Re: [slim] Extern hdd and WoL?

2008-11-27 Thread bassoonde

I also use a SB3. Connected wireless with an ASUS EeeBox B202 running
with SC 7.2.1 on XP (with SP3)
WoL is working like a charm. I never used this feature before.
Extern HDD will not work with WoL. I never heard about this. I use a
NDAS-HDD connected with 100MBit/s on a switch. This drive has a
configurable spinndown feature. I detected after WoL the box and
playing the first track it needs a little bit time for spinnup and
reading the first track. But it's worth waiting for it.
Later I will try a extern 2,5" HD connected with USB and without a
powerline. Maybe this drive will spinndown and -up when the box is


SB3 weiss und SC 7.2.1 auf EeeBox B202 mit Datenanbindung über NDAS-HDD

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Re: [slim] possible hijack of Squeezenetwork trademark

2008-11-27 Thread JJZolx

Do a search for 'squeezebox'.

The advertisers are buying keywords.



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[slim] Slow re-scan on Leopard 10.5.5 with external USB2 FAT32 hdd drive?

2008-11-27 Thread bat400


I just upgraded my Mac Mini from Tiger 10.4.11 to Leopard 10.5.5.

I run my music library off a 400GB freecom external USB2 HDD, and on
Tiger it would scan the ~6000 FLAC tracks in about 5 minutes.  Now it
takes an hour.  At first I thought it was the USB2/USB1 problems that
some people have reported in Leopard, but I tried simply transferring
some files from the external to the Mini hdd and 20GB transferred in 15
mins which is about right.  I tried changing the music library to those
files on the Mini hdd and they scanned at the speed I would expect.

This makes me think that Leopard is the problem, but only when scanning
my music library on the external USB2 drive.

Anyone else had similar symptoms?  Would changing FAT32 to HFS+ help? 
Would a firewire drive definitely be quicker?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread JJZolx

JadeMonkee;364362 Wrote: 
> But there is a market for less tech-savvy music listeners that Apple TV
> (and iPod/iTunes, for that matter) taps into, and Slim Devices could
> maybe muscle in on.

Less tech savvy than iTunes/iPod users?  Now that's a scary thought.



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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread erland

mortslim;363598 Wrote: 
> How about $150. for the Controller and $225. for the Receiver?  Once
> you get the price of the Controller down, the perceived value added
> from the lower price (from the consumer's point of view) will hopefully
> produce higher profits through a higher volume of sales, not a higher
> mark up on each Controller sold.  And more Controller sales will in
> turn drive further sales of the other Slim Device products.   And
> lowering the price of the Controller would justify raising the price of
> the Receiver.
Have you seen other technology products that have raised their price
after introduction ?

It happens in Europe due to the currency exchange rates but besides
that it's very hard to do and get acceptance.

The Controller hardware has always felt expensive in comparison to the
iPod Touch hardware to me. However, I think the idea is that most
customers will buy the Duet and not a separate Controller and the Duet
price is good. For people that just want the Controller, the iPod Touch
is an attractive solution and in my opinion it will still be unless the
Controller price is decreased to something like $150. A decrease like
that is obviously not going to happen in the close future.

When comparing the Controller and the iPod Touch solutions, you will
have to realize:
- The Controller is still more feature rich, it basically support
almost all features available in SqueezeCenter. Besides this it also
supports SqueezeNetwork.
- The Controller has hard buttons which makes it easier to control in
the dark than the iPod Touch, the Controller is also easier to control
with a single hand than the iPod Touch.
- The iPeng Skin version is close to the Controller regarding important
features, but it still lacks the SqueezeNetwork support and the
performance isn't as good as the Controller
- The iPeng Native version still needs more features to be able to
compete with the Controller as the single remote for your Squeezebox.
It works really good already today for some people but it won't work
for others depending on which features you need.

The big advantage with the iPod Touch as I see it is that you also get
a portable player. The Controller have audio playback support in 7.3
but it still lacks the physical format and local storage that makes it
suitable to put in your pocket when you are leaving the house.

In the long run I think the iPod Touch is going to win as a remote
control for people that don't want the complete Duet package. However,
today this is still not the case, many people need more features than
what the iPod Touch native solutions currently offers or need better
performance than what you get for the skin version.

In the end all this might not be a bad situation for Logitech, because
they are going to sell Squeezebox players independent if a user selects
to control it with a Controller or a iPod Touch. A user that have a iPod
Touch can buy a cheap Receiver to get a player for it, a user that
doesn't have a iPod Touch can buy a Duet to get a cheap package with a
graphical remote and a player. 

IMHO, the focus should be to make sure that a solution with AppleTV +
Apple AirportExpress can't compete with a Squeezebox solution. To do
this there are probably other things than the remote control that needs
to be in focus. In this scenario its a pretty good idea to let third
party developers handle the iPod Touch applications and skins and focus
Logitech resources on other parts of the package.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread ccp_merc

I just downloaded it today and am having lots of problems.

If I stay on the Now Playing screen it lasts about 20 seconds before it
crashes, and if I go back to look at albums it lasts about 2 seconds.

I am guessing there is something in my list of songs/albums etc which
is causing problems, but I am not sure what it is.  I have got SC to do
a complete rescan, and I have disconnected from my network and flushed
the cache, but the problem still exists.

Here is some data from the Iphone crash log.

Any ideas?

Fri Nov 28 14:54:51 unknown iPeng[131] : Data file not
Fri Nov 28 14:54:52 unknown iPeng[131] : *** -[NSNull
componentsSeparatedByString:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
Fri Nov 28 14:54:52 unknown iPeng[131] : *** Terminating app due
to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '***
-[NSNull componentsSeparatedByString:]: unrecognized selector sent to
instance 0x3823718c'
Fri Nov 28 14:54:52 unknown iPeng[131] : Stack: (
Fri Nov 28 14:54:52 unknown
UIKitApplication:com.penguinlovesmusic.iPeng[0xf388][131] :
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'NSException'
Fri Nov 28 14:54:55 unknown ReportCrash[132] : Formulating
crash report for process iPeng[131]
Fri Nov 28 14:54:56 unknown[1] : Exited
abnormally: Abort trap
Fri Nov 28 14:54:56 unknown SpringBoard[23] : Application
 com.penguinlovesmusic.iPeng activate: 
deactivate:  exited abnormally with signal 6: Abort trap
Fri Nov 28 14:54:56 unknown configd[22] : WiFi: Already
connected to .
Fri Nov 28 14:54:57 unknown[23] :
CoreAnimation: timed out fence 2
Fri Nov 28 14:54:58 unknown ReportCrash[132] : Saved crashreport
using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread leehammond

Update: I got iPeng running again by playing music with regular remotes
and then turned on iPeng again -- It discovered my players and worked
normally. Also after I turned everything off again and powered up with
iPeng it found the players and works great. 

As far as the other questions: 
1)Wifi off stops iPeng from quitting automatically, just like turning
off my squeezecenter server.
2) Not Jailbroken, iphone Edge with 2.1 software
3) Server was and is fully initialized -- was running it before iPeng.

pippin;364242 Wrote: 
> What happens when you turn off wifi on your iPod or put your iPhone into
> Airline mode?
> Is your iPhone jailbroken?
> Do you have any players connected to your server?
> Is your server fully initialized (not a new installation)?


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Re: [slim] 7.3 looks good, seems stable

2008-11-27 Thread Howard Passman

yeomanspc;364356 Wrote: 
> I've been itching to install 7.3, but holding back just in case it
> wasn't reliable.  Well I took the plunge this week and I am delighted
> with it.  I had to reboot the server pc to get the controller to
> upgrade the firmware, but thus far it has been excellent. So this post
> is for others who are feeling nervous.. go for it!
> I have 10 players around the house of all vintages and the new
> controller audio-out seems to be working just fine (including volume). 
> Thanks to the development team for delivering so many nice new features
> (which thus far seem to work well).  Good job.
> Win XP laptop server, mostly wired players.

Do you have the Duet?  Because using the controller as a player is


Howard Passman

.and still waiting for extra cradles..

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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread JadeMonkee

mortslim;364359 Wrote: 
> Slim Devices may want to consider its own hard drive equipped
> Squeezebox with networking capabilities as a response.

Not a bad idea... a more simple solution than a NAS or a low-power
server (or any dedicated server, for that matter), and a Squeezebox
music server would be far more preferable (at least to me) than an
iTunes one, as I dislike almost everything about iTunes, and need
support for flac and ogg.

But I'm not in that market, as I already have an always-on
SqueezeCenter in the form of my NAS, and I'm sure a lot of people on
these forums would prefer the flexibility that installing SqueezeCenter
on a dedicated home server brings.

But there is a market for less tech-savvy music listeners that Apple TV
(and iPod/iTunes, for that matter) taps into, and Slim Devices could
maybe muscle in on. The first immediate advantage (in my opinion) of a
Squeezebox over an Airport Express, is the built-in display and ir
control that the SB3 has (it's so much quicker/simpler than having to
pick up something and open an app--especially as the lame-o iPhone
doesn't allow background applications to run--just to see what song is
playing or to change a track). I wouldn't trade either of them for


2x squeezebox classics {1x wired, 1x wifi} | squeezecentre v7.2.1 |
'readynas duo' ( {
raidiator 4.14 | 1gb hynix hymd512m646cfp8-j | 2x 1tb samsung hd103uj }
| d-link dir-655

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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread mortslim

Actually there are two crocodiles.

In addition to the debut of the Apple App Store, a few days ago Apple
updated the firmware of the Apple TV to version 2.3.

The Apple TV, which is equally an audio player as well as a video
player, with its own built-in hard drive for storing music files, can
now, with the update, stream music to any room in the house via the
wi-fi network by wireless connection to an Airport Express connected to
an amp or powered speakers.  

And this can be controlled, also through the wi-fi network, by the
“Remote” application available for the iPhone/iPod Touch.  

So basically your music library can be broadcast to any room in your
house without the need for your computer to be on.  

This also works for internet radio streaming from the Apple TV as well.
(This needs to be set up first: In iTunes, go to your favorite radio
station under Radio, drag it to a new playlist. Add as many radio
stations you want to the playlist. Sync the new playlist with your
Apple TV.  On your “Remote” application, navigate to the new "radio"
playlist you made. Select the stream you want to play and you're ready
to go. The computer does not have to be on.)

The Apple TV has become a music server for your local network.  It
serves both local music files and internet radio to any room in your
house.   And the iPhone/iPod Touch acts as a controller for this.

The Airport Express is $99.  

Just another example of competition in action.

Slim Devices may want to consider its own hard drive equipped
Squeezebox with networking capabilities as a response.


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[slim] 7.3 looks good, seems stable

2008-11-27 Thread yeomanspc

I've been itching to install 7.3, but holding back just in case it
wasn't reliable.  Well I took the plunge this week and I am delighted
with it.  I had to reboot the server pc to get the controller to
upgrade the firmware, but thus far it has been excellent. So this post
is for others who are feeling nervous.. go for it!

I have 10 players around the house of all vintages and the new
controller audio-out seems to be working just fine (including volume). 
Thanks to the development team for delivering so many nice new features
(which thus far seem to work well).  Good job.

Win XP laptop server, mostly wired players.


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Re: [slim] Incorrectly marked favourite: two albums with same name

2008-11-27 Thread JadeMonkee

Philip Meyer;361144 Wrote: 
> I agree.  I've mentioned the favorites handling of local music before. 
> Essentially, SC stores the album name as an identifier for the
> favorite, rather than internal id's.  So if you store a "Greatest Hits"
> album as a favorite, there's a good chance you won't get what you expect
> when you try to play that favorite back.  eg. when you scan new albums
> in, you may affect an existing favorite.
> I guess this was done, as a complete clear and rescan would result in
> new identifiers (eg. an album id).
> The same issue can occur with artist names - there could be two artists
> with the same name.  eg. "Blue October" is a Rock band from USA, but a
> UK band exists as the same name.  "Nirvana" was another example.  So
> you can't necessarily set an artist as a unique favorite too.
> It's unlikely that two bands that share the same name also share the
> same album title, and that a user would want to set one as a favorite. 
> I think therefore that the album artist name and the album name need to
> be referenced in the favorite to uniquely identify an album favorite. 
> However, not even this is full-proof, in that there can be several
> albums with the same name by "Various Artists".

I agree, something needs to be thought up to combat this, and using two
fields as an identifier seems a good start.

Philip Meyer;361144 Wrote: 
> I too dislike that I can't drill down into a local music favorite.  eg.
> set an album as a favorite - if I navigate to that favorite, I expect
> to be able to navigate into the album (eg. use right-arrow on a
> standard remote, or click the favorite name in the WebUI).to see the
> list of tracks.

I found this out this morning! Indeed, this should be implemented, too.


2x squeezebox classics {1x wired, 1x wifi} | squeezecentre v7.2.1 |
readynas duo { raidiator 4.14 | 1gb hynix hymd512m646cfp8-j | 2x 1tb
samsung hd103uj } | d-link dir-655

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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

Oh yes. Saab top them all!
I think that's because they can only bring over the spare part with
Reindeer sledges when the Baltic sea freezes over...


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

Lesu;364332 Wrote: 
> Surely a penguin looking into the horn of a phonograph is the only
> solution!

But can you DRAW that? I obviously can not...

laohu;364333 Wrote: 
> That did the trick. Thanks!
> BTW: I personally like a white background better than the light blue.
> Not a big thing, buy you may consider changing this when you polis the
> interface a bit ;)

Really? I feel like there's too much white on the iPhone..
Anyway: one of the main reasons for the color change is that I wanted
to be able to see at the first glance whether I'm in iPeng or iPod,
which CAN be a bit un-obvious, at least for text tables.


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[slim] Extern hdd and WoL?

2008-11-27 Thread nicoleif

I have a SB3 and plna to use a Asus eeeBox with a ekstern hdd (Lacie) as
music server via LAN. Does anyone knwe whether the Asus can be handled
with WoL and how about extern hdd? Are they capable of this function? I
hope anyone can help?


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread laohu

pippin;364328 Wrote: 
> - could be that the shuffle on NowPlaying is turned on. You can check
> that by clicking onto the big cover on NowPlaying. If the shuffle icon
> is blue, it's on. You can toggle that icon (has 3 states)
> - have you gone down to the track view, where "Shuffle" shows up next
> to the cover? Here the cover belongs to the shuffle function, click the
> first track instread to play the whole Album from there.

That did the trick. Thanks!


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Lesu

pippin;364244 Wrote: 
> Yes. I hate it, too. Looks like I'm pretty uncapable as a designer.
> I found the single penguin avatar as too removed from the subject thus
> the change.
> I will start an icon design contest on in a few
> days.

Surely a penguin looking into the horn of a phonograph is the only


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

amcluesent;364314 Wrote: 
> >OK, you use custom browse.<
> Yep. But as to the speed part, the Controller is in my experience far
> more consistent in speed and smoothness of presenting menus etc. Both
> Squidgy and iPeng seem to 'halt' processing of touches of the UI for
> intervals as if blocked awaiting server interaction.

Yep. Especially during the three minutes it takes you to scroll through
a long list to get to the album you are looking for - on the

And the two minutesyou need to crawl through menus to get from one
player to the other...


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

laohu;364320 Wrote: 
> Nevermind. For some strange reason my squeezecenter playlist contained a
> playlist of all my albums. I have deleted the playlist and flushed
> iPeng's cache.
> I do have another question. If I browse by artist > album and I press
> on the album icon it does not play the first song. Is there a shuffle
> feature which I've accidentally turned on?

- could be that the shuffle on NowPlaying is turned on. You can check
that by clicking onto the big cover on NowPlaying. If the shuffle icon
is blue, it's on. You can toggle that icon (has 3 states)
- have you gone down to the track view, where "Shuffle" shows up next
to the cover? Here the cover belongs to the shuffle function, click the
first track instread to play the whole Album from there.


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread laohu

pippin;364155 Wrote: 
> Err..well..yes. Will do that some day, nobody asked so far... maybe one
> of the next releases, it's quite simple
> Will come..

I second that!


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread laohu

pippin;364064 Wrote: 
> not yet
> Err... no?
> Can you reproduce it?

Nevermind. For some strange reason my squeezecenter playlist contained
a playlist of all my albums. I have deleted the playlist and flushed
iPeng's cache.

I do have another question. If I browse by artist > album and I press
on the album icon it does not play the first song. Is there a shuffle
feature which I've accidentally turned on?


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Re: [slim] FF & Rewind using 7.2 ROCKS

2008-11-27 Thread dcote

my 2 cents:

1st cent - the new ff/rew is better because it works with ogg-vorbis
files too! (80% of my library is vorbis). :-)

2nd cent - the new ff/rew is not as good because one can not hear where
one is scanning to.

3rd cent - for me, the old scan was also terribly unreliable. the new
one works every time.

4th cent - it look as if the new ff/rew will not work with vorbis files
with embedded artwork...

oops - that was 4 cents!


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Re: [slim] Controller or alternative (iPod touch/iPhone)?

2008-11-27 Thread amcluesent

>OK, you use custom browse.<

Yep. But as to the speed part, the Controller is in my experience far
more consistent in speed and smoothness of presenting menus etc. Both
Squidgy and iPeng seem to 'halt' processing of touches of the UI for
intervals as if blocked awaiting server interaction.


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread Peter
gbruzzo wrote:
> ModelCitizen;363671 Wrote: 
>> As someone who has just had to splash out over 100 UKP for a glove
>> compartment door for their TT I can tell you don't work for Audi.
>> MC
> Same here, same situation. £100 for the glove compartment of an A3. No,
> don't work for audi...

Do you eat glove compartment doors or is Audi so terrible at making them?

That's nothing, though. I once had a Saab. The heater control knob broke 
off. Cost 400 Euro's to fix. Thank god it was still in warranty.


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread gbruzzo

ModelCitizen;363671 Wrote: 
> As someone who has just had to splash out over 100 UKP for a glove
> compartment door for their TT I can tell you don't work for Audi.
> MC

Same here, same situation. £100 for the glove compartment of an A3. No,
don't work for audi...



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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread DaveWr

First of all happy thanksgiving to the Slim Team (and all our US

The controller and iPeng are still not the complete solution.  I us SB
as the front end to my complete music system.  This involves a DAC and
amplifier.  To enable good WAF (and as I get older - to make my life
easier) I currently use a Harmony One.  This sorts out all the
connections for video, audio, cinema stuff etc.  If I use only this I
have the choice of web interface - not super convenient, or the basic
remote interface.  If I was to use a controller or iPeng, I am still
stuck with what to do for volume control.  

We seem to have lots of small pieces but no holistic mechanism.  This
holistic approach is what draws consumers to all in one music centres -
even the high end Classic systems from Linn, or Solo from Arcam.  

If Slim is to progress in the next wave of product families, I am sure
some simplification will be necessary.  If I was not available, my wife
would struggle to maintain a SB / Squeezecenter environment.

I think care is required if we are all to continue to enjoy what Slim
Devices created - it was (and I believe still is the best environment),
but others wait in the wings.

Sorry about the rant - but SB is the best investment I have made in
audio in the last 5 years, I hope it will survive commercially for the
next 5.




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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread markstrom

Played with the app för a few hours and everything worked just fine.
Then I added missing cover art to a few albums and rebuilt SC library.
The new covers were still missing in album view bit showed up on the
now playing screen 
Flushed the iPeng cache and now all artwork is missing from album view.

The iPeng skin works just fine.


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Re: [slim] Squidgy for iPhone now available in Apple App Store

2008-11-27 Thread AlchemyToo

Just bought Squidgy, and have hit a problem.

It finds the server, connects, and then prompts me to refresh the
database. This, however, returns an error that "The connection to the
server has failed."

I can do searches etc., and play stuff, just not refresh (or build) the
database, hence browsing by artist, genre etc. is available.

CLI and HTTP ports are unchanged, and open. I run SqueezeCenter 7.2.1
on a ReadyNAS Duo.


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread Peter
Mark Lanctot wrote:
> peter;364264 Wrote: 
>>> At some point there is an obligation to support the company that
>>> started all this and made it all open.
>> No, there isn't. The SD folks probably started SD to get rich and they
>> succeeded. Their choice of the open source model was instrumental in 
>> this. It has advantages and disadvantages, risks and benefits.
> If enough people decided not to get SB players then sales will drop
> enough that eventually Logitech will shut down the unit.  If these
> devices get discontinued and the development team gets redeployed to
> other Logitech units then everyone here will suffer.  While
> SqueezeCenter will still be available and distributable (being open
> source), development will be severely affected.  Also no new firmware
> for any Logitech/SD device.

I'll be damned if I buy SD hardware to keep them afloat.
My house is full enough of the stuff already.


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread Mark Lanctot

peter;364264 Wrote: 
> > At some point there is an obligation to support the company that
> > started all this and made it all open.
> >
> No, there isn't. The SD folks probably started SD to get rich and they
> succeeded. Their choice of the open source model was instrumental in 
> this. It has advantages and disadvantages, risks and benefits.

If enough people decided not to get SB players then sales will drop
enough that eventually Logitech will shut down the unit.  If these
devices get discontinued and the development team gets redeployed to
other Logitech units then everyone here will suffer.  While
SqueezeCenter will still be available and distributable (being open
source), development will be severely affected.  Also no new firmware
for any Logitech/SD device.

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] Wired likes 'the' firmware upgrade

2008-11-27 Thread jmschnur

my 1200 cd library works fine so far after the latest updates.



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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread Peter
Mark Lanctot wrote:
> peter;364149 Wrote: 
>> You could control the result with an ipod touch, and end up with a fully
>> functional SD music network *without* any SD hardware ;)
> Gee, wouldn't that be nice.  :-/
> At some point there is an obligation to support the company that
> started all this and made it all open.

No, there isn't. The SD folks probably started SD to get rich and they 
succeeded. Their choice of the open source model was instrumental in 
this. It has advantages and disadvantages, risks and benefits.

> I guess how Logitech can insure it won't happen is to make sure the
> players are competitive (or better) than anything else out there.

Yes. In my case, I would like a popcorn-hour like device with a good DAC 
and squeezeslave or squeezeplay pre-installed. The popcorn NMT software 
is sub-licensed to other companies, so it would be relatively cheap and 
easy to manufacture the mythical Video Squeezebox.


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread tamanaco

I'm not an iAnything fan, but I respect the user interfaces that Apple
puts out. The iPhone/iTouch interface is the measuring stick for mobile
user interfaces. Windows and Linux still have some way to go as it
relates to UI. To me Windows/Linux are analogous to driving a standard
(Stick-Shift) car while Apple is like driving an Automatic car. I can
see and understand the advantages and comfort associated with driving
an Automatic, but you can never convince me to buy one. Ok…  it's
easier to drive, but some of the fun, for me, goes right out the
Window. I've been using computers for some time now and being able to
use my ever decreasing tech skills to tweak my devices still appeals to
me. Being able to push my car to jump start it appeals to me. iAnything
devices do not easily let themselves to this kind of tweaking… I love
the pain associated with tweaking digital devices... call me

In regards to the iPhone/iTouch platforms vs. the SC, first let me say
that the iTouch is a better fit than the iPhone.  The iTouch is 
basically a DAP with WiFi while the iPhone is just doing too many
things… is more of a Cell Phone Swiss Army knife. Unlike the SC... the
iTouch was not designed from the ground up to be a remote. (I'm talking
at the firmware and hardware level… not at the app level).   As I
compare the iTouch to the SC I can not help but see that the SC
platform will always be "optimized" to be a "dedicated remote" to the
SC server and SlimDevices Players while the iTouch platform will not. 
The iTouch will be optimized to interface to iTunes and to a lesser
degree to other music streaming servers via installed apps.

The SC is still evolving. Let's not forget that the SC has IR and
Heaphones ports that are not yet "officially" enabled. If and "when"
the IR is enabled, it has the potential to "directly" control legacy AV
devices and therefore increased flexibility. The SC has physical buttons
which, in my opinion, are better suited for certain remote control
tasks. One can Play, Skip, FF, RW tracks without having to look at the
screen. Maybe it is just me, but to really take advantage of the
multitouch interface of the iTouch, you need to use two hand.  With the
SC you can easily hold a beer on one hand, skip to the next track with
the other while watching the  game on TV… One thing that kills me is
that the SC is missing is a Keypad… Oh well, maybe one can be
implemented via the scroll wheel. 

The wife is starting to scream…  "GET OFF THE D... COMPUTER!"… Happy
Thanksgiving everyone… gotta go.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Enoch Soames

The app itself is beautifully designed, so clearly that isn't true.  I
still dig the single penguin, but the contest sounds like fun.

pippin;364244 Wrote: 
> Yes. I hate it, too. Looks like I'm pretty uncapable as a designer.
> I found the single penguin avatar as too removed from the subject thus
> the change.
> I will start an icon design contest on in a few
> days.

Enoch Soames

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Husted

Husted;364192 Wrote: 
> Anyway, I'll try to update the SqueezeCenter to latest release, open up
> my firewall etc.

Answering my own question. Clearing the database and doing a complete
scan removed all my problems. iPeng is now working as expected.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread lanierb

pippin;364244 Wrote: 
> The difference is, that on the local library the lowest level is
> "tracks" and has some logic on how to play those.
Ah, I see.  So if you're used to going down to tracks and then clicking
(instead of press and hold), it won't work while in Rhapsody because
that just calls up track information.  It seemed so obvious to me that
press and hold would play the track that I never noticed the


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

lanierb;364238 Wrote: 
> This is how mine works too.  The thing I don't understand about these
> comments is how it's any different from the way the local library
> works.  For the local library it's the same isn't it?  Clicking an
> album descends and touch and hold plays.  What am I missing?

The difference is, that on the local library the lowest level is
"tracks" and has some logic on how to play those. Since iPeng cannot
make much of an assumption on what actually is contained in a lowest
level for a remote service, it just follows the logic described above.

Enoch Soames;364241 Wrote: 
> Hey, Pippin -
> The serious one: It would be nice to be able to save a new playlist.
Will come.
> The less serious request: I realize that this is a subjective thing,
> but I kinda hate the app icon, which looks complicated and cluttered. 
> Your single-penguin avatar would be a much nicer choice.

Yes. I hate it, too. Looks like I'm pretty uncapable as a designer.
I found the single penguin avatar as too removed from the subject thus
the change.
I will start an icon design contest on in a few


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

leehammond;364229 Wrote: 
> This sounds like the problem I'm having (worked fine on first launch at
> home; launched again outside my slimserver wifi area and now won't work
> anymoere) but the forget server option isn't resetting like my first
> launch.
> App displays no player connected and quits automatically. Only if I
> stop my slimserver from running then iPeng doesn't quit and I can try
> adjusting the settings. Unfortunately none of the setting changes are
> (autodetection or adding a server ip manually) are getting it running
> again.
> Any suggestions? It worked so great the first time but I can't get it
> running again.

What happens when you turn off wifi on your iPod or put your iPhone
into Airline mode?
Is your iPhone jailbroken?
Do you have any players connected to your server?
Is your server fully initialized (not a new installation)?


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Enoch Soames

Hey, Pippin -

I have to join the general chorus of praise for iPeng.  I've noticed a
weird album sorting issue - for instance, the 'Have A Nice Day' series
gets broken up in the album view instead of appearing together as a
bloc, but I assume that will get sorted out.  The method of selecting a
single track vs. playing all threw me for a day or two, but now that
I've gotten the hang of it I like it a lot.  It may be that I'm a less
demanding user than some other folks, but iPeng just works really well
for me (particularly nice is the fact that the database updates
automatically) so I can't think of too much to complain about, but I'll
throw out two suggestions, one serious, one not so.  The serious one: It
would be nice to be able to save a new playlist.  The less serious
request: I realize that this is a subjective thing, but I kinda hate
the app icon, which looks complicated and cluttered.  Your
single-penguin avatar would be a much nicer choice.

Enoch Soames

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread lanierb

andyg;364204 Wrote: 
> So I saw some posts about Rhapsody, the thing with this is that some
> Rhapsody items (and some on other services) have multiple functions. 
> You can either play an album, or navigate into it for more details such
> as the track listing, album reviews, etc.  Press-and-hold to play works
> in this case but it's not very obvious.
This is how mine works too.  The thing I don't understand about these
comments is how it's any different from the way the local library
works.  For the local library it's the same isn't it?  Clicking an
album descends and touch and hold plays.  What am I missing?


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Re: [slim] Working on VortexBox 0.2 need community input

2008-11-27 Thread upstatemike

I was wondering if there is a way to configure Vortexbox to be a
ripper/tagger only and run Squeezecenter on a different box? I have
sqeezecenter on a low power Eee Box that runs 24/7 but has no optical
drive. I would have no problem firing up another machine to do ripping
and tagging but I want to keep my low energy music server as is.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread radish

pippin;364212 Wrote: 
> Is it random beyong the first character or beyond the first word?
> The latter is a known error, I already fixed that for the next version.

Looks like just after the first word, thanks!


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread leehammond

This sounds like the problem I'm having (worked fine on first launch at
home; launched again outside my slimserver wifi area and now won't work
anymoere) but the forget server option isn't resetting like my first

App displays no player connected and quits automatically. Only if I
stop my slimserver from running then iPeng doesn't quit and I can try
adjusting the settings. Unfortunately none of the setting changes are
(autodetection or adding a server ip manually) are getting it running

Any suggestions? It worked so great the first time but I can't get it
running again.

pippin;363706 Wrote: 
> Actually there is one issue for which that "forget server" option in the
> settings is made.
> If you connect iPeng to a server and then move to another environment
> where the IP address of that server is actually valid, but there is no
> SqueezeCenter on that address, iPeng will not connect to another
> server.
> The reason for this behavior is, that I found out that talking to the
> server during the startup sequence causes a delay of up to 5s which is
> not acceptable for an iPhone app, so I just check whether the IP is
> valid.
> However, your server should still show up under the player and server
> list on the MultiPlayer control where you can select it.
> If you turn that "forget server" option on, iPeng will always look for
> a server from scratch when starting up, which in a WiFi environment
> will take below one secons, but can make you connect to the wrong
> server by default when you have more than one server. That's why it is
> disabled by default.
> Of course...


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Re: [slim] Compilation albums

2008-11-27 Thread Philip Meyer

MrSinatra;364217 Wrote: 
> Phils suggestion is what he and i would like SC to do, it doesn't do it
> yet.
Yes, I was merely suggesting an alternative future enhancement.

MrSinatra;364217 Wrote: 
> i'm not sure how albums are sorted once you browse to a certain artist
> under home > artists.  maybe alphabetical with comps at the end?  i
> don't know.  but it may or may not be possible to change th way it is
> currently, unless they modify the code.
Exactly the same as Browse Albums, except you only see albums relating
to the artist that you have chosen.

i.e. you get the same sort options, and artwork.  In fact it shares the
same sort and artwork setting, which I find a bit of a pain, in that I
often Browse Albums in alphabetical order, but when browsing albums
through Browse Artists, I order by year.

So you can select a sort order of "Artist, album" and compilation
albums should be grouped together under the configured VA name (by
default "Various Artists").

Philip Meyer

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Re: [slim] Compilation albums

2008-11-27 Thread MrSinatra

Phils suggestion is what he and i would like SC to do, it doesn't do it

i'm not sure how albums are sorted once you browse to a certain artist
under home > artists.  maybe alphabetical with comps at the end?  i
don't know.  but it may or may not be possible to change th way it is
currently, unless they modify the code.

Squeezebox2 (primary) / SBR (secondary) / SBC - w/SC 7.3b - Win XP Pro
SP3 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - D-Link DIR-655

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Re: [slim] customer support?

2008-11-27 Thread pippout

well finally a response!
above is the question reference and your response to me contains my
previous attempts to get support


I want to first apologize for the delay in response. 

I saw your thread on the forums and looked you up in our system. 

It seems as though your incidents have gotten lost in our ticket

Can I ask how exactly you sent in your requests?

On regards to your issue, could you please describe the problem you are
having with your Duet? 
Customer (Philip Chadwick) 11/21/2008 04:01 AM 
your customer support is crap 
Auto-Response 11/21/2008 04:01 AM 
This is an autoresponse message. We have received your support request
and will be responding soon.

Customer (Philip Chadwick) 11/12/2008 05:54 AM 
what do i have to do to get a response?? 
Auto-Response 11/12/2008 05:54 AM 
This is an autoresponse message. We have received your support request
and will be responding soon.

Customer (Philip Chadwick) 11/01/2008 09:26 AM 
anyone there?? 
Auto-Response 11/01/2008 09:26 AM 
This is an autoresponse message. We have received your support request
and will be responding soon.

Customer (Philip Chadwick) 10/25/2008 07:31 AM 
just installing - the boom is connecting ok, internet radio working,
mp3s playing of pc but i am getting no pin to access squeeze network 
Auto-Response 10/25/2008 07:31 AM 
This is an autoresponse message. We have received your support request
and will be responding soon.

Question Reference #081025-002460 
Product Level 1:  Logitech 
Product Level 2:  Wireless Music Systems 
Product Level 3:  Squeezebox Boom 
Date Created:  10/25/2008 07:31 AM 
Last Updated:  11/26/2008 12:55 PM 
Status:  Waiting 
Operating System:  Windows XP 
Slim Software:  SqueezeNetwork 
Version:  xx.x.x 


i would point ou my name is incorrectly spelled and i don't understand
the reference to my "duet"??
the original problem is mentioned above - namely that i never got a pin
to access squeeze network tho' the system does appear to work - if i am
short of some content i am unaware what it is because it isn't there
(if you see what i mean)
the other attempts i made to get support were directly through the
website email techsupport form - a second problem arose when the device
kept insisting it had an unfinished update but failed to respond to its
own advice of scrolling back etc, i submitted 3 webforms with no
response and then began to get annoyed


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread Mark Lanctot

peter;364149 Wrote: 
> You could control the result with an ipod touch, and end up with a fully
> functional SD music network *without* any SD hardware ;)

Gee, wouldn't that be nice.  :-/

At some point there is an obligation to support the company that
started all this and made it all open.

I guess how Logitech can insure it won't happen is to make sure the
players are competitive (or better) than anything else out there.

Mark Lanctot

Current: SB2, Transporter, Boom (PQP3 - late beta)
Stored: Boom (PQP1 - early beta), SBC (beta - no battery)
Sold: SB3, Duet

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

andyg;364204 Wrote: 
> So I saw some posts about Rhapsody, the thing with this is that some
> Rhapsody items (and some on other services) have multiple functions. 
> You can either play an album, or navigate into it for more details such
> as the track listing, album reviews, etc.  Press-and-hold to play works
> in this case but it's not very obvious.

Yes, that's what I suspected, too.
The problem here is, that I can just do a general UI concept because I
don't know in advance what plugin developers make out of it (remember:
XMLBrowser is not only used for "official" plugins).

So here's what iPeng's UI concept for XMLBrowser is (it's quite

- If an item is playable, Touch-And-Hold will play it.
- If an item is descendable, iPeng will descend into it, if the list is
shorter than 100 items, then it will also show an ">" to the right to
indicate it will descend.
- If the item is playable but not descendable, iPeng will play it if
clicked, if the item does NOT have an image to the left, it will show
an "|>" to indicate this.

There's little way around this, because Radios behave differently.
On some, pretty high level menus are already playable (effectivly
representing a playlist) so reversing the actions (touch-and-hold to
descend) is not a good option - you don't want a menu that plays by
default instead of descending.
As far as I can see, at least for Rhapsody the visual indications are
there, that's why I obviously guessed right from the images :-)


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

radish;364207 Wrote: 
> I read a few comments about sorting in the presence of ALBUMSORT tags. I
> have a more basic issue - my album names aren't in order. I don't have
> any ALBUMSORT tags, and although they all seem to be grouped by first
> character properly (so all the A's are together, etc) - beyond that
> it's random. This makes it pretty hard to find anything :)  
> Ideas?

Is it random beyong the first character or beyond the first word?
The latter is a known error, I already fixed that for the next version.


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread radish

peter;364149 Wrote: 
> Yeah, it's a bit of a nuisance that you have to buy the app in order to
> test it
Agreed 100%, but that's an Apple issue. I'd love it (and almost
certainly buy more apps) if the apps came with free demos. Something
similar to Xbox Live Arcade would work well IMHO.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread radish

I read a few comments about sorting in the presence of ALBUMSORT tags. I
have a more basic issue - my album names aren't in order. I don't have
any ALBUMSORT tags, and although they all seem to be grouped by first
character properly (so all the A's are together, etc) - beyond that
it's random. This makes it pretty hard to find anything :)  



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread andyg

So I saw some posts about Rhapsody, the thing with this is that some
Rhapsody items (and some on other services) have multiple functions. 
You can either play an album, or navigate into it for more details such
as the track listing, album reviews, etc.  Press-and-hold to play works
in this case but it's not very obvious.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

vrobin;364195 Wrote: 
> @Pippin:
> Maybe it's time for you to enhance pinguinlovesmusic site with a FAQ
> and a bugtracker with "enhancement/wishlist" category ;) (I vote for
> random play in the wishlist)
> Robin
Yes, I'll open up the trac site, which has a bugtracker.
Just need some time for all this...


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread vrobin

bodajmac;364166 Wrote: 
> hi pippin,
> another query for you (you must be exhausted fielding all these support
> questions!)

Maybe it's time for you to enhance pinguinlovesmusic site with a FAQ
and a bugtracker with "enhancement/wishlist" category ;) (I vote for
random play in the wishlist)



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Husted

pippin;364154 Wrote: 
> If even skipping causes hangs I suspect something is seriously wrong
> with your IP stack.

All other program seems to behave correctly, wouldn't it be odd that
iPeng would be the only program to trigger an error in the iPhones
internals? I cannot be the only one with a jailbreaked device, it must
be something specific to my setup. 
Anyway, I'll try to update the SqueezeCenter to latest release, open up
my firewall etc.
I don't know how iPeng controls the server, via the CLI? Then if I can
telnet to my server from my iPhone then the connection should be ok? 

Anything else I could test to hunt this bug down?


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Re: [slim] Can't remote stream files with special characters

2008-11-27 Thread 4mula1

radish;364091 Wrote: 
> To be honest, I wouldn't bother. If it continues to be an issue with
> SqueezePlay then that's a different matter!

Agreed.  The only way I found the problem was by doing a search for
Queensryche.  It turned up four threads (!) and this was one of them. 
I had to try it for myself and found it only seemed affect Softsqueeze.
Otherwise I'm not sure I would've found it for quite some time.


SqueezeCenter 7.2.1 + Solaris 10 x86: Because everything else would've
been easy!
'4mula1 on' (

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Re: [slim] Integrating MusicIP and SqueezeCentre

2008-11-27 Thread Philip Meyer

wreford;364173 Wrote: 
> I did try to re-enter music folder in Squeezecentre last night but the
> problem I now have is that the Squeezecentre is no longer recognising
> my external (NAS) drive, which I have mapped as G:\
The important thing to remember is that music path that MusicIP scans
for files should be exactly the same as the SC library path.  eg. if
you mounted the NAS drive as G:\ and added that path into MusicIP, then
SC's music library should be set to read the files through exactly the
same path, otherwise it will think they are different files and not be
mixable (and maybe cause duplicated files in SC - if you have the
MusicIP plugin set to read all music data, rather than just look for
mixable status).

Philip Meyer

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Re: [slim] Integrating MusicIP and SqueezeCentre

2008-11-27 Thread wreford

>Does everything work using Squeezecenter? Can you play music through
your >squeezecenter? Can you play using musicip? If so I would check
>configuration between squeezecenter and transporter. 
>Are you certain the musicip plugin and sugarcube work with

Steve - I think the Transporter works the same as Squeezbox, it just
has a bit fancier hardware inside - but I also have a squeezebox in the
bedroom and that has the same problem - as does the SoftSqueeze which I
downloaded last night to test (that's the virtual squeezebox that plays
on the laptop).  It all works fine if I just use MusicIP and play
through my laptop speakers.  The Transporter/Squeezebox were working
fine until I cleared the library folder path and re-scanned the
library, importing from MusicIP.  This apparently successfully
repopulated the library with the crucial M logo but they just won't

>Would suggest a call to support if you don't get a response from
someone more knowledgable than me. 

I tried calling them last night but unfortunately it's a US toll-free
number and since I'm in the UK it kept hanging up on me.  For some
reason the support pages don't list an international IDD number.  Tried
sending them an e-mail but no response yet...  another 4 hours down the
drain last night - should listening to music be this complicated?!


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Re: [slim] Junk TEMP folders & files from SC?

2008-11-27 Thread Michael Herger
> Is there a way to get SC/ActivePerl to clean up after itself?

They're not deleted to improve startup times. It's kind of a cache. But  
you shouldn't see that many copies of it.

That said we've been considering disabling this behaviour, as it can lead  
to startup issues after upgrades.

> Is it safe to delete these files?

Yes: shut down SC and the tray icon, then you can wipe all those folders.
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[slim] Junk TEMP folders & files from SC?

2008-11-27 Thread Scally

Am using SC7.2.1, on XP Pro, and have noticed that my folder
C:\Documents and Settings\Pascal\Local Settings\Temp\ contains a vast
number of sub-directories labelled pdk-Pascal-xyz, at least 50 folders'

I believe it is related to SC because inside each is a sub-folder
containing a file called lanman.dll which on a google search is linked
to ActivePerl, which I guess is used by SC. Perhaps it is not SC itself
that is creating these files then.

Is there a way to get SC/ActivePerl to clean up after itself? Is it
safe to delete these files?



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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread cakes

peter;364149 Wrote: 
> radish wrote:[color=blue]
> That way I can play music *and* movie sound over the same pair of 
> powered speakers, which would be very nice. Kind of a Video Squeezebox!
> (someone already wrote a non-playing browsing client: 
> )
> You could control the result with an ipod touch, and end up with a
> fully 
> functional SD music network *without* any SD hardware ;)

That is what I do today. I have an Hauppauge MVP with mvpmc
( software on it. This comes with a slimserver client
which can be controlled with the MVP remote or the iPeng app, just like
a normal SB. Admittedly, the MVP is a bit of outdated hardware and I
think of buying a popcorn hour in the future. So I hope that SB client
for the NMT really evolves 



Server : Squeezecentre 7.1 on Windows XP-SP2 on P4-2.8
Plugins: biography - itunesupdate - squeezescrobbler - trackstat
Control: iPeng 1.0
Players: Hauppauge Mediamvp (mclient 2.2 on mvpmc) (2x) - Pinnacle
Soundbridge Homemusic

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Re: [slim] Integrating MusicIP and SqueezeCentre

2008-11-27 Thread wreford

>Did you try using the MusicIP web interface to find mixable tracks?
>This should show how many tracks are in MusicIP and how many are
mixable. T

Philip,  I'm at work so need to check later, but I'm pretty sure that
it showed something like 2,800/3,400 tracks were mixable.  The mixing
certainly works in MusicIP and on SpiceFly's headless interface. 

>>One of the things I had to do to get it to work was to leave the
>>Folder in squeezecenter settings blank and rescan.
>I really wouldn't recommend that. I think that was only suggested by
>support to fix issues with songs being duplicated in the library.
However, >it is much better to retrieve music via SqueezeCenter's
scanner, and use >MusicIP just for identifying mixable tracks.

I did try to re-enter music folder in Squeezecentre last night but the
problem I now have is that the Squeezecentre is no longer recognising
my external (NAS) drive, which I have mapped as G:\ - it was fine
before, but I can now only select drives on my laptop (C:\ and D:\). 
I'll try and delete the caches and then see if a reconfigure will
re-reveal the G:\ music files drive.  Thanks for the advice, I'll let
you know how I get on (no doubt another evening down the drain
tinkering with it).


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread bodajmac

hi pippin,

another query for you (you must be exhausted fielding all these support
questions!) - for albums which span multiple discs and have discnumber
tags, would it be possible to enhance the albums screen to insert a
divider between different discs eg Disc 1, Disc 2 etc?  

really enjoying the app so far and finding more to love each time i use



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Re: [slim] Squidgy for iPhone now available in Apple App Store

2008-11-27 Thread idowantapickle

lanierb;363527 Wrote: 
> As for the server scan time, I bought the iPeng app and it started
> working instantaneously, so I don't know what that's about.

Squidgy builds a local database up on first run or on each refresh so
that the main browsing functionality is always responsive.  We've also
got a big improvement to the scan times going through testing right


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Re: [slim] change cache location

2008-11-27 Thread Siduhe

Telling us which OS you are running might be an idea.  If Windows, see
below.  If Linux, you can probably work it out from the Windows
suggestion anyway. ;-)


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (
"-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...-" (c) 'ModelCitizen'

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

SJobson;364153 Wrote: 
> 1. Could we have the option to browse by year please?
Err..well..yes. Will do that some day, nobody asked so far... maybe one
of the next releases, it's quite simple
> 2. Random playlist would be great - however, it would need to respect
> my Squeezecentre settings which exclude podcasts.
Will come..
> 3. How do I get to the track position slider?  This is clearly user
> ignorance because I have trouble getting to it on the iPod app too...

Oh, I can help with that: Tap on the big cover art... In both apps.


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

Husted;364150 Wrote: 
> iPeng does find my server, it's just really slow at times.
> But iPeng still crashes Springboard. It seems like iPeng is hanging so
> hard that a watchdog kicks in a does the Springboard reset.
> When iPeng hangs nothing will allow me to regain control over the
> iPhone. Clicking the Home button has no effect, only a hard reset
> helps. 
> iPeng starts okay and shows the artwork that's currently playing.
> However any interaction will cause it to hang hard; skipping song,
> changing volume etc.
> Any idea how I can debug this?

Sorry, I don't have any jailbroken devices anymore so I cannot
reproduce this. I assume the jailbreak may make iPeng run with root
privileges or something or it changed prioritizations, I don't know.
I haven't heard of any cases of full hanging with regular devices.
Do you have a large library (>2.000 albums)? Maybe the next update will
help you that will put the sorting in the background.
If even skipping causes hangs I suspect something is seriously wrong
with your IP stack.


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread SJobson

I love it :)  I was only using the iPeng web app very occasionally
because I found it too slow, but this solves that problem at a stroke. 
It's also the first app I've ever paid for.

Couple of queries:
1. Could we have the option to browse by year please?
2. Random playlist would be great - however, it would need to respect
my Squeezecentre settings which exclude podcasts.
3. How do I get to the track position slider?  This is clearly user
ignorance because I have trouble getting to it on the iPod app too...


Mac Mini - Squeezebox 3 - MF X-Dac V8 - MF XT-100 - Spendor S5e

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[slim] change cache location

2008-11-27 Thread raven22

I read somewhere on the forum how to change the location of the cache
files. But i cannot find it anymore.
How do i do this?


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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Husted

Husted;363876 Wrote: 
> hmm.. hard to say but my guess would be more than one minute. I'll
> delete my server and try again.

iPeng does find my server, it's just really slow at times.
But iPeng still crashes Springboard. It seems like iPeng is hanging so
hard that a watchdog kicks in a does the Springboard reset.
When iPeng hangs nothing will allow me to regain control over the
iPhone. Clicking the Home button has no effect, only a hard reset

iPeng starts okay and shows the artwork that's currently playing.
However any interaction will cause it to hang hard; skipping song,
changing volume etc.

Any idea how I can debug this?


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Re: [slim] Slim Devices' crocodile in the bathtub

2008-11-27 Thread Peter
radish wrote:
> I'm not going to weigh in on SBC vs ipod (they both have their pros &
> cons) but I did want to address the question about third party vs first
> party apps. Personally, the number and quality of third party apps for
> controlling SC is a great demonstration of the openness and
> extendability of the platform. I'd much rather have 3 or 4 or 5
> commercially supported apps to choose from than be stuck with the one
> "official" one which gets released and then not updated for 2 years. As
> far as I'm concerned an open platform with a thriving third party
> development community is a huge win for the users.

Yeah, it's a bit of a nuisance that you have to buy the app in order to 
test it, but having supported applications that create some revenue for 
the makers is a big plus. I'm pretty tired of having plugins break on me 
whenever I upgrade to a new SC version. With a commercial app there's at 
least a good chance the developers will provide timely fixes.

I recently bought a HDX-1000 media server for playing video's. That's a 
reasonably open $219 device (similar to the popcorn hour). I suppose 
someone could write an SB client for it, effectively turning it into an 
SBR. That way I can play music *and* movie sound over the same pair of 
powered speakers, which would be very nice. Kind of a Video Squeezebox! 
(someone already wrote a non-playing browsing client: )

You could control the result with an ipod touch, and end up with a fully 
functional SD music network *without* any SD hardware ;)



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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

After a day? Are you kidding ;-)


see iPeng at

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread DeVerm

So, Pippin, tell us: are you rich yet? ;-)



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Re: [slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-27 Thread Phil Meyer
Also, browse into the album in the WebUI, and look at all of the information 
that it lists on the screen.  Also look at a specific song for song information.

Check that it really does say "Album Artist: U2", for example.
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Re: [slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-27 Thread Phil Meyer
Some other questions that will help identify your problem:

1. What version of SqueezeCenter are you using?
2.  Have you done a full rescan after playing with the SC library setting 
3. What type of file tags have you stored in your FLAC files?  I'd recommend 
that you try openening some of the files in Mp3Tag and checking that you only 
have FLAC tags and not id3 tags, etc.
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Re: [slim] Album Sorting - Confusion, Flaws, and an unclear path forward

2008-11-27 Thread Phil Meyer
>-Every single file has a defined ARTISTSORT, ALBUMSORT, and ALBUMARTIST
>tag, along with the expected standard title, artist, track, disc, etc. 
>No compilation tags exist
I don't understand - you have album artists and no compilations, but you talk 
about compilation albums not being displayed correctly.

What makes you think that you have compilations, if you haven't added 
compilation tags, and have added album artists to every album?

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Re: [slim] Integrating MusicIP and SqueezeCentre

2008-11-27 Thread Phil Meyer
Did you try using the MusicIP web interface to find mixable tracks?


This should show how many tracks are in MusicIP and how many are mixable.  
There are various other buttons available for testing MusicIP on this screen.
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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

mherger;364135 Wrote: 
> >
> >
> > Yours :-)
> >
> > there's also this one:
> >
> Hmmm... these are about the broken page bar. Little related to the CLI 
> queries you're using?
> Michael

Read my comments.
It's actually the same issue.


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Re: [slim] Integrating MusicIP and SqueezeCentre

2008-11-27 Thread Phil Meyer
>One of the things I had to do to get it to work was to leave the Music
>Folder in squeezecenter settings blank and rescan.
I really wouldn't recommend that.  I think that was only suggested by support 
to fix issues with songs being duplicated in the library.  However, it is much 
better to retrieve music via SqueezeCenter's scanner, and use MusicIP just for 
identifying mixable tracks.

There are reasons for this:
1. MusicIP can't understand as many formats as the SC scanner.
2. MusicIP doesn't understand tags as well as SC.
3. MusicIP does weird stuff with missing tags.  eg. ALBUM=Miscellaneous if you 
haven't got an album tag.

In new versions of the SqueezeCenter MusicIP plugin, it can be configured to 
only look for the mixable status of a track, and not read all tag information 
into the SC library.  This avoids the above problems, but more importantly it 
scans a lot faster.

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread Michael Herger
> Yours :-)
> there's also this one:

Hmmm... these are about the broken page bar. Little related to the CLI  
queries you're using?

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Re: [slim] iPeng Application 1.0 now on the App Store

2008-11-27 Thread pippin

mherger;364127 Wrote: 
> Are you sorting locally? You shouldn't ;-)

Gimme index info and I will happily stop sorting...
Wait a moment... that means I have to read the data twice... hmmm
> Do you remember the bug number?

Of course I do:

Yours :-)

there's also this one:


see iPeng at

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