Rats can take five times the radiation of humans.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Also see:The Rat a work in
progress. ...about a sort of elephant man who becomes a
self-appointed hit man of evil ceos . . . told in 3 parts, 3 voices, the
first from a radioactive rat, the second pulp-fiction style from the
killer, and the third from a man who by the weight of his words
inadvertantly stops the hit man from his path . . .


2003-03-09 Thread cypheus


Burn Fat, Build Muscle Guaranteed

2003-03-09 Thread Cross Bow by Weider
Title: Save Hundreds Over Bowflex! Risk Free!

You are 
  receiving this email because you opted-in to receive special offers from Dollar 
  Savers through one of our online affiliates. 


cypherpunks, Immediate Help Needed.

2003-03-09 Thread Driredda

Immediate Help Needed. We are a .com corporation that is growing at a
tremendous rate of over 1000% per year. We simply cannot keep up. We are
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cypherpunks, Immediate Help Needed.

2003-03-09 Thread Droavia

Immediate Help Needed. We are a .com corporation that is growing at a
tremendous rate of over 1000% per year. We simply cannot keep up. We are
looking for motivated individuals who are looking to earn a substantial
income working from home.

This is a real world opportunity to make an excellent income from home. No
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Your email address was obtained from an opt-in list. If you wish to be
deleted from this list, please click on the following link:
http://www.bizoppsuccesss.com/remove/remove.html and you will be
removed from the list. 

Socialism for dummies.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Is it advisable for one who is not an expert on economic and social issues 
to express views on the subject of socialism? I believe for a number of 
reasons that it is.

Let us first consider the question from the point of view of scientific 
knowledge. It might appear that there are no essential methodological 
differences between astronomy and economics: scientists in both fields 
attempt to discover laws of general acceptability for a circumscribed group 
of phenomena in order to make the interconnection of these phenomena as 
clearly understandable as possible. But in reality such methodological 
differences do exist. The discovery of general laws in the field of 
economics is made difficult by the circumstance that observed economic 
phenomena are often affected by many factors which are very hard to 
evaluate separately. In addition, the experience which has accumulated 
since the beginning of the so-called civilized period of human history 
has—as is well known—been largely influenced and limited by causes which 
are by no means exclusively economic in nature. For example, most of the 
major states of history owed their existence to conquest. The conquering 
peoples established themselves, legally and economically, as the privileged 
class of the conquered country. They seized for themselves a monopoly of 
the land ownership and appointed a priesthood from among their own ranks. 
The priests, in control of education, made the class division of society 
into a permanent institution and created a system of values by which the 
people were thenceforth, to a large extent unconsciously, guided in their 
social behavior.

But historic tradition is, so to speak, of yesterday; nowhere have we 
really overcome what Thorstein Veblen called the predatory phase of human 
development. The observable economic facts belong to that phase and even 
such laws as we can derive from them are not applicable to other phases. 
Since the real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance 
beyond the predatory phase of human development, economic science in its 
present state can throw little light on the socialist society of the future.

Second, socialism is directed towards a social-ethical end. Science, 
however, cannot create ends and, even less, instill them in human beings; 
science, at most, can supply the means by which to attain certain ends. But 
the ends themselves are conceived by personalities with lofty ethical 
ideals and—if these ends are not stillborn, but vital and vigorous—are 
adopted and carried forward by those many human beings who, half 
unconsciously, determine the slow evolution of society.

For these reasons, we should be on our guard not to overestimate science 
and scientific methods when it is a question of human problems; and we 
should not assume that experts are the only ones who have a right to 
express themselves on questions affecting the organization of society.

Innumerable voices have been asserting for some time now that human society 
is passing through a crisis, that its stability has been gravely shattered. 
It is characteristic of such a situation that individuals feel indifferent 
or even hostile toward the group, small or large, to which they belong. In 
order to illustrate my meaning, let me record here a personal experience. I 
recently discussed with an intelligent and well-disposed man the threat of 
another war, which in my opinion would seriously endanger the existence of 
mankind, and I remarked that only a supra-national organization would offer 
protection from that danger. Thereupon my visitor, very calmly and coolly, 
said to me: Why are you so deeply opposed to the disappearance of the 
human race?

I am sure that as little as a century ago no one would have so lightly made 
a statement of this kind. It is the statement of a man who has striven in 
vain to attain an equilibrium within himself and has more or less lost hope 
of succeeding. It is the expression of a painful solitude and isolation 
from which so many people are suffering in these days. What is the cause? 
Is there a way out?

It is easy to raise such questions, but difficult to answer them with any 
degree of assurance. I must try, however, as best I can, although I am very 
conscious of the fact that our feelings and strivings are often 
contradictory and obscure and that they cannot be expressed in easy and 
simple formulas.

Man is, at one and the same time, a solitary being and a social being. As a 
solitary being, he attempts to protect his own existence and that of those 
who are closest to him, to satisfy his personal desires, and to develop his 
innate abilities. As a social being, he seeks to gain the recognition and 
affection of his fellow human beings, to share in their pleasures, to 
comfort them in their sorrows, and to improve their conditions of life. 
Only the existence of these varied, frequently conflicting, strivings 
accounts for the special character of a man, and 

The Lie Of The US Military

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

8 March 2003 ]
The Lie Of The US Military
'Here it is: The military does not protect my freedom. Our
soldiers are not out there right now safeguarding me, or you, or us, from
some sort of total, '50s-era, Red Scare-esque dictatorial overthrow of
our nation; nor is the military guaranteeing I have the right to write
this column any more than it is protecting your right to read it, or to
protest the war and speak freely and smoke imported French cigarettes and
watch porn and drive really fast. Not anymore, they're not. Not this
time. More than ever before in recent history, the otherwise worthy US
military is right now in service not of the people, not of the national
security, but of the current government regime and its corporate
interests. Has it always been this way? Of course. But this time, with
our smirky Enron president and
cash-hungry CEO administration, it's never been so flagrant, or
insulting, or invidious' ( Mark Morford via SF
Chronicle )

Bashed by private pigs on planet Mongo?

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
check out this web site -- a space for people in activist communities who 
have faced trauma in actions, people who want to learn about trauma 
recovery and other generally interested folks.

check out this web site -- a space for people in activist communities who 
have faced trauma in actions, people who want to learn about trauma 
recovery and other generally interested folks.

this site was established in april, 2001, to get information out to all the 
people who were assaulted by the police during protest actions against the 
free trade agreement of the americas meetings in canada -- and has grown 
since then.

we want to explore issues of mental health as they relate to activist 
communities and how to create healing spaces to work through trauma and 
sustain the important work we do.

right now, we want to spread the word about this web site -- to get the 
info we have, out to others. we also want people to submit their own 
stories, articles, experiences, etc. so, check it out. tell your story. 
read some info. and pass it on.



Another brutal attack on the free press.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
CodePink vigilers and the reporter who covered them today at a White House 
vigil were released after about 5 hours tonight.

The 23 vigilers as well as journalist Amy Goodman and videographer Kirsten 
Michel were released from substation D-5 of the United States Park Police 
at around 9:30 PM EST tonight, Sat. Mar 8th. They had been detained for 
between four and five hours, and are to return to court in DC on May 15.

Thanks to all who helped pressure the US Park Police and their handlers. It 
is important to note that the vigilers were arrested for daring to walk on 
a sidewalk; Goodman and Michel for reporting on the dignified and 
disciplined antiwar protest and the act of nonviolent noncooperation. (One 
version of the CodePink press release suggested Amy Goodman was protesting; 
she was not - she was reporting.)

Upon release, all were in excellent spirits. The 23 joined together outside 
the Anacostia detention facility, in a cold wind, and sang, all we are 
saying, is give peace a chance. Many of those released went to the 
Codepink celebration at the Josephine Butler House. Goodman headed back to 
New York to prepare for the next edition of Democracy Now!, which will 
begin broadcasting two hours of news on Monday.

They also reported that the US Park Police were generally (but not 
entirely) rude, petty and mean. They were kept seven to a cell, with each 
cell just 5 feet by 8 feet, with bench space for two. The toilet flush 
handle was outside the cell door, so, said one guard, excrement could be 
checked for drugs before being flushed down. We think of everything in 
here, a detainee reported a guard scoffed. One woman needed to have asthma 
medicine delivered. Another was not given privacy or sanitary facilities 
for changing a tampon, and was rebuffed when asked what to do with the 
blood on her hands.

The denial of the CodePink march to the vital gathering space of Lafayette 
Park is troubling; the arrest of Amy Goodman as she attempted to cover the 
vigil and consequent civil disobedience is a separate issue, and raises 
serious alarms about the true meaning of freedom of the press in the USA.

For more info, see 


Call to boycott all trade with the USA, Britain, Australia and their allies.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Call to boycott all trade with the USA, Britain, Australia and their allies.

People all over the world are being asked to impose a five year personal 
and collective boycott on the purchase of all goods and services from the 
United States of America, Britain, Australia and any of their allies, if 
they attack Iraq militarily. This call is irrespective of whether the 
United Nations Security Council supports such action or not. It has been 
issued by a small peace group, Not in Our Name, from the village of 
Samford, in Queensland, Australia. The group has issued the following 

We are asking all those who do not believe in inflicting capital 
punishment and lifelong torture and mutilation on people who are guilty of 
nothing, to simply check the source of whatever it is they are about to 
buy. If it is from one of these belligerent nations, please put it back on 
the supermarket shelf, or fly by another countryâ??s airline, or buy a 
different brand of car, or whatever.

We are not in any sense supporters of the government of Iraq. We are 
supporters of the right of the Iraqi people to live peaceful and decent 
lives, and to not live in constant fear of airborne terrorists, or of any 
other kind of inhumane behavior.

The last time Iraq was attacked, a long string of war crimes was committed 
by the attackers, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed and 
terribly injured. The country was impoverished, and next to nothing was 
achieved. The belligerent nations now demanding that Iraq scrap the weapons 
of mass destruction it may have, but are quite deaf to all calls to scrap 
the weapons of mass destruction they themselves definitely do have, or to 
submit to similar UN weapons inspections and destruction themselves. They 
are likely to shortly use radio-active foul bombs on the cities, towns and 
fields of the country that is the cradle of human agriculture. These will 
not only kill children and blow their feet off, they will render some of 
Iraqâ??s fields, and parts of its ancient towns and cities, uninhabitable 
for all time. Under the patriotic rhetoric of the leaders of the western 
belligerents and their supporters, there seems to lurk the thin edge of an 
attempt at species suicide.

We wish to see a civilized, negotiated settlement to this problem, and the 
stripping of all belligerent nations of their weapons of mass destruction, 
by the United Nations.
We are tired of nationalistic and patriotic barbarism.

We apologize to those who are opposed to this and other wars and will 
suffer financially from this boycott, but we can, at this late hour, see no 
other way to try make the militant people of these countries reconsider 
their course. They seem to be impervious to appeals to decency, so perhaps 
self-interest will stay them. Probably four billion people on this planet 
are opposed to this war. Together, we have considerable purchasing power. 
We have once again been sold short in country after country, by our 
governments. Lets now use our right to buy what we choose, from whom we 
choose, to remedy that. In particular, we are calling for a boycott of any 
and all services directly supplied by the governments of the United States, 
Britain, Australia and their militant or collaborating allies.

We appeal to all the worlds people who are opposed to the settling of 
disputes by the barbarities of war, to help spread this call and to make 
this boycott effective. It is issued in defence of the children of Iraq.

Reprint freely. Copyleft.


Planet Mongo - Whites only.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Dallas debates fate of 'Whites Only' sign
Mar. 7, 2003 01:35 PM
DALLAS - A faded ''Whites Only'' sign carved decades ago above a drinking
fountain in a government building in Dallas has rekindled furious debate
over the Texas city's segregationist past. 
Over the years, workers have tried to buff the words out of the marble on
the wall of the Dallas County Records Building and covered them with a
metal sheet used as a splash-guard for the fountain. 
But they came to light again within the past few months when workers
removed the cover, prompting impassioned pleas for their immediate
removal at county commissioners' meetings and protests demanding the sign
be covered again. 
The county will decide soon on what to do with the sign, which is again
covered with a metal sheet. The three main options are removing the
marble slab, leaving it covered or putting it on display as it was when
Texas was a segregated state, with a thorough explanation of its
historical context. 
County Judge Margaret Keliher has been holding closed-door meetings this
week with various groups about what to do with the sign. ''Cost is not
the issue,'' she told reporters. She said the county has asked experts on
the use of marble in construction to look into removing the slab.

Among those who have met with the judge are members of the Dallas NAACP.
The group wants the sign removed immediately, and perhaps preserved for
display in a museum. 
''Covering the sign is not enough. If it is so horrible that you have to
cover something up, why don't you just remove it?'' said Bob Lydia,
president of the NAACP Dallas Branch. 
The Dallas County Records Building is only about 200 yards from the spot
where U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. It was on display
and in force in November 1963.

Phoenix arrests on womyns day.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

jpg's allow time to load.
The Fonz says: Fuck the Po-Lice!
Politicians lie shock horror...
Habitually Lying Politicians and the Press
Slate: Whopper of the Week: John
Kerry - Did he pretend to be Irish? As to the larger
question of whether Kerry habitually tells opportunistic lies about his
background, or anything else, the jury's still out.
It does seem as though Kerry and his staff have been a bit slow at
times to correct the misimpressions about the senator's ancestry. So it's
fair to ding him on this, especially because he's running for president.

But where the hell is the press when it comes to the current tenant in
the White House? George W. Bush has repeatedly
dissembled on important issues -- the
link is to a great column by Paul Krugman, who's been almost alone in the
media in keeping track -- and Bush's past is loaded with the kinds of
behavior that have caused major news organizations to go into overdrive
when Democrats were doing it. 
Here's one example. You probably don't know that Bush apparently
went AWOL (Dallas Morning News) from
his Air National Guard duty in the 1970s. It was covered by a few
newspapers, but the story disappeared after he claimed he couldn't
remember what happened. Right. 
If this had been Al Gore, the media (and Republicans) would never have
let go of it. But this was Bush, who got (and continues to get) an
essentially free ride from an astonishingly compliant press, at least in
the U.S. 
Left-wing media bias? In your dreams.

The Expression of American Power.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
The Expression of American Power [rant] -  Lorenzo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] @ 
The military-political intervention by the U.S. government into the Middle 
East is not about just the naked use of force, but is a projection of 
American imperialist might. Like every empire before it, it must conquer 
the lesser nations as its reason for existence. Yes, of course, this 
country is facing a major economic crisis at home, but by stealing Iraq's 
oil wealth, and taking over other nations in the Middle East, it puts 
itself in the political line of fire of other nation-states. That does not 
matter, under the new Bush pax American doctrine these folks honestly 
believe that by using old fashioned gunboat diplomacy and smart bombs, 
they can restore the tainted aura of past periods of imperial glory, and 
put those country under a new Aamerican colonialism.

From their perspective, the September 11th atttacks were a great thing 
because it enabled them to begin creating a fascist police state at home, 
while they are free to engage in all maner of foreign adventures abroad. If 
they can just shut that damn pesky anti-war movement up, put more youth of 
color in prison, and get more central powers for the President, so that the 
can rule entirely by emergency decree!

This political strategy is no different than Hitler or any other tin-horn 
dictator. The need a free hand for the secret police, military, and 
financial capitalists. They are angry that the media is not even more 
slavish toward the state, and when the US Patriot Act 2 goes into effect, 
which has even more authority to strip civil liberteis, perhaps they will 
place the media corporations under government control. After all, that's 
what a fascist state is, a corporate state. Corporatations which produce 
for the military, a military-industrial complex.

The other day, some stupid white radical made a comment to me that there 
clearly was no fascism existing now because there were no concentration 
camps in America, nor were people being tortured or killed in the streets, 
as the Brownshirts and SS did. What world does he live in? Upwards of 1,000 
persons are killed each year in this country by police SWAT teams, and San 
Quentin, Marion, IL., Attica, Leavenworth, and other penitentiaries which 
hold over 2 million people under maximum security, sure look like 
concentration camps to me. The immigration detention centers have become 
the new political detention centers, and now they are holding people under 
a special category as enemy combatants, where they don't even have access 
to attorneys or legal process of any sort to defend themselves. Agents of 
the government have now even been authorizedby the Bush administration to 
kill or capture American citizens and foreigners, with no legal process 
except their suspicion of treasonous wrongdoing. They can use weapons of 
war, such as bombs, missles, assassination rifles, poisons, and other 
things to kill any critic of the regime. We are in the midst of fascist 
state building, we don't need Il Duce (Mussolini) or Der Feuhrer (Hitler), 
we have Bush. Not just to engage in hysterics or alarmism, but we may never 
even see another election. Bush has his Shadow Government at the ready, 
this is a political-military coup. They just haven't come for you yet.

For years, I have heard this bull about ...it can't happen here. Wake up, 
it has happened here, and it's just unfolding! The point I am making is 
that every government is a dictatorship, differing only in the amount of 
political repression it allows by state security forces. As an Anarchist, 
you clearly have to understand that about government. Under certain 
conditions it will operate with a democratic facade,while under other 
conditions, it will operate with an iron fist. It decides whether to even 
allow a middle class political opposition to itself.

Some grave days are ahead, and we cannot allow ourselves to be confused 
about the real role of the police, the army, or the government. This is not 
organized for our longevity, as much as it is for government officials. We 
must build a broadbased movement to combat power, and give it to the people 
on the bottom. We will have to fight all manner of murderous repression 
along the way, and to fight against the worst instincts of the people at 
large who have been indoctrinated by the state to want war, racism and 
militarism. Well, we want war too, but we want the revolutionary class war 
to finally destroy capitalist imperialism and its bloody agents.


I think they're on to me.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Bush's Cyberstrategery
The administration's war against a bogus threat.
By Brendan I. Koerner
Posted Monday, March 3, 2003, at 10:53 AM PT
Seemingly innocuous movies occasionally have nasty, unintended 
consequences. Jaws creator Peter Benchley, for example, believes his tale 
of underwater mayhem has driven mankind to hunt several lethal shark 
species to the brink of extinction. Jodie Foster's bawdy turn in Taxi 
Driver helped stir would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley Jr. to violence. 
And the 1983 Matthew Broderick vehicle WarGames convinced everyone that a 
lone hacker can wipe out the West Coast as easily as booting up Excel.

How else to explain the credulity with which the Bush administration's 
National Strategy To Secure Cyberspace was greeted last month? The 76-page 
document is chock full of what computer-security experts term FUD—geek 
shorthand for spreading bogus fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Never mind 
that the hype over alleged cyberterrorism has been thoroughly debunked, 
time and time again. The government's information technology sages still 
trot out dubious stats in support of a looming cyberwar, claiming that 
hostile nations possess legions of computer-savvy shock troops ready to 
knock out New York's electricity, zap the nation's phone lines, or open up 
the Hoover Dam.

Yet here we are in 2003, and the cyberterrorism casualty list is still 
barren. Sure, some Serb hackers slowed down the NATO Web site during the 
Kosovo conflict, and a couple of Chinese hackers defaced sites in the wake 
of their country's embassy being bombed. But, honestly, did either incident 
get you quaking in your Keds?

Still, the Bush Strategy does its best to play up the drama. It notes, for 
example, that Identified computer security vulnerabilities—faults in 
software and hardware that could permit unauthorized network access or 
allow an attacker to cause network damage—increased significantly from 2000 
to 2002, with the number of vulnerabilities going from 1,090 to 4,129. 
Scary-sounding, yes, but virtually meaningless. The generally accepted bug 
rate for software is between five and 15 errors per 1,000 lines of code, 
which means that your typical Windows operating system probably has close 
to 300,000 potential vulnerabilities. Not every bug is exploitable, but 
you get the picture—mass-produced software has always been woefully 
insecure, and those 4,129 reported holes represent only a tiny fraction of 
the total.

But the increase in reported vulnerabilities is actually a good thing for 
computer security since it allows for patches to be designed. So this stat 
works against the report's case that (as Bush writes in his intro) threats 
in cyberspace have risen dramatically. Besides, the vast majority of 
attacks exploit less than a dozen major vulnerabilities. If system 
administrators simply took the time to patch those well-publicized 
problems, the Strategy might have clocked in at a more readable length.

The Strategy employs some fuzzy math to amp up the peril, stating that one 
estimate places the increase in cost to our economy from attacks to U.S. 
information systems at 400 percent over four years. There's no footnote as 
to where this estimate comes from, nor any mention of what dollar amount 
will be quadrupled. The report does quickly add, however, that While those 
losses remain relatively limited, that too could change abruptly.

Such hypothetical changes are a big theme throughout. The report makes a 
big deal out of recent worm attacks like NIMDA, then backtracks by adding, 
Despite the fact that NIMDA did not create a catastrophic disruption to 
the critical infrastructure. … Or there's this nugget: In wartime or 
crisis, adversaries may seek to intimidate the nation's political leaders 
by attacking critical infrastructures and key economic functions or eroding 
public confidence in information systems.

The notion that hackers could disrupt basic services is a favorite scare 
tactic of the National Infrastructure Protection Center, formed by 
President Clinton to combat the cyberterror menace. NIPC is also one of the 
most ineffectual bureaucratic agencies ever to come down the pike. (Check 
out this site for a full account of NIPC's foibles.) Despite ostensibly 
being staffed by the nation's best and brightest cyberwarriors, NIPC has 
never bothered to mention that mission-critical systems are not designed 
for remote operation, which makes the whole Hoover Dam scenario implausible 
at best. Of course, toning down the hyperbole could mean fewer funds for 
NIPC, so why bother? (Richard Clarke, Clinton's cybersecurity czar during 
NIPC's formative years, is responsible for one of my favorite FUD quotes of 
all time: An attack on cyberspace is an attack on the United States, just 
as much as a landing on New Jersey. Uh-huh.)

To be fair, law enforcement is not the only entity beating the cyberterror 
drum. The computer-security industry is well-versed in hyping the threat, 

At last... Save up to 70% on your life insurance

2003-03-09 Thread Insurance Notice
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2003-03-09 Thread Sam Jackson
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VeriSign Secure Site Newsletter - (OP8471199)

2003-03-09 Thread Mya Marshall
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Look ten years younger in 30 days .. Guaranteed!

2003-03-09 Thread zzyzx
Very recently, a product was released by the name of HGH. 
This revolutionary product is clinically proven to reverse the aging process. 
Many physical, mental and blood chemistry tests were performed 
(Studying IGF-1  HGH levels over 3  6 Month Periods). Our team 
of scientists witnessed a stunning reversal in the human aging process! 
The average IGF-1 level, (IGF-1 is the amount of Growth Hormone stored in 
your blood which declines significantly with age), showed an increase 
of 402.4 percent in our clinical trial, effectively REVERSING the Aging Process!  

Maybe you can't turn back the clock. 
But you can wind it up again. 

Remember when you were young, how life sparkled with
vibrance, color, and passion?

Every breath had meaning, every word carried your 
hopes and dreams.  You woke up every morning with
the energy to climb Mount Everest, and when you kissed
your lover it was like magical fireworks exploding 
on a movie screen.

The richness of youth need not end with the passing
of a few years.

I'm going to share with you a secret that will change 
the way you think about aging. Indeed, it will change 
the way you think about life.

Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. 
We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may 
wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm 
wrinkles the soul. 

Most people think that aging is irreversible yet we 
know there are mechanisms even in the human machinery 
that allow for the reversal of aging, through correction 
of diet, through anti-oxidants, through removal of toxins 
from the body, through exercise, through yoga and breathing 
techniques, and through meditation. 

While these methods help us feel better,
the Fountain of Youth has remained elusive, until now ...

Science has finally discovered a revolutionary way to
actually reverse the biological aging process by ten to
twenty years. 

I'm not talking about just smoothing over a few wrinkles or
removing gray hair, those are just the superficial aspects
of aging. Scientific discoveries over the past year make
it possible to virtually turn back the biological clock, 
leading to weight loss, restoration of healthy sex drive, revitalization of heart, 
liver, kidneys and lungs,
lowered blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels, 
reduction of wrinkles and improved skin texture,
strengthened immune system, and a return to youthful
energy levels.

Here's how it works ...

After the age of twenty-one, your body slowly stops 
releasing an important hormone known as HGH. Scientists 
have now discovered a relationship between the decline 
of HGH in the body and aging. In fact, it is directly 
responsible for many of the most common signs of growing 
old, such as wrinkling of the skin, weakened immune system, 
decreased energy, and diminished sexual function.

Produced by the pituitary gland, HGH is responsible for all 
adolescent growth peaks. Abundant in our youth, human growth 
hormone decreases approximately 80% from ages 21 to 61. But 
here's the kicker: Your pituitary gland can produce as 
much HGH in old age as in youth if properly stimulated.

We now have a product called Certified Natural HGH that will do just that.  
By increasing HGH levels back to where they were at age 25 
you can reverse the effects of aging and actually look and 
feel 10 to 20 years younger.

Science now recognizes aging as a disease that can be 
reversed to a large degree by increasing HGH levels to 
where they were in your 20's. 

You will feel the rejuvenating effects of Certified Natural HGH within days,
and after a few weeks the symptoms of aging will begin to 

Many people who start this program between 35 to 40 years of age maintain their 
appearance and current biological age for the 
next 10 to 20 years.  Persons age 50 and over can actually
reverse the effects of aging by 10 to 20 years over a 3 to 6 month period.  

HGH speeds up the metabolism and can lead to a reduction in
the size of the abdomen, hips, waist and thighs, while increasing
muscle mass.  After six months of elevating HGH levels, without exercise, an 8.8% 
increase in muscle mass and 14.4% loss of
body fat were reported on the average. 

It is also a powerful aphrodisiac that increases libido and 
sexuality. Potency is restored in persons over 40. 

Healthy sleep patterns return, providing the deepest level 
of sleep for optimum well being.  

The scientific community now recognizes that increasing the 
level of HGH lessens wrinkles and improves hydration, elasticity, thickness and the 
youthful contours of the skin. 

After taking Certified Natural HGH for several weeks you will notice the following

** Rejuvenation of body and mind  
** Feel younger  
** Look younger  
** Lose weight 
** Reduce wrinkles  
** Restore your sex drive  
** Revitalize your Heart, Liver, Kidneys  Lungs  
** Reduce body fat and build lean muscle WITHOUT EXERCISE!  
** Lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol  
** Strengthen the immune system  

Save Big Money with a Lower APR*

2003-03-09 Thread Premium







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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 08:57:43AM +0100, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
  You need to find some Green Party, anti-globalization, lesbo-pagan,
  registration of crypto mailing list that has your kind on it.
 Last time I checked, cryptography (and technologies in general) empowers
 the Individual against the Bigger Entities - regardless if they are
 Megacorps or Governments[1]. Hence, anticorporate views have their natural
 place on this list.
 [1] As the entanglement between private sector and the Governments grows,
 the difference is becoming somehow blurred.

There is no real difference, that's what fascism is: the meld of corporate
and state. The military/industrial complex, for instance, and the
prison/industrial complex. And is clear now, the Enron/whitehouse complex.

Harmon Seaver   

The Anarcho/libertarian world and corporations

2003-03-09 Thread Harmon Seaver
   I just realized this morning that corporations can't exiest in an anarchy,
they are whole a fiction of the state. And, since corporations are just a method
for thieves and criminals to evade the reprecussions of their crimes, i.e., no
personal financial or legal responsibility as there would be in private
ownerships or partnerships. 
   Which is great -- if the state withers away, the megacorps goes with
it. People will hold the employees of the megacorps personally responsible, as
they should be, for the crimes of the group. The new car you bought turns out to
be a lemon? Grab a few of the employees and make them cough up the money. Don't
like the pollution coming out of that smokestack, start shooting employees until
they clean it up. 
   If corporations go away, people would form contractual partnerships to build
cars, whatever, and act much more responsible. 

Harmon Seaver   

Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Thomas Shaddack
 You need to find some Green Party, anti-globalization, lesbo-pagan,
 registration of crypto mailing list that has your kind on it.

Last time I checked, cryptography (and technologies in general) empowers
the Individual against the Bigger Entities - regardless if they are
Megacorps or Governments[1]. Hence, anticorporate views have their natural
place on this list.

[1] As the entanglement between private sector and the Governments grows,
the difference is becoming somehow blurred.

Your Credit is CONFIRMED!

2003-03-09 Thread Card Approval Center
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Find a Mortgage in Under 2-Minutes

2003-03-09 Thread netMoneyWizard

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[speak-freely] for Windows 7.6-A2 pre-release now available (fwd)

2003-03-09 Thread Eugen Leitl
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 02:35:08 +0100
From: John Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Speak Freely Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [speak-freely] for Windows 7.6-A2 pre-release now available

This announcement is addressed to experienced users of Speak
Freely for Windows interested in testing experimental
releases.  Users of Speak Freely for Unix or Windows users
inexperienced in testing pre-release software need read no

Speak Freely for Windows pre-release 7.6-A2 (Alpha 2) is now
available for downloading:

 Ready to run executable:

 Complete source code (for Visual Studio .NET):

These are classic zipped archives--no installer is included.
The executable archive simply unpacks into a directory
containing the SPEAKFRE.EXE program, help, and audio files.
The source code archive must be unpacked with options set to
preserve directory structure and using a utility which
preserves long file names.

In addition, source code may be checked out from the public CVS
(Concurrent Version System) archive on Source Forge:
Developers interested in modifying Speak Freely source code and
submitting their changes for integration in a future version
are encouraged to discover the many benefits of configuration
management with CVS.  An excellent place to start is:

Summary of Changes

Here's an overview of changes in this release.  For a detailed
description of all changes, please consult the development log,
which may be found in the References section of the help file
or as the file Htmlhelp\html\log.htm in the source archive.

Changes in 7.6-A2 are as follows.

AES (Advanced Encryption System)

The FIPS-197 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is now
supported.  This recently-adopted standard supports encryption
with 128, 192, and 256 bit keys, and is free of all patent and
licensing constraints.  Speak Freely permits you to specify 128
or 256 bit keys with one or two key phrases, or 128, 196, and
256 bit keys directly in hexadecimal.  AES will eventually
become the mainstream encryption mode supported by Speak
Freely. For additional information on AES, see:

Persistent Window Geometry

As suggested by Dennis Antonisin, Speak Freely now remembers
the window size, position, and normal/maximised modes from
the last run and restores them the next time it's launched.

GPG Session Key Exchange

GPG (the GNU Privacy Guard, http://www.gnupg.org/) may now be
used to exchange session keys as an alternative to PGP.  You
select which public key encryption package you prefer with a
new Options/Public Key Package menu item.  Unless you're very,
very careful how you install the packages and generate your
keys, you'll probably have to select the same public key
package as the person you're communicating with in order for
key exchange to work.

Answering Machine Improvements

If the user has specified a name and E-mail address in the
Phonebook/Edit Listing dialogue (or with the corresponding
SPEAKFREE_* environment variables in the Unix version), they're
shown when displaying calls in the answering machine, along
with the fully qualified domain name of the host, assuming it
can be resolved from the IP address.  These items appear
regardless of whether the calling party has published them on
an LWL server.

Per Dennis Antonisin's recommendation and subsequent discussion
on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list, the answering
machine now provides three mechanisms for returning calls.  You
can either launch a connection directly to the IP address (for
a fixed IP user), by looking up the host name (for fixed IP
users or floating IP users who register their IP address with a
DNS registry service such as DNS2Go http://www.dns2go.com/),
or by looking up the user's E-mail address (or whatever
identity they entered in that field; there's no need to
disclose your E-mail address if you don't want to, and plenty
of excellent reasons not to) on the currently selected Look
Who's Listening server, which permits finding on-line users
with dynamic connections wherever they happen to be.  If the
information required by a given button to return a call wasn't
specified, the button is disabled.

Assorted Bug Fixes and Minor Tweaks

If compression mode was set to Simple+CELP, buffer overflows
could lead to crashes.  Fixed.

There's now an item on the Help menu which takes you directly
to the Quick Start Guide in the help file.

Setting the voice activation level by dragging the thumb in
the level scroll bar 

Drive away in a new Mercedes or walk away with $35,000!

2003-03-09 Thread Win This
Title: Untitled Document





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Erase the signs of aging

2003-03-09 Thread Perfection Creme
Title: Perfection by Paradise





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#Apply for a online mortgage loan 9740doXF9-786NjBp4376WTFb0-910N-29

2003-03-09 Thread tinacflew
Title: ::M::Jhnvmpbhmsbtstauecgyaonambvjabwjmnnajmeotwnywusjcqgjitmb




(no subject)

2003-03-09 Thread McGoldrick420
 I would like to get invoved. Please send me an e-mail.

Erase the signs of aging

2003-03-09 Thread Perfection Creme
Title: Perfection by Paradise



























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  Perfection by Paradise is a high-performance formula that 

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Promote Our Marketing

2003-03-09 Thread Customer Services
Title: Targeted Marketing




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Promote Our Marketing

2003-03-09 Thread Customer Services
Title: Targeted Marketing




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2003-03-09 Thread Corrupt Files

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2003-03-09 Thread kennith382862

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Feel better, lose we1ght, and signs of aging. . v l suu lnqpitevail

2003-03-09 Thread Brice Dennis
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2003-03-09 Thread knighthoodilgt

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2003-03-09 Thread Robert Allen






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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread John Young
We did a drive-by this afternoon of the National Reconnaissance Office HQ
in Chantilly, VA, to see what corporations who operate its technology were
in the neighborhood. Across the street was Lockheed Martin, Boeing,
and a gaggle of same-faced untitled buildings. Down Conference Dr was 
the FBI's CALEA Implementation Office in a NYNEX marked structure 
next to the building under consideration for Homeland Security HQ if the 
Naval Station in NW Washington proves undesirably downclass.

NRO is a robin's egg blue collection of spanking new buildings, and
nowhere in the neighborhood are any antennas and aerials and the usual
detritus of high tech snooping like the NRO has at Buckley and Moffett
AFBs in California. And only NRO had guardhouses,  barbed fences,
sensors galore and no tresspassing signs. At its back about ten
yards from a busy boulevard there were a few empty wooden shacks,
looking as if the fiercly-protected front was only for photo psyops.

Like NYNEX runs the CALEA op, Lockheed Martin and Boeing reportedly 
run the vast antenna farms in California and world-wide, with tens of

of workers, all presumably pig-shit happy about gearing up the market for the 
war on terrorism, once called the government dole when dole meant starvation 
riot avoidance not swell townhouses, long lunches, fancy SUVs and mirrored

It's creepy to go by these money pits when there's nobody around. Curving
boulevards, lush landscape, chain hotels for industry displays, mucho space
and clean air far from Tim's welfare terrorists in DC.

Sure, the whole shebang is under a Dulles flight path, so there's hope for
evolution in action.

It's a fair assumption that NSA leaked its UN bugging memo to advertise
brazen biz op to the vendors who sell it equipment, software and 

It's a fair assumption that suppliers of the Echelon four are pissed about 
being cut out of the SIGINT gold rush by piggish US manufacturers, and
may have snagged the NSA memo as it passed through a contract hub or 
packet forwarder. Lockheed is said to run the classified internets and to
enhance profits out-sources in foreign lands.

Happily, greedy HQs always fuck the field offices, and field operatives 
retaliate against chickenshit HQ. 

If you think you're protected against venality by the constitution and 
benevolent caretakers, you need to eyeball your 1040 and the other
side of the tracks, ie, dont watch Iraq and North Korea. Best, visit
the greater DC area and skip the yokel monuments serving as mini-me

Luck of the Irish 20% Off Sale - 2 Days Only

2003-03-09 Thread Free-Gift-Offers
Title: "Luck of the Irish"  20% Off Sale - 2 Days Only

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Ryan getting amateur girls screwing him for rent f|skhusxqnvChlqvwhlq1vv}1frp

2003-03-09 Thread Sydney

  Beach House of Amateurs having sex to pay there rent cause there broke.
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  house ever, 
  Ryan is a single Horney guy that owns a beach house. 
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  do for free rent.
  This very Hot! Don't miss this!
  these girls pay rent! Like only honry girls can.
  from several roomates to see their movies! 
  You may be removed from this mailing list immediately and at no cost to you 
  by either visiting http://www.speedy-links.com/fr33/remove.php 
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This beach house is jumping from these hot girls f|skhusxqnvCvv}1frp

2003-03-09 Thread Taylor

  Beach House of Amateurs having sex to pay there rent cause there broke.
  here! To check out the hottest amateur beach 
  house ever, 
  Ryan is a single Horney guy that owns a beach house. 
  Ryan's Roommates are hot young teen girls who can't afford rent but Ryan
  will let them stay in his wicked beach house if they pay there rent in "other 
  See online what Ryan gets in return for rent. Its amazing what some chicks will 
  do for free rent.
  This very Hot! Don't miss this!
  these girls pay rent! Like only honry girls can.
  from several roomates to see their movies! 
  You may be removed from this mailing list immediately and at no cost to you 
  by either visiting http://www.speedy-links.com/fr33/remove.php 
  or by calling the automated toll-free removal hotline at 866-204-3089. 

Earn $75/hr with Your Own Home Based Business Processing Refunds for FedEx/UPS

2003-03-09 Thread G B Marketing
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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Tim May
On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 06:46 PM, John Young wrote:

We did a drive-by this afternoon of the National Reconnaissance Office 
in Chantilly, VA, to see what corporations who operate its technology 
in the neighborhood. Across the street was Lockheed Martin, Boeing,
and a gaggle of same-faced untitled buildings. Down Conference Dr was
the FBI's CALEA Implementation Office in a NYNEX marked structure
next to the building under consideration for Homeland Security HQ if 
Naval Station in NW Washington proves undesirably downclass.

NRO is a robin's egg blue collection of spanking new buildings, and
nowhere in the neighborhood are any antennas and aerials and the usual
detritus of high tech snooping like the NRO has at Buckley and Moffett
AFBs in California
NAS, not AFB.

If you think you're protected against venality by the constitution and
benevolent caretakers, you need to eyeball your 1040 and the other
side of the tracks, ie, dont watch Iraq and North Korea. Best, visit
the greater DC area and skip the yokel monuments serving as mini-me
Why visit the greater D.C. area? I left in 1970, and even then the 
signs of imperialism were evident way beyond the Beltway. The Empire 
had long outgrown the Arlington-Bethesda-Chevy Chase-Alexandria-PG 
County zone, and was pushing out into redneck parts of Virginia and 

I was living just inside where the Beltway was to go when it was being 
built around 1962-63. It must have opened when I was in France in 1964, 
as by the time I returned to the D.C. area in 1965 it was already open 
and gridlocked.

Sterling, Vienna, Reston, Columbia, Potomac, Chantilly, and a dozen 
other suburban towns were already filling up with the detritus of 
empire when I left the area. My high school prom was held at the newly 
opened Tyson's Corner Shopping Center (presumably Tyson's I, as I 
understand there are now two of them nearby. I remember when this was 
where some of the fathers of the spooks I was in high school with, at 
Langley High School, just over the fence and through some woods from 
the Department of Transportation Highway Testing Center, or somesuch, 
aka, CIA, was located. I lived in  a house on Churchill Road, off of 
Old Dominion Drive, vacated by an agent posted suddenly to Teheran that 
summer of 1965 to help the Shah crush his opponents.

My mother used to run into Everett Dirksen (a billion here, a billion 
there, pretty soon you're talking about real money) at the local 
grocery store, we had Birch Bayh address our class, my sister 
Trick-or-Treated at Bobby Kennedy's house, and one of my first female 
friends had a father who was a bigwig in the Cosmos Club.

I grew up realizing how sick the entire D.C. system is.

An entire community, 60 miles in diameter, devoted to the idea of 
stealing money from hardworking folks in Grand Forks and Tumwater and 
Boise and giving it to corrupt dicatators, inner city negro breeders, 
and defense contractors building weapons to be used to attack those who 
are not threats to U.S. security.

D.C. is a cancer which needs radiation therapy.

--Tim May
Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice.--Barry Goldwater

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2003-03-09 Thread GreatDeals
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2003-03-09 Thread VeriSign Inc.
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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Paul H. Merrill
It's actually Onizuka Air Force Station.  It is contiguous to Moffet.
And if one realizes the difference between collection, control, and
interpretation, Some of the vile despicable actions become more clear.


- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 19:27
Subject: Re: Social democrats on our list

 On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 06:46 PM, John Young wrote:

  NRO is a robin's egg blue collection of spanking new buildings,
  nowhere in the neighborhood are any antennas and aerials and the
  detritus of high tech snooping like the NRO has at Buckley and
  AFBs in California

 NAS, not AFB.


 --Tim May
 Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice.--Barry Goldwater

Re: No appointments necessary

2003-03-09 Thread babym_86
Title: AD 4




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2003-03-09 Thread cpult



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Protect Your Family!

2003-03-09 Thread Family Lawyer


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Save a detainee.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Hicks's father hopes petition will force action for
The father of a South Australian man being held in a United
States military prison in Cuba is hoping a petition will help pressure
the Federal Government into pushing for his son's extradition to
Alleged Taliban fighter David Hicks has been imprisoned in Cuba for the
past 15 months.
His father Terry Hicks says no charges have been laid against son and
Prime Minister John Howard has refused to intervene.
Mr Hicks says the petition with more than 2,000 signatures will be
presented to the Senate later this week and will hopefully spur some
politicians into action.
Someone... someone eventually's got to start thinking 'hey, what's
going on - this is an Australian citizen', ... well, we're supposed to be
[a] democratic country... let's do something about it, Mr Hicks

Fascist police state USA caught telling lies.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Malaysia condemns US for false nuclear weapons report

Malaysia's Acting Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, on
Sunday slammed the United States for submitting a false report to the
United Nations on Iraq's alleged nuclear weapons program. 
Describing the action as a worrisome and shameful act, Mr
Abdullah said Malaysia was sad that the United States attempted to use it
as evidence to attack Iraq. 
It's a shame that this should have happened, he was quoted as
saying by the official Bernama news agency. 
Mr Abdullah made the comments when asked to respond to the revelation by
United Nations weapons inspectors that the US had submitted several
documents to prove its allegations that Iraq was conducting a nuclear
weapons program. 
Such actions would spark anger among the world community, he warned.

On the question of possible Iraqi uranium imports from Niger, the head of
the UN's nuclear watchdog, Mohamed El Baradei, said on Friday his agency
had determined that documents said by the United States and Britain to
support the allegations were fraudulent. 
Based on thorough analysis, the IAEA has concluded, with the
concurrence of outside experts, that these documents -- which formed the
basis for the reports of these uranium transactions between Iraq and
Niger -- are, in fact, not authentic, he said. 
We have also concluded that these specific allegations are
unfounded, Dr El Baradei added. 
Dr El Baradei, chairman of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),
said: After three months of intrusive inspections, we have to date
found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear
weapons program in Iraq. 


An anarcho-capitalist libertarian whose ideas undermine most libertarian's philosophy.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Isn't David's home state one of the more highly taxed,ie statist in the 
fascist USA?

Oh...Mongo lives there too...I get it.

Is KAGAA a good idea?

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Q. Is Assassination Politics (see essay) is a good idea?
Total Votes Cast: 12
  Title Votes Ratio
1. Yes 8 66.7%
2. No 4 33.3%

CIAs Hits and Memories.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

1. China - 1945 to 1960s: Was Mao Tse-tung just paranoid? 
2. Italy - 1947-1948: Free elections, Hollywood style 
3. Greece - 1947 to early 1950s: From cradle of democracy 
to client state 
4. The Philippines - 1940s and 1950s: America's oldest colony 
5. Korea - 1945-1953: Was it all that it appeared to be? 
6. Albania - 1949-1953: The proper English spy 
7. Eastern Europe - 1948-1956: Operation Splinter Factor 
8. Germany - 1950s: Everything from juvenile delinquency to terrorism

9. Iran - 1953: Making it safe for the King of Kings 
10. Guatemala - 1953-1954: While the world watched 
11. Costa Rica - Mid-1950s: Trying to topple an ally - Part 1 
12. Syria - 1956-1957: Purchasing a new government 
13. Middle East - 1957-1958: The Eisenhower Doctrine 
claims another backyard for America 
14. Indonesia - 1957-1958: War and pornography 
15. Western Europe - 1950s and 1960s: Fronts within 
fronts within fronts 
16. British Guiana - 1953-1964: The CIA's international 
labor mafia 
17. Soviet Union - Late 1940s to 1960s: From spy planes 
to book publishing 
18. Italy - 1950s to 1970s: Supporting the Cardinal's 
orphans and techno-fascism 
19. Vietnam - 1950-1973: The Hearts and Minds Circus 
20. Cambodia - 1955-1973: Prince Sihanouk walks the 
high-wire of neutralism 
21. Laos - 1957-1973: L'Armée Clandestine 
22. Haiti - 1959-1963: The Marines land, again 
23. Guatemala - 1960: One good coup deserves another 
24. France/Algeria - 1960s: L'état, c'est la CIA 
25. Ecuador - 1960-1963: A text book of dirty tricks 
26. The Congo - 1960-1964: The assassination of 
Patrice Lumumba 
27. Brazil - 1961-1964: Introducing the marvelous 
new world of death squads 
28. Peru - 1960-1965: Fort Bragg moves to the jungle 
29. Dominican Republic - 1960-1966: Saving democracy 
from communism by getting rid of democracy 
30. Cuba - 1959 to 1980s: The unforgivable revolution 
31. Indonesia - 1965: Liquidating President Sukarno ... 
and 500,000 others .. East Timor - 1975: And 
200,000 more 
32. Ghana - 1966: Kwame Nkrumah steps out of line 
33. Uruguay - 1964-1970: Torture -- as American 
as apple pie 
34. Chile - 1964-1973: A hammer and sickle stamped on 
your child's forehead 
35. Greece - 1964-1974: Fuck your Parliament and your
Constitution, said the President of the United States 
36. Bolivia - 1964-1975: Tracking down Che Guevara in 
the land of coup d'etat 
37. Guatemala - 1962 to 1980s: A less publicized 
final solution 
38. Costa Rica - 1970-1971: Trying to topple an ally -- Part 2 
39. Iraq - 1972-1975: Covert action should not be confused 
with missionary work 
40. Australia - 1973-1975: Another free election bites the dust 

41. Angola - 1975 to 1980s: The Great Powers Poker Game 
42. Zaire - 1975-1978: Mobutu and the CIA, a marriage 
made in heaven 
43. Jamaica - 1976-1980: Kissinger's ultimatum 
44. Seychelles - 1979-1981: Yet another area of great 
strategic importance 
45. Grenada - 1979-1984: Lying -- one of the few 
growth industries in Washington 
46. Morocco - 1983: A video nasty 
47. Suriname - 1982-1984: Once again, the Cuban bogeyman 
48. Libya - 1981-1989: Ronald Reagan meets his match 
49. Nicaragua - 1981-1990: Destabilization in slow motion 
50. Panama - 1969-1991: Double-crossing our drug supplier 
51. Bulgaria 1990/Albania 1991: Teaching communists 
what democracy is all about 
52. Iraq - 1990-1991: Desert holocaust 
53. Afghanistan - 1979-1992: America's Jihad 
54. El Salvador - 1980-1994: Human rights, Washington style 
55. Haiti - 1986-1994: Who will rid me of this 
turbulent priest? 


2003-03-09 Thread JAMES MACHEKE

Good day,

You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not know me 
personally. The purpose of my introduction is that I am James Macheke, the first son 
of Zuma Macheke one of the most popular black farmers in Zimbabwe who was recently 
murdered in the land dispute in my country. I got your contact through network online 
hence decided to write you.

Before the death of my father, he had taken me to Johannesburg to deposit the sum of 
USD$9.5 million (Nine million, Five Hundred thousand United States dollars), in one of 
the private security and finance company, as he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe 
this funds was deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid much demurrage from the 
security and finance company. This amount was meant for the purchase of new machines 
and chemicals for the Farms and establishment of new farms in swaziland.

This land problem came when Zimbabwean President Mr. Robert Mugabe introduced a new 
Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and some few black farmers, 
and this resulted to the killing and mob action by Zimbabwean war veterans and some 
lunatics in the society. In fact a lot of people were killed because of this Land 
reform Act for which my father was one of the victims.

It is against this background that, I and my family fled Zimbabwe for fear of our 
lives and are currently staying in the Netherlands where we are seeking political 
asylum and moreso have decided to transfer my fathers money to a more reliable foreign 
account. since the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to open any 
account or to be involved in any financial transaction throughout the territorial zone 
of Netherlands, As the eldest son of my father, I am saddled with the responsibility 
of seeking a genuine foreign account where these funds could be transferred without 
the knowledge of my government who are bent on taking everything we have got. The 
South African government seems to be playing along with them. 

I am faced with the dilemma of moving this amount of money out of South Africa for 
fear of going through the same experience in future, both countries have similar 
political history. As a businessman,I am seeking for a partner who I have to entrust 
my future and that of my family in his hands, I must let you know that this 
transaction is risk free. If you accept to assist me and my family, all I want you to 
do for me, is to make an arrangements with the security and finance company to clear 
the consignment(funds) from their affiliate office here in the Netherlands as i have 
already given directives for the consignment to be brought to the Netherlands from 
South Africa.But before then all modalities will have to be put in place like change 
of ownership to the consignment and more importantly this money I intend to use for 

I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have certain percentage of the 
funds for nominating your account for this transaction. Or you can go into partnership 
with me for the proper profitable investment of the funds in your country. Whichever 
the option you want, feel free to notify me. I have also mapped out 5% of this money 
for all kinds of expenses incurred in the process of this transaction.If you do not 
prefer a partnership I am willing to give you 10% of the money while the remaining 85% 
will be for my investment in your country. Contact me with the above E-mail 
address,while I implore you to maintain the absolute secrecy required in this 

Note:your prompt response will be appreciated.

Thanks, GOD BLESS 

Yours Faithfully,

Mr.James Macheke.

In defence of (some) corporations.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Search Andrew McCrea. Proud and Impetuous Youth Inc.


Hello everyone, my name's Andy, he said in one of two letters. I killed a 
police officer in Red Bluff, California, in a motion to bring attention to, 
and halt, the police-state tactics that have come to be used throughout our 
Andy McCrae claimed he is immune from prosecution because he incorporated 
himself. Corporate officers are shielded from personal liability for a 
corporation's debts.
McCrae said the name for his corporation, Proud and Insolent Youth, was 
taken from Peter Pan, a famous children's story about a band of children 
vanquishing the evil pirate, Captain Hook.


Black Bloc - Foutain Square in downtown Cincinnati

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Foutain Square in downtown Cincinnati
What: Black Bloc against the possible war with Iraq. It is time to take
resistance against this war to the next level. We will not sit through
another boring liberal protest! There will be anarchists from
Indianapolis, Columbus, Cincinnati, and N. Kentucky. 
Where: Foutain Square in downtown Cincinnati on the corner of 5th and
Walnut, you can't miss it. Meet at the black flag. 
When: Black bloc meeting at 4:10 so everyone can meet each other and
discuss tactics. The demonstration begins at 4:30. Plan to be there!

more info. 
**Please Forward Widely** 

Be aware that International Anarchy has attained such a
mass that specific police provocations have been directed against
it.(Genoa and Barcelona) Cops are dumb deadshits who just obey orders for
the most part so there is some directing intelligence targeting Black
blocs.We need to find out as much as we can about these officers tasked
with spying on and fucking with us.Keep a good eye and out and report in
any recon intel ASASP,while it's fresh in your mind.TIA. 

Call for Murders and Executions.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
During the 1990s, the boom in high-technology spending spelled prosperity 
for new and established companies alike. The popularity of 
enterprise-resource-planning (ERP) and electronic customer relationship 
management (e-CRM) systems, preparations for the millennium bug, 
personal-computer upgrades to take advantage of the Internet and expanding 
corporate networks, demand for cell phones and personal digital assistants, 
and the telecommunications companies' rush to build new networks--all of 
these factors created about $1 trillion more in demand than trends would 
have suggested in 1989.
Now this demand is gone, and we know there was less benefit from the 
technology purchases than the new-economy prophets would have had us 
believe. The overhang of capacity is significant. In software, for example, 
the number of companies increased by 15 percent during the 1990s while the 
market grew by 12 percent. For these companies to meet the projected 
consensus earnings reported by Zacks Investment Research, average net 
margins would have to increase by 94 percent, to a record 18 percent.
At the same time, software investment rose to 11 percent of worldwide 
capital spending during the 1990s. Although software may gain a slightly 
larger share over the coming years, the sheer scale of the industry will 
probably limit growth in demand to a maximum of 8 percent to 12 percent.
Yet the companies formed are still with us. Some are substantial businesses 
with good long-term prospects. They will invest through this downturn and 
emerge as leaders; think of Intel riding out the perilous financial times 
of the mid-1980s as the initial PC bubble burst. Many companies, though, 
are investing for a future they cannot reach. They need to be 
restructured--downsized, merged, acquired or liquidated.
Many companies, though, are investing for a future they cannot reach. They 
need to be restructured--downsized, merged, acquired or liquidated.
But the restructuring hasn't happened. Managers and boards of high-tech 
companies share an interest in maintaining their positions. Because 
high-technology companies favor executives in the industry as board members 
(for their expertise), these informal coalitions cross company boundaries. 
The investment bankers and private-equity firms that might propose a 
restructuring fear disrupting their relationships with this community and 
reducing the odds of winning future business from it.
In fairness, these executives and directors are also cautious because of 
the conventional wisdom that hostile deals do not work in high technology 
and that most mergers have not been successful. This exaggerated belief is 
grounded in a misreading of history. When the last extended downturn hit in 
the 1980s, a much smaller high-tech industry was populated by a fraction of 
the number of companies that compete in it today. More important, the 
installed base of enterprise technology was smaller, so predictable revenue 
streams for support and maintenance were neither as large nor as stable as 
they are today.
Moreover, the potential benefits of consolidation are quite substantial. 
Most enterprise-software companies, for example, spend 25 percent to 35 
percent of their revenue on selling, general and administrative expenses. 
If companies selling to the same customers were consolidated, the new 
company could slash these outlays. Customers would benefit as well: The 
plethora of vendors has left most IT organizations with confusing and 
expensive choices.
Further, many companies are investing in research and development for 
product lines that have a dimmer future than management would like to 
believe. These outlays can run to an additional 15 percent or so of 
revenue. Coolheaded managers can find savings here as well.
Last, a number of companies are trading at or below the value of the cash 
on their balance sheets. There is economic value to harvest either by 
finding tax-efficient ways to return that cash to investors or by merging 
companies to channel it to businesses with a brighter future.
In the larger context, restructuring could spur the industry to do a better 
job for customers. Customer spending will probably pick up when enterprises 
become convinced that they can get top- and bottom-line benefits from their 
technology investments. Companies need tailored solutions and help to make 
their organizations, business practices and processes more productive. Many 
small technology companies cannot accomplish this.
What will it take to open the gates to restructuring?
Most likely the industry will require outside intervention. Much as T. 
Boone Pickens and Drexel Burnham Lambert shook up the energy and other 
industries in the 1980s, people and companies outside the circle that 
formed during the prosperity of the 1990s, may show the way.

Echelon leak,call for bugge...plumbers.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
UN launches inquiry into American spying

Martin Bright, Ed Vulliamy in New York and Peter Beaumont
Sunday March 9, 2003
The Observer
The United Nations has begun a top-level investigation into the bugging of 
its delegations by the United States, first revealed in The Observer last 
Sources in the office of UN Secretary General Kofi Annan confirmed last 
night that the spying operation had already been discussed at the UN's 
counter-terrorism committee and will be further investigated.

The news comes as British police confirmed the arrest of a 28-year-old 
woman working at the top secret Government Communications Headquarters 
(GCHQ) on suspicion of contravening the Official Secrets Act.

Last week The Observer published details of a memo sent by Frank Koza, 
Defence Chief of Staff (Regional Targets) at the US National Security 
Agency, which monitors international communications. The memo ordered an 
intelligence 'surge' directed against Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Bulgaria and 
Guinea with 'extra focus on Pakistan UN matters'. The 'dirty tricks' 
operation was designed to win votes in favour of intervention in Iraq.

The Observer reported that the memo was sent to a friendly foreign 
intelligence agency asking for help in the operation. It has been known for 
some time that elements within the British security services were unhappy 
with the Government's use of intelligence information.

The leak was described as 'more timely and potentially more important than 
the Pentagon Papers' by Daniel Ellsberg, the most celebrated whistleblower 
in recent American history.

In 1971, Ellsberg was responsible for leaking a secret history of US 
involvement in Vietnam, which became known as 'the Pentagon Papers', while 
working as a Defence Department analyst. The papers fed the American 
public's hostility to the war.

The revelations of the spying operation have caused deep embarrassment to 
the Bush administration at a key point in the sensitive diplomatic 
negotiations to gain support for a second UN resolution authorising 
intervention in Iraq.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer and Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld 
were both challenged about the operation last week, but said they could not 
comment on security matters.

The operation is thought to have been authorised by US National Security 
Adviser Condoleezza Rice, but American intelligence experts told The 
Observer that a decision of this kind would also have involved Donald 
Rumsfeld, CIA director George Tenet and NSA chief General Michael Hayden.

President Bush himself would have been informed at one of the daily 
intelligence briefings held every morning at the White House.

Attention has now turned to the foreign intelligence agency responsible for 
the leak. It is now believed the memo was sent out via Echelon, an 
international surveillance network set up by the NSA with the cooperation 
of GCHQ in Britain and similar organisations in Australia, New Zealand and 

Wayne Madsen, of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre and himself a 
former NSA intelligence officer, said the leak demonstrated that there was 
deep unhappiness in the intelligence world over attempts to link Iraq to 
the terrorist network al-Qaeda.

'My feeling is that this was an authorised leak. I've been hearing for 
months of people in the US and British intelligence community who are 
deeply concerned about their governments cooking intelligence to link 
Iraq to al-Qaeda.'

The Observer story caused a political furore in Chile, where President 
Ricardo Lagos demanded an immediate explanation of the spying operation. 
The Chilean public is extremely sensitive to reports of US 'dirty tricks' 
after decades of American secret service involvement in the country's 
internal affairs. In 1973 the CIA supported a coup that toppled the 
democratically-elected socialist government of Salvador Allende and 
installed the dictator General Augusto Pinochet.

President Lagos spoke on the telephone with Prime Minister Tony Blair about 
the memo last Sunday, immediately after the publication of the story, and 
twice again on Wednesday. Chile's Foreign Minister Soledad Alvear also 
raised the matter with Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

Chile's ambassador to Britain Mariano Fernández told The Observer: 'We 
cannot understand why the United States was spying on Chile. We were very 
surprised. Relations have been good with America since the time of George 
Bush Snr.' He said that the position of the Chilean mission to the UN was 
published in regular diplomatic bulletins, which were public documents 
openly available.

While the bugging of foreign diplomats at the UN is permissible under the 
US Foreign Intelligence Services Act, it is a breach of the Vienna 
Convention on Diplomatic Relations, according to one of America's leading 
experts on international law, Professor John Quigley of Ohio University.

He says the convention stipulates that: 'The receiving state shall permit 

A Suggestion to the Sheik,from a fan.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Snipers on the beltway caused havoc last year and the investment was 
minimal,the rifle cost 3 times what the car did.You have a lot of young 
jihadi's...use them.

Good.Rifle and scope: $1,200 Box of .223 Hollowpoint: $6.99 Tarot Deck: 
$2.95 Scoring an FBI analyst: priceless Some things are priceless. For 
everything else, there's MasterCard.

The USA Empire of Lies.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
The empires of the future will be empires built of lies.

The language of war

 Attacks are called strikes, bombing runs are called airborne 
missions, invasion is called rebuilding and the killing of civilians, 
the destruction of all that supports civilian life, is now called 
collateral damage.

Posted: March 07, 2003 - 4:16pm EST
by: Rebecca L. Adamson / Columnist / Indian Country Today
Winning the West - just one of the 19th century euphemisms that promoted 
public support for Indian wars. For a full century after Wounded Knee, 
history described the massacre of hundreds of innocent women and children 
as a major battle. Needless to say, the battle between opposing armies at 
Little Big Horn was a massacre, even in contemporary history books.

Very few of the Indian massacres during this time are described as anything 
but militia or vigilante actions. The main exception is in the historically 
accurate museum of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation.

But the language of war reaches beyond our common history. Countless 
war-like conflicts pursued by the British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, 
Italian, Russian, Germanic and U.S. powers against Afghanistan, India, 
Africa, Hawaii, Cuba, China, Indochina, New Zealand, the island of Grenada 
and almost everywhere else were called expeditions, skirmishes, 
campaigns, invasions, mutinies, conflicts, occupations and 
militia/vigilante actions. Such terms of art for acts of war were a kind 
of coded justification. But Indians more than most know that, by any code 
of reference, these acts of war can be meant to dispossess rightful owners, 
and if necessary to justify killing them.

Today, leaders and their public relations people are more sophisticated. 
Therefore we'll call our military engagements war even when we don't 
declare one - as in Korea, and even when the public won't support one - as 
in Vietnam.

This is especially so when it comes to killing civilians. The trend of 
60-plus years now has been for war, with the ever-increasing destructive 
potential of its weaponry to kill increasing numbers of non-combatants. 
Civilians everywhere can feel that pain and sense that threat. To 
counteract it we need a language that can justify national conduct.

And so a whole lexicon has been developed that sanitizes acts of war and 
its materiel and obscures its purpose. Attacks are called strikes, 
bombing runs are called airborne missions, invasion is called 
rebuilding and the killing of civilians, the destruction of all that 
supports civilian life, is now called collateral damage.

We should regard collateral damage in Iraq with real fear and trembling - 
or maybe the word is, with honesty. If we are honest, we must recognize 
that the real collateral damage may be to the U.S. and the world. If we are 
honest, we must recognize that a doctrine of preemptive war on the basis of 
a supposed future threat sets a precedent whereby any aggressive acts can 
be justified as self-defense. If we are honest, we must recognize that war 
preparations have reduced a budget surplus once projected in the trillions 
to deficits now projected over years if not decades, strapping state 
finances and slowing economic growth.

If we are honest, we must recognize that these military preparations have 
been accompanied by diplomatic and political displays that are breaking up 
time-honored alliances - bad-mouthing anyone who is against us in the 
crudest terms, belittling historical allies who happen to disagree with us, 
strong-arming friendly non-aligned nations that live under too immediate a 
threat to toe our line like the minions we seem to consider them, engaging 
in propaganda against sworn enemies that is simply unworthy of our informed 
citizenry. These alliances in turn form the backbone of international order.

If we are honest, we must recognize that this is no way to guide a great 

Despite the Bush administration's strenuous effort to reduce all of Iraq to 
the name and image of one deeply evil dictator, we must also recognize a 
few facts about that country if we are honest:

* Iraq is a country of 26 million people with individual characteristics 
far more in common with you and I than with an undisputed megalomaniac.
* According to statistics that are somewhat dated but still the best 
available, 50 percent of the country is under the age of 15 and 50 percent 
are women.

* Two decades of warfare and U.N. sanctions have left 60 percent of 26 
million Iraqis relying on the government's food distribution system for 
more than 2,000 calories daily. Destruction of this food distribution 
system will leave an estimated 3.03 million civilians - 1 million pregnant 
women and 2.03 million children - in need of therapeutic feeding.

* The United Nations and World Health Organization estimate that 
collateral damage will leave upwards of 500,000 Iraqi civilians dead 
either as a direct result of war or through disease and starvation.

* The Bush administration 

Yes Minister.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Covert eye on groups a vital role
COVERT police investigations of individuals and groups was vital to
preventing terrorism, Police Minister Andre Haermeyer said
Mr Haermeyer, responding to a Herald Sun report about the
activities of Victoria Police's security intelligence group, said the
threat of racial, religious and ideologically motivated crime warranted
such investigations. 
The Herald Sun reported on documents released under Freedom of
Information which identified the types of groups SIG has monitored since
the September 2001 attacks in the US. 
They ranged from environmental and refugee activists to alleged terrorism
In some cases, yes there are groups that are covertly monitored and
surveilled, and that is oversighted as to its appropriateness, Mr
Haermeyer said. 

But there has to be a real belief or some serious evidence that the
individuals or the group involved are involved in politically or
ideologically or religiously motivated violence. 
Islamic Council of Victoria president Yasser Soliman said the SIG had an
open and constructive relationship with Victoria's Muslim community.

There's a lot of face-to-face work being done, we meet police in
Islamic centres or the local coffee shop all the time, if they have a
question they ask us, Mr Soliman said. 
Mr Soliman said he expected police to investigate people of concern but
said Melbourne Muslims were overwhelmingly moderate in their views and
ordinary Australians. 
He said Muslims were far from the only focus of police interest. 
The SIG and Australian Federal Police had also helped identify and charge
several people after threats were made against the local Islamic
community, he said. 

Australian Government sex office.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Tax office porn probe
By JEREMY CALVERT, business affairs reporter
FEDERAL accountants are in hot water for scrutinising more than just tax
The Australian Taxation Office has confirmed several employees are under
investigation for downloading pornography on work terminals. 
Tax office spokeswoman Virginia Stanhope would not reveal details of the
offences, saying revealing where they occurred and at what level of the
organisation could prejudice the investigation. 
I can tell you that a small number of people have been notified
they will be investigated, she said. 
There is no disciplinary action at this stage. It is material that
they had on their computer, I don't know if it came in by e-mail or how
it came in. 

But a Melbourne tax office worker, who asked to remain anonymous, said
the problem was chronic at the tax office, likening it to the scandal
that embarrassed Telstra in 2000. 
Thirteen Telstra staff were sacked, 12 warned and two resigned
voluntarily because of porn-related incidents. 
The latest tax office investigation comes less than a year after other
tax office workers were disciplined for similar 
offences when a routine audit discovered pornography stored on office
hard drives. 
Ms Stanhope said it was not appropriate to reveal full details of the
sanctions that stemmed from the earlier audit. 
I can only tell you there was disciplinary action taken last year,
nobody was dismissed, she said. 
There are four levels of disciplinary action, the first is
counselling and a warning letter, then fines, demotions, and in the worst
cases dismissal. 
Ms Stanhope said new software designed specifically to identify images
had led to the latest investigation of inappropriate material. 
She said a full audit of the tax office computer system would follow, and
should take about two months to complete. 
In an organisation this size, you will face these issues. We take
it very seriously and we are required by law to monitor it and we do
that, Ms Stanhope said. 
She said the tax office had turned to other major organisations to refine
their own monitoring process. 
We want to get it right, we want to identify the extent of the
problem, deal with staff who may have breached policies and raise
Ms Stanhope stressed investigations did not always lead to disciplinary
The last time we did an audit, a very significant number of people
who were investigated were cleared because a lot of things were
unsolicited, she said. 

Operation Snipers.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
NEW Zealand police marksmen were on hand to protect Prime Minister John 
Howard as he laid a wreath at the nation's war memorial in Wellington today.

Two marksmen were stationed in the memorial's bell tower to watch over 
around 15 protesters.
Another armed policeman was based across the road from the memorial.

Just 15 anti-war protesters were also at the memorial for Mr Howard's 
visit, but in a sign of the concerns about his security there was a large 
number of police in addition to the marksmen.

Up to 1,500 protesters are expected to descend on the NZ parliament this 
afternoon when Mr Howard meets the Kiwi cabinet and makes a speech to a 
special lunch.
Among the protesters at the memorial was a Dominican monk who was able to 
lay a wreath for peace after Mr Howard had left.

A banner calling Mr Howard the warmonger of Oz was in clear view of the 
memorial as the prime minister attended.

A couple of the protesters yelled out to Mr Howard, urging him to bring 
home the 2,000 Australian troops now predeployed to the Middle East.

The short service itself went simply, with Mr Howard and his wife Janette 
laying the wreath before former NZ soldier Alan Johnston recited a part of 
the Commemoration of the Fallen.

Mr Howard is now meeting NZ Opposition Leader Bill English before heading 
to the nation's parliament.

He is due back in Australia this afternoon.


Howards masters voice.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Iraqi expulsion 'requested by US'


AUSTRALIA'S decision to expel Iraqi diplomat Helal Ibrahim Aaref was a 
political decision after a request from the United States, Iraq said today.

Acting Iraqi ambassador Dr Saad al-Samarai said he believed the decision 
was political.
It's a political decision, believe me, he told ABC Radio.
I think that Americans asked (the) Australian government ... and they 
chose him.
Iraq has accused the United States of putting pressure on a number of 
countries to take action against its diplomats. The Federal Government says 
Mr Aaref is a member of Iraq's intelligence services and it has good 
security and intelligence reasons for expelling him.
However Mr Aaref has denied he is guilty of espionage.
Today he told ABC radio he did not know why he has been identified for 
expulsion, telling reporters to ask the Australian government.
In a short statement, he said he'd been working as an official who served 
the local Iraqi community and any Australian citizen who had anything to do 
with the embassy.
I came to Australia to build good relationships, not to spy, Mr Aaref 
said through an interpreter.
I challenge them to provide any evidence to prove that I have been spying.
This allegation is not correct. They've got no truth in them at all.
Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said the Australian government had 
conferred with the United States on the matter.
We certainly conferred with the Americans on this, Mr Downer told the 
Nine Network.
And they have asked us to look into the activities of Iraqi diplomats.
And we have, in any case, a good system here of making sure we have 
appropriate information on activities of diplomats that cause us concern.
But they've certainly come to us and spoken to us about it, yeah.
Mr Aaref, who has been given until Wednesday to leave Australia, had been 
trying to spy in Iraqi dissidents here, the Australian newspaper reported, 
quoting high-level security advice.
Mr Downer said he would not comment on reports about the spying allegations 
because he had to be cautious about commenting on security information.
We now feel as a government satisfied with that assessment and feel in the 
circumstances that it's best for this diplomat to leave the country, 
particularly bearing in mind the difficult international environment we're 
operating in and non-compliance by Iraq to Security Council regulations, 
he said.
And over and above that the broader record of the Iraqi intelligence 
service and the sorts of things that it could do.
So all of those factors have come into play here.

Hooters in the sky with sequins.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat
Hooters takes to the skies


IF any of the passengers who boarded an ageing Hooters Air 737 suffered 
from a fear of flying, none showed it.

Perhaps it was the thought of attractive young women in hot pants and 
tight-fitting tank tops that set them at ease.
We are politically incorrect and everybody knows it, Robert Brooks, 
chairman of the Hooters of America restaurant chain and owner of the 
airline said, marking the inaugural flight at Hartsfield Atlanta 
International Airport.

We aim to bring the fun back to flying, Mr Brooks said.

In a throwback to an era when airlines sought to titillate as well as 
transport their largely male clientele, the Hooters of America restaurant 
chain christened its namesake air service on Thursday with a maiden flight 
between Atlanta and the resort town of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
It was clear from the outset of the 45-minute flight that Hooters, which 
describes itself as delightfully tacky, had an altogether different set 
of assets in mind when it decided to enter the fiercely competitive but 
financially-ailing airline industry.

Two of the ubiquitous Hooters Girls, dubbed ambassadors for the purpose 
of the flight, greeted gawking passengers at the cabin door. Both wore the 
skimpy orange and white outfits made famous by the restaurant chain over 
the past 20 years. Indeed, Hooters Air believes it can mimic other low-cost 
US carriers, such as Jet Blue Airways of New York, and take a good slice of 
passengers from the more established big airlines.

The market for Hooters Air is made up largely of mostly male golfers and 
sportsmen, who presumably will be willing to pay good money to rub 
shoulders with scantily clad pretty women at 30,000 feet.

The airline is admittedly starting off small.

But industry analysts say Hooters Air will be hard pressed to offer 
regularly scheduled service for long.

US airlines have lost billions of dollars since the September 11 2001 
attacks on the United States threw the industry into an unprecedented 
financial crisis.

Henry Harteveldt, an airline analyst for Forrester Research in San 
Francisco, described Hooters Air as a novelty idea that would not give the 
bigger players anything to worry about.

I expect Hooters Air to bounce along until they go bust, Harteveldt said.


Al Quims shitty tradecraft.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

The Swiss connection shines phone spotlight on US tourists 
By John Lettice 
Posted: 09/03/2003 at 19:12 GMT
Today's mobile phone terror scare story has the virtue of being real, but
unfortunately only sort of. An Associated Press
item (free registration required)
cites Swiss newspaper reports that 'anonymous' mobile phone cards have
been linked by Swiss investigators to Al Qaeda. 
A good trick, if the card is really anonymous, but you can see - and if
you can't, we shall tell - how anonymity can be compromised. 'Pay as you
go' mobile phone systems are fairly common, ones that you can use
internationally less so (but still quite common), and ones you can buy
for cash, no questions asked, are rather uncommon. But you can get them
in Switzerland, hence the claimed attraction of the country's kiosks to
terrorist quartermasters. 
But one might speculate that terrorists smart enough to know this might
also be smart enough to conclude that the CIA is also smart enough to
know this. So, if a Swiss pay as you go system is being used around
Europe, it's probably safe enough for the user, because the user is
likely to be Swiss, or indeed an American tourist (of which more
shortly). But if a Swiss pay as you go system turned up in operation in,
say, Pakistan, then it is to be expected that alert lights will go off,
the phone's location will be tracked, and the security services will move
in. American tourists using Swiss pay as you go systems in Pakistan, you
have been warned. 
A terrorist thinking straight would surely not do such a thing, but we
accept that people do make mistakes. The Swiss papers, reports AP,
speculated at a spokeswoman that the Swiss connection might have led to
the arrest of Al Qaeda leading light Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the
spokeswoman declined to comment. 
But whether or not that's how he got pinched, it's a possibility the
thinking terrorist will surely consider when planning future activities,
and the Swiss Federal Prosecutor's Office describes Switzerland as
a real paradise for terrorists, drug dealers and sundry
criminals. And war criminals hoarding Nazi gold? No, she doesn't seem to
have mentioned this. 
Rewind, though - how hard is it to get an anonymous mobile phone? Here in
the UK many of these are in use, by what we call teenagers.
Hunt around for prepaid SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) and
you will find numerous outfits in the US selling such things, the point
being that for $99.95 or so US citizens traveling abroad can set
themselves up with an operational phone system they can use without
having to be worried about the bills. Which is both sensible and legal.

We're particularly taken with
Telestial, a company that clearly
loves its business and does its homework. Note that on this page, which
is a history of prepaid SIMs, a notorious soft-on-terror nation is
revealed as having twigged the potential early: 
The French secret service objected to the fact that there were
unregistered phone numbers. Further they believed that the product would
be abused by terrorists and other criminals. Consequently, you have to
present a valid ID card and register your name, address etc, when you buy
a Mobicarte. 
So in France it's now about as hard as buying lethal weaponry. 
Telestial sells pre-paid SIMs for a very wide range of countries, and its
explanation of Why prepaid? points out that you avoid the
contracts, the credit check, the monthly bill, and the wait. Which of
course you can. You can't avoid giving a delivery address and
credit card details either here or in the numerous other online
international prepaid SIM sales sites, but these are not major obstacles
for your thinking international criminal. Credit cards and addresses can
become invalid, and the discerning terrorist will use a difficult to
trace mobile for a specific operation, then discard it for another. We
very much doubt that it is absolutely impossible to get a cash, no-ID SIM
rated for international in somewhere other than Switzerland, and no doubt
somebody will shortly tell us where, and how. 
No doubt also the Swiss will at some point soon abandon anonymity, but
that will make no great difference - if anything, it will merely impede
the capture of the more stupid class of terrorist. Eliminating phones
whose subscribers can't be readily traced is a much bigger hill to climb,
given that pre-paid is an important sales category for the networks, and
is therefore a problem that exists everywhere. If indeed you could call
it a problem. Your call, Feds.

Finally!... useful GM products in the offing.

2003-03-09 Thread professor rat

Tasmania harvests GM poppies
Tasmania's latest trial of genetically modified poppies has
been harvested in the state's north-west.
Poppy trials are permitted under Tasmania's moratorium on GM crops, and
the CSIRO is hoping the GM varieties will yield higher levels of
morphine, for use in the pharmaceutical industry.
Principal research scientist, Dr Phil Larkin, says the crop was
hand-harvested, and every precaution taken to prevent stray seeds being
carried away from the site. 
Everyone involved in it has to suit up with disposable suits and
masks and gloves and safety goggles and things, and boots, and they're
all working inside an area which is completely enclosed, first with
animal-proof fencing, electrified, and then inside a netted area,
he said.
The whole trial is inside a net so that no birds, in fact most
insects, can't get in there either.

first post

2003-03-09 Thread cpunks_anon
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hello there.  I have been a subscriber to the cypherpunks email list for =
a few months now and have found it quite enjoyable.  The topics raised =
are, for the most part, extremely interesting, controversial, and =
current as is needed at this point in our history.  Though I have held =
my tongue for the majority of posts, I have kept an avid interest in the =
discussions as they have proceeded, if not for my own technical =
inability to realize what the fuck you people are talking about half the =
time.  Regardless, I find this list to be extremely informative and =
cutting edge, despite my technical disadvantages. Thus, I have a =

Has there been any recent information concerning the FBI's Carnivore or =
Magic Lantern programs, specifically any independent hackers who have =
successfully posted information concerning the detection of the afore =
mentioned programs?


Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN
META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3Dtext/html; =
META content=3DMSHTML 6.00.2723.2500 name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Hello there.nbsp; I have beennbsp;a =
subscriber to=20
the cypherpunks email list for a few months now and have found it quite=20
enjoyable.nbsp; The topics raised are, for the most part, extremely=20
interesting, controversial, and current as is needed at this point in =
history.nbsp; Though I have held my tongue for the majority of posts, I =
kept an avid interest in the discussions as they have proceeded, if not =
for my=20
own technical inability to realize what the fuck you people are talking =
half the time.nbsp; Regardless, I find this list to be extremely =
and cutting edge, despite my technical disadvantages. Thus, I have=20
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2Has there been any recent information =
the FBI's Carnivore or Magic Lantern programs, specifically any =
hackers who have successfully posted information concerning the =
detection of the=20
afore mentioned programs?/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT face=3DArial size=3D2miteymous/FONT/DIV/BODY/HTML


RealTimeVideos.com pure fucking sucking XXX madness!!!

2003-03-09 Thread cpunks_anon
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit


titleThis site Well meet your highest expectations/title

body bgcolor=#00

p align=center
a href=http://hitz.to/giga;
img border=0 src=http://www.teensuncoverd.com/site/giga/images/realtime.gif; 
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This site Well meet your highest expectations. br
Watch non-stop full screen video clips of pure fucking amp; sucking XXX 




CAPPS II pilot at San Jose - Delta to CAPPS II Boycotters: No more Coffee Mugs

2003-03-09 Thread Bill Stewart
Breaking news - The three airports in Delta's pilot project include San Jose.
Last week Bill Scannell [EMAIL PROTECTED] announced the
BoycottDelta.org protest against Delta's collaboration with the CAPPS II
pass-law pilot project.  Among other publicity activities,
BoycottDelta.org had T-shirt for sale on CafePress.com,
but Delta has filed a intellectual property complaint to stop them,
in spite of the Supreme Court's position that parody is protected,
and if you've seen the BoycottDelta.org logo, it's clearly just parody.

Delta Shuts Down BoycottDelta Shop

CAPPS II Collaborator Stops T-Shirt Sales, Continues Privacy Invasion

Austin, TX (8 March 2003) -- BoycottDelta, an on-line website advocating a
total boycott of Delta Air Lines (NYSE: DAL) until the airline stops all
cooperation with a test of the CAPPS II program, had its on-line
'BoycottDelta Action Tools' store closed down as a result of an intellectual
property rights violation alleged and filed by Delta with the store's host,
CafePress.com .
The store sold t-shirts, coffee mugs and stickers affixed with the
BoycottDelta logo, allowing activists to show their support for the
campaign.  The BoycottDelta logo consists of an all-seeing eye within a red
and blue triangle.  All BoycottDelta products were sold at cost.
BoycottDelta founder Bill Scannell expressed astonishment with Delta's move.

Delta Air Lines has been deluged with thousands of emails and calls from
their customers over the past week complaining about their CAPPS II testing,
and the best Delta can come up with is to say 'don't wear a t-shirt'?  This
is corporate arrogance at its finest.
Over 200,000 unique visitors have visited the BoycottDelta website since it
went live on the 3rd of March.
Alternate sources of BoycottDelta protest tools are being identified.  A new
on-line store will be launched shortly.
The Google cache of the store can be seen at:

Smokers and Tobacco Users: Get Great Rates on Term Life now

2003-03-09 Thread Smokers-Insurance
Title: Smokers and Tobacco Users: Get Great Rates on Term Life now

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Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-09 Thread Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
On Fri, 7 Mar 2003 09:31:40 -0500 (est), Sunder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Screw that - just buy a few thousand of these little devices, disable them
so that they're always transmitting drunk driver and install them in
politicians' cars all over DC (make sure you install'em in cop
cars too.)  You can also leave them in cabs.

They'll be banned immediately.

What the fuck makes you think you'd need to disable them for
politicians? Ted Kennedy, anyone?


2003-03-09 Thread ³Ð·~¤À¨É·|
Title: ³Ð·~¤À¨É·|

³Ð·~¤À¨É·|- §K¶OÁ¿®y

Ä~¡yºôµ¸´Iª¨ª¨¡z¡B¡y³Ð·~¤uµ{¡z¤Î ¡y³Ð·~¤À¨É·|¡z«á¡A¥Ñ©ó¦U¦ì°Ñ¥[ªÌ¤ÏÀ³¼ö¯P¡ATimway.com¤Î¸t¶®¦UºÖ¸s·|¦A¦¸Áp¦X±À¥X³Ð·~¤À¨É·| - §Q¥Î¥»¦a©ç½æºô¯¸µo®i¦Û¤v·~°È §K¶OÁ¿®y¡C
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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Sunder
At which point Tim will countersue with an arguement similar to this:

Mega Corporation:

Your oxygen is tresspassing on my private property.  Any oxygen that does
so becomes mine to do with as I please.  Further, since you have been
unable to keep your pesky Oxygen off my property, I am hereby charging you
rent at $1000/cubic centimeter/day.  Since you were granted these rights
over three years ago, you are now in my debt.  I see however by your
balance sheet that you do not possess enough property to cover this
expense, therefore you are now my property.

As your owner, I move that your CEO, board of trustees and management are
all fired.

Have a lovely day.

 + ^ + :NSA got $20Bil/year |Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/  :and didn't stop 9-11|share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
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 + v + :should get refunds! |site, and you must change them very often.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.sunder.net 

On Sun, 9 Mar 2003, Anonymous wrote:

 On Saturday 08 March 2003 01:33 am, Tim May wrote:
  Silly person, a property does not have rights. Owners have rights. And
  these apply whether one person, 5 persons, or a group of co-owners own
 Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe, LP
 2000 Maynard Way
 New York, NY
 Mr. May
 Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe represent the Mega Corporation.
 Recently the Mega Corporation (aka MegaCorp) purchased the rights to all oxygen in 
 the Corralitos, CA area and any such material that may move into or be produced in 
 that area.
 By being a resident of the Corralitos, CA area and utilizing their property you are 
 bound to the Terms and Condtions of their Breathe Through Oxygen Use Contract.
 However, you have violated several parts of said aggreement by using their oxygen to 
 express views that are contrary to views of Mega Corporation (See section 
 pargraph 2 of the Oxygen Use Contract).
 As representatives of Mega Corporation we here by request that you and your familly 
 cease and desist utilizing Mega Corporation resources IMMEDIATELY.
 You have twenty-four hours to comply with our request or face further legal action.
 Thank you for your cooperation.
 Fred Dewey, Atty,
 Dewy, Cheatum, and Howe
 Lawyers for Mega Corporation

Re: The Anarcho/libertarian world and corporations

2003-03-09 Thread Tim May
On Sunday, March 9, 2003, at 07:14 AM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

   I just realized this morning that corporations can't exiest in an 
they are whole a fiction of the state. And, since corporations are 
just a method
for thieves and criminals to evade the reprecussions of their crimes, 
i.e., no
personal financial or legal responsibility as there would be in private
ownerships or partnerships.
   Which is great -- if the state withers away, the megacorps goes with
it. People will hold the employees of the megacorps personally 
responsible, as
they should be, for the crimes of the group. The new car you bought 
turns out to
be a lemon? Grab a few of the employees and make them cough up the 
money. Don't
like the pollution coming out of that smokestack, start shooting 
employees until
they clean it up.
   If corporations go away, people would form contractual partnerships 
to build
cars, whatever, and act much more responsible.
I'm not very surprised that you're only just now seeing the 
obvious...you've only been subscribed to the list for, what, several 

This has been covered in our discussions of polycentric law and agoric 
markets, a la Bruce Benson, David Friedman, and many of us over the 

Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of  
medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will  
cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations  and 
of government interference in economic transactions. Combined  with 
emerging information markets, crypto anarchy will create a  liquid 
market for any and all material which can be put into words  and 

--Tim May
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any 
member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm 
to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient 
warrant. --John Stuart Mill

Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Tim May
On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 04:15 PM, Anonymous wrote:

On Saturday 08 March 2003 01:33 am, Tim May wrote:

Silly person, a property does not have rights. Owners have rights. And
these apply whether one person, 5 persons, or a group of co-owners own
Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe, LP
2000 Maynard Way
New York, NY
Mr. May

Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe represent the Mega Corporation.

Recently the Mega Corporation (aka MegaCorp) purchased the rights to 
all oxygen in the Corralitos, CA area and any such material that may 
move into or be produced in that area.

By being a resident of the Corralitos, CA area and utilizing their 
property you are bound to the Terms and Condtions of their Breathe 
Through Oxygen Use Contract.
An argument that was silly 35 years ago, when I first dealt with it. 
And time has not improved it.

Neither MegaCorp nor anyone else has property rights to the air.

Case dismissed.

I expected more from subscribers here, even Anonymous Cowards.

--Tim May
The Constitution is a radical document...it is the job of the 
government to rein in people's rights. --President William J. Clinton

Cypher Punk: March Interest report

2003-03-09 Thread Creditor Services



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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sunday 09 March 2003 11:52, Tim May wrote:

 Neither MegaCorp nor anyone else has property rights to the air.

MegaCorp doesn't have property rights to the air, but Amazon was 
recently granted a patent on A Process for Bringing Oxygen into the 

Steve FurlongComputer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

Guns will get you through times of no duct tape better than duct tape
will get you through times of no guns. -- Ron Kuby

Questionable science and drunk drivers

2003-03-09 Thread Greg Broiles
On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 12:10:35PM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
 Doing the technical part of detecting alcohol vapor is cool,

Actually, that's not even really a solved problem yet, but 
that's not well-known outside of people who litigate 
drunk driving cases for a living.

This article -


does a pretty good job of explaining how the breath testers
start by measuring one thing (alcohol in exhaled air) to 
reach conclusions about something entirely different 
(alcohol content of the blood).

For those who don't like to read links, in a nutshell -

The extrapolation of blood alcohol content (BAC) from breath air
depends on a few assumptions - that the machine will be able
to read deep lung air (where the alcohol concentration in the
air will be equal to the alcohol concentration in the blood, 
due to Henry's Law) and not mouth air (which may be contaminated
by residual alcohol liquid or vapors in the mouth, deposited
there by drinking, burping, or vomiting, which aren't unusual
in people who've been partying) - and that there's a standard
conversion ratio (called the partition ratio) which is used
to calculate the BAC.

That conversion ratio depends on a number of factors (like
body size, gender, body temperature, hematocrit density) 
which differ from person to person, and can differ so widely
(between 60% and 150% of the standard) that it's very 
difficult to get an accurate result without taking the other
factors into consideration.

Breath testing is the least accurate of the three widely used
methods - blood, breath, or urine - though it's the most 
popular because it's cheap and less invasive than blood or
urine sampling. When law enforcement needs a defensible
BAC measurement (in death-related DUI cases, for example)
they use a blood test (taken by force, if necessary); they 
use breath tests for misdemeanor cases where they're not
as concerned about the outcome.

Given the relatively poor quality of the results achieved in
a controlled setting for breath testing, I think it's 
very unlikely that the device described works well enough 
to achieve anything positive. 

Greg Broiles

Re: The Anarcho/libertarian world and corporations

2003-03-09 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 09:14 AM 3/9/03 -0600, Harmon Seaver wrote:
   I just realized this morning that corporations can't exiest in an
they are whole a fiction of the state.

In the sense of a govt-recognized, protected entity, granted.
But not in terms of voluntary associations.

And, since corporations are just a method
for thieves and criminals to evade the reprecussions of their crimes,

Actually its pretty hard to do things like make a car by yourself.  One
of the many voluntary groups you might be part of is a car-making

 People will hold the employees of the megacorps personally
responsible, as
they should be, for the crimes of the group. The new car you bought
turns out to
be a lemon? Grab a few of the employees and make them cough up the
money. Don't
like the pollution coming out of that smokestack, start shooting
employees until
they clean it up.

But one of the benefits of joining the Fnord Motor Uncorporation is the
FMU private police force.  A real benefit in an anarchy.

   If corporations go away, people would form contractual partnerships
to build
cars, whatever, and act much more responsible.

I suppose if medical malpractice insurance went away (it would have to
be by fiat  force;
insurance providers fill a fundamental niche), there'd be more careful
But also many fewer.   The calculus of personal risks vs. benefits.  (A
also employed by the christian-taliban doctor-snipers.)

Unless you explicitly ban (again, using violence) voluntary associations
of people,
they *will* pool resources to buy stuff they can't individually afford.
Like a fab.
So corps usually have more assets to lose than its members.  And smart
corps tie their employees (esp officers) futures to their own.  So there

is feedback motivating responsible behavior by corps.  Certainly
the State's corporate protections would increase the feedback.
But it would probably also stifle productive
associations.   Why risk my personal wealth because I contributed
to an association that sold a car that brought a lawsuit?

I wonder if this trade off is stated in the law (cf patents
in the constition, which explicitly states the trade off)?

But besides this pragmatic, the corp concept seems to let me define
(limit) my involvement with an association (with a defined purpose) of
Thus it seems a refinement of contract law --which I hold to be a
Although patent and copyright are established for practical reasons,
there (to me) is a right to profit from your IP; and similarly, although

a corp may be a practical tool, it seems right for people to be able
to limit
their commitment to an association.

There's also something called piercing the corp veil, if folks screw up

Are You Single? Consider This

2003-03-09 Thread GreatDeals
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Are You Single? Consider This…

2003-03-09 Thread Lucky Deals
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Re: Someone explain...Give cheese to france?

2003-03-09 Thread Steve Thompson
Kevin S. Van Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Tyler Durden wrote:
  Let's take one of my famous extreme examples.
  Let's say a section of 
  the New Jersey Turnpike gets turned over to a
  private company, which 
  now owns and operates this section.
  So...now let's say I'm black. NO! Let's say I'm
  blond-haired and blue 
  eyed, and the asshole in the squad car doesn't
  like that, because his 
  wife's been bangin' a surfer. So...he should be
  able to toss me off 
  the freeway just because of the way I look? (Or
  the way I'm dressed or the car I drive or
 Not if he wants to keep his job.  This is supposed
 to be a profit-making 
 operation, remember? Pissing off or outright
 throwing out paying 
 customers is a good way to make the company lose
 money, which is bound 
 to get the owners quite upset.

That's too logical, and as you state below mere
economic incentive does not cover the case where
organised bigotry drives an agenda of exclusion.  Your
much vaunted Constitution and the Bill of Rights are
supposed to address this issue, since the principles
in question govern the overall social fabric, which
is supposed to provide for a measure of equality in
`the commons', but in practice that is not so.

I'll note that as a practical matter it looks sort
of like your Constitution (and the Charter up here in
Canukistan) have become of little more use than as
bog-roll, so while these discussion are nice to have
in theory, there is no practical application to be
made in this environment.
 Let's suppose, however, that the owners are such
 extreme bigots that 
 they prefer nursing their prejudices over making
 money. Should the 
 owners be able to arbitrarily deny certain people
 access to their 
 property?  In the absence of a valid contract to the
 contrary, OF 
 COURSE.  Anybody for whom this is not blindingly
 obvious still hasn't 
 grasped the fundamental concept that most children
 acquire by the age of 
 three or four: the difference between MINE and

This has always been something of a peeve of mine;
that certain people consistently fail to make this
distinction.  If I were more knowledgeable in the
fields of genetics and human neurophysiology I might
suggest that the widespread nature of this moral
failure results from a common psychological artifact
that is manifest from some bizarre recessive gene. 
But the simpler explanation is that it is learned
behaviour, which implicates bad parenting.

Whatever the cause, its prevalence has resulted in
norms coded in law which agents of the state surely
  The way I see it is there's private property,
  there's public property, 
  and then there's reality with lots of stuff in
 No, there's private property, there are unowned
 (unclaimed) resources, 
 and that's it. I don't consider the State to have
 any valid property 
 rights at all, as everything which it claims as its
 property was 
 obtained by theft, violence, or both.  Your stuff
 in between is just a 
 bunch of hooey invented in order to justify
 violations of property 
 rights.  Sort of like this compelling state
 interest test invented by 
 the frauds in the Supreme Court to weasel their way
 past the clear and 
 unambiguous wording of the First Amendment; no trace
 of the concept exists in the Constitution.

I agree.  The state should not be able to own
property.  But again, as a practical and historical
matter, states  own the planet; government employees
have parceled much of it out to corporations, or sold
bits to private individuals.  Supposedly, property of
the government is held in trust for the population,
but that fiction is of course quite laughable.
I would say that some tuning of government is
indicated given the current mess, but these days that
sort of talk is bound to get one thrown into a gulag. 
Though, perhaps this state of affairs isn't quite as
much of a problem.  Crypto-anarchy and the march of
science are tending towards the obsolescence of the
nation-state, so no-one may need to do much of
anything radical at all to effect changes in this



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Re: Social democrats on our list

2003-03-09 Thread Anonymous
On Saturday 08 March 2003 01:33 am, Tim May wrote:

 Silly person, a property does not have rights. Owners have rights. And
 these apply whether one person, 5 persons, or a group of co-owners own

Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe, LP
2000 Maynard Way
New York, NY

Mr. May

Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe represent the Mega Corporation.

Recently the Mega Corporation (aka MegaCorp) purchased the rights to all oxygen in the 
Corralitos, CA area and any such material that may move into or be produced in that 

By being a resident of the Corralitos, CA area and utilizing their property you are 
bound to the Terms and Condtions of their Breathe Through Oxygen Use Contract.

However, you have violated several parts of said aggreement by using their oxygen to 
express views that are contrary to views of Mega Corporation (See section 
pargraph 2 of the Oxygen Use Contract).

As representatives of Mega Corporation we here by request that you and your familly 
cease and desist utilizing Mega Corporation resources IMMEDIATELY.

You have twenty-four hours to comply with our request or face further legal action.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Fred Dewey, Atty,
Dewy, Cheatum, and Howe
Lawyers for Mega Corporation

Re: Using time-domain reflectometry to detect tamper attempts on telecom cables

2003-03-09 Thread Thomas Shaddack
   But getting the bits from under the ocean somewhere back to
 Fort Meade without being detected must be more interesting.

Can't they hire their own fiber in the cable, splice it, and feed the
preprocessed data in there?

 It probably is true that the right wavelength laser will
 penatrate water for some limited distance so a link could be set up from
 a bouy near but below the surface to a sensitive telescope in earth

I heard copper vapor lasers would do, that they are used for eg.
intersubmarine communication. But can't confirm nor deny this.

 ...as there was no overlap of traffic on multiple wires.

What techniques are used to pick the data from the mix of the signals from
the cables with more wires?

   Doing this for a sonet ring carrying 10 gbs or so as some
 undersea cables now do seems rather challenging - at the very least
 how one would follow changes in channel allocations and traffic loading
 would seem very problematic.   And intercepts that are weeks or months
 old would be very much less interesting in most cases than near real
 time intercepts - particularly of targets like terrorists.

It's being said that NSA is losing its grip on communications, to their
great joy. It must make them mad. Hee! :)
...maybe the era is coming when even the US will be forced to play fair?

Re: Give cheese to france?

2003-03-09 Thread Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
On Sat, 08 Mar 2003 09:00:48 -0800, you wrote:

 On 8 Mar 2003 at 2:44, Anonymous wrote:
  But let's cut to the chase. Assume that all private grocery
  store owners want to exclude people from their stores. Now
  assume that 100% of them agree that effective Tuesday, only
  those people who have a receipt for a $100 or more donation
  to George W Bush (or Hillary Clinton, whatever) may enter
  their property to shop for groceries.

 The difference between private property owners doing this, and
 the governemnt doing this is that 100% of private property
 owners are NOT going to agree on anything.

 The 100% assumption presupposes that the capitalists are
 like the state, a single entity with a single will, in which
 case it is obvious that simply replacing the will of the
 capitalists with the will of the people would be a vast
 improvement, rather than slavery terror and mass murder.

You are exactly right! Now comes the question: If the mall has 
the right, but can't join with all malls to solidify the 
uniformity of the prohibition, then a property right will be 
interfered with, either the right of one mall to prohibit, or 
the right of malls to agree to prohibit. Else the power of 
monopoly (all malls unified) has part of the effect of the 
government's monopoly.

Re: Using time-domain reflectometry to detect tamper attempts on telecom cables

2003-03-09 Thread Tyler Durden
Well, I know that NSA has its own undersea network, but I can only take a 
fairly crude guess as to what it might look like.

SInce it was several years ago, I guess I won't be getting into too much 
trouble mentioning some NSA work I participated in. It was not classified 
(though they probably wanted it to be, but we were one of the ultimate fiber 
optic consulting groups that just happened to be civilian, and NSA had an 
emergency). On one occasion, they had us testing reflective modulators used 
undersea (which take a signal in, modulate it, and reflect it back out the 
same port). So they were probably doing some optical FDM on top of exisiting 
commericial signals.

On another occasion we were debugging some OC-3 electronics that were 
flaking out undersea, due to the non-MilSpec components their vendor was 
using. So the obvious guess here is ATM. So I suspect that NSA runs a 
parasitic OC-3 ATM network optically on top of existing commericial 
OC-192. They can probably select up to 155 Meg of eavesdropped traffic to 
send into undersea AAL3 VCs and dredge back up over to be Echeloned.

(Of course, that OC-3 ATM network could merely have a been a control network 
for something far more complicated, which come to think of it might be more 
likely. I doubt they'd let us see so many components if it was possible to 
guess what their network was by seeing them.)


From: Thomas Shaddack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Using time-domain reflectometry to detect tamper attempts   on 
telecom cables
Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 07:39:36 +0100 (CET)

But getting the bits from under the ocean somewhere back to
 Fort Meade without being detected must be more interesting.
Can't they hire their own fiber in the cable, splice it, and feed the
preprocessed data in there?
 It probably is true that the right wavelength laser will
 penatrate water for some limited distance so a link could be set up from
 a bouy near but below the surface to a sensitive telescope in earth
I heard copper vapor lasers would do, that they are used for eg.
intersubmarine communication. But can't confirm nor deny this.
 ...as there was no overlap of traffic on multiple wires.

What techniques are used to pick the data from the mix of the signals from
the cables with more wires?
Doing this for a sonet ring carrying 10 gbs or so as some
 undersea cables now do seems rather challenging - at the very least
 how one would follow changes in channel allocations and traffic loading
 would seem very problematic.   And intercepts that are weeks or months
 old would be very much less interesting in most cases than near real
 time intercepts - particularly of targets like terrorists.
It's being said that NSA is losing its grip on communications, to their
great joy. It must make them mad. Hee! :)
...maybe the era is coming when even the US will be forced to play fair?

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Re: Fw: Drunk driver detector that radios police

2003-03-09 Thread Thomas Shaddack

 Fuck you and fuck the man.  I don't need any electronic snitch in my
 car.  Do you?  If you do, maybe you're in need of professional help!

Hey! Keep him alive! :)

If he's genuine, he can serve as a study material for observing the
Adversary-sympathetic mindset. Think zoo, or a lab animal.

The other possibility is he's a troll that managed to escape from
Slashdot, and then the shouting and anger is what he gets attracted to.

Regarding such snitch devices, one thing plays for us: Tamperproof (quite
like bulletproof) isn't.

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