2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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[CTRL] Fulfillment

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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HoustonChronicle.com -- http://www.HoustonChronicle.com | Section:

March 12, 2003, 6:47AM

Iraq war considered by some to be fulfillment of prophecy

Washington Post

Ever since Jesus said that only God knows the hour or day of the Second
Coming, preachers and self-appointed doomsayers have been trying to
predict when it will happen - - and watching the sun rise on another

Even those who chastise date-setters nearly always say, God's final
judgment is coming soon, probably in our lifetime, so get ready.

In recent weeks, the prophetic interpreters have been citing a new
reason they believe the end is coming: the impending U.S. war with Iraq.

Anxious discussions have arisen on prophecy Web sites, in Bible study
groups and churches, and at such gatherings as last month's 20th
International Prophecy Conference in Tampa, Fla. Its title: Shaking of
Nations: Living in Perilous Times.

Many see evidence of Iraq's significance in end-time scenarios in key
passages of the apocalyptic book of Revelation. Chapter 16, which includes
the only mention of Armageddon in the Bible, carries a direct reference to
the Euphrates River, which runs through modern-day Iraq.

The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its
water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East, writes
John, possibly the apostle, of a container of God's anger emptied on the
ancient land of Babylon, now Iraq. The kings will move their armies through
the Euphrates valley en route to Har Megiddo (Armageddon) in northern

The Euphrates appears a second time with one of seven angels whose
blaring trumpets warn that the Final Judgment is near. Release the four
angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates, a voice commands the
sixth angel of God, whose compliance unleashes agents of death who had
been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year and were
released to kill a third of mankind.

Then comes the clincher. In Chapter 9, Verse 11 -- yes, that's 9:11 -- John
says the leader of an army of locusts released to fight humankind is named
Abaddon in Hebrew, Apollyon in Greek. Both words mean Destroyer, one
of several meanings for the name Saddam.

Iraq fits like hand in glove, Irvin Baxter, founder of Endtime magazine and
pastor of Oak Park Church in Richmond, Ind., said of the role he believes
the country will play in world- ending events if U.S.-led forces invade Iraq.

Baxter, a lifelong student of Old and New Testament prophecies, said
casualties will be tremendous, not only of combatants in Iraq but of people
in neighboring countries hit by retaliatory missiles of mass destruction and
Americans who fall victim to terrorists armed with portable nuclear

And other countries will take the opportunity to pursue their own
interests -- China trying to retake Taiwan, or India making an all-out assault
on Kashmir -- leading to World War III, he said. The result, Baxter
concludes, could be a nuclear holocaust that takes the lives of 2 billion
people, the one-third of mankind stated in Revelation.

Such talk bothers Craig Hill, professor of New Testament at Wesley
Theological Seminary in Washington and one of many biblical scholars who
say end-time interpreters distort Scripture to fit their own point of view.
Most claim to read the Bible literally, yet take bits and pieces from books
written centuries apart under different circumstances, he said.

Ezekiel, one of the most popular end-time texts, was written in the 6th
century B.C. by a Judean priest exiled in Babylon who dreamed of the
Jews' return to Israel and the restoration of the temple.

Revelation was written 600 years later, about A.D. 95, by an exiled Christian
leader encouraging churches in Asia Minor to persevere under the
hardships of Roman control.

Yet prophetic interpreters will take verses from each and combine them
to create a reading that justifies their point of view, said Hill, author of In
God's Time: The Bible and the Future.

In trying to create one overarching interpretation, they are not allowing
for the complexity of the biblical witness to come through, he said. The
irony is, in their quest for accuracy, biblical literalists are forced to
misread the Bible.

More problematic is the fatalistic worldview of apocalyptic thinking, Hill
said. Many who obsess about the end of the world fail to enjoy the life
they have or reach out to help others in an effort to improve society, he
said. They become morally complacent.

Those criticisms are of little concern to millions of Americans who were
caught up in end- time fever long before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks and the explosion of the shuttle Columbia fueled even greater
speculation on how the world might end.

One of the greatest indicators of that interest has been the phenomenal
success of the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.

[CTRL] Ankara's flight ban

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Threats fly after Ankara's flight ban

Keep out of Kurdish areas, US warns

Michael Howard in Irbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, and Owen Bowcott
Monday March 17, 2003
The Guardian

Thirteen missile-firing US warships yesterday sailed into the Red sea to
obtain a clear line of fire against Iraqi targets following Turkey's refusal to
open its airspace to American forces preparing the assault on Saddam

In a sign that exchanges between the Nato allies have degenerated into
political threats, the US warned Ankara to abandon plans to send troops
into Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq.

Washington is also reported to have withdrawn war compensation, worth
at least $15bn, which had previously been on offer in return for permission
to deploy 62,000 troops on Turkish soil. The US soldiers were to have been
used to open a northern front against Saddam Hussein.

The Turkish parliament's rejection of the package and a decision by the
new prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to delay a second vote have
exasperated the White House.

The US secretary of state, Colin Powell, said yesterday: We have made it
clear that the situation [in northern Iraq] is volatile, and it would be
better if there were no Turkish forces in as part of any military operation.

They are concerned about that area, but they also know that we don't
want to see anything happen that would precipitate a crisis between
Turkey and the Kurdish populations in northern Iraq.

Turkey, where the population is fiercely opposed to war, appears
determined to with hold permission for US overflights, severely restricting
options for sending US ground troops into northern Iraq. Nor are Iran,
Syria or Jordan likely to allow US military planes to use their airspace.

Mr Erdogan told Mr Bush last week that use of Turkish airspace would have
to be approved by parliament. The timetable for any further vote on US
troop deployments has slipped again; nothing is now expected until next

As the countdown to war enters its final days, there are only a few US
military advisers and members of the special forces operating alongside
Kurdish militias in northern Iraq. The enclave could be vulnerable to
counter- attack from Saddam's T-72 tanks.

The Pentagon may deploy its 101st and 82nd airborne divisions and the
173rd airborne brigade. The troops, most of whom are now in Kuwait,
would be flown into Kurdish-run areas and would fight with heavy air force
support to make up for the lack of armour.

Iraqi opposition leaders will meet US and Turkish officials in Ankara today
to warn against Turkish plans to send troops into the Kurdish self-rule area
of northern Iraq during a US-led offensive.

Zalmay Khlalilzad, Mr Bush's envoy to the free Iraqis, said: We oppose
unilateral force. Such an action would have a negative effect on US-
Turkish relations and Turkey's relations with other countries.

Ankara has advanced plans to establish a large-scale military presence in
northern Iraq. Although the Turkish army has a few small bases in the
Kurdish enclave, it is proposing to set up a buffer zone and scores of
refugee camps.

Turkey is anxious to prevent Iraqi Kurdistan from taking advantage of the
war to become the nucleus of an independent Kurdish state, which it
fears could reignite separatist sentiments among its own large Kurdish

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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[CTRL] The Mouse that Roared ?

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

European prince wins new powers

Andrew Osborn
Monday March 17, 2003
The Guardian

One of Europe's most bizarre and bitter electoral campaigns ended in
victory yesterday for Prince Hans Adam II of Liechtenstein, after his
subjects bowed to his will and voted to grant him sweeping powers over
the tiny alpine kingdom.

In a referendum which draws a line under a decade-long power struggle in
the world's sixth-smallest country, a majority of voters ignored warnings
that they were ushering in a dictatorship and agreed to give Prince Hans
Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein, Duke of Trappau and Jgerndorf and
Count of Rietburg, far-reaching new powers.

The prince, whose family has ruled the wealthy micro-state at the heart of
Europe for almost 300 years, had threatened to abandon his rambling
medieval mountaintop castle and move to Austria unless the nation's 33,000
citizens gave him his way.

Not that he was ever short of power. Even before yesterday, he was
Europe's most powerful monarch, with the final say on laws and the right
to call early elections. But that, he insisted, was not enough and he
demanded that the constitution be amended to give him the power to
dismiss governments, and control the appointment of judges.

Yesterday he got his way. Final results showed that 64.3% of the electorate
had acceded to his wishes while just 35.7% objected to his proposals - a
figure far lower than expected.

Nor could his opponents claim that poll was unrepresentative - at 87.7%,
turnout among the 16,500 Liechtensteiners who were eligible to vote was
extraordinarily high.

It's an excellent result. We can be very pleased with it, the prince told
local Radio L.

Not everyone was happy about yesterday's vote. In the future, the prince
could snap his fingers and say 'I've lost confidence in you' and in a split
second the government would vanish, said Mario Frick, the country's
prime minister.

Sigvard Wohlwend of the opposition Secretariat for Democracy went even
further: We are about to abolish democracy in the centre of Europe. It is

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Heady Stuff

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Home-grown cannabis outstrips imports from Morocco

Alan Travis, home affairs editor
Monday March 17, 2003
The Guardian

The majority of cannabis now consumed in England and Wales has not been
smuggled in but is actually grown here, according to a study to be
published next month.

The research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation reveals that there has
been a sharp rise in recent years in domestic cultivation, particularly in
home-grown cannabis for personal use.

It appears a new breed of British gardener has emerged. But rather than
messing about in the back garden they spend their time in the cupboard
under the stairs tending their plants. In their case the answer doesn't lie
in the soil but in trays of water under lights as their crop is produced
hydroponically, without soil.

It has become such a popular pastime that for the first time domestically
cultivated cannabis has overtaken Moroccan hash or resin as the major
product in the British cannabis market. At least 3 million people a year
now use the drug.

The rise in home-grown British grass has led to a thriving legal business in
cannabis seed, which is available from UK-based seed companies, and
specialist growing equipment which is legally available from gardening
outlets, hydroponic growshops, and over the internet.

The research by South Bank University's criminal policy research unit and
the national addiction centre at Kings College, London, is partly based on
interviews with 37 home cultivators, mainly men in their 20s and 30s. Most
had jobs or were students.

It says that the government's strategy of focusing on the more harmful
drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, means there is now a strong case for
the law to treat the small-scale cultivation of cannabis for personal use or
use by friends in the same way as simple possession, and only attract a fine
or warning. The study says this would not clash with Britain's obligations
under international drug treaties.

The research identified five types of cannabis growers in Britain, but says
many of them did it to ensure quality of product, to save money, or as a
way of avoiding contact with dealers. There is a wide variety of growing

There has been a trend to use premium seeds rather than imported
cannabis bush seeds, and to grow them under more lights, with an average
of 4.5 bulbs generating 1067 watts, compared with two bulbs pumping out
421w four years ago. The types identified were:

 Sole-use growers: cultivate cannabis as a money-saving hobby, for
personal use. Have 12 to 24 plants, using natural fertilisers and soil
mixtures more often than hydroponics.

 Medical growers: motivated by perceived therapeutic value. All those
interviewed were supplying multiple scelerosis sufferers and had been
charged by police.

 Social growers: grow to ensure good-quality supply for themselves and
their friends. They give it away or charge nominal price. Average two
dozen plants.

 Social/commercial growers: grow for profit but restrict sales to social
networks. Motivation is to supplement income. Have between two and 100

 Commercial growers: sell to any customer. Grow their own crops to
guarantee high quality to secure supply and premium prices. All use
hydroponics. One said he earned 2,500 a month out of it.

The study says police forces differ in how they deal with cultivators. Some
are cautioned, some charged with trafficking under the 1971 Misuse of
Drugs Act which on third conviction carries a minimum seven year
sentence, and others are charged with the lesser offence of cultivation.

The report says there were 1,960 cannabis production offences in the UK
in 2000, with just under a quarter dealt with by police caution. The rest
went to court, with 240 ending in a prison sentence.

Mike Hough, of South Bank University, said the study showed that if the
government treated cultivation for personal use in a similar way to
possession, and introduced administrative fines for non-commercial
cultivation, it could be done within the limits of UN drug conventions.

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and 

[CTRL] Drugs for Enquiring Minds

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Drugs inquiry thrown into doubt over members' links with manufacturers

Drugs inquiry links to makers

Sarah Boseley, health editor
Monday March 17, 2003
The Guardian

The credibility of a government inquiry intended to settle the controversy
surrounding widely prescribed anti- depressant drugs was thrown into
question yesterday by revelations that most of the members have
shareholdings or other links to the manufacturers.

The intensive review of the side effects of Seroxat, Prozac and other
antidepressants of the SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) class
was announced in the House of Commons by health minister Hazel Blears in
December last year. It was a response to mounting concern from large
numbers of patients who say they have been unable to come off Seroxat
because of severe withdrawal symptoms.

It is also looking at allegations that the SSRIs have caused a small number of
people who were previously not in a severely depressed state to kill
themselves. Last week a coroner in Wales called for Seroxat to be
withdrawn pending an investigation after returning an open verdict on a
retired headteacher who killed himself shortly after starting the drug.

But campaigners and patients say they are deeply unhappy with the
membership of the review team, drawn from the committee on the safety
of medicines, which is part of the Department of Health's medicines
control agency, and with one of the expert witnesses.

Two of the four CSM scientists, Michael Donaghy, a reader in clinical
neurology from Oxford University, and David Nutt, professor of
psychopharmacology at Bristol University, hold shares in GlaxoSmithKline,
manufacturers of Seroxat. They have to leave the room when Seroxat is
discussed, although they stay for debate on the SSRI drugs as a class.

Prof Nutt and the invited expert, David Baldwin, senior lecturer in
psychiatry at Southampton University, jointly fronted the promotional
press launch of Seroxat after it won a licence to be prescribed for social
anxiety disorder and was popularly dubbed the shyness pill.

Charles Medawar, of the watchdog organisation Social Audit, is seeking a
reference to the ombudsman over the composition of the review.

He is also unhappy with the choice of chairman. Angus Mackay, director of
mental health services in Lomond and Argyle, Scotland, was one of the
signatories to an influential paper produced by the CSM in 1996 which
concluded that withdrawal symptoms from SSRIs are rare, relatively mild
and do not have features of a physical drug dependency syndrome.

Mr Medawar said the review must be impartial and seen to be impartial.
The Seroxat users group, which has 4,000 members who have experienced
problems with the drug personally or through relatives, is equally
concerned. We're not at all happy, said Sarah Venn of the group.

Their Cardiff-based lawyer, Mark Harvey, said he was concerned that two
of the review members had shareholdings in GSK. The review could go two
ways, he said. If it says the drug is beneficial, the share price goes up
and you make a profit. If it says the drug is dreadful, the price goes down
and you make a loss. I do not see any way at all that you can be expected
to give an impartial judgment. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Mr Harvey was also unhappy that the review has not undertaken to
consider the first-hand evidence of patients on the side effects they say
they have suffered - only the reports from their doctors will be considered
- although it has invited representatives of the Seroxat users group to a

The medicines control agency and the committee on the safety of
medicines have always maintained that it is sufficient for members to
declare their interests in drug companies before meetings and to leave the
room if they have personal interests such as shareholdings.

At the meeting of the review group on November 21, Prof Nutt and Dr
Donaghy declared personal interests in GSK and left the room for two
items on the agenda that dealt with Seroxat, although they remained for
discussions on the SSRIs as a class of drug.

Dr Baldwin declared a personal interest in Lundbeck, manufacturers of the
drug Citalopram. According to the minutes, however, he did not declare
his connections with five other companies, including Seroxat
manufacturers SmithKline Beecham, which is now GlaxoSmithKline.

Questioned by the Guardian, he said that although it was hard to
remember the detail, he did declare participating in advisory boards for
SmithKline Beecham, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Organon, and
Pharmacia. His department had also been funded for studies by the same
five companies and he had been paid by them for speaking at symposia to
other doctors about the drugs. I mentioned all this at the meeting, he

A spokesman for the MCA said the minutes would not have omitted
anything. The minutes containing the declared interests would contain

[CTRL] Post-Sept. 11 Psyche

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Arab News

How a Cabal Manipulates Americas Post-Sept. 11 Psyche
Mohammed Al-Khereiji, Arab News Staff
Published on 17 March 2003

The war against Iraq may be just around the corner, worldwide protests
US public protests against such a war have only lately gathered steam 
not in defense of Saddam Hussein, whom most detest, but directed at a
war to be waged against another nation based on dubious, if not outright
fabricated information, and cooked up not by the president of the US, but
by a cabal controlling the American administration who were pushing for
an Iraqi invasion policy well before George W. Bushs assumption of the US

In a cynical and well-orchestrated campaign, they manipulated Americas
post-Sept.11 psyche to push for their anti-Arab, anti-Islamic policies
beginning with an invasion of Iraq to cement US hegemony as the worlds
only superpower.

One of the godfathers of this cabal is a brilliant and articulate strategist
named Richard Perle. But for his chairmanship of the Pentagons Defense
Advisory Board, Perle would have been just another rabid anti-Arab and
anti-Islamic Jewish demagogue espousing Israeli interests within any
number of American administrations.

But an examination of how Perle, Wolfowitz, and their cohorts in the
administration misled the president and the American public is already
beginning. Part of this examination is being legally handled by the FBI, as
Dana Priest and Susan Schmidt report in the Washington Post on March 13.
Many believe this probe to be only the tip of the iceberg. The American
and world press have been buzzing with reports of the poor quality of the
information provided by Collin Powell to the world and later proven to be
inaccurate by Blix and El-Baradei, who are being demonized by the right-
wing media in the US for the crime of telling the truth.

Incredulity at the scope of this campaign to mislead the American public
and indeed the whole world was recently voiced by Seymour Hersh, who
stands out alongside Bob Woodward as Americas greatest investigative
reporter. He did so in two news programs in which he detailed what he
referred to as the US administrations lies and falsehoods in support of its
war against Iraq.

More importantly, the Hersh interviews were related to an article of his in
the New Yorker magazine of March 17, which goes to the very heart of
influence-peddling and the ethics of a leading pro-war activist like Richard

The facts in the article are pretty straightforward. Perle, among other
things, is both the chairman of the Pentagons Defense Advisory Board and
a managing partner in a venture- capital company called Trireme Partners
L.P., registered in Delaware in November 2001, two months after Sept. 11,
2001, to invest in companies dealing in technology, goods and services
related to homeland security and defense.

In its fund gathering campaign, the company contacted the very Arabs and
Muslims that Perle is so ready to castigate at the drop of a hat. To attract
Arab funding, a direct meeting between the Arabs and Perle was promised,
in which the Arabs would explore the possibility of a peaceful resolution
to the Iraqi question. The meeting took place in January 2003 over lunch
in Marseilles, France, and the meeting reeked of extortion and influence
peddling. The article further details Perles past dubious business activities
while in government service, which did not stand in the way of his rise to
power, probably because of his links to the clique that controls the
present American administration.

It is an unfortunate fact that the first victim in times of war is the truth,
and America is waking up to the need for the truth and their wish not to
be involved in a war that may have no logical end, and based mainly on an
agenda advanced by a group committing the very deceptions and lies that
they accuse Saddam of.

History has shown that Seymour Hersh and the American public have ample
reason to distrust groups who claim that they, and only they, know whats
good for America and are leading Americans down a path of perpetual war
in pursuit of an illusory grail of peace on their own terms.

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Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
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[CTRL] Party Members Threat

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Go to Original

Blair Party Members Threaten New Revolt
ABCNews.com | The Associated Press

Sunday 16 March 2003

Lawmakers From Prime Minister Blair's Labor Party Threaten Fresh Revolt
Against Iraq Policy

Lawmakers from Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor Party threatened to
stage a new rebellion against his Iraq policy as Blair joined President Bush
on Sunday in setting a one-day deadline for diplomacy to avert a war on

Blair has faced intense resistance at home to the prospect of war without
a new U.N. resolution, a scenario that seemed more likely than ever as the
leaders' mid-Atlantic summit ended.

Last month, 122 Labor lawmakers staged their biggest rebellion since Blair
came to power in 1997, voting against the government and in favor of a
motion that said the case for war was unproven.

Labor legislator Graham Allen said that if Blair calls a debate and vote this
week on Iraq press reports speculated it may come Tuesday he and a
group of colleagues would offer another anti-war amendment.

Among those working on the measure, Allen said, was Chris Smith, a former
member of Blair's Cabinet who sponsored the previous amendment.

The new measure would express support for the 40,000 British troops now
awaiting action in the Gulf, but challenge the moral authority of war
without clear U.N. backing, Allen said.

Now that a second U.N. resolution appears less likely, Allen said he
expected the rebellion this time would be even larger, since many
lawmakers who backed Blair on the last Iraq vote said they'd only support
war with a fresh resolution.

There are a great number of colleagues who said that they would not
support war without a very clear second U.N. resolution, Allen told the
British Broadcasting Corp. We do not have that ... so I do believe that a
number of other colleagues will be considering their position tonight.

Blair does not need parliamentary approval to wage war, but his
government has promised to give lawmakers the chance to have their say
in a vote.

Bush, Blair, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and Portuguese Prime
Minister Jose Durao Barroso met briefly on the mid-Atlantic Azores
archipelago and set a one-day deadline for the United Nations to demand
immediate disarmament of Iraq.

War without fresh U.N. backing is the political nightmare Blair has long
hoped to avoid. A majority of Britons including many Labor Party members
oppose action without the world body's support.

One Cabinet member has threatened to resign if Britain joins a war
without U.N. approval and other ministers may follow.

The group that organized an enormous anti-war demonstration in London
last month said it planned another protest, on Saturday.

While Blair flew to and from the summit, Cabinet ministers sought to shore
up domestic and international support for his stance.

Treasury chief Gordon Brown said war was not inevitable.

Even today the focus is on seeing whether we can move the diplomatic
process forward, he told the BBC's Breakfast with Frost program.

Brown also insisted as Foreign Secretary Jack Straw had on Saturday that
resolution 1441, passed unanimously by the Security Council in November,
provided full legal authority for war.

Press reports said Attorney General Lord Goldsmith has advised Blair that
existing Security Council resolutions, including Resolution 1441, passed
unanimously in November, provide sufficient legal authorization for war.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed
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 Copyright 2003 by TruthOut.org
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not believe simply because it has been handed down for many genera-
tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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[CTRL] Guess Who's Coming to the War ?

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


March 17, 2003

Israeli special forces join 'secret front' in Jordan
By Ian Cobain and Stephen Farrell

AS HUNDREDS of thousands of men and machines mass in Kuwait,
a highly secretive military build-up is also under way on President Saddam
Husseins western flank.

Special forces from the United States and Britain have begun to conduct
long-range reconnaissance missions from their bases along the 113-mile
border between Iraq and Jordan, military sources have told The Times.
Remarkably, Israeli forces are also said to be involved.

Jordan is highly sensitive about military activity in a swath of land 50 miles
deep along its border with Iraq, where residents talk of the rumble of
transport aircraft landing at remote airstrips.

Jordan acknowledges that American troops are there, but insists they are
to defend its own territory and airspace.

One Western military expert said yesterday: It is a very discreet
operation, but the special forces are certainly there. You may not see any
tanks dashing across the border from Jordan when the war begins, but
there will be significant special forces activity.

These forces are already providing targeting information on Iraqi assets 
so called Scud-hunting  and as they push east towards Baghdad, you can
expect to see a very fluid front line.

The secrecy has two objectives: to keep Iraq guessing and to avoid
provoking a Jordanian population bitterly opposed to the coming war.

On Saturday, about 5,000 people chanted no to foreign troops in Jordan
as they demonstrated in Amman.

The US Air Force is already targeting Iraqi positions in the western desert
and on Friday a B1B bomber was used for the first time to attack an
installation just across the border.

At least 5,000 US troops are already in Jordan, according to an official
source in Amman. One Western diplomat in the capital said, however, that
the true figure was nearer 7,000. Thousands more are expected to arrive
soon, and although some will be training Jordanian Armed Forces and
manning the three Patriot anti-missile batteries defending Amman and the
northern city of Irbid, about half are thought to be special forces troops.

Marwan Muasher, Jordans Foreign Minister, conceded last week that the
number of foreign troops may have risen to 2,000 or 3,000.

We are not denying that there are special forces troops in Jordan, we
are not denying that there are US troops in Jordan . . . but I want to make
it absolutely clear that their presence is for purely defensive purposes,
he said.

There are no troops for any offensive operations, and there are no
troops in the tens of thousands, as has been reported in the press.

We have made it clear that we are not participating in this war.

Scattered among the Americans are an estimated 100 British special forces
troops, some of whom are thought to be from the Royal Marines Special
Boat Service (SBS), the Marines equivalent of the SAS.

Intriguingly, members of Sayeret Matkal, Israels commando force, are also
said by Western military experts to have carried out covert reconnaissance
operations inside the Western Iraqi desert. They are thought to be pre-
empting a repeat of the first Gulf War when Saddam fired 39 Scuds at

In return for its political gamble, Washington has promised Jordan an
economic aid package worth hundreds of millions of dollars or more,
according to one official source in Amman.

King Abdullah has said that he is confident that Jordanians will benefit
economically, politically and strategically from the pragmatic position
that he is taking.

But he added: We wish we had a more understanding public.
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tions.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and
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written in Holy Scriptures.  Do not believe in anything merely on
the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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[CTRL] British embargo grounds Israel's nuclear capability

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


British embargo grounds Israel's nuclear capability

The unofficial but rapidly growing British and European embargo on supply
of military equipment to Israel is causing grave concern to Israeli
military planners. Following the refusal of Germany to provide critical
parts for the local production of the Israeli Army's Merkava battle tanks,
a British embargo on ejector seat parts is threatening to seriously damage
Israel's much feared nuclear capability.

Britain has been holding back on delivery of many military-related
supplies to Israel since the outbreak of the Al Aqsa Intifadah over two
years ago. Among the items that are being denied to Israel are key parts
for the Martin-Baker ejection seats that equip Israel's American made F-4
Phantom jets. Ejector seats allow pilots of the jets to escape their
aircraft in case of emergency, and without them Israel will have to ground
its Phantom jet fleet. Rachel Niedak-Ashkenazi, a spokeswoman for the
Israeli Ministry of Defense, told Israel's Haaretz daily that she didn't
know how soon the planes would have to be grounded, but indicated it was a
matter of weeks or months. We are desperately searching for other sources
but haven't located any yet, she said.

The ejection seat parts are now at the center of a major diplomatic row
between Israel and Britain. The British Daily Times has recently reported
that Victor Harel, a senior Israeli Foreign Ministry official, called the
embargo .a major cloud in our bilateral relations with Britain.. The
strong Israeli reaction included several accusations against Britain, not
least of which was the charge that Britain was hurting Israel on the eve
of potential war with Iraq.

The harsh Israeli reaction may seem puzzling in view of the seeming
unimportance of the Phantom jets. These are old airplanes, designed in the
1950s, and the Israeli Air Force has hundreds of much newer combat
aircraft its inventory. However, despite the introduction of much newer
and more advanced aircraft, such as the F-16 and F-15 fighters Israel used
to attack Iraq's nuclear reactor in 1981, the Israel Air Force continues
to operate the aging Phantom fleet. The Israeli army has even invested
large sums of money in upgrading the Phantoms into a new and improved
version, the Phantom 2000.

Some experts explain that the reason the Phantom is still in service with
Israel is its apparent nuclear capability. As early as the 1973 October
War, Israeli Phantoms were armed with nuclear bombs and prepared to
deliver an Atomic attack as Syrian and Egyptian forces defeated Israeli
troops on the frontline. In September 2002, former senior U.S. officials
told The Washington Times how eight Israeli Phantoms were set to attack
the military headquarters near Damascus and Cairo with nuclear weapons.

It must also be realized that despite its age, the Phantom is still a
highly capable bomber, with the extremely long range needed to attack
countries such as Iraq and Iran. According to the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, Israel's improved Phantoms have a range of 2,575
kilometers, which means they can fly over 643 Kilometers further than the
Israeli Air Force's newer but smaller F-16 fighter-bombers.

The Phantom also has another advantage in that it carries a navigator as
well as a pilot, giving it an important advantage when attacking targets
far off from Israel. Last, but far from least, the large Phantom can carry
the Israeli Popeye missile, a large and heavy weapon that in the United
States Air Force is carried by the gigantic B-52 bombers. The Popeye is
a precision guided missile that allows the Phantom to deliver its attack
through strong defenses, and that also carries a much larger warhead then
the smaller precision guided missiles that most modern aircraft carry.

In view of the atomic role of the Israeli Phantom fleet, the connection
Israeli spokespersons have made between the British embargo and a
confrontation with Iraq takes on a much stronger meaning. However, it must
be remembered that in addition to the Phantom jets, Israel still has
several other means to deliver nuclear weapons throughout the Middle East,
including the F-16 and F-15 jets that have already attacked Arab targets
as far away as Iraq and Tunisia. . (albawaba.com)

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[CTRL] Massive Human Slaughter

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


  Massive Human Slaughter

  By Marc Ash
  Sunday 16 March 2003

  What George W. Bush and Tony Blair are planning is the
 greatest act of human slaughter since Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge
 orchestrated the Cambodian genocide in the mid 1970s.  That act
 killing some 1.5 to 2 million largely defenseless and quite
 peaceful Cambodians.

  Civilian Iraq is utterly defenseless and totally unprepared
 for the carnage that is about to be visited upon them. It is murder
 plain and simple, murder on an unimaginable scale.

  There is no war looming, no conflict with Iraq, and no
 standoff. What exists is a vast military force poised to inflict
 death and destruction on a major population center. Those who live
 there will attempt to defend themselves, but they will fail, and
 the dead will cover the ground like a fallen forest.

  Should this act of insanity proceed, it will stand as one of
 the greatest crimes against humanity ever recorded.

  Know now, it can be stopped.

  This deadly drama now playing out on the United Nations stage
 is not for diplomacy or disarmament or for some vague resolution.
 They joust for one thing: the hearts of common men. All that stands
 between Baghdad and unprecedented destruction is our favor, and
 nothing more.

  The world does not oppose America; it opposes unbridled
 aggression. While their leaders disagree on what course to take,
 the people of France, England, Spain and the United States do not.
 It is not the collective will of these nations that Baghdad be
 destroyed and it's sons and daughters slain. We are tolerant and
 reasonable; we will allow the process of inspections to proceed.
 Men like Bush and Blair, small in numbers and spirit, beat the drum
 for invasion in the hopes that many will follow. If those many
 stand firm, their call will go unanswered.

  The blood of innocents once shed cannot be unshed. Should the
 US military set about killing these people, the deed remains  our
 doing for all time. We are given now a precious moment for
 reflection.  Let us use it wisely. The voices of true American
 friends all over the world are clearly calling to us:  Be
 patient... work as a group... you are not alone. Let us not taint
 the American experience for all time by answering, instead, a
 drumbeat to madness.

  We hear day after day that Time is running out. Running out
 on what, on who? On Saddam Hussein? On a five thousand year old
 city? On 24 million men, women and children? Or is time running out
 on the spirit of America? On the soul of our people? Why is it that
 the world no longer cherishes American values? Could it be because
 we no longer cherish them ourselves?

  The right way is the American way. America's great gift to the
 world is fair play and due process. Democracy is not a sales
 slogan. It is a commitment to tolerating dissent and yielding to
 consensus. Genocide, on the other hand, is true anarchy.

  You can send comments to t r u t h o u t Editor Marc Ash at:

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Demonstrations in Spain and Around the World Against an Iraq War

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Demonstrations in Spain and Around the World Against an Iraq War

  By Emma Daly
  New York Times

  Sunday 15 March 2003

  MADRID, March 15 Angered at their government's unwavering
 support for United States policy on Iraq, Spaniards took to the
 streets here today, one of hundreds of antiwar demonstrations
 around the world.

  For the second time in a month, crowds of demonstrators jammed
 the center of Madrid, waving antiwar placards and chanting insults
 against President Bush and one of his strongest allies, Prime
 Minister José María Aznar of Spain.

  We are marching against the law of the jungle that the United
 States and its acolytes old and new want to impose on the world,
 José Saramago, the Portuguese writer and Nobel laureate, told the
 crowd, estimated by news organizations at about half a million,
 gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol. Another demonstration was held
 in Barcelona, where the police said 300,000 people demonstrated,
 some of them forming a three-mile human chain.

  The events were part of a largely coordinated worldwide effort
 to rally support against the war.

  While the Spanish demonstrations drew large crowds, some
 others were more sparsely attended. In Seoul, South Korea, 3,000
 protesters held towering candles as they paraded through the
 capital. About 15,000 rallied in Athens, accompanied by a giant
 reproduction of Guérnica, Picasso's antiwar painting. And in
 Moscow, 1,000 people demonstrated in front of the American Embassy.

  In London, where an estimated one million people marched
 against the war in January, there were protests in several
 residential neighborhoods and a scheduled concert tonight for 2,000
 people aimed at raising money for the Stop the War coalition.

  Muslims in London organized walk-bys at the embassies of Saudi
 Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Qatar and Pakistan, countries they
 accuse of collaborating with the United States. The governments of
 the Muslim world have the power to stop this war by disallowing
 America and its allies from using their land, airspace, waterways
 and logistics to perpetrate it, said one of the organizers, Dr.
 Imran Waheed.

  In Montreal, about 250,000 people marched through the streets
 shouting antiwar slogans, in the largest of 30 demonstrations in

  About 100,000 people demonstrated in Berlin, according to
 police estimates, while 50,000 demonstrators gathered in the Place
 de la Nation in Paris.

  More than 5,000 people marched in Marseille, France's second
 largest city.

  In central Tokyo, an estimated 10,000 people filed through
 downtown streets to applause from passers-by. According to polls,
 more than 80 percent of the Japanese people oppose an attack on
 Iraq, but the government has supported the United States demand
 that Baghdad disarm or face military action.

  In Madrid, few demonstrators saw much hope of persuading Mr.
 Aznar to change course. Hope is the last thing to go, said
 Ernesto Cano, a student attending with his parents and family
 friends. If we keep making an effort there is still a possibility
 to avoid war.

  But Maria Conde, marching with her three labrador dogs, was
 pessimistic. I don't think this will change anything, she said.

  In the Middle East, some of the demonstrations were in support
 of Saddam Hussein. In Khan Yunis, in the Gaza Strip, for example,
 10 men in black hoods, wearing mock versions of the explosives
 belts of suicide bombers, led a march in support of the Iraqi

  In Cairo, several hundred people, surrounded by 1,500 police
 officers, protested outside the University of Cairo chanting, With
 our blood, with our soul, we will defend Baghdad.

  In Nicosia, 2,000 people marched on the American Embassy
 demanding no more blood for oil. They also condemned the presence
 on the island of the largest Royal Air Force base outside Britain,
 at Akiroti, which is scheduled to play a support and logistics role
 in any attack on Iraq.

  Go to Original

  Hundreds of Thousands March Against Iraq War
  By Eric Lichtbau
  New York Times

  Sunday 16 March 2003

 Antiwar demonstrators gathered yesterday near the Washington
 Monument before marching to the White House. Similar actions were
 staged in other cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles and
 Portland, Ore.

  WASHINGTON, March 15 In what many saw as a last chance to head
 off military action, tens of thousands of antiwar protesters

[CTRL] An 'American Babylon?'

2003-03-17 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Sorry folks this is again tedious number crunching stuff done this very

Yet it could be worth a glance says I.

Iraq and the New World Order

An American Babylon?

OK, now imagine something out of a science fiction paper-back where Iraq is
the very shadow of Paradise, Hades, that is Earths supernatural twin which
is within the natural Earth, with Babylon at its heart.

For months the people of United States have been advised that the United
States will go to war against Iraq in order to remove Saddam Hussein from
power, eliminate Iraq's alleged stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction,
and prevent Baghdad from blackmailing its neighbors or aiding terrorist

I think we're going to be obliged to fight a regional war, whether we want
to or not, says Michael Ledeen, a former U.S. national-security official.
And Ledeen speaks about himself and many others in the administration of
President Bush who are the driving force for war, those who desire to see
the conflict with Iraq. It may turn out to be a war to remake the world.
says Ledeen.

So could this war with Iraq be a very special war in the sense it that it
could unleash dark spiritual forces that usher in the start of a New World
Order in the Middle East, an American New World Order, the establishment of
an American Babylon?

And the price could indeed be high for the American military who would be
recreating and reorganizing the new American Babylon because Ledeen says
As soon as we land in Iraq, we're going to face the whole terrorist
network, he says, including the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO),
Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a collection of militant splinter groups
backed by nations -- Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia -- that he calls the
terror masters.

Lets assume that there is a supernatural Gate near to Baghdad in the area
of the ancient Hanging Garden city of Babylon, a Gate that has been
closed since Adam and Eve were ejected from Paradise, the real Garden of
Eden, and yet remained on Hades. This Gate that once permitted selected
angelic spirit beings to ascend from the real Garden of Eden into the
Shadow of the Garden of Eden the region of Iraq on Earth, a stairway from
the supernatural Gardens of Babylon of Earths twin into the Fertile
Crescent now known as Iraq.

So in my sci-fi thinking I am wondering if the time is soon for Babylonian
Gate to be reopened, hence the re-establishment of a New World Order
American Babylon.

In the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the 15th century painting, The Creation
of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise, by Giovanni di Paolo presents
a vision of Paradise with Universe shown as a celestial globe, with the
Earth at the center surrounded by a series of concentric circles
representing first the four elements, the known planets (including the Sun,
in accordance with medieval and Renaissance cosmology), and finally the
constellations of the zodiac. Presiding over the event is God the Father,
clothed in a glowing celestial light as he is borne aloft by seraphim.
Beside the mappamondo (map of the world) is the Garden of Paradise, its
four rivers issuing from the ground at the lower right, with three pyramid
mountains in the center. And shown is Adam and Eve being guided by an angel
from the Garden of Paradise. So I have this idea that the Hades, is a land
of Pyramid cities, and the Pyramid three pyramids, the Pyramid Complex of
Giza, Egypt speaks of this.

So to the first reference number for the Earth is 2598 and this is found in
the Earths volume at 2.598000e+11 cubic miles with an average radius of
3,958.374 miles.

Whereas Earths twin, that is Hades, has a reference number 2520 (1260 +
1260) because the volume at 2.52e+11 cubic miles, a radius of 3,918.35

Thus a difference in radius, a stairway of 40 miles, the white rabbit did
not say to Alice.

So the natural Earth at 2598 less the supernatural Earth at 2520 is 78 + 40
miles is 59 + 59, the reference number for the mark of the Pharaoh, that the
symbol of a Ruler of Darkness, which is the combined symbols of the Serpent
protector goddess of Delta Egypt with the reference number 17, and the
Vulture protector goddess of Upper Egypt with the number 42 which add up to

 And like the natural Earth, which is not a perfect sphere, I guess that the
supernatural Earth, where many instantly go when dead, is also not a perfect
sphere but nearly so. Now assuming a polar radius of say 3,918.876 miles
(compared to 3,918.35 miles) the polar diameter squared twice x 20 and
square root once and /3 is as cubic feet, 91,575,000 cubic feet, the volume
of the Great Pyramid.

 So the Great Pyramid is the symbol of Hades, a symbol of Death.

And the circumference of this polar diameter of Hades is 24,623.023 miles
and from the natural Earths equatorial circumference of 24,900 miles is
some 277 miles and so a reciprocal shows 277 as 361, and 361 is a reference
number of the Ancient Egyptian god, King Judge Osiris, the 

[CTRL] Their Last Days: Activists in Baghdad Brace for Consequences of War

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


 Activists in Baghdad Brace for Consequences of War
 by Greg Barrett
 Gannett News Service

 Wednesday 12 March 2003

 BAGHDAD - If the invasion that the Pentagon has dubbed Operation
 Shock and Awe commences, Charlie Liteky is unlikely to feel

 He expects the United States to bomb Iraq. He expects noise and
 destruction more powerful and frightening than he has ever known.
 He expects the Earth to shake and houses to go dark and children to
 scream themselves hoarse.

 But Liteky sounds more determined than frightened.

 Like 20 other members of the Chicago-based Iraq Peace Team who
 remain in Baghdad even as hostilities appear certain, Liteky abhors
 cluster bombs, cruise missiles and the civil unrest that combat
 causes. As a decorated Vietnam veteran, he knows firsthand the
 chaos and carnage of war.

 That's precisely why he sounded elated Tuesday morning when he told
 his wife that the Iraqi government had extended his tourist visa 10
 days and is likely to extend it again, long enough for him to help
 Iraqi children through the difficult time.

 Most of the peace activists who descended by the hundreds on
 Baghdad this fall and winter have fled. Those who remain have no
 intentions of leaving. They are anchored to the bull's-eye despite
 the fact - or maybe because of it - that the World Health
 Organization predicts 100,000 Iraqis could die.

 I'm here because I hear the children cry, Liteky said. In my
 mind ... I imagine the bombing and the noise and the windows
 shattering and something coming down from the ceiling and children
 looking up and parents grabbing them and fear being transferred
 from parents to children.

 Save yourselves

 Washington has warned the activists to clear out. The Pentagon has
 said its assault will leave no place in Baghdad to hide. So the
 rundown hotels that enjoyed full houses as recently as February are
 shuttering their windows.

 At the Hotel Al-Fanar on the Tigris river, the Iraq Peace Team is
 moving to the lower floors because the eight-story building is old
 and seems unsteady. Its bomb shelter is a musty basement that
 stores the hotel's chemical cleaning supplies.

 Members of the peace team have signed an ominous-sounding contract:
 In the event of your death, you agree to your body not being
 returned to your own country but being disposed of in the most
 convenient way.

 They have had awkward discussions about what to do with the corpses
 that might collect around them. Wrap the dead in hotel drapes, they
 decided. Pray for help.

 Iraq Peace Team founder Kathy Kelly had a photo enlarged that shows
 her with some of her dearest friends - the family of an Iraqi widow
 and her nine children. The photo is being mailed to Kelly's mother
 in Chicago.

 She can see by that photo that I am very, very happy, Kelly said,
 sounding serenely calm despite the gathering storm.

 On Monday, Kelly helped an Iraqi friend pack to leave. Teacher and
 artist Amal Alwan rushed her three young children into a taxi and
 paid $300 for the 10-hour drive from Baghdad to Damascus, Syria.
 Alwan doesn't have relatives in Syria and couldn't tell the cabbie
 exactly where to go.

 She doesn't have a clue where she will stay, but she can't
 possibly stay in Baghdad, not with children, Kelly said. Her
 house is next to a communications center.

 As Kelly spoke it was almost 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday in Baghdad and
 she was awake reading A Fine Balance, a novel about civil war in
 India. She planned to rise six hours later for a daily prayer
 meeting then go with the peace team to the United Nations offices
 in Baghdad. They would hold aloft several enlarged photos of Iraqi

 Each photo would carry a single question: Doomed?

 I don't have the slightest sense of not belonging exactly where I
 am right now, said Kelly, 50, a three-time Nobel Peace Prize
 nominee. The thought of leaving has not even crossed my mind.

 The Pentagon says the presence of U.S. pacifists will not deter the
 course of war. Although there are no plans to arrest them for
 violating sanctions on Iraq by traveling to Baghdad, officials
 throughout the U.S. government, from the White House to the State
 Department to the Pentagon, sound confused about how to best to
 deal with them.

 There's not a whole lot of precedence, said Pentagon spokesman
 Lt. Dan Hetlage. It's not like you had human shields protecting
 the Taliban.

 Armed for war

 Members of the Iraq Peace Team say they are as prepared for war as
 they will ever be. They have crash kits packed neatly and set by
 their hotel doors. Liteky's is the 

Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) The Rot at the Center of the Empire

2003-03-17 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

If he has disarmed, how can he give orders to shell the northern Kurds
with chemical agents as soon as an American attack starts? How can he
continue to threaten Israel with chemical and biological weapons if he
has disarmed?


Saddam hasn't threated Israel for a decade.  Still if Saddam had a brain in his head, he would surrender himself and his country the first thing tomorrow morning.   He would have to do it on international news and do it early.  That to keep Bush and Sharon from pretending they didn't know.   If I was Saddam I would put myself in U.S. hands immediately and give my country to the U.S. immediately.  That way Bush and his oil boys could have the oil they crave, and Iraqi children and their mothers wouldn't have to die to satisfy George's big bang theory.  The Israeli, of course, would be furious, because their plan to kill off the Palestinians depends on a chance to blame their actions on Saddam.  Since I don't think Americans should die to keep Mr. Sharon and his cohorts happy about getting rid of the Palestinians he hates, that's okay with me.  Unfortunately Saddam hasn't got a brain, and he will never think of a smart way out for Iraq.  Prudy 
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] New evidence links Saddam, bin Laden

2003-03-17 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

3/16/2003 3:19:13 PM, William Shannon

  Still trying to connect the two huh?
  It's not working. In fact, these attempts are laughable.

You'll be ok - just remember those white raisins waiting for you on
the other side.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bush's 'Double Jeopardy' for U.S. Troops

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-Caveat Lector-

George W. Bush is putting U.S. troops in an extraordinary double jeopardy if he 
orders them to invade Iraq without U.N. authorization. Not only will they be facing 
life and death situations on the ground, but they will be opening themselves to 
possible war-crimes charges in the future. Plus, some military strategists view Bush's 
war plans as the worst sort of wishful thinking.

For the full story, go to Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com 

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[CTRL] Fish Talks of Death

2003-03-17 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

And so to the 'Talking Fish'

It is odd the way I can contrive my number crunching, but then there could
be some truth in it!

John D. Miller

The Talking Fish and Doubting Thomas
OK, now show how there is not so much a sea coughed up message in a bottle
but a message in the measurement of the Talking Fish.

The story goes that a nine-kilogram carp about to be slaughtered and to be
made into gefilte fish for Sabbath dinner began speaking in Hebrew, shouting
apocalyptic warnings.

Many people here believe it was God revealing Himself that day to two fish
cutters in the New Square Fish Market, Zalmen Rosen, 57, a Hasid with 11
children, and his co-worker Luis Nivelo, a 30-year-old Ecuadorean immigrant.
Here then is the story, according to the two men, the only witnesses. Rosen,
whose family owns the store, and Nivelo, who has worked at the shop for
seven years, say that on January 28th 2003 at 4 p.m. they were carving up
carp. Nivelo, who is not Jewish, lifted a live carp out of a box of
iced-down fish and was about to club it in the head with a rubber hammer and
suddenly the fish began speaking in Hebrew, according to the two men. Nivelo
does not understand Hebrew, but the shock of a fish speaking any language,
he said, forced him against the wall and down to the slimy wooden packing
crates that cover the floor. He looked around to see if the voice had come
from the sink, the other room or the shop's cat. Then he ran into the front
of the store screaming, The fish is talking! and pulled Rosen away from
the phone.

Rosen said that when he approached the fish he heard it uttering warnings
and commands in Hebrew. It said `Tzaruch shemirah' and `Hasof bah,' he
said, which essentially means that everyone needs to account for themselves
because the end is near.

The fish ordered Rosen to pray and to study the Torah and identified itself
as the soul of a local Hasidic man who died last year. The man often bought
carp at the shop for the Sabbath meals of poorer village residents.

Rosen panicked and tried to kill the fish with a machete-size knife. But the
fish bucked so wildly Rosen wound up cutting his own thumb and was taken to
the hospital by ambulance. The fish flopped off the counter and back into
the carp box and was butchered by Nivelo and sold.

The story has been told and retold, and many Jews believe the talking fish
was a rare shimmer of God's spirit. Some call it a warning about the dangers
of the impending war in Iraq.

OK, OK, now a number for Death is written into the Shroud that is the area
which covers the Great Pyramid, the symbol for Death, at 924,500 square
feet, and made up of the reference number 4300 x 4300 and /20.

And Shroud Day is September 11th 2001, that 4,300 Hades years of 360
days after Rainbow Day on May 30th 2238BC when Noah opened the Ark.

And counting from Shroud Day that is 9am September 11th 2001 to Fish
Talking Day at 4pm January 28th 2003 is 1.38203182 years.

And counting down from Shroud Day at 9am September 11th 2001 to when the
tomb was shut at 6pm, at sunset on Friday, April 7th AD30, Crucifixion Day
, when Passover began, is 1,971.428824 years, (Shroud Day to Tomb Day).

And counting down from Fish Talking Day at 4pm January 28th 2003 to
Doubters Day at 10pm, Monday, April 17th AD30 (and some 10+ days after the
tomb was shut) to the Upper Room, when Doubting Thomas doubted no more, at
1,972.78303 years.

And so the three periods of 1.38203182 years x 1,971.428824 years x
1,972.78303 years x 8 lots is the Shroud at 43,000,000.

Thus the fish was speaking of Death.

This is one of those historical times when God reveals himself for a
reason, said Matisyahu Wolfberg, a lawyer. It has sent spiritual shock
waves throughout the Jewish community worldwide and will be talked about
throughout the ages.

 And so to Thomas

And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them:
[then] came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said,
Peace [be] unto you.Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and
behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust [it] into my side:
and be not faithless, but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him,
My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me,
thou hast believed: blessed [are] they that have not seen, and [yet] have
believed. And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his
disciples, which are not written in this book: John 20:26-30

 Sad, for the Bible teachers still won't count!

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[CTRL] Taking Fish and Holy Grail

2003-03-17 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Hello this is definetely curious 

  The Holy 
  Grail and Talking Fish Now the World Trade Centre received the impact 
  of the first passenger plane striking the North Tower at 08:46:26am on the 
  morning of September 11th 2001, and is 'Shroud Day'.So thanks to the 
  seismograph stations in southern New York, northern New Jersey, western 
  Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, operated by the Lamont-Doherty Earth 
  Observatory of Columbia University, recorded the collapse of each of the 
  towers of the World Trade Center on Tuesday morning September 11th. The 
  closest station, at Palisades, New York, is located 21 miles (34 km) north of 
  lower Manhattan in Rockland County. Information Based on Seismic Waves 
  recorded at Palisades New York.And so to the Cup of Trembling that 
  is the ancient Hebrew cup of 17.34 cubic inches (about a half pint). 
  And the Omer is 208.08 cubic inches, that is 12 cups, the Holy Grail. 
  And so 1,200,000 cups at 17.34 cubic inches at 20,808,000 cubic inches 
  and square root and cube root is 16.584602 months or 1.382050176 years. 
  And adding to Shroud Day at 08:46:26am on the morning of September 
  11th 2001, the 1.382050176 years is 3:57pm January 28th 2003, about the time 
  the Fish spoke about Death. 
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[CTRL] The New American Centry of War

2003-03-17 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


The American Prospect,
Volume 14, Issue 4. Â
April 1, 2003.

Just the Beginning
Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world?
Robert Dreyfuss

For months Americans have been told that the United States is going to war
against Iraq in order to disarm Saddam Hussein, remove him from power,
eliminate Iraq's alleged stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and
prevent Baghdad from blackmailing its neighbors or aiding terrorist groups.
But the Bush administration's hawks, especially the neoconservatives who
provide the driving force for war, see the conflict with Iraq as much more
than that. It is a signal event, designed to create cataclysmic shock waves
throughout the region and around the world, ushering in a new era of American
imperial power. It is also likely to bring the United States into conflict
with several states in the Middle East. Those who think that U.S. armed
forces can complete a tidy war in Iraq, without the battle spreading beyond
Iraq's borders, are likely to be mistaken.

I think we're going to be obliged to fight a regional war, whether we want
to or not, says Michael Ledeen, a former U.S. national-security official and
a key strategist among the ascendant flock of neoconservative hawks, many of
whom have taken up perches inside the U.S. government. Asserting that the war
against Iraq can't be contained, Ledeen says that the very logic of the
global war on terrorism will drive the United States to confront an expanding
network of enemies in the region. As soon as we land in Iraq, we're going to
face the whole terrorist network, he says, including the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and a
collection of militant splinter groups backed by nations -- Iran, Syria and
Saudi Arabia -- that he calls the terror masters.

It may turn out to be a war to remake the world, says Ledeen.

In the Middle East, impending regime change in Iraq is just the first step
in a wholesale reordering of the entire region, according to neoconservatives
-- who've begun almost gleefully referring to themselves as a cabal. Like
dominoes, the regimes in the region -- first Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia,
then Lebanon and the PLO, and finally Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia -- are
slated to capitulate, collapse or face U.S. military action. To those states,
says cabal ringleader Richard Perle, a resident fellow at the American
Enterprise Institute (AEI) and chairman of the Defense Policy Board, an
influential Pentagon advisory committee, We could deliver a short message, a
two-word message: 'You're next.' In the aftermath, several of those states,
including Iraq, Syria and Saudi Arabia, may end up as dismantled, unstable
shards in the form of mini-states that resemble Yugoslavia's piecemeal
wreckage. And despite the Wilsonian rhetoric from the president and his
advisers about bringing democracy to the Middle East, at bottom it's clear
that their version of democracy might have to be imposed by force of arms.

And not just in the Middle East. Three-thousand U.S. soldiers are slated to
arrive in the Philippines, opening yet another new front in the war on
terrorism, and North Korea is finally in the administration's sights. On the
horizon could be Latin America, where the Bush administration endorsed a
failed regime change in Venezuela last year, and where new left-leaning
challenges are emerging in Brazil, Ecuador and elsewhere. Like the bombing of
Hiroshima, which stunned the Japanese into surrender in 1945 and served
notice to the rest of the world that the United States possessed unparalleled
power it would not hesitate to use, the war against Iraq has a similar
purpose. It's like the bully in a playground, says Ian Lustick, a
University of Pennsylvania professor of political science and author of
Unsettled States, Disputed Lands. You beat up somebody, and everybody else

Over and over again, in speeches, articles and white papers, the
neoconservatives have made it plain that the war against Iraq is intended to
demonstrate Washington's resolve to implement President Bush's new
national-security strategy, announced last fall -- even if doing so means
overthrowing the entire post-World War II structure of treaties and
alliances, including NATO and the United Nations. In their book, The War Over
Iraq, William Kristol of The Weekly Standard and Lawrence F. Kaplan of The
New Republic write, The mission begins in Baghdad, but it does not end
there. … We stand at the cusp of a new historical era. … This is a decisive
moment. … It is so clearly about more than Iraq. It is about more even than
the future of the Middle East and the war on terror. It is about what sort of
role the United States intends to play in the twenty-first century.

Invading Iraq, occupying its capital and its oil fields, and seizing control
of its Shia Islamic holy places can only have a devastating and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Climate Change - Polluted PRIVATIZED Water ... Air ... ?

2003-03-17 Thread RoadsEnd
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-Caveat Lector-
Providing Adequate Clean Water 
is Focus of International Conference

Steve Herman
16 Mar 2003, 13:45 UTC
VOA News

More than 10,000 delegates are in Japan searching for ways to bring clean water to more than one billion of the world's poor. Leaders of several countries are among those attending the World Water Forum. The largest international conference ever concerning water will hold about 350 sessions on efficient water use, climate change, and how to pay for and distribute water to the world's poor. 

Japanese Crown Prince Naruhito opened the forum in Kyoto by praising the delegates for their efforts. "We may be able to move step-by-step toward the resolution of world water issues," he said. The crown prince said those issues include spreading water shortages and water pollution. 

Representatives from 160 countries are attending the eight day forum. At least 150 government ministers are taking part, and several heads of state will make appearances. Delegates from the World Bank and the United Nations say they want the forum to do more than just talk about the problems. They say they will push for action plans complete with funding and implementation deadlines. Some delegates also want the conference to focus on the estimated five million annual deaths attributed to water-related diseases. 

Japan's Foreign Ministry says Tokyo will unveil 91 action programs related to water. In all, several-hundred plans from governments and international institutions are expected to be compiled into the forum's portfolio. 

Some activists at the forum voice concern about efforts to turn water supply systems over to private companies in many countries. Opponents of privatization argue that it makes water less accessible and more expensive for poor communities.

Another controversial item is the World Bank's call for more hydroelectric dams. A report issued several-years ago by the World Commission on Dams argued that the economic benefits of such projects are outweighed by the environmental and social damage they cause. A U.N. report released before the forum warns that dwindling water supplies and expanding populations could increase the potential for conflict in arid regions. But the U.N. World Water Development Report shows an encouraging trend, the number of water-related treaties in the past 50 years far outweighs the number of violent encounters over water.

The U.N. report also predicts that close to two-thirds of the world's population could face water shortages by the year 2050. 

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2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: Daniel Sargis

Well, its official. The United States government, under the auspices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is peeping on you with French supplied armaments. 

In Dumb and Dumber redux, the FBI admitted to having more than 80 aircraft in the skies over America to guard their pensions uhI mean to keep you safe. In a statement as comprehensible as a banker refusing to tell you your balance, the FBI will not disclose exact figures on the nature of its (spelled "your") air fleet. No doubt this, along with being groped at airports, is for purposes of national security.

Confirmed sources report that among this Keystone Cop air armada are a number of Nightstalkers. No, no, noa Nightstalker isnt some ghostly aberration of J Edgar Hoover trying to fondle you under your bed sheets. Although, it is French and it can look under your covers. The technologically advanced surveillance airplane, Nightstalker, is a modified HU-25 GUARDIAN; a variant of the Dassault-Brequet FALCON 200 biz-jet. It can look at you in the dark with its infrared eyes and listen to your every communication with its electronic sensors. The airframe is as French as a hunk of Camembert and smells even worse.

With the same mandate as Stalins NKVD, our Constitutional protectors at the FBI clearly understand their mission, "You dont have a criminal case. You dont necessarily have a terrorism case. You want to know what they are doing.". But rest assured, FBI agent James Davis is clear on this point, "There should be no concern that the aircraft is doing anything other than assisting with physical surveillance." Only in the demented kingdom of perverts is peeping differentiated as a higher form of morality than is groping.

Andof course the word of the FBI can be trustedjust look at their long record of credibility in protecting the Constitution. During the lazy pre-9-11 days, according to an internal FBI memo, agents illegally videotaped suspects, intercepted e-mails without court permission and recorded the wrong phone conversations during sensitive terrorism and espionage investigations. Of course this memo was marked "Top Secret" and it required Congressional action under media pressure to declassify it. Ever noticed that screw-ups and lies are usually buried under a "Security" classification? Too bad Enron couldnt use that scam.

In August of 2002, Congress released documents revealing that the very secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court (FISA) found, "the FBI acknowledged making more than 75 mistakes in applications for espionage and terrorism warrants under the surveillance law, including one instance in which former director Louis Freeh gave inaccurate information to judges." "How these misrepresentations occurred remains unexplained to the court," the FISA court said. Is that a polite way of saying that the FBI violated the law and continued its illegalities before the court in a top-down cover-up? 

In furtherance of their quest for a Merit Badge as Constitutional protectors, the FBI developed the notorious Carnivore system. Carnivore monitors all of the Internet and voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) data that flows through hyperspace. The FBI claims that Carnivore filters traffic and delivers to its agents only information that they're lawfully authorized to obtain. But because the details remain proverbially secret, the taxpayer must trust the FBI in its assertion that it's complying with the law. Perhaps we also could have trusted Jeffrey Dahmer for a Spring Break at Father Flanagans Boys Town?

The threats against this country are serious business. The war this country is waging against terrorism is serious business. And, the FBI should and deserves to be serious business. But, somewhere along the path, there has been a serious disconnect of mission.

America is nothing but a heap of scrap without its Constitution and Bill of Rights. There is no protecting the nation without first protecting these two documents. Otherwise, there is no nation as we know it. Without Constitutional integrity, we are just another landmass in the historical junk-pile of egocentric totalitarianism.

Just like a cop on the beat, the FBI must earn the respect of its community to be truly effective. Its mission mandates service to the Nation above service to the agency. Understanding and protecting the law is priority number one. This is impossible without professional integrity. And, professional integrity is impossible without pristine and unyielding internal standards and external accountability. The FBI is essential in enforcing the law, but it is not "The Law".

As brave Americans stand fast in defense of this nation on desert sands, isnt it about time for the FBI to stand as equally fast on the soil of the heartland in the same defense against tyranny? You get what you give in this world and the American citizen 


2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

Drudge sometimes really doesn't know when to pounce and when not to.
Unfortunately, he seems to like pouncing on stories which appear to have
been fed to him from the current administration. He likes to include the
tagline that he's reporting the stuff Washington doesn't want you to hear. I
guess that only really applies when there's a Democrat in office. Otherwise
he's just another shill.

Developing ... O, we hang on your every word, Matt! Tell us, please,
more about the indignant soldiers and this non-event. You sure have a nose
for news! Nobody could have found this except good ol' Matt, telling us what
matters ... phew.

- jt

- Original Message -
From: William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]


X DRUDGE REPORT X SUN MARCH 16, 2003 20:12:37 ET X



American marines camped in Kuwait are furious they have been put under
British command, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

I want to serve under my own country!, one angry marine communicated to
DRUDGE REPORT this weekend.


In several desert camps, American troops have been placed under the command
of British officers, it has been revealed.

With brutal weather conditions and the lack of familiar modern conveniences
taking a toll, the issue has become a hot flash point -- even before the
first bombs are dropped!

This is bogus, if I die, it's for the United States... not the freakin'
world, said the marine, whose identity, location and mode of communication
was assured anonymity. I did not come here to take orders from the British.
[We] already feel a big let down by this.

A top Pentagon source would neither confirm nor deny that some American
troops have been placed under British command.

One well-placed White House source said late Sunday, Rest assured, when it
comes time for battle, every American man and woman in uniform will be under
the direction of U.S. Central Command and General Franks.


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[CTRL] International Solidarity Movement activist killed

2003-03-17 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-

International Solidarity Movement activist killed

American college student Rachel Corrie was tragically killed on
Sundaywhen she fell down as an IDF bulldozer destroyed a house in
Gaza.The bulldozer was part of an operation to eliminate tunnels used
byPalestinian terrorists to illegally smuggle weapons from Egypt into
Gaza.Corrie apparently stood atop a mound of dirt as the bulldozer
approachedthe house, but then fell backward, tumbling down the mound and out
ofsight. The bulldozer continued and accidentally crushed her.The
IDF Spokesman said that soldiers repeatedly warned demonstrators tokeep a
safe distance.Corrie was a volunteer with the International Solidarity
Movement. She wasknown for anti-Israel and anti-American activities, as this
photo fromGaza shows Corrie burning an American flag, while Palestinian
children look on.(In general, we wonder on what basis the International
Solidarity Movementjustifies shielding a house used for weapons
smuggling.)The Washington Post(http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A35126-2003Mar16.html)
notestwo important points:1) soldiers driving an armored bulldozer
have limited visibility becauseof the narrow window.2) One of the
ISM founders admits the protesters might not have been asdisciplined in
their protest as they should have been.Most media reports failed to
mention that the IDF bulldozer was lookingfor smuggling tunnels. Instead,
reports described the housesympathetically as "the home of a Gazan
doctor."And the entire mainstream media neglected to mention
Corrie'santi-American activities and flag-burning.HonestReporting
encourages members to monitor your local media to see howthey are reporting
the circumstances of Corrie's unfortunate death, andher personal
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2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

3/17/2003 10:21:14 AM, Joshua Tinnin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tell us, please,
more about the indignant soldiers and this non-event. You sure have a
nose for news!

Speaking of news, there's a young fellow named Michael New who's been
in trouble for a while for refusing to submit to the UN patch and hierarchy
when he only agreed to support nd defend the Constitution ... from this
aspect, it will be interesting to see how this develops.  This has also been
a long-standing issue since the Patton days as well.


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[CTRL] Fwd: New Virus Alert: W32/Ganda.A

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Re: [CTRL] Is Iraq the opening salvo in a war to remake the world?

2003-03-17 Thread RevCOAL
-Caveat Lector-

But the Bush administration's hawks, especially the neoconservatives whoprovide the driving force for war, see the conflict with Iraq as much morethan that. It is a signal event, designed to create cataclysmic shock wavesthroughout the region and around the world, ushering in a new era of Americanimperial power. It is also likely to bring the United States into conflictwith several states in the Middle East. Those who think that U.S. armedforces can complete a tidy war in Iraq, without the battle spreading beyondIraq's borders, are likely to be mistaken.[snip]"It may turn out to be a war to remake the world," says Ledeen.I remember reading a very frightening article in the NYTimes early in the Reagan regime back in the early 80s...what was frightening were the statements by various Reagan administration members of the "born-again Christian" bent confirming the conclusions made by the ostensibly 'liberal' NYTimes reporter...And that was that these "born-again Christians" saw their role as "fulfilling" God's word, specifically regarding "end times" as spelled out in the book of Revelations; to that end, they felt that by HASTENING the onset of what they believed to be "Armageddon", that they indeed were inacting "God's Will"...IOW, it wasn't sufficient to just wait for Armageddon to occur, and perhaps just prepare for that eventual war at some indeterminate future date...no, these men saw their role as actually working to cause Armageddon ASAP, since they apparently sincerely believe that when it occurs then Jesus will soon return...And because they apparently sincerely believed that the "end times" were about to occur, they saw no need for such things as environmental protection, a cure for AIDS (or any other disease, for that matter), or any funding for any long-term solution to current problems -- since the world was about to end, they opined, why bother?And to fulfill their apocalyptic vision, the Reagan administration hemorraged funding for nuclear buildup, rattling nuclear sabers at Russia...Part of their nuclear vision was the infamous "Duck and Cover" plan, which they claimed would help American citizens survive an all-out nuclear war with the former Soviet Union; except for the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of citizens to rural and semi-rural areas, the rest of the "Duck and Cover" plan has been resurrected and repackaged as the current "Homeland Security" plan for citizens to supposedly protect themselves from an all-out NBC attack...So it would seem that we are currently witnessing "Chapter 2" of the "Let's Bring Armageddon On" saga that was instituted during the Reagan administration...with the enemy easily switched from the former USSR to Iraq (shades of Orwell's "1984" -- which coincidentally (or not) occured during the Reagan administration -- where a constant state of war is kept, with the 'enemy' and the 'allies' being switched every couple of years)...let us not forget that back in the 80s, both Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were considered our friends, friends which we gladly financed and supplied with weapons, and in the case of Saddam, supplied in whole or in part with NBC weapons...weapons which he had no compunction in using on Kurds, etc., and which the U.S. didn't raise a peep in protest at the time...So while there may be some in the current administration who are seeking a secular U.S. empire, the driving force behind it all is a fanatical cult who believe they are following "God's Will" to bring about what they consider to be the biblical description of the 'great final battle' of Armageddon, a battle which they believe will hasten the return of Jesus Christ to earth...if we just happen to gain access to vast oil fields in the process, well that's just a sign that God really is on 'our' side and not 'theirs'...And not just in the Middle East. Three-thousand U.S. soldiers are slated toarrive in the Philippines, opening yet another new front in the war onterrorism, and North Korea is finally in the administration's sights. Only because the current U.S. regime can't avoid criticism for completely ignoring terrorism in those 2 countries; but since neither country is mentioned in Revelations, they are NOT high on the current U.S. regime's listafter all, after Jesus returns, what will North Korea's nukes matter? :-7"It's like the bully in a playground," says Ian Lustick, aUniversity of Pennsylvania professor of political science and author ofUnsettled States, Disputed Lands. "You beat up somebody, and everybody elsebehaves."But no one LIKES you, not even your allies; everyone FEARS you, and everyone works to overthrow the bully (either the bully's victims, who seek to free themselves; or any of the bully's ostensible allies, who seek to become head bully themselves)...

The first step, neoconservatives say, will be for the United States to lendits support to opposition groups of Iranian exiles willing to enlist in thewar on terrorism, much as the 

[CTRL] Saddam arrests brother for lack of support

2003-03-17 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-


Saddam arrests brother for lack of support

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has put his half-brother
Barzan al-Tikriti, an ex-envoy to the United Nations in
Geneva, under house arrest after he refused to pledge support
for Saddam's powerful son, Qusay, in the event he succeeds
the Iraqi leader, a newspaper claimed on Sunday.

Quoting unspecified Iraqi sources, Al-Rai Al-Aam said the row
between Saddam and Barzan erupted during a March 5
meeting at which the Iraqi leader quizzed his half-brother, who
had good relations with the United Arab Emirates in the past,
about a UAE proposal that Saddam step down to avert a US-
led war aimed at toppling his regime.

The report, which could not be independently confirmed, said
the latter did not comment but when asked what he thought of
the possibility of Qusay succeeding Saddam, he replied: I put
up with this situation for more than 20 years because you are

But once you're no longer around, I will act differently.

Saddam scolded Barzan, who was intelligence chief until 1983
and Iraq's envoy to the UN in Geneva from 1988 to 1998, the
report said.

Both he and another half-brother of Saddam, former interior
minister Watban al-Tikriti, were later placed under house
arrest in one of the palaces of the Radwaniya district of
Baghdad, it claimed. - Sapa-AFP

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[CTRL] First Palestine, Now Hebbronville, TX

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
To view this item online, visit

Monday, March 17, 2003


Texas sheriff warns of unidentified troops
Believes armed men in fatigues spotted within country are foreign

Posted: March 17, 2003

1:00 a.m. Eastern

 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

A southern Texas sheriff is warning the public that unidentified armed men
dressed in military fatigues

have been spotted on numerous occasions in his county near the border
with Mexico.

For the country's safety, Sheriff Erasmo Alarcon Jr., of Jim Hogg County,
published a letter in a local newspaper to alert citizens of reports he has
received for some years from ranchers who have spotted the unknown
troops, equipped with professional backpacks and walking together in a
military cadence.

The latest sightings were just a few weeks ago, he said.

The county's deputy sheriff, Guadalupe Rodriguez, said he believes the
armed men were foreign and were not drug smugglers.

They are not your regular traffickers that you get, he told WND. But we
don't want to draw conclusions at this point and get everybody worked

Alarcon said in his letter that these military-type individuals have been
sighted in very remote locations of our county, which stretches 50 or 60
miles from end to end.

We have reported this information to higher-up law enforcement
agencies, but no one really knows who these individuals are, not even the
military, he said in his letter, published by the Jim Hogg County Enterprise
in Hebbronville, Texas, March 13.

The sheriff said that reports of sightings most often were received the
next day, meaning that there was little that could have been done.

On one occasion, a report was received within several hours of the

That particular time, we formed an immediate multi-agency task force
between the surrounding counties, but we were met with little success,
Alarcon said. We even brought in air support.

The sheriff said he is publicizing the information because we still don't
know who these individuals are.

Obviously, they are trespassing, and obviously, they are carrying
something, he said. We hope it's narcotics and not something much

Alarcon said he is bringing this information to light because of the
security crisis our nation faces.

If you see these individuals please call us immediately, he said.
Remember the last plane that was taken down to prevent further
terrorism was done by everyday Americans who loved their country
enough to die protecting it.

He advised that if you see these individuals do not talk to them, do not
confront them, but simply call 911. We don't know who these individuals
are so there no telling what they are capable of. Thank you! God bless

Related Special Offers:

Invasion! Michelle Malkin's new book reveals that the U.S. is still welcoming
terrorists and
criminals to America

The stunning documentary video Conquest of Aztlan, which unveils the
aims and methods of a radical movement intent on taking over the
American southwest, is available from WND's online store.
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rumoured by many.  Do not believe in anything simply because it is
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and analysis, when you find that it agrees with
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Then accept it and live up to it. The Buddha on Belief,
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The general topic of this message is Intelligence

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general
topic of this message is Intelligence:


We love you, your lady killer, also children and Iraqi conscripts.

President George Bush

March 17, 2003

President George Bush

March 16, 2003

I just want you to know that we are S proud of you! You are
doing an wonderful job! I am so impressed by you. Not only are you doing
the toughest job with a head on your shoulders, but you are also doing it
with a Christian heart. It isnt easy going to war knowing that people will
die, oh well. But at least they are not Christians. We will not have an
America if we do not attack Iraq. I just know god will make us disappear.
Better to get rid of the constitution, our rights, our moral authority, the
diplomatic institutions that have prevented WWIII, the UN, NATO. Better to
lose all that useless stuff so we can save our nation. So we can reach our
greatest potential as a paranoid, aggressive, arrogant, and hated master of
the universe, with Jesuss approval of course. Then we will STILL be A
CHRISTIAN NATION. It will come as a shock to all the non- believers and
other religionists that think our greatness comes from our secular society.
GOD know we hate the word secular. ( Did you know if you add all the
letters in secular, find the square root, multiply by 7, divide by 3 and add 4
you get 666. Say no more huh!!! Or maybe you divide by 3 first? ).Anyway
they will get over it, or find some lesser uncultured country to go live in,
where they can learn to understand the blessings of getting to live in a
country that bombs first before anyone gets to really think out the lies
that were necessary to make the bombing possible. Theyll want to come
home quick, but fortunately, immigrations, thanks to your new laws will
quickly weed out all non aryans, and send them back to their godless
homes. I know and trust that God will protect you and your family as you
are not only serving us as a nation, but you are also serving God as our
We also want you to know that my husband and I (married 11 years and no
blowjobs with interns, Praise Jesus) and our children (ages 9,8,6 and 4,
after all since you now have decided to access the rest of the worlds
resources no point worrying about over population. Anyway Christ will
return before that, so no Christian will go with out.) We pray for you
EVERYDAY that God will give you wisdom ( not the kind you actually think
about things with like an independent longhair type, but the kind that says
read the bible, think good thoughts, and listen to no one that is not
endorsed by the 700 club) We pray for you EVERYDAY that God will give
you strength to lead us into a resolution that is blessed by God. We all
know god blesses some resolutions and gives the thumbs down on others.
Fortunately, your a Christian, and now have the special wisdom to tell the
difference and can decide when it is appropriate to drop 21,000 pd bombs
on poor countries, frying their families, making men hate us.
We love you as our President and trust you whole- heartedly. You will
definately have our vote again. We will not think about voting for anyone
else, not that we think much anyway. And we thank Jesus everyday that
you are our President. Just like the Iraqi children thank you for forcing
500,000 of them to die over the last 10 years, from totally preventable
diseases. The sanctions were for the own good. Thank you for your service
to us. Thank you for your sacrificing. We all know have you have spent
your whole life fighting for righteous causes, that is why you were too
busy for Vietnam, or even the cake National Guard gig, you was working for
the good of man kind. Even in your pre-jesus days, when you were just
another drunken, arrogant rich kid, you were secretly working to make
the world a better place. Why else would god pick you to have control
over the most awesome and shocksome military in the world. Knock em
dead. And thank you for your Christian example.
We love you dearly!

John and Ashli
Britney, Boopsie, Kate  Ashley

Monmouth , OR
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the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.  Believe only after
careful observation and 

[CTRL] Purim on the Net - Story2

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


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[CTRL] Manipulating Iraq Evidence

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Liberty a Terrorist?

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Is Lady Liberty a Terrorist?

by George F. Smith

As the Administration takes note of anyone who defies them, one can only
surmise that France is in line to get hit. I'm not talking about boycotts or
Big Brother's smug delight in renaming its French fries freedom fries,
showing us how it corrupts anything it touches, especially language. I'm
not even concerned that France will get swept up in the Bush bombing
sweepstakes. The French have too many villains ahead of them on the
neocons most-wanted list.

No, I worry for the woman, the Lady in the harbor, the one with upraised
arm carrying the torch for liberty. The French people gave her to us in
1886 as a token of friendship, with Americans putting up the money for the
pedestal. It almost sounds made-up  a monument dedicated to our
founding principles, funded through donations rather than taxes or central
bank counterfeiting.

Given what the United States was in 1886 it could not have been
otherwise. Our founding principles ruled. There was no income tax. There
was no central bank. Government was not regulating us into serfdom. We
were not constantly on the verge of war with other nations. People here
were mostly free to live the life they wanted. Other countries actually
admired America for what it stood for.

But all that has changed, and this could be a problem for the
Administration. In its frenzy to condemn everything French, how will it
handle the Statue of Liberty? If someone mentions the Lady's French
origins, the Administration spokesperson will probably quip that those
were better times and move on to another subject.

But government might treat the situation as an opportunity, as it did the 9-
11 attacks. Perhaps instead of shrugging off the lady's French connections,
Big Brother will order her history megaphoned throughout the kingdom:

Lady Betrayed by French Roots
She's No Lady, She's French
If Lady Ruled, Troops Would Come Home

What would the Administration gain from declaring open season on the
Lady? Removal of a standing reproach to its policies.

Today's ruinous government is a repudiation of the Statue of Liberty.
Consider the words inscribed on her pedestal  Emma Lazurus wrote them
in her poem, The New Colossus:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to be free,
The wretched refuge of your teeming shore.
Send these  the homeless, tempest- tossed  to me.
I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door.

The preceding are the closing lines of her poem  no reproach there. But
look at the first part of The New Colossus:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch whose flame
Is imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

Keep ancient lands your storied pomp! cries she with silent lips.

The likeness of America today to the brazen giant of Greek fame is too
close for Administration comfort. Lazurus' poem suggests we have sold our
soul for power. Further, the tablet the Lady holds in her left hand bears
the inscription July IV, MDCCLXXVI   July 4, 1776, the day Americans
declared themselves supreme to their government.

The Administration, of course, recognizes no earthly supremacy. So how
can they get rid of her? If they can get people hating the Lady for her
French origin, Americans would be more receptive to a politically correct
view of liberty, and that might get her axed.

The Statue of Liberty? A nice sentiment, but a little misguided for our Age
of Neo-Enlightment. Liberty as originally conceived was racist and elitist 
Jefferson must've winked when he wrote all men are created equal and
endowed with inalienable rights. The sly fox, who did he think he was
kidding? Fortunately for mankind, the Savior returned to earth as a
politician named Abraham Lincoln to start us on the road to inclusive
liberty. But the word liberty remains tainted, so a statue dedicated to
that ideal will invariably offend someone with pull.

The Lady arrived here in 350 pieces and was assembled on her pedestal in
four months. She can always be disassembled. Of course, the
Administration could simply have her bombed out of existence, since she
stands in opposition to their policies and is, therefore, a terrorist.

With the Lady gone, Big Brother can create a memorial honoring the New
Liberty of diversity, privilege, and empire  the New Liberty, where
sacrifice to government goals is our true calling, where patriotism is
obedience to state decree, where government-business cabals determine
who will be expended for special interests; the New Liberty, where
unrestrained government power is our only hope for freedom.

The form of this new memorial will follow politically enlightened lines.
There will be more than one person 

[CTRL] Fwd: [cia-drugs] AP, OKC, 9/11, and INTELL OPS

2003-03-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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-Caveat Lector-

Monday, March 17, 2003


MARCH 17. AP writes a story about itself. Seems that
last September, a package of documents was fedexed
from Manila to Washington, from one AP reporter to

The package was opened and confiscated by customs
agents in Indianapolis. The agents found an FBI lab
report “on materials seized from a Filipino apartment
rented by convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef.”

Here is the line in the recent AP article I love. “The
[AP] reporters [in Manila] were working on a research
project…about the [US] government’s concerns before
April 19, 1995 [the day of the Oklahoma bombing], that
white supremacists might bomb a [US] government

As we all know, if you’re looking for white
supremacists, the Philippines is the place to start.
Forget Mississippi and Alabama. Fly to Manila. And
Ramzi Yousef is known as an arch white supremacist.
Wasn’t he, at one time, the imperial wizard of the

Anyway, the customs agents took the package in
Indianapolis and passed it on to the FBI. AP in
Washington never got it. Fed Ex reported it as lost.
Finally, AP figured out what happened. Something to do
with freedom of the press.

I’m doing a full court press to find photos of Ramzi
Yousef in a white hood.

No, dear reader, something else is behind this whole
mess. It has to do with Terry Nichols, McVeigh’s pal.
About 200 independent researchers know that Nichols
visited the Philippines before the OKC bombing. It
appears he met there with some distinctly non-Aryan

The US government has been trying for many years to
obscure that link to the OKC bombing---because the
cover story in place was, the attack on the Murrah
Federal Building was all the work of USA home-grown

Why the cover story? Because in 1995 there was a very
powerful anti-government movement in the US. And it
wasn’t all militia people. Some counties were
declaring their independence from Washington. There
was a big land-use battle brewing in the far west. It
had to do with grazing rights and who really
controlled millions of acres of public land in western
states. Tax protestors were springing up like weeds.

What was needed, from Washington’s point of view, was
a poster boy for this radical revolt. And that boy was
McVeigh. The kid who would, in effect, stand for all
anti-government sentiment and discredit it in one

The gloss was: white boy, militant, bomber,
militia-type, anti-government, federal building
destroyed, babies killed, nation mourns, COME BACK TO

Clinton won his second term on the back of that.

So no dude named Ramzi was going to be implicated in
the OKC bombing. It would have spoiled the
propaganda-mind control op.

AP down there in the Philippines has found, or is
close to finding, a real link between Nichols and
non-American terrorists. So AP’s little package was
stopped in Indianapolis and buried by the FBI.

I should also point out that Clinton permitted, after
Gulf War One, the emigration to the US of a number of
Iraqi Republican Guard soldiers. These were supposedly
men who had helped the US against Saddam. Perhaps 1500
in all.

If it turned out that any of these men had, in fact,
participated, at any level, in the multi-layered
operation---the Oklahoma bombing---all bets would have
been off. Clinton would have been in the boiling pot.

Another reason to limit the OKC investigation to
McVeigh and Nichols.

Enter Jayna Davis, one-time reporter for the NBC TV
affiliate in Oklahoma City. For the past eight years,
she’s been trying to GIVE several thousand pages of

[CTRL] View from Wonderland

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The View from Wonderland

By Ernest Partridge
Co-Editor, The Crisis Papers.

March 13, 2003

The founders of our republic ... gave
us the First Amendment so America would be safe for second opinions that
challenge official lies. Because all of us are capable of deceiving ourselves,
each of us needs a personal First Amendment operating within that would
protect the quiet, fragile voice that occasionally rises uninvited to say,
'that's just not so -- that's not the truth.'...   We seem to prefer a
comfortable lie to the uncomfortable truth. We punish those who point
out reality, and reward those who provide us with the comfort of illusion.
Reality is fearsome .. but experience tells us that more fearsome yet is
evading it.

Bill Moyers,

Are the people who are caught up in a mass delusion ever aware that they
are living in a malignant fantasyland? Did the puritans of the Salem colony
suspect that they were not hanging real witches, but instead were
collectively engaged in a monstrous injustice? Did the good Germans in
the thirties, ever doubt that Adolf Hitler was anything less than what the
captive press said he was: the savior of the nation and the protector of
the Aryan race? Did the good patriots of the fifties ever ask for proof
that Senator Joe McCarthy really had a list in his hand of known
communists in the State Department? (The number changed with each
speech). How long did we persist in believing the telegenic Generals
reassurances that weve turned the corner in Viet Nam, and that there
was a light at the end of the tunnel?

When society has gone mad, does the conventional belief somehow feel
different to those within the society? The question virtually answers itself
and history confirms that when reason departs and collective insanity
takes over, it all seems perfectly sensible from the inside. True, in all
such cases, a few discerning individuals stand apart, like the child who saw
no clothes on the Emperor. But such individuals are quickly marginalized as
they are denounced as traitors, shouted into silence, exiled if they are
lucky, and liquidated if they are not. After the madness has passed,
statues are cast and monuments built in their name  names familiar to us
all: Dietrich Bonheoffer, Klaus von Stauffenberg, Hans and Sophie Scholl,
Andrei Sakharov, Joseph Welch, Edward R. Murrow, George Ball, Daniel
Ellsberg, John Dean.

These heroes see what almost anyone might see  anyone who prizes his
and her liberty and independence, whose wits are operational, and whose
moral principles are intact. Add to this, the courage to speak out against
the madness and to defend the betrayed moral principles, whatever the
cost, and you have a hero.

When a society has gone collectively bonkers, this can be readily
recognized by succeeding historians (no one defends the Salem witch
trials today), by onlookers from outside that society (for example, in
Europe and Canada where they still have a free press), and even by
discerning individuals within. All these, and particularly those within, can
do so by the exercise of familiar and ordinary principles of critical
thinking: logic (tests of consistency and coherence), evidence, objectivity
(suppression of bias), and recognition of common fallacies.

In the present crisis that has befallen our republic, there is still access to
relevant information and there is an abundance of fallacy in the official
version to be exposed, so that those of us with eyes to see, ears to hear,
and the ordinary smarts to think it over, are quite able to come up with a
reasonable assessment of our peril, and of our most prudent means to deal
with it.

For in point of fact, the case for war against Iraq is so pathetically flimsy
that it would not survive a preliminary hearing before Texas judge. Time
and again, the Bushistas have come up with evidence against Saddam,
and time and again it has been knocked down by burly truth. We know
the particulars, but lets review them again if only to contemplate the
accumulating weight of this folly:

Bush and his defenders, citing a document from the International Atomic
Energy Agency, continue to this day to tell us that Saddam came within six
months of developing a nuclear weapon. The UN agency denies that there
is, or ever was, such a document.

The alleged meeting in Prague of 9/11 hijack leader, Mohammed Atta

and Iraqi agents, never took place. Determined attempts by US and Czech
officials to obtain evidence of such a meeting has come up empty.

It is claimed that the UN inspectors have discovered aluminum tubes

intended for the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Physicists and nuclear
engineers have stated unequivocally that the tubes are totally unsuited for
such purposes. Nonetheless, the charge persists.

In his UN show and tell speech, Colin Powell displayed photographs

of trucks allegedly used as mobile chemical weapons labs. The UN
inspectors have examined the 

[CTRL] Freedom Fries And Dark Oranges Edition

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 103)
March 17, 2003
Freedom Fries And Dark Oranges Edition

Freedom fries are back! This time, they're in the United States Congress,
thanks to Bob Ney and Walter Jones (1). Perennial Top-Ten favorite Bill
O'Reilly (2) is back on the list for some first-class hypocrisy. Meanwhile,
Dick Cheney (3) is using the upcoming war as an excuse to funnel a little
more government money back to his buds at Halliburton. The White House
(4) is slamming on Tony Blair, Tom Ridge (5) is turning a darker shade of
orange, and Mark Sanford (7) wants to run state government like Wal-Mart.
And if you're a journalist, watch out, because the Pentagon (8) might
shoot at you, and the FBI (9) is gonna open up your mail. Enjoy, and don't
forget the key!

Bob Ney and Walter Jones
You may be forgiven for thinking that our elected leaders are busying
themselves with important matters of state. After all, that's what we put
them there for. But the latest news from Capitol Hill seems to indicate
that rather than spending time coming up with solutions to the nation's
problems, some congressmen would rather waste the taxpayer's money on
spreading bigotry and xenophobia. Why aren't we surprised? Step forward
Republican congressmen Bob Ney and Walter Jones, who are currently
succeeding in their mission to turn Capitol Hill into an isolationist's
paradise. See, Jones was so impressed by Neal Rowland's recent anti-
France zealotry (see Idiots 101) that he managed to persuade Bob Ney,
chairman of the House Administration Committee, to jump aboard the
freedom fries bandwagon. And lo and behold, henceforth there will be
no more french fries on House cafeteria menus - it's freedom fries or
nothing. What a wonderful use of government resources. And now I'd like
Thank you.

Bill O'Reilly
And oh, how unsurprised we were to see Bill The Hypocrite O'Reilly flip-
flopping and U- turning last week. It just last month that the No Spin twit
was trashing Mark Stinson of TakeBackTheMedia.com for organizing a
boycott of Rush Limbaugh's advertisers (see Idiots 98) - but suddenly
boycotts seem to be all the rage in the O'Reilly household. Bill The Shill
has decided that the best way to punish France for their refusal to rush
into a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq is to - you guessed it - boycott their
products. It's time. It's time for the United States people, the American
people, to say, 'OK, France, you want to do this, then we do what we
can,' barfed the fair-and-balanced one on The O'Reilly Factor last week.
Odd that O'Reilly doesn't suggest that we punish Iraq by boycotting their
products - especially since the US is currently the biggest buyer of Iraqi oil
in the world - but I guess he must have decided that he hates France more
than he hates Iraq. Mon dieu.

Dick Cheney
Last week Dick Cheney got on the list for being a humorless fool. This
week he's on the list for being a humorless war profiteer. You know, it's
going to take a lot of time and money to clean up Iraq after we blow it to
smithereens, and who do you think is going to pay the tab? That's right
folks - it's you, the taxpayer. So since you're going to be paying the tab,
you should probably know where the money's going. Last week five
companies were invited to bid for contracts to put Iraq's infrastructure
back together following a war, and wouldn't you know it, one of those
companies is a subsidiary of Halliburton Inc., Kellogg Brown  Root. And
Halliburton Inc.'s former CEO is Dick Cheney (they still send him a million
dollars a year). It's the mother of all surprises. Perhaps this has something
to do with the fact that Halliburton subsidiaries were rebuilding Iraq
during the nineties (after Dick bombed them the first time) and it was
obviously very profitable. Incidentally, Kellogg Brown  Root has already
won a contract with the government to salvage Iraq's oil fields on the off-
chance that Saddam (or someone else, wink wink) blows them up. So
here's what happens - Dick Cheney and friends start a war, and then send
in their companies to clean up the mess they've created, making a huge
profit which is passed on to you, the taxpayer. Figuring out how the Bush
administration works yet?

The White House
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. When your biggest ally is fighting
tooth and nail for his political life, solely because of his support for the
US, bashing him is probably not the best idea. But then the Bush
administration isn't exactly winning awards for diplomacy right now, is it? A
White House official said of the British prime minister last week that, Blair
is hurting himself by dragging this out...It's not for Americans to tell British


2003-03-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Excellent analysis, David.


- Original Message -
From: Goldbug

Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: Re: [cia-drugs] Re: EURO/MILITARY INDUSTRIAL
Blair is firmly in the Anglo-American camp as is Chancellor Brown
and othersof the Labour Party. That is why the former Conservative
Leader and PrimeMinister, Margaret Thatchler, once referred to Blair as a
patriot (or used avery similar term of endearment) and it is also certainly
why Blair openlyregarded Thatchler as a role model. Blair is not
pro-Euro.It must be obvious that the UK is politically split as it has
not been indecades over Europe. This split led to the end of John
Major, for example.Those in the "No" campaign (i.e., no to the introduction
of the Euro in theUK as the legal currency) are composed of powerful bankers
and friends, whohistorically have in the the Anglo-American
camp. For example, StaniYassukovich, chairman of EASDAQ, the European
version of NASDAQ, isoutspoken in his objections to the Euro.
Yassukovich is the former DeputyChairman of the London Stock Exchange and
former Chairman of Merrill LynchEurope. Less welll known is the fact
that he was a senior executive ofWhite Weld  Co., London during the
early 1970's.One of the more intriguing facts about White Weld (thanks
to Linda Minor forthis snippet) is that it purchased, in 1974, the Wall
Street firm of G WWalker  Co. G W Walker became a director
of White Weld as a result.Moreover, G W Walker is, of course, the favourite
uncle of George Bushsenior. Meanwhile, the "Weld" of White Weld
relates to the family of theformer Attorney General William Weld who
long-time members of this list willrecall was behind the suppression of
important information regarding theIranContra drug business.Not
least, at the same time that Stani Yassukovich was at White Weld,another
senior executive wasa there also. This was David Mulford, who
laterbecame something important in the US Treasury (possibly Deputy
Secretary -again I can't remember off hand). In 1973/4 period the
world experiencedthe first of several "oil shocks" leading to the dramatic
increase of theoil price - events which we now know were orchestrated by
Kissinger and theUS. During his sojourn in White Weld  Co.,
London, Mulford became thepoint man in SAMA - the Saudi Arabian Monetary
Authority - and wasabsolutely key to ensuring that the huge pool of
Petrodollars were broughtback to London, thus firmly establishing the
Eurodollar Bond market, whichin itself amounted to the great achievement of
US based bankers led byWalter Wriston at Citibank, to have a pool of
unregulated offshore dollarsat their disposal. Vast amountys of these
dollars were soon being spoon-fedto Third World nations that couldn't afford
to repay them. This, in turn,resulted in the Third World debit crisis
of the 1980's.Stani Yassukovich left White Weld to become - as I recall
- the chairman ofWestern American Bank and later became the chair of
European American Bank(this again is subject to my degrading memory).
EAB came to fame as thebank that "rescued" Franklin National Bank from the
clutches of ItalianMafia banker, Michell Sindona.Another senior
executive present at White Weld  Co., at the same time asStani
Yassukovich and Davil Mulford was Oliver Fox-Pitt (whom I onceaccidentally
and sleepily called Mr. "Fix-Pott" to his face - causing a lookof total
astonishment). He left around the same time and founded the nowwell
known Wall Street brokerage of Fox-Pitt Kelton. Another was a younf
CDtrader, David Potter, who went on to become Chairman of the merchant
bank,Samuel Montagu, 

[CTRL] For Blizzard, Fire, Flood, Tornado, Earthquake, Plague, and Other Disasters

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Paul's Corner

Were Under Threat

Pauls Corner is the cyber real estate Hack has granted us to recruit and
focus help from readers in order to create a direct information conduit
between the vast number of educated, intelligent, and patriotically
motivated Americans in the private sector, and Gov. Tom Ridge of the
Office of Homeland Security (OHS). Its also Hacks way of making sure his
readers have the kinds of information that will help keep them safe.

The greatest tragedy is indifference. The Red Cross

Today is the 17th of March, and the deadline George W. has set for the
Iraqis to disarm and the UN to get

behind us in what were about to do.

Saddam has announced publicly now, that he will carry the war across
the world wherever there is air, land, or water. You know... I believe he
means it. I also believe we cant be indifferent to this threat just because
hes made empty threats before. This time we might want to pay attention
as Saddam knows his days are numbered and will probably react

This weeks focus: Were Under Threat

Granted, this is the same guy who told us to expect the Mother of all
battles, in 91, but this is his second go around with us and he may have
learned a few more dirty tricks. Among these is hitting our troops with
biochemical weapons, but another may well be in taking the war to US soil.
In fact, we may have already experienced some biochemical attack probes
and tests (see What Are Your Thoughts below).

Lets talk a bit about what to expect, and what to do about it.

First, once we invade Iraq, we can expect Tom Ridge to raise the threat
level to Orange. In fact, once the invasion does begin, I wouldnt wait
for any official word. Id suggest considering it raised then, before any
official word. The thing youll want to do now is look through the archives
for our February 10th issue Nothing Rhymes with Orange, and our March
10th issue Red Alert. These articles discuss what to do during Orange
and Red Alerts respectively.

In addition to those lists, we suggest you quietly and calmly do the
following: 1.  Gas up all your vehicles and dont let any tank get below
 full. Also buy a 5-gallon gas container to fill and keep at your house. 2.
Stock your pantry a little more than normal and be sure to add non-
condensed soups. Their water content will help keep you hydrated, they
dont require water to cook, most are usually balanced meals, and you can
eat them without heating if necessary. Keep enough food on hand for 14
days. Forget what everyone says about the 3-day suggestion. 3.  Fill
water containers. Use empty two-liter plastic soda bottles and use them to
fill any empty spots in your refrigerator and freezer. This will keep
everything cold a little longer in the event of a power failure and also adds
to your water stores. Have enough water to give each family member a
gallon a day, and stock enough for 14 days. 4.  Act as if this were heavy
cold and flu season and keep your distance from people as much as
possible and wash your hands more often.  5.  Make sure you have all
contact info for each family member. This may sound like a given, but do
you have the cell phone number for you kids bus driver? How about their
teachers? If the school has and emergency evac, where will they take
everyone? Do you have your spouses boss email address? See, there might
be lots more info you need to gather. 6.  During any alert, keep a radio
or tv on all the time for emergency alerts, or make sure you have friends
that do and that theyll call you (and you them) if something happens. 7.
Lay a little low the next couple of weeks as far as unnecessary public
gathering areas such as theaters, malls, sporting events, etc.  8.  More
information on emergency preparations for such eventualities as
evacuation and quarantine can be found in our issues at:
http://www.sftt.org/pc_10072002.html, http://www.sftt.org/pc_
10142002.html and http://www.sftt.org/pc_10212002.html. 9.  Pass this
information to those who need it, but dont know about this column or
this site.



Iraqi Cleric Urges Muslims to Attack America: http://www.reuters.com/

Mysterious Pneumonia Strain: http://www.iht.com/articles/89765.html.

Saddam Still Paying Suicide Bombers:

Worlds Nuclear Materials Unprotected:

Al Qaeda Networks Always a Threat:

Arabs Ineffective in Iraq Disarmament:

Saudi Student Tied to Radical Sheiks: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-
dyn/articles/A17885- 2003Mar12.html.

Dirty Bombs a Real Threat: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?

Re: [CTRL] Purim on the Net - Story2

2003-03-17 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/17/2003 12:56:25 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Thanks, but I think I've had all of the glories of Judaism I need for awhile. Is there a story that says it's okay to bulldoze a young woman and then back over her to make sure she's nice and flat? There must be something in that glorious "tradition" that makes it special. Prudy
A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Time to Blacklist Hollywood ?

2003-03-17 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
I know the television and the newspapers keep telling us that most Americans are all for Bush's war, but I don't think I've met anyone, anywhere who is pro war. Where are all the hawkie babies hiding? Prudy
A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Time to Blacklist Hollywood ?

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

3/17/2003 1:41:28 PM, Prudy L [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  -Caveat Lector- I know the television and the newspapers keep telling us
  that most Americans are all for Bush's war, but I don't think I've met
  anyone, anywhere who is pro war.  Where are all the hawkie babies

In their decked out camoflouged (jungle netting, volive drab painted
wooden crates, and cans of beans [to get that Rush effect])computer
rooms located in their basements, complete with hunting togs, face paint,
combat wingtips and coolers of Perrier or Avian water.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A war for civilisation conducted by philistines

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

March 14, 2003

A war for civilisation conducted by philistines
Simon Jenkins

These days history mostly sleeps. But on Wednesday evening it
leapt up, eyes staring and screamed. It had just seen Tony Blair cruising
into the Royal Academy to escort Gerhard Schrder, the German
Chancellor, to the Dresden exhibition. The show is of 58 Old Masters left
intact by the Royal Air Force in its firestorm of February 13, 1945.

Herr Schrder hardly needed this memorial to the horrors of aerial
bombardment. He and his country understandably want no part in any
repetition. Yet Mr Blair bade his guest farewell and returned to join
military advisers in planning Operation Shock and Awe, the forthcoming
two-day air blitz on Iraq. Among the weapons proposed is the new MOAB,
the massive ordnance air blast or Mother Of All Bombs, revealed by the
US this week. It could take out old Dresden in one blow. I cannot fault Mr
Blair for irony.

Wars fought to save Western civilisation seldom worry unduly about
civilisation. Despite years of revisionism, I still regard the reduction of the
heart of Dresden to a mass incinerator in 1945 as Britains worst war crime.
It set a new standard for instant human massacre. So many refugees had
crowded the city centre for protection that nobody will ever know how
many tens of thousands simply evaporated.

Subsequent British war memoirs creep with I was only obeying orders.
History now distributes responsibility equally between Bomber Commands
Arthur Harris, his boss, Lord Portal, and Churchill himself. Their later,
painful excuses tend to confirm their sense of guilt. They knew what they
were doing, and did it. The navigators target maps released last year by
the British Library do not lie.

To look at the Dresden pictures is eerie. It is as if they still carried the
scars of that holocaust, as if Harriss furnace had sucked the oxygen from
the lungs of their sitters. Two hundred of their fellows were burnt. The
survivors were lucky to be removed in time to sandstone quarries outside
the city. London has not been sent the real Dresden treasures, Raphaels
Sistine Madonna and Vermeers Girl Reading a Letter. But a superb Drer is
accompanied by Cranach, Mantegna, Rubens, Poussin, Canaletto and
Velzquez. Most moving are the five great canvases by Bernardo Bellotto,
of the city in the 1740s. They show a landscape of Baroque charm that
survived intact for 200 years, until that February night in 1945.

The customary defence of the Dresden raid is that Britain cannot be to
blame because German civilians deserved it. They deserved it for allowing
Hitler to be their leader. The identical argument is now being deployed to
defend the forthcoming rain of terror on Baghdad. However many people
are killed and monuments destroyed, it can all be laid at President Saddam
Husseins door. Victors justice applies.

I find it astonishing that Britain must employ the Dresden defence to
excuse anything at all. It implies that generals must take their ethical lead
not from their own rules of engagement but from the morals of the foe.
This is absurd. It is also not how generals behave. Target lists are fiercely
debated. Soldiers do apply moral standards to their behaviour in war. The
limited military value of bombing cities is set against the political cost of so
doing. Robin Neillands recent analysis of The Bomber War contrasts the
bomb as a tactical aid to ground troops with the so-called strategic
bombing espoused by Harriss boss, Lord Portal, much to the latters

The destruction of Dresden was pointless. Hitler was already in bunker
mode. It was not even relevant to Portals murderous belief that modern
states would surrender if you bombed enough of their civilians. (A thesis
tested in extremis at Hiroshima, where Japanese leaders were mercifully
not yet in bunker mode.) As Neillands implies, the area bombing strategy
evolved in part to justify the appalling casualties caused by these
inaccurate weapons, casualties that would be unacceptable if committed
by ground troops. Ever since Portal, airmen have been allowed to get away
with murder. If today American or British land forces had killed 4,000
Afghan civilians, as have their air forces, they would be summoned before a
military tribunal  as were US soldiers after the 1971 My Lai killings in

The impending 48-hour blitz on Iraq  800 cruise missiles and thousands of
conventional bombs  will fall not just on people but also on the worlds
most vulnerable historic sites. History could hardly present a greater irony.
Six thousand years ago, Mesopotamia saw the earliest manifestation of
Western culture. It is now to see the latest. An estimated 10,000
archaeological sites remain, most as yet unexcavated. Many will now be
excavated for the first and last time.

The destruction of cultural and religious monuments in war is explicitly
prohibited by the Hague Convention (1954), 

[CTRL] Cook quits

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

Cook quits over Iraq crisis

Robin Cook has resigned from Tony Blair's cabinet as the build-up to war
with Iraq gathers pace.

The decision by the Leader of the House of Commons, one of the highest
profile figures in the Labour Party, came as the cabinet held an emergency
meeting in Downing Street.

The UK, US and Spain have effectively abandoned their efforts to find a
diplomatic solution to the stand-off.

They are not putting their draft resolution to a vote in the United Nations
Security Council - citing French intransigence.

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott said: There are only two options left
- either Saddam goes into exile or he is disarmed by force.


Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is set to make a Commons statement about
the crisis at
about 2200 GMT on Monday.

Amid growing disquiet among his backbenchers, Mr Blair will address the
Parliamentary Labour Party ahead of a Commons debate on Tuesday.

A vote will then follow on the government's stance.

Mr Prescott said the prime minister would ask for support if the last
resort of war was needed, and would be setting out the humanitarian
effort to rebuild Iraq.

MPs will also hear on Monday evening a personal statement from former
Foreign Secretary Mr Cook.

As he left the government ranks, Mr Cook, who saw Mr Blair before the
cabinet, said: It is with regret I have today resigned from the cabinet.

I can't accept collective responsibility for the decision to commit Britain
now to military action in Iraq without international agreement or domestic

Short's questions

There had been speculation that International Development Secretary
Clare Short, who has already threatened to resign, might follow Mr Cook
onto the back benches on Monday.

But as she left Number 10 with cabinet colleagues, Ms Short ignored
questions about whether she was still in the government.

Number 10 says Ms Short does have the prime minister's confidence, but
her allies say she is considering her position overnight.

Mr Cook is the first ministerial exit over Iraq policy, and a major blow to Mr
Blair as he faces a growing rebellion within his own party.

His departure was called very honourable by former cabinet minister
Chris Smith.

Mr Smith told BBC News 24: He is a very senior, formidable, weighty figure
and he will be a great loss to the government.

Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Menzies Campbell was
unsurprised by the move.

It was always likely that Robin Cook, who sought to introduce an ethical
dimension into foreign policy, would find the ambiguity of the government's
position too much to tolerate, said Mr Campbell.

Conservative shadow foreign secretary Michael Ancram pressed Mr Blair to
ensure his cabinet spoke with one voice.


Well done for not selling your soul Robin!
Martin Smith, UK

A poll conducted by ICM for the Guardian suggested that public backing
for the prime
minister's stance on Iraq may have increased.

Support for military action has risen by 9% to 38% with opposition falling 8%
to 44%, according to the poll.

As the signs of imminent war grew, the Foreign Office advised all Britons in
Kuwait, except diplomatic staff, to leave the country. The US has advised
UN weapons inspectors to leave Iraq.

The Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, said legal authority for war came
from three previous UN resolutions.

After deploying all his powers of persuasion and expressing his confidence
he would win the day both at home and in the world, he has failed
Nick Assinder BBC News Online

In an effort to win over sceptics ministers are repeating assurances about
the security
of Iraq's oil reserves and efforts to resolve the Palestinian crisis.

Ahead of Tuesday's Commons debate, MPs warn they will table an
amendment stating there is no moral justification for war without a new

More Labour MPs than the 122 who voted against the government last time
are expected to rebel this time.

Ex-Labour whip Graham Allen and a group of MPs, including former cabinet
minister Chris Smith, are drawing up the amendment.

It would make clear their support for British troops but challenge the
moral authority of war.

The Stop The War Coalition is this Saturday organising a repeat of last
month's peace rally, which attracted between 750,000 and two million

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2003/03/17 19:36:49

Forwarded for your information.  The text and intent of the article
have to stand on their own merits.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do
not believe simply because it has been handed down for many 

[CTRL] Wake up, fellow travelers

2003-03-17 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

Peace Rally Organizer Supports Terrorism
By Chet Dembeck
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 17, 2003
If you want to get a better fix on whos really behind todays anti-war
movement, I urge you to take a hard look at the Workers World Party, a
group that never saw a terrorist it wouldnt defend.
This vintage Communist organizations website proves how wrong the big
media is in charactering the antiwar coalition as a groundswell of
soccer moms rising up against the foreign policies of President George
W. Bush.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

Once you carefully peruse the pages of this shrieking Bolshevik
tabloid, youll begin to quickly understand that the current antiwar
movement is really an ensemble of perennial America haters. Like a
troupe of washed-up actors fighting each other to get to an open
casting call, these hardcore revolutionaries hope to stoke a fire
against the United States using the camouflage of peace.
Allying itself with enemies of the U.S. is a tactic Workers World has
enthusiastically embraced since its birth in 1959. But today, instead
of defending dictatorial Communist regimes  because most of them are
extinctit defends Middle-East terrorists and dictators.
You can see this plainly by randomly reading articles from the
publications archives.
Once you get pass the orthodox, Marxist gibberish that fills every
page, you quickly discover a strident pro-terrorist theme, which paints
Palestinian suicide bombers as heroes and their terrorist leaders as
oppressed victims of an imperial U.S. and Zionist Israel.
Barbarism Equated With Heroism
For example, a headline on an article about a recent Palestinian female
suicide bomber reads, Why woman Israel calls terrorist is hero to many
The piece then goes on to justify the womans deliberate murder of
innocent Israeli civilians by giving an anecdotal account of how the
suicide bombers witnessing of Israeli atrocities using weapons made in
the U.S. drove her to this heroic act.
How much can a person take? the piece asks. Is it really so
surprising that, every time Idris saw a picture of a suicide attack,
she reportedly told her sister-in-law, I wish I could do that.
It is surprising to me that this article and its publisher, the Workers
World, cant distinguish the difference between Israeli soldiers
attacking and killing armed terrorists who are lobbing mortars at them
from someone who purposely straps ball bearings and explosives to their
waists then commits suicide by turning themselves into deadly shrapnel
in the midst of a crowd of women and children.
Unfortunately, both Israel and the United States have killed and
wounded innocents during armed conflicts. But the difference in how
these legitimate nations react to such tragedies speaks volumes.
Both the U.S. and Israel apologize and often pay compensation to the
relatives of the accidental casualties. For instance, when the U.S.
mistakenly downed an Iranian airliner, it paid millions in retribution
to Iranian citizens. Conversely, terrorists dance in the streets
celebrating the deliberate slaughter of innocent U.S. and Israeli
civilians and then pay compensation to the relatives of those who
committed the atrocities.
Another striking omission in this article is any mention that when U.S.
and Israeli soldiers are accused of committing atrocities they can be
tried and convicted of war crimes. Remember U.S. Army Lt. William
Calley? Even Prime Minister Sharon came under investigation by his own
government in 1983 for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre.
When is the last time the PLO investigated Yasser Arafat for the
massacre of innocent Israelis? Never.
Mendacity Of Calling For Justice
Another article in the Workers Worlds archives entitled Free, Free
Palestine is a report covering a so-called 100,000-people strong
pro-Palestine march on Washington, D.C. As usual, there is no
independent verification of this number. Theres also more support for
Palestinian terrorism expressed in a quote of one of the 17-year-old
organizers, who is identified as an African American.
It seems that the rest of the word is beginning to learn what the
Palestinian people have proven through heroic resistance: that there
will never be peace in the Middle East until there is justice for
A few paragraphs later we find out how this group defines this
sought-after justice:
We have to end the criminal partnership between the U.S. and the state
of Israel.  We must oppose the exclusionary character of the Israeli
state, the article exhorts.
This is a euphemistic way of demanding Israel to stop being a homeland
for Jewsin other words cease to exist.
There is no mention in this article about the numerous efforts Israel 
with the help of the U.S. has made to resolve the Palestinian issue by
spending countless hours negotiating with the PLO in good faith, only
to have their actions desecrated by a suicide bomber attack against
Israeli citizens.  Also, theres no mention of the U.S position 

Re: [CTRL] A war for civilisation conducted by philistines

2003-03-17 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
There was a small obituary listed as "other death" that illustrates the difference that fivty years has made. It reads:


Norwegian resistance fighter in World War II

Oslo, Norway--Cluas Helberg, a Norwegian resistance fighter and member of a commando team that destroyed Germany's atomic weapons program in a daring World War II raid, died of a heart attack on March 6. He was 84.

The 1943 raid, known as Operation Gunnerside, destroyed the Nazi's heavy water plant near Rjukan, 90 miles east of the capital, Oslo. German occupied Norway from 1940-1945.

The plant could have provided Nazi scientists with the chemical reaction necessary to build an atomic bomb.

After the raid, the nine commandos fled to Sweden and Braitain. AP

President Bush has had to amass 250,000 troops and kill our economy to try for a like result. Prudy
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Wake up, fellow travelers

2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

Have you not figured out that millions of people were not marching for
Marxism? It doesn't matter what people involved with ANSWER might think, if
the people who are marching will not support them in their communist ideals.
This type of article attempts to gt people to abandon the anti-war movement
by becoming disillusioned in the movement's leaders. But what I don't
think you realize is that almost none of the people who marched even care
who ANSWER is. They aren't marching for ANSWER, they are marching against
the war. If ANSWER wants to have people march for communism, they will have
to find other followers, and the people who marched for peace would do so
with ANSWER or without them.

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Ray Boeche [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Peace Rally Organizer Supports Terrorism
By Chet Dembeck
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 17, 2003

If you want to get a better fix on whos really behind todays anti-war
movement, I urge you to take a hard look at the Workers World Party, a
group that never saw a terrorist it wouldnt defend.
This vintage Communist organizations website proves how wrong the big
media is in charactering the antiwar coalition as a groundswell of
soccer moms rising up against the foreign policies of President George
W. Bush.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Once you carefully peruse the pages of this shrieking Bolshevik
tabloid, youll begin to quickly understand that the current antiwar
movement is really an ensemble of perennial America haters. Like a
troupe of washed-up actors fighting each other to get to an open
casting call, these hardcore revolutionaries hope to stoke a fire
against the United States using the camouflage of peace.

Allying itself with enemies of the U.S. is a tactic Workers World has
enthusiastically embraced since its birth in 1959. But today, instead
of defending dictatorial Communist regimes  because most of them are
extinctit defends Middle-East terrorists and dictators.

You can see this plainly by randomly reading articles from the
publications archives.

Once you get pass the orthodox, Marxist gibberish that fills every
page, you quickly discover a strident pro-terrorist theme, which paints
Palestinian suicide bombers as heroes and their terrorist leaders as
oppressed victims of an imperial U.S. and Zionist Israel.
Barbarism Equated With Heroism

For example, a headline on an article about a recent Palestinian female
suicide bomber reads, Why woman Israel calls terrorist is hero to many

The piece then goes on to justify the womans deliberate murder of
innocent Israeli civilians by giving an anecdotal account of how the
suicide bombers witnessing of Israeli atrocities using weapons made in
the U.S. drove her to this heroic act.

How much can a person take? the piece asks. Is it really so
surprising that, every time Idris saw a picture of a suicide attack,
she reportedly told her sister-in-law, I wish I could do that.
It is surprising to me that this article and its publisher, the Workers
World, cant distinguish the difference between Israeli soldiers
attacking and killing armed terrorists who are lobbing mortars at them
from someone who purposely straps ball bearings and explosives to their
waists then commits suicide by turning themselves into deadly shrapnel
in the midst of a crowd of women and children.

Unfortunately, both Israel and the United States have killed and
wounded innocents during armed conflicts. But the difference in how
these legitimate nations react to such tragedies speaks volumes.

Both the U.S. and Israel apologize and often pay compensation to the
relatives of the accidental casualties. For instance, when the U.S.
mistakenly downed an Iranian airliner, it paid millions in retribution
to Iranian citizens. Conversely, terrorists dance in the streets
celebrating the deliberate slaughter of innocent U.S. and Israeli
civilians and then pay compensation to the relatives of those who
committed the atrocities.
Another striking omission in this article is any mention that when U.S.
and Israeli soldiers are accused of committing atrocities they can be
tried and convicted of war crimes. Remember U.S. Army Lt. William
Calley? Even Prime Minister Sharon came under investigation by his own
government in 1983 for the Sabra and Shatilla massacre.
When is the last time the PLO investigated Yasser Arafat for the
massacre of innocent Israelis? Never.
Mendacity Of Calling For Justice
Another article in the Workers Worlds archives entitled Free, Free
Palestine is a report covering a so-called 100,000-people strong
pro-Palestine march on Washington, D.C. As usual, there is no
independent verification of this number. Theres also more support for
Palestinian terrorism expressed in a quote of one of the 17-year-old
organizers, who is identified as an African American.
It seems that the rest of the word is beginning to learn what the
Palestinian people have proven through heroic resistance: that there


2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

Well, yes, I understand, but I think Drudge is just printing what he thinks
will support the troops. This doesn't have anything to do with UN command
of US troops.

- jt

- Original Message -
From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Tell us, please,
more about the indignant soldiers and this non-event. You sure have a
nose for news!

Speaking of news, there's a young fellow named Michael New who's been
in trouble for a while for refusing to submit to the UN patch and hierarchy
when he only agreed to support nd defend the Constitution ... from this
aspect, it will be interesting to see how this develops.  This has also been
a long-standing issue since the Patton days as well.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Paper: EPA Erred in Ground Zero Air Claim

2003-03-17 Thread Jim Rarey
-Caveat Lector-








  Monday, March 
17, 2003 


Paper: EPA Erred in Ground Zero Air Claim

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - 
Ground Zero tests by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the 
days immediately after the World Trade Center collapse did not 
support the agency's own statements the air around the site was safe 
to breathe, a newspaper reported.
A report by the EPA's Office of Inspector General said the agency 
reached its conclusion on the safety of the air using a cancer risk 
level 100 times greater than what it normally considers acceptable 
for public exposure to toxic contaminants.
The status report, obtained by The Sacramento Bee, supports the 
views of some doctors and public health advocates who evaluated 
thousands of firefighters, volunteers, demolition workers and 
laborers working on the site.
"To say that it's safe, which suggests no risk, we just knew that 
was wrong," said Jonathan Bennett, a spokesman for the New York 
Committee for Occupational Safety and Health.
The status report summarizes preliminary conclusions. It is 
expected to be published in May and a spokesman for the inspector 
general said the findings could change before publication. The 
Office of Inspector General is an independent investigative office 
that reports directly to Congress.
Of 3,500 Ground Zero workers screened nearly a year after the 
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, more than half continued to suffer from 
lung, ear, nose and throat problems, according to a study released 
in January by Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York.
About 40,000 workers were involved in the rescue, recovery and 
cleanup efforts at the site.
The yearlong investigation by the Office of Inspector General 
will determine whether air pollution monitoring data from the 
collapse site and surrounding areas supports what the EPA told the 
public about the health risks.
EPA officials declined comment Friday.
"It is inappropriate for the EPA to be commenting on a document 
that is not final and that is being done independently," said Lisa 
Harrison, the agency's press secretary.
The EPA has come under criticism from inside and outside the 
agency over its public pronouncements on air quality around Ground 


  Copyright 2003 The 
Associated Press All Rights ReservedThe information contained in 
the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or 
redistributed without the prior written authorityof The Associated 

Company | Privacy Policy Disclaimer 
Copyright © 
  1994-2001 FindLaw 
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Eve of War - Eve of Purim

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
A HREF= http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html 

March 17, 2003

Eve of War - Eve of Purim

Is the President's announcement of the end of diplomacy and the imminent
commencement of the bombing of Iraqi cities timed to coincide with the
Babylonian-Judaic Festival of Purim?

by Michael A. Hoffman II
Copyright (c) 2003

While it does not appear that the Pentagon will actually commence
Israel's war against Babylon (as the Wall Street Journal is terming
it; cf. Babylon Revisited, March 14, p. W13), it does look as though
sometime in the next 48 hours President Bush will make a declaration of
something akin to war. If so, such an annoucement would occur during
Purim, the Judaic festival of revenge. Purim finds its masonic
equivalent in the Ninth Degree of the Scottish Rite, dedicated to
revenge for the murder of Hiram -- meaning anyone who thwarts
Masonry's purposes.

Tonight is the eve of Purim, the Fast of Esther, Adar II 13. Tomorrow
and Wednesday, are Purim and Shushan Purim respectively, Adar II 14 and
Adar II 15.

The Book of Esther, which contains the basic story (though not, of
course, the lengthy Talmudic and Kabbalistic embellishments), was
labeled canonical and placed in the Old Testament as a result of
rabbinic manipulation of the Church. In fact, the story's two main
characters, Esther and Mordechai, are thinly veiled personifications of
the Babylonian deities Ishtar and Marduk.

When Julius Streicher ascended the Nuremberg gallows after his show
trial for the war crime of writing disgusting things about Jewish
people, he announced that his execution constituted Purim 1946.
Streicher's sympathizers regarded this statement as an eloquent riposte,
but Kabbalists worldwide were filled with glee when they learned of it,
and it is quoted with satisfaction in rabbinic literature to this day.

The reason for this is that the Kabbalistic secret of Purim rests in the
rabbinic command incumbent on Judaic males worldwide: that they are to
get so drunk on Purim that they cannot distinguish the difference
between Haman (the Jew-hating exterminator) and Mordechai (the Henry
Kissinger of the story). The Kabbalistic secret of Purim is that the
Hitlers and Saddams of the world make the advancement of the Judaic
equilibrium possible; without violent, implacable opposition to and
hatred of all Jewish persons, including law-abiding ones of good will,
the rabbinic work cannot advance.

The more overt understanding of Purim is bound up with two major themes:
paganism and the idea of vengeance.  As befits a Babylonian Holy Day,
Orthodox Judaic believers (especially the Hasidic segment), will be
dressed tomorrow in grotesque Halloween-like costumes, and those who
desire real insight into the pagan nature of Judaism should travel to
the Crown Heights and Williamsburg sections of Brooklyn, New York
tomorrow, and observe and if possible videotape this Babylonian
Bacchanal while it is in full flower.

In terms of revenge, we are reminded of Purim, 1994, when Baruch
Goldstein entered the mosque at Hebron and slaughtered 40 Palestinians
as they prayed. As a result of this mass murder on Purim of the
Palestinian Amalek, there was great celebration in settler enclaves in
occupied Palestine and in places like Brooklyn (this writer has video
footage of these celebrations).

If, as it now appears likely, President Bush chooses March 18 or 19,
2003 --Purim 5763-- to declare his intent to bomb the Iraqi Amalek,

[CTRL] The Maid and the Ogre

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Maid and the Ogre
Israel Shamir

A dreadful monster assaults the city, kills its brave defenders, and advances to devour the citizens. At the last moment, a young maiden demurely walks forward to meet the monster. Her very sight, the sight of feminine innocence, vulnerability, spirituality, certainty of the right cause, stops the ogre in its tracks. The beast suffers her to tie her belt to his mighty neck and walks away, tamed. It is the story of St Genevieve and of other beautiful and virtuous saints; a part and parcel of human heritage, and the subject of many gorgeous tapestries and paintings. 

Courageous and noble maidens are still with us. They stopped the US Army trains with soldiers during Vietnam War, and they stopped Russian tanks in Prague 1968 and in Moscow 1991. Drivers of French, Russian, American and German tanks and trains knew: even a monster stops when a girl placidly places herself on his way. It is a biological law that we all are subject to. 

Rachel Corrie was murdered by a monster from another tale. This young American girl, an ISM activist, tried to stop with her fragile body a Zionist bulldozer from ruining Palestinian homes. She could not imagine that the driver will look at her and calmly ride his ten-ton steel machine over her body, and back. Nothing in her life prepared her to the encounter with a monster born and bred in the Zionist labs, a monster that is totally alien and hostile to humans. She wrote to her parents: no amount of reading, attendance at conferences, documentary viewing and word of mouth could have prepared me for the reality of the situation here. You just can't imagine it unless you see it, tank-shell holes in the walls of their homes and the towers of an occupying army surveying the [Palestinian children] constantly from the near horizons. 

Though she saw dead bodies of Palestinian children with their heads split by the Jewish sharp-shooters, she still had some illusions of the difficulties the Israeli Army would face if they shot an unarmed US citizen. She was mistaken. Her countrys President is about to send the US Army to destroy Iraq and turn the killers of Rachel into the undisputed supreme power of the Middle East. If Bush would be guided by Americas interests, he would demand extradition of Rachels killer. But the driver is not exclusion. The people behind the bullet-proof windshields of Caterpillars are the final product of Zionism. At the beginning of Zionist movement, its eugenic task was expressed in a poem: 

Mi dam umi eza Nakim lanu geza  out of blood and sweat we shall breed a new victorious and cruel race, sang the Zionists. With murder of Rachel Corrie the experiment came to its fruition. The cruel race is not a dream anymore, it is a new geopolitical reality. A few months ago, a Jewish bulldozer driver shared with the world his experiences [i] of razing Jenin: 

"I had no mercy for anybody. I would erase anyone with the D-9, and I have demolished plenty. I wanted to destroy everything. I begged the officers, over the radio, to let me knock it all down; from top to bottom. To level everything. When I was told to bring down a house, I took the opportunity to bring down some more houses. For three days, I just destroyed and destroyed. The whole area. I wanted to get to the other houses. To get as many as possible. I didn't see, with my own eyes, people dying under the blade of the D-9. But if there were any, I wouldn't care at all. If you knocked down a house, you buried 40 or 50 people. If I am sorry for anything, it is for not tearing the whole camp down. I had lots of satisfaction in Jenin, lots of satisfaction. No one expressed any reservations against doing it. Who would dare speak? If anyone would as much as open his mouth, I would have buried him under the D-9. 

Rachels dreadful death should open Americas eyes to the real danger to the world that grew in the Middle East. Her killers possess nuclear weapons, not only bulldozers. If Bush is so keen on a Middle East intervention and on removal of WMD, his troops could land here, on the shores of ar-Rafah, where is a real threat to the worlds peace, and forcibly remove all the weapons of mass destruction. 

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-


By: W. James Antle III

Ether Zones recent endorsement of Reps. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) and Tom Tancredo (R-CO) as an alternative to President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney presents sympathetic conservatives with an opportunity to reflect on the best way to put their principles into practice.

A Paul/Tancredo ticket is purely hypothetical at this point, but the platform such a combination would represent surely is not. Ron Paul is often a lonely advocate of that forgotten doctrine of enumerated powers, Congress most reliable vote for enforcing the Constitution and against continued expansions of the federal government. His free-market credentials are not limited to votes for modest tax-cut packages; he advocates a gold standard and rails against the Federal Reserve. Tom Tancredo for his part is a leading immigration reformer. He tirelessly advocates more secure borders, enforcement of existing immigration laws and retooling these laws to reduce immigration - all issues that send most politicians fleeing in terror.


Taken together, Paul and Tancredo balance libertarian anti-statism with a rejection of open-borders mania. This mix translates into support for national sovereignty, constitutional government, private property and the rule of law. What is the best vehicle for conservatives to take these values and implement them as policy? In the context of Paul/Tancredo, Ether Zone favors a challenge to Bush/Cheney in the Republican primaries and, should that fail, a subsequent third-party campaign. The relevant strategic question is which course would be more effective. Is it better for conservatives to work within the Republican Party or bolt for a purer alternative?

The arguments against the GOP as an effective means of advancing authentically conservative policies are familiar, especially to constitutionalists. Republicans like Paul and Tancredo are the exception rather than the rule. Republicans not only tolerate but support party members with voting records scarcely distinguishable from the Democrats. Government continues to grow even when Republicans control the White House, Congress and now both. Even Ronald Reagan failed to implement conservative reforms as drastic in scope as Franklin Roosevelts New Deal. Individual third parties and independent candidates have purer, less compromised platforms.

Yet there is a case to be made for working to move the GOP in a more conservative direction. For better or worse, the Republican Party is already the political home of the vast majority of the nations conservatives. Its constituencies contain the voters who are at the very least open to persuasion to conservative ideas. Dislodging them from the Republican coalition has proved a formidable task for third parties and attempts to break the two-party duopoly have been quixotic. 

While third parties can mount effective educational campaigns and can at times win enough support to force a major party closer in their direction, overall they win few votes and exercise little influence over the direction of public policy. If even those who agree with or are open to conservative ideas will ignore third parties on the right, perhaps our efforts would be better spent winning Republican primaries and then going on to win these voters in the general elections. 

There are organizations dedicated to forming a more principled GOP. The Club for Growth is actively targeting big-government liberal Republicans for defeat by tax-cutting conservative candidates in the primaries. The Republican Liberty Caucus, of which Congressman Paul is a past chairman, seeks to bring consistency to the partys support for smaller government and individual freedom. Arlen Specter and John McCain are both likely to face well-established conservative primary challengers in 2004. The Republican grassroots is conservative and, if properly mobilized, can defeat the party bosses and improve the partys corps of elected officials.

Right-of-center Republican refugees cant even agree on a single third party to bolt to. There is the Reform Party, the Constitution Party, the America First Party and the Libertarian Party each vying for their support and all preferred by some. When Tom Ambrose proposed in WorldNet Daily that the Libertarian and Constitution parties merge, members of both protested. There is similar rivalry between Constitution and Reform, Constitution and America First and so forth. A small third party faces long enough odds; failure to unite within a single party makes these obstacles insurmountable.

Third party advocates argue that money and power enable Republican leaders to sabotage conservative efforts to take over the party. While this is true in particular cases, it does not have to be true across the board and likely would prove false in the face of a determined, 

[CTRL] Rumsfeld, Bush  Sr. Refused To Back 1989 UN Resolution To Investigate Iraq For H

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon

Rumsfeld, Bush Sr. Refused To Back 1989 UN Resolution To Investigate Iraq For Human Rights Abuses
by Jason Leopold
March 13, 2003

In 1989, the State Department released a report that described in gruesome detail Iraqs violation of human rights, specifically how Iraqs President Saddam Hussein tortured his own people for allegedly being disloyal. 

But despite the atrocities outlined in the report, which President Bush now refers to when speaking about his desire to remove Hussein from power, the United States, under the first Bush Administration, refused to vote in favor of a United Nations resolution calling for an inquiry into Iraqs treatment of its population and possibly indicting Hussein for war crimes and human rights abuses. 

The two people most vocal about refusing to go along with the U.N. investigation are now lobbying for a U.N. resolution authorizing an invasion of Iraq and are highly critical of the countries that refuse to back a U.S. led coalition to use military force to remove Hussein from power. Those men are Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. 

But in 1989, the first Bush administration refused to join the U.N. in publicly protesting the forced relocation of at least half a million ethnic Kurds and Syrians in the late 1980s, even though the act violated principles of the 1948 Genocide Convention, according to Middle East Watch, a human rights organization. 

The Bush and Reagan administrations also declined to punish Iraq when it used poison gas against Iranian soldiers in 1984 and Kurdish citizens in 1988. Moreover, the U.S. did not oppose the fact that Hussein bought 45 American helicopters, worth about $200 million, with assurances they were for civilian use, then transferred them to his military. 

Armitage said in 1990 that that "in retrospect, it would have been much better at the time of their use of gas if we'd put our foot down," according to an August 1990 story in the Los Angeles Daily News. 

Despite U.S. intelligence reports that showed Iraqs capability of building weapons of mass destruction and its inhumane treatment of its own civilians, the Bush Administration turned a blind eye and instead focused on improving U.S. relations with Hussein. The U.S. removed Iraq from its list of countries supporting terrorism in 1983, which reopened the door to federal subsidies and loans to Iraq. 

Saddam Hussein made it clear that Iraq was not interested in making mischief in the world," Rumsfeld said, who, as a Middle East envoy for the Regan Administration, reopened discussions with Saddam in 1983, according to the Daily News story. "It struck us as useful to have a relationship with him." 

The current Bush Administration, many of whom served in the Reagan and the first Bush administrations, refuse to acknowledge that their policies toward Iraq at the time backfired and we may be paying a price for it now. But at this point, Iraq does not pose a threat to the U.S. and threats against the nation appear to be purely personal. 

Under former Rumsfelds watch during his years in the Reagan and Bush administrations, he and the former presidents allowed Hussein to build his army and a cache of chemical and nuclear weapons. In fact, many of the hawks that serve in the current Bush Administration assisted Husseins regime in reaching these goals during the late 1980s and early 1990s. 

For example, Judicial Watch said, according to the Daily News story, that the U.S. extended $270 million in government-guaranteed credit from the Export-Import Bank to buy other American goods, despite repeated failures to make loan repayments on time. Since 1982, Baghdad has become one of the biggest buyers of U.S. rice and wheat, purchasing $5.5 billion in crops and livestock with federally guaranteed loans and agricultural subsidies and its own hard cash. 

Iraq benefited from a thriving grain trade with American farmers, cooperation with U.S. intelligence agencies, oil sales to American refiners that helped finance its military, and muted White House criticism of its human rights and war atrocities, the Daily News story said. 

Armitage admitted in 1990 that the Reagan and Bush administrations were well aware of Husseins brutality, but still, the U.S. was more interested in maintaining a healthy relationship with Iraq because the countrys vast oil reserves was beneficial to U.S. interests. 

"We knew this wasn't the League of Women Voters," Armitage said, referring to Husseins regime, according to the Daily News story. 

[CTRL] The U.N. Is Irrelevant

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The U.N. Is Irrelevant
by Charley Reese

It's typical of the Bush team's polemical tactics to try to dismiss the United Nations as irrelevant if it doesn't buckle to President Bush's demands for an instant war against Iraq. It's also nonsense.

As for the hoopla about vetoes, the United States is second only to the Soviet Union in exercising the U.N. veto. The score card, compiled by the BBC News, is: the Soviet Union/Russia, 120 vetoes (only two of those since the Soviet Union collapsed); the United States, 76 vetoes  35 used to block criticism of Israel (that old double standard has the United States in its grip); the United Kingdom, 32 vetoes, of which 23 were votes cast with the United States; France, 18 vetoes, 13 of which were in support of the United States' position; and China, 5 vetoes.

You should know that the United Nations, established at the end of World War II, was designed to allow the victorious Allies to rule the world. In the U.N. charter, the only power lies in the Security Council. Only it can levy sanctions and wage war. The General Assembly has no means of enforcing any resolutions it might pass.

So the builders of the United Nations, which were the five World War II Allies, reserved all the power for the Security Council and awarded themselves five permanent seats and the veto. A "no" vote by any of the five permanent members is a veto. As that old saying about plans, mice and men goes, the five Allies soon had a falling out before they could run the world to suit themselves.

The Soviet Union and the United States started the Cold War and used their vetoes often to frustrate each other. France and the United Kingdom, originally considered among the great powers, were so weakened by the war and the loss of their respective empires that they had to more or less take a back seat, though it was still a permanent seat with a veto. Originally, the Nationalists held the China seat, but after they were driven off the mainland, communist China eventually evicted them from the United Nations and took their place.

So that's the background. The pseudo-outrage over a French or Russian veto is just that  phony outrage. The United States has always adopted a cynical attitude toward the United Nations. When it suited the United States' purposes, it used the United Nations as political cover; when it didn't, the United States ignored the United Nations and has often prevented the organization from acting (the 35 vetoes of resolutions critical of Israel are an example). In fact, the United States has kept the United Nations from playing any role at all in trying to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that, ironically, was created by the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union, using the United Nations as a mechanism.

Don't worry that the United Nations will become irrelevant. Since it lacks any power except that granted by the five permanent members, it has always been irrelevant. It cannot prevent any of the five major powers from doing anything it chooses to do, nor can it coerce any of them. It is not, as some imagine, a world government. In that sense, the United Nations is a fraud, and at best, assuming the five members could agree, it would be just a dictatorial oligarchy.

What is afoot today has nothing to do with Iraq. It has to do with whether the world will be run by the United States or by a consensus of nations. The collapse of the Soviet Union created a power imbalance. No nation is so powerful, militarily or economically, as the United States. The United States has the power and, since the election of George Bush, the intention of running the world to suit itself. The United Kingdom has decided to tag along, but this has brought China, Russia, France, Germany and other countries together in an effort to find a way to thwart U.S. hegemony.

Unless we wish to follow the foolish path, we will remember that our power is relative and therefore temporary. We can tell the rest of the world to go to hell today, but if we do, one day we will find ourselves overpowered by a coalition of enemies we will have created. That will not be pleasant.

A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


[CTRL] Rolling Start - The Idiot Prince Will Have His War

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon

The Idiot Prince Will Have His War

by Stan Goff

 Copyright 2003, From The Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com. All Rights Reserved. May be reprinted, distributed or posted on an Internet web site for non-profit purposes only.

[FTW asked retired U.S. Army Special Forces Master Sergeant Stan Goff to re-examine what we can expect on the battlefield when the United States begins its invasion. The former instructor of military science at West Point describes a scenario that is vastly different from what was expected last September before the Bush administration encountered effective economic and political opposition. Now denied the luxuries of a multi-front invasion from Turkey and Saudi Arabia the U.S. war strategy has changed. The bottom line is that a great many more innocent civilians are going to be killed. And the first and possibly crippling breakdown of U.S. plans will happen in Kurdestan.  MCR]

March 17, 2003, 1500 hrs PST 

(FTW) -- The full-scale, unilateral US invasion of Iraq appears  to many  to be imminent as this is written. In just hours President Bush is expected to give Saddam Hussein a 72-hour ultimatum to leave the country or else the bombs start falling. I have a reservation or two left about that, based partly on hope, but partly on the even riskier assumption that this administration realizes that it has miscalculated and that the consequences of invasion may now outweigh the risks  from their standpoint  of no invasion.

The Bush regime seems to have a clear understanding of what desperate straits they were in well before 9-11. The empire is in decline, and this means Americans will have to reconcile themselves to a new world in which their profligate lifestyle becomes a thing of the past. Americans do not understand that this is an irremediable situation. That is why we are witnessing the beginning of what is possibly the most dangerous period in human history.

If the administration decides miraculously in the next few days not to invade, the most unthinkable risks will recede significantly. But this Junta has repeatedly displayed a reckless adventurist streak that alarms even their own political allies, and it appears that the hotter heads will prevail.

The actual tactical situation, never terribly auspicious because of the Kurdish wild card that receives far too little attention (and which I will address later), has deteriorated for the US. The denial of a ground front from both Saudi Arabia and Turkey has completely reshuffled the tactical deck, and caused many a sleepless night for harried commanders from Task Force Headquarters all the way down to lonely infantry platoon leaders.

The ground attack will now go through Kuwait, a single front across which an unbelievable series of heavy, expensive, high-maintenance convoys will pass, many on long journeys to 18 provincial capitals, 19 military bases, 8 major oil fields, over 1,000 miles of pipeline, key terrain along minority Shia and Kurdish regions, as well as Baghdad. But attacking forces are not the only mechanized ground forces.

The huge logistical trains that must consolidate objectives, set up long-term lines of communication, and deliver daily support, will also be held up until airheads are seized within Iraq to augment ground transportation with airlifts of people and equipment. This shifts a higher emphasis onto airhead seizures (and therefore Ranger units), and forces the security of the airheads themselves before they can become fully functional.

Baghdad may require a siege, which has already been planned, but now that siege doesnt begin without a much lengthier invasion timeline that depends much more heavily on airborne and airmobile forces that can be dropped onto key facilities to hold them until mechanized reinforcement can arrive. At this writing, the 101st Airborne (which is actually a helicopter division) has not even completed its deployment into the region. Sections of the 82nd Airborne (a genuine paratroop division) are still occupying Afghanistan.

The increased dependence on airlift is further complicated by weather. While extreme summer heat doesnt reach Iraq until May, the pre-summer sand storms have already begun. US commanders have pooh-poohed the effect of these storms, but they are simply putting on a brave face for the public. Sand can be a terrible enemy. It clogs engine intakes, just as it clogs eyes and noses, gathers in the folds of skin, falls in food, works its way into every conceivable piece of equipment, and takes a miserable toll on materiel, machinery and troops. When air operations become more critical to overall mission accomplishment, and when light forces (like airmobile and airborne divisions) are operating independent of heavier mechanized logistics, weather like sand storms matters...a lot.

The order of battle is widely available on the web, and there's no reason to recount it here. The reason is, even with all these debilities and setbacks, the results 

[CTRL] Wolfowitz Had CIA Probe Blix

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Wolfowitz Had CIA 
Probe UN Diplomat in Charge 

By Walter Pincus and Colum Lynch 

Washington Post 
April 15, 2002 

In an unusual move, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz earlier this year asked the CIA to investigate the performance of Swedish diplomat Hans Blix, chairman of the new United Nations team that was formed to carry out inspections of Iraq's weapons programs. 

Wolfowitz's request, involving Blix's leadership of the International Atomic Energy Agency, illuminates the behind-the- scenes skirmishing in the Bush administration over the prospect of renewed U.N. weapons inspections in Iraq. 

The government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is negotiating with U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan on the return of arms inspectors, although Iraq asked Friday for a postponement of talks scheduled for next week. Iraq's U.N. ambassador said Baghdad did not want to divert attention from the Israeli-Palestinian crisis. 

Hussein has given no indication about whether he will agree to new inspections. But senior Pentagon civilians such as Wolfowitz and their allies elsewhere in the administration fear that a go-ahead by the Iraqi leader could delay and possibly fatally undermine their overall goal to launch a military campaign against Iraq. 

The inspection issue has become "a surrogate for a debate about whether we go after Saddam," said Richard N. Perle, an adviser to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld as chairman of the Defense Policy Board. 

Officials gave contradictory accounts of Wolfowitz's reaction to the CIA report, which the agency returned in late January with the conclusion that Blix had conducted inspections of Iraq's declared nuclear power plants "fully within the parameters he could operate" as chief of the Vienna-based agency between 1981 and 1997. 

A former State Department official familiar with the report said Wolfowitz "hit the ceiling" because it failed to provide sufficient ammunition to undermine Blix and, by association, the new U.N. weapons inspection program. 

But an administration official said Wolfowitz "did not angrily respond" when he read the report because he ultimately concluded that the CIA had given only a "lukewarm assessment." The official said the CIA played down U.S. criticism of Blix in 1997 for closing the energy agency's books on Iraq after an earlier U.N. inspection program discovered Baghdad had an ongoing weapons development program. 

Whatever the outcome, the request for a CIA investigation underscored the degree of concern by Wolfowitz and his civilian colleagues in the Pentagon that new inspections -- or protracted negotiations over them -- could torpedo their plans for military action to remove Hussein from power. "The hawks' nightmare is that inspectors will be admitted, will not be terribly vigorous and not find anything," said a former U.S. official. "Economic sanctions would be eased, and the U.S. will be unable to act." 

A former member of the previous U.N. inspection team said the Wolfowitz group is "afraid Saddam will draw us in to a diplomatic minuet." "While we will have disputes, they will be solved at the last minute and the closer it comes to the 2004 elections the more difficult it will be to take the military route," the former official said. 

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and his associates at the State Department, who have been more cautious about a military campaign against Iraq, take a different view. They "see the inspection issue as a play that buys time to enlarge a coalition for an eventual move against Saddam," according to a former White House foreign policy specialist. 

State Department officials also argue that Hussein will inevitably create conditions for the failure of the U.N. inspections, by setting down unacceptable terms or thwarting the inspectors inside Iraq so they have to withdraw. 

Blix's inspection organization -- the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission -- has inherited the mandate from the U.N. Special Commission on Iraq, or UNSCOM. UNSCOM was established after the 1991 Persian Gulf War to eradicate all of Iraq's proscribed weapons before U.N. sanctions against Baghdad could be lifted. It was disbanded eight years later after the inspectors were withdrawn. 

In the event Iraq agrees to allow inspectors back, Blix and his associates have been establishing the framework for a new inspections program. 

In its resolution establishing the new commission, the U.N. Security Council offered to suspend sanctions on Iraq if it cooperates with the inspectors. "The expression of full compliance is not used in the resolution," noted Rolf Ekeus, the former executive chairman of UNSCOM. "It states there shall be cooperation in all respects." 

Determining the level of cooperation required will be done by Blix based on a list of "key remaining disarmament tasks," according to the resolution. Among those tasks 

Re: [CTRL] Wake up, fellow travelers

2003-03-17 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 04:18  PM, Joshua Tinnin wrote:

-Caveat Lector-

Have you not figured out that millions of people were not marching for
Marxism? It doesn't matter what people involved with ANSWER might
think, if
the people who are marching will not support them in their communist
This type of article attempts to gt people to abandon the anti-war
by becoming disillusioned in the movement's leaders. But what I don't
think you realize is that almost none of the people who marched even
who ANSWER is. They aren't marching for ANSWER, they are marching
the war. If ANSWER wants to have people march for communism, they will
to find other followers, and the people who marched for peace would do
with ANSWER or without them.
Wrong once more, O pawn of the pacifists.


The Fifth Column Left Declares War

By David Horowitz
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 17, 2003
We have long warned on these pages that the peace movement is not about
peace, that it is a fifth column communist movement to destroy America
and give victory to our totalitarian enemies. Now this Fifth Column is
preparing to move into action to attempt to defeat America in its war
against Saddam.
On the day after the U.S. military action in Iraq begins, the Fifth
Column is preparing to begin its own war at home. The plan is to cause
major disruptions  illegal in nature  in cities across the country to
disrupt the flow of normal civic life. These actions will tie up
Homeland Security forces and create a golden opportunity for domestic
terrorists. The Fifth Column left is also planning to invade military
bases. Here is a report from Salon.coms Michelle Goldberg:
[Camp] Vandenberg is about 50 miles north Santa Barbara, Calif.  In a
few days, activists will start converging on a nearby four-acre plot of
land. They're going to camp there and train to breach the base's
security and possibly vandalize some of its equipment. The [leader of
the activists] describes the base as the electronic nerve center of
the global-surveillance-targeting, weapons-guidance, and
military-command satellites that will largely direct the war. The base
is 99,000 square acres, with a perimeter running through rugged, wooded
terrain. If people are committed and determined and in halfway decent
physical shape, it is possible to get in, because it's enormous and
much of the land is still fairly wild, he says.  Within the base, [the
action leader] says, are major off-limits security zones, that, when
breached, set off a series of responses in their own security
procedures which require disruption and partial shut down of regular
activities, which means the base can't operate at full capacity. [1]
Here is the Internet call to arms for New York City from a group
calling itself No Blood for Oil (caps in original)
The No Blood For Oil! Resistance Campaign is calling on all those who
oppose the war, to join us in making the first day of concentrated US
attack on Iraq an International Day of Civil Resistance! We'll be
rallying in New York's Times Square at 5 p.m. that day - or 5 p.m. the
next day, if the US assault begins at night - to inaugurate a campaign
of civil resistance that will continue as long as U.S. aggression does.
NO BUSINESS AS USUAL! (www.nbfo.net)
Similar actions are planned for San Francisco (actagainstwar.com), Los
Angeles (ainfos.ca/en/ainfos11175.html), and the nations capital,
Washington DC (dc.indymedia.org) The DC plan calls for five different
actions designed to cause major domestic disruption:
These will be direct action oriented, unpermitted demonstrations to
interrupt Business as Usual in the Capital of Capital and to raise the
social costs of the US Government to Wage war on Iraq and the world...
The above actions will be carried out by the main forces of the Fifth
Column communist peace movement. The violence will be spear-headed by
the anarchist Black Bloc.
(www.dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=52540group=webcast). This
is a collection of anarchist affinity groups (see War Room #5 for a
description of affinity groups) who dress in black with faces covered
to facilitate illegal actions. (A clearing house website for the Black
Bloc is www.infoshop.org/blackbloc.html) These are the groups that
caused massive disruption and damage during the anti-globalizations
riots in Seattle, and have wreaked civil havoc in other American cities.
There will also be larger law-breaking demonstrations timed for the
day after our soldiers enter Iraq. The stated intent of the large
communist[2] peace organizations (United for Peace and Justice, Not In
Our Name and International ANSWER) is to interrupt the flow of normal
life. Since the organizers cannot know the date when military action
will begin and thus cannot get permits for their events, these are

[CTRL] A Leftist Who Woke Up

2003-03-17 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

Peace Marchers Out of Step
By Christopher Hitchens
Mirror.co.uk | February 20, 2003
I HAD hoped that it would pour with rain during last Saturday's march
for peace.
Why? Exactly a week earlier in northern Iraq, a brave minister of the
autonomous Kurdish government was foully done to death by a bunch of
bin Laden clones calling themselves Ansar al-Islam.
Shawkat Mushir was lured under a flag of truce into a dirty ambush, in
which he and several innocent bystanders - including an eight-year-old
girl - were murdered.
There is already war in this part of Iraq, and on one side stands an
elected Kurdish government with a multi-party system, 21 newspapers,
four female judges, and a secular constitution.
In this area of an otherwise wretched and terrified country, oil
revenues are spent on schools and roads and hospitals instead of for
the upkeep of a parasitic and cruel military oligarchy.
The survivors of ethnic cleansing and torture and poison gas and
chemical weapons - genocidal tactics which have cost the lives of at
least 200,000 civilians - are rebuilding.
And they are fighting both the al-Qaeda forces and the tyranny of
Saddam Hussein, which operate in an unspoken but increasingly obvious
alliance. It's a sort of Hitler-Stalin pact.
In my opinion, these brave Kurds and their friends in the Iraqi
opposition are fighting and dying on our behalf - and tackling our
enemies for us.
It should be a cause for great pride that pilots of the Royal Air Force
take a leading share in patrolling the skies over northern Iraq,
protecting a decade-long experiment in successful regime change.
DURING the many years I spent on the Left, the cause of
self-determination for Kurdistan was high on the list of principles and
priorities - there are many more Kurds than there are Palestinians and
they have been staunch fighters for democracy in the region.
It would have been a wonderful thing if hundreds of thousands of people
had flooded into London's Hyde Park and stood in solidarity with this,
one of the most important struggles for liberty in the world today.
Instead, the assortment of forces who assembled demanded, in effect,
that Saddam be allowed to keep the other five-sixths of Iraq as his own
personal torture chamber.
There are not enough words in any idiom to describe the shame and the
disgrace of this.
I went to the last such peace demonstration in Hyde Park last autumn
and found it was pretty easy to distinguish between the two main
These were:

(1) Those who knew what they were doing and

(2) Those who did not.

Among the first tendency - the animating and organising force - were an
easily-recognisable bunch of clapped-out pseudo-Marxists who, deep in
their hearts, have a nostalgia for the days of the one-party State and
who secretly regard Saddam as an anti-imperialist.
They were assisted by an impressive number of fundamentalist Muslims,
who mouth the gibberish slogans of holy war but who don't give a damn
for the suffering inflicted by Saddam on their co-religionists.
A more gruesome political alliance I have never seen.

Then came the sincere, fuddled stage-army of the good - people who
think that a remark such as peace is better than war is an argument
in itself. Their latest cry is that inspections should be given more
time. I am always impressed by sweet people who are evidence-proof.
The surveillance tapes recently played to the United Nations show
conclusively, among other things, that the ranks of the inspectors
have been heavily penetrated by Iraqi secret police agents, who now
know where and when inspections will be.
So let's have more time for a lot more of that, shall we? And don't
let's ask what Saddam wants the extra time for.
Just in the past few weeks, every stop-gap straw-man argument of the
peaceniks has been shot down in flames.
Yes, dear, I am afraid that there are bin Laden agents taking shelter
in Baghdad.
Yes, Mr bin Laden seems to think that Saddam's cause is, with
reservations, one that a Muslim fascist ought to support. Yes, there
are weapons and systems, found even by the bumbling inspectors, that
Saddam had sworn he did not have.
Yes, sorry to break it to you but the Iraqi regime does have a special
police department that inspects the inspectors.
And - are you sitting down? - the French are owed several billion
dollars by Saddam for their past help in supplying the sinews of
aggression against Iran, Kuwait and Kurdistan.
The Russian government, too, is seeking lucrative contracts in the
Iraqi market and is being rewarded with such contracts for its slithery
behaviour at the UN.
Excuse me, comrades, but that is blood for oil.

Meanwhile, 14 or so European governments, including most of those
recently emancipated from Stalinism and also the only Muslim state in
Europe (Albania), have signed a statement supporting the case for the
removal of Saddam's wicked, conspiring, menacing regime.
I think I would prefer to have Vaclav Havel in my corner than the

Re: [CTRL] A Leftist Who Woke Up

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
Blah blah blah...I thought this subject line would've referred to your pal Horowitz...or Kristol or Podhoretz...so you got me there. 

A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Noam Chomsky Twice Foolish

2003-03-17 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

Hate America Guru Faulted

By Marc Miyake
RightWingNews.com | March 17, 2003
Many conservatives regard Chomsky as a linguist who falters out of his
field. Unfortunately, they are giving Chomsky too much credit.
Chomsky's linguistics are as warped as his politics.
As someone with a PhD in linguistics, I think I am qualified to judge
his professional credentials.
Prior to Chomsky, linguists engaged in a lot of data collection to
understand the diversity of human language. I'm vehemently anti-PC, but
in this case, I think the word 'diversity' is justified. There's a lot
out there, and someone's got to catalog it.
However, Chomsky rejected this approach. He wanted to look into
something deeper' (academese for 'pretentious and nonexistent'). So he
invented something called 'universal grammar' which is somehow
programmed into us at birth. Now it is obvious to anyone who's studied
a foreign language that there is no such thing as 'universal grammar':
there are a lot of differences between any two languages' structures.
How does Chomsky account for these differences? He claims that we
formulate 'deep structures' in our heads using 'universal grammar'.
Then we use 'transformations' to change these (invisible, nonexistent)
'deep structures' into 'surface structures' (which are what we actually
say and write). There are innumerable problems with this. For starters:
1. Where did this 'universal grammar' come from, and how did it end up
becoming part of our biology? Not many Chomskyans are interested in
evolutionary biology. 'Universal grammar' simply IS. (I myself suspect
that there may be a universal grammar sans scare quotes, but I doubt
that it has much in common with Chomskyan 'universal grammar'.)
2. How can we see this 'universal grammar' and 'deep structures' if
they are hidden behind 'transformations'?
3. How can we see the 'transformations'?

4. How can any child learn the 'transformations' (which are extremely
complex and often counterintuitive, even to university graduate
students in linguistics)?
Since no one can see 'universal grammar', 'deep structures', or
'transformations', one can imagine ANYTHING and create a maze of rules
to convert ghost forms into what is actually being said and written.
The Chomskyan approach to grammar is oddly English-like, even though
many languages are UNlike English. This has absurd but dangerous
1. As a friend of mine pointed out, Chomsky, the enemy of AmeriKKKa,
is actually an ethnocentric advocate of imposing an English-like
structure on all of the languages of the world.
Imagine if some professor said that there was a 'universal religion'
programmed into us at birth. What if this person were, say, Buddhist?
How would he explain the diversity of faiths around the world? He would
say that all deities are 'transformations' of the 'underlying Buddha',
all religious codes (e.g., the Ten Commandments, Sharia) are
'transformations' of the 'underlying dharma (Buddhist law)', etc. But,
you then ask, how could a Muslim knowing nothing of Buddhism be an
'underlying Buddhist'? The professor would answer: 'Underlying
religion' just IS.
Ridiculous? But that's how Chomskyans approach language.

2. This (let's be frank) *junk science* is very convenient for lazy
academics who do not want to do real research but want to appear
'profound'. Chomskyans compete to create 'deep structures' that are the
furthest from reality and the most complex 'transformations' possible.
Never mind that neither of these non-entities can be depicted or tested
except in a circular manner: This transformation Z exists because it
is needed to change deep structure X to surface structure Y. Deep
structure X exists because if you take surface structure Y and undo
transformation Z, you can see X underneath. I know of NO hard science
(e.g., neurological) evidence for any of this. But the jargon sure
looks impressive. This site parodies Chomskyan obscurantist writing by
generating unreadable prose worthy of the master himself:

3. The combination of junk science and junk politics has made Chomsky
an attractive - and unstoppable - juggernaut in the academic world.
Academics - mostly left-wing to begin with - agree with his politics
and assume his linguistics are as 'good'. Linguists who reject the
Chomskyan paradigm such as myself are often either marginalized or shut
out of the profession entirely. And not a few of Chomsky's linguistic
opponents agree with his politics, I'd bet. I am the only linguist I
know of who rejects both.
The late Nicholas Poppe, a Soviet emigre who was a master of Oriental
linguistics, had this to say about Chomskyan linguistics in the US
(_Reminiscences_, p. 207):
Unfortunately, _true_ academic freedom, freedom to adhere to a
scholarly theory of one's own choice, is often lacking in American
universities, and scholars who do not comply with currently fashionable
theories have little chance at a university. This makes an 

[CTRL] All we are saying . . .

2003-03-17 Thread Ray Boeche
-Caveat Lector-

The Terrorist Popular Front: The Peace Movement

To be successful in the war against terror, it is necessary to
understand the enemy and his strategies, how he forms his alliances and
how he shapes his tactics to achieve his goals.
In President Bush's first address to Congress after 9/11, he correctly
identified the forces that attacked us as the heirs of all the
murderous ideologies of the 20th century, who followed in the path of
fascism, Nazism and totalitarianism. The religious roots of the
present threat are radical Islam, but its politics are the familiar
strategies of the Cold War Communist left.
THE COMMUNIST AGENDA: In the 1930s, the Communist movement devised a
strategy for weakening and subverting democratic societies, which
changed the nature of revolutionary politics forever, and profoundly
increased the threat that revolutionaries posed. Until then, the
Communist parties had openly declared their revolutionary agendas,
which were anti-Western and anti-democratic, and required illegal and
criminal means to achieve. Communists were for the dictatorship of the
proletariat and intended to achieve this dictatorship through a civil
war in the western democracies. Their primary agenda of course was to
provide frontier guards to defend the Soviet Union and its
dictatorship, because that was the revolutionary base. But openly
declaring their Communist agendas insured that they would be and remain
a fringe minority in democratic societies, and that is what happened.
THE POPULAR FRONT: Then, in 1935, the Communist parties adopted a new
tactic, which they called the Popular Front. The agendas of the Popular
Front were framed in terms of the fundamental values of the societies
the Communists intended to destroy. In place of the dictatorship of
the proletariat and an international civil war, the Communists
organized coalitions for democracy, justice and peace.
Nothing had changed in the philosophy and goals of the Communists, but
by advocating (or seeming to advocate) democracy, justice and peace,
they were able to forge broad alliances with individuals and groups who
had no inkling of their true agendas or - in any case -- believed them
to be less sinister and dangerous than they were. Working through the
Popular Front they had formed with liberal groups, the Communists
were able to hide their conspiratorial activities, form peace
movements, and increase their own numbers until they became a
formidable political force.
THE CURRENT PEACE MOVEMENT: Many observers of the current peace
movement that has been launched in America and the West to oppose
efforts to disarm Saddam Hussein have been puzzled at its rapid growth,
size and elaborate organization. They wonder how this peace movement
could fail to call on Saddam to disarm, express such deeply cynical
views of America's motives (blood for oil) and identify the United
States itself as a terrorist state and the threat to peace. The answer
is that the organizers of the peace demonstrations are veteran
Communists and the movement itself is an exemplary expression of the
strategy of the popular front.
On March 5, a nationwide student protest was organized by the National
Youth and Student Peace Coalition. At Stanford University, to pick one
site, hundreds of students went on strike and 26 Stanford professors
cancelled their classes in sympathy with the strike.
The National Youth and Student Peace Coalition has a website
(www.nyspc.net) where the Stanford organizers of the strike are plainly
listed (www.nyspc.net/strikelist.html) as the Stanford Labor Action
Coalition and the Young Communist League - the youth branch of the
Communist Party, U.S.A. Clara Webb, the president of the Stanford Young
Communist League is listed as the contact person for both organizations.
National Youth and Student Peace Coalition are not only Communists, but
radical Muslims. Andy Burns, spokesman for the Coalition told the
Washington Times, The way the student peace movement has worked since
September 11 is we've formed coalitions on most campuses. The Muslim
Student Association is usually, if not most of the time active because
Muslims are a target population.
In fact, it is Americans who are the target population. Radical Muslism
are the terrorists who attacked us. The idea that America is the world
aggressor - the Great Satan - is the quasi-religious belief that forges
the alliance between atheist Communists and religious fundamentalists.
The strategy of the Popular Front - proclaiming its goals as peace
and justice -- is the deception that hauls in the rest.
David Horowitz

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is 

[CTRL] clergy abuse, smart, propaganda, trance, Amirault, stop the war, TSA notice

2003-03-17 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Accused molester no longer a priest Vatican defrocks notorious Hanley 3/14/03 by Brian T. Murray Star-Ledger Staff "A retired Morris County priest accused of sexually abusing at least a dozen children decades ago has been ejected from the priesthood by Pope John Paul II. The Rev. James T. Hanley, now 65 and long retired, was never criminally prosecuted on the allegations that date back to the 1960s because they were reported years too late. However, under heavy pressure from his victims last year, Hanley voluntarily petitioned the pope in June for laicization, or removal from the priesthood." http://www.nj.com/news/ledger/jersey/index.ssf?/base/news-3/1047626038190650.xml

Finding Elizabeth She was in plain sight. A girl missing for nine months suddenly shows up, alive. Elizabeth Smart's journey to hell and back again-and the healing that lies ahead by Dirk Johnson and Elise Christenson NEWSWEEK March 24, 2003 issue "The Mormon church has publicly disavowed Mitchell and Barzee, releasing a statement last week that the pair had long ago been "excommunicated for activity promoting bizarre teachings and lifestyle far afield from the principles and doctrines of the church." Michael Otterson, a spokesman for the church, would not elaborate on the specifics. But the church considers practicing polygamyofficially forbidden since 1890ground for excommunication." http://www.msnbc.com/news/885457.asp?0cv=KB10cp1=1#BODY

Please note by listing this we are not necessarily endorsing this group. This is fyi only. A Gentle Introduction to Trance Theory Dennis R. Wier - Director, The Trance Institute, Bruetten, Switzerland "I claim that the necessary and sufficient condition for a trance to occur is whenever there is a sustained cognitive object loop of sufficient length of time to cause dissociation. A cognitive object is an abstract way to denote a thought, any thought, whether it is a word, and idea, a feeling, a vision. When a set of cognitive objects repeat often enough, you will go into a trance." "Most forms of neurotic and psychotic behavior exhibit repeated actions or verbalizations. From a trance theory perspective, any repeated cognitive object loop induces a trance with a consequent disabling of cognitive functions. It is too early to state with conviction which loops cause which cognitive functions to become disabled, or to identify specific therapeutic strategies for pathological trance. But, the application of trance theory to these behaviors is promising." http://www.trance.edu/intro.htm

Propaganda Critic Index of Site Dedicated to Propaganda Analysis - Word games, Name-calling, Glittering generalities, Euphemisms, False connections, Transfer, Testimonial, Special Appeals, Plain Folks, Bandwagon, Fear, Logical fallacies, Bad Logic or propaganda?, Unwarranted extrapolation http://www.propagandacritic.com/

Amirault loses plea for commutation By John Ellement, Globe Staff, 3/15/2003 "In a move that keeps Governor Mitt Romney from becoming entangled in the notorious Fells Acres Day School case, the Advisory Board of Pardons said yesterday that the prison sentence of convicted child molester Gerald Amirault should not be commuted and Amirault should seek freedom through a standard parole hearing later this year." http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/074/metro/Amirault_loses_plea_for_commutation+.shtml

Church offers $4m payout for abuse 17 March 2003 "Fifty-six men allegedly abused as boys at a Christchurch Catholic residential school are being offered compensation payments totalling $4 million. The St John of God Order hopes the payments - the largest ever offered by a religious order in New Zealand - will bring a "sad and sorry situation to closure". The Australasian head of the Order, Brother Peter Burke, said yesterday that he had written to 56 of more than 70 complainants offering them compensation for the sexual abuse they allegedly suffered at Marylands, a Christchurch school for boys with intellectual and learning disabilities run by the Order until 1984." http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2335017a10,00.html

MoveOn_org Emergency Appeal to the U_N
To send a letter to the UN to try and stop the war. 
Emergency Appeal to the U.N. 
President Bush is pushing hard for a second Security Council resolution that would authorize war against Iraq. But millions of us believe that a war on Iraq would be wrong -- especially when tough inspections can disarm Saddam Hussein without the loss of a single life. 

Suitcase surprise: Rebuke written on inspection notice By Susan Gilmore Seattle Times staff reporter Seth Goldberg says that when he opened his suitcase in San Diego after a flight from Seattle this month, the two "No Iraq War" signs he'd picked up at the Pike Place Market were still nestled among his clothes. But there was a third sign, he said, 

[CTRL] MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis (fwd)

2003-03-17 Thread William Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to
the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all.

 visit my web site at
http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 12:36:28 -0700
From: Media Research Center IS Staff
Subject: MRC Web News - Our Latest Analysis


Media Research Center
America's Media Watchdog
Bringing Political Balance and
Responsibility to the Media

MRC Web News: Our Latest Analysis
March 17 , 2003
…Daily updates on MRC's latest analysis

Today’s CyberAlert:

1. Jennings Advances His Anti-War Agenda as Sunday Night Anchor
The summit in the Azores, Peter Jennings sniffed Sunday night, was just
“a summit of the convinced, some people said, when the time might have
been used to work on those who are not convinced that war is the way to
go.” Jennings also pressed a retired Lt. General to agree that “the U.S.
would be somewhat readier if we waited a little longer” and highlighted a
small anti-war protest as he insisted there is one “somewhere every day
now.” From Baghdad, Dan Harris trumpeted Iraq's “continued cooperation
with the weapons inspectors” before an ABC reporter discovered that in a
small Indiana town “many...are not convinced the man they helped elect
President is making the right choice when it comes to war.”

2. George W. the “Dumbest” President? Plausible to Andy Rooney
60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney admitted on Sunday night that he found
perfectly plausible the Internet claim that, based on his IQ, George W.
Bush was the “dumbest” President in the past 60 years. “It sounded
possible and I foolishly tried to find the Levenstein Institute,” Rooney
conceded in noting how the charge was a “hoax.”

3. CNBC Notes Difference in Media Interest in Moran vs. Lott
CBS on Friday night picked up on Democratic Congressman Jim Moran's
blaming of Jews for driving the new war on Iraq, leaving ABC as the only
network evening newscast to yet touch the controversy. And on CNBC, Joe
Johns noted the similarity with the Trent Lott case but differing media
reaction: Moran's comments were the most public recent blunder by a
member of Congress since Senator Trent Lott lost his leadership position
for racially insensitive remarks in December. But Moran's mistake has so
far failed to generate as much attention as Lott's did.

4. Boston Globe Editor Defends Reporting as Helpful to Hussein
Hey Saddam, be nice to us journalists since we are helping you spread
your propaganda! Reacting to Iraq's expulsion of a Boston Globe reporter
for using a satellite phone in his hotel room to file a story, the
paper's Foreign Editor, Jim Smith, told the AP: It was a story that
should have been regarded as useful for Iraq in telling its story and
responding to allegations that it had a very impressive and dangerous

See today’s entire CyberAlert at:


Media Research Center DisHonor Awards On Sale Now!
Tickets are now on sale for the MRC's
DisHonor Awards: Roasting the Most Outrageously Biased Liberal Reporters
of 2002.

The 3rd Annual DisHonor Awards will take place the evening of
Thursday, March 27 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

For all the details:


The MRC has a unique opportunity that would greatly benefit our work to
expose the left-wing agenda of the national media. But it can only be
realized with your support
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Notable Quotables
ABC’s “Straightforward” Question

“In the past several weeks, your policy on Iraq has generated opposition
from the governments of France, Russia, China, Germany, Turkey, the Arab
League, and many other countries; opened a rift at NATO and at the UN;
and drawn millions of ordinary citizens around the world into the streets
in anti-war protests. May I ask what went wrong that so many governments
and peoples around the world now not only disagree with you very
strongly, but see the U.S. under your leadership as an arrogant power?”

Find out who said the quote and many more, read today's Notable 

[CTRL] Is Lady Liberty a Terrorist?

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Is Lady Liberty a Terrorist?
by George F. Smith

As the Administration takes note of anyone who defies them, one can only surmise that France is in line to get hit. I'm not talking about boycotts or Big Brother's smug delight in renaming its French fries "freedom fries," showing us how it corrupts anything it touches, especially language. I'm not even concerned that France will get swept up in the Bush bombing sweepstakes. The French have too many villains ahead of them on the neocons most-wanted list. 

No, I worry for the woman, the Lady in the harbor, the one with upraised arm carrying the torch for liberty. The French people gave her to us in 1886 as a token of friendship, with Americans putting up the money for the pedestal. It almost sounds made-up  a monument dedicated to our founding principles, funded through donations rather than taxes or central bank counterfeiting. 

Given what the United States was in 1886 it could not have been otherwise. Our founding principles ruled. There was no income tax. There was no central bank. Government was not regulating us into serfdom. We were not constantly on the verge of war with other nations. People here were mostly free to live the life they wanted. Other countries actually admired America for what it stood for. 

But all that has changed, and this could be a problem for the Administration. In its frenzy to condemn everything French, how will it handle the Statue of Liberty? If someone mentions the Lady's French origins, the Administration spokesperson will probably quip that those were better times and move on to another subject. 

But government might treat the situation as an opportunity, as it did the 9-11 attacks. Perhaps instead of shrugging off the lady's French connections, Big Brother will order her history megaphoned throughout the kingdom: 

"Lady Betrayed by French Roots"
"She's No Lady, She's French"
"If Lady Ruled, Troops Would Come Home" 

What would the Administration gain from declaring open season on the Lady? Removal of a standing reproach to its policies. Today's ruinous government is a repudiation of the Statue of Liberty. Consider the words inscribed on her pedestal  Emma Lazurus wrote them in her poem, "The New Colossus": 

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to be free,
The wretched refuge of your teeming shore.
Send these  the homeless, tempest-tossed  to me.
I lift my lamp beside the Golden Door. 

The preceding are the closing lines of her poem  no reproach there. But look at the first part of "The New Colossus": 

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch whose flame
Is imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. 
"Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!" cries she with silent lips. 

The likeness of America today to "the brazen giant of Greek fame" is too close for Administration comfort. Lazurus' poem suggests we have sold our soul for power. Further, the tablet the Lady holds in her left hand bears the inscription "July IV, MDCCLXXVI "  July 4, 1776, the day Americans declared themselves supreme to their government. 

The Administration, of course, recognizes no earthly supremacy. So how can they get rid of her? If they can get people hating the Lady for her French origin, Americans would be more receptive to a politically correct view of liberty, and that might get her axed. 

The Statue of Liberty? A nice sentiment, but a little misguided for our Age of Neo-Enlightment. Liberty as originally conceived was racist and elitist  Jefferson must've winked when he wrote all men are created equal and endowed with inalienable rights. The sly fox, who did he think he was kidding? Fortunately for mankind, the Savior returned to earth as a politician named Abraham Lincoln to start us on the road to inclusive liberty. But the word "liberty" remains tainted, so a statue dedicated to that ideal will invariably offend someone with pull. 

The Lady arrived here in 350 pieces and was assembled on her pedestal in four months. She can always be disassembled. Of course, the Administration could simply have her bombed out of existence, since she stands in opposition to their policies and is, therefore, a terrorist. 

With the Lady gone, Big Brother can create a memorial honoring the New Liberty of diversity, privilege, and empire  the New Liberty, where sacrifice to government goals is our true calling, where patriotism is obedience to state decree, where government-business cabals determine who will be expended for special interests; the New Liberty, where unrestrained government power is our only hope for freedom. 

The form of this new memorial will follow politically enlightened lines. 


2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, March 17, 2003

MARCH 17. AP writes a story about itself. Seems that last September, a package of documents was fedexed from Manila to Washington, from one AP reporter to another. 

The package was opened and confiscated by customs agents in Indianapolis. The agents found an FBI lab report on materials seized from a Filipino apartment rented by convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef. 

Here is the line in the recent AP article I love. The [AP] reporters [in Manila] were working on a research projectabout the [US] governments concerns before April 19, 1995 [the day of the Oklahoma bombing], that white supremacists might bomb a [US] government building. 

As we all know, if youre looking for white supremacists, the Philippines is the place to start. Forget Mississippi and Alabama. Fly to Manila. And Ramzi Yousef is known as an arch white supremacist. Wasnt he, at one time, the imperial wizard of the KKK? 

Anyway, the customs agents took the package in Indianapolis and passed it on to the FBI. AP in Washington never got it. Fed Ex reported it as lost. Finally, AP figured out what happened. Something to do with freedom of the press. 

Im doing a full court press to find photos of Ramzi Yousef in a white hood. 

No, dear reader, something else is behind this whole mess. It has to do with Terry Nichols, McVeighs pal. About 200 independent researchers know that Nichols visited the Philippines before the OKC bombing. It appears he met there with some distinctly non-Aryan terrorists. 

The US government has been trying for many years to obscure that link to the OKC bombing---because the cover story in place was, the attack on the Murrah Federal Building was all the work of USA home-grown nutcases. 

Why the cover story? Because in 1995 there was a very powerful anti-government movement in the US. And it wasnt all militia people. Some counties were declaring their independence from Washington. There was a big land-use battle brewing in the far west. It had to do with grazing rights and who really controlled millions of acres of public land in western states. Tax protestors were springing up like weeds. 

What was needed, from Washingtons point of view, was a poster boy for this radical revolt. And that boy was McVeigh. The kid who would, in effect, stand for all anti-government sentiment and discredit it in one stroke. 

The gloss was: white boy, militant, bomber, militia-type, anti-government, federal building destroyed, babies killed, nation mourns, COME BACK TO THE GOVERNMENT, COME HOME TO THE GOVERNMENT. 

Clinton won his second term on the back of that. 

So no dude named Ramzi was going to be implicated in the OKC bombing. It would have spoiled the propaganda-mind control op. 

AP down there in the Philippines has found, or is close to finding, a real link between Nichols and non-American terrorists. So APs little package was stopped in Indianapolis and buried by the FBI. 

I should also point out that Clinton permitted, after Gulf War One, the emigration to the US of a number of Iraqi Republican Guard soldiers. These were supposedly men who had helped the US against Saddam. Perhaps 1500 in all. 

If it turned out that any of these men had, in fact, participated, at any level, in the multi-layered operation---the Oklahoma bombing---all bets would have been off. Clinton would have been in the boiling pot. 

Another reason to limit the OKC investigation to McVeigh and Nichols. 

Enter Jayna Davis, one-time reporter for the NBC TV affiliate in Oklahoma City. For the past eight years, shes been trying to GIVE several thousand pages of documents and affidavits and witness testimonies to the FBI. The FBI treats this material like its covered with anthrax. They wont take it. 

Davis states that a man named Hussain Al-Hussaini, who resided in OKC at the time of the bombing, is an ex-Iraqi soldier. And Davis has numerous witness statements that put Hussaini together with McVeigh in the time leading up to the bombing. 

Hussaini sued Davis for these remarks. His case was thrown out on November 17, 1999. 

Davis states that Hussaini left OKC at some point after the bombing and ended up working at Logan Airport in Boston, the take-off point for one of the planes that staged 9/11. 

Davis states that Terry Nichols was in Cebu City, the Philippnes, in December of 1994, at the time when Ramzi Yousef traveled there. 

Remember, that AP package that was seized by customs agents in Indianapolis contained information about materials found in Yousefs apartment in the Philippines. Hello? 

Not long after 9/11, there was a flurry of official interest in the possibility that the OKC bombing investigation had been botched, and that Iraqi nationals were involved in the OKC op. 

Curiously, with all the focus by Bush 2 on finding a reason to attack Iraq, the OKC-Iraqi thread has not been pursued. Why not? 

Because that might uncover the 

[CTRL] Nixon, Bush and the Azores - Could the Past be Prologue?

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

March 17, 2003
Could the Past be Prologue?
Nixon, Bush and the Azores

The last time an American President flew to the Azores for a summit was 1971 when Richard Nixon met French President Georges Pompidou for a discussion of international monetary problems. The two leaders also met with Portuguese Prime Minister Marcello Caetano. In 1971, Pompidou, who had succeeded the independent and nationalistic Charles de Gaulle, began to mend fences with the United States. Nixon became a master of international diplomacy, charting out policies that would open the door to China and begin a process of détente with the Soviet Union. It was an era of Cold War statesmanship and a widespread big power desire to settle conflicts at peace tables and not on battlefields. 

Fast forward to today. President Bush, who has severely damaged, perhaps irreparably, over 60 years of American diplomatic statecraft, has gone to the Azores for a summit with his "coalition of the willing," which now consists of a politically-damaged and Donald Rumsfeld-savaged Tony Blair, Spain's increasingly unpopular Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (who First Bro Jeb Bush thinks is President of a Spanish Republic), and Portugal's Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barroso, who assured the world that there would be no war declaration against Iraq at the summit.

The Azores Summit is one of the most pathetic attempts throughout recent world history to convince international public opinion that some sort of grand coalition exists with a consensus that it is necessary to invade and occupy another country. The summit on the volcanic protrusions in the mid-Atlantic is nothing more than a Madison Avenue-style advertising campaign. Look at the ingredients on the product label known as the "summit" and one will find that it consists of bogus intelligence reports linking Iraq to uranium from Niger (Israel's Likud regime, to no one's surprise, looks like the source of these fabrications), plagiarized academic dissertations, a phony road map to peace in the Middle East, and a 1998 letter to President Clinton from a cabal of neo-conservative GOP courtesans that demanded an immediate attack on Iraq. For those who are not up on the French language during a time when French Fries are Freedom Fries, "courtesan" is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "a prostitute with a courtly, wealthy, or upper-class clientele." An apt description for the likes of Elliot Abrams, John Bolton, Paula Dobriansky, Zalmay Khalilzad, Peter Rodman, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Zoellick and others who signed the 1998 letter and who now call the shots on the war on Iraq. 

The Bush administration may think it enjoys widespread domestic support. But they same cannot be said for Bush's beleaguered British and Spanish colleagues. Blair now faces a growing revolt from his own party that has spread from the House of Commons in London to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh and the Welsh Assembly in Cardiff. Labor Party officials are having trouble staving off anti-war resolutions in all three parliaments. An anti-war resolution in the Scottish Parliament failed by only a few votes and only after the Tories came to the assistance of the Labor majority. It was a replay of what occurred earlier in the House of Commons. Ten British Asian Labor members of Parliament said they will quit if Britain attacks Iraq without Security Council resolution. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw is facing a revolt from anti-war Labor Party members in his own Blackburn constituency. 

Aznar, a former tax collector, faces an electorate that is overwhelmingly against a war with Iraq (75 per cent by some polls). He faces municipal elections in May in which his conservative coalition (which draws its inspiration from Francisco Franco's old Fascist movement) faces a trouncing by opposition parties. 

Further alienating these leaders from their public is the fact they chose to fly to the Azores for a war summit only hours after hundreds of thousands of demonstrators marched in Washington, London, Madrid, and Lisbon. Of course, Bush always leaves town during anti-war protests. He thinks they are merely focus groups. But for Blair, Aznar, and Barroso such arrogance in the face of overwhelming public opinion will spell political disaster. There is already talk that Blair and Aznar might be offered high-paying jobs on the international advisory board of The Carlyle Group in return for their political prostitution. They could then join former President Bush and former Prime Minister John Major among the world's elite multimillionaires who work behind the scenes to identify and wreak financial and political havoc with retaliatory targets of opportunity like Iran, North Korea, Libya, Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, France, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, Chile, Vatican City, Norway, Ireland, Guinea, Cameroon, Angola, 

Re: [CTRL] Wake up, fellow travelers

2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-

So, you think ten million people will go bezerk?

Seriously, the mass of support is in support of peaceful demonstration. Some
are also in favor of non-violent civil disobedience, and that is an honored

If some others have their own agendas which advocate violence or overthrow,
they will be virtually alone in their missions.

- jt

P.S. Horowitz is a crock.

- Original Message -
From: Ray Boeche [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Have you not figured out that millions of people were not marching for
 Marxism? It doesn't matter what people involved with ANSWER might
 think, if
 the people who are marching will not support them in their communist
 This type of article attempts to gt people to abandon the anti-war
 by becoming disillusioned in the movement's leaders. But what I don't
 think you realize is that almost none of the people who marched even
 who ANSWER is. They aren't marching for ANSWER, they are marching
 the war. If ANSWER wants to have people march for communism, they will
 to find other followers, and the people who marched for peace would do
 with ANSWER or without them.

Wrong once more, O pawn of the pacifists.


The Fifth Column Left Declares War

By David Horowitz
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 17, 2003

We have long warned on these pages that the peace movement is not about
peace, that it is a fifth column communist movement to destroy America
and give victory to our totalitarian enemies. Now this Fifth Column is
preparing to move into action to attempt to defeat America in its war
against Saddam.

On the day after the U.S. military action in Iraq begins, the Fifth
Column is preparing to begin its own war at home. The plan is to cause
major disruptions  illegal in nature  in cities across the country to
disrupt the flow of normal civic life. These actions will tie up
Homeland Security forces and create a golden opportunity for domestic
terrorists. The Fifth Column left is also planning to invade military
bases. Here is a report from Salon.coms Michelle Goldberg:

[Camp] Vandenberg is about 50 miles north Santa Barbara, Calif.  In a
few days, activists will start converging on a nearby four-acre plot of
land. They're going to camp there and train to breach the base's
security and possibly vandalize some of its equipment. The [leader of
the activists] describes the base as the electronic nerve center of
the global-surveillance-targeting, weapons-guidance, and
military-command satellites that will largely direct the war. The base
is 99,000 square acres, with a perimeter running through rugged, wooded
terrain. If people are committed and determined and in halfway decent
physical shape, it is possible to get in, because it's enormous and
much of the land is still fairly wild, he says.  Within the base, [the
action leader] says, are major off-limits security zones, that, when
breached, set off a series of responses in their own security
procedures which require disruption and partial shut down of regular
activities, which means the base can't operate at full capacity. [1]

Here is the Internet call to arms for New York City from a group
calling itself No Blood for Oil (caps in original)

The No Blood For Oil! Resistance Campaign is calling on all those who
oppose the war, to join us in making the first day of concentrated US
attack on Iraq an International Day of Civil Resistance! We'll be
rallying in New York's Times Square at 5 p.m. that day - or 5 p.m. the
next day, if the US assault begins at night - to inaugurate a campaign
of civil resistance that will continue as long as U.S. aggression does.
NO BUSINESS AS USUAL! (www.nbfo.net)

Similar actions are planned for San Francisco (actagainstwar.com), Los
Angeles (ainfos.ca/en/ainfos11175.html), and the nations capital,
Washington DC (dc.indymedia.org) The DC plan calls for five different
actions designed to cause major domestic disruption:

These will be direct action oriented, unpermitted demonstrations to
interrupt Business as Usual in the Capital of Capital and to raise the
social costs of the US Government to Wage war on Iraq and the world...

The above actions will be carried out by the main forces of the Fifth
Column communist peace movement. The violence will be spear-headed by
the anarchist Black Bloc.
(www.dc.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=52540group=webcast). This
is a collection of anarchist affinity groups (see War Room #5 for a
description of affinity groups) who dress in black with faces covered
to facilitate illegal actions. (A clearing house website for the Black
Bloc is www.infoshop.org/blackbloc.html) These are the groups that
caused massive disruption and damage during the anti-globalizations
riots in Seattle, and have wreaked civil havoc in other American cities.

There will also be larger law-breaking 

[CTRL] Actions for Liberty and True Patriots

2003-03-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Liberty Action of the Week for March 18th, 2003
Spreading the non-interventionist meme
by Mary Lou Seymour

In last week's column, We don't want your war of aggression, Mr.
Bush, we talked about various anti-war activities we could
participate it, to join not only in the last ditch effort to stop
Bush's current war of Aggression, but to put an end to our country's
slide into imperialism.

As we all know, in order to do this larger goal, we must change the
culture in our society to one that values freedom without aggression,
that teaches that non-aggression is not the same as being weak, that
values non-intervention over imperialism.

This week, let's buckle down for the long haul, and explore materials
to help us spread the meme of non-interventionism in our society
until it is once more as pervasive as it was in the past, when
Americans believed along with President John Quincy Adams, The
United States goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She
is a well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the
champion and vindicator only of her own. If the United States took up
all foreign affairs, it would become entangled in all the wars of
interest and intrigue, which assume the colors and usurp the standard
of freedom. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would
be no longer the ruler of her own soul.

For a history of the anti-imperialist movement in the US from 1898-
1935 see The Anti-Imperalist League; and for info on the widespread
opposition to Roosevelt's obvious attempts to embroil the United
States in the European war that broke out in 1939 see Sheldon
Richman's article on The America First Committee.

A new site devoted to building an effective peace movement through
education on non-intervention and ending the U.S. role as world
policeman is Non-Intervention. Net.

NonInterventionist.Com is another new site supporting the original
American ideal of a non interventionist foreign policy, with links to
popular and scholarly articles on the subject and 2 PDF flyers Non
Interventionism is Pro-American! and Gulf War Fact Sheet.

More leaflets to help you tell neo-conservatives to STOP THEIR
WARMONGERING can be found at NeoCons Bad.

I got a lot of e-mail from last week's column. The most poignant
mentioned that although they were with me, they were scared to say
anything to their friends, family and neighbors or publicly support
the anti-war movement. One fine lady with whom I've corresponded for
years said I have backed off supporting much of anything for fear of
being called a Terrorist backer. And I understand how she feels.
After all, we're living in dangerous times, where citizens are hauled
in for questioning for saying something inappropriate in a Net chat
room on a public access terminal.

But if we let fear still our voices, the forces of totalitarianism
abroad in the land will have already won.

Nonetheless, the old saying Discretion is the better part of valour
may well be appropriate for those of us like my friend quoted above.
If you don't feel safe putting your name to a letter to the editor,
or putting your name on a petition, marching in a protest, or even
flicking your porch lights on and off at 8 PM each night, there are
still anonymous actions you can take, to help spread the non-
intervention meme.

You can seed your community with the message of non internentionism,
using the Simon Jester model. (Simon says No war, no empire, for
example.) You can surreptitiously post some of Kent von Cleave's fine
posters designed to resemble Nazi propaganda posters of the 1930s and
1940s and American WWII propaganda posters to use the themes of the
past to avoid errors in the present or Scott Bieser's or Jack
Russmo's cartoons.

Download and print up a selection of these, and keep a stash
of inflammatory toons  posters in your purse, backpack or hip
pocket, for a bit of free wheeling grass roots anonymous activism.
Kind of like graffiti-ing, but without vandalism. Everywhere you go,
there are spots just begging for a poster/toon/Simon Jester card. (As
you become more accustomed to this, you'll find that you will
automatically scan any new public area you enter, for a good

There are those, of course, there always are, that remain in
their safe places during the dangerous times in history, and close
their eyes and ears to what they know in their heart is the right
course of action. I doubt there are many like that on this list, but
if so, by subscribing to the column you've taken the first step. If
you've just been reading the columns and thinking that well, maybe
next week I'll do something, I urge you to make this the time, this
the week. Even if you must act anonymously, at least YOU will know
you have taken action. Don't look back next month or next year and
wonder what may have turned out differently if only you had done

Til next week
For Freedom!

Mary Lou

PS: I'd like to thank those of you who have sent in donations to keep

[CTRL] With Friends Like These

2003-03-17 Thread Joshua Tinnin
-Caveat Lector-


With Friends Like These
By Lee Robinson
Published 03. 16. 03 at 20:38 Sierra Time

In a war you need to know two things; who are your friends, who is the
enemy. Putting your life on the line in any situation where you cannot
accurately answer those two questions is virtually suicidal. The inability
to distinguish between friend and foe contributed greatly to America's
defeat in Viet Nam and if we are not careful it will do the same in our new
so-called War on Terrorism.

First and foremost, your friends are the people you can trust. If you can't
trust them they aren't your friends. If they aren't your friends, they are
the enemy. We are being told by the government that we must fight a vague
and open ended war against terrorism. We are told that our personal
survival and the survival of our way of life are at stake. But we are told
this by people who have shown themselves to be absolutely untrustworthy, the
very people who pose the greatest threat to our personal survival and our
once free way of life; it is not logical to start believing in compulsive
liars just because they start telling lies about people even worse than they
are. Let me give an example:

They say on the news that a new terrorist training video has appeared. The
video shows al Qaida lunatics rehearsing murderous attacks on schools,
practicing drive-by shootings from pick up trucks and motorcycles, launching
attacks on golf courses, staging the invasion of private homes and ambushing
police officers. The spin being put on this so-called training film by the
government, which the mainstream media will parrot into the living rooms of
the great American herd (those living rooms not yet filled with swarthy
terrorists), is that this is what we can expect to happen soon in the
U.S.of A.

I don't believe a word of it, hell I don't believe a syllable or even a
single letter of it. It seems obvious to me that this is nothing but another
cheap trick designed to further the infantile masses' dependence on Big
Brother. In a week or so they will present us with another list of rights
that are preventing the endless federal agencies from saving us from these
dedicated terrorists. Surrender these rights, we will be told, and we can
still protect you. They may even hint that it will only be temporary.

The whole training film scenario is too preposterous and too obviously
tailored to further frighten that certain juvenile segment of society. Why
would any serious group make such a thing? Were they going to sell copies on
e-Bay to recruit more Islamic nut bars? Maybe they planned a correspondence
course in Destroying The Great Satan and this was to be a teaching aid. Is
anyone so stupid that they have to watch a video to learn how to do a
drive-by shooting? Are we really supposed to believe that al Qaida, who
according to the government lived and plotted among us for years without
being detected by our secret federal police, just left this revealing
evidence in an abandoned house in Afghanistan? It is so obviously
self-serving that it is beyond the day to day treason we have been seeing
these last few years, it's just plain insulting. They can do better than
that, or at least they always used to. They apparently think we are all so
pathetic, frightened and foolish that we will now uncritically believe
anything we are told.

Another news story is claiming that terrorists have infiltrated various
civil rights organizations and are shamelessly using them to subvert the
wonderful new anti-terrorism laws that are so essential to protecting our
freedom. J. Michael Waller, a senior writer for Insight Magazine states;

Terrorists and their supporters are doing their best to weave themselves
into the political fabric of American society, say specialists in homeland
security. They are operating front groups and charities to finance their
operations, and they are running influence operations to weaken federal
antiterrorism laws under the guise of protecting civil liberties. One of
their pet peeves, the article implies, is the new, blatantly
unconstitutional practice of people being charged with crimes based on
secret evidence. This evidence is so sensitive that the accused are not
allowed to know what it is. If the defendants are allowed to view the
evidence against them this will somehow be bad for the Fatherland and anyone
who has a problem with this new policy must, at the very least, be a
terrorist sympathisizer. (And by the way, just what is a specialist in
homeland security? Whatever it is I'm sure it will make an important
addition to some neo-Nazi's resume.)

Referring to liberal civil-liberties groups, libertarians and
small-government conservatives, Waller says that The same groups, an
Insight investigation shows, worked after the Sept. 11, 2001, al-Qaeda
airliner attacks to gut the Bush administration's tough new antiterrorism
package. Well, duh, Mike. Anyone believing in the 

[CTRL] Moderate Muslims fear fundamentalist backlash from war

2003-03-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

from the March 18, 2003 edition -

Moderate Muslims fear fundamentalist backlash from war

Terrorist leaders recruit with claims of a global, US-led 'crusade' against
By Dan Murphy | Special to the Christian Science Monitor

SINGAPORE - One of America's stated goals for an invasion of Iraq is to
bring a more open political system to that country. US officials say a
postwar Iraq might just prove a model for Muslim nations across the globe.

But from Pakistan to Indonesia, Islamic reformers who are allies of
pluralism and moderation are watching the kmassing of US troops in the Gulf
with something approaching panic. They expect an Iraq war to galvanize
Muslim populations - but not in the way the US hopes. They fear that in the
slipstream of invasion will be a surge of global Muslim anger that will play
into the hands of fundamentalist politicians and curtail reformers'

A unilateral US war in Iraq will put the moderates and liberals in the
Islamic world in a difficult position,'' says Andrew Tan, a political
scientist at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies in Singapore.
The reality will be the creation of greater support for the radicals.

That support is by and large peaceful, but on its far fringes, it feeds
terrorism. Fundamentalist leaders recruit with claims that a global, US-led
crusade against Muslims can be countered only with Islamic unity and
government. In deposition after deposition, terrorists with links to Al
Qaeda - whether Indonesian operatives involved in last year's bomb attack in
Bali or senior Al Qaeda members in US custody - insist they're defending
themselves against a US-led crusade.

It's no accident that Osama bin Laden calls his organization The World
Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders more often than he calls
it Al Qaeda. Imam Samudra, a confessed leader of the Al Qaeda-linked cell
that blew up two Bali nightclubs last October, cited everything from the US
invasion of Afghanistan to sectarian violence in India as evidence of a
US-led war against Islam and justification for the attack.

Now, Dr. Tan says, Iraq will be added to that list, since the US has failed
to convince the global Muslim community that a planned invasion of Iraq is
justified. This could add to the reservoir of revenge sentiment and a rise
in anti-Americanism.

He says the invasion will also hurt Islamic reformers because it elevates
the importance of religious unity - a core concept in Islam, which calls for
the creation of a brotherhood of believers that emphasizes solidarity and
mutual assistance. This romantic vision inspires both Arab volunteers who
claim to be seeking martyrdom in defense of Hussein's regime and
peace-loving participants at antiwar rallies from Dhaka to Kuala Lumpur.
That, in turn, puts power in the hands of conservative clerics who argue
that reformers are introducing dangerous divisions.

The invasion could tighten the space for Muslims to talk about what role
their religion should play,'' says Suzaina Kadir, a political scientist who
tracks Islamic political currents at the National University of Singapore.

Ulil Abshar-Abdalla knows how hard it is to speak out about reforming Islam.
The Indonesian cleric runs the Liberal Islam Network and is a member of an
interfaith organization promoting tolerance. Indonesia, which has the
world's largest Muslim population, also has significant Hindu and Christian

Late last year, Athian Ali, an Indonesian cleric who advocates an Islamic
state, issued a death threat against Mr. Ulil because of the latter's
argument that wearing a veil and cutting off the hands of thieves are not
required under Islam.

Other Islamic opponents have sought to brand him a US puppet for his
views. Ulil worries that his struggle could lose further ground in the event
of a US invasion.

There is a possibility that this war will increase the prominence of the
radicals and make their opinions seem more credible,'' he says. It's not
happening yet, but that could change as soon as there are civilian

Indonesian Islamist political groups who say they expect big gains in the
2004 election, have begun to criticize the government for not being strong
enough in its condemnation of the US. President Megawati Sukarnoputri has
upped the antiwar rhetoric in response. Five cabinet ministers attended
antiwar protests earlier this month.

A minor casualty of invasion may also be the loss of US prestige in the eyes
of reformers like Ulil. For people like me, it's easy to separate between
the American government and American people - but of course I'm really
disappointed by the Bush administration. From my perspective, the Bush war
in Iraq is a sort of jihad, its own sort of fundamentalism.

Yesterday, Islamic scholars in Cairo called on Muslims to fight a jihad if
US forces invade Iraq. Their comments followed a sermon last week by a
moderate Egyptian 

[CTRL] Saddam's Virginia Connection

2003-03-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


DEFENSE TECH - Where did Iraq get nearly all of the germs for its bioweapons
program? Virginia. According to documents obtained by the New York Times,
the American Type Culture Collection, a biological supply house in Manassas,
Va, provided the Iraqi government with the vast majority of its biotoxins.
The rest were obtained from the Pasteur Institute in Paris. A spokesperson
for the Virginia firm said that the shipments of anthrax and other poisons
were okayed by the U.S. government. A.T.C.C. could never have shipped these
samples to Iraq without the Department of Commerce's approval for all
requests, said Nancy J. Wysocki, vice president for human resources and
public relations at the American Type Culture Collection.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] War Against Iraq is Illegal

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

02:35 2003-03-18

War Against Iraq is Illegal

Those who wage this war will be taken before the International Criminal Court at The Hague to be tried for war crimes if there are civilian casualties and possibly, crimes against humanity, if the conditions are met. The author of this article will be the proud author of the indictment. More than this, it is hereby proved that the nation in breach of Resolution 1441 is the United States of America, not Iraq. 

A war against the sovereign state of Iraq without the express authorization of the UNO is illegal under international law, running against the UN Charter and against the Resolution 1441. 

Under international law, Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the UN Charter is clear: 

All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations. 

Article 51 spells out the right of nations to wage war: 
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security. 

Since Iraq has neither waged an act of war against the USA or UK and since international peace and security is put at risk not by Iraq but by the USA and United Kingdom, the provisions for self-defence are not met. 

Much is said by the warmongers about Resolutions 678 and 687 (1991), claiming that they allow a military attack to be launched against Iraq under the principle that their provisions were not met. However, the UNO does not enact ghost or voodoo resolutions, which are passed, acted upon, forgotten and resurrected twelve years later when the time is deemed right. If the context of the question is different, the Security Council has to deliberate a further resolution. 

This was the case with 1441, which under paragraph 3, instructs Iraq to provide to UNMOVIC, the IAEA and the Councila currently accurate, full and complete declaration of all aspects of its programmes to develop chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and other delivery systems. Iraq subsequently provided a 12.000 page report. 

Evidently, questions were asked about details and naturally, time is needed to reply. 12.000 pages and numerous weapons programmes involve a universe of materials and Iraq has complied consistently with the inspections teams. 

Under paragraph 4, material breach will be reported to the Council for assessment in accordance with paragraphs 11 and 12 below. Material breach has not been reported to the Council, rather, the inspections teams have both stated that Iraq is cooperating and that they need more time to carry out their duties determined under Resolution 1441. 

The immediate, unimpeded, unconditional and unrestricted access guaranteed under Paragraph 5 of 1441 has been fulfilled by Iraq. Paragraph 10 Requests all Member States to give full support to UNMOVIC and the IAEA in the discharge of their mandates, including by providing any information related to prohibited programmes or other aspects of their mandates. 

The United States of America has not been forthcoming with this material, despite its many insinuations. There was even a ridiculous report presented to the UN Security Council by Colin Powell, who referred to foreign intelligence reports which turned out to be no more than a 1991 thesis copied from the internet by the British Intelligence Services and vague references, picked up by the biased western media, about links between Saddam Husseins Baath regime and Al-Qaeda, never proved because they are untrue. 

Under Paragraph 10 of Resolution 1441, the United States of America is hereby challenged to produce the documentation behind these allegations. Should this documentation not be produced, the USA is guilty of lying to the UNSC or is in breach of its provisions. 

Under Paragraph 12, should the provisions of Paragraph 4 (failure to comply and cooperate fully with this resolution will constitute material breach, which is not the case) or Paragraph 11 (interference with the inspection process or failure to comply with the disarmament process, also not the case), not be fulfilled, the UNSC decides to convene immediatelyto consider the situation and the need for full compliance of all of the relevant council resolutions in order to secure international peace and 

[CTRL] Deep roots of Bush's hatred for Saddam

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Deep roots of Bush's hatred for Saddam 

The determination in Washington to confront Saddam goes back more than a decade. The men who are now President Bush's key advisers have long advocated regime change in Iraq. This is how their beliefs became the driving force behind the administration 

Sunday March 16, 2003
The Observer 

Twelve years ago, in the aftermath of the first Gulf war, the two men who would become the key players in driving the US towards a second war against Iraq sat down to collect their thoughts. They were Dick Cheney, now Vice-President of the United States, and Paul Wolfowitz, presently Deputy Secretary for Defence. What they wrote would form the basis of US policy today. Serving as Secretary of Defence, Cheney was even then a political veteran. He had been chief of staff to President Gerald Ford, and a friend of George Bush Snr for 20 years, a quiet mover in the shadows who knew the mechanics of Washington and almost everyone in the capital as well as anyone. Wolfowitz was a more mercurial, less conventional figure. 

Born to an immigrant Jewish family and son of a mathematician, Wolfowitz had abandoned an academic career to move to Washington and pursue a career in politics, taking a job with the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency during the waning days of Ronald Reagan. 

In Cheney the young Wolfowitz found his mentor. Both greed that in the aftermath of the Cold War, a new vision was required for the US. What they argued in that memo was that America should have no rival on the planet - neither among friends nor enemies - and should use military might to enforce such a new order. 

The paper's initial concern was raw power. Formally a draft for the Pentagon's 'Defence Planning Guidance' for the years 1994-1999, the document's first stated objective was to 'establish and protect a new order' and 'to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival' to the US. 

Crucially, it would include a second innovation: a doctrine of the use of pre-emptive military force that should include the right and ability to strike first against any threat from chemical or biological weapons, and 'punishment' of any such threat 'through a variety of means', including attacks on military bases or missile silos. 

The two men had not finished there. In a rebuff to the multilateralism of the UN, they argued that the US should expect future alliances to be 'ad-hoc assemblies, often not lasting beyond the crisis being confronted'. In Europe, Germany was singled out as a possible rival to US power, on the Pacific Rim Japan. 'We must seek to prevent the emergence of European-only security arrangements,' said the document. 

They were deeply controversial ideas and when the document was leaked it was dismissed at once as the work of an idealistic staffer. Red-faced, the Pentagon put up a spokesman to say it had been no more than a 'low-level' document, and that Secretary Cheney had not even seen it. But with Bill Clinton's election, Cheney finally came clean, as he and Wolfowitz defiantly released their own final version of the blueprint of their ideas in the last hours of the Bush administration arguing that the US must 'act independently, if necessary'. 

The Clinton years would be hard for ideologues such as Cheney and Wolfowitz, but the ideas they developed in the administration of Bush Snr were never far away. For while Cheney accrued a fortune working with Halliburton, the oil and defence company, and Wolfowitz returned to Chicago university, they joined a class of Republicans who felt the White House to be occupied illegitimately by Clinton, no more so than in military foreign policy, which had shifted from global dominance to globalism. Where Clinton wanted in, Wolfowitz wanted out and vice-versa. 

Wolfowitz assailed the sending of troops into the Somalian debacle, 'where there is no significant US interest', and derided the restoration of Bertrand Aristide to Haiti as 'engaging American military prestige' in a place 'of little or no importance'. 

Over Bosnia, Wolfowitz attacked the Clinton administration for its failure to 'develop an effective course of action'. It was during these years that the neo-conservative Right formed under Reagan and the elder Bush converged around the issue of the Middle East as the crucible of the new doctrine - with Israel the key to the region where the exercise of US power was most urgent. Others gravitated to their view, most prominently Richard Perle, Reagan's Assistant Secretary of State for Defence. 

In the mid-Nineties they began to share a vision for where foreign policy should be going - a hawkish support for Israel that increasingly rejected the Oslo peace process and flagged up a test case for the failures of the UN and the Clinton administration. That test case was Iraq, regarded by many on the Republican Right as unfinished business. 

By the spring of 1997 a hard core of activists from 

[CTRL] Fwd: Letter from Chamchamal, Iraq -- March 17, 2003

2003-03-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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-Caveat Lector-

Dear all,


I've just set up my very first safe house.


The city of Chamchamal is the closest point in northern Iraq to Kirkuk, the oil-rich 
city which will likely be a major flashpoint in the coming United States war to remove 
the Baghdad government.. For less than $200 a month, myself and a few other 
journalists have managed to rent the equivalent of a front-row seat in the upcoming 

There's even a refrigerator where you can grab a cold one as you watch the fireworks. 


We've stocked it with canned tuna, junk food, bottled water and blankets. We've got 
two generators, two space heaters and between the five of us, well over $200,000 in 
electronic equipment. We're talking laptops, CD burners, professional digital cameras 
and every conceivable kind of portable satellite communications tool: Thurayas, 
Iridiums, Mobiqs and Inmarsats. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the United States military hit our house, thinking it was a 
major Iraqi communications headquarters.


Getting ready is a huge challenge, and a great expense. Gas, which cost about 12 cents 
a liter a couple months ago, has shot up to nearly 90 cents a liter. We've prepared 
two barrels full of fuel just in case there's a shortage or hoarding. I fear it won't 
be enough. I ran out of AA batteries. I searched and searched until I found some real 
Duracells. They cost double what I would pay in New York, but that's okay. 

In war, Energizers simply won't do.


In addition to a gas mask, chemical suit and a bulletproof jacket, I've stocked up on 
Atropine, a nerve gas antidote, and Cipro, to treat Anthrax. I've bought gas masks for 
my driver and translator. 


Danger is near.


During the first years of the Kurds' autonomy experiment, which began in 1991 
following the first U.S. war against Saddam, Chamchamal was frequently subject to 
Iraqi mortar fire and artillery.


Our little three-room squat toilet piece of paradise is within a couple kilometers of 
the Iraqi frontlines, and from the courtyard you can see Iraqi positions on the 
hilltops. With binoculars you can see the silhouettes of Iraqi soldiers shuffling 
along. . I wonder what they're thinking as they amble along the ridge. I wonder if 
they're afraid, terrified or calmly resigned to the possibility of death. 


I wonder if they'll fight, whether the Iraqi positions will crumble, allowing us to 
smoothly melt into Iraq proper.

I wonder if they'll fight, making the ride a bumpy one.


My landlord, a friend of my trusted driver, has armloads of Kalashnikovs he says we 
could borrow if we ever need to protect ourselves. 

I don't think I'll be taking him up on the offer. 


His son stops by occasionally to show off his Browning 9mm semiautomatic. The other 
day he took me on a tour of the no-man's land between Kurdish and Iraqi forces. Sheep 
grazed on rolling green hills. Smugglers made their way through the dirt roads in 
pick-up trucks brought over from Saddam-controlled Iraq. The other night, a shepherd 
recalls, Iraqi helicopters flew overhead and shot at some smugglers.


My landlord and his family are tough, even by Kurdish standards. Many others living in 
this dusty frontline town have already packed their cars with their possessions - 
strapping beds and rugs to the roofs of their rotting diesel Land Cruisers - and 
heading for other parts of the autonomous Kurdish zone. 


But our host family is staying put. They seem unafraid. Their living room is filled 
with pictures of relatives martyred in previous wars, fighting Saddam, fighting other 
Kurds, fighting Islamic fundamentalists. 

[CTRL] Fwd: FTW EXCLUSIVE - ROLLING START, Retired West Point Instructor Stan Goff E...

2003-03-17 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-


-- The Idiot Prince Will Have His War


Stan Goff

 Copyright 2003, From The Wilderness Publications,
www.copvcia.com. All Rights Reserved. May be reprinted, distributed or posted
on an Internet web site for non-profit purposes only.

[FTW asked retired U.S. Army Special Forces Master Sergeant Stan Goff to re-examine what we can expect on
the battlefield when the United States begins its invasion. The former instructor of military science at West Point describes a scenario that is vastly
different from what was expected last September before the Bush administration
encountered effective economic and political opposition. Now denied the
luxuries of a multi-front invasion from Turkey and Saudi Arabia the U.S. war strategy has changed. The bottom line is that a
great many more innocent civilians are going to be killed. And the first and
possibly crippling breakdown of U.S. plans will happen in Kurdestan.  MCR]

March 17, 2003, 1500 hrs PST (FTW) -- The full-scale, unilateral US invasion of Iraq appears  to many  to be imminent as
this is written. In just hours President Bush is expected to give Saddam
Hussein a 72-hour ultimatum to leave the country or else the bombs start
falling. I have a reservation or two left about that, based partly on hope, but
partly on the even riskier assumption that this administration realizes that it
has miscalculated and that the consequences of invasion may now outweigh the
risks  from their standpoint  of no invasion.

The Bush regime seems to have a clear understanding of what
desperate straits they were in well before 9-11. The empire is in decline, and
this means Americans will have to reconcile themselves to a new world in which
their profligate lifestyle becomes a thing of the past. Americans do not
understand that this is an irremediable situation. That is why we are
witnessing the beginning of what is possibly the most dangerous period in human

If the administration decides miraculously in the next few
days not to invade, the most unthinkable risks will recede significantly.
But this Junta has repeatedly displayed a reckless adventurist streak that
alarms even their own political allies, and it appears that the hotter heads
will prevail.

The actual tactical situation, never terribly auspicious
because of the Kurdish wild card that receives far too little attention (and
which I will address later), has deteriorated for the US. The denial of a ground front from both Saudi Arabia and Turkey has completely reshuffled the tactical deck, and
caused many a sleepless night for harried commanders from Task Force
Headquarters all the way down to lonely infantry platoon leaders.

The ground attack will now go though Kuwait, a single front
across which an unbelievable series of heavy, expensive, high-maintenance
convoys will pass, many on long journeys to 18 provincial capitals, 19 military
bases, 8 major oil fields, over 1,000 miles of pipeline, key terrain along
minority Shia and Kurdish regions, as well as Baghdad. But attacking
forces are not the only mechanized ground forces.

The huge logistical trains that must consolidate objectives,
set up long-term lines of communication, and deliver daily support, will also
be held up until airheads are seized within Iraq to augment ground transportation with airlifts of
people and equipment. This shifts a higher emphasis onto airhead seizures
(and therefore Ranger units), and forces the security of the airheads
themselves before they can become fully functional. 

Baghdad may require a siege, which has already been planned,
but now 

[CTRL] America's welcome may be brief in Baghdad

2003-03-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

America's welcome may be brief in Baghdad
By Rashid Khaldi
Published: March 17 2003 21:26 | Last Updated: March 17 2003 21:54

They welcomed American troops in Beirut in September 1982, just as they had
earlier welcomed Israeli troops in South Lebanon. They may have welcomed
General Maude when he entered Baghdad in 1917. Perhaps not, however, as the
city was ravaged by plague and famine and, according to one account, its
outskirts were covered with corpses and bones of dead animals.

If war comes, they may indeed welcome US and British troops in Baghdad, if
the streets are not covered with corpses. But it would be wise to recall
what happened soon afterwards in every one of these military occupations
that seemed to start so well. US troops unwisely took sides in Lebanon's
civil war and suffered greatly in consequence; Israel's occupation of South
Lebanon provoked fierce resistance; and Britain in 1920 faced a nationwide
revolt in which 500 of its troops and more than 8,500 Iraqis were killed.

The past, of course, is no certain indicator of the future. But people do
remember the promises made by new occupiers. General Maude told the Iraqis
that Britain hoped that the Arab race may rise once more to greatness and
renown. President George W. Bush and his administration have been even more
specific: they have promised democracy, the territorial integrity of Iraq
and Iraqi control of Iraqi oil resources. Whatever the US does in Iraq will
be judged by the Iraqis, and by other Arabs and Muslims, in the light of
these promises.

The occupation of Iraq could be followed by a rapid handover to a
democratic, independent Iraqi government and the speedy withdrawal of
American troops. Do not bet on it. The neo-conservatives who pushed hardest
for this war in Washington did not do so to allow a 60 per cent Shia
majority in Iraq to ponder closer relations with the Islamic Republic of
Iran. They certainly do not favour American forces departing rapidly,
leaving the Iraqis to their own devices.

Indeed, they have explicitly stated their plans for restructuring the Middle
East, with Iraq as the strategic fulcrum for the extension of American power
in every direction - towards Iran, Syria and perhaps Saudi Arabia and
Lebanon. In a recent pronouncement on the subject, Mr Bush repeated the
neo-conservative thesis about democratising the Middle East that underlies
these fantastic plans.

Americans underestimate the hostility with which people in the Middle East
regard occupying powers. The neo-conservatives are largely ignorant of, or
ideologically blinded to, the realities of the region. Members of the
permanent bureaucracy in Washington who deal with the Middle East -
intelligence officers and diplomats, and soldiers who will have to carry out
the dirty work after the war - are more conscious of these things.

Europeans, who still have memories of what it was like to fight Arabs, also
know what an occupation of Iraq may entail. It is not surprising that public
opinion in Britain and France, the two old Middle Eastern colonial powers,
reflects this. Conquering Baghdad, Jerusalem and Damascus was hard but
holding them proved to be even more difficult. After the defeat of the
Ottomans, France had to fight for control of Damascus in 1920, 1925-26 and
1945; Britain had to do the same in Iraq in 1920 and again in 1941 and in
Palestine from 1936 until 1939.

Indeed, this projected occupation has ingredients that may make it worse
than the old colonial occupations: Iraq's powerful neighbours, Turkey and
Iran, have already begun preparations for direct and indirect interventions
to protect their interests and support their protégés. Relations between the
Turkish army and the Kurds in postwar Iraq promise to be difficult, with
American troops holding the ring.

Iraq has an educated, politically aware population - the most avid readers
in the Arab world. They can bring the country out of the nightmare produced
by the current regime, its criminal wars and the devastating effect of a
decade of sanctions. Such people can rehabilitate their ravaged country if
they are free of external intervention and of a foreign military occupation
that will quickly be perceived as intolerably oppressive.

If Iraq instead is ruled by military occupation, behind a façade provided by
exiles in expensive suits who roll into Baghdad on the back of American
tanks, history may repeat itself. That would be to the detriment both of the
Iraqi people and of those who try to impose their will on them.

The writer is director of the Centre for International Studies at the
University of Chicago

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The Arab street keeps its protest muted  Mar 14 2003 20:26
Editorial comment: The storms beyond the Azores  Mar 14 2003 20:25
US, UK may use air space of Israel and Jordan  Mar 14 2003 02:40
Saddam given choice - exile or conflict  Mar 17 2003 20:42
US and Britain give final ultimatum to Saddam  Mar 17 2003 20:09
Bush to deliver war 

[CTRL] Israelis Execute Terrorist Toddler

2003-03-17 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday, March 18, 2003 Adar2 14, 5763
Israel Time:  04:31  (GMT+2)

13 Palestinians killed, including toddler, two

By Amos Harel and Arnon Regular

Eleven Palestinians, including a two-year-old girl, were killed in two
separate raids in the Gaza Strip yesterday, and another two died in a blast
in the West Bank. Palestinians, meanwhile, fired five Qassam rockets at
Sderot and other towns in the western Negev, hitting an empty bus in Sderot,
but causing no injuries

Seven of the deaths occured during a raid on the Nusseirat refugee camp in
central Gaza. At around 3 A.M. yesterday, according to Palestinian sources,
dozens of Israeli armored personnel carriers and tanks backed by helicopter
gunships rolled into the camp from the direction of Netzarim to arrest
Mohammed Sa'afin, a senior Islamic Jihad operative.

Witnesses said Sa'afin took to the roof of his house after it was surrounded
by Israeli forces. Give up, think of your children, an Israeli officer
shouted at him, according to witnesses. Sa'afin replied with pipe bombs and
a volley of bullets from his Kalashnikov rifle and was shot dead.

Two other Islamic Jihad activists who were with Sa'afin handed themselves
over to troops. The IDF later destroyed Sa'afin's house.

During the operation, another six Palestinians, including 2-year-old Elham
al-Assar and two youths aged 13 and 14, were killed. (The other three
Palestinians killed were armed.)

We were all squeezed into one room, hiding, because of the heavy fighting
outside, said a relative. Israeli tanks were near our house. Elham stood
inside the house with her brothers and cousins. A single bullet penetrated
the house and hit her in the chest.

Security sources said Sa'afin was also a member of the Palestinian
Authority's General Intelligence Apparatus. They said he was responsible for
a number of terrorist operations, including a triple suicide bombing at the
Katif Junction in February, in which four soldiers were wounded, and a car
bombing in the same location last April, in which one soldier was wounded.

In a separate IDF operation in the northern Gaza Strip near the town of Beit
Lahiya, four Palestinians, including three Palestinian Naval Police
officers, were killed in a fire fight, as all the camp's male residents aged
15-50 were rounded up for questioning. The fourth casualty was a 15-year-old
Palestinian, who was apparently caught in the crossfire.

In the village of Saida, north of Tul Karm, where an IDF soldier was killed
last week in a clash with Islamic Jihad gunmen, two Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades
members were killed in an explosion at a warehouse. Palestinian sources said
IDF troops were not in the area .

In the Balata refugee camp next to Nablus, IDF troops arrested Palestinian
legislator Hussam Khader. Security sources charge Khader directed and
financed Tanzim terror in the Nablus area.

Khader, a Fatah member, is the first lawmaker to be detained since last
April, when Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti was arrested.

Khader has been an outspoken critic of the Palestinian Authority and Yasser
Arafat. Khader, saying that without a change in leadership the Palestinians
will not be able to progress in peace negotiations.

Recently, Khader claimed people within the PA were trying to get rid of him
by disseminating false information to Israel.

© Copyright 2003 Haaretz. All rights reserved

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Maid and the Ogre

2003-03-17 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

How strange that you
would expect more of Israelis than you do of those who call themselves
Palestinians.  Israelis have a breaking
point also.  Those members of the Muslim
community who support immoral activity such as suicide bombers, in
reality mass killers, seem to depend that those who they attack will respond with
moral self-control.  It takes a tremendous
amount of self-control, usually based on faith, to not respond in kind to immoral
attackers.  It is a wonder that Israelis,
as civilians, havent attacked groups of Palestinians thru
suicide bombing, but Israelis do not not
accept the ideology of being mass killers. 
 Rachel Corrie
was a stupid innocent soul.  She had no
idea of the of the evil forces she was
supporting.  Those who allowed her to put
herself in such danger for their own benefit are the ones responsible for her
death.  She just might just as easily have
died as a result of a suicide bomber in Israel.  Im sure her death
wouldnt have gotten much attention as those who have died as a result of
the mass killers are just ignored.  

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research
List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of William Shannon
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 5:06
Subject: [CTRL] The Maid and the


The Maid and the Ogre
Israel Shamir

A dreadful monster assaults the city, kills its brave defenders, and advances
to devour the citizens. At the last moment, a young maiden demurely walks
forward to meet the monster. Her very sight, the sight of feminine innocence,
vulnerability, spirituality, certainty of the right cause, stops the ogre in
its tracks. The beast suffers her to tie her belt to his mighty neck and walks
away, tamed. It is the story of St Genevieve and of other beautiful and
virtuous saints; a part and parcel of human heritage, and the subject of many
gorgeous tapestries and paintings. 

Courageous and noble maidens are still with us. They stopped the US Army trains
with soldiers during Vietnam War, and they stopped Russian tanks in Prague 1968
and in Moscow 1991. Drivers of French, Russian, American and German tanks and
trains knew: even a monster stops when a girl placidly places herself on his
way. It is a biological law that we all are subject to. 

Rachel Corrie was murdered by a monster from another tale. This young American
girl, an ISM activist, tried to stop with her fragile body a Zionist bulldozer
from ruining Palestinian homes. She could not imagine that the driver will look
at her and calmly ride his ten-ton steel machine over her body, and back.
Nothing in her life prepared her to the encounter with a monster born and bred
in the Zionist labs, a monster that is totally alien and hostile to humans. She
wrote to her parents: no amount of reading, attendance at conferences,
documentary viewing and word of mouth could have prepared me for the reality of
the situation here. You just can't imagine it unless you see it, tank-shell
holes in the walls of their homes and the towers of an occupying army surveying
the [Palestinian children] constantly from the near horizons. 

Though she saw dead bodies of Palestinian children with their heads split by
the Jewish sharp-shooters, she still had some illusions of the
difficulties the Israeli Army would face if they shot an unarmed US
citizen. She was mistaken. Her countrys President is about to
send the US Army to destroy Iraq and turn the killers of Rachel into the
undisputed supreme power of the Middle East. If Bush would be guided by
Americas interests, he would demand extradition of Rachels
killer. But the driver is not exclusion. The people behind the bullet-proof
windshields of Caterpillars are the final product of Zionism. At the beginning
of Zionist movement, its eugenic task was expressed in a poem: 

Mi dam umi eza Nakim lanu geza
 out of blood and sweat we shall breed a new victorious and cruel
race, sang the Zionists. With murder of Rachel Corrie the experiment
came to its fruition. The cruel race is not a dream anymore, it
is a new geopolitical reality. A few months ago, a Jewish bulldozer driver
shared with the world his experiences [i] of razing Jenin: 

I had no mercy for anybody. I would erase anyone with the D-9, and I have
demolished plenty. I wanted to destroy everything. I begged the officers, over
the radio, to let me knock it all down; from top to bottom. To level
everything. When I was told to bring down a house, I took the opportunity to
bring down some more houses. For three days, I just destroyed and destroyed.
The whole area. I wanted to get to the other houses. To get as many as
possible. I didn't see, with my own eyes, people dying under the blade of the
D-9. But if there were any, I wouldn't care at all. If you knocked down a
house, you buried 40 or 50 people. If I am sorry for anything, it is for not
tearing the whole camp down. I had lots of 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Eve of War - Eve of Purim

2003-03-17 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

Shannon, you are a very simplistic thinker.  The other possibility is
that you are paid to be a disinformation agent.   Who knows which it is.
CTRL is also responsible for allowing you to post every day more than
five anti-Semitic messages while posting their disclaimer at the end.
If CTRL wasn't that desperate for postings, you wouldn't be around.

-Original Message-
From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of William Shannon
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 4:47 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Eve of War - Eve of Purim

-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NEWSBREAK: 9-11 Hijackers funded by US Government

2003-03-17 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
From:   Clarence Spence [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: NEWSBREAK: 9-11 Hijackers funded by US Government
Date sent:  Mon, 17 Mar 2003 19:00:01 -0800
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject: NEWSBREAK: 9-11 Hijackers funded by US Government

NEWSBREAK: 9-11 Hijackers funded by US Government

NOTE:  Dr. Len Horowitz has been saying for years that the Bush Family is
behind the 4th Reich Rising.  If we don't stop it now, it will be a lot
harder to stop later.  The audio replay is required listening for all true
patriots.  Network this to your address book.  And pray for divine
intercession.  -CR

Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former senior advisor and Wolfowitz schoolmate
appeared on the Alex Jones Show. (03/11/03)

He discussed information that he was privy to, based on classified
depositions of 9-11 witnesses.

Interviews with an American ex-wife of one of the 9-11 hijackers revealed
that she met Mohammed Atta and his younger brother and that this group were
double-agents operating in a series of cells that were aided and abetted by
the US government.

She mentioned that these cells were not comprised of muslim
fundamentalists, but playboys and that they also participated in the OKC
bombing and the first WTC attack.

And as has been verified with 8 other supposed hijackers, her husband is
still alive. It was the Global Hawk technology that flew the planes into the

Most people oversees know the story on the Bush Crime family and their
accomplice role in 9/11.  But most Americans believe the lies in the
controlled media, just like in Hitler's Germany.

Hilton is representing 400 families suing Bush and others in the federal
government for causing, aiding and abetting 9/11.

It's time that you now heard... THE REST OF THE STORY.

Replay in real audio at

--- End of forwarded message ---

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] PropagandaNetDaily Message board...

2003-03-17 Thread Mike Smith
-Caveat Lector-

Highs in the upper thousands for downtown Baghdad later this
week by Optomistic Weatherman 
so if yer wearing one of those
tablecloths on yer head, be sure to wear your one million sun block or you could
get painful burns! Winds could be six to seven hundred miles per hour at times
so some sunglasses might have a double benefit at a point here and there during
the week. Flying debris such as large buildings, vehicles and vaporized people
could be an obstacle. Shortly after these high winds and extreme high
temperatures, the sky WILL become cloudya rare phenomenon where there will
be a single cloud taking on the shape of a favorite pizza topping! Speaking of
which, even FROZEN pizza will cook in a literal "flash" with no oven required
during this unique weather pattern so be sure to take advantage! You can watch
it cook right before your boiling eyes! Be sure to wear some extra thick
sandals as all the sand in the area will be at least partially on the way to
becoming glass and this might stick to your feet and once again, there is a
danger of severe burns, so be careful!!! For those that want to get a
jump on things, we recommend marinating your camel with barbeque sauce or a nice
bitter chutney sometime Wednesday morning and it should make for a scrumptious
dinner before EITHER sundown on Wednesday evening This has been your
Optomistic Weatherman report for the greater Baghdad area for the week of March
17, 2003. Be CAREFUL out there!!! 
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Eve of War - Eve of Purim

2003-03-17 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 3/17/2003 10:49:12 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Shannon, you are a very simplistic thinker. The other possibility is
that you are paid to be a disinformation agent. Who knows which it is.
CTRL is also responsible for allowing you to post every day more than
five anti-Semitic messages while posting their disclaimer at the end.
If CTRL wasn't that desperate for postings, you wouldn't be around.

Uh huh.
Nothing I post is "anti-semitic" and you well know it. You are hypersensitive and clearly of the distasteful and un-American Israel-first/amen corner crowd. I tend towards America first and foremost and ya' know what Zuukie? Here in Chicagoland more and more people are coming to see things in the proper light. And that's only good for America.

A HREF=""www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The US Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu

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[CTRL] Powell, the 'double loser'

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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Knives sharpen for Powell, the 'double loser'

By Rupert Cornwell in Washington

18 March 2003

War is always a failure, runs the French mantra as the clock ticks towards
a US-led invasion of Iraq. In that case, war is always a failure of diplomacy.
Small wonder then that fingers are being pointed at the man in charge of
US diplomacy, the Secretary of State, Colin Powell.

Yesterday, it should be said, there was scant whiff of failure in the air at
the State Department, as General Powell appeared before the press to
perform the funeral rites of Iraq diplomacy, minutes after the debacle in
New York had been sealed when Britain, America and Spain withdrew their
joint resolution to the UN.

The Secretary of State was measured. France again was singled out as the
guilty party. He was disappointed at events, but Saddam Hussein, he
asserted, was guilty of all charges. And he had no regrets at not having
done things differently. Proudly, he pointed to resolution 1441, whose
unanimous passage last November in retrospect appears the high water
mark for Colin Powell in this Iraq crisis.

But Washington is a cruel place. When an administration faces a decision
as fraught as this, hardly has the outcome been settled than the post-
mortems begin. This time, the instant verdict (possibly to be amended) is
that General Powell, once regarded as a beacon of moderation of this
administration, its best-liked and most trusted spokesman abroad, is the

He is a loser in a double sense. The obvious defeat lies in his insistence
that the President go the UN route. From the outset, Dick Cheney, the
Vice-President, and Donald Rumsfeld, the Defence Secretary, said that
would entrap Washington in a diplomatic web. They have been proved
right, as 1441 has been revealed for what it was from the outset, an
agreement to disagree.

On the weekend television talk shows, the battle was subtly replayed. Mr
Cheney seemed mildly amused by France's role, perhaps because he had
never been bothered by what the UN might or might not do. But General
Powell mentioned France a dozen times, his usually affable features
reflecting a suppressed fury at how Paris had scuppered chances of
achieving a multilateral solution.

America is accustomed to getting its way, so why had it not this time?
Might it be because General Powell had not done the spadework? Some
say he has travelled so little in person to Europe and elsewhere in the past
few months, to sell the Bush case to doubtful publics (as the far more
embattled Tony Blair has done in Britain). But yesterday the general said
phone and conference-call diplomacy offered the biggest bang for the
time, and noted that he had met Security Council foreign ministers several
times in New York.

As war looms, the Bush administration is presenting the familiar face of
unity to the world, and General Powell is a loyal trooper. But privately the
Secretary of State has been been furious at the diplomatic blunderings of
Mr Rumsfeld. And privately he might be wondering how much longer he is
for this administration, once the Iraqi dust has settled.

Also in Politics

Bush sets the timetable for war: 48 hours and counting
Diplomatic defeat for Britain and US, but the squabbling continues
'The day of your liberation is near'
A climactic day on which the old order was left in ruins
Blame game doesn't alter our stance, says France

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[CTRL] Instant protests threatened

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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Instant protests threatened when attacks start

John Vidal
Tuesday March 18, 2003
The Guardian

Britain will be be brought to a temporary standstill by waves of protests,
rallies, sit-ins, strikes, occupations, civil disobedience and people taking
personal direct action within hours of the first bombers heading for Iraq,
claim peace campaigners.

The Stop the War coalition, which organised the London march of more
than 1 million people in February, says the mood of quiet determination
that marked protests a month ago is changing to one of anger. People are
furious. They believe the war is illegal and unnecessary. Large numbers can
be expected to take direct action once it starts, said a spokesman, Chris

The coalition is urging local demonstrations in every community on the
afternoon and evening immediately after the bombing of Iraq starts,
followed by a national rally in London the following Saturday. We are
expecting people to stop everything, Mr Nineham said.

The coalition admits to not knowing precisely what actions many groups
and individuals are planning but anticipates chaos in every city and
disruptive demonstrations in many smaller towns. It's hotting up. People
have said they intend to sit down in streets, occupy roundabouts, go slow
on motorways, block bridges, walk out of offices, and do whatever they
can to stop Britain in its tracks. We expect university campuses to be
occupied, and thousands of schoolchildren have pledged to stage sit-ins or
demand debates. This is all unprecedented political action.

Some of the largest demonstrations are expected in central London,
where tens of thousands of people are expected to go to Parliament
Square on the first evening after war starts.

Others have suggested they will try to barricade the Ministry of Defence
and government buildings including 10 Downing Street, and go to the US
embassy in Grosvenor Square.

Demonstrations on Saturday have been planned for some time at military
bases including RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire, where US warplanes have
been based, and at RAF Fylingdales in Yorkshire.

More than 35 branches of the Public and Civil Servants Union, including
those at the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the
public record office and equal opportunities commission have said they will
stop work.

Unions are also encouraging members to walk off the job when war is
declared. Post office, communication and Unison workers, teachers, rail
and underground unions are expected to stop work for several hours. The
unions have not called for strike action, but have said they will support
anyone victimised for expressing opposition to the war.

The London march on the first Saturday after war breaks out will follow
the same routes to Hyde Park as the February 15 demonstration, and will
be coordinated with several hundred others across the world.

On February 15 more than 15 million people protested in the largest-ever
global demonstrations against a war.

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[CTRL] Official Arrested on Child Porn

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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Mar 17, 2003

Ex Giuliani Administration Housing Official Arrested on Child Porn, Other

By Erin McClam
Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - A former city housing director was accused Monday of
owning child pornography and using public money to pay for personal
items - including a car, The Sopranos DVDs and a helicopter tour of the
Grand Canyon.

Russell Harding, who was housing director in the administration of Rudolph
Giuliani, was arrested as federal prosecutors unsealed a six-count
indictment charging him with conspiracy, fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud,
receiving child pornography and possessing child pornography. The
indictment said he had a child porn movie and 10 child porn computer

Harding was due in federal court later in the day, and U.S. Attorney James
Comey planned a news conference to discuss the charges. Harding's
attorney, Gerald Shargel, did not immediately answer a call for comment.

From 1998 to 2002, Harding was director of the city's Housing Development
Corp. under Giuliani, overseeing federal grants to build and oversee
housing projects.

Harding's father, former longtime state Liberal Party boss Raymond Harding,
is a close friend of Giuliani's.

The indictment accuses Russell Harding of using his HDC Diners Club card
to pay for expenses on personal trips to Hong Kong, San Diego, Vancouver,
B.C., and Portland, Ore., and of using an HDC check to buy a $38,664 car
intended for a friend.

Among the items he bought, the indictment said, werePalm Pilots, Cirque
du Soleil tickets, DVDs of HBO's The Sopranos and Sex and the City, and
a subscription to Vanity Fair magazine.

Published reports have said that a federal probe has also examined
whether Giuliani chief of staff Anthony Carbonetti accompanied Harding on
the trips at taxpayer expense. The indictment makes no mention of
Carbonetti. It says another HDC employee accompanied Harding on the
trips to Vancouver and Hong Kong.

A Giuliani spokeswoman did not immediately return a call for comment.

AP-ES-03-17-03 1210EST

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[CTRL] US-French rift

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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US-French rift may be lasting

By Paul Richter  Doyle McManus

WASHINGTON: Months of bitter wrangling over Iraq have fundamentally
altered the Bush administration's view of France, convincing it, officials
say, that the longtime ally is a competitor in world affairs and a threat to
the harmony of US relations with Europe.

Paris appears to be actively working to undermine the transatlantic link,
said one senior US official.

As France's push to block a US-sponsored resolution on Iraq at the UN
Security Council appears close to succeeding, US officials are warning the
French that their efforts could hurt themselves - to begin with, by limiting
their role in the lucrative post-war rebuilding of Iraq.

The new US attitude, reflected in increasingly sharp public language from
Washington, marks a striking shift from just after Sept 11, 2001, when
French newspapers declared the nation's sympathy for a suffering America.
US officials say they feel betrayed by France's role not only in opposing
the use of force against Saddam Hussein but also in organizing wider

US officials and experts say American and French interests are so closely
intertwined that any attempt at retribution could end up hurting the
United States as much - or more - than France. Yet many experts believe
that the attitude of the administration and Congress has become so hostile
to Paris that they are likely to seek reprisals that could damage the joint
effort against terrorism or undermine the North Atlantic Treaty

The evolving US approach may be best reflected, some say, in the attitude
of Secretary of State Colin L. Powell.

Long France's favourite Bush administration official because of his
internationalist outlook, Powell was convinced for most of last fall that
France would ultimately not stand in the way of a US military effort to
disarm Iraq. But his attitude began to change on Jan 20, when he felt
ambushed at a United Nations meeting by the strong opposition to US
plans from French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin, according to US

According to one ranking diplomat in Washington, De Villepin sought to
patch up relations in a one-on-one meeting in Powell's New York suite on
March 6. De Villepin began the meeting by saying he hoped that the fight
in the United Nations would not harm the personal relations between the
two men, or the relationships of their countries. Powell responded with an
angry vulgarity, the diplomat said.

A senior US official denied that Powell had used off-colour language. He
said Powell had told De Villepin the two countries would remain allies, yet
let's be honest; what happens here will affect the relationship.

A State Department official, requesting anonymity, said Powell returned
from that meeting absolutely furious. Of the French government, a
frustrated Powell reportedly said: There is no one there to talk to.

The administration's irritation has been reflected in statements that
question whether France really wants to disarm Iraq or simply stand in the
way of the United States.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said last week that France's
stand made it less likely that Baghdad can be disarmed peacefully. White
House press secretary Ari Fleischer pointed out that France shot down
Britain's latest proposal to assign final tests for Iraqi disarmament even
before Baghdad rejected the idea.

If that isn't an unreasonable veto, what is? he asked.

Jean-David Levitte, the French ambassador to Washington, said he believes
the current rancour is only temporary.

What's going on right now is a kind of fever, he said. It will calm down
after these difficult days, and we'll be friends again, and work together.
We have no other options.

Yet experts said the significance of the divisions should not be

Simon Serfaty, director of the Europe programme at Washington's Center
for Strategic and International Studies, said he believed US- French
relations are now in worse shape than they have been in 50 years - even
worse than in the 1960s, when US frictions with French leader Charles de
Gaulle ran strong.

It is not just that the French have objected to US policies, it is that
they've been proactive: They've put together a coalition that stands in the
way of US preferences on an existential issue, Serfaty said.

The United States and France currently collaborate on a variety of
important issues.

The French are perhaps the most important foreign contributor to the US
effort against terrorism and have unmatched information on militants. They
provided information that led to the arrest of the terrorist who tried to
blow up Los Angeles International Airport in December 1999.

The United States and France also have hundreds of billions of dollars of
direct investment in each other's countries.

The French are the largest contributor of troops to UN peacekeeping
efforts and are working with US forces 

[CTRL] America, A Nation Numbered And Finished!

2003-03-17 Thread iNFoWaRZ
-Caveat Lector-

America, A Nation Numbered And Finished!

Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written. And this 
is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the 
interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. 
TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is 
divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.

Daniel 5:24-28

Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that 
are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel 
unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? Ye will 
revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole 
of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, 
and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified 
with ointment. Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, 
strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

Isaiah 1:4-7

And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of 
the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and 
silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: 
Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their 
fornication, nor of their thefts.

Revelation 9:20-21

In this issue of the Last Trumpet, we will examine the numerous major events of our 
day in the light of God's Word. We will see that these amazing times were foretold in 
the Scripture, and that we are the people who are experiencing the final fulfillment 
of end-time prophecy. We know from reading the books of Daniel and Revelation that 
one-world governments or empires are viewed by the Almighty as beasts that rise up to 
control all people. The prophet Daniel saw a number of these beasts in visions and 
dreams, and according to Daniel 8:27, the prophet fainted and was sick certain days. 
Thus, Daniel saw the time in which we live, and he saw what we are now beginning to go 
through, and it caused him to faint and be sick for days. As Christians, should we not 
come fully awake and pray continually? We will be heard from heaven, and we will be 

These are trying times, and I have a very heavy heart as I write this. Hard times are 
coming, and even now we see our nation crumbling all around us. As antichrist powers 
are at work to realign and reshape the entire world, and as these evil and 
conspiratorial principalities and powers seek to enthrone Satan as the god of this 
world we feel the repercussions and reverberations of hell's devices in a crescendo 
rising to full manifestation. All of the evil spirits and their devices from every 
ancient and fallen empire from the beginning of the world are now converging into the 
framework of the last allotted segment of time. That is why our deceived people and 
their churches have such a fascination with the occult, the paranormal, and the 
psychic forces. Many deceptive spirits are at work as leaders of government and 
religion are in full capitulation with devils as Satan moves his people into final 
position. Only those who actively fight the enemies of God's Kingdom will have th
 e dis
cernment to realize what is happening, and only they will have true victory on the 
last day!

War In The Ancient Land!

For months, we have been watching the massive military buildup in the area surrounding 
Iraq. The United States has been sending divisions, battalions, regiments, and all 
kinds of battle groups to the Persian Gulf and surrounding areas. One third of the 
British Royal Air Force is also in that region of the world. I have a picture in front 
of me showing President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair both grinning 
widely as they shake hands to seal a war pact. (1) President Bush is chomping at the 
bit to pulverize the nation of Iraq, and it is becoming increasingly clear that he has 
personal reasons for doing so. In a statement made recently, President Bush 
emotionally declared in regard to Saddam Hussein, This is the man who tried to kill 
my dad. He was referring to the foiled assassination plot to kill then President 
George H.W. Bush while in Kuwait in 1993. (2) This passion against Iraq was also 
obvious in the President's State of the Union message of Tuesday, Janua
 ry 28
, 2003. Here let it be noted that the traditional day for this yearly message was 
January 20, because it is the day that the sun moves into the 11th sign of the zodiac, 
which is the new age sign of Aquarius. Nothing is more obvious than the fact that our 
government operates on the occult cycles of astrology and witchcraft. In the case of 
this presidential message, the President also waited until 11 days after the full moon 
to give 


2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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[CTRL] Paper: EPA Erred in Ground Zero Air Claim

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[CTRL] Vanished Victims

2003-03-17 Thread Euphorian
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Fighting words

A historian challenges the `No Irish' myth

By Sean Lyons, 3/16/2003

NOTHING SYMBOLIZES the hatred faced by Irish immigrants during their
first century in America as strongly as the signs that used to hang outside
factories and in shop windows: ''Help Wanted-No Irish Need Apply.''

The late Tip O'Neill recalled seeing them as a boy in Boston, as has Senator
Edward Kennedy. In a 1996 speech on the Senate floor, Kennedy said, ''I
remember `Help Wanted' signs in stores when I was growing up saying `No
Irish Need Apply.' Thankfully, we have made a great deal of progress in
ending that kind of... bigotry.''

The signs, which some have likened to the ''Whites Only'' signs of the South
before the civil-rights era, have been used to illustrate not just native-
born Americans' bitter opposition to the Irish, but how the Irish managed
to surmount that opposition in order to achieve the American Dream.

There's only one problem with this story: The signs may have hardly

In the December 2002 issue of the Journal of Social History, Richard J.
Jensen of the University of Illinois at Chicago claims that there is scant
evidence of the ''No Irish'' signs in the historical record. An electronic
search of several hundred thousand pages of newspapers, magazines, and
books yielded only a handful of ads that included ''No Irish'' phrases. As for
signs in store windows, he writes, ''There are no contemporary or
retrospective accounts of a specific sign at a specific location No
historian, archivist, or museum curator has ever located one; no
photograph or drawing exists.'' The signs available on eBay and elsewhere,
he states, are ''modern fakes.''

In the 19th century, Jensen adds, studies show that the Irish received job
promotions at the same rate as others, and they were no more segregated
into one particular industry than immigrant Germans or British were. So
why the legendary stories of discrimination? While other groups followed
''individualistic'' paths to economic and social success, the Irish specialized
in politics, unionized labor, and other activities where they benefited from
group solidarity-a solidarity, according to Jensen, which stories of the ''No
Irish Need Apply'' signs only served to strengthen.

In a recent interview, Jensen said the Irish ''didn't face that much''
discrimination in the New World. The signs, he says, are simply another
''myth of victimization.''

Jensen's paper is stirring up a donnybrook among his fellow historians.
Although some allow that there may not have been all that many ''No Irish''
signs, they cite numerous other examples of 19th-century anti-Irish
bigotry, including the rise of the nativist Know Nothing movement, convent
burnings in Charlestown and Baltimore, and the numerous political
cartoons depicting the Irish as apelike.

Timothy Meagher, a history professor at Catholic University in Washington,
D.C., calls the ''No Irish'' signs ''a bogus issue.'' ''I would dispute the notion
that the Irish belief that they faced prejudice was based only on a cultural
paranoia,'' said Meagher, a Worcester native. ''They weren't inventing

Jensen, who received his bachelor's degree from the University of Notre
Dame, argues that the signs are a historical memory that the Irish brought
over from the Old World. The phrase was first popularized in a song called
''No Irish Need Apply,'' printed in Philadelphia in 1862 and adapted from a
British songsheet. The song, originally the lament of an Irish girl in London
who'd been turned back from a job as a housekeeper, in America became
the defiant cry of a new immigrant Irish man scanning the help- wanted ads
in the New York Tribune. (The newspaper itself became a target of Irish
mobs in the draft riots of 1863, Jensen notes.)

Thin I felt my dandher rising, and I'd like to black his eye? T o tell an Irish
Gintleman: No Irish Need Apply.

I couldn't stand it longer: so hoult of him I took:

A nd I gave him such a welting as he'd get at a Donnybrook.

Jensen maintains that the few ''No Irish'' ads he did find were mostly ads
from the 1850s seeking maids and nannies-and that Irish women
nevertheless dominated the market for domestics. ''It was a sentiment
shared by a small number of people for a brief moment in time,'' he says.
''That's all.''

Jensen roundly dismisses the claim that ''No Irish'' signs could still be found
in the 20th century. Imagine somebody hanging a sign in Boston during the
1920s, he says: ''The Irish make up more than a third of the city. How long
do you think it will take for someone to throw a rock through that
window? But there are no reports of anyone ever causing a fight, a riot, or
having any other sort of protest.'' (A spokesman for Senator Kennedy did
not return calls requesting comment on his own recollections of the

Most historians agree that the signs have been exaggerated in the