Re: [Proposal] Struts Ti

2005-08-02 Thread Michael Rasmussen
netsql wrote:
3. And to make it C# possible... all user exposed classes should be an
interface (so that same interface could be reimplemented).

I don't get this.  maybe I missed something here, (entirely possible)
but how are you going to write an underlying implementation in C# that
can be called by Java?  Or vice versa?  I totally agree that all the
API should be interfaces, but I'm not sure that the reason should be
that you can reimplement it in C#.  Please explain.


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Re: [Proposal] Struts Ti

2005-08-02 Thread Michael Rasmussen
On 8/2/05, Don Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Key Features

  * Pluggable EL for data binding defaulting to JSP 2.0 EL but
 allowing OGNL or even BeanUtils
 Design Goals

  * Built on the backbone of commons-chain

  I wrote a patch for Chain a couple weeks ago that created support
for an EL.  It uses JSTL-EL by default and was designed with the idea
that it would be pluggable.  The patch is just sitting there, I don't
know what you are using for Struts-Ti, but it seems like if you are
going to add pluggable EL support and use chain it should be
consistent across the projects.  THe patch is not committed yet.  Joe
Germuska was going to look at it when he got back from vacation, but
he seems to have taken a LONG vacation.

The bugzilla ticket is here if you are interested.

The patch is for CVS and not SVN, which I need to change, but haven't
gotten around to.

Excuse my patch plugging, I just thought it might be useful to your work.


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Re: 1.3.0 -- stalled

2005-07-29 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I'll be out of town this weekend, but if there are any tasks that can
be performed by a non commiter let me know and I might be able to help


On 7/29/05, Hubert Rabago [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll help out where I can.  I posted a checklist that's copied from
 1.2.7.  Hopefully that'll help you get started with the team-style
 checklist you're planning.  I don't expect a lot of free time today
 but will set aside time tomorrow morning and on sunday.
 On 7/29/05, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I suppose I could step up and do it. I'll post a release plan
  checklist later today.
  Something that's worked for me in the past is to take a team approach
  to releases. There's no reason why one person has to do every point on
  the checklist. I'll modify the list so that different people can sign
  up for different tasks, if they like, and I'll do the rest.
  On 7/28/05, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   It looks like I won't have the time that I thought I had to get 1.3.0
   cut and rolled out any time soon.  My day job is heating up and the
   kids soccer season starts up very soon.  I'm also running 2 local
   user groups (web-atlanta and jboss-atlanta) and participating in a
   new architects group (IASA).
   I wish I had more time to do this, but I just don't have the time I
   need to do it right.  If someone else wants to take the reigns and
   run, I'd be very appreciative.Wendy?
   James Mitchell
   Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
   Consulting / Mentoring / Freelance
   EdgeTech, Inc.
   AIM:   jmitchtx
   Yahoo: jmitchtx
   Skype: jmitchtx
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  HTH, Ted.
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Re: Tile question

2005-07-12 Thread Michael Rasmussen
  Questions like this should be directed to the user list.

On 7/12/05, john mattucci [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I posted this the other I'm not sure if I'm posting it to the right
 I'm new to tiles and I was wondering if this is possible.
 I have the following in my tiles definition files
 definition name=main.Parent path=/x/y.jsp 
 put name=TopMenu value=${TopMenu} /
 put name=Footer value=${Footer} /
 I would like to use definitions as ActionForwards
 My question would it be possible to include values to passed to
 ${TopMenu} and ${Footer} in
 of the action?
 Thank you all

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Re: How to pass param implicit Object to html:link

2005-06-14 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Questions like this are more likely to be answered on the users list
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  This list is for discussing the development
of the struts framework.

On 6/14/05, Jose Maria Alvarez Rodriguez
 Hi, I am a developer on Jstl with Struts, my problem is that I want to
 pass the object param to the tag html:link but the server responses:
 Can not find bean param in any scope.
 Is there any way to pass the Map param to html:link?
 Thank you in advance¡¡¡
 The code is the next one:
  html:link action=/myAction name=param
 html:link action=/myAction name=${param}
 Jose María Alvarez Rodriguez
 Departamento de I+D+I
 Fundación CTIC
 -Centro Tecnológico de la Información y la Comunicación-
 Tfno: +34 984 29 12 12
 Parque Científico Tecnológico Gijón-Asturias-Spain

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Re: Online Bookstore

2005-05-12 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I  think it might make sense to add a 'Don't see the book you are
looking for but still want to donate to apache...chick here to search
with apache's comission tied to your search.'  I would make all my
Amazon purchases through that link if it were a trivial step in my
buying.  Maybe it is already there, but a cursory glance did not
reveal it.


On 5/12/05, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 5/12/05, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  If there was interest, we could also add pages for books recommended
  by ASF committers.  Here, we could list other related books and
  off-topic items, like DVDs and CDs that we enjoy. There's an
  unfinished prototype of a committer page here:
  I'm not sure when I'll have any time to contribute, but I'll say that
  I think it would be absolutely fine, appropriate, and even cool to
  have a page of books *written by* Apache committers as well.
 Maybe a bit too cool :)
 I added this to the FAQ.
 Hey, why not indicate which books are by ASF Committers?
 Hmmm, there's no reason to believe that ASF Committers make better
 book authors than anyone else. Anyone who follows the development
 lists knows as much about the project as any of the committers.
 However, if you are interested in reading a book by a committer, you
 can check the Who We Are area of the project web site for a list of
 the committers to that project.
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Re: Struts Release - contrib missing

2005-05-05 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Just as a point of personal preference, it seems like removing massive
feature sets from a 1.x.x release is a little misleading.  But I don't
use any of those libraries in a production app, so I can't say it
wouldn't really impact me.

On 5/4/05, Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The last ga Struts release (i.e. version 1.2.4) was done from CVS and the
 contents of the contrib folder were shipped in the source distribution.
 Since then we have moved to SVN and re-organised the repository and the only
 thing now included in the 1.2.x source distribution are the el tags.
 Since I haven't used anything from contrib I'm pretty neutral about
 including any of it, but given that some people may have done, do we want to
 include any or all of the things that we previously shipped?
 Struts 1.2.4 included the following in contrib (as well as Struts-el)
 For el I believe James did something smart in SVN so that when the
 STRUTS_1_2_BRANCH is checked out it includes the el sub-project's
 STRUTS_1_2_BRANCH - we would probably want something similar for any of the
 remainder that we want to include?
 I know some people have built stuff around struts-chain - so I think there
 is a case for including that - from the sandbox  STRUTS_1_2_BRANCH -
 anything else?
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Re: [Shale] subview component XML composition extension

2005-03-18 Thread Michael Rasmussen
  I know this came up before in a converstion we had about dialogs.  I
know it doesn't solve the problem, but I am curious, what is the
reason behind not exposing the navigation rules publicly?  I figure
you would have some answer being on the expert group for JSF and all.


On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 10:18:41 -0800, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 09:48:40 +0100, Matthias Wessendorf
   Oops, I forgot. I do have a tiles view handler. I used the MyFaces view
   handler as a basis for mine, but I did things a little differently.
  ah, fine! Have you thought about a NavigationHandler?
  I found it usefull to use tiles definitions inside struts-config.xml
  for ActionForwards.
  I guess it should be possible to have a NavigationHandler that
  enables you to have something like:
 That should definitely be possible ... but there's a tricky detail, in
 that there's no public JSF API to read the configured navigation
 rules.  It seems likely that we'd need to define navigation rules with
 a destination of a Tile in a separate file, and have the
 NavigationHandler look there first, and delegate to the standard one
 if there is no matching rule.
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Re: POJO Actions and the ActionCommand interface (Re: Configuration inheritance, module init code)

2005-03-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen
This may have been proposed long ago I don't know, but I will throw it
out there as it just popped into my head.

I agree with those of you who are against POJO's, but I had a thought:

Since Action is used mostly to populate a VO from the Form Bean and
then delegate to some business logic facade (at least that is how I
usually do things) why not create an action that takes a modified
version of a dyna form.  The dyna form instead of configuring itself
from the struts-config, configures itself from a VO (I admit I have
not looked at the code for the magic dynaform so I don't know how it
is implemented).  So, a dynaform takes a POJO  classname (or instance,
I haven't decided which would be better) and builds itself by
reflecting over the getters/setters on this object.  Then the Action
just delegates to the facade with the VO it was given.

If this doesn't make sense, let me know and I will elaborate.  

From within the confines of my little world I'm not seeing the
downsides of this, so please feel free to shred my idea into oblivion


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 11:36:58 -0800, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 14:08:58 -0500, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 15:41:45 -,
  The teams with which I've met want a web framework to harvest input
  values and render output values, so that their business classes can
  focus on turning input into output.
  I'd suggest that something like POJO actions blurs the line even
  farther. It implies that we want people to tie their whole application
  to Struts. IMHO, that's not what we mean by encouraging MVC and Model
 Boy, Howdy, as they say out West.  I am as much behind this sort of
 thinking as you can be.
 You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back.
 ~Dakota Jack~
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Re: POJO Actions and the ActionCommand interface (Re: Configuration inheritance, module init code)

2005-03-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 I understand what you're suggesting, and on the face of it, it seems
 like a nice idea. However, I fear that including such a mechanism in
 Struts would lead to serious security vulnerabilities in some peoples'
 applications. This is because essentially *any* method on the POJO
 could end up being invoked accidentally or maliciously. We had an

Isn't that only true if the form is getting its contract from the html
form rather than the VO?

I am assuming the vulnerability is that someone could add a parameter
to their request url and inject the value into the form arbitrarily
calling a public logMeIn() method.

If however you were to create the contract from the VO, the logMeIn
parameter will just be ignored.  Is that incorrect?  I'm asking
because I'm curious about the issue.


 issue like this with ActionForm some time ago, until someone pointed
 it out to us.
 Martin Cooper

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Re: POJO Actions and the ActionCommand interface (Re: Configuration inheritance, module init code)

2005-03-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I'm not sure how this is different from what I am proposing?  I'm also
not sure you are saying that it is.

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 17:09:29 -0500, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The issue is that some properties on an arbitrary object might be OK
 to populate from the request, and others might not be. The
 securityissue is that it's not only the properties on the object
 itself, but properties on objects that the object might reference.
 As Martin mentioned, once upon a time, you could acquire a reference
 to the ActionServlet from the ActionForm. This meant you could
 (through the dotted syntax) set any property on the ActionServlet. If
 the ActionServlet returned any objects, you could also set properties
 on those objects.
 Yes, the VO would be setting the contract, but many developers would
 not realize how much fine print might be in that contract :)
 Meanwhile, FormDef [] is an interesting
 extension that does this sort of thing, but uses a dynamic
 DynaActionForm as a go-between.
 On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 15:53:35 -0600, Michael Rasmussen
   I understand what you're suggesting, and on the face of it, it seems
   like a nice idea. However, I fear that including such a mechanism in
   Struts would lead to serious security vulnerabilities in some peoples'
   applications. This is because essentially *any* method on the POJO
   could end up being invoked accidentally or maliciously. We had an
  Isn't that only true if the form is getting its contract from the html
  form rather than the VO?
  I am assuming the vulnerability is that someone could add a parameter
  to their request url and inject the value into the form arbitrarily
  calling a public logMeIn() method.
  If however you were to create the contract from the VO, the logMeIn
  parameter will just be ignored.  Is that incorrect?  I'm asking
  because I'm curious about the issue.
   issue like this with ActionForm some time ago, until someone pointed
   it out to us.
   Martin Cooper
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 HTH, Ted.

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Re: setupItems posted to Bugzilla

2005-03-09 Thread Michael Rasmussen
  Maybe I am in the minority, I don't know, but I thought the whole
point of version numbers to keep track of what features exist in a
certain package of released code?  No new work will ever be done on
1.1 because 1.2 is the current branch of struts.  As soon as 1.3 is
out the door that will be the case for 1.2.  New feature development
on every product happens in the latest branch.  Why are you surprised
or concerned by this?  Not trying to be mean, but to use an industry
example Microsoft is not putting any new features in Windows 3.1.  The
fact that Struts 1.1 is being supported for bug fixes should be
impressive all by itself.  If you want new features use the current
upgrade path.  If you want features that are not in the version you
have to use, create those features and use them.  Struts has solved
the problem you are facing (as Martin pointed out) using chain.  if
you want the 'Struts blessed' solution then upgrade.

I might be out of the loop on this, but isn't 1.2.x and 1.3 for that
matter backwards compatible for the major features of struts?  ie an
action works against 1.1 to 1.3 with no changes?

On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 14:04:05 -0500 (EST), Frank W. Zammetti
 All of your answers boil down to (a) use 1.2.x and add Chain yourself, or
 (b) use 1.3.  For some shops (mine as a case in point), (b) isn't an
 option, and won't be for a long time.  And either option forces you to use
 Chain, which not everyone is going to be comfortable with, except in the
 case of 1.3 where using it implicitly means using Chain and you understand
 that going in.
 I hope I'm not coming across confrontational as that is not my intent.
 But, if anything prior to 1.3 is now considered dead (or on life support I
 suppose), which is how I interpret the comment about it being relegated to
 bug fixes (it's an evolutionary dead end I think is clear), then that is
 an interesting tidbit for all to be clear on because it means that no new
 features will be added to anything other than 1.3.  Am I misrepresenting
 reality with that statement? :)
 I can only make the proposals, or create my own fork, which I wouldn't do.
  It's up to you folks to decide what gets in and what doesn't, and I
 recognize that.  But, if you are saying that NOTHING new (nothing
 substantial anyway) is going to be added to 1.x, that's bad news for me,
 and probably others as well.
 Frank W. Zammetti
 Founder and Chief Software Architect
 Omnytex Technologies
 On Wed, March 9, 2005 1:42 pm, Martin Cooper said:
  On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 13:20:17 -0500 (EST), Frank W. Zammetti
  Well, a couple of points:
  (1) The idea of page prep or setup functionality seems to get asked
  lot on the lists.  There are numerous ways to handle it or course, many
  which were debated in the preceeding threads (I'd have to go dig through
  the archives myself to reference them).  It is asked enough in fact that
  standard solution built in to Struts makes a lot of sense to me, and
  others that were involved in the discussion.  I believe this proposal is
  very flexible implementation.  Probably not perfect, but an open-ended
  to achieve these goals.
  The use of Chain will (has!) become a standard part of Struts in
  Struts 1.3. I'm not sure I see the need for more than one standard
  (2) ChainAction... I'm not aware of it.  Is it new in 1.3?  If so, I for
  one am not yet interested in using 1.3.  In fact, we're still using 1.1
  here at work, so a solution for older Struts versions is nice.
  ChainAction is part of Struts Chain, which has been in the Contrib
  area of Struts for rather a long time now. Maybe even back as far as
  1.1 - I don't recall. Struts Chain is what has been merged into the
  main trunk for Struts 1.3. That includes the composable request
  processor and several chain-based actions, such as ChainAction,
  amongst other things. You might want to take a look.
  (3) Using Commons Chain with 1.2.6 (and presumably older versions
  I'm sure that works well, but not everyone likes the idea of adding any
  extra dependencies they don't feel they want to to their projects.  I'd
  prefer a capability similar to this be built in to Struts itself.  I'm
  alone on this, based on the opinions of those working around me.
  Well, I don't see the type of thing you're proposing as part of a
  Struts 1.2.x release, since that's pretty much relegated to bug fixes
  at this point, as we push towards 1.3. Chain is already built into
  Struts 1.3, including the ChainAction I referred to. So the choices
  would appear to be Struts 1.2.x + Struts Chain or Struts 1.3 with no
  additional dependencies.
  (4) Options.  They are good :)  This can be considered another tool in
  toolbox.  Maybe use it, maybe don't.  Sure to be good in some cases,
  probably not in others.  I'd hate to be forced to use 

Re: setupItems posted to Bugzilla

2005-03-09 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 Some may not want or be able to upgrade to 1.3, and by saying no new
 features will be added to 1.2 people in that boat are being left out in
 the cold as far as new features go (unless they want to do it themselves
 of course).  I'm not claiming this is unusual, but is it really the best
I'm just curious, if 1.3 will run the 1.1 code you''ve written what is
the difference between upgrading from 1.1.x to 1.1.y and upgrading
from 1.1.x to 1.3?

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Re: Faces is incompatible with the latest Struts

2005-03-07 Thread Michael Rasmussen
  I wrestled with this a long time ago.  There are some dependencies
in validator that prevent faces from working with 1.2+.  Somewhere
there is a patch, I don't really have time to look it up right now,
but it is in bugzilla under my name.  If I recall correctly there were
also some depricated methods in 1.1 that faces was using (I could be
imagining that though) Craig felt it best to keep faces building with
1.1, as there was a bigger userbase.

On Wed, 2 Mar 2005 00:21:55 -0500, James Mitchell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 While working on a new project.xml for faces, I'm seeing that I cannot build
 faces with the latest from Struts.  Using 1.1 is fine.  What's the base for
 building Faces?
 James Mitchell
 Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
 EdgeTech, Inc.
 AIM: jmitchtx
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Re: [shale] Re: Struts Shale

2005-01-20 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Craig Wrote:
  My current thinking is that we want the ability to have more than one
  active dialog, so you can push from one dialog to another, then
  pop back out.  That's why I made it the dialog's responsibility to
  clean itself up.
  I don't like the fact that the dialog has to know the attribute name
  it is stored under (in session scope), but haven't figured out a way
  around it yet.

I'm curious, could a dialog, or whatever it ends up being called, have
the ability to create sub dialogs?  These sub-dialogs could be put
into a sandbox that the parent deletes upon exit.  Keeping the sub
dialogs in a collection of some sort would allow for multiple paralell
dialogs.  Having a master dialor for the session that is always there
would allow for even the top-level dialogs to be removed and none of
them would have to know their own names anymore.  Right?


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Re: Comment on StrutsChain Wiki

2005-01-12 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Just curious, where is this specific wiki page?  I couldn't find a
link to it from the main wiki page.


On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 09:44:54 -0600, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 10:35 AM -0500 1/12/05, Sean Schofield wrote:
 Sounds like you are moving right along with StrutsChain.  I liked your
 idea of moving the properties from WebActionContext into the base
 ActionContext.  I agree that those things would exist in any given
 Struts environment.  Also it would probably simplify things for the
 user (they don't have to worry about what is this new WebActionContext
 for and how do I use it).
 My two cents anyways,
 Much appreciated -- I've been craving some comments ;-)
 Joe Germuska
 Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction  -The Ex
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Re: RoadMap [was Re: ViewUtils ... ][Slightly OT]

2004-12-29 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 other page oriented technologies as the past. The future, as I see it,
 is in highly dynamic apps

What exactly do you mean by highly dynamic?  Are you referring to
applications like gmail?  Do you mean XAML type applications?  (God
willing they won't actually be XAML ;-) )  Or are you referring to
something all together different?


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Re: Call me crazy, but I want it all.

2004-12-09 Thread Michael Rasmussen
what about writing a custom ant task that gets the jars from ibiblio
or wherever they are from?

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 10:51:24 -0800 (PST), David Graham
 --- Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I don't have a problem with tossing the Maven stuff. However, I
  believe we do have some Maven mavens in our midst who likely feel
  otherwise. This might sound odd, but perhaps, if we do have people who
  are interested in actively pursuing Maven, we should move the Maven
  stuff to contrib until such time as it provides a working replacement
  for our Ant build system?
 IMO, maintaining two build systems is only going to make things worse so
 we should probably stick with Ant.  The key thing about Maven is that it
 downloads jars for me so I don't have to waste my time doing it manually.
 Of course, we don't need that feature if we just store the jars in svn
 like any sane project would ;-).  We can't store some of the non-free jars
 in svn but at least those would be the exception and downloading one or
 two jars is better than 10 (or whatever we're up to now).
 The projects I work on in Commons and my work projects are all buildable
 immediately after downloading them from cvs.  Some of them acheive that by
 using Maven, some by just storing the dependencies in cvs.  I think that
 should be Struts' goal as well.
  Martin Cooper
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Re: keeping Eclipse files in our repo [was Re: Package removal with new Digester]

2004-12-02 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 I am very much against keeping IDE specific files in the repository. 



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Re: [OT] SVN / Eclipse / Subclipse error

2004-11-30 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 I tried subclipse over the weekend, and I would have to agree.  I am
really dissapointed so far.  I am well versed with the Eclipse CVS 
stuff, but Subclipse was a nightmare.  It hosed my repository and It
may have been the cause of my hosed eclipse install.  I don't know
what version of Subversion Apache is using, but if it is anything
besides 1.1rc2 subclipse is not tested with it.
  All in all, I decided it is too early for subclipse, which is
dissapointing, because I am not sure tigris sis still
supporting/developing it.
  If you do get it working, please let me know.  I want to post some
instructions for using it with Struts.

On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 08:55:15 -0600, Matt Bathje [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 James Mitchell wrote:
  Sorry for the OT, but I figured some folks here are doing this.
  I'm trying out Subclipse and getting this error:
  How are you getting around this?
  Command line works fine for me, but I would really like to use Eclipse.
 James - maybe this will be of some help, I have it bookmarked from when
 I first started using Subclipse...
 (I don't remember what exactly I had to do at the command line though...)
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Re: struts in eclipse

2004-11-19 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Are there instructions now for how to check struts out from Subversion!

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:43:48 +, Brij Naald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'm trying to get struts working in eclipse, but I can't get it done. I
 tried the steps described on this newsgroup, but there still some missing
 things (eg. org.apache.scaffold).
 Can anyone send me his/her .project and .classpath file of eclipse?
 I tried this approach with tomcat, and it made it really easy!
 Goedkope lening nodig?
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Re: struts in eclipse

2004-11-19 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Sorry, I should ask that question in a better way.  Are there
instructions for how to check Struts out of subversion using an
eclipse subversion plugin?

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 08:48:31 -0600, Michael Rasmussen
 Are there instructions now for how to check struts out from Subversion!
 On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:43:48 +, Brij Naald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  i'm trying to get struts working in eclipse, but I can't get it done. I
  tried the steps described on this newsgroup, but there still some missing
  things (eg. org.apache.scaffold).
  Can anyone send me his/her .project and .classpath file of eclipse?
  I tried this approach with tomcat, and it made it really easy!
  Goedkope lening nodig?
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Re: struts in eclipse

2004-11-19 Thread Michael Rasmussen
  Thanks for the link.  Actually what I am looking for (and not
finding after some digging) is instructions for how to check out the
struts source.  I don't think that article had that.  If it did I
missed it while glancing through it. Since the move to subversion and
the graduation from jakarta, there doesn't see mto have been a change
in the docutmentation on this page rather it still
links to how to contribute at the Jakarta site, which has
instructions for the jakarta cvs repository.  So after my somewhat
long winded explanation, I am just wondering if the process for
checkout from subversion is documented somewhere?  I realize that does not need a tutorial of subversion on the site,
but how to use this specific installation and check out from the
anonymous repository could be useful.  If it doesn't exist, I could
take a look at creating it after Thanksgiving (assuming someone can
help me through the process to begin with)

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:52:00 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Instructions are on the following website :-
 19/11/2004 14:43
 Please respond to Struts Developers List
 Subject:struts in eclipse
 i'm trying to get struts working in eclipse, but I can't get it done. I
 tried the steps described on this newsgroup, but there still some missing
 things (eg. org.apache.scaffold).
 Can anyone send me his/her .project and .classpath file of eclipse?
 I tried this approach with tomcat, and it made it really easy!
 Goedkope lening nodig?
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Re: Struts Shale

2004-10-26 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 Some people already moan that struts is too jsp orientated with
 the tags that are included 

I'm not trying to tip the discussion in any direction here, but I
thought I would point out that JSF is supposed to be view agnostic. 
Render kits are being built for WML, Swing, etc.  I think that it is
safe to assume that JSF would move Struts AWAY from its jsp

 and I'm wondering what proportion of the
 exisiting Struts user base were going to loose/screw going that route?
 I guess in order to agree/disagree with this stratgey I need to go and
 actullay try JSF out.
 - Original Message -
 From: Sean Schofield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:35 PM
 Subject: Re: Struts Shale
  I'm +1 on JDK 1.4 (+0 on JDK 1.5).
  I also agree with Craig's sentiments on keeping things as simple as
  possible and not reinventing what JSF (and other frameworks) can do
  for you.
  The more I look at JSF, the more impressed I am with it.  In many ways
  it seems to be a signifcant improvement upon Struts but without the
  restrictions on being backwards compatible.  Not suprising since Craig
  was key in both of these efforts ...
  I definitely feel that JSF should fit seemlessly into the new Shale
  effort.  Right now its a bit awkward integrating Struts and JSF.
  That's to be expected because Struts was not designed with JSF in
  mind.  Going forward, however, I think we diminish the value of both
  Struts and JSF if we don't take JSF strongly into account.
  From reading Craig's proposal and comment here, it sounds like that is
  his goal.  I just wanted to second that notion.
  On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:34:07 -0700, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Just time for a couple of notes this morning.
   I'm +0 on JDK 5.0 (nee 1.5) depending on how long we really think this
   is going to take.  The struts core part of this isn't really huge or
   complicated, but asking a Struts developer for a timeline is probably
   a silly thing to do :-).
   Other comments inline.
   On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 09:42:27 -0400, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 04:56:45 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A few more more notes.
 2.4 View Controller
 3.3 View (Presentation) Tier APIs
 Proposal:: JavaServer Faces 1.1
Does the View Controller need to be tied to JSF?
Could the interface be agnostic and a FacesViewController be provided
 that is specific to JSF?
Or, could there be a [org.apache.shale.faces] package, allowing room
 for, say, a [org.apache.shale.xlst] package or a [org.apache.shale.jstl]
 package or a [org.apache.shale.velocity] ?
I'm not saying that we would have to provide all of these packages for
 Shale to be complete. I'd just like to position Struts 2.x so it could be
 everyone's controller :) -- if there are volunteers ready, willing, and able
 to make it so.
   The interface as currently defined is not dependent on JSF, nor need
   it be for its own purposes.  Applications that implement a
   ViewController can stay *mostly* agnostic of the view tier technology,
   but you still have to decide at some point:
   * How do I bind my model data to my user interface components?
(With JSF, you use value bindings on the components to
properties in your view controller, and/or binding attributes
to bind the actual component instances.)
   * How do I send error messages back to the user interface?
(With JSF, you call FacesContext.addMessage().)
   * How do I initiate page navigation? (With JSF, the string outcome
returned by an action method is fed through the page navigation
rules you've configured to choose the next page, or null
return means stay on the same page).
   All of those sorts of decisions have predefined answers in JSF, and
   abstracting them would require building infrastructure (into Struts
   Core) to bridge that gap into any other view tier technology you want,
   and/or reinventing a lot of what JSF (the managed beans, page
   navigation, and so on) already has.  That's not an effort I'm
   interested in actually doing, and IMHO it would needlessly complicate
   the overall architecture -- but it's technically feasible.
 2.5 Functionality Not Included In Struts 2.0 Core
Would any view packages be bundled with the 2.x core, or would the
 core be the Application controller and interfaces for the Dialog and View
 controllers (and any implementation-independent utilities).
   My current view is that no view *components* would be included in the
   core -- although, if we accept the proposal to base the core on JSF
   for its infrastructure capabilities, we'd need to have a JSF
   implementation available (even if an alternative view technology was
   used for the 

Re: [VOTE] Move minimum to 2.3 (was Re: Changing how CommonsMultipartRequestHandler handles text parameters?)

2004-09-02 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Doesn't a struts 2.x codebase need a roadmap first?  Should there be
some defined goals?  Should it implement the same apis as struts 1.x
so as to ease transition?  Or should it be a whole new framework? 
Somehow I think the latter would be ill received.

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 07:02:45 -0400, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 11:43:37 +0200, Anders Steinlein wrote:
 Just want to throw in my voice here, as this is exactly what I've
 been thinking. I'm very pleased with Struts and use it on a daily
 basis and I would love to contribute, but I don't really have the
 itches or time to fully read up on the current code. However, upon
 the development of a revolution-Struts, I and surely many others
 would be inspired to get involved right from the start. Just the
 thought of a Struts fully based on Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.0 and
 possibly even J2SE 5.0 makes me all warm inside. ;)
 The best part is that we can have our cake and eat it too :)
 Those with itches for Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0/J2SE 5.0 can begin work on Struts 2.x, 
 while others continue to maintain and enhance Struts 1.x.
 Many projects operate in a mode like this, including Apache HTTPD and Tomcat.
 We just need someone to step up and say, OK, here's some starter code for Struts 
 2.x, let's have at it.
 Meanwhile, those interested in the Struts 1.x base can maintain the status quo.
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Re: [VOTE] Move minimum to 2.3 (was Re: Changing how CommonsMultipartRequestHandler handles text parameters?)

2004-09-02 Thread Michael Rasmussen
As far as the struts roadmap for 2.x I would say that it is fairly
vague for anyone setting out to develop an initial codebase.  It
mentions supporting JSF, it talks about portlets, and many other
things.  But it talks about these things vaguely as if they were 5
years off.  I am just saying that if someone is going to begin a 2.x
development there should be some serious discussion about what it
should look like.  I would say a wiki on this would be great.  Maybe
StrutsNewVersion or something.  I don't do much with the wiki, can I
just create a new page if I'm registered on it?

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 20:33:15 +0100, Niall Pemberton
 Maybe the whiteboard area is good fot this...
 - Original Message -
 From: Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 8:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [VOTE] Move minimum to 2.3 (was Re: Changing how
 CommonsMultipartRequestHandler handles text parameters?)
  Struts has a roadmap here:
  but maybe it would be easier/better to have something in the wiki, then
  of people could easily contribute
  - Original Message -
  From: Michael Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 8:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [VOTE] Move minimum to 2.3 (was Re: Changing how
  CommonsMultipartRequestHandler handles text parameters?)
  Doesn't a struts 2.x codebase need a roadmap first?  Should there be
  some defined goals?  Should it implement the same apis as struts 1.x
  so as to ease transition?  Or should it be a whole new framework?
  Somehow I think the latter would be ill received.
  On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 07:02:45 -0400, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 11:43:37 +0200, Anders Steinlein wrote:
   Just want to throw in my voice here, as this is exactly what I've
   been thinking. I'm very pleased with Struts and use it on a daily
   basis and I would love to contribute, but I don't really have the
   itches or time to fully read up on the current code. However, upon
   the development of a revolution-Struts, I and surely many others
   would be inspired to get involved right from the start. Just the
   thought of a Struts fully based on Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.0 and
   possibly even J2SE 5.0 makes me all warm inside. ;)
   The best part is that we can have our cake and eat it too :)
   Those with itches for Servlet 2.4/JSP 2.0/J2SE 5.0 can begin work on
  Struts 2.x, while others continue to maintain and enhance Struts 1.x.
   Many projects operate in a mode like this, including Apache HTTPD and
   We just need someone to step up and say, OK, here's some starter code
  Struts 2.x, let's have at it.
   Meanwhile, those interested in the Struts 1.x base can maintain the
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Re: Preliminary 1.2.3 distribution available

2004-09-01 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Was this bug addressed in the 1.2.3 release?

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 12:41:51 -0700, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 21:36:14 +0200, Arnaud HERITIER [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Martin.
  Can you put the 1.2.3 in the maven repository please
  ( ?
 Not at this time. This is a preliminary build, and has not been
 endorsed by anyone - not even me. ;-) It is there only for people to
 check out and see if they spot any issues. The Struts team hasn't even
 officially decided to roll a 1.2.3 release yet.
 Martin Cooper
  On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 11:53:38 -0700, Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I've updated this to include the correct Commons Validator jar and
   pick up the latest changes from CVS.
   Martin Cooper
   On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 00:02:12 -0700 (PDT), Martin Cooper
In light of the Struts 1.2.2 Dead in the Water? thread, I've rolled and
uploaded a preliminary 1.2.3 distribution that, I believe, resolves all of
the issues noted in that thread. It's available at:
As mentioned in the earlier thread, I have *not* personally tested this
build, other than to verify that the earlier packaging issues have been
resolved. (I need some sleep first!)
If you have some time to try out this build, and provide your feedback to
the list, that would be much appreciated. We need as many sets of eyes on
this distribution as possible before we make any decision about whether or
not to make it publicly available. (We do, however, need to provide a
resolution to the 1.2.2 issues as soon as possible, so the sooner people
can provide feedback, the better.)
Martin Cooper
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Re: [OT} cannot see html in messages with Eudora

2004-08-12 Thread Michael Rasmussen
The gmane group is actually the jakarta lists.  It is where the struts
newsgroup is unofficially (I think) hosted.  It will still be the same
messages just in newsgroup format.

On Thu, 12 Aug 2004 09:56:23 -0700, Michael McGrady
 Vic Cekvenich wrote:
  Use this:
  and sign up for a newgroup, join the struts-users.
  Michael McGrady wrote:
  I am on the cheap in Eudora and cannot see html tags in messages from
  the list.  I cannot find the setting that turns this on or off.
  Anyone know where that is?
 Thanks, Vic.  I had already gotten Thunderbird.  Good solution!  Why are
 you suggesting for struts-users as opposed to jakarta?
 Thanks, again.
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RE: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for submitting

2004-06-23 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I think I would go the other way with this.  In my perfect struts world 
there would be no struts tags at all.  Struts would have no clue as to what 
you were using as the presentation layer. (JSP, Swing, WML)  This was a goal 
JSF tried to reach (Not sure it got there).  I don't think adding tags to 
the struts code is serving the user base all that well.  Put them in 
jakarta-taglibs and leave struts as a controller.
Just my .02


From: Edgar P Dollin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for 
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 10:24:48 -0400

I know I will get ignored or flamed on this, but here I go.  My apologies 
advance if I offend anyone.

Before I start, I have made more than a couple of attempts at contributing
code, all of which have been ignored or pushed off to irrelevant projects.
I do wish this philosophy would get rethought.  I do agree we don't need
more code than necessary, however.
1) Tag libs are equal in importance to the controller.  Clean tag libs give
clean an maintainable view code and limit view re-factoring.
2) JSTL is a waste of time.  The reason I say this, not counting the
non-java people, is if you can write x number of lines of useful code per
hour, with jstl that is reduced by a factor greater than 1 due to type
checking, refactoring support, testing difficulties, etc.
3) While javascript may be inconsistent between browsers, it is certainly
possible to write cross browser javascript w/o a huge amount of effort.  I
understand that in the original ideas of struts, javascript was 'optional',
in real web sites that is just not the case.  Try turning off javascript 
ordering on-line, it will be the rare site which functions cleanly with 
MAJOR sites becoming non-functional.
4) I am still wondering why struts became the standardized html nazis.  
makes absolutely NO sense.

A replacement philosophy for the tags might be:
Any tag that has a clean interaction with a struts object or bean should be
considered for tag libs assuming either very general usage or real benefit
in specialized situations.
 -Original Message-
 From: Marcus Breese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 9:24 AM
 To: Struts Developers List
 Subject: Re: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for

 I actually agree with everything that you've said.  I just have one
 issue.  The struts tag libs are still heavily used, and haven't been
 deprecated.  If they aren't part of the core struts package, then they
 should be deprecated and moved to a different project.

 On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 15:21:25 -0700 (PDT), David Graham
  Well said Niall.  IMO, tags with any of the following
 properties don't
  belong in Struts:
  1.  They don't interact with core Struts resources/framework.
  2.  They use javascript that may not work in all browsers.
  3.  They generate non-standard HTML.
  4.  They duplicate functionality already available in the JSTL.
  Many times Jakarta Taglibs is a more suitable home for these tags.
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RE: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for submitting

2004-06-23 Thread Michael Rasmussen

From: Edgar P Dollin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for 
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:12:28 -0400

So you would have to view be disconnected, and therefore when changes occur
in the business objects have only testing and a human mind connect the two
Absolutely.  If I am not understanding your question let me know...but  I 
think that you should be able to use any presentation technology(that relies 
on standard java beans) with any controller that can manipulate those beans 
given specific url requests, and any model technology that can serve up 
standard pojo beans.  I don't think that coupling those pieces is good MVC 
design practice.  I also think that the more you can seperate your model and 
view the better.  You are bound to have some coupling with the controller 
and the model, but that is the point of a controller, to decouple the model 
and the view.  Making each capable of plug and play.  If I switch from 
hibernate to EJB as my model it should be transparent to the view.  Struts 
does this VERY well.  however if I switch from HTML to WML, Swing, XAML, 
Velocity or anything else there are issues.  Those issues are complicated by 
the struts tags.  The tags are great for what they are used for...but I am 
not sure they should carry the struts brand name (can't think of a better 
way to put this).

?   Considering the poor shape of open source view level testing tools
this argument seems to be resting on shaky grounds.
-Original Message-
From: Nathan Bubna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 11:49 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for
Michael Rasmussen said:
 I think I would go the other way with this.  In my perfect struts 
 there would be no struts tags at all.

 Struts would have no clue as to what
 you were using as the presentation layer. (JSP, Swing, WML)
or Velocity :)
 Put them in jakarta-taglibs and leave struts as a controller.
 Just my .02
or just make the struts taglibs an optional package developed as a struts
Nathan Bubna
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RE: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for submitting

2004-06-23 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I'm not trying to beat your point into submission or anything just voicing 
my opinion.  I wasn't looking for an apology.  I think you have a perfectly 
valid view...its just not my view.

I only bring it up because as a long time user of struts I want to see the 
platform move in the right direction and the only way I see to do that is to 
offer up my views of what I will find useful in 2-3 years.  Since I am not a 
committer I can only voice my opinions with patches and with participation 
on the dev list (Which is how it should work IMHO).

Just hoping ot help out and make my opinions heard, right or wrong.

From: Edgar P Dollin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for 
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:47:52 -0400

I understand your point, although I don't know why you think it is
important.  I guess I just disagree.
Sorry to have made the posting.
-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: RE: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for

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Re: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for submitt ing

2004-06-23 Thread Michael Rasmussen

From: Nathan Bubna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: PATCH: html:cancel tag. Made a javascript version for 
submitt	ing
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 13:23:14 -0700

Edgar P Dollin said:
 As to your prior point, I will explain why a goal of being able to swap 
 view and controller is of a lower priority to me than having an 
 set of tags with the controller.

i could be totally off on this, but as i read your posts, i keep getting 
impression that you think putting the struts tags into a separate project 
the core would mean de-integrating the tags from the controller.

just to clarify, i believe Michael, myself, or others of similar viewpoint 
merely suggesting that the struts tags be developed in a separate project, 
that they be able to work with a different controller or avoid dependency 
the struts core or any other such idea.  for the struts tags to remain the
struts tags, they would necessarily be *very* dependent upon the struts
core/controller.   this would hardly be a maintenance or user-support
headache.  in fact, it would *greatly* ease maintenance and development
because releases of the core would not be held up by tag issues and vice
versa.  it would also free users of other view technologies like
VelocityStruts (which, like the struts tags is *very* integrated and 
upon the struts core/controller) from needing to lug around all these tags 
the struts.jar that they never use.

I think that the only thing you are missing here (Edgar I am putting words 
in your mouth here, sorry) is that it is presumably a pain for the 
administrator of the struts installation to keep up with the struts.jar, and 
the struts-forked-tags.jar.  I understand this concern, but I am not sure 
that this is that big a deal if you are already on getting 
tomcat, apache, struts already..

I pretty much agree with Nathan here.  There is also no real reason why the 
struts-forked-taglib project couldn't just bundle itself in a 
redistributable version of struts for all those concerned administrators.  
ASF allows this right?

honestly, your objections to putting the struts tags into a separate
project/distribution completely baffles me.  the struts committers have 
discussing this for quite some time and i've never heard ill feelings about
the suggestion from them.

Nathan Bubna
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Re: Struts 1.2.1 release?

2004-06-22 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Will 1.1.3 validator have ValidatorUtil as a depricated class or will it 
only have util.ValidatorUtils like the 1.2.0-dev?  I ask as it relates to 
struts-faces building on both the new and the old validator and keeping it 
up to date with struts.  I looked briefly for the docs for 1.1.3 but was 
unable to find them without getting them from CVS.


From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Struts 1.2.1 release?
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 22:35:40 -0400
We've been waiting on a Validator 1.1.3 release, which I may finally be 
able to roll tomorrow night.

On Thu, 17 Jun 2004 11:39:00 -0700, Abhishek Khandelwal wrote:
 So finally whats going on with Struts 1.2.1 Release? Is it going to
 be released soon or is still pending on some dependencies?

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Struts-faces examples work for me

2004-06-17 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I removed all the s:base tags from the example app.  It works.  I even get 
the stylesheets to display correctly.  Man that is one ugly stylesheet.  
Anyway, this seems to have solved the immediate problem.  however, there is 
the bigger problem of the s:base tag not working.  Anyone know the solution? 
 Essentially the url is left off for the base tag.

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RE: Struts-faces examples work for me

2004-06-17 Thread Michael Rasmussen
If this is a dupe email I am sorry.  But the other one never showed up and 
its not in my sent items.

I can confirm that this is the case with the duplicate component id's.  I am 
wodering if there is a problem with struts-faces trying to add components to 
an appliction lifecycle rather than a page lifecycle.  Sorry if this 
makes no sense, I am still trying to wrap my head around the innards of jsf. 
 Anyway that is my take on what is going on.  The other possibility is that 
with all of the C:when jstl tags on the registration page there is some 
messed up logic causing the problem.  This problem only occurs if you have 
used the edit info link after the register link on the home page.  (It does 
not occur on the first visit to the page for a session)


From: James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Struts-faces examples work for me
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 13:02:21 -0400
I believe the duplicate component-id is still occurring even without the
s:base tags in the JSPs.
-Original Message-
From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:57 AM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: Struts-faces examples work for me
what's up with your duplicated component-id?
mine are still there, since i didn't touch the samples... ;-)
 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 6:54 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: Struts-faces examples work for me

 Yep, you are experiencing exactly what I experienced
 yesterday.  Basically the problem with the base tag (from
 what I can tell) is that it is rendering an invalid value.
 I'm not sure where it gets its value from.  If you look at
 the code in the BaseRenderer class it should only be
 outputting the href attribute if one was specified on the
 s:base tag.  However, it appears that the href attribute
 is getting outputted regardless.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:34 AM
 Subject: Struts-faces examples work for me

 I removed all the s:base tags from the example app.  It
 works.  I even get

 the stylesheets to display correctly.  Man that is one ugly
 Anyway, this seems to have solved the immediate problem.
 however, there is
 the bigger problem of the s:base tag not working.  Anyone
 know the solution?

   Essentially the url is left off for the base tag.

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RE: Nightlies grew by 2x in size on the 10th

2004-06-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen
 I htought struts-faces was only available seperately.  Guess not

From: James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Nightlies grew by 2x in size on the 10th
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 11:59:17 -0400
This is because Struts-Faces is now building again.  At least that's what
James Mitchell tells me.
-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:33 AM
Subject: Nightlies grew by 2x in size on the 10th
Does anyone know why the /builds/jakarta-struts/nightly/src on the cvs site
grew from 5.4M to 13M on June 10th?  Was something added that night to the
struts distribution?
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FW: James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

2004-06-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen

Well...I am not really sure.  I am actually experiencing two different
problems depending on the version of faces I use.  The first is that I get
an exception using the base tag in 0.5.  The second is that the tag is
rendered incorrectly in that it creates; instead of
http://host:8080/;.  Reading thru the email that Lesaint sent it
seems like a similar problem.  I too get a jasper exception.  I haven't been
able to find the real source of the problem as I think it is hiden by some
problems like those I described with resolving names.


James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
I don't understand the problem.  Maybe I am being myopic. Is the problem
that the base tag is generating the full path to the page and not the base
url (e.g.,; instead of;)?


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:16 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and

  Here is the thread I was talking about.
-Original Message-
From: Lesaint Sébastien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:50 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

As I described, my problem was related to Mozilla and the way it handled the
html base tag.
To solve the problem: 
 - I assume that none of the my website viewers will use mozilla (kind of
stupid, imo)
 - I remove the html base tag from my pages
 - I modify the baseTag class so that the displayed URI in the page does not
contain the file name (therefore Mozilla will be unable to request a page
that should not and cause errors)
 - I notify the Mozilla developer community of this problem and ask them
their opinion

For the time being, I'm using the second solution. But, as I think the html
base tag is quite useful to the browser to resolve relative links, I don't
think it is good long-term solution.

What's your opinion about this?


PS.: what's the meaning of w/o (in [...] who would use JSF (much less
struts-faces) w/o real design tools? for example)?

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 15:25
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

We were hearing about problems with struts-faces users and the html:base 
tag.  thought it was a faces problem.  This may chnage that thought.

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:27:50 +0200


I'm using Struts and Tiles. Never heard of struts-faces, so...

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 14:32
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

Are you using struts-faces or just struts?

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
 Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:32:05 +0200
 Hello guys,
 I don't know if this is really a bug, at least it is an issue that I 
 you should be aware of (if not already).
 When developing a webApp, I came into a very weird struts logging 
 After investigation, it appeared that my problem was related to a
 behaviour of Mozilla against other browsers (IE and Opera, as far as I
 tested). I don't know if this is a Mozilla issue or a html:base struts
 I enclosed a piece of the discussion that occurred on the struts-user
 mailing list. The first part describes mozilla's behaviour, then it
 describes my code.
 Let me know if this is of any help.
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Lesaint Sébastien
 Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 20:45
 À : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : [SOLVED]RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts,
 occurs o nly with Mozilla
 Hello all,
 I finally found out where this problem came from when I check the access
 of the server.
 As you could see in the code snippets, I use the html:base tag in the
 header of the jsp file I use as the view component (pageModelTest.jsp).
 The resulting HTML tag is;.
 What Mozilla does and other browser don't is requesting the page;, IE for
 only request;.
 I don't know exactly why browsers send a request to URI defined in the 
 tag, but the result is that the server processes the page in the case of
 Mozilla, causing errors in the tiles tags.
 Tiles tags in the defaultPageModel.jsp page are all using the name
 attribute, therefore awaiting a value

James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

2004-06-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen

I don't know either. Tried to figure that out a couple days ago.  I was
confused too.  I think it has something to do with using the right base if
you do a redirect or forward.


James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
One more thing...

I'm trying to understand the use case for the base tag in the first place.
Browsers automatically use the URL of the page as the base URL.

On second thought I think I know why it is needed, but feel free to explain
if you have a sec.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:16 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and

  Here is the thread I was talking about.
-Original Message-
From: Lesaint Sébastien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:50 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

As I described, my problem was related to Mozilla and the way it handled the
html base tag.
To solve the problem: 
 - I assume that none of the my website viewers will use mozilla (kind of
stupid, imo)
 - I remove the html base tag from my pages
 - I modify the baseTag class so that the displayed URI in the page does not
contain the file name (therefore Mozilla will be unable to request a page
that should not and cause errors)
 - I notify the Mozilla developer community of this problem and ask them
their opinion

For the time being, I'm using the second solution. But, as I think the html
base tag is quite useful to the browser to resolve relative links, I don't
think it is good long-term solution.

What's your opinion about this?


PS.: what's the meaning of w/o (in [...] who would use JSF (much less
struts-faces) w/o real design tools? for example)?

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 15:25
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

We were hearing about problems with struts-faces users and the html:base 
tag.  thought it was a faces problem.  This may chnage that thought.

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:27:50 +0200


I'm using Struts and Tiles. Never heard of struts-faces, so...

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 14:32
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

Are you using struts-faces or just struts?

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
 Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:32:05 +0200
 Hello guys,
 I don't know if this is really a bug, at least it is an issue that I 
 you should be aware of (if not already).
 When developing a webApp, I came into a very weird struts logging 
 After investigation, it appeared that my problem was related to a
 behaviour of Mozilla against other browsers (IE and Opera, as far as I
 tested). I don't know if this is a Mozilla issue or a html:base struts
 I enclosed a piece of the discussion that occurred on the struts-user
 mailing list. The first part describes mozilla's behaviour, then it
 describes my code.
 Let me know if this is of any help.
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Lesaint Sébastien
 Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 20:45
 À : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : [SOLVED]RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts,
 occurs o nly with Mozilla
 Hello all,
 I finally found out where this problem came from when I check the access
 of the server.
 As you could see in the code snippets, I use the html:base tag in the
 header of the jsp file I use as the view component (pageModelTest.jsp).
 The resulting HTML tag is;.
 What Mozilla does and other browser don't is requesting the page;, IE for
 only request;.
 I don't know exactly why browsers send a request to URI defined in the 
 tag, but the result is that the server processes the page in the case of
 Mozilla, causing errors in the tiles tags.
 Tiles tags in the defaultPageModel.jsp page are all using the name
 attribute, therefore awaiting a value to do the include. Because of the
 direct request on the defaultPageModel.jsp page, there isn't even a
 component context, causing uncaught exceptions (null pointer exceptions
 because of the missing context or org.apache.jasper.JasperException: 
 - tag.getAsString : component context is not defined).
 So, I'm

Re: James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

2004-06-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Well...I am not really sure.  I am actually experiencing two different
problems depending on the version of faces I use.  The first is that I get
an exception using the base tag in 0.5.  The second is that the tag is
rendered incorrectly in that it creates; instead of
http://host:8080/;.  Reading thru the email that Lesaint sent it
seems like a similar problem.  I too get a jasper exception.  I haven't been
able to find the real source of the problem as I think it is hiden by some
problems like those I described with resolving names.


James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
I don't understand the problem.  Maybe I am being myopic. Is the problem
that the base tag is generating the full path to the page and not the base
url (e.g.,; instead of;)?


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:16 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and

  Here is the thread I was talking about.
-Original Message-
From: Lesaint Sébastien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:50 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

As I described, my problem was related to Mozilla and the way it handled the
html base tag.
To solve the problem: 
 - I assume that none of the my website viewers will use mozilla (kind of
stupid, imo)
 - I remove the html base tag from my pages
 - I modify the baseTag class so that the displayed URI in the page does not
contain the file name (therefore Mozilla will be unable to request a page
that should not and cause errors)
 - I notify the Mozilla developer community of this problem and ask them
their opinion

For the time being, I'm using the second solution. But, as I think the html
base tag is quite useful to the browser to resolve relative links, I don't
think it is good long-term solution.

What's your opinion about this?


PS.: what's the meaning of w/o (in [...] who would use JSF (much less
struts-faces) w/o real design tools? for example)?

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 15:25
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

We were hearing about problems with struts-faces users and the html:base 
tag.  thought it was a faces problem.  This may chnage that thought.

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:27:50 +0200


I'm using Struts and Tiles. Never heard of struts-faces, so...

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 14:32
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

Are you using struts-faces or just struts?

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
 Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:32:05 +0200
 Hello guys,
 I don't know if this is really a bug, at least it is an issue that I 
 you should be aware of (if not already).
 When developing a webApp, I came into a very weird struts logging 
 After investigation, it appeared that my problem was related to a
 behaviour of Mozilla against other browsers (IE and Opera, as far as I
 tested). I don't know if this is a Mozilla issue or a html:base struts
 I enclosed a piece of the discussion that occurred on the struts-user
 mailing list. The first part describes mozilla's behaviour, then it
 describes my code.
 Let me know if this is of any help.
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Lesaint Sébastien
 Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 20:45
 À : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : [SOLVED]RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts,
 occurs o nly with Mozilla
 Hello all,
 I finally found out where this problem came from when I check the access
 of the server.
 As you could see in the code snippets, I use the html:base tag in the
 header of the jsp file I use as the view component (pageModelTest.jsp).
 The resulting HTML tag is;.
 What Mozilla does and other browser don't is requesting the page;, IE for
 only request;.
 I don't know exactly why browsers send a request to URI defined in the 
 tag, but the result is that the server processes the page in the case of
 Mozilla, causing errors in the tiles tags.
 Tiles tags in the defaultPageModel.jsp page are all using the name
 attribute, therefore awaiting a value

Re: James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

2004-06-16 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I don't know wither. Tried to figure that out a couple days ago.  I was
confused too.  I think it has something to do with using the right base if
you do a redirect or forward.


James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
One more thing...

I'm trying to understand the use case for the base tag in the first place.
Browsers automatically use the URL of the page as the base URL.

On second thought I think I know why it is needed, but feel free to explain
if you have a sec.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:16 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: James Holmes:is this related? RE: [bug?] html:base tag and

  Here is the thread I was talking about.
-Original Message-
From: Lesaint Sébastien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:50 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

As I described, my problem was related to Mozilla and the way it handled the
html base tag.
To solve the problem: 
 - I assume that none of the my website viewers will use mozilla (kind of
stupid, imo)
 - I remove the html base tag from my pages
 - I modify the baseTag class so that the displayed URI in the page does not
contain the file name (therefore Mozilla will be unable to request a page
that should not and cause errors)
 - I notify the Mozilla developer community of this problem and ask them
their opinion

For the time being, I'm using the second solution. But, as I think the html
base tag is quite useful to the browser to resolve relative links, I don't
think it is good long-term solution.

What's your opinion about this?


PS.: what's the meaning of w/o (in [...] who would use JSF (much less
struts-faces) w/o real design tools? for example)?

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 15:25
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

We were hearing about problems with struts-faces users and the html:base 
tag.  thought it was a faces problem.  This may chnage that thought.

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:27:50 +0200


I'm using Struts and Tiles. Never heard of struts-faces, so...

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 14:32
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

Are you using struts-faces or just struts?

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
 Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:32:05 +0200
 Hello guys,
 I don't know if this is really a bug, at least it is an issue that I 
 you should be aware of (if not already).
 When developing a webApp, I came into a very weird struts logging 
 After investigation, it appeared that my problem was related to a
 behaviour of Mozilla against other browsers (IE and Opera, as far as I
 tested). I don't know if this is a Mozilla issue or a html:base struts
 I enclosed a piece of the discussion that occurred on the struts-user
 mailing list. The first part describes mozilla's behaviour, then it
 describes my code.
 Let me know if this is of any help.
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Lesaint Sébastien
 Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 20:45
 À : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : [SOLVED]RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts,
 occurs o nly with Mozilla
 Hello all,
 I finally found out where this problem came from when I check the access
 of the server.
 As you could see in the code snippets, I use the html:base tag in the
 header of the jsp file I use as the view component (pageModelTest.jsp).
 The resulting HTML tag is;.
 What Mozilla does and other browser don't is requesting the page;, IE for
 only request;.
 I don't know exactly why browsers send a request to URI defined in the 
 tag, but the result is that the server processes the page in the case of
 Mozilla, causing errors in the tiles tags.
 Tiles tags in the defaultPageModel.jsp page are all using the name
 attribute, therefore awaiting a value to do the include. Because of the
 direct request on the defaultPageModel.jsp page, there isn't even a
 component context, causing uncaught exceptions (null pointer exceptions
 because of the missing context or org.apache.jasper.JasperException: 
 - tag.getAsString : component context is not defined).
 So, I'm

RE: struts-faces nightlies

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Actually the error I was seeing turned out to be You are stupid flashing 
on the screen.  I was missing a jar file.

I made some changes to the code on my box and got some interesting results.
First I changed the code to reference BaseRenderer instead of 
this code

   public String getRendererType() {
   return (org.apache.struts.faces.Base);
Seemed logical.  This fixed the initial error, but caused some exceptions in 
the jsf-impl code I think.  in UIComponent.  This seemed to stem from its 
attempts to call a method in BaseRenderer that maybe didn't exist.  I didn't 
really ahve time to investigate.  The code I worked on is on my box at home, 
so I can't send you a patch...but if you want ot work on it I would suggest 
ensuring that all of the getRenderType methods in the 
org.apache.struts.faces.taglib classes point to the correct renderer type.  
I imagine this is the source of many of the problems.
Of note...
I also get this error messgae with several pages in struts-faces 0.4 (with 
many of the actions)

WARNING: Unable to determine FaceServlet mapping for servlet path 

I thought that the FacesRequestProcessor was supposed to route all 
navigation requests back to struts?

From: James Holmes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: struts-faces nightlies
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 10:01:23 -0400
What error are you seeing?
I was away for the weekend, but am ready now to pickup with this stuff and
get any issues ironed out.
-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 6:33 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: struts-faces nightlies
Is anyone else having trouble with the struts-faces nightly.  I get an
exception on almost every page that relates to line 120 of
org.apache.struts.faces.application.FacesRequestProcessor where there is a
fixme  I don't understand what is supposed to happen here...but the error
has rendered struts-faces useless (at least for me).
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RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Are you using struts-faces or just struts?
From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:32:05 +0200
Hello guys,
I don't know if this is really a bug, at least it is an issue that I think
you should be aware of (if not already).
When developing a webApp, I came into a very weird struts logging problem.
After investigation, it appeared that my problem was related to a 
behaviour of Mozilla against other browsers (IE and Opera, as far as I
tested). I don't know if this is a Mozilla issue or a html:base struts 

I enclosed a piece of the discussion that occurred on the struts-user
mailing list. The first part describes mozilla's behaviour, then it
describes my code.
Let me know if this is of any help.
-Message d'origine-
De : Lesaint Sébastien
Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 20:45
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : [SOLVED]RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts,
occurs o nly with Mozilla
Hello all,
I finally found out where this problem came from when I check the access 
of the server.

As you could see in the code snippets, I use the html:base tag in the
header of the jsp file I use as the view component (pageModelTest.jsp).
The resulting HTML tag is;.
What Mozilla does and other browser don't is requesting the page;, IE for 
only request;.

I don't know exactly why browsers send a request to URI defined in the base
tag, but the result is that the server processes the page in the case of
Mozilla, causing errors in the tiles tags.
Tiles tags in the defaultPageModel.jsp page are all using the name
attribute, therefore awaiting a value to do the include. Because of the
direct request on the defaultPageModel.jsp page, there isn't even a
component context, causing uncaught exceptions (null pointer exceptions
because of the missing context or org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Error
- tag.getAsString : component context is not defined).
So, I'm quite happy I found where the problem came from, but I still need 
solve it.

My questions are then the followings:
 - In general, is the HTML base tag really useful ? Required for the
html:link and html:url tags maybe ?
 - If the html:base tag is necessary, how can I force Struts to write; instead of;, solving my
mozilla problem ?
Hope this message can help some people and that I could get some answer
about the base tag.
-Message d'origine-
De : Lesaint Sébastien
Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 18:06
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts, occurs o
nly with Mozilla
Thanks for your answer, but it doesn't make sense. I tried it though, it
doesn't work :)
I can't call anymore if I use it.
-Message d'origine-
De : Johannes Wolfgang Woger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 17:04
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : Re: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts, occurs o
nly with Mozilla

Lesaint Sébastien wrote:

A little more information.

My investigation lead me to the conclusion that this error is somehow
related to Tiles includes.

When requesting the page with mozilla, I noticed there is a delay between
the time the text is visible and the time the browser stop loading and 
error is logged on the server. It might not be relevant though...

I reproduced the bug with the minimum code.

I'm using a Struts action forwarding to a Tiles def, my struts-config has
the following code :
action forward=tilesDef.pageModel.test path=/login /

action forward=/login path=tilesDef.pageModel.test/


The Tiles def is as follow in the Tiles-def.xml file :
definition name=tilesDef.pageModel.test
	put name=pageFooter value=/footer.jsp /

The pageModelTest.jsp page :
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-tiles.tld prefix=tiles %

 html:base /
body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 bgcolor=#FF

table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
 	tdtiles:insert attribute=pageFooter flush=true //td
	td width=1img src= width=1 height=1/td


Note : the bug does not appear when pageModelTest.jsp does not contain 
tiles:insert tag.

The footer.jsp page :
centeriCopyright my company/i/center

Note : the bug does not appear when I directly request footer.jsp.

RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Rasmussen
We were hearing about problems with struts-faces users and the html:base 
tag.  thought it was a faces problem.  This may chnage that thought.

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:27:50 +0200
I'm using Struts and Tiles. Never heard of struts-faces, so...
-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 14:32
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Are you using struts-faces or just struts?
From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:32:05 +0200

Hello guys,

I don't know if this is really a bug, at least it is an issue that I 
you should be aware of (if not already).

When developing a webApp, I came into a very weird struts logging 
After investigation, it appeared that my problem was related to a
behaviour of Mozilla against other browsers (IE and Opera, as far as I
tested). I don't know if this is a Mozilla issue or a html:base struts

I enclosed a piece of the discussion that occurred on the struts-user
mailing list. The first part describes mozilla's behaviour, then it
describes my code.

Let me know if this is of any help.


-Message d'origine-
De : Lesaint Sébastien
Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 20:45
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : [SOLVED]RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts,
occurs o nly with Mozilla

Hello all,

I finally found out where this problem came from when I check the access
of the server.

As you could see in the code snippets, I use the html:base tag in the
header of the jsp file I use as the view component (pageModelTest.jsp).
The resulting HTML tag is;.
What Mozilla does and other browser don't is requesting the page;, IE for
only request;.

I don't know exactly why browsers send a request to URI defined in the 
tag, but the result is that the server processes the page in the case of
Mozilla, causing errors in the tiles tags.
Tiles tags in the defaultPageModel.jsp page are all using the name
attribute, therefore awaiting a value to do the include. Because of the
direct request on the defaultPageModel.jsp page, there isn't even a
component context, causing uncaught exceptions (null pointer exceptions
because of the missing context or org.apache.jasper.JasperException: 
- tag.getAsString : component context is not defined).

So, I'm quite happy I found where the problem came from, but I still need
solve it.

My questions are then the followings:
  - In general, is the HTML base tag really useful ? Required for the
html:link and html:url tags maybe ?
  - If the html:base tag is necessary, how can I force Struts to write; instead of;, solving my
mozilla problem ?

Hope this message can help some people and that I could get some answer
about the base tag.


-Message d'origine-
De : Lesaint Sébastien
Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 18:06
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts, occurs o
nly with Mozilla

Thanks for your answer, but it doesn't make sense. I tried it though, it
doesn't work :)
I can't call anymore if I use it.

-Message d'origine-
De : Johannes Wolfgang Woger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 17:04
À : Struts Users Mailing List
Objet : Re: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts, occurs o
nly with Mozilla

Lesaint Sébastien wrote:

 A little more information.
 My investigation lead me to the conclusion that this error is somehow
 related to Tiles includes.
 When requesting the page with mozilla, I noticed there is a delay 
 the time the text is visible and the time the browser stop loading and
 error is logged on the server. It might not be relevant though...
 I reproduced the bug with the minimum code.
 I'm using a Struts action forwarding to a Tiles def, my struts-config 
 the following code :
 action forward=tilesDef.pageModel.test path=/login /
action forward=/login path=tilesDef.pageModel.test/


 The Tiles def is as follow in the Tiles-def.xml file :
 definition name=tilesDef.pageModel.test
 	put name=pageFooter value=/footer.jsp /

RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Rasmussen
From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:49:52 +0200

PS.: what's the meaning of w/o (in [...] who would use JSF (much less
struts-faces) w/o real design tools? for example)?
It means w(ith)o(ut)
-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 15:25
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
We were hearing about problems with struts-faces users and the html:base
tag.  thought it was a faces problem.  This may chnage that thought.
From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 15:27:50 +0200


I'm using Struts and Tiles. Never heard of struts-faces, so...

-Message d'origine-
De : Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juin 2004 14:32
Objet : RE: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla

Are you using struts-faces or just struts?

From: Lesaint Sébastien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [bug?] html:base tag and mozilla
 Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 10:32:05 +0200
 Hello guys,
 I don't know if this is really a bug, at least it is an issue that I
 you should be aware of (if not already).
 When developing a webApp, I came into a very weird struts logging
 After investigation, it appeared that my problem was related to a
 behaviour of Mozilla against other browsers (IE and Opera, as far as I
 tested). I don't know if this is a Mozilla issue or a html:base 
 I enclosed a piece of the discussion that occurred on the struts-user
 mailing list. The first part describes mozilla's behaviour, then it
 describes my code.
 Let me know if this is of any help.
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Lesaint Sébastien
 Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 20:45
 À : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : [SOLVED]RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or 
 occurs o nly with Mozilla
 Hello all,
 I finally found out where this problem came from when I check the 
 of the server.
 As you could see in the code snippets, I use the html:base tag in the
 header of the jsp file I use as the view component (pageModelTest.jsp).
 The resulting HTML tag is;.
 What Mozilla does and other browser don't is requesting the page;, IE for
 only request;.
 I don't know exactly why browsers send a request to URI defined in the
 tag, but the result is that the server processes the page in the case 
 Mozilla, causing errors in the tiles tags.
 Tiles tags in the defaultPageModel.jsp page are all using the name
 attribute, therefore awaiting a value to do the include. Because of the
 direct request on the defaultPageModel.jsp page, there isn't even a
 component context, causing uncaught exceptions (null pointer exceptions
 because of the missing context or org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
 - tag.getAsString : component context is not defined).
 So, I'm quite happy I found where the problem came from, but I still 
 solve it.
 My questions are then the followings:
   - In general, is the HTML base tag really useful ? Required for the
 html:link and html:url tags maybe ?
   - If the html:base tag is necessary, how can I force Struts to 
write; instead of;, solving 
 mozilla problem ?
 Hope this message can help some people and that I could get some answer
 about the base tag.
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Lesaint Sébastien
 Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 18:06
 À : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : RE: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts, occurs 
 nly with Mozilla
 Thanks for your answer, but it doesn't make sense. I tried it though, 
 doesn't work :)
 I can't call anymore if I use 
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Johannes Wolfgang Woger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : lundi 7 juin 2004 17:04
 À : Struts Users Mailing List
 Objet : Re: odd errors certainly related to Tiles and/or Struts, occurs 
 nly with Mozilla
 Lesaint Sébastien wrote:
  A little more information.
  My investigation lead me to the conclusion that this error is somehow
  related to Tiles includes.
  When requesting the page with mozilla, I noticed there is a delay
  the time the text is visible and the time the browser stop loading

Re: nightlies empty - what time do they run??

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Rasmussen
It was mentioned earlier that the nightlies run on Craig's home box.  Which 
seems strange.  If that is the case how are they part of a larger batch job?

From: Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: nightlies empty - what time do they run??
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:08:02 -0400
They used to run between 4a and 5a PST. It's a batch job with the other 
nightlies, and the precise time varied

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 07:37:13 -0400, James Holmes wrote:
 I checked the nightly builds directory this morning and there is no
 struts nightly and no struts-faces nightly from last night.  This
 was the case yesterday too and then suddenly they appeared in the
 morning.  Does anyone know what time they are generated?


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Struts-faces works on jsf 1.1

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Good news for anyone who cares.  I tested struts faces against jsf 1.1.  It
seems to build just fine.  Not suggesting it should depend on 1.1 just
noting that it builds.


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struts-faces nightlies

2004-06-10 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Is anyone else having trouble with the struts-faces nightly.  I get an
exception on almost every page that relates to line 120 of
org.apache.struts.faces.application.FacesRequestProcessor where there is a
fixme  I don't understand what is supposed to happen here...but the error
has rendered struts-faces useless (at least for me).

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Fixing Deprication Errors (Formerly RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty)

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Rasmussen

Created a new issue and attached the patch!  The patches are in one file.
Let me know if I should change this.


-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 4:25 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

Cool, send them on and I will get them applied.



-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 3:21 PM
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

I have some patches tha I can send later tonight that will correct the 
deprication warnings.  They are all Struts deprication warnings

Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668]  - struts-faces nightlies are empty
Date: 8 Jun 2004 20:16:28 -


struts-faces nightlies are empty

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-06-08 20:16 
As far as I know, the patch in 22207 has not been applied and Struts-Faces
compiles for me.  There are deprecation warnings though.

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RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Rasmussen
What did you just patch then?  1.1 or 1.2?  Will 1.2 now use the
(formBeanConfig, ModuleConfig) or (formBeanConfig)?

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:52 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

James Holmes wrote...

 Yes, we will need to check this in the morning because I'm not convinced
 that closing 22207 will fix the nightly struts-faces issue.  I say this
 because I was able to get struts-faces to build fine today without the
 fixed being applied.

 We'll see...

But were you building it against Struts 1.1, because I understand (from what
Craig said) the struts-faces is being built against Struts 1.1 which is were
the compatibility issue lies - building against the current struts source is
fine. Problem is I don't know where to look to verify that - I guess you
would need to look locally at the build script on the machine that builds
the nightlies, wherever that is?

Anyway I agree I didn't want to get ahead of myself and change it to
resolved until its proved to work.

 Thanks for taking care of 22207 and welcome!

Thanks :-)


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:33 PM
 Subject: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty


 struts-faces nightlies are empty

 --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2004-06-09 00:33 ---
 The problem was it wouldn't compile against Struts 1.1

 I've applied the patch for Bug 22207, I'll leave the status as it is until
 next nightly has been generated.

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RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Rasmussen
  I had an email conversation with Joe Germuska and he was of the opinion
that there is no need to make faces compile to 1.1.  It should always target
the latest build of struts.  The reasoning was that it is not widely used
and is not a production ready piece why hinder it with
dependencies on old code?


-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:17 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

He patched the 1.2 code, but that's where struts-faces is built from since
struts-faces came after the 1.1 release if I recall.

Everything should work ok.  I am double checking now...


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:59 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

What did you just patch then?  1.1 or 1.2?  Will 1.2 now use the
(formBeanConfig, ModuleConfig) or (formBeanConfig)?

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:52 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

James Holmes wrote...

 Yes, we will need to check this in the morning because I'm not convinced
 that closing 22207 will fix the nightly struts-faces issue.  I say this
 because I was able to get struts-faces to build fine today without the
 fixed being applied.

 We'll see...

But were you building it against Struts 1.1, because I understand (from what
Craig said) the struts-faces is being built against Struts 1.1 which is were
the compatibility issue lies - building against the current struts source is
fine. Problem is I don't know where to look to verify that - I guess you
would need to look locally at the build script on the machine that builds
the nightlies, wherever that is?

Anyway I agree I didn't want to get ahead of myself and change it to
resolved until its proved to work.

 Thanks for taking care of 22207 and welcome!

Thanks :-)


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:33 PM
 Subject: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty


 struts-faces nightlies are empty

 --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2004-06-09 00:33 ---
 The problem was it wouldn't compile against Struts 1.1

 I've applied the patch for Bug 22207, I'll leave the status as it is until
 next nightly has been generated.

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RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 29448] - Struts-faces dependent on struts 1.1

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Rasmussen
So what does that mean for using struts-faces?  

If struts requires 2.2 and struts-faces needs 2.3?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:13 PM
Subject: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 29448] - Struts-faces dependent on struts 1.1


Struts-faces dependent on struts 1.1

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2004-06-09 02:12
That's correct.  JSF requires Servlet 2.3 or later.

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RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Rasmussen

I just read through the Roadmap for Struts.  There is mention of support for
faces in 2.x but not before.  Because of that it seems to me that you would
always want faces to compile against the latest struts as bringing it up to
date could prove hard if the codebase is already outdated and heavily
dependant on deprecated and even removed api's.


-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:06 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty
I'm glad you brought that up.  I just went back through the struts-dev
messages and saw that thread from last week.

I disagree with the assertion that struts-faces shouldn't have to compile
against 1.1.  Most companies are using 1.1 and will need to have a version
that compiles/works against it.  If we decide we want to have it compile
against the CVS head code, then we need to create a branch or something.

I am going to revert the changes I made to bug 29219 until we come up with a
game plan for how to handle this.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:56 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

  I had an email conversation with Joe Germuska and he was of the opinion
that there is no need to make faces compile to 1.1.  It should always target
the latest build of struts.  The reasoning was that it is not widely used
and is not a production ready piece why hinder it with
dependencies on old code?


-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:17 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

He patched the 1.2 code, but that's where struts-faces is built from since
struts-faces came after the 1.1 release if I recall.

Everything should work ok.  I am double checking now...


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:59 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

What did you just patch then?  1.1 or 1.2?  Will 1.2 now use the
(formBeanConfig, ModuleConfig) or (formBeanConfig)?

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:52 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

James Holmes wrote...

 Yes, we will need to check this in the morning because I'm not convinced
 that closing 22207 will fix the nightly struts-faces issue.  I say this
 because I was able to get struts-faces to build fine today without the
 fixed being applied.

 We'll see...

But were you building it against Struts 1.1, because I understand (from what
Craig said) the struts-faces is being built against Struts 1.1 which is were
the compatibility issue lies - building against the current struts source is
fine. Problem is I don't know where to look to verify that - I guess you
would need to look locally at the build script on the machine that builds
the nightlies, wherever that is?

Anyway I agree I didn't want to get ahead of myself and change it to
resolved until its proved to work.

 Thanks for taking care of 22207 and welcome!

Thanks :-)


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:33 PM
 Subject: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty


 struts-faces nightlies are empty

 --- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2004-06-09 00:33 ---
 The problem was it wouldn't compile against Struts 1.1

 I've applied the patch for Bug 22207, I'll leave the status as it is until
 next nightly has been generated.

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RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Well I think they will only fail if the dependency is on struts 1.1.  If it
moves to the 1.2 jar it will build won't it?

-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:36 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

I don't disagree that struts-faces should stay up to date with the latest
code.  Right now, however, if we do that, the nightly builds for
struts-faces will continue to be broken.  That is a bad thing.  I think we
need to discuss a more formal strategy for what should happen with

Struts-faces comes up a fair amount on the JSF forum site so there is
definite interest in the code. We should make our decisions based on the
fact that people will be using it with Struts 1.1 and it needs to be moving
forward like the rest of the code.  Perhaps a tag/branch is in order.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:27 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty


I just read through the Roadmap for Struts.  There is mention of support for
faces in 2.x but not before.  Because of that it seems to me that you would
always want faces to compile against the latest struts as bringing it up to
date could prove hard if the codebase is already outdated and heavily
dependant on deprecated and even removed api's.


-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:06 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty
I'm glad you brought that up.  I just went back through the struts-dev
messages and saw that thread from last week.

I disagree with the assertion that struts-faces shouldn't have to compile
against 1.1.  Most companies are using 1.1 and will need to have a version
that compiles/works against it.  If we decide we want to have it compile
against the CVS head code, then we need to create a branch or something.

I am going to revert the changes I made to bug 29219 until we come up with a
game plan for how to handle this.


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:56 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

  I had an email conversation with Joe Germuska and he was of the opinion
that there is no need to make faces compile to 1.1.  It should always target
the latest build of struts.  The reasoning was that it is not widely used
and is not a production ready piece why hinder it with
dependencies on old code?


-Original Message-
From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:17 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

He patched the 1.2 code, but that's where struts-faces is built from since
struts-faces came after the 1.1 release if I recall.

Everything should work ok.  I am double checking now...


-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:59 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

What did you just patch then?  1.1 or 1.2?  Will 1.2 now use the
(formBeanConfig, ModuleConfig) or (formBeanConfig)?

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:52 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty

James Holmes wrote...

 Yes, we will need to check this in the morning because I'm not convinced
 that closing 22207 will fix the nightly struts-faces issue.  I say this
 because I was able to get struts-faces to build fine today without the
 fixed being applied.

 We'll see...

But were you building it against Struts 1.1, because I understand (from what
Craig said) the struts-faces is being built against Struts 1.1 which is were
the compatibility issue lies - building against the current struts source is
fine. Problem is I don't know where to look to verify that - I guess you
would need to look locally at the build script on the machine that builds
the nightlies, wherever that is?

Anyway I agree I didn't want to get ahead of myself and change it to
resolved until its proved to work.

 Thanks for taking care of 22207 and welcome!

Thanks :-)


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 7:33 PM
 Subject: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty


RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

2004-06-08 Thread Michael Rasmussen
It appears this is true.  However there is a problem with the validator
dependencies for Struts.  I got confused earlier about the original problem.
Struts 1.1 uses commons-valiodator 1.1.2 and earlier I think(not really
sure)... around about 1.1.3 there was a public API change (see bug #29219). 
This means that you cannot build faces on 1.2 without using 2 versions of
validator (they didn't depricate the old methods).  So you have to choose to
ship with dependence on 2 commons-validators or branch the build.   It isn't
actually FormComponent that is the hold up (I don't think) it is that is stopping the compatability. 

This is the reason James had to rollback my patch.  

Oh by the email is acting strange.  If I just sent an email that
says I was able to compile on 1.1 and 1.2... I lied! :)


-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 11:21 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: struts-faces - which version of Struts

I thought the change I made to FormComponent and DynaActionFormClass means
that the backward compatibility issue should have now gone.


- Original Message - 
From: Michael Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 3:50 AM
Subject: RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

 Fair enough.  What type of branch would you suggest implementing?  The
 place I know of that a change HAS to break the build is in  The others can stay deprecated and still build.  When
 would the deprecated methods in 1.1 be dropped?  2.0? or earlier?

 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:49 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

 Agreed, that will probably fix the nightly build issue, but I don't want
 leave Struts 1.1 users out in the dark.  The reality is that most people
 using Struts are at companies who don't allow them to use nightly builds

 I think we can solve this by tagging/branching.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:38 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

 This is from the faces build file.  Why making changes to faces that
 1.2 will break the build

 property name=struts.home  value=/usr/local/jakarta-struts-1.1/

 I think that changing this will fix all the build problems for faces

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:36 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

 Well I think they will only fail if the dependency is on struts 1.1.  If
 moves to the 1.2 jar it will build won't it?

 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:36 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: struts-faces - which version of Struts

 I don't disagree that struts-faces should stay up to date with the latest
 code.  Right now, however, if we do that, the nightly builds for
 struts-faces will continue to be broken.  That is a bad thing.  I think we
 need to discuss a more formal strategy for what should happen with

 Struts-faces comes up a fair amount on the JSF forum site so there is
 definite interest in the code. We should make our decisions based on the
 fact that people will be using it with Struts 1.1 and it needs to be
 forward like the rest of the code.  Perhaps a tag/branch is in order.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 9:27 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty


 I just read through the Roadmap for Struts.  There is mention of support
 faces in 2.x but not before.  Because of that it seems to me that you
 always want faces to compile against the latest struts as bringing it up
 date could prove hard if the codebase is already outdated and heavily
 dependant on deprecated and even removed api's.


 -Original Message-
 From: James Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:06 PM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 28668] - struts-faces nightlies are empty
 I'm glad you brought that up.  I just went back through the struts-dev
 messages and saw that thread from last week.

 I disagree with the assertion that struts-faces shouldn't have to compile
 against 1.1.  Most companies are using 1.1 and will need to have a version
 that compiles/works against it.  If we decide we want to have it compile
 against the CVS head code, then we need to create a branch or something.

 I am going

RE: Struts Web Services Enablement Project

2004-06-04 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Yeah...but I thought that in a true MVC environment you should only have 1 
controller.  If struts is going ot be the controller then it should ALWAYS 
be the controller.  So why would you re-implement the controller another 

Unless you are saying that struts should only be the beginning of the view 
and not really a controller (which should be implemented via a facade).

In the former case I think it is fine to lock yourself into using the struts 
framework to be your controller.  You have to lock yourself into SOME 
controller, why not struts?  Iv'e always seen the controller in MVC as the 
most rigid of the 3 parts.  I always figured that it was supposed to stay 
static so that a view didn't have to change when there was a big model 

in the latter case...then what is struts for?
Should we be continuing this discussion somewhere else as it is about to 
become about something other than struts?

From: Hookom, Jacob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Struts Web Services Enablement Project
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 12:50:30 -0500
I will join in too on this one...
What it sounds like you've done is put business logic in your actions, when
actions should simple call interactions between business delegates or
business facades. (See Sun's J2EE Patterns).
By mingling business logic in your actions, you've forever committed your
development within the Struts framework-- hence your probable need to now
expose your work via web services.
The action code should be only a few lines if done correctly, simply acting
as an adapter to some business provider.  That would leave the code in your
action to simply pull data from ActionForms, or validate flows.
If you want to do Web Services, have the services talk to your business
providers, the same ones your actions would talk to.
Jacob Hookom
-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: Struts Web Services Enablement Project
Frank forgive me here, but playing Devils Advocate, if you have clean MVC
separation then surely the last thing you want to do is to expose Actions
as Web Services.
It is reasonable to want to expose Business Service Providers such as 
or TopLink beans as Web Services but that's up in the model layer, what's
the point in pushing the access point down into the Controller code?

I guess I see this another way.  Business logic should be just that,
business logic.  Shouldn't a web service just provide another view of your
business logic.  And as another view shouldn't it be relying on your
controller to provide the manipulation of the logic to get to its view?
isn't this exactly the right place to put this kind of thing?
Or do you see here a solution for all those folks who've not followed 
practice and have intermingled Controller functionality with Business

Aren't you just intermingling the view with the model if you expose your
Just playing devils advocate of course. ;-)

Duncan Mills
Senior Principal Product Manager
Oracle Application Development Tools

Frank Zammetti wrote:

Hello devs!  This is my first time posting here, and my first attempt at
contributing to an Apache project.  I hope I'm going about it properly! 

In short, I have a little project going with the stated goal of allowing 

Struts developer to expose any existing business logic, as implemented 
Struts Actions and their subordinate helper classes, as Web Services, 
do this with NO changes required to any existing application code, and 
little change to Struts itself as possible.  Simplicity is the key to

Today I released a second version of this project to the user's mailing
list, and after some feedback I think it's at a point where I'd like to
make you all aware of it, and get some higher-level feedback.  It's
certainly far from complete at this point, but I think even now it's in 
useful form.

My hope is that eventually it will be good enough to be included in the
base Struts distro, but that's obviously a long way off, if ever.

With all that in mind, please at your convenience visit

There you will find some more detailed technical information and a
download which contains everything you need, including a simple sample
webapp demonstrating the whole mess.

I thank you in advance for any time you spend on this!

Frank W. Zammetti

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RE: Struts Web Services Enablement Project

2004-06-04 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I didn't think I had made any worthwhile points!

From: Hookom, Jacob [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Struts Web Services Enablement Project
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 13:33:08 -0500
Yeah, I did :-)
-Original Message-
From: Frank Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: Struts Web Services Enablement Project
My point was directed at the idea of reusing actions written for 
http forms.  Yes, I think Micheal's proposal is a good idea for cases 
you describe.

Did you mean Frank's proposal? :)

As always, I believe it's just a confusion of terminology between 
developers.  In my mind, the controller/actions should be there to 
and act as an adapter for the view.  If that is it's responsibility, then
that same action wouldn't be much good exposed in a stateless web 

Jacob Hookom
Senior Analyst/Programmer
McKesson Medical-Surgical

-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 1:03 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: RE: Struts Web Services Enablement Project

  From: Hookom, Jacob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  If you want to do Web Services, have the services talk to
  your business providers, the same ones your actions would talk to.

In a perfect world, sure. :)  But that means yet another webapp (Axis,
for example,) to learn and keep up with.  Last time I tried to use Axis,
it was not a trivial project.

My webapps happen to be correctly designed with a separate data access
layer and no business logic in the Actions.  And I'm definitely
interested in exposing some Actions via web services.  Maybe they
wouldn't be exactly the same Actions that are serving the browser view.
But this would let me keep everything in one place.  I don't expect it
to be as powerful as what I could do with Axis, but if I can solve some
problems within a webapp that's already up and running, without adding
yet another project to my list, that would be great.

I don't see how wanting to exposing an Action via web services implies
that the Action contains business logic.

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management

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RE: struts-faces target which v of struts

2004-06-02 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I am wondering if the reason that this post has not been answered is because 
nobody really knows the answer.  Is that the case?   is there no roadmap 
for struts faces?  I can't seem to find one anywhere.

From: Michael Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: struts-faces target which v of struts
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 22:33:51 -0400
Currently there are several places in struts-faces where faces relies on
deprecated methods in struts.  Obviously this is not good for the long term
compatibility of struts faces.  Which version of the struts framework is 
next point release of faces supposed to target?  I am wondering because 
is directly related to the patch I submitted yesterday.
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struts-faces target which v of struts

2004-05-27 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Currently there are several places in struts-faces where faces relies on
deprecated methods in struts.  Obviously this is not good for the long term
compatibility of struts faces.  Which version of the struts framework is the
next point release of faces supposed to target?  I am wondering because this
is directly related to the patch I submitted yesterday.


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RE: [PATCH] Updated to commons-validator dev 1.2

2004-05-26 Thread Michael Rasmussen

From: Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PATCH] Updated to 
commons-validator dev 1.2
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 08:59:45 -0500

At 11:09 PM -0500 5/25/04, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
Thanks for the correction.
I want to make sure I am posting this to bugzilla correctly, so here is 
new command:

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4
I will send up the patch tomorrow if this is the correct command to use.
Note: I am using Eclipse to generate my patches.  I am still trying to
figure out how to do this correctly.  I am a little leary of the -r1.4 as
that is not in the Jakarta explanation of submitting patches.  Well let me
know. Michael
P.S. Sorry for the annoying newbie questions.
Questions that yield patch-contributing developers are never annoying!
Thats good to hear
You shouldn't need to specify the version number -- [diff -u 
relative/path/to/File] should have CVS produce the diffs between your local 
copy of [relative/path/to/File] and the last version you checked out.

I guess the problem is that eclipse automatically puts the -r1.4 in there.  
A quick check through bugzilla patches already submitted shows that the -r 
flag is pretty commonplace.  Is it a problem?  I am assuming 1.4 is the last 
version I pulled off the server anyway.

Thanks for going to the trouble.
This is not very much trouble.  I am actually enjoying it.
Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual 
way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of 
-- Jef Raskin

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RE: Compiler Error

2004-05-25 Thread Michael Rasmussen
So this was the right fix to get it to compile with 1.1?  That's good to 
know I guess.  After reading the post from Craig I guess i fall on the side 
of maiking it compatible with 1.2 and leaving 1.1 high and dry.  Seems as 
though if you are considering using struts-faces you will be making code 
changes anyway.
Thanks for the help.

From: Matthias Wessendorf [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Compiler Error
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 07:15:51 +0200
and look here whats in bugzilla:
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:49 AM
 To: 'Struts Developers List'
 Subject: Compiler Error

 I was trying to compile struts-faces and I have now ben
 successful with it. But not without changing code.  Maybe
 this has changed to reflect the new version of struts I don't know.

 I got an error on line 250 of faces.component.formComponent

 fig) in org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionFormClass cannot
 be applied to

 [javac] DynaActionFormClass.createDynaActionFormClass(fbConfig,

 I fixed it by removing the second argument from the function,
 but is this the right thing to do?  Is this supposed to compile?


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Re: Validator Descrepencies in Struts Faces

2004-05-25 Thread Michael Rasmussen
So yes.  I have done this.  I figured all this out last night as I was 
compiling.  There was a comment in bugzilla saying that Struts 1.2 changes 
the public api and thus breaks struts-faces when it uses dynaAction in 
formComponent. (I think it was Matthias who directed me to it) I figured 
this all out.  The problem of the validator is NOT related.  As the 2 
problems required seperate fixes to get compiled.
The problem I am referring to is that struts and faces require different 
versions of commons-validator to compile.  commons-validator was recently 
refactored to move ValidatorUtil to util.ValidatorUtils.  faces did not 
follow this change and thus breaks when using the latest commons-validator.

If you're interested, maybe you can check them out and figure out whether 
there is one problem or whether there are two.  Annotate the bugzilla 
entries with anything you learn, and attach patches if you can!
Herein lies my problem.  This is the first attempt at contributing to open 
source I have made.  I have no clue how to do this since I have never really 
used bugzilla.  Probably a simple google search.  I will try this out 
Wednesday night after work.  If I figure it out should I just submit a 


From: Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Developers List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Validator Descrepencies in Struts Faces
Date: Tue, 25 May 2004 13:51:16 -0500
At 9:14 PM -0500 5/24/04, Michael Rasmussen wrote:
Is there an effort to bring struts faces up to the same version of the
validator as the dev version of struts?  Currently I am using two separate
jar files for the two projects.  If this is something that needs to be 
I would be interested in taking on the project.
I'm assuming that you're saying that struts-faces doesn't work with the 
newer JAR?  That is, it's not as simple as just using the newer version?

Here's an outstanding Bugzilla ticket about struts-faces:
which is associated with a different bug that is not related to Validator.
If you're interested, maybe you can check them out and figure out whether 
there is one problem or whether there are two.  Annotate the bugzilla 
entries with anything you learn, and attach patches if you can!

Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual 
way.  This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of 
-- Jef Raskin

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RE: [PATCH] Updated to commons-validator dev 1.2

2004-05-25 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Thanks for the correction.
I want to make sure I am posting this to bugzilla correctly, so here is the
new command:

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4

I will send up the patch tomorrow if this is the correct command to use.
Note: I am using Eclipse to generate my patches.  I am still trying to
figure out how to do this correctly.  I am a little leary of the -r1.4 as
that is not in the Jakarta explanation of submitting patches.  Well let me

P.S. Sorry for the annoying newbie questions.

-Original Message-
From: Niall Pemberton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:20 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Updated to
commons-validator dev 1.2

Best to open a Bugzilla ticket and attach the patch there, that way it won't
get lost. Also preferred format is cvs diff -u



- Original Message - 
From: Michael Rasmussen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Developers List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:11 AM
Subject: [PATCH] Updated to commons-validator
dev 1.2

 I updated the file to add to reflect the
 to commons-validator.  There is still a warning having to do with the
 servlet api methods being deprecated.  This is not related to
 commons-validator however.  This change puts struts-dev 1.2 and
 0.5 on the same version of the validator.jar.  This seems natural to me.
 is both typed below and attached.  Is this the correct way to submit a

 RCS file:

 retrieving revision 1.4
 diff -r1.4
  import org.apache.commons.validator.ValidatorUtil;
  import org.apache.commons.validator.util.ValidatorUtils;
  Form form = resources.get(locale, formName);
  Form form = resources.getForm(locale, formName);
  for (Iterator x =
 x.hasNext();) {
  for (Iterator x =
 field.getDependencyList().iterator(); x.hasNext();) {
  return va1.getDependencies().size() -
  return va1.getDependencyList().size() -
  + ValidatorUtil.replace(
  + ValidatorUtils.replace(
  + ValidatorUtil.replace(
  + ValidatorUtils.replace(
  + ValidatorUtil.replace(
  + ValidatorUtils.replace(
  + ValidatorUtil.replace(
  + ValidatorUtils.replace(
  + ValidatorUtil.replace(
  + ValidatorUtils.replace(

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Errors with commons validator

2004-05-24 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I am trying to compile struts but I get errors with a few files referring to
commons.validator.util  Essentially I think that util is not there.  Is
there a version of validator that I need to get struts to compile?

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RE: Compiling Struts Faces

2004-05-24 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Hmm...I got the jsf-ri.jar and jsf-api.jar and there seem to be problems.
Ant finds the packages for javax.faces.component package, but seems ot have
some trouble matching the methods.  I am using the jars from the Sun RI in
thte jws-dev pack.  Is this outdated?

-Original Message-
From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 2:00 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: Compiling Struts Faces


it only needs the JSF-API for compiling
i have used that from sun.

it is allowed for production.


PS: i use SUNs RI and some of the components, shipped
by (myfaces-components.jar)

hope that helps

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 5:18 PM
 Subject: Compiling Struts Faces
 Well it took a while but I got everything I need to compile 
 struts.  Thanks for all the help.  Now I need to figure out 
 how to compile struts-faces. The build file requires jsf.jar. 
  Can I use the one from sun?  Is it production allowed?  Or 
 is there another one I need? Michael
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RE: Compiling Struts Faces-- Nevermind

2004-05-24 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Scratch that.  I got it to work.  

-Original Message-
From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 6:06 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: Compiling Struts Faces

Hmm...I got the jsf-ri.jar and jsf-api.jar and there seem to be problems.
Ant finds the packages for javax.faces.component package, but seems ot have
some trouble matching the methods.  I am using the jars from the Sun RI in
thte jws-dev pack.  Is this outdated?

-Original Message-
From: Matthias Wessendorf [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 2:00 PM
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: Compiling Struts Faces


it only needs the JSF-API for compiling
i have used that from sun.

it is allowed for production.


PS: i use SUNs RI and some of the components, shipped
by (myfaces-components.jar)

hope that helps

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Rasmussen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, May 23, 2004 5:18 PM
 Subject: Compiling Struts Faces
 Well it took a while but I got everything I need to compile 
 struts.  Thanks for all the help.  Now I need to figure out 
 how to compile struts-faces. The build file requires jsf.jar. 
  Can I use the one from sun?  Is it production allowed?  Or 
 is there another one I need? Michael
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Compiler Error

2004-05-24 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I was trying to compile struts-faces and I have now ben successful with it.
But not without changing code.  Maybe this has changed to reflect the new
version of struts I don't know.  

I got an error on line 250 of faces.component.formComponent

createDynaActionFormClass(org.apache.struts.config.FormBeanConfig) in
org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionFormClass cannot be applied to

[javac] DynaActionFormClass.createDynaActionFormClass(fbConfig,

I fixed it by removing the second argument from the function, but is this
the right thing to do?  Is this supposed to compile?  


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Problems compiling struts

2004-05-22 Thread Michael Rasmussen
I am having problems compiling struts.  I get the error that
commons.validator.util cannot be found.  Validator is successfully copied
from commons-home-lib, but then it cannot find the util class.  Any help in
this matter would be appreciated. If it helps I am using eclipse to build.

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Adding mobile tags to Struts Faces

2004-05-20 Thread Michael Rasmussen
Sorry if this comes thru as an HTML post.  This is my first post to the
list.  Let me know if it is a problem.

I have been using struts for a while now and really like it.  I have also
used and really like some of the features in the ms framework.  

I am excited at the prospect of JSF bringing these features to JSP/Java.
One thing I really think is missing is support for mobile profiles.  (Cell
phones/wap/pda's) I think struts faces would be a great place to try to put
some of that together.  I am interested in doing this and wondering how to
go about getting set up and if there are others interested.  

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