[slim] Re: Switching Off the Server

2006-02-20 Thread Gildahl

Hibernate or Stand-by can be activated on a schedule using AutoHotKey
from www.autohotkey.com.  This free open source scripting utility lets
you control many system level operations very easily.  I created a
simple script as shown below.  I then created a windows schedule task
to execute this script at 11:00 every night.  So far I haven't figured
out a free way to ensure that no one is using the SB prior to
hibernation, but since everyone is normally asleep by this time, this
script/task in combination with WOL is a pretty good compromise.

; Call the Windows API function "SetSuspendState" to have the system
suspend or hibernate.
; Windows 95/NT4: Since this function does not exist, the following
call would have no effect.
; Parameter #1: Pass 1 instead of 0 to hibernate rather than suspend.
; Parameter #2: Pass 1 instead of 0 to request permission from each
application prior to suspending.
; Parameter #3: Pass 1 instead of 0 to disable all wake events.

DllCall("PowrProf\SetSuspendState", "int", 1, "int", 0, "int", 0)


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[slim] Re: Linksys's new "Slim-killer"

2006-02-28 Thread Gildahl

I have a Linksys wireless router and cable modem which have served me
very well.  Basically, hardware products that sit on your desk and
don't change much beyond a few dull firmware updates.  About two years
ago I purchased their WMA-11B wireless media adapter.  It worked great,
did what it was supposed to do with no frills, and that was it. There
were one or two very dull firmware updates, but no really new or
enhanced functionality.  In fact, it was never even updated to work
properly with SP2.  It was a nice product; it's just that it passed way
too quickly into obsolescence.  

My two new SB3s and the SlimServer software are remarkable by
comparison.  Not just the devices and software, but the incredible
community and sense of commitment by the maker.  The only other device
that has given me this kind of satisfaction has been my TiVo.  With the
SB3, I can be reasonably confident of continual improvements and a
respectable lifetime.  

I'm sure the new Linksys music bridge will work pretty well right out
of the box, but I wouldn't expect much added value in the days beyond


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[slim] Re: Ugh, coworker is buying a Sonos

2006-03-03 Thread Gildahl

I own a couple of SqueezeBoxes and just visited the Sonos site for the
first time upon reading this thread.  the Sonos is definitely a cool
looking product (at 3x the price per station, it should be), but it
really is in a different category than the SB.  

To me, the SB is more like a component that supplements an existing
system, whereas the Sonos is more like a high-end, self-contained,
whole-house audio system.  Both can crossover and function in the other
role, but which one you buy really depends on what you're expecting and
want to pay.

I picture the Sonos user as someone who wants to put a sound system in
a lot of rooms, many of which don't already have dedicated sound
systems.  This user wants to be able to carry a (very impressive)
propritary remote around the house and control the music to the entire
house from wherever he/she is.  This user also wants a turn-key system
with as little dependency on a server as possible.

On the other hand, I picture the SB user as someone whose main goal is
to stream their music collection to an existing sound system or
systems.  Who tends to primarily play/control their music in one room
at a time.  And who considers simulcasting to other rooms or the whole
house a secondary priority.  This user also tends to be comfortable
having their music on a "real" server and considers it an advantage.

Judging from what I've heard, the sound quality of both systems is
otherwise comparable.  Setup is probably a little bit more complex on
the SB, but I certainly wouldn't say it was difficult.  So it really
comes down to how you intend to use the system that would determine
one's choice.

If the Sonos and SB were the same price, I think I would still have
gone with the SB.  I don't need more amplifiers, I like using my
universal remote, I really like the open-source server concept, and the
display on the SB units is exceptional.  I can certainly see why the
Sonos system is compelling to some, but for me, it is not competition. 
It's just another category of product.


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[slim] Wake-up timeout

2006-03-08 Thread Gildahl

Does anyone know if there is a way to increase the wakeup timeout on my
SB3?  Here's what happens.  

When I come home from work, my computer is usually in hibernation mode
from the night before, and my SB3 screen is blank.  I press the on
button on my programmable remote, which also turns on my stereo and
selects the correct input, and begins to wake the server.  The
squeezebox says that it is waking the server for about ten seconds or
so, but because the server takes a minute or more to wake, the SB
screen goes dark again.  When the server finally wakes, the SB3
displays the date and time, but is in "off" mode.  I must then press
power a second time to put the SB into "on" mode.

I would like to be able to set the timeout for waking the server to a
longer value.  In my case, this might be up to two minutes.  This way,
when I press the on button, the screen would display that it is waking
the server for up to the full two minutes, and then, when it finally
awakes, the SB would remain in the "on" mode.

The way it works now is ok, but it confuses my wife for some reason. 
She can't get past why sometimes you have to turn the SB on a second
time, and other times you don't.  It is also a bit of a nuisance with
my Harmony remote since you must hit a different button to turn it on
the second time (if you own one of these, you will understand why).




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[slim] Re: What's the difference between SS 6.2 and 6.5?

2006-03-13 Thread Gildahl

j.e.f.f Wrote: 
> Hi folks
> I've been trying to figure out what SlimServer 6.5 has that 6.2
> doesn't.  From what I've been able to find over the last few days, 6.5
> has "a bunch more features"... what are these features?  Are they worth
> installing 6.5 and putting up with its beta status for the next little
> bit?  I don't mind providing feedback to aid its development, but I
> also won't trade a potentially unstable system for features I won't
> use.
> Thanks!

I'd like to know as well.


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[slim] Re: Wake on Lan question

2006-03-15 Thread Gildahl

danco Wrote: 
> No. 
> You have to set it, I think in Energy Saver, under "wake for Ethernet
> network administrator access."
> I think that wake on LAN is not possible for wireless networks where
> the computer is connected by a wireless card, but it works fine if it
> has a wired connection to a wirelss access point.

WOL works fine on my wireless network.  I'm using a PC, but I don't
know why this wouldn't also hold true for Macs.


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[slim] Re: Wake on Lan question

2006-03-16 Thread Gildahl

danco Wrote: 
> I could easily be wrong on this.
> But I thought that if the computer was asleep then its wireless card
> was also asleep and so could not receive the wake packet.

A machine that is asleep is not off.  There is still power going to
certain components, including network cards that support WOL.  If you
enable WOL in your machine and your network card supports it then it
will be able to react to an incoming wake signal.  On a PC this works
in both Standby and Hibernate "sleep" modes.



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[slim] Re: How to connect to a NAS drive

2006-04-10 Thread Gildahl

Just to go out on a limb and suggest something to think about.  I
investigated some NAS solutions, but found them kind of expensive.  I
wanted to go dirt-cheap, yet have the power to run "real" server
software.  With a little scrounging around, I came up with enough parts
to build a bare-bones box (750Mhz PIII, 256MB RAM) for less than $20. 
In this I put an old spare 8.5GB hard drive to hold an OS, and a 200GB
Seagate that I just picked up at a CompUSA "Midnight Madness" sale for
$29.95 (after rebates) for data storage.

My initial plan was to just install FreeNAS (www.freenas.org).  This
free Linux-based software lets you turn any modest PC box into a
completely effective NAS storage device.  I had zero Linux experience,
but doing this actually turned out to be much easier than expected and
worked like a charm.  So in one evening's project I now had my cheap
NAS.  But I still had the issue of not being able to run the Slimserver
on it.  So I decided to abandon FreeNAS and try a full Linux
distribution.  After a little research I chose SuSE Linux 10
(www.opensuse.org), and have not regretted that decision.

This distribution contains the Samba server which permits you to share
drives on the Linux box with your Windows machines.  Furthermore, since
this is a "real" Linux distribution, you can run the Linux version of
Slimserver on it--which, strangely, seems more responsive on this lowly
machine than on my 2.6Ghz Windows XP box!  Once the SuSE box is attached
to the network, you don't need a keyboard, monitor, or mouse for it at
all.  In fact, you can put in a closet if you want.  Just install the
FreeNX thin client server software (freenx.berlios.de) to the Linux box
and Windows client (www.nomachine.com) to your Windows machine.  This
will enable you to do remote management on your Windows machine
(similar to remote desktop, but better). 

You can stop at this point and run this thing as a full-blown 24-hour
availability LAN and Internet music server, but I went ahead and setup
a few more things.  First, I attached a printer and turned on print
services.  Magically, I now had a print server.  I also installed
Webmin (www.webmin.com) to remotely manage and configure the server
over the web.  This software is very cool if only for the feature that
permits you to reboot the machine from anywhere you can access the
Internet.  Finally, I installed MondoRescue (www.mondorescue.org), a
remarkable backup solution that supports writing bootable restore disks
directly to CD/DVD/RW and/or iso images.  

Oh, and did I say that all of this software is free?  It is.  And did I
say that it was easy to setup?  Well, I can honestly say that setting up
FreeNAS was, but setting up SuSE and all the other stuff was a definite
challenge.  Especially for a Linux novice like me.  But it is now two
weeks later and everything works perfect and is highly stable.  Can I
say it was worth it?  

Yup.  ...and cheap.



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[slim] Re: How to connect to a NAS drive

2006-04-10 Thread Gildahl

I went with a decidedly low-tech approach to quieting the machine.  I
had some sheets of thin styrofoam in my basement and lined the inside
of the case with them.  I made sure I didn't cover-up any vents and
carefully monitored the temperature afterward.  Purrs like a cat now.


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[slim] Re: harmony 880 and squeeze 3

2006-05-15 Thread Gildahl

I just got my 880 earlier this month to replace my 688 (688 went to my
dad).  It works great with the SB3.  The benefits over the 688 are that
the numeric keys have letters on them, which now makes searching on the
SB easier.  Also, there are more activity buttons with more text
available providing more flexibility and clarity.  I love the Harmony
remotes, and this one does not disappoint.


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[slim] Re: Annoying Apple Lossless Issue

2006-05-15 Thread Gildahl

I believe you are encountering bug #2095.  See 


You can see my workaround as comment #10.

This issue was reported in September '05 and is assigned, so you might
want to add some of your own comments to the bug to raise its



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[slim] Re: Annoying Apple Lossless Issue

2006-05-16 Thread Gildahl

Correct, AIFF is indeed lossless and has the benefit of being natively
supported by the SB.  In my case, there are only a handful of files
that fall prey to the gap problem.  These are typically songs that span
tracks or songs that otherwise start with little or no dead time. 
Converting those to AIFF took up a relatively insignificant amount of
extra space. 

>From your post in the bug it appears that you're using OS X.  If you
read comment #5 you might want to try replacing mov123 with ALAC as a
decoder.  This may eliminate your problem without having to go the AIFF
route.  I couldn't do this since I was on Windows, but in the end I
ended up moving my music to a Linux server where I use ALAC as my
decoder.  This seems to have cleaned up the problem.


cepheid Wrote: 
> AIFF is lossless.  It is essentially a wrapper for PCM data IIRC.  WAV
> is similar except that it uses opposite byte-ordering.  Note that AIFF
> is an uncompressed format so it will take up approximately twice the
> space compared to ALAC.  Unless you've got a LOT of disk space I would
> not recommend keeping the majority of your files as AIFF.


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[slim] Re: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel system?

2006-08-01 Thread Gildahl

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=25858

Question: Squeezebox connected to 2-channel or 5.1/6.1/7.1 channel

- 2-channel system
- 5.1/6.1/7.1-channel system

Upstairs: connected to a 6.1 surround system.
Downstairs: 2-channel

SB makes the 2-channel system sound better than it ever has, and I tend
to use that system for my "serious" listening.  Very pure, direct sound
with all the details.  Still, the surround system is very nice for
general listening and does give a very nice "wrap-around" effect when
I'm in the mood for that sort of thing.  I can't vote for both, can I?


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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-08-01 Thread Gildahl

I had also observed many people trying to setup Slimserver on a NAS box,
and wondered about trying this.  This idea certainly has some charm
(small, compact, quiet), but I found that creating a full-fledged PC
was both less expensive and far more powerful.  It's amazing how much
PC you can build these days after scrounging around for spare parts. 

Started out with 
* Old (3.5 years) VIA motherboard sitting on my shelf.
* Old 4X CD ROM drive and 8GB HD from my box of spare parts.

* 256MB PC100 Memory, free leftover from a friend's box of spare
* 200GB Seagate harddrive, $29 after rebates from a CompUSA "midnight
madness" sale.
* Case + 250Watt PS, $19 from CompUSA after rebates.
* 750MHz Pentium III processor, free from another friend's box of spare
* Ethernet card, free from another friend's box of spare parts.

$48 total

At first, I tried installing Free NAS with the intention of just using
this machine as a file server.  Free NAS worked like a charm, but since
I couldn't run the slimserver on it left me wanting more.  So never
having tried a full Linux distribution before, I tried installing
Mandriva.  For some reason, Mandriva didn't like my machine, so after
doing some research I settled on SUSE 10.  SUSE is not directly
supported by Slimserver, but ran smoothly on my machine.  Getting
slimserver to work required jumping through a few hoops, but all the
information to do it was here in the forums.  As an aside I have to
admit that I absolutely hate setting things up in Linux.  Everything
seems three times harder than it needs to be (especially if your
working with a distribution that isn't directly supported by the
software you're installing).  But  once you have it working, it's fast
and purrs like a cat.  You also have full-fledged server with which you
can do a whole host of other things.  All-in-all it's a hoot for 48


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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-08-01 Thread Gildahl

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
> I'm starting to think the term "NAS" is kind of a misnomer.

There is definitely a place for "pure" NAS devices. By this I mean a
simple storage device that connects directly to your network to provide
shared drive space.  Such a device needs little more circuitry than an
external harddrive, and serves a very specific role.  As such, a "pure"
NAS can be a relatively inexpensive, quiet, and cost-effective way of
putting shared storage on a LAN.

However, I'm with you on the misnomer thing.  It is easy to become
entranced with these other NAS devices that add CPUs, memory, and other
PC like features.  But once you go there, it's not just a NAS anymore
but basically a weak networked computing device with a big harddrive. 
Sure there's a place for these as they are adequate to suit the needs
of many folk, but they can also be easily oversold as something more
novel and more capable than they actually are.  I guess caveat emptor
is the word here.


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[slim] Re: My recipe for a cheap Slimserver

2006-08-01 Thread Gildahl

CavesOfTQLT Wrote: 
> Maybe so but with a system that's running 24/7 you want it to consume as
> little juice as is possible, if not for pennies sake but for the
> environment...

Your point is true, and a definite plus for a NAS device.  They are
small, quiet, and energy efficient.  

I think what we're saying here is that if power, flexibility, and price
are your objectives, then building a PC from surplus equipment can
fulfill this very nicely--sometimes to a degree that is pleasantly
unexpected.  On the other hand, if small, quiet, and enviro-friendly
are your primary objectives, an NAS may fulfill these requirements
better--although the points made about low power boards  can equalize
this greatly.

With that said, an older PC that runs in in idle most of the time with
no monitor and energy saving features turned on, can be made to be
reasonabley energy efficient.  Maybe not as much as a NAS, but enough
to not noticably affect my electric bill.


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[slim] Re: Tv vs Squeezebox

2006-08-01 Thread Gildahl

I also had a Linksys WMA11B as a previous poster mentioned.  One of the
reasons I eventually replaced it with a SB (actually, 2 of them) was
because of its built-in display.  The on-screen display of the WMA11B
was cool at first, but after a while it became annoying to have to have
the TV on all the time to use it.  Sometimes I just wanted to play a
tune, and it felt like overkill to start the TV and let it warm-up
before choosing my music.  Also, leaving the TV on all day when I just
wanted to have music on in the background (but still see what was
playing), seemed excessive.  Especially since the bulb in my DLP rear
screen projector has a limited lifespan and costs over $300 to replace.

I actually wouldn't mind having a video display *option* to supplement
the built-in display; however, as others have noted, this kind of
feature is somewhat mitigated by its existing web-based functionality. 
For example, if I want the multi-line interactive display akin to what a
TV might display, I can simply log in with my PSP and get those same
benefits as well as carry it around like a remote (who needs a Sanos if
you've got a PSP).


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[slim] Re: Administer Linux from XP Pro?

2006-08-04 Thread Gildahl

I use SUSE and have found the following remote administration tools to
be exceptional.

1.  The NX thin client/server software from www.nomachine.com.  This
permits you to take remote control of your desktop from Windows.  It is
also true thin client software, so you can have multiple simultaneous
users connected, each with their own desktop.  It's great stuff, and
much nicer than VNC, which I previously used and abandoned.  It's
exceptionally fast on a LAN--almost indistinguishable from a live
session (providing you're not playing arcade games)--and remarkably
fast over the web too.

2. The Webmin web administration software from www.webmin.com.  This
permits you to conduct administration of your system through any web
browser.  It is not remote desktop software, but will permit you to
administrate and configure a wide variety of system software and
settings.  My primary uses for it are for shutting-down/resetting my
machine, and for performing administration tasks for my MySQL
databases.  But Webmin's capabilities go much further should you need
to do more.



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[slim] Re: Easy to use back up program ?

2006-08-04 Thread Gildahl

Another vote for robocopy.  I tend to like very simple software that
works.  robocopy gets the job done.


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[slim] Re: Why use iTunes

2006-09-24 Thread Gildahl

Here are my reasons for using iTunes.

1.  iTunes is something of a standard.  
2.  Slimserver has built-in integration for iTunes.
3.  I find it very simple and fast to manage tags using it.  This is
probably the single most important reason I use it.
4.  I wanted lossless for everything, and Apple Lossless fulfills this.
On Windows, playback was not gapless, but on a Linux machine using ALAC,
playback is gapless (I use SUSE 10.0).  If you use aiff, playback on
either OS is gapless.  Gapless under Windows might work better with
6.5, but I haven't tried it on Windows recently.
5.  Fast forward on the squeezebox does not work with Apple Lossless.  
This is a possible drawback, though I consider it minor.  FF will work
if you use aiff.
6.  Volume management has never worked for me, but it is supposed to be
fixed in 6.5.  I have to try this to see if it's working now.
7.  On my HTPC I sometimes use iTunes itself for playback.  Visualizer
supports widescreen and is cool on a 50" DLP
8.  Podcasts--both audio and video.  Audio podcasts can be listened to
on the squeezebox.
9.  Ordinary and Smart playlists are supported by the squeezebox
through its iTunes integration.
10.  My wife has an iPod (though I'd still use iTunes even if she



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[slim] Radio woes in 6.5

2006-09-25 Thread Gildahl

Since upgrading from 6.3.1 to 6.5, it seems that the radio features have
taken a step backwards.

1.  I can no longer receive any Live365 stations.
2.  radioio stations are almost impossible to tune in.
3.  For some reason, many stations do not display the "go right to add
to favorites", so I can't add them.
4.  For many stations on the new radiotime service, pressing play just
"jiggles" the screen a little and does nothing else.  So far, I haven't
been able to add the few that I could get to favorites.  

Shoutcast stations don't seem affected too much, although it does seem
like I can't tune in as many as before (this could be my imagination),
but I can't help but feel that 6.5 is definitely a step backward for
radio listeners.

I'm tempted to go back to 6.3.1, but fortunately, most of the stations
I listen to regularly are among the ones I can still receive.  Also, on
my relatively slow (750Mhz) Linux box, the performance on 6.5 is a giant
leap over 6.3.1--which for no other reason makes it a keeper.  There
used to be a delay whenever I attempted to access a long list of titles
(like all albums or a genre with lots of titles), but now access is
virtually instant.  Rescans also seem much faster.  Great work here,
and thanks to Slimdevices for actually doing work on the "backend"
rather than just the visible "eye-candy" stuff.

But if anyone has work-arounds for these radio issues, I'd love to know
about them.



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[slim] Re: Slimserver 6.5 on Suse 10.1

2006-09-28 Thread Gildahl

I'm using SUSE 10.0 and YaST stopped working for doing installs a while
ago.  So I just do everything from the command line.

To uninstall 6.3, stop slimserver then type

rpm -e slimserver

Then clean-up anything left behind.

To install 6.5 type

rpm -i name_of_your_rpm_file

No YaST required.


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[slim] Radiotime

2006-09-30 Thread Gildahl

I just "discovered" the radiotime plug-in in 6.5, along with its ability
to receive almost all of my local radio stations.  Cool.  However, it
doesn't seem that I can add any of these stations to my Favorites list.
Does anyone know if this is bug, and whether there are plans to address


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[slim] iTunes7, SS6.5, & Volume Adjustment

2006-10-10 Thread Gildahl

In SS 6.5 I was (at first) happy to see that it now reads the sound
check values from iTunes.  With sound check turned on, in SS if I look
at the info for the song, I will see a volume adjustment setting like
db-4.5, db3.0, etc.  If I then turn on the Volume Adjustment by track
feature on my squeezebox, it obeys these volume settings.  Cool. 
Unfortunately, I don't like the effect.

So I turned off Sound Check in iTunes, in order to try using the volume
adjustment slider in iTunes on a couple tracks to see if manually
adjusting the volume might work better for me.  Upon turning off sound
check (and reimporting) I would have expected to see all the db
settings (like db-4.5, db3.0, etc.) be reset to zero; however, they are
all still set to the soundcheck values!  Consequently, I can't get a
clean slate upon which to apply my manual settings since all the tracks
still have their soundcheck values.

This seems like a bug, but before I report it as such, I was wondering
if I might be doing something wrong here.



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[slim] Re: iTunes7, SS6.5, & Volume Adjustment

2006-10-10 Thread Gildahl

slimpy;144907 Wrote: 
> Oops, it seems you did rescan already! Does itunes actually
> remove the volume adjustment values when turning sound check off? I
> doubt it does so the values are still there and there's probably no way
> for slimserver to recognize if sound check was turned off in itunes
> -s.

Yes, I did do a rescan.  I have a suspicion that what you're saying
might be true.  If so, this might actually be an iTunes issue.  I'd
love to figure out a way to clear these values, however.


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[slim] Re: iTunes7, SS6.5, & Volume Adjustment

2006-10-10 Thread Gildahl

Thank you for a very informative post!

Unfortunately, when I run the second script, it only clears out the
manual volume adjustments set by the slider bar.  When I reimport, the
decibel adjustments apparently made by the sound check action are still


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[slim] Re: iTunes7, SS6.5, & Volume Adjustment

2006-10-11 Thread Gildahl

I'll look into these things a bit more deeply, but here are a few
observations I made.

1.  When I look at the iTunes Music Library.xml file, the only tracks
that have a volume adjustment tag are those for which I have made
volume adjustments using the slider.  This implies that the other
(sound check) volume settings are stored somewhere else (in the song
file headers, perhaps?).

2.  When running the first script, the only tracks that are displayed
are ones for which I set the volume using the slider.  

3.  In iTunes, every album that had a slider value set was set to 100%
on the slider. However, the value displayed by script 1 differed from
album to album (but not track to track).  For example, on one album,
all the tracks were set to 58, another whole album had its tracks set
to 100, etc.

4.  To confuse matters some more, when I look at these same albums (the
one set to 58 and the one set to 100) in Slimserver, all the tracks are
set to 6.02db.  Other albums have other db values, but this is strange

5. After running the second script, the first script no longer shows
anything.  If I go into iTunes, I will also see that all the sliders
are now set to 0.

And finally, to answer your questions, I have done a full
delete/rescan, and I have never used anything but iTunes for tagging my
collection.  Pretty weird huh?


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[slim] Re: iTunes7, SS6.5, & Volume Adjustment

2006-10-13 Thread Gildahl

kdf;145973 Wrote: 
> player settings -> audio, volume adjustment.  you can set this to
> disable.
> -k

I know about that.  In fact it is what I've had to resort to.  What is
meant here is the ability to turn off the soundcheck gain, but keep the
separate "slider" gain turned on.


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[slim] Upgrading from 6.5 to 6.5.1 tonight

2006-11-06 Thread Gildahl

I'm planning to upgrade from 6.5 to the 6.5.1 nightly tonight in order
to resolve the iTunes 7.02 and Live360 issues.  In the past I've always
done upgrades from "scratch" in that the upgrade deletes my slimserver
config file, and I manually have to reconstruct my settings--which of
course is time consuming.  Does anyone know whether 6.5.1 will work ok
if I copy my old 6.5 config file after installation?  In other words,
have there been any changes to the 6.5.1 config file that make it
necessary to upgrade it?



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[slim] Re: close to giving up

2006-11-09 Thread Gildahl

I've emailed support before with fast and excellent results.  This was
for a problem that no one on the forum could seem to answer.  Don't
forget, they are the experts.  


Swannea;153673 Wrote: 
> @ mitch: 
> No!!! Shear frustration preventing me from doing the obvious.
> Thanx for the advice;-) It's kinda late on this continent, so I'll try
> tomorrow.
> @crawler: makes sense in general, but what's baffling me is the
> flip-flop between power down and startup for no apparent reason.


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[slim] Re: Ideas for Squeezebox 4

2006-12-08 Thread Gildahl

I am definitely with the folks saying that we don't want to lose site of
the core functionality of the SB.  That said, here are my suggestions.

1.  The SB3 has great sound now, but everything and anything that can
be done to improve sound even more without increasing the cost should
be near the top in terms of priority.

2.  I do view the display as a part of the core functionality (it's one
of the keys to making the SB such a blast to use).  A larger display
might be nice, but what I'd love to see even more would be an auxiliary
color LCD panel below the main fluorescent display that could be used to
display the album cover.  Now that would be neat.

3.  A accessory Sonos-like remote.  This concept could be expanded to
include a headphone jack and/or line outs.



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[slim] Re: Live365 Problem

2006-12-23 Thread Gildahl

Frequently when I try to connect to a Live365 station, the SB buffers
and appears to connect but there is no sound.  To make things worse,
once this happens, I can't get sound from any other Internet radio
station, Live365, Shoutcast, or otherwise.  The only way to get things
working again is to reset the SB by pressing and holding the power
button.  After that, there is about an 80% chance that I will be able
to connect to the Live365 station, if not, I have to go through the
dance again.  Curiously, this seems to happen more with some stations
than others. ~MOVIOLA~ (under the Soundtracks genre) does this to me
all the time.

This never happened in the 6.3 builds.  With 6.5.0, Live365 didn't work
at all.  The effect that I am now describing started when I switched to
a 6.5.1 build in November.  I figured this was just a glitch in that
build so I was patient, but I just upgraded to last night's (12/22)
build, and I continue to have this same problem, so it appears that
this was not just a hiccup in a build.  Does anybody have any clues
about what's going on here??


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[slim] Re: WMP or itunes to create library

2006-12-29 Thread Gildahl

I "standardized" on iTunes although I don't have an iPod (my wife does,
however, which was an influencing factor).  The two main drawbacks are
that it doesn't support FLAC, which in a perfect world I would prefer,
and that its tagging capabilities are more limited than other tools.  I
have found, however, that Apple Lossless is a reasonable alternative to
FLAC and that iTunes' tagging capabilities are acceptable.  iTunes
offers a single interface to my my music (for both tagging and playback
on my PC) and by letting iTunes manage my folders I don't have to futz
around as I used to when I had to do this manually.  I also happen to
like the UI, which is fast and relatively unadorned.  These are the
things that I value most about it.  iTunes support is also fairly well
integrated into the Slimserver software even to the point of reading
its proprietary xml library file, consequently, I've never had any
major issues getting them to play nice together.  When I get a new CD,
I just pop it in the drive, iTunes automatically rips/tags it; I make
any necessary tweaks to the tags, then use SS to sync. Done.  iTunes
isn't a perfect solution (none are), but by accepting a few compromises
it saves me time and effort.  So don't discount it entirely when
evaluating your choices.


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[slim] Re: sound level seems too low

2007-01-09 Thread Gildahl

Note that if you want to control your receiver's volume (and/or power)
with your SB remote, you can use the excellent IR Blaster plugin.  If
your receiver has an IR input on it, this is as easy as running a 1/8"
plug patch cord from the headphone output of the SB to the IR input of
the receiver and doing a little bit of configuration. If you don't have
an IR input, you can use an IR emitter instead.  Once in place, the
volume of the SB will be locked (at 100/100 or whatever you want), and
the volume controls on the SB remote will adjust the volume of your


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[slim] Re: Sonos - Support for M$ DRM

2007-01-09 Thread Gildahl

I for one am NOT looking for DRM support.  It may sound good on the
surface for some folks but it is definitely walking down the wrong


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[slim] Re: Stereophile 2006 Editor's Choice

2007-01-10 Thread Gildahl

One small error in this article is the statement "...any sonic
compromises resulting from the use of my WiFi network to transmit audio
data around the home were minimal".  It should state that any sonic
compromises using WiFi are non-existent.  Digital is digital regardless
of whether you're hardwired or wireless.  Unless this reviewer is
experiencing dropouts from an especially bad connection, I don't know
how he could qualify any connection-related sonic compromise at all. 
Of course I've never tried one of those uber-expensive Monster Ethernet
cables.  Maybe it actually does help. :-)


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[slim] Re: Wake-on-LAN: something new...?

2007-01-10 Thread Gildahl

I had this issue when I first got my Squeezeboxes over a year ago.  I
eventually gave up on using WOL for precisely this reason and run my
server 24/7 instead.


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[slim] Re: IR Blaster - Basic Question

2007-01-12 Thread Gildahl

Your amp is listed as having an IR input, so all you should need is the
IR Blaster plugin and a patch cable with 1/8" plugs on the ends to make
this work.


mister_t;169390 Wrote: 
> Amp is a Cambridge Audio 540A


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[slim] Re: IR Blaster - Basic Question

2007-01-16 Thread Gildahl

Yes, that is what I meant.

AudioVideo;170745 Wrote: 
> I think Dave means "a 1/8" jack to 1/8" jack cable" like he said.
> They are available at Radio Shack or many other places. 


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Re: [slim] Best of Luck - moving on...

2009-09-11 Thread Gildahl

I have had 3 SB3's for a few years and while it was a bit challenging to
get everything running exactly the way I wanted it, it now runs with
virtually no maintenance and hardly a hiccup (except when running the
microwave, which reliably kills reception after 30 to 60 seconds every
time--but I'm used to it).  I never tried the Duet, but it sounds like
that might be a good thing :-)  I will probably get a Touch eventually.

I bought this system primarily for the great audio quality that was
promised (and delivered), its ability to completely integrate my audio
collection, its openness and flexibility, and (yes) to some extent its
geekiness and niche aspects.  In researching it, I fully expected it to
require tweaking and tinkering; but that was actually appealing to me
since I knew I could ultimately tailor such a system in ways that I
could not do with other more "canned" systems.  This, of course, makes
it a system that is not for everyone.

This is one of the reasons I was always a little concerned of what
would happen after the Logitech takeover.  It's not that there is
anything in particular bad about Logitech (I own lots of their
products), but a large, popular company is going to have a tendency to
pickup a more mainstream population of users with lower desire to be
"challenged" by their audio system.  I've always viewed the system as a
hobbyist sort of system, but those who want a turnkey system are likely
to be at least somewhat disappointed in the effort required.  I
personally think it is absolutely worth the effort, but understand why
others may see it differently.


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[slim] iTunes 9

2009-09-11 Thread Gildahl

iTunes 9 readme mentions that it includes a new simpler way of
organizing files.  Has anyone tried this.  Does it mess with SC?



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Re: [slim] Nedd to worry about display "burn in"?

2009-07-09 Thread Gildahl

I have three SB3s, and I've begun to notice (after 4 or 5 years) that
all three have noticeable, uneven fade in their displays.  It's not bad
enough to warrant service yet, but it does make me wonder whether the
display can be replaced by the user or by Logitech.  Has anyone had
experience with having a display replaced on their SB? If so what was
involved and how much did it cost?



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Re: [slim] Nedd to worry about display "burn in"?

2009-07-10 Thread Gildahl

I got them right around the time they were released, but I didn't
remember exactly when that was.  Guess its closer to 4 years than 5
then.  Anyway, I run the displays on all my units at max brightness 24/7
with a custom time/date/weather screensaver.  This has produced some
uneven lighting of the pixels in all of the units.  Like I said, it is
not terribly serious at this point, but definitely noticeable
(particularly during smooth scrolling of text across the screen, where
it produces a kind of ripple effect).


aubuti;439355 Wrote: 
> As a self-appointed fact-checker, I just wanted to point out that it has
> to be less than that, because the SB3 was only released in November
> 2005. Of course, that doesn't negate your observation in any way. Fwiw,
> I don't see any such problems in my SB3 (Jan '06) or my 2 SB2s (both
> mid-2005).


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Re: [slim] Artist vs. composer

2007-09-03 Thread Gildahl

I basically agree with this last post.  Slimbox/Slimserver doesn't
appear to be designed with organizing Classical music in mind.  So
whatever you do it's a compromise.  I have a large Classical music
collection and I do the available iTunes fields in the following way.

Name (i.e. Track) = Movement or Song name (ex. 1. Allegro)
Artist = Composer (ex. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadaus (1756-1791))
Composer = Orchestra and Conductor (ex. Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Sir
Charles Mackerras, John O'Conor (piano))
Album = Piece (ex. Piano Concerto No. 24 in C minor, K.491)
Grouping = Album Name (ex. Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 17 & No. 24, John

I too use Custom Browse, but mainly for setting up personal menus, not
for doing anything special for Classical music.  As the previous poster
mentions, the tags that you get automatically are not usually very good.
I just retag to consistently abide by the scheme above.  This works out
very well.

ceejay;224872 Wrote: 
> You need to start by recognising that none of this stuff was designed
> with classical music in mind.  That done, you can move on to solving
> your problem: its not too hard and you don't have to throw away any
> information.
> If "Artist" is the main search field you are going to use (and
> Slimserver makes that a natural thing to do) then just make sure that
> Artist always contains the data you are going to want to search on. 
> For classical music that's usually the composer, for non-classical its
> usually the performer/band.
> So let iTunes fill in the Composer and Band tags, and let it fill in
> Artist with whatever it will. Then, for Classical music, simply ensure
> that the Band/Performer tags have the right data in, and copy Composer
> to Artist. You can set up a very simple action script in mp3tag, for
> example, to automate this. 
> This might be a little extra work, but it is probably insignificant
> compared to the work you are doing anyway (should be doing!!) to fix
> the rubbishy information that is always downloaded for classical
> albums...
> Ceejay


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Re: [slim] How To Get iTunes Store Purchases To Play on Squeezebox

2007-09-13 Thread Gildahl

There have been some applications to strip out the DRM such as JHymn,
but I'm not sure if any of these work anymore with current iTunes


The burn-to-CD then rip option is really the only other alternative,
but has the drawback of requiring that you rip the song to a (large)
lossless format if you want to preserve the full fidelity of the
original. This is because ripping it to compressed format would
effectively be double-compressing the file. 

Either way it's a pain and everyone wishes that this silly DRM stuff
would just go away. For honest users (like me, and I presume you) all
it does is get in the way.  The rest of those folks out there who
illegally copy music will *always* be able to  get around it since the
whole DRM idea is deeply flawed.


My wife and I purchased music from iTunes for a while, but I've now
gone back to only buying music on CD.  Not only is the music
uncompressed and free of DRM, but you're getting your music pressed on
"free" archival media ready for storage, a case, and real liner notes. 
That is what I recommend.


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Re: [slim] iTunes alternatives

2007-10-08 Thread Gildahl

There are lots of alternatives to iTunes, but before you jump ship you
might want to just investigate the cause of this problem first since
this *shouldn't* be happening.  I've been using iTunes to manage my
large Squeezebox music collection for a couple of years and have never
had any trouble with corruption.  Considering the features you're
looking to preserve, sticking with iTunes still sounds like your best
bet.  I might suggest completely uninstalling iTunes and reinstalling. 
I can't imagine why this should be necessary, but I do know that iTunes
is generally very stable.  Perhaps you can share more information about
your system and the nature of the corruption.


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Re: [slim] Why is SB so expensive?

2007-10-12 Thread Gildahl

I tend to be price sensitive and have never thought of the SB3 as
overpriced.  In fact, I bought it because it was the least expensive
device that fulfilled my minimum requirements for a decent quality
wireless streaming device.  What I *would* like to see is an
inexpensive (< $150) self-contained unit (i.e. boombox) to move around
the house, take out on the porch, use in the baby's room, etc.  Such a
device wouldn't need the pricey near-audiophile capabilities and
fluorescent display, so I think they could keep the price down.

Another thing to consider about the price.  Unlike other similar
devices that I've had (the horrible Linksys Media Adapter comes to
mind), SlimDevices/Logitech is constantly investing their resources in
keeping the software up-to-date.  And their server/web-based approach
makes for a highly flexible system that, to me, has significant value
all by itself.  So to me, $299 is a bargain (and I got mine for $250
during one of the last sales!)


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Re: [slim] iTunes on Windows SlimServer on Linux

2007-02-01 Thread Gildahl

I had the same problem.  There is some data and metadata in the XML that
is not available elsewhere. Unfortunately, you cannot change the
location of the xml file on your Windows box.  You can, however, share
a Linux directory with Windows, and copy the xml file to this location
after you've made changes in iTunes.  This works well for me.  You will
just need to make sure the ITUNES MUSIC LIBRARY.XML LOCATION option in
the iTunes server settings is set to the path to this shared location
(as Linux sees it).

jst1;176369 Wrote: 
> SlimServer on Linux box; iTunes on Windows with iTunes folder (via
> samba) the same directory as SlimServer  Music Folder (/srv/music).
> The iTunes iTunes Music Library.xml file is on my Windows box
> 'C:\Documents and Settings\my_username\My Documents\My Music\iTunes'.
> Can I change the location of this file so that my slimserver on linux
> can read it? Can the xml file be located anywhere else?
> I rip CDs and organize tags with iTunes, and use SlimServer to stream
> to a SqueezeBox and remote players over an ssh tunnel.
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Re: [slim] 6.5.2 with trepidation

2007-05-25 Thread Gildahl

Heuer;204418 Wrote: 
> Vista! Just had to remove it and re-install XP. Nice graphics but little
> else in improving performance or productivity. About 70% of my software
> will not run and there are no fixes yet.

I'm not a Vista fanboy by any measure, but 70% not working?  I mean
maybe that's true, but it sounds kind of excessive.  I'm aware that
some software has issues on Vista (Wikipedia maintains a pretty good
list), but most of these are low level utilities.  I still dual boot
with XP to mitigate risk (highly recommended if you can), but have
managed to get pretty much all my old software, including old DOS games
through DOSBox, and recent stuff including games (like Oblivion) running
great.  Any problems I've had have been all solvable by using either
Administrator mode or XP compatibility mode (my SB runs on a SuSE Linux
box, so I don't know how that would have gone).  I did have some major
sound issues, but they were pretty much solved by upgrading to an X-fi.

I'm still migrating my software over, and I'm certainly not discounting
that I may have a major problem at some point with something, but so far
Vista has surprised me by exceeding my expectations in terms of
compatibility.  Especially after reading the horror stories online. I
have absolutely no doubt that you may be having issues with some
software, but unless a huge part of your library is virus scanners and
low level utilities--or if much of your software relies on old hardware
that isn't supported by Vista, 70% sounds a bit extreme.


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[slim] Music missing in standard browse, but not in Custom Browse

2007-06-01 Thread Gildahl

I use iTunes (ALAC) to manage my music and have some albums that are
tagged with a dual genre separated with a semi-colon as Classical;Easy
Listening (although I'm not sure that matters as you will see).  Most
of these appear correctly when browsing with the standard Genre menu,
but one album does not show up at all in either genre (although it does
show up when browsing by Albums, so SS is seeing it), and a couple of
other albums show the artist, but report no songs.

The curious thing is that all of these albums show up perfectly when
using the Custom Browse plugin, so I'm pretty convinced everything is
tagged correctly!

I have gone as far as examining my folders for problems, reviewing all
of the tags, and deleting the music from iTunes and reimporting it.  I
have also restarted SS (both with and without deleting the cache
folder), and deleted/rescanned my library countless times. 

I should also mention that I went ahead and changed the Genre to just
Classical as well, and it still doesn't show up.  That's why I don't
necessarily think this has anything to do with using compound genres.

Nothing I've done so far fixes this, and it is very frustrating.  Has
anyone a clue about how to fix this or suggestions on other things to



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Re: [slim] music files gone missing

2007-06-04 Thread Gildahl

Do the album titles or any of the songs within the missing albums
contain special characters such as accented letters or tildes?  If you
are scanning your library using the iTunes Music Library.xml file, I
have found that any albums containing such characters do not import at
all anymore (it used to work).  

If this is the case, I have found that turning off iTunes support and
just scanning the library directly allows the albums to be imported
correctly; however, you will lose tag data that is unique to the xml
file, such as your iTunes playlists, so this is only a workaround.

I don't know if this is the same issue as you are having, but I've just
emailed tech support about this and am awaiting a response.



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Re: [slim] Opinions/Suggestions on living room amplifiers/receivers

2007-06-05 Thread Gildahl

gbreit;115796 Wrote: 
> I picked up the Harman Kardon 3480 a few months ago after my 12-year-old
> JVC died. Basic good sounding 2-channel receiver.  Just don't use the
> "VMAx" fake surround feature, which is horrible.

I bought this unit along with a pair of Axiom M60s for my SB3.  I've
been very happy with them and can easily recommend the HK.  It has few
frills and no digital inputs, but that's what I wanted.  I agree that
the VMax is not very useful most of the time, but if you're sitting
right in the sweet spot and have the right kind of music on (usually,
soft, atmospheric kind of stuff), the effect can be quite interesting. 
It can also be effective on movies. 



Gildahl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24701

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Re: [slim] Music missing in standard browse, but not in Custom Browse

2007-06-06 Thread Gildahl

Ok, I've confirmed that my issue is this one.


This is pretty serious.  I hope it gets fixed soon.  At least there is
a workaround.


Gildahl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35787

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Re: [slim] Band/Orchestra Checkbox

2007-06-07 Thread Gildahl

Not that I'm aware of.  But you might want to check out the custom
browse plug-in that lets you do this sort of thing.


Gildahl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35882

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Re: [slim] New (Logitech) Squeezebox

2007-06-08 Thread Gildahl

That new logo is awful.  I don't know.  I have Logitech logos on my
Harmony remote and my computer keyboard/mouse and never thought twice
about them, but this one for some reason really bugs me.  The old logo
seemed understated--like the logos on all my sound equipment; and this
one seems in your face.  I agree with someone else that was hoping for
a "Slim Devices...a Logitech Company" or a smaller logo in the corner
or something.


Gildahl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35899

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Re: [slim] iTunes Album not in slim server?

2007-06-14 Thread Gildahl

There are a variety of reasons why this can happen, but one thing to
check is to see whether the music in the album is tagged with the same
artist and composer.  There is a bug in recent versions that causes
music so tagged not to appear in SlimServer.  To workaround this, just
change either the Artist or Composer name so that they are not the
same.  This *might* fix your problem.


Gildahl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36103

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Re: [slim] 6.5.2 indexing problems

2007-06-14 Thread Gildahl

Small refinement to the previous post.  Getting rid of the composer tag
*will* work, but I found that the bug is actually tied to when the
Composer and Artist tags are the same.  As long as the text is
different, the problem doesn't seem to occur.  You can also "fix" the
problem by choosing to list composer with your artist, but that can
result in unwieldy artist lists.

I retagged my music to correct this problem (fortunately, I didn't have
much music with this problem), but its good to hear that there is now a
real fix for this.  I wasn't aware of this.  I'll have to give it a


strindberg;208796 Wrote: 
> Version 6.5.2 was released with a bug, which makes albums disappear from
> the album list if one or more of the files in the album contain the
> "COMPOSER" tag set.
> Check if this is the case for you, and if it is, you can update to one
> of the nightly builds, where the problem is solved.


Gildahl's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4102
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36096

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