engine that can create a higher standard of living for
 all workers. To expand the "winners' circle" we will need to increase the
 pace of technological innovation in order to spread productivity growth
 throughout the economy to raise real wages for all workers.

 Understanding productivity is critical to economic policy
 across-the-board.  For example, the GOP's $792 billion tax cut proposal
 is a bad idea in part because it would stimulate consumer demand, thus
 risking an increase in inflation, while doing nothing to improve the
 productivity that can alone fuel sustained economic growth and fatter
 paychecks.  Yet some tax cuts like a permanent tax credit for research
 and development and many key public investments from education and
 training to basic science and research can indeed contribute to more
 innovation, stronger productivity, and a better standard of living,
 without running the risk of boom-killing inflation or higher interest

 This is not your father's U.S. economy, but it can continue to resemble
 the post-World War II boom in which a rising tide of growth did indeed
 lift all boats.  It won't happen automatically, and it won't happen at
 all if we fear the pace of change, and fail to promote productivity
***Enduring Values***

One of the earliest slogans of the DLC was "New Ideas, Enduring Values."
It was intended to concisely convey that what makes a Democrat a Democrat
is allegiance to certain funda

[CTRL] Old McDonald Had A ...

1999-08-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

... farm uprising?

>From Irish Times

> Tuesday, August 24, 1999
> French farmers stampede
> against McDonald's beef
> -
> --- By Lara Marlowe
> PARIS LETTER: Perhaps Ronald McDonald guessed he was
> symbolising the world's biggest restaurant chain when the first
> golden arches rose in California in 1955. It is less likely that
> Mr McDonald imagined he would become a symbol of "American
> imperialism" and the favourite target of angry French farmers.
> Until this summer, the US chain could complain of little more
> than a few kidnapped clown statues in the country that inven ted
> cuisine, but in late July, Washington announced it would levy 100
> per cent tariffs on French Roquefort cheese, Dijon mustard and
> truffles, along with several other European products, until the
> EU agreed to import US hormone-treated beef.
> Since then, at least seven demonstrations have been staged at
> McDonald's restaurants across France, including three last
> Saturday, when tonnes of manure and rotten fruit were dumped
> beneath the ubiquitous arches.
> In the most violent incident, on August 12th, farmers from the
> Peasant Confederation and the Syndicate of Ewe Milk Producers
> (who make Roquefort) destroyed an unfinished McDonald's at Mil
> lau, in the southern French department of Aveyron. The farmers
> spray-painted "McDo Go Home" on the walls, tore down half the
> structure and hauled away building materials and equipment on
> trailers.
> On the same day, in Antwerp, the Animal Liberation Front set fire
> to another McDonald's, denouncing the company for "filling their
> pockets with money from illtreated cows".
> Four of the ringleaders of the Millau attack were freed on bail
> last Friday, but the fifth, Mr Jos eph (José) Bové, is still in
> prison near Montpellier after turning himself in on August 19th.
> With smiling eyes and a long grey moustache, Mr Bové (46) is the
> farmers' Don Quixote, attacking the big food multi-nationals whom
> he blames for destroying French peasant life.
> Since 1976, Mr Bové, his wife and two daughters have lived
> without water or electricity in an abandoned sheep, cattle and
> pig farm on the Larzac plateau. Last February, he received an
> eightmonth suspended sentence for destroying genetically modified
> corn seeds at the Novartis plant near Agen. In June, e he
> attacked experimental genetically modified rice paddies in
> Montpellier.
> The arrest of the "McDonald's five" created some odd affinities
> among French politicians. The Green Party, which participates in
> the left-wing French government, said the vandalism at Millau was
> justified because of "the strategy of the United States which
> wants to force Europeans to eat hormone meat they don't want".
> Mr Bruno Mégret, leader of the breakaway faction of the extreme
> right-wing National Front, demanded their "immediate liberation"
> because "French people who denounce the American reprisals
> against our home-grown products are not dangerous terrorists but
> real resistants to the New World Order".
> The majority of the demonstrations have been peaceful. In Cahors,
> farmers stood outside Mc Donald's to give away foie gras and
> local wine as an alternative to junk food. Even the good-natured
> protests however convey a profound sense of unease which has
> merely found a focus in the hormone beef dispute. The overwhel
> ming power of agri-business and wholesale distributors and the
> catch-all culprit "globalisation" are at the centre of the
> farmers' anxieties.
> On a more immediate level, prices for fruit and vegetable crops
> have fallen and a doubleticketing scheme, intended to show
> consumers how big a markup the distributors are taking, has not
> calmed the farmers' anger. Milk producers are scheduled to join
> the movement today to protest against a 5 centime fall in price.
> All see the World Trade Organisation as a "tool of American
> imperialism" because it approved the punitive sanctions over
> hormone beef. Militant French groups say they believe the WTO
> will soon allow the US to export products made from genetically
> modified food without this being indicated on the label. Another
> round of WTO trade negotiations are scheduled for Seattle this
> autumn, and the French Peasant Confederation is busy organising a
> protest rally on September 23rd. The director of McDonald's 750
> restaurants in France told Le Figaro that his company has been
> "sandwiched (sic) between two monsters" - the US and the EU - and
> the chain keeps 45,000 French beef producers employed.
> "Anti-Americanism is a part of French culture, Le Figaro
> concluded in a front-page editorial; the battle between Roquefort
> and hamburger is but "a symbol of our fin de siècle".

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

[CTRL] (Fwd) Reason-Express: REx34, v2

1999-08-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 23 Aug 1999 15:42:59 -0500
From:   "Jeff Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Reason Express List Member <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Reason-Express: REx34, v2

Welcome to Reason Express, the weekly e-newsletter from Reason
Reason Express is written by Washington-based journalist Jeff A.
and draws on the ideas and resources of the Reason editorial
staff. For
more information on Reason, visit our Web site at Send
your comments about Reason Express to Jeff A. Taylor
and Virginia Postrel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

REASON Express
August 23, 1999
Vol. 2 No. 34

1) Special Agent or Special Burglar?
2) Making Schools Idea-Free
3) Turning Hitler into Forbidden Fruit
4) Human Rights and the North Pole
5) Quick Hits

- - Snoopy and the Fed Barons - -

The Justice Department wants Congress to give it the authority to secretly
break into the homes and offices of those it thinks might be guilty of
something, with the avowed purpose of disabling any encryption system
which might be in place.

Going by the positively Orwellian name of the Cyberspace Electronic
Security Act, the bill would enhance only one type of security--that of
the state against several hundred years of checks on wanton searches by

Nor does it have anything to do with cyberspace. This concerns who has
access to living room-space and bedroom-space, and all the other spaces
that citizens might think would be beyond the reach of government snoops.

The practice of law enforcement breaking into a suspect's property to
place a microphone or other recording device--so-called "black bag
ops"--is now exceedingly rare and used only with a judge's consent. The
CESA envisions a world where such undertakings will be far more common.
Absent a huge ramp up in crime, which would reverse all current trends,
more break-ins can only mean targets who are closer to public nuisance
than criminal kingpin.

Further, the very purpose of CESA seems to undermine law enforcement's
continued war against encryption. For several years the claim has been
that "unbreakable" encryption will result in crooks going free. But CESA
comes along to say if given access to a machine, no data is safe from
police purview. Which is it?

No matter the answer, one thing is clear: the federal government is bent
on marching into the next century with powerful new tools to surveil the
populace. So sit up straight and quit picking your toes--that wouldn't
look very good in court would it?

For more details on the Cyberspace Electronic Security Act, go to

For an overview of the Clinton administration's war on privacy try


 - - Star Crossed - -

School officials in Gulfport, Mississippi banned a Jewish student from
displaying a Star of David necklace out of fear it could be mistaken for a
gang symbol. What awful thing would flow from it being mistaken for a gang
symbol has yet to be explained.

Nonetheless, Ryan Green can wear the necklace only if he keeps it hidden,
the school board decreed. Green's family immediately moved to challenge
the policy in federal court with the help of the ACLU.

TV preacher Pat Robertson also decried the district's decision and
wondered aloud if banning crucifixes might be next. Neat trick that,
getting Robertson and the ACLU on the same team.

Meanwhile, a 15-year-old-student has sued the Jefferson County (Missouri)
Northwest School District, after she was barred from distributing
religious literature before school hours.

Crystal Patterson says she was prevented from handing out a "The Truth for
Youth" comic book at a middle school. The book contains the 22 books of
the New Testament along with comic strips with religious messages.

Among the comic's targets: school violence, the Internet, evolution,
homosexuality, and abortion. But the specifics seem less important to
school officials than the fact that the material drew sharp distinctions,
as this too is a Lesson of Columbine.

"We were all a little bit more sensitive about anything that would cause
one student to be opposed to another student, or to spotlight one group
against another," said Randy Dewar, the district superintendent.

The common theme seems to be a desire on the part of public school
administrators to create an idea-free zone where students are not bothered
by anything which might vex or challenge them. In other words, officials
are striving mightily to keep their charges as docile as possible. Is it
any wonder that this approach turns schools, at best, into adolescent
warehouses and, at worst, into zoos?

[CTRL] Eyes of the Enemy

1999-08-24 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From NewsMax.CoM

> Through the Eyes of the Enemy
> by Stanislav Lunev with Ira Winkler
> Stanislav Lunev, the highest-ranking GRU (Soviet military
> intelligence) officer ever to defect shares his amazing story
> with the American public.
> Lunev reveals:
> • How the Russian Mafia controls the Russian government, the KGB,
> and the military. • The existence of Russian suitcase-sized
> nuclear weapons on U.S. soil. • The existence and testing of
> seismic weapons. • The KGB's possible use of American POW's to
> test the effects of drugs on Americans. • The GRU's plan for
> poisoning U.S. water supplies. • Present Russian government spy
> tactics against the U.S. • How Boris Yeltsin ordered the KGB to
> double its corporate, government, and military espionage against
> the U.S. • The practice of recruiting spies in Congress, in the
> military, and from the editorial offices of leading American
> newspapers. • Soviet assassination squads against American
> leaders. • How U.S. corporations are unwittingly partnering with
> the Russian Mafia-and much more!!
> List Price: $ 24.95
> Price: $ 16.95
> -
> ---  Home · Free E-mail News · Columnists · News Links · Late
> Night JokesArchives · Online Store · TV Talk Shows ·
> Magazines · Chat · Classifieds · Contact Us
> -
> ---   All Rights Reserved ©

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:



1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 22:54:31 -0400
> To: undisclosed-recipients:;
> -
> USA JOIN TODAY:   1-800-343-HUNT
> FIRST OFF, a MINI-RANT, do NOT expect the many PRIVACY
> CHARLATANS out there to lift a finger to stop this, they have
> done NOTHING to slow the ubiquitous use of the SS NUMBER for
> identification purposes, while they scream and holler yet do
> nothing of substance other than extort some of yours.  They are
> running a racket, raising your fears of your lose of privacy,
> while at the same time doing virtually NOTHING to steem the tide
> while collecting millions in fear based donations, much the same
> as the NRA, or at least factions of it, who have LEGISLATED US
> into OBLIVION, creating jurisdiction where none used to exist,
> thereby creating the legal infrastructure that can later be
> morphed into an apparatus to extinguish all legal gun ownership
> outside of fluorescent orange squirt guns!!  Dont count on the
> republicans to do anything, the are SQUARLEY behind the NATIONAL
> ID card, which they claim is to stop illegal immigrants while
> governors like HYPOCRITE COKE HEAD, GWB of Texas, not to be
> confused with simply a COKE HEAD, allow millions to cross their
> borders, give BILINGUAL speeches, and never even consider laying
> constantina 'barbed' wire along the border, whoops, I forgot,
> BORDER XXI, no we will just BRAND, like so many cattle the
> ENTIRE US POPULATION, INSTEAD !!!  As if it were really that
> hard to stop them, A million miles of double barbed wire with
> dogs in the middle, with machine gun towers every 10 miles, is
> still cheaper than a million illegals a year, if it only were
> that few!!  Bottom line is we are in a police state now, and the
> noose appears to be getting tighter, and on all police state
> [forwarded MSNBC article]
> Police chiefs call for DNA testing
> Samples would be taken from all crime suspects
> []
> By Hans H. Chen
> Law enforcement officials are calling for everysuspect placed
> under arrest to have a DNA sample taken.
> -  NEW YORK, Aug. 18  A plan by New York City
> -  police commissioner Howard Safir to take DNA
> -  samples from everyone arrested has received the
> -  backing of an influential police organization.
> MEETING AT the New York Police Department headquarters, the
> executive committee of the International Association of Chiefs
> of Police (IACP) on Saturday voted unanimously to approve
> Safir's resolution calling for states and the federal government
> to fund the DNA sampling of criminal suspects upon their arrest.
> Currently, the FBI coordinates a database of DNA samples
> collected by 14 states. But each state collects DNA samples
> according to its own laws and usually only from people who have
> already been convicted of crimes.
> The IACP's resolution calls for a standardized collection
> procedure of everyone who is arrested for a crime. The sample
> would be destroyed if charges were dropped or the suspect
> acquitted.
> We don't wait until conviction to fingerprint someone, said IACP
> President Ronald Neubauer, chief of the St. Peters, Mo., Police
> Department. We fingerprint them upon arrest. That's the same
> principle here.
> VOTE EXPECTED IN OCTOBER Saturday's vote sends the resolution to
> the IACP's 16,000 members for approval at the group's annual
> meeting in late October. Members of the IACP executive committee
> said they were confident the general assembly would approve the
> resolution.
> There's no question that this will pass because DNA is such a
> valuable tool and such an innovative mechanism we can use,
> Neubauer said. I look at it in terms of being able to look at
> people who did not commit the crime as well as those who did.
> Safir first proposed entering DNA from arrestees into a database
> last year. He said the move would solve crimes by enlarging the
> pool of possible matches for DNA taken from crime scenes.
> With discarded cigarette butts, dried saliva and chewing gum all
> now yielding crime scene DNA, the need to compile a criminal
> database of DNA samples becomes all the more important, IACP
> members said.
> Anything that he

Re: [CTRL] [SC] Kansas Board of Education vote on Evolution

1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

This is an excellent observation.

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 8/23/99 12:21:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> writes:
> > And your characterizations about scientific paradigms are absurd and
> >  totally inaccurate. Scientists make their reputations by squashing old
> >  paradigms,not worshipping them - by establishing new paradigms, not
> >  abjuring them.  You've never read a scientific journal, have you?
> >
> I don't know where you read science journals at but this is just plain wrong.
>  Reputable scientists with new theories are often ridiculed and put down,
> without even a proper hearing, if their theories do not jibe with those of
> the people in positions of power in the scientific establishment.  When a
> person is prevented from publishing and getting "peer review" then, in
> effect, their career is doomed.  This takes place regularly, and with
> conviction.  People are routinely prevented from publishing when they have
> something to say which greatly contradicts the current paradigm.  With that
> said, it is an entrenched system like most others and is not likely to change
> any time soon.  Science is not bad, it is good and has enabled us to
> understand the world around us like never before, and I'm all for the further
> (well thought out) use of it in the future, and for every possible advance.
> Furthermore, I don't deny evolution I just think alternative viewpoints
>  Other theories, or speculations, or notions, as you are wont to call them,
> should be examined and allowed a fair airing.  If they are rubbish the
> rational will reject them, covering them up, ignoring them, refusing them a
> hearing, or ridiculing them just makes them seem more attractive to some
> members of society, most particularly the fundamentalist Christianity that is
> imbued in conspiracy theory today.  By thrusting it in a corner they
> unwittingly give it more weight.  Why do you think there has always been such
> interest in the Kennedy assassination?  Let the record speak and present all
> views and let the rational man (or woman) make their decision.  The rest,
> well they'll think what they want to anyway.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: Former SENIOR FBI Agent--Incendiary Devices WERE Used by Feds at Waco

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Former SENIOR FBI Agent--Incendiary Devices WERE Used by Feds at Waco!

This truly astounding development utterly contradicts over SIX YEARS of
lies from federal spook-meisters and goon-meisters about their psychotic
rampage--with the assistance of Bill Clinton's Dixie Mafia thugs and
gangsters--at the Branch Davidian's Waco compound.

We've been saying for several weeks now that the wall of lies erected by
the Justice Department, the FBI, the BATF and other assorted feds and
Clintonistas regarding the Waco slaughter is coming down hard and fast
into a pile of rubble and debris.

THIS particular coverup of unconscionable, homicidal brutality by the
federal (make that FERAL) government in the Waco siege and massacre is
completely disintegrating at this time.

THESE murderers WILL be MADE TO PAY.

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ex-agent says device fired at Waco compound
Justice Department denies item used


By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News
©1999, The Dallas Morning News

A former senior FBI official has said that the agency fired two pyrotechnic
tear gas grenades on the last day of the 1993 Branch Davidian siege, a day
on which federal authorities have long insisted they used nothing capable
of starting a fire.

The former official, Danny O. Coulson, said in an interview that two
devices known as M651 CS tear gas grenades were fired from FBI grenade
launchers hours before the compound erupted in flames April 19, 1993. He
said that they were used with permission from FBI supervisors but that they
played no role in starting the fire.

The federal government has consistently disputed accusations that the FBI
started the fire that consumed the Branch Davidian compound with David
Koresh and more than 80 followers inside. Government officials have
maintained that the FBI used only nonburning devices to insert tear gas
into the compound on April 19 because of fears that pyrotechnic tear gas
might spark a fire in the flimsy wooden structure.

The statement by Mr. Coulson, founding commander of the FBI's hostage
rescue team and a deputy assistant FBI director at the time of the incident
near Waco, marks the first time that any government official has publicly
contradicted those assertions.

On Monday, a spokesman with the U.S. Justice Department again denied that
any pyrotechnic devices were used.

"We are aware of no evidence to support the notion that any pyrotechnic
devices were used by the federal government on April 19," Justice
Department spokesman Myron Marlin said. "We've said that all along."

Mr. Coulson said the pyrotechnic grenades played no role in starting the fire.

Even if the devices played no role in the final fire, however, a former
Texas Ranger captain who headed the investigation of the 1993 tragedy said
Mr. Coulson's statement is "mind-boggling."

"The stance has always been that they used no pyrotechnics out there that
day," said David Byrne, who retired from the agency in August 1996. "There
are some serious criminal violations if they did. They have testified. They
have done it before Congress. They've done it in court. They've caused
other people to testify that there were no pyrotechnics used.

"If that turns out not to be right, then somebody will have some serious
problems on a federal level," Capt. Byrne said.

The issue of whether pyrotechnic devices were used by the FBI on April 19
is a major focus of an ongoing inquiry by the Texas Rangers and a key
allegation in a pending federal wrongful-death lawsuit filed against the
government by surviving Davidians and families of those who died.

The issue was also a factor in a decision by the Texas Department of Public
Safety to persuade a federal judge in Waco to take control of all the
evidence in the case. In response to a DPS motion, U.S. District Judge
Walter Smith issued a sweeping order
Aug. 8 requiring the federal government to turn over all physical evidence,
documents, recordings and photographs related to the Davidian tragedy.

James B. Francis, chairman of the commission that oversees DPS, said Monday
that Mr. Coulson's statement heightens his concern that evidence gathered
by Texas Rangers immediately after the 1993 tragedy contradicts the federal
government's account of what happened.

"It goes a long way toward confirming why I say that some of the evidence
that DPS has or had in its possession is problematical and needs to be
evaluated by independent experts," he said.

"A fair-minded person who looks at this evidence would see that there is a
problem with some of the things that the federal government has said
happened that day," Mr. Francis said.

The Texas Rangers have had custody of key evidence from the Davidian
investigation since 1993, when they were assigned to investigate the Feb.
28, 1993, shootout that began the tragedy.

The standoff

Four federal agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm

[CTRL] OEN 8/24/99

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from:">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Today's Lesson From Partners in Power

by Roger Morris

Clinton would later claim that he learned of the Lasater probe only at
the last moment in the fall of 1986. But not only had Goodwin received
earlier briefings in the governor's office, the inquiry itself had been
what investigators called "a spinoff of the Roger Clinton
investigation," the files and testimony of which the governor and
Roger's lawyers had followed closely. In any event, even with the
Lasater inquiry at its height, Clinton lobbied heavily and successfully
for a bond issue for a new state police communications system, an issue
for which Lasater and Company would receive $750,000 in underwriting
fees while its owner was under active investigation for multiple federal
and state felonies. "Because they backed the right individual in
Clinton," Butch Locke would tell the FBI, "Lasater and Company received
the contract."

Pathological Liars

Clinton Says He Never Used Cocaine

In other news, Clinton says he never heard of the Cali cartel

President Clinton entered the cocaine fray yesterday -- albeit by proxy
-- saying he has never used the drug.
Gennifer Flowers, who had an affair with the president, told Fox News
Channel on Aug. 18 that Mr. Clinton once told her he had used cocaine.

"The president has never done cocaine," said Jim Kennedy, a spokesman
for the White House counsel's office. "That applies to his entire life."

As Republican presidential candidate George W. Bush tries to fend off
questions about past drug use, Mr. Clinton addressed a rumor that has
swirled about him for years.

In Roger Morris' 1996 book "Partners in Power," a dual biography of the
president and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mr. Morris quotes the
president's younger half-brother on a 1983-84 surveillance film stating,
"Got to get some [cocaine] for my brother. He's got a nose like a vacuum

Roger Clinton pleaded guilty in 1984 to federal charges of cocaine
distribution and conspiracy. He served half of a two-year sentence.

Questions about cocaine have taken on a new currency in politics this
campaign season, even as questions about marital fidelity and marijuana

Lincoln Chafee, a Republican who is seeking a U.S. Senate seat in Rhode
Island, told an interviewer over the weekend that he tried cocaine in
the 1970s.

Mr. Bush, the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination,
has spent the last week battling drug inquiries that posed the first
threat to his campaign juggernaut.

No one has produced any evidence that the Texas governor used cocaine,
but his initial refusal to answer the question definitively only brought
more queries.

The questions do not appear to have hurt Mr. Bush's campaign. He led
Vice President Al Gore 54 percent to 37 percent in a CNN-Time poll
released Friday. Perhaps most significant, 84 percent of respondents
said that if Mr. Bush did use cocaine when he was in his 20s, it should
not disqualify him for the presidency.

A Boston Herald poll conducted Thursday and Friday found that the
cocaine questions did not hurt Mr. Bush among likely GOP primary voters
in New Hampshire. Mr. Bush led the GOP primary field with 45 percent of
the vote, far outdistancing his closest challenger, Sen. John McCain,
Arizona Republican, with 11 percent.

"The cocaine issue is just not cutting," pollster R. Kelly Myers told
the Boston Herald.

Mr. Bush is getting ample advice from candidates and campaign operatives
in both parties.

James Carville, Mr. Clinton's former campaign adviser, is urging Mr.
Bush to clam up.

"The next time you get a drug question, the only appropriate answer is
'What part of no don't you understand,' " Mr. Carville writes in an
article titled "Just Say No" in this week's Time magazine. "What you did
25 years ago doesn't matter; what you did during the past 25 days should

But two of Mr. Bush's GOP rivals say he should open up.

Sen. Orrin G. Hatch of Utah says Mr. Bush should answer the cocaine
question and put the issue behind him. Gary Bauer, former head of the
Family Research Council, chides Mr. Bush for his "Clintonian approach"
of partial denials and partial explanations.

Through Wednesday, Mr. Bush offered his familiar response, that he "made
some mistakes" in his past, but had learned from his mistakes and he
would not answer whether he had ever used illegal drugs.

In Thursday's edition of the Dallas Morning News, Mr. Bush answered a
specific question. He said he could pass an FBI security clearance,
meaning he had not used illegal drugs in the past seven years. In
Roanoke the same day, Mr. Bush went back 15 more years, indicating he
had not used illegal drugs since 1974.

Mr. Bush said he could have passed such a background check "when my dad
was president of the United States, a 15-year period."

As for Mr. Clinton, Miss Flowers said in an interview on


1999-08-24 Thread Bill

 -Caveat Lector-

Chris Page wrote:
> Subject:
>  Anti-gun corporations you don't want to do business
> with
>  Tue, 24 Aug 1999 10:00:02 -0600
>   From:
>  spiker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   To:
>  (Recipient list suppressed)
> Anti-Gun Corporations/Corporate Heads
> The following listing includes the most prominent national
> corporations that have lent their corporate support to gun
> control initiatives or taken position supporting gun
> control.
>   A & M Records
>   Al Cafaro, Chrm. & CEO
>   595 Madison Avenue
>   New York, NY 10022
>   (212) 826-0477
>   Record Production, Entertainment
>   American Century Companies
>   James E. Stowers, CEO
>   4500 Main St., 4th Floor
>   Kansas City, MO 64111
>   (816) 531-5575
>   Mutual Fund & Stock Investment Company on NYSE
>   American Multi Cinemas Entertainment, Inc.
>   Stanley H. Durwood, Co-Chairman, CEOPeter C. Brown, President, CFO
>   106 West 14th Street, #1700
>   Kansas City, MO 64141
>   (816) 221-4000
>   Movie Theater Company
>   Argosy Casino
>   H. Steven Norton, President, CEO
>   777 N.W. Argosy Parkway
>   Riverside, MO 64150
>   (816) 746-7711
>   Gambling Casino Company
>   Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc.
>   Bennett R. Cohen Chrm. & CEO
>   Rte. 100, Box 240
>   Waterbury, VT 05676
>   (802) 244-5641
>   Ice cream and frozen yogurt
>   BJC Health Systems
>   Fred L. Brown, President & CEO
>    Forest Park Ave.
>   St. Louis, MO 63108
>   (314) 747-9322
>   Healthcare Ccompany
>   Blue Cross Blue Shield - Kansas City
>   John P. Mascotte, President
>   P.O. Box 419169
>   Kansas City, MO 64141
>   (816) 395-
>   Healthcare Ccompany
>   Brooks Investments-Robert Brooks
>   Robert Brooks
>   45 Chesterfield Lakes Road
>   Chesterfield, MO 63005
>   Investment Company
>   Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc.
>   Philip M. Hawley, Chrm. & CEO
>   444 South Flower Street
>   Los Angeles, CA 90071
>   (213) 620-0150
>   Retail clothing and accessories stores
>   Crown Central Petroleum Corp.
>   Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr.
>   One North Central Street Box 1168
>   Baltimore, MD 21203
>   (301) 539-7400
>   Refiners and marketers of petroleum products, convenience stores
>   Development Specialists - Chicago
>   70 W. Madison Street, #2300
>   Chicago, IL 60602
>   (312) 263-4141
>   Earthgrains - St. Louis
>   8400 Maryland Ave.
>   St. Louis, MO 63105
>   (314) 259-7000
>   National Bread Company
>   Faultless Starch/Bon Ami - Kansas C
>   Gordon T. Beaham, III and Nancy Beaham
>   1025 West 8th Street
>   Kansas City, MO 64101
>   (816) 842-1230
>   National Clothing Starch Company
>   GEICO Indemnity Co.
>   One GEICO Plaza
>   Washington, D.C. 20076-0032
>   (301) 986-2500
>   Property Insurance
>   General American - St. Louis
>   Richard A. Liddy, CEO
>   P.O. Box 396
>   St. Louis, MO 63166
>   (314) 843-8700
>   Life Insurance
>   Hallmark Cards
>   Irvine O. Hockaday, President & CEO
>   P.O. Box 418307
>   Kansas City, MO 64141
>   (816) 274-5111
>   Greeting Card Company
>   Health Midwest
>   2316 East Meyer Boulevard
>   Kansas City, MO 64132
>   (816) 751-3000
>   National Healthcare Company
>   ICN Biomedicals
>   Adam Jerney, Chrm. & CEO
>   3300 Hyland Avenue
>   Costa Mesa, CA 92626
>   (714) 545-0113
>   Pharmaceutical products
>   James B.Nutter Co. - Kansas City
>   James B.Nutter
>   4153 Broadway
>   Kansas City, MO 64111
>   (816) 531-2345
>   Investment Banker
>   Kansas City Chiefs
>   Lamar Hunt, Owner
>   One Arrowhead Drive
>   Kansas City, MO 64129
>   (816) 924-9300
>   Pro Football Team
>   Kansas City Royals
>   David Glass, CEO
>   P.O. Box 419969
>   Kansas City, MO 64141
>   (816) 921-8000
>   Pro Baseball Team
>   Kenneth Cole
>   152 W. 57th Street
>   New York, NY 10019
>   (800) 536-2653
>   Clothing retailer
>   Mallinckrodt, Inc. - St. Louis
>   C. Ray Holman, President & CEO
>   675 McDonnell Blvd, Box 5840
>   St. Louis, MO 63134
>   (314) 654-2000
>   Clothing Starch Company
>   Maritz, Inc. - St. Louis
>   William E. Maritz, Chairman & CEO
>   1375 N. Highway Drive
>   Fenton, MO 63099
>   (314) 827-4000
>   Corporate Travel & Research Company
>   Michael Douglas Foundation
>   3550 Wilshire
>   Los Angele, CA 90010
>   MNC Financial, Inc.
>   Alfred Lerner, Chrm.
>   Ten Light Street Box 987
>   Baltimore, MD 21203
>   (301) 244-5000
>   Banking, financial services
>   Sara Lee Corporation
>   Sara Lee Foundation
>   Three First 

Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Freeing Speech]

1999-08-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-08-24 13:03:46 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>It's not the logic itself that is flawed. It's the premises. If you
>assume, with Mary Daly, that "penis = violence & death", then the rest of the
>argument about "phallic thanatocracy" follows quite logically. By the same
>token, if you assume, with Dinesh D'Souza, that competition is the highest
>good, then *his* arguments make complete logical sense. IMHO, BOTH arguments
>are flawed...which is precisely why they go at each other with sharpened
>claws. The truth lies somewhere between the two extremes.

Ain't that always the way it is?  But in this age of tabloid journalism and
commercial hype, if today's "truth" isn't New! with Miraculous Ingredients
and it doesn't go off the Richter scale on one extreme or the other, seems no
one will pay any attention to it ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2 -

1999-08-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Circus Man <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > # Anti-gay site goes back to rightful owners. (CNN) As slowly as it
> > came, the road to love veered back to hate on an anti-gay Web site
> > run by Pastor Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka,
> > Kansas.
> >
> > @ SITES: MindSprung:
> > @
> > @
> >
> > : Do you love/hate fags? Are you god? If god hates fags, why'd she
> > make so many of'em? If god loves fags, why'd she make so many fag-
> > haters? Why o why?
> How do I contact god? I wish to ask god, what does god love or hate.
> Does god have a Email address?  How does Fred contact god? Through
> Email, or the voice that talks to his head.  Fred needs to share how
> he can talk to god so I can try doing same, as I need some unclear
> information cleared up here, on this end. Fred needs to share his
> contact with god so all of us can talk to god.  Pastor's are suppose
> to help their layman.  So I am putting this request out to Fred.
> I wish to talk to your god, in person like you do.

Just to clear up the confusion - Pastor Fred deals with the fag.hating
god; Mister Haight deals with the fag.loving god; others may deal with
the don't.give.a.shit god, the god, the
god, the lysdexic dog, the i' god, the say.what.huh?
god, the let's.all.get.naked.and.screw god, the cut.that.shit.out god,
the god, and/or any of the multitudes of
other gods that humans have constructed.  Some are online, some aren't.

Since, in my capacity as leader of The Church Of The Otters [t'CotO], I
have proclaimed that every living entity in the universe is divine, I've
felt it incumbent to provide a contact point for all deities.  You can
reach every god at this fax number: 603-415-3736 [but some gods may not
get back to you right away - be patient.]  I am also accepting donations
in the names of all gods in the universe - send your offerings to:

  PO Box 888, Forestville CA 95436 USA

BTW the small.UFO.god would like to thank Doug Keachie for his recent
contribution of a petite Mexican UFO - it was very tasty.  Yum.

  * Rev.RN.Carter, ULC, t'CotO *

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Freeing Speech

1999-08-24 Thread Judith A. Brundin

 -Caveat Lector-

Das Goat's points here I applaud.  Like, DG, I have an obvious obcession
against politically correct nonsense.  I published three years ago, in the
Washington Times, a long editorial which spoke out against a small, elite
group of Iroquois who were attempting to re-write Iroquoian history.  This
was not the entire group of American Indians, I wanna stress, but a small
group whose interests appeared to be primarily their own bandwagons and
staging.  Their views were not necessarily the views of most Iroquoians
either.  But Iroquois don't usually, out of politeness, counterdict other
Iroquois either.  Major points in the "new" history they were pushing in
well-publicized videos and films was utterly unsubstantiated.  So much so
their large history curriculum was rejected by the  NYS Board of Regents for
having bad information in it, years in a row.  Long before the American
public began to understand that their kids were being spoonfed this sort of
rot endlessly for decades -- those in graduate school were being educated
initially by scholars about the horrors of what was coming out of small elite
bands of supposedly well educated academics.  No.  Nonsense.  Having a
critical eye for good scholarship is one of the skills anyone in graduate
school learns.  And this is not a skill the public generally has.  But the
public NEEDS to get wiser about how to evaluate information.  Even tho
someone is published does not mean that they are good at their research or
materials.  OR that their expertise is well accepted in the academys.   Even
though someone is employed in the academy does not mean that their reputation
is well known or liked by their peers.  Top notch scholars are people others
in their  respected field can't easily debate essentially, because their
research is so clean, unbiased, and thorough.  Written words have NO color to
them and if they eminate biases, then this can be readily debated just like,
say a well investigated law case can be at trial.  The facts on paper are the
facts on paper, the facts in the case are the facts in the case.  Period.
AND certain academic degrees are considered far HARDER to obtain than other
degrees (education and sociology are not as well respected as anthropology
and linguistics and philosophy, say).

The subjects taught in the academy now are really getting silly and
irresponsible, even at such reknown establishments as Stanford, where
requirements are practially nill.  And things like homosexual yearnings may
be offered to sophmores.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Internet "Responsible for" SYPHILIS ...

1999-08-24 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Kind of puts a new spin on Internet Viruses


> Subject: [CTRL] Internet "Responsible for" SYPHILIS ...
> Date: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 3:40 AM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Syphilis outbreak traced to Internet chat room

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Freeing Speech]

1999-08-24 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 99-08-14 01:15:52 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >> Before D'Souza took the podium in an auditorium
> >> protected by armed police, professor Donald Klein, acting on
> >> university instructions, warned student activists to abstain from
> >> throwing things at the speaker, or shouting him down. After his
> >> speech, D'Souza was approached by an outraged Afro-American
> >> Studies professor who accused him of both "logocentrism" (the
> >> "white man's obsession with big words") and of having a "white
> >> perspective" (a preference for "rationality" and "sexual restraint").
> Ugh ... More PC "wisdom."  Radical feminists share with the above-cited
> Afrocentrists a condemnation of abstraction and objectivity (as versus
> make-believe and "instinct") as "patriarchal" distortions of "reality,"
> essential to White Man's "phallic thanatocracy" [the precise phrase used by
> feminist "theologian" Daly, for whom penis = violence & death].
> Likewise, Consciousness is a heterosexist evil -- a weapon used against the
> "power" of the inchoate collective unconscious (Lilith, The Great Mother,
> etc) upon which Wymin rely, particularly in "goddess" mode (which
> unregenerate men unglamorously call PMS.)
> No arguing with these drones from the PC hive, 'cuz reason and logic are
Actually, their arguments are highly *logical*; they just aren't *rational*.
D'Souza could be easily refuted, if the PC faction were patient enough to take
the time. It's not the logic itself that is flawed. It's the premises. If you
assume, with Mary Daly, that "penis = violence & death", then the rest of the
argument about "phallic thanatocracy" follows quite logically. By the same
token, if you assume, with Dinesh D'Souza, that competition is the highest
good, then *his* arguments make complete logical sense. IMHO, BOTH arguments
are flawed...which is precisely why they go at each other with sharpened
claws. The truth lies somewhere between the two extremes.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] [MC] Get implanted and earn money while youre at it (fwd)]

1999-08-24 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 20:04:48 CDT
> From: Dana Redding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [MC] Get implanted and earn money while you're at it
> Commentary by Jim Keith
> If you have any doubt that a New World Order of total surveillance and
> control is about to arrive in your neighborhood, then browse a website that
> gives a foreshadowing of the future, and may tip your scales toward total
> hysteria.
> Located at and headlined, "Building a Cashless World," the
> site is run by Global Monetary LLP. It claims $5 billion in assets, and
> offices in Seattle, Zurich, Nairobi, Montevideo, and Singapore, with
> headquarters in Bentonville, Arizona. Global Monetary is offering qualified
> persons $250 if they take a below-the-skin electronic implant in the palm
> their hand.

It was a deliberate hoax:

What is the "IDchip Experiment"?

The IDchip experiment was the embodiment of millennial angst as I saw it.
Furthermore, I could not restrain myself from making it as much a humor site
as anything else. The IDchip Experiment site was so loaded with end-times,
conspiracy and mark of the beast references that I thought there was no way
anyone would actually take it seriously, and more so when you consider how
low-tech was the webdesign and how cursorily the chip and the company were
described.. In light of the fact that some did apply, the IDchip experiment
(though conducted more like an art project than a scientific one)
inadvertently became a study of the concerns of privacy advocates in regard to
the public's willingness to sell their privacy up the river to a weirdo idea.
To learn more about the subject matter, click on "Show me the IDchip website"
on the previous page.

I am not a person who is expecting the book of Revelations to be fulfilled,
but this experiment has demonstrated to me that it is much more plausible than
I had previously  thought (at least the part about the mark of the beast

I'm glad we have paranoid privacy advocates. (although, ironically, they were
the ones trying the hardest to pry into my private accounts to discover my
identity). I regret that many people were put off by this project, but like so
many others, if they had just studied it closer they would have realized that
it was a spoof. The real cause of their agitation is not this project, but
rather their unwillingness to observe carefully.



Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to:


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Kansas Board of Education vote on Evolution

1999-08-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

> In a message dated 99-08-23 00:21:13 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >And your characterizations about scientific paradigms are absurd and
> >totally inaccurate. Scientists make their reputations by squashing old
> >paradigms,not worshipping them - by establishing new paradigms, not
> >abjuring them.  You've never read a scientific journal, have you?
> Capital B Baloney.  You obviously have not studied Thomas Kuhn's "The
> Structure of Scientific Revolutions," which describes -- and cites
> numerous examples of -- the very opposite.  As a rule, paradigms in
> science change only when the old-fart "authorities" who stubbornly,
> in defiance of reason, defend them --exactly like medieval theologians
> emotionally over-invested in DOGMAS, as a matter of FAITH-- finally die
> off -- giving way to a younger generation not so much entrenched in
> fossilized, by-now dubious beliefs.

Kuhn was entertaining, but is irrelevant in a world of instantaneous
communications.  Anyone paying the slightest attention to the physical,
biological and cognitive sciences would note scads of paradigm shifts
in the last decade.  Virtually EVERY technical book more than a couple
years old is OBSOLETE - THAT shows how fast paradigms shift in science.
Read some of the sci.* newsgroups to get a taste of reality.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-08-24 Thread Judith A. Brundin

 -Caveat Lector-


For the past week I have been installing a new computer system and with it a
new browser and ISP server.  I am using compuserv now.  This is to let you
know that my email address has changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- to
the address herein, [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- IF you replied to the CTRL list
concerning the sort of unusual emails which I sent last week concerning jelly
fish or glass fish or leeches -- and if you would like to forward your
comments to me -- I would appreciate this.  And I will reply to your email --
on list or off as you may wish.  My best, Judith

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3

1999-08-24 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990824c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No evolutionary theories were created during production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# ET Life, Pancakes, Witchcraft Hot Subjects On College Campus. Hot subjects
  on the modern campus include witchcraft, magic, and extraterrestrial life.
  An even hotter craze is "food studies," which appeal strongly to students
  who like to eat and chat about it in classes that are hard to flunk:

: Would you rather study economics, software/electrical engineering, foods,
ETs, witches, me? Which are the best career choices; the most fun; insane?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NASA Launches Project To Install Internet Across Solar System. It doesn't
  take a crazy leap of imagination to consider the solar system sprinkled
  with astronauts in the coming century. There may be a permanent base on
  Luna, mining projects in the asteroid belt, a fledgling colony on Mars,
  and exploratory robotic spacecraft probing Venus, Pluto and the moons of
  Saturn & Jupiter. An unanswered question is how will all these pioneering
  outposts communicate with each other and with folks back home on Earth.
  WorldsWide Web, of course:

: Will the NASA-Net interfere with existing Reptoid and Gray nets? How long
will you wait to connect to a server on Uranus? Is still x-rated?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Biocomputer uses living nerve cells to calculate.  A successful experiment
  in Atlanta uses nerve cells from leeches, connected to electronic devices
  to do simple addition. The union of electronics with biological nerves is
  still very primitive, but it promises a fascinating future. Soulful?

: What are the legal rights of living computers? Does their use constitute
enslavement? Do all artificial intelligences/lifeforms have rights too??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Thai monk defies arrest. (BBC) Thousands of followers of a controversial
  Thai monk gather at his temple in Bangkok to try and stop his arrest on
  fraud and embezzlement charges. They rather enjoy being taken for fools.

@ Links: Bhuddanet:
@ Dhammakaya Foundation:
@ Thai Ministry of Education:

: Who's your favorite monk? Do you support the leaders of your belief system
generously? Are they more/less/as entertaining as TV, cinema, punk rock, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# In Spite Of 11 Million Dead, Many Africans Think AIDS Is A Hoax. There is
  no such thing as AIDS and that millions of Africans aren't dying of it.
  "Africa is the target of the world AIDS cartel. They want to pin it on us,
  to destroy us with it... What we call AIDS is actually U.S. biological
  warfare gone wrong." Ignore health warnings, don't wear condoms, fuck

: Are all STDs [sexually transmitted diseases] hoaxes? Have you engineered
any biowar STDs lately? Have you engineered any hoaxes lately? Having fun?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Man, 112, Says Ditch Sex, Live Longer. JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) South
  African Nicklaas Amsterdam Monday celebrated his 112th birthday,
  vowing that a life without sex had worked wonders for him. Ya sure,
  by golly:

: Would you trade sexuality for immortality? Would your rather fuck or live?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ The Nineteenth Century Occult Revival - The Legacy of Westcott & Hort:
@ Another Bible ~ Another Gospel - Letters of B.F. Westcott & F.J.A. Hort:
@ Tables of Comparison of Selected Scriptures - KJV ~ ERV ~ NASB ~ NIV ~
@ The Semitic New Testament - The Syriac Peshitta:

@ Erasmus & The Textus Receptus - Questions & Answers:
@ The Message - The Mystical Bible:
@ Daemonologie by King James I - A Treatise on Witchcraft:

@ Bible Version Updates:
@ His Magesty King James VI & I:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Recent UFO Sightings From Scotland:
# UK: Mad Cow Storage Risks:
# 20th Century - Shaped By Blood & War
# 20th Cent.Tech - Hero & Villain:

[CTRL] Ex-agent says device fired at Waco compound

1999-08-24 Thread Lucio Benedetto

 -Caveat Lector-

Ex-agent says device fired at Waco compound
Justice Department denies item used


By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

©1999, The Dallas Morning News

A former senior FBI official has said that the agency fired two pyrotechnic
tear gas grenades on the last day of the 1993 Branch Davidian siege, a day
on which federal authorities have long insisted they used nothing capable of
starting a fire.

The former official, Danny O. Coulson, said in an interview that two devices
known as M651 CS tear gas grenades were fired from FBI grenade launchers
hours before the compound erupted in flames April 19, 1993. He said that
they were used with permission from FBI supervisors but that they played no
role in starting the fire.

The federal government has consistently disputed accusations that the FBI
started the fire that consumed the Branch Davidian compound with David
Koresh and more than 80 followers inside. Government officials have
maintained that the FBI used only nonburning devices to insert tear gas into
the compound on April 19 because of fears that pyrotechnic tear gas might
spark a fire in the flimsy wooden structure.

The statement by Mr. Coulson, founding commander of the FBI's hostage rescue
team and a deputy assistant FBI director at the time of the incident near
Waco, marks the first time that any government official has publicly
contradicted those assertions.

On Monday, a spokesman with the U.S. Justice Department again denied that
any pyrotechnic devices were used.

"We are aware of no evidence to support the notion that any pyrotechnic
devices were used by the federal government on April 19," Justice Department
spokesman Myron Marlin said. "We've said that all along."

Mr. Coulson said the pyrotechnic grenades played no role in starting the

Even if the devices played no role in the final fire, however, a former
Texas Ranger captain who headed the investigation of the 1993 tragedy said
Mr. Coulson's statement is "mind-boggling."

"The stance has always been that they used no pyrotechnics out there that
day," said David Byrne, who retired from the agency in August 1996. "There
are some serious criminal violations if they did. They have testified. They
have done it before Congress. They've done it in court. They've caused other
people to testify that there were no pyrotechnics used.

"If that turns out not to be right, then somebody will have some serious
problems on a federal level," Capt. Byrne said.

The issue of whether pyrotechnic devices were used by the FBI on April 19 is
a major focus of an ongoing inquiry by the Texas Rangers and a key
allegation in a pending federal wrongful-death lawsuit filed against the
government by surviving Davidians and families of those who died.

The issue was also a factor in a decision by the Texas Department of Public
Safety to persuade a federal judge in Waco to take control of all the
evidence in the case. In response to a DPS motion, U.S. District Judge
Walter Smith issued a sweeping order Aug. 8 requiring the federal government
to turn over all physical evidence, documents, recordings and photographs
related to the Davidian tragedy.

James B. Francis, chairman of the commission that oversees DPS, said Monday
that Mr. Coulson's statement heightens his concern that evidence gathered by
Texas Rangers immediately after the 1993 tragedy contradicts the federal
government's account of what happened.

"It goes a long way toward confirming why I say that some of the evidence
that DPS has or had in its possession is problematical and needs to be
evaluated by independent experts," he said.

"A fair-minded person who looks at this evidence would see that there is a
problem with some of the things that the federal government has said
happened that day," Mr. Francis said.

The Texas Rangers have had custody of key evidence from the Davidian
investigation since 1993, when they were assigned to investigate the Feb.
28, 1993, shootout that began the tragedy.

The standoff

Four federal agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms died
when a shootout erupted as they tried to search the compound and arrest sect
leader Koresh.

The ensuing 51-day standoff ended when FBI agents used tanks to spray CS
tear gas and launch nonburning CS "Ferret' rounds into the compound to try
to force the sect's surrender. Ever since, Justice Department officials
ranging from Attorney General Janet Reno to the FBI's chief spokesman in
Waco repeatedly insisted to the media, Congress and the courts that all of
the CS tear gas used was nonpyrotechnic.

But Mr. Coulson, then a deputy assistant director of the FBI's criminal
investigative division, said two M651 CS cartridges were fired at an area
known as "the pit," an underground structure that led to tunnels that opened
into the compound.

"There were at least two pyrotechnic devices used that day," said Mr.
Coulson, who helped supervise the 

[CTRL] Video available of Terry Reed's Bush/Coca Comments

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

And 'remeber' the Iran/Contra scandal was  allegedly 'made public' because a
samll newspaper in the Middle East published a story, in Arabic about North
and McFarlane's doings in Iran. Yeah, right. The power structure is so
corrupt., that it has become standard practice to use 'planned' and directed
scandal to cover-up the corruption.



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[CTRL] Republican Rivals Chide Bush On Drug Questions

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

n Rivals Chide Bush On Drug Questions
Sunday August 22 12:03 PM ET
Republican Rivals Chide Bush On Drug Questions

Reuters Photo
Full Coverage
Presidential Election 2000

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican challengers to presidential
front-runner George W. Bush said Sunday he should answer questions about
rumors he used illegal drugs in the past, while his supporters attacked
the media for pursuing the issue.

``I think anything that involves a felony, I don't see how you're going
to be able to get away from it,'' said Republican candidate Gary Bauer,
appearing on Fox-TV's ``Fox News Sunday'' program.

``These are important questions. It does go to law enforcement. I don't
think we can say to our kids, 'Look, this is important and we're serious
about it' and then be sort of coy when it comes to a question about
it,'' Bauer said.

Bush has faced a barrage of questions about whether he used drugs,
including cocaine, when he was younger.

The Texas governor has refused to deny using illegal drugs, saying
mistakes he may have made in his youth are not anyone's business. Last
week he altered his stance somewhat by saying he had not used illegal
drugs for at least 25 years.

Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, who entered the presidential race last
month, also made the argument that the drug question had important
implications for U.S. children.

``We're making some headway in the battle against drugs. We've passed a
number of Hatch bills that are literally starting to make a dent in it,
but if we don't have the top leaders living right and doing right and
setting an example, then the kids say 'Well they did it, why shouldn't
we?'' Hatch said on NBC-TV's ``Meet the Press'' program.

Hatch said Bush should not be hammered over the issue, but that he
should have answered it fully from the beginning.

``I think it's absurd to beat him into the ground over something like
this, but it's not absurd to ask the question to begin with and expect
an honest forthright answer,'' he said.

Texas Rep. Tom DeLay, the majority whip, focused his criticisms on the
media, saying it was dealing with rumors that were ``not

``I think legitimate journalists can ask questions if there are charges
or if there is evidence that there is something wrong. But to be
fishing, and running around asking questions and creating this whole
aura that there's something sinister in someone's background, I just
don't think it's responsible or legitimate,'' DeLay said on the ``Fox
News Sunday'' program.

Ohio Rep. John Kasich, a former Republican candidate now supporting
Bush, also blamed the media for its obsession with the issue.

Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition and now a GOP
strategist working for Bush, said the Texas governor had not been hurt
by his responses on the drug issue last week.

``The sharks are circling but there's no blood in the water. He's not
only not going to falter, he's stronger today than he was before this
happened,'' said Reed.

Reed said poll numbers showed Bush had increased his support in recent
days, while Forbes had declined following the Iowa straw poll in which
Bush finished first and Forbes finished a strong second, followed by
Elizabeth Dole and Bauer.

Reed said he had heard suggestions that the Forbes campaign was
encouraging the controversy over Bush's rumored drug use.

``A number of journalists have indicated to me that some of the things
that happened this week were being encouraged by some of the other
campaigns, and particularly the Forbes campaign. I think that's terribly
unfortunate,'' said Reed.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time

[CTRL] Some Republicans Urge Bush To Tell More On Drugs

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

e Republicans Urge Bush To Tell More On Drugs
Saturday August 21 1:52 AM ET
Some Republicans Urge Bush To Tell More On Drugs

Full Coverage
Presidential Election 2000

By Thomas Ferraro

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - George W. Bush sought to ride out the first storm
of his front-running drive for the White House Friday as fellow
Republicans offered him conflicting advice on whether he needs to say
definitively if he ever used illegal drugs.

``He needs to come clean,'' said Oregon Republican Chairman Perry
Atkinson. ``The longer he delays a direct answer the longer this will
haunt him.''

Connecticut Republican Chairman Chris DePino disagreed, saying, ``He has
already said enough'' in admitting he made mistakes but declaring he has
not used illicit narcotics since at least 1974, the year he turned 28.

Bush, 53, the governor of Texas and son of former President George W.
Bush, stuck to his story Friday as he campaigned in Akron, Ohio, and
waited to see if his strategy will succeed or fail.

``I made some mistakes,'' Bush said, repeating what has become his new
daily mantra. But if elected president, he vowed, ``I will bring dignity
and honor to the office.''

Bush has refused to deny using illegal drugs, saying personal missteps
he may have made long ago are not pertinent to his White House quest.

But in the past two days, he suddenly altered his stance by saying he
had not used illegal drugs for at least 25 years.

The abrupt shift came after he was asked if he could meet current
standards for those seeking federal jobs, which require no illegal drug
use in the last seven years.

Bush answered that question affirmatively in an interview published
Wednesday in The Dallas Morning News. Thursday, he said his drug-free
days extend back to at least 1974.

A number of Republicans, some privately and others publicly, have said
Bush has suffered self-inflicted wounds from the resulting controversy.

``He should have said he met the federal requirement (drug free for the
last seven years) and then left it at that,'' said one party official.
``He has opened himself up.''

Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican who entered the White House campaign
last month, saying he wanted to be available if Bush stumbled, said Bush
stumbled on this one.

``I think the Bush campaign has mishandled this question,'' Hatch told
CNN. He said Bush should say whether he used drugs and move on.

Thursday, the Bush campaign sent ``talking points'' about the flare up
to supporters. ``The message basically was this is all rumor,'' an aide
said Friday.

Bush has accused the camps of presidential rivals of spreading the
rumor, an accusation that other campaigns deny.

Bush is the only presidential candidate who has refused to answer
whether he has ever used illegal drugs. He says his answer that he has
not used illegal drugs for at least 25 years should suffice.

Matt Smith, a spokesman for Republican candidate Gary Bauer, disagreed,
saying, ``The American people and the press, not the candidates,
determine the statue of limitations on issues of character or committing
a felony.''

Sen. John McCain of Arizona, while campaigning for the Republican
presidential nomination in San Francisco Thursday, said, ``the governor
is entitled to privacy'' but ``it is the media and the American people
who decide what questions should be asked and what questions should be

Former Vice President Dan Quayle said Friday he accepted Bush's answer
to the drug question and suggested that his Republican presidential
rival be given a break.

``I know a little something about media frenzies,'' Quayle said in a
statement. ``I think this one should stop.''

Cliff May, communications director for the Republican National
Committee, said, ``There is not a shred of evidence that he has done
anything wrong.''

May charged that Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota
triggered the ``media frenzy'' by telling reporters on Aug. 14 that the
drug question is ``a legitimate question.''

``Journalist should track down rumors and see if they are true or not,
not just repeat them and ask people to deny them,'' May said.

Louisiana Republican Chairman Mike Francis said Friday he would not
offer any advice to Bush on the drug question, other than, ``Voters will
decide if he needs to say more.''
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spe


1999-08-24 Thread Carl Amedio

In a message dated 8/24/99 9:43:11 AM Central Daylight Time,


 International Monetary Fund officials say their job is to make
 payments to central banks, not monitor where it eventually winds
 up -- claiming the agency doesn't have the resources or the
 mandate to audit funds once they pass beyond a country's central

 The IMF "doesn't ask a lot of probing questions," according to a
 banking consultant who works with the fund. "They don't try to
 embarrass anyone."

o   Law enforcement authorities are currently investigating
whether Bank of New York Co. was one of a chain of banks
that was a conduit for about $200 million possibly
diverted from IMF loans to Russia.

o   The IMF says because the loans were paid into the Russian
government's account at the New York Federal Reserve Bank
-- and not to other Russian institutions -- it had neither
the responsibility nor the authority to audit transactions
involving those institutions.

o   Russia has received about $20 billion in IMF loans since
1992 -- but often fails to fulfill the economic promises
it makes in order to get the loans, experts report.

o   Two recent audits of loans to Russia revealed that $1.2
billion in IMF money wound up at a firm in the Channel
Islands, while part of a $4.8 billion IMF payment quickly
evaporated as Russians cashed rubles for dollars.

 In both cases, the fund asked for the audits only after
 allegations had circulated widely in the Russian and Western

 Experts say that officials at private American banks customarily
 demand financial statements from borrowers, and will not disburse
 funds without evidence of where the loans will go.

 Source: Bob Davis, "IMF Doesn't Watch Fund Disbursement," Wall
 Street Journal, August 24, 1999.

 For more on International Monetary Fund & World Bank

National Center For Policy Analysis
Tuesday, August 24, 1999

PointCast can automatically load NCPA's Policy Digest summaries
on your desktop for easy reading.  For information go to


   as colleges rake in research fundsNEW YORK TIMES

   MONEY GOES, as Russia soaks up billions of disappearing

   CHOICE" and the rules that go along with accepting federal

   o   FEWER CHILDREN ARE IN POVERTY and ex-welfare mothers are
   working since welfare reform beganWALL STREET JOURNAL

   EFFORTS, while others have different spending

   economists, while increasing average taxes increases self-

   and disable encryption softwareWASHINGTON POST

   and some analysts suggest they use the money to promote



In recent years, members of Congress have quietly been earmarking
funds in spending bills for university research in their
districts and states -- bypassing reviews by federal institutes.
In the process, critics maintain, they are substituting political
judgment for scientific review of which projects should qualify
for research money.

   o   Universities have lobbied for and obtained more than $7
   billion directly from Congress since 1980.

   o   Earmarked funds in this year's federal budget were a
   record $797 million.

   o   Federal spending on all university-based research this
   year exceeded $15 billion - - including a variety of
   military and weapons-related programs beyond the purely
   scientific endeavors of the National Institutes of Health
   and the National Science Foundation, the two federal
   institutions which have traditionally handed out grants.

   o   Critics point out that the funds are usually inserted in
   spending bills during closed-door conferences without
   public debate.

Also, what institution will get the funds is deliberately
obscured -- for example, creating a tax break for a university
"established on Aug. 6, 1872," without naming the institution.
It has taken months for the Chronicle of Higher Education, which
tracks academic earmarks, to decode the legislative language used
to disguise the appropriation

[CTRL] Fwd: Texas Rangers Have Massive Evidence of Federal Brutality, Malfeasance At Waco

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

 Original Message 
Subject: Waco-Texas Rangers Have Massive Evidence of Federal Brutality
and Malfeasance

WACO! -- Thank God for the Texas Rangers.

And that's for SURE. The Rangers have NOT yielded to INTENSE pressure to
shut and go away from Clinton Administration chief bruiser and strongman
Janet Reno and legions of her minions and allies--in terms of the two
large ROOMFULS of evidence Texas Rangers are in possession of proving
INCREDIBLE savagery, brutality and psychotic, homicidal rage on the part
of federal law enforcement in their siege at Waco, Texas.

In fact the Rangers and some other officials from the Texas Department
of Public safety volunteered the evidence in their possession during
courtroom proceedings in lawsuits against the feds for their actions at
Waco, filed by JFK Jr. associate (former U.S. Attorney General) Ramsey
Clark and others on behalf of Waco survivors and victims' families.

The evidence Rangers possess paints a picture of a government evil
almost beyond comprehension.

The fact that Reno and her partners in mass murder have not only NEVER
been charged with any crimes due to their slaughter at the Branch
Dravidian compound but indeed REMAIN in their positions of tremendous
power under the guidance of their boss Bill Clinton, is genuinely one
of the MAJOR and intolerable outrages regarding the federal government
which MUST be rectified. These people MUST ANSWER FOR for the atrocity
at Waco--truly one of the most appalling of the many such they have

This article below says it all. What else IS there to say?

 Original Message 
Subject: Fw: Thank GOD for the Texas Rangers !  (Waco)
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:19:06 -0400
From: "Ivan Shapiro"

I received this post this morning.  I HOPE WHAT IT SAYS AND IMPLIES about
Judge Smith, the TPDS, Rangers, etc. is true.  Hopefully the truth will
come out and war against the American People will cease.

Subject: Thank GOD for the Texas Rangers ! (Waco)

calnra -
From: Weldon Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24 Children Murdered: Hunt for Killers Continues
by Weldon Clark
To anyone who prizes his or her freedom, Waco needs no
introduction.  But you do need to know about recent
developments in the investigation of the matter. The need is
especially clear since most of the national media have been
working hard to ignore the story--despite its listing on AP and
UPI wire services, and discussion in the Washington Times,
the Washington Post, and other sources.
First, there have been lawsuits filed by families of those killed
at Waco and by some of the survivors. The suits were
transferred to Judge Smith, the same judge who sentenced
some of the Davidians to long prison terms, and is generally
thought of as a very pro-government, very anti-Davidian
judge. The government of course moved to dismiss the
cases.  To the surprise of many, Judge Smith refused,
leaving open such claims as the Davidians' assertion that the
government shot at people leaving the burning building. This,
Smith stated, had at least some evidence to support it, and if
proven would "shock the conscience of the court."
Judge Smith must have been startled at the next
development.  Without warning, the Texas Department of
Public Safety appeared in his court. TDPS announced that
the Texas Rangers (which are part of TDPS) had two large
rooms full of Waco evidence that had never seen the light of
day. It explained that members of the public--documentary
producer Michael McNulty and attorney David Hardy--had
been asking for copies, but that when it offered to make
them, federal agencies forbade it. Yet when McNulty and
Hardy asked the federal agencies for copies, the same
agencies claimed that they couldn't give them because only
the Rangers had control over the evidence. TDPS added that
it did not want to be responsible for withholding the evidence,
hinted that it did not trust the federal agencies to have it, and
offered to file the entire mass (estimated at twelve tons of
material) in court!
Things became more lively when TDPS explained just what
was in the evidence. TDPS commissioner Jim Francis said
that it contained government fired projectiles, which appeared
to be pyrotechnic (that is, fire producing).  It appears to this
author that may prove that FBI started the fire that killed 74
people, including two dozen children. He allowed he was no
expert, but said the evidence would be at least "problematic"
for the FBI's position. (The projectiles, fired from the FBI's M-
79 grenade launchers, including pyrotechnic CS gas rounds.
These expel the CS by burning a mixture similar to black
powder, and are stamped with warnings that they cause fires
and may not be used against buildings.)  The evidence was
so sensitive, Francis explained, that he had instructed the
Rangers to keep FBI out of the evidence locker until it could
be secured with the court, and he had ordered the Rangers
to commence t

[CTRL] Fwd: UK Facility Tested Chemical, Biological Weapons on Human Subjects

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

U.K.'s Top-Secret Porton Down Chemical-Biological Warfare Facility 
Used Troops, Others in Nazi-like Experiments

I guess both our goverment AND that of the United Kingdom tore some
pages from the Third Reich's rulebook.

NewsHawk Inc.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = 
Porton Down Exposed

Daily Mail: Saturday, August 21st 1999
Page 17


Ex-soldier tells of tests at Porton Down that threatened their health

FORMER servicemen described yesterday how they were used as guinea pigs at
the secret germ warfare base, Porton Down.

They spoke as police launched an inquiry into the death of an RAF
aircraftman more than 40 years ago. Ronald Maddison died after the lethal
nerve agent SARIN was dripped on to his arm in 1953 to test the protective
quality of uniforms.

It was acknowledged in Whitehall that should any allegations of wrongdoing
at the Wiltshire establishment be proved scores of other ex-servicemen
could launch compensation claims running into millions.

Since the Porton Down volunteer programme was launched in the First World
War, more than 20,000 volunteers from all three Services have taken part in
experiments, including 5,000 in the past 30 years.

Police plan to contact the 400 members of the Porton Down Volunteers
Association. It is headed by Michael Roche, who was a 24-year-old corporal
in the Royal Engineers when he volunteered for Porton Down 'out of

He said at his home in Rochdale: 'I wanted to help. At that time I was as
strong as an ox, I could carry two bags of cement on my shoulders. Now, I
can't even lift two bags of sugar.'

Mr Roche, 60, first underwent tests in 1962. One test involved nerve gas
inhalation, which he said took place in an airtight cubicle containing a

'A loudspeaker informed us that the dosage was about to be administered and
to inhale normally. The immediate reaction was a tightening of the muscles
and the lungs. For some volunteers this lasted several seconds while others
experienced it for several minutes '

Mr Roche's health deteriorated in his 40s, with high blood pressure and
breathing difficulties.

'I firmly believe that the government of the time, and subsequent
governments who have covered up the events, are guilty of war crimes,' said
Mr Roche.

He said other volunteers suffered 'horrendous' health problems including
severe headaches, skin and eye cancers, brain tumours, paralysis, chronic
bronchitis, asthma, nervous disorders and blistering.

Gordon Bell, 61, who now lives in Canada, was recruited to test 'cold cures'.

'I volunteered to earn a bit of extra leave. In one test we had to stand in
front of a stream of gas which I could not stand for more than a minute. My
face was stinging, my throat was red raw and my lungs were burning.

'I was paid two shillings. It was a dirty trick, plain and simple.

Peter Carpenter was a 19-year-old Lance Bombardier with the 37th Heavy
Royal Artillery in North Wales when he volunteered. The 67-year-old from
Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, said yesterday: 'We were taken into a field and
told to go into a metal cone. I had a perforated can of flies and a rabbit
in a cage. We were told that when we heard an explosion we had to go and
stand near a wooden stake outside.

'They asked if we could smell anything.
All the officers were rearing gas masks, but we didn't have them.
'The next thing we knew we were all in bed and my hands, wrists and ankles
were all aching. They never told us we were open to any danger.'



PORTON DOWN, set in 7,000 acres of Wiltshire countryside, is one of the
most secure and sensitive installations in the United Kingdom.

The Chemical and Biological Defence Establishment (CBDE) was founded in
1916 to combat German gas attacks.

Since then chemical warfare experiments have ranged from tests on bacterial
cultures to the effects of nerve gases. Between the two World Wars
intensive research was carried out to discover how best to protect troops
from mustard gas.

In 1942 a secret army of factory girls packed five million cattle cakes
contaminated with deadly anthrax into boxes, which were to be dropped over
German pastures. 
In the event 'Operation Vegetarian' was aborted.

During the Sixties the effects of LSD were tested on soldiers to discover
whether an LSD aerosol 'weapon' could weaken enemy units.

In the Seventies Porton Down is estimated to have carried out 200,000
experiments a year on animals.

Three years ago the establishment unveiled a £3.5m gas chamber as a
'defensive measure' to test the next generation of nerve gases and other
lethal agents.

Porton Down tests have involved [an estimated] 20,000 volunteers.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
A criminal investigation has been launched into experiments carried out
at a secret government chemical weapons centre. Wiltshire police are
examining claims that unsuspecting volunteers wer

[CTRL] Fwd: [Fwd: Cocaine-gate;Seagal to do battle with Bush gang]

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

The American Times,  August 24, 1999;

Cocaine-Gate News

A group of Texas prison inmates are preparing legal action to
demand their release since Governor G W Bush has committed the same crimes.

Seagal to battle Bush gang

Remember the Bush gang involved in the Iran-Contra operation?
Don Gregg, William Bar, Oliver North, Felix Rodriques etc, along
with Barry Seal and Terry Reed?

In an interview with the American Times, officials of Seagal Nosa
productions state that they are in the process of aquiring the movie
rights to Terry Reed's bombshell book, COMPROMISED Clinton, Bush and the CIA.

In recent reports (see the Wilderness below), Reed has implicated Governor
Cokehead in the
trafficking of cocaine, as does the book.

Kick-ass mega star Steven Seagal is set to play Reed.

Maybe this movie will open several days prior to election day,
with an election surprise of President Seagal taking office in January.

Did you forget how the washed-up Minnesota wrestler won?

Click for stories:

Pressure on BushAFP

Republicans chide Bush on cocaine   Reuters

Bush tough on drugs   DMN

Can Bush stonewall out of this?   Reuters

Press beats Bush Time

Bush on video, cocaine pick up  The Wilderness

Crises in the Taiwan Straits:

China Threatens to Nuke US Aircraft Carriers

China threatens nuclear attackSydney Morning Herald

Taiwan to build missile shield   AFP

Other News

Mexican political party to set up voting booths in USAP

FBI fired pyrotechnic grenades at Waco  compound  DMN

Energy Dept official quits over Cinton obstruction  NYTimes

Kosovo Albanians block RussiansAP

See   also The American Times,  August 23, 1999   for story.

Mike Rupert, former narcotics officer,  of The Wilderness reports
that Terry Reed was at sting in Miami and is on tape.

Click for full story at

Movie being made, staring Steven Segal.

[CTRL] Fwd: WND SOFTWAR The Clinton/Suharto Power Connection

1999-08-24 Thread Kris Millegan

In 1999, International Monetary Fund authorities contracted with
the accounting firm of Arthur Andersen to audit the Indonesian
power company PLN.  According to an article appearing in the
Indonesian news-magazine D&R, the audit has discovered hundreds
of millions of dollars missing or unaccounted for in U.S.-
backed electric power projects.

The news report, written by D&R investigative journalist Febrina
Siahaan, contains an exclusive interview of Indonesian power
officials who openly admit to corruption involving U.S. officials.

The largest U.S.-sponsored power project in Indonesia is called
Paiton.  The coal burning electric plant was built by Edison
Mission Energy and is located in East Java.  Mission Energy, is
also a partner of Indonesia's Lippo group, a consortium part
owned by Indonesian billionaire Moctar Riady and the Chinese
Army CITIC (China International Trust and Investment
Corporation) bank.

Paiton has accumulated losses over $280 million.  PLN estimated
that their electric company has lost over $18 billion in total.

According to the former President/Director of PLN, Adhi Satriya,
"It happened because there were so many people that 'used'
Suharto's power when he was still in charge.  The Paiton project
by itself is the largest loss for PLN.  Corruption occurred in
all parts of the project."

The Paiton power plant is expected to produce electricity at a
cost of 8 cents per kilowatt hour (kwh).  However, the
Indonesians cannot even afford to pay the agreed price of 2
cents per kilowatt hour, a six cent loss to PLN for every watt
generated.  Yet, iron clad contracts note that the Paiton plant
has to be paid for, whether it is running or not.

"With this condition actually, PLN doesn't deserve to go on
anymore," stated Adhi.

On November 16, 1994, Bill Clinton, Secretary of State Warren
Christopher and Ron Brown traveled to Jakarta, Indonesia, for
the Asia Pacific Economic Conference (APEC).  In Jakarta,
Clinton signed deals to supply Indonesia with electric power
using U.S. taxpayer loans.  The deals were worth billions to
U.S. corporations such as Cal Energy, Mission Energy and General

"As markets expand, as information flows, the roots of an open
society will grow and strengthen and contribute to stability,"
stated Clinton during the 1994 signing.

Instead, Mr. Clinton has brought bankruptcy, and more poverty to
the riot-stricken country.  Their transition from the rule of
Suharto has not been an easy one with billions missing.

In September 1994, long before Clinton signed the power deal,
the Commerce Dept. documented that Indonesian President Suharto
had also cut his daughter in for a bribe.  According to a 1994
Commerce Dept. document, ".75% ownership" of the $2 billion
dollar Paiton project was given - at no cost - to dictator
Suharto's second daughter, Siti Hediati Prabowo.

Ms. Prabowo's ".75%" ownership totals to a free gift from the
U.S. taxpayer of $15 million.  The $15 million was part of a $50
million bribe split between Ms. Prabowo and another Suharto
relative.  The money was given in the form of a no pay back loan
based on profits from the Paiton power plant.  In return for the
kick-back, the Indonesian President selected Mission Energy, a
company owned by major Clinton donors, to build the Paiton power
plant in east Java.

Newly released documents provided by the Overseas Private
Investment Corporation (OPIC) shows that Ms. Prabowo, and her
brother-in-law, Hashim Djojohadikusumo, were given a total
"2.5%" ownership in the Paiton power project, through their
local company BHP.  OPIC blacked out several of the documents as
secret for personal and business privacy reasons.

According to a May, 1999 letter written by Mission Energy Senior
Vice President Robert E. Driscoll:

  "BHP holds a 15% interest in the project.  To date, BHP has
   made capital contributions of approximately $50 million.  To
   facilitate these contributions EME, Mitsui, and GE Capital
   extended loans to BHP to be repaid out of BHP's project
   dividends.  The loans carry a market rate of interest and
   other commercial terms.  Until the loans are repaid in full,
   BHP is permitted to receive only 35% of the dividends to
   which it is otherwise entitled."

Of course, with a loss of six cents per kilowatt hour, Paiton
will never turn a profit nor pay off on dividends.  Thus, "35%"
of nothing equals nothing.

In addition, Prawabo's brother-in-law, Hashim, also received an
exclusive, no bid - no cut, contract to supply coal for the
power plant.  According to the 1999 letter from Mission Energy,
Hashim is "an Indonesian businessman of considerable reputation
who was recommended to EME by, among others, the then U.S.
Ambassador to Indonesia."

The reason for such vocal support from the U.S. Ambassador may
have also have an easy explanation.  According to another
document obtained from the U.S. Commerce Dept. "Warren
Christopher is on Edison Mission's board of directors."

The U.S. Commerce

Re: [CTRL] Second ex-Roche exec to be jailed in US vitamins probe

1999-08-24 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Ronald L. Wilson. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


There's nothing in the Constitution about NOT bribing elected/
appointed officials or gov't employees, so the Founders must
not have wanted to cut off such supplemental income, eh?  Yup,
bribery is constitutional.  AND WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?!?!?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2

1999-08-24 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990824b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No creationist thought evolved during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Nothing can eclipse its beauty. (BBC) A Norfolk gardener is blaming the
  eclipse for the early opening of his stunning blooms. Ya, u-betcha:

@ Links: Epiphyllum oxypetalum:
# Also: Wildlife fooled by double dawn:
# And: Total eclipse. Total coverage:

: Will the eclipse stories never end? How long can I keep milking this? Why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Anti-gay site goes back to rightful owners. (CNN) As slowly as it came,
  the road to love veered back to hate on an anti-gay Web site run by
  Pastor Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.

@ SITES: MindSprung:

: Do you love/hate fags? Are you god? If god hates fags, why'd she make so
many of'em? If god loves fags, why'd she make so many fag-haters? Why o why?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  problems with his past drug use, I know some folks will be shocked to hear
  that the astronomer Carl Sagan (a hero of mine) was an avid pot smoker. He
  even credited it with intellectual inspiration - which certainly goes
  against the belief that pot makes people less ambitious. Pass that joint -

: Would you rather be inspired by herbs, aliens, mindcontrol rays, religious
fantasies, neurotoxins, me? D'ya need to smoke pot to be indolent? Do hyper-
alert folks need cannabis to cool their brains off enough to write it down??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Scared mouse' joins medical models. Scientists added a "scared mouse" to
  the group of gene-altered rodents used to understand and treat human ills.

# Making a pig's eye of it. (BBC) Vets have saved the sight of a German
  shepherd dog using material made from a pig's gut. But the simile fails:

: Would you frighten a mouse in order to save yourself? D'ya wanna be saved
by scared rats, eviscerated pigs, me? Would you rather dissect an ET alien??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# SPERM COUNTS DROPPING DRAMATICALLY. UK scientists are set to carry out the
  biggest-ever study of male reproductive health, including why sperm counts
  across the globe appear to be falling dramatically. Scottish  men asked to
  volunteer - see:
@ Link: Reproductive Health Study:

: Would you volunteer to have your sperm counted? Are sperm being stolen by
Reptilioids/Republicans, demons/deities, robots, me? Did yours go missing?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Lost childhood of the 'stolen generation'. (BBC) Aboriginal survivors of
  Australia's assimilation policy bear the scars of their childhood during
  which they were wrenched from their families and culture. Child abuse:

@ Links: Aboriginal Reconciliation Council:
@ Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Comm:
@ Commission's report on the stolen children:

: Would you rather have your children abducted by humans, extraterrestrials,
robots, demons/deities, me? Have you taken any kids lately? For good reason?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


@ Lambert Dolphin & The Great Sphinx - The Edgar Cayce Connection:
@ Methodists Worship God the Mother - The Shekhinah:
@ Southern Baptist Convention - Freemasons & the Jesus Seminar:
@ Bible Study Fellowship - A Closer Look:
@ Contemporary Christian Music - Lambs to the Slaughter:
@ Youth With a Mission - Moral Government Theology:
@ The Promise Keepers Movement:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# How not to handle a network outage:
# Y2K fears c

Re: [CTRL] Second ex-Roche exec to be jailed in US vitamins probe

1999-08-24 Thread Ronald L. Wilson.

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Untold Stories of U.S./NATO's War and U.S. Media Complacency

1999-08-24 Thread K

 -Caveat Lector-

>  -Caveat Lector-
> forwarded..
> Dave Hartley
> Untold Stories of U.S./NATO's War and U.S. Media Complacency
>  Diversity of news sources
> (both foreign and domestic), ombudsman, and reporters with tenure
> rights are needed in the media today to counterbalance governmental
> spin doctors and the media elite's self interests.

Doctor Phillips was too kind in his use of the term *media elite* -
"media whores" would have been more apt.


If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest have to drown too?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #1

1999-08-24 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990824a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No kissing cousins were separated during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Thais seek eco-friendly cremations. BANGKOK (AP) Autos choking Bangkok's
  streets may create the largest problem for the crowded city's pollution-
  control efforts, but another problem is generated by cremations. Spurred
  by complaints from families living near Buddhist temple/crematoria, the
  gov't is preparing anti-pollution laws that include mandatory installation
  of smoke-clearing gear in chimneys. Cremations conclude the vast majority
  of funerals in predominantly Buddhist Thailand. An aging crematorium at a
  Bangkok temple has been the source of numerous complaints. See

: Does your belief subsystem mandate any specific manner of disposal? D'ya
wanna be buried, burnt, launched into space? D'ya wanna be eaten by worms,
crocodiles, flesh-eating bacteria, starving refugees, aliens, robots, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Integrated Circuits the Size of Molecules. "In ten years potentially, we
  will have entire computers not just in your wrist watch, but woven into
  our clothing. Or a slurry of computers painted on your wall." The manufac-
  turing process of this may very well be like making something like photo-
  graphic film. It's very complex, but essentially it's all chemistry. Much
  cheaper and almost infinitely more powerful than current semiconductors,
  and totally programmable - see

: Would you rather have your dirt-cheap supercomputers embedded in a credit
card, or woven into your clothes, or embedded in your body? D'ya want video
fibers woven into your skin so you become your own display? D'ya want shirts
that're smarter than you? Will genius shoes rebel at being walked on? How??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Muslim vs. Muslim lawsuit. LOS ANGELES (AP) A Muslim aerospace engineer is
  suing her former boss at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, saying he stif-
  led her career because of his own Islamic beliefs on the role of women. In
  the suit, Iranian immigrant Shahzad Khaligh claims Fred Hadaegh repeatedly
  stated his belief that Muslim women "should not become independent human
  beings." Hadaegh also tried to thwart Khaligh's efforts to present techni-
  cal papers at conferences and refused to sign her tuition reimbursement

# Jordan group seeks to protect women. AMMAN (AP) A human rights group laun-
  ched a public campaign against a widespread practice in Jordan of beating
  and killing women who are perceived to have shamed their families. This is
  the first public effort to demand rights for women in this conservative,
  tribal-oriented society where men have the final say in family matters and
  women's opinions are usually considered unimportant. See

: Does your belief system devalue women, men, children, aliens, animals, me?
Is y'r belief system unworthy of civilized entities? Are other faiths worse?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# PCP, cocaine vaccination eyed. NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Designer antibodies may
  someday be used to immunize people against cocaine & other drugs to block
  the rush that users crave. If these vaccines fulfill their promise, they
  could revolutionize emergency treatment for PCP and amphetamines. Kill the

# Talks with alcoholics cut injuries. BOSTON (AP) - A brief talk with hospi-
  talized injury patients about their drinking problems dramatically reduced
  their risk of getting injured again, a study has found. Talk away the

: Would you rather be counseled or vaccinated against consuming you favorite
substances? How do you like to have your mind controlled? What works best??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# China Markets Mao as Tourist Icon - Commies Go ultra-Capitalist:
# Journey of Faith - Mormon Changes Skin, Goes Papist:,1249,115004585,00.html
# HOPE FOR MORE MIRACLES FADING IN TURKEY - Minister warns of acid rain:

@ Nostradamus Strikes Again:
# UFO Sightings Increase In Eastern US, Canada and Brazil:
@ A little shake of Shakerism might be nice:,1249,115004587,00.html

# Y2K - US Navy Denies It Expects Y2K Failures:


1999-08-24 Thread Tsadowq

 -Caveat Lector-

Someone sent in an article that discussed the peril
of a man who was stopped while driving, and he
TAPE RECORDED the conversation, and ended
up getting charged for WIRE TAPPING?

I accidentally deleted this post, and
would greatly appreciate it if someone
out there could forward the article
to me. Thanks.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Get implanted--just a hoax (fwd)

1999-08-24 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 1999 02:09:12 CDT
From: Dana Redding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MC] Get implanted--just a hoax

Sorry folks, you can't even earn a little extra cash
getting an implant these days:-) This was intended as
an "artistic" website? and caused such a furor the
owner came out with the truth it was a farce and pretty
quickly at that. The only thing that might be of interest here is the
companies who showed an intense interest, if he ever
makes that information available.
I was going to post this immediately but my last post
never showed up and I wanted to make sure this one did.
I apologize for this.


Commentary by Jim Keith

If you have any doubt that a New World Order of total surveillance and
control is about to arrive in your neighborhood, then browse a website that
gives a foreshadowing of the future, and may tip your scales toward total
Located at and headlined, "Building a Cashless World," the
site is run by Global Monetary LLP. It claims $5 billion in assets, and
offices in Seattle, Zurich, Nairobi, Montevideo, and Singapore, with
headquarters in Bentonville, Arizona. Global Monetary is offering qualified
persons $250 if they take a below-the-skin electronic implant in the palm of
their hand.
According to the Global Monetary website, "The IDchip tm implant is a very
small electronic device that is painlessly implanted into the tissue of your
right palm. It leaves no scar and is not visible in any way. You will not be
able to feel it in your hand, as the device is mostly soft flexible plastic.
It will never need to be removed as it is continually recharged by the
proprietary mouse." The computer mouse "interfaces directly with the
electronic implant in your palm thus establishing a fool proof electronic ID
system for e-commerce over the internet and in stores... Once operational
you will be able to purchase everything without the need of cash or even a
credit card!"
Who is qualified to take the chip? "Eventually, everyone will be qualified
to become a member, but now all you need is a qualified computer and to meet
demographic qualifications." Demographic qualifications are not much
elaborated upon in the company's literature, beyond an enquiry in their
questionnaire about "racial composition."
The reason that Global Monetary is offering a fee for people to take the
chip is, "We understand that the general public is uncomfortable with the
notion of implanted electronic devices. So we feel we need to offer
substantial incentive until such time as it has gained the public
The company informs us that they are "aggressively building a proprietary
global system of customer tracking and profiling. From this, profit
potential will emerge in the form of merchant fees and fees associated with
market targeting for customer research and law enforcement."
So, how do you sign up to take the chip? Simply fill in the form
conveniently provided at the website, and, "If your application is accepted,
a customer service representative will contact you to schedule a time for a
certified technician to painlessly affect the implant procedure. He will set
up the IDchip tm software and mouse on your home computer and will be
available to answer any questions you might have."
On top of all this, we are told, "Global Monetary is very active in the
world community and is an avid supporter and contributor to the United
Nations." Being big fans of the U.N., Global Monetary even offers a
computerized link to the organization's website, and a gallery of photos and
information about recent wonderments of global intervention performed by the
There you have it: the implant devices that the anti-New World Order types
have been warning us about for a half-century or more have suddenly arrived
in Anytown, U.S.A., not to mention Nairobi. Not to worry, though. Global
Monetary reassures us, "People have been made frightened of such devices by
television programs, etc., but there is no justifiable reason for concern."
Actually, I think the folks at Global Monetary know perfectly well that it
isn't TV programs that have scared people off taking electronic implants in
the hand. I won't belabor the similarities of the Global Monetary chip to
certain biblical prophecies about the Mark of the Beast, but they are enough
to give even such a confirmed skeptic as myself pause to shudder.
But therein lies the rub. For you see, the website is part of an intriguing
project run by Bill Cross. He wants to record a glimpse of how humans will
react when such chip technology truly becomes available in the 21st Century.
And according to him, visitors are signing up for his imaginary implants in
droves. What started out as a humorous test in psychology has turned into a
shocking glimpse of the future.
Cross is t

[CTRL] TAKE $250 AND AN IMPLANT by Jim Keith

1999-08-24 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

America's Daily Net Newspaper
Nitro News


Commentary by Jim Keith

If you have any doubt that a New World Order of total surveillance and
control is about to arrive in your neighborhood, then browse a website that
gives a foreshadowing of the future, and may tip your scales toward total

Located at and headlined, "Building a Cashless World," the
site is run by Global Monetary LLP. It claims $5 billion in assets, and
offices in Seattle, Zurich, Nairobi, Montevideo, and Singapore, with
headquarters in Bentonville, Arizona. Global Monetary is offering qualified
persons $250 if they take a below-the-skin electronic implant in the palm of
their hand.

According to the Global Monetary website, "The IDchip tm implant is a very
small electronic device that is painlessly implanted into the tissue of your
right palm. It leaves no scar and is not visible in any way. You will not be
able to feel it in your hand, as the device is mostly soft flexible plastic.
It will never need to be removed as it is continually recharged by the
proprietary mouse." The computer mouse "interfaces directly with the
electronic implant in your palm thus establishing a fool proof electronic ID
system for e-commerce over the internet and in stores... Once operational
you will be able to purchase everything without the need of cash or even a
credit card!"

Who is qualified to take the chip? "Eventually, everyone will be qualified
to become a member, but now all you need is a qualified computer and to meet
demographic qualifications." Demographic qualifications are not much
elaborated upon in the company's literature, beyond an enquiry in their
questionnaire about "racial composition."

The reason that Global Monetary is offering a fee for people to take the
chip is, "We understand that the general public is uncomfortable with the
notion of implanted electronic devices. So we feel we need to offer
substantial incentive until such time as it has gained the public

The company informs us that they are "aggressively building a proprietary
global system of customer tracking and profiling. From this, profit
potential will emerge in the form of merchant fees and fees associated with
market targeting for customer research and law enforcement."

So, how do you sign up to take the chip? Simply fill in the form
conveniently provided at the website, and, "If your application is accepted,
a customer service representative will contact you to schedule a time for a
certified technician to painlessly affect the implant procedure. He will set
up the IDchip tm software and mouse on your home computer and will be
available to answer any questions you might have."

On top of all this, we are told, "Global Monetary is very active in the
world community and is an avid supporter and contributor to the United
Nations." Being big fans of the U.N., Global Monetary even offers a
computerized link to the organization's website, and a gallery of photos and
information about recent wonderments of global intervention performed by the

There you have it: the implant devices that the anti-New World Order types
have been warning us about for a half-century or more have suddenly arrived
in Anytown, U.S.A., not to mention Nairobi. Not to worry, though. Global
Monetary reassures us, "People have been made frightened of such devices by
television programs, etc., but there is no justifiable reason for concern."

Actually, I think the folks at Global Monetary know perfectly well that it
isn't TV programs that have scared people off taking electronic implants in
the hand. I won't belabor the similarities of the Global Monetary chip to
certain biblical prophecies about the Mark of the Beast, but they are enough
to give even such a confirmed skeptic as myself pause to shudder.

But therein lies the rub. For you see, the website is part of an intriguing
project run by Bill Cross. He wants to record a glimpse of how humans will
react when such chip technology truly becomes available in the 21st Century.
And according to him, visitors are signing up for his imaginary implants in
droves. What started out as a humorous test in psychology has turned into a
shocking glimpse of the future.

Cross is totally confounded that so many people are willing to receive the
"Mark of the Beast." Would you take it for $250?

Download video from that details chip technology.

Read last week's Jim Keith column

Jim Keith, a Nitro News Columnist, is one of America's best known conspiracy
writers, having penned over ten published books. His works include Okbomb, a
revealing account of the Oklahoma City bombing, and the acclaimed Casebook
On The Men In Black. Keith has appeared on multiple television and radio
programs, including

[CTRL] Mothers Need Not Apply

1999-08-24 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Unusual Requirement for Mexico Jobs

.c The Associated Press

MEXICO CITY (AP) - When Aida Flores Rosales applied for a job as an economist
at a Mexico City bank, she had to do more than show she was qualified: She
had to prove she wasn't pregnant.

The government says it's illegal and human rights groups call it an invasion
of privacy. But pregnancy testing remains a common requirement in Mexico for
women seeking jobs, whether in factories or executive suites.

Businesses claim the practice isn't prohibited and is needed to safeguard
female workers' safety. They also say they need to protect themselves from
the high cost of government-mandated maternity leave.

``For a large business, it's probably easy to absorb that, but for a small or
medium-sized business it isn't so easy,'' says Mercedes Martinez Barrera,
legal director for the business group Coparmex.

Mexico isn't the only Latin American nation where job candidates are asked to
take pregnancy tests. In Colombia, the practice is illegal but is still
common, especially at small businesses that often disregard labor codes. Such
testing was legal in Brazil until May, when Congress outlawed it as part of a
labor code reform.

Few Mexican women complain about the testing. In a nation where help-wanted
postings frequently specify the required age, sex, marital status and
``appearance'' of would-be applicants, workers are little accustomed to
insisting on their privacy or their rights, and even less likely to sue or
file a complaint with the government.

Some, like Flores Rosales, agree with the requirement.

When she applied for a bank economist position three years ago, she had to
submit laboratory certification proving she wasn't pregnant. She did so and
was hired.

The testing requirement ``seems normal to me,'' she says. ``It didn't bother
me. Why would they want to hire someone who within a few months won't be able
to work normally?''

Applicants often are reluctant to do anything that would undermine their
chances of getting a job, especially because of the economic crisis that has
sent unemployment soaring since 1995.

``There is a feeling of, `I have work, therefore I am fortunate. They are
doing me a favor by giving me a job,''' says Elena Tapia, president of Gender
Equity, which has fought against pregnancy testing requirements.

Tapia understands the reluctance to challenge potential employers. Four years
ago, she applied for a job as a full-time sociology professor at a Mexico
City university. For a part-time teacher, it was a big career move.

The application required that she present certification she wasn't pregnant.
She felt indignant and offended - but took the test. She got the job.

``You can't protest, because you would be destroying your chances,'' she

Women's groups claim pregnancy testing is illegal because Mexican law
prohibits sex discrimination. Employers argue there is no specific
prohibition and the law gives them the right to hire whomever they want.

All three major political parties have proposed laws that would more clearly
prohibit pregnancy-testing requirements. But some of the proposals are tied
to larger labor reform packages that may be difficult to pass.

The number of companies that require pregnancy testing is unknown. The
practice is more common at assembly plants along the northern frontier - some
U.S. owned - than elsewhere.

In the United States, it has been illegal since 1978 for an employer of 15 or
more to discriminate against women because of pregnancy, childbirth or
pregnancy-related conditions.

Mexico's use of pregnancy tests has come under scrutiny in the United States
largely because the countries are partners under the North American Free
Trade Agreement, the trade bloc that also includes Canada.

Human Rights Watch and other U.S. groups filed a complaint in 1996 under
NAFTA, claiming Mexico was failing to enforce its labor laws by allowing the
assembly plants to conduct pregnancy tests and fire employees who become

A U.S. investigation found evidence of sexual discrimination.

Irasema Garza, the U.S. Labor Department official who led the investigation,
says meetings between labor officials of the two countries have led to great
progress - a view rejected by Human Rights Watch.

Garza says Mexican officials now agree that their constitution prohibits
pregnancy testing and that labor officials are educating female workers on
their rights.

Mexican labor activists say the government's position has always been that
pregnancy testing is illegal, but it hasn't cracked down on violators for
fear of a backlash against women workers.

``The employer can simply adopt the position: `Perfect. I can't request
pregnancy tests. I simply won't hire women,''' says Angelica Gonzalez
Valencia, director of equity for the Mexican Labor Secretariat.

``We have to look for solutions that don't have those types of effects that
are going to hurt women more.''

One reason 

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