RE: [slim] Re: Who are you on LastFM?

2006-02-23 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I hope everyone has joined the SlimScobbler group as well?
There we already have our own charts etc.


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RE: [slim] Re: Remote Looks Sloppy but Isn't!

2006-02-23 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 Now, about that glossy remote ...

Isn't that just a protective sheet of plastic? It should peel off..


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RE: [slim] Re: question

2006-02-15 Thread Craig, James (IT)
  This sounds great but where can I download a IR 
 folder only
  contains default,jvc_dvd, and Slim_devices_Remote.
  I tried just copying and editing but I dont know what to
  edit it with--note pad looks like a mess with some square 
 boxes at the
  end of functions and I dont want to mess it up ;)

Wordpad will edit this (and all other SlimServer files) correctly.


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RE: [slim] Re: question

2006-02-14 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Thanks! I shall add these notes to my web page.

Don't you have to do

arrow_right = dead
arrow_right.single = whatever arrow_right was before
arrow_right.hold = lastfm_skip

To remove the initial command?


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RE: [slim] Re: iTunes and slimserver not co-operating!

2006-02-13 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Hi David,
You should enable the d_itunes debugging option and then force a rescan.
Then check the SlimServer log to see exactly what's going on...


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RE: [slim] Re: NY times/ Pandora

2006-02-10 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 Nice! Pogue's a big name in the Mac world, 

Really? I thought it was a pretty poor article technically.
Was anyone else amused by this line?

Four kinds of audio-output connectors are provided, including RCA (red
and white) and digital outputs (optical and coax).


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RE: [slim] Re: NY times/ Pandora

2006-02-09 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I'm guessing this won't be available to non-US users beyond the free
You can lie on the registration about your location but then that won't
match up with your CC billing address.


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RE: [slim] Re: NY times/ Pandora

2006-02-09 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 if for example...a non-geographic email address (e.g. and the only zipcode I know (90125 ;-) the 
 Pandora licensing hasn't been explicitly broken...

And how will you pay for the subscription required for the SlimServer

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RE: [slim] Re: NY times/ Pandora

2006-02-09 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 A buddy who lives in the states or paypal?  

I couldn't find any details about what methods of payment they take
without signing up.

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I think this is great news for SlimDevices! 
This is exactly the sort of thing they need to differentiate from the

Hopefully Rhapsody will come good on their promise to provide the
service outside of the US.
It's always frustrating to see these services (Rhapsody as well)
unavailable elsewhere...


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RE: [slim] 6.2.1 Now Playing Gets Stuck

2006-02-08 Thread Craig, James (IT)

Please vote for this - it really needs fixing and it seems like kdf has
identified the cause.


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RE: [slim] Re: Control SlimServer _from_ iTunes

2006-02-06 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Should work with any kind of SlimServer client.


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-02-02 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Wow. I'm impressed it works!

Unfortunately I don't think there's anything to be done about the delay
- the script checks what iTunes is doing once a second already, so I
guess most of the delay comes in from SlimServer cueing up the file and
any buffering done in the Squeezebox.


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RE: [slim] Tired of turning squeebox on/off

2006-02-02 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I have this problem myself - would be interested in knowing if there's a

My wireless SBG always needs restarting to see SlimServer.
SB2 wired to router reconnects by itself.

SS 6.2.2 on XP connected wirelessly to Linksys Router.


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RE: [slim] How to trun off Screensaver?

2006-02-01 Thread Craig, James (IT)
You can change the screensaver from both.
In SlimServer's web interface, go to player settings for the
appropriate player (if you have more than one), then scroll down to
It's in pretty much the same place in the player menus.


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RE: [slim] Should crossfading work with synchronised players?

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Sounds like this bug:
Now Playing out of sync with what's really playing


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)

 This won't help, but I've 
used the Mac program Airfoil to redirect any audio from my Mac to an Airport 
Express. Works real nice with
Well,it would help if Pankaj had a Mac -we're getting 

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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)

Ah ha!
windows tool to redirect to Airport Express- written 
by the infamous DVD Jon...
windows tool for capturing soundcard 

add the two together

Run Softsqueeze on theAirport 
capture the output  redirect to Airport 
Control Softsqueeze from any Squeezebox using Shadowplay 


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RE: [slim] Should crossfading work with synchronised players?

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Don't worry it does occur on 6.2/Windows!

I have added my vote - always forget about that, although I wonder if
anyone ever looks at the votes?


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Yes, that did sound quite tricky. Also it doesn't seem to be possible to
capture the sound indefinitely, a time period is required.

Anyway, followiTunes is done as-is: 
it's not supposed to be a plugin, because your SlimServer might not be
on the same machine as iTunes.

Really, installing Perl and double clicking on the script should be all
you need to do.

Give it a go and I suspect you'll realise it's not quite what you want!


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
The MSI should open in Windows installer and do everything
If you're on XP I think you should already have the right version of
Windows Installer.

I wouldn't recommend the .as package as I used this last and it wasn't
as complete as the MSI.


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Ah! OK In theory...

Open up the script in notepad.
Firstly is the SlimServer host the same as your SlimServer host? 
If not, you need to replace the $server_address variable with the
correct IP address.
Secondly, you need to enter the MAC Address of the squeezebox to control
in the $player variable.

Save the changes and double click the script. 
You'll get the DOS box come up and it should say something about
connecting to iTunes (you should be running this on the iTunes host),
iTunes will open if it wasn't already running.

Then try playing a track in iTunes that SlimServer also knows about...


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Correction !

 Firstly is the SlimServer host the same as your iTunes host? 
 If not, you need to replace the $server_address variable with the
 correct IP address.


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-26 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Hi Pankaj,
Unfortunately the followiTunes script is only written for Windows!
I think it also does the reverse of what you want - ie it makes
SlimServer play whatever iTunes is playing.


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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-26 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Ah sorry, I had somehow got the impression you were a mac user from the
reference to airport!

I suppose it is what you want then, although the SB will actually be
playing music!

Therefore if you want to run the script you would need to install
ActiveState Perl (which is free),
Then you'd just run it - double click should work after the Perl

I must warn you I never spent a lot of time testing it!


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RE: [slim] Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
It's not entirely clear quite what you need here but...

Have you looked at the 'shadowplay' plugin? This allows you to control
remote SlimServer clients.
I'm not sure if it would work on a stream-only client though.

I also think it would be possible to write a plugin for controlling
iTunes from SlimServer (using applescript (OSX) or OLE (windows)), and
relaying the playback info. But it doesn't exist at present...

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RE: [slim] Re: Syncing with iTunes/Airtunes/Airport

2006-01-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
The only real solution is to buy another squeezebox!

If this isn't an option it seems like you can still theoretically do it
2 ways...
1) stream Slimserver - iTunes - Airport Express. Control/view
SlimServer stream via (Shadowplay?) SlimServer plugin.
2) stream iTunes - Airport Express. Control/View iTunes via SlimServer
(yet to be created) plugin


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RE: [slim] iTunes Podcasts listings - easily accessed

2006-01-20 Thread Craig, James (IT)
On default at least, when using iTunes integration there is an 'iTunes
Podcasts' item on the home page  player menus that goes directly to the
podcast list!


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RE: [slim] Re: Great Review in PCFormat

2006-01-20 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 I fell in love with Itunes music server and how EZ it is to arrange,
 sort, create playlists quickly and intuitively with Roku. Now I am
 painfully and excruciatingly trying to do the same in Slimserver, with
 every mouse clicks result in webpage refresh, no way to sort,
 alphabetize, group songs according to Artist/Composer/Genre since I am
 strictly a WAV. file users w/ no Metadata supports. 

You know you can integrate SlimServer with iTunes? It's not quite as
immediate as with Roku, as you'll need to rescan the iTunes library
after creating a new playlist to make it available in iTunes. If you
have a lot of existing playlists though, they'll be available all the

Alternatively if you're a Windows user, have a look at Moose which is a
windows GUI which I believe does what you want.


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RE: [slim] Re: Unable to play XFM radio feed

2006-01-20 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 I can play the standard xfm stream on windows media player 
 for mac, but not as a stream in iTunes.  Could this be a LAME issue?
It's a wma stream so it's unlikely to work in iTunes!


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RE: [slim] Converting SlimServer Playlists to ITunes Playlists...

2006-01-17 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I know that there's an option to import m3u files to iTunes - have you
tried this with the SlimServer files? ( I've never used it myself.)

Alternatively my iTunesUpdate plugin can save the current playlist
directly to iTunes, as long as you're running both SlimServer  iTunes
on the same XP box...


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RE: [slim] Re: Converting SlimServer Playlists to ITunes Playlists...

2006-01-17 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Unfortunately the guy who wrote the iTunes Update OSX code for me
couldn't get it to work on saving the playlists!

But as you're on OSX, have you seen this applescript to do what you're


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RE: [slim] Re: Converting SlimServer Playlists to ITunes Playlists...

2006-01-17 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I think the problem is that iTunes doesn't do what you expect when given
an m3u. 
It appears it just loads all the tracks from the m3u into the library
and plays them.
Now, I assume that wtbates already has all the tracks in his library, so
it probably doesn't appear to do anything!

Possibly the m3u files will need some massaging regardless to match
iTunes' point of view though...


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RE: [slim] Re: Feature request: alarm volume ramping

2006-01-12 Thread Craig, James (IT)
You can make changes to the files in the Plugin subdirectory as they are
read on startup.
Changes anywhere else will require using perl script
rather than the pre-compiled slim.exe


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RE: [slim] iTune and Slimserver on Different PCs?

2006-01-11 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Hi Wei,
SlimServer doesn't use iTunes 'sharing' feature. 
You would need to mount your windows laptop as a drive on your Linux
(I'm not sure how you would do this, most people are usually looking for
the reverse setup)

For full iTunes support in SlimServer you need to make sure both the
iTunes Library XML file and the music itself are available to
SlimServer. But the file paths are unlikely to match what's in iTunes so
this may not even work.

Alternatively maybe you could run 2 SlimServer installations, one on the
laptop, one on the Linux box?
I believe in SB2/SB3 it's relatively easy to switch between SlimServers.


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RE: [slim] Connecting to KFOX radio in CA ..?

2006-01-11 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Have you tried these URLs?


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RE: [slim] SB3 wont play tunes ripped from Itunes collection

2006-01-11 Thread Craig, James (IT)
The squeezebox can't play aac directly, so do you have quicktime
installed to convert them into wavs?
You will also need the lame binaries to convert back to mp3 if you have
bitrate limiting enabled.

If not, you should be able to find the details in the wiki or faq...


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RE: [slim] Re: SB3 wont play tunes ripped from Itunes collection

2006-01-11 Thread Craig, James (IT)
SlimServer will handle the conversions for you once the required
software is installed.
(you won't be able to fast-forward or rewind though)


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RE: [slim] Severe lag when running slim.exe

2006-01-06 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I would suspect that iTunes Update plugin is actually working when you
run slim.exe and hence triggering constant iTunes library rescans.
Setting the iTunes reload interval to 0 is the right thing to do, but
you may still have to wait for an initial scan to complete if SlimServer
is in the middle of one/never completed one.

Let me know if that doesn't fix the problem.


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RE: [slim] Re: SlimServer on XBOX ?

2006-01-06 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I have been reading your mails with interest as I have just acquired a
2nd hand xbox on ebay.

The one thing I don't understand clearly yet is that if I wish to:
A) retain the ability to play xbox games (not interested in xbox live),
B) run Linux (including replacing the hard drive)

- the only option is to get a mod chip fitted?

The xbox-linux site seems keen to steer you away from that choice, but
it seems the only one that allows for changing the hard drive?


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RE: [slim] Re: Nested Folders in Playlists?

2005-12-21 Thread Craig, James (IT)
There is a bug open for this

You can add your address for updates and vote for it...


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RE: [slim] Browsing No Album by Artist or Genre

2005-12-21 Thread Craig, James (IT)

I got my SS to behave by changing the Filter genres at the album 
track level. setting, but this did not work for everyone on the bug
above. There's definitely a problem here...


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RE: [slim] Re: Enhancement request: Full support for iTunes Dynamicplaylists

2005-12-19 Thread Craig, James (IT)
You know I was sure I added a hint to use cmdow somewhere but I seem not

There were instructions on the service matter already on the website


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RE: [slim] Re: How does Slimserver actually use iTunes?

2005-12-12 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Are the sound dropouts from iTunes on XP? 
There's a setting somewhere in the Quicktime properties called SafeMode
that should fix this.

I'm getting increasingly fed up with iTunes. 

Using 100% CPU time while checking for Podcast updates is outrageous!
Anyone know if this is fixed in 6.0 ? (Or any reason not to upgrade)


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RE: [slim] Re: NEW iTunes Playlists Not Appearing

2005-12-12 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Seems like a lot of people have been reporting this recently.
There is a bug open at the moment
That you may wish to contribute to or keep an eye on.

With so many people having the same problem it's difficult to know what
to suggest,
but try enabling the d_itunes debugging option, start a new scan and
check the log for errors...


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RE: [slim] Re: Being returned to Now Playing

2005-11-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Maybe it's the other one that needs renaming?
I'd imagine everyone expects a screensaver to return to the original
position when woken up.


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RE: [slim] Re: Now Playing shows last song

2005-11-24 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Bug 2510.


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RE: [slim] Re: Problem with tracks that have no 'album' data

2005-11-23 Thread Craig, James (IT)
That's not a bug I believe, you're supposed to put the shared album name
in the 'common album titles' preference.

But can one put 'No Album' in this list?

If so I guess that solves the problem. I will try that tonight.

I would suggest that should be done by default though...


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RE: [slim] Re: Problem with tracks that have no 'album' data

2005-11-23 Thread Craig, James (IT)

No it isdefinitely aproblem, Aaron's 
explanation a few messages earlier describedit 
(Talking specifically about the 'no album' case here. If I 
have albums with shared names I rename them to be unique)

I've just noticed as well, that on the small library I have 
here, artists with only 'no album' tracks aren't even displayed in the browse 
artists list!


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RE: [slim] Playlists

2005-11-18 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 I have the playlist folder on the same device and the server settings 
 set to \\Rimmer1\music\MP3 Data\!Playlists which is obviously in a 
 different branch to the MP3s; there are quite a few playlists 
 in there. 

Can you post a sample of the entries from the playlists? 
Maybe the paths don't match up with what SlimServer is expecting.

You could also enable d_scan (I think, maybe d_parse?) debugging, start
a playlist-only rescan and check for errors in the log
(http://your server:9000/log.text) as well.


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RE: [slim] Re: 6.2.0 + iTunes + XP = No Work

2005-11-17 Thread Craig, James (IT)
It really sounds like you are not waiting for the initial iTunes scan to
I'd guess that is going to take at least 30 minutes if all goes well.

With the interval set to 0 there is no initial scan hence no problem
(but no iTunes interaction!)


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RE: [slim] Failure to tune Internet radio

2005-11-17 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I've just tried both Internet Radio pages in both ie and firefox on XP,
and all combinations worked.
This was with 6.2.1 so you might want to upgrade and see if this helps.


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RE: [slim] Re: 6.2.x unuseable for me

2005-11-17 Thread Craig, James (IT)
You don't need ActivePerl installed to SS run from the command line. 

Just run slim.exe instead.

Other than that, an excellent suggestion!


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MrC
 Sent: 17 November 2005 18:01
 Subject: [slim] Re: 6.2.x unuseable for me
 It might be worth your while to startup slimserver via command line so
 that you can capture any debug output.  You'll need ActivePerl though
 which you can download and installed.  Once installed, kill your
 running slimserver.  Then open a Windows command shell, 
 Start-Run and enter
 and hit Enter.
 The change directories
 cd \Program Files\SlimServer\server
 (or wherever your slimserver is installed).  The run:
 and minimize the command shell window.  If it crashes, you'll have
 output in the command shell window, that you can post here.
 MrC's Profile:
 View this thread:
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RE: [slim] Re: I love my Squeezebox, but it NEVER works perfectly

2005-11-15 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I think it is a common problem. 
It seems to be affecting Mac users more than XP users. Or maybe there
are just more iTunes users on Mac?

The iTunes rescan changed significantly from 5.4 6.2 and produces a
different performance profile than before.
It has to both parse the iTunes XML and scan the files, so much more
work than the filesystem scan only.
But it is now a lot more accurate in my experience, and you have the
option to only scan playlists.

For me, (10,000 songs on 2Ghz Xp box) the SlimServer is unlistenable
(although menus are usable) during the scan.

I'd recommend setting your automatic rescan interval to 0 (disabled) and
using the rescan plugin to schedule a daily rescan at a time you won't
be using the system.


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RE: [slim] itunes playlist not showing on SB2

2005-11-14 Thread Craig, James (IT)
A new installation should use iTunes if detected (and hence the
playlists) but this is not foolproof.

In the Server Settings page, is 'use iTunes' enabled?


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RE: [slim] Re: I love my Squeezebox, but it NEVER works perfectly

2005-11-14 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 When I disable the iTunes plugin it works perfectly.  but, it 
 no longer
 uses iTunes which I want it to use.  When I tell it to rescan 
 it reverts
 to not using iTunes.  When I switch it to use iTunes it plays 
 music for
 a few seconds then stops then picks back up.  What should I do?

Most likely the iTunes rescan is running. Music playback will be patchy
until this completes.

It can take a while depending on the size of your library so you may
want to adjust the iTunes rescan interval accordingly.
(otherwise SlimServer may just rescan iTunes continuously)


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RE: [slim] Re: How resource-hungry is SlimServer 6.x compared to 5.4.0?

2005-11-11 Thread Craig, James (IT)
It could be the library rescan.

Are you using the iTunes library and/or any plugins?


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RE: [slim] Re: Does upgrading Apache help? and how can i arrange thenew music view?

2005-11-11 Thread Craig, James (IT)
SlimServer doesn't use apache, it has it's own webserver.

But it will one day (that's what the roadmap says).


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RE: [slim] Re: Wake up slimserver (Wake-on LAN) through wireless network

2005-11-10 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I believe the WMA stream still goes via SlimServer, even if the SB2 is
decoding it?
Or are you talking about using Squeezenetwork?


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RE: [slim] Re: I love my Squeezebox, but it NEVER works perfectly

2005-11-07 Thread Craig, James (IT)
iTunes plugin = from iTunes
iTunes Update plugin = to iTunes


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RE: [slim] Wrong track info displayed

2005-11-07 Thread Craig, James (IT)
There is a bug open for this.

Any comments appreciated as it's not clear what causes this.


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RE: [slim] Re: iTunes tip

2005-11-07 Thread Craig, James (IT)
What are you doing to create the playlists by accident? Never seen this

I can make the key reassignment optional. 
Would you want the rating keys disabled as well?
This bit needs a bit of work anyway as you can't save playlists on the
Mac, but I still grab the key setting.


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RE: [slim] Re: iTunes tip

2005-11-07 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Actually it's holding down the play key that saves playlists!
I might remove the now-playing mapping for that - I doubt anyone uses it
often enough to be an annoyance!


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RE: [slim] iTunes tip

2005-11-04 Thread Craig, James (IT)
But Allan you can already do this... Don't tell me you didn't read the
readme file!!!

Set the iTunes rescan interval to 0 (no rescan) and use the Rescan
plugin to set a fixed time daily rescan.


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RE: [slim] iTunes tip

2005-11-03 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Yes, I do mention this in the readme file that comes with the plugin -
but it seems no-one ever READS it!

Maybe I should just force a change to the rescan interval if it's set to
the default...


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RE: [slim] Custom Navigation

2005-11-03 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Hi Sulvo,
I've written a plugin that allows you to put one of your playlists into
the 'Internet Radio' menu on the web page and player menus after a
couple of people asked for this. Just one playlist so far. RadioPlaylist plugin.

Really I think the SlimServer interface should allow you to do this as
I don't know if anyone's ever opened a bug on more flexible menu
configuration though.


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RE: [slim] Re: Custom Navigation

2005-11-03 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Indeed. That is an option but it's not very nice!

I'll probably have something ready next week...


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RE: [slim] itunes plugin windows, ss on linux

2005-11-02 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Yes, you can run the iTunes plugin from a Linux SlimServer, as long as
it can see the location of the iTunes Library XML file and the music
files. You'll need to copy the Library file over as a one-off if not.

This might end up being a lot of work for a party this weekend though!

There was mentioned a tool for creating .m3u playlists from iTunes
recently, this could be an alternative.
You may need to doctor the m3u files after creating them, so the paths
match the file locations on LINUX, but that should be easy.
I found this on Google but
I'm sure there are others.


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RE: [slim] Synchronization Questions From Newbie (sort a)

2005-11-02 Thread Craig, James (IT)
If you don't want any audio from the other player, you might be better
off with the ShadowPlay plugin,
Which mirrors the interface from another player. 

Then SlimServer's not doing the work associated with syncronising

That would be somewhat of a waste of a SB3 though!


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RE: [slim] slimserver never starts?

2005-11-01 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Sounds like the bug 1960 relating to failed installation of the
SlimServer service.

Try running this command

C:\program files\SlimServer\server\slim.exe -install

Or just reinstalling SlimServer


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RE: [slim] Re: Need Help with Poor Buffer Filling and Dropouts

2005-10-31 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Are you running any plugins?

I would check the performance at the server end while the dropouts occur
- it could be a burst of CPU usage from SlimServer itself rather than
any other process.

Not being a mac user I have no idea how you do this though...


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RE: [slim] Re: Is SS 6.2 ready for prime time?

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Almost certainly the missing service. 
Please run this command and see if it helps...

C:\program files\SlimServer\Server\Slim.exe -install

Bug 1960 and already discussed in the forum this week...


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RE: [slim] Re: Way to exclude specific folders?

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
SS doesn't care about the offical MP3 genre list. 
But I believe it is a bit flaky at picking up genre changes on existing
Have you checked the re-tagged files have the correct genre in SS?


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RE: [slim] Re: Way to exclude specific folders?

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
 Annoyingly, if the file has ID1.1  ID2.x tags, iTunes will 
 only update
 the 2.x tags. I then have to go into winamp and use the Copy 
 to ID1.1
 button to synch the tags.

Isn't there an iTunes option that deals with this? 
(Would check but I don't have iTunes installed here).
I've never had any problems with conflicting tags in my files.


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RE: [slim] slime.exe ok, but not slimtray

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Almost certainly the missing service. 
Please run this command and see if it helps...

C:\program files\SlimServer\Server\Slim.exe -install

Bug 1960 and already discussed in the forum this week...


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RE: [slim] Speed concerns

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
This is not normal!

Have you tried with any other file types?

I think that WMA Lossless with Softsqueeze might be a bit of a grey area
at the moment.


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RE: [slim] Otto's Baroque Musick: how to access it?

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)

It would be useful to tell us what on earth Otto's Baroque 
Musick is!


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RE: [slim] Re: Otto's Baroque Musick: how to access it?

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)

BTW I created a new page on the wiki to put the URLs for frequently
requested stations. 
Or maybe notes on why they won't work on SlimServer.

(Mainly because you can't search the forum for XFM and I always forget
the URL)


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RE: [slim] Re: Otto's Baroque Musick: how to access it?

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Nope. But I'm not fussy!

Isn't it an MP3 stream though? 

I'm not sure if that's relevant anyway - can WMA be streamed to all SB
models now? I lose track.


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RE: [slim] Tuning In To A Radio Station

2005-10-27 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I think that to listen to this station would require a plugin, like
However I would guess that they'll be less open to revealing all of the
details one would need to do so.


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RE: [slim] Re: SB3 on

2005-10-26 Thread Craig, James (IT)
The last thing I expect from gizmodo is accuracy!

To play devil's advocate, $100 will seem like a lot to the average
person for two products that do essentially the same thing.


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RE: [slim] Re: SB3 on

2005-10-26 Thread Craig, James (IT)
By the way it's even worse in the UK. £100 ($175) between the M1000 and the 
SB3. Ouch!

This new case may be more appealing to the 'average user' but the price 
certainly won't be.


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RE: [slim] Re: SB3 on

2005-10-26 Thread Craig, James (IT)
The first web site I found on google (it would pain me to provide a link where 
someone could buy one) was £136.16 for the SB1000  including the wireless 
adaptor. The SB3 is £236 on who usually have very competitive prices.

I'm not trying to promote the Roku product but this is a HUGE price difference 
- I actually had no idea before looking today. 
And I doubt very much the price will come down at all soon - how many outraged 
posts on the forum would that provoke!?


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RE: [slim] Re: SB3 on

2005-10-26 Thread Craig, James (IT)
No! you might buy one!


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RE: [slim] Re: SB3 on

2005-10-26 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I see there's a article up on the register now, where they think the
display is still character based... 
a bright, crisp 20 x 32 vacuum fluorescent display


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RE: [slim] 6.1 to 6.2 iTunes Library Problems

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
You should be able to access SlimServer already, but it will be a bit
sluggish until the rescan completes.

Full rescan of my iTunes library on 2Ghz XP, 9000-ish tracks takes 30-40


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RE: [slim] Squeezebox 3 in the UK

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Dean already said no SB3s at the MacExpo.

Shame, they probably could have sold as many as they could bring...


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RE: [slim] Re: 6.1 to 6.2 iTunes Library Problems

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Can you check there is a 'SlimServer' service installed?
(Services tool under Administrative Tools)

What are it's settings? 
Does the status change to 'starting' when you try to start SlimServer
(I'm guessing with the SlimTray tool?)

I would also try opening a command tool and running c:\program
files\SlimServer\Server\Slim.exe --d_info to see if anything
interesting happens. The --d_info flag (if I remember correctly) will
provide some feedback on any rescanning that may be happening.


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RE: [slim] Re: 6.1 to 6.2 iTunes Library Problems

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I have seen this mentioned before... 

I would run the installer again, it should have created the service the
first time, but it seems this doesn't always work.

Do you remember what the 'start automatically' option was set to when
you installed SlimServer the first time?


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RE: [slim] Re: 6.1 to 6.2 iTunes Library Problems

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Oh dear. I don't think you needed to uninstall.
For future reference the file you need to keep for all the settings is

But at least it's working eh?


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RE: [slim] SlimServer starting...

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Hi Ronny,
I'm guessing you don't have a SlimServer service installed?

This should get created automatically but there seems to be a problem

Try reinstalling SlimServer and this should create it.


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RE: [slim] SlimServer starting...

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
It seems there is an outstanding bug for this issue:

You should be able to create the missing service by running 
C:\program files\SlimServer\Server\Slim.exe -install


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RE: [slim] Re: SlimServer starting...

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
You upgraded from v6.1 ? 

The database schema has changed for 6.2 so a rescan is required.


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RE: [slim] Re: SlimServer starting...

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Indeed, there won't be, unless there is a major database change.

Which one would hope is unlikely this close to the official release.


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RE: [slim] Re: Announce: Third-generation Squeezebox, SlimServer 6.2

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
It's on engadget already and gizmodo does always seem to lag them a


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RE: [slim] Re: SlimServer starting...

2005-10-25 Thread Craig, James (IT)
That message never gets automatically updated! 
(cause of many complaints)

Try doing a refresh...


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RE: [slim] Interesting link in svn trunk

2005-10-24 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Oooh! Nice!


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RE: [slim] Interesting link in svn trunk

2005-10-24 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Ah I thought it would be unlike SlimDevices to make such a big slip-up.
Announcement today surely?

I'm hoping it's just the SB2 in a new box, then I'll have no reason to
be depressed.


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RE: [slim] Re: Interesting link in svn trunk

2005-10-24 Thread Craig, James (IT)
I like that the headphone socket has moved to the back, and the arial
has gone.
My SB2 looks rather untidy now I've an IR Blaster sticking out of the
headphone socket.

I don't like the extra height though!


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RE: [slim] Checkout the latest from SD

2005-10-24 Thread Craig, James (IT)
Put the SB1 on ebay quick - they are still going for a very reasonable
amount (in the UK, not sure about US prices)


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RE: [slim] Re: Checkout the latest from SD

2005-10-24 Thread Craig, James (IT)
It's the same as SB2 though isn't it... I couldn't see anything in the
manual relating to new features?


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