Linux and Nuevas tecnologias

1998-12-30 Thread Jordi Román Mejias
Bueno todo el mundo esta invertiendo en hardware y a mi me ha
llegado una Sound Blaster PCI 64 v
Que tal lo tengo para poder oir algo en mi debian.

Los nuevos kernels soportan estos elementos

Muchas gracias y Prospero año nuevo (La Navidad ha sido Feliz

Unidentified subject!

1998-12-30 Thread Phillip Neumann

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998 10:27:17 TooManySecrets wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] el día Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 02:32:24AM -0300 expuso lo 
  la verdad es que eso ya lo probe y lo unico que hace es decirle a las 
  applicacions que traten de hablarme en castellano. Pero lo que quiero es 
  mas o menos al revez...quiero apretar la tecla e~ne y que salga una.
 Hombre... yo tengo puesto eso, y me salen las eñes, los acentos, el
 sistema me traduce lo que buenamente puede al castellano, etc.
 Osease, que yo pulso la eñe desde el shell, y obtengo una ñ.


Pues enconces tengo mala suerte. aqui esta mi LANG:
$echo $LANG

y mira,  ;  , eso  _no_  es una e~ne.

 al instalar debian 2.1, lo hice hace 3 dias, me pregunt'o sobre el 
teclado, le dije castellano y pude escribir las e~nes, acentos, etc. Rebootie y 
se paso todo al ingles

Porque me pasa esto?

Phillip Neumann  

(sin asunto)

1998-12-30 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
Es cierta la condena a muerte a piratas informáticos ?
begin:  vcard
fn: Antonio Fernández Fernández
n:  Fernández Fernández;Antonio
email;internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
x-mozilla-cpt:  ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE

Re: (sin asunto)

1998-12-30 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

Antonio Fernández Fernández writes:
  Es cierta la condena a muerte a piratas informáticos ?

Pues no estoy absolutamente seguro de su autenticidad, pero
una fuente bastante fiable me ha enviado esto (desafortuandamente no
tengo la URL):

 Chinese Hackers Get Death

 8:55 a.m.  28.Dec.98.PST -- SHANGHAI, China -- Two hackers who broke into a
bank computer network and stole 260,000 yuan (US$31,400) have been sentenced
to death by a court in eastern China, the official Wenhui Daily said on

Hao Jinglong, formerly an accountant at the Zhenjiang branch of the
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was condemned to death, as was his
brother, Hao Jingwen, the newspaper said. The Yangzhou Intermediate Court in
Jiangsu province also confiscated 40,000 yuan from Hao. 

The two opened 16 accounts under various names in a branch of the bank in
September and later broke into the branch to install a controlling device in
a bank computer terminal, the newspaper said. 

They used the device to electronically wire 720,000 yuan in non-existent
deposits into the bank accounts. Afterward, they successfully withdrew
260,000 yuan from eight different branches of the bank, the newspaper said. 

All the money has since been recovered, the newspaper said, without giving
further details. 

Copyright© 1998 Reuters Limited. 

Related Wired Links:

 China: The Great Firewall

 China Foils Cyber Bank Robbers

 Hacking for Human Rights?

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Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Departamento de Informatica
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9129 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | avd. Universidad, 30
Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones | 28911 Leganes, Spain

Tarjetas gráficas AGP

1998-12-30 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide

Quiero dar las gracias al grupo por facilitarme la dirección para
bajar el servidor XBF_i740. Llevaba bastante tiempo intentando hacer
funcionar mi tarjeta RAGE II C AGP con las X-window y no lo había

Nada más bajar los dos ficheros, el servidor y el de configuración,
funcionó a la primera. Únicamente, comentar que el fichero de
configuración XF86Config parece que lo busca en otro subdirectorio
diferente que el original de la distribución de Debian. Pero de eso ya
se encarga el programa de configuración.

Tengo instalado el gestor de ventanas fvwm95 y me gustaría realizar
algunas consultas:

¿Existe alguna forma de personalizar colores de fondo, modificar los
menús que aparecen por defecto, etc? Me imagino que habrá que tocar en
algún fichero de configuración pero no sé cuál es.

He intentado instalar el gestor KDE porque he oído que es muy bueno
y con muchas utilidades. Lo he intentado instalar desde el tercer CDROM
de la distribución de Debian, pero se queja de que faltan librerías,
etc. ¿ Alguien lo ha instalado desde aquí sin problemas ?.

Saludos a todo el grupo y gracias de antemano.


1998-12-30 Thread Emilio

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] el dia Tue, Dec 29, 1998 
at 02:32:24AM -0300 expuso losiguiente:  la verdad es 
que eso ya lo probe y lo unico que hace es decirle a lasapplicacions que 
traten de hablarme en castellano. Pero lo que quiero es mas omenos al 
revez...quiero apretar la tecla ene y que salga una.

Ese problema lo tuve con la instalacion de 
debian, no te puedo dar los detallesporque aqui tengo una de red hat y no es 
exactamente igual pero si mal norecuerdo:

- Debes buscar un fichero que es algo asi como 
/etc/*/*key* (creo que/etc/keyboard/default.key o algo asi)- Este 
fichero tiene el mapa de teclas. Debes sustituirlo por otro que es algoasi 
como /usr/lib/*...*/keyboard.sp

Lamento no dar mas detalles, pero te aseguro que 

Re: Tarjetas gráficas AGP

1998-12-30 Thread · Mig ·
¿Existe alguna forma de personalizar colores de fondo, modificar los
menús que aparecen por defecto, etc? Me imagino que habrá que tocar en
algún fichero de configuración pero no sé cuál es.

?has probado el Window Maker?

Te olvidarás de los ficheros de configuración a cambio de 1.5 Mb de RAM ...

 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-12-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 11:06:04PM -0300, Phillip Neumann wrote:
 On Tue, 29 Dec 1998 10:27:17 TooManySecrets wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] el día Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 02:32:24AM -0300 expuso lo 
   la verdad es que eso ya lo probe y lo unico que hace es decirle a las 
   applicacions que traten de hablarme en castellano. Pero lo que quiero es 
   mas o menos al revez...quiero apretar la tecla e~ne y que salga una.
  Hombre... yo tengo puesto eso, y me salen las eñes, los acentos, el
  sistema me traduce lo que buenamente puede al castellano, etc.
  Osease, que yo pulso la eñe desde el shell, y obtengo una ñ.
 Pues enconces tengo mala suerte. aqui esta mi LANG:
 $echo $LANG

Prueba a ver con:
export LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-1
export LC_CTYPE=es_ES.ISO-8859-1

 y mira,  ;  , eso  _no_  es una e~ne.

Mira mis eñes 

  al instalar debian 2.1, lo hice hace 3 dias, me pregunt'o sobre el 
 teclado, le dije castellano y pude escribir las e~nes, acentos, etc. Rebootie 
 y se paso todo al ingles
 Porque me pasa esto?

Eso son meigas seguro ;-) ... es broma no lo se, pero prueba lo que te digo, 
a mi me pasaba algo como lo tuyo y me funcionó.

 Phillip Neumann  

No hay de que


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Tarjetas gráficas AGP

1998-12-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 10:32:14AM +0100, Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide wrote:
 Tengo instalado el gestor de ventanas fvwm95 y me gustaría realizar
 algunas consultas:
 ¿Existe alguna forma de personalizar colores de fondo, modificar los
 menús que aparecen por defecto, etc? Me imagino que habrá que tocar en
 algún fichero de configuración pero no sé cuál es.

Echale un vistazo a Window Maker 0.2 que hay en Slink... te olvidarás de
fvwm95 como yo hice. Te permite de forma cómoda personalizar tu escritorio
a tope, no com en fvwm95. Me gusta más que KDE pues es menos mamotreto,
más flexible y está más integrado en Debian, te lo aconsejo, por lo menos
pruéba la version que te digo.

 He intentado instalar el gestor KDE porque he oído que es muy bueno
 y con muchas utilidades. Lo he intentado instalar desde el tercer CDROM
 de la distribución de Debian, pero se queja de que faltan librerías,
 etc. ¿ Alguien lo ha instalado desde aquí sin problemas ?.

Yo y no tuve ningún problema.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: HP Colorado 8 Gb

1998-12-30 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Ximo Nadal wrote:

 Tengo instalada una HP Colorado de 8 Gb con Debian 2.0
 y no se como hacerla funcionar, ni si hay utilidades para
 su manejo desde linux.
 Si alguien sabe algo, que me lo cuente. Gracias y feliz 1.999
 a todos.

Yo uso una HP Colorado Travan. Tambien estoy con la Debian 2.0
El dato importante es saber si es una SCSI o no.
Si no es una SCSI no hace falta que sigas leyendo. 

La mía si lo es.

No creo que tengas ningun problema con ningun dispositivo de
cinta SCSI ya que el kernel lo suele reconocer sin problemas.
En mi caso el kernel según puede verse en /proc/scsi me reconoce 
lo siguiente:

Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
  Vendor: HP   Model: T4000s   Rev: 1.05
  Type:   Sequential-AccessANSI SCSI revision: 02

Dispones de dos tipos de dispositivos muy utiles. 
/dev/stn y /dev/nstn. El primer tipo rebobina el dispositivo
en el momento de cerrarlo. El Segundo es apropiado para escribir
varios ficheros secuencialmente en la cinta aun que esto no suele
usarse mucho. Tambien se usa para comandos especiales de cinta.
Como por ejemplo 'mt -f /dev/nst0 retension'
Comprueba si estan soportados en el kernel y si están generados los
dispositivos.  Normalmente los dispositivos se crean con:
  mknod -m 660 /dev/st0 c 9 0
  mknod -m 660 /dev/st1 c 9 1
  mknod -m 660 /dev/nst0 c 9 128
  mknod -m 660 /dev/nst1 c 9 129

/dev/tape suele ser un enlace simbolico al dispositivo al dispositivo
por defecto para cinta.

mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
mt -f /dev/st0 status
echo Espere. Realizando prueba de escritura 
if ! echo  Prueba  /dev/st0
 echo   !!! Imposible escribir !!!
 echo OK
cat  /dev/st0

Para más informacion ,man mt, man st.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Como hacer una buena copia de seguridad

1998-12-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, ante todo FELIZ 1999 por si no os escribo antes de mañana por
la noche.

Las copias de seguridad que hago a mi sistema (uso personal y con conexión a
red por módem) las realizo con Taper en un mismo fichero de backup a disco zip,

Configuracion del sistema:

Configuracion de usuarios

Las realizo cada vez que me acuerdo (debo acordarme más frecuentemente por
cierto) y se que debería incluir más cosas en la copia de seguridad pero no
se cuales, por favor alguien me podría decir:

a) ¿Qué es aconsejable incluir en una copia de seguridad el sistema?.
b) Hay algún método más automatizado que el ahora me acuerdo ahora la hago

Saludos y gracias.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

No comprendo los mensajes de cron.

1998-12-30 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 02:46:58PM +0100, Cron Daemon wrote:
 File /usr/bin/htpasswd registered but not installed
 File /usr/lib/emacs/19.34/i386-debian-linux/movemail registered but not 
 /usr/bin/mail PERMISSION MISMATCH: was root.mail 777 changed to root.mail 2755

Por favor alguien me puede explicar qué significan las lineas del mensaje
que me envia cron cada vez que ejecuta las tares de crontab (arriba copiado),
crontab que en mi caso es:

# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the crontab'
# command to install the new version when you edit this file.
# This file also has a username field, that none of the other crontabs do.


# m h dom mon dow user  command
42 14   * * *   rootrun-parts --report /etc/cron.daily
47 14   * * 7   rootrun-parts --report /etc/cron.weekly
52 14   1 * *   rootrun-parts --report /etc/cron.monthly
# Removed invocation of anacron, as this is now handled by a 
# /etc/cron.d file

con /etc/cron.daily/ asi:
calendarman-db  standardtetex-bin
findmgetty  suidmanager
login_app.dpkg-new  netbase sysklogd

con /etc/cron.weekly/ asi:
auctex   dpkg-mountable   man-db   super
distributed-net  efax mgetty-fax   sysklogd

y con /etc/cron.monthly/ asi:

¿Sería aconsejable meter algo más en alguno de los directorios?


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Grabadora de CDs ¿cual?

1998-12-30 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 03:36:00PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 como decía Ignacio, yo he sido bueno este año así que le voy a pedir a los
 Reyes una grabadora de CDs, he estado mirando la lista de compatibilidades
 hardware para asesorar a sus majestades los Reyed de Oriente pero no
 me aclara mucho pues son muchas las que trabajan bien sobre Linux.

 Si aprecias tu propia sanidad mental, compra una SCSI (no, no es más
 cara; si, si es mejor)

 Una de puerto paralelo podrá ser muy barata, pero en términos de
 velocidad y de problemas es una total basura.

 Un amigo tiene una IDE y está como loco por deshacerse de ella. La
 máquina se 'sienta' cuando está quemando un disco (es bus IDE será
 muy lindo y todo eso, pero no fue hecho para estas cosas)

 Una SCSI es casi garantizado que funciona (mira las páginas de
 cdrecord para asegurarte que un modelo particular está soportado). De
 lo que te tienes que preocupar es de la controladora. Usualmente las
 controladoras incluidas con estas cosas dejan mucho que desear. Una
 buena opción ahora son las Adaptec de bajo rendimiento (para el CDR
 lo único que necesitas es que sea capaz de sostener una velocidad de
 ~ 600 kB/s, lo cual cualquier controlador SCSI puede hacer). Si el
 precio de las Adaptec es muy alto (aún las más baratas son caras),
 busca alguna controladora con chips NCR 53C8xx (hay modelos PCI que
 hacen incluso 'bus mastering' y cuestan menos de US$ 60). Una opción
 excelente son las controladoras BusLogic FlashPoint (que no me
 acuerdo cual es el nombre que tienen ahora -- *si* el vendedor sabe
 de lo que está hablando será fácil que te entienda que quieres si le
 pides un controlador FlashPoint). Personalmente no recomendaría
 controladoras Future Domain...

 Con una controladora SCSI de bajo rendimiento puedes pensar en
 colocar una lector SCSI también, y posteriormente un scanner así como
 una unidad ZIP. Una vez que uno está en el tren SCSI es muy difícil
 bajarse -- SCSI es *la* solución Plug-n-Play; no he visto hasta el
 día de hoy nada SCSI que lleve más de 5 minutos instalar. La parte
 más dificil suele ser instalar la controladora... la que más guerra
 me ha dado alguna vez fue una con un chip NCR antiguo, pues la
 tarjeta insistía en utilizar la interrupción 'A' del bus PCI que la
 tarjeta de video *también* insistía en usar. Si piensas a largo
 plazo, la inversión extra que representa la controladora se paga


Re: Cambio de contexto en WindowMaker

1998-12-30 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 12:03:08AM +0100, Juanmi Mora wrote:

  Sabe alguién donde encontrar el parche para WindowMaker que permite
  el cambio de contexto (de ventanas) con Alt+Tab. No me refiero al
  CirculateRaise.  Me refiero a la forma de cambiar entre tareas como
  se hace en Güindos.



 Si no recuerdo mal en hay un enlace que
 dice 'Links', y allí hay uno que dice 'Window Maker patches'. Eso es
 lo que buscas. Perdona si no te doy algo más preciso, pero todas
 estas páginas ya expiraron en el cache... :(


Re: Unidentified subject!

1998-12-30 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 11:06:04PM -0300, Phillip Neumann wrote:

   al instalar debian 2.1, lo hice hace 3 dias, me pregunt'o
  sobre el teclado, le dije castellano y pude escribir las e~nes,
  acentos, etc. Rebootie y se paso todo al ingles

 Prueba con 'kbdconfig' (como root)


Re: Cambio de contexto en WindowMaker

1998-12-30 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 10:21:07AM -0600, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

  Si no recuerdo mal en hay un enlace que
  dice 'Links', y allí hay uno que dice 'Window Maker patches'. Eso es
  lo que buscas. Perdona si no te doy algo más preciso, pero todas
  estas páginas ya expiraron en el cache... :(


Re: Teclado

1998-12-30 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Mon, Dec 28, 1998 at 08:33:13PM +0100, TooManySecrets wrote:
  Tengo el tipico problema...
  Como hago que mi teclado espa~nol actue como tal? 
 Pon en tu fichero /etc/profile lo siguiente:
 y ya'tá.

Pues yo tengo


¿Hay alguna diferencia?


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Re: Cambio de contexto en WindowMaker

1998-12-30 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 12:03:08AM +0100, Juanmi Mora wrote:
 Hola Lista!!!
 Sabe alguién donde encontrar el parche para WindowMaker que permite el
 cambio de contexto (de ventanas) con Alt+Tab. No me refiero al CirculateRaise.
 Me refiero a la forma de cambiar entre tareas como se hace en Güindos.

No entiendo a qué te refieres. Con el CirculateRaise activado a mi me
funciona como en Windows.


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Re: Cambio de contexto en WindowMaker

1998-12-30 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 09:37:58PM +0100, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 No entiendo a qué te refieres. Con el CirculateRaise activado a mi me
 funciona como en Windows.

 Windows tiene la característica de cambiar la ventana focalizada de
 una forma bastante rara (personalmente yo la detesto -- MS o no). Si
 tienes tres ventanas:

  |1   |
  |  +---+
  |  |2  |
  |  |  +-+
  +--|  |3| 3 --
 |  | | 2--
 |  +-+ 1  

 Si 3 tiene está enfocada, en Windows, presionando Alt-Tab cambia a
 digamos 2 (digamos es la clave del asunto).  Soltando Alt, y
 presionando Alt-Tab nuevamente cambia a 3.  Si presionas Alt-Tab, y
 sigues presionando Tab luego, el foco cambia entre 3, 2 y 1.
 Adicionalmente Windows cambia el orden Z de las ventanas.

 Window Maker hace otra cosa: presionando M-Tab con 3 enfocada, cambia
 el foco a 2. Si sueltas M, y ahora presionas M-Tab nuevamente, enfoca
 1 (sigue el orden Z de las ventanas, no lo cambia).

 Si CirculateRaise está activo, al cambiar el foco se cambia el orden
 z, pero *sabes* que al presionar Alt-Tab la ventana que se enfoque
 será la que sigue en el orden z.  En Windows eso no es necesariamente

 Creo que esta explicación no está clara, la mejor forma es que te
 sientes en una máquina con Windows y veas (o trates de ver) cual es
 la diferencia entre CirculateRaise y lo otro.

 Por cierto... no voy a poner ese parche en el paquete oficial de
 Debian por una razón simple: tiene errores y el autor está
 consiente... en principio puede sonar como una razón inválida pues me
 pueden decir que Window Maker en general tiene errores, pero el punto
 es que los errores del patch pueden botar toda la sesión -- y no
 quiero meter uno más de esos :)


Re: Interfaz dpkgweb

1998-12-30 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Sun, Dec 27, 1998 at 05:13:40PM +, Antonio Calvo Rodriguez wrote:
 Este fin de semana e estado preparando unas paginas web para un servidor
 que tengo en el trabajo,
 me interesaria mostrar una lista de los paquetes instalados en el mismo,
 para ello he escrito
 este script, pero como mis conocimientos son bastante limitados, me
 gustaria saber si alguien 
 ha escrito algo parecido , o por lo menos como filtrar los paquetes no
 instalados para reducir el
 tamaño de la pagina generada ).

Mira a ver si te vale esto ;-)

Si aun sigues queriendo hacer la tabla, me lo dices i te digo como hacerlo.

Bueno, feliz año nuevo a todos!!


#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# Nombre: deb2web [genera lista de debs instalados para la web]

# Leemos la lista de paquetes 
open(DEBS, dpkg -l |);

# Cabecera HTML
print EOF;
titleLista de paquetes instalados/title
meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html;charset=iso-8859-1
 Paquete VersiónDescripción
 --- -- 


# Para cada linea 
while($linea = DEBS) {
  # Pasamos de la linea si el paquete no está instalado,
  # i.e. el segundo carácter de la linea ha de ser i
  next unless ($linea =~ /^.i/);

  # Machacamos los primeros tres caracteres 
  $linea =~ s/^...//;

  print $linea;

# Final  HTML
print EOF;



Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Re: Install wierdness or newbie goes doh!

1998-12-30 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1998-12-29 16:50, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Received: from
   by fetchmail-4.6.4 POP3
   for wind/localhost (single-drop); Tue, 29 Dec 1998 10:05:44 EST
 Received: from ( [])
   by (8.9.1/8.9.1) with SMTP id JAA4394459
   for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 29 Dec 1998 09:55:52 -0500 (EST)
 Received: (qmail 18315 invoked by uid 38); 29 Dec 1998 14:52:51 -
 Resent-Date: 29 Dec 1998 14:52:50 -
 Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 16:50:49 +0100 (CET)
 Subject: Re: Install wierdness or newbie goes doh!
 MIME-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: TEXT/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII
 Resent-Message-ID: TYQyQB.A.1dE.BzOi2@murphy
 X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/30912
 Precedence: list
 Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-UIDL: c8672d2349052c83fd756875b6514061
 Status: O
 Content-Length: 633
 Lines: 20
 On 30 Dec, John Reid wrote:
  - 2Gb mode-4 ide disk drive on hda (3 partitions - 1.2gb fat32, ~515mb
  linux, 96mb linux swap)
 I think this might be the problem. LILO has problems booting linux if
 the primary linux partition is located above a certain block.
 I think it would be best to have the linux ext2 partition as the first,
 located below the 1Gb mark. I am not sure though. Someone please
 correct me if I am wrong.

Actually, it's 1024 cyl = 1/2 GB.  This restrictions is started to
disappear in newer bioses.

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main St., 2nd fl.   Fax:781.938.6641 (home)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

Re: OFFTOPIC: How to use strings with libstdc++?

1998-12-30 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 08:21:43PM +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 Hi All
 I've stated that there is no old good String class in libstdc++.
 Instead I've found the string header which defines the string class.
 Is it OK to use it in new C++ programs, or it is added only for
 compatibility? Why has it such nonstandard name (without .h suffix).

From Stroustrup:

=Section B 3.1, third edition=
Traditionally, every header file had a .h suffix. Thus C++ implementations
provided headers such as map.h and iostream.h. For compatibiilty, most
still do.

When the standards committee needed headers for redefined versions of
standard libraries for newly added library facilities, naming those headers
became a problem. Using the old .h names would have caused compatibilty
problems. The solution was to drop the suffix .h in standard header names.
The suffix is redundant anyway because the  notation indicates that a
standard header is being named.

Thus, the standard library provides non-suffixed headers, such as iostream
and map. The declarations in those fiels are placed in the namespace std.
Older headers place their declarations in the global namespace and use a .h

So, the decision is neither arbitrary nor non-standard. The only thing left
is to actually implement namespaces in gcc :)


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: Install wierdness or newbie goes doh!

1998-12-30 Thread Sourcerer
On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, John Reid wrote:


 Also I may need to add hdc=cdrom as a boot parameter for my cdrom (see
 below) - I can't find anywhere obvious to do this in the install
 script.  I tried adding the cdrom module and feeding it  hdc=cdrom as a
 parameter - received error - this module does not accept command line
 parameters or word to that effect.  

I think that's only for the cdrom common support and not the module for a
specific cdrom in the base install. The parameters would be addr and irq
dev='0x340,11' or whatever, if you needed to pass them. Later you would
make a symbolic link of /dev/cdrom to /dev/hdc


/()\ O|O|O|O||O||O The world hadn't ever had so many
 \../  |OO|||O|||O|O moving parts or so few labels.  
  ||   OO|||OO||O||O   -- mlo

Re: mounting W95 partitions

1998-12-30 Thread Avijit Bandyopadhyay
On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Ted Llewellyn wrote:

   I need to mount my Windows 95 partitions from the Debian 2.0 setup.  I
 keep getting errors that say I am trying to mount an extended partition.
 Well, guess what?  That's exactly what I'm trying to do!  Just what is
 Linux's syntax for these DOS extended partitions that Windows puts all
 those drive letters on?  I've tried /dev/hda1 and so on, and I've tried
 combinations from /dev, but nothing works.  What's the secret password?
  _ () _-- __()   Ted Llewellyn
 )  _--  /
  (/  (/  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

mount -t vfat /dev/YOURW95PARTITIONHERE 
should do it However, if you don't have vfat support in your kernel
(you should though), then recompile the kernel. Be sure to say 'yes' to
native language support. Then an option will come up asking about vfat
support, say 'yes' there also. Oh... make sure you're trying the proper
partition too.

Hope this helps!

[~[  Avijit Bandyopadhyay  ]~]
 Computer Engineering  Management | McMaster IEEE Communications Society
 Class of 2001 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Engineering Competition 
@ Mac)
 McMaster University   | McMaster IEEE Computer Chapter
 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | McMaster Solar Car Project
[.Montreal Canadiens... E.R.T.W. .Brasil in '02..]

Re: debian-cd package broken? (hamm)

1998-12-30 Thread Steve McIntyre
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
OK, I have a few questions.  Background:

[ Simple responses to most of these, your biggest problem is #4 ]

We have a mirror ( for those on the west coast who hadn't
noticed) which makes on-site installs a breeze. However, we have
employees who'd like to install Debian at home, so I thought Gee, we
have a mirror, why don't I just burn a CD or two?

Question 1:  Why??

hamm: debian-cd_2.0.3.deb
slink: debian-cd_2.0.2.deb

Good question...

Question 2: (the words hack and frozen both make me nervous in this

There is a line in 'Configuration':

# This is not the released version
which I changed to 

and there is a comment in 'Rules':

# Create a dists/ subdir in debian/ subdir of the tmpdir.
define init-dists
# Hack for frozen
   (cd $(ARCHIVE); cp -dpRPl dists/$(STATUS) $(TMPDIR_MAIN)/debian)
   -ln -s $(STATUS) $(TMPDIR_MAIN)/debian/dists/stable
   -ln -s ../hamm $(TMPDIR_MAIN)/debian/dists/hamm

OK, it hasn't been updated since hamm was frozen then.

Question/Comment 3:

I want to burn a hamm CD. I execute 'make binary-i386' and
/usr/src/debian-cd/Rules breaks down because it wants to copy and, but the only file available for it is
/home/ftp/pub/debian/tools/ OK, I fixed that. (But perhaps
the script should be fixed?)

This is a problem on the ftp sites - the tools directories are not
release-specific, so updates to them will result in older tools (like
debian-cd) breaking. 

Question 4:

Now things move along swimmingly until mkiofs takes off. I guess it's
assigning alternate file names. Here is the output, starting with the
last line that looks correct to me, followed by a line that looks broken
to me, and ending with the abend of the make.


/home/ftp/pub/debian/tmp/main/install/resc1440.bin (resc1440-fast.bin)
Unable to open disc image file
make: *** [binary-i386] Error 1

Hmmm. Check on where the output iso image should be going and make sure
you have write permissions there. I'd guess you're trying to write the
images somewhere under the mirror and you're not able to.

Steve McIntyre, CURS CCE, Cambridge, UK. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I sent ten dollars to and all I got was... well, nothing.
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky, +--
Tongue-tied  twisted, Just an earth-bound misfit, I...  |Finger for PGP key

Re: debian-cd package broken? (hamm)

1998-12-30 Thread Martin Schulze
Pann McCuaig wrote:
 OK, I have a few questions.  Background:
 We have a mirror ( for those on the west coast who hadn't
 noticed) which makes on-site installs a breeze. However, we have
 employees who'd like to install Debian at home, so I thought Gee, we
 have a mirror, why don't I just burn a CD or two?
 Question 1:  Why??
 hamm: debian-cd_2.0.3.deb


 slink: debian-cd_2.0.2.deb


Don't even think about trying to use debian-cd for it.  Please subscribe
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  A new method of creating slink cds is
being developed there.  The hamm package debian-cd is useless for this
and will be removed from slink.

 Question 2: (the words hack and frozen both make me nervous in this

They do?  Maybe some valium may help... :)



If you come from outside of Finland, you live in wrong country.
-- motd of

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Hey girls and boys

1998-12-30 Thread me
Hey there!

 I'm new.

 I installed Debian 2.1 (frozen) and received a X11 error (both on
Intel and Alpha platforms):

Fatal server error:
 could not open defualt font 'fixed'

I figured it must have been some mis-configuration on my part, but I can't
find any mismatched dependencies.

Intel: 100 Mhz, I128 (Number Nine 2MB), SCSI + IDE hdd's.
Alpha: 166 Mhz, TGA, SCSI


   ,,/,  o mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
.---__;;;' \ 
  ,;;;~(   /``~-'o
 `~''  `\ )--__ ) )__   
//'/'  \\~-~~\  o Efnet: konrad
|  `\  =/' 
 o ICQ #: 1539748

Re: ip-up ip-down

1998-12-30 Thread john
Frederic Breitwieser writes:
 In the ip-up and up-down scripts, I had to switch directories in order
 for the program to see its config file in the same directory - it doesn't
 use any path or environment variables !

This documented in the pppd man page.  It is done for security reasons.
The standard Debian ip-up and ip-down scripts set PATH and export it.

Why are you rewriting ip-up and ip-down?  The standard Debian ip-up and
ip-down scripts use run-parts to run whatever you put in ip-up.d and
ip-down.d.  Thus you would create a script named dynip in ip-down.d, make
it executable and put this in it:

dynipclient -k

and put a similar script in ip-up.d.  

By rewriting ip-up and ip-down you are going to foul up packages that put
scripts in these directories and expect them to get run at appropriate

John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Acroread Hamm ???

1998-12-30 Thread Wayne Cuddy
I am totally confused by this here is my ldd acroread output. =

wc_deb:/usr/local/opt/Acrobat3/Reader/intellinux/bin-ldd acroread = /usr/local/opt/Acrobat3/Reader/intellinux/lib/ 
(0x4000a000) = /usr/local/opt/Acrobat3/Reader/intellinux/lib/ 
(0x4015c000) = /usr/local/opt/Acrobat3/Reader/intellinux/lib/ 
(0x401e) = not found = not found = not found = /lib/ (0x40268000) = /lib/ (0x40271000) = /lib/ (0x40274000)

As you can see it does not find Xt or X related libraries yet I have them
installed and have motif apps that I have written which use these libraries
and those show the correct location of Xt libraries in the ldd output.


On Mon, 28 Dec 1998, Stephan Engelke wrote:

 Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:12:45 +0100
 From: Stephan Engelke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Acroread  Hamm  ???
 Hi Wayne,
 Wayne Cuddy wrote:
  Does Acroread work with hamm?  
 Yes it does.
  It tells me it can't find  If I set
  my LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get a SEGV.  I do have libc5 installed.
 Did you try running ldconfig as root?  I think this is what solved
 this Problem for me. Also find the actual Reader-Binary (I don't recall
 its name, acroread is a mere shellscript) and do a ldd binaryname to
 see if all other 
 libraries are found.
 Check /etc/ and add the readers library directory if
 So long,
 Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 +++ Divide by cucumber +++ Out of cheese error +++ Redo from start +++

Nevermind... sorry Re: Acroread Hamm ???

1998-12-30 Thread Wayne Cuddy
I did not have the old Xt and X libraries that where compiled against libc5
installed and that was the problem.  I can wait for this libc5 legacy stuff to
go away.

Thanks for the help.

On Mon, 28 Dec 1998, Stephan Engelke wrote:

 Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 22:12:45 +0100
 From: Stephan Engelke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Acroread  Hamm  ???
 Hi Wayne,
 Wayne Cuddy wrote:
  Does Acroread work with hamm?  
 Yes it does.
  It tells me it can't find  If I set
  my LD_LIBRARY_PATH I get a SEGV.  I do have libc5 installed.
 Did you try running ldconfig as root?  I think this is what solved
 this Problem for me. Also find the actual Reader-Binary (I don't recall
 its name, acroread is a mere shellscript) and do a ldd binaryname to
 see if all other 
 libraries are found.
 Check /etc/ and add the readers library directory if
 So long,
 Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 +++ Divide by cucumber +++ Out of cheese error +++ Redo from start +++

molim pomoc

1998-12-30 Thread Darko Martic
Pozdrav !

Posto iz subjecta mozete zakljuciti o cemu se radi, prijeci cu odmah na
stvar. Evo upravo sam vec treci put pokusao instalirati taj OS sa VIDI CDa
iz broja 29/30 no sve prodje ok osim instalacije X Window systema. Naime
podesim u xbase-configure sve kako i je, sto se tice graficke kartice i
monitora, no kada pokusa nakon toga ga pokrenuti, jedno vrijeme ekran je
crn i onda stisnem alt+f1 i onda mi javi nesto u stilu unable to connect to
X server i onda pokusa ponovo no isto. Pretpostavljam da je rijec o
podesavanju graficke kartice no isprobao sam dosta kombinacija no nista.
Graficka kartica je ATI 3D Xpression sa 4 MB (mach64) a monitor ADI
ProVista E44 (15).

Jos jedna stvar no nevezana uz X Windows. Naime kao root htio sam
promijeniti shell sa chsh iz bash u tcsh i vidio sam putanju za bash da je
/usr/bash i pretpostavio da je isto i za tcsh no ocito nije, i sada se vise
ne mogu prijaviti kao root jer mi javi da /usr/tcsh ne postoji i vrati me
na upit za login.

Puno Vam hvala unaprijed !

Re: Logo

1998-12-30 Thread Ian Keith Setford

When I started using Debian a little over 2 years ago I thought the
capital DEBIAN that was multi-color looked really sharp.  It would make
a cool sticker, t-shirt, CD-cover or anything actually.  Kudos to whoever
designed it.  It appeared on the web page 'back in the day and looked

Keep the change from my two cents.


 On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 05:18:05PM -0500, James LewisMoss wrote:
  I'm looking at the logo for debian and the text under one version of
  the Logo is 'Debian GNU/Linux'.  Since we are now working on Gnu/Hurd
  and there have been grumblings about other ports for years is the
  GNu/Linux appropriate still?
 Yeah, let's start another logo discussion :)
 If you ask me, we should be brave enough and run a gimp contest and choose a
 new logo from the entries. The Gnome logo was also the result of a gimp
 contest, and it is great.
 About the text: I think Debian GNU/Linux is (still) appropriate. The Debian
 GNU/Hurd is not yet released. However, if you want to be prepared, my
 suggestion would be Debian in general, and Debian GNU/Linux for the
 linux versions and Debian GNU/Hurd if you mean the Hurd in specific.
 Note that the Hurd and Linux will never be completely seperate. The Hurd
 will be able to use a lot of Linux binary packages, and maybe the Linux
 kernel will run on top of the Hurd sometime, who knows :) Because we always
 have the possibility to drop back to Debian I don't see the problem with
 Debian GNU/Linux for now.
 However, I _am_ concerned about the fact that the Debian logo is a penguin.
 I think this IS inappropriate, and I think we should have neither a GNU nor
 a chicken related with OUR logo.
 I will make this a proposal really soon, if nobody else steps forward
 (probably a native english speaker, who can word it more carefully. I would
 be happy to cooperate with someone who is interested).
 Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
 Marcus Brinkmann
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09
 Please respect the privacy of this mailing list.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread Monte Copeland
This is my first attempt at compiling a new kernel. I downloaded the
latest Linux kernel 2.1.132 in hopes that one day I will be able to get
my  SoundblasterPCI128  sound card to make some noise like music CDs ,
midi, Real Audio/Video , etc...  But that will have to wait because at
this time I can not get my  printer to properly work with the new
kernel. It is an Epson  Dot Matrix Action Printer 5000+ .  I have a
Debian hamm distribution and my printer works fine with the 2.0.34
kernel. When the 2.0.34 kernel boots up I get two responses form my
printer and I am able to print. When I make the new kernel and install
it, I get only one startup response from my printer. The only time time
that I can get it to print anything is with the command :

%  echo print something!  /dev/lp0


%  lpr  test.doc

produces no response. lpq command gives the following message:

 %  lpq
Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'Epson ESCP2'
 Queue: 1 printable job
 Server: pid 378 active
 Unspooler: pid 379 active
 Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,
sleeping 10 at 22:29:59
 Rank   Owner/ID   Class Job  Files   Size
active  [EMAIL PROTECTED]A  377 test.doc   313

I can't figure out what else I have to configure. I have read and reread
the HOWTO's and the man pages for just about everything there is to read
( I think )  for booting a new kernel, installing modules, and
configuring the printer. I don't know if I have configured my make
menuconfig correctly or not ( there a MANY options ) but I know that
I have enabled parallel printer support as a module. I have also gone
through the motions of make modules and make modules_install .  I have
tried several different combinations of options in the menuconfig file
but I am beginning to get weary of the whole process. Is there anyone
that can tell me a list of exactly what options I am to configure into
my kernel and which options I should configure as modules. Also, do
I have to do any special work when it comes to getting the modules to
work with the kernel? I have read about insmod, modprobe, depmod,
kereld, and kmod but it was a little confusing and I have probably
missed some step somewhere. I could sure use some advise about now,
because I am beginning to think that I have stepped into water that is a
little too deep for me.

Monte Copeland

Knoxville  TN

Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 03:39:27AM +, Monte Copeland wrote:

 %  echo print something!  /dev/lp0
  Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,

You need to edit /etc/printcap and change lp1 to lp0. Not sure why this
is setup this way, do you have more than one parallel device?

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread D'jinnie
  %  lpq
 Printer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  'Epson ESCP2'
  Queue: 1 printable job
  Server: pid 378 active
  Unspooler: pid 379 active
  Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,

If your printer is at lp0 that would certainly explain why you can't
print. However, I have no idea why it would assume lp1, since the default 
normally is lp0...

 sleeping 10 at 22:29:59
  Rank   Owner/ID   Class Job  Files   Size
 active  [EMAIL PROTECTED]A  377 test.doc   313
 work with the kernel? I have read about insmod, modprobe, depmod,
 kereld, and kmod but it was a little confusing and I have probably
 missed some step somewhere. I could sure use some advise about now,
 because I am beginning to think that I have stepped into water that is a
 little too deep for me.

The modules should be inserted automatically; try lsmod and see
if the lp module is inserted. if not, cd to the modules directory
(/lib/modules/2.1.312/whatever subdirectory lp.o is in) and insmod lp.o
looks like lpd is running, so likely the module is inserted.

The chief cause of problems is solutions.
-- Eric Sevareid


Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread D'jinnie
   Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,
 You need to edit /etc/printcap and change lp1 to lp0. Not sure why this
 is setup this way, do you have more than one parallel device?

Hmm. I look at my printcap, and by default it's set to lp1. 
I shall include it for educational purproses :)

# /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
# You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
# your own filters. See the printcap(5) manual page for further
# details.

lp|Generic dot-matrix printer entry

I haven't configured the printer on my machine yet, but I rather question
the lp1 default...

The chief cause of problems is solutions.
-- Eric Sevareid


Re: Web-based email for Debian

1998-12-30 Thread Ivan E. Moore II
I am working (and about ready to upload) on a web based IMAP mail program 
called IMP.  I have a .deb up for download along with an example of what it 
looks like and how it works.

It's still in beta but works really well.  I use it when I'm at work and have 
had extremly little problems.  


On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 10:35:39AM -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
 I'm running a slink system w/Exim as my MTA.  Does anyone know of a web-based
 e-mail system that would fit into a Debian system nicely?
  Regards,| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a
  .   | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8
  Randy   | bit operating system originally coded for
  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | a 4 bit microprocessor written by a 2 bit | company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Ivan E. Moore II  Rev. Krusty  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Imagination is more important than knowledge  - Albert Einstien
GPG KeyID=0E1A75E3
GPG Fingerprint=3291 F65F 01C9 A4EC DD46 C6AB FBBC D7FF 0E1A 75E3

Re: Logitech TrackMan Maple+

1998-12-30 Thread Jameson Burt
 Martin Schulze wrote:
 Hmm... my Trackman Marble is a PS/2 device:
 Section Pointer
Device  /dev/mouse
 append=-l \a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\
 (The append= line isn't relevant to the device type; it's to do with
 recognising words and sentences.)

Of course, he has the link
   ln -s psaux /dev/mouse
Other than the append line, my file XF86Config and gpm.conf are identical to 
the  reply above).

While I have never used it, the following is a nice graphical mouse setting 
tool found in xbase,

installing on cdrom-less box

1998-12-30 Thread Chris Frost
Hash: SHA1

I'd like to install debian on a box which lacks a cdrom; I can export the
debian cd's via nfs, ftp, whatever. I had heard that you could install
debian with floppies and nfs, but haven't been able to find the floppy
image(s) to do so.

- Visit Me At -

   Public PGP Key:
 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject retrieve pgpkey or

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread Bob Nielsen
/dev/lp1 is for older kernels, /dev/lp0 for newer kernels.  Don't ask me

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, D'jinnie wrote:

Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,
  You need to edit /etc/printcap and change lp1 to lp0. Not sure why this
  is setup this way, do you have more than one parallel device?
 Hmm. I look at my printcap, and by default it's set to lp1. 
 I shall include it for educational purproses :)
 # /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
 # You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
 # your own filters. See the printcap(5) manual page for further
 # details.
 lp|Generic dot-matrix printer entry
 I haven't configured the printer on my machine yet, but I rather question
 the lp1 default...

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: pkgsel

1998-12-30 Thread Adam Di Carlo

With respect to pkgsel, I thought our ultimate idea (not really for
slink) was to provide actual empty 'metapackages', which are just
normal packages with a whole slew of dependancies and a little
README/Changelog/etc in /usr/doc/metapkgname .

Is this the plan?

I'll try to be sure and document how to exploit the existing pkgsel
stuff.  Anyone volunteering text snippets for the Installation Manual
would be appreciated.


Re: installing on cdrom-less box

1998-12-30 Thread Brandon Mitchell
Your cd will probably have a similar directory.  Instructions are in the


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Chris Frost wrote:

 I'd like to install debian on a box which lacks a cdrom; I can export the
 debian cd's via nfs, ftp, whatever. I had heard that you could install
 debian with floppies and nfs, but haven't been able to find the floppy
 image(s) to do so.

Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread Monte Copeland
D'jinnie wrote:

Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,
  You need to edit /etc/printcap and change lp1 to lp0. Not sure why this
  is setup this way, do you have more than one parallel device?

 Hmm. I look at my printcap, and by default it's set to lp1.
 I shall include it for educational purproses :)

 # /etc/printcap: printer capability database. See printcap(5).
 # You can use the filter entries df, tf, cf, gf etc. for
 # your own filters. See the printcap(5) manual page for further
 # details.

 lp|Generic dot-matrix printer entry

 I haven't configured the printer on my machine yet, but I rather question
 the lp1 default...

 The chief cause of problems is solutions.
 -- Eric Sevareid


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yes I thought that lp1 as a default device might be the problem but it worked 
using the 2.0.34 kernel and /dev/lp0. I did not want to mess with something that
worked before. Call me a chicken or just too cautious.  :)
But changing the lp1 to lp0  is the printcap file was the problem.  My printer 
now at least as well with the new 2.1.132 kernel as it did with the old one.

Re: pkgsel

1998-12-30 Thread Brandon Mitchell
 With respect to pkgsel, I thought our ultimate idea (not really for
 slink) was to provide actual empty 'metapackages', which are just
 normal packages with a whole slew of dependancies and a little
 README/Changelog/etc in /usr/doc/metapkgname .
 Is this the plan?

How about another thought on how to do it.  Do a dpkg --get-selections.
Then compare what is currently installed to the groups of packages that
have been defined.  You then show the user if all, some, or none of the
group is currently installed.  The user then has the choice to change the
group to all or none.  Finally save the changes (will dpkg
--set-selections remove things?), maybe even offer to run apt-get.

Just my 5 cents (inflation) :-)

+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

Where is

1998-12-30 Thread Ed Cogburn

I broke down and upgraded from slink to potato and am now paying for my 
of will.  I get 'error loading shared libraries' when I try to run
gnome-session.  'Dpkg -S' is no help, I haven't a clue as to what .deb holds
this lib, although its got to be gnome related.  Any help?


Ed C.

Re: I've got a problem installing a new Graphic Card (ELSA Gloria Synergy)

1998-12-30 Thread Oleg Krivosheev

Hi, Andrea

 This card use the 3DLabs PERMIDIA 2 Chipset and I don't know how 
 to run an X server from the debian 2 distribution. 

there is no applicable X server in debian 2.

 I know that XFree86
 3.3.3  provide a new Xserver for 3DLabs Chipsets but where can I find
 the Debian Package for it ?

there is packaged XFree 3.3.3 on Debian Japanese cite, but i think
it is packaged for slink (debian 2.1)

 There is other possibilities for me to run an Xserver without the new 
 version of Xfree86.

just go to, grab precompiled X server
for linux_glibc (X3DL.tgz?), get SVGA server from the
distribution, replace X server in /usr/X11R6/bin with
X3DL and that's it. Well, XF86Config you'd have to
set by hands...

works for me

 Andrea Zennaro



Mwave Support?

1998-12-30 Thread Nils
The title pretty much explains this one. But is Mwave at all supported
in Linux or is it pretty much in vain to install?

Merry Christmas!
Nils =O)
You could trouble me for a big glass of shutup!

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

argh, disked again

1998-12-30 Thread Richard E. Hawkins Esq.

A simple job, stick a 500mb drive in, make a new partition out of
spare space, and tar it over.  A few minutes in, garbage appears
during tar, which i initially attributed to screwy characters in a dos
filename.  But it seems that instead, it was on some kind of rampage
through the rest of my hard drive.  I'm amazed at what was recovered,
but i'm missing random pieces here  there.  Like my entire mail
directory.  But the papers for my job search are still there (once
apache  a few others were reinstalled.  I had to reinstall everything
. . .).

I went into fdisk to make the new partition.  SHould have been no
problem; I've only allocated half an 8G disk (too long to wait for
e2fsck on big partitions).  BUt it said the disk was full.  THis
didn't seem right, so i used cfdsik to look at it, which happily
reported 3g at the end.  I had it add a 1g logical, and off I went.  

I'm wondering if it did something funny, such as stretch the partition
extended partition, as it fit's *exactly*.  Here's the table:

eyry:/home/hawk# fdisk -l
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 16278.
This is larger than 1024, and may cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software form other OSs
   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)

Disk /dev/hda: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 16278 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hda111  12864480+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda2  129  129  256645126  DOS 16-bit =32M
/dev/hda3  257  25711180  55056965  Extended
/dev/hda5  257  257 6498  3145936+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda6 6144 6499 6758   131008+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda7 6144 6759 7018   131008+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hda8 6144 7019 9099  1048792+  83  Linux native
/dev/hda9 8192 910011180  1048792+  83  Linux native

Disk /dev/hdb: 32 heads, 63 sectors, 524 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 2016 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1   *11  523   527152+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M

/dev/hda9 is the new partition, and i used  tar -zcv to wrap up the
contents of /dev/hdb1.  Or so i thought.

I seem to have everything working again, save that exmh claims not to

eyryttyp0:hawkwhich exmh
eyryttyp0:hawkecho $PATH
exmh: Command not found.
/usr/bin/exmh: Command not found.

and ppp-pam is apparently doing something bad during install:

Unpacking ppp-pam (from .../net/ppp-pam_2.3.5-2.deb) ...
Adding `diversion of /usr/sbin/pppd to /usr/sbin/pppd.ppp-pam by ppp-pam'
dpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/sbin/pppd.ppp-pam' with
  different file `/usr/sbin/pppd', not allowed
dpkg: error processing 
debian/dists/stable/main/binary-i386/net/ppp-pam_2.3.5-2.deb (--install):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2

rick, the tired, who isn't going to make it back hoe 7 hours ago on
this 20 minute trip . . .

Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread Oliver Elphick
D'jinnie wrote:
Status: cannot open '/dev/lp1' - 'Device not configured', attempt 1,
  If your printer is at lp0 that would certainly explain why you can't
  print. However, I have no idea why it would assume lp1, since the default 
  normally is lp0...
Before the 2.1.x kernels, the lp[0-2] devices were hardwired to I/O
addresses. Which one you used depended on how your hardware was set up.

In 2.1.x, the first printer configured is lp0, whatever its address.
There seem to have been one or more additional layers of parallel port
handling added.  Read through the documentation in 

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would 
  borrow of thee turn not away. 
  Matthew 5:42 

Re: spreadsheet

1998-12-30 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
I tried the XLite, found in uunet. I just had a look, but it seemed very good.


Stan Brown wrote:
 Anyone have a reomendation for a good spreadsheet, under Debian?

Defragging large filesystems

1998-12-30 Thread Eric Gillespie
I know this isn't a Debian-specific question but I'm at home for xmas and
I don't have access to the newsgroups here, so forgive me this

I have an 8gig hard drive which I made a single ext2 filesystem to hold my
mp3s. While ripping and encoding some of my CDs, the fragmentation jumped
to 45%, so I figured it was time to defrag. e2fsck runs with no problems,
but e2defrag says it can't seek to the end of the filesystem. I've read
all the docs, none of which mention a size limitation or how to work
around this problem. Is there something I can do to make this work, or
another ext2 defragger?

| pretzelgod | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
| (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
| That's the problem with going from a soldier to a   |
|  politician: you actually have to sit down and listen to |
|  people who six months ago you would've just shot.   |
|  --President John Sheridan, Babylon 5|

Re: Where are the configuration files for Afterstep?

1998-12-30 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 29 Dec 1998q, Ian Keith Setford wrote:
 Try /usr/share/afterstep.  That is the system-wide root for the
 afterstep configuration.

I know those files are there, but they don't do the basic configuration. I
finally discovered where it's lurking; it's in /etc/X11/afterstep/menudefs.hook.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Trying to install gide

1998-12-30 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
I'm trying to install gide using apt-get and ocurrs an error:

phantasy:/home/paulo# apt-get install gide
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 packages upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 627 not
Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they
unmet dependencies:
gide: Depends:libgtk1.1

But, when I try to install libgtk1.1:

phantasy:/home/paulo# apt-get install libgtk1.1
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Sorry, libgtk1.1 is already the newest version
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 627 not

What I have to do? I have a mix of Hamm, with some packages
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Re: Trying to install gide

1998-12-30 Thread Steve Lamb
On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 10:03:20 +, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:

phantasy:/home/paulo# apt-get install libgtk1.1
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Sorry, libgtk1.1 is already the newest version
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 627 not

What I have to do?

Do what I would do, grab the deb and use dpkg to install it.  Apt pisses
me off sometimes when it won't install things so just hammer it a bit.  

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: [PB] a quiet sound blaster

1998-12-30 Thread Didier Verna
debian  writes:

debian FYI: You might have a cdrom installed.. But I suspect it is on an IDE
debian channel rather then on the IDE channel on the soundcard?

You're right. It's on /dev/hdc. I just remember having connected a
wire directly from it to the SB.

/ /   _   _   Didier Verna
 - / / - / / /_/ /  E.N.S.T. INF C201.1  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/ / /_/ / /__ /46 rue BarraultTel.   (33) 01 45 81 73 46
  75634 Paris  cedex 13 Fax.   (33) 01 45 81 31 19

Debian install failure on laptop. Please help ...

1998-12-30 Thread Robert J. Alexander
I cannot boot any Debian (tecra or whatever) rescue disk on my latest
laptop (previous 3 IBM Thinkpads where OK).

Really need a solution.

Here is the description (in the attachment).

Thank you very much. Happy 1999.

Bob Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED]Very dear Debian friends,

In the past I have succesfully installed many Debian levels on a host of IBM
Thinkpads (755s,760s). Despite having usually to resort to the TECRA disks
because of the IBM Thinkpads dislike of bzImage kernels until now I always
made it ...

Now I got this WONDROUS 770E which is a PII-233, 128MB RAM, 5GBHDD thing with
a huge (14.1) TFT (sorry ... couldn't resist a little enthusiasm) but am
totally unable to get Debian booting on it.

I would appreciate VERY much any help. Here is my situation 

Thank you VERY MUCH in advance ... happy 1999 !!!


Current configuration:
IBM Thinkpad 770E : Intel PII-233, 128MB RAM, 5GB HDD
Linux HDD partitions : 600MB /dev/hda2 ext2, 128MB /dev/hda3 swap
   at the end of the 5GB HDD

Tried various flavours of resc1440.*tecra.* disks from 2.0, 2.1.2 qnd 2.1.3.
All hang after the Loading Linux 10 or so dots with an A20 Gating Failed 

I am able to IPL Linux flawlessly on this machine using Tom's root/boot disk 
(current 1.7.102 level) and with it I built the ext2 and swap filesystems on
my HDD partitions.

I have an (almost) complete 2.0 Frozen CD I have mastered a while ago.

What could I do to get a running kernel on my HDD, gcc, the kernel source and
the make-kpkg utility and possibly all of the debian base packages ???

Tried mounting the base floppies with no luck ...

After IPLing with tomsrtbt I can mount my 2.0 CD and see all packages but I
cannot manage to extract/install them since I don't have any Debian utility up
and running.

I could download stuff like base_20.tgz on my /dev/hda1 partition which is
FAT (Win95) 

What are the Dpkg perl modules used for?

1998-12-30 Thread Jim Foltz

I was poking around in the perl5 lib directory and noticed 3 Dpkg
modules:,, and

What can they be used for?


Re: ip-up ip-down

1998-12-30 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 j == john  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

j #!/bin/bash
j dynipclient -k
j ...
j ...

j and put a similar script in ip-up.d.  

Just a thought: When ip-down is run, the ip-layer is already down, so
there is no way to make contact to hosts over the link. So some
programm like contact the dynip service to tell them I am going
offline doesn't work. 

Just wanted to stress this.


Is there SSLftp available as a debian package?

1998-12-30 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
I can't find the sslftp in the debian non-US archives... Why?
Are there any legal problems with it? Or may be it is possible to
ftp files securely using the ssltelnet?

Wojtek Zabolotny

Re: Trying to install gide

1998-12-30 Thread Peter Berlau
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 10:03:20AM +, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
 Hi Debian users,
 I'm trying to install gide using apt-get and ocurrs an error:


if You using apt-get for installing, updating or upgrading packages,
please try:

apt-get update package ; apt-get install package
apt-get update gide ; apt-get install gide
please note:
eventually You have to change the entries in:
to Your needs
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
deb slink main contrib non-free

Re: Is there SSLftp available as a debian package?

1998-12-30 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 WZ == Wojciech Zabolotny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

WZ Or may be it is possible to ftp files securely using the
WZ ssltelnet?

If you have ssh on both hosts, you can use scp, which works basicaly
like cp, but over a secure connection.


Re: mounting W95 partitions

1998-12-30 Thread Ted Llewellyn
  Thanks, that did it.

 _ () _-- __()   Ted Llewellyn
)  _--  /
 (/  (/  

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 It sounds like you are trying to mount the extended partition itself
 rather than one of the logical partitions which it contains.  To see what
 is there, run fdisk and use the 'p' command.  
 On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Ted Llewellyn wrote:
I need to mount my Windows 95 partitions from the Debian 2.0 setup.  I
  keep getting errors that say I am trying to mount an extended partition.
  Well, guess what?  That's exactly what I'm trying to do!  Just what is
  Linux's syntax for these DOS extended partitions that Windows puts all
  those drive letters on?  I've tried /dev/hda1 and so on, and I've tried
  combinations from /dev, but nothing works.  What's the secret password?
   _ () _-- __()   Ted Llewellyn
  )  _--  /
   (/  (/  
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Installation problem: HAMM CD structure

1998-12-30 Thread Pieter Viljoen

After 5 years of NT only, I decided to have a look at Linux again. My 
old Slackware disk was way outdated so I downloaded Debian.

I downloaded SLINK, made a CD copy of the files, installed, got to the 
point of installing the packages, and then the install failed with 
dependency errors.

So I downloaded HAMM. To be sure things will go my way, I want to make 
sure the CD directory structure matches the official CD structure

Note that I am building these CD's on my Office NT box so I cant use 
any Linux CD packaging tools.

Is the directory structure important?
If so, what is the structure, or where can I get a look at it?


Pieter Viljoen
Tel: +27 (11) 235-7312
Fax: +27 (11) 235-7307
Mobile: +27 (82) 896-2718


Re: Is there SSLftp available as a debian package?

1998-12-30 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 13:57:56 +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 I can't find the sslftp in the debian non-US archives... Why?

Because noone packaged it. I looked into it a long time ago, and it looked
like it was based on fairly old BSD source. As several security
vulnerabilities in ftp and ftpd have been found over the last years, I
suspect it would be quite a lot of work to fix sslftp up. And as plain ftp
is quite unfriendly, lftp or so should be made to work with SSL for a
comfortable interface.

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

LILO hassles

1998-12-30 Thread Pieter Viljoen

LILO gets to 'LI' and then hangs with the IDE disk light on.

I have tried the linear option.
The partition is 900 something cylinders (below 1024), and on a SCSI 

I read that LILO wont work if the Linux partition (or for the matter 
any partition) is not disk0 or disk1. Is this correct.

My system has the following disks:
Primary IDE - Primary Disk - 2Gb Disk (DOS and Win95 for games)
Primary IDE - Secondary Disk - CDROM
Secondary IDE - Primary Disk - 8Gb Disk (NT for work)
Secondary IDE - Secondary Disk - None
SCSI - Device 0 - 2Gb Disk (Linux)
SCSI - Device 3 - CD Writer
SCSI - Device 4 - Tape

- If I boot Linux using the NTLoader (on hda1) with the bootsector 
from sda1 I get to 'LI'.
- If I set my Bios to boot SCSI before IDE, I get 'LI'

Any suggestions. (Other than moving Linux to hda1)


Pieter Viljoen
Tel: +27 (11) 235-7312
Fax: +27 (11) 235-7307
Mobile: +27 (82) 896-2718


Re: Installation problem: HAMM CD structure

1998-12-30 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 PV == Pieter Viljoen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PV So I downloaded HAMM. To be sure things will go my way, I want to make 
PV sure the CD directory structure matches the official CD structure

PV Note that I am building these CD's on my Office NT box so I cant use 
PV any Linux CD packaging tools.

PV Is the directory structure important?
PV If so, what is the structure, or where can I get a look at it?

Basically, it is the sructure found on the ftp servers (dists/

Better yet: download the official ISO images and burn the CDs. This is 
the recommanded way.


Re: Is there SSLftp available as a debian package?

1998-12-30 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
On 30 Dec 1998, Martin Bialasinski wrote:
  WZ == Wojciech Zabolotny [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 WZ Or may be it is possible to ftp files securely using the
 WZ ssltelnet?
 If you have ssh on both hosts, you can use scp, which works basicaly
 like cp, but over a secure connection.
Yes, but due to the ssh license I'm not allowed to use the ssh for some
purposes without buying a commercial version :-(

Wojtek Zabolotny

Free SSH (was Re: Is there SSLftp available as a debian package?)

1998-12-30 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 16:33:43 +0100, Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 Yes, but due to the ssh license I'm not allowed to use the ssh for some
 purposes without buying a commercial version :-(

A free (GPL-ed) implementation of the SSH protocol version 2 is in the
works; see 

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

X font fixed missing (was: Re: Hey girls and boys)

1998-12-30 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 07:52:50PM -0600, me wrote:
 Hey there!
  I'm new.
  I installed Debian 2.1 (frozen) and received a X11 error (both on
 Intel and Alpha platforms):
 Fatal server error:
  could not open defualt font 'fixed'
 I figured it must have been some mis-configuration on my part, but I can't
 find any mismatched dependencies.

Have you installed sufficient font packages? I am not sure the dependencies
are ok in frozen at the moment.


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: Trying to compile a new kernel.

1998-12-30 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Dec 29, 1998 at 09:32:14PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 /dev/lp1 is for older kernels, /dev/lp0 for newer kernels.  Don't ask me

It is explained in the kernel sources. It has to do with the order of the
port addresses in conjunction with traditional BIOS naming. Now the naming
is thesame as under traditional DOS, which makes newcomers happy.


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: Debian install failure on laptop. Please help ...

1998-12-30 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Robert J. Alexander wrote:

 I cannot boot any Debian (tecra or whatever) rescue disk on my latest
 laptop (previous 3 IBM Thinkpads where OK).

Try the latest rescue/drivers images in incoming (mirrored at  They use the 2.0.36 kernel and are now zImages so
laptops should be easier.  Let me know how it goes as they are hot out of
the oven (released yesterday) and I haven't heard any reports back from
the other testers yet.  (grab the 2.1.4 images)


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

Re: OFFTOPIC: How to use strings with libstdc++?

1998-12-30 Thread David B. Teague
On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've stated that there is no old good String class in libstdc++.
 Instead I've found the string header which defines the string class.
 Is it OK to use it in new C++ programs, or it is added only for
 compatibility? Why has it such nonstandard name (without .h suffix).


There is some difficulty with the string class semantics.  The library
with egcc provides rope class that is said to fix some of the semantics. 
I hope soneone can clarify this question.

The ANSI C++ standard provides many new features which most compilers are
more or less tracking. Among them is a full set of template container and
algorithm libraries, a string class string and namespaces.

The standard provides for the C++ specific headers to have no extension. 
These headers include a bunch of headers equivalent to ANSI C headers,
such as cmath for example. The new C++ headers that are equivalent to the
C headers have much the same information in them as do the originals,
except (I think) they have C++ linkage, giving full type checking. 

The differences between the behavior of .h headers and headers without is
that the .h headers dump their symbols into the global namespce, whereas
those headers without dump their symbols into namespace std.

Whether you have to deal with namespace depends on your compiler.  In all
the g++/egcc compilers I know about, namespaces vary from mostly broken
to don't work terribly well. 

You can find out about a substantial subset of the STL and string from
Tim Budd's Data Structures in C++ with the Standard Template Library, AWL,
ISBN 0 201 30897 7. There are better books for experienced programmers.
I'm sorry I don't have one at my finger tips right now.  Authors like
Musser and Saini, Brett Glass, Nelson come to mind.  Ping me back and
I'll look up some pointers to these sources. 

Hope this helps.

Debian GNU/Linux: Because reboots are for kernel and hardware upgrades.

Apache, Apache-SSL

1998-12-30 Thread Randy Edwards
Here's my silly question for the day. ;-)

Does the non-us SSL version of Apache also require the non-SSL package or is
it a standalone replacement for Apache?

 Regards,   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 .  |
 Randy  |

Re: Debian install failure on laptop. Please help ...

1998-12-30 Thread Robert Alexander
Thank you very much Brandon.
Good to hear there is some hope ...
I tried your .gov site but despite having many 2.1.4 stuff the rescue
are only 2.1.3 ... probably will have to try in some more time ...

BTW the .gov site is a mirror. I looked for an Incoming directory on but no luck ... where is it hidden ??

May you and our Debian friends enjoy a magic 1999.

Cheers from Rome (just sunset now ...). Bob

Brandon Mitchell wrote:
 On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Robert J. Alexander wrote:
  I cannot boot any Debian (tecra or whatever) rescue disk on my latest
  laptop (previous 3 IBM Thinkpads where OK).
 Try the latest rescue/drivers images in incoming (mirrored at  They use the 2.0.36 kernel and are now zImages so
 laptops should be easier.  Let me know how it goes as they are hot out of
 the oven (released yesterday) and I haven't heard any reports back from
 the other testers yet.  (grab the 2.1.4 images)
 +---  ---+
 | Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
 |  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

Robert Alexander - IBM Italy
work e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can't get full capacity of my disk!

1998-12-30 Thread CJ

I just buy a new hard drive (Maxtor 6.4G). I want to dedicate this 
new Maxtor drive to linux. So I leave my old hard drive as a master on the 
first IDE bus (the old drive has DOS/win95), and set my new Maxtor drive 
as a master also on the second IDE bus. 

OK, here is the problem.
On my first attempt to install hamm (CD), I partition my new Maxtor 
drive using the Maxtor software included. The Maxtor software split the 
new drive into 4 partitions labeled as D, E, F, G, each partition 
with a MAXIMUN OF ONLY 2.0 G. Someone told me that the reason for this is 
the limitation of DOS/win95 FAT16, so I am OK with and start to install hamm. 
   -First, I ran boot.bat from DOS and it loads the kernel and all that 
   -Second, I switch to the color screen.
   -Third, I configurate the keyboard to English.
   -Then, the next is partitioning my hard drive, I pick hdc because
my new Maxtor drive is a master on the second IDE bus. I then 
press RETURN and I get this error message: 
 FATAL ERROR, bad first primary partition
How come?

Ok, so I reset my computer and start a second attempt to install.
I now delete all 4 partition on my new Maxtor hard drive using fdisk
from DOS. (So now I assume that I have one big free space of 6.4 G, I think)
Install hamm again.
-Get to the partitioning the hard drive part and pick hdc like 
 before. But this time I didn't get the error, YESSS! So now I am 
 in the cfdisk program and I notice another problem: 
   I can't use full capacity of my disk. 
   It only give a MAXIMUN of only 2014 MB(2G) to split my 
   linux partitions(I intend to have 4 linux partitions: swap, 
   /root, /usr, and /home).

   I thoungt I have 6.4 G on my new Maxtor drive, how come I 
   can't see the full capacity? 
   sigh! a man! SUCKS!
   If anyone knows the problem, PLEASE HELP.

Well, if you can't tell, I am a newbie

Linux Rules!

Re: Apache, Apache-SSL

1998-12-30 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 10:47:53AM -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:

 : Does the non-us SSL version of Apache also require the non-SSL package or
 : is it a standalone replacement for Apache?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~]$ dpkg --print-avail apache-ssl
Package: apache-ssl
Priority: optional
Section: non-us/web
Installed-Size: 479
Maintainer: Christoph Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.3.3+1.27-1
Replaces: apache-modules
Provides: httpd
Depends: libc6, libgdbmg1, libssl09, mime-support, perl, ssleay (=
0.9.0-1), libssl09 (= 0.9.0), apache-common (= 1.3.3)
Suggests: apache-doc, lynx
Conflicts: apache-modules, php3 (= 3.0.3-1), libapache-mod-perl (=
Filename: dists/unstable/non-US/binary-i386/apache-ssl_1.3.3+1.27-1.deb
Size: 267708
MD5sum: 5876e367a108dcf5df0e7e37909c0b42
Description: Versatile, high-performance HTTP server with SSL support
 The most popular server in the world, Apache features a modular
 design and supports dynamic selection of extension modules at runtime.
 Some of its strong points are its range of possible customization,
 dynamic adjustment of the number of server processes, and a whole
 range of available modules including many authentication mechanisms,
 server-parsed HTML, server-side includes, access control, CERN httpd
 metafiles emulation, proxy caching, etc.  Apache also supports multiple
 virtual homing.
 This version includes SSL support for secure transactions.
 Separate Debian packages are available for PHP3, mod_perl, Apache
 and other common extensions.  More information is available at

In other words, it needs the apache-common package (which is in main).


Re: OFFTOPIC: How to use strings with libstdc++?

1998-12-30 Thread David B. Teague

On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Wojciech Zabolotny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've stated that there is no old good String class in libstdc++.
  Instead I've found the string header which defines the string 
  class. Is it OK to use it in new C++ programs, or it is added only 
  for compatibility?  [...]

David Teague wrote:

There is some semantic difficulty with string.


I found the SGI URL that contains the discussion of problem with 
strings I  mentioned in a previous post:

The next level up has a bunch of interesting topics.  Dinkumware, PJ
Plauger's software company is another good resource.  URL:

Debian GNU/Linux: Because I want to get there Today!

Software patents remain land mines lying in wait to 
destroy the practice of programming. 

netdate/screen blanking

1998-12-30 Thread D'jinnie
The battery on my laptop seems to be shot so it doesn't keep the time
correctly...when I netdate to my ISP, the screen blanks for some
reason...any ideas? (I think this is a hamm version, but I'm not sure, I'm
not well enough versed in the mysteries of dpkg to find out :)

The chief cause of problems is solutions.
-- Eric Sevareid


SMP SCSI resets

1998-12-30 Thread stick

Howdy All!

I've finally got my SMP machine spinning both CPU's.  (Seems that the
MB was jumpered wrong...) However, when I boot the system the Adaptec
SCSI Controller gets stuck while resetting.

I seem to remember reading somewhere a LILO/boot command-line option
to turn-off SCSI reset.  Unfortunately, I've not been able to locate
the reference.

Could one of you kind folks either point me in the right direction,
or even (***gasp***) tell me the answer!  :)

It'll be fun having both CPU's *and* SCSI drives (seeing how this is
a SCSI-only system it's kinnda important for those drives to be available...)

Thanks in advance!!

Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: Debian install failure on laptop. Please help ...

1998-12-30 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, Robert Alexander wrote:

 Thank you very much Brandon.
 Good to hear there is some hope ...
 I tried your .gov site but despite having many 2.1.4 stuff the rescue
 are only 2.1.3 ... probably will have to try in some more time ...
 BTW the .gov site is a mirror. I looked for an Incoming directory on but no luck ... where is it hidden ??

I realized that shortly after sending you the message.  Looks like Enrique
either didn't get the who upload done (he has a hard time connecting from
over seas sometimes) or the mirror didn't finish. The real incoming is for
developers only (probably on master).  Us lay people are stuck waiting for
a mirror or the package getting into the actual archive :-)

 Cheers from Rome (just sunset now ...). Bob

Heh, I'm sitting here at work missing the snow that I saw while driving in
today.  Rome would be a nice change.

Happy holidays,

+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

Re: Can't get full capacity of my disk!

1998-12-30 Thread Brandon Mitchell
[ cfdisk reports a 6+ gig drive as 2 gigs ]

Two things to check
1) press altf2 to get a terminal and type dmesg to see all the
kernel bootup messages.  Scroll up using shiftpgup and look for where
the kernel detects hdc to verify it works correct.

2) try fdisk from that terminal (fdisk /dev/hdc should work).  It's not
as pretty, but seems to work where cfdisk falls short.


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

RE: SMP SCSI resets

1998-12-30 Thread pat

On 30-Dec-98, [EMAIL PROTECTED] took time to write :
 I seem to remember reading somewhere a LILO/boot command-line option
 to turn-off SCSI reset.  Unfortunately, I've not been able to locate
 the reference.
 Could one of you kind folks either point me in the right direction,
 or even (***gasp***) tell me the answer!  :)

I don't know the answer to your problem (never had a chance to come close an
SMP machine, lucky you !)

But for the lilo option it's no_reset

(change aic7xxx to the name of your SCSI driver)

you can put it in lilo.conf like that 

or otherwise on the lilo prompt you can type:
linux aic7xxx=no_reset

if linux is the name of your kernel

Good luck


Ps: to find things like that see the kernel sources.
for example aic7xxx=no_reset (along with all other options) is clearly
mentioned at the beginning of /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx.c

Changing(forcing) Alt-Fn to Ctrl-Alt-Fn

1998-12-30 Thread stick

Again Howdy!

When using the VT's I'd like to block Alt-Fn from being interpreted as
a change to antother VT so that the key sequence would be available
to the applications.  How would that be done?

Specifically, I have some DOS apps that I run locally and remotely
(via SSH).  When the application is run locally DOSEMU traps the Alt-Fn
keys and the app works fine, when run remotely the console code locally
snags the key-sequence and pops me to a different screen.

If I could force the use of Ctrl-Alt-Fn for _all_ VT changing and
then block Alt-Fn things would be consistent whether run local or



Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: pkgsel

1998-12-30 Thread Adam Di Carlo
Brandon == Brandon Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 With respect to pkgsel, I thought our ultimate idea (not really for
 slink) was to provide actual empty 'metapackages', which are just
 normal packages with a whole slew of dependancies and a little
 README/Changelog/etc in /usr/doc/metapkgname .
 Is this the plan?

 How about another thought on how to do it.  Do a dpkg
 --get-selections.  Then compare what is currently installed to the
 groups of packages that have been defined.  You then show the user
 if all, some, or none of the group is currently installed.  The user
 then has the choice to change the group to all or none.  Finally
 save the changes (will dpkg --set-selections remove things?), maybe
 even offer to run apt-get.

Um, if we adopt *my* metapackage scheme, we already *have* all these
benefit (i.e., in dselect) with no code needing to be written.
Furthermore, we can deliver updates to the metapackages in the
archive, just as we do any other package.


[ Re: [ [ limit of mutt]]]

1998-12-30 Thread Marco d'Itri

In the last episode (Dec 29), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 but than, i4ve wanted to view into my debian-devel-mbox mutt ran and
 ran -showing sorting mail (the swap-space decreased so i4ve added a
 swapfile) - after waiting about three hours i killed mutt (the
 processor ran idle)
 then i4ve tried it with another comp over nfs -- this time it worked
 without prob4s
 the mbox was about 90megs big
 the first comp. had 16mb ram, 32mb swap and 80 mb swapfile
 the second (nfs), had 64mb ram 64mb swap - no swapfile
 here4s my question:
 had this been a problem of mutt or only of resources??

Resources most likely.  I've opened 100MB mailboxes before.  The only
limit mutt has is the number of emails per mailbox, which is 65535
(unsigned short).

The sorting mailbox step takes so long because it's building threads. 
If you sort by date instead of by thread, it won't take more than a
second or two to sort.

-Dan Nelson
---End Message---
On Tue, 29 Dec 1998, Dan Nelson wrote:
 In the last episode (Dec 29), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
  had this been a problem of mutt or only of resources??

 Resources most likely.

I'll second this.  I made an ass of myself on linux-kernel a few
months back as I was experiencing processes running out of file
descriptors or just randomly ceasing to exist.

Turns out it was because I had installed lshell on my new Debian
system and it was setting some rather insane resource limits (eg,
lets limit the user to 20 file descriptors per process which worked
wonders with squid and netscape ;)
mutt would also occasionally just hang, usually when it had exhausted
the per-process memory resource limit (eg, a 20Mb+ linux-kernel


---End Message---
1998-12-29-15:24:32 Dan Nelson:
 Resources most likely.  I've opened 100MB mailboxes before.  The only
 limit mutt has is the number of emails per mailbox, which is 65535
 (unsigned short).

I just opened a 571MB mailbox, with 64,479 messages in it. Looks like I'm
gonna have to split that into two folders before too much longer!

It's a real shame that limit is set low enough that people can actually hit

I'm gonna wait until mutt actually falls over first, of course, so I can hear
what the splat sounds like:-).

BTW, the mutt process that opened that folder climbed up to 47MB virtual, all
of which was active (i.e. real --- in the working set) at once, before it got
completely open. I use Maildir format, I dunno if mutt's memory use would be
significantly different with other mailbox folder styles.

This was done on an SS-5 with 96MB of real memory and c. 200MB of swap,
running Solaris 2.5.1 which means well over 250MB virtual available. Took
about 10 minutes to open the folder.

---End Message---
 Resources most likely.  I've opened 100MB mailboxes before.  The only
 limit mutt has is the number of emails per mailbox, which is 65535
 (unsigned short).

That limit was lifted a year ago around version 0.88. It now uses
int instead of unsigned short. So the new limit is up to
2.147.483.647 messages on a 32-bit word machine, and a lot more on
a 64-bit word machine. Enough for a while, isn't it? :)

- Byrial

P.S. You will probably meet another limit first: The file size of
mailboxes is limited by the size of a long which often is same as
an int (i.e. max. 2.147.483.647 bytes per mailbox).
---End Message---

Re: LILO hassles

1998-12-30 Thread Tongyu Wang
I had similar problem before. My setup is similar to yours: NT on /dev/hda1 and 
on /dev/hdb1. I use NT boot loader to choose which partition to boot. To solve 
problem, I boot from a Linux boot floppy and login as root. Run lilo (this 
rewrite the
boot sector). Reboot to NT and use bootpart (or you can use dd command in Linux 
you reboot, see for
detail) to get the boot sector. Replace the old linux boot sector with the new 
one and
you are all set. Hope this can help.

Tongyu Wang

Pieter Viljoen wrote:


 LILO gets to 'LI' and then hangs with the IDE disk light on.

 I have tried the linear option.
 The partition is 900 something cylinders (below 1024), and on a SCSI

 I read that LILO wont work if the Linux partition (or for the matter
 any partition) is not disk0 or disk1. Is this correct.

 My system has the following disks:
 Primary IDE - Primary Disk - 2Gb Disk (DOS and Win95 for games)
 Primary IDE - Secondary Disk - CDROM
 Secondary IDE - Primary Disk - 8Gb Disk (NT for work)
 Secondary IDE - Secondary Disk - None
 SCSI - Device 0 - 2Gb Disk (Linux)
 SCSI - Device 3 - CD Writer
 SCSI - Device 4 - Tape

 - If I boot Linux using the NTLoader (on hda1) with the bootsector
 from sda1 I get to 'LI'.
 - If I set my Bios to boot SCSI before IDE, I get 'LI'

 Any suggestions. (Other than moving Linux to hda1)


 Pieter Viljoen
 Tel: +27 (11) 235-7312
 Fax: +27 (11) 235-7307
 Mobile: +27 (82) 896-2718


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: SMP SCSI resets

1998-12-30 Thread stick
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
 On 30-Dec-98, [EMAIL PROTECTED] took time to write :
  I seem to remember reading somewhere a LILO/boot command-line option
  to turn-off SCSI reset.  Unfortunately, I've not been able to locate
  the reference.
  Could one of you kind folks either point me in the right direction,
  or even (***gasp***) tell me the answer!  :)
 I don't know the answer to your problem (never had a chance to come close an
 SMP machine, lucky you !)
It's a client's machine.  Though the client happens to be my wife's

 But for the lilo option it's no_reset
That's easy.  Thank you.

 (change aic7xxx to the name of your SCSI driver)
 you can put it in lilo.conf like that 
 or otherwise on the lilo prompt you can type:
 linux aic7xxx=no_reset
 if linux is the name of your kernel
 Good luck
Thanks again!

Setting up LILO isn't going to be a problem...just couldn't remember the

 Ps: to find things like that see the kernel sources.
 for example aic7xxx=no_reset (along with all other options) is clearly
 mentioned at the beginning of /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx.c
Yes, you're right.  It's there.  Though there are 220 or so files in
/usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi alone...finding a reference to an option you
don't know in the source of a driver you don't use *is* somewhat problematic.
It's akin to using a dictionary to learn the proper spelling of a word - it's
easy to find the word if you already know how to spell it...

Thanks again, I'll see if I can get over there tonight to do a re-boot.


PS  Please forgive the rant - sometimes answers like read the source
remind me of being a dyslexic kid and being told look it up in
the dictionary every time I couldn't spell a 4-5 letter word.

Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

modem answering to a different song?

1998-12-30 Thread Colin Telmer
Has anyone been able to get a modem to answer to a distinct phone ring?
My phone company allows one to have up to four numbers on one line each
with a distinct ring and I would like to set up a fax server that answers
only on one of these numbers. Any ideas? Cheers, Colin.

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Re: APM on Linux?

1998-12-30 Thread Jinsong Zhao
I read the docu on APM. Seems like it is useful for laptop and may not
be for desktop? Suppose I can turn the system into standby mode, how
can I turn the hard drive spin down?

The question boils down to: how can save maximum energy when the
computer is idling? I mainly use the computer after work for surfing
net and do a little programming.



Re: ip-up ip-down

1998-12-30 Thread john
Martin Bialasinski writes:
 When ip-down is run, the ip-layer is already down, so there is no way to
 make contact to hosts over the link. So some programm like contact the
 dynip service to tell them I am going offline doesn't work.

A while back someone suggested hacking pppd to run ip-about-to-go-up and
ip-about-to-go-down scripts, but so far as I know nothing was ever done
about it.  The best solution I can think of off the top of my head is to
run pppd under the control of a script that would do stuff like this before
shutting it down.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: modem answering to a different song?

1998-12-30 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 01:07:57PM -0500, Colin Telmer wrote:

 : Has anyone been able to get a modem to answer to a distinct phone ring? 
 : My phone company allows one to have up to four numbers on one line each
 : with a distinct ring and I would like to set up a fax server that answers
 : only on one of these numbers. Any ideas? Cheers, Colin.

I don't know if it's possible with a modem. Though I think, with the help of
`xringd', you should be able to make difference between those 4 numbers.

The xringd-package is in the comm-section of the main Debian distribution.


Re: SMP SCSI resets

1998-12-30 Thread pat

On 30-Dec-98, [EMAIL PROTECTED] took time to write :
 Setting up LILO isn't going to be a problem...just couldn't remember the

i didn't know the option either before your post.
 Ps: to find things like that see the kernel sources.
 for example aic7xxx=no_reset (along with all other options) is clearly
 mentioned at the beginning of /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx.c
 Yes, you're right.  It's there.  Though there are 220 or so files in
 /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi alone...finding a reference to an option you

yes. but you probably aren't using all scsi drivers at the same time ;-)

 don't know in the source of a driver you don't use *is* somewhat
 It's akin to using a dictionary to learn the proper spelling of a word -
 it's easy to find the word if you already know how to spell it...
 Thanks again, I'll see if I can get over there tonight to do a re-boot.
 PSPlease forgive the rant - sometimes answers like read the source
   remind me of being a dyslexic kid and being told look it up in
   the dictionary every time I couldn't spell a 4-5 letter word.

i probably don't like answer 'read the source' as much as you.
that's why i _also_ give the answer.

but i think it's nice for other people to know where you can find such

before your post i didn't know.
so i've checked myself and answered to you.

but for people new to linux they may think it's kind of a 'mystery' to know
all options... so i point them to where i find it, _even_ if i agree with the
fact it's hard to find what you need...

So the purpose was not to remind you anything, it was just the way i think
best to educate everyone. Please forgive me if you took it otherway.


login problems

1998-12-30 Thread Paulussen Edmond
Last week I installed Debian GNU/Linux 2.0
Everything went (quite) well. I installed Linux, windowmanager, Netscape, 
connection with my ISP,... and got it working.

Since yesterday I am unable to login. After login (with correct username  
password) I get following error message:

login [128] unable to change tty '/dev/tty1' for user root
 Unable to change tty /dev/tty1: illegal seek

I get the error message at every login (root, normal user)

What is the problem?
What have I done wrong?
What is the solution?

Paulussen Edmond

adding network stuff; easy way?

1998-12-30 Thread Eugene Sevinian
Hi all, 
Just now I have installed debian on another machine copying whole
system from my home computer by cp -ax / /new-disk. As the new system
should work at thin ethernet based LAN I have to add (or reconfigure) 
network stuff to it. How should I do that? Hope it is possible to do
without too much trouble. (I have already added network support in kernel)

Thanks in advance and ...
Merry X-mass to all debian community,

Eugene Sevinian

Re: SMP SCSI resets

1998-12-30 Thread stick
[Charset iso-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
 On 30-Dec-98, [EMAIL PROTECTED] took time to write :
  Setting up LILO isn't going to be a problem...just couldn't remember the
 i didn't know the option either before your post.
  Ps: to find things like that see the kernel sources.
  for example aic7xxx=no_reset (along with all other options) is clearly
  mentioned at the beginning of /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/aic7xxx.c
  Yes, you're right.  It's there.  Though there are 220 or so files in
  /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi alone...finding a reference to an option you
 yes. but you probably aren't using all scsi drivers at the same time ;-)
To be honest, It's been a while since I played with that system and I had
forgotten that the 2740 installed uses aic7xxx.  I was too quick to call
for help, perhapslive and learn.

  don't know in the source of a driver you don't use *is* somewhat
  It's akin to using a dictionary to learn the proper spelling of a word -
  it's easy to find the word if you already know how to spell it...
  Thanks again, I'll see if I can get over there tonight to do a re-boot.
  PSPlease forgive the rant - sometimes answers like read the source
remind me of being a dyslexic kid and being told look it up in
the dictionary every time I couldn't spell a 4-5 letter word.
 i probably don't like answer 'read the source' as much as you.
 that's why i _also_ give the answer.
I think one of the reasons read the source falls cold on me is that
I'm not a programmer.  I know - most of you are in disbelief that such people
do exist.  We do!  Now this is not to say that I can't program - I can.
I just don't like learning a specific language's syntax to the point where
I avoid programming (that or I delegate it...)  So the sources fall lower
on my list of references than they should.

If Linux is going to succeed with the General Public it's going to need
to deal with a greater percentage of people like me.  Either that or we
should talk about a rewrite in COBOL.  :)

 but i think it's nice for other people to know where you can find such
Absolutely!! I was ineffectively trying to point-out that (for me at least)
just learning how to find where the information you need to learn about is

 before your post i didn't know.
 so i've checked myself and answered to you.
Yes.  And I'm sorry I vented.  Your answer was quick and accurate.

 but for people new to linux they may think it's kind of a 'mystery' to know
 all options... so i point them to where i find it, _even_ if i agree with the
 fact it's hard to find what you need...
There's a lot we take for granted.  My father tried Linux once - couldn't
get past drive/partition layouts.  He's from MS-DOS and has worked in an
MS environment so long that what he thinks of as a drive is different to
what we expect the term to mean.

 So the purpose was not to remind you anything, it was just the way i think
 best to educate everyone. Please forgive me if you took it otherway.
It wasn't your post that set me off.  It was the shear frustration I have
at times with the vast amount of knowledge available to us.  I *know* that
I know a lot about Unix and Linux and networks, yet I can't help but get
overwhelmed at times by the volume of material I have yet to learn.

Gratefully yours.

Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

ls dev_task

1998-12-30 Thread Mosl Roland
Just installed Debian 2.0
on a TI Extensa 570

480 MB Win 95
440 MB Linux
112 MB Linux Swap

But after booting, and login root,
I get always only


at ls

At installing from CD-ROM
(this notebook has CD _or_ floppy)
I copied the install folder to the win 95
partition, started with MS-DOS prompt
only, boot.bat

At the install, there is a call shell
at this time, I get several directories
like expected with ls and cd commands.

But after rebooting, nothing else
than rev_task

best regards

Mosl Roland clear targets for a confused civilization

Re: uninstalling smail when a self compiled MTA is present

1998-12-30 Thread Marc Haber
On Tue, 29 Dec 1998 12:56:37 -0500, you wrote:
The necessary package for telling Debian that you've got a locally
built mail-transport-agent installed is equivs. 


The equivs package only seems to be available from
and not from any mirror sites.  Or at least that was what seemed to be the
case when I was doing all of this

My local mirror had the package. Here is what I did

(1) Download Package
(2) dpkg --install equivs_1.0.5-3.deb
(3) create single-line file /etc/equivs.conf containing
(4) run debian/rules binary
(5) fail
(6) install devel/debmake
(7) file bug report because this dependency is not recorded
in the equivs package
(8) run debian/rules binary
(9) succeed this time, creating /usr/src/equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb
(0) =ROOT[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src # dpkg --install equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb
|dpkg: regarding equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb containing equivs:
| smail conflicts with mail-transport-agent
|  equivs provides mail-transport-agent and is to be installed.
|dpkg: error processing equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb (--install):
| conflicting packages - not installing equivs
|Errors were encountered while processing:
| equivs_1.0.5-3_all.deb

So I seem to be in a circular situation: I can't install equiv package
just made because I have smail installed. I can't uninstall smail
because I have numerous packages that require mail-transport-agent.

How do I get out of this circle?


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Binary-cat Console Junkedness... [(Sort of) OFF-TOPIC]

1998-12-30 Thread Ryan King
Knowing the answer to this question doesn't matter much, but I am

Why does a VC go bonkies when you cat a binary file from it?  What doesn't
make sense to me is that only some of the chars display wrong, and that
it's only the display that is ruined, but the actual characters are intact
as far as bash is concerned.

I know all you have to do to un-junk it is `echo C-v ESC c`, (which helped
me a lot before I learned about the `file` command), but I'm still curious.

Anyone know what is happening?


Re: login problems

1998-12-30 Thread Jim Foltz
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 07:23:56PM +0100, Paulussen Edmond wrote:
 Last week I installed Debian GNU/Linux 2.0
 Everything went (quite) well. I installed Linux, windowmanager, Netscape, 
 connection with my ISP,... and got it working.
 Since yesterday I am unable to login. After login (with correct username  
 password) I get following error message:
 login [128] unable to change tty '/dev/tty1' for user root
  Unable to change tty /dev/tty1: illegal seek
 I get the error message at every login (root, normal user)
 What is the problem?

I don't know.

 What have I done wrong?

Maybe nothing.

 What is the solution?

I can only say what I would try: Use a rescue floppy to boot from. Mount
your root partition and cd to the /dev directory. Look at the owner and
permissions of the tty1 psuedo terminal. Change the owner, group and
permissions of /dev/tty1 to reasonable settings.

An example after booting from rescue floppy.

Mount the root under /mnt
# mount -t ext2 /dev/your-root-patition
# cd /mnt/dev
# ls -l tty1
crw---   1 jf   tty4,   1 Dec 30 14:00 /dev/tty1
# chown root.tty tty1
# chmod 666 tty1
# reboot

 Paulussen Edmond
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: ip-up ip-down

1998-12-30 Thread Jim Foltz
On Wed, Dec 30, 1998 at 12:11:49PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Martin Bialasinski writes:
  When ip-down is run, the ip-layer is already down, so there is no way to
  make contact to hosts over the link. So some programm like contact the
  dynip service to tell them I am going offline doesn't work.

You could have poff call some program and waits for it to exit before it
takes the link down. I think this technique is called a wrapper. So you
move poff to poff.real and create a new poff that tells your service you
are going offline, then calls poff.real

 A while back someone suggested hacking pppd to run ip-about-to-go-up and
 ip-about-to-go-down scripts, but so far as I know nothing was ever done
 about it.  The best solution I can think of off the top of my head is to
 run pppd under the control of a script that would do stuff like this before
 shutting it down.
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


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