[CTRL] NM: Clintons to Flip Westchester Property Whitewater-style

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

With Carl Limbacher
NewsMax.com Staff

Monday Dec.  4, 2000; 10:37 AM ET

Clintons to Flip Westchester Property Whitewater-style

Not since Bill and Hillary Clinton teamed up with Whitewater's
Jim and Susan McDougal have two public officials contemplated
pulling off such a daring land flip heist in broad daylight.

But if New York Post gossip columinist Neal Travis is right (and
he usually is), the Clintons' Chappaqua home is about to get the
Castle Grande treatment, with a super sized jackpot at the end of
the real estate rainbow for D.C.s most notorious power couple.

Travis says the buzz at Sunday night's Kennedy Center Honors gala
was that the first family is putting the seldom used 10 Old House
Lane property on the market.  "The Clintons never even got around
to having 'hard wired' security installed because they wouldn't
be there that long," he adds.

Here's the plan, which should sound more than a little familiar
to those who recall how Hillary turned a modest six figure
investment in Castle Grande into a $4 million bonanza for Webb
Hubbell's father-in-law:

"You get yourself elected, find a place in D.C.  and shake the
dust of Chappaqua off your sensible flat shoes," says Travis.
"As a bonus, one of your well-heeled pals buys the mansion at a
huge premium, giving you a fat profit.  (Even a stranger would
pay a bonus to boast that he lives in a house once -- albeit
briefly -- occupied by the first family.)"

= A source in Chappaqua tells NewsMax.com that Travis is right
= on the money -- and that the Clintons actually put their New
= York "home" up for sale just three days after Hillary won her
= Senate seat.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: Dr. Seuss Memorial

2000-12-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 4 Dec 2000 13:53:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject:Release: Dr. Seuss Memorial
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: December 4, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

'We do not like Green Eggs  Pork,'
Libertarians say to Dr. Seuss memorial

WASHINGTON, DC -- In the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) 2001 appropriations bill -- which Congress will vote
on when it returns for its year-end lame-duck session -- $400,000 has
been earmarked to build a "memorial" to Dr. Seuss, the author of Green
Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, and other children's books.

The memorial would be built by the Springfield Library and
Museum Association in Springfield, Massachusetts -- so it's no surprise
that the provision to spend $400,000 was inserted into the bill by two
Massachusetts Democrats, Senator Edward Kennedy and Rep. Richard Neal.

In opposition to this wasteful "pork" spending, and in tribute
to Dr. Seuss, the Libertarian Party issued the following statement:

Green Eggs And Pork

We do not like it
This spendaholic
Uncle Sam.

We do not like those
Rs and Ds,
Who can't resist more

We do not like the cash they waste;
sky-high taxes spent in haste.
Frugality, they have erased,
and every bill, of pork it tastes.

We do not like it on the Hill,
When snuck into HUD's spending bill.
It shouldn't pass -- we bet it will
More money from the public till.

If YOU don't like
this Pork-I-Am
Start voting

WE would not vote for
Or subsidize
green eggs and ham.

Job training programs
for the Grinch?
We would not even
budge an inch.

And if a cat
needed a hat?
Free enterprise is
there for that.

Now, just in case you are obtuse
I'll make it clear, with no excuse
We would not do it for a moose
We would not do it for a goose
And as you may by now deduce --
We'd vote "no" on Dr. Seuss.

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Partyhttp://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037   fax: 202-333-0072
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Alternatively, you may also send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray 

Re: [CTRL] American Jew like Stern?

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000, William Shannon wrote:

  I agree however as to conclusiong re this Stern.,he is a bum, and

 What a bunch of hooey...Howard Stern is brilliant and

Agreed.  There are few that are/were as funny.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] MH: Nursing homes fumble balloting

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[If you read this, read the whole thing.  --MS]

Published Monday, December 4, 2000, in the Miami Herald

Nursing homes fumble balloting

Some residents voted improperly


Employees at some nursing home facilities in South Florida
allowed two voters to cast ballots both in Broward and Miami-Dade
counties and gave absentee ballots to three others who were not
entitled to them, a Herald survey shows.

In Miami-Dade, one nursing home resident who was not registered
to vote absentee cast a vote using the absentee ballot of a
fellow nursing home resident who had died.  At other nursing
homes, properly registered voters cast absentee ballots but -- in
interviews later -- did not remember doing so.

The improper or questionable casting of absentee ballots at some
nursing home facilities is part of a growing brew of
irregularities involving absentee ballots during the Nov.  7
general election in Florida.

Prosecutors in Gainesville, for example, are considering filing
criminal charges in a case involving the alleged use of an
absentee ballot by a person who was not entitled to it.  Also, 11
counties counted scores of questionable and in some instances
possibly illegal overseas absentee ballots.

Absentee ballots have always been fertile ground for voter fraud
because of lax laws that allow virtually any adult to handle

Tougher laws enacted after widespread absentee ballot fraud in
the city of Miami's 1996 mayoral election were later blocked by
the U.S.  Justice Department on the ground that they made it more
difficult for people of ethnic minorities and with disabilities
to vote.

Among the people who more frequently vote absentee are residents
of assisted and independent living facilities and nursing homes
-- many of whom are too frail to move or are confined to beds and

Florida law is silent on whether nursing home employees can
encourage residents to vote.  But nursing homes are required to
do all they can to ensure that residents enjoy full civil

State inspectors who review nursing home facilities investigate
complaints about infringements of a resident's right to vote,
said Bruce Congleton, spokesman for Florida's Agency for Health
Care Administration.

Marsha Faber, activities director at the Claridge House in
Miami-Dade, said state inspectors have reviewed her voters'
registration files twice in the last 11 years. The center's
policy is to ask everyone who moves in whether they want to vote.

``It's really not up to me to determine who is competent to
vote,'' Faber said.  ``If the court hasn't deemed them
incompetent, and they are able to hold a conversation, then it's
definitely up to the individual.''

In Broward County, elections officials go directly to nursing
homes, assuring that the process isn't bungled.  Miami-Dade does
this when asked.

In a random check of some nursing home facilities, The Herald
found no evidence of intentional fraud involving absentee
ballots.  But the survey did show irregularities.

Perhaps the most unusual episode occurred at Regents Park at
Aventura, where a social services director, eager to involve
residents in the election, dealt out absentee ballots like
greeting cards.

Elizabeth Wilkie-Acebo, 34, said she had more than enough ballots
to spare because several voters received multiple absentee

``Sometimes we got up to three ballots per person,'' she said.
``If we needed an extra ballot we would use one of those.''

Gisela Salas, assistant Miami-Dade supervisor of elections, said
she would investigate the case.  But other elections departments
said they routinely mail several ballots to absentee voters for
separate elections such as primaries or runoffs.


Wilkie-Acebo said she crossed out or covered the original
elections department box bearing the voter's name and address and
replaced it with the name of whoever felt like voting that day,
even if that person had not requested an absentee ballot.

That's what happened in at least three instances involving
residents Mary Spector, Dorothy Bressler and Betty Grandis and
nursing home employee Angelique Voltaire.

Miami-Dade election officials intercepted the ballots and
declared them illegal on the ground that the individuals
returning the ballots had not ordered them.

In all, Miami-Dade elections officials rejected at least 14
ballots that were returned by people who did not request them.

The most striking case involved the absentee ballot sent to Mary
Spector, who died Oct.  20.  Grandis used the ballot, perhaps
after Spector's death.


In the case involving double votes in Broward and Miami-Dade,
neither voter recalled voting, but both received assistance from
nursing home workers in casting ballots.

When asked about his absentee ballots, Joseph Eikenberry, a
retired banker living at the Claridge House, a skilled-nursing
and rehabilitation center near North Miami, said he 

[CTRL] MSNBC: All-American Jaed Hijazi suspect in Cole attack

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


U.S. citizen suspected in Cole attack

U.S. sources say suspect held in Jordan has ties to bin Laden

photo A port-side view shows the damage sustained by the USS
Cole after a suspected terrorist bomb exploded during a refueling
operation Oct. 12 in in the port of Aden.


WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 — An American citizen alleged to have close
links to Islamic militant Osama bin Laden is a prime suspect in
the alleged terrorist attack on the USS Cole in October, U.S.
government sources told NBC News on Monday. Jaed Hijazi,
described by the sources as a Muslim militant, is in custody in
Jordan and has told investigators of plans to also “attack U.S.
military aircraft” in the Persian Gulf and Middle East.

 ‘We are a victim of terrorism, not a source of terrorism.’


 ACCORDING TO one U.S. official, Hijazi has “been at the
top of our hit list for sometime.”

   Hijazi was taken into custody by the Syrian government
last month, and was turned over to Jordan where he has already
been tried, convicted and sentenced to death in abstentia for
plotting to attack U.S and Israeli targets during the millennium
celebrations. Jordan now plans to retry Hijazi.

   The government sources told NBC News that Hijazi has
“direct links” to bin Laden, who today is America’s No. 1
terrorist suspect in the Oct. 12 bombing in the Yemeni port of
Aden of the USS Cole, which killed 17 sailors and wounded 39.

   Hijazi “personally trained and supported” those
responsible for the Cole attack, the sources said. The United
States has been tracking Hijazi for at least eight months and
“he’s clearly implicated in the attack,” sources said.

   A U.S. diplomat has already visited Hijazi in jail in
Amman and U.S. officials are hopeful his citizenship will make it
easier to extradite him for trial in the United States on any
possible terrorism charges.


   Separately, Yemen’s Foreign Minister Abdulkader Bajammal
said Monday that United States itself bears some responsibility
for the attack on the Cole because it helped create the
terrorists who now consider America their worst enemy.

   In an interview with The Associated Press, Bajammal also
said Yemen wants to work closely with the United States to combat

   “The operation was not Yemeni, not pure Yemeni,” Bajammal
said. “It is a network involving so many countries. Terrorism has
no nation.”

   No one has yet been charged in the Oct. 12 bombing. Asked
if any indictments were forthcoming, Bajammal said he had no
information, noting it was not his area of responsibility.

   But Bajammal said that if any Yemenis are found to have
been involved, they may have simply been corrupt bureaucrats who
provided logistical help in exchange for “a little baksheesh,” —
or payoffs — not out of ideology.

   “We are a victim of terrorism, not a source of terrorism,”
Bajammal added.  Attack in Yemen

The attack on the Cole followed anti-U.S. and anti-Israeli
protests in Yemen and across an Arab world enraged by violence in
Palestinian areas. Nearly 300 people — mostly Palestinians — have
been killed in Israeli-Palestinian clashes since September.

   But the roots of anti-American terrorism are older and
deeper, running back to the 1980s when one of the last-gasp Cold
War battles was waged in the rugged mountains and valleys of

   Bajammal said that because the investigation was
continuing, he could not comment on the possibility that Yemeni
or other Arab veterans of the Afghan war were involved in the
Cole attack.

 But, he said, “Terrorism did not appear by accident. It
is a historical phenomenon. Just as the Soviet Union created a
man like (the international terrorist) Carlos, the other side
created the Afghan Arabs. We have inherited the remnants of the
Cold War.”


   In Washington, a senior U.S. official said the Clinton
administration rejects any suggestion that the United States is
somehow responsible for the Cole attack. He spoke to the
Associated Press condition of anonymity.

   Yemen, whose central government is struggling to expand
authority over tribal areas, has long been a haven for Muslim
extremists, including groups linked to bin Laden.

   Bin Laden was one of the thousands of fighters from across
the Arab world who went to Afghanistan after the 1979 Soviet
incursion to fight alongside Afghan guerrillas, whose chief
financial and military backers included the United States.

After the Soviets withdrew in 1989, many so-called Afghan
Arabs turned their anger against the United States, which they
see as a threat to Islam and to Arab independence. Bin Laden
continues to live in Afghanistan, where he periodically issues
calls for violence against the United States.

   Yemeni leaders, embarrassed to have a U.S. ship attacked

[CTRL] WSJ: Independent Counsel Will Question Monica Lewinsky in Probe of Clinton

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


December 5, 2000

Independent Counsel Will Question Monica Lewinsky in Probe of


WASHINGTON -- Independent Counsel Robert Ray is planning to
interview Monica Lewinsky as part of his investigation into
whether President Clinton should be indicted after he leaves

Plato Cacheris, a lawyer for Ms. Lewinsky, said Mr. Ray wants to
question the former White House intern sometime this month. He
said he hasn't been told if Mr. Ray's office is planning for her
also to appear before a grand jury that has been taking evidence
in the case since July. "It's an interview at their offices; it's
not a grand-jury presentation, that I'm aware of," Mr. Cacheris

The move indicates that Mr. Ray is moving closer to deciding
whether to indict Mr. Clinton on obstruction of justice or
perjury charges. Several tribunals, including U.S. District Judge
Susan Webber Wright, have already decided that the president's
denial under oath during the Paula Jones sexual-harassment case
that he had a "sexual relationship" with Lewinsky was
deliberately false.

Keith Ausbrook, a spokesman for Mr. Ray's office, said, "We have
an open investigation and we are continuing with that
investigation for the purpose of concluding shortly after the
president leaves office."

Waiting until Mr. Clinton leaves office allows Mr. Ray to avoid a
legal question about whether a sitting president may be indicted.

Mr. Cacheris said he hadn't been told what subjects the
prosecutors want to cover with Ms. Lewinsky, who is required
under the terms of her plea deal to cooperate. She has testified
numerous times under oath about her sexual relationship with Mr.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Fla. Lawmakers OK Special Session

2000-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/04/2000 10:33:32 AM Eastern Standard Time,

   In light of other events, this is very interesting.  Do you have more
 on Chiles' untimely death? 

You must start reading the papers.  Don't you remember when the previously
quite healthy Lawton Chiles died (alone) while cycling on his exercise
machine?  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fossils of man‘s earliest ancestor found in Kenya

2000-12-05 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Fossils of man‘s earliest ancestor found in Kenya

KENYA: December 5, 2000

NAIROBI - A team of French and Kenyan scientists has unearthed
fossilised remains of mankind‘s earliest ancestor that predate
previous discoveries by more than 1.5 million years, they
announced on Monday. „Millennium man“, as the hominid creature
has been nicknamed, was discovered in the Tugen hills of Kenya‘s
Baringo district on October 25 by a team from College de France in
Paris and the Community Museums of Kenya.

„This discovery concerns all humans on earth,“ palaeontologist
Martin Pickford told a news conference in the Kenyan capital.

„It is at least six million years old, which means it is older than
the remains found at Aramis in Ethiopia, which were 4.5 million
years old.“

Scientists found fossiled body parts belonging to at least five
individuals - male and female - which showed the creature was
chimpanzee-sized, walked predominantly on its back legs but also
had strong arms for climbing trees.


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passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above
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[Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]

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Re: [CTRL] Florida's African-American voters upset over disqualified ballots

2000-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/04/2000 4:17:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 RIVIERA BEACH, Florida (CNN) -- The kind of victory they were raising the
 rooftops about at Hilltop Baptist Church on Sunday concerned matters of a
 heavenly nature. When it comes to the race for the White House, there was
 a sense of defeat.

 Hilltop Baptist's pastor, Griffen Davis, said amid heavily Democratic
 Riviera Beach's highest turnout ever, about 15 percent of votes were

 "I'm hurt, I'm disgusted. I'm frustrated," he said. "This is democracy at its
 worst, OK?"

 African-American turnout in Florida was 65 percent higher in 2000 than in
 the 1996 presidential race. But statewide, as many as 20 percent of their
 ballots may not have been counted. 

Yes, and there will be more of this kind of thing.   Our new American royals
have never been partial to African-Americans.  With the Bush's back in
command, and the Republican Party being what it is, just stand back and
watch.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Ax of Bitterness

2000-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Well you know how it is.  Palestinian olive trees just don't have the
importance of Israeli dents.  If all else fails, starving Palestinians should
work.  I'm really sorry that the world's attention is focused on these
matters.   Israeli should be able to kill and ruin Palestinians whenever they
want to or find it convenient.  After all The Holocaust was a terrible thing.
 Ordinary holocaust is just a means to an end.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Who's paying?

2000-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/04/2000 5:12:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Who is paying for these lawyers representing gore/bush?
 Me and you? 

I'm not sure about Gore, since we all know he will not be our president, but
from what I know about the Bush family, I'm positive we will be paying all of
their bills forever more.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sense of Defeat Begins to Embrace Gore Team

2000-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/05/2000 1:27:08 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ALLAHASSEE, Fla., Dec. 4 — Several of Vice President Al Gore's legal
 and political advisers and leading Democrats expressed little hope
 tonight that the Florida Supreme Court would overturn a Leon County
 Circuit Court ruling, leaving Mr. Gore with no more options in his
 quest for the White House. 

They should have known.  When somebody promises something to Dubya, He gets
it.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] WSJ: Independent Counsel Will Question Monica Lewinsky in Probe of...

2000-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/05/2000 5:13:10 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON -- Independent Counsel Robert Ray is planning to
 interview Monica Lewinsky as part of his investigation into
 whether President Clinton should be indicted after he leaves

 Plato Cacheris, a lawyer for Ms. Lewinsky, said Mr. Ray wants to
 question the former White House intern sometime this month. He
 said he hasn't been told if Mr. Ray's office is planning for her
 also to appear before a grand jury that has been taking evidence
 in the case since July. "It's an interview at their offices; it's
 not a grand-jury presentation, that I'm aware of," Mr. Cacheris

Oh just what we need on top of this farce of an election is some more Monica
crap.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Sense of Defeat Begins to Embrace Gore Team

2000-12-05 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/5/00 8:27:06 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 They should have known.  When somebody promises something to Dubya, He gets
  it.  Prudy

  The Seminole County case could turn this whole thing around.  If Nikki
Clarke rules to throw out the 15,000 absentee ballots - or even just the
1,900 or so requests/ballots that were altered - Gore has the Fla lead.  Such
ironies we would face then!  Gore would win on a "technicality" resulting in
excluding votes.  Bush might then regret the "technicalities" of law he's
shoved up America's butts via Harris, etc.

  By the way, Bush is asking for "visual review" ie, hand-recount, of
selected counties in New Mexico.  Gore has only an approx 400 vote lead.
LOL!  What a hoot!


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Senior Diplomat Resigns to Protest Albright's Action

2000-12-05 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Senior Diplomat Resigns to Protest Albright's Action
By Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December  5, 2000; Page A02
J. Stapleton Roy, one of the nation's two most senior foreign
service officers and a three-time U.S. ambassador, has resigned in
protest after Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright suspended
his deputy without pay and fired two other long-time State
Department officials over a missing top-secret laptop computer.
Albright last week suspended Donald Keyser, Roy's deputy at the
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, for 30 days without pay and
reassigned him to the State Department director general's office,
which is not involved in making policy. Sources said Albright had
quarrelled with Keyser over a plan to strip some of the bureau's
responsibilities in the wake of the laptop fiasco, and she informed
Keyser last week that he had "lost her confidence."
Roy, who had worked closely with Keyser several times during
their careers, then told Albright he would resign in protest, effective
today. A State Department official said Roy was scheduled to retire
in January and was leaving early "out of a sense of responsibility
and honor." Friends of Roy said that resigning was the strongest
way to signal his displeasure with Albright.
The high-level turmoil in the department reveals a festering dispute
over how to react to security lapses, and it left some foreign service
officers fuming about what they view as an excessive and uneven
crackdown by Albright.
"The secretary of state decided to pursue her crusade against what
she deems to be weak security inside the State Department," said
Robert Oakley, former ambassador to Somalia and Pakistan.
"Stape Roy says it is unjustified and said, 'If you've lost confidence
in my deputy, then you've lost confidence in me.' "
Since the disappearance of the laptop in January, Albright has
vowed to hold State Department officials accountable for security
lapses and to change the department's lax attitude toward security
matters. She has also moved to enhance the power of her
diplomatic security chief, David Carpenter, a former Secret Service
"Let's remember that this laptop had some of the highest classified
material we have," said a State Department official, defending
Albright. "The secretary has a responsibility to leave the bureau in
the best possible position as it goes through transition to ensure
that it will serve the next secretary well."
Albright has now disciplined six people, including Keyser, in the
Bureau of Intelligence and Research as a result of the
disappearance of the laptop computer. It held thousands of pages
of "codeword" information about weapons proliferation issues and
was reported missing from a supposedly secure conference room
at the State Department's headquarters.
Early last month, she dismissed two people: Allen W. Locke, a 34-
year civil servant in the senior executive service, and Nancy C.
May. Sources said Locke, who also has worked in the White
House and intelligence agencies, denies wrongdoing and will fight
the dismissal. May could not be reached for comment.
Keyser plans to file a grievance in regard to his suspension.
An inquiry into the laptop's disappearance revealed procedural
lapses such as leaving the door propped open to the conference
room and the failure to escort contractors lacking security
clearances in the area. But the inquiry failed to link any lapse or
individual to the disappearance of the laptop, which was never
While Albright has cracked down on the intelligence bureau, known
by the initials INR, some foreign service officers complain that she
has not taken measures against those closest to her and contend
that she is scapegoating INR for other unsolved security breaches
in recent years.
Those breaches include the planting of an eavesdropping device in
a seventh-floor conference room and the removal of classified
papers from the secretary's outer office by a mysterious man in a
tweed coat who went unquestioned and unapprehended. An
unclassified laptop signed out to Albright confidante Morton
Halperin also disappeared, and no disciplinary action was taken.
The departure of Roy and the reassignment of Keyser will rob the
department of two of its top China experts. The son of a
missionary, Roy grew up in China, returned to the United States to
go to Princeton University, then joined the foreign service. He later
served as ambassador to China, Indonesia and Singapore. Keyser
had served in Beijing three times, had been the State Department's
director of Chinese and Mongolian affairs, and most recently held
the rank of ambassador as a special negotiator for conflicts in
Nagorno-Karabakh and former Soviet republics.
"That's a lot of brainpower suddenly removed from the State
Department," said William C. McCahill, a recently retired foreign
service officer who served as the deputy chief of 

Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Release: Dr. Seuss Memorial

2000-12-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Better spent on Dr. Seuss than on some of the other junk they spend it on.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: John Lennon the Covert War Against Rock

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

By Brad Schreiber
[For Entertainment Weekly]

  Twenty years ago, I stood on the Marina Green in San Francisco on a
chilly night with hundreds of other people. We held flickering candles
and listened as scores of small radios and boom boxes, tuned to a
particular station, resoundingly broadcast the voice of John Lennon and
the music of The Beatles.
   It was remarkable, for the songs and messages went down into the turf
and welled up, from everywhere. But when the subterranean song was
"Happy Xmas (War is Over)," with John singing the opening, "And so this
is Christmas/And what have you done?," I cried and cried and a part of
me is crying still.
   And so it's 2000. Friday, December 8 marks the twentieth anniversary
of the murder of John Lennon in front of the Dakota in New York City. A
"Peace Flame Candle" will be lit in Hollywood next to his star in front
of the Capitol Records building at 8:23 PM Pacific, the time of his
passing. Simultaneously, another candle will be ignited  in Strawberry
Fields in New York's Central Park.
   The Beatles need not be your favorite group, as they are mine, to
feel the cruel irony, still, that John Lennon, the embodiment of humor
and compassion and irreducible belief in love and peace, should be cut
down by an assassin's bullet.  When a leader who espouses the better
principles of humanity is killed--Gandhi, the Kennedys, Martin Luther
King Jr., Malcolm X,  John Lennon, et.al.--a dark bubble forms in the
mind. It is the malevolent doubt of improving our world and despite our
losses, we must fight it at all costs.

We have a legacy given to us by Lennon and The Beatles and it has
been duly appreciated in this memorial year. The Beatles Anthology
(Chronicle Books) is an unprecedented collection of 1300 images and
previously unpublished interviews with the Fab Four, made possible by
the cooperation of Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and Yoko
Ono Lennon.
This year also saw a number of Lennon/Beatles TV projects but easily
the most resonant of them all was VH1's "Two of Us," written by Mark
Stanfield and directed by Michael Lindsay-Hogg. Depicting a fictional
meeting in 1976 between McCartney (Aidan Quinn) and Lennon (Jared
Harris), it captures both the genius of and ambivalence between these
two great musician-songwriters. More importantly, Harris has brilliantly
provided the definitive TV/film portrayal of Lennon, from giddy anarchy
to roiling bitterness.
  For those willing to look at the darker side of our musical history,
political researcher Alex Constantine has written "The Covert War
Against Rock" (Feral House), which looks into the suspicious deaths of
such rock icons as Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Lennon. Constantine
makes an important case regarding the govermental war against Lennon,
including theft and alteration of his private papers and death threats.
   When the candles lit in Hollywood and New York are extinguished,
there will still be the music, the writings of Lennon, and a reminder of
the paths we can take as a people, as a planet. John Lennon's work,
unlike his life, cannot be stilled. One great example of that is his
son, Julian, whose latest CD, "Photograph Smile" achieves the same
emotional depth and beauty of his father's finest work.

The Brad Schreiber Homepage

STORYTECH Literary Consulting Service

Alex Constantine Web Site

[CTRL] The Coming Government Financial Crisis

2000-12-05 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


The Coming Government Financial Crisis
by Jack Perrine
One of the great mysteries.at least to me.is the absence in
the media of any sort of discussion of what I consider the most
significant point at the present time.
It is difficult to define the time of birth of this epic bubble that
is now bursting.but its most dynamic growth certainly occurred
during the last three years or so. While the media are filled with
stories about how marvelous the economy isand even more
miraculous, how resilient the economy is/will be to any sort of
grief.the media are strangely silent on the greatest benefactor
from this immense bubble: evil government.
As thousands have made the high point of their lives day trading,
and the current value of stocks is the high point of most
conversations, little mention is made of the immense benefit that
government has gotten from a golden flood of capital-gains
taxes/profits from stock options/sharply higher sales taxesand a
cynic might wonder why Alan worked so hard to craft this epic
One of the latest issues of The Economist has some graphs
showing the sharp upward move in total tax flow to government
both at the federal and state level levels over the last few
years.and there is certainly no doubt that the sum total of taxes
has increased far faster than the increase in the GDP. In California,
state spending has increased at a rate of about 30 percent a year
over the last few years and is now nearly 100 billion dollars a year.
However, we are down to a few trading days this year, and it will
take a major miracle to get stocks positive for the year, and it will
take some very idiotic accountants to not find some stocks to sell
to balance out any gains, so that there will be no capital gains
taxes this year.and worse, of course, both federal and state
governments received large advance payments on taxes in March,
June, and September that will mostly have to be given back next
year as newly impoverished tax payers file for immense refunds.
The way the NASDAQ is behaving, it will be quite some time before
profits from stock options cause much money to flow into
government coffers, and from early indications, this Christmas is
going to a major bust, as those who are watching the value of their
stocks decline each day do ever less shopping.
So, the major question is how will government adjust to a serious
decline in income. I would imagine that government at all levels will
see something like a 20 to 25 percent decline in income next year.
For instance, California has a 100 billion dollar budget, but with the
collapse in equity prices, one imagines that next year will see
75 to 80 billion in income. I have been wondering for some time
which programs will be cut...and, more interesting, how. States,
unlike the federal government, cannot run deficits and any attempt
to increase other taxes while millions are newly impoverished and
at risk of losing their homes that they stupidly borrowed against
to buy stocks, would cause recall petitions to circulate with great
ease for any legislator so silly as to want to raise taxes during
such an economic calamity.
The federal government can print money at will, but this would put
immense strain on the dollar and bond market. The latter, of
course, has been looking for surpluses forever and to suddenly
have hundreds of billions of dollars of new Treasury paper sold to
make up for the lack of capital-gains taxes would drive bonds down
spectacularly, and eliminate instantly the desire of foreigners to
hold any paper of such of deadbeat country.
At any rate, I suspect that one great beneficiary of this bursting
bubble will be freedom, as millions of useless government
employees are suddenly discharged, and jillions of unconstitutional
programs are not cancelled but made unenforceable as all the
people who were imposing them on the country have been laid off.
At any rate, the governments reliance on financing itself to a large
part from the profits of a bursting bubble means that government
will take the largest his as the bubble bursts.and that will
certainly be a blessing.
In the 30s as epic depression covered the land, a very devout
people began to forsake God who seemingly had abandoned them,
and put their faith and belief in government, which seemingly was
leading them out of the hell hole they were in. But now, as
government will be seen as the cause of virtually everyone's new
impoverishment, and virtually all will see that government only has
the power to make things worse.
There will be the beginning of a wide-scale abandoning of
government, and a seeking of something more substantial and
reliable to put one's trust in, and that can only be for the good. And
yet in spite of this epic change about to happen there is no
mention at all of any of this in the media.
December 5, 2000
Jack Perrine runs Athena Programming in Pasadena, CA.



Re: [CTRL] Election 2000: SNAFU or NWO Plan?(part IId)

2000-12-05 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 18:14:19 -0600 outlawlady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

"Much has been written in recent years concerning Thomas
Jefferson's reference in 1802 to 'a wall of separation between church
State'...Jefferson's figure of speech has received so much attention
(Cotinued at The Joshua Files)

If you mean the U.S. Constitution, try reading the first ammendment.
Jayson R. Jones

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Carnivore Rules

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 "The Justice Department wants to follow the rules for pen registers in
using the device. Those rules are far less restrictive than the regulations
governing wiretaps"
New York Times
December 5, 2000

Carnivore Privacy Concerns Remain

Despite winning a favorable review by an outside group, the F.B.I.'s
Carnivore Internet wiretap system continues to raise strong concerns about
privacy and the legal limits of government surveillance, a prominent panel
of computer security experts said yesterday.
The new report could mean further trouble for a system that has drawn
criticism since its existence was first revealed in July.
The new report responds to a review of Carnivore by the Illinois Institute
of Technology's Research Institute, which released a draft report on Nov.
While lauding the Justice Department and the Illinois group for a good-faith
effort to examine the Internet wiretap system, the computer experts said
that that study was designed too narrowly to answer the most pressing
The "limited nature of the analysis described in the draft report simply
cannot support a conclusion that Carnivore is correct, safe, or always
consistent with legal limitations," the scientists wrote.
The authors include some of the best-known names in computer security,
including Steven M. Bellovin and Matt Blaze of ATT Labs, David J. Farber of
the University of Pennsylvania, Peter Neumann of SRI International and
Eugene Spafford of the Center for Education and Research in Information
Assurance and Security at Purdue University.
Members of the informal group of computer scientists were initially
contacted by the Justice Department to review the Carnivore system.
"I honestly believe they didn't call us in to win us over," Mr. Blaze said
in an interview yesterday, adding that the officials wanted "to actually
hear what we wanted to say."
Still, Mr. Blaze said, when the Illinois review was published, "we were
disappointed by the limited scope of the report."
The group concluded, "Serious technical questions remain about the ability
of Carnivore to satisfy its requirements for security, safety and
The Illinois review, the group said, should have included a thorough search
for programming flaws, and should have more deeply explored whether the
system provides the kind of precise records that wiretapping calls for ‹
especially in systems that can be operated remotely, such as Carnivore.
Carnivore is a modified version of a common piece of software known as a
packet sniffer that is used by Internet service providers to maintain their
networks. The Carnivore version is installed during criminal investigations
at the office of the suspect's Internet service provider.
The system has been used dozens of times in criminal and national security
cases under federal wiretap authority. It is designed to be adjustable so
that it can skim only some information from the flood of data that make up
online communication; law enforcement officials assert that it provides a
tool for the Internet similar to "pen register" and "trap and trace"
devices, which capture the telephone numbers of criminal suspects and those
who call them.
What worries privacy advocates and lawmakers critical of Carnivore is that
the Justice Department wants to follow the rules for pen registers in using
the device. Those rules are far less restrictive than the regulations
governing wiretaps. Justice Department officials confirmed that the system
has been used, in most cases, under the less-restrictive rules.
Since the system can be used to collect much more than Internet addresses,
lawmakers and civil liberties advocates contend that the government should
not be able to use the less-stringent standards of proof.
Another review of the Illinois report from the Privacy Foundation, which is
based in Denver, sounded similar notes of concern about auditing Carnivore's
use and its place in the legal system.
"Carnivore is, potentially, an appropriate law enforcement tool," said
Philip L. Gordon, a Denver lawyer and a fellow of the foundation. "But there
are technical deficiencies that have to be addressed," as well as legal
Henry H. Perritt Jr., dean of the Chicago-Kent College of Law and head of
the panel that produced the Illinois report on Carnivore, said the panel of
scientists was a "first-rate group." Mr. Perritt stood by his work but said
he agreed with two of the criticisms: that the legal framework for
wiretapping must be revised for the digital age, and that the system must
undergo continuing review.
"Software is a moving target," Mr. Perritt said, and a one-time review
"doesn't tell you what you need to know about future versions."
The final report of the Illinois group is due later this month.
A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Paul Bresson, said
officials had not yet seen the critical report and could not comment on it.


[CTRL] Ten bearish points Wall Street won't tell you

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
CBS.MarketWatch.com - Ten bearish points Wall S…/A
Ten bearish points Wall Street won't tell you
By David W. Tice, The Prudent Bear
Last Update: 12:47 PM ET Dec 4, 2000NewsWatch
Latest headlines
Get Alerted  NEW YORK (CBS.MW) -- Some of the most respected names on Wall
Street have assured investors that the weakness in the stock market presents
a buying opportunity. What Wall Streeters may be less willing to share are
solid reasons investors should be wary of stocks today, despite their
so-called depressed levels.
In our view, the credit excesses that drove the late phase of the great bull
market are unwinding. That's why it is no coincidence that widening credit
market spreads, the drought in junk bond financing, the death of the IPO
market, lower returns on bank assets, and a slowdown in the telecom arms race
are all events more or less coincident with a sinking Nasdaq.
Yet, Wall Street strategists say the market is cheap. And it must be awfully
tempting for investors to see their former tech favorites selling for what
appear to be bargain prices. But before blindly buying the dip, investors
should at least consider that the worst might not yet be over. To assist with
that exercise, the following bearish points are presented:

1.  Stocks remain expensive despite recent setbacks. The top 20 stocks in the
Nasdaq 100 sell for 20 times sales. It wasn't that long ago that 20 times
earnings was a more appropriate valuation for "growth" stocks. The SP 500 (
SPX: news, msgs), an index chock full of financials and other non-tech
companies still boasts a multiple of 25 and measly dividend yield of around
1%. While dividends have mattered little to investors lately, even in the
1990s, dividends and their reinvestment accounted for about 13% of the
index's total return.

2.  Everyone knows that stocks do well over the "long term." Less widely
known is that returns from stocks come in bunches. We like to call these long
periods of superior performance "Super Bull" markets. Unfortunately, Super
Bear markets, or long periods of poor performance, typically follow the Super

3.  It can take years to recoup an investment made at a Super Bull market
peak. Last century's long dry spells included the periods 1906-1921,
1929-1954 and 1966-1981.

4.  It is possible to pay too much even for "safe" stocks. Investors in the
1972 Nifty-Fifty mania watched the stock prices of their favorite companies
dive even as they reported earnings increases. Yet, is the outlook for
today's favorites as favorable as that of McDonald's or Merck circa 1972?

5.  This is hardly the first "new era" for stock market investors. Business
magazines reflected similar claims in 1929 and 1965. In fact, widespread
belief in a "new era" is a theme common to manias throughout history.

6.  In recent years stocks have delivered returns well above their long-term
average. These returns have in part been driven by ever-increasing
price-earnings multiples. The market's P/E increased from about 6 to 30 over
this bull market cycle. What are the chances for a similar multiple expansion
from today's levels?

7.  Investors can't count on idle cash to drive stocks higher. In the
mid-1960s, bulls argued that mutual fund inflows would drive stocks
indefinitely. Bulls also justified the overvalued 1989 Japanese market by
noting that certain government entities had the newfound ability to allocate
resources to stocks. Today, the Japanese market stands 60% below its peak of
ten years ago.

8.  Because corporate profits have been overstated by creative accounting,
the prospects for earnings are particularly suspect going forward. In
addition, stock options, which for years have benefited corporate cash flow
are starting to work against companies. For example, as employees exercise
fewer stock options, companies will lose tax benefits. This windfall greatly
reduced tax payments for much of corporate America in the 1990s.

9.  Deteriorating fundamentals in the tech sector can no longer be ignored.
Weakness in cellular handsets, PCs, and a dramatic slowdown in the telecom
build-out all bode ill for the extreme valuations in the high tech area.

10. The end of a mania typically results in investors giving back much of
their gains. If we are correct in calling the stock market of late a true
"mania" (as opposed to a cyclical bull market), the downside from here could
be much greater than most investors expect.

Be careful out there.

David Tice is CFA and CPA and the portfolio manager of the Prudent Bear Fund.
He also is President of David W. Tice  Associates, Inc., the publisher of
"Behind the Numbers."
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,

[CTRL] Who Runs the Country?, by Tibor R. Machan

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.49/running_country.html"Who
Runs the Country?, by Tibor R. Machan/A

Who Runs the Country?

by Tibor R. Machan

I don't know about others but I get incensed when I hear people talking about
politicians "running" this country. And it seems that many of them have this
dangerous illusion in our time.

Democratic Senator John Breaux from Louisiana was a guest on This Week with
Sam Donaldson and Cokie Roberts recently and joined Bill Clinton and Al Gore
in voicing the belief that he and his colleagues in Washington have "a county
to run" after they get back to Washington and after we have put behind us the
2000 presidential election. And he did this without blinking an eye, as if he
may have wanted all of us to get it right, too. They run the country, and let
none forget it!

But they do not, by a long shot, or at least should not. It is not the
business of politicians to run the country. This is what the people are
supposed to be doing, in the hundred million different ways they live their
lives and do their work. The only place where politicians ought to have a
role is in running the various governments, at the federal, state, county,
and municipal levels. And these governments are all supposed to be limited in
a free society.

Actually, even in the England of George the Third, when the colonists decided
to gain independence from it back in 1776, the idea of limited government was
getting a very good run for its money. In that very same year, Adam Smith's
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was published,
a superb work of economic analysis in which the idea was laid out, not
however for the first time, that a country will be far more prosperous with a
limited government than one with absolute powers. And already back in the
10th century the Magna Carta, and later several major political theorists,
starting with the Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza, made compelling
arguments as to why government must be limited in its powers.

The crowning achievement in this area was produced by the 17th century
English philosopher John Locke, who in his Second Treatise on Civil
Government spelled out the theory of individual natural rights that must be
respected by all and for the protection of which governments are to be
established. Locke showed that individuals, not kings, states or nations, are
sovereign, self-ruling, because they must guide themselves through life with
their own moral character as their leader, not some politician or king.

It is this idea that Jefferson and the other Founders translated into the
revolutionary idea of the US political system. But, sadly, that has now been
pushed aside by power hungry politicians and bureaucrats who believe that
instead of citizens, we should all return to the position of subjects of our
government and let them "run the country."

Why it this such a bad idea? Apart from the moral obscenity of some adult
human beings running around other human beings, as if there were some kind of
just master-slave relationship afoot here, there is also the plain fact that
politicians haven't a clue, and indeed, if some economists have it right,
could not have a clue as to how to run the country.

To run a country would require knowing everyone in it intimately and being
able to get into everyone's mind and spirit and learn how they would want to
live their lives in the context of their complicated circumstances. This is
science fiction, yet thousands and thousands of people, specially politicians
and bureaucrats—and their intellectual supporters—seem to find it a credible

In the past political absolutism made some sense because the monarch was seen
to be the parent of a country, someone who owned everything and had the
relationship of parent or guardian to all those who lived there. Akin to a
parent, the king or queen was seen to have the authority to direct everyone's
life, albeit even then this was to be done with the subject's welfare in mind.

Today the idea should be abhorrent to all. It has long been understood,
especially in Western societies, that no one owns another person, not even
parents own their children, and that everyone has basic rights to, among
other things, their lives, liberties and property. With that as the guiding
principle of political justice, no one has the right, the proper authority,
to run a country, run the lives and businesses of the citizenry of a country.

It would be wonderful if all the media in the country were to be deployed to
teach the likes of Senator John Breaux this important lesson: He and his
colleagues in Washington are there to run the (limited federal) government,
not the country!

Tibor R. Machan is Distinguished Fellow and Freedom Communications Professor
of Business Ethics and Free 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The Ax of Bitterness

2000-12-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Always look for parallel lines; recently the move was on to destroy
citris trees in Florida..people got made enought to stop it.

Years and years ago I was outraged when I heard of seedless organges and
the pulp is made to look like it should be removed from drinks (orange
juice) - you pay more for the removal of it when it is pure nutrition.

Seedless watermelons are not seedless and seedless oranges sometimes not
seedless and I have bought huge oranges that seems like life blood
drained out of them.

So the olive trees are destroyed - from olive trees comes a pure olive
oil - and I used the lite olive oil - and now olive trees
destroyed..in the bible you read of the ax man cutting the trees and
surely someone will pay and pay dearly.

Mafia took over major orange groves in Florida some years ago..best
way to run up price on orange juice is to destroy trees.I remember
at Orlando - little town named Gotha - would go in b ack yard and pick
oranges and grapefruit and it was wonderful.all sand with grass and
a small lake surrounded by evergreenswould hate to see this today.

Some of the olive trees were 70 years and older.ever notice how when
they build houses the rich always leave the trees for themselves, and
the less affluent have no trees?

I planated 42 trees when we moved into our home- if I had to do over
would have planted walnut trees for you see the Israels know, money
grows on trees.

So Jewish mob broke into Floridasuddenly now the move to destroy the
citris trees and so much heat put on they had to stop.

Same tactics though   -   Woodmen of America and Save the Redwoods,
etc., what are they doing about the Palestinian genocide of the Olive
Trees?   Next will it be the Cedars of Lebanon - for in the bible, trees
symbolize a people..Ephraim was like a Green Fir Treemy favorite
- Hail to the New Chief - Hope not the same as the old Chief.

Trees to me are almost humanthe rain forest someone tries to destroy
- trees have protected my home from damaging winds and you can predict
the weather with the Scotch Pine - so sensitive...they have provided
shelter for my birds of many different varities and oftoen haven for
rare falcons

Look at Los Alamos and the west burning with fire...almost got trees
over 200 years old - in fact as I recall some of the trees that were
burned were.

Time to arm the Palestinians if we are going to give billions to Israel
to genocide the arab nationsfor this is what it is all about -
Zionism - and Henry Kissingers desire to corner the market on food began
with destruction of seeds by the miracle of seedless oranges owned by
Jewish Mafiacheck out.

Have seen two movies lately - one last night about murder of Sir Harry
Oakes by Meyer Lansky only not once to they mention this name..blame
on voodoo blacksk..Lady Oaks has Hogarth paintings and prints...she
is dead now..and then anoher movie where Richard Dreyfus plays the
sainted Meyer Lansky who was in on the kill of JFK and thrown ut f Cuba
by Castro..good PR job being done on this vicious killer.

Sir Harry Oakes called them for what they were - Mafia and refused to
give Bahamas to Lansky - he was then murdered and butchered in his bed
and set on fire - voo doo style, compliments f Meyer Lansky, whose son
got appointment to West Point after JFK murdered.
RFK just called them cabalistsnone dare call it Zionism.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] America Approaches Its Golden Age

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V4.49/american_goldenage.html"
America Approaches Its Golden Age, by Peter Top…/A

America Approaches Its Golden Age

by Peter Topolewski

The Nasdaq's below 3,000 and looking to stay there for a while, Ah-nold has
another rotten movie in theaters, and Dan Rather still is on TV but believe
me America is sitting there right on the cusp of its most golden of all ages.

This is not something a politician created, not a situation Clinton can claim
as one of his making. This is not an era engendered, purposely or not, by
CEOs weighed down by massive egos and unjustified celebrity status. Hell, no
one even meant to bring such an era about. It just happened. But if anyone is
responsible for it, I guess it's all those people who voted, whether for the
intended candidate or not – not that that ever mattered anyway.

You see by making the presidential election so unbelievably tight the
American people have done their country and themselves a huge favor. And a
huge service. Where to begin?

The Prelude

Well, first the voters got creepy Democratic fanatics to fight with creepy
Republican fanatics on the streets of West Palm Beach. That's pretty cool.

Second, on live television voters made the media prove themselves corrupt and
lousy at the one job they are supposed to do. And not once, but thrice! Never
again will any of us take the media seriously. No longer are they simply
newsreaders, now the anchors of America's evening "news" programs are merely
saggy-faced cast members on shows that can be classified as nothing except

Third, only a tight election and its prolonged re-count process could set the
stage for the Ivy League Poindexters at Newsweek to poll Americans on who
they "think" won the election. Pure brilliance. News at its best! I can say
no more.

And fourth, the American voter saved the country from a VP with a faulty
ticker. The fact that Dick Cheney has a bad heart shouldn't prejudice us
against him – Clinton has a lunatic as his VP – it's just that Cheney's
problem is more life threatening (to him, that is). Imagine if Cheney went to
heaven (or wherever) next February or so. George W. could have Quayle in
there next, or his dad or brother Jeb. God, just think of it. Jeb and George.
Put some cameras in there and you'd have one of those reality TV shows: The
White House Hillbillies.

What Awaits

Take note. America is not quite there yet. And to get to the full fledged
Golden Age the country unfortunately must rely on politicians, or at least
the wannabe politicians running the Gore and Bush campaigns. You see the key
to inaugurating the Golden Age is getting lawyers involved. Only if the
Democrats and Republicans whole-heartedly enlist their scum-sucking lawyers
to dispute election results one state after the next, file lawsuits, counter
sue, demand recounts and demand recounts be recounted and then halted, in one
court after another, does America stand a chance at entering its true Golden
Age. For if the unscrupulous, narrow-minded lawyers are let loose like the
pack of weasels they are to pick apart electoral procedures and results they
will, inspired by their greed, keep the 2000 election undecided for years and
America free of a president.


We all know that both Bush and Gore are losers, but obviously this scenario
means that neither Bush nor Gore is a winner. This is not to say no one wins
the election. America wins. Think of it, no president for four years. These
will be the most productive years in the history of America's government.
Without a president Congress can't do a thing. Nothing could possibly be more
beneficial to the nation than four years without a single bill passed. After
a while maybe all the politicians would just stay home. The added bonus? No

Now without either of these clowns in the White House neither of their debt
payment scams can screw Americans into a false sense of security for a few
more years. Truth is both Bush and Gore want to give Americans the illusion
that the federal debt will be paid off under their administrations. Both have
plans to simply move the $3.45 trillion of federal debt held by the public
into other accounting categories, they just have different timetables for
doing so. (And to think some people have said these guys are too much alike.)

With one or the other as president federal debt goes from this today:

*   Debt held by the public: $3.45 trillion.

*   Debt held by the Social Security System: $1.01 trillion.

*   Debt held by the Federal Employee Retirement Fund: $681 billion

*   Debt held by other federal trust funds: $422 billion.

To this in 2012 (Gore) or 2016 (Bush):

*   Debt held by the public: $0

*   Debt held by the Social Security System: $4.1 trillion

*   Debt held by the Federal Employee Retirement Fund: $1.1 trillion

*   Debt held by other federal 

[CTRL] Chinese Intelligence New Zealand Connection

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://cryptome.org/cn-nz-link.htm"Chinese Intelligence
New Zealand Connection/A
4 December 2000. Comments welcome; send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2000 09:25:00 -0500 (EST)

From: John Woodrow [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Chinese Intelligence New Zealand Connection

I don't mind my email address being published.

Chinese Intelligence New Zealand Connection

John Woodrow

Chinese Intelligence agents have been operating in the South Pacific for many
years. They focus activities on assaults against Taiwan's efforts to gain
diplomatic recognition with smaller nations in the South Pacific. In fact,
1999 was quite an active year for the unknown "yellow cold war" chess players
in the South Pacific.

Earlier this year Prime Minister Skate of Papua New Guinea temporarily
recognised Taiwan before being unceremoniously ousted by his cabinet. That
incident had a background of rival intelligence agents from Taiwan and the
PRC offering sweetners under and over the table to various officials in the
Papua New Guinea Cabinet.

Then in recent months there have been incidents between Solomon Islands ( who
recognise Taiwan) and Vanuatu ( who recognise PR China) where, intelligence
agents from each side attempted ( and almost succeeded) in switching those
countries allegiance to the other side.

Solomons Foreign Minister flew to Beijing in September ( Solomons recognises
Taiwan ) - which was followed by a strong rebuttal by the Solomons President
which stabilised Taiwan's relationship - for the time being - and Vanuatu
which was on the verge of switching to Taiwan from the PRC until Beijing
managed to wrangle a visit to Beijing by the Vanuatu President last month.

This game of chess by Taiwan and China, a kind of mini-cold war yahtzee game,
has been running under the noses of regional powers like Australia and New
Zealand whose Foreign Affairs and Intelligence analysts are oblivious to the
wider picture of Asian Regional rivalry that has been heating up in the South
Pacific, especially in 1999-2000.

All of these activities involve months of behind the scenes meetings between
either Taiwanese or Beijing intelligence agents. They involve promises of
Development aid to the respective countries and private deposits in the bank
accounts of South Pacific Nations officials, who are famous for their
flexibility when it comes to dollar diplomacy.

What most people do not realise is that the Chinese agents are using New
Zealand as a layer before entering the US and other target countries in the
South Pacific. They have been using Taiwanese and SAR Hong Kong passports to
enter New Zealand, start businesses, develop covers and work from there.

New Zealand Security Intelligence Service relies on very selective tip-offs
from other agencies and have no idea of the magnitude of the Chinese
operations throughout the past three years. There have been no tip-offs
regarding the Chinese operations in the South Pacific in recent years.

Operations are covered by Chinese Intelligence use of "snakeheads" who they
work hand-in-hand with on forgery of documents, collection of illicit funds
from human trafficking (Chinese Intelligence regularly taps phones of
families in China waiting for the call from New York to say that the client
has arrived ) - in such cases a fee of 40-50,000 USD$ is immediately payable
to the snakeheads and the proceeds of such illicit activities are also shared
with China's overseas intelligence agency ( not the National Security
Ministry as most observers believe) - but in fact another Department -
International Liaison Department - which is like MI6 or CIA.

These people are well-traveled, well-trained and well-funded. They maneuver
in Chinese trade, snakehead, consular and other circles in each host country
and to date, particularly in the case of New Zealand, the host country has
not the faintest clue that it is being used as a leaping pad for Pacific and
US operations, providing a wonderful cover for so-called "Taiwanese and Hong
Kong" passport holders who just happen to be involved in subverting South
Pacific Governments AND flying in and out of the US for "other activities".
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and

[CTRL] J.Sanders/TWA 800 Latest

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:657472"J.Sanders/TWA 800
Subject: J.Sanders/TWA 800 Latest
Date: Tue, Dec 5, 2000 7:14 AM
Message-id: 90j0nq$5dn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I recently received a form letter from James Sanders, as I presume,
thousands of other people did who purchased his book “Altered Evidence.”

He says that CBS’s California affiliate had been sent a videotape of
James’ lecture at the Granada Forum in LA, Sept 7, 1999. They aired
three 8-minute segments on the evening news. I do not know the date it
was aired. James writes,

“Another man, a retired industrialist who started a company in an old,
rundown barn in 1946, and then went on to build one of America’s major
corporations before retiring in 1980, received copies of the above
videotape. He picked up the phone and asked my permission to contact
one of the most powerful congressman in Washington, DC.”

Sanders goes onto say that the congressman requested further
information and was sent 14 pounds of documentation. He has asked to
remain anonymous at this time.

Sanders also says that Marge Gross (possibly other families as well),
whose brother died in TWA 800, is meeting with Chris Farrell of
Judicial Watch regarding representation in a lawsuit against the
government for wrongful death. Sanders writes,

“Last spring, Liz and I hired two attorneys to file a civil suit on our
behalf against the United States government and several named agents of
the government. Because our civil suit is so similar to the one the
family members would like Judicial Watch to file against the
government, we prepared another fourteen-pound brief for Judicial
Watch, and also provided them a copy of our 95-page civil suit.

Without question, we are getting to those who managed the cover-up. Our
civil suit names Jim Kallstrom as a co-conspirator. …Kallstrom knows he
will become the fall guy for those above him who orchestrated the
criminal acts in which senior members of the Flight 800 “investigation”

Jim says that the Connecticut affiliate of ABC ran a five-minute
segment on TWA 800 and the families suing the government. ABC
interviewed Kallstrom.

“…He was shown video portions of two eyewitnesses to the missile fire
that brought Flight 800 down.”

The witnesses were Fritz Meyer, an air national guard helicopter pilot
who was in the air at the time of TWA’s demise. The other witness was
Paul Angelides, as Sanders writes,

“…A man trained to observe, analyze and provide expert testimony in
court. That is his job. He observed a projectile shortly after launch.
It was hanging high in the sky just to the west of Angelides. Flight
800 was about nine miles to his southeast. The missile had to cross in
front of Angelides as it streaked out over the ocean.”

Kallstrom’s response:”It’s nonsense, stupid, no basis in fact at
all…..I have no idea why these people say what they say. They should
take a hard look in the mirror and look at themselves and ask
themselves what they’re saying.”

With your help, we can force Jim Kallstrom to spend many days, weeks
and months looking in his mirror, asking himself why he did not have
the integrity to walk away from such a despicable, illegal scam.”

Has anybody else received this letter? Has anyone seen the videotape
that James is talking about? He gives an address to obtain a copy of
the 25-minute segment shown on CBS. He asks for an unspecified
donation. Gavin Phillips.

Sent via Deja.com A HREF="http://www.deja.com/"http://www.deja.com//A
Before you buy.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israelies Spare Those Trees

2000-12-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Am researching all the trees in the bible which I have not done for 30
years..this one item on the two Olive Trees I found interesting and
suddenly, I thougth of Los Alamos and Waco and the burning of the West
and you know the first think a developer does when he enters a property
is cut down the trees..and gets away with it...then for so many
years they retain all rights to minerrals, etc.

Now I wonder, Putin just gave natural resources of Chechnya to someone,
forget who.we have UN claiming US property and land all across the
world.illegally thanks to Clinton and his henchmen..we had the
mafia destroying the citris trees in Florida and got caught and
government put halt to this action - said plague had hit the trees and
if so - prove it?

Then we have West Nile Encephalitis with pestacides in Westchester - no
wonder the Clintons selliong house at 4 million dollar profit.

Look at the entire picture..seedless food so farmers cannot grow
food..corner market on food.But read this little blurp from
Revelations and consider poor David Kore(sh) whose death was time to
biblethe dead bodies burned with fire and little children
incinterated and bulldozed overthen look to Israel and the
Zionists what they do.to destroy the trees of life - for money does
grow on trees and olives were a way of life for these poor

Read the story of the two Olive Trees and then remember Palestinians
will not let this go by without realiation.Zionism is fascism is

Joyce Kilmer wrote the beautiful poem Trees - he was killeld in WWI -
perhaps he saw trees as people and understood natures laws .

THE CFR UN is stealing natural resources and cornerning market on food
per idea of Henry Kissinger, KGB Code Name Bor..a communist as
George Patton would have called him "a commie bastard"..one behind
every tree?

Save the Redwoods - and spare the trees for they are life itself.

Saba..try to read between lines and wonder who is playing God?

The King James Bible
at the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia
Revelation, chapter 11
"1": And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood,
saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them
that worship therein.
"2": But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it
not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they
tread under foot forty and two months.
"3": And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall
prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in

"4": These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing
before the God of the earth.
"5": And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth,
and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in
this manner be killed.
[subject to all kinds of interpretation - woe, woe and more

"6": These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of
their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to
smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.
"7": And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that
ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and
shall overcome them, and kill them.
"8": And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city,
which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was
"9": And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall
see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their
dead bodies to be put in graves.
"10": And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and
make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two
prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.
"11": And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God
entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell
upon them which saw them.
"12": And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up
hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies
beheld them.
"13": And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part
of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven
thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of
"14": The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
"15": And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in
heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of
our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
"16": And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their
seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,
"17": Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and
wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power,
and hast reigned.
"18": And the 

[CTRL] Fwd: RE: [CIA-DRUGS] Is Election Bipartisan Cover For War in Colombia??

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Read my next essay.


-Original Message-
From:   David Goldman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Tuesday, December 05, 2000 7:47 AM
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Is Election Bipartisan Cover For War in Colombia??

The thought just occured to me: could the results of the election provide a
godsend to the powers that be as a bipartisan cover to undertake a war in
Colombia?? That way, both parties are both liable and protected from the
fallout, while the banks, CIA and other interests get what they need..

David Goldman

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[CTRL] Holy Mythe

2000-12-05 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Jerusalem: myth and reality
Ever since the Six Day war one image and one voice have remained implanted in the
Israelis' collective memory: the photo of the paratroopers at the foot of the
Western Wall, their faces ecstatic, and the voice of their commander, General Motta
Gur, declaring "the Temple Mount is ours".
 On 7 June 1967 the Israeli army had just conquered the whole of Jerusalem's Old
City, including the Haram al-Sharif, the precinct on which the Aqsa mosque and the
Dome of the Rock are sited, which Jews refer to as the Temple Mount. Leaving the
precinct, Moshe Dayan, then minister of defence, said on the radio: "This morning
the Israeli armed forces have liberated Jerusalem, the divided capital of Israel. We
have returned to the most holy of our holy places and we will never lose them again"
 This was the start of the myth of the indivisibility of Jerusalem, as "the reunited
and eternal capital of the state of Israel". This dogma has been so firmly implanted
that it is hard to imagine that up until 1967 the authorities - of the state and pre-
state Zionist movement - had never seriously tried to annex East Jerusalem. Jewish
sovereignty over the Temple Mount had never been thought of in temporal terms.
 From a religious point of view, the most sacred place on earth was the Temple
which, according to the Bible, King Solomon built on Mount Moriah, where Abraham
sacrificed a ram in place of his son Isaac. In the Temple was the Holy of Holies
which only the high priest could enter. Its destruction by the Romans in 70 AD did
not make the place any less sacred, according to a tradition going back at least as
far as Maimonides, the 12th century Jewish philosopher. "By the rivers of Babylon,
there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Sion" chanted the first exiles
after the fall of the first temple in 587 BC. So as not to forget this loss, in
every Jewish marriage the bride and groom break a glass and say out loud: "If I
forget thee, o Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning".
 Over the past four centuries the Western Wall or Kotel (also known as the Wailing 
Wall) acquired growing religious significance. The faithful came there to lament the 
fall of the Temple, of which it is the last vestige.
They pray for the arrival of the Messiah, which will mark the end of exile. Then, and 
only then, will the Temple be rebuilt. As the Talmud tells us, the rebuilding of the 
Temple and its altar does not fall to men.
 The Waqf, custodian of the Muslim holy places, more or less tolerated these prayers 
at the Wall but did not permit Jewish worship on the Aqsa precinct itself: built on 
the site of the Temple six centuries after its ruin,
 the Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) is the third holiest place in Islam, after 
Mecca and Medina. However, religious Jews did not themselves ask to worship there, 
fearing it would be sacrilege to tread on the holy site
of the Temple without having first been purified.
 Pious Jews went to the holy land, driven by persecution, in the hope of the imminent 
arrival of the Messiah or, for the poor, of material aid (sent by the diaspora to 
Jerusalem's religious institutions). But no-one came
to build a state or turn Jerusalem into a capital.
 Zionism, appearing at the end of the 19th century, was not about waiting for the 
Messiah, it was about regrouping Jewish exiles in a new homeland. This was anathema to 
the Orthodox, who watched helplessly as the forces o
f nationalism recovered their religious symbols. Paradoxically, the new movement had 
an ambivalent attitude towards the city from which it had taken its name.
 For the first Zionists, the gap between heavenly and earthly Jerusalem provoked that 
same disappointment which so many visitors to the holy land have recounted. Gustave 
Flaubert wrote in his travel diary on 11 August 185
0 that the curse of God seemed to hover over the city, a city holy to three religions, 
which was dying of boredom, stagnation and abandon. And the father of modern Hebrew, 
Eliezer Ben Yehuda, spoke of the shock of contact
 with "the city of David, destroyed and deserted, debased to its fundaments" (2).
'Zionism without Zion'
 Theordor Herzl, founding father of political Zionism, sought the protection of the 
foreign powers for his proposed Jewish National Home and so was careful not alienate 
them by making premature or exaggerated claims on Je
rusalem. In his book The Jewish State (1896), he promised the Christians a form of 
extra-territoriality over the holy places. At a meeting with the papal nuncio to 
Vienna, Monseigneur Agliardi, on 18 May 1896, he even env
isaged extra-territoriality for the whole of Jerusalem, with the capital of the future 
Jewish state sited to the north of the holy city. He even gave the same assurances to 
the Turks (3) - though, it is true, tactical pro

Re: [CTRL] Jordan Times: War for Yugoslavia - domination through misinformation.

2000-12-05 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

  Jordan Times
  December 4, 2000
  War for Yugoslavia - domination through misinformation
  After serving at the consulting firm McKinsey and Co.
  and researching at Oxford University and Harvard
  University, Prof Dr Kai-Alexander Schlevogt, a German
  national, became the first permanent foreign professor
  in China's modern history (at Peking University), and
  a senior faculty member at the Australian Graduate
  School of Management in Sydney. Following is the third
  in a series of three articles analysing America's
  intervention in Yugoslavia, an intervention
  "representative of the US strategies elsewhere,"
  according to the writer who contributed the articles
  to the Jordan Times.
  The war over Yugoslavia was fought not only inside the
  country, but also on a global front, through the
  international public opinion. Although any expert
  would tell you that wars on multiple fronts should be
  avoided at all cost, in this case, the strategy proved
  During the whole string of events that led to the
  toppling of the legitimate president, America used its
  flagship propaganda mouthpiece, CNN, to broadcast
  manipulated information to a global audience. In
  addition, television stations around the world were
  fed with biased CNN footage and information, on which
  they relied almost exclusively. Together with American
  coercion, most governments and people therefore spoke
  with the same voice (and pictures).
  CNN's machination and impact demonstrate that the best
  way to achieve control is to monopolise or at least
  concentrate influence over the source of supply
  instead of the end product market, which, as in the
  media business, is fiercely competitive and thus
  deceives the customer, who believes in the apparent
  pluralism of opinion.
  In this case, crude censorship in a large number of
  countries - which is not only difficult to administer,
  but which people who strive for freedom will
  eventually defeat - is not necessary any more, since
  it is substituted by an approach with much higher
  leverage and impact. And since control over
  information is an instrument of power in its own
  right, an occupying force can gradually decree other
  more obvious and obtrusive modes of intervention.
  The conscious misinformation, which continued after
  the Kosovo war, confirmed the lesson that the map is
  not the territory. Any fact can be turned upside down
  to suit the needs of the perpetrator of subversive
  Following the first law of propaganda, that there
  should always be only one enemy, the media focused
  exclusively on the Yugoslav president. Modern
  technology can transform any person into a villain
  within hours, and the opposite is true as well.
  Without exception, the television networks used camera
  shots showing the president as a grim and seemingly
  ill-intentioned and egregious man.
  His picture was routinely framed or followed by
  footage of dead bodies. Why doesn't CNN associate the
  picture of the US president with the hundreds of
  thousands of children in Iraq whom he starved to death
  through his sanctions or with all the people he
  murdered through continuing air attacks on sovereign
  territory? Although this would constitute objective
  reporting, specialists in psychological warfare, which
  the US conducts so masterfully, know that this would
  anchor a negative image in peoples' minds and thus
  refrain from such emotive medleys.
  Forcing parallels to the fall of the Berlin wall and
  the "Peking Spring", the global media empire conveyed
  the impression that the whole people in Yugoslavia not
  only opposed the president, but deeply despised him.
  He seemed to stand completely alone in his own
  country. Yet on other occasions, the masses are
  educated about the virtue and inevitability of
  pluralism. How come this time all the people had the
  same opinion? Where was the Yugoslav government? Where
  was his party, the strongest political force in
  Instead of showing both sides with impartiality - a
  principle that the "free press" in the West always
  claims to espouse - CNN manufactured and told a
  one-sided propaganda tale. It probably gave a few
  dollars to some pedestrians and other youth, asking
  them to read their carefully crafted script about how
  glad they were to be liberated.
  After several days, the footage showed an increased
  number of celebrating people in the immediate
  aftermath of the uprising - why did the original live
  transmission not show them?
  It is also instructive to observe the deprecatory
  language that journalists used to denigrate their
  enemy on all occasions. Until now, the former Yugoslav
  president "continues to cast his shadow" and if he
  stays in the country, reporters fear that "democracy
  will be in danger."
  The analysis of American 

[CTRL] Pentagon to notify Gulf veterans of possible nerve gas exposure

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Pentagon to notify Gulf veterans of possible nerve gas exposure

December 4, 2000
Web posted at: 9:18 p.m. EST (0218 GMT)

In this story:

New study to be released

'No well-controlled studies'

From Jamie McIntyre
CNN Military Affairs Correspondent

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Pentagon officials will soon notify 35,000 veterans
they might have been exposed to trace amounts of nerve gas in 1991 after U.S.
soldiers blew up a an Iraqi ammunition dump at the end of the Gulf War.

Meanwhile, officials now believe that 33,000 soldiers who received a similar
notification in 1997 were not exposed to the nerve gas, sources told CNN on

The Pentagon now believes, based on updated computer modeling, the chemical
cloud from the destruction of the ammunition dump at Kamisiyah, in
southeastern Iraq, had moved in a different direction than previously thought.

Based on that new analysis, the Pentagon estimates 101,000 U.S. troops might
have been exposed to low levels of nerve gas. Previously, the Pentagon had said
about 99,000 soldiers had been exposed.

New study to be released

The sources also told CNN that the Pentagon will release a new RAND review of
medical studies on the effects -- including health impacts -- of low level
exposure to nerve agents.

The review found no evidence of adverse health effects resulting from brief
nerve gas exposure at doses low enough that no symptoms were reported at the
time of exposure, the sources said.

The study, the sources said, is consistent with other reports.

U.S. troops destroyed Iraqi weapons stockpiles -- including 500 rockets filled
with the deadly sarin nerve gas -- at the end of the Gulf War in March 1991.

'No well-controlled studies'

After learning that troops had destroyed chemical weapons in the mid-1990s, the
Pentagon investigated the possibility that exposure to nerve gas might have
caused health problems suffered by some Gulf War veterans.

The Institute of Medicine said in a review released in September that there was
"inadequate" and "insufficient" evidence to support that theory.

The institute concluded that while it was "reasonable to hypothesize that
long-term adverse health effects can occur after exposure to low levels of sarin,
there are no well-controlled studies on long-term health effects."


 Study: Not enough evidence to link 4 chemical agents to Gulf War
 September 7, 2000
 Gulf War soldiers may have 'inhaled uranium'
 September 3, 2000
 Cause of Gulf War Syndrome still a mystery
 February 25, 2000
 Gulf War veterans suffered brain damage after chemical exposure,
 study says
 November 30, 1999
 Panel: no link between Gulf illnesses and nerve gas
 January 7, 1997

© 2000 Cable News Network. All Rights Reserved.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 123

2000-12-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 123 December, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"America is a melting pot. Those on the bottom get burned and the scum
rises to the top."
--Edward Abbey
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)
--Police brutality against third world debt protestors
--The Elites  the "Structures of Political Authority"
--New NRO mandate raises secrecy flag
--Ebola death toll rises to 145 after 15 new deaths in Uganda
Linked stories:
*The worst of the injustice system
*Stocks rally on election news
*Aids epidemic 'worse than ever'
*US Court Allows Political Corporate Donations Ban
*Famous Giant Redwood 'Luna' Slashed by Vandals
Begin stories:
Police brutality against third world debt protestors




It was a beautiful sunny morning. My friend Marco, a law lecturer at a
Barcelona University, popped around for a cup of coffee. He wanted to
bring around a little present for my son Lucas who was born two and half
months ago. He told me he was heading for a demonstration that was about
to take place in the centre of Madrid against third world debt. The march
was due to start in Plaza Cibeles, head down past the Prado Art gallery
and finish at Atocha train station some 10 minutes walk from where I live.

I decided to join him and asked my partner if I should bring Lucas out
with me for some fresh air. Marco thought there wouldn't be too many on
the demonstration and it was likely to be mild and good humoured. As Lucas
is still being breast fed we made a quick calculation of when he would
need his next maternal fix and decided that he would be screaming for his
lunch before I could get back. I decided not to bring Lucas and headed off
with Marco.

On the way over to Plaza Cibeles he told me about the Citizens Network for
Cancellation of Third World Debt. www.RCADE.org It sounded a very main
stream broad coalition and similar to Jubilee 2000 back in Britain. They
organised their own very imaginative public consultation to coincide with
the general elections last march. They set up ad hoc voting urns and asked
those voting in the elections to cast their vote for or against abolition
of third world debt. Over a million voted, with Catalunya being the best
organised with 500,000 votes. Predictably, 95% plus voted in favour of
cancelling the debt and organisers seemed delighted with grass root
organisers ability to highlight the fact that debt repayments dwarf
budgets of health and education combined in many developing countries
where infant mortality is a major killer.

On arriving in the plaza by pure coincidence I stood next to an older
group of religious activists and one nun, cross round her neck, from
Extremadura in the south West of Spain. To the other side were a bunch of
mostly young people in their early twenties from Barcelona who were
singing and dancing as they waited for the march to start. I saw a woman
who was about 7 months pregnant and it made me think of Lucas.

A mere half hour late and the march shuffled off. It was a very modest
number, perhaps around two thousand. It was very good natured, with the
usual chants, songs, and array of posters against third world debt.

Along each side of the march were the "policia antidisturbios" which
literally means "anti-disturbance police." These were all big burly
officers who were obviously in good shape. I was fascinated by their dark
blue uniforms which appeared like a tight version of workers overalls
except they have reinforced padding around legs and body for extra
protection. Among their various gadgets they all carried handguns in a
holster and heafty batons some three foot long. Several carried riffles
which appeared to have a strange fat muzzle at one end. I found out later
these were for firing hard rubber balls about the same size as a snooker
ball. They also had helmets with plastic visors.

The distance from Cibiles to Atocha is some one and half kilometres.
Halfway down this beautiful tree lined street which also boasts the world
famous Thyssen museum and Prado Art gallery is a stunning round-about with
a statue of Neptune in the middle. Some 100 yards west of Neptune is the
Parliament building. (Congress of Deputies.)

As the march slowly reached 

Re: [CTRL] [CIA-DRUGS] Is Election Bipartisan Cover For War in Colombia??

2000-12-05 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 12:04:25 EST Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-

The thought just occured to me: could the results of the election
provide a godsend to the powers that be as a bipartisan cover to
 undertake a war in Colombia?? That way, both parties are both
 liable and protected from the fallout, while the banks, CIA and
 other interests get what they need..

David Goldman

What is going on in Columbia doesn't require any bipartisan spirit.  It
is a direct progression of what has been happening since the end of WW
II.  The Military/Industrial Complex is as strong as ever.  Over 90% of
the "money" going to Columbia is not in the form of cash, but rather in
the form of military equipment (helecopters, communications equipment,
arms, ground vehicles) destined for the Columbian military and police.
The cash will wind up in the pockets of those Columbians who "talk nice"
to the U.S.
Jayson R. Jones

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who Runs the Country?, by Tibor R. Machan

2000-12-05 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 5 Dec 2000 11:39:13 EST Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-

Who Runs the Country?

by Tibor R. Machan

I don't know about others but I get incensed when I hear people
talking about politicians "running" this country.
 And it seems that many of them have this
dangerous illusion in our time.

big snip

Today the idea should be abhorrent to all. It has long been
understood, especially in Western societies,
 that no one owns another person, not
even parents own their children,
 and that everyone has basic rights to,
among other things, their lives, liberties and property.
 With that as the  guiding principle of political justice,
 no one has the right, the proper authority,
to run a country, run the lives and businesses of the citizenry of a

What color is the sky in Tibor R. Machan's world?  RIGHTS We don't
have no stinkin' rights.  We have "Privileges", and make no mistake, they
can be taken away at the whim of the politicians by a mere stroke of the
pen on a new law, regulation, rule or interpretation of the foregoing.
Jayson R. Jones
(in a really bad mood due to drivel overload)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Arafat Puts On A Gun...Again

2000-12-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

I Peter, KJB

"5": Who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and
the dead.

Well looks like its between Quick Draw Barak aka Brug and
Arafat..This is how matter can be effectively resolvedShow Down
at the OK Dome of the Rock.


Well the Sons of the Prophets were valiant and brave..but here we
have two cowards permitting children toa be murdered ...

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12/04:
   Now Arafat says he doesn't trust Barak -- imagine that!  Now Arafat has put
on his gun again -- and imagine that!  Problem is, this is the same Arafat who
wanted to hand over that gun, in public at the White House to Bill Clinton,
in September 1993 -- the Israelis actually had to step in and squash that one.
 Problem is this is the same Arafat who along with his cronies have stolen hundreds
of millions of dollars in the past few years and squirreled it all away in secret
bank accounts.  Problem is this is the same Arafat who is deeply interconnected
with the CIA.  And the problems go on and on.
   The Palestinian people are oppressed and disposessed for many reasons.  First
of course because of the terribly oppressive policies of the Israeli occupier.
 And then because of the policies of the United States.  Third because of the
actual policies (rather than the stated ones) of the Arab "client regime" states
that owe their existence to the U.S.  But also because of the miserably corrupt,
repressive, and cannibalistic policies of the Arafat Authority, specifically
designed to fit right in to the "client regimes" arrangement in the region.
   This is also a good time to recall David Hirst's masterful essay about the
"Palestinian Authority" a few years ago in The Guardian which follows.

 By Ibrahim Barzak

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (Associated Press - Monday, Dec. 4, 2000) –– Yasser Arafat
displayed a holstered pistol Monday – the first time he has shown a weapon in
public since returning from exile in 1994, and reviving memories of the day he
carried a gun into the United Nations more than a quarter-century ago.

The Palestinian leader said the gesture was an expression of anger over the blocking
of a key road by Jewish settlers. The settlers' demonstration delayed his drive
back to his Gaza City office after a trip to Arab countries.

More broadly, the display of the weapon reflected the deteriorating relations
between Israel and the Palestinians after more than two months of clashes, in
which almost 300 people, most of them Palestinians, have been killed.

The settlers were protesting a decision by the Israeli military to allow a resumption
of Palestinian traffic on the Salah Edin Road. The Israelis closed the road to
Palestinian traffic two weeks ago after a deadly bomb attack on a school bus.

Israeli authorities cleared the settlers from the road Monday, and Arafat was
able to continue back to Gaza City after a delay of more than an hour at the
Rafah border crossing.

Afterward, Arafat pulled out a German-made machine pistol and gripped it by its
carrying case as he passed an honor guard at his office in Gaza City. Talking
to reporters, he charged angrily that the Israeli army coordinated the protest
with the settlers to block his way.

"The most important thing is that right now they were closing Salah Edin Road
and that is why I am carrying this," he said, referring to the squat weapon,
partially covered with a carrying case.

The Israeli military rejected Arafat's charge that it coordinated the demonstration
with the settlers. "The settlers close roads and we clear them," the military
said in a statement. Police detained some of the protesters after they sat down
on the road to block it.

Arafat entered Gaza in triumph in 1994 after an interim peace agreement with
Israel allowed him to set up the Palestinian Authority to administer parts of
the West Bank and Gaza. He never stopped wearing his military-style uniform,
but he did not display arms.

While in exile, he carried a pistol in a holster. He caused an uproar on Nov.
13, 1974, by carrying a gun into the U.N. General Assembly. It was practically
unheard of for a world leader to bring a weapon into the building.

In his speech then, Arafat said he had come "bearing an olive branch and a freedom
fighter's gun," and added, "Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand."

[CTRL] Fwd: The A Word

2000-12-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well what they need is one mean mama, like the Ayatolllah who looked
like the drip drip acid indigestion commercial of long ago

A female Janet Reno?


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  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


  "We have to decide soon what kind of democracy
  we want here. The present model integrates apartheid
  and is not commensurate with Judaism."

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12/05:
   Finally the "A" word is being used not just by isolated academics and a few
courageous journalists.  The American media, CNN, Lehrer News Hour -- the list
goes on and on when dealing with the major corporate media that try to dominate
the journalistic agenda -- have all refused for years now to let experts discuss
the realities of the "Peace Process" on prime time.  Or even after hours for
that matter!
   But now the "A" is seeping out.   Now the "Apartheid" realities of what has
been called "The Middle East Peace Process", the structure the Americans and
Israelis desperately tried to legitimize at Camp David, are entering the discussion
of what has really been going on between Israel and the Palestinians.
   The newest discussant:  non other than the former head of Israel's Shinbet
Ami Ayalon.


  By Ora Coren Ha'aretz Correspondent

[Ha'aretz 5 December 2000] - Israel's policy has led the Palestinians to
believe that they can gain a state through violence, former Shin Bet chief
Ami Ayalon said yesterday at an annual meeting of the Finance Ministry's
budget division.

Ayalon stated that the Palestinians' decision to take the Oslo path in 1993
was based on the assumption that a Palestinian state could be achieved only
through negotiations, and not through violence.

"Now some Palestinians think that there is another alternative, and that
what we are offering is not honorable," said Ayalon. "As they see it, we
gave only when a gun was at our heads - that we halted the process, and
returned to it only under threat of violence." He cited the 1996 Western
Wall tunnel riots, after which "we ran to Washington and gave them Hebron,"
as well as the achievements of the Hezbollah in getting terrorists released.

"The Oslo agreement created an ambiguous situation," said Ayalon, adding
that the IDF had hoped the political echelons would present a diplomatic
worldview that would determine daily reality. However, "we did not get it,"
he said. As a result, said Ayalon, reality was determined by the army's
actions in the field.

Ayalon likened Israel's relationship with the Palestinian Authority to
Siamese twins that share common vital systems. He maintained that the debate
on separation with the Palestinians should be part of a debate on the
identity and essence of Israeli and Jewish democracy. "Is the option of a
Jewish democracy with apartheid acceptable? In my view, it is not," he


  Rematch looms between Netanyahu and the man
who ousted him on a platform of peace

By Tracy Wilkinson

Los Angeles Times - 5 December:   JERUSALEM -- To the ecstatic chants of
"Bibi! Bibi!" Benjamin Netanyahu came home to Israel on Monday, steeled to
do battle for the prime ministerial office he was forced to abandon
scarcely a year and a half ago.
 His arrival timed to coincide with local top-of-the-hour news
broadcasts, Netanyahu said he will decide within a few days whether to
challenge beleaguered Prime Minister Ehud Barak in early elections that many
here expect to be held in the spring.
 "The country has hit rock bottom," Netanyahu told a battery of
journalists and well-wishers at Ben Gurion International Airport near Tel
Aviv. "This must change."
 The possibility of Netanyahu's return to politics has sparked feverish
speculation here as Israelis face the deadliest fighting with Palestinians
in years. With the peace process in ruins and no end in sight to the
conflict, the country is desperately in search of new leadership.
 Netanyahu hopes to step into that void, betting on opinion polls that
show he could easily defeat Barak.
 The violence that serves as a backdrop to the political turmoil
escalated further early Monday: The Israeli army said Palestinian gunmen,
attacking from three sides, attempted to storm Rachel's Tomb, a Jewish
shrine on the edge of the biblical city of Bethlehem. In retaliation, Israel

[CTRL] RadTimes # 124

2000-12-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 124 December, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"Every ill we deplore in society...is rooted in the institution of power,
that is, in the state and the institution of private ownership...Man is at
the mercy of these two social afflictions which escape his control: they
make him petty, stingy, and lacking solidarity when he is rich, and cruelly
insensitive to human suffering when he wields power. Poverty degrades, but
wealth perverts."
--Isaac Puente, 'Libertarian Communism'
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)
--When The FBI Knocks, A First-Person Account
--Wireless tracking devices raise privacy concerns
--International Arms Shows -The year in review
--Engaged in an endless pursuit of dissenters
Linked stories:
*Anti-Hacking Law to take Effect
Begin stories:
When The FBI Knocks, A First-Person Account



I'm writing this for three reasons:
1) I'm getting tired of explaining it over and over to friends.
2) I wanted to try out mozilla composer.  ;)
3) To make people aware that they're not being paranoid enough.  This
story should scare you.

Those of you who know me know that I am in no way a script kiddie,
l33t h4x0r, or any other variation.  I'm simply an RPI student, admin,
and programmer (C/perl/whatever) who likes to dabble in cryptography,
kernel hacking, data compression, and whatever else the topic of the
week happens to be.  I also have a short attention span, skipping from
project to project, subject to subject.  I do not claim to be an
expert in any field, but I know my way around.


Last saturday afternoon (Oct. 28, ~4 PM), the FBI let themselves into
my dorm (good ol' RPI gave them the keys), waking me up.  They showed
me a badge, handed me a warrant, and took me into another room to ask
me questions. They had every intention of seizing all my computer
hardware before even questioning me, which should worry you greatly.
They initially began asking me if I was a baseball fan, which confused
me. After answering with a "no", they explained that I was under
investigation for the break in that had occurred the previous day to
the Yankees website.  I breathed a sigh of relief (my initial reaction
was "oh shit, someone's pissed about my 30 gig mp3 collection"), as I
figured I could simply explain to them what happened, and they'd leave
my stuff alone.  I was wrong.

The previous day, I was doing my usual routine for a friday with no
class; up at 7 AM, catch up on slashdot/k5/lwn/sinfest/etc, do some
coding on the project of the week (mdidentd/avifile/pharmacy/etc), and
do some homework.  Of course, the whole time, I'd be on IRC (EFNet,
OPN), talking with people.  During a conversation about Microsoft's
break in, and how the stolen source code would affect things like
wine, a friend mentioned that Yankees.com had also just been hacked (I
found out later that he got that information from The Register,
specifically here, which in turn found out from here).

Being the curious individual that I am, I went to the webpage, and
discovered that it had, indeed, been cracked (and replaced with a
rather amusing picture, and a "yankees suck!" banner).  I then began a
post-mortem inspection; I always find this to be very interesting, as
several friends have basically handed me linux boxes (not physically
handed, of course), and asked me to rid them of a pesky cracker.  The
last time I did this, I discovered the intruder had gotten in through
a (well-known) wu-ftpd exploit that affected redhat 6.2, and was using
the box as a "zombie" (a daemon was listening for UDP packets, and was
then running a DoS against the IP supplied by the client).

I first checked port 21 of www.yankees.com, noticing that it was
running wu-ftpd-2.6.0; the same version that had been exploited in the
aforementioned cleanup.  That didn't sound right to me; it was
www.yankees.com, they had to have better security than that.  So, I
did a zone transfer of yankees.com (host -l -t any yankees.com), and
noticed an old.yankees.com.  Upon going there, I saw what I thought to
be the original site, so I figured this whole "crack" was simply a dns
redirect.  I checked the bind version that yankees.com's primary
nameserver was running (dig @ns1.icsnet.net version.bind chaos txt),
and saw that it was running the latest version (well... 

[CTRL] Bush Lessons Learned In Chile Used In Florida

2000-12-05 Thread William Shannon

Source: "Subject:  CIA Activities in Chile"
September 18, 2000 © CIA (Publication from its official website.)

"At the direction of the White House and interagency policy coordination committees, CIA undertook the covert activities described below.  There were sustained propaganda efforts, including financial support for major news media, against Allende and other Marxists. Political action projects supported selected parties before and after the 1964 elections and after Allende’s 1970 election.

In April 1962, the “5412 Panel Special Group”—a sub-cabinet body charged with reviewing proposed covert actions—approved a proposal to carry out a program of covert financial assistance to the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) to support the 1964 Presidential candidacy of Eduardo Frei. 

Also in 1962, the CIA began supporting a civic action group that undertook various propaganda activities, including distributing posters and  leaflets. 

In December 1963, the 5412 Group agreed to provide a one-time payment to the Democratic Front, a coalition of three moderate to conservative parties, in support of the Front’s Presidential campaign. 

In April 1964, the 5412 Group approved a propaganda and political action program for the upcoming September 1964 Presidential election. 

In May 1964, following the dissolution of the Democratic Front, the “303 Committee,” successor to the 5412 Group, agreed to give the Radical Party additional covert assistance. 

In February 1965, the 303 Committee approved a proposal to give covert assistance to selected candidates in upcoming Congressional elections. 

In 1967, the CIA set up a propaganda mechanism for making placements in radio and news media. 

In July 1968, the 303 Committee approved a political action program to support individual moderate candidates running in the 1969 Congressional elections. 

As a result of 1968 propaganda activities, in 1969 the “40 Committee” (successor to the 303 Committee) approved the establishment of a propaganda workshop. 

In the run up to the 1970 Presidential elections, the 40 Committee directed CIA to carry out “spoiling operations” to prevent an Allende victory. 

As part of a “Track I” strategy to block Allende from taking office after the 4 September election, CIA sought to influence a Congressional run-off vote required by the Constitution because Allende did not win an absolute majority. 

As part of a “Track II” strategy, CIA was directed to seek to instigate a coup to prevent Allende from taking office (see discussion below). 

While Allende was in office, the 40 Committee approved the redirection of “Track I” operations that—combined with a renewed effort to support the PDC in 1971 and a project to provide support to the National Party and Democratic Radical Party in 1972—funneled millions of dollars to strengthen opposition political parties.  CIA also provided assistance to militant right-wing groups to undermine the President and create a tense environment.   Support for Coup in 1970. Under “Track II” of the strategy, CIA sought to instigate a coup to prevent Allende from taking office after he won a plurality in the 4 September election and before, as Constitutionally required because he did not win an absolute majority, the Chilean Congress reaffirmed his victory.  CIA was working with three different groups of plotters.  All three groups made it clear that any coup would require the kidnapping of Army Commander Rene Schneider, who felt deeply that the Constitution required that the Army allow Allende to assume power.  CIA agreed with that assessment.  Although CIA provided weapons to one of the groups, we have found no information that the plotters’ or CIA’s intention was for the general to be killed.  Contact with one group of plotters was dropped early on because of its extremist tendencies.  CIA provided tear gas, submachine-guns and ammunition to the second group.  The third group attempted to kidnap Schneider, mortally wounding him in the attack.  CIA had previously encouraged this group to launch a coup but withdrew support four days before the attack because, in CIA’s assessment, the group could not carry it out successfully."

[CTRL] Kennedy Urges Effective Action to Prepare for Potential Biological Attack

2000-12-05 Thread William Shannon
Kennedy Urges Effective Action to Prepare for Potential Biological Attack


New legislation signed into law earlier this month by President
Clinton aims at boosting the ability of the U.S. public health network
to cope with the growing threat of potentially devastating terrorist
attacks with biological weapons.

Senator Edward Kennedy, who is co-author - with Senator Bill Frist
(Republican, Tennessee) - of the Public Health Threats and
Emergencies Act, said November 29 that he is hopeful that the new law
"will begin to give the nation's dedicated medical and public health
professionals the support they need for effective defenses against

Terming biological weapons "the ultimate in stealth technology,"
Kennedy observed that a bioterrorist attack would produce "no sudden
explosion or flash of light to announce that a terrorist attack has
taken place." Rather, he said, "a bioterrorist attack could announce
itself slowly and quietly, when patients begin to arrive at hospitals
and clinics with symptoms as seemingly innocuous as mild fever,
headaches or muscle pains."

"In the wake of a bioterrorist attack, medical professionals will have
to act quickly to recognize the signs and symptoms of exposure to a
biological weapon," Kennedy continued. "Hospitals and public health
laboratories will need to identify the pathogens used in the attack.
Public health agencies must monitor the disease outbreak and mobilize
the medical resources to contain it. The special skills of federal
health agencies must be ready to supplement state and local efforts."

Kennedy said funds under the new law can be used to add needed
equipment and train personnel. On that latter point, he cited a recent
study showing that "more than 90 percent of the doctors in some
hospitals had received no training in recognizing the symptoms of
exposure to a biological weapon - and over 60 percent did not even
know where to report such symptoms if they were detected."

The senator said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's
(CDC) own facilities "are in an alarming state of disrepair,"
compromising that agency's vital role in minimizing the damage from a
potential terrorist attack. For example, he said, "Some of the world's
most dangerous microbes are kept in buildings with less security than
a county courthouse."

The new law, he said, "authorizes an extensive modernization and
security upgrade of CDC's laboratories, so that its scientists can
work in secure facilities with state of the art equipment." He called
on Congress to provide full funding to make sure that the law's
provisions are translated into effective action.

Kennedy made his comments in a speech, delivered by telephone from
Boston, at the Second National Symposium on Bioterrorism, held in
Washington under the sponsorship of the Johns Hopkins Center for
Civilian Biodefense Studies, the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, and the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

The Massachusetts Democrat's strongly worded concerns were right in
line with the thrust of presentations at the two-day conference by
public health and medical officials, research scientists, law
enforcement officials and national security experts - many of whom
warned that the United States is simply not ready to deal with what is
a very real and grave terrorist threat.

Speaking earlier, an expert in defense preparedness at Harvard
University told the conferees that "U.S. biodefense is disorganized
and excessively fragmented," leaving it unclear who would be in charge
in the wake of such a terrorist attack.

George Poste, chief executive officer of Health Technology Networks, a
consulting group based in Scottsdale, Arizona, advised his audience to
"be paranoid," flatly warning them that "we are vulnerable."

And Dr. Jeff Koplan, head of the CDC, said that, despite new infusions
of federal dollars, "we are barely getting started" in dealing with
the potential problem. Koplan observed that efforts are accelerating
to improve monitoring efforts, develop tests to detect deadly agents,
and set up laboratories capable of rapid response when threatening
specimens show up.

[CTRL] New US missiles will destroy our pact, says Russia

2000-12-05 Thread William Shannon
New US missiles will destroy our pact, says Russia
By Carey Schofield in Moscow and Michael Smith, Defence Correspondent
NATO will discuss American plans for new missile defences today as Russia said it would refuse to destroy thousands of nuclear warheads if the system went ahead.George W Bush is committed to pushing ahead with the national missile defence system to protect America from attack by rogue states such as Iraq, Iran and North Korea. But General Vladimir Yakovlev, head of Russia's strategic rocket forces, said that this would scupper treaties agreeing to the destruction of warheads.The 1972 ABM treaty, which Washington wants to amend, governs the conditions under which America and the former Soviet Union can develop and deploy anti-ballistic missile systems. The current treaty would limit American deployment to its launch pad at Grand Forks, North Dakota, preventing the kind of nationwide protection envisaged under the new plans.The ABM treaty led to the Start treaties. The current treaty, Start II, would halve American and Russian nuclear arsenals to 3,000 or 3,500 warheads each. President Putin has suggested that under Start III both sides should reduce their nuclear arsenals to 1,500 each.But Gen Yakovlev said that Russia was not prepared to soften its approach to allow the national missile defence system to go ahead. Deploying it would galvanise Russians to create "new weapons" even deadlier than nuclear missiles. He said: "You cannot stop the human mind. Unfortunately, men will always be driven to create new weapons. We expend our ingenuity inventing new systems and then have to work to find ways to eliminate them."President Reagan's vaunted Star Wars system was abandoned largely because it was recognised as too expensive to protect every American city. America fell back on the Cold War view that the mutually assured destruction (Mad) that would occur if either side fired one of its missiles was a sufficient deterrent.But it had second thoughts when the Cold War ended and rogue nuclear threats emerged. Protecting cities against the much smaller threat would not be as difficult or expensive.The 1999 National Missile Defence Act, signed by President Clinton, committed America to deploying the £50 billion system "as soon as technologically possible". It is expected to involve space and ground-based sensors to provide early warning; ground-based radar to identify and track incoming missiles; ground-based interceptors to destroy enemy warheads; and a battle command, control and communications system. Despite American assurances that it is intended to protect America from countries such as North Korea and Iraq, the Russians fear that its ultimate aim is to put them at a disadvantage. Gen Yakovlev said that if it did not go ahead and there was agreement on Start III, Moscow was prepared to get rid of all its intercontinental ballistic missiles, with the exception of 1,500 new Topol Ms, which have a range of 6,200 miles. It was also willing to allow a resumption of the talks between Russian and American nuclear specialists that broke up when Nato attacked Yugoslavia last year. Gen Yakovlev said he believed that these expert discussions were the best way of pushing forward the Start process. "Only the professionals who handle these weapons understand how dangerous they really are."


[CTRL] Bush and the FOIA, Cheney and secrecy

2000-12-05 Thread William Shannon
Bush and the FOIA, Cheney and secrecy:
Why we might never find out who won

By Carla Binion

December 5, 2000 | A Bush presidency might pose a threat to the free flow of information.  Bush and Company are long time champions of government secrecy and foes of the public's right to know.  Once Bush is in office, we might never have the chance to count questionable Florida ballots, for the reasons that follow:  (1)  Democrats have pinned their hopes on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA.)  They say if George W. Bush becomes president, some day the ballots will be obtained through FOIA and fairly counted.  However, The Freedom of Information Act, passed by Congress in 1966, requires that government officials make their files available to the public, unless revealing those files conflicts with national security interests.  Here is the clincher:  The FOIA leaves it to individual presidents to determine what constitutes a threat to "national security."  Recent Republican administrations have worked to severely limit FOIA, hiding their personal wrongdoing behind a cloak of national security.President Ronald Reagan, who hid his Iran-contra misdeeds behind the national security banner, said the government should withhold information from any FOIA requester whenever there was a "substanial legal basis" for withholding.  (A Culture of Secrecy:  The Government Versus the People's Right to Know, Athan G. Theoharis, University Press of Kansas, 1998.) The George H. W. Bush administration argued in court that judicial review for the Freedom of Information Act was severely limited and that courts could not second-guess national security classifications, a decision writer Jon Wiener says "can be an invitation to a police state."  (A Culture of Secrecy, Theoharis.)(2)  Bush's choice for Vice President, Dick Cheney, has publicly argued for tight government secrecy.  For example, he has said that Congress should have little or no oversight regarding clandestine CIA activities.  Cheney once attempted to retaliate against journalist Seymour Hersh for his investigation into intelligence agency deeds.  As Gerald Ford's deputy chief of staff, Cheney outlined options for punishing journalist Seymour Hersh after Hersh investigated the intelligence community.  Among the options were ordering an FBI investigation of Hersh and the New York Times and getting a search warrant to rummage through  Hersh's private papers in his apartment.  (Challenging the Secret Government, Katherine S. Olmsted, University of North Carolina Press, 1996.)The White House rejected the idea, in part for fear such tactics would call unwanted attention to the importance of Hersh's story.  Dick Cheney asked in his notes on conversations about Hersh whether the White House could take advantage of the story to help limit the scope of a Senate investigation into other intelligence activities.  (Challenging the Secret Government, Olmsted.) Recent Democratic administrations have made some effort toward government openness rather than secrecy.  For example, Bill Clinton rescinded Reagan's 1981 policy.  Clinton said information should be withheld from citizens  "only when an agency reasonably forsees that disclosure would be harmful."  (A Culture of Secrecy, Theoharis.)Clinton's Department of Energy Secretary, Hazel O'Leary, began an "Openness Initiative," publishing secrets about goverment radiation experiments done on American citizens.  Clinton's Advisory Committe on Human Radiation Experiments showed that the Veterans Administration knew as early as 1947 that American veterans might have valid claims regarding veterans' exposure to radiation during the cold war.  (A Culture of Secrecy, Theoharis, The Human Radiation Experiments:  Final Report of the President's Advisory Committee, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.)Hazel O'Leary said that in the long run revealing government secrets would "restore the confidence of the American people in the integrity of their government."  Under Clinton, O'Leary tried to enlist the input of public interest groups and worked to speed up the declassifcation of government secrets. ( A Culture of Secrecy, Theoharis.)Another Democratic President, Jimmy Carter, issued an executive order allowing classified information to be made public if public interest outweighed potential national security concerns.  (A Culture of Secrecy, Theoharis, Executive Order No. 12065, 3 C.F.R., 190, 1979).By contrast, Republicans Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush preferred hiding shady activities.  In addition to his 1981 FOIA restrictions, Reagan said in 1983, that the FBI could keep from the public any documents "which reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national security."  The public interest was not factored in to Reagan's policy as it was in both Carter's and Clinton's.  (A Culture of Secrecy, Theoharis).When people say there is little difference between Democrats and Republicans, consider the difference between 

Re: [CTRL] WSJ: Independent Counsel Will Question Monica Lewinsky in Probe of...

2000-12-05 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

  WASHINGTON -- Independent Counsel Robert Ray is planning to
  interview Monica Lewinsky as part of his investigation into
  whether President Clinton should be indicted after he leaves

  Plato Cacheris, a lawyer for Ms. Lewinsky, said Mr. Ray wants to
  question the former White House intern sometime this month. He
  said he hasn't been told if Mr. Ray's office is planning for her
  also to appear before a grand jury that has been taking evidence
  in the case since July. "It's an interview at their offices; it's
  not a grand-jury presentation, that I'm aware of," Mr. Cacheris

 Oh just what we need on top of this farce of an election is some more
 crap.  Prudy

Right, Prudy
. . . and it all goes to prove how pure and noble-minded the Republicans
are. How could people ever think that they derive joy or political advantage
from socially and legally ruining their rivals? I am SURE all they do and
all they litigate is from nothing but altruistic motives. They're just
testing "Clinton fatigue" I'm sure. Those who nodded their heads--please
email me your addresses. I will be sending you brochures on a investment
opportunity in Brooklyn--a bridge, to be specific. Don't miss out.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Imperial Ukase No. 2000/2

2000-12-05 Thread PM Kansan1225
  The office of Catholic Protest has issued the following Imperial
Ukase by His Imperial Majesty Nicholas III, Czar of Moscow, the
Third Rome, and All the Russias:

 We, Nicholas III, by Grace of God Emperor of Holy Russia, on
the reasoned advice of our Honorable Ministers of the Imperial
Cabinet, order:

 A.- The motto of Our Imperial Dynasty shall be "The Truth
shall make you free".

 B.- The official language at the Imperial Court shall be
Thessalian, in honor of Our Illustrious Ancestors. Persons who do
not speak Thessalian fluently shall be allowed to speak at Court in
other languages they do know, as long as they attempt to speak
them with a Thessalian accent.

 C.- All third-graders in all the schools, public and private, of
the Empire shall be taught Nilus's "Protocols" in the original. All
sixth-graders shall be expected to be able to recite the entire text of
the "Protocols" by heart, and an annual prize shall be established for
the best essay on the "Protocols" by a sixth-grader.

 D.- All secret societies, Masonic bodies, fraternities, sororities,
and similar organizations shall make available all their membership
lists and all other organization documents to Our Honorable
Minister for Religious Affairs, His All Holiness Metropolitan
Abdullah Ishihara, within fifteen days for his examination.

 E.- The Feast Day of St. Nicholas, December 6, shall again be a
public holiday from now on to honor the Patron Saint of Holy

 We call on the Holy Trinity to always guide Us in the execution
of Our Most Solemn Duties. Finally, it is Our imperial pleasure to
extend holiday greetings to all Our loyal subjects.

 Nicholas III

 Dei Gratia Imperator Rossiae

Re: [CTRL] Imperial Ukase No. 2000/2

2000-12-05 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

What is this shit? Inquiring minds want to know.


PM Kansan1225 wrote:

 The office of Catholic Protest has issued the following Imperial
 Ukase by His Imperial Majesty Nicholas III, Czar of Moscow, the
 Third Rome, and All the Russias:

  We, Nicholas III, by Grace of God Emperor of Holy Russia, on
 the reasoned advice of our Honorable Ministers of the Imperial
 Cabinet, order:

  A.-  The motto of Our Imperial Dynasty shall be "The Truth
 shall make you free".

  B.-  The official language at the Imperial Court shall be
 Thessalian, in honor of Our Illustrious Ancestors.  Persons who do
 not speak Thessalian fluently shall be allowed to speak at Court in
 other languages they do know, as long as they attempt to speak
 them with a Thessalian accent.

  C.-  All third-graders in all the schools, public and private, of
 the Empire shall be taught Nilus's "Protocols" in the original.  All
 sixth-graders shall be expected to be able to recite the entire text of
 the "Protocols" by heart, and an annual prize shall be established for
 the best essay on the "Protocols" by a sixth-grader.

  D.-  All secret societies, Masonic bodies, fraternities, sororities,
 and similar organizations shall make available all their membership
 lists and all other organization documents to Our Honorable
 Minister for Religious Affairs, His All Holiness Metropolitan
 Abdullah Ishihara, within fifteen days for his examination.

  E.-  The Feast Day of St. Nicholas, December 6, shall again be a
 public holiday from now on to honor the Patron Saint of Holy

  We call on the Holy Trinity to always guide Us in the execution
 of Our Most Solemn Duties.  Finally, it is Our imperial pleasure to
 extend holiday greetings to all Our loyal subjects.

  Nicholas III

  Dei Gratia Imperator Rossiae

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CJD (NEW VAR.), SUSPECTED CASE - RUSSIA *** A ProMED-mail post http://www.promedmail.org ProMED-mail, a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases http://www.isid.org Date: 4 Dec 2000 11:4

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

A ProMED-mail post
ProMED-mail, a program of the
International Society for Infectious Diseases

Date: 4 Dec 2000 11:46:11 -0500
From: E. Ann Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Source: Straits Times, Tue 5 Dec 2000 [edited]

Suspected Human Case of Mad Cow Disease in Russia
- -
MURMANSK: The suspected death here of a 29-year-old man from
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) could be the first Russian case linked to
mad cow disease, medical authorities said on Monday 4 Dec 2000. The victim,
a merchant seaman from Murmansk in northern Russia, [may have] died from
the human form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as
[(new) variant CJD] or "mad cow disease", a senior medical official said.
The Murmansk Region's Chief Medical Officer, Andrei Cherniyev, stated that
"It is not the first case of CJD in Russia. This brain-wasting disease [is
not invariably associated with the consumption of beef carrying the BSE
agent]. But the [significance] of this particular case is the relative
youth of the victim, because the average age of people who have died from
[the sporadic or inherited forms of CJD] is much older." A spokesperson for
the Murmansk region's Epidemiological Centre, Svetlana Chemakina, also
cautioned that the victim's death did not necessarily signify that BSE had
infected Russian cattle herds. "Even if one accepts the hypothesis that
death was caused by eating contaminated food products, one would have to
take into account the fact the victim was a sailor and therefore could have
acquired the (new) variant form of CJD by consuming contaminated meat while
abroad." Both officials emphasized that it was impossible to confirm that
the death was linked to mad cow disease.

Russia's Ministry of Agriculture announced last week that it was monitoring
recent cases of BSE reported in Poland and Germany but had yet to make any
decision on banning beef imports from those countries. Russia has already
banned beef imports from Britain and Portugal, as well as from certain
parts of France and Ireland.

- --
E Ann Davis

[This appears to be the first reference to the occurrence of BSE in cattle
in Poland. An earlier ProMED-mail post on 7 Nov 2000, BSE - Belgium: first
case (02), reported that the cow identified as Belgium's first case of "mad
cow" disease was used in a 1200-ton batch of animal feed, some of which has
been exported to Poland. However, since the average incubation period of
BSE in cattle is about 5 years, any current cases would be the result of
earlier exposure. - Mod.CP]


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Gold market manipulation message is breaking out

2000-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

9p EDT Tuesday, December 5, 2000

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

We've broken into the mainstream press in Australia in
a big way with an article published in the December 6
issue of the Australian Financial Review. It appears
below and is stunning for its reporting exactly what
GATA Chairman Bill Murphy has been saying for a long
time now.

Meanwhile, a friend of GATA, Mike Waters, sends news of
some interesting comment on CNBC about manipulation of
the gold market. That appears below as well.

The word is getting out.

Also of interest and included here is an article from
today's Financial Times in Canada.

As for our challenge to the Bank for International
Settlements, GATA hopes to have an announcement in the
next week or so.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

Australian Financial Review
Wednesday, December 6, 2000

Gold Conspiracy

The spike in gold stocks yesterday reflected in part
the strong inverse correlation between the gold price
and the U.S. dollar as investors look toward a peaking
(at long last) in the greenback.

Thanks to its acute $US hedging position, Newcrest
Mining rallied strongest, up 40 cents to $4.55. It was
also buoyed by ongoing talk it many be a corporate
target for the likes of South African groups AngloGold
and Gold Fields.

The more interesting aspects are the conspiracy
theories circulating in global commodity markets.
Between October 26 and Novemeber 24 gold traded within
a $1 range of US$266 an ounce, a trivial trading band
compared with the uncertainty swarming in equity

The theory is that the Federal Reserve -- with the aid
of Goldman Sachs and Chase Group -- is intervening in
what should be a free market and beating down the metal
within an inch of its life.

Why? Net short positions held by financial institutions
are astronomical. One analyst reckons it would take 10
years of supply to satisfy demand if all contracts were
closed out and physical demand had to be delivered.

The big orchestrated attempt to cripple the gold price
is also an attempt to make sure money isn't ripped out
of U.S. equity markets, thereby exacerbating falls.

* * *

Dear Bill:

Have you actually heard anyone on CNBC actually admit
that the gold market is being rigged? Well, it happened
on Friday morning about 9.30 European Time.

Last spring Phillip Manduca, a respected fund manager
from Tilney Investment Management, expressed a positive
attitude about gold's prospects but thought it might
not happen until the autumn, when the Fed's interest
rate hikes had run their full course.

So when he reappeared yesterday I took the opportunity
to drop an e-mail to CNBC asking what he thought now.

Manduca is a no-nonsense type of person who tends to
call things as he sees them. In typically unequivocable
fashion, he said the supply of gold is being controlled
by the central banks with a view to confusing the
message on inflation. This is definitely a new tack for
him. He said that for this reason he would not touch
gold for the next six months or year unless it breached
the $320 mark.

It is a shame that he did not seek to comment on the
ethics of the central banks' actions, but at least the
message seems to be getting through.

Kind regards,
Mike Waters

* * *

Gold lures tech-weary investors

Bullion not a factor; pressure on
U.S. dollar is good news for gold stocks

By Peter Brieger
Financial Post (Canada)
December 5, 2000

As mighty tech stocks continue their free fall and the
U.S. dollar shows signs of weakness, gold has been
holding a big party for prescient investors.

The Toronto Stock Exchange 300's gold and precious
metals subgroup has outperformed the broader index by
about 25 percent since the start of November, putting a
shine back in the embattled sector.

In the last month, high-profile gold equities,
including Barrick Gold Corp., Placer Dome Inc.,  and
Franco-Nevada Mining Corp. have all seen their share
prices surge more than 15 percent, but it's downtrodden
Kinross Gold Corp. that is shining the brightest,
rocketing almost 60 percent.

Many analysts thought Kinross was doomed to join a host
of gold stock casualties, said John Embry, vice-
president of Canadian equities for Royal Bank
Investment Management Inc. "So any time there is some
relief in gold prices, Kinross shoots right up," he

Bullion prices, the usual suspect in gold stock
rallies, are not the key factor this time: Gold is up
only about US$6 in the past five weeks. It closed in
New York yesterday at US$270.70 an ounce, up US$2.

Instead, some analysts are pointing to a weaker U.S.
dollar and softening economy south of the border. "When
people are worrying about the usual things in the
economy, gold acts as something of refuge," Mr. Embry

With the U.S. trade deficit ballooning to a record
level and threatening to send the U.S. dollar for a
tumble, the news is good for gold equities, according
to UBS Warburg economists Catherine Gignac and Ludo Van

Re: [CTRL] Imperial Ukase No. 2000/2

2000-12-05 Thread PM Kansan1225
In a message dated 12/5/00 9:17:08 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Subj: Re: [CTRL] Imperial Ukase No. 2000/2
Date: 12/5/00 9:17:08 PM Central Standard Time
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nurev Ind Research)
Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List)
Reply-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Theory Research List)

-Caveat Lector-

What is this s**t? Inquiring minds want to know.


PM Kansan1225 wrote:

 The office of Catholic Protest has issued the following Imperial
 Ukase by His Imperial Majesty Nicholas III, Czar of Moscow, the
 Third Rome, and All the Russias:

 We, Nicholas III, by Grace of God Emperor of Holy Russia, on
 the reasoned advice of our Honorable Ministers of the Imperial
 Cabinet, order:

 It is a record of the salvationist work of H.I.M. Nicholas III, soon to be the subject of the major motion picture "Fight all CLuMs and especially P.  U.K.E.".


 Prime Minister of His Imperial Majesty's Government

Re: [CTRL] Parents must meet FDA guidelines for child's lunch fixed at home (or school will supply one for $5)

2000-12-05 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

It is not the food that I keyed in on
it was the part about catered lunches.

If Drugs for mental health (ritalin trial)
are made a law then they can diagnose, prescribe and
hand out the drug at the school level - protest and
your child goes to private prison.

COURT?  Something like Florida's example?

There will be NO need of CPS, psychologists, psychiatrists,
lawyers or courts.
Down Size the state governments real fast, right?

With many states allowing home schooling as a religious right
religions are "hate crimes" "special groups"
remember the boy scouts
first goes the tax exempt status

whoops I forgot something
along with everyone else that will not be needed
once ritalin is law
Out goes
but the Home School Legal Defense Fund will
protect home schoolers

5 December 2000
Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Dang, I'm glad I'm homeschool.
  By Neal Boortz
  How would you like to receive a letter from your child's school
  informing you that you must meet certain federal guidelines if
  you opt to send your child to school with a lunch you fixed at
  Well, the parents of children in the Oak Meadow Montessori
  School [Gwinnett County, Georgia] received just such a letter
  last week.  The letter contained some fluff about Thanksgiving
  celebrations and dropping your kids off at school --- then it
  got around to school lunches.  Here is  the pertinent paragraph.
  Spelling and punctuation errors have been left untouched.
"As you know, we will begin providing catered lunches,
 five days per week, starting Monday.  In last week's
 Parent Communication Envelope, we included
 information regarding the menu for the week of
 November 27th through December 1st.  The catered
 lunches are designed to satisfy the USDA food
 program requirement.  You may still choose to send
 in your child's lunch.  However, you must provide
 the appropriate servings from the recommended food
 groups.  If you do not, we will be responsible for
 providing your child with a "well balanced" lunch.
 Lunches ordered in advance are available for $3
 per day.  Lunches that we need to provide because
 you forgot to bring one, or because you did not
 provide the proper choices to satisfy the United Stated
 Daily Recommend Allowances for lunch, will be billed
 to your account at a rate of $5 per lunch.  Please
 make sure to review the enclosed flier regarding
 our new lunch box requirements."
  OK . so now you're wondering just what the Imperial Federal
  Government requirements for these officially approved school
  lunches are.  Well, that's not really the point here . but just
  to satisfy your curiosity, here's what the Oak Meadow School
  says the parents must provide in a lunch brought from home:
  FOOD GROUPING   3 ­ 6 years old  6 ­ 12 years old
  1 serving milk (provided)   ½ cup1 cup
  1 serving meat or meat alternative  1 ½ ounces   2 ounces
  2 servings fruit and/or vegetable   ½ cup2/4 cup (each)
  1 serving bread or equivalent   ½ slice  1 slice
  Then you have a big list of approved fruits and vegetables and
  meats and breads.  You might be interested to know that Cheese
  Whiz is an acceptable meat substitute.
  Look . don't go making irate phone calls to the Oak Meadow
  school.  This standard applies to ALL schools. They're just
  enforcing it.
  Can you believe it?  The Imperial Federal Government of the
  United States is now using its agents in our government and
  private schools to peer into those lunches you prepare for your
  children to see if you've done it right --- right according to
  government bureaucrats.  This particular school will charge
  you five bucks if you've done it wrong and will "supplement"
  your child's lunch with officially approved food.
  Can they do this in your home?  Hell? Who knows?  If the
  government can peer into your child's lunchbox at a private
  school, why can't that same government come into your home
  at dinner time to make sure you're serving your child a
  government approved dinner?
  And why stop with your child?  Is there some special
  provision in the U.S. Constitution that limits the government's
  snooping to only your child's lunch?  How soon will they be
  checking out what YOU have for lunch?
  As government continues to grow ­ this might be what your
  lunches with clients are like in the future.
  "Can I take your order sir?"
  "Yes, I would like a New York Strip, medium, with a baked
  potato and one glass of iced tea."
  "And what would you like for your other 

Re: [CTRL] Imperial Ukase No. 2000/2

2000-12-05 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/5/00 10:12:45 PM Central Standard Time,

  It is a record of the salvationist work of H.I.M. Nicholas III, soon to
  be the subject of the major motion picture "Fight all CLuMs and especially



Prime Minister of His Imperial Majesty's Government

  Thanks for clearing that up.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] JWV: Schlussel: Al Gore: the O.J. Simpson of American Politics

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Jewish World Review
Dec. 5, 2000 / 9 Kislev, 5761

Al Gore: the O.J. Simpson of American Politics

By Debbie Schlussel

I SAW IT COMING. The Second Coming of O.J. In the form of Al

First, part of O.J. Simpson’s legal defense team, His Royal Legal
Annoyance Alan Dershowitz, joined Al Gore’s team of legal
Hessians down in Florida. I remarked that all we needed was
Johnnie Cochran completing the team.

But I was wrong.

What we needed was O.J. himself, commenting on the White-Ford
Bronco like televised Ryder convoy of ballots. And on Thursday,
we got it.

But there are a lot of OJ-Algore similarities beyond the
televised non-Hallmark highway moment.

O.J. nullified a jury, getting them to vote him not guilty
because of race. Forget all of the evidence against him, all of
the witnesses, all of the law. Those nasty detectives, like Mark
Fuhrman, were racists who rigged the whole thing against him.
Forget the fact that Fuhrman would’ve had to get quarts of OJ’s
blood without OJ’s knowledge and plant it in the middle of the
night when he was nowhere near the crime scene.

Alas, Gore, too, is trying to nullify two juries—those sitting on
the courts and those in the court of public opinion. Gore’s doing
about as well as OJ in the court of public opinion. Most people
know OJ’s guilty. And most people know that Bush is
President-elect. They want Gore to concede and go away, just like
they wanted OJ to admit it and go away to jail.

And like OJ, Gore’s trying to nullify the jurists—the judges
deciding the FORTY! or so lawsuits Gore supporters have wrought
on America with regard to the election. True, yesterday’s dual US
Supreme Court and Leon County Circuit Court(Judge N. Sanders
Sauls) Decisions didn’t help this effort, but it’s not yet over.
OJ killed a thin lady, and Al Gore may have kidnapped the fat
lady. So we can’t hear her singing.

In his nullification efforts, Gore’s playing the exact same race
cards OJ did -- raising suspicions of rigging -- rigged elections
and alleged efforts to keep Blacks from voting – in his desperate
attempt to hold on to an election that didn’t go his way. It’s
the same shenanigans Cochran, Dershowitz et al used to cast doubt
on Fuhrman’s excellent detective work that’s being used to cast
doubt on a legitimate election result that’s now held up through
multiple litigation after multiple recounts. The same way OJ and
Johnnie manipulated gloves that fit -- not to, is the same way
the Gore team manipulated legal opinions that didn’t fit and
chads that fit quite snugly, into alleged dimpled votes.

Most White Americans knew OJ was guilty and most Black Americans
supported him. Likewise, most White Americans voted for Bush,
know he won, and want Gore to throw in the towel. But 90% of
Blacks voted for Gore and are supporting the Gore litigiousness,
according to polls. They’re a major component of the thin thread
Gore hangs by in his current very precarious legal position.

That’s why Jesse Jackson showed up in the courtroom of Judge
Nikki Ann Clark, the Black judge who is to decide the Seminole
County case, the Democrats’ best hope to overturn Bush’s Florida
win. He wanted to remind her of something that really doesn’t
exist here, just as Johnny Cochran reminded OJ’s mostly Black
jury of something that didn’t exist there. He wanted Judge Clark
to think this is a civil rights battle.

Just like Johnnie Cochran blasphemously invoked the name of
Martin Luther King, Jr. and sacrilegiously invoked racism in a
murder trial for a man who was no martyr for Blacks or civil
rights in his murder of Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson. Just like
Bill Clinton’s lying under oath had nothing to do with civil
rights or racism. But he, too, played the race card – the most
desperate one in the deck, getting Black White House Counsel
Cheryl Mills to lecture the U.S. Senate about a Clinton
patriarch’s efforts selling hardware to Blacks from his store. As
if that justified lying under oath. As if that justified the
murder of two innocent victims. As if that justified stealing a
Presidential election. As if race has anything to do with the tea
in China – in any of those cases.

Yes, Gore has learned well from his boss, Slick Willie, and from
the Heisman Hertz rent-a-car flack cum murderer. But in
prolonging America’s electoral agony in litigation after
litigation when recount after recount didn’t work, Al Gore is
giving us all the Heisman. (For you non-football fans, that means
he’s dissing us.)

“In my case it may have been a little more intriguing,” Simpson
proudly remarks, “because people didn’t know what was going to
happen. Here they know the ballots are going to get to
Tallahassee.” You’d think a murderer who got away with it would
keep to himself, but humility was never one of Simpson’s traits.
And it’s not Gore’s either. Remember, not only did he invent the
Internet, but he’s now invented the Recount, and Dimpled Chad as
a vote, 


2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Post-Gossip-Tuesday
December 5, 2000
By RICHARD JOHNSON with Paula Froelich and Chris Wilson


IS Bill Clinton renting a pricey suite of offices on Lexington
Avenue once he leaves the White House? Nobody will confirm it.
But contradicting the persistent rumor that he would take a job
in Los Angeles with DreamWorks, Clinton is said to have leased
space at 599 Lexington Ave., between 52nd and 53rd Streets.

Keeping it all in the Democratic family, his new landlord is
Boston Properties, the giant real-estate company headed by Daily
News publisher Mort Zuckerman. An employee at the building's
management office said, "I can't confirm or deny this."

Clinton's move wouldn't come cheap. Space prime Manhattan office
buildings like 599 Lexington is going for around $75 a square
foot per year. A move there will do nothing to quash speculation,
first reported by our colleague Neal Travis, that Clinton will
run for mayor next year.

The building is an easy stroll from Grand Central, where Clinton
could catch MetroNorth trains to and from his $1.9 million house
in Chappaqua - which Travis also reports the Clintons might sell
to an admiring Democrat for a huge profit.

Besides their staggering legal bills and daughter Chelsea's
Stanford tuition, Clinton will need a hefty income to cover the
carrying costs for the Chappaqua home, a Midtown office, plus -
perhaps - a pied-a-terre in Washington for Hillary when the
Senate is in session.

While Hillary's Senate salary is $141,300 a year, Clinton is
facing disbarment. But he stands to make up to $100,000 per
speaking engagement, and an estimated $7 million advance for his

Clinton is already in the swing of the New York restaurant world.
Last week, he picked up the phone personally and called Rao's
owner Frank Pellegrino to get Hillary a table at the clubby East
Harlem eatery. According to spies, an unimpressed Pellegrino
casually said, "I'll see what I can do."

"Frankie got them a booth, which in Rao's is like going to
heaven," our insider reported. Hillary dined with Harlem Rep.
Charlie Rangel. Clinton called Pellegrino back the next night to
thank him.

Meanwhile, Monica Lewinsky went to a cocktail party in a NoHo
loft with her pal Victoria Leacock. But as soon as someone lit a
joint, the cigar-loving former White House intern made her exit.
"Too risky for my reputation," she explained on the way out.

snip balance

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Parents must meet FDA guidelines for child's lunchfixed athome (or school will supply one for $5)

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

This is exactly what was about to take place in California.  A 'school clinic'
bill was quietly pushed through the legislative process and passed;  the state
insurance code was even amended to compliment it.  It was on Grey Davis' desk
when I heard about it from a woman I met at a restaurant.  After I got home I
ended up working till about 4AM working on it to send out the information to
everyone I could think of, including all the addresses I could find in the
California PTA sites.  Of course I also wrote letters of protest to the state
school board and the governor's office as well.  A friend I'd told about this
listened to a talk radio show called 'Focus on the Family' and thought they
would appreciate this information.  I called them and got the information about
the bill to them via email.  They went on the air, devoting an entire program to
the subject.  Thank god for those folks, because if it weren't for them this
bill would have been signed.  As it turned out the State of California
switchboard was flooded  with angry protest calls to such a degree that someone
from the governor's office called the Focus on the Family Organization and
requested the radio show, which was based in Colorado, to ask their listeners to
stop calling in protests.  This was dutifully relayed and no doubt just
encouraged people to continue.  It didn't stop there.  Protests were organized
and people went to Sacramento to protest in person — in busloads.  Grey Davis
vetoed the bill.  I don't think he wanted this out in the press so backed off.

This bill would have placed school clinics at every public school.  Children
would have been referred at the request of any teacher or adminstrator and
strongly encouraged to make use of the 'service'.  If a child were referred,
they would leave the classroom to go directly to the clinic on their campus,
which was authorized to give complete physical exams and to prescribe any
medicine they wanted, including psychotropic drugs or birth control without the
knowledge or consent of the parents.  This would have been billed to the parents
insurance directly, and I'm not clear about whether the insurance company would
need to share this information with the parents.  I do know that if the
insurance didn't reimburse the entire amount, the parents would have been liable
for the balance and billed accordingly.  Children without private insurance are
automatically covered by state insurance.  This included behavioral counciling
and had the power to mandate family counciling.  Or not.  I know this program
emphasized reproductive and behavioral practice.

But what a great *true* success story that is.  And the people won a big victory
denying state control of their children.

Of course, it will surely come up again.  But people are becoming more aware of
the tricks and intentions of the state, and serendipidy sometimes plays a role
too.   ; = }


ThePiedPiper wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 It is not the food that I keyed in on
 it was the part about catered lunches.

 If Drugs for mental health (ritalin trial)
 are made a law then they can diagnose, prescribe and
 hand out the drug at the school level - protest and
 your child goes to private prison.

 COURT?  Something like Florida's example?

 There will be NO need of CPS, psychologists, psychiatrists,
 lawyers or courts.
 Down Size the state governments real fast, right?

 With many states allowing home schooling as a religious right
 religions are "hate crimes" "special groups"
 remember the boy scouts
 first goes the tax exempt status

 whoops I forgot something
 along with everyone else that will not be needed
 once ritalin is law
 Out goes
 but the Home School Legal Defense Fund will
 protect home schoolers

 5 December 2000
 Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton

 Tenorlove wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  Dang, I'm glad I'm homeschool.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] [Fwd: The Smoking Gun of AIDS by Boyd Ed Graves J.D.]

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: "The Smoking Gun of AIDS" by Boyd Ed Graves J.D.
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 01:07:49 -0500
From: "Joel Bales" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

December 6, 2000

The Smoking Gun of AIDS: a 1971 Flowchart
by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

In 1977, a secret federal virus program produced 15,000 gallons of AIDS. The
record reveals the United States was represented by Dr. Robert Gallo and the
USSR was represented by Dr. Novakhatskiy of the diabolical Ivanosky Institute.
On August  21, 1999, the world first saw the flowchart of the plot to thin the
Black Population.

The 1971 AIDS flowchart  coordinates over 20,000 scientific papers and fifteen
years of progress reports of a secret federal virus development program. The
epidemiology of AIDS is an identical match to the "research logic" identified in
the five section foldout. The flowchart is page 61 of Progress Report #8 (1971)
of the Special Virus program of the United States of America.  We today,
challenge world scientists to discussion of this document find. We believe there
is a daily, growing number of world experts who are all coming to the same
conclusion regarding the significance of the flowchart.  Dr Garth Nicolson has
examined the flowchart as well as other top notch experts from around the world.
It is time for Dr. Michael Morrissey of Germany to examine the flowchart and
report to the world. In addition, we have now examined the 1978 report. It is
heresy to continue to further argue the program ended in 1977. The 1978 report
of the development of AIDS leaves no doubt as to the ("narrow result") candidate
virus sought by the United States. The flowchart conclusively proves a secret
federal plot to develop a "contagious cancer" that "selectively kills."

Following the presentation of the flowchart in Canada, the same information was
presented to the United States in the rotunda of the Western Reserve Historical
Society in Cleveland. Shortly thereafter a major African newspaper called and
for four days in a row, this issue was the feature story in an uncensored press.
The people of Africa already know about the U.S. virus development program. It
is time for the rest of us to know.

In January, the U.S. had no response to my two page abstract submitted to the
African American AIDS 2000 conference. In February, the U.S. Congress had no
response to the 3000 Americans who signed signature petitions calling for
immediate review of the flowchart and progress reports of the secret virus
development program. We firmly believe once the dust settles from the current
election marathon, reviewing the special virus program will be the single most
important pursuit of the 21st Century.

More scientists and doctors must join with Dr. Nicolson, Dr. Strecker, Dr.
Cantwell, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Lee, Dr. Wainwright, Dr. Halstead and Professor
Boyle. In any public debate on this issue, we will continue to present the
flowchart of the secret virus development program, as the "irrefutable missing
link" in the true laboratory origin of AIDS. We have successfully navigated a
federal maze and matrix and found a curtain surrounding the issue of AIDS. The
1999 discovery and presentation of the AIDS flowchart is a "smoke detector" wake
up call. Society has an obligation to do more than don masks.

Non-inclusive random endnotes:

U.S. Special Virus program, Progress Report #8 (1971), pg. 61  (the flowchart)

National Security Defense Memorandum (NSDM) #314, Brent Scowcroft (1975).

"Special Message to the U.S. Congress on Problems of Population Growth", Richard
M. Nixon, July 18, 1969

Public Law 91-213,  "To Stabilize World Populations", John D. Rockefeller, III,
Chairman,  March 16, 1970

National Security Council Memorandum (NSCM) #46, "Black Africa and the U.S.
Black Movement", Zbigniew Brezinski, March 17, 1978

For additional information:

Essay Copyright 2000 Zygote Media
~Please forward to interested persons, lists. Thanks.

State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS. By Boyd Ed Graves,

To remove from this message category click on the following link: 

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as 

[CTRL] WSJ: An Election Judge on Fraud

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I'm curious as to waht you all think of the following.  --MS]



An Election Judge on Fraud

Your Nov. 22 page-one article "Florida Ballot Miscues Touch Off
Debate Within the African-American Community" may be misleading
to readers. Letters intended for publication in the print edition
of the Journal can be e-mailed to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] All
letters are subject to abridgment. For more reader responses, see

Was the problem of large numbers of overvotes in the black
precincts due to a "lack of sophistication," as Congresswoman
Hastings has suggested? Or rather, was there a significant amount
of ballot tampering of the Bush ballots by these Democrat
precinct election officials, by their subsequently punching out
the Gore chads to invalidate the ballot and reduce the Bush vote
count in these heavily Democrat precincts? Some were reported as
1,000-plus for Mr. Gore, and less than a dozen for Mr. Bush. How
many overvoted ballots for president in those precincts? Was Gov.
Bush punched on any of these? How many? Having been an election
judge here in Houston, Texas (Harris County), for more than a
decade, I have been made aware over the years by my fellow
Republican Ballot Security officials here of numerous examples of
probable serious election fraud in some of the inner-city
precincts, where we apparently use similar votomatic punch card
voting systems, as in Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade County,

We apparently have seen examples of intentional tampering of
already voted ballots by Democrat election officials in our
inner-city precincts, that probably took place after the polls
had closed and the poll watchers had gone home. The easiest
opportunity for tampering has been for precinct officials to
improperly reopen the ballot transfer cases on the way to the
election center, and punch out a Democrat chad in a particular
race on a ballot that was voted as a Republican vote for that
race, thus invalidating the ballot for that race, thereby
reducing the Republican's vote count. We even had an incident
several years ago of a Democrat precinct official driving around
our Loop 610 for more than an hour in their van altering and even
adding ballots.

Remember that reducing your opponent's vote count is just as
effective as adding new ballots for your candidate, and virtually
undetectable. The only way to even sense this kind of tampering
has occurred is to examine the overvoted ballots for their two
preferences, and then examine the down ballot preferences. Every
Bush ballot would have been double punched with Gore votes too,
and possibly even straight-Republican ballots would have been
punched with straight-Democratic holes too. The real story may be
in a closer examination of those 19,000 overvote ballots in Palm
Beach County. Some veteran ballot security officials of these
vote fraud investigations here in Houston believe massive voter
fraud might be found to have occurred in the inner-city precincts
in those three Florida counties. Perhaps even in other
metropolitan cities across America.

If the presumption of election fraud is to be assumed, Gore will
have more chads punched out on almost all 19,000 overvoted
ballots, and Bush some number short of that. The Gore Campaign
will argue that this differential proves that Gore got more votes
than Bush, but in reality, it may simply suggest that his
Democrat election officials punched out his Gore chads to
invalidate Bush ballots. One need only have watched the hand
recounts in Broward County to see how brazen some election
officials can be.

One other factual note here that should cause you to understand
the potential gravity of the fraud in Florida. For comparison,
here in Harris County (Greater Houston area), with almost a
million similar-votomatic ballots cast on Nov. 7, Harris County
had only 6,500 (0.7%) overvotes (more than one vote) and 14,690
(1.5%) undervotes (no votes) for president. So, one should ask,
why such a problem in Palm Beach where overvoting was almost 5%.
"Lack of Sophistication"? Butterfly Ballot? Fraud? A combination
of all three? You can reject "Butterfly Ballot," if most of the
ballots have Bush and anyone else.

In Houston, we have even observed discrepancies between the
number of votes cast and the number of signatures on poll lists
to be as high as 4% to 6% in precincts without pollwatchers, but
it apparently reduces to below 1% when poll watchers are used.
Sadly, not even poll watchers are a guarantee against a
"sophisticated" and dishonest precinct election official. They're
out there every election, stealing lots of votes and undermining
our precious electoral system and thus our democracy. Wake up
America, all may not be as it appears in those Florida counties
with heavily Democrat precincts, let alone around the rest of
America. Maybe we need to pay attention and investigate high
overvote precincts all across the nation.

C. Moore

[CTRL] LAT: Seminole Ballot Challenger Paid for Anti-Cheney Ads

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Tuesday, December 5, 2000

Seminole Ballot Challenger Paid for Anti-Cheney Ads

LATimes Staff Writer

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.--The attorney behind a lawsuit charging that
Republican operatives altered flawed absentee ballot request
forms in Seminole County spent more than $100,000 on Al Gore's
campaign, including as much as $60,000 on a television spot
attacking Dick Cheney.

Details of Harry Jacobs' involvement in the Gore campaign--and
the extent to which he has sought advice from Gore
representatives--were revealed in a transcript of a deposition
obtained Monday night. The deposition, which hints at questions
Bush lawyers are likely to pursue when the case goes to trial
Wednesday, was taken Saturday in Orlando, Fla.

In the deposition, Jacobs said he spent as much as $60,000 this
year financing a television spot attacking Cheney's business
dealings at Halliburton Co., the oil services firm he headed
until he became the Republican vice presidential candidate.  The
company dealt extensively in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma,
which has well-documented human rights violations, including
forced labor.

Jacobs and his West Palm Beach attorney, Gerald F.  Richman, have
also said repeatedly that they are acting on their own--that no
one from the Gore campaign has been involved in their lawsuit.

The deposition does not indicate that Gore's campaign is directly
backing the lawsuit, a notion Republicans would relish proving.
But Jacobs acknowledged that he spoke to several Democratic Party
representatives in mid-November before filing his lawsuit,
including friend Mitchell Berger.

Berger, an influential Fort Lauderdale, Fla., attorney, is a Gore
campaign insider and fund-raiser.

Jacobs said he discussed with Democratic insiders an election
"protest" that he was preparing to file--a legal precursor to the
lawsuit--but not the lawsuit itself.  And he said that he briefly
discussed "whether or not the Democratic Party, I guess Vice
President Al Gore .  .  .  would provide assistance, join this
particular lawsuit.

"And they did not, have not, would not," Jacobs said.  "Have they
encouraged you or discouraged you?" asked GOP attorney Terry
Young, who is representing the Seminole County election
canvassing board. "Neither," Jacobs said.

The election supervisor in Seminole County, an elected
Republican, has conceded that she let two GOP operatives use her
office to correct the flawed absentee ballot request forms.
Without the corrections, about 2,000 Bush supporters would not
have received ballots.

Jacobs is seeking to persuade a Leon County Circuit judge to
throw out all of Seminole County's 15,000 absentee ballots--about
two-thirds of which were cast for Bush.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Criminal Defense Lawyers Demand End To Drug War

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from: The Liberator OnLine, Vol. 5, No. 22; Tue, 5 Dec 2000

Criminal Defense Lawyers Demand End To Drug War

   Washington, DC: The National Association of Criminal Defense
   Lawyers' (NACDL) board of directors unanimously approved a
   resolution on November 4th calling for the end of the War on

   In its resolution, NACDL, the nation's largest specialty bar
   association representing the interests of criminal defense
   lawyers, stated that drug use should be considered a health
   problem, and that the government should "repeal all laws
   criminalizing the possession, use and delivery of controlled

   The resolution also calls for a regulated and taxable system
   for selling controlled substances with a portion of the
   revenues going towards drug treatment clinics, drug education
   and research.[Editor's note: Libertarians oppose such taxes
   and regulation.]

   "As a nation, we've stood by and watched this 'war on drugs'
   lock up a whole generation of young African-Americans," said
   Fred Leatherman, the NACDL board member who drafted the
   resolution. "All the evidence says it's a sham and a failure.
   And everybody else who makes money from it thinks we should
   escalate the war. We do not agree."

   "Both of our presidential candidates committed 'youthful
   indiscretions' in their day," said NACDL president Edward
   Mallet. "Would they, or we, be better off if they had been
   sent to prison like so many blacks and Latinos are these

   (Reprinted from NORML press release / Thanks to K. Collins)

   * * *

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   organization. Our purpose is to: (1) present the freedom
   philosophy honestly and persuasively to opinion-makers and
   the public so that they can encounter, evaluate, and when
   ready, embrace the ideals of self-government; (2) help
   libertarians become effective and powerful communicators of
   the ideas of liberty; and (3) change the political map from
   the inaccurate and exclusionary 'left-right/liberal
   conservative' line to a more accurate and inclusive model
   (like that on our World's Smallest Political Quiz) that
   includes libertarians and others.

   PLEASE NOTE: Contributions to the Advocates are tax
   deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. If you
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   "May it be to the world... to assume the blessings and
   security of self-government." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[CTRL] Americans Say Big Government is Biggest Threat

2000-12-05 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from: The Liberator OnLine, Vol. 5, No. 22; Tue, 5 Dec 2000

Americans Say Big Government is Biggest Threat

   On November 1, Gallup released the results of a poll which
   asked a cross-section of Americans this question:

   "In your opinion which of the following will be the biggest
   threat to the country in the future -- big business, big
   labor, or big government?"

   By a strong majority, Americans say it is big government
   (65%). Only 7% say it is big labor, while 22% say big

   Since Gallup first began asking this question in February
   1965, the threat of big government has consistently been
   considered more ominous than that of big labor or big
   business. And public concern about big government has nearly
   *doubled* in that time period -- from 35% to 65% -- and
   concern about big labor has diminished substantially from 29%
   to only 7%. However, Americans remain relatively unconcerned
   about big business, with just about one in five -- 22% --
   currently perceiving it as a threat, compared to 17% in 1965.

   (Source: Gallup new release)

   * * *

Too Big...

   "A government that is big enough to give you all you want is
   big enough to take it all away."

   -- Senator Barry Goldwater


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   The Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit educational
   organization. Our purpose is to: (1) present the freedom
   philosophy honestly and persuasively to opinion-makers and
   the public so that they can encounter, evaluate, and when
   ready, embrace the ideals of self-government; (2) help
   libertarians become effective and powerful communicators of
   the ideas of liberty; and (3) change the political map from
   the inaccurate and exclusionary 'left-right/liberal
   conservative' line to a more accurate and inclusive model
   (like that on our World's Smallest Political Quiz) that
   includes libertarians and others.

   PLEASE NOTE: Contributions to the Advocates are tax
   deductible under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. If you
   would like to support the vital, world-changing work of the
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   or give us a call at 1-800-932-1776.

   "May it be to the world... to assume the blessings and
   security of self-government." -- Thomas Jefferson

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[CTRL] LAT: Ray to Re-Interview Lewinsky in Inquiry

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Los Angeles Times-December 5, 2000

Ray to Re-Interview Lewinsky in Inquiry

Law: The independent counsel's move appears to presage an
eventual Clinton indictment, several attorneys and others
familiar with the case say.

Times Staff Writers

WASHINGTON--Signaling what may be further legal trouble for
President Clinton, independent counsel Robert W. Ray is planning
to interview former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky in
connection with a federal grand jury he impaneled last summer.

 Some lawyers familiar with the independent counsel's office
said that the action suggests Ray may be seeking to indict
Clinton on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice after he
leaves office next month.

 Plato Cacheris, Lewinsky's attorney, said that Ray "has
asked for an interview sometime this month" with the 26-year-old
woman, who now lives in New York. Cacheris said that he will make
his client available but added that "she is very reluctant to get
back into this."

 Lewinsky is legally bound to comply with Ray's request,
however, because her 1998 immunity agreement requires her to
cooperate with the independent counsel, Cacheris noted.

 Legal Community Interprets Move

 Because Lewinsky testified fully under her immunity grant
before a previous grand jury impaneled by Ray's predecessor,
Kenneth W. Starr, the move for a new interview raised eyebrows in
the legal community here.

 "There's really no reason for Ray to re-interview Lewinsky
unless he's figuring to do something with that new grand jury in
the way of an indictment," said Joseph E. DiGenova, a former U.S.
attorney for the District of Columbia.

 "If he's only preparing to close out the case for a final
report--dotting the I's and crossing the Ts, so to speak--the
last person he would need to interview is Lewinsky," DiGenova
said. "He already has so much information that Starr gathered
from her and others and sent to Congress.

 "But certainly as a prosecutor you would never bring a case
against the president without interviewing such a key witness."

 DiGenova and others said that Ray may be aiming to indict
Clinton on one or two charges--perjury for his alleged false
statements in a sworn deposition in the Paula Corbin Jones sexual
harassment lawsuit about his contacts with Lewinsky, or
obstruction for alleged efforts to influence Lewinsky's grand
jury testimony or that of presidential aides.

 The House impeached the president two years ago on these
charges, but senators voted against removing him from office. A
president is immune from criminal charges in federal court but
Clinton's departure from the presidency will remove that

 Ray, who succeeded Starr as Whitewater prosecutor in October
1999, refused comment. "We are seeking to resolve this matter
shortly after the president leaves office," said Lynda Flippin, a
spokesperson for Ray.

 It could not be learned immediately if any other key
witnesses have been interviewed by Ray or summoned for
interviews. Vernon E. Jordan Jr., a golfing friend of Clinton who
found work for Lewinsky, has had no contact with Ray's office,
according to his lawyer, William G. Hundley.

 Mark Geragos, a prominent Los Angeles attorney who
successfully defended former Clinton associate Susan McDougal
against criminal charges growing out of the Whitewater
investigation, agreed with DiGenova that summoning Lewinsky seems
to presage an eventual Clinton indictment.

 "Ray would not call back a witness who they've already put
through countless days of debriefings if they weren't planning to
do something," Geragos said.

 "That would seem to substantiate that Clinton is still in
harm's way before this independent counsel--and either has been
indicted already [in secret] or they plan to do it soon after he
leaves office," he added.

 Lewinsky's Testimony Would Be the Focus

 Ray's staff likely would want to go over key details in
Lewinsky's testimony to test her recollection on significant
dates and meetings, he added.

 Ray previously has acknowledged that he is examining the
Clinton impeachment charges from a prosecutor's viewpoint. In an
interview with The Times last June, he said that any decision on
indicting Clinton "is not an exact science" because other factors
come into play.

 "The determination of whether a crime has been committed is
only the first step," he said. "You must also consider whether or
not there is a substantial federal interest in bringing a case.

 "There is a great amount of respect--appropriate
respect--that should be placed in the office of the president."

 After impaneling his grand jury last July, Ray said that his
decision on whether to seek an indictment "is a serious one of
judgment [and] I must be faithful to my oath to carry out this
task responsibly and fairly."

 Separate Reports Filed as Part of Inquiry

 He added that 

[CTRL] NM: Ray Asks for Flowers' Tapes While Weighing Clinton Indictment

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Exclusive: Ray Asks for Flowers' Tapes While Weighing Clinton Indictment

By Carl Limbacher

Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2000

The office of Independent Counsel Robert Ray has asked longtime
Clinton paramour Gennifer Flowers for original copies of her
famous taped phone calls with President Clinton, NewsMax.com has
learned exclusively.

 "They didn't tell me what he wants them for," Flowers said,
noting that while Independent Counsel Ken Starr was in charge of
the president's prosecution, investigators never asked to talk to
her and showed no interest in her Clinton recordings.

Flowers tipped NewsMax.com to Ray's request while she was
attending a reception for Judicial Watch's Oct. 20 presidential
debate in Washington. She asked at the time that the information
remain confidential pending advice of counsel.

 CNN reported Friday that a grand jury convened by Ray had begun
contacting witnesses with an eye toward possibly indicting the
president after he leaves office.

 The Los Angeles Times revealed Tuesday that Ray intended to
interview Monica Lewinsky yet again, despite reams of testimony
from the former White House intern already gathered for Clinton's

 "There's really no reason for Ray to re-interview Lewinsky
unless he's figuring to do something with that new grand jury in
the way of an indictment," said Washington lawyer Joseph Di
Genova, a former independent counsel himself.

 By the same measure, Flowers' tapes, complete with transcripts,
have been publicly available since 1993. Ray's request for her
originals suggests that investigators have already determined
they are somehow relevant to Clinton's prosecution and now merely
seek to establish the authenticity of the recordings.

 "I'll tell you one thing - wherever those tapes go, I go,"
Flowers told NewsMax.com, still concerned that her tapes could be
tampered with by anyone seeking to discredit her.

 The Clinton witness said that while most of the recordings were
clear, others were hard to understand. "I made those tapes on a
$20 tape recorder," she explained. "I had no idea at the time how
important they eventually would become."

 In 1992 Flowers had the tapes examined by Truth Verification
Labs after Clinton "War Room" operators James Carville and George
Stephanopoulos claimed they were "doctored." TVL certified them
as 100 percent authentic.

Working with lawyers for Judicial Watch, Flowers has since sued
the Clinton spinmeisters for defamation. A Las Vegas judge
dismissed the case in September, but Flowers intends to file an

 In one 1991 tape-recorded conversation, Clinton urged Flowers to
commit perjury about her state job in testimony before an
Arkansas state labor grievance review board.

 FLOWERS: The only thing that concerns me, where I'm concerned at
this point is the state job.

 CLINTON: Yeah, I never thought about that. But as long as you
say you'd just been looking for one, if they ever ask if you've
talked to me about it, you can say no.

 Clinton, then governor of Arkansas, was counseling Flowers to
lie under oath in answer to a complaint brought by Charlette
Perry, a state clerical worker who lost her promotion after
Clinton gave the job to Flowers instead.

 Though the statute of limitations would have long ago lapsed on
Clinton's 10-year-old attempt to suborn Flowers' perjury,
prosecutors could use the tape-recorded exchange to demonstrate a
pattern of witness tampering and obstruction of justice to grand

 In August, a member of the three-judge panel overseeing Ray's
office first revealed that a grand jury had been seated to hear
Clinton's case.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] NYT: The Sideshow Over Absentees

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


December 6, 2000

The Sideshow Over Absentees

At a time when the presidential contest seems to be grinding
toward resolution by the Florida Supreme Court, the last thing
the nation needs is a disruptive ruling from trial courts over
the absentee ballots in Martin and Seminole counties. But the
argument against throwing out a total of 25,000 votes in the two
counties does not depend on the fact that discarding them would
be politically disruptive. It would be a gross distortion of
Florida election law and basic fairness to dismiss so many votes
that were cast in good faith by Florida citizens on the grounds
that county officials used bad judgment in letting party workers
fill out some absentee application forms.

It was unfortunate that Vice President Al Gore equivocated
yesterday when pressed as to how he would react if Judge Nikki
Clark, in the Seminole County case, and Judge Terry Lewis, in
Martin County's, disallowed the absentees, steps that could give
him a net gain of 7,600 votes. Heretofore Mr. Gore has been right
on principle, arguing that state election laws ought to be
generously interpreted to permit the fullest possible count of
all votes. He feels that such a count would not only represent a
triumph for democracy, but have the additional benefit of winning
him the presidency.

But the Democratic plaintiffs in Seminole and Martin are
asserting a different principle based on a mistaken
interpretation of election law. The plaintiffs argue that
Republican county officials improperly allowed G.O.P. party
workers to fill in missing voter identification numbers on some
forms and denied the same opportunity to Democrats. But the only
way to reject the votes cast by people whose application forms
were altered in Seminole would be to reject all of the county's
15,000 absentee ballots, since there is no way to tell the two
groups apart. This remedy is extreme and aimed at the wrong
offenders. If the county officials who allowed the alterations
broke the law, they can be punished. But it twists the law to
invalidate the votes of thousands of absentees whose forms were
properly filled out and whose ballots were correctly cast.

As we have said many times, the error-riddled Florida election
can never be made perfect. Even so, to seize on technical
violations to wipe out the absentee vote in two counties is a
remedy far in excess of the error. The vice president
acknowledged as much by originally opting not to join the
lawsuits brought by local lawyers with strong ties to the
Democratic Party. Now his refusal to forcefully call on his local
supporters to drop the suit, or to rule out benefiting from its
outcome, represents a failure of statesmanship on his part. We
have supported his quest to overtake George W. Bush's lead by
adding votes that were unfairly set aside in Palm Beach and
Miami-Dade counties. But Mr. Gore should not win by subtracting
votes legitimately cast for his opponent.

For one thing, the Florida Supreme Court has already ruled that
ballots must be in substantial non-compliance with election laws
before being rejected. Clearly, the majority of these absentee
votes were in substantial compliance. The state's highest court
cannot allow thousands of voters who cast those ballots to be
disfranchised. To do so would only give the Florida Legislature
an additional excuse to disrupt the process of choosing electors.

The Florida Supreme Court should announce by Friday whether it is
going to overrule Judge N. Sanders Sauls and order a recount in
Miami-Dade County. Such a ruling would give Mr. Gore a legitimate
chance at winning. But he should not be counting on or
encouraging an aberrant, unfair ruling on absentee ballots from
Seminole and Martin counties.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: A Blizzard of Regulation (fwd)

2000-12-05 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


A Blizzard of Regulation

Wednesday, December 6, 2000; Page A34

THE CLINTON administration is leaving town in a blizzard of
regulation whose effect will be to extend its influence well
beyond its term. Every administration leaves a few such parting
gifts, but rarely so many of such importance. The Labor
Department, a week after the election, ended years of discussion
and published, over the protests of business groups, a so-called
ergonomics standard governing repetitive stress and similar
workplace injuries across the entire economy. The Forest Service
intends to impose a near-ban on further road-building and
timbering in the remaining roadless areas of the national
forests. Other pending rules have to do with the chemistry of
diesel fuel, medical privacy and the possible designation of much
of the Arctic National Wildlife Refugee as a national monument,
which could be a bar to oil drilling.

Each of the regulations has vigorous opponents--employers, the
timber, trucking and oil industries, health insurers. They
complain not just that in their view the rules are wrongheaded
but that the tactic of issuing them while headed out the door is
unfair--an abuse of lame-duck status meant at least in part to
hobble or embarrass a possible Bush administration by bequeathing
to it policies with which it is known to disagree.

This time around, however, unlike in the past, the opponents have
a weapon. A procedure has been put in place whereby they can
force an early vote in the next Congress to rescind the
regulations. They already have threatened to use it against the
forest protection and and ergonomics rules. We favor the taking
of the votes, irrespective of our views of the regulations
themselves (we strongly favor some and have reservations about
others). The regulations will be the stronger if they survive. If
not, the politicians who strike them down can explain themselves
to the voters. In matters as sweeping as these, the voters are
the right court of appeal.

The procedure for disapproving major regulations was established
in 1996. It was part of an effort by the new Republican Congress
to weaken the regulatory process or ease the regulatory burden,
depending on your point of view. Congress has always had the
power to pass legislation repealing any regulation. This merely
gave such resolutions of disapproval special parliamentary
status--protected them from filibuster in the Senate, for
example. Defenders of regulation say even that is wrong--that
once the power to regulate is granted, its every application
ought not have to be defended in a political forum in which money
and influence too often matter more than the public interest.

They're right that there's a risk, but our sense is that worthy
regulations will prevail, and that a right of disapproval
strengthens the regulatory process. Too many politicians in both
parties try to have it both ways on regulation. They support the
laudable goals--clean air, clean water, a safe and healthy
workplace--while balking at the cost of achieving them. They pass
the statutes, then denounce as the handiwork of somehow evil
bureaucrats the regulations to which the statutes give rise. In
doing so, they undercut both political accountability and faith
in governmental action that they themselves have undertaken. But
they can't deny responsibility for regulations that they have an
expedited right to disallow.

Major regulations tend to be more consequential than many
statutes. Some are based in part on science, but in the end
almost all are at least in part political judgments on which
Congress ought to vote if it disagrees. We look forward to the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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