Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-23 Thread Ian Clarke
On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

 On Sun, 2015-03-22 at 14:11 -0500, Ian wrote:
  The way Github's code review tools are designed, you definitely want it
  be per branch (which will have a 1-1 relationship with a pull request),
  per commit.

 No disagreement here either. I'd argue that for us git and github are
 the wrong tools but I completely agree with your analysis of how we're
 mis-using them :)

I'm not sure, I haven't had experience with any other code review tool, but
they work very well for us at my day-job, the entire team (9 experienced
software engineers) seems happy with them.

 You can't impose processes on people, they need to agree to them or it
  won't work.  That being said, I don't know why any reasonable person
  wouldn't agree to what I've outlined.  It's a tried and tested approach.

 OSS projects do; when maintainers don't like the code they just don't
 merge it (and that might leads to forks and that's perfectly fine). This
 is what's happening now and part of why we're in limbo.

In the early years of the project Freenet had a fairly liberal attitude to
contributions, trust but verify.  I did my best to minimize red-tape for
developers.  This was beneficial because it meant there was a low barrier
to entry for volunteers.  If we didn't have this approach, I doubt many of
the earliest contributors, people like Oskar Sandberg and Scott Miller,
would have become involved (both started with very minor contributions).

And as I mentioned previously, I just don't think we have the manpower for
formalized gatekeepers (ie. we're not the Linux Kernel), so it's simply not
an option to be that rigid.

 What's sad is that most of the problems are from the code *paid* devs
 are producing. Some might argue that it's because they're producing more
 than volunteers but I don't think so.

I think we need to avoid personal criticisms of people (yes, I know that I
attacked Toad earlier in this thread, but I was provoked - I should have
taken the high road, I'd had a few beers at that point).

 I believe that their evaluation / incentives model needs to change for
 their behaviour to adapt. Maybe it's time to reconsider bounties (pay
 per feature/bugfix).

I'm not sure about that.  Monetary motivation works well for salespeople, I
don't think it works well for engineers.  It would also be a significant
amount of work to administer, and I just don't think we have the manpower
to do that.  It could also result in a bias towards work on outwardly
visible bells and whistles, and against internal stuff like refactoring.



*Ian Clarke* / Co-Founder  CTO

*OneSpot, Inc*

Personal Blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-22 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

  But regardless, nothing in the process I've outlined would inhibit
  correcting problems like this.  Ideally they'd be corrected at the code
  review stage, but if they make it past that then they can be corrected
  a new branch, just like any other bugfix.
 No, they can't.

 Removing binaries (or worse, copyright-infringing files) requires
 rewriting the history.

Why would removing a binary require rewriting the history, and why would
anyone commit a copyright-infringing file?

In my years of using Github I have never ever been in a situation that
necessitated rewriting history.

The possibility that someone might do something really dumb and easily
avoidable should not dictate our code review policy.

 2. Disruptive changes to APIs.
  This has also happened. Especially if the description is incomplete,
  there is a significant risk of refactoring breaking other code (e.g.
  plugins; this was part of the problem with Xor's changes), introducing
  new APIs that don't make sense etc.
  Both code review and a decent continuous integration system should
  this.  This is a good continuous integration service that is free for OSS
  projects:  You can see how I use it on this other
  OSS project of mine:
 Not all problems can be detected by automated tools.

 Sometimes it is necessary to change classes that are used by plugins,
 and some of those plugins are unofficial, i.e. third party.

Yes, just like any other software project.  What would make us any
different, and why would that necessitate deviating from the process I've
proposed (which is pretty-much standard practice among well-run dev teams
already)?  I'm not sure I understand your point.

  That seems very unlikely to happen, we barely have budget for actual
  developers, let alone dedicated QA people.  And really, who'd want that
  Even setting aside budget and finding suitable people, coders should have
  primary responsibility for ensuring that their code is good.  It's
  unhealthy to have a situation where coders think that ensuring their code
  is clean and robust is someone else's problem.
 That is precisely how every mature project works. Just because neither
 your business ventures nor your involvement in open source are mature
 doesn't mean there aren't projects out there - both open source (Linux,
 Wine) and businesses (Steve's employer, presumably Google, etc) - which
 care about code quality.

Wow.  Why would you say something so stupid in a forum where future
employers could potentially see it?

You forget that I've seen your code, it wouldn't come anywhere close to
passing a code review by even the least experienced developer on my
company's engineering team, so please don't presume to lecture me about
code quality, or how mature software projects work.

I really hope they teach you how to be less of an asshole during your
computer science course, or you'll have a very hard time getting or keeping
a job, either commercial or in academia.  Your previous paragraph would be
a firing offense at most companies.  Professional engineering teams simply
don't tolerate asshole behavior any more.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-22 Thread Ian
On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 7:42 PM, Matthew Toseland

 On 21/03/15 20:49, Ian Clarke wrote:
  That's part of it, but also that a branch should be created for each
  bugfix/feature, which ideally should be as small a unit of work as
  (that can be merged without breaking stuff).
 Absolutely. See e.g.:

 We try to stick to this ... or at least, that was the plan/consensus!

Hmm, it doesn't sound like we do in practice, given that I believe there
were pull requests with hundreds of commits which sounded like it was for
much more than a single feature or bugfix.  Anyway, the point isn't to
complain about what happened in the past, just to agree on our process
going forward.

 The problem is then we spend a lot of time undoing stuff. This can and
 does happen, and has happened, even relatively recently. It's part of
 the reason why most projects use a branch-and-merge model, rather than
 giving all the devs push rights.

 Why we might need to revert or reject changes:
 0. Stupid stuff. E.g. committing jars to repositories.

Committing jars to repositories is kind of careless, don't people have
sensible .gitignore files?  Can a .gitignore be committed to the repo?

But regardless, nothing in the process I've outlined would inhibit
correcting problems like this.  Ideally they'd be corrected at the code
review stage, but if they make it past that then they can be corrected with
a new branch, just like any other bugfix.

  2. Disruptive changes to APIs.
 This has also happened. Especially if the description is incomplete,
 there is a significant risk of refactoring breaking other code (e.g.
 plugins; this was part of the problem with Xor's changes), introducing
 new APIs that don't make sense etc.

Both code review and a decent continuous integration system should address
this.  This is a good continuous integration service that is free for OSS
projects:  You can see how I use it on this other
OSS project of mine:

 I agree that review capacity is potentially a bottleneck. There are
 different ways to solve this:
 - Have paid staff who review and merge stuff.

That seems very unlikely to happen, we barely have budget for actual
developers, let alone dedicated QA people.  And really, who'd want that job

Even setting aside budget and finding suitable people, coders should have
primary responsibility for ensuring that their code is good.  It's
unhealthy to have a situation where coders think that ensuring their code
is clean and robust is someone else's problem.

 - Don't accept pull requests if nobody can review them right now.

This will absolutely cause a severe bottleneck, causing development to
grind to a halt, and probably destroying morale in the process.  Who wants
to work their ass of on some code only for it to sit in a branch

 - Allow the reviewers to make reasonable demands for clear code. A pull
 request is a negotiation between the contributor and the maintainer.

Of course, reviewers can point out unclean code, and a conscientious
developer will want to commit good code so they'll fix it.  If a coder is
ignoring reasonable code review feedback then that might be grounds for
removing commit access.

Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-22 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 6:44 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide

 Am Samstag, 21. März 2015, 12:45:39 schrieb Ian Clarke:
  It sounds like people are trying to use commits for code review, whereas
  they should be using Github pull requests.

 For huge changes we are using commits as a second level hierarchy:
 When the diff is too big to understand on its own, then the commits
 have to form an easy to follow story which allows understanding the
 change step by step.

I think you've misidentified the problem and therefore the solution.  The
problem is that diffs would ever be too big to understand on their own,
therefore the solution is that the diff should never be too big to
understand on it's own.  A branch/pull-request should rarely represent more
than a few days of work, and thus should rarely take more than a few
minutes to review.

 As such they unpaid devs cannot just sit down for 6 hours and read
 through a huge diff to understand it in its entirety. They need the
 diff more structured.

A 6 hour code review is insane, and should never be necessary.

 - For any isolatable feature or bugfix, create a new branch just for
 that feature or bug request (perhaps put the bug id # in the name of
 branch).  *Do not combine multiple features or bugfixes into a single
 branch.*  If it can be merged independently, it should have it's own

 We get into a problem with this, when the changes get too extensive
 without being ready for merging into a release.

It should never be necessary for changes to be that extensive.  In my
day-job we're working on a far more complex codebase than Freenet, and yet
a branch/pull-request almost *never* represents more than 4 days of work,
and therefore code reviews rarely require more than 10-20 minutes.

 Your scheme provides fast development of individual features, but does
 not provide information spread within the group: Only one person has
 seen the current version of the code.

I don't understand that, anyone that wants to is free to look at the

 Longterm this needs to a situation where no one can understand the
 whole code well enough to change it efficiently, which in turn leads
 to pseudo-ownership over certain sub-sections of the code.

If we're producing code that isn't comprehensible without external
explanation, then we're not producing good code.  Well written code
shouldn't require an explanation, it should be self-explanatory.  This book
lays out some excellent guidelines for this kind of code, every programmer
should read it:


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-22 Thread Ian Clarke
Sure, but let's not get bogged down with complaining about the past, we all
know it's been dysfunctional, let's focus on what we're going to do from
now on.


On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 2:06 AM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

 On Sun, 2015-03-22 at 07:36 +0100, Florent Daigniere wrote:
  On Sun, 2015-03-22 at 00:42 +, Matthew Toseland wrote:
   On 21/03/15 20:49, Ian Clarke wrote:
On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Matthew Toseland
Most of the above boils down to review the diff, not the history.
is probably sensible.
That's part of it, but also that a branch should be created for each
bugfix/feature, which ideally should be as small a unit of work as
(that can be merged without breaking stuff).
  It only is if the diff is of reasonable size... which it is most of the
  time, *except* when it comes from paid devs.
  They code in their cave for months, drop a 100kloc diff doing way more
  than a single feature/bugfix onto the maintainer and expect it to be
  merged; I'm sure that refactoring is good but not when it's forked off
  for 6month... This is the problem we had recently with both toad's and
  xor's code. We're talking about dozens of features and bugfixes AND
  What blocks development is that the refactoring isn't merged until their
  work is ready... and there's usually a good reason for it; they code
  first and think later (to be fair it's a common trait amongst devs
  working alone) which means that as long as they haven't tried it out
  they're not quite sure of what they want in terms of API... so it's only
  in a mergeable state when it works.
  Whether there's a single change per commit/branch/pull request doesn't
  matter as long as one of them is enforced. Until now the base unit was
  supposed to be one change per commit; I'm all for changing it to
  something else but that won't solve the problem unless it's enforced

 Just to put some perspective on what I've written above:

 Here's toad's diff:

 Here's xor's diff:

 in both cases github gives up rendering it:
 Sorry, we could not display the changes to this file because there were
 too many other changes to display.

 and doesn't even display the commit count:
  This pull request is big! We're only showing the most recent 250

 As for the individual commits, there's plenty which are doing more than
 a bugfix/feature/single semantic change.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-22 Thread Ian
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 1:36 AM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

 On Sun, 2015-03-22 at 00:42 +, Matthew Toseland wrote:
  On 21/03/15 20:49, Ian Clarke wrote:
   On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Matthew Toseland
   Most of the above boils down to review the diff, not the history.
   is probably sensible.
   That's part of it, but also that a branch should be created for each
   bugfix/feature, which ideally should be as small a unit of work as
   (that can be merged without breaking stuff).

 It only is if the diff is of reasonable size... which it is most of the
 time, *except* when it comes from paid devs.

Then that needs to change.  With a feature/bugfix-per-branch approach the
diffs should be reviewable in just a few minutes.  If they aren't, then the
coder is probably stuffing multiple features/bugfixes into a single branch
and that's contrary to the guidelines I've outlined.  Whatever happened in
the past, what matters is what we do going forward.

 They code in their cave for months, drop a 100kloc diff doing way more
 than a single feature/bugfix onto the maintainer and expect it to be
 merged; I'm sure that refactoring is good but not when it's forked off
 for 6month... This is the problem we had recently with both toad's and
 xor's code. We're talking about dozens of features and bugfixes AND

Then that needs to change going forward.

 Whether there's a single change per commit/branch/pull request doesn't
 matter as long as one of them is enforced.

The way Github's code review tools are designed, you definitely want it to
be per branch (which will have a 1-1 relationship with a pull request), not
per commit.

 Until now the base unit was
 supposed to be one change per commit; I'm all for changing it to
 something else but that won't solve the problem unless it's enforced

You can't impose processes on people, they need to agree to them or it
won't work.  That being said, I don't know why any reasonable person
wouldn't agree to what I've outlined.  It's a tried and tested approach.

Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
Talking to a few people, I think our current approach to code review is

For example, I've been told that some people are arguing that commits are
too granular, and need to be combined to make code review easier. This is a
mistake, there is nothing wrong with very granular commits, just as there
is nothing wrong with more verbose code if it helps clarity.  Pull requests
should be used for code review, not individual commits.  The number of
individual commits should be irrelevant.

It sounds like people are trying to use commits for code review, whereas
they should be using Github pull requests.

Here is a process that has worked well in my experience:

   - For any isolatable feature or bugfix, create a new branch just for
   that feature or bug request (perhaps put the bug id # in the name of the
   branch).  *Do not combine multiple features or bugfixes into a single
   branch.*  If it can be merged independently, it should have it's own
   - Commits to this branch can be as granular as the programmer wants,
   generally the more frequent the commits the better
   - When the programmer is ready for feedback, they should create a pull
   request between this branch and the main branch - they could post the URL
   of the pull request to IRC to encourage feedback
   - It's fine for a programmer to request feedback before the feature is
   complete, but they should note this in the title of the pull request - eg.
   - For code review, the most useful tab is Files changed - which shows
   all differences between the feature branch and the main branch (individual
   commits are irrelevant here) - comments can be added here
   - Once the feature is complete and the review feedback has been read and
   perhaps acted upon by the programmer working on the feature, it should be

The person contributing the code is responsible for asking for and
incorporating feedback, but they control the process, the process should
not control them.  So, for example, in some cases the programmer might
decide that a code review is unnecessary.  That will be their call.  Better
to trust human judgement over a rigid process.



Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Matthew Toseland

 Most of the above boils down to review the diff, not the history. That
 is probably sensible.

That's part of it, but also that a branch should be created for each
bugfix/feature, which ideally should be as small a unit of work as possible
(that can be merged without breaking stuff).

 The last point is everyone can commit anything without review. That's
 the fundamental question here: Do we want to require that some
 responsible person (release manager, person with push rights) reviews
 and signs off on the code before it is pushed?

I think the question is moot, since (so far as I'm aware) we don't have
anyone that can commit to reviewing all code reliably and quickly, so such
a requirement would only serve to create a severe bottleneck in our
development process.

All commits are public, all commits can be reviewed by anyone, but in the
event that nobody is in a position to review something we can't allow
development to grind to a halt.  If people care about reviewing code then
they can and should review code.


 There are 2 main reasons for this:
 1. Security. How useful this is is debatable.
 2. Disruptive changes to APIs.

 Devl mailing list


*Ian Clarke* / Co-Founder  CTO

*OneSpot, Inc*

Personal Blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github and code review

2015-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
[resending with correct from: address]

On Sat, Mar 21, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Matthew Toseland

 Most of the above boils down to review the diff, not the history. That
 is probably sensible.

That's part of it, but also that a branch should be created for each
bugfix/feature, which ideally should be as small a unit of work as possible
(that can be merged without breaking stuff).

 The last point is everyone can commit anything without review. That's
 the fundamental question here: Do we want to require that some
 responsible person (release manager, person with push rights) reviews
 and signs off on the code before it is pushed?

I think the question is moot, since (so far as I'm aware) we don't have
anyone that can commit to reviewing all code reliably and quickly, so such
a requirement would only serve to create a severe bottleneck in our
development process.

All commits are public, all commits can be reviewed by anyone, but in the
event that nobody is in a position to review something we can't allow
development to grind to a halt.  If people care about reviewing code then
they can and should review code.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] C# Tray App (Probably) Feature-Complete

2015-01-24 Thread Ian Clarke
That's great Steve, if I wasn't on a Mac I'd help you test it :)

On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 3:49 PM, Steve Dougherty wrote:

 The C# Windows tray application is now more-or-less feature-complete.
 Feedback and suggestions would be appreciated! In the coming days I plan
 to document this more and do a more thorough writeup of its capabilities.

 Signed binary:

 To test it put it in the directory Freenet is installed in. It will add
 a tray icon which controls the node, similar to the existing tray
 application, but shinier.

 For instance, this one distinguishes between a clean shutdown and a
 crash, and has a more informative response to crashes. It supports
 launching Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and IE in privacy mode. It's around
 800 LOC. (Not counting those the resources and Windows Forms designer

 Currently if Freenet takes more than 3 seconds between being started and
 FProxy listening on its port a balloon tip will pop up to show that
 Freenet is starting. 3 seconds might be a bit short, but my hope was to
 maintain a sense of interactivity. (On my machine FProxy takes ~1.6
 seconds after starting to listen on its port.) On that note the refresh
 rate of the startup page should be increased - it seems like it's
 currently around 10 seconds, which is a long time to stare at it.

 - Steve

 Devl mailing list


*Ian Clarke* / Co-Founder  CTO

*OneSpot, Inc*

Personal Blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Someone available to speak in Germany (in German) on Feb 11th?

2014-12-16 Thread Ian Clarke
These guys would like give us an award, and have asked whether we have a
German representative that could go to their congress in Hamburg on 11th
Feb to give a German language introduction to Freenet?

Could anyone do this?


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Someone available to speak in Germany (in German) on Feb 11th?

2014-12-16 Thread Ian Clarke
Here is the email, I've already responded saying that we'll accept:

Hi Ian,

let me first give a short introduction of our/my background: I'd guess, you
have never heard of our organisation SUMA-EV?  We are primarily focussing on
Germany, but we have a small part of our website in English too:

We are into search enginges since 1996, and we are focussing on privacy and
data protection within the search.  You'll find our main search engines at:

 (English version)

Besides that we are doing several things more: Since 2008 we grant awards to
outstanding projects on the Internet.  You might find more about that on our

We want to award your Freenet projekt with the SUMA Award 2014/15. The award
is donated with 2,500,-EUR.  The award ceremony happens to be at our next
congress at the University of Hamburg on the 11th of February 2015.

First we have to clear how the awarding can happen; my questions are:

1) Are you willing to accept the SUMA award and the 2,500,-EUR?

2) Do you have a German representative who can join our congress in Hamburg
   on the 11th of February 2015 and give a German langugage introduction
   about Freenet?

3) Would it be possible to transfer the donation money by an account-only
   cheque ?

I am looking forward to hear from you,
best regards,

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Ian Clarke wrote:

 These guys would like give us an award, and have asked whether we have a
 German representative that could go to their congress in Hamburg on 11th
 Feb to give a German language introduction to Freenet?

 Could anyone do this?


 Ian Clarke
 Founder, The Freenet Project

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Someone available to speak in Germany (in German) on Feb 11th?

2014-12-16 Thread Ian Clarke
Cool, Xor also expressed an interest - perhaps you guys could discuss who
might be better suited, or maybe even give a joint talk?  Oskar Sandberg
and I gave a few joint talks, and so long as you agree on who talks about
what - it can work quite well.  It does require preparation though.

If whoever decides to do this wants help, you could work on it in a Google
Docs slideshow and that way others could collaborate and offer feedback
on-the-fly (it has pretty good features for making suggestions and comments
these days).


On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:51 AM, Arne Bab. wrote:

 I think I should be able to give a talk in February.

 unpolitisch sein
 heißt politisch sein,
 ohne es zu merken.
 - ArneBab

  Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2014 um 15:25 Uhr
  Von: Ian Clarke
  An: Discussion of development of development issues
  Betreff: [freenet-dev] Someone available to speak in Germany (in German)
 on Feb 11th?
  These guys would like give us an award, and have asked whether we have a
  German representative that could go to their congress in Hamburg on 11th
  Feb to give a German language introduction to Freenet?
  Could anyone do this?
  Ian Clarke
  Founder, The Freenet Project
  Devl mailing list
 Devl mailing list


*Ian Clarke* / Co-Founder  CTO

*OneSpot, Inc*

Personal Blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Anyone interested in a part-time gig to build on Freenet?

2014-12-04 Thread Ian Clarke
This was referred to me by a friend:

Looks interesting.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] What next?

2014-11-16 Thread Ian
On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

 On 16/11/14 16:36, Ian Clarke wrote:
  We're in an interesting situation.  The world finally appears to really
  care about the things that Freenet has been about from the very
 beginning a
  decade and a half ago (most of the publicity back then viewed Freenet
  through the prism of Napster and copyright infringement).  People finally
  care about anonymity, privacy, government monitoring, etc.  We should be
  able to capitalize on this but it will take work.

 And in the meantime every wannabe clone project gets all the funding,
 and we don't, because we're old news. Yeah.

I don't think it's because we're old news, although I think that's a
perception challenge we need to address.  I think it's because we really
haven't been making much of an effort to market ourselves.  In the past
journalists came to us, and I was fairly good at communicating with them on
the project's behalf, but we can't rely on organic press interest any more,
we need to make an effort to reach out.

For example, we should be perfect for a kickstarter project, we just need
to do it, and do it to a high standard (good message, good quality video,

I need to do a bit of research before responding to the rest of your email,
since I've been out-of-the-loop also (except for various administrative

Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Pay-for-opennet proposal: latest iteration

2014-03-31 Thread Ian Clarke
This seems like an amazingly centralized thing to do in software, the
primary advantage of which is supposed to be its decentralization.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 10:24 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:


 Implement transient mode:
 - No routing.
 - No real anonymity (but may use tunnels later).
 - Can do requests and inserts.
 - Seednodes give transient node a Transient Announcement Token, and
 relay the announcement, give the node a bunch of random peers.
 - Such tokens are limited by time and IP address.
 - Transient nodes get lower priority than real peers.
 - Useful in some special cases e.g. webcafe, over Tor, etc, especially
 if we have tunneling.
 - Makes more sense than core opennet for people with really slow
 connections who aren't on darknet.

 New installs:
 - Start off in transient mode.
 - Can add darknet peers.
 - Can pay to become a Core Opennet Node.
 - We can avoid most of the wizard questions, and talking about uptime,
 until after the user starts looking at upgrading to core status.
 - Make sure the node is working before taking payment; avoid a lot of
 technical support aggravation!

 - *One time fee* for creating a Core Opennet Node.
 - Amount to be discussed. Lets say $5 (too low - credit card overhead /
 bitcoin inconvenience becomes dominant).
 - Some of it may go to FPI.
 - In the long run maybe other charities (would have to be a whitelist).
 - If BTC, some of it may be provably destroyed (or recycled to miners).
 - Payment mechanisms:
 -- BTC. (Verifiable by anyone on the block chain, so not necessarily
 centralised; can be somewhat anonymous)
 -- Paypal. (Centralised, trust in FPI)

 Tunnels and verification: (Largely from PISCES)
 - Every X period, we agree a peer list with our peers.
 - This is timestamped and signed, and given to our peers, and inserted
 to a known key.
 - Nodes construct tunnels telescopically, downloading the peers list at
 each stage, choosing a random peer from the list.
 - Sometimes the node chooses not to use the tunnel, in which case it
 requests the peer list for some of the nodes.
 - If the peers list for a given node at a given timestamp is different
 to that found, we have proof of dishonesty.
 -- We can then insert this (using a special collision-detection
 keytype), give the proof to the node's neighbours via the tunnel, and
 blacklist the node.
 - Modifications for opennet core nodes:
 -- We only route to a node once it is in our published peer list.
 -- We gather data that only our peers (not our tunnel partners) should
 know: IP address, location, bandwidth used in last timeslot for each
 peer, etc.
 -- We add a nonce and then hash this; the hash is included in the peers
 list for each node.
 -- We exchange the full data when we add a connection, thus checking it
 only with peers who need to know.
 -- We can enforce length limits on peer lists, so an attacker who wants
 to connect to 10,000 nodes will need to create 100+ nodes.

 Core Opennet Nodes:
 - To create a Core Opennet Node Certificate, we need to pay, see above.
 -- Bitcoin: Some of this is destroyed (or given back to the miners).
 Some may go to FPI.
 --- This is verifiable and transparent.
 -- Also possible to pay FPI directly via paypal etc.
 - Core Opennet Node Certificate includes
 -- Location. This is fixed, so we cannot exploit announcement.
 --- This makes MAST, announcement DoS and routing table injection much
 much harder.
 - Core Opennet Nodes have performance requirements:
 -- Uptime (reasonably high, 80%?).
 --- May be enforcible, at least partially.
 --- Could involve seednodes, nodes chosen by some verifiable random
 process, etc.
 -- Bandwidth (significantly higher than current nominal requirement, say
 --- Possibly require padding / CBR even if no traffic.
 --- Could track bandwidth usage in peers list etc.
 --- This could be enforced, if we use signatures from peers etc. Of
 course our own fictional owned peers could lie, but this isn't
 necessarily a problem, as they can't use those links to talk to the
 network (most attacks limited by the number of connections you have into
 the network).
 -- Disk space. (Not enforcible, bad guys can have lots of disk space
 -- Actual performance. (To research; how to quantify?)
 -- Failing to meet enforcible requirements can cause a node to be
 dropped from the core opennet list. It can get back on however.

 Existing nodes get a Core Opennet Node Certificate for free on some
 particular day prior to this infrastructure going live. An attacker
 could get in at that point, but if he misses it, he'll have to pay.

 Some vague ideas about marketing:
 - You are now running Freenet! You can browse the content on Freenet,
 but your node is in 'transient mode'. This means you are not
 contributing to the network and have only minimal anonymity. You can:
 Become part of the core (open) network: Faster performance, more
 security. ($5). Become part of the dark

Re: [freenet-dev] Freenet and Tor

2014-01-08 Thread Ian Clarke
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Matthew Toseland

   Are users asking for this?
 Yes, people are asking for it. And I said it would be an optional feature.

 And Freenet does not compete with Tor.

I never said it did, nor do I believe that it does.

But Freenet is a distributed datastore. It *stores data*, in a
 decentralised, censorship proof way. Which Tor does not do. Also IMHO in
 the long run it could have greater anonymity. We are not competing with
 Tor. We cannot possibly compete with Tor, because we do things
 differently, we provide a different product, and if all the user cares
 about is anonymity then they are going to use Tor, period.

Not if they are in China, where I believe Tor is quite effectively blocked


Ian Clarke
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Freenet and Tor

2014-01-07 Thread Ian Clarke
It's not really clear what you are proposing here, what is the context?


On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 5:36 AM, Matthew Toseland

 The leaked files on Tor suggest it is significantly stronger than at
 least I had assumed.

 It might be interesting to create a simple, but cryptographically
 verified, TCP-based protocol for communicating with gateways through
 tunnels, to protect the first hop. This would be a transient
 request/response protocol handling binary blobs; clients would route the
 first hop (at least on opennet) through these tunnels, verify returned
 content, and possibly label requests to keep them on separate tunnels.

 On darknet we will eventually protect the first hop via PISCES tunnels,
 however IMHO this is some way off and there are (probably) very few
 darknet users at present.

 We could then ask Tor for a directory server flag, although they might
 say no if Freenet is seen as filesharing and therefore obnoxious.

 DoS issues might result in some servers asking for payment, although
 creating a business model is often a good way to fund your attackers
 (especially if the gateways are anonymised); this is why a classic
 mixnet doesn't work for bitcoin, for example (don't trust anything
 without provable blinding).

 tgs3 and various people on Frost have been suggesting this for some time.

 IMHO Tor is preferable to I2P (assuming the NSA stuff isn't a false
 trail, which it might be), but it could work with either.

 Arguably we should use a normal transport, we're some way away from
 having TCP-based transport plugins though... and this could be a fairly
 simple protocol, we can transfer a single block (key) at a time as a
 single message.

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Freenet and Tor

2014-01-07 Thread Ian Clarke
On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 2:33 PM, Matthew Toseland

 On 07/01/14 17:00, Ian Clarke wrote:
  It's not really clear what you are proposing here, what is the context?
 We should allow, optionally, tunneling the first hop over Tor or I2P.
 - We implement a simple binary protocol over TCP.

You don't think that Freenet is already cumbersome enough for people to get
set up with, without suggesting that they install an additional anonymity
tool and running everything through that also?

Are users asking for this?


Ian Clarke
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] GSoC blog post?

2013-10-15 Thread Ian Clarke
Could you work on something in Etherpad or a publicly editable Google Doc,
that way we can collaborate more easily.


On Sun, Oct 13, 2013 at 7:47 PM, Steve Dougherty st...@asksteved.comwrote:

 On 10/11/2013 01:03 PM, leuchtkaefer wrote:
  Hi! I am still on this boat...although these days i have to be
  completely absent. Have lots of work :( I can write one or 2
  paragraphs about my experience. Should I send it directly to Steve?

 If you're okay with sending something to the list, I think that'd be
 more useful to a larger number of people. I see you already sent
 something, [0] so is there more to say?

  BTW, I get in contact with other students from my living country and
  we will give a talk to promote GSoC probably next month. I am
  planning to present Freenet on that talk.



 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] How the NSA attacks Tor

2013-10-05 Thread Ian Clarke
This doesn't have anything to do with the Silk Road takedown, if that is
what you are referring to.

The vulnerability there was between keyboard and chair.


On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Robert Hailey rob...@freenetproject.orgwrote:

 Is MITM the right term?

 Not to be picky... but I thought they just pulled the server that was
 serving up those particular hidden services and dropped in a new server
 with the identify all users exploit [if they were not controlling that
 server in the first place :-) ].

 Robert Hailey

 On 2013/10/04 (Oct), at 3:34 PM, Ian Clarke wrote:

  This is very interesting:
  Looks like it's not an attack on Tor itself, rather they identify Tor
  (which Tor isn't designed to prevent AFAIK), and then do a MITM on the
  connection between Tor and the web to insert some code that exploits a
  vulnerability that (until recently) was distributed as part of the Tor
  Seem like, even though this Firefox vulnerability has been fixed, that
  probably have a library of other ones to choose from.
  Ian Clarke
  Founder, The Freenet Project
  Devl mailing list
 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
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[freenet-dev] How the NSA attacks Tor

2013-10-04 Thread Ian Clarke
This is very interesting:

Looks like it's not an attack on Tor itself, rather they identify Tor users
(which Tor isn't designed to prevent AFAIK), and then do a MITM on the
connection between Tor and the web to insert some code that exploits a
vulnerability that (until recently) was distributed as part of the Tor

Seem like, even though this Firefox vulnerability has been fixed, that they
probably have a library of other ones to choose from.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Reportedly half of all Tor hidden services compromised by FBI

2013-08-04 Thread Ian Clarke
I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this information, but it appears

Here is a report in a reputable news source, however there is no specific
mention of Tor:

This could lead to a significant influx of users if it results in trust in
Tor hidden services being significantly damaged.  We should discuss our
response to it.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at

[freenet-dev] Summary of recent opennet discussions

2013-07-22 Thread Ian Clarke
On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 9:32 AM, Matthew Toseland  wrote:

> Since Eleriseth announced he was leaving and we should focus on
> speed/usability, then opennet security, and only then darknet, I have been
> looking into options for securing opennet, and discussing this with various
> people.

I agree that speed/usability should be the top priority (although obviously
not the only priority).  Most of the proposals below are directly contrary
to usability - we need to encourage people to contribute to the Freenet
network, not punish them for it, nor make them jump through unnecessary
hoops.  We need to find solutions that won't make it even more difficult to
contribute to the Freenet network.

The main attacks here are:
> - MAST: Listen for a predictable request/insert, triangulate roughly where
> the originator is on the network based on the requests you receive,
> announce to that location, repeat until you have the target. Cheap. Really,
> really cheap.

To the extent that this is feasible, routing a request randomly on its
initial hop, perhaps with a bias towards nodes that are further from your
node's location, should make this considerably more difficult.

> - Surveillance: Connect to every node, log all the inserts for a month
> (freenet content doesn't last long if not requested). Connect it to
> announced content. Surprisingly cheap, given our relatively low bandwidth
> usage per peer etc, and it will become cheaper per node as the network
> grows because bandwidth (and everything else) gets *really* cheap in large
> volumes. This is a Sybil attack: The only way to beat it is by using some
> sort of scarcity.

We could have nodes detect this kind of behavior since it would be somewhat
weird - a bunch of inserts coming from the same node, etc.  Essentially a
heuristic "bad behavior" detector that cases nodes to be blocked.


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:

Re: [freenet-dev] UI update

2013-07-09 Thread Ian Clarke
Sorry for the slow response but this looks great.  Love the elegant


On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Paulo Makdisse wrote:

 Hi all,

 Been away for some months (bad things happen all at the same time), but
 now I'm working again on the UI.

 I did not do much, but here is the current status so you can take a look
 on your free time and share your thoughts:

 I don't plan to be verbose with updates here on devl, I'll just update
 that pages list with new material. (hope that this is not a problem)

 Feedback are very welcome. (_mak at #freenet).


 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Freenet wish list

2013-03-19 Thread Ian Clarke
Hi Madhawa,

Thank you, we always need new developers.

The best place to start is probably our issue tracker here:

Many of them might be difficult for someone unfamiliar with the codebase,
but if you can find one that you think you can manage, then it will help
you to get familiar with the codebase.

Matthew Toseland may also be able to direct you to an issue.  Can you give
us some information on your technical background?


On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Madhawa Chandrasena

 I'm computer science and Engineering student and I would like to
 contribute in Freenet developments. Can any one direct me where can I find
 Freenet wish list and any thing useful for my purpose.
 Thanks in advance.

 *Dilshan Madhawa Chandrasena
 *Undergraduate (BSc Engineering)*
 *Department of Computer Science and Engineering*
 *University of Moratuwa*
 *Sri Lanka.*

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Summer of Code 2013

2013-03-19 Thread Ian Clarke
Is anyone else finding that the wiki is slow to load, or isn't loading at


On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Matthew Toseland

 I've applied for Summer of Code for 2013. Will let you know when/if the
 application has been accepted.

 Please edit the 2013 ideas page on the wiki:

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] IllegalKeySizeExpeption

2013-03-11 Thread Ian Clarke
Yes, adding padding to RSA is on our todo list.  Perhaps we will just use
128 bit AES.  If either of you feel like submitting a patch to address
these issues it would be appreciated.


On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 4:58 AM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 09, 2013 at 08:19:26PM +, Matthew Toseland wrote:
  On Saturday 09 Mar 2013 15:43:11 Ian Clarke wrote:
   We've been running into an IllegalKeySizeExpeption with Tahrir, which
   requires that anyone outside the US download the Java Cryptography
   Extension - obviously this is unacceptable from a usability
   How does Freenet address this problem?
  I assume you are trying to use 256-bit AES?
  1. Just use 128-bit crypto. This is 30%-40% faster than 256-bit, and
 should still provide adequate security, according to nextgens.
  2. Use 256-bit crypto via the Bouncycastle lightweight API. This is not
 subject to keylength restrictions. Obviously you'll need to ship the jar.
  3. Provide your own crypto libraries.
  First, be careful with the key size of the various components, the
 limiting factor is usually not the symmetric crypto, see e.g.
  Second, use AES, i.e. 128-bit block size. 256-bit block size is used in
 Freenet at the moment and this complicates matters considerably; until
 Eleriseth's recent changes it was dramatically slower than using the
 standard 128-bit block size.

 Hi Ian,

 Let me translate: two choices:
 - Use 128bit crypto (no export restriction, faster and ok unless
 you assume that the attacker has access to a quantum computer way more
 powerful than anything publicly known)
 - Don't use JCA
 Glancing at Tahrir's crypto , you have much bigger problems than the
 key-size choice...
 1) RSA/None/NoPadding is never okay. Padding is critical to RSA's
 security. You want OAEPSomething. (
 2) Unauthenticated encryption is a bad idea... You really shouldn't use
 AES/CBC without integrity verification (
 If I were you I'd got for authenticated encryption AES/CTR/CCM or something
 like that.

 Really, if you want to keep it simple, use a higher level encryption
 library (Keyczar, cryptlib, NaCL, the bouncycastle's high-level stuff,
 apache shiro, ...).

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] IllegalKeySizeExpeption

2013-03-09 Thread Ian Clarke
We've been running into an IllegalKeySizeExpeption with Tahrir, which
requires that anyone outside the US download the Java Cryptography
Extension - obviously this is unacceptable from a usability perspective.

How does Freenet address this problem?


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Google Summer of Code 2013

2013-03-05 Thread Ian Clarke
When have I ever disappeared or failed to keep a commitment I made?  I do
what I commit to do, always have, always will.


On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 4:53 AM, Matthew Toseland

 On Monday 04 Mar 2013 22:33:21 Ian Clarke wrote:
  So I have one excellent student that wants to work on Tahrir this Summer,
  ideally as part of GSoC, I've already started to get him up to speed on
  codebase and his progress is impressive.
  Here is the trickier part: I have another student that has been working
  another open source project of mine called LastCalc, that is unrelated to
  Freenet.  He has asked me whether he can work on it this summer as part
  I assumed that doing the LastCalc project with Freenet as a mentoring org
  would be a non-starter since they aren't related (except through me),
  however I consulted the GSoC mailing list about it they said that it is
  provided that Freenet is ok with it.
  So, does anyone have a strong objection to this?  I can't think of any
  reason why anyone would given that I'm willing to mentor both projects.
  Matthew, I know that you thought mentoring two projects would be too much
  work, however I already have three students that I work with, two on
  Tahrir, one on LastCalc.  I spend several hours a week with each of them,
  so actually no less work than would be required of me as a GSoC mentor,
  it works well.

 If you disappear, or fail to keep up with the workload, we're ed.
 What's your contingency plan?

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Google Summer of Code 2013

2013-03-05 Thread Ian Clarke
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 12:52 PM, Matthew Toseland

 On Tuesday 05 Mar 2013 18:15:17 Ian Clarke wrote:
  When have I ever disappeared or failed to keep a commitment I made?  I do
  what I commit to do, always have, always will.

 Other mentors have disappeared.

I'm not other mentors.  I really think you're being a bit ridiculous here.

It is hard enough to find one mentor for any given student, are you now
saying that we can't take on a student unless we have both a mentor and a
backup mentor?  I find it hard to believe that any other project has such a
stringent requirement.

As an organisation we need to be able to deal with a mentor disappearing -
 the organisation application form may even ask what our protocol for
 dealing with disappearing mentors is, it has done so in the past, although
 two years ago it was simplified considerably iirc.

What is our mentoring policy for dealing with a civilization-ending
asteroid?  How about an alien invasion?  Plague?  A change in the
fundamental laws of physics rendering computation impossible?  Surely we
can't take on any students without accounting for those possibilities?

 If none of your students can be mentored by anyone else, and you don't
 have time to mentor them, then we will potentially have failed to fill in
 the evaluation on time for THREE students. Which will probably mean we
 never get onto GSoC again; it would measurably annoy the people running the

For crying out loud.  I am telling you that I will have time.  I have
always had time in the past.  I have time RIGHT NOW when I am effectively
mentoring 3 students outside the context of GSoC (I devote 1-4 hours per
student per week).

 All that would have to have for this to happen is for you to disappear for
 a few days around the mid-term because of a business commitment you took on
 without checking the dates...

A business commitment in Afghanistan?  How likely is it that I would have a
business commitment somewhere with no Internet access?

 Of course it's unlikely that Google will let you have 3 students anyway -
 last year the metric was 1 slot = 1 mentor with an allocated student IIRC.
 Or was that the previous year?

Firstly it is 2 students, not 3.  I have 3 students currently outside the
context of GSoC, but only two of them are interested in GSoC.

Secondly, I have described my intention on the GSoC mentors mailing list
and NOBODY, not one person has raised these concerns, or told me that we
were limited to 1-mentor-1-student.

 I apologise if this seems hostile

It doesn't seem hostile, it seems ridiculous.

 , but we HAVE had problems with disappearing mentors in the past

In 12 years you have never had a problem with ME disappearing in the past.
 I have a 100% success record with not disappearing, and with living up to
every commitment I've ever made related to Freenet.

 , and you did ask for my opinion. Feel free to insist, in which case I
 will admin. But if you disappear I will not be able to evaluate your
 students, and I don't think anyone else will either.

I won't disappear.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Google Summer of Code 2013

2013-03-04 Thread Ian Clarke
So I have one excellent student that wants to work on Tahrir this Summer,
ideally as part of GSoC, I've already started to get him up to speed on the
codebase and his progress is impressive.

Here is the trickier part: I have another student that has been working on
another open source project of mine called LastCalc, that is unrelated to
Freenet.  He has asked me whether he can work on it this summer as part of

I assumed that doing the LastCalc project with Freenet as a mentoring org
would be a non-starter since they aren't related (except through me),
however I consulted the GSoC mailing list about it they said that it is ok
provided that Freenet is ok with it.

So, does anyone have a strong objection to this?  I can't think of any
reason why anyone would given that I'm willing to mentor both projects.

Matthew, I know that you thought mentoring two projects would be too much
work, however I already have three students that I work with, two on
Tahrir, one on LastCalc.  I spend several hours a week with each of them,
so actually no less work than would be required of me as a GSoC mentor, and
it works well.



Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Google Summer of Code 2013

2013-03-02 Thread Ian Clarke
Would any of you be willing to volunteer to take care of the administrative
side of Summer of Code?  I don't think it is too onerous but someone should
be in charge of ensuring that forms get filled out, etc.

Matthew, could you summarize what this would involve?


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Google Summer of Code 2013

2013-03-02 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Matthew Toseland

 On Saturday 02 Mar 2013 16:13:08 Ian Clarke wrote:
  Would any of you be willing to volunteer to take care of the
  side of Summer of Code?  I don't think it is too onerous but someone
  be in charge of ensuring that forms get filled out, etc.
  Matthew, could you summarize what this would involve?

 Mostly bugging mentors, some form filling.

 It is *ESSENTIAL* that we have FULL CONTACT DETAILS for each mentor. We
 need them to fill in the forms. If a mentor disappears the org admin will
 have to fill the forms in. Doing an adequate job in such circumstances
 probably isn't possible, and would require such a large time commitment as
 to be unrealistic - even for me. But not filling them in at all means
 aggravating Google, which is also very bad...

 In the worst case this can involve a huge amount of work and a huge amount
 of stress. In the best case it's minimal.

Are you willing to do this Matthew?  I knew you were worried about some
poorly timed exams….


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] donation

2013-02-23 Thread Ian Clarke
We just received an anonymous donation of $10,000!


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] donation

2013-02-23 Thread Ian Clarke
Now, approximately $14,000.


On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 1:58 PM, xor wrote:

 On Saturday, February 23, 2013 01:12:05 PM Ian Clarke wrote:
  We just received an anonymous donation of $10,000!

 hooray! whats the current balance of our finances?
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Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
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Re: [freenet-dev] Maven revisited

2013-02-04 Thread Ian Clarke
It's not implemented on Rails.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 11:12 PM, Travis Wellman tra...@traviswellman.comwrote:

 How is maven different than ruby gems?

 Travis Wellman

 On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 10:36:09 -0600
 Ian Clarke wrote:

  I recall that the reason for not using Maven is that it doesn't operate
  over a secure connection, and it leaves us open to the compromise of any
  Freenet's dependencies Maven repositories.
  This is despite the fact that no such compromise as ever occurred on any
  project that I'm aware of, and since we don't do code audits of Freenet's
  current dependencies, our current approach doesn't immunize us against it
 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Maven revisited

2013-01-31 Thread Ian Clarke
I was thinking about the fact that we still build Freenet using the tools
that were available to us a decade ago, while the Java world has moved on
to more sophisticated dependency management tools like Maven.

I recall that the reason for not using Maven is that it doesn't operate
over a secure connection, and it leaves us open to the compromise of any of
Freenet's dependencies Maven repositories.

This is despite the fact that no such compromise as ever occurred on any
project that I'm aware of, and since we don't do code audits of Freenet's
current dependencies, our current approach doesn't immunize us against it

However, one approach that might alleviate this concern is that we run our
own Maven repository which will host any dependencies we need, and then
configure Maven not to pull from the central Maven repos.

There is the other issue that Maven can be a PITA to use, however there are
similar alternatives:



Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Maven revisited

2013-01-31 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

 On Thursday 31 Jan 2013 17:50:32 Michael Grube wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Ian Clarke
   This is despite the fact that no such compromise as ever occurred on
   project that I'm aware of, and since we don't do code audits of
   current dependencies, our current approach doesn't immunize us against

 Have you actually tried to find out?

If by try you mean a quick
then yes.

If we run our own repository:
 - We need to maintain it. This is more unnecessary work.

Not a lot, probably less than dealing with the freenet-ext.jar mess.

 - We need to host it. This is more CPU usage on the small, cheap, rather
 limited VM that runs the website etc.

It won't use significant CPU or bandwidth, only developers will access it,
and Maven caches dependencies locally.

 But most importantly, we need it to be reasonably easy to *develop Freenet
 anonymously*. This is not a theoretical aspiration. There are anonymous
 developers today, and some of them are extremely productive at times.

They can use a Tor proxy.

 Exactly what problem are you trying to solve here? It's really not that
 hard to build Freenet. Granted it should be easier; the immediate problem
 is you need not only freenet-ext.jar (which the build scripts will fetch
 for you if you set one line in a config file; the first time you run ant it
 will tell you this), but also the bouncycastle jar, which isn't

I'm trying to bring us into 2013, Maven is virtually a standard Java tool
these days.  freenet-ext.jar has to be built, has to be kept up-to-date.
It's basically an ugly home-grown dependency management solution.
 Originally there were no alternatives, but now there are, and there are
easy solutions to the problems that you've outlined with it.


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Maven revisited

2013-01-31 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:34 PM, Matthew Toseland

But most importantly, we need it to be reasonably easy to *develop
   anonymously*. This is not a theoretical aspiration. There are anonymous
   developers today, and some of them are extremely productive at times.
  They can use a Tor proxy.

 IMHO we should not force that on them. Tor has a different threat model,
 and is much easier to block. Whereas developing over Freenet, without using
 Tor at all, is quite possible right now, or would be if we maintained an
 official on-freenet git/hg repo (using tools that already exist). To be
 fair, existing anonymous devs do pull from the main repo via Tor, but IMHO
 we should not require them to do so.

Now that I think about it, it may be possible to host a Maven repository in
Freenet…  AFAIK it's just straight-up HTTP GETs.

   I'm trying to bring us into 2013, Maven is virtually a standard Java
  these days.  freenet-ext.jar has to be built, has to be kept up-to-date.
  It's basically an ugly home-grown dependency management solution.
   Originally there were no alternatives, but now there are, and there are
  easy solutions to the problems that you've outlined with it.

 No, Maven does not help with freenet-ext.jar at all. The end-user does not
 use Maven.

Using Maven's assembly plugin - it's trivially easy to compile your code,
together with all dependencies, into a single .jar.


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Revocation messages: request review of english text

2013-01-31 Thread Ian Clarke
The term blown is jargon, I don't think we should use it.

All messages should give the user guidance as to what course of action to
take, and what the implications of the various messages are.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:44 PM, Matthew Toseland

 Some strings that users hopefully will never see. But if they do see them,
 they need to be clear. Any comments welcome.

 RevocationKeyFoundUserAlert.text=The Freenet auto-update system appears to
 have been compromized! A trusted member of the Freenet team has uploaded a
 special signed message to Freenet to say that the keys for the auto-updater
 have been stolen, leaked, or somebody has them who shouldn't. We have
 turned off auto-update to prevent malware from being installed on your
 computer. Please check the website ( ) for
 updates (if you can do so safely), but be careful as that may not be secure
 either. The thief might even have the keys for the message below, so please
 don't blindly follow instructions given without confirmation. Sorry we
 messed up!
 RevocationKeyFoundUserAlert.textDetail=The message is: ${message}
 RevocationKeyFoundUserAlert.textDisabled=The auto-updater has been
 disabled. This might be because of a local problem, such as running out of
 disk space, or the auto-updating system may have been compromized.
 RevocationKeyFoundUserAlert.textDisabledDetail=The reason is: ${message}.
 RevocationKeyFoundUserAlert.title=URGENT: The Freenet auto-update system
 has been compromised!
 RevocationKeyFoundUserAlert.titleDisabled=The auto-updater may have been
 compromised! We have turned it off for now, please click for more details.

 PeersSayKeyBlownAlert.fetching=Your node is attempting to download the
 revocation certificate to find out more details.
 PeersSayKeyBlownAlert.failedFetch=Your node has been unable to download
 the revocation certificate. Possible causes include an attack on your node
 to try to get you to update despite the key being blown, or your nodes
 lying about the key being blown. Please contact the developers or other
 Freenet users to sort out this mess.
 PeersSayKeyBlownAlert.connectedSayBlownLabel=These connected nodes say
 that the key has been blown (we are trying to download the revocation cert
 from them):
 PeersSayKeyBlownAlert.disconnectedSayBlownLabel=These nodes told us that
 the key has been blown, but then disconnected, so we could not fetch the
 revocation certificate:
 PeersSayKeyBlownAlert.failedTransferSayBlownLabel=These nodes told us that
 the key has been blown, but then failed to transfer the revocation
 PeersSayKeyBlownAlert.titleWithCount=Auto-update key blown according to
 ${count} peer(s)!
 PeersSayKeyBlownAlert.short=According to some of your peers it is not safe
 to auto-update. Auto-update has been disabled until we know if they are not
 making it up.

 RevocationChecker.revocationFetchFailedMaybeInternalError=The auto-update
 system has failed due to an unexpected error: ${detail}. This might be
 because the auto-update key has been compromized (e.g. the keys have been
 stolen), so we have turned off auto-update as it may not be safe. However
 it might also be due to a local problem such as running out of disk space.
 If this is true, please fix the problem and restart Freenet. If this
 message does not go away, please check the website ( ) and seek help. It might be useful to try
 fetching the key manually, but bear in mind it might have been inserted by
 the person who stole the keys: ${key}
 RevocationChecker.revocationFetchFailedFatally=The auto-update system has
 been compromized! The private key may have been stolen, so auto-update has
 been turned off permanently. The file that should explain what has happened
 cannot be fetched due to an unexpected error: ${detail}. Please try
 fetching the key manually (the key might have been inserted incorrectly
 e.g. be too big; for safety's sake we have to turn off auto-update straight
 away rather than wait for the whole key): ${key}

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] X-Vine summary was Re: Pisces and X-Vine: Tunnels and better routing on darknet?

2013-01-26 Thread Ian Clarke
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Matthew Toseland

 - X-Vine guarantees that it will find the data if it exists, whereas
 Freenet only probabilistically finds the data.

Any system that allows anyone to insert data must have a way to
automatically delete data.  Freenet uses a localized LRU - how does X-Vine
deal with this?


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Statement on Java exploit

2013-01-17 Thread Ian Clarke
The Java brand has taken a bit of a hit with this latest exploit:

Many people don't realize that the problem is limited to Java applets,
which almost nobody uses anymore.

Should we make a statement on our website?  I'll write an initial draft
which we can collaborate on here


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Github issues

2013-01-08 Thread Ian Clarke
I believe you can request that Github move repositories from a user to an


On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:29 AM, Matthew Toseland

 Since we created the github account, with the repo's on, they have added
 Organisations. Hence our github repo's are all owned by a single user,
 freenet, which I also use directly. IIRC there used to be some means for
 others to control freenet's repo's, but I can't find any such setting now;
 one account is one account. Which means the bus factor is rather
 alarming: If I'm disabled, we don't have admin access to the github

 So we probably should move our repositories onto the freenetproject

 The catch is, github does not support creating redirects.

 So this means *every developer will need to change their remotes*, or
 re-pull/re-checkout the repository. This is somewhat disruptive.

 Should we go ahead anyway? Should we wait? Should we forget about it, and
 deal with crises if they happen in the future?

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Fwd: DNS block

2012-12-28 Thread Ian Clarke
Yeah, he is now claiming it's to prevent copyright infringement, and that I
need to contact OpenDNS to get removed from the anonymizers list.  But
Freenet *is* an anonymizer, so I'm not sure how that argument is supposed
to go.

Could you ask your journalist friend to contact me before writing anything?
 My conversation with them is ongoing so I want to make sure he has the
latest information.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide arne_...@web.dewrote:

 Am Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012, 16:52:18 schrieb Ian Clarke:
  Had this conversation with a provider of wifi-hotspots in Austin.  I had
  initially sent an email complaining that was
  blocked in a coffee shop I frequent.

 Thank you for forwarding!

 I passed the URL to this message to Glyn Moody, journalist at techdirt. I
 he gets it :)

 Best wishes,
 Ein Würfel System - einfach saubere Regeln:


 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Fwd: DNS block

2012-12-28 Thread Ian Clarke
FYI - they have whitelisted - so it's all good.  Please
let your journalist friend know.


On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide arne_...@web.dewrote:

 I pointed him to your new message. Hi might still overlook the message
 on and twitter, not via email), but let’s hope he sees it.

 Best wishes,

 Am Freitag, 28. Dezember 2012, 08:50:51 schrieb Ian Clarke:
  Yeah, he is now claiming it's to prevent copyright infringement, and
 that I
  need to contact OpenDNS to get removed from the anonymizers list.  But
  Freenet *is* an anonymizer, so I'm not sure how that argument is supposed
  to go.
  Could you ask your journalist friend to contact me before writing
   My conversation with them is ongoing so I want to make sure he has the
  latest information.
  On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 8:30 AM, Arne Babenhauserheide
   Am Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012, 16:52:18 schrieb Ian Clarke:
Had this conversation with a provider of wifi-hotspots in Austin.  I
initially sent an email complaining that
blocked in a coffee shop I frequent.
   Thank you for forwarding!
   I passed the URL to this message to Glyn Moody, journalist at
 techdirt. I
   he gets it :)
   Best wishes,
   Ein Würfel System - einfach saubere Regeln:
   Devl mailing list
 Konstruktive Kritik:


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Fwd: DNS block

2012-12-27 Thread Ian Clarke
Had this conversation with a provider of wifi-hotspots in Austin.  I had
initially sent an email complaining that was
blocked in a coffee shop I frequent.


Forwarded conversation
Subject: DNS block

From: *techsupport*
Date: Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 3:57 PM

Hi Ian

your web site is blocked by millions of sites in the USA and other places
outside of the countries you mentioned, by a service called


that we subscribe to.

I think the greater message is that you should be in touch with them
directly, to have your site removed from the list of


which are blocked because we have an obligation to avoid porn and related
content from these networks to the best of our ability.  Since a Proxy
bypasses the DNS service, you can see why this is so.

The only good news today, is that you are now aware of how many places are
blocking your web page.

Best Regards


From: *Ian Clarke*
Date: Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 4:33 PM
To: techsupport

Don't worry, I'm well aware that billions of people in China are prevented
from visiting our web page due to their authoritarian government.  I'm just
disappointed that it's also occurring in the US.

OpenDns is correct to classify our website is an anonymizer, that's what it
is.  I suspect that most of your customer's customers value their online
anonymity, it's unfortunate that you are denying that to them.

I note that your customers include a few companies where I have contacts in
their senior management.  In particular, the CEO of Whole Foods is a noted
libertarian.  I'll discuss it with them.

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Fwd: Freenet applying for Access Tech Innovation Prize?

2012-08-21 Thread Ian Clarke
This looks like an ideal opportunity for us, but I'm crazy busy over the
next week or so and am unlikely to be able to apply.  Would anyone like to
volunteer to take this on?  I can provide them with any necessary


-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Carbone <--->
Date: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:18 PM
Subject: Freenet applying for Access Tech Innovation Prize?
To: ...

Dear Ian,

Not sure if you or the Freenet team are aware of the Access Innovation
Awards, $100,000 in prizes across five categories granted to individuals,
organizations or networks who have the best actionable ideas of how to use
information technology to promote and enable human rights or deliver a
social good outcome. The deadline for applications is August 31st, more
details are at

We would love to receive an application from the Freenet team, or if you
have any other current or potential future projects that fit within the
topics. Of the five categories, I think the Blackout Resilience and Golden
Jellybean categories are the most applicable to Freenet, but in any case
they are:

*Blackout Resilience*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea to help
build an open-sourced, blackout resilient technology for use by activists
and human rights workers in conditions where there is a need for alternate
communications infrastructure to the one put in place and/or controlled by
the authorities. For example, where there has been a communication network

*Making Crypto Easy*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea to
properly integrate encryption into an existing product/system, educate
users as to how to use encryption and/or build a community who use
encryption by default.

*The Bounty*: A $20,000 bounty will be granted for the best patch for a
disclosed or as yet undisclosed vulnerability in a program/platform or
software used by human rights defenders and activists.

*Golden Jellybean*: This is an unthemed category. $20,000 will go to the
best actionable idea of how communication technologies can be used to
promote and enable human rights. This could include funding a researcher
for $20,000; the development of a training guide for activists; a new
censorship circumvention program; or an initiative to detect surveillance
equipment on the network.

*Access Facebook Award*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea of how
to use the Facebook platform to deliver a human rights, human development
or social good outcome. We're looking for initiatives across the spectrum -
from enhancing freedom of speech and expression to improving the economic
well-being of a disadvantaged group.

As a reminder, applications will be evaluated based on the impact,
likelihood, innovation, and sustainability of the project or idea. For more
information about the awards, the criteria, or the submission process,
please visit the prize website:
All the best,


Access is a global movement premised on the belief that political
participation and the realization of human rights in the 21st century is
increasingly dependent on access to the internet and other forms of
technology. Visit us at <>.

Michael Carbone

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Fwd: Freenet applying for Access Tech Innovation Prize?

2012-08-21 Thread Ian Clarke
This looks like an ideal opportunity for us, but I'm crazy busy over the
next week or so and am unlikely to be able to apply.  Would anyone like to
volunteer to take this on?  I can provide them with any necessary


-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Carbone ---
Date: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:18 PM
Subject: Freenet applying for Access Tech Innovation Prize?
To: ...

Dear Ian,

Not sure if you or the Freenet team are aware of the Access Innovation
Awards, $100,000 in prizes across five categories granted to individuals,
organizations or networks who have the best actionable ideas of how to use
information technology to promote and enable human rights or deliver a
social good outcome. The deadline for applications is August 31st, more
details are at

We would love to receive an application from the Freenet team, or if you
have any other current or potential future projects that fit within the
topics. Of the five categories, I think the Blackout Resilience and Golden
Jellybean categories are the most applicable to Freenet, but in any case
they are:

*Blackout Resilience*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea to help
build an open-sourced, blackout resilient technology for use by activists
and human rights workers in conditions where there is a need for alternate
communications infrastructure to the one put in place and/or controlled by
the authorities. For example, where there has been a communication network

*Making Crypto Easy*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea to
properly integrate encryption into an existing product/system, educate
users as to how to use encryption and/or build a community who use
encryption by default.

*The Bounty*: A $20,000 bounty will be granted for the best patch for a
disclosed or as yet undisclosed vulnerability in a program/platform or
software used by human rights defenders and activists.

*Golden Jellybean*: This is an unthemed category. $20,000 will go to the
best actionable idea of how communication technologies can be used to
promote and enable human rights. This could include funding a researcher
for $20,000; the development of a training guide for activists; a new
censorship circumvention program; or an initiative to detect surveillance
equipment on the network.

*Access Facebook Award*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea of how
to use the Facebook platform to deliver a human rights, human development
or social good outcome. We're looking for initiatives across the spectrum -
from enhancing freedom of speech and expression to improving the economic
well-being of a disadvantaged group.

As a reminder, applications will be evaluated based on the impact,
likelihood, innovation, and sustainability of the project or idea. For more
information about the awards, the criteria, or the submission process,
please visit the prize website:
All the best,


Access is a global movement premised on the belief that political
participation and the realization of human rights in the 21st century is
increasingly dependent on access to the internet and other forms of
technology. Visit us at

Michael Carbone

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Freenet security setup redesign v2

2012-08-12 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Me  wrote:

>  This is Irfan again and as I promised, I am emailing the Freenet
> developers the second version of the redesign for the Freenet Security
> setup before the weekend is over.
> As requested, I removed the arrows as they seemed pointless and therefore,
> also removed that when-arrow-is-down state. So now the description of the
> setting appears when the toggle switch is turned on.
> I also made some minor detail changes, which may be largely unnoticeable,
> just fyi.
> Here is the default-state of second version of the redesign:
> and here is the when-toggle-switch-is-on state:
> One issue I am having with the toggle-switch-is-on state design is the
> location of the done button. I can't decide if it is a better UX
> (User-Experience) to have the done-button after the settings, where it is
> now, or after all of the security options (underneath the word 'Custom').
> If you have any comments or thoughts on that, please let me and the list
> know so we can decide on that button's location.
> Lastly, if you have any comments or thoughts on this version of the
> redesign please make your voice heard. As always, feedback is appreciated
> and welcome.

I like the overall look but I'm just not sure about the toggle switches, I
think they create unnecessary potential for confusion.  You just don't see
them used in web pages very often.

Couldn't we just have something that looks like a radio button, since this
will be a familiar UI element where the user must select one option from a


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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Re: [freenet-dev] Freenet security setup redesign v2

2012-08-12 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 5:56 PM, Me wrote:

  This is Irfan again and as I promised, I am emailing the Freenet
 developers the second version of the redesign for the Freenet Security
 setup before the weekend is over.

 As requested, I removed the arrows as they seemed pointless and therefore,
 also removed that when-arrow-is-down state. So now the description of the
 setting appears when the toggle switch is turned on.

 I also made some minor detail changes, which may be largely unnoticeable,
 just fyi.

 Here is the default-state of second version of the redesign:

 and here is the when-toggle-switch-is-on state:

 One issue I am having with the toggle-switch-is-on state design is the
 location of the done button. I can't decide if it is a better UX
 (User-Experience) to have the done-button after the settings, where it is
 now, or after all of the security options (underneath the word 'Custom').
 If you have any comments or thoughts on that, please let me and the list
 know so we can decide on that button's location.

 Lastly, if you have any comments or thoughts on this version of the
 redesign please make your voice heard. As always, feedback is appreciated
 and welcome.

I like the overall look but I'm just not sure about the toggle switches, I
think they create unnecessary potential for confusion.  You just don't see
them used in web pages very often.

Couldn't we just have something that looks like a radio button, since this
will be a familiar UI element where the user must select one option from a


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Download button for new site

2012-08-05 Thread Ian Clarke
I appreciate the effort, however I don't think these are an improvement
over the current download buttons on the current site.

Was there something wrong with the current buttons that prompted you to try
to replace them?


On Sun, Aug 5, 2012 at 6:26 AM, Luke R.  wrote:

> So we were discussing in IRC a few days ago that a new button is needed
> for the new Freenet site. I had originally thought of a rabbit hole with an
> arrow pointing down it, but opted for the traditional box for the sake of
> international awareness that a box with an arrow usually means download.
> Although if you think I should do that or modify these images in some way
> just let me know.
> Here's two test images I am proposing -
> <-- Colorful Box
> (used for NewYears?)
> <-- Regular Box
> As all files are in SVG they are nice and scalable and with multiple
> layers. Courtesy of InkScape! :D
> Thoughts?
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

[freenet-dev] Freenet security setup design

2012-08-05 Thread Ian Clarke
These look good, although of course it will be critically important that we
get the text right, since it's essential that people understand what risks
they are taking.

I think it's ok to just support reasonably recent versions of Internet
Explorer, even Google doesn't support IE7.

I personally think it is fine to require JavaScript be enabled, but I know
that others disagree.


On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 10:21 AM, irfan mir  wrote:

> Hello, I am Irfan? a friend of Steve Dougherty and he had asked me to
> further
> design his idea for Freenet's security setup. One can view his idea here:
> In this email I will reiterate Steve's idea and add screenshots of my
> design of
> this security setup idea.
> As seen here, this is what the setup will look like in the beginning:
> As you can see, there is a main container with the title "Security Setup"
> which contains a list with security options. Each option has, to the left
> of
> the text, a toggle-switch to turn it on, and a rightward pointing arrow.
> On click of the right-ward pointing arrow, a description of that option
> will appear, but more on that later.
> This is what the setup will look like when an arrow is clicked:
> As you can see, when an arrow next to an option is clicked, it
> turns downward as a pane, that contains a description, slides down
> from underneath the option's label. Clicking the arrow again causes
> the description to slide up and the arrow to turn rightward again
> (as seen in the first screenshot).
> Here is what the setup will look like when a toggle switch is clicked.
> Now, the html behind the toggle-switches will be radio-buttons. This
> way only one toggle-switch can be turned on / one security option can
> be turned on at a time.
> When a toggle-switch is clicked / radio-button is selected, if not already
> expanded the description of that security option slides down and
> the arrow turns downward. This is good because is allows the
> interface to demonstrate the functionality of the arrows when clicked
> in addition to a mouseover providing hints.
> Secondly, the other security options fade-out of the way. They can
> and will return when the toggle-switch is clicked again or turned off.
> Thirdly, another pane slides out from underneath the options. This
> contains the necessary settings for that option and a submit-button
> at the bottom. Each setting has an input to the right of the setting's
> label / name. To the left of the label / name is an arrow which provides
> an explanation / a description for that setting like the arrows of each
> security option did when clicked.
> The done button would complete the setup.
> Javascript and jQuery are already going to be implemented to style the
> radio-buttons (toggle-switches) on clicked, as there isn't a well
> supported way to do this in css, and preform the sliding and fading
> effects.
> We can also use JS and HTML5 to do useful things like keeping
> the form valid but turning valid values green and in-valid one's red.
> Its actually a better UX (User-Experience) to keep valid values the
> way they are and turning in-valid ones red.
> Although challenging, this seems like something I would be willing to
> develop as well. However, before I begin doing so, I would like to know
> the answer to 2 questions.
> Would the freenet-devs prefer there to be support for when scripts /
> javascript is disabled or turned off?
> An idea to handling this is directing the user to the current setup if
> so.
> And secondly, to what IE would the freenet-devs want this to be
> supported?
> Meaning should something as low as IE6 support it
> or is 9 and above fine. In my opinion, it would be easiest and
> best if we build the setup to be supported in IE9 and above and
> other modern-browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera).
> And then later-on make additions for support in IE8 and below
> when possible.
> Thoughts?
> I appreciate and welcome any and all feedback.
> Thanks in Advance & Best Regards,
> Irfan.
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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Re: [freenet-dev] Freenet security setup design

2012-08-05 Thread Ian Clarke
These look good, although of course it will be critically important that we
get the text right, since it's essential that people understand what risks
they are taking.

I think it's ok to just support reasonably recent versions of Internet
Explorer, even Google doesn't support IE7.

I personally think it is fine to require JavaScript be enabled, but I know
that others disagree.


On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 10:21 AM, irfan mir wrote:

 Hello, I am Irfan— a friend of Steve Dougherty and he had asked me to

 design his idea for Freenet's security setup. One can view his idea here:

 In this email I will reiterate Steve's idea and add screenshots of my
 design of

 this security setup idea.

 As seen here, this is what the setup will look like in the beginning:

 As you can see, there is a main container with the title Security Setup
 which contains a list with security options. Each option has, to the left
 the text, a toggle-switch to turn it on, and a rightward pointing arrow.
 On click of the right-ward pointing arrow, a description of that option
 will appear, but more on that later.

 This is what the setup will look like when an arrow is clicked:

 As you can see, when an arrow next to an option is clicked, it
 turns downward as a pane, that contains a description, slides down
 from underneath the option's label. Clicking the arrow again causes
 the description to slide up and the arrow to turn rightward again
 (as seen in the first screenshot).

 Here is what the setup will look like when a toggle switch is clicked.

 Now, the html behind the toggle-switches will be radio-buttons. This
 way only one toggle-switch can be turned on / one security option can
 be turned on at a time.
 When a toggle-switch is clicked / radio-button is selected, if not already
 expanded the description of that security option slides down and
 the arrow turns downward. This is good because is allows the
 interface to demonstrate the functionality of the arrows when clicked
 in addition to a mouseover providing hints.
 Secondly, the other security options fade-out of the way. They can
 and will return when the toggle-switch is clicked again or turned off.
 Thirdly, another pane slides out from underneath the options. This
 contains the necessary settings for that option and a submit-button
 at the bottom. Each setting has an input to the right of the setting's
 label / name. To the left of the label / name is an arrow which provides
 an explanation / a description for that setting like the arrows of each
 security option did when clicked.
 The done button would complete the setup.

 Javascript and jQuery are already going to be implemented to style the
 radio-buttons (toggle-switches) on clicked, as there isn't a well
 supported way to do this in css, and preform the sliding and fading
 We can also use JS and HTML5 to do useful things like keeping
 the form valid but turning valid values green and in-valid one's red.
 Its actually a better UX (User-Experience) to keep valid values the
 way they are and turning in-valid ones red.

 Although challenging, this seems like something I would be willing to
 develop as well. However, before I begin doing so, I would like to know
 the answer to 2 questions.

 Would the freenet-devs prefer there to be support for when scripts /
 javascript is disabled or turned off?
 An idea to handling this is directing the user to the current setup if

 And secondly, to what IE would the freenet-devs want this to be
 Meaning should something as low as IE6 support it
 or is 9 and above fine. In my opinion, it would be easiest and
 best if we build the setup to be supported in IE9 and above and
 other modern-browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera).
 And then later-on make additions for support in IE8 and below
 when possible.


 I appreciate and welcome any and all feedback.

 Thanks in Advance  Best Regards,
 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Offer to help with Windows installer

2012-06-25 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Matthew Toseland  wrote:

> On Friday 22 Jun 2012 13:09:16 Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
> > Hi Jeff, what is your preferred installer tool?  It would be great to
> > 1. automatically install a recent jre  2.  use pack200 compression for
> > the jars.  If you plan on using NSIS I can share some script snippets
> > that kind of do this.
> Do we really want to change the language the installer is written in every
> time we have a new maintainer?

That depends on what benefits the new tool might have (familiarity being an
important benefit).


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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Re: [freenet-dev] Offer to help with Windows installer

2012-06-25 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 8:18 AM, Matthew Toseland

 On Friday 22 Jun 2012 13:09:16 Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
  Hi Jeff, what is your preferred installer tool?  It would be great to
  1. automatically install a recent jre  2.  use pack200 compression for
  the jars.  If you plan on using NSIS I can share some script snippets
  that kind of do this.

 Do we really want to change the language the installer is written in every
 time we have a new maintainer?

That depends on what benefits the new tool might have (familiarity being an
important benefit).


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Some Updates on Winterface

2012-06-19 Thread Ian Clarke
That looks very promising, I look forward to seeing your continued progress
- it should look great with 960 grid system.


On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Pouyan Zaxar  wrote:

> There you go Ian:
> I haven't yet got into the graphics and colouring. But the structure is
> gonna be something like this. I use 960 grid system ( for
> the layout.
> Best
> pausb
> On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 09:09 -0500, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > This is very exciting, any chance of some screenshots?
> >
> > Ian.
> >
> > On Jun 18, 2012 6:55 AM, "Pouyan Zaxar"  wrote:
> > Hi everyone:
> >
> > up to now, I have managed to code the very first page of
> > Freenet's new
> > interface. The functionality is still buggy though! Please
> > take a look
> > at the code (dev branch) available under
> >
> >
> >
> > and feel free to comment on anything related to the interface
> > which
> > might pop into your mind!
> >
> > At the time I am converting existing Toadlets one-by-one into
> > Wicket
> > components and pages. So if there has been anything bothering
> > you, or
> > anything you always wanted to have, jut let me know or add it
> > directly
> > to
> >
> >
> >
> > Best
> > Pausb
> >
> > ___
> > Devl mailing list
> > Devl at
> >
> > ___
> > Devl mailing list
> > Devl at
> >
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
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Re: [freenet-dev] Some Updates on Winterface

2012-06-19 Thread Ian Clarke
That looks very promising, I look forward to seeing your continued progress
- it should look great with 960 grid system.


On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 5:21 AM, Pouyan Zaxar wrote:

 There you go Ian:

 I haven't yet got into the graphics and colouring. But the structure is
 gonna be something like this. I use 960 grid system ( for
 the layout.


 On Mon, 2012-06-18 at 09:09 -0500, Ian Clarke wrote:
  This is very exciting, any chance of some screenshots?
  On Jun 18, 2012 6:55 AM, Pouyan Zaxar wrote:
  Hi everyone:
  up to now, I have managed to code the very first page of
  Freenet's new
  interface. The functionality is still buggy though! Please
  take a look
  at the code (dev branch) available under
  and feel free to comment on anything related to the interface
  might pop into your mind!
  At the time I am converting existing Toadlets one-by-one into
  components and pages. So if there has been anything bothering
  you, or
  anything you always wanted to have, jut let me know or add it
  Devl mailing list
  Devl mailing list

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Some Updates on Winterface

2012-06-18 Thread Ian Clarke
This is very exciting, any chance of some screenshots?

On Jun 18, 2012 6:55 AM, "Pouyan Zaxar"  wrote:

> Hi everyone:
> up to now, I have managed to code the very first page of Freenet's new
> interface. The functionality is still buggy though! Please take a look
> at the code (dev branch) available under
> and feel free to comment on anything related to the interface which
> might pop into your mind!
> At the time I am converting existing Toadlets one-by-one into Wicket
> components and pages. So if there has been anything bothering you, or
> anything you always wanted to have, jut let me know or add it directly
> to
> Best
> Pausb
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at
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[freenet-dev] A better FAQ

2012-05-20 Thread Ian Clarke
Well, It's a service - not software.  It does raise a good question though,
whether we can extract the questions & answers should we decide to stop
using it.  I'll ask.


On Sun, May 20, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Luke R.  wrote:

> It does look like a reaonably nice FAQ system, but it's ashame it's not
> open-source/GPL.
> --- On *Fri, 5/18/12, Ian Clarke * wrote:
> From: Ian Clarke 
> Subject: [freenet-dev] A better FAQ
> To: "Discussion of development of development issues" <
> devl at>
> Date: Friday, May 18, 2012, 12:31 PM
> A friend of mine has created this service:
> It's basically a very smart FAQ that is capable of learning.  Our current
> FAQ, I think, is somewhat lackluster and intimidating.  My friend has
> offered to let us use HelpJuice for free - thoughts?  We should be able to
> integrate it into our site reasonably seamlessly.
> Ian.
> --
> Ian Clarke
> Founder, The Freenet Project
> Email: ian at<http://mc/compose?to=ian at 
> -Inline Attachment Follows-
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at <http://mc/compose?to=Devl at>
> _______
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
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[freenet-dev] A better FAQ

2012-05-18 Thread Ian Clarke
A friend of mine has created this service:

It's basically a very smart FAQ that is capable of learning.  Our current
FAQ, I think, is somewhat lackluster and intimidating.  My friend has
offered to let us use HelpJuice for free - thoughts?  We should be able to
integrate it into our site reasonably seamlessly.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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[freenet-dev] A better FAQ

2012-05-18 Thread Ian Clarke
A friend of mine has created this service:

It's basically a very smart FAQ that is capable of learning.  Our current
FAQ, I think, is somewhat lackluster and intimidating.  My friend has
offered to let us use HelpJuice for free - thoughts?  We should be able to
integrate it into our site reasonably seamlessly.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Lantern

2012-05-13 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Steve Dougherty
wrote:On 05/13/2012 12:29 AM, Ian Clarke wrote:

> > Lantern is a great example of how good a Java desktop app *can*
> > look, to try it:
> >
> > $ git clone git:// $ cd lantern $
> > ./run.bash
> >
> > Imagine if Freenet looked that good...
> It sure is pretty, but it prompts for my Google account credentials so
> it can import my contacts and does not appear to allow skipping that
> step. No thanks.

The functionality isn't what I'm trying to draw people's attention to, it's
the modern attractive appearance - proof that Java apps *can* look good.

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[freenet-dev] Lantern

2012-05-13 Thread Ian Clarke
Lantern is a great example of how good a Java desktop app *can* look, to
try it:

$ git clone git://
$ cd lantern
$ ./run.bash

Imagine if Freenet looked that good...


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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Re: [freenet-dev] Lantern

2012-05-13 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 12:22 PM, Steve Dougherty
st...@asksteved.comwrote:On 05/13/2012 12:29 AM, Ian Clarke wrote:

  Lantern is a great example of how good a Java desktop app *can*
  look, to try it:
  $ git clone git:// $ cd lantern $
  Imagine if Freenet looked that good...

 It sure is pretty, but it prompts for my Google account credentials so
 it can import my contacts and does not appear to allow skipping that
 step. No thanks.

The functionality isn't what I'm trying to draw people's attention to, it's
the modern attractive appearance - proof that Java apps *can* look good.

Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Lantern

2012-05-12 Thread Ian Clarke
Lantern is a great example of how good a Java desktop app *can* look, to
try it:

$ git clone git://
$ cd lantern
$ ./run.bash

Imagine if Freenet looked that good...


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #2

2012-05-10 Thread Ian Clarke
Very interesting - keep up the good work!


On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 12:43 AM, Steve Dougherty wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I've completed an initial run of simulation work on probes. The code is
> available, [1] as well as the simulation results from which the plots
> were generated. [2] The point of immediate interest though is the plots
> themselves, [3] which show the predicted network coverage of different
> probe routing techniques on networks with ideal degree distribution
> (more on this later) and that following the degree distribution of
> Freenet as measured. [4] Link lengths and locations do not factor into
> this simulation because probes take only degree into account and are not
> seeking any given destination; their goal is only to average out to
> distribute endpoints uniformly throughout the network.
> The ideal network distribution has each node add a fixed number of
> remote connections without regard for the number of connections it or
> the nodes it's connecting to have. I don't know whether this or having
> each node have the same number of total connections is the ideal. The
> results of the simulation did not appear to greatly change with
> network size, as shown by the consistent behavior between the 12,000
> and 45,000 node versions of the MH-corrected degree-conforming
> simulation. [5]
> As expected, the plots suggest that using Metropolis-Hastings correction
> will be an immense improvement in endpoint uniformity over the current
> uniform random routing, but specifically suggest that an HTL of around
> 20 hops is close enough to a baseline uniform endpoint probability to be
> a good starting point. I've noticed that these CDFs aren't a very good
> format for demonstrating closeness of distributions, given overlapping
> lines, but I don't understand the Kolmogorov?Smirnov test yet, so I'm
> planning to just use these results as a guideline and begin implementing
> the new probes next week.
> The gnuplot scripts to generate the degree and link length distribution
> plots are part of pyProbe, [6] and GNU parallel [7] is used in
> to run simulations in parallel. In the simulator source there are
> scripts from an earlier effort to plot coverage as percentages, but that
> was even less clear than the CDFs.
> Comments and suggestions are very welcome!
> Thanks,
> operhiem1
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> 2jcc7L3KnUkCIgvh9FyhJkZ9Fm42zCoqgxXmyavM9T18ZO52eYaNMaSfkA5FWltk
> iBElymF7ZCGd3ERX9XPirbXGDeMbpNsFbVHFoJbqKzb94MrnSUivLsVQz0Nl1KOJ
> g1yfYdA4RK3ywYIvwS7nWkIIrxhuik/Jzjaq5cuqY2L6i3DgiM9gjYweyJLpzt6r
> k/mRNOuKTI0MSdqMWclBFXOEOzTg/vZKZSvvslpZRwt0Opp+nK9VKBMVzvqiqUpr
> G9EEke4vPqU8OdWffxqu3nF5ZXlr4aB3mWw6B7zimE+7C3Wvk3oQHxxv/p/PqD96
> Qxds7EUKkdEQaEbNYRKMkzx9qzOszRZlcvLElX2Fgw15KvTMKmMDb/7t1DpbBysY
> tl7JnkYW6crq3nvBpWu3JFmSOYERhEzzKxkRsE76DVzkBz35AYOb1ZTLx06mEgP4
> F8HFs31Ra8LNlVCoN5jEHW3WhUIVkVtx8zauXGOtjJuY4ePhEXS9TvXOKAbvxMiA
> d/Nu78MORKBdq1repSMIcCLUl1Ya0AT0BEugvJ4KyKPScl0JL0GPOiFBG8Dr01GZ
> pQtYR4VDpcLlPzPkq1xj
> =apcO
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Freemail 0.1.1 and 0.2 released

2012-05-01 Thread Ian Clarke
Looks like great work Martin, congratulations on the release!


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Martin Nyhus  wrote:

> After being in development for nearly a year Freemail 0.2 has been
> released.
> The two main features in 0.2 is the new identity management which uses the
> Web
> of Trust plugin, and a webmail client. This work was mostly done as part of
> Google Summer of Code 2011. Due to the identity management changes this
> version is incompatible with the earlier releases, but to ease the
> migration
> the two versions can be used at the same time without any issues.
> Version 0.1.1 fixes a number of bugs including one potential security issue
> that could enable an attacker with access to the Freenet log files to fetch
> emails from Freenet after they should have been inaccessible.
> Both versions will be available through Freenet after the next update, and
> from
> CHK at xXc1H2eh-1OtCoE4Z0-G4
> ~5SfOFpTWa6YWOP~D4PyuA,dKRuAVWFlHd8ZNvFsIJj1Hzzuyoc7EfoVIXYgz-rfsg,AAIC--8/Freemail-0.1.1.jar
> CHK at S0AnW
> ~5CXyh3pLkzJHbRm5xj8kf26GyLcT3Zuf1UAsU,pt-TGV39s1ucWNTkZKMdo1dQyaxzaUsSjXlYtBAqfvc,AAIC--8/Freemail-0.2.jar
> I am very interested in feedback about the reliability of Freemail, any
> bugs I
> have missed and performance problems. This can be reported through the
> mailing
> list, the bug tracker and on Freenet.
> Detailed changelog for 0.1.1 (also included in 0.2):
>  o Security fixes:
>- Log message fetch and insert keys at debug instead of normal/error.
> If a
>  collision occurred the new slot would be logged at error, which
>  would break the forward secrecy of the slot system until the log was
>  deleted. This would enable an attacker with access to the log files to
>  retrieve messages from Freenet.
>  o Bugfixes:
>- Folders deleted using a mail client are now deleted properly
>- Fixes a crash that could occur if a mail client connected while
> Freemail
>  was shutting down
>- The startup message now shows the correct licence (GPL)
>- Fixes a bug where certain email addresses would cause received
> messages to
>  be empty
>- Fixes a race condition which could lead to Freemail hanging
>- Don't delete CC headers from a message before sending
>- Always print a log message when Freemail isn't connected to the node
>- IMAP: Remove extra space that was printed in a fetch response without
> a range
>- IMAP: Fix error message when the end of a range was invalid
>- IMAP: Handle strange sequence number ranges
>- IMAP: Remove \* from permanent flags since they were not stored
>- IMAP: Fix append with two or more flags
>- IMAP: Reply with error if the append length couldn't be parsed
>- Fix various locking issues
>- Don't log the recently failed fetch result as an error
>  o Improvements:
>- Improve the explanations on the create account page
>- Only resend the RTS once per two days instead of once per message in
> the
>  outbox per two days, reducing resource usage for unacked messages
>- Send messages in the order they will be received, improving
> performance
>  when sending a large amount of messages
>- Alternate between sending and receiving, stopping sending/receiving a
> large
>  number of messages from blocking other operations
>  o Build improvements:
>- Compile for Java 1.6
>- Include git describe output in version
>- Enable warnings when building
>- Make Ant and Eclipse output files to the same location (build/)
>  o Code changes:
>- Add unit tests for various classes (mostly IMAP)
>- Improve errors returned/thrown by HighLevelFCPClient
>- Add type parameters to all code
>- Add missing @Override annotations
>- Throw AssertionError in some cases that should be impossible
>- Use constants for config file keys
>- Respond to interrupts in the FCP code
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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Re: [freenet-dev] Freemail 0.1.1 and 0.2 released

2012-05-01 Thread Ian Clarke
Looks like great work Martin, congratulations on the release!


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Martin Nyhus wrote:

 After being in development for nearly a year Freemail 0.2 has been
 The two main features in 0.2 is the new identity management which uses the
 of Trust plugin, and a webmail client. This work was mostly done as part of
 Google Summer of Code 2011. Due to the identity management changes this
 version is incompatible with the earlier releases, but to ease the
 the two versions can be used at the same time without any issues.

 Version 0.1.1 fixes a number of bugs including one potential security issue
 that could enable an attacker with access to the Freenet log files to fetch
 emails from Freenet after they should have been inaccessible.

 Both versions will be available through Freenet after the next update, and

 I am very interested in feedback about the reliability of Freemail, any
 bugs I
 have missed and performance problems. This can be reported through the
 list, the bug tracker and on Freenet.

 Detailed changelog for 0.1.1 (also included in 0.2):
  o Security fixes:
- Log message fetch and insert keys at debug instead of normal/error.
 If a
  collision occurred the new slot would be logged at error, which
  would break the forward secrecy of the slot system until the log was
  deleted. This would enable an attacker with access to the log files to
  retrieve messages from Freenet.

  o Bugfixes:
- Folders deleted using a mail client are now deleted properly
- Fixes a crash that could occur if a mail client connected while
  was shutting down
- The startup message now shows the correct licence (GPL)
- Fixes a bug where certain email addresses would cause received
 messages to
  be empty
- Fixes a race condition which could lead to Freemail hanging
- Don't delete CC headers from a message before sending
- Always print a log message when Freemail isn't connected to the node
- IMAP: Remove extra space that was printed in a fetch response without
 a range
- IMAP: Fix error message when the end of a range was invalid
- IMAP: Handle strange sequence number ranges
- IMAP: Remove \* from permanent flags since they were not stored
- IMAP: Fix append with two or more flags
- IMAP: Reply with error if the append length couldn't be parsed
- Fix various locking issues
- Don't log the recently failed fetch result as an error

  o Improvements:
- Improve the explanations on the create account page
- Only resend the RTS once per two days instead of once per message in
  outbox per two days, reducing resource usage for unacked messages
- Send messages in the order they will be received, improving
  when sending a large amount of messages
- Alternate between sending and receiving, stopping sending/receiving a
  number of messages from blocking other operations

  o Build improvements:
- Compile for Java 1.6
- Include git describe output in version
- Enable warnings when building
- Make Ant and Eclipse output files to the same location (build/)

  o Code changes:
- Add unit tests for various classes (mostly IMAP)
- Improve errors returned/thrown by HighLevelFCPClient
- Add type parameters to all code
- Add missing @Override annotations
- Throw AssertionError in some cases that should be impossible
- Use constants for config file keys
- Respond to interrupts in the FCP code

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] webui and accessibility

2012-04-18 Thread Ian Clarke
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 3:21 AM, Nicolas Hernandez <
nicolas.hernandez at> wrote:

> i don't know ... if we can forget Velocity i am happy :-). I don't know if
> for Freenet devs, Velocity is still a Pre-requisies.

I don't think Velocity was ever a prerequisite.  The only prerequisites are

   - We get a UI that looks good and is easy to use
   - The code for the UI is easy to maintain and extend
   - The UI can do everything that the current UI can do

I am willing to trust the people that are willing to do the work to pick
good tools, within reasonable limits.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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Re: [freenet-dev] webui and accessibility

2012-04-18 Thread Ian Clarke
On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 3:21 AM, Nicolas Hernandez wrote:

 i don't know ... if we can forget Velocity i am happy :-). I don't know if
 for Freenet devs, Velocity is still a Pre-requisies.

I don't think Velocity was ever a prerequisite.  The only prerequisites are

   - We get a UI that looks good and is easy to use
   - The code for the UI is easy to maintain and extend
   - The UI can do everything that the current UI can do

I am willing to trust the people that are willing to do the work to pick
good tools, within reasonable limits.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] webui and accessibility

2012-04-13 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:01 AM, Pouyan Zachar  wrote:

>  Wicket + Velocity is a excellent solution
Doesn't Wicket include its own templating engine, which is just an
extension of XHTML?


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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Re: [freenet-dev] webui and accessibility

2012-04-13 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:01 AM, Pouyan Zachar wrote:

  Wicket + Velocity is a excellent solution

Doesn't Wicket include its own templating engine, which is just an
extension of XHTML?


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] fproxy-ng first draft and a short roadmap

2012-03-29 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Florent Daigniere <
nextgens at> wrote:

> Well, you're the one who defends that designers need to be able to touch
> the
>  HTML... remember?
> Any solution involving GWT is no better than the current fproxy to that
> regard:
>  designers would have to touch the java code to change the HTML structure.

Perhaps, but not to change the general appearance - GWT more-or-less
dictates the structure anyway because you build the UI at a higher level of


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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Re: [freenet-dev] fproxy-ng first draft and a short roadmap

2012-03-29 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

 Well, you're the one who defends that designers need to be able to touch
  HTML... remember?

 Any solution involving GWT is no better than the current fproxy to that
  designers would have to touch the java code to change the HTML structure.

Perhaps, but not to change the general appearance - GWT more-or-less
dictates the structure anyway because you build the UI at a higher level of


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] fproxy-ng first draft and a short roadmap

2012-03-28 Thread Ian Clarke
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Florent Daigniere <
nextgens at> wrote:

>  > 3. "kick-ass design" is not a goal
> I've never said it is either. What I was doing is reminding Ian (sanity)
> what
> his points and arguments have been over the years.

How kind of you, my memory is getting a little rusty in my old age.

> He's the one who has been pushing for a rewrite of fproxy and as far as I
>  understood, his train of thought so far has been the following:
> - the design of the current interface sucks
> => we need to do something about it as it repels users
> - good coders are bad designers...
> - good designers are not coders...

No, but the overlapping set of good coders that are also good designers is *
extremely* small - I can count those I've met on one hand (actually my wife
is one of them - but she thinks you're all too grouchy for her to work on
Freenet's UI :-( ).

> => we need a templating engine both can use and work with
> - designers don't know nor use any templating engines

I never said that, I've worked with many designers that have worked with
templating engines.

> => we need plain HTML so that designers can keep on using their favourite
> Adobe tool

As I mentioned in my last email, I think it's been almost a decade since I
worked with a designer that wasn't comfortable working with HTML and CSS


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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[freenet-dev] fproxy-ng first draft and a short roadmap

2012-03-28 Thread Ian Clarke
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Florent Daigniere <
nextgens at> wrote:

> They might be pragmatic but they miss the point. We want to change the
> templating
>  engine so that 'web-designers' can use their favourite wysiwyg editor to
>  help us come up with a kick-ass design. Code-maintainability and other
>  software-engineering concerns are only secondary here...

I don't know how many web designers you've worked with, but I've worked
with a few good ones and they all work directly in css and html - none of
them to my knowledge use a wysiwyg editor.  The days of proficiency with
DreamWeaver being a sufficient qualification to call yourself a web
designer are long gone.

> GWT doesn't allow that... The only wysiwyg editors I know about are within
>  IDEs (Eclipse and Netbeans)... That's not the tool of choice of designers.
>  You're still writing JAVA code as opposed to plain HTML. As far as I know,
>  from the list of suggested frameworks, only Wicket fulfills this
>  requirement.
> see:

GWT is more proscriptive, which may be a good thing (why invent an entirely
new HTML widget-set from scratch?), but a designer can still modify its
appearance through css.


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
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Re: [freenet-dev] fproxy-ng first draft and a short roadmap

2012-03-28 Thread Ian Clarke
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 2:20 PM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

 They might be pragmatic but they miss the point. We want to change the
  engine so that 'web-designers' can use their favourite wysiwyg editor to
  help us come up with a kick-ass design. Code-maintainability and other
  software-engineering concerns are only secondary here...

I don't know how many web designers you've worked with, but I've worked
with a few good ones and they all work directly in css and html - none of
them to my knowledge use a wysiwyg editor.  The days of proficiency with
DreamWeaver being a sufficient qualification to call yourself a web
designer are long gone.

 GWT doesn't allow that... The only wysiwyg editors I know about are within
  IDEs (Eclipse and Netbeans)... That's not the tool of choice of designers.
  You're still writing JAVA code as opposed to plain HTML. As far as I know,
  from the list of suggested frameworks, only Wicket fulfills this


GWT is more proscriptive, which may be a good thing (why invent an entirely
new HTML widget-set from scratch?), but a designer can still modify its
appearance through css.


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] fproxy-ng first draft and a short roadmap

2012-03-28 Thread Ian Clarke
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 5:35 AM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

   3. kick-ass design is not a goal

 I've never said it is either. What I was doing is reminding Ian (sanity)
 his points and arguments have been over the years.

How kind of you, my memory is getting a little rusty in my old age.

 He's the one who has been pushing for a rewrite of fproxy and as far as I
  understood, his train of thought so far has been the following:
 - the design of the current interface sucks
 = we need to do something about it as it repels users
 - good coders are bad designers...
 - good designers are not coders...

No, but the overlapping set of good coders that are also good designers is *
extremely* small - I can count those I've met on one hand (actually my wife
is one of them - but she thinks you're all too grouchy for her to work on
Freenet's UI :-( ).

 = we need a templating engine both can use and work with
 - designers don't know nor use any templating engines

I never said that, I've worked with many designers that have worked with
templating engines.

 = we need plain HTML so that designers can keep on using their favourite
 Adobe tool

As I mentioned in my last email, I think it's been almost a decade since I
worked with a designer that wasn't comfortable working with HTML and CSS


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Refactoring Freenet and Library was Re: Gun.IO and Freenet

2012-03-23 Thread Ian Clarke
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 7:00 AM, Matthew Toseland  wrote:

> Making stuff static is tempting but means we can't do
> multi-nodes-in-one-VM tests

Have we ever actually done that?  It seems like we're always making
decisions to accomodate rare (and sometimes fictional) edge-cases.


Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Coding standards

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
I know, and?
On Mar 21, 2012 4:21 PM, "Marco Schulze"  wrote:

>  Not everyone uses Eclipse.
> On 21-03-2012 13:45, Ian Clarke wrote:
> Or to commit the relevant Eclipse project to enforce these standards as a
> "save action".
>  Ian.
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:07 AM, Nicolas Hernandez <
> nicolas.hernandez at> wrote:
>> Could it be possible to have a checktsyle file ?
>> - Nicolas Hernandez
>> a-n - aleph-networks
>> *associ?*
>>   On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Matthew Toseland <
>> toad at> wrote:
>>>  On Monday 19 Mar 2012 23:12:15 Steve Dougherty wrote:
>>> > I'm all for it. The coding standard is rather clear on indenting with
>>> > tabs, so I guess all that would be required is a run with a
>>> > re-indenting/code style conformance tool. That's something for a
>>> > janitor tree, and would ideally be timed between releases and when all
>>> > known pull requests have been merged or rejected to minimize
>>> > whitespace-related disruption to existing work.
>>>  Gigantic third party patches should come with some means to verify them.
>>> For example, converting all the spaces to tabs in a single commit is
>>> fine because then you can just do diff -uw.
>>> However, automated bulk indenting doesn't always makes things easier to
>>> read - e.g. devs may not like the style it produces.
>>>  >
>>> > On 03/19/2012 06:13 PM, Marco Schulze wrote:
>>> > > May I add a vote to standardise indentation? This mess of spaces
>>> > > with tabs really bugs me.
>>>  ___
>>> Devl mailing list
>>> Devl at
>> ___
>> Devl mailing list
>> Devl at
>  --
> Ian Clarke
> Personal blog:
> ___
> Devl mailing listDevl at 
> freenetproject.org
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] (no subject)

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Daxter  wrote:

> On Mar 18, 2012, at 8:04 PM, Leah Hicks wrote:
> I have done my research, although I have to admit wordpress is not
> perfect. If it is *really* that big of an issue then we will simply not
> use it. And yes I'm aware of the current implementation however it uses
> javascript which will not run if users have javascript disabled. If someone
> can find a workaround for that I'm golden.
> The problem with any CMS is that if/when Freenet gets a lot of publicity
> (e.g. something was leaked via Freenet) then it will undoubtedly be under
> attack. Allowing dynamic content at all is asking for trouble. I think it's
> best to keep the main site static, generated beforehand with a templating
> engine--my favorite being HAML (

I think ruling out any dynamic content for security reasons is excessive,
there are plenty of secure dynamic websites.

That being said, Wordpress does have a history of vulnerabilities, my
person blog has been hacked twice due to vulnerabilities in Wordpress,
although not in the last 2 years.

I've heard from various people that Wordpress' source code is a total mess,
and they have a caviler attitude towards security holes (basically their
attitude is that if you don't upgrade the minute we release a new version
it's your own fault if you get hacked).

Getting hacked would be far more damaging for us than most projects given
that people download and install software from our site.

So I agree with the reluctance about using Wordpress, but it's going to far
to rule out any dynamic content.  This isn't 1996.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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[freenet-dev] Logging in Fred

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
Is there a good reason to roll our own logging framework?  What about or one of the many other alternatives?


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Marco Schulze wrote:

> One thing has been bothering me: those 'if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(...',
> and the mess that logging is inside fred. I've written a very simple
> replacement for Logger + associated classes with the following changes:
> - Log level (renamed to severity) filtering is done by Logging.log();
> - Specific writer classes are replaced by a simple OutputStream, which
> defaults to System.err. Formatting is also unified;
> - Severity cases are broadened (FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG and
> TRACE), MINOR is mapped to DEBUG, and NORMAL is mapped to INFO;
> - No logging method accepts an Object parameter - hashCode() is not
> exactly useful.
> Additionally, log rotation will be moved outside (possibly inside Node).
> Currently, the log format is '\t'.
> __**_
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at
> https://emu.freenetproject.**org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/**devl<>

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Coding standards

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
Or to commit the relevant Eclipse project to enforce these standards as a
"save action".


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:07 AM, Nicolas Hernandez <
nicolas.hernandez at> wrote:

> Could it be possible to have a checktsyle file ?
> - Nicolas Hernandez
> a-n - aleph-networks
> *associ?*
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Matthew Toseland <
> toad at> wrote:
>> On Monday 19 Mar 2012 23:12:15 Steve Dougherty wrote:
>> > I'm all for it. The coding standard is rather clear on indenting with
>> > tabs, so I guess all that would be required is a run with a
>> > re-indenting/code style conformance tool. That's something for a
>> > janitor tree, and would ideally be timed between releases and when all
>> > known pull requests have been merged or rejected to minimize
>> > whitespace-related disruption to existing work.
>> Gigantic third party patches should come with some means to verify them.
>> For example, converting all the spaces to tabs in a single commit is fine
>> because then you can just do diff -uw.
>> However, automated bulk indenting doesn't always makes things easier to
>> read - e.g. devs may not like the style it produces.
>> >
>> > On 03/19/2012 06:13 PM, Marco Schulze wrote:
>> > > May I add a vote to standardise indentation? This mess of spaces
>> > > with tabs really bugs me.
>> ___
>> Devl mailing list
>> Devl at
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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Re: [freenet-dev] Coding standards

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
Or to commit the relevant Eclipse project to enforce these standards as a
save action.


On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:07 AM, Nicolas Hernandez wrote:

 Could it be possible to have a checktsyle file ?

 - Nicolas Hernandez
 a-n - aleph-networks

 On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

 On Monday 19 Mar 2012 23:12:15 Steve Dougherty wrote:
  I'm all for it. The coding standard is rather clear on indenting with
  tabs, so I guess all that would be required is a run with a
  re-indenting/code style conformance tool. That's something for a
  janitor tree, and would ideally be timed between releases and when all
  known pull requests have been merged or rejected to minimize
  whitespace-related disruption to existing work.

 Gigantic third party patches should come with some means to verify them.

 For example, converting all the spaces to tabs in a single commit is fine
 because then you can just do diff -uw.

 However, automated bulk indenting doesn't always makes things easier to
 read - e.g. devs may not like the style it produces.
  On 03/19/2012 06:13 PM, Marco Schulze wrote:
   May I add a vote to standardise indentation? This mess of spaces
   with tabs really bugs me.

 Devl mailing list

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Logging in Fred

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
Is there a good reason to roll our own logging framework?  What about or one of the many other alternatives?


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 6:40 PM, Marco Schulze marco.c.schu...@gmail.comwrote:

 One thing has been bothering me: those 'if (logMINOR) Logger.minor(...',
 and the mess that logging is inside fred. I've written a very simple
 replacement for Logger + associated classes with the following changes:

 - Log level (renamed to severity) filtering is done by Logging.log();
 - Specific writer classes are replaced by a simple OutputStream, which
 defaults to System.err. Formatting is also unified;
 - Severity cases are broadened (FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG and
 TRACE), MINOR is mapped to DEBUG, and NORMAL is mapped to INFO;
 - No logging method accepts an Object parameter - hashCode() is not
 exactly useful.

 Additionally, log rotation will be moved outside (possibly inside Node).

 Currently, the log format is 'severity\tmessage'.
 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] (no subject)

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 8:09 PM, Daxter wrote:

 On Mar 18, 2012, at 8:04 PM, Leah Hicks wrote:

 I have done my research, although I have to admit wordpress is not
 perfect. If it is *really* that big of an issue then we will simply not
 use it. And yes I'm aware of the current implementation however it uses
 javascript which will not run if users have javascript disabled. If someone
 can find a workaround for that I'm golden.

 The problem with any CMS is that if/when Freenet gets a lot of publicity
 (e.g. something was leaked via Freenet) then it will undoubtedly be under
 attack. Allowing dynamic content at all is asking for trouble. I think it's
 best to keep the main site static, generated beforehand with a templating
 engine--my favorite being HAML (

I think ruling out any dynamic content for security reasons is excessive,
there are plenty of secure dynamic websites.

That being said, Wordpress does have a history of vulnerabilities, my
person blog has been hacked twice due to vulnerabilities in Wordpress,
although not in the last 2 years.

I've heard from various people that Wordpress' source code is a total mess,
and they have a caviler attitude towards security holes (basically their
attitude is that if you don't upgrade the minute we release a new version
it's your own fault if you get hacked).

Getting hacked would be far more damaging for us than most projects given
that people download and install software from our site.

So I agree with the reluctance about using Wordpress, but it's going to far
to rule out any dynamic content.  This isn't 1996.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Coding standards

2012-03-21 Thread Ian Clarke
I know, and?
On Mar 21, 2012 4:21 PM, Marco Schulze wrote:

  Not everyone uses Eclipse.

 On 21-03-2012 13:45, Ian Clarke wrote:

 Or to commit the relevant Eclipse project to enforce these standards as a
 save action.


 On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 6:07 AM, Nicolas Hernandez wrote:

 Could it be possible to have a checktsyle file ?

 - Nicolas Hernandez
 a-n - aleph-networks

   On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

  On Monday 19 Mar 2012 23:12:15 Steve Dougherty wrote:
  I'm all for it. The coding standard is rather clear on indenting with
  tabs, so I guess all that would be required is a run with a
  re-indenting/code style conformance tool. That's something for a
  janitor tree, and would ideally be timed between releases and when all
  known pull requests have been merged or rejected to minimize
  whitespace-related disruption to existing work.

  Gigantic third party patches should come with some means to verify them.

 For example, converting all the spaces to tabs in a single commit is
 fine because then you can just do diff -uw.

 However, automated bulk indenting doesn't always makes things easier to
 read - e.g. devs may not like the style it produces.
  On 03/19/2012 06:13 PM, Marco Schulze wrote:
   May I add a vote to standardise indentation? This mess of spaces
   with tabs really bugs me.

 Devl mailing list

 Devl mailing list

 Ian Clarke
 Personal blog:

 Devl mailing 

 Devl mailing list

Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Freenet has been accepted in Google Summer of Code 2012!

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
On the positive side, if you do help us with the website it will mean that
when you are old enough we'll be much more likely to pick you as a student


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:26 PM, Leah Hicks  wrote:

> Have to scratch that, I'm not quite old enough yet to apply. :(
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 12:19 PM, Leah Hicks  wrote:
>> I really want to apply for this as a student but the only skills I have
>> are in web design. In a separate email I've offered to redo the site, but
>> maybe I should have that wait until SoC begins to do that? I noticed it as
>> one of the proposals on the wiki.
> --
> -- *Leah Hicks*
> *
> *
> **
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Freenet has been accepted in Google Summer of Code 2012!

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
Ok, I figured it out and added a link - students can't sign up until March
26th so we should hold-off on a publicity push until then.


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Ian Clarke  wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Florent Daigniere <
> nextgens at> wrote:
>> Mentors and students can apply at
> How do they do this?  I see nothing obvious on that page explaining.
>  Also, if this page is indeed the mechanism through which people should
> apply, then we should link to it from the SoC wiki page.
> Ian.
> --
> Ian Clarke
> Founder, The Freenet Project
> Email: ian at

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Freenet has been accepted in Google Summer of Code 2012!

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Florent Daigniere <
nextgens at> wrote:

> Mentors and students can apply at

How do they do this?  I see nothing obvious on that page explaining.  Also,
if this page is indeed the mechanism through which people should apply,
then we should link to it from the SoC wiki page.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] (no subject)

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Leah Hicks  wrote:

> My primary suggestions are:
> - Update the site to HTML5 and CSS3

Yes, but it should degrade gracefully so that it works in IE7, even if it
doesn't look as good.

> - Change the top menu to be less cramped, possible move certain items to a
> sidebar

Sounds reasonable.

> - Make new buttons for Download / Donate


> - General restyling of the site to look cleaner and easier to read.


So from this it seems that you want to modify the existing site rather than
start from scratch with something fresh?

> Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated, and again sorry
> for the last message! ^^

Not a problem - we're glad to have you on board :-)


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Website Redesign?

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
doh, sorry - in my enthusiasm I didn't notice that there was a follow-up
thread.  I'll go read it now :-)


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Ian Clarke  wrote:

> Leah,
> That sounds great, our last redesign was indeed several years ago, and I
> agree that the site is probably overdue for a facelift.
> One thing though, I think we will need to support Internet Explorer 7,
> which I believe doesn't support some of the newer web standards you
> mention.  It's ok if the site doesn't look quite as good in IE7, but it
> should at least work.  (The good news is that the upcoming IE10 does
> support these things, so hopefully we won't have to worry about it for too
> much longer).
> In your email you didn't actually list any of the specific things you'd
> change, perhaps you hit "send" prematurely by mistake?
> Also, you didn't mention but I assume you're willing to do this work on a
> voluntary basis?  Of course, if you do the redesign we're willing to add a
> credit and a link to you to the bottom of our site (which will be very good
> for your "Google guice" given that our site has a pagerank of 6 ;).
> Assuming all is well, I guess the first step would be for you to do a
> mock-up so that we can all see how you envisage the site looking?
> Thanks, and welcome aboard!
> Ian.
> On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Leah Hicks  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm a freelance web designer and I'm interested in redesigning Freenet's
>> home page. It looks kind of out dated compared to most modern sites, not to
>> mention it's using the rather out dated HTML 4 Transitional doctype.
>> Although not exactly supported yet by some browsers, I assume that most of
>> your userbase uses Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, which have support for all
>> the new HTML 5 tags and CSS3 selectors. Mainly I just want to tidy the site
>> up.
>> Here's my portfolio:
>> My primary suggestions are:
>> --
>> -- *Leah Hicks*
>> *
>> *
>> **
>> ___
>> Devl mailing list
>> Devl at
> --
> Ian Clarke
> Personal blog:

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Website Redesign?

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke

That sounds great, our last redesign was indeed several years ago, and I
agree that the site is probably overdue for a facelift.

One thing though, I think we will need to support Internet Explorer 7,
which I believe doesn't support some of the newer web standards you
mention.  It's ok if the site doesn't look quite as good in IE7, but it
should at least work.  (The good news is that the upcoming IE10 does
support these things, so hopefully we won't have to worry about it for too
much longer).

In your email you didn't actually list any of the specific things you'd
change, perhaps you hit "send" prematurely by mistake?

Also, you didn't mention but I assume you're willing to do this work on a
voluntary basis?  Of course, if you do the redesign we're willing to add a
credit and a link to you to the bottom of our site (which will be very good
for your "Google guice" given that our site has a pagerank of 6 ;).

Assuming all is well, I guess the first step would be for you to do a
mock-up so that we can all see how you envisage the site looking?

Thanks, and welcome aboard!


On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Leah Hicks  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm a freelance web designer and I'm interested in redesigning Freenet's
> home page. It looks kind of out dated compared to most modern sites, not to
> mention it's using the rather out dated HTML 4 Transitional doctype.
> Although not exactly supported yet by some browsers, I assume that most of
> your userbase uses Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, which have support for all
> the new HTML 5 tags and CSS3 selectors. Mainly I just want to tidy the site
> up.
> Here's my portfolio:
> My primary suggestions are:
> --
> -- *Leah Hicks*
> *
> *
> **
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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Re: [freenet-dev] Website Redesign?

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke

That sounds great, our last redesign was indeed several years ago, and I
agree that the site is probably overdue for a facelift.

One thing though, I think we will need to support Internet Explorer 7,
which I believe doesn't support some of the newer web standards you
mention.  It's ok if the site doesn't look quite as good in IE7, but it
should at least work.  (The good news is that the upcoming IE10 does
support these things, so hopefully we won't have to worry about it for too
much longer).

In your email you didn't actually list any of the specific things you'd
change, perhaps you hit send prematurely by mistake?

Also, you didn't mention but I assume you're willing to do this work on a
voluntary basis?  Of course, if you do the redesign we're willing to add a
credit and a link to you to the bottom of our site (which will be very good
for your Google guice given that our site has a pagerank of 6 ;).

Assuming all is well, I guess the first step would be for you to do a
mock-up so that we can all see how you envisage the site looking?

Thanks, and welcome aboard!


On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Leah Hicks wrote:


 I'm a freelance web designer and I'm interested in redesigning Freenet's
 home page. It looks kind of out dated compared to most modern sites, not to
 mention it's using the rather out dated HTML 4 Transitional doctype.
 Although not exactly supported yet by some browsers, I assume that most of
 your userbase uses Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, which have support for all
 the new HTML 5 tags and CSS3 selectors. Mainly I just want to tidy the site

 Here's my portfolio:

 My primary suggestions are:

 -- *Leah Hicks*

 Devl mailing list

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Website Redesign?

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
doh, sorry - in my enthusiasm I didn't notice that there was a follow-up
thread.  I'll go read it now :-)


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Ian Clarke wrote:


 That sounds great, our last redesign was indeed several years ago, and I
 agree that the site is probably overdue for a facelift.

 One thing though, I think we will need to support Internet Explorer 7,
 which I believe doesn't support some of the newer web standards you
 mention.  It's ok if the site doesn't look quite as good in IE7, but it
 should at least work.  (The good news is that the upcoming IE10 does
 support these things, so hopefully we won't have to worry about it for too
 much longer).

 In your email you didn't actually list any of the specific things you'd
 change, perhaps you hit send prematurely by mistake?

 Also, you didn't mention but I assume you're willing to do this work on a
 voluntary basis?  Of course, if you do the redesign we're willing to add a
 credit and a link to you to the bottom of our site (which will be very good
 for your Google guice given that our site has a pagerank of 6 ;).

 Assuming all is well, I guess the first step would be for you to do a
 mock-up so that we can all see how you envisage the site looking?

 Thanks, and welcome aboard!


 On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Leah Hicks wrote:


 I'm a freelance web designer and I'm interested in redesigning Freenet's
 home page. It looks kind of out dated compared to most modern sites, not to
 mention it's using the rather out dated HTML 4 Transitional doctype.
 Although not exactly supported yet by some browsers, I assume that most of
 your userbase uses Chrome, Firefox, or Opera, which have support for all
 the new HTML 5 tags and CSS3 selectors. Mainly I just want to tidy the site

 Here's my portfolio:

 My primary suggestions are:

 -- *Leah Hicks*

 Devl mailing list

 Ian Clarke
 Personal blog:

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] (no subject)

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 9:29 PM, Leah Hicks wrote:

 My primary suggestions are:

 - Update the site to HTML5 and CSS3

Yes, but it should degrade gracefully so that it works in IE7, even if it
doesn't look as good.

 - Change the top menu to be less cramped, possible move certain items to a

Sounds reasonable.

 - Make new buttons for Download / Donate


 - General restyling of the site to look cleaner and easier to read.


So from this it seems that you want to modify the existing site rather than
start from scratch with something fresh?

 Any suggestions or feedback would be greatly appreciated, and again sorry
 for the last message! ^^

Not a problem - we're glad to have you on board :-)


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

Re: [freenet-dev] Freenet has been accepted in Google Summer of Code 2012!

2012-03-18 Thread Ian Clarke
Ok, I figured it out and added a link - students can't sign up until March
26th so we should hold-off on a publicity push until then.


On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Ian Clarke wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 7:14 PM, Florent Daigniere wrote:

 Mentors and students can apply at

 How do they do this?  I see nothing obvious on that page explaining.
  Also, if this page is indeed the mechanism through which people should
 apply, then we should link to it from the SoC wiki page.


 Ian Clarke
 Founder, The Freenet Project

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] website spanish translation rev 1

2012-03-14 Thread Ian Clarke
Great work!  Have we merged this yet?


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 11:23 AM, Flavio Heredia  wrote:

> good morning list.
> a revision of website spanish translation is ready and a pull request done.
> many typos corrected and a better translation improved.
> for a preview please see
> also in freenet.
> enjoy and kind regards.
> merlin
> On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Flavio Heredia 
> wrote:
> > On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Steve Dougherty 
> wrote:
> >> Looks great! I'm in the process of deploying it.
> >>
> >> Is "Convesar" in "Compartir, Convesar, Navegar. Anonimamente. En la Red
> >> Libre" a typo for "Conversar?"
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> operhiem1
> >>
> >> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Flavio Heredia 
> wrote:
> >>>
> >
> > yes, it is... i'm working in a review and many of this and other
> > errors will be corrected.
> > thanks a lot for feedback...!
> > merlin
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at

Ian Clarke
Personal blog:
-- next part --
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[freenet-dev] Should we switch the websites to httpS only?

2012-03-14 Thread Ian Clarke
On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Evan Daniel  wrote:

> I'm in favor of https only. The only real arguments against it are
> probably server cpu load. I assume that given our traffic levels,
> that's not likely to be an issue?

Actually it might.  While we normally hover around 2,500 visits per day,
which the server should be able to handle quite easily, we do occasionally
get linked from high-traffic websites which puts a lot more strain on the

It's important that the server doesn't go down on these occasions as they
are an important way to acquire new users, donors, and developers.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: ian at
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