Re: Coming Soon: Stable D Releases!

2012-07-23 Thread Adam Wilson

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012 13:05:29 -0700, Brad Anderson wrote:

On Monday, 16 July 2012 at 19:35:47 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:


I agree this would be more direct. But I fail to see how Walter  
cherry-picking stuff is basically no additional work, whereas Adam  
doing essentially the same is an unenviable amount of labor.

He wouldn't be cherry-picking anything. All he'd have to do is a  
checkout (one command) before switching between working on features (and  
by features I mean breaking or major changes) or bugs. Adam, on the  
other hand, would be running git cherry-pick over and over dodging  
changes he determines are too risky to include in stable. It also seems  
like there is a lot more room for mistakes to be made doing it this way.

There certainly is more room for mistakes, which is why I think that a  
team-based approach is better. I've also finished putting together some  
scripts to automate the various processes. I think that the merge script  
can especially take a lot of the work and time out of the equation. With a  
single call we can merge as many commits as we feel comfortable with,  
build them, run unittests and push the changes to the server. At this  
point i'll probably spend more time deciding which commits are safe to  
pick than I will actually merging them. At least until I hit a decent  
merge conflict. But hey, everything helps! :-)

Scripts are available here:

Besides, if Walter is at the same time doing things and deciding their  
category may work worse than a small team making the assessment by  

Perhaps. More eyes are better. It just seems like way more work than is  
necessary to accomplish the goal of isolating breaking changes so that  
stable releases can go out easier. The end result is all I'm interested  
in personally since I'm not the one doing the work here. I'm not too  
concerned with whether you use my idea or not. I just thought you guys  
might like to hear an alternative that is much easier for you while  
remaining easy for Walter.

Brad Anderson

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

Re: Coming Soon: Stable D Releases!

2012-07-23 Thread Leandro Lucarella
Adam Wilson, el 22 de July a las 16:05 me escribiste:
 I can't really say, but it sounds like what you are asking for is
 D2/D3, thats not really the scope of the dlang-stable project, we

Nope! What I'm talking about is D 2.1, 2.2, etc. Not D3. As somebody
said before in this thread talking about PHP, minor version changes in
the languages should only introduce backward compatible new features. D3
should be allowed to break backward compatibility while D 2.1 should
not. The same is done in Python. In Python is even allowed to break
backward compatibility in very small and are cases, like introducing
a keyword. In those cases the changes are introduced in steps, let's say
in Python 2.5 with is not a keyword and they want to convert it to
a keyword. Then in Python 2.6 you have an option to enable that
behaviour (disabled by default) and in Python 2.7 the new feature will
be enabled by default. Python 2.5.1 can only introduce bugfixes.

This is something I think D needs since ages ago[1], and I thought it was
finally here, but from what you say it doesn't like that way :S


Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.

Re: Coming Soon: Stable D Releases!

2012-07-23 Thread Adam Wilson
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 01:52:57 -0700, Leandro Lucarella  

Adam Wilson, el 22 de July a las 16:05 me escribiste:

I can't really say, but it sounds like what you are asking for is
D2/D3, thats not really the scope of the dlang-stable project, we

Nope! What I'm talking about is D 2.1, 2.2, etc. Not D3. As somebody
said before in this thread talking about PHP, minor version changes in
the languages should only introduce backward compatible new features. D3
should be allowed to break backward compatibility while D 2.1 should
not. The same is done in Python. In Python is even allowed to break
backward compatibility in very small and are cases, like introducing
a keyword. In those cases the changes are introduced in steps, let's say
in Python 2.5 with is not a keyword and they want to convert it to
a keyword. Then in Python 2.6 you have an option to enable that
behaviour (disabled by default) and in Python 2.7 the new feature will
be enabled by default. Python 2.5.1 can only introduce bugfixes.

Minor release ARE what we are hoping for, but you'll have to convince  
Walter and company to move to that scheme, it's out of my control. For the  
moment, we will be using a scheme that looks like 2.60.1. Which may be  
what you are talking about. When it's time to roll in the new features and  
breaking fixes the stable release will be bumped to 2.61.1. Is this what  
you are asking for?

This is something I think D needs since ages ago[1], and I thought it was
finally here, but from what you say it doesn't like that way :S


Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-22 15:12, Stuart wrote:

I don't know why implib is ignoring the /s switch, but it is. My .lib
file doesn't have underscores, and there doesn't seem to be much I can
do about it. Do I need a different version of implib or something?
Shouldn't the /s switch add underscores to everything?

I used it a couple of weeks ago and it worked.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 4:28 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

 std.reflection could become the lynchpin for dynamic library use; once the
 library is loaded (with dlopen or such), the client needs to call
 getModuleInfo() (a C function that can be found with dlsym()) and then get
 access to pointers to functions necessary for doing all other work. (Note
 that my examples don't yet include pointers to executable code yet.)

I wouldn't know. I have no experience with dlsym().

 2) Why classes, as opposed to structs? Would inheritance/hierarchies
 play a role there? Or reference semantics?
 Note that between structs, classes, templates and modules there is a
 lot of redundancy. A possibility could be to have an AggregateInfo
 base class.

 Initially I used struct, but then I figured reference semantics are more
 natural for storing cross-entity information, as you indeed took advantage
 of in your TemplateInfo.

I realized a few minutes after posting I answered my own question:
because this is a self-referencing structure (a tree, a graph), which
are easier to code with classes than structs.

 4) How would that allows queries like Here is class C, give me all
 its available subclasses.? Hmm, wait, I get it: extract classes from
 the module, and recursively from imported modules. From these classes,
 extract the parent classes and so on, until the search ranged over the
 whole inheritance tree. I guess inheritance info could be standard
 enough for std.reflection to provide such a search.

 Something like that. Note that such a query is not particularly OO-ish,
 because getting a class' cone (totality of subclasses) works against the
 modularity that inheritance is meant for. I don't think we should make
 getting class cones particularly easy.

Right. Since people here asked this question, I thought that was a
common request in OO. I'm more a structs and mixins guy, myself.

 5) The compiler can emit JSON output giving a partial view of the same
 information. As a long-term goal, I suggest these infos should be
 compatible somehow. The JSON output should be enriched, and we should
 ascertain that using std.json to read this kind of
 automatically-generated information should give std.reflection infos

 Yes, that's a great connection that Walter and I discussed a bit.

Good to know.

 6) Is really all the necessary info available through std.traits and
 __traits? Imported modules and their subtilities (renamed functions,
 etc) seem out of reach, no?

 We'll need indeed to enhance __traits with what's needed. Much of the point
 of std.reflection is to determine exactly what's there and what's needed.
 And that starts with the data structures design (the algorithmic aspects are

+1 for enhancing __traits locally.

- having __traits(allMembers, xxx) work on simple module names, and
not only on qualified package.module names
- having a way to get imports and a way to know whether they are
static / renaming import

As for the data structures, other people's designs allured to in this
thread seem similar to your proposal.

I have two other questions:

About functions: should they be subject to reflection also, or not?
They have no fields, inner functions are totally interned, etc. All a
user need is the 'interface', right? (name, and everything that's in
the type: return type, parameters, purity, etc)

About imports, what about inner imports, now that they are authorized
in almost any scope? My gut feeling right now is that a user does not
care if class C internally import std.algorithm in one of its methods,
but I could be wrong.

 7) I know your examples are not complete, but don't forget aliases and
 symbols, and module-level values. Since these can be of any type, I'm
 not sure how they are managed in your scheme. I mean, you cannot have
 IntInfo[], DoubleInfo[], ...

 I sort of eschewed part of that by using strings for types.

I see. They can be managed like fields in an aggregate (struct /
classes), as there are many similarities between D modules and classes
/ structs.

class ModuleInfo {
   FieldInfo[] data; // also used in StructInfo and ClassInfo

class FieldInfo {
string name();
bool isStatic();
Protection protection();
string type();

As long as this info is available at CT, FieldInfo.type can be
mixed-in and used in code.

what I'm not sure I get in your design is why some informations are
encoded in their own structure, like Protection above (the code is
copy-pasted from yours, I'd guess Protection is an enumeration), and
then some others are encoded as strings (types). Is that because the
values Protection can take are known in advance (and finite)?

I wondered whether a design like this could be interesting?:

abstract class FieldInfo {}

class Field(T) : FieldInfo {
string name();
bool isStatic();
Protection protection();
alias T Type;

But that doesn't cut it, AFAICT: 

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Max Samukha wrote:

 The language does not allow you to use CTFE parameter values as arguments to
 __traits/templates. Therefore, to be able to build meta-objects at
 compile-time, you would have to:

 static info = getModuleInfo!std.algorithm;

Maybe I don't get your comment, but AFAICT, the language does allow
you to use CTFE parameters values as arguments to templates:

template Twice(double d)
enum Twice = d * 2;

double foo(double d)
return d+1.0;

void main()
enum t = Twice!(foo(1.0));
pragma(msg, t);

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-21 23:44, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter and I discussed the idea below a long time (years) ago. Most
likely it's also been discussed in this newsgroup a couple of times.
Given the state of the compiler back then, back then it seemed like a
super cool idea that's entirely realizable, it would just take time for
the compiler to become as capable as needed. Nowadays we're in shape to
tackle it.

Here it is.

Back when runtime reflection was being discussed, my response was let's
focus on compile-time reflection, and then we can do run-time reflection
on demand as a library. Though this might sound sensible, I initially
didn't have a design. Now here's what we can do.

I've been waiting for this :)

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-22 14:04, deadalnix wrote:

I'd expect from std.reflection that it is able to reflect recursively
from the marked starting point.

I really hope so.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-22 06:48, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

P.S. What this thing wit quoting a long message to make a 1-line point?
Is that a thing?

It's the new hip thing :)

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-22 02:16, Kapps wrote:

I agree with most things proposed, however I am not a fan of the idea of
mixing in runtime reflection info. Many times, you want reflection info
from a type that is not your own, and thus I believe reflection should
be generated by specifying a type. More importantly, a method should
exist for recursively generating reflection info.

I agree.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 On 7/22/12, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
 2) Why classes, as opposed to structs?

 I think either way you'd need reference semantics.

Yeah, I agree, reference semantics look better.
And since there is a lot of duplication (struct info is a subtype of
class info, itself looking very uch like a module info, I guess a
mini-hierarchy is possible).
So I'm convinced classes look like a good fit.

 You could use structs as well, and actually I use structs in my
 codegenerator (with a similar layout to what Andrei posted). Each
 struct (e.g. Class/Function) stores Symbols, which are structs with an
 ID and a Type. I can look up each symbol in a SymTable which actually
 holds the structures with data. So a Symbol is like a fake pointer,
 and the SymTable would be the memory. I originally planned to use
 classes but some serialization frameworks didn't work with those so I
 settled using structs and a bit of template mixin magic instead.

Could you describe your design in this thread, and possibly link to some code?

 All of this std.reflection talk is quite exciting actually.

It is!

 If you had
 AST information about your entire D library you could do some really
 cool things. You could make a better documentation generator than
 ddoc, or export the AST into a file for a code-completion plugin, or
 create a wrapper C library which enables other languages to use your D

You could do macros. 'nuff said.

Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread monarch_dodra
On Sunday, 22 July 2012 at 21:10:08 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 

On 7/22/12 12:32 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Sunday, 22 July 2012 at 03:06:28 UTC, Jens Mueller wrote:

Where is argmin defined? I couldn't find it.

On the slide before that… ;)

I think argmin is intuitive, popular, and useful enough to 
warrant a presence in std.algorithm. Would anyone want to do 
the honors?



Are you asking for the _actual_ argmin as defined in the paper?

Because I think it would be much better if we provided an 
overload for the existing minPos/minRange to accept a unary pred:

Range minPos(alias pred, Range)(Range range)
  if (is(typeof(unaryFun!pred(range.front

Tuple!(ElementType!(Range), size_t)
minCount(alias pred, Range)(Range range)
  if (is(typeof(unaryFun!pred(range.front

Where pred if the unary weight function. This code would then 
work as such:

auto m = s.minPos!((x) = x.length).front;

auto m = s.minCount!((x) = x.length)[1];

Both versions require an extra .front/[1], but that's because 
that's just how the algorithms work.

I actually _just_ rewrote these two methods (they are in my pull 
requests). I'm on it if you you like the idea of being able to 
call these functions with a unary predicated (I do): It sure 
beats writing (a, b) = pred(a)  pred(b) when you could just 
write a = pred(a)

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-22 16:28, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Something like that. Note that such a query is not particularly OO-ish,
because getting a class' cone (totality of subclasses) works against the
modularity that inheritance is meant for. I don't think we should make
getting class cones particularly easy.

I see no reason to make it difficult on purpose.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 23-Jul-12 10:30, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

Well you're the resident crazy-stuff-during-compilation guy.

Ah! I wish.

I had this wonderful idea of having code be parsed at CT, semantically
analyzed, transformed into some machine code at CT and... , oh wait.

I kind of did it...
regex pattern  ---parse--- bytecode ---generate D code--- profit.

BTW you can avoid machine code, just use D code as glorified backend :)
(and get optimizations for free, yay!)

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/22/2012 6:12 AM, Stuart wrote:

Okay, but if you had a keyword - say, extern(rawC) - that did no mangling
whatsoever, then I could run implib without manually editing every single damn
line in every Microsoft .def file by hand!!! Surely that's a good idea?

I agree, it's a pain, and a pointless one at that.

I don't know why implib is ignoring the /s switch, but it is. My .lib file
doesn't have underscores, and there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it.
Do I need a different version of implib or something? Shouldn't the /s switch
add underscores to everything?

There's no magical way for implib to figure out what the nn in @nn must be.

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
 On 23-Jul-12 10:30, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

 Well you're the resident crazy-stuff-during-compilation guy.

 Ah! I wish.

 I had this wonderful idea of having code be parsed at CT, semantically
 analyzed, transformed into some machine code at CT and... , oh wait.

 I kind of did it...
 regex pattern  ---parse--- bytecode ---generate D code--- profit.

 BTW you can avoid machine code, just use D code as glorified backend :)
 (and get optimizations for free, yay!)

Hey, that was a joke, about implementing a D compiler in D, to be
executed at CT by the real D compiler to basically do its job a second
time, only worse :)
But yes, your regex work is a great example. I should have a look at
the code once more.

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 23-Jul-12 10:47, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 8:41 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

On 23-Jul-12 10:30, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

Well you're the resident crazy-stuff-during-compilation guy.

Ah! I wish.

I had this wonderful idea of having code be parsed at CT, semantically
analyzed, transformed into some machine code at CT and... , oh wait.

I kind of did it...
regex pattern  ---parse--- bytecode ---generate D code--- profit.

BTW you can avoid machine code, just use D code as glorified backend :)
(and get optimizations for free, yay!)

Hey, that was a joke, about implementing a D compiler in D, to be
executed at CT by the real D compiler to basically do its job a second
time, only worse :)

Yeah, now I think I got it. Could be a nice benchmark for CTFE though :)

But yes, your regex work is a great example. I should have a look at
the code once more.

I'd advice to wait a bit ... it's not really in a good shape (to read 
it) as there have been tons of improvements in CTFE since the last time 
I've touched it. I'll have to revisit it and remove some roundabout 

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 7/23/12 2:39 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-07-22 16:28, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Something like that. Note that such a query is not particularly OO-ish,
because getting a class' cone (totality of subclasses) works against the
modularity that inheritance is meant for. I don't think we should make
getting class cones particularly easy.

I see no reason to make it difficult on purpose.

The reason is that often the cone would be incomplete and therefore 
confusing. It would also foster non-modular approaches to doing things.


Re: OSCON 2012 notes

2012-07-23 Thread Paulo Pinto

Nick Sabalausky  wrote in message news:20120723010439.6efc@unknown...
I wouldn't know. I haven't actually dealt with the android SDK
directly, only Marm. When I saw google saying you use either Java or
straight natively-compiled C++, I guess I assumed that meant an actual
C++ API.

No, actually you are still dealing with JNI. Google's position on native 
code, is that

you should use it just for code hotspots, gamming or to port legacy code.

[quote]In general, you should only use the NDK if it is essential to your 

never because you simply prefer to program in C/C++.[/quote]

The native activity is actually a Java Activity with a specific set of 
methods defined

as native methods.

You are only allowed to access these libraries:

- libc (C library) headers
- libm (math library) headers
- JNI interface headers
- libz (Zlib compression) headers
- liblog (Android logging) header
- OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 (3D graphics libraries) headers
- libjnigraphics (Pixel buffer access) header (for Android 2.2 and above).
- A Minimal set of headers for C++ support
- OpenSL ES native audio libraries
- Android native application APIS

The Android native applications APIs are C wrappers around JNI calls, 
meaning you get a performance
hit when calling them due to marshling. This is described in the 
STABLE-APIS.html document delivered

as part of the NDK.

[quote]Starting from API level 9, it is possible to entirely write an 

application with native code (i.e. without any Java). That does not mean
that your code does not run inside a VM though, and most of the features
of the platform will still need to be accessed through JNI.[/quote]

Java is the main language to develop standard applications on Android, 
everything else are just

workarounds, even if we don't like it.

Another example are the new low level Codec APIs in Jelly Bean, which are 
only  exposed directly via JNI to



Re: Preview LLVM Deimos bindings

2012-07-23 Thread Sönke Ludwig

Am 22.07.2012 12:10, schrieb Jens Mueller:

Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Am 20.07.2012 07:35, schrieb Jens Mueller:


I've written some Deimos interface for LLVM.

I'd like to get some feedback on those.
Firstly to finish these and secondly to finish some guidelines that I'd
like to propose to be published on


Are the bindings for 3.0 or 3.1?
I'm asking because at least some enum members have changed (don't
exactly remember which).

It's 3.1.


Ok great, then I can throw away my bindings :) (unfortunately I couldn't 
publish them because of my former employee...).

Btw. regarding Barnard's comment about LLVM-C, I partially agree. 
Several additions/modifications were necessary in my case to be able to 
make the compiler fully work. I wonder if it's feasable to compile LLVM 
using DMC and then use extern(C++) to make an object oriented interface 
at some point, possibly using SWIG or something. But well.. apart from 
some missing features, I think the C interface is actually OK to work 
with, once you get over the missing documentation, so maybe it's really 
not worth the time.

Re: OSCON 2012 notes

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-21 21:59, Alex Rønne Petersen wrote:

On 21-07-2012 21:51, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Yes. But there's an even bigger reason for ARM: Mobile devices, like
iOS and Android. I'm not personally a fan of them, but nonetheless those
things are HUGE (no pun intended). And yet the ONLY real language
choices there are C++, Java and Objective-C (and Lua if you count
Son-of-Flash, ie Corona - which I don't count). And half of THOSE are
out of the question if you want cross platform, which any sane developer
should. So PERFECT fertile ground for D.

... and C# ;)

... and Ruby :)

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-23 08:35, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Andrej Mitrovic

If you had
AST information about your entire D library you could do some really
cool things. You could make a better documentation generator than
ddoc, or export the AST into a file for a code-completion plugin, or
create a wrapper C library which enables other languages to use your D

You could do macros. 'nuff said.

If I recall correctly, Scala uses its reflection API as a part off its 

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: OSCON 2012 notes

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-23 08:59, Paulo Pinto wrote:

No, actually you are still dealing with JNI. Google's position on native
code, is that
you should use it just for code hotspots, gamming or to port legacy code.

The Android native applications APIs are C wrappers around JNI calls,
meaning you get a performance
hit when calling them due to marshling. This is described in the
STABLE-APIS.html document delivered
as part of the NDK.

[quote]Starting from API level 9, it is possible to entirely write an
application with native code (i.e. without any Java). That does not mean
that your code does not run inside a VM though, and most of the features
of the platform will still need to be accessed through JNI.[/quote]

That is just so wrong.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Preview LLVM Deimos bindings

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-23 08:56, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Ok great, then I can throw away my bindings :) (unfortunately I couldn't
publish them because of my former employee...).

Btw. regarding Barnard's comment about LLVM-C, I partially agree.
Several additions/modifications were necessary in my case to be able to
make the compiler fully work. I wonder if it's feasable to compile LLVM
using DMC and then use extern(C++) to make an object oriented interface
at some point, possibly using SWIG or something. But well.. apart from
some missing features, I think the C interface is actually OK to work
with, once you get over the missing documentation, so maybe it's really
not worth the time.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Simen Kjaeraas
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 08:32:37 +0200, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

Maybe I don't get your comment, but AFAICT, the language does allow
you to use CTFE parameters values as arguments to templates:

template Twice(double d)
enum Twice = d * 2;

double foo(double d)
return d+1.0;

void main()
enum t = Twice!(foo(1.0));
pragma(msg, t);

Wrong way around. Try this:

template Twice(double d)
enum Twice = d * 2;

double foo(double d)
return Twice!d;

void main()
enum  t = foo(1.0);
pragma(msg, t);


Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread Alex Rønne Petersen

On 23-07-2012 05:05, deadalnix wrote:

On 23/07/2012 01:35, bearophile wrote:

A discussion appeared few days ago on Reddit, about computed gotos:

The presented example is insanely unsafe. By giving invalid input, you
can basically branch randomly.

The check added by the switch is what is required to make it safe, so it
isn't faster at the end.

The case in the article isn't very strong.

You should always verify your bytecode before executing it anyway.

Alex Rønne Petersen

Re: OSCON 2012 notes

2012-07-23 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 08:59:32 +0200
Paulo Pinto wrote:

 Nick Sabalausky  wrote in message
 news:20120723010439.6efc@unknown... I wouldn't know. I haven't
 actually dealt with the android SDK directly, only Marm. When I saw
 google saying you use either Java or straight natively-compiled C++,
 I guess I assumed that meant an actual C++ API.
 No, actually you are still dealing with JNI. Google's position on
 native code, is that
 you should use it just for code hotspots, gamming or to port legacy
 [quote]In general, you should only use the NDK if it is essential to
 your app—
 never because you simply prefer to program in C/C++.[/quote]
 The native activity is actually a Java Activity with a specific set
 of methods defined
 as native methods.
 You are only allowed to access these libraries:
 - libc (C library) headers
 - libm (math library) headers
 - JNI interface headers
 - libz (Zlib compression) headers
 - liblog (Android logging) header
 - OpenGL ES 1.1 and OpenGL ES 2.0 (3D graphics libraries) headers
 - libjnigraphics (Pixel buffer access) header (for Android 2.2 and
 - A Minimal set of headers for C++ support
 - OpenSL ES native audio libraries
 - Android native application APIS
 The Android native applications APIs are C wrappers around JNI calls, 
 meaning you get a performance
 hit when calling them due to marshling. This is described in the 
 STABLE-APIS.html document delivered
 as part of the NDK.
 [quote]Starting from API level 9, it is possible to entirely write an 
 application with native code (i.e. without any Java). That does not
 mean that your code does not run inside a VM though, and most of the
 features of the platform will still need to be accessed through
 Java is the main language to develop standard applications on
 Android, everything else are just
 workarounds, even if we don't like it.
 Another example are the new low level Codec APIs in Jelly Bean, which
 are only  exposed directly via JNI to

Gah! What the fuck is this, 1998?!? (Why can't we finally just let Java
die as the wretched idea it always was?)

I've always seen Android as a slightly-less-shitty clone of iOS. But
every time I turn around, I discover another way Google seems hell-bent
on proving me wrong. They ape most of Apple's bad ideas and then
toss in some of their own.

How the hell is it even *possible* for another company to compete this
well with Apple on retarded design decisions?

I suppose with the death of Jobs it was inevitable for another company
to successfully surpass Apple's horridness, but I always figured it
would be from Apple getting slightly less crappy or fading back into
their 90's obscurity where they belong - not from others sinking down to
sub-Jobsian idiocy. I'd never even considered that a possibility. Very
depressing. I miss Woz's computers. Fuck, I even miss the days when
Microsoft ruled the world with an iron fist. At least back then
platforms were open and software/hardware designs were relatively sane
from a user's standpoint (even if the code behind them wasn't).

Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread Tobias Pankrath

On Sunday, 22 July 2012 at 23:35:34 UTC, bearophile wrote:
A discussion appeared few days ago on Reddit, about computed 

For another use case:

Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:

 Wrong way around. Try this:

 template Twice(double d)
 enum Twice = d * 2;

 double foo(double d)
 return Twice!d;

 void main()
 enum  t = foo(1.0);
 pragma(msg, t);

Ah, that, OK. And __ctfe does not help.
Would it really limit the proposed scheme for std.reflection?

Re: #d_lang ---- #dlang on Twitter?

2012-07-23 Thread Stefan Scholl
Brad Anderson wrote:
 On Thursday, 19 July 2012 at 21:35:19 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
 Whaddaya think?

 #dlang is what people have been using on G+.  You'll have to 

Oops, I didn't get the memo.

Next time it will be right.

of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread monarch_dodra
I've been putting my nose in std.algorithm recently, 
specifically, requirements of algorithms.

I must say I'm a big fan of conditional implementations. Given 
the genericity of templates (!), it can be very hard to overload 
them correct without conditional implementation. It is a really 
useful language feature

That said, more often than not, they are also used to validate 
input. While this is a good thing, when a developer DOES try to 
call an algorithm with invalid input, he is greeted with the 
Error: template foo does not match any function template 

Followed by the (potentially long) list of candidates.
More often than not, the conditional implementations are actually 
quite complicated, and contain up to 5 or 6 different conditions.

The worse part is that the developer has no idea _which_ 
condition he has violated.

This is a shame, since most of the time, the conditions are not 
necessary for disambiguation, and a static assert would work just 
as well, and be more verbose.

Simple example:
minPos doesn't shouldn't operate on infinite ranges. compare:
Range minPos(Range)(Range R1) if (is(inputRange!Range)  
!isInfinite!Range) {...}

Range minPos(Range)(Range R1) if (is(inputRange!Range)
static assert(!isInfinite!Range, minPos cannot operate on 
infinite ranges.)


Now, if a developer ever accidentally calls minPos with an 
infinite range, he gets slapped in the face with a very explicit 
compilation warning. This (I think) is great, because the 
isInfinite test is really just an implementation detail.

inputRange is really the input condition of the range, and should 
stay conditional.

How do you feel about assertive input validation vs 
conditional implementation?

Is this something you'd like to see more of in algorithm?

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Tobias Pankrath

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 11:10:39 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:

Is this something you'd like to see more of in algorithm?

Yes! Improving error messages is very important. Maybe we find a 
better solution on compiler level but in the meantime [not only] 
std.algorithm will benefit from your solution.

Re: OSCON 2012 notes

2012-07-23 Thread Michel Fortin
On 2012-07-23 05:04:39 +, Nick Sabalausky said:

Personally I like abstraction layers for GUI: it means you don't have to
deal with twenty different system-specific (and idiosyncratic) APIs.
For example, I hope I never have to touch Win32 directly again.

Win32 is a special case. It's old and low-level, no one wants to touch 
it. Even those who build directly on it abstract it with a layer of 
their own.

Abstraction layers for GUI are not inherently bad, but they also tend 
to blur platform specificities. This often results in apps that feel a 
little alien on every platform. So whether you should use them or not 
depends on your priorities.

Michel Fortin

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Chris NS
It certainly makes sense.  Maybe the long term solution would be 
a way to embed those assertions in the conditions, but in the 
meantime the proposal would alleviate the error message issue.  I 
know I've often enough stared long and hard at a volume of 
template instantiation errors waiting for the real mistake to 
jump out at me.


And for the curious, what I mean by embedding assertions in the 
conditions is quite literally what it sounds like:

Range minPos ( Range ) ( Range R1 )
if( is( inputRange!Range ) )
assert( !isInfinite!Range, minPos cannot operate on infinite 
ranges. )


In which case the compiler would merge the condition expressions 
of the assertions into the if-condition, and remember the message 
strings associated with them.

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-23 13:10, monarch_dodra wrote:

I've been putting my nose in std.algorithm recently, specifically,
requirements of algorithms.

I must say I'm a big fan of conditional implementations. Given the
genericity of templates (!), it can be very hard to overload them
correct without conditional implementation. It is a really useful
language feature

That said, more often than not, they are also used to validate input.
While this is a good thing, when a developer DOES try to call an
algorithm with invalid input, he is greeted with the cryptic:
Error: template foo does not match any function template declaration
Followed by the (potentially long) list of candidates.
More often than not, the conditional implementations are actually quite
complicated, and contain up to 5 or 6 different conditions.

I think this is really a problem with std.algorithm.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Preview LLVM Deimos bindings

2012-07-23 Thread Sönke Ludwig

Am 23.07.2012 09:16, schrieb Jacob Carlborg:

On 2012-07-23 08:56, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

Ok great, then I can throw away my bindings :) (unfortunately I couldn't
publish them because of my former employee...).

Btw. regarding Barnard's comment about LLVM-C, I partially agree.
Several additions/modifications were necessary in my case to be able to
make the compiler fully work. I wonder if it's feasable to compile LLVM
using DMC and then use extern(C++) to make an object oriented interface
at some point, possibly using SWIG or something. But well.. apart from
some missing features, I think the C interface is actually OK to work
with, once you get over the missing documentation, so maybe it's really
not worth the time.

I thought it doesn't yet support C++? But anyways, next time I have to 
make bindings for a C library I'll definitely try dstep.

Re: OSCON 2012 notes

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-23 13:21, Michel Fortin wrote:

Abstraction layers for GUI are not inherently bad, but they also tend to
blur platform specificities. This often results in apps that feel a
little alien on every platform. So whether you should use them or not
depends on your priorities.

I think a system where the common widgets, i.e. windows, buttons and 
similar, are abstracted but still lets you easily access the native API 
would be a good thing. This mean you would still need to be able to 
access the Objective-C and WinRT object model to be really useful.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: Preview LLVM Deimos bindings

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-23 13:45, Sönke Ludwig wrote:

I thought it doesn't yet support C++? But anyways, next time I have to
make bindings for a C library I'll definitely try dstep.

No, it doesn't support C++. I was thinking about generating bindings for 
the C API.

/Jacob Carlborg

Re: D versionning

2012-07-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

On 16/07/12 23:33, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

We're talking about doing something similar to having 2.x.y, with the main
branch incrementing x and the stable branch incrementing y. Going to v3
would mean incrementing the 2. We have _no_ intention of doing that for years
to come.

Just to note that, in the sense of making major changes to the language design, 
you're obviously right -- but I don't see the problem with bumping the major 
version number just to indicate that some key milestone has been passed (e.g. 
implementing in entirely the features described in TDPL).

That might even be a _good_ way of indicating to the wider development world 
that you have a really well-defined stable release.

Re: Preview LLVM Deimos bindings

2012-07-23 Thread David Nadlinger

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 06:56:26 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
I wonder if it's feasable to compile LLVM using DMC and then 
use extern(C++) to make an object oriented interface at some 
point, possibly using SWIG or something.

The fact that the LLVM C++ API uses templates quite heavily might 
turn out to be a problem in that regard. I didn't have a look at 
how feasible it would be to just »pre-instantiate« all the 
needed combinations, though.


Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread Stuart

On Saturday, 21 July 2012 at 22:16:52 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

C++ is living in the 70's.

Precisely what I have been thinking. It's a loose wrapper around
assembly, nothing more. Certainly not the high-level language
it's touted as.

Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread Stuart

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 06:28:56 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 2012-07-22 15:12, Stuart wrote:

I don't know why implib is ignoring the /s switch, but it is.

I used it a couple of weeks ago and it worked.

Oh, well, I guess that makes it alright, huh? I guess I must just 
be an idiot, or hallucinating, yeah?

Alternatively, you could take my word for it when I say it ain't 
working, and offer some kind of constructive advice.

Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread Stuart

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 06:44:22 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 7/22/2012 6:12 AM, Stuart wrote:
Okay, but if you had a keyword - say, extern(rawC) - that 
did no mangling
whatsoever, then I could run implib without manually editing 
every single damn
line in every Microsoft .def file by hand!!! Surely that's a 
good idea?

I agree, it's a pain, and a pointless one at that.

I don't know why implib is ignoring the /s switch, but it is. 
My .lib file
doesn't have underscores, and there doesn't seem to be much I 
can do about it.
Do I need a different version of implib or something? 
Shouldn't the /s switch

add underscores to everything?

There's no magical way for implib to figure out what the nn in 
@nn must be.

UNDERSCORE, even when used with the /s switch. Hello? Houston? Am 
I getting through?

In any case, adding support for importing unmangled function 
names in D would help in these cases; and also allow us to import 
unmangled functions that were exported from C using the extern 
C instruction in C++.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only C++ that does 
mangling? As I recall, straight C doesn't support overloading and 
doesn't mangle names. Therefore, I reckon your extern (C) 
instruction ought instead to be written extern (C++), and a new 
extern (C) should be introduced that does no name mangling. 
Alternatively, I may be wrong, but even so, a non-mangling 
keyword would be helpful. And surely it wouldn't be difficult to 

Re: Let's stop parser Hell

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

 If you are interested in parsing, than I wouldn't recommend the dragon book,
 but this one

 It really is an awesome book.

This little post to say a big 'Thanks' to Tobias. I'm reading Grune's
Parsing Techniques and find it absolutely wonderful: easy to read,
going into details and limits of the many parsing algos. Very cool!

I'm playing with fully-backtracking recursive-descent parsers right
now, to deal with ambiguous grammars and the small parser works
beautifully. Hey, I just saw he gives the code on his website, nice!

Now, on to LR. Nick, here I come. I'll at last know how Goldie works.


Re: Time for std.reflection

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 2:43 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:
[getting subclasses]
 You can't do that without breaking the module system – as long as a class is
 not final (and then it doesn't make much sense to ask for its subclasses
 anyway), somebody can always extend it in a module completely separate from
 the code making the query.

 To illustrate what I mean, let's assume you define a class Foo in a module
 A. The user imports A from a second module B, and potentially extends Foo
 there. Now, if it was possible to get all possible subclasses in A, this
 would lead to information leaking from B to A, while the import graph only
 allows the other direction. As a consequence, all kinds of issues related to
 order dependence, separate compilation, etc. would arise.

Yes, I know. That would be a purely local question: from module A,
what subclasses of class Foo do I see?
Anyway, maybe I'm warped by CLOS.

Troubles with immutable arrays

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile
After a discussion in D.learn started by someone else, after a 
suggestion of mine Timon Gehr has added a bug report:

But the bug was fixed in the opposite way of what I was thinking.

The problem was that the length of global immutable arrays arrays 
is seen as a compile-time constant.
Instead of fixing that, Issue 8400 has done the opposite, now 
even the lenght of local immutable arrays is seen sometimes as a 
compile-time constant, and example:

int[] foo(in int n) pure nothrow {
int[] a;
foreach (i; 0 .. n)
a ~= i * 10;
return a;
void main() {
import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
immutable int[] A = foo(5);
int[A.length] B;
printf(%zd\n, B.length);

The asm, compiled with -release:

_D4temp3fooFNaNbxiZAi   comdat
L0: enter   018h,0
mov dword ptr -018h[EBP],0
mov dword ptr -014h[EBP],0
mov dword ptr -010h[EBP],0
mov -0Ch[EBP],EAX
L1E:mov EAX,-010h[EBP]
cmp EAX,-0Ch[EBP]
jge L48
lea ECX,-010h[EBP]
mov EDX,[ECX]
lea EBX,[EDX*4][EDX]
lea ESI,-018h[EBP]
mov EAX,offset FLAT:_D11TypeInfo_Ai6__initZ
callnear ptr __d_arrayappendcT
add ESP,0Ch
inc dword ptr -010h[EBP]
jmp short   L1E
L48:mov EDX,-014h[EBP]
mov EAX,-018h[EBP]
pop ESI
pop EBX

__Dmain comdat
L0: enter   018h,0
mov EAX,offset FLAT:_D11TypeInfo_Ai6__initZ
callnear ptr __d_arrayliteralTX
mov dword ptr [EAX],0
mov dword ptr 4[EAX],0Ah
mov dword ptr 8[EAX],014h
mov dword ptr 0Ch[EAX],01Eh
mov dword ptr 010h[EAX],028h
mov EBX,5
lea EDX,-018h[EBP]
mov [EDX],EAX
mov 4[EDX],EAX
mov 8[EDX],EAX
mov 0Ch[EDX],EAX
mov 010h[EDX],EAX
mov ESI,offset FLAT:_DATA
callnear ptr _printf
add ESP,010h
pop ESI
pop EBX

This code too compiles, so A is sometimes computed at run-time 
and sometimes at compile-time:

int[] foo(in int n) pure nothrow {
int[] a;
foreach (i; 0 .. n)
a ~= i * 10;
return a;
void main() {
import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
int n = 5;
immutable int[] A = foo(n);

Now immutable arrays are sometimes seen as enums. I think this is 
a problem. I think in D compile-time is run only if it's 
evaluated in a context where compile-time values are required. 
But now the situation is more muddy, because knowing n at 
compile-time is not a way to ask A to be computed at compile-time.

Another problem is that compile-time arrays in many situations 
are not efficient, they gets copied every time you use them, and 
I think that __d_arrayliteralTX performs a heap allocation. So 
now both enum and immutable arrays perform heap allocations every 
time you use them, but only in some situations.

I think this is a messy situation, I think the fix for bug 8400 
should be undone, and I think Issue 8400 should be fixed the 
other way, turning global immutable arrays too into run-time 

The bug was fixed by Hara and accepted by Walter, both of them 
are very intelligent, so maybe I am just very wrong :-)


Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Chris NS wrote:

 And for the curious, what I mean by embedding assertions in the conditions
 is quite literally what it sounds like:

 Range minPos ( Range ) ( Range R1 )
 if( is( inputRange!Range ) )
 assert( !isInfinite!Range, minPos cannot operate on infinite ranges. )

Would it be possible to create a If / Assert template that returns
(er, becomes) true if the condition is true, and static asserts if not

template Assert(bool condition, string message)
static if (condition)
enum Assert = true;
static assert(false, message);

void foo(T,U)(T t, U u) if (is(T == int)  Assert!(isIntegral!U, U
must be an integer type))

void main()

Seems to work (tm).

Getting a template parameter list

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
As an aside to a reflection-related train of thought, I tired 
again to get a templated type's parameter list.

I mean, given

class C(T) { T t; }

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 23-Jul-12 17:29, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 1:44 PM, Chris NS wrote:

And for the curious, what I mean by embedding assertions in the conditions
is quite literally what it sounds like:

Range minPos ( Range ) ( Range R1 )
if( is( inputRange!Range ) )
assert( !isInfinite!Range, minPos cannot operate on infinite ranges. )

Would it be possible to create a If / Assert template that returns
(er, becomes) true if the condition is true, and static asserts if not

Will explode every time a constraint is tested?
After all constraints do fail so that other function is picked up and 
they are supposed to.

template Assert(bool condition, string message)
 static if (condition)
 enum Assert = true;
 static assert(false, message);

void foo(T,U)(T t, U u) if (is(T == int)  Assert!(isIntegral!U, U
must be an integer type))

void main()

Seems to work (tm).

Dmitry Olshansky

Re: Getting a template parameter list

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 13:32:54 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
As an aside to a reflection-related train of thought, I tired 
again to get a templated type's parameter list.

I mean, given

class C(T) { T t; }

Drat, 'tab' is dangerous with the forum interface, sorry for that.

So given C above and

auto c = new C!(int)();

I want a template that, given typeof(c), gives me back 'C' and 

is() is our friend here, notably the new T... extension:

import std.typetuple;
template Composition(T) if (isComposite!T)
static if (is(T comp == Name!(U), alias Name, U) || is (T 
comp == Name!(U), alias Name, U...))

alias TypeTuple!(Name, U) Composition;

(isComposite!T is the same check with is())

Works beautifully:

auto t = tuple(1,abc, 'c');

writeln(Composition!(typeof(t)).stringof); // (Tuple(Specs...), 
int, string, char)

So, I get Tuple(Specs...) (the template name) and the 
arguments. Nice!

Except, this does not work for 2-args templates. I thought the 
U... branch would get them, but apparently, U... means 'with a 
template param tuple' very strictly. No problem, I'll just add 
the 2, 3 and 4-args cases, that should be enough.

template Composition(T) if (isComposite!T)
static if (is(T comp == Name!(U), alias Name, U) || is (T 
comp == Name!(U), alias Name, U...))

alias TypeTuple!(Name, U) Composition;
else static if (is(T comp == Name!(U,V), alias Name, U, V))
alias TypeTuple!(Name, U,V) Composition;
else static if (is(T comp == Name!(U,V,W), alias Name, U, V, 

alias TypeTuple!(Name, U,V,W) Composition;

(and isComposite accordingly).

Right. Except, this only gets template instantiations with pure 
types as parameters. Things like which take a 
function by name are out.

OK... So, I'll add also alias overloads. Hmm, Pure Type / Alias : 
2 possibilities, so for 3 args that's 8 different tests to do + 4 
for 2-params, + 2 for the single param and the tuple...
Except, you can have a tuple also in 2-params and 3-params 

Also, what about value template parameters? I tested, this does 
not work when passed strings or ints, or whatever. I should test 
for them also.

Argh, so it's more 10 different possibilities per slot, the n-th 
power for n args.

No way am I generating a template with more than a thousand(!) 
is() tests in it!

Can someone offer me some advice on this? My old version that 
cheated with the type .stringof suddenly seems so much better.


Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Philippe Sigaud
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

 Will explode every time a constraint is tested?
 After all constraints do fail so that other function is picked up and they
 are supposed to.

Damn, you're right.

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Simen Kjaeraas
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 15:49:43 +0200, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Will explode every time a constraint is tested?
After all constraints do fail so that other function is picked up and  

are supposed to.

Damn, you're right.

To be fair, it explodes as often as the if (isInputRange!T){static  
assert(!isInfinite!T);} does.


Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread Daniel Murphy
Stuart wrote in message
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only C++ that does mangling?

You're wrong. 

Re: Getting a template parameter list

2012-07-23 Thread Simen Kjaeraas
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 15:46:37 +0200, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

Can someone offer me some advice on this? My old version that cheated  
with the type .stringof suddenly seems so much better.

This was filed as bug 3608[1], but that report was insufficiently  
specific, and so T... matching both a TemplateParameterList and a variadic  
TemplateParameter apparently did not make it into the patch.

I'm unsure if I should mark the old bug report as reopened, or file a new  


Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Dmitry Olshansky

On 23-Jul-12 18:07, Simen Kjaeraas wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 15:49:43 +0200, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

Will explode every time a constraint is tested?
After all constraints do fail so that other function is picked up and
are supposed to.

Damn, you're right.

To be fair, it explodes as often as the if (isInputRange!T){static
assert(!isInfinite!T);} does.

Right. It's just I did something similar to Philippe stuff previously 
and this somehow was an unpleasant surprise for me.

Dmitry Olshansky

Random sampling next steps

2012-07-23 Thread Joseph Rushton Wakeling

Hello all,

At the risk of sounding like a one-trick pony, some thoughts on RandomSample and 
what remains to be done with it.

Besides algorithmic improvements, the recent updates from Martin Nowak and 
myself have fixed a couple of key bugs:

... but we still have a couple of important outstanding issues:

The solution here would seem to be identical and involve not changing 
RandomSample but changing the random number generators to being reference types; 
cf. discussion in those bug reports, and also here:

This is a controversial issue as it would involve a breaking change to D's RNG 
design, but broadly speaking seems like a necessary breaking change to avoid 
these kinds of issues cropping up consistently across various different 
applications.  Indeed, it seems likely that only flawed code, involving passing 
RNG by value, would have an issue with this change, and there may also be 
positive effects for future development of other parts of std.random.

However, the issue I'd like to dwell on here is the one raised by Craig 
Dillabaugh in comments on my blog.  The current RandomSample implementation 
covers only the case where the total number of items to pick from is known in 
advance.  In other words, either your input range needs hasLength!R == true or 
you need to manually specify the total number of items when calling randomSample:

auto randomSample(R)(R r, size_t n, size_t total)
return RandomSample!(R, void)(r, n, total);

auto randomSample(R)(R r, size_t n)
if(isInputRange!R  hasLength!R)
return RandomSample!(R, void)(r, n, r.length);

... and similarly in the constructor of RandomSample:

static if (hasLength!R)
this(R input, size_t howMany)
this(input, howMany, input.length);

this(R input, size_t howMany, size_t total)
_input = input;
_available = total;
_toSelect = howMany;
enforce(_toSelect = _available);
_first = true;

But what if the total number of items is not known in advance?  E.g. if you are 
reading a file, line by line, or reading records from a tape; you may know the 
total is finite, but you don't know what it actually _is_.

There are dedicated algorithms for this, via the technique known as reservoir 
sampling.  Knuth lists Algorithm R; Vitter has defined an improved technique, 
Algorithm Z.  These should be fairly easy to implement in D, but the question is 
how to integrate them with the existing random sampling functionality.

The simplest way would be to just implement an additional struct and function, 
say, RandomReservoirSample and randomReservoirSample.  However, I was wondering 
about a setup where there is a single interface that looks at the input range 
and other data you have provided and makes an intelligent choice of the optimal 
algorithm.  It's this I'd like advice on.

One solution would be to have two different underlying structs which are 
selected depending on provided data:

auto randomSample(R)(R r, size_t n)
if(isInputRange!R  hasLength!R)
return RandomSample!(R, void)(r, n, r.length);

auto randomSample(R)(R r, size_t n)
if(isInputRange!R  !hasLength!R)
return RandomReservoirSample!(R, void)(r, n);

... but doing something similar within RandomSample doesn't seem so easy.  Why? 
 Because the static if()s that you'd require within the struct would not depend 
just on whether hasLength!R == true, but also on whether you'd passed a size_t 
total to the constructor.  I'm not sure how to factor in the latter case, even 
though it's clearly a compile-time issue.  Can anyone advise?

Basically, I want to be able to say: static if(!hasLength!R  
no_total_was_passed) then certain functions or certain variables are or aren't 

I also think it would be a good idea for the reservoir sampling technique to 
emit a warning when in debug mode, to prompt the user to be _sure_ that they 
can't specify the total number of points to sample from.  Is there a recommended 
method of doing something like this?

Alternatively, would people prefer to entirely separate the known-total and 
unknown-total sampling methods entirely, so the choice is always manual?

Finally, if hasLength!R == false, is there any way of guaranteeing that the 
input range is still going to be ultimately finite?  There could be some very 
nasty worst-case behaviour in the case of infinite ranges.

I'm asking this here rather than d-learn as it's related to design choices for 
Phobos, but I'll happily move the discussion over if necessary.

Thanks and best wishes,

-- Joe

feature request: with(var decl) {}

2012-07-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

I was just thinking about porting a javascript function to
D that takes an object of params:

function foo(args) { ... }

foo( { closeButton : false, width : 200 } );

In D, I figured I'd make args a struct:

struct FooArgs {
   bool closeButton = true; // the default is for it to be there
   int width = 600;

void foo(FooArgs args) { ... }

And, of course, this works, but it was leaving a declared
variable around and can be somewhat repetitive. But first
I tried making it look kinda like the JS:

FooArgs args = { closeButton: false };

But, that style struct initializer doesn't respect the default
values. Here, width == 0. No good.

So, then, well, that's OK, I'll just write it out:

FooArgs args;
args.closeButton = false;

There we go, not too bad at all. We can kill some repetition
of args with the with() {} statement. Great!

But, what if I have another call later? I don't want that args
sticking around.

FooArgs args;
// ...

BarArgs args; // error, args already declared

No prob, let's scope it! I tried:

with(FooArgs args) {
   closeButton = false;

// can redeclare another args here if you want

But it didn't work. It is with(symbol) or with(expression)
in the spec.

Would it work to also allow with(decl)? It seems to me that
it should be ok... kinda similar to the currently allowed

if(auto a = foo()) { /* use a here */ }

So we're just extending that same idea out to the with statement

Re: feature request: with(var decl) {}

2012-07-23 Thread FeepingCreature
On 07/23/12 16:37, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
 But it didn't work. It is with(symbol) or with(expression)
 in the spec.
 Would it work to also allow with(decl)? It seems to me that
 it should be ok... kinda similar to the currently allowed
 if(auto a = foo()) { /* use a here */ }
 So we're just extending that same idea out to the with statement

The more general form would be to make variable declaration an expression. I'm 
not sure if that causes any ambiguity, parsing-wise, but it allows other neat 
things as well, like while(vardecl) and if (decl1  condition).

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 7/23/12 7:10 AM, monarch_dodra wrote:

How do you feel about assertive input validation vs conditional

Is this something you'd like to see more of in algorithm?

The assertive input validation has the problem it prevents an overload 
outside of std.algorithm from working.

I think we should focus here on the compiler giving better information 
about which part of the Boolean constraint failed.


Re: Let's stop parser Hell

2012-07-23 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 7/23/12 9:22 AM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Tobias  wrote:

If you are interested in parsing, than I wouldn't recommend the dragon book,
but this one

It really is an awesome book.

This little post to say a big 'Thanks' to Tobias. I'm reading Grune's
Parsing Techniques and find it absolutely wonderful: easy to read,
going into details and limits of the many parsing algos. Very cool!

I'm playing with fully-backtracking recursive-descent parsers right
now, to deal with ambiguous grammars and the small parser works
beautifully. Hey, I just saw he gives the code on his website, nice!

Now, on to LR. Nick, here I come. I'll at last know how Goldie works.

When will we see the fruit of that all in the form of D libraries?


Re: feature request: with(var decl) {}

2012-07-23 Thread Adam D. Ruppe

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 14:46:30 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:
The more general form would be to make variable declaration an 

Right, and that would be pretty amazing, but it would probably
be too hard to do in D today...

Re: Let's stop parser Hell

2012-07-23 Thread Roman D. Boiko

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 13:22:47 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

If you are interested in parsing, than I wouldn't recommend 
the dragon book,

but this one

It really is an awesome book.

This little post to say a big 'Thanks' to Tobias. I'm reading 
Parsing Techniques and find it absolutely wonderful: easy to 
going into details and limits of the many parsing algos. Very 

Yes, I'm also reading it and find it amusingly high-quality.

Re: Troubles with immutable arrays

2012-07-23 Thread kenji hara
Oh, no. I've accidentally done the *fix*, even though that is contrary
to my own claim.

I don't like the cross-talk of compile-time and run-time variables.
An related issue is bug 3449, but it has been opposed by Walter.

A small example of bug 3449:

void main()
struct Foo1 { const int bar; }
pragma(msg, Foo1.sizeof);   // Prints 4

Foo1 foo1;
auto p1 =;// Succeeds to compile, as excepced.

struct Foo2 { const int bar = 123; }
pragma(msg, Foo2.sizeof);   // Prints 1, not 4

Foo2 foo2;
auto p2 =;// Error: constant 123 is not an lvalue

Why cannot get address of
The answer is: compiler makes a manifest constant, because
its type is not mutable and has an initializer.


With current dmd, *all* of variable declarations, that has non mutable
type and initializer, are _speculatively_ interpreted in compile time
(== CTFE-ed). If it is succeeds, the declaration will be treated as
same as manifest constant. That is the reason of you explained *bug*
and bug 3449.

I think the *implicit interpretation* is inherited from D1, and if go
back further, will reach to C++ constant variable.
BUT, in D2, we have the 'enum' declaration, which express the
declaration is really manifest constant.

So, the muddy interpretation just confuses many D user's, and less benefit.
I think we should separate run-time variable declarations and compile
time ones, to moderate the leaning curve.


Kenji Hara

2012/7/23 bearophile
 After a discussion in D.learn started by someone else, after a suggestion of
 mine Timon Gehr has added a bug report:

 But the bug was fixed in the opposite way of what I was thinking.

 The problem was that the length of global immutable arrays arrays is seen as
 a compile-time constant.
 Instead of fixing that, Issue 8400 has done the opposite, now even the
 lenght of local immutable arrays is seen sometimes as a compile-time
 constant, and example:

 int[] foo(in int n) pure nothrow {
 int[] a;
 foreach (i; 0 .. n)
 a ~= i * 10;
 return a;
 void main() {
 import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
 immutable int[] A = foo(5);
 int[A.length] B;
 printf(%zd\n, B.length);

 The asm, compiled with -release:

 _D4temp3fooFNaNbxiZAi   comdat
 L0: enter   018h,0
 mov dword ptr -018h[EBP],0
 mov dword ptr -014h[EBP],0
 mov dword ptr -010h[EBP],0
 mov -0Ch[EBP],EAX
 L1E:mov EAX,-010h[EBP]
 cmp EAX,-0Ch[EBP]
 jge L48
 lea ECX,-010h[EBP]
 mov EDX,[ECX]
 lea EBX,[EDX*4][EDX]
 add EBX,EBX
 lea ESI,-018h[EBP]
 mov EAX,offset FLAT:_D11TypeInfo_Ai6__initZ
 callnear ptr __d_arrayappendcT
 add ESP,0Ch
 inc dword ptr -010h[EBP]
 jmp short   L1E
 L48:mov EDX,-014h[EBP]
 mov EAX,-018h[EBP]
 pop ESI
 pop EBX

 __Dmain comdat
 L0: enter   018h,0
 mov EAX,offset FLAT:_D11TypeInfo_Ai6__initZ
 callnear ptr __d_arrayliteralTX
 mov dword ptr [EAX],0
 mov dword ptr 4[EAX],0Ah
 mov dword ptr 8[EAX],014h
 mov dword ptr 0Ch[EAX],01Eh
 mov dword ptr 010h[EAX],028h
 mov ECX,EAX
 mov EBX,5
 lea EDX,-018h[EBP]
 xor EAX,EAX
 mov [EDX],EAX
 mov 4[EDX],EAX
 mov 8[EDX],EAX
 mov 0Ch[EDX],EAX
 mov 010h[EDX],EAX
 mov ESI,offset FLAT:_DATA
 callnear ptr _printf
 xor EAX,EAX
 add ESP,010h
 pop ESI
 pop EBX

 This code too compiles, so A is sometimes computed at run-time and sometimes
 at compile-time:

 int[] foo(in int n) pure nothrow {
 int[] a;
 foreach (i; 0 .. n)
 a ~= i * 10;
 return a;
 void main() {
 import core.stdc.stdio: printf;
 int n = 5;
 immutable int[] A = foo(n);

 Now immutable arrays are sometimes seen as enums. I think this is a problem.
 I think in D compile-time is run only if it's evaluated in a context where
 compile-time values are required. But now the situation is more muddy,
 because knowing n at compile-time is not a way to ask A to be computed at

 Another problem is that compile-time arrays in many situations are not
 efficient, they gets copied every time you use them, and I think that
 __d_arrayliteralTX performs a heap allocation. So now both enum and
 immutable arrays perform heap allocations every time you use them, but only
 in some situations.


Re: Formal request to remove put(OutRange, RangeOfElements)

2012-07-23 Thread monarch_dodra
Maybe I should put this request elsewhere? I'm not sure if there 
is a place where I should put this?

I know this is not a very exciting issue, but I think it is a 
very important to resolve, preferably sooner than later.

Maybe I'll try to help kick start this by listing all the modules 
that would need to be changed?

Re: feature request: with(var decl) {}

2012-07-23 Thread deadalnix

Le 23/07/2012 16:37, Adam D. Ruppe a écrit :

I was just thinking about porting a javascript function to
D that takes an object of params:

Let's not add another special case for the declaration can be used here 
instead of an expression. This is already the case in if and it will 

The real need here is to allow variable declaration to be used as 
expressions. And functions too as they are first class citizens now.

This reduces special cases instead of adding new one, and give a much 
greater opportunity for expressiveness in the language.

Re: feature request: with(var decl) {}

2012-07-23 Thread deadalnix

Le 23/07/2012 16:46, FeepingCreature a écrit :

On 07/23/12 16:37, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

But it didn't work. It is with(symbol) or with(expression)
in the spec.

Would it work to also allow with(decl)? It seems to me that
it should be ok... kinda similar to the currently allowed

if(auto a = foo()) { /* use a here */ }

So we're just extending that same idea out to the with statement

The more general form would be to make variable declaration an expression. I'm not sure 
if that causes any ambiguity, parsing-wise, but it allows other neat things as well, 
like while(vardecl) and if (decl1  condition).

With the current grammar, it is difficult, because declarations are 

Re: Random sampling next steps

2012-07-23 Thread Christophe Travert
Joseph Rushton Wakeling , dans le message (digitalmars.D:172997), a
 écrit :
 In other words, either your input range needs hasLength!R == true or 
 you need to manually specify the total number of items when calling 
 But what if the total number of items is not known in advance?  E.g. if you 
 reading a file, line by line, or reading records from a tape; you may know 
 total is finite, but you don't know what it actually _is_.
 ... but doing something similar within RandomSample doesn't seem so easy.  
   Because the static if()s that you'd require within the struct would not 
 just on whether hasLength!R == true, but also on whether you'd passed a 
 total to the constructor.

Why not using takeExactly ? this is the standard way select from a 
subset of the original range. I wouldn't even have provided the overload 
with 3 arguments, the user being able to use takeExactly when necessary 
(which could be advised in the doc in case the user doesn't know).

struct RandomSample(R) if (isInputRange!R  hasLength!R)
 ...// always use r.length, never total/available

auto randomSample(R)(R r, size_t n, size_t total)
 return randomSample!(R, void)(takeExactly(r, total), n);

struct RandomSample(R) if(isInputRange!R  !hasLength!R)
...// always reservoir random sample

There is no more issue here.

 I also think it would be a good idea for the reservoir sampling technique to 
 emit a warning when in debug mode, to prompt the user to be _sure_ that they 
 can't specify the total number of points to sample from.  Is there a 
 method of doing something like this?

I don't think library polluting compiler warnings is recommended.
 Alternatively, would people prefer to entirely separate the known-total and 
 unknown-total sampling methods entirely, so the choice is always manual?

RandomSample is a lazy range. RandomReservoirSample is not, and has a 
completely different implementation. IMHO, there is a fundamental 
difference that justifies to have a separate function with a different 

 Finally, if hasLength!R == false, is there any way of guaranteeing that the 
 input range is still going to be ultimately finite?  There could be some very 
 nasty worst-case behaviour in the case of infinite ranges.


However, a finite range could return false on empty indefinitely, would 
the implementer of the range just forget to make empty an enum, or the 
user meet a corner case (e.g. repeat(1).until(2)). But that's a general 
problem, that would make most eager algorithm result in an infinite 
loop, starting with array and copy...


Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread Paulo Pinto

Am 23.07.2012 14:49, schrieb Stuart:

On Saturday, 21 July 2012 at 22:16:52 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

C++ is living in the 70's.

Precisely what I have been thinking. It's a loose wrapper around
assembly, nothing more. Certainly not the high-level language
it's touted as.

Only due to the lack of modules.

Everything else is a pretty modern language I would say.

Personally as I referred here in multiple threads I don't have any
big issues dealing with C++, but maybe that is just me.


Re: Formal request to remove put(OutRange, RangeOfElements)

2012-07-23 Thread Christophe Travert
monarch_dodra , dans le message (digitalmars.D:173005), a écrit :
 Maybe I should put this request elsewhere? I'm not sure if there 
 is a place where I should put this?
 I know this is not a very exciting issue, but I think it is a 
 very important to resolve, preferably sooner than later.
 Maybe I'll try to help kick start this by listing all the modules 
 that would need to be changed?

You can fill a bug report.

assert(isOutputRange!typeof(r), typeof(e)  !output.r);

failing on the second line is worthy of attention.
And it makes fill fail IIRC.


DMD 2.1.0?

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile

- The many differences between dmd 2.059 and 2.060alpha, and the 
amount of time passed since the release of 2.059;
- The fact that there are some 2.060alpha regressions to be fixed 
still, so dmd 2.060 is not coming out tomorrow;
- And the recent idea of introducing stable dmd releases that 
include many patches despite not being really a v.2.061 (see the 
Stable D Releases! in D.announce);
- That I think a languageNumber.majorVersion.revision numbering 
scheme is better, more widespread and more useful (where 
languageNumber is 1, 2 and maybe 3, a change in majorVersion 
means something is changed in the language and this calls for 
changes in user code and this is the point where the stable D 
releases must include all the patches of the main trunk, and 
revision means just bug fixes and tiny backwards-compatible 
enhancements that are not necessarily included in the stable D 
release) (See: ).

Then I suggest to call the next release dmd  2.1.0 :-)

And maybe in such 2.1.0 it's better to deprecate the features 
marked as future here:

In a Bugzilla entry (6277) I have also suggested another idea 
(maybe fit for dmd 2.1.0 still) to improve the evolvability of 
the D language: beside using -d (deprecated features) another way 
to face those problems is to use an idea from Python, a switch 
like -future that activates language features that will be 
introduced in future (this also means the -property flag gets 
moved into -future and removed, so the total amount of dmd 
flags doesn't change).


Re: Troubles with immutable arrays

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile
Thank you for your answer and your understanding, Hara. I hope 
you will improve the situation.

Regarding this issue:
Maybe Walter is wrong about it, so I suggest people to express 
their opinion.


Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile


The presented example is insanely unsafe. By giving invalid 
input, you can basically branch randomly.

The check added by the switch is what is required to make it 
safe, so it isn't faster at the end.

The case in the article isn't very strong.

Thank you for your answer. We have not yet designed how D 
computed gotos are, both in syntax and semantics. This means that 
maybe there are ways to make them a little safer, in non-release 

Part of the GCC-C code in the article was:

static void* dispatch_table[] = {
do_halt, do_inc, do_dec, do_mul2,
do_div2, do_add7, do_neg};
#define DISPATCH() goto *dispatch_table[code[pc++]]

In D there are no preprocessor macros and the array bounds are 
enforced at run-time, this avoids some possible bugs of similar 

Also, instead of void* maybe a different type can be introduced, 
so only label addresses of the current function can be put in 
dispatch_table and pointer variables given to goto. This 
statically avoids some other possible bugs.

It's true that in the end computed gotos are unsafe, you 
generally need to validate the bytecode/state transition before 
feeding them to the computed goto, and in D (unlike GCC-C) you 
are able to forbid the usage of computed gotos in @safe 
functions/methods. This doesn't avoid bugs, but helps contain 
them in delimited places. We have the @safe/@trusted/@system for 
a purpose.

In D modules like std.reflection suggested by Andrei are useful, 
because D is usable to write lot of high-level code too, I use a 
highly functional D style in some little D scripts. But D is 
also a system language, and sometimes I desire to use it for 
tasks where C is used. GCC has computed gotos since many years 
(and Clang supports them) and as you see in the linked article 
some very common language interpreters you see around use 
computed gotos if the C compiler supports them. This is not a 
must-have feature for D, but dismissing it just because it's not 
safe is a bad idea.


Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread Stuart

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 14:08:39 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:

Stuart wrote in message
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it only C++ that does 

You're wrong.

Fair enough. But there are still times when we need a version of 
export that doesn't mangle.

Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread David Nadlinger

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 17:25:43 UTC, Stuart wrote:
Fair enough. But there are still times when we need a version 
of export that doesn't mangle.

No. This is even impossible to do with some compiler backends. 
For example, LLVM on OS X automatically appends an underscore to 
the beginning of symbol names, because every C function has an 
»extra« underscore at the beginning there.


Re: DMD 2.1.0?

2012-07-23 Thread Adam Wilson
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 09:30:21 -0700, bearophile  

- The many differences between dmd 2.059 and 2.060alpha, and the amount  
of time passed since the release of 2.059;
- The fact that there are some 2.060alpha regressions to be fixed still,  
so dmd 2.060 is not coming out tomorrow;
- And the recent idea of introducing stable dmd releases that include  
many patches despite not being really a v.2.061 (see the Stable D  
Releases! in D.announce);
- That I think a languageNumber.majorVersion.revision numbering scheme  
is better, more widespread and more useful (where languageNumber is 1,  
2 and maybe 3, a change in majorVersion means something is changed in  
the language and this calls for changes in user code and this is the  
point where the stable D releases must include all the patches of the  
main trunk, and revision means just bug fixes and tiny  
backwards-compatible enhancements that are not necessarily included in  
the stable D release) (See: ).

Then I suggest to call the next release dmd  2.1.0 :-)

And maybe in such 2.1.0 it's better to deprecate the features marked as  
future here:

In a Bugzilla entry (6277) I have also suggested another idea (maybe fit  
for dmd 2.1.0 still) to improve the evolvability of the D language:  
beside using -d (deprecated features) another way to face those problems  
is to use an idea from Python, a switch like -future that activates  
language features that will be introduced in future (this also means the  
-property flag gets moved into -future and removed, so the total  
amount of dmd flags doesn't change).


This may pose an issue to the dlang-stable project ... Particularly I  
think we all are still trying to figure out just how it will work. At this  
point the dlang-stable repos are just forks of D from June 16th, it's  
essentially just a snapshot of 2.060. Our plan was to reset the repos to  
2.060 to clean out any mistakes made during the learning process and then  
use 2.060 as a the base point.

After that a 2.1.61 makes a LOT of sense, at least for dlang-stable. :-)

However, if you want to make the argument that the June 16 snapshot of  
2.060 is a good enough starting point, i'm all ears. :-)

Adam Wilson
IRC: LightBender
Project Coordinator
The Horizon Project

Re: Let's stop parser Hell

2012-07-23 Thread Tobias Pankrath

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 13:22:47 UTC, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 10:00 PM, Tobias Pankrath wrote:

If you are interested in parsing, than I wouldn't recommend 
the dragon book,

but this one

It really is an awesome book.

This little post to say a big 'Thanks' to Tobias. I'm reading 
Parsing Techniques and find it absolutely wonderful: easy to 
going into details and limits of the many parsing algos. Very 

I'm glad that you like it.

Re: DMD 2.1.0?

2012-07-23 Thread anonymous

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 16:30:23 UTC, bearophile wrote:


- That I think a languageNumber.majorVersion.revision 
numbering scheme is better, more widespread and more useful 
(where languageNumber is 1, 2 and maybe 3, a change in 
majorVersion means something is changed in the language and 
this calls for changes in user code and this is the point where 
the stable D releases must include all the patches of the main 
trunk, and revision means just bug fixes and tiny 
backwards-compatible enhancements that are not necessarily 
included in the stable D release) (See: ).

Then I suggest to call the next release dmd  2.1.0 :-)


It's not majorVersion that is missing from the current scheme,
it's revision.
There already was a dmd 2.1.0:

Re: DMD 2.1.0?

2012-07-23 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 7/23/12, bearophile wrote:
 - The many differences between dmd 2.059 and 2.060alpha

Is there a changelog somewhere? The DMD changelog seems to be a year
old on github.

Re: DMD 2.1.0?

2012-07-23 Thread Andrej Mitrovic
On 7/23/12, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
 On 7/23/12, bearophile wrote:
 - The many differences between dmd 2.059 and 2.060alpha

 Is there a changelog somewhere? The DMD changelog seems to be a year
 old on github.

Also I'm getting a JS error on the changelog page:

Hyphenator.js says:

An Error ocurred:
Not enough arguments

Re: DMD 2.1.0?

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile


It's not majorVersion that is missing from the current scheme,
it's revision.
There already was a dmd 2.1.0:

60 major versions is a lot, but maybe you are right.
Then what's a good numbering for the next dmd? Maybe DMD 2.60.0 ?


Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/22/2012 4:35 PM, bearophile wrote:

Computed gotos are useful to write interpreters. Interpreters are a niche but
important purpose of system languages like D. Computed gotos are also useful to
implement certain finite state machines (like some used in computational 

D already has it:

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread Jacob Carlborg

On 2012-07-23 16:47, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

The assertive input validation has the problem it prevents an overload
outside of std.algorithm from working.

I think we should focus here on the compiler giving better information
about which part of the Boolean constraint failed.

I would like to have something like this:

constraint InputRange (Range)
alias ElementType!(Range.init) E;

@property bool empty ();
void popFront ();
@property E front ();

constraint ForwardRange (Range) : ForwardRange!(Range)
E save ();

constraint BidirectionalRange (Range) : ForwardRange!(Range)
void popBack ();
@property E back ();
@property E front ();

It would be even better if the Range parameter and the ElementType could 
be handled automatically:

constraint BidirectionalRange : ForwardRange
void popBack ();
@property ElementType back ();
@property ElementType front ();

And then to use the constraints, like this:

auto filterBidirectional (alias pred, Range : 
BidirectionalRange!(Range)) (Range range);

Or even better if this would be possible:

auto filterBidirectional (alias pred) (BidirectionalRange range);

I know that others have had similar ideas. In these cases I think the 
compiler should be able to give clear and proper error messages when 
something fails to match because now the range constraints/interfaces 
have names. Something like Foo doesn't match BidirectionalRange or 

/Jacob Carlborg

dmd: template.c:5540: Identifier* TemplateInstance::genIdent(Objects*): Assertion `global.errors' failed.

2012-07-23 Thread Lukasz

I hope someone will put this on bugzilla

dmd loops endlessly on this code:

import std.typecons;
string bug(T..., U : tuple!T)(tuple!T t);

dmd aborts on this code:

import std.typecons;
string bug(T, U : tuple!T)(tuple!T t);
enum e = bug(tuple!int);

Re: of Conditional Implementation vs Assertive Input Validation

2012-07-23 Thread monarch_dodra

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 19:57:42 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

I know that others have had similar ideas. In these cases I 
think the compiler should be able to give clear and proper 
error messages when something fails to match because now the 
range constraints/interfaces have names. Something like Foo 
doesn't match BidirectionalRange or similar.

My fear is that no matter how you look at it, the compiler just 
doesn't know which overload you want to call. If the compiler 
could generate messages about why each overload was not 
satisfactory, and it would have then to generate messages about 
each and every possible overload, including the ones that you 
obviously didn't want. Things would be better, but probably 
over-verbose :/

My thought was not to remove conditional implementations 
entirely, but rather to compliment them:

I think, for example, this would be perfect for equal:
Takes two input ranges, and compares them with pred:
Notice that the english input condition here is merely two input 
ranges. If the range elements don't actually compare, it does 
not mean you did not fulfill the input contract, but rather 
that you did not fulfill the implementation requirements.

equal(alias pred = a == b, R1, R2)(R1 range1, R2 range2)
  if (isInputRange!R1  isInputRange!R2)
  assert(is(typeof(BinaryPred!pred(r1.front, r2.front))), equal: 
elements are not predicate comparable);


On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 14:47:50 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu 
The assertive input validation has the problem it prevents an 
overload outside of std.algorithm from working.

I think we should focus here on the compiler giving better 
information about which part of the Boolean constraint failed.

That is true, but then again, a certain level of ambiguity is a 
good thing®. The compiler choosing too eagerly which function 
you want to call based on obscure conditional implementations is 
dangerous (IMO).

For example, if somebody else provided an equal which operated 
on two input ranges, and took a unary predicated, and then used 
the result of the unary predicate to compare the elements, I sure 
as hell wouldn't it to be disambiguated without my explicit 

If somebody writes a fill that can operate on input 
(non-forward, non-infinite) ranges, I WANT the ambiguity.

I think the above gives a good balance of both approaches: The 
conditional implementation is enough to *roughly* define what the 
function operates on, while giving enough leeway for 
non-ambiguous overloads. Once the compiler has *chosen* the 
implementation though, then more thorough input validation can 
kick in.

That's my take on it anyways.

Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread Stuart

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 15:56:37 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:

Am 23.07.2012 14:49, schrieb Stuart:
On Saturday, 21 July 2012 at 22:16:52 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

C++ is living in the 70's.

Precisely what I have been thinking. It's a loose wrapper 

assembly, nothing more. Certainly not the high-level language
it's touted as.

Only due to the lack of modules.

Everything else is a pretty modern language I would say.

Hardly. No RTTI. No GC. No properties. No events. No closures. No 
extension methods. No interfaces. No writable references.

I can live without a GC; and interfaces can be simulated using 
pure virtual base classes; but all the others are standard in 
pretty much any modern language and impossible to reproduce in 

Incidentally, it'd be really handy to have anonymous tuples in D. 
Not many languages let you do that. For example:

   tuple!(int, float) fn() { ... }

   int a;
   float b;
   (a, b) = fn();

   auto (c, d) = fn();

Saves us having to create a struct for every goddamn little 
function; or using tuples directly, which means we have to refer 
to variables like .value1 and .value2 instead of something 

Re: dmd: template.c:5540: Identifier* TemplateInstance::genIdent(Objects*): Assertion `global.errors' failed.

2012-07-23 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:21:30 +0200
Lukasz wrote:

 I hope someone will put this on bugzilla
 dmd loops endlessly on this code:
 import std.typecons;
 string bug(T..., U : tuple!T)(tuple!T t);
 dmd aborts on this code:
 import std.typecons;
 string bug(T, U : tuple!T)(tuple!T t);
 enum e = bug(tuple!int);

You can put it there:

Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread Stuart

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 17:28:38 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 17:25:43 UTC, Stuart wrote:
Fair enough. But there are still times when we need a version 
of export that doesn't mangle.

No. This is even impossible to do with some compiler backends. 
For example, LLVM on OS X automatically appends an underscore 
to the beginning of symbol names, because every C function has 
an »extra« underscore at the beginning there.

I mean for importing. The functions in shlwapi.lib don't have 
underscores. We ought to have some kind of syntax for importing 
them without faffing about with .def files. Surely it must be 

Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread Stuart

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 20:51:19 UTC, Stuart wrote:
Incidentally, it'd be really handy to have anonymous tuples in 

Or perhaps I should've said named tuples. I dunno what the 
correct term might be. All I know is, I've only seen it in one or 
two obscure languages, and I've always wished .NET had it.

Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread Simen Kjaeraas

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:51:19 +0200, Stuart wrote:

Saves us having to create a struct for every goddamn little function; or  
using tuples directly, which means we have to refer to variables like  
.value1 and .value2 instead of something meaningful.

You mean like this?

Tuple!(float, x, float, y) bar() {
return typeof(return)( 0.0, 0.0 );

auto xCoord = bar().x;

I dislike the typeof(return) in there, as assignment between tuples with
and without named fields works perfectly. Bring me the sky, Walter?


Re: Formal request to remove put(OutRange, RangeOfElements)

2012-07-23 Thread Jonathan M Davis
On Monday, July 23, 2012 17:33:07 monarch_dodra wrote:
 Maybe I should put this request elsewhere? I'm not sure if there
 is a place where I should put this?
 I know this is not a very exciting issue, but I think it is a
 very important to resolve, preferably sooner than later.
 Maybe I'll try to help kick start this by listing all the modules
 that would need to be changed?

If you've found a bug, then report it bugzilla. If you have an issue that 
needs discussion, then this is the right place. It's just that you don't 
always get people responding, especially if it's a complicated topic (and the 
fact that it's summer right now probably doesn't help due to an increased 
number of people on vacation). Personally, I intend to read through this and 
respond, but it's the sort of thing that obviously needs to be read through 
and thought through carefully before discussing, and I haven't had the chance 
to do that yet.

- Jonathan M Davis

Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:51:19 +0200
Stuart wrote:

 On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 15:56:37 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
  Am 23.07.2012 14:49, schrieb Stuart:
  On Saturday, 21 July 2012 at 22:16:52 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
  C++ is living in the 70's.
  Precisely what I have been thinking. It's a loose wrapper 
  assembly, nothing more. Certainly not the high-level language
  it's touted as.
  Only due to the lack of modules.
  Everything else is a pretty modern language I would say.
 Hardly. No RTTI. No GC. No properties. No events. No closures. No 
 extension methods. No interfaces. No writable references.

Null-terminated strings. Preprocessor. No reflection. Effectively
undefined sizes for primitive types. Undefined behavior galore. Neither
default initialization nor enforced initialization before variable
usage. No reference types (Foo isn't what I mean). Horrendous type
syntax for mixed arrays/ptrs or functions ptrs, etc. No forward
references (or at least very limited). And a grammar that forces
compilation to be very, very slow.

And a lot more still that's lacking if you don't count C++11 which
isn't widely supported yet (ex: foreach, basic type inference).

And the fact that static analysis tools are as super useful as they are
is plenty proof alone that the language itself is WAAAY behind the

Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

D already has it:

Do you have a proof? (Show me asm code)


Re: Just where has this language gone wrong?

2012-07-23 Thread Nick Sabalausky
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 17:19:09 -0400
Nick Sabalausky wrote:

 On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:51:19 +0200
 Stuart wrote:
  On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 15:56:37 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
   Am 23.07.2012 14:49, schrieb Stuart:
   On Saturday, 21 July 2012 at 22:16:52 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 
   C++ is living in the 70's.
   Precisely what I have been thinking. It's a loose wrapper 
   assembly, nothing more. Certainly not the high-level language
   it's touted as.
   Only due to the lack of modules.
   Everything else is a pretty modern language I would say.
  Hardly. No RTTI. No GC. No properties. No events. No closures. No 
  extension methods. No interfaces. No writable references.
 Null-terminated strings. Preprocessor. No reflection. Effectively
 undefined sizes for primitive types. Undefined behavior galore.
 Neither default initialization nor enforced initialization before
 variable usage. No reference types (Foo isn't what I mean).
 Horrendous type syntax for mixed arrays/ptrs or functions ptrs, etc.
 No forward references (or at least very limited). And a grammar that
 forces compilation to be very, very slow.

Speaking of, I understand he had C++ in mind when he wrote this song:

Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile

Do you have a proof? (Show me asm code)

Just to be more clear, what I mean is that given a D program 
equivalent to the C code shown in the article:

int interp_cgoto(unsigned char* code, int initval) {
static const void* dispatch_table[] = {
do_halt, do_inc, do_dec, do_mul2,
do_div2, do_add7, do_neg};

#define DISPATCH() goto *dispatch_table[code[pc++]]

int pc = 0;
int val = initval;


return val;
val *= 2;
val /= 2;
val += 7;
val = -val;

int main() {return 0;}

Is a 32 bit D compiler producing asm (with performance) similar 

movl4(%esp), %edx
movzbl  (%edx), %eax
addl$1, %edx
movl_dispatch_table.1363(,%eax,4), %ecx
movl8(%esp), %eax
jmp *%ecx
.p2align 4,,7
.p2align 4,,7
movzbl  (%edx), %ecx
addl$1, %eax
movl_dispatch_table.1363(,%ecx,4), %ecx
.p2align 4,,7
addl$1, %edx
jmp *%ecx
.p2align 4,,7
movzbl  (%edx), %ecx
subl$1, %eax
movl_dispatch_table.1363(,%ecx,4), %ecx
addl$1, %edx
jmp *%ecx
.p2align 4,,7
movzbl  (%edx), %ecx
addl%eax, %eax
movl_dispatch_table.1363(,%ecx,4), %ecx
addl$1, %edx
jmp *%ecx
.p2align 4,,7
movl%eax, %ecx
shrl$31, %ecx
addl%ecx, %eax
movzbl  (%edx), %ecx
movl_dispatch_table.1363(,%ecx,4), %ecx
addl$1, %edx
jmp *%ecx
.p2align 4,,7
movzbl  (%edx), %ecx
addl$7, %eax
movl_dispatch_table.1363(,%ecx,4), %ecx
addl$1, %edx
jmp *%ecx
.p2align 4,,7
movzbl  (%edx), %ecx
movl_dispatch_table.1363(,%ecx,4), %ecx
addl$1, %edx
jmp *%ecx

.section .rdata,dr
.align 4
.long   L3
.long   L4
.long   L6
.long   L7
.long   L8
.long   L9
.long   L10


Re: DMD 2.1.0?

2012-07-23 Thread Brad Anderson
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:

 On 7/23/12, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
  On 7/23/12, bearophile wrote:
  - The many differences between dmd 2.059 and 2.060alpha
  Is there a changelog somewhere? The DMD changelog seems to be a year
  old on github.

 Also I'm getting a JS error on the changelog page:

 Hyphenator.js says:

 An Error ocurred:
 Not enough arguments

I fixed that in a pull last night.  Looks like Andrei has deployed it.  It
should be gone now. If not, let Andrei or myself know (and what browser you
are using).

Brad Anderson

Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/23/2012 2:25 PM, bearophile wrote:

Walter Bright:

D already has it:

Do you have a proof? (Show me asm code)

Since the final switch does not allow a 'default' case, the check can be 
omitted, and the generated code is a simple index-jump, just like the computed 
goto example.

dmd currently doesn't do that, but that's not the language's fault, it's a 
quality of implementation issue.

The point is, computed goto offers nothing that final switch doesn't.

Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread bearophile

Walter Bright:

dmd currently doesn't do that, but that's not the language's 
fault, it's a quality of implementation issue.

I understand the difference between what compilers are able to do 
(today or in future), and what the language specs allow compiler 
writers to do. So in theory I agree.

In practice there is also the well known fallacy of the 
sufficiently smart compiler:

This fallacy implies that if you want to actually see a compiler 
able to perform a certain optimization, such optimization must be 
rather easy, this means it must be easy for the compiler to 
infer as true all the conditions necessary to apply that 
optimization (and then you need someone to actually implement it, 
in a community as small as the D one optimizations can't be top 

The other problem with optimizations is that often if you can't 
rely on them, that means you can't be certain they are used in 
the code you are writing, then it's like they don't exist. A good 
example of this is the Scheme standard requiring all Scheme 
compilers to implement the tail call optimization.

Since the final switch does not allow a 'default' case, the 
check can be omitted, and the generated code is a simple 
index-jump, just like the computed goto example.

You have seen the asm I have shown in the next post. You see 
those jmp *%ecx at the end of each case. Computed gotos in this 
case are not just a single index-jump, there is an index-jump at 
the end of each case. Is your future hypothetical D compiler able 
to do that?


Re: dmd: template.c:5540: Identifier* TemplateInstance::genIdent(Objects*): Assertion `global.errors' failed.

2012-07-23 Thread Lukasz

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 20:54:03 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:21:30 +0200
Lukasz wrote:

I hope someone will put this on bugzilla

dmd loops endlessly on this code:

import std.typecons;
string bug(T..., U : tuple!T)(tuple!T t);

dmd aborts on this code:

import std.typecons;
string bug(T, U : tuple!T)(tuple!T t);
enum e = bug(tuple!int);

You can put it there:

Re: Optional name mangling

2012-07-23 Thread dnewbie

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 20:57:37 UTC, Stuart wrote:

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 17:28:38 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:

On Monday, 23 July 2012 at 17:25:43 UTC, Stuart wrote:
Fair enough. But there are still times when we need a version 
of export that doesn't mangle.

No. This is even impossible to do with some compiler backends. 
For example, LLVM on OS X automatically appends an underscore 
to the beginning of symbol names, because every C function has 
an »extra« underscore at the beginning there.

I mean for importing. The functions in shlwapi.lib don't have 
underscores. We ought to have some kind of syntax for importing 
them without faffing about with .def files. Surely it must be 

Hi Stuart.

If you have the Windows SDK you can run

coffimplib C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft 

We could run coffimplib on *.lib from the Windows SDK and include 
the resulting OMF libraries on the package. I don't know 
if it is 'legal'.

Re: Computed gotos on Reddit

2012-07-23 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/23/2012 3:23 PM, bearophile wrote:

This fallacy implies that if you want to actually see a compiler able to perform
a certain optimization, such optimization must be rather easy, this means it
must be easy for the compiler to infer as true all the conditions necessary to
apply that optimization (and then you need someone to actually implement it, in
a community as small as the D one optimizations can't be top priority).

It is easy. Note that the compiler already generates a jump table, this would 
just leave off the default check. In fact, the compiler could do a better job 
doing data flow analysis with final switch than computed goto, because the jump 
targets are constrained and are all known at compile time.

BTW, if computed gotos were put into the language, one would also require 
someone to implement it. You're not saving anything.

The other problem with optimizations is that often if you can't rely on them,
that means you can't be certain they are used in the code you are writing, then
it's like they don't exist. A good example of this is the Scheme standard
requiring all Scheme compilers to implement the tail call optimization.

Sorry, but I cannot buy this as an argument for loading in more language 
features. Even worse, requiring that a certain semantic construct be implemented 
in a certain way precludes the implementer from finding an even better way to do it.

You see those jmp *%ecx
at the end of each case. Computed gotos in this case are not just a single
index-jump, there is an index-jump at the end of each case. Is your future
hypothetical D compiler able to do that?

Of course. There's no magic technology there. It's just a minor variation on the 
well known loop rotation technique (which dmd does do). Computed gotos are a 
rather hackish design that goes around the horn rather than doing what is needed 

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