Re: gcsnoop: Monitor D GC runs systemwide on Linux.

2021-07-23 Thread Joakim Brännström via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 23 July 2021 at 08:16:03 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:
Since the GC can sometimes cause delays that can make problems 
for latency-sensitive programs, it may be useful to notice when 
it has run.


Ohh nice. That will be useful! Thank you for the post :)

Re: D Language Foundation Monthly Meeting -- June 2021

2021-06-26 Thread Joakim Brännström via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 26 June 2021 at 10:15:41 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

The monthly DLF meeting this month took place on June 25.

Thank you for the summary. It seems like there are interesting 
things happening :)

Re: The New Fundraising Campaign

2019-01-02 Thread Joakim Brännström via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 2 January 2019 at 10:16:11 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 
This campaign will end in 43 day, so the question after app. 
50% is, what next?
Will we start collecting for something else or should we first 
try to extend the job of our pull request manager?

Thanks Martin for the reminder. From my observations of the 
activities on github it seems like Nicholas Wilson is doing an 
excellent job :-)

Regards, Joakim B.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-27 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 27 December 2018 at 08:25:23 UTC, Russel Winder 
On Thu, 2018-12-27 at 02:13 +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:


Wow, you've really gone off the deep end now. First you lie 
that I presented no data, then when called out, start claiming 
defamation and talk about bringing lawyers into it.

You seem to be a beginner at gaslighting. Your initial data was 
simply two articles expressing an opinion. There was no data 
about conferences generally just a perception of a failure of 
conferences in the iOS arena.

Good luck with that. :)

I will have good luck. The lawyer is a person I have done 
expert witness work for on libel and email usage in the past in 
the High Court. I am not a beginner at this sort of thing.

You will treat this email as a formal cease and desist letter 
requiring you stop defaming my character in public written 
statements. If you continue to defame me in public emails, I 
will escalate and apply for a cease and desist order in the 
High Court.

Heh, nobody cares about you and your blatant L I E S.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 26 December 2018 at 09:34:48 UTC, Russel Winder 
On Wed, 2018-12-26 at 05:07 +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

I wrote. I have never called anyone any name or insult in
anything I wrote. I have used a pejorative for a type of 
that was being used, or characterized certain actions 


I beg to differ. I have the emails with you hurling personal 

Your continuous, data free, but combative on others providing 
no data, hectoring is beginning to annoy people who are trying 
to be constructive within the D community. You have made your 
point, that you believe, and no one else here now gives a shit 

I don't know who's going around deleting forum posts, which I'm 
against normally though in this case concede that our OT 
squabbling added nothing to this thread, but you missed this 
post, where he first started lying about what I wrote.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 26 December 2018 at 16:56:17 UTC, Russel Winder 
On Wed, 2018-12-26 at 09:45 +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

Wtf are you talking about? I've never emailed you in my life. 
If you mean in this forum thread, quote what you think is 
"personal abuse," I see none.

We can get to that later, no need for now given your statement 

I see, so you have nothing, as always.

I have not made my point, since most responding seem to think 
I'm trying to lessen in-person interaction, like even Walter 
above with his concert example, when that's the opposite of 
what I'm saying! I chalk that up to people like you, who lie 
about my not presenting any data when that's clearly linked in 
my first post, either because you don't know how to read or 
choose to lie anyway.

So we do not need any history of this thread to see that you 
have no compunction libelling people. Yes there is free speech, 
but there is also defamation via the written word which is a 
civil offence in UK law. This paragraph is almost certainly 
libellous. I am tempted to take legal advice from a UK libel 
solicitor of my acquaintance.

Wow, you've really gone off the deep end now. First you lie that 
I presented no data, then when called out, start claiming 
defamation and talk about bringing lawyers into it.

Good luck with that. :)

For someome who claims not to give a shit, you certainly keep 
replying a lot to me and lying about what I wrote.

You claimed you were going to stop engaging with me, email on 
this list 2018- 12-23T0808+00:00, but it seems you are failing 
to keep your promises.

I have stopped engaging with you on the thread topic, DConf, 
since then, but once you started lying about the tone and content 
of my posts, I've addressed that.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 26 December 2018 at 09:34:48 UTC, Russel Winder 
On Wed, 2018-12-26 at 05:07 +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

I wrote. I have never called anyone any name or insult in
anything I wrote. I have used a pejorative for a type of 
that was being used, or characterized certain actions 


I beg to differ. I have the emails with you hurling personal 

Wtf are you talking about? I've never emailed you in my life. If 
you mean in this forum thread, quote what you think is "personal 
abuse," I see none.

Your continuous, data free, but combative on others providing 
no data, hectoring is beginning to annoy people who are trying 
to be constructive within the D community. You have made your 
point, that you believe, and no one else here now gives a shit 

I have not made my point, since most responding seem to think I'm 
trying to lessen in-person interaction, like even Walter above 
with his concert example, when that's the opposite of what I'm 
saying! I chalk that up to people like you, who lie about my not 
presenting any data when that's clearly linked in my first post, 
either because you don't know how to read or choose to lie anyway.

For someome who claims not to give a shit, you certainly keep 
replying a lot to me and lying about what I wrote.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 25 December 2018 at 23:09:40 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/25/2018 10:54 AM, Joakim wrote:


It's fine that you disagree with others, and it's ok when you 
insult me, but when you insult others it's time to stop.

It's not clear what you're referring to, since you quote nothing 
I wrote. I have never called anyone any name or insult in 
anything I wrote. I have used a pejorative for a type of argument 
that was being used, or characterized certain actions negatively. 
I stand by those negative descriptions, and if you consider it an 
"insult" that I said "you just had to be there" is a stupid 
argument, I don't know what to tell you. Almost anyone who thinks 
about such matters believes that.

I could sit here and say it was "insulting" how people repeatedly 
characterized me as wanting to stop all in-person interaction, 
when that is _the exact opposite_ of what I wrote! But I don't go 
around making up grievances like that, I suggest you don't either.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 25 December 2018 at 11:27:29 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

On Tuesday, 25 December 2018 at 05:01:43 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Monday, 24 December 2018 at 22:22:08 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:
The 0.1% of the community that attend seem to like it, the 
vast majority don't, or at least don't care.

You think we have 200k users? More to the point you neglect the 
benefit of development and progress is shared by all users.

I, for one, will not be donating to the foundation as long 
as they continue to waste money this way, just as others 
have said they won't donate as long as it doesn't put out a 
Vision document anymore or otherwise communicate what it's 
doing with their money.

I agree this does need to happen, the foundation will be having 
a another meeting in Feb to set the vision, which I hope will 
be a little more planned and productive than the last one.

Nobody is asking for your money for this conference (unless 
you want to attend), and if you feel this way, that's totally 
your choice.

I'm not talking about the registration fee, I'm talking about 
contributing anything to the foundation, which Walter 
indicates above covers some of the expenses for DConf.

Some additional transparency would help, Mike?

I like the results that come from the conferences, I've
been to all of them since 2013, on my dime for 3, and with 
assistance for 3. I felt it was 100% worth it for all.

Yet you cannot give a single reason _why_ you felt it was 
worth it, or why my suggestions wouldn't make it better.

I'll give my reasons:
I got a job out of it.
I got useful insight into various bits of the compiler.
I got connections for collaboration with stuff that I'm 

If you're making a bad decision, it _should_ be questioned.

Indeed, but none of us think DConf is a bad idea or that the 
format doesn't work for us.

Almost nothing that has been decided so far would stop most of 
my three suggestions from still being implemented.

You haven't managed to convince us that that would be an 

As for how they feel about it, I don't care. The reason most 
projects and companies fail is because the decision-making 
process stops being about putting out a good product but about 
"feelings" and various people "saving face," especially when 
higher up the hierarchy, ie politics. And don't make up some 
nonsense that I'm saying that it's okay if everybody starts 
cursing each other out like Linus did: we're talking about 
_questioning a decision_. That is the whole point of having a 

The day this community starts being more about saving face is 
the day I leave it, as that's the beginning of the end, and I 
don't want to be around for that end.

I totally agree, but again, you haven't convinced us that it is 
an improvement.

Not at all, the whole reason I'm willing to debate is that 
other worthwhile perspectives may be out there. I think the 
evidence and arguments strongly favor the suggestions I'm 
putting forward, but I'm perfectly willing to consider other 

That is the same stance they should have, but don't appear to. 
My problem with this "debate" is that nobody was able to 
defend the current DConf format at all.

That reasoning is backwards: in our experience DConf, as done 
in the past, works, and it works well. The onus is on you to 
convince us that it would work better the way you describe.

Simply repeating over and over again that you're not "convinced" 
is not an argument, nor do your own personal reasons above argue 
for one format over another.

I asked for a rationale above and got none from Mike and a very 
weak, confused one from Walter. It's fairly obvious that there 
was never any real deliberation on the DConf format, and that you 
guys have dug in and decided to cut off your nose to spite your 
face. Fine with me, your loss.

Consider some of Walter's silly arguments above: at one point 
he says he wants "successful instantiations of your theories," 
implying that these are all things I'm just talking about and 
nobody's doing them, though it's not clear which aspects he 
thinks that of since I've presented evidence for much of it.

But at another point, he says that other D meetups are already 
doing something I suggest (I pointed out that he's wrong about 
that one, but let's assume he believes it), so there's no 
reason for DConf to do it. First of all, 95+% of D meetups 
appear to follow the DConf format of having a single speaker 
lecture to a room, so why isn't that an argument against doing 
that yet again at DConf?

What works at one scale doesn't necessarily work at another.

I see, so you're arguing that DConf shouldn't be doing in-person 
talks because it's larger than most D meetups? Don't answer that, 
scale as a reason makes no sense and there's no way you can make 

To do something very different from a "traditional" conference 

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 25 December 2018 at 07:10:46 UTC, rikki cattermole 

On 25/12/2018 6:01 PM, Joakim wrote:
See my responses to Nicholas above, I don't think the Android 
port merits a talk. By the same standards I apply to others' 
talks above, I don't think my work merits a talk either. ;)

A talk covering ARM and Android development in general would be 
very well received in the context of D. If you want to be 
convinced we could do a poll on who would want to see it (but I 
expect quite a large number of people would be in support of).

I don't see how it could be worthwhile: nobody has ever given 
such a DConf talk about a port to a specific platform because it 
doesn't really make sense. The whole point of a port is to 
abstract away the platform, so you can simply recompile most of 
your D source for it, as H. S. Teoh has indicated he's been able 
to do with the Android app he's been developing in D recently.

The way to do that talk is to abstract multiple ports into a 
general porting guide, which is the talk Kai already gave, or 
maybe talk about the details of a port to a very obscure or 
different platform, as Igor did this year:

While it was fascinating to hear how much work he put into it, 
much more than me, my interest was squelched somewhat because he 
couldn't reveal the platform and it's likely I would never use it 
anyway (not a game programmer). I mean, who really develops for 
non-Windows, non-Posix OS platforms? I haven't since college. For 
those few who do, maybe the talk was great. But the Android port 
wasn't that obscure: it's basically a linux/ARM distro with a 
different libc, Bionic.

If you really mean "ARM and Android development in general" and 
not the details of the port, I can't claim much knowledge of 
that, as I don't have a large Android codebase that I've 
developed and deployed. Hopefully, even if I did, there would be 
nothing to say: as it should be pretty similar to writing D code 
for a desktop platform.

My phone- on whose 5.5" screen I'm viewing the text of this forum 
response as I type it out on a separate, full-sized bluetooth 
keyboard paired with it- has 6 GBs of RAM and 128 GBs of storage 
(of which I have 8 GB free right now). That's about what midrange 
desktops and laptops come with these days (though with much 
larger screens ;) ), so you can't say mobile presents much of a 
constraint in terms of hardware. I've pointed out before that I 
compile code on my phone about as fast as a Macbook Air from a 
couple years ago:

If you see some other angle on an Android talk that I'm missing, 
I'd be happy to hear it, but I don't see it. Maybe someday when I 
have a huge, successful Android app in D, I'll write about or put 
up a talk online about the architecture I used, but hopefully 
there won't be much specific to Android there. :)

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-24 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 24 December 2018 at 22:22:08 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer 

On 12/24/18 2:44 AM, Joakim wrote:
On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 22:36:05 UTC, Steven 
Schveighoffer wrote:

Huh? It's their decision, not yours. Even if the decision has 
no reason at all, it's still theirs. What is the problem? 
Start your own D "conference competitor" if you think you can 
do better.

They are accountable to the community, so the decision and its 
reasons matter.

My impression is that the community likes and benefits from 
these conferences, so everything's cool there.

The 0.1% of the community that attend seem to like it, the vast 
majority don't, or at least don't care.

I, for one, will not be donating to the foundation as long as 
they continue to waste money this way, just as others have 
said they won't donate as long as it doesn't put out a Vision 
document anymore or otherwise communicate what it's doing with 
their money.

Nobody is asking for your money for this conference (unless you 
want to attend), and if you feel this way, that's totally your 

I'm not talking about the registration fee, I'm talking about 
contributing anything to the foundation, which Walter indicates 
above covers some of the expenses for DConf.

I like the results that come from the conferences, I've
been to all of them since 2013, on my dime for 3, and with 
assistance for 3. I felt it was 100% worth it for all.

Yet you cannot give a single reason _why_ you felt it was worth 
it, or why my suggestions wouldn't make it better.

Nobody cares to debate something that has already been 
scheduled and planned, the time to bring up concerns was 
earlier, when you brought it up before. But that failed to 
convince, now it's decided, time to move on.

So you agree with me that there's no point in "debating" it 
again, perhaps you should have addressed this comment to Mike 

Mike didn't start the debate in this thread, you did.

I did no such thing: I asked for the reasons _why_ the decision 
was made, considering the previous debate. That is not restarting 
the debate, simply asking for the rationale. Others then tried to 
debate me again, and while I did respect them enough to engage 
with their arguments, I repeatedly pointed out that I wasn't 
looking to debate it again.

Consider how one feels when careful deliberation is made, and a 
final decision, combined with an announcement is made. Would 
you like to have people question your decisions AFTER they are 
made, and commitments have already been established? The time 
to question them is before they are made, not after. 
Questioning after is simply viewed (rightly) as sour grapes. 
You didn't get your way, move on.

If you're making a bad decision, it _should_ be questioned. 
Almost nothing that has been decided so far would stop most of my 
three suggestions from still being implemented.

As for how they feel about it, I don't care. The reason most 
projects and companies fail is because the decision-making 
process stops being about putting out a good product but about 
"feelings" and various people "saving face," especially when 
higher up the hierarchy, ie politics. And don't make up some 
nonsense that I'm saying that it's okay if everybody starts 
cursing each other out like Linus did: we're talking about 
_questioning a decision_. That is the whole point of having a 

The day this community starts being more about saving face is the 
day I leave it, as that's the beginning of the end, and I don't 
want to be around for that end.

If it's such a great idea, that should be an easy case to 
make, compared to the alternatives given. Yet all I get is a 
bunch of stone-walling, suggesting no reasoning was actually 
involved, just blindly aping others and the past.

It is easy, for those who have attended conferences and like 
them -- they work well. All past dconfs are shining examples. 
Just drop it and move on to something else. You lost the 
battle for this one, it's no longer up for discussion.

Heh, there was no "battle," as most of those responding didn't 
even understand what I wrote, like Iain above, gave no 
arguments (we "like them -- they work well"), and as finally 
clear from Mike and Walter's responses here, there was no real 
deliberation on the matter.

You think they just flipped a coin one day, and didn't think 
about any past experience at all? No real thinking must have 
gone into it because only intelligent people can come to the 
conclusion you reached, right? This kind of "debate" where the 
assumption is that only my way is correct is common out there 
these days, it's tiring.

Not at all, the whole reason I'm willing to debate is that other 
worthwhile perspectives may be out there. I think the evidence 
and arguments strongly favor the suggestions I'm putting forward, 
but I'm perfectly willing to consider other arguments.


Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 14:20:08 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 10:59:32 UTC, Joakim wrote:
You say that like some superior technology exists to replace 
the conference.

It does, read the first link I gave in my first post above.

You mean the one that says "I don’t know how to fix 

Yes, obviously that would be the one that explains that superior 
online tech is what's killing the conference, before he tries to 
think of some way to keep the good parts around, as I'm doing too.

Yes, DConf may benefit from tutorials, workshops, BoFs, 
whatever, but the value it brings to the community is very 

It may bring some value, but that's not the question: the 
question is whether we could get more value out of the 
alternatives, particularly at a cheaper cost? The fact that 
you and others keep avoiding this question suggests you know 
the answer.

That really depends on the objective function you mean by "more 
"social networks, Slack groups, podcasts, and YouTube" are all 
well and good but they cannot compare (as in apples to oranges) 
to high-bandwidth low latency personal communication with all 
the people that have an interest (business, technical, 
whatever)  and technical expertise in the subject at hand.

Huh, that's funny, because that's exactly what all my and Adam's 
suggestions are geared around: spending valuable in-person time 
communicating in "high-bandwidth low latency," rather than the 
low-bandwidth, outdated in-person talk format that is done much 
better online. It's almost like you agree with me. :)

Hardly. IME there are two kinds of conferences (or maybe they 
form a spectrum, whatever) academic and industrial. Academic 
is going nowhere, research needs presenting, organisation of 
collaboration needs to happen.

Research conferences are irrelevant. I don't pay attention to 
them and the fact that the Haskell link Atila gave above says 
their conferences are for presenting research is one big 
reason why almost nobody uses that PL in industry.

I concede that I find PL theory useless, but not all academic 
conferences are PL theory, and I don't think that the potential 
scope for more academic talks of DConf is limited to PL theory. 
Novel applications of D in anything from physics to 
bioinformatics to optimisations based on immutability to DSELs 
enabled by D's meta programming are all possible in an academic 

Sure, academic applications of D might be interesting, but that 
and most any talk would be better pre-recorded and watched at 
home. The only exception would be panels that require audience 
interaction, which is why I called those out in the linked forum 

Industrial, there is project coordination, employment 
prospectus, business opportunities, why do you think 
companies sponsor conferences? They get their moneys worth 
out of it.

Clearly not in the iOS community, and according to a commenter 
in my second link above, the Javascript community in his 
country, as the number of tech conferences is going down a 
lot. It is my impression that this is true across the board 
for pretty much every tech community, but I presented that iOS 
link because he actually tallies the evidence.

I don't doubt those numbers and perhaps the other forms of 
communication do lessen the need for multiple conferences per 
year, but there is a large difference from many to one compared 
to one to zero, in person communication cannot be easily 

It's almost as though you don't understand the Engligh language: 
my suggestions are all about having _more_ in-person 
communication. Did you even read my suggestions?

Industrial sponsorship is definitely real, take a look at the 
side column of which I went to 
and talked to the authors of for potentially targeting 
OpenMP and other parallel runtimes with dcompute, talked to the 
people developing the SPIR-V target of LLVM, the list goes on. 
I'm going to EuroLLVM (Brussels) to continue those 
conversations, followed straight away by ACCU (Bristol) to give 
a talk about meta programming with D in the context of 
developing and using DCompute. Then a few weeks later I'll be 
going to DConf for many reasons but principally to coordinate 
development, deal with the gripes that have accumulated. I'll 
probably return home via Boston for IWOCL (OpenCL).

Heh, you're a conference junkie. :) I don't understand what your 
first statement has to do with anything else you wrote: what 
"industrial sponsorship" came out of any of this 
conference-hopping? You mention none.

In any case, all my suggestions are about increasing outreach and 
communication, which would hopefully lead to _more_ such 

Perhaps you as an individual believe that they are not cost 
effective for you, fine.

As I keep repeating, this is not 

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 10:07:40 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 12/22/2018 10:20 PM, Joakim wrote:
Honestly, yours are routinely the worst presentations at 
DConf. Your strength as a presenter is when you dig deeply 
into a bunch of technical detail or present some new technical 
paradigm, similar to Andrei. Yet, your DConf keynotes usually 
go the exact opposite route and go very lightly over not very 
much at all.

Eh, I went pretty far into the DIP 1000 material.

That one had more technical examples, but I didn't think it was 
very well-motivated and could probably have had more detail.

My feeling is that you save your best stuff for your NWCPP talks 
and present the baby versions at DConf.

1) Ditch in-person presentations for pre-recorded talks that 
people watch on their own time. Getting everybody in the same 
room in London to silently watch talks together is a horrible 
waste, that only made sense before we all had high-speed 
internet-connected TVs and smartphones with good cameras. Do a 
four-day hackathon instead, ie mostly collaboration, not 
passive viewing.

It's very different listening to a presentation live rather 
than pre-recorded. There are the before and after interactions 
they inspire.

I'm not sure how a talk is supposed to inspire anything 
substantive _before_ you've heard it, and pre-recorded talks 
watched at home would fill the same purpose after.

Perhaps this is a generation gap, as I see that you and Russel 
are a couple decades older than me, so let me give my 
perspective. I've probably watched a week or two of recorded tech 
talks online over the last year, and maybe a couple hours in 
person. Invariably, I find myself wishing for a skip-ahead button 
on those in-person talks, like I have for the online videos. ;)

I suspect there are many more like me these days than you two.

2) Rather than doing a central DConf that most cannot justify 
attending, do several locations, eg in the cities the core 
team already lives in, like Boston, Seattle, San Jose, Hong 
Kong, etc. This makes it cost-effective for many more people 
to attend, and since you'll have ditched the in-person tech 
talks, spend the time introducing the many more attendees to 
the language or have those who already know it work on the 
language/libraries, ie something like the current DConf 

London is the most cost-effective destination for most D team 
members. For distributed meetings, there have been several D 
meetups that do what you suggest. While fun and valuable, 
they're not a replacement for DConf.

I have never heard of a meetup doing what I suggest, ie an 
all-day D event with almost no in-person talks, possibly 
co-ordinated with other cities. I think this would be _much 
better_ for D than DConf.

3) Get the core team together as a separate event, either as 
an offline retreat or online video conference or both. I know 
you guys need to meet once in awhile, but it makes no sense to 
spend most of that in-person time at DConf staring at talks 
that could be viewed online later.

If you ever came to one, you might see it differently.

I'm not a member of the core team, so I'm not sure how that's 
relevant. If you just mean that I could observe how the core team 
is getting a lot of value out of in-person talks, I call BS.

While I find it questionable to say that they couldn't easily 
find and recruit those people online, given that D is primarly 
an online project where most everything and everyone is easily 
available online, I see no reason why any of the changes above 
would stop that.

There's a very clear connection between DConf and successful 
collaborations with industry and D developers. Why mess with 

For the chance of much more success? I'm sure there have been 
some fruitful collaborations and hiring at DConf. I'm saying 
there would likely be _even more_ with my suggestions.

It seems clear to me that you, at the very least, have not 
engaged with the links and ideas I've been providing about why 
the current DConf format is broken.

Your opinions would have more weight if (1) you've ever 
attended a DConf

Perhaps but since I haven't been, you could presumably articulate 
what you find so great about DConf that contradicts my opinions, 
but you mention nothing here and your reasons elsewhere aren't 
too worthwhile.

and (2) can point to successful instantiations of your theories.

What do you consider a "theory" above: that you could have better 
outreach at several locations or that pre-recorded talks watched 
at home are a better use of valuable in-person time? I don't 
think that's theorizing, it's well-accepted by most everyone who 
knows these subjects.

I started off by pointing to documented evidence of conferences 
going down, and popular bloggers and people who track this stuff 
talking about how online talks have replaced them, so it is 
well-known that this trend away from the old conference format is 

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 09:51:58 UTC, Nicholas Wilson 

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 08:08:59 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 06:54:26 UTC, Russel Winder 
Others have cited Rust and Go. I shall cite Python, Ruby, 
Groovy, Java, Kotlin, Clojure, Haskell, all of which have 
thriving programming language oriented conferences all over 
the world. Then there are the Linux conferences, GStreamer 
conferences, conference all about specific technologies 
rather than programming languages. And of course there is 
ACCU. There is much more evidence that the more or less 
traditional conference format serves a purpose for people, 
and are remaining very successful. Many of these conferences 
make good profits, so are commercially viable.

That's all well and good, but none of this addresses the key 
points of whether there are less tech conferences being done 
and whether they make sense in this day and age. There are 
still people riding in horse and carriage, that doesn't mean 
it's still a good idea. :)

You say that like some superior technology exists to replace 
the conference.

It does, read the first link I gave in my first post above.

Yes, DConf may benefit from tutorials, workshops, BoFs, 
whatever, but the value it brings to the community is very real.

It may bring some value, but that's not the question: the 
question is whether we could get more value out of the 
alternatives, particularly at a cheaper cost? The fact that you 
and others keep avoiding this question suggests you know the 

Thus I reject the fundamental premise of your position that 
the conference format is dying off. It isn't. The proof is 

Yes, the proof is there: the conference is dying.

Hardly. IME there are two kinds of conferences (or maybe they 
form a spectrum, whatever) academic and industrial. Academic is 
going nowhere, research needs presenting, organisation of 
collaboration needs to happen.

Research conferences are irrelevant. I don't pay attention to 
them and the fact that the Haskell link Atila gave above says 
their conferences are for presenting research is one big reason 
why almost nobody uses that PL in industry.

Industrial, there is project coordination, employment 
prospectus, business opportunities, why do you think companies 
sponsor conferences? They get their moneys worth out of it.

Clearly not in the iOS community, and according to a commenter in 
my second link above, the Javascript community in his country, as 
the number of tech conferences is going down a lot. It is my 
impression that this is true across the board for pretty much 
every tech community, but I presented that iOS link because he 
actually tallies the evidence. That is a canary in the coal mine 
for the conference format, that the largest burgeoning dev market 
on the planet has a dying conference scene.

Perhaps you as an individual believe that they are not cost 
effective for you, fine.

As I keep repeating, this is not about me. I'm pointing out 
trends for _most_ devs, my own preferences are irrelevant.

But consider that the foundation reimburses speakers and I 
personally would be very interested to hear what you have been 
doing with Andoird/ARM and I'm sure many others would as well, 
the question becomes: is it worth your time?

I don't understand what's so special about "speakers" that it 
couldn't simply reimburse non-speakers that the foundation wants 
at one of the decentralized locations instead. It seems like the 
talk is a made-up excuse to pay for some members of the core team 
to come, when the real reason is to collaborate with them. Why 
not dispense with that subterfuge?

I see little value in a full talk about a port to a new platform 
like Android, that is basically another linux distro with a 
different libc. It's not a matter of my time, I don't think it's 
worth the audience's time. I wish those organizing DConf would 
focus on that more.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 09:36:19 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sun, 2018-12-23 at 08:08 +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote: […]

This questioning of iOS is so removed from reality that it 
makes me question if you are qualified to comment on this 
matter at all. iOS is the largest consumer software platform 
that is still growing, as it's estimated to bring in twice the 
revenue of google's Play store (that doesn't count other 
Android app stores, but they wouldn't make up the gap):

Fair enough I have no interest in iOS at all. But you must 
agree that you are clearly so far removed from the reality of 
putting on technical conferences generally, that you are not 
qualified to make assertions such as "conferences are a dead 

You could make various arguments for why they're still having 
less and less conferences, as my second link above listing 
them does. But to argue that iOS is not doing well is so 
ludicrous that it suggests you don't know much about these 
tech markets.

Ludicrous is a good description of the entire situation in this 
thread. You are making assertions as though they are facts, 
working on the principle that if you shout long enough and loud 
enough, people will stop disagreeing. A classic technique.


Yes, the proof is there: the conference is dying. You simply 
don't want to admit it.

This is just assertions with no  data and thus is a religious 
position. And I know conferences are thriving, you just do not 
want to admit that.

This seems to be a religious issue for you, with your bizzare 
assertions above, so I'll stop engaging with you now.

No it is you that has faith in the death of conferences, I am 
involved in the reality of conferences being a relevant thing 
that people want to attend. Just because you do not want to go 
to conferences doesn't give you the right to try and stop 
others from doing so.

If you are going to stop ranting on this, I think that will 
make a lot of people very happy. The idea of this email list is 
to announce things, not debate things. Also on the debating 
lists the idea is to have a collaborative not combative debate 
about things. That includes if some people want to do something 
they should be allowed to do it and not be harangued from the 
wings. If people want to have a DConf, it is not your position 
to tell them they cannot.

Your statements above are so ridiculous that they refute 
themselves, no need for me to do so. :)

As for your final ridiculous characterization that I'm 
"ranting/haranguing" people on this matter, I have only ever 
presented evidence and reasons for why the DConf format doesn't 
make sense. If that's "ranting" to you, it's clear you don't 
understand reasoned debate.

In this thread, all I've asked is why all those reasons were 
ignored, as Mike never gave any arguments for why those reasons 
aren't worth heeding. Walter's response suggests he never read my 
suggestions or reasons in the first place.

Nobody is telling "anyone they cannot," as though any of us have 
that power. Rather, I'm trying to figure out how this decision 
was made, in the face of all the reasons given and almost none 
given for maintaining the status quo.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 23 December 2018 at 06:54:26 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Sat, 2018-12-22 at 13:46 +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

Given that this conference format is dying off, is there any 
explanation for why the D team wants to continue this 
antiquated ritual?


So iOS conferences are a dying form. Maybe because iOS is a 
dying form?

This questioning of iOS is so removed from reality that it makes 
me question if you are qualified to comment on this matter at 
all. iOS is the largest consumer software platform that is still 
growing, as it's estimated to bring in twice the revenue of 
google's Play store (that doesn't count other Android app stores, 
but they wouldn't make up the gap):

You could make various arguments for why they're still having 
less and less conferences, as my second link above listing them 
does. But to argue that iOS is not doing well is so ludicrous 
that it suggests you don't know much about these tech markets.

Your evidence of the failure of the iOS community to confer is 
not evidence of the failure of the conference in other 

I never said they fail to confer, I said they're doing it much 
less, because the format is not relevant anymore.

Others have cited Rust and Go. I shall cite Python, Ruby, 
Groovy, Java, Kotlin, Clojure, Haskell, all of which have 
thriving programming language oriented conferences all over the 
world. Then there are the Linux conferences, GStreamer 
conferences, conference all about specific technologies rather 
than programming languages. And of course there is ACCU. There 
is much more evidence that the more or less traditional 
conference format serves a purpose for people, and are 
remaining very successful. Many of these conferences make good 
profits, so are commercially viable.

That's all well and good, but none of this addresses the key 
points of whether there are less tech conferences being done and 
whether they make sense in this day and age. There are still 
people riding in horse and carriage, that doesn't mean it's still 
a good idea. :)

Thus I reject the fundamental premise of your position that the 
conference format is dying off. It isn't. The proof is there.

Yes, the proof is there: the conference is dying. You simply 
don't want to admit it.

This seems to be a religious issue for you, with your bizzare 
assertions above, so I'll stop engaging with you now.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
format still makes sense, especially given the documented 
evidence of it declining.

D cannot afford to be technically innovative yet lag behind on 
everything else, as it once was when you used no version control 
or issue tracker for the early years of D. Some thought needs to 
be put into these issues I'm pointing out with the current 
conference format, yet I don't see it happening.

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 22:15:19 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 12/22/2018 7:11 AM, Joakim wrote:

I've never been to DConf

I suggest actually attending and seeing for yourself.

I've considered it several times, but could never justify the 
cost of flying to Berlin or wherever. I suspect there's many in 
my boat, hence 2) above.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 17:36:08 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo 

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 16:57:10 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 16:35:27 UTC, Johannes Loher 
Also I don't think this is the right place for this 
discussion. If you feel that we indeed need to rediscuss this 
issue, I think it should be done in a separate thread.

I'm not trying to discuss it with you or the community. I'm 
asking the D team [...]

Then why post in the announce thread? If you don’t feel your 
previous thread got your message through, you know how to reach 
the foundation.

Why wouldn't I post in here? There's currently a 84-post thread 
in this Announce forum discussing Atila's blog post about what D 
got wrong.

Similarly, this is the thread where the topic is the next DConf. 
I almost never send private emails over community matters, which 
should be discussed publicly.

I don’t understand how you can argue against technical 
conferences so much if you never attended one, much less DConf.

I didn't say I never attended one, I probably sat through 
something back in my college days. I watch some conf videos now 
and then, but like most techies these days, don't find any value 
in going.

I know the odds are slim, but I hope to meet you there someday.

I'd like to meet you too, but I think if it happens, it won't 
ever be at an outdated format like the current DConf. :P

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 17:13:06 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 16:57:10 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I'm not trying to discuss it with you or the community. I'm 
asking the D team who're making this decision why it's being 
made, despite all the reasoning in that thread, and 
reiterating that it's a bad move. I suspect they're not 
thinking this through, but they can speak for themselves.

The decision was made because your reasoning failed to convince 
anyone involved in the planning that maintaining the current 
format of DConf is a mistake. Nor do they agree with you that 
it's a bad move. We like the current format and see no need to 
change it at this time.

I see, so you admit no reasoning was involved on your part? 
Because you present none, either there or here.

If you would like to carry on another debate about this, please 
open another thread in thhe General forum. This one isn't the 
place for it. Thanks!

As I just noted, I don't care to "debate" it with people who make 
no arguments. Instead, I'm asking you or whoever made this 
horrible decision why it's being made.

If it's such a great idea, that should be an easy case to make, 
compared to the alternatives given. Yet all I get is a bunch of 
stone-walling, suggesting no reasoning was actually involved, 
just blindly aping others and the past.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 16:35:27 UTC, Johannes Loher 

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 15:11:10 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 14:26:29 UTC, Atila Neves 

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 13:46:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 12:18:25 UTC, Mike Parker 

The egregious waste of time and resources of this DConf 
format strongly signals that D is not a serious effort to 
build a used language,

It's the same signal being emitted by all of these "failures" 
as well:



To me it's obvious from that short list that took me less 
than 5min to come up with that conferences aren't a dying 
format. I gave up on C++ conferences after the 4th link, 
there are just too many.

The fact that a short list of conferences still exists at all 
somehow makes it "obvious" to you that they're not dying? Did 
you even look at my second link that actually tallies some 
numbers for a particular tech market?

It is true that a few conferences are still being done, even 
my second link above never said they're _all_ gone. But simply 
saying some are still following this outdated ritual is not an 
argument for continuing it, nor does it contradict anything I 
said about the number of conferences going down.

If you don't like conferences you don't have to go.

This has nothing do me: I've never been to DConf or most any 
other tech conference and likely never will. This is about 
whether the D team should be wasting time with this dying 

I for one am excited about being in London in May. Please 
don't sour it for other who think/feel like I do.

Heh, so that's your two big arguments for why the conference 
format should continue: other languages are doing it and you 
want to visit London in May? You are exemplifying the mindset 
that I'm pointing out with these flimsy arguments, everything 
that is wrong with D and DConf.

We talked a great deal about this in your thread 
( I believe the main takeaway from that discussion was that many of us disagree with your opinion to at least some degree.

As I recall, you largely agreed with me:

"I totally agree with you on your first point, i.e. making DConf 
more interactive."

"I disagree with your second point, i.e. decentralising DConf... 
On the other hand, I have to admit that decentralising the event 
would open it up for a much bigger audience, which definitely is 
a good idea."

I know that you are very convinced about your idea of how we 
should do DConf being superior and that is OK. Maybe you are 
just ahead of time in this case, I don't know. But it is also  
a fact that many people stated that they actually enjoy the 
current DConf format very much and believe it is not a waste of 
time and money at all. So to me, it is no surprise at all that 
it was decided to to stick with the current format.

I really don't care how many people agree or disagree. All I care 
about is the reasoning presented. As I see it, I gave lots of 
good reasons, and like Atila here, they gave none: only "I 
enjoyed myself." That's not a worthwhile reason, if the goal is 
to further the D language and community.

Also I don't think this is the right place for this discussion. 
If you feel that we indeed need to rediscuss this issue, I 
think it should be done in a separate thread.

I'm not trying to discuss it with you or the community. I'm 
asking the D team who're making this decision why it's being 
made, despite all the reasoning in that thread, and reiterating 
that it's a bad move. I suspect they're not thinking this 
through, but they can speak for themselves.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 14:26:29 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 13:46:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 12:18:25 UTC, Mike Parker 

The egregious waste of time and resources of this DConf format 
strongly signals that D is not a serious effort to build a 
used language,

It's the same signal being emitted by all of these "failures" 
as well:



To me it's obvious from that short list that took me less than 
5min to come up with that conferences aren't a dying format. I 
gave up on C++ conferences after the 4th link, there are just 
too many.

The fact that a short list of conferences still exists at all 
somehow makes it "obvious" to you that they're not dying? Did you 
even look at my second link that actually tallies some numbers 
for a particular tech market?

It is true that a few conferences are still being done, even my 
second link above never said they're _all_ gone. But simply 
saying some are still following this outdated ritual is not an 
argument for continuing it, nor does it contradict anything I 
said about the number of conferences going down.

If you don't like conferences you don't have to go.

This has nothing do me: I've never been to DConf or most any 
other tech conference and likely never will. This is about 
whether the D team should be wasting time with this dying format.

I for one am excited about being in London in May. Please don't 
sour it for other who think/feel like I do.

Heh, so that's your two big arguments for why the conference 
format should continue: other languages are doing it and you want 
to visit London in May? You are exemplifying the mindset that I'm 
pointing out with these flimsy arguments, everything that is 
wrong with D and DConf.

Re: DConf 2019: Shepherd's Pie Edition

2018-12-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 22 December 2018 at 12:18:25 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Thanks to Symmetry Investments, DConf is heading to London! 
We're still ironing out the details, but I've been sitting on 
this for weeks and, now that we have a venue, I just can't keep 
quiet about it any longer.

I've updated the DConf site and published a blog post, but I 
ask that you please don't share this to reddit just yet. I want 
to wait until after Christmas to share it there. We're still 
ironing out some details (deadlines, prices, hotels) and I'll 
update the DConf site in the coming days with info as I get it.

Happy Holidays!

Given that this conference format is dying off, is there any 
explanation for why the D team wants to continue this antiquated 

It costs $3k to hire a pull request manager, something D 
desperately needed, yet here you are having the average 
conference participant spend that mostly on flights and hotels to 
go to London, only to stare silently at presentations most of the 
time, while surrounded by a room full of people. What are the 
possible priorities that this can be considered a good idea?

The egregious waste of time and resources of this DConf format 
strongly signals that D is not a serious effort to build a used 
language, but a hobby project by two tech retirees, W, who just 
want to prototype some different ideas, show it off to a bunch of 
fellow hobbyists, and then have some beers and go sight-seeing.

If this is the core team's goal, please just stop stating 
otherwise and broadcast this on the front page of the website, as 
you're essentially doing by the way this blog post was written. 
Giant companies like google or Microsoft can afford these 
antiquated, giant wastes of time known as conferences and even 
they are cutting back. The fact that the D team is moving forward 
with this given how tech is moving is a horrible sign, suggesting 
it is completely out of touch and unable to prioritize well.

Re: LDC 1.13.0

2018-12-19 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 16 December 2018 at 15:57:25 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce LDC 1.13:

* Based on D 2.083.1.
* The Windows packages are now fully self-sufficient, i.e., a 
Visual Studio/C++ Build Tools installation isn't required 

* Substantial debug info improvements.
* New command-line option `-fvisibility=hidden` to hide 
functions/globals not marked as export, to reduce the size of 
shared libraries.

Full release log and downloads:

New Wiki page highlighting cross-compilation:

Thanks to all contributors!

Native Android packages for the Termux app have been updated, 
including an Android/x64 package for the first time (with the 
std.variant issue from the last beta now fixed). While no Android 
device uses x64, many x64 and AArch64 Chromebooks support 
installing Android apps like Termux, so if you have a Chromebook, 
you can now start writing and compiling D code on there too: :)

An Alpine build of ldc for Docker containers and microservices is 
also up now.

Re: Liran Zvibel of WekaIO on using D to Create the World’s Fastest File System

2018-12-09 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 19:59:46 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 09:04:49 UTC, Walter Bright 

#4 on HackerNews front page!

33 points at the moment!

Now one of the top-voted links on the front page of HN.

I'd just like to point out that Andrei put Liran and I together 
to do this interview in summer '17- though I had emailed Liran 
about doing one in '15 and never got a response- and he finally 
got some time to respond this summer.

Now I just need Andrei to finally do an interview, which he's 
been putting off for even longer. :)

Got to fifth highest-voted link all-time from on HN:

Re: I've just released Vasaro

2018-12-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 6 December 2018 at 20:45:07 UTC, Andrea Fontana 


I've just released the first version of vasaro.
It's a simple program I wrote to create 3d printable vases.

It's written in D (of course). It uses derelict-gl, 
derelict-sdl and gtkd.

It should work on linux, macOS and Windows.

A special thanks to Adam Ruppe and his SimpleDisplay library I 
used on earlier versions :)

A demo video:

On reddit:

On github:

Feel free to test it!


Nice, when does the version with genetic algorithms come out? ;)

JK, of course, demo looks good.

Re: Liran Zvibel of WekaIO on using D to Create the World’s Fastest File System

2018-12-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 09:04:49 UTC, Walter Bright 

#4 on HackerNews front page!

33 points at the moment!

Now one of the top-voted links on the front page of HN.

I'd just like to point out that Andrei put Liran and I together 
to do this interview in summer '17- though I had emailed Liran 
about doing one in '15 and never got a response- and he finally 
got some time to respond this summer.

Now I just need Andrei to finally do an interview, which he's 
been putting off for even longer. :)

D is in GCC 9 proggit thread

2018-12-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

For those who missed it:

Re: Interview with Liran Zvibel of WekaIO

2018-12-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 13:30:21 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 08:02:21 UTC, M.M. wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 14:21:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:


Interesting read. I am new to dlang, and after reading the 
post, I asked myself: the company liked the language, but 
tweaked the compiler. Could the company now switch to one of 
the official compilers? If not, why?

All three compilers listed on the official download page use 
the same frontend, written in D:

The LDC and GDC teams take that DMD frontend and attach it to 
the LLVM and GCC code-generation backends.

As for Weka's tweaks, github shows these different commits from 
their last 1.11 release to the official tag:

Sorry, I compared the wrong Weka branch. Here's the right tag, 
shows fewer commits different:

Re: Interview with Liran Zvibel of WekaIO

2018-12-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 08:02:21 UTC, M.M. wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 14:21:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Joakim interviewed Liran for the D Blog about their file 
system, Matrix, and their use of D. Thanks to Joakim for 
putting it together, and to Liran for taking the time to 



Interesting read. I am new to dlang, and after reading the 
post, I asked myself: the company liked the language, but 
tweaked the compiler. Could the company now switch to one of 
the official compilers? If not, why?

All three compilers listed on the official download page use the 
same frontend, written in D:

The LDC and GDC teams take that DMD frontend and attach it to the 
LLVM and GCC code-generation backends.

As for Weka's tweaks, github shows these different commits from 
their last 1.11 release to the official tag:

I get the sense that's mostly patches backported from newer LDC 
releases, as they understandably go slower than official LDC for 
stability, and some git cruft from maintaining their own branch. 
Their tweaks don't appear to be substantial on a skim, which 
makes sense since Johan is a committer on the LDC team.

Since LDC is an OSS project, they're free to tweak it for their 
own use and use it as they like. Johan has done much work for 
them which they've contributed back upstream to LDC. See Johan's 
blog posts for more info:

Re: Liran Zvibel of WekaIO on using D to Create the World’s Fastest File System

2018-12-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 09:04:49 UTC, Walter Bright 

#4 on HackerNews front page!

33 points at the moment!

It's on now too:

Thanks, Atila!

Re: Liran Zvibel of WekaIO on using D to Create the World’s Fastest File System

2018-12-05 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 09:04:49 UTC, Walter Bright 

#4 on HackerNews front page!

33 points at the moment!

Fantastic, I want to get more commercial uses like this 
highlighted on the blog- started another interview now with a 
financial/ML firm using D- so nobody can say D isn't being used.

BTW, the top HN comment asks for more detail: tell him to click 
on the DConf links in the post for Liran's slides and videos. 
There's a surfeit of tech detail there, this is just an overview 
to get people started on learning more.

Re: Interview with Liran Zvibel of WekaIO

2018-12-04 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 5 December 2018 at 06:50:13 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 17:15:44 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 14:21:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

Great to see this finally up! I agree with the only proggit 
comment though: the title is not descriptive enough for 
reddit/HN, as I doubt most have heard of Liran or Weka.

It's on HN now under a better title.

Thanks, let's see if it does any better. I asked Atila to submit 
it to too, his mutex post did well on there last month:

Re: Interview with Liran Zvibel of WekaIO

2018-12-04 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 14:21:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Joakim interviewed Liran for the D Blog about their file 
system, Matrix, and their use of D. Thanks to Joakim for 
putting it together, and to Liran for taking the time to 



Great to see this finally up! I agree with the only proggit 
comment though: the title is not descriptive enough for 
reddit/HN, as I doubt most have heard of Liran or Weka.

Re: LDC 1.13.0-beta2

2018-11-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 22 November 2018 at 16:54:55 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Thursday, 22 November 2018 at 16:36:22 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 01:25:53PM +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 10:43:55 UTC, kinke wrote:
> Glad to announce the second beta for LDC 1.13:
> * Based on D 2.083.0+ (yesterday's DMD stable).

I've added native builds for Android, including 
Android/x86_64 for the first time. Several tests for 
std.variant segfault, likely because of the 128-bit real 
causing x64 codegen issues, but most everything else passes.


What's the status of cross-compiling to 64-bit ARM?  On the 
wiki you wrote that it doesn't fully work yet.  Does it work 
with this new release?

It's been mostly working since 1.11. That note on the wiki 
links to this tracker issue that lists the few remaining holes, 
mostly just extending Phobos support for 80-bit precision out 
to full 128-bit Quadruple precision in a few spots and 
finishing off the C/C++ compatibility:

Btw, if you ever want to check the current status of the AArch64 
port, all you have to do is look at the logs for the latest run 
of the ldc AArch64 CI, which kinke setup and is run for every ldc 
PR, on this dashboard:

Clicking on the last job on the master branch, expanding the 
build_ci output in the log, then doing the same for the stdlib 
tests, I see only five Phobos modules with failing tests. Three 
are mentioned in the tracker issue above, while std.complex has a 
single assert that trips, because it's a few bits off at 113-bit 
precision, which is still much more accurate than the 64-bit 
precision (or less) it's normally run at on x86/x64.

Also, a single assert on std.algorithm.sorting trips for the same 
reason as a handful of tests in std.math: -real.nan at 
compile-time is output as real.nan by ldc running natively on 
AArch64, though not when cross-compiling. 
std.internal.math.gammafunction works fine at 64-bit precision on 
AArch64, but only a couple of the 100 or so constant reals it 
uses are at full 113-bit precision, so several tests assert that 
only allow a couple bits to be off from full real precision. 
Obviously that only matters if you need full 113-bit precision 
from that module.

kinke recently disabled the tests for core.thread on the CI 
because they're super-flaky on linux/glibc/AArch64, while I 
haven't had that problem with Bionic/AArch64. You will see more 
tests failing if you cross-compile from x64, because of the 
mismatch between 64-bit precision for compile-time reals and 
113-bit precision for runtime reals on AArch64. Also, you can see 
the 10-12 modules that assert in the dmd compiler testsuite 
earlier in that log, most because of missing 
core.stdc.stdarg.va_arg support to call C varargs on AArch64.

That's about it: help is appreciated on tightening those last few 

Re: D compilation is too slow and I am forking the compiler

2018-11-27 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 26 November 2018 at 16:42:40 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

On Monday, 26 November 2018 at 16:21:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I agree that it was a risky title, as many who don't know D 
will simply see it and go, "Yet another slow compiler, eh, 
I'll pass" and not click on the link. Whereas others who have 
heard something of D will be intrigued, as they know it's 
already supposed to compile fast. And yet more others will 
click on it purely for the controversy, just to gawk at some 
technical bickering.

I don't actually think it was risky. What are the odds that 
someone was going to start using D for a major project but then 
changed her mind upon seeing a title on HN or Reddit? Probably 
very small that even one person did that.

Yes, but you're ignoring the much larger group I mentioned- those 
who only vaguely heard of D, if at all- and the negative title 
gives them a reason not to look into it further.

And then there is always the fact that there was a story on 
HN/Reddit about D. It's hard for publicity for a language like 
D to be bad when so few people use it.

The quote that "there's no such thing as bad publicity" comes 
from art and show business though, don't think it's true for tech 
and other markets. When your audience is looking for a tool and 
not entertainment, there's lots of ways for bad publicity to sink 

Anyway, I noted in this case that the provocative title may 
actually have gotten more people to read a positive post, so the 
pros likely outweighed the cons. We can just never know how large 
the unclicked-on downside was: you can never measure how many 
people heard of but _didn't_ buy your book, because they didn't 
like the title or something else about its exterior.

On Monday, 26 November 2018 at 16:53:59 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 

On Monday, 26 November 2018 at 16:21:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:
In my opinion language adoption is a seduction/sales process 
very much like business-to-consumer is, the way I see it it's 
strikingly similar to marketing B2C apps, unless there will 
be no "impulse buy".

I find that hard to believe: we are talking about a technical 
tool here.

How many times have you been in this conversation:


- What language are you using?
- D.
- I know next to nothing about D.
- Oh, it's very good, I even built a business on it! list of arguments and features>.
- Oh no thanks. I should try Rust, it's secure, fast, modern 
blah blah; facts don't matter to me. But in reality I won't 
even learn a new language, I'm happy with a language without 


It happens to me ALL THE TIME.
This pattern is so predictable it's becoming boring so now I 
just keep silent.

Never, I don't go around trying to convince people one-on-one to 
use D. I have given talks to groups introducing the language, 
that's how I go about it.

What happens? Rust / Go have outmarketed us with words.

The battle (of marketing) is on words not technical features, 
Rust happen to own "programming language" + "safety", what do 
we own? D is good in all kinds of directions and the marketing 
message is less simple.

The leaders choose to own the word "fast" (see our new motto 
"fast code, fast" which is very accurate) and it's important to 
get aligned.

I'll note that in your example they haven't actually learnt Rust 
either. I don't think marketing is that relevant for D at this 
stage, nor for Rust/Go either.

The way anything- tech, fashion, TV shows- becomes popular is 
that some early tastemaker decides that it's worth using or 
backing. Eventually, enough early adopters find value that it 
spreads out to the majority, who simply follow their lead.

Most people aren't early adopters of most things. They like to 
think they are, so they'll give you all kinds of 
rational-sounding reasons for why they don't like some new tech, 
but the real underlying thought process goes something like this, 
"I have no idea if this new tech will do well or not. I could 
take a risk on it but it's safer not to, so I will just wait and 
see if it gets popular, then follow the herd."

Very few will admit this though, hence the list of 
plausible-sounding reasons that don't actually make sense! ;)

As Laeeth always says, you're best off looking for people who're 
actually capable and empowered to make such risky decisions, 
rather than aiming for the majority too early, because they only 
jump on board once the bandwagon is stuffed and rolling downhill.

Also, regardless of how languages are chosen as they get into 
the majority, D is very much still in the 
innovators/early-adopters stage:

But the current state of D would very much accomodate the 
middle-of-the-curve adopters. The language rarely breaks stuff. 
People making money with it, making long-term bets.

Hell, I could make a laundry list of things that are better in 
D ver

Re: D compilation is too slow and I am forking the compiler

2018-11-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Monday, 26 November 2018 at 16:00:36 UTC, Guillaume Piolat 
On Thursday, 22 November 2018 at 04:48:09 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:
On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 20:51:17 UTC, Walter Bright 
Unfortunately, you're right. The title will leave the 
impression "D is slow at compiling". You have to carefully 
read the article to see otherwise, and few will do that.

Sorry about that. I'll have to think of two titles next time, 
one for the D community and one for everyone else.

If it's of any consolation, the top comments in both 
discussion threads point out that the title is inaccurate on 

Please don't get me wrong, it's an excellent article, a 
provocative title, and fantastic work going on. I didn't meant 
to hurt!

In my opinion language adoption is a seduction/sales process 
very much like business-to-consumer is, the way I see it it's 
strikingly similar to marketing B2C apps, unless there will be 
no "impulse buy".

I find that hard to believe: we are talking about a technical 
tool here.

Also, regardless of how languages are chosen as they get into the 
majority, D is very much still in the innovators/early-adopters 

That is a very different type of sales process, much more geared 
towards what the new tech can actually do.

Actually no less than 3 programmer friends came to (I'm the 
weirdo-using-D and people are _always_ in disbelief and invent 
all sorts of reasons not to try) saying they saw an article on 
D on HN, with "D compilation is slow", and on further 
examination they didn't read or at best the first paragraph. 
But they did remember the title. They may rationally think 
their opinion of D hasn't changed: aren't we highly capable 

With people like that, it's almost impossible to get them in the 
early adopter stage. They will only jump on the bandwagon once 
it's full, ie as part of the late majority.

I'm not making that up! So why is it a problem ?

HN may be the only time they hear about D. The words of the 
title may be their only contact with it. The first 3 words of 
the title may be the only thing associated with the "D 
language" chunk in their brain.

The associative mind doesn't know _negation_ so even a title 
like "D compilation wasn't fast so I forked the compiler" is 
better from a marketing point of view since it contains the 
word "fast" in it! That's why marketing people have the 
annoying habit of using positive words, you may think this 
stuff is unimportant but this is actually the important meat.

Reasonable people may think marketing and biases don't apply to 
them but they do, it works without your consent.

I agree that it was a risky title, as many who don't know D will 
simply see it and go, "Yet another slow compiler, eh, I'll pass" 
and not click on the link. Whereas others who have heard 
something of D will be intrigued, as they know it's already 
supposed to compile fast. And yet more others will click on it 
purely for the controversy, just to gawk at some technical 

Given how well it did on HN/reddit/, I think Vlad's 
gamble probably paid off. We can't run the counterfactual of 
choosing a safer title to see if it would have done even better, 
let's just say it did well enough. ;)

Re: LDC 1.13.0-beta2

2018-11-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 22 November 2018 at 16:36:22 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Nov 22, 2018 at 01:25:53PM +, Joakim via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 10:43:55 UTC, kinke wrote:
> Glad to announce the second beta for LDC 1.13:
> * Based on D 2.083.0+ (yesterday's DMD stable).

I've added native builds for Android, including Android/x86_64 
for the first time. Several tests for std.variant segfault, 
likely because of the 128-bit real causing x64 codegen issues, 
but most everything else passes.


What's the status of cross-compiling to 64-bit ARM?  On the 
wiki you wrote that it doesn't fully work yet.  Does it work 
with this new release?

It's been mostly working since 1.11. That note on the wiki links 
to this tracker issue that lists the few remaining holes, mostly 
just extending Phobos support for 80-bit precision out to full 
128-bit Quadruple precision in a few spots and finishing off the 
C/C++ compatibility:

Re: LDC 1.13.0-beta2

2018-11-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 21 November 2018 at 10:43:55 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce the second beta for LDC 1.13:

* Based on D 2.083.0+ (yesterday's DMD stable).
* The Windows packages are now fully self-sufficient, i.e., a 
Visual Studio/C++ Build Tools installation isn't required 

* Substantial debug info improvements.
* New command-line option `-fvisibility=hidden` to hide 
functions/globals not marked as export, to reduce the size of 
shared libraries.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors!

I've added native builds for Android, including Android/x86_64 
for the first time. Several tests for std.variant segfault, 
likely because of the 128-bit real causing x64 codegen issues, 
but most everything else passes.

This means that if you have an x86 or x64 Chromebook that 
supports running Android apps, you can install the Termux app and 
compile D code on there:

Re: DMD backend now in D

2018-11-13 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 13 November 2018 at 20:42:00 UTC, Temtaime wrote:
On Monday, 12 November 2018 at 02:37:54 UTC, Walter Bright 

On 11/11/2018 3:58 PM, Mike Franklin wrote:

This is a significant milestone.  Congratulations, Walter!

Many people helped out with this, too.

There are still a few .c files in, so 
what's the significance of those?


These could be converted too, but are independent from 
everything else and hardly seem worth the bother. Sebastian 
has a PR for

Will there ever be a day when we no longer need a C/C++ 
compiler to build DMD?


No, as phobos is dependent on C libraries such as a zlib for 

DMD doesn't use Phobos.

Also D is dependent on libc.

It's possible to reimplement the subset of libc functions that 
DMD depends on in D.

Re: DIP 1015--Deprecation of Implicit Conversion of Int. & Char. Literals to bool--Formal Assement

2018-11-12 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 12 November 2018 at 17:25:15 UTC, Johannes Loher wrote:

On Monday, 12 November 2018 at 16:39:47 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter and Andrei take the position that this is incorrect the 
wrong way to view a bool.

Unfortunately you did not include their justification for this 
position (if any). To me it would be interesting to know about 
the reasoning that is behind this position.

Maybe you didn't read the link to their reasoning in the DIP, but 
it's quite simple: they view a bool as an integral type with two 
possible values, a `bit` if you like. As such, they prefer to fit 
it into the existing scheme for integral types rather than 
special-casing booleans as Mike proposed.

Re: The New Fundraising Campaign

2018-11-10 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 10 November 2018 at 16:09:12 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've just published a new blog post describing our new 
fundraising campaign. TL;DR: We want to pay a Pull Request 
Manager to thin out the pull request queues and coordinate 
between relevant parties on newer pull requests so they don't 
go stale. We've launched a three-month campaign, and Nicholas 
Wilson has agreed to do the work.

We have high hopes that this will help reduce frustration for 
current and future contributors. And we will be grateful for 
your support in making it happen.

Please read the blog post for more details:

For the impatient:

"Walter and Andrei both" -> both Walter and Andrei
"Pull requests were" -> Pull Requests (PRs) were
"the list. The one linked above, for example." -> the list, for 
example, the one linked above.

Nice work setting this up, looking forward to many more targeted 
campaigns like this.

Re: Profiling DMD's Compilation Time with dmdprof

2018-11-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 08:29:28 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 12:10 AM Joakim via 

On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 07:54:56 UTC, Manu wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 10:30 PM Vladimir Panteleev via 
> Digitalmars-d-announce 
>  wrote:

>> On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 06:08:20 UTC, Vladimir 
>> Panteleev wrote:
>> > It was definitely about 4 seconds not too long ago, a few 
>> > years at most.

>> No, it's still 4 seconds.
>> digger --offline --config-file=/dev/null -j auto -c 
>> local.cache=none build 7.31s user 1.51s system 203% cpu 
>> 4.340 total

>> > It does seem to take more time now; I wonder why.
>> If it takes longer, then it's probably because it's being 
>> built in one CPU core, or in the release build.


Lol, I saw that link and figured it was either some comedy 
video, like the Python ones Walter sometimes posts, or you 
were actually showing us how long it takes. Pretty funny to 
see the latter.

It's not so funny when every one-line tweak burns 2 minutes of 
my life away.

I was laughing that you actually proved your point with direct 
video evidence, obviously it's sad that it takes so long.

> DMD only builds with one core, since it builds altogether.

Yes, but your build time is unusually long even with one core. 
Are the D backend and frontend at least built in parallel to 
each other?

That doesn't matter, you can clearly see the backend built in 
less than 2 seconds.

The C/C++ files in the beginning are built very fast, but the D 
files in the backend appear to take much longer, kicking in at 
1:18 of your video and then the next compilation step starts at 

I suspect part of the problem is that your build is being done 
completely serially, even for separate compilation. I have no 
experience with VS, so I don't know why that is.

It doesn't seem to be even doing that, though they're separate 
invocations of DMD.

I didn't configure the build infrastructure!

Maybe you can? I have no experience with VS, but surely it has 
some equivalent of ninja -j5?

> And all builds are release builds... what good is a debug
> build? DMD
> is unbelievably slow in debug. If it wasn't already slow
> enough... if
> I try and build with a debug build, it takes closer to 5
> minutes.
> I suspect one part of the problem is that DMD used to be 
> built with a C compiler, and now it's built with DMD... it 
> really should be built with LDC at least?

Could be part of the problem on Windows, dunno.

Well... ffs... people need to care about this! >_<

I agree that the official release of DMD for Windows should be 
faster, and we should be building it with ldc... if that's the 

Re: Backend nearly entirely converted to D

2018-11-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 21:40:58 UTC, welkam wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 14:39:55 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I don't know why you think that would matter: I'm using the 
same compilers to build each DMD version and comparing the 
build times as the backend was translated to D

What did you compared is whether clang or DMD compiles code 
faster not whether D code compiles faster than C++. To check 
that you should compile both C++ and D with the same backend.

I'm not making any general statements about whether C++ or D 
compiles faster, only pointing out that in a common setup of 
building dmd with clang and dmd on linux/x64, I didn't see much 
of a speed gain. However, I did mention that the frontend should 
be removed to really measure the backend conversion, so that's 
what I just did.

I built the backends for DMD 2.080.1 through master in the same 
single-core VPS by slightly modifying src/posix.mak, only 
replacing the line "all: $G/dmd" with "all: $G/backend.a". Here 
are the results I got and how many D files were built in each 

2.080.1 - 1D  8.0s
2.081.2 - 4D  7.2s
2.082.1 - 27D 6.9s
2.083.0 - 45D 5.6s
master d398d8c - 50D 4.3s

So the frontend might have been obscuring things, as we see a 
clear win from moving the backend to D, with only about 10 C/C++ 
files left in the backend now and compilation time cut almost in 
half. I think we'll see even more of a gain if the D files in the 
backend are built all at once.

Re: Profiling DMD's Compilation Time with dmdprof

2018-11-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 07:54:56 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 10:30 PM Vladimir Panteleev via 

On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 06:08:20 UTC, Vladimir 
Panteleev wrote:
> It was definitely about 4 seconds not too long ago, a few 
> years at most.

No, it's still 4 seconds.

digger --offline --config-file=/dev/null -j auto -c 
local.cache=none build 7.31s user 1.51s system 203% cpu 
4.340 total

> It does seem to take more time now; I wonder why.

If it takes longer, then it's probably because it's being 
built in one CPU core, or in the release build.

Lol, I saw that link and figured it was either some comedy video, 
like the Python ones Walter sometimes posts, or you were actually 
showing us how long it takes. Pretty funny to see the latter.

DMD only builds with one core, since it builds altogether.

Yes, but your build time is unusually long even with one core. 
Are the D backend and frontend at least built in parallel to each 
other? It doesn't seem to be even doing that, though they're 
separate invocations of DMD.

And all builds are release builds... what good is a debug 
build? DMD
is unbelievably slow in debug. If it wasn't already slow 
enough... if
I try and build with a debug build, it takes closer to 5 

I suspect one part of the problem is that DMD used to be built 
with a C compiler, and now it's built with DMD... it really 
should be built with LDC at least?

Could be part of the problem on Windows, dunno.

Re: Profiling DMD's Compilation Time with dmdprof

2018-11-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 07:41:58 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 10:30 PM Joakim via 

On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 04:16:44 UTC, Manu wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 10:05 AM Vladimir Panteleev via 
> Digitalmars-d-announce 
>  wrote:

>> [...]
> "Indeed, a clean build of DMD itself (about 170’000 lines of 
> D and 120’000 lines of C/C++) takes no longer than 4 seconds 
> to build on a rather average developer machine."

> ...what!? DMD takes me... (compiling) ... 1 minute 40 
> seconds to build! And because DMD does all-files-at-once 
> compilation, rather than separate compilation for each 
> source file, whenever you change just one line in one file, 
> you incur that entire build time, every time, because it 
> can't just rebuild the one source file that changed. You 
> also can't do multi-processor builds with all-in-one build 
> strategies.

> 4 seconds? That's just untrue. D is actually kinda slow 
> these days... In my experience it's slower than modern C++ 
> compilers by quite a lot.

It sounds like you're not using "a rather average developer 
machine" then, as there's no way DMD should be that slow to 
build on a core i5 or better:

I'm on an i7 with 8 threads and plenty of ram... although 
threads are useless, since DMD only uses one ;)

Running Windows XP? ;) That does sound like Windows though, as I 
do remember being surprised how long dmd took to build on Win7 
when I tried it 8-9 years back. I still don't think the toolchain 
should be _that_ much slower than linux though.

Btw, the extra cores are _not_ useless for the DMD backend, which 
has always used separate compilation, whether written in C++ or D.

Re: Profiling DMD's Compilation Time with dmdprof

2018-11-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 8 November 2018 at 04:16:44 UTC, Manu wrote:
On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 10:05 AM Vladimir Panteleev via 


"Indeed, a clean build of DMD itself (about 170’000 lines of D 
and 120’000 lines of C/C++) takes no longer than 4 seconds to 
build on a rather average developer machine."

...what!? DMD takes me... (compiling) ... 1 minute 40 seconds 
to build! And because DMD does all-files-at-once compilation, 
rather than separate compilation for each source file, whenever 
you change just one line in one file, you incur that entire 
build time, every time, because it can't just rebuild the one 
source file that changed. You also can't do multi-processor 
builds with all-in-one build strategies.

4 seconds? That's just untrue. D is actually kinda slow these 
days... In my experience it's slower than modern C++ compilers 
by quite a lot.

It sounds like you're not using "a rather average developer 
machine" then, as there's no way DMD should be that slow to build 
on a core i5 or better:

Re: Backend nearly entirely converted to D

2018-11-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 15:12:13 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 14:39:55 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I don't know why you think that would matter: I'm using the 
same compilers to build each DMD version and comparing the 
build times as the backend was translated to D.

Because generally, LLVM compilers provide faster code, but 
compile slower than Digital Mars compilers AFAIK. So if you 
compile the D code with DMD but C code with LDC, the program 
will likely compile faster but execute slower as increasing 
portions are written in D, compared to using the same backend 
for both languages.

I'm not sure if you benchmarked the time used to build DMD, or 
the time used by generated DMD to compile some other program. 
If it was the former, the "real" result is probably worse than 
your results. But if it was the latter, it is likely better.

The former, if it wasn't clear. It's also possible something 
slowed down building the frontend in successive DMD versions, so 
ideally I'd only time building the backend for each DMD version, 
but I haven't looked into that.

Re: Backend nearly entirely converted to D

2018-11-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 11:22:13 UTC, Dukc wrote:

On Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 08:31:21 UTC, Joakim wrote:
I just benchmarked building the last couple versions of DMD, 
when most of the backend was converted to D, by building them 
with the latest DMD 2.083.0 official release and clang 6.0 in 
a single-core linux/x64 VPS. Here are the times I got, best of 
3 runs for each:

2.081.2 - 11.5s
2.082.1 - 10.5s
2.083.0 - 9.9s
master  - 10.8s

Not quite the gains hoped for, particularly with those last 
large files you just converted to D seemingly slowing 
compilation down

Could this be because you used a LLVM compiler for the C code 
but a Mars compiler for D code? If one either uses DMC for C or 
LDC for D, perhaps the results will be better.

I don't know why you think that would matter: I'm using the same 
compilers to build each DMD version and comparing the build times 
as the backend was translated to D. Maybe I'd get different 
results by using different compilers, but these are two fairly 
fast and commonly used compilers so they're worth checking with.

Re: Backend nearly entirely converted to D

2018-11-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at 22:12:02 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

With the recent merging of the last of the big files machobj.d:

I'm happy to say we're over the hump in converting the backend 
to D!

Great! Although I wish it didn't have to be you mostly doing this 
grunt work.

Remaining files are minor: tk.c, cgen.c, dt.c, fp.c, os.c, 
outbuf.c, sizecheck.c, strtold.c and mem.c. I'll probably leave 
a couple in C anyway - os.c and strtold.c. sizecheck.c will 
just go away upon completion.

Thanks to everyone who helped out with this!

Of course, the code remains as ugly as it was in C. It'll take 
time to bit by bit refactor it into idiomatic D.

I just benchmarked building the last couple versions of DMD, when 
most of the backend was converted to D, by building them with the 
latest DMD 2.083.0 official release and clang 6.0 in a 
single-core linux/x64 VPS. Here are the times I got, best of 3 
runs for each:

2.081.2 - 11.5s
2.082.1 - 10.5s
2.083.0 - 9.9s
master  - 10.8s

Not quite the gains hoped for, particularly with those last large 
files you just converted to D seemingly slowing compilation down, 
but maybe it will get better with refactoring and when the entire 
backend is compiled at once, rather than the DMD separate 
compilation used now.

The more immediate benefit is to get rid of all the parallel .h 
files, which were a constant source of bugs when they didn't 
match the .d versions.

I was going to ask why you wouldn't need those headers for your 
C/C++ compiler, DMC, but it looks like you've translated that to 
mostly D already:

Re: Lost in Translation: Encapsulation

2018-11-06 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at 15:14:55 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Last week, inspired by another discussion in these forums about 
D's private-to-the-module form of encapsulation, I spent a few 
hours putting a new article together for the blog. Ali, Joakim, 
Nicholas helped me get it in shape.

The blog:


Nicely done, think this could do well on proggit/HN/

Re: LDC 1.13.0-beta1

2018-11-04 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 2 November 2018 at 21:04:13 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce the first beta for LDC 1.13:

* Based on D 2.083.0.
* The Windows packages are now fully self-sufficient, i.e., a 
Visual Studio/C++ Build Tools installation isn't required 

* Substantial debug info improvements for GDB.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors!

I've added native Termux builds for Android, including x86 for 
the first time.

Cross-compiling to Android/x64 mostly works, but LDC itself 
segfaults when cross-compiled
and run on Android/x64, likely because it uses a 128-bit real 
just like AArch64. I'll see if I can get that fixed before the 
final 1.13 release.

Re: Promotion

2018-10-31 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 1 November 2018 at 03:18:44 UTC, SealabJaster wrote:

On Monday, 29 October 2018 at 16:40:20 UTC, FooledDonor wrote:

On Monday, 29 October 2018 at 16:01:38 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
One of the easiest ways to support the D Language Foundation 
is using when you make a purchase. Until Nov 
2, they're running a special where they're donating 5% (10 
times the usual amount) you buy through AmazonSmile.

Perhaps a fundamental principle is not clear enough at the 
foundation: transparency.

Where is the vision of the third and fourth quarter? Where are 
the deliveries of things in the pipeline? What is the progress 
of the various jobs started?

Which people is funding, with how much money and for what 
expected results?
Where is the newCTFE? Was the work on this point financed by 
the foundation?

I've never seen a report on the state of affairs, neither from 
the president, nor from Andrei, nor from Walter.

How do you hope to obtain trust and funding, if NO one even 
deigns to give the least development plan or feedback on past 

It seems that everyone has locked up in their ivory tower ...

It's kind of discouraging to see that your post, as well as 
another thread asking something similar regarding the vision 
document[1] have gone unanswered...

Maybe the people who could answer these things just don't see 
them, or maybe they're purposefully being quiet. It would be 
nice to know what's going on at the very least ;(


My guess, and this is purely a guess, is that they got 
discouraged by how few people paid attention to the Vision 
document or donated to the foundation on Opencollective and 
haven't bothered with this stuff since.

I think that's a mistake, as you may need to do this stuff for 
awhile before it picks up. In any case, I don't care that it 
isn't happening, as I always said that it's better to have 
decentralized bounties, like we had on bountysource, rather than 
centralized funding through the D Foundation.

Maybe the upcoming targeted campaigns will be a good middle 
ground, in that you will be able to directly contribute to 
specific targets:

Re: Add D front-end, libphobos library, and D2 testsuite... to GCC

2018-10-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 29 October 2018 at 09:57:46 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:

On 10/28/2018 8:43 PM, Mike Parker wrote:
Congratulations are in order for Iain Buclaw. His efforts have 
been rewarded in a big way. Last Friday, he got the greenlight 
to move forward with submitting his changes into GCC:


HackerNews (at #12 on the front page):

On Lobsters too:

Re: New Initiative for Donations

2018-10-27 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 26 October 2018 at 17:20:08 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:

On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 06:19:29 +, Joakim wrote:

On Friday, 26 October 2018 at 05:47:05 UTC, Neia Neutuladh 

On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 02:38:08 +, Joakim wrote:
As with D, sometimes the new _is_ better, so perhaps you 
shouldn't assume old is better either.

There's no assuming going on. Cryptocurrencies are worse than 
credit cards for everything that normal people care about,

Such as? I already noted that they're easier and cheaper, you 
simply flatly state that "normal people" find them worse.

In most countries where people are going to donate to D, the 
vast majority of people have access to a credit card.

That's not really true, and that's not actually something "worse" 
about cryptocurrencies. If you really mean have some lying 
around, it is true that more are using credit cards. If you 
actually mean access, crypto-currencies are pretty easy to buy 
these days.

If for some reason cryptocurrencies become popular and 
sufficiently stable to be used as currency, I have no doubt 
that existing credit card companies will start offering 
automatic currency exchange, so you can have an account in 
USD and pay a vendor who accepts only Ethereum, or vice 
versa. As such, accepting credit card payments is good enough.

I don't know what we'd be waiting for, the tokens I mentioned 
are all worth billions and widely used, particularly by 

Very few merchants accept any sort of cryptocurrency. I think 
I've found three. One was through a cryptocurrency forum, and 
one was Valve announcing that they would stop accepting it.

You must not have looked very hard, there are online retailers 
accepting crypto-tokens and websites that will make payments for 
you on Amazon or other sites through Bitcoin:

Why would I wait for antiquated credit-card companies to 
accept these tokens? The whole point of these new tokens is to 
obsolete the credit card companies.

You wouldn't wait. You haven't waited. For you, the benefits 
are large enough and the downsides small enough that it doesn't 
make sense to wait. But I'm not you.

No, I'm not much of a cryptocurrency user or online shopper even. 
I mostly buy locally with cash.

I would wait because I've lost access to important credentials 
before and had to send a copy of my government-issued ID to a 
company to get them to deactivate two-factor authentication. 
I've had to use password reset mechanisms frequently. I don't 
trust myself not to lose access to a cryptocurrency private 
key. And that would destroy currency and lose me my life 

I don't blame you for being careful if you've had these problems, 
most of which I've never had, but you wildly exaggerate with your 
last sentence. Crypto-tokens are a replacement for cash and 
credit cards, which you should never be carrying around more than 
a couple hundred or thousand dollars worth of. If you're carrying 
around your life savings in cash or credit cards and are worried 
about moving them to bitcoin, you have much bigger problems. ;)

I would wait because I want a mechanism to dispute 
transactions. Maybe I authorized that transaction, but the 
merchant didn't deliver.

I don't think the payment provider is the right mechanism for 
that. The seller wants to protect their reputation and your 
payment is publicly verifiable through the blockchain. There are 
much better ways to build trust through those building blocks 
than the currently broken credit card chargeback process:

I would wait because I want an environmentally-friendly system 
instead of one that uses as much electricity as Afghanistan to 
process fifteen transactions per second.

Yes, I noted the Bitcoin "Proof of work" problem in this forum 
almost five years ago, so I'm well aware:

There are "Proof of stake" crypto-tokens out there that purport 
to avoid that issue:

Ether, one of the tokens I mentioned originally, is moving to 
this scheme.

I would wait because cryptocurrencies have extremely volatile 
exchange rates, which makes it difficult to set prices or store 
value in them.

If you're buying online, which is what we're talking about, it's 
trivially simple to track the exchange rates and instantaneously 
set store prices accordingly. It may be a bit different for 
consumers, but by the time they're all using some payments tech 
like this, the exchange rates will likely have settled down.

I would wait because I can't use cryptocurrency to do anything 
useful, so I would incur a fee to transfer money into it and 
another to transfer money out of it.

Not necessarily- it depends on who you're buying your tokens 
from- and crypto-tokens usually 

Re: New Initiative for Donations

2018-10-26 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 26 October 2018 at 05:47:05 UTC, Neia Neutuladh wrote:

On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 02:38:08 +, Joakim wrote:
As with D, sometimes the new _is_ better, so perhaps you 
shouldn't assume old is better either.

There's no assuming going on. Cryptocurrencies are worse than 
credit cards for everything that normal people care about,

Such as? I already noted that they're easier and cheaper, you 
simply flatly state that "normal people" find them worse.

and they're better than credit cards for illegal transactions.

Yes, just like cash, and have other benefits that come with cash 

This might eventually change, and we can re-evaluate then.

If for some reason cryptocurrencies become popular and 
sufficiently stable to be used as currency, I have no doubt 
that existing credit card companies will start offering 
automatic currency exchange, so you can have an account in USD 
and pay a vendor who accepts only Ethereum, or vice versa. As 
such, accepting credit card payments is good enough.

I don't know what we'd be waiting for, the tokens I mentioned are 
all worth billions and widely used, particularly by techies:

Why would I wait for antiquated credit-card companies to accept 
these tokens? The whole point of these new tokens is to obsolete 
the credit card companies.

Re: New Initiative for Donations

2018-10-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Thursday, 25 October 2018 at 22:35:40 UTC, Nick Sabalausky 

On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 10:25:17 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 10:18:51 UTC, Mike Parker 

On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 10:12:50 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Any effort underway to take Bitcoin Cash, Ether, or Ripple 
as donations? The current payment options seem fairly 
antiquated: credit cards, wire transfers, and the like.

Not that I'm aware of. I'd hardly call credit cards 
antiquated, though :-)

60-year old tech seems pretty old to me:

And yet it's still by far the most common payment method. So 
what if it isn't trendy. Deal with it.

In the US maybe, not in most of the world, where they're still 
using cash. ;) I almost never use my cards, and like that 
crypto-currencies have more in similar to cash.

On Thursday, 25 October 2018 at 23:10:50 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 10:35:40PM +, Nick Sabalausky via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 10:25:17 UTC, Joakim wrote:
> On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 10:18:51 UTC, Mike Parker 
> wrote:
> > On Wednesday, 24 October 2018 at 10:12:50 UTC, Joakim 
> > wrote:


> > > [...]
> > 
> > Not that I'm aware of. I'd hardly call credit cards 
> > antiquated, though :-)
> 60-year old tech seems pretty old to me:

And yet it's still by far the most common payment method. So 
what if it isn't trendy. Deal with it.

Common fallacy: new == better.

As with D, sometimes the new _is_ better, so perhaps you 
shouldn't assume old is better either.

Re: Interfacing D with C: Arrays Part 1

2018-10-18 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 15:20:08 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I had intended to publish the next GC series post early this 
month, but after many revisions and discussions with a couple 
of reviewers, I've decided to put it on hold until something 
gets worked out about the conflation of destruction and 
finalization in D (something I'll be pushing for soon).


"article is has morphed"

Re: Iain Buclaw at GNU Tools Cauldron 2018

2018-10-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 7 October 2018 at 15:41:43 UTC, greentea wrote:

Date: September 7 to 9, 2018.
Location: Manchester, UK

GDC - D front-end GCC

Thanks for the link, just watched the whole video. The first 
half-hour sets the standard as an intro to the language, as only 
a compiler developer other than the main implementer could give, 
ie someone with fresh eyes.

I loved that Iain started off with a list of real-world projects. 
That's a mistake a lot of tech talks make, ie not motivating 
_why_ anybody should care about their tech and simply diving into 
the tech itself. I hadn't heard some of that info either, great 
way to begin.

My only nitpick is that I wish he'd emphasized how much of a 
focus D puts on metaprogramming, as I've noticed a lot of 
comments on proggit/HN/etc. saying that the power and ease of use 
of D's metaprogramming really stood out for them when trying the 

Re: Webassembly TodoMVC

2018-09-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 19:51:48 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe 

On Saturday, 22 September 2018 at 14:54:29 UTC, aberba wrote:


Currently the whole thing is not so developer-friendly, it was 
just the easiest way for me to get it up and running.


Vladimir mentioned that there's a Musl port to wasm, have you 
tried it?

Druntime and ldc support Musl.

Re: LLVM 7.0.0 no mention of D anymore

2018-09-19 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 19 September 2018 at 13:10:07 UTC, Daniel Kozak 

no mention of D anymore :(

I think Kai used to make sure every LLVM release worked and 
notified them to mention ldc. I don't he's had time to do much 
with ldc lately, so maybe it slipped through.

Re: A Brief Intro to the SAoC Projects

2018-09-15 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 15 September 2018 at 07:47:46 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've posted to the blog a brief introduction to the projects 
that were selected for the Symmetry Autumn of Code. As the 
event goes on, I hope to provide more details about the 
projects and the individuals working on them.

The blog:


Proggit post, I think they'll be interested in knowing what was 
chosen too:

Re: LDC 1.12.0-beta1

2018-09-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Friday, 7 September 2018 at 07:54:37 UTC, Petar Kirov 
[ZombineDev] wrote:

On Friday, 7 September 2018 at 03:12:50 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 05:15:45 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I'll add native beta builds for Android in a couple days.

The native Android builds are up at the above github release 
link. I think this is the last time I'll put beta builds out, 
too much of a PITA to rebuild llvm each time. I'll continue 
maintaining the ldc package in the official Termux package 
repo though.

The Termux package build script used to build these betas is 
online here:

Can the Android builds be done automatically on the CI, like 
those for other platforms or the process is more involved?

They could, though our tweaked llvm still has to be rebuilt for 
each Android platform. It may be worth setting up at some point.

I've been thinking of setting up an Alpine CI for ldc, so I don't 
have to manually build each release, just as kinke now does for 
linux/armhf also.

Re: LDC 1.12.0-beta1

2018-09-06 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 5 September 2018 at 05:15:45 UTC, Joakim wrote:

I'll add native beta builds for Android in a couple days.

The native Android builds are up at the above github release 
link. I think this is the last time I'll put beta builds out, too 
much of a PITA to rebuild llvm each time. I'll continue 
maintaining the ldc package in the official Termux package repo 

The Termux package build script used to build these betas is 
online here:

Re: LDC 1.12.0-beta1

2018-09-04 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 4 September 2018 at 23:03:30 UTC, Arun Chandrasekaran 

On Tuesday, 4 September 2018 at 22:47:39 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce the first beta for LDC 1.12:

* Based on D 2.082.0.
* LTO working for Win64 targets.
* IR-based PGO working for Windows targets.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors!

Fantastic work! This is the first time LDC caught up with DMD 
in a single day, I guess.

No, kinke has had this down before, as the first 1.10 beta came 
out within two weeks and the 1.11 beta came out on the same day 
as its upstream dmd:

This _is_ the first time we're releasing a native build of LDC 
for linux/AArch64 on the release date, because of the work kinke 
did to add a Linux/AArch64 CI for LDC, which also automatically 
uploads the release build. 1.11 was the first release with an 
AArch64 build, but that was added manually a week later, as can 
be seen from the datestamps here:

I'll add native beta builds for Android in a couple days.

Re: D support for ChromeOS

2018-08-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Tuesday, 28 August 2018 at 12:34:50 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 

On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 10:28:32 UTC, Joakim wrote:

$ apt search ldc
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
ipcalc/stable 0.41 aarch64
  Calculates IP broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and 
host ranges

ldc/stable 1.11.0 aarch64
  D programming language compiler, built with LLVM

You should post it, as an extra topic on announce:
  D on Android with Termux LDC now 32 and 64 Bit!

Thank you - it works!

I did, though not as a new topic:

I'm updating the wiki on how to use it and getting rid of the 
main function requirement, then I'll write up a post for Mike on 
the D blog.

Re: LDC 1.11.0

2018-08-25 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 18 August 2018 at 16:47:35 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce LDC 1.11:

* Based on D 2.081.2.
* Prebuilt packages now using LLVM 6.0.1 and including 
additional cross-compilation targets (MIPS, MSP430, RISC-V and 
* Rudimentary support for compiling & linking directly to 
WebAssembly. See the dedicated Wiki page [1] for how to get 
* AArch64 (64-bit ARM) now mostly working on Linux/glibc and 
* Some support for classes without TypeInfos, for -betterC 
and/or a minimal (d)runtime.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors!


Since this is the first ldc release with a mostly working 64-bit 
ARM, ie AArch64, port, I've put up ldc builds for linux/AArch64 
and Android. You can get the linux build at the github link 
above; the Android build is available from the Termux app in the 
Android store, by running `pkg install ldc`:

You can see what else remains to be done for the AArch64 port by 
looking at the logs from the linux/AArch64 Shippable CI linked 
from the github release and the checklist in this ldc tracking 

I've added info on how to cross-compile a D runtime and standard 
library for linux/AArch64 to the wiki:

I've also started updating the wiki on how to build Android apps 
in D for 64-bit ARM devices.

Re: LDC 1.11.0

2018-08-24 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 24 August 2018 at 12:21:32 UTC, Uknown wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 15:31:16 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 10:11:42 UTC, 鲜卑拓跋枫 wrote:

I tried looking for a RISC-V VPS or dev board recently and 
found basically nothing, just two boards from SiFive that are 
too small or too expensive.

There is the SHAKTI Program by IIT Madras :

I've actually heard of it, what of it? Is someone using it in a 
production environment, or do they have a VPS or dev board? If 
not, academic projects sitting half-finished in some grad 
students' computers somewhere aren't relevant to my questions.

Re: LDC 1.11.0

2018-08-23 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 09:51:30 UTC, Brian wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 15:31:16 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 10:11:42 UTC, 鲜卑拓跋枫 wrote:

Many thanks for your effort!
And hope the subsequent LDC releases with LLVM 7.0 will be 
mature enough on AArch64 and RISC-V for production 

Who is actually running AArch64 or RISC-V in a "production 
environment?" Maybe a few for AArch64, but pretty much nobody 
for RISC-V. I tried looking for a RISC-V VPS or dev board 
recently and found basically nothing, just two boards from 
SiFive that are too small or too expensive.

We need support AArch64 :)


Re: D support for ChromeOS

2018-08-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 10:06:39 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 07:14:22 UTC, Martin 
Tschierschke wrote:

On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 01:56:45 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Oh, I forgot, if you're running Android apps in your 
Chromebook, you can install the Termux app and use LDC 
through there:

The first AArch64 build of LDC for Termux should be up in a 
day or so, `apt install ldc`, or you can build it from source 
in Termux, if you can't wait. ;)

+1 ; Cool, not sure if I can wait, but probably I will :-)

I must say I really like looking at this version string, 
straight from the Termux app:

$ ldc2 --version
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.11.0):
  based on DMD v2.081.2 and LLVM 6.0.1-2

  built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.11.0)
  Default target: aarch64--linux-android
  Host CPU: cortex-a73 -

  Registered Targets:
aarch64- AArch64 (little endian)
aarch64_be - AArch64 (big endian)
arm- ARM
arm64  - ARM64 (little endian)
armeb  - ARM (big endian)
thumb  - Thumb
thumbeb- Thumb (big endian)
x86- 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64

It's up:

$ apt search ldc
Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
ipcalc/stable 0.41 aarch64
  Calculates IP broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host 

ldc/stable 1.11.0 aarch64
  D programming language compiler, built with LLVM

Re: D support for ChromeOS

2018-08-22 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce
On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 07:14:22 UTC, Martin Tschierschke 

On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 01:56:45 UTC, Joakim wrote:

Oh, I forgot, if you're running Android apps in your 
Chromebook, you can install the Termux app and use LDC through 

The first AArch64 build of LDC for Termux should be up in a 
day or so, `apt install ldc`, or you can build it from source 
in Termux, if you can't wait. ;)

+1 ; Cool, not sure if I can wait, but probably I will :-)

I must say I really like looking at this version string, straight 
from the Termux app:

$ ldc2 --version
LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.11.0):
  based on DMD v2.081.2 and LLVM 6.0.1-2

  built with LDC - the LLVM D compiler (1.11.0)
  Default target: aarch64--linux-android
  Host CPU: cortex-a73 -

  Registered Targets:
aarch64- AArch64 (little endian)
aarch64_be - AArch64 (big endian)
arm- ARM
arm64  - ARM64 (little endian)
armeb  - ARM (big endian)
thumb  - Thumb
thumbeb- Thumb (big endian)
x86- 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
x86-64 - 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64

Re: D support for ChromeOS

2018-08-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 at 01:48:01 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 20:29:34 UTC, Emil wrote:
On Saturday, 3 February 2018 at 18:11:15 UTC, Daniel Kozak 


Tried it on an Acer Chromebook R13 running Version 
69.0.3497.35 (Official Build) dev (32-bit). I have no previous 
experience with llvm.


Looks like your Chromebook's got a MediaTek AArch64 processor, 
ie 64-bit ARM, which wasn't supported by D until the just 
released LDC 1.11. I'd try building 1.11 from source, using 
these instructions:

You will need a working CMake though, looks like the one you're 
trying to use isn't running.

Oh, I forgot, if you're running Android apps in your Chromebook, 
you can install the Termux app and use LDC through there:

The first AArch64 build of LDC for Termux should be up in a day 
or so, `apt install ldc`, or you can build it from source in 
Termux, if you can't wait. ;)

Re: D support for ChromeOS

2018-08-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 21 August 2018 at 20:29:34 UTC, Emil wrote:
On Saturday, 3 February 2018 at 18:11:15 UTC, Daniel Kozak 


Tried it on an Acer Chromebook R13 running Version 69.0.3497.35 
(Official Build) dev (32-bit). I have no previous experience 
with llvm.


Looks like your Chromebook's got a MediaTek AArch64 processor, ie 
64-bit ARM, which wasn't supported by D until the just released 
LDC 1.11. I'd try building 1.11 from source, using these 

You will need a working CMake though, looks like the one you're 
trying to use isn't running.

Re: LDC 1.11.0

2018-08-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 19 August 2018 at 10:11:42 UTC, 鲜卑拓跋枫 wrote:

Many thanks for your effort!
And hope the subsequent LDC releases with LLVM 7.0 will be 
mature enough on AArch64 and RISC-V for production environment.

Who is actually running AArch64 or RISC-V in a "production 
environment?" Maybe a few for AArch64, but pretty much nobody for 
RISC-V. I tried looking for a RISC-V VPS or dev board recently 
and found basically nothing, just two boards from SiFive that are 
too small or too expensive.

Re: Dpp on

2018-08-03 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 05:06:26 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 02:39:23 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 01:27:49 UTC, Laeeth Isharc 
Thanks to Seb and Atila it is now very easy to show  a D 
program just #includeing C headers.  If just works.  Modulo 
bugs.  In time I am hopeful Atila will start to have more of 
C++ headers working too.

Cool! Can we now deprecate and eventually jettison C/C++ 
bindings from druntime, please?

No, because dpp is new, not commonly used, and I think only 
works with DMD.

Scratch that last part, works with LDC too:

Re: Dpp on

2018-08-03 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 02:39:23 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:

On Saturday, 4 August 2018 at 01:27:49 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:
Thanks to Seb and Atila it is now very easy to show  a D 
program just #includeing C headers.  If just works.  Modulo 
bugs.  In time I am hopeful Atila will start to have more of 
C++ headers working too.

Cool! Can we now deprecate and eventually jettison C/C++ 
bindings from druntime, please?

No, because dpp is new, not commonly used, and I think only works 
with DMD. It might make sense to split those bindings off into 
their own git repo, separate from the compiled parts of druntime 

Re: SAoC Updates

2018-07-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 31 July 2018 at 03:23:41 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I've updated the SAoC page to reflect the decision to accept 
applications from non-university students.

Great! I think this will open up the pool of applicants 

Re: LDC 1.11.0 beta2

2018-07-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 15 July 2018 at 19:46:24 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce the second beta for LDC 1.11.

* Based on D 2.081.1+ (today's DMD stable).
* Prebuilt packages now using LLVM 6.0.1 and including 
additional cross-compilation targets (MIPS, MSP430, RISC-V and 
* Rudimentary support for compiling & linking directly to 
WebAssembly. See the dedicated Wiki page [1] for how to get 
* Some support for classes without TypeInfos, for -betterC 
and/or a minimal (d)runtime.

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors!


Ldc 1.11 beta 2 is also the first ldc release with a mostly 
working Android/AArch64 port.

In order to cross-compile the stdlib for 64-bit ARM, follow these 
instructions for linux/x64, adapted from the wiki page for 
Android/ARM (, which 
require the same build tools- CMake, the Android NDK, and either 
Make or Ninja:


/path/to/your/ldc2-1.11.0-beta2-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc-build-runtime --ninja 

Leave off the --ninja flag if you're using Make instead, and 
adjust the paths in all the commands, replacing /path/to/your/ 
with the correct paths on your system. This will download the ldc 
source into a temporary directory called ldc-build-runtime.tmp 
and attempt to cross-compile the stdlib for Android/AArch64, but 
fail with the following error:

std/math.d(4320): Error: static assert:  `infL > 2.0L && 
(infL <= 4.0L)` is false

Download and apply a small workaround patch for Phobos 
( to get it to work:

curl -L -O

git apply compile_phobos_aarch64

/path/to/your/ldc2-1.11.0-beta2-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc-build-runtime --ninja 
--targetPreset=Android-aarch64 --reset

You can now cross-compile command-line binaries for 
Android/AArch64, similar to Android/ARM as shown on the wiki:

export NDK=/path/to/your/android-ndk-r17b

-Xcc=-fuse-ld=bfd -Xcc=-gcc-toolchain 
-Xcc=$NDK/toolchains/aarch64-linux-android-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64 -Xcc=-target -Xcc=aarch64-none-linux-android -Xcc=-fpie -Xcc=-pie sieve.d

The Phobos patch shows the remaining pieces that need to be 
ported, support for 128-bit real floating-point at compile-time 
(as that static assert tripping is likely because the 128-bit 
`real.max` is slightly larger than the 80-bit one and overflows 
to Inf) and core.stdc.stdarg.va_arg for AArch64.

You can also build the stdlib test runners, after applying this 
druntime patch to disable a few tests that cannot be compiled 

curl -L -O

git apply disable_druntime_tests_aarch64

/path/to/your/ldc2-1.11.0-beta2-linux-x86_64/bin/ldc-build-runtime --ninja 
--targetPreset=Android-aarch64 --testrunners

You can then copy the druntime-test-runner and 
phobos2-test-runner binaries from the ldc-build-runtime.tmp 
directory to the Termux app on an Android/AArch64 device to see 
what tests fail. In my experience, all the druntime tests pass 
and tests only fail for 6-7 Phobos modules, mostly related to 
CTFE not supporting 128-bit floating point:

The debug versions of the above test binaries (which are also 
built with the above command) hang when run, tripping an assert 
in the GC on startup, though they work fine when natively 
compiled with an older ldc 0.17 on an Android/AArch64 device.

If you'd like to chip in on any of these remaining issues, here's 
a straightforward way to get started on porting D to the most 
widely-deployed CPU architecture used for personal computing on 
the planet, with almost all iOS devices and about half of Android 
devices now running on AArch64, billions of devices.

I'll get those last few druntime tests ported next.

Re: Symmetry Autumn of Code

2018-07-20 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 07:30:26 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 06:02:37 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Thanks to the sponsorship of Symmetry Investments, the D 
Language Foundation is happy to announce the Symmetry Autumn 
of Code!

We're looking for three university students to hack on D this 
autumn, from September - January. We're also in search of 
potential mentors and ideas for student projects. Head to the 
Symmetry Autumn of Code page for the details.

Spread the word!

"join us" for
"submit an application" -> apply (confusing otherwise)

Maybe sum up and make clear that each student can earn between 
$3000-4000, instead of capped at $1k.

This is why I suggested stating the total sum clearly:

"20 hours/week for four months for a salary of $1000 seems kind 
of crappy. Am I reading this wrong?"

You're currently requiring people to read carefully and do the 
math to understand this: most people do neither.

Re: LDC 1.11.0 beta2

2018-07-17 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 18 July 2018 at 01:35:11 UTC, Ali wrote:

On Sunday, 15 July 2018 at 19:46:24 UTC, kinke wrote:

Glad to announce the second beta for LDC 1.11.

* Prebuilt packages now using LLVM 6.0.1 and including 
additional cross-compilation targets (MIPS, MSP430, RISC-V and 
* Rudimentary support for compiling & linking directly to 
WebAssembly. See the dedicated Wiki page [1] for how to get 


The WebAssembly part discussed on hackernews

Second link on the front page now.

Re: Funding code-d

2018-07-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 13 July 2018 at 14:20:19 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
As promised in my tweet of June 30 (and to the handful of 
people who emailed me), the cloud of mystery surrounding the 
use of the money raised for code-d and its supporting tools has 
now been (partially) lifted!

In this post, I lay out the details of how the first $1000 will 
be paid out to project maintainer Jan Jurzitza, a.k.a 
Webfreak001, and explain what we hope to achieve with this 
ecosystem fundraising initiative going forward.

This time around, it all came together in the background of 
prepping for DConf with little forethought beyond activating an 
Open Collective goal and then working with Jan to determine the 
details. Lessons were learned. Later this year, you'll see the 
result when we announce the next of what we hope to be an 
ongoing series of funding targets.

In the meantime:

The blog


Nice explication of the plan, really needed. Why github never 
rolled out such a bounty program for OSS and other public 
projects has to be one of the head-scratching moves of all time, 
no wonder they were about to run out of money before they sold.

A good way to decide on future projects would be to let 
prospective donors stake money on various proposals, to see how 
much backing they might receive, sort of like how kickstarter and 
other crowdfunding sites work.

Re: Symmetry Autumn of Code

2018-07-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 13:57:12 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 07:30:26 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 06:02:37 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Thanks to the sponsorship of Symmetry Investments, the D 
Language Foundation is happy to announce the Symmetry Autumn 
of Code!

We're looking for three university students to hack on D this 
autumn, from September - January. We're also in search of 
potential mentors and ideas for student projects. Head to the 
Symmetry Autumn of Code page for the details.

Spread the word!

"join us" for
"submit an application" -> apply (confusing otherwise)

Maybe sum up and make clear that each student can earn between 
$3000-4000, instead of capped at $1k.

Why limit it to students? If the goal is to have a youth 
injection, just use an age limit- say 18-25- I see no reason 
for the stupid college bias.

Hi Joakim.

Thanks for suggestions.

Sure, thanks for funding this worthwhile initiative.

I don't know what legal aspects there are relating to targeting 
age in different countries.  We are definitely targeting people 
earlier in their careers.  I agree with you that talent isn't 
only found amongst students, and I've in the past hired someone 
that didn't even finish high school and has gone on to do good 
work for the D community.  So as far as Symmetry goes we are 
very open to unusual talent.  A degree is just one piece of 
interesting information.

Yes, but the current requirements exclude, for example, recent 
college grads who may not be employed yet and might do much 
better work than a harried college student. I don't know the 
legal risks in detail, but I can't imagine the risk/reward to 
opening it up would favor the current limitation.

Re: Symmetry Autumn of Code

2018-07-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 14 July 2018 at 06:02:37 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Thanks to the sponsorship of Symmetry Investments, the D 
Language Foundation is happy to announce the Symmetry Autumn of 

We're looking for three university students to hack on D this 
autumn, from September - January. We're also in search of 
potential mentors and ideas for student projects. Head to the 
Symmetry Autumn of Code page for the details.

Spread the word!

"join us" for
"submit an application" -> apply (confusing otherwise)

Maybe sum up and make clear that each student can earn between 
$3000-4000, instead of capped at $1k.

Why limit it to students? If the goal is to have a youth 
injection, just use an age limit- say 18-25- I see no reason for 
the stupid college bias.

Re: LDC 1.11.0 beta

2018-07-07 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 7 July 2018 at 18:26:45 UTC, Johan Engelen wrote:

On Saturday, 7 July 2018 at 18:17:49 UTC, Seb wrote:

Would be great to include as it's a serious 
regression and the reason for the early 2.081.1 release.

Because the quality of new DMD releases is often subpar, the 
LDC release plan is to only release after a good point release 
of DMD (usually *.*.1, but if this is a hasty .1 release, we 
probably better wait until 2.081.2)


In other words, this is only a beta: the final 1.11 release will 
be done next month, only with the final release of the DMD 2.081 
frontend, likely 2.081.2.

Re: Work on ARM backend for DMD started

2018-07-06 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 20 July 2017 at 16:22:59 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:

On Friday, 7 July 2017 at 11:09:27 UTC, Temtaime wrote:


A few things you should be aware before you trash the reference 
compiler for D:


Btw, if you're still interested in this, AArch64 would be a 
better target, as 32-bit ARM is being replaced by it.

Re: Release D 2.081.0

2018-07-04 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 4 July 2018 at 14:55:56 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:

On Wednesday, 4 July 2018 at 10:03:57 UTC, Martin Nowak wrote:

Glad to announce D 2.081.0.

This release comes with...

- -Martin

The blog announcement:

"much quiter"

Re: I have a plan.. I really DO

2018-07-01 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 15:40:20 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:

On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 14:01:11 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Sunday, July 01, 2018 13:37:32 Ecstatic Coder via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:

On Sunday, 1 July 2018 at 12:43:53 UTC, Johannes Loher wrote:
> Am 01.07.2018 um 14:12 schrieb Ecstatic Coder:
>> Add a 10-liner "Hello World" web server example on the 
>> main page and that's it.

> There already is one in the examples:
> #!/usr/bin/env dub
> /+ dub.sdl:
> name "hello_vibed"
> dependency "vibe-d" version="~>0.8.0"
> +/
> void main()
> {
> import vibe.d;
> listenHTTP(":8080", (req, res) {
> res.writeBody("Hello, World: " ~ req.path);
> });
> runApplication();
> }

Yeah I know, guess who asked for it...

But the last step, which is including such functionality into 
the standard library , will never happen, because nobody here 
seems to see the point of doing this.

I guess those who made that for Go and Crystal probably did 
it wrong.

What a mistake they did, and they don't even know they make a 
mistake, silly them... ;)

What should and shouldn't go in the standard library for a 
language is something that's up for a lot of debate and is 
likely to often be a point of contention. There is no clear 
right or wrong here. Languages that have had very sparse 
standard libraries have done quite well, and languages that 
have had kitchen sink libraries have done quite well. There 
are pros and cons to both approaches.

- Jonathan M Davis

I agree.

But here I'm just talking of the "public image" of the language.

Languages which integrates HTTP-related components in their 
standard library, and advertize on that (like Crystal for 
instance), obviously apply a different "marketing" strategy 
than languages which have chosen not to do so.

That's all I say...

Two points:

- Andrei pushed to include vibe.d but it didn't happen.

"There's no web services framework (by this time many folks know 
of D, but of those a shockingly small fraction has even heard of 
vibe.d). I have strongly argued with Sönke to bundle vibe.d with 
dmd over one year ago, and also in this forum. There wasn't 
enough interest."$ldb$

- As you acknowledge, integration has drawbacks too. I thought 
this was an interesting recent article about how it has now 
hobbled one of the biggest tech companies in the world:

I don't think the web matters enough these days that it is worth 
bundling, which is why a webassembly port is also not worth it 
for most:

Re: I have a plan.. I really DO

2018-06-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 30 June 2018 at 07:28:24 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:

On Saturday, 30 June 2018 at 07:11:18 UTC, Joakim wrote:
On Saturday, 30 June 2018 at 06:52:01 UTC, Ecstatic Coder 


I'd hope a manager would look at actually meaningful stats 
like downloads, rather than just fluffy stats such as "likes":

I see around 9k total downloads of the various Crystal 0.24 
and 0.25 versions over the last 8 months, compared to 14k 
downloads of the ldc 1.9 compiler alone from two months ago. 
Of course, all these stats can be gamed, but I think it'd be 
hard to argue Crystal is more popular.

Obviously you haven't read my post.

No problem, I'll repeat it.

I said that Crystal is probably gaining popularity FASTER than 

I've never said that Crystal is more used than D.

FYI, D is in the top 50 at the TIOBE index, while Crystal is 
only in the top 100.

Of course, you will tell me that these rankings are numbers, 
and that a higher number means nothing. Right ?

I'll tell you that all data should be carefully vetted before 
using it to draw conclusions. For example, I just checked and the 
ldc data includes a download for every CI run, which skews it 
upwards, but I doubt enough to change my conclusion above:

Re: I have a plan.. I really DO

2018-06-30 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Saturday, 30 June 2018 at 06:52:01 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 22:59:25 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 20:13:07 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:

Have a look at Crystal's Github project, you will see that 
Crystal, still in development and quite far from its 1.0 mile 
version (= despite no parallism and windows support, etc) 
ALREADY has 11206 stars, 881 forks and 292 contributors :

Not bad for a language in its 0.25 version and first released 
in June 2014 (4 years), especially compared to D in its 2.0 
version and first released in December 2001 (16 years), whose 
official compiler has 1806 stars, 452 forks and 168 
contributors :

If those numbers means anything, I think its that Crystal is 
probably getting popularity much quicker than D, and 
honestly, after having tried it, I think it's really 
deserved, even if I agree that there are still many things 
that remain to be implemented before it's really ready for an 
official "production-ready" 1.0 release.

Do you by chance work as a manager? Managers like comparisons 
that involve one number, with a higher number being better. I 
don't know what can be learned about D from that comparison 
and I don't think anyone else does either.

That's your opinion.

First, most managers don't become manager by chance, but 
because of their skills.

Like being able to take the right decisions, based on facts, 
not on personal preferences.

For instance, if a good manager sees that the github project of 
a 4 years old compiler has been liked by 11206 persons, and the 
github project of a 16 years old compiler has been liked by 
1806 persons, I think he could probably think that MUCH more 
people are interested in the development of the first github 
project than in the second.

I'd hope a manager would look at actually meaningful stats like 
downloads, rather than just fluffy stats such as "likes":

I see around 9k total downloads of the various Crystal 0.24 and 
0.25 versions over the last 8 months, compared to 14k downloads 
of the ldc 1.9 compiler alone from two months ago. Of course, all 
these stats can be gamed, but I think it'd be hard to argue 
Crystal is more popular.

Re: I have a plan.. I really DO

2018-06-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 22:54:34 UTC, bachmeier wrote:

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 07:03:52 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:

P.S. I mean what you think the future of native code is??? 
Rust? Crystal?? Nim???

The future of native code will be replacing scripting 
languages. D is really good at that task.

This will never happen, doesn't matter how good D is at it, they 
will always be better because they sacrifice performance for ease 
of use.

The future of native code will not be one language. I don't 
know why the discussion always turns to that, because it goes 
against the steady increase in the number of good languages 
that are available. Different folks have different preferences, 
many of us use multiple languages, and our preferences change 
over our lifetimes. These days language interoperability is 
getting so good that "choosing a language" is becoming 
obsolete. If we keep reducing the obstacles to using D, the 
number of users will continue to grow.

Yep, agreed.

WRT donating money, isn't it natural to explain what will be 
done with the money? There's been some movement in the 
direction of transparency. I'll only say there's more to be 
done in that area and leave it at that.

Let me echo this: transparency has historically been a big 
problem for D.  AFAIK, nobody in the broader community was ever 
told that the D foundation money would be used to fund a bunch of 
Romanian interns, it just happened. In the end, it appears to 
have worked out great, but why would anybody donate without being 
given transparency on where the money was going in the first 
place, when it could have ended badly?

I understand Andrei had connections with that Romanian 
university, but some donor might have had connections with a 
Brazilian or Chinese university that might have worked out even 
better. We'll never explore such connections and alternatives 
without transparency.

The current move to fund some IDE work with Opencollective is 
better in that regard, but with no concrete details on what it 
entails, not significantly better:

Anyway, I don't use such IDEs, so not a reason for me to donate 

Honestly, Dmitry's posts starting this thread are incoherent, I'm 
not sure what he was trying to say. If he feels D users should be 
donating much more, he and others need to make clear how that 
money will be spent.

Re: docker images

2018-06-29 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 06:13:53 UTC, Anton Fediushin wrote:

On Friday, 29 June 2018 at 04:51:49 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Thursday, 28 June 2018 at 17:54:45 UTC, Radu wrote:


Note that there is also an Alpine container with LDC, should 
be useful for building D microservices:

It would be so nice if I knew about this image earlier. I ended 
up making my own minimal image for LDC with OpenSSL 1.1 and 
goinsu for privilege lowering.

It's 153MiB, which is just 53MiB bigger than alpine-based 
image. I think I did a pretty good job there, most importantly 
there aren't  any problems with musl libc, since it's based on 

Yet still I don't really use this image - LDC has some problems 
compiling my vibe.d applications. For every CI build I use my 
other image:

Which is the same thing, but with DMD instead. It's even 
smaller, only 91MiB.

Try out the Alpine image and see if it doesn't have the same 
issue with vibe-d. Also, if you report your problem with ldc 
here, preferably with a reduced sample, someone will take a look:

Re: docker images

2018-06-28 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 28 June 2018 at 17:54:45 UTC, Radu wrote:

Created a couple of docker images useful for dlang dev.

LDC cross compiler for ARM


This image allows one to easily cross compile to ARM. Main 
use-case is continuous integration servers.


Allows easily running a private dub repository on cloud.

Note that there is also an Alpine container with LDC, should be 
useful for building D microservices:

Re: How an Engineering Company Chose to Migrate to D

2018-06-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 13:21:30 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
If you saw Bastiaan Veelo's DConf 2017 presentation, you'll 
know that his employer was evaluating D as a candidate for 
migrating their code base away from Extended Pascal. Recently, 
the decision was made and D was the coice. In this post, 
Bastiaan tells the story of how that came to be and how they'll 
be moving forward.

The blog:

"that's were" -> that's where

The code example for the string80 alias has a closing HTML code 
tag leaked into the displayed example somehow.

Re: LDC 1.10.0

2018-06-21 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at 09:11:32 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
Great to see LDC being as up to date with DMD as possible 

Sadly due to a Phobos bug, I need D 2.081.0 :-(

It is very easy to build ldc from source, I do it all the time, 
even on my Android tablet or smartphone:

If you're waiting on a Phobos fix, you can always backport it to 
LDC 1.10 and build it yourself.

You can also try out the WIP pull for the next release, available 
on its own branch, particularly if you're on linux where it's 
mostly working:

Re: LDC 1.10.0

2018-06-19 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Tuesday, 19 June 2018 at 22:10:38 UTC, kinke wrote:

Hi everyone,

on behalf of the LDC team, I'm glad to announce LDC 1.10. The 
highlights of this version in a nutshell:

* Based on D 2.080.1.
* Win64: Breaking ABI change by passing vectors efficiently in 

* Config file extensions for cross-compilation.
* Support for DragonFly BSD.
* Various fixes, most notably wrt. exception stack traces on 

Full release log and downloads:

Thanks to all contributors!

Nice work, LDC has caught up to the latest DMD version, and 
that's with the much faster DMD release cycle since last year, 
good to see.

Re: D only has Advantages

2018-06-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 04:19:22 UTC, Tony wrote:

On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 02:17:26 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

On Friday, 15 June 2018 at 02:02:52 UTC, Tony wrote:
Have their been other languages - besides D - that compiled 
to object code and used a garbage collector?

You can use a GC with C++ and you can compile Java to native 
code ahead of time.

The distinctions aren't really that sharp, it just depends on 
how you use it.

After I posted I wanted to edit it to add "disregarding JIT in 
conjunction with a VM like JVM or .NET". Have there been any 
C++ compilers that used a garbage collector?

What I was getting at was, if someone says "I've got a systems 
level project I want to play around with, however GC is not a 
deal breaker for me. ", it seems like they are making an 
implied reference to D as I assume "systems level" means 
"compile to object code and link with linker to executable".

Search this forum or HN for Paulo and Oberon, you'll find plenty 
of posts like this, where he lists all of them: :)

[OT]: companies

2018-06-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 14 June 2018 at 20:59:06 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, June 14, 2018 16:04:32 Nick Sabalausky  via 
Digitalmars-d- announce wrote:

On 06/14/2018 05:01 AM, AnotherTorUser wrote:
> If all such people stopped working for such companies, what 
> do you think the economic impact would be?

What do you think is the social impact if they don't? And 
don't even try to pretend the companies can't trivially solve 
the "economic" issues for themselves in an instant by knocking 
off the behaviour that causes loss of talent.

But that would imply that they have a frontal lobe. :)

In all seriousness, it is surprising how frequently companies 
seem to be incapable of making decisions that would fix a lot 
of their problems, and they seem to be incredibly prone to 
thinking about things in a shortsighted manner.

I'm reminded of an article by Joel Spoelskey where he talks 
about how one of the key things that a source control software 
solution can do to make it more likely for folks to be willing 
to try it is to make it easy to get your source code and 
history back out again and into another source control system. 
However, companies typically freak out at the idea of making it 
easy to switch from their product to another product. They're 
quite willing to make it easy to switch _to_ their product so 
that they can start making money off of you, but the idea that 
making it low cost to leave could actually improve the odds of 
someone trying their product - and thus increase their profits 
- seems to be beyond them.

Another case which is closer to the exact topic at hand is that 
many companies seem to forget how much it costs to hire someone 
when they consider what they should do to make it so that their 
employees are willing - or even eager - to stay. Spending more 
money on current employees (be that on salary or something else 
to make the workplace desirable) or avoiding practices that 
tick employees off so that they leave can often save money in 
the long run, but companies frequently ignore that fact. 
They're usually more interested in saving on the bottom line 
right now than making decisions that save money over time.

So, while I completely agree that companies can technically 
make decisions that solve some of their problems with things 
like retaining talent, it seems like it's frequently the case 
that they're simply incapable of doing it in practice - though 
YMMV; some companies are better about it than others.

This was an interesting read on that topic, which I've linked on 
this forum before, where an engineer points out that companies 
would be better off not chasing "rockstars" with hot keywords on 
their resumes but improving their training, processes, and 
culture so that even average programmers can be productive, 
including mentioning using source control and the Joel test that 
you just referenced:

Of course, the reason companies mostly don't do it is they're 
prone to the same cognitive failings as anybody else: it's easier 
to chase a quick fix than doing the hard work of putting in a 
system like this.

Re: Encouraging preliminary results implementing memcpy in D

2018-06-14 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 14 June 2018 at 02:32:51 UTC, errExit wrote:

On Wednesday, 13 June 2018 at 17:04:11 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

I am part of the D community. I haven't discriminated against 
anyone. I don't know what a Tor user is.

I've just searched: So Tor is an old idea of mine, 
implemented. :o)


Tor is our last line of defence against an Orson Wells future, 
where everyones actions are scrutinized by big brother, so that 
big brother can use that knowledge to put fear into, control 
and manipulate, those that don't conform.

assert("bad tor user" != "all tor users are bad");

(actually there are more bad non-tor users)

Unfortunately, it's becoming increasingly, the norm, to 
discriminate against tor users (no doubt those doing that 
discrimination are those that are happy to conform, of which 
there will be many, sadly).

Tor is merely one tool used to route around those building 
centralized systems on top of the internet. The real solution is 
that as more and more decentralized tech does well, like git or 
cryptocurrencies, to get rid of these obsolete centralized 
systems altogether.

Re: DasBetterC: Converting make.c to D

2018-06-12 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 11 June 2018 at 14:21:20 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
Walter's latest post on -betterC is now on the blog. Here, he 
shows step-by-step an example of using -betterC to convert a 
real-world program, one small enough to describe in a blog 
post, from C to D.

The blog:


The example for replacing grouping together multiple pointer 
declarations has some raw HTML leaked into it, at least for me in 

Re: GitHub could be acquired by Microsoft

2018-06-10 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Monday, 4 June 2018 at 20:00:45 UTC, Maksim Fomin wrote:

On Monday, 4 June 2018 at 19:26:23 UTC, Joakim wrote:

On Monday, 4 June 2018 at 19:06:52 UTC, Maksim Fomin wrote:

Unlikely, you don't spend $7.5 billion on a company because 
you want to send a message that you're a good dev tools 
company, then neglect it.

You have no idea about how big corporations' management spends 
As with Nokia and Skype - I don't know whether it was initially 
a plan to destroy products or management was just silly.

I suggest you look at their online slides linked from the 
Nadella blog post to see their stated plan, such as 
integrating github into VS Code more:

and likely vastly overpaid for an unprofitable company in the 
first place

:) this is exactly how such deals are done - paying $7.5 bl. 
for nonprofitable company.
Unfortunately, their books are unavailable because they are 
private company, but scarce information in the web suggests 
that in most of their years they have losses.

Just as rough estimate: to support $7.5 bl valuation Microsoft 
must turn -$30 ml. net loss company into business generating 
around $750 ml. for many years. There is no way to get these 
money from the market. Alternatively, the project can have 
payoff if something is broken and Microsoft cash flows increase 
by $750 ml. This is more likely...

but they emphasize that they intend to keep github open and 

They can claim anything which suits best their interests right 
now. Or, as alternative, github can be broken in a such way, 
that their promises on surface are kept. Business is badly 
compatible with opensource by design.

I just finished reading this interesting article by a former 
Microsoft business guy, which makes the same point I did, that MS 
is unlikely to neglect github or otherwise force it in some 
direction to leverage it:

You're right that MS has had many acquisitions go badly already, 
such as Nokia and Skype (though I'd argue both were long-term 
doomed before they were bought), but, as always, incompetence is 
the much more likely reason than malice.

Re: GitHub could be acquired by Microsoft

2018-06-08 Thread Joakim via Digitalmars-d-announce

On Thursday, 7 June 2018 at 19:02:31 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:
On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 10:17 -0700, H. S. Teoh via 
Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:


Exactly!!!  Git was built precisely for decentralized, 
distributed development.  Anyone should be (and is, if they 
bothered to put just a tiny amount of effort into it) able to 
set up a git server and send the URL to prospective 
collaborators.  Anyone is free to clone the git repo and 
redistribute that clone to anyone else.  Anyone can create new 
commits in a local clone and send the URL to another 
collaborator who can pull the commits.  It should never have 
become the tool to build walled gardens that inhibit this free 
sharing of code.

I think there is an interesting tension between using a DVCS as 
a DVCS and no central resource, and thus no mainline version, 
and using a DVCS in combination with a central resource.  In 
the latter category the central resource may just be the 
repository acting as the mainline, or, as with GitHub, GitLab, 
Launchpad, the central resource provides sharing and reviewing 

Very few organisations, except perhaps those that use Fossil, 
actually use DVCS as a DVCS. Everyone seems to want a public 
mainline version: the repository that represents the official 
state of the project. It seems the world is not capable of 
working with a DVCS system that does not even support 
"eventually consistent". Perhaps because of lack of trying or 
perhaps because the idea of the mainline version of a project 
is important to projects.

Well, as Jonathan says, you have to release a build eventually, 
and you need a mainline version that you know has all the needed 
commits to release from.

If you have multiple people all releasing their own builds with 
each build getting a roughly equivalent number of downloads, then 
a mainline version may not be needed, but I know of no large 
project like that.

In the past Gnome, Debian, GStreamer, and many others have had 
a central mainline Git repository and everything was handled as 
DVCS, with emailed patches. They tended not to support using 
remotes and merges via that route, not entirely sure why. 
GitHub and GitLab supported forking, issues, pull requests, and 
CI. So many people have found this useful. Not just for having 
ready made CI on PRs, but because there was a central place 
that lots of projects were at, there was lots of serendipitous 
contribution. Gnome, Debian, and GStreamer are moving to 
private GitLab instances. It seems the use of a bare Git 
repository is not as appealing to these projects as having the 
support of a centralised system.

Nobody uses a DVCS alone, even the linux kernel guys have mailing 
lists and other software they use to coordinate with around git.

I think that whilst there are many technical reasons for having 
an element of process support at the mainline location 
favouring the GitHubs and GitLabs of this Gitty world, a lot of 
it is about the people and the social system: there is a sense 
of belonging, a sense of accessibility, and being able to 
contribute more easily.

There is some of that, but you could reproduce all of that in a 
technically decentralized manner.

One of the aspects of the total DVCS is that it can exclude, it 
is in itself a walled garden, you have to be in the clique to 
even know the activity is happening.

Right now, yes, mailing lists and bugzilla can be forbidding to 
the noob, compared to just signing up on github and getting 
everything at one go. But as Basile's link above points out, 
there are tools like git-ssb that try decentralize all that:

All of this is not just technical, it is socio-technical.

It is all ultimately technical, but yes, social elements come 
into play.

One big thing that web software like github or trac helps with is 
reviewing pulls to the main repo. I'm not about to add dozens of 
remotes to my local repo to review pulls from all the 
contributors to dmd/druntime/phobos, the github pull review 
workflow is much easier than the git command-line equivalent.

However, it wouldn't be that hard to decentralize most of what 
github provides by coming up with a standard format to store 
issues and other discussion in a git repo, as I'm guessing 
git-ssb does. The only aspect that might present difficulty is 
that you may not get as nice a web viewer as github provided, as 
the built-in gitweb is not very good compared to github's web UI.

In that way, while many are complaining about using github, the 
OSS community doing so for all these years may have been optimal, 
in that as long as a money-losing company was willing to do that 
work for you for years, why not use it? Where was all that money 
being lost after all, if not on providing features to users who 
weren't paying enough to sustain it? Then, once you know whether 
github's business model works or not, apparently 

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