Re: Summarizing thoughts on cordova-browser vs Ripple

2014-11-18 Thread Ray Camden

 On 11/15/14, 2:17 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

Not at all.  What is it you think we are proposing?  I'm merely
that the cordova-browser camera plugin implementation shouldn't *also*
with a DOM component that sits over top of your application to manipulate
the camera.  The existing BAAP camera implementation is great as currently
implemented, and wouldn't change.

Another example would better illustrate the difference: BAAP geolocation
shim I believe should just use the browser geolocation api, or return a
single fixed location if that isn't available.  It needn't support
programmatically / UI for manipulating custom location, which Ripple
geolocation does.

I’m with you on that - but I think that is an example that works well w/o
UI and other plugins may not. Let’s consider contacts, specifically
pickContact. I *would* be ok with a UI of some sort, perhaps just 3 simple
contacts in a list, that that user can select. In theory it could also
just automatically fire contactSuccess, but my point is that I’m not
opposed to it providing a bit of UI as well.

As an example, I¹ve got an app now which uses barcode scanning for one
 small part. By adding the Browser platform to the plugin, I am able to
 all of my work in the browser now and fake a barcode when I need it.
 is a problem that - imo - is much more valuable than supporting browser
 a destination of my app.

If you just want to return a single fixed barcode, I agree BAAP should do
this.  If you want to be able to customize the barcode at runtime, with a
simple UI that is automatically injected into your page as part of the
runtime, then I think that is a task for Ripple (or other emulators).

So I think this is the crux of our disagreement then. :) Right now the
plugin (and I wrote this, so I may be biased ;) uses a prompt so you can
enter a code. My thinking there was if you didn’t care, you would type 1
and hit enter, but if you were passing the bar code to some service, you
could paste something in. To me, that’s more useful then just using a hard
coded value you can’t tweak. I think that usefulness outweighs the
potential ‘loss’ of being able to run this as a real web app.

Re: Summarizing thoughts on cordova-browser vs Ripple

2014-11-17 Thread Ray Camden

On 11/15/14, 2:17 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

Ray, I think (hope) you are slightly misreading the distinction.  Trying

Ripple is an (optional) tool for mobile-device-emulation.  It just happens
to be implemented in a browser, and yes has historically been used by devs
to run cordova apps locally in a browser.  But ripple does a lot more than
some devs need/want.  We want to take all those extras out for
cordova-browser, and leave them in for Ripple.

I disagree completely. ³just so happens to be implemented in a browser²
makes it sound like a random thing. Ripple was a way to make use of the
speed of a browser to run my PG/Cordova apps while Œfaking¹ stuff like
camera and GPS. It let me focus on the non-Cordova stuff, like random APIs
(especially since it lets me bypass the remote XHR restriction w/o CORS).

Specifically, cordova-browser would provide a minimum valid cordova
environment  plugin browser shims, just so your app loads without errors
in a browser.  There would not be any specific mobile device or platform
emulation.  Many devs do this manually today (Adobe even presented on this
topic at PGDay), but cordova-browser will automate some of the work now.

And I strongly vote against this. The fact that I can fake camera w/ BAAP
now and not rely on Ripple, which again was dead for like a *year*, is a
huge big deal to me, and I¹d argue others as well.

It sounds like we are saying we should take BAAP, which has the beginnings
of a good Ripple replacement, and neuter it, which I think would be

What you do with the browser targeted version of your application is up to
you.  Some developers won't use it at all, others may use it for rapid
development on a subset of the app, while others may use it to actually
publically host for the mobile web.  I'm not necessarily sure if that last
point is a great idea, but I'm convinced we shouldn't get in the way of
others trying.  (Ray, if you don't want the public to use your app from a
browser, just don't host it, that will be your call to make).

I guess this is the main sticking point then. It sounds like you are
saying we should support browser as a complete platform, and having the
plugins do too much will be a problem. I think there is a chance folks may
want BAAP to be used publicly, but I think a good debugging alternative
would be *much more* desired.

As an example, I¹ve got an app now which uses barcode scanning for one
small part. By adding the Browser platform to the plugin, I am able to do
all of my work in the browser now and fake a barcode when I need it. That
is a problem that - imo - is much more valuable than supporting browser as
a destination of my app.

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Re: cordova-browser plugin polyfills -- which projects already have work in this space?

2014-11-14 Thread Ray Camden
Not sure if it was first - I added support for it to Barcode too. :)

On 11/14/14, 10:34 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

Ray, thanks for adding this.

Using it, I found:
which is the first non-core plugin to claim browser support :)

(which, by the way, is both crazy that it required a plugin and awesome
that someone wrote the feature as a small trivial plugin and shared with
the world).



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Re: cordova-browser plugin polyfills -- which projects already have work in this space?

2014-11-14 Thread Ray Camden
Ah - looks like the barcode scanner isn¹t updated yet. I know my PR for it
was accepted.

On 11/14/14, 12:07 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

Not sure if it was first - I added support for it to Barcode too. :)

On 11/14/14, 10:34 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

Ray, thanks for adding this.

Using it, I found:
which is the first non-core plugin to claim browser support :)

(which, by the way, is both crazy that it required a plugin and awesome
that someone wrote the feature as a small trivial plugin and shared with
the world).



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Re: cordova-browser plugin polyfills -- which projects already have work in this space?

2014-11-14 Thread Ray Camden
Sorry - what I meant was - it wasn’t refreshed. It should be now and
should show up when you filter to Browser.

On 11/14/14, 1:44 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

Wasn't re-published?

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:08 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Ah - looks like the barcode scanner isn¹t updated yet. I know my PR for
 was accepted.

 On 11/14/14, 12:07 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Not sure if it was first - I added support for it to Barcode too. :)
 On 11/14/14, 10:34 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:
 Ray, thanks for adding this.
 Using it, I found:
 which is the first non-core plugin to claim browser support :)
 (which, by the way, is both crazy that it required a plugin and
 that someone wrote the feature as a small trivial plugin and shared
 the world).
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Re: Summarizing thoughts on cordova-browser vs Ripple

2014-11-14 Thread Ray Camden
I¹m pretty late to responding to this thread, but I wanted to throw in a
few comments. In the first msg, Michal Mocny said this:

Basically, browser-platform is for getting apps running in a browser (duh)
with as much working functionality as possible.  Its supposed to simplify
the 'if cordova then dialog else alert' problem, so you can build even more
of your app with just local development.  Seemingly this could be used to
make targeting both web and app even easier.

Ripple is for instrumenting/debugging apps by manipulating plugins.  Its
about having a UI that reaches into geolocation or camera and controls what
the plugin returns to the app.  Its about re-running the same device events
over and over for tracking application logic changes.²

I could not disagree with the second part more. I can tell you that from
my experience, the casual end user/PG developer did not see Ripple as any
different from what you described in the first paragraph. Maybe I¹m not
reading you right, but I honestly don¹t think most users of Ripple saw it
as anything but a way to test your code in the browser.

Michael Brooks said:
Ideally, the Browser Platform is a production deployment environment for
the web, while Ripple is debugging instrumentation that runs on the Browser

Again, I just don¹t see this. ³Production deployment²? As in - it is used
by the public? I don¹t think our users will see that. I don¹t want the
public to use my PG/Cordova app in the browser. I, the developer, want to
use the browser just because it is quicker and the debugging tool is

Kirupa said:
Cordova-browser shouldn't be responsible for providing mock data, UI, or
any additional functionality for simulating a plug-in. It¹s primary goal
is to (as you both mention) be responsible for getting apps to run in the

I love Ripple, butŠ
It was dead for a *very* long time. It has come back, and there is
activity, but I¹m not convinced it will carry on. (Don¹t get me wrong, I
want it to!) BAAP (I¹m using that for Browser As A Platform, much easier
to type ;) is baked into Cordova and ³just plain works² once a plugin
author adds support. It isn¹t an external tool - it is part of the core
functionality. I think then that if it makes sense for a plugin to do UI,
then BAAP should do it. I see no reason not too. Since the only one seeing
it is the developer, then this UI, or mock data, can be simple and direct.
If it lets me run my app quickly in the browser, then it doesn¹t have to
be production-ready, just dev-ready.

Andrew said:
From reading this, seems like it could work well to have plugins provide
both browser and ripple implementations. They could make them the same, or
have the ripple one provide some sort of nice emulation UI. e.g.²

I see that as unlikely myself. If I were to write a plugin (I¹ll be
honest, I haven¹t yet), I can¹t imagine doing the same thing twice for
both, especially with how little movement has been done in Ripple. As a
feature, isn¹t it fair to say BAAP is ³done²? I mean it needs support from
more plugins, but as a feature, it is complete. I don¹t have to worry
about it not working in the future as Ripple did.

On 11/14/14, 12:38 PM, Horn, Julian C wrote:

Yes, that's absolutely right.  The ripple and browser platforms can
coexist, and you can refer to the API implementations in the
cordova-browser platform from the ripple platform.

You can imagine how this would work.  The exec call should land in the
ripple implementation of the API.  That code can decide whether it needs
to delegate to the browser implementation of the API.  (It could use UI
to guide this decision.) If so, it finds the browser implementation via
execProxy and invokes it.

This is easy when the ripple implementation is built in.  Ripple's
implementation of exec separates the Services registered with Ripple
from those that self-register with execProxy. Ripple therefore can prefer
its own implementation when both exist. When the ripple and browser
implementations are both in the same plugin then you have a conflict
because both of them want to self-register as the same service.  Still,
I'm confident that this can be sorted out.

For example, say the JS part of a plugin calls exec for service S,
function F.  The browser implementation self-registers with execProxy as
S.  The ripple implementation could self-register as Ripple S.  When
asked to invoke a function in service S, the Ripple exec function can
look for the object registered as Ripple S before looking for the
object registered as S.  Easy.


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Re: [VOTE] Tools Release, take 3

2014-11-13 Thread Ray Camden
Mark, question about this:

To update your tools:

npm install -g cordova
npm install -g plugman

To be clear, a Œregular¹ user doesn¹t need to update plugman, right?

On 11/12/14, 10:47 AM, Mark Koudritsky wrote:

Please also review the updated blog post:

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Re: [VOTE] Tools Release, take 3

2014-11-13 Thread Ray Camden
+1 to this. That was my first though - a ‘regular’ user may be confused
and think they need to get this when they don’t.

On 11/13/14, 9:24 AM, Josh Soref wrote:

Ray Camden wrote:

The instructions would probably benefit from if you have foo installed,
use X to update it.


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Re: cordova-browser plugin polyfills -- which projects already have work in this space?

2014-11-11 Thread Ray Camden
This went live yesterday. Let me know if it doesn¹t work for you.

On 11/5/14, 11:02 AM, Victor Sosa wrote:

Good point, Michal. It would be nice if we could browse the plugins by
filtering the platform.

2014-11-05 10:53 GMT-06:00 Michal Mocny

 Cool!  But I can't find how to do this with browse all plugins.
 to be a filter option on search results but cannot search for * or . --
 the filter doesn't persist nor alter url for linkability.


 On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

  As just an FYI, can now filter to plugins that
  browser as a platform. This could be used to figure out what plugins
  added support.
  On 11/5/14, 9:57 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:
  The process for implementing a browser polyfill (I'm new to this,
may be
  missing steps), appears to be just like any other platform whose
  implementations are in js (like firefoxos, windows).  Here is the
  implementation for device plugin for example:
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Victor Adrian Sosa Herrera
IBM Software Engineer
Guadalajara, Jalisco

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Re: cordova-browser plugin polyfills -- which projects already have work in this space?

2014-11-05 Thread Ray Camden
As just an FYI, can now filter to plugins that support
browser as a platform. This could be used to figure out what plugins have
added support.

On 11/5/14, 9:57 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

The process for implementing a browser polyfill (I'm new to this, may be
missing steps), appears to be just like any other platform whose
implementations are in js (like firefoxos, windows).  Here is the
implementation for device plugin for example:

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Re: cordova-browser plugin polyfills -- which projects already have work in this space?

2014-11-05 Thread Ray Camden
Hmpth - let me look into that post lunch.

On 11/5/14, 10:53 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

Cool!  But I can't find how to do this with browse all plugins.  Appears
to be a filter option on search results but cannot search for * or . --
the filter doesn't persist nor alter url for linkability.


On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:46 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 As just an FYI, can now filter to plugins that
 browser as a platform. This could be used to figure out what plugins
 added support.

 On 11/5/14, 9:57 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

 The process for implementing a browser polyfill (I'm new to this, may
 missing steps), appears to be just like any other platform whose
 implementations are in js (like firefoxos, windows).  Here is the
 implementation for device plugin for example:

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Re: Genymotion on Mac for Cordova testing

2014-11-03 Thread Ray Camden
Bit late in replying, but I can confirm that Cisco Anyconnect also breaks
Genymotion for me.

On 10/23/14, 11:04 PM, Carlos Santana wrote:

Lisa don't use the IBM VPN when using Genymotion. I had the same problems
and discovered they only occur when I was running the Cisco Anyconnect VPN
software, it changes the network settings makeing virtual box and the
internal vlans get confused.

If you disconnect the VPN, and try again the the virtual image runs fine
and is able to find the host network/vlan.

hope this is your problem and helps you.


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project version info

2014-10-03 Thread Ray Camden
I¹m posting this here as opposed to the Google Group as it seems like the
type of thing that may have been discussed, then turned down, and I
figured this list was best to answer why.

Unless I¹m not seeing it, there is no way to tell what version of the CLI
was used to build a project. Oddly ³cordova info² will return Cordova
version, but for me, the # makes no sense. Here is one I got with a recent
project: 0.21.13. 

Is there a reason why 3.6.3 isn¹t returned and not saved in config.xml?

I¹m assuming it is because plugin version info is more important, but I
can definitely seeing wanting to know what CLI version was used.

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Re: project version info

2014-10-03 Thread Ray Camden
Thanks for the detailed response Michal. With your permission, I¹d like to
reprint this on my blog.

I will point out however that there was at least one time when the
directory structure change broke something. I forget which version it was
but at some point the CLI stopped making a .cordova folder and that broke
Ripple. Not really a big deal, just FYI. ;)

On 10/3/14, 9:58 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

The reason CLI is reporting that number is because we tried to go semver
an odd way (CAD-SEM) and CLI version was supposed to be just the SEM part
and the CAD was just informational -- which hasn't worked out so well.
next CLI release is going to drop the old SEM and turn the existing CAD
into the new SEM.  i.e.: npm install -g cordova@rc you'll notice that its
just 3.7.0.

w.r.t. reporting installed version and not workspace created version: the
version of the CLI that was used to create a project should not be what is
important.  Its the current versions of the platforms and plugins within
your workspace that are actually important.

This is because when you upgrade your CLI, we will not use the version
was used to create the project any more.  There have been proposals for
this, but its not implemented, we just assume you always want the latest
CLI to manage your workspace.

This could become an issue if the CLI breaks compatibility with directory
structure / old platform/plugin structure, but that hasn't come up yet.
that *does* happen, we can introduce a created-with at that point, and
use the lack of created-with as a signal for old version.

For what its worth, for cca we drop a created-with-cca-version file
inside your platforms/ folder, since we currently also pin platforms.
you upgrade your cca tool, we then know to prompt for a platforms upgrade.
I don't know if this will still be necessary with independent platform


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Re: project version info

2014-10-03 Thread Ray Camden
Josh, we have this discussion already. I was asking to quote Michal, not
you. I understand my blog entry may not be to your liking, but you are not
my audience. My audience (in this case) is PG/Cordova devs outside the
list. In fact, this thread started from a question asked on Twitter this
morning, and I was looking to help out a user with a firm answer.

On 10/3/14, 10:39 AM, Josh Soref wrote:

I'd like to repeat that I don't like quoting text in blogs.

It's unhelpful.

Writing a summary is much more helpful.

I do not want to be quoted.
Nor do I as a developer want to read/parse quotes. I do not want to spend
time parsing quotations/determining context.

As a developer, I want to know what to do, and what I should understand.

On 10/3/14, 11:37 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

Thanks for the detailed response Michal. With your permission, I¹d like
reprint this on my blog.

I will point out however that there was at least one time when the
directory structure change broke something. I forget which version it was
but at some point the CLI stopped making a .cordova folder and that broke
Ripple. Not really a big deal, just FYI. ;)

Re: Cordova and OS X 10.10 Yosemite GM

2014-10-01 Thread Ray Camden
I¹ll tell you now.

On 10/1/14, 1:27 AM, Abdul Rahaman wrote:

Hi guys,
I was wondering if Corodva will work fine with Yosemite GM. I was about
to update from my Mavericks to Yosemite GM.

Best regards,

Re: Cordova and OS X 10.10 Yosemite GM

2014-10-01 Thread Ray Camden
All I did was make a virgin project, add ios, and send to emulator, and it
worked. That isn¹t a terribly deep test, but there ya go.

On 10/1/14, 1:27 AM, Abdul Rahaman wrote:

Hi guys,
I was wondering if Corodva will work fine with Yosemite GM. I was about
to update from my Mavericks to Yosemite GM.

Best regards,

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-10-01 Thread Ray Camden
No one complained, so I assume it is perfect. ;) Seriously though - feel
free to comment on the blog if you have suggestions.

On 9/30/14, 4:35 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

Any comments folks?

On 9/30/14, 11:57 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

I'm not an expert on engine requirements, but I'm happy to review your


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 12:41 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Ah, good point there.

 I¹m going to write up a blog post on this after I run some errands. I¹d
 love a quick review from you, or anyone, before I publish. I¹m also
 to add something to the core docs.

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-10-01 Thread Ray Camden
oh - I didn’t see your comment Shaz. Thanks!

On 10/1/14, 9:33 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

No one complained, so I assume it is perfect. ;) Seriously though - feel
free to comment on the blog if you have suggestions.

On 9/30/14, 4:35 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

Any comments folks?

On 9/30/14, 11:57 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

I'm not an expert on engine requirements, but I'm happy to review your


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 12:41 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Ah, good point there.

 I¹m going to write up a blog post on this after I run some errands.
 love a quick review from you, or anyone, before I publish. I¹m also
 to add something to the core docs.

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-09-30 Thread Ray Camden
Does it make sense to clarify that statement though? Not *every* plugin is
tested like this, just the ³Core² set of Cordova plugins. If someone has a
random plugin for Cowbell, there is no guarantee that it will work on
_any_ release, right? (I know we were talking about core plugins, but I
just wanted to be sure.)

On 9/30/14, 9:04 AM, Shazron wrote:


On Monday, September 29, 2014, Joshi, Pavankumar

 Thanks for the mail.  Kindly can you clarify this question,

 So every time a new version of plugin is released, is it tested with the
 already released latest Cordova version.
 Example: In Cordova 3.6 release it is stated that battery-status plugin
 version 0.2.10 is tested. Then on 22 September 0.2.11 version of
 battery-status plugin was released.
 So does it mean that 0.2.11 version was tested with 3.6.0 version of
 Cordova ? I am asking this because if I download and use Cordova 3.6.0
 release, then can I continuously upgrade the plugins to the latest

 Thanks and Regards
 Pavan Joshi

 -Original Message-
 From: Shazron [ javascript:;]
 Sent: Monday, 29 September 2014 4:59 PM
 To: javascript:;
 Subject: Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

 Plugins are independently released and not tied to a particular version.
 That just shows it was tested with that version.
 Just use the latest versions.

 On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 11:41 PM, Joshi, Pavankumar javascript:; wrote:

  Sorry, But then why the news section of plugins,,
  still has an older version?
  In Cordova 3.6 release page it says
  Plugin versions tested with this release
  cordova-plugin-battery-status: 0.2.10
  cordova-plugin-camera: 0.3.1
  cordova-plugin-console: 0.2.10
  cordova-plugin-contacts: 0.2.12
  cordova-plugin-device: 0.2.11
  cordova-plugin-device-motion: 0.2.9
  cordova-plugin-device-orientation: 0.3.8
  cordova-plugin-dialogs: 0.2.9
  cordova-plugin-file: 1.3.0
  cordova-plugin-file-transfer: 0.4.5
  cordova-plugin-geolocation: 0.3.9
  cordova-plugin-globalization: 0.3.0
  cordova-plugin-inappbrowser: 0.5.1
  cordova-plugin-media: 0.2.12
  cordova-plugin-media-capture: 0.3.2
  cordova-plugin-network-information: 0.2.11
  cordova-plugin-splashscreen: 0.3.2
  cordova-plugin-statusbar: 0.1.7
  cordova-plugin-vibration: 0.3.10

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-09-30 Thread Ray Camden
Just being annoying. ;) I can see this type of question though being
something users will bring up.

On 9/30/14, 9:46 AM, Shazron wrote:

He didnt ask that question, but Ray: yes.

On Tuesday, September 30, 2014, Ray Camden wrote:

 Does it make sense to clarify that statement though? Not *every* plugin
 tested like this, just the ³Core² set of Cordova plugins. If someone
has a
 random plugin for Cowbell, there is no guarantee that it will work on
 _any_ release, right? (I know we were talking about core plugins, but I
 just wanted to be sure.)

 On 9/30/14, 9:04 AM, Shazron javascript:; wrote:


Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-09-30 Thread Ray Camden
I don¹t have an answer, but I definitely see merit in documenting this

(replace 3.6.0 with ³most current² of course)

We should clarify expectations for when/how the core plugins are tested in
regards to the main Cordova release.

I¹ll happily write something up.

On 9/30/14, 10:16 AM, Fischer, Paul A wrote:

But it is not wise to assume that the latest version of a core plugin is
also tested against an older version of Cordova CLI? Is that true or
false? In other words, when you test the latest version of a core plugin,
you only test it against the latest released version of the Cordova CLI.
Using the latest version of a core plugin is not guaranteed to work with
a prior version of Cordova CLI.

Are my assumptions correct or incorrect?

-Original Message-
From: Shazron []
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 07:05
Subject: Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions


On Monday, September 29, 2014, Joshi, Pavankumar

 Thanks for the mail.  Kindly can you clarify this question,

 So every time a new version of plugin is released, is it tested with
 the already released latest Cordova version.
 Example: In Cordova 3.6 release it is stated that battery-status
 plugin version 0.2.10 is tested. Then on 22 September 0.2.11 version
 of battery-status plugin was released.
 So does it mean that 0.2.11 version was tested with 3.6.0 version of
 Cordova ? I am asking this because if I download and use Cordova 3.6.0
 release, then can I continuously upgrade the plugins to the latest
 released version?

 Thanks and Regards
 Pavan Joshi

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-09-30 Thread Ray Camden
Query - why isn¹t engine data shown on That seems
like crucial data that should be displayed, right?

On 9/30/14, 10:59 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

In theory, we should know when plugins depend on a certain minimum
version, and even have a plugin.xml tag to specify this (engine), though
its a bit indirect and in practice I'm not sure that the requirements are
well specified (many plugins just say = 3.0.0).

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-09-30 Thread Ray Camden
Ah - never mind. I picked a plugin that didn’t have it specified. I picked
another random one and it *was* shown.

I’d say that for plugins w/o engine support, the site should still say
something, even if

Engine Number
Not Specified

On 9/30/14, 11:09 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

Query - why isn¹t engine data shown on That seems
like crucial data that should be displayed, right?

On 9/30/14, 10:59 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

In theory, we should know when plugins depend on a certain minimum
version, and even have a plugin.xml tag to specify this (engine),
its a bit indirect and in practice I'm not sure that the requirements are
well specified (many plugins just say = 3.0.0).

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-09-30 Thread Ray Camden
Ah, good point there.

I¹m going to write up a blog post on this after I run some errands. I¹d
love a quick review from you, or anyone, before I publish. I¹m also going
to add something to the core docs.

On 9/30/14, 11:18 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

That sounds reasonable.

The engine tag is a bit weird though, in that the dependency is on cli
and not platform version.  Combined with CLI semver and platform release
unbundling, its a bit hard to reason about.  It kinda still works because
we have default platform versions pinned to cli versions, but users can
explicitly install non-default platform versions if they chose, and
may have support for only a subset of platforms..


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Ah - never mind. I picked a plugin that didn¹t have it specified. I
 another random one and it *was* shown.

 I¹d say that for plugins w/o engine support, the site should still say
 something, even if

 Engine Number
 Not Specified

Re: 3.6 cordova plugin versions

2014-09-30 Thread Ray Camden
Any comments folks?

On 9/30/14, 11:57 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

I'm not an expert on engine requirements, but I'm happy to review your


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 12:41 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Ah, good point there.

 I¹m going to write up a blog post on this after I run some errands. I¹d
 love a quick review from you, or anyone, before I publish. I¹m also
 to add something to the core docs.

Re: [echo] Adding platform: browser [exec] npm http GET [exec] npm http 200 h[exec] Unable to fetch platform browser: Error: No compatible version found: cor

2014-09-26 Thread Ray Camden
Yes - will be fixed in next release. For now, do this:

cordova platform add browser ‹usegit

On 9/26/14, 4:55 AM, Axel Nennker wrote:


is this a glitch?

I am running 3.6.3-0.2.13 and get this output when trying to use browser
a platform.

 [echo] Adding platform: browser
 [exec] npm http GET
 [exec] npm http 200
 [exec] Unable to fetch platform browser: Error: No compatible version
found: cordova-browser@'master'
 [exec] Valid install targets:
 [exec] [3.5.0,3.5.1,3.5.2]


Re: cordova camera.getpicture is not working with backbone/requireJS

2014-09-26 Thread Ray Camden
Hey Frank, this list is for people who are developing Cordova itself, not
for general tech support. Please use this Google Group:!forum/phonegap

On 9/26/14, 10:13 AM, Frank He wrote:

This is a very annoying issue, I am using cordova with backbone to build
hybrid solution, and I want user to select photo to upload. please see
following code:

click #btnPhotos: getPhoto,
click #btnCamera: capturePhoto

Re: Who is going to Chrome Dev Summit Nov19-20?

2014-09-25 Thread Ray Camden
Joined the waiting list. No way I can get budget to attend, but figured
I¹d try. ;) Happy to see they are streaming everything though.

On 9/25/14, 1:40 PM, Carlos Santana wrote:

I was able to get a ticket [1] to attend. Now waiting on corporate travel
approval ...

It will be awesome to meet with committers, contributors, end users of
Cordova while there.


Carlos Santana

Re: [Vote] Tools Release 3.6.3-0.2.13

2014-09-22 Thread Ray Camden
Odd - when I went to, it defaulted to 3.5. 3.6 is
available in the dropdown, but not the default.

On 9/22/14, 10:26 AM, Marcel Kinard wrote:

3.6.3 is now live in npm, docs, and dist.

Michael Brooks, could you update the link from I looked
at [1], but the VERSION file is currently set to 3.4.0, so I'm not sure
if this location is still accurate to make the update, or if it is just
missing a push.

Steve (or someone that has access to the @apachecordova account) could
you tweet it? And do you also have access to the G+ account to post there



On Sep 19, 2014, at 6:05 PM, Marcel Kinard wrote:

 The vote has now closed. The results are:
 Positive Binding Votes: 4
 - Mark Koudritsky
 - Bryan Higgins
 - Sergey Grebnov
 - Marcel Kinard
 Negative Binding Votes: 0
 The vote has passed.
 I don't think it is a good idea for a significant upgrade to go live on
a Friday evening, so I will wait until Monday morning to flip the switch
on this in the npm registry and elsewhere. Thanks, everyone!
 On Sep 18, 2014, at 4:54 PM, Marcel Kinard wrote:
 Please review and vote on this Tools Release.
 I believe this is the last redo of the long effort to get 3.6 out the
door. Compared to the earlier vote, I cleaned up the shrinkwrap so the
devDependencies don't get installed. Because I wanted to verify that it
works, I published these RCs to npm under an rc tag, so you can do npm
-g install cordova@rc and you should the versions as listed below.
 Release issue:

Re: [Vote] Tools Release 3.6.3-0.2.13

2014-09-22 Thread Ray Camden
Hmm - first thing I tried with Cordova 3.6.3 was to add browser as a

Unable to fetch platform browser: Error: No compatible version found:
Valid install targets:

I¹ll file a report.

On 9/22/14, 10:34 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

Odd - when I went to, it defaulted to 3.5. 3.6 is
available in the dropdown, but not the default.

Re: [Vote] Tools Release 3.6.3-0.2.13

2014-09-22 Thread Ray Camden
Oh ok - was just noting the difference in default. :)

On 9/22/14, 10:52 AM, Marcel Kinard wrote:

Correct. The redirect from needs to be updated per my
original note below, and the only person with the keys to update the
redirect is Michael B.

On Sep 22, 2014, at 11:34 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Odd - when I went to, it defaulted to 3.5. 3.6 is
 available in the dropdown, but not the default.
 On 9/22/14, 10:26 AM, Marcel Kinard wrote:
 Michael Brooks, could you update the link from I
 at [1], but the VERSION file is currently set to 3.4.0, so I'm not sure
 if this location is still accurate to make the update, or if it is just
 missing a push.

Re: new NPM 2.x

2014-09-22 Thread Ray Camden
Being lazy, but can you explain why it matters? Ie, is there a reason
*not* to just upgrade? I assume most folks would think, ³new version of
npm, just update and don¹t worry about it² - but does it impact using

On 9/22/14, 11:09 AM, Carlos Santana wrote:

NPM 2.x was released last week.

latest nodejs stable 0.10.32 comes with npm@1.4.28

if you do $ npm install -g npm  (you will get npm@2.0.0)

More about npm 2.x and semver:

cordova and phonegap get's mentioned in the blog post.

For now just pay close attention which npm you are using 1.x or 2.x with $
npm -v

Carlos Santana

Re: new NPM 2.x

2014-09-22 Thread Ray Camden
Gotcha. So not an issue for end users of Cordova - but perhaps for plugin

On 9/22/14, 11:34 AM, Ian Clelland wrote:

It shouldn't matter for users, but I have seen several issues in the past
where using the wrong version of npm means that you can't publish modules
or plugins. It's something to be aware of, at least.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:30 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Being lazy, but can you explain why it matters? Ie, is there a reason
 *not* to just upgrade? I assume most folks would think, ³new version of
 npm, just update and don¹t worry about it² - but does it impact using

 On 9/22/14, 11:09 AM, Carlos Santana wrote:

 NPM 2.x was released last week.

RE: getting tired of using mouse to open safari to inspect and magic path for livereload

2014-08-22 Thread Ray Camden
Try GapDebug. It will try to reconnect on app relaunch. Plus, it lets you do 
the iOS stuff in Chrome, not Safari.

From: Carlos Santana
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 10:31 AM
Subject: getting tired of using mouse to open safari to inspect and magic path 
for livereload

I was going down the rabbit whole to see if there is a way I can launch the
safari debugger after doing a cordova emulate ios, and maybe adding a cli
command cordova inspect ios

RE: Is there a decent Getting Started guide without prerequisite loops?

2014-08-22 Thread Ray Camden
I just went through this myself the past weekend.

I did:

Android SDK
During that install, it noticed I didn't have Java (this was a VM) and it 
linked me to install that.

Apache ANT
Node.js (for npm)

Then finally npm install -g cordova.

That's it.

From: Matteo Sisti Sette
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 9:48 AM
Subject: Is there a decent Getting Started guide without prerequisite loops?


I was looking for a Getting Started kind of guide for developing in
Cordova for the Android platform, but I've found myself trapped in a
loop of links where page  A links you to page B to install something
that is a requirement, and page B links you back to page A to install
something that is a requirement. More details here:

Is there ANYWHERE a simple monolythic step-by-step install guide
without  infinite requirement loops?


RE: What's Stopping us From Independent Platform Releases

2014-08-20 Thread Ray Camden
I'll echo the issues I raised before. If the docs say that so and so is 
supported, but it is for edge and not the current release, I think that would 
be a huge mistake. I consider myself a pretty good Cordova dev and I think even 
I would be confused as well. (I almost never run anything but the released 
version so I can be sure what I blog, help folks with, etc, matches the 
released version.)

Please, please, please do not do this. 

Why can't the docs simply be updated w/o updating the bits? Is that really the 
case? If so, fix *that* bug.

From: Steven Gill
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: What's Stopping us From Independent Platform Releases

I still feel it would be a mistake to stop versioning our docs. It would
confuse our users.  It is a norm for projects to have docs associated to
specific versions.

I think docs should be versioned when the cli gets released and should always point to edge. This would address the
splashscreen docs not being live even though the feature has shipped.

This use case can also handle us introducing breaking changes (ex: android
4.0) and not have to keep older docs on edge.

Annotating with supported in android 3.6.0+ can start looking very ugly
over time if we have lots of annotations all over the place.

As for previous versions, bugs most likely won't be fixed unless it is
something someone volunteers to do. I don't see much value in updating old
versions of docs. But it is worth still having them available for people
using those versions.

I'd like to hear what others think about this?

Both proposals are described at

RE: What's Stopping us From Independent Platform Releases

2014-08-20 Thread Ray Camden
Freaking Outlook kinda munged my reply, so I'll keep my replies on top.

When I saw edge, I thought that meant *post* release. Err, I mean what's 
coming next. I've never read edge as being the current release. So if I'm 
wrong, and it sounds like i am,you can disregard everything I said. :)

 For either option, edge would be equivalent to latest released work. Even
if you make changes on master for cordova-docs, it wouldn't be pushed to
edge unless we were doing a docs release and the feature was being
released. This is definitely something we need to keep track of. I don't
think we have been bitten by this before though and don't imagine it being
a big problem with either option and setting default docs to edge.

Moving platform docs to platform repos and grabbing them at build time for
docs would hopefully prevent this type of situation from arising.

 Please, please, please do not do this.

 Why can't the docs simply be updated w/o updating the bits? Is that really
 the case? If so, fix *that* bug.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by above? The reason we are needing
to switch docs is because we are not doing cadence releases after 3.6.0. So
either we have docs live with no version or we version it along side the
CLI. Ex. CLI could be at version 5, cordova-firefox could be at version
3.7.0, cordova-android could be at version 4.2, etc. What would the
versions of docs be?

 From: Steven Gill
 Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 3:59 PM
 Subject: Re: What's Stopping us From Independent Platform Releases

 I still feel it would be a mistake to stop versioning our docs. It would
 confuse our users.  It is a norm for projects to have docs associated to
 specific versions.

 I think docs should be versioned when the cli gets released and should always point to edge. This would address the
 splashscreen docs not being live even though the feature has shipped.

 This use case can also handle us introducing breaking changes (ex: android
 4.0) and not have to keep older docs on edge.

 Annotating with supported in android 3.6.0+ can start looking very ugly
 over time if we have lots of annotations all over the place.

 As for previous versions, bugs most likely won't be fixed unless it is
 something someone volunteers to do. I don't see much value in updating old
 versions of docs. But it is worth still having them available for people
 using those versions.

 I'd like to hear what others think about this?

 Both proposals are described at

RE: What's Stopping us From Independent Platform Releases

2014-08-20 Thread Ray Camden
Keep in mind - the average developer probably has no idea what cordova-ios, 
cordova-cli, and cordova-lib means. They npm install cordova, and to them, 
that's it. 

From: Carlos Santana
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: What's Stopping us From Independent Platform Releases

I think we need to come down to the same conclusion as we did for plugins.
The documentation for each component meaning cordova-ios,
cordova-cli, cordova-lib needs to live with it's repo/code and version

The remaining things can be left in cordova-docs that are independent of a
version of a component to an extent like security guide.

The Cordova Docs Website will need to have a new UX design to make sense of
where links point and somehow allow the user know what's the latest release
and the different components with each respective version.

RE: Chrome-axiom

2014-08-12 Thread Ray Camden
Do you have an external URL? :)

From: Andrew Grieve
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 10:49 AM
To: dev
Subject: Chrome-axiom

New mailinglist that it may be worth joining.

Chrome Axiom is the Chrome Developer Tooling platform. We're building the
well lit path for web developers to succeed.


When is .cordova created?

2014-07-21 Thread Ray Camden
(This question feels like it *should* be appropriate here, but if I should 
raise it on the PG Google group, I will.)

I recently released a Brackets extension that wrapped calls to the Cordova CLI. 
I wrote some simple logic to handle checking if a folder is a Cordova project. 
I simply looked for a subdirectory called .cordova.

But a user told me the extension wasn't correctly seeing a Cordova project and 
when I tested, it looks like the default cordova create command will not make 
the folder. It only exists (so far in my testing) if I create a new project and 
use --copy-from.

Is there a reason why .cordova doesn't always exist? 

Worse comes to worse, I may just use some logic to see if platforms, plugins, 
and www exist as subdirectories.

RE: When is .cordova created?

2014-07-21 Thread Ray Camden
Thanks all for the replies. For now, I'm simply going to look for the common 
subdirectories (hook, plugins, platforms, and www) as a means of sniffing if 
the project is a Cordova project.

From: on behalf of Michal Mocny
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 1:42 PM
To: dev
Subject: Re: When is .cordova created?

That directory is optional.  It will only exist if you have non standard
config options.  When using --link-to and --copy-from, we set the config
option { lib: { www: { uri: ..., link: true/false } } }.  We also set
config settings for e.g. Custom platform paths and plugin search paths.

RE: Pointing docs to edge

2014-07-14 Thread Ray Camden
Personally I'd rather not have any coming soon paragraphs in the doc text. As 
a user, if I'm at the docs, I don't care what is coming next. I'm trying to 
solve a problem I have *now*, or trying to build now. Anything that is coming 
soon is a distractor.

Do I feel strongly about it? No, but I'd vote against it being in the docs at 
all. Stuff like that should definitely be communicated to users - via the 
Cordova blog perhaps - but not in the mainline docs.

From: on behalf of Max Woghiren
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2014 10:27 AM
To: dev
Subject: Re: Pointing docs to edge

Okay, so here are the current proposals for handling Ray's issue (thanks

1. Update docs at commit-time and release-time.  At commit-time,
documentation changes can be marked with coming soon, or removed in next
release, or whatever the relevant message is.  At release-time, docs are
further updated to remove these sub-messages.

2. Use CSS to do the manual marking in proposal 1.  We could also use it to

RE: recent tools update, Splash screen support

2014-07-13 Thread Ray Camden
Thank you - I finally get what the change was now. ;)

From: Axel Nennker
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2014 11:17 AM
To: dev
Subject: Re: recent tools update, Splash screen support


Sorry about the ton of changed files. I did a git fetch upstream today
and then a merge and push to my repo...
I wish I could delete my fork and start over but github does not allow

2014-07-13 17:56 GMT+02:00 Ray Camden

 There are 500+ files changed with this PR - can you point to any specific
 files that would be helpful?

 From: Axel Nennker
 Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2014 10:50 AM
 To: dev
 Subject: Re: recent tools update, Splash screen support

 A pull request is here:


 2014-07-12 15:12 GMT+02:00 Ray Camden

  Just raising this again - are there docs for this?
  From: Ray Camden
  Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 5:46 AM
  Subject: RE: recent tools update, Splash screen support
  So basically the docs are *not* up to the date for any of this yet?
  From: Sergey Grebnov (Akvelon)
  Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 1:15 AM
  Subject: RE: recent tools update, Splash screen support
  I volunteer to test splash/icons support one more time and update the
  where it is required.
  * The old documentation refers to PG Build. Cordova implementation is
  based on this idea, but there are some differences, for example we don't
  support gap: prefix and platform attribute, platform specific icons must
  placed inside corresponding platform name='' element
  * We updated icons related docs as part of Cordova icons support
  implementation, I will double check that it is still accurate (for
  I see that it mentions platform attribute which is not supported)
  * We should update splash screen related docs part (as per our
  implementation + examples)
  * Splash screen plugin and splash screen images support are related but
  different features. Core splash screen support by CLI allows replacing
  default template images which are showed automatically, where the plugin
  works on top of this and allows programmatically show/hide splash screen
  (pls correct me if I'm wrong).

RE: recent tools update, Splash screen support

2014-07-12 Thread Ray Camden
Just raising this again - are there docs for this?

From: Ray Camden
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 5:46 AM
Subject: RE: recent tools update, Splash screen support

So basically the docs are *not* up to the date for any of this yet?

From: Sergey Grebnov (Akvelon)
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 1:15 AM
Subject: RE: recent tools update, Splash screen support

I volunteer to test splash/icons support one more time and update the docs 
where it is required.

* The old documentation refers to PG Build. Cordova implementation is based on 
this idea, but there are some differences, for example we don't support gap: 
prefix and platform attribute, platform specific icons must be placed inside 
corresponding platform name='' element
* We updated icons related docs as part of Cordova icons support 
implementation, I will double check that it is still accurate (for example I 
see that it mentions platform attribute which is not supported)
* We should update splash screen related docs part (as per our implementation + 
* Splash screen plugin and splash screen images support are related but 
different features. Core splash screen support by CLI allows replacing default 
template images which are showed automatically, where the plugin works on top 
of this and allows programmatically show/hide splash screen (pls correct me if 
I'm wrong).

RE: Pointing docs to edge

2014-07-11 Thread Ray Camden
Is edge what people use when they get the latest version of cordova or a 
plugin? If not, I'd strongly argue against it.

If I download the Camera plugin, I expect the default docs to match whats 
shipped in that version.

From: on behalf of Max Woghiren
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:46 AM
To: dev
Subject: Pointing docs to edge

Just wanted to bring back this conversation—how does everyone feel about
switching to point to edge?  There has been some discussion
about cutting versioned docs after 3.5.0, and we're approaching a good time
to do it. :)

RE: Pointing docs to edge

2014-07-11 Thread Ray Camden
Ok, so let me rephrase then. Imagine the next version of the CLI adds cowbell 

cordova cowbell --epic

but this is NOT in the release version.

If I go to, click on The Command Line Interface, will I see 
cowbell documented? If so, I think that is a mistake.

From: on behalf of Andrew Grieve
Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 11:39 AM
To: dev
Subject: Re: Pointing docs to edge

Yeah, plugin docs are already gone from This change is
strictly for guides  platform docs. The main motivation here is that it
doesn't make sense to have versioned docs if platform versions diverge
anyways. It actually already makes little sense for the tools guides, since
they are released more often the platforms.

On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Max Woghiren wrote:

 My understanding is that plugin docs live in plugin repos and will be
 versioned alongside the plugins themselves.  They'll be removed from

 On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

  Is edge what people use when they get the latest version of cordova or a
  plugin? If not, I'd strongly argue against it.
  If I download the Camera plugin, I expect the default docs to match whats
  shipped in that version.
  From: on behalf of Max Woghiren
  Sent: Friday, July 11, 2014 10:46 AM
  To: dev
  Subject: Pointing docs to edge
  Just wanted to bring back this conversation—how does everyone feel about
  switching to point to edge?  There has been some
  about cutting versioned docs after 3.5.0, and we're approaching a good
  to do it. :)

recent tools update, Splash screen support

2014-07-10 Thread Ray Camden
I'm a bit behind on the recent tooling update so forgive me if this is a dumb 
question. The very first item listed is:

Support for splash screens

Which is odd since I thought splash screens had been available for some time 
now. We've had an API to hide show them. We've also had documented ways to 
include them for a while -

Going into the details in the blog post we see:

CB-3571, CB-2606 support for splashscreens

Ok, so CB-2606 is Add support for icon elements in config.xml. If it 
relates to this update, I don't see how, and the blog post doesn't say how it 

CB-3571 is definitely better: Add support for splash elements in 
config.xml. But this isn't documented here:

nor here:

So while I can guess there is a new splash option for config.xml, where would 
our users get the specifics? 

RE: Ajax search API on

2014-07-08 Thread Ray Camden
Am I right in seeing there isn't a search API then? If not, I'll continue to 
hit the URL I was using.

From: Victor Sosa
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: Ajax search API on

Hello Folks.

I've found it out that in the page makes calls to this
one: In fact, for you to get all the plugins
information, you should point to, you'll
get a JSON response with all the plugins.

Ajax search API on

2014-07-07 Thread Ray Camden
Is there an official API for

I see I can hit
 and get a response back but is there something more official then that?

RE: Ajax search API on

2014-07-07 Thread Ray Camden
Definitely not CORS enabled from what I can see in the dev tools. But I'm 
calling from Brackets so it shouldn't matter.

From: Parashuram Narasimhan (MS OPEN TECH)
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 5:00 PM
Subject: RE: Ajax search API on

Also, is this CORS enabled so that other websites can use this official API ?

-Original Message-
From: Ray Camden []
Sent: Monday, July 7, 2014 2:58 PM
Subject: Ajax search API on

Is there an official API for

I see I can hit
 and get a response back but is there something more official then that?

RE: Ajax search API on

2014-07-07 Thread Ray Camden
Not so much concerned with the code part - I'm more concerned about if I should 
be hitting the URL. :)

From: Anis KADRI
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: Ajax search API on

But if you're looking for search specifically you can take a look at how
Steve did it in the plugins site

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 6:31 PM, Anis KADRI wrote: should work

 On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Definitely not CORS enabled from what I can see in the dev tools. But I'm
 calling from Brackets so it shouldn't matter.

 From: Parashuram Narasimhan (MS OPEN TECH)
 Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 5:00 PM
 Subject: RE: Ajax search API on

 Also, is this CORS enabled so that other websites can use this official
 API ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Ray Camden []
 Sent: Monday, July 7, 2014 2:58 PM
 Subject: Ajax search API on

 Is there an official API for

 I see I can hit
 and get a response back but is there something more official then that?

RE: Questions about FileSystem documentation and paths

2014-07-02 Thread Ray Camden
If you want to move this to comments on the blog entry, that would be cool. 

Can you explain a bit more? I'm not seeing which step 

Oh... so resolveLocalFileSystemURL will call the second argument on success and 
the third on failure. 

Yeah - that's significant enough for me to rewrite the sample and blog post.

From: on behalf of Andrew Grieve
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2014 8:20 PM
To: dev
Subject: Re: Questions about FileSystem documentation and paths

Thanks for putting together this blog post Ray!

Assume this is addressed in (Which is an awesome
change! Thanks Kerri!)

As a nit: you can simplify your code a bit by skipping the .getFile() call:
resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.dataDirectory + fileName, appStart,

On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Hey folks - I originally raised this on the Google Group as I assumed it
 was just an issue w/ my code, but I believe this is a documentation issue
 so I'm raising it here. If wrong, let me know. :)

 I'm working on a set of of demos related to the FileSystem feature to
 answer a series of FAQs risen on my blog. For my first sample app, I wanted
 to build something simple:

 Check for a file on the device.
 If not there, fetch it.

 Looking at the docs for the FileSystem important dirs, I assumed that
 cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory made the most sense. The docs say
 it is: Root of app's private writable storage.

 Note the words private and writable. In my mind that was: I can write to
 it and it is private, no other app can use it.

 But in my testing when I tried to FileTransfer crap down to it, I always
 got this error:  Could not create target file

 Not really sure what to do, I eventually tried cordova.file.dataDirectory.
 According to the docs for it, it is: Where to put app-specific data
 files. Since it didn't say Private, my understanding was: Ok, I can put
 crap here too, but it is public, so other apps can see it.

 Switching to this made my app work immediately. (Haven't tested Android

 So my question is - did I simply misunderstand the documentation for
 applicationStorageDirectory? If so, if someone can help explain what I did
 wrong, I'll happily write it up in a PR to improve the doc.

 If I didn't misunderstand it and there is a bug, I'll file a report.

 If you want to see the entire app (again, it is incredibly simple), you
 can see it here:

RE: More questions on FileSystem directories

2014-06-30 Thread Ray Camden
Yes, I meant that the doc for cacheDirectory implies, at least to me, that the 
previous entry (dataDirectorry) will not persist. I think your modification 
makes sense. Do you want to make a PR for the doc or should I?

From: julio cesar sanchez
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 2:19 AM
Subject: Re: More questions on FileSystem directories

If you read this immediately after reading the docs for
cordova.file.dataDirectory, you may think that files there do NOT
survive app restarts.

Which ones, the files from dataDirectory or the files from cacheDirectory?

If you mean dataDirectory, maybe the doc should be something like this:

cordova.file.dataDirectory - Persistent data directory where to put
app-specific data files. (iOS, Android)

cordova.file.cacheDirectory - Directory for cached data files or any
files that your app can re-create easily. The OS may delete these
files when the device runs low on storage, nevertheless, apps should
not rely on the OS to delete files in here. (iOS, Android)

It's a mix from the apple
and android doc

2014-06-29 19:08 GMT+02:00 Ray Camden
 According to the docs, cordova.file.cacheDirectory is: Cached files that 
 should survive app restarts. Apps should not rely on the OS to delete files 
 in here. 

 If you read this immediately after reading the docs for 
 cordova.file.dataDirectory, you may think that files there do NOT survive app 

 Can we flesh out this a bit more perhaps?

RE: More questions on FileSystem directories

2014-06-30 Thread Ray Camden
Kerri Shotts is going to be filing one soon.

From: julio cesar sanchez
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: More questions on FileSystem directories

Maybe we can wait to hear more opinios about my modification. Or you
can create the pull request and they will merge if they agree.

2014-06-30 16:44 GMT+02:00 Ray Camden
 Yes, I meant that the doc for cacheDirectory implies, at least to me, that 
 the previous entry (dataDirectorry) will not persist. I think your 
 modification makes sense. Do you want to make a PR for the doc or should I?

 From: julio cesar sanchez
 Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 2:19 AM
 Subject: Re: More questions on FileSystem directories

 If you read this immediately after reading the docs for
 cordova.file.dataDirectory, you may think that files there do NOT
 survive app restarts.

 Which ones, the files from dataDirectory or the files from cacheDirectory?

 If you mean dataDirectory, maybe the doc should be something like this:

 cordova.file.dataDirectory - Persistent data directory where to put
 app-specific data files. (iOS, Android)

 cordova.file.cacheDirectory - Directory for cached data files or any
 files that your app can re-create easily. The OS may delete these
 files when the device runs low on storage, nevertheless, apps should
 not rely on the OS to delete files in here. (iOS, Android)

 It's a mix from the apple
 and android doc

 2014-06-29 19:08 GMT+02:00 Ray Camden
 According to the docs, cordova.file.cacheDirectory is: Cached files that 
 should survive app restarts. Apps should not rely on the OS to delete files 
 in here. 

 If you read this immediately after reading the docs for 
 cordova.file.dataDirectory, you may think that files there do NOT survive 
 app restarts.

 Can we flesh out this a bit more perhaps?

Questions about FileSystem documentation and paths

2014-06-29 Thread Ray Camden
Hey folks - I originally raised this on the Google Group as I assumed it was 
just an issue w/ my code, but I believe this is a documentation issue so I'm 
raising it here. If wrong, let me know. :)

I'm working on a set of of demos related to the FileSystem feature to answer a 
series of FAQs risen on my blog. For my first sample app, I wanted to build 
something simple:

Check for a file on the device. 
If not there, fetch it.

Looking at the docs for the FileSystem important dirs, I assumed that 
cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory made the most sense. The docs say it 
is: Root of app's private writable storage.

Note the words private and writable. In my mind that was: I can write to it 
and it is private, no other app can use it.

But in my testing when I tried to FileTransfer crap down to it, I always got 
this error:  Could not create target file

Not really sure what to do, I eventually tried cordova.file.dataDirectory. 
According to the docs for it, it is: Where to put app-specific data files. 
Since it didn't say Private, my understanding was: Ok, I can put crap here 
too, but it is public, so other apps can see it. 

Switching to this made my app work immediately. (Haven't tested Android yet.)

So my question is - did I simply misunderstand the documentation for 
applicationStorageDirectory? If so, if someone can help explain what I did 
wrong, I'll happily write it up in a PR to improve the doc.

If I didn't misunderstand it and there is a bug, I'll file a report. 

If you want to see the entire app (again, it is incredibly simple), you can see 
it here:

RE: How to initialize a Cordova project using CLI if I only have the www directory of the project?

2014-06-24 Thread Ray Camden
The CLI allows you to copy from a folder to 'seed' a new project. I'd use that. 

Interesting - CowTipLine is my app - but that's not my repo. :)

From: German Viscuso
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2014 12:23 PM
Subject: How to initialize a Cordova project using CLI if I only have the www 
directory of the project?

I'm new to Phonegap/Cordova and I installed the latest Cordova CLI via
npm. I have a couple of projects that I want to build/run but the root
dir seems to be only what you'd find on a www directory of a Cordova
project: (Phonegap 2.9) (Phonegap 2.0)

How can I initialize/upgrade a Cordova project with these projects? I
just want to be able to build and run these project using the latest
Cordova CLI. Note that the 2nd project runs on a rather old version of

I tried phonegap local run android when in the
phonegap-app-anyconference directory and it doesn't work.

Best! Thx a lot.

RE: Contacts API, iOS

2014-06-23 Thread Ray Camden
So I just want to double check to make sure I'm groking it right myself - this 
was simply a mistake in terms of the doc for version X+1 going live before 
plugin version X+1 was ready, right? When/how will it be corrected? (Not trying 
to be pushy, just want to make sure I explain it well to others if asked. :)

From: Carlos Santana
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Contacts API, iOS

Andrew plugins are not in npm, did you meant the plugin registry.

Then yes I agree that way user can read the docs that go along with the
version of the plugin. If they have an older version of the plugin the can
use the drop down to switch the version  to an older version and read the
corresponding docs for that version.

RE: File API as implemented by cordova-plugins-file

2014-06-23 Thread Ray Camden
As just an FYI - I swear 99% of the questions I get on my blog about Cordova/PG 
involve the File stuff. 

From: Jesse
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 4:06 PM
Subject: File API as implemented by cordova-plugins-file

I am working through numerous failing tests in the file plugin, but the
documentation is non-existent.

Is there some reference to this somewhere? Pointing to ever-changing
defunct specs that aren't even followed makes this impossible to resolve
without going and reading the code from other platforms. ( likely all of
them, since it seems to be quirk-ville )

RE: Contacts API, iOS

2014-06-21 Thread Ray Camden
My test was very simple -trying to use pickContact, so I would not have seen if 
there were *other* problems.

I ended up testing with the unreleased version of the plugin and it worked 

Did we figure out what really happened though? Maybe a PR with the updated doc, 
but not the plugin, accidentally got accepted?

From: Mike Billau
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: Contacts API, iOS

Just noticed this an hour ago as well. On Android, pickContact just doesn't
do anything, but some other people are reporting that the JavaScript itself
is hosed and the app won't load any .js - Ray, you didn't observe this on
iOS, right? It seems strange to me that an old version of the contact .js
would keep _any_ .js from loading.

In the mean time I am just going to direct people to get the plugin from
the git URL.

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:43 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 If I had to guess, I'd say the docs lead to from are
 going to an unreleased version. If you go to the docs via, you see the right docs.

 I *was* able to test by explicitly getting the plugin from the Git URL and
 it works cool - can't wait for this to officially land.

 From: on behalf of Michal Mocny
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:36 PM
 To: Michal Mocny
 Cc: dev
 Subject: Re: Contacts API, iOS

 As far as the API documentation, and why iOS has a different interface.. I
 don't know the history, but this seems mighty confusing.  I think contacts
 plugin has been in need of some love for quite a while, but its been hard
 to get anyone excited about it.


 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

  Alright, sorry I got confused reading the history because of some
  fast-forward merges.
  Seems all is well in the repo -- but the last plugins release Steven held
  back contacts due to failing tests, hence whats up on
  being so stale.
  On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Michal Mocny
  That may not be right at all.  Something seems fishy at first glance,
  its hard to track the history.  Ian and I are looking at it.
  On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Michal Mocny
  Looks like the last release was based on dev branch (
  which was closed, but maybe wasn't merged in to master?
  On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Ray Camden
  Ok, so doing
  cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts
  brings in org.apache.cordova.contacts/www/contacts.js that does NOT
  match what I'm seeing in
  which was last updated *2* months ago.
  Any ideas?
  From: Ray Camden
  Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:07 PM
  Subject: Contacts API, iOS
  (I struggled with whether or not this should go here or the Google
  Group. Settled on here but if folks think it should be moved, just
 let me
  I was building a small test of the pickContact API when I noticed it
  didn't work in iOS. I opened up a remote debug session with Safari and
  noticed it had chooseContact.
  Thinking it was just a doc bug, I corrected it with a pull request and
  returned to my code. But then my app crashed after selecting a
  From what I can see, the chooseContact iOS API is:
  chooseContact : function(successCallback, options) {
  chooseContact : function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
  So something is seriously weird here compared to the original docs.
  Anyone know what is going on with the plugin?

RE: Getting 'type' of undefined in LogCat

2014-06-20 Thread Ray Camden
In general, support questions should be posted to Stack Overflow, or the Google 
group. This list is for the *development* of Cordova itself.

That being said, you probably forgot to add the plugin. Follow the instructions 

Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 8:56 AM
Subject: Getting   'type' of undefined  in LogCat


  We are developing a android app using Cordova. We are trying to detect the 
network connection ,we are not able to get the network connection. Please guide 
us on this regard.

Sample code  for your reference,

titlenavigator.connection.type Example/title

script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8 
script type=text/javascript charset=utf-8

// Wait for device API libraries to load
document.addEventListener(deviceready, onDeviceReady, false);

// device APIs are available
function onDeviceReady() {

function checkConnection() {

var networkState = navigator.connection.type;

var states = {};
states[Connection.UNKNOWN]  = 'Unknown connection';
states[Connection.ETHERNET] = 'Ethernet connection';
states[Connection.WIFI] = 'WiFi connection';
states[Connection.CELL_2G]  = 'Cell 2G connection';
states[Connection.CELL_3G]  = 'Cell 3G connection';
states[Connection.CELL_4G]  = 'Cell 4G connection';
states[Connection.CELL] = 'Cell generic connection';
states[Connection.NONE] = 'No network connection';

alert('Connection type: ' + states[networkState]);

  body onload=javascript:checkConnection();
pA dialog box will report the network state./p


RE: Contacts API, iOS

2014-06-20 Thread Ray Camden
Ok, so doing

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts

brings in org.apache.cordova.contacts/www/contacts.js that does NOT match what 
I'm seeing in, 
which was last updated *2* months ago. 

Any ideas?

From: Ray Camden
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:07 PM
Subject: Contacts API, iOS

(I struggled with whether or not this should go here or the Google Group. 
Settled on here but if folks think it should be moved, just let me know.)

I was building a small test of the pickContact API when I noticed it didn't 
work in iOS. I opened up a remote debug session with Safari and noticed it had 

Thinking it was just a doc bug, I corrected it with a pull request and returned 
to my code. But then my app crashed after selecting a contact.

From what I can see, the chooseContact iOS API is:

chooseContact : function(successCallback, options) {


chooseContact : function(successCallback, errorCallback) {

So something is seriously weird here compared to the original docs. Anyone know 
what is going on with the plugin?

Contacts API, iOS

2014-06-20 Thread Ray Camden
(I struggled with whether or not this should go here or the Google Group. 
Settled on here but if folks think it should be moved, just let me know.)

I was building a small test of the pickContact API when I noticed it didn't 
work in iOS. I opened up a remote debug session with Safari and noticed it had 

Thinking it was just a doc bug, I corrected it with a pull request and returned 
to my code. But then my app crashed after selecting a contact.

From what I can see, the chooseContact iOS API is:

chooseContact : function(successCallback, options) {


chooseContact : function(successCallback, errorCallback) {

So something is seriously weird here compared to the original docs. Anyone know 
what is going on with the plugin?

RE: Contacts API, iOS

2014-06-20 Thread Ray Camden
If I had to guess, I'd say the docs lead to from are going to 
an unreleased version. If you go to the docs via, you see 
the right docs. 

I *was* able to test by explicitly getting the plugin from the Git URL and it 
works cool - can't wait for this to officially land.

From: on behalf of Michal Mocny
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:36 PM
To: Michal Mocny
Cc: dev
Subject: Re: Contacts API, iOS

As far as the API documentation, and why iOS has a different interface.. I
don't know the history, but this seems mighty confusing.  I think contacts
plugin has been in need of some love for quite a while, but its been hard
to get anyone excited about it.


On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

 Alright, sorry I got confused reading the history because of some
 fast-forward merges.

 Seems all is well in the repo -- but the last plugins release Steven held
 back contacts due to failing tests, hence whats up on
 being so stale.


 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

 That may not be right at all.  Something seems fishy at first glance, but
 its hard to track the history.  Ian and I are looking at it.

 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Michal Mocny

 Looks like the last release was based on dev branch (,
 which was closed, but maybe wasn't merged in to master?


 On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Ok, so doing

 cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts

 brings in org.apache.cordova.contacts/www/contacts.js that does NOT
 match what I'm seeing in,
 which was last updated *2* months ago.

 Any ideas?

 From: Ray Camden
 Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 1:07 PM
 Subject: Contacts API, iOS

 (I struggled with whether or not this should go here or the Google
 Group. Settled on here but if folks think it should be moved, just let me

 I was building a small test of the pickContact API when I noticed it
 didn't work in iOS. I opened up a remote debug session with Safari and
 noticed it had chooseContact.

 Thinking it was just a doc bug, I corrected it with a pull request and
 returned to my code. But then my app crashed after selecting a contact.

 From what I can see, the chooseContact iOS API is:

 chooseContact : function(successCallback, options) {


 chooseContact : function(successCallback, errorCallback) {

 So something is seriously weird here compared to the original docs.
 Anyone know what is going on with the plugin?

RE: ngCordova

2014-06-03 Thread Ray Camden
Any plans on promising up FileSystem and Globalization?

From: Max Lynch
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 7:07 PM
Subject: ngCordova

Hey everyone,

We (the Ionic framework team) released a very early version of our Cordova 
plugin AngularJS wrapper project today, called ngCordova:

The goal is to make it a bit easier to use cordova plugins by adding promise 
support and a softer API in case cordova isn't available or you are mocking 
data for geolocation or the accelerometer.

The project is MIT licensed and we have a lot of plugins we want to support. 
Any suggestions or PRs are greatly appreciated!

Feel free to send me any thoughts you have about it, and I hope some find it 

Max Lynch
Ionic co-creator

RE: Speculation: Apple supports WebGL in UIWebView, soon

2014-05-22 Thread Ray Camden
Would I be crazy to say I'm more excited about the possible support of 
IndexedDB? :)

From: on behalf of Ian Clelland
Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:14 AM
Subject: Speculation: Apple supports WebGL in UIWebView, soon

The reasoning is a little thin, but it's an interesting possibility:

RE: CLI implementation for the save and restore plugins

2014-05-21 Thread Ray Camden
If the intent is for us to test them, then they should be documented. If I run 
across something and _don't_ see a doc, I get more upset about that then 
anything else. Just make it clear it is an experiment and it may change in the 

From: on behalf of Michal Mocny
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 9:24 AM
To: dev
Subject: Re: CLI implementation for the save and restore plugins

In theory, but I think the point for now was that we aren't sure about the
syntax and semantics.  We should probably reach out using various channels
to get users to try it and chime in, but its really early to start
documenting lest users get upset when it breaks.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 10:16 AM, Gorkem Ercan

 I was planning to add it when I got the restore/save platforms in but I
 can send an early PR.

RE: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

2014-05-19 Thread Ray Camden
Speaking of - when will the GS guide be on With 3.5?

From: Mike Billau
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 8:42 AM
Subject: Re: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

Thanks everyone for reading and looking this over. I'm going to make
another pass and try to publish it this week.. .thinking about forwarding
it to the Google Gro

RE: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

2014-05-19 Thread Ray Camden
I did.

From: on behalf of Brian LeRoux
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

Did anyone submit is as a PR to the cordova-docs repo?

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Speaking of - when will the GS guide be on With 3.5?

 From: Mike Billau
 Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 8:42 AM
 Subject: Re: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

 Thanks everyone for reading and looking this over. I'm going to make
 another pass and try to publish it this week.. .thinking about forwarding
 it to the Google Gro

RE: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

2014-05-19 Thread Ray Camden
Looks like it was already merged:

Just curious why I don't see it then? It should be up at, right?

From: on behalf of Brian LeRoux
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

err, ok, I'm not seeing if it got merged or not…can you link to it Ray?

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 7:43 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 I did.
 From: on behalf of Brian
 Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:41 AM
 Subject: Re: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

 Did anyone submit is as a PR to the cordova-docs repo?

 On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

  Speaking of - when will the GS guide be on With 3.5?
  From: Mike Billau
  Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 8:42 AM
  Subject: Re: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide
  Thanks everyone for reading and looking this over. I'm going to make
  another pass and try to publish it this week.. .thinking about forwarding
  it to the Google Gro

RE: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

2014-05-19 Thread Ray Camden
Ok - gotcha - so you're telling me to be patient. Luckily I'm very good at 
that. ;)

From: on behalf of Brian LeRoux
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Draft of Whitelist and Security Guide

no, deploying is a different thing altogether. a full rebuild of the docs
so that is automated is forthcoming. (mike and steve are going to look at
it when they can)

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Looks like it was already merged:

RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-05 Thread Ray Camden
Yes, I'm mad you did this work for me. ;)

I'm a bit behind so this is perfect, thank you. I still plan on checking over 
things today and seeing if it is ready to submit to Cordova for the initial 
doc. Thanks!

From: Mike Billau
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: First stab at Next Steps article

I went through this morning and addressed most of the comments that people
left (sorry Ray, hope you don't mind!). I think this guide is really
shaping up and starting to look great.

The only thing really left to resolve is some details around recommending
FastClick or not using touch events at all. We can let it simmer for a few
more days, then I can push it into the docs (unless somebody else wants to.)

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Carlos Santana wrote:

RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-05 Thread Ray Camden
I'm going to turn off shared access - just while I do my review review (in case 
folks try to load it up).

From: Ray Camden
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 10:56 AM
Subject: RE: First stab at Next Steps article

Yes, I'm mad you did this work for me. ;)

I'm a bit behind so this is perfect, thank you. I still plan on checking over 
things today and seeing if it is ready to submit to Cordova for the initial 
doc. Thanks!

From: Mike Billau
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: First stab at Next Steps article

I went through this morning and addressed most of the comments that people
left (sorry Ray, hope you don't mind!). I think this guide is really
shaping up and starting to look great.

The only thing really left to resolve is some details around recommending
FastClick or not using touch events at all. We can let it simmer for a few
more days, then I can push it into the docs (unless somebody else wants to.)

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:57 PM, Carlos Santana wrote:

RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-05 Thread Ray Camden
I can do so soon.

From: Mike Billau
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: First stab at Next Steps article

Ray, why don't you do a PR to /cordova-docs? That way the initial commit
will (should?) have your name on it.

We should also update /cordova-docs/ and add a link to the guide so
that it will appear in the left hand list on  as a top
level guide. I think a good spot would be between Using Plugman to Manage
Plugins and The config.xml File.

I think I have a VM floating around somewhere that is able to build the
docs, so I can use that to test that the link works and page renders fine,
unless somebody else can spin one up quicker.

RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-05 Thread Ray Camden
PR submitted. ICLA submitted.

From: on behalf of Brian LeRoux
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: First stab at Next Steps article

+1. Its well beyond time you landed a commit or two into Cordova Ray!

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 12:02 PM, Mike Billau wrote:

 Ray, why don't you do a PR to /cordova-docs? That way the initial commit
 will (should?) have your name on it.

RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-02 Thread Ray Camden
I've gotten a lot of good feedback. My plan is to review, update, etc, and see 
if it feels like a good 1.0 release for Monday at which point yall can take it 

From: on behalf of Kerri Shotts
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: First stab at Next Steps article

Awesome work thus far, and a good idea to have, imo. Getting to hello,
world is great, but having a jumping-off point for how to proceed after
that fact would be very beneficial.

I added a few comments to the document, and also contributed some sections
on upgrading projects/plugins and testing. If anything there is too much
detail, wrong, or not desired in this document, feel free to remove as
needed. :-)

If an ICLA is needed for what I added, one is on its way. I've been meaning
to send one anyway, but time keeps getting away from me!

RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-01 Thread Ray Camden
I like his article - but don't think jQM is as bad as others do. (Disclaimer - 
I wrote a book on jQM.) 

From: tommy-carlos williams
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: First stab at Next Steps article


This looks great.

Interesting choice to both link Brock’s “you half-assed it” article *and* list 
jQM first in the list of UI libs...


RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-01 Thread Ray Camden
Replies with RKC.

1. Please don't mention WebSQL.
RKC: Heh, well, it *works*, but yeah, ok, removed to make it more generic.

2. The offline/online event is not a great indicator, it's a hint, but it
can be misleading. People need to try a connection (XHR) to their
destination, if it works, great, if it doesn't that's it. If I'm in a
captive portal, or if I'm in an office, I can easily not have access to
your backend, even though I do have some form of network access.

RKC: I'm going to add a bit of text to ensure folks know it isn't perfect, and 
mention the XHR suggestion, but the big point I think is doing *something*.

3. For Debugging, on BlackBerry 10, you get web inspector out of the box.

RKC: Not to diminish BB, but I added a final subsection called Other Options 
and used this as a bullet. I assume we can just add more there. If folks feel 
this should be a top level item in the section, go ahead. :)

4. I think we decided to favor stack overflow over google groups
RKC: I think both have merit though. If folks feel strongly I can swap em.

5. s/you simulator the accelerometer to test shake events/you simulate the
accelerometer to test shake events/
— this last one means you should introduce the document to WinWord and ask
it for an opinion :).

RKC: Nod, will do a grammar check before we officially hand this off to - 
whomever - to integrate. Actually - I have an official editor via Adobe for my 
blog - I may be able to use him.

RE: First stab at Next Steps article

2014-05-01 Thread Ray Camden
Personally, version control feels more like something that should in a FAQ than 
this doc, but this isn't my call, if you feel like it should be added, do it. :)

Should we add a section about version control? I see that question asked
from time to time: What should I be checking in?, this could also be
expanded to tips for working on a team (what happens when one person uses
OSX and the other Windows) - although that is a more advanced use case.
Maybe we can change the Handling Upgrades section to Handling Source
Code and Cordova Upgrades.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Andrew Grieve wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 5:28 PM, Josh Soref wrote:

  Ray Camden wrote:
   I had 3 hours here at the airport so I took at stab at writing content
   for the Next Steps document. You can find (and edit) the document here:
  Personally, I favor ether pads / pirate pads.
   The main thing missing now (imo) is the Upgrade section.
   I think with that added - this is in a good place (at least initially).
   Thoughts, opinions, etc?
  I like it.
   Any volunteers ready to write out the upgrade section?
  I don't want to set up a Google account at work, but
 FYI - you don't need an account to edit a doc that's made editable via
 those with the link (as this one is).

  1. Please don't mention WebSQL.
  2. The offline/online event is not a great indicator, it's a hint, but it
  can be misleading. People need to try a connection (XHR) to their
  destination, if it works, great, if it doesn't that's it. If I'm in a
  captive portal, or if I'm in an office, I can easily not have access to
  your backend, even though I do have some form of network access.
  3. For Debugging, on BlackBerry 10, you get web inspector out of the box.
  4. I think we decided to favor stack overflow over google groups
  5. s/you simulator the accelerometer to test shake events/you simulate
  accelerometer to test shake events/
  — this last one means you should introduce the document to WinWord and
  it for an opinion :).

Docs for plugins

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Camden
I just noticed that the links for plugins from go to a new page 
( as an example). 
The docs for this one in particular seem wrong. I recently did a small mod to 
add the error codes to the docs, and I'm not seeing it here. Mistake? Do I need 
to make a new PR on the repo?

Related - why is the link to the github version gone? 

RE: Docs for plugins

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Camden
So... pretend I'm dumb here. Do I need to do anything? Will it just be updated 
in the next plugin release?

From: on behalf of Michal Mocny
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 8:50 AM
To: Michal Mocny
Cc: dev
Subject: Re: Docs for plugins

Ray, Yeah seems file plugin @c1a1052 was tagged for 1.1.0 release 13 days
ago, you patched docs after that tag @abcaf70 12 days ago, and plugin was
actually released with @e9efe65 7 days ago.  You just missed the window


On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:45 AM, Michal Mocny wrote:

 I believe the plugin docs reflect what was bundled with the latest plugin
 release -- perhaps your recent changes were not released yet?  Or has
 something gotten lost in the recent shuffle with dev/master branches?

 Its true, though, that for core plugins our registry links to the official
 apache repos and not the github mirrors, and the official repo links do not
 have a pretty renderers for markdown docs.  Not sure what we want to do

 On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 9:14 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 I just noticed that the links for plugins from go to a
 new page ( as
 an example). The docs for this one in particular seem wrong. I recently did
 a small mod to add the error codes to the docs, and I'm not seeing it here.
 Mistake? Do I need to make a new PR on the repo?

 Related - why is the link to the github version gone?

RE: Some pain points from our users :'(

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Camden
Any particular place? Sorry if obvious - but it would need to be a github repo 
multiple folks can edit. (Seems like that would be quicker than PRs imo.)

From: Marcel Kinard
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: Some pain points from our users :'(

How about using a short-term wiki page to create/grow the draft? Then it could 
migrate into cordova-docs.git.

Getting to the end of the Cordova docs with a working helloWorld, and then 
having signposts for the next places to go would be a significant gain in the 
perceived usability of Cordova. Ray, thank you!

On Apr 30, 2014, at 9:11 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 I'd love to take a stab at this. Where would be a good place for to post a 
 draft that folks could edit and the Cordova team could just take it over when 

RE: Some pain points from our users :'(

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Camden
It took some time to actually register, but I'll give it a shot. Traveling 
today but will try to get a basic outline up there asap. (And anyone else 
listening - don't wait for me - attack the doc if you can. :)

From: Marcel Kinard
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Some pain points from our users :'(

How about here? . I'd hope this 
works, as long as the contributions are considered trivial by Apache 
standards. Otherwise pull requests to cordova-doc.git would be the [slower and 
more proper] way to go.

On Apr 30, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Any particular place? Sorry if obvious - but it would need to be a github 
 repo multiple folks can edit. (Seems like that would be quicker than PRs imo.)

RE: Some pain points from our users :'(

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Camden
Crap, I spoke too soon. it is a Immutable Page and I can't edit it.

From: Marcel Kinard
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Some pain points from our users :'(

How about here? . I'd hope this 
works, as long as the contributions are considered trivial by Apache 
standards. Otherwise pull requests to cordova-doc.git would be the [slower and 
more proper] way to go.

On Apr 30, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Any particular place? Sorry if obvious - but it would need to be a github 
 repo multiple folks can edit. (Seems like that would be quicker than PRs imo.)

RE: Some pain points from our users :'(

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Camden
On it. 

From: Steven Gill
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:12 AM
Subject: RE: Some pain points from our users :'(

I would suggest creating a Google doc and sharing it here.
On Apr 30, 2014 8:59 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 Crap, I spoke too soon. it is a Immutable Page and I can't edit it.

 From: Marcel Kinard
 Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 10:41 AM
 Subject: Re: Some pain points from our users :'(

 How about here? . I'd
 hope this works, as long as the contributions are considered trivial by
 Apache standards. Otherwise pull requests to cordova-doc.git would be the
 [slower and more proper] way to go.

 On Apr 30, 2014, at 11:29 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

  Any particular place? Sorry if obvious - but it would need to be a
 github repo multiple folks can edit. (Seems like that would be quicker than
 PRs imo.)

First stab at Next Steps article

2014-04-30 Thread Ray Camden
I had 3 hours here at the airport so I took at stab at writing content for the 
Next Steps document. You can find (and edit) the document here:

The main thing missing now (imo) is the Upgrade section. I think with that 
added - this is in a good place (at least initially). 

Thoughts, opinions, etc?

Any volunteers ready to write out the upgrade section?

RE: [Discuss] The Future of Ripple as a Top Level ASF Project

2014-04-28 Thread Ray Camden
Oh - when I read your call for Ripple devs to 'switch', I had assumed it was 
something already done. 

From: on behalf of Andrew Grieve
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 11:49 AM
To: dev
Subject: Re: [Discuss] The Future of Ripple as a Top Level ASF Project

Right, it doesn't exist yet (no one's picked up working on it). +Brian made
the original pitch for it, but my understanding is that it is meant to be
adding first-class support for testing Cordova apps in the browser, but do
so by being a fully-supported cordova platform.

Another way to look at this is to say that there's already a place for
Ripple to go within Cordova. The core logic should go into cordova-browser.
Plugin logic should go into each plugin repo under the browser platform.
And the bridge interception piece should go into cordova-js. If there is
still need for a ripple server after all of this, then that belongs inside
of cordova-cli.

RE: [Discuss] The Future of Ripple as a Top Level ASF Project

2014-04-28 Thread Ray Camden
As just an FYI, I couldn't disagree more about your first point (minimal 
value). Now that Ripple is working again, I find it to be *extremely* helpful 
for prototyping, quick testing, and teaching as well. You mention built in 
emulation in Chrome, and yep, that's nice, but consider geolocation. In Chrome, 
you have to enter a long/lat value (and I don't know about you, but I don't 
keep those values in my head), in Ripple, you can use a much simpler map 
interface to pick your location. Hell, just running deviceready for me 
automatically is helpful.

Maybe I'm just too passionate about it - but I really don't want to minimize 
the value of Ripple. 

Sorry - carry on. ;)

From: Parashuram Narasimhan (MS OPEN TECH)
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Discuss] The Future of Ripple as a Top Level ASF Project

So, should we start the formal proposal to the Apache Foundation to move on 
making Ripple a part of Cordova? I am guessing that we would need technical 
reasons on why that would make sense. I could help with drafting the proposal.

- Ripple is mostly used for Cordova development. Browsers already have 
viewport/touch emulation built in and the value of ripple is minimal in this 
- Ripple is very similar to other top level 'Cordova tools' like CLI, Medic, 
etc. Hence, it makes sense to treat it as such and make it a part of the 
Cordova like the other projects.

RE: [Discuss] The Future of Ripple as a Top Level ASF Project

2014-04-26 Thread Ray Camden
I am naturally inclined to *not* leave Ripple as I think it is a great tool, 
but I'll check out cordova-browser. You say it is very similar to Ripple, but 
where exactly is it? The github repo is mostly empty now.

From: on behalf of Andrew Grieve
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 3:17 PM
To: dev
Subject: Re: [Discuss] The Future of Ripple as a Top Level ASF Project

For those passionate about Ripple, I'd like to try and woo you to two
other avenues, as I don't see Ripple in the Cordova workflow in the

cordova-app-harness for on-device testing (this is essentially the
same as PhoneGap Developer App)
cordova-browser CLI platform for local in-browser testing (very
similar to Ripple, but fully supported by CLI  works with plugins in
a generic way)

RE: Great writeup from Ray Camden on PG/Cordova

2014-04-14 Thread Ray Camden
I wasn't *planning* a survey, but this sounds interesting. Let me chew on this 
and create an initial doc. I'll share it here for folks to comment on and will 
then publish it.

From: on behalf of Michal Mocny
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2014 12:04 PM
To: dev
Subject: Re: Great writeup from Ray Camden on PG/Cordova

Ray: for next survey, would you mind polling on usage of cordova-cli vs
bin/create workflow?

And as subpoints:
- for cordova-cli, how many platforms?  (curious how many use cli even for
1 platform)
- for bin/create, do they use plugman?


On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 No problem - glad it gathered up some useful data.
 From: Steven Gill
 Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 6:52 PM
 Subject: Re: Great writeup from Ray Camden on PG/Cordova


 Thanks Ray for putting this together!

 On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:
  A few take-aways in there for us, I think.

RE: Great writeup from Ray Camden on PG/Cordova

2014-04-14 Thread Ray Camden
The raw data is linked to in the blog post. It is XLSX but if you need it some 
other way, let me know.

From: on behalf of Michal Mocny
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 11:39 AM
To: dev
Subject: Re: Great writeup from Ray Camden on PG/Cordova

Also, you referenced complaints about File plugin.  Discussed with Ian this
morning that it may be great feedback to give him so he can address it.
 Can we get the raw results was it meant to be private?


On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Ray Camden wrote:

 I wasn't *planning* a survey, but this sounds interesting. Let me chew on
 this and create an initial doc. I'll share it here for folks to comment on
 and will then publish it.

RE: Great writeup from Ray Camden on PG/Cordova

2014-04-12 Thread Ray Camden
No problem - glad it gathered up some useful data. 

From: Steven Gill
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: Great writeup from Ray Camden on PG/Cordova


Thanks Ray for putting this together!

On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 4:06 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

 A few take-aways in there for us, I think.

RE: support on phonegap/cordova?

2014-04-09 Thread Ray Camden
I'd use the Google Group:!forum/phonegap

From: smo
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 2:35 AM
Subject: support on phonegap/cordova?


where must i post to get support on phonegap/cordova ios ?


RE: Plugins Release!

2014-02-10 Thread Ray Camden
Dumb question, but when I see things like this in the blog post:

CB-4919 firefox os quirks added and supported platforms list is updated

Where is that actually documented? Since I've seen quirks listed in the main 
doc I assumed it would be there, but I do not see it here:

From: Steven Gill
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 5:53 PM
Subject: Re: Plugins Release!


On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 8:43 AM, Andrew Grieve wrote:

 ship it.

 On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 7:35 PM, Steven Gill

  ship it?

RE: Plugins Release!

2014-02-10 Thread Ray Camden
Interesting. Um, I've got nothing to add here I guess. ;) I am curious to see 
what folks out there think.

From: on behalf of Andrew Grieve
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 9:34 PM
To: dev
Subject: Re: Plugins Release!

Feedback definitely welcome in this department.
For the 3.4.0 release, the main docs for plugins will look like:

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 10:07 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

Re: template?

2014-01-03 Thread Ray Camden

On 1/3/14, 10:27 AM, Mark Koudritsky wrote:

The option to specify a template was added here, via --src or --link
command line args.;h=9b7fedf

But it's not yet part of any released version.

Is there an ETA for it?

Passing a JSON string as the 4th param to CLI does seem to work, even
though originally it was an artifact of a change done for a completely
different purpose.

The JSON string should look like:

Can you say where the valid keys are documented? You definitely see this
argument documented when you type ³cordova², but nowhere do you see a list
of what can be specified here. It may be too long for the CLI docs, but
where can users find it online?

Re: Plugin download counts

2013-11-13 Thread Ray Camden
Consistently now if I go to, then More, than Stats, it
does not load in OSX/Chrome. If I click Reload though it works. I notice 2
XHR events are *not* fired when I first hit the page but do fire on reload.

Testing OSX/Firefox and it *never* works. I am seeing ³get #/_stats² in
console, but that¹s it.

On 11/12/13, 5:42 PM, Anis KADRI wrote:

It's been there for over a week but I forgot to mention it here so if
you didn't see it here it is...

if nothing shows up...refresh the page.


Re: create and override of default template

2013-10-28 Thread Ray Camden
So I am *completely* lost then. Can you explain what the config.json file
is? I¹ve never heard of it.

On 10/28/13, 12:56 PM, Ian Clelland wrote:

To be clear, as Michal said, the `cordova` CLI tool *does not* support
directly; only indirectly, as part of the config.json file.

The fourth command line parameter relates only to the various bin/create
scripts that are part of each platform. The default template that is
overridden with this is the *platform* template, which contains all of the
platform-specific code for a new Cordova project. That's why it isn't
suitable for the multi-platform cordova create command.

It might be possible to make this part of cordova platform add, but
that's a different (JIRA) issue.


Re: create and override of default template

2013-10-28 Thread Ray Camden
I disagree completely. Why does cordova need to know about the platform?
Right now when I make a virgin project, before I add *any* platform, there
is a default project created. All we want (well, ok, all I want ;) is the
ability to override that so I can have a ³blank² project as opposed to the
hello world one. This is not project specific at all. Certainly after I
create the project I¹ll add a platform or two, but this should be done on
initial platform creation.

On 10/28/13, 1:15 PM, Ian Clelland wrote:

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Michal Mocny wrote:

 +1 to suggestion for adding it as arg to cordova platform add.

 Could it be as simple as:

 cordova platform add path/to/platform/type ?

Not sure if we could make it *that* simple :)

At least we could very easily make it

cordova platform add platform name [template directory]

I think that the CLI needs to know a little bit about the platform itself,
and couldn't just work from a raw directory without knowing what kind of
device it was intended for. (I'd love to be shown wrong about that,


Re: create and override of default template

2013-10-28 Thread Ray Camden
Hmm. Ok, I *did* log a bug report for this already, and I think I just
assumed that this ( was a
copy and mine was a dupe. Unfortunately now I can’t find it. So… I’ll file
a new one.

Sorry for the confusion folks!

On 10/28/13, 1:46 PM, Ian Clelland wrote:

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 2:17 PM, Ray Camden wrote:

 I disagree completely. Why does cordova need to know about the platform?
 Right now when I make a virgin project, before I add *any* platform,
 is a default project created. All we want (well, ok, all I want ;) is
 ability to override that so I can have a ³blank² project as opposed to
 hello world one. This is not project specific at all. Certainly after I
 create the project I¹ll add a platform or two, but this should be done
 initial platform creation.

That's a different template, Ray. (I can see where the confusion comes

The documentation that you mentioned in your initial email was about a new
feature used by the platform scripts, to override the default platform

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