Re: [slim] Market for used Squeezeboxes?

2022-01-25 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
Yeah, Sonos has the Port:

No touch (or non-touch) interface, of course, but it'll hook up to your

On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 3:18 PM w3wilkes <> wrote:

> I would guess your best shot is here on these forums since we know what
> these are and how to use them. 2nd would be ebay. Don't know how big
> your library of local music is, but there is a limit to the size of your
> library with Sonos. I would see Sonos as reasonable for the radio and
> boom, but what about the Touch? Does Sonos have something to plug into
> your stereo to replace the Touch?
> Main system - Rock Solid with LMS 8.2.0 on WHS 2011 - 2 Duets and
> Squeeseslave
> Cabin system - Rock solid with LMS 8.2.0 on Win10 Pro - 1 RPi 3 Model
> B/Hifiberry DAC+ Pro/PiCorePlayer and Squeezeslave
> Squeezebox Boom - "At Large" player around both home and cabin
> Headphones and car - Android phone/Bluetooth w/full library on MicroSD
> card - PowerAmp music player app (similar to Material Skin)
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Re: [slim] LMS won't read files on USB hard drive

2020-08-21 Thread steve morley

A million thank yous garym.  That did the trick.

Warmest regards, Steve

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[slim] LMS won't read files on USB hard drive

2020-08-21 Thread steve morley

Likely a dumb noob question but here goes:

I'm Running a Pi 4B in Player/Server mode.
I installed and selected a Hifiberry Digi Pro+ as my output device.
I've installed and enabled exFAt file support.
LMS "sees" my USB drive and I've enabled it and clicked "Set USB
But when I start LMS in its own tab no music info appears.

The weird thing is it worked fine earlier but I re-flashed the OS and
ran through the setup again so I could describe it to a buddy and now it
won't "see" the files on the drive.

LMS Radio works OK, I get music.

Thanks, Steve

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Re: [slim] LMS Documenter Poll

2020-07-16 Thread steve-g

Paul Webster wrote: 
> My guess ... going shopping in old fashioned record store and wanting to
> see if album is already in possession (digitally at least) before
> buying.
> So open up the pdf and check by artist to see album list.

+1 - The number of times I've either not bought an album believing I'd
already got it only to find I haven't! or finished up with multiple
copies of the same disk. So great having an up to date album list on the
phone will be really useful.

Not so much bothered about having track lists the only place this would
be useful is at home and there I have access to LMS so will do searches
/ browsing on that.

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Re: [slim] LMS Documenter Part II

2020-07-14 Thread steve-g

You Beat me to it: Céline Dion is shown as Céline Dion otherwise

Thanks for all the hard work.

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Re: [slim] LMS Documenter Part II

2020-07-09 Thread steve-g

Thanks for this works really well.

I have a couple of requests / comments:

In the "without artwork" list can you make the album title stand out
more - maybe bold or slighlty larger font or different colour? This
would make the title easier to pick out from the tracks.

A simplified output with just Artist and Album title would be really
useful. This is for use on the phone when out browsing so I can do a
"have I got this album" look up quickly - currently the with tracks list
is 7.5Mbyte and has 1120 pages so a bit clumbersome for use on the

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Re: [slim] SB3 voltage range

2020-04-16 Thread steve-g

I don't think it's ever been specified anywhere but generally most thing
run on 5V +/- 5% so thats 4.75 to 5.25V.

There's no guarantee that this is the right range for your SB3 though.

It COULD still be the PSU as it only takes a momentary drop in voltage
to potentially cause a reset.

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Re: [slim] Transporter Toslink -- Popping??

2018-11-07 Thread steve-g

It's definately worth trying another source connected to your
transporter if you can.

I had loads of problems with my Panasonic TV (8 year old model mind)
connected to my DAC - it would just drop out every now and then for
about a second or so - the DAC might just be a bit more graceful in
handling whatever was happening to the toslink output. This seemed to be
channel dependant and very sporadic but very annoying.

I gave up in the end and just used the autio output from the TV.

Recently changed the TV (Samsung) and since have had no problem with the
optical connection - which is good as there's no analog o/p on the TV.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay for Linux?

2018-10-19 Thread steve-g

Thanks all - now up and running.

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay for Linux?

2018-10-19 Thread steve-g

Man in a van wrote: 
> From another thread

Thanks - I'll try that

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Re: [slim] Squeezeplay for Linux?

2018-10-18 Thread steve-g

freelsjd wrote: 
> I have used squeezelite for years with linux.  Coupled with the web
> interface for LMS (locahost:9000) it works beautifully.  There are
> several other options as well depending on what you like to listen to
> (local library, spotify, internet radio, etc.).

Mainly music from my local library + a bit of internet radio but not too
worried about that, what other options are there?

Thanks pinkdot / DJanGo - I've installed Squeeze play but can't get it
to play anything so I suspect I need to do a bit more research (it sees
LMS and brings up artwork but just sits there and won't actually play).

I'm sure I'll get there in the end - my limited knowledge of Linux
doesn't help either.

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[slim] Squeezeplay for Linux?

2018-10-17 Thread steve-g

I've swapped over to linux (mint) on one of my computers and I've been
looking for a program to play music from my LMS system but haven't been
able to find anything.

I use squezeplay on windows - is there something similar for linux?



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Re: [slim] Listing All Songs Starting With The Same Letter

2017-10-30 Thread steve-g

Yes that's what I found it did which is not what I'm looking for - gives
you too big a list. I really only whant tracks where the first letter of
the title matches - will try sqlite as soon as I get a few minutes free.

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Re: [slim] Listing All Songs Starting With The Same Letter

2017-10-29 Thread steve-g

Thanks DJanGo - I was hoping to avoid having to use sqlite but it looks
like thats the only way to do it - so thanks for the info on how to do

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[slim] Listing All Songs Starting With The Same Letter

2017-10-29 Thread steve-g

I'm putting together a quiz for which I need to select some songs whose
title begins with a particular letter.

I was hoping to do a simple search for say 'P' and get a list of all
titles starting with P - but this doesn't work.

Can anyone give me any help on how this can be done



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Re: [slim] slim devices

2017-04-13 Thread wp steve

toby10 wrote: 
> Three most common issues/fixes for SB3:
> 1.  WiFi card (as tcutting suggests)
> 2.  PSU
> 3.  solder joint at power input
> 1 and 2 are simple user replacements (you'll need torx screw driver to
> open the case for WiFi card).  3 requires solder experience obviously. 
> Your symptoms seem to suggest one of these easy fixes.  PSU might be
> functioning but damaged therefore not sending enough power to unit but
> enough to light the internal red LED.
> Beyond those likely means board level diagnosis & repair, few woulf
> tackle it and probably cost more than simply buying a complete used
> unit.

Thanks to those that answered, I'll give it a try
WP Steve

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Re: [slim] slim devices

2017-04-12 Thread wp steve

drmatt wrote: 
> Your what? What model?

Slim Devise  Squeezebox V3  3rd generation  This is all I can find on
the devise
Thanks Steve

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[slim] slim devices

2017-04-12 Thread wp steve

Has anyone found someone out here that can/will work on the slim device
box? Mine quit, I can see a led inside so power is getting o it but does
not function.
Thanks, WP Steve

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Re: [slim] New version of LMSDocumenter

2017-02-13 Thread steve-g

Great work - I like the inclusion of alarm art in the listings.

+1 for a link back to the index

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-28 Thread steve-g

DJanGo wrote: 
> But the truth behind that is just simple:
> If you stop the logitechmediaserver (what reason ever you have to) the
> filestamp from the library.db changes - so its tricky to find out "is
> there is a reason to update the documentation?"
> I'd love to let my pcs do stuff for me on their own (sheduled tasks /
> cronjobs) - cause i am lazy like hell

Surely you know if you've added new music so know when to do a
documentation update.

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-13 Thread steve-g

The idea of using the LMS cli interface is fine for those who run LMS on
a PC or similar - for those of us that run it on a 'small' computer such
as a pi or Wandboard this is not very practical.

The approach used by pkfox of directly querying the db seems the right
method in these cases as it's easy to copy over the db to generate the
album / track list rather than trying to get the o/p from lms over to
the PC to do the same thing. (Unless I'm missing something)

I take the number of artists listed by LMS with a farly large pinch of
salt as it includes all types of tag data that I would not normally
consider as an artist for the type of music it refers to (such as
composer for non-classical music) so can't see the attraction of trying
to replicate it!

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-13 Thread steve-g

mherger wrote: 
> > The idea of using the LMS cli interface is fine for those who run LMS
> on
> > a PC or similar - for those of us that run it on a 'small' computer
> such
> > as a pi or Wandboard this is not very practical.
> Why not? It's what the devices do, it's what iPeng and others do. It's 
> one of the main tasks of LMS to respond to queries about its music 
> library. And you're not doing this all day long, do you? You grab the 
> data, print it, done. And in a few days or weeks you'll repeat the 
> procedure. I don't see the problem.
> -- 
> Michael

Point taken - It's probably my lack of understanding of how the
interface works / transfers data for not seeing this.

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-05 Thread steve-g

I've been taking a closer look at the pdf - your program seems to miss
out special characters such as "'", "+", "&" etc. so that for instance
'Blackmore's Night' becomes 'BLACKMORE S NIGHT' and 'Florence + The
Machine' becomes 'FLORENCE  THE MACHINE' any chance of modifying it to
get these back?

Otherwise it's an excellent tool which has shown up a few problems with
my tagging which I'll have to get round to fixing.

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-04 Thread steve-g

Thanks - I'll try it out

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-04 Thread steve-g

You can download my library.db from here: 

I probably have quite a few occurences where the the artist name is
slightly different for different albums - It's one of the things I need
to tidy up.

Thanks for your help


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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-04 Thread steve-g

pkfox wrote: 
> I've put a modified version on Dropbox now which has a checkbox you can
> tick to show you a message of the offending article - thanks for being
> my tester ?
> Edit
> I ran the app against your data and only got one error Florence The
> Machine so if you look at that and let me know what you can see it will
> help me.
> Edit2
> if you open your database using SQLiteBrowser and run this query you
> will see one of the names is in a different case.

I'm suprised theres only one! I've edited the tags on the second album
(Lungs) and re-scanned. It now shows up correctly on squeezeplayer.

The error was 'Florence + The Machine' & 'Florence + the Machine' - A
pdf was still produced correctly even with the error.

I'm now officially confused - your library statistics now show 1 less
artist but the same number of albums and tracks (what I'd expect) BUT
the pdf file only shows 1 album for florence - the one I've editted
(Lungs) is not listed. Also what happened to the '+'?

I've updated the dropbox library.db if you want to take a look.

I don't have the SQLiteBrowser so can't look at the db - I'll see about
getting a copy.

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-04 Thread steve-g

OK i've got SQLiteBrowser - looking at the database shows that LMS has
now tagged 'Lungs' as 'Various Artists' - even though it shows up
correctly in the squeezeplayer!

And indeed Lungs is in the Various Artists section in the PDF file.

I'll do a clear library and rescan and try again and report back -
probably tomorrow - I've run out of time today.

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Re: [slim] Document your collection

2015-11-03 Thread steve-g

Yes it looks interesting - seems like a comprehensive way of documenting
your collection rather than the simple list of album titles I keep at

Also, I suspect easier to keep up to date.

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Re: [slim] Recommend a WAN router with good wifi range?

2015-06-07 Thread Steve Baumgarten
Could not be happier with my TP-Link C9:

Rock solid, unbelievable range. Very clear and simple UI. Doesn't have a 
billion features but covers all the basics extremely well. (For things like 
routers I'm happier knowing the firmware is simple and debugged rather than 
complex and constantly needing updates and tweaks.) I guess it's a bit more 
expensive than some but it's covering areas of my house that I'd previously 
needed Powerline Ethernet to reach and supporting quite a few devices 
simultaneously. Highly recommended. 


 On Jun 7, 2015, at 8:04 AM, callesoroe wrote:
 castalla wrote: 
 Can anyone recommend a n-type router (maybe dual band?) with excellent
 wifi range?
 I'm utterly confused by the myriad of choices and reviews!
 I have recently bought a new router. I choose a Netgear Nighthawk 6. Not
 the cheapest but it runs perfectly. It is a tri-band router. Two 5 ghz
 and one 2,4 ghz.
 I try to have as few devices as possible on my 2,4 ghz Network, so that
 it is primary reserved for squeezeboxes.
 Living room: Transporter, Tact RCS 2.2X digital preamp, Martin Logan
 Vista speakers, AMPS(Icepower): Acoustic Reality Ear Enigma
 PLUS(PANELS), Acoustic Reality Ear TWO MKII(Bas)
 Kitchen: Transporter, Prodipe Pro 5 active bi-amp speakers. Bedroom:
 Receiver+UE boombox, Kids: Receiver+Active speakers, WIMP-HIFI flac
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Re: [slim] loss of playlist

2015-06-07 Thread wp steve

DJanGo wrote: 
 hmm squeezebox 81?
 Check your prefs folder are there m3u in it?
 What shut you down?
 Which OS does your lms prefer?

It is when I shut it down, when I return the player is empty and I need
to load the playlist again.   Looks like version 3 4 5  software.  Do
not see m3u anywhere.  I use windows 95
WP Steve

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[slim] loss of playlist

2015-06-04 Thread wp steve

I am running squeezebox 81 and all of a sudden it is not keeping the
playlist when I shut down.   Always worked before.  I check the settings
and it is set  to keep the playlist. Any help would be appreciated. 
WP Steve

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Re: [slim] OT - old-fashioned motherboards

2015-02-04 Thread steve-g

Personally I'd try changing the power supply first - being temperamental
about switching on is often the sign that the PSU is starting to get a
bit lazy.

This is particularly true if the PSU is a cheap supplied with case item.

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Re: [slim] Thinking about my Squeezebox/LMS future

2014-01-07 Thread Steve Baumgarten
Hmm. Thought I understood this, but maybe it's just a matter of rephrasing. 

Let's assume goes away. 

At that point, assuming I'm using a recent 7.8 build, will the Tunein app on my 
Radio still function as expected? 

I realize I can always save individual URLs as favorites, but Tunein itself 
provides very nice browsing functionality, access to saved favorites on your 
Tunein account, and station/program artwork. Michael, I had thought the work 
you did not too long ago was done expressly to handle this situation, making 
the app work through the locally running LMS 7.8 server rather than have it 
proxy through Is that correct?


On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:36 AM, Michael Herger wrote:

 Pascal Hibon wrote:
 But these work without a account. Also the integration is disabled on my systems, yet those menus
 Does it still use in the background in that case?
 Unless you're on 7.8 I believe it would do. I may be wrong though.
 Yes. Even 7.8 does. The integration you can opt out is mostly about 
 synchronizing prefs. LMS would still talk to to get your list of 
 installed apps etc.
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Re: [slim] Thinking about my Squeezebox/LMS future

2014-01-07 Thread Steve Baumgarten is a massive list of online streams. The Squeezebox app shows up for 
the Radio and iPeng, I'm guessing the Touch, less sure about other/older 
players. Provides access to through a nice menu-based GUI on the 
player. Tunein also sends back artwork for the player to display, similar to 
what you'd get on the web site or in the Tunein iOS/Andriod app. 


 On Jan 7, 2014, at 2:15 PM, JJZolx wrote:
 I'm unfamiliar with TuneIn. I see that in the settings a plugin is
 installed and enabled in the server. Where/how do you use it?
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Re: [slim] Thinking about my Squeezebox/LMS future

2014-01-07 Thread Steve Baumgarten
Excellent, that's as I thought. 

And thanks again to Michael for doing this important future proofing for the 
SB community. 


 On Jan 7, 2014, at 12:16 PM, garym wrote:
 Yes, with 7.8, tunein will continue to work without needing
 *Location 1:* VortexBox 4TB (2.2)  LMS 7.8  Transporter, Touch, Boom,
 Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
 *Location 2:* VBA 3TB (2.2)  LMS 7.7.2  Touch  Benchmark DAC I, Boom,
 Radio w/Battery (all ethernet except Radio)
 *Office:* Win7(64)  LMS 7.8  SqueezePlay
 *Spares:* VBA 4TB, SB3, Touch (3), Radio (3), CONTROLLER
 *Controllers:* iPhone4S (iPeng), iPad2 (iPengHD  SqueezePad),
 CONTROLLER, or SqueezePlay 7.8 on Win7(64) laptop
 Ripping (FLAC) - dbpoweramp, Tagging - mp3tag, Spotify
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Re: [slim] Can iPeng or Squeezepad integrate/control MOG or Spotify?

2013-12-31 Thread Steve Baumgarten
I believe iPeng 7 is a universal app, so if you're running iOS 7 that's the way 
to go. It's great as a controller and even better when you add the in-app 
playback to turn it into a full fledged Squeezebox player.  


 On Dec 31, 2013, at 2:41 PM, RioTubes wrote:
 pippin wrote: 
 Yes, that works (with both Apps). The one thing that does NOT work is
 saving stuff as Spotify playlists but you can have mixed playlists with
 music from all kinds of music and save them in Logitech Media Server for
 later use.
 You can queue up albums and songs just as you like.
 If you asked this question on facebook, too, then the additional answer
 would be that yes, also streaming on from the iPad through AirPlay will
 work. The only limitations are that
 a) The playback functionality is an additional In-App-Purchase (in both
 iPeng and SqueezePad)
 b) For Spotify you will need the 3rd Party Spotify plugin for LMS. It
 can be installed through Settings-Plugins in the LMS web interface
 and has a long support thread here under 3rd party software.
 Also, don't expect magic if it comes to synchronization with
 Squeezeboxes if you use AirPlay. It's gotten better in iPeng since we
 included automatic latency compensation but as of my experience it's
 still not good enough to run two different devices in the same room. It
 might be OK in different rooms, though.
 If you want to know more about iPeng 7 then have a look at this thread,
 Or, of course, my blog
 So I am in AppStore, and wondering which version to download for use
 with iPad: iPeng for iPad or iPeng 7?
 I don't have any SB units running at this time. 
 I plan to use iPeng-player via in-app purchase and try to stream to the
 NAD D7050 via aptX, AirPlay or docked iPad (if wireless does not work
 Thanks for the feedback
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Re: [slim] Leak, iOS 7

2013-12-10 Thread Steve Baumgarten
Your link finds it but search in the App Store does not. Weird. I guess it's 
still updating somewhere in the depths of the App Store. 

I'm definitely upgrading, it's a great app right now and the new version looks 
way better and nicer for iOS 7. 

Just curious, what's the discounted price and what will the price be once the 
discount ends?

And once I buy it, I assume I can just delete the old version -- you mentioned 
that an existing in app purchase will carry over to the new version. Is that 


 On Dec 10, 2013, at 2:28 PM, pippin wrote:
 Will write a full announcement later but the App is now available here:
 Discount until the end of the week.
 learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
 *New: Logitech UE Smart Radio* as well as iPeng Party, the free
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Re: [slim] Leak, iOS 7

2013-12-10 Thread Steve Baumgarten
Thanks, I'll use your link.  

Weirdly search still only shows me the old version (I'm searching for ipeng 
-- I also get ipeng ue and ipeng party as matches), and searching for 
ipeng 7 comes up empty. Maybe they update their search indices in batch 
overnight or something...


 On Dec 10, 2013, at 4:00 PM, pippin wrote:
 Now it's available, at least in the US.
 The discounted price is US$ 5, the final price will be US$ 8 for now.
 Not decided whether I might go to 10 later.
 learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
 *New: Logitech UE Smart Radio* as well as iPeng Party, the free
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Re: [slim] Leak, iOS 7

2013-12-10 Thread Steve Baumgarten
Just bought it via your direct link. It works fine, in app purchase transferred 
as expected, and I deleted the old version. 

It's really great to have such dedicated development for the Squeezebox system. 
Thanks again for all your efforts. 


 On Dec 10, 2013, at 4:57 PM, pippin wrote:
 Well, the old version will stay available so that it's still showing is
 But it's true, this is a bit weird, I can find the App by following the
 link or by showing all Apps by but not through
 search. their index probably needs time to adjust.
 learn more about iPeng, the iPhone and iPad remote for the Squeezebox
 *New: Logitech UE Smart Radio* as well as iPeng Party, the free
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Re: [slim] Media player takes over

2013-07-26 Thread wp steve

That did it, we just replaced the drive letter with the new drive letter
in find and replace in notebook. Thank you ever so much, these forums
are so helpful. The icons are still for media player instead of m3u but
I can live with that as long as it works  G Then when we decide to
move the music off the external drive to the C drive we will have to do
it again  G  but now we know how thanks to you 

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[slim] Media player takes over

2013-07-24 Thread wp steve

Hi folks, 
We just moved our playlist over to another computer via an external hard
drive which we are using to play the music, We will put the files on
permanently later.  The playlist which are m3u files show up as media
player files and slimserver will not accept the playlist. When we try to
play it it shows as 0 files in the playlist.. The music files are  all
there on the ex drive .  If we click on an album  in the music folder
and make it a playlist it again shows as a media player file but will
play even thou it shows as a media file.  ( the existing playlists will
not play ) Trouble is we can not get the existing playlists to play.  We
have tried everything!  We use  xp pro  slimserver 6.5.4 and the music
files are saved as flac  saved using windows word 2007
As I said we have tried everything, we are now trying to get rid of
Media player hoping that will help.  Everything has worked for years,
why media player has reared it ugly head we can figure out
Any suggestions and help would be grateful, redoing the playlist is not
a option as it is custom sorted with song placed in specific order (
3469 songs )  G
Thanks   Steve

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Re: [slim] Size of Playlist

2013-06-28 Thread wp steve

mherger wrote: 
  Is there any restriction as to the number of pages displayed or
  of songs on a playlist with slimserver?
 The current playlist (aka. queue) is limited to 500 items by default. 
 This value can be changed in Settings/Advanced/Performance.

Sorry I do not understand your answer.. I currently show 86 pages with
4337 songs.  What is the 500 items?

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[slim] Size of Playlist

2013-06-28 Thread wp steve

Is there any restriction as to the number of pages displayed or number
of songs on a playlist with slimserver? 
Thanks,WP Steve

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Re: [slim] 1.FM Adore Jazz not

2013-04-28 Thread Steve Baumgarten
They don't seem to be supported through the Tunein app, though you can find and 
listen to then via Tunein on your phone or desktop. On the other hand, you can 
find these stations via the Internet Radio app which lets you search 
Shoutcast. Just search for 1.FM and you'll see all the stations; from there 
you can play any of them on the Squeezebox. 


On Apr 28, 2013, at 9:55 PM, pbroughton wrote:

 However, the stations I usually listen to will play on the ipad app and
 on line.  Except for Country, the rest seem to have disappeared on the
 Logi TuneIn app.  Can't even find them in the search?
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Re: [slim] email gateway down?

2013-04-03 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Amazing that this forum still exists at all -- how dare I complain that
the email gateway is down!? ;-)

But glad to hear it's being looked at. It's so much easier to read the
forums via threaded email, I'd miss it if it were gone for good.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox Replacement - Would you be interested?

2013-03-10 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 Maybe it's hard to compensate the time that the people currently driving
 the development of this project invest. But what *should* be possible is
 to compensate their expenses e.g. for hardware they're buying to test.

 Any thoughts how this can be organized? Should we setup a list where
 these people can enter their expenses and others can enter their
 compensation payments? Since I never used Paypal before (and prefer to
 keep it like this), I'd like to be able to pay something without the
 need of a Paypal account.

I'd love to get one of these at some point (even though I don't really
need one), just to show support. (I'm hoping when the 1.0 version is
eventually made available the sale price will include some reasonable

Beyond that, I agree that direct payments can be difficult, both
technically and socially. Other ideas include opening up Amazon wish lists
so people can buy something off of them, basically sending someone a nice
gift in return for all this effort (e.g., buying someone a book or an
album as a way of saying thanks).

Even further removed from actual compensation for materials used: people
may have a favorite charity they'd like people to donate to, something
like that.

But sometimes people enjoy doing this work just for the love of doing it,
as a way of giving back to the community, or just for the fun of it. I
totally get that -- it's why I'll sometimes spend an evening debugging the
latest web page layout to get SuperDateTime working again. (Very
minor compared to all this effort, but perhaps in the same spirit.)

So if it's the latter, everyone involved has my thanks and great respect;
but I'm also happy to contribute to the effort up front or as a future
buyer of this new kit.


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Re: [slim] Life after is turned off

2013-03-01 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 A former SB guy now is working for TuneIn. He's a good guy :-). I've
 already sent him a mail about this issue. Hopefully he can give us some
 good answers.

I sure hope this can be worked out. It's a great example of something
that's worth a lot, and I do think people would be willing to pay for a
Tunein plugin to replace the app that relies on I know I would;
to me it would be just as valuable as, e.g., Erland's plugins, all of
which so improve my Squeezebox experience.


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Re: [slim] Community Funded Squeezebox: Product Name

2013-02-02 Thread Steve Agnew

+1 for Zela

What about Martini? Pink Martini was used in a lot of Slim Devices
advertising so it seems an appropriate nod to them.

Martini Streamer, Martini Model One, Two, 4S.

please no oBnoXiouS caPiTaliZatioN.

Cheers, Steve.

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[slim] iPad 2 app not working - connection timed out

2013-01-10 Thread Steve Slatter

Hi All

I've been using the Logitech Ipad app happily for a long while however
my wireless router was replaced and now the iPad can't seem to connect
to the squeezebox classic.
any help will be greatly appreciated but am complete IT novice

Thanks in advance Steve

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Re: [slim] iPad 2 app not working - connection timed out

2013-01-10 Thread Steve Slatter

toby10 wrote: 
 Is one wired and one WiFi?  Router using a guest network?  Both
 devices are on same network (IP, subnet, gateway)?

Hi Yes the Squeezebox server is running on my workstation which is on my
own network which has wireless routers on which the IPad is running

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Re: [slim] iPad 2 app not working - connection timed out

2013-01-10 Thread Steve Slatter

toby10 wrote: 
 Doesn't answer the question posed.  ;)
 If your WiFi device is on a guest network then it cannot see devices on
 your main network, which is the whole point of a guest network.

Hi Don't properly understand the question but as far as I'm aware, I
don't have a guest network and the squeezebox classic is on the wireless
network with the correct WPA key etc as is the IPad.

The IPad can't see the squeezebox server running on my desktop which is
also connected to the wireless network

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Re: [slim] iPad 2 app not working - connection timed out

2013-01-10 Thread Steve Slatter

toby10 wrote: 
 Ah, so all three devices are on WiFi?  Check and report the IP of all
 three devices.
 iPad can see and access the internet?  I don't use i anything but I'd
 guess you choose My Music on the iPad to see your LMS server?
 Is there a Switch Library option?

Ok by pressing almost every button I found by selecting the squeezbox
classic name on the IPad allowed me to log into which
allowed the IPad to access the squeezebox server on my workstation.

Started working fine. 

correct, it is My Music but don't know what an LMS server is

Thanks for trying to assist.

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Re: [slim] iPeng, your iPhone Squeezebox Remote, gets even better with version 2.0!

2012-12-07 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 Yes, that's kind of what I had in mind, too.
 Would have to be something like wikipedia or a publicly available site,
 though, a lot of the commercial ones don't allow you to use their data
 for commercial Apps.

I'd settle for an search on -- even just opening the page in
Safari would be fine.

Of course it's not as clean as having it all in-app, but it's still much
more convenient than having to switch to Safari, go to AMG, enter the
artist, etc.

Shouldn't be an issue regarding using their data since you're only handing
off a URL.

(BTW, I love the new Christmas-themed iPeng icon. Very festive!)


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Re: [slim] iPeng, your iPhone Squeezebox Remote, gets even better with version 2.0!

2012-12-06 Thread Steve Agnew

Hi Pippin,

You asked for a suggestion for what could go onto the third page for
iPeng users who didn't want to show song lyrics.

The n-Stream iPhone app for Naim has a very nice looking album
information page including a review which would be a terrific addition
to iPeng. You get there by pressing the information icon on the now
playing screen. I've attached a couple of screen shots so you can see
the initial screen with the first part of the album review and the track
listing that you can scroll down to, as well as the full review which
you see when you tap the disclosure icon.

You can sort of do the same thing in iPeng by holding your finger down
until the context menu appears and then selecting Wikipedia but the
one-click version in n-Stream is pretty slick.

Regards, Steve.

|Filename: IMG_1430.jpg |

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Re: [slim] What should be in the next version of SqueezePad ?

2012-11-25 Thread HK-Steve

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Whats your highest priority ?

- More images of your music collection
- Playlist management
- Syncing Players Variation A
- Syncing Players Variation B
- Integration
- TrackStat Ratings
- Caching of Album + Artist Lists
- Album Art Only Screen
- Better Search
- Something else - Please do the poll with different options !

Hello to Everyone.
I am using AMX to control my home theater, there have been several
threads over at AMX on how useful it would be for apps to be launched
within tp control.

I have attached the info from the thread, hope it helps.
Also the link to Kaleidescape with more info.

Much Appreciate your help


Application developers for iOS need to specifically implement support
for the URI/URL method, in order to launch their application from other
applications. It's trivial to do so, but it is best to contact the
application developer to request the information in cases where the
information may not be readily available.

Kaleidescape have published the information within their 'Integrating
with Kaleidescape' document, which is available here:

In short, to launch the Kaledescape application from a link in TPControl


This can be implemented either on a buttons properties for 'command
port: 0 - loopback port', or issued as a send_command from code.

You may have missed this from earlier in the thread:
Application developers for iOS need to specifically implement support
for the URI/URL method, in order to launch their application from other

For example, Kaleidescape support the URL application launch method in
their iOS application and publish the syntax in their documentation.
Other developers of iOS applications may or may not provide a method e.g
Sonos currently do not. However, in the case where a method does not
exist, a hack is mentioned in this Sonos thread here: (page 2)

It is typically trivial for developers to add support in iOS, so if you
contact the manufacturer for details, they should be able to tell you
whether they provide support or not.

TPControl can launch any application that supports the method, using the
TPCURL command.

Android applications can inherently be launched without the developer
needing to add support. The challenge is in determining the URL if not
published, but again if unsure the best idea is to contact the

In summary,
- iOS: a URL may or may not exist - contact application developer for
- Android: a URL method will exist - contact application developer for

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Re: [slim] What should be in the next version of SqueezePad ?

2012-11-25 Thread HK-Steve

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: Whats your highest priority ?

- More images of your music collection
- Playlist management
- Syncing Players Variation A
- Syncing Players Variation B
- Integration
- TrackStat Ratings
- Caching of Album + Artist Lists
- Album Art Only Screen
- Better Search
- Something else - Please do the poll with different options !

That is great news, I will try and let you know.

Much appreciated.


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Re: [slim] iPeng, your iPhone Squeezebox Remote, gets even better with version 2.0!

2012-10-15 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 I can't remove it completely (or it would be that way for everybody) but
 I need another screen there for some other use case so eventually I can
 do an option to use something else, probably a music information screen,
 in it's place.

A quick links page that lets you go directly to for the
current artist or album (plus other related searches) might be nice. I
find it a great resource and have the app.

(I agree that lyrics aren't something I'd want to look at too much, though
I did set up the SongInfo/SongLyrics plugins just to see that it works.)


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Re: [slim] iPeng 2.0 Teaser Thread

2012-10-11 Thread Steve Baumgarten

 It also gives a visual indication of volume setting.

As well as finer control over volume. I do use the visual slider in the
Music app on my iPhone.


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Re: [slim] SqueezePlay for Windows with ASIO, DirectSound, WASAPI and WDMKS device support.

2012-10-04 Thread steve-g

Many thanks for this - I've been looking for a Squeezeplay that will
handle my hi-res files.

By the way it happily plays 192 flacs from LMS 7.7

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Re: [slim] Refurb Squeezebox Classics available

2012-09-28 Thread Steve Baumgarten

The Squeezebox Classic is back on for $169.95:

And the Radio is available for $119.95:

Both are reconditioned, and both have free shipping. 

(Again, I have no connection with the seller or his store on
other than being a satisified customer, just passing along some info for
people looking to add to their collection.)


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Re: [slim] Refurb Squeezebox Classics available

2012-09-22 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Another update: he dropped me email today saying that he's also going to
be restocking his store shortly, so anyone who is interested but
unsure of dealing directly with the seller may want to keep in


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[slim] Refurb Squeezebox Classics available

2012-09-21 Thread Steve Baumgarten

This is the Logitech branded and renamed Squeezebox 3. I recently picked
up a spare from via a third-party seller on their site:

It may just be a used model, not a refurb. However, it looks new, came
with all accessories including remote and tested perfectly. Nice to have
a spare, just in case something happens to my Squeezebox 2 (which has
been running like a champ 24/7 for years now).

The seller is excellent and I thought I'd recommend him here as he says
he has a few more, which for whatever reason are not yet listed on 

I recommend him because although there was a slight delay in shipping,
once I contacted him and asked (after about 10 days), I got an immediate
reply with an apology and explanation for the cause of the delay, and a
choice of either canceling my order or waiting a couple more days and
getting a $15 discount credited back to my credit card for my trouble. I
thanked him for that -- more than I would have expected -- and it
arrived 2 days later as promised.

Beyond this I can't vouch for him one way or the other, but again, my
purchase experience was really great and I got what I wanted for a
decent price. So as a way of thanking him I offered to post his info
here to maybe help drive some more sales his way.

Here's what he sent in email:

Steve, thanks! I do have some in stock but they are now $169.99. But
you can mention to them 
that they will include a new remote (illuminated at night) it's the
remote that actually came with 
the Squeezebox Transporter.

If anyone is interested they can just paypal me direct at

$169.99 (Free Shipping)

Please make sure they reference: BUY.COM Logitech Squeezebox Player +
New Remote S.Fong

Steven / OpenRocket

I got mine for a little less than that, but I think that's still a
pretty good price for anyone looking to pick up a spare for living room
use or whatever and not really wanting or needing the more expensive


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Re: [slim] Refurb Squeezebox Classics available

2012-09-21 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 Are you saying he has some more to sell despite the sold out note on
 his site?

According to him, if you contact him directly. Like I said, I am simply
passing along this info. (I assume that takes a big cut of his
sale and this way he'd get to keep more, but I don't know that for sure.)


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Re: [slim] SB Alternatives

2012-09-03 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 I've heard/read that HDMI may not be ideal in some ways, therefore this
 dock which has a DAC but can be bypassed via 2 digital non-HDMI outputs,
 may be a great Touch sub when combined with an iPod and iPeng playback:

 PURE i-20 Digital Dock for iPod/iPhone with Hi-Fi Quality Audio and
 Video Output

Wow, it sure seems like that gizmo plus a spare iPod Touch running iPeng
gives you pretty much what we got from the now discontinued Touch, and for
more or less the same price (plus you get a free iPod Touch this way).

The creativity and enthusiasm of this community never stops amazing me.

I'm planning on getting an iPhone later this year and for sure iPeng will
be the first app I purchase.


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Re: [slim] Calling Sean Adams?

2012-09-03 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 I agree entirely - the last thing we want in our living rooms is some
 hideous-looking geekbox. But the point about using a Pi is that it would
 be a purely digital transport and can be hidden away out of sight.

Precisely. Like the Duet receiver, you don't have to look at it, it can be
stuffed in a closet or tossed behind your amp. No fan, very minimal
electricity draw. But yes, a bit geeky to get up and running -- not just
plug and play out of the box, and the fact that it currently doesn't do
Wifi out of the box is yet another downside. (On the other hand, it costs
$35. I have an amp in a closet feeding my outdoor speakers, currently
driven by a Duet receiver. If that guy dies, I'd look at hacking together
a Raspberry Pi as a replacement, and I'm kind of interested in playing
around with one even now just to see what's involved.)


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[slim] Forum - Email gateway working?

2012-01-05 Thread Steve Baumgarten

I've gotten no email from any of my forum/mailing list subscriptions for
the past couple of days. I know in the past it's occasionally had
problems; is it working for others?


Steve Baumgarten

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Re: [slim] Forum - Email gateway working?

2012-01-05 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Also, the sticky posting on how to subscribe to this forum via a mailing

mentions this URL:

which now returns a 404 not found error. Not sure if that might be


Steve Baumgarten

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Re: [slim] Accessing WNYC streams Problem - Help Test

2011-07-03 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 I'd appreciate someone trying these streams on their end to see if it
 is something unique to me or ?.  Thanks.  Streams below:

Those seem kind of messed up, as you say. The initial welcome message is
fine, but it's a mess after that.

But try using the RadioTime app to get the right streams -- I know that
works because I listen to WNYC all the time. You just need to configure
via, then it will be available to both and your local
server (if you are running one), and you can set up presets, browse local
radio, etc.


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Re: [slim] Accessing WNYC streams Problem - Help Test

2011-07-03 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 Not working now - have you tried WNYC since Saturday afternoon?

 Both the AM and FM streams loaded via RadioTime have the same problem.

In fact I was listening to WNYC 820 this morning on my Squeezebox Radio,
around 8AM or so. Very odd. I see that the RadioTime web page has a
problem tuning to 820, tries a few streams but does finally succeed. It
succeeds more quickly with WNYC 93.9. So both work there.

And these guys work (for MP3 streams):

courtesy of streams list, just pasting into Foobar2000, not
necessary tried on the Squeezebox.


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Re: [slim] Accessing WNYC streams Problem - Help Test

2011-07-03 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 WNYC on my Touch via MySB and SBS and TinySBS is just the intro loop.
 I did get the AM one to play on TinySBS but a second attempt is just
 the loop.

 Thanks! Same as me then (absent tinysbs, which I haven't tried)

I see my Radio is playing the AAC stream via RadioTime. That might be
what's different. It plays fine. I see that the URL has a list of formats
in it, starting with AAC, so that's probably why it gets chosen first.

As another test, I just opened up SqueezePlay and chose WNYC AM 820 from
the Internet Radio list in my local Squeezebox Server. Here's the URL I
ended up with:,ogg,mp3,wmpro,wma,wmvoice,realpartnerId=16

That definitely works -- I see the AAC stream being converted to FLAC for
streaming to SqueezePlay. I guess the Radio is getting the AAC stream
natively, not sure. But it definitely works.


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Re: [slim] Windows: update file modified date based on created date

2011-05-29 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 12:07 PM, hunta wrote:

 That's perfect Steve, thank you - exactly what I was looking for.

 In case anyone else wants to use this (and so I can remember what I did
 when I need to use it again!), I did find I had to Google the command to
 pick up a small typo (Get-ChildItem, rather than Get-Child-Item). Here's
 the revised version:

 $files = Get-ChildItem c:\music -recurse
 foreach ($f in $files) { $f.LastWriteTime = $f.CreationTime }

Whoops!  I was typing it on my phone and must have added an extra dash.

Glad it worked for you!

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Re: [slim] Windows: update file modified date based on created date

2011-05-24 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 6:02 PM, hunta wrote:

 Mnyb;632844 Wrote:
 If you use for example mp3tag or puddletag you can set it do not change
 the date, so that you can safely update tags without the files showing
 up at the top of the new music  list.

 Thanks for the tip, I'll investigate for future changes. Still have the
 current issue though of course!

Here's a quick way you can do it using Windows Powershell ( to download the newest version,
unless you have Windows 7, where it's already included)

Let's say you have a folder with all of your music files called c:\music

Open Powershell and type the following two commands (hit enter after each):

$files = Get-Child-Item c:\music -recurse
foreach ($f in $files) { $f.LastWriteTime =  $f.CreationTime }

That should do it.  It will change the modified date of every
filesystem object inside c:\music to match its own creation date.

Standard disclaimer: This is offered with no guarantee or warranty,
make a backup of your files before running this, etc, etc.  It just
worked quite nicely for me on a test folder on my machine, so test it
on your system and let me know if it works.

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Re: [slim] Reliable radio alarm clock

2011-04-05 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 I'd like to buy a Squeezebox Radio, but it just seems fundamentally
 broken/flawed for what I want.

 In order of feature importance: I want a reliable alarm clock first and

My primary concern as well. If your Internet or Wifi connection flakes
out, the Squeezebox Radio uses an internal alarm sound that will get the
job done (i.e., wake you up). So unlike some of the earlier Squeeze
products it does have an internal clock -- it's not entirely dependent on
a connection to a server somewhere. (My kids on the other hand have a Boom
and there have been mornings where their alarm hasn't gone off due to lack
of a Wifi connection, so they now have a low tech back up alarm clock as
well. That's one of the main advantages the Radio has over the Boom, that
internal clock and alarm sound.)


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Re: [slim] Reliable radio alarm clock

2011-04-05 Thread Steve Baumgarten
 My Boom has always provided the backup alarm if there is no internet
 connection.  (I use WiFi and, not a local server.)  I do
 remember reading that it will only remember the next alarm when it
 loses connection.

Huh. I'll have to check that. Apologies if I've provided misinformation. I
can test it with my kids tonight and see -- maybe it just isn't loud
enough to wake them!

 I've never been without internet for 24 hours and
 have never had a chance to verify this, bit it makes sense.  But the
 bad news is that you can no longer get a Boom from Logitech...

That's a shame. The sound quality is excellent -- much better than the
Radio, though the Radio does sound pretty decent. But it's obviously based
on that obsolete display technology, I guess all those products are end of
life at this point.


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[slim] playlist

2011-02-10 Thread wp steve

How do you import a playlist into Slim server? I have a playlist in word
but can not get it into the play list section in slim server.
Thanks  Steve

wp steve

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Re: [slim] plugin started asking for a subscription

2010-08-17 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 2:33 PM, garym wrote:

 Hmmm, I just tried (in the US), and I'm listening to streaming
 (under myapps). I'm running a TRANSPORTER connected to SbS 7.5.2 (on
 Windows XP machine). I have no subscription to

I believe the subscription requirement only applies to people outside
of the US, UK, and Germany.

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Re: [slim] Announcing SqueezePad - the first dedicated iPad App to controll your SqueezeBoxen !

2010-07-20 Thread Steve Agnew

I'm pleased an alphabetic tab bar is on it's way. Could you implement a
search control at the top of the lists like the one in the iPad Address

Regards, Steve.

Steve Agnew

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Re: [slim] What product you'd like to see next

2010-05-12 Thread Steve Agnew

Heresy maybe, but I'd love the next Boom/Radio units to have an
iPod/iPhone dock and charger to help declutter our kitchen bench.

Steve Agnew

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Re: [slim] Microsoft Security Essentials - any news?

2010-02-28 Thread Steve Baumgarten

Same for me. Windows 7 64-bit, Squeezebox Server 7.4.2. I have to turn
off realtime protection in order to do a rescan -- MSE seems to ignore
the exclusions list, that's something that appears to a be known bug.

Fortunately I don't need to do a rescan very often and typically
initiate it manually -- it's easy enough to turn off realtime protection
while the scan is running. Still, it's annoying.

Steve Baumgarten

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Re: [slim] MP3 P2P sites like LImewire

2009-11-07 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:07 PM, snarlydwarf wrote:

 Newfiestang50;482593 Wrote:
 I just registered with Itunes, Amazon won't sell to Canadians.

 Be careful: itunes 'regular' tracks have DRM, and will only play on
 iTunes or iPods.  You have to pay extra for non-drm tracks.

This is incorrect, at least for iTunes in the United States.  The
'iTunes Plus format, which indicates a 256 kbps AAC file, has the
same pricing levels as the old-fashioned iTunes music format (a 128
kbps AAC file with a proprietary DRM layer).  This is nominally 99
cents US, but can very by 30 cents either way since tiered pricing was
introduced earlier this year which allows labels to charge more for
new releases and offer discounts for others.  iTunes does not sell DRM
and non-DRM versions of the same files; once the release is available
as iTunes Plus, it is no longer offered in a DRM format.

What you may be thinking of is the 'upgrade' offer that Apple made
available for people who previously purchased a DRM file before the
iTunes Plus format became available.  Apple charges 30 cents US to
'upgrade' (replace) old tracks with new versions.  This is a concern
for people who bought music in the past, but is a negligible concern
these days at the point of sale for those just starting a collection.
As mentioned elsewhere in this thread, iTunes Plus is now the default
format even for most major labels.  There is still a chance that
you'll come across music you wish to buy that is in a DRM format,
which would of course mean device lock-in and a potential future 30
cents per track payment to get iTunes Plus versions if they become

Again, I can speak only from experience has a US consumer, so someone
with first-hand experience purchasing from Canadian iTunes may have a
different tale to tell.

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Re: [slim] MP3 P2P sites like LImewire

2009-11-07 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 2:35 PM, funkstar wrote:

 Newfiestang50;482785 Wrote:
 But what I meant to say is that a particular song when viewed using
 iTunes displays the album art fine but when I go out to the same MP3 in
 my music folder on my C: drive the album art in not there. How do I get
 it to display in both places.

 I am concerned about this because it is taking me alot of time to get
 this sorted out and if I abandon iTunes for a better music store later I
 dont want to have to do this all over again.
 Hmmm, perhaps iTunes keeps the artwork in its own database. I don't use
 iTunes, I just assumed it would embed the artwork. I know Squeezebox
 server can display iTunes artwork. Someone else is going to have to
 clarify this point.

Yeah, iTunes keeps its artwork in a separate database on your machine,
in a folder called Album Artwork, which is a subfolder of the main
iTunes folder that holds your main iTunes db.  I think Squeezebox
Server simply parses this db along with the regular db.  The artwork
can be extracted manually by right clicking the artwork, selecting
copy and pasting it into an image editor or something.  That's a lot
of annoying work if you have a lot of artwork, but you can also
extract the artwork with a script using the iTunes COM interface.

Sonos, of all places, has a guide for embedding the art directly into
your music that they at least claim is compatible with iTunes 9, but I
haven't tried it.  It's at

In any event, the artwork is not locked away in iTunes forever, but
it's definitely not as simple as just jpegs downloaded to a folder,
which would be ideal.

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Re: [slim] mp3HD

2009-03-24 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
iPhone wrote:

 I am following what you did now and it’s closer but I’m still not
 convinced. Will rip a CD with MP3HD and see what I see. But this is all
 still just storage. Is it really truly lossless when played back? If I
 had an MP3HD player I could check it with the program Phil and I have
 been using to check equipment.

So you understand that all of the audio information is present in the
file, but you're not convinced as to the quality of the decoding
software?  Fair enough, I guess.  AFAIK, the WinAmp plugin included
with the encoder/decoder package is the only thing available right now
that plays back the format.  If that is poor in quality (I haven't
done any double-blind listening tests or anything), that doesn't make
the format not lossless any more than a bad gzip implementation makes
the gzip format lossy.  The data is all in there, so it definitely
*can* be played back losslessly; if the bits are there, they can be
played back.

 Also, if the files are as large as they are, why bother? So what if the
 file will supposedly play lossless on a MP3HD player and the same file
 can be used on my iPhone. It takes up way to much room! I am still much
 better off having the two libraries I have now. One ripped to FLAC and
 one converted to MP3 from the FLAC files. PC/Server storage is big time
 cheap and getting cheaper every day. Why would I have a single
 collection of MP3HD files that is going to severally limit the number
 of songs I can put on my iPhone?

Couldn't agree more.  I don't see the utility in this format.  I do
the same thing with parallel FLAC/AAC libraries.  If iTunes could
handle a hybrid lossy/lossless format like WavPack, I'd probably be on
board with that, however.

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Re: [slim] mp3HD

2009-03-23 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
2009/3/23 Mark Lanctot:

 (among other things)  All we know about mp3HD is that it's 16/44.1
 only, and since it's proprietary, we may not know much more.

Actually, the readme file that comes with the encoder says:

This program encodes WAV audio files to mp3HD files.  The WAV audio
files have to contain plain PCM samples in mono or stereo with a
resolution of 16 bit per sample.  The sample rate is restricted to one
out of 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz, or 48 kHz.

Anyhow, proprietary does not necessarily mean secret.  It doesn't
make any sense to distribute an encoder or license a third party to
develop an encoder and then not inform the end user what type of
uncompressed files the encoder is capable of processing.

I couldn't agree more that WavPack has a superior implementation of
this concept, though.  I don't understand what having lossy and
lossless all in one file like mp3HD gets you.  I mean, yeah, you can
play back the file on a legacy MP3 player and it'll play the lossy
version, but that means you have to but a gigantic file on your iPod
or whatever just to hear regular MP3 audio that's not even encoded
with LAME (meaning no gapless play, among other drawbacks).

The separate correction file method that WavPack uses would be ideal,
but hardware support is almost non-existent.  What's kept me
maintaining separate lossless and lossy libraries so far instead of
going the WavPack-only route is mainly that I can't play WavPack files
on my iPod short of reflashing it with the RockBox firmware, which I
just personally don't care to use.  It's a viable one-library solution
to maintaining only one library if you do happen to have a
RockBox-capable player and a SqueezeBox, however.

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Re: [slim] mp3HD

2009-03-23 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 5:34 PM, iPhone  wrote:

 Seems I didn't make my point. It is very simple. Why bother with MP3
 files with side information files attached to mathematically get to
 lossless when one can just use lossless files? I would bet the farm
 that one can't take an MP3HD file and remake the orginal file from the
 MP3HD file! Which is what my difinition of lossless is.

Well, that hypothesis certainly seems testable:


C:\Documents and
-br 32 -if test.wav -of mp3HD.mp3
[evaluation copyright notice snipped]

frame 10091

Encoding successful (frame 10091)

Playing time:263.5 seconds
Encoding time:22.4 seconds

C:\Documents and
-if mp3hd.mp3 -of mp3hd.wav
[evaluation copyright notice snipped]

Decoding of file: mp3hd.mp3
Average bit rate: 816 kbit/s

Decode frame 10091 in CD-Quality

Decoded mp3hd.mp3

Playing time:263.5 seconds
Decoding time:16.1 seconds

C:\Documents and
Settings\Steve\Desktop\mp3HD_Toolkit_for_Windows_2009-03-16dir *.wav
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is D8DB-EE1B

 Directory of C:\Documents and

03/23/2009  06:32 PM46,489,676 mp3hd.wav
01/20/2009  09:19 PM46,489,676 test.wav
   2 File(s) 92,979,352 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  23,435,821,056 bytes free

C:\Documents and
test.wav mp3HD.wav
Comparing files test.wav and MP3HD.WAV
FC: no differences encountered


Looks the same to me.

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Re: [slim] mp3HD

2009-03-23 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 9:41 PM, Calum Mackay wrote:
 iPhone wrote:
 Steve Bernard, Jr;409324 Wrote:
 C:\Documents and
 -br 32 -if test.wav -of mp3HD.mp3


 C:\Documents and
 -if mp3hd.mp3 -of mp3hd.wav


 C:\Documents and
 test.wav mp3HD.wav
 Comparing files test.wav and MP3HD.WAV
 FC: no differences encountered

From your post, it looks like you started with an MP3HD to start with
 and end up with WAV files to me Steve. Don't follow what that proved?

 If you look above, you can see that Steve started with a WAV file
 (test.wav) and used the encoder to turn it into an mp3HD file (mp3HD.mp3).

 He then used the decoder to turn that mp3HD file into a new WAV file

 He then compared the two WAV files: the original, and the
 WAV-mp3HD-WAV file, and found them to be identical.

 Clearly, mp3HD can be described as lossless, at least, if not actually
 useful :)

Exactly right.  The wav turns into an mp3HD file and then the decoder
turns it back into a new wav.  These are not just the same file in
file size, but the Windows file compare utility shows them to be
exactly the same, bit for bit.  Test.wav and mp3HD.wav are the same
file just as surely as if you copied the original file using the copy
command, or put the wav in a zip file and then pulled it back out.  If
that's not lossless enough for you, then nothing is.  Turn a wav into
a FLAC file, and then decompress the FLAC to another wav and compare:
you'll get the same result.  Seriously, iPhone, if you doubt the
results, try it for yourself at
(no Mac version, but I presume you either have Windows or Linux on
your ToughBook).

For those interested, the mp3HD file I made had a lossy bit that's 320
kbps CBR (if I understood the docs correctly).  The file size of the
MP3 was 26,262 kB with no tags, while the same file as a FLAC (level
8) with no tags is 21,315 kB.  So about 5 MB difference, which would,
I guess, account for the lossy bit.  Not awful, but no great shakes.
The wav I used to do the testing was actually uncompressed from a FLAC
that I ripped with EAC from the newest Antony and the Johnsons CD.
It's 4 and a half minutes, 16 bit stereo, 44.1 kHz.

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Re: [slim] Best Sites to Download Music in FLAC

2009-03-02 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 10:25 AM, bobharp wrote:

 Nettwerk Records offers a number of their albums and tracks as FLAC.

Oh, in fact that reminds me that I left off a site in my previous list
of places where I've bought FLAC tracks.  I have also purchased FLACs
directly from Merge Records at

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Re: [slim] Best Sites to Download Music in FLAC

2009-02-28 Thread Steve Bernard, Jr
On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 2:06 PM, timequest wrote:
 I’m just getting started, so I don’t know the answers to what I’m sure
 are pretty obvious questions.  I want to add to my music library, which
 is currently all from ripped CDs, by downloading sound/albums in FLAC.
 What are some good sites to go to?

Here are all of the sites where I have personally bought FLAC music: (site is in England, and there are sometimes issues
buying tracks from the US, but mainly I have had good experiences) (FLAC selection is not huge and there isn't a good way
to search for just FLAC versions, but I've bought a handful of albums
there) (site is Canadian, but I've never had trouble
purchasing anything) (bit of an erratic selection, but some good finds) (weird purchasing deal where you buy credits and then
trade them in for tracks, but this has translated to good overall
pricing for me) (if you purchase songs as wav you'll get the
option to download in FLAC instead) (I have had some issues with glitchy downloads
and wouldn't recommend using this site)

Hope this helps.

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Re: [slim] I`ve gotta be close!

2009-02-06 Thread Steve L


It works on my computer.  Just not on my SB.

I live in Canada

Steve L

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Re: [slim] I`ve gotta be close!

2009-02-06 Thread Steve L

Yes absolutrely.  Works perfectly well too.

Steve L

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Re: [slim] I`ve gotta be close!

2009-02-06 Thread Steve L

Ahh, very good.  I``ll check when I get home tonight.

I have all the scrobbling stuff setup atleast.

By the way,

I see my user name on my SB3, it just won`t play anything.

Steve L

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[slim] Where do I go?

2009-02-05 Thread Steve L

I don`t know why, but I can`t find in my program the place to enter my
PIN number.


Steve L

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Re: [slim] Where do I go?

2009-02-05 Thread Steve L


Thanks for the welcome.

I am struggling to get my LASTFM to work.  Every time I go to LASTFM on
my SB it says to visit

I have done my LASTFM account.

I have my SN account.

I have activated it and scrobbled even the ADVANCED tag.

I figured it was that PIN number that wasn`t entered that I used to
find very easily, but guess what, now that I am looking for it I can`t
find it!

Thanks for your help,


Steve L

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[slim] I`ve gotta be close!

2009-02-05 Thread Steve L


So, I have managed to show LASTFM on my SB3.  It shows my account, I
choose it.  It then says do not crobble and then converts to choose a

settings account
squeeze center
squeeze network 
and there are more!

Still though, no musico.


Steve L

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Re: [slim] Squeeze Home/Squeeze network??

2009-02-04 Thread Steve L

toby10;392547 Wrote: 
 -  SC will also play all of the Internet Radio feeds that SN has
 -  all Internet Radio login account info is entered only on SN, SC then
 uses SN in the background for streaming stations.
 The only thing SC needs is your SN login info at SC  Settings  SN 
 enter *email* and *password*

I've done that; just don't understand why I can't access LAstFM through
my SB.

(scratches head)

Steve L

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Re: [slim] Squeeze Home/Squeeze network??

2009-02-04 Thread Steve L

toby10;392545 Wrote: 
 Try connecting to SN with your player using your device remote (i.e. NOT
 the UI on your computer). 
 On it's first attempt to log into SN it should display the PIN number.


I'll try that!!

Is this why - maybe - my LastFm doesn't work?

Steve L

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Re: [slim] Squeeze Home/Squeeze network??

2009-02-03 Thread Steve L it because I haven't enetered my pin number??

Where do I find this pin number?

Steve L

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Re: [slim] Squeeze Home/Squeeze network??

2009-02-03 Thread Steve L


...should I give up hope for a response?

Steve L

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Re: [slim] Squeeze Home/Squeeze network??

2009-02-03 Thread Steve L it normal that when I am on Squeeze home I can't access LastFm?

Steve L

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Re: [slim] Squeeze Home/Squeeze network??

2009-02-03 Thread Steve L

Thanks for the response!!

Here is what I don't understand.

There are 2 options when using the SB, yes?

1-) All the options like Internet radio etc etc

2-) Connect to squeeze network and have all the services such as

Is this correct?

If so, it is when I am hooked up to the SN that nothing works.

Steve L

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[slim] Lost LastFm

2009-02-01 Thread Steve L


I setup my squeezenetwork account and my LastFM account.

Now on the internet services, Lastfm is gone.  Can`t see it on the SB

What have I done wrong?


Steve L

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