2001-07-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting site - see the son of Jesse Jackson cry out for more
federalization and then think would you want an asshole like that to
rule over you for these are wood be King Makers of peasanat stock.



[CTRL] Fwd: Legionnaire's disease outbreak confirmed in Spain

2001-07-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

So right on schedule or what is going on in Spain?


Legionnaire's disease outbreak confirmed in Spain

(July 8, 2001 08:50 p.m. EDT ) - Health officials said Sunday
they have confirmed 10 cases of Legionnaire's disease in a
city in southeastern Spain and suspect many more people may be

Authorities said an additional 80 people have been
hospitalized with pneumonia-like symptoms in the city of
Murcia, about 250 miles southeast of Madrid.

Legionnaires' disease is a form of pneumonia spread through
inhalation of mist from contaminated water. Symptoms include
shortness of breath, fever, body aches and coughing. It was
identified at a 1976 American Legion convention in

The victims, all adults, are mainly residents of two central
neighborhoods of Murcia.

Marques said city health officials were carrying out chemical
tests at several local water towers to try to determine the
source of the infection. He said results would be known in the
next three days.
News Copyright © 2001 Interest!ALERT


[CTRL] Communist Rules for Revolution

2001-07-09 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

... Communist Rules for Revolution: A list of Communist Rules for
was discovered by Allied forces in Germany in 1919. ...
Michael Pugliese

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[CTRL] Correct URL for previous

2001-07-09 Thread Michael Pugliese

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[CTRL] Disturbing Background Comments On Mueller

2001-07-09 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Sun Jul 8 20:58:01 2001

 One man's answer!

World Affairs Brief July 6, 2001 Copyright Joel Skousen. Quotations with
attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen's World Affairs Brief

When I saw arch leftists Barbara Boxer and Ted Kennedy endorse Robert S.
Mueller, President Bush's pick for FBI director to replace Louis Freeh, with
raving enthusiasm, the red flags went up in my mind. So I did a background
check on Mueller, and found a lot that conservatives should be concerned
about.. Mueller worked as US Attorney in Boston, a center of dark side
government operations in the Northeast. He was then appointed by Janet Reno
as US Attorney in San Francisco, the corruption capital of the West Coast.
The northern California judicial districts at both the California state and
federal levels are noted for extreme collusion between police, prosecutors
and judges. There has existed for years a huge kickback system within the
bankruptcy courts, systematically looting millions of dollars and paying off
lawyers and judges to accede to the system. Notable cases have taken place
in northern California where people's full civil rights have been stripped
away by courts and those verdicts upheld without comment clear up the chain
of appeals in Federal Court. The bottom line is that Janet Reno never
appointed a single US Attorney that wasn't on her team of approved insiders.

Mueller also served as head of the Justice Department's Criminal Division
under George Bush Sr. His administration there was notable for the fact that
he presided over some of the major cover-ups of government dark side
operations. Here are a few notorious examples:

1) He was responsible for the prosecution of Gen. Manuel Noriega of Panama,
who was the CIA's main money launderer for CIA operations in Panama. Even
Congress knew of Noriega's CIA connections. Senator Kerry said that Noriega
had been on the payroll and an employee of the CIA for many, many, many
years [quoted in Defrauding America, by Rodney Stich, pg. 401]. Noriega was
taken down by the CIA and prosecuted because he was found to be taking a
much larger cut out of CIA drug profits than was agreed upon. During the
trial, the presiding judge (on orders from the government) ruled that
Noriega could not enter into evidence any documents proving his relationship
to the CIA over the years. Mueller helped cover up this major issue by
silencing Noriega.

2) In 1988, Mueller supervised the investigation of PanAm Flight 800 which
was destroyed by a terrorist bomb over Lockerbie, Scotland. He successfully
kept the CIA's connection to the bombing from becoming public. The CIA and
FBI took control of the crash scene for the first day (keeping Scottish
police at bay), searching through and removing numerous pieces of evidence
and luggage from the wreckage to obscure the connections of the bombing to
the CIA special team that was on board the aircraft. One CIA defector has
said that the team had been returning to the states against orders to blow
the whistle on CIA drug and terrorist connections in the Middle East.

3) Mueller was in charge of the infamous BCCI bank scandal and prosecution.
According to various CIA defectors, The Bank of Credit and Commerce
International was a wholly owned and operated CIA proprietary bank set up
with secret CIA funds in order to launder drug money and buy off
politicians. When the bank's connection to the government threatened to
become public, the CIA pulled out its funding and left the private
depositors with a $10 billion shortfall that the US taxpayers had to cover
for. Mueller took personal charge of the investigation and indicted six
lower echelon scapegoats specifically to shield the higher operators from
prosecution. Mueller never investigated the shady way in which BCCI got
initial approval to operate, or the stonewalling that occurred in the
federal bank regulatory mechanism that would otherwise have blown the
whistle on this operation much earlier.

4) Mueller presided over the prosecution of John Gotti, the alleged Mafia
head of the Gambino family group. There was a tie-in here as well with
government dark-side operations. CIA agent Richard Beneke, in response to a
question of whether or not the Gotti family had ties to the CIA, testified,
Yes. As far back as 1968 and early 1969, we [CIA] had begun to launder
money from organized crime families in New York. At that time, Mr. Gotti was
an up and coming member of one of the families. We used to wash their money
out overseas and put it in Switzerland in nice, safe places for them.
[Defrauding America, pg. 404]. We do not know why the government turned on
Gotti as a partner in crime. Perhaps he was also found guilty of skimming
too much off the top.

Conclusion: Robert Mueller is 

Re: [CTRL] Ex-spy chief to publish memoirs

2001-07-09 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
Tony Blair is a fag and bi sexual

One is either homosexual or bisexual, not both.

So had never heard about MI10 or the Lavender Hill Mob, but in USA at
one time homosexuals got out of wars because they were homosexuals,
while the brave and healthy and pure went to war and were killed - and
now they tell me tht WWII was fought to save Gay Pride for Hitler was
genociding homosexuals?  Well I do not believe that one bit, for Hitler
and that ws not his real name, was Jewish passing as former Catholic and
some say he was a queer as was some of his henchmen?

Perhaps so...but it doesn't change the well-documented fact that
homosexuals were on the Nazis' hit list, along with Jews, Gypsies, and
the physically and mentally handicapped.

Homosexuals like Quakers, have never been noted for being cavaliers -
might like to knit or play with Barbie dolls - but in MI5 or 6 -

I can introduce you to any number of gay men who have had exemplary
military careers, and who are definitely NOT 'shrinking violets' who knit
(BTW, did you know knitting was invented by MEN as a MALE activity?) or
play with dolls (did you know that it was customary until just after WWI
for ALL boys to wear dresses until their 6th birthday, and to be given
dolls to play with during those same years?)

I would trust my life being defended by these gay men over many of the
weekend patriots you seem to be so fond of...


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Re: [CTRL] Bradford under siege after day of race riots

2001-07-09 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001, Bill Howard wrote:
Police were attacked with
baseball bats and hammers and pelted with petrol bombs, bricks, bottles
and road signs.

Police were attacked with baseball bats in the UK?

This situation is sad, to say the least.

What, that they used baseball bats instead of cricket wickets?

Has baseball suddenly become so popular in the UK that bats are so
readily at hand?

I wouldn't be surprised to find that this disturbance was as orchestrated
by the British authorities as similar disturbances on this side of the
pond are similarly orchestrated by our authorities...


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Re: [CTRL] A Canal break-in unprecedented for Reclamation bureau

2001-07-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/08/2001 11:05:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 This country with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit
 it.  Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can
 exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their
 revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it.
   ~~Abraham Lincoln, April 4, 1861 

Honest Abe was an idealist, wasn't he?  Nothing much belongs to the people
any more.  Nothing.  The government can take it any time they want to, and if
you give anybody any lip, they'll put you in one of those ungodly
institutions that now pass for prisons.  You do have rights--you can pay your
taxes.  That's one right they really insist on.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Religious Groups Attacking Corporate Avenger Lyrics

2001-07-09 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Religious Groups Attacking Corporate Avenger Lyrics

And these groups of organized superstitionists will end up ensuring that
Corporate Avenger sells MORE albums by giving the rock group more
publicity than they otherwise would have gotten


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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-09 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/08/2001 2:10:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 You haven't been paying attention.  Liberals are for drugs.  Conservatives
 are against drugs. 

You must be kidding.  I'm pretty liberal, and I think drugs are for fools.
If I had my way, they would all be legal, and everyone could have as much as
he or she could carry.  They would only have to have the word STUPID tattooed
across their forehead so everybody would know how dumb they were.  This would
do for all except those addicted to heroin.  They would have the word ZOMBIE
tattooed, because you can't get any closer to the living dead than they are.
I have to exclude marijuana from the list, however.  I still remember when
Nixon's blue ribbon panel came back and said that if used moderately there
was no harm in it.  Talk about a quick gag job.  Still they have to have the
word STUPID on their foreheads anyway, because its use is illegal, and you
really have to be stupid to do something illegal that will allow the
beauracracy that passes for government in this country to have a chance to
get its hooks into you.  I make an exception to those who truly need it for
medicinal purposes.   With my method we'd all know just how much of the
populations is truly dumb and it would all be free for the asking, so nobody,
not the Columbians, the CIA or anybody else would make any money from it.
Well, perhaps the tattoo parlors would make a pretty good profit.  That's a
liberal's viewpoint on drugs.  Prudy

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[CTRL] 'Largest Ever' Child Molest Case In Massachusetts

2001-07-09 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-


Trial opens for Massachusetts man facing 130 child-sex charges

By ADAM GORLICK. Associated Press

NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (July 8, 2001 1:09 p.m. EDT) - Many local parents
considered Christopher Reardon to be truly trustworthy, with a resume
that included youth minister, Boy Scout leader, YMCA swim coach. But his
upstanding image and the serenity of the community of Middleton were
shattered last summer when two boys accused him of molestation.

Within days, the police investigation blossomed into what prosecutors
say is the state's largest ever child-molestation case. Reardon, 29, has
pleaded innocent to 130 charges - including rape, molestation and
disseminating pornography - involving 29 boys.

Jury selection for his trial is set to begin Monday in Northampton. The
trial was moved more than 100 miles away from Middleton, about 20 miles
north of Boston, out of concern he wouldn't get an impartial jury close
to home. Although Reardon has maintained his innocence, people in
Middleton say their community won't heal unless he is convicted and put
away for life.

The whole town can't wait to get this over with so we can move on,
said Susan Santa Barbara, a third-grade teacher who taught catechism
classes with Reardon at St. Agnes Church. A lot of people are thinking
why we even need a trial. We know he's guilty, so let's just put him
away. Police say he admitted molesting some of the children and using
pornography to lure the boys.

According to court records, police confiscated at least two dozen
pornographic videos, photographs of nude children, inflatable dolls and
sex toys from Reardon's home and church office. The documents also say
they found a videotape of Reardon masturbating with a boy in the church

Lawyers for both sides did not return calls seeking comment.

Santa Barbara said her two sons were not among the alleged victims, but
she said they knew Reardon through church and scouting programs and now
she's no longer the regular churchgoer she used to be.

It's just too eerie to walk into that church where he was molesting
those boys, she said. But the issue comes up everywhere. You'll be at
a barbecue or at the market, and someone is talking about it. It's
really shocked our community.

Prosecutors plan to call 18 of the boys as witnesses during the trial,
which Superior Court Judge Isaac Borenstein says could last two months.
I feel so sorry for those kids, said Nancy Jones, who taught Reardon
how to swim when he was a boy. Her children aren't among Reardon's

When a parent heard that Chris was going to take a bunch of scouts
somewhere, it was a seal of approval, Jones said. It's hard to be
suspicious of someone who appeared to be doing so much good. That
squeaky-clean image may have allowed the alleged abuse to go on for an
extended period, some experts say. Prosecutors say the abuse began in

Sometimes adults won't pick up on hints of abuse dropped by a child,
especially if they point to someone of high standing in a community,
said Ervin Staub, a social child psychology professor at the University
of Massachusetts in Amherst. And if the boys trusted him, they may have
felt like they had a shared secret they didn't want to reveal. Some
Middleton residents say the case has caused them to be more in tune with
how children are acting.

If there's a behavior problem or someone seems to be acting out in a
strange way, you say in the back of your mind 'where is this coming
from?' said Jones, who is also a sixth-grade teacher. It's not that
everyone suspects that child has been abused, but it's something that
just pops into your head now.


MARtin F. ABErnathy - [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] - 7/9/01

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[CTRL] Fwd: War Is In The Air - Part 1

2001-07-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

If there is to be a war, at least arm the Palestinians as they do the
Israelis or else it is nothing other than premeditated murderand no
war of which to be proud.

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  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
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  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
- - - - -
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  WAR IS IN THE AIR - Part 1

   The stage, therefore, has been set for the outbreak of the 
next wear: wall-to-wall political approval for a military 
to the current crisis, the appropriate international 
during the period of restraint. 

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 7/09:
In general it's no sescret what the Israelis have in mind at this point.  They 
will put down the Palestinian Uprising with brute force, of which they have a great 
deal thanks to the Americans.  They will declare the attempt to do much the same thing 
through diplomatic cunning, of which they also have a great deal, unsuccessful.  They 
will blame it all on Arafat; as convenient a target now for their loathing and 
demonizing as he was a decade ago to bought and used.
 But the devil of course is in the details.  Just how are they going to do it, and 
how quickly can they pull it off?  Just what will be the cost in blood as well as in 
international standing?   Just who if anyone can really stand up to them at this point 
in history?  Just are the ramifications for the future in the Arab and Muslim region 
of the world where they exist?   And maybe most of all, just how far do they intend to 
go -- mass expulsions, a Palestinian State west of the Jordan in today's Hashemite 
 The following three articles published in Israel over the weekend help explain 
the preparations under way and ask some of the right questions:

By Uzi Benziman 

[Ha'aretz. Sunday, July 8, 2001]
While the prime minister declares to his interviewers that war is not 
in the offing, his ministerial colleagues are deep in expectations 
for the coming war with the Palestinians. Preparing for war, is the 
standard answer now in the corridors of power to the regular 
question, What's going on? Ministers, senior officials and, of 
course, the top officials in the defense establishment and the IDF 
all say it. Given the current mood of the nation's stewards, the 
coming war is a matter of destiny, an inevitable development, whose 
outbreak depends only on the timing of the next terror attack and the 
number of resulting casualties.This forecast requires some analysis. 
Is war the only logical conclusion of the current confrontation with 
the Palestinians? Are the expectations about it what really will 
happen? Is the price being taken into consideration? Can its scope 
and development be controled, the way its planners assume? 

The political lobby for bringing the violent conflict with the 
Palestinians to a military decision is well known; it is led by the 
settlers and their right-wing representatives in the government - not 
only Avigdor Lieberman, Rehavam Ze'evi and Natan Sharanksy, but also 
a large number of the Likud ministers. There's a clear majority among 
the decision makers now in favor of going to war. 

The logic behind the concept is that the state can not absorb more 
and more victims of terrorism, that the current methods of fighting 
Palestinian murders are not effective enough, that the IDF's 
deterrent capabilities must be proven once again to the Palestinian 
people and leadership and to the entire Arab world lest Israel end up 
bleeding forever and becoming weaker and weaker. Behind the demand to 
declare real war on the Palestinians is also the assumption that a 
major military blow will return tranquillity to the state and end the 
10-month nightmare of terror. 

Most of the Labor ministers will also take up the cry after the next 
major terror attack. A bloodletting as massive as what happened at 
the Dolphinarium will create a psychological and emotional reaction 
in the public that will sweep (almost) the entire government, which 
will decide to flip the safety switch and order the IDF to go into 
the planned battle. This is supposed to deliver the knockout blow to 
the Palestinian Authority. 

The stage, therefore, has been set for the outbreak of the next wear: 
wall-to-wall political approval for a military solution to the 
current crisis, the appropriate 

[CTRL] Victims of Palmyra slaughter return to haunt Syria's new leader

2001-07-09 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Victims of Palmyra slaughter return to haunt Syria's new leader

By Robert Fisk in Beirut

09 July 2001


After Ariel Sharon and the war crimes charges that victims of the 1982
Sabra-Chatila refugee camps massacre want to bring against him, it looks
as if it is Syria's turn to answer questions about mass graves.

Nizar Nayyouf  a Damascus journalist who was recently released from jail,
where he was being held as a political prisoner, and is now living in
Paris  is threatening to reveal the location of a mass grave in Syria.
Everyone knows he is talking about a place called Tadmor. And now a
Maronite Christian group is demanding to open up what they claim is a mass
grave at Yarzeh in Lebanon, not far from the ministry of defence in
Beirut. And everyone knows that this is referring to the Lebanese soldiers
killed by Syrian troops at the end of the civil war in 1990.

Mr Nayyouf, who is also threatening to reveal corruption within the Syrian
security services, says he was kidnapped by Syrian agents in Damascus
before President Bashar Assad's state visit to France last month, then
beaten because they believed  wrongly  that he was about to ask for
political asylum at the French embassy. He says he was on his way to the

In any event, President Assad  or Dr Bashar, as the opthamologist son of
the late president Hafez Assad is known in his country  announced in Paris
that Mr Nayyouf was free to leave Syria. Within hours, he was told he
could collect his passport.

In the Middle East, everyone is aware of the particular mass grave Mr
Nayyouf wants to reveal: the pit outside the Syrian town of Tadmor  known
in the West as the ancient Roman city of Palmyra  in which about 500
prisoners from the local state security jail were buried after their
massacre on 27 June 1980, by the so-called Defence Brigades of Colonel
Rifaat Assad, the now disgraced uncle of Dr Bashar and brother of Hafez
Assad. The slaughter of these men, most of them members of the banned
Muslim Brotherhood, followed an assassination attempt against President
Hafez Assad.

In his magisterial biography of Assad, the journalist Patrick Seale
revealed how Rifaat's 120 gunmen arrived outside Tadmor prison in a fleet
of 10 helicopters early in the morning and were let loose on the prison
dormitories with orders to kill everyone inside. Many of the prisoners
died screaming God is great. Their bodies were later secretly buried
beside a low hill outside the desert town. Many Syrians believe hundreds
of other political prisoners  who either died of mistreatment or were
secretly executed  also lie buried in graves near the hill. When Syria
allows us, a civilian resident of Tadmor told me many years ago, we will
go to the hill and throw rose petals on all the graves. But there are no
rose petals yet.

At Yarzeh, a similarly distressing story could unfold. It goes back to
1990 when Michel Aoun, the rebel Lebanese general who thought he was the
president, was fighting the Syrian army for the liberation of Lebanon.
After the Syrians bombed Aoun's palace from the air  with American
permission, since Washington was seeking President Hafez Assad's support
for the Gulf coalition against Saddam Hussein  Aoun fled to the French
embassy in Beirut and called upon his own soldiers to hold their fire. But
on a Beirut suburban hillside called Dahr al-Wahash  which ominously
translates from Arabic as the Monster's Back  Lebanese troops did not
receive Aoun's last order. So they opened fire on Syrian troops who were
advancing through a minefield.

At least 150 Syrian soldiers  believing the Lebanese had surrendered  were
cut to pieces by mortar and machine-gun fire amid the mines. When they
reached the Lebanese positions, they began executing the Aounists as
franc-tireurs  irregular partisans who had disobeyed the rules of war.
No-one is certain how many Lebanese soldiers were killed. A day later, I
found several of them in an unrefrigerated morgue at Baabda, shot through
the head, hands tied behind their back, most of them stripped before being
killed. Albert Mansour, who was Lebanon's Defence Minister, told me later
that there had been a double massacre  of both Syrians and Lebanese.

So why are the Christians so keen to open a grave at Yarzeh? Presumably to
embarrass the Syrians and to make life difficult for President Assad, who
was 24 at the time and had nothing to do with the killings. At the time of
the Tadmor slaughter, he was only 14 years old.

After all, if the Christian group was so keen to learn the truth of
Lebanon's bloodbath, they could demand the opening of a grave in Sidon
which contains the bodies of several Lebanese Muslim prisoners murdered by
Israeli guards near the Safa fruit factory in 1982; I investigated these
killings at the time. Or of the rebel Maronites who were murdered by their
fellow Christians when they tried to overwhelm the Christian Phalange

[CTRL] Fwd: RM010708 Irish news - Fri-Sun 6-8 July

2001-07-09 Thread Aleisha Saba


Friday-Sunday, 6-8 July, 2001

2.  Critical talks begin at new venue
3.  Pipe and petrol bomb attacks
4.  Parade anger lingers on Springfield road
5.  Opinion poll ban opposed
6.  Joe McDonnell anniversary marked
7.  Women's delegations visits South Armagh
8.  50 new British nuclear power stations possible
9.  Feature: West Papuans hopeful of independence
10. Analysis: Adams on arms



 The Orange Order parade to Drumcree in Portadown passed off
 relatively peacefully yesterday as Orangemen marched up to a
 giant green steel barrier on Drumcree Hill in a re-run of last
 year's stand-off.

 The Orangemen's preferred route through the nationalist Garvaghy
 Road was blocked after they failed to engage in dialogue with
 Catholic residents.  The residents oppose what they see as a
 coat-trailing, triumphalist parade through their area.

 After the now traditional protest at the barricade, local Orange
 Grand Master Harold Gracey made a relatively low-key speech in
 which he vowed to continue his weekly protests on the hill, and
 urged supporters to join him.   But absent was the appeal for
 widespread loyalist disorder which marked his infamous tirade
 last year.

 A huge military operation in Portadown at the weekend saw 1,600
 British troops drafted in to keep loyalists from forcing their
 way into the Garvaghy Road. Razor-wire and a water-filled trench
 kept loyalists from circumventing the barricade which has blocked
 their contentious route through the Catholic enclave for a fourth

 But loyalist numbers were considerably down on previous years and
 only token efforts were made to surmount the obstacles. A
 demonstration by supporters of jailed paramilitary Johnny Adair
 on Thursday had raised fears of loyalist violence.

 Portadown district spokesman David Jones said the next few days
 leading to the twelfth were crucial.

 There has never been violence at Drumcree on any of the Sundays.
 We would ask people who are coming to our protest over the next
 few days to respect our wishes for it to be peaceful.

 Nationalist representatives welcomed the calls for protests to be
 peaceful, but remained concerned by the number of leading
 loyalist paramilitaries around the Garvaghy Road.

 A sense of siege remains, and residents spokesman Breandan Mac
 Cionnaith warned of possible trouble in the run up to the twelfth
 of July, the high point of the marching calendar.

 We don't know if they (loyalist paramilitaries) will be
 launching attacks against the Catholic communities in the coming
 days before the twelfth, he said.

 Let's hold judgment about the peaceful Drumcree until we can see
 the results by July 12th.

 Loyalists later threw fireworks and petrol bombs over the huge
 steel barrier blocking the path to the Garvaghy Road.

 The crowds which had dwindled earlier in the afternoon swelled to
 around 700 by 10pm. A vehicle was set alight in the loyalist
 Corcrain estate.

 There were also disturbances in Belfast up to 11pm last night
 with police examining a suspicious device on the Ligoniel Road in
 north Belfast.  A number of roads were also blocked for short

 Mr Mac Cionnaith repeated his call for Portadown Orangemen to
 enter into direct dialogue with nationalist residents, something
 they have always refused or avoided.

 It has always been our position that the best way to resolve
 this local difficulty in Portadown is for the district office in
 Portadown to sit down with representatives of this community and
 try to get a local agreement to what essentially is a local
 problem, he said.

 He said the protest at Drumcree hill involved those bent on
 wrecking the peace process.

 I am not involved in the political process, but the people here
 who are marching out to Drumcree today are anti-agreement
 Unionists, he said.

 They are people who wish to see the Good Friday agreement fail.

 Sinn Fein assembly member Dara O'Hagan said it appeared that the
 Drumcree protest was fizzling out.

 It is certainly much more low key than in previous years. I
 certainly think a large section of people within the unionist
 community don't want anything to do with what is happening at
 Drumcree, she said.

 It is very clear that the extremes within loyalism that are
 using this protest at Drumcree.


 Critical talks begin at new venue

 The main pro-agreement parties and the British and Irish
 governments gather for talks in England today aimed at breaking
 the continuing political impasse. The talks are possibly the most
 important in the process of implementing the 1998 Good Friday
 Agreement and follow the resignation last week of Ulster Unionist
 leader David Trimble as First Minister of the Belfast Assembly.

 The move to Weston Park 

[CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-09 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 11:10:49 -0400
From: Eileen Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

...WBAI producer Bill Weinberg offers this excellent analysis of
right-wing conspiracist, Jim Marrs, whose book was recently offered
by Marjorie Moore as a premium in WBAI's last fund drive. The use of
the Marrs material to fund the station is seen by many as strong
evidence of the ideological shifts taken place at WBAI, despite
protests from management that changes in program content are
illusory. Weinberg also discusses Leid's history with the City Sun,
and DeRienzo's recent attacks on the IMC and George Soros.



by Bill Weinberg

Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral
Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. The title itself
reads like a self-parody. The fact that it is not is a sad comment on
our times. The fact that HarperCollins chose to publish this
amateurish potboiler is even sadder. But saddest of all is that it
was offered as a premium in the last fund-raising marathon by New
York City's progressive WBAI Radio.

WBAI, whose leadership was purged in a notorious Christmas Coup
last year, once offered premiums by the likes of Noam Chomsky. But it
was the voice of Jim Marrs that issued from the station's transmitter
in relentless interviews during the May marathon. Marrs was chosen as
the latest political guru by morning show host Marjorie Moore and
approved by WBAI's Interim General Manager Utrice Leid. Both
repeatedly praised his research over the air. That WBAI is now
promoting Marrs, a peddler of the most vulgar anti-Semitic conspiracy
theory, loans credence to those who argue that the station has
assumed a rightward trajectory since the coup.

In Rule by Secrecy, Marrs of course goes out of his way to disavow
anti-Semitism-but in terms that are clearly anti-Semitic! While it
may be true that secret organizations in the past were built along
both racial and religious grounds and [a]lthough many international
financiers are of Jewish descent, it is unfair to accuse the Hebrew
race of an international conspiracy. Note the slippery use of
Hebrew race in place of the more common and accurate term Jews.
He complains that the broad brush of anti-Semitism frequently has
been used to besmirch anyone offering a conspiratorial view of

After this requisite disavowal, Marrs goes on to portray the
gigantic and secretive Rothschilds banking empire as the covert
and indirect power behind nearly every government on Earth
(ultimately tracing their grand design for world domination to the
Illuminati and Masonic conspiracies dating to ancient Egypt). His
sources are the usual ones, all too familiar to followers of the
far right and fascism.

Topping the list, of course, is the Protocols of the Learned Elders
of Zion, the purported Jewish conspiracy masterplan which served as
propaganda for the Czarist pogroms and then the Nazi Holocaust. While
Marrs does concede that the Protocols are a hoax, he nonetheless
vests much legitimacy in them: It is the possibility of 'historical
truth' which has kept the Protocols in circulation since its
inception. Today, modern conspiracy writers see it as a real program
predating Nazism or Communism... The Protocols may indeed reflect a
deeper conspiracy beyond its intended use to encourage anti-Semitism,
one hidden within the secret upper ranks of the Iluminati and

The kneejerk anti-Communism which always characterizes this genre is
there as well. Marrs writes that Marx's program points in The
Communist Manifesto bear a striking resemblance to the Protocols of
the Learned Elders of Zion, suggesting some common origin. Much, of
course, is made of Marx's Jewish ethnicity. Concludes Marrs: The
goals of the Russian communists and Karl Marx were largely the same
goals of the Illuminati and continental Freemasonry.

Again and again, Marrs attempts to legitimize the anti-Semitism of
Henry Ford, the Krupps and even Hitler, portraying them as mere
over-reaction to the arrogant power of international Jewish
bankers. Marrs argues that the Jews themselves were behind Hitler,
another line familiar to those who follow this unsavory milieu. All
of the American, British and Dutch industrialists who aided Hitler's
rise to power are portrayed (on no evidence) as stand-ins for the
great Rothschild empire. Marrs goes one better by claiming that
Hitler was a Rothschild-that his grandmother was not impregnated by
her husband Johann Georg Hiedler, but by one Baron Rothschild, in
whose Vienna home she was working as a servant. Marrs cites a
(conveniently) suppressed OSS report for this allegation, but
provides no details on its name or where it is to be found.

The actual report, by psychologist Walter C. Langer, was published in
1972 as The Mind of Adolf Hitler, but Marrs doesn't tell us that,

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] United Church of Christ apology

2001-07-09 Thread Kris Millegan

An interesting contrast.
The Church, its many organs and branches, has a funny way about
apologizing in one area after the damage is done, while aggressively
persuing the same policy somewhere else for which it is repenting.

United Church of Christ in Canada WANTS
To Deal With The Cultural Loss Issue.

United Church says cultural loss issues must be on the table in
negotiations with Ottawa.

TORONTO, July 6, 2001

In a statement released today, The United Church
of Canada has said it believes that the negotiations with Ottawa around
residential schools must not be limited to claims of physical and sexual


While it's still early in the negotiations, the United Church says that
it will insist that the matter of cultural loss be dealt with before any

agreement can be reached with the government.

Sitting at the table is a first step but the challenge we face is
coming to an agreement on the terms of reference that will guide these
negotiations, comments the Reverend David Iverson, chair of the United
Church's Residential Schools Steering Committee.

The United Church has repeatedly argued that it believes claims of
cultural loss must be considered when dealing with matters related to
residential schools. The church's own position has been to apologize for

all manner of harm that was done as a result of the United Church's
involvement in the residential school system, explains Iverson.

Individual claimants are only one group of people who were affected by
this policy of assimilation, says Iverson. Entire communities and
generations of family members have borne years of pain and suffering
that must be addressed in any agreement we come to with the Government
of Canada.

The United Church is entering into these conversations with the
Government of Canada with the clear purpose of trying to achieve a fair
and timely reparation for harm done to individuals and communities
resulting from the legacy of residential schools, says Iverson.

He adds that not only does the United Church want to ensure that any
agreement is in keeping with its long-term commitment to reconciliation
and healing with Canada's First Nations peoples, but also that these
talks keep the interests of the survivors of residential schools first
and foremost in mind.

We are not negotiating with the Government in order to abdicate
responsibility or to avoid financial hardship, says Iverson. We hope
that with these conversations we will be able to find the path to not
only resolving the dilemma of costly and time-consuming litigation, but
also seeking a just resolution to all claims regarding the legacy of
residential schools.

That is why Iverson is concerned when he reads that Deputy Prime
Minister Herb Gray says he must protect taxpayer's interests in
reaching any agreement with the churches. Iverson says that comments
like this not only smack of political opportunism but also fail to
acknowledge that Ottawa has an obligation to challenge each and every
taxpayer to recognise that we all bear responsibility for this horrific
chapter in Canadian history.

Church organizations were active participants in a misguided, historic
government policy of cultural and racial assimilation, says Iverson.
But assimilation was supported and endorsed by the Canadian public.

That is why, he says, reconciliation with Canada's First Nations
peoples, including financial compensation for the legacy of residential
schools, is a collective responsibility that all Canadians must share.

The United Church also believes that the negotiations with the
Government should include consideration of a two-tract approach for
dealing with issues related to residential schools. The first tract
would focus primarily on litigation involving physical and sexual abuse.

These matters would be resolved using some form of alternative dispute
resolution process. A second tract would deal with other matters, like
cultural loss issues, that require a major policy and programme response

involving all parties.

The ministry of reconciliation is part of our calling as a church,
says Iverson. It is rooted in our biblical heritage and is especially
central as we seek new ways of being in relationship with First Nations


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[CTRL] coca leaves drink of the gods- pink nazis blue blood

2001-07-09 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 3:24 PM


 and it may be that amongst the poison and the lies a vital medicine
 and curative has been lost to humanity forever.

what are you talking about? what do you think it is the dentist is using to
give you a local anaesthetic?

 Andrew Hennessey

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 4:22 PM

 kundalini - the electrical
 system that the ordinary human being isn't aware of.

speak for yourself you ignoramous- people have been practicing kundalini
yoga for centuries.

as for the rest of your assumptions about the pink  movement... well, gee,
ya don't say, uh? ya only just noticed? ;) just wait til you stop assuming
and start learning about what you are talking about- then you will be really
scared of what is going on instead of dwelling on sexual orientation as a
horror. but, like others on the list, your curiosity seems to be limited to
depravity - and imagine it to be where it is not... like any obsessive.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Condit admits affair with Levy

2001-07-09 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Condit admits affair with Levy

- - - - - - - - - - - -

July 8, 2001 | WASHINGTON --
Rep. Gary Condit for the first time told investigators he had a romantic
relationship with Chandra Levy, a source familiar with the investigation
said late Saturday.
But police reiterated that Condit is not a suspect in the disappearance of
the former federal intern.

Print story

E-mail story

In his third interview with Washington police and FBI agents Friday night,
Condit acknowledged that his relationship with Levy, 24, was more than a
friendship, said the source, who discussed the meeting on grounds of not
being identified by name. Condit had been less direct in describing the
relationship in two earlier interviews, the source said.
Terrance Gainer, Washington's second ranking police official, would not
discuss the details of the 90-minute interview, which Condit attended with
his lawyer.
But Gainer said at a news conference Saturday that Condit was fully
cooperative, answering every question he was asked.
The congressman was not a suspect before the meeting, the congressman was
not a suspect during the meeting and the congressman is not a suspect since
the meeting, Gainer said.
Police had wanted more clarity from Condit, D-Calif., about the nature of
his relationship with Levy, whose home in Modesto, Calif., is in Condit's
district. The congressman had called her a good friend, but her relatives
have described the relationship as intimate.
Gainer refused to say whether Condit told police the relationship was
romantic. But he said with the clarity of this interview and the interview
with his wife I think we have the information we need about the nature of
the relationship.
Gainer stressed that police still don't know what happened to Levy, who has
not been seen since April 30.
Police are investigating Levy's disappearance as a missing persons case, not
a crime. News reports that a grand jury would hear evidence about Levy's
disappearance are simply wrong said Gainer.
We've not called for a grand jury, we're not looking for a grand jury,
said Gainer.
He also said police have not subpoenaed any information from Condit. It's
not necessary to use compelled testimony and compelled documents if people
are cooperating with us, he said. The congressman and his wife are fully
cooperative with us.

Associated Press

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How to use simple chi kung for self defense and distance killing

2001-07-09 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

well, it's worth a go, right?

May contain proprietary information regardless of patent, trademark,
or copyrite.  All rights reserved.

How to use simple chi kung for self defense and distance killing:


1)Fingers and the relevance to the four elements of material
3)Martial use of chi kung
4)Targets and effects

Fingers and the relevance to the Four elements of material existence:

The Hanzi character for five (elements) is formed from the character
for two.  The original character only had 4 sides and a center (ether
the formless middle 5th element).

Metal was later added  The 5 element theory is a totally erroneous
contrivance. It was only made up to support a false chinese cosmology
and has no basis in reality.

There are only 4 (four) primary elements of material existence.  What
is lesser known, is that each element is respresented by a finger on
our hands:

  1. Index- Air
  2. Middle- Fire
  3. Ring- Water
  4. Pinky - Earth
  5. Thumb- Ether

The quinta-essentia, Fifth element.  Representing every element
(everything) and
none at all (nothing).  The highest form of refinement of physical
form (spirit).

Note: The pericardium meridian comes down to the tip of the middle
finger.  Both the index and middle finger can be air fingers,
special training is needed to develop the fire of the middle finger
fully.  This energy should not be used for healing, as it is dangerous
to all life.


Most people will not be able to generate enough energy to do serious
damage at will.  Test first on your neibors cat or something

I will not go into the basics of charging breathing techniques like
reverse breathing here.  One can research on their own on how to do
reverse breathing.  Once you have learned reverse breathing.  You can
experiment with using it for offensive purposes.

1. Energy charging:
Take several reverse breaths.  You should feel heat in the lower
abdomen.  Alternatly experiment with drawing air into the abdomen,
poofing it out, then holding the breath and then pushing the belly in
and out rapidly.

2. Preparing the nerves and channels of the hand: Stretch and flex the
hand repeatedly.  You should feel a tingling sensation.

3. Toning the nerves of the arm and shoulder: Tense and relax the arm
and shoulder repeatedly.  Things should be warming up now.

4. Focus your attention on your source of heat and power in the
abdomen.  Then the hand, then on your target.  This is a generally
safer method of chi kung for self defense using chi.

Some people report that they feel a creepy feeling like they are being
watched when this is applyed to them.  This is useful for people that
you want to clear from an area, like teenage punks.  The
self-consciousness should be enough to drive them off.  Sometimes, its
best to develop a more meditative character and learn to deal with
life.  Or just leave.

I will now introduce the short and simple variation of using the
power/elements of each finger.  Therefore, do the above, but
alternatly, focus on your hand, then a finger of a hand for a varyed

Targets and effects:

Key: Target(s)/element/effects(?)

Note: Element will not always be listed.  Fire is the most useful for
decisive effect (fire consumes all) purposes generally.  It also
generally requires special training to develop, which I will not go
into right now.


Lizard brain: Pituitary/Cerebellum (Uncontrollable laughter,
involuntary facial expressions/tensions, local muscle tension)
Anterior commissure (mind control)
Ball of ether around the head: Confusion/suffocation


Fire-Heart attack/Arrythmia, Emotional and Psychic destruction
Water-Pulmonary edema
Earth-Dysfunctional contractility


Knee's: Inability to stand or walk.  Collapse.


Magism is to be found in the sentences of Zoroaster, in the hymns of
Orpheous, in the invocations of the hierophants and in the symbols of
Pythagoras.  It is reproduced in the philosophy of Agrippa of Carder.
And is recognised under the name of Magic, in the marvelous results of
Magnetism -- Ragon

May contain proprietary information regardless of patent, trademark,
or copyrite.  All rights reserved.


Alternative to Falun gong:
Deer exercise for men: http://www.nine3.com/DeerMan.html
Deer exercise for women: http://www.nine3.com/DeerWoman.html

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Lucifer is enlightenment

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the 

[CTRL] Illegal Weapons Shipment Seized by FBI

2001-07-09 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

no url or reference so

Illegal Weapons Shipment Seized by FBI

HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA -- The interception of an illicit weapons shipment
threatens to expose the Bush Regime's illegal covert policy of
rearming China.

The FBI has intercepted a rented truck containing crates of illegal
weapons en route to New Orleans from Huntsville, Alabama. Crates
marked Lemmings were discovered on board. Lemmings is an official
military designation for sophisticated explosive bolts, used in the
separation of missile stages. They come in two parts. One is the bolt
mechanism. The other is the remote control mechanism. Since the
missile program in question was cancelled, these bolts were
technically classified and declared surplus items. In fact, however,
these were being shipped on behalf an Irish arms merchant called Mr.
Weinstein.. Prior to the shipment of the Lemmings, Mr. Weinstein
had procured the missiles themselves from a supposedly cancelled
military defense program. However, since he needed the explosive bolts
and the automatic detonation system to complete the system, he was
able to buy them at the weekly weapons auction at the Huntsville,
Alabama Redstone Arsenal sale.

Although the type of missile in question is unknown, it would most
likely be either a theater missile or a strategic missile. A theater
missile has a range of at least 1,800 miles to a maximum range of
2,600 miles. A strategic weapon is a missile with a range greater than
2,600 miles. According to the Friendly Colonel, the team of drivers of
this arms shipment was shocked and surprised at being stopped by the
FBI. They supposedly had no idea that their cargo was illegally
obtained weapons. After being questioned by the FBI, they were
allegedly released and given transportation money to get back to
Huntsville. The cargo was, however, confiscated. The state police, who
were the first to arrive on the scene, stopped the truck on the
pretext of a moving vehicle violation. A few minutes later, the FBI
moved in and the state police were told that the FBI was taking over.
What the Friendly Colonel suspects is that the FBI will attempt to
cover-up this incident -- and act as if it never happened.

The FBI agents who seized the truck were agents who were out of the
loop. In other words, they did not understand that the Friendly
Colonel is involved in the execution of a state-sanctioned illegal
covert operation visavis the illicit rearming of China. After the
discovery of the weapons shipment, the FBI agents were told by cell
phone to hush up the whole thing. This incident may prove to be the
opening of the Pandora's box with regard to the Bush Regime's covert
and illicit policy of state, i.e. to arm China. Previous reports have
confirmed this ongoing situation as part of a covert Bush
Administration policy. This incident is the latest in a series of
startling events in the continuing saga of the illegal Redstone
Arsenal Weapons Auction story. The revelation of this incident may
again force the FBI to once again cover up this embarrassing event. Or
the FBI may be forced a make a public admission about the illicit arms
deals that continue to be made at the US military arsenal in
Huntsville, Alabama. All media groups worldwide are urged to make
inquiries regarding this latest incident. The successful cover-up by
the FBI is not a done deal - yet.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BioApocalypse: How Secret Experiments May Have Unleashed Cancer

2001-07-09 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

From New Dawn No. 64 - http://www.newdawnmagazine.com

BioApocalypse: How Secret Experiments May Have Unleashed Cancer
Causing Viruses

By Leonard Horowitz

The American people, along with the rest of the world's population,
have been under attack by insidious lethal enemies. Most people cannot
perceive or conceive that shadow governors are engaged in hideous
biological and chemical experiments on unwitting populations. Minority
and ethnic groups especially at risk for toxic exposures, many being
done in the name of public health.

The recent widescale spraying of malathion and Anvil, two known
chemical carcinogens and immune system toxins, to allegedly prevent
West Nile Virus attacks within several northeastern American states,
is just one example of such public health policy based on no
rational science. Most people are incapable of realising the scope and
depth of such crimes against humanity. Perceiving, rather, their
impotence in altering the course of history, and fearing the fight of
a crusade, people rationalise their inefficacy or indifference in
human terms - Don't tell me. That's just the way it is. I can't do
anything about it anyway, so I'd rather not know.

During the past two decades, at least six internationally known
authorities advanced theories that the AIDS virus (HIV-1) was
developed by biological weapons researchers, and either accidentally
or intentionally transmitted it with the help of the United States
Public Health Service (USPHS) and the United Nations World Health
Organisation (WHO). A 1969 US military appropriations document
obtained through the Freedom of Information Act called for $10 million
for the development of AIDS-like viruses by 1975. In fact the National
Academy of Sciences / National Research Council had informed the
Department of Defense (DOD) that:

[I]t would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism
which could differ in certain important aspects from any known
disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be
refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which
we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

During the 1960s and early 1970s, these agencies, with help from the
World Health Organisation (WHO), the (US) National Cancer Institute
(NCI), and the Rockefeller and Alfred P. Sloan Foundations played
leading roles in the development of cancer viruses for vaccine
research and germ warfare. By 1969, the WHO had provided prototype
virus strains for more than 592 virus laboratories in more than 35
different countries. That year, four of the most active centres,
including the NCI and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), distributed 2,514 strains of viruses, 1888 ampoules of
experimental vaccines, and about 100 samples of cell cultures
throughout the WHO's viral network. 70,000 virus isolations were
reported by 1970, and many, cultured for further study, were breaking
out of the laboratories that tested them.

In March of 1970, WHO consultants even reported the likelihood of
massive cancer epidemics from such virus outbreaks. Such biological
agents, they noted, may be used... to achieve the simultaneous
infection of key groups of people, and the military consequences might
well be of major importance However, they warned of the
calculated risk that a virulent mutant might appear and spread
rapidly to produce an uncontrollable epidemic on a large scale

These consultants also predicted that as a consequence of such
biological attacks, mass illnesses, deaths, and epidemics would
require the WHO and allied agencies to furnish supplies and personnel
to deal with the resulting medical emergencies.

The first viruses and retroviruses used for cancer and biological
weapons research passed through the NCI. Among the premier labs
specifically researching, developing, and testing immune system
destroying viruses was the Cell Tumor Biology Laboratory at the NCI.
This was headed by Dr. Robert Gallo - the notorious alleged
co-discoverer of the AIDS virus. To date it remains uncertain when
Gallo discovered HIV. It was reported Gallo's discovery followed the
French Pasteur Institute's Luc Montagnier's discovery of LAV, an
identical virus, in 1984, but new evidence suggests he may have
genetically engineered the virus as early as 1970 along with
biological weapons contractors at Litton Bionetics - a subsidiary of
the mega-military weapons producer Litton Industries, Inc.

Dr. Gallo's behaviour is, in fact, highly suspicious. As chronicled by
bestselling deceased author Randy Shilts in And the Band Played On,
and more recently by Eleanor Burkitt in The Gravest Show on Earth,
Gallo's collaborative efforts in search of the AIDS virus were
deceitful and repugnant. The authors' charged Gallo's ego was largely
responsible for delaying international progress in search of the AIDS
virus. Following his alleged find, patents were filed on his and the
NCI's behalf 

[CTRL] Psychiatric agenda 'set by drug firms'

2001-07-09 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Psychiatric agenda 'set by drug firms'

Sarah Boseley, health editor
Monday July 9, 2001
The Guardian

A group of psychiatrists has made a formal protest to the president of the
profession's royal college against a drug company's sponsorship of a
conference opening today.
They complain that the industry's marketing distorts the mental health
agenda to the point where pills are seen as the answer to all ills.
In a letter to John Cox, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists,
the group says that money widely available for sponsorship of meetings and
of doctors is an attempt to persuade psychiatry to go down the biomedical
route and to ignoresocial circumstances that might be the true cause of an
The group plans a symbolic protest outside the Queen Elizabeth II conference
centre in London, where the annual meeting of the college is taking place
today in conjunction with the World Psychiatric Association.
Two consultant psychiatrists, Pat Bracken and Philip Thomas from the
University of Bradford, members of the group that calls itself the Critical
Psychiatry Network, will join mental health service users in demonstrating
their concerns.
We want to open up the debate about the role of the drugs companies in
terms of how we frame the issues facing mental health, said Dr Bracken.
Some of us are very unhappy at the way that has been hijacked in the past
20 years by the pharmaceutical industry.
The letter to Professor Cox expresses concern at the amount of advertising
and sponsorship at the conference.
We are also concerned about less overt but more dubious aspects of the
relationship between the profession and the industry, such as sponsorship of
individuals, local meetings and dinners, it says.
Psychiatry is a major growth area for the pharmaceutical industry. By
influencing the way in which psychiatrists frame mental health problems, the
industry has developed new (and lucrative) markets for its products. This
has had a major effect on the direction taken by psychiatry in the past 20
The group fears what is termed by companies medical education -
sponsorship activities that can include paying for doctors to attend
In our opinion, their interest in medical education is purely self-serving.
Drug companies see doctors as 'promotional tools', and their sponsorship of
educational events amounts to nothing more than advertising.
The group claims that biomedical frameworks - the focus on drugs -
increasingly dominate research and education in psychiatry, in spite of
limited evidence as to how or whether the drugs work.
Dr Bracken points to a paper in the journal Ethical Human Sciences and
Services last year on the efficacy of the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor) class of antidepressant, which includes Prozac, which concluded
that the drugs worked little better than dummy pills - there is a less than
10% difference in the antidepressant effect of drug versus placebo.
Dr Bracken and colleagues feel the drive to find a medical cause for all
mental illness ignores issues such as poverty, family breakdown, or other
social or cultural problems. They call for the college to pull back from the
increasingly closerelationship with the pharmaceutical industry.

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[CTRL] Barenboim stirs up Israeli storm by playing Wagner

2001-07-09 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Barenboim stirs up Israeli storm by playing Wagner

Ewen MacAskill in Jerusalem
Monday July 9, 2001
The Guardian

The Jewish conductor, Daniel Barenboim, provoked an outcry in Israel at the
weekend by defying the country's informal ban on playing Wagner, the
favourite composer of the Nazis. His decision to challenge the taboo was
inspired by hearing the ringing-tone of a mobile phone in Jerusalem last
He originally had Wagner's The Valkyries on the programme for his weekend
appearance at Israel's national arts festival. The organisers, after
protests from Israel when the programme was published a few months ago,
asked him to drop it and he agreed, replacing it with Schumann's Symphony No
4 and Stravinsky's Rite of Spring.
On Saturday night, he and the Berlin Staatskapelle orchestra completed the
programme as promised at Jerusalem's international convention centre. But
when Barenboim returned for a second encore, he surprised the audience by
asking if they wanted to hear Wagner.
An emotional 30-minute debate among the audience followed, with some
shouting fascist and concentration camp music, and dozens walked out,
banging doors as the music began.
But most stayed and Barenboim, 58, played a piece from Tristan and Isolde.
He was reported to have been close to tears after receiving a standing
He told the audience it had been a personal initiative: You can be angry
with me, but please don't be angry with the orchestra or the festival
He revealed that his decision was made at a press conference on Wednesday
that was interrupted by the ring of a mobile phone. The telephone's ring
was The Valkyries of Wagner, he said. I thought, if it can be heard on the
ring of a telephone, why can't it be played in a concert hall?
However, even some of those who oppose the Wagner ban were angry that
Barenboim had reneged on a promise to the festival organisers. But most of
the rightwing anger was simply because it was Wagner.
The prime minister, Ariel Sharon, said: I would rather it hadn't been
played. There are a lot of people in Israel for whom this issue is very
The rightwing mayor of Jerusalem, Ehud Omert, said Barenboim's decision was
arrogant, uncultured and unacceptable. He added that Israel would have to
review its relations with the conductor. It's not his job to determine
whether the state of Israel decides to allow Wagner to be heard or not. As a
musician he is great, but as a human being I could say a few other things.
Ephraim Zuroff, director of the Israeli branch of the Nazi-hunting Simon
Wiesenthal Centre, said: We will urge all Israeli orchestras to boycott
Daniel Barenboim.
Wagner, who wrote anti-semitic diatribes, was the favourite composer of
In 1981, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra tried to play a piece from
Tristan and Isolde, but a Holocaust survivor jumped on to the stage, opened
his shirt and showed scars from a concentration camp. The performance was
The ban is not consistent. Wagner was for years being played on Israeli
radio. A small crack was created last year when he was played for the first
time on stage in a relatively low-key event by Israel's Rishon Lezion
orchestra, conducted by a Holocaust survivor. But Barenboim's breach is the
most serious yet, as it was in Jerusalem at Israel's premier music festival.
Barenboim, who was born in Argentina, raised in Israel and lives in Berlin,
opened the debate on Saturday night by challenging the audience: Despite
what the Israel festival believes, there are people sitting in the audience
for whom Wagner does not spark Nazi associations.
I respect those for whom these associations are oppressive. It will be
democratic to play a Wagner encore for those who wish to hear it. I am
turning to you now and asking whether I can play Wagner?
He said he did not want to offend anyone and that those who would find the
music objectionable could leave.
The debate, carried out in Hebrew, was lost on almost all of the orchestra.
Holocaust survivors were in both camps. Michael Avraham, 67, an engineer,
said: Wagner was a giant anti-semite but also a great musician. I'm against
his views, but not his music.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FC: U.N. security investigating irate email from U.S. gun owners

2001-07-09 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Summary: Fewer than 100 angry email messages from American gun owners led
U.N. conference organizers to turn over the correspondence to U.N. internal
security forces. The U.N. gun-summit began today, and -- see below --
includes proposals for a global gun database, tracking of firearms,
complaints about encryption and so on. What's interesting is that even this
limited outcry was enough to prompt U.N. officials to make the appropriate
we're not trying to limit private ownership of guns, apparently
backtracking from previous positions.

Statement on U.N. meeting from Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and
Bear Arms:

To see what kind of reaction the U.N. conference has provoked:

He said he had seen some of the nearly 100 letters and e-mails that had
been sent by gun-ownership advocates. They were mainly irate and strongly
worded protests, and allegations that the United Nations wanted to take
guns away from civilians in conflict with the constitutional rights of
United States citizens. While he would not characterize any of the letters
as explicitly threatening, they had been turned over to United Nations
security authorities. Mr. Honwana added that it was not for his Department
to determine whether the correspondence was threatening. It was up to the
Organization's security staff to make that determination.

A small arms and light weapons register could be established, adds the
report, at the national level to assist information-gathering and
information-sharing. One option could be to extend this register to the
regional level. While the option of a United Nations register was
discussed, significant opposition continues to exist to a global register
on the basis that it is premature and the provision of such sensitive
information could undermine, not enhance, national security.

On specific points to be included in the recommendations to the
Conference, the representative of Pakistan promoted a proper marking
system for numbering weapons... Some tracking system was in the interest
of both producers and governments, which should keep the information under
their authority at all times.

Furthermore, some of these activities are already
conducted by the brokers or other participants in the
chain of the illicit trade, by using e-commerce channels
and networks. This e-commerce is frequently encoded
or encrypted, thus placing an extra burden on the law
enforcement institutions to detect it.


United Nations opens gun conference
The United Nations opens a special session in New York focusing on the
international market for small arms. The UN has already angered proponents
of freedom with proposals to limit or prohibit private ownership of small
arms. (07/09/01)

UN investigating email from gun owners as 'threat'
The United Nations is investigating whether irate letters and email from
American gun enthusiasts protesting an upcoming conference on illicit trade
in small arms constitute a security threat. The body has received about 100
complaints from Americans who erroneously believe the conference seeks to
infringe on their right to bear arms, said a U.N. spokesman. (07/05/01)

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-09 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Pugliese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 11:10:49 -0400
 From: Eileen Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

 ...WBAI producer Bill Weinberg offers this excellent analysis of
 right-wing conspiracist, Jim Marrs

It never fails. If one percent of a body of work has shades of anti-semitism
and 99 percent is about other things, it is only the one percent that is
used in criticizing that work.

Marrs' book Alien Agenda was rather good, but Rule By Secrecy was so
disjointed I couldn't get through it. No such large number of groups over
such long periods of time could possibly communicate and execute such a vast
conspiracy even if they could agree on an agenda, which they could never do.

Sometimes the conspiracy is to find a conspiracy connection where there is

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-09 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

   Heh, look at the website I got as the first hit on google for, The Mind
of Adolf Hitler,  cited in the Bill Weinberg piece!
Mae Brussell, I used to listen to on the radio, before she died. Her papers
are in some office in Santa Cruz. A friend in college had dinner with her
and John Judge once. Judge rambled on about Jonestown being a COINTELPRO
and/or MKULTRA psy-op.

Paul Krassner has some stories about her in one of his books. Weinberg, btw,
has a book on Chiapas and the Zaps from Verso and writes for High Times. And
KPFA is not immune to this stuff. Years ago in Berkeley on the campus, at a
forum where Dennis Bernstein
and C. Clark Kissenger from RCP where blathering, during Q  A,
Bernstein )from the Flashpoints program) was asked why he had cited
LaRoucheite stuff on air, and he said that Village Voice columnist,
James Ridgeway did too! And frequent guest of Bernstein, Michael
Parenti, has appeared in the pgs. of
New Dawn, a similar journal also from Australia.
By Leonard Horowitz, AIDS dissident appeared on one of two panels at
Project Censored conference at
 SF State, along with nutters from ACT-UP, on another panel.
The Hidden Side of Psychiatry (Part 2)
By Gary Null ARTICLES IN NO. 54
(May-June 1999)
The New Great Game:
Blood for Oil, Drugs For Arms
By Bob Djurdjevic -Racist, Buchananite, from Truth In Media website.
The Last President
By Alexander Dugin
Jonestown: Dismantling the Disinformation
By Laurie Kahalas
(March-April 1999)


By Michel Chossudovsky. Both sides of the conflict affecting Kosovo and
Macedonia are being funded behind the scenes by the Pentagon, with help from
the United Nations, NATO and narcodollars.
Your Own Perfect Medicine!
By Wm Michael Mott. Modern-day accounts of alien abductions and Men in Black
incidents have parallels with planet-wide legends of mysterious subterranean
creatures and humanoids.
by Valendar F. Turner and Andrew McIntyre  )

, a New Age conspiracy theory rag that mixes a melange of far right and far
left stuff. Nexus editors, in a document I found on usenet (it's really
long!) have links to Australian neo-fascists in the Australian League of
Rights and Pauline Hansen's One Nation. Parenti's choice of sources can be
hella weak. For his recent book on the NATO bombing, To Kill A Nation, 
froom Verso, one chapter relies on Blagovesta Doncheva, who forwards crap
from the Russia  neo-fascist metaphysician, Alexander Dugin. Favorite Dugin
title of mine, The Knights Templar of the Proletariat. For more Dugin,
visit his website, and the National Bolshevik one, as well as, The Black
Hundreds,  by Walter Laqueur.
Michael Pugliese

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-09 Thread radman

Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 
From: Eileen Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

...WBAI producer Bill Weinberg offers this excellent analysis of
right-wing conspiracist, Jim Marrs, whose book was recently offered by
Marjorie Moore as a premium in WBAI's last fund drive. The use of
the Marrs material to fund the station is seen by many as strong evidence
of the ideological shifts taken place at WBAI, despite protests from
management that changes in program content are illusory. Weinberg also
discusses Leid's history with the City Sun, and DeRienzo's recent attacks
on the IMC and George Soros.



by Bill Weinberg

Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral
Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. The title itself
reads like a self-parody. The fact that it is not is a sad comment on our
times. The fact that HarperCollins chose to publish this amateurish
potboiler is even sadder. But saddest of all is that it was offered as a
premium in the last fund-raising marathon by New York City's
progressive WBAI Radio.

WBAI, whose leadership was purged in a notorious Christmas
Coup last year, once offered premiums by the likes of Noam Chomsky.
But it was the voice of Jim Marrs that issued from the station's
transmitter in relentless interviews during the May marathon. Marrs was
chosen as the latest political guru by morning show host Marjorie Moore
and approved by WBAI's Interim General Manager Utrice Leid. Both
repeatedly praised his research over the air. That WBAI is
now promoting Marrs, a peddler of the most vulgar anti-Semitic conspiracy
theory, loans credence to those who argue that the station has assumed a
rightward trajectory since the coup.

In Rule by Secrecy, Marrs of course goes out of his way to disavow
anti-Semitism-but in terms that are clearly anti-Semitic! While it
may be true that secret organizations in the past were built along both
racial and religious grounds and [a]lthough many
international financiers are of Jewish descent, it is unfair
to accuse the Hebrew race of an international conspiracy.
Note the slippery use of Hebrew race in place of the more
common and accurate term Jews. He complains that the
broad brush of anti-Semitism frequently has been used to besmirch anyone
offering a conspiratorial view of history.

After this requisite disavowal, Marrs goes on to portray the
gigantic and secretive Rothschilds banking empire as the
covert and indirect power behind nearly every government on
Earth (ultimately tracing their grand design for world domination to the
Illuminati and Masonic conspiracies dating to ancient Egypt). His
sources are the usual ones, all too familiar to followers of
the far right and fascism.

Topping the list, of course, is the Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion, the purported Jewish conspiracy masterplan which served as
propaganda for the Czarist pogroms and then the Nazi Holocaust. While
Marrs does concede that the Protocols are a hoax, he nonetheless
vests much legitimacy in them: It is the possibility of 'historical
truth' which has kept the Protocols in circulation since its
inception. Today, modern conspiracy writers see it as a real program
predating Nazism or Communism... The Protocols may indeed reflect
a deeper conspiracy beyond its intended use to encourage anti-Semitism,
one hidden within the secret upper ranks of the Iluminati and

The kneejerk anti-Communism which always characterizes this genre is
there as well. Marrs writes that Marx's program points in The
Communist Manifesto bear a striking resemblance to the
Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, suggesting some common
origin. Much, of course, is made of Marx's Jewish ethnicity.
Concludes Marrs: The goals of the Russian communists and Karl Marx
were largely the same goals of the Illuminati and continental

Again and again, Marrs attempts to legitimize the anti-Semitism of Henry
Ford, the Krupps and even Hitler, portraying them as mere over-reaction
to the arrogant power of international Jewish bankers. Marrs
argues that the Jews themselves were behind Hitler, another line familiar
to those who follow this unsavory milieu. All of the American, British
and Dutch industrialists who aided Hitler's rise to power are portrayed
(on no evidence) as stand-ins for the great Rothschild
empire. Marrs goes one better by claiming that Hitler was a
Rothschild-that his grandmother was not impregnated by her husband Johann
Georg Hiedler, but by one Baron Rothschild, in whose Vienna
home she was working as a servant. Marrs cites a (conveniently)
suppressed OSS report for this allegation, but provides no
details on its name or where it is to be found.

The actual report, by psychologist Walter C. Langer, was published in
1972 as The Mind of Adolf Hitler, but Marrs doesn't tell us that,
since its findings on the theory of Hitler's 

Re: [CTRL] 'Largest Ever' Child Molest Case In Massachusetts

2001-07-09 Thread Don Daniels
Was the scoutmaster a homosexual?

[CTRL] Colombia War Highlights Arms Trade

2001-07-09 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


Sunday, 8 July 2001

 Colombia War Highlights Arms Trade

 By Nick Rosen

BOGOTA -- The smuggling operation showed how fueling a war in Colombia can
be nearly as easy as stepping into a Miami gun shop.

Colombian arms dealers in the United States on tourist visas purchased
assault rifles in Miami shops, packed them in bubble wrap and sent them
home on cargo flights, listed as machinery parts.

Their destination: guerrillas trying to overthrow the South American
country's elected government.

The smuggling operation, which Colombian and U.S. officials say was
operating during 1997 and 1998, illustrates just one of the myriad ways
that black market weapons elude national and international controls to
fuel the violence of Colombia's 37-year civil war, rampant drug
trafficking and sky-high common crime.

The smuggling network from Miami to the Caribbean city of Barranquilla was
also one tiny link in a global small arms trafficking problem that will be
the focus of unprecedented attention with the start of a U.N. conference
in New York on Monday.

The 11-day conference, presided over by a Colombian diplomat, aims to
combat an illicit trade believed to be worth billions of dollars a year
and contribute to hundreds of thousands of deaths in conflict zones from
Africa to Latin America.

The impact is severe in Colombia, with more than 3,000 people killed in
the civil conflict annually and one of the world's highest per capita
homicide rates.

Many of the guns flowing into Colombia are left over from civil wars
fought during the 1980s in Central America or come from stockpiles in the
former Soviet bloc. In recent years, authorities have seized handguns and
assault rifles from the United States, Brazil, China, North Korea,
Bulgaria and Romania.

Some recent high-profile cases:

On Sunday, Colombian police said they seized 31 assault rifles including
27 AK-47s three rockets and a rocket launcher sent from Nicaragua and
destined for the country's largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia, or FARC.

The shipment and three men were captured on San Andres Island, 372 miles
off Colombia's northern coast, said National Police chief Gen. Ernesto

A fugitive Brazilian trafficker was caught in the Colombian jungles in
April, accused of trading guns for cocaine with the FARC.

Peruvian authorities are investigating allegations that disgraced former
spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos arranged for at least 10,000 AK-47 assault
rifles Peru purchased from Jordan to be diverted to the FARC in an airdrop
last year.

Colombia's top rightist paramilitary leader claimed last year that he had
arranged to purchase a large cache of Chinese-made arms from traffickers
in Suriname, but that the FARC outbid him for the shipment once it arrived
via Brazil.

The U.S. government has provided Colombia army counterdrug battalions with
grenade launchers, mortars and M-60 machine guns as part of a $1.3 billion
aid plan. There have been no reported cases of selloffs of U.S.-provided
weapons by corrupt soldiers.

With coasts along two oceans, long chains of Andean mountains and rivers,
and 3,700 miles of sparsely populated borders with five different
countries, Colombia is particularly vulnerable to smuggling.

The number of illegal firearms confiscated here grew from about 23,000 in
1994 to 42,000 last year, according to police. Ten times that amount are
believed to be entering the country undetected.

Colonel Alberto Ruiz, director of the DIJIN, Colombia's judicial police
force, says intelligence-sharing by Colombia's neighbors has helped stem
arms trafficking, but that more far-reaching measures are needed.

''We really need wider accords with countries that manufacture the guns,
to try to get more control over the legal sale of weapons,'' says Ruiz,
''Because most illegal arms begin as legal arms.''

The assault rifles being shipped from Miami to Barranquilla were headed
for the National Liberation Army, Colombia's second largest rebel band,
according to Detective Edgar Gonzalez of the DAS state security agency.

Colombian intelligence officials intercepted a phone conversation in
February 1997 revealing a sale about to occur. Agents pounced on a house
outside the city and captured dozens of Kalashnikov assault rifles.

The smugglers got away, but Colombian officials with the help of the U.S.
Bureau for Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms traced the weapons' serial
numbers back to sales made a several Miami gun shops, Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez said authorities have traced more than a hundred assault rifles
seized here from rebels and criminal gangs back to the Miami purchases.
ATF officials said they believe the group purchased at least 600 assault
rifles in the United States.

The five Colombians involved in the smuggling operation are now behind
bars three here and two in the United States. But authorities acknowledge
they may barely 

Re: [CTRL] How to use simple chi kung for self defense and distance killing

2001-07-09 Thread Don Daniels
Do you think this really works??

Since I'm living in what is rapidly becoming a crime-ridden neighborhood, I
appreciate any type of self-defense tips, even though this info doesn't
really have anything to do with conspiracies.

Still, I don't want to try this out with any of the neighborhood thugs until
I'm absolutely sure of its efficacy! 

Re: [CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-09 Thread Don Daniels
Isn't Marrs the one who wrote what is considered the most comprehensive,
authoritative book on JFK conspiracy theories, "Crossfire: The Plot That
Killed JFK"? Given the fact that I've always been impressed with the
investigative depth and journalistic professionalism that went into Marrs'
book on JFK, it's disillusioning to hear that he's now espousing these
crackpot theories.

The only conclusion I can draw is that Marrs let fame go to his head.
Unfortunately, his new-found persona will undoubtedly undercut his
credibility on the Kennedy assassination. 

[CTRL] Freedom Conference Set to Address U.N. Agenda

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


You just might want to pass on your comments, to
the United Nations ay  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Semper fi;

Friday, July 6, 2001 1:19 p.m. EDT
Freedom Conference Set to Address U.N. Agenda

Next week St. Louis will host the Freedom 21 National Conference 2001, a
forum of dynamic conservatives who hope to raise awareness about the United
Nations' U.N. Agenda 21 Project.

Though most Americans are likely unfamiliar with the U.N. proposal, critics
say it poses a clear and present danger to the American way of life.

U.N. Agenda 21 is a clever attempt to undermine U.S. sovereignty through the
back door, they argue, using environmental issues, gun control and fears
about global overpopulation to enhance the powers of an international court
system that would supersede local jurisdictions.

At next week's conference, Freedom 21 organizers say they'll offer workshops
featuring concrete plans to combat the growing U.N. threat, as well as a
star-studded cast of speakers to explain the dangers of U.N. Agenda 21.

Featured speakers will include Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, Congress' most
outspoken U.N. critic, and Rep. Jo Ann Emerson, R-Mo., a congressional
champion of property rights who participated in the Kyoto and Hague
environmental negotiations.

Phyllis Schlafly, president of Eagle Forum and longtime crusader for
conservative causes, will be on hand as well as John Fund, the voice of the
Wall Street Journal editorial page.

Also slated to appear is Daniel New, father of Michael New, the U.S. Army
soldier who refused to submit to U.N. command and was court-martialed for his
courage, as well as Kent Snyder of the Liberty Study Committee.

Diane Alden, one of NewsMax.com's most incisive pundits, will address the
Freedom 21 conference on the adverse influence of current environmental

The conference kicks off Thursday, July 12, at the St. Louis airport Marriott
and runs through Saturday, July 14.

For more details visit www.freedom21.org


*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Week Ending: 7 July 2001/16 Tamuz 5761

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tzemach News Service
A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 7 July 2001/16 Tamuz 5761

For thus says the L-rd, 'Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and shout
among the chiefs of the nations; Proclaim, give praise, and say, O L-rd,
save Thy people, the remnant of Israel.' Jeremiah 31.7

Highlights Of This Week:


:: CEASE FIRE STATISTICS: On 2 June PLO leader Yassir Arafat declared a
cease fire. Since then, up to and including 2 July, there have been 373
Palestinian terrorists attacks against Israelis, not including rock
throwing or fire bombs. Israel and Palestinians accepted the US-brokered
Tenet Plan on 14 June. Since then there have been 200 Palestinian
terrorists attacks against Israelis, not including rock throwing or fire
bombs. Between the acceptance of the Tenet Plan on 14 June and 26 June,
there were a total of 116 Palestinian terrorists attacks against Israelis,
not including rock throwing or fire bombs. Based on this data, US President
George W. Bush claimed that there had been much progress in the cease
fire. On 2 July, after a total of 373 Palestinian terrorists attacks
against Israelis -- not including rock throwing or fire bombs -- Arafat
declared seven quiet days to end on 5 July.

Meanwhile, according to a report in the WORLD TRIBUNE, the Bush
administration is expressing frustration over its failure to stop the
Israeli-Palestinian war and is considering decreasing US efforts.
Administration officials said Bush has been dismayed that Secretary of
State Colin Powell and CIA Director George Tenet have failed in their
missions to stop the war. They said they are considering ending their
intensive efforts to mediate a ceasefire between the two sides.

lawmakers are urging Secretary of US State Colin Powell to publicize
rewards for the capture of Palestinian terrorists. Nineteen American
citizens have been killed in terrorist attacks in Israel since the signing
of the Oslo Accords in 1993. A State Department report released in April
stated that publicizing such rewards in the case of Palestinian
perpetrators of terror would be detrimental to ongoing efforts to capture
the terrorists. However, the State Department's Rewards for Justice Web
site (http://www.dssrewards.net) lists reward programs for terrorists
involved in all kinds of bombings and murders: the bombing of the US
Embassies in Africa; the bombing of the Khobar Towers in Dhahran, Saudi
Arabia; the bombing of the Marine base in Lebanon; the bombing of TWA
Flight 840; the Karachi, Pakistan Consulate Murders; the Karachi, Pakistan
UTP Murders; the TWA Flight 847 Hijacking; plus several others. The site
also lists several terrorists including Osama Bin Laden. If publicizing
such rewards is supposed to be detrimental to ongoing efforts to capture
the terrorists, then why does the US State Department list all these other
terrorist acts? Why it is that only listing the Palestinian terrorists who
have murdered US citizens in Israel is considered detrimental to ongoing
efforts to capture the terrorists? On our Web site,
http://www.tzemach.org/fyi/, is a link to a listing of addresses for the US
Congress and the US Senate. Maybe you ought to ask them why.

:: MORE MURDERS; CEASE FIRE CONTINUES: Aharon Obadyan, 41, father of four,
of Zichron Ya'akov was shot and killed Monday near Baka a-Sharkia, north of
Tulkarem, after shopping at the local market.

The body of Yair Har Sinai, 51, of Susiya in the Hebron hills, was found
early Tuesday morning shot in the head and chest. Har Sinai had been a
shepherd for the last 19 years and was well known to Israelis and
Palestinians in the area. Unarmed at the time of his murder, he did not
carry a gun as a matter of principle. He is survived by his wife, Dalia,
and their nine children. His oldest daughter, 21 years old, is married. His
oldest son is serving in the military. His youngest son is 18 months old.

Arab forces shot a handicapped Jew to death near Tulkarm Wednesday. The
victim was found on a road, outside of his car, shot in the back. Security
sources say it seems the man, who suffered from a handicap in his legs, was
attempting to run away from his attackers.

On Wednesday night, a 54-year-old Israeli Arab from Tira, suspected of
collaborating with Israel, was shot dead from a passing car at the entrance
to the town.

[CTRL] Rob Stiff holds Marine dog tags belonging to Lance Cpl. Allan George Decker

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

May 2001: Rob Stiff holds Marine dog tags belonging to Lance Cpl. Allan
George Decker in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Wednesday, July 04, 2001

 Email this Article

ORLANDO, Fla. — Lance Cpl. Allan George Decker made the ultimate sacrifice
during his 1968 tour of Vietnam, which is why two Florida businessmen were
sickened earlier this year to find his Marine dog tags for sale in a
back-alley market in Ho Chi Minh City.

Rob Stiff and Jim Gain made a second trip to Vietnam in May just to buy the
tags, and hundreds of others. Upon returning to America, they set about
trying to reunite soldiers and their families with the lost tags.

On Wednesday, Decker's dog tags will be given to his mother in an
Independence Day ceremony at the Orlando cemetery where he's buried.

I'm just overwhelmed with it all, said Ruth Decker, who lives in Punta
Gorda. I just think, 'Wow, the way the Lord makes things work out.'

Since the end of the war, Vietnamese field workers have found in their rice
paddies all sorts of military debris: boots, helmets, badges, buttons, medals
and dog tags.

Servicemen usually wore the tags — silver discs that listed a soldier's name,
military identification number and blood type — around their necks, but in
the field many put them in their boots so they wouldn't jingle.

Stiff and Gain weren't looking for war mementos when they traveled to Vietnam
in January. They wanted to check the commercial climate for possible business
ventures. But in a market not frequented by tourists, they found the dog tags
dangling from a string.

It was really eerie and we were disgusted, said Stiff, 27.

Despite their revulsion, they left the tags there. But back home in America,
they couldn't escape the memory.

People asked, 'What if they're fake?' Stiff said. Well, our question was,
'What if they're real?'

In May, they returned to Vietnam to buy all the American dog tags they could
find. It took days to scour Ho Chi Minh City and sort through thousands of
tags — some printed in Vietnamese, others destroyed or illegible — and
returned home with about 640.

The total cost of the tags was $180. They sometimes paid less than 14 cents

Stiff and Gain transcribed what was printed on each the best they could, then
complied a database of names and ID numbers to list on their Web site:

A dozen tags matched names listed on the black granite Vietnam Veterans
Memorial in Washington, D.C.

One day, Jim comes into my office and says, 'You won't believe this. We've
got matches for the Wall,' Stiff said.

One of the first names they uncovered was Decker's. With the help of Rep. Ric
Keller, an Orlando Republican, and the Defense Department they tracked Ruth
Decker to Punta Gorda and called her June 21.

She was so full of joy, Stiff said.

Decker began his Vietnam tour as a machine-gunner with the 2nd Battalion,
27th Regiment of the 3rd Marine Division on Feb. 16, 1968.

On Aug. 25, 1968, the 19-year-old Marine was killed in Quang Nam province,
one of more than 58,000 Americans to die in Vietnam. He had lost his dog tags
during his six months in Vietnam.

Allen was killed on a Sunday, and we didn't receive the word until the
following Thursday, said Ruth Decker. My husband and I were just crushed.

But the next day, we received a letter from his buddy, she said. He said
that Allan believed in God very strongly, and He will take care of him. And
that was my consolation right from the beginning.

During Wednesday's ceremony, the Florida businessmen will present the dog
tags to Decker's mother and family members at Woodlawn Cemetery. She plans to
lay flowers and flags on the graves of her son and husband, who died in 1988.

This is going to be a very special Fourth of July, Stiff said. I'm truly
learning what a patriot is. It's more than just fireworks now.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and 

[CTRL] Prying Eyes

2001-07-09 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
July 10, 2001

The Free Congress Commentary
by Lisa S. Dean

Every now and again something startles us, forcing us out of the narrow,
sheltered worlds in which we live and we wonder how that something got
there.  Usually that something is not good and it forces us into action to
either stop it or prevent it from getting worse.
Such is the case in Denver, Colorado where citizens are up in arms over a
new traffic light surveillance system that not only captures the picture of
their vehicles on camera, but their faces as well.
The system is part of a new Department of Motor Vehicles initiative designed
to stop identity theft and drivers license fraud.  When the motorist is
stopped at a traffic light, the camera takes his picture and the face
recognition software maps out a three-dimensional image of the driver's
face, matching that record to the one in the DMV database, to come up with a
positive identification of the individual driving the car.
But the system is not just restricted to motorists.  Last week, the city of
Tampa, Florida became the first city in the US to install a similar system
on street corners in an effort by law enforcement to identify criminals
walking along the city streets.
But how did this happen, you might ask?  How did we get to this point where
what was once science fiction is now reality?  Well, cast your minds back,
if you will to three years ago when Image Data, a US company, received a
grant totaling $1.5 million from the US Secret Service to develop a database
containing every motorist's photo ID.  Image Data had entered in to
agreement with a number of states to buy their citizens' driver's license
photos to enter into the database.  The Secret Service wanted a complete
database containing the picture ID of every US motorist for the purpose of
catching criminals.
There was a bit of a scuffle over a government agency selling private
information to a business but very few saw the potential danger in doing so.
While Image Data was busy building its database for federal law enforcement,
states were passing laws requiring the installation of cameras on city
streets and intersections, allegedly to monitor traffic flow.
Many privacy advocates both here in Washington and across the country saw
the big picture and were alarmed at the potential abuse of our privacy that
this system could cause.  The combination of street cameras monitoring
pedestrians and motorists and face recognition software that would identify
pedestrians and motorists was a lethal one.
Needless to say, their concerns were ignored and even dismissed as paranoid
or anti-government.  Well, you can call them paranoid or whatever other
name you like.  I call them correct.
I predict that the next step for Big Brother is for law enforcement to
combine our personal information that government agencies have been
collecting with the face recognition software.  That way they will not only
know where we are, but who we are and everything about our lives, how much
money we have in our bank accounts, what medication we might be taking or
what illnesses we're being treated for, whether we paid our taxes, and so
forth, just because we happened to walk in front of a camera on the way to
the store or the doctor's office.
Total strangers don't know this information, but the government will because
it claims to have the right to know it and there's no one telling them they
don't because the citizens who can object aren't doing so.  We Americans
need to open our eyes and watch where we're going or like the people in
Denver and Tampa, we're going to wake up and wonder how we got to where we
are and realize that there's no way to turn back.
Lisa S. Dean is Vice President for Technology Policy at the Free Congress

For media inquiries, call Steve Lilienthal

For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

Visit Our Website at http://www.FreeCongress.org

This publication is a service of the Free Congress Research and Education
Foundation, Inc. (FCF) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the
Free Congress Foundation nor is it an attempt to aid or hinder the passage
of any bill.
Free Congress Foundation * 717 Second Street, NE * Washington, DC  20002 *
202.546.3000 * Fax: 202.544.2819
Project Manager: Angela Wheeler * Copyright * 2001  Free Congress Foundation
- All Rights Reserved.

[CTRL] Fwd: Washingtonpost.com: Barry Goldwater Dead at 89

2001-07-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

This man Goldwater was a real paradox in the art of politics.

Nice story here of the man - but if Harry Truman could make it, why
couldn't Goldwater only it seems to me that Goldwater was running on the
wrong ticket?

During this time frame the CFR was moving in strong and stood each of
their men, in their place - was Barry Goldwater one of the puppets -
well he was called everything else in the book.

Also, who was Ronald Regan ???


Goldwater Remembered

By Bart Barnes
Washington Post Staff Writer

Saturday, May 30, 1998; Page A01
Barry M. Goldwater, 89, a five-term U.S. senator from Arizona and a
champion of conservatism whose 1964 presidential candidacy launched a
revolution within the Republican Party, died yesterday at home in
Paradise Valley, a suburb of Phoenix.

He suffered a stroke in 1996 that damaged the part of the brain that
controls memory and personality. Last September, family members said he
was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Mr. Goldwater, who retired from the Senate in 1986 as one of his party's
most respected elder statesmen, suffered a resounding defeat when he ran
for president. But his efforts helped prepare the way for the election
of another conservative Republican, Ronald Reagan, as president in 1980.

Mr. Goldwater carried only six states and 36 percent of the popular vote
in 1964. After the election, most analysts and commentators concluded
that the Republican Party was hopelessly divided, and that Mr. Goldwater
and his conservative philosophy were all but politically dead.

 From collection of Ken Rudin
In fact, he had wrested control of the GOP from the Eastern liberal wing
that had dominated it for years. By 1980, he was acknowledged as the
founder of a conservative movement that had become a vital element in
mainstream Republican thinking and a major ingredient in Reagan's
political ascendancy. It was a 1964 speech delivered on behalf of Mr.
Goldwater that brought Reagan to national prominence and helped launch
his political career.

During his 1964 presidential campaign, Mr. Goldwater was attacked by
Democrats and opponents within his own party as a demagogue and a leader
of right-wing extremists and racists who was likely to lead the United
States into nuclear war, eliminate civil rights progress and destroy
such social welfare programs as Social Security.

But that perception mellowed with time. Mr. Goldwater returned to the
Senate in 1969 and went on to serve three more terms. Long before his
retirement, he had come to be regarded as the Grand Old Man of the
Republican Party and one of the nation's most respected exponents of
conservatism, which he sometimes defined as holding on to that which was
tested and true and opposing change simply for the sake of change.

His friends said he was often misunderstood, but his reputation for
personal integrity was unblemished. At the height of the Watergate
crisis, when the Republicans in Congress needed someone to tell
President Richard M. Nixon he should resign, they chose Mr. Goldwater.
But instead of telling the president what to do, Mr. Goldwater simply
informed him in the Oval Office on Aug. 7, 1974, that the Republicans in
Congress were unwilling and unable to stop his impeachment and
conviction should he remain in office. Nixon announced his resignation
the next day.

'An American Original'

A stickler for the Constitution, Mr. Goldwater refused to join the
Republicans of the New Right during the 1980s when they began to press
for legislation that would limit the authority of the federal courts to
curb organized prayer in public schools or to order busing for school
integration. He opposed busing and he backed prayer in schools, Mr.
Goldwater said, but he thought it a dangerous breach of the separation
of powers for Congress to be telling the courts what to do.

Goldwater in 1995 (AP)

Mr. Goldwater's political philosophy also included a strong military
posture, a deep mistrust of the Soviet Union and a conviction that
increasing the scope of government programs was not the way to solve
social problems.

In all, he served 30 years in the Senate, but he was out of office for
four years after losing his bid for the presidency, and he was in a
political limbo for almost 10 years after that defeat. He reemerged
during the Watergate crisis of the early 1970s.

Then, the bluntness and candor that had so often damaged Mr. Goldwater's
presidential campaign a decade earlier and his outspoken and harsh
criticism of Nixon's failure to deal with the growing Watergate scandal
were among the vital ingredients of his political renaissance.

The president, he contended, had shown a tendency to dibble and dabble
and argue on very nebulous grounds like executive privilege and
confidentiality when all the American people wanted to know was the

A quintessential westerner and a man of great personal charm, Mr.
Goldwater was an incurable gadgeteer who loved such devices as the
electronically operated flagpole at 


2001-07-09 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 8 Jul 2001 16:22:07 +0100, Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
posted article 007601c107c1$c2cd46c0$d0e928c3@elessar, which said:

 In the UK - the forthcoming leader of the alleged 'right' is pink, and
 right wing - the real balls behind the alleged 'left' new labour is pink
 and a bilderburger, the alleged security service seems to be pink
 central and stories of weird black budget pink nazis groomed for stardom
 in the alleged new re-education centres circulate.  The Uk artistocracy
 have more than a reputation for being pink, and there seems to be a tie
 in with the Mastery of the Human Race and pink issues.

 To get our answers we need to look at the illuminati and reptilian
 fascination with the human energies called the kundalini - the
 electrical system that the ordinary human being isn't aware of.  This
 energy is a direct highway to the soul - and the 'opening of the gate'
 is synonymous with reptoid/magik ritual - the ritual of the eye of horus
 or 'sore ass' is all about the rebirth of the age of horus and the
 domination of the human species - the opening of the gates to enable -
 presumably parasitical hosting.

 Our/my assumptions used to be that the nazi style master race were
 abherrant because of their sexual deviance and its misuse but by now we
 all must be starting to realise that these practises are not deviant -
 THEY ARE THE NORM for this type of non-human Being.

Well, it's as sound a theory as many others I've read about. :-)

I can only imagine how many people might be gay if it were not for society
condemning it so and virtually forcing boys to be men and girls to be
ladies.  Some countries execute homosexuals.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The 10 worst countries in the world

2001-07-09 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The 10 worst countries in the world


July 9 issue * Benighted nations that plumb the depths of state oppression,
poverty and all-round misery.

A vast gulag where citizens are forced to worship their 'Great
Leader,' who lets them die like flies
As if an endless civil war and psychotic regime were not enough, a
punishing drought is starving millions
Africa's most brutal war has taken life and limb, literally, from
thousands of children
Ethnic and religious enmities have so riven the country that it
hardly qualifies as a nation at all
A quarter century of civil war*and the rich, feeding off oil
profits, are still getting richer
The poorest of the former Soviet republics is torn between a
two-bit dictator and disgruntled warlords
Plagued by every ill of our times: greed, ethnic tension, civil
war, foreign aggression, AIDS, poverty
Smuggling is the biggest foreign-exchange earner, and criminal
gangs hold more sway than the state
Misrule and international donor fatigue continue to make a
potential Caribbean paradise a hell on earth
 10. IRAQ
The worst of both worlds*sanctions have ravaged the economy and
Saddam's boot is as heavy as ever

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Conspiracist Jim Marrs Revealed

2001-07-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

The work on movie JFK was taken from Bud Fensterwald's Committee to
Investigate Assassinations - Bud died shortly thereafter.

It was work that we had 30 years before the making of this movie - and
was not accutate.

Garrison said Gordon Novel was the most important witness re the JFK
assassination - this movie does not even mention him.

Oliver Stone is not what he appears to be - but at least he had the guts
to put out something.

Lot of the work Marrs took was let us plagiarized to say the least but
the Archives are there for all to see now.

Have one letter from Bud Fensterwald for he occasionally wrote and he
said we are going to get Nixon.and then a night watchman by the
name of Jim McCord who worked for CIA, went to court represented by Bud
Fensterwald, who triggered off the Watergate.

As for Watergate - I once said boy if I knew who named that place, I
would know who set up Nixon.well, I was told - it is owned by the
Pope and they answer directly to Rome.

You find the people are judged at the Watergate in Nehimiah - and Sam
Irvin ended the hearings with a quote from Ecclesiastics - for the
making of many books..


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SOMALIA: Amid war, famine, selling guns 'guarantees my family will be fed'

2001-07-09 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


Page 1/A Section
July 9, 2001

SOMALIA: Amid war, famine, selling guns 'guarantees my family will be fed'

Margaret Coker - Staff
Monday, July 9, 2001

Mogadishu, Somalia --- Like most small business owners, Ali Shalia counts
and cleans his inventory before opening his shop each morning. Standing
under a corrugated tin roof that provides shade for his wooden kiosk, he
grabs a rag and a can of oil and rubs down the nozzles and carbines of a
dozen or so assault rifles. Next, he builds displays of ammunition in neat
stacks by caliber.

I'm a businessman. I sell whatever I can move, and guns are something
that's always in demand, said Shalia, a lanky 31-year-old father of three
who runs one of many stalls that sell used weapons in Mogadishu's Bakhar
market. This is one of the few businesses that guarantees my family will
be fed.

The Somali capital, located on Africa's northeast coast on the Indian
Ocean, is a post-apocalyptic landscape straight out of Road Warrior.
Toyota pickups careen through rutted dirt streets lined with bullet-riddled
homes and bombed-out buildings. The rusty vehicles brim with teenage gunmen
whose main accessories are braids of ammunition draped around their necks
and a stem of the local narcotic, a leafy plant called qat that resembles
green basil, hanging from their mouths.

War has rocked this country for nearly half of Shalia's life. The
intervention of a U.N. peacekeeping force in 1992 to protect relief
supplies and a disastrous U.S. attempt to eliminate the country's top
warlord that left 18 U.S. Rangers dead 10 months later weren't enough to
restore order.

Today, the country is still controlled by warlords and their private
militias, armed mostly with Russian-made weapons. Most of these arms have
been circulating in Somalia since the Soviet era, but aid officials say new
Kalashnikovs are arriving, despite international sanctions, in private
shipments from neighboring countries like Ethiopia.

Many of these guns end up at the Bakhar market or another of Somalia's many
open-air bazaars where weapons can be found alongside consumer goods and
car parts.

Listening to Shalia list the goods he has sold the last couple of months is
like hearing a roster of attractions at an international weapons show:
AK-47s from Russia, North Korea and Yugoslavia, hand-held rocket launchers,
24 mm anti-aircraft guns, anti-tank mines and hundreds of rounds of

Although the country is constantly beset by famine in one region or
another, Shalia, who prefers to dress in baggy jeans and button-down
shirts, says he can't remember a time when guns or bullets were ever in
short supply.

The warlords used to get their weapons from us, here at the market, but
now they have international contacts to buy from. When they sell off their
old guns, they still come to us, he said.

The average cost for a Russian-made Kalashnikov at the Bakhar market is
$200, while a Russian-made collapsible AK-47 goes for $250. (In legal
markets elsewhere, such weapons sell for as much as 10 times that much.)
North Korean versions are slightly cheaper at $230. A used, American-made
M-16 sells for $100.

There aren't as many American guns here, Shalia said. We don't think
they are as good as the Russian weapons.

Most days, Shalia says he makes a sale. A typical buyer, he said, isn't
interested in just one Kalashnikov. People routinely purchase 15 or 20
assault rifles at a time.

The United Nations estimates that 90 percent of Somalia's population owns a
gun, a statistic that reflects the traditional value placed on weapons as
well as the vital need for self-protection.

Our business is an essential part of life in Mogadishu. I'd gladly sell
something else if there was peace, but for now, I'm providing a service my
people need, Shalia said.

  ON THE WEB: Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies: www.cast.ru

The black market for weapons is estimated at $8 billion per year -- a
quarter of the amount of legal arms sales. The most deadly weapons sold are
assault rifles. Below are the most common makes, information about them and
countries that manufacture them.
Weight: 9.5 pounds.
Caliber: 7.62 mm.
Rate of fire: 600-700 rounds per minute.
5-7 million made
Other manufacturers: 11 countries, including Argentina and Brazil.
Weight: 9.5 pounds.
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Rate of fire: 600 rounds per minute.
40-50 million made
Other manufacturers: More than15 countries have the license, including
China, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Egypt.
Weight: 9.7 pounds.
Caliber: 7.62 mm.
Rate of fire: 500-600 rounds per minute.
7 million made
Other manufacturers: 12 countries including Britain and Turkey.
COLT M-16 

[CTRL] Condit's solid support bleeds away

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Condit's solid support bleeds away

By John Ritter, USA TODAY

MODESTO, Calif. — Gary Condit's safe and supportive congressional district
has turned frosty and skeptical with reports that he admitted having an
affair with a missing 24-year-old government intern.

Constituents who just a month ago defended the seven-term Democrat and took
him at his word that Chandra Levy was nothing more than a good friend now
are demanding full disclosure.

Across the district Sunday, some of them were calling for Condit's
resignation. Many expressed doubt that he can survive politically in a
district that had routinely returned him to Washington with more than 65% of
the vote.

He ought to come clean about everything and stop speaking through his
staff, said Robert Bailey, 46, a recreational vehicle salesman from
Riverbank. It just appears that he's trying to hide something.

Randy Reeves, who manages an auto repair business here, said Condit will lose
the support of many conservative voters like himself if it's true he was
unfaithful to his wife.

I think he should resign, and if he doesn't, I'll be surprised, Reeves, 44,
said. He was one Democrat I was able to support because of his integrity.
But now his integrity is suspect.

Condit, 53, has refused to comment beyond statements that he and Levy were
friends because, he said, he didn't want to distract from the police
investigation of her disappearance.

Washington police interviewed Condit for the third time on Friday and said
again that he is not a suspect. Law enforcement sources said that Condit
admitted in the interview that he was having a sexual affair with Levy, who
was last seen April 30.

A career politician, Condit had earned the loyalty of voters in California's
18th Congressional District through years of painstaking attention to
constituents' needs and a voting record that reflected the values of the
agricultural Central Valley. He has a reputation as a moderate who will break
ranks with Democrats when it's in the best interests of his district, which
spreads from the southern Sacramento suburbs toward Fresno.

But after weeks of silence and after an aunt said Levy told her she had been
seeing the congressman, his rock-solid base appears to be crumbling. Sunday's
Modesto Bee editorialized that each day that passes without the public
hearing from him only increases the attention, the criticism and even the
suspicion. The public's confidence in him is eroding, his credibility has
been damaged and his character and ability to effectively represent his
district are in question.

An NBC News poll found that 53% of voters in the 18th District believe that
Condit should say more about his relationship with Levy.

And with the lessons of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal, some
constituents said they don't understand what they see as Condit's lack of
damage control. It would have been better for his political future if he had
fessed up early on rather than denying it or just not saying anything, said
Dick Jacobs, 56, who runs a non-profit agency for the disabled here.

Michael Lockard, 34, a commercial real estate appraiser here, said Condit has
borrowed Clinton's tactics: skating around the truth and not being direct.

Lockard's wife, Dodie, 35, a pharmaceutical saleswoman, said, People in
Modesto are disappointed that Condit wasn't honest with the community.

Most people say they don't believe Condit had anything to do with Levy's
disappearance. Others say they wonder whether he is hiding anything else.

There are questions now about his involvement in her disappearance, said
Lynn Reeves, Randy Reeves' wife.

Some are willing to give Condit the benefit of the doubt. We haven't heard
his side of it yet, said Mike Streeter, 32, a physical therapist here. But
if he really was just trying to cover his tail and holding up the
investigation, then he should resign.

Condit has a chance to regain part of his popularity, some say. If the
public believes he's cooperating with the investigation, that he's not
leaving anything out, I suspect he can bounce back from this, Jacobs said.
Condit would next face the voters in November 2002.

Besides, I don't think the Republicans have a strong candidate to put up
against him at this point.

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[CTRL] Rep. Condit Criticized in Case of Missing Intern

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Rep. Condit Criticized in Case of Missing Intern

By Lori Santos

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The congressman caught up in the case of a missing
intern withheld crucial information from police and should be a suspect in
her disappearance, a former federal prosecutor said on Sunday.

Police questioned Rep. Gary Condit (news - bio - voting record), the
53-year-old Democrat from California, for a third time and said on Saturday
he had answered all their questions and was not a suspect in the
disappearance of Chandra Levy, who was last seen on April 30.

But Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia,
told the ``Fox News Sunday'' program he believed Condit should be a suspect
because he did not disclose his intimate relationship with the intern.

DiGenova, a Republican who handled many high profile cases, including that of
convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, also said he was ``absolutely
stunned'' that city police had not searched Condit's apartment.

``I cannot believe that that was not one of the first things that police did
not ask him to do, especially in light of the fact that the congressman
obviously lied to them in the first two interviews, and it wasn't until the
third interview that he finally told the truth and admitted that he had a
relationship with this missing person,'' diGenova said.

``He withheld that information from the police over a number of weeks. It's
absolutely outrageous. It is indefensible,'' diGenova said. ``...He should be
a suspect, under all the facts and circumstances,'' he added.

On CNN's ``Late Edition,'' former U.S. Attorney General Richard Thornburgh
also asserted Condit had ``not been completely forthcoming'' until the third
interview and said the delay likely damaged the investigation.

``That's two months later, all that time has been lost,'' said Thornburgh,
who led the Justice Department (news - web sites) during the first Bush

Though police would not comment on the nature of the relationship between the
congressman, who is married, and the 24-year-old intern, Levy's aunt said on
Friday Condit was involved in a romantic relationship with Levy.

It was widely reported that Condit acknowledged to police investigators on
Friday evening he had an affair with Levy that was continuing at the time she
disappeared. But Abbe Lowell, Condit's attorney, declined on Sunday to
describe the relationship between the congressman and the intern but asserted
Condit had been completely forthcoming to police.

``The congressman has answered their questions each time to the best of his
ability,'' Lowell told ABC's ``This Week.''


Reuters Photo

Lowell also said Condit has not been subpoenaed for anything by police nor
had authorities asked to search his apartment.

``If they need something that we can help them with, we'll get it to them,''
he said. ``But they haven't asked us for anything at this point.''

Lowell also sidestepped questions about whether Levy might have been pregnant
at the time of her disappearance.

``I certainly know the questions the police asked the congressman, I know his
answers. And we're not getting into that,'' he told the CBS ``Face the
Nation'' program.

``This is a situation in which the congressman has told the police
everything, has been cooperative, has been said never to be a suspect, and
anything about what he's told them is not a matter of the public, it's a
matter of the private,'' Lowell said.

Condit has been at the center of a furor surrounding Levy's disappearance
shortly after she finished up a government internship in Washington. He
represents Levy's home town of Modesto in California.

Many of his fellow lawmakers urged him to be more forthcoming.

``The most critical thing that you need to do in this situation... is get the
facts out. And it's critical that he does that,'' Rep. Martin Meehan, a
Massachusetts Democrat, told NBC's ''Meet the Press.''

Rep. Christopher Shays (news - bio - voting record), a Connecticut
Republican, said, ``It's clearly a lesson -- you have got to tell the truth.
If you say you didn't have an affair and you had an affair, that's wrong.''

And Rep. Dick Armey, the House Republican leader, said the case could come
before the House ethics committee if a complaint were filed and predicted it
might be hard for Condit to survive politically.

But Armey told ``Fox News Sunday'' that Condit should not step down at this
time. ``We've got more speculation, it seems to me, than we do fact,'' he
said. ``I'm still not convinced that he did anything.''

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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Re: [CTRL] Barenboim stirs up Israeli storm by playing Wagner

2001-07-09 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

It is said the Nazi's preferred the Marching Band.nobody seemed to
complain when Clinton played Wagner for the return of NATO Officials and
their wives ...even had the red carpet and long herald trumpets playing
a Salute to the warthogs return.

And the fed at tables, tossing crumbs to the children?


I have Wagner on my digital phone - song from Tannhauser - Return My
Love.or should I play a Nazi Marching Song for those who wish to
censor Wagner instead?

Wager wrote the most beautiful music in the world.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Evolution fraud in current biology textbooks

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Evolution fraud in current biology textbooks
Exposed as fakes decades ago, major publishers still include them



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

One of the most popular and familiar pieces of evidence used to bolster the
theory of evolution – reproduced for decades in most high school and college
biology textbooks – is fraudulent, and has been known to be fraudulent for
nearly 100 years.

Most people have seen those drawings of developing human embryos next to
developing animal embryos, and they look virtually indistinguishable. (The
Haeckel embryo sequence shown purported to show – left to right – a hog,
calf, rabbit and human). This has long been said to demonstrate that humans
share a common ancestry with these animals and thus prove the theory of

These pictures were designed by German zoologist Ernst Haeckel. What few
people know – and one of many surprises in the evolution debate reported in
the current edition of WorldNet magazine – is that they were fakes. At Jena,
the university where he taught, Haeckel was charged with fraud by five
professors and convicted by a university court. His deceit was exposed in
Haeckel’s Frauds and Forgeries, a 1915 book by J. Assmuth and Ernest R.
Hull, who quoted 19 leading authorities of the day.

Ernst Haeckel

It clearly appears that Haeckel has in many cases freely invented embryos,
or reproduced the illustrations given by others in a substantially changed
form, said anatomist F. Keibel of Freiburg University. Zoologist L.
Rütimeyer of Basle University called his distorted drawings a sin against
scientific truthfulness.

Yet, despite Haeckel’s fraud conviction and early exposure, Western educators
continued using the pictures for decades as proof of the theory of evolution.

The matter was settled with finality by Dr. Michael Richardson, an
embryologist at St. George’s Medical School in London. He found there was no
record that anyone ever actually checked Haeckel’s claims by systematically
comparing human and other fetuses during development. So Richardson assembled
a scientific team that did just that – photographing the growing embryos of
39 different species.

In a 1997 interview in The Times of London, Dr. Richardson stated: This is
one of the worst cases of scientific fraud. It’s shocking to find that
somebody one thought was a great scientist was deliberately misleading. It
makes me angry. ... What he [Haeckel] did was to take a human embryo and copy
it, pretending that the salamander and the pig and all the others looked the
same at the same stage of development. They don’t. ... These are fakes.

Today – believe it or not – Haeckel’s drawings still appear in many high
school and college textbooks. Among them are Evolutionary Biology by
Douglas J. Futuyma (Third Edition, Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, 1998),
and also the bedrock text, Molecular Biology of the Cell (third edition),
whose authors include biochemist Dr. Bruce Alberts, president of the National
Academy of Sciences.

Haeckel’s fraudulent drawings are just one of evolution’s pillars now under
spectacular scientific assault. There are many others.

To experience WND's in-depth coverage of the raging debate between evolution
and intelligent design – a battle that increasingly includes outright
censorship – read the July edition of WorldNet magazine, WND's popular
monthly print publication.

The groundbreaking cover story is titled, EVOLUTION: The basis of all life,
or a fairy tale for scientists who reject God?

I promise you will be rocked by this issue of WorldNet, said Editor and CEO
Joseph Farah of the current edition on evolution. It's hard to see how any
reasonable person could not be profoundly affected by the material presented

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to 

Re: [CTRL] How to use simple chi kung for self defense and distance killing

2001-07-09 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Do you think this really works??

Hokey religions are no substitute for a good blaster at your side.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Evolution fraud in current biology textbooks

2001-07-09 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Could one of you people out there who reject evolution please explain to
me why evolution and intelligent design are mutually preclusive?

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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2001-07-09 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

(Part 3)

What IS mankind's origin? Evolution or Creation? Is there REAL
scientific evidence supporting the
Bible? The Story of Jesus? Could these really be the End Times? Should I
trust My Government? My
Church? The Media? Be forewarned: this report is NOT politically
correct. It scientifically examines
documents that have been hidden away for centuries, exposing the
conspiracy to suppress evidence
PROVING there is a God! Who ARE the Illuminati? WHY would they do
something so monstrous?
Prepare yourself for some major shocks:


From all historical accounts, a normal mortal could never have survived
even the beating and
torture inflicted on Jesus - let alone the ensuing crucifixion! (But,
then again, remember Jesus was only
HALF mortal!) Mattingly cites John Peter Lange:

Part 3 can be read at:
The Joshua Report
Michael  The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] International Bookburning in Progress

2001-07-09 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

((___)) cDc communications
\ / A Special Message of Hope
(' ') July 4th, 2001


[July 4, 2001 - LUBBOCK, TX.] Free speech is under siege at
the margins of the Internet. Quite a few countries are
censoring access to the Web through DNS [Domain Name
Service] filtering. This is a process whereby politically
incorrect information is blocked by domain address -- the
name that appears before the dot com suffix. Others employ
filtering which denies politically or socially challenging
subject matter based on its content.

Hacktivismo and the CULT OF THE DEAD COW have decided that
enough is too much. We are hackers and free speech
advocates, and we are developing technologies to challenge
state-sponsored censorship of the Internet.

Most countries use intimidation and filtering of one kind or
another including the Peoples Republic of China, Cuba, and
many Islamic countries. Most claim to be blocking
pornographic content. But the real reason is to prevent
challenging content from spreading through repressive
regimes. This includes information ranging from political
opinion, foreign news, women's issues, academic and
scholarly works, religious information, information
regarding ethnic groups in disfavor, news of human rights
abuses, documents which present drugs in a positive light,
and gay and lesbian content, among others.

The capriciousness of state-sanctioned censorship is
wide-ranging. [1]

* In Zambia, the government has attempted to censor
information revealing their plans for constitutional

* In Mauritania -- as in most countries --, owners of
cybercafes are required to supply government intelligence
agents with copies of e-mail sent or received at their

* Even less draconian governments, like Malaysia, have
threatened web-publishers for violating their publishing
licenses by publishing frequent updates: _timely, relevant_
information is seen as a threat.

* South Korean's national security law forbids South Koreans
from having any contact -- including contact over the
Internet -- with their North Korean neighbors.

* Sri Lanka threatened news sites with possible revocation
of their licenses if coverage of a presidential election
campaign was not partial to the party of the outgoing

The risks of accessing or disseminating information are
often great.

* In Ukraine, a decapitated body found near the village of
Tarachtcha is believed to be that of Georgiy Gongadze,
founder and editor of an on-line newspaper critical of the

* In August, 1998, eighteen year old Turk Emre Ersoz was
found guilty of insulting the national police in an
Internet forum after participating in a demonstration that
was violently suppressed by the police. His ISP provided the
authorities with his address.

* Journalist Miroslav Filipovic has the dubious distinction
of having been the first Journalist accused of spying
because of articles published on the Internet -- in this
case detailing the abuses of certain Yugoslav army units in

We are sickened by these egregious violations of information
and human rights. The liberal democracies have talked a far
better game than they've played on access to information.
But hackers are not willing to watch the custodians of the
International Convention on Civil and Political Rights and
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turn them into a
mockery. We are willing to put our money where our mouth is.

Hacktivismo and the CULT OF THE DEAD COW are issuing the
HACKTIVISMO DECLARATION as a declaration of outrage and a
statement of intent. It is our Magna Carta for information
rights. People have a right to reasonable access of
otherwise lawfully published information. If our leaders
aren't prepared to defend the Internet, we are.


[1] some information cited in this press release was either
paraphrased, or quoted directly, from the Enemies of the
Internet report published by Reporters Without Frontiers,
and may be found at http://www.rsf.fr


assertions of liberty in support of an uncensored internet

DEEPLY ALARMED that state-sponsored censorship of the
Internet is rapidly spreading with the assistance of
transnational corporations,

TAKING AS A BASIS the principles and purposes enshrined in
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR) that states, Everyone has the right to freedom of
opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers, and Article 19 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) that says,

1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without

2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of 

Re: [CTRL] - pink nazis - give us a clue mr C

2001-07-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

I don't intend wasting anymore of my valuable 7 posts
but I have some advice for mrC who is out of Context again.

all you do is slag people off and back yourself up by
quoting D-Notice mediated 'quality' Journalism.
If you're half as useful as you pretend to be you would have
posted something original that wasn't in the readers digest.
Can you not give us some theory - some idea thats you're own.?
you jump off the deep end with me again for some heterophobic
reason best known to yourself - and appear to have NO INTENTION
of conducting an open and frank discussion about anything -
why are you on this list anyway.?
whats you're analysis ?? how does the world work for you ???
don't be afraid - come forth and give us YOUR perspective
This is the Conspiracy Theory Research List - where we research
conspiracy theories

You on the thousands of years old practise of drinking medicinal Coca
 what are you talking about? what do you think it is the dentist is using
 give you a local anaesthetic?
in case you are not aware - you have taken the discussion OUT OF CONTEXT
tbere is and was a practise - probably today very little understood of
drinking Coca, the medical survey by Gold MD 1920's was sidelined by
new Federal rules.
I wasn't talking about its modern alternative use as a PAINKILLER
the reason they drunk it was because it eliminated the antagonists in the
bloodstream that end up making us old. It was the drink of Pharohs
It is probably true that if we all drunk Coca Infusion we would all be very
healthy indeed - thats the issue that I really want to open out - not
that Coca today has an alternative use

  kundalini - the electrical
  system that the ordinary human being isn't aware of.

 speak for yourself you ignoramous- people have been practicing kundalini
 yoga for centuries.

some people can fking SEE IT and can DRAW IT - can you see it ??
[snipped out lots of pink flame]

I look forward to hearing all about your own research - maybe on Lilith,
and her Kundalini friends ?? or maybe on how the background radiation
from the granite in aberdeen affects human behaviour ? :)
I also hear that one of the original Holds of the Scottish Knights Templar
was in that area - and that in the north east of scotland - the KKK has its
Do you know anything about the Horse Secrets of the North East, and
you are into Lilith - do you go and worship/celebrate at the many Pictish
stones ?? - do you have any theories on the Golspie stone ??


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[CTRL] CIA Cash Funded Drug Trade

2001-07-09 Thread William Shannon

CIA cash funded drugs trade

By Nick Peters in Washington

WHILE Peru's disgraced former spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos awaits trial in
a maximum security jail in Lima, it has emerged that millions of dollars
donated by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency not only helped him
amass a small personal fortune, but was also responsible for one of the most
embarrassing espionage debacles of recent years.

Skimming off money that the CIA intended for use in Peru's anti-drug
trafficking efforts, Montesinos set up a major arms deal in the Middle East
that funnelled 10,000 AK47 rifles to left-wing FARC guerrillas in Colombia,
thereby fomenting the very uprising that America has pledged $1.3bn to stamp

FARC has transformed itself from a Marxist insurgency group trying to seize
power in Colombia into a quasi-drug cartel, making millions from the drug
smugglers who operate under their protection.

Bill Clinton's administration decided it was worth investing spectacular
amounts of cash to help the Colombian government stamp out the guerrillas and
thus leave the smugglers unprotected.

At first Vladimiro Montesinos looked as if he could be a significant asset in
the US fight against both Communism and the drugs trade. In the mid-1970s,
while an officer in the Peruvian army, he came to the US to show the CIA
evidence of Soviet arms deals with Peru. It was enough to get him on the
agency's payroll.

Montesinos rose to become spymaster for the controversial former president of
Peru, Albert Fujimori, himself now being sought on suspicion of human rights

Throughout the 1990s the flow of money became a torrent, the stated intention
being to help Peru fight the trans-Andean drug trade.

But after years of little or no oversight over how the cash was spent,
Montesinos started turning the money to his own ends. He was, according to
prosecutors, also guilty of flagrant human rights violations against
political opponents, including murder.

The CIA was well aware of his actions but did little to rein Montesinos in.
But the CIA had not banked on Montesinos' double-dealing. According to
Peruvian prosecutors he was also taking protection money from drug
traffickers, which joined a stream of corrupt cash that amassed him a fortune
close to $264m.

The CIA decided to call a halt when the FARC arms deal demonstrated
conclusively that he had gone too far.

Montesinos became a fugitive in October 2000 and was captured at the end of
last month by Venezuelan agents in Caracas.

Today Montesinos is on hunger strike in protest against being held in the
same jail, one he actually designed, as many of his former enemies.

If found guilty, the ex-spymaster faces the rest of his life in prison.

That at least would ease the CIA's embarrassment.

But in the US, the CIA's involvement in the Montesinos case has raised barely
a ripple of comment.

[CTRL] Martin On Robert Mueller

2001-07-09 Thread William Shannon

DoJ Cover-Up Specialist Bobby Mueller Named FBI Chief
by Al Martin
Long-time Department of Justice/ Reagan-Bush Regime cabalist Robert Mueller 
has been selected as the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Mueller was installed in the Department of Justice in 1986, as the Number 3 
Man under George Terwilliger. He was part of the same gang that controlled 
legal and political liability visavis Iran-Contra. In fact, it should be 
noted that he colluded with DoJ's Domestic Criminal Section Chief Dave 
Margolis and International Criminal Section Chief Mark Richards to cover up 
Iran-Contra liability for the Reagan-Bush Regime.

Bobby Mueller personally handled the effort to try and distance Bush Sr. and 
the Bush Faction from the infamous Jordanian coffee merchant Mansour Barbouti.

Barbouti, of course, was involved with the famous West Palm Beach "Cherry 
Syrup Case" [see Chapter 7 of "The Conspirators" by Al Martin] which was 
about the illegal exportation of chemicals used in chemical weapons sold to 
both Iraq and Iran -- both nations with whom the US maintained weapons 

Even though he was supposed to be a cover-up specialist, Mueller 
inadvertently exposed Barbouti's connection to Oliver North. Despite the fact 
that Barbouti was being protected by the CIA, he had to flee the country. He 
went back to Jordan to hide out because of Mueller's incompetence. Barbouti 
was forced to hide out in his townhouse in Aqabah.

The Washington Post even sent journalists to Jordan to try to track him down.

Another journalist Margie Sloan also knew quite a bit about Barbouti. She 
coaxed Louis Champlaign out of the closet and got him to be a whistle-blower. 
Louis had managed Barbouti's chemical plant in West Palm Beach, and therefore 
was in a position to know the real story. She gave him an interview because 
Louis didn't make out very well financially in the very end. Nobody was 
taking care of old Louis for keeping his mouth shut.

At the same time, Mueller was involved in some tug-of-war with his soon to be 
ex-wife. The ex-wife said he was involved in an affair and in financial 
improprieties and other things that don't go down well with the cadre of old 
right wingers, whose wives are supposed to keep their mouths shut and stay 
married to them forever.

Eventually Mueller was pushed out of the Department of Justice.

Mueller also came under some criticism in 1992 by Sen. Christopher Dodd 
(D.-CT), then Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Dodd's 
office was looking at Mueller for having shredded documents linking senior 
Reagan-Bush officials to illicit transactions involving BCCI and the personal 
profiteering of Republicans close to the Bush Regime in schemes financed by 

Chief among those schemes was Top Sail Development. [See Chapter 10 of "The 
Conspirators" by Al Martin.]

Today people have mostly forgotten that Mueller did have his 15 minutes of 
fame (or infamy) in the negative limelight.

The significance of Bobby Mueller's return is that it's part of an ongoing 
operation to rebuild the old political/legal liability control feature within 
the Department of Justice. According to the National Journal magazine, 43 
percent of Bush Jr.'s top 300 appointees worked for Bush Sr.

There were also allegations made by journalist George Williamson in the San 
Francisco Chronicle that in his capacity as US Attorney, Northern District 
San Francisco, Mueller tried to distance senior Reagan-Bush era policymakers 
from certain CIA-connected narcotics trafficking cases in his jurisdiction.

Like Stanley Marcus, former US Attorney in Miami and Lowell Jensen, who were 
both appointed judges, Mueller was placed in a position where he could 
control liability, mostly narcotics trafficking liability.

Mueller was also instrumental in the DoJ cover-up of the infamous Pan Am 103 
Bombing case in which it was revealed by the British Defense Ministry that at 
least two CIA agents were on board the ill-fated flight.

The Bush administration then exerted pressure to get rid of British Defense 
Minster Michael Hazeltine.

Insider sources reveal that despite the track record of recent FBI debacles, 
the only inducement that Mueller insisted on in becoming the new FBI chief 
was that his Document Shredding Bonus Points be carry-forwarded to his new 
position. Mueller insists that he just wants carry forward credits for the 
documents he had previously shredded at the Department of Justice.

It's well known that he always wanted to have the DoJ's Million Documents 
Shredded Citation, held by well-accomplished document shredders like George 
Bush, former Attorney General Billy Barr, and others.

The citation comes with a miniature model of the huge turbo shredders used by 
the Department of Defense.

Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Howard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Remember not to long ago, when the price of gasoline at the pump was raising
 almost hourly? Who got the blame for that? Why GW did. It was said of him
 that this was his payback to his big money friends in the oil industry.
 So now that the gasoline prices are falling, are we all going to thank GW for
 getting his big money friends in the oil industry to lower the price at the
 Something tells me I won't live to see  that.

 Bill Howard

The price of gas is atill too high. AND, how much did the oil companies
make? THE MOST EVER!!! So don't be naive. It aint over yet. Prices will
go up again.

If there is a Middle East war, then they will skyrocket, and you can be
sure that the bastards will give a new definition to  war profiteering.


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[CTRL] Sex, lies, and Chandra Levy

2001-07-09 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Just one more act in the corporate media circus that dazzles us away
from the real issues.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Evolution Design

2001-07-09 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

Could one of you people out there who reject evolution please explain to
me why evolution and intelligent design are mutually preclusive?

It doesn't really follow that all that oppose darwins evolution should
be fundamentally christian.

However, for me, my picture of evolution is more complex and more scientific
religious belief. [although I am Christian too]
It is based upon the research into Chaos theory, Complexity and Emergence.
Order Out of Chaos the 33rd degree masons tell us - and so does 10,000BC
sanskrit and so does the the modern research at santa fe - www.santafe.edu

Its long been known eg. the compilation of darwin refutations by Richard
in his book THE FACTS OF LIFE, and also by the paleontologists of china -
who have a fossil record that sees darwin off by all accounts - that Charles
was onto some basic idea some of which worked - but couldn't really account

It suited 20th century politics to latch onto darwin - so-called social
darwinism -
an easy idea like survival of the fittest - the long slow 'Climbing Mount
ed. Richard dawkins - but the real and true science behind such theories is
suppressed - for various reasons.
1. Catastrophism - the sudden revolution of the world as documented by
Beaumont and Velikovsky [who plagiarised beaumont] has it that the
order can disappear overnight - absolute chaos and anarchy as a social
paradigm -
and the fittest don't get a fair chance to bully anyone because they simply
have the time to get it together amongst the sudden overturning of
mountains -
eg. there are fossilised trees still standing upright - none of the slowly
falling down
and gradually becoming coal stuff - these trees were suddenly deluged.
The implications of catastrophism for the social engineers were scary - for
the religion
of irrationality and chaos would emerge - unless the science of chaos could
be alowed to
emerge. Champions might suddenly emerge - hope might spring up  etc etc
What was needed was the paradigm of maintained steady control - so if there
was to be chaos it had to have a scientific basis - then [perhaps buried]

Enter the santa fe institute where research by Kauffman, langton on the
organisation of complex systems into structures - soon illustrated that
Chaos played
an important role - ie. the mathematics of chaos - in structure.
Next came the paris expose of Newton - and his theory of planetary motion
bit the dust
when it was found that the planets didn't proceed in an orderly manner -
they only
APPEARED to do so - and the closer we looked the more chaos mathematics

The Cambridge Biologist Brain Goodwin discovered the taboo, the refutation
of smooth talking
pope of the rational - mr memetics - Richard Dawkins - Dawkins went to great
lengths to
ossify Darwin in concrete with his Survical of Fit thoughts and his book on
the gradual
evolution of the complexities of the eye over billions of years -
What blew Dawkins out of the water was that Goodwin could demonstrate that
the eye
could emerge quickly to fulfill the need and disappear again when there was
none -
and Goodwin predicted that an eye may evolve and devolve several times over
the course
of evolution.

Yes there was structure, yes there were mechanics but the descriptions were
never simple -
never as simple as darwin or Newton had made out. There were Contextual
factors and
other processes to be taken into account.
This idea of context does not fit at all into the world view of scientific
so the great new sciences that came from Santa Fe went virtually anonymous
by the end
of the 1990's - the bandwagon of stock market predictions and genius grants

To all intents and purposes - the ingredients of the cosmos could
spontaneously organise
themselves into progressively more complex systems. That is mechanistic, but
the mechanism
is the natural law called Emergence - ie. masons - ordo ab chaos. It is old
is the truth.
They feed us the terror of darwins predator instead - the ideologies of
Not for us the simple idea that the old order can overturn in a flash - no
hope for us.

Chaos mathematics, emergence, Structure, demergence/entropy - one big happy
equilibrium - divine providence - a playground
This does not preclude God either - nor exclude dualism, polarity, good and
nor does it disprove soul or Christ - but provides a material basis of the
Universe in
which our souls have incarnated. The rights to which we have yet to fully

andrew hennessey

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major and 

Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/9/01 2:59:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If there is a Middle East war, then they will skyrocket, and you can be
sure that the bastards will give a new definition to  war profiteering. 

This is true. The evirnomental wackos, with the help of the spineless
demorats have tied up the oil fields in the US. No exploration, no drilling.
We should not have to relie on foriegn oil.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Drug Trafficking By NSC

2001-07-09 Thread William Shannon

Costa Rica, Past  Present

Part 1: Drug Trafficking by the US National Security Council

by Zola

We call it the Ollie North International Airport. I have flown in and out of 
it many times. It lies out on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, near Nosara. 
It is a tiny airstrip for small planes, originally constructed for training 
(touch-and-go exercises) and for refueling. 
It is one of about eight airstrips built by Oliver North in Costa Rica for 
support of the Contras. And, as it turns out, it is one of the reasons that 
three individuals working for the US National Security Council, along with 
the US ambassador and the local CIA Chief of Station, were barred from Costa 
Rica for narcotrafficking. 

I had heard rumors about this on the Internet. One hears many things on the 
Internet—some of them true, some of them not. It is not always easy to get 
the facts. This has been the case especially since a "CIA-drugs" research 
industry emerged. Some of the kingpins of this research group are into 
exposure for the same reason that Elmer Gantry was into religion, or that 
Christine Keeler was into politicians: namely, it's way to make a buck. So 
they deliver fire and brimstone, and then pass the collection plate. They 
aren't very concerned whether their information is accurate—only that it 
supports their thesis. 

So I went digging for verification, and found it in the archives of the Costa 
Rican legislative assembly (Asamblea Legislativa). A special commission had 
been appointed to investigate the facts concerning narcotrafficking in Costa 
Rica (Comision Especial Nombrada para Investigar los Hechos Denunciados Sobre 
Narcotrafico), and it issued its final report on July 20, 1989 in San Jose (
Expediente 10.684, Informe Final, San Jose, 20 de Julio de 1989). It wasn't 
easy to find: they had buried the report down here also. 

Recommendation number 13 reads: 

13. Que el señor Lewis Tambs, Joe Fernández, Oliver North, John M. 
Poindexter, Richard V. Secord, no se les permita la entrada al pais. [p. 

Here we have three individuals associated with the US National Security 
Council—John M. Poindexter, Oliver North, Richard V. Secord—as well as the 
local CIA Chief of Station, Joe Fernández, and the US Ambassador to Costa 
Rica, Lewis Tambs, all barred from the country. Fifty members of the 
legislative assembly voted to approve the report with its recommendations. 
Two members did not. One of these two—Leonel Salazar Villalobos—is now 
himself in prison for narcotrafficking. 

General Manuel Noriega of Panama is important to the story. Noriega was the 
key to drug transport through Central America during the early to mid-1980s. 
My story, however, will not stop with the Costa Rican legislative report of 
July 1989. Rather, it will be brought forward to the present day, to the year 
2001. For there is a new drug kingpin in town, a new "General Noriega," a new 
man who is key to the Central American transport and distribution zone. In 
due course in this series I will name him, and I will back up my assertions 
with documented facts. 

But first things first. Let's begin in the 1980s when Oliver North opened up 
a narcotrafficking pipeline through Costa Rica. The pipeline is still here, 
and Ollie North is still persona non grata. 

The Southern Front, Noriega, and North

It is a simple fact of geography that Costa Rica lies between Panama, to the 
south, and Nicaragua, to the north. The "Southern Front" were the Contras 
under Eden Pastora on the southern border of Nicaragua—in the northern 
frontier of Costa Rica. North's objective was to supply them with arms, food, 
fuel, and whatever else was needed to fight the Sandanistas. In this respect, 
there was already remnants of a network in place—one that had been used 
previously to supply the Sandanistas themselves against the Nicaraguan 
government of Somoza. This group was already experienced in dealing with the 
logistic problems. 

A key person used by North in organizing the Southern Front was John Floyd 
Hull Clark ("John Hull"), who had lived in Costa Rica for about 20 years at 
the time he applied for Costa Rican citizenship in 1983. Sometime in the 
early 1980s he became a CIA asset—convenient, since he owned a lot of 
property in the north of Costa Rica. Since CIA funds for the Contras had been 
largely cut off, CIA Director Bill Casey had given North access to many of 
the CIA's Central American assets. 

Now, the legislative report and the accompanying documents are specific in 
many details, but are weak in others. I have supplemented them with various 
firsthand sources—Costa Rican and others. These sources generally express 
respect for Richard Secord, contempt for Oliver North, and say Hull "was not 
a bad guy." For whatever reason, Hull had become a tool of the CIA and did 
what he was told. For this, he suffered. Drug flights (by contrast to others 
involving munitions and 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Tuesday NarcoNews Cyber-Press Conf. at NY Times website

2001-07-09 Thread Kris Millegan

July 9, 2001
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleagues,

As you know, The Narco News Bulletin temporarily suspended publication of
new reports last month in order to dedicate our full-time effort to the
upcoming Court hearing in New York City, July 20th (details of that
important date, to which you are invited, appear below.)

We remain busy with our legal deadlines to file briefs this week and appear
in Court on the 20th.

However, during this time we have continued to recieve hundreds of requests
for information, interviews and questions about the drug war in Latin
America, as well as about these important legal proceedings.

In order to facilitate communication, and comment on current events
throughout our América, we have accepted an invitation from the citizens who
populate the New York Times Drug Policy Forum to answer all your questions

Tuesday evening, July 10th, at 8 p.m. Eastern Time
New York Times Drug Policy Forum:

http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?[EMAIL PROTECTED]^0@.f0c5fae

(Note: To view or participate in this citizen-journalist press conference,
you must register - it's still free - with the NY Times.)

Our participation in this forum does not constitute an endorsement of The
New York Times nor of the veracity of its reports from Latin America; to the
contrary, we will not refrain from criticizing that disgraced institution in
its own forum or anywhere.

Of the eight Narco News Bulletin commentaries for which we are being sued by
the National Bank of Mexico (Banamex) in the New York Supreme Court, 3 of
those 8 commentaries were critiques of the unprofessional behavior of (now
ex) New York Times correspondents in Mexico.

So, we go Tuesday night to the belly of the beast, and invite even that
institution's agents to join the discussion, which is open to all.

Please join us Tuesday night, July 10th, at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, as we show
the New York Times a thing or two about authentic citizen journalism, and
discuss the reality of the US-imposed war on drugs in Latin America:

http://forums.nytimes.com/webin/WebX?[EMAIL PROTECTED]^0@.f0c5fae

Special thanks to Dean Becker and the Drug Policy Forum of Texas for
graciously extending to us this invitation.

From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
Full-time Free Speech Defendant
The Narco News Bulletin

Our Upcoming Court hearing is also Open to the Public:

Friday, July 20, 2001
9:30 a.m.
New York State Supreme Court
71 Thomas Street, Room 205
Manhattan, New York
Justice Paula Omansky, presiding

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[CTRL] Condit The Hells Angels?

2001-07-09 Thread William Shannon

Cops want to know more about Condit's ties to Hells Angels 
Saturday, July 07, 2001

By Timothy J. Burger and Helen Kennedy
New York Daily News

Investigators searching for missing intern Chandra Levy are probing Rep. Gary 
Condit’s ties to the Hells Angels motorcycle gang. 

Condit, who rides a Harley when he is home in his northern California 
district, has close ties to members of the gang, said sources close to the 
Levy family investigation. 

“These are bad guys to be involved with,” said one investigator. 

Condit’s former longtime aide, Vince Flammini, taught the congressman to ride 
and introduced him to Hells Angels’ leaders, investigators said. 

Flammini, 62, has told reporters Condit could be emotionally harsh but “he 
would never hurt a fly.” 

Anne Marie Smith, 39, a flight attendant who says she had a 10-month affair 
with Condit that ended in May, said she remembers the congressman once 
telling her he was going to attend an upcoming Hells Angels party. 

“He told me he had to keep it secret from his brother because it was a 
birthday party for a cop killer,” Smith told the Daily News. 

Condit’s brother, Burl, is a sergeant with the Modesto police. 

Meanwhile, The Daily News has learned that on April 29, Levy left a message 
on her aunt’s machine saying, “I have big news.” 

“She didn’t sound downtrodden. She sounded like she had something exciting 
to tell,” said a source close to the family. 

Investigators working for the Levy family believe it’s a major clue and are 
looking at the possibility she could have been killed to silence her about 
something she had learned. 

“The big news might be what got her killed. Maybe she found out something,” 
said the source close to the Levy family. 

Investigators are also considering the possibility that Levy, 24, could have 
been pregnant, though no testing kit was found in her apartment. 

Condit, 53, told police he last spoke to Levy April 29. She vanished May 1. 

In other developments: 

The Levy family private investigators have located a security tape showing 
Levy buying juice and chatting cheerily with a clerk at a 7-Eleven in 
Arlington, Va., on April 29. Investigators are interested because Levy, who 
does not have a car, was far from home. 

Condit’s wife, Carolyn, was interviewed by the FBI in Northern Virginia. She 
was accompanied by her husband’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell. 

Police had been trying to schedule an interview with Carolyn Condit for more 
than a week to ask about her visit to Washington in late April. She was with 
her husband when Levy was calling him repeatedly as she prepared to leave 
town. Cops wanted to know if she had any contact with Levy and if she could 
verify her husband’s whereabouts. 

It was unclear why the interview took place in Washington and not in 

Condit’s lawyer released a statement explaining Condit couldn’t make his 
hometown Fourth of July parade because he was flying to Washington with his 
wife for the interview. 

He also blasted press “efforts to dissect and mischaracterize his and his 
family’s private lives” and said Condit would maintain his media silence. 

“Unlike some, Congressman Condit remains singularly focused on what is and 
remains the central mission at this time—locating Chandra Levy,” the 
statement said. “The media risks losing its focus with what has been a recent 
and seemingly unbounded effort to expose highly personal and private Condit 
family matters.” 

Washington Police Chief Charles Ramsey told reporters Thursday that suicide 
is close to being discounted. 

“As time goes on, the possibility of suicide becomes more and more remote, 
because you would find the remains,” Ramsey said. “You can’t kill yourself 
and then bury yourself.” 

Ramsey repeatedly stressed that Condit is not a suspect and only one of a 
hundred people interviewed. 

He became irritated when reporters asked if allegations that Condit urged his 
flight attendant mistress to lie to the FBI would give cops probable cause to 
search his apartment. 

“That’s a heckuva leap. I’m not trying to find a flight attendant. I’m 
trying to find Chandra Levy,” he said. “We’re not the sex police.”

[CTRL] Rove, FORTUNATE SON, Bush Cocaine

2001-07-09 Thread William Shannon

George W. Bush's Brain?
How Karl T. Rove Used Fortunate Son to Stick George W. Bush in the White 

by Sander Hicks

All his life, George W. Bush has been allowed to cheat to get by. You see 
this in Fortunate Son, starting with the special favors Bush enjoyed in his 
youth, such as the family connections that shielded him from the ugly 
realities of Vietnam. The same pattern continued into his adulthood, when the 
careful, strategic handling of his advisors won him the Presidency.

In 1989, Bush himself said "You know I could run for governor, but I’m 
basically a media creation…I’ve never done anything." Bush campaigned in the 
1994 race for governor of Texas solely on his record as a "businessman." The 
sharp-tongued, popular incumbent Governor Ann Richards asked why all the 
businesses Bush had run since 1979 lost a combined $371 million. Bush was 
instantly put on television to plead with her to cease "these personal 
attacks." He eventually won this race with manipulative strategies, heavy 
spending and scare-tactic TV ads. In office, Governor Bush relaxed 
environmental controls to stick Texas with one of the highest concentrations 
of air and water pollution in the country, allowed 134 executions, and 
allowed the gulf between rich and poor to grow out of control. Bush limited 
access to abortions and legalized concealed handguns despite protests from 
law enforcement. He even refused to pass hate crimes laws after the murder of 
James Byrd by three racists, saying that legislation was unnecessary, because 
"all crimes are hate crimes."

Bush spent his youth in a haze of debauchery, and while that’s understandable 
for one whose life is so empty, what Soft Skull finds exceptional is his lack 
of accountability. It is commonly believed that Bush was busted for cocaine 
possession in 1972, but records of the arrest were expunged as a special 
family favor. Once again, Bush didn’t have to play by the rules, he was given 
special treatment over the rest of us commoners.

On the campaign trail for President, Bush couldn’t seem to keep quiet about 
his drug past. In August 1999, with his handlers out of town ghost-writing 
his "autobiography," he blurted out at a press conference that he hadn’t done 
drugs since 1974. The media crowed at the spectacle–another deer in the 
headlights, another conservative politician who puts his foot in his mouth on 

Now imagine you’re Bush’s senior adviser, Karl T. Rove. It’s August 1999, 18 
months from the election. This means that in just 18 months, you have to 
transform the public image of a right-wing incompetent into a "man of the 
people." This was not a small job: Karl Rove and company had to take an 
unproven, spoiled rich kid, and create a competent, eloquent, likable man.

Rove is no angel. In the 70’s, he had been investigated by the Republican 
National Committee for teaching seminars on political "dirty tricks" to 
college students, and, like George W. Bush, trained under cagey campaign 
strategist Lee Atwater.1 But after managing Bush’s successful campaigns for 
governor in Texas, Rove was set to reinvent Bush as Predidential timber. In 
January of 2000, a year away from the election, The New York Times’ Frank 
Bruni reported on Rove’s passionate, almost homoerotic, dedication to Bush: 
"When Mr. Rove talks about Mr. Bush, he radiates a regard for him that goes 
beyond professional obligation or selfish investment in Mr. Bush’s fortune. 
It is more like a crush, both platonic and political, and it underscores the 
oddness of this particular couple: the pale, intense, bookish Mr. Rove and 
the ruddy, easygoing, folksy Mr. Bush."2

After the "election," Rove was chided for taking maximum credit for placing 
Bush in the White House. The New York Times reported "He committed a subtle 
breach of Bush-world etiquette at an election post-mortem at the University 
of Pennsylvania last weekend, when he took responsibility–and credit–for 
many of the candidate’s moves."3 As David Shribman asked, in the Boston Globe 
magazine in July of 2000, "Is there a place where George W. Bush ends and 
Karl Rove begins? Are you the wizard behind the curtain of George W.? Are you 
George W. Bush’s brain?"4

Hatfield was the Stalking Horse

When Bush blurted out that he hadn’t done drugs since 1974, Rove probably 
realized he needed to find a way to remove discussion of Bush’s drug past 
from the national discussion so thoroughly that even Bush himself couldn’t 
bring it up again. Right around August 1999, when Bush made that blunder at 
his solo news conference, J. H. Hatfield’s biography Fortunate Son was in its 
final stages with its original publisher, St. Martin’s Press.

In the late 1980’s in Texas, Hatfield had made the acquaintance of Clay 
Johnson, Bush’s lifelong friend and advisor to Bush as Governor. An author of 
several nonfiction books, Hatfield decided that his personal 

Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 We should not have to relie on foriegn oil.

We should not have to rely on any oil. Switch to alcohol now.

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[CTRL] Campaign for Disclosure Event - San Francisco - July 22

2001-07-09 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

 Please pass along this information.


 The event will begin with an exclusive showing of the
 2-hour Disclosure video of dozens of government and
 military witnesses to UFO and Extraterrestrial events
 and projects, followed by a presentation by Disclosure
 Project Director Steven M. Greer MD.

 ADMISSION:  $5 Donation/Facility Fee.
 The Disclosure Project is committed to providing
 free-of-charge admissions to the campaign events.
 Whenever possible this will be the case; however,
 because of the highly prohibitive facility charges in
 the San Francisco area,  it is necessary to ask for a
 small donation/fee to help pay for the auditorium.
 We are working overtime on a volunteer basis
 because we understand the true significance and
 far-reaching implications of this campaign, and
 we need your help to make it  happen.

 Additional tax-deductible donations to
 The Disclosure Project will be gratefully
 accepted so we  may continue to educate
 the public, media, and government.


 Nob Hill Masonic Auditorium
  California Street
 San Francisco, CA 94108
 (415) 776-4702


 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. - Registration

 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. - Disclosure video

 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. - Break

 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. - Dr. Steven Greer's
   presentation and book signing

 If we unite in action, we can begin a new, open
 chapter in human history-one with new  technologies
 for energy and propulsion without pollution; one
 where we go into space in peace- not with weapons.
 Please join us and help us today!

 Map and Directions are available via the
 Disclosure Project web site.

EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universe
EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/9/01 5:17:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 We should not have to rely on any oil. Switch to alcohol now. 

Alcohol has been used in vehicles in RIo for years. The only trouble with it
is that it takes lots of alcohol to get the mpg that one gets from gasoline.

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Re: [CTRL] CIA Cash Funded Drug Trade

2001-07-09 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Closer to the mark as to the true state of affairs in the whole drug issue.  When we 
see just how involved the intelligence agencies in this country are in the trafficking 
and sale of drugs it will reveal the extent to which the depravity and lopsidedness of 
those in positions of power has really extended.

On Mon, 09 July 2001, William Shannon wrote:

 BRCIA cash funded drugs trade
 BRBy Nick Peters in Washington
 BRWHILE Peru's disgraced former spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos awaits trial in
 BRa maximum security jail in Lima, it has emerged that millions of dollars
 BRdonated by the United States' Central Intelligence Agency not only helped him
 BRamass a small personal fortune, but was also responsible for one of the most
 BRembarrassing espionage debacles of recent years.
 BRSkimming off money that the CIA intended for use in Peru's anti-drug
 BRtrafficking efforts, Montesinos set up a major arms deal in the Middle East
 BRthat funnelled 10,000 AK47 rifles to left-wing FARC guerrillas in Colombia,
 BRthereby fomenting the very uprising that America has pledged $1.3bn to stamp
 BRFARC has transformed itself from a Marxist insurgency group trying to seize
 BRpower in Colombia into a quasi-drug cartel, making millions from the drug
 BRsmugglers who operate under their protection.
 BRBill Clinton's administration decided it was worth investing spectacular
 BRamounts of cash to help the Colombian government stamp out the guerrillas and
 BRthus leave the smugglers unprotected.
 BRAt first Vladimiro Montesinos looked as if he could be a significant asset in
 BRthe US fight against both Communism and the drugs trade. In the mid-1970s,
 BRwhile an officer in the Peruvian army, he came to the US to show the CIA
 BRevidence of Soviet arms deals with Peru. It was enough to get him on the
 BRagency's payroll.
 BRMontesinos rose to become spymaster for the controversial former president of
 BRPeru, Albert Fujimori, himself now being sought on suspicion of human rights
 BRThroughout the 1990s the flow of money became a torrent, the stated intention
 BRbeing to help Peru fight the trans-Andean drug trade.
 BRBut after years of little or no oversight over how the cash was spent,
 BRMontesinos started turning the money to his own ends. He was, according to
 BRprosecutors, also guilty of flagrant human rights violations against
 BRpolitical opponents, including murder.
 BRThe CIA was well aware of his actions but did little to rein Montesinos in.
 BRBut the CIA had not banked on Montesinos' double-dealing. According to
 BRPeruvian prosecutors he was also taking protection money from drug
 BRtraffickers, which joined a stream of corrupt cash that amassed him a fortune
 BRclose to $264m.
 BRThe CIA decided to call a halt when the FARC arms deal demonstrated
 BRconclusively that he had gone too far.
 BRMontesinos became a fugitive in October 2000 and was captured at the end of
 BRlast month by Venezuelan agents in Caracas.
 BRToday Montesinos is on hunger strike in protest against being held in the
 BRsame jail, one he actually designed, as many of his former enemies.
 BRIf found guilty, the ex-spymaster faces the rest of his life in prison.
 BRThat at least would ease the CIA's embarrassment.
 BRBut in the US, the CIA's involvement in the Montesinos case has raised barely
 BRa ripple of comment.

Welcome to the desert of the real.  Morpheus, in The Matrix

My God it's full of stars!  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space
Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!

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Re: [CTRL] The God That Sucked

2001-07-09 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Gald you liked it!  It took a while to come up with just the right words. LOL

On Sun, 08 July 2001, Samantha L. wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Wow, you just summed up my entire life's conclusions in one paragraph!


 In a message dated 7/7/01 7:47:15 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Excellent post!!!  Old money, inherited wealth, and upper class
  Industrialists, as well as the new elite of Technocrats have never had it
  good.  AND to top it off now they have a man like O'neil in Treasury who
  wants that no businesses should pay tax and the common people should be
  to work and be more willing to foot the bill to keep it nice for the new
  cats and get nothing for all the money they are forced to give to the
  government in order to enforce the police state which buries them further
  into poverty and disdain.

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Welcome to the desert of the real.  Morpheus, in The Matrix

My God it's full of stars!  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space
Find the best deals on the web at AltaVista Shopping!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The only trouble with it  is that it takes lots of alcohol to get the
mpg that one gets from gasoline.


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[CTRL] Haiti's Successful War on Drugs

2001-07-09 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Haiti leads the way on how to wage a war on drugs -
when local citizens steal the drugs.

July 9, 2001
Chaos in Haiti Repels Even Drug Dealers
 Crime: Crumbling roads and populist cocaine grabs erode the nation's role as a 
transport hub.


GRAND-GOAVE, Haiti -- It was just over a year ago that a peasant mob in this poor 
coastal town ripped off a
4-ton shipment of Colombian cocaine--a haul worth $20 million even at local prices.

Fishermen became instant millionaires. Farmers showered in celebratory beers at local 
nightclubs. And the
sudden largess spawned a host of new social ills.

But the populist drug seizure here in a nation that had become a major transshipment 
hub for Colombian cocaine
headed to the U.S. also pointed to the latest--and perhaps strangest--trend in 
Caribbean drug smuggling. After
a year of mass rip-offs, crashed drug planes and trashed getaway cars, not even the 
drug dealers, it seems,
can tolerate desperate and dilapidated Haiti.

So dramatic is the decrease of the drug flow through this country of 8 million that 
the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Administration and State Department have taken notice.

In its most recent narcotics report, the State Department concluded that Haiti 
accounted for just 8% of all
cocaine reaching the U.S. last year, down from 13% in 1999.

But in Haiti's government and law enforcement circles, there's little cause for pride.

Little of this [decrease] is attributable to the efforts of the Haitian government, 
the State Department
report says, adding that Haiti must still be regarded as a major transshipment point 
for South American
narcotics. Rather, it cites such incidents as the grass-roots drug rip-off in 
Grand-Goave to explain one of
the more unusual--and inadvertent--successes in the global drug war.

The report notes that intensified U.S. Customs Service searches of Haitian freighters 
in the Miami River,
which netted about 3 tons of cocaine last year, may have played a role in the decline. 
And it partly credits
tough new anti-drug laws recently passed by Haiti's National Assembly.

But it adds: The largest factor [in the decrease] may be the difficulties traffickers 
experienced in moving
drugs through Haiti because of poor infrastructure or the seizure of drugs by rival 
traffickers or other

For example, airdrops of large shipments dropped significantly in 2000, particularly 
after several aircraft
crashed trying to land on makeshift runways, the department said.

'Manna From Heaven' for Poor Villages

Another factor is the increasingly brazen and impoverished citizens, for whom cocaine 
has in recent years
become the principal business in some coastal towns.

Cocaine is widely known as manna from heaven throughout Haiti, as it has become a 
source of income for entire
towns, the report says.

There was the case last year of a drug plane that landed in Port-de-Paix on Haiti's 
north coast. Traffickers
met the plane, shot a policeman and packed their SUV with the cocaine.

But as the traffickers sped off on the town's rutted and neglected streets, the 
vehicle flipped. Within
minutes, hundreds of residents set upon it and stripped it of the drugs.

Another drug plane was burned to a crisp in Leogane, 25 miles west of the capital, 
Port-au-Prince, by
villagers who were outraged when the traffickers refused to share part of the shipment 
with them.

But Grand-Goave, also outside the capital, is a model of the phenomenon. What's more, 
the populist cocaine
seizure on June 9, 2000, has fundamentally changed the town by fostering social evils 
that were compounded
when the drug flows went dry, local officials, radio correspondents and police 
officers say.

Grand-Goave, like most of the Haitian countryside, has always been poor. It has no 
hospital, park or
professional school, and it runs solely on a $2,700 monthly federal handout for 
municipal salaries. With
unemployment approaching 100%, the town's people have survived on subsistence farming 
and money sent from
relatives in the U.S. and Canada.

Morally, however, it had been a God-fearing town where petty crime was minimal and 
major crimes such as murder
were largely motivated by politics.

That all changed a year ago, residents say, the day two launches sped ashore and 
nearly the entire town turned
out to meet them.

Grand-Goave's free-for-all began about 5:30 a.m. that day, moments after 8,400 pounds 
of cocaine landed on the
beach. Local police had been tipped off to the shipment; some were probably hired 
protection for the
traffickers, said one local officer who asked not to be named.

Soon the police were overwhelmed by thousands of townspeople, most of them armed with 
machetes or homemade
guns. Outnumbered, the police ultimately gave up and, witnesses said, even helped 
distribute the sacks. In the
end, police 

Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/9/01 7:56:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Using more of it costs the consumer money. The ideal situation would be to
develop an alternative fuel that gave the efficiency, or what would be even
better, better efficency than the present gasoline.

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Re: [CTRL] Haiti's Successful War on Drugs

2001-07-09 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/9/01 7:59:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 aiti leads the way on how to wage a war on drugs -

when local citizens steal the drugs. 

Hey, way to go!

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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Using more of it costs the consumer money. The ideal situation would be
to  develop an alternative fuel that gave the efficiency, or what would
be even  better, better efficency than the present gasoline.

You're assuming the same cost per gallon. Alcohol can be produced for
far, far less than gasoline. Plus, it’s renewable.

There's also the hidden costs of gasoline that must be considered, such
as cost of the death, disease and distraction that the pollution it
makes. Then there's the enormous expense of maintaining the military
capacity to protect gasoline’s foreign sources. Then there's the people
who suffer and die in the wars that are fought over oil. The blockade of
Iraq, for example, has killed at least a half million, probably more
like two million, Iraqis. Almost all of them were women and children. 

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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Carl Amedio
In a message dated 7/9/01 10:29:51 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The blockade of
Iraq, for example, has killed at least a half million, probably more
like two million, Iraqis. Almost all of them were women and children.

Just that many fewer car bombers for our troops to worry about.

Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-09 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Just that many fewer car bombers for our troops to worry about. 

You have it backwards. Every innocent civilian in the Third World that
American corporate interests kill for profit is yet another motivation
for their friends and relatives to seek revenge on American citizens.
For example, I, for one, am not at all convinced that the Great Oakland
Fire Storm wasn't some Iraqi's revenge for our bombers having burned his
family alive back in Basra. Hey, what would you do if some foreigners
burned your family alive?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Evolution Design

2001-07-09 Thread The Extremist

At 06:47 PM 7/9/01 , you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Could one of you people out there who reject evolution please explain
me why evolution and intelligent design are mutually preclusive?

It doesn't really follow that all that oppose darwins evolution
be fundamentally christian.
Evolution goes against the two most basic principles of physics.
The 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Evolution flies in the face of the generally accepted observation that
the universe and matter is in a state of gradual decay called
Evolution is shown to be impossible by any mathimatical and statistical
Evolution has never been substantiated by observation or by the fossil
Evolution is akin to a tornado sweeping through a junkyard and when the
wind and dust clears there is a brand new top of the line, fully decked
out, power everything, super stereo equiped, northstar system Cadillac
standing where the junk used to be.
Evolution requires a false fanatical religious zeal to survive even a
glance at the facts.
Evolution is a false religion.
Evolution survives as a theory based only on total blind faith.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that
was made.
-John 1:1-3

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 01:27 PM 7/8/01 -0700, Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

 Well, it's at least a higher standard than advocated by Al Gore, who
thinks he  should have won an election he lost by a razor thin margin
but tried to fix  after  the fact.

(1.) That’s irrelevant. Stay on topic.

It's my damn posting.  The topic is what I say it is.

It's not about what you wish that I didn't think.

If you don't like MY topic, then YOU'RE irrelevant.


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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 04:33 PM 7/8/01 -0400, Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/6/01 10:21:23 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   You mean like Al Gore sliming Michael Dukakis with the Willie Horton ads

  Wasn't that George Bush's campaign?  Prudy

It was Bush in '88.


Prudy and Samantha are lamely trying to avoid conceding the irrefutable
fact that it was
the Al Gore campaign  -  wholly owned, operated and controlled by Al Gore
-- that FIRST
used the Willie Horton issue in a campaign to smear rival Democrta
candidate.  And IF
Prudy, Samantha, and other blind Democrat partisans assert that the Willie
Horton issue
was playing the race card, then THE DEMOCRATS DID IT FIRST!!


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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 10:23 PM 7/8/01 -0400, Samantha L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

   The Bush campaign picked it up AFTER Al Gore had used it against
   the primary.   Democrats had no qualms about Al Gore using the issue.
   racialist sensibilities only got offended after Bush began using it. 

  According to this site, Gore attacked the furlough system in 1987, but Bush
Daddy is the one who made it a racial issue using Horton:



If it was a racial issue when Bush Daddy used it, then it was a racial
when Gore used it.  You've been laboring under the fantasy that Democrats
can't be racists because they're always the first to slime others as racists.

Democrats are deeply racist.  Wake up and smell the condescending paternalism.


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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 10:11 AM 7/9/01 -0400, Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/08/2001 2:10:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 You haven't been paying attention.  Liberals are for drugs.  Conservatives
 are against drugs. 

You must be kidding.  I'm pretty liberal, and I think drugs are for fools.
If I had my way, they would all be legal, and everyone could have as much as
he or she could carry.  They would only have to have the word STUPID tattooed
across their forehead so everybody would know how dumb they were.

Your approach would work wonderfully in a pure libertarian society, but it
would be
a cataclysmic disaster in a socialist society.  Unfortunately, the United
States of
America in the year 2001 IS a socialist society.

In a libertarian society, people would accept dopers and drug addicts
laying in the gutter and
rolling around in their own vomit and dog crap, and conclude simply that
they asked for it.
In a libertarian society, people would accept the right of a parent to
shove a cheap,
readily obtainable 44 magnum handgun into the face of a drug dealer to
invite the
dealer  not to sell drugs to his children.

In a socialist society, politicians would want to help every pathetic,
mindless doper at
public expense, by creating an endless array of social programs and
treatment progams
to relieve the doper from the consequences of his own stupidity.  The more
the programs
failed to solve the problem, the greater the proof that more funding,
more programs, and
more bureacrates would be needed to solve the problem.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Condit admits affair with Levy

2001-07-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 06:40 PM 7/9/01 +0100, c. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

Condit admits affair with Levy

- - - - - - - - - - - -

July 8, 2001 | WASHINGTON --
Rep. Gary Condit for the first time told investigators he had a romantic
relationship with Chandra Levy, a source familiar with the investigation
said late Saturday.
But police reiterated that Condit is not a suspect in the disappearance of
the former federal intern.

I'm very much inclined to believe that Condit had nothing to do with
Chandra Levy's disappearance and probable demise.

I believe that someone who knew about Condit's bimboes and who also
had a score to settle with Condit  (think:  Clintonista's) made Chandra Levy
disappear knowing full well that Condit would be embarrassed, discredited,
and ultimately a murder suspect. (I don't think the Clintonian's would agonize
very long over the unfortunate but useful death of one bimbo; as Clinton has
demonstrated, they're as plentiful as rabbits.)

I have heard conflicting reports of Condit's role during the impeachement.

Did Condit vote for any of the articles of impeachment against Clinton?
If not, did Condit at anytime vote for any measure that enabled the
impeachment process to proceed?


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] International Bookburning in Progress

2001-07-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 01:48 PM 7/9/01 -0700, radman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-


assertions of liberty in support of an uncensored internet

DEEPLY ALARMED that state-sponsored censorship of the
Internet is rapidly spreading with the assistance of
transnational corporations,

TAKING AS A BASIS the principles and purposes enshrined in
Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UDHR) that states, Everyone has the right to freedom of
opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
impart information and ideas through any media and
regardless of frontiers, and Article 19 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) that says,

1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without

- - - snip - - -

Nice talk.  But I'll take these people seriously when they
also include among the censors the governments of
countries like Germany, France, Canada, and numerous
others, who in their zeal to suppress alternative interpretations
of history interfere with the free operation of the internet
and jail or deport people for defaming the memory of
the dead and other highly bogus thought crimes.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Sex, lies, and Chandra Levy

2001-07-09 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 03:28 PM 7/9/01 -0700, Nessie wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Just one more act in the corporate media circus that dazzles us away
from the real issues.


Where Nessie sayeth:

 Personally, I'm not looking any further into this possibility, because I know
 what happens to people who find things they are not supposed to see, because
 I don't want to end up like Danny Casolaro, because it's ever so cozy here in
 the bunker, and because nobody is paying me enough stick my neck out that


You have nothing to fear.  You SF Bay Guardian article, which you shamelessly
hyped, is merely a disorganized cobbling of thirty years of rather mundane news
about politicians caught up in various scandals.  As the Clintonista's would
say, it's old
news, but in your case it's boring old news, poorly assembled.

I think the only danger your neck is exposed to is from the Anti-Bad Writing


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Evolution Design

2001-07-09 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

The Laws of Thermodynamics do not apply to biological systems, which are not in
equalibrium, a necessary condition for application of these laws.


On 10 Jul 01, at 0:07, The Extremist wrote:

 Evolution goes against the two most basic principles of physics.
 The 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics.
 Evolution flies in the face of the generally accepted observation that the
 universe and matter is in a state of gradual decay called entropy.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] As GATA closes in, Treasury reclassifies West Point gold again

2001-07-09 Thread Kris Millegan


July 9, 2001

  Gold $266.50, up 80 cents
  Silver $4.22, down 3 cents

The gold market is comatose as the Gold Cartel has gold
right back at its official price of $266. Meanwhile,
they have to be frantically trying to figure out how
they are going to get out of their massive short
positions. Time is NOT on their side (see below).

The big story of the day is one you will not hear
spoken about in mainstream gold commentary. For weeks
now Mike Bolser and I have been clamoring that U.S.
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill should explain why
1,700 tonnes of the Treasury's gold bullion reserve
were reclassified as custodial gold' in August last

The reason could not be more obvious. The word
custodial implies taking care of something for
someone else (as for the Bundesbank) as opposed to
owning it yourself. That can be the only explanation
for the reclassification. Some clerk was only doing his
job correctly and told it as it was; that is, told the
truth. U.S. Reps. Ron Paul (Texas) and John Larson
(Connecticut), as well as Sens. Joseph Lieberman
(Connecticut) and Wayne Allard (Colorado) have posed
the same question to the treasury secretary, and so far
he has failed to answer them, as well as many others.

Lo and behold, look what we have here today -- a
posting at www.USAGold.com by Elwood:

* * *


Looks like all the gold at the mint locations is now
called either deep storage or working stock. It's
labeled Treasury-owned gold at the bottom of the

From the notes at the bottom of May's report:

Deep Storage Gold -- formerly called Gold Bullion
Reserve or Custodial Gold Bullion Reserve. This gold is
owned by the U.S. Government and held for safekeeping
by the U.S. Mint at the locations listed.

Working Stock -- formerly listed as specific coins and
blanks or called PEF Gold. This is the portion of
U.S. Government-owned gold that is used as the
operating inventory for minting gold coins. Working
stock includes bars, blanks, and finished coins.

The May report (updated July 2) is the first month of
the new classification.

* * *

Is this the Treasury's response to a most serious
question posed by very serious people -- that U.S.
Government gold is now classified Deep Storage Gold
so that they have an answer to any sort of inquiries?
Does this mean that there are no new questions to be
asked in the future because of the pathetic Treasury's
definition of 'is' obfuscation?

This is one sick government we have. God help us all.
What the heck is REALLY going on in Washington? What
kind of systemic risk is close at hand? What has
happened and is happening to America's gold? To what
extent will the U.S. Government go to hide the truth
from its citizens and members of Congress? What kind of
depravity is ruling the roost in our nation's capital?

I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

The Levy girl was just a friend.

A gold swap with the Bundesbank? How silly!

Deep Storage? That is comical. Who thought that one
up? I guess we are going to need a Deep Throat to
find out about the U.S. gold in Deep Storage.

One thing for sure. WE GOT THEM. GATA has stirred up a
hornet's nest on this one. There can be no other
explanation for such a ridiculous classification of the
gold of American citizens. Clearly they have made the
change in classification because they can't answer the
questions posed to them. So they changed the

What more does anyone need to understand that the gold
market is under siege with the United States acting
like the world's gold czar? Yes, the gold price is
manipulated and something is very wrong in the gold
market -- but, worse, something is even wronger with
our government. A certain faction of Washington has
LOST IT -- and lost the ideals our country was founded

I am still waiting on confirmation that Newmont has
closed its giant Gold Quarry mine in Nevada. If that is
the case, it means that the two premier U.S. gold
producers have closed their flagship mines within seven
months. First, the Homestake mine in South Dakota and
now this.

While this would be a blow to Newmont shareholders, it
will be a very positive development for the gold price
-- mostly because it signifies the sharp drop in gold
production that is upon us. Gold producers are hitting
the wall all over the world.

The Gold Cartel has created the most untenable of
situations. The gold loans are 10,000 to 16,000 tonnes,
the gold derivatives are massive and hover above the
market like a neutron bomb, the U.S. Government is
trying to cover up what it has done (always a no-no),
and now gold supply is starting to drop off a cliff
while gold demand remains strong.

Murphy's Law is setting upon the Gold Cartel. The
Manufacturers Association is moaning to the media that
the strong dollar is hurting them and the U.S. economy.
The pressure to bring the dollar down is going to