Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure [version 2]

2008-08-20 Thread Peter Hunsberger
On Wed, Aug 20, 2008 at 7:44 AM, Reinhard Pötz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 After our recent discussions, here is my reworked proposal:

snipGood looking proposal/snip

 Or do I need a vote before? If so I will start the voting process asap.
 Any opinions?

I think you should run a vote, if only for completeness.  I don't see
anything controversial (other than the already discussed 3.0 issue) so
I'd imagine it should be straight forward enough.

Peter Hunsberger

Differences between Cocoon 2.1 and 2.2 (was: Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure)

2008-08-19 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Hi Jeremy,

Jeremy Quinn pisze:

 From the PoV of users, it should also be clear :

If you want or have to use Ant, use 2.1
If you want or have to use Maven, use 2.2
If you just need the Pipeline API, use 3.0

I'm not sure if I get you here correctly so I'll ask:
Do you express your own wish or your own perception of situation we have when it comes to 
differences between 2.1 and 2.2?

There should be no other difference in quality between the release 
versions, and none should be implied.

I'm afraid that it's not a case for some time at least according to my 
understand of Cocoon 2.2.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Differences between Cocoon 2.1 and 2.2 (was: Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure)

2008-08-19 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Hi Grzegorz,

Many thanks for your response : )

On 19 Aug 2008, at 12:54, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Hi Jeremy,

Jeremy Quinn pisze:

From the PoV of users, it should also be clear :
If you want or have to use Ant, use 2.1
If you want or have to use Maven, use 2.2
If you just need the Pipeline API, use 3.0

I'm not sure if I get you here correctly so I'll ask:
Do you express your own wish or your own perception of situation we  
have when it comes to differences between 2.1 and 2.2?

I am trying to think about this from a 'marketing' perspective.

It would be typical to assume (IMHO) that 3.0 is somehow better than  
2.2 which is somehow better than 2.1, just because of the version  

Whereas from the point of view of a User, making projects (using  
SiteMaps, XML, XSLT, JXTemplate, FlowScript, etc. etc.) 2.1 and 2.2  
are as much as possible, completely compatible and mostly just as  
capable as each other.

The fact that once a User has a suitable build, it makes very little  
difference whether they use 2.1 or 2.2 (not sure about 3.0) is  
something that I think we should put across more clearly.

It would be a shame to loose potential Users, because they perceived  
that the version that used their preferred build-technology, was in  
some way obsolete (which could now happen with both 2.1 and 2.2).

Maybe a capability matrix of some sort, would help a User trying to  
decide which version to use, would provide more reassurance that the 3  
versions (or at least 2.1 and 2.2) would provide a viable, stable,  
long-lasting platform, even though the version numbers may say  

There should be no other difference in quality between the release  
versions, and none should be implied.

I'm afraid that it's not a case for some time at least according to  
my understand of Cocoon 2.2.

The build and distribution system for 2.2 is clearly more modern and  
It has a polymorphic block paradigm that suits the build technology,  
it has the powerful concept of virtual pipelines etc. etc.

And this is all great !

But from the Users' PoV of making projects, I cannot imagine a project  
that could be made successfully with 2.2 that could not be made using  
2.1 (don't know enough about 3.0).

My assumption is that you personally find 2.2 more powerful because  
you prefer the build technology, not because 2.2 is intrinsically more  
powerful, or less buggy.

This is why I propose that we should give a clear message that all  
release versions are valid choices, primarily dependant on the build- 
technology that you prefer, not on specific version numbers.

AFAIU, TomCat is in a similar situation, where the different primary  
versions, represent not quality, but the version of the ServletAPI and  
JSP Spec they support.


I hope this is clearer

best regards


Re: Differences between Cocoon 2.1 and 2.2 (was: Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure)

2008-08-19 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Just an added note 

On 19 Aug 2008, at 16:04, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

It would be typical to assume (IMHO) that 3.0 is somehow better than  
2.2 which is somehow better than 2.1, just because of the version  

This assumption is so easy to make, because for instance :

2.1 was better than 2.0 which was MUCH better than 1.0 etc.

But now, we seem to use version numbers differently.

regards Jeremy

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Sylvain Wallez pisze:

I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users aren't 
hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do complex stuff 
without programming) and they aren't used to this odd/even versioning 
scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.

Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non 
hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta, 
milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A well-known 
example is Firefox that goes through a series of milestones, beta and RC 
version before releasing a stable version with the same number. Eclipse 
does the same.

Yes, that makes sense. I also wonder how beta, RC, etc. releases can be more confusing that odd/even 

Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was on 
vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just out 
and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to consider 
2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus just look 

Provided that one documents our thoughts on 2.2 and 3.0 clearly I don't think there will be that 
much of confusion.

Actually, I think it's a high time for us to define official document that explains our rules for 
giving artifacts version numbers. WDYT?

Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed 
the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user 

Sylvain, pardon my ignorance but what kind of real problems with Maven we have _now_ in Cocoon's 
trunk? I can understand that people were fed up with Maven at the beginning of the transition 
because it was almost impossible to build Cocoon. But that was more than one year ago.

When it comes to user community, I would say that it grows quite nicely. There are people 
contributing[1][2] some tutorials, sharing their experience and seem to have a real fun with 2.2.

Could it be a good idea that old-timers just take an example of our user's community and overcome 
their own prejudices, finally?


Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed the 
developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user 

Sylvain, pardon my ignorance but what kind of real problems with Maven 
we have _now_ in Cocoon's trunk? I can understand that people were fed 
up with Maven at the beginning of the transition because it was almost 
impossible to build Cocoon. But that was more than one year ago.

When it comes to user community, I would say that it grows quite nicely. 
There are people contributing[1][2] some tutorials, sharing their 
experience and seem to have a real fun with 2.2.

Could it be a good idea that old-timers just take an example of our 
user's community and overcome their own prejudices, finally?

I realized that I little bit misunderstood Sylvain's e-mail and used inappropriate tone for my 
response. The last statement was not really needed.

I'm sorry about that, Sylvain.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Rainer Pruy
Just another 0.01€ in the same direction:

most developing users (esp. the ones developing cocoon itself) would qualify 
as hackers.
Those are used to associate special meanings with groups of version numbers
as a number of other projects follow similar rules (e.g. Linux for long used 
that even/odd numbering scheme).

However, as Cocoon will (and should) attract non hacker users,
on a first view, what will indicate to them, that version 3.1.2 is not 
superior to 3.0.9?
(superior aka later or more mature)

While I personally am quite fine with any versioning scheme,
I do think, it is absolutely necessary to have a policy document explaining it
to accidental users. And this nearly at the same time they will detect 
something like cocoon does exist at all.


Sylvain Wallez schrieb:
 Reinhard Pötz wrote:
 For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
 development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

 I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
 Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
 clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

 When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
 a 3.1.0 release.

 I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone
 I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users aren't
 hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do complex stuff
 without programming) and they aren't used to this odd/even versioning
 scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.
 Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non
 hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta,
 milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A well-known
 example is Firefox that goes through a series of milestones, beta and RC
 version before releasing a stable version with the same number. Eclipse
 does the same.
 Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was on
 vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just out
 and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to consider
 2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus just look
 elsewhere. Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed
 the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user
 My 0.02 euros.

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Dear Grzegorz

I was just in the process of flaming the bejesus out of you for what  
you just said!

Without a whole bunch of very smart 'old-timers' like Sylvain, there  
would be no Cocoon.

The Ant versus Maven controversy has already caused too much  
disaffection in this project, IMHO.

Thanks for retracting/apologising so quickly.

regards Jeremy

On 18 Aug 2008, at 11:05, Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed the  
developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the  
user community.
Sylvain, pardon my ignorance but what kind of real problems with  
Maven we have _now_ in Cocoon's trunk? I can understand that people  
were fed up with Maven at the beginning of the transition because  
it was almost impossible to build Cocoon. But that was more than  
one year ago.
When it comes to user community, I would say that it grows quite  
nicely. There are people contributing[1][2] some tutorials, sharing  
their experience and seem to have a real fun with 2.2.
Could it be a good idea that old-timers just take an example of our  
user's community and overcome their own prejudices, finally?

I realized that I little bit misunderstood Sylvain's e-mail and used  
inappropriate tone for my response. The last statement was not  
really needed.

I'm sorry about that, Sylvain.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Dear All

On 17 Aug 2008, at 18:41, Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was  
on vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is  
just out and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people  
to consider 2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus  
just look elsewhere. Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven  
almost killed the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now  
will kill the user community.

Many thanks Sylvain for taking the time to voice your opinion.

I too missed the vote for the same reason.
I too worry about the message being sent here, as a community there  
are many still smarting from the difficult transition from 2.1 to 2.2  
and whether that perception is right or wrong, without community  
support, this project is dogmeat.

While I think a Pipeline etc. API is a brilliant idea, I have doubts  
that calling it Cocoon 3.0 is the right move, right now. I am too late  
obviously, the democratic process has taken place, but TBH, reading  
the C3 site and Reinhard's blog post (sorry Reinhard) left me feeling  
that we were throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

Leaving the difficult and controversial issue of Ant versus Maven  
aside (Sylvain had good reasons to publicly repudiate Maven, when he  

IMHO all release versions of Cocoon still have relevance :

Cocoon 2.1 for Ant fanciers
Cocoon 2.2 for Maven mavens
Cocoon 3.0 for integrators

But I am wondering where 3.0 goes?
How does it grow, what true innovations are being thrown away?

I do not mean to be sending a negative message, it is important that  
Cocoon continues to innovate and attract new talent. But we should be  
very careful in the message we give. 2.2 is only 'better' than 2.1  
(etc.) if you prefer Maven over Ant, we should not be putting out the  
message that somehow 2.1 (and now 2.2) is somehow obsolete. It is just  
a matter of taste and circumstance, IMHO.

regards Jeremy

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Reinhard Pötz
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Reinhard Pötz wrote:
 For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
 development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

 I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
 Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
 clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

 When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
 a 3.1.0 release.

 I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone
 I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users aren't
 hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do complex stuff
 without programming) and they aren't used to this odd/even versioning
 scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.
 Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non
 hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta,
 milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A well-known
 example is Firefox that goes through a series of milestones, beta and RC
 version before releasing a stable version with the same number. Eclipse
 does the same.

I don't have a strong opinion on this, except that I don't think that
the term milestone doesn't fit very well for us because this would imply
that we have like e.g. Eclipse a well-defined roadmap. And as we all
know, that's simply not the case.

I'm also fine with 3.0-alpha-1, etc. and, see the reasons below, it's
probably better to change the proposal into this direction.

 Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was on
 vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just out
 and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to consider
 2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus just look
 elsewhere. Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed
 the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user

We had three possible routes for Corona:

 1) Develop Corona outside of the Cocoon project (e.g. Google,
Sourceforge, etc.)
 2) Find some alternative name and release it under this codename.
 3) Release it as Cocoon 3.0-alpha-x

1) would have been really dangerous IMO. What would people have thought
if the former PMC chair created an alternative project that is a
reimplementation of Cocoon outside of the oversight of the Cocoon PMC.
And that just a few months after his resignation.

2) Many people advised not to invent another codename. Also the name
finding game wasn't really successful. Personally I'm not willing to
invest any more time into this.

3) Releasing 3.0 comes with the risk that 3.0 never takes off and
doesn't attract a broader developer and user community. But as long as
we only release alpha software, we can even do a re-rewrite.

Regarding your too early announced argument, I'm not so pessimistic.
Most people very well understand the difference between production
quality and alpha software and that alpha software is no guarantee for
anything (time, quality/stability, community). Addtionally we will add
warnings to all download pages, READMEs and also adding alpha helps.

Also other projects demonstrate that having an alpha branch doesn't make
most people wait for the final release of the alpha branch (see Tomcat,
Jetty, Maven,  httpd, etc.). And if you have time to wait, I don't think
that you really have to solve a problem.

Additionally we have taken care that Cocoon 2.2 can be run in parallel
with Cocoon 3.0 in the same web application and they can event
communicate via the Servlet-Service framework with each other.

Reinhard Pötz   Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Sylvain Wallez pisze:

I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users 
aren't hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do 
complex stuff without programming) and they aren't used to this 
odd/even versioning scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.

Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non 
hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta, 
milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A 
well-known example is Firefox that goes through a series of 
milestones, beta and RC version before releasing a stable version 
with the same number. Eclipse does the same.

Yes, that makes sense. I also wonder how beta, RC, etc. releases can 
be more confusing that odd/even versioning.

Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was 
on vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just 
out and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to 
consider 2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus 
just look elsewhere. 

Provided that one documents our thoughts on 2.2 and 3.0 clearly I 
don't think there will be that much of confusion.

Actually, I think it's a high time for us to define official document 
that explains our rules for giving artifacts version numbers. WDYT?

Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed the 
developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user 

Sylvain, pardon my ignorance but what kind of real problems with Maven 
we have _now_ in Cocoon's trunk? I can understand that people were fed 
up with Maven at the beginning of the transition because it was almost 
impossible to build Cocoon. But that was more than one year ago.

I can't say what problems there are _now_ since I don't build Cocoon 
anymore. Hopefully it works now, and I was referring to the past: when 
the move to Maven was started, the 2.2 build was mostly broken for 
months, which drained an incredible amount of energy away from the 
project, either because people got discouraged by this broken build 
(e.g. me), or because they invested their volunteer time in 
understanding Maven (e.g. Jorg Heymans) rather than developing Cocoon.

I'm glad it seems to work now, but the amount of energy needed to setup 
and maintain this build system (remember, it's _just_ a build system) 
has been astronomical.

When it comes to user community, I would say that it grows quite 
nicely. There are people contributing[1][2] some tutorials, sharing 
their experience and seem to have a real fun with 2.2.

It's very nice to see people using 2.2, but I have the impression that 
most of the 2.2-related questions are related to maven-isms, artifacts, 
poms, etc. Without wanting to sound harsh, I'm wondering whether this 
community has learned to live over time with some sort of chronic 
disease, and is so used to it now that it doesn't even realize that life 
could be easier without it.

Note that I said could and not would since ultimately the 
people-that-do decide what they prefer. And yes I'm a retired old-timer 
here, but I still care for this community where I learned so much.


Sylvain Wallez -

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Grzegorz Kossakowski pisze:
Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed the 
developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user 

Sylvain, pardon my ignorance but what kind of real problems with 
Maven we have _now_ in Cocoon's trunk? I can understand that people 
were fed up with Maven at the beginning of the transition because it 
was almost impossible to build Cocoon. But that was more than one 
year ago.

When it comes to user community, I would say that it grows quite 
nicely. There are people contributing[1][2] some tutorials, sharing 
their experience and seem to have a real fun with 2.2.

Could it be a good idea that old-timers just take an example of our 
user's community and overcome their own prejudices, finally?

I realized that I little bit misunderstood Sylvain's e-mail and used 
inappropriate tone for my response. The last statement was not really 

I'm sorry about that, Sylvain.

No worries. I was actually trying to understand what you really meant :-)


Sylvain Wallez -

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Reinhard Pötz wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Reinhard Pötz wrote:

For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
a 3.1.0 release.

I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone

I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users aren't
hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do complex stuff
without programming) and they aren't used to this odd/even versioning
scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.

Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non
hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta,
milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A well-known
example is Firefox that goes through a series of milestones, beta and RC
version before releasing a stable version with the same number. Eclipse
does the same.

I don't have a strong opinion on this, except that I don't think that
the term milestone doesn't fit very well for us because this would imply
that we have like e.g. Eclipse a well-defined roadmap. And as we all
know, that's simply not the case.

Well, although there's no formal roadmaps, there are big features that 
more or less define it, isn't it?

I'm also fine with 3.0-alpha-1, etc. and, see the reasons below, it's
probably better to change the proposal into this direction.

Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was on
vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just out
and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to consider
2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus just look
elsewhere. Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed
the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user

We had three possible routes for Corona:

 1) Develop Corona outside of the Cocoon project (e.g. Google,
Sourceforge, etc.)
 2) Find some alternative name and release it under this codename.
 3) Release it as Cocoon 3.0-alpha-x

1) would have been really dangerous IMO. What would people have thought
if the former PMC chair created an alternative project that is a
reimplementation of Cocoon outside of the oversight of the Cocoon PMC.
And that just a few months after his resignation.

I totally agree with this, and Apache has the necessary rules and 
infrastructure to host experiments/rewrites/revolutions under the 
project's umbrella.

2) Many people advised not to invent another codename. Also the name
finding game wasn't really successful. Personally I'm not willing to
invest any more time into this.

I don't think there's even a need to play the name game: if the 
experiment/rewrite/revolution is successful, it just takes over the main 
branch (e.g. Catalina that has replaced Tomcat) and otherwise it just 
dies and vanishes.

3) Releasing 3.0 comes with the risk that 3.0 never takes off and
doesn't attract a broader developer and user community. But as long as
we only release alpha software, we can even do a re-rewrite.

Not sure I follow you here, and how 3.0 or any other name prevents a 
rewrite as long as there hasn't been any stable release. Now if there is 
an ongoing effort on something named 3.0 and suddenly this thing is 
rewritten, this is likely to be interpreted by the community as we 
don't really know where we're going which not a good thing.

Regarding your too early announced argument, I'm not so pessimistic.
Most people very well understand the difference between production
quality and alpha software and that alpha software is no guarantee for
anything (time, quality/stability, community). Addtionally we will add
warnings to all download pages, READMEs and also adding alpha helps.

Also other projects demonstrate that having an alpha branch doesn't make
most people wait for the final release of the alpha branch (see Tomcat,
Jetty, Maven,  httpd, etc.). And if you have time to wait, I don't think
that you really have to solve a problem.

I hope you're right.

Additionally we have taken care that Cocoon 2.2 can be run in parallel
with Cocoon 3.0 in the same web application and they can event
communicate via the Servlet-Service framework with each other.



Sylvain Wallez -

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Reinhard Pötz
Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Reinhard Pötz wrote:
 Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Reinhard Pötz wrote:

 For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
 development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

 I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
 Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
 clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

 When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
 a 3.1.0 release.

 I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone
 I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users aren't
 hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do complex stuff
 without programming) and they aren't used to this odd/even versioning
 scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.

 Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non
 hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta,
 milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A well-known
 example is Firefox that goes through a series of milestones, beta and RC
 version before releasing a stable version with the same number. Eclipse
 does the same.

 I don't have a strong opinion on this, except that I don't think that
 the term milestone doesn't fit very well for us because this would imply
 that we have like e.g. Eclipse a well-defined roadmap. And as we all
 know, that's simply not the case.
 Well, although there's no formal roadmaps, there are big features that
 more or less define it, isn't it?
 I'm also fine with 3.0-alpha-1, etc. and, see the reasons below, it's
 probably better to change the proposal into this direction.
 Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was on
 vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just out
 and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to consider
 2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus just look
 elsewhere. Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed
 the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user

 We had three possible routes for Corona:

  1) Develop Corona outside of the Cocoon project (e.g. Google,
 Sourceforge, etc.)
  2) Find some alternative name and release it under this codename.
  3) Release it as Cocoon 3.0-alpha-x

 1) would have been really dangerous IMO. What would people have thought
 if the former PMC chair created an alternative project that is a
 reimplementation of Cocoon outside of the oversight of the Cocoon PMC.
 And that just a few months after his resignation.
 I totally agree with this, and Apache has the necessary rules and
 infrastructure to host experiments/rewrites/revolutions under the
 project's umbrella.
 2) Many people advised not to invent another codename. Also the name
 finding game wasn't really successful. Personally I'm not willing to
 invest any more time into this.
 I don't think there's even a need to play the name game: if the
 experiment/rewrite/revolution is successful, it just takes over the main
 branch (e.g. Catalina that has replaced Tomcat) and otherwise it just
 dies and vanishes.
 3) Releasing 3.0 comes with the risk that 3.0 never takes off and
 doesn't attract a broader developer and user community. But as long as
 we only release alpha software, we can even do a re-rewrite.
 Not sure I follow you here, and how 3.0 or any other name prevents a
 rewrite as long as there hasn't been any stable release. Now if there is
 an ongoing effort on something named 3.0 and suddenly this thing is
 rewritten, this is likely to be interpreted by the community as we
 don't really know where we're going which not a good thing.
 Regarding your too early announced argument, I'm not so pessimistic.
 Most people very well understand the difference between production
 quality and alpha software and that alpha software is no guarantee for
 anything (time, quality/stability, community). Addtionally we will add
 warnings to all download pages, READMEs and also adding alpha helps.

 Also other projects demonstrate that having an alpha branch doesn't make
 most people wait for the final release of the alpha branch (see Tomcat,
 Jetty, Maven,  httpd, etc.). And if you have time to wait, I don't think
 that you really have to solve a problem.
 I hope you're right.

As I wrote on my blog, I think that Cocoon has to change fundamentally
(focus on RESTful services, layered architecture and reuse in every Java
environment) in order to survive in the medium to long term. Staying
with Cocoon 2.x will mostly please already existing users but won't be
very attractive for others.

I wasn't very eager to go for Cocoon 3 at this point of time myself.
Cocoon 3 has been developed completely in the spare time of volunteers

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Sylvain Wallez pisze:
I can't say what problems there are _now_ since I don't build Cocoon 
anymore. Hopefully it works now, and I was referring to the past: when 
the move to Maven was started, the 2.2 build was mostly broken for 
months, which drained an incredible amount of energy away from the 
project, either because people got discouraged by this broken build 
(e.g. me), or because they invested their volunteer time in 
understanding Maven (e.g. Jorg Heymans) rather than developing Cocoon.

I'm glad it seems to work now, but the amount of energy needed to setup 
and maintain this build system (remember, it's _just_ a build system) 
has been astronomical.

I've been working with Maven (mainly when working with Cocoon) for more than year and I can agree on 
main point of Maven critics that Maven is flawed.
My personal opinion is that basic ideas behind Maven are correct but implementation is totally 
broken. Or at least it was at the beginning because now, thanks to many eye balls, it seems to 
improve from release to release.

I was wondering many times if there is any other choice for us. Given the amount energy we've put 
into mavenization process any switch is impossible so such discussion could be only theoretical. 
Still I would enjoy reading about some alternatives because this could put my (and probably others) 
thinking into right direction thus, eventually improving our existing infrastructure.

There is one statement that I don't agree: Maven is not just a build system. If it was only a build 
system I would be the first one to propose dropping Maven completely because of its implementation. 
For me, Maven is the whole ecosystem which consists of good practices when it comes to your 
project's structure, Maven repository (the killer feature IMHO) and integration with so many systems 
acting around basic build process.

What I would prefer is to take a lesson from our past experience but still focus on the future. I 
strongly believe that we have reached this stage when people can happily focus on developing Cocoon 
and not on developing Cocoon's infrastructure thus I would like to invite all old-timers to join our 
forces and provide the best of Cocoon experience ever. I strongly believe we have all foundations 
needed for that now.

It's very nice to see people using 2.2, but I have the impression that 
most of the 2.2-related questions are related to maven-isms, artifacts, 
poms, etc. Without wanting to sound harsh, I'm wondering whether this 
community has learned to live over time with some sort of chronic 
disease, and is so used to it now that it doesn't even realize that life 
could be easier without it.

Most of these questions come from the confusion about splitting up Cocoon into smaller pieces. And 
even more questions come from the fact that people starting with 2.2 are still trying to build it 
themselves because that was done in 2.1. If you use released versions then you will have no problem 
with dependencies, missing artifacts, etc.
When you checkout trunk and try to build it then I would say that it should be no surprise that 
sometimes you get into troubles, right?

I would really like to know what kind of chronic disease you see Sylvain. I don't deny there might 
be one so if you would have shared your observations with rest community we could start to think 
about improving it in the future.

Note that I said could and not would since ultimately the 
people-that-do decide what they prefer. And yes I'm a retired old-timer 
here, but I still care for this community where I learned so much.

For me it would be interesting to see if one of retired old-timers could try to spend some time on 
playing with trunk just to gather some experience. Certainly, such external audit by some of the 
most honored members of this community would be a blessing experience only if it would allow to 
bring closer our stances.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Reinhard Pötz pisze:

As I wrote on my blog, I think that Cocoon has to change fundamentally
(focus on RESTful services, layered architecture and reuse in every Java
environment) in order to survive in the medium to long term. Staying
with Cocoon 2.x will mostly please already existing users but won't be
very attractive for others.

I wasn't very eager to go for Cocoon 3 at this point of time myself.
Cocoon 3 has been developed completely in the spare time of volunteers
and releasing it will put some pressure on it that I would have liked to
avoid it.
But keeping it in the whiteboard without a release isn't a solution as well.

Cocoon 3 is a chance without a guarantee of success. But it's better
than just waiting for some kind of miracle and doing nothing while
Cocoon and its community are fading away.

Even if I'm still busy with supporting community with 2.2 transition so I have no time to work on 
Corona/3.0 I wholeheartedly support Reinhard's position.

Best regards,
Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Reinhard Pötz
Reinhard Pötz wrote:
 Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Reinhard Pötz wrote:
 Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Reinhard Pötz wrote:

 For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
 development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

 I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
 Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
 clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

 When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
 a 3.1.0 release.

 I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone
 I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users aren't
 hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do complex stuff
 without programming) and they aren't used to this odd/even versioning
 scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.

 Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non
 hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta,
 milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A well-known
 example is Firefox that goes through a series of milestones, beta and RC
 version before releasing a stable version with the same number. Eclipse
 does the same.
 I don't have a strong opinion on this, except that I don't think that
 the term milestone doesn't fit very well for us because this would imply
 that we have like e.g. Eclipse a well-defined roadmap. And as we all
 know, that's simply not the case.
 Well, although there's no formal roadmaps, there are big features that
 more or less define it, isn't it?

 I'm also fine with 3.0-alpha-1, etc. and, see the reasons below, it's
 probably better to change the proposal into this direction.
 Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was on
 vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just out
 and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to consider
 2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus just look
 elsewhere. Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed
 the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user
 We had three possible routes for Corona:

  1) Develop Corona outside of the Cocoon project (e.g. Google,
 Sourceforge, etc.)
  2) Find some alternative name and release it under this codename.
  3) Release it as Cocoon 3.0-alpha-x

 1) would have been really dangerous IMO. What would people have thought
 if the former PMC chair created an alternative project that is a
 reimplementation of Cocoon outside of the oversight of the Cocoon PMC.
 And that just a few months after his resignation.
 I totally agree with this, and Apache has the necessary rules and
 infrastructure to host experiments/rewrites/revolutions under the
 project's umbrella.

 2) Many people advised not to invent another codename. Also the name
 finding game wasn't really successful. Personally I'm not willing to
 invest any more time into this.
 I don't think there's even a need to play the name game: if the
 experiment/rewrite/revolution is successful, it just takes over the main
 branch (e.g. Catalina that has replaced Tomcat) and otherwise it just
 dies and vanishes.

 3) Releasing 3.0 comes with the risk that 3.0 never takes off and
 doesn't attract a broader developer and user community. But as long as
 we only release alpha software, we can even do a re-rewrite.
 Not sure I follow you here, and how 3.0 or any other name prevents a
 rewrite as long as there hasn't been any stable release. Now if there is
 an ongoing effort on something named 3.0 and suddenly this thing is
 rewritten, this is likely to be interpreted by the community as we
 don't really know where we're going which not a good thing.

 Regarding your too early announced argument, I'm not so pessimistic.
 Most people very well understand the difference between production
 quality and alpha software and that alpha software is no guarantee for
 anything (time, quality/stability, community). Addtionally we will add
 warnings to all download pages, READMEs and also adding alpha helps.

 Also other projects demonstrate that having an alpha branch doesn't make
 most people wait for the final release of the alpha branch (see Tomcat,
 Jetty, Maven,  httpd, etc.). And if you have time to wait, I don't think
 that you really have to solve a problem.
 I hope you're right.
 As I wrote on my blog, I think that Cocoon has to change fundamentally
 (focus on RESTful services, layered architecture and reuse in every Java
 environment) in order to survive in the medium to long term. Staying
 with Cocoon 2.x will mostly please already existing users but won't be
 very attractive for others.
 I wasn't very eager to go for Cocoon 3 at this point of time myself.
 Cocoon 3 has been developed completely in the spare time of 

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:

Sylvain Wallez pisze:
I can't say what problems there are _now_ since I don't build Cocoon 
anymore. Hopefully it works now, and I was referring to the past: 
when the move to Maven was started, the 2.2 build was mostly broken 
for months, which drained an incredible amount of energy away from 
the project, either because people got discouraged by this broken 
build (e.g. me), or because they invested their volunteer time in 
understanding Maven (e.g. Jorg Heymans) rather than developing Cocoon.

I'm glad it seems to work now, but the amount of energy needed to 
setup and maintain this build system (remember, it's _just_ a build 
system) has been astronomical.

I've been working with Maven (mainly when working with Cocoon) for 
more than year and I can agree on main point of Maven critics that 
Maven is flawed.
My personal opinion is that basic ideas behind Maven are correct but 
implementation is totally broken. Or at least it was at the beginning 
because now, thanks to many eye balls, it seems to improve from 
release to release.

I was wondering many times if there is any other choice for us. Given 
the amount energy we've put into mavenization process any switch is 
impossible so such discussion could be only theoretical. Still I would 
enjoy reading about some alternatives because this could put my (and 
probably others) thinking into right direction thus, eventually 
improving our existing infrastructure.

This isn't theoretical at all. Use Ant+Ivy ( 
and you have something that doesn't rely on undocumented declarative 
black magic (the various plugins you add to your pom.xml), doesn't 
require you to write your own plugins (or tasks as they're called in 
Ant) and gives you line-precise error reporting when something goes wrong.

There is one statement that I don't agree: Maven is not just a build 
system. If it was only a build system I would be the first one to 
propose dropping Maven completely because of its implementation. For 
me, Maven is the whole ecosystem which consists of good practices when 
it comes to your project's structure, Maven repository (the killer 
feature IMHO) and integration with so many systems acting around basic 
build process.

Ivy for your artifacts management. It does it well, and can use Maven 
repositories. I've been using it happily for more than 2 years now on 
rather big projects (after having banged my head on Maven).

What I would prefer is to take a lesson from our past experience but 
still focus on the future. I strongly believe that we have reached 
this stage when people can happily focus on developing Cocoon and not 
on developing Cocoon's infrastructure thus I would like to invite all 
old-timers to join our forces and provide the best of Cocoon 
experience ever. I strongly believe we have all foundations needed for 
that now.

And this leads to another question, which Reinhard outlined in his 
latest blog post, and Stefano did years ago: what's the purpose of 
Cocoon in today's technology landscape? It used to be a great you can 
do everything with it solution, but these days are over. There are some 
very nice webapp component frameworks like Wicket or GWT, there are ESBs 
that do pipelined transformations like Mule or ServiceMix, and XML is no 
more the only mainstream interchange language with the success of JSON 
and the emergence of binary formats like Thrift or Google Buffers.

Cocoon therefore has to be rethought as a toolbox for those domains 
where it has no equivalent, and find new domains where it can innovate, 
and Corona (or whatever its name) certainly goes in the right direction. 
Pipelines are among the existing distinctive features of Cocoon, and 
also REST-ish pattern matching although many frameworks are now 

It's very nice to see people using 2.2, but I have the impression 
that most of the 2.2-related questions are related to maven-isms, 
artifacts, poms, etc. Without wanting to sound harsh, I'm wondering 
whether this community has learned to live over time with some sort 
of chronic disease, and is so used to it now that it doesn't even 
realize that life could be easier without it.

Most of these questions come from the confusion about splitting up 
Cocoon into smaller pieces. And even more questions come from the fact 
that people starting with 2.2 are still trying to build it themselves 
because that was done in 2.1. If you use released versions then you 
will have no problem with dependencies, missing artifacts, etc.
When you checkout trunk and try to build it then I would say that it 
should be no surprise that sometimes you get into troubles, right?

The build should fail only if there are some bugs in Cocoon's code 
(compilation issues or failed tests) or if some artifacts are missing 
from your cache and remote repositories aren't available (BTW this what 
just happened to me: there's a compilation failure in cocoon-core).

I would really 

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Ralph Goers

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

By chronic disease, I was referring to Maven. And it's not specific 
to Cocoon, but to many other projects. Maven has brought one new 
brillant idea to the Java world, which is artifact repositories (note 
though that Linux repositories have existed for a very long time). But 
using Maven requires to adhere to the whole thing: repository 
management, which is good, but also a declarative under-documented 
build system. And Maven is also self-updating, which is a nice idea on 
paper but means the buid is not repeatable since you don't know what 
is used to build your system.

Wow. I guess you don't like Maven.

There are other alternatives to your complaints - like becoming a 
committer there and fixing them. Using Ant + Ivy has all the downfalls 
of GNU Make. Instead of one undocumented (not sure where you get that 
from) build system you end up with every build system being different 
and usually, mostly undocumented. 

As for the self-updating, dependency management allows you to have 
complete control over the artifacts you wish to use. My contribution to 
Maven has to continue to make that aspect better.


Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Carsten Ziegeler
Please, let's not get into the usual maven bashing threads. I'm tired of
reading all the love and hate about maven over and over again.

If someone thinks that the current system sucks *and* has time to try
out new things, great. If not, let's keep the working system.

Carsten Ziegeler

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Jeremy Quinn

Hi Carsten

On 18 Aug 2008, at 16:41, Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Please, let's not get into the usual maven bashing threads. I'm  
tired of

reading all the love and hate about maven over and over again.

If someone thinks that the current system sucks *and* has time to try
out new things, great. If not, let's keep the working system.

I agree 100% and apologise if I helped raise it again .

What you stated, I think is the correct PoV for Cocoon developers.

From the PoV of users, it should also be clear :

If you want or have to use Ant, use 2.1
If you want or have to use Maven, use 2.2
If you just need the Pipeline API, use 3.0

There should be no other difference in quality between the release  
versions, and none should be implied.

best regards


Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-18 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Ralph Goers wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

By chronic disease, I was referring to Maven. And it's not specific 
to Cocoon, but to many other projects. Maven has brought one new 
brillant idea to the Java world, which is artifact repositories (note 
though that Linux repositories have existed for a very long time). 
But using Maven requires to adhere to the whole thing: repository 
management, which is good, but also a declarative under-documented 
build system. And Maven is also self-updating, which is a nice idea 
on paper but means the buid is not repeatable since you don't know 
what is used to build your system.

Wow. I guess you don't like Maven.

There are other alternatives to your complaints - like becoming a 
committer there and fixing them.

That is exactly what I wanted to point out with the Maven sucked too 
much energy from Cocoon argument: I don't want and shouldn't have to 
become a committer on the build system as a necessary preliminary to 
doing usefull stuff on Cocoon.

Using Ant + Ivy has all the downfalls of GNU Make. Instead of one 
undocumented (not sure where you get that from) build system you end 
up with every build system being different and usually, mostly 

Most of the Maven plugins can be rewritten in a couple of Ant lines. 
Also, it is possible to have common reusable Ant build files that avoid 
rewriting everything from scratch every time. Now it's true that no 
community effort has taken place to provide a distribution of such 
standard reusable Ant files. Maybe people did not felt the urge to do so 
because Ant files to build simple artifacts are so straightforward.

As for the self-updating, dependency management allows you to have 
complete control over the artifacts you wish to use. My contribution 
to Maven has to continue to make that aspect better.

I now this is work in progress. But not self-updating should be the 
default rather than being an intial feature that can be disabled by 
specifying the exact version of each and every Maven plugin you want a 
fixed-version of (and how do I know which version I want?)

Now I'll shut up since most people here seem to be happy with Maven. I'm 
not, let's move on to other debates.


Sylvain Wallez -

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-17 Thread Grzegorz Kossakowski

Reinhard Pötz pisze:

For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
a 3.1.0 release.

I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone

I have mixed feelings about that but won't block anything.

I'm not sure about the new location in SVN. One option I can think of is, the other is

I slightly prefer

Hmmm. What about (and possibly tags, branches 
as well in future)?

For me repository layout is rather important since I'm using Git to access our Subversion repository 
and I don't want to make it confused by all these non-standard layouts.

We've already discussed this and the outcome was that we prefer
functional names:


By using the functional name as part of the groupId, Cocoon 2.2 and
Cocoon 3 can be used together without getting any problems with the
dependency resolution mechanisms of Maven or Ivy.


Coocon 3 will use the org.apache.cocoon namespace. The sub-packages
are reserved for functional names:



Corona currently uses three different namespaces in XML documents:

These namespaces are without a version number.

Since I don't see how version numbers could help us, I propose

Again, mixed feelings but have no strong opinion here as well.

I propose the creation of a COCOON3 project so that Cocoon 2.x and
Cocoon 3 issues don't get mixed up.


Apache Infrastructure offers a managed Hudson instance. I propose to
setup a Cocoon 3 project there.

Why Hudson instead of Continuum?

Is Hudson more flexible or has a better performance? Or just personal 

Grzegorz Kossakowski

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-17 Thread Reinhard Pötz
Grzegorz Kossakowski wrote:
 Reinhard Pötz pisze:


 I'm not sure about the new location in SVN. One option I can think of is, the other is

 I slightly prefer
 Hmmm. What about
 (and possibly tags, branches as well in future)?
 For me repository layout is rather important since I'm using Git to
 access our Subversion repository and I don't want to make it confused by
 all these non-standard layouts.

I have no strong opinion on this. If this works better with git, I'm
fine with your proposal.


 Apache Infrastructure offers a managed Hudson instance. I propose to
 setup a Cocoon 3 project there.
 Why Hudson instead of Continuum?
 Is Hudson more flexible or has a better performance? Or just personal

Unlike Continuum, I've never had any problems with Hudson. IMO it's also
more intuitive and makes it easy to configure any Maven/JDK combination.
And, it is also smart because it automatically detects upstream and
downstream projects by analyzing the POM structure.

Also Jason seems to be a Hudson fan

Reinhard Pötz   Managing Director, {Indoqa} GmbH

Member of the Apache Software Foundation
Apache Cocoon Committer, PMC member  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-17 Thread Sylvain Wallez

Reinhard Pötz wrote:

For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
a 3.1.0 release.

I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone

I would say the contrary. Let's not forget that most of our users aren't 
hard-core developers (they love Cocoon because they can do complex stuff 
without programming) and they aren't used to this odd/even versioning 
scheme that comes from the Linux kernel.

Rather than that, it seems to me that most of the normal (i.e. non 
hard-core hacker) people consider a version without any beta, 
milestone or other suffix as an official stable release. A well-known 
example is Firefox that goes through a series of milestones, beta and RC 
version before releasing a stable version with the same number. Eclipse 
does the same.

Also, I haven't voted for the renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 as I was on 
vacation, but I really think this is too early. Cocoon 2.2 is just out 
and we announce a 3.0. This will most probably lead people to consider 
2.2 as a transition to 3.0 and just not use it, and thus just look 
elsewhere. Stated clearly, I have fears that just as Maven almost killed 
the developer community for 2.2, announcing a 3.0 now will kill the user 

My 0.02 euros.


Sylvain Wallez -

Re: Renaming Corona to Cocoon 3.0 and infrastructure

2008-08-16 Thread Ralph Goers

Reinhard Pötz wrote:

For Cocoon 2 there have been proposals that all odd versions are
development/alpha versions and all even versions are stable releases.

I like this idea and propose that we follow this versioning schema in
Cocoon 3: All 3.0.x releases are marked as development versions and we
clearly explain this on the website and the READMEs of all artifacts.

When we believe that the community and the technology are stable, we do
a 3.1.0 release.

I think this is less confusing than appending alpha, beta or milestone


I'm not sure about the new location in SVN. One option I can think of is, the other is

I slightly prefer

Why wouldn't you use Then 
create 3.1.x when it is time for that. Presumably you will create a 
3.2.x shortly after that so you can do bug fixes only on 3.1.x and new 
development on 3.2.x. If not, then I'm not sure what the point of the 
numbering scheme is.

I'm OK with the rest of the proposal.