CS: Target-Remington 700 faulty safety

2001-02-22 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Several things spring to mind here:
 Over the last couple of weeks I have be researching the apparent problem
 with the trigger mechanism on Remington 700's. 

There's a fairly continuous thread on this at rec.guns. Not having a
Remy, I admit to not actually reading any of the many posts involved. 

 my own older style 700's went off inside my
 house as I was unloading it to clean it, (without touching the trigger).

Can't often imagine taking a loaded gun into the house myself.

  I have since traded
 the gun, but have kept the serial number and would like to report this to
 someone that is keeping track of these numbers. 

Er... I can understand the desire to be rid of the problem but how
responsible was this?


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CS: Pol-Face values..

2001-02-21 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Thank you for explaining what you meant and I certainly appreciate the
 practical side of ex.military clothing.
 But when you add a few rings in ears and through eyebrows, SNIPPED

I apologise if I'm wrong, but I think you might be in danger of straying
toward "Right crowd please, and no crowding". One of the real joys of
shooting, and one of its most important assets, is that it attracts
participation from all walks of life.

Having been recently taken to task at this very forum for making gross
generalizations about visual appearances, my pennorth is two-fold

1. What is of paramount importance is not how a person looks, dresses,
smells or speaks, but how safe and accurate a shooter they are. 

I can think of several beautifully turned out shooters who would do well
to take lessons in shooting, which rather proves my second point;

2. You can't judge a book by looking at the cover.


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CS: Target-Head stamp Markings

2001-02-19 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can someone kindly identify these markings for me please?

RORG  (Royal Ordnance something or other?)
89 (or possibly 68 but unlikely)
A circle containing a cross of St George

I'm guessing it to be a military .223 case.


Standard military brass.  The cross in the circle is not a
cross of St George, it is the NATO standardisation symbol.

RORG means Royal Ordnance Radway Green, they changed it from
"RG" when the powder type was changed as I recall.


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CS: Target-Any old brass?

2001-02-16 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 and .303" ammo is either expensive or scarce (who'd
 pay L27.50 per 100 for HXP anyway?  

Only L27.50? I pay twice that for .22/250 and .243! 

Aye lad - we were that poor we 'ad to make us own bullets wi' rabbit


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CS: Field-Cats the worst killers - odd twist

2001-02-14 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've been carrying this information for many years and now seems as good
a time as any to roll it out.

Road kill dogs are the responsibility of the Highway Authority, whereas
road kill cats are the responsibility of the Environmental Health
Authority for the area.  

If this has changed since I ceased to work for a highways authority
about 12 years ago, perhaps someone will let me know then I can forget
all about it.



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CS: Field-Fishing next

2001-02-13 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Radio 4 just before 7 this morning had a feature on
 cruelty to fish from hooks and the problems of line etc
 tangling with birds and oyther wildlife.

That would be the Today programme? The same programme around 7.30 was
running a story on domestic cats and their nocturnal propensity to hunt
in the form of mice, frogs etc.  

The feature was padded out with night vision scopes, radar tracking
collars and Simon King (yes he of "Big Cat Diary" and other "wildlife in
Africa" type programmes). 

Despite, or because of one broadcaster's comment about "the poor mouse",
I had hoped this was a tongue in cheek Monday morning filler. 

Maybe not, however.

Let's see...
Tuesday morning..."Spiders - are they cruel to flies?", 
followed on Wednesday by "Primary school teacher dismissed for putting
frog spawn in class fish tank", 
and on Thursday, "Police find schoolboy in possession of quantity of
wild tree seed - is this the end for conkers? We ask the newly appointed
Government spokesperson for all things wooden, Deputy Prime Messmaster,
Johnny "Two Jags" Prescot."   
Finally, on Friday, "Government spokesperson for all things ugly, Robin
Cook, will consider a private member's bill to prevent the wealthy
land-owning classes (farmers and gardeners to you and me) from taking
part in the annual ritualized slaughter of millions of unsuspecting
slugs and snails."

[Sorry, I couldn't resist that one:-)] 


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CS: Target-silenced shotguns

2001-02-11 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 There are suppressed shotguns, I've seen them in shops.
 Can't see why they wouldn't work, the wad and the shot
 stay together until they leave the barrel so it is "solid"
 until then.

Friend of mine has just bought a fully suppressed .410 which sounds
somewhere between an unmoderated .22rf and the same thing moderated.


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CS: Pol-One Organisation

2001-02-07 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I remember when the BFSS and BASC tried to merge and
 that never happened, I think the chances frankly of
 BASC wanting to merge with the NRA or anyone else or
 vice versa are nil.  

I only read Shooting Times whilst passing through T@@sco or W#S~iths
(well, you can't buy every magazine can you?) and was interested by the
amount of space given over to another attempt by BASC members to oust
old whatsisname,  Chief Executive Swift.

I can't help but wonder what measures those concerned have to fill the
power vacuum, should they succeed, and whether such a change might bring
solidarity a bit closer. Or indeed what steps they're taking to inform
BASC membership - those of us who don't buy Shooting Times!

I'm now off to BASCs website to see if they yet mention the subscription


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CS: Pol-One Organisation

2001-02-04 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I give it as my opinion that the BASC at 130,000 is
 the largest organisation and the one the rest need to
 merge with // and its shortcomings need to be addressed from
 within and afterwards.
 Could we keep this on the list and see who's willing
 to do what, second what etc, and which shooting
 associations have and haven't yet been approached?
I welcome the sentiments expressed but think you're expecting something
which can't be achieved.

1. How many shooters do not have membership of any representative body?
2. Just as with politics, how can one organization be expected to
represent the broad spectrum of aspirations, motives and beliefs?
3. Given what you say about BASC's shortcomings, and the fact that more
than one membership organisation arose in response to disaffection by
its members, why should BASC be seen as the umbrella organisation?
4. Sadly, real commitment to organizational change relies as much on
commitment from the top down, as it does by demand from the bottom up.
As long as our various bodies seek to protect their "special interest
group", we're all going nowhere.

Now, what about a federation, a national union of shooting sports
associations? I'm only thinking out loud, but I wonder if that idea
doesn't have as much merit.

It always boils down to the same thing, the associations say:
"Well we have BSSC" and when we complain that it's toothless
and in many respects pretty worthless, they don't like the idea
of something with more teeth because the smaller associations
feel it will be dominated by BASC and BASC no doubt doesn't want
to be dictated to by something composed of a dozen associations
of which they have ten times more membership than all the rest
put together.

My view is that BASC should simply start a branch that is dedicated
to target shooting, and then if it was any good shooters would
vote with their feet.  This is not to say I have anything particularly
against SAGBNI, UKPSA, NRA and all the rest but if all the talented
people therein were working for BASC would it not make more sense
as there would be less duplication of effort?


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CS: Crime-More stupidity in England

2001-02-04 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This is all BS and a gross waste of Public money to boot.
 David (Sussex)
 The police didn't know that until well into the investigation.  If someone
 pointed a brush at you that could be mistaken for a gun and threatened
 to shoot you, what would you want to happen to that person?
Whilst I understand the thinking behind the approach taken by the
police, which is basically "shoot now, ask questions later", this is a
huge shift from the traditional approach of the British bobby IMHO. It
isn't that long ago that a tv programme about firearms training showed
police being expected to identify the type of weapon being waved about
in order to assess the level of threat and appropriate response.

Maybe, just maybe, we're dealing with the truism "society gets the
police force it deserves", but if we continue like this, it surely can't
be too long before someone is apprehended/summarily shot for pointing a
black gloved finger "I believed the accused/deceased was pointing a hand
gun at me", or having thrown a custard tart, for throwing a  home-made
incendiary device.

Do you know, I think I could cope with this approach if only the police
spent more time being effective catchers of real criminals than they do
at present scoring easy points by focussing on soft targets such as
slightly speeding urban motorists and those brave (or foolish) enough to
stand up to delinquent school kids.

I think perhaps we are getting a bit carried away, at least with this
particular incident.

This wasn't an incident like some of the recent shootings of innocent
people that some dolt has reported to the police as carrying a gun.

This was a guy who intentionally threatened some kids with lethal
force.  I find it hard to believe people are trying to explain
that away.  If you see someone tampering with a car you yell at them
to clear off or call the police, you don't threaten to shoot them.
They had no idea he was brandishing a brush rather than a gun.

The police quite rightly responded, searched the man's home and he
went to court and got a small fine.  That's what the police are
supposed to do.  That the kids were committing a criminal act doesn't
justify a different criminal act.

I'm actually aware of a case in California where a guy did shoot
a kid who was stealing the hubcaps off his car, he was charged with
murder but was found not guilty as the jury felt he should have been
charged with manslaughter.


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CS: Crime-More stupidity in England

2001-02-02 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In fairness to the police I don't think you can criticise their response
 in this incident.  He did threaten to shoot the kids.

Yes, with a brush apparently. 

And taking this text as accurate, these really sound like the sort of
kids who go to Sunday School, help old ladies across the road and are
always polite and respectful toward their schoolteachers and elders -

Shame on the police for (a) not judging the value of whatever these kids
said in reporting this bloke and/or (b) shame on them again for not
having any discretion on how to respond.

What utter cobblers. My wife, a school teacher, comes home most nights
to recount this sort of "I know what I can get away with, and what
you've got to do" behaviour by pre-teenage urchins who deserve nothing
more than a clip round the ear by their parents from time to time.

Enough. Is it any wonder we're no longer a world power?



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CS: Field-foxes

2001-01-30 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 fox meat is tasty or otherwise, is a matter
 to be determined. I tend to think that it might require a bit of curing
 time, not unlike elk, wild goose, duck, bear, and some other animals.
 And, as with those animals, spice -- in large quantities --
 might be more the rule than the exception.

Don't know where you're getting your duck and geese from..:-)


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CS: Pol-Placards and Banners at Countryside March

2001-01-25 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I wrote:
  It's the wierdos with body jewellery, green hair and the rest of it they
  ought to be keeping their eye on.

and Kate replied:

 I know this is unrelated to the rest of what I've written, but I'd love to
 know what you mean by this comment. I hope it's just a flippant remark.
Hmm. I'm in danger of making a great generalisation here, but I'm
willing to bet that the above will be associated with those protesting
against Liberty  Livelihood, rather than those taking part in this

I expect Kate's about to prove me wrong, in which case I defer.


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CS: Field-shooting foxes

2001-01-23 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just my little old opinion but

 Depends what you mean by 'effective'.  Certainly, a fox that is hit in
 the chest with a centrefire rifle at an appropriate distance will die
 instantly.  But a hit in a non-vital place will leave a wounded fox to
 scuttle off, possibly to die later.  

Point taken, but a badly injured fox won't be able to go far or fast.

And of course, you can only shoot
 at the fox when he is within sight, at a suitable range, and with a safe
 backstop (and when you have the correct gun with you!).  

I wish this was 101% ingrained in every rifle shooter's brain.

I don't
 consider a .22LR to a suitable weapon against the fox, btw.  

Close in, say in woodland, it's a better tool than a shotgun.

So, this
 pretty much means stalking for them at night (or dawn and dusk) with a
 centrefire rifle, and you might get a shot.

Agreed. Knowing you territory and knowing where your fox is feeding
serves only to increase the odds.

 In contrast, the hounds go out and seek the fox, find him and flush him.

Er... and might this include digging him out, or keeping him out, of his

 Certainly, a pack of hounds (and perhaps horses) require some upkeep,
 and the man hours required to kill a single fox is not cost-effective.

Hang on, don't most of us hunt foxes, or shoot them with lamp and rifle,
as a sport?

 But I suspect the success ratio of a pack of hounds out for a randomly
 selected day versus a randomly selected day for a gamekeeper with a
 rifle is well in favour of the hounds.

I'll agree to differ but I'll continue to think about this whilst
walking the dogs.

 Of course, if you want to kill foxes the most efficient and cost-
 effective method is to use snares.

What about the hares which get caught in snares set at the right height
for foxes?

 There will certainly be fewer foxes, but I don't think many people would
 want them exterminated.  And besides, if you kill a fox two more come to
 his funeral.  :-)

You're right. Look how effective myxy was at exterminating wabbits etc.


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CS: Pol-Hunting ban

2001-01-23 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I was in north Norfolk two years ago and ...

I can't speak for the area mentioned but if I take Suffolk as
representative, in areas where foxes predate on income-generating
livestock such as game birds or sheep, they won't be tolerated. 

Having said that, there are sufficient tracts of land where foxes aren't
hassled about to ensure that they won't die out.


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CS: Pol-the debate in Parliament

2001-01-20 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't suppose we should any logic from the football minister:

 But Tony Banks(Lab, West Ham) who is against hunting, gave assurances that
 he, personally, would never ban angling. He said: "You don't hunt fish with
 dogs and if you are a decent angler you put the fish back. I am a coarse
 fisherman, as you would expect, and I don't think angling can be compared
 with fox hunting."

If it's cruel to chase foxes with dogs, it must also be cruel to catch
fish with hook and line, and for that matter to catch them in nets,
leaving them to die a lingering death on the decks and workbenches of
commercial fisheries vessels.


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CS: Pol-Sportsman's Association News Release 15/01/01

2001-01-20 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Most informed
 speculation suggests that MPs will vote overwhelmingly for an
 outright ban on hunting with dogs.

 Animal rights activists have nearly succeeded in putting a company out
 of business because it uses animal experiments for medical
 benefits to human beings.  

Did anyone else notice the irony of the intervention yesterday by
Government (which by law demands that all new drugs are tested on
animals) to save this company? 

 Animal rights activists were responsible for the theft of hounds
 belonging to the Wye Beagles and have apparently placed the
 animals into "loving homes" - a totally unsuitable environment
 for them.  

Has anyone yet come forward as the provider of such a "loving home" or
is this claim totally unproven?


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CS: Pol-The march in March - We are Cybershooters

2001-01-20 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's just a thought, but has anyone considered the idea of a placard
along the lines of "UK Shooters on the net - www.cybershooters.org"? 

A simple poster design lodged on the net (for downloading and sticking
to a suitable card on a stick) would perhaps be the simplest method of
distributing to cybershooters.

As much as I like it ;-) I still think that something to the
point might be better, like "Handguns were banned, hunting's
next, well come to 'banned it' country" or similar.


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CS: Pol-BBC Today programme interview with Yorkshire Chief Constable

2001-01-20 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm starting to hear about an interview this morning (18th January) with
the Chief Constable of Yorkshire who, apparently, was chiding the
Government for creating an impossible burden for police forces by
banning fox hunting. I hear he was quite mutinous and was openly hinting
at loopholes in favour of hunters.

Did anyone hear this?

Is there a transcript?

Can someone buy him a beer from me please?


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CS: Field-English Heritage, the Forestry Commission and shooting

2000-12-03 Thread Pete

From:   Pete Ansbro, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Just been chatting to a gamekeeper responsible for a private shoot in
Forestry Commission woodland. They've just been handed a new lease,
operative the end of this season - even though that's not when the
existing lease is due to expire, basically screwing shooting into the

Changes to be implemented include no destruction of vermin, no
introduced game birds, grubbing out/ ploughing in of existing game cover
as part of the introduction of "butterfly" belts with  restrictions on
cutting/maintenance of these belts, greater restrictions on vehicle
access, greater access rights for pedestrians and horse riders.

Need I go on?



"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right
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CS: Misc-Policeman dies after gun goes off accidentally

2000-12-03 Thread Pete


How can a gun go off when its being cleaned? And if it does, how on earth
can it be accidental?
Negligent, yes.
Accidental, no.

ISTR the chairman of a local clay pigeon club getting his face in the local 
rag several years ago for the accidental discharge of his shotgun into his 
foot "whilst cleaning it" at home.

Presumably he'd put a cartridge in the chamber to act as a temporary bung.


In defence of people who have NDs, let me just say that if
you are a police officer, immediately after cleaning the gun
you usually load it, and I think that is when most accidents
happen, because people continue handling the gun as though
they are still cleaning it, forgetting that they've loaded it.

Also I suspect the average NYPD officer rarely cleans his gun,
so they forget basic firearm safety.  I was the only person
in my squad to pass basic firearm handling skills on the first
go.  A lot of military and police units drill firearm safety
into you so you do it reflexively, rather than thinking about it,
which I always thought was a mistake.  Because if you rarely
use a firearm the reflex is forgotten, and then mistakes
are made.


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CS: Pol-Animal rights tell MSPs dog hunting ban 'cruel'

2000-11-23 Thread Pete


I'm rubbing my eyes in disbelief. Can it really be that the "animal lovers" 
are really prepared to give way to the greater understanding of said 
animals on the part of those who live and work with them, even when that 
relationship is one of control?

There's hope for the world yet.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to 
say it." Voltaire 1907.

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CS: Field-threat to shoots

2000-10-27 Thread pete . ansbro


   Perhaps you should pull-off a walk-in.
   Find out where they are holding their meetings,
and arrive unannounced to attend one, or several of them.
   Thing is, if they are holding a 'star chamber' sort
of meeting, and demand that you leave, then you have the
ammunition with which to take them all to task.
   Should not all of their meetings be open and
attended by all who wish to know what they are discussing?
   And what excuse could they use to exclude their
fellow citizens from meetings that will affect them?
   Who - on that board of individuals - could possibly
connive to deprive the citizens of the information that is
conducted in the normal course of business?

One of the fair criticisms of Parish Councils is that Councillors are
not elected by the population of the Parish. (That said, generally the
best way to get yourself invited onto the Parish Council is to show
yourself willing to do a bit of work.)

 Two things to remember:

(1) Parish Council meetings are open and members of the public are
free to attend. This does not extend to taking part in discussions on
the items on the agenda (there shouldn't be anything else!, though
PC's are encouraged to set aside some time for parishioners to speak -
usually at the beginning of the meeting.

(2) The Parish Council is bound by the complaints procedure of the
District Council so any legitimate complaint you might have with the
actions/inactions of the PC or of a serving Councillor should be
addressed initially to the Chair of the PC, then if the matter is not
dealt with properly, you take your complaint to the Clerk of the
District Council.  The term "maladministration" is applied when a
Local Authority acts outwith its powers, acts improperly, or fails to
take action. Not just in terms of it's response to a matter of
business, but also in terms of its response to you as a concerned

The more I think about the topic which started this thread, the more I
question what role or authority a Parish Council might have in terms
of dealing with a complaint about shooting activities in its area.

If it's a matter of shooting over Council land, there ought to be
tenancy/shooting rights agreements somewhere - any protest about this
ought to be judged by the PC in the round - by seeking views more
widely than simply responding to a single complaint.

If it's about shooting on adjacent land and the actions of people from
that land recovering shot birds from PC land, firstly the right of
access to recover shot birds is, IIRC, enshrined in law. 

If it's about the actions of a person from etc. whilst on PC land,
either in relation to shot birds, or in relation to other people
already on PC land you're back into the territory of "good
neighbourliness" and whilst one party could tell the other to "go
hang", the best way forward lies in respecting each other's rights and

If it's just about one resident  aggrieved by game shooting elsewhere
within the Parish, I can't see that the PC has any valid role in
getting involved whatsoever.

There is still the matter of the time of year when this event was
thought to have taken place - outwith the open season for pheasant. 



"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
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CS: Legal-Old soldier shot his wife dead as final act of love

2000-09-25 Thread pete

From:   "pete", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Leslie Parsons, 83, then turned the revolver on

What's going on here? When the story first broke on local tv, the gun was
described as an air rifle (and .22 may have been mentioned). Then when the
court case was reported last week, it was described simply as a rifle. Now
it's a revolver!


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CS: Pol-Olympic shooting

2000-09-25 Thread pete

From:   "pete", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Complaining and taking legal action is both time
consuming, stressful and very expensive.  People do not
do it for kicks, so let us give them full credit for
trying and try to find a solution without the legal

You forget that the kind of people who've perhaps
retired from inner city life to what they hope will
be a sanitised chocolate box version of the English
countryside with plenty of time on their hands, the
ability to compose letters to their local councillor
and, usually also, indignation in equal measure. With
respect, people will do it for kicks because they are
sufficiently arrogant to believe themselves to be
always in the right.

Believe me, people move to the countryside and in all
seriousness complain about the noise of tractors and
agricultural machinery and the smells of farmyard
animals. I recall a similar blue rinse and handbag
marching into an estate agents in Suffolk and demanding
to be shown houses in places where "There won't be any
of that dreadful jet noise". The estate agent smiled,
put down his pen and politely explained that you couldn't
live anywhere in Suffolk (at that time) without expecting
to be overflown by military fast jets at all times of day
and night.


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CS: Target-Radio Four

2000-09-25 Thread pete

From:   "pete", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Oh" she giggled.  "I'm just showing my ignorance."

She said it.  I'm not sure who she was but I think she
is Radio 4s sports correspondent covering the Olympics.
She obviously caught on the hop having been told to
interview Richard.  She is probably more accustomed to
the usual sports.

Hmm. Dumbing down I believe it's called.
It's been happening all the time on the box, the biggest offenders being
John Inverdale and Steve Cram who, together, acted about as professionally
as a jellyfish. Barely concealed smirking about the relative performance of
swimmers from one of the African nations, the visual distractions of women's
beach volleyball and this precious quote from Inverdale, "I haven't a clue
what's going on there" which could have been related to Ian Peel's silver
medal, or one of the sailing events, I don't remember for sure.
What a pair of chumps.
Clare Balding isn't much better - interviewing the mum of one of our rowers,
her first question on live tv was "Where does he get his  (intensely curly)
hair from?, giggle giggle".
OTOH, Sue Barker has presented very professionally, limiting her comments to
information re the events on screen.

What's annoying me is that the boat teams (who have won three medals)
have had acres of coverage and the shooters (who have won two) have
had blink-and-you'll-miss-it coverage.


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CS: Legal-Police shooting inquest

2000-08-02 Thread Pete Ansbro

From:   "Pete Ansbro", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"A former soldier was shot and killed by police marksmen
after he had aimed an airgun at six officers"

I know that circumstances may not always be accommodating
but I sometimes wonder if police armed response units
shouldn't be trained to use binoculars
before bullets.
Though this report doesn't mention whether the airgun
was a rifle or a handgun, one assumes that if police
shooters are trained to assess a situation, that might
go so far as identifying the level of risk involved.
Of course if police shooters were trained to kill first
and question later, that'd be the death of anyone with
a chair leg in a carrier bag.

I think in this particular situation they were justified
in shooting him, he was armed with an air rifle and for
all they knew it could have been an 80 ft/lb air rifle.

If you point a rifle at an armed police officer, expect
to get shot.


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CS: Pol-Gun Crime

2000-07-27 Thread Pete Ansbro

From:   "Pete Ansbro", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Commander Mike Fuller, head of Operation Trident, which
is tackling black gun crime, said seventy percent is
linked to drug disputes.

And presumably, Commander Fuller is waiting for someone else to conclude
what might reduce this figure to zero? (real social improvement combined
with zero tolerance policing apart)

Two of them are easy for politicians to showboat over:

1. Ban drugs
2. Ban guns

the other might be a tad less easy for politicians or newspapers to utter so
here goes,

3. Ban disputes between black criminals.

Spot the easy political target which will generate bugger-all real

And the remaining 30% - what's that linked to? Can I guess at turf wars,
petty crime, alcohol?

Or might it just possibly be that the whole 100% is linked to the unlawful
possession of illegal guns?

My experience with coppers such as Commander Fuller is that they
know full well that the gun laws we have do not have any real effect
on serious armed criminals.  Roy Penrose has made comments to that

I have great respect for police officers like Mr Fuller and
Mr Penrose, because they are actually out there combatting crime,
unlike the sound-bite seeking politicians posing in police
uniforms who sadly make up a large proportion of the upper
echelons of the police service.  I am still trying to
obtain an answer as to why the Chief Constable of Staffordshire
Police (a mostly rural country that is not particularly
distinguished in terms of its crime rate) felt the need to
spend huge amounts of taxpayer money on attending a
meeting of the International Association of Chief Officers
of Police, or why he felt justified in selling all of
Staffs Police (hardly used) pistols, to replace them with the
exact same make and model, for example.

The main reason reason armed crime dropped in this country
in 1994 and subsequent years was that Parliament raised
the prison sentence, and Roy Penrose and the Flying Squad
used ordinary investigative techniques to track down armed
criminals and stop them.  They didn't need a Prevention
of Terrorism Act to do it.

The contrast between Parliament's actions in 1988 that
were followed by a five year rise in armed crime to
unprecedented levels and what happened in 1994 onwards
is plain to see.

If you ever talk to your MP it is the main point to stress.
It is far, far easier to remove criminals from guns than
to remove guns from criminals.


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CS: Legal-Judge rules booby trap was not set up to kill

2000-07-23 Thread Pete Ansbro

From:   "Pete Ansbro", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After reading a posting about lead poisoning, I'm beginning to wonder if
Cybershooters has been taken over by trolls.

"after absent-mindedly walking into
the trap and sustaining serious leg wounds from a paper

How the hell does that work?

Presumably the antis will now be seeking a total ban on pea shooters and all
forms of paper?

Pete, scratching his head and wondering how to cut down on the cost of
.22/250 ammo through the ingenious use of confetti.
I assume a piece of paper at high enough velocity can penetrate
the skin!


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CS: Pol-BASC visit No 10

2000-07-14 Thread Pete Ansbro

From:   "Pete Ansbro", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jack Straw /  /declined to take the letter and petition.

 Isn't that rather pathetic from a member of the Government? It's not as if
it could have been a summons in connection with minor drugs trafficking.

What on earth might he hope to achieve, other than an unnecessary act of
discourtesy,  by refusing to accept the letter and petition?


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