[CTRL] Potential Columbine-like Disaster Averted (fwd)

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 13:23:53 -0400
From: Tom Kelleher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Potential Columbine-like Disaster Averted

"Potential Columbine-like Disaster Averted" could have been
the title of this piece, but not in our media as Clinton
pushes his gun control agenda.

A man may have saved many innocent lives, by shooting
armed gunmen crashing his daughter’s graduation party.

>From the article:

"...family members told several people who showed up uninvited
that they had to leave, 'but three of them went into the woods
and came back with guns.' He said one of the intruders held a gun
to the head of a nephew."

Here is the Washington Post's report.


1 Dead, 1 Wounded in Graduation Party Shooting

By Jay Mathews
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, June 14, 1999; Page B01

A Loudoun County man allegedly shot two people, one fatally, late
Saturday after they were thrown out of a private high school
graduation party for his daughter at a neighborhood swimming pool
in Herndon and they returned with guns, a witness and Herndon
police said.

A 16-year-old male who was shot in the chest was taken by friends
to Columbia Reston Hospital and then by helicopter to Inova
Fairfax Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 7:35 yesterday
morning, Herndon police Capt. Darryl C. Smith said. The other, a
21-year-old male shot in the lower abdomen, was taken to Inova
Fairfax Hospital by helicopter and underwent surgery. Police said
last night that he was listed in critical condition.

Smith said last night that police would not release the name of
the man who allegedly did the shooting or those of the two who
were shot until today. He said no arrests had been made. The
Loudoun man was questioned for several hours by police and then
allowed to go home, according to his brother.

A police detective said authorities had not been able to question
the 21-year-old because he was still recovering from surgery.

Police released few details about the incident.

The shooting occurred shortly before midnight at the Four Seasons
club, a private community club and pool in the 1200 block of
Herndon Parkway, where the Loudoun man was hosting a party for
his daughter, who had graduated from Park View High School in
Loudoun County.

The girl's uncle, who asked not to be identified for fear of
retaliation by friends of the shooting victims, said yesterday
that family members told several people who showed up uninvited
that they had to leave, "but three of them went into the woods
and came back with guns." He said one of the intruders held a gun
to the head of a nephew.

"I grabbed the guy," the uncle said. "I was sure I was going to
be shot."

He said his brother then opened fire in the short stairway
leading from the front door of the club to a lounge and deck
where the party had been. The uncle said that he escaped injury
but that two of the intruders were shot. Police could not confirm
that there was a third intruder, and if there was, it was unclear
what happened to him.

"It's a bad feeling," said the uncle, still struggling with his
emotions yesterday, 12 hours after the shooting. "Why couldn't
they just let her have her party?"

The girl's uncle said his brother had a license to carry a
concealed weapon, which he said his brother needed as security
for his job in auto sales. Virginia is one of 31 states that
allow people to carry concealed weapons if they meet minimal
standards, such as passing a background check and taking a gun
safety course.

The main restrictions under Virginia law are that concealed
weapons cannot be carried into schools, churches and courthouses.

Herndon police senior Sgt. John W. Orpin, a detective
investigating the shootings, said that for quiet, suburban
Herndon, the incident was "very unusual."

Police declined to comment on the account given by the girl's

The Four Seasons club and adjoining pool are run for the benefit
of 683 families who live in the community, a mix of detached
single-family homes and town houses. Joyce Burd, secretary of the
recreation association's board of directors, said there has never
been gunfire at the club in the 18 years she has lived in Four

Burd said the club had been rented by a relative of the graduate
who is a Four Seasons resident. The relative paid $175 for the
use of the club and pool plus a $350 security deposit for the
party, which the relative had indicated was to have 50 guests.

Burd said she first was called to the club about 9:30 p.m.
Saturday by the two 16-year-old female lifeguards at the pool,
who asked her to explain to the family giving the party that they
had to leave at midnight. Burd said the family had assumed the
club could remain open until 1:30 a.m.

Burd said that she volunteered to remain at the party with the
lifeguards but that the lifeguards' parents volunteered to stay.
"I was a litt

[CTRL] PJB Update and New Poll

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Dear Brigade,

Just in case you didn't have a chance to stop by our site today:

Today Pat will be on:
CNN: Inside Politics at 5:00pm
CNBC: Rivera Live at 9:00pm
MSNBC: Hockenberry at 10:00pm


Check out our new poll page at:

A new poll is up and will end on Tuesday June 22, 1999 at 6AM

Please spread the word on this one - We only have a few days to put PJB in
the lead! - THANKS BRIGADE! - Linda

PS - I'll add more polls, chat rooms, newsgroups, etc asap.

Poll Ends 6:00 AM
 Tuesday - June 22, 1999

Results Will Be
   Announced Thursday at
  The National Press Club!

  NOTE: I spoke with The Tarrance Group
  today: This poll/survey has up to 30
  questions and can take as long as 20
  minutes. They have written several error
  checking devices into the code. It is
  important that you answer every question
  and be consistent in your answers - so that
  your answers will be counted.

  Subject: Online Polling
  Date sent: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 18:19:29

  Dear Webmaster…
  The Tarrance Group and Lake, Perry, Snell &
  Associates is conducting the first ever
  complete online survey that coincides
  with a traditionally-fielding poll. One of
  the questions on this online study asks
  whom the respondent will vote for in the
  upcoming 2000 Presidential Primary. As
  some presidential campaigns have notified
  people to take the poll, we have decided to
  present everyone the opportunity to

  The latest press release, explaining what the
  Battleground survey is and what the online
  component is designed to accomplish is
  attached. Results are going to be presented
  at the National Press Club in Washington,
  DC, on June 24th, and have always been
  debated on several national media outlets
  for days after the results were released.

  From The Tarrance Group release:

  JUNE 14, 1999: THE INTERNET -- One of the
  nation's most respected bipartisan polls now
  includes an Internet component designed to
  field simultaneously online.

  An actual telephone survey, called the
  BATTLEGROUNDTM poll, the twelfth in the
  eight-year series, is currently fielding
  through traditional methods. The online
  version of the BATTLEGROUND poll will
  investigate for the first time the
  feasibility of online political polling.
  Internet surfers visiting The Tarrance Group
  web page (www.tarrance.com) can
  participate in the online version of this
  survey by following the "Online Poll" icon.

  The Tarrance Group and Lake Snell Perry &
  Associates design the questionnaire together
  and analyze it separately. The result is a
  bipartisan poll with purely partisan analyses
  and survey results, released publicly in their

  Full results from both the online and
  traditional components of the poll will be
  made public at a press conference in the
  National Press Club on June 24th.

  end  -
Help Pat and the Brigade in our Battle for the White House...
Go to: http://www.gopatgo2000.org/000-v-helppat.html
Spread the word -- forward this email across the USA!
Don't Miss Out - Join the BRIGADE Email List! - Visit:
Official WebSite for Patrick J. Buchanan for President
Web: http://www.gopatgo2000.org
  *** BUCHANAN 2000 ***
P.O. Box 2000, Dunn Loring, VA 22027
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: 1-703-734-2700
WebMaster - Linda Muller - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] UKs imminent slaughter ??

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Andrew Hennessey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

> >>Take your damn medication Andrew. -
> >>Joshua2
> >
> >me thinkest he doth prescribe too much.
> >hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah.
> yep you're absolutely right - I had a psychotic episode,
> I can't tell the difference between people and alien reptoids -
> Opus Dei conspiracies, the Poor being made into meat sandwiches
> and given to the hungry along with a cup of tea .

  "Flush twice, it's a long way to MacDonald's" --anon.

But suppose it's reptoids that're going into lunchmeat?  Would you
want to eat ground-up reptoids?  Or pigeons?  [An old San Francisco
tradition holds that "fried chicken" served in coastal canteens is
actually seagull.]  And beware of SPAM, made of SPanish AMericans -
pureed Chicanos and Puerto Ricans. Naw, stick to free-range tofu.
And pray that the water that's in your teas isn't fluoridated.

> christ, beam me up Scotty ...
> Andrew

He's DEAD, Andrew.  Christ, that is.

  Ric "She's DEAD, Jim! Cute, tho..." Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990615b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No atheists were evangelically proselytized to produce this bulletin. Yet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# BUNGEE JUMPING - SAFER THAN IT LOOKS. Here's a report on the safety of
  bungee jumping - for any of you out there thinking about giving it a try.
  While nearly half of the people in this study suffered mild complaints,
  they resolved in about a week after the jump - except for the guy who
  changed his mind mid-leap and tried to grab for the platform; he got some
  lacerations. Once you leap, it is not the time to change your mind, folks.

: Have the voices in your head ever told you to jump off a bridge or from an
airplane? Did you heed these instructions? Did you survive? Will you again?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# LUCASFILM TAKES EX-ARMY BASE. George Lucas gets the nod to move his film
empire into one of America's premier urban park spaces, as part of the deal
requiring the National Parks Service land to be financially self-sufficient.

: Would you prefer the SF Presidio be used for LucasFilm, StarFleet Academy,
homeless housing, ET autopsies, AI research, spying, waste disposal, sex?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ 1989/90 Belgian Triangles Revealed As Secret Military Craft? "The pilot
  made a categorical statement that what, in fact, had happened was a cover-
  up ... He claimed that the REAL TRUTH OF THE MATTER was that a military
  delta-plat-form aircraft had been operating at the time of the sightings.
  He added that the Belgian Air Force wanted to divert attention AWAY from
  any suggestion that advanced military hardware had been seen." Then he
  beamed aboard the mothership: http://www.sightings.com/ufo3/tricraft.htm

: What's your favorite secret advanced military hardware? From which aliens
was the technology acquired, and how? Have you stolen alien secrets lately?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# WEB EMAIL FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Want to send a very private email to a
  friend overseas? ZipLip.com uses the security already built into your
  browser to offer secure Web-based messaging. But can your trust Netscape?

# EVERY WEB SITE A CHAT ROOM. When you land on a Web site, you're not alone.
  Gooey, a new hybrid chat-Web service, shows you who else is there so that
  you can strike up a chat. What if you don't want anyone to see you there?

# DOUBLECLICK'S SINGLE FOCUS: YOU. DoubleClick plans to buy DB marketer
  Abacus Direct for US$1 billion. This could make DoubleClick the Net's
  top direct marketer, and a big headache for privacy advocates. Privacy?

: How much privacy & security can you stand? Is privacy antisocial, deviant?
Should you be treated? Can you trust anyone to protect your privacy? Who???
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

$ You are cordially invited to join us in the oasis-like town of Crestone in
the mysterious San Luis Valley of Colorado for our in-depth consciousness
and research training retreat. The many different spiritual persuasions that
have made a home in Crestone have found, in their own unique way, that this
enigmatic valley is conducive to the pursuit of higher consciousness. Histo-
rically, it's also been a hot spot for UFO activity and unusual happenings.
Complete details on the CSETI Website: www.cseti.org/programs/upcoming.htm

: How much would you pay to tune-up your consciousness? Do you like to visit
hot spots of UFO activity & unusual happenings? Have you ever been abducted?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# Y2K TRADEMARK: PATENTLY ABSURD? Meet Jeff Buhl, the financial consultant
  who owns a trademark on the term "Y2K." He's trying to collect licensing
  fees from companies that use the acronym. Who holds the trademark on WEB?

absorbing information" about gays, says filmmaker Debra Chasnoff. "Some of
it's accurate and some of it's really off the wall." Her documentary, "It's
Elementary," began airing on dozens of public TV stations this month despite
having been turned down by the national PBS office. Conservative groups have
long complained about the film, which has been shown at teacher-training
seminars, PTA meetings, and churches and synagogues since 1996. Film eaves-
drops on stereotypes: www.cnn.com/SHOWBIZ/TV/9906/14/gay.awareness.tv.ap/

# MCDONALD'S REALLY SPECIAL SAUCE. The granddaddy of the fast-food world
  imposes a b

[CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Satanist in the Army]

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Mike & Kathy Moxley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >> >Ah, you'll only confuse the fundy jeezoids, who'll ignore you anyway.
> >>
> >> BIGOTRY and ignorance at it's best.
> >
> >Vagueness at its worst, with a bit of the ol' ad hominem implied. I
> >should ask you just what you thought I was ignorant of and bigoted
> >towards, Mike and/or Kathy.  Am I displaying bigotry towards all
> >believers, or all Xians, or fundamentalists of any stripe, or Xians
> >of specific sects, or monotheists, or trinitarians, or Wiccans, or
> >the US Army, or GLBTs, or who?  Am I displaying ignorance of some of
> >the thousands of contradictory Xian doctrines, or of the nature of
> >monotheism, or of the inner workings of your consciousness, or what?
> >Be more specific, please.  And be civil.  That's the rule here.
> >From WordNet (r) 1.6 (wn)
> bigot n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing
> from his own.
> Syn: Prejudiced; intolerant; narrow-minded.
> Examples of BIGOTRY:
> Referring to Muslims as Ragheads.
> Referring to Blacks as Niggers.
> Referring to Christians as fundy jeezoids.
> You should look up the word CIVIL.  So you can follow the rules here.

First: I have addressed NO characterizations to you, Mike and/or Kathy,
so I haven't been uncivil to you.  Nor will I.

Second: I didn't refer to Xians as fundy jeezoids.  There are many Xians
who aren't fundy jeezoids - Quakers, among others.  But IMHO enthusiastic
fundamentalist Xians who adhere to modern heresies CAN be adequately tagged
as fundy jeezoids, for reasons I'll discuss below.

Third: One may be born into an ethnic group, such groups as Arabs, Blacks,
Jews, Irish, Romani, etc.  It is despicable to use ethnic epithets against
members of such groups.  In fact, the only ethnic 'humor' I find tolerable
is aimed at EXTINCT groups, such as Tasmanians or Carthaginians, who have
no extant members to be insulted.  [Q: How many Tasmanians does it take to
change a light bulb?  A: None, they're all dead.]  But fundy jeezoids are
made, not born.  Nobody forces one to adhere to modern heresies, so such
individuals are fair game for criticism of their beliefs.

Forth: Fundamentalism of any stripe, Xian or Muslim or Judaic or Sciento-
logical or whatever, is not merely a belief system, it's a conspiracy to
deprive others of their legal rights.  Fundy jeezoids are at the forefront
of criminal conspiracies to obliterate: freedom of reproductive choice;
freedom of worship & freedom FROM worship; freedom of expression; freedom
of self-medication; freedom of travel; et al.  I call members of fascist
conspiracies, Nazis.  I call members of repressive Xian conspiracies,
fundy jeezoids.  I call members of oppressive gov't conspiracies, pigs.

Fifth: Modern Xian fundamentalism, as well as Roman Catholicism, Protes-
tantism, and such offshoots are Mormonism and Millerite Millennialism
[including Adventists, Witnesses and XianSci's], are all heretical sects
in that they recognize Apocalypse/Revelations as canonical; abjure the
Gospel of Barnabas; ignore the words of Yeshua in favor of the writings
of Saul/Paul, the torturer and death-squad leader who persecuted the
Nazarenes and invented Xianity; and have otherwise strayed from this
core of the faith.  Those who claim to "follow Jesus" while adhering
to such heresies are indeed jeezoids, just as a lie is a factoid.

Sixth: You still didn't specify just what you think I'm ignorant of.
But that's just as well; we don't want to devolve into ad hominems here.

  Ric "God WAS my copilot but we crashed in the Andes so I ate Her" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) Release: hidden taxes

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hidden taxes cost every American
> $2,462 a year, new study reveals
> * $18.7 billion a year in import taxes ...

Before the Income Tax, the fed'l gov't was entirely financed by such
import duties.  If all other taxes disappeared, would import duties
be raised so drastically that int'l commerce would cease?  If import
duties disappeared, would other taxes be increased to take their place?

> * $10.7 billion in travel taxes -- such as hotel rooms, rental
> cars, and airline tickets ...

How much of room taxes pays for civic costs of the hostelries? How much
of airport taxes pays for infrastructure/operating costs of airports?

> * $215.3 billion in corporate taxes ... corporations pass that
> cost on to consumers ...

If corp's weren't taxed, would personal taxes be raised by that amount?

> * $58.9 billion in gasoline taxes ...

Do gas taxes cover the cost of road maintenance? [Hint: no.] Should gas-
burning vehicles be massively subsidized?  If you had to pay the direct
costs of your gas vehicle, would you bike or hike instead? How much of
the US military budget is a hidden subsidy keeping gas prices low?

> * $12.6 billion in government licenses ...

Do licence fees pay for gov't services?  For instance, do dog-tag fees
pay the costs of animal control in your community?  Do amusement park
licence fees pay the cost of police and fire services at the site?

> * $230.2 billion for your employers' share of payroll taxes.
> Those are government-mandated taxes such as Social Security & Medicare ...

Do Americans WANT the services provided by Social Security & Medicare?

Bottom line: there ain't no free lunch.  Americans want services, then
have a great time bitching about paying for such services.  So, do we
get adequate value for the taxes we pay?  Do your property taxes pay
for adequate public schools?  Would your Medicare taxes be better spent
on a national health-care system, like all other industrial countries?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Is "Spice" Nice ?

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


Now... what's wrong with a little word like "NO !" ?

> Spicy schoolgirl outfits give parents fits
> by Margery Eagan
> Tuesday, June 15, 1999
> We are not sure when ``hooker chic'' became the de facto fashion
> statement of 12-year-old girls from nice families living in nice
> homes. But it's here.
> ``I try not to notice it,'' says Bill Haney, a Brookline father of a
> 12-year-old girl. He was looking for a pair of boring pants at the
> Back Bay Marshalls yesterday.
> ``I try not to,'' he says, ``but I have.''
> How can you not? It's everywhere. At the mall, of course. At
> graduation parties for junior high or middle school, even sixth grade.
> If you've happened by the barely pubescent in line for the new Austin
> Powers movie, what you saw is a sea of tube tops and halter tops and
> hip-hugging spandex, suck-in-your-gut capri pants and bare shoulders
> and belly buttons.
> Girls barely riding two-wheelers stood 5-feet 9-inches on platform
> pink glitter heels, opened toed, to match the pink glitter powder on
> their face and eyelids and lips, carefully outlined to a saucy pout.
> Lolitas by the dozen do Circle Cinema.
> And these are the daughters of the feminist revolution. Something, it
> appears, has gone awry.
> ``I didn't own a black bra 'til I was 21,'' said one worried mother
> decked out in a baggy housedress last week to beat the heat. ``Or a
> strapless bra either. My daughter has a strapless, backless bra. . . .
> She's 13.''
> As any doorman at any local hotel can testify, the high school prom
> scene for years now has been the Parade of the Trollops.
> What's new is the full trollop in grade school, for girls still
> wearing a JonBenet Ramsey size 6X. What's new is sex-kitten casual
> clothes, too: platform sneakers in second grade, body-clinging tank
> tops with spaghetti straps in third; T-shirts clinging like Saran
> Wrap.
> It doesn't much matter where you shop, except, perhaps, for horsey,
> pricey Talbots. Department stores like Filene's. Preteen specialty
> catalogues like Delia's. Preteen boutiques like Imagine in Newton or
> discount stores like Marshalls where, yesterday, next to Bill Haney's
> boring pants hung rows of cotton lycra and spandex tube tops the size
> of a kitchen-floor square tile, $9.99.
> Try to find what, in ancient days of yore, we called ``modest''
> attire: puffed sleeves, a collar or two. Maybe a full skirt falling
> from a high waist. Forget about it.
> ``The Spice Girls changed the world,'' says Scatha Allison of Newbury
> Street's trendy teenage boutique Allston Beat (which, happily, does
> not sell many of the studded dog collars hanging above its checkout
> counter to 12-year-old girls).
> But Allison may be right about the influence of the Spice Girls, the
> rock group all the rage a while back among 5-year-old girls, who're
> older now. And then there's the influence of MTV and Dawson's Creek
> and a slew of highly sexual teenage movies and girls' magazines.
> It's much in vogue to blame parents for everything now, including
> their daughters' come-hither attire. Yet the baggy-housedress mother
> can't be the only one aware that her teenager has left home in one
> parent-approved outfit while the one she'll actually wear to the party
> - or even to school - is stashed in her backpack.
> Says that mother, ``It's a strange thing to see men on the street, men
> older than I am, leer at my daughter,'' who is, as we said, 13.
> Therapist Charles Foster, author of Parent/Teen Breakthrough, offers
> some small comfort. ``Whenever young people have been able to push
> back the boundaries, they've pushed back the boundaries.''
> He points to the ``Flash Dance'' fad: torn sweatshirts falling off
> girls' shoulders. Or the ripped jeans fad: ripped knees, thighs, even
> rear ends. Or the micro-mini skirt fad from the '60s. ``It's a game.
> If I'm a teen-ager and I create consternation, if I shock an adult, I
> win.''
> But Foster also says many girls don't realize how provocative they
> appear. ``They understand in a general sense that dressing
> provocatively gives them power, but I don't think they understand
> they're playing with fire, or danger, or the kind of interest they're
> creating in the minds of the men looking at them.''
> So how hysterical should we be?
> I'd say we have our answer: Very.
> What do you think of ''hooker chic" fashions? Tell us! Vote in
> bostonherald.com's Question of the Day!

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] Oh, Those Rights, Again !

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.infidels.org/index.html

>> Thirteen different right-wing religious groups ... <<

Interesting number:  I think this makes a 'coven' ... or a baker's
dozen ... (I won't address # of attendees at the Final Meal ...).
They have "SatAn" devotees in Germany:  I saw this emblazoned on a
satellite dish on one of our buildings (it's short for SATellite
ANtenna) ... wouldn't that have raised the Barr ... and as for the
military: no one has to swear to defend anything other than the
Constitution ... the suggestion that

> "The official approval of Satanism and witchcraft by the Army is a
> direct assault on the Christian faith that generations of American
> soldiers have fought and died for," Weyrich said.[14]

is bogus.  If were actually valid, EVERYONE would have to attend some
spiritual event (at least weekly).  It's the RIGHT to be a Christian
or whatever over which blood was spilled.  If I research my
recollection for the specificity of historical information, they ahd
the Salem affair about eighty years afore the writing of the
Constitution and attendant amendments; so, perhaps THAT was WHY it
was written the way it was.  A<>E<>R

> Secular Web: Features: 1999: Hypocrisy Reigns Supreme
> --
> --
> Hypocrisy Reigns Supreme
> 13 Religious Groups Command "About Face" On Religious Freedom
> June 15, 1999
> By Bill Schultz
> In the insanity that sometimes rules debates about the separation of
> church and state, I've long noted the "teeter-totter" effect of this
> issue. There are two parts to the religious portion of the First
> Amendment.[1] One, referred to as the "establishment clause," commands
> that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
> religion." The other, referred to as the "free exercise clause,"
> continues on from that point and commands that Congress shall make no
> law "prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Those two clauses were
> intended by our founding fathers to do as Thomas Jefferson described,
> to erect a "wall of separation between church and state."[2] Those
> restrictions on Congress have been made applicable to all levels of
> government through the Fourteenth Amendment.[3]
> The difficulty is that modern US Supreme Court jurisprudence
> frequently finds those two clauses to be in conflict with each other.
> In some cases, the Supreme Court finds it cannot do complete justice
> to the "free exercise clause" without doing violence to the
> "establishment clause," or vice versa. I'm probably one of the few
> freethinkers who believes that the current state of the law as defined
> by our Supreme Court is "just about right," as far as balancing those
> two conflicting concepts can reasonably be done. The fact that both
> freethinkers and religionists feel their rights are being violated by
> the current state of the law is probably a good indication that a
> relatively fair balance exists between the interpretations of those
> two clauses.
> Nonetheless, the so-called Radical Religious Right has attempted to
> restore recognition of an older balance point that they perceive as
> more favorable to their own "religious liberties." They have attempted
> to increase the amount of "free exercise" at the expense of some
> "establishment" (or at least, special recognition) of religion. They
> have pursued this goal in the name of "religious freedom," calling
> their legislative efforts in this regard by various high sounding
> names. One example is the "Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993
> (RFRA), 107 Stat. 1488, 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb et seq.,"[4] a law that was
> held to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Boerne v. Flores,
> (95-2074)[5] (the issue in this case was whether religiously neutral
> zoning laws could be enforced against a church building). Freethinkers
> are lucky in that many theists also recognize the "wall of separation"
> to be in their own best interests. Organizations run by theists, such
> as Americans United for Separation of Church and State,[6] were very
> active in opposing legislation like the Religious Freedom Restoration
> Act in the Congress and in the courts.
> The older balance point,[7] sought by RFRA supporters, would have
> required a "compelling interest" by the government before it could
> enforce an otherwise neutral law of general applicability against any
> religious practice. Furthermore, the government could only use the
> "least restrictive means" for enforcing its "compelling interest" with
> an otherwise religiously neutral law. In essence, this test would have
> required all governments to allow virtually any activity called a
> "religious practice" so long as the government could not justify some
> sort of "compelling interest" why the government must interfere with
> that "religious practice." Many who opposed this expansion of the
> concept of "free exercise" noted that passi

[CTRL] Enjoy Your Flight ...

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Christian Science Monitor

> WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1999
> e-mail this story to a friend
> Protecting travelers from acts of 'air rage'
> How airlines, lawmakers, and passenger-rights groups combat dangerous
> acts by unruly fliers.
> Ruth Walker
> Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
> Flight attendant Renée Sheffer has been an authority on "air rage" -
> airline-passenger disruption or violence in flight - ever since a
> December 1997 encounter at 35,000 feet.
> The passenger in question seemed nice enough at the start of the US
> Airways flight from Los Angeles to Baltimore, she says. But somewhere
> in mid-flight, he began behaving erratically. He warned the plane
> would crash. Then he started moving toward the cockpit.
> Ms. Sheffer, a nurse before she started her 14-year career with the
> airlines, drew on all her training to try to calm the man and get him
> back into his seat. But he became physically violent, throwing her
> over three rows of seats. She worked with two of her male colleagues -
> another flight attendant and an off-duty pilot - to restrain him
> physically and secure him for the flight's duration. The man later
> admitted he had taken LSD.
> Had he succeeded in storming the cabin, he might have brought down the
> Boeing 757 with all 166 people aboard. Had that happened, Sheffer
> says, "more people would have died than in the Oklahoma City bombing."
> APPROACH: A British Airways jet lands in Hong Kong. The
> carrier has moved to crack down on passengers whose actions endanger
> others. AP
> --
> --
> Air rage may be one of those problems that seems to be getting worse
> mainly because it's finally being addressed. But the potential
> seriousness of recent incidents like the one involving Sheffer have
> government regulators and the airline industry - despite occasional
> tensions - jointly taking note.
> Canada's transport ministry, called Transport Canada, is now launching
> a campaign intended to inform the traveling public that verbal or
> physical abuse of airline staff will not be tolerated.
> Denise Hill, a representative of the Canadian flight attendants' union
> and a member of Transport Canada's working group on disruptive
> passengers, says: "We're making it clear that this is happening, and
> that it's not going to be treated lightly."
> In the past, she says, there's been a tendency to "plea-bargain away"
> the seriousness of abuse and assaults against flight crews. The
> campaign, to be launched next month, will involve clearly posted signs
> in airports, and printed reminders in passengers' ticket envelopes.
> Britain is another leader on this issue, acting forcefully to
> prosecute cases of inflight assault. Since April, British airlines
> have been systematically logging all incidents reported by flight
> crews.
> Britain has also formed a working group on disruptive passengers, with
> representatives from several government ministries. And British
> Airways has had in place since last year a "yellow card" system -
> mirroring the soccer warning - that warns offending passengers they
> could face charges unless they alter their behavior.
> American moves, too
> In the United States, the House of Representatives has held hearings
> on in-flight violence. Legislation has been introduced into the Senate
> to increase fines for those disruptive passengers and to make it
> easier to arrest in-flight offenders.
> • The Bush blitz
> • Asian blame games
> • Weighing Moscow's gains
> New passenger-rights guarantees requiring airlines to be forthcoming
> with information about overbooking and delays are also in the works.
> Major US airlines reportedly postponed the release of a draft 12-point
> plan earlier this month that could ultimately commit airlines to
> paying closer attention to passenger needs, especially during long,
> on-aircraft delays. Around the world, air rage has gone from being a
> problem the airlines don't want to talk about, in part out of concern
> about driving away revenue, to one on which several are introducing
> "zero-tolerance" policies, including support for flight attendants who
> press charges against passengers: British Airways, British Midland,
> Canadian Airlines, Air Canada, KLM, Cathay Pacific, Swissair, and some
> charter carriers are doing so.
> "I'm very attracted to the level of commitment that the airlines have
> been demonstrating in dealing with this issue," says Jim Marriott,
> Transport Canada's director of security policy and legislation.
> Since the assault against Sheffer, she and her husband have launched
> the Skyrage Foundation to fight air rage worldwide. "It was time to
> make noise so I decided to make it," says Michael Sheffer. Through his
> Web site (www.skyrage.org) and e-mail, he's been in touch with people
> "from New York to California, in South Af

[CTRL] 25 Tons

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


> Give £50,000 to every boy and girl
> Bill Gates's fortune exceeds the combined wealth of nearly half the
> households in America. Robert Reich offers big and bold ideas on how
> to bridge the gap
> Here's an important new idea for helping the bottom half
> share in the nation's prosperity. Spread capitalism by spreading
> capital. Rather than just redistribute income to people after they've
> become poor, give them capital up front to build their fortunes. Give
> a young family a starter nest egg. Give a young adult a capital stake.
> This idea quietly underlies Bill Clinton's newly proposed universal
> savings accounts. The plan is currently being touted as part of social
> security reform. But it's not really about social security. It's about
> redistributing capital assets to lower-income families.
> Here's how it would work. Families earning under $40,000 would get an
> annual $600 tax credit, plus another $700 if they deposit $700 of
> their own money into their account. This adds up to an annual nest egg
> of $2,000. If they continue doing the same thing for 40 years, their
> nest egg, assuming a modest 5 per cent rate of return, would
> accumulate into a giant brontosaurus egg of over $250,000.
> Higher-income families would get a smaller subsidy. Total cost to
> taxpayers: about $30 billion a year, most of which would go to poorer
> families.
> Or consider Senator Bob Kerrey's Kid Save. Under this plan, the
> government would give every newborn a $1,000 savings account, to which
> $500 would be added every year until the child's fifth birthday. The
> money accumulates and the interest compounds until the child reaches
> 21, and - hey presto! - the kid has a cool $20,000 to start his or her
> adult life. The tab: about $15 billion a year.
> If neither of these is ambitious enough for you, here's another,
> proposed by Bruce Ackerman and Anne Alstott, both professors at Yale
> Law School, in a slim volume called The Stakeholder Society (Yale
> University Press).
> Every 21 year old gets $80,000 (just under £50,000), to do with as he
> or she sees fit. The cost is $255 billion a year - borne either
> through mandatory payback of the original stake (plus interest) at
> death or by an annual 2 per cent wealth tax on the wealthiest 40 per
> cent of Americans.
> It's unlikely that any of these schemes will see the light of day any
> time soon. But what's important here is the big idea common to all of
> them: redistribute capital.
> Big ideas like this are significant because they can reframe the
> public debate. They change the prevailing assumptions. Eventually they
> can change the course of the nation.
> So why the buzz now? Three reasons. First, it's dawning on many people
> that the old ways of trying to broaden prosperity aren't working
> nearly as well or as fast as we'd like. Not even the buoyant American
> expansion of the 1990s has done much to reverse the long-term decline
> in real incomes of the bottom third. Those just above them haven't
> gained any ground.
> The median American family is about where it was a decade ago in real
> terms, and its members are now working a total of six more weeks a
> year than they did then. To be sure, the very poor have bounced up a
> bit since 1996, both because the minimum wage was raised and because
> the labour market became so tight that they've had an easy time
> finding jobs. But that bounce was from a long way down, so they're
> still very poor. And when the economy cools, the slide is likely to
> resume.
> Most of the people who have been losing out don't have an adequate
> education - the first prerequisite in this global, digital economy. So
> obviously the best investment in their future prosperity is to improve
> their store of "human capital".
> But this takes considerable time. And it's far from a sure bet. Even
> if the half-trillion dollars the US spends every year on public
> schools were perfectly utilised, and children from poorer homes were
> learning like mad, they'd still start off their adult lives at a
> severe financial disadvantage. They would have a hard time getting a
> university education or buying a first home.
> Furthermore it's become clear that society cannot rely on direct
> handouts and income transfers to do the job. They have all sorts of
> negative side effects, such as dependency. And there's no political
> will to carry them out on a large scale. Trying to redistribute income
> from the relatively richer to the relatively poorer people through
> specific federal programmes funded by annual appropriations has become
> next to impossible.
> The second reason for the new conversation is that capital assets -
> rather than income - are now where the action is. The story of the
> 1990s, if you hadn't noticed, is the extraordinary boom in the market
> valuations of companies, followed by homes. The boom may end tomor

Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] OT?: Re: Flight Journal August 1999 (fwd)]

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


> A "Forum" piece beginning at page 102 ("The Immutable
> Laws Of Physics") examines the F-117 shootdown over Yugoslavia,
> reviewing from perspective of a previous article (December) which
> argued that *no* airborne platform is invisible to radar, and
> that "stealth" technology merely decreases detection range.
> Admitting a controversial stand, the article proceeds to
> conjecture that the F-117 was likely shot down by an SA-6 SAM,
> followed with a brief explanation.  This article is only about a
> thousand words, and fairly technically dry, but two items stand
> out: 1) that the Yugos "have had some help from their Russian
> mentors", a prospect that immediately strikes *me* with more than
> face-value as I contemplate the Russian presence at Pristina
> airport; 2) a point on stealth technology that bears emphasis:
> that "One cannot expect graceful [control] degradation from a
> flying computer that is essentially unstable about all three
> axes.  Therefore, even with its quad-redundant flight control
> systems, if an F-117A is struck by almost anything thrown at it
> from the ground, we should expect a mission abort or an aircraft
> loss."  The article develops the latter point somewhat in a later
> paragraph, and it occurs to me that people like those currently
> in command of US armed forces can hardly be expected to grasp
> some of the pressing strategic and tactical implications.

One problem with the F-117 is that it's the wrong color. Against a blue or
gray sky, the black silhouette stands out like the bull's-eye on a target
range. When the plane was designed, the original specs called for it to be
pink, not black, as pink will blend into the background far better than black.
This was vetoed by the Air Force, however, because pink was deemed an
"inappropriate" color...that is, not macho enough... After all, we can't have
our Top Guns flying Stealth fighters painted a pansy color like *pink*, now
can we? Huh?


Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990615c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No fundy jeezoids were immolated during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

with human genes is about to be set out in Canada. Canadian scientists says
it's possibly the first field test ever of plants with human genes. It won't
be the last: http://cnn.com/HEALTH/9906/14/tobacco.human.genes/index.html

: Would you smoke a cigarette that you're personally related to? Would it be
cannibalism to consume plants with human genes? Do they taste like chicken?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Dalai Lama optimistic about 2000. JERUSALEM (AP) In a city best known for
  its religious strife, the Dalai Lama walked along the cobblestone alleys
  carrying a message of peace. Donning a skullcap at the Western Wall, pos-
  ing for photos with black-robed priests at Jesus' tomb and touring Islam's
  3rd holiest site, he said conflict is unavoidable, but that with the right
  attitude, problems are easier to overcome. The next millennium could hold
  a better future for humanity and the people of Tibet, he told a news con-
  ference. Human beings are learning from their mistakes, he said. "I think
  that everywhere the desire for peace, nonviolence, coexistence, self-det-
  ermination and the concern for ecology are becoming universal," he said.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559934915-62b

: Are you optimistic, pessimistic, narcissistic, narcoleptic, epileptic, or
opportunistic? Are Tibetans doomed? Is the Dalai Lama a CIA tool? Are you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  behavioral problems are common in dementia and have traditionally been
  treated with neuroleptic drugs. http://psychiatry.medscape.com/4378.rhtml

  der remission appears to be successfully maintained by once-weekly dosing
  of fluoxetine.  http://psychiatry.medscape.com/4445.rhtml

: What's your fave mood-altering drug? Would you rather suffer from panic
disorder or shoot up a school? Do you prefer dementia, depression or death?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Boys convicted in death of gay man. WEST PALM BEACH, Fl. (AP) Two teen-age
  boys who admitted repeatedly beating and kicking a gay man after he called
  one of them "beautiful" were convicted of murder. Bryan Donahue, 17, was
  found guilty of 2nd-degree murder & robbery. Another jury convicted Billy
  Dodge, 18, of 3rd-degree murder motivated by hate. They were convicted in
  the slaying of Steven Goedereis, a waiter beaten beyond recognition in
  1998 outside a convenience store. Donahue kicked him 20 times in the
  head. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559937761-286

: Would you kill someone who called you 'beautiful'? Does your belief system
specify that compliments be punished by death? Would you rather be insulted?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  of somatization in adolescents may be an early warning of probable major
  depression in young adulthood: http://psychiatry.medscape.com/4487.rhtml

  Psychiatric disorders, particularly anxiety and affective disorders, are
  linked to certain headaches. http://psychiatry.medscape.com/4481.rhtml

: Are you sleepy, depressed, headachey, adolescent, disordered? Do you blame
your aliments on your biochemistry, drugs, CIA mind-control rays, ETs, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Ethnic violence flares in Solomon Islands. CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand (AP)
  Ethnic violence has flared in the Pacific nation of the Solomon Islands,
  with clashes leaving two people dead and forcing more than 1,000 others to
  flee their homes. Militants from the self-styled Guadalcanal Liberation
  Army set up roadblocks outside the capital Honiara over the weekend and
  were forcing out ethnic rivals from the neighboring island of Malaita.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559938200-fb9

: Will Guadalcanal be cleared for use as a transport base / research station
by Reptilioids, Republicans, Bilderbergers, Scientologists, Nazis, Militias?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  of existence, eh? http://cnn.com/US/9906/14/scotus.01/index.html

# POPE CANCELS MASS DUE TO FEVER - will be beamed aboard mothership by
  his ET masters soon: http://cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9906/15/pope.01.ap/
# Pope to visit ailing Armenian Orthodox 

Re: [CTRL] 25 Tons

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

KUDOS  - Give capital up front??? You must know something about William
Jennings Bryan who, in circa 1895, wanted to issue free silver per capita.
If you havn't already done so, you might find it interesting to study "The
Debt Free and Tax Free Amendment" in the post "Global Conspiracy - The
Freedom to Make Slaves"  (if you can't find it, try the CTRL archives).  For
more info on the per capita issue of spendable bank reserves send an e-mail

-Original Message-
From: Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 4:29 PM
Subject: [CTRL] 25 Tons

> -Caveat Lector-
>> Give £50,000 to every boy and girl
>> Bill Gates's fortune exceeds the combined wealth of nearly half the
>> households in America. Robert Reich offers big and bold ideas on how
>> to bridge the gap
>> Here's an important new idea for helping the bottom half
>> share in the nation's prosperity. Spread capitalism by spreading
>> capital. Rather than just redistribute income to people after they've
>> become poor, give them capital up front to build their fortunes. Give
>> a young family a starter nest egg. Give a young adult a capital stake.
>> This idea quietly underlies Bill Clinton's newly proposed universal
>> savings accounts. The plan is currently being touted as part of social
>> security reform. But it's not really about social security. It's about
>> redistributing capital assets to lower-income families.
>> Here's how it would work. Families earning under $40,000 would get an
>> annual $600 tax credit, plus another $700 if they deposit $700 of
>> their own money into their account. This adds up to an annual nest egg
>> of $2,000. If they continue doing the same thing for 40 years, their
>> nest egg, assuming a modest 5 per cent rate of return, would
>> accumulate into a giant brontosaurus egg of over $250,000.
>> Higher-income families would get a smaller subsidy. Total cost to
>> taxpayers: about $30 billion a year, most of which would go to poorer
>> families.
>> Or consider Senator Bob Kerrey's Kid Save. Under this plan, the
>> government would give every newborn a $1,000 savings account, to which
>> $500 would be added every year until the child's fifth birthday. The
>> money accumulates and the interest compounds until the child reaches
>> 21, and - hey presto! - the kid has a cool $20,000 to start his or her
>> adult life. The tab: about $15 billion a year.
>> If neither of these is ambitious enough for you, here's another,
>> proposed by Bruce Ackerman and Anne Alstott, both professors at Yale
>> Law School, in a slim volume called The Stakeholder Society (Yale
>> University Press).
>> Every 21 year old gets $80,000 (just under £50,000), to do with as he
>> or she sees fit. The cost is $255 billion a year - borne either
>> through mandatory payback of the original stake (plus interest) at
>> death or by an annual 2 per cent wealth tax on the wealthiest 40 per
>> cent of Americans.
>> It's unlikely that any of these schemes will see the light of day any
>> time soon. But what's important here is the big idea common to all of
>> them: redistribute capital.
>> Big ideas like this are significant because they can reframe the
>> public debate. They change the prevailing assumptions. Eventually they
>> can change the course of the nation.
>> So why the buzz now? Three reasons. First, it's dawning on many people
>> that the old ways of trying to broaden prosperity aren't working
>> nearly as well or as fast as we'd like. Not even the buoyant American
>> expansion of the 1990s has done much to reverse the long-term decline
>> in real incomes of the bottom third. Those just above them haven't
>> gained any ground.
>> The median American family is about where it was a decade ago in real
>> terms, and its members are now working a total of six more weeks a
>> year than they did then. To be sure, the very poor have bounced up a
>> bit since 1996, both because the minimum wage was raised and because
>> the labour market became so tight that they've had an easy time
>> finding jobs. But that bounce was from a long way down, so they're
>> still very poor. And when the economy cools, the slide is likely to
>> resume.
>> Most of the people who have been losing out don't have an adequate
>> education - the first prerequisite in this global, digital economy. So
>> obviously the best investment in their future prosperity is to improve
>> their store of "human capital".
>> But this takes considerable time. And it's far from a sure bet. Even
>> if the half-trillion dollars the US spends every year on public
>> schools were perfectly utilised, and children from poorer homes were
>> learning like mad, they'd still start off their adult lives at a
>> severe financial disadvantage. They would have a hard time getting a
>> university education or 

Re: [CTRL] OT?: Re: Flight Journal August 1999 (fwd)

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Robert Tatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> One problem with the F-117 is that it's the wrong color. Against a blue
> or gray sky, the black silhouette stands out like the bull's-eye on a
> target range. When the plane was designed, the original specs called for
> it to be pink, not black, as pink will blend into the background far
> better than black. This was vetoed by the Air Force, however, because
> pink was deemed an  "inappropriate" color...that is, not macho enough...
> After all, we can't have our Top Guns flying Stealth fighters painted a
> pansy color like *pink*, now can we? Huh?

  "Would you rather be pink /
   Or in the drink?
   Would you rather be black /
   And suffer attack?
   Would you rather be baby blue /
   And stuck in deep doo-doo?
   Would you rather be orange /
   Or read that whore, Inge?"

Or the pink planes could be assigned to female pilots, who'd thus have
a better survival rate, eh?  BTW that last couplet is just a demo that
it IS possible to rhyme 'orange' if one is allowed to name playwrights.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: nurev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 3:20 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

> -Caveat Lector-
> SCIO-LTD wrote:
> >
> >  -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Let me address some of your false conclusions as follows nurev:  (and
> > dispense with the puerile value judgements, "You get a little self
> > here don't you buddy?" )
> I don't think I care to dispense with my value judgments, and there
> was
> nothing puerile about pointing out your self serving statements.

Everything you say is purile, you have less sense than I previous supposed,
as you have so aptly shown.
> > [Without competition to balance greed, the system is sold under false
> > pretenses.]
> >
> > the system is sold under false pretenses?  Utter nonsense! competition
in no
> > way balances greed, indeed competition is the result of greed and is its
> > active force in commerce.
> We are saying the same thing. Greedy GE and greedy Westinghouse
> compete to
> sell you a refrigerator by offering you a lower price. This is the "
> Magical
> Mystical Market " at work. This of course is bullshit, since the
> companies
> are part of an oligopoly and often collude to fix prices.
 some are some aren't.
> But Capitalists keep spouting on and on about " invisible hands " and
> other
> superstitious crap.
> >
> > [Adam Smith who made the case that with  competition the system benefits
> > all, and, without competition we are  simply destined for some form of
> > slavery. Smith made clear that without competition the system is merely
> > oinkfest for oinkers and wanabe oinkers. He didn't much like
businessmen. He
> > saw them as greedy, conspiratorial, and obsessed with money. Some things
> > never change.]
> >
> > Adam Smith, that racist communist, read Anton Chaitkins Treason in
> > America  from Aaron Burr to Averall Harriman, for a detail treatment
> > the heretical pronouncement this fool made and how his writings have
> > a tool to propagandize the opposite of what he seems to stand for,
> Racist? Communist? Heretic? Compare him to thieves like Fallwell,
> Robertson,
> and the Pope.
Who is talking about them?   Again who gives a fuck about the pope or
Falwell, stick with the subject at hand, if you can.
> The Pope has finally started to gently chastise capitalism now that he
> is no
> longer afraid of being put out of the lucrative god business by the
> Commies.
> He must after all. Jesus did say that it's easier for a camel to hump
> a
> Dachshund, than for a rich man to get to heaven.

No He didn't, (that's biblical bullshit, your's for that matter for
misquoting the Word, what an idiot you are, He said it is easier for a camel
to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter into the
kindom of heaven.
> > the
> > statement above is a non-sequiter, that doesn't address the what the
> > relationship between competition and business. As for businessman
> > greedy, conspiratorial, and obsessed with money, indeed some are, but as
> > with most generalized statements it is patently wrong.  There has always
> > been that breed of merchantislist (which is who Adam Smith was
> > here who sought to out right monopolies everything.)
> Oh please. Sell it somewhere else. This is a list which is more than
> familiar
> with the machinations of businessmen. Go to the archives and save the
> bullshit.
dismissive aren't we, especially since again you haven't a clue about what
your talking about.
And yes I've been to archives, it really doesn't say much about businessmen,
> and
> > [No??? Why no? Does this make capitalism good?]
> >
> > There needs to be a distinction between an aspect or attribute of
> > and its core tenets.
> This is irrelevant. It's behavior which drives an economy, not theory.
> It's
> greed which drives thieves and their paler alter egos, capitalists.
wrong again fool, solypsystic bullshit, and this is what your extensive
experience leads you to believe
> > Monopolies are not capitalism but are a feature of it in the global
> > there are private as well as governmental monopolies.   The most obvious
> > glaring example of  monopolist action which stifles innovation is the
> > electric utility industry which is on the verge of technological
> > obsolescence, which is raking up enormous profits while actively
> > innovation.go figure.
> I have figured. It makes money. Innovation is not important unless it
> makes
> more money for the same people.
see above
> >
> > [ Wrong. Sheer greed has ALWAYS been the driver of capitalism.]
> > bullocks, bullshit, balderdash, complete sheer and utter crap.
> > Greed is not the driver of capitalism, you would impute that wealth
> > formation is an evil activity,
> That is precisely what I impute.
so be it..
> > it is only is when the rights of othe


1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI. Ugh!! Is he for real?
>15 June 1999
>Some American Voters Believe Gore & Anti-Gun Lobby Are Getting
Desperate And
>Resorting To Misrepresentation of US Gun Purchase Laws
>NEW ORLEANS, 15 June 99 – In a major campaign speech, addressing the
>Conference of Mayors, Vice President Al Gore, who received his law
>from Vanderbilt Law School, misrepresented US gun purchase laws when he
>that teenagers can buy guns at pawn shops or gun shops. By law they
>"Incredibly, while those 18-to-20-year-olds cannot legally buy a beer,
>cannot purchase a bottle of wine, they can walk into any gun shop, pawn

>shop or gun show in America and buy a handgun," Gore said.
>According to the Inside-The-Beltway newspaper "The Washington Post,"
>"misspoke." But American voters see it differently.
>"Either he's stupid, or he's deliberately lying for political gain, an
>more likely possibility, given his usual regard for facts -- and
>considering his mentor," said one voter.
>Another voter mused why Gore wasn't "arming those same
>with automatic weapons and sending them overseas to subdue the restless

>While many voters continue to support enforcement of the existing gun
>already on the books, the Clinton Administration insists on creating
>onerous and costly regulations that may ultimately lead to further
>restrictions of the Second Amendment.
>"Gosh, if this is leadership by Al Gore, imagine Hillary Clinton's
>for New York," said a Virginia voter.
>The "Enough Red Tape From The Clinton & Gore Administration" group is a

>grassroots coalition of millions of American voters who strongly object
>the Clinton & Gore Administration's repeated attempts to create more
>unnecessary laws that will only end up costing the American taxpayer
>money and more headache.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] General George B. McClellan's Vision

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Anyone out there know the origin of this piece?


In a strategic moment in the Civil War, General George B. McClellan, who
had been called by President Lincoln to take charge of the shattered Union
forces, fell asleep at his desk. He had scarcely been asleep a moment, when
it seemed that he was awake, and the whole room was filled with a radiant
light. Suddenly, out of the light, he heard a voice, and later saw the face
of George Washington, who gave him warning that the Confederate troops were
on their way to take the Capitol.

Because of this, with something akin to supernatural knowledge, General
McClellan was able to pursue Gen. Robert E. Lee, and stop the northern
invasion by the Confederacy at Antietam, September, 1862. This vision was
first reported in the Portland Evening Courier at the time the tide turned
for the Union forces. Since that time, it has been written as a warning to
the America people again and again because of its reference to the last war
which will be fought toward the end of this century...when a great conflict
could arise with the "oppressors of the whole earth" in which our land
could be involved.

In General McClellan's account of this vision, he relates that the voice of
Washington, with penetrating clarity, called out to him: "General
McClellan, do you sleep at your post?  Rouse you, or 'ere it can be
prevented, the foe will be in Washington!...You have been betrayed, and had
God not willed it otherwise, 'ere the sun of tomorrow had set, the
Confederate flag would have waved above the Capitol and your own grave. But
note what you see. Your time is short!" In this strange dream state,
General McClellan seemed to see a living map of all the troop positions --
and with a pencil at hand, he began to copy down all that he saw...the
positions of the Confederate troops as they marched toward Washington; the
maneuvers which they planned in the future. After the warning of the
immediate peril which faced the Union, the splendor of Washington became
even greater as he spoke of the days ahead in this, the 20th century, when
other perils could befall our nation.

"General McClellan, while yet in the flesh, I beheld the birth of the
America Republic.  It was indeed a hard and bloody one, but God's blessing
was upon the nation, and, therefore, through this, her first great struggle
for existence...He sustained her, and with His mighty hand, He brought her
out triumphantly. "A century has not passed since then, and yet the child
Republic has taken her position of peer with nations whose pages of history
extend for ages into the past.  She has, since those dark days, by the
favor of God, greatly prospered.  And now, by the very reason of that
prosperity, has she been brought to her second great struggle. "This is by
far the most perilous ordeal she has to endure, passing as she is from
childhood to open maturity,  she is called on to accomplish that vast
result, Self-Conquest;  to learn that important lesson -- self-control,
self-rule, that in the future will place her in the van of power and
civilization. "It is here that all the nations have hitherto failed, and
she, too -- the Republic of the earth, had not God willed other wise -would
by tomorrow's sunset have been a heap of stones, cast up over the final
grave of human liberty.  Bu!  t her cries have come up out of the borders
like sweet incense into heaven.  She shall be saved! Then, shall peace be
upon her,  and prosperity shall fill her with joy. "But her mission will
not be finished, for 'ere another century shall have gone by, THE
OPPRESSORS OF THE WHOLE EARTH, hating and envying her exaltation, shall
join themselves together and raise up their hands against her. "But if she
be found worthy of her calling, they shall be truly discomfited, and then
will be ended her third and last struggle for existence. Henceforth, shall
the Republic go on, increasing in goodness and power until her borders
shall end only in the remotest corners of the earth, and the whole earth
shall, beneath her shadowy wings, become A UNIVERSAL REPUBLIC!"

Upon hearing these words, General McClellan awoke to find the markings and
symbols of the Confederate maneuvers upon his own maps as if his
dream-pencil had actually placed them there. In his account of this strange
precognitive experience, General McClellan wrote: "...Our beloved, glorious
Washington shall rest ...until perhaps the end of the Prophetic Century
approaches, that is to bring the Republic to a third and final struggle
when he may once more ...become a Messenger of Succor and Peace from the
Great Ruler, who has all nations in his keeping..."

[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**<><


Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Please give me a simple "yes" or "no" to this question:  Do you support the
enactment of "The Debt Free and Tax Free Amendment" (see below) intact, as
it is?  If your answer is "no" I would like you to expalin to me exactly
which parts of the amendment you disagree with and why you disagree with


Part 1- No government body of any kind within the borders of the United
States of America and it's territories, or agency or other institution
thereof, shall borrow money or collect taxes or fees or other monies of any
kind, for any purpose.

Part 2- The Secretary of the Treasury of the United States shall issue per
capita all new money as debt free and tax free currency to banks for bank
reserves for bank lending as prescribed by the Tax Free Money Chart whereby
loan payments are paid back to the borrower, except that the people shall,
by a yearly referendum, approve or reject, by a simple majority of those
voting, the federal government budget as presented to the people by the
President and the Congress, and the residents of the various states,
counties, cities, territories, and other communities, shall, by a yearly
referendum, approve or reject, by a simple majority of those voting, their
respective budgets, which, when such budgets are so approved, Secretary of
the Treasury shall authorize that portion of the money supply so approved to
be issued debt free and tax free directly to the respective government

Part 3- The Federal Reserve Act is hereby rendered null and void.

Part 4- The debt and the interest on the debt of the Federal Government,
State Governments, Counties, Cities, Municipalities, and other government
bodies is hereby cancelled.

Part 5- All financial institutions shall operate on 100% reserves.

Part 6- No government, government institution, person, or other institution,
public or private, may preach, teach, promote or practice exploitation,
usury, the charging of interest on money lending, or slavery of any kind,
including debt/tax slavery.

Part 7- A Maximum wealth holding formula shall be established whereby the
accumulation of income, wealth, and other property in excess of the
established maximum is hereby prohibited unless it can be proven by the
owner and/or owners of that wealth that such wealth was acquired without
using any kind of usury, exploitation, or slavery of any kind, or in any
form including foreign investment, and the ownership of land, business, and
capital, which is hereby prohibited and shall be confiscated.

Part 8- 100% of the gross profit of all businesses and corporations shall be
paid out to the owners of those businesses and corporations before any new
investment may be made by those businesses or corporations, the bond market
and the stock markets shall be closed, and the issuing of bonds and
speculative trading in stocks and/or the ownership of stocks without direct
ownership in the second factor of production is hereby unconstitutional.

Part 9- This amendment makes null and void all parts of the existing
Constitution of the United States that are inconsistent with, or in
violation of, the intent and purpose of this amendment.

Part 10-Volume Discounts in any form, or their equivalent, are hereby
declared unconstitutional.

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

> -Caveat Lector-
>- Original Message -
>From: nurev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 3:20 AM
>Subject: Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.
>> -Caveat Lector-
>> SCIO-LTD wrote:
>> >
>> >  -Caveat Lector-
>> >
>> > Let me address some of your false conclusions as follows nurev:  (and
>> > dispense with the puerile value judgements, "You get a little self
>> > here don't you buddy?" )
>> I don't think I care to dispense with my value judgments, and there
>> was
>> nothing puerile about pointing out your self serving statements.
>Everything you say is purile, you have less sense than I previous supposed,
>as you have so aptly shown.
>> > [Without competition to balance greed, the system is sold under false
>> > pretenses.]
>> >
>> > the system is sold under false pretenses?  Utter nonsense! competition
>in no
>> > way balances greed, indeed competition is the result of greed and is
>> > active force in commerce.
>> We are saying the same thing. Greedy GE and greedy Westinghouse
>> compete to
>> sell you a refrigerator by offering you a lower price. This is the "
>> Magical
>> Mystical Market " at work. This of course is bullshit, since the
>> companies
>> are part of an oligopoly and often collude to fix prices.
> some are some aren't.
>> But Capitalists keep spouting on and on about " invisible hands " and
>> other
>> superstitious crap.

[CTRL] Bragg soldiers provide security at US Open.

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Soldiers help provide Pinehurst security PINEHURST, NC , June 14

– Golf fans will be invading Pinehurst today for the start of the U.S.
Open, and so will the U.S. Army.

Officials have called in paratroopers from Fort Bragg to help defend the
Pinehurst Country Club from any golf fans thinking about covert operations.

The soldiers, including members of the 82nd Airborne Division, will keep
watch on the perimeter of the golf course, keeping people from sneaking in
or hopping the fence to get out.

The Fort Bragg soldiers will join a security force including 60 hired
guards, agents from the state Bureau of Investigation, Moore County
sheriff’s deputies and officers from several local police departments.

Practice rounds for the Open begin today, and crowds are expected to swell
throughout the week, reaching up to 40,000 people a day. The championship
rounds are Thursday through Sunday.

© 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
**Live Free or Die!**<><

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] tick tock tick tock: Important you SPREAD THIS FAR AND ...

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/14/1999 12:15:12 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Visit me at:
 The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Governmen >>

Well I did, and I discovered that the folks you think are destroying our
government are the ones who are actually saving it.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] tick tock tick tock: Important you SPREAD THIS FAR AND ...

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Prudence L. Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> << Visit me at:
>  The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Governmen >>
> Well I did, and I discovered that the folks you think are destroying our
> government are the ones who are actually saving it.  Prudy

SAVE THE GOV'T!!  Collect the entire set.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Thank You! Thank You!

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

From:  Mary Jane Durrant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   5:51 PM

>From a Georgia Preacher:

As I was making my daily journey to the Post Office the other day, I
waited for
a car to vacate a parking space near the door.  As the rear of the vehicle
me, I noticed a bumper sticker, which read, in big, bold letters, "THANK ME.

Pondering the message of the brave, stubborn soul in the car ahead of me, I
considered all the things I could be thankful for as a result of the
Clinton-Gore regime.
Indeed, I discovered the list was long and varied.

Thank you for reminding us that the government that gave us the Internal
Service and welfare also lusts for control of the greatest healthcare system

Thank you for reminding that the FBI, who has a file on millions of
myself, can give those files to people powerful> > enough to demand them.

Thank you for giving us a President who supports partial-birth abortions.

Thank you for introducing us to Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica
about two dozen other names that we might not have met and known otherwise.

Thank you for allowing a WAR HERO and the author of one of the most
military campaigns in history to leave the presidency because, no matter how
successful he was, in all our moral outrage, we just wouldn't tolerate
would lie to the American people by promising "no new taxes" and then going
his word. We certainly can't have a liar  in the White House, now can we?

Thank you for giving us a President who discusses his choice of underwear
teenagers.  We always wondered if presidents wore boxers or briefs.

Thank you for installing a man who reminds us of those good old days of pot
(without inhaling, of course) and war PROTESTING.

Thank you for showing us that the ridiculous plot of the movie, "Wag the
really be plausible after all.

Thank you for showing all the men and women in America that sexual
harassment in
the workplace, and on the job, is okay as long as it involves powerful
executives and young women half their age under their power. It is, after
all, a

Thank you for revealing that the agenda of the National Organization of
includes some women.  Women like Anita Hill and not women like Paula Jones,
Lewinsky, et al.

Thank you for reintroducing the concept of "impeachment" to a new generation
missed the discussion surrounding it the last time it was brought up.

Thank you for curing me of my addiction to the evening news.

Thank you for reminding us that, when all is said and done, "CHARACTER"
DOES matter.

And, in comparison to recent days:

Thank you for making Dan Quayle look like a Rhodes Scholar.
Thank you for making Jimmy Carter look competent.
Thank you for making Gerald Ford look graceful.
Thank you for making Richard Nixon look honest.
Thank you for making Lyndon Johnson look truthful.
Thank you for making John Kennedy look moral.
Thank you for making Al Gore look positively presidential.
Thank you for reminding us of the importance of term limits.

And really, thank you not once, but twice!  Why, if not for YOU, instead of
interesting discussion all over the television networks and newspapers, we
focused on a whole slew of trivial matters such as global defense, the
in North Korea, genocide in Africa, the containment of terrorism, and all
boring topics.

So, thank you, thank you, thank you!  Oh, and if you voted for Ross Perot,
too.  You deserve just as much of the credit as my friend with the bumper

Since Bill Clinton took office, here are some of the "GOOD" things that have

*72 House and Senate witnesses have plead the fifth.
*17 witnesses have fled the country to avoid testifying.
*19 foreign witnesses have refused to be interviewed by US investigative
*19 prosecutions from Whitewater investigations.
*14 convictions from Whitewater investigations.
*8 imprisonment's from Whitewater investigations.
*55 total charges in all Clinton scandals.
*32 total convictions (so far) in all Clinton scandals.
*14 total imprisonment's (so far) in all Clinton scandals.
*938 overnight stays at the White House for Clinton donors.
*$40 million-cost of Clinton's trip to China.
*62 House of Representative seats that have changed from Democrat to
*12 Senate seats that have changed from Democrat to Republican.
*13 Governorships that have changed from Democrat to Republican
*1,200 state legislative seats that have changed from Democrat to Republican
*353 elected Democrats who have switched parties since Clinton took office.

Yes, it's been an interesting six years for "the most ethical administration
the history
of the Republic." But then ... everybody knows it's ALL the fault of the

[CTRL] AG not a lawyer

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Turns out Gore is _not_ an attorney. He did "attend" Vanderbilt but
never received a JD. So that makes him a bad manager for hiring
incompetent staffers who allow bad facts into his speeches [e.g. "guns
sold at gun & pawn shops to teens" gaffe].


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Bragg soldiers provide security at US Open.

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Since when does the US Army provide security for a private affair? Isn't
this against the posse committas law?

Howard Davis

>From: Mike & Kathy Moxley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [CTRL] Bragg soldiers provide security at US Open.
>Date: Tue, Jun 15, 1999, 8:29 PM

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Soldiers help provide Pinehurst security PINEHURST, NC , June 14
> – Golf fans will be invading Pinehurst today for the start of the U.S.
> Open, and so will the U.S. Army.
> Officials have called in paratroopers from Fort Bragg to help defend the
> Pinehurst Country Club from any golf fans thinking about covert operations.
> The soldiers, including members of the 82nd Airborne Division, will keep
> watch on the perimeter of the golf course, keeping people from sneaking in
> or hopping the fence to get out.
> The Fort Bragg soldiers will join a security force including 60 hired
> guards, agents from the state Bureau of Investigation, Moore County
> sheriff’s deputies and officers from several local police departments.
> Practice rounds for the Open begin today, and crowds are expected to swell
> throughout the week, reaching up to 40,000 people a day. The championship
> rounds are Thursday through Sunday.
> © 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
> ---
> **
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] The Patriot Resource Center:
>  http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/6627/
> **Live Free or Die!**<><
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/CTRL.html
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Questions for 'books':
Since when did the news group turn into a vesture of surveys?
Why is it that as a part of this group,  it appears there is a demand to
answer these continuum of unsolicited polls?
You demand to be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no',  but right behind
that you go demanding explicit answers, should one say,  'no'...
This is starting to sound like an inquisition or a judicial deposition.

To respond to your current survey,  'no'.  I need expound no more than that.
Because I owe no one an explanation as to why I believe one way or another.

By the way,  what use are you planning to make of the information you
collect from these surveys,  'books' ?  (Just curious).

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

> -Caveat Lector-
> Please give me a simple "yes" or "no" to this question:  Do you support
> enactment of "The Debt Free and Tax Free Amendment" (see below) intact, as
> it is?  If your answer is "no" I would like you to expalin to me exactly
> which parts of the amendment you disagree with and why you disagree with
> them.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] FW: [OPF] The truth begins to come out

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Gary Hunt
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 5:19 PM
To: OutPostofFreedom
Subject: [OPF] The truth begins to come out

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
OutPost of Freedom maillist
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>From Antiwar.com, we can begin to see what truth will final
out in the Yugoslav War. There has been little doubt in the
minds of many that the tactics of the US government/NATO
have been less than honorable, and that the objectives of
the war were not quite what they seemed to be.
In the following article, a Spanish pilot begins to unveil
the evil that has mastered the world press for the past few

The article can be found at

Spanish Pilots Admit NATO Attacked Civilian Targets
by Jose Luis Morales
Translated from Articulo 20 (Spanish Weekly)
June 14, 1999

The pilots of Spanish planes who participated in bombing
raids against Yugoslavia do not feel like "supermen" nor as
masters of air space.

Quite on the contrary, they say that our forces play to the
tune of music played by the North Americans, and accuse NATO
of having honoured with medals the bombing of civilian
targets, what they otherwise name "collateral damages."

Captain Adolfo Luis Martin de la Hoz, who returned to Spain
end of May after having participated in the bombings since
the beginning, an "authentic expert for the dreadful F-18,"
the war plane most often used in the war strategy of
"scorched land" in the Balkans, is very categoric: "First of
all, I want to make it clear that the majority, I say the
majority, of my colleagues, even if not all, are against the
war in general and against this war of barbarity in
particular." Martin de la Hoz says that he and his
colleagues "are burnt out. Since a few days ago there
appeared in the papers certain statements of the commander
Maches Michavilla, who is now in the air base at Aviano with
the pilots who replaced us, in which he said that that our
main helper in the air was the mental and physical health.

But I tell you that our worst enemies are our own
authorities, the Defence Minister and all his team, the
members of the Government, who know nothing about war and go
along with it without informing themselves about anything
and, what is gravest, are guilty of lying to the Spanish
people through the papers, radio and television, foreign
correspondents and press agencies."

The suspicions that NATO's repeated bombings of civilian
victims and non-military targets are not the result of war
"errors," are confirmed by Captain Martin de la Hoz:
"Several times our Colonel protested by NATO chiefs why they
select targets which are not military targets. They threw
him out with curses saying that we should know that the
North Americans will lodge a complaint by the Spanish Army,
once through Brussel and again by the Defence Minister. But
there is more, and I want to tell it to the whole world:
once there was a coded order of the North American military
that we should drop anti-personnel bombs over the localities
of Prishtine and Nish. The colonel refused it altogether
and, a couple of days later, the transfer order came. But
what I say now is nothing compared to what I shall have to
say when the time comes."

The Spanish military denounces that "the Spanish Government
not only does not try to inform themselves but they also
accept the false reports that are edited for them in Aviano,
where there is a sort of military press cabinet in the hands
of North American generals and functionaries. Ever since we
arrived in Italy - the Captain goes on - there is no end to
humiliations and insults. The order givers are only the
North American generals, and no one else. We are zeroes,
just as our replacements are going to be. But there is still
more to that. Here they say that several operations were
directed by Spanish commanders and pilots. Lies over lies.
All the missions that we flew, all and each one, were
planned by US high military authorities. Even more, they
were all planned in detail, including attacking planes,
targets and type of ammunition that we have to throw. We
never directed anything, and our missions were limited to
flying over the borders of Macedonia, Albani, Bosnia and

Government's lies

None of the pilots presently stationed at Aviano, who
replaced those who went to the Italian base a little before
the start of war, last March 23, were there with clean
conscience, says the Spanish military. "It is being written
to saturation that the disciplined and patriotic Spanish
pilots according to Minister Eduardo Serra - are
concentrating on the complexity of their war missions." But
we read so many discrepancies, so many lies that we agreed
to not read a single newspaper until we return. Our anger is
enormous. The President of the Government, the Minister of
Foreign Affaires and the Defence Minister are lying brazenly
each time they talk ab

[CTRL] FW: [patriots] Remembering the 4th of July and what happened to the signers.

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


-Original Message-
From: Charlie Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 9:44 AM
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Representative Ron Paul (E-mail)
Subject: [patriots] Remembering the 4th of July and what happened to the

From: "Charlie Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The following is one of the best written essays I have ever read about the
birth of our nation.  As you read this please remember the land of liberty
founded by the signers of the Declaration of Independence.  Then pause and
reflect and ask yourself if we still live in the land of the free and the
home of the brave as you report everything you do to the Internal Revenue
Service, or request permission to build a home or start a business or travel
the roads.  It is time to remind the government of its place which is simply
to protect each of us from government and one another.  The Federal Reserve
is a private corporation which was founded in fraud on Christmas Eve 1913
and has stolen our wealth and our country.  After you read this please visit
us at:  http://patriot.org

One final note:  Why aren't our children taught this history lesson the
government schools?
Thank You  -  Charlie Adams  http://americancontracting.com

Timothy Shaw, Team Leader
Committee Update
July 4, 1998
Remember the 4th of July
"My Country Tis' of Thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I praise. Land
where my fathers died, land of the pilgrim's pride, from every mountain
side, let freedom reign!"

To Forget The Price of Freedom
Benjamin Franklin once said that "A people who know the price of their
God-given Rights can never be enslaved." It is those Rights, those
Principles, that have been forgotten in America today. The understanding of
where Rights are derived has degenerated into immorality. The forgotten
glory of State Rights has turned our limited government into a collective
giant involving itself in almost every aspic of life. The price of freedom
and the danger of tyranny has all but been forgotten. Our Founding Fathers
bled and died so that we could be a free people. They not only gave us the
greatest nation in history, but strictly warned us to never forget the
Principles that won that prize.
"All that is good and precious hangs on the razor's edge…….and must be
fiercely defended"
--Ross Perot
The USCSC hopes to help our members remember those Principles, set forth so
long ago-which have since been forgotten. We realize all the campaign
finance reform in the world cannot replace the power of an educated
electorate. In order to pay off the debt, balance the budget, repeal NAFTA
and GATT or restore Congress to it's rightful place, there must be a new
spirit awakened in America. By working for reform, while reminding Americans
of their precious liberties, we can together have a new birth of freedom.

WHEN in the Course of human Events……
Perhaps it was the French and Indian War(1754-1763) that first caused our
resentment against the British Empire. Ending with the Treaty of Paris, the
British government was deep in debt and sought to relieve that debt by
taxing the American colonies. It was the colonies however, which had largely
won the war. There was also something else…….as British subjects they were
entitled to representation in the legislative body that had imposed the tax.
They had none. Since the colonies had no representation in Parliament, this
created heavy resentment against the British and thus the phrase "Taxation
without Representation".
The British did repeal most of the objectionable taxes. They did keep one
"token tax" that all British subjects were to pay, as to strictly reaffirm
the King's role of unlimited authority. The taxes, even before repealed, did
not amount to much in size-yet it was the principle of taxation without
representation that had caused public resentment. It was that public
resentment that caused British retaliation. Their retaliation led to our
The Stamp Act of 1765, The Townshend Acts, the Writs of Assistance, the
Boston Massacre, The Boston Port Bill, increasing encroachment upon colonial
state rights--all led the Americans to the realization that their punishment
for resentment was leading to tyranny. As Richard Henry Lee had said "If
Parliament may take from me of one shilling in the pound, what security do I
have of the other nineteen?"
The punishment only grew. Denial of jury, quartering large bodies of troops,
refusal to pass law unless the people would relinquish representation,
dissolving of Representative Houses, control of Judges, multitudes of
Offices erected to harass the people, standing armies in times of peace,
rendering of the military above civil power, protecting soldiers against
murder of colonists, cutting off trade, transporting colonists overseas for
pretended offences, abolishing laws, taking away c

Re: [CTRL] General George B. McClellan's Vision

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Mike & Kathy Moxley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Anyone out there know the origin of this piece?<<

Not sure,  but is sure sounds like one of Zig Ziglar's stories from the
60's, where he accounts that people such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison,
Alexander Bell, Karl Jung and several other historicals,  had similar
experiences of being visited by what the new agers call,  the "adept
masters".  The story goes that these were given gifts of  leadership,
inventive, creative, and other crass powers so as to bring the NWO to the
front stage,  and prepare the world for their chosen despot,  in time for
the new millenium.

I used to have the series of books,  but loaned them out years ago.  Perhaps
I can reclaim them,  and find a resource for you.

Actually this ranks on the levels of Ruth Montgomery and Jane Robert's days
of trances where they allowed themselves to be 'accessed' by beings of
another dimension,  so they claimed.

I'll see what I can dig up in my library of the strange and unusual.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: Mike & Kathy Moxley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 6:52 PM
Subject: [CTRL] General George B. McClellan's Vision

> -Caveat Lector-
> Anyone out there know the origin of this piece?
> ---
> In a strategic moment in the Civil War, General George B. McClellan, who
> had been called by President Lincoln to take charge of the shattered Union
> forces, fell asleep at his desk. He had scarcely been asleep a moment,
> it seemed that he was awake, and the whole room was filled with a radiant
> light. Suddenly, out of the light, he heard a voice, and later saw the
> of George Washington, who gave him warning that the Confederate troops
> on their way to take the Capitol.
> Because of this, with something akin to supernatural knowledge, General
> McClellan was able to pursue Gen. Robert E. Lee, and stop the northern
> invasion by the Confederacy at Antietam, September, 1862. This vision was
> first reported in the Portland Evening Courier at the time the tide turned
> for the Union forces. Since that time, it has been written as a warning to
> the America people again and again because of its reference to the last
> which will be fought toward the end of this century...when a great
> could arise with the "oppressors of the whole earth" in which our land
> could be involved.
> In General McClellan's account of this vision, he relates that the voice
> Washington, with penetrating clarity, called out to him: "General
> McClellan, do you sleep at your post?  Rouse you, or 'ere it can be
> prevented, the foe will be in Washington!...You have been betrayed, and
> God not willed it otherwise, 'ere the sun of tomorrow had set, the
> Confederate flag would have waved above the Capitol and your own grave.
> note what you see. Your time is short!" In this strange dream state,
> General McClellan seemed to see a living map of all the troop positions --
> and with a pencil at hand, he began to copy down all that he saw...the
> positions of the Confederate troops as they marched toward Washington; the
> maneuvers which they planned in the future. After the warning of the
> immediate peril which faced the Union, the splendor of Washington became
> even greater as he spoke of the days ahead in this, the 20th century, when
> other perils could befall our nation.
> "General McClellan, while yet in the flesh, I beheld the birth of the
> America Republic.  It was indeed a hard and bloody one, but God's blessing
> was upon the nation, and, therefore, through this, her first great
> for existence...He sustained her, and with His mighty hand, He brought her
> out triumphantly. "A century has not passed since then, and yet the child
> Republic has taken her position of peer with nations whose pages of
> extend for ages into the past.  She has, since those dark days, by the
> favor of God, greatly prospered.  And now, by the very reason of that
> prosperity, has she been brought to her second great struggle. "This is by
> far the most perilous ordeal she has to endure, passing as she is from
> childhood to open maturity,  she is called on to accomplish that vast
> result, Self-Conquest;  to learn that important lesson -- self-control,
> self-rule, that in the future will place her in the van of power and
> civilization. "It is here that all the nations have hitherto failed, and
> she, too -- the Republic of the earth, had not God willed other
wise -would
> by tomorrow's sunset have been a heap of stones, cast up over the final
> grave of human liberty.  Bu!  t her cries have come up out of the borders
> like sweet incense into heaven.  She shall be saved! Then, shall peace be
> upon her,  and prosperity shall fill her with joy. "But her mission will
> not be finished, for 'ere another century shall have gone by, THE

[CTRL] Battles underneath the earth

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


This page has about the underworld and their battles.
This is the home page called Alien Astronomer.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Revising Capitalism/ rebuttal.

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Eagle 1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> By the way,  what use are you planning to make of the information you
> collect from these surveys,  'books' ?  (Just curious).

It can't be as nefarious as compiling a "hit list" of those who answer
incorrectly, since anyone monitoring this elist can easily determine
the attitudes of participants with a simple troll.  No, the plot is
much more subtle than that...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Gore too boring for president?

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

It's a pity he couldn't turn into a shapechanging reptoid once in a
while to appear more interesting.

Candidate Gore steps out

  By Penny Bender / Tennessean
Washington Bureau

  WASHINGTON -- Al Gore, the most influential vice
  president in history and the man with the Boy Scout
  demeanor, has a problem: people think he's boring.

  Some are asking: is he too boring to be president?

  A few early stumbles in his campaign, including laying
  to creating the Internet, haven't helped. Poll after
poll shows
  him lagging behind Republican Gov. George W. Bush, a
  with a name but no substantial public record.

  But Gore's yawn factor may not be his biggest problem.

  The character flaws of President Clinton may be a
  obstacle. There is fear among some Gore supporters
  scandal-weary voters may turn their backs on Gore and
  generally clean image, just to be finished with the
  scandal-ridden Clinton administration.

  Gore's handlers hope to send his geeky image packing
  Wednesday and shake off the remnants of scandal, when
  stands before the Smith County Courthouse in Carthage
  officially declares his intention to be America's 44th


  "His ideas are going to excite people," said spokesman
  Lehane. "This is a guy who has been tested, who's been
  the national stage. Right now it's Al Gore vs. Al
Gore. All
  that will change when there are other candidates to
  him to."

  Until then, Gore is wasting no time in trying to

  With major policy speeches on education and
  aid to communities under his belt, Gore recently held
a rally
  for women in support of his campaign; addressed the
  women's political action committee, EMILY's List; and
  received endorsements from 19 Democratic former

  After announcing in Carthage, he plans to hit Iowa,
  Hampshire and New York next week.

  But many people wonder whether Gore should have to
  so hard so early in the campaign.

  Historically, vice presidents running for the top job
  from a lot of early criticism and comparisons. After
all, they
  are second fiddle -- unknown and untested, said James
  Davis, political scientist and professor emeritus at
  Washington University.

  "Mondale had the same problem in 1984," he said,
  to former Vice President Walter Mondale. "George Bush
  managed to finesse it in 1988. He was the first one in
  than a century to do that."

  But others question whether this vice president, who
  had more policy-making authority than any other in
  history, should seem to be dragging so badly.

  "If you are a Democrat, and your president has a 70%
  satisfaction rating, the idea of a primary challenge
ought to
  be ludicrous," said Stuart Rothenberg, a longtime
  analyst who publishes a newsletter on national races.

  Despite a booming economy, low crime and relative
  peace to which Gore can lay at least partial claim, he
  trails Bush in the polls by at least 10 percentage
points. Not
  only that, but the words most often used to describe
Gore to
  pollsters are "boring" or "stiff."

  Friends and supporters who know Gore to be relaxed and

  witty say they are bothered by the public perception
of him
  as wooden and geeky. One long-winded speech in El
  Texas, left Clinton and administration officials
fidgeting in
  their chairs. And the president's remarks about Gore's
  campaign start have not helped, either, they conceded.

  Reinventing government is one thing. Reinventing Gore

  People who know him and have watched his career know
  as a policy nut who is as comfortable talking about
  sprawl as Russian disarmament. Gore never will command

  the cameras the way Ronald Reagan or Bill Clin

[CTRL] Delgado's US Patent # 4,641,633

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

  United States Patent4,641,633
  Delgado February 10, 1987
 Electronic system for the activation, inhibition and/or
 modification of the development and functioning of cells, organs
 and organisms of living beings


 Instrumentation and methodology for the application of non-invasive
 electromagnetic fields characterized by sharp, unidirectional
 square waves with rising and falling times below 0.1 microseconds
 and frequencies below 120 pulses per second.  The waves are applied
 through antennas which produce magnetic fields.  The magnetic
 fields are applied to living beings with the purpose of producing
 predictable modifications of determined structures, functions and

  Inventors: Delgado; Jose M. R. (Caleruega 21, Madrid, ES)
  Appl. No.: 726922
  Filed: April 25, 1985



 1. An electromagnetic system for non-invasive modification of
 living cells and organisms, comprising:

  o  electronic generator means for generating very stable,
 unidirectional, symmetrical square waves, and including means
 for adjusting the timing of said square waves to provide very
 sharp square waves having rise times and fall times each of
 less than 0.1  microsecond; and

  o  at least one antenna means for receiving said square waves and
 producing magnetic fields which can be applied to the living
 cells and organisms to modify their morphological and
 functional characteristics without disturbance of the cellular
 membrane protecting the cell and organism.

 2. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, wherein said electronic
 generator means comprises means for producing a high frequency
 component signal of between 10 Kilohertz and 100 Megahertz, said
 high frequency signal being modulated by said square waves.

 3. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, wherein the frequency
 of said square waves is less than 120 pulses per second.

 4. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, wherein said square
 waves are grouped as repetitive pulse trains having repetition
 rates between 10 milliseconds and 10 seconds, and the number of
 pulses in each pulse train varies between two and one hundred.

 5. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, further comprising time
 counter means coupled to said generator means for monitoring the
 time and duration of application of the magnetic field.

 6. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, wherein said generator
 means comprises a plurality of integrated circuit timing devices
 for producing said square waves, and an integrated circuit logic
 selection circuit for providing selection of said square waves in
 a single, repetitive or grouped arrangement and for direct
 application as well as a modulating application of said square

 7. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, and further comprising
 a first power source for providing a first rectified power output
 to said generator means, a second power source for providing a
 second rectified power output, regulator means for controlling the
 level of the second rectified power output, and a power driver
 circuit receiving the output from said generator means and said
 second rectified power output, the output from said power driver
 circuit being applied to said at least one antenna means.

 8. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, wherein said antenna
 means comprises two square antennas, and a continuous cylindrical
 elastic material supporting said square antennas.

 9. An electromagnetic system as in claim 1, wherein said antenna
 means comprises a plastic housing having a central bore for
 receiving a living organism, and a pair of square antennas embedded
 in the plastic material of said housing in diametrically opposed
 positions with respect to said central bore.

 10. A method of non-invasive modification of living cells and
 organisms, comprising applying an antenna non-invasively with
 respect to the organism, applying to the antenna very stable,
 unidirectional, symmetrical and very sharp electrical square waves
 with rising and falling times each of less than 0.1 microsecond to
 cause the antenna to produce a magnetic field which penetrates into
 the organism without disturbing the cellular membrane of the

 11. The method of claim 10, wherein the square waves applied to the
 antenna modulate a high frequency signal of between 10 Kilohertz
 and 100 Megahertz.

 12. The method of claim 10, wherein the square waves have a
 frequency less t


1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Caspian Connection:
 Pipeline Politics and the Balkan War
  - NATO's Eyes on the Prize
  - Today Kosovo, Tomorrow Azerbaijan
  - How a DNC Donor Changed U.S. Pipeline Policy
  - NATO Slips into Caspian Region
  - The China Connection
  - Europe's Goals, America's Troops


 The Caspian Connection:
 Pipeline Politics and the Balkan War
 Carl Limbacher and Caron Grich
 June 9, 1999, NewsMax.com

 What has America accomplished in the Balkans after 70-plus
 days of NATO bombardment?

 Cease fire negotiations sputter along on a wing and a prayer.
 And if they are successful, America will be rewarded with the
 privilege of contributing 7,000 troops to a force of 50,000
 Kosovo "peacekeepers".  Tour of duty: indefinite.

 Though Bill Clinton's Balkan adventure did much to keep the
 press distracted from matters like Chinese nuclear espionage
 and inconvenient rape charges (reporters last hit Clinton
 with a question about Juanita Broaddrick just five days
 before he ordered airstrikes on Serbia), it's debatable
 whether Kosovar refugees will be better off for all the

 Slobodan Milosevic, recently dubbed an official war criminal,
 will retain power over Serbia.  And NATO may even have to
 accommodate a Russian presence in Kosovo, which will only
 further discourage displaced ethnic Albanians from returning

 Not much of a victory.  Not much, that is, until one considers
 another factor that may have propelled NATO into the Balkans;
 an incentive which has nothing to do with humanitarian relief
 or scandal spin.

 NATO's Eyes on the Prize

 If President Clinton were to level with the American people,
 he might just explain NATO's first hot war by using a
 variation of his old campaign theme:  "It's the global
 economy, stupid."  Because NATO's entry into the Balkans,
 though thus far an abject failure in terms of the mission's
 ostensible goals, places the West, and especially Western
 Europe, on the doorstep of resources so vast that the move
 could mean decades worth of economic well-being for member

 Ponder this nearly two year-old observation from the New York
 Times, reported when a U.S. security force in the Balkans was
 only a twinkle in Madeleine Albright's eye:

   "Forget mutual funds, commodity futures and corporate
   mergers.  Forget South African Diamonds, European currencies
   and Thai stocks.  The most concentrated mass of untapped
   wealth known to exist anywhere is in the oil and gas fields
   beneath the Caspian (Sea) and lands around it The
   strategic implications of this bonanza hypnotize Western
   security planners as completely as the finances transfix oil
   executives." (New York Times -- September 21, 1997)

 Or this, from a conservative think tank the year before:

   "The vast expanses of the former Soviet Union harbor oil
   and gas riches which will be crucial to funding the global
   economy in the next century.  The huge oil reserves,
   estimated at over 25 billion barrels under the Caspian Sea
   and in the central Asian republics of Kazakhstan,
   Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are similar to those in Kuwait
   and larger than those in Alaska's Northern Slope and the
   North Sea combined."  (Ariel Cohen, Senior Policy Analyst,
   The Heritage Foundation - January 25, 1996)

 "Control over these energy resources and export routes out
 of the Eurasian hinterland is quickly becoming one of the
 central issues in post Cold War politics," Cohen added,
 without noting that Caspian oil played a major role a
 pre-Cold War geo-strategic conflict as well.  In an attempt
 to gain control over access routes to the same oil reserves
 during World War II, the Third Reich waged the bloodiest
 battle ever fought, the siege at Stalingrad.

 More recent history shows that war for oil isn't exactly a
 new concept, even for America.  When the U.S. went to war
 to chase Saddam Hussein out of Kuwaiti oil fields in 1991,
 then-U.S. Secretary of State James Baker was unabashed about
 our motives, saying that there were three reasons behind
 Operation Desert Storm: "Jobs, jobs and jobs."

 Today Kosovo, Tomorrow Azerbaijan

 Ever since the break-up of the old Soviet Union, the West has
 had its eye on the oil fields of Central Asia.  And security
 for pipelines carrying the crude out is a priority concern
 that could make or break billions of dollars already invested
 by U.S. oil companies like Mobil, Chevron, Amoco and others.

 But to get Caspian oil to the trillion petro-dollar market of
 Western Europe, planners need alternatives to old pipeline
 routes that traversed Iran and Russia.  That means development
 of the huge Eurasian reserves must focus on the corridor
 between those two potentially hostile regions.

 Almost all roads lead to Baku, Azerbaijan, the Caspian
 seaport believed to be sitting on trill

[CTRL] (Fwd) ZNet Commentary June 16 Nikos Raptis

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:ZNet Commentary June 16 Nikos Raptis
Date sent:  Tue, 15 Jun 1999 23:08:14 +0100

U.S. Occupation
By Nikos Raptis

Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Nikos Raptis. The
file is the same material in nicely formatted html so that you can
read it
in your browser if you wish.

To pass this comment along to friends, relatives, etc. please note
the Commentaries are a premium sent to monthly donors to Z/ZNet and
to learn more about the project folks can consult ZNet
(http://www.zmag.org) and specifically the Commentary Page

Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...


In a March 1985 talk at Harvard, Noam Chomsky once more mentioned the
"Grand Area" planning of the US foreign policy developed in the 1940s. The
"Grand Area" among other areas was to include "western and southern Europe
and the oil-producing regions of the Middle East; in fact it was to
include everything, if that were possible." Also, Chomsky said; "In the
real world, US global planning has always been sophisticated and careful,
as you'd expect from a major superpower..."

In the core of this "sophisticated and careful" planning one finds the
need for a US occupation of the "Grand Area." The dictionary "definition"
of occupation is: "The holding and control of an area by a foreign
military force." The key notions even in this strict definition are:
"control" and "military force." So, the US in order to control the Grand
Area had to use military force. The "beauty" of this planning is that the
military force does not need to be "foreign", i.e. American, it could be a
"proxy" military force, namely the military force of the very same peoples
that are under US control.

Of course, this is not a US invention. In history there are many examples
of proxy military forces. One example is the "janissaries" of the
Ottomans, young men of the occupied people under complete control of the
occupiers ready to kill their own people. A more recent example is the
"security battalions" that the Nazis built from the occupied peoples in
almost all the European countries that they occupied. As a matter of fact,
it was the remnants of these same "security battalions" that the US used
to initiate its control of the Grand Area.

So, basing the occupation of the Grand Area on the proxy armies formed
from the occupied, the US adopted two types of occupation, according to
the demands of the various geopolitical situations in the course of time.
One might call the first the "benign" type of occupation, the second being
the usual "harsh" type of occupation. During benign occupation there is no
need for torture, kilings, etc. During harsh occupation torture, killings,
etc are overt. and the order of the day. Yet, in both types the control is
the same.

To illustrate how this process of sequential periods of benign and harsh
occupations functions, let us take the case of Greece, a geopolitically
"interesting" part of the Grand Area.

 The Nazi occupation in Greece ended in October 12 of 1944. A few weeks
later the British occupied the country, following a provocation that
Churchill concocted on December 4 of 1994 by killing Greeks during a
demonstration in Athens. That (transitional) British occupation lasted up
to 1947. That year the US snatches the baton from the British and the US
occupation of Greece begins and is still going on. The first 5 years up to
1952 the occupation is of the (extremely) harsh type. The occupying army
is Greek but the commander is General James Van Fleet of the US Army. A
network of nazi-type concentration camps is established in which tens of
thousands of young males, thought to be unwiilling to follow orders, are
kept imprisoned and tortured for years. Against the general population
(starting with the British and then taken over by the Amaricans) the
security police, paramilitaries and the judicial system are released. The
night raids in homes, disappearances, torture, murders, and executions
after kangaroo trials result in some 160,000 people killed.

The control of the country was complete. A State Department memorandum,
dated August 4, 1949, with a certain George McGhee speaking, reads: "(It)
would be necessary to bear in mind the political consequences of negative
decisions on Greek industrial development projects. It might be desirable
to reduce the doses of American aid to Greece, so that the Greek standard
of living would gradually be brought DOWN to a level which the economy of
the country could support. However, this process would have to be carried
out gradually and very carefully to avoid violent or unfavorable political
reaction in Greece. It would have to be accompanied by some plan for
large-scale EMIGRATION." (Emphasis

[CTRL] (Fwd) Claremont Institute Precepts: Trenton's Battle of Princi

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Subject:Claremont Institute Precepts: Trenton's Battle of Principle, 
Part 1
Date sent:  Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:49:14 -0700

The Claremont Institute--PRECEPTS |
June 15, 1999 Visit  |

  | No. 174

This week in the state of New Jersey, a controversy has
broken out that exhibits for all to see the choice before
the American people. It concerns simply this: shall our
children be taught to know and respect the founding
instrument of our country?

The lower house of the New Jersey legislature has just
passed a bill that would require public school students to
recite two sentences from the Declaration of Independence
each morning with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The students would say: "We hold these truths to be self
evident, that all men are created equal, that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights,
that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the
consent of the governed."

These two sentences describe both in time and in principle
the foundation of our country. They are the origin and the
purpose, the alpha and the omega, of our nation. And today,
they are controversial.

Nia Gill, a member of the New Jersey house, led the
opposition. She said: "At the time these words were written
only white men, and only white men with property, were
perceived to be the beneficiaries of these words."

In this and the coming two Precepts, we will demonstrate
three things beyond any question.

First, that the statement by Ms. Gill is false as regards

Second, that Ms. Gill's statement that the Declaration
covered only white men is false, and her rejection of it on
that ground is also illogical.

And third, that the rejection of what the liberal
intelligentsia says about the Declaration is simply
necessary to the proper education of children, and also to
the preservation of free government.

First, let us see that Ms. Nia Gill has stated a falsehood.
Let us look at the record. It is unambiguous. It is found
in particular right there in the state of New Jersey.

For in New Jersey, under the influence of the Declaration,
women were given the vote. It happened there, right in New
Jersey, for the first time in history, at the time of the
Revolution. This practice followed upon the language of the
New Jersey Constitution of 1776 (the same year as the
Declaration) that permitted all "inhabitants" with fifty
pounds in property and 12 months residence to vote. And
women did vote there in large numbers. See the discussion
of this in the fine book, sponsored by the Claremont
Institute, _Vindicating the Founders: Race, Sex, Class and
Justice in the Origins of America._

If this is true, you may wonder, why does the Declaration
say "all men are created equal"? That is because in
English, the masculine pronoun is also the generic. At the
same time this expression was used, Alexander Hamilton
wrote that "natural liberty is a gift . . . to the whole
human race." Others wrote constantly, and interchangeably,
of the "rights of human nature" and the "rights of man."

We do not expect Nia Gill or her friends to know the
history of New Jersey, or the meaning of the principles of
the Declaration, or the history or meaning of anything else
important for that matter. If Nia Gill is like the people
who have invented these falsehoods about the Declaration,
then she has an agenda that does not rest upon truth. That
agenda is rather to remove the principles of the
Declaration from their rightful authority in our national
life. They have adopted in their place new principles that
regard the human being as subject to the state, and
justifying the state in a vast bureaucratic project that
breaks the bounds of limited government.

But more on that to follow.


Larry P. Arnn
The Claremont Institute

Copyright (c) 1999 The Claremont Institute

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The mission of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and
Political Philosophy is to restore the principles of the American Founding
to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life.

The Clare

[CTRL] Mindcontrol Email list under mindcontrol

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey look even a mind control information eamil list is  under mind control

Subj:Re: [MC] Denial syndrome is it real?
Date:   6/15/99 11:28:33 PM EST

This is nothing but a Flame and
should of Never been posted to the list.
Flames will Not be tolerated on the list.
Jim Drapeou
Assistant List Moderator [MC]

Posted by a  mindcontrol conspirataor refering to Dana Redding a vicitm of


So I responded to Gene cause Gene likes to post Adult links to mindcontrol
email lists, then denys it!When he's not mining information on mindcontrol
then trying to discredit them! So I posted this and the mindcontrol list
associate says I cant say that!!!

have you gotten help for your sexual problem, Ive recently come out of
the closet as being hetrosexual I new I always liked women and being a man
Ive only had relations with women> Secretly Ive  always found women
attractive including nude photographs I dont force other people to be
heterosexual nor do I mind control them,sometimes hot women do get turned
on by me but I dont think its mind control. I guess imagery can help from
adult web pages.Sometimes an adult female can learn about sexuality  from
looking at a web page.
I dont force or trick people to look at adult web pages either.
I think its dangerous though to pretend that we dont have problems that
exist such as a denial of our true fellings towards a nice pair of naked
breasts psychologically this does not mean I have a Opidius Rex complex.
Perhaps if you found someone or a group that deals with the problems you
have in denial or sought chemical treatment you might be able to handle
the denial of erection from women or adult movies. Its okay to like adult


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Delgado's US Patent # 4,641,633

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

This posting was excellent; Im seeking help in aquiring any and all Jose
Delgado documents for this web page. The last email was great. Please help.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Is "Spice" Nice ?

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-06-15 18:00:49 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>> We are not sure when ``hooker chic'' became the de facto fashion
>> statement of 12-year-old girls from nice families living in nice
>> homes. But it's here.

Here's a repost of a local (SF) club column in passing mentioning "pedo


 by Michelle Goldberg
 "On the Town" column, July 13, 1998
 San Francisco Metropolitan
  (local music and fashion scene magazine)

 It seemed like a sick and happy coincidence.
 First, "Party Monster," Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbatos'
lurid, jaw-droppingly fascinating documentary about Manhattan
"Club Kid" murderer Michael Alig, screened at the Lesbian and Gay
Film Festival.  In the movie, we learn how Alig essentially
created the now famous Superstar DJ Keoki, giving him his name
and a residency at the legendary Disco 2000.
 Then, that night, Keoki was to play at Breakdown '98, a
massive rave and hip-hop party in Oakland that also featured such
old-school luminaries as Grandmaster Flash, the Jungle Brothers
and the Rock Steady Crew breakdancers.  Alas, Keoki took his
$4500 advance for the party and flaked, according to Breakdown
'98 producer Alex Aquino, and the bookers are still trying to get
their money back.
 Even without the Keoki connection, though, the movie and the
party made a great double feature.
 Only an hour long, "Party Monster" tells the sordid story of
how Alig combined a Machiavellian lust for power with glittery
kiddie-porn outrageousness to become the Caligula of clubland,
and then how he disintegrated into a smack- and crack-addicted
 Alig ruled the New York nightclubs and outlaw parties of the
late '80s and early '90s, creating what Michael Musto called the
"perverted sex-clown aesthetic" that dominated nightspots like
the Limelight, Club USA and the Tunnel.
 As the drugs got harder, though, Alig's sensibility got
nastier.  Former friends recount how his idea of a joke was
pissing in someone's drink and spreading his hepatitus.
 Then, two years ago, Alig had a fight with his roommate and
drug dealer, Angel Melendez.  Apparently, one of Alig's friends
walked in on the scuffle and hit Melendez with a hammer.  After
Melendez was unconscious, Alig poured drain cleaner down his
throat and wrapped packing tape around his mouth.  A week later
he dismembered Melendez and threw him in the ocean.
 Most disturbing of all, Alig told all his friends about the
murder, and because of either denial or desperation for Alig's
approval, no one went to the police.
 There's even a videotape made months before Alig's arrest of
him saying, "Angel Melendez was one of those copycats that we
hate, so I killed him."
 Alig's now serving 10-20 years in prison, but the [fashion
called] pedophilia chic he created lives on in the high schools
of Northern California.
 Thousands of teenagers turned out for Breakdown '98, many of
them dolled up with kinder-whore accoutrements I had no idea
people still wore: pacifiers, cartoon backpacks, stuffed animals.
 [[Accompanying photo shows two toothy white girls in their
early teens wearing campy eye-glitter but no other makeup.]]
  Of course, not everyone was doing the regression thing --
there were also girls in Band-Aid sized tank tops and feather
boas and hip-hop headz in big pants and expensive sneakers.
 Actually, the event was almost groundbreaking in its uniting
of hip-hop and rave culture.
 Held in an enormous auto parts factory near the Oakland
Coliseum, Breakdown '98 featured a hip-hop room the size of an
airplane hangar, two hard-house rooms that were just as big, two
smaller jungle rooms (one jazzy, one hardcore), a long corridor
with inviting white walls for graffiti artists and an enormous
outdoor yard with its own DJ, a tented dance floor and endless
space to lie back and watch the stars.
 That is, once you got in.  Unfortunately, that took upward
of two hours for some people.
 Ironically, it was the guest-list line that was slowest --
at one point, several hundred people on the comp list had to move
across the parking lot for an ambulance to get through and pick
up a kid who had OD'd.  When everyone took their positions again,
they were told the guest list had been closed down.
 It seemed like a melee waiting to happen --cops in full riot
gear lined up by the entrance-- but in the end, there was nothing
but some pushing and screaming.
 As the partiers waited, several girls chatted on cell phones
to friends already inside, finding out which DJs they'd missed
(luckily, the headliners didn't go on until after 2 a.m.).  "I
hope we don't miss Rock Steady Crew!" said one girl in a squeaky
mall-raised voice.  "I hella wanna see them bust!"

 Despite the hassles and the no-shows, though, the promoters
were satisfied.
 "Kids that are that young, 12, 13, 14 years old, never have
the opportunity to see a re

[CTRL] Ecstasy in Switzerland

1999-06-15 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Swiss Court Downgrades Ecstasy Drug

LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) - Switzerland's supreme court ruled Tuesday that
dealing in the drug Ecstasy is not a serious crime.

The tribunal overturned a one-year prison sentence given by state court in
Bern to a man convicted of selling 1,000 tablets of the hallucinogen.

The court also rejected a plea from the state of Aargau for a stiffer
sentence against a man sentenced to nine months in jail for selling more than
1,300 tablets of the drug.

While Ecstasy ``is in no way a harmless substance,'' there is no evidence it
poses a serious health risk, the Federal Tribunal said.

The drug is mostly used by ``socially integrated people'' and doesn't
generally lead to criminal behavior, said the court, which categorized
Ecstasy as a ``soft'' drug.

Under Swiss law, serious drugs offenses - including heroin and cocaine
dealing - carry jail sentences as long as 20 years.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Tortured Bodies Found in Cemetery

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Tortured Bodies Found in Cemetery

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) - Investigators have found at least 12 tortured bodies in
a clandestine graveyard at a Roman Catholic convent in northern Guatemala,
and officials said Tuesday there could be hundreds more.

Dutch anthropologists began digging Monday at the site of the convent in
Sacapulas, 60 miles north of Guatemala City in Quiche province. They quickly
found 12 bodies, according to Mario Gilberto Alessio, the local justice of
the peace.

A nun of the Peace and Resurrection order that now occupies the convent,
Maria Luisa Escruseria, also confirmed the discovery.

Alessio said the first twelve apparently were tortured and killed during the
36-year civil war that ended in 1996.

``There could be some 300 people buried in this convent, but there will have
to be new excavations in the patio and the rear of the convent,'' Alessio

Most of the churches and convents in Quiche were abandoned in 1980 after
three Spanish priests were killed during the height of the army's
scorched-earth campaign against leftist rebels.

Guatemala's Roman Catholic Church and other independent investigators have
blamed the army for most of the estimated 200,000 deaths during the war.

Horrible "atrocities," right?  But look more closely and read "MADE IN USA."

 "The [US-trained] armed forces "scoop up recruits" from the
age of 13, and indoctrinate them with rituals adopted from the
Nazi SS, including brutalization and rape, so that they are
prepared for killing with sexual overtones, as a religious rite.
The stories of training "are not fairy tales"; they are
"punctuated with the hard evidence of corpses, mutilated flesh,
splattered brains and eyewitnesses."  This "sadomasochistic
killing creates terror," and "terror creates passivity in the
face of oppression. A passive population is easy to control."

from "Deterring Democracy" by Noam Chomsky
from Chapter 12:

 "The objective remained the same: "eliminating all
significant opposition and protest." The "dirty war has at no
time stopped being an essential ingredient in the socio-political
project that the United States is trying to achieve in El
Salvador," even after "formal democracy" was introduced "to
legitimize the war" in Western eyes.
 These methods succeeded in "the dismantling of the popular
mass organizations," as "the very existence of organizations
unsympathetic to the government became impossible, and those
militants who were not exterminated had to flee to the
countryside or to go underground, or, choked with terror, abandon
the struggle." By "weakening the support bases of the
revolutionary movement in all sectors of the population ... there
is no doubt that the dirty war was successful -- a macabre
success to be sure, but successful none the less."
 Throughout the decade, and well after "democracy" was
established, the Salvadoran Church and Human Rights groups
continued to describe how the security forces of the "fledgling
democracy," with the full knowledge and cooperation of their U.S.
sponsors, imposed upon Salvadoran society a regime of "terror and
panic, a result of the persistent violation of basic human
rights," marked by "collective intimidation and generalized fear,
on the one hand, and on the other the internalized acceptance of
the terror because of the daily and frequent use of violent
means." "In general, society accepts the frequent appearance of
tortured bodies, because basic rights, the right to life, has
absolutely no overriding value for society" (Socorro Juridico,
December 1985). The last comment also applies to the supervisors,
as underscored by Secretary of State George Shultz a few months
later in one of his lamentations on terrorism, a talk delivered
just as the U.S. was carrying out the terror bombing of Libya,
killing many civilians to much applause at home. In El Salvador,
he declared, "the results are something all Americans can be
proud of" -- at least, all Americans who enjoy the sight of
tortured bodies, starving children, terror and panic, and
generalized fear.
 In a paper on mass media and public opinion in El Salvador
which he was to deliver at an International Congress in December
1989, the month after he was assassinated, Mart¡n-Bari wrote that
the U.S. counterinsurgency project "emphasized merely the formal
dimensions of democracy," and that the mass media must be
understood as a mechanism of "psychological warfare." The small
independent journals in El Salvador, mainstream and pro-business
but still too undisciplined for the rulers, had been taken care
of by the security forces a decade earlier in the usual
efficacious manner -- kidnapping, assassination, and physical
destruction, events considered here too insignificant even to
report. As for public opinion, Mart¡n-Bari's unread paper reports
a study showing that among workers, the lower-middle class, and
the poor, less than 20% feel free to express their opinions in

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-109, PostScript 3 (June 15, 11:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous
never let the weight of
that combination endanger our liberties or democratic process."

And yet here we are, 38 years later... we are witnessing our liberties
endangered.  We are seeing our democratic process turned into a "demo
farce."  We are watching our Constitution trampled by the New World Order
stooges, like Clinton, McCain and others in Washington, who whose job is to
protect them. 

This has got to stop!  And we've got to do it.

It is time for all decent, God-fearing Americans to sound the alarm and
"just say no" to a government which uses our money to kill innocent people
so that Raytheons of this world can improve their earnings per share.

We still have the legal means at our disposal to throw off the New World
Order yoke.  All we need to do is apply the Constitution.  

Rigorously and vigorously.

All we need to do is throw out of office the politicians who sold us out to
the "death merchants" and other industrialists - the 57 Senators and the
219 Representatives who voted in March for Clinton's bombing of Serbia.

All we need to do is cut off the blood supply to the Evil Empire - the IRS
tax vacuum attached to our pay checks.

All we need to do is throw out of office the politicians who abuse the good
faith service our armed forces. Our men and women in uniform have sworn to
protect our country, not Wall Street wallets!

Which is why we must DEMAND that our Draftdodger-in-Chief provide to the
American people a FULL ACCOUNTING of OUR losses in HIS war on Serbia.  It
is an insult to every American's intelligence to hear the president assert,
as he did last week, that we have fought a 79-day war, and have suffered
zero combat casualties.  

And it is certainly an insult to the memory of our fallen soldiers to be
killed twice - once on a field of battle, and then again by having to
remain anonymous.  So that the president can keep on lying and killing
without causing an outrage of the American people, as the Vietnam body bags

In short, all we need to do is exercise our rights.  But do we have the
courage to do it?

Do our men and women in uniform have the guts to say, "hell no, I won't
go?"  Not when a man who would not qualify even for the lowest security
clearance - were he not president - issues unlawful orders to kill innocent
people in an undeclared and illegal war.

But even if Clinton somehow dodges a war crimes trial, as he had dodged the
military service to his country - he, his Secretary of Hate, Madam
Halfbright, and all other NATO leaders will face a trial, sooner or later,
in a higher court. 

"Don't be afraid of anything except of sin," the Serb Patriarch Pavle once
told me, asking me to pass this message to the faithful among the
Serbian-Americans.  For, in the end, he said, God "will weigh everything
precisely and fairly."  

Including the sins of our Liar-in-Chief!  And now a mass murderer, too,

So I say, and I want to thank for so many of you for adopting and repeating
the slogan… Drop Clinton, Not Bombs! 

And I also say… Freedom! 

Let us fight for freedom from the Federal Reserve's taxation without

Let us fight for freedom from the media which lie! 

Let us fight for freedom from the Presidents who lie and kill! 

Let us fight for freedom from the Arizona Senators and Reps who sell us out! 

In short, let us fight to win back our country and our Constitution - as
our Founding Fathers had passed them on to us! 

Thank you."  


Following a long standing ovation at the end of the speech, the speaker
stayed on to answer questions from the audience for about 15-20 minutes.
Here's a synopsis of some the topics covered in that segment of the meeting:

NUMBER OF U.S. CASUALTIES: One member of the audience wanted to know how
many American casualties there have been during this war.  

The TiM editor replied that he didn't know the exact number, which is why
he said in the speech that we must demand that the President disclose the
full truth about that.  But according to a report in the Athens newspaper
"Athinaiki" from early April, for example, even after only the first two
weeks of war, 88 NATO soldiers had been killed.  Not all of them Americans,
of course (see Day 15-16, Update 1, Item 1, Apr. 8; Day 12, Update 1, Item
1, Apr. 4 and Day 13, Update 2, Item 1, Apr. 5).

NATO TO ASSASINATE MILOSEVIC?  Another listener wanted the speaker to
comment on the reported rumor that NATO had been ordered to assassinate

The TiM editor replied that he had never heard of any such thing, and that
the whole idea sounded far-fetched.  It was implausible because the New
World Order terrorists need the bogeys like Saddam Hussein and Milosevic so
as justify their military interventions and crimes.  "So should Milosevic
be killed or removed from power peaceably, that would be a great day for
Serbia and the free world, and a

[CTRL] IPT Journal - Book Reviews

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Journal - Book Review - "Other Altars: Root

The 'Rationalist' outlook. -- "It can't happen here. . ." (Frank Zappa).

The links are to try and purchase out-of-print books from Amazon.com

Title:Other Altars: Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual
Abuse and Multiple Personality DisorderAuthor: Craig LockwoodPublisher:
CompCare Publishers, ©1994

CompCare Publishers
3850 Annapolis Lane, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55447
(800) 328-3330

Title:Stripped NakedAuthor: Lauren StratfordPublisher:Pelican Publishing
Company, Inc., ©1993

Pelican Publishing Company, Inc.
1101 Monroe Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 368-1175

Title:Satan's UndergroundAuthor: Lauren StratfordPublisher:Pelican
Publishing Company, Inc., ©1991 (First Published by Harvest House
Publishers, ©1988)

Pelican Publishing Company, Inc.
1101 Monroe Street
Gretna, LA 70053
(504) 368-1175

These three books deal with claims that satanic, ritualistic abuse is
real and that there exists a widespread conspiracy of satan worshipers
who engage in human sacrifice, necromancy, soothsaying, witchcraft, and
orgiastic group sexual abuse. Each advances the claim that purported
survivors of these practices give accounts that are true, reliable, and
believable. Each acknowledges that there is widespread skepticism and
criticism of the claims. Each brands any skeptical view as denial and
presents any person who questions the facticity of their assertions as a
naive, reprehensible dolt at best and at wodren. The science leading to
skepticism cannot be attacked
so the persons are attacked. If the reader can be convinced that all the
skeptics are charlatans, the scientific data will be discounted.

Each attempts to support the truthfulness of their claims by referring
to the same limited group of trials, cases said to involve satanic
and/or ritualistic abuse allegations, and a small number of bizarre
homicides. The sources for these proofs are largely newspaper accounts
and, in the Stratford books, television talk shows. The proofs are
highly questionable, such as the tunnels under the McMartin Day School
building. Lockwood presents it as fact that the tunnels in which the
satanic, ritualistic abuse was said to be done were found and truly
existed. He includes one picture that is intended to prove their

A small number of older research reports are cited to support positions
about human memory and suggestibility that have been superseded by more
recent research. The controversial claims of a biological base for a
special kind of trauma memory are referred to somewhat casually. The
diagnoses of dissociative, multiple personality, and post-traumatic
stress disorders are used to bolster the claims and explain how putative
victims cope and survive the repeated violent and horrifying assaults.
However, the most important type of evidence is the clinical
observations and clinical data based on the experience of therapists.
Throughout all three books clinical observations are presented as equal
to scientific, empirical, quantified research. It is the ancient
argument used against Galileo, "Look, see, the sun moves and goes around
the earth."

Lockwood includes several chapters that appear to be historical reviews
of aspects of satanic, occult practices. These are on the level of
Sunday supplement journalistic treatment that simplifies, levels, and
reduces any questionable or speculative interpretations to facts.
Stratford's books tell a story that she says is what happened to her.
Both authors insist that the stories told by persons claiming to have
survived the satanic, ritualistic abuse are credible and must be
believed. Stratford allies herself with the National Center for the
Prosecution of Child Abuse and implies that they support the claims of
survivors. Both offer the same two basic proofs for the veracity of the
stories. Nobody would make up such stories because it is too painful.
The stories are similar and consistent across people.

While Lockwood mentions the association with a fundamentalist religious
approach, Stratford makes it definite and sure. The theological error is
the presentation of the devil as powerful and that successful resistance
to him is the responsibility of the individual. This amounts to denying
the orthodox, conservative Christian truth claim that Jesus rose from
the dead, vanquished the evil foe, and that salvation is by God's grace
and not by actions of humans that merit or wins eternal life. It is the
ancient heresy, condemned by the early Church, of semi-pelagianism.

These three books, and the volume edited by Sinason also reviewed in
this issue, represent the range of literature advanced to support claims
of satanic, ritualistic abuse. They are of interest and value only as
illustrations and examples of the extremity of the claims and the

[CTRL] Issues In Child Abuse Accusations/The Social and Cultural Context of Satanic Ritual Abuse Allegations

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous
) noted, Masson's work has served as "one of
the cornerstones of the Incest Survivor movement." The revival of
Freudian seduction theory led the way for what would soon become a
largely uncritical acceptance of uncorroborated accounts of repressed
memories of repeated sexual abuse and recovered memories of SRA.

Addiction, Denial, and the Self-Help Movement

The expansion of recovered memory ideology was aided by a new and
growing social and cultural phenomenon that emerged in the 1980s: the
growth in the size and scope of self-help groups based on the twelve
step model of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The escalation of "zero
tolerance" in the War on Drugs and the concomitant push for widespread
identification and treatment of substance abuse was eagerly embraced by
the media. Estimated and fabricated figures that warned of the growing
prevalence of alcoholism and illegal drug use became commonplace (Baum,
1996; Peele, 1989). The resulting growth in the substance abuse
treatment industry was aided by media campaigns that included
testimonials by well-known people such as Kitty Dukakis, Betty Ford, and
Elizabeth Taylor, whose stories were aimed at convincing people to get
help for their addictions. Thus, as Peele (1989) has pointed out,
addiction not only became destigmatized, but addicts were turned into
role models. As drug treatment programs came to rely heavily on AA
ideology and group treatment methods, the AA credo of twelve step
recovery became a national dogma (Peele, 1989).

Ironically, even though AA had enjoyed some degree of popularity since
its inception in the 1930s, the ideology of self-help recovery in the
1980s began to shift some of the ideas that were central to AA. Instead
of people seeking help because they knew that they were having problems
with alcohol, alcoholics were now seen as being in denial about their
illness (Peele, 1989).

As the idea of denial became popularized, the ever-expanding concept of
"addiction" and twelve step recovery began to spread to a wide variety
of other behaviors such as eating, gambling, sex, love, and
relationships. Groups like Al-Anon and Alateen that were initially set
up to provide support and guidance for non-alcoholic family members, now
began to portray wives, husbands, parents, and children of the alcoholic
as themselves having a disease. Alcoholism and drug addiction were no
longer seen as an illness of the individual alcoholic or addict, but of
the entire family system. Denial was defined as "part of the disease for
both the alcoholic and his family" (Woititz, 1976). With denial at the
core, the newly popularized concepts of "co-dependency" and the
"dysfunctional family" gave rise to a burgeoning self-help industry in
which all of life's problems were defined as a previously undiagnosed
disease, rooted in childhood family dysfunction, over which the
sufferers had little, if any, control.

Pop Psychology, Feminist Theory, and Survivor Ideology

The addiction self-help movement provided fertile ground for the
expansion of theories and ideology to support the growing view of
families, and society as a whole, as being diseased and dysfunctional.
Rather than examining some of the very real and social and economic
stressors that accompanied the quickly changing and unstable job market,
fluctuating economy, profound changes in family structure, changing
social roles, and the increasing demands on women, many of whom now
found it necessary to join the labor market as well as be responsible
for child care, the disease model turned our attention inward and
backward. Newly self-appointed "experts" in addiction and dysfunction
turned to the prototypical Freudian model of individual pathological
functioning based on alleged parenting deficiencies in early childhood
(Kaminer, 1993; Pendergrast, 1996; Smith, 1995). Popularized versions of
Freudian-based object-relations theory emerged as one of the primary
theoretical explanations of adult dysfunction (see Smith, 1995; Wood,

Although early American feminists criticized Freudian theory for its
distinctively anti-female assumptions, later feminist thought embraced a
revised form of psychoanalytic theory that accepted many of Freud's
fundamental assumptions about the nature of the unconscious and the
importance of early childhood experiences in the formation of adult
personality (see Chodorow, 1978). While rejecting the idea of female
inferiority that was pivotal to Freud's work, both psychoanalytic
feminism and an emerging body of radical feminist writing portrayed male
domination (i.e. the patriarchy) as the root of women's oppression and
the primary cause of psychological disorders. Violence against women
(physical, sexual, and psychological) was seen as a primary force
through which women were denied control over their lives and choices.

The recovered memory movement readily embraced the idea of male
violence, particu

[CTRL] Can someone help? Ritual murder.

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Has anyone heard of cases of ritual murder where fingers and toes are
cut off? If so, why?

Many thanks in advance.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Socialized medicine: Cuba

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Maryland health officials who toured Cuban health facilities last week
say the country has infant mortality, immunization and life expectancy
rates far better than Baltimore's, despite the country's waning
resources. Baltimore Health Commissioner Dr. Peter Beilenson, who
organized the trip in conjunction with the Baltimore Orioles' baseball
games against the Cuban national team, said, "For a country that's
basically quite poor, their health statistics are tremendous. And they
do it with a tiny percentage of the resources we have." Beilenson heads
a group called the Maryland Citizens' Health Initiative that will
advocate this year for single-payer health reforms in the state. The
American delegation said "the centerpiece of Cuban health care is a
well-developed system of neighborhood physicians. Each doctor is
assigned about 120 families and given a house in the neighborhood with
medical offices on the ground floor." Delegation member Dr. Javier Nieta
of Johns Hopkins said, "In the morning, they see patients in the office.
In the afternoon, they walk the neighborhood and visit people in their
homes." On the downside, the American group said that Cuba's health
facilities are deteriorating, the country only performs one-tenth the
per capita transplants of the U.S. and the government sometimes enforces
"coercive" health policies -- such as requiring "pregnant women not
caring properly for themselves to be moved to group homes."
Nevertheless, Johns Hopkins Children's Center Director Dr. George Dover
said, "I went in as skeptical as anyone. I left there very impressed
with what the Cuban government has accomplished."


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990616a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: Several cats were killed to produce this bulletin, but they reincarnated.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Islamic legislators meet in Iran. DUBAI, UAE (AP) Iran's supreme leader
appealed to Muslim states for more cooperation to fight a "Western cultural
onslaught" he said corrupted Islamic youth. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke to
legislators from 40 Muslim nations at the first Organization of Islamic
Parliaments conference in Iran's capital, Tehran. Khamenei leads a hard-
line faction that insists on maintaining a ban on satellite dish antennas
in Iran. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559945483-9b2

: Does your belief system prescribe or proscribe modern communications? Do
you want to be cut off from the rest of the world? Should the rest of the
world just drop dead, not bother you any more? Is your culture corrupted?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Holy Land evidence of Turin shroud. JERUSALEM (AP) Plant imprints and
  pollen on the Shroud of Turin, revered by many as Jesus' burial shroud,
  support the premise that it originated in the Holy Land, two Israeli
  scientists said. The scientists did not address the issue of the age
  of the linen cloth, which was brought to France by a 14th-century
  crusader and has been enshrined since 1578 in a cathedral in Turin,
  Italy. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559944355-336

: Do you require physical memorabilia to bolster your belief system? If the
shroud is a fake will you lose your faith? Was the shroud planted by aliens?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Thieves return sacred Mohammed relic. ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) Thieves stole
a sacred relic of the Prophet Mohammed - a single beard hair - from a 16th
century mosque in Istanbul before returning it later. The glass case holding
the hair was taken from the Gazi Ahmet Pasa Mosque as the imam, or religious
leader, was preparing for noon prayers. It was returned hours later, left
outside the mosque. www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559945268-dac

: What religious relic would you most like to steal? Would you keep it, sell
it, burn it, ransom it, desecrate it, stash it, give it to evil wizards
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Wrecked ship may be Blackbeard's. CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) - Circumstantial
  evidence is mounting that a shipwreck off the Atlantic coast is Blackbeard
  the pirate's flagship, the Queen Anne's Revenge. Radiocarbon dating shows
  several pieces of wood taken from the wreckage near Beaufort Inlet were
  from the same time period as Blackbeard's ship. Scientists determined the
  wood was cut and milled about the time work was completed on Queen Anne's
  Revenge, a 90-foot former slave ship that sank in 1718. See

: Do you collect pirate memorabilia? Do you have a treasure map? Have aliens
pointed you towards hidden loot? Did they keep any for themselves? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Electric fields, cancer link nixed. WASHINGTON (AP) Six years of research
have produced little hard evidence that the magnetic fields around electric
power lines cause cancer, yet some lingering concerns remain, a NIH division
said. But the report to Congress said there is some statistical association
between the fields and some leukemias in people exposed to the fields. See

: Have you been zapped by electric fields? Do cellphones fry your brain? Do
you think better, faster, smarter, cheaper? Do you plug wires in your head?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Gates describes high-tech future. WASHINGTON (AP) Microsoft Chairman Bill
  Gates urged Congress to avoid burdensome regulations on the booming high-
  tech industry and to encourage investment. Then he threw out golden jelly
  beans: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559945292-bfd

: What industrial sectors do you want to see burdened by gov't regulation?
Would you expect Gates to call for regulation? Really? Want to buy a bridge?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# DRIVEWAYS OF THE RICH & FAMOUS. You won't find OJ Simpson's famous drive-
way here, but you will find the asphalt entrances to more than 100 of your
favorite celebs' houses. Yeah Robin Leach, eat your heart out. Choose your
own path: Click thru photos, see pizza delivery testimonials ("The Spellings
are always good tippers"), or read the horrifying tale of the site creator's
arrest at Martha Stewart's quaint domicile. The official site of a local
access cable TV show, this is a good spot for a quick laugh or to review
the latest developments in high-security fencing. http://www.driveways.com

: Do the voices in your head tell you to stalk someone prominent? Who? Do
you want to see them, touch them, fuck them, kill them, b

Re: [CTRL] Thank You! Thank You!

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/15/1999 11:30:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Yes, it's been an interesting six years for "the most ethical administration
 the history
 of the Republic." But then ... everybody knows it's ALL the fault of the
 conspiracy."  Go figure...! >>

Yes, it has been interesting, hasn't it?  Amazing things went on, and none of
it had much to do with getting a Congress that was under Republican control.
We expected so much from them after 40 years, and all we got was one long
character assassination.  Still, I can see you enjoyed every minute, so it
wasn't a total loss.   Have a nice day.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990616b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
: No noisy cats were harmed to produce this bulletin, but we were tempted.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# No bug in mobster's buttocks. WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) - There's no bug in
  a reputed mobster's buttocks, the US gov't says. For years, Vincent "Gigi
  Portalla" Marino claims, a federal drug agent had told him that a tracking
  device was inserted in Marino's tushie during surgery to remove a bullet.
  This week a federal judge ordered authorities to say whether they did, in
  fact, implant such a device. "We can confirm that the US Drug Enforcement
  Administration did not implant a tracking device in... Marino's buttocks.
  But we cannot speak, however, for any extraterrestrial beings." Cop-out.
  See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559948077-720

: Are you bugged? Were you implanted by aliens, gov't/corporate agents, me?
Are you being tracked? Does this constrain your movements? Are you careful?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# WHO calls for passive smoking protection. The World Health Org. wants more
  measures to protect children from the effects of cigarette smoking by
  adults. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_37/370059.stm

# 'Car fumes kill more than crashes'. (BBC) Emissions from car exhausts
  cause more deaths than road accidents, according to WHO research. Phew.

: Would you rather be damaged by emissions from automobiles, smokers, cows,
petrochemical plants, spacecraft, farting Reptilioids or Republicans, or me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Scientists develop cocaine vaccine. (BBC) Scientists have developed a
  vaccine which they believe could help cocaine users kick the habit by
  making them immune to the effects of the drug. But what's the fun of
  that? http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_37/370663.stm

# Contaminated Coke threatens UK. (BBC) Coca-Cola drinks banned by 3 Europe-
  an states in the latest health scare may have reached British shelves, the
  firm fears. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/newsid_37/370517.stm

: Do you prefer your coca straight, or with sugar and flavorings? Would you
like to be contaminated? Does anything that doesnt kill you, strengthen you?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Renovation underway at Columbine. LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) Two months after 2
teen-age gunmen opened fire at Columbine High School, the bullet holes have
been plastered, broken glass repaired, and bloodstained carpet stripped from
the hallways. The repairs are part of a massive renovation project aimed at
erasing memories of the deadly rampage that left 15 dead and 23 wounded.
Those who visited the site shortly after the massacre said it looked like a
war zone. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559950652-753

: Which mass-murder site would you most like to redecorate? Has the evidence
of mind-control devices been destroyed? Should the site be preserved intact?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# 'Medieval' diseases on the comeback. (BBC) Cholera & typhoid are emerging
again as health threats on the fringes of Europe because of poor hygiene and
sanitation. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_37/370038.stm

# 'Kosovo graves could poison water supplies'. (BBC) Mass graves around
Kosovo villages could cause illness by polluting local water supplies, says
the WHO. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/newsid_369000/369639.stm

: What's your favorite medieval disease? Is contracting a medieval disease
like journeying back in time? Is death the ultimate trip? Is typhoid groovy?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Church calls for Milosevic to quit. PRISTINA, Yugoslavia (AP)  Dismayed by
the streams of Serb troops and civilians speeding out of Kosovo, the Serbian
Orthodox Church told President Slobodan Milosevic to resign for the sake of
the people. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559949098-d7b

: If you're a dictator and your church leaders call for your resignation,
would you heed them, expel them, ignore them, kill them, bribe them, pray?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# S. Baptists to recruit in cities. ATLANTA (AP) - The president of the
  Southern Baptists called on members of the nation's largest Protestant
  sect to recruit in inner cities and shun "touchy-touchy feely-feely"
  worship and creative Biblical interpretation. "Will you weep before God
  until God gives us the souls of the cities?" he asked? Then he cried like
  a baby: http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559949393-bea

: Do you prefer touchy-touchy feely-feely worship; or harsh, stern, punitive
floggings; or total immersion in icewater for extended periods; or spiders?
Is creative biblical interpretation necessary to avoid incoherence? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Re: [CTRL] Gore too boring for president?

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/16/1999 1:38:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

   WASHINGTON -- Al Gore, the most influential vice
   president in history and the man with the Boy Scout
   demeanor, has a problem: people think he's boring.

   Some are asking: is he too boring to be president?

   A few early stumbles in his campaign, including laying
   to creating the Internet, haven't helped. Poll after
 poll shows
   him lagging behind Republican Gov. George W. Bush, a
   with a name but no substantial public record. >>

God forbid that we get a boring president.  Perhaps Gore could learn to tap
dance.  The entire Bush family do both tap and toe, and can pull off magical
tricks by being  two places at once.  They can make undesirable publicity
disappear.  They belong to the most prestigious clubs.  Poor Al probably
doesn't have a chance against all that Bush family fascination.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Socialized medicine: Cuba

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

At 07:58 AM 6/16/99 -0700,  nurev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>Maryland health officials who toured Cuban health facilities last week
>say the country has infant mortality, immunization and life expectancy
>rates far better than Baltimore's, despite the country's waning
>resources. Baltimore Health Commissioner Dr. Peter Beilenson, who
>organized the trip in conjunction with the Baltimore Orioles' baseball
>games against the Cuban national team, said, "For a country that's
>basically quite poor, their health statistics are tremendous. And they
>do it with a tiny percentage of the resources we have."

Duh? Who creates those "tremendous statistics" that show how
wonderful the Cuban health system is?

Might it be... the Cuban government.

I would say that Dr. Beilenson just fell off the turnip wagon.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Skeptic News - Tuesday #2]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

ric carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "The best way to change history is to become a historian." --anon

"Yngvi is a louse." -- anon.

Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Oh, Those Rights, Again !]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> From
> From http://www.infidels.org/index.html

A couple of quick points: first, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act was
designed to restore the "compelling interest" requirement for governmental
interference with religious exercise. At the time it was in effect, I was a
staff member of a large Quaker organization. Several of our employees refused
to pay war taxes--that is, the portion of Federal taxes proportionate to
defense spending in the Federal budget--on grounds of conscience. (Until the
1920's, most Quakers were technically forbidden to pay taxes levied to
purchase "drums, colours, or other instruments of war." During the 19th
century this was easy, since a separate tax had to be enacted for each
spending purpose. The creation of the Federal income tax threw a monkeywrench
into this particular Quaker witness, since it was now impossible to determine
where your money was going.) RFRA undermined the government's case against our
employees, because there was no way the IRS could demonstrate a "compelling
interest" in the small amount of money they would get by prohibiting the
practice of a central belief among Quakers. However, when Scalia uttered his
unbelievably snide opinion in overturning RFRA, we had no choice but to roll
over and wave our collective feet in the air...

Second, the current efforts to get the so-called "Religious Liberty Protection
Act" through Congress are masterminded by the right-wing theocrats who control
the Republican party. The RLPA has virtually no resemblance to RFRA. Instead,
it's designed to establish the "right" to mandate school prayer, enforce the
practice of Christian rituals by public officials, and otherwise force the
entire country into a very narrow sectarian mold. One of its authors, IIRC, is
Ernest Istook of Oklahoma, the originator of the proposed Constitutional
amendment to enshrine school prayer. I would have absolutely no problem with
writing the language of RFRA into the Constitution, because it protects the
full range of religious expression in this country; RLPA is another story


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Is Spice Nice ?]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Alamaine Ratliff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> From
> http://www.bostonherald.com/bostonherald/colm/eagan06151999.htm
> Now... what's wrong with a little word like "NO !" ?

Exactly...whose credit card pays for these outfits, anyway?

> > Spicy schoolgirl outfits give parents fits
> > by Margery Eagan
> >
> > Tuesday, June 15, 1999
> >
> > We are not sure when ``hooker chic'' became the de facto fashion
> > statement of 12-year-old girls from nice families living in nice
> > homes. But it's here.
> >

Is there a conspiracy to sexualize children? Perhaps the pedophile cabal we've
heard so much about here on CTRL is about to come into the open...


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Tuesday #3]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SkeptiNews 990615c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question
> : Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
> : Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
> : No fundy jeezoids were immolated during the production of this bulletin.
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
> with human genes is about to be set out in Canada. Canadian scientists says
> it's possibly the first field test ever of plants with human genes. It won't
> be the last: http://cnn.com/HEALTH/9906/14/tobacco.human.genes/index.html
> : Would you smoke a cigarette that you're personally related to? Would it be
> cannibalism to consume plants with human genes? Do they taste like chicken?
> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You know what they say..."Never smoke anyone you've been introduced to..."

Bob "I only smoke strangers" Tatman

Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] Fraud Lawsuit alleges that Sears distributed a ''secret video tape''

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Fraud Lawsuit Filed Against Sears
EDWARDSVILLE, Ill., Jun 16, 1999 (AP Online via COMTEX) -- Sears,
Roebuck & Co. collected up to $400 million for tire balancing services
it never performed, then paid millions to keep the fraud quiet,
according to a lawsuit filed in Madison County Circuit Court.

The lawsuit, filed Tuesday, also claims managers destroyed the
tire-balancing machines with sledgehammers to cover up the fraud.

The complaint, which seeks class-action status, estimates 7 million to
30 million people who purchased Sears AccuBalance service from 1989 to
1994 were potentially defrauded.

The balancing machines were used to shave off a tiny layer of rubber to
make sure the tires were round.

Sears workers typically charged $12.50 to process each tire but often
skipped the procedure, which was impossible for the buyer to detect,
according to the lawsuit.

It also contends Sears management knew that most of the balancing
services never were performed, but pressured employees to sell the
services anyway.

Attorney Stephen Katz, who represents the plaintiffs, said he believes
Sears failed to do the work up to 90 percent of the time in its 800
tire stores nationwide.

Sears spokesman David Albritton declined comment today on the lawsuit,
which he said the company had not seen.

But he noted the case is the same as a federal lawsuit pending in
Tampa, Fla. That lawsuit was filed in September 1991, thrown out and
recently reinstated late last year by a federal appeals court that
ruled notices Sears sent in 1992 for reimbursement of ''unnecessary
and/or improper repairs'' were too vague to be understood.

The lawsuit accuses Sears of paying almost $30 million in ''hush
money'' to buy the silence of the machine's manufacturer, Assix
International Inc., of Tampa, Fla., after that company's workers
reported significant discrepancies between the services Sears sold and
the work recorded by mechanical counters on the machines.

Assix leased about 1,300 machines to Sears for $300 per month each,
plus a royalty of 15 cents on every tire shaved, according to court
documents. Sears paid Assix based on cash register receipts and not the
counters, the suit said.

In 1994, Sears paid $30 million in cash and property for a $6 million
contract termination settlement and to acquire the AccuBalance
machines, the lawsuit contends.

The lawsuit alleges that Sears, based in the Chicago suburb of Hoffman
Estates, distributed a ''secret video tape'' telling workers to destroy
the machines and the counters with sledgehammers, then sell the remains
for scrap. It claims Sears also acquired all Assix paperwork regarding
its AccuBalance machines as part of ''massive cover-up efforts.''

Copyright 1999 Associated Press, All rights reserved.


News provided by COMTEX.

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] Bragg soldiers provide security at US Open.]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

"Howard R. Davis III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Since when does the US Army provide security for a private affair? Isn't
> this against the posse committas law?
> Howard Davis
Right. You would think so... Unless they had gotten a threat of violence
against participants in the U.S. Open, it makes absolutely no sense for the
82nd Airborne to be guarding the friggin' golf course. What are they afraid
of--Eric Rudolph?


Robert F. Tatman
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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Tortured Bodies Found in Cemetery]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Tortured Bodies Found in Cemetery

> Horrible "atrocities," right?  But look more closely and read "MADE IN USA."

Yup...typical School of the Americas stuff. "Democracy" über alles. Freedom
means freedom to invest, and God help you if you're not a member of the
Oligarchy...because *we* sure won't. The fewer the campesinos, the more land
can be clear-cut and planted in grass for cattle.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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[CTRL] DA tries to stop ABC's TV appearance of Bob Enyart [leader of ShadowGov]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


DA tries to stop TV appearance
Talk show host Enyart's appearance
on ABC program in question

By Stephan Archer
© 1999 WorldNetDaily.com

Bob Enyart, a long-time Denver talk show host and leader of ShadowGov, may
be prohibited from appearing on ABC's "Politically Incorrect" program Friday
if a motion requested by the Jefferson County district attorney's office in
Colorado and a probation official are granted by Jefferson County Court
Judge Charles Hoppin.
On May 26, the day after he got out of jail for a child abuse conviction
that resulted from him spanking his stepson, Enyart asked Intervention, a
private company that provides probation services to Jefferson County, for
permission to travel to Los Angeles for "Politically Incorrect." Upon his
request, Enyart was told that asking for permission to travel was normal
procedures, and he didn't have anything to worry about.

On June 9, however, Enyart was notified that Intervention had filed a motion
requesting Enyart be denied out-of-state permits until he has "proven a
pattern of compliance with probationary conditions, including treatment."
Although just notified last week about this motion, Intervention had
submitted the motion about two weeks prior.

Three days ago on June 13, the American Civil Liberties Union in Colorado
filed a motion on Enyart's behalf, and the district attorney's office filed
a counter-motion supporting Intervention's request. Because of these
motions, Judge Hoppin has ordered an emergency hearing to be held on the
case later today.

Although Enyart has often criticized the Colorado ACLU for its support of
those who sell child pornography, he said he is willing to take advantage of
the union's clout. He adds, however, the ACLU should take advantage of
ShadowGov's material, which speaks out against such things as child

Intervention's motion states Enyart "has expressed his views of the criminal
justice process through the media" and if he gets the chance to speak on a
national program like "Politically Incorrect," the publicity might bring him
"support from a segment of the population." Intervention's motion also
expresses concern about Enyart talking publicly about his case since the
case involves a juvenile (his stepson).

"In other words, if I express on the air my support of traditional spanking,
they don't like the idea that the general public might agree with me and
encourage me to continue defending spanking," Enyart said. "They're trying
to cut me off from popular support for traditional Christian family values."

Besides prohibiting Enyart from traveling out of state and appearing on
"Politically Incorrect," Intervention is requesting other decisions in its

"Intervention ... respectfully requests that the court amend the probation
order to preclude Mr. Enyart from discussing this specific case, the
conditions imposed, or the supervision of this matter to or through the
media while on probation," states Intervention's motion.

Regardless of what the judge decides, Enyart said he will continue with his

"I will continue to speak regardless of what they order. They can't silence
me like I'm a political prisoner who's not allowed to speak about criminal
justice," said Enyart who believes a major reason for Intervention's motion
is his Christian beliefs.

"They're on a holy war against spanking, and Christians are the best
defenders of spanking. They're on a jihad," commented Enyart.

Although the ACLU couldn't be reached for comment on this case, Enyart said
the ACLU believes it is absurd for Intervention and the district attorney to
try to stop Enyart from going to the media and participating on "Politically
Incorrect." Enyart said the ACLU told him Colorado law is very specific in
that it only allows the judge to narrowly apply restrictions to his case.

Patrick Mulligan, an attorney who was hired by the ACLU to assist in
Enyart's case, said he doesn't understand why the district attorney's office
and probation officer at Intervention would try to prevent Enyart from
taking part in "Politically Incorrect" this Friday. It is because of the
unclear reason for the motion that Mulligan has decided to take on Enyart's

"In all candor, it is not clear to me why they are trying to prevent him
from appearing on this television show," Mulligan said. "In opposition, we
have stated that we believe the position of the Intervention Department --
in attempting to restrict Enyart's freedom of speech, freedom of travel and
freedom of association -- is unconstitutional."

"It violates his protected First Amendment rights," Mulligan continued. "And
it is not reasonably related to his rehabilitation on probation. It is not
reasonably related to any sort of protection of the community."

Mulligan explained t

Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Them who can't program, manage; them who can't manage, manage programmers."

Isn't that sort of like herding cats, or leading kangaroos on a leash?



Robert F. Tatman
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[CTRL] Brace yourself.

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-


Christian families hide their form of discipline, even from their neighbors.
Some pastors are refusing to incorporate their churches.
Fear moves the most worried to refuse Social Security numbers for their
Millions of kids are taught at home to protect them from government schools.
Thousands of home school parents will not even register with their school

Sodomites have come out of the closet and Christians are ducking for cover.

Do Right, and Risk the Consequences!

Bob Enyart
Founder: ShadowGov.com

P.S. To anyone who signs up to become a Judge, or who starts receiving our
monthly Bible studies, we will give you my jailhouse tapes free.



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] A Heartbroken Father Speaks To Congress

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: Heartbroken Father Speaks to Congress
>>> Excerpts from the testimony of Darrell Scott, father of
>>>   2 victimes of the Columbine High School Shooting,
>>>   at a Congressional Hearing, May 27, 1999.
>>>   Mr. Scott lost his daughter, his son is recovering.
>>>   "...At this very moment in a cemetery in Southern Denver - Chapel
>>>   Hill Cemetary - they're erecting 13 crosses that I think are well
>>>   known across the country, as a permanent memorial at the head of
>>>   my daughter's grave..."
>>>   "...I realize that I'm a mere pawn in today's hearings, but I'm a
>>>   willing pawn, because I dare to believe that I can make a
>>>   difference. Every once in awhile, a pawn has been used to
>>>   checkmate a king. I have no hidden agenda, and of course I
>>>   have no political aspirations. I simply speak to you as a
>>>   brokenhearted father, and I only ask that you allow your heart to
>>>   hear me for the next few minutes..."
>>>   "...the death of my wonderful daughter, Rachel Joyce Scott, and
>>>   the deaths of that heroic teacher, and the other 11 children who
>>>   died, must not be in vain. Their blood cries out for answers..."
>>>   "...The first recorded act of violence was when Cain slew his
>>>   brother Abel out in the field. The villain was not the club he
>>>   used, neither was it the NCA - the National Club Association -
>>>   the true killer was Cain, and the reason for the murder could
>>>   only be found in his heart. In the days that followed the
>>>   Columbine tradgedy, I was amazed at how quickly fingers began
>>>   to be pointed at groups such as the NRA. I am not a member of
>>>   the NRA, I am not a hunter, I do not even own a gun, I'm not
>>>   here to represent or to defend the NRA, because I don't believe
>>>   they need to be defended by me. If I believed that they had
>>>   anything to do with Rachel's murder, I would be their strongest
>>>   opponent. I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just
>>>   a tradgedy, it was a spiritual event which should be forcing us
>>>   to look at where the real blame lies. Much of that blame lies
>>>   here in this room - much of that blame lies behind the pointing
>>>   fingers of the accusers themselves..."
>>>   "...I wrote a poem just four nights ago that expressed my
>>>   feelings best, and it was written before I knew that I would
>>>   be speaking here today, and I'd like to read that..."
>>>   Your laws ignore our deepest needs,
>>>   Your words are empty air,
>>>   You've stripped away our heritage,
>>>   You've outlawed simple prayer.
>>>   Now gunshots fill our classrooms,
>>>   And precious children die,
>>>   You seek for answers everywhere,
>>>   And ask the question "Why?"
>>>   You regulate restrictive laws,
>>>   Through legislative creed,
>>>   And yet you fail to understand,
>>>   That God is what we need.
>>>   "...when something as terrible as Columbine's tradgedy occurs,
>>>   politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA.
>>>   They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that
>>>   continue to erode away our personal and private liberties..."
>>>   "...When my son Craig lay under that table in the school
>>>   library and saw his two friends murdered before his very
>>>   eyes, he didn't hesitate to pray in school, and I defy any
>>>   law or politician to deny him that right. I challenge every
>>>   young person in America and around the world to realize that
>>>   on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School, prayer was
>>>   brought back to our schools. Don't let the many prayers
>>>   offered by those students be in vain. Dare to move into the
>>>   new millenium with a sacred disregard for legislation that
>>>   violates your conscience and denies your God-given right to
>>>   communicate with Him..."
>>>   "...And to those of you who would blame the NRA, I give to
>>>   you a sincere challenge: dare to examine your own heart before
>>>   you cast the first stone. My daughter's death will not be in
>>>   vain: the young people of this country will not allow that to
>>>   happen. And remember that even a pawn in a master's hand can
>>>   accomplish much..."
>>> --
>>>  P L E A S E   D I S T R I B U T E   F A R   A N D   W I D E

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Re: [CTRL] SKEPTICS>> Re: [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Robert Tatman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "ric carter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "Them who can't program, manage; them who can't manage, manage
> > programmers."
> Isn't that sort of like herding cats, or leading kangaroos on a leash?

Actually, I'm quite good at herding cats myself, but I admit to
not having tried 'roo-wrangling.  And apparently BillGates aka
Satan is proficient at managing programmers, but he's careful to
only hire tame ones, not the wild, free-range coders that infest
the SF Bay Area.  Maybe Seattle's moisture dampens their latent
anarchistic impulses, or maybe Gates relies on implants.

I based my epigram upon my own experiences in a mammoth systems
organization in the financial sector. Military, gov't, gaming and
other programming environments may attract more competent managers,
or maybe they just offer better rewards & perks - I mean, coding
for Nintendo, you can play at controlling the world, and coding
for the CIA, you actually CAN control the world.  Whereas, coding
for an insurer, you can control... premiums.  

IMHO in the study of conspiracies too much is made of the role of
political/economic/religious plotters, and not enough attention
has been paid to the technogeeks who implement the plots in our
wired world.  When the CIA fires up HAARP to take over humanity's
minds, I'll bet some microserf has embedded a worm to directly
stimulate cranial pleasure centers, leading to continuous intense
orgasms, pleasure that the plotters will miss out on.

  Ric "and put LSD in the water at a Bilderberger conference" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] [SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: DougKeachie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > # Thieves return sacred Mohammed relic. ISTANBUL, Turkey (AP) Thieves
> > stole a sacred relic of the Prophet Mohammed - a single beard hair -
> > www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559945268-dac
> >
> > : What religious relic would you most like to steal? Would you keep
> > it, sell it, burn it, ransom it, desecrate it, stash it, give it to
> > evil wizards
> The will be no atonement for this man's clonement

Hmmm, that's right, I forgot about the possibility of cloning Mohammed
from that hair or some other personal relic.  In fact, it should soon
be possible to clone almost ANY holy or historic personage for whom
such relics exist.  Imagine a bunch of Buddhas, a swarm of Stalins,
leagues of Luthers & Lenins & Lennons, and of course the re-emergence
of Elvis...  Why, if the Shroud of Turin is authentic, we could even
resurrect Yeshua, fer re eel...  But imagine the embarrassment if the
relic is a fraud, and you carefully grow and nurture what you think is
a clone of St. Jean d'Arc, and you find that the DNA is actually from
a male Moorish Jew or something.  Or you grow Yeshua - and get a girl.

Still, we can expect to see enthusiastic religious & political cloners
try to reincarnate their cherished hominid icons - and other plotters
working to see that they fail, by substituting false genetic material
and otherwise confusing the issue (pun intended).  Expect the Clone
Wars to turn real serious, real nasty, real messy.  

  Ric "but who'd want to clone Liberace?" Carter

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] SKEPTICS>> Re: [[SC] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1]

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-06-16 15:49:59 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>  Ric "and put LSD in the water at a Bilderberger conference" Carter

If I recall rightly from days of yore, acid isn't water-soluble, but it IS
So, bartender, at the above-named conference of contracted-mind unlicensed
mind contractors, the dry martinis surely cry out for "a little help from
their (non) friends."

Das "don't bother putting LSD in a yuppie's Evian bottle" GOAT

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] IPT Journal - Book Reviews

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-06-16 05:05:41 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>The 'Rationalist' outlook. -- "It can't happen here. . ." (Frank Zappa).

"It can't happen here."
 --Adolf Hitler, 1945

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Red China Will Help CA. A.G. to Disarm Population-

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

From: Paul VanHusen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Red China Will Help TX A.G. to Disarm Population-
Read This!

In California, the communist Chinese are helping
Bill Lockyer, the attorney general of California,
to disarm it's population. The website,
www.sksbuybuck.org, although is registered to the
attorney general's office, the chinese are
providing the technical management of the website.
Yesterday morning, I did a whois on that site and
found this:


California Attorney General's Office
(SKSBUYBACK-DOM) 1300 I Street, Suite 1150
Sacramento, CA 95841
Administrative Contact:
Xin, Zheng (ADM598-ORG)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 0086-010-63060426
Fax- 0086-010-63060426
Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
OzNic Technology Pty Ltd. (ITT-ORG)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +61 3 93482441 Fax- - - - +61 3
Billing Contact:
OzNic Technology Pty Ltd. (ITA3-ORG)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] +61 3 9348 2441 Fax- - - - +61
3 9348 1928
Record last updated on 05-Feb-99.
Record created on 05-Feb-99.
Database last updated on 11-Jun-99 09:51:31 EDT.
Domain servers in listed order:


You can see clearly that the administrative
contact is a person named Zheng Xin. I did a whois
on CN.NET (that person's email address) and found
that it was registered to the government of China.
Eight hours later, after reporting this finding on
another board, the whois content was changed to


California Attorney General's Office
(SKSBUYBACK-DOM)   1300 I Street,
Suite 1150
 Sacramento, CA 95841
 Administrative Contact:
      Administration (ADM598-ORG)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     0086-010-63060426 Fax- -
  Technical Contact, Zone Contact:
 OzNic Technology Pty Ltd. (ITT-ORG)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +61 3 93482441
Fax- - - - +61 3 93481928
  Billing Contact:
      OzNic Technology Pty Ltd. (ITA3-ORG)
    +61 3 9348 2441
Fax- - - - +61 3 9348 1928
 Record last updated on 05-Feb-99.
  Record created on 05-Feb-99.
 Database last updated on 13-Jun-99 14:39:10
EDT. Domain servers in listed order:


Notice that Zheng Xin is longer listed as the
administrative contact. A generic title was used

However, the telephone and fax number remains the
same and is incriminating. 0086 is the country
code for China while 010 is the city code for

I doubt that China allows a free-enterprise web
companies. So it is a likely bet that the
administration contact is a government worker and
a member of the communist party.

Obviously, some group with the resources to
monitor the internet made the change in less than
eight hours. That's impressive.


-> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
->  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] class act

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message -
  Citation: The Nation April 8 1996, v262, n14, p3(1)
 Title: Class act.(comments by Chairman and Chief Executive
   Officer  Robert Eaton of Chrysler Corp.)(Editorial)

COPYRIGHT The Nation Company Inc. 1996
  Comes now Robert Eaton, chairman and C.E.O. of Chrysler, to decry the
"demonization of corporate America" before an appreciative bevy of execs at
the Detroit Economic Club. "Empty-headed, tub-thumping populism," complains
Eaton, has declared "open season" on virtuous C.E.O.s. He is particularly
aggrieved at stories on corporate downsizing in Newsweek, Business Week and
The New York Times. His mother used to be proud that her son was a "big shot."
Now she tells friends her son has a "front office job." "Demagogues," warned
Eaton, are herding us "down the path to class warfare."
  Really? For more than twenty years, the overclass that Eaton represents has
waged unrelenting class war on working people. Workers, wages have fallen in
recessions and in recoveries. Productivity has gone up, profits are at record
heights, but wages continue to fall. Profitable companies continue to lay
offworkers. Middle-aged workers are now twice as likely to be permanently
separated from an employer than they were two decades ago. Too often, the
result is not bruised feelings at the ski chalet, but dashed hopes, lost homes
and broken families.
  Eaton made $6.2 million in 1994. Twenty years ago, C.E.O.s at large
companies were paid about 35 times the pay of the average U.S. worker. Today,
that ratio has exploded to 187 times as much. In Germany and Japan the
comparable ratio is 21 and 16, respectively. No other industrialized nation
has witnessed either the decline of wages suffered by America's working people
or the soaring of its executives, pay. No other country suffers the extreme
inequality now found in the United States. That, Mr. Eaton, is class warfare.
  Americans, Eaton allows, do have "rational fears about holding on to a good
job if they have one, and getting one if they don,t," but don,t blame
C.E.O.s-rapacious shareholders make us do it. Shareholding, Eaton notes, is
increasingly dominated by institutional investors--mutual funds and pension
funds that demand short-term returns. In this "equalitarian" securities
market, Eaton reassured his audience, the new ownership of corporate America
is "most of America," which should "burst the bluster of the
redistribution-of-wealth crowd." Well, not exactly. Federal Reserve data show
that in 1989 the top 10 percent of Americans controlled 80 percent of the
financial assets of the country. Since then stocks have nearly doubled in
value and made the top 10 percenters seriously rich.
  Eaton argues that the business of business is to make money. Profitable
companies like Chrysler compete, hire and pay workers and serve their
communities. But Chrysler survives today because the government--industrial
policy]--bailed it out when it was facing bankruptcy. Reagan's quotas on
Japanese auto imports--protectionism]--allowed the auto industry to revive.
Chrysler's workers have decent pay, pensions, health care and profit-sharing
plans not because of Eaton's benevolence but because they are represented by
the United Auto Workers--unions]--which exacted these benefits. If the 89
percent of the private work force that is not organized had similar union
representation, then declining wages in the midst of rising productivity would
be less of an issue. And that, Mr. Eaton, is class warfare.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] workers of the world, now what?

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message ---

  Citation: Foreign Policy Spring 1999, 114, 52(1)
Author:  Newland, Kathleen
 Title: Workers of the world, now what?(includes related articles
   on labor issues) by Kathleen Newland

COPYRIGHT 1999 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
  There is an empty seal at the banquet of economic globalization. While
international capital trade, and business feast on o markets, heightened
efficiency, and vanishing barriers in the new global marketplace, labor is
nowhere to be found. Why has labor been left out? The explanation is partly
structural, partly institutional, and entirely political.
  At some point in the 1980s, the balance of power shifted markedly against
labor. Some place the defining moment in 1981, when then-U.S. president Ronald
Reagan forced an end to the bitter air traffic controllers' strike. Others
point to the 1985 victory of then-British prime minister Margaret Thatcher
over striking coal miners.
  Labor's long downward slide, however, actually began much earlier. The 1970s
saw the rise of manufacturing centers outside the industrialized North.
Multinational corporations began to take advantage of liberalized trade and
capital flows to move production to the most advantageous locations - often
those with lower labor costs. The deep recessions of the 1970s slashed
production. Despite economic recovery in the 1980s and 1990s, the share of
total wages as part of the gross domestic product has fallen in almost every
member country of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The supply-and-demand equation further tilted against labor as the global work
force ballooned from 1.3 billion in 1965 to 2.5 billion in 1995, owing to
rapid population growth in the developing countries and the unprecedented rate
at which women entered the labor market.
  In the older manufacturing centers of the industrialized countries,
organized labor found itself on unfamiliar terrain. High unemployment and the
looming threat of plant relocation weakened some of labor's traditional
bargaining chips: The prospect of a union walkout became far less devastating
when substitute workers were so readily available both at home and abroad.
Meanwhile, the majority of new jobs were being generated in the service
sector, where unions were traditionally weak. And in many European countries,
most notably Britain, trade unions took part of the blame for the rigidity
that inhibited quick response to changing conditions and kept national
economies mired in recession - a syndrome that the press christened
  By the time center-right electoral victories swept much of Europe and North
America in the 1980s, the stage was set for a neoliberal consensus, backed by
real political muscle, that frowned on almost all attempts to constrain the
operation of free markets, whether in goods, services, labor, or commodities.
Most initiatives on behalf of labor - such as the regulation of wages and
benefits, the protection of job security, the enforcement of a minimum age of
employment, or the promotion of safety standards - were seen as unwelcome
distortions of the workings of competitive labor markets.
  But the recent financial crises in Asia, Latin America, and Russia and the
political unrest that has come in their wake have challenged the neoliberal
consensus and seriously eroded confidence in global economic restructuring.
Even the so-called Asian tiger economies that embraced restructuring most
ardently have watched its rewards evaporate. The International Labour
Organization (ILO) estimates that 10 million workers were added to the ranks
of the world's unemployed in 1998, in large part due to the Asian economic
meltdown. The consequences of these crises - growing poverty, shredded safety
nets, and a higher cost of living - are borne mostly by ordinary working men
and women.
  Clearly, a better balance needs to be struck between pursuing
globalization's benefits and protecting against its hazards. Organized labor
must strive to exert itself more forcefully in that equation. However, it
remains to be seen whether it can overcome the structural and institutional
constraints that have weakened unions in the past two decades. Additional,
less-institutionalized ways of promoting the interests of working people may
need to be developed.
  In recent years, the world of work has changed enormously, but organized
labor has been slow to adapt. Economic globalization has brought about huge
increases in international capital flows, a rapid expansion of cross-border
trade in goods and services, a rise in foreign direct investment, and
explosions in cheap technology, international travel, and communications. And
while labor mobility at both the high and low ends of the job market has
increased as well, it still pales in comparis

[CTRL] can American workers reclaim the American Dream?

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

  Citation: USA Today (Magazine) Sept 1996, v125, n2616, p22(2)
Author:  Kennedy, Edward M.
 Title: Can workers reclaim the American dream?(American
   Thought)(Cover  Story) by Edward M. Kennedy

COPYRIGHT 1996 Society for the Advancement of Education
"The plight of millions of families has worsened in recent years because of
the growing  specter of layoffs The cheers on Wall Street mock the tears
on Main Street."
  Throughout the decades of the Cold War, the paramount national concern was
national security. Since the end of the Cold War, concern is exploding over
job, financial, health, and retirement security. No political party deserves
to prevail if it fails to address this issue and propose a plausible strategy
to end it.
  The heart of the current crisis is the in and prosperity no longer benefit
all Americans fairly. The quarter-century after World War II was a golden era.
Hard wore paid off. As the economy grew, income rose for all. This no longer
is true. Superficial signs of prosperity abound--the stock market hitting
record highs, inflation consistently low, unemployment down--but the
prosperity is less than it seems. Americans are working harder and earning
less. Their standard of living is stagnant or sinking. They are worried about
losing their jobs and health insurance, affording their children's education.
caring for their elderly parents, and somehow stir] saving for their own
retirement. The rich are getting richer, but more and more families are left
out and left behind. The rising tide that once lilted all the boats now lifts
only the yachts.
  Since 1973, real family income has fallen for 60% of the U.S. workforce. At
the same time, the incomes of the wealthiest five percent have risen by nearly
a third, and income for the top one percent almost has doubled. For the vast
majority of families, the American Dream today has a sign over it that says
"Only the Wealthy Need Apply."
  The plight of millions of families has worsened in recent years because of
the growing specter of layoffs. Jobs no longer seem secure. In the past,
corporations reduced their workforces only when they were in trouble. Now,
profitable companies lay off good workers in an unseemly race for everfatter
profits and ever-higher stock prices. The cheers on Wall Street mock the tears
on Main Street.
  The Republican Contract With America is largely defunct because it would
have made these situations worse. Its massive cuts in Medicare, education, Job
training, and other priorities would have exacerbated the insecurities of most
families, and the lavish tax breaks for the wealthy would have worsened the
income gap. In fact, half of all spending cuts in the vetoed Republican budget
plan came from programs benefiting the neediest 20% of families. Less than
one-tenth came from the top 20%. Two-thirds of the proposed Republican tax
breaks flowed to the top 20%, while the bottom 20% actually faced a tax
increase. Alone among the Republicans, Pat Buchanan has diagnosed the problem,
but his remedies of isolationism, protectionism, racism, and scapegoatism are
even more poisonous than the Contract With America.
  Practical steps, not bigotry and demagoguery, are needed to deal with these
growing insecurities. In other times, Congresses have enacted restraints on
runaway free enterprise to end abuses and bolster the public interest. The
most obvious precedents are the anti-trust and child labor laws, the minimum
wage, Social Security, Medicare, and, Medicaid.
  Solutions to the current crisis need not depend on class warfare or pit
workers against corporations. I favor incentives to make it more profitable
for employers to create jobs than to eliminate them; to share gains with
workers, rather than channel them solely to CEOs and stockholders; and to
provide reasonable training and reasonable health and retirement benefits.
These incentives can he paid for by closing loopholes in the tax code that
encourage firms to move jobs overseas or treat workers as disposable.
  Action on four fronts is under way in Congress. Concerning health insurance,
it has passed the bipartisan Kassebaum-Kennedy bill to correct two flagrant
industry abuses-the excessive resort to exclusions for pre-existing conditions
and the loss of coverage when employees lose or change their jobs. The lesson
of the health reform debacle of 1994 is that a sharply divided Congress can
not make far-reaching changes in an election year Instead of repeating that
history, Republicans and Democrats have enacted the reforms that have broad
support and are long overdue.
  Second, it has raised the minimum wage, which was about to reach its lowest
level i

[CTRL] Room at the bottom: "Titanic" and working class anger

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message ---
  Citation: The Economist Jan 3 1998, v345, n8049, p30(1)
 Title: Room at the bottom. (class hatred typified in motion
   picture 'Titanic')

COPYRIGHT 1998 The Economist Newspaper Ltd. All rights reserved.
IN ONE of the better scenes in "Titanic", America's latest box-office
sensation, the young artist travelling in steerage (played by Leonardo
DiCaprio), gains an invitation to the luxurious first-class dining room, where
he is duly snubbed by a collection of vain, boorish people who have never done
a decent day's work in their lives. As he takes in the Astors and the
Guggenheims, their cigars, jewellery and empty conversation, he whispers to
the winsome aristocrat (Kate Winslet) who has betrayed her sort in order to be
with him: "Perhaps I was earmarked from birth, and only the scoundrels and
geniuses ever rise out of the class into which they are born."
Actually, Mr DiCaprio, whose artistry tends towards the physical rather than
the poetic (he remarks "This is bad" a lot), doesn't quite say that. The words
come from the working-class hero of "Room at the Top", John Braine's furious
indictment of 1950s Britain. "Titanic" is an exercise in class hatred that few
European socialists would dare to display. The French sometimes still make
films about wicked mine-owners locking out their workers; in "Titanic", the
poor are locked below decks to drown. This is a tale of two ships-one toiling
in the engine room, the other trying on diamonds-accentuated by the convenient
fact that in the film, at least, there are no second-class characters to
bridge the gap. The rich people are all so awful (one even steals a baby to
get put on a lifeboat) that an icy Atlantic grave seems too good for them.
Encouraging poor Americans to bay for the blood of rich ones is something
Hollywood usually eschews. Ironically, "Titanic" was itself, until recently, a
byword for pointless extravagance. But class warfare does no harm at the box
office: the film has already taken in $90m in ten days.
Of course, reading too much into movies can be dangerous. The murmurs of
approval across America as the waters descend on the brandy-quaffing
millionaires (yes, even "Titanic" has to admit that a few of the rich creeps
did let the women and children go first) are not quite the sound of
revolutionary tumbrils. America is still a place where most people react to
seeing a man in a Ferrari by redoubling their own efforts to be able to afford
one, rather than by trying to let down his tyres. Silicon Valley, for
instance, has succeeded in part because nobody there understands the European
notion that people can be "too big for their boots". Great wealth is generally
seen as the by-product of cool ideas being put into practice.
But for how much longer? Conventional wisdom has it that, although income
inequality has risen, the rich behave far less obnoxiously in the 1990s than
they did in the 1980s-the decade when Greed was Good and the Masters of the
Universe (a phrase borrowed by "Titanic") ruled Wall Street. In Beverly Hills
and the Hamptons the wealthy now drive practical Range Rovers rather than
frivolous open-top sports cars. But, with the value of stock-option programmes
now pushing $1 trillion, this cover is wearing thin. Vanity Fair recently
hailed New York as "the champagne city, making the brash consumption of the
1980s look like the depression". Suddenly the talk is of $2,000 bottles of
wine, $13,000 handbags, 5,000 reservation-requests a day at Le Cirque and
people "only being worth 30" (it is unnecessary to mention the million).
With Ronald Reagan no longer in the White House to take the blame, wealth
looks more vulnerable to criticism than it did a decade ago. Wall Street's
long bull run has effortlessly turned many small fortunes into large ones
without many of the beneficiaries raising a finger. Some of the biggest
pay-packets are going to those responsible for the massive corporate
downsizings of the mid-1990s, when many steerage passengers, as well as middle
managers, were cast overboard. The voraciousness of people such as Henry
Kravis, the original barbarian at the gate (who is said to have earned $300m
in 1997), or Al "Chainsaw" Dunlap has helped keep corporate America
competitive; but they are not loved for it.
With a few exceptions, such as George Soros, the new rich have not been
philanthropic. One New York grande dame, while admitting that her own
ancestors were not entirely nice people, points out that they founded
hospitals and museums: "They gave something back-unlike that greedy little
bully  a well-known figure on Wall Street  who probably deducts the tax on the
charity-ball tickets his wife forces him to buy." Her peers in San Francisco
view the nerds of Silicon Valley, too busy investing in start-ups to worry
about poorer folk, with similar disdain.
One straw in the wind c

[CTRL] GE's greed

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message ---

  Citation: Washington Monthly March 1999, v.31, 3, 52(1)
Author:  Mintz, Morton
 Title: GE's Greed.(Review) reviewed by Morton Mintz

COPYRIGHT 1999 Washington Monthly Company
  This book makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of corporate
America. Superbly researched and written, it could drive some readers to take
a fresh look at stocks. I mean the old-fashioned kind, the kind consisting of
a heavy timber frame with holes for confining the ankles and sometimes the
wrists. Of whom? First, the czar of the world's most profitable corporation,
the most successful, most admired big-business executive in America, a
frequent White House guest of Ronald Reagan, a golfing partner of Bill
Clinton, the father of corporate downsizing. Next in line, his hatchet-men,
followed by bought legislators and scientists. Finally,
idolaters--journalists, authors, business-school professors. To believe them,
John F. Welch's General Electric brings only good things to life. Thomas F.
O'Boyle persuades you that GE--Jack Welch's GE--brings bad things to life. In
  Yet At Any Cost is no populist tract. The author, a longtime Wall Street
Journal correspondent and now an assistant managing editor at the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, draws stark contrasts between the many large corporations that
prosper mightily with foresighted, rational and humane policies, and GE as
it's been run for 18 years by a tyrannical, sometimes impetuous, surprisingly
blunder-prone, and--above all--profit-obsessed chairman and CEO.
  "I have done everything in my power to write a fair and balanced account of
General Electric," O'Boyle writes. He succeeds at every turn, partly by
providing insightful, textured context--historical, scientific, engineering,
competitive, political, legal, ethical, personal. He enables readers to see
things whole. Yes, the Justice Department obtained price-fixing indictments
against GE's synthetic diamond business and the DeBeers cartel (it makes a
fascinating chapter even if Justice lost in the end). Remember, though, that
between 1940 and 1948, when Welch was a boy, the government had sued GE for
antitrust violations 13 times. O'Boyle shows how Welch's obsession with
profit, an ideology, really, translates into unrelenting, pitiless pressure on
his executives to better last year's numbers every year. They must do this
with "enthusiasm and gusto," real or feigned, because loyalty in Welch's GE
runs only upward. Their heads are never far from the chopping block. They
sometimes do terrible things. Could it be otherwise?
  GE had 285,000 U.S. workers when Welch took over in 1981; it had 120,000
fewer by 1997. If his profit obsession means repeated wholesale downsizings,
if these decimate communities (Schenectady, N.Y., lost 22,000 jobs;
Louisville, Ky., 13,000; Evandale, Ohio, 12,000; Pittsfield, Mass., 8,000), if
they wreck families, if they lead several workers to kill themselves (as
happened in Erie, Pa., after downsizings eliminated 6,000 jobs), that's not
"Chainsaw Jack"'s problem.
  Contrasts: Motorola fires no employee with 10 years' service "without the
explicit concurrence of the Chairman of the Board." Lucent Technologies was to
cut 23,000 jobs when AT&T spun it off. Welch's counterpart, Henry Schacht,
gave every worker 100 shares of Lucent stock at a discounted price. "He met
with employees to listen to their concerns and address them," O'Boyle writes.
"And the 19,000 jobs that were ultimately eliminated have all been regained."
No one calls Schacht "Chainsaw."
  If the profit obsession means lying to regulators about intentionally
polluting the Hudson River with 1 million pounds of birth-deforming PCBs over
a 30-year period, don't believe it: Jack says PCBs pose no danger to human
  In 1992, the year before it sold its arms business, GE became the first
major defense contractor to be indicted for defrauding the government. GE
"pleaded guilty to four felonies, including money laundering and violations of
the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act," O'Boyle writes. "It was the third criminal
conviction on defense fraud charges since 1985, along with 13 civil
settlements, giving GE the dubious distinction of [being the] leading
corporate criminal among the Pentagon's 100 largest defense contractors."
Gives you a comfy feeling about GE owning NBC, right?
  GE's Kidder, Peabody illegally forced out 17 investment bankers because of
age. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission responded with the biggest
age-discrimination lawsuit ever brought by the federal government against a
Wall Street brokerage. "Let's not kid ourselves," Welch told The Wall Street
Journal "[T]his is a kick in the teeth for those guys", "[T]hose guys"? One of
"those guys", O'Boyle reminds us, was "Welch

[CTRL] NJ Comprehensive Annual Financial Report-1998

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous


Title: NJ Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

 JUNE 30, 1998

The documents listed on this page are stored in Adobe Acrobat
PDF format. PDF formatted documents look just like the original printed
documents. To view them you must have a PDF viewer which is available free
from Adobe. Click here to learn more about Adobe
Acrobat or to download the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat viewer from
the Adobe Web site.

The complete Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
is PDF 10,811K. To view smaller segments of this document, refer to the Table
of Contents below.

   Letter of Transmittal
   Certificate of Achievement
   Organization Chart

   Auditor's Opinion

 Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types, Account Groups and Discretely Presented Component Units
 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - All Governmental Fund Types, Expendable Trust Funds and Discretely Presented Component Units
 Combined Statement of Net Assets - Investment and Pension Trust Funds
 Combined Statement of Changes in Net Assets - Investment and Pension Trust Funds
 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Equity - Non-expendable Trust Fund and Discretely Presented Component Units
 Combined Statement of Cash Flows - Non-expendable Trust Fund and Discretely Presented Component Units
 Combining Balance Sheet - College and University Funds
 Combined Statement of Changes in Fund Balances - College and University Funds
 Combined Statement of Current Funds Revenues, Expenditures and Other Changes - College and University Funds
 Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances, Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis: General and Special Revenue Funds
 Notes to Financial Statements



  Combining Balance Sheet
  Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances
  Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances Budget and Actual - Budgetary Basis: Budgeted Special Revenue Funds
  Description of Funds


  Combining Balance Sheet
  Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances
  Description of Funds

  Combining Balance Sheet - Trust and Agency Funds
  Combining Balance Sheet - Expendable Trust Funds
  Combining Statement of Plan Net Assets - Pension Trust Funds
  Combining Balance Sheet - Agency Funds
  Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances - Expendable Trust Funds
  Combining Statement of Changes in Plan Net Assets - Pension Trust Funds
  Combining Statement of Changes in Assets and Liabilities - Agency Funds
  Description of Funds

  Combining Balance Sheet
  Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances
  Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Fund Equity
  Combining Statement of Cash Flows
  Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Function
  Schedule of General Fixed Assets by Source
  Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets by Function

  Schedule of Outstanding Bonds
  Schedule of Changes in General Long-Term Debt Account Group

  Schedule of Anticipated Revenue
 General Fund
 Property Tax Relief Fund
 Gubernatorial Elections Fund
 Casino Control Fund
 Casino Revenue Fund

  Schedule of Appropriated Revenue
 General Fund
 Casino Revenue
  Schedule of Appropriations and Expenditures
 General Fund
 Casino Control Fund
 Casino Revenue Fund
 Gubernatorial Elections Fund

[CTRL] Eugene V. Debs

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message 

  Citation: The Progressive Jan 1999, v.63, 1, 16(1)
 Title: Eugene V. Debs and the Idea of Socialism.(late leader
   of the Socialist Party) by HOWARD ZINN

COPYRIGHT 1999 Progressive Inc.
  We are always in need of radicals who are also lovable, and so we would do
well to remember Eugene Victor Debs. Ninety years ago, at the time The
Progressive was born, Debs was nationally famous as leader of the Socialist
Party, and the poet James Whitcomb Riley wrote of him:
  "As warm a heart as ever beat Betwixt here and the Judgment Seat."
  Debs was what every socialist or anarchist or radical should be: fierce in
his convictions, kind and compassionate in his personal relations. Sam Moore,
a fellow inmate of the Atlanta penitentiary, where Debs was imprisoned for
opposing the First World War, remembered how he felt as Debs was about to be
released on Christmas Day, 1921: "As miserable as I was, I would defy fate
with all its cruelty as long as Debs held my hand, and I was the most
miserably happiest man on Earth when I knew he was going home Christmas."
  Debs had won the hearts of his fellow prisoners in Atlanta. He had fought
for them in a hundred ways and refused any special privileges for himself. On
the day of his release, the warden ignored prison regulations and opened every
cellblock to allow more than 2,000 inmates to gather in front of the main jail
building to say goodbye to Eugene Debs. As he started down the walkway from
the prison, a roar went up and he turned, tears streaming down his face, and
stretched out his arms to the other prisoners.
  This was not his first prison experience. In 1894, not yet a socialist but
an organizer for the American Railway Union, he had led a nationwide boycott
of the railroads in support of the striking workers at the Pullman Palace Car
Company. They tied up the railroad system, burned hundreds of railway cars,
and were met with the full force of the capitalist state: Attorney General
Richard Olney, a former railroad lawyer, got a court injunction to prohibit
blocking trains. President Cleveland called out the army, which used bayonets
and rifle fire on a crowd of 5,000 strike sympathizers in Chicago. Seven
hundred were arrested. Thirteen were shot to death.
  Debs was jailed for violating an injunction prohibiting him from doing or
saying anything to carry on the strike. In court, he denied he was a
socialist, but during his six months in prison he read socialist literature,
and the events of the strike took on a deeper meaning. He wrote later: "I was
to be baptized in socialism in the roar of conflict In the gleam of every
bayonet and the flash of every rifle the class struggle was revealed."
  From then on, Debs devoted his life to the cause of working people and the
dream of a socialist society. He stood on the platform with Mother Jones and
Big Bill Haywood in 1905 at the founding convention of the Industrial Workers
of the World. He was a magnificent speaker, his long body leaning forward from
the podium, his arm raised dramatically. Thousands came to hear him talk all
over the country.
  With the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914 and the build-up of war fever
against Germany, some socialists succumbed to the talk of "preparedness," but
Debs was adamantly opposed. When President Wilson and Congress brought the
nation into the war in 1917, speech was no longer free. The Espionage Act made
it a crime to say anything that would discourage enlistment in the armed
  Soon, close to 1,000 people were in prison for protesting the war. The
producer of a movie called The Spirit of '76, about the American revolution,
was sentenced to ten years in prison for promoting anti-British feeling at a
time when England and the United States were allies. The case was officially
labeled The U.S. v. The Spirit of '76.
  Debs made a speech in Canton, Ohio, in support of the men and women in jail
for opposing the war. He told his listeners: "Wars throughout history have
been waged for conquest and plunder And that is war, in a nutshell. The
master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought
the battles." He was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in prison by a
judge who denounced those "who would strike the sword from the hand of this
nation while she is engaged in defending herself against a foreign and brutal
  In court, Debs refused to call any witnesses, declaring: "I have been
accused of obstructing the war. I admit it. I abhor war. I would oppose war if
I stood alone." Before sentencing, Debs spoke to judge and jury, uttering
perhaps his most famous words. I was in his hometown of Terre Haute, Indiana,
recently, among 200 people gathered to honor his memory, and we began the
evening by reciting those words--words that moved me deeply when 

[CTRL] child workers of the Americas

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --

  Citation: NACLA Report on the Americas Jan-Feb 1999, v.32, 4,
Author:  Green, Duncan
 Title: Child workers of the Americas.(Tough Times: Labor in
   the Americas) by Duncan Green

COPYRIGHT 1999 North American Congress on Latin America Inc. (NACLA)
  The need for an extra family wage earner has driven millions of families to
pull their children out of school and put them to work.
  By 6:00 a.m. in the market of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, horses are hauling
carts loaded with pineapples, bananas and vegetables to the market stalls,
sending up sweet smells of pineapple, coriander and rain from last night's
thunderstorm. As the traffic builds up, smog starts to clog the dawn sky. The
first school uniforms appear. On the corner two small girls, aged perhaps five
or six, are collating the newspaper supplements ready for sale. Everyone is
chewing on mangos. A group of teenage girls lounge around a table, each
turning out tortillas from a huge ball of dough. Their bored, indolent faces
contrast with the speed of their hands, mechanically but expertly slapping and
patting the dough.
  At 13, Marina is already part of Central America's tortilla production line.
A diminutive, blonde girl with a prominent nose, she sports the ubiquitous
market woman's apron, as she struggles back to her stall - a rickety table
hidden under the obligatory straw cowboy hat, pushing hard on a handcart with
wobbly wheels.
  "At 4:00 a.m. I leave home with my dad," says Marina. "He's a porter in the
market, so we come to work together - it's an hour's bus ride. I prepare the
dough for the tortillas before the patrona arrives - she takes care of the
selling. I finish around 10:00 a.m., then I go home to eat. At 2:00 p.m., I
change and go to the Academy - I'm learning dress-making. Academy finishes at
4:00, then I go home and help my mother with the housework."
  Marina works for a friend of her father. "She asked me to come and wash her
plates once, then she decided to give me work," she explains. "Before then, I
worked for another senora washing plates, but she bossed me around a lot, so I
left after a month." Marina earns about $2.70 a day. Of that sum, she says,
she gives about $1.60 to her mother, spending the rest on the costs of
dress-making school. "Some of the regulars buy me a drink or an avocado," she
adds. "Today l even got sixty cents extra in tips."
  Marina is typical of millions of child workers all over Latin America and
the Caribbean. From as young as five or six, poor children start their working
lives either on the street or in the home. From then on, they must juggle the
conflicting demands of school, work and home as best they can. Discussion of
their work is complicated by the lack of reliable statistics. Much of the work
performed by children, particularly domestic labor either at home or as a
maid, as well as much agricultural work on family farms, is invisible and
fails to figure in surveys or statistics on child labor. Furthermore, neat
income - or releases older relatives to go out to work.
  The shortage of hard facts and credible research on crucial topics such as
how many children work, what they do, whether numbers are rising or falling
and the impact of child labor on the wider economy is one of the most striking
features of the whole debate on child labor. The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF)
explains it as a lack of interest from governments, problems of definition -
such as when do household chores become work - and the illegal status of child
labor in many countries, which drives it underground, making it much harder to
gather reliable information.(1)
  Although they are undoubtedly underestimates, UN figures give a hint of the
extent of child work, with one in five children between the ages of 10 and 14
working in Brazil, Honduras and Haiti, and more than one in ten in most Latin
American and Caribbean countries. The International Labor Organization (ILO)
puts the figure for the total number of working children in Latin America and
the Caribbean between the ages of 5 and 14 at 17.5 million.(2) The proportions
are many times higher among boys than girls, underlining the invisibility of
much of girls' labor in the home.(3)
  Like Marina, most child workers operate in the urban informal sector or in
agriculture, especially on peasant farms. Although some children work in
commercial agriculture in areas such as sugar cane or coffee picking,
worldwide only about 5% of child workers are in the export sector.(4)
  The informal sector is a catch-all category that includes all those working
on their own account, rather than for a regular wage. In many Latin American
and Caribbean countries more people work in the informal sector than in
"regular" jobs. Children are especially likely to be found there, since the
informal secto

Re: [CTRL] Socialized medicine: Cuba

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>Duh? Who creates those "tremendous statistics" that show how
>wonderful the Cuban health system is?
>Might it be... the Cuban government.
>I would say that Dr. Beilenson just fell off the turnip wagon.

and duuh again, sounds like another uninformed bigot fell off from the
turnip truck as well. you seem to have an investment in keeping those
cubans seperatye from yo merkkkan way o livin'. tell us your opinion about
how evil castro is.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Thank You! Thank You!

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>In a message dated 06/15/1999 11:30:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> Yes, it's been an interesting six years for "the most ethical
> in
> the history
> of the Republic." But then ... everybody knows it's ALL the fault of the
> "Vast
> right-wing
> conspiracy."  Go figure...!

your right wing is showing mr bard. don't speak bard out loud cause you
might just choke on it.

word to yo ma
how's that bard.


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Re: [CTRL] A Heartbroken Father Speaks To Congress

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

You know, this man knows something of the game of Chess - he obviously
knew the assassins of JFK used names from the game of Chess - King,
Bishop, Knightand the word checkmate, means assassinate...and they

This father may know of the manchurian candidates turned on by a key
word, as they turn German Shepard attack dogs into killers, with one
secret word.

Who trained the kids, got them the drugs, killed the kidsthe two
chrged with the crime, were merely messengerscheckmate.

Well, maybe in the end they will just bury Littleton as they did
Jonestown, Halle Bopp, Jonesboro and he incident in Scotland where a Boy
Scout killed a lot of little kindergarten kidsremember Arnold
Schwartznegger in Kindergarten Cop; fortuntely I missed that onebut
here we are associating violence and the police, to kindergarten

As this comet draws near, I only hope it takes the right people with it
this time


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[CTRL] Top entertainment executives reject Littleton blame

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

CHICAGO, June 15 (Reuters) - Executives from some of the leading
entertainment producers on Tuesday defended their right to produce violent
and sexually explicit programming, despite calls from Washington for the
entertainment industry to exercise greater self-restraint.
"I don't think we have anything to be ashamed of," said Sumner Redstone,
chairman of Viacom International Inc. [VIA], the $12 billion entertainment
giant with businesses ranging from cable television channels like MTV to the
Paramount Pictures movie studio.

The April 20 massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Co., in which
two students killed 13 people before taking their own lives, has inspired
renewed efforts in Congress and at the White House to control guns and limit
the access of children and teens to violent entertainment.

"I'm outraged by a lot of what we hear blaming the media for what's going
on," Redstone told a panel at the National Cable Television Association
conference here. "The same motion pictures that are distributed in the
United States are distributed in Canada and in England and the kids don't
kill each other as a result of seeing those movies."

President Bill Clinton has called on the industry to be more responsible and
asked the Federal Trade Commission and Justice Department to conduct a study
of violence in entertainment geared towards children. Some in Congress have
sought to impose limits on offerings made available to kids in a variety of

Gerald Levin, chairman of Time Warner Inc. [TWX] that owns cable channels
like HBO and CNN, rejected those efforts, arguing the real blame for recent
tragedies like the shootings in Littleton lie elsewhere.

"We have basically obscene politics at work drawing attention away from the
issues that are really important," Levin said, naming gun control, teacher
training and campaign finance reform as more appropriate targets of
political attention.

"It really is an outrage to me, and then to spend money on the so-called FTC
or Justice Department investigation of the practices of the entertainment
industry," Levin said. "We need to distinguish between the political games
that are being played and the proper role of government."

And if programmers produce violent shows, cable operators are poorly
positioned to intervene directly, according to Brian Roberts, president of
Comcast Corp. [CMCSA]. Instead, cable operators are supporting technologies
like the v-chip and Internet filtering software to empower parents to screen
out objectionable material, he said.

"It's very tough as an operator to say...I'm not going to carry that channel
or I'm going to pick a program and block it out," Roberts said. "I think
that's a very hard area to travel down." Redstone argued against the
criticism of sexually explicit content along with violent programming.

"Lets distinguish between violence and sex," he said. "Violence is bad. Sex
is good."

"We have to recognize we live in a great country of free choice and we can't
determine what you should see or what you should hear," he added. "To
pretend to be able to do that is unrealistic. It's not going to happen."

Last Updated: 06/15/99 18:02 EDT

Copyright 1999 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication and
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[CTRL] AIDS official urges sex education for preschoolers

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

6/16/99 -- 4:23 PM
Brazil's top AIDS official urges sex education for pr

SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) - Sex education for preschoolers is an important step
in stopping the spread of AIDS, Brazil's top AIDS prevention official said.
Classes about sex for children as young as 4 would reduce AIDS among
teen-agers and help avoid unwanted pregnancies, said Pedro Chequer,
coordinator of the Health Ministry's AIDS prevention program.

Chequer's comments Tuesday were widely endorsed at a meeting of educators
debating ways to curb AIDS, but the view is likely to stir controversy in the
world's largest Roman Catholic country.

The clergy in Brazil has opposed government programs urging safe sex, and the
idea of discussing sex among children still learning their ABCs is likely to
face even more opposition.

The quick spread of the disease has made Brazil a world leader in AIDS cases,
and educators at the conference, which ended Wednesday, said there is no harm
in starting education young.

``Children begin interacting with society and developing a sense of
self-esteem and self-preservation at the age of 4,'' said Teresinha Reis
Pinto, president of the Association for the Prevention and Treatment of AIDS.

``If educators start working on these aspects at an early age,'' she said,
``then these children will grow up to be self-assured adults capable of
coping with their own sexuality and thus avoid the risk of AIDS.''

Since the virus was first reported in the early 1980s, 155,590 AIDS cases
have been registered in Brazil, according to figures from the Health
Ministry. The real number is believed to be much higher.

Some critics argue that learning about sex will just make children curious to
try it, but experts say that is not so.

``Contrary to what many people believe, sex education programs for youths do
not stimulate them to have sex at an early age,'' said Peter Aggleton of the
University of London's Institute of Education. ``These programs achieve
positive results in terms of prevention.''

Brazil has 210,150 children whose mothers died of AIDS or carry the HIV
virus, said Miguel Fontes of the Instituto Promundo, a non-governmental

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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[CTRL] IMF chief: Russia's economy shows sig

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

6/16/99 -- 3:58 PM
IMF chief: Russia's economy shows sig

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) - The International Monetary Fund's chief on
Wednesday hailed Russia's progress in mending its moribund economy but
remained noncommittal on a loan requested by the country.
``Tough work still remains to be done by the government and parliament,'' IMF
Managing Director Michel Camdessus said after talks with Prime Minister
Sergei Stepashin. ``But I'm convinced that the team headed by the prime
minister has the necessary strategy and can solve the problems.''

Camdessus, who was attending the Russian Economic Forum in St. Petersburg,
wouldn't say when the fund would resume lending to Russia. Stepashin voiced
hope it would be as early as next month, after Russia fulfills its pledge to
bolster state revenues.

The IMF tentatively agreed in April to lend Russia $4.5 billion provided
Russia adopts a package of austerity bills that would raise some taxes,
streamline the ailing banking sector and speed up bankruptcy procedures.

The Communist-dominated lower house, the State Duma, has been reluctant to
act, fearing unpopular bills would cause a voter backlash. However,
opposition to the bills began melting last week after Stepashin threatened
actions that could lead to the parliament's dissolution.

Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Stepashin expressed confidence the house
would quickly adopt the bills.

He also fended off Communist claims that his government was kowtowing to the
West in asking for the loan.

``The demands of the International Monetary Fund aren't just conditions that
we must meet to get these credits; they are necessary to restore the health
of our economy,'' Stepashin said.

He warned that a failure to overcome the economic crisis may turn Russia into
a ``bankrupt and pariah nation.''

The IMF froze lending to Russia after its government defaulted on some debt
and devalued the ruble last year amid global economic turmoil in emerging

Camdessus noted the government's success in reining in inflation, boosting
tax collection and stabilizing industrial production.

Economic growth in the first quarter was about zero, a rate that appeared
rosy after last year's economic freefall.

There is ``some hope in the economic indications from the first quarter,''
Camdessus said.

However, the country still faces problems including failing banks,
unproductive factories and corrupt officials, he said.

The IMF had no plans to increase lending beyond the $4.5 billion already

The IMF loan would just cover the debt payments that Russia must make to the
fund this year. Russia owes a total of $17.5 billion to various foreign
creditors in 1999, but the government has said it won't be able to pay off
more than half of that.

Copyright 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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[CTRL] Disarming the UCK

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

>From Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

R >>

> Yugoslavia: Russia Calls For UCK To Be Disarmed
> Helsinki, 16 June 1999 (RFE/RL) - Russia today demanded that the
> Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) immediately disarm, while NATO offered
> assurances that its peacekeeping force in Kosovo will soon seek a
> formal agreement on the handover of UCK weapons. Russian Foreign
> Minister Igor Ivanov called for disarmament of the UCK, and Russian
> Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev said the continued activity of the UCK
> in Kosovo threatens to wreck the peace settlement with Yugloslavia. In
> London, British Defense Secretary George Robertson said the head of
> NATO peacekeepers in Kosovo, British General Sir Michael Jackson, will
> seek a formal agreement with the UCK, specifying exactly when the
> rebel ethnic Albanians should lay down their weapons.
> Some UCK commanders have said they plan to disarm only when the last
> Serbian troops leave Kosovo, and Robertson reminded them that will be
> next Monday night. However, Pleurat Sejdiu, a UCK spokesman in London,
> said the UCK will not disarm in northern Kosovo until Russia agrees to
> place its troops there under a unified command with NATO forces.
> Russia and NATO are at a standoff over the presence of several hundred
> Russian troops at Pristina airport. Russia does not want to put them
> under NATO command, and NATO refuses to give Russia its own sector in
> Kosovo to patrol.
> Ivanov said today that Russia is ready for compromise but could not be
> assigned a secondary role in Kosovo. He is in Helsinki ahead of talks
> tomorrow with U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. U.S. Defense
> Secretary William Cohen is meeting his Russian counterpart, Sergeyev,
> today on the same issue.
> Meanwhile, in Brussels, NATO spokesman Jamie Shea says the deployment
> of alliance troops in Kosovo is proceeding well, with peacekeepers
> about to move into the central region of the province. Shea said all
> units have deployed to their alloted zones in southern Kosovo and are
> poised to move forward.
> He also said Serbian forces had basically completed their withdrawal
> from southern Kosovo, although there had been delays due to traffic
> congestion and a shortage of heavy armor transport. Earlier, NATO
> extended a deadline for Serbian forces to quit the south by 24 hours,
> saying it's confident they were making genuine efforts.
> Shea again urged ethnic Albanian refugees to remain in their camps and
> not to begin a risky journey home. He said there had been deaths and
> injuries among refugees because of exploding mines. In Paris, the
> French Defense Ministry said French troops had discovered human
> remains in the ruins of a house in the village of Vlastion. The French
> are now guarding the site. Reuter reports the presence of other bodies
> thrown into wells in an unnamed village in the Drenica region.
> Meanwhile, a nine-vehicle Russian military supply convoy has arrived
> at Pristina airport, where 200 Russian soldiers have been in control
> in a standoff with NATO troops for the past several days. The convoy
> crossed into Serbia from Bosnia, and included a large fuel truck and a
> medical vehicle.
> 16-06-99
> --
> -- Search | Newsline | Magazine | Reports | Services | Realaudio
> © 1995-1999 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Inc., All Rights
> Reserved. http://www.rferl.org

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[CTRL] Send In the NWO

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

>From www.serve.com/pvbr/index.html

> By Phil Brennan
> There's bad news and there's good news in the Kosovo fiasco: the bad
> news is that, like it or not,  we are being dragged into the global
> snake pit known as the New World Order. The good news is that the
> people trying to drag us there are the greatest conglomeration of
> blithering idiots ever to assemble on the world stage in all history.
> Barely a day passes without the emergence of new evidence that the
> NATOCRATS haven't got the vaguest idea of what they're doing.
> •The occupation force which is supposed  to be solely a NATO
> production starring an all-NATO cast suddenly discovers that the
> Russians they meant to remain behind the scenery as never-to be used
> understudies have taken over the center of the stage.
> •The Pristina
> airport, meant to be the jewel in the crown of the British forces is
> occupied instead by a massive force of 200 Russian soldiers who
> somehow have managed to hold at bay the entire NATO contingent,
> provoking the Brits' General Blimp to insist the Brits never really
> wanted the airport as their nerve center anyway. It's like General
> Howe saying "Who needs Yorktown?" or Saddam Hussein, "Who wants Kuwait
> anyway?"
> •Instead of disarming as they were supposed to do, the
> terrorist, drug dealing KLA so dear to the hearts of NATO are roaming
> around Kosovo shooting people, risking a nuclear war by allegedly
> firing rockets at the Russians and acting as if THEY are the real
> occupying force.
> According to an Indian newspaper: "The leader of the Kosovo Liberation
> Army (KLA) Hashim Thaci has described the presence of Russian troops
> in Kosovo as ``undesirable'' and ``a provocation''.
> "In an interview with the Kosovar Albanian-language newspaper
> published Sunday, Thaci referred to the presence of Russian forces in
> Kosovo as ''a grave provocation to the initiated political process and
> the overall efforts to restore peace in Kosovo.''
> `` 'We have not guaranteed and will not guarantee the security of
> these forces,'' the KLA leader said, adding ``We will not allow the
> replacement of Serb forces by Russian troops.' ''
> Remember, the Russians this KLA thug is talking about view the KLA as
> tools of NATO and have about a zillion nuclear-armed missiles pointed
> at us. And more than a few hot-headed military types who'd love to see
> how well they'd work on ...say ...Washington D.C.
> It is becoming more obvious that the NATOCRATS, led by our own
> wonderful, if seriously deranged, president had not the least idea of
> what to do once they entered Kosovo. Or for that matter, just how much
> trouble their wacko war would stir up.
> •As Right magazine's Steve Farrell wrote,  NATO has established "a
> precedent for intervention which thrusts back into the dark ages of
> international law and American foreign policy any hallowed belief in
> and respect for national sovereignty." •From all appearances, thanks
> to the Kosovo fiasco, Russia is in turmoil, with the hard-liners
> obviously in control and itching for a slugfest with NATO which they
> rightly regard as an enemy bent on reducing them to third-world
> status.
> •We have managed to embitter a majority of the world's people
> who now view the United States as an out-of-control bully trying to
> run the world.
> •While we have been frittering away much of our
> military muscle in the Balkans, India and Pakistan are at each others'
> throats and a near state of war between (nuclear armed) North and
> South Korea has broken out in the Yellow Sea.
> Perhaps the most egregious mistake the NWO geniuses have made,
> however, lies in the fact that the Kosovo farce has at last exposed
> the NWO for what it is - the secret is out for all the world to see.
> No longer is the New World Order a fantasy cherished by all those
> so-called right-wing conspiracy nuts. The NWO can no longer insist
> that their very existence is merely the imaginings of people whose see
> black helicopters hovering above.
> Even more deadly to their ambition to remake the globe in their own
> image is the fact that the assault on Kosovo exposed those who march
> to the tune of the NWO elite. It is now possible to know exactly who
> favor the NWO and who oppose the conspiracy (there, I said it,
> conspiracy!). Just look for the bellicose hawks who lusted after
> Serbian blood and applauded every bombing of civilian targets -
> Democrats and Republicans, Conservatives and liberals - and you have
> either active members of the NWO brigades or their bootlicking
> stooges.
> And among them are those alleged Republican conservatives who
> justified their bellicosity by insisting that now that we're in there
> we have to go all out to win.
> Moreover, suddenly many of those previously silent about the NWO
> menace have come out swinging against the NWO, previously a taboo not
> to be mentioned in polite society. In this week's issue w

[CTRL] (Fwd) Clinton and Child Labor Rights

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:18:43 -0700
Subject:Clinton and Child Labor Rights

Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wednesday, June 16, 1999


 In his speech today at the International Labor Organization
 Conference in
Geneva, President Clinton said: "We must wipe from the Earth the most
vicious forms of abusive child labor. Every single day, tens of
of children work in conditions that shock the conscience... There are
children handling dangerous chemicals; children forced to work when they
should be in school..." The following analysts are available to discuss
issues of child labor and human rights:

DIANE MULL, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.afop.org
 Executive director of the Association of Farmworker Opportunity
a group of employment training and service organizations located in 49
states and Puerto Rico, Mull said: "There are 300,000 to one million
children working illegally in the U.S.; most of them are in agriculture.
(Other major sectors are child prostitution, pornography, street-selling
kids and sweatshops.) Under U.S. federal law, there are child labor
exemptions that make it legal for a child as young as six to work as a
hired worker in agriculture. They can work an unlimited number of hours
before school, after school and during the school week. An August 1998 GAO
report, ‘Child Labor in Agriculture,' found that children in agriculture
are working in more hazardous conditions with less protections than
children in any other industry. Currently, it is not considered hazardous
for a child to work in a field that has been treated with dangerous
agricultural chemicals... Of all children working, 8 percent are in
agriculture, but over 40 percent of fatalities are in that sector.
Children are working under such conditions because their parents are
themselves not able to earn a living wage in agriculture -- since that
industry enjoys exemptions under provisions for minimum wage, unemployment
compensation, workers compensation, overtime and collective bargaining."

LORETTA ROSS, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.hrusa.org
 Director of the National Center for Human Rights Education, Ross
"Article 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that
everyone is entitled to a job that provides an adequate standard of living
for themselves and their family, that no coercion is allowed and that no
child labor should be used. But the economic managers of the U.S. economy
are violating those policies. The two fastest growing labor forces in this
country today are prison labor and welfare labor. A corporation can pay
prisoners in Louisiana as little as four cents an hour to fill a job that
used to cost $20 an hour. When the U.S. government chooses to intervene on
labor issues, it leans towards policies protecting profits, not workers'
rights. If the U.S. was serious about protecting workers' human rights, it
would ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on
the Rights of Women and the Covenant on Economic Human Rights."

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David Zupan, (541) 484-9167

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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CTRL is a discussion and informational 

[CTRL] (Fwd) VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 1999-06-16-A

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:04:01 EDT
Subject:VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 1999-06-16-A
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

**  16 June 1999


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 Hack's Column
 Kosovo: A Pyrrhic Victory
 Mac Notes
>From The Field:
 Victory Through Air Power
 He Deferred Approval To The Vice-President
 Don't Start The Celebration Yet5
 British SAS Part II
 It's Official: Training Degrades Readiness
 The Wildly Revolving Door
Medal of Honor:
 SSgt. Gersch, John G., USA, E Co., 1/327, 101st ABN Div.
 A Shau Valley, RVN, 19 July 1969
 MPRI: Military Princes Retirement & Investments10
No Humor This Week
By David H. Hackworth, 15 June 1999

 Wait a military minute. We spend 4 billion bucks, risk our Green
Berets' and jet jockeys' lives, and the Ruskies do an end run and march
into Kosovo before us?

 They get the parades, flowers and cheers that were beamed by
television around the world -- and we pick up the tab.

 This just doesn't add up. But come to think of it, nothing in the
"war that wasn't a war" makes much sense.

 Let's review the deal. President Clinton does a peace dance with
indicted war criminal Slobodian Milosevic, a guy he called Hitler, in
which Milosevic stays the main man. Kosovo still belongs to him. Serb
soldiers, the ones who drove out the refugees, will be at the border
welcoming them back home.

 Humm? Things have changed since President Truman, when Hitler put
a bullet in his brain rather than face Harry's stern music. If he'd played
war under Clinton rules, he'd have been allowed to give Ike the keys to
Berlin while the Nazi army passed in review and then quietly retired to a
sunny dictator-friendly South American state.

 Had I submitted an outline of how the operation went down as a
proposal to a book editor, I'd have gotten the Big R - rejection - with a
note saying "We don't do Air Power humor" or "Catch 22's already been
written" or "Sorry, your imagination's in overdrive. No military operation
could have been this bad."

 But that won't be the spin coming out of the White House and the
Pentagon until Hillary grabs the headlines by kicking off her pre-2008
presidential election campaign with her go at the Senate.

 The veteran Clinton spin team -- which flimflammed Monica into a
stalker, Paula into trailer-park trash, and labeled Bill's womanizing and
the selling of secrets to China as dirty tricks by right-wing extremists
-- will ram a hype hose down the nation's throat and turn the water all
the way up.

 The war that wasn't a war will be spun into a great victory, a
combination of our Revolutionary War, V-J Day and Desert Storm.

 But when our flyers and soldiers and sailors start leaking to the
press, you'll see a triumph it was not. The conflict was not only badly
bungled, it was the military mismatch of history.

 It was like a wrestling match between Little Orphan Annie and Jesse
Ventura -- the little redheaded kid being Serbia and Jesse being a
muscle-bound NATO.

 Annie weighed in with a fourth-rate 1960s army, backed by 10 million
people from a primarily agricultural state the size of Ohio whose economy
pumps out less dough than Coney Island on a rainy day. Jesse hit the
scales with the most powerful military machine in the history of the
world, 800 million supporters hailing from 19 mostly rich industrialized

 After 78 rounds, Annie is still standing and singing "Tomorrow!
Tomorrow! I love ya tomorrow!" while Jesse, who has had to spend too much
energy preventing his 19 supporters from stabbing him in the back never
got in a decisive hit.

 When Serbia left Kosovo, its forces going out looked as good as
NATO's military machine did coming in. The bombed and blasted Serb Army
vehicles and soldiers were parade-ground sharp. Their trucks and tanks
were clean and well maintained, and their soldiers' gear, uniforms and
haircuts looked ready for a tough first sergeant's inspection. No one
looked battle-rattled or had that vacant 1,000-yard stare that comes from
a few too many nearby hits.

 After all those bombs 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Claremont Institute Precepts: Trenton's Battle of Princi

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Subject:Claremont Institute Precepts: Trenton's Battle of Principle, 
Part II
Date sent:  Wed, 16 Jun 1999 14:06:05 -0700

The Claremont Institute--PRECEPTS |
June 16, 1999 Visit  |

  | No. 175

New Jersey Assemblywoman Nia Gill and her friends in the
liberal establishment are in a fit of rage because children
in her state may be required each morning to recite two
sentences from the American Declaration of Independence.

They read:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable rights, that among these are life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these
rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed."

Ms. Gill says of this proposal: "At the time these words
were written only white men, and only white men with
property, were perceived to be the beneficiaries of these

In yesterday's Precepts, we have shown Ms. Gill, insofar as
she is referring to women, is in error. But what about
blacks? Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration
himself, was a holder of slaves. This raises two questions:

1) Was not Thomas Jefferson a common hypocrite?

2) And if Tom and his buddies in the Revolution were common
hypocrites, should we not reject them and all their works,
including their principles?

Consider the second question first. If we think a little
more carefully than Ms. Nia Gill, a busy legislator, seems
able to think, we will see that the answer to the second
question makes the first one irrelevant.

Why? Because a hypocrite is someone who does not live up to
_his own_ principles. We condemn a hypocrite from the words
that come out of his own mouth. We may not like a thief,
but unless the thief condemns stealing we cannot call him a
hypocrite. Similarly, slavery is bad, and we might very
well condemn Thomas Jefferson as a slave holder--more on
that below--but we cannot condemn him as a hypocrite unless
he also condemned slavery.

Of course, that is precisely what he did, right there in
the Declaration of Independence. He did not write anything
in the Declaration about "white men," or "white men with
property." He wrote "all men." And as we have proved
already, he meant women, too. If this New Jersey law, which
Ms. Gill opposes, had been in force when she went to
school, perhaps she would know this.

That leaves Ms. Gill with a dilemma. She can condemn Thomas
Jefferson for holding slaves, or she can condemn the
Declaration. But she cannot condemn them both. We said
yesterday that her position was illogical on this point.
This is why.

More later. Until then, I commend you to investigate this
subject further at the Claremont Institute's web site,

Larry P. Arnn
President, The Claremont Institute

Copyright (c) 1999 The Claremont Institute

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The mission of the Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and
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CA 91711 | Phone (909) 621-6825 | Fax (909) 626-8724

The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers."
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mout

[CTRL] (Fwd) VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 1999-06-16-B

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Wed, 16 Jun 1999 15:04:34 EDT
Subject:VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 1999-06-16-B
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

VOICE OF THE GRUNT, 1999-06-16-B



Time and Date: 1805 HOURS (GMT), 10 June 1999

Kosovo Calling:

We were supposed to go back in, but we were held back when the peace
was signed. Instead, we were launched, and in the air, because the
Russians were trying to get there first, they were going to drop us in
front of them, near Pristina, and "hold" the Russains by ourselves, until
British Paratroopers could get to us. However the Russians say they will
stop at the border.

Anyway, I am in Blace (Macedonia/Kosovo border) right now with the rest of
the boys. The Brits were ready to go yesterday, but the US Marines were
ill-prepared. Consequently, everything has been put on hold until they
sort themselves out. We will be going into Pristina tonight to secure it.
We will be going in with the Paratroopers. We are going regardless of the
US Marines being ready.

The British troops really feel let down by the US so far, hopefully they
will get it together shortly. We might have to "liquidate" renegade units
after securing Pristina. Hopefully the Russians won't start anything. We
will be keeping our "eyes" on them. The British Paratroops are just dying
for a fight, as are the Ghurkas. Our new tasking is to find the landmines
once we are all in. We know where the majority of them are. Then we are
going to guide the Top Brass to the mass graves -- they are great hiding
places! A bit quiet though; even the birds don't go there. No sound, no

Everybody knows we are going in tonight, they are asking us to leave some
"fun" for them. Word is we might be home in a month, but the rest of the
British soldiers will remain; wonder where I will go next. Hopefully they
might let me return to some wine, women, and a normal life.

Watch CNN if you're into disinformation!

SAS Warrior


SUMMARY: Remember all those Newsreel films of maneuvers in 1940? The ones
where a truck had a sign on it "labeling" it a tank and the grunts were
using wooden machine-guns? That'll be the next step. Part of the oath is
still "to serve protect and defend the constitution" right? How do we
maintain that oath by having "paper readiness"?
 By Ranger "D"

 I write you this day with a heavy heart, my tour in the Special
Operations Community is coming to an end. I served five years with the 2nd
Ranger Battalion, two years with the 3/87 Infantry, and six years with the
5/19 Special Forces as a Voice Interceptor. I have been and NCO since the
late 80's and have served our country in combat with the 2nd Rangers in

 Given my SRB I believe that I have a certain amount of knowledge to
pass on to new soldiers; knowledge that will keep them alive if ever sent
into combat. However, the current status of our armed forces has forced me
to walk away from my position as an active Army National Guardsman.

 In the past four years, I have been unable to train my men in any
way. Each time that I have organized a live-fire exercise, the training is
canceled at the last minute to support such events as battalion
inspections and change-of-command ceremonies.

 When I try to requisition weapons to take on our parachute jumps, I
am told that we cannot jump weapons. If the weapons are broken on a jump
or lost, it decreases our unit's "readiness" on paper. Never mind that
some of my men have never jumped with their weapons.

 During a garrison drill I scheduled a field exercise and was told
that we'll stay in the barracks and complete our monthly inventories in
order to improve our "readiness." Never mind that my team has not worked
together on a simulated combat operation for over a year.

 When I want to take my men on a nighttime foot movement, I am told
that an injury will lessen our "readiness." Never mind that my team has
lost the ability to move and navigate at night.

 When I request live ammunition for an exercise, I'm told that it's
too much trouble to plan and seek approval for such training. Never mind
that some of my men have never fired a live round outside the sterile
confines of a rifle range.

 Everything that enhances our unit's "readiness" is, in actuality,
the Army deems detrimental to actual readiness. I've been able to tolerate
much in my thirteen years of service. If I could enjoy just 1 day in 5 of

[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Wednesday, June 16, 1999

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

subject: AANEWS for June 16, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #590 ~~ 6/16/99

   "Leading The Way For Atheist Civil Rights
And The Separation Of State and Church"

   In This Issue...
   * Spicer Halliwell is too hot for church bosses in Philippines
   * Another try ... Roahn Wynar, the pope gets it right!
   * Public aid to religious schools -- AA Magazine poll
   * Resources
   * About this list...

   Bishops Conference Compares Pop Star-Ambassador To Salman Rushdie

Former Spice Girl Geri Halliwell came under attack this past week
during a tour in the Philippines where she was promoting contraception
and safe sex.  Following a visit to the Marie Stopes women's clinic in
a poor district of Manila, Halliwell said: "I believe that if you
can't control your fertility, you can't control your life, and you're
having sex, you've got to be protected against unwanted pregnancy and

The 27-year old pop artist was appointed Britain's ambassador for the
United Nations Population Fund last year after leaving the Spice Girls
group.  Halliwell has also become active in promoting breast cancer
awareness and raising money for research into childhood cancers.  She
donated glitzy items from her stage wardrobe which she wore while
performing as Ginger Spice for charitable auctions as well.

As part of her ambassadorial role, Halliwell travels the world on
behalf of Marie Stopes International, a worldwide private charity
group which promotes contraception and awareness of reproductive
health issues, along with a "Face to Face" campaign advocating
population restraint.

Reports in the world press, and even the Philippines news media,
suggested that Halliwell's visit would stir up the nation's powerful
Roman Catholic Church which has come out against government birth
control policies.  Upon arriving in the island nation, she told the
Manilla Bulletin, "What's important about this trip is that it gives
me the chance to meet the people who really matter -- women who want
to control their fertility and young people who are on the brink of
making important decisions about their sexual health."

But while many of those served by the seven Marie Stopes clinics in
the capital city were pleased by Halliwell's visit, Roman Catholic
leaders were furious.  Church officials declared that the former Spice
Girl "is setting a bad example for youngsters," and branded her visit
"immoral."  Leading the charge was the powerful Cardinal Jaime Sin,
who according to the BBC "once described condoms as evil and only fit
for animals."  That, and the fact that the country is three-fourths
Catholic, may account for why the Philippines has one of the most
explosive population growth rates in the world.  Many of its 74.7
million people live in poverty.

Halliwell told women at one clinic near a crowded public market that
access to birth control technology "is everybody's fundamental right."
Asked if everyone should practice safe sex by using condoms, she
replied: "Absolutely."

Rev.  James Reuter of the Office of Mass Media, Catholic Church of the
Philippines, blasted Halliwell, declaring "We do not need population
control, and any effort at safe sex is totally, utterly immoral from
top to bottom."  Monsignor Pedro Quitorio of the Catholic Bishops
Conference added that Halliwell "will have an impact on our youth and
this is why her visit is alarming to us."  Sending the pop diva to the
Philippines was comparable to "sending Salman Rushdie as an ambassador
of goodwill to a Muslim country," Quitorio opined.

Church officials also took aim at Halliwell latest solo video, which
comes on the heels of her new debut album, "Schizophonic."  Many of
the cuts reported are autobiographical in their content, and draw
inspiration from her split with the Spices.  In the "Look At Me"
video, Halliwell appears as a nun -- a replay of the melding of rock
technology and religious themes have made works by other female
artists including Madonna the focus of controversy and ecclesiastical

 A Changing Climate?

The Philippines have traditionally been a Roman Catholic bastion on
the edge of the Asian sphere, and the church has managed to survive
wars and even the political revolution that ousted a close friend and
patron, Ferdinand Marcos.  Since the "peoples' revolution," though,
while the church scrambled to identify itself with democratic forces,
Cardinal Sin and other clerics have struggled to thwart a growing wave
of modernization and secularism.  As in the United State, many
Catholics disagree with the c

[CTRL] U.S. nuclear labs to focus on security next week

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

U.S. nuclear labs to focus on security next week
(releads, adds details, quotes throughout)
By Tabassum Zakaria
WASHINGTON, June 16 (Reuters) - The U.S. Energy Department, under fire for
security lapses at its nuclear weapons research laboratories, ordered a
two-day ``stand-down'' next week to focus lab employees on security issues,
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said on Wednesday.
Richardson also announced retired four-star Gen. Eugene Habiger will take
the newly created position of ``security czar'' at the Energy Department
with a mandate to improve security throughout the agency and the labs.
On Capitol Hill, the Senate voted to boost Energy Department funding for
security operations. The Senate bill would boost funding for
counterintelligence to $39 million from $15.6 million and funding for
security investigations, such background checks on foreign visitors to the
labs, to $45 million from $30 million.
Those provisions were included in a broader $21 billion bill for assorted
energy and water programs. The House has not moved its version of the
The Energy Department was criticized by members of Congress for lax security
because of allegations of Chinese espionage at U.S. nuclear labs over the
past two decades.
The most recent report on lab security, by the President's Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board, recommended the nuclear labs be partially or
fully severed from the Energy Department, which often refers to them as its
``crown jewels.''
Richardson has repeatedly said he was taking strong steps to improve
security at the labs, but would not support removing them from the Energy
Department's jurisdiction.
``What I don't find acceptable is a separate agency, that to me is something
that is not productive,'' Richardson said.
All employees of Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Sandia laboratories will
participate in the two-day security program on Monday and on Tuesday,
Richardson said.
``What this basically means is all normal operations will cease at the
national laboratories during this period, as the employees will participate
in intensive review of personal responsibilities for security,
counterintelligence and cybersecurity,'' Richardson told reporters.
It will be the second stand-down this year at the national nuclear labs. The
first one, in early April, focused on security of classified computers and
the three labs suspended work using computers holding highly classified
material in an effort to improve security.
That came after a scientist was fired in March at Los Alamos National
Laboratory under suspicion of passing secrets to China. The scientist, Wen
Ho Lee, has not been charged with any crime.
A congressional report in May said China, during 20 years of espionage,
targeted the labs and obtained secret information on seven U.S. nuclear
warheads and the neutron bomb. China repeatedly denied it stole U.S.
For the two-day security program, Richardson asked lab management to review
security procedures with all employees.
Habiger, who will take up his new post on July 6, said, ``I will work very
quickly, very aggressively, and we'll get this thing fixed.''
Before retiring from the Air Force in 1998, Habiger was commander-in-chief
of the U.S. Strategic Command in which he was responsible for ``the security
and effectiveness of the entire U.S. nuclear arsenal,'' Richardson said.
``I am a security czar and that's called in my view a dictator and I'm going
to be a dictator in terms of implementing policy and making sure it's
carried out,'' Habiger said.

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with
the song still in them. - Henry David Thoreau

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Spanish Pilots Admit NATO Purposely Attacked Civilians (fwd)

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 19:16:41 -0500

June 14, 1999

Spanish Fighter Pilots Admit NATO Purposely Attacks
Civilian Targets

June 14, 1999

Articulo 20 (Spain-weekly) By Jose Luis Morales
(thanks to Bill Blum for finding and sending this to ZNet)

The pilots of Spanish planes who participated in bombing raids
against Yugoslavia do not feel like "supermen" nor masters of
aerospace. Quite the contrary, they say that our forces play to
the tune of music played by the North Americans, and accuse NATO
of having honoured with medals the bombing of civilian targets,
what they otherwise name "collateral damages".

Captain Adolfo Luis Martin de la Hoz, who returned to Spain at
the end of May after having participated in the bombings from the
beginning, an "authentic expert for the dreadful F-18", the war
plane most often used in the war strategy of "scorched land" in
the Balkans, is very categoric: "First of all, I want to make it
clear that the majority, I say the majority, of my colleagues,
even if not all, are against the war in general and against this
war of barbarity in particular." "A few days ago, there appeared
in the papers certain statements of Commander Maches Michavilla,
who is now in the air base at Aviano with the pilots who replaced
us, in which he said that our main helper in the air was mental
and physical health. But I tell you that our worst enemies are
our own authorities, the Defence Minister and all his team, the
members of the Government, who know nothing about war and go
along with it without informing themselves about anything and,
what is gravest, who are guilty of lying to the Spanish people
through the papers, radio and television, foreign correspondents
and press agencies."

The suspicions that NATO's repeated bombings of civilian victims
and non-military targets are not the result of war "errors", are
confirmed by Captain Martin de la Hoz:

"Several times our colonel protested to NATO chiefs as to why
they select targets which are not military targets. They threw
him out with curses, saying that we should know that the North
Americans would lodge a complaint to the Spanish Army, once
through Brussels and again to the Defence Minister. But there is
more, and I want to tell it to the whole world: once there was a
coded order from the North American military that we should drop
anti-personnel bombs over the localities of Prishtine (Pristina)
and Nish (Nis). The colonel refused it altogether and, a couple
of days later, the transfer order came. But what I say now is
nothing compared to what I shall have to say when the time

The Spanish military denounces that "the Spanish Government not
only does not try to inform themselves, but that they also accept
the false reports that are edited for them in Aviano, where there
is a sort of military press cabinet in the hands of North
American generals and functionaries. Ever since we arrived in
Italy - the captain goes on - there is no end to humiliations and
insults. The only order-givers are the North American generals,
and no one else. We are zeroes, just as our replacements are
going to be.

But there is still more to that. Here, they say that several
operations were directed by Spanish commanders and pilots. Lies
over lies. All the missions that we flew, every single one, were
planned by high U.S. military authorities. Even more, they were
all planned in detail, including attacking planes, targets and
type of ammunition that we have to drop. We never directed
anything, and our missions were limited to flying over the
borders of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Slovakia (Slovenia?)."

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:



1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-




One of the nation's top tabloids was ready to rock the George W. Bush 2000
campaign with an exclusive shock story -- a story that fizzled out just
hours before publication, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

"Bush was going to get a blast from his past," a top editor at the tabloid
explained on condition that his identity or the identity of the publication
not be revealed at this time.

The tabloid was planning to unleash its story on Bush next week, accompanied
by a stunning photo.

But as the editor told the DRUDGE REPORT, "One source we were working with
turned out to have credibility issues... we will continue to investigate."

The editor was clearly disappointed that his story fizzled out, but he
added:  "This is going to be a long political season.  And it appears that
Mr. Bush is going to be great fun and great for business.  We'll just have
to wait and see."

"How sad," one BUSH 2000 adviser said Wednesday night from Texas.  "The
governor has been out on the campaign trail for less than a week and already
they are pulling this shit.

"I think the voters are fed up with this kind of stuff.  Really sad."

Established Washington journalists and main media outlets may agree with
Bush and his staffers that the "gotcha game" of scandal and rumor should
have no place in the 2000 race -- but less conforming reporters have begun
waving around money and digging for Bush dirt all over the state of Texas.

Apparently, no oil strike yet.



The Office of the Independent Counsel has subpoenaed three local Nashville
businessman who played a round of golf a few summers ago with former Clinton
Aide David Watkins, a newspaper will report on Thursday.  During the game,
Watkins reportedly told them that Hillary directly ordered the White House
Travel Office firings.

Hillary Clinton has denied in sworn statements making such an order; Watkins
himself testified under oath   before Congress that the decision to fire the
travel office staffers was his, and his alone.

Mike and Terri Patton were interviewed by investigators working for Starr at
their Nashville home "a few weeks ago," according to Terri Patton. Patton
confirms she and her husband have been subpoenaed to testify before a
federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. in the coming days.

In addition to conversations that are said to have taken place on the golf
course, investigators are pursuing post-game conversations that took place
at Patton's home. Those conversations included Patton's wife, Terri, the
NASHVILLE SCENE will report on Thursday.

Patton has told Starr investigators that she clearly remembers Watkins
telling how Hillary had called him about the travel office staffers.
According to Patton, Watkins said Hillary told him to "fire their asses."

Terri Patton said she and her husband expect to testify about what Watkins
allegedly said during that fateful round of golf and a later chitchat at the
Pattons' home.

The narrative of the golf game is certain to receive widespread attention as
Starr prepares a final report on his investigation.

Starr and his prosecutors may be trying to hit Watkins with a perjury
charge, reports the paper.



NBC's $5 million man Geraldo Rivera wants to do a radio show because he
believes that there's a real need for an "aggressive, populist alternative"
to Rush Limbaugh and other conservative hosts, the ASSOCIATED PRESS will
soon report.

Rivera opens up and lashes out with the AP's David Bauder in Thursday PM
runs, according to publishing sources familiar with the wire's budget.

"It's time for liberals to stop being embarrassed about their political
philosophy," Rivera declares.

Rivera tells the wire that frustration over the lack of prestige airtime at
NBC is partly why he's considering a daily radio talkshow.

[Rivera's feelings were hurt by the treatment of his RIVERA LIVE Kosovo
reports.  He hoped they were good enough for attention on Tom Brokaw's

"The motivation, honestly, was, 'OK, you don't want me, I know a lot of
other people who do,'" he said.

But as the DRUDGE REPORT revealed last week, Rivera recently hit a wall on
the talkradio front.

WNEW in New York has balked big at the amount of money that Rivera was
asking  to host a nightly radio show.  And a dramatic split recently
developed inside of corporate ABC over bringing in Rivera.  ["This will
happen over my dead body," said one senior ABC executive.]

The Limbaugh Era looks likely to continue...



In its cur

Re: [CTRL] GE's greed

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

>From: William Hugh Tunstall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [CTRL] GE's greed
>Date: Wed, Jun 16, 1999, 5:35 PM

>  -Caveat Lector-
> -- Forwarded message ---
>   Citation: Washington Monthly March 1999, v.31, 3, 52(1)
> Author:  Mintz, Morton
>  Title: GE's Greed.(Review) reviewed by Morton Mintz
> COPYRIGHT 1999 Washington Monthly Company

>   From its beginnings in 1889, GE's glory was research and development for the
> long term. Lord, how it paid off--for the country, not just GE! Its R&D, well
> funded, done by great, respected--and trusted--scientists and engineers,
> produced a cascade of enduring, diverse inventions, four being "the first
> moving picture with talking sound, the first jet engine, the first synthetic
> diamond--and the first Children's Silly Putty."

   General Electric was originally Edison Electric. Edison sold his shares
to finance a project in which he lost over a million dollars. He was trying
to extract iron from rocks by crushing them and passing electromagnets over
them. Just when it became profitable low cost iron was discovered in
Minnesota. He then went on to concrete development and then on to the
development of motion pictures. He was the first to develop moving pictures
with sound, though GE may have produced the system used later in 1929 when
it became practical.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Root & Branch Association, Ltd. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 11:38 AM

>The ROOT & BRANCH INFORMATION SERVICE distributes news, features and
>commentary on Jews, Judaism and Israel.  Views expressed are those of the
>authors alone.
>by Susan Rosenbluth
>(Editor and Publisher, Jewish Voice & Opinion; New York Bureau Chief, Root
>& Branch Information Services)
>TEANECK, N.J., Yom Revii (Fourth Day - "Wednesday"), 2 Tammuz, 5759 (June
>16, 1999), Root & Branch:  More than two years ago, David Tenenbaum, a
>41-year-old Orthodox-Jewish chemical engineer who works for the U.S. Army
>in Detroit, was investigated by the FBI for allegedly passing classified
>documents to Israel.
>After a 14-month criminal inquiry, which cost the federal government at
>least $2 million dollars, he was cleared.  The Justice Department, working
>in cooperation with the Department of Defense (DoD), concluded not only
>that there was insufficient evidence against Mr. Tenenbaum, but that if
>there had been any evidence against him at all, "these agents would have
>found it."
>But that official dismissal seems to have meant nothing to the U.S. Army.
>In March of 1998, Mr. Tenenbaum was informed by the army that he could
>return to work, but, he soon learned, the military was continuing its
>investigation.  Mr. Tenenbaum's security classification has still not been
>"I sit at my desk, but I am unable to do anything meaningful.  I am
>forbidden to speak with Israelis.  My friends in the office where I've
>worked for 15 years won't speak to me.  They're afraid to be seen in my
>company.  They all have the feeling I'm guilty but that there's not enough
>evidence against me.  My career is destroyed.  My reputation is ruined.
>They're not willing to admit they made a mistake and I'm not a spy.
>They're, in effect, pressuring me to quit," he says.
>But Mr. Tenenbaum is not a quitter.  The Southfield, Michigan resident has
>filed suit against the government and against a number of officials in the
>American security and defense establishment for $110 million.
>Last month, in the first major decision in the suit, Federal Judge Victoria
>Roberts ruled against a government motion to have the case dismissed.
>In his suit, Mr. Tenenbaum has accused the government of maintaining a
>"Nazi-esque" counterintelligence policy that targets Jews.
>Jonathan Pollard, now in his 14th year of a life sentence on charges of
>having spied for Israel, and his supporters have long maintained that
>anti-Semitism played a role in influencing the way the government has dealt
>with him.
>Just recently, 28-year-old attorney Adam Ciralsky filed suit against the
>C.I.A., accusing the agency of anti-Semitism which cost the young lawyer
>his job.  According to his attorney, Neal Sher, Mr. Ciralsky was placed on
>leave from the agency in October, 1997 because, while undergoing a routine
>polygraph exam, he did not disclose visits he and his family had made to
>Israel or that his family supported the U.J.A.
>At least one official document seems to back up the charges made by Messrs.
>Pollard, Ciralsky, and Tenenbaum.  In 1996, the Jewish magazine Moment
>published an article about a DoD advisory the publication had obtained.  In
>it, the DoD warned American defense contractors to keep an eye out for
>Israeli spies and their "ethnic" allies.
>According to the advisory, "Israel aggressively collects military and
>industrial technology" and "the United States is a high priority collection
>target."  This collection effort has been "very productive," in part, says
>the DoD report, because of "the strong ethnic ties to Israel present in the
>The report goes on to say that "Israeli personnel are always seeking to
>recruit knowledgeable human resources with access" to the information it
>"[Israeli] recruitment techniques include ethnic targeting," the report
>says, adding that Israel has also achieved "great success" by "placing
>Israeli nationals in key industries."
>While the "most highly publicized incident involving Israeli espionage" is
>the Pollard case, DoD cites other "documented incidents" of Israeli
>industrial spying.  According to the report, in one 1986 case, Israel paid

[CTRL] Loaded Weapons

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

>From www.cato.org

> June 1, 1999
> Loaded Guns Can Be Good for Kids
> by Dave Kopel and Eugene Volokh
> Dave Kopel teaches law at New York University Law School, and Eugene
> Volokh teaches at UCLA Law School.
> At the behest of President Clinton and gun control lobbyist Sarah
> Brady, the Senate recently voted to require that every firearm be sold
> with a lock. The next step is to require that all guns be locked up in
> the home -- as is currently required in Washington, D.C., and in
> Canada, whose gun laws President Clinton has fulsomely praised. This
> next step will likely be taken when there is another horrible gun
> crime that (like the Littleton massacre) couldn't possibly have been
> prevented by a trigger lock. That crime will give the Republican
> congressional leadership another opportunity to make concessions that
> will immediately prompt the Democrats to escalate their demands for
> further concessions.
> Are gun locks, as President Clinton says, a "no brainer"? Yes, indeed.
> The lock-up-the-guns proposal is great -- as long as one doesn't think
> about it carefully.
> Contrary to the impression created by sensationalist media, fatal
> firearms accidents involving children are far from common. In the
> United States, about half of all homes contain guns; the total gun
> supply is about 240 million, and there are tens of millions of
> children in the country. Yet according to the National Safety Council,
> in 1995 there were about 30 fatal gun deaths of kids aged 0 to 4 and
> fewer than 40 of kids aged 5 to 9. This shows that, even without
> legislation from Washington, the overwhelming majority of families
> with firearms already knows how to act responsibly.
> Any parent knows that a single child's death is unspeakably tragic.
> Yet the number of toddlers who die from gun accidents is smaller than
> the number who die from drowning in buckets. And it's much lower than
> the 500 who die in swimming pools.
> More generally, the total number of fatal accidents involving kids
> aged 0 to 14 in 1995 was 6,500, and fatal firearms accidents accounted
> for just 3 percent of the total. Yet the president is not scoring
> political points inveighing against bucket manufacturers, or demanding
> federal laws against unfenced pools on private property. Politics, not
> saving children's lives, is the foundation of the current anti-gun
> campaign.
> But doesn't it make sense to require parents to keep guns locked if it
> will save even one child's life? Unfortunately, the analysis can't be
> that simple, because such a restriction will not only save lives; it
> would also cost lives.
> President Clinton -- and Liddy Dole at a recent speech at Yale --
> compare gun locks to "child-proof" safety caps on medicine bottles.
> It's a good comparison, because the safety caps increased accidental
> deaths, and gun locks would do the same.
> According to research by Harvard's Kip Viscusi, the federal mandate
> about safety caps on medicine bottles made people more careless about
> storing medicine out of the reach of children. No cap can be really
> "child proof" (any bottle can be broken with a hammer), but careless
> parents left medicine bottles where children could get them, children
> defeated the "child-proof" caps and poisoning deaths increased.
> Similarly, mandatory gun locks would encourage parents to stop being
> careful to keep loaded guns out of the reach of small children.
> Even worse, many kinds of gun locks (such as locks that fit on the
> trigger), could cause accidents for both children and adults. A modern
> firearm won't discharge if it is dropped accidentally; but if the
> firearm has a trigger lock on it, the firearm often does discharge.
> That's why lock manufacturers warn consumers never to use the lock on
> a loaded gun. Mandatory use of locks could thus undo 50 years of
> improvements in firearms design that have helped reduce gun accidents
> by more than 75 percent. In addition to increasing gun accidents,
> mandatory locks would likely increase deaths from crime. Guns are used
> quite commonly in self-defense; estimates of defensive gun uses per
> year range from 110,000 (National Crime Victimization Survey) to 1.5
> million to 2.5 million or more (studies by criminologists Gary Kleck
> and Philip Cook). A very large majority of defensive uses simply
> involve display of the firearm (without a shot being fired), followed
> by the criminal's hasty retreat. Nobody knows what the exact count is
> or how many of those uses save the lives of kids or other innocents.
> Nor does anyone know how many of those defensive uses would have been
> frustrated by potential crime victims having to fumble with trigger
> locks or safes -- perhaps in the dark while an intruder advanced
> toward a child's room. But we do know what happens in countries like
> Canada where the laws require that firearms be locked up: the burglary
> rate is significantly 

[CTRL] [1] Other Altars

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Other Altars - Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and
Multiple Personality Disorder
Craig Lockwood©1993
CompCare Publishers
3850 Annapolis Lane, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55441
ISBN 0-89638-363-6
255+pps — out-of-print/one edition.
A very interesting and excellent book.

Craig Lockwood is an award-winning California journalist. Since 1986, he has
been editor/publisher of Beyond Survival magazine, a  journal specializing in
the literature, art, and psychotherapy of survival from traumatic abuse.

Lockwood has investigated and written about the social and cultural issues
surrounding traumatic and chronic sexual abuse, multiple personality, and



Blood sacrifice in the name of spiritual belief is as old as humankind. We've
called it by thousands of names, in thousands of languages, over thousands of

Bound to humanity's search for spiritual knowledge and deeper meaning is our
grim legacy of ritual murder. Much of religion's history has been written in
blood and punctuated by the screams of the dying—dying animals, men, women,

Today, the label "ritual abuse" is commonly applied to behaviors involving
multioffender, multimotive sexual abuse, torture, programmed mind control,
blood sacrifice, infanticide, or cannibalism, combined with symbols and
artifacts of spiritual belief. Ritual abuse, a far from precise term, is
subject to increasing discussion and dispute.

Call it a frightening reality, a mystery, a rumor-panic, media hype, or a
socially constructed group fantasy, ritual abuse goes beyond the acts that
the nouns ritual and abuse denote. Ritual abuse, as a complex set of
behaviors, remains ill-defined—a subject without consensus.

Ritual abuse, as a description, has become a nom de guerre, a symbolic term
or pseudonym, neither fully describing the often criminal phenomenon itself
nor the sometimes religious context in which it occurs.

Our language needs a new word that is clinically accurate to replace ritual
abuse—a word that emphasizes the actual nature of the abuse, rather than its
religious, ritualistic overtones.

Ritual sacrifice is not an ancient, forgotten cultural custom.

Religions that accept and practice ritual animal sacrifice thrive in the
United States today, protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution.

Suggesting that the blood sacrifice of humans may be a component of certain
modem religious behavior, however, often meets with stunned disbelief. And
when evidence of such sacrifice surfaces, attempts are made to explain it as
an aberration.

Controversial subjects invite polarization, making objectivity difficult.
Writers on the subject of ritual abuse have been accused of being either
"believers" who overemphasize or dramatize scanty facts or "disbelievers" who
minimize or ignore the same facts.

Setting a compass course through two magnetic poles of conflicting claims and
minimal data is chancy. Much of the information about sacrificial cults and
their practices comes from those claiming to be survivors. Disbelievers are
correct in saying that survivors are hardly objective sources. But believers
challenge this argument by saying that it fails to explain the many stories
and the similarities among them.

Veterans, returning from war, encounter this same kind of disbelief when
attempting to describe their combat experiences. People who haven't
experienced savage and irrational human behavior are often skeptical of those
who have and have lived to tell about it.

First-hand knowledge of war's horrors is limited to combatants and refugees.
But at least the public knows when a war is being fought. The media gathers
news and reports it daily.

Ritual abuse, however, has been reported only by the survivors. Since many of
these people have been treated for psychological disorders, their credibility
has been questioned.

Credibility became the overriding issue. Who, and what, were we to believe?

Disbelievers castigated believing mental-health professionals—lumping them in
with wild-eyed conspiracy theorists who saw Satan's hand in everything from
UFOs to the New World Order. Believers retaliated, branding well-meaning but
hard-to-convince disbelievers as "cult surrogates."

Lack of strong evidence supporting survivors' claims exacerbated the
credibility issue. Those who cried "cult," like the boy who cried "wolf,"
cried it once too often. Disbelievers, finding what they considered
inadequate evidence of "the cult," began questioning the believer-
therapists' veracity.

Sensing controversy, the media responded. In ritual abuse, events were not
personally observable. And because editors wanted "story impact" and
"emotional punch," journalists often selected the most dramatic or
controversial parts of their available subjects' narratives.

Pro vs. con battles make good stories, especially when one side claims the
existence of conspir

[CTRL] [4] The Ohio Gang

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
The Ohio Gang
Charles L. Mee, Jr.©1981
M. Evans and Company, Inc.
216 East 49th Street
New York, New York 10017
ISBN 0-87131-340-5
218 pps — out-of-print/one edition

A Short Course in Political Science

"IF YOU WANT to get along," the one-time Speaker of the House of
Representatives, Sam Rayburn, said, "go along." When Harding was only
twenty-two years old, he set out for the state Republican convention as a
delegate from Marion fully expecting to be a success in this as he had been
in every other endeavor. As a Marion booster, and a Republican booster, and a
newspaperman, it was only natural that he be brought along to the convention,
and he proved himself an agreeable, likeable young fellow, a loyal supporter
of the Republican party, of Ohio, and of America-and willing to speak out in
favor of any of these causes at picnics or women's clubs, barbecues or
meetings of the Elks' club.

Because he was a loyal party man he was happy to run for county auditor in
the late 1880s, although there was no chance of a Republican winning in that
particular election-and, after a decade of similar unselfish services to the
party, accepting defeat cheerfully, like a good soldier, he was given the
Republican nomination for the Ohio State Senate in 1898, and won.

Ohio politics was a rats' nest of warring factlons—but Harding amiably
declined to take sides. He promoted everyone's cause, doing favors equally
for the Cincinnati faction and the Cleveland faction, for the boys of
Columbus as well as for the legislators from rural districts. "There may be
an abler man in the Senate than Harding," the governor said, "but when I want
things done I go to him."

He was on his way to becoming a politician's politician—infinitely loyal,
patient, self-effacing, conciliatory, willing to be of use, flexible,
tolerant of frailty and foible, fitting in, going along. By 1903, there was
already talk of running Harding for governor, although, when the bosses
favored Myron Herrick, Harding remained as equable and affable as ever. He
said contentedly that, if the party elders favored Herrick, then he thought
Herrick would be nominated at the convention "by acclamation." His cheerful
acquiescence might almost have seemed simple minded, had he not put himself
forward modestly-almost unnoticeably—as a possible candidate for lieutenant
governor. He was given the nomination—the office was and is, as such things
go, a minor one—and he and Herrick won.

The rewards for a political career in Ohio could be substantial, and any
young man who had gotten along as Harding had might well have entertained
even greater ambitions. Because Ohio was such a politically active, and
corrupt, state—with such gutter fighters as Boss George Cox and Fire Engine
Joe Foraker of Cincinnati; such hard money arm twisters as Mark Hanna, the
Red Boss of Cleveland; and such snooty patricians as Charlie and William
Howard Taft—anyone who came up through Ohio politics was destined to have a
first-rate education in the intricacies and pitfalls of forcing and scuttling
legislation, manipulating conventions, rigging elections, securing campaign
contributions from large and small corporations, disposing of public funds,
and letting utility franchises, road contracts, permits, licenses, and jobs.
In the period between the end of the Civil War and World War I, Ohio provided
more federal jobholders and cabinet members than any other state in the
Union. So well schooled, and so skilled, were Ohio politicians that, in the
same period, Ohio provided seven out of the twelve presidents of the United
States—or every single Republican president except two, who succeeded to the
job from the vice-presidency.

They said they were elected because Ohio was in the middle of the country,
and because Ohio was the crossroads of the country, a unique blend of North
and South, East and West, of industrialists and farmers, old settlers and new
frontiersmen. But that was just convention blather. The truth was that Ohio
politicians did well because the state weeded out all but the most ferocious
survivors, and the survivors built a network over the years that went from
Cincinnati to Washington and back again.

In 1905, Harding reached for the nomination for governor of Ohio, and he was
slapped down. He had been too hasty. He had forgotten loyalty: Herrick
himself wanted to run again for governor. Although it was clear that he could
not possibly win the election, loyalty decreed that he must be given the
nomination. He was, and he lost, and Harding returned to his office at the
Marion Star to spend several years remembering to remember to go along. This
is the first and last principle of party politics, and once Harding got it
firmly fixed in his mind he needed no other principle.



A Close Call

THE MOMENT WAS irresistible. The Duchess had had major surgery for a kidney
ailment and required a long period of convalescence. Harding's friend Jim

[CTRL] [5] Loud and Clear

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

An excerpt from:
Loud and Clear
Lake Headly and William Hoffman©1990
Henry Holt and Company
115 W. 18th St.
New York, NY 10011
ISBN 0-8050-1138-2
272 pps — out-of-print/one edition


Three Stolen Vehicles

"I know you're working for Dunlap and Robison," Devereux said, "so I think
it's fair to tell you I believe this case is largely resolved. I think
Robison did it, and maybe Dunlap, and it's my opinion the police did a
thorough job under the circumstances."

I had picked up Devereux at the entrance to the modern stucco building where
the Scottsdale Daily Progress was written and printed, and now I wheeled onto
1-10 for the drive to Florence.

"When I came to Phoenix to work with the IRE team," Devereux continued, "Bob
Greene told both the police and us that he didn't intend for us to stick our
noses into the homicide itself-the cops were qualified, we weren't. We were
there to demonstrate that killing a reporter didn't stop his work."

Bob Greene wasn't sitting in the car with me, so I aimed my favorite question
at Devereux: "How could you continue his work if you didn't know what it was?"

"Greene went to the Arizona Republic and found out what Bolles did before
being transferred to the legislature."

"What was that?"

"Migrant farm workers, my field. Land fraud. The dog track business. Items
that were his staples, what he worked on in the past."

"And that's what the team concentrated on?"

"Yeah. We went through the motions, I guess you could say." Not Devereux, I
would learn, and even now I admired his use of the word we.

"I haven't learned many good things about the IRE team," I said.

Devereux winced. "I suppose some of the editors and reporters used the time
in Phoenix as a vacation. If we served a purpose, it was as a show of force."

"What did you do?"

"My specialty. The migrant farm labor situation. Barry Goldwater's brother,
Bob, is one of the big exploiters of Mexican workers. Anyway, there's plenty
to accomplish in the area, and I'm doing what I can. Those people are not
only underpaid and overworked, they're forced to live like animals."

"You getting anywhere?"

"It's uphill. The ones running the show don't want change. Some of them
profit from the status quo. I just wish the public could see for itself."

"You came here from New Mexico?"

"Yeah. I stayed in Phoenix when the IRE team left. I divide my time between
the Progress and the farm labor union in Glendale."

"What do you do for the union?" Conversation helped pass the time, and I was
measuring him for a very serious proposal.

"Some organizing. I help with legal affairs. I've arranged an attorney for
the union. Victor Aranow. Maybe you know him."

"I do, and I like him." Although my history with Native Americans didn't date
back as far as George Vlassis's, it was considerable, and I tried to keep
updated. I switched the subject. "Are you working on the Bolles case for the
Daily Progress?"

"We haven't done a lot. Most people in Phoenix consider it over.

"What if the supreme court overturns the convictions?"

"Are you kidding? In this state? In this political climate? The supreme
court's not going to overturn them."

"Well, that's my goal. That's why the committee hired me, and why we're going
to Florence."

The Scottsdale Daily Progress article about this first Robison interview—the
paper also ran a second story-began as follows:

James Robison looks like an arch criminal in a cartoon strip. He is short and
heavy set, with muscular arms, a bull neck and a deep sear over one eye. He
gives an initial impression of being a sullen man When Robison spoke and
became relaxed, it was apparent that first impressions are deceiving. Instead
of the crude, oafish character we had expected, we found a well-read,
self-educated and articulate man with an excellent vocabulary and a sense of

Devereux's interview with Robison started a drumbeat of press coverage that
couldn't possibly hurt the defendants, I figured. And it might help them.
True, Marshall's Progress stood alone in Arizona, but as Laurie Dunlap, one
of Max's daughters, told me rather poetically, after reading seemingly
endless negative stories about her father: "In the land of darkness, you lit
a candle."

During the interview Robison rehashed for Devereux pretty much the same
things he told me. He used a lot of the time not to defend himself, but
Dunlap. He asked, rhetorically, why it took eight days for that damaging
$5,800 to be delivered to Adamson. "I think," he said, "Roberts had to wait
for the money to come from San Diego. With plenty of money at the time he
could easily have got it from his bank. He didn't have to wait eight days."

Robison pointed out that, despite the most massive investigation in Arizona
history, none of Adamson's allegations about his involvement had ever been
corroborated. He called Adamson's Fifth Amendment cop outs "outrageous" and
said the con man had lied when he stated Robison did demolition work in the


1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The DRUG STORY—A Factological History of AMERICA'S $10,000,000,000 DRUG
Morris A. Bealle©1949. All Rights Reserved
Mrs. Morris Bealle©1976
P.O. Box 52
Spanish Fork, Utah 84660
239 pps. —

Chapter 2


"If you tell a lie big enough, and loud enough, and long enough, and often
enough, the people will believe it."
-Adolph Hitler

Many readers of my books and magazines of the past have asked me how it is
possible for the Drug Trust to prevent the printing of news about drugless
cures, to exaggerate the efficacy of drugs, to falsify the record in the
serum field and to send out garbled press stories at will.

I do not blame the average publisher for this as much as I blame the "system"
which was created and developed, even before Upton Sinclair wrote his famous
book on the press and press associations called "The Brass Check." Many times
I've heard bewildered citizens say "you can only believe 50% of what you read
in the newspapers."

I've heard others go beyond that and say you can't believe 25% of what you
read in a Hearst paper or 5% of what you read in a communist sheet — Marshall
Field's papers, the former Stern papers, the present New York POST, COMPASS

It is the average American newspaper and the way it is taken for a ride by
the Drug Trust that we are dealing with in this chapter. So, don't blame the
publisher. Much less should you blame the reporter or editor if your paper
let's you down as they did, say, on the Columbus polio story (described in
this book) and on many other such items which never saw the light of day.

Many years ago a high pressure and high powered advertising agent named J.
Walter Thompson began the system of influencing news thru huge advertising
appropriations. Mr. Thompson tied himself up with the Rockefeller interests
and the Morgan interests.

These two financial behemoths controlled so many companies between them that
the Thompson Company, with the founder long since passed to his celestial
reward (if any) now has the most stupendous business of any advertising
agency in the world.

Standard Advertising Register for 1948 showed this firm having 95 large
industrial accounts. Any agency having half a dozen considers itself lucky
and well-to-do. To handle this business the J. Walter Thompson Company has
eight branch offices in the United States and eighteen in foreign
countries-branches in nearly all lands where Standard Oil's derricks rise.

Included in these accounts are Lever Brothers ($18,686,329), Shell Oil
($1,221,183) ; Standard Brands ($3,962,408); Eastman Kodak ($1,861,493); Ford
Motors ($11,242,212); Johns-Manville ($955,398) ; Nash-Kelvinator
($3,721,529) ; Libby, McNeill & Libby ($4,180,338) ; Pan American World
Airways ($1,027,569); Radio Corporation of America ($3,755,902);
Kaiser-Frazer Motors ($5,048,934) -to mention just a few.

Because appropriations advertising manufactured products nationally has
reached an aggregate of a billion and a half, a number of other agencies are
now participating in the business of the Rockefeller Empire, and of what is
left of the Morgan Empire since J. P. (the Last) died.

A recent compilation by the magazine ADVERTISING AGE showed that the larger
companies expended in 1948 for newspaper, radio and magazine advertising the
aggregate sum of $1,104,224,347. For many years it has been estimated that
the Rockefeller-Morgan interests controlled about 80% of this business.

This control is vested partly in those companies owned in whole or in part by
the Money Trust, which also has its headquarters in Rockefeller Center. An
even larger part of this control is represented in the hundreds of large
corporations and combines that have to go, from time to time, for financing
to the Chase National Bank, Guaranty Trust, National City and other banking
houses controlled by, or closely affiliated with, the Rockefellers.

This huge advertising figure (over a billion and a tenth) is only a part of
the story, but it is the only complete figures we can put our fingers on. It
is broken down as follows:

$389.261,000 to the larger of our 1,873 daily newspapers, $430,573.399 to 97
national magazines; $46.709,683 to six magazine sections for Sunday
newspapers; $38,684.523 to 50 farm publications; $198,995,742 to network
radio stations.

This does not take into account the hundreds of nonnetwork (independent)
radio stations in the country, nor any of the 10,056 weekly newspapers, very
few of which lack a quota of national advertising accounts. A conservative
estimate of the total sets it at around $1,500,000,000.

Eighty per cent of this will add up to 1,200 million advertising dollars
annually which apparently are control[l]ed from Rockefeller Center by the
owners and management of the Drug Trust, the Steel Trust, the Oil Trust, the
Power Tru

[CTRL] Therapy for Adults Molested as Children: Beyond Survival

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.sidran.org/digicart/products/brta.html">Therapy for
Adults Molested as Children: Beyond

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Substantially expanded and revised, this new edition includes detailed
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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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[CTRL] Fwd: Yugoslavia

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous


Visit the New Asia Intelligence Center

Global Intelligence Update
June 17, 1999

Montenegrin Faction Presses for Independence


The Montenegrin independence movement has moved into high gear as
NATO troops move into Kosovo.  With Milosevic licking his wounds
and NATO present in the region in force, now appears as good a
time as any for Montenegro to secede from the Yugoslav
Federation.  However, there is a great deal weighing against
secession, not the least of which is the impact a Montenegrin
civil war would have on NATO efforts to stabilize Kosovo.
Therefore, the pro-Western government of President Milo
Djukanovic appears willing to postpone an independence bid for
the time being.  The question is, will Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic force the issue in Montenegro, generating a
new crisis in an effort to remain in power?


Montenegrin Social Democratic Party (SDP) leader Zarko Rakcevic
on June 16 rejected calls by the Liberal Alliance to pull his
party out of the ruling coalition, a move that would force early
elections and, the Liberal Alliance hopes, facilitate efforts to
achieve Montenegrin independence from Yugoslavia.   Rakcevic said
that the Montenegrin government did not support independence
moves at this time because Montenegro remained "under military
siege."  He also said that, besides the heavy Yugoslav army
presence in the province, the refugee crisis inside Montenegro
and the international community's desire to achieve peace in
Kosovo by keeping the province under Yugoslav sovereignty both
stood in the way of Montenegro's independence bid.  The SDP does,
however, support the movement for Montenegro's eventual

There have been rumblings in Montenegro for and against
independence since well before the Kosovo crisis broke out.
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic has gone so far as to
blockade the smaller of Yugoslavia's constituent republics, in an
effort to undermine Montenegro's pro-Western leadership.  When
Milosevic's chosen candidate, Momir Bulatovic, failed both to
defeat Milo Djukanovic in Montenegro's presidential elections and
to bloc Djukanovic from taking office, Milosevic named Bulatovic
Prime Minister of Yugoslavia.  Bulatovic and his pro-Belgrade
Socialist People's Party staged a series of demonstrations
against the Djukanovic government during NATO's bombing campaign,
in response to Djukanovic's declaration of Montenegrin neutrality
in the conflict.  As the conflict progressed, Yugoslav Army
troops increased their presence in the republic and stepped up
pressure on the Djukanovic regime -- seizing border posts and
ports, surrounding Podgorica, clamping down on the foreign and
local media, attempting to force conscription, and attempting to
assert control over the Montenegrin police.  With the prospects
of a Belgrade backed coup d'etat in the republic apparently high,
the U.S. and NATO repeatedly vowed to retaliate if Milosevic
moved against Djukanovic.

Milosevic did not make a move, though the pressure on Montenegro
has not eased, nor have the pro and anti-independence rumblings.
On June 16, Bulatovic warned that "duality of power in
Montenegro" would not be tolerated, and that Belgrade would not
allow for "the independence of Montenegro and the breaking off of
Yugoslavia."  On the other side, Liberal Alliance leader Miodrag
Zivkovic has called on the Djukanovic government to seek
Montenegrin independence or, if not, to at very least help
overthrow Milosevic.  Along with the Liberal Alliance, the
Movement for Independent Montenegro -- a group of intellectuals,
academics, writers and media representatives founded on June 10 -
- is actively campaigning for Montenegrin secession.  Somewhere
in the middle, a group of Montenegrin academics has drawn up a
proposed redefinition of the relationship between Serbia and
Montenegro, which would guarantee equality between the two and
minimize the role of the Yugoslav federal government.  And
Serbian Renewal Movement leader Vuk Draskovic suggested on
Pancevo Radio on June 15 that a Montenegrin from Djukanovic's
party should hold the post of Yugoslav prime minister.  The
Montenegrin Information Ministry said that Djukanovic himself was
not seeking a federal office, despite Draskovic's suggestion and
other speculation that Djukanovic might seek the Yugoslav

Djukanovic has trod a careful line, arguing during visits to
Bulgaria and Romania this week that Montenegro would only remain
in the Yugoslav Federation if Serbia chooses a path of
democratization.  Djukanovic said that Montenegro could hold a
referendum on independence if Milosevic and his allies remained
in power in Belgrade, but insisted that now was not the time for
such a move.  Djukanovic argued that a referendum could not be
held while a state of war still existed, and that peace and
stability were prereq

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-110, PostScript 4 (June 16, 10:00PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's "Peace" on Serbia

1999-06-16 Thread Anonymous


All 109 earlier Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war
on Serbia can also be seen at our Web site: www.truthinmedia.org, along
with numerous photos and other memorable images from this war.

Issue S99-110, PostScript 4
June 16, 1999; 11:00PM EDT


Kosovo   1. Mayhem in Kosovo: KLA on Killing Rampage;
German Troops Rush to Protect Serb
Bishop, Cathedral

Phoenix  2. Over 1,000 American Troops Killed?  Over 500 after
 Just First Six Weeks of War (an SF Source)

Vladivostok 3. Russia-China-India Military Triangle Strengthening


1. Mayhem in Kosovo: KLA on Killing Rampage; German Troops Rush to Protect
Serb Bishop, Cathedral

KOSOVO, June 16 - We've told you the Kosovo "peace process" would turn into
a "piss process," and it has.  And worse... It is now turning into a
combination of Serb "ethnic cleansing" and a shooting gallery with live
Serbs being used as targets.

The "peace process" has uprooted over 30,000 Serbs. The Kosovo Liberation
Army (KLA) rebels has fanned out across the province, killing and
kidnapping scores of Serbs fleeing the province, and burning their homes
and churches in the last three days.  In just the last 24 hours, at least
six Serbs were executed by KLA in cold blood, dozens kidnapped, including
some monks.

If there are some bright lights in the mayhem into which Kosovo has turned,
they are the rare cases when the NATO troops have done something to try to
stop the KLA's reign of terror.  In Prizren, for example, German troops
rushed to the aid of the Serb bishop and the monks besieged by the KLA
terrorists, after an international TV station reported rumors that
Albanians were getting ready to torch the Orthodox Christian cathedral.

A rifle-toting German officer from the KFOR force burst into Kosovo's only
Serbian Orthodox bishop's office, a pillar of Serb presence in the majority
ethnic Albanian province, and urged Bishop Artemije Radosavljevic to move
his books to the basement: "If someone throws a Molotov cocktail through
the window, that could all go up in flames very easily," the soldier said,
according to a Reuters report.

The bishop ignored the advice.  But today, Bishop Artemije told Reuters he
was leaving Prizren because it was no longer safe for him to stay.  German
officers advised the Bishop, the priests and the monks to leave Prizren
tomorrow with the remaining Serbs, because they could no longer guarantee
their safety.  The Bishop said he would leave for the Kosovo capital
Pristina later in the day under German military escort with nine priests
and more than 200 Serbs who took refuge at his seminary after armed KLA
rebels began patrolling the streets Tuesday.

Artemije said ethnic Albanians began beating and disarming Serbs once the
NATO troops arrived Sunday (June 13). He said five Serb civilians,
including one of his monks from a monastery out side the city, had been
kidnapped Tuesday. His own office is under guard from German troops inside
and out.

Ethnic Albanians went to the edge of the Prizren church grounds to topple a
statue of King Dusan, the legendary king of the medieval Serbian Empire.
The Orthodox Church has been in Prizren more than 1,000 years. Artemije
said the Serbs' departure and the KLA's arrival were the worst things he
could imagine in its history.

"We survived here for five centuries during the Ottoman Empire and two
world wars.  But the (Serb) people never had to leave their villages and
towns like this -- and all this under the so-called protection of the U.N.
and NATO," Artemije said.

Elsewhere, 12 monks left Tuesday (June 14) after their Holy Trinity
monastery in Musutiste (15th century) was burned down by Albanians, see the
photo at our website.  About a dozen monks had also abandoned the
14th-century Monastery of the Holy Archangels, although this was not burned.

The independent Serbian news agency Beta said monks in Visoki Decani
monastery and nuns near Pec had said they were under siege by the KLA. It
quoted one monk as saying 22 monks and 17 other Serbs remained in Visoki
Decani and that 13 Orthodox churches in the Veliko Hoca area had been

Eyewitnesses told Beta that a group of six armed Albanians with red and
black armbands intercepted a column of refugees preparing to leave
Kojlovica five kilometers northeast of Pristina on June 14. Dragan
Jovanovic, 29, and Slavisa, 30, and Boban Krstic, 26, were separated from
the rest of the refugees and shot on the spot.

According to Zivka Krstic, mother of the Krstic brothers, her sons were
killed in front of Slavisa Krstic's three children and his wife.

Radio Pristina employee Ilija Sukic was killed in Pristina on June 14,
while three civilians were abducted. Sukic was shot by an unknown assailant
or assailants in front of his home. Details of the

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