Re: Safety, undefined behavior, @safe, @trusted

2009-11-07 Thread Christopher Wright

Yigal Chripun wrote:
In .Net land, MS uses .net to implement parts of their OS so no surprise 
there that those OS APIs are available to .net code.

Really? What parts?

There are a bajillion APIs that you can use from .NET that aren't 
written in .NET. Microsoft just made it easier to use native code from 
.NET than Java does.

Re: importing modules with non-identifier names

2009-11-01 Thread Christopher Wright

yigal chripun wrote:
This tight mapping is also a problem when you want to rearange physical structure without affecting the API -  e.g. a module had grown to be too big and you want to split it into multiple files. std.algorithm is a prime example of such way too big module. 

What about public imports? Tango does this. The old import will contain 
a pragma(msg) telling you what you should import instead, and maybe some 
aliases in case some functions or types changed names as well.

Re: Shared Hell

2009-10-29 Thread Christopher Wright

Kagamin wrote:

Christopher Wright Wrote:

A function that accesses shared data has to put in fences. There's no 
way to have the same code deal with shared and unshared code.
Acquiring a lock on a non-shared instance is safe, just an unnecessary 
expense. I would have looked into optimizing this expense away rather 
than punting the problem to the programmer.

Shared code can put data into *really* shared environment, which must not 
happen for unshared data.

Okay, but the compiler can try copying the method, removing the 'shared' 
storage class, and running semantic on the result. If that succeeds, 
you're guaranteed not to be doing anything that would be unsafe unless 
you're casting, and you can call the shared method on a local instance.

This lets you avoid whole program analysis and blacklisting unsafe 

In this case, the compiler can also point to the line of code that 
prevents the method from being marked not shared.

Re: What Does Haskell Have to Do with C++?

2009-10-29 Thread Christopher Wright

Don wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Don wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier wrote: 

Bartosz's second part of 'Template Metaprogramming Made Easy 
(Huh?)', its quite a read :)

Yes, it is excellent. Two comments:
(1) Bartosz's D examples make me seriously question 'static foreach' 
which is scheduled for implementation (bugzilla 3377).
If implemented, it will be a source of frustration, since it will not 
be very usable inside templates. The ability to exit from a 'static 
foreach' is something which is possible with a 'return'-style syntax, 
but is not possible with the 'eponymous template hack'.

I think breaking early out of a static foreach is not necessary (but 
indeed convenient) for writing good loops.

(2) It seems pretty clear that we need to allow the eponymous trick 
to continue to work when more than one template member is present. I 
think everyone who's ever attempted template metaprogramming in D has 
proposed  it!

Yes, that was on the list for a long time. Bartosz even has 
participated to many related discussions. I'm surprised the article 
made it seem an unescapable matter of principles, when it clearly is a 
trivially fixable bug in the language definition.

Yes, looking at the compiler source, it doesn't look too difficult.  The 
fact that something like this works:

template foo(int X)
   static if (bar!(X)) { const int foo = 57; }
   else { const char [] foo = abc; }
makes it pretty clear that the difficult part has already been done.

I don't know what happens with template mixins, though. I hate template 
mixins (and I'm not convinced they're useful for anything, either).

My mock object library uses:
mixin(method!(name, returnType, arguments...));

The implementation is a long and ugly string mixin.

There's a bug that prevents you from implementing interface methods with 
aliases. If this were removed, I could replace the long and ugly string 
mixin with a very short string mixin and a short template mixin.

Due to problems with .stringof, my current system usually fails for 
methods with templated arguments or return types (eg void 
filter(HashSet!(int) integers).

Now that I think of it, I could probably make things better by using a 
forwarding function.

Re: Shared Hell

2009-10-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Denis Koroskin wrote:
I've recently updated to DMD2.035 (from DMD2.031 because all the later 
versions had issues with imports) and for the first time faced problems 
with shared modifier.

I don't need shared and all my globals are __gshared (they are globally 
unique instances that don't need per-thread copies).

Yet some of methods of the class hierarchy (a root singleton class and 
everything which is accessible through it) are synchronized (well, you 
know why). That's where the problems begin.

Marking a method as synchronized automatically makes it shared (more or 
less obvious). And marking the method shared makes it unable to invoke 
with non-shared instance (and __gshared != shared), meaning that I'm 
unable to use my __gshared variables anymore, making this attribute 
useless for any serious safe programming.

So I started with replacing __gshared with shared and quickly understood 
how viral it is. Not only you mast mark all the members shared (methods 
and field), instantiate classes with shared attribute, you also have to 
create a duplicate all the methods to make them accessible with both 
shared and non-shared (thread-local) instances:

Why can't you use a non-shared method on a shared object? The compiler 
could insert locking on the caller side.

Why can't you use a shared method on a non-shared object? The compiler 
could, as an optimization, duplicate the method, minus the 
synchronization. Or it could leave in the locking, which is expensive 
but correct.

Re: Shared Hell

2009-10-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Walter Bright wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:
I've recently updated to DMD2.035 (from DMD2.031 because all the later 
versions had issues with imports) and for the first time faced 
problems with shared modifier.

I don't need shared and all my globals are __gshared (they are 
globally unique instances that don't need per-thread copies).

I don't understand. Are you running multiple threads? Are those threads 
accessing globals?

A function that accesses shared data has to put in fences. There's no 
way to have the same code deal with shared and unshared code.

Acquiring a lock on a non-shared instance is safe, just an unnecessary 
expense. I would have looked into optimizing this expense away rather 
than punting the problem to the programmer.

As an escape from the type system, you can always cast away the 
shared-ness. But I wonder about code that both uses global variables 
shared across threads that don't need synchronization?

Maybe the methods are mostly inherently threadsafe. Only a small portion 
requires locking, so it's more efficient to handle it manually.

Re: Disallow catch without parameter (LastCatch)

2009-10-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Denis Koroskin wrote:

On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 00:21:47 +0300, grauzone wrote:

BCS wrote:

Hello grauzone,

PS: I wonder, should the runtime really execute finally blocks if an
Error exception is thrown? (Errors are for runtime errors, Exception
for normal exceptions.) Isn't it dangerous to execute arbitrary user
code in presence of what is basically an internal error?

 If a thrown Error doesn't run finally blocks you will have a very 
hard time arguing for catch working and once those don't happen it 
might as well kill -9 the process so why even have it in the first 

You still can use a catch (Throwable t) to catch all kinds of 
errors. I just think that finally (and scope(exit)) should be designed 
with high level code in mind. Code that allocates heap memory in a 
finally block is already broken (what if an out of memory error was 

I've seen code that has throws new OutOfMemoryException(__FILE__, 
__LINE__); when malloc (or other allocation mechanism) has failed, and 
it always make me smile.

Maybe the GC should reserve a small amount of space (~1KB) for its 
exceptions, when memory is tight.

Re: Disallow catch without parameter (LastCatch)

2009-10-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Denis Koroskin wrote:
OutOfMemory exception is supposed to be thrown with a call to 
onOutOfMemoryError(), that throws OutOfMemoryError.classinfo.init (i.e. 
global immutable instance of an Error).

That's clever. I like it.

Re: Disallow catch without parameter (LastCatch)

2009-10-26 Thread Christopher Wright

grauzone wrote:

Christopher Wright wrote:

Please keep full attributions.

PS: I wonder, should the runtime really execute finally blocks if an 
Error exception is thrown? (Errors are for runtime errors, 
Exception for normal exceptions.) Isn't it dangerous to execute 
arbitrary user code in presence of what is basically an internal error?

Are all Errors unrecoverable except by immediately aborting the 

What about logging?

What about putting up a reasonable error message for the user?

What about restarting the failed module in case the issue was 
temporary and environmental?

Something is wrong with your program internally if something like this 
happens. You can't expect a consistent program state. And most of the 
code in finally blocks was not written for such situations. You'll 
probably end up throwing another runtime error from within a finally block.

Quite possibly. But immediately terminating the process is simply not 
acceptable. How am I going to fix this problem if I can't even log that 
a problem occurred? If I have a SaaS application, I have to rely on my 
users to email or call up to find out something bad happened?

What if it's an assertion error or a bounds error in a plugin? I can 
unload that plugin and continue on with no issues.

I'm getting OutOfMemoryErrors? I'll disable caching and prefetching and 
reduce my memory footprint by 80%. Problem solved.

There is one category of errors that is not recoverable. If the runtime 
is left in an inconsistent state, it should try to output an error 
message and terminate. Everything else, an application could potentially 

Re: Disallow catch without parameter (LastCatch)

2009-10-25 Thread Christopher Wright

grauzone wrote:
Right now, you can catch every exception with try { something; } catch 
{ somethingelse; }.

Can we get rid of this abomination before D2 is finalized? I claim that 
it's completely useless, and even more so, every single use of this is a 

If you really want to catch everything, you might as well write catch 
(Exception o), or catch (Throwable o) for those who know what they're 

PS: I wonder, should the runtime really execute finally blocks if an 
Error exception is thrown? (Errors are for runtime errors, Exception 
for normal exceptions.) Isn't it dangerous to execute arbitrary user 
code in presence of what is basically an internal error?

Are all Errors unrecoverable except by immediately aborting the application?

What about logging?

What about putting up a reasonable error message for the user?

What about restarting the failed module in case the issue was temporary 
and environmental?

Re: parallelFuture

2009-10-23 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

dsimcha wrote:

Again, code: 


What license is the library under?


Boost. I suppose you didn't want to look at the source in case the 
license wasn't sufficiently liberal, but it's easy enough to scan 
through the module's doc comments for a license block, without reading 
the source code.

Re: OT: Hats... Mostly unnecessary?

2009-10-23 Thread Christopher Wright

It had a button.

Re: OT: Hats... Mostly unnecessary?

2009-10-22 Thread Christopher Wright

Bob Jones wrote:
I dont know about you but I have severe diffculty comprehending what people 
are trying to say if they have a hat upon their head. It jars my brain.

I find berets particulary disturbing FWIW.

I had a hat, once.

Re: Semicolons: mostly unnecessary?

2009-10-21 Thread Christopher Wright

AJ wrote:
Walter Bright wrote in message 

AJ wrote:
Walter, do you write at all? If so, why not take a breather and write an 
article about this, given that you have direct experience in addition to 
opinion on the topic? :)
I write an awful lot - blogs, documentation, articles, presentations, etc. 
The ; debate, though, is a very old and tired one, and makes me tired just 
thinking about it :-) So many much more interesting things to write about.

Bottom line: yes, there is a case both ways. Nobody will be convinced to 
change sides. Both can be made to work. There's nothing new to say about 

How about just a list of pros and cons for each? Or even, just the esoteric 
things that you as an implementer may already know that the layman doesn't?

If you're trying to catch C/C++ coders, you need semicolons. If they're 
optional in some circumstances, that will lead to recommendations that 
you always include them in case the code changes to require them.

This only leaves the possibility of removing semicolons entirely. This 
would mandate newlines as separators instead. Then you'd need a 
different character to negate newlines. The C/C++ crowd would leave at 
this point, since that's just silly. (Though less typing.)

Re: LRU cache for ~=

2009-10-20 Thread Christopher Wright

Brad Roberts wrote:

On Mon, 19 Oct 2009, Walter Bright wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:

Safe as in SafeD (i.e. no memory corruption) :)

Right. The problems with other definitions of safe is they are too

There's SafeD, which has a fairly formal definition.

But a fairly generic name, which confuses people repeatedly. I'm not the 
first to recommend that the name be changed. It does more harm than good.

Re: Revamping associative arrays

2009-10-18 Thread Christopher Wright

Moritz Warning wrote:

On Sat, 17 Oct 2009 18:58:08 +, BCS wrote:

what will this do?

foreach(key; aa.keys)

It's undefined behavior.
You shouldn't try to mutate the aa while iterating.
I hope that will be fixed.
It took me some time to find this out.

That's really annoying, and it's true of most (all?) C# base class 
library collections. When coding in C#, I often find myself doing:

var remove = new HashedSetFoo();
foreach (var foo in foos)
if (Test(foo)) remove.Add(foo);

It's more allocation than necessary, but more than that, it's an 
unnecessarily complicated way of interacting with the collection.

Re: Revamping associative arrays

2009-10-18 Thread Christopher Wright

Piotrek wrote:

bearophile Wrote:

I'd really like the default iteration on an AA to yield its keys, instead of 
values as currently done. Because if I have a key I can find its value, while the 
opposite is not possible, so having keys is much more useful. This is true in Python too. 
In my dlibs all iterables and functions behave like this. The current D design is just a 
design mistake ad Walter was wrong on this.

No! No! No! Maybe you are wrong. Or it's a metter of taste. I remember that I 
spent many hours on finding bug in python's script written by me in my job. The 
reason was the python's behaviour decribed by you. Then I couldn't understand 
why the hell iterating on collection returns a key in the first place. It's so 
not intuitive. Your explanation is not even close in convincing me. If I wanted 
keys I would write:
 foreach (key, value; set) or (key; set.keys)

Why not mandate using both keys and values? That should eliminate ambiguity.

Essentially, an associative array would be a Tuple!(Tkey, Tvalue)[] with 
some extra accessors.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-17 Thread Christopher Wright

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/17/09 00:23, Christopher Wright wrote:

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has
widespread acceptance.

It depends on what you're looking at. The SWT philosophy is something 
like this: Use controls that are available as native controls on as many 
platforms as possible. For example, if a control is available as native 
on 3 out of 4 platforms, use the native on the 3 platforms and emulate 
it on the fourth. If a control is only native on 1 out of 4 platforms 
don't include it in SWT. SWT also has some custom (non-native) controls 
like the tabs used by Eclipse.

And the tabs are everywhere, and no attempt was made to make them look 
native to any platform.

Re: Communicating between in and out contracts

2009-10-17 Thread Christopher Wright

Rainer Deyke wrote:

Rainer Deyke wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I honestly believe the whole old thing can't be made to work. Shall we
move on to other possibilities instead of expending every effort on
making this bear dance?

It definitely /can/ be made to work, for some value of work.  It
sacrifices the natural order of evaluation to gain a concise and
intuitive syntax.  I don't think it should be dismissed out of hand.

Also, from the Eiffel docs
  The notation 'old  expression' is only valid in a routine
postcondition. It denotes the value the expression had on routine entry.

It seems that Eiffel had 'old' semantics that I've proposed all along.
Any significant problems with this approach would have been discovered
by the Eiffel community by now.

It requires duplicating the object. If the object is mutable, this 
requires duplicating it and recursively duplicating everything it 
references. If the object is immutable, this is free.

Re: Working with files over 2GB in D2

2009-10-17 Thread Christopher Wright

language_fan wrote:

Sat, 17 Oct 2009 10:58:15 +0200, Frank Benoit thusly wrote:

In Tango search for __USE_LARGEFILE64 to find the relevant places. Not
only other functions are used, also types and structures are different.

I think there was some talk about merging Tango and Phobos, but now since 
Tango has been abandoned (no D2 port is planned it seems), would it make 
sense to rewrite those parts of Tango that are missing in Phobos, and 
license them using a more liberal practical license?

Abandoned?! Nobody has abandoned Tango. Tango hasn't been ported to D2 
because it's too much of a moving target.

Re: 64-bit

2009-10-17 Thread Christopher Wright

Lutger wrote:


LDC is a mature compiler that does linux 64 bit well, but is not available 
for D2, the 'alpha' branch of the language and also doesn't work on windows.

LDC works on Windows, except for exception handling. Which is probably a 
deal breaker for most people.

Re: dmd support for IDEs and the D tool chain

2009-10-16 Thread Christopher Wright

Jacob Carlborg wrote:

On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:

GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has 
widespread acceptance.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Christopher Wright

BCS wrote:

template Foo (T) { T map(T[]) { ... } }

class Bar { mixin Foo!(int); }

void main()
  Bar bar;
  bar. /// will the IDE have to do anything special to see 'map' or will 
it just be listed as another function?


Probably it would just work.

On the other hand, if you had this:

T manipulate(T)(T value) { ... }
MyObject foo;
manipulate(foo). // IDE dies here

The compiler wouldn't have completion on the line of code you're 
currently editing, since it's a syntax error. The IDE won't know 
anything about D and so can't determine what the return type of 
manipulate() is.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-12 Thread Christopher Wright

language_fan wrote:
Now every time I see a gtk+/swt/dwt application I wonder where the heck 
that unintuitive terrible piece of cr*p came:

2002, maybe?

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-11 Thread Christopher Wright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:
But if you want to contribute, how about a JSON parser for phobos? 
You'll need one anyway for your IDE.

BTW, JSON parsing comes for free with javascript. Why not incorporate 
dmdscript into your IDE as its extension language?

The official JSON website has tons of bindings, here's the C one:

I'm gonna try and get it converted to D over the weekend.

Tango already has a good JSON parser, but I imagine its license (BSD) 
doesn't meet Walter's requirements.

Re: Phobos.testing

2009-10-11 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Sorry. I occasionally scan the bug reports and work on the 
Phobos-related ones, but I missed yours. I just assigned to myself four 
bugs you submitted.

Phobos should probably use trac tickets. It would make it easier to 
range query phobos bugs.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-11 Thread Christopher Wright

Walter Bright wrote:
In my discussions with companies about adopting D, the major barrier 
that comes up over and over isn't Tango vs Phobos, dmd being GPL, 
debugger support, libraries, bugs, etc., although those are important.

It's the IDE.

They say that the productivity gains of D's improvements are 
overbalanced by the loss of productivity by moving away from an IDE. And 
what is it about an IDE that is so productive? Intellisense (Microsoft's 
word for autocompletion).

So, while I'm not going to be writing an IDE, I figure that dmd can 
help. dmd already puts out .doc and .di files. How about putting out an 
xml file giving all the information needed for an IDE to implement 
autocompletion? There'd be one .xml file generated per .d source file.

The nice thing about an xml file is while D is relatively easy to parse, 
xml is trivial. Furthermore, an xml format would be fairly robust in the 
face of changes to D syntax.

What do you think?

The huge things are:
 - code navigation (go to definition / find usages)
 - reformatting
 - refactoring
 - autocompletion

Code navigation alone is a huge help, and with reliable autocompletion 
would be sufficient for me to switch from vim. What you are suggesting 
would make both of those easier, though the IDE might need to duplicate 
D's symbol lookup.

I'm not sure whether what you are talking about will help at all with 
reformatting or refactoring, and I really have no idea what would be 
required for this.

Re: dmd support for IDEs

2009-10-11 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Walter Bright wrote in message 

Lutger wrote:
What about file/line/column of the symbol? Is this much work / hard 
work to add?

file/line of course, but I don't see a point to column.

So the IDE knows where it is and can actually do things with it, 
instead of just knowing Well, it's somewhere around here-ish.

And what should the tab size be? :o)

Let's see, how many characters are in a tab character?

Re: Array literals' default type

2009-10-10 Thread Christopher Wright

Don wrote:

Christopher Wright wrote:

Don wrote:

I don't understand why runtime-determined array literals even exist.
They're not literals!!!
They cause no end of trouble. IMHO we'd be *much* better off without 

You don't see the use. I do. I would go on a murderous rampage if that 
feature were removed from the language.

For example, one thing I recently wrote involved creating a process 
with a large number of arguments. The invocation looked like:
exec(description, [procName, arg1, arg2] ~ generatedArgs ~ [arg3, 
arg4] ~ moreGeneratedArgs);

There were about ten or fifteen lines like that.

You'd suggest I rewrite that how?
char[][] args;
args ~= procName;
args ~= arg1;
args ~= arg2;
args ~= generatedArgs;
args ~= arg3;

Of course not. These runtime 'array literals' are just syntax sugar for 
a constructor call. Really, they are nothing more.

I'm quite surprised that there is a runtime function for this. I would 
expect codegen to emit something like:

array = __d_newarray(nBytes)
array[0] = exp0
array[1] = exp1

At worst, it would be something like:

exec(description, createArray(procName, arg1, arg2) ~ generatedArgs ~ 
createArray(arg3, arg4) ~ moreGeneratedArgs);

PHP does this. I haven't used PHP enough to hate it.

Depending on what the 'exec' signature is, it could be simpler than 
that. But that's the absolute worst case.

The language pays a heavy price for that little bit of syntax sugar.

The price being occasional heap allocation where it's unnecessary? The 
compiler should be able to detect this in many cases and allocate on the 
stack instead. Your createArray() suggestion doesn't have that advantage.

Or parsing difficulties? It's not an insanely difficult thing to parse, 
and people writing parsers for D comprise an extremely small segment of 
your audience.

Or just having another construct to know? Except in PHP, you can't use 
arrays without knowing about the array() function, and in D, you can't 
easily use arrays without knowing about array literals. So it's the same 
mental load.

You could say array() is more self-documenting, but that's only when you 
want someone who has no clue what D is to read your code. I think it's 
reasonable to require people to know what an array literal is.

What is the price?

Re: How about macro == symbol for mixin statement? [was Re: Member functions C to D]

2009-10-10 Thread Christopher Wright

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 10/10/2009 00:36, Christopher Wright wrote:

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 09/10/2009 00:38, Christopher Wright wrote:
It makes macros highly compiler-specific, or requires the compiler's 

to be part of the language.

Nemerle took the nuclear option, and its macros are all-powerful. 

a reasonable way of doing things. I'd be happy with a more restricted
system that's easier to standardize, especially if it got rid of all 
hacky string manipulation in current D metaprogramming. (Seriously, 

__traits returns string arrays for a lot of stuff. It's ridiculous.)

It doesn't have to be compiler specific. all is needed is a
standardized API to the compiler.

Right. It adds something huge that's normally compiler-specific to the
language. This makes me uncomfortable. It greatly increases the
difficulty of implementation.

I disagree - a properly designed compiler will have such an API anyway. 
Look at how Clang is designed - it's a modular compiler where each part 
has its own library. you can combine its libs in different ways to 
provide different options: a full command-line compiler, semantic 
analysis for IDE, incremental builder for an IDE, etc..

that design obviously requires APIs for the different components.

What's so hackish about that?

Reread. Current D metaprogramming is hackish. Nemerle's isn't.

I was referring to what Don said that providing a hook into the compiler 
is hackish.

many large modular systems do exactly that: eclipse, firefox, even the
OS itself. Unix provides syscalls which *are* an API to the OS.

a properly designed API doesn't have to expose internal implementation

btw, in Nemerle they have syntax to compose/decompose AST specifically
so they don't need to expose the internal structure of the AST.

So they have a separate object model for the syntax tree that macros can
affect. This is what I would recommend for D.

What do you mean by object model?

they have a synax to manipulate AST:
[ some code ]  would be parsed by the compiler as the AST of some 
code and would be represented internally by the compiler specific AST 

I looked up nemerle macros after this. There are a couple parts.

1. AST Mixins
It's a lot like string mixins with builtin string formatting and 
automatic conversion of arguments to their string form. Syntactic sugar 
on top of this. That's all that macros are. Yes, you can manipulate the 
AST, but at this stage, it's entirely opaque.

2. Compiler plugins
You can define a compiler module that does arbitrary things to the AST. 
Many modules will make use of macros. The Nemerle compiler might attempt 
to conflate plugins with macros, but if there were an alternate 
implementation of Nemerle, the difference would become very apparent 
very quickly.

AST mixins are sexy. Compiler plugins are also sexy[1], but targeted 
toward a much different audience. D could benefit from both, but the 
latter is far lower on the list than a decent compile-time reflection 
system. And of this, only compiler plugins have the issues that I 
mentioned earlier.

[1] Unless you're Richard Stallman. Onoz, someone could use a 
proprietary plugin with GCC!

Re: How about macro == symbol for mixin statement? [was Re: Member functions C to D]

2009-10-09 Thread Christopher Wright

Yigal Chripun wrote:

On 09/10/2009 00:38, Christopher Wright wrote:

It makes macros highly compiler-specific, or requires the compiler's AST
to be part of the language.

Nemerle took the nuclear option, and its macros are all-powerful. That's
a reasonable way of doing things. I'd be happy with a more restricted
system that's easier to standardize, especially if it got rid of all the
hacky string manipulation in current D metaprogramming. (Seriously, even
__traits returns string arrays for a lot of stuff. It's ridiculous.)

It doesn't have to be compiler specific. all is needed is a standardized 
API to the compiler.

Right. It adds something huge that's normally compiler-specific to the 
language. This makes me uncomfortable. It greatly increases the 
difficulty of implementation.

What's so hackish about that?

Reread. Current D metaprogramming is hackish. Nemerle's isn't.

many large modular systems do exactly that: eclipse, firefox, even the 
OS itself. Unix provides syscalls which *are* an API to the OS.

a properly designed API doesn't have to expose internal implementation 

btw, in Nemerle they have syntax to compose/decompose AST specifically 
so they don't need to expose the internal structure of the AST.

So they have a separate object model for the syntax tree that macros can 
affect. This is what I would recommend for D.

Re: How about macro == symbol for mixin statement? [was Re: Member functions C to D]

2009-10-08 Thread Christopher Wright

Bill Baxter wrote:

It seems macros are implemented as compiler extensions.  You compile
your macros into DLLs first, that then get loaded into the compiler as
plugins.  On the plus side, doing things that way you really do have
access to any API you need at compile-time, using the same syntax as
run-time.  All of .NET can be used at compile-time in your macros.  No
more can't CTFE that gotchas.

But it does raise security concerns.  I wonder if they have some way
to prevent macros from running malicious code.  I guess you better run
your web-based compiler service in a tightly partitioned VM.

C# has security levels. If you run the Nemerle compiler in low trust 
mode, fewer bad things can happen.

Overall it seems pretty nifty to me, really.  Giving macros access to
an actual compiler API seems less hackish than throwing in a
smattering of diverse functionality under the heading of __traits.
And less prone to gotchas than trying to create a separate
compile-time D interpreter that runs inside the D compiler.

What do you see as the down sides?  Just that some rogue macro might
mess up the AST?

It makes macros highly compiler-specific, or requires the compiler's AST 
to be part of the language.

Nemerle took the nuclear option, and its macros are all-powerful. That's 
a reasonable way of doing things. I'd be happy with a more restricted 
system that's easier to standardize, especially if it got rid of all the 
hacky string manipulation in current D metaprogramming. (Seriously, even 
__traits returns string arrays for a lot of stuff. It's ridiculous.)

Re: Getting constructor's metadata

2009-10-08 Thread Christopher Wright

Max Samukha wrote:

Is it possible to get types or aliases of all constructors of a class
in D2?


__traits has some random functionality in this regard. It has a command 
getVirtualFunctions which only returns virtual overloads. By virtual, 
we mean appears in vtbl. So any non-private, non-static overload will 
show up.

Constructors do not appear in any object vtbl. It would be kind of odd 
if they did.

There's a patch to add getOverloads to __traits. It would do what you 
want. But I doubt it works on DMD 2.020.

Re: How initialize a static rectangular array (2-d matrix)

2009-10-08 Thread Christopher Wright

Justin Johansson wrote:

Jarrett Billingsley Wrote:

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Justin Johansson wrote:

I almost have to apologize for this question but ..

How does one initialize a static rectangular array (2-d matrix) in D1?

None of the following or other variations that I've tried compile with DMD 1.0.

int[2, 3] matrix = [ 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6 ];

..that's not how you declare a rectangular array type. It's int[3][2].

int[3][2] matrix = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]];

Thanks Jarrett.

Am I having a blonde day?

   int[2,3] m = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; 
   writefln( m=%s, .sizeof=%d, m, m.sizeof);

Compiles and prints:

m=[1,2,3], .sizeof=12

So what does that declaration, int[2,3], mean?

Think this is what threw me initially.

Thanks, Justin

2,3 is a comma expression. Evaluate everything, and return the rightmost 

Re: [Issue 3377] [tdpl] static foreach should be implemented

2009-10-08 Thread Christopher Wright wrote:

downs changed:

   What|Removed |Added


--- Comment #1 from downs 2009-10-08 12:35:53 PDT 
This does compile (on 1.0):

template Repeat(T, int I) {
  static if (!I) alias Tuple!() Repeat;
  else alias Tuple!(T, Repeat!(T, I - 1)) Repeat;

downs, you are a genius. You can create code that is both elegant and 
dreadful. You make the world a more interesting place.

Re: Eliminate class allocators and deallocators?

2009-10-07 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Christopher Wright wrote:

What exactly is your suggestion?

It seems that you mean that:
delete obj;

should call a destructor but not call delete() or notify the GC that 
the memory is free.

That is correct. In particular, an object remains usable after delete.

You're saying that there is a problem, but you're not telling us 
what's wrong. Why the hell do you want to destroy an object without 
recycling its memory? Why does the inability to do so cause a problem?

The matter has been discussed quite a bit around here and in other 
places. I'm not having as much time as I'd want to explain things. In 
short, destroying without freeing memory avoids dangling references and 
preserves memory safety without impacting on other resources.

Memory safety, sure, but you're deleting the object. It is no longer 
valid. You need to add a flag to the object indicating it's invalid, and 
everything that uses it needs to check that flag. Instead of a probable 
segfault in the current system, you'll get strange errors.

It sounds like a complicated way of supporting a rare use case. Why not 
use a library solution? Make an IDisposable interface with methods void 
dispose() and bool disposed()?

If you don't have enough time to explain the reasoning, could you post a 
link to a more detailed explanation?

Re: Get template and its instantiation parameters

2009-10-07 Thread Christopher Wright

BCS wrote:

Hello Michal,

If one has a template instance, is it possible to get template name
and parameter type that was used for instantiating, at compile time?


class List (T) {}

List!(int) lst;
Foo (lst);
I want to create such template Foo which prints:

You could try parsing T.stringof at compiletime to extract the parts you 

No, you can't. You can try parsing demangle!(T.mangleof) at compiletime 
to extract the parts you need. stringof is a morass of inconsistency and 
partial information. Whenever a template gets within a mile of a type, 
all bets are off.

Re: Eliminate class allocators and deallocators?

2009-10-06 Thread Christopher Wright

What exactly is your suggestion?

It seems that you mean that:
delete obj;

should call a destructor but not call delete() or notify the GC that the 
memory is free.

You're saying that there is a problem, but you're not telling us what's 
wrong. Why the hell do you want to destroy an object without recycling 
its memory? Why does the inability to do so cause a problem?

It seems like a performance hack to me -- you've got an object that 
isn't valid anymore, but you want to hang on to the memory for some 
other purpose. And you could override new() and delete(), but you don't 
want to incur the performance penalty of calling the runtime to fetch 
the deallocator.

The only remaining use that I see is a way to reset a shared object 
without explicitly passing around a reference to the new version of the 
object. This seems potentially dangerous, and nothing I want for default 

Re: Google C++ style guide

2009-10-04 Thread Christopher Wright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
Me neither, in fact I would *love* to see a -nrtti switch in DMD to 
disable the generation of all ClassInfo and TypeInfo instances, along 
with a version identifier, maybe version = RTTI_Disabled; to let code 
handle it.

I use RTTI a lot for simple debugging like printing the name of a class 
or type in generic code or meta programming, but not at all in 
production code. Most of the time I can rely on .stringof and a message 
pragma to do the same.

You use RTTI for dynamic casts, variadic functions, and the default 
implementation of toString. You could safely eliminate some fields from 
ClassInfo and TypeInfo, but you can't get rid of them entirely.

The best you can do is make TypeInfo entirely opaque (no fields) and 
only include the base class, interfaces, and name for ClassInfo.

Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-03 Thread Christopher Wright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:

static void Main(string[] args)
Foo f;
if(args.Count()  2) { f = new Foo(); }

if(args.Count()  2)
{; // ERROR: Use of unassgned local variable 'f'

Foo f2;
createFoo(ref f2); // ERROR: Use of unassgned local variable 'f2';

static void createFoo(ref Foo f)
f = new Foo();

The first one is rather strange coding though and makes it easy to hide 
errors anyway. And the second one's a tad odd too, plus I don't see any harm 
in solving that with Foo f2=null: it would at least be a hell of a lot 
better than the compiler doing that very same =null automatically. I know 
Walter doesn't agree, but I'd much rather have a few slightly inconvinient 
false positives (or would it really be a false negative?) than even a mere 
possibility for a hidden error.

The second one is an error; createFoo might use its argument before 
assigning. You should have marked its argument as out instead, which 
would not yield an error.

In point of fact, that's a common pattern in C#. Dictionaries define a 
method bool TryGetValue(key, out value):

DateTime date;
if (dict.TryGetValue(key, out date))
// use date

Re: Defining some stuff for each class in turn

2009-10-02 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Christopher Wright wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I am becoming increasingly aware that we need to provide some means 
to define certain members (data and functions) for each class as if 
they were pasted there.

Most of the examples given would be well served by decent builtin 
reflection. Walter thinks reflection is too expensive to be active by 
default. Find a cheaper way to provide runtime reflection. It's not as 
sexy as using templates, but it's DRY and easier to use. Slower, but 
you don't pay the cost of reflection multiple times if you have 
multiple libraries requiring reflection.

What cheaper way would be than allowing a base class to prescribe 
reflection for its hierarchy? Where do templates even enter the mix? 
What's slower and why? Why do reflection as a language feature 
(increases base language size, buggy, rigid) instead of allowing it as a 
library if we so can? I'm totally against that.


Once you get two or three libraries using reflection, it's cheaper to 
have the language provide it than to have separate, incompatible 
reflection systems.

It doesn't matter whether the language provides reflection or the 
standard library. (The only way for me to tell is whether I'm importing 
from core or from std.) Either way, it should be standardized and easy 
to opt in or out (depending on the default), and there should be no way 
or no cost for opting in twice.

You have to use templates to get reflection info, currently. Unless CTFE 
has gotten a lot better, in which case it's effectively the same as 
using templates, but with a bit less executable bloat.

Template-based solutions can be faster than reflection-based solutions 
because you can access fields and methods directly. But runtime 
reflection doesn't disallow templates.

Re: What does Coverity/clang static analysis actually do?

2009-10-02 Thread Christopher Wright

BCS wrote:

Hello Walter,

Consider the Bible. It's long and complicated, and by careful
examination of it you can find a verse here and there to justify *any*

This is true of any long document if you are willing to string together 
enough quotes and ignore enough of it. I'd bet you could get the 
Declaration of Intendance out of Playboy if you wanted to.

What is this Declaration of Intendance you speak of?

As for ignoring context...well, I'm willing to discuss this, but not here.

Re: Defining some stuff for each class in turn

2009-10-01 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I am becoming increasingly aware that we need to provide some means to 
define certain members (data and functions) for each class as if they 
were pasted there.

Most of the examples given would be well served by decent builtin 
reflection. Walter thinks reflection is too expensive to be active by 
default. Find a cheaper way to provide runtime reflection. It's not as 
sexy as using templates, but it's DRY and easier to use. Slower, but you 
don't pay the cost of reflection multiple times if you have multiple 
libraries requiring reflection.

Re: Null references redux + Cyclone

2009-09-28 Thread Christopher Wright

bearophile wrote:

Jeremie Pelletier:
Again, that's a lazy view on programming. High level constructs are 
useful to isolate small and simple algorithms which are implemented at 
low level.

Software is inherently multi-scale. Probably in 90-95% of the code of a program 
micro-optimizations aren't that necessary because those operations are done 
only once in a while. But then it often happens that certain loops are done an 
enormous amount of times, so even small inefficiencies inside them lead to low 
performance. That's why profiling helps.

This can be seen by how HotSpot (and modern dynamic language JITters work): 
usually virtual calls like you can find in a D program are quick, they don't 
slow down code. Yet if a dynamic call prevents the compile to perform a 
critical inlining or such dynamic call is left in the middle of a critical 
code, it may lead to a slower program. That's why I have Java code go 10-30% 
faster than D code compiled with LDC, not because of the GC and memory 
allocations, but just because LDC isn't smart enough to inline certain virtual 

Certainly agreed on virtual calls: on my machine, I timed a simple 
example as executing 65 interface calls per microsecond, 85 virtual 
calls per microsecond, and 210 non-member function calls per 
microsecond. So you should almost never worry about the cost of 
interface calls since they're so cheap, but they are 3.5 times slower 
than non-member functions.

In most cases, the body of a method is a lot more expensive than the 
method call, so even when optimizing, it won't often benefit you to use 
free functions rather than class or interface methods.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-27 Thread Christopher Wright

Walter Bright wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:
Even forcing an explicit initializer doesn't actually solve the 
problem - my experience with such features is programmers simply 
insert any old value to get the code to pass the compiler, even 
programmers who know it's a bad idea do it anyway.

I think you're starting to be wrong at the point where you don't 
realize that many bugs come from references that people have forgotten 
to initialize. Once you acknowledge those, you will start to realize 
that a reference that must compulsively be initialized is valuable.

The problem is it's worse to force people to provide an initializer. 

You aren't forcing them. They decide for themselves. They determine 
whether it's appropriate for a particular variable to be null.

You can achieve the same goal through contracts. However, this is much 
more verbose -- enough so that you'll only add these contracts when 
hunting down a bug. And if you have an array of things

It isn't a theoretical problem with providing bad initializers just to 
shut the compiler up. I have seen it in the wild every time some manager 
required that code compile without warnings and the compiler warned 
about no initializer.

C# requires that every variable be initialized before use. You know how 
often I get such an error? Maybe once for every 100 hours of coding. 
It's mainly for cases where I expect an integer to be initialized to 0 
and it's not. You know how often I provide a bad initializer to shut the 
compiler up? Never.

This is partially because C#'s compiler has good flow analysis. It's 
mostly because:

 - I declare variables where I use them, not beforehand.
 - I often declare variables via IDE commands -- I write the code to 
fetch or calculate a value and assign it to a variable that doesn't 
exist, and the IDE fills in the type and declares it in the correct place.
 - I usually don't have more than four or five local variables in a 
function (often no more than one or two). Out of 300KLOC, there are a 
few dozen functions that break this rule.

DMDFE functions are often long, complex, and have many local variables. 
I see how this would conflict with your coding style. You would have to 
add a few question marks for each function, and then you'd be done. 
DMDFE is ~60KLOC, but you could probably switch it over to this type 
system without structural changes to any function in a couple days.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-27 Thread Christopher Wright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
There again, I favor stronger initialization semantics over nonnull 
types. This will get rid of most of these errors

Only for local variables. Not for fields.

Most segfaults I have take me at most a few minutes to pinpoint. Its 
finding backdoors to compiler enforcements thats annoying.

You're complaining now because you'd try to cram 'null' down the throat 
of something marked 'not-null' and fear it would be difficult?

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-27 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

Justin Johansson wrote:
Walter, in the heat of this thread I hope you haven't missed the 
correlation with discussion

on Dispatching on a variant and noting:

Thanks for pointing it out. The facilities in D enable one to 
construct a non-nullable type, and they are appropriate for many designs. 

No. There is no means to disable default construction.

I looked into this slightly. You'd have to do mark non-nullable fields 
as requiring ctor initialization, prevent reallocating arrays of 
non-nullables, and a few other things. At the time I wasn't considering 
struct constructors; without them, you'd have to forbid structs that 
contain non-nullable fields, but with them, it's okay.

I just don't see them as a replacement for *all* reference types.

Non-nullable references should be the default.


Re: Null references redux

2009-09-27 Thread Christopher Wright

Michel Fortin wrote:
On 2009-09-26 22:07:00 -0400, Walter Bright 

[...] The facilities in D enable one to construct a non-nullable type, 
and they are appropriate for many designs. I just don't see them as a 
replacement for *all* reference types.

As far as I understand this thread, no one here is arguing that 
non-nullable references/pointers should replace *all* reference/pointer 
types. The argument made is that non-nullable should be the default and 
nullable can be specified explicitly any time you need it.

So if you need a reference you use Object as the type, and if you want 
that reference to be nullable you write Object?. The static analysis 
can then assert that your code properly check for null prior 
dereferencing a nullable type and issues a compilation error if not.

I dislike these forced checks.

Let's say you're dealing with a compiler frontend. You have a semantic 
node that just went through some semantic pass and is guaranteed, by 
flow control and contracts, to have a certain property initialized that 
was not initialized prior to that point.

The programmer knows the value isn't null. The compiler shouldn't force 
checks. At most, it should have automated checks that disappear with 

Also, it introduces more nesting.

Also, unless the compiler's flow analysis is great, it's a nuisance -- 
you can see that the error is bogus and have to insert extra checks.

It should be fine to provide a requireNotNull template and leave it at that.

Re: putting more smarts into a == b

2009-09-27 Thread Christopher Wright

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

Consider two objects a and b with a of class type. Currently, the expression
a == b is blindly rewritten as a.opEquals(b). I argue it should be rewritten
into a call to an (imaginary/inlined) function equalObjects(a, b), with the
following definition:

bool equalObjects(T, U)(T a, U b) if (is(T == class))
   static if (is(U == class))
   if (b is null) return a is null;
   if (a is null) return b is null;
   enforce(a !is null);
   return a.opEquals(b);

This hoists the identity test outside the opEquals call and also deals with
null references. What do you think?

I'm almost sure that C# does this already, and it's a useful behavior.

C# operator overloads are of the form:
public static ReturnType operator+(Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2) {}

Object.operator== is defined to call arg1.Equals(arg2) if arg1 isn't 
null. But this isn't a feature of operator overloads.

Of course, with nonnull types, the check for null wouldn't even need
to exst ;)

How clever and insightful of you!

Re: Dispatching on a variant

2009-09-26 Thread Christopher Wright

Justin Johansson wrote:

I've had a good poke around the forums and couldn't find anything on this so ...

What's the recommended method for dispatching code off the runtime type of a 
variant variable
(Phobos D2 std.variant)?

Does one use a bunch of

if ( var.peek!(type1)) { ... }
else if ( var.peek!(type2)  { ... }

for all N possible types, or is there a better  faster way with a switch or 
jump table of sorts?

Variant should have an accessible typeinfo property. (When I say should, 
I mean that it would be appropriate for it to have it. I am not saying 
that I believe it has it.) It should be faster to compare that (or 
switch on than to peek for each type.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-26 Thread Christopher Wright

Walter Bright wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:
If an object may or may not have a valid value, you mark it as 
nullable. All the difference is that it's a non-default behavior, 
that's it. And a user is now warned, that an object may be not 

He isn't warned, that's just the problem. The null object happily says 
I succeeded for all input and returns more default values and null 

This is not the proposal. The proposal was to codify in the type system 
whether a particular object has null as a valid value. If a variable 
that cannot be null is not initialized to a non-null value before use, 
that is an error.

It's entirely equivalent to using the current type system with a ton of 
manual contracts requiring that variables not be null. Except the 
contracts are enforced at compile time, not runtime.

A similar concept would be range-bounded integer types, or floating 
point types that cannot be NaN or infinity.

Re: Null references redux

2009-09-26 Thread Christopher Wright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
What if using 'Object obj;' raises a warning unitialized variable and 
makes everyone wanting non-null references happy, and 'Object obj = 
null;' raises no warning and makes everyone wanting to keep the current 
system (all two of us!) happy.

I believe it's a fair compromise.

It's a large improvement, but only for local variables. If your segfault 
has to do with a local variable, unless your function is monstrously 
large, it should be easy to fix, without changing the type system.

The larger use case is when you have an aggregate member that cannot be 
null. This can be solved via contracts, but they are tedious to write 
and ubiquitous.

Re: Pure dynamic casts?

2009-09-24 Thread Christopher Wright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:

language_fan wrote:

Wed, 23 Sep 2009 10:43:53 -0400, Jeremie Pelletier thusly wrote:

You're right about concurrency being a different concept than threading,
  but I wouldn't give threading away for a pure concurrent model either.
I believe D is aiming at giving programmers a choice of the tools they
wish to use. I could see uses of both a concurrent model with message
passing and a threading model with shared data used at once in a

The danger in too large a flexibility is that concurrency is not easy 
and it is getting incresingly complex. You need to be extraordinary 
good at manually managing all concurrent use of data. If I may predict 
something that is going to happen, it is that there will be high level 
models that avoid many low level pitfalls. These models will not 
provide 100% efficiency, but they are getting faster and faster, 
without compromizing the safety aspect. This already happened with 
memory allocation (manual vs garbage collection - in common 
applications, but not in special cases). Before that we gave some of 
the error detection capabilities to the compiler (e.g. we do not write 
array bounds checks ourselves anymore). And optimizations (e.g. 
register allocation). You may disagree, but I find it much more 
pleasant to find that the application does never crash even though it 
works 15% slower than an optimal C++ code would.

15% slower is an extreme performance hit. I agree that code safety is 
useful and I use this model all the time for initialization and other 
code which isn't real time, but 15% takes away a lot of the 
application's responsiveness, if you have 50 such applications running 
on your system you just spent $1000 more in hardware to get the 
performance of entry level hardware with faster code.

What are most applications these days? MS Office, a web browser, maybe 
an email client, some odds and ends, and a whole bunch of web sites 
running on servers somewhere (with associated database servers and some 
other odds and ends).

How much does it cost to get a slightly better machine? Fully hosted? 
Maybe $100/month.

How much does it cost to develop it in a faster but more error-prone 
language? Maybe months more time to market, time you're not making money 
but are still paying developers. Those developers will need to be more 
skilled than the ones using a safer language, and thus will cost you 
more. New features will take more time to develop.

It's a competitive advantage to use a slower, safer language on the web.

Desktop applications are not quite so straightforward.

If you wrote a real time renderer for example with that 15% hit, you get 
a very noticeable difference in framerate. Not to mention standard GUIs 
to be laggy on slower machines (just MSN messenger runs to a crawl on my 
old computer, yet it can run the first UT which does way more operations 
per second, because there's no performance hit by safer code bloat).

Games are not interesting in this regard. They require performance, and 
they're hideously expensive. A studio can throw developers at the 
problems and make them go away.

Not all games are like this, of course. But most are.

Re: Does dmd have SSE intrinsics?

2009-09-23 Thread Christopher Wright

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Yah, but inside do something interesting you need to do special casing 


Sure, but if you're writing a generic library you can punt the problem 
to the user, who may or may not care about the return value at all. As 
is, it's a cost you pay whether you care or not.

Re: Does dmd have SSE intrinsics?

2009-09-22 Thread Christopher Wright

Robert Jacques wrote:
Yes, although classes have hidden vars, which are runtime dependent, 
changing the offset. Structs may be embedded in other things (therefore 
offset). And then there's the whole slicing from an array issue.

Um, no. Field accesses for class variables are (pointer + offset). 
Successive subclasses append their fields to the object, so if you 
sliced an object and changed its vtbl pointer, you could get a valid 
instance of its superclass.

If the class layout weren't determined at compile time, field accesses 
would be as slow as virtual function calls.

Re: Pure dynamic casts?

2009-09-22 Thread Christopher Wright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
You can clearly see all there is to a dynamic cast is simply adjusting 
the pointer to the object's virtual table. So a compiler knowing the 
source and destination offset of the vtable can easily inline the code 
for such a cast.

That may be correct, but you're describing it in a way that confuses me, 
probably in part because it assumes a fair bit of knowledge on the part 
of the listener.

Objects are laid out like this:

class vtbl pointer
object.Object fields
superclass fields
superclass interface1 vtbl pointer
superclass interface2 vtbl pointer
class fields
class interface1 vtbl pointer
class interface2 vtbl pointer

(The relative order of fields and interface vtbl pointers doesn't matter.)

You need a special vtbl for interfaces because a virtual function call 
works like:

branch (object.vtbl + offset)

The offset must be known at compile time. And it has to be the same 
offset for all possible objects implementing this interface. One 
implemented interface might require an entirely different vtbl layout 
than another. The solution is to use an entirely different vtbl.

Re: Does dmd have SSE intrinsics?

2009-09-22 Thread Christopher Wright

Robert Jacques wrote:
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 07:09:09 -0400, bearophile wrote:

Robert Jacques:

Also, another issue for game/graphic/robotic programmers is the 
ability to

return fixed length arrays from functions. Though struct wrappers
mitigates this.

Why doesn't D allow to return fixed-sized arrays from functions? It's 
a basic feature that I can find useful in many situations, it looks 
more useful than most of the last features implemented in D2.


Well, fixed length arrays are an implicit/explicit pointer to some 
(stack/heap) allocated memory. So returning a fixed length array usually 
means returning a pointer to now invalid stack memory. Allowing 
fixed-length arrays to be returned by value would be nice, but basically 
means the compiler is wrapping the array in a struct, which is easy 
enough to do yourself. Using wrappers also avoids the breaking the 
logical semantics of arrays (i.e. pass by reference).

You could ease the restriction by disallowing implicit conversion from 
static to dynamic arrays in certain situations. A function returning a 
dynamic array cannot return a static array; you cannot assign the return 
value of a function returning a static array to a dynamic array.

Or in those cases, put the static array on the heap.

Re: Does dmd have SSE intrinsics?

2009-09-22 Thread Christopher Wright

Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
Why would you declare void variables? The point of declaring typed 
variables is to know what kind of storage to use, void means no storage 
at all. The only time I use void in variable types is for void* and 
void[] (which really is just a void* with a length).

In fact, every single scope has an infinity of void variables, you just 
don't need to explicitly declare them :)

'void foo;' is the same semantically as ''.

It simplifies generic code a fair bit. Let's say you want to intercept a 
method call transparently -- maybe wrap it in a database transaction, 
for instance. I do similar things in dmocks.

Anyway, you need to store the return value. You could write:

ReturnType!(func) func(ParameterTupleOf!(func) params)
auto result = innerObj.func(params);
// do something interesting
return result;

Except then you get the error: voids have no value

So instead you need to do some amount of special casing, perhaps quite a 
lot if you have to do something with the function result.

Re: Mixin a constructor ?

2009-09-20 Thread Christopher Wright

Michel Fortin wrote:

On 2009-09-19 21:17:36 -0400, language_fan said:

Since the constructor has no meaning outside classes, should it be
interpreted as a free function if mixed in a non-class context? I really
wonder how this could be valid code. Does the grammar even support the
3rd line?

Personally, I'd like it very much if functions from template mixins 
could overload with functions from outside the mixin. It'd allow me to 
replace string mixins with template mixins in quite a few places.

Also if you could implement a function from an interface with a template 

Re: Mixin a constructor ?

2009-09-19 Thread Christopher Wright

Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Is it supposed to possible to mixin a constructor? The code below 
doesn't compile. The error: is main.d(23): Error: constructor 
main.A.this() does not match parameter types (int)

main.d(23): Error: expected 0 arguments, not 1

A template mixin introduces a new scope. This is pretty annoying in some 
cases. More often, it is convenient. Since the constructor is not in the 
same scope as the class, it might be causing problems.

If you didn't introduce a new scope by default, it'd be easy enough to 
add it in the template or around the mixin:

template MixMeIn()
   int imInUrScope;
  int imOuttaUrScope;

Additionally, the difference would be easily detectable, because symbol 
collision would cause the code to fail to compile. Unless the mixin adds 
a function overload and you pass the address of the overload set 
somewhere, and now you're passing the wrong overload...which is an old 
problem for D, aggravated by D's property syntax, and unlikely to be 
fixed soon.

Re: Template Metaprogramming Made Easy (Huh?)

2009-09-14 Thread Christopher Wright

language_fan wrote:
In fact this is the group 
which uses something other than the hybrid object-oriented/procedural 

Damn straight! They use a hybrid OO/procedural/functional model. Like D. 
Or C#.

Oh, but Prolog, you may say. And I admit, I've seen it used a couple 
times by academics. But I've seen similar languages used at my job, and 
we're not by any means an algorithms shop.

I'm actually aware of very few languages that break the mold. There are 
toy languages like Befunge; there are solver-oriented languages like 
Prolog and Zimpl; and there are a couple oddities like METAFONT.

What languages have you seen that are so innovative and different in 

Re: Modern Windows GUI visual styles

2009-09-13 Thread Christopher Wright

Tim M wrote:

Daniel Keep Wrote:

Tim M wrote:

Microsoft says to use Application.EnableVisualStyles

Umm... you do realise that's for .NET, right?

Run it through a debugger and you will probably find that both provide an 
abstraction over the same complicated win32 api functions.

Or look at Mono's implementation. Or use Reflector -- it's free.

Re: Simple bolt-on unittest improvement

2009-09-11 Thread Christopher Wright

Justin Johansson wrote:

Hope it doesn't sound like I just discovered America but being a D newbie one 
is keen to play with all the language features.  So soon getting round to 
playing with D's unit test facility with JUnit (Java test unit) experience in 
mind,  found that I wanted all my tests to run even if one or the tests would 
otherwise fail on some assert.  Googled for DUnit as a hunch such beast might 
exist and sure enough found DUnit for D somewhere after the Delphi hits.

Sure enough DUnit writeup spoke about need for continuous testing in D as had 
occurred to me.  Then it dawned upon me that there really wasn't any need to go 
away from D's built-in unit test facility to achieve this and hence no need 
really for the DUnit approach.

The idea is to keep working within D's built in unit test facility; just don't 
use assert statements in current fashion as if one fails then whole test stops 
running.  Simply replace assert statements with a function call that tests and 
records the assert condition instead .. much like in JUnit where you have 
functions like assertTrue, assertEquals etc.  Then just inside your main 
program you call up your unit test pretty print report and decide then (say 
based upon number of failed tests relative to total number of tests) whether to 
continue with your mainline code or bail out.

The regime now looks something like this:

unittest {
jjunit.expectEquals( __FILE__, __LINE__, some_x, some_y);
jjunit.expectTrue( __FILE__, __LINE__, somecond);

And you don't want to use dunit's assertions because they throw 
exceptions, which means you don't see more than one error when running 
the application.

The problem with this is that you are going to continue running a test 
after an assertion fails. This is fine for a lot of unittests -- in fact 
beneficial -- but in others it's going to be guaranteed failure:

auto foo = buildFoo();
expect(foo !is null);
expect( == 17);

If you really want to work with d's builtin unittests, your strategy is 
required. Personally, I dislike it. That's why dunit is as it is.

Re: DDL should become official part of DMD

2009-09-08 Thread Christopher Wright

BLS wrote:

JPF wrote:

BLS wrote:

c topic.. what do you think ?

IMO : this could be a D killer feature.

I don't know how complicated that would be (licensing issues, ...), but
as a developer / user I would really like it: It's needed to implement
stuff like addins in a convenient way. And it would be great if we could
finally use statically loaded shared libraries instead of static
compilation of everything (I guess that needs compiler integration, so
it's a good reason to include DDL with dmd ;-)). Also, if you look at the current way to do D
DLLs for use with D code is not very developer friendly. Exporting flat
functions like getMyClass just doesn't feel right. Now compare that with
DDLs features: .DDL
clearly wins. By the way, I guess most of you know that already, but has an updated version of DDL with a
new linker.

I can hear you , but it seems that we are pretty alone.

DDL showed signs of offering a proper reflection library. I'm drooling a 
bit over the possibility.

Re: Bug with patch

2009-09-06 Thread Christopher Wright

Michel Fortin wrote:
I submitted a Phobos bug with a patch. Now I wonder: should I signal it 
to someone or just leave it lying there until it's found and applied by 

(Here's the bug:

If it were assigned to someone, you should just wait for that person to 
handle it.

Andrei seems to handle most Phobos development, so I'd assign it to him. 
The worst that happens is that he reassigns it.

Re: D on the Objective-C runtime?

2009-09-06 Thread Christopher Wright

Michel Fortin wrote:
Another approach is my D/Objective-C bridge:, which allows you to write 
a bridged class like below. It needs D1 and is not multithreaded, only 
can do classes (no protocols, no categories for now), but it works quite 
well for what it does.


/** Open a new window and put it on the center of the screen. */
void openWindow(Object sender) {

// Objective-C binding for IB actions.
mixin IBAction!(openWindow);
mixin IBAction!(openWebsite);

Off topic, but this would be a good place for user-defined attributes. 
Then you could write something like:

@IBAction void openWindow(Object sender) {}

Re: D naming style?

2009-09-04 Thread Christopher Wright

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 9:18 PM, Ali wrote:

Thank you!

Jarrett Billingsley Wrote:

Many people don't indicate class members with any kind of decoration

I noticed that too. :)

The justification that I've come up with is that, we need the decoration in 
e.g. C++, because the member declaration is not visible in the implementation 
file, so the decoration communicates that the member is in the header file.

That's not the case in D, so there is no need for the decoration; but I miss 
them too. :)

I'm consistently confused by D (and Java and C#) code that doesn't
indicate member names, especially when they're named really common
things that often conflict with local variables, like len or src
or such. Unless the type is small enough to fit on a single screen,
it's easy to forget the member names.

Most of the code I write uses classes that fit in one screen (20 lines 
or so) and still prefixes private fields with an underscore. It's 
convenient when initializing fields from constructor parameters.

Re: The Linker is not a Magical Program

2009-09-03 Thread Christopher Wright

Walter Bright wrote:

A rant I wrote a few months ago: 

For reference, GNU ld has to be compiled with -linvisible-pink-unicorn.

Re: Reference value of structs not optimized or inlined?

2009-08-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Walter Bright wrote:

Ary Borenszweig wrote:

Walter Bright escribió:
There are a lot of D specific optimization opportunities that are 
left undone for now.


Which of the thousand things people want done in D should be done first?

Those that the askers are willing to implement first, I'd say.

Re: Should be easy

2009-06-13 Thread Christopher Wright

Saaa wrote:

I did get it to compile at one time, but didn't know how to use it,
like your code..
index( array, index2);  //compiles and all, but how do I set the value?
index( array, index2) = -1; // doesn't work

If you're using d2, add 'ref' to the return type.

Otherwise, you need indexAssign:

void indexAssign(TArray : TArray[])(TArray array, BaseType!(TArray) 
value, int[] indices...)

static if (is (typeof (array[0]) == typeof(value))
array[indices[0]] = value;
indexAssign(array[indices[0]], value, indices[1..$]);

Also, why the ... ?

In case you know the number of indices ahead of time. It costs nothing 
and lets you use a more natural syntax some of the time.

Re: Serialization for D. Comments, please!

2009-06-11 Thread Christopher Wright

grauzone wrote:

Is there any real reason for all those mixins?

which ones?

All used by the user. That would be Serializable and SerializableRecuring.

Also, what is curing in this context, and why would you need to do it 
multiple times?

Re: [Issue 3001] Templated types within a mixin not reinstantiated properly for new instantiation

2009-06-11 Thread Christopher Wright

--- Comment #1 from Matti Niemenmaa  
2009-06-11 09:32:40 PDT ---
I'm bumping this to 'blocker' because it's preventing me from using DMD for my

I think we need clarification on the definition and usage of blocker. 
I typically would use it to mean that DMD cannot be released until the 
bug is fixed. Other people seem to be using it in a more liberal sense.

Re: D2's feature set?

2009-06-06 Thread Christopher Wright

Kristian Kilpi wrote:

I think I shouldn't post this because I could very well start one of 
those mega-threads... :D

Of course, only Walter  Co know what D2 will include when it's finally 
'released'. Concurrency stuff has been developed lately. But something 
more? Or is that it? What do you think?

I haven't thought about it too much, but lets say something... ;)

1) Scoped members. For example:

class Foo
 scope Bar bar;  // gets destructed with Foo object

You need to do escape analysis and whole program analysis to determine 
whether there are aliases to a scope member. Failing that, it's pretty 
easy to introduce bugs that are difficult to find.

It would be fine as long as you always assign with a NewExpression.

Re: DMD 2.030 doesn't exist

2009-06-04 Thread Christopher Wright

A.M. wrote:

Christopher Wright Wrote:

A.M. wrote:

please correct that, as it gives a bad picture of ur project.
The Ur-Project has arrived! Photos at 11 -- we're waiting on a 
replacement lens.

what is that??
are u making fun of me, or u misunderstood what I was saying?
if u think I was wrong when I said so, correct me rather than just laughing at 

I saw a chance to make a joke and I took it. If you had used the word 
'augment', I might have said Tissue augmentation is not a matter of 
twiddling bits. It's nothing against you.

If you look around, there's only one other person here who uses 
abbreviations such as you do. It's generally a good idea to match your 
appearance to your surroundings, if there's no moral issue involved. It 
indicates that you have some knowledge about the community and want to 
be a part of it.

You can, as an alternative, prove this via contributions and ignore the 
issue of fitting in. Starting with an accusatory complaint is not a good 
way to do this.

Or you can take a few jokes. They're not meant to disparage you.

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-06-03 Thread Christopher Wright

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:

On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 7:11 PM, Christopher Wright wrote:

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

I wasn't suggesting any GC modifications, I was just suggesting that
void[]'s TypeInfo has pointers flag be set to false.

The suggestion was that void[] be used as ubyte[] currently is, and then to
use void*[] to indicate an array of unknown type that may have pointers.

How do you have a void*[] point to a block of memory that is not a
multiple of (void*).sizeof?

Another good point. Or how do you index it by byte?

Re: DMD 2.030 doesn't exist

2009-06-03 Thread Christopher Wright

A.M. wrote:

please correct that, as it gives a bad picture of ur project.

The Ur-Project has arrived! Photos at 11 -- we're waiting on a 
replacement lens.

Re: Functions with package protection

2009-06-03 Thread Christopher Wright

Robert Fraser wrote:

grauzone wrote:
Sorry to dig up this old post, but I still don't understand why 
'package' functions cannot be virtual? Is there a good reason for 
this? I can't see why we can't use polymorphism on 'package' functions!

Is there way to make it virtual without making it public? (e.g. a 
'virtual' keyword?)

package needs to fixes:
- package methods must be allowed to be virtual
- package methods must be allowed to be accessed from sub packages 
(module a.b.x should be able to access package identifiers declared in 
module a.y)

I don't understand why these fixes applied, especially because they 
are completely backward compatible.

package methods must be allowed to be virtual isn't 
backwards-compatible. This code will work differently if package methods 
were made virtual:

That's a larger problem, I think: you can override methods silently. The 
override keyword should be required.

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-06-03 Thread Christopher Wright

bearophile wrote:

Christopher Wright:

Another good point. Or how do you index it by byte?

How can you read  write files of 3 bytes if voids are 4 bytes long chunks? :o) 
I don't understand. I want to read and write files byte-by-byte.


Vladimir was suggesting that void[] be the same as ubyte[] and that you 
use void*[] if you might include a pointer. So that use case would be safe.

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-06-03 Thread Christopher Wright

MLT wrote:

Walter Bright Wrote:

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

I don't know why it was decided to mark the contents of void[] as
might have pointers. It makes no sense! Consider:


3) It's very rare in practice that the only pointer to your
object (which you still plan to access later) to be stored in a
void[]-allocated array!
Rare or common, it still would be a nasty bug lurking to catch someone. 
The default behavior in D should be to be correct code. Doing 
potentially unsafe things to improve performance should require extra 
effort - in this case it would be either using the gc function to mark 
the memory as not containing pointers, or storing them as ubyte[] instead.

As quite a newby, I can sum up what I understood as follows:

1. The idea of void[] is that you can put anything in it without casting. 
2. Because of this, you might put pointers in a void[].

3. Since you have legitimately stored pointers, and we don't want to have the 
GC throw away something that we still have valid pointers for, we have to have the GC 
scan over void[] arrays for possible hits.

4. This pretty much means that any big(*) D program can not afford to put 
uniformly distributed data in a void[] array, because the GC will stop working correctly 
- it will not dispose of stuff that you don't need any more.
(*) where big means a program that creates and destroys a lot of objects.

So, currently if you want to use void[] to store non-pointers, you need to use 
the gc function to mark the memory as not containing pointers.

A comment and a question. I agree that suddenly losing data because you stored a pointer in a void[] is worse than GC not working well. However, since GC in D is so automatic, almost any use of void[] to store non-pointer data will cause massive memory leaks and eventual program failure. 

First, this is no problem if you are merely aliasing an existing array. 
In order for it to be an issue, you must copy from some array to a 
void[] -- for instance, appending to an existing void[], or .dup'ing a 
void[] alias. (While a GC could work around the latter case, it would be 
unsafe -- you can append something with pointers to a void[] copy of an 

I can see 4 solutions...

First, to not allow non-pointers to be stored in void[]. So non-pointers are 
stored in ubyte[], pointers in void[]. Kinda looses the main point of using 

Second, void[] is not scanned by GC, but you can mark it to be. This can cause 
bugs if you store a pointer in void[], and later retreive it, but don't mark 

This is an unsafe option.

Third, void[] is scanned by GC,  but you can mark it not to be. This can cause 
memory leaks if you store complex data in void[] in a big program, and don't 
handle GC marking correctly.

This is already available. If you know your array doesn't have pointers, 
you can call GC.hasNoPointers(array.ptr).

This is a safe option.

Forth - somewhat more complex. Since the compiler knows exactly when a pointer 
is stored in a void[] and when not, it would be possible to have the compiler 
handle all by itself, as long as the property of having to be scanned by GC is 
dirty - once a variable has it, any other that touches that variable gets the 

This isn't really the case unless you get some really invasive whole 
program analysis (not available with D's compilation model, or if you 
want to interact with code written in other languages, or if you want to 
do runtime dynamic linking) or a really invasive runtime (think of 
calling a method every time you access an array).

In point of fact, that's not going to be enough. You need to call the 
runtime with every assignment, since you might be passing individual 
ubytes around when they're part of a pointer and reassembling them 
somewhere else.

Of these four solutions, the last 3 can still cause bugs if one stores both 
pointers and data in the same void[] array, no matter how the memory is marked, 
unless one does that marking on a very fine scale (is that possible?)

struct S
int i;
int* j;

You're screwed.

My conclusion from all this is either don't use void[], or only use void[] to 
store pointers if you don't want bugs in a valid program.

Not bugs, but potential performance issues. And the advice should be 
don't allocate void[], to split hairs.

Re: static this sucks, we should deprecate it

2009-06-03 Thread Christopher Wright

grauzone wrote:
I had the same problem when writing the D/Objective-C bridge. 
Basically, if you ask the Objective-C runtime to instanciate a class 
not previously registered, it won't find it. My choice was to require 
manual pre-registrations of the classes you want to use, and register 
everything that is possible lazily as soon as you use a bridged class.

Yes, and that pre-registration is only there to make the compiler 
generate the required compile-time reflection code (like with .tupleof 
or __traits). While compile-time reflection is probably really more 
flexible than runtime reflection, requiring this kind of registration 
remains a weakness of the compile-time approach.

Solutions would be to make reflection fully dynamic (as you said) and 
extend RTTI for that, or to provide better ways to inspect modules as a 

For the latter, maybe __traits should just be able to inspect all 
members of a module, and to follow imports. Or one could introduce some 
kind of module preprocessor, which enables you to execute code for 
each module at compile time (transparent for the processed module).

Just by the way, annotations would also be nice. It's annoying to add 
additional information to members without them. This additional 
information can be stuff like default values, versioning of 
serializable members, behavior for missing values on deserialization, 
human readable help text if you want to use reflection to read/write 
user configuration files...

I've seen four good uses of annotations in the past that could not 
easily be replaced:

- dependency injection configuration
- ORM configuration
- event broker registration (this method should be called on this event)
- test method/class registration

This brings up an issue. Let's say I use static constructors to 
configure a serialization library, then use a static constructor to read 
objects using this serialization library. There's no way to define an 
order in which static constructors should be run within a module, but 
here it makes a huge difference. It would be very convenient to have as 
much of this configuration as possible in a readable format and not 
static constructors.

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-06-02 Thread Christopher Wright

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

I wasn't suggesting any GC modifications, I was just suggesting that void[]'s TypeInfo 
has pointers flag be set to false.

The suggestion was that void[] be used as ubyte[] currently is, and then 
to use void*[] to indicate an array of unknown type that may have pointers.

This works when all pointers are aligned, or when the garbage collector 
does not optimize in cases where a type is known not to contain 
unaligned pointers.

Alternatively, you can change the runtime to notify the GC on array 
copies so it can keep track of type information when you're avoiding the 
type system. But it's so easy to get around this by accident, it's not a 
reasonable solution (even if it could be made fast).

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-06-01 Thread Christopher Wright

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 05:28:39 +0300, Christopher Wright 

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

std.boxer is actually a valid counter-example for my post.
The specific fix is simple: replace the void[] with void*[].
The generic fix is just to add a line to adding that hiding your only  
reference in a void[] results in undefined behavior. I don't think this  
should be an inconvenience to any projects?

What do you use for may contain unaligned pointers?

Sorry, what do you mean? I don't understand why such a type is needed? 
Implementing support for scanning memory ranges for unaligned pointers will 
slow down the GC even more.

Because you can have a struct with align(1) that contains pointers. Then 
these pointers can be unaligned. Then an array of those structs cast to 
a void*[] would contain pointers, but as an optimization, the GC would 
consider the pointers in this array aligned because you tell it they are.

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-06-01 Thread Christopher Wright

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 14:10:57 +0300, Christopher Wright 

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 05:28:39 +0300, Christopher Wright wrote:

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

std.boxer is actually a valid counter-example for my post.
The specific fix is simple: replace the void[] with void*[].
The generic fix is just to add a line to adding that hiding your  
only  reference in a void[] results in undefined behavior. I don't  
think this  should be an inconvenience to any projects?

What do you use for may contain unaligned pointers?
 Sorry, what do you mean? I don't understand why such a type is needed?  
Implementing support for scanning memory ranges for unaligned pointers  
will slow down the GC even more.
Because you can have a struct with align(1) that contains pointers. Then  
these pointers can be unaligned. Then an array of those structs cast to  
a void*[] would contain pointers, but as an optimization, the GC would  
consider the pointers in this array aligned because you tell it they are.

The GC will not see unaligned pointers, regardless if they're in a struct or 
void[] array. The GC doesn't know the type of the data it's scanning - it just knows if 
it might contain pointers or it definitely doesn't contain pointers.

Okay, so currently the GC doesn't do anything interesting with its type 
information. You're suggesting that that be enforced and codified.

Re: Source control for all dmd source

2009-05-31 Thread Christopher Wright

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

Jérôme M. Berger, el 31 de mayo a las 19:03 me escribiste:

Leandro Lucarella wrote:

Well, that's great to hear! As Robert said, please tell if you need any
help. Please, please, please consider using a distributed SCM (I think git
would be ideal but mercurial is good too). That would make merging and
branching a lot easier.

Git is a bad choice because of its poor Windows support. Mercurial or 
Bazaar are much better in this regard.

That's a mith, Git is pretty much supported in Windows now. I know people
that uses it in a regular basis. See:

I've used tortoise-git:

It worked pretty well, though I didn't spend much time with it.

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-05-31 Thread Christopher Wright

Lionello Lunesu wrote:

Denis Koroskin wrote:
On Sun, 31 May 2009 22:45:23 +0400, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
I just went through a ~15000-line project and replaced most 
occurrences  of void[]. Now the project is an ugly mess of void[], 
ubyte[] and casts,  but at least it doesn't leak memory like crazy 
any more.
I don't know why it was decided to mark the contents of void[] as 
might  have pointers. It makes no sense!
FWIW, I also consider void[] as a storage for an arbitrary untyped binary

  data, and thus I believe GC shouldn't scan it.

You're contradicting yourself there. void[] is arbitrary untyped data, 
so it could contain uints, floats, bytes, pointers, arrays, strings, 
etc. or structs with any of those.

I think the current behavior is correct: ubyte[] is the new void*.

Even in C, people often use unsigned char* for arbitrary data that does 
not include pointers.

Re: Why are void[] contents marked as having pointers?

2009-05-31 Thread Christopher Wright

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:

std.boxer is actually a valid counter-example for my post.
The specific fix is simple: replace the void[] with void*[].
The generic fix is just to add a line to adding that hiding your only reference in a 
void[] results in undefined behavior. I don't think this should be an inconvenience to 
any projects?

What do you use for may contain unaligned pointers?

Re: static this sucks, we should deprecate it

2009-05-29 Thread Christopher Wright

Derek Parnell wrote:

On Sat, 30 May 2009 03:52:44 +1200, Tim Matthews wrote:

Walter Bright wrote:

It's unreliable because how do you specify the load order? And how does 
the user relate that to the source semantics?

grauzone suggested this earlier:

static this {} //full dependencies (all import statements)
static this : a, b {} //only dependent from module a and b
static this : void {} //no dependencies at all

Is there a situation in which the dependancies are not known by the coder
writer? For example, linking in some object code that has a static this{}
section and not having the source code for that object code.

file A.di:
void foo();

file B.d:
static this () { foo(); }

All bets are off. A more sophisticated object format can correct this.

Re: [OT] Convention of Communication

2009-05-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Manfred Nowak wrote:
At least a quarter of the last postings here do not follow the usenet 
convention of proper identifying the author---which is the full name of 
the author and a valid email adress of the author.

I wonder whether those who set themself apart by breaking existing 
convention would appreciate to be set apart, when others too break 


No. There's no reason to require or even incentivize non-anonymity.

Re: Encoding problems...

2009-05-28 Thread Christopher Wright

Robert Fraser wrote:

Hi all,

Quick question: I want to use some unicode identifiers, but I get 
unsupported char 0xe2, both with using and not using a BOM. The 
characters in question are the superset/subset-equals operators: ⊇ and 
⊆... Perhaps these are just unsupported by DMD (in which case, I'll file 
a bug)?

(As an aside, Google's link obfuscation is hella annoying.)

The relevant range is U+2200 to U+22FF (specifically U+2286, U+2287). 
It's not included.

Re: Why do I get stack overflow?

2009-05-24 Thread Christopher Wright

Ary Borenszweig wrote:
When I compile this code I get stack overflow printed in the console. 
Anyone know why?

int fact(int X)() {
if(X == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
int temp = fact!(X - 1)();
return X * temp;

const someVar = fact!(0)();

Like Moritz said. You need to use static if there rather than if.

Re: Finalizing D2

2009-05-23 Thread Christopher Wright

Brad Roberts wrote:

Don wrote:

bearophile wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu:

there's been a sharp increase in bug reports and patches recently.
Walter and I are still scratching our head over that (it's not like
dmd got much crappier overnight). I can only infer that more people
have started using more of D.

I think it's mostly a complex consequence of showing DMD source code.
I have predicted this outcome in one post more than one year ago.

Yes. It's the simple fact that you can compile DMD out-of-the-box. In
fact, everyone who has downloaded DMD is forced to have a working copy
of the source code!
It's interesting to compare this with GDC, which, with the GNU license,
is a purer form of free software. Yet, it's amazingly difficult to get
it to compile (I tried once, and failed).
It's not just about having source code available.

I don't believe that to be the case.  That would explain why more _fixes_ are
being provided (primarily thanks to your contributions), but not why there's
been an increase in bug _filing_.

Walter would say that the number of bug reports for a compiler is an 
indication of its popularity.

Re: OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

2009-05-21 Thread Christopher Wright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Christopher Wright wrote in message 

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Christopher Wright wrote in message 

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I can see certain potential benefits to the general way C# does 
generics, but until the old (and I do mean old) issue of There's an 
IComparable, so why the hell won't MS give us an IArithmetic so we can 
actually use arithmetic operators on generic code? gets fixed (and at 
this point I'm convinced they've never had any intent of ever fixing 
that), I don't care how valid the reasoning behind C#'s general 
approach to generics is, the actual state of C#'s generics still falls 
squarely into the categories of crap and almost useless.
IArithmetic is impossible in C# because operator overloads are static 
methods, and interfaces cannot specify static methods.

Then how does IComparable work?

It uses a member function instead.

And they can't do the same for arithmetic? 

I believe the rationale for using static functions is so that you can 
add null to something. (The indexing operator, mind you, is a member 
property, so this doesn't always hold.) Additionally, this gets rid of 

In practice, I doubt anyone uses that. But it's too late to make that 

Re: any html parser with d binding

2009-05-21 Thread Christopher Wright

BCS wrote:

Hello reimi,

i have 2 question here:

1) can anyone suggest good html parser with d binding?

IIRC ANTLR can generate D

The last supported version was 2.7.something. It depends on phobos, 
possibly a rather old version of it (I don't know).

Re: Determine if template argument is an array

2009-05-21 Thread Christopher Wright

Fractal wrote:


Any body can explan me how to determine if a template argument is an array?


Have a look at std.traits or tango.core.Traits. The appropriate way to 
check is via the templates they define, since it's clearer. Looking at 
the source will tell you how to replicate the effect should you need to.

Re: OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

2009-05-20 Thread Christopher Wright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I can see certain potential benefits to the general way C# does generics, 
but until the old (and I do mean old) issue of There's an IComparable, so 
why the hell won't MS give us an IArithmetic so we can actually use 
arithmetic operators on generic code? gets fixed (and at this point I'm 
convinced they've never had any intent of ever fixing that), I don't care 
how valid the reasoning behind C#'s general approach to generics is, the 
actual state of C#'s generics still falls squarely into the categories of 
crap and almost useless. 

IArithmetic is impossible in C# because operator overloads are static 
methods, and interfaces cannot specify static methods.

Re: OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

2009-05-20 Thread Christopher Wright

dsimcha wrote:

== Quote from Christopher Wright ('s article

Nick Sabalausky wrote:

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote in message

I've repeatedly failed to figure out the coolness of C#, and would
appreciate a few pointers. Or references. Or delegates :o).

Outside of this group, I think most of the people considering C# really cool
are people who are unaware of D and are coming to C# from Java. What's
cool about C# is that it's like a less-shitty version of Java (and *had*
good tools, although the newer versions of VS are almost as much of a
bloated unresponsive mess as Eclipse - Which come to think of it, makes me
wonder - If Java has gotten so fast as many people claim, why is Eclipse
still such a sluggish POS?).

Compare C# to D though and most of the coolness fades, even though there are
still a handful of things I think D could still learn from C# (but there's
probably more than a handful that C# could learn from D).

Generics and reflection. Generics just hide a lot of casts, usually, but
that's still quite useful. And autoboxing is convenient, though not
appropriate for D.

What the heck do you need generics for when you have real templates?  To me,
generics seem like just a lame excuse for templates.

Put a template in an interface.

Use reflection to instantiate a template.

Re: OT: on IDEs and code writing on steroids

2009-05-20 Thread Christopher Wright

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Christopher Wright wrote in message 

Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I can see certain potential benefits to the general way C# does generics, 
but until the old (and I do mean old) issue of There's an IComparable, 
so why the hell won't MS give us an IArithmetic so we can actually use 
arithmetic operators on generic code? gets fixed (and at this point I'm 
convinced they've never had any intent of ever fixing that), I don't care 
how valid the reasoning behind C#'s general approach to generics is, the 
actual state of C#'s generics still falls squarely into the categories of 
crap and almost useless.
IArithmetic is impossible in C# because operator overloads are static 
methods, and interfaces cannot specify static methods.

Then how does IComparable work? 

It uses a member function instead.

Re: with still sucks + removing features + adding features

2009-05-19 Thread Christopher Wright

Derek Parnell wrote:

On Mon, 18 May 2009 19:24:13 -0400, bearophile wrote:

Christopher Wright:

The more common suggestion is:
alias bar = foo;

This is acceptable, thank you :-)
Now I'd like to know what others think about that.

But does that mean 'when I write bar I really mean foo' or visa versa?

Just pointing out that the '=' sign doesn't really automatically make it
fully intuitive.

It would work like assignments and renamed imports. Since when did you 
make an assignment in D where the right hand side was modified according 
to the value of the left hand side?

It's not immediately obvious to someone who hasn't programmed yet, 
necessarily, but to someone even vaguely familiar with any modern 
programming language, there is one obvious meaning.

Re: While we're lynching features, how bout' them omittable parens?

2009-05-19 Thread Christopher Wright

Ary Borenszweig wrote:

That's what I said it's a contract on the semantic of properties. :)

But now I'm curious: what kind of properties do you write?

A getter that does calculations and caches the results (rarely).

A proxied getter that does lazy loading from a database table (like 


Re: foreach (x; a .. b) and foreach_reverse (x; a .. b) should be disallowed

2009-05-18 Thread Christopher Wright

grauzone wrote:

Look at this for example:
  writefln(%s, is(typeof(rtzx) == char));
This compiles even if rtzx doesn't exist. But you probably wanted to 
check the type of rtzx, not it if rtzx exists. If you mistyped rtzx, the 
compiler will never tell you.

You can do 'is(typeof(rtzx))  is(typeof(rtzx) == char)', or wrap it in 
a template.

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