[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: Ohio Keg Law

2000-08-10 Thread Alamaine

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Date sent:  Wed, 9 Aug 2000 14:35:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:Release: Ohio Keg Law
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: August 9, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

New Ohio state law requires five-day
waiting period for buying beer (really!)

WASHINGTON, DC -- A new law in Ohio that requires a five-day
waiting period before buying beer -- yes, you read that correctly --
has Libertarians wondering: How Lowenbrau can politicians go?

"This is the worst idea since Billy Beer," said Libertarian
Party press secretary George Getz. "We don't want to Harp on this, but
beer-lovers everywhere will be sadder, Budweiser, when they hear that
politicians in Ohio plan to treat every drinker like a criminal."

On Wednesday, August 9, a new Ohio law will require anyone
buying five or more kegs of beer to fill out a form with the Ohio
Department of Public Safety, and then wait five days before picking up
the beer.

The law, dubbed "Five in Five," also gives law enforcement the
right to search the site of a beer party without first obtaining a
search warrant.

Several other states -- including Iowa, New Hampshire, Kansas,
and Pennsylvania -- have similar laws or are considering similar
legislation, according to Fox News. And Maryland requires all kegs of
beer to be registered with the state government.

Politicians said such laws are necessary because some keg
parties have become violent -- but Libertarians said this kind of
"Nanny State" regulation just Foster's more disrespect for the law.

"Even the most Mooseheaded politician admits these laws will
have little effect, since people can just buy four kegs at a time at
different locations, or buy beer by the case," said Getz.

"The kind of irresponsible people who hold out-of-control
parties are the same people who will casually circumvent this law,
while law-abiding, responsible people will be inconvenienced. It
shouldn't take a Pabst Blue Ribbon panel to figure that out."

The Ohio law is especially disturbing because it requires
people to give up their Constitutional protections against unreasonable
search, he said.

"The Fourth Amendment shouldn't be revoked simply because you
want to have a wedding party, or a family reunion, or a neighborhood
block party that includes kegs of beer," said Getz. "America's Founding
Fathers like Sam Adams would never have stood for such a law."

Instead of targeting everyone, the police should focus just on
those irresponsible drinkers who commit crimes, he said.

"If law-abiding adults are enjoying a legal beverage and
behaving responsibly, they should not have to worry that police will
suddenly show up and demand to search the place," said Getz. "Law-
abiding people should not be treated like drunken criminals."

Ohio residents should contact their legislators and demand the
repeal of this law, he said -- before it foams over to other states.

"This is a Busch-league law, and it needs to be repealed," said
Getz. "This is a Molsen Golden opportunity for Ohio residents to stand
up for liberty."

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Partyhttp://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037   fax: 202-333-0072
For subscription changes, please use the WWW form at:
Alternatively, you may also send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 3

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

The Early Days of the John Birch Society:
Fasist Templars of the Corporate State
Part 3

The John Birch Solon

"There must be two Americas ..."
  ‹ Mark Twain

JB Society leader Thomas Anderson, a hardened advocate of racial
segregation, gave the game away when he griped in Straight Talk:
"Invariably, hiding behind the sanctimonious cries of 'freedom of the
press,' and 'academic freedom' are defenders of Alger Hiss, Fifth Amendment
addicts, attackers of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, people
who urged barring Mein Kampf from distribution. In short, the enemies are:
Criminals, Socialists and Communists"
 Mein Kampf? 
 Of critical importance to the anti-communist wars of the Birch Society
was Welch's relationship with the Dr. J.B. Matthews, the former chief
investigator for the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). When
Joseph McCarthy announced that he held a list of Soviet agents "in my
hands," he referred to one of Matthew's compilations. When McCarthy  fell
into disrepute, J.B. decamped, taking his files on known "communist
subversives" with him, moved on to become Robert Welch's aide-de-camp. "My
opinion of various characters," Welch wrote in his Blue Book of the Birch
Society, "formed entirely independently, has [proven] to coincide with the
opinion of J.B. Matthews." Welch boasted that he had "a fairly sensitive and
accurate nose" for rooting out assets of the communist underground.
 Dr, Matthews pushed the number of "agents," "subversives" and
"travellers" among the nation's clergymen in Birch Society files from 1,000
to 7,000. The country's parishes evidently swarmed with spies and dupes bent
on destroying democracy. In July 1961, the Birch Society Bulletin claimed
that there were no less than "300,000 to 500,000 Communists in the United
States" (Newberry, p. 89). Welch and Matthews dreamed of collecting files of
all of them.
 The American Opinion reading room was the place to learn about the
conspiracy, an alternate universe of extreme right-wing briefings. Medford
Evans, former editor of the National Review and the Birch Society's Texas
coordinator, published a Hitlerian tour-de-force in Human Events magazine
(January 26, 1957): "Why I Am an Anti-Intellectual." Evans once served under
Admiral Lewis Strauss at the Atomic Energy Commission. The dossiers of J.
Robert Oppenheimer and Edward Teller were cleared by the AEC's
"anti-intellectual" chief of security (Newberry, p. 138).
 In its halcyon period, the John Birch Society was allied with William
Regnery, whose name appears on American Security Council (ASC) incorporation
papers. The ASC was a domestic covert operations arm of the
military-industrial complex, closely aligned with the JBS, Libery Lobby and
other sons of the anti-communist revolution. Regnery and a pair of pre-war
America First isolationists began the Human Events radio program and the
Regnery publishing house in the mid-1950s. The first two books published by
Regnery were critical of the Nuremberg Trials and the third found fault with
allied bombing campaigns against the Nazis.
 In 1954, Regnery put out a couple of tracts for the John Birch Society.
The nascent publishing concern also printed up William F. Buckley¹s God and
Man at Yale, subtitled, The Superstitions of Academic Freedom.
 "In light of the publishing of the pro-Nazi books," SpritOne
Information Services comments, "it is interesting to note that Regnery
Publishing was subsidized by the CIA, according to Howard Hunt. The reader
is reminded to remember [the] point ... concerning the CIA and its
involvement with Nazi war criminals. Henry Regnery, along with Bunker Hunt,
funded Western Goals." A reminder: Western Goals was a creation of the John
Birch Society. 
 In 1986, President Ronald Reagan "appointed Alfred Regnery to help
dismantle the Justice Department¹s Office of Juvenile Justice. In the 1990s,
[Regnery] has been the publisher of numerous venomous smears (I would use
the word 'books' but that would be a lie by any measure) attacking President
Clinton. [A] direct linkage between the past pro-Nazi groups of the 1930s
and today¹s right wing has been fully established"
 Gary Allen, one of the foremost propagandists in the Bircher pantheon,
was the author of None Dare Call It Conspiracy, a "'76 Press" productm, a
Birch Society bible and a stunning success that has sold over four million
copies, according to a publisher's blurb. Picture, if you will, the nation's
corporate elite driving for a "Great Merger" with the Soviet bloc, and
poisoning the entire world with Communism. This is among the central themes
of The Rockefeller File (1976), Allen's critique of the most powerful family
in the world, the dreaded CFR and the United World Federalists. At first
glance, Allen's books may seem a confused clot of political fantasies. He
claims that the Carnegie and Rockefeller money 

Re: [CTRL] Japan Times-Bank Officials Tried To End W.W.II

2000-08-10 Thread Ben Stone

Bank of International Settlements is, according to Lyndon larouche, the world's 
biggest criminal bank, essentially the crooked bank's bank, and the 'settlements' are 
a nice way of laundering black economy cash from drug dealing. In the 40's it probably 
included cash from gold smuggling, dead jews and war profiteering.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Interview: Ritalin Use Forced by Law

2000-08-10 Thread Involuntary

Interesting perspective that Dr. Peter Breggin has on Ritalin.  Here's a
quote that you will find in the interview below:

DR. PETER BREGGIN - And what the medication basically does is crush
spontaneous behavior.  If you give stimulant drugs to animals -- we have
hundreds of studies -- the animals stop playing.  They stop socializing.
They stop interacting.  They also stop trying to escape.  Basically, we
make good cage --

Think the government wants to drug everybody into submission now???
By law?

Hannity  Colmes
Tuesday, August 8, 2000
Fox News Channel

SEAN HANNITY - Welcome back to "Hannity  Colmes."  I'm Sean Hannity.
The latest debate over giving children mood-altering drugs like Ritalin
has put parents and educators on opposite sides of the law.  Kyle
Carroll, a seven-year-old in Albany, New York was put on Ritalin after
falling behind in his first grade class, but his parents took him off
the drug because of the side effects that were happening with the child,
including sleeplessness, and administrators at Kyle's school called
Protective Services, if you can believe this, alleging child abuse.  A
family court judge then ruled that the boy's parents must continue
medicating him, but they told them they could get a second opinion.  Are
drugs the answer when kids are acting up in school?  And should courts
have the right to force parents to put their children on these drugs,
and are we overprescribing them?

SEAN HANNITY  - We're joined by psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, is the
author of the book "Reclaiming Our Children, A Healing Plan for a Nation
in Crisis."  Dr. Henry Paul; he's the author of the upcoming book "Is My
Child OK," and he's a consultant for the New York City Administration
for Children's Services.

SEAN HANNITY  - Alright, Mr. Paul, let me turn to you.  In this
particular case, [the] parents took him off th drug because of side
effects of sleeplessness, appetite loss.  It was their decision. They're
the parents.  It's a controversial drug.  The use of it has become
astronomical in just the last five years alone.  Then for them to be --
for the teachers to call Special Services -- Social Services -- and
accuse them of child abuse because they don't like that decision, and
then a judge to mandate that the drugging of this child is nothing --
nothing short of state-mandated abuse.

DR. HENRY PAUL - Well, it's not uncommon that schools will call doctors
or foster agencies if it's a foster child and say, "Please put a child
on Ritalin," which of course, it sounds absurd, but you have to remember
that most of these parents are already involved in the foster system or
with a state or local agency already been in some way allegedly
neglectful of their child.  It is very common.  I -- I want to underline
this.  It's very --.

SEAN HANNITY - Well we don't have that in this particular case.  We
don't know if there's any abuse here --

DR. HENRY PAUL - We don't know this case.

SEAN HANNITY - But we do know this.  We know that --

DR. PETER BREGGIN - There was nothing like that, Sean, in this case at
all.  That's -- that's throwing rocks at people he doesn't even know.
These parents had no charged against them about anything.

SEAN HANNITY - Dr. Breggin, this seems to me like an Orwellian
Nightmare, that the state is going to tell you to give your kids drugs,
then if you don't give them I assume the fear is that your children
might be taken away from you.  Is that a stretch -- of the imagination?

DR. PETER BREGGIN - No.  That's exactly what people are afraid of.  It's
really interesting what has happened.  Our schools have basically become
mental hospitals where the teachers diagnose, the psychologists
diagnose, and then the nurses give the medication.  And what the
medication basically does is crush spontaneous behavior.  If you give
stimulant drugs to animals -- we have hundreds of studies -- the animals
stop playing.  They stop socializing.  They stop interacting.  They also
stop trying to escape.  Basically, we make good cage --

ALAN COLMES - Dr. Breggin, should kids never get Ritalin?  Should nobody
ever take it?  Should no child ever take this drug?

DR. PETER BREGGIN - I think it's a basic mistake.  It's very much along
the lines of severely beating a child.  Should that ever be done?  Can
you get a result from severely beating a child?  Well, you can get a
result from doing that and you can get a result from giving Ritalin, but
the result is subduing the child, not teaching the child self control.

ALAN COLMES - Alright Dr. Paul, [he's talking about] never it.  That's
an extreme position.  The National Institutes of Health says a study
released last week shows that medication improves the ability of kids
with Attention Deficit Disorder and hyperactivity.  Is that --

DR. HENRY PAUL - Well, not only that, but let's just for a second, let's

[CTRL] US Domestic Covert Operations

2000-08-10 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: US Domestic Covert Operations
Date: Thursday, August 03, 2000 3:04 PM

US Domestic Covert Operations

From the Archive: WAR AT HOME

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Lee)
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 1995 14:21:22 GMT
Organization: The Gloons of Tharf
Newsgroups: alt.society.anarchy

/** pn.publiceye: 23.5 **/ ** Written 7:12 pm Jan 25, 1991 by nlgclc in
cdp:pn.publiceye **

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rich Winkel)
Newsgroups: misc.activism.progressive
Subject: From the Archive: WAR AT HOME (4/5)
Followup-To: alt.activism.d
Date: 11 Mar 1995 19:09:20 GMT
Organization: ?
Lines: 617
Message-ID: 3jssh0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
NNTP-Posting-Host: pencil.cs.missouri.edu
Resent-From: rich

Harassment Through
Psychological Warfare

While boring from within, the FBI and police also attack dissident movements
from the outside. They openly mount propaganda campaigns through public
addresses, news releases, books, pamphlets, magazine articles, radio, and
television. They also use covert deception and manipulation. Documented
tactics of this kind include:
False Media Stories: COINTELPRO documents expose frequent collusion between
news media personnel and the FBI to publish false and distorted material at
the Bureau's behest. The FBI routinely leaked derogatory information to its
collaborators in the news media. It also created newspaper and magazine
articles and television "documentaries" which the media knowingly or
unknowingly carried as their own. Copies were sent anonymously or under
bogus letterhead to activists' financial backers, employers, business
associates, families, neighbors, church officials, school administrators,
landlords, and whomever else might cause them trouble.
One FBI media fabrication claimed that Jean Seberg, a white film star active
in anti-racist causes, was pregnant by a prominent Black leader. The Bureau
leaked the story anonymously to columnist Joyce Haber and also had it passed
to her by a "friendly" source in the Los Angeles Times editorial staff. The
item appeared without attribution in Haber's nationally syndicated column of
May 19, 1970. Seberg's husband has sued the FBI as responsible for her
resulting stillbirth, nervous breakdown, and suicide.
Bogus Leaflets, Pamphlets, and Other Publications: COINTELPRO documents show
that the FBI routinely put out phony leaflets, posters, pamphlets,
newspapers, and other publications in the name of movement groups. The
purpose was to discredit the groups and turn them against one another.
FBI cartoon leaflets were used to divide and disrupt the main national
anti-war coalition of the late 1960s. Similar fliers were circulated in 1968
and 1969 in the name of the Black Panthers and the United Slaves (US), a
rival Black nationalist group based in Southern California. The phony
Panther/US leaflets, together with other covert operations, were credited
with subverting a fragile truce between the two groups and igniting an
explosion of internecine violence that left four Panthers dead, many more
wounded, and a once-flourishing regional Black movement decimated.
Another major COINTELPRO operation involved a children's coloring book which
the Black Panther Party had rejected as anti-white and gratuitously violent.
The FBI revised the coloring book to make it even more offensive. Its field
offices then distributed thousands of copies anonymously or under phony
organizational letterheads. Many backers of the Party's program of free
breakfasts for children withdrew their support after the FBI conned them
into believing that the bogus coloring book was being used in the program.
Forged Correspondence: Former employees have confirmed that the FBI has the
capacity to produce state-of-the-art forgery. This capacity was used under
COINTELPRO to create snitch jackets and bogus communications that
exacerbated differences among activists and disrupted their work.
One such forgery intimidated civil rights worker Muhammed Kenyatta (Donald
Jackson), causing him to abandon promising projects in Jackson, Mississippi.
Kenyatta had foundation grants to form Black economic cooperatives and open
a "Black and Proud School" for dropouts. He was also a student organizer at
nearby Tougaloo College. In the winter of 1969, after an extended campaign
of FBI and police harassment, Kenyatta received a letter, purportedly from
the Tougaloo College Defense Committee, which "directed" that he cease his
political activities immediately. If he did not "heed our diplomatic and

[CTRL] Fwd: [newsucanuse] GOP News Views - August 10, 2000

2000-08-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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For course agenda, exact locations and registration information, go to:  
http://www.CampaignTraining.com or call Trevor at (801) 373-4735.

Not So Historic After All 

“If elected, Joseph Lieberman would be the first Jewish person to work 
directly under an American President since ... Monica Lewinsky.”

- GOPNV reader Liz Michael, 8/8/00

NAACP Prez:  America’s Worst Racist

Lee Alcorn, until yesterday, was the top dog of the NAACP in Dallas, Texas.  
He’s now the FORMER president of that black organization because he shot off 
his big mouth criticizing Joe Lieberman’s selection to be Al Gore’s apologist 
... er, running mate ... simply because Lieberman’s Jewish.  You know, we 
can’t have a Jew in top office - according to Alcorn - because, as everybody 
“knows”, Jews are only interested in money.  Isn’t it sadly ironic that, as 
the rest of America moves beyond idiotic racism and prejudice, the black 
leader of an organization which finds racism in separating the whites from 
the coloreds at the Laundromat is the biggest bigot in the country today?  
Lee Alcorn is a jerk.  Guess that makes me a racist now, huh?

Well ... They Did It To Us Again

“Well they sure sucked-in the spineless GOP this time.  Because (Sen. Joe) 
Lieberman is more religious than 99.9% of those in politics, he is 
automatically a ‘centrist’ or a ‘conservative Democrat.’  In fact, Lieberman 
is as liberal as they come.  Last year, the radical Americans for Democratic 
Action (ADA) gave the Connecticut Senator a 95% liberal rating.  The only 
negative vote came when Lieberman voted against the Democrats ‘tax cut’ plan, 
presumably because he thought it too big.   

“Lieberman talks a good game, makes a nice pious speech, but always votes the 
wrong way -- impeachment being the most prominent example.  And he got a 
whopping 0% from the American Conservative Union (ACU) -- some ‘conservative 
Democrat.’  Of course, Dick Cheney getting a 90% ACU rating makes him a 
dangerous member of the ‘radical right’ ... but Lieberman's 95% ADA rating 
makes him a ‘centrist.’  This just proves how liberal the media really is.”

- GOPNV reader Rick Shaftan, 8/8/00

A Tax-and-Spend “Centrist?”

While many immediately labeled Sen. Lieberman a ‘moderate,’ his record 
indicates otherwise, as he has consistently cast anti-taxpayer votes.  
Highlights from Sen. Lieberman's voting record include:

*  Scored a 5 out of 100 in Americans for Tax Reform's Tax Ratings for the 
First Session of the 106th Congress.  
*   Voted against an amendment that would have offset spending increases with 
spending decreases. (Roll Call #70, 25 March)
*   Voted against Medical Savings Accounts. (Roll Call #202, 13 July)
*   Voted against 10% cuts in marginal tax rates. (Roll Call #230, 29 July)
*   Voted against reductions in marriage tax and capital gains taxes. (Roll 
Call #247, 30 July)
*   Voted against repealing the Death Tax. (Roll Call #230, 29 July)
*   Voted against IRA expansion. (Roll Call #247, 30 July)
*   Voted against reducing the fuel tax. (Roll Call #183, 13 July)
*   Voted against repealing tax on Social Security benefits. (Roll Call #188, 
13 July)
*   Voted against repealing the death tax. (Roll Call #197, 14 July)
*   Voted against repeal of the marriage penalty. (Roll Call #215, 18 July)

"Sadly, Senator Lieberman is not the moderate his allies have made him out to 
be.  His record is clearly anti-taxpayer and pro-big government," said Grover 
Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

- Source:  Americans for Tax Reform, 8/8/00

Traficant Drops BIG Bomb on Reno

“Ohio Congressman James Traficant accused Attorney General Janet Reno of 
treason Monday night, saying he has evidence that she was blackmailed not to 
appoint an independent counsel to investigate the Clinton-Gore administration 
on Chinagate charges.  Appearing on Fox News Channel's ‘Hannity  Colmes,’ 
the Ohio Democrat announced that he has five affidavits from individuals who 
charge that Reno was repeatedly arrested for drunk driving in Florida during 
the 1980's, had sex with a lesbian call girl and got her job as Miami State's 
Attorney through mob connections.  Traficant, who predicted last month that 
Reno was 

Re: [CTRL] Lieberman's record query.

2000-08-10 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

I can only answer the second question; the answer is 'no', he doesn't hold dual 
citizenship (at least that he's admitted to).

I believe he's only been married twice.  Can't tell you anything about the divorce.


- Original Message -
From: "Damian B. Cooper" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 10:33 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Lieberman's record query.

 1. Does anyone know if Lieberman has taken a position, public or  behind the
 scenes, on the release of Jonathan Pollard?

 2. Does anyone know if Lieberman has "dual citizenship", say, in the U.S.
 and in Israel?

 3.  Does anyone know anything about Lieberman's first marriage?  How many
 times has he
 been married?  What were the circumstances of his divorce?  Has anyone seen the
 court filings and claims made in the divorce?  Who divorced whom, and for
 what reasons?

 Inquiring minds want to know.


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2000-08-10 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 08/09/2000 11:39:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 ...we got to get Bush elected. 

Well then I guess it's okay if the "sex slaves" are just used by Cheney?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Lieberman's record query.

2000-08-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

Pollard looks more and more like a setup; for there are those who say he
spied for the Mossad and those who say he was just an informer.

So, Lieberman has fought the hardest it seems to keep this guy locked up
- for where there is a testimony, there must by necessity be the death
of the testator - that is, if he talks

Will send stuff on Pollard maybe the spy who operated from within but
they have kept up the heat

Dead men tell no tales?   Who knows.   But the Mossad wants this guy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Killer AIDS stalks Malawi's corridors of power

2000-08-10 Thread Carl Amedio

Subj:   Killer AIDS stalks Malawi's corridors of power
Date:   8/10/00 5:43:10 AM Central Daylight Time
From:   AOL News

Killer AIDS stalks Malawi's corridors of power

LILONGWE, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Many members of parliament who died during
Malawi's first democratically elected government were killed by AIDS-related
diseases, the speaker of parliament was quoted on Thursday as saying

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NAACP Official Resigns Over Remark on Jews

2000-08-10 Thread Carl Amedio

Thursday, August 10, 2000 |  Print this story

NAACP Official Resigns Over Remark on Jews


 WASHINGTON--One of the nation's most politically charged rifts surfaced
Wednesday as African American leaders scrambled to distance themselves from
anti-Semitic comments made earlier this week by a leading black figure in
 Commenting on Vice President Al Gore's choice of Sen. Joseph I.
Lieberman as a running mate, Lee Alcorn told a Dallas radio station Monday:
"We need to be very suspicious of any kind of partnership between the Jews at
that kind of level, because we know that their interest primarily has to do
with, you know, with money and these kinds of things."
 Alcorn, president of the Dallas chapter of the National Assn. for the
Advancement of Colored People, added he was "sick of the Democratic Party
taking the African American vote for granted." He resigned his job as chapter
president Wednesday.
 Alcorn's comments were quickly repudiated by African American leaders,
including NAACP President Kweisi Mfume, who called the Texan's remarks
"repulsive, anti-Semitic, anti-NAACP and anti-American."
 Alcorn's remarks come at a time of relative harmony between Jews and
blacks even as hate groups have continued their drumbeat of anti-semitism.
 Reflecting that harmony, NAACP Board Chairman Julian Bond on Wednesday
hailed Lieberman as a champion of civil rights, adding that Alcorn's
"hateful, repulsive and ignorant" remarks "have no place in American
political life and no place in the NAACP."
 Visiting the White House on Wednesday, the Rev. Jesse Jackson warned
against being misled by a "misguided statement," telling reporters that
Alcorn's views are "not a trend."
 "Vice President Gore made the right decision. It was a decision with
some political risk but a moral certainty to put Lieberman on the ticket,"
Jackson said.
 And the Republican Party, which is actively courting black voters, also
weighed in with denunciations of Alcorn.
 "When it comes to fighting anti-Semitism, Gov. [George W.] Bush and
Secretary [Dick] Cheney stand shoulder to shoulder with all Americans in
condemning such foolish utterances," said campaign spokesman Ari Fleischer.

 'Frustration With Politics' Cited
 Apologizing Wednesday if he had offended "members of the Jewish faith or
others," Alcorn, in resigning, said that his remarks had been "fueled by
frustration with politics" as it relates to blacks.
 Those who track the relations of American Jews and blacks said Wednesday
that a strain of anti-Semitism remains alive among some African American
nationalists and intellectuals who view Israel as an outpost of U.S.
imperialism and American Jews as its agents.
 "This is probably the one place in American life where anti-Semitism is
still alive to a somewhat significant extent," said Murray Friedman, director
of Temple University's Center for American Jewish History and a scholar of
relations between American blacks and Jews.
 Blacks have a long-standing partnership with American Jews. Jewish
leaders helped to found the NAACP in 1909, and they played key roles in the
civil rights movement.
 As Bond observed Wednesday, Lieberman was among the foot soldiers of the
civil rights movement in the 1960s. As a student at Yale University in the
early 1960s, Lieberman joined the Yale chapter of the NAACP. In the summer of
1964, the future Connecticut senator joined a small army of young whites who
descended on Mississippi to fight racial segregation there during the period
known as "Freedom Summer."
 But since the late 1960s, some black intellectuals and activists have
sought to nudge mainstream African American groups away from that alliance.
And tensions have periodically flared.
 In 1984, Jackson was forced to apologize for calling New York
"Hymie-town." In 1991, a group of blacks in Crown Heights, N.Y., rampaged
against the Hasidic Jewish community there after a traffic accident claimed
the life of a local black child.
 And in 1994, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan called Jews "the
most organized, rich and powerful people . . . in the world" and accused them
of "plotting against us even as we speak."
 Even before Alcorn's remarks, watchdog groups were monitoring the
airwaves and Internet for signs that Lieberman's selection would unleash a
wave of anti-Semitism. By Wednesday, many of those monitors reported that
hate speech has been present, but sporadic.
 Since Monday morning, when America Online established a board so
subscribers could discuss the Lieberman choice, 28,000 messages have been
posted, and the "vast minority" were anti-Semitic, said spokesman Nicholas
Graham. Monitors at the Internet service provider have removed hateful
postings from the board.

 Big Issue on Some Radio Shows
 Talk radio also felt the wave. In Los Angeles, "phones are ringing off
the hook," said Bernard 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Conien on white man's History Channel

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "daniel hopsicker" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Bob wrote:
HI all,
Lucien Conien is on the white man's History Channel
assiting the Veit Nam coup. If anyone is interested. (10:26
in NYC)
Lansdale and Conein prototyped this cia drugs mess.
There is a photo of Lansdale with Ollie and Singlaub
somewhere on the net from the Contra Drugs era
but I can't find it now.
   Conein's tombstone at that link above lists Korean
   service. Did he know Singlaub there?
  Possibly. NameBase, which lists results only from published
  references, shows the following:
  China 1946-1947Germany 1947-1953
  Korea 1951-1978Vietnam 1954-1971
  Laos 1966-1968 Iran 1959-1961
  Guatemala 1979-1980
  Phillipines 1984- 1987
  Honduras 1984-1985
  Nicaragua 1984-1985
  In any event, it's unlikely that Singlaub, the Lieutenant General
  running the Vietnam War's Top-Secret Special Operations Group
  [*Studies and Observations Group*] wouldn't have had at least
  contact with CIA spook *Black Luigi* Conein. And later, either
  Singlaub's *World AntiCommunist League* or via contact Mitch
  communication could have been either direct or via trusted
  intermediary- if there is such a thing as *trusted* at those
  But there is, of course, mutual self-interest.

 they worked together on both phoenix and condor.

Would the Operation Condor link have been while Conein was running
DEA-SOG hit teams? Interestingly, the Senate Select committee on
Intelligence was considering the DEA-SOG acttivities outlined in the
DeFeo Report around May of 1978 at about the same time they were
considering the CANTON SONG investigations regarding the Panama-based
470th Military Intelligence group's wiretapping of Noriega's phone,
which resulted in intercepts of Noriega's bribe offers to US
congressmen who subsequently supported the Panama Canal giveaway.
Worse, it was found during the investigation that Noriega had some of
the 470th personnel on HIS payroll, as many of the Spanish-speaking
members of the 470th were of Puerto Rican descent.

And, of course, the WATCH TOWER activities involving Ed Wilson and
Frank Terpil were going on in that same time period. Busy, busy


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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Satanism In Ireland

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist



* This "story" relates to events and discoveries which happened to me between
the years 1994 onto the present day. It involves missing persons, Devil
worship, Satanic abuse, child abuse, and satanic murders or human sacrifice.

Prior to Aug 1994, I lived in the British governed part of Ireland which is
known as Northern Ireland or Ulster. I was self-employed in electrical
engineering and owned my own property, modest though it may have been. I knew
nothing about devil worship, witches, or any connection that they might have
to missing people. My only knowledge of witchcraft or anything devilish would
have been the Hammer Horror films of the sixties, ie, Dracula and The Wicker
Man. One could say that I existed in a world of naivety and ignorance.

I lived in an area of South Antrim, in Northern Ireland which was effectively
controlled by the loyalist paramilitary group, the UVF. I was surrounded by
people who would have been known to be UVF, but I never got involved with
them except to be courteous and I tried to keep a safe distance. I had,
however, been getting anonomous phone calls for at least 4 years but I put
these down to someone that I knew who had UVF links.

There was a strange atmosphere around me during the time I lived in this
South Antrim village and I remember telling my local "clergyman" that I felt
a MALICE was upon me , even though I knew nothing about witchcraft at this

On the 12th Aug 1994, I dropped my ex-wife off from my car at her home in
Belfast after being out together on a social occasion. I headed off in my car
for my home in south Antrim which was about 13 miles away.

I turned off the motorway at Templepatrick, the time was around 11.30pm and
onto a dark and unlit road. I drove into a trap set up by a loyalist
paramilitary group and I have no doubt that this group was the UVF. The first
thing I saw was a white van and inside the van was the face of the man I had
seen circling my home on the previous day. His face was unmistakeable with
his stocky face and heavy black moustache. I immediately turned back onto the
motorway hotly pursued by this van and a white car which was moving much
faster than the van. There took place a highspeed chase involving myself and
mainly the white car. I sped up the completely unlit motorway and I looked
around and the white car was in pursuit, but it must have had a problem
because I saw its lights dim for lack of power or the car must have been
carrying too many persons.  I finally reached the next roundabout at
Glengormley and I turned off only to be pursued by the white car which drove
straight across the roundabout at extremely high speed and exited out the
opposite side. At this roundabout, there were some cars even at this late
hour . I reported this incident to the local RUC. I requested a police escort
to my home in the village so that I could get certain personal belongings.
Afterwards I left the RUC patrol and fled the area. Two days later, I drove
across the border into the Irish Republic and drove at least 250 miles to the
town of Kilkenny, where a friend of my ex-wife lived. I eventually got a
house to rent in Kilkenny, and I am living here today.

I will not go into the details of everything and every person involved in
this area for obvious reasons but I will name the relevant government depts,
politicians, police depts, newspaper groups,and welfare groups which are all
part ot this saga.In the weeks and months ahead , incredible revelations
unfolded and I discovered that a person once close to me had set me up for
the murder/abduction attempt in Aug 1994. BUT MUCH WORSE WAS TO UNFOLD THAN
were other much more sinister motives for this murder attempt. I went on to
discover that the person who was once close to me was involved with the IRA
and a SATANIC CULT which was masquerading as a pseudo Christian/ religious
sect. I will not accuse all of the IRA of being totally involved with this
Satanic cult but I will say that some of their members certainly are. That
goes for the UVF as well, because the same cult is known to have and had
members who are UVF. This is one thing that the IRA and UVF have in common ,
membership of this cult; and this is widely known to Irish journalists.

After Aug 1994, a cult member 

[CTRL] Philly media blackout

2000-08-10 Thread nessie

You're not going to hear this from the networks or the wires, but we'll
tell you:


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] bizarre illness computer viruses

2000-08-10 Thread Eagle 1

Bizarre illness jamming up his brain waves! 
Caption: SICK COMPUTER passed on a bizarre virus to programmer John 
Stevens, above, after it became ill from an infected software program. 
By Michael Todd, Special Correspondent, {Weekly World News}, 18 June 1991 
John Stevens has a lot in common with his home computer: Both think 
logically, both like numbers and both are sick with a virus - the same virus! 
Stevens, a computer programmer who works out of his home in a Philadelphia 
suburb, is convinced his lingering and debilitating illness is something he got 
from his sick computer. And the victim's doctor agrees. "I've run every test 
I can think of to trace the origin of his illness," said Dr. Mark Fordland. "He 
has a virus, but it's not like any virus I've ever seen." 
Stevens, 32, said his computer began to show signs of a virus - a software 
program designed to eat up an destroy other software data - about a week before 
he got sick. "I was careless about borrowing software programs from other people 
I didn't know well," Stevens admits. 
Dr. Fordland, himself a computer expert, agrees. "Borrowing software programs 
from friends and strangers is like having sex with someone you don't know well. 
When you sleep with someone, you sleep with everyone they've ever slept with. 
When you borrow someone's software program, you're connected to everyone who's 
ever used that program." Dr. Fordland concludes that Stevens' symptoms are 
identical to that of a software virus' attack on a computer. "Stevens has become 
forgetful, like something is eating up his memory, his data. He has less and 
less energy. He can't hold onto thoughts. Even an EEG (electroencephalogram) of 
his brain waves keeps changing. It's becoming more and more erratic. "This virus 
could just eat him up until his mind is a blank and he's like a vegetable," the 
doctor said.
Here's an easy game to play.Here's an easy thing to say 
If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,and the bus is 
interrupted as a very last resort,and the address of the memory makes your 
floppy disk abortthen the socket packet pocket has an error to report! 
If your cursor finds a menu item followed by a dash,and the 
double-clicking icon puts your window in the trash,and your data is 
corrupted cause the index doesn't hash,then your situation's hopeless, and 
your system's gunna crash. 
You can't say this? What a shame, sir!We'll find you another game, sir. 
If the label on the cable on the table at your housesays the network is 
connected to the button on your mouse,but your packets want to tunnel on 
another protocol,that's repeatedly rejected by the printer down the 
hall,and your screen is all distorted by the side-effects of gauss,so 
your icons in the window are as wavy as a souse,then you may as well reboot 
and go out with a bang,cause as sure as I'm a poet, the sucker's gunna hang! 

When the copy of your floppy's getting sloppy on the disk,and the 
microcode instructions cause unnecessary risc,then you have to flash your 
memory and you'll want to RAM your ROM.quickly turn of your computer and be 
sure to tell your mom! .
PAUL REVERE VIRUS: This revolutionary virus does not horse around. It 
warns you of impending hard disk attack -- once if by LAN, twice if by C. 
POLITICALLY CORRECT VIRUS: Never calls itself a "virus", but instead 
refers to itself as an "electonic microorganism." 
OPRAH WINFREY VIRUS: Your 200MB hard drive suddenly shrinks to 80MB, 
and then slowly expands back to 200MB. 
ATT VIRUS: Every three minutes it tells you what great service 
you are getting. 
THE MCI VIRUS: Every three minutes it reminds you that you are 
overpaying for the ATT virus. 
TED TURNER VIRUS: Colorizes your monochrome monitor. 
ARNOLD SWARZENEGGER VIRUS: Terminates and stays resident. It'll be 
GOVERNMENT ECONOMIST VIRUS: Nothing works, but all your diagnostic 
software says everything is fine. 
FEDERAL BUREAUCRAT VIRUS: Divides your hard disk into 
hundreds of little units, each of which does practically nothing, but all of 
which claim to be the most important part of the computer. 
GALLUP VIRUS: Sixty percent of the PCs infected will lose 38 percent 
of their data 14 percent of the time (plus or minus a 3.5 percent margin of 
RANDALL TERRY VIRUS: Print "Oh no you don't" whenever you choose 
"Abort" from the "Abort, Retry, Fail" message. 
TEXAS VIRUS: Makes sure it's bigger than any other file. 
ADAM AND EVE VIRUS: Takes a couple of bytes out of your Apple. 
MICHAEL JACKSON VIRUS: Hard to identify because it is constantly 
altering its appearance. The virus won't harm your PC, but it will trash your 
CONGRESSIONAL VIRUS: The computer locks up, screen splits erratically 
with a message appearing on each half blaming the other side for the problem. 
AIRLINE VIRUS: You're in Dallas, but your data is in Singapore. 
FREUDIAN VIRUS: Your computer becomes obsessed with marrying its own 

[CTRL] OEN 8/10/00

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
The End of Privacy

Watching Big Brother Watching You

The government will protect your privacy. Yeah, right.

SOME time ago Elizabeth France got a telephone call at work from a man
claiming to be an Inland Revenue inspector. After asking a few anodyne
questions about her tax return, he thanked her for her time and asked her to
confirm her home address.

The Data Protection Commissioner thought little of it until she got another
call a few days later from a Sunday newspaper journalist. He read out a list
of her most private financial information, including details of her bank
account, the outstanding balance on her mortgage and the size of her latest
gas bill.

It was only then that she realised that the first caller had been a private
investigator, acting illegally on behalf of the paper, and that by verifying
her address she had given him all he needed to find out the rest.

It is, perhaps, not surprising that Mrs France has a shredder by her desk nor
that she refuses to enter the names of her children in Who's Who for fear
that they will be abducted. "You do tend to become a bit of a hypochondriac
doing this job," she says.

This sprightly 50-year-old, mother of three is Britain's champion of privacy
and civil liberties. While Channel 4 turns the cameras on a group of
housemates 24 hours a day, Mrs France is working around the clock to stop Big
Brother taking over the country.

It appears to be an increasingly difficult job. Like the unwitting star of
The Truman Show, our movements are captured in detail by closed circuit
television cameras on every street corner, our e-mails read by internet
snoopers, our names and addresses sold on lucrative lists from one marketing
company to another.

If Benji the Binman is not rifling through your rubbish, then Sidney the
Supermarket Man will be shuffling through your storecard slips working out
how many loaves of bread you buy a week so that he can offer you a discount
on a new range of ciabatta.

Even Tony Blair has had his private thoughts splashed over the front pages
and seen his family photographs revealed against his will to the world. How
is the guardian of privacy going to cope? Mrs France thinks the Prime
Minister is a special case: "He has to accept that he is a public person,"
she says sternly. "He is going to be treated differently."

But she is adamant that more needs to be done to protect members of the
public. Next week, she will launch a television advertising campaign
encouraging people to take more care with their private information. In the
autumn, she is bringing out a new code of practice for employers. "People are
much more aware of their rights now," she says. "They want to protect their

The commissioner was dismayed by the News of the World campaign to expose
paedophiles, which was dropped recently. She said: "Somebody's life could be
ruined because they were wrongly identified or because they thought they were
about to be exposed. Parliament has decided that we should not have a
published register of paedophiles."

But at the moment the internet is her main concern. Last week, Barclays
customers found that their accounts had been accessed by other people and
last month Powergen users found their details posted on the website for all
to read. It is not surprising consumers have lost confidence in electronic
transactions. "It is possible to secure the net but we have to be very
cautious," the Data Protection Commissioner says.

"The security we have had elsewhere may well not be robust enough. Of course
you mustn't have your whole database sitting there 24 hours a day for people
to try to get into. But having some fairly big guys make these mistakes will
actually help to focus minds on what needs to be done."

This will all come to a head next month when the Government goes online. Tony
Blair wants everybody to file their tax returns and claim their benefits via
the web. He has promised to make all Government services available
electronically by 2005. The aim is for every British citizen to have a
personal "portal" through which they can deal with the state.

But Mrs France is worried. "There are big data protection issues," she says.
"I would be hesitant about going too far. We have to be very careful that we
don't go too gung-ho on target dates without having thought through all the
implications. Having seen what happens when people with money to spend go
online, it would be unfortunate if the dates set by Government were met if we
weren't ready."

One concern is that information obtained by one department will be available
to another through a giant computer computer system. "The Government cannot
override the barriers and create a big melting pot of information simply
because the technology allows it to do so. Citizens would be most concerned
about dealing electronically with government if it meant 

[CTRL] Newspaper's paedophile exposé 'puts children at risk' . . . ?

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
77wbSQtpg=/et/00/7/24/npaed24.html"Newspaper's paedophile exposé 'puts
children at…/A
Newspaper's paedophile exposé 'puts children at risk'
By David Millward

News and stop press - Home Office

Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill - House of Lords

Sex Offenders Act 1997 - HM Stationery Office

Police Services UK

National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders [site under

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Police in Scotland 'set up unofficial paedophile list'
Cloth to be DNA-tested in Sarah killer hunt
Daily Telegraph: A nasty piece of work

A SENIOR police officer condemned a Sunday newspaper's decision to identify
110,000 convicted paedophiles, saying that it could put children's lives at

Tony Butler, Chief Constable of Gloucestershire Constabulary, accused the
News of the World - which published pictures of 49 convicted sex offenders
yesterday - of "irresponsible journalism". He said: "I have had two lengthy
conversations with senior News of the World staff during the past week and on
both occasions they have failed to convince me that what they intended to do
would benefit children's safety."

He voiced fears that the move could drive offenders underground, thus
undermining the sex offenders register which had enabled police to monitor
convicted paedophiles after their release.
Mr Butler, a spokesman on sex offenders for the Association of Chief Police
Officers, said: "Anonymity is an essential element of the register and I
strongly pointed out the possible pitfalls of publication to the News of the
World staff.

"I am saddened to see that they have ignored my advice. Their actions will, I
believe, put children's lives at risk by driving sexual offenders
underground. Past evidence suggests that the publication of such information
causes serious breaches of child protection."

The paper remained defiant, despite the criticism. A spokesman said: "We
talked to many organisations about what we are doing and a vigorous exchange
of views took place. Some of them supported us and some of them did not. The
important thing is that the vast number of people believe that what we are
doing is right and support the campaign."

The News of the World said on its front page that its "crusade" had been
inspired by the murder of Sarah Payne which, it argued, proved that police
monitoring of sex offenders was ineffective. There was some support for its
actions from people placing flowers where Sarah's body was found in West

Sharon Coop, 38, a mother of three from Worthing, said: "It's a brilliant
idea because you know these people are there and can warn your children and
tell them to beware. Possibly it's not the best thing to name them in a
newspaper. In America they have a register you can look at."

The Home Office said it should be left to the professional judgement of
police officers whether to name individual offenders. Ann Widdecombe, the
shadow home secretary, also expressed her unease. She said: "On the whole I
don't think it is good news, but what I do understand is the sense of
outrage. It raises two problems: firstly, it is better to know where
paedophiles are and, secondly, it raises the issue of mistaken identity."

The National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders condemned
the move as "grossly irresponsible", warning that the fear of vigilante
attacks could force offenders into hiding. Paul Cavadino, its policy
director, said: "They move elsewhere and change their names, making it
difficult or impossible for the police to keep track of them. There is a real
danger that the News of the World's action will increase risk to children
rather than reduce it."
18 July 2000: Sarah: murder inquiry begins
27 June 2000: Sex offenders may be tracked for life by satellite spy
25 June 2000: Loophole allows paedophiles to escape register
29 April 1998: Hysteria towards paedophiles 'may increase the risk'

MI5 'in panic' as Shayler prepares to return home

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2000.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 

Re: [CTRL] Poli. Sci. 101

2000-08-10 Thread J Taylor

The other side of a republic is that the Law is sovereign and the people are
under the law. In traditional america this had strong christian
connotations(and euro/ jeffersonian-it  is certain that all will be free,
but being free that they can not live together ) . Everything not explicitly
prohibited was permitted. Weapons were freely availlable.
When I saw a rerun of the alamo they had John wayne extolling the virtues of
the the republic, democracy.
Democracy has the 'people' as sovereign- this was initially restricted to
responsible(property owning) citizens.
Introduced principally by fundamentalists to limit the power of the
Now we have NWO democracy, based on a religion of human rights, equality of
outcome, and america being a propositional state, with no loyalty to its
peoples, but only on loyalty to its human rights religion. The power has
moved to the people who control the mass media(ie who owns CBS, ABC, NBS,
CNN ,FOX) and who can mobilise its lobby groups---the law is now a means of
social engineering. and weapons restricted.


PS In South Africa White males can vote but have no power and are excluded
from most of the centres of power (except for token whites) except business,
and the government has introduced legislation so that they are powerless to
associate freely even there.

Okay, people, let's go back to freshman political science class and review
some definitions.

The United States is a democratic republic.  The term "republic" means ONLY
a country which is not a monarchy.  The term "democracy" means ONLY
government by the people--the word does not prescribe how that government is
organized.  Specifically, the government of the United States is described
as "representative democracy," which means ONLY that the citizens of the
country, as individuals or in combination, choose representatives to run the
country for them.  The government of the United States is also a
"constitutional republic," which means that the role filled in a monarchy by
the king or queen is instead filled by the codified body of law which
controls the organization and functioning of the government.

These terms have changed in their meanings since the United States was
founded.  Many of the Founders, especially Hamilton and the Federalists,
were true elitists, who did not trust the "mobile faction" or "mob"--what
Marxists call the *Lumpenproletariat*.  Modern American political theory is
far closer to the views of Thomas Jefferson and even more Andrew Jackson
than to those of Washington, Adams, and Hamilton.  If you limit your
understanding of the original Constitutional debate to *The Federalist
Papers*, you're only getting one part of the story--an important and
eloquent part, but only a part.  The argument that this country is a
republic, "not a democracy," is a disingenuous statement which belies a
desire to destroy the freedom of all those who are not white, Christian, and

The truly revolutionary thing about the Constitution is that it
institutionalizes revolution, making it possible to completely change the
system of government without *overthrowing* that government.  The United
States has quite regularly changed its political philosophy, roughly every
generation or every other generation.  The last such change was the
so-called "Reagan Revolution" (more correctly the "Reagan-Bush reaction") of
the 1980's; the country appears poised for another paradigm shift today.
Unfortunately, the nature of a paradigm shift is that it can never be fully
recognized until nearly complete, which means that we won't know the nature
of the new system until it has come about.  I suspect that it will be
populist, but the choice seems to be between Left and Right populism, with
the Left beginning to coalesce around the Greens and the Right edging toward
a crypto-fascist nationalism (if that's not a tautology) focused on

Robert F. Tatman
Information Technology Consultant
Jenkintown, PA, USA
*Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.*

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Gore tendency to totalism

2000-08-10 Thread J Taylor

"Gore Doesn't Seem to Trust People to Handle the Truth"
by John R. Lott, Senior Research Scholar, Yale Law School
from the Hartford Courant

Vice President Gore is battling with Green Party candidate Ralph Nader for
the hard-core environmentalist vote for president.  In response to
environmentalists' claims that Gore is taking their votes for granted,
Gore's campaign points to Gore's recently re-released book, "Earth in the
Balance," as evidence of what his administration would do.  Indeed, if the
book is a good indicator, the extremes to which it goes in supporting the
environmentalist cause should give even the most radical environmentalists
The book paints a grim future of overpopulation, mass starvation and death
from disease and pollution, and suggests that only drastic changes in our
lifestyles can prevent such a global nightmare.  The American automobile
for example, "more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again
likely to confront."
Gore expresses such great fear that he even proposes dispensing with the
usual goal of an impartial press: The media should not give "equal weight"
to both sides in environmental debates such as global warming, for "it
undermines the effort to build a solid base of public support for difficult
actions we must soon take."  Self-censorship is also justified because "98
percent of the scientists" share his view that man-made pollution is
responsible for global warming.
His 98 percent figure, of course, represents just one of the book's many
exaggerations.  At the time that he wrote the book, a Gallup poll revealed
that only 18 percent of climate experts thought identifiable man-caused
warming had occurred (whereas 49 percent held the opposite view and 33
percent did not know).  Opinions today are similar.
Gore advocates self-censorship on yet another ground:  People are addicted
to consumption and will desperately grasp at false hopes to maintain their
addiction.  The trouble supposedly started when God's importance in
lives diminished due to the start of the "scientific era."  In Gore's own
"But with God receding from the natural world to an abstract place, the
patriarchal figure in the family (almost always the father) effectively
became God's viceroy, entitled to exercise godlike authority when enforcing
the family's rules.  As some fathers inevitably began to insist on being
sole source of authority, their children became confused about their own
roles in a family system that was severely stressed by the demands of the
dominant, all-powerful father. . . .
"One of the ways dysfunctional families enforce adherence to rules and
foster the psychic numbness on which they depend is by teaching the
separation between mind and body and suppressing the feelings and emotions
that might otherwise undermine the rules."
How exactly fathers create this separation between their children's minds
and bodies is never explained, but the resulting cleavage supposedly
produces an emptiness that is alleviated only through consumption.  This
"mental illness," as Gore labels it, has created for people the illusion
that they want "the food on the supermarket shelves, the water in the
faucets in our homes, the shelter and sustenance, the clothing and
purposeful work, our entertainment."  He writes of "a false world of
flowers and Astroturf, air conditioning and fluorescent lights . .  .
food for the microwave oven."
But even more worrisome is Gore's perspective of those who hold opposing
views.  After classifying "denial" as a serious mental illness, Gore
that those who criticize environmental programs are themselves suffering
from "a well-established form of denial."  Those who oppose him are not
wrong, but sick.
Largely because of people's inability to make the right decisions, Gore
wants centralized government regulations to solve environmental problems.
Take his example of California's water shortages during 1987-92.  While
ignoring the oft-noted claim that extremely subsidized prices reduce
farmers' incentives to carefully economize on water, Gore blames the
shortage on farmers watering their crops so much that they stunt plant
growth.  Gore's remedy is detailed watering regulations to keep apparently
misguided farmers from harming their crops while simultaneously freeing up
water for others.  As with essentially all environmental problems, Gore
the proper regulations as painlessly making everyone better off.
Possibly Gore's view of most people not being able to handle the truth
justifies his book presenting exaggerated claims and distorted evidence.
After all, he is only following the advice that he has already given the
media:  Make things look as bad as possible.
Yet there is a nagging fear of what he might do if elected president.  What
other policy issues are so compelling as to justify withholding evidence
from voters?  When else will he discourage a free debate in the press 

[CTRL] Ice Age star map discovered

2000-08-10 Thread J Taylor

Wednesday, 9 August, 2000, 01:00 GMT 02:00 UK
Ice Age star map discovered
By BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse

A prehistoric map of the night sky has been discovered painted on the walls
the famous Lascaux caves in central France.

The map, painted 16,500 years ago, shows three bright stars known today as
"summer triangle".

It is a map of the prehistoric cosmos
Researcher Michael Rappenglueck

A map of the Pleiades star cluster has also been found among the Lascaux

Full text:

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-08-10 Thread DIG alfred webre

 Concorde Crash: The UFO Connection
 UFO ROUNDUP; Volume 5, Number 31; August 3, 2000;
 Editor: Joseph Trainor

 On Tuesday, July 25, 2000, at 4 p.m., the Concorde, a sleek supersonic
 passenger jetliner, fueled up at Charles de Gaulle International Airport
 north of Paris, preparing for its flight to New York City.

 At 4:42 p.m., the tower cleared the Concorde, now Air France Flight
 4590, for takeoff. The Concorde began rolling down the runway. But as
 the jetliner started its climb, a long trailing plume of fire poured out
 of the Number 2 engine.

 The crew apparently tried to bank to the right upon completing their
 climbout, and the Concorde began losing altitude.

 At 4:44 p.m., the jet crashed three kilometers (two miles) east of the
 airport, killing all 109 passengers on board. Four people on the ground
 were also killed when the crashing Concorde "obliterated the
 Hotelissimo, a three-story hotel," located at the intersection of les
 Autoroutes N17 and D902 in Gonesse, a town of 25,000 10 kilometers (6
 miles) north of Paris.

 Investigators combed the wheat fields near the Hotelissimo for Concorde
 wreckage. One of the two cockpit data recorders was found shortly after
 the crash.

 "Investigators had known that the Concorde pilot reported problems with
 the No. 2 engine, the innermost engine on the left, but the flight data
 recorder shows that the No. 1 engine adjoining it also lost power. The
 engine somehow regained thrust but lost power again after being airborne
 for 'a bit less than a minute,'" the French Accident Investigation
 Bureau reported.

 "Shortly after reporting problems with the No. 2 engine, the crew said
 that the landing gear would not retract."

 "'The flames seen after takeoff did not come from the engine but in all
 likelihood from from a major fuel leak,' the Accident and Inquiry
 Office, part of France's transportation ministry said in a statement
 Sunday," July 30, 2000, "'One of the pieces found on the runway seems to
 come from a fuel tank,' the statement said." (Editor's Comment: A burst
 or ruptured tank would halt the flow of fuel to the No. 1 and No. 2
 engines. But how would that cause the electrical systems failure that
 affected the Concorde's landing gear?)

 The crash took a strange twist, however, when it was revealed that the
 Concorde had been leased by Dellmann, the German tour company. Of the
 109 people aboard, 96 were German tourists, and 13 of these came from
 Munchengladbach (population 260,000)m a mid-sized industrail city
 located 10 kilometers (6 miles) west of Dusseldorf and 320 kilometers
 (200 miles) southwest of Berlin.

 Munchengladbach was in the news six weeks ago when a UFO reportedly
 landed on the outskirts of the city. Over 50 German policemen hunted for
 the landed saucer, and some residents supposedly made contact with the
 saucer's occupants, which were described as "green humanoid males" on an
 "odyssey through the universe." (For more details, see UFO Roundup,
 volume 5, number 24, "German police hunt for landed UFO," page 3.)

 Among the crash victims from Munchengladbach were "private business
 school director Kurt Kahle, 51, who perished with his wife and
 8-year-old son, leaving behind a daughter... Werner Tellman, head of a
 chain of furniture stores, and Harald Ruch, founder of a company that
 provides glass cleaning and security services to area businesses. Both
 died with their wives on the Concorde."

 On Thursday, July 27, 2000, a mysterious bomb explosion occurred at a
 commuter rail station in Dusseldorf used by Munchengladbach residents.

 ""An explosion rocked a Dusseldorf commuter train station, injuring nine
 people and sending bleeding commuters rushing from the station in panic.
 Two of the injured were in critical conditions, fire officials said."

 "Police said the blast was likely caused by a fragmentation grenade or a
 homemade bomb. Authorities did not believe did not believe the attack
 was politically motivated." (See USA Today for July 26, 2000, "Shock and
 grief unite Germany and France," page 3A; July 28, 2000, "Concorde was
 aflame during liftoff," page 13A; July 27, 2000, "In Germany, 'an entire
 city is in mourning' after disaster," page 6A and July 31, 2000, "Major
 fuel leak likely sparked flames on Concorde," page 7A.)

 (Editor's Comment: Suddenly it's very dangerous to be from
 Munchengladbach. You know, this isn't the first time a UFO incident has
 had a cockeyed link to a major tragedy in the news. Last year, UFOs were
 seen repeatedly in Rosamund, California. Then, three months later,
 former Aryan Nations member and longtime Rosamund resident Buford O.
 Furrow Jr. popped up in Los Angeles with guns blazing. Makes you wonder,
 doesn't it?)
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[CTRL] Fwd: Vancouver cops seize pot-kids

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

X-Mailer: Unknown
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Vancouver cops seize pot-kids
Over 40 Vietnamese children taken from their pot-growing parents.

from CC26
by Denny Launders
26 Jun, 2000

On May 1, 2000, Nga Trinh proudly gave birth to her third child in Vancouver, British 
Columbia. On May 2, the BC Ministry of Children and Families came into the hospital 
and took Nga Trinh's one-day-old baby from her arms and told her that the child would 
be raised in a foster home.

Trinh had been arrested three years earlier on marijuana charges, and the judge had 
stayed the proceedings on May 12, 1998, meaning that she was never convicted. The 
court registry confirms that Trinh has had no convictions since that time, not even a 
misdemeanor. Still, the Ministry came for her newborn child.

Three years ago, Trinh was living in Vancouver, with the father of her two children, 
one 4 years and the other 6 months old. On August 8, 1997, police raided her home on a 
tip that there was a grow operation on the premises. The government took her children 
and has kept them for over three years.

Trinh's case is only a small part a widespread tragedy of families destroyed by the 
Vancouver police's vendetta against the Vietnamese community. Between January and 
March 2000, 42 children have been seized during marijuana grow raids, and all but four 
are Vietnamese. According to the Criminal Intelligence Service of Canada, about 80% of 
the total effort spent by Vancouver police on investigating indoor marijuana 
operations focuses on Vietnamese growers.

"We have seen more and more evidence of almost complete domination of the cultivation 
business by Vietnamese," Vancouver Police Spokes- person Anne Drennan told the 
Vancouver Sun last March. In the same article, Drennan went on to speculate that 
perhaps the Vietnamese were being controlled by motorcycle gangs. This is a 
transparent attempt to scare white, middle-class, Vancouverites out of their 
world-famous marijuana-tolerant attitudes. Drennan is trying to tap into an anti-asian 
sentiment that has run in Vancouver's veins since the birth of the city.

Translating terror

When I spoke to Nga Trinh it was with the aid of an interpreter, Stella Davis, a 
notary public who volunteers with the Vietnamese Women's Society (VWS). During our 
initial phone conversation, Stella sounded alternately shaken, saddened, and outraged 
– speaking with the bashfulness of someone who has kept a dirty secret far too long.

"I was a translator at a seminar that the VMS organized a month ago, on child 
apprehension procedures. A lot of families came out," recalled Davis. "There were 
people from the Ministry [of Children and Families] that came to talk to us. There 
were parents that were upset at the ministry there, too. The ministry has to do an 
investigation. They have to talk to different people. But instead they just walk in 
and take the children when there are allegations.

"When the children are taken away and put in a foster home, then it is up to a court 
to decide whether to return the children or keep them longer. But the usual procedure 
with Vietnamese families is to delay the case … and they postpone it for 3 months, 6 
months, a year. The whole family is destroyed. And when they are returned as 
teenagers, they have lived in a group home for years, where they don't have to obey 
any rules, and they don't fit in to the family anymore, and then they often move out."

Davis told me that many Vietnamese families are now having problems renting homes from 
landlords who suspect them of being marijuana growers, that the Vietnamese community 
is angry about the media's portrayal of them as illegal immigrants using grow 
operations to finance their stay in Canada, and that even Vietnamese marijuana growers 
deny gang involvement.

She mentioned Nga Trinh's case as a poignant example of the drug war used for racial 
oppression in Vancouver, and agreed to translate an interview from the Vancouver 
Women's Hospital, during which Trinh related the debasements she has suffered since 
her children were snatched by the government.

Trinh's Vietnamese chatted in the background while Stella Davis translated to me over 
the phone.

"She sees them twice a week," said Davis. "They live in a foster home. At first her 
eldest daughter asked to come home, but over the years she noticed that the child is 
no longer carefree, no longer an innocent child, always frightened and not comfortable 
with herself. The people who look after her threaten her if she asks to go home. There 
is always an interpreter, from the Ministry of Children and Families, there to 
interpret every single thing that happens between the mother and daughter. She is 
forbidden to ask any questions pertaining to the daily activities of the child, if she 
is happy or if she needs anything. There is no freedom of communication between the 

Davis also told me that the 

[CTRL] NEWS: USA: The USA's hour of shame

2000-08-10 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-08-10 12:48:17 EDT, you write:

 * News Release Issued by the International Secretariat of Amnesty
 International *
 10 August 2000
 AI Index AMR 51/127/2000
 News Service Nr. 154

 The USA's hour of shame

 The US death penalty continues to be one of the world's human rights
 scandals, Amnesty International said today condemning the two executions
 carried out in Texas yesterday.

 "Texas is at the heart of that scandal," the organization continued,
 pointing to the fact that Texas now accounts for 28 of the 58 executions
 carried out in the USA this year, and 227 of the 656 since the USA
 resumed judicial killing in 1977.

 Brian Roberson and Oliver Cruz were killed by lethal injection within an
 hour of each other despite serious concerns relating to racial
 discrimination and mental impairment, two issues that mark many capital
 cases in the USA.

 "US contempt for international standards of justice and decency has once
 again been on display for the world to see," Amnesty International said.

 The organization also refutes Governor George W. Bush's reported
 contention that Texas does not execute the mentally retarded, citing the
 examples of Terry Washington and Charles Boyd -- put to death in 1997
 and 1999 -- two of the 140 men and women executed since Governor Bush
 took office in January 1995.

 "The flawed nature of Texas justice was further exposed in the cases of
 Washington and Boyd as the juries that sentenced them to death were
 never told of the two men's mental impairment," Amnesty International

 Governor Bush did not support a bill to ban the execution of the
 mentally retarded which failed to pass the Texas legislature in 1999. He
 also vetoed a bill in 1999 which sought to raise the standard of legal
 representation for low-income defendants.

 Brian Roberson, black, was sentenced to death for the 1986 killing of an
 elderly white couple in Dallas County. The prosecutor at his trial
 systematically removed African Americans from the jury pool, indicating
 that they were not educated enough to sit on a jury. The prosecutor had
 been trained at a time when such training in Dallas County routinely
 used a manual encouraging new prosecutors to remove "minority races",
 "Jews", and people with "physical afflictions" during jury selection
 because they "almost always empathize with the defendant". A 1986 study
 found that in the 15 capital murder cases tried in the county between
 1980 and 1986, 91 per cent of African American jurors were removed.

 At the trial of Oliver Cruz, a Latino accused of the rape and murder of
 Kelly Donovan, white, the prosecutor argued for execution on the grounds
 that Cruz's learning disability made him more of a threat to society.
 International standards oppose the death penalty for the mentally
 impaired. In yet another blatant example of the lottery of US capital
 justice, Cruz's white co-defendant, charged with the same murder,
 received a prison term in exchange for testimony against Cruz.

 Studies have repeatedly shown that the US capital justice system places
 a higher value on white life. Over 80 per cent of the more than 650
 people executed in the USA since 1977 were convicted of crimes involving
 white victims.
 Amnesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street,
 WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom
 You may repost this message onto other sources provided the main
 text is not altered in any way and both the header crediting
 Amnesty International and this footer remain intact. Only the
 list subscription message may be removed.
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[CTRL] Mildly Crude Bush Jokes

2000-08-10 Thread Ben Stone

What is the difference between George W. Bush and Herpes?

1.) One shot would take care of Bush.
2.) There was herpes in Vietnam.
3.) Herpes is not a hereditary illness.
4.) Herpes is not a leading cause of death in Texas prisons.
5.) Four years of Bush will have you remembering four years of herpes
6.) Herpes usually follows a successful drilling. (Bush oil-company
7.) Difference?

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   + today freemail +

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Canada: Legalizing marijuana reflects today's reality

2000-08-10 Thread DIG alfred webre

Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 10:09:10 -0700
From: "D. Paul Stanford" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Canada: Legalizing marijuana reflects today's reality

Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Pubdate: Wed, 09 Aug 2000

Legalizing marijuana reflects today's reality

Prohibition is not working and decriminalizing the drug will bring
new problems. There will be adjustment pains, but allowing its manufacture
and use will bring major pluses.  Vancouver Sun  In 1995, the Canadian
Centre for Substance Abuse researched illicit drugs and reported:
"The current law prohibiting cannabis possession appears to have had
a very limited deterrent effect." So it's fair to ask, if prohibition
hasn't reduced the use of marijuana, what has it done?

In that year alone, 63,851 Canadians were prosecuted for drug offences,
two-thirds of them marijuana charges. About half were for simple possession
-- somebody had a little bit for personal use. Yet the government's
cost of pursuing these mostly trivial cases was, figured conservatively,
more than $200 million.

The number of marijuana charges is still rising despite reluctance
in many police jurisdictions to do more than confiscate small amounts,
and our laws have made criminals of hundreds of thousands of Canadians.
It has created an underground criminal industry to supply what even
our courts describe as a benign, nearly harmless intoxicant that has
well-documented medicinal properties.

There are two options for amending marijuana law -- decriminalization
of simple possession, or outright legalization. The first is the popular
choice among Canadians and one the federal LeDain Commission proposed
more than a quarter-century ago. It would remove the penalties for
having marijuana but create an institutionalized oxymoron -- legal
to buy, illegal to sell. Anyone familiar with our prostitution laws
-- under which selling sexual acts and paying for them are legal,
but both parties can nevertheless be arrested -- would advise against
more of the same.

So the status quo does not work. Decriminalization will not work.
The unavoidable answer is to legalize marijuana.

It's naive to imagine this can be done without difficulty. But hardly
any of the problems will be new -- they exist now, although under
the table. How will we determine a safe level of blood-THC for driving?
How do we regulate its growing and manufacture? (And how does a government
seemingly determined to kill the tobacco industry give approval to
another smokable plant product?) Who will sell it? Where? To whom?
And, in the world of

realpolitik, what will the neighbours -- the United States -- say
if we legalize a drug they are committed to eradicating?

These problems are real and difficult, but legalization has a couple
of big pluses. First, the potential tax revenue would more than pay
for the administration of legal marijuana (with much left over). And,
most importantly, legalizing marijuana would remove the criminal element
from its production and distribution, by regulating the industry along
the same lines as most other adult vices.

Ontario Justice Marc Rosenberg, in a judgment that struck down the
simple possession law last month, said: "This is a matter for Parliament."
He's right, and the clock is ticking.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Distrust simmers as police, activists brace for convention

2000-08-10 Thread Oscar


Distrust simmers as police, activists brace for convention

By Lynda Gorov, Globe Staff, 8/7/2000

OS ANGELES - Post-Philadelphia, pre-Los Angeles, the paranoia is already apparent.

One protest organizer refuses to disclose his Los Angeles location over the telephone, 
fearful that the call is being monitored. A local police official declines to discuss 
specific security arrangements, unwilling to tip his department's hand. Protest 
leaders contend that undercover officers have infiltrated the building that houses 
their headquarters. Police in riot gear turn out on Thursday to quell a loud but 
otherwise peaceful union march.

Each side calls the other capable of lies, deception, and dirty tricks.

''We've had this incredible amount of surveillance and harassment,'' said Lisa 
Fithian, an organizer of the coming demonstrations, which she stressed are intended to 
be nonviolent. ''They've videotaped our building, the fire inspector showed up 
suddenly, there are cop cars parked outside. It's outrageous.''

Countered Lieutenant Horace Frank, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department: 
''We're not doing any surveillance. Our job is to be aware of what's going on in the 
community. But that's the kind of rhetoric they're stirring up in the hope we will not 
do police work.''

With the Democratic National Convention less than a week away, both protesters and 
police are, as the saying goes, hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. 
They are also looking to Philadelphia's experience for hints of what could happen 
here. But the lessons being learned are mixed.

For their part, Los Angeles police generally applaud the restraint showed by their 
East Coast counterparts: no tear gas, pepper spray, or rubber bullets fired into the 
crowds, even when a few of the mostly peaceful protests turned violent. Police 
Commander Mark Leap promised a similar response in Los Angeles, insisting that force 
would be used only as a last resort.

Demonstrators, however, say they came away from the Republican National Convention 
more worried than ever that their First Amendment rights to gather in public are at 
risk. In Philadephia, they charge, police carried out a preemptive operation to collar 
demonstration leaders, with bail for one set at $1 million although he was charged 
only with misdemeanors. In another instance, police with a now-sealed search warrant 
raided a puppet-making factory, saying they would find evidence of plans to disrupt 
the city and arresting about 70 people.

''There is more than one way to prevent people from exercising their First Amendment 
rights, and it doesn't always come at the end of a baton,'' said James Lafferty, 
executive director of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, which 
will have some 200 legal observers on the street and will represent arrested 
demonstrators free of charge. ''People are chilled. My god, even puppets are not safe. 
It's very alarming.''

The LAPD, like other police departments nationwide, does have an arsenal of weapons to 
stop any outbreak of violence during the daily demonstrations, including a recently 
demonstrated chemical that causes a person to smell so awful that others cannot come 
near. But with its already besmirched reputation on the line after the Rodney King 
beating, the 1991 riots, and an ongoing corruption scandal that is the widest in 
memory, police officials understand that their performance will be scrutinized closely.

In the wake of the scandal, in which officers in the Rampart district are accused of 
beating suspects, planting evidence, and lying in court to win convictions of gang 
members, the federal government is in talks with the city over how to improve the 
tracking of problem officers. So far, one police officer from the district has been 
fired as a result of the scandal, with other dismissals expected. Some 70 officers are 
under investigation, and there are indications that the corruption spread into other 

''I'm not going to play dumb; there have been incidents that tarnished our image,'' 
Frank said. ''We have to live through it and go beyond it. ... In all honesty, this 
convention is very important for us. It's a chance to showcase the city of Los Angeles 
and for the LAPD to shine. We're going to do that.''

The circumstances confronting both police and protesters in Los Angeles, however, are 
far different from those faced in Philadelphia, although police there were also under 
pressure to keep their weapons holstered following last month's televised beating of a 
car chase suspect.

For starters, the Republican convention was held in a sports arena on the outskirts of 
the city, and protesters gathered there in large numbers just once. In Los Angeles, 
delegates will convene downtown, creating the possiblity of intentional traffic 
tie-ups and 

[CTRL] [Law@] Australian Military New Powers to supress dissent

2000-08-10 Thread Oscar

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000 07:40:45 GMT jeremy dixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The following is from the anti-World Economic Forum mailing list, I thought
it might be of more general interest.

Don't know about the law in it, though, and I haven't had time to do the
research; although I should say that the Alternative Law Journal is well
respected here in Australia.

My reservation is that "Aid to the Civil Power" plans for the army to act
against civil unrest have been around, and been known to be around , for
quite a few years now. The Constitutional basis, apart from the section
mentioned below, would appear to be the so-called "Nationhood Power" thought
by High Court judges to be implied in the Australian Constitution; or the
reserve power currently conceptualised as lying in the Crown. The essence of
the reserve power is captured in Abraham Lincoln's remark on the folly of
saving the Constitution but losing the Union.

So there is no doubt in my mind that *at some point* of civil unrest it
would be found constitutional to use military force to quell it, with or
without a request from a State government. Where that point is would be the
interesting question, I recall there is US case-law on the subject which the
Australian High Court would no doubt consider.

And if it is worthwhile for the government to bring in such a bill as is
described below; no doubt it is worth our while to oppose it!

the "GST" (Goods and Servives Tax) referred to below is a widely
unpopular federal consumption tax recently introduced in Australia.


Original Message Follows
From: "Damien Lawson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: "Benjamin Doherty-Rosenzweig" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [melb2000] Australian Military New Powers to supress dissent
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 21:33:59 +1000



With no media attention or public discussion the Howard Government is using
the Olympics to justify sweeping new powers allowing the military to
suppress domestic unrest in Australia.

The Defence Legislation Amendment (Aid to the Civilian Authorities) Bill
seeks to establish the legal and political basis for using troops to
suppress political disturbances, seriously undermining the centuries-old
principle that the armed forces should not be mobilised against the civilian

The Bill was passed through the House of Representatives in one day (June
28) virtually unnoticed with the country in the grip of GST mania, and is
due to be voted on in the Senate by the end of August in time for the
Olympic Games.

Under the pretext of ensuring public safety during the Olympics, the
government and the Labor Opposition have combined to rush through the
legislation which will permanently and fundamentally change the military's

The Bill authorises the Prime Minister, the Defence Minister and the
Attorney-General to advise the Governor-General (the Commander-in-Chief of
the armed forces under the Constitution) to call out military personnel to
deal with "domestic violence" that is considered a threat to the nation or
one of Australia's states or territories.

The words "domestic violence" do not refer to violence against family
members or in the home. It is a vague and undefined expression derived from
s.119 of the Constitution, which was intended to cover civilian disorder
that the state police forces prove incapable of putting down.

Today, the term "domestic violence" is widely interpreted to mean more than
just "terrorism" and can include strikes, political demonstrations or riots.
Already the term "terrorism" has been used by police and security forces to
encompass protests such as those planned for the World Economic Forum in
Melbourne in September. It is possible that "domestic violence" will be
interpreted to include protests at the Olympics or the WEF.

Section 119 of the Consititution provides that the federal government shall
protect each state against domestic violence, but only on the application of
the state's government. Section 51A of the Bill goes well beyond the
existing s. 51 of the Defence Act 1903 (Cth), which is based on s. 119 of
the Constitution. The new section will allow a military callout where the
three ministers are satisfied that domestic violence is occurring "or is
likely to occur" that will affect "Commonwealth interests" (also undefined),
regardless of whether there is a request by any state or territory

Section 51B retains an existing proviso in s. 51 that a state government
cannot request reserve forces for use in an intervention to deal with an
industrial dispute, but no such restriction applies to the use of the armed
forces to protect Commonwealth interests. Nor is there a restriction on the
use of the permanent military when requested by a State. Section 51G will
prevent military personnel being utilised to "stop or restrict any lawful
protest or 

[CTRL] Plans surround Democrat gathering

2000-08-10 Thread Oscar


Plans surround Democrat gathering

Updated 12:00 PM ET August 7, 2000

By Linh Tat
Daily Bruin
U. California-Los Angeles

(U-WIRE) LOS ANGELES -- Los Angeles, a city known for its hustle and bustle lifestyle, 
is now busier than ever.

With the Democratic National Convention a week away, law enforcement officers, UCLA 
student groups and hospital staff are gearing up for their roles in the upcoming 
week's events.

The Los Angeles Police Department and other law enforcement agencies have plans to 
deal with expected demonstrations, some of which student groups will attend. 
Meanwhile, hospital staff members plan to volunteer their services to protesters who 
get injured on the street.

"(Protesters are) going to flat-out cause confusion and chaos, but make no mistake 
about it –- they are not confused," said Lt. Tom McDonald of the West LAPD, at a 
meeting of Westwood Village merchants Aug. 4.

Protests are scheduled so each day of the DNC will focus on one theme. On Aug. 14, 
demonstrators will demand "Human Need, not Corporate Greed." According to McDonald, 
demonstrators will gather in Century City and Westwood, where they believe most of the 
economic power lies.

Joining the protests will be 10 to 15 graduate students from UCLA's Environmental 
Coalition. According to Nikki Pyles, a staff member of the coalition, the group will 
hold a street theater in Santa Monica Aug. 13 and will be downtown during the week to 
protest the WTO and demand corporate accountability.

Other student groups attending the week's organized events include MEChA and the 
African Student Union.

Karren Lane, chair of ASU, said members are dissatisfied that some Democrats support 
measures that negatively affect the African American community.

For example, Lane said propositions 209 and 21, which banned the use of affirmative 
action in hiring and admissions policies and allows juveniles to be tried as an 
adults, affect many African Americans.

"We want to be out there as a visible reminder to politicians there are African 
Americans who do have a political voice, and they are accountable to that voice," Lane 

She said though most African Americans are democrats, some party members still fail to 
look at the poor conditions in schools comprised predominantly of minorities.

A protest against police brutality is scheduled at Westwood's Federal Building Aug. 16.

No official protest zones are in place in or around Westwood, McDonald said, though 
places like Occidental Petroleum, Bank of America, Gap, and Starbucks are expected to 
be the sites of several demonstrations in the Village.

Unlike last year's World Trade Organization protests in Seattle, national labor unions 
have said they will not demonstrate during the DNC since they support presidential 
candidate Al Gore. Local unions, on the other hand, are planning protests.

McDonald would not disclose the LAPD's operations plan, but he said police will not 
come out in riot gear.

In addition to demonstrators, the LAPD must watch out for possible looting by street 
gangs. Using the Los Angeles Lakers' championship as an example, McDonald said, 
"Individuals may take this not as a time to celebrate or demonstrate but as an 
opportunity (to loot), and we have to be aware of that."

While thousands are expected to be demonstrating outside the Staples Center, others 
will work to help make the DNC run smoothly.

Melanie Ho, president of Bruin Democrats, said an estimated 50 student volunteers from 
the organization will drive officials and other dignitaries around town and greet them 
at their hotels during the DNC week. Others may even work inside Staples Center.

"A good number of students will have choice volunteer positions during the convention 
because they have been volunteering throughout the summer," Ho said.

In addition, Bruin Democrats will assist the California Young Democrats with its 
conventions and youth caucus.

"Students our age are definitely qualified to make decisions and to become politically 
active, but we need to read and keep ourselves informed," Ho said.

Besides nominating a presidential candidate, Democrats will decide the party's 
platform during the convention. Ho said she would like to focus on issues of poverty, 
the increasing income gap, and campaign finance reform.

"We as Americans and the Democratic party need to look at the way campaigns are run 
and ensure that everyone can participate despite their background or affluence," Ho 

Meanwhile, a team of doctors at UCLA Medical Center, which does not expect an influx 
of patients seeking treatment for injuries resulting from riots, will volunteer 
outside the hospital, said Dr. Marshall Morgan, director of the Emergency Medical 
Center at UCLA.

"There's a volunteer effort to create a kind of ad hoc, unofficial mechanism for 
taking care of potential injuries that occur on the street," Morgan said. "They have a 

[CTRL] Mass. passes strong genetic privacy law

2000-08-10 Thread Oscar


Mass. passes strong genetic privacy law Thursday, August 03, 2000 2:32:06 PM


BOSTON, Aug. 3 (UPI) - The Massachusetts Senate Thursday completed legislative action 
on what is considered among the strongest genetic privacy laws in the nation.

While not giving privacy advocates all they wanted, the measure establishes strict 
prohibitions against genetic discrimination in banking, housing, health insurance and 

It also gives patients almost total control over who can view their genetic test 

The measure requires written consent from a patient before anyone other than attending 
physicians can view the test results.

Life insurance companies had argued against the bill, saying it would deprive them of 
an important tool to calculate the risk of covering people. Lawmakers addressed such 
concerns by not giving people permission to block life insurers from accessing genetic 
test results. Instead, a commission would be set up to study the issue for two years.

Genetic tests may one day be able to predict a person's susceptibility to certain 
diseases and personality disorders, and are already able to identify people at risk of 
getting certain cancers and some other illnesses.

The Boston Globe said privacy advocates are concerned the increasing use of such tests 
could result in discrimination against people viewed as costly medical risks, 
potentially disruptive or otherwise undesirable.

The legislation, the result of a five-year effort by a broad coalition of groups, was 
approved earlier this week by the state House and by the Senate Thursday afternoon.

It was not immediately clear whether Gov. Paul Cellucci would sign it, but several 
agencies in his administration have been pushing for its passage.

Senate Majority Leader Linda J. Melconian, D-Springfield, said lawmakers were spurred 
to action on the bill by the announcement in July that much of the human genetic code 
had been mapped.

"It became pretty clear this was serious business, that it was 21st-century technology 
that needed consumer protections," she said.

She said the measure "sets the prototype for the rest of the nation" to ban genetic 

-- Copyright 2000 by United Press International. All rights reserved. --

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
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distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] University will examine Carnivore\'s teeth

2000-08-10 Thread Oscar


University will examine Carnivore's teeth Thursday, August 10, 2000 12:04:39 PM

WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 (UPI) -- The Justice Department is moving swiftly to get an 
independent evaluation of the FBI's Carnivore e-mail intercept system, even as the 
system is denounced by congressional Republicans and civil libertarians as a threat to 
privacy on the Internet.

The FBI points out that Carnivore cannot easily be abused because of the limitations 
of its source code, and it can only be used after a rigorous internal review and a 
court order - like any wiretap. But criticism continues, fairly or unfairly, as the 
bureau refuses to let outside critics have a look at the system's coding.

The FBI says part of the Carnivore system comes from an unnamed private vendor, who 
doesn't want trade secrets revealed to competitors.

Assistant Attorney General Steve Colgate heads the Justice Department's management 
division and will play a key role in deciding Carnivore's future.

Colgate said Thursday that three U.S. universities have been contacted and at least 
six more will be approached over the next 10 days in an effort to find one institution 
to conduct the independent evaluation. "We have been very pleased with the response 
from the (university) community," Colgate said. Some institutions have even offered to 
do the evaluation for free, he added.

After signing a non-disclosure agreement, university computer scientists will be given 
"full access to all aspects of Carnivore," Colgate said, including its source code.

At her weekly news conference in the Justice Department, Attorney General Janet Reno 
said she is looking for a university "with expertise in the area" of computer security 
to conduct the evaluation. She will choose an institution "after consulting with the 
privacy and law enforcement communities," Reno said. As for timing, she added, "I hope 
we can do it quickly."

Colgate said later that he expects Reno to choose an institution within two weeks. 
After its evaluation, the university will report to a Justice Department review board, 
which he will chair, Colgate said.

The board will include a number of Justice Department officials, with FBI Laboratory 
Director Donald Kerr representing the bureau.

After the university completes its evaluation and sends it to the review board, 
Colgate said, the report will be made available immediately for a period of public 
comment. Then the board will include those comments, along with the university's 
evaluation, in a final report to the attorney general.

"My hope is that we will have this whole process wrapped up by Dec. 1," Colgate said, 
predicting that the final report should be on Reno's desk by that date -- a schedule 
considered "lightning speed" by government standards.

So named because it looks for the "meat" in e-mails, Carnivore is only used when an 
Internet service provider cannot perform a court-ordered intercept on its own. The 
entire source code is contained in a single personal computer, which can be accessed 
into an ISP's data stream but is removed when a court order expires.

The system does not hunt for categories or look at the content or the subject lines of 
e-mails. Instead it looks for an "authentication code" contained in "packets" zipping 
along an ISP's data stream that identify the e-mail of someone targeted by a court 
order. Carnivore reassembles the packets into a whole so that the e-mail can be read 
by the FBI.

Any extraneous unassembled data picked up by Carnivore is discarded without being 
examined, Kerr explained to reporters last month.

The whole process is electronically audited to prevent abuse, FBI scientists said.

Carnivore intercepts have been used only a dozen times in criminal investigations over 
the last year, always on the order of a federal judge. A judge will only issue an 
order for a Carnivore intercept, or an ordinary phone wiretap for that matter, if the 
FBI can make a convincing case that a felony has been committed or is being committed.

An unspecified number of court-ordered Carnivore intercepts have been used in national 
security investigations, but the number is not large, the FBI said.

Colgate said Thursday that Carnivore will continue to operate while the evaluation 
process goes forward.


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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma 

[CTRL] Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

2000-08-10 Thread Oscar


August 8, 2000

   Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

Statement from R2K Black Bloc

We, the various members of the Anti-Statist Black Bloc (ASBB) put forth the following 
statement in the wake of the Philadelphia Police Department's blatant misinformation 
and the corporate media's biased reports against us. The ASBB advocates the building 
of an organized movement against corporate and state tyranny in America. We recognize 
that poor and working class people have lost control of their communities and 
individual lives. The Democratic and Republican parties clearly support social 
relations in which this is furthered. By supporting the death penalty, militarism, 
corporate welfare, and the cutting of social spending, amongst others, they have 
proven to be political parties of profit over people as all parties have. By 
organizing black blocs and using direct action, we confront this intolerable and 
unacceptable system.

As anarchists we believe private property is theft, state property is a tool for the 
protection of corporate interests and that both must be destroyed for the creation of 
a society based on mutual aid and individual liberty. By spray-painting a wall we 
transform the way we think of it from a conception based on monetary value to one 
based on practicality. In a system that is concerned only with profit we make our most 
effective protest when we hit the oppressors in the pocketbook. Property damage, as 
one form of strategic direct action, is an effective way to achieve this goal. This is 
not just a theory ... this is a fact. Since the actions of the black bloc in Seattle 
against the WTO, a running debate about global capitalism and democracy has finally 
entered the public discourse. We are on the brink of a new social revolution.

At yesterday's protest, members of the ASBB specifically targeted police and other 
government property. The ASBB did NOT attack "mom  pop" businesses, or personal 
property. Remember that there are other organizations and associations that work 
autonomously with similar tactics. The can only be responsible for OUR actions. The 
ASBB disavows any responsibility for damage to the personal property of working class 
and "mom  pop" businesses.

The second most misconstrued tactic of the ASBB is the wearing of masks. Since the 
exposing of COINTELPRO, it has been plainly obvious that many government organizations 
have been monitoring and disrupting radical organizations. This is a threat to our 
personal safety and liberty. In this sense, we wear masks for our protection. We do 
not wear masks to threaten or intimidate the public. Wearing masks also sends the 
message that we are in solidarity with each other as equals. We look forward to the 
day when we can live in a society where we won't have to wear our masks.

We also stand in solidarity with all the other brothers and sisters who came out to 
protest yesterday. We are NOT terrorists and we are not an isolated group. We 
represent a diverse coalition of different races, genders, classes, and political 
viewpoints that are truly interested in creating a meaningful democracy and fighting 
the real terrorists: corporate America and the police State. For it was not us who 
bombed an entire city block, destroying homes and countless memories. It was not us 
who shot dead Robert Brown. It was not us who brutalized Thomas Jones to a bloody 
pulp. All these actions are the responsibility of the defenders of private property, 
the Philadelphia police. We encourage all oppressed peoples to organize for active 
resistance against power and privilege. Onward to Anarchist social revoilution!!!

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving 
the included information for research and educational purposes. Feel free to 
distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in 

[CTRL] US, Phili, Statement from R2K political prisoners

2000-08-10 Thread Oscar


  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

To the local, national, and international media:

We are among the over 300 people now beginning our second week of
incarceration for our participation in non-violent protests at the
Republican National Convention in Philadelphia intended to raise awareness
of the abuse of the criminal justice system.

The Philadelphia police did not brutalise us in front of the cameras and
have as a consequence been praised for their professionalism. Out of view
the brutality began at once. People in handcuffs were peppersprayed. Others
were hog-tied with plastic  cuffs that cut off their circulation. Men were
dragged and kicked in the genitals until they bled. These are only examples
of some of the acts of cruelty and torture we have personally experienced.
Isolated as we are, we cannot confirm the rumours we have heard of people
hung by their ankles to obtain their “cooperation.” But we believe them.

Bruised and bloody, the city of Philadelphia has little choice but to level
absurd charges at us and request outrageous bails to keep us off the streets
long enough for our most visible wounds to heal. There are still many of us
with scabs and bruises. If half of the charges levelled against us were
true, Philadelphia’s Center City would be a smouldering ruins. The simple
fact is that the charges against us are ridiculously exaggerated when they
are not completely fabricated. And we doubt many of them will ever come to

Our bails, ranging from $10,000 to $1,000,000 for the misdemeanors, far
exceed anything ever demanded for similar charges. the exclusion of the
public from our arraignments between 2 and 6 days after our arrests only
made these farcical proceedings seem more sinister.

In prison every effort has been made to cut us off from the outside world,
from each other, and from the general population.  We are confined to 2
person cells 23 hours a day. Our phones do not work and we have been denied
visitors. In spite of this, we have been able to learn something of the
unconscionable conditions of other prisoners.

Many prisoners here have been awaiting trial for two or more years. Medical
emergencies routinely go unattended for weeks or even months. The food is
frequently unfit for human consumption. Pods are overcrowded, with makeshift
cells serving for six men at a time.  Prisoners are beaten by guards. In one
case, ten guards savagely beat a handcuffed prisoner into unconsciousness.
Phones are commonly out of order, making contact with families and lawyers
impossible. Promissory prices are inflated. Prison workers often go unpaid
for their work and money sent by family and friends often goes uncredited to
prisoner accounts. Backed up toilets can go for weeks without being cleaned,
with predictably wretched sanitary conditions resulting. Rehabilitative
programs are effectively non-existent with even monthly sessions being an
uncertainty. We have undoubtedly been shielded from the worst conditions of
the prison but we have seen enough. One of us was threatened with rape by a
guard. The food we get is often inedible.

The treatment we have received and the conditions we have been made aware of
are inconsistent with a democratic or civil society.  The time is overdue
for public outrage at the crimes being committed in the name of criminal
justice.  It is time that a new civil rights movement that has two million
people, mainly black and Latino, locked up tonight. America’s prisons are
its  new plantations.

Many of us have been on hunger strike demanding that the trumped up charges
against us be dropped and that we be released.  As of noon today, the rest
of us are joining the hunger strike. We call on all people of good
conscience to call Philadelphia officials to demand our release and to
demand an end to the barbaric conditions in Philadelphia’s jails and

Agent Italia

   The A-Infos News Service
  News about and of interest to anarchists
   WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca
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 To receive a-infos in one language only mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] the message
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distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving 
the included information for research and educational purposes. Feel free to 
distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***

[CTRL] Boeing Fails to Pinpoint TWA 800 Crash Cause

2000-08-10 Thread Steve Wingate

Thursday August 10 3:02 PM ET

Boeing Fails to Pinpoint TWA 800 Crash Cause

By Jim Wolf

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Boeing Co. (NYSE:BA - news) said on
Thursday a four-year, $32 million in-house investigation had failed to
pinpoint even so much as the possible spark of the 1996 mid-air explosion
of TWA Flight 800, one of its jumbo jets, that killed all 230 people on board.

But the wreckage showed no signs of the Boeing 747-100's having been
bombed nor hit by a missile, contrary to conspiracy theories that have
circulated widely, company officials said in summarizing their part of the
largest transportation accident probe in history.

All 230 people aboard died when the Paris-bound aircraft exploded and fell
into the Atlantic off Long Island on July 17, 1996, 14 minutes after takeoff
from New York's John F. Kennedy Airport.

In an April 28 submission to the National Transportation Safety Board,
which heads the federal investigation, Boeing attributed the crash to ``an
ignition of flammable vapors in the center wing tank, resulting in a loss of
structural integrity of the aircraft.''

Briefing reporters in suburban Arlington, Va., company officials said on
Thursday they had been unable to determine the ignition source and
declined to name any likely candidates.

``We're going to leave that'' to the five-member safety board, which is to
consider on August 22-23 its final report on the probable cause of the
crash, Ron Hinderberger, director of aircraft safety for Boeing's
commercial airplane group, said.

``There would be nothing that would please us more than to say 'we found
it','' Hinderberger said, referring to whatever sparked the explosion. Not
uncovering it was ``bothersome,'' he conceded.

Investigation Boosts Safety

But he said the hunt had identified ways to enhance fuel tank system safety,
including a recommendation that airplane operators use air-conditioning
carts when on the ground to lower fuel-tank temperatures when the
thermometer tops 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.6 degrees Celsius).

Dennis Floyd, the Seattle-based company's chief engineer for airplane
safety, said the investigation has prompted 48 service bulletins
recommending design, maintenance and/or inspection improvements
across the Boeing fleet, the most to result from any accident by far. Eleven
others are in the works.

Although Boeing declined to name a suspected cause, it said none of the
recovered fuel system components showed any evidence of having
sparked the events suspected of blowing up the airliner.

Similarly, no evidence was found that any of the 747-100's fuel quantity
indicators, probes or wiring were the culprits, the company said in its report
to the safety board.

``Boeing's examination of the recovered wreckage did not reveal any
evidence of bomb damage on the structure or damage that could be
expected from a missile impact,'' Hinderberger said.

He said Boeing was ``in agreement'' with a conclusion by the head of a
safety board-appointed task force that witness accounts were of scant
value in determining the cause.

Several tales of an upward-streaking light in the sky at the time of the crash
have fueled conspiracy theories centered on a missile of a type that could
have been launched from boats in the area.

In March, the safety board's ``witness group'' said it had reviewed 755
interviews carried out by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, calling them
``poorly suited for purposes of an aircraft accident investigation.''

Still, investigators test-fired heat-seeking, shoulder-fired ``Stinger'' missiles
from a Florida beach in April to compare what witnesses reported and the
sights and sounds a missile would make in the lighting and atmospheric
conditions akin to those that prevailed that evening on the Long Island

Steve Wingate

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] Fwd: New Template

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

August 2000

New template
by Ken Page

As you read this, I should be in Sweden, deep in the forest, staying in a 
beautiful cabin -- no water, no electricity, no indoor plumbing -- and no 
T.V. (ahh!!!). For the last two years, I've been working with people in 
Sweden who are sensitive to electricity. They cannot be around any 
electricity at all -- not even batteries in a watch. There have been major 
changes in these folks in the last two years. Some of them have been living 
alone in the forest for 5 - 7 years. They can't go to the store or be around 
cars, telephones or any kind of machines. These people are also sensitive to 
other people and their energy fields. Their isolation is so sad.

Here are some of the things this group had in common: 
• All the mercury fillings from their teeth were removed at once or very 
quickly. It appears this created quite a shock to their bodies. Some of the 
substitute dental fillings were not much better. This was done in late 1980 
or early 1990. Some of them had to replace them again. 
• After the replacement, there was a very traumatic event in their lives -- a 
relationship breakup, death of a loved one, job change, accident or other 
stressful event. 
• After the above, their health changed almost overnight. They became tired, 
depressed and overly sensitive to everyday stimuli. They no longer could 
differentiate between themselves and others. Then electricity and chemicals 
began to affect their fields. Their electrical magnetic fields were 

Sweden has one of the highest groups of people with this condition on earth. 
There are thousands of people with this problem today. 

So here's what I think is going on with these people in Sweden -- and this is 
not scientific. There's a metal plate in the ocean around Sweden -- a large 
natural iron ore deposit off shore. I believe it affects people's 
electromagnetic fields because of how close Sweden is to the North Pole. I 
also believe it's there to help keep the North pole in alignment. 

I was able to help my clients in Sweden by doing a Heart  Soul Healing 
session with them and giving them my clearing techniques to practice -- 
thinking clear, pulling their fields in, loving what they don't like about 
themselves  You can find this technique on my web site 
(http://www.kenpage-mch.com/healingtechniques/moment.html), or in my book, 
The Way It Works, chapter 8 (also on my web page).

People talk about love. My clients say in an altered state that they are 
using 90% of all their energy subconsciously to keep themselves out of love. 
There is a part of us that must feel love is not safe. Think about that. 
Basically, in most of our past relationships something went wrong. This is 
not even considering the possibility of relationships in past lives. There 
are a lot of us that don't feel it's safe to be totally open or totally 
vulnerable to others or ourselves. 

Question: how do you know how to love more than you have experienced? Answer: 
You don't. Next question: How many times do you have to love yourself before 
you believe it? Is it 10 or 100 or 1000 or 10, 000 or a million times. Only 
you and God know. The great news is you only have to love yourself 1% more 
than you've ever felt and it can change your life forever. 

When I work with my clients, and they are in an altered state, the average 
person says that at the age of 3 years old, a part of them said "I don't want 
to be here." "Here" meaning in their body on Earth. It's like their spirit 
looked around and said "I'm out of here." Well, a lot of us can relate to 
this. In the last year, how many of you have said "I don't want to be here"? 
As a matter of fact, some people say it all the time. -- "I don't like this 
place." "I want to go home." (Where ever that is.)

What if at the age of 3 years old a part of us subconsciously pushed our 
energy fields out to protect our physical body from others controlling or 
hurting us. Most people's energetic fields are out yards, or blocks or even 
further. Everything in their fields affects them and their nervous system. Do 
you realize that if we are able to bring our fields in, we would have a 
choice about what to feel or not to feel? Freedom. 

What if our spirit has been watching us for all these years, like a part of 
God watching us. What if we became spiritually aware of this part watching 
us? We, in some way, would be striving to bring this part of ourselves back 
in to our physical body. This is what I call INscension. Is it possible that 
until we love every part of ourselves we will never feel whole or at one with 

This is what I shared with my friends in Sweden and it has helped them to 
regain their own space and their own lives. Heaven on Earth is being safe in 
your own body -- unconditional with yourself. To love what you don't like 
about yourself and to be in the moment of that beauty. Wouldn't the Fathers 
and Mothers of life be proud of us? 

This work in 

[CTRL] Fw: Senator Lieberman's (lover-man) REAL Voting Record

2000-08-10 Thread Eagle 1

Now, isn't this a kicker...???
We have a'lover man' and 'gore' on the 
Sounds like a a scary porn movie to me!!!
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 4:35 PM

Subject: Senator Lieberman's ("lover-man") REAL Voting 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2000 5:21 
  Subject: Senator Lieberman's 
  ("lover-man") REAL Voting Record
  Current Office: United States SenateName: Senator Joseph I. 
  LiebermanFamily: Wife: Hadassah Freilich; 4 Children.Birth Date: 
  02/24/42Religion: JewishHow To Contact Senator LiebermanWashington 
  DC EMail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Washington 
  DC Web Address: http://www.senate.gov/~lieberman/Washington 
  DC Address706 Hart Senate Office BuildingWashington, DC 
  20510-0703Phone: 202-224-4041Abortion / 
  Family Planning
  1999: On the votes that the National Right to Life Committee 
  considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted their 
  preferred position 0 percent of the time. 1999: On the votes that the 
  Planned Parenthood considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator 
  Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 percent of the 
  1999: On the votes that the National Abortion Reproductive Rights Action 
  League considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted 
  their preferred position 100 percent of the time.
  Animal Issues 1999: 
  On the votes that the The Humane Society of the United States 
  considered to be the most important in 1999 , Senator Lieberman voted 
  their preferred position 100 percent of the time.
  1995-1996: On the votes that the Fund For Animals considered to be the 
  most important in 1995-1996, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 
  75 percent of the time.
  1999-2000: On the votes that the National Federation of Independent 
  Business considered to be the most important in 1999-2000, 
  SenatorLieberman voted their preferred position 22 percent of the 
  1999: On the votes that the Business-Industry Political Action Committee 
  considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted their 
  preferred position 11 percent of the time.
  1998: On the votes that the The Small Business Survival Committee 
  considered to be the most important in 1998, Senator Lieberman 
  votedtheir preferred position 30 percent of the time.
  1997-1998: On the votes that the National Federation of Independent 
  Business considered to be the most important in 1997-1998, 
  SenatorLieberman voted their preferred position 43 percent of the 
  1999: On the votes that the Children's Defense Fund considered to be he 
  most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 
  percent of the time.
  1998: On the votes that the Children's Defense Fund considered to be the 
  most important in 1998, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 
  percent of the time.
  Christian Family 
  1997-1998: On the votes that the Christian Coalition considered to be the 
  most important in 1997-1998 , Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 
  9 percent of the time.
  Civil Rights / Liberty 1999: 
  On the votes that the American Civil Liberties Union considered to 
  be the most important in 1999 , Senator Lieberman voted their 
  preferred position 50 percent of the time. 
  1999: On the votes that the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda 
  considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted their 
  preferred position 100 percent of the time.
  1999: On the votes that the National Association for the Advancement of 
  Colored People considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman 
  voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.
  1999: On the votes that the Human Rights Campaign considered to be the 
  most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted their preferred position 100 
  percent of the time.
  1999: On the votes that the Conservative Index-The John Birch Society 
  considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted their 
  preferred position 10 percent of the time.
  Economic Policy:
  1999: On the votes that the The Republican Liberty Caucus - Economic 
  Policy considered to be the most important in 1999, Senator Lieberman voted 
  their preferred position 10 percent of the time.
  1995: On the votes that the The Libertarian Party - Economic Freedom 
  considered to be the most important in 1995, Senator Lieberman voted their 
  preferred position 30 percent of the time.
  1994: On the votes that the Competitive Enterprise Institute - Totals 
  considered to be the most important in 1994, Senator Lieberman votedtheir 

[CTRL] Fw: Klinton: Well, gawwlee, I can't git Monica to come here anymore . . .

2000-08-10 Thread Eagle 1

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 4:43 PM
Subject: Fw: Klinton: "Well, gawwlee, I can't git Monica to come 
here anymore . . . "

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 12:26 PM
Subject: Klinton: "Well, gawwlee, I can't git Monica to come here 
anymore . . . "

Web-porn scandal rocks White 
HouseWest Wingers downloaded gay, bestial, teen 
sex videos, jamming firewall systemBy Paul Sperry© 
2000 WorldNetDaily.comWASHINGTON -- A consultant hired last year to 
beef up security for the White House's computer network found massive 
pornographic video files passing through the system's Internet firewall, 
WorldNetDaily has learned.Some of the downloaded files were traced back 
to West Wing officials as recently as the beginning of last year, during the 
height of theimpeachment crisis, say sources who were involved in replacing 
the firewall system as part of Y2K security upgrades.The real-time video 
files -- which came from hard-core porn sites featuring homosexual, farm-animal 
and teen sex acts -- were so large in byte volume that they 
accounted for most of the traffic coming into the firewall, 
sources told WorldNetDaily.All Internet links and e-mail must first pass 
through the firewall before coming into the local area network for the Executive 
Office of thePresident and on to individual network users. The firewall 
system is designed to screen Internet traffic for messages containing 
network-crippling viruses.A Y2K computer consultant in early 1999 
discovered the unusually large volume of porn-site traffic coming into the White 
House while reviewing the firewall logs.A White House computer 
specialist recalled the reaction of one of the contractors at the 
time."He started to laugh and said, 'It looks like the majority of 
traffic going through the firewall is pornography,'" said the White House 
employee,who spoke on the condition of anonymity.Both President 
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have denounced cyber-porn and have pushed 
so-called "E-chips" to block the Internet's "purveyors of pornography," as Gore 
called them last year.White House cyber-security experts have asked 
WorldNetDaily to withhold the name of the Y2K contractor that upgraded the 
firewall system, arguing that disclosing the information would tip off hackers 
to the security software the White House is using and make it easier for them to 
breach the network.

WorldNetDaily agreed to reveal only that the company is based in 
California.The firewall logs show the uniform resource locator, or URL 
(basically the Web zip code), of the porn sites from which the videos (MOVs) 
andstill-graphics (JPEGs and GIFs) were downloaded."There were 
things that said 'teen,'" the White House computer expert said. "There was gay 
and bestiality stuff too."Bestiality? "Donkeys, goats, dogs," explained 
the source, who later accessed some of the raunchier sites. "It's 
embarrassing."Upon the discovery of the heavy XXX-rated traffic, White 
House security specialists undertook a "forensics" effort to ID the White House 
network users who were downloading -- and watching -- the videos on government 
computers and time.Investigators, including White House Security Officer 
Charles Easley, looked at a number of variables to separate the habitual from 
the accidental Web-porn surfers. They scanned firewall logs over several weeks 
so they could see the repeat offenders. They also zeroed in on the large-byte 
files.What they found was shocking."There were some 
significant names. I can say, yes, West Wing," said one White 
House source familiar with the investigation. "There were women 
too."Many of the offenders also officed out of the Old 
Executive Office Building, including presidential personnel, sources say. One 
was in nationalsecurity.One of the worst offenders, however, was a 
senior White House computer-systems manager, who was reprimanded but allowed to 
stay in theWhite House after being treated for an "addiction" to porn. 
Sources say the porn abuser is so sensitive to the possibility of public 
exposure that he would likely take his own life if his name were disclosed 
here.Security experts weren't just worried about the bandwidth-eating 
Web videos slowing down the White House computer network for legitimate 
business, or bringing a "Trojan horse" virus into the system. They also feared 
they could open up White House officials to blackmail from outsiders looking to 
access the network."It's a potential security risk," said one White 
House insider. "A hacker could call up an official and say, 'I have evidence 
you've beendownloading kiddy porn. Give me your network passcode, or 
else.'"The Internet-linked network is unclassified (although another, 
classified network exists in the White House), but most everything on it is 
stillsensitive.At any given time it may contain secret agendas for 
high-level meetings over trade and other policies, for example, or advance data 

[CTRL] Fwd: Pollard asks Israel to admit he spied for them

2000-08-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

Somebody inquired re Pollard; Joe Lieberman had been leading the cause
not to consider Pollard for release - possibly Israel does not want to
admit they use spies (don't we all).

So during this time frame you had the Walker spies who were Navy -
spying for KGB - and, KGB formed a Ku Klux Klan and tried to lay blame
on KKK for their spying but they too, got caught.

So KGB like FBI also sent out phoney letters on KKK stationary - leading
to wrong side of horse, for surely these were a horse of a different

Two weeks ago I had stuff on web about Pollard but lost some mail and
will see if I can find where Lieberman does NOT want Pollard released.

Lieberman, CFR, Bilderberger - he was lying in wait like a lion by the
side of the road; bet he is ADL connected as well.

His first divorce I know nothing - but the guy looks like Morris Dees
and Dees, is something else.

So there goes my perfect man Lieberman - he should run as a man, and not
a jew for now he has orthodox jews upset.

Gore has lowered his status, but Lieberman is what the masons would call
a "kiss ass" at this point in time, and Santa Clause would call - well
you know that one..hey Rudolph - got another reindeer.

So here is stuff of Mr. Pollard..I believe the guy, but remember the
Walker spies..KGB was behind that.


Pollard asks Israel to admit he spied for them
JERUSALEM (April 30, 1997 07:08 a.m. EDT) - American Jonathan Pollard,
fighting for his freedom from a life sentence in the United States,
asked a court on Wednesday to order Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to
admit Pollard spied for Israel.

Pollard, a former U.S. naval intelligence officer caught passing
information on Arab countries to the Jewish state in 1985, has
repeatedly asked Israel to work for his release but it has never
admitted to using him as a spy.

"We want to know why the government of Israel does not state clearly
Jonathan Pollard was an agent of the state of Israel," lawyer Larry
Dubb, representing Pollard in the appeal to the High Court of Justice,
told Israel Radio.

Pollard pleaded guilty in 1986 to spying for Israel and got the maximum
sentence in a case that strained U.S.-Israeli relations.

Pollard, an American Jew, said he had passed information to Israel which
Washington had withheld. He sought refuge from arrest at the Israeli
embassy in Washington but was turned away.

U.S. presidents have denied him clemency three times. Last year Israel
made Pollard a citizen in an official ceremony, saying it hoped to win
his freedom and resettle him in the Jewish state.

Pollard's wife, Esther, said the fact her husband had been in jail 12
years was "a badge of shame" for the Israeli government. She said
successive Israeli governments had promised to work for his freedom but
had done nothing.

"The Americans already know he is an Israeli agent," she told Israel
Radio. "Why do the Israelis continue to deny it?"

Dubb said Pollard backed his claim to have worked for Israel with the
original U.S. charge sheet to which he admitted guilt.

Copyright (c) 1997 Reuter Information Service
For more one sided information on Jonathan Pollard.
back to Aberdeen Proving Ground Military Intelligence Detachment Home

Web master:([EMAIL PROTECTED])

PS:  from Saba:   You know Pollard might be safer where he is - for if
he is released he might meet with an accident - like this one guy found
hanging in a stairwell, throat cut, shot 20 times, and strangled and
they said it was a suicide f rom overdoes.Would you believe that?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Fwd: Jonathan Pollard's Notes To His Attorney on Senator Lieberman

2000-08-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

This is one item re Lieberman and Pollard case.
Now Monica Lewinsky had access to classified documents and through her
Mossad tapped President's phone..surely this little prostitute, for
she certainly was no lady, was on someone's payroll other than the
Federal Government.

I think she spiked the President's pizza with Ecstacy - now with him, it
would not take too much anyway - but his behaviorrational and dangerous
and secret service had no business letting Monica bring food to the
president..talk about conspiriacy

What Monica and Kissinger did, was worse than what Pollard did for both
knew those lines were tapped and this is how to g et out information to
enemy - you call a lot of important people and pick up a lot of garbage
and secrets.   Monica should be arrested for prostitutionfor she
took favors for sex?   And secrets for Scorpio?


Jonathan Pollard's Notes To His Attorney on Senator Lieberman

April 28, 2000 - Justice4JP Release
The following letter and addendum were written by Jonathan Pollard to
his attorney Larry Dub in early 1999 regarding the efforts of Senator
Joseph Lieberman to undermine Pollard's bid for executive clemency.

The effect of Lieberman's anti-Pollard stance has again become news
recently in the context of Hillary Clinton's candidacy for New York
Senate. Mrs. Clinton routinely cites Lieberman's opposition to Pollard's
release as the justification for her own refusal to take a position,
even though she readily acknowledges the judicial inequities of the

When Lieberman was challenged by NY Assemblyman Sam Colman to explain
his position, it was revealed that Lieberman's opposition is essentially
nothing more than politically-driven rhetoric. [Details are on the
Lieberman Page]

Jonathan's notes to his attorney follow:

February 10, 1999

Dear Larry,
RE: Recent media about Senator Joseph

Lieberman's influence on my case including:
Lieberman signs letter against clemency for Pollard

[Feb. 5, 1999 - David Bilmes - Connecticut Jewish Ledger]
The "Lieberman Letter" to Clinton from 60 Senators

Further to our discussion, when you read the above documents (copies
attached) please bear in mind the following points:

Lieberman claims to have been privy to new secret information on my
case. First of all,

Lieberman has no idea whether the so-called "information" he was shown -
presumably by the CIA - was the same as the material involved with my
indictment. Certainly, if you look at the VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT's
description of my crime (see Dovid Zwiebel's treatment of this matter on
the Web ), there is not even a hint of such monstrous damage to the
national security!

Second, please bear in mind that my indictment does NOT reflect a level
of damage or compromise suggested by the latest leaks from the CIA.
After all, if I had been guilty of such damage, the government had the
option of indicting me for intending to harm the country.

They didn't.

As you know, there is some classified material that is so sensitive that
if it's compromised major damage could result to the national security.
Even if a spy has the loftiest of motives, and the country he gives the
material to is the closest of allies, the law indicates that if the
material is so sensitive, he should have known that its compromise could
harm the national security. In this instance he could, and should, be
indicted with the prong of the Espionage Statute stipulating
"intentional harm". AND I WAS NOT

Third, what gives Lieberman the right to see classified material that is
currently being withheld from my lawyers? A need-to-know?

Why? Does his need supercede my constitutional right to see the
so-called "evidence" being used against me?

As far as I am concerned, Lieberman's access to this material, in a way,
implicates him in an obstruction of justice. After all, he is knowingly
participating in an unconstitutional denial of my due process rights...

Finally, if what I did was so bad, and if Israel was so criminal in her
mishandling of the material I allegedly gave her, why hasn't Senator
Lieberman now moved for a termination of all U.S. intelligence-sharing
with Israel?
Addendum to the Lieberman Notes for Larry from Jonathan
February 11, 1999

Larry, it should also be clear that the sense of the Senate letter
Lieberman signed along with 60 of his colleagues is a potential arrow
aimed at the heart of the U.S.- Israel special relationship. Indeed, the
portrayal of Israel as a manipulative foreign power pressuring the U.S.
into doing something against her best interests is a canard that our
worst enemies have been trying to promote in the American media for
years. And now we have none other than Senator Joseph Lieberman
endorsing this malignant representation of the Jewish State.

When all is said and done, what I really find distressing about
Lieberman's decision is that his strenuous defense of the President's
right to due process and fair play hasn't been paralleled by a

[CTRL] Fwd: Mario's Cyberspace Station: Jonathan Pollard (Mossad)

2000-08-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

For anyone interested - here is a good web site has everything up to
date and history of spies.

I do know this much - my old friend had an old friend and that guy was
running for his life, for they were seeking to kill him - and he did not
know whether it was CIA or KGB  he was former OSS and CIA out of
Rourmania...he was at Beverly Hills fire way back, which was meeting
ground for spies and mafia (is there really a difference) and then I do
not think he realized the KGB and CIA had gotten into same bed.they
say he knew too much and someone wanted him silenced.

So, today stop and think - from day JFK was murdered our country has
been torn asunder until people do not trust anybody - but then I was
told by my MI6 friend to trust nobody- and she was right, for the people
get to you through your friends..

So Pollard is something else - he knows something and is safer in
jail.for this man is not outin cold he is still on the hot seat?


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

2000-08-10 Thread Robert F. Tatman

It seems to me that the end implied by this particular means would resemble
rather closely the thing it aspires to replace...  If private property is as
absurd a concept as it certainly appears to be, doesn't it make more sense
to *ignore* it rather than try to eradicate it using the very methods that
brought it into existence?

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 2:21 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release


 August 8, 2000

Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

 As anarchists we believe private property is theft, state property is a
tool for the protection of corporate interests and that both must be
destroyed for the creation of a society based on mutual aid and individual
liberty. ... Property damage, as one form of strategic direct action, is an
effective way to achieve this goal.
 The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
 - Mahatma Ghandi

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

2000-08-10 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

If private property is as

absurd a concept as it certainly appears to be, doesn't it make more sense

to *ignore* it rather than try to eradicate it using the very methods that
brought it into existence?

Because it does not ignore us.

It is important to distinguish between personal property and private
property. We have the utmost respect for personal property. It is the
essence of liberty.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship and USA Citizenship.

2000-08-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

So according to Barry Charmish whom I believe to be reliable and very
outspoken claims Lieberman holds citizenship in Israel.

Now how is this possible?  Supposedly, in a book I read years ago by
Errol Flynn (his son was on MIA matches - where is Sean
Flynn)according to Flynn any American who takes up arms for a
foreign power loses his citizenshipwonder about that UN stuff?

So here is item by Barry Chamish where he has interesting information
but do not know how to verifythis dual citizenship which just ain't


Or is it Kosher?

7:27pm  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd:

"...and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them,
and drew near unto Jesus to kiss himbut Jesus said unto him, Judas
betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"   Luke 22

So  the Mafia Kiss of Death to be planted on whom?  For is all ready now
for NWO/CFR takeover and UN working overtime - for clue read Daniel and
Ezekial 38 and 39symbolism  of USA President and  Seal of President.


Date:Thu, Aug 10, 2000, 2:05pm (EDT-3) From:American
Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


VP Candidate Joseph Lieberman is a member of the Council On Foreign

Relation (CFR), as are Dick Cheney, and Al Gore. The only candidate not
on the members list is G.W. Bush Jr. who is a member by proxy.

His grandfather Prescott was a CFR pioneer, while dad, George Sr. was an
executive of the accursed cult whose aim is a one world government. With
only 3000 it is clear that only CFR members and loyalists may become
President. Last time around the figures were the same, Gore, Dole and
Clinton were CFR members. The story has been similar for the past two
generations. Rabbi Marvin Antleman has been fighting the CFR for three

Council On Foreign Relations

In 1972, he submitted a proposal to the Rabbinical Council of America to
condemn the CFR and prevent its members from infiltrating Jewish
institutions. In 1974, his book To Eliminate The Opiate was published.
Long considered a classic in many circles, the book exposed the CFR's
program to wipe out Judaism by planting its members throughout Jewish
media, charitable and educational institutes.
He called last night to tell me
that, "I just went through the CFR roster. Lieberman's name is on the
membership list. We're being sold a bill of goods again."
Studies Department: The Council's Think Tank
The CFR's Middle East Task Force
Report of July 1996 spells out the organization's position in no
uncertain terms; Israel must return to its undefendable 1948 borders and
Jerusalem is to be divided into two national capitals. Rabbi Antleman
thus doubts the authenticity of Lieberman's commitment to Orthodox
Jewry. "How can you be Orthodox and belong to an organization which
promotes the division of Jerusalem and which, in the past, has
financially backed such irreligious movements as communism and nazism?"
he asks. "The CFR's purpose is to promote and arm violent and disruptive
national movements in order to upset the world's status quo and replace
it with their alternative world order. There is no place within for a
religious Jew unless he is dangerous window dressing."
  What that will mean for Israel
is more suicidal concessions with American Jews unable to accuse the
administration of being anti-Israel. The same trick was used in 1972
when CFR executive Henry Kissinger was named Secretary of State. Equally
proud of Kissinger as they are of Lieberman today, the Jewish community
could not accuse the administration of deliberately trying to eliminate
Israel in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, nor could they find sinister
motives for the isolation of Israel in the peace process which followed
  This time around, not only
does the current "peace" process get a boost, so does the Hillary
Clinton campaign for a New York senatorial seat. And the Jews, so
excited by Lieberman's nomination, as usual, do not suspect how
cynically they are being set up.
  The signs are there for anyone
to see. Last year Lieberman welcomed Arafat to America and even prayed
for the success of his mission. And he initiated a publicized letter to
President Clinton nixing any chance of CFR victim Jonathan Pollard's
release from prison. As the Jerusalem Post noted, Pollard's website has
long accused Lieberman of being "a willing tool of the CIA."
Sooner of later
Lieberman's possible dual allegiance to America and Israel will become a
debating point. Observes Antleman, "And that will miss the real issue,
which is Lieberman's allegiance to the CFR. It will prove stronger than
all his sentimental ties to America, Israel and to Judaism itself."
A reader writes to 

Re: [CTRL] Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

2000-08-10 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Nessie, that doesn't answer my question.  If you use violence to change
violence, you have changed nothing.  That's the whole point of the Gandhi
quote: The end IS implicit in the means.  Or, to paraphrase a passage from
the Buddha, "Hatred is not overcome by hatred; hatred is overcome only by
love.  This is an old rule."

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 If private property is as

 absurd a concept as it certainly appears to be, doesn't it make more

 to *ignore* it rather than try to eradicate it using the very methods
 brought it into existence?

 Because it does not ignore us.

 It is important to distinguish between personal property and private
 property. We have the utmost respect for personal property. It is the
 essence of liberty.

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [slick-d] puzzle pieces? (fwd)

2000-08-10 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

"On Aug 10, John Fisher wrote:"

[ text of forwarded message follows ]

Are they starting to come together?


Date: Wed Aug 9, 2000 10:44pm


From Rayelan Allan, Publisher, RMNews

 On April 17th, 1995,  I received a telephone call from my husband, Gunther
Russbacher. He said, "The war has begun!"

I asked him what he meant. He said a Learjet had just crashed in Alabama. On
board were 17 Admirals and Generals. They were on their way to arrest Bill

All the military men were killed.

That same day, Sherman Skolnick was told the same thing by one of his

The same day, Oswald LeWinter talked to a reporter for a major New York
newspaper. LeWinter told the reporter the same thing -- and it was
published -- April 19, 1995.

No one paid any attention to the story because in the early morning of April
19, 1995, the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City blew up.

In other words, the people who had the goods on Clinton and his cabal were
making plans to arrest all of them. All these men were blown out of the sky
and murdered.

To keep their murders from being investigated -- the Murrah building was
blown up and 168 additional men, women and children were murdered.

For the last few months, Rumor Mill News has been receiving information that
foreign governments are investigating the United States. Many of these
investigations started due to Echelon. But once the investigations started,
they were propelled by the fuel they discovered.

These investigators are just about to release their information -- It could
come out any day now --

Or will it?

 Today two small planes collided over New Jersey. One of the planes was from
theLakehurst Naval Air Station and it was on the way to Pax River Naval
Facilities.  It was carrying 8 or 9 civilian government employees.

Pax River is important because this is the installation where a new super
secret spy unit was to be based. The new spy unit was to be named DIS
(Defense Intelligence Services).  It was supposed to be the umbrella that
oversaw the operations of 26 intelligence services.

It is not known if DIS was exclusively made up of United States intelligence
services, or if other allies were/are members. Sherman Skolnick has
speculated that only 13 of the intel units are from the United States, and
the other 13 are made up of our allies.

In light of the information that our allies are conducting the
investigations, this makes sense.

Is the collision of these two small planes an attempt to stop the
investigators from releasing information that will rock this government to
its core?

I think today was round one in the war --

Other things that are happening --

+ The Rumor Mill News webpage is being hit hard today by government
agencies. So is Surfing the Apocalypse and other similar webpages. My
computer is barely running -- and I can barely stay on the Web.

+ Sherman Skolnick reported that the Arkansas area code is constantly
busy -- in other words -- no one can call Arkansas.

+  Skolnick also said that many people have called him and reported that
when they send  faxes  -- the faxes emerge on the other end in a DIFFERENT
FONT. This can happen if they have been intercepted by a computer and then

+  Skolnick also said that he has been told that the Vince Foster
investigation is heating up again -- He has been told that the investigators
have hard evidence that Foster was murdered.

+  Skolnick reported years ago that Foster was the equivalent to a three
star general in NSA

+  Skolnick also reported that Foster has sold the Israelis national
security secrets.


+ Rumors is Israel state that late today or tomorrow could see a riot at the
Wailing Wall which could escalate into a war which could possibly see damage
done to the sacred Moslem site, the Dome of the Rock. This could be the
prelude to Armageddon.

+ Other sources have told RMNews that the huge metal trusts that RMNews has
written about are just about to be broken. These trusts have had liens and
lines of credit on them. As a result -- the trusts had to stay in tact.

The money that was received from the liens and lines of credit was put into
the United States stock market. If these liens and lines of credit are paid
off, it means that the money has been taken out of the stock market. If all
the money from all of the lines of credit and liens is pulled out at one

+  The timing of the pullout from the market depends  on who is  winning the

+  If the Bush supporters are ahead or more in favor -- the pull out will
come right before the election.

+  If the Clinton people can somehow hold on to power -- the crash will come
after the election --  Gore will take the fall for it -- and 

Re: [CTRL] bizarre illness computer viruses

2000-08-10 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

By Michael Todd, Special Correspondent, {Weekly World News}, 18 June 1991

Has this list fallen to such a state that we now rely on supermarket gossip rags?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship and USA Citizenship.

2000-08-10 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 So according to Barry Charmish whom I believe to be reliable and very
 outspoken claims Lieberman holds citizenship in Israel.

Actually it says POSSIBLE dual 'allegiance', to whit:

 Sooner of later
 Lieberman's possible dual allegiance to America and Israel will become a
 debating point. Observes Antleman, "And that will miss the real issue,
 which is Lieberman's allegiance to the CFR. It will prove stronger than
 all his sentimental ties to America, Israel and to Judaism itself."

FWIW, of all the gripes Lieberman's Constitution State contituents have and have had 
regarding our junior senator, a 'dual
allegience' or even a 'dual citizenship' was not one of them...


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship and USA Citizenship.

2000-08-10 Thread ThePiedPiper

So after we put all our retirement moneys into stocks (insurance)
like during WW2, if something happens where does the USA stand?
Social Security, banks? Like overseas - they do not have
to pay an insurance policy if there are no survivors to
pay to.

What family has been involved in many wars, actively backed
Hitler's war effort
Could they be attempting to make sure that
US citizens are exempt from UN laws?
   ..."Friedrich Flick was the major co-owner of the German
   Steel Trust with Fritz Thyssen, Thyssen's long-time
   collaborator and occasional competitor. In preparation
   for the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg, the U.S.
   government said that Flick was `` one of leading financiers
   and industrialists who from 1932 contributed large sums to
   the Nazi Party ... member of `Circle of Friends'
   of Himmler who contributed large sums to the SS. ''@s1@s5

   Flick, like Thyssen, financed the Nazis to maintain their
   private armies called Schutzstaffel (S.S. or Black Shirts) and
   Sturmabteilung (S.A., storm troops or Brown Shirts).

   The Flick-Harriman partnership was directly supervised by
   Prescott Bush, President Bush's father, and by George Walker,
   President Bush's grandfather.

   The Harriman-Walker Union Banking Corp. arrangements for
   the German Steel Trust had made them bankers for Flick and his
   vast operations in Germany by no later than 1926. "...

Could this family still be doing things
that the UN would not approve of?

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 So according to Barry Charmish whom I believe to be reliable and very
 outspoken claims Lieberman holds citizenship in Israel.

 Now how is this possible?  Supposedly, in a book I read years ago by
 Errol Flynn (his son was on MIA matches - where is Sean
 Flynn)according to Flynn any American who takes up arms for a
 foreign power loses his citizenshipwonder about that UN stuff?

 So here is item by Barry Chamish where he has interesting information
 but do not know how to verifythis dual citizenship which just ain't


 Or is it Kosher?

 7:27pm  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd:

 "...and he that was called Judas, one of the twelve, went before them,
 and drew near unto Jesus to kiss himbut Jesus said unto him, Judas
 betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?"   Luke 22

 So  the Mafia Kiss of Death to be planted on whom?  For is all ready now
 for NWO/CFR takeover and UN working overtime - for clue read Daniel and
 Ezekial 38 and 39symbolism  of USA President and  Seal of President.


 Date:Thu, Aug 10, 2000, 2:05pm (EDT-3) From:American
 Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 VP Candidate Joseph Lieberman is a member of the Council On Foreign

 Relation (CFR), as are Dick Cheney, and Al Gore. The only candidate not
 on the members list is G.W. Bush Jr. who is a member by proxy.

 His grandfather Prescott was a CFR pioneer, while dad, George Sr. was an
 executive of the accursed cult whose aim is a one world government. With
 only 3000 it is clear that only CFR members and loyalists may become
 President. Last time around the figures were the same, Gore, Dole and
 Clinton were CFR members. The story has been similar for the past two
 generations. Rabbi Marvin Antleman has been fighting the CFR for three

 Council On Foreign Relations

 In 1972, he submitted a proposal to the Rabbinical Council of America to
 condemn the CFR and prevent its members from infiltrating Jewish
 institutions. In 1974, his book To Eliminate The Opiate was published.
 Long considered a classic in many circles, the book exposed the CFR's
 program to wipe out Judaism by planting its members throughout Jewish
 media, charitable and educational institutes.
 He called last night to tell me
 that, "I just went through the CFR roster. Lieberman's name is on the
 membership list. We're being sold a bill of goods again."
 Studies Department: The Council's Think Tank
 The CFR's Middle East Task Force
 Report of July 1996 spells out the organization's position in no
 uncertain terms; Israel must return to its undefendable 1948 borders and
 Jerusalem is to be divided into two national capitals. Rabbi Antleman
 thus doubts the authenticity of Lieberman's commitment to Orthodox
 Jewry. "How can you be Orthodox and belong to an organization which
 promotes the division of Jerusalem and which, in the past, has
 financially backed such irreligious movements as communism and nazism?"
 he asks. "The CFR's purpose is to promote and arm violent and disruptive
 national movements in order to upset the world's status quo and replace
 it with their alternative world 


2000-08-10 Thread NSA


RULERS OF EVIL demonstrates how the Roman Church Militant employed the
ancient Roman strategy of Divide et impera ("Divide and conquer") against
the Protestant Church of England and American Protestant sects to create the
American Revolution and, ultimately, the United States of America.

If you want to know more about RULERS OF EVIL, F. Tupper Saussy's important
new book about Laurence Richey (America's secret founding father), about the
religious forces that created and continue to operate the United States,
about the Mark of Cain, Freemasonry, Rome, Protestantism, how the Vatican
makes war and always wins, Jesuits, the Black Papacy, Sun-Tzu, missionary
adaptation, casuistry, mental reservation, the Spiritual Exercises, cabalah,
how the U.S. Capitol Building celebrates the Immaculate Conception, the
infallibility of the Hebrew Bible  the New Testament as history and moral
guide, and how to peacefully disentangle yourself from dangerous,
oppressive, and immoral political alliances -

CLICK HERE:  http://www.tuppersaussy.com/

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Conspiracy. a Review of Early Spanish

2000-08-10 Thread Kris Millegan

  Green, Thomas Marshall - The Spanish
Conspiracy. a Review of Early Spanish
Movements in the South-west. Containing Proofs
of the Intrigues of James Wilkinson and John
Brown; of the Complicity Therewith of Judges
Sebastian, Wallace, and Innes; the Early
Struggles of Kentucky for..   (Hard Cover) US
 Description: Front free end page removed.
and back hinges cracked. Wear to top and
bottom of
spine. Corner tips bumped and frayed. No
 Published: Robert Clarke Cincinnati 1891
 Condition: Good
Book #: 003136

  Dealer Information

  Horners Books
  Calder Square PO Box 10015
  State College, PA 16805
  814 422 0328
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Anarchist Black Bloc Press Release

2000-08-10 Thread nessie

If you use violence to change

violence, you have changed nothing.

I take it that you have never fought off a rapist.

Think about this for a minute before you start generalizing, here. Don't
be so simplistic. First of all, what is violence? Is property damage
violence? Is self defense? What about the Boston Tea Party? Was that
violence? And if it was, does that make it wrong? Was Concord wrong? Was
Lexington? How about Bunker Hill? How about Yorktown? Gettysburg? Kursk?
D-Day? The liberation of Auschwitz? Was it wrong to liberate Auschwitz
simply because it required shooting a whole bunch of Germans, dismembering
others and burning others alive? Was it wrong to end slavery with bayonets
and powder?

Violence is not a bad thing. Violence is not a good thing. It's just a
thing, that's all. It's been part of Nature since life began. Whether it's
a good thing or or a bad thing depends on who is doing it to whom, where,
when, how and why. There's a world of difference between a knife to his
victim's throat and a knee to a rapist's crotch.

Personally, I only use violence in self defense. In part this is because
I'm a four eyed, grey haired, gimp. I didn't used to be this way. I used
to be young. The last time I actually started a fight was back in '91. A
guy was beating on a woman on Haight St. one night  I thought it was a
domestic. So i attacked him. That broke it up quick. I'm an old fashioned
guy, I guess, because that's what my Grandma raised me up to believe a guy
is supposed to do in a case like that. Don't let the strong beat on the
weak. Don't let a man beat on a woman. Don't let anyone beat on a child.
Stop them. Do it yourself. That's what she taught me. Somebody has to it,
because the cops sure as hell wont. It's not their job. Cops don't prevent
crime. Cops don't even show up till after it's already over.

It turned out not to be a domestic at all, but drug deal gone bad, and
none of my business, really. She ran one way; he ran the other. I chased
him around the corner. He had a couple friends waiting around the corner.
To my enormous surprise, I suddenly in over my head. Fortunately, none of
them noticed. Had they noticed, I'd have been hard put to get out of it
alive, even though there was only three of them. It's come to that. Old
age sucks, bigtime. I don't recommend it at all. Worse, all three of them
got away. When I was young, I'd have picked one of them up and knocked the
other two down with him. But I'm not young any more and I'm smart enough
not to have to get hurt to prove it. If these guys had been smart, or even
sober, they'd have had me.  But I lucked out.  They didn't have clue one
about the nature of the terrain or of our relative positions. Let's hear
it for crack and malt liquor. Or maybe they were just naturally stupid.
Either way, lucky me. Now don't get me wrong, here.  Luck is cool. I like
luck a lot. But I don't think I ought to be figuring it into the budget.

I did get my licks in before they got away. But I could not run them down
for the life of me. I don't have the stamina. In a running fight, the
first guy who gets winded, loses, and that's how it is. I didn't even try.
I see no point in losing a street fight with anyone. It's bad tactics and
worse strategy. It's not good for the health, either. So I just let them

Since that happened, I've totally given up rescuing people. I'd probably
change my mind in a hurry if I saw a child getting beat on, but that
hasn't happened. I sincerely hope it  doesn't, because I'm definitely to
old for this stuff. Oh well.

Same goes for all these street actions lately. Personally, I'm not going
to go riot in LA.  I'm much too old to go rioting. When I was young, I
used to go rioting sometimes, when the occasion called for it.
(See:http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/mutt.html) I don't feel the least bit
guilty about this. Au contrair. I'm proud of myself. It was definitely the
right thing to do at the time. It definitely helped make the world a
better place by helping end an unjust, no-win war. This undoubtedly saved
countless lives. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire and that's
just how it is in this world. Get used to it. Or build a different world.

That doesn't mean that I think you should go rioting now. I'm definitely
not trying to incite you to riot. I'm not trying to incite anybody else to
riot either. I'm especially not doing this over the internet, especially
not a couple days before D2K, especially not with the FBI reading over our
shoulders, no matter who tries to sucker me into it.  I might be stupid,
but I'm not crazy. (See: http://www.sfbg.com/nessie/24.html) I'm not all
that stupid, either. If a cell phone is an "instrument of crime," what's
that make a modem?

Even if I WAS inciting you to riot, which I am NOT doing, that alone would
be no reason for you to riot. Don't let other people incite you to riot,
especially over the internet.  Don't let other people incite you to not
riot, either. Don't let other 

[CTRL] Paper: EgyptAir Co-Pilot Investigated for Lewd Acts

2000-08-10 Thread Steve Wingate

Friday August 11 12:20 AM ET

Paper: EgyptAir Co-Pilot Investigated for Lewd Acts

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The co-pilot at the controls of EgyptAir Flight
990 when it plunged into the Atlantic Ocean, had been investigated by a
New York hotel's security force for allegedly exposing himself, USA Today
reported on Friday, citing several sources connected to the inquiry.

USA Today published the front-page report the same day that the National
Transportation Safety Board is due to release data from its investigation
into the Oct. 31 crash off the Massachusetts coast that killed all 217 people
on board.

The paper said the allegations against relief co-pilot Gamil al-Batouti are
contained in FBI investigative reports, some of which will be included in the
documents to be released on Friday by the NTSB.

Friday's release of data will also include a transcript of the cockpit voice
recording, but without any analysis of the crash or findings of a probable

EgyptAir Flight 990 was less than an hour out of New York and headed for
Cairo at 33,000 feet (10,000 meters) when its autopilot shut off, its throttles
cut back and the elevators on the tail initiated a steep descent.

During the dive, someone cut off the engines, and the elevators moved in
opposite directions. The plane recovered from the plunge at about 16,000
feet (4,800 meters), climbed back to 24,000 feet (7,200 meters) and then
fell again.

Last year, unidentified U.S. investigators told news organizations that the
utterance of a prayer on the tape bolstered theories that al-Batouti may
have deliberately brought the Boeing 767 down.

Hall has previously said the board has uncovered no mechanical failure that
would explain the crash, but has condemned leaks from unidentified
officials and said that no conclusion has been reached.

Egyptian sources have cited evidence of a mechanical failure that could
have caused the crash, USA Today reported.

As part of the crash investigation, federal authorities questioned some
employees at the Hotel Pennsylvania, where EgyptAir flight crews were
housed during layovers in New York.

Witnesses there told investigators that the Egyptian reserve co-pilot
engaged in a series of sexually suggestive acts in public, USA Today
reported, quoting sources with knowledge of the investigation.

In one instance, al-Batouti reportedly exposed himself at a hotel window to
people located in a nearby courtyard, USA Today quoted the sources as

In another, a group of young women complained that he followed them in a
hotel hallway. At least some of the events took place in the days before the
crash, the paper said, quoting its unnamed sources.

Steve Wingate

Anomalous Images and UFO Files

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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